ABC News(NEW YORK) -- The woman President Trump retweeted videos from Wednesday morning, Jayda Fransen, is the deputy leader of a far-right, ultra-nationalist group known as Britain First. In its mission statement, the group calls itself "patriotic resistance" to what it sees as increasing "Islamization" of the U.K. and Europe. Since its founding in 2011 by former members of the British National Party, Britain First has organized demonstrations against what it calls "Islamic extremism" and "mass migration" to the U.K. Members of the group have held Christian patrols in parts of London where Muslims live and visited refugees and migrants at camps in Calais, France to urge them not to come to the U.K. The group says it opposes the "colonization of our homeland" through immigration. The murder of British MP Jo Cox last summer shone a spotlight on the group, as her killer reportedly shouted Britain first as he ran towards her. While there is no proof that he was referencing the group specifically - and the partys leader, Paul Golding, dismissed the reports as hearsay and called the attack a heinous crime. Jo's widower, Brendan Cox, tweeted Wednesday that Trump should be "ashamed of himself" for "spreading hatred." Fransen is the group's 31-year-old deputy leader. Fransen currently faces a charge of religious or racially aggravated harassment, according to police in Kent, England. She has been released on bail before a trial set to start on Jan. 29, police said. She pleaded not guilty. On Twitter Wednesday, she thanked Trump for retweeting her and wrote, "I'm facing prison for criticising Islam. Britain is now Sharia compliant. I need your help! God bless." On Wednesday, Trump retweeted three unverified, anti-Muslim videos posted by Fransen. One of the three tweets includes video with the caption "Islamist mob pushes teenage boy off roof and beats him to death!" while another reads, "Muslim Destroys a Statue of Virgin Mary!" Another video claims to show a "Muslim migrant" beating up a "Dutch boy on crutches." The authenticity of the videos Trump retweeted from Fransen's timeline has been independently verified, but all allege various crimes or violence by Muslims. At least one has been debunked: the individual referred to as a "Muslim migrant" assaulting a man on crutches in Holland was discovered to be neither Muslim nor a migrant, police and prosecutors told ABC News. Anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant backlash is an issue in the U.K., however. British government statistics show a marked increase in hate crimes against minorities in the weeks following the Brexit vote. Some fear the decision to leave the EU has empowered the far right in the United Kingdom. Trump has already come under fire for retweeting Fransen, including from the British government itself. "Britain First seeks to divide communities through their use of hateful narratives which peddle lies and stoke tensions. They cause anxiety to law-abiding people," the prime minister's office said in a statement Wednesday. "British people overwhelmingly reject the prejudiced rhetoric of the far-right, which is the antithesis of the values that this country represents decency, tolerance and respect." "It is wrong for the president to have done this," the statement added. But White House press secretary Sarah Sanders insisted the president was not pushing an anti-Muslim propaganda or offering an endorsement of the group when he retweeted Fransen, but instead making the case for national security. "Its important to talk about national security and national security threats, Sanders said. The president sees different things to be a national security threat and he sees having strong borders as being one of the things that helps protect people in this country from some real threats we face." Whether its a real video, the threat is real and that is what the president is talking about, thats what the president is focused on, is dealing with those real threats and those are real no matter how youre looking at it, she said. Copyright 2017, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. Kalabhavan Abi died at the age of 49 in a hospital in Kochi after the level of platelets in his blood fell drastically. By India Today Web Desk: Noted Malayalam actor and mimicry artist Kalabhavan Abi died in a hospital in Kochi this morning. Abi was 49 years old. The actor and comedian was admitted to the hospital today, after a drastic fall in the number of platelets. He was being treated for dengue. Abi was also battling cancer for the last few months and was under treatment at the hospital where he died. advertisement A PRO from Amrita Hospital in Kochi told The News Minute, "He was brought dead to the hospital at 10.20. The death happened 45 mins before that. He was battling cancer and had been under treatment of Dr Pavitran for the last five to six months," the PRO said. Abi is best known for his roles in Malayalam films like Mazhavil Koodaram, Aniyathipravu, Kireedamillatha Rajakkanmar, Mimics Action 500 and Resikan. Abi was a well-known mimicry artist and rose to stardom in the 90s. He has worked in more than 50 Malayalam films. Abi's career in mimicry began with Kalabhavan. --- ENDS --- By PTI: Imphal, Nov 30 (PTI) A deputy commissioner in Manipur has urged Reliance Jio Infocomm chairman Mukesh Ambani to set up more mobile towers in inaccessible and hilly areas of Tamenglong district to help improve communication facilities. The letter to Ambani was written by Armstrong Pame, Deputy Commissioner of Tamenglong, who was instrumental in building a 100 km motorable road without government help five years ago when he was the Sub-Divisional Magistrate of Tousem. advertisement It would be a dream come true for the people if he (Ambani) could intervene in setting up more mobile towers and provide Internet service in the district, Pame had written to the Reliance Jio chief early this month. Now people have to walk for a day or two to reach the district headquarters from remote areas to submit applications to the DCs office, said Pame, an IAS officer of 2009 batch. Setting up of the mobile towers would improve communication facilities in the hill district and enable people to submit applications online, he said adding that Ambani has acknowledged the letter. Pame told PTI that he had also received calls from Guwahati and Mumbai offices of Reliance Jio saying "a team will be deputed to the least undeveloped areas of the district by the end of this year to study technical requirements for establishment of mobile towers." Pame had earned the sobriquet of "Miracle Man" after he helped local people construct a 100-km long road between Tousem and Tamenglong in less than a year without government assistance in the hill district when he was the Sub-Divisional Magistrate of Tousem. The construction of the road became possible after he raised Rs 40 lakh with the help of social media. Donations also came from various individuals. Pame himself had contributed Rs 5 lakh while his brother donated Rs 1 lakh. The construction of the road started in 2012 and was completed in 2013. PTI COR RG NN RG --- ENDS --- HYDERABAD: Hyderabad has registered 387 cases of assault on woman with intent to outrage her modesty, which is 10.3 per cent of the total crime. Overall, 10,458 cases of various types of assault against women were registered in the metropolitan cities in 2016. Delhi tops the list with 3,746 cases, followed by Mumbai with 2,183 cases while Coimbatore stands last with just 19 cases. However, the rate of crime against women was high in Delhi with 49.4 per cent, followed by Nagpur with 33.6 per cent. Hyderabad has 10.3 per cent share of the total crimes committed against women, while Chennai has 1.5 per cent of the crimes committed against women. Around 359 kidnapping and seven abduction cases were registered, including 28 human trafficking ca-ses and cases of 25 kidnappings specifically done to compel the girl for marriage were registered. With 170 rape cases, 4.5 per cent share am-ong 19 cities was also registered. On the whole, 4,935 rape cases were registered with 9.1 per cent share of the total crime registered in 2016 under various sections of the IPC. Sixty-five cases of crime against women were registered under other laws, including 64 Prevention of Immoral Trafficking Act cases. One child marriage case was also registered amongst the 13 cases registered across all metros. Twenty cases were registered under Juvenile Justice Act in Hyderabad, while 283 cases were registered in Mumbai and 113 cases in Jaipur. Miss World Manushi Chhillar was a sight of grace in the outfit she wore to meet the Prime Minister. By India Today Web Desk: Ever since Haryana girl Manushi Chhillar was crowned the Miss World, everything she's been doing, saying and wearing has been in the news. Though Manushi has maintained her fashionista image in pretty much everything she's worn for each public appearance--with the crown intact--today, she's managed to make us swoon over her simple elegance. advertisement Since she's been crowned, Manushi met Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the first time today, at an event in Delhi, and chose just the right attire for it. Ms Manushi Chhillar, Miss World 2017 calls on PM @narendramodi in New Delhi. PIB India (@PIB_India) November 30, 2017 Miss World 2017 kept her outfit for the special occasion simple--she has mentioned on social media how much she looks up to our Prime Minister--by wearing this graceful Anarkali churidar suit by Indian fashion brand Kehia. Picture courtesy: Twitter/@feminamissindia While we love the pristine-white suit--and the fact that its long sleeves added a special touch of class--what took her look to another level of classy was the dainty Amrapali jewellery she wore. Manushi tied her hair in a neat, centre-parted bun and made sure her beautiful face was the highlight of her look today. Also read: Manushi Chhillar: As a doctor and Miss World, my purpose is the same From Delhi, the new Miss World flew down in a helicopter to Kurukshetra to meet Haryana's Chief Minister, Manohar Lal Khattar. The only thing different here was the addition of the glittery Miss World crown and the pride-worthy Miss World Sash. Picture courtesy: Twitter/@feminamissindia CM Khattar then went on to gift Manushi a copy of the Bhagwat Geeta: Can't wait to see you flaunt many more authentic Indian looks, Manushi. Clearly, tradition agrees with you! --- ENDS --- The protesters had staged sit-in in the capital for about three weeks demanding removal of Hamid for changes in a law related to the Khatm-i-Nabuwwat (finality of prohpethood) oath in the Elections Act 2017. (Photo: AP) Islamabad: Pakistan's law minister resigned Monday as the embattled civilian government bowed to demands from a small Islamist group whose anti-blasphemy protest in the capital has fuelled deadly violence and sparked demonstrations across the nuclear-armed nation. Protest leader Khadim Hussain Rizvi called off the sit-in after state media reported minister Zahid Hamid's resignation early Monday. Rizvi said he had military assurances that the demands of his Tehreek-i-Labaik Ya Rasool Allah Pakistan (TLY) group would be met. "On the assurance of the Chief of Army Staff, we are calling off the sit-in," he told a crowd of around 2,500 demonstrators, adding that his group was abandoning plans to issue a fatwa against Hamid and was calling for roads and schools to be reopened. There was no immediate confirmation from the government of the resignation and no comment from the military. Read: Army called in as hardline protest claims 6 lives, injures 200 in Pakistan The decision to capitulate to the protesters' demands is a major embarrassment for the ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) as it eyes elections in 2018, analysts said, and underscores the influence of religious groups in the nuclear-armed country of 207 million. Rizvi's previously obscure group has been calling for weeks for Hamid's ousting over a hastily-abandoned amendment to the oath which election candidates must swear. It has occupied a main highway into Islamabad since November 6 and virtually paralysed the capital. The protesters have linked the amended wording to blasphemy -- a highly contentious charge in Muslim Pakistan which carries the death penalty. Even unproven allegations have spurred mob lynchings and murders. Monday's announcement came after Saturday's botched operation to disperse the demonstrators sparked violence in Islamabad that left at least seven people dead and hundreds wounded. It fuelled the spread of the protests and blockades to major cities across the country including Karachi and Lahore. The government ordered police and paramilitaries to stand down after the clashes and called on the army to intervene to restore order. By Monday morning there still had been no official response from the military. As he called off the sit-in, Rizvi referred to what he said was the text of an army-brokered agreement between TLY and the government, though the document could not be verified with officials or the military. "We all now need to heal the fault lines that dharna (sit-in) has invoked on religious & sectarian basis & ensure it doesn't reoccur. It is a priority," tweeted Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal, without further details. 'Major embarrassment' Authorities initially hesitated to act over the sit-in. Pakistan's civilian government has long pulled its punches in such situations, fearing that a crackdown on a religious group would incite blowback, as it has in the past. Critics have warned that this attitude allows extremism to flourish. But as the weeks dragged on the hesitation enraged millions of commuters in Islamabad and neighbouring Rawalpindi. The demonstration caused hours-long traffic snarls and the death of at least one child whose ambulance could not reach hospital in time. Hamid's ousting is the latest in a series of heavy blows to the ruling party. In July Nawaz Sharif was deposed as prime minister by the courts over graft allegations, while finance minister Ishaq Dar -- also accused of corruption -- has taken indefinite medical leave. Observers had previously warned that capitulation would set a dangerous precedent. "Politically, this is a major embarrassment for the PML-N," analyst Hasan Askari told AFP, adding that it would undermine their credibility and predicting more defections. He also warned it had strengthened the position of hardline groups like TLY. TLY comes from the Barelvi sect of Islam that has strong ties to Sufism, a mystical branch of the religion that is seen as moderate. It emphasises personal devotion by its followers to the Prophet Mohammed. However the execution in 2016 of Barelvi follower Mumtaz Qadri -- who assassinated liberal Punjab governor Salman Taseer over his stance on the blasphemy laws -- appears to have galvanised Rizvi and his followers. Askari warned that the decision by TLY and other Islamist parties to campaign in the upcoming elections could further weaken the PML-N. The party has previously benefited from the right-wing religious vote. By India Today Web Desk: A total of five terrorists have been killed in Jammu and Kashmir in two separate encounters in the districts of Budgam and Baramulla. Four Jaish-e-Mohammed militants were killed in an ecounter with security forces in Budgam's Futlipora area while a lone Lashkar-e-Taiba man was eliminated in Baramulla's Sopore. The Budgam encounter began early morning following a tip off received by security forces last night. Forces cordoned of the village at night and began a search operation. advertisement The militants who were hiding in the area started firing on security forces, resulting in the encounter. A clash between civilians and forces also erupted near the encounter site resulting in an injury to a civilian. --- ENDS --- China Mobile is launching a suite of Rich Communication Services (RCS) across the country from 1st December, placing it in direct competition with messaging firm Tencent. The operator will provide enhanced messaging services under its new 4G+Smart brand. Based on GSMA RCS standards, the services will enable users to chat as well as share files and high resolution images. Such features are already available in China via other OTT applications, but China Mobile has the advantage of being able to deliver the services to its 885 million users without requiring them to download an app. The RCS features will be made available via compatible handsets, which include the Samsung S8 and Huawei Mate 10. In addition, enterprise customers will be able to access similar features by downloading its And Fei Xin app. When China Mobile announced its RCS offering at its Global Partners Conference in Guangzhou, the GSMA was quick to declare it a huge boost for the technology, saying momentum for RCS is growing around the world. There are currently 50 launched networks and over 157 million active monthly users. The potential for continued growth is also huge. The RCS suite will see China Mobile facing off against Tencents popular messaging app WeChat, which has over 960 million users. Globally, other players using similar technology include AT&T, Orange, Vodafone Group and Deutsche Telekom. The Research and Analysis Wing and the National Technical Research Organisation have reportedly issued a circular advising Indian Army personnel to uninstall about 42 apps from their Android and iOS smartphones. Indian intelligence agencies have issued an advisory for Indian Army personnel asking them to uninstall Truecaller, SHAREit and 40 other Chinese apps immediately from their smartphones. A report by India Today states that the information has been sent out by the Union Home Ministry after receiving inputs from agencies like the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) and the National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO). The circular flags many Chinese apps as malicious, on both Android and iOS. Weibo, WeChat, UC News, UC Browser, Apus browser, DU battery cleaner are some of the blacklisted apps along with many Xiaomi apps, which come pre-loaded on their smartphones, such as Mi Store, Mi Video Call, and Mi Community. The advisory says, "As per reliable inputs, a number of Android/iOS apps developed by Chinese developers or having Chinese links are reportedly either spyware or other malicious ware. Use of these apps by our force personnel can be detrimental to data security having implications on the force and national security." Most of the blacklisted apps on the advisory are made by Chinese developers, however, Truecaller is made by a Swedish company. A Truecaller spokesperson, in a statement to India Today Tech said, In response to certain reports, we would like to clarify that we are a Sweden based company. We are not sure why the app is on this list, but we're investigating. Truecaller is not a malware, and all our features are permission based and are disabled by default." This is not the first time Chinese apps have come under the governments scrutiny. UC Browser previously came under the governments watch for sending mobile data of Indian users to a server in China. The app was reported of taking control of the DNS of a users device even after being uninstalled. You can read more about it here. An investigation by The Information found Andy Rubin was involved in an "inappropriate relationship" with a woman who worked under him in the Android division at Google, violating Google's policies. Essential founder and Android Co-creator Andy Rubin has taken a leave of absence from his company citing personal reasons after a media report alledged he was involved in an inappropriate relationship in 2014 at Google, when he was heading the Android division, which apparently led to his departure from Google. The report, published by The Information does not go into the details of the relationship. It only states Rubin was in an inappropriate relationship with a woman who worked under him and filed a complaint to HR. Essentials spokesperson stated there is no connection with his leave of absence and the media report about his departure from Google. Mike Sitirck, Rubins spokesperson told The Information, any relationship that Mr. Rubin had while at Google was consensual. Mr. Rubin was never told by Google that he engaged in any misconduct while at Google and he did not, either while at Google, or since. However, Rubin apparently told Essential employees about his leave of absence on Monday after The Information published the story. According to the report, the woman worked in Googles Android division headed by Rubin. The alleged relationship would have been a violation of Googles policy as the company requires employees to disclose such relationships so that one of them could be shifted to another division. Rubin moved on from the Android division in 2013 to lead Googles Robotics division and the HR investigation is reported to have taken place in 2014. The report states the investigation concluded that Rubins behaviour was improper and showed bad judgement. Rubin was the Co-founder and former CEO of Danger Inc, the company behind the iconic T-mobile Sidekick as well as the Co-founder of Android Inc, which was ultimately acquired by Google in 2005. His new company, Essential aims to build an ecosystem of premium smart products. The Essential Ph-1 was the first device to come out of the stable, but has not been received well by the public. In his absence, Rubins position has been filled by Niccolo de Masi, Essentials President who would be in charge for the time being. Software and service company Intercede has signed a contract with an unnamed large European bank, it announced on Thursday. The AIM-traded firm said that under the agreement, it would supply its MyID product for more than 10,000 employees, in addition to recurring support and maintenance services. It said the deal was worth more than 0.25m over a three-year period, with most of that value accruing in the first 12 months of the contract period. Intercede said its MyID product would enable the bank to eliminate a reliance on the use of potentially insecure passwords for its internal systems security. In doing so, the bank would become more resistant to social engineering and other cyber-attacks based on compromising employee passwords, the board explained. By deploying more robust methods of authentication, the bank would be able to reduce instances of fraud and improve the level of privacy and security provided to customers. As a result, the bank would apparently reduce its overall financial risks and exposures under the upcoming EU's General Data and Protection Regulations. This contract was secured following a comprehensive and exhaustive tender process over an extended period, said Intercede chairman and chief executive Richard Parris. Our success demonstrates that Intercede's MyID product for employees remains the top of its class, is technically relevant and commercially viable for some of the world's largest and most security sensitive companies. I am delighted we secured this win in a country with a strongly competitive local market thereby proving our capacity to project our sales and technical support capabilities into the wider EU marketplace. Energy storage and clean fuel company ITM Power updated the market on its trading and operations for the period since the announcement of its successful placing and open offer on 29 September on Thursday. The AIM-traded company said it was maintaining its focus on increasing commercial sales, and currently had 20.2m of projects under contract, and a further 22.4m of contracts in the final stages of negotiation. It said the total of 42.6m was an increase of 5.9m in the two months since the placing and open offer announcement. ITM Power continues to process its current order book, the board said in its statement, adding that it had 12 units within its manufacturing facility in Sheffield at present which were either in build, undergoing factory acceptance testing or ready for shipment. An additional five units are being commissioned in the field ahead of coming online. Altogether, these 17 units constitute over 5MW of installed capacity, [and] the production plan starting in 2018 already exceeds 15MW of capacity. In line with ITM Powers growth strategy and manufacturing plans, the board said the order backlog and opportunity pipeline demonstrated a clear trend towards bigger unit sizes and larger scale industrial applications. The backlog is also reflective of the company's focus on commercial sales and shift away from its previous reliance on grant income. In order to accommodate the increased numbers and size of units in production, heads of terms are being negotiated for a relocation to a larger facility which will accommodate all functions of the company. On its power-to-gas and energy storage operations, ITM Power said the National Grid HyDeploy project was well underway, with excellent progress made across the programme. It said the HyDeploy project was seeking to address a key issue for the UK, in reducing the carbon footprint as a result of heating homes. The UK has a world-class gas grid delivering heat conveniently and safely to over 83% of homes. Emissions could be reduced by lowering the carbon content of gas through blending with hydrogen, the board explained. HyDeploy is a Network Innovation Competition-funded project which aims to establish the level of hydrogen that can be safely blended with natural gas for transport and use in the UK gas network. ITM Power said it had started work examining the potential deployment of large-scale power-to-gas energy storage within the boundaries of the Northern Gas Networks gas distribution system. The work, funded by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy as part of the Energy Storage Feasibility Study Competition launched in January, would be completed in the first quarter of 2018. BEIS was also undertaking a 25m project to explore the potential use of hydrogen gas for heating UK homes and businesses. The project would run from 2017 to 2021, and would aim to define a hydrogen quality standard, and to explore, develop and test domestic and commercial hydrogen appliances. On the deployment of hydrogen refuelling stations, ITM Power confirmed it now had a total portfolio today of 12 funded refuelling stations which it owns. Five stations are open to the public at Riverside in the US, AMP in Rotherham, NPL in London, CEME in London and Cobham in London. A further five stations were under construction in Birmingham, Orkney, Beaconsfield, Gatwick and Swindon. ITM Power said a further two stations also had Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking funding under the H2ME2 scheme. The UK refuelling network had been financially supported by Innovate UK, the Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) and the FCH JU. Planning permission has been granted for car and bus HRS at 19 sites in total with 14 different planning departments across the UK, the board confirmed. Business development activities in the clean fuel area are now focussed on return-to-base commercial vehicles including buses, trains, trucks and shipping. ITM Power has entered into 17 hydrogen fuel supply contracts for refuelling fuel cell electric vehicles. Looking at the industry as a whole, ITM Power noted that on 13 November the Hydrogen Council published a first-of-a kind study detailing hydrogen's potential to be a key pillar of the energy transition. It said the study concluded that, when deployed at scale, hydrogen could account for almost one-fifth of total final energy consumed by 2050. This would reduce annual CO2 emissions by roughly six gigatons compared to today's levels, and contribute roughly 20% of the abatement required to limit global warming to two degrees Celsius. On the subject of its marketing efforts, ITM Power said they had been focused on engagement with multi-national companies which operate within the energy and transport sectors. In addition, and apparently increasingly by invitation, the company was attending and presenting at industry specific trade fairs and conferences in the UK, mainland Europe and the United States. Our strong pipeline growth reflects the hydrogen and energy storage markets' rapid growth worldwide and ITM's focus on commercial sales, said ITM Power CEO Graham Cooley. We have larger systems, compliant to operate all over the world, placing ITM Power in a great market position. This is a very exciting time for the energy industry, and ITM Power is at the forefront of a market which will revolutionise air quality and energy storage for future generations. The AIM-listed company said the agreement would provide it access to JGCs extensive network of long-term relationships in the refining, marine and power industries to develop potential commercial opportunities for the production of MSAR, an online database enabling the browsing, searching, sorting, and comparing of information about US and Canadian medical schools, while JGC would act as its exclusive partner to work with prospective producers and consumers of MSAR in Japan, Colombia, Peru and elsewhere on a case-by-case basis, to jointly develop commercial MSAR projects. Mike Kirk, executive chairman of Quadrise Fuels International, said: "We believe that this is an exciting opportunity for QFI to harness JGC's leading position in key markets for the production and use of MSAR. This will not only increase the scale of the addressable market but also accelerate its development. We look forward to developing a long-term and mutually beneficial relationship with JGC." Meanwhile, Takashi Yasuda, senior executive officer of JGC's Technology Innovation, added: "We are pleased to have reached agreement with QFI. Access to their MSAR technology will enable JGC to offer its clients a cost-effective and environmentally beneficial alternative to HFO that can be implemented rapidly. We look forward to working with QFI and building what we expect to be a significant new business stream." SolGold, the company focused on the riches of the North Andean Copper Belt in Ecuador, has closed its bought deal private placement of 180m shares for proceeds of 45m, it emerged on Thursday. Gross proceeds from that offering, which was led by National Bank Financial and Canaccord Genuity Corp, would be used for exploration and studies enabling the company to advance its flagship Cascabel Project, selective regional exploration in Ecuador, working capital and general corporate purposes, the company said. The offering was conducted on behalf of a syndicate underwriters, including Cormark Securities Inc., GMP Securities L.P., Paradigm Capital Inc., Red Cloud Klondike Strike Inc., Mackie Research Capital Corporation and Echelon Wealth Partners Inc. Commenting on the closing, Chief Executive Officer of SolGold Mr Nick Mather said:"It is particularly gratifying to finalise the raising with a strong institutional support base for SolGold. We continue to strengthen SolGold's ability to take its assets forward through discovery and feasibility towards development. We are building a significant copper company in SolGold and this raising is an important step. It's out of the way now and the Company is now fully funded for well over a year, at both Cascabel and its exciting Pan Ecuadorean exploration project. Mobile financial services provider Vipera has increased the scope of its contract with the Government Savings Bank of Thailand (GSB) through its partner TNFIS , part of the TN Information Systems group, utilising Vipera's digital financial services platform MOTIF under license, it announced on Thursday. The AIM-traded firm said GSB initially purchased a license in September 2014 for 100,000 users, and a further licence in August 2015 for an additional one million users. They had now exceeded one million users, and were purchasing a further licence to cover another million users. It said GSB was using Vipera's technology in its mobile banking service, MyMo by GSB, providing powerful personal banking and financial management tools in the hands of GSB's customers via their smartphones. Vipera said the application provided a range of value add self service capabilities to GSB's customers, including the ability to check account balances and statements for all deposit and loan accounts, money transfer to accounts in GSB and other banks as well as to other MyMo users. In addition, users could pay loans, scan and pay bills, top up mobile phones, check GSB special prize draw results and customise their landing page. Users also received notifications about balance changes across all accounts, with the application available for both iOS and Android devices. We are delighted that GSB have now exceeded one million users and are looking to further exploit the benefits of Vipera's MOTIF platform technology, ensuring that GSBs banking customers have access to the best available mobile banking experience, said Vipera CEO Marco Casartelli. As well as being an important sale for the company, we will benefit from increased annual support and maintenance revenue. Irish drilling tools engineer Mincon announced on Thursday that a company closely associated with its non-executive director Kevin Barry had disposed of more than 3.8m shares in the firm. Babybell, the company headed up by Barry, sold the shares at a cost of 1.00 each for a total 3.8m. After the transaction, Babybell remained in possession of 11.1m shares in Mincon, a 5.3% stake in the firm. In its results for the first nine months of its trading year, Mincon posted 29% growth in revenue after customers flocked to its in-house products; however, "adverse" currency effects narrowed the group's margins from 15.7% to 13.2%. As of 1615 GMT, shares had gained 0.51% to 98.00p. Top Director Buys D4t4 Solutions (D4T4) Director name: McDowell,Roger Amount purchased: 100,000 @ 123.00p Value: 123,000.00 D4t4 Solutions (D4T4) Director name: McDowell,Roger Amount purchased: 100,000 @ 123.00p Value: 123,000.00 Frontier Developments (FDEV) Director name: Walsh,David John Amount purchased: 3,500 @ 1,304.40p Value: 45,654.00 Morrison (wm) Supermarkets (MRW) Director name: Anand,Rooney Amount purchased: 10,000 @ 218.90p Value: 21,890.00 Verona Pharma (VRP) Director name: Ebsworth,David Amount purchased: 10,000 @ 106.85p Value: 10,685.00 Concepta (CPT) Director name: Henau,Erik Amount purchased: 100,000 @ 7.80p Value: 7,800.00 Easyjet (EZJ) Director name: Findlay ,Andrew Amount purchased: 115 @ 1,407.00p Value: 1,618.05 Miton Group (MGR) Director name: Harrison ,Piers Godfrey Amount purchased: 378 @ 39.75p Value: 150.26 Miton Group (MGR) Director name: Barron,David Amount purchased: 378 @ 39.75p Value: 150.26 Miton Group (MGR) Director name: Williams,Gervais Amount purchased: 378 @ 39.75p Value: 150.26 Rockhopper Exploration (RKH) Director name: Moody,Samuel John Amount purchased: 663 @ 22.62p Value: 149.97 Rockhopper Exploration (RKH) Director name: MacDonald,Stewart Amount purchased: 663 @ 22.62p Value: 149.97 3i Group (III) Director name: Dunn,Kevin Amount purchased: 16 @ 925.67p Value: 148.11 3i Group (III) Director name: Wilson,Julia Amount purchased: 16 @ 925.67p Value: 148.11 Top Director Sells Mincon Group (MCON) Director name: Barry ,Kevin Amount sold: 3,800,000 @ 1.00A Value: 3,439,539.68 Future (FUTR) Director name: Byng-Maddick,Zillah Amount sold: 193,000 @ 350.74p Value: 676,928.21 Barr (a.g.) (BAG) Director name: Kemp,Jonathan David Amount sold: 3,900 @ 616.00p Value: 24,024.00 European Commission competition regulators have accused the world's biggest beer brewer of abusing its dominant position on the Belgian beer market, by hindering cheaper imports of its brands from neighbouring countries into Belgium. Anheuser-Busch InBev's top-selling beer brands in Belgium, Jupiler and Leffe, are also sold in the Netherlands and France, where an EC investigation found the two brands were sold at lower prices than in Belgium due to higher competition there. The Commission said its preliminary view was that AB InBev's domination of the Belgian beer market saw it abusing this position by "pursuing a deliberate strategy to prevent supermarkets and wholesalers from buying Jupiler and Leffe at lower prices in the Netherlands and France, and from importing them into Belgium". Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager said: "Belgian consumers may have had to pay more for their favourite beers. Our preliminary finding is that AB InBev may have deliberately prevented cheaper beer imports out of France and the Netherlands from reaching consumers in Belgium. "Such practices would breach EU competition rules, because they deny consumers the benefits of the EU Single Market choice and lower prices. AB InBev now has the opportunity to respond to our concerns." AB InBev, which also has strong positions in many other markets as brewer of beers including Budweiser, Stella Artois and Becks, also aroused concerns at the Commission over a number of its business practices, which have been in place since at least 2009. The EC said these included changing the packaging of Jupiler and Leffe beer cans in the Netherlands and France to make it harder to sell them in Belgium, or limiting access of Dutch retailers to key products and promotions, "in order to prevent them from bringing less expensive beer products to Belgium". For example, the investigation found ABI did not sell or limited the quantity of certain products sold to Dutch retailers and restricted the availability of certain promotions, if there was a chance that the Dutch retailers could import the products into Belgium. "The Commission's preliminary view is that these practices have created anti-competitive obstacles to trade and partitioned the EU's Single Market along national borders." If confirmed, this would infringe Article 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union that prohibits the abuse of a dominant market position. By PTI: Indore, Nov 30 (PTI) In an alarming development, 16 new cases of HIV infection -- twice the number last year -- have been detected in the transgender community in Madhya Pradesh till October. The lack of awareness about dangers of unprotected sex and the AIDS are the major reasons for this increase in the number of new HIV cases among transgender persons, experts said. advertisement According to the State AIDS Control Committee, 16 transgender persons were diagnosed with HIV till October this year. The number was eight last year. Kalpana Bendwal, AIDS counsellor at the government-run Maharaja Yeshwantrao Hospital here, told PTI: "A very small number of eunuchs come to us for advice. There is a dire need to increase the awareness about the AIDS in the transgender community." Risk of infection increases for the eunuchs involved in the flesh trade, she said. Ajay Das, leader of Ujjains Kinnar Akhada, a congregation of eunuchs, said the government should conduct an awareness campaign for the benefit of the transgender community. He also demanded a special arrangement for the treatment of HIV-infected members of the community. The State AIDS Control Committee data shows that between 2005 and October 2017, 53,899 cases of HIV infection were detected in Madhya Pradesh. Gender-wise break-up of these cases is: 32,902 men, 20,835 women (including pregnant women) and 162 transgender persons. PTI HWP ADU MAS KRK BAS --- ENDS --- Nokia has denied that it is in talks to buy Juniper Networks following a report suggesting it was preparing a bid for the group. "Nokia is not currently in talks with, nor is it preparing an offer for, Juniper Networks related to an acquisition of that company," it said on Thursday. Shares in the Finnish network equipment maker jumped on Wednesday after CNBC cited sources as saying that it was readying a $16bn bid for its California-based rival. Nokia bought French rival Alcatel-Lucent last year for about $17bn. RBC Capital Markets said on Wednesday - before Nokia denied the report - that consolidation of the industry makes sense. "From a financial and strategic perspective we think a Nokia/ Juniper transaction could work if a synergies lead to material earnings per share upside in 2019/2020 during the 5G rollout." At 1110 GMT, Nokia shares were up 0.1% to 4.22. According to a snap poll by trade union Unite, two out of three workers at Premier Inn , Britain's largest budget hotel chain, had regularly been denied breaks and not been paid what they were owed. The survey, released by Unite on Thursday, revealed that of the workers who worked through their rest breaks, 75% of them had not been paid for their work and over half had not been permitted a break later in the day to make up for it, a breach of working time regulations that allow employees an uninterrupted 20 minute break every six hours. Unite's findings came as the Unpaid Britain project launched its report in London which stated that a minimum of 2m British workers had been cheated out of pay, making a total value of over 3bn worth of lost salary every year. Employers had allegedly cited staff shortages and heavy workloads as the main reasons for asking staff members to work through their breaks. Unite warned Whitbread, the hospitality giant and owner of Premier Inn, that legal action was "in the pipeline" over multiple claims of wage theft from union members. Unite hotel project coordinator Charlotte Bence said "Unite is clear that this is 'wage theft'. Whitbread posted pre-tax profits of 316m in August 2017 - this is profit earned at the expense of workers who are not being paid what they are owed for the time they have worked." "Unite wants Whitbread to respect their staff, pay them properly for the hours they work and ensure they can take the breaks they are entitled to on shift. We encourage Premier Inn workers to get in touch with us," Bence added. As of 1545 GMT, Whitbread shares had declined 1.32% to 3,586.00p. US President Donald Trump has rebuked UK PM Theresa May after she criticised his social media posting of anti-Muslim videos from Britain First leader Jayda Fransen. Mays spokesperson said on Wednesday it was wrong for Trump to share the videos, which purportedly show violence being committed by Muslims. Trump responded by telling May to focus on battling Islamic terrorism in the UK, instead of criticising his actions. "Don't focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom," Trump tweeted to May early on Thursday, seemingly oblivious to the 126 UK terrorist deaths since 2000 being dwarfed by the 14,173 gun-related violent deaths in the US in 2017 alone. The three videos were originally posted by Fransen, the leader of far right party Britain First, which was formed by former members of UKIP in 2011. She has previously been convicted by the courts of religiously aggravated harassment. The retweets arrived during a barrage of tweets on the social media site from the US President, with familiar topics such as accusing CNN and NBC of fake news. Trump has previously been invited to the UK for a state visit, which he has not availed of yet following a series of controversies and protests against his actions in the UK. Calls for the offer of the state visit to be rescinded increased in the aftermath of Trumps tweets on Wednesday, with Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn among those calling for a cancellation. Corbyn said the retweets were abhorrent, dangerous and a threat to our society. Mayor of London Sadiq Kahn said the President had used twitter "to promote a vile, extremist group that exists solely to sow division and hatred in our country" and agreed that Trump's official visit to Britain "would not be welcomed". Khan added: "Many Brits who love America and Americans will see this as a betrayal of the special relationship between our two countries. It beggars belief that the President of our closest ally doesn't see that his support of this extremist group actively undermines the values of tolerance and diversity that makes Britain so great. The FTSE 100 , the UKs primary stock index, traded 0.45% lower on Thursday as sterling continued its rise in a week in which progress appeared to be made in Brexit negotiations. The most significant movement of the day was from hospital operator Mediclinic International, with the company gaining around 4% in afternoon trading. Mediclinic benefited from a positive research note analysts at Jefferies, in which it was double upgraded to buy, having previously been recommended at outperform. The company was judged to have upside potential based on growth opportunities in the UAE. Following it was BAE Systems, after the defence contractor agreed to pay more into its pension schemes to recover a 2.1bn deficit by the year 2026. Also among the day's FTSE leaders was life insurer Aviva, following an increase to its long-term earnings and dividend guidance. The company also said it has 3bn of excess cash that will be used to pay down 0.9bn debt next year and then be returned via buybacks or acquisitions. BT Group was up on the back of a Morgan Stanley note that suggested the telecoms group "looks cheap" on a sum-of-the-parts valuation, though analysts were cautious about "stepping in too early" before getting more greater clarity on capex, content rights, pension and dividend. The target price was cut to 290p and its rating remained 'equal-weight'. Looking towards the bottom of the ledger, pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline was down around 2% after it announced a specialist HIV company it own has progressed to phase III for a new study into its cabotegravir drug. Housebuilder Persimmon was also among the fallers as some within the construction sector were subject to profit-taking, in a week in which it was boosted by the latest news on Brexit. Analysts at Deutsche Bank wrote a glowing report about the sector, but Persimmon's share price was seen as being the most expensive in the sector on a couple of valuation measures. Premier Inn and Costa owner Whitbread was affected on Thursday by the release of a trade union survey which detailed the extent of wage theft at the company, including staff missing out on rest breaks and not getting paid what they are owed. FTSE 100 - Risers Mediclinic International (MDC) 559.50p 3.61% BT Group (BT.A) 260.55p 2.02% BAE Systems (BA.) 554.37p 1.91% United Utilities Group (UU.) 819.00p 1.11% Imperial Brands (IMB) 3,079.50p 1.10% Worldpay Group (WPG) 422.40p 1.05% ITV (ITV) 160.00p 1.01% Centrica (CNA) 144.21p 0.99% Standard Life Aberdeen (SLA) 429.80p 0.84% Convatec Group (CTEC) 192.10p 0.52% FTSE 100 - Fallers Carnival (CCL) 4,754.50p -2.15% GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) 1,280.75p -2.05% Persimmon (PSN) 2,539.00p -2.01% Prudential (PRU) 1,863.50p -1.92% AstraZeneca (AZN) 4,806.50p -1.91% Old Mutual (OML) 196.90p -1.80% Royal Bank of Scotland Group (RBS) 276.60p -1.78% Paddy Power Betfair (PPB) 8,320.00p -1.77% Associated British Foods (ABF) 2,961.00p -1.69% 3i Group (III) 900.50p -1.64% Apple will use power chips designed in-house for iPhone built in 2018, reports suggested on Thursday, sending shares in UK-based chip designer Dialog Semiconductor crashing. Apple is designing its own main power management chips for use in iPhones, reported Nikkei, which would cut the tech giant's dependence on European-listed Dialog Semiconductor, which derives more than 70% of its revenues from its major US client. The iPhone maker is wants to boost its semiconductor capabilities in order to better compete with rivals, sources told the Japanese news wire. "Based on Apple's current plan, they are set to replace partially, or around half of its power management chips to go into iPhones by itself starting next year," said the source. Another industry source suggested Apple would not be able to begin using its own chips until 2019. In April, Dialog had also tanked after German analysts cut their rating on the stock due to the risk that Apple could start making its own microchips, although other analysts said these risks were being overdone. Analysts at Bankhaus Lampe pointed to much stronger hiring of engineers of analogue and power management chips from Apple for more than a year, suggesting Apple was setting up power management design centres in Munich and California. "We hear from the industry that about 80 engineers at Apple are already working on a PMIC with specific plans to employ it in the iPhone by as early as 2019," the bank said, noting that social networks revealed that Apple has already poached about 20 chip designers, some of them with long-standing experience from Dialog. Earlier this year, shares in London-listed chip designer Imagination Technologies tumbled after Apple said it would stop using its graphics technology for new products as it had developed its own version of the hardware, having used similar tactics of hiring many Imagination engineers. Bloomberg reported that Apple, which spends $11bn a year on R&D, had set up many labs near companies with a strong record in the various technological areas it was pushing into and that in several cases, these companies soon lost employees to the iPhone maker. For example, Apple opened an office last year in Hertfordshire just seven miles from Imagination's headquarters and that its jobs website had listed numerous openings in the area related to graphics chips. Save my User ID and Password Some subscribers prefer to save their log-in information so they do not have to enter their User ID and Password each time they visit the site. To activate this function, check the 'Save my User ID and Password' box in the log-in section. This will save the password on the computer you're using to access the site. Note: If you choose to use the log-out feature, you will lose your saved information. This means you will be required to log-in the next time you visit our site. Your Ultimate Investing Toolkit Sign up for MarketBeat All Access to gain access to MarketBeat's full suite of research tools: Portfolio Monitoring Top Stock Lists Premium Reports Stock Screeners Live News Feed Premium Support Free for your first month. The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has slapped a fine of Rs 10,000 each on Mantralaya and other 141 of 207 bulk generators in 'A' Ward. By Mayuresh Ganapatye: The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has slapped a fine of Rs 10,000 each on Mantralaya and other 141 of 207 bulk generators in 'A' Ward. BMC also issued notices to them for not responding to its earlier notices regarding waste segregation management. Along with Mantralaya, BMC has also issued a notice to many prominent eateries, hospitals, and housing societies from Colaba, Cuff Parade, Fort & Church Gate area. They have been pulled by BMC for not segregating & treating waste in their own premises. advertisement "In recent past, we had organised several meetings and exhibition about how to treat the wet waste. In exhibition, there were many exhibitors who had got the machines which will help to treat wet waste into compost. We had serve reminders & notices to them but they didn't adhere to the deadlines thus we have served notice of fine to them." said Kiran Dighwakar, assistant commissioner BMC 'A' ward. BMC had taken a decision to stop collecting the waste from the hotels, societies, hospital which generates 100kg of waste daily from October 2nd, but there was uproar by corporators which forced BMC to extends its deadline by 3 months. After slapping notice, now the civic body has given a new deadline of 3rd January. The civic body had identified over 4,000 bulk generators in Mumbai and served notices to 3,140. BMC had also warned them to start waste segregation and treatment in their premises. BMC feels that if all adheres to guidelines related to waste management, it will ease of the burden of waste management & transportation cost of BMC. From 10,000 metric tonnes in the past, now around 7,000 metric tonnes of waste gets deposited in BMC dumping ground. BMC's plan to further lowered the waste input to 5000 metric tonnes in near future. --- ENDS --- Many of us have fantasised about selling our worldly possessions and starting over in a brand new city. Perhaps a romantic life in Paris is calling, or the neon energy of Tokyo, or the cultural institutions of New York City. But be prepared to shell out for the privilege of your new lifestyle, because each of those beloved destinations cracked the top 10 in The Economists annual ranking of the most expensive cities in the world. The Economist Intelligence Unit, the research division of the Economist Group, compares more than 400 prices across 160 products and services including food, rent, clothing transport, and leisure to determine the ranking in its yearly Worldwide Cost of Living Survey. Singapore emerged as the worlds priciest city to live in for the fourth consecutive year, narrowly edging out a cadre of strong contenders in Asia. Hong Kong defended its second place title from 2016, closely followed by Zurich. Meanwhile, over in Japan, Tokyo and Osaka re-entered the ranking this year, meaning that Asian cities now account for half of the most expensive cities in the Worldwide Cost of Living 2017 survey. The report also names 2017s least expensive cities (number one: Almaty, Kazakhstan) and the cities that are becoming more affordable compared to last years report. The latter list includes London, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, and Beijing. Read the current ranking of the worlds costliest cities above (preferably with tissues handy to mop up the tears). For more information, download the complete report at The Economist. The NCRB data, released today, shows that the BJP ruled states have recorded highest rates in terms of crime against scheduled castes. By India Today Web Desk: The latest data released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) may give the Opposition a shot in arm for the Gujarat Assembly election. The latest data for 2014-16 reveals that the BJP ruled states recorded highest crime rates against scheduled castes. The NCRB data, released today says that the five states that recorded the highest crime rate in the category of "crime/atrocities against scheduled castes" during 2014-16 were all ruled by the BJP directly or in alliance with other parties. advertisement Madhya Pradesh occupies the top position in crime against scheduled castes in terms of crime rate, which is defined by the incidence of crime recorded per one lakh population. Madhya Pradesh registered 3,294 incidents of crime against scheduled castes in 2014 followed by 3,546 in 2015 and 4,922 last year. Madhya Pradesh reported 12.1 per cent of total number of crimes against scheduled castes registered in the country last year. Madhya Pradesh is followed by Rajasthan, which recorded 12.6 per cent of total number of crimes recorded against scheduled castes in the country in 2016. OTHER BJP STATES Rajasthan recorded 6,735 incidents of crime against scheduled castes in 2014, which declined to 5,911 in 2015 and 5,136 in 2016. Goa holds third position in terms of crime rate against scheduled castes. However, in terms of numbers, Goa recorded only 13 such cases each in 2014 and 2015 while the number of crime against scheduled castes declined to 11 last year. With 5,701 incidents of crime reported against scheduled castes last year, Bihar stood fourth in the table. Bihar's share in the all India figure for crime against scheduled caste was 14 per cent for 2016. The BJP is in alliance with the JD-U in Bihar, which had voted for the grand alliance (including RJD and Congress) in 2015. But, early this year, Nitish Kumar walked out of the grand alliance and stitched an alliance with the BJP to form government. WILL NCRB DATA IMPACT GUJARAT ELECTION? Election-bound Gujarat was at the fifth rank in terms of crime rate against scheduled castes. Gujarat has seen an increase in the number of incidents of crime against scheduled castes since 2014. The NCRB data shows that Gujarat registered 1,094 incidents of crime against scheduled castes which increased to 1,322 in 2016. In 2015, Gujarat recorded a minor dip in the number when 1,010 incidents of crime against scheduled castes were registered in the state. During this period, Gujarat has seen several agitations over rising crime against Dalits in the state. The crime against Dalits took political turn in 2015 when a family was attacked by cow vigilantes at Una. The issue of crime against Dalits is one of the major poll issues for Gujarat Assembly election. Dalit leaders including Jignesh Mevani and the Congress have been raising the issue of crime against scheduled castes in the state for past couple of years. advertisement According to the NCRB data, atrocities or crime against scheduled castes increased by 5.5 per cent in 2016 over 2015. A total of 40,801 cases of crime against scheduled castes were registered in the country in 2015 compared to 38,670 cases in 2015. With 10,426 incidents, Uttar Pradesh reported the highest number of cases of atrocities against scheduled castes accounting for 25.6 per cent followed by Bihar with 14 per cent and Rajasthan with 12.6 per cent in 2016. In 2016, the rate of crime against scheduled castes of total cognisable crimes in Madhya Pradesh was 43.4 per cent followed by 42 per cent in Rajasthan, 36.7 per cent in Goa, 34.4 per cent in Bihar and 32.5 per cent in Gujarat. The all-India crime rate against scheduled castes was 20.6 per cent last year. --- ENDS --- Snap on Wednesday announced changes designed to combat fake news on Snapchat by separating content from professional creators from postings by friends and family. Stories and Chats from friends will appear on the left side of the camera, while Stories from content creators, publishers and other members of the community will appear on the right side of the camera. Snapchat has taken a page from Netflix, suggested Snap CEO Evan Spiegel in an opinion piece on Axios. That is, a persons own behavior is more indicative of individual interests than content generated by friends. Snapchat aims to disentangle social from media, he wrote, by offering users a personalized content feed tailored to their own behavior rather than basing it on what their friends post. Distinct Feeds Snapchat will provide a new Discover page on the right, which will post information from services members have subscribed to at the top, followed by other Stories that users may be interested in viewing. While it will use algorithms to sort out Stories on the Discover page, it also will use human curators to review and approve content that is promoted on the page. Snapchat also announced a new dynamic Friends page, which displays friends on the left side of the camera based on the way users communicate with them. Snapchat described it as a Best Friends algorithm that allows users to avoid having to scroll through a bunch of friends to find the ones they want to talk to. This seems like a very logical distinction, remarked Rick Edmonds, media business analyst at Poynter. I dont particularly get what a news feed is doing intermingled with photos among family and friends, he told the E-Commerce Times. Snapchat caters to a much different demographic than Facebook and Twitter, so its changes may not have a substantial direct impact on the fake news dilemma. Snapchat has adopted an interesting tactic in differentiating itself from Facebook and Instagram, said Zach Fuller, an analyst at Midia Research. However, Snapchats core demographic is far younger than its competitors and does not consume news as frequently on the platform as other sources, he told the E-Commerce Times. Human Touch The changes, including the addition of staff curators, are a good step to weed out fake news from legit content, but they will not completely eradicate the problem, said Jon Clay, director of global threat communications at Trend Micro. The challenge will be whether this human vetting can keep up with the amount of good news being published every hour of the day, he told the E-Commerce Times. Threat actors will analyze this new process and look for ways to circumvent it in order to continue utilizing fake news as part of their campaigns. Snap, which went public in March, reported a third-quarter net loss of US$443 million as it fell short of revenue projections on weak user growth. Snap has made several changes in recent months to promote original content on the Snapchat platform. The company announced Campus Publisher stories, a partnership with dozens of colleges and universities to produce weekly stories and post them on the site. The stories include Snap Ads, which help the schools monetize the postings and share revenue with Snap. Snap earlier this year announced custom Stories, which allow users to post about anything from a trip to a birthday celebration or other event, and then choose who can add to the story or geofence it to a particular location. The rumor that Amazon has set its sights on disrupting the pharmaceutical industry has gained greater currency recently, just months after the company set the grocery business on fire with its acquisition of Whole Foods, and in the midst of its widely publicized search for a second U.S. headquarters location. Amazon reportedly has taken major steps toward becoming a drug distributor and seller actions that have caused concern among potential competitors and may have figured heavily in CVS negotiations to buy health insurance firm Aetna for US$66 billion. Amazon has obtained licenses to sell drugs as a wholesaler in 12 states, including Nevada, Arizona, Alabama, North Dakota and Louisiana, according to a report in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The E-Commerce Times was able to obtain documents showing that Amazon has licenses to sell wholesale drugs in New Jersey and Connecticut, two other states on the papers list. If Amazon wanted to get into the business of shipping pharmaceuticals directly to consumers, it also would have to obtain pharmacy licenses, the report notes. The newly obtained licenses are related to the companys growing healthcare supply business, which is part of a growing B2B segment at Amazon, said spokesperson Lori Torgerson. As part of that business, Amazon sells professional medical supplies to doctors, dentists and other medical professionals. Wholesale licenses are required for Amazon Business to sell professional-use only products to healthcare companies, Torgerson told the E-Commerce Times. B2B Boom Amazon this summer announced that its Amazon Business segment, which launched in 2015, had reached more than one million customers. The procurement business had grown to reach more than 85,000 business sellers, providing professional supplies to a range of healthcare and other business customers. Amazon has licenses to sell to various healthcare providers, including hospitals, doctors, dentists and healthcare clinics, in most states. The news that CVS Health was in talks to buy Aetna, the nations No. 3 health insurance firm, surfaced last week in a Wall Street Journal report. The rumored $66 billion deal values the Aetna stock at $200 a share. CVS is not only one of the largest retail pharmacy chains, but also one of the largest pharmacy benefit managers in the U.S. The negotiations, which have been ongoing for months, directly involved the top executives at both firms CVS CEO Larry Merlo and Aetna CEO Mark Bertonlini according to multiple reports. A major reason cited for the talks was rampant speculation that Amazon has been making moves to enter the prescription drug business, following its blockbuster $13.7 billion acquisition of Whole Foods, a move that shook the U.S. grocery industry to its foundations. CVS officials did not respond to our request to comment for this story. We dont comment on rumors or speculation, Aetna spokesperson T.J. Crawford told the E-Commerce Times. Ripe for Disruption Amazon may be poised to disrupt the retail pharmacy business because it is a highly competitive market where the majority of profits are taken not on the drugs themselves, but on the household products, supplements, groceries and other purchases that customers make while browsing the aisles. With Amazons focus on customer convenience and reorders/auto-orders, this is a logical next step for the company, said Cindy Zhou, principal analyst at Constellation Research. Bulk orders for regular prescriptions have been offered by the insurance carriers for decades, but Amazon can deliver it to the end customer conveniently, she told the E-Commerce Times. Reordering prescription drugs easily could be accomplished using voice-operated Alexa commands or Amazon Dash buttons, Zhou suggested. I think the logical reason Amazon would want in is that when consumers go to drug stores they have to walk all the way to the back to pick up their prescriptions, said Paula Rosenblum, managing partner at RSR Research. Thats how the chain stores get real profit. They have much bigger margins on the products they pick up on the way back there or on the way out, she told the E-Commerce Times. So I suppose its another way for them to increase their share of the wallet. The backdoor Arctic refuge drilling provision snuck in the Senate Republicans tax reform plan could be held up thanks to a little-known procedural rule. The Republican-led effort to open the pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to oil and natural gas drilling could violate the Byrd Rule, which outlines what can be included in the Senates budgetary legislation. According to the Associated Press: Senate Democrats objected to the provision opening a portion of the remote refuge to oil drilling, saying measures to fast-track environmental approvals violate a rule designed to limit budget legislation to provisions that are mainly fiscal in nature. Congressional aides say the Senate parliamentarian has signaled agreement with Democrats, which could force Republicans to secure 60 votes for drilling, instead of 50 needed for the tax bill. The fate of the bill is now unclear but environmental groups cheered the news. Tiernan Sittenfeld of the League of Conservation Voters told the AP that the procedural hiccup is what happens when you cut corners and try to sneak drilling into an already terrible tax bill. The drilling provision was introduced by Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), who chairs the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and has worked for most of her career to allow drilling in the refuge. Conservatives have sought for decades to open up parts of the refuge to create jobs and boost the energy sector. They have targeted the so-called 1002 area on the Prudhoe Bay in Northern Alaska, which has an estimated 12 billion barrels of recoverable crude. Murkowski called the 1002 a non wilderness area since the government set it aside for petroleum exploration decades ago. However, the targeted area hosts migratory bird species and endangered wildlife and is considered to be sacred to the indigenous Gwichin people, who sustain themselves from the caribou that migrate there. Regardless of the potential setback, Murkowski endorsed the tax overhaul on Wednesday. Of course, the bill also includes a title that I am proud to have written, to open a small portion of the non-wilderness 1002 Area in ANWR in northeast Alaska to responsible energy production, she said. We still have work to do on this legislation and I look forward to the debate on the Senate floor and my colleagues ideas to further improve it. Byrd rule issue with provisions in ANWR section. Source says language that allow for getting around enviro regs to drill in ANWR is subject to Byrd rule. Other aides say easily resolved. But could wait longer for MTP vote. Seung Min Kim (@seungminkim) November 29, 2017 Byrd rule complications for a wildlife refuge that hosts more than 200 different species of migratory birds Jeremy Dillon (@jeremydillonDC) November 29, 2017 The Trump administration released on Wednesday its long-overdue recovery plan for Mexican gray wolves, one of the most endangered mammal species in North America with an estimated wild population of just over 100. However, the plan charts a course for extinction rather than recovery, cutting off wolf access to vital recovery habitat and failing to respond to mounting genetic threats to the species. Its a recovery plan in name only. Without additional habitat and greater genetic diversity, the wolves will continue to teeter on the brink of extinction. The plan provides none of these essential needs, said Heidi McIntosh, an attorney with the nonprofit environmental legal organization, Earthjustice, which sued the federal government on behalf of conservation organizations. The Trump administration refused to listen to the tens of thousands of people who asked them to fix their awful draft plan before finalizing it. Among the people who weighed in asking for stronger protections for the wolves were concerned citizens, business owners and scientists. Lobos waited decades for a plan to save them, only to be given one that does not guarantee recovery, said Bryan Bird, Southwest director for Defenders of Wildlife. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service had the opportunity to build a plan on a foundation of science and conservation, but instead decided to let politics rule. Instead of moving forward with a plan based on legitimate, science-based recommendations, the Service collaborated exclusively with the very states that have gone to extraordinary lengths to obstruct Mexican wolf recovery, said Maggie Howell of the Wolf Conservation Center. Critically endangered lobos deserve better. The Fish and Wildlife Service published over 250 pages of supporting scientific justification, used a sophisticated model to predict extinction probabilities, then tossed the science aside and asked the states how many wolves they would tolerate with no scientific justification whatsoever, said David Parsons, former Mexican wolf recovery coordinator for the Fish and Wildlife Service. Using the states arbitrary upper limit as a population cap in the population viability model and forcing additional recovery needs to Mexico, the plan will guarantee that from now to eternity no more than a running average of 325 Mexican wolves will ever be allowed to exist in the entire U.S. Southwest. This plan is a disgraceful sham. The best available science indicates that recovery of the Mexican gray wolf requires at least three connected populations totaling approximately 750 individuals, a carefully managed reintroduction effort that prioritizes improving the genetic health of the animals and the establishment of at least two additional population centers in the southern Rockies and in the Grand Canyon area. This isnt a recovery plan, its a blueprint for disaster for Mexican gray wolves, said Michael Robinson, conservation advocate for the Center for Biological Diversity. Limiting recovery to south of Interstate 40 keeps wolves out of the Grand Canyon and southern Rocky Mountains, areas that would greatly benefit from having wolves back and that scientists have determined are absolutely essential to their recovery. The recovery plan just released by the Trump administration ignores the science and falls short in several key and interrelated ways: Fails to establish the additional population centers and limits wolves to inadequate habitat with low recovery potential; Does not provide for sufficient releases of wolves into the wild; Fails to ensure conservation and enhancement of genetic diversity to ameliorate inbreeding; Relies excessively on Mexico for recovery, where habitat is unpromising. It is critical for the health of the Mexican wolf population to obtain a sound, scientifically reviewed and based recovery plan. Politics should not play a role in management of an endangered species, said Virginia Busch, executive director of the Endangered Wolf Center. The critically endangered Mexican gray wolf almost vanished from the face of the earth in the mid-20th century because of human persecution. The entire population of Mexican wolves alive today descends from just seven individuals that were captured and placed into a captive breeding program before the species was exterminated from the wild. In 2014, Earthjustice on behalf of the Center for Biological Diversity, Defenders of Wildlife, retired Fish and Wildlife Service Mexican Wolf Recovery Coordinator David R. Parsons, the Endangered Wolf Center and the Wolf Conservation Center, filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for failing to develop a recovery plan. On Wednesday the Indonesian government opened an airport on Bali as wind blew away ash spewing out of a volcano, clearing the air for planes and giving residents and tourists a chance to escape. In the past several days, the volcano has disrupted operations at Balis airport, the second-busiest in Indonesia, while tens of thousands of residents living within a 10-kilometer radius of Mount Agung have been told to leave. Around 43,000 people had fled, but an estimated 90,000 to 100,000 people were still living in the eruption zone. Earlier in the week Indonesias National Disaster Management Authority (BNPB) warned that eruptions are increasing and declared the highest level of alert for a volcano. The BNPB warned that there is a large risk of lahar flows if the volcano erupts. Lahar flows are mudflows that contain volcanic debris and are capable of destroying everything in their path. President Joko Widodo begged residents living in the danger zone to move to emergency centers. The last time Mount Agung erupted was in 1963, and the incident killed more than 1,000 people. Outside Bali, scientists are waiting to see how the volcano affects the earths temperature. Most eruptions do not have a meaningful climate impact, and so the risks associated with the eruption are limited to the nearby population, Chris Colose, a NASA climate scientist told Vox. For climate, the big thing to pay attention [to] isnt the ash but the sulfur emissions. Sulfur dioxide reacts in the sky in such a way that it scatters sunlight and cools the planet. The last time Mount Agung erupted it brought global temperatures down by between 0.1 and 0.2C for a year. A climate researcher at Carbon Brief, Zeke Hausfather, has showed that this round of eruptions could have a similar effect lasting until 2020. On Twitter, Erik Klemetti, a volcanologist at Denison University wrote, the eruption at Agung in Indonesia has been relatively small so far, but with lava at the summit crater, it is anyones guess how it proceeds from here. See the video below for a live broadcast of the volcano: By John Buell Last winter when President-elect Trump tweeted: United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes, the tweet was portrayed as shockingly new and threatening. As president, Trump continues his inflammatory rhetoric. Nonetheless, his nuclear posture is closer to his predecessors than is commonly recognized. It has long been U.S. policy and practice to seek and rely on nuclear superiority. The U.S. led every step in the arms race. That arms race remains the greatest immediate threat to the survival of human civilization and other living beings. That threat has persisted under every president from Truman to Trump. Noam Chomsky reminds us: Khrushchev proposed sharp mutual reductions in offensive weapons. The incoming Kennedy administration considered the offer and rejected it, instead turning to rapid military expansion, even though it was already far in the lead. The late Kenneth Waltz, supported by other strategic analysts with close connections to U.S. intelligence, wrote then that the Kennedy administration undertook the largest strategic and conventional peacetime military build-up the world has yet seen even as Khrushchev was trying at once to carry through a major reduction in the conventional forces and to follow a strategy of minimum deterrence, and we did so even though the balance of strategic weapons greatly favored the United States.' More recently, anti-missile systems have been portrayed as defensive weapons, but this too is deceptive. No nuclear expert seriously thinks that these could withstand a full-scale nuclear exchange. Their deployment might at least plausibly repel the survivors of a first strike against a small-scale nuclear opponent, such as North Korea or Iran. The irrationality with which Trump is properly charged is also part of the core nuclear doctrine. He is a perfect manifestation of what nuclear strategists have in mind. Chomsky cites a crucial Strategic Air Command study: That Stratcom study was concerned with the role of nuclear weapons in the post-cold war era. A central conclusion: that the U.S. must maintain the right to launch a first strike, even against non-nuclear states. Furthermore, nuclear weapons must always be at the ready because they cast a shadow over any crisis or conflict. They were, that is, constantly being used, just as youre using a gun if you aim but dont fire one while robbing a store (a point that Daniel Ellsberg has repeatedly stressed). Stratcom went on to advise that planners should not be too rational about determining what the opponent values the most. Everything should simply be targeted. [It] hurts to portray ourselves as too fully rational and cool-headed That the U.S. may become irrational and vindictive if its vital interests are attacked should be a part of the national persona we project. It is beneficial [for our strategic posture] if some elements may appear to be potentially out of control,' thus posing a constant threat of nuclear attacka severe violation of the UN charter, if anyone cares. Nor is such talk merely theoretical speculation. Not only did the Kennedy Administration pour fuel on the fire of the arms race, it practiced nuclear brinksmanship of the most dangerous sort. Here is Chomsky again: As the crisis peaked in late October, Kennedy received a secret letter from Khrushchev offering to end it by simultaneous public withdrawal of Russian missiles from Cuba and U.S. Jupiter missiles from Turkey. The latter were obsolete missiles, already ordered withdrawn by the Kennedy administration because they were being replaced by far more lethal Polaris submarines to be stationed in the Mediterranean. Kennedys subjective estimate at that moment was that if he refused the Soviet premiers offer, there was a 33 to 50 percent probability of nuclear war Kennedy nonetheless refused Khrushchevs proposal for public withdrawal of the missiles from Cuba and Turkey; only the withdrawal from Cuba could be public, so as to protect the U.S. right to place missiles on Russias borders or anywhere else it chose. It is hard to think of a more horrendous decision in historyand for this, he is still highly praised for his cool courage and statesmanship. (Popular culture has this story right. The movie Jackie suggests JFK will be remembered for ending a crisis he created.) In this context we need to question corporate medias frequent reference to modernizing nuclear weapons, the presumed sensible alternative to Trumps bellicosity. Weapons modernization is a euphemism that hides the real agenda, to render such weapons usable in regional wars. U.S. strategic rhetoric has always turned on the notion that nuclear superiority deters and that the U.S. must therefore never take the nuclear optioneven first strikeoff the table. That doctrine is dangerous at its core. How does the U.S. convince an opponent that it is always willing to use nuclear weapons? Eventually only by use of those weapons. (It would also be hard to convince residents of the Marshall Islands that after Japan we have never used such weapons.) Apocalypse by Accident? Ironically, President Trumps frequent nuclear blustering serves to hide one aspect of the nuclear risk. Focus on his instability and possible impetuous resort to the nuclear trigger may distract from equally significant dangers. Any discussion to the threat posed by nuclear weapons should include recounting and further explanation of the multiple accidents with nuclear weaponry as well as the environmental dangers their manufacture and storage pose. In a review of Eric Schlossers book on nuclear weapons, Jenny Turner said the effort to control nuclear weaponsto ensure that one doesnt go off by accident is undermined, over and over again, by demands from the military for bombs they can trust to explode. There is a long catalogue of near disastrous accidents with nuclear weapons. Details of an infamous 1961 incident involving the accidental drop of an H-Bomb over Greensboro, NC are especially chilling, especially given President Trumps decision similarly to arm B-52s today. These details also suggest we should place little reliance on the willingness of top level generals to restrain the president. Here is a summary from the Guardian: Further detail on what happened to the Mark 39 bomb when it fell over Goldsboro is given in a newly declassified document written in 1987 reviewing the U.S. nuclear weapon safety programme. It records that as the B-52 broke up, the pin to arm the bomb that was normally manually operated was yanked out as it fell, thus arming it. All the various stages of the bombs fallthe operation of the arming system, deployment of the parachute, timer operation, activation of its batteries, and delivery of the signal that would actually fire the bomb at impactall followed as a natural consequence of the bomb falling free. Only the lack of engagement of the final ready-safe switch prevented nuclear detonation of this bomb.' Despite such expert awareness of the extremely tentative safeguards that stood between America and unthinkable disaster, successive U.S. administrations kept up the line in public that the countrys nuclear arsenal was free from any risk of accidental detonation. This incident, just like the Cuban Missile crisis soon to follow, was just one more case where political and military leaders put the preservation of state power ahead of genuine public safety. Because they are so dangerous, access to them must be limited, and thus independent investigators cannot accumulate information that could inform a critical assessment of their domestic risks. Secondly, preservation of nuclear secrecy is presented as one aspect of U.S. nuclear superiority. Finally, because they are one of the central pillars in our collective identity as a power second to none, criticism of these weapons is often written off as enemy-inspired and thus illegitimate. Add to this the economic boost nuclear arms provide to key military contractors and one has the makings of an almost invulnerable political machine. As Turner put it, Nuclear weapons are not like Wikipedia, on which anybody can spot a mistake and write in. About the best argument I can think of for the safety of nuclear weaponry is that none has been accidentally detonated so far. From Schlossers description, this technological success is in large measure fortuitous. I will state it as a lawcomplex systems are prone to unpredictable malfunctions. And as with many features of industrial life, there is more glory and economic reward in building the technologies than in maintaining them. Furthermore, in the grand scheme of human civilization, not to say of the planet, 72 years is but a trifle. Donald Trumps climate agenda is extraordinarily dangerous, but his posture on nuclear weapons is not as far out of the accepted strategic doctrines as his critics charge. Policy in both domains constitutes an imminent threat to the future of human civilization. Climate denialism has its parallel in those elites expecting to survive nuclear winter. Up until recently climate concerns have largely displaced the issues of nuclear weaponry. That must stop. Movements against nuclear power and nuclear weapons have a long history of facing repressive attacks and mounting cross-border collaboration. Enormous sums are already invested even in the shoddy maintenance of our nuclear arsenal, and many of Trumps opponents are committed to dangerous modernization of that arsenal. Those funds might better go to meeting the long-term climate crisis. Intensifying climate deterioration risks exacerbating cross border tensions and provoking war, which will surely some day become nuclear. These issues and movements need each other. Reposted with permission from our media associate Common Dreams. John Buell lives in Southwest Harbor, Maine and writes on labor and environmental issues. His most recent book, published by Palgrave in August 2011, is Politics, Religion, and Culture in an Anxious Age. He may be reached at By Rhea Suh It wasnt enough to hijack a ceremony to honor Navajo code talkers so he could deride a U.S. senator as Pocahontas. President Trump now plans to go to Utah on Monday to decimate the Bears Ears National Monument, public land thats sacred to five tribes of Native Americans. Not content to relegate a historic figure to a partisan punch line, Trump is poised to build on a shameful legacy of betraying indigenous Americans. He is breaking a solemn promise to forever safeguard ancestral lands that speak to vital parts of our countrys history. He reportedly intends to shrink the Bears Ears monument from more than one million acres to a mere 200,000 and to similarly gut the nearby Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. And he aims to expose hundreds of thousands of acres of these lands to destructive industrial mining and drilling that profit the few at the expense of the many. That formula increasingly defines the Trump agenda. It strikes at the very ideals of equity and government by the people that sustain our notions of nationhood. In this case, it also revives an acutely painful injustice to the original American people. Wresting land from tribes was disgraceful in the 19th century. Were not about to countenance it now. During Mondays White House ceremony to honor the heroism of the Navajo code talkerswho used their native language as the basis for a secret code that helped the U.S. Marines prevail in some of the bloodiest fighting in World War IITrump used the occasion to scorn Senator Elizabeth Warren, calling her Pocahontas. He managed in a single blundering stroke to offend the dignity of the event, mock Warrens claim to Native American heritage and belittle a woman of great importance in our nations history. Pocahontas is a real person not a caricature, Navajo Nation President Russell Begaye told CNN. This is a person, a young lady and Native American woman, that played a critical role in the life of this nation. Much of what is believed about Pocahontas comes from the accounts of English settlers. Captain John Smith wrote in his memoirs that she twice saved the first permanent English settlement in America, at Jamestown. According to accounts by him and others, Pocahontas spent much of her life trying to bridge the conflicting transatlantic worlds of her native Powhatan people and the English invaders. It is documented that she was the first Native American known to have married an Englishman. She gave birth to the first English-American child of record. And she crossed the Atlantic to bolster flagging investor support in London for the foundering English colony in Virginia. Without Pocahontas, by the settlers own telling, Jamestown would have failed. Its bad enough Trump doesnt know history. His plans, now, have echoes of one of the most shameful chapters in our past. The lands of southeastern Utah have been home to indigenous peoples for thousands of years. Its a majestic region of sandstone canyons, desert mesas, forested highlands and red rock formations. One area in particular, named for twin buttes that resemble the ears of a bear, contains ancient cliff dwellings, rock art and more than 100,000 other archaeological, cultural and spiritual sites. They attest to varied and diverse American civilizations that existed long before the first Europeans arrived. Thats why President Obama created Bears Ears National Monument, setting aside 1.35 million acres of public land for special protections meant to preserve this special place for all time. [facebook expand=1] Remember, this is public land, protected in the public interestand in this case, with a twist. The indigenous people whose ancestors lived on Bears Ears lands have a direct say in the monuments management and long-term planning. The Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition is made up of leaders from the Hopi Nation, Navajo Nation, Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah Ouray and the Pueblo of Zuni. It makes sense to tap into the wisdom and experience of people whove known these lands for centuries. Native peoples have a voice, and we all have a stake, in the lasting preservation of Bears Ears. Thats why, since Trump first hinted at carving up Bears Ears, more than a million public comments have poured in to support this unique monument. If history is the conversation we have with the past, we need to listen closely. Trump, though, is listening to industrys version, not the American peoples. Well, he wont get away with it. The Antiquities Act of 1906 gives presidents the authority to designate national monuments. It does not empower them to slice up monuments designated by others. If Trump tries to do that to Bears Ears, we and others will take him to court. And well carry with us the inspiration of patriots like Peter MacDonald, who was 15 years old when he volunteered to become one of the 400 Navajo code talkers serving our country. Today, hes one of 13 still alive to tell their story. What we did truly represents who we are as Americans, MacDonald said at Mondays White House ceremony. We have different languages, different skills, different talents and different religion. But when our way of life is threatened, like the freedom and liberty that we all cherish, we come together as one. And we will come together as one in the next few days, with our community partners, to block any illegal attempt by this president to eviscerate protections for Bears Ears. Police warn of bank survey scam Police are warning of a scam where members of the public are being urged to call a premium rate phone number as part of a survey. The caller claims to be doing a survey for Manx Banks and ask the victim to ring them back on an 0345 number. The Isle of Man Constabulary says the number has received multiple complaints on the whocalledme website, including from local people. Officers admit there's not much they can do about these calls, but the public can seek advice on call blocking from their telecoms provider. Three week extension for planning consultation The public is being given longer to respond to a consultation on the Island's planning system. Manx residents have been given an extra three weeks until January 8th to submit feedback on the proposals. The consultation includes 55 questions on the planning system, including whether it should be easier for the Government to change planning policy and whether more developments can take place without planning permission. The Cabinet Office is conducting the consultation as part of the Programme for Government pledge to create a planning system that supports sustainable growth. The consultation period has been extended as a number of organisation, including local authorities, asked for longer to put their responses together. Full details of the proposals can be found on the consultation section of the Government's website. By PTI: By Sajjad Hussain Islamabad, Nov 30 (PTI) Pakistan today said there will be no meeting with India on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in Russia. Pakistan Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi is currently in the Russian city of Sochi for the SCO Head of Governments meeting and Foreign Office (FO) spokesman Mohammad Faisal was asked at regular briefing about any meeting between the leaders of the two countries. advertisement External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj will represent India at the two-day summit. "There is no planned meeting on the sidelines of the Summit," Faisal said. To a question about the decision on Indias request to let the mother of convicted Indian death row prisoner Kulbhushan Jadhav in Pakistan meet him, Faisal said it was still being "considered". He also said that Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua yesterday went to the Anti-Terrorist Court (ATC) hearing of 2008 Mumbai attack case and "informed the court that the decision of the court to convey the names of the Indian witnesses required for testifying in this case was being considered by the Interior Ministry". He said Pakistan continues to stress the need for a meaningful dialogue for confidence building, avoidance of arms race and promotion of strategic stability in South Asia and Pakistans proposal for a Strategic Restraint Regime for South Asia remains on the table. He expressed concern over the latest launch of the cruise missile by India and said it was part of the ongoing build-up and induction of sophisticated weaponry and delivery systems by India. India recently test fired the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile for the first time from the Indian Air Forces frontline Sukhoi-30 MKI combat jet, significantly bolstering the countrys aerial prowess. PTI SH UZM AKJ UZM --- ENDS --- Specialist support offered to sexual abuse victims The Isle of Man Constabulary's Public Protection Unit says those who report a sexual offence will be offered specialist support and advice. The reminder comes after 57-year-old Antony Carus was sentenced to nine years in prison for a number of historic sexual offences. Officers say it takes strength and courage to report such a crime, and that specialist detectives in the Public Protection Team are available to speak to those who wish to report sexual abuse. Specialist support, guidance and advice is offered to the victim throughout the police investigation. The Public Protection Team can be contacted at Police Headquarters. Many studies have suggested that the genetics of skin pigmentation are simple. A small number of known genes, it is thought, account for nearly 50 percent of pigment variation. However, these studies rely on datasets consisting almost entirely of information from northern Eurasian populations--those that reside mostly in higher latitude regions. Reporting in the November 30 issue of Cell, researchers from the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Stanford University, and Stony Brook University report that while skin pigmentation is nearly 100 percent heritable, it is hardly a straightforward, Mendelian trait. By working closely with the KhoeSan, a group of populations indigenous to southern Africa, the researchers have found that the genetics of skin pigmentation become progressively complex as populations reside closer to the equator, with an increasing number of genes--known and unknown--involved, each making a smaller overall contribution. "Africa has the greatest amount of phenotypic variability in skin color, and yet it's been underrepresented in large scale endeavors," said Alicia Martin, a postdoctoral scientist in the lab of Broad Institute member Mark Daly. "There are some genes that are known to contribute to skin pigmentation, but by and large there are many more new genes that have not been discovered." "We need to spend more time focusing on these understudied populations in order to gain deeper genetic insights," said Brenna Henn, assistant professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolution at Stony Brook University who, along with Martin, is a co-corresponding author. The paper is a culmination of seven years of research that spanned several institutions, starting with a collaboration between Stellenbosch University in South Africa and Stanford University in Carlos Bustamante's lab, where Martin and Henn trained. Martin, Henn, and their colleagues spent a great deal of time with the KhoeSan, interviewing individuals, and taking anthropometric measurements (height, age, gender), and using a reflectometer to quantitatively measure skin color. In total, they accumulated data for approximately 400 individuals. The researchers genotyped each sample -- looking at hundreds of thousands of sites across the genome to identify genetic markers linked with pigmentation measures -- and sequenced particular areas of interest. They took this information and compared it to a dataset that comprised nearly 5,000 individuals representing globally diverse populations throughout Africa, Asia, and Europe. What they found offers a counter-narrative to the common view on pigmentation. The prevailing theory is that "directional selection" pushes pigmentation in a single direction, from dark to light in high latitudes and from light to dark in lower latitudes. But Martin and Henn's data showed that the trajectory is more complex. Directional selection, as a guiding principle, seems to hold in far northern latitudes. But as populations move closer to the equator, a dynamic called "stabilizing selection" takes effect. Here, an increasing number of genes begins to influence variability. Only about 10 percent of this variation can be attributed to genes known to affect pigmentation. In addition, the researchers found some unexpected insights into particular genes associated with pigmentation. A derived mutation in one gene, SLC24A5, is thought to have arisen in Europe roughly 10,000 to 20,000 years ago. However, in the KhoeSan populations it appears in a much higher frequency than recent European admixture alone would suggest, indicating that it has either been positively selected in this population, actually arose in this population, or entered the population through gene flow thousands of years ago. "We're still teasing this apart," said Martin. They also found that a gene called SMARCA2/VLDLR, which has not previously been associated with pigmentation in humans, seems to play a role among the KhoeSan. Several different variants are all uniquely associated with pigmentation near these genes, and variants in these genes have been associated with pigmentation in animals. "Southern African KhoeSan ancestry appears to neither lighten or darken skin," said Martin. "Rather, it just increases variation. In fact, the KhoeSan are approximately fifty percent lighter than equatorial Africans. Ultimately, in northern latitudes pigmentation is more homogenous, while in lower latitudes, it's more diverse--both genetically and phenotypically." "The full picture of the genetic architecture of skin pigmentation will not be complete unless we can represent diverse populations worldwide," said Henn. ### Martin is a member of both the Program in Medical and Population Genetics and the Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research at the Broad Institute. This work is part of the Stanley Center's global initiative to ensure that datasets increasingly represent individuals from developing countries. This research was funded by the Stanford Center for Computational, Evolutionary, and Human Genomics. About the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard was launched in 2004 to empower this generation of creative scientists to transform medicine. The Broad Institute seeks to describe all the molecular components of life and their connections; discover the molecular basis of major human diseases; develop effective new approaches to diagnostics and therapeutics; and disseminate discoveries, tools, methods, and data openly to the entire scientific community. Founded by MIT, Harvard, Harvard-affiliated hospitals, and the visionary Los Angeles philanthropists Eli and Edythe L. Broad, the Broad Institute includes faculty, professional staff, and students from throughout the MIT and Harvard biomedical research communities and beyond, with collaborations spanning over a hundred private and public institutions in more than 40 countries worldwide. For further information about the Broad Institute, go to Cell Press, home of the flagship journals Cell, Chem, and Joule, welcomes a new addition for basic and applied research across life, physical, and earth science. iScience (@iScience_CP), an interdisciplinary, open-access, peer-reviewed journal, will publish on a continuous basis starting early 2018. The journal promises fast and fair decisions and will promote rigorous research that advances a field and reporting with transparent methods, replication studies, and negative results. Articles can now be submitted at Sign up for alerts at "My main hope for iScience is that it will coalesce around a community of like-minded scientists who deeply value research that builds bridges and stimulates interdisciplinary thinking," says Lead Editor Stefano Tonzani, who holds a PhD in physics from the University of Colorado Boulder and has helped launch a number of open-access titles. 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We drive science forward and promote cross-pollination of ideas with our passion for excellence and commitment to innovation. Our aim is to engage the scientific community by communicating important, exciting discoveries made today that will impact the future of research. Visit: Combining two different immunotherapy treatments could dramatically improve lymphoma survival, according to a Cancer Research UK funded study published in Cancer Cell today (Thursday). Researchers from the University of Southampton tested different combinations of antibodies* in the lab to see how they interact with each other and what effect this has on how the immune system fights cancer. They found one combination - anti-CD27 and anti-CD20 - greatly increased life expectancy in mice with cancer. While most of the mice given just one of the antibodies died within 80 days, nearly all mice given both antibodies survived beyond 100 days.** When combined, the researchers found the antibodies recruit greater numbers of immune cells called myeloid cells, as well as increasing their ability to destroy cancer cells. As a direct result of this study, the combination will now be tested in patients as part of a clinical trial funded by Cancer Research UK.*** Dr Sean Lim, a Cancer Research UK clinician scientist at the University of Southampton, said: "By combining two specific antibodies - anti-CD27 and anti-CD20 - we've increased the ability of the immune system to destroy cancer cells. "It's very exciting to see that this drug combination has an impact on survival of mice with lymphoma, as improvements in treatment are urgently needed. The next stage will be to see if what we've discovered can be replicated in patients." Professor Karen Vousden, Cancer Research UK's chief scientist, said: "This study greatly increases our understanding of how different immunotherapies can work together to improve the way we treat lymphoma. "By testing this approach in a clinical trial we will see if this promising research will translate into benefit for patients." ### For media enquiries contact Kathryn Ingham in the Cancer Research UK press office on 020 3469 5475 or, out of hours, on 07050 264 059. Notes to editor: Lim, S, H., et al., Antibody tumour targeting is enhanced by CD27 agonists through myeloid recruitment. Cancer Cell. DOI: 10.1016/j.ccell.2017.11.001 Post embargo link: *Researchers tested a variety of combinations of 'tumour targeting' monoclonal antibodies and 'immunomodulatory' monoclonal antibodies. They showed that anti-CD27, an immunomodulatory monoclonal antibody, enhanced anti-CD20 (tumour targeting) therapy in various preclinical models. **Median survival for mice given anti-CD20 therapy ranged between 24 and 49 days. Median survival for mice given anti-CD27 therapy ranged between 49 and 79 days. When given the drug in combination, almost all mice survived until they were euthanized at 100 days. ***Based on these data, a phase 2, multicentre clinical trial will test the combination of rituximab and varililumab in patients with relapsed and/or refractory B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma About Cancer Research UK * Cancer Research UK is the world's leading cancer charity dedicated to saving lives through research. * Cancer Research UK's pioneering work into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer has helped save millions of lives. * Cancer Research UK receives no government funding for its life-saving research. Every step it makes towards beating cancer relies on vital donations from the public. * Cancer Research UK has been at the heart of the progress that has already seen survival in the UK double in the last 40 years. * Today, 2 in 4 people survive their cancer for at least 10 years. Cancer Research UK's ambition is to accelerate progress so that by 2034, 3 in 4 people will survive their cancer for at least 10 years. * Cancer Research UK supports research into all aspects of cancer through the work of over 4,000 scientists, doctors and nurses. * Together with its partners and supporters, Cancer Research UK's vision is to bring forward the day when all cancers are cured. For further information about Cancer Research UK's work or to find out how to support the charity, please call 0300 123 1022 or visit Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. About the University of Southampton Building on its cancer immunology research expertise and recent successes in immunotherapy trials, the University of Southampton has launched a major fundraising campaign to raise 25m to open the UK's first dedicated Centre for Cancer Immunology at Southampton General Hospital. The Centre will be the first of its kind in the UK and will bring together world-leading specialists in a unique state-of-the art centre. The aim of the new Centre is to accelerate research progress, conduct more clinical trials and save more lives from cancer. Find out more about it at ITHACA, N.Y. - People with disabilities face all sorts of discrimination every day. New Cornell University research suggests they may also face it while interacting with the police. People with disabilities in the study - including emotional, physical, cognitive or sensory disabilities - were nearly 44 percent more likely to be arrested by age 28, while those without had a lower probability of arrest, at 30 percent. This "disability penalty" was strongest for African-American men. Black men with disabilities in the study were at a particularly high risk of arrest: 55 percent had been arrested by age 28. In contrast, 27.5 percent of whites in the study who had no disability had been arrested by that age. The research was published this month in the American Journal of Public Health. "I expected to find that people with disabilities would be more likely to be arrested, but I was frankly shocked by how large the disparity was," said author Erin McCauley, a doctoral candidate in the field of policy analysis and management. "These findings really point to a problem," she said. "For people with disabilities, particularly men of color, the experience of arrest is extraordinarily common. They are constantly exposed to this risk." And because the types of disability were evenly distributed across all races, the difference in the probabilities of arrest between whites and blacks is likely due to racial discrimination, she said. The findings have public health implications, she said. For example, police training should put stronger emphasis on de-escalation, minimizing the use of force, and the role of implicit bias in police interactions, she said. In the paper, she wrote: "Police officers should understand how disabilities may affect compliance and other behaviors, and likewise how implicit bias and structural racism may affect reactions and actions of officers and the systems they work within in ways that create inequities." And ensuring high-quality care could decrease how frequently and closely people with disabilities come into contact with the criminal justice system, she said. "For many with disabilities, quality health care is imperative for positive functioning within the community through increasing access to medication and support services," she wrote. ### Cornell University has television, ISDN and dedicated Skype/Google+ Hangout studios available for media interviews. Nov. 29, 2017-- The Heilbrunn Department of Population and Family Health at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health has announced the launch of a study to measure the impact of the expanded Mexico City Policy on the health and wellbeing of women and health providers. Researchers and advocates will share strategies and methods to assess the current policy's impact and its effect on policy and practice relating to sexual and reproductive health services in the future. Recently, the Mexico City Policy, sometimes referred to as the Global Gag Rule (GGR), has been reinstated and vastly broadened to apply to global health assistance furnished by all departments or agencies. Organizations that refuse to adhere to the policy will not be able to receive U.S. government funding for health activities. Organizations that do agree will keep their funding, but they will be prohibited from referring women to any kind of services that may include abortion. They may also cut back on family planning and other services, as they fear endangering needed funding. As a result, the impact of the expanded Mexico City Policy is expected to be significant; it could undercut access to abortion, contraception, gender-based violence counseling, and HIV testing and treatment, among other life-saving services. Its effects will likely be further exacerbated by cuts to USAID and the UN Population Fund, which provides contraceptives. There are estimates that more than half a billion dollars in aid are at risk in Kenya alone. Currently, the policy affects women's health in more than 60 countries in the developing world, and $8.8 billion in foreign aid--an increase from $600 million when the policy was implemented during the George W. Bush administration. The study will focus on the countries of Kenya and Nepal to start and eventually expand to other countries. Laws in both Kenya and Nepal have permitted abortion to be openly provided to preserve the life and health of a woman, and each country receives substantial U.S. government funding. "It is essential to research the impact of these new restrictions. We will do so in partnership with colleagues in Kenya and Nepal," said Terry McGovern, JD, Chair of the Heilbrunn Department of Population and Family Health at the Mailman School. Professor McGovern co-leads the research team alongside Professor Lynn Freedman, JD, MPH and Adjunct Professor Latanya Mapp Frett, JD, MPP. Ms. McGovern is an expert in the intersection between health and the law, with a particular focus on sexual and reproductive health services and human rights. Ms. Freedman directs the Heilbrunn Department's Averting Maternal Death and Disability (AMDD) program, which works with local and regional partners to reduce maternal and newborn mortality and foster strong, accountable health systems. She has published widely on issues of maternal mortality and on health and human rights. Ms. Mapp Frett is the Executive Director of Planned Parenthood Global and a Vice President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America; she has spent her professional career advocating for the human rights of women. Broadening the Partnership The Heilbrunn Department will assemble key international research and advocacy partners working in the area of sexual and reproductive health services to build on the evidence-based research, ensure the policy relevance of the work, leverage potential synergies, and to avoid duplication. Local, country-based research and policy groups that are already conducting studies on sexual and reproductive health services and the implication of current policies will contribute to the research. Throughout the process, the Heilbrunn Department team will enhance the local partners' capacity to carry out future data collection, analysis, and dissemination. With a strong network of partners in Kenya and Nepal, and a robust group of reproductive health organizations present, the data can be leveraged for maximum impact. The research team members have significant expertise in collaborative training on content, research methodology, and findings dissemination and will provide in-country training and ongoing technical assistance to the local partner organizations. "Our ongoing relationships with other organizations seeking to determine the impact of the expanded policy make us well positioned to support a partnership that will result in synergy and renewed strength for advocacy in sexual and reproductive health services," noted McGovern. ### The project is supported by $1 million grants from both the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, supporting their commitment to ensuring that women and young people have access to the quality reproductive health information and services they want and need throughout their lives to make decisions that are right for them. The Harriet and Robert Heilbrunn Department of Population and Family Health works to promote sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and rights with an emphasis on underserved populations in the U.S. and globally. Since its inception, the Heilbrunn Department has used groundbreaking implementation science and practice in SRH and rights, forced migration, child and adolescent health, environmental justice, and complex health systems to improve health outcomes in countries around the world. Internationally known today for its research and development of pioneering SRH, maternal health, and health systems initiatives, the Heilbrunn Department is committed to creating evidence that shifts and informs policy and practice, in partnership with communities, to prevent and lift populations out of health-related adversities. Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health Founded in 1922, Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health pursues an agenda of research, education, and service to address the critical and complex public health issues affecting New Yorkers, the nation and the world. The Mailman School is the third largest recipient of NIH grants among schools of public health. Its over 450 multi-disciplinary faculty members work in more than 100 countries around the world, addressing such issues as preventing infectious and chronic diseases, environmental health, maternal and child health, health policy, climate change & health, and public health preparedness. It is a leader in public health education with over 1,300 graduate students from more than 40 nations pursuing a variety of master's and doctoral degree programs. The Mailman School is also home to numerous world-renowned research centers including ICAP and the Center for Infection and Immunity. For more information, please visit By PTI: By K J M Varma Beijing, Nov 30 (PTI) Chinese President Xi Jinping today met his former US counterpart Barack Obama amid the escalating tensions after North Korea fired a long range ballistic missile capable of hitting anywhere in America. In his talks with Obama, Xi stressed that China and the US had an important responsibility to safeguard world peace and stability, as well as boost global development and prosperity. advertisement Xi briefed Obama on the major outcomes of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) held last month. The CPC endorsed a second five-year term for Xi and amended its constitution to add the 64-year-old leaders name and ideology, elevating him on a par with party founder Mao Zedong and his successor Deng Xiaoping. They called for enhanced communication, exchanges and cooperation between China and the US. Xi made a positive appraisal of Obamas efforts in promoting China-US relations during his presidency, state-run Xinhua news agency reported. A long-term, stable and healthy development of Sino-US ties accords with the interests of both nations and the world, Xi said. China is ready to work with the US to strengthen communication, exchanges and cooperation, so as to push for new development of bilateral relations, he said. Obama, who is currently on a visit to China, India and France, thanked Xi and appreciated Chinas development achievements, the report said. Earlier, Xi held telephonic talks with US President Donald Trump and discussed the situation arising from North Koreas firing of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) yesterday which splashed down in the Sea of Japan, shattering a two-month calm in Northeast Asia. Trump spoke to Xi yesterday, urging him to use "all available levers" to convince North Korea to end its provocations and return to the path of denuclearisation. China is North Koreas only major ally and biggest trading partner. In response to Trumps demands, Beijing has backed increasingly tough UN Security Council resolutions on North Korea to convince it to return to talks. The official Korean Central News Agency said yesterday that Kim, who personally signed off on the launch, "declared with pride that now we have finally realised the great historic cause of completing the state nuclear force, the cause of building a rocket power". PTI KJV MRJ AKJ MRJ --- ENDS --- When applying international cancer guidelines, one size does not fit all Researchers surveying breast cancer management in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region have identified significant barriers to applying international guidelines in this area, and are calling for localised best practice. MedicalSurveys-17 Research Group, a group of young oncologists working in different institutes across the Middle East, have established the Middle East and North Africa Breast Cancer Guidelines Project. Surveying breast cancer management in the MENA region, these researchers have identified barriers to applying international guidelines to their unique setting. The results of their survey have today been published in the open-access medical journal ecancermedicalscience. Whilst international cancer management guidelines are considered best practice, the study shows that they do not reflect specific challenges faced in the MENA region. These challenges include younger age at presentation, lack of national breast screening programmes, lack of reliable data registries, and socioeconomic factors. The need for specific regional guidelines for the management of breast cancer was agreed upon by 90.6% of survey responders. "One of the main factors affecting breast cancer patients and their outcome is the availability of facilities," says corresponding author Dr Adel Aref, a medical oncologist and PhD student at the University of Adelaide, Australia. "Regional guidelines should be developed with an understanding of available resources and needs." There are a number of cancer societies in the MENA region, but they're missing a unifying effort to improve breast cancer management in the MENA region as a whole, says Dr Aref. That's why he conducted this survey of healthcare professionals to determine the best way to start. "There must be more concern on how to give breast cancer patients the best outcome when there is a shortage of care facilities," says Dr Aref. "Clinical trials should be designed for specific problems that we face with our patients in the MENA region - they should consider cost-effectiveness, as well as trying to improve outcomes from limited facilities. That's the cornerstone to improve breast cancer outcome in these areas." The authors suggest that the existing European example of collaborative work in cancer research could be adapted in the MENA region. Working groups and societies would provide one method of gathering knowledge, which could be supported by fundraising and continuing medical education. Dr Aref stresses that his findings should be built upon as part of a collaborative, region-wide effort. "We do think that the improvement in breast cancer management and in breast cancer research in the MENA region will only be achieved by a strong and dedicated collaboration between all the societies, and individuals in the MENA region." ### Editor's Notes This information is embargoed until 15:00 GMT on the 30th November, 2017. Dr Adel Aref is available for comment. For a copy of the final version of the paper, to set up an interview or for more information please contact Karen Watts, Head of Communications, ecancer ( Citation information and links: Fayed Reham, Hamza Dina, Abdallah Heba, Kelany Mohamed, Tahseen Amira and Aref Adel T (2017) Do we need regional guidelines for breast cancer management in the MENA region? MENA Breast Cancer Guidelines project ecancer 11 783 About ecancermedicalscience ( ecancermedicalscience (ecancer) is the official open access journal of the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI) and the European Institute of Oncology (IEO), Milan. The journal was established in 2007 by Professor Umberto Veronesi and Professor Gordon McVie with the mission to break down the financial barriers to accessing cancer research and education. The journal is not for profit and only charges authors an article publication fee if they have specific funding for publishing. So far over 2000 authors have published for free. The journal is funded by the Swiss based ECMS foundation, educational grants, sponsorship and charitable donations. Already the hottest continent, parts of Africa may warm by up to 6 C by the end of the century, even though its greenhouse gas emissions of 4 tonnes per person per year are way below the global average of 7.3 tonnes. As an estimated one in 4 people on Earth may live in Africa by 2050, infrastructure and services will come under increased pressure, and detailed up-to-date information on settlements, transport networks and exposure to natural and man-made disasters will be essential. To cope with these challenges, Africa needs to tap into its natural and human potential, including its considerable hydropower sources, its bountiful solar power, and its young and internet-savvy population. However, conflicts have massive detrimental impacts on development and, with an average Conflict Risk Index of 5 (a third higher than the global average of 3.7), Africa is a more risky place for development then the rest of the world. This is just some of the information included in the new JRC report, which is structured around the shared priorities of people, planet, prosperity and peace. With detailed assessment of the current situation, trends, challenges and opportunities in each of the four priority areas, the report also identifies gaps in available knowledge, and proposes future actions and priority areas for AU-EU research. The report is accompanied by the online Africa StoryMaps, which presents the key findings of the report in a series of interactive maps. Thanks to over 30 years of JRC collaboration with academic and administrative bodies in Africa, the report also offers historical perspectives and presents the data in a holistic way. AU-EU research cooperation opportunities - improving access to innovation and education It is essential to develop and share knowledge to address the interconnected challenges that face Africa and Europe. Despite the great strides made in the past decade, Africa still has less than 100 researchers per million people, compared to the global average of 1 100. It can therefore benefit from research cooperation and support. The AU-EU report presents three main avenues for collaborative actions: Share experience of using scientific evidence for policymaking (for example in partnership with the International Network for Government Scientific Advice); Provide geographic information and knowledge management systems (such as on human settlements, surface-water occurrence, protected areas, renewable energy potential, and soils); Provide customised training and capacity-building. Joint action along these lines can lead to improved innovation and education, which in turn would advance knowledge and skills in areas of future employment growth such as computer and Earth observation sciences, cybersecurity, e-commerce and renewable energies. People - there will be more of them. Improved urban planning is key, together with better disaster preparedness and rapid reaction to food-security emergencies Today, Africa is home to 1.2 billion people (more than twice the population of the European Union). This is projected to rise to 2 billion by 2050. To put it in perspective, this means that 1 in 4 of the world's inhabitants will live in Africa by 2050. Africa's rapid population growth is concentrated in urban areas as people migrate from rural areas to the larger cities. Between 1990 and 2015, the urban population of Africa has doubled, with 80 % of Africans living in urban areas. If managed well, urbanisation contributes to sustainable growth. However, its speed and scale brings challenges, including rapidly growing demand for affordable housing, transport systems, and other infrastructure, basic services, and jobs. The European Commission's Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL), the most complete and consistent, global, free and open dataset on human settlements helps to quantify and understand the issues driving urbanisation. Around half of Africa's population is located within 100 km of the coast, and most do not have access to good quality transport. The JRC's Global Map of Accessibility highlights those areas that are remote from major urban centres by showing overland travel time to cities that have more than 50 000 inhabitants. As regards migration, over the past 25 years the ratio of intra-African migration to the overall population has declined (from 2.1 % in 1990 to 1.4 % in 2015), but the ratio of Europe-bound migration remained stable. Given the increasing population, there has been a 60% growth in the actual number of migrants since 1990. Worldwide, about one-third of all refugees are African nationals, and most of them remain in Africa. Africa remains the continent most at risk of disasters and humanitarian crises. The combination of conflicts and natural hazards often causes complex and protracted crises. In the past 40 years, over 400 million people in Africa have been affected by droughts, 68 million by floods, 13 million by disease outbreaks and 13 million by tropical cyclones. While some 20 African states have achieved Millennium Development Goal of hunger reduction, undernourishment is still widespread. Early-warning systems (such as INFORM) that facilitate rapid reaction to food-security emergencies are of particular value and should be strengthened. Planet - the continent offers abundant and valuable natural resources, but will become hotter, drier, and its rich biodiversity threatened. Climate observation, modelling, monitoring, reporting, investing in improving sustainable management of forests, land and protected areas and cooperation can help mitigate and adapt to these trends Africa is one of the most vulnerable continents to weather and climate variability. Millions of its people regularly suffer the impacts of extreme weather events, despite the fact that the continent's greenhouse gas emissions of 4 tonnes per person per year are far below the global average of 7.3 tonnes. Africa will become hotter by the end of the 21st century, with estimates of warming of over 3.5 C for most of the continent, and of up to 6 C in northern Africa and the Sahara. It is therefore important to collect climate observations and build climate services. Gaps in climate observations can lead to greater uncertainty when planning policy responses to climate change. The Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR) developed by JRC provides past and present day anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants by country and on a spatial grid, giving policymakers access to a wealth of information concerning emissions. Healthy and fertile soils can contribute to climate resilience, food security, sustainable rural development, poverty reduction and societal stability. With less than 13 % of the African land mass relatively free of natural constraints to agriculture, threats to soils such as soil erosion, loss of soil organic matter and soil nutrient depletion must be taken seriously. In 2013, the JRC produced the first ever Soil Atlas of Africa, which has become a reference work on the soils of the continent. As in other continents, Africa's biodiversity is threatened by the expansion of agriculture, extractive industries, infrastructure development, urbanisation, pollution, invasive alien species and climate change. Over three million hectares of natural habitat are lost each year in Africa. Protected areas help conserve natural heritage and generate local revenue and other benefits. African protected areas attract an estimated 69 million recreational visitors annually (mainly international tourists), and generate about US$ 4.8 billion direct in-country expenditure. This contributes substantially to local incomes and employment. Through the Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management (BIOPAMA) project and the Digital Observatory of Protected Areas (DOPA), the JRC is developing a solid information base to measure the status of these areas and to help devise the best management and policy actions. Access to sufficient and clean water plays a crucial role in achieving Africa's development goals. Given the increasing demand for water due to population growth, rising living standards, increased economic activities and climate change, it is important to keep track of the changes in water availability. The JRC has developed the Global Surface Water Explorer to map these changes by analysing satellite images over the past three decades. Africa's seas cover about 35 000 km of coastline and 13 million km2 of maritime economic zones in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, all with diverse environmental features and processes. Prosperity will be further enhanced by investing in renewables and ICT, sustainable agriculture, land tenure systems, improving infrastructure - all underpinned by spatial analysis systems During the past decade, agriculture employed up to 65% of the labour force in most sub-Saharan African countries. The farming sector is estimated to contribute 18 % to 25 % of sub-Saharan Africa's gross domestic product (GDP). Due to population growth and economic advances, demand for dairy products, meat, fish and eggs is expected to double by 2035. Much of that demand will come from expanding urban areas. Production will have to be balanced with growing demands for fibre and fuel. This may lead to competition among production systems (and regions and countries), as well as food-price volatility and inequality between subsistence and commercial farming sectors. A key prerequisite of economic growth is energy supply. Sub-Saharan Africa has only 0.3 million km of power lines, compared to the EU's 10 million km. Over 600 million people living in Africa have no access to electricity, and half of the continent's energy consumption comes from biomass (wood, charcoal and dung). Given Africa's wealth of renewable energy, expansion of the electricity grid should be accompanied by renewable energy expansion. Solar power is the most competitive technology option for almost 40 % of the African population - the same photovoltaic panel in Africa can produce twice the electricity it would in central Europe. Furthermore, only 8 % of Africa's considerable hydropower potential has been harnessed so far, which leaves much scope for growth. Also, reducing dependence on wood for fuel and use of more efficient stoves will reduce the health impact of emissions, alleviate pressure on woodland ecosystems, and free up time spent on gathering wood for fuel. As countries develop economically, telecommunications networks and broadband internet services become essential infrastructures. Given that fixed broadband penetration is very low in Africa, the vast majority of users access the internet through mobile broadband infrastructure. In 2012, there were already over 650 million mobile phone subscriptions, and more than 60 % of the population currently has access to ICT infrastructure. This, along with rapid economic growth and the widespread diffusion of mobile devices and networks (the key enablers of the African ICT revolution), means the e-commerce and online services industries may expand to an estimated US$75 billion (EUR 62.3 billion at 2017 exchange rates) by the year 2025, promising to give one of the strongest boosts to the African economy. The JRC's NetBravo app collects and provides information on the quality of mobile internet coverage. This can be particularly useful for the African continent where, given the sparsity of fixed telephone lines, people rely primarily on mobile telecommunications. Peace will be promoted and sustained through developing early warning and monitoring systems and enhancing cooperation Conflicts impede economic and societal development and lead to population displacement and migration. Histories of violence and environmental factors such as water stress and the location of hydrocarbon resources are particular contributors to the continent's elevated risk levels. While some conflicts have been reduced (spurred, for example, by the Kimberley process that cut down trade in conflict diamonds to less than 1% of the overall total) other threats may be emerging. There is an increasing risk of global threats in the chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) area. In Africa, chemical risks associated with the industrial and agricultural sectors have intensified, and exposure to health risks (epidemics and disasters) remains high. Acknowledging the global, multidimensional and cross-border nature of CBRN security threats, and the links between Europe's security and development and stability in the neighbouring regions, the EU CBRN Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence initiative was launched in 2010 under the Instrument for Stability. The initiative has 56 partner countries, including 27 African countries from three regions, with technical support from the JRC. Early warning, and an integrated view of the factors driving conflict in a specific region at a specific time, such as the Continental Early Warning System, can help in conflict prevention. Statistical conflict modelling can establish the link between natural resource location and armed conflict occurrence. Crowdsourcing and big data analytics can improve analysis by providing more and better data to feed conflict-measurement methodologies. ### JRC and Africa - 30 years of research cooperation The JRC has an over 30-year history of collaboration with academic and administrative bodies in Africa. Its satellite imagery, tools, models and research have been serving people across the continent, from forecasting crop yields, carrying out climate and environmental research, providing data when disasters strike, through to putting a spotlight on demography and migration issues. Now, this wealth of knowledge has been compiled for the first time in one publication, the JRC's Science for the AU-EU Partnership report, presented on the occasion of the 5th AU-EU Summit, taking place in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, on 29-30 November. The scope of the report reflects the evidence collected and the scientific work conducted by the JRC together with its partners in Africa and around the world. It aims to present reliable data, information and analysis based on the JRC's expertise in specific domains - while putting it in a broader perspective and referring to a variety of sources. The report will support and inform an evidence-based dialogue and further engagement with Africa's policymaking and scientific communities, and thus further strengthen, with a solid knowledge base, the renewed AU-EU Partnership. Research by Brazilian scientists shows that emotional development of children born preterm should be evaluated as much as physical growth and motor skills. A study conducted by researchers at the University of Sao Paulo's Ribeirao Preto School of Medicine (FMRP-USP) in Brazil, with support from the Sao Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP , indicates that length of stay in the ICU is the factor that best explains some preterm babies' behavioral problems relating to emotional regulation, regardless of the degree of prematurity and the presence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia and retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). According to the research, whose results were published in the journal Early Human Development, neonatal pain and stressful experiences can impair both early and later child development. "Moreover, the neonatal ICU environment includes other factors that impair child development, such as high levels of noise and luminosity, repetitive tactile stimuli, and maternal separation", the authors write. The sample population consisted of 100 preterm babies aged 18-36 months with differing levels of prematurity. The aim of the study was to find out how neonatal and socio-demographic factors influence early-childhood temperament and behavior. All the infants were born in FMRP-USP's hospital and enrolled in a multidisciplinary intervention program in its neonatal ICU. A number of tests were applied to evaluate temperament, stress and behavior, leading to scores for the relevant indicators. Predictors of behavioural patterns in adulthood The researchers' study of 100 preterm babies showed that longer stays in the neonatal ICU were a risk factor for behavioral problems. According to Maria Beatriz Martins Linhares, an associate professor at FMRP-USP and principal investigator for the study, early childhood is a window of opportunity for regulation of the individual's lifelong development. "Initial physiological and emotional regulation lays a foundation for several behavioral regulation processes," she said. "For this reason, it is important to recall that neonatal and childhood behavioral problems can point to the risk of behavioral problems in adulthood. These can potentially be prevented in the window between birth and about six years of age." The self-regulation process is completed by the age of five, starting with emotional regulation up to the age of approximately 18 months and followed by behavioral regulation. "Self-control emerges at around three or four years of age, with development of the executive attention system, which is relevant to effortful control, enhancing the potential for behavior regulation," the authors write. Temperament changes during the course of development. With typical child development, therefore, "systems that are initially more reactive become increasingly regulated to the extent that the inhibition control systems directed toward fear and attention control become more mature", according to the authors. Linhares sublinha que o desenvolvimento cognitivo envolve nao so o crescimento fisico e as habilidades - nas areas de linguagem, locomocao, motora -, mas tambem os aspectos afetivos, sociais e comportamentais. "Portanto, da mesma forma que o desenvolvimento motor precisa ser acompanhado, os indicadores do comportamento e tracos do temperamento tambem devem ser", disse Linhares. Linhares stresses that cognitive development involves not only physical growth and language and motor skills; it also has affective, social and behavioral aspects. "Not only motor development but also behavioral indicators and temperamental traits should be monitored." Recommendations of the study According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil has the world's tenth-highest rate of premature births. However stressful a neonatal ICU may be for babies - considering some painful procedures which ensure weight gain and proper oxygenation for the infant (a premature baby's lungs are not yet fully formed) - they simply cannot survive without the support of the equipment and the multiprofessional team of specialists found there. The researchers say this finding confirms the need for developmental care programs in ICUs to reduce stressful and painful experiences for newborn infants and also to enhance protective strategies during their early development. Methodology Mothers of these babies who met the criteria for inclusion, which included understanding the instrument used to report their infant's behavior, participated in interviews and responded to questionnaires. Babies with grade 3 or 4 intracranial hemorrhage, limited mobility or cognitively impaired mothers were excluded. Thirty-six had bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and 63 had ROP, the most common diseases among preterm babies. "Previous studies compared preterm and term babies, given that preterm babies are more likely to display behavioral problems. Our study advances knowledge of development in preterm babies. There are risks, but if we identify the risks, we can plan strategies for protection, prevention and intervention to improve the development of these children," said Rafaela Guilherme Monte Cassiano, a psychologist and PhD researcher in FMRP-USP's Department of Neurosciences & Behavioral Sciences and one of the authors of the study. ### About Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) The Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) is a public institution with the mission of supporting scientific research in all fields of knowledge by awarding scholarships, fellowships and grants to investigators linked with higher education and research institutions in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. FAPESP is aware that the very best research can only be done by working with the best researchers internationally. Therefore, it has established partnerships with funding agencies, higher education, private companies, and research organizations in other countries known for the quality of their research and has been encouraging scientists funded by its grants to further develop their international collaboration. For more information: Medications which block enzymes belonging to the kinase family, are among the most effective pharmaceuticals for targeted cancer therapies. Scientists at the German Cancer Consortium (DKTK) at the Technical University of Munich have examined 243 kinase inhibitors which are either approved drugs or have been tested in clinical trials. According to results published in Science, some of these may have more applications than previously thought. In the German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg joins up with certified German university hospitals specialized in oncology. Targeted therapy has revolutionized the treatment of certain types of cancer. An important class of drugs are kinase inhibitors, which are particularly successful in treating certain types of blood and lung cancer. Kinases are key enzymes which control a number of cell functions, such as their growth or their self-destruction. About 500 different kinases are encoded in the human genome. In cancer cells, these enzymes are often overactive and the normal regulation mechanisms cease to function. Abnormal cells can multiply uncontrollably and the growing tumor initiates the formation of blood vessels in order to sustain itself. The use of kinase inhibitors can successfully slow tumor growth in certain types of cancer. More than 350 kinase inhibitors are currently in clinical trials, 37 of which have already been approved for therapeutic use. "In many cases, the precise mode of action of the individual inhibitors is not known," explains Bernhard Kuster, the lead researcher on the project, who holds the Chair of Proteomics and Bioanalytics at the Technical University of Munich. "Many inhibitors have different functional targets in cancer cells and therefore could have a much broader spectrum of application than previously thought." The international team of scientists, physicians, and computer scientists took a unique approach in order to elucidate which kinases and cellular signaling pathways are specifically targeted by the inhibitors: In over more than 6,000 hours of mass spectrometry, the researchers analyzed the interaction of 243 clinically tested inhibitors with hundreds of kinases. The activity of the inhibitors was examined under near physiological conditions. Instead of testing them using genetically produced enzymes, the scientists analyzed the entire cell content of leukemia, brain tumor, and colon cancer cells in response to the inhibitors. "In that way, we are much closer to the tumor biology and can systematically map out the spectrum of molecular binding partners." In this "map" of the entirety of human kinases and their inhibitors, the scientists discovered new target structures which had previously not been linked to the drugs. Among them was the kinase MELK, which has been identified as a biomarker for poor prognosis in certain types of lung cancer. "Surprisingly, some of the tested inhibitors are capable of blocking MELK activity," explains Bernhard Kuster. The research team also identified the precise molecular structure of several MELK-inhibitor complexes, forming the basis for the development of optimized MELK inhibitors. The researchers discovered a new use for the kinase inhibitor cabozantinib, which is currently used to treat thyroid cancer. The results showed that cabozantinib is also effective against a kinase which plays a role in the onset of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The drug was able to drastically slow the growth of leukemia cells in mice. "Since the agent is already an approved drug, we can take it straight to a new clinical trial," said Bernhard Kuster. Kuster coordinates the development of the database ProteomicsDB as well as the DKTK's Cancer Proteome Analysis Platform, which gives the researchers access to the substantial inhibitor data sets. The new data has already generated excitement in the clinical community: "This information is particularly important for patients with unusual genetic profiles," says Florian Bassermann, a senior physician at Klinikum Rechts der Isar, the university hospital of TU Munich. "Molecular tumor boards now have entirely new options for recommending the most suitable therapy for each individual patient." ### Original publication: Klaeger et al., The target landscape of clinical kinase drugs. In: Science. Advance online publication 1st December 2017; DOI: A picture for this press release is available at: Picture Caption: Proteomic research the big way: The study analyzed the mechanism of action and application potential of 243 kinase inhibitors for cancer medicine. Note on use of images related to press releases Use is free of charge. The German Cancer Research Center (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ) permits one-time use in the context of reporting about the topic covered in the press release. Images have to be cited as follows: "Source: Hannes Hahne / Susan Klaeger / Bernhard Kuster". Distribution of images to third parties is not permitted unless prior consent has been obtained from DKFZ's Press Office (phone: 49-6221-42-2854, E-mail: Any commercial use is prohibited. The German Cancer Consortium (DKTK) is a joint long-term initiative involving the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), participating German states and the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and was established as one of six German Health Research Centres (DZGs). As DKTK's core center the DKFZ works together with research institutions and hospitals in Berlin, Dresden, Essen/Dusseldorf, Frankfurt/Mainz, Freiburg, Munich, Heidelberg and Tubingen to create the best possible conditions for clinically oriented cancer research. The consortium promotes interdisciplinary research at the interface between basic research and clinical research, as well as clinical trials for innovative treatments and diagnostic methods. Another key focus of the consortium's work is on developing research platforms to speed up the application of personalized cancer treatments and to improve the diagnosis and prevention of cancer. More information at Contact: Dr. Alexandra Moosmann German Cancer Research Center Press and Public Relations German Cancer Consortium Im Neuenheimer Feld 280 69120 Heidelberg 49-6221-42-1662 Dr. Sibylle Kohlstadt Press and Public Relations German Cancer Research Center Im Neuenheimer Feld 280 D-69120 Heidelberg T: 49-6221-42-2843 F: 49-6221-42-2968 You may soon be able to make dramatic editing changes to photos with just a few clicks on your computer, and you might be able to get better streaming quality of videos on your smartphone thanks to preliminary research conducted at Mason Engineering and backed by Adobe Research. Professors in the Department of Computer Science are working with Adobe on cutting-edge projects, and some have already conducted projects the company funded. Adobe has donated $120,000 to Mason Engineering. One of the latest: Associate professor of computer science Jyh-Ming Lien's team collaborated with Adobe researchers to develop a new photo-editing technique that allows people to modify their pictures to reflect different materials. For instance, the process makes it easier to turn a photo of a leather sofa into one covered in a plain or floral fabric. Currently companies have to take photos of every version of the sofa or use a more time-consuming process to create the different images, he says. "We are using machine-learning algorithms that allow you to take an image and apply a different material to it for a new look." This technique could be useful to online stores and graphic artists who want to generate new images with different finishes or materials. Meanwhile, computer science professor Songqing Chen's research team investigated ways to improve streaming video on mobile phones. "We tried to make the media playback on the phone smoother while consuming less power," he says. Most internet content, including streaming video, is transmitted over HTTP/1.1, but HTTP/2 is gradually replacing HTTP 1.1 to improve user experience, Chen says. His team looked into ways to utilize the new features offered by HTTP/2 for video streaming to mobile devices. "We have been trying to set up protocols and implement the new prototypes," he says. "Adobe plays a very active role in the standardization of some of the video streaming techniques." Adobe has a long list of research questions it shares with Mason Engineering researchers to form collaborations, says computer science professor Robert Simon. The company also offers internships to Mason Engineering students. One of Simon's PhD students, Haoliang Wang, worked on a project involving storing streaming videos in the Cloud during his internship with the company last summer. Wang's job was to help improve an algorithm the company developed. Adobe gives Mason Engineering interns "very challenging research assignments," Simon says. "Truly for us it has been an excellent industrial-academic partnership not just because of how interesting the students' jobs are during the summer, but because the Adobe researchers follow up and maintain a relationship with our students throughout the year." ### About George Mason University George Mason University is Virginia's largest public research university. Located near Washington, D.C., Mason enrolls 35,000 students from 130 countries and all 50 states. Mason has grown rapidly over the last half-century and is recognized for its innovation and entrepreneurship, remarkable diversity and commitment to accessibility. Learn more at Boston, MA - If current trends in child obesity continue, more than 57% of today's children in the U.S. will have obesity at age 35, according to a new study from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The study also found that excess weight in childhood is predictive of adult obesity, even among young children, and that only children currently at a healthy weight have less than a 50% chance of having obesity as adults. The findings were based on a rigorous simulation model that provides the most accurate predictions to date of obesity prevalence at various ages. The study will be published in the November 30, 2017 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine. "Adult obesity is linked with increased risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer," said Zachary Ward, programmer/analyst at Harvard Chan School's Center for Health Decision Science and lead author of the study. "Our findings highlight the importance of prevention efforts for all children as they grow up, and of providing early interventions for children with obesity to minimize their risk of serious illness in the future." The researchers used new computational methods and a novel statistical approach to account for long-term population-level trends in weight gain. They pooled height and weight data from five nationally representative longitudinal studies of 41,567 children and adults. Using these data, they created 1,000 virtual populations of 1 million children up to age 19 that were representative of the 2016 U.S. population. They then projected height and weight trajectories from childhood to age 35. The results showed that obesity will be a significant problem for most children in the U.S. as they grow older. Of the children predicted to have obesity as adults, half will develop it as children, according to the study simulations. Excess weight gained during childhood can put children on a trajectory that is difficult to change, the authors said. For example, the study found that 3 out of 4 two-year-olds with obesity will still have obesity at age 35. For children with severe obesity--a condition that currently affects 4.5 million children in the U.S.--the risks are even greater: At age 2, these children have only a 1 in 5 chance of not having obesity at age 35; at age 5, that chance drops to just 1 in 10. Even children without obesity face a high risk of adult obesity. The study estimated that for youth ages 2-19 in 2016, over half will have obesity at age 35--and that most of these youth do not currently have obesity. The study also found that racial and ethnic disparities in obesity are already present at age 2 and persist into adulthood, with non-Hispanic black and Hispanic individuals more likely to have obesity than white individuals at all ages from ages 2-35. Given the high risk posed to children, senior author Steven Gortmaker, professor of the practice of health sociology at Harvard Chan School, said, "It is critically important to implement policies and programs to prevent excess weight gain, starting at an early age. Plenty of cost-effective strategies have been identified that promote healthy foods, beverages, and physical activity within school and community settings." ### Other Harvard Chan study authors included Stephen Resch, Catherine Giles, and Angie Cradock. Funding for the study came from The JPB Foundation, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (Grant No. 66284), the Donald and Sue Pritzker Nutrition and Fitness Initiative, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Grant No. U48/DP00064-00S1), including the Nutrition and Obesity Policy Research and Evaluation Network. "Simulation of Growth Trajectories of Childhood Obesity into Adulthood," Zachary J. Ward, Michael W. Long, Stephen C. Resch, Catherine M. Giles, Angie L. Cradock, Steven L. Gortmaker," New England Journal of Medicine, online November 29, 2017, doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1703860 Visit the Harvard Chan School website for the latest news, press releases, and multimedia offerings. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health brings together dedicated experts from many disciplines to educate new generations of global health leaders and produce powerful ideas that improve the lives and health of people everywhere. As a community of leading scientists, educators, and students, we work together to take innovative ideas from the laboratory to people's lives--not only making scientific breakthroughs, but also working to change individual behaviors, public policies, and health care practices. Each year, more than 400 faculty members at Harvard Chan School teach 1,000-plus full-time students from around the world and train thousands more through online and executive education courses. Founded in 1913 as the Harvard-MIT School of Health Officers, the School is recognized as America's oldest professional training program in public health. A steep drop in the local incidence of new HIV infections accompanied the rollout of a U.S.-funded anti-HIV program in a large East-African population, according to a study led by researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. The study, published Nov. 29 in the New England Journal of Medicine, is the first to track a large group of people before, during and after the start of an HIV prevention program and show that the program is likely working on a large scale. The researchers found that as the program began and matured from the early 2000s until 2016, there was a 42 percent decline in the rate of new HIV infections. The ongoing HIV prevention program--in Uganda's rural Rakai District on the shore of Lake Victoria--has been funded by the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), set up in 2004 by the George W. Bush Administration. The program provides multiple free services, including anti-HIV drugs for infected people, voluntary safe male circumcision, condoms and promotion of risk-reduction sexual practices. These measures are known to reduce HIV transmission and acquisition at an individual level, but their population-wide impact over time in a real-world context has been less clear. The African region also accounts for almost two-thirds of the global total of new HIV infections, according to the World Health Organization, with 25.6 million people in the region living with HIV in 2016. "When I started doing research at Rakai in the late 1980s, about a third of people in the trading centers were HIV positive and there was little we could do to prevent a further spread of the virus--but now there's so much more that we can do, and with this study we're finally seeing the beneficial results of these combined interventions," says co-senior author Maria Wawer, MD, professor in the Bloomberg School's departments of Epidemiology and Population, Family and Reproductive Health. "The results are exciting because they show that the scale-up of these interventions, including adherence to antiretroviral drugs, is possible and can reduce the rate of new HIV infections even in low-resource settings," says lead author Mary Kate Grabowski, PhD, who started the work as an assistant scientist in the Department of Epidemiology at the Bloomberg School and then as an assistant professor in the Department of Pathology at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. The co-senior author of the study was Larry W. Chang, MD, MPH, associate professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Rakai District was one of the earliest- and worst-hit areas when the HIV/AIDS pandemic emerged in the 1980s. In 1988, Wawer and Ugandan colleagues founded the Rakai Project (re-named the Rakai Health Sciences Program (RHSP) as it expanded) and began conducting surveys and HIV testing among adults (age 15-49) in Rakai communities. This initial work resulted in the Rakai Community Cohort Study (RCCS), which is now one of the largest and oldest HIV surveillance studies tracking the epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa. Scale-up of PEPFAR-funded efforts to reduce HIV mortality and new infections began in the area in 2004. The current study, based on RCCS data on 34,000 adults enrolled and followed between 1989 and 2016, confirmed the widespread adoption of many of PEPFAR's HIV prevention measures. The use of antiretroviral therapy among infected people rose steadily from 12 percent in the 2006 survey to 69 percent in 2016. The proportion of circumcised men nearly quadrupled from about 15 percent in 1999 to 59 percent in 2016. The proportion of HIV-infected people in whom the amount of virus in their blood (viral load) fell to near zero (at which point transmission is virtually stopped) rose from 42 percent in 2009 to 75 percent in 2016. Evidence of behavioral changes was weaker--the rate of condom use did not rise, for example--but during the study period younger people in the cohort appeared to become much less likely to initiate sex. The RCCS also tested participants for new HIV infections. The data showed that as coverage of the PEPFAR services increased following their introduction in 2004, the incidence of new HIV infections in the cohort--the number of conversions from HIV-negative to HIV-positive status, on a per-person, per-year basis--began to fall. From 1999 to 2006 the average was 1.17 cases per 100 person-years. By 2016 that figure had fallen to 0.66 cases per 100 person-years. With statistical adjustments for the aging of the cohort and other variables, that represents a net decline of 42 percent. A fall in HIV incidence was seen among both women and men, although the drop was greater among men--more than 50 percent, compared to about 30 percent for women. "This difference may have been due to the direct risk-lowering effect of circumcision for men, plus the fact that infected women were more likely than men to use antiretroviral therapy and thus were less likely to transmit the virus to male partners," Grabowski says. "Increasing antiretroviral therapy use among men may help close this gap." On the whole, Wawer says, "these findings strongly suggest that at the population level there really is a dose-response effect, so that the more prevention services are provided, the more the rate of new infections goes down." She notes that the Rakai prevention program is beginning to expand its services to include pre-exposure prophylaxis: antiretroviral therapy for people who are HIVnegative to protect them from infection if they have sex with people who are HIV positive. PEPFAR, which has an annual budget of nearly $7 billion, continues to fund new and existing prevention programs in Africa and other heavily HIV-affected areas. It also funds studies of these prevention programs' impacts. "Preliminary data from other sites in Uganda and elsewhere are consistent with our encouraging findings from Rakai," Grabowski says. ### "HIV Prevention Efforts and Incidence of HIV" in Uganda was written by M.K. Grabowski, D.M. Serwadda, R.H. Gray, G. Nakigozi, G. Kigozi, J. Kagaayi, R. Ssekubugu, F. Nalugoda, J. Lessler, T. Lutalo, R.M. Galiwango, F. Makumbi, X. Kong, D. Kabatesi, S.T. Alamo, S. Wiersma, N.K. Sewankambo, A.A.R. Tobian, O. Laeyendecker, T.C. Quinn, S.J. Reynolds, M.J. Wawer, and L.W. Chang. Support for the research was provided by the National Institute of Mental Health (grant R01MH107275), the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (R01AI110324, U01AI100031, U01AI075115, R01AI110324, R01AI102939, and K01AI125086-01), the National Institute of Child Health and Development (RO1HD070769 and R01HD050180), the World Bank, the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (08113, 22006.02), the Johns Hopkins University Center for AIDS Research (P30AI094189), PEPFAR via the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (NU2GGH000817), and a cooperative agreement (W81XWH-07-2-0067) between the Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine and the U.S. Department of Defense. Vladislav Zhitenev, a Russian archaeologist from MSU, studied bone jewelry found at Sungir Upper Paleolithic site. A group led by Vladislav Zhitenev found out that many items were crafted specifically for burial purposes, while others were worn on a daily basis. The style of the jewelry was influenced by many cultures of Europe and the Russian Plain. The article was published in EPAUL 147. Sungir Upper Paleolithic site is located in Vladimir Region and is dated back to 29,000-31,000 years. Scientist began to study his place over thirty years ago. The encampment of prehistoric hunters includes a burial site of a 40-50 year old man and a grave of two children who died 10-14 years of age. Archaeological excavation revealed over 80 thousand different objects. "This children's grave contains more adornments and other burial items than any other Upper Paleolithic burial site in Eurasia," - says Vladislav Zhitenev, the author of the study, doctor of historical sciences, and assistant professor of the Archaeology Department of the Faculty of History, MSU. Currently all findings are kept in the State Vladimir-Suzdal Museum Reserve. Having studied pendants made from the teeth of Arctic fox, bone beads, and other personal ornaments, scientists found out that these items were worn for a long time as they exhibited rubbing marks and other signs of tear. Other ornaments found at the burials were made in a hurry and don't look so smooth and convenient. Evidently, they were crafted specifically for the burial ceremony. These items include a large horse figurine with a disproportionately short back led. Although the surface of the figurine had been polished, it has a lot of manufacturing and processing marks. It is still unknown why the grave of children appeared to contain so many objects including worn ones. According to one version, people used the child burial to make a sacrifice to save the community from an adversity of some kind, such as illness or hunger. Burial items were made not only by experienced craftsmen, but by children as well. One of the tusk disks found in the children's grave was made carelessly and unskillfully. It is likely it was crafted by a kid. Adornments are elements of a non-verbal language used by prehistoric people to tell friends from enemies and to learn about one's social status and standing. By studying personal ornaments scientists learn more about different aspects of intercultural communication in the Upper Paleolithic period. Vladislav Zhitenev found out that the man and the children lived relatively at the same time separated by several generations at most. This is confirmed by the identical style of peronal ornaments found in their graves. The children were buried at the same time, but the time period between their death and the passing of the man is still unknown. Radiocarbon dating method failed to provide an answer as it is not accurate to the year when applied to such prehistoric specimens. But when radiocarbon dating gives only approximate results, archaeologists turn to implicit data. "When looking at an item, one can always see a master's hand. Many adornments from the burial sites of the man and the children were crafted in the same way, as if by the same person. Alternatively, this technique could have been passed within the family, say, from father to son or from grandmother to granddaughter," - explains Vladislav Zhitenev. Therefore, the man and the children were separated in time by no more than several dozen years. Sungir adornments are difficult to classify and include into a certain cultural tradition, as they had been influenced by many cultures. On the one hand, they have a lot in common with the Aurignacian culture that was widely spread in Western and Central Europe in the Early Upper Paleolithic Stone Age. On the other hand, Sungir findings resemble those from some early sites in Kostenki. Finally, all these items are combined with stone objects crafted using a Neanderthal technology, although the remains found in Sungir belonged to Homo sapiens. Having studied Sungir adornments, scientists found out that a part of them was crafted specifically for the burial ceremony, and another one was worn on a daily basis; the man and the children lived roughly at the same time; and the crafting style was influenced by many cultures including the Aurignacian culture and the culture of the Russian Plain. In his further studies Vladislav Zhitenev plans to focus on intercultural communication, for example, to find difference between the sites with and without a Neanderthal component. ### Residents and workers in a major Pakistan city are exposed to harmful levels of pesticides, new research reveals. Residents and workers in a major Pakistan city are exposed to harmful levels of pesticides, new research reveals. Scientists from Pakistan's F Quaid-i-Azam University and Lancaster University have evaluated the organophosphate pesticide concentration in dust from farms and also from pesticide manufacturing plants in the megacity of Lahore. Researchers tested 50 dust samples as well as blood and urine samples from more than 500 men aged between 20 and 55 - including farmers, factory workers, shopkeepers, rural and urban residents, and compared them with a control group. The results show dust in and around Lahore contains pesticide pollution that is a high health risk to all groups tested. The most prominent pesticides were chlorpyrifos and diazinon, which has been outlawed for residential use in countries such as the US. It can affect humans through inhalation, ingestion of through absorption through the skin. Urine samples, which were taken from people living in both rural and urban areas of Lahore where contaminated dust was found, were found to contain high levels of biomarkers associated with chlorpyrifos and diazinon contamination. Biomarkers in blood samples also suggest oxidative stress was experienced by all subjects when compared to the control group. Although not a conclusive link, a known risk of exposure to insecticides is disturbance to the anti-oxidant defence system. In addition, the study subjects were also found to have lower levels, compared to the control group, of an important enzyme needed for the nervous system. The results suggest that dust contaminated with pesticides engenders 'significant health risks' particularly related to the nervous and endocrine system. These risks affect not only workers directly exposed to pesticides, but also nearby residents. Dr Crispin Halsall, Reader at Lancaster Environment Centre and co-author of the study, said: "The high levels of the indicators found in the urine of rural and urban residents show that in the city of Lahore, dust dispersing from industrial sites and farms are major contributors in human insecticide exposure - in addition to pesticides found on food. "The manufacture of pesticides such as chlorpyrifos and diazinon as well as their over-use in agriculture is a serious health risk and needs to be addressed as a priority for worker and general population health in Pakistan." Dr Riffat Naseem Malik said: "They (Pesticides) are a matter of grave concern, requiring more and more probing. We need to evaluate and decide on benefits against their deleterious effects on environment and thus to human health, before it's too late." Pakistan is the second biggest consumer of pesticides in South Asia and its use is rising. Globally around 200,000 people die each year in the developing world due to organophosphorus pesticide poisoning. ### The study by scientists from Lancaster University and led by researchers from F Quaid-i-Azam University has been published in the paper 'Pesticides contaminated dust exposure, risk diagnosis and exposure markers in occupational and residential settings of Lahore, Pakistan' by the journal Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. The paper's authors are Sidra Waheed and Riffat Naseem Malik, from the F Quaid-i-Asam University, and Crispin Halsall, Andrew Sweetman and Kevin Jones from Lancaster University. Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) investigators have identified a way in which a type of lung cancer co-opts a portion of the immune system to increase tumor progression. In the Dec. 1 issue of Science, the team from the MGH Center for Systems Biology describes a "crosstalk" between lung tumors and bone marrow, which leads to the generation of a type of immune cell that travels to the tumor and promotes its progression. "Immune cells play critical roles in cancer. For example, we already know that T cells can eliminate tumors and be activated with immunotherapies. Tumors are home to diverse immune cell types, some of which remain much less explored than T cells and could also control cancer progression" says Mikael Pittet, PhD, director of the Cancer Immunology Program in the MGH Center for Systems Biology and senior author of the Science paper. "Myeloid cells are immune cells that are attracting attention because they can infiltrate a broad range of tumors. These cells include neutrophils and macrophages and seem to modulate key cancer-associated activities." Recent research has suggested that tumor-infiltrating myeloid cells are initially produced in the bone marrow. For the current study the MGH team further explored whether bone marrow activity was altered in the presence of cancer in another part of the body, in this instance lung cancer. Their initial experiments found increased bone activity in two mouse models of a common form of lung cancer and in 70 lung cancer patients, even in absence of bone metastasis. Both the number and activity of osteoblasts - cells that produce and reshape bone tissue - were increased within the bone marrow of mice with lung tumors compared with cancer-free animals; and reducing the number of osteoblasts in mice not only limited neutrophil infiltration of tumors but also interrupted tumor progression. Examination of tumor-associated neutrophils revealed two populations, which could be distinguished based on the expression of a protein called SiglecF. The accumulation of neutrophils expressing high levels of SiglecF, compared to other neutrophils, depended on the numbers of osteoblasts in the bones. And these SiglecFhigh neutrophils were found to promote cancer infiltration. The cells exhibited many functions associated with tumor progression; their presence within mouse tumors substantially accelerated cancer growth, and in human lung tumors, a SiglecFhigh neutrophil signature was associated with poor patient survival. A search for factors that could carry an activating signal from lung tumors to osteoblasts, inducing the production of SiglecFhigh neutrophils, revealed the molecule called sRAGE. This soluble factor was found at higher levels in the blood of animals with lung tumors, could increase the activation of osteoblasts and contributed to the maturation of neutrophils in cultured cells. "Our findings indicate the existence of long-distance interactions between lung tumors and bones: lung tumors remotely activate osteoblasts, and those bone cells, in turn, shape immunity by supplying tumors with cancer-promoting neutrophils," says Pittet, who is an associate professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School. "Since patients with many types of cancer have elevated levels of myeloisd cells in their blood, it's possible that other tumors could have a similar interaction with bone to increase myeloid cell production." Pittet adds that this study "shows the importance of studying cancer as a systemic disease. Investigating how organs far from tumors contribute to cancer progression should lead us to ways of manipulating those systemic activities in therapy. We have started to study the complexity of myeloid responses to cancer and to identify molecular and cellular components that promote the disease. With the ultimate goal of improving patients' quality of life, we hope that modulating myeloid pathways will overcome some of the limitations of current treatment options." ### Camilla Engblom, PhD, and Christina Pfirschke, PhD, of the MGH Center for Systems Biology, are co-lead authors of the Science paper. Additional co-authors include Ralph Weissleder, MD, PhD, MGH Center for Systems Biology; David Scadden, MD, MGH Center for Regenerative Medicine, Miriam Bredella, MD, MGH Department of Radiology; Marie Demay, MD, MGH Department of Medicine; Allon Klein, PhD, Harvard Medical School; and Richard Hynes, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The study was supported in part by the Samana Cay MGH Research Scholar Fund, the Robert Wenner Award from the Swiss Cancer League, and National Institutes of Health grants R01-AI084880 and R01-CA206890. Massachusetts General Hospital, founded in 1811, is the original and largest teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School. The MGH Research Institute conducts the largest hospital-based research program in the nation, with an annual research budget of more than $900 million and major research centers in HIV/AIDS, cardiovascular research, cancer, computational and integrative biology, cutaneous biology, genomic medicine, medical imaging, neurodegenerative disorders, regenerative medicine, reproductive biology, systems biology, photomedicine and transplantation biology. The MGH topped the 2015 Nature Index list of health care organizations publishing in leading scientific journals and earned the prestigious 2015 Foster G. McGaw Prize for Excellence in Community Service. In August 2017 the MGH was once again named to the Honor Roll in the U.S. News & World Report list of "America's Best Hospitals." Around 200 fishing boats gone to sea from Vizhinjam have not returned. By Jeemon Jacob: Kerala witnessed heavy cyclonic wind since Thursday afternoon after Ockhi hit the southern coast of India. A deep depression formed in Bay of Bengal has intensified into a cyclonic storm Ockhi affecting the southern coast with heavy rains and cyclonic winds. Around 200 fishing boats gone to sea from Vizhinjam have not returned. Reports from marine agencies indicate that fishing vessels gone from Kochi, Kollam and Alappuzha too were missing. advertisement "We are worried about the safety of the fisherman who had gone to sea. We have no idea what happened to them. In southern coast, more than 2000 fishermen are stranded in sea," T Peter, general secretary National Fish Worker's Forum told INDIA TODAY. Cyclone and heavy rains caused heavy damages in Kanyakumari and southern districts of Kerala. Four persons died in Kanyakumari district and a couple electrocuted in Thiruvananthapuram. Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan convened an emergency meeting of officials and directed the Disaster Management wing to open control room in Secretariat. Chief Minister also directed the District Collectors to be alert on the rescue operations. Chief minister informed media that four navy ships were deployed for the rescue operations in sea and two helicopters of Air Force would accompany the ships. "We have put the district administration on alert and all possible help would be provided," Chief Minister Vijayan told INDIA TODAY. Meanwhile, trains operating from Kanyakumari were delayed due to cyclonic winds. Travel restrictions were imposed on people traveling in Kottayam and Idukki districts. --- ENDS --- New report calls for government negotiation of drug prices, prevention of 'pay-for-delay' agreements, and increased financial transparency among recommendations WASHINGTON -- Consumer access to effective and affordable medicines is an imperative for public health, social equity, and economic development, but this need is not being served adequately by the biopharmaceutical sector, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The report offers eight recommendations with 27 actions for their implementation (a sample of actions in each area appears below) to improve the affordability of prescription drugs without discouraging the development of new and more effective drugs for the future. "Over the past several decades, the biopharmaceutical sector in the United States has been successful in developing and delivering effective drugs for improving health and fighting disease, and many medical conditions that were long deemed untreatable can now be cured or managed effectively," said Norman Augustine, former chairman and CEO of Lockheed Martin Corp., former chairman of the National Academy of Engineering, and chair of the committee that conducted the study and wrote the report. "However, high and increasing costs of prescription drugs coupled with the broader trends in overall medical expenditures, which now equals 18 percent of the nation's gross domestic product, are unsustainable to society as a whole. Our report seeks to address the market failures that currently permeate the biopharmaceutical sector, such as lack of competition due to distortions in the application of the patent protection process, the imbalance between the negotiating power of suppliers and purchasers, and the convoluted structure of the supply chain. Although changes within the current system will be demanding, they are likely to better serve the nation." As defined in the report, the "biopharmaceutical sector" encompasses a wide range of participants including researchers, physicians and other care providers who can prescribe medications, public and private payers, intermediaries such as pharmacy benefit managers, health care organizations, and patient advocacy organizations. DRUG PRICING AND FORMULARY DESIGN Consolidate and apply governmental purchasing power, strengthen formulary design, and improve drug valuation methods. Congress should modify existing legislation to allow the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to directly negotiate prices with producers and suppliers of medicines, including acting on behalf of any relevant state agency that elects to participate in the process. Because prices tend to be lower when the purchaser has bargaining power that is at least comparable to that of the seller, the U.S. could achieve lower prices for prescription drugs by consolidating its bargaining power and providing greater flexibility in formulary design. A formulary describes which drugs a health care payer will cover for which disease indications, and at what cost. Formulary control in the U.S. relies heavily on tiering, which has mixed consequences because placement of a drug in a higher tier can reduce adherence to a treatment plan, with potential harm to patient health, but the tiered price mechanism can also be used by insurers to negotiate lower prices for branded drugs. Congress should authorize HHS, related federal agencies, and associated private payers to expand flexibility in formulary design, including very selective exclusion of drugs, such as when less costly drugs provide similar clinical benefit. GENERICS AND BIOSIMILARS Accelerate the market entry and use of safe and effective generics as well as biosimilars and foster competition to ensure the continued affordability and availability of these products. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) should vigorously deter manufacturers from paying other producers for the delayed entry into the market -- known as "pay-for-delay agreements" -- of generics and biosimilars (products that are demonstrated to be interchangeable with branded, FDA-approved products). DOJ and FTC also should expand the enforcement of policies that preclude mergers and acquisitions of firms among companies possessing significant competing generics and biosimilars and possessing a significant share of the market, as these strategies reduce access to reasonably priced drugs. State legislatures should develop policies to restrict the use of the "dispense as written" practice by prescribers that may unnecessarily impede the use of generics and biosimilars, the report says. In addition, Congress should authorize the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to seek reciprocal drug approval arrangements for generics and biosimilars between the regulatory agencies of the U.S. and countries such as the U.K., Germany, Canada, Australia, and Japan because in the absence of evidence of harm, importation of these drugs could provide cost savings. FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY IN THE BIOPHARMACEUTICAL SUPPLY CHAIN Assure greater transparency of financial flows and profit margins in the biopharmaceutical supply chain. Various participants in the biopharmaceutical supply chain point to other participants as the main contributors to high and rising drug costs, the report says, so to help understand the root causes of price increases and when they are appropriate, Congress should require disclosure of information from insurance plans about the average net prices paid for prescription drugs, including patients' cost-sharing among plans, and from biopharmaceutical companies about average net volume of and prices paid for drugs across each active sales channel. HHS should curate, analyze, and publicly report the data, collected at the level of National Drug Codes, on a quarterly basis to the public and congressional committees, and the FTC should examine the data to identify and act upon any anti-competitive practices. MARKETING Promote the adoption of industry codes of conduct, and discourage direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs as well as direct financial incentives for patients. Large biopharmaceutical companies spend substantially more on marketing and administration than on research and development that could lead to new drugs, the report says, and direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs can adversely influence consumer choices. Therefore, Congress should disallow direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs as a tax-deductible business expense. In addition, manufacturers and suppliers should adopt industry codes of conduct that reduce or eliminate direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs and should increasingly support efforts to enhance public awareness of disease prevention and management. Clinicians, medical practices, and hospitals also should substantially tighten restrictions on pharmaceutical companies' direct visits to clinicians, the acceptance and use of free drug samples, special payments, and other inducements paid by biopharmaceutical companies. INSURANCE BENEFITS Modify insurance benefit designs to mitigate prescription drug cost burdens for patients. Current insurance benefit designs for prescription drugs often expose consumers to considerable financial risk and can unfavorably affect patients' medication adherence, the report says. Congress should establish limits on the total annual out-of-pocket costs paid by enrollees in Medicare Part D plans that cover prescription drugs by removing the cost-sharing requirement for patients who reach the catastrophic coverage limit. Congress also should direct the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to modify the designs of plans offered through Medicare Part D and government health insurance exchanges to limit patients' out-of-pocket payments for drugs when there is clear evidence that treatment adherence for a particular indication can reduce the total cost of care, as determined by HHS. FEDERAL DISCOUNT PROGRAMS Eliminate misapplication of funds and inefficiencies in federal discount programs that are intended to aid vulnerable populations. Congress should expand the authority of the HHS to provide increased oversight and regulation of the 340B program to ensure that participation by covered entities, contract pharmacies, and drug manufacturers is consistent with the original intent of the program -- to improve the access of low-income populations to medicines at discounted rates. RARE DISEASES Ensure that financial incentives to develop drugs for the prevention and treatment of rare diseases are not extended to widely sold drugs. Congress should revise the Orphan Drug Act -- designed to foster the development of innovative drugs for rare conditions -- to ensure that financial incentives for the prevention and treatment of rare diseases are not diverted to widely sold drugs, by promoting agreements between biopharmaceutical companies and HHS that enable HHS to obtain favorable concessions on launch prices, annual price increases, and other practices important to public health. In addition, FDA should be directed to limit the market exclusivity awarded to orphan drugs to one seven-year extension. REIMBURSEMENT Increase available information and implement reimbursement incentives to more closely align clinicians' prescribing practices with treatment value. Current insurer reimbursement policies for clinician-administered drugs in the outpatient setting minimize incentives for medical providers to select treatments and settings for patient care that are the most cost-effective. These policies may serve to inflate the prices of these drugs charged by manufacturers and other members of the supply chain who profit from the current system, and put patients at clinical and financial risk. Therefore, payers should establish payment policies for drugs administered by clinicians in medical practices and hospitals that do not differentiate for the site of care, the report says. Hospitals, vendors of electronic health records, insurers, and professional societies should ensure that clinicians have readily accessible and routinely updated information regarding drug cost and efficacy, including relative clinical benefits of alternative treatment regimens and the relative financial costs of treatment settings to both patients and payers, to support sound prescribing decisions at the point of care. The report also contains a dissenting viewpoint, which says the report's set of recommendations as a whole would reduce prices too much and diminish future investments in innovation, and a minority perspective, which says that even stronger actions are needed to make prescription drugs more affordable. ### The study was sponsored by the Laura and John Arnold Foundation, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, the Commonwealth Fund, the Milbank Memorial Fund, the California Health Care Foundation, the American College of Physicians, and the Presidents' Committee of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine are private, nonprofit institutions that provide independent, objective analysis and advice to the nation to solve complex problems and inform public policy decisions related to science, technology, and medicine. They operate under an 1863 congressional charter to the National Academy of Sciences, signed by President Lincoln. For more information, visit A committee roster follows. Social Media: Follow us on Twitter: @theNASEM and @NASEM_health Follow us on Instagram: @theNASEM Follow us on Facebook: @NationalAcademies Follow the conversation using: #NASEMaffordabledrugs Contacts: Dana Korsen, Media Relations Officer Andrew Robinson, Media Relations Assistant Office of News and Public Information 202-334-2138; e-mail Newsroom Copies of Making Medicines Affordable: A National Imperative are available from the National Academies Press on the Internet at or by calling 202-334-3313 or 1-800-624-6242. Reporters may obtain a copy from the Office of News and Public Information (contacts listed above). THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES OF SCIENCES, ENGINEERING, AND MEDICINE Health and Medicine Division Board on Health Care Services Committee on Ensuring Patient Access to Affordable Drug Therapies Norman Augustine 1, 2 (chair) Former Chairman and CEO Lockheed Martin Corp. Former Chairman, National Academy of Engineering Bethesda, Md. Jeff Bingaman Former U.S. Senator (D-N.M.) Santa Fe Rena Conti Associate Professor of Health Policy Department of Pediatrics and Department of Public Health Sciences University of Chicago Chicago Stacie Dusetzina Assistant Professor Division of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy Eshelman School of Pharmacy University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Martha Gaines Founder and Director Center for Patient Partnerships Schools of Law, Medicine & Public Health, Nursing, and Pharmacy University of Wisconsin Madison Rebekah Gee 3 Secretary Louisiana Department of Public Health Baton Rouge Victoria Hale 3 Founder Medicines360; and Founder and Chair Emeritus OneWorld Health San Francisco Michelle Mello 3 Professor of Law Stanford Law School, and Professor of Health Research and Policy School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, Calif. Eliseo Perez-Stable 3 Director National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Md. Charles Phelps 3 University Professor and Provost Emeritus University of Rochester Rochester, N.Y. Michael Rosenblatt Chief Medical Officer Flagship Pioneering Former Chief Medical Officer, Merck & Company Cambridge, Mass. Diane Rowland 3 Executive Vice President Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, and Executive Director Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured Washington, D.C. Vinod Sahney 1,3 Distinguished University Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Northeastern University; Former Senior Vice President, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts and Henry Ford Health System Boston Peter Sands Senior Fellow Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government Former CEO, Standard Chartered Bank Cambridge, Mass. Henri Termeer Former Chairman, President, and CEO Genzyme Corp. Marblehead, Mass. Reed Tuckson 3 Managing Director Tuckson Health Connections LLC Former Executive Vice President and Chief of Medical Affairs, UnitedHealth Group Atlanta Alan Weil 3 Editor-in-Chief Health Affairs, and Vice President for Public Policy Project HOPE Bethesda, Md. STAFF Guru Madhavan Project Director 1 Member, National Academy of Engineering 2 Member, National Academy of Sciences 3 Member, National Academy of Medicine Deceased BOSTON, MA (Nov. 30, 2017) - In a new study published this week in Endangered Species Research, North Atlantic right whale scientists found that whales who undergo prolonged entanglements in fishing gear endure "sky-high hormone levels," indicating severe stress, which researchers discovered using a pioneering technique of examining scat from live, entangled, and dead whales over 15 years. "For the first time, we can get hormone levels on not just dead, but living whales," said Dr. Rosalind Rolland, D.V.M., the study's lead author and a senior scientist in the Ocean Health and Marine Stress Lab at the Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life at the New England Aquarium who developed this technique. "These levels show stress from extreme physical trauma. It's an animal welfare issue." For the highly endangered North Atlantic right whale population, it was a devastating summer with 16 deaths - 12 in Canada and four in the US - due to vessel strikes and entanglements for a population that now only numbers around 450. For five of the dead whales, Rolland and the Anderson Cabot Center team were able to use this critical fecal stress hormone test to investigate the timeline of death. The levels of hormone indicated if whales died quickly or over several days or more. "This is one more tool in the toolbox for determining cause of death," she said. From 1999 to 2014, the scientists collected samples of fecal matter from 125 different right whales: 113 healthy whales, six whales which were chronically entangled in fishing lines; one that was stranded for several days but living; and five killed quickly by vessel strikes. Within minutes of stress-inducing incidents, glucocorticoid - or stress hormones - are released into the whale's bloodstream. Rolland and her colleagues found that the metabolized products of these stress hormones appear in feces one to two days later which helps determines whether a whale died rapidly or more slowly. High levels of the hormone were found in chronically entangled whales and the live-stranded whale, but not in whales killed quickly by vessels. Although scientists at the Anderson Cabot Center have worked to reduce right whale deaths over the years, there is still grave concern about these massive animals becoming entangled in fishing ropes. For chronic entanglements, they often carry gear around their bodies for an average of six months if not years. In extreme cases, the ropes cut into whales' body tissue, leading to systemic infection and eventual slow and painful deaths. Whales can also drown due to severe entanglements. The chronic stress of long term entanglements impacts whales' reproductive capacity and overall health. Compounding the problem is that the primary habitat for North Atlantic right whales along the Northeast coastline overlaps with dense fishing areas where there are high numbers of lobster and crab pots, marine ropes, and other fishing gear. This combination has led to an extraordinary rate of entanglements. According to an analysis by the Anderson Cabot Center, 83 percent of all North Atlantic right whales have had at least one entanglement with more than half of those animals experiencing more than one interaction with fishing gear. Although North Atlantic right whales have been designated an endangered species for more than 40 years, the federal protection has not helped right whales recover at the same rate as other large whale species. Reducing entanglements through innovations in fishing gear continues to be a major focal point of research. ### A study published today in the New England Journal of Medicine provides real-world evidence that implementing a combination of proven HIV prevention measures across communities can substantially reduce new HIV infections in a population. Investigators found that HIV incidence dropped by 42 percent among nearly 18,000 people in Rakai District, Uganda, during a seven-year period in which the rates of HIV treatment and voluntary medical male circumcision increased significantly. The HIV prevention strategy whose impact was observed in the study is based on earlier findings by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and others demonstrating the protective effect of voluntary medical male circumcision for HIV-uninfected men and of HIV-suppressing antiretroviral therapy (ART) for halting sexual transmission of the virus to uninfected partners. The strategy is also based on studies showing that changes in sexual behavior, such as having only one sexual partner, can help prevent HIV infection. "Before this study, we knew that these HIV prevention measures worked at an individual level, yet it was not clear that they would substantially reduce HIV incidence in a population--or even if it would be possible to get large numbers of people to adopt them," said Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of NIH. "This new analysis demonstrates that scaling up combination HIV prevention is possible and can turn the tide of the epidemic." NIAID co-funded the research, and NIAID investigators oversaw all laboratory operations. The President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) funded the provision of combination HIV prevention, including ART and circumcision services, during the period observed in the study. The newly reported research involved nearly 34,000 people ages 15 to 49 years residing in 30 communities that participate in the Rakai Community Cohort Study (RCCS) conducted by the Rakai Health Sciences Program in Uganda. With funding from NIH and others, this program promoted HIV testing, ART and voluntary medical male circumcision to study participants. Every one or two years from April 1999 until September 2016, participants were tested for HIV and surveyed about their sexual behavior, use of HIV treatment, and male circumcision status. The authors of the new paper analyzed these survey data under the leadership of M. Kate Grabowski, Ph.D., an assistant professor at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore and an epidemiologist with the Rakai Health Sciences Program. The investigators found that the proportion of study participants living with HIV who reported taking ART climbed from zero in 2003 to 69 percent in 2016. The proportion of male study participants who were voluntarily circumcised grew from 15 percent in 1999 to 59 percent in 2016. While levels of condom use with casual partners and the proportion of people reporting multiple sexual partners remained largely unchanged, the proportion of adolescents ages 15 to 19 who reported never having sex rose from 30 percent in 1999 to 55 percent in 2016. As an apparent consequence of these increases, particularly in ART use and voluntary male circumcision, the annual number of new HIV infections in the cohort fell from 1.17 per 100 person-years in 2009 to 0.66 per 100 person-years in 2016, a 42 percent decrease. Person-years are the sum of the number of years that each cohort member participated in the study. The researchers calculated the annual number of new HIV infections using data from nearly 18,000 of the almost 34,000 total participants. In addition, the proportion of cohort members living with HIV whose treatment suppressed the virus increased from 42 percent in 2009 to 75 percent in 2016, showing the feasibility of meeting the goal of the UNAIDS 90-90-90 initiative to achieve 73 percent viral suppression. "These findings are extremely encouraging and suggest that with sustained commitment to increase the number of people who use combination HIV prevention, it may be possible to achieve epidemic control and eventual elimination of HIV," said David Serwadda, M.B.Ch.B., M.Med., M.P.H., co-founder of the Rakai Health Science Program and Professor at Makerere University School of Public Health in Kampala, Uganda. HIV incidence dropped the most--by 57 percent--among circumcised men, likely because both their own circumcision and ART taken by their female sexual partners living with HIV protected these men from the virus. HIV incidence declined by 54 percent among all men but by only 32 percent among all women. According to the investigators, this difference probably occurred because a greater percentage of women living with HIV than men living with HIV took ART, and because nearly two-thirds of men chose the extra preventive benefit of circumcision. The researchers suggest addressing this gender imbalance by influencing more men living with HIV to take ART and by giving HIV-uninfected women HIV prevention tools that they can control unilaterally, such as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). The scientists anticipate that the RCCS will add PrEP to its combination HIV prevention package as the study continues. "We expect that this multifaceted approach to HIV prevention will work as well in other populations as it has in rural Uganda," said Dr. Grabowski. "Our results make a strong case for further expanding ART and male circumcision for HIV prevention in Rakai District and beyond. Additional proven HIV prevention interventions, such as PrEP, should be added to the mix to reduce HIV infections in women and other high-risk groups." ### The Rakai Health Sciences Program is an independent research organization whose collaborators include the Uganda Virus Research Institute of the Ministry of Health in Kampala; the NIAID Division of Intramural Research-supported International Center for Excellence in Research in Rakai; the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention partnership with Uganda (CDC-Uganda); Makerere University and Johns Hopkins University. The RCCS and the new analysis were funded by NIAID, the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), all part of NIH; as well as by the World Bank, the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Johns Hopkins University Center for AIDS Research and PEPFAR. Reference: MK Grabowski, et al. Combination HIV prevention and HIV incidence in Uganda. NEJM DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1702150 (2017). NIAID conducts and supports research--at NIH, throughout the United States, and worldwide--to study the causes of infectious and immune-mediated diseases, and to develop better means of preventing, diagnosing and treating these illnesses. News releases, fact sheets and other NIAID-related materials are available on the NIAID website. About the National Institutes of Health (NIH): NIH, the nation's medical research agency, includes 27 Institutes and Centers and is a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NIH is the primary federal agency conducting and supporting basic, clinical, and translational medical research, and is investigating the causes, treatments, and cures for both common and rare diseases. For more information about NIH and its programs, visit The National Institutes of Health and partners have launched a large clinical trial to assess whether an experimental HIV vaccine regimen is safe and able to prevent HIV infection. The new Phase 2b proof-of-concept study, called Imbokodo, aims to enroll 2,600 HIV-negative women in sub-Saharan Africa. Of 1.8 million new HIV infections worldwide in 2016, 43 percent occurred in eastern and southern Africa, with women and girls disproportionately affected. "Imbokodo," the Zulu word for rock, is part of a well-known proverb in South Africa that refers to the strength of women and their importance in the community. The study is sponsored by Janssen Vaccines & Prevention, B.V., part of the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson, with co-funding from two primary partners, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). The vaccine regimen being tested in Imbokodo is based on "mosaic" immunogens--vaccine components designed to induce immune responses against a wide variety of global HIV strains. This regimen differs from the one being tested in the Phase 2b/3 HVTN 702 study, an ongoing HIV vaccine efficacy trial sponsored by NIAID that launched late last year in South Africa with major co-funding from NIAID and BMGF. HVTN 702 is evaluating a newer version of the vaccine regimen tested in the RV144 Thai trial--the only candidate HIV vaccine regimen ever shown to provide some protection against the virus. "Together with the implementation of existing HIV prevention and treatment strategies, the development and delivery of a preventive HIV vaccine that is safe and at least moderately effective would help bring about a durable end to the HIV/AIDS pandemic," said NIAID Director Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. "We are committed to pursuing multiple vaccine development strategies to achieve this goal." The first Imbokodo participants have received vaccinations at clinical research sites in South Africa. Regulatory approvals are being sought to conduct the study at additional sites in Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe. With the start of Imbokodo, two HIV vaccine efficacy trials now are taking place in sub-Saharan Africa. Results from HVTN 702, which is enrolling HIV-negative men and women in South Africa, are expected in late 2020. Results from Imbokodo are expected in 2021. "Both Imbokodo and HVTN 702 have resulted from years of scientific testing and clinical development, and they represent science's current best efforts to develop a vaccine to prevent HIV infection," said Kathy Mngadi, M.B.Ch.B., M.Phil., senior scientist at the Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA) and Imbokodo co-chair. "We are grateful to the people of southern Africa who volunteer for these trials, and the communities in which the trials are conducted to help develop what could be a true game-changer for the HIV/AIDS pandemic." The NIAID-funded HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN), headquartered at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, is implementing Imbokodo. The South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC) is helping implement the study in South Africa. Additional partners providing support include the U.S. Military HIV Research Program at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Development Activity, and the Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard. NIAID provided funding for preclinical and early phase clinical development of the mosaic-based vaccine, which was initially developed by the laboratory of Dan H. Barouch, M.D., Ph.D., at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, together with Janssen and other partners. The mosaic immunogens incorporated in the vaccine were designed by the Los Alamos National Laboratory. In preclinical studies, regimens with mosaic-based vaccines protected monkeys against infection with an HIV-like virus. Findings from two early-stage human clinical trials suggest that these vaccines are well-tolerated and can generate anti-HIV immune responses in healthy adult volunteers. Based on results from an early-stage clinical trial called APPROACH, reported in July 2017, as well as findings from a second early-stage trial called TRAVERSE, researchers selected a lead candidate regimen for further evaluation. Data from TRAVERSE confirmed the decision to move forward with the larger trial to evaluate whether the experimental regimen can prevent HIV infection. The ongoing TRAVERSE study is comparing two regimens containing vaccines that use a strain of common-cold virus engineered so that it does not cause illness (adenovirus serotype 26, or Ad26) to deliver either three (trivalent) or four (quadrivalent) mosaic antigens among 198 healthy, HIV-negative adult volunteers in the United States and Rwanda. Interim data indicate that both are well-tolerated and can elicit anti-HIV immune responses. Imbokodo is evaluating the quadrivalent vaccine. All Imbokodo participants will receive vaccinations at four timepoints over one year. They will be randomly assigned to receive either the experimental vaccine regimen or placebo. The experimental regimen includes four doses of the quadrivalent mosaic vaccine. The final two doses will be given together with doses of an HIV protein, clade C gp140, and an aluminum phosphate adjuvant to boost immune responses. Participants will be followed for at least two years. ### For more information about Imbokodo, also known as HVTN 705/HPX2008, please see using identifier NCT03060629. NIAID conducts and supports research--at NIH, throughout the United States, and worldwide--to study the causes of infectious and immune-mediated diseases, and to develop better means of preventing, diagnosing and treating these illnesses. News releases, fact sheets and other NIAID-related materials are available on the NIAID website. About the National Institutes of Health (NIH): NIH, the nation's medical research agency, includes 27 Institutes and Centers and is a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NIH is the primary federal agency conducting and supporting basic, clinical, and translational medical research, and is investigating the causes, treatments, and cures for both common and rare diseases. For more information about NIH and its programs, visit NIH...Turning Discovery Into Health Who is she, this little mummy girl? Northwestern University scientists and students are working to unravel some of her mysteries, including how her body was prepared 1,900 years ago in Egypt, what items she may have been buried with, the quality of her bones and what material is present in her brain cavity. As part of a comprehensive scientific investigation, the mummy traveled from Evanston to Argonne National Laboratory on Nov. 27 for an all-day X-ray scattering experiment. It was the first study of its kind performed on a human mummy. "This is a unique experiment, a 3-D puzzle," said Stuart R. Stock, research professor of cell and molecular biology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, who led the synchrotron experiment. "We have some preliminary findings about the various materials, but it will take days before we tighten down the precise answers to our questions. We have confirmed that the shards in the brain cavity are likely solidified pitch, not a crystalline material." The Roman-Egyptian mummy -- which resides at the Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary on Northwestern's Evanston campus -- is one of only approximately 100 portrait mummies in the world. These mummies have an extremely lifelike painting of the deceased individual incorporated into the mummy wrappings and placed directly over the person's face. The Romans introduced to Egypt these 2-D portraits of the dead after almost 3,000 years of idealized 3-D images. (Think King Tut). Just over three feet long, the little girl's body is swaddled in a copious amount of linen. The outermost wrappings have been arranged in an ornate geometric pattern of overlapping rhomboids and also serve to frame the portrait. The face, painted with beeswax and pigment, gazes serenely outward, her dark hair gathered at the back. She is wearing a crimson tunic and gold jewelry. The study of this rare archeological object, owned by Garrett-Evangelical, is part of an interdisciplinary class at Northwestern focused, in part, on filling out the contextual story of where this mummy came from and who she was. Thirteen materials science and humanities students are examining the materials and methods used to create both this intact portrait mummy and a well-preserved collection of Roman-Egyptian mummy portraits for an upcoming exhibition at Northwestern's Block Museum of Art. Earlier in the quarter, the class traveled to California to study the portraits at the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley, which will loan the portraits to the Block Museum. (Unlike the Garrett mummy, each of these portraits has been separated from its mummy.) The students already have discovered that the Garrett mummy's portrait was put together in a very different way from the Hearst Museum portraits and likely is from a different workshop. These findings and others yet to come, including results from the synchrotron X-ray study of the Garrett mummy, will culminate in the Block Museum exhibition, "Paint the Eyes Softer: Mummy Portraits from Roman Egypt." "Intact portrait mummies are exceedingly rare, and to have one here on campus was revelatory for the class and exhibition," said Marc Walton, a research professor of materials science and engineering at Northwestern's McCormick School of Engineering. He is teaching the fall quarter class with Taco Terpstra, assistant professor of classics and history at the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences. The "Paint the Eyes Softer" exhibition will reunite ancient neighbors: the girl portrait mummy is from the site of Hawara, a site close to Tebtunis, where the Hearst Museum's mummy portraits are originally from. The Hawara, or Garrett, mummy is believed to be from a high-status family and was entombed in an underground chamber with four other mummies. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our undergraduate students -- and for me -- to work at understanding the whole object that is this girl mummy," Walton said. "Today's powerful analytical tools allow us to nondestructively do the archaeology scientists couldn't do 100 years ago." The synchrotron experiment at Argonne is a modern-day version of 19th-century England's "mummy unwrapping" parties, Walton said. The Northwestern team collaborated with scientists at Argonne and used the extremely brilliant high-energy synchrotron X-rays produced by Argonne's Advanced Photon Source to probe the materials and objects inside the mummy, while leaving the mummy and her wrappings intact. "From a medical research perspective, I am interested in what we can learn about her bone tissue," Stock said. "We also are investigating a scarab-shaped object, her teeth and what look like wires near the mummy's head and feet." Prior to its trip to Argonne, the mummy had a CT scan at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in August, also led by Stock. The scan gave the researchers a 3-D map of the structure of the mummy and enabled them to confirm the girl is 5 years old (give or take nine months). At the Advanced Photon Source, Stock and his team shined the pencil-shaped X-ray beam (about twice the diameter of a human hair) on areas of high-density in the mummy that were identified by the CT scan. They now will use the X-ray diffraction patterns as "fingerprints" to identify each crystalline material. For example, is the black rounded object seen on the CT scan a gold object or a rock? The findings from the synchrotron experiment, CT scan and other scientific analyses and studies of history conducted by the students will help researchers and historians better understand the context in which the Garrett mummy was excavated in 1911 as well as Roman-period mummification practices. Also, conservators will use the information to best preserve the mummy. "We're basically able to go back to an excavation that happened more than 100 years ago and reconstruct it with our contemporary analysis techniques," Walton said. "All the information we find will help us enrich the entire historic context of this young girl mummy and the Roman period in Egypt." ### Genetic recombination between viral strains in bats may have produced the direct evolutionary ancestor of the strain that caused a deadly outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in humans, according to new research published in PLOS Pathogens. In late 2002, a SARS pandemic broke out in southern China, ultimately killing hundreds of people in dozens of countries by the summer of 2003. Scientists traced the outbreak back to horseshoe bats, hypothesizing that the culprit, SARS coronavirus, originated in these animals and then spread either directly to humans or to animals later purchased by humans at markets. However, the details of the outbreak's origin remain unclear. SARS strains found in bats are genetically distinct from the specific SARS strain that caused the outbreak, suggesting that known bat strains did not directly evolve into the outbreak strain. To address this issue, Ben Hu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Wuhan, China, and colleagues spent five years studying SARS viruses found in multiple species of horseshoe bats living in a single cave in Yunnan Province, China. In the new study, the researchers identified 11 new strains of SARS virus and sequenced their full genomes to uncover their evolutionary relationships. Genome analysis revealed that the newly identified bat strains, as well as several strains identified in a previous study of the same bat cave, contained all the essential genetic building blocks of the human SARS coronavirus. In some of the strains, for instance, portions of a gene known as the S gene showed high genetic similarity to the same regions found in the SARS coronavirus genome. Based on their genetic analysis, the researchers hypothesize that genetic recombination between precursor strains that later evolved into the newly identified strains may also have given rise to a strain that directly evolved into SARS coronavirus. Additional lab experiments showed that some of the newly identified bat strains are capable of entering human cells via the same cellular receptor employed by SARS coronavirus. This suggests that the bat cave contains strains that could potentially be directly transmitted to humans. Overall, these findings provide new insights into the evolutionary origin of SARS coronavirus. Because of the potential risk of existing bat strains spreading to humans, the researchers propose continued monitoring of the cave they studied, as well as other sites that may pose similar risk. "Rhinolophus bats in China harbor genetically diverse SARS-related coronaviruses," the authors explain, "which may have given rise to the direct progenitor of SARS coronavirus after recombination." ### In your coverage please use this URL to provide access to the freely available article in PLOS Pathogens: Citation: Hu B, Zeng L-P, Yang X-L, Ge X-Y, Zhang W, Li B, et al. (2017) Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus. PLoS Pathog 13(11): e1006698. Funding: This work was jointly funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (81290341, 31621061) to ZLS, China Mega-Project for Infectious Disease (2014ZX10004001-003) to ZLS, Scientific and technological basis special project (2013FY113500) to YZZ and ZLS from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDPB0301) to ZLS, the National Institutes of Health (NIAID R01AI110964), the USAID Emerging Pandemic Threats (EPT) PREDICT program to PD and ZLS, CAS Pioneer Hundred Talents Program to JC, NRF-CRP grant (NRF-CRP10-2012-05) to LFW and WIV "OneThree-Five" Strategic Program (WIV-135-TP1) to JC and ZLS. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. This week, guest editors Steven G. Deeks of the University of California San Francisco, USA; Sharon Lewin of the Peter Doherty Institute of Infection and Immunity, University of Melbourne and Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia; and Linda-Gail Bekker of the Desmond Tutu HIV Centre, University of Cape Town, South Africa sum up PLOS Medicine's special issue on Advances in HIV Prevention, Treatment and Cure in an Editorial published to coincide with World AIDS Day on December 1. While it may appear that "the goal of ending the epidemic is in our grasp", they caution that "the remarkable progress, activism, resources, ingenuity and sheer fortitude that have brought us this far will be needed in at least equal measure to take us to the end." In an accompanying Perspective, Chris Beyrer and colleagues discuss the growing HIV epidemic in the Russian Federation, where the available prevention measures have failed to stem an increase in HIV infections, particularly in people who inject drugs and men who have sex with men. The authors note that "The continuous growth of the Russian HIV epidemic is a failure of public policy and practice" and warn of the serious consequences of neglecting this epidemic. In a Research Article addressing issues of HIV prevention in India, Sunil Solomon and colleagues present a large study using respondent-driven sampling to identify people with HIV and hepatitis C virus infection in key populations. With global targets seeking to bring about swift progress in bringing the HIV epidemic under control, this method appears promising as a way to efficiently identify people with treatable virus infections. Continuing the theme of early identification of infection so as to ensure prompt treatment initiation and limit further virus transmission, Katrina Ortblad and colleagues report in their Research Article on a cluster-randomized controlled trial of delivery models for HIV self-testing among female sex workers in Uganda. In one delivery model, peer educators directly provided the HIV self-test to female sex workers; in the other model, the peer educators gave the sex workers a coupon that could be exchanged for an HIV self-test at a healthcare facility. Participants in both HIV self-testing arms were significantly more likely to test and re-test for HIV, compared to the standard of care arm. The direct provision delivery model was more effective than passively offering the HIV self-tests for collection at healthcare facilities. The authors conclude that "self-testing can play an important role in supporting interventions that require frequent HIV testing." In an epidemiological study, Jacob Bor and colleagues studied a large cohort of more than 11,000 people who entered HIV care in South Africa in 2011-2012, when eligibility for antiretroviral treatment was dependent on CD4 cell count. The authors found that patients eligible for immediate antiretroviral treatment had a significantly greater retention in care than those narrowly failing the eligibility criteria. These findings support the current WHO recommendations to provide antiretroviral therapy regardless of CD4 count, and the authors highlight that "the real-world benefits of extending ART eligibility to all patients ... may be larger than previously thought." Though of great interest, curing HIV infection has been very rarely achieved, to date. In a further research paper, Andrew Badley and colleagues describe the case of a person with HIV who underwent an allogeneic stem cell transplant as treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, and report analyses of virus sequence and tissue distribution throughout the process. Although the patient's HIV reservoir was diminished by treatment, viral rebound was observed to have occurred after a prolonged period (288 days) without antiretroviral therapy. These findings should be valuable in guiding further attempts to cure HIV infection using stem cell transplantation and other methods. ### Further research and discussion articles will be added to the Special Issue Collection over the coming weeks. Editorial Funding: The authors received no specific funding for this work. Competing Interests: I have read the journal's policy and the authors of this manuscript have the following competing interests: SD is an advisor to InnaVirVax, Bionor Pharma and Bryologix and receives grant support from Gilead, Merck and ViiV. SL's institution has received funding for investigator-initiated industry-sponsored studies from Merck, Gilead, Viiv Healthcare and Tetralogic and has also acted on the advisory board for and as consultancy to Callimune, Tetralogic, and InnaVirVax. LGB is employed by the Desmond Tutu HIV Centre, UCT and the Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation. She has received honoraria for technical inputs from Jansen and Merck in the last 5 years and her organisation has benefited from grants from Gilead, Merck and ViiV. SD, SL, and LGB served as guest editors on PLOS Medicine's Special Issue on Advances in HIV Prevention, Treatment and Cure. Citation: Deeks SG, Lewin SR, Bekker L-G (2017) The end of HIV: Still a very long way to go, but progress continues. PLoS Med 14(11): e1002466. Author Affiliations: Department of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United States of America Peter Doherty Institute of Infection and Immunity, University of Melbourne, and Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, Australia Department of Infectious Diseases, Alfred Hospital and Monash University, Melbourne, Australia Desmond Tutu HIV Centre, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa IN YOUR COVERAGE PLEASE USE THIS URL TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO THE FREELY AVAILABLE PAPER: Perspective Funding: This research was supported in part by the Desmond M. Tutu Professorship in Public Health and Human Rights at Johns Hopkins University. This research has also been facilitated by the infrastructure and resources provided by the Johns Hopkins University Center for AIDS Research, an NIH funded program (P30AI094189), which is supported by the following NIH Co-Funding and Participating Institutes and Centers: NIAID, NCI, NICHD, NHLBI, NIDA, NIMH, NIA, FIC, NIGMS, NIDDK, and OAR. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Competing Interests: We have read the journal's policy and the authors of this manuscript have the following competing interests: CB is a member of the Editorial Board of PLOS Medicine. MK is the United Nations Special Envoy on HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. NL works at the Office of the UN Secretary General Special Envoy on HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Citation: Beyrer C, Wirtz AL, O'Hara G, Leon N, Kazatchkine M (2017) The expanding epidemic of HIV-1 in the Russian Federation. PLoS Med 14(11): e1002462. Author Affiliations: Center for Public Health and Human Rights, Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America Haverford College, Haverford, Pennsylvania, United States of America Office of the UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy on HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Geneva, Switzerland Global Health Center, the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland IN YOUR COVERAGE PLEASE USE THIS URL TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO THE FREELY AVAILABLE PAPER: From ending poverty to improving wellbeing, gender equality, cities' resilience or climate action - while synergies among most of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) foster progress in sustainable development, there are some key conflicts or bottlenecks that could hamper achieving the SDG objectives for 2030. This is the result of a new comprehensive analysis by a team of scientists from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). According to the study, responsible consumption and production seems to be such a bottleneck, as data from the past shows. "The Sustainable Development Goals aim at tackling complex multi-dimensional challenges faced by humankind and set the international agenda for 2030. However, so far little is known about the interactions, correlations and potential conflicts between the set of SDGs," explains lead author Prajal Pradhan. "We tried to break up the complicated interlinkages into more comprehensible pairs so we could investigate how different SDGs influence each other. It turns out that in general, synergies outweigh trade-offs for most SDGs and countries. However, one SDG stands out as being in partial conflict with a number of other goals - that is responsible consumption and production." Improvements in well-being, economic prosperity, and lifestyles currently still come to a large extent through an increase in consumption and therefore with the growing environmental and material footprints. To successfully implement the 2030 development agenda, such conflicts in objectives need to be identified, governed and tackled. Adopted in 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals comprise 17 goals and 169 targets, ranging from human well-being to economic prosperity and environmental protection. The UN objectives to transform the world until 2030 are also the frame that member states are expected to adopt for their agendas and policies for development and sustainability. Identifying synergies and tradeoffs through SDG interactions is central to the design of feasible policies. So far, SDG interactions have mostly been analysed qualitatively, for few targets or for individual regions of the world. Lessons from the past: Data reveals more synergies than trade-offs "Our study provides the first complete quantification of synergies and trade-offs as they can be detected in data from the past to the present within and across the SDGs, both at country level and on a global scale," says co-author Jurgen Kropp, vice chair of PIK's research domain Climate Impacts & Vulnerabilities. Using a statistical setup applying data from the UN Statistics Division on 122 indicators for more than 200 countries between 1983 and 2016, "we were able to carve out the lessons to be learned from historical data. This is a simple but highly useful approach, as the SDGs may be still new, but the challenges are certainly not," he adds. The results not only reveal possible conflicts between the SDG goals, they also highlight a huge potential for synergies when it comes to the fight against poverty, hunger and for health and well-being. Eliminating poverty and improving public health positively influenced most other SDGs. For instance, around three billion people around the globe live in countries where improvements on health and well-being matched with the provision of clean water and sanitation. Identifying the countries where synergies occur allows for being able to learn from the best practices. As another example, countries associated with sustainable cities also seem to score well on climate action - which again indicates a strong potential for synergy. Based on the study results more elaborated concepts can be developed in order to make reliable projections about future fulfillments of SDGs and associated consequences. "The SDGs represent a holistic and multi-dimensional perspective on development," says co-author Wolfgang Lucht, chair of PIK's research domain Earth System Analysis. "The empirical framework on the evaluation of SDG interactions here presented makes a fundamental contribution to ensuring successful policy implementation of the SDG agenda. Attainment of SDGs is central for the great transformation that is required for overcoming the unsustainable practices visible in the historical data. To achieve this, the SDGs need to act as a system of interacting components that together move the world into a safe and just operating space. Our study shows that the SDGs are much more than just a collection of targets, but a system of synergistic re-enforcement. While no single SDG has the power to transform the world alone, the whole set of SDGs together does." ### Article: Prajal Pradhan, Luis Costa, Diego Rybski, Wolfgang Lucht, Jurgen. P. Kropp (2017): A systematic study of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) interactions. Earth's Future. [DOI: 10.1002/2017EF000632] Weblink to the article once it is published: Weblink to UN Sustainable Development Goals: For further information please contact: PIK press office Phone: +49 331 288 25 07 E-Mail: Twitter: @PIK_Climate CHICAGO - Researchers have found an imbalance in the brain chemistry of young people addicted to smartphones and the internet, according to a study presented today at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). According to a recent Pew Research Center study, 46 percent of Americans say they could not live without their smartphones. While this sentiment is clearly hyperbole, more and more people are becoming increasingly dependent on smartphones and other portable electronic devices for news, information, games, and even the occasional phone call. Along with a growing concern that young people, in particular, may be spending too much time staring into their phones instead of interacting with others, come questions as to the immediate effects on the brain and the possible long-term consequences of such habits. Hyung Suk Seo, M.D., professor of neuroradiology at Korea University in Seoul, South Korea, and colleagues used magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to gain unique insight into the brains of smartphone- and internet-addicted teenagers. MRS is a type of MRI that measures the brain's chemical composition. The study involved 19 young people (mean age 15.5, 9 males) diagnosed with internet or smartphone addiction and 19 gender- and age-matched healthy controls. Twelve of the addicted youth received nine weeks of cognitive behavioral therapy, modified from a cognitive therapy program for gaming addiction, as part of the study. Researchers used standardized internet and smartphone addiction tests to measure the severity of internet addiction. Questions focused on the extent to which internet and smartphone use affects daily routines, social life, productivity, sleeping patterns and feelings. "The higher the score, the more severe the addiction," Dr. Seo said. Dr. Seo reported that the addicted teenagers had significantly higher scores in depression, anxiety, insomnia severity and impulsivity. The researchers performed MRS exams on the addicted youth prior to and following behavioral therapy and a single MRS study on the control patients to measure levels of gamma aminobutyric acid, or GABA, a neurotransmitter in the brain that inhibits or slows down brain signals, and glutamate-glutamine (Glx), a neurotransmitter that causes neurons to become more electrically excited. Previous studies have found GABA to be involved in vision and motor control and the regulation of various brain functions, including anxiety. The results of the MRS revealed that, compared to the healthy controls, the ratio of GABA to Glx was significantly increased in the anterior cingulate cortex of smartphone- and internet-addicted youth prior to therapy. Dr. Seo said the ratios of GABA to creatine and GABA to glutamate were significantly correlated to clinical scales of internet and smartphone addictions, depression and anxiety. Having too much GABA can result in a number of side effects, including drowsiness and anxiety. More study is needed to understand the clinical implications of the findings, but Dr. Seo believes that increased GABA in the anterior cingulate gyrus in internet and smartphone addiction may be related to the functional loss of integration and regulation of processing in the cognitive and emotional neural network. The good news is GABA to Glx ratios in the addicted youth significantly decreased or normalized after cognitive behavioral therapy. "The increased GABA levels and disrupted balance between GABA and glutamate in the anterior cingulate cortex may contribute to our understanding the pathophysiology of and treatment for addictions," Dr. Seo said. ### Co-authors are Eun-Kee Jeong, Ph.D., Sungwon Choi, Yunna Kwon, Hae-Jeong Park, and InSeong Kim. Note: Copies of RSNA 2017 news releases and electronic images will be available online at beginning Monday, Nov. 27. RSNA is an association of over 54,000 radiologists, radiation oncologists, medical physicists and related scientists, promoting excellence in patient care and health care delivery through education, research and technologic innovation. The Society is based in Oak Brook, Ill. ( For patient-friendly information on MRS, or MR spectroscopy, visit Have you ever experienced poor service at a restaurant or hotel? Findings from a new study suggest that for certain people, a rude waiter or clerk can influence how tasty the food seems or how attractive the rooms appear. Researcher Jaehoon Lee of Southern Illinois University was eager to investigate when poor service influences a consumer's opinion of other aspects of a product or service. He hypothesized that an individual's social class would predict his or her response to poor service -- and a series of experiments supported this theory. Lee discovered that lower class individuals are more likely to assume that food will be less delicious if the waiter is inattentive or rude, while higher class people -- those with better jobs, more money and more education--do not typically make this assumption. "This is because lower class individuals tend to perceive situations as interconnected and holistic," says Lee, a professor in the marketing department at Southern Illinois University. "People who have less economic resources, for example, may turn to others for help and feel more dependent, so are more attuned to external circumstances." This holistic view of life creates what is known as a "carryover effect" in which poor service leads to negative judgments about other aspects of the consumer experience. Individuals from higher classes, however, are less likely to experience this effect because they typically focus on their own internal state, ignoring influences in the environment. They prefer an analytical thinking pattern in which people are independent and free to pursue goals and interests because they possess an abundance of social and economic resources. This analytic thinking pattern leads them to believe that poor service is not connected to the quality of the food or other aspects of a consumer experience. Lee discovered this connection between social class and thinking patterns in a study in which participants read about a scenario related to celebrating a special occasion with a significant other. The participants were told to imagine that they had a dinner reservation at a nice restaurant that was 20 miles away. After placing their orders, the waiter informed them that the restaurant was out of the vegetarian entree they had selected. They picked another item on the menu, but the waiter said that the restaurant was out of all vegetarian entrees. Then the participants were asked to rate how much they agreed with the statement "The food is likely to be delicious." Lee found that participants from lower classes were more likely to disagree with the statement that the food would be delicious than higher class individuals. In another experiment, participants read a scenario about celebrating a special occasion with their significant others. They had reserved a nice hotel for the weekend, and the hotel was 400 miles away. When the participants arrived at the hotel, there was a long wait to check in. The clerk answered several phone calls while the participants tried to check in, and then their room was occupied by another guest. After reading about this poor service experience, participants were asked to rate how clean they expected the rooms to be. Lower class individuals predicted that the rooms would not be clean, while higher class participants predicted that the cleanliness of the rooms would be acceptable. "All of the studies showed that low class individuals were more likely to experience the carryover effect," Lee says. "I was particularly interested in studying this because the number of Americans who identify themselves as working class or lower class has increased significantly in the last 15 years." According to a Gallup poll in 2015, 48 percent of Americans identified with the working class, compared to only 33 in 2000. "Marketers and practitioners have focused their attention on upper class consumers, but this means a large proportion of consumers are being neglected," Lee says. "These consumers have different psychological thinking and judgement patterns than analytical high-class consumers, and marketers should keep this in mind." ### The study is available online at: This study will appear in the Journal of Consumer Psychology in April, 2018. For more information, contact: Jaehoon (Jae) Lee Assistant Professor of Marketing Southern Illinois University Office: 618-453-7785 Email: The Supreme Court-appointed EPCA has ordered the inclusion of NCR regions- Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon and Faridabad in the Odd-Even scheme by mid-December. By Arpan Rai: Amid objections by NGT over exclusion of women and two-wheelers, the Delhi government's much-touted odd-even scheme is most likely to make a comeback as the transport department is considering its implementation with increase in pollution levels. The scheme has already been vetted for its effectiveness by National Green Tribunal this year and undergone immense scrutiny. Officials at the transport department have termed the revival of scheme this year as an obvious move. advertisement "The government is obviously moving ahead with odd and even scheme as it is mandated by EPCA and NGT," said KK Dahiya, special commissioner, transport department. "The scheme is most likely to return by mid-December," another official at the transport department said. The SC-appointed EPCA has ordered inclusion of adjoining towns of NCR like Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon and Faridabad in the third round of odd and even. In the first two rounds, it was restricted to Delhi. But it hit a rocky road before becoming a reality this year after NGT had struck down exclusion of women drivers and two-wheelers. EPCA had raised questions about Delhi government's decision to enforce it before the authority could assess the situation. --- ENDS --- While many people consider themselves generally moral and honest, even the most upstanding citizens will likely become willing to lie, cheat and steal under certain circumstances, according to evidence from a new study in the Journal of Consumer Psychology. If consumers believe that a company is harmful in some way--to the environment or to people -- then they feel justified participating in illegal activities, such as shoplifting, piracy or hacking, according to findings in the study. "People are much more willing to do something that risks their own integrity if they believe a company is unethical," says Jeffrey Rotman, a professor in the business school at Deakin University in Australia. "And this desire to punish a harmful brand occurs even when the consumer has not personally had a bad experience with the company." Rotman's team discovered this effect in one study in which participants were introduced to a fictitious pharmaceutical company that produced drugs to treat Parkinson's disease and a bacterial infection called Brucellosis. Some of the participants learned that the company planned to increase the price of the drug by 300 percent to generate considerably more profit, even if it meant that certain customers could no longer afford the medication. Other participants learned that the company would not raise prices despite the profit benefits. The researchers discovered that the participants who were told that the company was raising prices were significantly more willing to punish the company via unethical means, such as lying, cheating or stealing. To better understand why consumers violate their personal code of ethics in these situations, the researchers conducted another experiment in which participants read a report stating that on average, Internet speeds in the United States are consistently below advertised speeds. The federal report explained that this occurs because many ISPs intentionally cap speeds at 20 percent lower than advertised speeds. One group of participants was told that their Internet speeds had in fact underperformed, and they were asked to sign a letter to the ISP asking for a 10 percent discount on monthly fees. The other group was told that their Internet speeds were as advertised, but they should still sign the letter based on the findings in the federal report. Even though their Internet speeds were good, they were encouraged to lie to justify the discount and capture the company's attention. Typically, people feel emotional consequences when they engage in unethical behavior, but the researchers found that negative feelings, such as guilt, were absent because people felt that the company was cheating customers. "People felt morally justified lying to the ISP because the report claimed that the company was not delivering promised speeds," Rotman says. The researchers discovered that this desire to punish companies perceived as harmful is also reflected in the real world. Participants rated how harmful they perceived a variety of different industries, such as pharmacies, supermarkets and home improvement stores. On average, the more harmful the ratings, the greater the rates of theft were in these industries. "There is growing distrust among the public of certain aspects of business and government, and these findings suggest that if people perceive these entities as harmful, they might feel justified in being unethical," Rotman says. "My hope is that organizations will make it a priority to build a reputation that allows consumers and businesses to be on the same side." ### To read the study online, visit: This study will appear in the Journal of Consumer Psychology in July, 2018. For more information, contact: Jeff Rotman Professor in the Business School at Deakin University in Australia Stemming the Standard-of-Care Sprawl: Clinician Self-Interest and the Case of Electronic Fetal Monitoring Kayte Spector-Bagdady, Raymond De Vries, Lisa Hope Harris, and Lisa Kane Low Continuous electronic fetal monitoring is often used during labor to monitor fetal heart rates, but in most pregnancies, the practice may increase risks to mother and baby. Despite strong evidence and professional guidelines that argue against the use of continuous EFM for healthy pregnancies, it persists as the standard of care. One of the main reasons for this is often assumed to be physicians' concerns about liability. This article examines if there are ways to ensure that the medical standard of care is based on the best interests of the patient, not on clinicians' concerns to protect against legal action. Spector-Bagdady is an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology, De Vries is the associate director of the Center for Bioethics and Social Sciences in Medicine, and Hope Harris is an associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Michigan Medical School. Kane Low is an associate professor of health behavior and biological sciences at the University of Michigan School of Nursing. Another Voice: Practices like continuous EFM may get "stuck" as the standard of care because the medical profession lacks a mechanism for ensuring that its members stay current with best practices. Instead, medical malpractice law is used to set the boundaries on acceptable practice. And as long as a respectable minority of doctors continue to embrace a given intervention, no matter its efficacy, the law will deem the practice reasonable, writes Michelle Oberman, a professor at Santa Clara University School of Law. Ending DACA Has Pragmatic and Ethical Implications for U.S. Health Care Danish Zaidi and Mark Kuczewski In a letter to Congress earlier this year, the American Association of Medical Colleges wrote that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program initiative would contribute more than 5,000 primary care physicians in the coming decades, many of whom would be positioned to care for underserved populations. This essay, coauthored by the director of medical education at the first U.S. medical school to recruit and accept students protected by DACA, outlines the serious practical and ethical consequences of the recent decision by the Trump administration to rescind the program. It highlights the urgent need for a sustainable solution to safeguard DACA recipients who would otherwise lose protections. Mark Kuczewski is the director of medical education at the Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine. Danish Zaidi is a doctor of medicine candidate at Wake Forest School of Medicine. Perspective: "What's in a name?" CAR-T Gene Therapy Eric Kodish When Kodish served on the National Institutes of Health Recombinant DNA Advisory committee, he was repeatedly reminded not to speak of "gene therapy" but instead to use the term "gene transfer research." But in August, the FDA approved CAR-T gene therapy for relapsed childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia, an intervention that holds great promise but can also cause life-threatening side effects. A pediatric hematologist at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University, Kodish asks if it is ever correct to speak of "therapeutic research" when the phrase may promote false hopes. ### Also in this report: "Public Health and Autonomy: A Critical Appraisal" Policy & Politics: "Real-World Evidence, Public Participation, and the FDA" Special Report: Just Reproduction: Reimagining Autonomy in Reproductive Medicine Contact Susan Gilbert, director of communications The Hastings Center 845-424-4040 x244 Scientists hope to have found a new neurobiological marker to help recognise patients with post-traumatic stress disorder Scientists at the Universities of Birmingham and Amsterdam hope to have found a new neurobiological marker to help recognise patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Using an electroencephalogram (EEG) - a test that detects electrical activity in a person's brain via electrodes attached to their scalp - researchers studied the brain activity of a group of thirteen patients with PTSD. The group was then compared to a group who had suffered a similar trauma but had not gone on to develop PDST. PTSD is estimated to affect about one in every ten people who have a traumatic experience. It can develop immediately after someone experiences a disturbing event or it can occur weeks, months or even years later and can affect a person's memory. The type of events that can cause PTSD include serious road accidents, violent personal assaults, witnessing violent deaths, military combat, being held hostage, terrorist attacks and natural disasters. Dr Ali Mazaheri, of the University of Birmingham's School of Psychology and Centre for Human Brain Health, said of the study published today in Nature Scientific Reports: "We know that a symptom of PTSD can be heightened sensory sensitivity. "In this study, we tested the brain's response to a simple auditory sensory change by playing simple (standard 1000Hz) tones every second, and then intermittently playing a slightly altered tone (1200 Hz), known as a deviant. "What we found was that patients who had developed PTSD showed enhanced brain responses to deviant tones, suggesting their brain over-processed any change in the environment. "Importantly we found the more enhanced their response was, the more poorly they performed on cognitive tests looking at memory." Katrin Bangel, of the University of Amsterdam, said: "This is the first research study of its kind. The neurobiological evidence we now have shows how altered brain activity of a patient with PTSD is closely related to the way it processes the world. "What's more, this study is very unique in that it compared PTSD patients with a control group of those that also suffered similar trauma but didn't develop PTSD, rather than a control group who had no trauma or PTSD - this really allows us to look at what triggers PTSD following significant trauma. "We now potentially have a new neurobiological marker for PTSD patients that maps to their own individual symptoms. "This marker, if validated, could be used to assess if an individual is getting better with treatment. It can also be potentially used in diagnosing patients." Professor Dr Miranda Olff, of the University of Amsterdam and Arq Psychotrauma Expert Group, said: "This area of research is incredibly important. "Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating disorder caused by very stressful, frightening or distressing events. "Someone with PTSD often relives the traumatic event through nightmares and flashbacks, and may experience feelings of isolation, irritability and guilt. "They may also have problems sleeping, such as insomnia, and find concentrating difficult. "These symptoms are often severe and persistent enough to have a significant impact on the person's day-to-day life. "Therefore it is vital that we find new ways to treat the condition and also assess treatment outcomes." The team has now begun further research validating the marker and also plans a clinical trial to test potential treatments on patients with PTSD. ### To request interviews call Emma McKinney, Communications Manager (Health Sciences), University of Birmingham, tel: 44-121-414-6681 or email: For out of hours enquiries email or please call 44-7789-921-165. Notes to the editor: New research shows that Republicans have more varied opinions about climate change than their political leaders suggest Climate change is not a partisan issue, and a UC Santa Barbara researcher has the data to prove it. Matto Mildenberger, an assistant professor of political science, led a new study -- published in the journal Climatic Change -- that finds substantial differences in the climate change views of both Republicans and Democrats across different states and congressional districts. "While subsets of the Republican voting public do not support climate policies and hold views consistent with party elite, Republican climate and energy opinions are more varied than might be presumed from political discourse," said Mildenberger, who conducted the research with colleagues at Yale University and Utah State University. "Similarly, the results emphasize consistent support among Democrats for climate and energy policies, despite variation in belief intensity." To carry out the study, the team combined information from state voter files with climate and energy opinions collected online between 2008 and 2016 by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and the George Mason Center for Climate Change Communication. The data allowed them to estimate the geographic distribution of Republican and Democratic climate and energy opinions across the country. As it turns out, the researchers discovered, substantial disagreement on climate exists between Republican elites and members of their party. For example, many Republicans in Congress doubt whether climate change is happening, yet most Republican party members in different states think that global warming is indeed underway. Those Republicans living in New York, Delaware and Alaska are particularly likely to do so. But only a quarter of Republicans in most states believe climate change is both happening and human-caused. According to the study, the differences in climate opinions also translate into party members' policy preferences. There is, for instance, majority Republican support for Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) policies in 111 congressional districts currently held by Republican members of Congress. Similarly, a majority of Republicans in every state but Wyoming support regulating carbon dioxide as a pollutant. And in particular, relative to the average national party member, Republicans in Southern Florida strongly support regulating carbon pollution. The geography of partisan climate opinions in the U.S. highlighted in their study, the researchers say, should inform decision makers, educators and communicators working at sub-national scales. Co-author Peter Howe, of Utah State University, said that an understanding of how support for climate change and energy reforms differs at local scales is especially important given the current policymaking context. Despite the Trump administration's withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement in mid-2017, state and local governments continue to act as critical sites of climate and energy policymaking in the U.S. "Accelerating state and local policymaking highlights the need for public opinion and policy preference data at these subnational spatial scales," noted Yale University co-author Jennifer Marlon. ### Maps that visualize the Republican and Democratic distribution of climate beliefs are available at AURORA, Colo. (Nov. 30, 2017) - Researchers examining understudied populations in Africa have found that skin pigmentation is far more varied and complex than previously understood. And that complexity increases nearer the equator. "Previous studies have focused on more homogeneous European and Eurasian populations and concluded that pigmentation was governed by just a handful of genes," said study co-author Christopher Gignoux, PhD, MS, associate professor at the Colorado Center for Personalized Medicine at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. "But in this study we looked at pigmentation among African populations and found a striking variability that has been underappreciated." The study, published in the November edition of the journal Cell, is the culmination of a decade's worth of research involving scientists from CU Anschutz, the State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stanford University, Stellenbosch University, and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. The researchers studied two populations of the KhoeSan people, the Khomani San and the Nama. Both live in South Africa and have much lighter skin than other Africans who live closer to the equator. Scientists conducted interviews, recorded height, age and gender and used a reflectometer to measure skin color of about 400 people. They discovered that skin pigmentation is highly heritable but that doesn't explain its variance and complexity. Instead of a few genes controlling the process as many thought, they found far more genes involved, each one contributing something different. And many of the genes have yet to be discovered. Only about 10 percent of that previously discovered variation can be linked to genes impacting pigmentation in the KhoeSan. One finding showed that the closer a population moves to the equator, the more genes come into play that can influence variability. "Light skin pigmentation in the KhoeSan appears to be due to a combination of many small-effect mutations as well as some large-effect variants," said the study's senior author Brenna Henn, assistant professor of Ecology and Evolution at SUNY Stony Brook. Some of those mutations, Henn said, may have arisen in southern Africa more than 100,000 years ago and were selected for in Europeans after they left Africa for higher latitudes where pigment lightens to absorb more sunlight which produces vitamin D and folate protection. "We argue that the distributions of skin pigmentation globally suggest different forces of selection operating at various latitudes," Henn said. In order to understand baseline pigmentation, she said, it's important to study a large set of genetically diverse populations that have historically been exposed to different levels of ultraviolet radiation. Gignoux agreed saying earlier notions of skin pigmentation being relatively simple underestimated the genetics involved. "At higher latitudes there is far less difference in skin pigmentation and that's where most of the earlier research was done," he said. "But there is more pigmentation variation on the African continent than any other place on earth and its needs further study." ### AN important but unsung figure from a turbulent period of British politics has become the subject of a book for the first time. Historians at the University of Huddersfield have played a key role in editing and writing the newly-published volume, which analyses the life and times of Halifax-born J.H. Whitley. Liberal MP for his home town, he was Speaker of the House of Commons from 1921-1928, the period that saw the first Labour Government and experienced a General Strike. A preface to the new book is provided by the current Speaker, John Bercow. He is one of a sequence of distinguished politicians and writers who have delivered the annual J.H. Whitley Lecture, a series that began in 2012 after a collection of Whitley's papers, books and photographs was deposited in the University of Huddersfield's archives by his descendants. This has led to scholarly investigation of Whitley's life and legacy and to the new book, edited by the University of Huddersfield's Professor Keith Laybourn, a leading expert on Labour history, and Dr John Hargreaves, whose books include a definitive history of Halifax. They were joined by Professor Richard Toye of the University of Exeter, who delivered the inaugural J.H. Whitley Lecture. "This is not a biography of Whitley," said Professor Laybourn. "But it does have a lot of biographical material and analysis of issues and events that he was deeply concerned with. It is the first serious study of J.H. Whitley." The book has 13 chapters, dealing with topics that range from Whitley's upbringing in Halifax and his involvement in its radical late 19th century politics, through his pioneering development of joint industrial councils - an innovation that created international interest - his period as Speaker and his chairmanship of the BBC from 1930 until his death in 1935. There is also a chapter dealing with Whitley's 1929-31 spell as Chairman of the Royal Commission on Labour in India. This is co-authored by Paul Ward, who is the University of Huddersfield's Professor of Modern British History and overseer of the J.H. Whitley Archive. He was joined in the research for his chapter by four Huddersfield students of history and heritage - Amerdeep Panesar, Amy Stoddart, James Turner and Sarah Wells. Other University of Huddersfield-based historians who have contributed include Dr Christine Verguson, who deals with Whitley's attitudes to the new medium of radio and how it evolved in Yorkshire. A preface is provided by Mr John Whitley, who is J.H. Whitley's grandson. He explains the decision to deposit the archive at Huddersfield "as the local university for Halifax, with its excellent archive facilities and record of research on themes relevant to my grandfather's life". Mr Whitley also pays a tribute to the book's dedicatee, Dr John Barrett, a former police officer who completed a University of Huddersfield PhD - supervised by Professor Laybourn - on poverty in 19th century Huddersfield. He then intended to explore the Whitley Collection and write a biography of the ex-Speaker, but died suddenly in October 2016. He did complete a chapter for the new book, and it is the final one in the volume - an appraisal of obituaries of J.H. Whitley. Dr Barrett concludes that the Whitley who emerged was "a modest man, of some ability and much honest morality" who was proud of his Halifax roots. ### Liberal Reform and Industrial Relations: J.H. Whitley (1866-1935), Halifax Radical and Speaker of the House of Commons, edited by John A. Hargreaves, Keith Laybourn and Richard Toye, is published by Routledge. BALTIMORE - Nov. 30, 2017. A research team led by Mohit N. Gilotra, MD, assistant professor of orthopaedics at the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM), will receive the prestigious 2018 Charles S. Neer Award from the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) for a clinical study that demonstrated an effective method to potentially reduce the risk of serious infection following shoulder surgery. The ASES is a society made up of leading national and international orthopaedic surgeons who specialize in surgery of the shoulder and elbow. The Charles S. Neer Award is among the most prestigious prizes for orthopaedic research and is awarded each year for clinical and basic research. This is the first time the prize will be presented to researchers from the Maryland, Washington, D.C. and Virginia area. Dr. Gilotra, the principal investigator and senior author, and his colleagues are being honored for their paper, "Benzoyl Peroxide Effectively Decreases Pre-Operative Propionibacterium acnes Shoulder Burden: A Randomized Clinical Trial," which was presented in October at the ASES annual meeting. Co-authors include R. Frank Henn III, MD, associate professor of orthopaedics at UMSOM, and S. Ashfaq Hasan, MD, associate professor of orthopaedics and chief of the elbow and shoulder program in the Department of Orthopaedics at UMSOM. Propionibacterium acnes (P acnes), a gram-positive bacteria, is a commonly reported cause of delayed infection in shoulder surgery. Traditional skin preparations are ineffective in preventing these infections because they don't penetrate deep enough into the skin to reach the source of the P acnes and have minimal to no effect on the bacteria. In this randomized clinical trial with 80 patients, the researchers found that using benzoyl peroxide (BPO) is more effective at reducing P acnes bacteria on the shoulder than chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG), which may reduce the risk of intraoperative wound contamination and delayed post-operative infection. "BPO should be considered as a preoperative skin prep for high-risk patients given its potential benefit and low cost," the researchers concluded, noting that multicenter studies are needed to further establish the relationship between BPO and surgical site infections. The award will be presented to the University of Maryland research team at the ASES Open Meeting/Specialty Day on March 10, 2018, in New Orleans. The team also included Julio Jaregui, MD, Andrew Dubina, MD, and UMSOM medical students, Logan Kolakowski, BS, and Grant Duvall, BS. Jim Lai, MD, is a former member of the research team who is now a rehab resident at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore. "Post-operative infection is a serious problem for patients, and our researchers presented clear evidence that using benzoyl peroxide before surgery significantly reduced the level of P acnes that can pose a risk of infection. This represents a promising alternative to traditional skin preparations," says Andrew N. Pollak, MD, the James Lawrence Kernan Professor and Chair of the Department of Orthopaedics. "I applaud Dr. Gilotra and his colleagues for this well-deserved honor." "This research breaks new ground in evaluating how we can control potentially devastating infections following shoulder surgery and illustrates one of the many ways that our faculty members are advancing science for the benefit of patients," says E. Albert Reece, MD., PhD, MBA, vice president for medical affairs at the University of Maryland and the John Z. and Akiko K. Bowers Distinguished Professor and dean of UMSOM. "We are very pleased that University of Maryland School of Medicine scientists have been chosen to receive this international recognition." The award is named for Charles S. Neer II, MD, a longtime orthopaedic surgeon at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City who was well-known for his contributions in shoulder surgery and reconstruction. He founded and became the first president of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons in 1982. In 1985, Dr. Neer created a fund to recognize outstanding clinical investigation that contributes to the understanding, care and prevention of injuries to the shoulder and elbow. The award has been presented annually since the first Open Meeting. In 1987, the award was expanded to recognize both clinical and research categories. About the University of Maryland School of Medicine Commemorating its 210th Anniversary, the University of Maryland School of Medicine was chartered in 1807 as the first public medical school in the United States. It continues today as one of the fastest growing, top-tier biomedical research enterprises in the world -- with 43 academic departments, centers, institutes, and programs; and a faculty of more than 3,000 physicians, scientists, and allied health professionals, including members of the National Academy of Sciences, and a distinguished recipient of the Albert E. Lasker Award in Medical Research. With an operating budget of more than $1 billion, the School of Medicine works closely in partnership with the University of Maryland Medical Center and Medical System to provide research-intensive, academic and clinically-based care for more than 1.2 million patients each year. The School has over 2,500 students, residents, and fellows, and nearly $450 million in extramural funding, with more than half of its academic departments ranked in the top 20 among all public medical schools in the nation in research funding. As one of the seven professional schools that make up the University of Maryland, Baltimore campus, the School of Medicine has a total workforce of nearly 7,000 individuals. The combined School and Medical System ("University of Maryland Medicine") has a total budget of $5 billion and an economic impact of nearly $15 billion on the state and local community. The School of Medicine faculty, which ranks as the 8th-highest public medical school in research productivity, is an innovator in translational medicine with 600 active patents and 24 start-up companies. The School works locally, nationally, and globally, with research and treatment facilities in 36 countries around the world. Visit ### PITTSBURGH, Nov. 30, 2017 - A common, hands-on method for teaching genetics in grade school encourages students to compare their earlobes with those of their parents: Are they attached and smoothly mesh with the jawline? Or are they detached and dangly? The answer is meant to teach students about dominant and recessive genes. Simple, right? Not so fast. New research led by the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health and School of Dental Medicine, and published online today in the American Journal of Human Genetics, reveals that the lesson is much more complicated, with an interplay of at least 49 genes contributing to earlobe attachment. "Sometimes the genetics of a fairly simple trait are actually quite complex," said lead author John R. Shaffer, Ph.D., assistant professor in Pitt Public Health's Department of Human Genetics and the Department of Oral Biology in Pitt's School of Dental Medicine. "By understanding that complexity, we can work toward treatments for genetic conditions, several of which have distinct facial features that involve the earlobe, including Mowat-Wilson Syndrome, which can cause cupped ears with protruding lobes." The study was an international collaboration involving investigators in the United Kingdom and China, and included data from the U.S.-based personal genetics company 23andMe Inc. "The great thing about these collaborations is that we not only had a large sample size, but we also had participants from different ethnicities, giving us a greater depth of genetic information," said senior author Seth M. Weinberg, Ph.D., associate professor in Pitt's departments of Oral Biology and Human Genetics. The study - which is part of a broader investigation of the genetic basis of human facial features - also gives insight into a debate that has been raging in the genetics community: Which is better? Large-scale population studies that cast a wide net but, due to their size, cannot hone in on specifics, or more-focused studies that can obtain extensive participant information? For their earlobe study, the Pitt team did both. First, the team investigated a sample of just under 10,000 participants who, in addition to providing genetic data, were examined to determine if their lobes were attached, detached or partially attached. The participants provided some medical history and were screened for a family history of congenital malformations. Then, the team partnered with 23andMe to include nearly 65,000 of its customers who consented to participate in research - dramatically increasing the study's statistical power. Unlike the more detailed assessment in the initial sample, the 23andMe participants provided self-reports about their own earlobe status as simply attached or detached. "This is the unique power of 23andMe's research platform - to quickly and easily make genetic discoveries across a broad variety of traits, uncovering biology that might never otherwise see the light of day because it doesn't obviously meet the priorities for research funding," said Joyce Tung, Ph.D., 23andMe's vice president for research. "And yet, important insights can still be drawn even from seemingly insignificant traits." Using just the information from the smaller group of 10,000 participants, the researchers were able to identify six genes that played roles in earlobe attachment. When the analysis was broadened to include the 23andMe participants, those six genes were again strongly implicated in earlobe attachment, but another 43 genes were added. "So do we put our resources toward careful and rigorous study of a smaller set of individuals or is it better to get less detail, but recruit a lot more study participants?" said Shaffer. "In our study, we unite both of these approaches, and we see that using the bigger group gave us all the results of the smaller study, plus a whole lot more." The results don't mean that grade school science teachers should stop using traits like earlobes to teach genetics. But the lesson needs to be updated to show that even a seemingly simple inherited trait, such as earlobe attachment, involves a complex and fascinating interplay of genes that geneticists are only beginning to understand, said co-author Eleanor Feingold, Ph.D., professor of human genetics and biostatistics at Pitt Public Health. "We've got these 49 genes that we know affect earlobe attachment, but we don't know how they work together or interact with one another," said Feingold, also senior associate dean at Pitt Public Health. "Figuring that out is the next step." ### Additional institutions that contributed to this study are the Chinese Academy of Sciences; University College of London; Universidad Puruana Cayetano Heredia in Peru; Universidad do Rio Grande do Sol in Brazil; UNAM-Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genomica in Mexico; Universidad de Chile; Universidad de Antioquia in Colombia; Instituto Patagonico de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas in Argentina; Saint Louis University; McGovern Medical University of Texas; University of Iowa; Fudan University in China; Seattle Children's Research Institute; University of Washington; Monash University in Australia; and Aix-Marseille University in France. This research was funded by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research grants and contracts U01-DE020078, U01-DE20057, R01-DE016148, R00-DE02560, R01-DE027023 and #HHSN2682012000081; National Human Genome Research Institute grant X01-HG007821; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention grant R01-DD000295; Leverhulme Trust grant F/07 134/DF; Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council grant BB/I021213/1; the Laurel Foundation Endowment for Craniofacial Research; National Natural Science Foundation of China grant 91631307; and the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences grant XDB13041000. About the University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences The University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences include the schools of Medicine, Nursing, Dental Medicine, Pharmacy, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences and the Graduate School of Public Health. The schools serve as the academic partner to the UPMC (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center). Together, their combined mission is to train tomorrow's health care specialists and biomedical scientists, engage in groundbreaking research that will advance understanding of the causes and treatments of disease and participate in the delivery of outstanding patient care. Since 1998, Pitt and its affiliated university faculty have ranked among the top 10 educational institutions in grant support from the National Institutes of Health. For additional information about the Schools of the Health Sciences, please visit Contact: Allison Hydzik Office: 412-647-9975 Mobile: 412-559-2431 Arvind Suresh Office: 412-647-9966 Mobile: 412-509-8207 MADISON, Wis. -- Using a molecule designed to overcome a roadblock formed by a common type of genetic flaw, researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have made progress towards novel molecular treatments for Friedreich's ataxia -- a rare but fatal disorder -- in the laboratory dish and in animals. Friedreich's, like at least 40 other genetic diseases, is caused by stretches of repetitive DNA that prevent protein from forming correctly. The repeats can contain hundreds of identical, short sequences of DNA (such as GAAGAAGAAGAA ...). In some diseases, including Friedreich's, the repeats become roadblocks to cellular machines that decode the gene and start making the protein that the cell needs. In other diseases, such as the neurological condition Huntington's, the repeats can result in excess protein, which itself can become toxic. In research reported this week in the journal Science, Aseem Ansari, a professor of biochemistry and genomics at UW-Madison, and colleagues showed that their "molecular prosthesis" can help cellular machinery overcome the blockade posed by the repeats in Friedreich's ataxia. One component of the prosthesis locates the repeats, then the second helps the cellular machinery soldier past the repeats to properly decode the gene. Friedreich's appears in only one American in 50,000, but it's fatal and untreatable, says Ansari. "These kids accumulate repeats in a gene for a protein called frataxin that mitochondria, the cell's powerhouse, need to process energy. Without frataxin, tissues that use the most energy get hurt first: the brain, heart and pancreas." As early as age 5, movement is impaired "because the brain does not have the energy it needs and it also accumulates DNA damage," says Ansari, who has a joint appointment with the Genome Center of Wisconsin at UW-Madison. "Most young people with Friedreich's develop severe heart problems and are wheelchair-bound, but the disease is so rare that few drug companies invest in it." In the Ansari group, Graham Erwin, Matthew Grieshop and Asfa Ali formed a team that designed and created the prototype molecule, and also orchestrated collaboration with colleagues at UW-Madison, the pharmaceutical firm Novartis, and a leading medical center in India. The Science publication rested on two kinds of experiments: In studies of cell lines from more than 20 Friedreich's patients, the molecular prosthesis restored expression of the frataxin protein. In mice containing transplanted human cells carrying about 310 GAA repeats, the prosthesis restored expression of a signaling protein to nearly normal. The molecule being tested is designed to assist the enzyme that reads, or "transcribes," DNA at the confusing repeats. Once it reaches the other side, the enzyme, called RNA polymerase, reads the gene and makes RNA that in turn codes for frataxin, the protein that is lacking in Friedreich's ataxia. One part of the new molecule is "a direction finder that we engineered to locate the problem in the patient's genome," Ansari says. Once it finds the troublesome repeats, "the second component brings in the machinery that helps RNA polymerase slog through the repeats and make the correct transcript and subsequently the functional protein." Understanding the role of frataxin and how repeats block its synthesis started with studies in yeast cells and then fruit flies, Ansari says. "In those simple organisms, scientists teased out exactly what the repeat region was doing, and the same principles were at work in human cells. Without that understanding, we would not have been able to devise our molecules, which highlights the need to study biology at all levels." Although the biochemistry is complex, the concept of ignoring repeats is not, Ansari says. "If we compare the enzyme that reads DNA to an engine moving down the 'track' of DNA, the repeat may stop it cold, cause it to skip too far ahead, or jam it in the 'on' position so it makes a toxic amount of the protein." The new results published this week in Science suggest that "we have figured out how to turn on the part of the gene that is being ignored without doing anything anywhere else," Ansari says. Even as patients and families yearn for a cure, it's likely to take several years before drug testing begins, Ansari warns. Ansari, who has been trying to unravel repeats for about 15 years at UW-Madison, achieved initial success in 2004 when his group designed "two-headed" molecules with a "DNA reading head" that would deliver the molecule to a specific location in an individual's genome, and a "docking head" that would dock a cellular machine to force the gene to be read correctly at that site. Then, Ansari says, researchers found that the molecule got "distracted" while floating in a sea of DNA and failed to distinguish hundreds of "look-alike" sites from its actual target. By 2013, funding had dried up, and only a grant from the W.M. Keck Foundation enabled Ansari to continue searching to outfox the repeats. While many efforts to treat Friedreich's are screening millions of drugs, "we are working from a deeper understanding of the problem," Ansari says. "Once we understood why the enzyme was getting blocked, we rationally designed seven molecules to help the enzyme pass the obstruction." The Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation has applied for two patents on the discovery, which Ansari thinks could be applied more broadly. "With recent advances in human genome sequencing, more than 40 diseases have been recognized as resulting from microsatellite repeats," says Ansari, including fragile X, which causes developmental difficulties, and some types of muscular dystrophy. "Now that we are starting to understand how to defuse these repeats," he says, "we see this as a general solution, a molecular engineering principle. We would sequence the genome and figure out the problem, and make a molecule tailored for that individual. It's a new precision-tailored path to personalized medicine." ### David Tenenbaum, 608-265-8549, This research was supported by the National Institutes of Health (grants CA133508, GM117362, HL099773, P30 AR066524, and GM07215) the W. M. Keck Foundation, and the Government of India. MAPUTO, Mozambique (Nov. 30, 2017) - Despite some forest loss, Mozambique's sprawling Niassa National Reserve has the potential to support tens of thousands of elephants and 1,000 lions according to a new land-use study published in the journal Parks. Niassa Reserve is Mozambique's largest protected area, spanning 42,300 square kilometers (16,300 square miles), and is considered one of the least biologically explored regions in Africa. The reserve supports Mozambique's largest populations of endangered wildlife. Approximately 40,000 people legally live within its boundaries and harvest its natural resources. The study, which monitored fine-scale temporal trends in land-use and tree cover, documented that the reserve lost some 108 square kilometers (41 square miles) of forest between 2001 and 2014 primarily due to agriculture and settlement along roads. While the loss is substantial, it represents less than 1 percent of all forest in the reserve. And it is lower than forest loss in surrounding regions, where adjacent districts lost 200 square kilometers (3.2 percent) of forest cover, and the two northern Mozambique Provinces containing Niassa lost 6,584 square kilometers (5.7 percent) of their forest cover outside of the reserve's borders during the same time. The findings for Niassa Reserve are particularly encouraging in the African context where deforestation rates are five times higher than the global average, and there are many examples of protected areas in Africa losing much more forest cover within their boundaries. The authors say that the Niassa's protected area status has helped save it from large-scale land clearing that has plagued outside areas, despite the fact that that forest governance in Mozambique is generally weak. The results of the study should be used to further engage with local communities, which have the right to live in the reserve according to Mozambique law. Lead author James Allan from the University of Queensland in Australia said: "The fact that forest loss is much lower than in the surrounding region or in many other African protected areas is a very encouraging result." The study found that the reserve's diverse Miombo woodland habitat is still intact, and with proper investment in best practice management could support large assemblages of megafauna. Though rampant poaching has impacted wildlife - particularly elephants - residual wildlife populations could recolonize. Niassa's elephants have been decimated in recent years, with more than 8,000 animals poached in the last six years. The reserve currently holds approximately 800 lions, although there are localized declines in the population in some areas. Other threats loom in Niassa including artisanal mining, land-use change, bushmeat poaching, commercial poaching, wildfires, climate change, and selective logging. The authors say that given the potentially substantial benefits to biodiversity conservation and broader societal goals, investing in the effective management of Niassa should be a global conservation priority. There are very few places remaining on the planet which can hold populations of large wildlife in the tens of thousands, and Niassa Reserve, with its connection to Selous Game Reserve in southern Tanzania, is one of these places. James Bampton, WCS Mozambique Country Director said: "From a WCS Mozambique perspective, this research demonstrates just how important the Conservation Area network in Mozambique - particularly Niassa National Reserve - is for protecting forests and reducing deforestation. Reduced deforestation equates to reduced CO2 emissions and we are exploring how climate change funding could be used to support our active efforts to continue to keep deforestation rates low as intact forest ecosystems in Niassa support its outstanding and unique wildlife populations." ### WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) MISSION: WCS saves wildlife and wild places worldwide through science, conservation action, education, and inspiring people to value nature. To achieve our mission, WCS, based at the Bronx Zoo, harnesses the power of its Global Conservation Program in nearly 60 nations and in all the world's oceans and its five wildlife parks in New York City, visited by 4 million people annually. WCS combines its expertise in the field, zoos, and aquarium to achieve its conservation mission. Visit: Follow: @WCSNewsroom. For more information: +1 347-840-1242. USAID (United States Agency for International Development) The USAID ECOSMART partnership has three objectives: 1) improve protected area management in the Niassa National Reserve (NNR) to conserve its biodiversity, 2) increase economic and social returns from the sustainable use of NNR's natural resources whilst ensuring equitable benefit sharing amount principle stakeholders, and 3) strengthen the national protected area system and conserve biodiversity with lessons learned from the NNR and other key Mozambican protected areas. Visit: Follow: @USAIDMozambique For more information: 258-21-352-000 North Korea released a trove of photos showing off its new intercontinental ballistic missile, which Pyongyang tested this week and which it said could hit targets in the US. By India Today Web Desk: After a couple of months of relative inaction, North Korea on Wednesday once again rocked the Korean peninsula as well as the world launching what it said was its most powerful weapon yet. The weapon in question was an intercontinental ballistic missile, one that experts suggested could reach Washington DC in the United States of America, effectively putting the entire country under threat. Following the launch, Pyongyang proclaimed as much, saying it was now a full nuclear force and that it had the ability to target mainland US. advertisement The missile launch was met with swift international condemnation with the US, one of the harshest critics of the Kim Jong-un regime in North Korea, saying the test had brought Washington and Pyongyang "closer" to a war that the Donald Trump administration did not want. On the other hand, China, often seen as North Korea's friend, reiterated the China-Russia proposal for North Korea to suspend all nuclear and missile tests and for the US and South Korea to suspend all military exercises. A view of the Hwasong-15's test. State media said the missile was launched from a newly developed vehicle and that the warhead could withstand the pressure of re-entering the atmosphere. (Reuters) Meanwhile, the first images of the new missile, which North Korea called Hwasong-15, are out after being released by Pyongyang itself. In the photos, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un makes a rare appearance; he is seen celebrating with other officials after which he reportedly "declared with pride" North Korea has realised the "great historic cause of completing the state nuclear force", according to a statement. Kim Jong Un celebrates after the newly developed intercontinental ballistic rocket Hwasong-15 was successfully launched. (Reuters) Kim Jong Un celebrates after the newly developed intercontinental ballistic rocket Hwasong-15 was successfully launched. (Reuters) Perhaps one of the most iconic photos from the lot released by North Korea is that of Kim Jong-un smoking a cigarette and gazing up into the sky as his missile, presumably, completes its successful launch. Kim personally guided the missile test and said the new launcher was The news agency Associated Press spoke to rocket experts to get their initial assessment of the North Korean missile. Here is the AP's analysis report, reproduced verbatim and unedited: THE MISSILE The North's new missile appears to be significantly bigger than the Hwasong-14 ICBM it tested twice in July. Note how it dwarfs North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, who stands about 170 centimeters (5 feet 7 inches) tall. In a tweet just after the photos were published, Michael Duitsman, a researcher at the Center for Nonproliferation Studies in Monterey, California, said: "This is very big missile ... And I don't mean 'Big for North Korea.' advertisement Only a few countries can produce missiles of this size, and North Korea just joined the club." Size is important because a missile targeting the United States would have to carry a lot of fuel. Duitsman also suggested the new ICBM appears to have a different engine arrangement and improved steering. A view of the newly developed intercontinental ballistic rocket Hwasong-15 that was successfully launched. (Reuters) THE LAUNCHER North Korea boasted repeatedly in its announcement of the launch Wednesday that the Hawasong-15 was fired from a domestically made erector-launcher vehicle. Its photos back that up. Being able to make its own mobile launch vehicles, called TELs, frees the North from the need to get them from other countries, like China, which is crucial considering the tightening of international sanctions that Pyongyang faces. TELs make it easier to move missiles around and launch them from remote, hard-to-predict locations. That makes finding and destroying the Hawasong-15 before a launch more difficult. THE PAYLOAD North Korea claims the Hwasong-15 can carry a "super-heavy" nuclear payload to any target in the mainland United States. The re-entry vehicle, that nose cone in the photo, does indeed look quite large. North Korea said the new missile reached an altitude of about 4,475 km (2,780 miles) - more than 10 times the height of the International Space Station - and flew 950 km (590 miles) during its 53-minute flight. (Reuters) advertisement But the heavier the load the shorter the range. Michael Elleman, a leading missile expert, has suggested in the respected 38 North blog that Hwasong-15's estimated 13,000-kilometer (8,100 mile) range assumes a payload of around 150 kilograms (330 pounds), which is probably much lighter than any real nuclear payload the North can produce. To get to the West Coast, the North needs to keep that weight down to 500 kilograms (1,100 pounds). Whether it can do that remains questionable. "Kim Jong Un's nuclear bomb must weigh less than 350 kilograms (800 pounds) if he expects to strike the western edges of the US mainland," Elleman estimated. "A 600-kilogram (1,300-pound) payload barely reaches Seattle." WATCH | North Korea conducts 6th nuclear test with hydrogen bomb --- ENDS --- By PTI: (Eds: Adds background) New Delhi, Nov 30 (PTI) Sidelined AIADMK leaders Sasikala and TTV Dhinakaran today moved the Delhi High Court against the Election Commissions decision recognising the unified AIADMK under Tamil Nadu Chief Minister E K Palaniswami as the real party, allowing it to use the two leaves poll symbol. The plea for urgent hearing of the matter was mentioned before a bench of Acting Chief Justice Gita Mittal and Justice C Hari Shankar and sought quashing of the November 23 order of the Election Commission of India (ECI). advertisement Senior advocate Kirti Uppal, appearing for Sasikala and Dhinakaran, said the matter required urgent hearing as the poll panels order was bad in law and needed to be set aside. Agreeing to the contention of the senior advocate, the bench listed the matter for hearing tomorrow. The issue has been lingering since April in the aftermath of the announcement of by-poll to RK Nagar Assembly constituency here following the death of AIADMK supremo J Jayalalithaa in December last year. The by-poll to Radha Krishnan Nagar Assembly constituency will be held on December 21. The EC had on November 23 allotted the two leaves symbol to the unified AIADMK led by Palaniswami and Panneerselvam, dealing a blow to the Sasikala faction. "The group led by E Madhusudhanan and others is hereby the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam, which is a recognised state party in the state of Tamil Nadu and in the Union territory of Puducherry, for whom the symbol two leaves is reserved in the said state and Union territory," the poll panel had said. The plea also sought direction for initiating appropriate proceedings against Madhusudhanan, AIADMKs candidate for the R K Nagar bypoll, Palaniswami, Panneerselvam and MLA Semmalai for their acts. It also sought to call for records and files relating to their dispute over the symbol. Uppal, who was present along with advocate Amit Anand Tiwari, told the court that the poll panel has not only given a "perverse finding but has also committed serious illegalities while arriving at the decision". "The decision making process of the ECI is contrary to the settled legal principles. The EC has treated fabricated and untested material as genuine which has resulted in the hearing being unfair and consequently contrary to the principle of natural justice and therefore the proceedings and the order are void," the plea submitted. The order of the Commission came as a setback to deposed party leader Sasikala, who is currently serving a four-year sentence in a Bengaluru jail in a disproportionate assets case, and her nephew Dhinakaran. Earlier, rival factions led by Sasikala and Panneerselvam had staked claim over the symbol. Palaniswami was then in the Sasikala camp. In an interim order in March this year, the EC had barred the two factions from using the partys name or its two leaves symbol in the bypoll. advertisement Later, a large number of legislators led by Palaniswami revolted against Sasikala and announced the merger of the two factions. The EPS-OPS camp then submitted affidavits before the EC staking claim over the party name and symbol, which was contested by the Sasikala-Dhinakaran camp. PTI PPS SKV HMP AG DV --- ENDS --- Wednesday, November 29, 2017 Amy DeMaria, Senior Vice President of Communications, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, recently was named WWPRs 2017 Woman of the Year. Capitol Communicator interviewed her and asked her questions about herself and the ever-changing communications field. Our Q&A with her follows: Amy, how has the field of PR changed in the past ten years? First and most obviously is that the way people get their information has changed and continues to change rapidly. Social media, of course, has changed how we work, but social media itself changes all the time and that has implications for our messages and content. Second, there is even more of a focus on metrics. New technologies make it easier to measure, and leaders who use metrics intelligently to measure change or value added and not just activities have more tools at their disposal to demonstrate their teams contributions. Third, the sheer speed at which communications happens mean we need to be more nimble than ever. Finally, given that social media is two-way, listening to our communities is critical. Its not enough to just create messages, share, and hope they stick. To resonate, they need to be based on feedback and conversations that are already taking place. All of these changes make it a very exciting time to be in this field. What skills do you think its important to have in coming years? Its no longer enough to be a good writer, a good communicator, a good manager. You have to have these skills and also really understand the different channels, which audiences use which channels, and which types of content resonate most with those audiences. And you have to keep your ear to the ground because the channels, the algorithms, and the way they work, change constantly. There has always been a need for media skills, writing skills, video, and now there is really room for people with very technological skills and project management skills especially on large mar/comms teams in complex organizations. Communications is a point of intersection for so many different program areas and technologies the web, the intranet, social media platforms, fundraising platforms, CRMs, analytics tools and so on. There is also room for people who are great at analytics. These are the types of skills that once may have been under the umbrella of IT or another business unit, but now the communications and marketing leaders in any organization absolutely have to understand it, and ideally, it should be housed there. People sometimes think that writing isnt as important as it used to be, but I think its more important than ever. Good writing is good thinking. Writing briefly is harder than writing longer copy. Peoples attention spans are miniscule and shrinking, and you have to capture your idea in as compelling a way as possible as quickly as possible whether its a social post, blog, video, infographic, or even a longer piece like a news release. Also, I think theres a real need for creativity and critical thinking. By creativity, I dont mean that everyone has to have a secret art director lurking inside them, but rather than you can bring an open mind and fresh approach to solving problems, because, at the end of the day, thats 90% of what youre doing as a leader. Do you have any advice for other communicators? I have a sign on my wall that says, focus on opportunities not obstacles, and I try to let that guide me. In any given difficult situation, its so easy to get mired down in the roadblocks, but theres really an art to trying to see any situation in its most positive light and to see the opportunities in any circumstance. Also, theres a famous quote, if you find work you love, youll never work another day in your life, and I think thats so true. Im lucky to work with an outstanding team, in a field Im passionate about, for a cause thats so worthy and I hope that others would also find work you love. Who are your role models? Im fortunate to have had a number of amazing managers and mentors from whom Ive learned about writing, communications, marketing, management and leadership. In terms of role models, though, Id have to say that my father is probably the strongest. Hes extremely intellectually curious, thoughtful and open-minded. Hes kind but firm. Hes very solutions-oriented, and can see any situation from multiple perspectives. I strive to embody these qualities and I think that makes me a better leader. What would you do if you had to choose a different career field? Id probably go into leadership training or some type of consulting. Im fascinated by the qualities that make good leaders and by the ingredients necessary to build strong teams, where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. What do you do when not at work? My fiance and I live in Georgetown and love to bike and walk on the trails there, especially the Capital Crescent and C&O. We also love to eat out and try new restaurants which is good, because Im a terrible cook. And I love to travel. Right now, were planning a trip to the Dominican Republic for later this year, which Im very excited about. Ive really come to appreciate, especially recently, the importance of taking time away from work to recharge. SPEAKERS & EXPERTS: Grab Your Chance to Appear in New Film Writer/Producer of award-winning Personal Development and Inspirational films Robin Jay is currently seeking just a few experts for her newest film, Becoming the Keys. Appearing in an inspirational film is a tremendous opportunity for speakers and experts. Jay shares her thoughts on this incredible, rare chance for just a few, chosen speakers. Speakers, Experts, and Authors should appear in inspirational films for several reasons: Speakers & Experts should appear in film because video/film/movies are a dramatically newer medium than print. Even though countless videos are being posted online each day, they are still rare relative to "data" - which includes everything that has ever happened since time (and record-keeping) began. Appearing in a film gives your fans a chance to get to know more about you, your story, and your message. They can see you and hear you tell your story first-hand, which gives them the feeling they know you, (just as we feel close to our favorite movie and TV stars who have been "appearing" in our living rooms for years.) It's marketing gold in an incredibly crowded industry. Nearly every speaker or expert has a book and a Website. Few ever get to appear in a film. in an incredibly crowded industry. Nearly every speaker or expert has a book and a Website. Few ever get to appear in a film. You will gain "success by association" when you appear in a film with recognized experts, authors, and thought leaders. "Speakers & Experts should seize the opportunity to appear in a well-produced film," says Jay, who is also President & Founder of the Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau as well as an award-winning Writer/Producer of personal development, inspirational films. Jay shares, "My first film, The Keeper of the Keys, stars Jack Canfield, John Gray, and Marci Shimoff." Being President of the gives me access to today's top thought leaders. The other, lesser-known experts who appeared in the film gained "Success by Association" by appearing in the film with such recognizable stars. Plus, they got to party with the stars at a VIP Red Carpet Premiere in Las Vegas, Nevada. They had incredible photo ops, endless blog and press release material, and an experience of a lifetime. They also got an inventory of DVDs to sell and countless publicity opportunities from the moment they signed on to be a part of the project. Several of the experts even hosted their own premiere events in their home towns after attending our incredibly huge event in Las Vegas." More Stars, Speakers & Experts Appeared in Second Film Writer/Producer Robin Jay's second film, The Secrets of the Keys, is currently in distribution with Beyond Words Publishing - the company that distributes "The Secret" and "What the Bleep?" "For my second film, I was able to double the star power," Jay says. "The Secrets of the Keys stars Brian Tracy, John Assaraf, Dannion Brinkley, Rev. Michael Beckwith, don Miguel Ruiz, and Gloria Loring. The featured experts in this film got the experience of shooting entirely on location in Boulder City, Nevada. They also walked the red carpet at my second stellar VIP Red Carpet Premiere in Las Vegas, Nevada. Again, from the moment the experts signed on, they were able to start blogging, posting images from the shoot, and begin selling and promoting their own premiere parties - some as far away as Johannesburg, South Africa! This is pure marketing gold in an industry where it can be typically be difficult to stand out." "We shot preliminary footage for my third film, Becoming the Keys, recently," Jay continues, "and we will once again be shooting in Boulder City, Nevada, early next year. This location shoot will add continuity to the films' story lines. Becoming the Keys is inspired by The Secrets of the Keys, though it will certainly stand on its own, even if viewers haven't yet seen the earlier film. Some of our stars have returned for this film, too, including Brian Tracy, Dannion Brinkley, and don Miguel Ruiz." Jay's first two films have each won several awards, including Best Independent Film and Best Concept. The Key Movies, as they've come to be known, feature experts' messages regarding 7 Keys: Appreciation, Harmony, Passion, Courage, Faith, Vibration, and Empathy. Most speakers' messages resonate with one or more of these keys or principles. The films have done so well because they are entertaining and fun fictional stories that offer cameos from the thought leaders. Viewers develop a vested interest in the outcome of the stories. Spiritual guides and magical events also make the films even more engaging - especially when compared to the more traditional "talking head" documentaries. Speakers, Authors, and Experts who are interested in appearing in Becoming the Keys should reach out to Robin Jay immediately at Robin at Wilbur Ross, the U.S. Secretary of Commerce, is not happy with you, me, and, based on comments he made at a gathering of Big Biz executives Nov. 16, our republics representative government. When asked about the slow-and-getting-slower NAFTA trade talks at an invitation-only Wall Street Journal CEO Council meeting that day in Washington, D.C., Ross, identified by Politico as one of President Donald Trumps closest advisers on trade, said the U.S. will continue to take a hard line on its proposals just as the fifth round of the increasingly bitter talks continued later that week in Mexico City. Ross went on to report that the (NAFTA) negotiating environment has only grown more difficult as a result of industries like ag that have voiced a greater level of concern over the direction the administration is taking in the 2.0 talks. Great concern The Commerce chief was right; ag has voiced great concern over the direction the White House had taken in talks with two of the nations largest farm and food trading partners, Mexico and Canada. So concerned, in fact, that three weeks before the Journal gathering, 85 farm-affiliated businesses and groups from Deere & Co. to the Pet Food Institute had sent a sternly-worded letter to Ross calling into question his recent observation that there is not a world of oversupply of agricultural products.' The letter also reminded Ross of the Trump Administrations worrisome talk of leaving NAFTA, a deal that accounted for an estimated 28 percent of all U.S. ag exports ($39 billion out of $140.5 billion) in the 2017 ag trade year. Had Ross and the President forgotten that just a year ago, candidate Trumps initiative to modernize NAFTA contained a do no harm pledge to American food and agriculture sectors? Withdrawing from NAFTA even the suggestion of withdrawal the letter warned, would cause immediate, substantial harm to American farmers, ranchers, and the U.S. economy as a whole. More complaining If Ross received the letter, he didnt heed it. He again complained about agriculture to the Journal audience when asked about NAFTA. As one special interest group, say agriculture, for example, gets nervous,' the Commerce secretary whined, they start screaming and yelling publicly. They start writing letters, soliciting the Congress people, and they start screaming and yelling in public.' And, good grief, an exasperated Ross added, all this public participation just complicates the environment and, frankly, makes the negotiations harder.' Yeah, thats the trouble with democracy. A government of, for, and by the people involves believe it or not people. Some, like Ross, are rich; others are poor. Some are powerful; others weak. Some are well informed; others completely ignorant. All, however, were created equal no matter the amount of money in their back pocket or the number of politicians in their vest pocket. We are equal even if we are the ones screaming and yelling publicly or on the receiving end of the screams and yells. Less complicated And, sure, democratic government would be speedier and less messy if we the public sat in silence while the plutocrats and autocrats run it. But the Founders didnt envision a government where individual wealth or personal power was paramount. Instead, they created a government that empowered all people: E pluribas unam, out of many, one. Those many include everyone billionaires and poets, plumbers and teachers, bankers and, yes, even yellers. Everyone. Their reason was elegantly simple. If plutocrat billionaires and even former plutocrat billionaires like Ross dominated American government, the United States wouldnt be a democratic republic that empowers people; it would be a banana republic owned solely by the powerful. We are those people, all of us, including Ross. We are the public in public debate, public policy, and public accountability. We are, in fact, the public in republic. Truly successful leaders live this idea from birth; fools die never knowing it. Somnath temple had become a centre of political controversy in 1951, when the then President Dr Rajendra Prasad and a Union minister publicly took a stand opposed to Jawaharlal Nehru. Following Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi's visit to Somnath temple, Prime Minister Narendra Modi hit back saying Jawaharlal Nehru had opposed reconstruction of the shrine. By Prabhash K Dutta: The Somnath temple of Gujarat is at the centre of a fresh controversy following Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi's visit and Prime Minister Narendra Modi's reference to former PM Jawaharlal Nehru's opposition to reconstruction of the shrine. Rahul Gandhi's religion was a topic of intense debate on social media over an entry in the visitors' register at the Somnath temple. The unexplained entry claimed that Rahul Gandhi visited the Somnath temple as non-Hindu, which was denied by both the Congress party and its vice-president. advertisement On the other hand, PM Narendra Modi questioned Rahul Gandhi's "soft Hindutva" during Gujarat Assembly election campaign by taking a jibe at his great grandfather Nehru. Addressing an election rally at Pranchi in Gir Somanth district of Gujarat, PM Modi said that Jawaharlal Nehru had opposed the re-construction of the Somnath temple. "When Sardar Patel took up the work of re-construction of Somnath temple, Nehru was unhappy. Your great grandfather Nehru wrote a letter to President Rajendra Prasad when he was to come for the opening ceremony of the temple," PM Modi said, adding, "This land of brave people will not forgive those who have acted against the Somnath temple." WHAT NEHRU SAID ABOUT SOMNATH TEMPLE? Prime Minister Modi gave credit to former deputy prime minister Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel for reconstruction of the Somnath temple. As per records, reconstruction of the Somnath temple was approved by the Nehru cabinet soon after the merger of Junagarh with India in 1947. Patel discussed this idea with Mahatma Gandhi, who endorsed reconstruction of the Somnath temple but suggested that the Centre should not finance it. Patel agreed to the suggestion that the fund should be collected from public donation. The Ministry of Works, Mines and Power under NV Gadgil had taken the initiative for the reconstruction. Installation of a jyotirlingam was part of the Somnath project then. After, demise of Sardar Patel in December 1950, Somnath temple's reconstruction was supervised by Union minister K M Munshi. Reports suggest that while KM Munshi was in the charge of temple reconstruction, Nehru opposed the works at a Union Cabinet meeting calling it attempts of "Hindu revivalism." KM Munshi wrote a letter to Nehru a day after the said Cabinet meet and argued for reconstruction of the Somnath temple. SOMNATH, RAJENDRA PRASAD AND NEHRU After the reconstruction was complete, KM Munshi invited the then President Dr Rajendra Prasad to inauguration of the Somnath temple. Nehru did not like the idea of the president visiting Somnath temple for inauguration in 1951. Nehru wrote a letter to Rajendra Prasad expressing his views on the matter. "I confess that I do not like the idea of your associating yourself with a spectacular opening of the Somnath Temple. This is not merely visiting a temple, which can certainly be done by you or anyone else but rather participating in a significant function which unfortunately has a number of implications," Nehru has been quoted in various reports as having wrote in his letter. advertisement However, Rajendra Prasad disregarded Nehru's objections and decided to attend the ceremony in May, 1951. Prasad's decision to attend the religious function at the Somnath temple as head of the state was also criticised by communist leaders. Rajendra Prasad, on the other hand, responded by stating, "I would do the same with a mosque or a church if I were invited...This is the core of Indian secularism. Our state is neither irreligious nor anti-religious." --- ENDS --- Four anxious hunters left Ohio well before the rest of the world awoke, traveling to Junction City, Kansas, for the night. At one point in time we would have done the whole thing without an overnight break but with age comes wisdom. Weve discovered the value of motels and how good a few hours rest feels after too many hundreds of miles spent pounding pavement. Day two brought us into Gunnison, Colorado, and another reserved motel. From there it was still one more overnight stay, this one in a base camp tent where, come morning, we loaded mules with gear then saddled up for another 12 miles by horseback to our mountainside drop camp at 10,000 feet of very thin air. Thats what the first day is all about: settling on cooking assignments and sleeping arrangements, acclimating to the altitude, gathering firewood, and basically settling into a camp routine that really starts in yet another day when opening morning of Colorados elk season begins. Oh, did I mention that first day is also for chores such as repairing the canvas tent, searching for scattered and severely damaged camp gear, and in general, simply putting a camp together after an inquisitive black bear had torn it apart? Its amazing that a black bear cant find the courtesy to exit a canvas tent by the same opening it has torn for an entry door. Drop-camp trip I wrote the above after an elk hunting trip in southwest Colorado. Its called a drop-camp trip and indeed thats exactly what it is. You get a ride into a primitive wilderness camp and a week later you get a ride out thats all. Hunters hire an outfitter who has access to an exclusive area or section of wilderness and heres what one can expect: Truthful information concerning the camp where he or she will drop you including, needed but basic camp gear, and on-your-own access to the surrounding terrain. A solid outfitter will provide lists of things you will need to bring which will include your personal gear, your food, your sleeping and other comfort items. He or she will also tell you about the how you will get to your drop camp which is typically by horseback. Youll also need to know how much stuff you can bring, and more importantly, how much you really need. Want and need are two different things. Mules and pack horses are kept safe and healthy by limiting their loads. The above one-sided conversation is meant to answer the many questions I receive as big game hunters put together plans to enjoy a destination hunt which often revolves around the pursuit of elk, the North American trophy of a lifetime. Make plans Indeed, a destination hunt is about bringing dreams to reality and the factors such as physical ability, woodland experience, confidence, a compatible group, free time, and of course, expendable funds, all play a big part. Hunting public land on your own is the least expensive but does present some major obstacles when the list of factors is studied and discussed. A drop camp hunt is next in order of cost and answers most of the needs of most experienced hunters. From there it jumps right up to guided hunts that can often double or triple the cost putting the dream into place. Why do I bring this up at this time? Simply because a strong number of whitetail deer hunters have been there and done it locally and when the after-hunt campfire conversation leads its way into to lets try something different comes up, it generally brings up elk, antelope and black bears. And the coming weeks will be the ideal opportunity to visit outdoor shows to talk to outfitters and begin the process. ZANESVILLE, Ohio The Ohio Cattlemens Association held its fifth annual Replacement Female Sale Nov. 24 at the Muskingum Livestock Auction Co. in Zanesville. A large crowd was on hand to bid on 79 high quality females in the sale. The sale represented an opportunity for cow-calf producers to add quality females with documented breeding and health records to their herds. Buyers had the opportunity to evaluate 79 lots of bred heifers, bred cows and cow-calf pairs. Averages The sale included 63 lots of bred heifers that averaged $1,949, 10 lots of bred cows that averaged $2,380, and six cow-calf pairs that averaged $1,925. The 79 total lots grossed $158,125 for an overall average of $2,002. This represents a $355 per head increase in price over the 2016 sale. Prices ranged from $1,300 to $2,900. The females sold to buyers from Ohio and West Virginia. Col. Ron Kreis served as the auctioneer. Sale Erv-N-Del Farm of Louisville, Ohio, consigned the top two selling lots at $2,900 each. The Lot 25 and 26 purebred Simmental bred cows sold to Rose Koehler of Lancaster, Ohio. The Ohio State University Beef Center of Dublin, Ohio, sold two groups of three Simmental-Angus bred heifers at $2,600 per head. Fairview Farms of Logan, Ohio, purchased the Lot 63, 64, and 78 heifers and Samuel Bond-Zielinski of Freeport, Ohio, purchased the Lot 69, 73, and 77 heifers. LOR-MAR Simmental Farms of Prospect, Ohio, consigned the Lot 44 purebred Simmental cow-calf pair that sold for $2,500 to Josh VanHorn of Malta, Ohio. Erv-N-Del Farm also consigned the Lot 28 Simmental-Angus heifer that sold for $2,500 to Terry Nicol of Milford Center, Ohio. Haley Farms of West Salem, Ohio, consigned the Lot 29 purebred Simmental heifer that sold for $2,500 to Nick Fisher of Jackson, Ohio. US farm antibiotic use is now more than twice as high per animal as it is in the UK, according to new analysis. Fresh analysis published by the food and farming alliance Sustain indicates that total US sales of medically important antibiotics for use in animals increased by 26% between 2009 and 2015. By contrast, the UK government recently reported a 27% drop in use of antibiotics in animals reared on British farms over the last two years. The analysis has also warned against a "flooding" of the British market with antibiotic-packed chicken from the US. Indeed, British poultry industry leaders have said they are "very concerned" about a United States suggestion that the UK will have to accept the likes of chlorinated chicken and other inferior produce to secure a trans-Atlantic free trade deal. The UK farming industry has taken huge improvements of improving antibiotic use. According to Defra, Veterinary Medicines Directorate, and Department of Health, sales of antibiotics for use in animals in the UK have fallen to their lowest level since records began, exceeding a government target to combat the threat of antibiotic resistance (AMR) two years early. In the UK, the focus is more on reducing the risks of contamination along the supply chain, meaning less overall reliance on, for instance, profligate use of antibiotics, which is an issue of international health concern. Routine use Sustain's analysis says that US farmers and meat processors routinely use antibiotics, chlorine rinses and irradiation to reduce food-poisoning bugs in meat. However, health campaigners argue these carry their own risks and often mask poor welfare and hygiene standards on farms, in slaughterhouses and in meat processing. The World Health Organization (WHO) recently called on farmers and the food industry to stop routinely using antibiotics prophylactically in healthy animals. This is to preserve the effectiveness for treatment of actual disease outbreaks in humans and animals. When US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told the CBI last week that the UK would have to accept US meat standards, I was horrified. Mass-produced American chicken may seem cheap, but it comes at a gigantic cost to our health, animals and workers, said Kath Dalmeny, Chief Executive of Sustain. British food and farming industries have started to take action on the critically important issue of overuse of antibiotics in farming. We simply cannot afford to let our trade negotiators sweep such progress aside by flooding our market with cut-price US chicken raised with routine antibiotic use. If antibiotics lose their efficacy through over-use in medicine and farming, we will return to an era when millions of lives could be lost every year to simple infections. All food and trade policy must reinforce international efforts to reduce antibiotic use, not create new markets for farmers such as those in the US who are using much more than they should. 'No serious plans' Coilin Nunan, Scientific Adviser to the Alliance to Save Our Antibiotics adds how Brexit and the wider issues of international trade deals will have an impact on the issue. We need to consider what pressure UK regulators will come under - and what farming practices we may be supporting internationally as a result of international trade deals. Many European countries, including the UK, are starting to phase out routine preventative use and to significantly cut overall antibiotic use, he said. There is even the real possibility of an EU-wide ban on routine preventative use in the next few years. In contrast, the United States still has no serious plans to deal with antibiotic abuse in farming and use is increasing every year. Antimicrobial-resistant bacteria are no respecters of country borders. Rather than the UK adopting US standards, we need to call on the US to show some leadership on reducing the use of antibiotics in animals through improvements in production systems and animal husbandry. This is in everyones interests. Speedy trade deal The new comparison of farm antibiotic use data comes as the Government enters trade talks with the US, in which the Americans are expected to argue strongly in favor of the UK abandoning EU food standards in order to secure a speedy trade deal. But a House of Lords report from July flagged that domestic producers fear the market being flooded with cheaper, lower welfare imports that will make it difficult for them to compete. Earlier this month as part of World Antibiotic Awareness Week, FoodIngredientsFirst reported how The Alliance to Save our Antibiotics is calling for reductions to farm antibiotic use across the EU and for an end to routine preventative medication of groups of animals. Its new report discloses which UK supermarkets routinely use antibiotics in their meat production. Farmers are being urged to ensure they have all the options available to them to combat pests, weeds and diseases in their crops, following a turbulent period of uncertainty surrounding the use of plant protection products. The advice, by the National Farmers' Union, follows news of the world's most-used herbicide glyphosate gaining approval within the EU this week, following a turbulent period of uncertainty and deadlock among EU Member States. The twenty-eight Member States met at an appeal committee on Monday (27 November) to seek out a five-year renewal. 18 countries voted for, 9 against and one abstained. The advice comes as the technical and business event for arable and mixed farmers CropTec gets underway. The NFU has urged farmers to use an integrated pest management plan which embraces all elements of crop protection so that pests, weeds and diseases can be managed. NFU Vice President Guy Smith and combinable crops board vice chairman Robert Lockhart are chairing seminars at the event. Mr Smith said: Effective crop protection is essential to food production in the UK. It is also vital that farmers recognise the importance of professional and responsible stewardship. Like most growers I was relieved to see glyphosate given a five year reauthorisation by Brussels earlier this week. Its now important that growers continue to have access to key herbicides like glyphosate by demonstrating judicious use and showing regulators the importance of these chemicals to crop production. NFU combinable crops board vice-chairman Robert Lockhart said there have been some exciting developments in non-chemical pest, weed and disease control and developments of new protection products. Farmers always try to use non-chemical plant control before looking for a chemical solution, and as technology improves these options are becoming more readily available, Mr Lockhart said. However, the use of plant protection products is integral to any pest management plan and farmers cannot rely on automation alone. Farmers must be able to utilise all options on all scales, and this is why the development of new active ingredients and products and making them safe and accessible is so important. 'Over-zealous' MEPs in Brussels have been warned against 'over-zealous' and 'ill-considered' banning of important plant protection products in the EU. The EU's Agriculture Committee heard the message from one of Britain's leading growers at a hearing on Sustainable Plant Protection. John Chinn, chairman of the UK's Centre for Applied Crop Science, said the EU was not performing well when approving or banning plant protection products. He told the hearing: "A failure to distinguish between hazard and risk is an essential part of the confusion about perceived threats from or to our environment; in general hazard identification is easy and often speculative; risk evaluation is generally complex and demanding. "Rational responses are not invariable. There is an extraordinary disregard for well documented risks while others, of marginal significance, distort public and private spending decisions. "These factors, coupled with a perverse preference for natural toxicity over synthetic safety, lead to an indifferent performance in risk management in the community." European farming organisations have also warned of the 'irrevocable impact' on crop production without the use of plant protection products. A study published by agricultural cooperative Copa & Cogeca using data from 6 countries shows that due to the ban on neonicotinoid seed treatments, there has been a 10% drop in the oilseeds area since 2013 and a rise in farmers costs and a cut in their incomes as no alternative products exists. British egg industry leaders are looking into official Government figures that apparently give the false impression that production of egg products in the UK has fallen by nearly a third over the last nine months. The figures, which have been released by Defra, suggest that production was down by more than 32 per cent over the first free quarters of 2017 compared with the same period last year. But the British Egg Industry Council (BEIC) says the figures are simply wrong. "What they appear to have done is compare the first three quarters of this year with the whole of last year," said Mark Williams, BEIC chief executive. "We are looking into the figures. The 32 per cent figure is clearly wrong." The Defra release shows that a total of 67,938 tonnes of products were produced by UK producers from January to September this year. Over the first three quarters of 2016, the total was 75,386 tonnes. The difference was 7,448 tonnes - a fall of 9.8 per cent year-on-year. However, Defra puts the reduction at 32.4 per cent. The only way to achieve this result would be to include the figure for the final quarter in 2016. 'Like-with-like' "They have not compared like with like," said Mr Williams. "They have compared three quarters of this year with the whole of last year. But we are not sure that the nine per cent figure is right either. "It could be that a return has gone missing somewhere but we are looking into it to find out exactly what has happened," he said. The release of the figures comes at a time when British egg processors have been pressing UK companies to switch from sourcing imported egg product. They renewed their call to buy British product in the wake of the recent fipronil scandal when some imported products may have been contaminated with the banned chemical. Tests on UK farms showed that the British layer flock was clear of fipronil. Ian Jones, chairman of British Lion Egg Processors, said after the fipronil scandal arose: This is just the latest of a number of food safety issues connected to eggs produced outside of the UK in recent years. "Consumers clearly want retailers, caterers and food manufacturers to use good quality British ingredients that are produced to high standards of food safety, but in some prepared foods this is not the case." Sourced from overseas Whilst major supermarkets promoted the fact that they sourced their shell eggs from British producers, food withdrawals by some supermarkets following the fipronil scandal showed that many eggs for processing were sourced from overseas. Ian Jones accused the retailers of operating double standards. The major retailers are operating to double standards when it comes to eggs. All of them stock British Lion shell eggs but they use imported eggs in many of their other foods containing eggs." He said: As we approach Brexit, shoppers are growing increasingly concerned about the ingredients used in manufactured food and now more than ever want and deserve transparency on food packaging. The egg industry believes that this is a great opportunity for retailers to listen to the concerns of their customers and reassure them by specifying the use of British eggs and using the Made with British Lion eggs logo on packs. Increased demand Last month Bumble Hole Foods managing director Barry Jackson told FarmingUK there was increased demand for UK egg product. "The demand for UK, home produced is up," he said. "There is a real focus on British - where they are going to get egg from." However, he warned that the UK egg industry had to be careful about pushing too much too quickly. "There is a danger," he said. "Lion has to be careful because it could end up creating a demand for something that just isn't there." He said the UK currently did not have enough egg available to meet the whole needs of the UK processing sector. The Defra statistics could add to such concerns, suggesting that production is down by a third. However, as the BEIC has pointed out, the figures are wrong. Egg figures The egg product figures form part of the latest quarterly egg statistics released by Defra. They show that 7.6 million cases of eggs were packed in UK egg packing stations during the third quarter of 2017. This was a 4.8 per cent increase on the third quarter in 2016. The total included 3.7 million cases of free range eggs - an increase of just over 10 per cent on the 3.3 million cases packed in the same period last year. Barn egg supplies halved year-on-year, from 166,000 cases to 84,000 cases. Organic numbers were up slightly from 183,000 cases in the third quarter of 2016 to 187,000 cases in the same period this year. The Defra release also included import and export figures for August this year. Mark Williams said that BEIC would also be looking into the detail of these figures, which indicated a 100 per cent increase in shell egg imports year-on-year and an 11 per cent fall in exports. The release showed both imports and exports of shell products down year-on-year - imports by 10 per cent and exports by 17 per cent. Mark Williams said it would probably have been too early for the product trade figures to have been impacted by the fipronil crisis. There is, however, the possibility that the fall in the value of Sterling may have affected trade. At the annual conference of the British Free Range Egg Producers Association in October Dale Burnett, chief executive of Noble Foods, said that imports of liquid egg had started to dry up because it was more expensive to bring product into the UK. A new land capability mapping system for Wales has been launched, and is the first major update since the original maps were produced in the early 1970s. The Predictive Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) Map allows land users, planners and Government to make informed choices about how agricultural land is used in Wales. The map, launched by Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs Lesley Griffiths, identifies the potential versatility of land to support a range of cropping choices. The Farmers Union of Wales (FUW) has welcomed the launch. Speaking at the Royal Welsh Winter Fair, FUW President Glyn Roberts said: The release of this new ALC map marks a major step forward, and the Welsh Government should be commended for undertaking an initiative which we understand is a first in the UK. The ALC system classifies land into one of five grades, with the grade based on a range of properties and the overall grade assigned based on the poorest feature. However, the interactive map also allows users to view other predictive information, including ALC grades by individual limitation according to: climate, soil depth, droughtiness, rock outcrops, wind exposure, top soil stone, gradient, workability & wetness, and surveyor experience. This makes it possible to see why land is graded in a certain way, while identifying both the positive and negative attributes of the land. As with all data, there will be some glitches and inaccuracies due to lower resolution datasets, but this marks a step change compared with what has been available to date, said Mr Roberts. Dairy giant Muller has announced a January 2018 milk price decrease by 1.5p per litre to 29p. The decline in price to its 700 Muller Direct suppliers comes amid a drop in the value of cream and butter in the UK over the last three months. The decline will come as a blow to dairy farmers, who have seen increases in recent months. Rob Hutchinson, Muller Agriculture director said: Substantial movement in butter and cream values is now a familiar characteristic of global dairy commodity markets. Whilst we are disappointed to see this sharp decline, the extensive portfolio of added value dairy products we make in the UK will shield farmers from the full volatility of global dairy commodity markets. We will continue to offer a stable and competitive milk price at each point in the market cycle. In addition Muller Direct dairy farmers have access to innovative tools and support including the Muller Futures Contract and Muller Farm Insights, which provides consultancy to help improve farm resilience. Twenty-one pigs have been stolen from a farm in North Yorkshire, with each pig worth between 46-68 each. North Yorkshire Police have now launched an investigation after they received a report of the theft from the farm in Odgoodby, in Thirsk. The pigs are valued at between 46 to 68 each. They are believed to have been taken from sheds at the property some time between September 4 and November 9, say police. Attacks on livestock in the UK is becoming 'more and more of a problem' as rural police stations face closure, according to a report. The cost of rural crime in the UK reached 42.5m in 2015 and farming unions across the UK have asked the government to increase funding to help fight the rise in incidents. More than 1,000 rural police stations in the UK closed between 2000 and 2012, directly impacting the level of surveillance. The NFU has previously warned that farmers should not be seen as a 'soft target' for criminals. It said that the result is an increasing fear of crime in rural areas and significantly lower satisfaction levels in the police than the national average. It is thought that many stolen livestock are destined for the illegal meat trade. Anyone who has any information which could assist the investigation is asked to contact North Yorkshire police on 101, select option 1 and pass the information to the Force Control Room, quoting reference number 12170210966. Neetu Wants A Perfect Girl For His Son As per a report in Pinkvilla, Neetu has been looking up girls in London and has made Ranbir meet them. From Past Two Years A source told, ''She has been looking for the perfect bride for her son for the past two years and has been convincing Ranbir to tie the knot.'' They Took A Trip To London Recently Ranbir and Neetu were in London to meet a girl for Ranbir's marriage. The Girl Is From A Business Family The girl they met is from a business family in London and the meeting was fixed by one of Neetu's close friends. Neetu Does Not Want Ranbir To Marry A Girl From Bollywood Ranbir is keen to settle down now and Neetu has made no bones about the fact that she would like to choose the girl who is not from Bollywood for her son. She Never Liked Deepika & Katrina She never approved of his earlier girlfriends Deepika Padukone or Katrina Kaif. Both, Ranbir and Neetu, met the girl and her family and liked them. Waiting For The Final Approval Now, it remains to be seen whether things will get finalised from here. Unfortunately Soon after this, Ranbir's photos from New York with Mahira Khan were leaked. When Ranbir Was Asked About His Arranged Marriage "When I do get married, why will I hide it? There is no such thing of an arranged marriage. I will marry the woman I am in love with. It is as simple as that." By PTI: Chandigarh, Nov 30 (PTI) The Punjab government today said that it had decided to hand over seven cases to the NIA keeping in mind the possible "national and international ramifications" of a conspiracy behind the targeted killings in the state. It was decided to transfer the cases to the NIA under Section 6 of the National Investigation Agency (NIA) Act, 2008, as the modus operandi in all of these cases was the same, an official spokesman said. advertisement It was also found that inter-state as well as international perpetrators, handlers, actors and a militancy angle were involved in the criminal conspiracy, to disturb the peace and communal harmony in the border state, by selectively targeting leaders of certain groups, he said. The decision to transfer the cases was taken after a NIA team, led by the agencys director, Y C Modi, held discussions with officials of the Punjab Police on Monday, the spokesman said, adding that it was felt that the central probe agency was better equipped to undertake further investigations in this regard. They both agreed that the probe needed to be more broad- based as the handlers, conspirators and financers in the targeted killing cases operated from countries such as the UK, Canada and Italy, he said. Following the decision, Chief Minister Amarinder Singh directed the police to hand over all the materials related to the cases to the NIA. The police had recently arrested five persons, including UK citizen Jagtar Singh Johal, in connection with the targeted killings of leaders of the RSS, Shiv Sena and other outfits in the state between January 2016 and October 2017, the spokesman said. The chief minister has directed that complete support be extended to the NIA to uncover the full extent of the conspiracy to disturb Punjabs peace and harmony. The spokesman said the move was aimed at ensuring that the foreign-based networks conspiring against Punjab were dismantled and action was taken against the foreign handlers (both organisations and individuals) through cooperation with the Ministry of External Affairs, Interpol, Europol and foreign governments. It was vital to crack down on such elements that were carrying out murder and mayhem, and reviving terrorism in Punjab, he said. The decision, it was felt, would also help dispel false, slanderous and orchestrated social media campaigns launched by interested governments, organisations and elements to raise funds, and to deter the police and prosecuting agencies from doing their duty, the spokesman said. advertisement The seven cases being handed over to the NIA include the April 2016 Khanna killing of Durga Das Gupta, the president of labour service wing, Shiv Sena, Punjab; the January 2017 killing of Amit Sharma, Zila Pracharak Hindu Takht in Ludhiana; the February 2017 killing of Dera Sacha Sauda followers Satpal Kumar and his son Ramesh Kumar in Khanna; and the July 2017 Ludhiana killing of Christian Pastor Sultan Masih. Other cases to be handed over to NIA include January 2016 firing on a RSS Shakha at Kidwai Nagar and February 2016 firing on Amit Arora, Local Hindu Leader. The incidents took place in Ludhiana. The RSS leader Ravinder Gosain killing case has already been handed over to the NIA. Gosain was killed in Ludhiana on October 17. The government has proposed that the murder case of RSS leader Jagdish Gagneja, which is being probed by the CBI, be also transferred to the NIA. Gagneja was killed in Jalandhar in August 2016. PTI CHS ANB --- ENDS --- Popular mimicry artiste-turned-actor Abi(54), who has acted a good number of Malayalam movies, passed away this morning in Kochi. Reportedly, the actor was suffering from a blood related disease. Abi, was the superstar of the mimicry field and he was one among the pioneers who made mimicry much popular in Kerala. Young actor Shane Nigam is the son of Abi. Abi shot to fame with his on stage performances. His portrayal of 'Aamina Thaatha' in many stages and audio casettes, earned him a huge fan base. Later, he went on to portray the same character in a film Kirredamillatha Rajakkanamar, directed by Kalabhavan Ansar. Abi is the only Malayalam mimicry artist, who could imitate Amitabh Bachchan to perfection, which later landed him with the opportunity to dub for Amitabh Bachchan in Malayalam advertisements. Abi has worked with some of the reputed mimcry troupes like Kalabhavan, Harisree and Kochi Sagar. Dileep-Nadirsha-Abi team was a superhit combo of the 90s. Later, he ventured in to films and appeared in above 50 movies. Sainyam, Mazhavil Koodaram, Mimics Action 500, Aniyathipravu etc., were the prominent movies of the actor. Most recently, he was seen in the film Thrissivaperoor Kliptham, which had hit the theatres in the month of August, this year. Abi is survived by wife Sunila and children Shane Nigam, Ahaana and Aleena. TV Actresses React To Hinas Comment This didn't go well with many television actors, Gauhar Khan, Kishwer Merchant, Kamya Punjabi, Anita Hassanandani and Vikas Kalantri took to social media to lash out at Hina. Geeta Phogat Supports Hina Khan Geeta Phogat shared the complete video (from which the fan had made the video and people misunderstood) and wrote, "See this and then tweet about @eyehinakhan ....Ye haters ka kaam hai...normal baat thi... lekin kaha se kaha leke gaye ye topic ko ." Sana Khan Ask Why Is Everyone Lashing Out At Hina Khan? A few days ago, Sana Khan too, took to social media and wrote, "Y is everyone only lashing out on Hina inside out?Well I guess others r behaving the same at times worst ! Tom opp team looks worst though" Hina Khans Fan-made Video Hina's fan-made video didn't have the complete detail and had only negative points that Hina said. Hina had apparently pointed out at Gauhar's Facebook followers. Also, Hina was seen discussing about other the actresses and their complexion, even Vikas Gupta was involved! Hina Khan Of course! Hina shouldn't have made those comments (although it was her opinion) on the show. She should know that she is being watched by everyone and those comments might not go well with others! Rocky Supports Hina Meanwhile, Hina's alleged boyfriend, Rocky is seen supporting her, no matter what! In an interview to Tellychakkar, he said that Hina is playing well on the show! Hina Is Natural & Real! He said, "She's playing great! Within the boundaries of decency and grace, she is playing quite well. Obviously, there were some mistakes and bumps down the road but that's absolutely natural, it proves that she is real." Rocky Feels Hina Is Criticised Because Rocky was quoted by Tellychakkar as saying, "A portion of social media is criticising everything including the good things that Hina is doing. This is happening since it is mostly motivated and is a result of online campaigning and PR." Why Is The Whole Industry Going Against Her? When asked if he thinks the whole industry is going against her, he said, "These are a handful of people; they don't represent the entire industry. Most of them belong to Vikas' lobby and that's the reason they are opposing Hina." Rocky Adds "There have been so many instances where other celebs have supported her. Moreover, there are a few of Vikas' friends who supported Hina and we appreciate it." Celebs Lashing Out At Hina Are Vikas Chameleon Friends! "The same handful of flag bearers was doing the same for Shilpa initially when she was being nasty towards Vikas. It is just like they are his chameleon friends. They change colour to back his (Vikas) new best friend (Arshi) and bash Hina. It's pretty obvious and lame." A CIMICgroup company, Leighton Asia, with its joint venture partner, has been selected to construct the $390 million Terminal 2 structural works at Hong Kong International Airport.Revenue to Leighton Asia, part of CIMICs construction company CPB Contractors, is approximately $273 million, reflecting its 70 per cent stake in the joint venture with Chun Wo Construction and Engineering Company.Construction is scheduled to commence in late 2017 and is expected to be completed by December 2021.CIMIC was selected this year to deliver the $278 million Terminal 1 expansion for the Airport Authority Hong Kong.The company said the contract reflects the continued strong working relationship with the Airport Authority Hong Kong.Shares in CIMICare trading 0.54 per cent lower to $51.81. Rahul Gandhi today asked Modi, why every Gujarati is being punished with a debt of Rs 37,000 on her shoulders? By India Today Web Desk: Continuing with his a-question-a-day strategy in the run-up to the high-stakes Gujarat Assembly election, Rahul Gandhi today asked why every Gujarati is being punished with a debt of Rs 37,000 on her shoulders. The daily posers to Modi, serialised in Hindi as "22 saalon ka hisaab, Gujarat maange jawaab (Gujarat demands answers for 22 years of rule)" on Twitter, today said, "In 1995, Gujarat had a debt of Rs 9,183 crores. In 2017, it is Rs 2,41,000 crore. This means every Gujarati has a debt of Rs 37,000. Why should the people of Gujarat pay for your financial mismanagement and publicity?" advertisement The BJP has been ruling Gujarat since 1995. After 22 long years, the Congress is banking on anti-incumbency and the slump in economy to make a comeback in the state. On Wednesday, Rahul's first question to Modi was: "In 2012, promises were made to provide 50 lakh new houses but built 4.72 lakh in five years. Will the Prime Minister tell, whether it will take another 45 years to fulfil the promise?" As the battle for Gujarat reaches its last leg, attacks and counter-attacks have become more intense and vicious. On Wednesday, Rahul took a swipe at Modi over his emotional exhortations, calling him an "excellent actor better than Amitabh Bachchan". "Narnedra Modi is a 'zabardast' (excellent) actor, even better than Amitabh Bachchan. Generally, an actor has to put contact lens when he has to weep...His eyes burns and tears roll down. But Narendra Modiji does not need any contact lens for tears to roll down his eyes," Gandhi told a rally at Savarkundla. Later in the day, the BJP alleged that the Congress vice-president had entered his name as a 'non-Hindu' when he visited the famous Somnath temple. The Congress hit back, calling it a diversion from real issues. Gujarat votes in two phases on December 9 and 14 for the 182-member Assembly. The results will be out on December 18. ALSO WATCH | Rahul 2.0: BJP-Congress dogfight over his image makeover --- ENDS --- By PTI: Mumbai, Nov 30 (PTI) Anil Ambani-led RCom today claimed that a majority of its lenders are opposing China Development Banks (CDB) decision to initiate insolvency proceedings against the embattled telco thats saddled with over Rs 45,000 crore of debt that has turned dud. "At a committee of creditors meeting on November 29, a majority of them, both foreign and domestic, aggregating to 31, decided to oppose CDBs insolvency petition against RCom before the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)," Reliance Communications claimed in a statement. advertisement The lenders will be opposing the petition by CDB, to which RCom owes USD 1.78 billion, at the admission stage itself and have decided to appoint J Sagar Associates as their legal counsel, the statement claimed further. State Bank leads the consortium of domestic lenders to RCom. None of the bankers were available for comments. The amount of provisions or the money to be set aside against receivables, shoots up massively once the insolvency proceedings begin in case of a defaulting company. RCom is currently undergoing strategic debt restructuring, which entails bankers taking majority control of the company, and has time till December next year for sorting out the debt-related difficulties. Late last month, after the collapse of multiple deals including the merger with Aircel which would have reduced its overall debt, it had presented a detailed plan to restructure its debt which is over Rs 45,000 crore, including converting Rs 7,000 crore of debt into equity by the banks to get a majority stake in the beleaguered telco. RCom had on October 30 claimed under this plan, there would be zero write-off for the lenders used to taking haircuts in stressed assets and that this would make the company a sustainable and profitable. The CDB had dragged RCom to the NCLT earlier this week seeking insolvency proceedings. This is not the first time that someone has dragged RCom to the NCLT. Mobile telephony equipment maker Ericsson had moved to recover dues of over Rs 1,100 crore, Manipal Technologies had approached the tribunal to recover Rs 2.74 crore (RCom claimed that this petition was not accepted) while software maker Tech Mahindra opted for an out of court settlement after approaching the tribunal to recover Rs 8.2 crore in dues. All this led to the company calling of the merger with Aricel last month which if gone through would have given the embattled telco a much-needed succour. Following severe cash-crunch, which led to poor service quality, the company had also discontinuation its 2G services. PTI AA BEN BEN --- ENDS --- Microsoft Edge for Android may soon be released for all users News oi -Chandrika Microsoft has put into a lot of hard work for making the Edge more stable and feature-rich. Microsoft Edge for both Android and iOS receive software updates on a regular basis. Now, it seems like the browser will be finally released for all users. We say this as the Android version of Microsoft Edge is not listed as a beta in Google Play Store anymore. While the application still has the Preview tag attached to it, this could mean the Microsoft is almost done working on the testing stage and could be rolling out the stable version of the Microsoft Edge in the Play Store shortly. That being said, the company is yet to officially anything on this matter. In any case, it is pretty apparent, Microsoft has put into a lot of hard work for making the application more stable and feature-rich. Talking about the latest update, it brought a Dark Theme to the Microsoft Edge. Besides that, the browser now also has new password syncing features, which would prove useful for people using Edge on other platforms, for example, on a Windows 10 desktop. So no matter which device or how many devices you use, with the help of cloud, you will easily authenticate in Microsoft Edge on your favorite websites. The Microsoft Edge also offers a slew of other features such as Continue on PC. As suggested by the name, with this tool mobile users can continue a browsing session on a Windows 10 PC. It allows for a certain website to be quickly submitted to the desktop so that users can start browsing from exactly the point they left off. One thing to keep in mind is that the system must run the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, or else it wouldn't work out. Since the Edge has not been made available for download yet, you can try out the latest version by downloading the APK file of the browser. If you are not so sure, read the official Microsoft Edge preview site for instructions on how to give the browser a try. Best Mobiles in India Facebook, To stay updated with latest technology news & gadget reviews, follow GizBot on Twitter YouTube and also subscribe to our notification. Allow Notifications Huawei Nova 2s leaked; full-screen design, 6GB RAM, quad cameras in tow News oi -Chandrika We expect to see the unveiling of Huawei Nova 2s some time in December. Huawei is a company that keeps on bringing new smartphones to the market. One such smartphone that has already appeared in a few leaks is the Huawei Nova 2s. Last week, it received the TENAA certification hinting the handset could get launched soon. Now, the Chinese publication has posted a couple of images of the alleged Nova 2s. The first thing we noticed is that the smartphone looks quite similar to the newly launched Honor V10. It has the same full-screen design with minimal bezels around the display. While the smartphone features a physical home button, the bottom bezel is really narrow. Even the top bezel is just thick enough to hold the earpiece and the front cameras. Yes, the Huawei Nova 2s appears to have two selfie cameras. The rear part of the smartphone shows a dual camera setup as well. The camera sensors are placed separately side by side. They are also accompanied by a flashlight. If you go a bit south, there is the Huawei branding. Besides this, the key specifications of the Huawei Nova 2S are also revealed through one of the leaked shots. According to the listing, the smartphone will arrive with a large 6-inch display. The listing further shows that the device is equipped with last year's flagship Kirin 960 chipset coupled with 6GB of RAM. The rear dual camera system seems to be a combination of a 20MP sensor and a 16MP sensor. Both the cameras have an aperture size of f/1.8. For the front cameras, Huawei has used two 20MP sensors. Other features on board include Android Oreo-based EMUI 8.0 UI, facial recognition, built-in Hi-Fi chip and NFC for contact-less payment. Well, from the looks of it, the Huawei Nova 2 is a pretty impressive smartphone. That being said, we are not sure how authentic this leak is. So you are recommended to take the information with a grain of salt. As far as the launch timeline is concerned, we expect to see the unveiling of the smartphone some time in December. Via Best Mobiles in India Apple counter sues Qualcomm for patent infringement; the legal battle continues News oi -Chandrika Looks like the legal dispute between Apple and Qualcomm is far from getting over. Looks like the legal dispute between Apple and Qualcomm is far from getting over. In a recent development, the iPhone maker has filed a countersuit against Qualcomm, alleging that Qualcomm's Snapdragon chipsets infringe on Apple's patents. The case was filed on Wednesday at the US District Court in San Diego. Apple accused Qualcomm of violating at least eight battery life patents that Apple owns. Apple's patents describe how a phone's processor can draw only the minimum power needed by turning off parts of the processor when they are not required. In its filing, Apple alleges that Qualcomm's Snapdragon 800 and Snapdragon 820 chipsets infringe on those patents. "Apple began seeking those patents years before Qualcomm began seeking the patents it asserts against Apple in this case," stated the complaint filed by Apple. The Cupertino-giant also added that it is seeking unspecified damages from Qualcomm. Back in July, Qualcomm had also accused Apple of infringing several patents related to improving the battery life of mobile phones. Naturally, Apple had denied the claims saying that it didn't violate Qualcomm's battery life patents. The company further stated that Qualcomm's patents were invalid. Well, the long-going legal war between two of the biggest companies in the tech industry has now taken an interesting turn. We are yet to see how Qualcomm plans to defend itself against the allegations made by Apple. In any case, time is not favoring the California-based chipset makers. Currently, Qualcomm is facing another lawsuit from the US Federal Trade Commission over many of the same pricing practices Apple names in its complaints. Source: Reuters Best Mobiles in India Country United States of America US Virgin Islands United States Minor Outlying Islands Canada Mexico, United Mexican States Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Cuba, Republic of Dominican Republic Haiti, Republic of Jamaica Afghanistan Albania, People's Socialist Republic of Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of American Samoa Andorra, Principality of Angola, Republic of Anguilla Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S) Antigua and Barbuda Argentina, Argentine Republic Armenia Aruba Australia, Commonwealth of Austria, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bangladesh, People's Republic of Barbados Belarus Belgium, Kingdom of Belize Benin, People's Republic of Bermuda Bhutan, Kingdom of Bolivia, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana, Republic of Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya) Brazil, Federative Republic of British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria, People's Republic of 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Guam Guatemala, Republic of Guinea, Revolutionary People's Rep'c of Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Guyana, Republic of Heard and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City State) Honduras, Republic of Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China Hrvatska (Croatia) Hungary, Hungarian People's Republic Iceland, Republic of India, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq, Republic of Ireland Israel, State of Italy, Italian Republic Japan Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Kiribati, Republic of Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Kuwait, State of Kyrgyz Republic Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon, Lebanese Republic Lesotho, Kingdom of Liberia, Republic of Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein, Principality of Lithuania Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Macao, Special Administrative Region of China Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Madagascar, Republic of Malawi, Republic of Malaysia Maldives, Republic of Mali, Republic of Malta, Republic of Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania, Islamic Republic of Mauritius Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Moldova, Republic of Monaco, Principality of Mongolia, Mongolian People's Republic Montserrat Morocco, Kingdom of Mozambique, People's Republic of Myanmar Namibia Nauru, Republic of Nepal, Kingdom of Netherlands Antilles Netherlands, Kingdom of the New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua, Republic of Niger, Republic of the Nigeria, Federal Republic of Niue, Republic of Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway, Kingdom of Oman, Sultanate of Pakistan, Islamic Republic of Palau Palestinian Territory, Occupied Panama, Republic of Papua New Guinea Paraguay, Republic of Peru, Republic of Philippines, Republic of the Pitcairn Island Poland, Polish People's Republic Portugal, Portuguese Republic Puerto Rico Qatar, State of Reunion Romania, Socialist Republic of Russian Federation Rwanda, Rwandese Republic Samoa, Independent State of San Marino, Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Senegal, Republic of Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles, Republic of Sierra Leone, Republic of Singapore, Republic of Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia, Somali Republic South Africa, Republic of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spain, Spanish State Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of St. Helena St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Pierre and Miquelon St. Vincent and the Grenadines Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Suriname, Republic of Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands Swaziland, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Switzerland, Swiss Confederation Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, Province of China Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand, Kingdom of Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of Togo, Togolese Republic Tokelau (Tokelau Islands) Tonga, Kingdom of Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda, Republic of Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of Wallis and Futuna Islands Western Sahara Yemen Zambia, Republic of Zimbabwe By PTI: (Eds: Recasting overnight story) New Delhi, Nov 29 (PTI) Singapore has expressed its reservation over the proposed quadrilateral coalition of India, the US, Japan and Australia, with the countrys defence minister saying it is not useful to cast one bloc against another. In an address at a think tank here, Singapores defence minster Ng Eng Hen pitched for an "inclusive regional security architecture" to ensure peace and stability in the region. advertisement He said Singapore was open to multilateral exercises in the Indian Ocean region. Delving into regional security issues, he sounded critical of the proposed quadrilateral coalition, saying it is not useful to cast one bloc against another. He said "polarising defence and trade" would not be helpful for the region and called for crafting a "stable system" wherein all small and large states have ways and means to resolve disputes through peaceful means. He also called India a "regional power" in the Indo- Pacific region and said the country was a "natural partner" of all countries in Southeast Asia. "We are trying to craft a system under which we can ensure peace and progress for everyone," Ng said. In an apparent reference to Chinas growing assertiveness in the disputed South China Sea, he said freedom of navigation and over flight must be respected. Ngs remarks yesterday came a day before his talks with Indian counterpart Nirmala Sitharaman. Widening the security cooperation under the proposed quadrilateral coalition, officials of India, the US, Japan and Australia had held extensive talks on the sidelines of the ASEAN summit in Manila earlier this month, for pursuing common interests in the strategically important Indo-Pacific region where China has been aggressively expanding its military presence. Singapore is a key member-country of the 10-nation ASEAN grouping with which India has been intensifying its defence and security ties. The move to set up the quadrilateral comes in the backdrop of growing Chinese assertiveness in the South China Sea. The US has been favouring a larger role for India in the strategically important Indo-Pacific region. Ng, in his address, also complimented Indias Act East policy, saying it is making an impact. He paid rich tributes to Jawaharlal Nehru, saying his country was inspired by the first prime minister of India. PTI MPB NSD ASK ASK --- ENDS --- Canadian Man's Guilty Plea In Yahoo Hack Offers More Glimpses Of Russian Spy Case Mike Eckel, Tom Balmforth November 29, 2017 WASHINGTON -- A Canadian man has pleaded guilty to his role in the 2014 hack of Yahoo's e-mail servers, the latest development in a mysterious investigation that has ensnared officers of Russia's main security agency. Karim Baratov's plea, on November 28 in U.S. federal court in San Francisco, raises the possibility that he will cooperate with U.S. investigators probing not only the Yahoo hack but the role of Russian intelligence agencies in hacking U.S. political party computers during last year's presidential election. Baratov, who was born in Kazakhstan and immigrated to Canada, was one of four people indicted by U.S. grand jury in February for the 2013 hack, which is one of the largest security breaches at an Internet company ever. Two others named in the indictment were officers with the Center for Information Security, the main cyberdivision of the Federal Security Service (FSB), Russia's main intelligence and security agency. One was identified as Dmitry Dokuchaev, a deputy chief at the center who, three months earlier, had been arrested in Moscow and charged with high treason. U.S. prosecutors said Baratov hacked into e-mail accounts of individuals of interest to the FSB and then sent passwords to those accounts to Dokuchaev in exchange for money. As part of his plea deal, prosecutors said, Baratov admitted to working for the FSB, as well as other "customers" looking for hacked e-mail accounts. Russian officials accused Dokuchaev and his superior, Sergei Mikhailov, of passing classified information to Western intelligence agencies. At least three others are also facing treason and other serious charges, including a former Interior Ministry cybercrime investigator who later worked for Kaspersky Lab, the famed Moscow-based IT company. The head of the center was later reportedly pushed into early retirement. 'Systematic Hacking Effort' Experts who have followed the case closely say the treason allegations are obscuring a more complicated, and potentially more consequential, series of events stretching back several years, as well obscuring hard evidence that Russian intelligence agencies oversaw a systematic hacking effort aimed at U.S. political parties, government agencies, and other politically influential figures. The FSB cyberunit and U.S. law enforcement cooperated for many years in investigating international cybercrimes, such as hacking, stolen credit card information, bitcoin theft, child pornography and other crimes. One of the other Russians indicted in the Yahoo hack was Aleksei Belan, who was wanted for major cybercrimes by the FBI for years. Last December, Belan, who is believed to be in Russia but is not known to be under arrest, was named by the U.S. Treasury Department as one of several individuals and entities involved in hacking the computers of the U.S. Democratic Party and other political organizations. Since the arrests, the treason case has been shrouded in secrecy with only cryptic anonymous leaks being published in some Russian media. 'Case Of The Century' Ivan Pavlov, a defense lawyer for one of the Russians charged in the case, told RFE/RL in an interview that his client, whom he requested not be named, had been arrested on the same day as the FSB officers, and was a private citizen. He said it was unclear when any of the cases might actually go to trial, and he suggested that Russian authorities may not be seeking prosecution, but rather to prevent the release of information that could embarrass or undermine Russian intelligence agencies. "We believe that the charges that are formulated first of all cannot be understood, and they cannot be understood for the simple reason that it is just a pretext: a piece of paper in order to hold them in isolation," he said. "I will tell you right away: this is an extraordinary case. Perhaps this is case of the century," Pavlov said. Source: russian-spy-case/28886759.html Copyright (c) 2017. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address U.S. Department of Defense Press Operations News Transcript Presenter: General John W. Nicholson Jr., commander, Resolute Support and U.S. Forces-Afghanistan November 28, 2017 Department of Defense Press Briefing by General Nicholson via teleconference from Kabul, Afghanistan STAFF: Good morning, everyone. Today, we're joined by U.S. Army Gen. John Nicholson. Gen. Nicholson is the commander of Resolute Support and U.S. Forces-Afghanistan, and joins us from Kabul, Afghanistan. We'll start with a quick radio check. Sir, how do you hear us? GENERAL JOHN W. NICHOLSON: I got you loud and clear, Mike. Thanks. How me? STAFF: Sir, we're hearing you great. Please take it away. GEN. NICHOLSON: Hey, good morning. It's good to be with you all again. Last week when we met, we talked about the strikes that we prosecuted against the Taliban's economic engine in Helmand. That engine's fueled by narcotics. In just over three days' worth of operations, the Afghan 215th Corps, their Special Forces commandos, their air force, in close cooperation with U.S. forces, removed between $7 million and $10 million of revenue from the Taliban's pocketbook. And the overall cost to the drug trafficking organizations approached $48 million dollars. So these strikes were just the first step in attacking the Taliban's financial engine, and they will continue. Now shifting to the subject for today -- is the South Asia strategy, looking at 2017 and ahead to 2018, these strikes that we did last week were just one small part of a larger strategy that President Trump announced in August, the South Asia strategy, that granted us authorities to conduct the strikes I just spoke about. However, it's much more comprehensive than that. It is a regional strategy in which Afghanistan figures prominently. The key things to take away from the strategy that I'd like to cover would be, number one, we are now conditions-based, not time-based. We will be here until the job is done. The U.S. approach aligns with the NATO approach. And, as I said last time, war is a contest of wills. The president has left no doubt in terms of our will to win. The goal of this strategy is reconciliation, a negotiated settlement which lowers the level of violence. We achieve this by applying three forms of pressure on the enemy: first, military pressure, through offensive operations and stronger security institutions; second, diplomatic and other forms of pressure on the enablers of the Taliban and the Haqqani Network; three, social pressure, in the form of elections over the next two years, which, if done credibly, will further enhance the legitimacy of the government in the eyes of the people. So, as I said before, there's a regional dimension to the strategy, to limit interference and seek cooperation with Afghanistan's neighbors. We have to realign resources and to execute this strategy well across the whole of the U.S. government and, of course, the coalition, if we are to succeed. I'd point out that the military effort is necessary but, by itself, not sufficient for success. We must work together with all of the parts of the U.S. government and the coalition in order to be successful. It has been just under a hundred days since the announcement, and we can see the impacts already, especially in terms of our adversaries' reactions. So we saw two changes to the enemy's strategy over the last year. As you know from 2016, they started off trying to seize provincial capitals. They suffered heavily when they did so, so they therefore shifted their strategy in 2017 from attempting to seize capitals to a district-focused strategy. And then by August, with the losses that they suffered with that approach and the announcement of the U.S. policy in September, we saw another enemy shift to a guerrilla-style of warfare, with hit-and-run attacks, suicide attacks, et cetera. Each of these shifts represented to us a lowering of ambition by the enemy. Now, reconciliation will take some time. We'll have to continue to apply the three types of pressure, engage within the region and leverage all of the instruments available to meet our goals. In the face of this pressure, the Taliban cannot win. Their choices are to reconcile, live in irrelevance, or die. Let me shift now to a little context for 2017. First, the Taliban is not a popular insurgency. The Afghan people outright reject them. Up to 90 percent believe that a return to Taliban rule would be bad for the country. And notice that I didn't use the word "govern." The Taliban do not govern, they rule through force. They impose their rule on the people. And, increasingly, they are primarily interested in making money. And they are making more money than they need to operate. So we believe that the Taliban, in some ways, have evolved into a criminal or narco-insurgency. They are fighting to defend their revenue streams. They have increasingly lost whatever ideological anchor they once had. They fight to preserve and expand their sources of revenue. This includes narcotics trafficking, illegal mining, taxing people throughout Afghanistan, kidnapping and murder-for-hire: all criminal endeavors. Now, population control remains roughly the same as last year. About 64 percent of the population is controlled by the government, about 24 percent live in contested areas, and the Taliban control the remaining 12 percent. But it's worth bearing in mind that Afghanistan has never had a strong central government. The absence of government control doesn't equal Taliban control. It is not a zero-sum equation. So why did things stay roughly the same through August of this year? Well, we fought most of this year, through Aug. 21, at the lowest level of U.S. force and capability, and, therefore, the highest level of risk, in our 16-year war in Afghanistan. Yet, in spite of that, the Taliban strategy was not successful. It was essentially defeated by the Afghans. After suffering heavy casualties from attempting to take provincial capitals, the Taliban shifted, as I mentioned, to districts. And then they shifted, again, to guerrilla-style warfare: suicide attacks, hit-and-run, designed to maintain relevance and to inflict casualties, but not to gain and hold new terrain. So we're seeing the nature of the Taliban's efforts changing across the board. I mentioned a steady decline in the level of ambition. Meanwhile, the Afghan Security Forces have become more capable this year. I want to reiterate something that President Ghani often says: The Afghans own the fight, and are proud to. They are willing to fight and die for their future, their country, their families. And in so doing, they're not only fighting on behalf of themselves, but they are fighting against the terrorists who have threatened our homeland and the homelands of our allies as well. So the Afghan Security Forces went on the offensive this year. This was a result of leadership changes that President Ghani made in May, when he changed out five of six corps commanders, as well as a new chief of general staff and a new minister of defense. These new leaders led offensive operations, and many times throughout the year we held offensive operations in all six corps areas. Absolutely new in the last three years; never happened before. These changes in leadership, strengthened and supported by the renewed international will and the U.S. policy announcement, have shifted the momentum in their favor. So did airpower. And thus far in 2017, the U.S. has tripled the amount of air-delivered munitions that we've employed. As assets free up from Iraq and Syria and the successful fight against Daesh in that theater, we expect to see more assets come to Afghanistan. So on that subject, I want to take a moment to address the issue of civilian casualties. First, I'd say, we go to extraordinary lengths to avoid civilian causalities. We have a rigorous process in place to investigate any allegation, from unit plans to aircraft gun tapes, to any interviews, even things that appear in the media. We investigate thoroughly every single allegation. Now, there were allegations of increased CIVCAS by aerial fires produced by UNAMA this year. We have great respect for UNAMA, and we work closely with them, but we don't always agree on the figures. And in fact, we disagree on some of these numbers regarding aerial casualties. An example of why we would disagree, for example, would be an allegation occurs in a particular place at a particular time, we go back and review and find that we did not drop a munition on that day in that location, for example. This might be one of the reasons that we would disagree. But -- but increasing, of course, the Afghan's are building better accountability of every place and time that they drop a munition, and of course we have almost 100 percent accountability on the U.S. side every time we deliver an aerial munition. This would be one of the reasons why we would disagree on the numbers. Keep in mind that the U.S. tripled its munitions, but the Afghan Air Force has also grown significantly in its capability to deliver fire since 2016. We are training their pilots. Their pilots are not only getting better at their missions, but also at their reporting. I've personally talked to many Afghan pilots who refuse to drop when they identify civilians on the objective. If you look at airpower in relation to what's happening on the ground and with the enemy and the enemy's lack of respect for human life -- again even by the UNAMA account, 6 percent of CIVCAS were caused by aerial fires. The vast majority of the 8,000 allegations that UNAMA has of civilian causalities were caused by the Taliban, Daesh and other anti-government elements. So the takeaway here is that the Afghans have significantly improved in 2017, again with all six of their corps on the offensive simultaneously and the stand-up of the new special operations corps as well; so in effect, seven corps on the offensive taking the fight to the enemy. And within a few days from now, Afghan Special Forces, along with U.S. Special Forces, will take the fight to Faryab in the northwest part of Afghanistan and they will support the Afghan efforts -- the Afghan government's efforts there to destroy Daesh, where they have appeared in Jowzjan and Faryab. And of course we're committed to their destruction wherever they appear across the country. Daesh has been unable to establish a caliphate in Afghanistan. This was their ambition two years ago. And we see no evidence of fighters making their way from Iraq and Syria to Afghanistan, because they know if they come here they will face death. We've isolated them largely from their outside finance and support, and they're having trouble replacing their leaders. Nevertheless, they do still recruit locally. These are primarily non-Afghans, some members of Islamic Movement Uzbekistan, and many former members of the Pakistani Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan. Since March, we've conducted about 1,400 ground tactical operations and strikes, removing over 1,600 Daesh from the battlefield and reducing over 600 of their structures, facilities, fighting positions, et cetera. And again, it is Afghans who are leading the way in this fight against Daesh; Afghan commandos in particular. Looking ahead to 2018, President Ghani is bringing about a generational change in the leadership of the security institutions. In keeping with its new inherent law, the Afghan government has notified over 2,150 colonels and generals from the Ministry of Defense that they will retire with dignity within the next year. The goal here is to shift the leadership of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Interior from the generation of the 1960s to the generation of the 1990s. We're also working closely with the government to reconstitute the force over the winter, so they'll be ready for renewed offensive operations in the spring. We have mechanisms in place in the U.S.-Afghan compact to assure transparency and accountability, and new fiscal tools that we can use to look inside of the personnel, pay and fuel systems of the Afghan government. On Aug. 29th, we signed a memorandum of agreement with the Afghan government, which allows audits of the Ministry of Finance and the banking system to assure that U.S. taxpayer dollars are going to their intended purpose. That first audit is ongoing right now. This is coupled with an effort where we are biometrically enrolling every soldier and policeman -- 10 fingerprints, two retinal scans and detailed family data -- to assure that we eliminate ghost soldiers from the rolls. Now, this process is going to play out through April, so by the middle of next year we expect to have much, much better visibility on all ghost soldiers and the true strength of the forces. And then be able to follow the pay when it goes from the United States into the Ministry of Finance through the banking system down to an account that belongs to a biometrically identified soldier. So this will be a first, and again we have President Ghani's strong reform agenda to thank for that. Now, regarding the U.S.-Afghan compact, it is more than just a counter-corruption effort. It also provides milestones -- several hundred of them -- that will play out over the next several years to track the specific progress of the Afghan security institutions as they improve. Thus far, out of a possible 172 milestones, the Afghans have accomplished 163 of them; a very good performance rate. And we continue to track these on a monthly basis, we review them with the president, and then the president reviews them with the leadership of our government. This coming Saturday, the acting minister of defense, Minister Bahrami, will sign a child protection policy which will set clear procedures and hold those accountable who violate the rights of children. This policy sets out procedures for monitoring, reporting and investing violations by any Ministry of Defense personnel. And additionally, we are implementing an enhanced reporting system to that end in USFOR-A. We have implemented a new reporting system, we're ensuring that all soldiers are trained, and every American soldier knows what's right and wrong, and they know that if they see a violation they are to report it. And we're providing them the training and the means with which to do just that. The Afghan air force took delivery of its first four UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters earlier this fall. They will eventually receive approximately 150 of them. Six new UH-60 pilots graduated this week, so we now have Afghan trained pilots on the UH-60. Twenty-five more are in training right now. We will graduate another 800 commandos by the end of December on top of the 900 we already graduated last month. This is part of the doubling of the Afghan National Army Commando Force, and that doubling of that force is what'll give them new offensive power. These are all under the new Afghan National Army Special Operations Corps that was stood up in August. The Afghan commanders who make up that corps have never lost a battle against the Taliban and they never will. They are the most feared and respected force in Afghanistan today and they're the best special operations force in the region. Now, looking ahead to 2018, as President Ghani said, he believes we have turned the corner and I agree. The momentum is now with the Afghan Security Forces and the Taliban cannot win in the face of the pressures that I outlined. Again, their choices are to reconcile, live in irrelevance, or die. To the service members who have served in Afghanistan, and especially those who've been wounded and to the families of our fallen comrades, you have earned our eternal respect and gratitude. We will deliver on your sacrifice. Over the next two years the Afghan Security Forces will expand their control of the population to 80 percent. They will do this through increased offensive action. And that offensive capability comes from doubling the size of the commandos, increasing the size and capability of the air force, and embedding U.S. advisers down to the kandak level and select units of the Afghan National Army. This is the force that takes the field over the next two years and expands control of the population. These U.S. advisers, with the Afghan Special Forces will be able to bring U.S. combat enablers to bear in support of Afghan National Army units. My final message is really to the Afghan people who have suffered so long and still bravely take up arms against terrorists who threaten the entire world. We are with you and we will stay with you. With that, I'd like to take your questions. STAFF: Tom Bowman, NPR? Q: Do you have a little more details about the next fighting season in 2018. You're having hundreds of advisers, again 800 to 1,000 training now at Fort Benning. And I'm wondering, once they head over, what percentage of those will be down at the lowest level, the kandak level? And what will their mission be? GEN. NICHOLSON: Right. Thanks for the question, Tom. And thanks for your coverage of this campaign. They are part of the Army's first security force assistance brigade. The Army will produce six of these. These brigades are made up of volunteers who are then specially trained in a range of skills to provide combat advising at the tactical level. So they'll go down to the kandak level, the battalion level, which is really where we have operated successfully for the last couple of years with our special forces advisers. So these advisers will operate in teams. So you'll have a team that would go to the kandak. We will move these teams to those units that are conducting offensive operations, and then those teams will be backed up by U.S. combat enablers, not only for the protection of our own force but for the support of the Afghans as well. And so, this will enable us to help the Afghans with their offensive operations simultaneously in multiple corps. And so, the intent is really over the winter, we'll maintain some limited offensive operations, but also focused on regeneration of the force. And then as we roll into the spring, March, April and beyond, they will go on the offensive. So these offensive operations are designed to secure the portions of the population that are in contested areas primarily. Two purposes: one, expand control of the government over the population to increase the government's legitimacy and to protect the people; but also secondly, in advance of the elections, this will help for a more secure election, which should set the conditions for a more credible election. So when we have greater security around the polling places, we can have more observers at those polling places, which again can add to the legitimacy and credibility of the elections. So, that's what's going to play out over the coming months, Tom. Q: I'm wondering how many of these advisers will actually be down at the kandak level. Can you give us a percentage? Is it a hundred, a couple of hundred? And from what you're saying, they'll be going outside the wire; they'll be on offensive operations. Which means they're at greater risk. GEN. NICHOLSON: Yeah, as far as advisers, you know, they all might not be out at the same time. But we're talking about between the Afghan National Army conventional corps and the special forces, you're looking at well over a thousand advisers out at any given time, and then on top of that all the additional enabling capabilities that will be in support of them. So, we're going to great lengths, of course, to assure their force protection. So this is done by all the ways that we would normally assure force protection, through the use of what we know as combat enablers. So, any time a U.S. soldier, Marine, sailor, airman sets foot on the battlefield, there is always a whole array of support behind them. This includes, you know, ISR assets, it includes command and control. It includes fire support, in the form of artillery, air attack aviation. Includes the logistical support, in the form of medevac. So this is how we'll be recomposing the force over the winter, to enable us to do that, so that these advisers can be out there with the Afghans to enable those offensive operations that, again, will maintain a tempo that will -- that will enable them to start retaking the -- 80 percent of the country over the next two years. Q: Advisers going outside the wire will clearly be at greater risk, because right now, most Americans are inside large bases. GEN. NICHOLSON: Yes, there will be greater risk. Absolutely. So -- but we've been doing this the last few years, as you're aware, Tom, with our special forces. So and then this year we have also been doing advising outside the wire around the county. So, we conducted this at the brigade level typically, because we weren't established, but this has been part of the NATO structure since last year. This billets have primarily been filled by Americans, but we have been doing this to some extent over the past year. Next year, however, this will increase dramatically over what we've done in the past year. STAFF: (inaudible), Reuters. Q: Unless we deal with Pakistan, the war in Afghanistan can't be won. Have you seen a change in Pakistan's support for militants since the new South Asia strategy? And if not, how do you get them to change, because whatever's been done in the past 16 years clearly doesn't seem to have worked. GEN. NICHOLSON: Right. I got the question. So, as you're aware, President Trump make some pretty straightforward statements during his speech. We've had a lot of senior-level engagement, Secretary of State, General Votel. We've had senior delegations from the State Department and National Security Council travel over there as well. They've all met with the Pakistani leadership. Pakistani leadership has come to Kabul and met with President Ghani. They identified certain steps that they were going to take. We've not yet seen those steps play out. This is very much a dialogue capital-to-capital right now. We'll have other senior-level visits coming up. And then as far as the timeframe for actions on either side, I'll leave that to our senior leadership to discuss. But we've been very direct and very clear with the Pakistanis. I know at the senior level, again, you can read President Trump's statements. So the expectations are out there. Now, we have not seen those changes implemented yet. We're hoping to see those changes. We're hoping to work together with the Pakistanis going forward to eliminate terrorists who are -- who're crossing the Durand Line. The Pakistanis have many concerns about the border from their side. We also share those concerns. And so, there are some common equities we have: obviously counterterrorism, border control, refugee returns. All these issues are on the table. But in terms of changes thus far this year, again, policy was announced August 21st; it's now a hundred days later. So, no, we haven't seen those changes yet. Q: Just to follow up, I remember in 2011 -- Mike Mullen who said the ISI -- or the Haqqani Network is a veritable arm of the ISI. It's now been six years; could you just talk about the ISI and its support for the Haqqani Network, and have you seen that change specifically over the past few months? GEN. NICHOLSON: Well, to bookend that comment, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs and the secretary of defense were asked these questions on the Hill recently. I think they affirmed that those relationships still exist. So I'd leave it at that and I concur with their assessment. Q: General, critics in Washington and within (Off mic) say your approach to defeating the Taliban and ISIS has been too cautious. How do you respond to those critics? GEN. NICHOLSON: I'm sorry; I didn't hear the first part of your question. Can you say again, please? Q: Critics in Washington and within the ranks say that your approach to defeating the Taliban and ISIS in Afghanistan has been too cautious. How you respond to those critics? GEN. NICHOLSON: I haven't heard those criticisms. And I would say, as I said, the Taliban have three choices: reconcile, face irrelevance, or die. You can look at the numbers of munitions that we've dropped this year. I think that answers your question. Q: How many air strikes that get put before you do you reject on a daily basis, generally? GEN. NICHOLSON: Say again? Q: What percentage of air strike plans that are put before you do you reject on a daily basis, generally? GEN. NICHOLSON: Did you say, do we reject? Was that the question? Q: What percent of air strikes do you approve on a daily basis, generally? GEN. NICHOLSON: There's no percentage to attach to that. We use munitions whenever they're necessary to defeat the Taliban, the ISIS or whomever we see on the battlefield in line with our authorities. So those authorities enable us to use U.S. combat enablers in support of the Afghans on the offensive operations. As I said, six corps were on the offensive simultaneously this year. So we made extensive use of munitions in support of the Afghans. In previous years, we've used aerial-delivered munitions to repulse the Taliban from cities, for example. So we make extensive use of air power and very seldom do we wave off an air strike, unless there were a risk of CIVCAS. Q: Finally, with this new war on drugs using B-52 bombers, why did it take 16 years for this new strategy to go after Taliban drugs as going after their revenue streams? Why now? GEN. NICHOLSON: This is not a war on drugs, this is a war on Taliban revenue. So, there's about 13 drug trafficking organizations in Afghanistan, seven of them connected to the Taliban in Helmand alone. And so, we are striking those specific organizations that are linked to the Taliban, Taliban cartels if you will, that now provide the majority of their revenue. This is allowed under the authorities that I was granted under the new U.S. strategy. I could not do that previously. Q: Back to my colleague's question on Pakistan, if the poppies and opium are going to Pakistan for refinement and processing to turn into heroin, why don't you conduct air strikes there against those facilities? GEN. NICHOLSON: Of course, as you know, Afghanistan is producing about 85 percent of the world's opium that's transferred into heroin. A lot of that processing takes place in Afghanistan. There's plenty to strike inside Afghanistan. About 40 percent of it does go out through Pakistan, about 30 percent through Iran, about 30 percent through the north. Our law enforcement agencies and Drug Enforcement Agency are trying to work closely with all those governments to restrict the flow and to cooperate with them on interdiction of these organizations. I agree completely. We would want to have greater cooperation when it comes to interdicting these narcotics flows as they leave Afghanistan. STAFF: Ryan Browne, CNN. Q: Thank you, General, for doing this. Just one quick one on -- well, just one quick one on the Taliban's leadership. Where do you currently assess the Taliban's leadership to be? Do you believe it to be in Afghanistan or Pakistan? GEN. NICHOLSON: I think their tactical-level leadership is in Afghanistan in the field. But there's a reason that the two leadership centers of the Taliban are called the Quetta Shura and the Peshawar Shura. Those are cities in Pakistan. So I'd say the senior leadership still resides in Pakistan. Q: For Afghan special forces, I know part of the long-term plan is to double the size of the commandos and the -- and the other Special Forces groups. How is that going? Are you finding that there has to be any kind of sacrifice in quality to grow? Do you have the number of trainers you need from NATO to grow the Special Forces? And are they still doing over 80 percent of offensive operations? GEN. NICHOLSON: Thank you. The growth of the Special Forces is on track. We've graduated almost -- by the end of December it will be almost 2,000 additional commandos this year. We have a steady flow of new recruits. Now, the demographics of Afghanistan, as you're probably aware, are very different from the demographics in the United States. 70 percent of the people are under the age of 27, so you have a lot of unemployed males who are intelligent, educated, fit, who are ready to join the Special Forces. So the recruiting pool is pretty significant. There is an appeal to joining the Special Forces and the commandos. They're better trained, they've never been defeated, they get higher pay, and they're widely respected. So we're not having any trouble filling ranks; in fact they're having to turn away some recruits. They're also receiving recruits from inside the Army, so this is important. The growth of these units, though -- we need to take the right amount of time to train them properly. They receive an initial amount of commando training, they then receive specialty training. We're going to see -- all of this growth is going to take two years, but we'll have a significant number of new commandos showing up on the battlefield next year. So we're going to see some growth in the -- in the existing commando kandaks. We stood up the Afghan National Army Special Operations Corps this year. We stood up the National Mission Brigade this year. The National Mission Brigade is a country-wide counterterrorism force that -- that has Special Forces battalions and Katahas, their high-end counterterrorism force. We are doubling the number of commando brigades; we'll go from two to four. And we're also doubling the number of special police units. So the special police units, 222, 333, 444, are the high-end urban CT forces that they have. And there will now be one of these forces for all of the major urban areas in Afghanistan: Jalalabad, Mazar-i-Sharif, Herat and so on. So this this process in its entirety will take two years. All these forces will be on the battlefield in 2019. And a good portion of them will be on the battlefield next year, which will increase the offensive ops. But I don't anticipate they're going to be doing the 70, 80 percent of the operations in the past. And this is because we're going to see a greater number of offensive operations performed by the conventional Afghan corps. So just like you saw in Helmand this year with the 215th Corps going on the offensive, we're going to see that now in other corps as well. And this will -- this will mean the probably overall percentage of commando offensive operations as a part of the total will drop somewhat. STAFF: Nancy Youssef, Wall Street Journal. Q: You mentioned earlier, General that you disputed the UNAMA numbers of civilian casualties, and I was wondering if you could give us your numbers. How many civilian casualties have happened this year, according to the U.S. assessment? Ideally aerial strikes specifically. How much has been paid in condolence payments? And how many military personnel are dedicated to investigating civilian casualties? GEN. NICHOLSON: Yeah, whenever there's a civilian casualty incident, we immediately stand up an investigation board that we dispatch to the appropriate area to investigate. So we have a standing team that initiates the investigation as soon as we get the allegation. They have other duties, but when this duty comes up, they immediately move to do this. We coordinate closely with UNAMA; I'd say on a weekly basis. When I say that we dispute their figures, I explained an example of one of the reasons of why we might dispute. UNAMA has its methodology, we have our methodology, and the methodologies are different. And then UNAMA, out of respect for the confidentiality of their sources -- and we understand this -- does not want to share the names of many of the sources because that could expose them to repercussions or reprisals. So we understand that in order to protect the people who offer this information to UNAMA, we aren't always able to see the same evidence that they have. So this means we, then, need to go through a separate investigation, almost in parallel, to examine this. And, of course, we have access to information that UNAMA doesn't always have. For example, we have gun tapes, we have records of when munitions are dropped, we know precisely where a U.S. munition is dropped, for example. We have a very good idea of where Afghan munitions are dropped. So something that's reported as an airstrike in one area, we may not have any record of a bomb being dropped there. So that would be an example of why we would disagree on the allegation. And so there are always in the -- within the total UNAMA numbers, there's a percentage of the numbers that even UNAMA concedes cannot be attributed to one side or the other. And of course -- so, again, different methodologies. We have great respect for UNAMA. We'll -- I'll have to follow up with you in terms of the numbers. From our perspective, though, again, the overall UNAMA figure was 6 percent of total CIVCAS by aerial fires, and we -- and we come in at something less than that. But we can get back to you with more specifics on the numbers. Q: You'd mentioned that you tripled the number of munitions. Have you in any way expanded the number of teams that investigate civ casualties -- civilian casualties -- accordingly, given the tripling of munitions drops? GEN. NICHOLSON: We haven't seen a tripling in the number of allegations. Again, our reports of CIVCAS are running roughly the same as previously, and we're right-sized to be able to deal with that. Q: Lastly, I'm curious, do you follow the price of opium on a weekly basis? And if so, have you seen a change in that price since these strikes have begun on opium production facilities? GEN. NICHOLSON: I haven't seen the price of opium on a weekly basis, but my guess would be there has not been a change. The thing to remember about the Afghan narcotics trafficking organizations is that they have a lot of inventory and storage. So they don't always immediately process and transport their inventory. The yield was up this year, as you saw in the UNODC report. So we expect that, you know, the economic rules of supply and demand, much of this inventory might be put into a form of opium paste, which can be stored longer. As soon as they begin the refinement process into morphine and more refined types of heroin, then they need to move the product. So we believe a significant amount of opium is stored, awaiting refinement based on market demand. STAFF: Tara Copp, Military Times? Q: Could you talk about remaining ISIS pockets in Nangarhar province? What are your estimates for the number of ISIS fighters that remain there? And what sort of percentage of U.S. airstrikes are targeting those remaining ISIS fighters? GEN. NICHOLSON: Yeah. The significant portion of our airstrikes go in support of our counterterrorism efforts. And so these airstrikes, a lion's share of them go against Daesh. Because, again, Daesh attempted to establish a caliphate, so they make themselves targetable, frankly, when they do this. They attempt to seize and hold terrain, raise the flag and rule the population. So they attempted to do this in southern Nangarhar. As you know, at one point they expanded out to nine districts. Now we've got them down to portions of three districts. But it's like a balloon: We squeeze them in this area and they'll try to move out elsewhere. What we've done now is in the southern Achin Debella district we've pushed them south into the mountains that border Pakistan. We're seeing them move up into those valleys in those mountains, and they're attempting to move west into the area of Pachaweragam and where they can also try to access some passes through the mountains into Pakistan. Remember most of these Daesh fighters came from Pakistan. They were from the Orakzai agency of Pakistan in the tribal areas. So they go through the passes of southern Nangarhar and they move back to their home agency. We are seeing Daesh presence in Kunar and in Jowzjan -- these are two other provinces -- but we think those numbers there are small, 300 or less, in those areas. And then in the southern Nangarhar area we think we're looking at 600 to 800. I do need a caveat, though, in saying they are actively recruiting from the Tehriki-i-Taliban Pakistan. So as you'll recall, when the Pakistan army and their Zarb-e-Azb operation in 2014 pushed a lot of the TTP into Afghanistan -- hundreds of thousands of TTP fighters and their families pushed into Afghanistan and it's from these ranks that Daesh has been recruiting heavily. But from their height, we have reduced their presence significantly and we'll continue with their fires over the winter. In particular fires and aerial-delivered fires focused on them over the winter to further reduce their numbers. Q: Could you give us any sort of ballpark percentage of the number of airstrikes that are targeting this particular region and ISIS fighters? GEN. NICHOLSON: Well, half of our aerial fires are going to our counterterrorism mission, and of the ones going to our counterterrorism mission, the majority of those are going against Daesh. We can get back to you with some more specific numbers, though. STAFF: Tom Watkins, AFP? Q: We're hearing that recently some ISIS fighters of European and Algerian origin came to -- and I'm going to say this wrong -- Jowzjan province in the north directly from Iraq and Syria. Do you have any additional information about that? And does it change your assessments that you've previously given us that Iraq and Syria were not conduits to Afghanistan for ISIS fighters? GEN. NICHOLSON: Yeah, I'll have to follow up on that, because I have not heard that report, and I would be surprised at that. The Jowzjan element -- what we're seeing in the case of some of these is fighters switching allegiances, declaring themselves to be Daesh or ISIS as it suits them. This element in Jowzjan, again, numbered -- we were tracking 150 -- there were fights with the Taliban, there were fights against Hazarans, or in the Hazaran/Tajik area, I should say, where Taliban were involved. We're seeing what we call red-on-red fighting there now. But Syria and Algerian; have not seen those reports, but will certainly follow up on that. Again, we have not seen any significant migration of fighters from Syria, Algeria. We think a lot of these -- or from Syria and Iraq. We believe that we have seen migration into -- into Africa, Libya, other areas to the west, but not here at Afghanistan. STAFF: Joe Tabet, Al Hurra? Q: Could you give us an update on the level of interference from Iran and Russia in Afghanistan? Have you seen any evidence of direct support from Iran for the Taliban? GEN. NICHOLSON: So, let me address those. The first thing I'd say is we have shared interest with Iran and Russia in Afghanistan. So we have the shared interest of counter-narcotics, the shared interest of counter-terrorism. You know, one of the concerns we hear from both nations is the concern about Daesh and their desire to see it eliminated. This is our, one of our top counterterrorism focuses, along with al-Qaida -- the remnants of al-Qaida. So this is an area where actually our work the Afghans is precisely what the Russians and Iranians want. Now what's counter-intuitive here is the legitimizing or working with the Taliban, which we see in both cases. Because, again, the Taliban, when it comes to narcotics, are the principal traffickers of narcotics into those two countries. And as you're aware, Afghan heroin kills tens of thousands of Russians every year and the addiction rates in Iran are extremely high too. So again, by legitimizing or supporting the Taliban, they're doing harm to their own citizens. Additionally, the support to the Taliban is destabilizing to the government and it's the government who is being principally effective against Daesh. The thing to understand about Daesh is of course, is they're totally repugnant to the culture of Afghanistan. The majority of these fighters are non-Afghans. They're Pakistanis, they're Uzbeks, they're others. Their brutality, their cruelty is totally against Afghan culture. They're rejected by the majority of Afghans. So we're seeing a minority of the fighters in Daesh are actually Afghans. So Daesh will not get a strong showing -- or will not have a strong showing here in Afghanistan. And then of course they are at the top of our list in terms of our counterterrorism effort. And I've talked about the results we've achieved before. So these -- to these are the basis of a dialogue we think on our common interests in Afghanistan with those two nations. I would additionally point out that in the case of Iran and Afghanistan, they are neighbors. There are important common equities they share beyond Daesh. This would include water rights. So Iranians need and desire water, they're allowed water under certain water treaties that exist. This is an area of potential cooperation. There's the Port of Charbahar which just opened up in Iran, through which the first shipments of wheat from India to Afghanistan flowed a few weeks ago. So there's economic equities, there are water equities, there's shared interest in counter-narcotics, there's shared interest in counterterrorism. So we hope that all these issues add up to a normalized relationship between Afghanistan and Iran where they work together against these terrorists. And again, it was -- there's no love lost between the Iranians and the Taliban. The Taliban murdered Iranian diplomats. The Taliban have provided sanctuary for other terrorist groups in addition to al-Qaida. So the Taliban represent a destabilizing element in Afghanistan, not a -- one in -- that would produce greater stability if you're a neighbor of Afghanistan. Q: Quick follow-up, sir. Given what you have said now about the common interest, is it fair to say that there's no any sort of relations between Iran and the Taliban? GEN. NICHOLSON: No, I think there are relations between Iran and the Taliban. We see some evidence of that in the western part of the country. We have reports of that that come from locals in the western part of the country. In Farah province in particular, we've received many reports of Iranian-backed Taliban fighting in Farah with some advanced equipment. So we're watching this very closely. At the same time, I would say we also see a bilateral dialogue going on between the governments of Iran and Afghanistan, which we encourage in the interests of these common interests that I discussed. STAFF: Tony Cappacio, Bloomberg. Q: Can you give a fair assessment of what progress the Pakistan military has made in your time there, and over the last decade, in reducing the sanctuaries? They say they've lost thousands and thousands of troops, the U.S. has acknowledged that. So what progress have they made? And going forward, what initiatives, at the tactical and the strategic level, do you need to see them initiate or reassert in order to bring the Taliban to the negotiating table? GEN. NICHOLSON: Yeah, so there are 21 designated terrorist groups in this region, in Afghanistan and Pakistan together. And they exist within a combined population of well over 300 million people. And many of these people don't have, there's not high employment, there are many other difficulties that they face in their life. A shortage of hope would be in a case of many of these people. So it's fertile recruiting ground for these organizations. So, as you mentioned, many of these terrorist organizations are fighting against the Pakistan government. The most prominent of them would be the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, but there's many others: TGG, JUA and others. So the Pakistanis have been engaged in a very tough fight against extremism inside their own country. And so one of the major successes they had against these extremists was the Zarb-e-Azb Operation, where they went into Waziristan -- south Waziristan and the majority of north Waziristan and displaced, fought and displaced a lot of the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan. Unfortunately, many of them then came into Afghanistan across the Durand Line. So they did displace many of those terrorists who were fighting their own government. But at the same time, we've seen the ones who weren't displaced were the Afghan Taliban, the Haqqani Network, who continue to reside on that side of the Durand Line. And so, we want to work together with the Pakistan government and with the Pakistan military in reducing this. One of the principle issues that we want to work together on is border control. And so, the mechanisms for securing the Durand Line, the border. And this is an ongoing dialogue between these two countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan. They have exchanged SOPs and proposals for how to do this. When ISAF was in the country in a large way, we helped with this process in establishing border crossing points and so forth. Unfortunately, since the rather rapid draw-down of ISAF, many of those policies, outposts, et cetera, that were in place have fallen off. One of the ways that we're working to help the Afghans improve border security is the transfer of the Afghan border police to the Afghan army. So now the Afghan army, which is a more advanced and professional organization for a variety of reasons, is going to take control of border security. And so this is ongoing as I speak. The transfer will occur in the coming weeks. And then the army will be responsible. This will now allow better coordination on the Afghan side, with respect to the border security force, and better -- and cleaner coordination with those on the Pak side. Nevertheless, big problems remain. We are currently experiencing operations close to the border by the Pakistanis, which have involved cross-border shelling. This has, unfortunately, displaced hundreds of Afghan civilians from villages in close proximity to the border. It's also undermined the political space for political dialogue between the two countries. It's a constant source of conversation and dialogue between the political leaders. So, again, I'd say right now, for that reason, these border issues, the relations are strained right now. So, again, we have common equities we want to work with the Pakistanis on, counterterrorism being number one. We're also ready to work on border issues, refugee returns. But, as you've heard our president say, as you've heard all of our senior leaders say, we have got to see movement on this reduction of sanctuary and support for those insurgents and terrorists operating from Pakistan who are attacking our forces and our coalition diplomats and forces, as well as the Afghans, inside this country. Q: Do you need to see then a greater offensive military operation from the Pakistan army into those sanctuaries? And what leverage does the United States even have now to force those types of actions? GEN. NICHOLSON: Well, the Pakistanis are conducting offensive operations at various points along the border. When we get enough notice, we try to work with them on this. One example would be their KhyberFor Operation which they conducted last year on the southern part of Nangarhar, at the same time that we were conducting our operations against Daesh on the northern side of that border. So this is an example of what I would call, a complementary operation, both sides of the border at the same time with one enemy being squeezed in between, Daesh. And so, in that particular operation, we squeezed the ISIS-K into the southern part of the province, into the mountains, at the same time as the Pakistanis reestablished control in the Khyber agency of a number of the border crossing points. So that, I would say, would be a high point, in terms of cooperation. Currently, there's a Pakistani operation going on in the vicinity of Kunar province, to push their forces up to the border there. And, unfortunately, this is the one where we've had the cross-border shelling and the displacement of civilians. So we're ready to work with them whenever we have the opportunity. The offensive operations against sanctuaries would be in other areas that we've identified with the Pakistani leadership on a number of occasions, and I'll just leave it at that. STAFF: We only have time for two more questions. So if we can get Cami and then we can get Wes. Q: You were talking earlier about the goal being reconciliation. And then you talked about how the Taliban has lost its ideological anchor and become a criminal narco-insurgency. So it seems very different to try to reconcile with a narco-criminal group than with an ideology-based group. How do you -- how do you reconcile with criminals? GEN. NICHOLSON: Yeah, so I'd say that what we see today is the leadership of these organizations, of these Taliban, have been the ones that have evolved into a narco-insurgency or criminal insurgency, if you will. The fighters many times at the lower levels are, I would say, confused, you know, recruited out of madrassas, where they are made to believe that their endeavors are a jihad being conducted in Afghanistan against foreigners. Many of them come across the border and find they're not fighting foreigners; they're fighting their fellow Muslims. And so there's a veil of legitimacy that they drape over themselves based on their former roots, but increasingly now what we're seeing is fighting amongst the senior leaders over the proceeds of the narcotics revenues. So, a perfect example would be Abdul Manan, who's a shadow governor in Helmand from the Ishaqzai tribe, refusing to give money from drug revenues to the Quetta Shura. And the Quetta Shura is sending down teams to demand revenue and to try to force his compliance and him resisting this. So these kind of disputes are going on over the drug revenue at the senior levels of the organization, while at the lower levels, the foot soldiers are the ones who are suffering and dying, and of course believe they're waging a jihad, when in fact they're fighting their fellow Muslims. And so what we're hearing from the battlefield -- I was just up in Kunduz yesterday, and what I was being told by the leaders up there -- the social leaders, not the military leaders -- was that they're seeing these leaders come in from outside the country, who are well-paid, and trying to then recruit locals, and it's the locals who are becoming disillusioned with some of this. So, we get reports of this occurring around the country. I would not want in any way want to represent this as any kind of a critical mass or a groundswell, but we're starting to see these reports of small groups of Taliban that are becoming disillusioned with their leadership, who are living in comfort outside of the country with plenty of drug money, and they're inside the country fighting and dying. And so this friction does exist. And -- now, whether that friction -- under the pressure that I talked about, that friction, that'll turn into fissures and fractures and lead some of these folks to just say, "Hey, I've had enough. I'm rejoining society." That is our objective, is to get to what I would call, a horizontal fracture, if you will, between the fighters and the leader as they decide they've had enough and want to rejoin Afghan society. And then some of these leaders, who are now committed to their narco-revenues and narco-organizations, clearly are not going to be reconcilable. And they're the ones that either have to be forced into irrelevance or will die on the battlefield or just remain outside of the country. STAFF: Wes Morgan, Politico Q: General Nicholson, this is Wes Morgan from Politico. Thanks very much for doing this. Nowhere in your remarks today or last week did you mention al-Qaida. You hear a lot about Taliban and Daesh. I'm wondering if you would give us an update on the al-Qaida presence in the country? You know, what are they doing up in Kunar and Nuristan? Are they active in other provinces? What are you doing about them? And has Farouq al-Qhatani been replaced since his death last year? GEN. NICHOLSON: Yeah, thanks, Wes. So, al-Qaida's still here. We also had the affiliate al-Qaida in the Indian Subcontinent. Let me first talk about the relationship between al-Qaida and the Taliban. Obviously on 9/11, the Taliban were hosting al-Qaida in the country. They launched the attack on the United States. Since then, you know, many of the Taliban blame al-Qaida for what's happened to them, being kicked out of the country. But what we still see is a degree of collaboration going on between al-Qaida and the Taliban. So even though the Taliban will not publicly acknowledge the relationship, what we see at the tactical level is still a close relationship. So, now, this is primarily in the form of the al-Qaida in the Indian Subcontinent. But they tend to provide some of the expertise, the training on specialized weapons or IEDs or bomb-making. Its al-Qaida Indian Subcontinent fighters who are the ones who are training a lot of the local Taliban, and in return for this the Taliban afford them sanctuary. So we've recently been doing operations against al-Qaida. We continue to hunt them and strike them wherever we find them, primarily in the eastern part of the country. I don't want to get into operational details, but as you've mentioned we have continued to find and kill senior-level leaders in the al-Qaida organization inside Afghanistan. And then typically what you find when you find them is they're existing within a friendly environment created by the Taliban. And so, even though the Taliban won't publicly acknowledge this -- and I would contrast the actions of Mullah Mansour with Mullah Hibatullah. So, Mansour publicly accepted buyout from al-Zawahiri. Hibatullah did not, but his guidance to his commanders was, "Continue to work with them," even though they didn't publicly acknowledge the relationship. As you're aware, we occasionally find these al-Qaida enclaves. In the fall of 2015 in Shorab -- Shorabak district -- excuse me -- of Kandahar, again we see some of these in the -- generally in the eastern part of the country close to the Durand Line. And then again most of the al-Qaida -- not al-Qaida Indian Subcontinent, but al-Qaida -- are trying to hide, essentially. Its al-Qaida Indian Subcontinent that is more active with the Taliban and then therefore more targetable on the battlefield. Q: Okay, quick follow up. So when you kill a major Daesh leader, we often get a press release about it, like the last two emirs and the guy who was going to be the next emir. Why haven't we seen any releases about, senior al-Qaida or al-Qaida in the Indian Subcontinent leaders being killed in recent months, if they are being targeted as you say? GEN. NICHOLSON: Yeah, we keep that information classified because of the nature of that organization, and because, of course, any successful strike usually leads to more strikes. And so we don't want to give the enemy the advantage of knowing what we know about who we've struck, who we've taken off the battlefield and so forth. And I'm afraid that's about the best answer I can give you, Wes. STAFF: Sorry. Sir, thank you very much. Sir, thank you for your time. Do you have any closing remarks for the group? GEN. NICHOLSON: Hey, thanks, Mike. And again, thank you for the questions. And I wanted to say a couple things. Again, this -- this policy really is a game changer. So, this policy, the pressure on external enablement; conditions-based not time-based; the end state of reconciliation; the diplomatic, military, social pressure, is really fundamentally different. And that's why I express confidence that we are on our way to a win. And so, this -- the next two years are going to be critically important, not only because of the elections, but because of this increased offensive tempo that we're going to see. So that from a military perspective, this is going to really be pushing us towards the end game of reconciliation. Now, obviously reconciliation processes follow long and complex paths and this one undoubtedly will do the same. But it's fair to say we are on a path to a win in accordance with what I've laid out. Now, what we're going to do is offer over the next several months, about every two weeks, different subject matter experts on different aspects of the campaign, because they understand that war's been going on a long time, you've got a lot of questions, you want to understand in greater detail how this new policy and how our plans are going to lead to a win, and we want to be prepared to do that in a variety of subject matter areas. So we're going to offer that to you coming up, and look forward to seeing many of you at those. Again, I wanted to finish up with a couple of thoughts. We need to execute well, you know. And we're going to be really focused on that. And we got to do this across the whole of government, so we're going to be very focused on working with our interagency teams on doing this. I want to reiterate, you know, the Afghan people want peace, they reject the Taliban, they reject Daesh. They want peace, they want a better life for their families and their children. They're willing to fight our enemies in their country. They are deeply grateful for our help in this endeavor. And I frequently get expressions of respect and gratitude for our country that they ask me to pass on, so I'm passing them on to you. So and I also know I speak for all of us here -- have great respect for the Afghans, what they've been though, their strong desire for peace. And my message to them is, we are with you and we're going to stay with you, and we're going to accomplish this together. So, again, thank you very much for your time today. I'll look forward to seeing you again in the future. And again every couple of weeks, we're going to have another expert from U.S. Forces-Afghanistan to speak with you. Have a good day. STAFF: Thanks, General. Thanks, ladies and gentlemen. -END- NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address US-Japan Complete 3JA Exercise Navy News Service Story Number: NNS171129-07 Release Date: 11/29/2017 9:13:00 AM By Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Sarah Villegas, Amphibious Force 7th Fleet Public Affairs HYUGA-NADA SEA, Japan (NNS) -- USS Chief (MCM 14), Mine Countermeasures Squadron (MCMRON) 7 staff, Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit (EODMU) 5, Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron 14 (HM-14) Detachment 2A, and Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) units successfully completed exercise 3JA Nov. 28. The exercise, which lasted three days, was part of a series of exercises held between U.S. and Japan forces in order to increase proficiency and interoperability in mine countermeasure operations. USS Chief hosted JMSDF members aboard to build bonds and share tactics on mine countermeasure operations. EODMU 5 embarked the Uraga class mine sweeper tender JS Uraga (MST-463) and staff members from MCMRON 7 embarked the Uraga-class mine sweeper tender JS Bungo (MST-464) in order to refine command and control functions as a team. "These opportunities to train with our partners are invaluable," said Capt. James Miller, Commodore, MCMRON 7. "They provide the chance to strengthen our alliance and unite our efforts in protecting this region. It's imperative that we work together to sharpen our mine countermeasure capabilities since it's a duty and responsibility that we share together." During 3JA combined forces ran a multitude of bilateral mine countermeasures tactics to increase proficiencies in sweeping, hunting, and mine detection. This was the first exercise in which HM-14 and HM-111, a JMSDF airborne mine countermeasures squadron, simultaneously conducted mine hunting and sweeping operations alongside surface mine countermeasure forces in an exercise. "Both units conducted successful missions and they were instrumental in the execution of the exercise," said Miller. USS Chief (MCM 14), with embarked MCROM 7 staff, sailed from its forward-deployed berth in Sasebo, Japan to participate in the exercise with their counterparts. MCMRON 7 and USS Chief are part of Amphibious Force 7th Fleet, the Navy's only forward-deployed amphibious force, headquartered at White Beach Naval Facility, Okinawa. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address USS James E. Williams Arrives in Odessa, Ukraine Navy News Service Story Number: NNS171129-06 Release Date: 11/29/2017 9:07:00 AM By Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Colbey Livingston, USS James E. Williams Public Affairs ODESSA, Ukraine (NNS) -- The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS James E. Williams (DDG 95) arrived in Odessa, Ukraine, Nov. 29, 2017, for a scheduled port visit. While in Odessa, the Sailors aboard James E. Williams will be hosting a reception on the ship as well as engaging in a community relations project with the local community. "I think this project will be a really awesome opportunity to interact with the locals and get a unique experience in the city," said Religious Programs Specialist 3rd Class Joshua Deluca, from Charlotte, North Carolina. The Sailors aboard the ship will be allowed free time to take liberty and experience Odessa. "I think the Sailors will have a great time in Odessa," said Cmdr. Allen Siegrist, commanding officer of James E. Williams. "The crew has always represented the ship well throughout our previous ports and I'm sure that they will enjoy all that Odessa has to offer." The ship's presence in the Black Sea is a demonstration of our continued commitment to the collective security of the European region. James E. Williams, homeported in Norfolk, is on a routine deployment to the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations in support of U.S. national security interests in Europe. U.S. 6th Fleet, headquartered in Naples, Italy, conducts the full spectrum of joint and naval operations, often in concert with allied and interagency partners, in order to advance U.S. national interests and security and stability in Europe and Africa. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address By PTI: (Eds: Updating with additional inputs) New Delhi, Nov 30 (PTI) Regulator Trai today advocated time-bound approval for merger or transfer of licences after NCLT nod and favoured allowing trading or surrender of excess spectrum of a merged entity within a year. These and other suggestions formed part of the regulators latest recommendations on ease of doing telecom business. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) said that promoting and facilitating easier norms was essential for unhindered growth of the sector. advertisement "DoT (Department of Telecom) should spell out a definite timeline, not exceeding 30 days post NCLT (National Company Law Tribunal) approval, for providing written approval to transfer or merger of licences by the licensor and it should be made a part of the merger and acquisition guidelines," Trai said. The series of measures mooted include a 30-day deadline for granting import licences to companies and permitting trading or surrender of excess spectrum of a merged entity within a year. Industry body COAI said the proposed rules could significantly ease mergers and acquisitions (M&As) and improve normal operations of the telecom service providers. The recommendations come as "a breath of fresh air" to the industry which is financially distressed and "needs all the help it can get from the government", Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI) said in a statement. Trai, in its recommendations, said that spectrum trading should be permitted in all the access spectrum bands which have been put to auction. "The permissible block size for trading in a band should be same as specified in the Notice Inviting Applications (also called the auction document), for the latest auction held," it said. Trai also felt that where M&A resulted in excess spectrum holding beyond permissible cap, the merged entity "should be given an option to either surrender or trade its spectrum holding, within the stipulated period of one year". The sector watchdog has also said the telecom department should devise a matrix that would link the financial penalties to the severity of the incident and recurrence of violation, thus meeting a key demand by the mobile industry. "This was a key demand as currently the telcos were being forced to challenge penalties going into crores of rupees, for extremely minor violations, taking us to the courts, leading to long and financially draining cumbersome and unnecessary litigations," Rajan S Mathews, Director General, COAI, said. PTI MBI MKJ --- ENDS --- USS Vella Gulf Visits in Agadir Navy News Service Story Number: NNS171129-04 Release Date: 11/29/2017 8:57:00 AM From U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa/U.S. 6th Fleet Public Affairs PORT OF AGADIR, Morocco (NNS) -- The Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Vella Gulf (CG 72) arrived in Agadir, Morocco, Nov. 28., for a scheduled port visit. The visit serves to enhance U.S.-Morocco relations as the two nations work together to strengthen regional security and stability. The ship's presence in the North Atlantic is a demonstration of our continued commitment to regional security. "Our crew is really excited for our visit to Morocco; most Sailors joined the Navy to see the world and very few of them have ever been to Agadir or anywhere else in Africa," said Capt. Rob Thompson, commanding officer of Vella Gulf. "There is a longstanding history of friendship and cooperation between our two countries and we look forward to building on that relationship during our time here." Events planned for the visit include tours of the ship for locals, and an official dinner including Vella Gulf Sailors, the U.S. Embassy personnel and distinguished Moroccan guests. Vella Gulf, homeported in Norfolk, is conducting maritime operations in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations in support of regional allies and partners and U.S. national security interests. U.S. 6th Fleet, headquartered in Naples, Italy, conducts the full spectrum of joint and naval operations, often in concert with allied and interagency partners, in order to advance U.S. national interests and security and stability in Europe and Africa. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address VP-5 Conducts Familiarization Flight in Iceland Navy News Service Story Number: NNS171129-03 Release Date: 11/29/2017 8:55:00 AM By Lt.j.g. Mike Raffels VP-5 Public Affairs KEFLAVIK, Iceland (NNS) -- The 'Mad Foxes' of Patrol Squadron (VP) 5 hosted Icelandic media, Icelandic military, and other government officials for a tour of the Navy's newest maritime platform, the P-8A Poseidon, and a familiarization flight by Combat Air Crew (CAC) 10, Nov. 16. The familiarization flight was designed to showcase the wide-ranging mission set of the P-8A. The P-8A Poseidon is a multi-mission capable replacement aircraft for the legacy P-3C Orion. Designed to secure the Navy's future in long-range maritime patrol capability, the P-8A Poseidon has had a large impact on the Navy's maritime patrol and reconnaissance force. "We enjoyed showing the Icelandic media group the advanced capabilities of our maritime aircraft" said Lt. Ali Hussain, CAC-10 tactical coordinator. The passengers included two Icelandic coast guard members, including the Icelandic coast guard's Commanding Officer of Keflavik, a U.S. Air Force Embassy Liaison Officer, and an American diplomat. "It was a great opportunity to convey our appreciation of the cooperation Keflavik has had with VP-5," said Hussain. The 'Mad Foxes' displayed the aircraft's state-of-the-art open architecture mission system which allows for easier system reconfiguration and expansion. During the flight, the crew demonstrated different components utilized during an anti-submarine warfare (ASW) pursuit. Hussain said that VP-5 was happy to host the interested passengers and media during the flight and it proved to be a positive opportunity to improve relations and cooperation between Iceland and U.S. Navy forces. The "Mad Foxes" of CAC-10 are conducting operations in Keflavik, Iceland, in support of Commander, Task Force 67. VP-5 conducts operations in U.S. 6th Fleet from Sigonella, Italy. U.S. 6th Fleet, headquarted in Naples, Italy, conducts the full spectrum of joint and naval operations, often in concert with allied and interagency partners, in order to advance U.S. national interests and security and stability in Europe and Africa. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address 4 more troops killed in violence in Cameroon's restive southwest Iran Press TV Wed Nov 29, 2017 05:34PM Suspected separatists in a restive English-speaking region of Cameroon have killed four more soldiers as violence continues to plague government efforts for reaching a settlement with the secessionists. Army and government sources said Wednesday that the four soldiers were "murdered" in Mamfe, a city in Cameroon's Southwest Region, by those who promote "terrorism." "Four soldiers were killed around 2:00 am around Mamfe," said an army source angrily, adding, "They murdered our soldiers. If that's not terrorism, what is it?" A government source also confirmed the deaths although there was no more information on how the soldiers were killed. The deaths are the latest to hit the ranks of Cameroon's security forces as they struggle to contain a growing insurgency in the Southwest and Northwest regions, where a large minority English-speaking people lives. Calls for secession have escalated in recent years as the community members lament about more discrimination and their leaders say the government has repeatedly ignored their political demands. International monitors say up to 40 people have been killed since violence erupted in the two regions in late September. The government puts the death toll on a maximum of 12 while maintaining that eight members of security forces have been killed this month alone. The central government in Yaounde has rejected calls for secession or a return to Cameroon's previous federal system of governance. It has tried to reach out to key separatist leaders for political dialogue although nighttime curfews, restrictions on movement, raids and body searches remain in place in the anglophone regions. The anglophone community comprise a fifth of the francophone-dominated Cameroon of 22 million people. Its presence is rooted in the colonial past of West Africa and in a decision by France and Britain after the World War I to divide Cameroon, a then German colony, under the mandates of the League of Nations. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Bosnian Croat war criminal kills himself with poison in UN court Iran Press TV Wed Nov 29, 2017 04:19PM Bosnian Croat wartime general Slobodan Praljak has killed himself by drinking poison, after a United Nations court in The Hague upheld a previous ruling for his war crimes against Bosnian Muslims. The 72-year-old former general told shocked judges in the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) on Wednesday that he "drank poison" after they blocked his appeal for a 20-year-old sentence. "I just drank poison, I am not a war criminal. I oppose this conviction" he said after taking a swing from a small bottle in the full view of cameras. A lawyer who was in the courtroom at the time said Praljak then sat back down and slumped in his chair as court officials surrounded him. Carmel Agius, the presiding judge who was handing down Praljak's sentence, suspended the court and allowed paramedics to take him to a hospital. He was pronounced dead after an hour. UN officials confirmed the former general's death after it was initially reported by Croatian media. Dutch police declared the courtroom to be a crime scene. Praljak was among the six remaining former Bosnian Croat political and military officials linked to the wartime Croatian government of late President Franjo Tudjman to stand trial at the ICTY before the court's final verdict. Established by the UN in 1993, the ICTY will be shuttered after its mandate expires next month. The judges had charged Praljak with ordering the destruction of a 16th-century bridge in the city of Mostar in southern Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the first trial, judges had said that the November 1993 order "caused disproportionate damage to the Muslim civilian population." The city underwent some of the worst of the most intense clashes during the war, with nearly 80 percent of its eastern parts destroyed. The ruling on Wednesday accepted part of Praljak's arguments that the bridge had been a legitimate military target during the conflict. The judges also overturned some of his convictions after the appeal but refused to reduce the jail sentence. The court's lead suspect, former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, died after a heart attack in March 2006, months before a ruling for his genocide case. Two more defendants awaiting trial at the court have also committed suicide, according to court documents. Slavko Dogmanovic and Milan Babic were found dead in their cells in 1998 and 2006 respectively, both hanging themselves. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Yugoslav war tribunal upholds convictions for Bosnian Croats Iran Press TV Wed Nov 29, 2017 02:56PM The Croats convicted of crimes against Bosnian Muslims in the war in former Yugoslavia have had their sentences upheld in an international tribunal that is nearing the end of its mission after nearly 25 years. The appeals chamber at The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) upheld on Wednesday the verdicts given in 2013 to six former high-level politicians and defense officials linked to the wartime Croatian government of late President Franjo Tudjman. The judges in the tribunal concluded in their ruling that it was not shown that earlier judges in the court had "misinterpreted relevant evidence" of Tudjman and Croatia's role in the Bosnian conflict. President Judge Carmel Agius said "all six remain convicted of numerous and very serious crimes," although some convictions for specific crimes were dropped. Among the sentences upheld on Wednesday was a 25-year jail term for Jadranko Prlic, a former defense minister, who was a key figure in the slaughter of the Muslims of the 1992-95 war in Bosnia. The Bosnian Croat had been found guilty of helping a criminal enterprise by the then Croatian government to establish an ethnically pure state in Bosnia, something that the current administration in Zagreb had sought to overturn. Croatia maintains that it had "clean hands" in the war. The hearing Wednesday in The Hague, in the Netherlands, came to a shock end when one of the convicts, Slobodan Praljak, a former Bosnian Croat general, reportedly drank a poison in protest to the upholding of his 20-year jail sentence. Croatian TV reported that the 72-year-old became angry after the verdicts was read and shouted out, "Praljak is not a criminal. I reject your verdict." He then raised a phial of poison to his lips and drank it in the view of the cameras. "I just drank poison. I am not a war criminal. I oppose this conviction," he said. Reports said he later died in the hospital, leading the Dutch police to declare the courtroom to be a crime scene. The ICTY, which was established by the United Nations in 1993, is due to close at the end of this year. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Egypt's Sisi orders security forces to calm Sinai in 3 months Iran Press TV Wed Nov 29, 2017 02:29PM Egypt's President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has ordered the security forces to restore "security and stability" in the restive northern Sinai within three months, days after the country was rocked with the deadliest terrorist attack in its modern history. In a televised ceremony to mark the birthday of Islam's Prophet Muhammad on Wednesday, Sisi ordered his new military chief of staff, Maj. Gen. Mohammed Farid Hegazy, to use "all brute force" against the militants. "I am mandating Maj. Gen. Mohammed Farid Hegazy before you and the entire people of Egypt to restore security and stability in Sinai," said Sisi. "With God's benevolence and your efforts and sacrifices, you and the police will restore security and use all brute force, all brute force." It was not immediately clear what the use of such force would entail, but it suggested a scorched earth tactic that many of Sisi's loyalists in the media have been calling for. At least 305 people, including 27 children, were killed and over 130 others injured in the shooting attack and bombing at al-Rawdah mosque in the town of Bir al-Abd near the North Sinai provincial capital of el-Arish on November 24. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack, but it had the hallmarks of the Daesh-affiliated Velayat Sinai terrorist group. The Sinai Peninsula has been under a state of emergency since October 2014, after a deadly terrorist attack left 33 Egyptian soldiers dead. Over the past few years, militants have been carrying out anti-government activities and fatal attacks, taking advantage of the turmoil in Egypt that erupted after the country's first democratically-elected president, Mohamed Morsi, was ousted in a military coup in July 2013. Velayat Sinai has claimed responsibility for most of the assaults. The group later expanded its attacks to target members of Egypt's Coptic Christian community as well as foreigners visiting the country. That has prompted the government to impose the state of emergency and widen a controversial crackdown, which critics say has mostly targeted dissidents. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Hariri to 'certainly' remain Lebanon PM: President Aoun Iran Press TV Wed Nov 29, 2017 09:29AM Lebanon's President Michel Aoun says Prime Minister Saad Hariri, who recently walked back on his shock resignation, will "certainly" remain in office. During a visit to Rome on Wednesday, Aoun told the Italian daily La Stampa that the political crisis in Lebanon triggered by Hariri's November 4 departure announcement will be "resolved definitively in a few days." "We have just finished deliberations with all the political forces in the country. There is a wide agreement," the Lebanese president said. Hariri told French broadcaster CNews on Monday that he would stay on as prime minister if Hezbollah "accepted to stick by the state policy of staying out of regional conflicts." Asked about that Hariri's comments, Aoun said the Lebanese resistance movement has fought against Daesh terrorists both in Lebanon and abroad, adding, however, "when the war against terrorism is finished, their fighters will come back to the country." Hariri announced his resignation in a televised announcement broadcast from the Saudi capital, Riyadh. Senior sources close to Hariri and top Lebanese officials said Saudi Arabia had coerced the Lebanese premier into stepping down and put him under house arrest. Aoun refused to accept Hariri's resignation, stressing that he was being detained in Saudi Arabia against his will. After a nearly three-week absence, Hariri returned to Lebanon on November 22 and put his resignation on hold at Aoun's request to allow for more consultations on the issue. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address US will confront Russia's aggression against Europe: Tillerson Iran Press TV Wed Nov 29, 2017 04:58AM The US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has sent a message to Moscow, saying Washington will confront Russia's "aggression" against its European neighbors. Speaking at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington on Tuesday, Tillerson claimed Moscow's cyberattacks, energy policy and actions in Ukraine "are not the behaviors of a responsible nation." "We will not stand for this violation of international norms," he noted in his speech aimed at reassuring European allies about the US commitment to security on the continent. Tillerson said he had warned Moscow that relations with Washington would never be normal unless Russia withdrew its forces from neighboring Ukraine. The US and its allies have levied broad economic sanctions against Russia over its alleged support for pro-Russia forces in eastern Ukraine and Moscow's reunification with Crimea after a referendum in 2014. The United States has deployed a contingent of troops to Eastern Europe near Russia's border since 2014. The deployments have been supplemented by four NATO battle groups of more than 1,000 soldiers. Tillerson also claimed that Russia employs various "malicious tactics" from using disinformation campaigns and cyber-attacks to undercutting US and European democracies, to the "serial" harassing of diplomatic personnel, including US Embassy employees in Moscow. "Russia can continue to isolate and impoverish itself by sowing disorder abroad and impeding liberty at home, or it can become a force that will advance the freedom of Russians and the stability of Eurasia," Tillerson said. He also said that there was still an imminent threat after the Cold War, adding that Russia sought "to define a new post-Soviet global balance of power." Russia "seeks to impose its will on others by force" either "by virtue of its nuclear arsenal" or by partnering with the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad, Tillerson claimed. The US accuses Moscow of meddling in Syria. Russia has been helping Damascus fight Daesh terrorists at the request of the Syrian government. Tillerson's remarks came despite President Donald Trump's repeated calls for warmer relations with Moscow which has been accused of meddling in the 2016 US presidential election. Special Counsel Robert Mueller as well as the Senate and House intelligence committees have been investigating the alleged interference and any possible links between the associates of Trump and Moscow. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Over 1,000 US troops to patrol with Afghans in 2018: US general Iran Press TV Wed Nov 29, 2017 03:25AM A top US military commander in Afghanistan has announced an increase in the number of forces patrolling with Afghan counterparts next year. General John Nicholson, who commands US and NATO forces in Afghanistan, said on Tuesday that "well over 1,000" advisors would be performing combat operations on the front lines at any given time during the fighting season in 2018. The commander stressed that such operations have already been conducted by smaller numbers of US troops this year but the ranks would "increase dramatically," as "There will be greater risk." Nicholson claimed that the measure came as part of Trump's revamped strategy designed to "turn the corner" on the 16-year war against the Taliban militants in the Central Asian country, which has already seen a sharp uptick in airstrikes and an additional 3,000 troops flow in. The commander vowed that Washington would go to "great lengths" to ensure American troops near the front lines are as well protected as possible to help Afghans hunt down Taliban militants in simultaneous offensive operations across the country. Nicholson said the troops would be backed by a full array of air support and surveillance capabilities. Calling the new strategy "a game changer," the commander of US and NATO forces in Afghanistan boasted, "That's why I express confidence that we are on our way to a win." The Tuesday remarks came while Nicholson said earlier this week that the fight in Afghanistan was "still in a stalemate." In August, Trump announced his controversial war strategy for Afghanistan. In a blatant U-turn from his campaign pledges to end the 16-year occupation of Afghanistan, the businessman-turned-politician said that his views have changed since entering the White House and that he would continue the military intervention "as long as we see determination and progress" in Afghanistan. The United States -- under Republican George W. Bush's presidency -- and its allies invaded Afghanistan on October 7, 2001 as part of Washington's so-called war on terror. The offensive removed the Taliban regime from power, but after more than one and a half decades, the foreign troops are still deployed to the country. After becoming the president in 2008, President Barack Obama, a Democrat, vowed to end the Afghan war -- one of the longest conflicts in US history but he failed to keep his promise. Trump, who has spoken against the Afghan war, has dubbed the 2001 invasion and following occupation of Afghanistan as "Obama's war," but he has also announced to deploy thousands of more troops to the war-torn country, signaling a policy shift. Since 2001, 1,874 US soldiers have been killed in action in Afghanistan and more than 20,000 more have been wounded, according to Pentagon data. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address War Criminal Dies After 'Taking Poison' In Hague Courtroom RFE/RL November 29, 2017 The United Nations court in The Hague has confirmed that a Bosnian Croat war crimes defendant died shortly after taking what he said was poison upon hearing his appeal of a 20-year sentence had been rejected. A spokesman for the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), Nenad Golcevski, told reporters that 72-year-old Slobodan Praljak died in a nearby hospital on November 29 despite efforts to save him. There was no immediate information about the nature of the liquid he drank. Croatia's Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic earlier offered condolences to Praljak's family, saying at a press conference, "we have all unfortunately witnessed his act by which he took his own life." Praljak, a former commander of Bosnian Croat forces in Bosnia-Herzegovina's 1992-95 war, was one of six Bosnian Croat defendants in court to hear rulings on the appeal of their sentences at the ICTY. He appeared to take a drink moments after judges at the tribunal confirmed his 20-year sentence on appeal. "Slobodan Praljak is not a war criminal. I reject the verdict with disdain," he shouted. Presiding Judge Carmel Agius quickly halted the November 29 hearing. Police, an ambulance, and a fire engine could be seen outside the building and emergency rescue workers went into the court, while a helicopter hovered above the scene. Agius had overturned some of Praljak's convictions but left his sentence unchanged. Praljak, who was sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment in 2013, was one of six former Bosnian Croat political and military leaders standing before the court. Praljak was specifically charged with ordering the destruction of Mostar's 16th-century bridge in November 1993, which judges in the first trial had ruled "caused disproportionate damage to the Muslim civilian population." The blown-up Ottoman-era bridge became a symbol of Bosnia's devastation in the war. It was later rebuilt, but Mostar saw the worst of the Croat-Muslim clashes, with nearly 80 percent of the city's east destroyed in the fighting. But in their November 29 ruling, the judges actually allowed part of Praljak's appeal, saying the bridge had been a legitimate military target during the conflict. They also had overturned some of his convictions, but refused to reduce his overall sentence. Besides Praljak, the other five defendants included Bosnian Croat leader Jadranko Prlic, who appealed his 25-year term imposed by the court in The Hague, and four others, who are also appealing long prison sentences ranging from 10 to 20 years. The ruling on some of the 22 counts for which the six were sentenced was still due to be read. Before the hearing was halted, Prlic had also had his 25-year jail term upheld. Prlic had been found guilty of being part of a criminal enterprise by the wartime Croatian government of late President Franjo Tudjman, to create an ethnically pure state. Judges upheld that key finding, despite Croatian officials having denounced it and calling for it to be overturned. In Zagreb, state television announced that following the events in The Hague, President Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic decided to cut short an official visit to Iceland, while the government called an emergency session. Plenkovic, Croatia's prime minister, said that Praljak's action reflects the "deep moral injustice" done to the six Bosnian Croats whose sentences were upheld. Tudjman's son, Miroslav, described Praljak's gesture as a "consequence of his moral position not to accept the verdict that has nothing to do with justice or reality." The chairman of Bosnia's three-man presidency, Dragan Covic, a Bosnian Croat, said "this is not a court of justice, but a political one." Bakir Izetbegovic, another member of Bosnia's presidency, expressed his condolences to the victims of war crimes during the conflict in the former Yugoslav republic. "We will never forget neither the victims nor the criminals," he said. "This was the way to put the international seal on a dark side of the truth about the reasons for creating and the actions of Herceg-Bosna," the wartime statelet formed by Bosnian Croats. Meanwhile, the U.S. Embassy in Sarajevo called the court's verdict an "important step toward holding to account those individuals responsible for the tremendous suffering of the people" of Bosnia. It also urged all parties to respect the verdict, and "rededicate themselves to the continued reconciliation and peaceful coexistence essential to the future of a stable, secure" Bosnia. The appeals hearing comes a week after the judges sentenced former Bosnian Serb military commander Ratko Mladic to life in prison. It marks the end of two decades of work by the court, set up in 1993 at the height of the Balkans conflicts to prosecute Europe's worst atrocities since World War II. With reporting by RFE/RL's Balkan Service, AP, AFP, dpa, and Reuters Source: yugoslavia-final-verdict/28885760.html Copyright (c) 2017. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Trump has hit back at British PM Theresa May late Wednesday on her criticism of anti-Muslim propaganda by Trump. By India Today Web Desk: US President Donald Trump has hit back at British Prime Minister Theresa May late Wednesday on her criticism of anti-Muslim propaganda by Trump. The diplomatic row between the two leaders is a high-profile spat with one of America's closest international partners. Trump wrote on Twitter, "@theresa_may, don't focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom. We are doing just fine!" .@Theresa_May, dont focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom. We are doing just fine!- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 30, 2017 advertisement Earlier, in a rare rebuke to Britain's closest ally, British Prime Minister Theresa May's spokesman said Wednesday that U.S. President Donald Trump was wrong to re-tweet videos posted by a leader of a British far-right group. But, Downing St. rejected calls from opposition lawmakers to revoke Trump's invitation to pay a state visit to Britain. The tiny extremist group, meanwhile, appeared delighted at the publicity boost from a leader with almost 44 million Twitter followers. Trump drew sharp criticism from both government and opposition politicians in Britain after re-tweeting three videos from the account of deputy Britain First leader Jayda Fransen purporting to show violence by Muslims. In response, Labour Party lawmaker David Lammy tweeted: "@realDonaldTrump you are not welcome in my country and my city." Another Labour legislator, Chuka Umunna, said Trump's invitation to visit Britain "should be withdrawn." Trump sharing Britain First. Let that sink in. The President of the United States is promoting a fascist, racist, extremist hate group whose leaders have been arrested and convicted. He is no ally or friend of ours. @realDonaldTrump you are not welcome in my country and my city.- David Lammy (@DavidLammy) November 29, 2017 Labour lawmaker Chris Bryant went so far as saying that Trump should be arrested for inciting religious hatred if he came to the U.K. May announced in January that Trump had accepted an invitation for a state visit to Britain, one of the highest honours the country can bestow on a foreign leader. Almost a year later, no date has been set, and opponents of Trump have vowed to stage large protests if he does come. May's spokesman, James Slack, said it was "wrong" for the president to have re-tweeted Britain First. He said the group seeks to divide communities through its use of "hateful narratives which peddle lies and stoke tensions." May's office said the state visit would not be cancelled, but Trump's online activity drew rebukes from government ranks. Communities Secretary Sajid Javid, who is Muslim, tweeted that Trump "has endorsed the views of a vile, hate-filled racist organization that hates me and people like me. He is wrong and I refuse to let it go and say nothing." Brushing off the criticism in an evening tweet, Trump said May instead of focusing on him should "focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom." advertisement Founded in 2011, Britain First opposes multiculturalism and what it calls the "Islamization" of Britain. Small but publicity-savvy, it has staged direct-action protests at mosques and is active on social media. The group regularly posts inflammatory videos purporting to show violence by Muslims, without context or supporting information. Fransen, 31, was convicted last year of religiously aggravated harassment after hurling abuse at a Muslim woman wearing a hijab during what was billed as a "Christian patrol" in the town of Luton, north of London. She currently faces four unrelated counts of harassment relating to leaflets and videos and a separate charge of hate speech. Trump's retweets were a major publicity boost for the group, whose own Twitter account is followed by about 24,000 others. Fransen tweeted: "God bless you Trump! God bless America!" in capital letters to her followers, whose number grew by several thousand to about 60,000 in the hours after the boost from the president. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, DONALD TRUMP, HAS RETWEETED THREE OF DEPUTY LEADER JAYDA FRANSEN'S TWITTER VIDEOS! DONALD TRUMP HIMSELF HAS RETWEETED THESE VIDEOS AND HAS AROUND 44 MILLION FOLLOWERS! GOD BLESS YOU TRUMP! GOD BLESS AMERICA! OCS @JaydaBF @realDonaldTrump Jayda Fransen (@JaydaBF) November 29, 2017 advertisement British authorities have warned about a growing threat from violent far-right extremism, and recently charged the leader of another white supremacist group with plotting to kill a lawmaker. In June 2016, Labour lawmaker Jo Cox was shot and stabbed to death by Thomas Mair, who shouted "Britain first" as he attacked her. The legislator's widower, Brendan Cox, tweeted Wednesday: "Spreading hatred has consequences & the President should be ashamed of himself." Trump has legitimised the far right in his own country, now hes trying to do it in ours. Spreading hatred has consequences & the President should be ashamed of himself.- Brendan Cox (@MrBrendanCox) November 29, 2017 London Mayor Sadiq Khan, a Muslim who has been the target of inaccurate criticism by Trump about his supposedly lax approach to extremist violence, also criticized the president. "Britain First is a vile, hate-fuelled organization whose views should be condemned, not amplified," Khan said. With inputs from Associated Press --- ENDS --- In Moscow, New Kyrgyz President Vows To 'Strengthen Strategic Partnership' With Russia RFE/RL's Kyrgyz Service November 29, 2017 MOSCOW -- During his first trip abroad since his inauguration earlier this month, Kyrgyz President Sooronbai Jeenbekov has pledged to make "every effort" to strengthen partnership between Kyrgyzstan and Russia. "It is very symbolic for me to pay my first visit as Kyrgyz president to Russia. That is the way it should be," Jeenbekov said on November 29 as he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow. Jeenbekov said the visit "means that we are firmly committed to strengthening our relations, our alliance, our strategic partnership. For my part, I will make every effort for our partnership to develop and strengthen." Putin expressed confidence that bilateral ties in the economic sphere "will continue developing, just as in in the sphere of security." Jeenbekov also met in the Russian capital with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who voiced hope that Moscow and Bishkek will "maintain current contacts." The Kyrgyz president's administration has said he would discuss bilateral ties and "Eurasian integration" with the Russian leadership. Kyrgyzstan is a member of the Eurasian Economic Union, a trade grouping that links five former Soviet republics and is dominated by Russia and Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan's large northern neighbor. In his inaugural address on November 24, Jeenbekov said that "Kyrgyzstan will continue to promote its strategic partnership with Russia and will bolster its strategic partnership with China." In an interview with Russian state news agency TASS before the visit, he called Russia "our main strategic partner" and also spoke of cultivating ties with China and Europe, but made no mention of the United States. Jeenbekov is expected to travel to Minsk on November 30 for a summit of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), which also includes Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Tajikistan. Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbaev arrived in Minsk on November 29 for a two-day visit that is to include the summit and a separate meeting with Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka. Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan are at odds over border-control issues and remarks by Jeenbekov's predecessor, Almazbek Atambaev, in which he criticized Nazarbaev and accused Kazakhstan of backing Jeenbekov's main rival in the October 15 presidential vote. Source: -first-foreign-trip/28885892.html Copyright (c) 2017. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Washington Think Tank Calls For Permanent U.S. Military Presence In Balkans RFE/RL November 29, 2017 WASHINGTON -- The United States should establish a permanent military presence in the Southeastern Europe to help stabilize the Western Balkans and prevent further inroads by Russia, a Washington-based think tank says. A new report published by the Atlantic Council ahead of a November 29 conference on Southeastern Europe in Washington said that such a move "would demonstrate an enduring U.S. commitment to security in the region and anchor the United States' long-term ability to influence developments." The report titled Balkans Forward A New U.S. Strategy For The Region called the Western Balkans a "region in flux" and cautioned over Russia's aggressive moves in the area. It cited "notable progress" and movement toward the West among Southeastern European countries, but stated that the "final outcome" was no longer assured. "The Western Balkans remain the unfinished business of a Europe whole and free," it said. "As the United States and Europe focus on internal concerns, Russia and other countries are reshaping the geopolitical landscape across the region." It said a U.S. military presence could be modeled on the current Camp Bondsteel facility in Kosovo. Camp Bondsteel, established in the late 1990s, is the main U.S. Army base in Kosovo and is used by NATO forces. "Troops would be used both to help strengthen local authorities' terrorist interdiction capabilities through training and sharing of best practices, and to provide aid in humanitarian catastrophes, should they arise," it said. U.S. Embassy Downplays Idea The U.S. Embassy in Belgrade downplayed the suggestion in the think tank report. "Many academic and research institutions in the United States participate in public debates on foreign policy issues on a daily basis and this is an important part of the democratic process," the embassy press office said in a statement. "Discussions and debate on ideas help the public and policymakers to better understand the important issues that we face in the world, but these academic and research institutions do not have a formal role in creating the official U.S. policy," it added. The Atlantic Council report also said the United States and the European Union should pursue a "historic" rapprochement with Serbia in an effort to move it toward the West and away from traditional ally Moscow. "Belgrade can and should be a close partner and ally in the region, but it can only become one if it begins to meaningfully distance itself from Russia." "This is not a trivial pivot for Serbian leadership, but neither should it be something on which the United States or the EU should compromise," it added. Fragile States Other recommendations by the Atlantic Council urged the United States to play the role of "honest broker," especially in longstanding disputes between Montenegro and Greece and between Serbia and Kosovo. The report stressed the importance of maintaining peace and stability and warned of the dangers of potential Russian actions in the region. "If a Balkans political crisis escalates to the point of skirmishes or civil war, it would speed up the weakening of already fragile states like Macedonia and Kosovo," it said. "As they serve as buffer states for refugee flows, destabilization could lead to a radicalization of heretofore secular Muslim societies, both in Macedonia and Kosovo, and critically, further north in [Bosnia-Herzegovina]," the document said. "Either outcome poses a looming threat to European security and represents a positive outcome for the Kremlin." The report said that the last two years have seen "breathtaking attempts by Russia to capitalize on the region's lingering pathologies to undermine the European project," including the "failed Russian-backed coup" in Montenegro, Serbian "agitprop" on the border with Kosovo, and "lingering tensions" in Macedonia. It also warned of Turkish efforts to "cultivate its clients," mainly in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Albania. The U.S. military and NATO have already begun bolstering their presence in Eastern European NATO-member states in the face of a more assertive Russia after its illegal annexation of Ukraine's Crimea region in March 2014 and its support for separatists in eastern Ukraine in a war that has killed more than 10,000 people since April 2014. With reporting by RFE/RL's Balkan Service Source: presence-atlantic-council/28886879.html Copyright (c) 2017. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address India, Singapore Agree to Enhance Naval Cooperation Near Strait of Malacca Sputnik News 22:30 29.11.2017(updated 22:23 29.11.2017) The agreement indicates India's consistent efforts in strengthening the capability of its navy in the eastern part of the Strait of Malacca that connects the South China Sea with the Indian Ocean, as 80 percent of China's energy supply passes through this shipping route. New Delhi (Sputnik) In a major strategic development in the Indian Ocean region, India and Singapore have signed a major naval agreement which allows Indian warships to refuel and restock in Singapore. The agreement was signed during the second Defence Ministers' Dialogue concluded in New Delhi on Wednesday. This is India's first such logistics agreement with an East Asian country. "Of particular significance during this meeting was the conclusion of the India-Singapore Bilateral Agreement for Navy Cooperation, which will lead to increased cooperation in maritime security, joint exercises, temporary deployments from each other's naval facilities and mutual logistics support," the joint statement reads. Singapore will also hold live firing drill in the Andaman Sea which is just a few miles away from the Strait of Malacca. India has also offered its test ranges and infrastructure to Singapore for testing and evaluation of research and development projects. India has also allowed Singapore's military to train on its soil, which is critical for the city-state due to space constraints. "I not only support but I would encourage the Indian Navy to visit Changi naval base more often," Ng Eng Hen, Minister for Defense of the Republic of Singapore said at the joint press conference in New Delhi. Both the countries have also 'reaffirmed the importance of maintaining maritime freedom of navigation and trade consistent with international law.' However, Indian Defense Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has denied any possibility of including Singapore in the proposed Quad of India, the US, Japan and Australia and has said that any engagement with Singapore would be via ASEAN only. On Tuesday, Singapore's Defense Minister had also expressed his reservations against the Quad coalition. Dr. Hen said that polarizing defense and trade would not be helpful for the region. "We are trying to craft a system under which we can ensure peace and progress for everyone, where small and large states have ways and means to resolve disputes through peaceful means," Ng had said. The move to set up the quad coalition comes in the backdrop of growing Chinese assertiveness in the South China Sea. The US has been favoring a larger role for India in the strategically important Indo-Pacific region, but Singapore has argued that it is not useful to cast one bloc against another. Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Crisis in Lebanon to End Soon, Hariri to Stay Prime Minister, Says President Sputnik News 17:19 29.11.2017(updated 17:52 29.11.2017) Lebanese President Michel Aoun met with Saad Hariri shortly after he returned to Lebanon following a long absence. As a result of the meeting, it was announced that President Aung has not accepted the resignation of Hariri, since he promised to reconsider the decision to leave his post. ROME (Sputnik) Lebanon will soon see an end to its crisis and its prime minister, Saad Hariri, will remain in office, Lebanese President Michel Aoun said Wednesday. "Lebanon has always been a calm and secure country, it is known how to govern it. The crisis will end next week," Aoun told La Stampa newspaper in an interview. There is "a broad agreement" among all Lebanese political forces regarding Hariri's decision to stay in office, the Lebanese president added. On November 4, Hariri announced his resignation in a televised speech from Riyadh. When announcing his resignation earlier this month, Hariri said he feared being assassinated in Lebanon, like his father was. He also accused Iran and the Hezbollah movement of attempting to destabilize the situation in Lebanon and across the Middle East. The Lebanese President did not recognize Hariri's resignation and asked Saudi Arabia to explain what was preventing the Prime Minister from returning to Lebanon. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said that the reasons for Hariri's resignation could be linked to Riyadh, and suggested that he might be remaining in Saudi Arabia against his will. Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address On Day of Solidarity, UN reaffirms two-state solution as only answer to 'question of Palestine' 29 November 2017 The Question of Palestine is inextricably linked with the history of the United Nations and is one of the longest-standing issues on the Organization's agenda, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio said in his message commemorating the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. Seventy years since General Assembly Resolution 181 was adopted, a sovereign and independent State of Palestine has yet to emerge alongside the State of Israel. "I remain convinced that the two-state solution is the only one for a just, lasting and comprehensive peace between Israelis and Palestinians. The resolution of this conflict would also create momentum for greater stability throughout the region," stated Mr. Guterres. Recalling his August visit to Israel and Palestine, the UN chief said leaders on both sides restated their commitment to a negotiated peace. "I encourage them to tangible challenge this commitment and create conditions for a meaningful negotiation. The recent positive developments in intra-Palestinian unity should be taken up by the leadership," he asserted. The Secretary-General also reiterated his readiness "to work with all stakeholders, including the Middle East Quartet and countries in the region, to support a serious political process, drawing on all under UN resolutions, international law and agreements, that will achieve a two-State solution, end half a century of occupation and resolve all final status issues." Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed read Mr. Guterres' message at a Special Meeting of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, before adding her own words. Ms. Mohammed observed that for 70 years the UN has gathered on 29 November to support the Palestinian right to self-determination and independence and the establishment of a Palestinian State. "Ending illegal Israeli settlement activity and demolitions in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, is crucial to the viability of a future Palestinian state and to realizing the legitimate national and historic aspirations of both people. Eliminating violence and incitement is essential to building trust," she told the participants. Ms. Mohammed stressed that with crumbling infrastructure, chronic unemployment and a paralyzed economy, Gaza is in a state of constant humanitarian emergency. "This unsustainable reality demands urgent humanitarian, economic and political measures to support the Palestinian population. We must not leave women, children and youth behind," she asserted. "Ending the occupation and achieving a two-state solution is the only path to enduring peace between Israelis and Palestinians. There is no other option," emphasized Ms. Mohammed. For his part, General Assembly President Miroslav Lajcak underscored that the situation needs full-time attention that extends beyond humanitarian support, to facilitate a peaceful resolution. "I firmly believe that a two-state solution is the only answer to what we call the question of Palestine," he underscored. According to Mr. Lajcak, the international community must support conditions conducive to a successful peace process. In addition to immediately halting settlement expansion, other actions encompassed the cessation and condemnation of all acts of violence, including terrorism, as well as the incitement to these acts. "When it comes to the question of Palestine, we have a responsibility and we have an interest. Palestinian people do not need our sympathy they deserve our solidarity," he declared. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Newly Exiled Venezuelan Opposition Leader Makes Rounds in Washington By Gonzalo Abarca, Luis Ramirez November 29, 2017 The departure into exile of one of Venezuela's main opposition leaders the ousted mayor of Caracas speaks of a crisis, humanitarian and political, that is reaching new proportions. For most of the nearly two decades after the late President Hugo Chavez launched his Bolivarian revolution with the promise of spreading Venezuela's vast oil wealth among all its citizens, Antonio Ledezma like many Venezuelans chose to stay, wait and see. But in 2015, Venezuelan authorities seized the mayor and placed him under house arrest for voicing his opposition to the government of President Nicolas Maduro, Chavez's successor. Ledezma was charged with conspiracy and working to overthrow the Maduro government, and had been under house arrest until last Friday. That day, the 62-year-old joined what is estimated to be more than one million Venezuelans who have left the country since the 1990s and made a risky 900-kilometer escape to the border of Colombia, his jump-off point to a life in exile in Spain. "When a human being wants to recover his freedom, he will take any risk and that is what I did," Ledezma said in an interview Wednesday with the VOA Spanish Service. "I took a personal risk to recover my freedom after more than one thousand days deprived of my human rights." The nation he left is a shadow of its former self. Venezuela is one of the top oil producers in OPEC and as recently as 2011 topped Saudi Arabia as having the largest proven reserves among members of the cartel. Now Ledezma, like other exiles, laments chronic food shortages and empty shelves in once gleaming supermarkets, and often nonexistent basic medical supplies and services. Maduro has said his country's economic problems are not the result of bad policy or a failure of the Chavista socialist model, but rather the outcome of U.S. sanctions and an "economic war" waged by Venezuela's remaining business elite. The Venezuelan leader has also refused to roll back government controls enacted during the Chavez years. Now free to travel, Ledezma visited Washington this week to meet with the head of the Organization of American States, give speeches at think tanks, and make media appearances in a bid to call attention to the plight of a nation he said is being held hostage. "That is my role, to be one more of these wave of Venezuelans who had to flee Venezuela and seek refuge in other parts of the world because they feel persecuted politically in the country or because they simply feel that to stay in Venezuela is to wait to be shot in the head," he said. "Or at the very least die of hunger," he added, referring to rising malnutrition and low wages. Oil and Cuba OPEC figures show Venezuela's oil production tumbled in recent months, reaching a 28-year low in October. Analysts say the state-owned oil company, PDVSA, has been unable to find enough money to maintain wells and pipelines and keep other parts of the production infrastructure working. Critics blame mismanagement and corruption. The crisis has deepened to the point where Maduro has begun appointing members of the military to run the company. This week, he named a general, Manuel Quevedo, to run PDVSA, and sources at the company told Reuters more military officers are to be appointed. Critics question whether the moves are truly anti-corruption measures, suggesting they are really meant to give Maduro more control of Venezuela's oil industry, which accounts for 90 percent of the country's overall exports. Ledezma sees no hope of resurrecting Venezuela's collapsed economy as long as Maduro remains in power and maintains the links to communist Cuba that were established by Chavez, who offered Havana preferential terms on oil contracts. Like many in the Venezuelan opposition, Ledezma accuses Cuba of siphoning off Venezuela's oil wealth with Caracas' consent. "Venezuela is the only country with a government that is paying so that it can be invaded. Venezuela is financing the Cuban regime, handing over oil money that we need for food and medicine that are scarce now," Ledezma said. "We have told the international community it needs to be vigilant of what is happening in Venezuela because its people have been taken hostage." 'Hope' or 'vampire'? Reaction to Ledezma's flight into exile and his new crusade in the world has been mixed. Supporters showered praise during a Facebook Live appearance on the VOA Spanish website. One blogger wrote, "You are our hope." Venezuela's president also expressed approval, albeit sarcastically, of Ledezma's departure. In a speech to supporters, Maduro laughingly described the Caracas mayor as "the vampire that is flying free about the world," and called for Spain not to return him. There is little chance Ledezma will go back while Maduro is in power. In Wednesday's interview, the ousted mayor indicated that any negotiations would have to include discussions on Maduro's exit. In starting his life in exile, Ledezma has plenty of company. Venezuela researchers say the number of Venezuelans living outside the country has risen by 2,000 percent since the 1990s. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address DPRK government issues statement Pyongyang Times Date: 28/11/2017 | Source: Pyongyang Times The DPRK government issued a statement on November 29 as regards the successful test-fire of a new generation of ICBM. The statement said: A new generation of inter-continental ballistic missile, Hwasong 15, was successfully test-fired according to the political, strategic decision of the Workers' Party of Korea. The new weapon system is capable of delivering a super-heavy nuclear warhead and striking the whole of the US mainland. Far better than Hwasong 14 tested in July in terms of tactical, technical specifications and technical characteristics, the new generation of ICBM is the most powerful weapon system that has reached the stage of completion in our missile programme. Hwasong 15 blasted off at 02:48 am on November 29 on the outskirts of the capital city of Pyongyang as Kim Jong Un was given a mandate to oversee the launch by the WPK and the DPRK government. The missile flew for 53 minutes along the preset trajectory before landing home on the target international waters in the East Sea of Korea. The test-fire was conducted in such a way as to ensure the highest angle of the launch, and it had no negative effect on the security of neighbouring countries. The ICBM climbed up to 4 475 kilometres and made a flight of 950 kilometres from the launch site. Today has finally witnessed the accomplishment of the historic cause of the national nuclear programme, the cause of building a missile power, Kim Jong Un said proudly after viewing the whole process of the test-fire. The resounding success of the test-fire of Hwasong 15 is a priceless victory achieved by the great, heroic Korean people who have faithfully supported the Party's line of pushing economic construction and nuclear buildup simultaneouslywith no vacillation despite the vicious challenges of the US and its lackeys and a multitude of difficulties. The DPRK's programme for developing and upgrading its strategic weapon systems is entirely designed to guard its sovereignty and territorial integrity against the US policy of nuclear blackmail and substantial nuclear threats and to ensure its people lead a peaceful life. Therefore, we take this opportunity to reaffirm solemnly that our programme would pose no threat to any countries or regions unless they infringe our state interests. As a responsible nuclear power and peace-loving state, the DPRK would do its best to honour its commitment to secure global peace and stability. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address DPRK launches ballistic missile 'capable of hitting US mainland' People's Daily Online (CNTV) 13:23, November 29, 2017 The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has confirmed that it successfully tested a "Hwasong 15" intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) on Wednesday. A Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) statement, which confirms earlier assessments from the United States and the Republic of Korea (ROK), claims the new type of ICBM "is capable of striking the whole mainland of the US." It was Pyongyang's first test launch since a missile was fired in mid-September, days after its sixth-nuclear test. The ICBM was launched at 02:48 local time on Wednesday, according to the KCNA statement, and flew to an altitude of 4,475 km and then a distance of 950 km. It was launched from Sain Ni in the DPRK and flew for 53 minutes before splashing down into the Sea of Japan, said Pentagon spokesman Robert Manning. The launch has been widely condemned by the international community. New type of missile The DPRK said on Wednesday that the successful test of the "Hwasong 15" ICBM "realized great historic cause of completing state nuclear force." US, Japanese and ROK officials all agreed the missile was likely an ICBM. It did not pose a threat to the United States, its territories or allies, the Pentagon said. "It went higher frankly than any previous shot they've taken, a research and development effort on their part to continue building ballistic missiles that can threaten everywhere in the world, basically," US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told reporters at the White House. Trump, Moon warn of 'grave threat' US President Donald Trump and his ROK counterpart Moon Jae-in warned that Pyongyang's latest missile launch posed a "grave" global threat. "Both leaders underscored the grave threat that North Korea (DPRK)'s latest provocation poses not only to the United States and the Republic of Korea, but to the entire world," the White House said in an account of a crisis call between Trump and Moon. Japan denounces 'violent act' Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the latest DPRK missile launch was a "violent act" that "can never be tolerated" after the ICBM splashed down in its exclusive economic zone. "We will never yield to any provocative act. We will maximize our pressure" on Pyongyang, Abe told reporters. "The government welcomes the fact that China is taking concrete steps such as an embargo on imports of North Korea's coal, marine products, textile products, among others," Abe told a parliamentary committee. "Frankly speaking, I feel that China is playing its role" over the UN-agreed sanctions, he added. UN council meeting scheduled The United States, Japan and the ROK requested an emergency UN Security Council meeting to address Pyongyang's missile launch. Reuters reported a meeting was expected later on Wednesday. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemned the launch and called for Pyongyang to "desist from taking any further destabilizing steps." 'State sponsor of terror' Wednesday's launch came after Trump announced last week that the US will designate the DPRK as a state sponsor of terror. The DPRK will join Iran, Sudan and Syria on the US list of state sponsors of terror. "In addition to threatening the world by nuclear devastation, North Korea (DPRK) has repeatedly supported acts of international terrorism including assassinations on foreign soil," Trump said during a cabinet meeting. The US Treasury Department also expanded its list of DPRK sanctions against 34 additional individuals and companies on November 21. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address DPRK's new missile test-launch draws condemnation from int'l community People's Daily Online (Xinhua) 15:22, November 29, 2017 BEIJING, Nov. 29 (Xinhua) -- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has confirmed that it successfully test-fired a newly developed Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) early Wednesday morning. The latest missile test by DPRK has drawn strong condemnation from countries and international organizations. Confirming the test-launch, the DPRK government said: "The development and advancement of the strategic weapon of DPRK are to defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country from the U.S. imperialists' nuclear blackmail policy and nuclear threat, and to ensure the peaceful life of the people." "It is DPRK's solemn declaration that the missiles would not pose any threat to any country and region as long as the interests of the DPRK are not infringed upon," said a statement released by the official Korean Central News Agency. The latest launch came a week after the United States redesignated the DPRK as a "state sponsor of terrorism" and slapped a new round of sanctions against the country. The ROK military also conducted a "precision strike" missile launch in response, according to the South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff. DPRK's missile launch gave rise to wide condemnations. U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis said at the White House that the missile launch had a higher trajectory than any missile launched by the DPRK thus far. U.S. President Donald Trump spoke by phone with Japanese and South Korean leaders separately over the missile launch, said the White House. During their talks, Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe reaffirmed their commitment to combating the DPRK's nuclear threat, while Trump and his South Korean counterpart Moon Jae-in in another phone call condemned the DPRK for developing its nuclear and ballistic missile programs. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres also condemned DPRK's latest missile launch, saying it is "a clear violation of Security Council resolutions." "The secretary-general urges the DPRK to desist from taking any further destabilizing steps. The secretary-general reaffirms his commitment to working with all parties to reduce tensions," Guterres' spokesman Stephane Dujarric said in a statement. Condemning the missile launch, the European Union said the move is "a further unacceptable violation" of its international obligations. A spokesperson of the European External Action Service (EEAS), the EU's diplomatic service, urged the DPRK to "engage in a credible and meaningful dialogue, aimed at pursuing the complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the full implementation of all relevant UN Security Council resolutions." Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland said "North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programs present a direct threat to the world." Canada said that it is set to convene a meeting of foreign ministers, co-hosted with the United States, to address this pressing issue. Given the complex and sensitive situation on the peninsula, China has been calling for more efforts to ease tensions and settle the issue through dialogue and consultation. To help soothe the situation, China has proposed a dual-track approach, seeking to advance denuclearization and establish a peace mechanism in parallel. Beijing, in its "suspension for suspension" initiative, calls on Pyongyang to pause its missile and nuclear activities, and calls on Washington to put its joint military drills with South Korea on hold. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address North Korea confirms nuclear statehood, says can now target anywhere in US Iran Press TV Wed Nov 29, 2017 06:01AM North Korea has confirmed that it has now achieved full nuclear statehood after successfully launching a new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), which it says is capable of reaching anywhere in the United States. Pyongyang launched a new type of ICBM, called the "Hwasong-15," which flew high into space for 53 minutes before landing near Japan in the early hours of Wednesday morning local time, according to a statement carried by the North's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). It said the missile reached an altitude of 4,475 kilometers, higher than any previous missile fired by Pyongyang. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un declared the test a success, the statement said. After overseeing the launch, Kim "declared with pride that now we have finally realized the great historic cause of completing the state nuclear force," read the statement. "The ICBM Hwasong-15 type weaponry system is an intercontinental ballistic rocket tipped with [a] super-large heavy warhead, which is capable of striking the whole mainland of the US," the statement added. In the statement, Pyongyang described itself as a "responsible nuclear power," saying its strategic weapons were developed to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity from "the US imperialists' nuclear blackmail policy and nuclear threat." China expresses 'grave concern' Meanwhile, China, which is considered North Korea's main ally, expressed "grave concern" over Pyongyang's latest missile launch and once again called for talks to peacefully resolve regional tensions. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang reiterated the need for a "double freeze" approach, based on which North Korea would halt its weapons tests in return for Washington suspending its military exercises in the region. He urged all sides to avoid resorting to the military option, which according to him was not a solution for the crisis. Meanwhile, the latest missile test, the first one in almost two months, has prompted strong condemnations, including from the United Nations (UN)'s Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who called on North Korea to "desist taking any further destabilizing steps." "This is a clear violation of Security Council resolutions and shows complete disregard for the united view of the international community," Guterres said in a statement. Shortly after the test, the US, Japan, and South Korea all called for the holding of an emergency UN Security Council meeting for Wednesday. Rattled by the early morning missile launch, South Korea almost immediately launched three missiles in a show of force. The South's military said it had conducted missile drills on Wednesday in response to Pyongyang's latest launch. An Air Force KF-16 fighter jet and a Navy Aegis ship as well as an army missile unit took part in the war games, according to the military. South Korean President Moon Jae-in said at an emergency meeting in the capital, Seoul, "If North Korea completes a ballistic missile that could reach from one continent to another, the situation can spiral out of control." According to his office, Moon said, "We must stop a situation where North Korea miscalculates and threatens us with nuclear weapons or where the United States considers a pre-emptive strike." He also said that there was no choice but for countries to keep applying pressure and sanctions against Pyongyang. Moon has said the US would have to obtain his country's approval before potentially launching any military invasion of North Korea to stop its missile and nuclear programs. The South fears that any US attack on the North would trigger massive reprisal against South Korea, which is well within North Korean range. Meanwhile, the Pentagon said that officials in the US, South Korea, and Japan, all agreed the missile did not pose a threat to the US, its territories, or allies. The US-based Union of Concerned Scientists, however, said the missile was capable of reaching Washington DC. It explained that, based on its trajectory and distance, the new missile would have a range of more than 13,000 kilometers more than enough to reach the US capital. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address By PTI: By Aditi Khanna London, Nov 30 (PTI) Britains MPs from across the political spectrum today asked the Theresa May government to cancel its invitation to Donald Trump for a state visit to the UK amid an escalating row triggered by the US Presidents controversial anti-Muslim Twitter messages. British Prime Minister May, who is on a visit to Jordan, condemned British far-right group Britain First whose messages were re-tweeted by Trump as a "hateful organisation that seeks to spread division and mistrust" and represented everything that goes against "common British decency". advertisement "The fact that we work together does not mean that we are afraid to say when we think the United States have got it wrong and be very clear with them. And, I am very clear re- tweeting from Britain First was the wrong thing to do," she said. Describing Britains ties with the US as an "enduring, long-term special relationship" which should continue in the interests of both nations and the wider world, she added: "An invitation for a state visit has been extended and has been accepted. We have yet to set a date". May, who was personally tagged on a follow-up tweet by Trump asking her not to focus on him but on the "destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom", stressed that the UK remains at the forefront of "confronting terrorism, wherever it comes from". The row dominated UKs Parliament proceedings with an urgent question on the issue in the House of Commons today. UK home secretary Amber Rudd repeated the British Prime Ministers stand branding Trumps re-tweets as "wrong". "President Trump was wrong to re-tweet videos from the far-right group Britain First," Rudd told MPs. She, however, added that the intelligence-sharing between the two allies "undoubtedly saved British lives" and "that is the bigger picture here and I would urge people to remember that". Several MPs demanded a proposed state visit next year on an invitation extended on behalf of Queen Elizabeth II be cancelled, with former Labour Cabinet minister Yvette Cooper saying Britain could not "simply roll out a red carpet and give a platform for the President of the United States" to "sow discord in our communities". Earlier, Londons Pakistan-origin mayor Sadiq Khan had denounced Trumps re-tweets of controversial videos as a "betrayal of the special relationship". "As the mayor of this great diverse city, I have previously called on Theresa May to cancel her ill-judged offer of a state visit to President Trump. After this latest incident, it is increasingly clear that any official visit at all from President Trump to Britain would not be welcomed," he said. advertisement The UK home minister seemed to indicate in the Commons that the visit remains effectively delayed indefinitely. "An invitation for the visit has been extended and accepted, but the dates and the precise arrangements have yet to be agreed," Rudd said. A fellow Conservative MP Peter Bone suggested Trump should delete his Twitter account and stop tweeting altogether, to which the home secretary replied that "many will share his view". Another Tory MP Tim Loughton said if Twitter was "genuine in its commitment to fight hate crime online" it would delete the US Presidents account. "I am sure that the chief executive of Twitter will have heard the interesting suggestions from (Mr Loughton) and we will leave it to them to decide what action to take," Rudd replied. Other MPs branded Trump as "fascist", "either racist, incompetent or unthinking" and a spreader of "evil". UK communities secretary Sajid Javid said Trump had "endorsed the views of a vile, hate-filled racist organisation that hates me and people like me". "He is wrong and I refuse to let it go and say nothing," Javid added. advertisement The videos shared by Trump, who has more than 40 million Twitter followers, were initially posted by Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of Britain First, a far-right group founded by former members of the far-right British National Party (BNP). The 31-year-old, who faces two separate trials for religiously aggravated harassment and for using threatening and abusive language in the UK, posted on Twitter in capital letters: "Donald Trump himself has re-tweeted these videos and has around 44?million followers! God bless you Trump! God bless America!". The first video in question purportedly shows a "Muslim migrant" attacking a young Dutch man on crutches. A spokesperson from the Dutch Public Prosecution Service told the BBC that the person arrested for the attack "was born and raised in the Netherlands" and was not a migrant. The second video re-tweeted by Trump shows a man smashing a statue of the Virgin Mary, which was uploaded on YouTube in 2013. The third video originates from the riots that took place in Egypt in 2013, and shows a man being pushed from the top of a building in Alexandria. In 2015, those involved in the incident were prosecuted, and one man was executed. advertisement White House spokesperson Sarah Sanders responded by saying that May and other world leaders knew that "these are real threats that we have to talk about". PTI AK MRJ AKJ MRJ --- ENDS --- Trump: China Must Use all Available Levers on N Korea to Curb Nuclear Program Sputnik News 18:53 29.11.2017(updated 20:28 29.11.2017) On Wednesday, North Korea successfully tested an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), however, this event has drawn fierce criticism from around the world. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) On Wednesday, during the phone call US President Donald Trump told his Chinese counterpart President Xi Jinping that China must convince North Korea to stop the threats coming from the peninsula, the White House statement said. The US President also favors new sanctions to be imposed on North Korea folliwing the recent event. "President Trump emphasized the need for China to use all available levers to convince North Korea to end its provocations and return to the path of denuclearization. Additional major sanctions will be imposed on North Korea today," the White House said in a press release on Wednesday. Aditionally, Chinese President Xi Jinping stated that China is ready to cooperate with the US and other parties involved in the settlement of the North Korean, denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, and preserving stability in the Northeastern Asia. By the way, the UN Security Council is expected to hold an emergency meeting requested by the permanent missions of the United States, South Korea and Japan following Pyongyang's ballistic missile launch. Pyongyang launched a Hwasong-15 ballistic missile on Wednesday morning local time, which flew 950 kilometers (590 miles) and reached an altitude of 4,475 kilometers before landing in the Sea of Japan. The missile traveled about 620 miles east before falling into the Sea of Japan. North Korea's latest missile test, which came after more than two months of inactivity, is widely viewed as a further provocation and has drawn condemnation from the United States, Japan, South Korea, China and Russia. North Korea has been conducting its missile and nuclear tests in violation of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions. The last missile test before the 29 November launch took place on September 15, with the missile flying over Japan before falling into the northern Pacific. Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Kim Jong Un Says N Korea Achieved 'Historic Success' in Nuclear Armament Sputnik News 12:35 29.11.2017(updated 13:19 29.11.2017) Earlier in the day, Pyongyang confirmed it had tested the Hwasong-15 ballistic missile, which is capable of reaching targets throughout the United States. TOKYO (Sputnik) North Korean leader Kim Jong Un personally oversaw the Tuesday night test of a ballistic missile. "Personally watching the successful test of the Hwasong-15 intercontinental ballistic missile, comrade Kim Jong Un expressed high appreciation for the test, saying that today a historic success was achieved in the completion of the state's nuclear armament," North Korean state television relayed. The North Korean Embassy in Moscow stated that North Korea's Hwasong-15 ballistic missile is "equipped with a system of weapons capable of loading an extremely large heavy nuclear warhead and striking the entire mainland part of the United States." Japanese Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera told reporters that the missile flew about 1,000 kilometers (some 621 miles), causing no damage while falling into the Sea of Japan. According to Onodera, Japan believes the missile could have reached an altitude of over 4,000 kilometers. The situation on the Korean Peninsula has been escalating since the beginning of the year due to Pyongyang's missile and nuclear tests, all conducted in violation of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions. Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Moscow Condemns N Korea's Missile Launch, Considers it Provocation - Kremlin Sputnik News 11:15 29.11.2017(updated 14:47 29.11.2017) After the DPRK announced that it had tested a new type of intercontinental ballistic missile, Russia and China condemned it and France proposed to strengthen sanctions against North Korea. PARIS (Sputnik) Kremlin has denounced the decision of the DPRK to proceed with ICBM testing, and hopes that other parties to the conflict will be able to remain calm, so as not to worsen the situation, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. Moscow still does not see any reason for significant optimism in implementing the proposed "road map" for resolving the situation around the DPRK, Peskov added. "We urge North Korea to stop the nuclear and missile tests, and the United States and the Republic of Korea to refrain from carrying out unplanned air forces drills, unprecedented in scale and scheduled for December this year, since it will only exacerbate the situation, which is already explosive," the Russian Foreign Ministry press release read. China has expressed extreme concern over North Korea's latest missile test, and has urged Pyongyang to comply with UN Security Council resolutions, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said Wednesday. Earlier, Russia and China offered North Korea the option to declare a moratorium on nuclear tests and missile launches, and suggested that South Korea and the United States refrain from conducting exercises in the region to stabilize the situation on the peninsula, but Washington ignored this initiative. French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian strongly denounced North Korea's latest missile test, urging for the strengthening of sanctions against Pyongyang. "I strongly condemn the missile launch which North Korea carried out today. France is expressing its solidarity with Japan and South Korea in the face of this threat I reiterate my conviction that the time has come to increase pressure and sanctions [against Pyongyang]," Le Drian said in a statement. North Korea has demonstrated by carrying out the latest missile test that it poses a threat to the stability of the entire region, German government deputy spokeswoman Ulrike Demmer said Wednesday. She added that the latest missile launch was "a violation of the relevant UN resolution and provocation for the entire international community." On Wednesday, North Korea conducted a new missile launch. The missile traveled about 620 miles east before falling into the Sea of Japan. Pyongyang later announced in an official statement that this was an intercontinental ballistic missile, the Hwasong-15. North Korea has been conducting its missile and nuclear tests in violation of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions. The last missile test before the 29 November launch took place on September 15, with the missile flying over Japan before falling into the northern Pacific. Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address US Imposing Yet More Sanctions on N. Korea in Response to Latest ICBM Test By Steve Herman November 29, 2017 U.S. President Donald Trump said Wednesday that the United States would respond to North Korea's latest intercontinental ballistic missile test flight by slapping more sanctions on Pyongyang. Trump mentioned new "major sanctions" in a tweet and said they would be unveiled later in the day. Administration officials declined to provide details when asked by reporters. Later, however, a State Department spokeswoman said details on a "new level" of maritime interdiction for North Korea was being worked out. "We want to do everything we can to put maximum pressure on North Korea," White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in response to a question from VOA about whether the administration thought the new sanctions would be effective. "We're going to continue doing that in every way possible both diplomatically, economically, and working with our partners and allies and ask them to step up and do more in this process as well." In a tweet Wednesday, Trump said he had spoken with Chinese President Xi Jinping about the "provocative actions" of North Korea. He again vowed that the "situation will be handled," but did not elaborate. "President Trump underscored the determination of the United States to defend ourselves and our allies from the growing threat posed by the North Korean regime," the White House said in a statement on the call with Xi. The readout also said Trump "emphasized the need for China to use all available levers to convince North Korea to end its provocations and return to the path of denuclearization." Speaking to reporters on the way to Missouri on Air Force One, White House principal deputy press secretary Raj Shah declared "the North Korean threat is very grave" following Pyongyang's claim it tested a Hwasong-15 missile "tipped with a super-large heavy warhead which is capable of striking the whole mainland of the U.S." The missile reached an altitude of 4,500 kilometers (2,800 miles) more than 10 times higher than orbit of the International Space Station before splashing into Japan's exclusive economic zone east of the Korean Peninsula, about 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) from its launch site. The test represented a key accomplishment for Pyongyang's missile program, showing it can send rockets higher and farther than ever before, according to U.S. officials and analysts. "It went higher, frankly, than any previous shot they have taken," U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Tuesday. "It's a research-and- development effort on their part to continue building ballistic missiles that can threaten everywhere in the world, basically." Each missile launch or atomic weapons test by Pyongyang highlights the risks of a very dangerous nuclear flashpoint, according to Robert Manning, a senior fellow on international security at the Atlantic Council, a global affairs policy research group. "The North Korean nuclear problem is part of a larger Korea question, the last vestige of the Cold War," said Manning. "It holds the potential to reshape geopolitics in East Asia toward either a more cooperative future or a confrontational one. The risks of nuclear war and proliferation, chaos in North Korea, and how the eventual reunification of the Korean Peninsula occurs are likely to have a transformative impact on U.S.-Chinese relations, U.S. alliances with the Republic of Korea and Japan, and the strategic equation in the region and beyond." The U.N. Security Council was to convene an emergency meeting later Wednesday to discuss the incident. The body has imposed repeated rounds of sanctions on the North in response to its nuclear and missile tests. The ranking Democratic member on the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff of California, noting that North Korea will soon be capable of delivering a nuclear weapon to American shores, said "it's well past time" for the administration to use whatever diplomatic strategy it has. "And if they do not, they need to develop one fast, as the military options are nothing short of disastrous," he said Wednesday. That sentiment was echoed by the top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. "Yesterday, the bluster continued as the president uttered his third 'red line' to address the North Korea nuclear challenge, but so far has failed to put in place the people or strategy that could do just that," said Representative Eliot Engel of New York. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, asked Wednesday how much more time he was willing to give to the pressure campaign, replied in regard to the diplomatic approach, "We keep working on it every day." NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Defense minister: New frigate to join Iranian Navy soon IRNA - Islamic Republic News Agency Tehran, Nov 29, IRNA -- Iran's Minister of Defense said on Wednesday that a new frigate will join the Iranian Navy in the Caspian Sea next week. Speaking to reporters, Brigadier-General Amir Hatami said that the frigate which is of Peykan Class will be launched next Monday or next Tuesday. Iran's defense capability is a legitimate one aimed at self-defense like many other countries, the minister said, adding, 'We have repeatedly said that we will not negotiate over our defensive capability.' Hatami reiterated that Iran will intensify its defensive capability with all its power. Asked to comment about the probable participation of Iran and Russia in restoration of Syria's defensive capability, he said that the same meaure will be in line with continued war against terrorism which will include all areas, including the defensive area. 9341**2050 NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Iran Navy unveils range of newly-developed equipment Iran Press TV Wed Nov 29, 2017 09:39AM The Islamic Republic of Iran's Navy has unveiled a range of newly-developed equipment, including prominently the Middle East's biggest training warship and indigenous torpedo fuel. The achievements were unveiled in the presence of Brigadier General Mohammad Hossein Dadras, the Army's second-in-command on Wednesday. The ceremony witnessed the unveiling of Otto fuel, which is combustible in the absence of oxygen, enabling the underwater propulsion of torpedoes. Torpedoes thus-propelled can be extended in range toward higher operational capability. The technology for the fuel's production had so far been monopolized by the United States. The conceptual and engineering design of the Persian Gulf training warship was also unveiled during the ceremony. The 135-meter-long and 16-meter-wide vessel is to be outfitted with the Navy's latest technologies and equipment and can carry as many as 230 trainees. Other advancements included the Mersad Project, featuring the designing and development of a comprehensive system needed for the testing of lightweight anti-submersible torpedoes; the Ra'd missile system's testing mechanism, a sea-based missile system that can be used against all types of floating and flying targets. The Damavand remote-controlled vessel fitted with anti-electronic warfare equipment was also unveiled. During combat, the vessel can be released from its naval unit and used to jam enemy radar, sonar, and fire control systems. Nano material used for the covering the surface of vessels and naval equipment was also showcased. Application of such material helps reduce maintenance costs and contributes to the endurance of the objects it is used on. Tuesday was Iran's National Navy Day. During a meeting with Navy commanders and personnel on the day, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei hailed Iran's naval defense achievements, underlining the need for the Navy to speed up its progress in various fields. The Leader said the Navy was "on the frontline" of defending the nation, and stressed the necessity of enhancing its combat readiness and military equipment. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Top Suspect In U.S. Iran Sanctions Case Pleads Guilty, Will Testify RFE/RL November 29, 2017 A wealthy Turkish-Iranian businessman has pleaded guilty to charges that he helped Iran evade U.S. sanctions and will testify in a sanctions case which U.S. prosecutors said implicates high-level officials in both Turkey and Iran. Reza Zarrab will take the witness stand to detail a conspiracy that was "so large that it was protected by government ministers in Turkey and Iran," Assistant U.S. Attorney David Denton said as the trial of Zarrab's co-defendant, Turkish banker Mehmet Hakan Atilla, opened on November 28 in New York. Denton said Zarrab will reveal how he and Atilla laundered Iranian oil and gas revenues through the U.S. banking system in violation of U.S. sanctions while giving bribes and kickbacks to high-level officials to cover up the scheme. Court documents unsealed on November 28 showed that Zarrab, 34, pleaded guilty to bank fraud, money laundering, and other charges secretly on October 26. The documents say that in 2012, he met with top officials in Iran and Turkey -- "including the then-governor of the Central Bank of Iran and the then-finance director of the National Iranian Oil Company" -- to discuss transferring Iranian natural gas proceeds to a Turkish bank and bribing a bank executive. Denton said Zarrab and his co-conspirators also used other schemes to help Iran buy gold, which was then smuggled to Dubai and sold for U.S. dollars or other currencies. Iran is prohibited from using U.S. dollars or American financial institutions under U.S. sanctions law. Some transactions prohibited by sanctions were disguised as purchases of food, which fell under a humanitarian exemption to the sanctions regime, Denton said. Denton said Zarrab has accepted responsibility for "busting sanctions and laundering money," and he now will "tell the inside story and expose the truth behind all those elaborate lies" told to cover up the scheme. In his opening statement, Attila's defense attorney, Victor Rocco, attacked Zarrab's credibility, portraying him as a sophisticated con man. Zarrab's cooperation agreement was a "deal of a lifetime" that won him release from a U.S. jail and a "shortcut back to his lavish life," Rocco said. Rocco said Zarrab has been "squirreled away somewhere with FBI agents in some unknown place," waiting to testify as early as November 29. Zarrab and many of the eight other named defendants in the case have close ties with the government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has repeatedly called on the United States to release Zarrab, who was arrested last year. Turkey's deputy prime minister recently called Zarrab, who was born in Iran but has Turkish citizenship and is married to Turkish pop star Ebru Gundes, a "hostage" who is being forced to testify against Turkey's government. Meanwhile, on November 28, a Turkish prosecutor issued warrants for the detention of two citizens who reportedly are cooperating with U.S. prosecutors. U.S. prosecutors said the scheme in the New York sanctions trial was originally uncovered by Turkish police and led to Zarrab's arrest in Turkey in 2013 in an investigation that involved several top Erdogan lieutenants and Halkbank, the state bank. Turkey later dropped the charges, and Ankara now claims they were "fabricated." But U.S. prosecutor Denton said the charges were dropped because bribes were paid to top Turkish officials and led to a purge of Turkish law enforcement and the jailing of some investigators. "While bribes got rid of the case, they could not get rid of the evidence," Denton said, noting that Zarrab had wiretapped some conversations. "They did not see the light of the day, until now, until this trial in New York," he said. Atilla, 47, a former top executive at Halkbank, was the architect of an effort to dupe U.S. banks into letting Iran move money around the world and blow "a billion-dollar hole in U.S. economic sanctions," Denton said. Rocco countered by saying the real mastermind was Zarrab, who he said made "hundreds of millions of dollars he used to buy jets and yachts and people." Zarrab is "a liar, a cheat, a corrupter of men...a one-man crime wave," Rocco said. By contrast, his client Atilla "is not corrupt," he told the jury. "He took no bribes. He is a hard-working person like all of you." Earlier this year, Zarrab hired former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, an ally of U.S. President Donald Trump, in a failed effort to broker a diplomatic settlement of the case. With reporting by AP and Reuters Source: case-zarrab-pleads-guilty-will-testify-atilla-case- erdogan-new-york-trial/28885453.html Copyright (c) 2017. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address British PM reaffirms support for united Iraq, urges KRG to respect unity Iran Press TV Wed Nov 29, 2017 05:31PM British Prime Minister Theresa May has reiterated her government's support for the territorial integrity and unity of Iraq, calling on officials from the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region to protect the Arab country's national unity. May "affirmed her support for Iraq's unity" and called on the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to "respect a united Iraq in all fields," Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi quoted the 61-year-old British politician as saying in a news conference in Baghdad on Wednesday. She said, through a translator, that she wanted to see "a united and inclusive Iraq." The Iraqi Kurdistan region held a referendum on secession on September 25 despite strong opposition from the central government in Baghdad, the international community and Iraq's neighboring countries, especially Turkey and Iran. Following the vote, Baghdad imposed a ban on direct international flights to the Kurdish region and called for a halt to its independent crude oil sales. The UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) has called on KRG authorities to abide by a top court ruling that declared the recent secession referendum in northern Iraq unconstitutional. The UN mission also demanded that Baghdad and Erbil engage in negotiations without delay within the framework of the constitution and discuss issues ranging from the control of borders and the reopening of airports to the federal budget, the payment of salaries and the management of oil exports. Abadi and May also discussed British investments in Iraq on Wednesday. The British prime minister pledged to provide 20 million pounds ($26.8 million) in support of human rights, and another 30 million pounds ($40.32 million) for stabilization efforts and reforms. Back in March, Britain agreed to arrange 10 billion pounds in loans to finance infrastructure projects in Iraq over a period of 10 year. The program would only benefit British companies. "We will continue to support Iraq as a partner in order to enforce security, building, and stability, as well as in training Iraqi forces and efforts to return the displaced," May pointed out. Abadi, for his part, praised further expansion of relations between Baghdad and London. "Iraqi-British relations are witnessing a marked improvement. We thank the British government for its support of Iraq in all fields, chiefly cooperation against terrorism, air support, and intelligence," he stated. The Iraqi prime minister noted that Britain had helped his country on the issue of internally displaced persons in the wake of the onslaught by Daesh Takfiri terrorists, and the subsequent campaign by Iraqi government forces to dislodge the extremists. The British government announced in September that there were around 600 British soldiers on the ground in Iraq. They are primarily involved in training Iraqi security forces in infantry, engineering and combat medical techniques, as well as defusing improvised explosive devices. Britain reportedly provided over 1,400 military personnel to the so-called US-led coalition against Daesh. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address UN sets deadline for Myanmar to report on Rohingya women, girls Iran Press TV Wed Nov 29, 2017 09:52AM A United Nations (UN) women's rights panel has called on Myanmar's authorities to provide a report within six months on abuses against Rohingya Muslim women and girls in the Southeast Asian country. The UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) set the six-month deadline for Myanmar to submit the report to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. The UN watchdog panel requested "information concerning cases of sexual violence, including rape, against Rohingya women and girls by state security forces, and to provide details on the number of women and girls who have been killed or have died due to other non-natural causes during the latest outbreak of violence." The panel, composed of 23 independent experts, said it also wanted to know how many Rohingya women and girls were being held by security forces. It also requested information on "investigations, arrests, prosecutions, convictions and sentences or disciplinary measures imposed on perpetrators, including members of the armed forces, found guilty of such crimes." A panel member, Nahla Haidar, said on Tuesday that the "exceptional report is also like a red flag" that is aimed to help Myanmar authorities "get out of the tunnel of this recent conflict." Myanmar's military launched a brutal crackdown on the Muslim community late last year. Joined by Buddhist mobs, soldiers have been raping, killing, and torturing the minority Muslims. Since intensifying in August, the crackdown has forced more than 600,000 Rohingya Muslims to flee to neighboring Bangladesh, where they also face an inhospitable environment. The Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh live in squalid and cramped camps, which are surrounded by garbage and dirty water, in a border town named Cox's Bazaar. Citing the refugees, Reuters reported that they faced disease epidemic due to the unhygienic conditions. "A lot of people get sick here because of the prevailing atmosphere at the camps where there is no space for fresh air, no clean water supply," said an elderly Rohingya man. "Added to all this is the lack of food and so much of dirt and filth present all around. All these things lead to disease and death." Another camp resident explained that "a lot of refugees got sick during the journey from Myanmar and died after reaching Bangladesh." "Some carried their wounds and injuries from the violence out there and succumbed to those injuries here," he added. According to the report, the victims of the camps' dire condition are mostly children. Pope Francis, who has been on a visit to Myanmar since Monday, is expected to arrive in Bangladesh for a three-day visit. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address India to Deploy Additional 6000 Border Guards to Stop Influx of Rohingyas Sputnik News 19:30 29.11.2017(updated 19:35 29.11.2017) At least five battalions (1200 troops per battalion) of India's Border Security Force (BSF) will be raised to police the border with Bangladesh. The BSF claims to have apprehended 87 Rohingyas up to 31 October this year, out of which 76 were sent back to Bangladesh. New Delhi (Sputnik) India plans to deploy an additional 6000 border security guards along the porous border with Bangladesh to curb the influx of Rohingya Muslims. India has adopted the approach of pushing back the illegal immigrants instead of arresting them. "The Rohingya issue is a complicated one. Our policy is to push them back and not arrest them. If we arrest anyone trying to infiltrate into India, then they become a liability and then there has to be a process of identifying them. So we just push them back," KK Sharma, Director General, BSF said at a press conference in New Delhi. India has been extra cautious of the possible spillover of the estimated one million Rohingyas who have currently taken refuge in Bangladesh after fleeing persecution in Myanmar. The unavailability of basic amenities in the refugee camps at Bangladesh's Cox Bazaar is considered the main reason behind the Rohingyas trying to infiltrate into the Indian territory. The Indian states of Jammu & Kashmir, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal have witnessed a huge influx of Rohingya Muslims in recent times. The BSF has also been battling agents who facilitate the entry of Rohingyas inside India in lieu of money. "Agents facilitate their cross-border movement and ensure safe arrival at their destination in lieu of some financial amount. Most of the Rohingyas go to Jammu because some Rohingyas have already been staying there for the last few years," the BSF said in a statement. According to official estimates, there are currently around 40,000 Rohingya Muslims in India. The Indian Government plans to deport them to Myanmar but the final action is pending approval by the country's top court which is hearing a petition filed against the move. Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address UP, the country's largest state, reported the highest number of cases of murder - 4,889 - accounting for 16.1 per cent followed by Bihar where 2,581 (8.4 per cent) murders. By PTI, Press Trust of India: Uttar Pradesh recorded the highest number of heinous crimes such as murder and those against women in 2016, according to the data of the National Crime Records Bureau released today. UP, the country's largest state, reported the highest number of cases of murder - 4,889 - accounting for 16.1 per cent followed by Bihar where 2,581 (8.4 per cent) murders took place last year. advertisement UP registered 14.5 per cent (49,262 cases) of total cases of crime against women followed by West Bengal 9.6 per cent (32,513 cases) during 2016. Rape cases recorded an increase of 12.4 per cent from 34,651 cases in the country in 2015 to 38,947 in 2016. Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh reported the highest incidence of rape with 4,882 cases (12.5 per cent) and 4,816 (12.4 per cent) followed by Maharashtra 4,189 (10.7 per cent) last year, the NCRB data said. UP recorded 9.5 per cent of the total IPC crime reporter in the country followed by Madhya Pradesh (8.9 per cent), Maharashtra (8.8 per cent) and Kerala (8.7 per cent). A total of 37,37,870 people were arrested in the country in 2016 for various crimes while a total of 32,71,262 people were chargesheeted, 7,94,616 were convicted and 11,48,824 people were acquitted or discharged. --- ENDS --- Haqqani Network Remains Primary Source of Pakistan-US Tensions By Ayaz Gul November 29, 2017 Just days before U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is scheduled to visit Pakistan for crucial talks, the top American general in Afghanistan has alleged the Pakistani spy agency continues to maintain ties with the Haqqani terrorist network and allows Taliban leaders to operate out of havens in the country. Pakistani officials have promptly rejected as "nothing new" the charges made by General John Nicholson, who commands U.S. troops and NATO's Resolute Support Afghan mission. Speaking via video phone Tuesday from his Kabul base, the general told Pentagon reporters while "tactical-level" leadership of the Taliban is in the field in Afghanistan, "senior leadership" of the insurgency still resides in Pakistan. It is believed the leadership is in Quetta and Peshawar. "They [Pakistanis] identified certain steps that they were going to take. We have not yet seen those steps play out ... we have not seen those changes implemented yet," Nicholson said. He was referring to talks U.S. officials have held with Pakistani counterparts since President Donald Trump announced his strategy for Afghanistan and South Asia. Trump denounced Pakistan for what he said was its support of terrorist groups and urged the country to enhance cooperation with U.S. efforts to stabilize Afghanistan. A senior Pakistani military official, when contacted by VOA for his reaction, said Pakistan "has been rejecting such allegations and some have been leveled again." The official requested anonymity, saying an official government response is being formulated. A spokesman for the provincial government in Quetta, capital of southwestern Baluchistan province, while responding to the U.S. general's allegations asserted they are based on "conjectures" and are not helpful in achieving regional peace. "Any actionable intelligence if shared with authorities on Pakistan side, our security forces will promptly act, as it is primarily in our interest to fight menace of terrorism," Anwar-ul Haq Kakar told VOA. Nicholson replied Tuesday, when asked whether Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) has ended its support for the Haqqani network. "The chairman of the joint chiefs and the secretary of defense were asked these questions on the Hill recently. I think they affirmed that those relationships still exist. So, I would leave at that and I concur with their assessment," the general said. The assertions, analysts say, show Washington is not "satisfied" with Islamabad's claims of dismantling terrorist infrastructure linked to Afghan war on Pakistani soil, and Haqqani network's activities are expected to dominate discussions Mattis will hold with Pakistani leaders. U.S. officials have not yet announced dates for his visit, but Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif said last week Mattis will be in Islamabad on December 3. The United States designated the Pakistan-based Haqqani network as a terrorist organization in 2012 after the then-top U.S. military officer, Navy Admiral Mike Mullen, told Congress the network was a "veritable arm" of the ISI directorate. Pakistan military and civilian officials maintain the country has no links to insurgent groups in Afghanistan, saying "neither Haqqanis nor Taliban need sanctuaries" on Pakistani soil when more than 40 percent of Afghan territory has been "rendered ungoverned" after militant advances in recent years. Nicholson noted on Tuesday the Afghan government controls about 64 percent of the population, the Taliban controls about 12 percent of the population and the other 24 percent live in contested areas. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Pakistani Military's Mediation to End Protest Raises Questions About Political Interference By Paul Alexander November 29, 2017 The Pakistan army's mediation role in ending a disruptive and deadly 20-day protest in the capital has sparked allegations that the powerful military is again going beyond its limits at a time of tense relations with the country's civilian government. Supporters of the small Tehreek-i-Labaik party had been camped out for the last three weeks, demanding the resignation of a law minister over an omitted reference in a parliamentary bill that Prophet Muhammad is the last prophet in Islam. The minister, Zahid Hamid, apologized for the omission, saying it was a clerical error that was later corrected. Some say the deal Pakistan's government struck with the Islamist group Monday to end the protest represented a complete capitulation to all of the protesters' demands including the resignation of Hamid and then some. The protest leader claimed the army had yielded on issues that hadn't even been on the list of demands. Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal justified the deal in a tweet, saying it "was not desirable but there was little choice because if situation had persisted another 24 hours there would be riots." Court and media criticism During a hearing on the case Monday, a top judge of the Islamabad High Court, Justice Shaukat Aziz Siddique, lashed out at the government and the army for not playing their constitutional roles and said the civil administration had been "stabbed in the back." "How long is the state going to bear all this?" Siddique asked. "Who is the army to adopt a mediator's role?" Government officials said they were presented with a done deal that they had no choice but to sign to avoid riots that could have spun out of control. The Dawn newspaper called the deal "a devastating blow to the legitimacy and moral standing of the government and all state institutions." "It is a surrender so abject that the mind is numb and the heart sinks," Dawn said in an editorial. "In one brief page and six gut-wrenching points, the state of Pakistan has surrendered its authority to a mob that threatened to engulf the country in flames." In addition to raising questions about who really holds power in a country where the army has staged coups and otherwise interfered repeatedly in civilian affairs, the end of the protest was in line with Pakistan's increasingly conservative path in which all religions are being marginalized behind mainstream Islam with a blasphemy law used to suppress dissent. Khadim Hussain, a Pakistani author on militancy, told VOA Deewa that the military's direct role in defusing the Islamists' protest shows its political ambitions and "shows its motive of destabilizing the civilian government." Religious parties protest The protest began when members of three religious political parties began a sit-in at the Faizabad Interchange, which connects the two busiest highways between Islamabad, the capital, and the garrison city of Rawalpindi. The roads were closed, and the main bus service was shut down. The protest focused on a change to election law that had required candidates to "declare an oath" on the Khatm-e-Nabuwwat the finality of the prophethood of Muhammad. The words "on oath" were omitted in what government officials called a clerical error, and they were restored. After the demonstrators defied officials' calls and court orders to disperse, the Islamabad High Court ordered their eviction "by any means necessary." Subsequent negotiations failed, and the protesters were given until Saturday morning to leave. When the deadline passed, the government ordered a police operation to clear the area that left up to six dead and dozens injured. Protests broke out in other cities and more protesters rushed to Faizabad. Most private TV networks and social media sites were shut down. The government then called the army for help, but it refused to use force. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Qamar Bajwa told Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi that public trust in the army "can't be compromised for little gains." He then became the chief negotiator, spawning the agreement and the end of most of the unrest Monday. The terms of the agreement included blanket immunity for all those arrested during the crackdown, compensation for the protesters and public funds to pay for the property damage that they caused. "The government has been humiliated and the military leadership has further improved its standing with sections of the public for helping end the protests but at what cost to the country and its people?" the Dawn editorial asked. "A menacing precedent has been set by the protesters that will surely embolden others and invite copycats. It is no exaggeration to suggest that no one is safe." NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Syrian negotiators arrive in Geneva for new round of peace talks Iran Press TV Wed Nov 29, 2017 02:12PM The Syrian government's negotiation team has arrived in Geneva to join United Nations-backed peace talks with the Saudi-backed opposition's representatives to end the years-long conflict in the Arab country. Headed by Syria's UN ambassador and chief negotiator, Bashar al-Ja'afari, the delegation touched down in the Swiss city on Wednesday, a day after the talks began. The intentional delay came after the opposition's call for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's removal as a prerequisite for the negotiations. The UN special envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, said the talks provided both sides with a chance to negotiate directly for the first time. "We are going to offer it. We will see if this takes place. But we will be offering that," the UN official said after meeting the opposition's representatives on Tuesday. They told the UN envoy during the closed-door meeting that they remained ready for face-to-face talks with the government, something sources say Syria has not yet accepted. Defying calls for moderation, Nasr al-Hariri, the head of the opposition's so-called High Negotiations Committee (HNC), claimed that his side believed in Assad's ouster as a "precondition." This is while de Mistura had stressed on Monday that no "preconditions by either party" would be accepted for the talks. Hariri was selected as the chief HNC negotiator during a conference in Saudi Arabia on Friday, succeeding Riyad al-Hijab, who quit shortly before the opposition forum in Riyadh. De Mistura had earlier said he wanted the parties to focus on Syria's new constitution and UN-supervised elections. He expressed hope that the Geneva talks would eventually enable the warring sides to launch a "genuine" political process to end the six-year battle, which has killed hundreds of thousands while displacing millions more. There has been little progress over the past seven rounds due to opposition's insistence on Assad's removal. In a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Black Sea resort of Sochi on November 20, the Syrian head of state said he was "ready for dialogue with all those who want to come up with a political settlement." NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Syrian Government to Join Geneva Peace Talks By VOA News November 29, 2017 Syrian government negotiators have arrived in Geneva to join United Nations-led peace talks aimed at ending nearly seven years of fighting. The talks began Tuesday with U.N. envoy Staffan de Mistura meeting with the opposition delegation. He said afterward the two sides would have a chance for direct negotiations in Geneva. "We are going to offer it. We will see if this takes place. But we will be offering that," he said. Syria's state-run SANA news agency said the delayed arrival for the government delegation was due to the opposition's demand that President Bashar al-Assad step down as part of any political transition. That issue has lingered as a sticking point in years of U.N. attempts to get the government and rebels to agree on a roadmap for Syria's future. De Mistura said ahead of the talks he believes it is possible for the two sides to narrow their differences as they negotiate under a framework approved by the U.N. Security Council that calls for a new constitution and elections; but, he reiterated his mediation team will not accept either side entering the talks with preconditions. "This crisis, one of the worst in the history of the United Nations, now has the potential to move toward a genuine political process," the envoy said."We see the emergence of international consensus, and we must begin to stitch the process into concrete results, enabling Syrians to determine their own future freely." University of New South Wales senior lecturer Anthony Billingsley said with the gains the Syrian military has made with the backing of Russia and Iran, rebel hopes of toppling Assad are not realistic at this point. "Everybody apart from some of the opposition groups, and perhaps the U.S., has accepted that Assad need not necessarily go," Billingsley told VOA. "So there's a fundamental problem there if the Geneva talks are going to make any progress." 'Starve and surrender' strategy The Syrian government, meanwhile, agreed Tuesday to a cease-fire in rebel-controlled Eastern Ghouta, according to de Mistura. The town east of Damascus is among the last remaining opposition strongholds in Syria and one of four "de-escalation zones" that were established to reduce violence. Residents have been under siege by pro-Assad forces since mid-2013. In the past two weeks, the military has intensified its bombing of the area. U.N. humanitarian chief Mark Lowcock said Wednesday that he is "extremely worried" about severe food shortages there. "Despite efforts made to reach them, only 100,000 people out of an estimated population of 400,000 in the enclave have received food assistance this year," he told Security Council members. "And those people are only getting occasional one-off deliveries." "The available evidence suggests severe acute malnutrition rates among children in Eastern Ghouta have increased five-fold in the past 10 months," Lowcock warned. The U.N. Children's agency, UNICEF, says such rates this month in Eastern Ghouta are the highest recorded since the beginning of the nearly seven-year long war. "The Syrian regime is pummeling a population of starving, desperate people," U.S. envoy Michele Sison told council members. "It's the latest version of the Assad regime's despicable starve and surrender strategy," she added, accusing the regime of seeking domination, not peace. "Civilians in Eastern Ghouta are actually under an internal siege imposed by the different armed organizations present there and which are being supported by member states by permanent members of this council," Syrian deputy U.N. Ambassador Mounzer Mounzer said, dismissing accusations against his government. The fighting in Syria began after the government cracked down on peaceful anti-Assad protests in 2011, eventually leading to a multi-party conflict that has left more than 400,000 people dead and 13 million in need of humanitarian assistance. Margaret Besheer and Victor Beattie contributed to this report. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Turkey issues arrest warrant for 360 over links to failed coup Iran Press TV Wed Nov 29, 2017 09:53AM Turkish prosecutors have issued arrest warrant for 360 military personnel and civilians over their alleged links to last year's failed coup against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The warrants were issued against 333 soldiers, most of whom still on active duty, as well as 27 civilian suspects of being so-called "secret imams" who allegedly directed supporters of US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen within Turkey's armed forces, state-run Anadolu news agency reported on Wednesday. The operation to arrest the suspects is still underway, the report said. Gulen runs an extensive network of international education and religious programs with branches in Turkey and several other countries. The cleric, a former ally of Erdogan, has denied any involvement in the coup that left more than 250 people dead. He has said on several occasions that the post-coup crackdown, in which more than 50,000 people have been jailed and around 150,000 others dismissed from their jobs, was an attempt to consolidate Erdogan's grip on power. Rights groups and European governments have repeatedly criticized Ankara for the continued crackdown, saying it has mainly targeted dissent. They also censure a simultaneous push by Turkey against the country's Kurdish population. Erdogan's government maintains that Gulen's network has deeply infiltrated Turkey's judiciary, army, schools and other institutions, saying the purges are the only way to neutralize what he calls the threat posed by coup plotters. Ankara also dismisses allegations of unjust treatment of the Kurds, saying many of those arrested have had links to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party and have helped militants carry out attacks against civilians and security forces across the country over the past years. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Turkey's Love Affair with Saudi Arabia On the Rocks By Dorian Jones November 29, 2017 A deal signed by Turkish and Iranian ministers Sunday to enhance efforts to break Saudi Arabian trade sanctions against Qatar, is only the latest move by Ankara against Riyadh. The two once close allies are increasingly finding themselves on opposing sides in the region. "There is this fear [by Turkey] an axis is developing between Saudi Arabia, [the United States], and Israel in the region definitely," said Haldun Solmazturk, head of 21st Century Turkey Institute, an Ankara based research organization. Saudi Arabia's increasingly tough stance against Iran has been matched by Turkey's increasing cooperation with Iran. Earlier this month, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared the frequency of meetings with his Russian and Iranian counterparts to cooperate over Syria would increase. Tougher Saudi policy Turkey's gravitation towards Iran is in part a reaction to Saudi Arabia's more assertive foreign policy under Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman. "Prince Salman has more aspiration in the region, even to cooperate with Israel and Egypt," notes international relations professor Huseyin Bagci of Ankara's Middle Eastern Technical University, "This alliance supported by America is automatically against Turkish policy in the Middle East, Turkey is excluded, Turkey is isolated in the Middle East." The Saudi's assertive new policy is a personal blow to the Turkish president. Erdogan's roots are in political Islam and he has devoted much of his 15 years in power to deepening relations with Riyadh, "President Erdogan was the most closest one [Turkish leader] to Saudi Arabia's ideology, this is why he is considered an Islamist prime minister and president and now with Saudi Arabia's growing influence in the region we see how disappointed Erdogan is, he bet on the wrong horse," Bagci claims. Bagci an international relations professor who has informally advised Erdogan on foreign affairs, says the Turkish president's disappointment is exacerbated by the unprecedented lengths he went to court the Saudis. "When the King of Saudi Arabia visited Turkey, Erdogan and the then Turkish President Abdullah Gul, visited the king [at his hotel] and this was one the mistakes of foreign policy and this one [of the] biggest concessions ever to Saudi Arabia," Bagci says. Erdogan was strongly condemned by opposition parties for ignoring traditional diplomatic protocol where by a visiting head of state goes to the country's leader's residence. Morsi's ouster The start of the unraveling in Saudi Turkish relations, analysts claim, can be traced back to the ousting of Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi. "It goes back to the coup in Egypt," says political columnist Semih Idiz of Al Monitor website, "Islamists in Turkey discovering the land of Wahhabism fundamentalism is behind a secular coup in Egypt and they can't make sense of it and had to attack it." Erdogan, a close ally of Morsi, was in the forefront of condemning the coup. He continues to uses the four finger sign of Rabbia, used by Morsi supporters as a gesture of solitary. Ankara not only blamed Riyadh for the coup, but also what was perceived as the tacit support of Washington. According to Idiz, the suspicion the two countries are increasingly seeking to shape the region, was exacerbated by the Crown Prince Salman declaration of seeking to adopt a "moderate Islamic" approach to his country and the region. "In Turkey the notion of moderate islam is a trip wire [alarm sign] ever since former Secretary of State Colin Powell referred to Turkey as a moderate Islamic republic. This idea of moderate Islam as an American inspired project to control the region has very much taken hold in Ankara," notes Idiz. "Islam cannot be either 'moderate' or 'not moderate.' Islam can only be one thing," Erdogan said earlier this month. "Recently the concept of 'moderate Islam' has received attention. But the patent of this concept originated in the West," he added. Economic cost But the price for Ankara's falling out with Riyadh is likely not to be cheap. Turkey was richly rewarded for a decade of unprecedented close ties with the kingdom, with it becoming a major investor in the Turkish economy. The latest official figures placed Saudis as first among foreign buyers of Turkish residences. Saudi Arabia was seen by Erdogan as a key player in his efforts dilute the economic dependence on European investment. Analysts warn such plans will need to be reassessed, "Substantial foreign direct investment from Saudi Arabia is not going to happen, it's an illusion," warns political consultant Atilla Yesilada, of the New York based Global Source Partners. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Larry Nassar, 54, appeared in Michigan's Eaton County Circuit Court and pleaded guilty to three felony counts of first degree criminal sexual conduct. By Reuters: Larry Nassar, the former USA Gymnastics team doctor, pleaded guilty in a Michigan court on Wednesday to additional counts of criminal sexual conduct for assaulting girls under the guise of medical treatment, Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette said. Nassar, 54, appeared in Michigan's Eaton County Circuit Court and pleaded guilty to three felony counts of first degree criminal sexual conduct. advertisement He did not make a statement beyond briefly answering the judge's questions, according to The Detroit News. Nassar's attorneys did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Nassar was the team physician for the Michigan State University gymnastics and women's crew teams, as well as an associate professor at MSU's College of Osteopathic Medicine. He served as the USA Gymnastics physician through four Olympic Games. Last week, Nassar pleaded guilty in nearby Ingham County to seven felony counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct despite his earlier denials of wrongdoing. Wednesday's guilty pleas put an end to criminal sexual conduct charges brought by the Michigan Attorney General's office against Nassar in Eaton and Ingham counties. The Eaton County sentencing hearing will be held on Jan. 31. The Ingham County sentencing hearing will be held on Jan. 12 when all of the 125 reported victims or their parents will be allowed to give victim impact statements. Last week's plea deal with prosecutors calls for a minimum prison sentence of 25 years but the judge could set the minimum as high as 40 years. Nassar's plea deal follows claims by two of the United States' most decorated gymnasts, Aly Raisman and Gabby Douglas, that they had been sexually abused by the former USA Gymnastics team doctor. Three-times Olympic gold medalist Douglas earlier this month said she was sexually abused by Nassar while Raisman, also a three-times gold medalist, made similar allegations in an interview with CBS News program "60 Minutes." During the Nov. 22 hearing, Nassar apologized and said it was time for his victims to begin healing, The Detroit News reported. --- ENDS ---, a service by Netflix, was launched last year as a way to quickly and easily check the download speed of your internet connection. Since then, the company has generated a quarter billion speed test results from around the world. According to some data, the top countries using the service are the U.S., Brazil, India, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Philippines, Italy, Great Britain and Egypt. Users are evenly split between the desktop and mobile web/apps. Users test speed around the day but particularly around evening time or during network connectivity issues. In Japan, people primarily test around 9 to 11PM local time and in India around 9 to 11AM local time. Netflix has made some minor changes to the appearance of the website. You'll notice an updated font for the speed test results. More importantly, you now get Facebook and Twitter sharing buttons that share your results with your friends. Apart from that, it's still very basic and straightforward. The updates are visible across the web, mobile web, and mobile apps. If you were expecting to see M, MX, or Pro branding on the first flagship smartphone duo that Meizu will be launching next year, then you're in for a surprise. The phones will be called Meizu 15 and Meizu 15 Plus, to mark the fact that the Chinese company celebrates its 15-year anniversary in 2018. This has been revealed today by none other than Meizu founder and CEO Jack Wong. Furthermore, he's shared this picture showing the box of the 15 Plus. As you can see, the packaging doesn't give anything away about the contents, and Wong didn't out any more details about the fifteenth anniversary devices. We should expect them to become official at some point in early 2018, perhaps in the spring. February or March seem like the best bets, and now that Meizu and Qualcomm are friends again, perhaps it's not out of the question to see a Snapdragon 845 (or at least 835) powering them. Source 1 (in Chinese) | Source 2 (in Chinese) | Via Community-based traffic and navigation app Waze has started receiving a new update that brings some new features, including motorcycle mode, carpool lanes support, and 'OK Waze' voice commands for hands-free operation. Lets begin with the voice command support. The hot-word OK Waze activates this feature, allowing you to request useful information or even report things like accidents and traffic conditions without using your hands, effectively making your drive safer. For example, you can say the hot-word, followed by instructions like "take me home" or "find a gas station" or "whats my next turn?" This feature is currently only available to users in the US, UK, and Canada. Moving on, the new motorcycle mode gives you useful information shared by other motorcyclists. Not only that, it also provides routing info for narrow roads. And lastly, the update also adds support for carpool lanes, which the company claims is a first for any navigation app (the feature is only available to users in select areas the US and Canada though). These changes have started rolling out, and are available to users of both Android and iOS clients of the app. Via Daniel Day-Lewis has revealed he decided to quit acting because he no longer believes in the value of it. The 60-year-old, who lives in Co Wicklow , announced earlier this year he would be retiring from his field after 40 years in the industry. He has now revealed his decision came as he no longer feels passionate about the profession, and would rather use his time to explore the world in a different way. "I need to believe in the value of what I'm doing," he said. "The work can seem vital. Irresistible, even. "And if an audience believes it, that should be good enough for me. But, lately, it isn't. Shadow "I've been interested in acting since I was 12 years old and, back then, everything other than the theatre - that box of light - was cast in shadow. "When I began, it was a question of salvation. Now I want to explore the world in a different way." The Lincoln actor put out a statement in June confirming his decision to step back from the spotlight, as he wanted to "draw a line" to prevent himself from getting "sucked back into" doing one last project. He was speaking in an interview published in the Christmas issue of US fashion magazine W. "I knew it was uncharacteristic to put out a statement but I did want to draw a line," he said. "I didn't want to get sucked back into another project. "All my life, I've mouthed off about how I should stop acting, and I don't know why it was different this time, but the impulse to quit took root in me and that became a compulsion. "It was something I had to do." Day-Lewis's statement was delivered through his spokeswoman, Leslee Dart, who told Variety magazine that the move was a private decision. Grateful "Daniel Day-Lewis will no longer be working as an actor," the statement said. "He is immensely grateful to all of his collaborators and audiences over the many years. "This is a private decision and neither he nor his representatives will make any further comment on this subject." The Hollywood icon's final movie, Phantom Thread, is set to be released in December. An apartment block resident who complained of "horrendous" noise coming from a neighbour's home gripped the man by the throat in an "eyeball to eyeball" confrontation. Mark Somers (52) assaulted the man, who lived in the fourth floor apartment above him, then claimed in court the victim was a "neighbour from hell". The victim, David Glynn, denied saying Somers was an "arrogant, imperious" Englishman, who was "telling him how to live". He said they had never had heated words before the row on August 28, 2015. Somers pleaded not guilty to assaulting Mr Glynn at the Metropolitan Apartments in Kilmainham. He claimed he thought Mr Glynn was going to hit him and grabbed his lapels to restrain him. Footsteps Judge Bryan Smyth found him guilty at Dublin District Court and adjourned the case for a victim impact statement. After he moved in, Mr Glynn said, Somers asked if there was carpet on his floor in a "passing comment" because he could hear noise coming through. Later, he said, Somers began complaining about footsteps or things falling on the floor. On the day of the assault, Mr Glynn was getting something from his car when Somers was in his own car. The defendant asked if there was any news about him getting carpets. Mr Glynn told Somers he did not think it was appropriate for him to bang on the ceiling with a brush. Somers became very annoyed and abusive and Mr Glynn told him to back off. "I said he was an ignorant expletive," said Mr Glynn. "He thought I said he was an English expletive and he became more enraged." The accused got out of his car and "came at" Mr Glynn. "He grabbed me by the throat. It was a tight grip, it wasn't pleasant," said Mr Glynn, adding that it left red marks on his neck. Mr Glynn denied describing Somers as arrogant, and denied calling him a "thick, ignorant English c**t". He said his exact words were "ignorant p***k". Somers claimed in evidence that there had been continuous loud music from Mr Glynn's apartment and said he had been "incredibly polite with these people" despite a "huge amount of anti-social behaviour". "Horrendous" noise reverberated when something was dropped on the floor above. After the alleged assault, he claimed Mr Glynn began continuously playing a saxophone. "They were basically the neighbours from hell," he said. Somers alleged Mr Glynn had "froth coming out of his mouth" during the incident. Dane was fondly remembered by friends and family A family has been left heartbroken after a 16-year-old boy who was knocked down yards from his home died in hospital. Dane Loakman, from the Castlefen estate in Sallins, Co Kildare, was crossing the main Clane Road at around 7.45am on Monday when he was hit. It is understood he was trying to catch the bus to school when he was hit by a van being driven toward Clane. A car being driven in the opposite direction then collided with Dane and he ended up under the bus, which was waiting at the bus stop. His mother was looking on from the front door at the time. Dane suffered devastating injuries and was rushed to Naas General Hospital, before being transferred to Beaumont Hospital in Dublin. He died on Tuesday evening. Grieving pals have placed floral tributes, candles and a Liverpool scarf at the spot opposite Dane's house where he was knocked down. Friends and neighbours have been gathering at the family home to offer support and to help his relatives in any way they can. On Facebook, Dane's brothers Codey and Vinny and mother Alison posted tributes to the teenager. "RIP Buddy till we meet again," posted Vinny. He also posted a picture of the family on a boat and described Dane as the "joker of the family". Codey put up a post full of heart emojis and a picture of the pair as small children. "Rest in Paradise little Bro. Gone but never forgotten. Can't remember a time where you weren't smiling," he said. "God only takes the best. Truly heartbroken. Until we meet again." Devastating Mum Alison posted a smiling picture of Dane. "My world," she wrote with the picture. Others posted messages of sorrow on Facebook. "Saddened to hear of the passing of Dane Loakman following yesterday's tragic accident. RIP," wrote one. Sallins Celtic, who Dane played for, also posted a moving tribute on their Facebook page. "It is with great regret we find ourselves posting our condolences to the family of Dane Loakman," the club said. "Dane was a part of our club just like his mother Alison and brother - a great, energetic and well-mannered kid who will be sadly missed and remembered by us all." The drivers of the van and car were uninjured in the tragedy. Gardai at Naas Garda Station are appealing for witnesses to the incident to contact them on 045 884300. They are especially seeking anyone who may have been on Clane Road, in Sallins, or in the area between 7.40am and 7.45am on Monday. Officers have said they want to speak to any motorists who may have had a dashcam in their vehicle. Witnesses are asked to contact Naas Garda Station, the Garda Confidential Telephone Line on 1800 666 111 or any garda station. Local Fianna Fail councillor Carmel Kelly said the news was "devastating" for the family and for the town. The suspected getaway car used in the murder of James Talbot. Photo: Collins Dublin A child cowered under a table with her family dog as a 46-year-old man was shot dead in his home. James Talbot, a father of four from Lucan, Co Dublin, was shot at his front door on February 13, 2014. Mr Talbot died at Connolly Hospital after the shooting. His wife and four children were in the house when the brutal event took place. He was watching television in the sitting room with his wife Linda when she noticed a shadow at the front door at 10.20pm. "There was no knock. Jim got up and went to the door. I went behind him. He opened the front door then tried to push it closed again," said Mrs Talbot. Shots rang out and her husband went down on one knee, Mrs Talbot said in her deposition. "I didn't see the gunman, my eyes were fixed on Jim. I couldn't believe what I was seeing." The couple's daughter, Shannon, was upstairs in the bedroom with her sister when she heard "two loud bangs". She ran downstairs. "The front door opened and I saw someone shoot my Dad," she said. "Mam was shouting to get the children upstairs. My little sister was hiding under the dining room table with the dog," added Shannon. An off-duty garda who lived nearby noticed a car he didn't recognise enter the estate with the lights off. He heard gunshots and saw a man get into a car parked outside Mr Talbot's house. Emergency services were called and the injured man was rushed to Connolly Hospital, where he died a short time later. Wounds The cause of death was multiple gunshot wounds, according to an autopsy by Deputy State Pathologist Dr Michael Curtis. Mr Talbot was in the process of setting up two businesses, Dublin Coroner's Court heard. No suspect has been identified in relation to this shooting, Inspector Mark O'Neill told coroner Dr Myra Cullinane. Within minutes, the getaway car, a gold Toyota Avensis, was discovered on fire about 1km away on Earlsfort Road. A firearm was found inside. It had been stolen two weeks previously. Gardai had not been aware of any threat to the man's life. The jury returned a verdict of unlawful killing by person or persons unknown. Rough sleepers are being encouraged to take advantage of extreme weather facilities. Photo: Fergal Phillips Two homeless men who died on the streets of the capital over a period of 48 hours had both spent time in emergency accommodation before their deaths. Michael McCann, aged in his 50s, was found in a tent near Ganzaga College in Ranelagh at 1.30pm on Tuesday. A Lithuanian man in his 30s died in the Mater Hospital on Monday morning after he was taken from Chancery Street, near the Four Courts, on Sunday. Gardai told the Herald both incidents were being classed as "sudden deaths" and they were awaiting the outcomes of the two post-mortem examinations. The Dublin Homeless Executive (DHRE) expressed condolences to the family and friends of both men. Referring to Mr McCann, whom it did not name, a statement said he was known to the organisation. "This man was accessing homeless services since 2010 and was placed in emergency accommodation, including temporary supported accommodation, on a number of occasions," it said. The executive said outreach teams had engaged with him on many occasions. Emergency "Unfortunately, support services were unable to progress this man to a more permanent housing solution after he left his last placement." He had last been in contact with homeless services seeking emergency accommodation on November 21 and was provided a bed. The DHRE said the Lithuanian man had also been accessing homeless services since 2013 and he had also been placed in emergency accommodation, including supported accommodation on a number of occasions. "Outreach teams had engaged with him to access accommodation and relevant supports," the spokesman said. "Around the time of his passing, the man was in supported emergency accommodation, where the Harm Reduction Team was actively engaging with him." The DHRE said it was "fully cognisant" the "potential impact" severe weather could have on rough sleepers and "every possible effort was being made to ensure there is enough emergency accommodation provision to ensure that no person is forced to sleep rough". It said provision had been increased, with extreme weather facilities for the homeless from this week until December 4. These would remain in place if the cold snap continues. Some 67 extra beds are available, the executive said, along with other communal spaces. Rough Independent Dublin City Councillor Christy Burke said the reason some homeless people chose to sleep rough was because they didn't want to live in emergency accommodation. "First of all, I want to say both of these men were some mother's son and perhaps someone's dad, brother and friend," said Mr Burke, who remembered feeding the Lithuanian man. "I remember the Lithuanian man being very grateful for the food I gave him when I was volunteering helping the homeless. "He was a nice man and I remember helping some men up in Ranelagh too, but I never asked too much about them because they want to keep private mostly and we are there to help them, not to judge. "A lot of the rough sleepers don't want to stay in emergency accommodation because they are trying to get off alcohol or drugs and they feel they have a better chance of doing that on the streets," he added. "It's important not to judge anyone who is homeless for taking drugs or alcohol because they live such a harsh reality, is it any wonder they turn to something to try to help them get through?" A garda spokesman said a file was being prepared on the deaths. The DHRE said rough sleepers should call the emergency accommodation freephone on 1800 707 707. How good are these two guys, Penn State fans? It may surprise you ... football 5 percent growth in Asian outbound trips More beach holidays and city trips Recovery in travel to Europe ITB Berlin exclusively publishes latest results from IPK's World Travel Monitor Asians are going on more international trips than ever, although the growth rate has slowed this year after a 9 percent increase in 2016. The main trends over the first eight months of 2017 include a continued rise in sun & beach holidays, more city trips and a good comeback for travel to Europe after a downturn last year. The outlook for 2018 remains good with further mid-single-digit growth expected. These were some of the results of the 25th World Travel Monitor Forum in Pisa, Italy (November 9-10). At this exclusive industry meeting, initiated at the invitation of consultancy IPK International and supported by ITB Berlin, around 50 tourism experts and academics from around the world present the latest figures and current trends in international tourism. The number of outbound trips by Asians grew by 5 percent between January and August 2017, according to World Travel Monitor figures. This is behind the very strong 9 percent increase achieved in 2016 but is in line with the World Travel Monitor forecast of 6 percent growth for this year, which was made 12 months ago. "Asian outbound was exceptionally strong in 2016, especially due to high growth for intra-regional travel. This year we are seeing a return to a more normal long-term growth rate," commented Rolf Freitag, CEO of IPK International, which conducts the World Travel Monitor. Asian travelers head for beaches and return to Europe Asian travelers went on more leisure trips than ever this year, especially to beach destinations. Holiday trips increased by 5 percent between January and August, thus maintaining a high 82 percent share of all Asian international trips. The number of sun & beach holidays increased very strongly by 15 percent over the first eight months, and they now account for 23 percent of all holiday trips, according to World Travel Monitor figures. City trips continued to perform well with a very good 9 percent increase but the number of tours covering several destinations fell slightly. The average length of outbound trips by Asians was 6 nights so far, remaining at the same level as last year, while average spending increased by 2 percent. In terms of destination regions, Europe has proven popular with Asians this year with a 7 percent increase in trips over the first eight months, according to World Travel Monitor figures. This is a clear comeback for Destination Europe which suffered a slight drop in Asian visitor numbers last year following various security incidents. In comparison, there was only a low 2 percent increase in Asian trips to the Americas over the first eight months of this year. Most Asians, however, travel within their own region. Intra-regional trips showed a healthy 4.5 percent increase between January and August. Good year for most Asian destinations These trends for Asian outbound travel are also reflected in figures from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) which show a 6 percent rise in international arrivals in Asia and the Pacific from January to August this year. South Asia has led growth so far this year with a strong 10 percent rise, followed by South-East Asia (+8 percent) and Oceania (+7 percent). However, North-East Asia had relatively more modest growth of 3 percent due to mixed results, according to the UNWTO World Tourism Barometer for January-August 2017. Dr. Martin Buck, Messe Berlin's Senior Vice President Travel & Logistics, commented: "It looks like Asian long-haul travelers are preferring Europe to the Americas this year, which is a clear sign that they have recovered confidence in visiting European destinations. At the same time, Asians want to relax on sun & beach holidays more than ever, while demand for city trips remains strong. These two trends offer good prospects for destinations around the world." Looking ahead to 2018, another good year can be expected for Asian outbound travel, which will remain a driver of world growth. IPK International predicts a 6 percent rise in Asian outbound trips in 2018, based on its Asian Travel Confidence Index, which measures travel intentions for the next 12 months. Alongside special evaluations from IPK International's World Travel Monitor, ITB Berlin will publish further key data from the World Travel Monitor as part of the 'ITB World Travel Trends Report 2017/18' in January (Link to last year's ITB World Travel Trends Report 2016/ The 'ITB World Travel Trends Report' is based on the latest results and presentations at the World Travel Monitor Forum, which is an exclusive meeting where current trends in the travel industry are discussed and predictions for tourism developments are made. The annual results of the World Travel Monitor, which is the largest worldwide study on global travel behavior, will be presented by IPK International at the ITB Future Day at the ITB Berlin Convention. About ITB Berlin and the ITB Berlin Convention ITB Berlin 2023 will take place for trade visitors only from Tuesday, 7 to Thursday, 9 March. Since 1966, ITB Berlin has been the World's Leading Travel Trade Show. As in previous years, the internationally renowned ITB Berlin Convention will take place live parallel with the exhibition on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds, with selected sessions live-streamed on In 2022 it took place as a virtual event on the brand's website and registered 60,700 attendees from 125 countries who took part in more than 100 sessions featuring 223 speakers. Taking place on one day, the Digital Business Day gave 2,500 attendees from 96 countries an opportunity to exchange views and do business virtually from anywhere in the world. International attendance was high, with 78 per cent of buyers and providers taking part from abroad. A total of 20,000 business contacts were made, resulting in 14,000 leads and 3,200 business meetings being arranged. As a virtual industry platform, the Digital Business Day augmented the ITB brand family and rounded off the trade show concept. In 2022, under the heading 'TRVLX by ITB', ITB Berlin is planning a series of B2B networking events in European markets the kick-off event took place in May in Georgia. Before the pandemic at ITB 2019, around 10,000 exhibitors from 181 countries displayed their products and services to some 160,000 visitors, including 113,500 trade visitors. Julia Wegener Press Officer - ITB Asia and ITB Berlin +4930 3038-2275 Messe Berlin GmbH HFTP and Naseba Set New Standard in The Middle East with HITEC Dubai More than 600 industry professionals gathered for the inaugural HITEC Dubai Co-produced by Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP) and Naseba, more than 600 hospitality technology professionals came together for the inaugural HITEC Dubai. The event served as a regional, Middle Eastern counterpart to HFTP's 45-year-old Hospitality Industry Technology Exposition and Conference (HITEC) the world's largest and oldest hospitality technology exposition and conference brand. HITEC Dubai served as HFTP's third HITEC of the year, and took place from November 14-15, 2017 at the Conrad Dubai in Dubai, UAE. The inaugural conference featured 600+ hospitality stakeholders, 40+ solution and service providers and 30+ industry expert speakers. Modeling the HITEC Amsterdam format, the show offered an education program, exhibits and networking. Unique to HITEC Dubai was a summit with one-to-one business meetings between pre-qualified hoteliers and cutting-edge technology providers. Planned by the HITEC Dubai Advisory Council, featuring industry experts with 200+ years of combined experience, the education program included topics such as: PMS; SaaS; robots; smart rooms; cyber-security; travel technology; blockchain; and much more. "It was important for HFTP to expand the HITEC brand into the Middle Eastern market to advance hospitality finance and technology in the region" said HFTP CEO Frank Wolfe. "HFTP continues to receive requests to bring both our educational resources and expand our network of volunteer experts to other regions of the world. HITEC Dubai's success is a notable example of the industry's desire for and support of our efforts." HITEC Dubai 2018 demand is already so strong that it has outgrown its initial venue. Planning for a new venue is underway and both venue and dates will be announced soon. Like other HITEC events, priority for participation will be given first to those who participated in HITEC Dubai before others are added. "We were very excited to have HITEC based here in Dubai, United Arab Emirates for the first time," said HITEC Dubai Advisory Chairman Marwan Al Ali, group CIO at Jumeirah Group one of the largest hospitality groups in the Middle East. "HITEC, over the last few decades, has developed a very strong reputation when it comes to hotel technology. HITEC plays an important role in connecting people across the industry, and bring[s] the latest trends in technology to the audience attending HITEC." Upcoming in 2018, HITEC Amsterdam will take place from April 11-13 in addition to the larger HITEC Houston from June 18-21 and HITEC Dubai in late 2018. For more information about HITEC and HFTP's other international activities, contact the HFTP Meetings & Special Events Department at or visit and For more information about HITEC Dubai, visit or download the comprehensive HITEC 2017 multi-event mobile app from the iTunes Apple Store and Google Play. About HITEC HITEC is the world's largest and oldest hospitality technology exposition and conference brand. HITEC offers a unique combination of top-notch education, and brings together the brightest minds and hottest technologies from across the globe to one place. The unparalleled event offers attendees essential education, access to top hospitality technology industry experts and the resources to find cost-effective ways to improve company bottom lines. Combined with the intimate opportunities to connect with fellow professionals, HITEC has everything to enhance your career. HITEC is a well-known, global event with its North American show gathering over 6,000 attendees, from around the world, and presenting the latest hospitality technology products and services from over 400 companies this trade show is the world's largest, most comprehensive showcase of hospitality technology. Each year the HITEC Advisory Council identifies the top technology issues/trends of interest in our industry. The selected topics serve as the framework for the HITEC education program. In 2017, HITEC expanded internationally into Europe and Asia. For more information about HITEC and HFTP's other global activities, contact the HFTP Meetings & Special Events Department at or visit and Download the HFTP/HITEC media kit via the HFTP website. Theres a wild rumor floating around right now that Conor McGregor was recently involved in a brawl at a pub in Dublin, Ireland and now hes in trouble with the Irish Mafia. According to the Irish Independent, McGregor allegedly punched a man with ties to Kinahan lieutenant, Graham The Wig Whelan, one of the countrys most feared gangsters. Rumors suggest the UFC star was trying to go after another young man in the pub, also one of Whelans associates, when an older man intervened and got punched in the face. The associate that McGregor allegedly punched, who is believed to be in his 50s, has not been identified but some publications have suggested that it was actually Whelans father. The reports also claim Whelan has now demanded McGregor pay restitution of 900,000 Euros, which is the equivalent of $1,060,000 million. Irish police are aware of the reports but say they are not investigating. There is no report on this matter and no complaint from any injured parties, patrons of the pub or the pub itself and no statements were taken, an Irish police spokesman told The Irish Independent. UFC President Dana White isnt buying the story, according to the New York Post. I dont think its true, White said. Because if it was true, it would be big. Conor can walk down the street and its big news now. If this were true, I just have to believe it would be off-the-charts crazy. If its true, well end up finding out. I cant chase all these things around. If its true, well get it figured out and well go from there. Its worth noting, Conor was photographed by fans at the bar, The Black Forge, on Sunday night when the alleged incident occurred and he added fuel to these rumors by posting a video on Instagram captioned The Celebrity, which is how Irish publications have described the man involved in the brawl. Conor McGregor has never been one to bite his tongue so were sure well get his side of the story soon enough. McGregor Its nice to hear things are looking better than what they were for Meek. Just the other day he was sitting in solitary confinement serving his time not knowing what was happneing, and now hes in general population & in a whole new facility, getting visitation from some major star athletes in the process. TMZ reports that Philadelphia 76er superstar Joel Embid decided to take time out of his busy schedule last week and pay a visit to Meek Mill in prison to help raise his spirits. Meek, whos originally from Philadelphia, and Joel, whos the star of the Philadelphia 76ers, have become friends over the past couple years being stars in the City Of Brotherly Love. So to show support, Joel and 76ers co-owner Michael Rubin, decided to pay a visit to Meeks facility last Friday, and according to one Sixers source, They really lifted Meeks spirits. Unfortunately, not much else is known about their conversation or visit, but its just nice to see these guys sticking by Meeks side in this trying time. Joel isnt the only athlete to raise Meeks spirits. Former 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick has also spoken with Meek Mill recently, saying he wanted people to know regardless of his unjust situation, hes in good spirits and humbled by the support the people have shown him. As for the latest with Meek, his emergency bail request was unfortunately denied Tuesday morning by a Pennsylvania Superior court and directed down to a lower court. Meeks attorneys claim that they were forced to seek out higher-level help after Judge Genece Brinkley, the woman who originally presided over Meeks case and sentenced him to 2-4 years in prison, refused to respond to the multiple appeals that were submitted. But unfortunately, things are going Meeks way and it doesnt look like hell be getting out anytime soon. The MMG rapper has been serving time since early November after violating his parole by exhibiting reckless endangerment in New York while driving a motorcycle through the city streets. Well continue to keep you posted on all the latest with Meek moving forward. [Via] Meek Mill Conde Nast October saw the shock (to me, anyway) announcement that Glamour magazine was about to undergo what the publishers described as a reboot, repositioning the magazine as a digital first offering for the beauty obsessed. Its print output was to reduce from twelve to two issues per year. Digitally, the title would feature how tos; product reviews; videos; cross pollination with influencers and vloggers; reader reviews and peer opinion. The editorial and commercial departments will be fully integrated. We were told by new Conde MD Albert Read: Todays Glamour consumer moves to a different rhythm than the one who bought the magazine when it launched in 2001. Maybe, but its hard to spin this positively. Perhaps tellingly, the announcement from Conde failed to include a quote from editor Jo Elvin, so Im guessing it wasnt her idea. As if to confirm that, Jo subsequently jumped ship a week later. Sportingly, she said: Im excited for what lies ahead, for both myself and for Glamour. I wish the new team every success for the exciting new phase of this wonderful, beloved brand. Meanwhile, elsewhere at Conde Nast, Stephen Quinn, Vogues publishing director for the past 26 years announced that he was retiring at the end of the year. According to Nicholas Coleridge, chairman of Conde Nast Britain, Stephen has sold more glossy advertising than anyone else alive in Britain today. He will be replaced by Vanessa Kingori. One of Quinns last issues at Vogue was also new editor Edward Enninfuls first. Favourable reviews included this from The Atlantic: The December issue is a powerful statement from a brand that seems to be asserting not just its own contemporary relevance, but the relevance of an entire nation. Enninfuls first issue got loads of valuable coverage, including extensively on the BBC, partly, no doubt, as a result of some helpful noises off; a perceived spat between Enninful and his predecessor Alexandra Shulman saw Naomi Campbell wade in on Instagram: This is the staff photo of @britishvogue under the previous editor #AlexandraSchulman. Looking forward to an inclusive and diverse staff now that @edward_enninful is the editor lets hear your thoughts? No place like Oldham Following the sad news at the end of August that the Oldham Evening Chronicle was to cease publication after 160-plus years, the autumn saw a virtual love-bombing of the town. First, Newsquest announced the launch of the new weekly Oldham Times. A few days later, the Manchester Evening News got in on the act, saying it would start regularly publishing an Oldham edition, with several pages of Oldham news and a localised front page. Then, and the good citizens of Oldham have probably not felt this wanted in decades, local radio station Revolution 96.2 announced that it had acquired the Chronicle from administrators KPMG. Phew! The good news is that it was clearly seen as absurd for a town the size of Oldham not to have its own paper. In the ideal world that InPublishing fervently prays for every night, all three of the above will be hugely successful! Watch this space. Two highly acquisitive companies continued in their highly acquisitive ways. Newsquest bought NWN Media, the publisher of thirteen local news brands across North and Mid Wales, Cheshire and Shropshire. David Faulkner, managing director of NWN Media said, needs must. Just kidding. What he actually said was, Our company has always been proud to be locally owned but I believe that this is an important step into the future at a time when the media landscape demands creativity and innovation more than ever to ensure success. Meanwhile, in B2B land, Mark Allen Group just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Its latest acquisition, Community Care from RBI, has special significance for chairman Mark Allen; he was the launch editor back in 1974. Mark describes the years editing the title as enormously rewarding, absorbing and satisfying. Purchasing Community Care completes a magical circle which began for me 43 years ago, he said. Also in the acquisitions pipeline, though still to be confirmed, is Trinity Mirrors bid to acquire 100% of the publishing assets of Northern & Shell (Daily Express, OK! et al). Under new ownership, perhaps the Daily Express, which confusingly still runs THE WORLDS GREATEST NEWSPAPER tagline on its masthead, might again aspire to greatness. In the thirties and forties, that tagline might have made more sense, when under editor Arthur Christiansen, its circulation hit four million. Its September ABC stood at 374,013. Guardian: busy, busy, busy In late October, the Guardian announced that it now has 500,000 regular paying supporters, vindication as they saw it, of their new strategic focus on growing reader revenues. Furthermore, the clever wheeze of rattling a collecting tin in front of visitors to their website has generated an additional 300,000 individual contributions. In September, the publisher launched a beta version of Ad Manager a new self-service ad tool for small and medium sized businesses in the UK. As Commercial Director Nick Hewat explained: Statistically, SMEs make up around 50% of private sector turnover in the UK yet only represent 18% of ad spend. Weve developed this ad tool to break down the barriers between smaller companies and the Guardian. The Guardian continued to invest in virtual reality, unveiling its latest VR project, The Party a virtual experience of autism, and giving away nearly 100,000 Google Cardboard headsets to enable people to watch it. Parent company, Guardian Media Group also announced plans to launch a new, independent 42 million venture capital fund GMG Ventures. Chief Executive David Pemsel said: In a rapidly changing media landscape, GMG Ventures will be an essential addition to the experience, skills and qualities of the Guardian, giving us access to the new ideas and innovation that entrepreneurs bring to the table. GMG Ventures will aim to secure investments in some of the very best new businesses emerging out of the media and tech space in the UK, US and continental Europe. Happy birthday! ShortList magazine marked its tenth birthday with a special collectors edition. Featuring ten commemorative front covers with ten high-profile cover stars: Anthony Joshua, Niall Horan, Jack Whitehall, Jeremy Corbyn, Craig David, Chris Froome, Jamie Vardy, Rami Malek, KSI (aka Olajide Olatunji) and Jamie Bell. The covers depict each star holding a distinctively different photo of them from ten years ago, highlighting, say the publishers, what a difference a decade makes. Wallpaper*, the only international design magazine with an asterisk in its name, celebrated its 21st birthday, by publishing its heaviest ever issue. At 420 pages, the back-breaking October issue weighed in at 1.48kg, with a spine width of 21mm. Thats big, but presumably the extra advertising revenue more than paid for the increased print and distribution bills. In keeping with the times, the birthday celebrations were supported by a 21-day social media campaign across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. Daphne Caruana Galizia The low point of the autumn was undoubtedly the shocking murder of the Maltese investigative journalist, Daphne Caruana Galizia. In an open letter to the European Commission, eight editors representing leading news organisations (Suddeutsche Zeitung, The New York Times, Financial Times, BBC, La Repubblica, The Guardian, El Pais, Le Monde) wrote that the murder was an appalling reminder of the dangers that journalists and citizens practising journalism face every day, as they seek to uncover corruption and criminal behaviour by the rich and powerful Daphne's murderers cannot be allowed to achieve their clear objective of silencing her investigation into corruption at the highest levels in Malta Daphne's murder, combined with the structural issues the Commission identified, demonstrate the need for a full investigation into the state of media independence in Malta by the Commission. The murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia demonstrates the danger that journalists face in the pursuit of truth. It also demonstrates the fear that the corrupt and powerful have of being exposed. On a more upbeat note, and perhaps not unrelated, the government announced that it was allocating 1 million of funding for press freedom projects around the world. In making the announcement, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said: As a former journalist, I am alarmed that worldwide attacks on journalists are rife and increasing. Civil society is all about free people. Where governments fear freedom of expression they often try to shut down media and civil society, or clip their wings. This both violates human rights and crushes creativity. A free media is vital to creating a vibrant, informed and engaged population and helps to support a safer, more prosperous and progressive world. Well said, and its not every day that I feel I can say that about the foreign secretary. It may be 2017, but the latter half of this year has some feeling the nostalgia after a new project from Camron, a Fabolous/Jadakiss collaboration album, a Dipset reunion tour, and now, a new JR Writer album. The Diplomats member was released from prison in 2016, and now, hes back in the fold with a destined-to-be-slept on project called I Really Rap. On its own, the title might read like a confident proclamation of bravado, but paired with the album cover, I Really Rap takes on a deeper meaning. Its clear that Writer wants to bring back the bars, and while he claims hes not hating, the album cover makes a pretty clear statement. Take a look at the Teenage Emotions mocking cover below, which features depictions of Lil Uzi Vert, Ugly God Riff RaFF, Bhad Bhabie, Lil Pump, Danny Brown (leave Danny out of this) Lil Yachty, XXXTentacion, and more. In fact, Danny took some offense to his inclusion on the cover, culminating in this brief Twitter exchange: Check out the cover below, and be sure to give the project a listen. Say what you will about the old-head-targeting-the-new-wave narrative, but JR Writer delivers what he promises. Case in point, check these bars from Cant Stay Away: I was on the block in the nineties, hopin that the cops wouldnt find me, I was comin with the rock like Kyrie, they was comin for the Rock like Tyrese. Earlier this month, there was a blissful 11-minute period where the Twitter account of one Donald J. Trump, the current President of the United States and frequent shade thrower on the social media platform, went dark. At the time, the employee who now no longer works at the Internet company (it was his last day when the incident took place) was lauded as a hero by many, and now hes going on the record to clarify what exactly happened that fateful day. In an interview with Tech Crunch, the employee in question, Bahtiyar Duysak, explained how it all went down. Theres no big dramatic tale behind this one, sadly. Actually, Dusyak maintains it was a simple mistake. I apologize if I hurt anyone, I didnt do anything on purpose, he added, claiming that it was just a routine procedure that he got wrong in the end. According to his story, Dusyak had been plying his trade in customer support in the Trust and Safety division of Twitter, working out of their head offices in the Bay Area. Hed been a contract worker and November 2 was his last day before that deal was up. Even though he was preoccupied with saying farewell to many of his colleagues, he also made a point to continue his duties as normal right up to the end of that work day. Towards the end of his shift, Duslyak was alerted that someone had reported Trumps account. As is protocol, he began the process setting up the deactivation before he went home. However, Trumps account is supposed to be protected against just that by Twitter because the platform has deemed anything he writes newsworthy (shudders). I think its all about a number of coincidences, very very little probabilities which all occurred on my last day of work, he added, wanting to clarify that there was no hacking or malicious intent from him in any way. I didnt hack anyone. I didnt do anything which I wasnt authorized to do. I didnt do any crime. You can check out the full video from Tech Crunch below. Donald Trump With his upcoming album War & Leisure dropping tomorrow, December 1st, Miguel kicks things off with another pre-game drop. As any album purist knows, the opening track often plays an important role in establishing the projects tone, and it seems as if Miguel is setting things off on a harder note. Criminal, which features one of hip-hops biggest bosses Rick Ross, doesnt exactly celebrate the menace of the underworld, but rather flirts with the temptation of a less-than-law-abiding lifestyle, at least in a metaphorical sense. And lets be honest, with that angelic voice, could Miguel ever really commit to a life of crime? Rick Ross, on the other hand, is no stranger to playing the villain. Having established himself as a lavish and ostentatious player in an extensive cast of characters, Ross continues to find new and memorable ways of flaunting the sheer limits of his wealth. The production is reminiscent of Jay-Z and Alicia Keys Empire State Of Mind, and if you like this, be sure to catch War And Leisure, set to drop at midnight. For now, Criminal is available in select international markets (but you already know what to do). Quotable Lyrics You see, I just want someone that I can trust, Baby is that true, is that us? Trippie Redd has been one of the fastest-rising names in the music industry over the course of the past year, particularly thanks to his Soundcloud page. Having already amassed over millions views and worked with the likes of Dram, Lil Wayne, and fellow internet sensation XXXTentacion, the 18-year old Ohio crooner has built an insanely strong following & buzz for himself in short a little time, becoming one of the next up in the soundcloud rap era. Last month, the Ohio crooner released the sequel to his latest mixtape A Love Letter To You, which featured guest appearances from Uno The Activists, Khalil, Bali Baby, Sydnee With A C, Chris King, and more. Since then, Trippie has been busy working on new music, having dropped off a joint project with Lil Wop called Angels & Demons, and also being spotted in the studio with the likes of Lil Wayne, Diplo, and Big Baby DRAM. He even teamed up with Rich The Kid last week for a new song called Early Morning Trappin, and yet thats not all Trippie has in stored for us. In fact, it appears Trippie is getting ready to release new song with Swae Lee soon. On Wednesday, the Ohio crooner hopped on Instagram and shared a snippet of an upcoming song with Swae Lee tentatively titled Lead The Youth which is being produced by Scott Storch. Trippie Redd & @swaelee Lead the youth/3rd eye visions (Produced by: @scottstorchofficial ), he captioned the post. Unfortunately, he didnt reveal when the song would be dropping, or where it will be living, but it definitely sounds pretty fire & melodic at that. This preview comes just a couple weeks after he dropped off the new video for Overweight, and was featured in DRAMs Ill Nana video. Check out the preview of the upcoming Trippie Redd x Swae Lee record (below) and let us know what you think! Sounding fire or nah? In addition to this, Trippie had rumors circulating online last month that he and Drake might have a collab on the way. The two were spotted exchanging likes and comments on Instagram (see here ICYMI). Trippie Redd x Swae Lee Data Reveals Booking Trends, Top Cities Traveled to and More CheapOair today announced its top ten domestic and international destinations for the 2017 holiday season. This year, Denver, CO, Las Vegas, NV, and Los Angeles, CA round out the top three U.S. domestic cities booked, accompanied by three Mexican destinations Mexico City, Cancun, and Guadalajara as the top three international cities booked. For this holiday season, CheapOair's data reveals that average U.S. domestic airfare prices have decreased by 5% since last year, and they are down nearly 30% since 2013. This year, many U.S. travelers are planning vacations to warm weather destinations across Mexico and the Caribbean. Within these regions, data shows a tremendous increase in bookings to destinations including Monterrey and Los Cabos in Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and the Bahamas. Bookings to U.S cities including Denver are up 60% year over year, and Austin, TX are up 158% year over year. CheapOair predicts that the booking window for a cheap airfare is closing quickly as we move into December. The online travel agency expects prices to jump significantly in the second week of the month and encourages consumers to book soon to score the best deals for holiday travel. "Warm weather travel is always at its peak during the holiday season, however many travelers are still making plans to visit the cooler regions such as New York, Colorado and Canada," said Tom Spagnola, Senior Vice President of Supplier Relations at CheapOair. "This year, we're seeing a few new cities pop up, both internationally and domestically, and overall, prices are lower than they've been in past years prompting more consumer than ever to travel for the holidays." CheapOair's Top Destinations for Holiday 2017 U.S. Domestic International Denver, CO Mexico City, Mexico Las Vegas, NV Cancun, Mexico Los Angeles, CA Guadalajara, Mexico Dallas, TX Monterrey, Mexico San Francisco, CA Marsh Harbor, Bahamas Orlando, FL Nassau, Bahamas Phoenix, AZ Montreal, Canada Austin, TX Vancouver, Canada Seattle, WA Los Cabos, Mexico Newark, NJ (NYC) Punta Cana, Dominican Republic Outside of the U.S., Mexico has taken the lead with five of its cities being top destinations traveled to this holiday season, followed by the Bahamas, Canada and Dominican Republic. Bookings to Mexico overall are up approximately 60% over the past five years. Daily News Delivery Join your colleagues and stay up to date on the latest all industry news and trends. Subscribe 2022 Hospitality Trends Page Content ICAO Secretary General Dr. Fang Liu (centre) poses with the more than 60 elementary and high school girls who came to ICAO this week to attend a special UNESCO Think Pink Hardhat event. These unique UNESCO workshops are conducted globally and aim to encourage more young women to consider STEM careers, and especially those which are engineering related. The intention is also to alleviate any daunting preconceptions young girls may have towards these careers, for instance images of men in hard hats. This years Think Pink Hardhat workshop at ICAO was held as part of the UN aviation agencys Next Generation of Aviation Professionals (NGAP) Global Summit, which attracted more than 500 education and aviation sector leaders to ICAO this week to explore new means of attracting and retaining the best and the brightest to operate and manage the air transport network in the decades ahead. Also in attendance with Dr. Liu was Shaesta Waiz, the Dreams Soar pilot who completed a solo round-the-world flight for STEM with ICAOs support in 2017, and UNESCOs Ms. Marie Paule Roudil. At New York Airport, Woman Caught With 28 Pounds of Cocaine Hidden In Her Wheelchair "The Brand Authenticity conference breaks new ground for INTA - it is the first INTA conference dealing with what is an increasingly important topic for brands and consumers alike. Consumers are taking more of an interest in the ethical and sustainable credentials of brands and, in turn, companies are waking up to the risks and rewards in this area. Brand professionals can add value by understanding this developing environment, the legal tools available to brands to earn and retain consumer trust and loyalty, and how best to deploy these tools. Santiago Peralta, co-founder of , co-founder of Pacari Chocolate , kicked off proceedings with a passionate keynote address. Based in Quito, Ecuador, Pacari is a pioneering independent "tree to bar" chocolate manufacturer. Santiago explained how this model ensures quality and fairness at every stage of the process. Pacari is the most-awarded chocolate ever at the World Chocolate Awards (the "Olympics of chocolate") and, based on the gratefully-received samples, the author can see why. Santiago spoke about how the values of sustainability (over all timescales) and responsibility for the welfare of suppliers and employees are central to the company's identity. Pacari has received various certifications, such as the biodynamic Demeter and USDA Organic marks, and as a B Corp. Clearly, these certifications are hugely valued by Pacari - they serve the dual purpose of confirming that the company is living up to its ethical principles, and also serve as a badge of assurance to Pacari's target customers. Next was a series of presentations covering the evolution of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Frederick Mostert of the Oxford Intellectual Property Research Centre and King's College London (and formerly of Richemont and a past INTA President) traced the origins of the concept of "sustainability" from 1962's Silent Spring by Rachel Carson to the present day. Speaking in his capacity as a Trustee of the of the Oxford Intellectual Property Research Centre and King's College London (and formerly of Richemont and a past INTA President) traced the origins of the concept of "sustainability" from 1962's Silent Spring by Rachel Carson to the present day. Speaking in his capacity as a Trustee of the Royal Academy of Culinary Arts , Frederick detailed the Academy's new "six pillars" of its food philosophy: sustainable; local; bio-friendly; animal-friendly; waste management; and communality. 90% of the chefs surveyed requested this initiative and, interestingly, the younger generations of chef are the most passionate about these issues (suggesting the trend towards sustainability will continue in future). Frederick has assisted the Academy in developing a mark to certify compliance with these pillars. Finally, Frederick reminded attendees that certifications can sometimes be misleading to consumers e.g. despite common assumptions, "organic" food products can include non-sustainable and unhealthy ingredients such as palm oil and corn syrup. Katja Amann of of Demeter-International explained the background and purpose of the Demeter mark, particularly familiar to German consumers for the certification of biodynamic products (i.e. more stringent than organic standards, and potentially valuable in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions). She noted that there is latent and increasing demand for "better" food and beverages: 80% of Germans do not want to consume GM products, and 41% would like to buy organic wherever possible. Patricia Magana-Spiegel of of Fairtrade International spoke about the history of Fairtrade, its development of globally uniform standards of trade, and consumer recognition of the single worldwide Faitrade mark. In 2016, Fairtrade producers received an aggregate price premium of 150 million. However, Fairtrade's mission is now broader than fair prices, and the brand's strength is being leveraged in other areas e.g. elimination of forced and child labour. Peter van Den Bulk (Joseph J. Ferretti ( Finally, AB InBev ) and PepsiCo , and current INTA President) spoke about the CSR programmes of their respective companies. Joe noted that, as large companies with a significant footprint, they feel even more responsible to reduce the negative side-effects of doing business. Peter detailed AB InBev's efforts to encourage more local supply (e.g. by brewing beer from Cassava root in Mozambique) and to reduce water consumption (from 2012 to 2016, consumption per litre produced has reduced from 3.54 to 3.14 litres, saving the equivalent of 40,000 Olympic swimming pools' worth of water per year, despite business growth) Joe explained PepsiCo's goal to increase the sustainability and healthiness of its portfolio. The use of water was again a big issue, set against the backdrop of an expected 70% increase in global demand for food by 2050, and decreasing fresh water supplies. Joe suggested that, ultimately, achieving greater sustainability is also good for business: it allows continued supply of essential raw materials; if suppliers are paid fairly they are less likely to go bust and cause disruption; and reducing waste (only 6% of PepsiCo's production waste is sent to landfill) greatly helps the bottom line. Interestingly, PepsiCo retains a target of a 20% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030, notwithstanding the planned US withdrawal from the Paris climate accord. Mette Andersen of Giulia Di Tommaso ( The final session of the morning (moderated byof Lego ) was a two-part review of the standards brands must live up to in order to be deemed "responsible", and the trade mark issues in communicating this. Elipe ), who works extensively with Unilever, took the first topic. Giulia gave an overview of the increasing standardised KPIs and rankings in this area, such as the OXFAM food brands ranking matrix, and the UN's sustainable development goals. Giulia noted that the latter features 169 KPIs i.e. the goals present considerable business complexity. However, Giulia argued that they also present an opportunity: there may be a significant first-mover advantage for businesses that take the lead on this. Consumers alone are unlikely explicitly to demand every possible improvement, but companies may benefit from (i) improved brand perception; and (ii) opening up new markets, along "build it and they will come" lines. Sign up for the daily Inside Washington email for exclusive US coverage and analysis sent to your inbox Get our free Inside Washington email Please enter a valid email address Please enter a valid email address SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy notice Thanks for signing up to the Inside Washington email {{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. Please try again later{{ /verifyErrors }} Jared Kushner has reportedly met with the team of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, which is probing potential connections between the Trump presidential campaign and Russia. According to CNN, former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was the primary topic of conversation between investigators and Mr Kushner, a top aide to Donald Trump who is also the Presidents son-in-law. Mr Flynn, who stepped down not long into his tenure after it was revealed he had failed to disclose previous contacts with the Russian government, has reportedly attracted scrutiny over his consulting work for foreign clients. Reports last week that Mr Flynns legal team had halted communications Mr Trumps lawyers has fuelled speculation that Mr Flynn may be in negotiations with Mr Muellers team. In a statement to CNN, Mr Kushners attorney Abbe Lowell said he has voluntarily cooperated with all relevant inquiries and will continue to do so. Like the President and other members of his orbit, Mr Kushner has denied any wrongdoing or collusion with the Russian government. American intelligence agencies have concluded that Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a campaign to upend the presidential election and aid Mr Trumps chances. The biggest names involved in the Trump-Russia investigation Show all 17 1 /17 The biggest names involved in the Trump-Russia investigation The biggest names involved in the Trump-Russia investigation Paul Manafort Mr Manafort is a Republican strategist and former Trump campaign manager. He resigned from that post over questions about his extensive lobbying overseas, including in Ukraine where he represented pro-Russian interests. Mr Manafort turned himself in at FBI headquarters to special counsel Robert Muellers team on Oct 30, 2017, after he was indicted under seal on charges that include conspiracy against the United States, conspiracy to launder money, unregistered agent of a foreign principal, false and misleading US Foreign Agents Registration Act statements, false statements, and seven counts of failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts. Getty The biggest names involved in the Trump-Russia investigation Rick Gates Mr Gates joined the Trump team in spring 2016, and served as a top aide until he left to work at the Republican National Committee after the departure of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort. Mr Gates' had previously worked on several presidential campaigns, on international political campaigns in Europe and Africa, and had 15 years of political or financial experience with multinational firms, according to his bio. Mr Gates was indicted alongside Mr Manafort by special counsel Robert Mueller's team on charges that include conspiracy against the United States, conspiracy to launder money, unregistered agent of a foreign principal, false and misleading US Foreign Agents Registration Act statements, false statements, and seven counts of failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts. AP The biggest names involved in the Trump-Russia investigation George Papadopoulos George Papadopoulos was a former foreign policy adviser for the Trump campaign, having joined around March 2016. Mr Papadopoulos plead guilty to federal charges for lying to the FBI as a part of a cooperation agreement with Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. Mr Papadopoulos claimed in an interview with the FBI that he had made contacts with Russian sources before joining the Trump campaign, but he actually began working with them after joining the team. Mr Papadopoulos allegedly took a meeting with a professor in London who reportedly told him that Russians had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton. The professor also allegedly introduced Mr Papadopoulos to a Russian who was said to have close ties to officials at the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mr Papadopoulos also allegedly was in contact with a woman whom he incorrectly described in one email to others in the campaign as the "niece" to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Twitter The biggest names involved in the Trump-Russia investigation Donald Trump Jr The President's eldest son met with a Russian lawyer - Natalia Veselnitskaya - on 9 June 2016 at Trump Tower in New York. He said in an initial statement that the meeting was about Russia halting adoptions of its children by US citizens. Then, he said it was regarding the Magnitsky Act, a US law blacklisting Russian human rights abusers. In a final statement, Mr Trump Jr released a chain of emails that revealed he took the meeting in hopes of getting information Ms Veselnitskaya had about Hillary Clinton's alleged financial ties to Russia. He and the President called it standard "opposition research" in the course of campaigning and that no information came from the meeting. The meeting was set up by an intermediary, Rob Goldstone. Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort were also at the same meeting. Getty Images The biggest names involved in the Trump-Russia investigation Jared Kushner Mr Kushner is President Donald Trump's son-in-law and a key adviser to the White House. He met with a Russian banker appointed by Russian President Vladimir Putin in December. Mr Kushner has said he did so in his role as an adviser to Mr Trump while the bank says he did so as a private developer. Mr Kushner has also volunteered to testify in the Senate about his role helping to arrange meetings between Trump advisers and Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak. Getty Images The biggest names involved in the Trump-Russia investigation Rob Goldstone Former tabloid journalist and now music publicist Rob Goldstone is a contact of the Trump family through the previously Trump-owned 2013 Miss Universe pageant, which took place in Moscow. In June 2016, he wrote to Donald Trump Jr offering a meeting with a Russian lawyer, Natalya Veselnitskaya, who had information about Hillary Clinton. Mr Goldstone was the intermediary for Russian pop star Emin Agalaraov and his father, real estate magnate Aras, who played a role in putting on the 2013 pageant. In an email chain released by Mr Trump Jr, Mr Goldstone seemed to indicate Russian government's support of Donald Trump's campaign. AP images The biggest names involved in the Trump-Russia investigation Aras and Emin Agalarov Aras Agalarov (R) is a wealthy Moscow-based real estate magnate and son Emin (L) is a pop star. Both played a role in putting on the previously Trump-owned 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow. They allegedly had information about Hillary Clinton and offered that information to the Trump campaign through a lawyer with whom they had worked with, Natalia Veselnitskaya, and music publicist Rob Goldstone. Getty Images The biggest names involved in the Trump-Russia investigation Natalia Veselnitskaya Natalia Veselnitskaya is a Russian lawyer with ties to the Kremlin. She has worked on real estate issues and reportedly counted the FSB as a client in the past. She has ties to a Trump family connection, real estate magnate Aras Agalarov, who had helped set up the Trump-owned 2013 Miss Universe pageant which took place in Moscow. Ms Veselnitskaya met with Donald Trump Jr, Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort in Trump Tower on 9 June 2016 but denies the allegation that she went there promising information on Hillary Clinton's alleged financial ties to Russia. She contends that the meeting was about the US adoptions of Russian children being stopped by Moscow as a reaction to the Magnitsky Act, a US law blacklisting Russian human rights abusers. Getty Images The biggest names involved in the Trump-Russia investigation Mike Flynn Mr Flynn was named as Trump's national security adviser but was forced to resign from his post for inappropriate communication with Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak. He had misrepresented a conversation he had with Mr Kislyak to Vice President Mike Pence, telling him wrongly that he had not discussed sanctions with the Russian. Getty Images The biggest names involved in the Trump-Russia investigation Sergey Kislyak Mr Kislyak, the former longtime Russian ambassador to the US, is at the centre of the web said to connect President Donald Trump's campaign with Russia. Reuters The biggest names involved in the Trump-Russia investigation Roger Stone Mr Stone is a former Trump adviser who worked on the political campaigns of Richard Nixon, George HW Bush, and Ronald Reagan. Mr Stone claimed repeatedly in the final months of the campaign that he had backchannel communications with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and that he knew the group was going to dump damaging documents to the campaign of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton - which did happen. Mr Stone also had contacts with the hacker Guccier 2.0 on Twitter, who claimed to have hacked the DNC and is linked to Russian intelligence services. Getty Images The biggest names involved in the Trump-Russia investigation Jeff Sessions The US attorney general was forced to recuse himself from the Trump-Russia investigation after it was learned that he had lied about meeting with Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak. Getty Images The biggest names involved in the Trump-Russia investigation Carter Page Mr Page is a former advisor to the Trump campaign and has a background working as an investment banker at Merrill Lynch. Mr Page met with Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak during the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland. Mr Page had invested in oil companies connected to Russia and had admitted that US Russia sanctions had hurt his bottom line. Reuters The biggest names involved in the Trump-Russia investigation Jeffrey "JD" Gorden Mr Gordon met with Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak during the 2016 Republian National Convention to discuss how the US and Russia could work together to combat Islamist extremism should then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump win the election. The meeting came days before a massive leak of DNC emails that has been connected to Russia. Creative Commons The biggest names involved in the Trump-Russia investigation James Comey Mr Comey was fired from his post as head of the FBI by President Donald Trump. The timing of Mr Comey's firing raised questions around whether or not the FBI's investigation into the Trump campaign may have played a role in the decision. Getty Images The biggest names involved in the Trump-Russia investigation Preet Bharara Mr Bahara refused, alongside 46 other US district attorney's across the country, to resign once President Donald Trump took office after previous assurances from Mr Trump that he would keep his job. Mr Bahara had been heading up several investigations including one into one of President Donald Trump's favorite cable television channels Fox News. Several investigations would lead back to that district, too, including those into Mr Trump's campaign ties to Russia, and Mr Trump's assertion that Trump Tower was wiretapped on orders from his predecessor. Getty Images The biggest names involved in the Trump-Russia investigation Sally Yates Ms Yates, a former Deputy Attorney General, was running the Justice Department while President Donald Trump's pick for attorney general awaited confirmation. Ms Yates was later fired by Mr Trump from her temporary post over her refusal to implement Mr Trump's first travel ban. She had also warned the White House about potential ties former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn to Russia after discovering those ties during the FBI's investigation into the Trump campaign's connections to Russia. Getty Images As both Mr Muellers investigation and separate congressional inquiries have progressed, Mr Kushner's name has appeared a number of times. The questions he was asked by Mr Mueller's team, are reportedly said to have focused on a meeting in December last year between Mr Kushner, then Russian ambassador Sergei Kislyak and Mr Flynn, who at the time was the presidents incoming national security adviser, Mr Kushner also attended a 2016 Trump Tower meeting, along with Donald Trump Jr and former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, with a Russian lawyer said to have connections to the Kremlin. Trump-Russia investigation: who has been charged in the Mueller probe Senators also recently sent a letter to Ms Lowell suggesting that Mr Kushner did not turn over communications referencing a proposed Russian backdoor overture. Subsequent reporting revealed that a Kremlin-linked banker had floated a meeting with campaign officials at a Kentucky event, a suggestion Mr Kushner was said to caution against. Sign up for the View from Westminster email for expert analysis straight to your inbox Get our free View from Westminster email Please enter a valid email address Please enter a valid email address SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy notice Thanks for signing up to the View from Westminster email {{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. Please try again later{{ /verifyErrors }} Next week Recep Erdogan will become the first sitting Turkish President to visit Greece in 65 years. Let that sink in: after decades of hostility and racial tension, Erdogan (the unlikely peacemaker) will be travelling to Athens for two days to talk about trade agreements. There is much speculation about what this will mean for Turkish-Greek relations, and even though I cannot stand the Turkish President myself, Im still pretty excited. Like Erdogan, I will also be a Turk visiting Athens for the first time in my life next month. Im the first person in my family for three generations to visit Greece, and hes the first President in three generations of an entire country visiting Greece granted, these two things dont have quite the same global significance. Nevertheless, this holiday carries with it real political baggage for me and I cant even begin to imagine how much Erdogan will be carrying when he visits. I can only guess that Erdogan, like me, must be feeling incredibly nervous (that is, if he feels at all). Although Ive been told that things are different now between Greeks and Turks, Im not sure how different they really are. I say this as a second-generation immigrant who grew up in an area of London where the demographic was about 50 per cent Greek and Turkish, and 50 per cent anyone else. Donald Trump can't pronounce President Erdogan's name I was raised far away from my culture, far away from the conflict and far away from the war that my grandparents left Cyprus to escape. I begrudged going to Turkish school every weekend, and got hooked on the album Olurum Sana by Tarkan, but apart from that, and the Turkish I spoke with my grandparents, I was blissfully unaware of my cultural roots as a child. One day in primary school I must have been about six or seven maybe a girl in my class began shouting words at me, insults. You Turk! like Turk was a dirty word. Get out of Cyprus its our country! and so on. And I went home to my mum crying. Because as far as I was aware there was no conflict in Cyprus and we didnt have sides. My mum sat me down, and I remember the heaviness in her face when she said, I didnt want to have to tell you about the war. That was when I learnt about the history of Cyprus. And after a long explanation about my grandparents, their surnames and my countrys history, interwoven as it was with our own family politics, my mother added: I didnt want to have to tell you because I didnt want your generation to go on hating each other like our generation did. 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in pictures 12 October 2022 Motorists in Coventry pass trees showing autumnal colour PA UK news in pictures 11 October 2022 A woman and her dog in the the North Sea at Tynemouth Longsands beach before sunrise PA UK news in pictures 10 October 2022 Police officers remove a campaigner from a Just Stop Oil protest on The Mall, near Buckingham Palace, London PA UK news in pictures 9 October 2022 A drummer plays during the Diwali on the Square celebration, in Trafalgar Square, London PA UK news in pictures 8 October 2022 Timothee Chalamet attending the UK premiere of Bones and All during the BFI London Film Festival 2022 at the Royal Festival Hall, Southbank Centre, London PA UK news in pictures 7 October 2022 Two young male fallow deer lock antlers in Dublins Phoenix park as rutting season begins PA UK news in pictures 6 October 2022 The Princess of Wales during a cocktail making competition during a visit to Trademarket, a new outdoor street-food and retail market situated in Belfast city centre, as part of the royal visit to Northern Ireland PA UK news in pictures 5 October 2022 Greenpeace protesters interrupt Prime Minister Liz Truss as she delivers her keynote speech to the Conservative Party annual conference PA UK news in pictures 4 October 2022 Prime Minister Liz Truss and Britains Chancellor of the Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng wearing hard hats and hi-vis jackets, visit a construction site for a medical innovation campus in Birmingham AFP/Getty UK news in pictures 3 October 2022 British artist Sam Cox, aka Mr Doodle, reveals the Doodle House, a twelve-room mansion at Tenterden, in Kent, which has been covered, inside and out in the artist's trademark monochrome, cartoonish hand-drawn doodles PA UK news in pictures 2 October 2022 Erling Haaland celebrates after scoring Manchester City's second goal against Manchester United at Etihad Stadium. Haaland went on to score a hattrick, his third of the season in the Premier League. City beat United 6-3. Manchester City FC/Getty UK news in pictures 1 October 2022 Protesters hold up flags and placards at a protest in London. A variety of protest groups including Enough is Enough, Don't Pay and Just Stop Oil all demonstrated on the day AFP/Getty UK news in pictures 30 September 2022 British Prime Minister Liz Truss, who has not been seen in days, leaves the back of Downing Street after a meeting with Office For Budget Responsibility following the release of her governments mini-budget Getty UK news in pictures 29 September 2022 The Virginia creeper foliage on the Tu Hwnt i'r Bont (Beyond the Bridge) Llanwrst, Conwy North Wales, has changed colour from green to red in at the start of Autumn. The building was built in 1480 as a residential dwelling but has been a tearoom for over 50 years PA UK news in pictures 28 September 2022 Criminal barristers from the Criminal Bar Association (CBA), demonstrates outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London, as part of their ongoing pay row with the Government PA UK news in pictures 27 September 2022 David White, Garter King of Arms, poses with an envelope franked with the new cypher of King Charles III 'CIIIR', after it was printed in the Court Post Office at Buckingham Palace in central London AFP/Getty I cant describe how much I love my mum for this. But unfortunately history creeps up on you eventually, and the first time I discovered mine was through that act of racism by the girl in my class. Throughout primary school, this girl continued to torment me. Looking back, I dont believe she really hated me, or really even knew what she was saying. Children of a certain age simply repeat the words of their parents. By the time I got to secondary school, kids stopped repeating words of a previous generation. But even though no one was shouting slurs anymore, conflict and difference was still marked into us, indelible. Jokes between Greeks and Turks at school were always only half-jokes, and even though everyone made friends, you could feel the tension. After all, in this London suburb, I lived across the road from and went to school with kids whose grandparents had also fled Cyprus because of the conflict. Maybe theyd lost more than one relative in the war, like I had. Maybe their parents had even lost their parents. We had everything in common except that some of us were Turkish and some of us were Greek. I was speaking to a friend recently who grew up in the same area of London as me, but who is neither Greek nor Turkish. She said to me that shes always nervous when introducing people from those cultural backgrounds. The thing is, our names are so distinctive. I wear my name like an identifier Yasemin Necati is so typically Turkish, just like many names that are so Greek. If Im ever introduced to a Greek person, I immediately know their baggage, and they immediately know mine. Sometimes we share it, but Im always nervous they might be one of those people who wants to batter me with it. I hate this underlying tension over a small piece of land. I hate it because even generations after the war, we are influenced by it. Even in a foreign country we are haunted by it. And even though Erdogans trip shouldnt be a big deal, it really, really is. On 7 September, when Erdogan is due to land in Athens, I will be glued to the Turkish news at my grandparents home. You cant solve generations of hostility in one visit, but Im hoping the more trips we take, and the more conversations we have, the more well move forward. Im not saying Im not scared, for his trip or mine but Im hopeful. Ireland's Foreign Affairs Minister Simon Coveney has been appointed the country's new deputy premier following the resignation of Frances Fitzgerald over her handling of a police whistleblower scandal. Taoiseach Leo Varadkar announced the appointment of the new Tanaiste in the Dail on Thursday. Mr Varadkar said in appointing Mr Coveney as Tanaiste he was "very conscious of the important role he plays as Minister of Foreign Affairs, as minister responsible for Brexit". He added: "I believe his appointment as Tanaiste and deputy prime minister will enhance his position in representing the government overseas in the negotiations currently under way." The Government was plunged into crisis when Fianna Fail's Micheal Martin threatened to bring down Ireland's minority government over Ms Fitzgerald's handling of the Garda whistleblowing scandal involving Sergeant Maurice McCabe. Hours before she faced a motion of no confidence on Tuesday Ms Fitzgerald resigned, saying she had put the national interest ahead of her political career by stepping down to avoid an "unwelcome and potentially destabilising" election. Her resignation brought the country back from the brink of a snap election. Fianna Fail, which props up Mr Varadkar's Government, wanted Ms Fitzgerald out over her involvement in the long-running police scandal, which revolves around her knowledge of an aggressive legal strategy against a police officer during a private inquiry in 2015. The scandal relates to emails dating back to 2015, released by the Department of Justice, showing that Ms Fitzgerald was aware of a controversial legal strategy to target Sergeant McCabe at a private judge-led inquiry into claims of wrongdoing. The contents contradict claims by Ms Fitzgerald - who was justice minister in 2015 - that she only learned of the approach being taken by lawyers in 2016. As part of the Taoiseach's reshuffle following Ms Fitzgerald's resignation, Heather Humphreys was nominated as the new Minister for Business. This led to the promotion to Cabinet of Josepha Madigan to replace Ms Humphreys as Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. The motion to promote Ms Madigan was challenged, but the challenge was overruled by a vote. Ms Madigan landed herself in hot water in 2014 when she released a newsletter which said that building Traveller accommodation on a number of sites in south Dublin would be "a waste of valuable resources" given the worth of the land. She denied it was anti-Traveller and insisted the proposal to build in the locations selected did not make financial sense. Solidarity-People Before Profit TD Ruth Coppinger criticised Mr Varadkar's decision to elevate Ms Madigan and accused her of "anti-Traveller bigotry". Sinn Fein's Mary Lou McDonald said she looked forward to Ms Madigan's proposals on minorities such as Travellers. Fianna Fail TD Micheal Martin congratulated Mr Coveney, Ms Madigan and Ms Humphreys. "These appointments are necessary because of a resignation which no-one takes any joy from but which is absolutely required," he added. Labour Party leader Brendan Howlin congratulated those who were appointed, but warned that a '"serious job of work" needed to be done. Around a third of Irish landings are taken from UK waters, but it is higher for certain species and nearly double that for mackerel which are at their most valuable when caught off the coast of Scotland. Stock image Sitting in his office in Greencastle, Co Donegal, John O'Kane points to a map of Ireland and Britain. A line runs in a diagonal direction, from the Border to the seas off the north- west of Ireland, across to the far north of Scotland and around Britain's eastern side, before snaking up and bisecting the Irish Sea until it reaches the Border again around Warrenpoint/Carlingford. That line marks the border of the UK's exclusive fisheries zone. It creates sea boundaries with Ireland on three sides, dividing the Celtic Sea in half, the Irish Sea in half, and dividing an area to the north west of Ireland. Currently, it is EU waters, to which Irish and other EU fishing boats have access. What happens after Brexit though remains the big concern for men like O'Kane. "Access to waters, access to fishing, is one of our biggest issues," he says. O'Kane is general manager of the Foyle Fishermen's Co-Operative Society in Greencastle, about 30 minutes drive north-east from Derry along the picturesque Lough Foyle coastline. One side of the Lough is in the Republic, the other side in Northern Ireland. The Greencastle co-op is primarily a white fish co-op, specialising in species such as haddock, cod, monk and hake. Boats operating out of the port fish all around the coast, including the Irish and Celtic Seas, around Waterford and Dunmore East, as well as an area known as 'The Smalls', south east off the Waterford coastline. "The Smalls is in UK waters," O'Kane says. "There's big prawn fisheries there, so the boats from Co Louth all fish prawns in the Irish Sea, they all fish prawns in the Smalls, the boats from Castletownbere go over to fish prawns in the Smalls. "The prawn fishery is one of the biggest fisheries after mackerel within Ireland, the most valuable, so that's hugely important as well. "If you draw a line down the Irish Sea, half of that is in UK waters as well." The Co Donegal village has been synonymous with fishing for generations. It is the second-largest white fish port in Ireland after Castletownbere in Co Cork and boasts the National Fisheries College. "If you look at a map of where we are in Greencastle, you are as far north almost as you can go," O'Kane adds. "A lot of the waters that we are fishing are UK waters, as much as you would think some of them are Irish waters. Even in our local grounds here, if you see a map of what is UK and what are European fishing waters, the UK takes up a huge amount of that. That is one of our biggest issues." The fishing sector in Ireland has the potential to be hugely affected by Brexit, Agricultural Minister Michael Creed said in January, warning that the UK's EU withdrawal posed a "fundamental threat" to our fishermen. He warned that the sector in the UK wants to see a "pulling up of the drawbridge" to ensure non-UK fishermen will no longer have access to the country's waters. The figures explain why access to UK waters is so important for the sector here. About 58pc of all the fish stock that is taken from the UK zone is taken by non-UK vessels, according to averages from 2012 to 2014 provided by the Department of Agriculture. Of the 1.1 million tonnes collected in the UK zone, 650,000 is captured by foreign vessels. What happens to that after Brexit is the big issue. On average, it is estimated that about 36pc of Irish landings are taken from UK waters. For some species, that figure is substantially higher. For example, some 64pc of Ireland's mackerel catch is taken in the UK zone off the coast of Scotland, where they are at their fattest and most valuable, according to the averages provided by the Department, while 39pc of Ireland's prawn catch is from the UK zone. The Government has warned that the twin threats of access and quotas could lead to increased activity by other EU vessels in the waters around Ireland, threatening the long-term sustainability of our stocks. "We may not be able to fish in UK waters, and if we're not allowed to fish in UK waters, and the French are not allowed to fish in UK waters, then we have a serious issue of displacement," O'Kane says. "Those boats that will normally be fishing in what are UK waters, European waters at the minute, they'll all be pushed into the one area. That will be off the Irish west coast, and the south-west coast. You're going to have a much bigger fleet and a much smaller area. That will put pressure on stocks." The UK has already fired its first Brexit warning shot, by announcing that it will be withdrawing from the 1964 London Fisheries Convention. The convention allows vessels from France, Belgium, Germany, Ireland and the Netherlands to fish within six and 12 nautical miles of the UK's coastline. Mr Creed branded the move "unwelcome and unhelpful", but said the process will take two years to be implemented. Fishing bodies said the impact would be significant, unless Ireland's rights are protected. The co-op in Greencastle exports about a quarter of its fish stock to the UK, with the remainder going to Belgium, France and the Republic. For O'Kane, it's not just access to waters that worries him. It's road access also. Greencastle's geographic location at the far north eastern tip of Inishowen means that any produce shipped out of the port must cross the border into Derry. "We're affected by that straight away. Even at the minute, the trucks that we send, there is a toll on them already when they enter the North and leave again," O'Kane adds. "Every truck that we send to Dublin - and we send to the Dublin fish market pretty much every day of the week - there is a cost involved in that as well. We have trucks that go to Spain, and they go through Larne/ Stranraer, so you would have the same thing." Further down the village Gerard Kelly, sitting in his living room overlooking Lough Foyle, pours over fishing trade newspapers and documents he has collected over the years. He was one of four fishermen to take a successful Supreme Court case against the State in which it was declared that Northern Ireland boats have no lawful entitlement to fish for mussel seed in the State's waters. He says the Border issue and the transportation of fish stock is one of the big issues for the sector. "Say we want to ship goods. Are we able to put a sealed tag on the back of a lorry and send it through the whole of Northern Ireland and UK into France without having a tariff? Fish is perishable. It needs to move reasonably fast. That is one of the main issues. Without a trade agreement, will we be penalised for passing through? Any discussion about not having a border is fairyland stuff." Both men fear the interests of the fishing community will be forgotten in the Brexit talks. They lament the fact that the industry, as they see it, doesn't speak with a united voice, unlike the farming lobby. "Farmers don't compete with each other," Kelly says. "We're divided because we compete with each other. Fisheries is divided by its nature. Geographically we're out in the periphery. What we have ended up doing is cannibalising each other." Nor are they confident in the Government's efforts to ensure Ireland's voice in the Brexit talks - in relation to fishing - will be heard. Speak to anyone in the sector in Ireland and he or she will tell you it got shafted by Europe over the Common Fisheries Policy, O'Kane says. The seas around Ireland are among the most productive and biologically sensitive areas in EU waters, according to the Marine Institute. The so-called Total Allowable Catches in the waters around Ireland under the EU's Common Fisheries Policy this year came to 1.3 million tonnes of fish, with an estimated land value of 1.44bn, according to data from the Galway-based institute. Ireland's total share of this amounted to 234,493 tonnes, or 226m, although this does not include the inshore fisheries. "Fishing has always felt that it has got a raw deal," says O'Kane. "We've always felt that we've had too low quotas, too many boats fishing within Ireland. To have faith in our Government to deal with it, I don't think that any of the fishermen would believe that. "We have one of the richest fishing grounds in Europe, and yet we have a very small percentage of what we're allowed to take out. We should have one of the best fishing industries within Europe." A spokesman for the Minister told the Irish Independent that fisheries has and will continue to be given the highest priority by the Government in the Brexit negotiations. "Minister Creed is keeping close contact with the Barnier Task Force, Fisheries Commissioner Vella and like-minded member states including France, the Netherlands, Denmark, Spain, Belgium, and Germany to ensure that fisheries is kept front and centre in the Brexit negotiations," the spokesman added. "There are serious challenges facing the fisheries sector in Ireland if the UK industry demands are given priority. Minister Creed has secured the support of the Government in linking fisheries directly with trade so that negotiations form part of the overall trade package." The spokesman says the minister is also in the process of organising a meeting between representatives of the fishing industry and the Taoiseach to allow them to set out their concerns. Francis O'Donnell of the Killybegs-based Irish Fish Producers Organisation is more positive about attempts to protect the industry. "We're really in limbo at the moment. In saying that, the EU clearly has it as a priority that fisheries is not to be separated from other trade issues," he says. "England is in a strong position in terms of managing their own fisheries. However, if the European Commission insist that it's tied in with trade in general, they have a big problem. "There are 12,000 jobs directly involved in fisheries here, there's probably another 50,000 or 60,000 jobs in the ancillary businesses around fishing. We're small, we know that, and politically we're not that strong, but we moved early to get fisheries on to the agenda." O'Kane, though, says the uncertainty brought about by the Brexit vote is impacting on the sector now. The Greencastle co-op was planning a major investment, but there is now a question mark over that. The plan was to build a new operation that would position the business for the coming decades, to hold on to existing markets, develop new ones, and attract new boats. "That's under question now because we don't know whether our own boats will have access to fish in UK markets," O'Kane says. "Will we have to pay tariffs if exporting to the UK, will we have to find new markets within Europe - is that even possible? The currency difference, that has already hit us as well." O'Kane stresses the resilience of the fishing industry, and points to the tough years of the recession when high fuel prices crippled the operations of many a fisherman. "How a lot of the men survived through that, it was through sheer determination and pain and making losses," he adds. "We had just come out of that in recent years. Men were getting back on their feet, and the whole thing was looking rosier. "People were thinking now is the time to reinvest. Men were thinking there is a future, fish prices are decent, we're managing the quota a bit better than we used to, we're getting more value for our quota - young men are starting to come back into it. "The outlook was brighter - but then Brexit hits. Suddenly you go from forward thinking, to the fact that you can't plan. "That's the biggest problem with Brexit. It's the not knowing." FARMERS have warned the EU against raiding the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) coffers as a new paper highlights the financial challenges ahead. A blueprint for the Future of Food and Farming sets out a vision for CAP post-2020 as a simpler, less complex policy, with increasing focus on environmental and climate change matters. However, with almost half of the income of the EUs farmers coming from subsidies, it also highlights there are a number of new challenges that will place more pressures on the EU budget. All existing instruments including the CAP will need to be looked at, it states, with CAP taking up 40pc of the blocs budget. The paper from the European Commission for the new round of CAP post-2020 comes in the light of the UKs departure leaving a gaping hole of between 10-12bn in the EU budget, and amid increasing pressure from issues of migration and security across the EU. Irish Farmers Association president Joe Healy said: Commissioner Phil Hogan cannot allow the CAP budget to be raided; any new EU initiatives must be funded by new money, he warned. Launching the communication paper on CAP reform in Brussels, Mr Hogan (left) said people had criticised the fact this policy was too complex. The one-size-fits-all approach is not working, he said, adding they were working to simplify it. The reform paper highlights that individual countries would have a greater say in setting out the compliance and control measures, including penalties, which are a bugbear for farmers. Commenting on the EU Commission Communication on The Future of Food and Farming, the President of ICMSA said that it was noteworthy that while farm income is mentioned and dealt with in the communication, the over-riding emphasis appears to be on environmental and climate change matters and it was therefore extremely difficult to see either improved farmer incomes or a simplified system being progressed based on todays Communication. John Comer said that Sustainability is obviously the Commissions new buzz word for farming but it was perfectly clear that any concept of economic sustainability for farmers is still way down the Commissions list of priorities. Clearly there are a number of positives in the Communication which should be acknowledged, we particularly recognise the suggestions that support is targeted to genuine farmers who are actively farming in order to earn their living, a compulsory cap on direct payments, and the interest expressed in the ICMSA proposal for a Farm Management Deposit Scheme that would enable farmers, through the taxation system, to save funds in good years to cope with bad years. We also warmly welcome the recognition of farmers completely disadvantaged position in the food supply chain and the ambition to change this, said Mr. Comer. A pensioner farmer prevented three armed plain-clothes members of a Garda drugs unit from gaining access to his home because he thought they were thugs in hoodies. At Ennis District Court, 67-year old, Martin Danaher said that the Gardai looked like three thugs and that they were looking for his son at Snipe Lodge, Knockagulla, Lisdoonvarna in August 2014. Mr Danaher said that two of the men were wearing hoodies with the third wearing a t-shirt when they called to his door. Mr Danaher said that he did not believe that the men - who arrived at the home in an unmarked black Ford Mondeo - were Gardai. He said that Garda ID was shown but this was at a distance. The actions of Mr Danaher in refusing Gardai entry to carry out a search of the home formed part of the basis of Gardai refusing to renew the mans gun licence this year. However, Mr Danaher is to get his gun back after Judge Patrick Duran upheld his appeal against the decision to revoke his shot-gun licence. Judge Durcan said that he was sufficiently impressed about the doubts that Mr Danaher might have had in his mind concerning the incident when the Gardai called to his home. He said: I know as someone who lives in the countryside myself, there is a need for people in the countryside to have a firearm, particularly for farmers, there is a need to have vermin controlled. Mr Danaher said that he used the gun to control vermin and shoot wild dogs who attack sheep. In evidence, Det Garda Trevor Shannon said that Mr Danaher told us we would not be entering his house on August 22nd 2014. Det Shannon said that Mr Danaher said that by no ways or means would we be entering his residence. Det Shannon told the court that Mr Danaher said that if Gardai wished to enter the house you will have to put me down. He sad: It was said in a threatening manner and due to lack of assistance and location and the force I believe that would have been required, I made a decision not to execute the warrant and we returned to the Garda station. He said: It was a very tense situation and at any time could have blown up. It was very volatile. Det Shannon said that he was there to execute a search warrant concerning a third party living at the house. Mr Danaher voluntarily handed over his gun to Gardai in January 2015. This followed a separate incident at Mr Danahers home that was investigated by Gardai but where the DPP recommended no prosecution. Supt John Galvin said that the incident involved Mr Danaher being trapped in a container which caught fire. Supt Galvin said that there was no allegation that Mr Danaher used the gun or threatened to use it on any occasion. Supt Galvin said that he made the decision to revoke the licence as a result of public safety concerns. Less than an hour after being nominated as the new Tanaiste by Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, Simon Coveney was back taking questions in the Dail on farming. The former Minister for Agriculture said it was "good to be talking about agriculture again" and refuted claims by Fianna Fail's spokesperson on agriculture Charlie McConalogue that there would be an underspend of 380m in the agri-environmental scheme GLAS. Coveney said his Government will ensure farmers are not short changed and all avail funding under the Rural Development Programme is fully drawn down. "It's not accurate to say there is a pool of 300 and whatever million euro left on the table." During questions from the opposition today, McConalogue said that by GLAS would have a 1.4bn underspend as the Government falls short of delivering on its promises. McConalogue told Coveney that farmers had been "short changed" and called on Minister Coveney to ensure that all monies from the EU are drawn down. He also asked Coveney if his Government would ensure that every effort is made to ensure the CAP budget is kept, in light of the imminent fiscal hole from Brexit. McConalogue also reminded the nominated Tanaiste of the other challenges facing farmers, including a possibly imminent fodder crisis and a Mercosur deal that could impact the beef industry. Coveney said that the EU Commissioner for Agriculture Phil Hogan, who yesterday published a white paper on the future of the CAP, said it was a politically intelligent move by Hogan, as it ensures a debate about the future of CAP well in advance. He said the last round of CAP was big about recognising environmental responsibilities, exploiting opportunities for growth and expansion. "We want to continue that into the next round of CAP," he said, and the EU has an Irish Commissioner who understands that line of thinking. He also said that Ireland needs to continue its relationships with other countries in Europe who appreciated the importance of agriculture and CAP funding for agriculture. Trumbull, CT November 30, 2017 TMC announced the conference program for The Blockchain Event being held February 15-16, 2018 at the Greater Ft. Lauderdale/Broward County Convention Center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. This event is focused on how blockchain, one of the most important information technology inventions of our time, can lead to a mass transformation across industries. Through keynotes, breakout sessions, case studies and networking opportunities attendees will learn how to use blockchain technology to their strategic advantage. The two-day conference program was developed for entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, enthusiasts, executives, product managers and developers of both established enterprises and innovative startups. Blockchain is disrupting almost every industry imaginable, from financial services to healthcare, from security to manufacturing and beyond, said Rich Tehrani, TMC CEO and conference chairman. With every new technological disruption, comes new opportunity and The Blockchain Event conference program was built to help all types of businesses and organizations start capitalizing on blockchain now. The Conference Program Includes: Blockchain Trailblazers with Jason Kelly of IBM Blockchain 101 Telco Blockchain How Bitcoin Made an 18-Year-Old a Millionaire Blockchain Innovation Case Studies Data Security in the Age of Bitcoin Big Data and Blockchains Blockchain in the Enterprise ICOs: The Next Wave of Investing Speakers and sessions are updated daily. Check back here for frequent updates. Registration for the Blockchain Event is now open. For more information, contact [email protected] . For media registration, contact Jessica Seabrook. Companies interested in exhibiting, sponsorship or advertising packages should contact Dave Rodriguez at 203-852-6800 x146. For the latest Blockchain Event news, updates and information, follow the event on Twitter at @BlockchainEvent. About TMC Global buyers rely on TMCs content-driven marketplaces to make purchase decisions and navigate markets. This presents branding, thought leadership and lead generation opportunities for vendors/sellers. TMCs Marketplaces: Unique, turnkey Online Communities boost search results, establish market validation, elevate brands and thought leadership, while minimizing ad-blocking. Custom Lead Programs uncover sales opportunities and build databases. In-Person and Online Events boost brands, enhance thought leadership and generate leads. Publications, Display Advertising and Newsletters bolster brand reputations. Custom Content provides expertly ghost-crafted blogs, press releases, articles and marketing collateral to help with SEO, branding, and overall marketing efforts. Comprehensive Event and Road Show Management Services help companies meet potential clients and generate leads face-to-face. For more information about TMC and to learn how we can help you reach your marketing goals, please visit Media and Analyst Contact: Jessica Seabrook Marketing Director 203.852.6800 ext.170 [email protected] Share this Page Edited by Mandi Nowitz More than three in four Irish companies have experienced a moderate or extreme skills shortage in the last 12 months, according to the Hays Ireland Salary & Recruiting Trends 2018 guide. The good news for job seekers is that three-quarters of the companies surveyed said that they plan on recruiting more staff in 2018, however finding the right candidates with the right skills is seen as the top challenge in recruiting prospective employees for the majority of the companies surveyed. In a move to counter the problem of staff shortages, more than a third of companies said they will hire temporary or contract staff to address immediate skills shortages, while 30pc will increase training budgets, according to the survey of 1,700 employers and employees across Ireland. Meanwhile 29pcthe majority in construction, the life sciences and techwill resort to hiring workers from overseas to address the issue of staff and skills shortages. While nearly three-quarters of employers said that they had given their employees a pay rise over the past year, 58pc of employees say that they are dissatisfied with their salaries, with 30pc saying that they want to leave their job due to salary dissatisfaction. Just over half of employees surveyed said that they expect to move jobs in the next 12 months. "Not having the right talent available is more than just a short-term operations and admin headache31pc of employers acknowledged that its a serious problem that can undermine revenue streams and stunt growth," Maureen Lynch, director at Hays Ireland, said. "Senior management needs to understand the risks of being chronically short-staffed, mitigate them, and make best use of the solutions available to them, like in-house training or overseas recruitment." In terms of non-financial incentives that employees are looking for, career development was the most important benefit for Generation Z and Millennials, while for Baby Boomers those born between 1940 and 1960 job location and job security were listed as the most important benefits. Other non-financial benefits that featured prominently in the survey included a good work-life balance, flexible working, and health insurance coverage. The European Investment Bank (EIB) is partnering with Dutch lender Rabobank to provide 200m in cheap loans to Irish SMEs in the farming and food sectors. The funds will be provided at a discount through Rabobank's vendor-financing operation DLL, with 100m being stumped up by each. The move comes less than six months after the two bodies established a 50m pool to deploy towards projects that could demonstrate a positive climate impact in Ireland. "That went so well for them [DLL] that they've come back to us to look for an expanded package," said EIB vice-president Andrew McDowell. "We do lending through intermediary banks all through Europe. This is something we're trying to do more of in Ireland. "To be frank, we didn't do as much of this as we would have liked during the financial crisis. "This is an area of our business that we're trying to grow in Ireland and we'd like this to be a signal to other financial institutions that this form of lending from the EIB is available." Mr McDowell said about 0.20pc would be knocked off the borrowers' cost of funding as a result of the EIB finance. DLL in Ireland is a leasing company, not a bank. It can use the funds to provide leasing or hire-purchase to farmers or builders, but cannot lend working capital or for land purchases. Fergal O'Mongain, group treasurer and country manager for DLL Ireland, said the finance would be of three to seven years duration. DLL has already acted as an intermediary for EIB funds in Germany, Poland, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, the Netherlands and Italy. "We're doing a certain element of this business anyway, so it's nice to be able to pass on the discount. "We, as a company, operate on a global stage and we partner with the EIB in the Netherlands. But this year is the first time that we've done anything with Ireland." Mr McDowell will be in Dublin today to sign the new 100m engagement with DLL and is also due to speak at a European Movement event, alongside Finance Minister Pascal Donohoe. In September the EIB launched a fresh lending initiative for Irish businesses as it ramped up its involvement in the economy ahead of Brexit. That 300m financing scheme is aimed at medium-sized firms and represented the first time the EIB has extended funds directly to this segment of the market. Mr McDowell said the EIB will hit its record lending target in Ireland of 1bn this year. The Luxembourg-based body is also, along with the State, underpinning by way of a financial guarantee the 300m Brexit loan scheme announced in the Budget to help provide working capital to firms impacted by Brexit. EIB President Werner Hoyer will be in Ireland next week to formally launch the scheme. It also supported the state's agricultural cashflow loan scheme announced in Budget 2017 to help firms in the agricultural sector deal with Brexit. A US fintech firm is expanding its workforce in Ireland with the creation of 150 jobs at its Dublin site. Equifax expects to fill the new vacancies over the next 12 months, which will bring the number of its employees here to over 350. The Atlanta-headquartered company opened a new IT development centre on Sir Rogerson's Quay last September. "We said last year that we were betting on Dublin to deliver the talent we need, and that bet has paid off significantly," said Paul ODwyer, IT Development Centre Leader. The credit-monitoring giant also has a separate facility in Wexford which it set up over 20 years ago. Equifax organises and analyses data on more than 820 million consumers and more than 91m businesses worldwide. Mark Rohrwasser, Interim Chief Information Officer at Equifax said that Ireland today is a globally recognised tech hub. "We are building a diverse, highly-skilled team who are at the forefront of excellence in innovation...Its exciting to be part of Dublins highly-sophisticated technology market." The company has commenced hiring for the 150 vacancies with a goal of filling all positions over the next 12 months at the Dublin office. The Central Bank and the Government have been accused of holding back the development of credit unions. False claims that the sector would end up needing a 1bn bailout were used during the worst of the downturn to clamp down on the lenders, members of the Oireachtas Finance Committee said. Committee chairman John McGuinness said the member-owned lenders were being restricted, which was one of the key reasons they were not growing fast enough. The committee has recommended in a report that smaller credit unions should not be subject to the same stringent regulation as ones with multi-million euros in assets or savings. It has also recommended that credit unions be allowed to lend more of their money for the likes of mortgages, and should be allowed to invest in social housing. There are currently restrictions on the level of long-term lending. For most credit unions, just 10pc of the loan book of a credit union can be lent out for more than 10 years, severely restricting the amount of mortgage lending they can do. The TDs and senators said this strict rule should be relaxed. The committee also wants the Central Bank to move to tiered regulation, which would mean tougher rules for larger lenders. But as part of this, the bigger ones would also be able to introduce services that smaller, and less sophisticated, credit unions would not be allowed to offer. "The credit union sector should be allowed to grow, and should not be regulated out of business," Mr McGuinness said He said statements by former finance minister Michael Noonan in the Seanad in 2011 that the credit unions would need a 1bn bailout from taxpayers proved far off the mark. But this was used by regulators and policy makers to hold back the development of credit unions. "I feel the credit union movement is often restricted in what it can do," added Mr McGuinness The committee said it was concerned that lending was at such low levels at the State's credit unions. Only a quarter of the assets of credit unions are loaned out and the figure should be nearer half. At the moment there are fewer than 300 credit unions, and they are subject to one-size-fits-all regulation, whether they have 20m in assets or 400m. Mr McGuinness said the low level of lending was despite the fact that on the surface the sector appeared robust. Sector assets have increased by 2bn between 2011 and 2016 from 14bn to 16bn. The committee said the ability of credit unions to withstand additional financial stress was strong, despite the High Court-ordered wind-down of Charleville last month. The committee said the sector had about 880m of surplus capital. Both the Irish League of Credit Unions, and the other representative body, the Credit Union Development Association, welcomed the report. Google paid just 164m in tax last year despite a gross profit of 19.4bn being declared. The tech giant posted a surge in the revenues and profits that it reports in Ireland. The firm said that turnover increased to 26.3bn in 2016, a 3.7bn rise on 2015, with a gross profit of 19.4bn. However, because of legal tax avoidance rules, it paid tax of only 164m. The accounts show that 18.4bn was deducted from its gross profit figure for "administrative expenses". With other considerations, its taxable profit in Ireland for the year was 1.18bn, from which the tax bill of 164m accrued. The news comes just one day after it emerged that Facebook paid just 30m in tax in Ireland on revenue of 12.6bn last year. The company filed accounts here showing that its profit before tax in Ireland had risen from 109.6m to 174.3m, a 59pc increase. Facebook has seen significant increases in the number of people using its services and now has 2.1 billion global users. Instagram, which it also owns, has 800 million global users, while its WhatsApp messaging app has 1.2 billion global users. While Google paid 164m in tax last year, it is more than three times Google's Irish tax payment for 2015. Tech giants like Facebook, Google and also Apple are regularly criticised for minimising their tax payments. However, they legally organise revenue reporting in a way to minimise international tax bills. As the results emerged yesterday, Google's head of Irish operations Fionnuala Meehan said it now employed more than 7,000 people at its Dublin office, a jump of 9pc on last year. Other sections of its accounts show that it pays staff an average of 91,000 before pension contributions or share option payments. Google has been buying up extra office space in the docklands region of Dublin city to keep pace with its growth. Its most recent property move was the acquisition of a lease on the large Velasco building on Dublin's Grand Canal, providing an additional 51,000sqft for its operations in Dublin. "We continue to expand our engineering operations in Dublin, adding 35 new roles last year," said Ms Meehan. "We now have over 400 engineers employed in Dublin. The Emea (Europe, Middle East and Asia) sales organisation here in Dublin is driving that growth across Europe and we continue to deliver value for our advertisers, publishers and partner networks." Google opened its second data centre in Dublin in 2016, representing an investment of 150m. In recent weeks, however, it has bought a plot of land in Denmark with a view to building a new data centre there. Despite the rise in Google's declared profits and tax here, the figures will be a reminder of the disparity between multinational firms' revenue and tax that international accounting practices now reveal. The European Commission may soon propose new rules around tax consolidation across the EU following support for such a measure from French President Emmanuel Macron. Last summer, Facebook announced the formation of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) with Microsoft, Twitter and YouTube. Stock image Facebook says that it removing 99pc of content from terrorist groups such as Isil and Al Qaeda before it reaches Facebook users. "In some cases, this is before it goes live on the site," said Monika Bickert, head of global policy management. "We do this primarily through the use of automated systems like photo and video matching and text-based machine learning. Once we are aware of a piece of terror content, we remove 83pc of subsequently uploaded copies within one hour of upload." She said that artificial intelligence is being deployed to help battle extremism on the service. "Deploying AI for counterterrorism is not as simple as flipping a switch. Depending on the technique, you need to carefully curate databases or have human beings code data to train a machine. A system designed to find content from one terrorist group may not work for another because of language and stylistic differences in their propaganda. Because of these limitations, we focus our most innovative techniques on the terrorist groups that pose the biggest threat globally. Isis and Al Qaeda meet this definition most directly, so we prioritise our tools to counter these organisations and their affiliates. "We hope over time that we may be able to responsibly and effectively expand the use of automated systems to detect content from regional terrorist organisations too." Last summer, Facebook announced the formation of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) with Microsoft, Twitter and YouTube. Bickert said that GIFCT's work encompasses the development and expansion of a shared industry database of 'hashes' that launched at the EU Internet Forum in December 2016. "We share and accept these hashes, which are unique digital fingerprints of terrorist media, from other companies to help detect attempted uploads of potential terrorist propaganda," she said. "Through GIFCT, we also engage with governments around the world and are preparing to jointly commission research on how governments, tech companies and civil society can fight online radicalisation." Lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohr met with EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager yesterday to discuss anti-trust concerns over the German carrier's acquisition of Air Berlin assets, said a source. Lufthansa last month signed a 210m deal to take over Air Berlin businesses Niki and LG Walter, plus some short-haul planes, to cement its position in Germany and expand its Eurowings brand. The deal has come under fire from airlines and consumer groups which fear it will give Lufthansa dominance of German domestic routes and in Austria. The source told Reuters that the European Union Commission was leaning toward blocking the takeover of Niki. The talks between Mr Spohr and Ms Vestager come ahead of a deadline today for Lufthansa to propose concessions to allay European Commission concerns over the deal. It is expected to have to offer significant remedies as more than 100 of its routes overlap with those of Air Berlin, creating a near monopoly on some routes. If Lufthansa fails to propose concessions, the Commission will launch an in-depth probe, which could call into the question the whole takeover as Niki, Air Berlin's Austrian business, would have to be propped up financially for longer before Lufthansa could start restructuring it. Lufthansa declined to comment. The European Commission said its investigation was ongoing. Air Berlin, which has struggled to turn a profit over the last decade, filed for insolvency in August, leaving the future of thousands of workers in the balance. International investors are gearing up for 10.5bn worth of loan sales next year as lenders prepare to clear out legacy debts a decade after Lehman Brothers collapsed. (stock photo) International investors are gearing up for 10.5bn worth of loan sales next year as lenders prepare to clear out legacy debts a decade after Lehman Brothers collapsed. AIB's much-anticipated 3.8bn Project Redwood is up first. The lender plans to fire the starting gun on the loan portfolio sale before Christmas as its initial launch target of the end of November looks destined to bleed into December. Sources close to the bank insisted Project Redwood remains on course to launch in the coming weeks and stressed AIB intends to market the deal before the end of the year even if that results in paperwork circulating at the peak of the festive season. It is understood AIB has beefed up the team working on Project Redwood in recent weeks amid a frantic push to reach a pre-Christmas deadline. Delays are expected to beset Permanent TSB's 1.25bn book of soured buy-to-let loans too with an official launch potentially pushed back to March or April. Assembling portfolios of troubled loans take immense amounts of complex and detailed work as lenders recover paperwork for thousands of loans. As one source pointed out, banks often run into delays once the "nuts and bolts of the process" are thrashed out and claimed the average preparation period for these deals - which for example necessitate the recovery of each facility letter to each borrower - is at least 6-9 months. Both loan portfolio sales represent watershed events for the partially nationalised banks. After its 3.4bn initial public offering in June, AIB is keen to purge its balance sheet of toxic loans and adhere to its dividend targets. A more onerous stance from the European Central Bank has also spurred the banks into action. Permanent TSB remains the lender with the highest exposure to soured debt, a growing sources of anxiety to investors and a key factor behind its lacklustre share price. As the ECB's threatens tougher sanctions against lenders still saddled with high levels of non-performing loans, the outlook for PTSB has darkened. Earlier this month analysts at US investment bank Keefe, Bruyette & Woods (KBW) warned the regulatory pressure to offload NPLs may force the part-nationalised bank to tap investors for more cash. KBW, the boutique bank that advised PTSB on its stock market flotation two years ago, downgraded its rating on the lender to underperform and predicted it could struggle to sell off soured loans without an injection of equity. As Investec's Owen Callan highlighted, such a scenario "would have seemed extremely unlikely" a year ago. But now "you factor it into your worst case scenario and that is why the stock is under such pressure," he said. As the shifting regulatory landscape forces the region's lender into large-scale loan sales, investor demand for Irish mortgages remains acute. Danske offloaded a 1.8bn portfolio at just below par to a Goldman Sachs and Pimco joint venture. The success of that deal has prompted Lloyds to plot a similar sale, enabling it to jettison its 5bn-plus remaining mortgage book. The UK bank is expected to launch that deal in the middle of next year according to sources - with its own in-house team leading the sale. Much of the preparation or grunt work on the portfolio will be parcelled out to a consultancy or accountancy firm. According to sources, the suitors that joined the race for the Danske retail book, which is expected to be securitised early next year will line up for the Lloyds portfolio. However prospective bidders for all these deals are keeping a close eye on the potential consequences of a recent High Court case against Bank of Scotland. The UK lender, now owned by Lloyds, has been challenged over the process of transferring a mortgage charge to the distressed debt firm, Tanager. The charge was registered by the UK lender's subsidiary, Bank of Scotland Ireland. The issues emerged after Tanager Designated Activity Company was refused a repossession order for Rolf Kane's family home in Clonsilla, Dublin. Sources said the case, referred to the Appeal Court, has caused jitters among investors as they prepare to bid on a string of mega loan portfolio sales. Eighteen children from the Holy Family School for the Deaf are set to light up The Late Late Toy Show with an "amazing" performance tomorrow night. The school's junior choir ranges in age from four to 12 and members comes from all over Ireland. All of the children at the Cabra school take part in choir lessons, and 18 were chosen to audition for the Toy Show. "All of the children do choir, every single one of them," said choir conductor Shirley Higgins. Expand Close Shirley Higgins / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Shirley Higgins "We decided we would apply for this year's Late Late Toy Show and went to the RTE studios for an audition. Luckily, we were chosen. "All the children are deaf and don't sing. They perform their music through Irish Sign Language, which makes it visual. "They express the music through facial expressions and the signs that they are using." Ms Higgins said the school has been "buzzing with excitement" since it was told it had been chosen to perform on the Toy Show. "We have five-year-olds counting down the days until the show," said Ms Higgins. "They're so excited. It's amazing how their con-fidence is growing. "Day by day, you can see them beaming. They're so proud of themselves. "The children are representing their schools and their families. Video of the Day They are going to be on television in front of the whole nation on an iconic programme that we all grew up with. "When I rang their parents to tell them, all they heard was The Late Late Toy Show. "They didn't hear any other details because they were so excited." The Toy Show is watched by more than 1.5 million people, but the children are not nervous about their performance, said Ms Higgins. "I'm the one who's nervous," she said. "They're telling me to relax, and telling me, 'It'll be OK'." Caitriona Perry is not nervous about taking over the reins of the RTE Six One News next year from Sharon Ni Bheolain and Bryan Dobson. The Dubliner and fellow RTE star Keelin Shanley will front the programme from January, with Dobson having recently moved to Morning Ireland and Ni Bheolain set to present the Nine O'Clock News. The current Washington correspondent explained she has been working as a journalist for so long that she doesn't have any nerves. "I've been in broadcast journalism for a long time now so I'm more concerned about packing up my life and moving continents," she told the Herald. "I'll be back in the US packing and then I'll move back home over the Christmas break and get ready to start in January." Perry previously revealed the Six One gig was not a job she ever sought out. "I think everyone knows how much I absolutely adored America and I loved the job," she said. "It's such a huge job, it's the thing everyone grew up watching with your tea or your dinner. It's part of the Irish psyche. "So, when I was offered this out of the blue, it was very difficult to say no to." Perry was nominated for the non-fiction book of the year prize at the Bord Gais Energy Irish Book Awards for her debut book In America: Tales From Trump Country. The TV host flew in to attend Tuesday's bash, where it was revealed she was pipped to the prize by Fergal Keane. "With my job, I'm used to jetsetting and not getting much sleep. So you put the face paint on, go out the door and adrenaline gets you the rest of the way," she said. Video of the Day "I mean it's just amazing to be shortlisted for the book awards for my first book." The broadcaster visited several states President Donald Trump carried in the 2016 presidential election while researching her book and she hopes it will make people more "open-minded" about why Americans voted for the former reality TV host. Perry hopes to put pen to paper again in the future when she finds the time. "Hopefully, yeah. Obviously I'm starting a new job in January so I'll be busy with that for a while, but I loved the process of writing a book," she said. "I have a very busy patch at the moment with President Trump, so if you're a news junkie like me every news day is exciting." Perry made international headlines in June after Trump beckoned her to his desk while he was taking a call from Taoiseach Leo Varadkar during a White House press meeting. Trump said Perry had a "nice smile" and told the Taoiseach: "I bet she treats you well." Perry later described the encounter as a "bizarre moment" and thought he was just saying whatever came into his head. At the Irish Water Safety national awards ceremony were (left) Michael Lyons (6) with his granddad Michael and uncle Michael who received an award for saving Michaels cousin Max (2) after he fell into the water while feeding ducks. Photo: Frank McGrath A total of 30 people were saved from drowning in Ireland's waters this year - thanks to the bravery of 32 heroes. Volunteers, emergency services personnel and local people were among those whose courage was recognised at the Irish Water Safety Awards. Expand Close Right, brother and sister Bernard and Roisin Cahill from Co Clare received an Irish Water Safety SEIKO Just In Time Award for helping to rescue a swimmer from a rip current Photo: Frank McGrath / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Right, brother and sister Bernard and Roisin Cahill from Co Clare received an Irish Water Safety SEIKO Just In Time Award for helping to rescue a swimmer from a rip current Photo: Frank McGrath More than 130 people drown in the waters of Ireland every year, on average. Forty-three long-service volunteer awards were presented, recognising a combined 895 years of service in teaching swimming, water rescue and survival skills. A total of 30 children, aged 14 and under, have drowned over the past 10 years. Rural and Community Development Minister Michael Ring, who is responsible for water safety, said the tragic total reflected the importance of constant and uninterrupted child supervision. "The work of Irish Water Safety's volunteers in teaching and assessing lifeguards pays dividends every year," he said. "I appeal to all adults to make themselves more aware of the dangers in, on or around water. Expand Close Gda Stephen Fahy and Gda James Conneely with Adam McGoldrick, who received awards for rescuing a man drowning in the Garavogue River in Sligo. Photo: Frank McGrath / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Gda Stephen Fahy and Gda James Conneely with Adam McGoldrick, who received awards for rescuing a man drowning in the Garavogue River in Sligo. Photo: Frank McGrath "It only takes seconds for tragedy to strike." A Chinese national jailed for ordering and accepting a package of cannabis from a garda posing as a DHL employee, has had his jail term cut on appeal. Peng Fei He (34) of Little Mary Street, Dublin, pleaded guilty to possessing over 140,000 worth of cannabis for sale or supply in the capital on November 13, 2015. He was sentenced at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to eight years imprisonment with the final two suspended by Judge Pauline Codd on October 5, 2016. Peng successfully appealed his sentence today with the Court of Appeal holding that the headline sentence of 12 years, before mitigation, was too severe. Giving judgment, Mr Justice John Hedigan said Custom's officers at Dublin Airport intercepted two DHL packages coming from Spain found to contain just over 7kgs of cannabis. The packages were destined for two different addresses in Dublin with two different phone numbers. The first package was delivered to Peng by arrangement outside an address on Blackhorse Avenue, in the capital. He accepted it, put it in the boot of his car and was stopped by gardai a short time later. He was untruthful for the first four interviews but, when faced with the weight of evidence, made admissions and accepted responsibility for both parcels. Peng accepted having ordered the packages from Spain, admitted knowledge of their contents and referred to having gambling debts of four to five thousand Euro. It was stated that money was being sent to China in his name. However, there was no evidence for this, Mr Justice Hedigan said. Counsel for the Director of Public Prosecutions, Gerardine Small BL, said Peng's role could be distinguished from the majority of defendants in these cases who often labour under considerable drug addictions. Ms Small, along with Amy Heffron BL, submitted that Peng wasn't a mule, he was management. Mr Justice Hedigan said there was a lack of clarity on Peng's precise role but it was accepted he was not the main beneficiary and that he acted mainly for financial motives. The gardai accepted that Peng was living in squalid conditions and there was some element of fear in that he refused to name others involved. He said Peng's previous convictions, for road traffic matters, were too minor to be relevant. He was amenable to rehabilitation and expressed remorse through his counsel. The sentencing judge found exceptional and specific circumstances which would have made the mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years unjust. She found Peng was entitled to a reduction of four years for mitigating factors and to deter further offending, suspended the final two years. Mr Justice Hedigan said the sentence in this case was a severe one, reflecting at it must the grave nature of drug offending and the terrible damage it wreaked on society. He said the Court of Appeal agreed with the sentencing judge's analysis save only for the chosen headline sentence of 12 years which, the court held, should have been nine. The court noted that a 12 year headline sentence was upheld in the case of 'Devlin' involving drugs worth 1.3m, ten times the value of the drugs here. Applying the same mitigating factors, Mr Justice Hedigan, who sat with Mr Justice Alan Mahon and Mr Justice John Edwards, re-sentenced Peng to six years imprisonment with the final 18 months suspended. The operators of Dublin's Glasnevin cemetery have secured High Court orders directing Twitter to disclose the identity of an anonymous Twitter user who has made a number of allegedly defamatory statements. The orders were granted by Mr Paul Gilligan in favour of Dublin Cemeteries Committee trading as the Glasnevin Trust. However the Judge declined to make an order directing Twitter to delete material posted on the social media platform concerning the trust. The trust sought orders against Twitter International Company including one directing twitter to carry out a number of steps including disclosing the identity of the user of a twitter profile called "Justice4Employees" at the account address @Glasnevinexpose. They also sought orders directing Twitter to disclose emails accounts, IP addresses, and postal addresses associated with the account, and that posts relating to the trust be removed. The type of orders sought by the trust are known as Norwich Pharmacal orders. Seeking the orders Eugene Gleeson SC for the Trust said between January and the end of March last posts that are disparaging, defamatory and damaging to the trust and members of its staff appeared on the twitter account. While the posts ceased lat the end of March the "highly offensive" statements still remain on the social media platform, counsel said. His client was seeking various relief in a bid to have the damaging and defamatory statements removed from where they can bee seen by the public. Twitter, represented by Paul Coughlan Bl, neither consented nor objected to the orders sought in relation to the identification of the account holder, but had suggested that they be amended. Counsel said his client had concerns over the application for an order directing twitter to delete all material posted on the account in so far as it relates to it. It was not in a position to say if the remarks complained of on the account were defamatory or not. To be asked to remove such statements in the absence of any finding that the remarks are defamatory left Twitter in an "impossible situation." counsel said. Twitter counsel submitted should not be asked to take the statements down, and such an order should be sought against the person or persons who posted them. Counsel added the trust had delayed in seeking the orders, given that it had first raised the issues complained of in March. In his ruling Mr Justice Paul Gilligan noted that the remarks made about the largest cemetery in Ireland, which contained many monuments of historical significance, were "very serious" and appeared "grossly defamatory." The Judge said he was prepared to grant orders in favour of the trust concerning the identity of the account users, without any of the amendments advanced by Twitter. The Judge said he was not prepared to make orders directing the Twitter user to take down the material. The Judge said such an order should be sought after the identity of the user is known, and they have been notified of the proceedings. The Trust if it so wished can return to court and seek orders removing the material when the identity of the user is known. The Judge also gave Twitter 21 days to comply with the Norwich Pharmacal orders. Being naive or foolish does not give someone the right to sexually assault you, a lawyer has told the trial of a former UCD student accused of sexually assaulting a woman he met on Tinder. "Everyone has the right to say no to sexual advances and for that right to be respected", Paul Burns SC told the jury in his closing speech. The jury will consider its verdict this morning. The 36-year-old accused has denied sexually assaulting the woman, claiming she "freaked out" and "started crying" when he tried to kiss her. The woman has alleged the accused touched her thighs, forced her to kiss him, called her a "f*cking b*tch" and pulled down the top part of her dress and exposed her breast. The Dublin man has pleaded not guilty before Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to the sexual assault of the woman at the UCD campus at Belfield on July 23, 2014. On day seven of the trial the jury heard gardai interviewed the accused on two occasions. The accused told gardai he picked the woman up in the city centre, and drove out to UCD. There was "more or less no conversation" in the car. He hoped they would "make out and maybe have sex", the jury heard, though there was "no pre-arrangement" to have sex. The accused said he believed they were probably meeting for sex because he had told her on Tinder he was a porn star. He said this was banter, but she seemed quite interested. He also told her he would like her to star in a film with him, and he claimed she told him "that interests me very much". He said he drove to a secluded area in UCD and leaned over to kiss her. "I did try and kiss her and when she asked me to stop and pushed me off I stopped immediately", he told gardai. He said she then "freaked out completely" and started crying. She asked to leave so they left, he said. He drove through the campus, and asked her to get out of the car because she was freaking out. She did not know where she was, and begged him not to throw her out of the car. He said he pulled into a field to talk to her and try to calm her down. The door was locked and she pulled it to open it. He told her "will you, jesus, relax". He was thinking "what the f**k, it's like a mad, mad situation", he told gardai. She got out of the car and he drove off. He denied to gardai that he hit her, forced her to kiss him or sexually assaulted her. However, he may have "brushed off her cheek with his lips" when he leaned in to kiss her. In his closing speech, prosecutor Paul Burns SC told the jury the accused's version of events was "not credible". Mr Burns said the jury may believe the woman was naive or foolish, but that did not give someone the right to attack her or sexually assault her. Defence counsel Paul Flannery SC said the accused was not "gentlemanly" but he had provided gardai with a "coherent narrative" of what had happened. Mr Flannery said the accused made no bones about what he was doing on Tinder and was upfront at all times with gardai. "If you're like me, you don't approve of men taking women out on Tinder for dates or sex. Neither sympathy for her or distaste for him is relevant," he said. The trial continues. Lawyers for the American man who murdered Jason Corbett have told a court they can no longer represent him in a civil action related to the killing. Thomas Martens (67), who along with his daughter Molly Martens-Corbett (33) was jailed for the Limerick man's murder, had been seeking to use two insurance policies to cover his legal costs in the case. However, his lawyers are now seeking to withdraw from representing him as the insurance company says the allegations in the lawsuit do not trigger any obligation for it to provide him with a defence team or an indemnity. In the lawsuit, Mr Corbett's estate is seeking at least $50,000 (42,240) in damages for his wrongful death. The civil action was brought by Mr Corbett's brother-in-law David Lynch, in his capacity as executor of the estate. Martens and his daughter were both jailed last August for between 20 and 25 years for the second degree murder of Mr Corbett at his home in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, on August 2, 2015. Both are being sued by Mr Corbett's estate for damages, as is Martens's wife Sharon, who was not charged with any offence. No issues have been raised about the legal representation for Molly Martens-Corbett or Sharon Martens in the lawsuit. In a court filing, attorneys Kenk Hamrick and Ann Rowe said they were retained in the civil action by Thomas Martens's insurance provider, State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, last July. However, last month the insurance firm informed Thomas Martens it was not obliged to provide a defence team or an indemnity for him under the terms of his personal liability and homeowners insurance policies. The lawyers say they were subsequently instructed to withdraw as his counsel due to the "disclaimer of coverage". They have now asked the Davidson County Superior Court in North Carolina for permission to come off record. If approved, it could mean Martens may have to represent himself in the lawsuit unless he can find another source of funds to pay for a defence team. A FORMER UCD student has been found guilty by a jury of sexually assaulting a woman he met on Tinder. The 36-year-old had denied the sexual assault, claiming the English language student "freaked out" and "started crying" when he tried to kiss her. He told gardai he believed they were "hooking up" but she said that she never told him she wanted to meet up for sex. The woman had alleged the defendant touched her thighs, forced her to kiss him, hit her on the back of the head, called her a "f*cking b*tch" and pulled down the top part of her dress and exposed her breast. After one and a half hours of deliberations, the jury of six men and six women returned with a verdict of guilty. The young woman, who returned to Ireland from Brazil for the trial, looked relieved when the verdict was read out. A translator has been by her side for the duration of the trial. Wearing a navy suit, blue stripped shirt and stripped tie, the defendant did not react when the verdict was read out. Judge Cormac Quinn thanked the jury for its service. The judge ordered that a victim impact report be prepared and that the defendant be registered as a sex offender. The Dublin man had pleaded not guilty before Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to the sexual assault of the woman at the UCD campus at Belfield on July 23, 2014. During the eight day trial, the jury heard that the woman, now aged 35, had come to Ireland to learn English and had arrived the previous month. She said she couldnt speak any English and was adding people to her Tinder account to start learning the language. She contacted the accused on Tinder on June 29 and they began chatting online. At one point he told her, I only want to f*ck you, and she told him: "That was rude, Im a good person, Im not a wh**e." The woman told the jury she became upset at this text from the defendant because it wasnt my intention. The man apologised and the pair continued to chat on WhatsApp. He repeatedly asked to meet her and suggested they could go for a drive in his car. At one point the woman said, You just want sex, it makes me scared. The jury were told the defendant replied, No I dont just want this. I want to meet and be friends too. The woman told the jury It was scaring me, I only wanted to meet someone that could help me improve my English. The woman said she did agree to meet the man and they arranged for him to pick her up in Dublin city centre. She said he looked friendly and was smiling and she got into the car. The court heard he drove them to UCD, where he had studied for four years, but she didnt know where she was. She testified he parked the car near a green area with trees and nobody around. She started to feel scared because we had said we are going for a coffee. He turned the car engine off and she heard the car doors locking. She said he became very aggressive. He was looking like a monster. His face wasnt the same face that smiled to me when I got into his car. He was calling me bad names and trying to touch me. I tried to take his hands away, and I couldnt. The only word I could say to him, stop, stop, I want my house, stop, stop, she said. She said he didnt stop. She said he put his hand on her knee and pulled her dress up to her thigh. He held her arm and her breast was exposed. During a struggle, she hit him with her elbow and he punched her head, she said. She managed to unlock the car door and get out. She said he drove off leaving her there and a woman out walking her dogs helped her get a taxi home. The dog walker, Criona Cullen, testified that the woman was distressed, didn't know where she was and told her she "wanted to go home". The woman's flatmate said the woman seemed really scared and afraid" and told him that a "guy had tried to rape her". The accused told gardai he picked her up in the city centre, and drove out to UCD, to a secluded area. There was "more or less no conversation" in the car. He was hoping they would "make out and maybe have sex", the jury heard, though he told gardai there was "no pre-arrangement" to have sex. "I did try and kiss her and when she asked me to stop and pushed me off I stopped immediately", he told gardai. He said she then "freaked out completely" and started crying. She asked to leave so they left, he claimed. In his closing speech, prosecution lawyer Paul Burns SC told the jury the woman may have been naive, foolish or even stupid but "that did not give someone the right to sexually assault her." An apartment resident, who complained of "horrendous" noise coming from a neighbour's home, gripped the man by the throat in an "eyeball to eyeball" confrontation. Mark Somers (52) assaulted the man who lived in the fourth-floor apartment above him, then claimed in court the victim was a "neighbour from hell". The man, David Glynn, denied he had believed Somers was an "arrogant, imperious" English man who was "telling him how to live". He said they had never had heated words before the row on August 28, 2015. Somers pleaded not guilty to assaulting Mr Glynn at the Metropolitan Apartments in Kilmainham, Dublin. Judge Bryan Smyth found him guilty at Dublin District Court and adjourned the case for a victim impact statement. After he moved in, Mr Glynn said Somers asked if there was a carpet on his floor in a "passing comment" because he could hear noise coming through. Expand Close David Glynn Photo: Collins Courts / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp David Glynn Photo: Collins Courts He said Somers later began complaining about footsteps, or things falling on the floor. On the morning of the assault, Somers asked about him getting carpets. Mr Glynn told him he did not think it was appropriate for Somers to bang on the ceiling with a brush. Somers became very annoyed and abusive and Mr Glynn told him to back off. "I shouted that he had shown his true colours," Mr Glynn said. "I said he was an ignorant 'expletive'. He thought I said he was an English 'expletive' and he became more enraged." The accused got out of his car and "came at" Mr Glynn. "He grabbed me by the throat," Mr Glynn said. They were face to face for about three seconds and Somers backed off and returned to his car. Somers claimed in evidence there had been continuous loud music from Mr Glynn's apartment and said he had been "incredibly polite with these people" despite a "huge amount of anti-social behaviour". "They were basically the neighbours from hell," he said. A judge has told the jury in the trial of a 25-year-old man accused of murdering a father-of-one in north Dublin that no individual juror should feel under pressure to change their view. The jury has returned to the Central Criminal Court for a third day to consider its verdict in the trial and has so far spent seven hours and six minutes deliberating. They have already been given the option of returning a majority verdict. Andrew Gibney of Dromheath Avenue, Mulhuddart, Dublin 15 has pleaded not guilty to murdering Gerard Burnett (28) at Castlecurragh Vale, Mulhuddart, Dublin 15 on August 21, 2012. Yesterday afternoon, the forewoman of the jury asked Mr Justice Paul Butler if they could re-hear Detective Superintendent Colm OMalleys evidence . After this evidence was played for the jury this morning, the judge said he had two things to mention to them. Addressing the jury, Mr Justice Butler said that a lot of the evidence they had just heard was the opinion of Det Spt OMalley. The opinion of the witness is not a factor in the matter, he said. Secondly, the judge said that while there is absolutely no pressure on them, they had been dealing with the matter for a long time. He said that while it was important that a verdict is reached or a decision is made, if any individual juror is of a particular view that juror should listen to people but should feel "under no pressure" to change that view. It is very important to bear that in mind and if you find at a certain stage that you cannot agree, that is a decision so let me know, he said. Read More The prosecutions case is that Mr Gibney was part of a joint enterprise to murder Mr Burnett and he was one of five men who went to the deceaseds house on the night. The defence said if the evidence pointed to a reasonable possibility that Mr Gibney intended to cause some harm to Mr Burnett short of serious harm, the appropriate verdict was manslaughter. On Tuesday, the jury requested to re-hear the evidence of Chief State Pathologist Professor Marie Cassidy. Dr Marie Cassidy told the jury that Mr Burnett died as a result of multiple stabs wounds and blood loss due to injuries to the right lung, heart and liver. The jury has previously heard that Mr Gibney told gardai on August 28 that he stabbed the deceased in the side three times with a knife. The accused went to a garda station of his own free will and told officers: I was involved in the incident, the chap is dead now and I need to give him peace. Read More Mr Justice Butler said there were three verdicts the jury could return, namely; not guilty; guilty of murder; and not guilty of murder but guilty of manslaughter. The judge said in his charge to the jury that the principle of joint enterprise was central to the case. He said where two or more persons embark on a joint enterprise, all parties to that agreement are criminally liable. But where one party goes beyond what has been tacitly agreed, then the other is not liable for the consequences of this act. He added that an accused is not presumed to have intended the consequences of the acts of other people within a joint enterprise. The jury resumed deliberating at 2.10pm. A young woman who became an internet sensation as a Daniel O'Donnell superfan was amongst a group of four people charged in relation to a Garda raid on a suspected high-tech cocaine extraction factory. Molly Sloyan (25) appeared before the district court in relation to the cocaine charge - one year after a video of her in the audience of RTE's 'The Late Late Show' for a St Valentine's Day special went viral. Viewers were captivated by her reaction to the fact the show featured a Daniel O'Donnell impersonation by comedian Mario Rosenstock rather than a song by the Donegal star himself. Horror Video clips of the young woman's expression switching from delight to horror when she realised that it wasn't O'Donnell went viral on the web. Yesterday, she was among four people charged in relation to a Garda raid on a suspected cocaine extraction factory in Bantry, Co Cork. Gardai recovered between 70,000 and 100,000 in drugs from a sophisticated operation where cocaine soaked into clothing imported from Brazil was removed via special chemicals. Judge Mary Dorgan at Bandon District Court was told the State was objecting to bail being granted. The defendants included three men with Dublin addresses - Sean McManus (36) from Burrowfield Road, Baldoyle, Dublin, William (51) and Dean Gilsenan (26), both of Kilmahuddrick Green, Clondalkin, Dublin - as well as Ms Sloyan, from Abbey Court, Kinsale, Co Cork, but also with an address at Benidorm, Alicante, Spain. The defendants all face two charges each of possession of cocaine for sale or supply. None made any reply when formally charged. All the charges relate to alleged events at Seascape, Drumleigh, Bantry, on November 26. Gardai informed Judge Dorgan that the four had been arrested at the scene. The court was told that Isopropronol was being used to extract cocaine from cloth which had been imported from South America. More than one kilo of cocaine was recovered at the scene. Gardai will prepare evidence ranging from credit card data to postal records and from flight bookings to a video which explains how to extract cocaine from clothing. Connections Judge Dorgan was also told that gardai believe the Bantry plant had links to an organised crime group with international connections. The court heard that Dean Gilsenan was now reserving his position on a bail application. Judge Dorgan accepted the Garda submissions and refused bail to the other three defendants. All four were remanded in custody to appear again before Clonakilty District Court on December 5. A 28-year-old woman, wrongly blamed for breaking a light during high jinks in the Las Vegas Room in The Wright Venue near Swords, Co Dublin, has lost a 75,000 defamation claim against the night club. Megan Flanagan, of Annamoe Drive, Cabra, Dublin told the Circuit Civil Court that she and a group of friends had booked the Las Vegas Room for a night out in January 2014. During the night one of her friends had stood on a chair and knocked down a light. Flanagan claimed she had been falsely accused in front of members of the public of damaging the light and brought with a friend into a packed security room where they had been shown a cctv recording of the incident revealing it was not her who had interfered with the light. Ms Flanagan said security staff had earlier said the words: You, out now. It was you who broke the light. She claimed she had been detained for up to half an hour by six bouncers and had not been allowed to leave the room. The bouncers had been verbally aggressive and had been reckless and malicious in their statements about her. She had felt intimidated. Flanagan said that when she was allowed out of the room she found that all of her friends had been ordered out of the club and that her handbag, phone and coat were missing. She claimed she had not slept properly for a week after the incident and had to attend her GP because of feelings of anxiety. She had also claimed damages for false imprisonment. She told barrister Shane English, in what was described in court as a very vigorous cross examination, that she had drink taken and was a little angry. She said she had claimed in the proceedings that her handbag, phone and coat were missing but accepted that in the cctv it was clear her handbag was hanging over her shoulder. Mr English, who appeared with Liam Collins of Gore and Grimes Solicitors for the night club, told the court Ms Flanagan had conceded in cross-examination that her evidence to the court had been flawed and he was asking that her case be dismissed without the need for the defendants to go into evidence. He told the court there had been an almighty mess in The Las Vegas room and the lamp had been pulled down, albeit not by Ms Flanagan. Judge Jacqueline Linnane said Ms Flanagan had accepted that what she had told the court was flawed. She had been asked to go to the security room to view cctv footage which was clearly in her own interests. The video showed her with her bag over her shoulder. Dismissing her case with costs against her Judge Linnane said there were too many clear inconsistencies in her evidence as to what had taken place in the Las Vegas Room. Padraig D Lyons, counsel for Ms Flanagan, was granted a stay to facilitate consideration of an appeal to the High Court. He said it was not appropriate for the court to dismiss the case without having viewed the cctv of what happened on the night. Ms Flanagan had sued Michael Wright and Kim Gilbert Wright, both trading as the Wright Venue MEP Ian Paisley Jr has issued a further warning to the Irish Government saying that "if you try to trip us up" it will "reflect badly" in post-Brexit agreements. The north Antrim DUP representative was speaking to RTE's Morning Ireland after he called on Theresa May's government to stop "pussyfooting" around Ireland and make life hard for the Government as a response to its "disgraceful" behaviour in current negotiations. "We will continue to trade with our biggest parter which is the rest of the United Kingdom and I imagine that given that Northern Ireland and the UK is one of the Republic of Ireland's largest trading partners I imagine they'll want to continue to trade with us," he said this morning. "We're not about stopping that but I'll tell you what if you try to prevent the UK from leaving or part of the UK from leaving the EU or trip us up that will reflect very badly in the deals that we do after we leave." Mr Paisley said the concern over the fate of the Irish border post-Brexit was "unnecessary". "The row that we are having with Dublin over the border is a completely and totally unnecessary row. The people of the United Kingdom have taken a decision about where they intend to go in regards to their relationship with Europe," he said. "And our nearest and dearest neighbour... should be assisting us to ensure that that relationship works for them as well as it works for us instead of carping and shouting about the border issue and saying the Good Friday Agreement is in danger and everything is going to be doom and gloom. Read More "They should actually be engaging with us publicly, privately and positively," he said. "I suppose the argument is like the millennium bug argument everyone said it was going to be doom and gloom and it was going to be terrible and the millennium came and there was no change to computer systems around the world," he said. "People are talking up a problem that they don't need to necessarily talk up. Yes we need a solution to certain issues but the idea that suddenly there is going to be barriers on our border. We have said we are not about that." He also said his comments about a fisheries agreement which will need to be drawn up post-Brexit which he said should be "extremely long, tenuous and hard for them" was not a threat of fisheries war. "I didn't threaten a fisheries war but I did make a point that if the Republic of Ireland is going to keep shouting at our border telling us that is all doom and gloom and we're not going to get a proper deal.... that interferes in the negotiations process," he said. He said all of the UK is leaving the EU and that decision should be respected. "I think they'd be better off out with us and we could actually do an awful lot more together," he said, adding that he respected Ireland's position that exiting Europe is not desirable," he said. Read More "We are not trying to undermine their position so don't try and undermine ours," he said. He said the UK wants to maintain the common travel area and any policing of the border afte the UK leaves the EU was "entirely a matter" for the Irish Government. Scaling high educational heights seemed out of reach to Kathleena Twomey and Emma Richardson - but that was before they were introduced to An Cosan. An Cosan has its roots in The Shanty, a community-based adult education organisation set up by Children's Minister Katherine Zappone and her late wife, Dr Anne Louise Gilligan, in Tallaght, south west Dublin, 31 years ago. It became An Cosan, providing programmes up to degree level and, in more recent years, has become a virtual community college, offering blended learning programmes with weekly online classes, through many of the 150 community centres nationwide. Currently, there are 245 learners on its higher education programmes. Kathleena and Emma met as members of High Hopes, a choir made up of people affected by homelessness which was set up in 2014 by conductor David Brophy. Kathleena recalls her life-changing moment when Maria Flanagan from An Cosan came to a performance. Some years earlier, Kathleena had been halfway through third year of a social work degree on the TCD's Access programme, TAP, when she had to drop out. Kathleena spotted an ad for High Hopes and she signed up. "Maria Flanagan came to a concert and I got talking to her. She told me about An Cosan and that started me on my first course." Kathleena says she was a "bit nervous at the beginning" to be tackling an online course but quickly settled. Kathleena and Emma both received a Certificate of Achievement in Introduction to Community Drugs Work at the annual An Cosan graduation ceremony last weekend. They are now on a year-long Certificate in Leadership and Community Development, which has progression paths towards a BA degree award. Kathleena says her "dream has always been to get a degree". Emma says doing the Community Drugs course "allowed me to open my eyes on some people's situations and to try to understand them". The mother of two had previously done a course with Focus Ireland's education programme PETE. Her sights are now firmly fixed on attaining a degree "and better career opportunities". Cases of Down syndrome fulfil the criteria for abortion under British law, a UK-based doctor told TDs and senators. Dr Peter Thompson, a consultant in foetal medicine, was responding to a question from Fine Gael TD Peter Fitzpatrick at the Oireachtas Committee on the Eighth Amendment. "Do I think that Down syndrome... fulfils the UK law of having a significant chance of severe handicap? I think it does," he said. He added that he believes so because "there are differences" between babies that have Down syndrome. It is possible to have babies with the condition that have "normal hearts and babies with Down syndrome that have abnormal hearts", he added. "This can affect their outcomes greatly," he said. Meanwhile, the Oireachtas committee agreed to have a vote on its crucial findings on Wednesday, December 13, with a view to putting forward a "short, concise" report to be concluded by the following evening. The committee voted back in October to "not retain the Eighth Amendment in full", meaning it recommends the law should be amended but does not prescribe in what way. It must provide the Dail with its report by December 20. Committee chair Senator Catherine Noone says members will get a "roadmap" towards reaching its decisions today. Patients will have to endure waiting lists of several days to see their GPs if plans to extend free visits to the entire population go ahead, doctors warned, GPs said surgeries would face meltdown as they struggled to cope with the influx of patients. The warning delivers a setback to the proposals set out in the Slaintecare report, which proposes phasing in universal free GP care over five years, at a cost of 455m. It recently emerged one in three people has avoided going to the GP at some point because of cost with an average visit at around 60. The all-party Slaintecare report, which is the blueprint for the future of the health service, was published in May. It is due to be the subject of a draft implementation plan before the end of the year. But Dr Padraig McGarry, GP spokesman for the Irish Medical Organisation (IMO), said that family doctors, who are already in the middle of a workforce crisis, would not be able to cope with giving free visits to 500,000 a year. The knock-on effect is that "this will lead to waiting lists in general practice as demand will outstrip supply." "There is no point in removing one barrier to access in cost if we only create another in time," he told the Oireachtas health committee. Free GP care was given to the under-sixes and over-70s in 2015 - but its extension to other groups has stalled. Read More The IMO, the Irish College of General Practitioners and the National Association of General Practitioners united yesterday to spell out the pressure faced by the country's 3,700 family doctors and their 1,700 practice nurses. Dr McGarry said there are currently 666 GPs who are over the age of 60 who will be retiring in the coming years. Rural areas are likely to find it most difficult to recruit a GP. By 2025 Ireland will need at least 1,380 more GPs to meet current demand. However, if free visits are extended to the entire population this will rise to another 2,055. At the same time, a large number of newly trained GPs head abroad, believing they will make a better living and have a higher quality of life. The union is currently in talks with the Department of Health on a new contract setting out the type of services they would provide which would be paid for by the State. GP Maitiu O Tuathail of the National Association of General Practitioners told the committee he knew of a GP working 120 hours a week, who could hardly take a day off in two years. The president of the National Association of GPs Dr Emmet Kerwin said there needs to be an impact study carried out to assess the potential impact of extending free GP care. Dr Brendan O'Shea of the Irish College of General Practitioners said a number of measures are needed to strengthen family doctor services including a reversal of the fee cuts imposed for State services during the recession. The new contract also should be properly resourced and the number of GPs in training needs to be increased with an annual intake of around 250 a year. GP access to diagnostic scans for their patients is still "most unsatisfactory," he warned. Irish and UK Muslim leaders expressed shock at the decision by US President Donald Trump to retweet controversial material from a British far-right figure. Mr Trump shared videos tweeted by the deputy leader of fascist Britain First group which purported to show Muslims committing crimes against others in society. The president retweeted three posts by Jayda Fransen (31), who is currently on bail in London in respect of four charges of causing religiously aggravated harassment. Ms Fransen has appeared before Canterbury Crown Court in connection with the distribution of leaflets and the posting of online videos. She will also appear in court in Northern Ireland in December charged with using threatening and abusive language in connection with a speech she made at an anti-terrorism demonstration in Belfast on August 6. The posts singled out by Mr Trump included unverified videos titled 'Muslim Destroys a Statue of Virgin Mary!' and 'Muslim migrant beats up Dutch boy on crutches!' Irish Muslim Peace and Integration Council (Impic) chairman Shaykh Dr Muhammad Umar al-Qadri said he found the decision to retweet such material to be "absolutely and truly shocking". "These videos have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Muslims," he said. "But yet here we have President Trump effectively legitimising what he likes to reject himself as fake news. This is fake news and he is basically supporting it. "It is very disappointing that a person in such a position of influence as President Trump would do something like this instead of working to promote understanding, respect and harmony in society. "I absolutely condemn his decision to retweet this material because, ultimately, it offers legitimacy to something that every one of us should reject and condemn." Dr al-Qadri said his fear was such actions would ultimately embolden those who want to promote only bigotry and hatred in society. "It is quite shocking - I wholeheartedly endorse the condemnation of this by groups such as the UK Muslim Council," he said. Dr al-Qadri said he had devoted his life to promoting cultural understanding and to defeating fundamentalism. The UK Muslim Council expressed its shock at the social media postings by the US leader which provoked a storm of outrage across the US. "This is the clearest endorsement yet from the US president of the far-right and their vile anti-Muslim propaganda," a spokesman said. "We cannot give such bigotry a free pass." The council said it wanted British political leaders to confirm their opposition to and rejection of such material. The man was pronounced dead at the scene An elderly priest has died after his vehicle collided with an articulated truck in Co Monaghan on Wednesday afternoon. The accident took place on the N2 on approach to Carrickmacross, Monaghan - close to McCaughey's service station - shortly before 5pm. The driver of the car, a male in his 70s, was pronounced dead at the scene a short time later. The deceased has since been named locally as F. Joe McCluskey of St Endas Parish, Killanny. It is understood he was visiting elderly locals throughout the day. Carrickmacross Councillor Padraig McNally told the Irish Independent that the tragedy has left an entire community in mourning. "It's an extremely sad day for all of us," he said. "Fr McCluskey was doing his monthly sick calls where he goes around to elderly people feeling unwell. "He must have been getting petrol or something to eat at the filling station just before the tragedy occurred," he said. Cllr McNally described Fr McCluskey as a "lovely, humble man". "He's only been in the Killanny parish for about two years and was only getting to know his community," he said. "People really respected him and I'm really going to miss his weekly mass. "I wish to express my deepest sympathies to his family and those close to him," he said. The Carrickmacross representative added that the road where the tragedy took place is known for its fatal accidents. "There was about ten people killed over the last three years on the N2. Three women who were returning from Dublin airport were killed on it only in July of this year," he said. Killaney Ladies GFC also extended their sympathies on its Facebook page. "The Community of Killanny is in great shock and sadness after hearing the news of the sudden passing of our priest Fr Joe McCluskey in a tragic road accident this evening. "Fr Joe was held in high esteem in our parish. A mass will be held in his memory at 9.20am [today] in St.Endas Church Killanny." The driver of the truck was taken by ambulance to hospital. His injuries are not believed to be life-threatening. The scene is expected remain closed overnight to facilitate a forensic investigation by gardai. Local diversions are put in place. Anyone with information is asked to contact Carrickmacross Garda Station 042-9690190 or the Garda Confidential Line 1800 666 111. A woman is looking to find a temporary home for her Labradoodle puppy while she tends to her sick husband in hospital. Angela Keogh from Rathfarnham, Dublin is keen to find a loving home for the puppy as soon as possible until her husband is well enough to come home. Speaking to RTE's Liveline, Angela explained that her "very fit husband" Joe (68) with "no medical history" suddenly collapsed in front of her last Sunday morning. "To my horror he didn't move... I realised immediately that something terribly serious had happened," she said. Angela explained that her husband had a heart attack, followed by a full cardiac arrest. He was taken to Tallaght Hospital on Sunday and he hasn't regained consciousness since. As a result, Angela is spending a lot of time in the hospital to be by her husband's side. The couple have a seven-month-old Labradoodle puppy called Ellie and Angela is keen to find a temporary home for her until the Keoghs' situation has settled. "I'm retired and so is Joe and I've always wanted a dog, we got her in July of this year. She's a dote, she's the most beautiful thing that's happened to us in a long time," said Angela. "She's a celebrity in the local parks I bring her too. She looks like a teddy bear." Ellie is currently with a neighbour for the week but Angela is hoping that a family, preferably one that's passionate about dogs, will be able to take care of the dog for an extended period of time. "It could be a few weeks or a few months, we just don't know," said Angela. "Really all we're looking for is the best for Ellie, I'm not even thinking about our awful situation. I don't want to be in a position where I have to leave her on her own, it's a situation that's unpredictable. "I'd love a fairly stable environment for her with routine. It would take a lot of our mind. I don't want the worry with poor Ellie at home." Angela said she'd ideally like to find a family who live close to Tallaght or Rathfarnham so that she could visit Ellie. The Labradoodle puppy needs to be talked twice a day and Angela said that she is high-energy but very friendly. "She loves everyone, dogs and humans. She's very sociable." Ellie has had all her vaccinations and Angela will provide all the bedding, food, toys, etc. Do you think you could provide a loving, temporary home for little Ellie? Get in touch with or Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has announced former Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney as the new Tanaiste. Here's everything you need to know about the new Tanaiste: Age: 45 Constituency: Cork South-Central First elected a TD in 1998 Family: Married to IDA executive, Ruth Furney, they have three young daughters Previously: Agriculture Minister, Defence Minister, and Housing Minister. On March 15, 1998, a series of unexpected events began which would propel Simon Coveney into the heart of national politics, as navy divers recovered the body of his father, Hugh, from the sea in Cork. Seven months later, he was a Fine Gael TD for Cork South Central, and on a slow journey towards high office. Now, more than 19 years later, he is Tanaiste, the second highest office in Irish politics. In 1998 Simon Coveney, aged 26, had always thought he would eventually try politics. But the accidental drowning of his father, Hugh Coveney, a successful businessman, Fine Gael TD, and former government minister, speeded up the process. Hugh Coveneys died accidentally when he slipped off a cliff while trying to rescue the familys pet dog which was trapped. At the time Simon Coveney was on a round-world voyage on the familys yacht. Simon Coveney has long been seen as earnest, sincere and committed, and very much a traditional Fine Gael politician. But he has a capacity to surprise at times. He successfully led the Fine Gael campaign for same-sex marriage in the May 2015 referendum showing an ability to take a more open-minded view of issues. In May 2017, he surprised again by fighting a dogged uphill campaign for the party leadership after Leo Varadkar left him at the starting gate with a hugely successful whirlwind campaign. Given his current staid image, many are surprised to learn that there were earlier education struggles as he was asked to leave the prestigious Clongowes Wood boarding school in Kildare, and completed secondary education at Presentation Brothers College in Cork. After a brief and unsuccessful stint studying at UCC, he decided to study agriculture as his family had a 350-acre tillage farm at Minane Bridge, east of Cork city. Aged 24, he returned to work as a farm manager near Mallow and his first "real job" proved a struggle, and finally he went to work the family farm. He met his wife, Ruth Furney, a successful IDA executive in Cork, in UCC and they married in 2008. All of their three children were born at pretty busy times in the political calendar. The eldest, Beth, arrived around the time of the 2009 local elections; Jessica during the 2011 general election battle; and Anna Lise during tough EU farm negotiations in late 2013. These days, Skype and Facetime are deployed to maintain family contact and he is a very sparing socialiser outside of work commitments. The family home in an old house at Rock Road in Carrigaline is a busy place. Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has announced Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney as the new Tanaiste. The Cork South Central TD and Mr Varadkar's rival during the Fine Gael leadership contest will replace Frances Fitzgerald who resigned earlier this week. Minister Heather Humphreys, a Cavan-Monaghan TD, will replace Ms Fitzgerald at the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation as part of the mini-reshuffle. Mr Varadkar noted the role she will play in Brexit preparations in her new brief and the fact she is a TD from the border area is particularly relevant. And Mr Varadkar promoted high profile backbench TD Josepha Madigan, of Dublin Rathdown, to take over from Ms Humphreys at the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. 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Manage Preference Mr Varadkar spoke of Mr Coveney's role as the minister responsible for Brexit and said: "I believe his appointment as Tanaiste and as Deputy Prime Minister will enhance his position in representing the Government overseas and in the negotiations currently underway and will make it easier for him to coordinate the work of other departments with respect to Brexit." We need your consent to load this Social Media content We use a number of different Social Media outlets to manage extra content that can set cookies on your device and collect data about your activity. Please review their details and accept them to load the content. Manage Preference The Taoiseach said Ms Humphreys will be the first Business minister from outside Dublin in seven years and noted she's from the border region. "I think as well it's particularly relevant in the context of Brexit and also the Government's commitment to bring more jobs and good jobs to all regions of Ireland, especially rural Ireland," he said. Mr Varadkar said Ms Madigan will build on Ms Humphrey's work at Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht including driving forward the Creative Ireland programme and a ten-year capital plan. He said Ms Madigan, who is a solicitor, will also be a member of a new Cabinet Committee dealing with justice and equality and she will take a special interest in progressing the Government's five point agenda for gender equality. Fianna Fail leader Micheal Martin congratulated Mr Coveney who is a TD in the same constituency. He quipped: "I'm glad that the Taoiseach is at last beginning to recognise the reservoir of talent that resides in the county of Cork." On Ms Humphrey's move to the Business Department he said it is one of the most important portfolios in government and he argued it's suffered from an "obsession with minor steps", the "rebranding" of ongoing activities and big launches while "basis progress has stopped". He asked the new minister to "pay particular attention to that". Mr Martin said Ms Madigan's first task at the Department of Culture should be "to ensure ring-fenced funding and the preservation of the RTE orchestras which are so vital to our national cultural life". There are fears for their future of the orchestras after RTE announced an independent review of its orchestral services. Ms Madigan's appointment as minister was criticised by Solidarity TD Ruth Coppinger who claimed she has a track record of "anti-Traveller bigotry". As an election candidate, Ms Madigan had described plans for a Traveller halting site in the Mount Anville area of South Dublin as a "waste of taxpayers' money". Ms Madigan's argument was that the land was worth 8m and the local authority was proposing to house four families on the site. She has previously insisted her remarks were made from an economic perspective and were not anti-Traveller. Ms Madigan's appointment was this afternoon put to a Dail vote and her nomination was confirmed by 52 votes to 39. Sinn Fein deputy leader Mary Lou McDonald congratulated Mr Coveney, Ms Humphreys and Ms Madigan on a personal level but said "please don't take it personally that we will not be supporting you in your elevation to these roles because as you know we are actually members of the opposition". She said Brexit "throws up many challenges" and she wished Ms Humphreys will in her work. The Revenue Commissioners secured a total of 2.9bn from probes into offshore arrangements used to hide undeclared income. Chairman Niall Cody spoke to a joint Oireachtas committee about offshore tax avoidance, and revelations made under the so-called 'Paradise Papers'. He said that Revenue would continue to actively pursue anyone attempting to hide undeclared income or engaged in aggressive tax avoidance. "Where tax evasion is uncovered, Revenue will apply the maximum sanctions and deterrents, including penalties, publication in the quarterly list of tax defaulters, and potentially, criminal prosecution," he said. "Should it emerge that any Irish-based financial institution has facilitated tax evasion, Revenue will investigate whether such institutions have failed to disclose any information to Revenue that should have been disclosed." The Paradise Papers revealed how business people and celebrities from all over the world had used offshore financial centres such as Malta and the Isle of Man to engage in legal tax avoidance. Mr Cody said that Revenue's investigation on foot of the Paradise Papers was at an "early stage". He added that following their publication, the Revenue Commissioners wrote to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), as well as the 'Irish Times'. Revenue has asked for information from the leaked documents that may be relevant. Mr Cody said the 'Irish Times' replied that it participated in the Paradise Papers as a member of the ICIJ, whose "long-standing policy is not to provide material directly to investigating authorities". No response has yet been received from the ICIJ. British Prime Minster Theresa May's former Downing Street Chief of Staff has said Britain needs "to help Ireland's young and inexperienced leader back down from his impossible Brexit demands". In an op-ed penned for the UK's 'Daily Telegraph', Nick Timothy launched a passionate defence of his former boss's attempts at striking a deal for Britain's exit from the EU. Expand Close Nick Timothy was the Prime Minister's joint chief of staff ( Dominic Lipinski/PA) / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Nick Timothy was the Prime Minister's joint chief of staff ( Dominic Lipinski/PA) He wrote Mrs May is "making good progress in removing the blockages", relating to the country's exit payment and the role of the European Court of Justice. However, he contends the biggest problem "is the status of the British border". "The EU says we need solutions for the Irish border before the second phase of talks can begin, but the problem cannot be resolved until talks move to the future relationship," he wrote. "Until recently there was a growing appreciation in Europe of this Catch 22 problem. "But the recent demands made by the Irish Government, and notably its threat to veto a move to phase two of Brexit talks without a written guarantee that there will be no hard border between Ulster and the Republic, are now the most dangerous obstacle to a sensible agreement. "To be fair, Irish anxiety is reasonable. They have no desire to leave the EU, and Brexit is a huge risk for them a risk they did not choose to take. Britain needs to be sensitive to these facts and focus on finding practical solutions to the challenge. That is why Theresa May has said, ever since the referendum, that she is determined to avoid a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic. "But Leo Varadkar, the Irish Taoiseach, seems to be trying to force the UK into positions that are understandably unacceptable to London: that the UK should remain a member of the Customs Union, or that Northern Ireland should do so, thereby creating an internal border within the United Kingdom." Later in the piece, Mr Timothy writes: "Having taken a bold stance, Varadkar may find it difficult to back down. Some believe he is bluffing, and trying to force Britain into concessions, but it is more likely that a young and inexperienced leader, under domestic pressure and confronted with Brexit, is miscalculating: European diplomats tell me that Varadkar's recent ultimatum took even Brussels by surprise." Mr Timothy states the outcome will be "ruinous" for Ireland if the UK leave the EU without a deal. He claims the Taoiseach's "hardline" stance could make this vista a reality. "The Europeans need to make clear to Ireland that the surest way to a hard border is a no-deal Brexit, which is precisely what, with its hardline stance, the Irish government is risking. "And if we think the consequences of that outcome are bad for Britain, they will be ruinous for the Republic: Varadkar must know this. "The Europeans and the Britism want to move to phase two: Varadkar now needs to avoid a terrible miscalculation," he concluded. Mr Timothy lost his job as Joint Chief of Staff at Downing Street after Theresa May's disastrous general election last year when she lost her party's majority following a gaffe prone campaign. Before he lost his job, Mr Timothy was special adviser to Mrs May in her former position in the Home Office, following her to Downing Street. He was considered highly influential with Mrs May and his resignation after the election was judged to be a huge blow to the prime minister. Although many have seen Theresa May as 'Remain' - although she never stated her position in the referendum campaign in 2016 - Mr Timothy has stated on the record he voted to leave the EU. A Belfast secondary school is to close to pupils at 1pm every Wednesday due to "budget pressures". In a letter to parents Breda Academy said it will be starting a "compressed day" from Wednesday December 6. Principal Matthew Munro said it was an "essential response to the ongoing budgetary pressures and associated action short of strike action that constrain all Northern Ireland schools to a greater or lesser degree". He said in the letter: "As you may be aware, schools in Northern Ireland are experiencing considerable budgetary pressures. "In addition the main teaching unions have continued and extended a programme of action short of strike action. This has had an impact on the arrangements that we can make for routine school activities, such as regular staff meetings and parents evenings. "We know other schools in the area have been exploring different ways to ensure essential staff development activities can still place, for example through having compressed days or halfdays or late starts for students in the morning. Staff and governors at Breda have been considering which of these options, or any alternatives, would work best here. "I am writing to let you know that, starting on Wednesday 6th December, every Wednesday at Breda will be a compressed day." The compressed day means lessons being shortened to 30 minutes and classes beginning at 8.35am instead of having a morning registration period. All lessons scheduled for the day will take place and there will be a longer "big break" in the morning. The school says this will mean the afternoon is available for "staff development and preparation activities". Mr Munroe continued: "I appreciate this may represent an inconvenience for some parents and students but we have tried to select the day in a way that makes it easier for parents to adapt any routines in a simple and consistent way. "As I have said this is an essential response to the ongoing budgetary pressures and associated action short of strike action that constrain all Northern Ireland schools to a greater or lesser degree. "I would also like to stress these compressed days are not a halfday and student attendance is required. In our previous experience with this compressed day format, staff and students reported that the day felt very productive and focussed." South Belfast DUP MP Emma Little-Pengelly said she was in contact with a number of concerned parents and she had set up a series of meetings. She said: "I have been contacted by a number of concerned parents- both in relation to the mid term nature of this change but also concerns over the reduction of teaching time for pupils. "I am in contact with the department of Education, the EA and I will be raising this issue directly with the Principal on Friday morning at the arranged meetings." On Wednesday evening an emergency meeting was called of the Ulster Teachers Union where the INTO and NEU agreed to redouble efforts to stop the cuts to the education system "before its too late". General secretary of the UTU Avril Hall Callaghan said: Cuts in the classroom have meant that the system has never before since the Education Act of 1947 faced the kinds of pressures it is facing today and back then we had just come out of a World War. Something must be done before we go beyond the point of no return and its too late a point which is getting perilously close. Were at a make or break point, make no mistake. Jennifer Samuel (17), Samiya Mooge (23), Emmanuel Samuel (21) and Elina Feldmane (17) at the launch of the report. Photo: Steve Humphreys Young people from minority ethnic backgrounds in Ireland are the target of regular racist taunts and name calling, a report has revealed. The undercurrent of prejudice suffered by a young generation, aged 14 to 24 years, who stand out because of the colour of their skin or Muslim hijab is revealed by the National Youth Council of Ireland. Ireland now prides itself on welcoming immigrants to their adopted country, and the report notes that they can flourish if they can be given "safe and supported spaces". The report records how an overwhelming 82pc were born outside Ireland and yet a significant 52pc have since become naturalised Irish citizens. It notes how young people have to negotiate being accepted by peers from their own ethnic minority, as well as the majority population. "How the majority Irish community judged and perceived the young people was a critical factor," it says. Many young people who migrated from African countries to Ireland stressed their attachment to both countries, according to research noted in the report. But they still felt under pressure to conform to Irish peers. However the report also highlights how a young black girl can be called a name such as "n****r" and "monkey" at least once a week. The girl who described the name-calling insults and exclusion said: "I'm just saying this actually does go on and you're not taking it seriously." The study explored the perspectives and experiences of 50 young minority ethnic people. An 18-year-old Asian girl living in Leinster said: "You're scared to show people who you are because you're afraid that they're going to judge you from where you came from, and how you act. So you're just like scared of really being yourself." The victims also spoke of struggles of identity and belonging as their families cling to their heritage. One teenage boy said: "Your parents might be hanging on, [saying] 'but you're African and this is the way you should be' [but] just because your background is African doesn't mean that your culture can't be both African and Irish." Another Asian girl said: "Sometimes people are surprised [by cultural practices]. Even though you try and explain they don't understand. "We should be taught more about other cultures so that you understand why people act differently. What you might think is weird is completely normal to another person. If you're not taught that then you don't really know that." The report 'Make Minority a Priority: Insights from Minority Ethnic Young People' points out that among the largest minority nationalities within the age group are Polish, Lithuanian, Romanian, Irish-American, Brazilian and Latvian. Anne Walsh, of the National Youth Council of Ireland, said: "While these issues are not new, what is worrying is that this new research highlights that they are very much still part of everyday life for young people growing up minority ethnic in Ireland. "All young people need to feel that they can take part in activities out of school." She pointed out the findings of this research challenge people working with the young to ask what can be done to genuinely embrace and include all those who call Ireland home, and especially those for whom it provides their only home. The report makes a series of recommendations. Youth workers are encouraged to arrange meetings while anti-racism and intercultural training should be included. MATTOON -- Math teacher Angela McQueen said she was focused on saving students lives when she helped subdue a student shooter inside the Mattoon High School cafeteria on Sept. 20. The Illinois Education Association (IEA) teachers union released a video Thursday of an interview it recently conducted with McQueen, who is a math and physical education teacher. The video was released on the same day that McQueen was honored at the high school for her lifesaving actions on Sept. 20. An IEA press release reported that because of McQueens quick response to contain the shooter, only one student was injured. The injured student was initially hospitalized but has since been released and is now back at school. "I sprang into action because I looked over and I saw a student pulling a gun out and he was aiming it at students to his right," McQueen said during the interview. "I thought, 'Oh crap, he is going to start shooting,' so I immediately lunged at the gun and got the gun up in the air as quickly as I could, as fast as I could because I didn't want him to hit the students." McQueen said the shooter fired a couple of rounds before she was able to force him to point the gun up toward the ceiling of the cafeteria. Officials with the Mattoon Police Department and the school district have said that Mattoon police school resource officer Kasey Alexander arrived in the cafeteria and took the shooter into custody shortly after McQueens actions. In that moment, you dont really think. You just react. To me, its almost like the mama bear instinct. I dont have kids of my own right now, but its the instinct of, Youre not going to do this to my kids, McQueen said. These are still my kids, even though I dont know every single kid in there. Youre not going to do this to my kids. Youre not going to do this at my school. McQueen said she always has taken the active shooter training at the high school seriously, but she had thought a school shooting would never happen in Mattoon because it is such a nice, quiet small town. "You never think it is going to happen where you are at," McQueen said. Still, McQueen said she always has been mindful of the message in one of her favorite Bible verses, John 15:13 -- "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down ones life for ones friends." "It was always in the back of my mind, 'Would I do this for just anybody?'" McQueen said of risking her life to save strangers. She added later, "Everybody, I think, would like to think they would do that for just anybody, and now I know I would." A portion of McQueens interview was released on the IEAs Facebook page on Thursday. Extended footage from the video shows McQueen visiting with students in the school cafeteria and the gymnasium, and at work in her classroom. McQueen said in the interview that "I really just want to have a positive impact on kids. I felt like that was what I was meant to do. I feel like that even more now." We are forever grateful to Angela for her courageous actions that saved the lives of our kids. She was a ray of light in our darkest hour, Mattoon district Superintendent Larry Lilly said in the press release. McQueen was honored Thursday at the high school by the Illinois State Police, Illinois branch of the FBI, Society of Former Special Agents, City of Mattoon, Mattoon Police Department and the Mattoon school district. Two homeless men who perished on the streets of the capital had both spent time in emergency accommodation before their deaths. A man in his 50s, named locally as Michael McCann, was found dead in a tent in Ranelagh near one of the country's most prestigious private schools within Housing Minister Eoghan Murphy's constituency at 1.30pm on Tuesday. A Lithuanian man in his 30s died in the Mater Hospital on Monday morning after he was taken from Chancery Street, near the Four Courts, on Sunday evening. Gardai said both incidents were being classed as "sudden deaths" and more would not be known until postmortems had been completed. The Dublin Homeless Regional Executive (DHRE) said: "We would like to express condolences to the family and friends [of each man] who very sadly passed away." Referring to the Ranelagh death, it said: "This man was accessing homeless services since 2010 and was placed in emergency accommodation, including temporary supported accommodation, on a number of occasions." The executive said outreach teams had "engaged" with the homeless man on "many occasions". "Unfortunately, support services were unable to progress this man to a more permanent housing solution after he left his last placement." The DHRE said the Lithuanian man had also been accessing homeless services since 2013 and he had also been placed in emergency accommodation, including temporary supported accommodation on a "number of occasions". He has not been identified until his family can be informed. Independent Dublin city councillor Christy Burke said the reason why some homeless people chose to sleep rough was because they didn't want to live in emergency accommodation. Mr Burke, who remembered feeding the Lithuanian man, said: "My condolences go to both these men's families and I hope the Independents in the Dail now start putting real pressure on the Government to answer this crisis." The engagement of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle has been billed as a game-changing, ground-breaking shift for the Royal Family. The pundits are right, of course - this very modern new member of the British monarchy is a royal revolution... just not necessarily for the reasons that have been cited with tedious regularity. As we have been reminded time and time again, Markle is a mixed-race American, a Catholic and - shock horror - a divorcee. This is clearly an issue for dog-whistle racists, identity politics rabble-rousers and creeping Jesuses. The rest of us, quite frankly, are more interested in where she got her new coat (it's by Line the Label, seeing as you're asking). Yes, Markle represents a seismic shift, but those who are no longer living in the 1950s recognise her uniqueness in very different ways. Here are just a few of the singularities that set her apart from the rest. She's a yogi Much has been made of Markle's Catholic upbringing, but you only have to take one look at her long and lean arms to recognise that yoga is her real religion. Her mother - who once sported dreadlocks and a nose ring - is a yoga instructor, and the actress is regularly photographed with a yoga mat rolled up under her arm. Markle went to an all-girls Roman Catholic school in Los Angeles but it is unclear whether she's a practising Catholic. She is, however, a devout yogi who will no doubt be practising her sun salutations on the lawns of Kensington Palace come summer. And who knows, maybe she'll be joined by a few converts... She's Californian Royal pundits have drawn all sorts of comparisons between Markle and socialite Wallis Simpson, the last American to marry into the Royal Family in 1937. Simpson hailed from Pennsylvania; Markle was born in the 'Granola State' of California, so called because it's full of fruits, nuts and flakes. In other words: same country, worlds apart. California isn't just a state - it's a blue sky, blissed out, beach-side lifestyle. And Markle, a self-proclaimed 'California Girl', wholeheartedly embodies it. She's a green juice-drinking, motivational mantra-posting hippie-capitalist who probably owns a Himalayan salt lamp and a deck of angel cards. And Prince Harry, for his own part, seems to dig it - he spoke yesterday of the "stars aligning". How long before the word 'karma' appears on an official palace statement? She wears ripped jeans While there is no official Royal protocol around fashion, prospective brides tend to choose dresses over trousers and mid-height heels (nude, preferably) over towering stilettos. So when Markle wore ripped skinny jeans to her first official public appearance with Prince Harry at the Invictus Games in Toronto, it was clear she was making more than a style statement. Markle has chalked up a lot of firsts for the British establishment, but she will go down in fashion history as the first Royal bride to successfully avoid wearing tweed. And for that alone, we are grateful. She's 36 We've been led to believe Meghan is a modern-day Cinderella who went from an LA tenement to Kensington Palace, but the rags-to-riches tale is just that - a tale. There is, however, a very different happy ending that we can take heart from. Markle is 36, three years older than her fiance and as far away from the 'young virgin bride' trope as one can get. As for the idea that Royal brides are designed to breed? The couple were refreshingly blase when the question was posed to them during their first TV interview yesterday. This is a true Cinderella moment for single, childless women who are over the age of 34. When friends start to gently suggest that you freeze your eggs, just think of Meghan who patiently waited for her Prince Charming to come. She's Netflix and Chill Royal girlfriends are often unveiled to the public during the 'season' of Royal Ascot and the Henley Royal Regatta. Prince Harry and Meghan, on the other hand, realised it would be much more fun to go into lockdown in their Nottingham Cottage love nest, where they watched TV, cooked dinner and probably fed each other Malteasers. Prince William and Kate Middleton holidayed in the exclusive Desroches Island Resort in the Seychelles when they were dating; Prince Harry and Meghan shared a tent in Botswana. Who cares that they are the first interracial Royal couple? What's far more interesting is the fact they are the first Royal couple who are completely and utterly relatable. Expand Close Melania walks among the White House Christmas decorations. Photo: AFP/Getty Images / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Melania walks among the White House Christmas decorations. Photo: AFP/Getty Images We wish you a scary Christmas Christmas creep can be confusing. Pumpkins are still on windowsills when festive baubles go on sale. Skeletons are still hanging from door frames when fairy lights are strewn around department stores. We can only assume that it was especially confusing for Melania Trump, whose Christmas decor looks like a scene from Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow. The theme was "time-honoured traditions" and, sure enough, the Trumps are continuing their tradition of scaring the living bejaysus out of us. On this week's show, Brian Purcell was in Cavan for the launch of Cavan Innovation & Technology Centre (CITC)as the next location to be part of Vodafone and SIROs national Gigabit Hub Initiative. Subscribe to The Ready Business show, in association with Vodafone via iTunes or SoundCloud. On this week's show, Brian Purcell was in Cavan for the launch of Cavan Innovation & Technology Centre (CITC)as the next location to be part of Vodafone and SIROs national Gigabit Hub Initiative, which offers a one Gigabit broadband connection to qualifying business hubs free of charge for two years. The Ludgate Hub in Skibbereen, which was the first hub connected by SIRO in July 2016, is an exemplar project that was shortlisted for the European Commission Broadband Awards in 2016 and is on course to create 500 jobs over the next five years in West Cork. SIROs Gigabit connectivity, which is three times as powerful as the best service in Dublin and 10 times more powerful than the fastest average internet speed in Ireland, gives businesses in the CTIC world-class broadband connectivity allowing them to compete and grow. The CITC was established to promote innovation and technology support in the Cavan and border region by providing local businesses with education, training, technology and facilities needed to support enterprise development and create economic growth, as well as providing a one stop shop for entrepreneurs. State agencies such as the Local Enterprise Office and IDA Ireland are co-located at CITC, with all support and training carried out by the Local Enterprise Office delivered at the centre. The Hub, incorporating Cavan Enterprise Centre, currently accommodates 10 companies which employ over 310 people. To find out how such fast broadband infrastructure can make a difference to businesses in rural regions, Brian spoke to those involved in the launch including Vincent Reynolds, CEO Cavan County Enterprise Board and CEO of the new Cavan Gigabit Hub, Richard Stafford, CEO Apri Data and Stephen O'Connor, Siro's Director of Corporate Affairs. Vincent Reynolds, CEO, Cavan Innovation & Technology Centre said: The unique natural surroundings of County Cavan underpin the success of its living and working communities. Inspiration breeds innovation, which, in the right environment, breeds success and this was the motivating factor behind the establishment of CITC. As a recipient of Vodafone and SIROs 1 Gigabit broadband connection, we will be able to further drive innovation and help companies at the centre reach greater heights. Stephen OConnor, Corporate Affairs Director of SIRO, also said: We are delighted that CITC has become our latest Gigabit Hub, given Cavans key role in SIROs history. Cavan was our original trial town, when we connected the Aughnaskerry and Rocklands estates back in 2015 and we got a great reception in the town. The SIRO network now extends to over 4,000 homes and businesses in Cavan town which all have access to the best connectivity in Ireland, rivalling international hubs like Hong Kong and Tokyo. Good connectivity is vital for regional towns competing for investment and jobs and having a 1 GB network in the town and a strategic centre like the CITC makes Cavan attractive for entrepreneurs to establish their business or for companies looking to invest Richard Stafford, Founder and CEO of Apridata, said: CITCs Gigabit connectivity is a game-changer for Apridata. With customers and prospects in locations as diverse as the Caribbean and Sweden, broadband is critical for our company. For our services, geographic location is not a limiting factor; we can market, sell and deliver digitally with video conferencing playing a vital role in our sales process. To succeed we need the bandwidth in place to ensure we deliver a professional experience - you lose credibility if theres any lag or if your call unexpectedly drops due to poor broadband. We manage and process large volumes of data and the 1 Gigabit connection provided to us by Vodafone and SIRO enables us to do this productively. As a result, we can deliver services that empower our clients to make better business decisions faster. Liam OBrien, Director of Strategy & External Affairs of Vodafone Ireland, added: The Gigabit Hub Initiative was created in order to empower local businesses and communities through connected technologies. As the fifth hub, Im delighted that businesses in the Cavan Innovation & Technology Centre will have access to SIROs 100% fibre-optic network. Gigabit connectivity is the starting point in the creation of a Gigabit Society across Ireland which will offer employees a better work/life balance and allow them to pursue their careers in towns across Ireland without sacrificing their quality of life, rather than being forced to move to cities or abroad. The Ready Business show, in association with Vodafone , is available via iTunes , SoundCloud and Stitcher or subscribe to the RSS feed of the Ready Business Podcast using your favourite podcatcher. You can check out the full Ready Business Podcast series here . Sponsored by: King Mohammed VI of Morocco shakes hands with European Council President Donald Tusk as leaders pose for a family summit photo in Abidjan yesterday. Photo: Getty Images Europe and Africa have joint responsibility for making migration more humane and orderly so they can end horrifying abuses being committed against African migrants by people smugglers, European Council President Donald Tusk said yesterday. He was speaking at a two-day Africa-European Union summit that was meant to focus on development and investment in youth, but had inevitably been overshadowed by the migrant crisis. Reports this month of white Libyan slave traders selling black African migrants at markets in Libya - a grim echo of the trans-Saharan slave trade in centuries past - have drawn worldwide horror. The outcry threatened to put migration to the top of the summit agenda and shine a light on a thorny issue for European leaders faced with a surge in far-right, anti-immigration parties at home. "It is clear that migration is a joint responsibility. It is in all our interests to have orderly migration that is more controlled, more humane and sustainable," Mr Tusk said. "The recent reports about the treatment of Africans - especially young people - by smugglers and traffickers are horrifying," he said, adding that 5,000 migrants had drowned in the Mediterranean last year. But European leaders - including German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron, who head the Franco-German axis at the heart of the EU - are hamstrung by electorates that are increasingly anti-immigration. Despite pressure at home, Ms Merkel yesterday highlighted the need to create legal avenues for migration. European and African leaders met late yesterday to discuss the reports of slavery in Libya and the migrant crisis. "We must not only denounce it, we must act, by collectively attacking these smuggling networks," Mr Macron said. US President Donald Trump vowed "major sanctions" against North Korea after it tested a missile that experts said was capable of reaching Washington. Following the test of its previously unseen Hwasong-15 intercontinental ballistic missile on Tuesday, the rogue regime claimed it had achieved its goal of becoming a nuclear state. Kim Jong-un, its leader, "declared with pride that now we have finally realised the great historic cause of completing the state nuclear force", the country's official news agency stated. North Korea said the missile reached an altitude of 4,475km, 10 times that of the International Space Station, before splashing down in waters off Japan following a 53-minute flight. Mr Trump wrote on Twitter: "Just spoke to President Xi Jinping of China concerning the provocative actions of North Korea. Additional major sanctions will be imposed on North Korea today. This situation will be handled!" Rex Tillerson, the US secretary of state, said the sanctions would probably target foreign banks that still do business with North Korea. In London, the North Korean ambassador was summoned to the Foreign Office. Mark Field, a Foreign Office minister, said: "North Korea claims it wants to bring security and prosperity to its people. But its actions are creating only insecurity and deepening its isolation." The UN Security Council was due to hold an emergency meeting late yesterday to discuss a response to the test. Moon Jae-in, South Korea's president, said: "The situation can spiral out of control. We must stop a situation where North Korea miscalculates and threatens us with nuclear weapons, or where the United States considers a pre-emptive strike." US and Chinese generals engaged in an unusual set of security talks yesterday, just hours after North Korea's most powerful missile test yet, focused on how the mighty American and Chinese militaries might communicate in a crisis. The Pentagon stressed the talks were scheduled long before North Korea's surprise missile launch in the early hours of yesterday in Asia. Officials insisted the dialogue wasn't centred on North Korea or anything else in particular. Daily Telegraph, London Pope Francis meets the bishops of Burma in Rangoon before leaving for Bangladesh (AP/Andrew Medichini) Pope Francis, centre left, is greeted by President Abdul Hamid upon his arrival at the presidential palace in Dhaka, Bangladesh (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini) Bangladesh President Abdul Hamid has accused Burma's military of committing "ruthless atrocities" against Rohingya Muslims and demanded international help to return them safely to their homes and integrate them into Burmese society. Mr Hamid made the remarks as he welcomed Pope Francis to the presidential palace on Thursday at the start of a three-day visit to the Muslim-majority country. The president said thousands of Rohingya men, women and children had been killed, their homes burned to ashes, and thousands of women raped. He said Bangladesh has welcomed the refugees with open arms, but now there is a "shared responsibility" to safely return them to Burma and help them integrate into "social, economic and political life". Security was tight at the airport in Dhaka as Francis arrived for the second leg of his six-day trip to Asia after visiting Burma. Huge banners with pictures of the Pope and Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had been put up around the city and St Mary's Cathedral was decorated with lights. He had refrained from speaking out about the Rohingya Muslim crisis while in Rangoon out of diplomatic deference to his hosts, who consider the Rohingya as having illegally migrated from Bangladesh. A Christian priest went missing in northern Bangladesh on Tuesday, and his family reported that they had received calls demanding money. Police said they were looking for the man but would not confirm if it was a kidnapping. AP General Slobodan Praljak brings a bottle to his lips during a Yugoslav War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands (ICTY via AP) A deadly chemical was in the container from which a Croat war criminal drank in a United Nations courtroom, a Dutch prosecutor said on Thursday, as an independent investigation into the dramatic death of Slobodan Praljak moved forward. "There was a preliminary test of the substance in the container and all I can say for now is that there was a chemical substance in that container that can cause death," Marilyn Fikenscher told the Associated Press. She declined to elaborate on the exact nature of the substance. Praljak stunned the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague on Wednesday when he gulped down liquid from a small bottle seconds after a UN appeals judge confirmed a 20-year sentence against him. The 72-year-old wartime commander of Bosnian Croat forces said in court that he had taken poison. He was rushed to hospital but died there, tribunal spokesman Nenad Golcevski said. Praljak's lawyer, Nika Pinter, said on Thursday that she never expected him to kill himself and does know how he obtained the fatal liquid given the Netherlands court's strict security. She described Praljak to Croatia's Hina news agency as "an honourable man who could not live with the war crimes conviction and leave that courtroom handcuffed". Praljak was originally convicted in 2013 of crimes including murder, persecution and deportation for his role in a plan to carve out a Bosnian Croat mini-state in Bosnia in the early 1990s. Prosecutor Ms Fikenscher said that a post-mortem examination, including toxicological tests, will be carried out soon. Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said Praljak had wanted to send a message to the UN court that the verdict against him was unjust. He said the former general was "obviously shaken by the possibility he would be convicted" of war crimes for his actions during Bosnia's 1992-95 war. Ms Fikenscher said the Dutch investigation will look into how Praljak managed to take the small bottle of poison into the tribunal's tightly guarded courtroom. Mr Golcevski declined to comment on the security situation at the court or its detention centre, saying: "There is an independent investigation ongoing and ... these are issues that will likely be addressed by that investigation." He also refused to give details of who had visited Praljak in the days and weeks before Wednesday's events, citing privacy considerations. A lawyer who has frequently defended suspects at the war crimes court told the AP that it would be easy to bring poison into the court. Prominent Serbian lawyer Toma Fila said security for lawyers and other court staff "is just like at an airport". Security officers inspect metal objects and confiscate mobile phones, but "pills and small quantities of liquids" would not be registered, he said. Praljak was a Bosnian Croat writer and film and theatre director turned wartime general. His indictment said he also worked as a professor of philosophy and sociology. He was among six Croats whose prison sentences ranging from 10-25 years were confirmed by appeals judges on Wednesday. The five-judge UN panel overturned parts of their convictions but upheld the majority and agreed with trial judges who ruled that the crimes were part of a "joint criminal enterprise" with links to late Croatian president Franjo Tudjman and other top Croat officials. AP Angela Merkel faced fresh complications in her efforts to put together a coalition government in Germany last night as a power struggle broke out for control of her sister party in Bavaria. Horst Seehofer, one of Ms Merkel's strongest allies in coalition talks, was confronted with an attempted coup by his Christian Social Union (CSU) rivals. Ms Merkel is set for talks in Berlin today with Martin Schulz, leader of the Social Democrats (SPD), as she tries to negotiate a new coalition. Mr Seehofer will also be at the talks, but his authority to negotiate on behalf of his party will be damaged by events in Munich. Some form of deal with the SPD is Ms Merkel's last chance to avoid new elections after talks with smaller parties collapsed earlier this month. A group of senior MPs in the Bavarian parliament want to replace Mr Seehofer as prime minister. While Mr Seehofer might be able to retain overall leadership, his position would be weakened. The rebel MPs want a vote on Monday. Defeat could force Mr Seehofer to resign. Daily Telegraph, London Telegraph Media Group Limited [2022] Katerina Tikhonova with a dance partner. She is rumoured to be daughter of Vladimir Putin. Picture: Reuters A top dance official has confirmed that a leading Russian dancer is a daughter of President Vladimir Putin. Manfred Mohab, of the World Rock 'n' Roll Confederation, later withdrew his comments, saying he had misheard. It is the second time in two years that the Reuters news agency has disclosed that Katerina Tikhonova is Putin's daughter, citing a named source, and then been publicly challenged after publication. Mr Mohab told Reuters in a weekend interview during a dance event that he knew Tikhonova through their work together on the confederation's presidium. When asked whether he knew Tikhonova was Putin's daughter, he said: "Yes. I know her, yes of course." Asked a second time, he nodded and said: "Yes." After the article was published, Mohab telephoned Reuters, and said: "I can't confirm that I know the daughter of Mr Putin. I have nothing to do with them." The Kremlin and Tikhonova did not respond to requests for comment. While Katerina's identity has been widely assumed, it has never been confirmed by Tikhonova herself or Putin. Surin Pitsuwan, former secretary-general of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, who has died in Thailand, aged 68 (AP Photo/Koji Sasahara, File) Former Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) secretary-general Surin Pitsuwan has died in Thailand at the age of 68. Thailand's Democrat Party said Mr Surin died in Bangkok on Thursday of a sudden heart attack. He is a former politician from the party who also served as Thailand's foreign minister in the late 1990s under a Democrat-led government. Mr Surin is best known for his time at the head of the 10-member Asean from 2008 until 2012. His name was also mentioned as a possible candidate for United Nations secretary-general. He remained active in regional diplomatic circles until his death. Mr Surin appeared to be in good health before he died. Posts on his official Facebook page show him visiting a Bangkok co-working space on Wednesday. Two weeks ago, he spoke at a conference marking the 50th anniversary of Asean. His remarks, punctuated with emphasis in his trademark deep voice, lauded co-operative organisations like Asean as a means of "creating a space for the region to talk to itself". He asked: "How can we unleash the energy, the creativity, the power of 640 million people onto the platform of Asean?" He also suggested that a new era - possibly one of less co-operation - may be emerging. "It has been an age of multilateralism, talking to each other in a big group," he said. But, he lamented, "the era of multilateralism is disappearing". "Be ourselves," he said of Asean nations. "Be self-sufficient. Be helpful to each other before we wait for contributions from the outside." AP Thailand's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Mr Surin "contributed greatly to the advancement and interest of Asean, as well as the promotion of Asean on the international stage. His outstanding personality, knowledge and wisdom were truly recognised by global leaders." Britains accountancy watchdog has called for accountants to be held to higher standards following as review of KPMGs audits of HBOS in the run-up to the lenders near collapse in 2008. The Financial Reporting Council (FRC), which earlier this year concluded that KPMGs work did not fall short of standards, said on Thursday that accountants should be subject to a similar level of accountability as auditors. In a letter to Treasury Select Committee chairwoman Nicky Morgan, FRC boss Stephen Haddrill said: It is our view that accountants in public interest roles should be subject to a similar threshold of accountability as auditors now are to protect the public interest. We would appreciate your support for this and, if necessary, legislation. Mr Haddrills comments came alongside a report on the FRCs findings of a probe into KPMGs audit of HBOS. KPMG was in September cleared by the watchdog over its auditing of HBOS, with the FRC saying that it does not believe there are grounds for further action. The FRC said at the time there is not a realistic prospect that a tribunal would make an adverse finding against KPMG, adding that the firms work did not fall significantly short of the standards reasonably to be expected of the audit. But Mr Haddrill admitted that the FRC should have adopted a more proactive approach to its investigation into HBOS rather than relying on other regulators. HBOS was taken over by Lloyds TSB in a rescue deal in the autumn of 2008 after expanding too quickly with risky lending, weak funding and management failures. Lloyds then had to be bailed out with 20.5 billion of taxpayer cash in 2008. HBOS, formed from the merger of Halifax and Bank of Scotland in 2001, had said in 2008 it would be able to fund itself and did not expect market conditions to worsen, according to the FRC. A young British expat is said to be facing jail in Dubai after witnessing a fight between her friends and a stranger in a hotel lobby. Asa Hutchinson was with a group of men when they attempted to take selfies with a drunk Swedish man who was asleep on a sofa, according to campaign group Detained in Dubai. The man, aged in his 50s, woke up and attacked them as they tried to flee. Police were called and the 21-year-old was charged with assault and theft, despite playing no active role in the incident in 2016, the group said. Originally from Chelmsford, Essex, Ms Hutchinson now lives in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and is an account manager for a global transportation company. She is being represented by Detained in Dubai, which has helped in legal battles involving other British nationals. She told the organisation: "It is so unfair, I was not involved. "I just happened to be there, but the police are not interested in anything I have to say. "Once the man made his complaint it was taken as fact. I can't go to jail, I couldn't cope." Ms Hutchinson had been leaving brunch with a group of friends when the altercation occurred. "The man woke up and began punching the boys," she said. "I heard the commotion and came back to see what was going on." After calling the police, the entire group was arrested and taken to Bur Dubai police station. Detained in Dubai said the men managed to get their passports back and they returned to the UK. But the Swedish man discovered Miss Hutchinson was a UAE resident and transferred charges to her, according to the organisation Radha Stirling, CEO of Detained in Dubai, said: "In Dubai, if two parties are in dispute or arguing, the first person to speak to the police is usually the one who is believed. "Often it is a race to get to the police first. By making this complaint, the man may have been safeguarding himself from being charged himself. "Also, it is clear in this case that Asa was a bystander, not involved with the fight and is only being victimised because the alleged culprits have left the country." A spokeswoman for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office said: "Our staff in Dubai assisted a British woman following an incident in 2016, and are ready to provide further help if requested." Nikki Haley, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, speaks during a Security Council meeting on the situation in North Korea, Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2017 at United Nations headquarters. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer) The United States warned North Korea's leadership it would be "utterly destroyed" if war were to break out after Pyongyang test fired its most advanced missile, putting the U.S. mainland within range, in violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions. The Trump administration has repeatedly said all options are on the table in dealing with North Korea's ballistic and nuclear weapons programmes, including military ones, but that it still prefers a diplomatic option. Speaking at an emergency U.N. Security Council meeting, U.S. ambassador Nikki Haley said the United States had never sought war with North Korea. "If war does come, it will be because of continued acts of aggression like we witnessed yesterday," she said. "...and if war comes, make no mistake, the North Korean regime will be utterly destroyed." Haley said the United States has asked China to cut off oil supply to North Korea, a drastic step that Beijing - the North's neighbour and sole major trading partner - has so far refrained from doing. Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping talked on the phone earlier on Wednesday. "Just spoke to President Xi Jinping of China concerning the provocative actions of North Korea. Additional major sanctions will be imposed on North Korea today. This situation will be handled!" Trump wrote on Twitter. Previous U.S. administrations have failed to stop North Korea from developing nuclear weapons and a sophisticated missile programme. Trump, who has previously said the United States would "totally destroy" North Korea if necessary to protect itself and its allies from the nuclear threat, has also struggled to contain Pyongyang since he came to office in January. Urging China to use its leverage and promising more sanctions against North Korea are two strategies that have borne little fruit so far. In a speech in Missouri about taxes, Trump, who has traded insults with the North in the past, referred to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un with a derisive nickname. "Little Rocket Man. He is a sick puppy," Trump said. North Korea, which conducted its sixth and largest nuclear bomb test in September, has tested dozens of ballistic missiles under Kim's leadership. Pyongyang has said its weapons programmes are a necessary defence against U.S. plans to invade. The United States, which has 28,500 troops in South Korea as a legacy of the 1950-53 Korean War, denies any such intention. North Korean state media said on Wednesday the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) was launched from a newly developed vehicle in a "breakthrough" and that the warhead could withstand the pressure of re-entering the atmosphere. Kim personally guided the missile test and said the new launcher was "impeccable". Pyongyang claimed it had finally realized the great historic cause of completing the state nuclear force". Russia's U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia called on North Korea to stop its weapons tests and for the United States and South Korea not to hold military drills in December as it would "inflame an already explosive situation". The official China Daily newspaper said in an editorial that the latest launch may have been prompted by the Trump administration's decision to label North Korea a sponsor of state terrorism. Beijing wants the two "belligerents" to calm down and is vexed that a golden opportunity to encourage Pyongyang into talks was "casually wasted" by the Trump administration, the paper said. "The clock is ticking down to one of two choices: learning to live with the DPRK having nuclear weapons or triggering a tripwire to the worst-case scenario," it added. North Korea said the new missile soared to an altitude of about 4,475 km (2,780 miles) - more than 10 times the height of the International Space Station - and flew 950 km (590 miles) during its 53-minute flight. It flew higher and longer than any North Korean missile before, landing in the sea near Japan. Photos released by North Korean state media appeared to show a missile being positioned on the launch site by a mobile vehicle, designed to allow the missile to be fired from a wider number of areas to prevent it being intercepted before launch. Kim is shown laughing and smiling with officials both next to the missile as it is readied, and in a control booth. The launch itself shows the missile lifting off amid smoke and fire, with Kim watching from a field in the distance. U.S. intelligence analysts have concluded from satellite and other data that the test missile was fired from a fixed position, not a mobile launcher, three U.S. officials said. One official said the test appears to demonstrate a more powerful North Korean solid-fuel propulsion system, especially in its second stage rocket. The photos also revealed a larger diameter missile, which could allow it to carry a larger warhead and use a more powerful engine, said David Wright of the Union of Concerned Scientists, a U.S.-based nonprofit science advocacy group. Three U.S. intelligence analysts said they were trying to assess whether North Korea's comments meant Kim might now be open to a longer halt in testing in order to reopen negotiations that might help prevent, or at least defer, the imposition of additional sanctions. The officials also noted, however, that North Korea has not proved it has an accurate guidance system for an ICBM or a re-entry vehicle capable of carrying a nuclear warhead and surviving a return from space through Earths atmosphere, meaning further tests would be needed. An international meeting in Canada in January is designed to produce "better ideas" to ease tensions over Pyongyang's nuclear and ballistic missile tests, Canadian officials said on Wednesday, although North Korea itself will not be invited. U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Wednesday the United States has "a long list of additional potential sanctions, some of which involve potential financial institutions, and the Treasury Department will be announcing those when theyre ready to roll those out". In just three months, South Korea hosts the Winter Olympics at a resort just 80 km (50 miles) from the heavily fortified border with North Korea. Prime Minister Theresa May holds talks with US President Donald Trump on the margins of the G20 summit in Hamburg Credit: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire A UK Cabinet minister has said she disagrees with Donald Trump's tweeted attack on Theresa May, but does not believe it should be allowed to detract from Britain's relationship with America and the American people. Education Secretary Justine Greening was the first senior member of the Government to respond to the US President's message on Twitter telling the Prime Minister "don't focus on me", after Downing Street said it was wrong for him to have shared anti-Muslim videos posted online by far-right group Britain First. In a virtually unprecedented social media rebuke by a head of state to the leader of a close ally, the US president said the Prime Minister should instead "focus on the destructive radical Islamic terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom". Mr Trump caused outrage on Wednesday by retweeting three posts by Britain First's deputy leader Jayda Fransen to his 43.6 million followers, including footage from the Netherlands purporting to show a Muslim migrant attacking a man on crutches. Communities Secretary Sajid Javid said Mr Trump had "endorsed the views of a vile, hate-filled racist organisation that hates me and people like me", adding: "He is wrong and I refuse to let it go and say nothing." The Prime Minister's official spokesman said on Wednesday that Britain First was dedicated to causing division among communities and that the President had been "wrong" to share the posts. Number 10's rebuke appears to have prompted Mr Trump to lash out in a late-night tweet. The President originally addressed the tweet to @theresamay, who has just six followers, rather than the Prime Minister's account. He later re-sent the tweet to tag the Prime Minister's correct Twitter handle, saying: "@Theresa_May, don't focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom. We are doing just fine!" Asked about Mr Trump's comments about the Prime Minister, Ms Greening told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "In the end, our relationship with the United States has a longevity to it that will succeed long after presidents come and go. "I don't agree with the tweet President Trump has made, but I have to say I also believe it should not distract from the agenda we have domestically and I don't believe it should detract from the close relationship the UK has had for many, many years and will go on to have with America and the American people. "This is a president that behaves unlike any other in the nature of the tweets he puts out. I don't believe that should be abe to undermine an overall important relationship with our country." Responding to Mr Trump's comments about radical Islamism in the UK, Ms Greening said: "The reality of what is happening in the UK is that this is a country united against terrorism and extremism, that has done a huge amount of work to combat that and is broadly a country at ease with itself in relation to being a very diverse place." In its response to the president's original tweets on Wednesday, the Prime Minister's official spokesman said: "Britain First seeks to divide communities through their use of hateful narratives which peddle lies and stoke tensions. They cause anxiety to law-abiding people. "British people overwhelmingly reject the prejudiced rhetoric of the far-right which is the antithesis of the values that this country represents, decency, tolerance and respect. "It is wrong for the president to have done this." Fransen, 31, who was convicted last November of religiously aggravated harassment for hurling abuse at a Muslim woman in a hijab, welcomed Mr Trump's rebuke to the PM, tweeting: "Well said Mr President! If Theresa May expressed as much outrage at the content of my videos as she has that Donald Trump retweeted them, we'd be a lot safer." Conservative MP Nadhim Zahawi shared a letter he has written to Mr Trump to register his "strong discontent" at the retweets. Referencing Mr Trump's planned state visit to the UK, Mr Zahawi said: "You are soon due to visit the United Kingdom. When you are here, I believe you would find enlightening the experience of visiting our beautiful cities like Coventry, Birmingham, Manchester and London." He added: "They are so far removed from the stereotypes that the videos of Britain First try to portray." The Britain First posts included unverified videos titled "Muslim migrant beats up Dutch boy on crutches!" and "Muslim Destroys a Statue of Virgin Mary!" The Dutch authorities said on Wednesday that the attacker in the first video was in fact born and raised in the Netherlands. White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the president had been seeking to "promote strong borders and strong national security". The Prime Minister is currently on a tour of the Middle East. Hours before Mr Trump's latest tweet, the Prime Minister's spokesman made clear the invitation for the president to make a state visit, made when Theresa May met Mr Trump in Washington in January, still stood. Responding to Mr Trump's latest tweet, Brendan Cox, whose MP wife Jo was murdered by a man shouting "Britain first", told the president on Twitter: "You have a mass shooting every single day in your country, your murder rate is many times that of the UK, your healthcare system is a disgrace, you can't pass anything through a Congress that you control. I would focus on that." Liberal Democrat leader Sir Vince Cable described Mr Trump as an "evil racist" and called on Mrs May to cancel his planned visit to the UK. Writing on Twitter, Sir Vince said: "New Donald Trump insult to Theresa May. She must end humiliating dependence of Brexit Britain on goodwill of evil racist. Cancel visit." Speaker John Bercow has granted Labour MP Stephen Doughty an urgent question on Britain First and online hate speech. It will take place in the Commons from approximately 10.30am. Shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry said that Mr Trump's tweets had put the Queen in a "very difficult and invidious position" because she would be his host for the planned state visit. Mrs May had shown "bad judgment" and taken "the wrong approach right from the start" by making the offer of a state visit within weeks of him becoming president, she said. Ms Thornberry told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "The invitation wasn't Theresa May's invitation to make. The invitation technically comes from the Queen. "Now it puts the Queen into a very difficult and invidious position of entering into politics. "If there is a way that this can be finessed, I would support that. "If he comes next year, a year which is supposed to be a really happy year for the royal family, what on earth are people supposed to make of it? "Of course, the whole thing will be a total security nightmare if Donald Trump comes over." Ms Thornberry said she was "very pleased" to see the PM "stand up to him at last", adding: "The Prime Minister was absolutely right to criticise. "Isn't it extraordinary that we have got ourselves into a place whereby, despite all the political capital she has expended trying to get a good relationship with this man, he is trying to humiliate and belittle her in the way that he is?" Ms Thornberry said: "There are Americans who are our friends, we share many values with America. But we don't share values with this man. "And it isn't just on this issue, it's a series of other ones - the way in which he has this constantly shifting position on Nato, trying to undermine climate change agreements, threatening the deal with Iran, from Syria to North Korea his only response to difficult situations is increasing belligerence. "This is not someone with whom we share values. Of course we need to work with America, but we need to be clear and stand up to him." Mrs May will face questions about Mr Trump's tweet when she faces journalists after she makes a speech in Jordan at about 12.45 UK time. London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who was involved in an earlier Twitter spat with Mr Trump after the president criticised his response to the London terror attacks, repeated his call for the state visit to be cancelled and said Mrs May should demand an apology. Mr Khan said: "President Trump yesterday used Twitter to promote a vile, extremist group that exists solely to sow division and hatred in our country. "Many Brits who love America and Americans will see this as a betrayal of the special relationship between our two countries. "It beggars belief that the president of our closest ally doesn't see that his support of this extremist group actively undermines the values of tolerance and diversity that makes Britain so great. "As the mayor of this great diverse city, I have previously called on Theresa May to cancel her ill-judged offer of a state visit to President Trump. "After this latest incident, it is increasingly clear that any official visit at all from President Trump to Britain would not be welcomed. "The Prime Minister of our country should be using any influence she and her Government claim to have with the president and his administration to ask him to delete these tweets and to apologise to the British people." Russian President Vladimir Putin, left, Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, right, and Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, centre, visit a missile cruiser in the Black Sea resort of Sochi in August (Alexei Druzhinin, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP, file) Russia has approved a draft agreement with Egypt for Russian warplanes to use Egyptian military bases, according to a document released on Thursday Such a deal would allow Moscow to further increase its military footprint in the Middle East. The directive, signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and published on the official portal of legal information, endorses the draft prepared by the Russian Defence Ministry and instructs it to sign the deal with Egypt when it is ready. The Russia-Egypt deal, which would allow each country's warplanes to use air bases of the other, is to last five years and could be extended further if agreed. For Egypt, the deal is significant as President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi's government has expanded military ties with Russia and signed deals to buy Russian fighter jets, helicopters and other weapons. Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu visited Cairo on Wednesday, noting that military co-operation between the two countries has increased recently as Egypt placed new orders for Russian weapons. "We are pleased to note stable positive dynamics in the military-technical sphere," Mr Shoigu was quoted as saying during a meeting of an inter-government commission on military-technical co-operation. He also offered condolences for the massacre during Friday prayers at a village mosque in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula last week in which 305 people were killed - the deadliest attack by Islamic extremists in Egypt's modern history. Mr Shoigu emphasised the need to strengthen co-operation in fighting terrorism. "We believe that it's necessary to fight this evil together using all accessible means," he said. The local affiliate of Islamic State has not formally claimed responsibility for the mosque attack, though the men who gunned down the worshippers carried the black banner of the militant group. The IS affiliate has claimed responsibility for the October 2015 downing over Sinai of a Russian passenger jet that killed all 224 people on board, mostly Russian tourists. IS said it blew up the plane with a bomb smuggled on board, a claim confirmed by Russian investigators. The bombing prompted Russia to cut commercial flights with Egypt, a heavy blow that decimated the country's vital tourism industry. Moscow and Cairo have held talks on boosting airport security and resuming the air link, but no agreement has been reached so far. Egypt was Moscow's closest Arab ally in the 1950s and 1960s, when nationalist leader Gamal Abdel-Nasser turned away from the United States and secured Soviet backing. His successor, Anwar Sadat, broke ties with Moscow and evicted Soviet military advisers. Under Mr el-Sissi, who developed friendly ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Egypt has expanded economic ties with Russia and shown a renewed interest in Russian arms. Russia has raised its profile in the Middle East with a military campaign in Syria that has turned the course of war in President Bashar Assad's favour. Russia has an air base and a navy supply facility in Syria, which it plans to expand. Mr el-Sissi has struggled to subdue the Islamic insurgency in Sinai. On Wednesday, he gave his security forces a three-month deadline to restore "security and stability" in the troubled northern part of the peninsula and authorised his new chief of staff to use "all brute force" against the militants. AP New Delhi, Nov 30 (IBNS): In a move to accelerate adoption of 4G smartphones at the entry level, Vodafone India on Thursday said it has extended its association with Micromax. As a part of this association, Vodafone has rolled out exciting cash back offers on the entire range of entry level Micromax 4G Smartphone models. Under this partnership, existing and new Vodafone customers can purchase any of the popular new Micromax smartphones (Bharat 2 Plus, Bharat 3, Bharat 4and Canvas -1) and enjoy the cash back offers. To avail this special offer, customers have to simply do a recharge of at least Rs 150/- per month for 36 months (the recharges can be of any denomination totaling to a minimum of Rs. 150/- per month). At the end of 18 months, users will receive a cash back of Rs. 900/- and after another 18 months, a cash back of Rs. 1,300/- respectively, thus availing a total cashback of Rs 2200/-," the company said in a statement The cash back will be credited to their Vodafone M-Pesa wallets. Recently, Vodafone and Micromax had introduced Indias lowest priced 4G Smartphone with Vodafone SuperNet 4G connection for just Rs.999. The smartphone Bharat2 Ultra is a new Smartphone under Micromaxs successful 4G smartphone Bharat series that aims to bring better camera, battery and display options for the new smartphone users in the most affordable category Speaking about the offer, Avneesh Khosla, Associate Director Consumer Business, Vodafone India said, This is an initiative to democratize access to Vodafone SuperNet 4G. Recently through our partnership with Micromax we launched the most affordable smartphone in the country at a very attractive price of Rs 999/-. We are now giving more options to our customers to choose from by bringing four more entry level Micromax 4G smartphones within the special cash back offer. We hope that this will encourage and enable several million phone users to upgrade to a smartphone and enjoy a richer user experience with Vodafone SuperNet 4G. New Delhi, Nov 30 (IBNS): Heavy rain lashed southern and central parts of Kerala on Thursday, an outcome of Cyclonic Storm OCKHI, which lay over Comorin area of the southern peninsula, according to media reports. The Met office issued a cyclone warning for south Kerala, adjoining districts of south Tamil Nadu and Lakshadweep Islands. The Ministry of Earth Sciences said in a mid-day release that latest observations and satellite imageries indicate that the deep depression over Comorin area moved west-northwestwards with a speed of 38 kmph during past six hours and intensified into a cyclonic storm OCKHI and lay centred at 0830 hrs IST on Thursday over Comorin area and neighbourhood near Latitude 7.5 N and Longitude 77.5 E, about 340 km west-northwest of Galle (Sri Lanka), 60 km south of Kanyakumari, 120 km southwest of Thiruvananthapuram and 480 km east-southeast of Minicoy. The system is very likely to move west-northwestwards towards Lakshadweep Islands and intensify further into a severe cyclonic storm during next 24 hours, the release said. The ministry has issued a series of warnings on Thursday. Excerpts: Heavy Rainfall warning: Rainfall at most places with heavy to very heavy rainfall at isolated places very likely over south Tamil Nadu & south Kerala during next 24 hours and isolated heavy falls over interior Tamil Nadu and Kerala during subsequent 24 hours. Rainfall at most places with heavy to very heavy rainfall at a few places and isolated extremely heavy falls very likely over Lakshadweep area during next 48 hours. Wind warning: Gale wind speed reaching 65-75 kmph gusting to 85 kmph very likely along & off South Kerala during next 48 hours and along & off south Tamilnadu during next 24 hours. Squally winds speed reaching 55-65 kmph gusting to 75 kmph very likely along & around Lakshadweep Islands during next 12 hours and increase thereafter with wind speeds becoming 80-90 kmph gusting to 100 kmph from tonight, the 30th November 2017. Sea condition: Sea conditions would be high along & off South Kerala coast during next 48 hours and along & off south Tamilnadu coast during next 24 hours. Sea conditions would be very rough to high over and around Lakshadweep Islands during next 12 hours and high to very high during subsequent 48 hours. Damage Expected over south Kerala (Alappuzha, Kottayam, Idukki, Kollam, Pathanathitta, Thiruvananthapuram districts), adjoining districts of south Tamil Nadu (Kanyakumari, Tutukudi and Tirunelveli districts) and Lakshadweep Islands. Damage to power and communication lines due to breaking of tree branches and uprooting of trees. Damage to thatched houses. Major damage to kutcha houses and minor damage to pucca roads. Damage to paddy crops, banana, Papaya trees and orchards. Action suggested Lakshadweep Islands: Fishermen along & off Lakshadweep Islands are advised not to venture into the sea during next 48 hours. South Tamil Nadu and South Kerala : Fishermen are advised not to venture into the sea along & off South Tamil Nadu coast during next 24 hrs and along and off South Kerala coasts during next 48 hours. Image: MInistry Of Earth Science/PIB Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APS) is an autoantibody-mediated thrombophilic disorder that causes a hypercoagulable state and can lead to venous thromboembolism, stroke, multiple miscarriages, and other pregnancy complications (Figure 1).1-3 Definitive diagnosis is characterized by the persistent elevation of antiphospholipid antibody titers; however, recurrent arterial or venous thromboembolism (VTE) and recurrent fetal loss are clinical signs also used in diagnosis.3,4 FIGURE 1.: Excessive clotting due to APS can impair placental perfusion, often resulting in spontaneous abortion. Antiphospholipid antibodies were first discovered in 1906 in patients who tested positive serologically for syphilis.1 The antibodies are generated against cell membrane phospholipids, proteins, and other factors involved in the coagulation cascade.3,5,6 APS is considered primary if it occurs in a patient with no underlying disease and secondary if it is related to an underlying pathology such as systemic lupus erythematous (SLE). Clinical manifestations are similar in primary and secondary APS.6 Catastrophic APS is a rare, severe form of APS that can be fatal, and is defined by microvascular thrombosis leading to multiorgan failure that typically involves the brain, kidneys, and lungs.7 The clinical and laboratory diagnostic criteria for APS can be confusing.8 Consensus diagnostic criteria consist of laboratory and clinical criteria. Laboratory testing for antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) that are associated with APS includes lupus anticoagulant, anticardiolipin IgG and IgM antibodies, and anti-beta 2 -glycoprotein I (anti-beta 2 GPI) IgG and IgM antibodies.9,10 Clinical criteria include vascular thrombosis and pregnancy morbidity.9 At minimum, patients must meet one clinical and one laboratory criterion to be diagnosed with APS.9 This article describes APS, the difficulties in diagnosing it, clinical and laboratory criteria for diagnosis, and treatment and management options. EPIDEMIOLOGY APS can occur in either sex but is most common in women.11 Antiphospholipid antibodies have been found in 65% to 70% of women with thrombosis in areas of the body considered unusual, such as the cerebral portal and the mesenteric and splenic veins.11 Women typically are diagnosed during their reproductive years (ages 15 to 55 years).11 Women with documented APS should not be given combination estrogen-progestin oral contraceptives because of the increased risk of thrombosis.11 Between 1% and 5% of the general population has antiphospholipid antibodies.3,9 However, only a few of these patients will develop APS, with an estimated incidence of APS being 5 new cases per 100,000 people per year and the prevalence estimated at 40 to 50 cases per 100,000 people.9 Based on existing literature, antiphospholipid antibodies are positive in about 13% of patients with a history of stroke, 11% of patients with myocardial infarction (MI), 9.5% of patients with deep vein thrombosis (DVT), and 6% of patients experiencing fetal loss.9 APS has been found to be the cause in 14% of all strokes, 11% of MIs, 10% of DVTs, and 9% of spontaneous fetal losses.12 Between 30% and 40% of patients with SLE have positive antiphospholipid antibodies; however, only about 10% of patients with SLE have been diagnosed with APS.12 The incidence of APS has been associated with the number of positive antiphospholipid antibody tests.13 More specifically, patients with all three types of antibodies (called triple positivity) have higher occurrences and recurrences of thromboembolic events.13 The annual rate of a first thromboembolic event in white patients ages 35 to 55 years without APS is 0.4%, compared with 0% to 3.8% in an asymptomatic patient with positive antiphospholipid antibodies.13 The incidence of thromboembolic events in patients positive for one antiphospholipid antibody is 1.36%, rising to 5.3% in patients with triple positivity.13 PATHOPHYSIOLOGY APS is an acquired autoimmune disease that is multisystemic and may occur alone or in conjunction with connective tissue disorders such as SLE or rheumatoid arthritis.14 The cause is not known, although genetic factors, such as an increased frequency of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) subsets, have been seen in patients with SLE.9 Patients must have one or more antiphospholipid antibodies and one clinical criterion for the diagnosis of APS.7 Patients with more than one positive antibody are at higher risk for thrombosis; those with triple positivity are at highest risk.7 Lupus anticoagulant binding to anti-beta 2 GPI is associated with thrombosis, and anticardiolipin antibodies that recognize anti-beta 2 GPI form a dependent complex that is associated with thrombosis and pregnancy complications.7 Many other mechanisms for thrombosis in patients with APS have been described, including increased tissue factor expression on white cells and endothelial cells, interference along the anticoagulation pathway of protein C, inhibition of fibrinolysis, and inhibition of annexin V binding to phospholipids.7 Other influences on thrombotic pathophysiology include the concurrent presence of other prothrombotic factors such as inherited thrombophilia, pregnancy, immobilization, surgery, and SLE.10 Patients may have transient positive antibodies and may or may not have clinical symptoms. Some patients may have persistently positive antibodies and no clinical symptoms, seronegative antibodies with clinical symptoms, or persistently positive antibodies and symptoms (APS). A two-hit theory also has emerged, positing that positive antibodies increase thrombotic risk (first hit) and the actual thrombotic event is triggered by an environmental risk factor (second hit) such as pregnancy, age, diabetes, smoking, obesity, or hypertension (Figure 2).12,14,15 FIGURE 2.: In a patient with APS, positive antibodies increase thrombotic risk and the actual thrombotic event is triggered by an environmental risk factor (a second hit) such as immobility, infection, inflammation, trauma, or certain medications. RISK FACTORS Risk factors for APS include age (over 55 years for men and over 65 years for women), cardiovascular disease risk factors, autoimmune disease (primarily SLE), smoking, surgery, immobilization, family history of premature cardiovascular disease, oral contraceptive use, inherited thrombophilias, and pregnancy.9 About 24% of thrombotic events in women occur during pregnancy or during the postpartum period.11 Conditions clinically associated with APS include thrombocytopenia, heart valve disease, MI, chorea, levido reticularis/racemose, nephropathy, anticardiolipin IgA, anti-beta 2 GPI IgA, antiphosphatidylserine antibodies, antiphosphatidylethanolamine antibodies, antibodies against prothrombin alone, and antibodies to the phosphatidylserine-prothrombin complex, but none of these are specific to APS.7,9,16 APS causes venous, arterial, or small-vessel thrombosis and can cause death.4 The thrombotic event is nonselective, affecting any vessel size and occurring in any area of the body. Most frequently, DVT, pulmonary embolus (PE), and stroke are reported.4 Patients with untreated APS are at high risk for occurrence and recurrence of these events.4 Pregnancy complications, a distinct group that differs from vascular APS, include more than three consecutive spontaneous abortions before 10 weeks gestation; at least one unexplained fetal death after 10 weeks gestation of a morphologically normal fetus; and premature birth (before the 34th week) of a normal neonate due to eclampsia, severe preeclampsia, or placental insufficiency. Patients with recurrent spontaneous abortion and positive antibodies have a 15-fold greater risk of thromboembolic events than patients presenting with recurrent spontaneous abortion who do not have positive antibodies.14 Lupus anticoagulant is known to interfere with coagulation by prolonging the phospholipid-dependent test.7 Lupus anticoagulant is considered a nonspecific inhibitor because it can block phospholipid surfaces needed for coagulation, causing an elevated activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT).7 However, lupus anticoagulant also has been known to increase clotting and is more strongly associated with thromboembolism than the other antiphospholipid antibodies.7 Laboratory testing should not be done during an acute thrombotic event because it could lead to false-positive results.4,7 Up to 10% of healthy people and 30% to 50% of patients with lupus are positive for lupus anticoagulant.1 WHO AND WHEN TO TEST Testing for APS depends on the patient's clinical history and whether thrombosis or pregnancy complications may have other causes.7 Women who have experienced recurrent spontaneous abortions should be tested.7 Routine screening is not recommended in patients with ischemic stroke; however, adults under age 50 years who have had ischemic stroke should be tested.7 Patients with an unprovoked proximal DVT or PE after discontinuing anticoagulation of at least 7 days also should be tested for APS.7 DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Other diagnoses to consider include: Other hypercoagulable states such as malignancy, antithrombin III deficiency, protein C or S deficiency, factor V Leiden, prothrombin A mutation, antiprothrombin antibodies, hormone replacement therapy, and oral contraceptive use Atherosclerotic vascular disease including cholesterol emboli syndrome Systemic necrotizing vasculitis Disseminated intravascular coagulation Infective endocarditis Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. DIAGNOSIS Patients must have one clinical criterion and one laboratory criterion or the diagnosis of APS.9 Clinical: one or more episodes of thrombosis in any tissue or organ, confirmed by appropriate imaging studies or histopathology from samples without significant evidence of inflammation in the vessel wall Clinical: pregnancy complications (spontaneous abortions, unexplained fetal death, or premature birth) as described earlier Laboratory: positive lupus anticoagulant result on two or more tests performed at least 12 weeks apart Laboratory: IgG or IgM anticardiolipin antibodies in a medium or high titer (more than 40 GPL or MPL units or greater than the 99th percentile), based on two or more tests performed at least 12 weeks apart using the standard ELISA test Laboratory: anti-beta2-GPI IgG and IgM antibodies greater than the 99th percentile, based on two or more tests performed at least 12 weeks apart using the standard ELISA test.7,9,16 Laboratory testing for anticardiolipin antibodies and anti-beta 2 glycoprotein-I antibodies poses a challenge due to the poor standardized nature of laboratory testing.10 The presence of lupus anticoagulant is more strongly associated with the risk of thromboembolism than the other criteria mentioned.6,7 The best practice for diagnosing APS is to perform a thorough clinical history and physical examination to determine if the patient meets the diagnostic criteria for APS or has hereditary thrombophilias or other causes of thrombosis or pregnancy complications.7 Other autoantibodies such as annexin V, antiphosphatidylserine, antiphosphatidylethanolamine, antibodies against prothrombin alone, antibodies to phosphatidylserine-prothrombin, and complex tissue factor expression on white cells show clinical associated features to APS, but their role has not been clearly defined as they have not been shown to be specific to APS.7,8 TREATMENT AND PREVENTION Treatment recommendations must consider the patient's risk factors, number of positive antibodies, clinical associated factors, current clinical issues, and history of thrombotic events.12 Current best care recommendations for patients with positive antibody tests and APS are as follows: First-line prophylaxis Patients who are asymptomatic with positive antibodies do not require any specific treatment.12 Clinical associations such as valvular heart disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia (using statins), and associated autoimmune diseases (such as SLE) should be managed and controlled.12 In patients with SLE, hydroxychloroquine may be helpful due to its intrinsic anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic properties.12 Eliminate all risk factors that are known procoagulants, such as smoking and oral hormone replacement, if present.12 Low-dose aspirin is widely used as prophylaxis; however, its effectiveness as a primary prevention treatment has not been shown.12 Clopidogrel also has been used for prevention, with positive anecdotal reports in patients with APS, but has not been proven effective.12 Prophylactic surgical placement of an inferior vena cava filter may be necessary in patients with recurrent DVT.12 Aortic valve replacement surgery is recommended for patients with severe aortic regurgitation.11 Patients with chronic forms of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura should undergo splenectomy for control of the resulting thrombocytopenia.11 Patients undergoing abdominal or orthopedic surgery should be placed on thromboprophylaxis.11 Treating thrombosis The mainstay treatment for thrombotic APS is heparin followed by long-term warfarin or other vitamin K antagonists.4,17 Warfarin therapy should be adjusted to a target international normalized ratio (INR) of 2 to 3 in patients with venous thrombosis and 3 for those with arterial thrombosis.1,12 Patients with recurrent thrombosis despite being on anticoagulation should have a target INR between 3 and 4.12 In patients refractory to warfarin treatment alone, warfarin and aspirin combination treatment is suggested. Open-label clinical trials of oral direct thrombin and antifactor Xa inhibitors are being conducted in patients with APS.17 The risk of thrombotic recurrence has been shown to be greatest during the 6-month period following discontinuation of warfarin therapy.1 Therefore, indefinite anticoagulation treatment is recommended in patients with APS and a history of thromboembolism.1,6,12 Treatment in pregnancy Pregnancy is considered high-risk in women with APS and should be treated as such.11 Provide patient education and counseling about the signs and symptoms of thromboembolism, preeclampsia, and decreased fetal movement.11 The likelihood of a viable pregnancy in women with APS and the correct treatment is 75% to 80%.18 The use of novel antiplatelet agents has not been well studied in this subgroup.1,17,18 In women attempting pregnancy without a prior thromboembolic event, no standard therapy is available and anticoagulation may decrease recurrent pregnancy complications.11 In these cases, low-dose aspirin (81 mg daily) in addition to prophylactic doses of heparin is superior to aspirin alone.11 In women with marked thrombocytopenia, epidural anesthesia is not recommended.11 In the postpartum period, the mother can be switched to warfarin with a target INR of 3.11 Referral to a hematology specialist is appropriate in either case.1 Catastrophic APS Early diagnosis and aggressive therapies are essential in catastrophic APS because of its extremely high mortality. For patients with catastrophic APS, treatment with plasma exchange or immune globulin in addition to corticosteroids, anticoagulant therapy, and/or rituximab has been recommended.1,4 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Asymptomatic patients with positive antibodies Lupus anticoagulant antibodies may be detected in asymptomatic patients who do not meet clinical criteria for APS. This is due to the common use of aPTT laboratory testing in clinical practice. In such cases, a detailed history should be taken to assess for any missed cases of APS due to missed positive clinical criteria. Although asymptomatic patients with positive antibodies may be at higher risk for thromboembolism, there is no agreement on the role of, or recommendations for, prophylactic treatment in this subgroup.6 Children Follow pediatric thromboembolism management guidelines for children with VTE associated with antiphospholipid antibodies.6 Children should be managed by a pediatrician with expertise in thromboembolism management. Otherwise, an adult or pediatric hematologist is recommended for consultation and care.6 DISCUSSION Several controversies continue to surround the diagnosis and treatment of APS due to the unpredictable expression of the disease and its effects. Patients who may have transient positive antibodies (with or without clinical symptoms) remain the most controversial. There is no concrete information or evidence on the significance of transient elevation of antiphospholipid antibodies in patients with no clinical symptoms, and treating asymptomatic patients with positive antibodies is not recommended. Prophylactic treatment of asymptomatic patients with positive antibodies likely is not necessary unless clinical symptoms emerge due to a second hit triggered by another disease, such as an infection. The significance of positive antibodies in patients with clinically associated diseases that occur commonly in the general population remains unclear. The presence of antiphospholipid antibodies alone does not have clear implications on the management of these conditions. However, further research needs to be performed to include patients with transient elevation of antibodies and seronegative patients who have clinical symptoms, as associated antiphospholipid antibodies not yet reported may be causing the patient's symptoms. Research will help establish guidelines on prophylactic treatment for the prevention of thrombosis or pregnancy complications in these patients. Diagnosing a patient with transient antibody elevations may be easy to do over the continuum of their health history but may prove to be difficult to diagnose early in the disease. Another consideration that warrants further investigation is whether the transient elevation of antibodies with clinical symptoms is some sort of prelude to other potentially associated autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, which may appear months to years after the initial detection of elevated antiphospholipid antibodies. In the case of asymptomatic women (pregnant or not) with persistently elevated antibodies, pharmacologic treatment is not recommended.4 Further research also is needed to determine if associated antibody, medication, or disease triggers can be targeted to prevent the thrombosis cascade from starting. This may be achieved through continued development of the global APS score, originally developed in patients with SLE to stratify disease severity.15 Finally, the special consideration groups: pregnant women, children, and men with recurrent VTE or stroke before at 50 years, need to be studied further in order to establish a consensus guideline on treatment and prevention therapies. This is due to little research being available on these special groups. More information would help to determine the expression of the disease and clarify the link for a potential hereditary component to the disease. CONCLUSION The key elements to diagnosing APS are at least one positive clinical finding and one positive laboratory finding found on two occasions at least 12 weeks apart. Treatment of APS is appropriate and indefinite anticoagulation. For patients with positive antibodies and no clinical symptoms, no treatment is recommended. Prevention of APS focuses on treating those clinically associated diseases, such as hypertension and hyperlipidemia, as well as avoiding medications known to trigger APS events under the second hit theory. Washington, Nov 30 (IBNS): After unprecedented global success in malaria control, progress has stalled, according to the World malaria report 2017. There were an estimated 5 million more malaria cases in 2016 than in 2015. Malaria deaths stood at around 445 000, a similar number to the previous year. In recent years, we have made major gains in the fight against malaria, said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO. We are now at a turning point. Without urgent action, we risk going backwards, and missing the global malaria targets for 2020 and beyond. The WHO Global Technical Strategy for Malaria calls for reductions of at least 40% in malaria case incidence and mortality rates by the year 2020. According to WHOs latest malaria report, the world is not on track to reach these critical milestones. A major problem is insufficient funding at both domestic and international levels, resulting in major gaps in coverage of insecticide-treated nets, medicines, and other life-saving tools. Funding shortage An estimated US$ 2.7 billion was invested in malaria control and elimination efforts globally in 2016. That is well below the US $6.5 billion annual investment required by 2020 to meet the 2030 targets of the WHO global malaria strategy. In 2016, governments of endemic countries provided US$ 800 million, representing 31% of total funding. The United States of America was the largest international funder of malaria control programmes in 2016, providing US$1 billion (38% of all malaria funding), followed by other major donors, including the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, France, Germany and Japan. The global figures The report shows that, in 2016, there were an estimated 216 million cases of malaria in 91 countries, up from 211 million cases in 2015. The estimated global tally of malaria deaths reached 445 000 in 2016 compared to 446 000 the previous year. While the rate of new cases of malaria had fallen overall, since 2014 the trend has levelled off and even reversed in some regions. Malaria mortality rates followed a similar pattern. The African Region continues to bear an estimated 90% of all malaria cases and deaths worldwide. Fifteen countries all but one in sub-Saharan Africa carry 80% of the global malaria burden. Clearly, if we are to get the global malaria response back on track, supporting the most heavily affected countries in the African Region must be the primary focus, said Dr Tedros. Controlling malaria In most malaria-affected countries, sleeping under an insecticide-treated bednet (ITN) is the most common and most effective way to prevent infection. In 2016, an estimated 54% of people at risk of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa slept under an ITN compared to 30% in 2010. However, the rate of increase in ITN coverage has slowed since 2014, the report finds. Spraying the inside walls of homes with insecticides is another effective way to prevent malaria. The report reveals a steep drop in the number of people protected from malaria by this method from an estimated 180 million in 2010 to 100 million in 2016 with the largest reductions seen in the African Region. The African Region has seen a major increase in diagnostic testing in the public health sector: from 36% of suspected cases in 2010 to 87% in 2016. A majority of patients (70%) who sought treatment for malaria in the public health sector received artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) the most effective antimalarial medicines. However, in many areas, access to the public health system remains low. National-level surveys in the African Region show that only about one third (34%) of children with a fever are taken to a medical provider in the public health sector. Tackling malaria in complex settings The report also outlines additional challenges in the global malaria response, including the risks posed by conflict and crises in malaria endemic zones. WHO is currently supporting malaria responses in Nigeria, South Sudan, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) and Yemen, where ongoing humanitarian crises pose serious health risks. In Nigerias Borno State, for example, WHO supported the launch of a mass antimalarial drug administration campaign this year that reached an estimated 1.2 million children aged under 5 years in targeted areas. Early results point to a reduction in malaria cases and deaths in this state. A wake-up call We are at a crossroads in the response to malaria, said Dr Pedro Alonso, Director of the Global Malaria Programme, commenting on the findings of this years report. We hope this report serves as a wake-up call for the global health community. Meeting the global malaria targets will only be possible through greater investment and expanded coverage of core tools that prevent, diagnose and treat malaria. Robust financing for the research and development of new tools is equally critical. Photo: Joydeep Mukherjee Washington, Nov 30 (IBNS): A NASA-led team has found evidence that the oversized planet WASP-18b is wrapped in a smothering stratosphere loaded with carbon monoxide and devoid of water. The findings come from a new analysis of observations made by the Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes. The formation of a stratosphere layer in a planets atmosphere is attributed to sunscreen-like molecules, which absorb UV and visible radiation coming from the star and then release that energy as heat. The new study suggests that the hot Jupiter WASP-18b, a massive planet that orbits very close to its host star, has an unusual composition, and the formation of this world might have been quite different from that of Jupiter as well as gas giants in other planetary systems. The composition of WASP-18b defies all expectations, said Kyle Sheppard of NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, lead author of the paper published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters. We dont know of any other extrasolar planet where carbon monoxide so completely dominates the upper atmosphere. On Earth, ozone absorbs UV in the stratosphere, protecting our world from a lot of the Suns harmful radiation. For the handful of exoplanets with stratospheres, the absorber is typically thought to be a molecule such as titanium oxide, a close relative of titanium dioxide, used on Earth as a paint pigment and sunscreen ingredient. The researchers looked at data collected for WASP-18b, located 325 light-years from Earth, as part of a survey to find exoplanets with stratospheres. The heavyweight planet, which has the mass of 10 Jupiters, has been observed repeatedly, allowing astronomers to accumulate a relatively large trove of data. This study analyzed five eclipses from archived Hubble data and two from Spitzer. From the light emitted by the planets atmosphere at infrared wavelengths, beyond the visible region, its possible to identify the spectral fingerprints of water and some other important molecules. The analysis revealed WASP-18bs peculiar fingerprint, which doesnt resemble any exoplanet examined so far. To determine which molecules were most likely to match it, the team carried out extensive computer modeling. The only consistent explanation for the data is an overabundance of carbon monoxide and very little water vapor in the atmosphere of WASP-18b, in addition to the presence of a stratosphere, said Nikku Madhusudhan a co-author of the study from the University of Cambridge. This rare combination of factors opens a new window into our understanding of physicochemical processes in exoplanetary atmospheres. The findings indicate that WASP-18b has hot carbon monoxide in the stratosphere and cooler carbon monoxide in the layer of the atmosphere below, called the troposphere. The team determined this by detecting two types of carbon monoxide signatures, an absorption signature at a wavelength of about 1.6 micrometers and an emission signature at about 4.5 micrometers. This is the first time researchers have detected both types of fingerprints for a single type of molecule in an exoplanets atmosphere. In theory, another possible fit for the observations is carbon dioxide, which has a similar fingerprint. The researchers ruled this out because if there were enough oxygen available to form carbon dioxide, the atmosphere also should have some water vapor. To produce the spectral fingerprints seen by the team, the upper atmosphere of WASP-18b would have to be loaded with carbon monoxide. Compared to other hot Jupiters, this planet's atmosphere likely would contain 300 times more metals, or elements heavier than hydrogen and helium. This extremely high metallicity would indicate WASP-18b might have accumulated greater amounts of solid ices during its formation than Jupiter, suggesting it may not have formed the way other hot Jupiters did. The expected launch of the James Webb Space Telescope and other future space-based observatories will give us the opportunity to follow up with even more powerful instruments and to continue exploring the amazing array of exoplanets out there, said Avi Mandell, an exoplanet scientist at Goddard and the second author of the paper. Image credits: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Srinagar, Nov 30 (IBNS) : Four militants were gunned down by the security forces in an encounter in Jammu and Kashmir's Budgam district on Thursday, media reports said quoting Army officials. The report said two youths have also sustained injuries in the encounter that took place at Fultipora village. The operation was launched jointly by Army, the CRPF and the Jammu and Kashmir Police in the morning following specific information about the presence of militants in a house at the village. As the operation began, militants opened fire from inside the house leading to an encounter. Details of the encounter are yet to be received. Meanwhile, another encounter between security forces and militants is reportedly underway in Sopore town of north Kashmirs Baramulla district. An Army man has reportedly sustained injuries, media reports said. Srinagar, Nov 30 (IBNS) : At least five militants were gunned down in two separate encounters in Kashmir's Budgam and Baramulla districts on Thursday. While four militants were killed in an encounter in central Kashmir's Budgam, one was shot dead in Baramulla on the northern part of the state. The second encounter is still going on. According to an army spokesman, on specific inputs about the presence of militants are hiding in the Futlipora village in Budgam, a joint team of the army, police and central reserve police force laida cordon and started a search operation in Futlipora village under Budgam. As the forces approached the house, the militants opened fire, leading to a gunfight in which four militants were killed, the spokesman added. He said that a combing operation is underway in the area. Eight youths were also injured in clashes near the site of the encounter in Futlipora village and Pakherpora main chowk. Reports said that youths pelted the forces with stones to disrupt the anti-militant operation. In another encounter, security forces gunned down one militant in Sopore Baramulla of North Kashmir. According to reports, a joint team of army's 22 RR and SOG launched a search operation in the Sagipora forest area following inputs about the whereabouts of some militants. When reports last came the exchange of heavy gun fire was going on. (Reporting by Saleem Iqbal Qadri) Srinagar, Nov 30 (IBNS): Jammu and Kashmir Director General of Police (DGP) SP Vaid on Thursday confirmed that more than 200 terrorists have been killed in counter-insurgency operations in the state this year. Vaid confirmed the matter via a tweet. "Today by the collective effort of @JmuKmrPolice, Indian Army, @crpfindia, CAPF & people of Kashmir have lead to neutralisation of more than 200 terrorists in the year of 2017 alone. This marks a huge landmark for establishing peace & stability in the state of J&K &our country," Vaid tweeted. Meanwhile, at least five militants were gunned down in two separate encounters in Kashmir's Budgam and Baramulla districts on Thursday. While four militants were killed in an encounter in central Kashmir's Budgam, one was shot dead in Baramulla on the northern part of the state. The second encounter is still going on. According to an army spokesman, on specific inputs about the presence of militants are hiding in the Futlipora village in Budgam, a joint team of the army, police and central reserve police force laida cordon and started a search operation in Futlipora village under Budgam. As the forces approached the house, the militants opened fire, leading to a gunfight in which four militants were killed, the spokesman added. He said that a combing operation is underway in the area. Eight youths were also injured in clashes near the site of the encounter in Futlipora village and Pakherpora main chowk. Reports said that youths pelted the forces with stones to disrupt the anti-militant operation. In another encounter, security forces gunned down one militant in Sopore Baramulla of North Kashmir. According to reports, a joint team of army's 22 RR and SOG launched a search operation in the Sagipora forest area following inputs about the whereabouts of some militants. When reports last came the exchange of heavy gun fire was going on. New Delhi, Nov 30 (IBNS): Vice President of India M. Venkaiah Naidu has said that Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have to be strengthened to play a bigger role in the countrys economic prosperity. He was addressing the 21st International Conference on Small and Medium Enterprises, organized by the World Association for Small and Medium Enterprises (WASME), here on Thursday. The Union Minister for Commerce & Industry, Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu, the Minister of Industry, Government of Bangladesh, Amir Hossain Amu, the Minister of Business, Enterprise and Co-operatives, Government of Mauritius, Soomilduth Bholah, the President of WASME, Alhaji Babale Umaru Girei and other dignitaries were present on the occasion. The Vice President said that the SMEs contribute up to 45 per cent of Indias GDP and employs nearly 46 crore people, which is the second largest workforce in the country after the agricultural sector, and is growing at 11.5 per cent annually. The theme of the conference - Achieving inclusive and sustainable industrialization by promoting SMEs was aptly chosen as climate change and global warming are stark realities affecting the people, fauna and flora all over the world, he added. The Vice President said that in sustaining this planet and ensuring a greener future for posterity, the SMEs can play a crucial role by adopting practices that will not impact the environment and harm the present and future generations. Countries will have to strengthen their capabilities and explore new ways to solve development challenges, by involving various actors, processes and types of governance, source of finance and encouraging collaboration and cooperation across stakeholders, sectors and regions, he added. The Vice President expressed his confidence that this global convention will serve as an important platform for various stakeholders to network, share their experiences and more importantly to highlight and emulate good practices. He further said that this conference in India has great significance for both India and other participating countries as India has achieved a remarkable improvement in Ease of Doing Business ranking from 130 to 100. India is also focusing on creating an ecosystem for promoting entrepreneurship SME sector, he added. Following is the text of Vice Presidents address: I am delighted to be here to inaugurate the 21st International Conference on Small and Medium Enterprises (ICSME) organized by the World Association for Small and Medium Enterprises (WASME). I must take this opportunity to appreciate the efforts of WASME in having successfully organized 20 such international conferences in different countries earlier. I am happy that this year, the prestigious global conference has returned to India. It is indeed a great platform to discuss, exchange and deliberate many key initiatives taken for SME development across the world. I also feel honored to have Mr. Soomilduth Bholah, Honble Minister, Ministry of Business, Enterprise and Co-operatives, Government of Mauritius and Mr. Amir Hossain Amu, Honble Minister, Ministry of Industry, Government of Bangladesh as Guests of Honour for this flagship annual event. We know that formal SMEs contribute up to 60 per cent of total employment and up to 40 per cent of national income (GDP) in emerging economies. In India, they contribute up to 45 per cent of its GDP. The Indian SME sector employs nearly 46 crore people, which is the second largest workforce in the country after the agricultural sector, and is growing at 11.5 per cent annually. According to estimates of the World Bank, 600 million jobs will be needed in the next 15 years to absorb the growing global workforce, mainly in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. In emerging markets, most formal jobs are generated by SMEs, which also create 4 out of 5 new positions. The SMEs represent the backbone of global economic activity and play a crucial role in alleviating poverty and ensuring inclusive economic growth. Apart from generating employment and wealth, SMEs play a critical role in equitable distribution of growth. Undoubtedly, they face constraints in accessing finance and taxation issues. They are also handicapped by skill gaps, poor technology, regulatory complexities and trade barriers. The challenges faced by SMEs need to be addressed to enable them realize their full potential and play a bigger role in the countrys economic prosperity. The theme of the conference--Achieving inclusive and sustainable industrialization by promoting SMEs is very close to my heart. Today, climate change and global warming are stark realities affecting the people, fauna and flora all over the world. Till a few decades ago, discussions on these topics remained confined to scientific conferences as the general public either remained blissfully indifferent or were not fully aware about the disastrous consequences. But gradually people have started to realize the dangers of indiscriminate depletion of natural resources and that it cannot be business as usual. In sustaining this planet and ensuring a greener future for posterity, the SMEs can play a crucial role by adopting practices that will not impact the environment and harm the present and future generations. I applaud WASME for this initiative as integrating the crucial agenda of SME development with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is critical in addressing the challenges faced by planet earth and in chalking out a road map for the future. It is quite apparent that the policies relating to SME development will have to be centred around sustainability. No doubt, industrial growth and creating more jobs are important, but the future cannot be jeopardized for the present. According to the United Nations, the global population is expected to cross 9 billion by 2050. Imagine the stress on natural resources and raw materials, which are being consumed faster than the rate at which they can be regenerated. The United Nations had adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in September 2015. This universal agenda has provided the base that the countries may adopt in economic, social and environmental spheres while formulating the national development strategies. In the context of SDGs, inclusive and sustainable industrialization and SME development must be the primary development agenda of the national governments, so as to address the critical issues around economic growth, job creation, social stability, and environmental protection. Among 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets, there are many goals that have a bearing on SME development, especially SDG 9 that is built on three pillarsinfrastructure, industry and innovationall of which are strongly connected among themselves and share the common goal of achieving socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable economic development. Although, over the past decade, regions such as East and South Asia have made remarkable progress in achieving development goals in the areas of infrastructure, industrialization and innovation, achieving SDG9 by 2030 will require addressing a range of resource constraints, especially in the context of developing countries, vulnerable countries including the least developed countries (LDCs), Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Countries will have to strengthen their capabilities and explore new ways to solve development challenges, by involving various actors, processes and types of governance, source of finance and encouraging collaboration and cooperation across stakeholders, sectors and regions. By adopting SDG9, in particular, the global community has committed to an industrial development paradigm that is inclusive and sustainable. It is also imperative to forge linkages with all other SDGs as regards job creation, sustainable livelihoods, SME development, better health, technology and skills development as well as food security, green technologies, environmental protection, building resilient cities and climate change mitigation. I am sure that this global convention will serve as an important platform for various stakeholders to network, share their experiences and more importantly to highlight and emulate good practices. I particularly feel that hosting this ICSME in India has great significance for both India and other participating countries as India has achieved a remarkable improvement in Ease of Doing Business ranking from 130 to 100. We are also focusing on creating an ecosystem for promoting entrepreneurship SME sector. Once again, I appreciate WASME for this great initiative and for being at the forefront of SME development both nationally and internationally. I wish WASME and ICSME all the success and I look forward to specific recommendations for pursuing an all inclusive, resource-efficient and sustainable development strategy. I thank all the participants from different countries for traveling to India for ICSME and hope everyone enjoys the rich culture, heritage, food and comfortable stay during the conference. Thank you for your kind attention. JAI HIND! New Delhi, Nov 30 (IBNS): The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given its approval for transfer of all land assets owned by Hindustan Vegetable Oils Corporation Ltd (HVOC) to Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) or its authorized agency for appropriate utilization/ disposal. In lieu of the transfer of the land assets of HVOC, complete liabilities of HVOC towards loans taken from the Government including interest would be written off. The Government shall also take care of all contingent liabilities of HVOC that may arise in future due to pending cases in various courts/tribunals/authorities. The land located in seven cities are lying unutilized for many years. The transfer of the properties to MoHUA would enable use of the land for public purpose. This will facilitate early winding up of HVOC, which is a sick PSU under liquidation. Guwahati, Nov 30 (IBNS): Assam DGP Mukesh Sahay on Thursday said that the Assam police is ready to maintain any law and order situation ahead of draft National Register of Citizens (NRC) publication. The top Assam cop said that, the centre has already deployed 50 companies of para military forces in the state for draft NRC publication and Assam police also taken adequate measures for it. We have identified hyper sensitive and sensitive NRC centers across the state and asked all SPs to take appropriate measures to tackle any untoward situation, Sahay said. The Assam DGP further said that, if necessary, the centre will deploy more security personnel in the state. (Reporting by Hemanta Kumar Nath) Guwahati, Nov 30 (IBNS): To protect one horned rhinoceros and combat with poachers, Assam forest guards will be equipped with sophisticated weapons soon. Today we have got some weapons among the deal. We are hoping to get all weapons within a month, Pramila Rani Brahma said. The state forest department will procure 20 numbers 9 m pistols, 91 numbers AK-Ghatak rifle, 272 numbers Insas rifle, 874 numbers SLR, 12 numbers 12 bore gun for the forest guards to protect one horned rhino and to deal with poachers. The Assam forest minister also said, "We are looking to deploy more security personnel in Kaziranga National Park (KNP and other national parks, wildlife sanctuaries in the state." We have already trained up 45 foresters by arms training and another group of 78 foresters training is going on, Brahma said. On the other hand, the Assam minister said that, the state government will rehabilitate the families, who had become landless in flood and erosion were evicted from Amchang wildlife sanctuary outskirts of Guwahati recently. A total of 720 families were evicted in the recent eviction drive in Amchang wildlife sanctuary. If there have any families who had become landless in flood and erosion they will be rehabilitated and the state forest department has already identified a location near East Abricola, Sonapur for it, Brahma said. Pramila Rani Brahma further said that, after massive protests against the eviction drive in Amchang, the state forest department has decided to stop the drive and it will restart if the people of Assam want. The Assam minister also said that, she will provide all adequate measures including rented house, foods to the students, who will appear in the next HSLC examination, those were evicted recently. (Reporting by Hemanta Kumar Nath) Chennai, Nov 30 (IBNS): At least eight people have been killed as heavy rains lashed coastal areas of Tamil Nadu and Kerala owing to a deep depression over the Bay of Bengal which has turned to Cyclone Ockhi, media reports said on Thursday. While four deaths were reported in Tamil Nadu, four people were killed in Kerala. As per the IMD website, the cyclonic storm over Comorin area moved west-northwestwards with a speed of 32 kmph during past 6 hours and lay centred at 1130 hrs IST of today, the 30th November, 2017 over Comorin area and neighbourhood near Latitude 7.8 N and Longitude 76.9 E, about 410 km west-northwest of Galle (Sri Lanka), 70 km southwest of Kanyakumari, 70 km south of Thiruvananthapuram and 410 km east-southeast of Minicoy. The IMD said the cyclone is likely to move towards the Lakshadweep Islands. Meanwhile, at least 12 fishing boats which set off to the seas from Thiruvananthapuram and Kollam coasts on Wednesday night, are reported to be missing. Navy helicopters have launched search operations to locate the missing fishermen. One of downtown's largest office buildings is on the sale block, and if it gets anywhere near its nearly $21 million asking price, it would be one of the biggest downtown property sales in recent history. Center on N, which technically is a four-building complex that includes a 268-space parking garage, is being offered for $20,995,000. The complex at 1221 N St. has about 210,000 square feet of leasable space, which is more than the 20-story US Bank building or the 15-story Sharp building. The complex houses a mix of both private businesses and state government agencies. Tenants include Great Western Bank, Davis Design and the Nebraska Attorney General's Office. It was previously the home to TierOne Bank, which was closed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. in June 2010. The FDIC sold the building in 2011 to Woodbury Corp. of Salt Lake City, Utah, for $9.3 million. Broker Chris Vasek of NAI FMA Realty said Woodbury is seeking to sell the building because it has other holdings in Lincoln it wants to focus on and also because there is a strong commercial real estate market right now, making it a good time to sell. Vasek said there has been a lot of strong interest both locally and from out of state in the property. He said the building currently is 83 percent leased, but there is a deal in place with an existing tenant that wants to expand, which would bring occupancy up to 91 percent. According to NAI FMA's most recent market report, the downtown office vacancy rate at the end of the second quarter was 12.4 percent. If Woodbury gets its asking price or anywhere close to it, it will be one of the largest downtown real estate transactions in at least the past 20 years and the biggest sale of an office building. According to Lancaster County property records, Marcus Corp. paid $30 million for The Cornhusker Marriott and the adjacent Cornhusker Square office complex in 2012. However, the bulk of that price was assuming a $25 million mortgage from the previous owner. Chicago-based AJ Capital partners paid $22 million for the former Holiday Inn at Ninth and P streets in 2015. The 16-story hotel underwent a massive renovation and reopened as the Graduate Hotel in June. There have been a few sales of downtown office buildings over the past couple of decades, with the biggest being the sale of Assurity's former headquarters at 15th and K streets to the state in 2011 for $12.2 million. New Delhi, Nov 30 (IBNS): The Congress party on Thursday slammed Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP and actress Kirron Kher for saying that the 22-year-old woman who was gangraped in Chandigarh shouldn't have boarded the autorickshaw which was already occupied by three men. Senior Congress leader Pawan Kumar Bansal accused Kher of making irresponsible statements. The 22-year-old woman boarded the auto to return to her paying guest accommodation in Mohali after attending a stenography class. She was raped by the auto driver and two of his accomplices, who later dumped her body on roadside. On Wednesday, Kher said, The woman should have used her mind and not taken the auto when she saw three men already sitting in it. I am just saying this for the protection of the girls." Her comment sparked huge criticism. She later slammed the Congress party for "politicising" the issue Los Angeles, Nov 30 (IBNS): Actress Rebel Wilson has attended the Sydney premiere of Hollywood movie Pitch Perfect 3. She shared an image from the premiere of the movie. "So honored to share the Sydney premiere of Pitch Perfect 3 with these talented, amazing ladies x dress by Zac Posen," Rebel Wilson tweeted. Pitch Perfect 3 is an upcoming American musical comedy film directed by Trish Sie and written by Kay Cannon. Image: Rebel Wilson Twitter page New York, Nov 30(Just Earth News): The most senior United Nations official in South Sudan has condemned the horrific killing of some 45 civilians in the Jonglei region on Tuesday when a Murle ethnic group attacked a Dinka village. I utterly condemn these killings and the abduction of some 60 women and children which accompanied these attacks, said David Shearer, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for South Sudan and head of the UN Mission in the country, known as UNMISS. The attack left 19 people wounded. I urge the leaders of both communities to reign in the youth, show restraint and to put an end to the cycle of revenge killings. It is crucial that the national and local authorities support the community leaders and work to bring the perpetrators of all attacks to account, he added. Since 2013, the Murle and Dinka communities in Jonglei, which is in the central part of the country, have been engaged in long-standing inter-ethnic violence that has operated outside the wider political conflict in South Sudan. The perpetrators of this violence have undermined the ongoing peace and reconciliation efforts that [UNMISS] has supported in Jonglei, Shearer said. The engagement that UNMISS has had with both communities has shown that the vast majority of people want to end the destructive pattern of revenge attacks, he underscored. The dead included humanitarian workers who, according to Shearer, were working selflessly for the people of Jonglei. Their deaths, he added, are pointless and utterly contemptible. (File photo) OCHA/Cecilia Attefors Source: New York, Nov 30(Just Earth News): The United Nations refugee agency has welcomed the decision by the Libyan authorities to set up a transit and departure facility in Tripoli for refugees and migrants in need of international protection an initiative that offers viable alternatives to their dangerous journeys along the Central Mediterranean route. We hope that thousands of the most vulnerable refugees currently in Libya will benefit from this forward-looking initiative, said Roberto Mignone, Libya Representative of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The initiative, which is supported by the Italian Government, will facilitate the transfer of thousands of vulnerable refugees to third countries. Mignone added that the main objective is to speed up the process of securing solutions in third countries, particularly for unaccompanied and separated children and women at risk. These solutions will include resettlement, family reunification, evacuation to UNHCR-run emergency facilities in other countries, or voluntary return. At the facility, UNHCR staff and partners will provide registration and live-saving assistance such as accommodation, food, medical care and psychosocial support. In September, UNHCR called for an additional 40,000 resettlement places to be made available for refugees located in 15 countries along this route. So far, only 10,500 pledges have been made. We now need EU member States and others to step up with offers of resettlement places and other solutions, including family reunification slots, said Mignone. Together, these will be an important platform for securing solutions for these vulnerable people, based on shared responsibility. Photo: Mathieu Galtier/IRIN Source: New York, Nov 30(Just Earth News): More than half of the global population some four billion people have no social security protection, UN labour experts said on Wednesday. In the World Social Protection Report 2017-2019, entitled Universal social protection to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, the UN International Labour Organization (ILO) highlights how this protection gap is an obstacle to reaching globally-agreed targets on promoting growth and development, and protecting the planet. ILO Director-General Guy Ryder said that although many countries had improved social protection for their citizens in recent decades, much more investment and political is needed to extend coverage. The lack of social protection leaves people vulnerable to ill-health, poverty, inequality and social exclusion throughout their lifecycle. Denying this human right to four billion people worldwide is a significant obstacle to economic and social development, he warned. Indeed, speaking to journalists in Geneva, he said that social security protection is a basic human right, and when people dont have it, governments reap the benefits. On Wednesday however, Ryder explained that only 45 per cent of the global population have access to at least one social benefit, and only 29 per cent have comprehensive protection. In 2017, this global lack of social protection, I think, should be regarded as being completely unacceptable [] and that means that the aggregate level of public expenditure on social protection needs to be increased to extend social protection coverage particularly in Africa, in Asia and the Arab countries where marked under-investment in social protection prevails, he said. Despite a slight improvement in welfare coverage since 2015 around the world, much more investment by governments will be needed to extend protection to all; not least the 1.3 billion children who have no cover whatsoever. ILO says this is particularly true in rural areas, where 56 per cent of people lack health coverage, compared to 22 per cent in towns and cities. Some countries are already tackling the problem by offering simplified tax returns to workers previously in the informal sector. Once on the governments books, contributions from these workers help pay for maternity leave, job-seekers allowance, disabilities benefit and care for senior citizens. The evolving world of work and technology has also provided new opportunities to extend social protection, ILO said. In Uruguay, for example, e-taxi provider Ubers drivers can download a phone application which automatically deducts their social security charges. Elsewhere, ILO warned that progress in welfare protection risks being pushed back the result of fiscal savings put in place after the global economic crisis. This is likely to be the case in Europe, the agencys Isabel Ortiz warned, where pensioners in 19 countries face lower benefits by 2060. You have to balance equity with sustainability, she told journalists. Photo: UNICEF/Ohanesian (file) Source: Washington, Nov 30 (IBNS): Amid missile tests, the US on Thursday urged global community to send a 'unified message' to North Korea that it must abandon its weapons of mass destruction programs. "The #DPRKs relentless and unlawful pursuit of nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them must be reversed. Together, with the international community, we must send a unified message to #NorthKorea that it must abandon its weapons of mass destruction programs," US State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert tweeted. "The goal for our maximum pressure campaign, which more than 20 countries have joined, is to use economic & political pressure to persuade the #NorthKorea regime it needs to reconsider the path it is on & think about engaging in a meaningful dialogue about a different future," Nauert said. President Donald J. Trump spoke with President Xi Jinping of the Peoples Republic of China to discuss North Koreas latest missile launch. "President Trump underscored the determination of the United States to defend ourselves and our allies from the growing threat posed by the North Korean regime. President Trump emphasized the need for China to use all available levers to convince North Korea to end its provocations and return to the path of denuclearization," the White House said in a statement. After a brief hiatus in what is seemingly a daily routine for North Korea, Kim and his men fired another missile, reportedly their highest ever, according to US Defence Secretary James Mattis. The missile was launched on Wednesday early morning and landed in Japanese waters. According to South Korea sources, the missile travelled a distance of 960 kilometres and reached a height of 4,500 kilometres (2,800 miles). North Korea last conducted a missile test in September. Toronto, Nov 29 (IBNS): Ontario has planned to expand the First Link program to every community across the province to promote diagnosis of dementia with a patient navigator, media reports said. The announcement was made by Dipika Damerla, Ontario Minister of Seniors Affairs, on behalf of Eric Hoskins, Ontario Minister of Health and Long-Term Care on Nov 28 at the Alzheimer Society of Ontario in Toronto This service will make it easier for people with dementia and their loved ones to find the help they need. This is exactly what a patient-centred health care system should be about, Dipika Damerla told media. The plan to expand First Link program to reportedly hire 46 First Link Care Navigators who would provide services to 14,000 people diagnosed with dementia and their care partners to connect with local supports and community programs and services, such as health professionals, information about day-to-day living and care and counselling. Getting a dementia diagnosis is overwhelming. Its hard to know what the next step is or where to go for the information and support youll need. The Alzheimer Society First Link program was key it gave me and my husband the support we needed to know what services and programs we could access for help and allowed us to make informed decisions for our life moving forward, Phyllis Fehr, M.L.A., R.N., S.A.N.E., living well with dementia told media. As the provinces aging population grows, the reported number of 194,000 people in Ontario living with dementia is expected to grow. aOntario's three years' dementia strategy is part of Patients First: Roadmap to Strengthen Home and Community Care to improve and expand home and community care and outlines the path we will follow for each of the next three years including creation of new programs. To support people living with dementia in communities across the province the new plan includes a higher minimum wage and better working conditions, free tuition for hundreds of thousands of students, easier access to affordable child care, and free prescription drugs for everyone under 25. As a way of support to approximately additional 8,000 people living with dementia aOntario would provide respite to their families and other care partners by increasing access to community dementia programs which offer activities such as art, music, and exercise, social and recreational engagement, respite services, which includes in-home and overnight support for people living with dementia. Ontario will invest reportedly $37.5 million over three years to expand community dementia programs, including respite care services and approximately $100 million over three years through its dementia strategy to improve the lives of people living with the disease and their families. Since 1983, the Alzheimer Society of Ontario has been dedicated to improving the quality of life for Ontarians living with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias Alzheimer Society of Ontarios First Link program will reportedly receive $8.15 million over three years to enhance dementia care coordination across the province in local Alzheimer Societies across Ontario. New First Link funding will help us enhance the critical role that local Alzheimer Societies play in supporting Ontarians living with dementia and their care partners from the moment they are diagnosed. Dementia is an incredibly complex condition and it can be difficult for families to navigate the system. First Link helps to ease the pressure, Chris Dennis, CEO, Alzheimer Society of Ontario said. (Reporting by Asha Bajaj) Images: Dipika Damerla: Facebook Eric Hoskins: Facebook Chris Dennis: Facebook Timken India to set up new manufacturing facility at Bharuch, Gujarat; Stock hits 52-week high Timken India Ltd stock hits 52-week high on Thursday after it has announced that new manufacturing facility will be set up at Bharuch, Gujarat to manufacture Spherical Roller Bearings ('SR... November 17, 2022 | 2:41 pm Tata Motors bags supply order of 1,000 buses to Haryana Roadways Tata Motors on Thursday has announced that it has bagged a prestigious order of 1000 buses from Haryana Roadways. The Company will supply the 52-seater fully built BS6 diesel buses i... November 17, 2022 | 1:55 pm Ind Ra assigns Biocon credit rating at 'IND AA+' with Stable outlook India Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra) has assigned Biocon Ltd a Long-Term Issuer Rating of IND AA+. The Outlook is Stable. Further, the proposed commercial paper ratings ass... November 17, 2022 | 1:07 pm Centre to accelerate PLI scheme to encourage investors The Government is developing a new production-linked incentive (PLI) scheme to promote container manufacturing in the country. Funding for the scheme might come in part from savings from ... November 17, 2022 | 12:22 pm Cisco announces restructuring, raises full-year outlook Cisco Systems Inc raised its full-year revenue and earnings forecasts. The company also announced a $600 million severance pay and other restructuring payments. This affects about 5% of the wor... November 17, 2022 | 12:17 pm The Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation and the Mohegan Tribe , along with the state of Connecticut, are suing the Trump administration for failing to take action on their gaming agreements. The tribes updated their respective Class III gaming agreements with the state and submitted them to Bureau of Indian Affairs for review. Under the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act , the agency has 45 days to make a decision. But the deadline has long passed and the BIA has yet to publish notice of its decision in the Federal Register . A lawsuit filed in federal court calls on the Department of the Interior , the parent agency of the BIA, to take action. This has been a long process and through every step along the way, we kept DOI informed about our intentions and were clear about exactly what we were asking them to do, Mashantucket Chairman Rodney Butler said in a press release distributed by Gov. Dannel P. Malloy (D). But despite this good faith effort and repeated assurances by the department, their failure to publish our approval letter has forced us to take this action. The Department of the Interior has a responsibility to Native American tribes, and their failure to act on this issue sets a very dangerous precedent for Indian Country across the United States, added Mohegan Chairman Kevin Brown. The law is clear after 45 days DOI did not disapprove our compact amendments, therefore it is deemed approved. By not doing so, the department is in clear violation of federal law. The New England Casino Race: Tribal and commercial gaming facilities in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island The tribes updated their agreements to account for their new commercial casino. Though the project does not need federal approval, they worked with the state to ensure that their existing facilities, which are being operated pursuant to IGRA, aren't affected. The Trump administration, though, has raised doubts. According to the tribes, Secretary Ryan Zinke , who is named as the defendant in the lawsuit, has expressed concerns about "indirectly facilitating the operation of a commercial gaming facility." In the complaint , the tribes said the BIA received the revised agreements on August 2. So the 45-day deadline to take action was September 15. The BIA indeed responded to the tribes on September 15 -- but said it didn't have enough information to make a concrete decision. The lawsuit claims that isn't an option under IGRA. Under IGRA, the BIA can approve or reject a gaming agreement. But in the event the agency doesn't want to make a call, the law allows an agreement to take effect anyway. The BIA has allowed a number of "deemed approved" compacts to take effect. In the Trump era, that just happened for a New Mexico tribe's gaming agreement . It's not clear why the situation in Connecticut is being handled differently except for the commercial casino component. Read More on the Story: State heads to court for East Windsor casino (The Connecticut Post November 29, 2017) State, Tribes File Federal Lawsuit Tied To Casino Expansion In Connecticut (The Hartford Courant November 29, 2017) Connecticut, Tribes Sue Feds to Break Deadlock on Third Casino (Westport Now November 29, 2017) Connecticut, Tribes Seek To Force Ruling to Green Light New Casino (CT News Junkie November 30, 2017) Connecticut, tribes sue feds to break deadlock on third casino (Hartford Business November 30, 2017) Join the Conversation Related Stories From crying in front of the cameras to showing double standards at several occasions, one of TVs most famous Bahus, Hina Khan is receiving all the flak for a different side of her that shes showcasing inside the Bigg Boss house. HINA - I can do whatever I want with my PARATHA and throws it away. HINA - Puneesh ne galat kiya khanna fek diya! HINA - Im nominating PUNEESH for wasting FOOD! #BB11 Vindu Dara Singh (@RealVinduSingh) November 27, 2017 From Ye Hai Mohabbatein star Karan Patel, Sarabhai VS Sarabhai star Rupali Ganguly to Gauhar Khan, several celebs have also criticised her behaviour. But inside the house, Hina Khan is not thinking even once before talking about others. In a recent unseen clip that has been doing the rounds, the lady called Dangal actress Sakshi Tanwar crossed eyed, and of course got slammed again. And then she talked about Sakshi Tanwar hinting through gestures that she is cross-eyed. To confirm the same, she then asks Arshi, "Hai na?" She then went on to talk about Gauhar as well. Uske bahot kaam followers hai, mere adhe ka adha bi nahi hai, Hina said about Gauhar Khan in the video. Here is the video: "Aao Behen Chugli Karein" This one is SPECIALLY for@GAUAHAR_KHAN #SakshiTanwar @iamsanjeeda Praised By Ms Perfect @eyehinakhan She is a REAL Friend & Colleague#BB11 Watch Share HerdHUSH (@HerdHUSH) November 29, 2017 In response to the video doing the rounds, Gauhar Khan tweeted: Acchaii aur tameez toh seekhi nahi, math karna seekha hota toh aaj jhoote ghamand me aake kahi gayi baat pe log itna haste nahi..Lol!!! Allah sabko tarakki de.... Ameen!! Ghamand be aaj tak kisi ka kuch bhalaa nahi kiya.. sakshi tanwar u are beautiful Gauahar Khan (@GAUAHAR_KHAN) November 29, 2017 Kamya Punjabi also lashed out at her. Oh my god!!Jo maine dekha kya woh sach hai?Is this woman @eyehinakhan for real?Kaun hai yeh?Kaha se aayi hai? @GAUAHAR_KHAN i luv u n m so proud of you!!! #SakshiTanwar ki tarah pehle bannkar dikhao madam #HinaKhan aap toh unka naam lene ke bhi layak nahi!!! Kamya Punjabi (@iamkamyapunjabi) November 29, 2017 Ex-contestant Kishwar Merchant was left fuming after watching the video. And an awesome actress too !!! Kishwer M Rai (@KishwerM) November 29, 2017 Hina Khan, youll have to deal with a lot of things once youre out #JustSaying Arturo Sandoval never fails to impress and dazzle with his technical virtuosity, precision and energy. Sure enough, his trumpet pyrotechnics, keyboard effects, infectious Afro-Cuban rhythms and exuberance were in plentiful supply Wednesday before a audience of 766 at the Lied Center for Performing Arts. At age 68, he still can blow the roof off the place with his sheer power, even though his solo trumpet excursions came in relatively brief bursts. The concert began soulfully, as Sandoval squeezed blue notes from his horn and even quoted Blue Monk. He urged no, ordered the audience to participate in the refrain of Bye Bye Blackbird, as he joined them on a Harmon-muted trumpet, a la Miles Davis. Switching from flugelhorn to trumpet, Sandoval soared through a blazing-fast rendition of Koko, a Charlie Parker tune based on the changes of Cherokee, on which he also exhibited some astounding scat-singing passages. Sandoval introduced the next tune on Jews harp (or jaw harp) that segued into a reggae jam with the rest of the six-piece band. To end the first half of the concert, he walked to the piano and performed a beautiful rendition of Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, with bassist John Belzaguy and drummer Johnny Friday. The second half featured an excellent take on Clifford Browns Joy Spring, beginning as a ballad and going up-tempo for a double-time trumpet foray. But like his performance at the 2016 Jazz in June opener, the 90-minute concert veered wildly between pure performance and stage antics. The entertainer told stories, left the stage to bring 15 students to the front of the hall, walked across the front of the stage singing Charlie Chaplins ballad Smile, and railed against the countrys news media and that crazy guy in Korea. As always, Sandoval paid tribute to his late mentor and idol, Dizzy Gillespie. The final piece of the evening was Gillespies A Night in Tunisia. Again he displayed the technique that made Dizzy so famous. It's strange how people who are fighting for the dignity and respect of one woman, don't even think twice before using demeaning words for a female actor. After threatening to chop off Deepika Padukone's nose and head in the wake of Padmavati row, Karni Sena has now called Samajwadi Party leader Mulayam Singh's daughter-in-law "nachaniya" for she danced on the movie's song Ghoomar at a family function. Apart from claiming that the movie under their apprehensions distorts history, several Rajput organisations including the Karni Sena had a big objection with song Ghoomar in Padmavati. They said that the song shows Rani Padmini in bad light as Deepika who portrays her role in the movie is, firstly, wearing indecent clothes, and secondly, she is dancing despite being the queen. The song had angered the Rajput organisations so much that they threatened to chop off Deepikas nose as well. Now that a video of Samajwadi Party leader Mulayam Singhs daughter-in-law dancing to the same song has gone viral, it has created a political furore. Reacting to the video, Karni Sena called the lady nachaniya. #WATCH Aparna Yadav,daughter in law of Mulayam Singh Yadav performs on the 'Ghoomar' song of #Padmavati at a function in Lucknow ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) November 29, 2017 Karni Sena leader Sukhdev Singh Gogamedi said that the film shall be banned and added that Aparna Yadav shall join dancing and leave politics if she doesnt agree with him. We are fighting for our cause. Being a Rajput she is dancing on such songs without caring for the sentiments of Rajput. We will send them the original Ghoomar song and other Rajasthani folk songs if they like it so much.: Lokendra Singh Kalvi, Karni Sena on Aparna Yadav ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) November 29, 2017 Aparna Yadav danced to the 'Ghoomar' song of the yet-to-be-released movie while celebrating her younger brother Aman Bisht's engagement ceremony at a five-star hotel in Lucknow on Saturday, raising the hackles of elements opposed to the film. Aparna Yadav, who is married to Mulayam Singh's younger son Prateek, has spoken her mind openly on many political issues and ruffled feathers in the past. She unsuccessfully contested the Lucknow Cantt seat in the February-March assembly polls in Uttar Pradesh. The BJP government in Uttar Pradesh has decided against the release of 'Padmavati' in the state. Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Bihar and Punjab too have banned the film's release. Padmavati row has snowballed into such a major controversy that the movie's fate is still hanging in the balance. The release date has been pushed indefinitely, and violent threats to chop off Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Deepika Padukone's head have been issued. The movie has created a political furor as well. Amid all this, actor Nana Patekar has slammed the death threats to the cast and the crew saying it is wrong and unacceptable. bccl Why does controversy happen in his films? I feel this is not a big issue but death threats to Deepika Padukone and Sanjay Leela Bhansali are completely wrong and unacceptable. As of now, I don't know how the characters are portrayed. I can react only after watching the film, Patekar said while speaking to media after attending an event at National Defence Academy here. Last week, the Supreme Court rejected the petition filed against the release of Padmavati, saying the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) has not yet issued a certificate to the fillm. Bhansali's magnum opus, starring Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor, has been facing protests from various groups, especially from Shree Rajput Karni Sena, for allegedly tampering historical facts. screen grab The Karni Sena, which demolished the sets of the movie in Jaipur and thrashed Bhansali, had warned the director of dire consequences for misrepresenting Rajput queen Padmavati in the film. Sanjay Leela Bhansali's film Padmavati has been one of the most controversial movies that Bollywood has ever seen. The film has already made waves, whether its the fantastic trailer or the protest around distorting facts. Good or bad publicity, Padmavati has garnered enough attention. And now an RSS affiliate feels this movie is an "insult" to Indian women and an "attempt to assassinate" their character by showing them in a poor light. twitter "These days, filmmakers want to make money at any cost, even by distorting historical facts and tinkering with the national pride," national general secretary of the Akhil Bharatiya Itihas Sankalan Yojana (ABISY) Balmukund Pandey said. (Also Read: Delhi HC Rejects Plea For Expert Panel To Review Padmavati, Calls It 'Hopeless & Misconceived') He was speaking at a conference on "Rani Padmavati", which was organised by the ABISY, which works in the fields related to India's ancient history and culture. ap "Rani Padmavati is a very respected figure in Indian history. This film is not only an insult to her, but also to the Indian women and is an attempt to assassinate their character," he said. (Also Read: Bollywood Fraternity Shows Solidarity To Bhansali's Padmavati, Stops Shooting For 15 Minutes) Taking on Bhansali, Pandey said the issue would not be resolved by showing the film to a select few people and that it was a matter of national pride. The makers of the film, which features Deepika Padukone, Shahid Kapoor and Ranveer Singh in the lead roles, have deferred its release from December 1 till further notice. screen grab Many Rajput groups have been up in arms against the film, alleging that it distorts history by featuring a romantic dream sequence between Padmavati and Alauddin Khilji, a claim repeatedly denied by Bhansali. (Also Read: Padmavati Row Gets Intense! Rajput Karni Sena Seeks PM Modi's Intervention For Banning The Film) A number of organisations, especially the Karni Sena, have been opposing the release of the period drama, claiming that it portrays the Rajput queen in a bad light. reuters BJP-ruled states such as Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh have expressed reservations about releasing the film. Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani has said his government will not allow "Padmavati" to be screened in the state as it hurts the sentiments of the Rajput community. Faced with criticism and backlash from various corners, the Narendra Modi government is planning a rollback of its controversial notification, which restricted the sale of cattle, only to agriculture purposes, effectively banning cattle slaughter across the country. According to The Indian Express, the Ministry of Environment and Forests took the decision after assessing the feedback from states on its May 23 notification on changes made to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Regulation of Livestock Market) Rules, 2017. BCCL The May notification had made it mandatory that only those who furnish a written declaration that the cattle will not be sold for the purpose of slaughter will be allowed to sell them. Upon the sale of cattle, the animal market committee will take an undertaking that the animals are for agricultural purposes and not for slaughter. Even the buyer will not be allowed to sell the animal for the purpose of slaughter nor sacrifice the animal for any religious purpose. BCCL This meant that farmers who earlier used to sell their aged, unproductive cattle for slaughter could not do it anymore. This had left the farmers with the additional burden of revenue loses and the additional burden of taking care for their unproductive bovine. The sales ban was applicable on cows, bulls, buffaloes, steers, heifers and calves and camels. Another area that suffered due to the ban was the slaughterhouses, despite the notification stating that slaughterhouses can still purchase cattle, they found the bovine a hard purchase. BCCL The tannery and leather industry which is also heavily dependent on the cattle trade also suffered losses worth millions. Amid the protesters from all these groups and the legal challenge from states like Kerala and West Bengal the government withdrew the order temporarily after the Madras High Court stayed it, which forced the ministry to revise its order. The deep depression over Camorin Sea has intensified into a cyclonic storm Ockhi, which has triggered heavy rains in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. It is likely to intensify into severe cyclone storm and will be moving towards Lakshadweep islands in the next 24 hours. At least four people have been killed in the cyclonic winds in Kanyakumari due to the uprooting of trees, while one death has been reported in Kollam, Kerala. Indiatimes An autorickshaw driver identified as Vishnu, was killed after a huge tree fell on the autorickshaw. Across Kerala people have been advised to stay indoors and warned against venturing into the seas. Indiatimes Sabarimala pilgrims have also been asked to avoid travel in the night and to not use forest path. The pilgrims have been asked not to take rest beneath trees or near streams, to avoid shower in rivers and streams on the way. According to the Indian Meteorological Department has said that the winds which have a speed in excess of 60 kmph is very likely to move west and is approaching the Lakshadweep archipelago in the next 24 hours. Madhavan Rajeevan, the secretary in the ministry, said the archipelago in the southern part of the Arabian Sea will start experiencing heavy rainfall and strong winds from Friday. "It will hit the islands on December 2," Rajeevan said. The IMD said heavy-to-very-heavy rainfall at isolated places were "very likely" over south Tamil Nadu, south Kerala during the next 24 hours. "Rainfall will occur at most places, heavy to very heavy rainfall at a few places, and extremely heavy rainfall at isolated places very likely over Lakshadweep area during next 48 hours," the IMD said. Indiatimes Squally wind speed reaching 55-65 kmph and gusting to 75 kmph was very likely along and around Lakshadweep Islands during the next 12 hours and may increase thereafter with wind speed becoming 80-90 kmph gusting to 100 kmph from tonight. Sea conditions would be "very rough to high" over and around Lakshadweep Islands during the next 12 hours and "high to very high" during subsequent 48 hours, the IMD added. Phoenix, the ship that rescued thousands of migrants from the Mediterranean when they were trying to cross it in their small boats to escape to the Europe from countries like Syria, Libya and others, is shifting its operations to Southeast Asia to help Rohingyas fleeing Myanmar. AP The decision by Malta-based MOAS, or Migrant Offshore Aid Station, came as the number of migrants leaving Libya to Europe have plummeted since July. The decrease has been attributed to the increase of patrols by Libyan coast guard patrols. In a statement Monday, MOAS said it was suspending Mediterranean operations and shifting them to Asia, noting that Pope Francis has called for an international response for the Rohingya. AFP It said it would provide aid on the Myanmar-Bangladesh border where a deadly exodus is unfolding. The UK police have finally been able to identify the person who carried out an attack during a pop concert by US star Ariana Grande in the northwest English city of Manchester, killing at least 22 people and injuring dozens of others. Reuters According to the initial reports, that accused has been identified as 22-year-old Salman Abedi. Reports suggest that he was born in Manchester in 1994 to Libyan refugees who came to the UK to escape the Gaddafi regime. Telegraph has reported that his parents were both born in Libya but appear to have emigrated to London before moving to the Fallowfield area of south Manchester where they have lived for at least ten years. Abedi reportedly grew up in the Whalley Range area, just yards from the local girl's high school, which hit the headlines in 2015 when twins and grade A pupils, Zahra and Salma Halane, who were both aspiring medical students, left their homes and moved to Isil controlled Syria. Reuters There were unconfirmed reports in Manchester that the whole family apart from the two elder sons recently returned to Libya. Abedi was named by Greater Manchester Chief Constable Ian Hopkins on Tuesday. Mr Hopkins said Abedi had not been formally identified by the Coroner. "Priority is to continue to investigate whether he was acting alone or working as part of a wider network," he added. Reuters The initial arrest was announced just moments after Prime Minister Theresa May denounced the appalling sickening cowardice of the lone suicide bomber, who detonated a homemade device in the foyer of the arena as thousands of young people were leaving the concert. As many as 900 refugee migrants were rescued off the coast of Libya by their coast guard. The migrants, who were sailing in five different boats were rescued seven miles off the coast of Sabratha. REUTERS Out of the 900, 98 of them were women and 25 were children who were headed to Western Libya. Libyan Navy Spokesperson Ayoub Quassem informed that the coast guards patrol the nearby coast of Zawiya city on Friday. This was reported by the Xinhuaa news agency. Quasim has also informed that the refugee migrants are of Arab as well as African origins, including three from Libya. The rubber boats had been perforated and submerged, and there also was a wooden boat which was large enough but had no engine. The rescue operation lasted as long as seven hours. REUTERS The smugglers and illegal dealers have been taking advantage of this refugee crisis, adding to the chaos and insecurity. They have been sending refugees towards European countries through the Mediterranean sea which has caused several deaths of migrants due to drowning. Sabratha is located 75 km west of the capital city of Tripoli and happens to be one of the busiest illegal immigration departure spots in the country of Libya. REUTERS International Organisation for Migration has informed on Friday that in the year of 2017 so far more than 9,000 migrants have been rescued in Libyan waters alone. The coast guards of Italy have also announced of more than 1,000 migrants were rescued on Thursday who were travelling in nine wooden boats off the coast of Libya. The world has been left shocked over reports of the modern-day slave trade happening in the 21sth century after an International Organization for Migration (IOM) investigation revealed that migrants and refugees seeking to travel to Europe from Libya are being abducted and sold as slaves there. Reuters According to IOM people are being sold as slaves for between $200 and $500. "Migrants are being sold in the market as a commodity," Othman Belbeisi, IOM Libya Mission head said. "Selling human beings is becoming a trend among smugglers as the smuggling networks in Libya are becoming stronger and stronger." The refugees and migrants - many from Nigeria, Senegal and The Gambia - are captured as they head north towards Libya's Mediterranean coast, where some try to catch boats for Italy. Reuters Most of them are used as day labourers in construction or agriculture. Some are paid but others are forced to work for no money. Following the revelation the UN is mooting to impose sanctions on those who are involved in the slave trade. The UN Security Council which held an emergency session on human trafficking in Libya discussed the possibility of sanctions, but the session ended without resolution. For the past few years, Libya has emerged as the main transit point refugees and migrants from African countries like Nigeria, Eritrea, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Senegal, Sudan and Somalia. AFP But those involved in the slave trade are taking advantage of the power vacuum in the country after the fall of Muammar Gaddafi. Currently the power has been split between the UN backed government of national accord in based in capital Benghazi and the Tobruk based government of former Gaddafi commander Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar. The power vacuum has turned the country into a hotbed for all kinds of illegal activities including human trafficking. It's almost impossible for anyone to think of a life without internet. We all know how useless a smartphone feels when we run out of data. Although data is available at a reasonable price nowadays, that doesnt change the fact that we still ration our data usage to make it last until the end of the billing cycle. Most of the time we lose our precious data because some app decides to run in the background continuously. So, Google has brought in a new app to help us combat this very problem. Datally is Googles solution to help you see which app or service is sucking your data without your approval. This app also allows you to control data usage in each and every app. You can prevent apps from consuming background data in one single tap, which makes it really convenient. The app also gives you statistics on the amount of data youve consumed in the previous month vs the current month, and ways you can improve it. Surprisingly, this feature isnt a new to Android, as the operating system comes with its built-in data saver. However, Datally has definitely simplified the overall process, making it more user-friendly. Additionally, the app also suggests its users open Wi-Fi hotspots in the vicinity to help them save more data. So, if youre in a mall or a coffee shop with a Wi-Fi hotspot, the app will notify you about it and suggest you make the switch. Datally is a part of Googles Next Billion Users initiative which concentrates on creating Google products useful for countries suffering from network and data connectivity problems. The app has been in its testing phase in the Philippines since all summer and has seen over 500,000 users. The app is currently available for download on the Google Play Store for smartphones running Android 5.0 and higher. Sen. Bob Krist of Omaha suggested Thursday the administration of Gov. Pete Ricketts has been "slow to comply" with legislation that Krist sponsored to open up testing of water for drinking purposes to private laboratories in the state. The law, enacted in 2016 by a unanimous vote in the Legislature, is designed to end "a monopoly on dozens of required tests of public drinking water in Nebraska" held by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services and expand those testing opportunities into the private market, Krist said. Ricketts suspended all rule-making by agencies under his control on July 6, 2017, and had informed officials at Midwest Laboratories in Omaha last month that the 2016 law was included in that executive order. The regulations finally went into effect Nov. 14, Krist said at a news conference at the Midwest site. "Taking two years to implement important water safety regulations is no way to run government," Krist said. Krist has changed his voter registration from Republican to nonpartisan and is planning to mount a third-party challenge to Ricketts' re-election next November. Responding Thursday evening to Krist's remarks, Leah Bucco-White, public information officer for HHS, said the bill was "implemented in an orderly fashion." "Public input on the implementation of the bill required an extended rule-making process," she said. "After the regulations were drafted and stakeholder input was sought, the public hearing yielded comments significant enough that a second public hearing was required so all interested parties could provide feedback." The governor's executive order that froze the rule-making process for most "red tape" had no impact on the implementation of the law, Bucco-White said. "The governor provided for exceptions in his executive order for time-sensitive rule-making and (that bill) was granted that exception," she said. On November 27, UKs Prince Harry officially announced his engagement to Meghan Markle, an American actress known for her role in legal drama Suits. Of course, while some people hadnt seen her shows and were looking who she is, other had a different kind of research in mind. According to analysis by pornography aggregator Pornhub, searches for Markle on the website shot up a staggering amount following the announcement. And those increasing naughty searches came from beyond just Markles soon-to-be royal subjects. Instead, the US actually led the search numbers with a 2,273 percent increase, followed by the UK with 2,242 percent, Spain with 2,193 percent, Germany with 2,167 percent and Belgium with 2,011 percent. Obviously, men were 51 percent more likely to search for Meghan Markle on Pornhub as compared to women. Furthermore, age also made a difference for other viewers. Pornhub visitors aged between 18 to 24 were -65 percent less likely to search for the royal fiancee, while those over the age of 65 were +249 percent more likely. Its not even the first time the actress has sparked the erotic kind of interest on Pornhub. The website reports that search numbers for her also shot up immediately after news of her dating Prince Harry first became public in November 2016, rising by 1,430 percent. We easily take for granted a lot of the technology around us that we use everyday, from the smartphones in our pockets to the laptops in our homes, to even our various appliances. Yet each of those devices is available to us because of the contributions of the scientific community. Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose is one such Indian contributor, and we remember his incredible genius on his 159th birth anniversary. A forgotten genius from the turn of the 20th century, Bose was renowned as a polymath, physicist, biologist, biophysicist, botanist and archaeologist. And at the very least, we can remember some of the Bengali icons greatest accomplishments on his 159th birth anniversary today. For one, Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose is considered to be the lesser-known father of modern WiFi. Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi is credited with first inventing the telegraph in 1895, but Bose was at the same time attempting to understand radio waves and their behaviour. He was the first to demonstrate radio communication with millimetre wavelengths, which fall in the 30GHz to 300GHz spectrum. Those millimetre waves now form the backbone of the coming 5G technology. Additionally, his technology is also crucial to everything from radio telescopes to radar and, more recently, for collision-warning systems and cruise control in modern day cars. However, Bose never expressed any interest in commercialising his research, instead encouraging other to use it as the basis of their own work. In fact, in 1896, he met Marconi, who had been trying to market his radio wave wireless telegraphy system to the British post service. Even Marconi actually acknowledged the significance of Boses work in his writing. Bose also held the patent for the first solid-state diode to receive electromagnetic waves, and created a number of now common microwave components. He also made significant contributions to plant biology inventing a crescograph, which helped agricultural scientists devise better ways of effective crop cultivation. Its no surprise then that Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose is even recognised by Earths space explorers, with a crater on the far side of the moon named after him. GBPAUD Consolidation Around Weekly Chart Downchannel Resistance Near Complete Tradable Patterns - Wed Nov 16, 11:32PM CST The (GBPAUD) appears to be in the advanced stages of consolidating near downchannel resistance (on the weekly chart). Any break above triangle resistance (on the 4hr chart) today will dramatically increase... ^GBPAUD : 1.77514 (+0.47%) G-20 leaders end summit condemning Russia despite divisions AP - Wed Nov 16, 7:54PM CST Members of the Group of 20 leading economies have firmly condemned the war in Ukraine and warned that the conflict is worsening the global economy $SPX : 3,958.79 (-0.83%) $DOWI : 33,553.83 (-0.12%) $IUXX : 11,699.09 (-1.45%) The former owner of an upstate New York logging company who stole more than $80,000 in workers compensation benefits has been sentenced to up to three years in prison. Fifty-six-year-old David Sigl, of Auburn, N.Y., was sentenced Tuesday in Cayuga County Court to one to three years in prison and ordered to pay restitution. Sigl had previously pleaded guilty to charges including second-degree grand larceny, filing a false instrument and insurance fraud. Prosecutors say Sigl lied about an injury he said he sustained while working at a Syracuse construction firm in 2013. During the time he collected $83,000 in workers comp, he was doing logging work for his own company, Lake Country Logging in Auburn. Prosecutors say Sigl also failed to provide workers comp for the two people he employed. Copyright 2022 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Topics Workers' Compensation Fraud New York An accountant who admitted to stealing $3.1 million from agribusiness giant Cargill, Inc. has been sentenced to five years in prison. Diane Backis was sentenced Tuesday in federal court in Albany to mail fraud and filing a false income tax return. She agreed to pay $3.5 million in restitution and faces two years of supervision after her release from prison. Federal prosecutors say Backis, 51, not only diverted customer payments to her own accounts over 10 years, but caused at least $25 million in losses to the Minnetonka, Minnesota-based company. She pleaded guilty last November. Backis was an accounting department manager at Cargills Albany grain elevators. Backis admitted she sent customers invoices for animal feed at prices far below what her employer had paid, causing the company millions in losses. Copyright 2022 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Topics Fraud New York Uber Technologies Inc. said information from 2.7 million U.K. customers was taken in a 2016 security breach that hit 57 million riders and drivers globally and that the company kept secret from the public and authorities until recently. Uber said hackers got the names, email addresses and cell phone numbers associated with the accounts. The company, which disclosed the breach last week, had paid the hackers $100,000 to delete the data collected. Government authorities around the globe are investigating the security breach and Ubers efforts to keep it from becoming public. U.K. Digital Minister Matt Hancock said last week that there was a very high chance the way Uber revealed the breach was illegal under U.K. law, with any action being a matter for the British courts. New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman also launched an investigation. This global mess shows Uber to be a company with rock bottom ethical standards, said Wes Streeting a member of Parliament for Ilford North. State authorities in the U.S. have started to take action, and its high time the U.K. government did too. Uber said customers impacted by the breach dont need to take any action. The company said it has no evidence that trip location history, credit card information, bank account details, or dates of birth were taken. The U.K. National Cyber Security Centre also said theres no current information that shows financial details were compromised. Ubers new Chief Executive Officer Dara Khosrowshahi said in a statement last week that he had only learned of the breach recently. Two company officials were fired as a result, including Joe Sullivan, the companys security chief. London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who has been embroiled in a fight to cancel Ubers taxi license in the city, called on the company to disclose more information about the hack. Uber need to urgently confirm which of their customers are affected, what is being done to ensure these customers dont suffer adversely, and what action is being taken to prevent this happening again in the future, Khan said in a Twitter post. Related: Copyright 2022 Bloomberg. Topics Cyber Uk Global banks need to do more to protect themselves from cyber attacks after a significant evolution in the threat level in the last 18 months, according to the SWIFT global payments network. Hackers are deploying increasingly sophisticated ways of breaching banks cyber defenses to launch finely orchestrated attacks, SWIFT said in a report co-written with defense contractor BAE Systems. Intruders can spend more than a year reconnoitering targets once they have gained access to their computer systems, the report said. Evidence from recent cases clearly demonstrates the attackers adaptability, patience, determination and growing sophistication, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication and BAE Systems said in the report. The rise in the threat level requires an equally concerted response. The number of reported cyber attacks against Financial Conduct Authority regulated companies alone rose to 89 in 2016 from five in 2014, Nausicaa Delfas, executive director at the U.K. regulator, said in April. A year ago, Tesco Bank, the lending unit of the U.K.s biggest grocer, suffered an attack in which money was taken from about 20,000 consumer accounts. In February 2016, hackers exploited weaknesses in how banks connect to the SWIFT system to steal a record-breaking $81 million from Bangladeshs central bank. Cyber attacks are at the top of regulators concerns in the U.S. as well. Jerome Powell, President Donald Trumps nominee to head the Federal Reserve, said at a confirmation hearing on Nov. 28 that cyber security may be the biggest risk that U.S. banks face. Related: Copyright 2022 Bloomberg. Topics Cyber A federal agency says a leak in TransCanada Corp.s Keystone oil pipeline in South Dakota likely was caused by damage during construction in 2008. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration issued a corrective action report Tuesday on the estimated 210,000-gallon oil spill. The report says a weight installed on the pipeline nearly a decade ago may have damaged the pipeline and coating. According to the report, weights are placed on the pipeline in areas where water could potentially result in buoyancy concerns. TransCanada spokesman Mark Cooper said the company has been working cooperatively with the federal agency and has begun a safe, controlled and gradual startup of the pipeline. Cooper says that process will continue over the next couple of days. South Dakota officials dont believe the leak polluted any surface water bodies or drinking water systems. The company disclosed the buried pipeline leak on agricultural land in Marshall County on Nov. 16. Copyright 2022 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Topics Trends Construction A former partner at a major law firm in Washington pleaded guilty on Wednesday to charges that he tried to sell copies of sealed whistleblower lawsuits against corporations that he obtained while working at the U.S. Justice Department. Jeffrey Wertkin, 41, was working at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP when he was arrested in January trying to sell an undercover federal agent one of the lawsuits while wearing a wig as a disguise, according to court papers. He pleaded guilty in San Francisco federal court to charges of obstruction of justice and interstate transportation of stolen goods, court records show. Sentencing is scheduled for March. Jeff had a long career as a lawyer doing good work, his attorney Cristina Arguedas said. He made a terrible mistake, for which he is extremely sorry, and is now working to make amends. Before joining Akin Gump in April 2016, Wertkin worked in a Justice Department division that handles lawsuits filed by whistleblowers against companies on the governments behalf to recover taxpayer funds paid out based on fraudulent claims. Those lawsuits are brought under the False Claims Act and are filed under seal to allow the Justice Department to investigate and determine whether it wants to join the cases. Whistleblowers can receive a cut of any settlement or verdict. According to the charging documents, before leaving the Justice Department, Wertkin removed copies of several whistleblower complaints without permission for his personal use. According to a criminal complaint, in November 2016, someone calling himself Dan contacted an employee of the unnamed Sunnyvale, California-based security company to discuss providing a copy of the lawsuit for a consulting fee. That employee began recording calls with Dan at the Federal Bureau of Investigations request, and negotiated to have a colleague, who was actually an agent, deliver $310,000 in exchange for the lawsuit. Wertkin was arrested on Jan. 31 at a Cupertino, California, hotel while trying to sell a copy of a the lawsuit to the agent in exchange for a duffle bag full of money, the complaint said. My life is over, Wertkin said out loud shortly after his arrest, according to the complaint. Wertkin had prior to his arrest also tried to a sell a copy of a second sealed whistleblower lawsuitfiled in federal court in San Francisco against an Oregon-based company, according to court papers. The case is U.S. v. Wertkin, U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, No. 17-cr-00557. (Reporting by Nate Raymond in Boston; Additional reporting by Dan Levine in San Francisco; Editing by Lisa Shumaker) Topics Lawsuits California USA The closing deadline for China Oceanwide Holdings Group Co.s proposed purchase of Genworth Financial Inc .has been extended for a second time, to April 1, to allow them to satisfy a U.S. review on foreign takeovers, they said on Wednesday. The $2.7 billion transaction, announced more than a year ago, has been held up by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), an inter-agency panel that vets such takeovers for national security. The extension would allow Genworth, an insurer based in Richmond, Virginia, and the Beijing-based investment firm to amend the original terms to satisfy concerns raised by the committee. Analysts have said the concerns may center around Chinese state access to customer data. In an Oct. 2 filing, the companies offered to engage a U.S. company to act as a third-party service provider to administer policies in the United States and wall off all data from the parent company. We are making good progress in our discussions with a U.S. third-party service provider about proposed mitigation approaches, which justified the merger agreement extension, Genworth President and Chief Executive Tom McInerney said in a statement. The partners expect to refile their CFIUS approval application in the near term, he added. This would be the third refiling since the transaction was announced, and would give CFIUS another 75 days to study the deal. Chinese firms and investment funds have found it increasingly difficult to acquire U.S. companies as the Trump administration has taken a conservative stance to such deals. Other takeovers of financial services firms, including remittance company MoneyGram International Inc, have been delayed for similar reasons. A purchase of a 20 percent stake in financial services firm Cowen Group by CEFC China Energy was abandoned last week after failing to secure CFIUS approval. Other companies have been tweaking their deals with Chinese acquirers lately after U.S. government pushback. U.S. mobile marketing firm AppLovin said in November it abandoned plans to sell a majority stake to a Shanghai-based investor and instead turned it into a debt investment. Securing a takeover is important for Genworth, which has been evaluating how it would handle $600 million worth of debt maturing in May 2018 if it did not complete its sale to Oceanwide. Other options include asset sales and other refinancing methods. (Additional Reporting by Suzanne Barlyn in New York and Diane Bartz in Washington D.C.; Editing by Lauren Tara LaCapra and Richard Chang) Topics Mergers & Acquisitions USA China Just over 60 percent of individuals who died from an opioid overdose had been diagnosed with a chronic pain condition, and many had been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder, a study of more than 13,000 overdose deaths has found. Only four percent had been diagnosed as having an abuse problem right before their death. According to the researchers at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC), their study is the first to determine the proportion of those who died of an opioid overdose with chronic pain. The findings were published online this week in the American Journal of Psychiatry. The Columbia University study is titled, Service Use Preceding Opioid-Related Fatality. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the number of opioid-related deaths has quadrupled, from 8,048 in 1999 to 33,091 in 2015. The Columbia researchers analyzed clinical diagnoses and filled medication prescriptions between 2001 and 2007 for more than 13,000 adults in the Medicaid program who died of an opioid overdose. During the last year of life, more than half of these individuals had been diagnosed with chronic pain. Many had also been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. The frequent occurrence of treated chronic pain and mental health conditions among overdose decedents underscores the importance of offering substance use treatment services in clinics that treat patients with chronic pain and mental health problems. Such a strategy might increase early clinical intervention in patients who are at high risk for fatal opioid overdose, said Mark Olfson, MD, professor of psychiatry at CUMC and lead investigator of the study. Approximately one-third of those who died had been diagnosed with a drug use disorder in the prior year. However, fewer than one in 20 had been diagnosed with opioid use disorder in the last month. Because clinical diagnoses generally indicate treatment, this service pattern suggests that dropout from drug treatment is common before fatal opioid overdose. Improving treatment retention with contingency management or other effective behavioral interventions might help lower the risk of fatal overdose in these patients, said Dr. Olfson. In the year before death, more than half had filled prescriptions for opioids or for anti-anxiety medications called benzodiazepines, and many had filled prescriptions for both types of medications. This medication combination is known to increase the risk of respiratory depression, which is the unusually slow and shallow breathing that is the primary cause of death in most fatal opioid overdoses, said Dr. Olfson, noting that the data from the current study were collected between 2001 and 2007. In the years since, there has been an increase in the proportion of U.S. overdose deaths involving benzodiazepines and opioids. The authors urged providers to restrict the combination, in the lowest possible dose and duration, to those patients for whom alternative strategies have proven inadequate. In addition to Dr. Olfson, other contributors to the CUMC study were Melanie Wall (CUMC), Shuai Wang (CUMC), Stephen Crystal (Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, N.J.), and Carlos Blanco (National Institute on Drug Abuse, Rockville, Md.). The study was funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (U19 HS021112), the National Institute on Drug Abuse (R01 DA019606), and the New York Psychiatric Institute. Opioids were involved in more than 33,000 deaths in 2015 and opioid overdoses have quadrupled since 1999, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Emergency Room Data Another recent study found that opioid-related emergency room visits have been increasing since 2013 and in the second quarter of this year, one out of every six was opioid-related. The study was by OM1, a Boston healthcare data company that used big data analytics to create a prototype for tracking the opioid crisis in near real-time. OM1 also found while the rate of opioid related emergency room visits has increased across all ages since 2013, the opioid epidemic is disproportionately impacting younger individuals. The fastest growing age segment is the 0-19 year age group, where rates increased from 10 percent in 2013 to 16 percent in Q1 of 2017. The OM1 opioid tracker shows that the opioid epidemic is not an urban disease. While rates increased in all states, Montana is among a few states with the biggest changes in the proportion of opioid-related ER Visits since 2013. The opioid epidemic has reached alarming levels in the U.S., affecting the lives of millions of individuals and families. Big data analytics provide an enormous opportunity to be able to track and evaluate the crisis in near real time, said Vandana Menon, vice president of Research at OM1. Related: Topics Drugs The hurricane season is officially over, but it didnt go by without leaving a major mark on Florida and its insurance industry. Hurricane Irma, a name most in the state wont soon forget, first hit the Florida Keys as a category 4 storm on Sunday, Sept. 10, with 130-mile per hour winds. It then worked its way north passing over the east and west coasts. Loss estimates from Hurricane Irma have ranged between $25 billion to $65 billion by catastrophe modelers. The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR) reported total estimated insured losses at more than $5.8 billion as of Nov. 13, with more than 689,000 residential property claims and 51,396 commercial property claims. Business interruption claims reached more than 3,700 as of Nov. 3. In the immediate aftermath of the storm, 6.7 million homes and businesses about 65 percent of the state were without power. The Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund said the state fund that provides backing to private insurers would pay about $5.1 billion in claims. Florida estimated it had spent nearly $650 million on emergency resources and clean up from the storm. Floridas state-run insurer of last resort, Citizens, expects $1.2 billion in insured losses and 70,000 Hurricane Irma claims over the next 18-24 months. The carrier said Nov. 29 it had closed nearly two-thirds of the 62,000 claims it had seen so far, including more than 42,400 claims in Miami-Dade, Broward and Monroe counties. The damage to Florida crops was also epic. According to The Associated Press, Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam said Irmas path couldnt have been more lethal for Florida agriculture, with few crops spared. More than half of the states iconic orange crop is estimated to be lost. Could Have Been Worse Hurricane Irma will go down as one of the top hurricanes in Florida history, but experts say it could have been worse. As the storm tracked towards Florida in early September, some estimates put the cost of damage from Irma as high as $200 billion. But something called the Bermuda High, threw the hurricane slightly off course, sparing the most populated area of South Florida from the brunt of the storm. Bloomberg reported that the circular system hovering over Bermuda jostled Irma onto Northern Cuba where being over land sapped it of some power. Florida escaped the worst because Irmas powerful eye shifted westward, away from the biggest population center of Miami-Dade County, Bloomberg said. The fact that it took a left turn at the last minute and didnt give Miami a punch in the nose was a blessing, said Marsh US Property Practice Leader Duncan Ellis. Recovery Ongoing Still, Irma did pack a powerful punch and the recovery will go on for some time. Companies are now working on getting insureds back on their feet. One of the biggest issues in the aftermath of Irma has been a shortage of claims adjusters. The storm came just two weeks after Hurricane Harvey hit Texas and the industry has scrambled to bring in adjusters, leading to delays in resolving claims. OIR reported in its Nov. 13 claims data that about 235,759 residential property claims reported to insurers remained open. The percentage of commercial property claims closed was 29.5 percent. The biggest challenge is you get a backlog when catastrophes hit like this. [Hurricane Harvey] was so close to what happened in Florida, said Bobby Raymond, owner of Jacksonville, Fla.-based Brightway, The Fort Caroline Agency. Theres a limited pool of claims adjusters in the universe. Weve warned clients carriers are doing the best they can, but they [could] take a while to get back to you. Raymond himself couldnt get a claims adjuster out for almost a month after Irma caused two trees to fall on homes he owns. Thats just typical, he said. Carriers have turned to technology, such as drones, to help with assessing claims. EagleView, an aerial imagery provider, does inspections for insurance companies, including roof and structure damage, and property damage measurements. Kenneth Cook, SVP of EagleView OnSite Solutions, said its drone technology has handled thousands of Irma claims for insurers. Its a new method for them to get their work done. After any kind of a storm event especially with two major events back to back insurance adjusters are busy around the country, and insurance companies are always looking for faster more efficient ways to help customers, Cook said. EagleView contracts with drone hobbyists and provides them with insurance certification training, including how to inspect a home for claims purposes. In some areas of Florida that were impacted by Irma, Cook said drones were not a good solution because of structural damage, but in other areas drones can capture detailed images of damage like missing shingles, fences blown down, or missing roof tiles. There are thousands of claims that drones are perfect for because in just 25 minutes the pictures are taken and uploaded, saving the carrier a lot of time, he said. New hurricane policies were also put to the test in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma. Policyholders of the new StormPeace product from Assured Risk Cover (ARC) and California-based Topa Insurance Co. were reimbursed right away for hurricane expenses ranging from $1,000 to $15,000. Alok Jha, CEO and founder of ARC, said about 98 percent of claimants were paid within three days of attesting to an Irma loss. The StormPeace product uses mobile technology to alert costumers in declared storm areas so they be paid right away for evacuation costs or damage to their homes. This product has no exclusions and pays promptly after a hurricane, Jha said. A contractor shortage has also delayed recovery efforts. Jake Morin, president of Construction for ProSight Specialty Insurance, said demand has surged for contractors in hurricane-hit areas, and so has demand for coverage. The company is working quickly to get contractors insured so they can help with rebuilding. Homeowners and businesses want to make sure they are working with a licensed and reputable contractor, he said. There is a flood of contractors trying to capitalize; make sure the work they are doing is the work they need to be doing. Lessons Learned Experts are already looking at whether the state was adequately prepared for Irma and what should be done differently next time. Much hard work and preparation over the last few years has paid off during Citizens initial response to Hurricane Irma, said Chris Gardner, chairman of Citizens board of governors, shortly after the storm. However, given the magnitude of reported claims, we are sure to encounter unforeseen challenges. We will continue to learn, prepare and improve our response capabilities with each storm situation. Agency owner Raymond said despite the adjuster shortage, hes been impressed with how carriers have improved their cat response and capabilities to process large claims volumes since Hurricane Matthew. We had less complaints from customers this year about not being able to get through to their carrier, he said. Marshs Ellis says Irma is a reminder of the importance of adequate insurance coverage, and that agents should take the time now to sit down with their clients and evaluate their coverage needs. People forget how significant these events are. Its an eyeopener for people, especially in the residential space where flood isnt covered, Ellis said. ProSights Morin agrees. Insurance is one of those items that you buy, but you dont know what you have until you need it. Customers truly rely on their insurance agent to be their counsel and point them in the right direction and make sure they are covered, he said. Doug Wiles, president of Herbie Wiles Insurance Agency in St. Augustine, Fla., said Irmas aftermath has highlighted the important work that insurance agents do. For instance, he has spent countless hours keeping information flowing between carriers and customers since the storm. It can be tough to get through to insurance companies and you are speaking to a different representative each time its not like talking to an old friend or neighbor. The value of an agent at a time like this is incredible, he said. He added that the increasing frequency of catastrophes should not be overlooked. With the change in our climate, I am concerned we are going to see more of this activity and I am concerned about what that is going to do to the insurance industry, especially for those companies who have focused their business in Florida, he said. I think we need to take a careful look at how we spread that risk and whatever that means to the companies involved. Related: Correction: This story has been updated from an earlier version that incorrectly identified the company Assured Risk Cover (ARC) as Assured Risk Concepts. Topics Carriers Catastrophe Natural Disasters Florida Claims Hurricane Agribusiness Property Contractors Donald Blankenship, the former Massey Energy chief executive who went to prison in the wake of a 2010 mine explosion that killed 29, plans to run for the U.S. Senate from West Virginia. Blankenship is filing election papers to run as a Republican, Greg Thomas, a political consultant for him, said in a phone interview. Television station WCHS first reported news. In the Republican primary, Blankenship would face off against at least two other candidates, U.S. Representative Evan Jenkins and West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey. The winner would face incumbent Democrat Joe Manchin in the 2018 election. Blankenship decided to run for office over Thanksgiving, Thomas said. In a Nov. 20 blog post, Blankenship said that a Senate campaign might be the next and best approach to continue his campaign for the truth concerning the Upper Big Branch mine explosion, the industrys worst disaster in a generation. Blankenship served a year in prison after being convicted of a misdemeanor charge for orchestrating a conspiracy to violate mine safety rules before that blast. Blames Regulations Hes never admitted wrongdoing and continues to blame federal regulations for creating the environment that led to the blast. Repeated investigations have disagreed, concluding that the explosion was preventable and that Massey hadnt taken basic safety measures. In an Oct. 3 post, Blankenship wrote that Manchin has failed to successfully advocate for effective mine safety regulations. We have every confidence the people of West Virginia will see through his pathetic attempts to blame others for his actions, Phil Smith, a United Mine Workers of America spokesman said in an email when asked about Blankenships run. They will render the same judgment on the criminal Don Blankenship that a West Virginia jury did: guilty as charged, and unworthy of holding any office. The former coal executive, who has referred to himself as an American political prisoner, has argued that his criticism of President Barack Obama and his support of Republican political candidates made him the target of a politically motivated case over the mine disaster. Raised in West Virginias rural back country, Blankenship has been one of the coal industrys loudest boosters, spending millions of dollars over the years backing state politicians and judges who might be friendly to coal and referring to global warming as a hoax. In May, he called on President Donald Trump to split the Labor Departments Mine Safety and Health Administration into two pieces. While Blankenship has relocated at least part time to Nevada, hes maintained his West Virginia residence and was on the ground in the state Wednesday, according to Thomas. Everyone has a right to run for public office, Morrisey said in a statement. I welcome anyone into this contest, but I will continue to run on my positive record of obtaining conservative results for coal miners and West Virginia taxpayers, fighting for the unborn, protecting gun rights, and ridding the state of this terrible opioid epidemic. A spokesman for Manchin, who won his race in 2012 with 61 percent of the vote, declined to comment. A former state legislator and governor known as a moderate, Manchin has managed to remain popular in a state that has turned toward Republicans. West Virginia is no stranger to coal bosses in higher office. Last year, Jim Justice, a coal and real estate mogul, was elected governor as a Democrat. In August, at a rally alongside Trump, Justice announced hes switching to become a Republican. A week later, he said that Trump was really interested in his idea to create federal payments that would effectively bail out the states coal industry. Copyright 2022 Bloomberg. Topics USA Legislation Virginia Politics General Motors Company (GM) is the quintessential American company. Incorporated in 1908, the Detroit-based automotive company has weathered its fair share of boom and bust economic cycles. The company designs, manufactures, markets, and distributes new cars, trucks, and vehicle parts globally. GM additionally offers consumers automotive financial services. In this article, we take a brief look at General Motor's stock history before reviewing the company's three largest individual shareholders. Key Takeaways Founded in 1908 by William C. Durant, General Motors has weathered numerous ups and downs over the decades. The decades after World War II saw the American car manufacturer flourish as demand for the company's cars spurred increased revenue and market share. By the 1980s, the company began to decline as it faced strong competition from foreign automakers, including Toyota and Honda. During the financial crisis of 2009, GM filed for bankruptcy and became largely owned by the U.S. government; the company recovered and relaunched in 2010 with an initial public offering of new GM stocks. As of April 2021, GM's top individual shareholders were Mary Barra, Mark Reuss, and John Stapleton. GM's Stock History General Motors has an interesting stock history. The company was reincorporated in 1916 during a stock buyback campaign that led founder William C. Durant to rejoin the company after having been forced to leave in 1910 as a result of massive debt he incurred through the acquisition of other car companies. Durant added Chevrolet to the GM fold in 1916 and continued to acquire other automobile manufacturers over the years. The decades after World War II saw GM dominate as a car manufacturer, growing its market share and revenue while simultaneously becoming one of the world's largest employers. The company's fortunes declined, however, beginning in the 1980s and through the 1990s. GM lost significant market share to foreign car companies, most notably Honda and Toyota. General Motors filed for bankruptcy in 2009 amid the financial crisis and became largely owned by the U.S. government. When this happened, it was delisted from the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) and old GM shares were retired. In 2010, General Motors relaunched with an initial public offering (IPO) of new GM stocks. As of Dec. 17, 2021, the stock price was around $55.16. $80.1 Billion GM's market capitalization as of Dec. 17, 2021. 1. Mary Barra Mary Barra was appointed as General Motors' chief executive officer (CEO) in January 2014 when former CEO Daniel Akerson departed from the company. Barra, who is General Motors' first female CEO, was also elected chair of the companys board in January 2016. At the time, Barra was seen as a perfect fit to take the company forward and advise the companys board due to her extensive experience in engineering and global product development, one of General Motors' most critical business areas. Barra holds a bachelor of science in electrical engineering and a master of business administration (MBA). She has won a number of industry recognition awards and was named to Forbes' list of the world's 100 most powerful women for 2021. According to GM's 2021 proxy statement and annual meeting of shareholders notice, she is the company's largest individual shareholder with 2,753,251 shares of General Motors. 2. Mark Reuss Mark L. Reuss is a president of General Motors, leading regional operations in North America, South America, China, and General Motors International. Reuss has had a long career with GM, joining the company as an intern in 1983 when he was studying at Vanderbilt University to be a mechanical engineer. He later got his MBA from Duke University. Prior to becoming GM president in 2019, Reuss served as GM's executive vice president for Global Product Development, Purchasing, and Supply Chain from 2013 to 2018. Reuss is the second-largest individual shareholder of General Motors. As of April 2021, he owned 670,814 shares of the company. 3. John P. Stapleton John Stapleton has been GM's North America chief financial officer (CFO) since January 2014. He joined the company in 1990 and worked his way up the ranks, serving in a variety of finance roles with responsibilities in operations, manufacturing, labor, and performance improvement. GM named Stapleton acting global chief financial officer in August 2020 following the resignation of Dhivya Suryadevara, executive vice president and CFO. Stapleton held the interim position until GM hired former Delta Air Lines CFO Paul Jacobson to fill the CFO position in December 2020. Stapleton is the third-largest individual shareholder of General Motors. As of April 2021, he owned 183,211 shares of the company. Guided now at 950,000, the triangle of 0.07 of an acre at Clontarf Street has a lapsed planning for a nine-storey/31,000 sq ft office building, proposed at one stage by Cork developer Tom Coughlan, as a Cork equivalent of New Yorks famed and far larger Flatiron building. Its next to the bus station, and former warehouse buildings running back to Parnell Place, which were sold last year by Cork City Council, acquired by Brehon Capital for redevelopment as a hotel, hostel and restaurant. Listed with BidX1 as Lot 150, this adjacent old triangle had previously been marketed by CBRE with a 1m price tag, and according to sources a bidder on it around the 1.3m mark, was New York based Kevin OSullivan, whose company Times Square Construction was the purchaser (subject to planning) of the Port of Cork site where a very tall tower is being proposed. Earlier this month, a Times Square company spokesperson said its Port of Cork site tower plan was unaffected by a 67m fine levied on a company Navillus and his brother Donal OSullivan, by a US Federal Court for labour law violations. The city centre site is one of at least half a dozen Cork commercial/development lots, worth 8-10 million all-in, lined up for the December 13/14 BIDX1 auction which is expected to net about 50m overall nationally. Also in the Cork mix are several land parcels previously associated with Coleman Brothers, including 14 acres at Bawnafinny, Blarney, with a previous planning grant for 156 units. Its guided at 3.095m, or 20,000 per stand, ahead of a Foxrock south Dublin site with planning for 20 apartments, guided at 2.9m, or 130,000 per stand. Also due for auction disposal is two acres at Milestream, Shanakiel, near Apple HQ in Cork with planning for 38 residential units granted in August 2017, which is guiding 1.835m (48,000 per stand), as well as a mixed-use lot in Ballinacurra, Midleton comprising a former grainstore/mill, office, four houses on 8.75 acres, guided at 1.6m. Richard ONeill, director at BidX1 said the latter half of 2017 had seen development land performing strongly and this trend is likely to continue in December with 20 sites going under the hammer. Given the level of demand in locations like Foxrock, Blarney, and Midleton, the sales should spark plenty of developer interest, he added. Included in the commercial mix on December 14 are a number of restaurant premises and investments nationally, Leisure investments include a restaurant with offices overhead in Rathgar, generating 70,000 p/a and guiding 950,000, while another, restaurant/takeaway trading in Howth as Beshoff Bros guides at 825,000. The former Castle Inn in Rathfarnham guides at 750,000, and a restaurant investment on Dublin 1s Capel Street, Dublin 1, let to King 7 Bar & Restaurant for over 100,000 p/a is guided at 600,000, while a former public house with overhead apartment on Blackrocks Main Street guides at 375,000. Also offered are office, industrial and retail buys, such as 17 French Church Street Cork city guiding at 430,000, while in Co Waterford, the former 23-bed Waterford Manor Hotel, at Killotteran, has 32,000 sq ft with function room, on 16 acres, guided at 700,000. Residential lots get offered on December 13, with the top price reserve of 1.8m attached to a Temple Road Dublin 6, five-bed home called Ellington. Formerly known as Allsop Ireland, and rebranded in August 2017 after a buy-out, BidX1 is this countrys s largest auction company, with a worldwide reach thanks to its online bidding platform, and 77,000 registered users. Details: In Person I Prefer Women Participate Not Because of a Quota but Because of Their Ability Chairwoman of the NLD Central Womens Committee Dr. May Win Myint. / Thet Htun Naing / The Irrawaddy The ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) formed a Central Womens Committee on Aug. 21 with a view to promoting womens empowerment and capacity building. Dr. May Win Myint, chairwoman of the committee as well as a lawmaker representing Mayangone Township in the Lower House, recently talked to The Irrawaddys May Sitt Paing about the objectives and activities of the committee What has the Central Committee done since it was formed two months ago? Though the committee was formed [officially] on Aug. 21, it has been in existence for a long time before that. The committee was reformed with 11 members to engage in public works. Firstly, it went to camps for internally displaced persons [IDPs] in Myitkyina, Waingmaw, Mohnyin, and Mogaung townships in Kachin State. There, women and children are suffering the most. Some camps are well run and some arent. Camps supported by Christian associations were good, I mean, they helped IDPs get jobs. The [situation in] camps in Mohnyin was not so good. What are the main concerns of the women and children in the IDP camps? They are worried about two things. They have been in the camps for more than six years. They have left behind their farms, and they are worried they will lose them. But they dare not go back because of landmines. So, we told them that they could ask the authorities to get back their land. And as for the landmines, it has been on the mind of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi for a long time. But it will take time. We also visited Buthidaung and Maungdaw in Rakhine State recently. Displaced persons have already gone back to their villages from camps. We plan to open a clinic in an ethnic village in Maungdaw. I heard that the committee is planning to form womens committees at the district, township, ward and village levels. Has there been any progress on that? Well invite any female member healthy, willing and able to perform assigned duties, regardless of their educational background and age, to join the committee. We plan to form committees at the ward and village levels by January, township level by February, and district level by March. The Central Committee will appoint district and region/state level committees. You are also a lawmaker in the Lower House. What legislation do you plan to submit to Parliament to promote womens rights? It is the responsibility of Parliament. A draft law to prevent violence against women has been in the making for over three years. But, it has not yet reached Parliament. The Upper House has a Women and Children Protection Committee, but the Lower House still does not have such a committee. So, we will form one as quickly as we can. And we are also amending the Child Law to further protect young girls. Well also try to change certain laws like the Suppression of Prostitution Act in order to protect women. I heard that civil society organizations are discussing those laws and draft laws. But if they can do it quickly and forward them to Parliament, the bill committees will be able to start discussion soon and the process will be accelerated. What do you think of the efforts being made under the new government to empower women? Women lawmakers accounted for only 3.8 percent of lawmakers in the previous government. The percentage has increased under the new government, but it is still relatively low. According to CEDAW [Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women], women should have a 30 percent representation [in politics]. Our party doesnt practice a quota system. But our policy favored woman candidates when they had the same abilities as their male counterparts [in selecting candidates for the 2015 election]. As a result, the NLD has the largest female representation among political parties in parliament. Some women are too timid to take a lead role. What would you say about that? Some women are afraid to do so, and some prefer men to take the lead role. So, we have to mobilize women to come out to the front. Only by doing this, will more women gradually come out to contest elections. Previously, there were no female administrators, but now there are 87. This is in the administrative branch. We also plan to rally women to obtain greater representation in the legislative branch. In Parliament, we will try to get women to take lead roles in the legislative, executive and judicial branches. How would you respond to criticism that some womens rights activists have been less active since they entered Parliament and that female representation is low in the Parliament? It depends on the policies of the concerned parties. It is important that political parties have a large number of female candidates, and they have policies that favor female candidates. But at the same time, women have to build up their capacities. So, we will form womens committees at the ward and village levels and provide capacity-building training. Only then, will womens voices rise. People are talking more about gender equality these days and there have been greater calls for legislation that promotes gender equality. What are your suggestions? Much remains to be done in that regard. When it comes to gender equality, most activists talk in international terms. I wont say they are wrong, but different countries have different situations. International norms call for a 30 percent participation rate for women [in politics]. But I prefer that women participate not because of a quota system but because of their ability. Women have to try to improve themselves. Women account for 51 percent of the total population of our country. Well empower women at the ward and village levels and help enhance their capacities. Hopefully, there will be more female lawmakers in 2020. There are rigid attitudes and stereotypical views about women. Will it be easy to change certain things? Such attitudes are entrenched more deeply in ethnic areas, and they may be less prevalent in lower Myanmar. Some people simply cant shed such conservative attitudes. But as there are more ethnic parties, perhaps they will be able to help them get rid of those attitudes. We will carry out educational campaigns because there are cases in which women are sexually exploited because they have been misguided and such cases happen not only in rural areas but also in areas close to urban areas, for instance, the case in Mon State. Burma AA, Myanmar Army Clashes Likely to Intensify: Arakan Army Spokesman Local villagers of Paletwa Township who fled from their homes on Nov. 23, 2017. Photo: AA [Arakan Army] Info Desk / Facebook NAYPYITAW The ongoing clashes between the Myanmar Army and the Arakan Army (AA) are likely to intensify in the coming days, said Khaing Thukha, a spokesperson for the AA, alleging that the Myanmar Army recently launched a large-scale assault utilizing more than 30 battalions in Chins State Paletwa Township near the Myanmar-India border. On Wednesday, he said, there were clashes in six places for the whole day and the Tatmadaw (Myanmar Army) used two helicopters to attack. Fierce clashes are ongoing in Paletwa at the border of India, Bangladesh and Myanmar. Clashes are quite fierce, and the Tatmadaw suffered casualties, Khaing Thukha told The Irrawaddy. If they continue fighting like this, we will inevitably have to defend ourselves, and the clashes will only intensify, he added. The AA has suffered at least five casualties and some injuries in clashes that broke out in early November, said Khaing Thukha, suggesting that the Tatmadaw might have suffered many more casualties and injuries. He refused to disclose, for security reasons, when the AA started its military activities in Paletwa. Around 350 Paletwa locals fled across the border to India out of fear after the Tatmadaw bombed AA troops on Wednesday evening, said U Pinnya Jota, a Buddhist monk living in India. The monk told The Irrawaddy on Thursday, there are now around 2,000 Paletwa residents taking shelter at the border in India including some 1,500 people who fled last week. Arakanese villages are providing as much aid as they can. The Indian government has given some rice to them. Around 350 people arrived yesterday [Nov. 29]. They fled after [the Tatmadaw] bombed, around 4:30 p.m. yesterday, said U Pinnya Jota. Military leaders have repeatedly said that the Tatmadaw would not hold peace talks with the AA unless it disarmed because it was established only after Myanmar had elected a quasi-civilian government, under former President U Thein Sen in 2011. [The AA, which took part in fighting by allying with Kachin, Taang and Kokang troops in the Kachin Independence Army controlled areas in northern and northeastern Myanmar, has said its troops have been mobilized since 2009.] Locals speculated that the Tatmadaws ongoing attacks were retaliation after it lost 11 troopstwo officers and nine other ranksin an AA ambush on Nov. 18 in Chin States Paletwa Township. According to the AA, clashes have been ongoing near Myeik Wa, [a border village near India], since Nov. 25, and there were also clashes at the triangle area at the border of Myanmar, Bangladesh and India on Wednesday. The AA said it seized two 60 mm launchers, 70 pieces of 60 mm mortar shells, some ammunition and military equipment [of the Tatmadaw] in clashes on Wednesday. Translated from Burmese by Thet Ko Ko. Burma DASSKs China Trip Expected to Focus on Security, Development State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi arrives in Beijing for the Belt and Road Forum on May 13, 2017. / Reuters YANGON State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi left for China on Thursday at the invitation of the Chinese government to deliver a speech as a special guest at a forum of world political leaders in Beijing hosted by the Communist Party of China. The forum will run from November 30 to December 3. A news release from the State Counselors Office says the trip is both a working and goodwill visit during which she will have a bilateral meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping. With the ministers of electricity, energy and construction and other government officials in tow, the trip marks the second time the state counselor has visited Myanmars large neighbor to the north. In May she attended the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation at the China National Convention Center in Beijing. She held separate talks with President Xi and Premier Li Keqiang at the time. Yangon-based political observer Yan Myo Thein said the visit was significant as few of the countrys previous leaders visited China twice in one year. He said given the ministers accompanying Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, bilateral discussions would likely focus on projects related to Chinas One Belt, One Road initiative. During their private meeting, the two leaders are also likely to discuss efforts to stabilize border areas where some of Myanmars largest ethnic armed groups have been fighting with the national army; Chinas continued support for Myanmars reconciliation and peace process; and the crisis in Rakhine State, where China has large business projects including a deep-sea port and a crude oil pipeline connecting western Myanmars Kyaukphyu Township and Kunming, the capital of Chinas southern Yunnan Province. Since the recent instability in Rakhine State, where the army has faced international condemnation for clearance operations that have triggered an exodus of more than 600,000 Muslim Rohingya to Bangladesh, China has expressed its support for Myanmar. When the issue was raised at a meeting of the U.N. Security Council in September, China voiced support for the armys efforts to uphold peace and stability in Rakhine. On a trip to China in mid-November, Myanmar military chief Senior General Min Aung Hlaing also met President Xi, who said the generals goodwill visit to China was significant, that relations between the two countries had reached their highest point and that China would continue providing necessary assistance to Myanmar. Burma Farmers Arrested in Shan State Facing Four Charges Shan Human Rights Foundation CHIANG MAI, Thailand Eight of nine farmers, including a 12-year-old boy, arrested by the Myanmar military four months ago in Ho Pong Township in southern Shan State are facing trial over a combined four charges, according to their lawyer. The eight appeared at the Ho Pong Township court on Wednesday, their latest appearance since their arrests in July and August. They are charged under the Communication Law for possessing walkie-talkies, the Export and Import Law for driving an unlicensed vehicle, the Arms Act for possession of hunting rifles, and the State Protection Law for trespassing in a military operation zone, Sao Mya Wadi, their lawyer, told The Irrawaddy. She said the charges were filed in September. The court has finished hearing from the witnesses in some cases, because each [suspect] is charged with two to three charges mentioned above. But there need to be more hearings for the remaining cases. The accused will have to appear before the court again on Dec. 6, she said. The Shan Human Rights Foundation (SHRF), a rights group based in Thailand, says the farmers were wrongly arrested and called for the charges to be dropped. In a statement issued Tuesday, the SHRF said the eight adults and one boy were arrested by the Light Infantry Battalion 424 and Infantry Battalions 225 and 249 between July 15 and August 4 on suspicion of links to a Shan armed group, the Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army South (RCSS/SSA-S). The arrests came a day after a clash between the RCSS/SSA-S and Tatmadaw troops in July; the RCSS is a signatory of the nationwide ceasefire agreement (NCA). The boy was released on bail on Aug. 5, three weeks after his arrest. The adults are being detained by Ho Pong police. One of the eight adults, Lung Aw Na, remains in police custody but has yet to be charged, according to the SHRF. We would like to request that the cases be dropped because they are innocent farmers, said Sai Hor Hseng, the SHRF spokesman, adding that such arrests should not occur while the country is in the midst of a peace-building process. The nine farmers were arrested for possession of items such as walkie-talkies, mobile phones, hunting rifles and bullets, even though these items are used by local villagers for everyday purposes, the groups statement says. Their lawyer said that if her clients were convicted for possessing walkie-talkies and hunting rifles then many more innocent villagers could also be arrested. They [the Tatmadaw] could have arrested thousands of them, because almost everyone in the villages possesses hand-held communication devices and villagers can make these homemade hunting rifles and gunpowder, said Sao Mya Wadi. It is important that the judgments are made based on good conscience. There must be justice and equity for all human beings, said added. The SHRF says the court proceedings are being delayed by the Tatmadaws plaintiffs lack of cooperation, frequently failing to show up in court because, it says, they lack the evidence to prove their case. There are currently no clashes in the area. But Sai Hor Hseng said locals have witnessed the deployment of more Tatmadaw troops. More and more Burma soldiers have gone into the areas and have taken positions, he said. Burma KIA Reports Frequent Clashes with Tatmadaw Throughout November KIA soldiers at Chyasam Hka, a post near the frontline with the Myanmar Army. / Lawi Weng / The Irrawaddy CHIANG MAI, Thailand Fighting resumed between the Myanmar military, or Tatmadaw, and the Kachin Independence Army in Kachin States Tanai Township in early November, with frequent clashes continuing throughout the month, according to a KIA spokesman. Clashes resumed early in the month and continued up until Tuesday, Nov. 28, Colonel Naw Bu of the KIA told The Irrawaddy on Wednesday. It may represent a follow-up to the Tatmadaws military clearance operation [in Tanai], he said, referring to June clashes that forced local villagers to flee their homes. The Tatmadaw attacked the KIAs Battalion 14 area [a 10-mile radius within Tanai Township] with heavy artillery, but there had been no reports of casualties as of yesterday, Naw Bu said. The fighting, while not daily, was frequent and usually involved barrages of more than 30 artillery rounds. It usually starts in the morning after 6 a.m. and continues until the afternoon, he said. As fighting erupted again in the amber-rich areas, the return of already internally displaced villagers is still uncertain, said local relief workers. Naw Tawng, a Catholic priest from Kawng Ra village of Tanai told The Irrawaddy on Thursday, Some displaced villagers of NGa Ga and Nam Byu villages are still sheltering in churches and others are with their relatives in Tanai. The KIA spokesman said they were unable to help those who fled to towns such as Tanai or Myitkyina. Naw Bu said there had been no ceasefire talks between the KIA and the government or the Tatmadaw. We will just follow the FPNCCs principles regarding peace talks, he said, referring to the Federal Political Negotiation and Consultative Committee, an alliance of seven northern armed groups including the KIA. Earlier, the KIA and Tatmadaw were involved in intense clashes in June and July following the second session of the Panglong Peace conference in May. In May, the FPNCC demanded an alternative approach to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). The FPNCC is led by the United Wa State Army. Four of its members the KIA, the Taang National Liberation Army (TNLA), Kokangs Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) and the Arakan Army (AA) are currently engaged in active fighting against the Tatmadaw in Kachin, northern Shan State and most recently in Rakhine and Chin States Paletwa Township. Burma Vatican Defends Popes Avoidance of Term Rohingya in Myanmar Pope Francis leads a Mass at St Mary's Cathedral in Yangon, Myanmar, Nov. 30, 2017. / Reuters YANGON The Vatican on Wednesday defended Pope Franciss decision not to use the word Rohingya in public during his visit to Myanmar, saying his moral authority was unblemished and that his mere presence drew attention to the refugee crisis. But at a news conference, the Holy Sees spokesman also acknowledged that Vatican diplomacy was not infallible and that others were entitled to their views. The pope leaves on Thursday for Bangladesh, where about 625,000 Muslim Rohingya from predominantly Buddhist Myanmar have fled following a military crackdown in Rakhine State. He is due to meet Rohingya refugees there. Since he arrived in Myanmar, Francis has studiously avoided the highly charged term, following advice of local Church officials. They feared it could set off a diplomatic incident and turn Myanmars military and government against minority Christians. Even though his calls for justice, human rights and respect were widely seen as applicable to the Rohingya, who are not recognized as citizens or as members of a distinct ethnicity, rights groups such as Amnesty International said they were disappointed. I think it was pretty clear from the local concerns that the pope was going to take the advice very seriously in public, Vatican spokesman Greg Burke said at the news conference, which was also with several Myanmar bishops. That doesnt take away from anything the pope has said in the past, or from anything he says in private, Burke said. The fact of the matter that the pope is here and draws attention to the country itself is an incredibly positive thing. Scores of Rohingya villages were burnt to the ground, and refugees arriving in Bangladesh told of killings and rapes. Washington said last week that the militarys campaign included horrendous atrocities aimed at ethnic cleansing. Myanmars military has denied accusations of murder, rape and forced displacement. The government blames the crisis on the Rohingya militants, whom it has condemned as terrorists. Vatican Diplomacy Not Infallible Everyones entitled to their own opinion here. Nobody ever said Vatican diplomacys infallible, Burke said when asked if the Vatican had any second thoughts about the decision for the pope not to use the word. He said the aim of Vatican diplomacy was building bridges and seeking discussions as brothers, which often take place behind closed doors. This suggested the pope, who has defended Rohingya by name before in Rome, may have used the term in private during meeting in Myanmar. The pope, Burke said, was not afraid of minefields, but he could not just parachute in to areas to solve crises. I find it really hard to think that the moral authority of the pope has somehow diminished. People are not expected to solve impossible problems, Burke said. The morals of the pope stand. Youll see him go ahead and you can criticize what is said and what is not said, but the pope is not going to lose moral authority on this question, he said. Asked about the accusations of ethnic cleansing, Bishop John Hsane Hgyi said I did not see it with my own eyes. I dont know if its true or not. When she came to power in 2016, Nobel peace laureate and longtime champion of democracy Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said her top priority was ending ethnic conflicts that have kept Myanmar in a state of near-perpetual civil war since independence in 1948. That goal remains elusive and, although Daw Aung San Suu Kyi remains popular at home, she has faced a barrage of international criticism for expressing doubts about reports of rights abuses against Rohingya and failing to condemn the military. Although Daw Aung San Suu Kyi formed Myanmars first civilian government in half a century, her defenders say she is hamstrung by a constitution written by the military that left the army in control of security and much of the apparatus of the state. The militarys power was clear on Monday when its leader, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, demanded to meet the pope before Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, upending the planned schedule, which had her meeting the pontiff first. Im sure the pope would have preferred meeting the general after he had done the official visits, Burke said. News EU Pledges to Continue Supporting Education Despite Calls for Ties to be Cut Over Rakhine Crisis Convocation Hall inside the University of Yangon. / Myo Min Soe / The Irrawaddy YANGONThe European Union will continue investing in Myanmars education system to help bring about change and to support the countrys democratic transition, the EU ambassador to Myanmar said on Thursday. The European Union recognizes that education for all, without discrimination, is an indispensable prerequisite for Myanmar to succeed (in) its democratic transition, Ambassador Kristian Schmidt said at a regional conference on cooperation in higher education held in Yangon to promote the EUs Erasmus+ academic exchange program. The European Union has allocated more than 240 million euros to support the Myanmar government in its effort to reform the education sector, the ambassador said in his speech. In early November, the London-based weekly Times Higher Education reported that international universities were being pressured to cut ties with Myanmar universities due to the recent crisis in Rakhine State, where militant attacks and a subsequent military clearance operation led to the displacement of more than 600,000 Rohingya Muslims to neighboring Bangladesh. Myanmar academics and educators responded to the news with appeals that cutting international ties would worsen the situation in Myanmar while bigotry and prejudice would not go away. We are going ahead with the mutual understanding that investing in education is the only way to achieve structural change, better living conditions and ultimately a sustainable democracy in this country, Schmidt stressed at the conference. The Danish diplomat also emphasized that Myanmar needs its own human resources to improve its economic fortunes and the EU is planning to provide support to ensure Myanmar children even in the most remote and undeveloped areas of the country had access to good schools and the opportunity to learn a profession. Myanmar Education Minister U Myo Thein Gyi, who was present at the conference, said that his ministry had been investing in youth to help them build sustainable futures and to create life-long opportunities for continuous professional development, adding that internationalization had to be enhanced in the countrys higher education sector. Our country needs human resources with a solid work ethic who take responsibility and accountability for the work they do and who are globally collaborative and competitive, the minister said. In an interview with The Irrawaddy, Professor Dr. Aung Kyaw, pro-rector of the University of Yangon, Myanmars oldest university and at one time one of the most prestigious institutions of higher learning in Asia until the 1962 coup by Gen. Ne Win, expressed his personal opinion that cutting educational ties wont resolve any problems. Education is a national issue, not individual. [People in] the country have been facing different kinds of challenges due to a lack of education. There wont be such challenges if they are all well-educated, the professor said. Yangon University was closed for undergraduate study for 26 years, reopening only under the administration of the previous U Thein Sein government in 2013. News Rakhine Lawmakers Call for Maungdaw to be Segregated Along Religious Lines Dr. Win Myat Aye and Rakhine State cabinet members visit Maungdaw on Oct 28. / Dr. Win Myat Aye / Facebook YANGON Rakhine State legislators on Monday urged visiting Union Minister for Social Welfare Dr. Win Myat Aye to ensure Muslim and Rakhine communities in the conflict-torn Maungdaw region would be segregated before the repatriation of refugees begins from neighboring Bangladesh. The informal consultation marked the first time Union government and state-level lawmakers from the Rakhine Parliament had met since the National League for Democracy assumed power in 2016. According to lawmakers, the meeting lasted for half an hour. One of the attendees, independent lawmaker Than Maung Oo, told The Irrawaddy that the meeting was led by Chief Minister U Nyi Pu, Dr. Win Myat Aye, who also serves as chair of the Union Enterprise for Humanitarian Assistance, Resettlement and Development (UEHRD) in Rakhine, and State Parliament Speaker San Kyaw Hla. The Myanmar Army launched an offensive against the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) in reprisal for a series of attacks on Maungdaw border outposts by ARSA units in late August. However, the harsh response by the army resulted in more than 600,000 Rohingya refugees fleeing to neighboring Bangladesh. Last week, Myanmar and Bangladesh signed a memorandum of outstanding (MoU) on refugee repatriation although the details have yet to be released. During the meeting, regional lawmakers raised questions regarding the repatriation timeframe, the resettlement process and the central governments plans for infrastructure development in the region. However, Dr. Win Myat Aye was unable to provide precise answers to their queries. The regional lawmakers then discussed their opinions on refugee relocation. We asked the Union minister where they would relocate the Bengali [Rohingya] Muslims but he could not answer us, Than Maung Oo said. The lawmaker said he made four suggestions to the union minister concerning the repatriation and rehabilitation project, stressing that the government needed to make law enforcement its top priority by reserving southern Maungdaw for non-Muslims and settling the Rohingya Muslim refugees in the northern part of the district. No one wants to live with Bengalis in the same location. Its impossible, Than Maung Oo said. He said that keeping the two communities apart would prevent conflicts as well as future attacks on security forces, adding that the government needed to specify precise locations for internally displaced non-Muslim people as well. Moreover, he demanded the Union cabinet create agricultural and livestock zones for poor ethnic Arakanese as part of a rehabilitation project to stop them from leaving Maungdaw. In addition, state parliamentarians advised the chief minister and Union minister to ensure 40 billion kyat contributed by Burmese tycoons and the international community to the UEHRD was used effectively for rehabilitation of northern Rakhine State as corruption was widespread in the area. U Mya Than, deputy speaker of Rakhine State Parliament, said that the Union minister also raised the issue of domestic businesses seeking to invest in infrastructure projects, including housing and apartments in northern Rakhine State, although no firm details were provided by the minister. There is a lack of collaboration not only between the state government and the Rakhine parliament on the ground but between the union government and elected Arakanese lawmakers as well, U Mya Than said. On Monday Chief Minister Nyi Pu posted explanations to the lawmakers queries on his Facebook page, stating the government had established four working committees for resettlement and socioeconomic development to come up with a plan to address the devastation caused in northern Rakhine. Under the oversight of the UEHRD, the government also formed nine working committees with local businesspeople to manage development projects. Nyi Pus statement says, As a member of the United Nations, we (Myanmar) cannot ignore related international procedures and (the government) will prioritize the public interest practically. The Union minister, Dr. Win Myat Aye, and the chief minister could not be immediately reached for comment. Australias start-ups have had a record year in the 2017 financial year, with the industry raising a record $1.32 billion in venture capital and predicted to have the potential to contribute as much as $170 million to the economy by 2020. But despite the positive report by StartupAUS, the advocacy group says access to global talent is critical to the growth of an internationally competitive local tech sector in Australia. It also warns that Australia could be left behind by its policies on visas and needs to pick up its game on competing with other countries to attract talent into the start-up sector. StartupAUS chief executive and lead author of the report, Alex McCauley, says the start-up sector in 2017 has attracted significant state government investment in innovation precincts, strong growth in the number of accelerators, incubators and coworking spaces, and the attraction of high-profile events and investors. Start-ups are now recognised as leading job creators worldwide and high-growth start-ups are the primary driver of Australias new jobs growth. Start-ups have the potential to contribute as much as $170 billion to Australias economy by 2020, MCauley forecast. But he said the many successes of the sector in the past 12 months had been put at risk by stagnation or backwards movement in some areas, particularly when it came to visas and the R&D tax incentive. Australia has come a long way in a relatively short space of time and we are pleased to see the momentum building. What we must also recognise is the speed of our global competitors and the intensity with which governments are focusing on supporting start-ups around the world. Its clear that by pulling a few big policy levers we could rapidly shift Australias start-up economy to the next level of maturity and potential making it one of the best places in the world to build a tech start-up. But if we dont act now, particularly on visas, we risk getting left behind. Talent is the single biggest challenge facing Australian start-ups, and there is currently no mechanism for these fast-growing tech companies to attract overseas workers to fill a range of high-demand digital roles, particularly in product development and management. At a time when Australian start-ups are crying out for talent and top-tier tech workers are considering roles outside the US, this gap requires immediate attention, said McCauley. The reports foreword, contributed by Atlassian co-founder and co-chief executive Scott Farquhar, also highlights visas as an area for urgent reform. There is a global gold rush at the moment that is generating intense international competition to attract the best tech talent, and Australia needs to lift its game, Farquhar says. The 2017 Crossroads report makes nine key recommendations designed to address issues which StartupAUS says are holding the industry back: (1) State governments should continue to build and connect innovation precincts; (2) The federal government should pay the R&D Tax Incentive on a quarterly rather than annual basis; (3) The qualification criteria in the entrepreneur visa should be altered and simplified; (4) Options issued under Employee Share Schemes should be exempted from the 20/12 Rule; (5) The skilled worker visa should be expanded to include digital skills and reflect start-up needs; (6) Federal and state governments should work together to expand the school curriculum for digital skills, giving students more options in computer science and computational thinking; (7) A copyright safe harbour for all online content providers should be implemented; (8) Entrepreneurship programmes should be implemented and expanded in high schools and universities; and (9) Governments should establish dedicated policy teams focused on emerging technologies. The report points to figures from the Australian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association revealing the 2017 financial year is the second consecutive record year for Australian venture fundraising, with about $1.32 billion raised since July 2016 compared to a record high in 2016 of $568 million, compared with $154 million in 2013. According to AVCAL head of Policy and contributing author, Christian Gergis, for Australia to firmly establish itself as a leading location from which to grow a global technology company, venture capital investment as a percentage of GDP must increase. AVCALs research report, The Venture Capital Effect, states this investment is 0.023%, less than half the OECD+ average, and less than a tenth of the size of Israeli or US markets, leaving Australia ranked 18 out of 30 OECD+ nations. While the recent growth in local venture has been significant, it must be acknowledged that it is coming off a very low base [the] Australian venture capital sector remains small, both in absolute terms, and relative to its international peers, said Gergis. And according to McCauley, ambitious high-growth young companies will lead Australias move onto the world stage, and a thriving local venture capital sector is critical to supporting their growth and helping them remain in Australia. The data in this years Crossroads shows for the first time that Australian start-ups are now much less reliant on overseas investors, which is a very positive step in the right direction. McCauley says Crossroads 2017 was backed up by original research from StartupAUS looking at a cohort of 47 of the countrys most successful scale-ups, and provided a statistical snapshot of what Australias most successful young companies look like: 92% of companies are backed by angel or VC investment; 86% of businesses are looking to hire international talent within six months; 91.3% of start-ups are claiming the R&D Tax Incentive; 29.8 years is the average age of start-up founders; 57% of start-ups were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants; 15% of start-ups have at least one female founder; 4% of start-ups have an all-female founding team; 57% of all start-up founders had at least one previous business; and 76% of start-ups have at least one founder with a previous business. This years report also includes a deep dive on the start-up sector of NSW, in partnership with the NSW Government, highlighting key growth areas including fintech which has attracted 25% of all NSW capital since 2015. The report also notes the continuing emergence of new NSW technology sectors with Health and Life Sciences, Software as a Service (SaaS) and Sharing Economy/Marketplace businesses all attracting significant levels of investment. The NSW ecosystem now extends substantially beyond Sydney, with more than one in ten NSW start-ups now based regionally, the report says. In the enterprise world, open source has long been a bit tentative. Starting in the early 2000s, various vendors started contributing bits and pieces of code, careful not to give away anything too valuable, all while hoping for positive marketing effect. It was, as Stephen Walli wrote in 2007, a matter of gifting complementary technology to secure potential customers interest in the core of your business. It mostly didnt work. Today, open source has become a primary driver of innovation, but were still too tentative in our contributions. Much of the most impressive innovation is being hatched at the public cloud vendors, specifically Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud (AMG, as Bernard Golden calls them), with TensorFlow, Kubernetes, and more being contributed to the wider open source community. But in a world where operationsnot codematter most, the AMG trio could contribute all their code without hurting their business, and with potentially much positive effect. So why arent they? The innovation factories dont benefit open source builders Among legacy software bellwethers, growth has largely dried up, as Golden points out. HPE is forecasting less than 1 percent growth, while IBM has taken to trumpeting its mainframe business when it wants to signal innovation. Oracle may scrape together 5.5 percent growth, as some analysts speculate, buoyed by its aggressive push into the cloud. The cloud is, of course, where all the growth is happening. Combined, the AMG trio has about 60 percent annual growth rate for the public cloud, or 600 percent growth over five years. Thats huge. But the real story isnt about growth. You might think that all that growth provides a great foundation for open source innovation, including contributions from the likes of AMG to the community that can be built on for the greater good. After all, as Golden highlights, the AMG triumvirate has capabilities that no other user or tech vendor on the planet has, and those capabilities can be leveraged to deliver innovation unobtainable anywhere else. But Golden also notes the AMG innovation, even when open-sourced, doesnt really help the community at large: Similar to Googles unique ability to deliver [its Spanner] database technology are AMG offerings in these areas: IoT, event processing, machine learning, and commercial blockchain applications. I predict all of them will be the province of AMG and nobody else. Each requires investment and technical savvy beyond any other commercial entity. The recently announced intent by GE to get out of hosting its Predix business and rely on AWS and Azure is telling in this regardif GE cant afford to run an industrial-scale offering, who can? There is still tremendous innovation available in software, but its located at the interface of scale, investment, and technical nous, which are the bailiwick of AMG. In short: All this innovation is available to buy; none of it is available to build. Not for mere mortals, anyway. Google is deliberating whether to open-source its Spanner technology. CockroachDB, spawned by a former Googler, is already working on its own open source Spanner. As good as it is, however, its not Spanner. Spanner depends on TrueTime, a powerful way of coordinating resources in disparate places. No one but Google has this technology, although AWS and Microsoft could conceivably build it. Pretty much no one else on Earth could. Now, multiply Spanner across a range of possible projects, from Googles TensorFlow to AWS Lambda to Microsofts Cosmos DB. These companies could give you the code (and, in the case of TensorFlow, Google already has), but having the code wont make you operate like the AMG. As Golden colorfully describes: Maintaining the position that making the code available realistically enables someone else to implement Spanner functionality would be like someone handing me a pair of running shoes like the ones Usain Bolt wears and telling me that I can now run a 9.58-second 100 meters. Bolt has the genetics, the training regimen, the ecosystem, and the single-minded drive of a great athlete. Me? Ive got a pair of sneakers. More than a decade ago, Jeremy Zawodny (then at Yahoo) took me to task for suggesting his company (and Google) should open-source more code. He rightly pointed out that its not that simple and, as he (and Googles Chris DiBona) had said at OSCON earlier, what would be the point? Giving away a bunch of code that is tightly bound to Yahoos infrastructure wouldnt really give you much insight into how to operate that code like Yahoo. Instead, it might just render you frustrated. Where the action is: Open-sourcing more on-ramps Since then, Google in particular has figured out how to both open-source code in a useful way and make it pay. As Server Density CEO David Mytton has underlined, Google hopes to standardize machine learning on a single framework and API, namely TensorFlow, then supplement it with a service that can [manage] it all for you more efficiently and with less operational overhead, namely Google Cloud. By open-sourcing TensorFlow and backing it with machine-learning-heavy Google Cloud, Google has open-sourced a great on-ramp to future revenue. My question: why not do this with the rest of its code? The simple answer is Because its a lot of work. That is, Google could open-source everything tomorrow without any damage to its revenue, but the code itself would provide other providers and enterprises only limited ability to increase their revenue unless Google did all the necessary prep work to make it useful to mere mortals not running superhuman Google infrastructure. This is the trick that AWS, Microsoft, and Google are all racing to figure out today. Not open source, per se, because thats the easy table stakes. No, the AMG trio are figuring out how to turn their innovations into open source on-ramps to their proprietary services. Companies used to lock up their code to sell it. Today, its the opposite: They need to open it up to make their ability to operate the code at scale more valuable. For them. What is 2FA? Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a method of establishing access to an online account or computer system that requires the user to provide two different types of information. A factor in this context simply means a way to convince a computer system or online service that you are who say you are, so the system can determine if you have the rights to access the data services that you're trying to access. By far the most common authentication factor in use today is the username/password pair, and since most accounts only require a password for access, most systems thus use single-factor authentication for security. With two-factor authentication, you'll need to both provide a password and prove your identity some other way to gain access. As passwords have become increasingly less secure, whether through data breaches or poor user practices, more and more individuals are moving to 2FA to secure their digital lives and many service providers are encouraging or mandating the shift as well. Why use two-factor authentication? We'll dive into the details of how different two-factor authentication methods work in a minute, but before we go there, let's first answer the question why. After all, passwords have been the standard for everyday infosecurity for a generation now. Adding an additional step just makes logging in to your account more difficult. Why bother? One of the primary reasons, as Hacker Noon notes, is that widespread major data breaches, which have put millions of email address/password pairs up for sale on the dark web, have made many passwords less secure. Most people reuse passwords across multiple sites and accounts; a hacker can plug in known email address/password pairs into dozens of sites and see which of them provides access. Verizon's 2017 Data Breach Investigations Report found that 81 percent of account breaches could be put down to passwords that were either leaked in this way, or passwords that were so weak (e.g., "passw0rd") that they were trivially easy to guess. Many sites use so-called security questions or knowledge-based authentication "What's your mother's maiden name?" or "What was the city where you were born?" as a sort of backup to passwords. Such questions are often posed over and above a password if a user is logging into a site from a new computer or new network connection, for instance. Still, there are weaknesses here: for instance, with so much personal information publicly available for those who know where to look, a determined hacker could probably figure out the answers to these questions for a compromised accounts, or bypass them via social engineering attacks. But more importantly, as we'll see in a moment, they don't represent a true second security factor, and therefore can't provide the layered security of two-factor authentication. How does two-factor authentication work? To understand what real two-factor authentication looks like, we need to revisit the concept of a factor. A password fits the definition we gave above, for instance, but for our purposes we want to think of it in more abstract terms: it's something you know. This explains why knowledge-based authentication doesn't represent real 2FA; you're just backing up something you know with something else you know. In essence, the answer to your security question is just another password, and subject to all the same weaknesses. True 2FA pairs your first authentication factor still a password (i.e., something you know), in the vast majority of cases with a second factor of an entirely different kind, such as: Something you have Something you are Somewhere you are Users will need to supply both of these factors to get access to their accounts. Two-factor authentication examples Confused about what those factors might mean in practice? Let's take a look at some examples, starting with the "something you have" factor. Consumer Reports has a good look at the different options involved here, some of which you may already be familiar with. Perhaps the granddaddy of this type of security factor maybe the granddaddy of two-factor authentication altogether is the RSA SecurID. First released in 1993, SecurID used a small physical device with a small onboard screen that displayed periodically changing random numbers, generated based on a "seed" programmed in at the factory. Users would need both a password and the number from their SecurID token at any given moment to log in to sensitive areas. There are other gadgets that can fulfill the "something you have" part of a 2FA equation: There are smartcards and physical security keys, which can connect to computers via USB or Bluetooth. Google famously has cut down on security incidents after mandating them internally. These devices need to be plugged into or paired with the computer you're using in order to access 2FA-protected accounts that use them. But providing a separate, specialized security gadget to each of your users and expecting them to carry it with them whenever they might want to access your systems is expensive and cumbersome. That's why, in by far the most common forms of 2FA in use today, the "something you have" is the gadget you already carry with you all the time: your smartphone. In the simplest version of this, after using a username and password to log into a site, the user is then sent a numeric code as a text message to a phone number they provided when setting up their account; that code is necessary to gain access to the site. In a somewhat more complex version, a website will offer a QR code that's scanned on a corresponding smartphone app. Smartphones can also serve, via specialized apps and a Bluetooth or USB connection, as a security token in the sense we discussed above. What about "something you are"? This factor gets us into the realm of biometrics, the science of computers establishing identity by examining your physical person. A password must be paired with a thumbprint or retina scan or some similar factor in order to access protected data. And just as ubiquitous smartphones made the "something you have" flavor of 2FA much simpler to promote, so too do the fingerprint readers and facial recognition software in most high-end phones put the seemingly sci-fi world of biometrics within reach; many biometric 2FA implementations simply leverage the built-in capabilities that users' phones already have. There are legitimate doubts about biometrics concerns that databases of fingerprint data can be cracked as easily as lists of passwords, for instance but with users increasingly comfortable opening their phones with their thumb or their face, this method will probably become increasingly popular. The third type of authentication we mentioned location-based isn't widely used, although various experimental proposals have been floated. Some sites implement a weak version of this by requiring another method of authentication if a user logs in with a password from an unusual location. Often this is just a knowledge-based security question, though sometimes it might be another security factor that we've discussed, like entering a code delivered via text message. Multi-factor authentication A scenario like the one described above where a password, a user's location, and a message sent to their user's phone are all combined to authenticate their identity actually involves three factors. In fact, two-factor authentication is just a subset of the larger concept of multi-factor authentication, since in theory you could pile on any number of required hoops users would have to jump through to gain access to secured data. In practice, two is as many factors as an ordinary user would encounter, though obviously even that can't offer total protection. Enable 2FA As a consumer, enabling two-factor authentication for all your accounts can be a daunting process. The Verge has put together a detailed and frequently updated list of major service providers, including Apple and all the major social media sites, along with instructions on how to enable 2FA for your accounts there. We're going to provide more specific resources for two major sites so you can get a sense of some of the issues involved with the process. 2FA for Google Google refers to its two-factor authentication as "Two-Step Verification," and walking through the steps on Google's landing page for the service will get you started. Once you've set things up, Two-Step Verification will secure your Google account and all the services tied to it; when you log into your Google account, you'll receive a code via text that you'll need to enter as well, or you can order a Titan Security Key if you prefer a physical security token. You can choose to disable 2FA for certain trusted computers, if you prefer; this will mean you don't have to constantly deal with multiple security factors when you're at home, for instance, but anyone logging in remotely will have to put in the extra work to prove they're you. 2FA for Epic Games and Fortnite Epic Games, creator of the wildly popular Fortnite game, also allows you to set up your account with two-factor authentication. Windows Central breaks down the reasons why this is one account in particular you'll want to double-protect: a lot of scammers target the game's younger players with tempting links that offer free Vbucks, Fortnite's in-game currency. These are in fact phishing scams that aim to harvest your login credentials and get access to your account (and whatever payment information you've saved to actually buy Vbucks). If you're a parent of Fortnite-loving kids, you should probably add 2FA to your Epic Games account. Activating 2FA for Fortnite is simple; just go to your account settings page, click on the PASSWORD & SECURITY tab, and under the TWO-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION heading choose either ENABLE AUTHENTICATOR APP or ENABLE EMAIL AUTHENTICATION. With the email authentication option, you'll receive an email with a security code every time you log in to your account; the authenticator app makes use of common apps for this purpose listed on the site. As a signal of how keen Epic Games is on getting you signed up for 2FA, they offer a special Emote for Fortnite players who activate the feature. Two-factor authentication vendors If you're looking to roll out 2FA or multi-factor authentication for your own corporate users, a number of vendors will be happy to help you. Four of the most important and common are: Good luck in moving your users beyond the password! Smartsheet is a flexible spreadsheet-centric work management tool designed to track team projects. Launched in 2006, it has 9 million users (almost 1 million of them paid users) and is deployed by nearly 100,000 companies, ranging from Google and Netflix to the US General Services Administration. Its success stems from its ability to appeal to a wide range of business users, specifically project managers, according to Chris Marsh, research director at 451 Research, part of S&P Global Market Intelligence. For Bellevue, Wash.-based Smartsheet, this means combining a familiar spreadsheet format with richer work management and collaboration capabilities. It has gained viral appeal among business leaders and their teams as a tool flexible enough to address lots of different work use casesthat didnt need involvement from project management specialists or business analysts, Marsh said in an earlier interview. How does Smartsheet work? Work in Smartsheet centers around sheets that contain information relating to a particular project or projects. Within each sheet, users can include a variety of details relating to a project, such as a description, status, due dates, and which workers have been assigned to complete a task. Users can also possible to attach files, add comments, request updates, among other options. There are several ways to view sheets, from a spreadsheet-like grid view that has long been the focus of Smartsheets product to Kanban-style cards, Gantt charts, and calendar view. Smartsheet Smartsheet's dashboard view. Users can generate custom reports that collate data from sources within multiple sheets, enabling an overview of sales activity across a team, for instance. And dashboards can be created to provide a high-level overview of data within sheets, combining widgets such as charts, metrics and reports. Smartsheet offers a range of integrations with other collaboration, productivity, and business applications, including Microsoft Teams, Google Workspace, Atlassian Jira, ServiceNow, and Salesforce. Workflow automations can be set up with a range of triggers and actions, such as multi-step approval processes or notifications to colleagues via Slack of an impending deadline. Smartsheet also offers a no-code platform, WorkApps. Introduced in 2020, WorkApps lets users create simple apps by packaging information from sheets, forms, and dashboards into a simple interface. Smartsheet pricing Although Smartsheet offers a free 30-day trial, theres no freemium option; all of its tiers have a monthly or annual subscription cost. Individual subscribers pay $7 a month (when billed annually) for the Pro tier, offering access to all sheet views, automated workflows, WorkApps (access only), and other features, though there is a limit on the number of sheets, reports, and dashboards. The business tier, at $25 per user per month, increases the number of accessible sheets to 100 per user, removes the limit on boards and reports, and offers additional features such as custom branding. Enterprise users, who can negotiate a custom pricing plan depending on the number of users and specific needs, gain access to the full range of admin controls such as single sign-on and enterprise access control and can build custom WorkApps. Smartsheet Smartsheet's no-code platform, WorkApps, lets users create their own simple apps. A new premium pricing plan, Smartsheet Advance, was unveiled at the companys Engage event this summer. Available to enterprise customers, Advance includes three tiers: Silver, Gold, and Platinum, providing access to a range of additional features. This includes granular management over information sharing; and the ability to upload data, sync and share Smartsheet data with business apps such as Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics 365. Whats next for Smartsheet? Although it has similarities to more traditional project management apps, Smartsheet is part of a new generation of work management tools that includes the likes of Airtable, Asana,, Workfront, and Wrike. It also faces competition from the big tech players, namely Microsoft and Google, which have similar products. Smartsheet ranked high in analyst firm Forrester's recent report on collaboration tools, Forrester Wave: Collaborative Work Management Tools, Q4 2020, with strong ratings for automation capabilities. The companys product vision and roadmap were also seen as strong points. Smartsheet, which filed for an IPO in 2018, raising $150 million, has seen strong growth in recent years, gaining traction with a range of smaller and enterprise-size organizations. Revenues reached $385.5 million in fiscal year 2021, up 42% year on year, with the largest individual customer deals worth north of $3 million. The companys most recent quarterly financial results showed a 68% increase among customers who spend $100,000 a year, an indication of wide usage within organizations. The company has been expanding its workforce rapidly; it now has more than 2,100 staffers, up from 460 at the start of 2017. And in another sign of maturity, Smartsheet has become increasingly acquisitive, buying four companies since its IPO, including Brandfolder, a digital asset management software vendor, for $155m last year. IWU Awarded $15,000 Scholarship Grant from the Consulado General de Mexico Nov. 30, 2017 Representatives from Illinois Wesleyan accepted a $15,000 scholarship grant, along with representatives from other recipient schools, at the Consulado General de Mexico en Chicago Thursday morning. BLOOMINGTON, Ill. A $15,000 scholarship grant to support students of Mexican origin or Mexican descent has been presented to Illinois Wesleyan University by the Consulado General de Mexico en Chicago. Representatives from IWU accepted the award during a signing ceremony Thursday at the Chicago consulate. Illinois Wesleyan University is strongly committed to supporting students from diverse backgrounds and is proud to be a recipient of scholarship funding from the Mexican government's Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior program, Illinois Wesleyan President Eric Jensen said. This funding not only allows for students of Mexican origin or Mexican descent to pursue their academic dreams, but it also serves as a measure of our commitment as a University to diversity and inclusion. Illinois Wesleyan is one of just three institutions of higher education to receive funding from the Chicago consulate, and IWU is the only school outside of Chicagoland to garner the award. Four adult education programs in the Chicago area also received funds from the consulate. The Mexican Governments Institute for Mexicans Abroad (IME) sponsors the granting program that will support three Illinois Wesleyan students during the 2017-18 academic year. Illinois Wesleyan Director of Financial Aid Scott Seibring 85 will administer the scholarships with support from admissions counselor Melissa Ramirez 14. By John Twork WILBER Investigators scoured ponds and creek beds in two counties Wednesday as their search for Sydney Loofe continued, capping a hectic day that began with a bizarre video post by two people described as persons of interest in the case. Police said they are "still looking" for Loofe, a 24-year-old from Lincoln who was reported missing Nov. 16, as well as Aubrey Trail, 51, and Bailey Boswell, 23. Two people who identified themselves as Trail and Boswell posted a video to Facebook in the morning denying their involvement. The video was removed after about two hours but has since been posted on YouTube. "They're chasing us around like dogs," the man, purportedly Trail, says in the video. The nine-minute clip shows he and the woman, purportedly Boswell, wearing dark clothing, her in sunglasses, sitting inside a vehicle. It wasn't immediately clear when or where the video was taken. "Blows my mind," said Tom Casady, Lincoln's public safety director, asked how the video compares with what he's seen over four decades in law enforcement. "Closest analogy I can make would be the access reporters sometimes got to interview criminal suspects in the pre-1963 era." A Lincoln police spokeswoman said investigators are analyzing the video. Officer Angela Sands wouldn't say if police were able to trace the video post, and wouldn't confirm a rumor that investigators found Loofe's cellphone buried in a yard near where Trail and Boswell lived in Wilber. The FBI and Lincoln Police Chief Jeff Bliemeister are expected to give an update on the case during a press conference Thursday morning at the Hall of Justice in Lincoln. Late Wednesday, volunteer firefighters drained a pond near their apartment and Wilber-Clatonia Public Schools, wading through the water with shovels as a skid loader moved dirt from the banks. Their efforts continued into the night. Crews also checked nearby creeks and other areas in Saline and Gage counties. The two-week search began Nov. 16, after Loofe missed work at the Menards in north Lincoln. Family and friends have said she went on a date the night before with someone she met online apparently Boswell and police say she was last seen in Wilber, 40 miles southwest of Lincoln. Police have called the disappearance "concerning." In Wednesday's video, the woman identified as Boswell says she went on dates with Loofe in the days before her disappearance but last saw her after dropping her off at a friend's house the night of Nov. 15. "I haven't heard from her since," the woman says. The man identified as Trail says he and Boswell issued a statement to police and tried reaching out to investigators in the days following Loofe's disappearance, but that their calls weren't returned. The pair claim they haven't turned themselves in because they are wanted on warrants for other crimes. Police wouldn't comment on the video or provide copies of the pair's statements. "As far as I know, I'm not wanted for anything. I'm a person of interest and I'm not really running from anything," the man says in the video. "This has pretty much cost me my life. "I pray for Sydney. I hope she's found soon. I wish the family the best. I'm sorry that she wasn't with you on Thanksgiving." Police said they have received an "overwhelming" number of tips from across the country via social media and phone calls. Sands, the police spokeswoman, said she had to assign an intern to help sort through them. Sands wouldn't say whether police believe Trail and Boswell remain in Nebraska. Surveillance footage of the two, shared Tuesday by Lincoln police, appear to show them at a casino. The woman in the Facebook video said she had made plans with Loofe to visit the casino after their last date. Loofe has a yin-yang tattoo on one of her forearms, the word "Believe" with a cross on the inside of her left wrist, and the phrase "Everything will be wonderful someday" on her right bicep. She is 5-foot-7 and weighs 135 pounds. She was last seen wearing a white Columbia jacket and a cream-colored shirt. People in Wilber said Trail and Boswell weren't well-known in the town and don't have many local ties, other than living there. Trail still has an outstanding arrest warrant, issued last week in Saline County, where he is accused of being a felon in possession of a firearm and a habitual criminal. He has previous felony convictions in Nebraska for forgery and issuing bad checks. Trail has also lived in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and Falls City, court records show. Boswell last year reported in court records that she lived in the Missouri towns of Trenton and Milan. Both Trail and Boswell were known to Lincoln-area antiques dealers. One said the pair picked up a paycheck Nov. 15, the same day Loofe was last seen. A manager at one dealer said Trail had been a customer for many years, coming and going infrequently most recently about a month ago. Staff at another antiques mall said the pair rented several display cabinets to sell vintage glassware and toys, beginning in June. People at the antiques malls asked not to be identified, citing concerns for the safety of their employees. Loofe's disappearance remained the focus of discussion Wednesday all over Wilber, a town of 1,800. A woman with binoculars watched from her front porch as firefighters checked the pond. Businesses across town had missing-person signs posted in their windows, including one on the door of the Casey's convenience store. Inside the Wilber Meat Market, the Facebook video drove conversation and the TV was tuned to the Lincoln news. It actually makes you sick thinking that an innocent person, a life, is in jeopardy, said owner Terry Hynek. I hope they find her safe, and the answer is elsewhere. Privacy Policy Objective and Scope Jagran Prakashan Ltd (we, us, our, Jagran) values the trust placed in us by data subject (you, your, user, subscriber) and therefore, we follow the highest standards of privacy guidelines to protect the information shared by you with us. 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However, as effective as our security measures are, no security system is impenetrable. If you know or have reason to believe that your Jagran Services account credentials have been lost, stolen, altered, or otherwise compromised or in case of any actual or suspected unauthorized use of your account, please contact us by contacting our customer support team. X. Social media Jagran operates channels, pages and accounts on some social media sites to inform, assist and engage with you. Jagran monitors and records comments and posts made on these channels about Jagran in order to improve its products and services. Please note that you must not communicate with Jagran through such social media sites the following information: Sensitive personal data including (i) special categories of personal data meaning any information revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation and (ii) other sensitive personal data such as criminal convictions and offences and national identification number ; Excessive, inappropriate, offensive or insulting information towards individuals. Jagran is not responsible for any information posted on those sites other than the information posted by its employees on its behalf. Jagran is only responsible for its own use of the personal data received through such sites XI. 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Disclaimer Jagran shall not be liable for any loss or damage sustained by reason of any disclosure (inadvertent or otherwise) of any information concerning the user's account and / or information relating to or regarding online transactions using credit cards / debit cards and / or their verification process and particulars nor for any error, omission or inaccuracy with respect to any information so disclosed and used whether or not in pursuance of a legal process or otherwise. Any other personal information shared by you which is not asked by Jagran during registration, either mandatorily or optionally; accounts to wilful and intentional furnishing; and Jagran will not be liable for breach of such information. Sydney Loofes father gave an impassioned plea for help finding her Thursday, moments after law enforcement apprehended two people they described as persons of interest in her disappearance. "In my opinion, someone knows something," George Loofe told reporters during a news conference at the Hall of Justice in Lincoln. "Please do the right thing." Sydney Loofe, 24, has been missing for two weeks. The FBI has set up a dedicated tip line specifically for information related to her case: 402-493-8688, option 1. Lincoln Police Chief Jeff Bliemeister answered quickly when asked if there is still hope she could be found alive. Yes," the chief said. "Absolutely." The persons of interest, Aubrey Trail and Bailey Boswell, were being held without bond early Friday at the Taney County Jail in Forsyth, Missouri, about five miles northeast of Branson, according to online jail records. Randy Thysse, special agent in charge of the FBI field office in Omaha, said the FBI still is seeking information from the public on Loofe's whereabouts and the investigation, describing the search as "a very fluid situation." Trail and Boswell were arrested on warrants unrelated to Loofe's disappearance, Bliemeister said. Jail records indicated both were booked on federal holds. The two did not turn themselves in to law enforcement, the chief told the Journal Star on Thursday, despite Trail saying in a video posted on social media overnight that he and Boswell had "pretty much decided" to come forward. Bliemeister declined to say whether the videos helped law enforcement track down the pair. He said investigators have received written correspondence that they believe was authored by Boswell, and that they are analyzing it and comparing it with other statements she made over the phone to a Lincoln investigator. Investigators from Lincoln, the Saline County Sheriff's Office and the FBI arrived at Trail and Boswell's location around 2 p.m. Thursday hoping to learn whether the two could provide additional information to aid in the search for Loofe, Bliemeister said. There was no word late Thursday as to whether they were cooperating. Investigators also were evaluating digital information they continue to receive from telecommunication providers, Bliemeister said. They intend to use that information, along with whatever can be gleaned from interviews with Trail and Boswell, to direct future search efforts. "The primary focus is on finding Sydney," the chief said. In Neligh, where George Loofe is a high school principal, and his wife, Susie, is a resource teacher, community members rallied around the family, selling buttons and planning to wear green at a Neligh-Oakdale and Ewing basketball game Thursday night to raise awareness about the case. Bliemeister said local and federal law enforcement have been "working diligently" to find Sydney Loofe since her mom reported her missing Nov. 16, after she missed work at Menards in north Lincoln. Police have said Loofe was last seen in Wilber the night of Nov. 15. Searches in the Wilber and Clatonia areas this week did not turn up any new evidence that could lead to where Loofe might be, Bliemeister said. He said a rumor that Loofe's cellphone was found buried in a yard near where Trail and Boswell lived is "not true. Police publicly identified Trail and Boswell as persons of interest in the case earlier this week. Since then, the pair have posted at least three videos on social media denying any role in Loofe's disappearance. In a 10-minute video posted overnight Wednesday, Trail dismissed several theories that circulated on social media after Trail, 51, and Boswell, 23, were named by police. "Not saying I'm a nice guy. I'm a crook, I'm a thief have been all my life. OK? But I'm not what you're trying to make me out to be, he said. Thursday, Boswell was being held on a misdemeanor warrant for missing a court date last year in Lincoln, where she was accused of possessing less than 1 ounce of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. And Trail was being held on a newly filed case in Saline County, where he's accused of being a habitual criminal and a felon in possession of a firearm. Prosecutors asked to file the affidavit for Trail's arrest warrant under seal "due to the sensitive nature of these matters and the likelihood that individuals who are key witnesses or additional participants in this matter may flee the state of Nebraska if this matter is disclosed." Even now that investigators have located the pair, Thysse said law enforcement officials are seeking any and all information about where Sydney Loofe could be. "We're all committed and we are applying all of our resources to help bring Sydney home, he said. Almost two years of preparation involving over 200 meetings, 30 subcommittees, and so on. Thats just a quick look at Joyce Rabins work as Chair of Together in Israel: Our Pride, Our Purpose. Hadassahs 100th National Convention. (Hadassah, which was founded in 1912, held its first conventi Read moreS'ville resident helps organize 100th national of Hadassah, The Womens Zionist Organization of America The fox had just been passing through, with no apparent den nearby, when it was discovered injured on a sidewalk at about 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, a few blocks southwest of 27th Street and Pine Lake Road. A Lincoln Animal Control officer took it to a veterinarian, who found an entrance wound in its side. The vet ordered X-rays, which revealed it had been shot with a projectile, like a pellet, said Steve Beal, animal control manager. But by then, it was too late for the younger adult male fox. The animal was in pretty bad shape at that time, he said, and the vet made the decision to euthanize it. Now, Beals office is trying to find who pulled the trigger near the 7200 block of Helen Witt Drive. We have no idea who would be responsible for this, he said. If someone did shoot this fox in an intentional manner, wed investigate this as an animal cruelty case. The shooter could also face charges for shooting a pellet gun inside the city limits, and state wildlife violations, too, such as taking a wild animal without a hunting license, and wanton waste, for leaving it on the sidewalk. Animal Control is collaborating with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission in this case, Beal said. It's not unusual for foxes to move through Lincoln, especially near the edges of the city. But Beal said he hadn't heard of any recent complaints of the animals in that area. You are getting on the fringe, he said, and there are some green spaces in that area. He asked that anyone with information on the case call Animal Control at 402-441-7900. Reddit Email 196 Shares IMEMC News | The Bedouin community in al-Baba Mountain, in the town of Al-Eizariya, occupied East Jerusalem, stands steadfast in face of Israeli plans which aim to evict them. According to Al Ray Palestinian Media Agency, not even the children are willing to wave their rights, repeating that al-Baba Mountain is our land and we will still here. The Bedouin resident Khaled al-Basha, 45, said that they were shocked with the Israeli decision to evict the community as a whole. Al-Basha described the decision as unjust and merciless. The Israeli civil administration notified the community 10 days ago, of their impending eviction from their houses in Al-Eizariya, where 57 Palestinian Bedouin families (with a total of 300 members) reside. The chairman of the Committee of Services of al-Baba Mountain, Attallah Mazarah, warned of the eviction order, which seeks to deport the entire community. He added that Israeli occupation authorities have already demolished some houses in the community, but the decision now states the intention to evict all. He stressed that the inhabitants of Al-Baba, along with all Bedouin communities, will not accept a new deportation from their lands. A lawyer of the community filed a petition with the Israeli civil administration, against the decision, last Wednesday, but the administration did not respond. Mazarah called on the Palestinian Authority to adopt a strict stance against the Israeli policy. An official from the Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem, Zakaria Ouda, said that the new Israeli measures in al-Baba are a part of the same old scheme which aims to evict the Bedouin communities, and to establish E1 settlement, which will include 12,000 settling units. Ouda explained that the bigger plan seeks to connect 8 settlements in occupied Jerusalem, separating the northern parts of the West Bank from the south. The plan will, n effect, evict and isolate many Palestinian neighborhoods. It is part of the Israeli plans that are named by the Israeli occupation government as Greater Jerusalem, whose borders extend to the settlements of Gush Etzion in the south, Maale Adumim to the east, and Givat Zeev in the north, he said. This is reportedly part of a major plan aimed at adopting the policy of ethnic cleansing within Jerusalems Palestinian population, in order to create a Jewish majority. Oudah called on the Palestinian Authority to make use of its relations with other countries to stop this plan, and to exert pressure on Israel to end policies which seek to expel Palestinians from occupied Jerusalem. The National Office for the Defense of Land and the Resistance of Settlements also warned of the plans for settlement and displacement in Jerusalem. It was explained, in a documentary report issued Saturday, that the plan of evicting the Bedouin communities is one of the most dangerous ethnic cleansing plans in occupied Jerusalem. The report stated that, if the Israeli occupation succeeds in evicting the Bedouin community, it will be able to isolate Jerusalem totally, from its Palestinian connection. The Beduoin communities in occupied Negev were displaced from their lands in Tal Arar, Negev, in 1948, and have been residing in Palestinian lands near occupied Jerusalem. He noted that there are aerial photographs from the 1960s and 70s which prove their presence in al-Baba Mountain and all the Bedouin communities. Israeli occupation authorities built the apartheid wall in 2003, leading to the reduction of livestock and water sources upon which the Bedouin community of al-Baba Mountain relied . The demolition process has been raging in al-Baba compound for the last four years, reaching 52 demolitions, including a kindergarten, and involving the confiscation of residents vehicles, preventing them from renovating their homes and any expansion of the population. The Israeli Civil Administration offered the residents of Jabal al-Baba material temptations to transfer to them the so-called Jerusalem Gate on the land of Abu Dis residents, but they were refused. The last attempt was about a month ago, when Israeli forces demolished four houses and tried to get signatures from the population, to find an alternative for them. But, the citizens refused, and, so, Israeli authorities began issuing eviction orders and deportations for the entire community. (Edited for the IMEMC by c h r i s @ i m e m c . o r g.) Via IMEMC - Related video added by Juan Cole: Mondoweiss: Bedouin community resists house demolitions and Israels E1 project Reddit Email 124 Shares By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | Once upon a time, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt sent Ike Eisenhower as the Supreme Allied Commander to stage D-Day at Normandy Beach along with allies and save Britain from fascism. On Wednesday, our nazi president Donald J. Trump tried to press fascism on Britain, pissing all over the graves of the 34,137 US service personnel who lost their lives in the Battle of Normandy and northern France, fighting Nazism. Trump on Wednesday retweeted three racist, anti-Muslim postings that had recently been put up by Jayda Fransen, deputy leader of Britain First, a Neo-Nazi organization that smears Muslims and immigrants. Fransen was convicted of religiously aggravated harassment for harassing British Muslims in a largely Muslim neighborhood. Last year, a man influenced by Britain First killed British member of parliament Jo Cox for being insufficiently fascist. Her widower, Brendan, tweeted, Trump has legitimized the far-right in his own country; now hes trying to do it in ours. The ugly character of the content, combined with the equally monstrous provenance of the messages, provoked a sharp rebuke from Prime Minister Theresa May. Trump, congenitally unable to let any criticism pass, however well deserved, then attacked the prime minister: Dont focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom. The Telegraph notes, Since 2000, there have been seven deaths per year in the UK due to terrorism which, according to research from BuzzFeed, means youre more likely to be killed by dogs (18 deaths per year), hot water (100 deaths per year) or using your phone while driving (2,920 deaths per year). Heres another refutation of Trump. Between 2000 and 2017, 126 Britons were killed on British soil by terrorism. But as The Telegraph says, this compares to 1,094 deaths in the 15-year period before that, between 1985 and 1999, and a further 2,211 between 1970 and 1984. The terrorism produced by the troubles in Northern Ireland seems to have been 10 to 15 times worse than that of ISIL today. All lives are precious and none should be lost this way, but Trumps impression of an emergency is incorrect. The British House of Commons then swung into action, calling for a government condemnation of Trump. One MP urged that Trump be arrested for inciting religious violence. My man, if he could be, hed be doing three dimes and a nickel at Sing-Sing. And, the Netherlands prosecutors office issued a statement pointing out that Trumps allegation that a young man who beat another on crutches was an immigrant Muslim is incorrect, and that the attacker, who did time, was born and raised in the Netherlands. The Dutch site Greenstijl denied the assailant is a Muslim. Not that it should matter. That one boy acted brutally says nothing about all Muslims or all immigrants, just as the 40 million German-Americans should not be judged by the actions of Trump. Trump also retweeted a video allegedly showing a crazed ISIL member attacking a statue of Mother Mary, likely in Syria. There has been an enormous amount of faked video coming out of the Syrian war, so an unverified YouTube piece should not be taken very seriously. But even if the incident is correctly portrayed, it has nothing to do with Islam in general extremists gonna be extreme. I can show you video of Christian fundamentalists burning the Quran. As for Islam, there are more verses about Mother Mary in the Quran than in the New Testament, and all of them are full of praise. Muslims consider her the perfect woman, and some theologians, like Ibn Hazm, even argued she had that station of a prophet. But then youd have to, like, read a book to find this out, and I fear our Fuhrer doesnt do much of that sort of thing. Trump is an addled, hateful man spreading hate and harming the lives of people. The only silver lining is that he is so hated that he is discrediting Britain First and its sentiments just by associating himself with them. Related video: BBC: Donald Trump retweets far-right groups anti-Muslim videos BBC News By Isaac Arnsdorf | (ProPublica) | The Trump administration is holding talks on providing nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia a move that critics say could upend decades of U.S. policy and lead to an arms race in the Middle East. The Saudi government wants nuclear power to free up more oil for export, but current and former American officials suspect the countrys leaders also want to keep up with the enrichment capabilities of their rival, Iran. Saudi Arabia needs approval from the U.S. in order to receive sensitive American technology. Past negotiations broke down because the Saudi government wouldnt commit to certain safeguards against eventually using the technology for weapons. Now the Trump administration has reopened those talks and might not insist on the same precautions. At a Senate hearing on Nov. 28, Christopher Ford, the National Security Councils senior director for weapons of mass destruction and counterproliferation, disclosed that the U.S. is discussing the issue with the Saudi government. He called the safeguards a desired outcome but didnt commit to them. Abandoning the safeguards would set up a showdown with powerful skeptics in Congress. It could be a hell of a fight, one senior Democratic congressional aide said. The idea of sharing nuclear technology with Saudi Arabia took an unlikely path to the highest levels of government. An eccentric inventor and a murky group of retired military brass most of them with plenty of medals but no experience in commercial nuclear energy have peddled various incarnations of the plan for years. Many U.S. officials didnt think the idea was serious, reputable or in the national interest. It smelled so bad I said I never wanted to be anywhere close to that, one former White House official said. But the proponents persisted, and finally found an opening in the chaotic early days of the Trump administration, when advisers Michael Flynn and Tom Barrack championed the idea. The Saudis have a legitimate reason to want nuclear power: Their domestic energy demand is growing rapidly, and burning crude oil is an expensive and inefficient way to generate electricity. Theres also an obvious political motive. Many experts believe the Saudis arent currently trying to develop a nuclear bomb but want to lay the groundwork to do so in case Iran develops one. Theres no question: Why do you have a nuclear reactor in the Persian Gulf? Because you want to have some kind of nuclear contingency capability, said Anthony Cordesman, a Middle East expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. A Saudi spokesperson provided a written statement noting that the countrys electricity needs have grown due to our population and industrial growth. The statement noted that The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, hence is diversifying its energy mix to serve its domestic needs in accordance with international laws and standards. The Kingdom has been actively exploring diverse energy sources for nearly the last decade to meet growing domestic demand. The technology for nuclear weapons is different from that for nuclear energy, but there is some overlap. The fuel for a power plant can be used for a bomb if its enriched to a much higher level. Also, the waste from a power plant can be reprocessed into weapons grade material. Thats why nonproliferation experts generally prefer that countries that use nuclear power buy fuel on the international market instead of doing their own enrichment and reprocessing. In 2008, the Saudi government made a nonbinding commitment not to pursue enrichment and reprocessing. They then entered negotiations with the U.S. for a pact on peaceful nuclear cooperation, known as a 123 agreement, after a section of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. A 123 agreement is a prerequisite for receiving American technology. The talks stalled a few years later because the Saudi government backed away from its pledge not to pursue enrichment and reprocessing, according to current and former officials. They wouldnt commit, and it was a sticking point, said Max Bergmann, a former special assistant to the undersecretary of state for arms control and international security at the time those negotiations occurred. U.S. officials feared a domino effect. Accords with the United Arab Emirates and Egypt restrict those countries from receiving the most sensitive technologies unless the U.S. allows them in another Middle Eastern country. If we accepted that from the Saudis, nobody else will give us legally binding commitment, a former State Department official said. During that same period, the Obama administration was pursuing an agreement to stop Irans progress toward building a nuclear bomb while letting the country keep some domestic enrichment capabilities it had already achieved. The Saudi government publicly supported the Iran deal but privately made clear they wanted to match Irans technology. A former official summarized the Saudi position as, Were going to develop this kind of technology if they have this kind of technology. The Obama administration held firm with the Saudis because its one thing to cap nuclear technology where it already exists, but its longstanding U.S. policy not to spread the technology to new countries. As Saudi Arabia and Iran ideological and religious opponents increasingly squared off in a battle for political sway in the Middle East, Republicans argued that the Obama administration had it backwards: It was enshrining hostile Irans ability to enrich uranium while denying the same to Americas ally Saudi Arabia. One such critic of Obamas Iran policy was Michael Flynn, a lieutenant general who was forced out as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014. Flynn quickly took up a variety of consulting assignments and joined some corporate boards. One of the former was an advisory position for a company called ACU Strategic Partners, which, according to a later financial disclosure, paid Flynn more than $5,000. Flynn was one of many retired military officers whom ACU recruited. ACUs chief was a man named Alex Copson, who is most often described in press accounts as a colorful British-American dealmaker. Copson reportedly made a fortune inventing a piece of diving equipment, may or may not have been a bass player in the band Iron Butterfly, and has been touting wildly ambitious nuclear-power plans since the 1980s. (He didnt answer repeated requests for comment.) By 2015, Copson was telling people he had a group of U.S., European, Arab and Russian companies that would build as many as 40 nuclear reactors in Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Copsons company pitched the Obama administration, but officials figured he didnt really have the backers he claimed. They would say We have Rolls-Royce on board, and then someone would ask Rolls-Royce and they would say, No, we took a meeting and nothing happened, recalled a then-White House official. In his role with ACU, Flynn flew to Egypt to convince officials there to hold off on a Russian offer (this one unrelated to ACU) to build nuclear power plants. Flynn tried to persuade the Egyptian government to consider Copsons proposal instead, according to documents released by Rep. Elijah Cummings, the ranking Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Flynn also tried to persuade the Israeli government to support the plan and spoke at a conference in Saudi Arabia. (The trip would later present legal problems for Flynn because he didnt report contacts with foreign officials on his application to renew his security clearance, according to Cummings. Cummings referred the information to Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating Trumps associates and Russias interference in the 2016 election. Flynns lawyer declined to comment.) Copsons outfit eventually splintered. A retired admiral named Michael Hewitt, who was to head up the security services part of the project, struck out on his own in mid-2016. Flynn went with him. Hewitts new company is called IP3 International, which is short for International Peace Power & Prosperity. IP3 signed up other prominent national security alumni including Gens. Keith Alexander, Jack Keane and James Cartwright, former Middle East envoy Dennis Ross, Bush Homeland Security adviser Fran Townsend, and Reagan National Security adviser Robert Bud McFarlane. IP3s idea was a variation on ACUs. Hewitt swapped out one notional foreign partner for another (Russia was out, China was in), then later shifted to an all-American approach. That idea resonated with the U.S. nuclear-construction industry, which never recovered from the Three Mile Island disaster in the 1970s and was looking to new markets overseas. But nuclear exports are tightly controlled because the technology is potentially so dangerous. A 123 agreement is only the first step for a foreign country that wants to employ U.S. nuclear-power technology. In addition, the Energy Department has to approve the transfer of technology related to nuclear reactors and fuel. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission licenses reactor equipment, and the Commerce Department reviews exports for equipment throughout the rest of the power plant. IP3 whose sole project to date is the Saudi nuclear plan never went through those normal channels. Instead, the company went straight to the top. At the start of the Trump administration, IP3 found an ally in Tom Barrack, the new presidents close friend and informal adviser and an ultra-wealthy investor in his own right. During the campaign, Barrack wrote a series of white papers proposing a new approach to the Middle East in which economic cooperation would theoretically reduce the conditions for breeding terrorism and lead to improved relations. Barrack wasnt familiar with nuclear power as an option for the Middle East until he heard from Bud McFarlane. McFarlane, 80, is most remembered for his role in the defining scandal of the Reagan years: secretly selling arms to Iran and using the money to support Nicaraguan rebels. He pleaded guilty to withholding information from Congress but was pardoned by George H.W. Bush. Nevertheless, Barrack was dazzled by McFarlane and his IP3 colleagues. I was like a kid in a candy shop these guys were all generals and admirals, Barrack said in an interview. They found an advocate in me in saying I was keen on trying to establish a realignment of U.S. business interests with the Gulfs business interests. McFarlane followed up the meeting by emailing Flynn in late January, according to six people who read the message or were told about it. McFarlane attached two documents. One outlined IP3s plan, describing it as consistent with Trumps philosophy. The second was a draft memo for the president to sign that would officially endorse the plan and instruct his cabinet secretaries to implement it. Barrack would take charge of the project as the interagency coordinator. Barrack had discussions about becoming ambassador to Egypt or a special envoy to the Middle East but never committed to such a role. (McFarlane disputed that account but repeatedly declined to specify any inaccuracies. IP3 declined to comment on the memos.) Flynn, now on the receiving end of IP3s lobbying, told his staff to put together a formal proposal to present to Trump for his signature, according to current and former officials. The seeming end run sparked alarm. National Security Council staff brought the proposal to the attention of the agencys lawyers, five people said, because they were concerned about the plan and how it was being advanced. Ordinarily, before presenting such a sensitive proposal to the president, NSC staff would consult with experts throughout government about practical and legal concerns. Bypassing those procedures raised the risks that private interests might use the White House to their own advantage, former officials said. Circumventing that process has the ability not only to invite decisions that arent fully vetted but that are potentially unwise and have the potential to put our interests and our people at risk, said Ned Price, a former CIA analyst and NSC spokesman. Even after those concerns were raised, Derek Harvey, then the NSCs senior director for the Middle East, continued discussing the IP3 proposal with Barrack and his representative, Rick Gates, according to two people. Gates, a longtime associate of former Trump campaign chief Paul Manafort, worked for Barrack on Trumps inaugural committee and then for Barracks investment company, Colony NorthStar. By then, Barrack was no longer considering a government position. Instead, he and Gates were seeking investment ideas based on the administrations Middle East policy. Barrack pondered the notion, for example, of buying a piece of Westinghouse, the bankrupt U.S. manufacturer of nuclear reactors. (Harvey, now on the staff of the House intelligence committee, declined to comment through a spokesman. In October, Mueller charged Manafort and Gates with 12 counts including conspiracy against the U.S., unregistered foreign lobbying, and money laundering. They both pleaded not guilty. Gates spokesman didnt answer requests for comment.) Ultimately, it wasnt the NSC staffs concerns that stalled IP3s momentum. Rather, Jared Kushner, the presidents son-in-law and senior aide tasked with reviving a Middle East peace process, wanted to table the nuclear question in favor of simpler alliance-building measures with the Saudis, centered on Trumps visit in May, according to a person familiar with the discussions. (A spokesperson for Kushner, asked for comment, had not provided one at the time this article was published; well update the article if he provides one later.) In recent months, the proposal has stirred back to life as the Saudi government kicked off a formal process to solicit bids for their first reactors. In October, the Saudis sent a request for information to the U.S., France, South Korea, Russia and China the strongest signal yet that theyre serious about nuclear power. The Saudi solicitation also gave IP3 the problem its solution was searching for. The company pivoted again, narrowing its pitch to organizing a consortium of U.S. companies to compete for the Saudi tender. IP3 wont say which companies it has signed up. IP3 also wont discuss the fees it hopes to receive if it were part of a Saudi nuclear plan, but its vying to supply cyber and physical site security for the plants. IP3 has communicated its strategy to multiple government entities and policy makers in both the Obama and Trump administrations, the company said in a statement. We view these meetings and any documents relating to them as private, and we wont discuss them. The Saudi steps lit a fire under administration officials. Leading the charge is Rick Perry, the energy secretary who famously proposed eliminating the department and then admitted he didnt understand its function. (It includes dealing with nuclear power and weapons.) Perry had also heard IP3s pitch, a person familiar with the situation said. In September, Perry met with Saudi delegates to an international atomic energy conference and discussed energy cooperation, according to a photo posted on his Facebook page. Perrys spokeswoman didnt answer requests for comment. Other steps followed. Soon after, a senior State Department official flew to Riyadh to restart formal 123 negotiations, according to an industry source. (A State Department spokeswoman declined to comment.) In November, Energy and State Department officials joined a commercial delegation to Abu Dhabi led by the Nuclear Energy Institute, the industrys main lobby in Washington. Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy Edward McGinnis said the administration wants to revitalize the U.S. nuclear energy industry, including by pursuing exports to Saudi Arabia. The Department of Commerces International Trade Administration and the Energy Department are organizing another industry visit in December to meet with Saudi officials, according to a notice obtained by ProPublica. And in the days before Thanksgiving, senior U.S. officials from several agencies met at the White House to discuss the policy, according to current and former officials. The Trump administration hasnt stated a position on whether it will let the Saudis have enrichment and reprocessing technology. An NSC spokesman declined to comment. But administration officials have begun sounding out advisers on how Congress might react to a deal that gives the Saudis enrichment and reprocessing, a person familiar with the discussions said. Senators have started demanding answers. At the Nov. 28 hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Ford, the NSC nonproliferation official who has been nominated to lead the State Departments Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, testified that preliminary talks with the Saudis are underway but declined to discuss the details in public. As noted, Ford wouldnt commit to barring the Saudi government from obtaining enrichment and reprocessing technology. It remains U.S. policy, as it has been for some time, to seek the strongest possible nonproliferation protections in every instance, he told the senators. It is not a legal requirement. It is a desired outcome. Ford added that the Iran deal makes it harder to insist on limiting other countries capabilities. Sen. Ed Markey, the Massachusetts Democrat who led the questioning of Ford on this topic, seemed highly resistant to the idea of the U.S. helping Saudi Arabia get nuclear technology. If we continue down this pathway, he said, then theres a recipe for disaster which we are absolutely creating ourselves. Markey also accused the administration of neglecting its statutory obligation to brief the committee on the negotiations. (The White House declined to comment.) Any agreement, in this case with Saudi Arabia, would not require Senate approval. However, should an agreement be reached, Congress could kill the deal. The two houses would have 90 days to pass a joint resolution disapproving it. The committees ranking Democrat, Ben Cardin, suggested they wouldnt accept a deal that lacked the same protections as the ones in the UAEs agreement. If we dont draw a line in the Middle East, its going to be all-out proliferation, he said. We need to maintain the UAEs standards in our 123 agreements. Theres just too many other countries that could start proliferating issues that could be against our national interest. Bob Corker, the committees chairman, has been a stickler on nonproliferation in the past; he criticized the Obama administration for not being tough enough. Corker isnt running for reelection and has criticized Trump for being immature and reckless in foreign affairs, so hes unlikely to shy away from a fight. (A spokesman declined to comment.) The absence of a consistent policy weakens our nuclear nonproliferation efforts, and sends a mixed message to those nations we seek to prevent from gaining or enhancing such capability, Corker said at a hearing in 2014. Which standards can we expect the administration to reach for negotiating new agreements with Jordan or Saudi Arabia? VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Nov. 30, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MGX Minerals Inc. (MGX or the Company) (CSE:XMG) (FKT:1MG) (OTC:MGXMF) is pleased to announce the Company has opened a field office in Santiago, Chile to evaluate new strategic business opportunities and potential project acquisitions. The Company has retained the services of Kura Geoscience SPA (Kura Minerals) to lead in-country asset development. Kura Minerals is a leading consulting firm with existing relationships throughout South America led by a Chile based management team: Francisco Acuna - Business Manager Kura Minerals was co-founded by Francisco Acuna, who previously supported Chilean operations for BHP Billiton. Mr. Acuna was directly involved in the strategic development of Minera Escondida, a subsidiary of BHP Billiton which operates two large-scale open pit copper mines in the Atacama Desert. He also supported other BHP operations through research and development of hypogene ore processing. Mr. Acuna holds a Chem. Eng. from the University of Concepcion, Chile, and a M.Sc. Industry, Trade & Development from the University of Manchester, United Kingdom. Alvaro Florez - Legal Manager Prior to joining Kura, Alvaro Florez was In-House Counsel for the Chilean subsidiaries of Freeport-McMoRan Inc. and Lundin Mining Corp. He later joined as an associate at the Energy, Mining and Natural Resources Group of Philippi, Prietocarrizosa, Ferrero DU & Uria Law Firm. Mr. Florez has also collaborated with the Projects, Energy and Natural Resources Group of King & Wood Mallesons, Australia. He holds a Bachelor of Laws from the Universidad de los Andes, Chile, and Master of Law from the University of Queensland, Australia. Thomas Eggers - Exploration Manager Prior to joining Kura, Thomas Eggers supervised over 25 exploration projects in Northern-Central Chile, Papua New Guinea and Mongolia for Anglo American plc. His expertise has allowed him to advise on exploration strategies throughout South America, Africa and Oceania. Mr. Eggers holds an Honours Degree in Geology from Universidad de Concepcion, Chile and an MBA Global Management from Macquarie University (Australia) & Universidad de Chile (Chile). MGX has mandated Kura Minerals to represent the Company on a variety of fronts, including evaluation, negotiation and permitting of potential new projects as well as establishing potential joint venture partnerships to utilize the Companys rapid lithium brine processing technology. About MGX Minerals MGX Minerals is a diversified Canadian resource company with interests in lithium, magnesium and silicon assets throughout North America. Learn more at MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwired - Nov. 30, 2017) - Midland Exploration Inc. ("Midland") (TSX VENTURE:MD) and Altius Minerals Corporation ("Altius") (TSX:ALS) are pleased to announce the results of channel sampling from their Moria nickel and Shire zinc projects in the James Bay area. The Shire Project is located in an underexplored area about 80 kilometers east of Nemaska, Quebec. It was initiated following the discovery of a Zn-bearing exhalative horizon in July 2017 (O'Connor showing) that returned up to 7.53% Zn in grab sampling (note that grab samples are selective by nature and values reported may not be representative). Several channel samples were collected at O'Connor in October. The easternmost channel yielded 4.85% Zn over 1.17 m. This includes a section of pyrrhotite-pyrite-sphalerite massive sulfides that yielded 5.46% Zn, 0.11% Cu, 11 g/t Ag over 0.73 m, and a quartz-sphalerite-pyrite exhalite that yielded 3.88% Zn over 0.45 m (note that all thicknesses reported in this press release are apparent thicknesses; true thicknesses cannot be determined at this time). The zinc-bearing sulfide zone is open to the north (across strike) and east (along strike), under thicker overburden. Other channels to the west sampled intervals of massive pyrrhotite-pyrite as well as a quartz-pyrite exhalite that returned anomalous base metal values. Based on these new results, zinc mineralization at O'Connor is now interpreted as the edge of a volcanogenic massive sulfide ("VMS") orebody. The Moria project is located about 12 kilometers southeast of the Clearwater Au deposit and 25 kilometers east of Hydro-Quebec's Eastmain-1 dam. The project was initiated in August 2017 with the discovery of the Gimli Ni-Cu-Co showing that returned up to 1.13% Ni, 0.11% Cu, 0.07% Co in grab samples. The area was mapped as a large dioritic intrusion that had been overlooked in past exploration campaigns. Channel sampling on Gimli in October yielded 0.80% Ni, 0.06% Co, 0.075% Cu over 0.8 m in a weakly mineralized meta-pyroxenite. The zone is open to the north under thicker overburden. The rest of the discovery outcrop contains lower grade nickel mineralization, with 0.19% Ni / 0.5 m on the last sample to the south. Assay results indicate a perfect nickel-sulfur correlation, which suggests that most of the nickel is found in sulfides and not in refractory silicates. Calculated metal tenors (grades normalized to 100% sulfides) at Gimli are around 14% Ni (see details in the table at the end of this release). Midland and Altius are very pleased by the results of the fall exploration campaign on Moria and Shire. A mechanical trenching campaign on the Gimli nickel and O'Connor zinc showings is being planned and will be conducted at the earliest time next spring. The campaign will also include mechanical trenching of highly potential electromagnetic anomalies outlined in the VTEM survey completed in October (see November 1st press release for details). Grades for Channel #1 on the O'Connor showing Sample From m To m Length m Zn % Cu % Ag g/t W179835 0 0.73 0.73 5.46 0.11 11.2 W179836 0.73 1.18 0.45 3.88 0.004 0.7 Grades for the Gimli showing channel, with calculated Ni tenors* (grades normalized to 100% sulfides) Sample From m To m Length m Ni % Co % Cu % S % % Ni at 100% sulfides* W179809 0 0.5 0.5 0.188 0.012 0.021 0.31 -- W179808 0.5 1 0.5 0.123 0.097 0.026 0.21 -- W179807 1 1.5 0.5 0.101 0.010 0.027 0.11 -- W179806 1.5 2 0.5 0.100 0.009 0.02 0.12 -- W179805 2 2.5 0.5 0.079 0.009 0.03 0.08 -- W179804 2.5 3 0.5 0.074 0.010 0.01 0.04 -- W179803 3 3.5 0.5 0.783 0.056 0.088 2.14 13.48 W179802 3.5 3.8 0.3 0.825 0.047 0.061 2.16 14.05 *Ni tenors were calculated according to Barnes and Lightfoot (2005), using the formula: Concentration (100% sulfides of a chalcophile element) = Concentration (whole-rock of the chalcophile element) * 100 / (2.527 * S% + 0.3408 * Cu% + 0.4715 * Ni%). --: S values too low for 100% recalculation. Quality control Rock samples on the project are assayed by standard 30 gram fire-assaying with AA or gravimetric finish at ALS Minerals laboratories in Val d'Or, Quebec or Sudbury, Ontario. All samples are also analysed for multi-elements, using four-acid ICP-AES method. Samples that exceed 1% zinc or nickel are reanalyzed by four-acid ICP-AES optimized for high grades. Exploration program design and interpretation of results is performed by qualified persons employing a Quality Assurance/Quality Control program consistent with industry best practices, including the use of standards and blanks with every 20 samples. About Altius Altius directly and indirectly holds diversified royalties and streams that generate revenue from 15 operating mines. These are located in Canada and Brazil and produce copper, zinc, nickel, cobalt, iron ore, potash and thermal (electrical) and metallurgical coal. The portfolio also includes numerous predevelopment stage royalties covering a wide spectrum of mineral commodities and jurisdictions. In addition, Altius holds a large portfolio of exploration stage projects which it has generated for deal making with industry partners that results in newly created royalties and equity and minority interests. Altius has 43,208,291 common shares issued and outstanding that are listed on Canada's Toronto Stock Exchange under the trading symbol ALS. It is a member of both the S&P/TSX Small Cap and S&P/TSX Global Mining Indices. About Midland Midland targets the excellent mineral potential of Quebec to make the discovery of new world-class deposits of gold, platinum group elements, base metals and rare earth elements. Midland is proud to count on reputable partners such as Altius Resources Inc., Agnico Eagle Mines Limited, Teck Resources Limited, IAMGOLD Corporation, Osisko Mining Inc., SOQUEM INC., Altius Minerals Corporation, Japan Oil Gas and Metals National Corporation, NioBay Metals Inc. and Abcourt Mines Inc. Midland prefers to work in partnership and intends to quickly conclude additional agreements in regard to newly acquired properties. Management is currently reviewing other opportunities and projects to build up the Company portfolio and generate shareholder value. This press release has been prepared by Sylvain Trepanier, P.Geo., VP Exploration for James Bay and Northern Quebec at Midland, a "qualified person" as defined by NI 43-101. For further information, please consult Midland's website: VANCOUVER, Nov. 30, 2017 /CNW/ - Tinka Resources Limited ("Tinka" or the "Company") (TSXV & BVL: TK) (OTCPK: TKRFF) is pleased to announce that a total of 12,632,660 common share purchase warrants (the "Warrants") have been exercised at $0.30 per common share for total proceeds to the Company of C$3,789,798. The Warrants were exercised pursuant to the terms of warrant certificates issued in connection with the closing of a private placement financing undertaken by the Company in May 2015, which were due to expire November 29, 2017. No commission was paid in connection with the exercise of the Warrants. Proceeds will be used for the ongoing drill program, engineering and metallurgical studies at the Company's Ayawilca zinc and tin project in Peru, and for general working capital purposes. Dr. Graham Carman, President and CEO, stated: "I am pleased to report that the Company's treasury has been topped up by C$3.7 million due to the exercise of Warrants held mostly by the Company's two largest shareholders. Tinka now has sufficient cash to fund exploration drilling and resource development work at the Ayawilca project well into 2018. Tinka's exploration drill program is ongoing and the Company is planning to continue drilling for the foreseeable future, focussing on the testing of new target areas and extensions of the known zinc mineralization. The current Inferred Mineral Resource estimate at Ayawilca is 42.7 million tonnes grading 7.3% Zinc Equivalent (see Press Release Nov 8, 2017). We believe there remains significant potential for resource expansion at Ayawilca. Simultaneously, we are working on de-risking the project through detailed metallurgical tests of zinc sulphide mineralization from different parts of the deposit, along with preliminary desktop mining studies." The qualified person, Dr. Graham Carman, Tinka's President and CEO, and a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, has reviewed and verified the technical contents of this release. About Tinka Resources Limited Tinka is an exploration and development company with its flagship property being the 100%-owned Ayawilca carbonate replacement deposit (CRD) in the zinc-lead-silver belt of central Peru, 200 kilometres northeast of Lima. The Ayawilca Zinc Zone Inferred Mineral Resource estimate now consists of 42.7 Mt at 6.0 % zinc, 0.2 % lead, 17 g/t silver & 79 g/t indium, and a Tin Zone Inferred Mineral Resource of 10.5 Mt at 0.63 % tin, 0.23 % copper & 12 g/t silver (Nov 8, 2017). Drilling for resource extensions and the testing of new targets is ongoing. Dallas, Texas , usa, 11/30/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/ As a condition of employment, many employees must sign an employment contract. It is common for such agreements to contain arbitration clauses. Arbitration clauses may also be embedded in handbooks that employees are directed to sign, acknowledging that they have read and agree to the terms. Often times employees sign arbitration agreements without looking them over and understanding exactly what they are agreeing to. By signing any type of a contract with an arbitration clause, the employee is agreeing to resolve all work-related disputes through arbitration instead of through the court system. In addition to foregoing the right to sue their employer, some arbitration agreements contain class action waivers, meaning an employee promises not to be a part of any class action lawsuit brought against the employer. So what is arbitration? Arbitration is an alternative way to resolve legal disputes outside of the court system. Both parties present their sides of the argument to an arbitrator or panel of arbitrators. An arbitrator is an individual (very often a retired judge) who is paid to serve as a neutral overseer of the dispute. The arbitrator listens to any witnesses, reviews the evidence and issues a decision and award (if any). Employers include arbitration clauses in employment contracts to avoid time-consuming and costly litigation. These benefits can also be good for employees who wish to resolve any dispute in the most efficient manner possible. Because arbitration is much less formal than a court proceeding, it can also be a less intimidating process for employees who may not have any experience being in a courtroom before a judge. Besides these advantages, arbitration also has its downsides. Juries in a court case often sympathize and side with employees over their employer companies, therefore, having a single individual decide the dispute rather than a group of jurors can be a disadvantage. Additionally, because the arbitration process is more streamlined, each side is only able to seek a limited amount of information and documents from the other. Compared to the liberal discovery process allowed during litigation, this puts employees at a disadvantage because much of the evidence related to their claim is typically in the employers possession. Lastly, the biggest downside to arbitration is that it is generally final and binding and cannot be appealed. Therefore, both sides are stuck with the outcome that the arbitrator decides and there is no option to have a second set of eyes review the arbitrators decision to ensure it is correct and fair. The question then becomes, how do employees avoid being subject to mandatory arbitration if such agreements are so commonplace? Employees may attempt to negotiate with their employer prior to signing any agreement containing an arbitration clause, however, employers can refuse to hire an employee who does not sign the agreement. Another option is having an attorney review the agreement prior to signing to advise on the best decision. Because employees may often be pressured into signing these agreements by their employers, courts which deem an arbitration agreement to be unconscionable may refuse to enforce the agreement. Examples of unconscionable agreements are ones which are so one-sided, unfair, or deny employees certain guaranteed protections under the law. Overall, those employees who have already signed an arbitration agreement are best served by having an employment attorney review the agreement to advise on the best course of action to pursue when a dispute arises with their employer. This article is presented by the Dallas employment lawyers at Clouse Dunn LLP. To speak to an employment law attorney about an arbitration or employment agreement matter send an email to [email protected] or call (214) 239-2705. About Keith Clouse / Dallas Employment Attorney Keith Clouse Keith Clouse is an employment law specialist with over 25 years of experience representing senior executives, business owners, physicians, and corporations in complex employment litigation, arbitration, and negotiations. Senior executives, physicians, and other professionals consistently rely on Mr. Clouse for employment law expertise and advice on employment contracts, covenants not to compete, severance agreements, equity awards, trade secret disputes, and breach of fiduciary duty claims. Source Author Dallas Employment Lawyer Attorney Keith Clouse For more articles like this on employment law visit Social Media Tags:arbitration agreement, arbitration clause, arbitration, employment contract, employment law attorney, Keith Clouse, employment lawyer, employment attorney Newsroom powered by Online Press Release Distribution Like Us on Facebook It's only fair to share... Pinterest Linkedin email Print Fall commencement: More than 1,500 earning degrees from Kansas State University; ceremonies Dec. 8 and 9 Thursday, Nov. 30, 2017 More than 1,500 students are candidates for degrees this fall from Kansas State University. Commencement ceremonies will be Friday, Dec. 8, on the Manhattan and Polytechnic campuses, and Saturday, Dec. 9, on the Manhattan campus. MANHATTAN It's pomp and circumstance time at Kansas State University with fall commencement ceremonies set for Friday, Dec. 8, and Saturday, Dec. 9. Commencement speakers include an award-winning National Geographic photographer, the mayor of Salina and the poet laureate of Kansas. More than 1,500 students are candidates for degrees. To be awarded will be more than 1,300 bachelor's degrees, 240 master's degrees and nearly 50 doctorates. Around 170 of the degree candidates are distance education students. A live webcast of the ceremonies will be available at Ceremonies kick off with commencement for the Graduate School at 1 p.m. Dec. 8 in Bramlage Coliseum. At the ceremony, Jim Richardson, photographer for National Geographic magazine and its sister publication, TRAVELER, will be awarded an honorary doctorate from the university. Richardson, from Lindsborg, also will serve as the commencement speaker. The Kansas Board of Regents will be represented at the ceremony by Regent D. Shane Bangerter, Dodge City. Commencement for Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus in Salina will be at 7 p.m. Dec. 8 in the campus's Student Life Center. Commencement speaker will be Kaye Crawford, mayor of Salina. All ceremonies on Dec. 9 will be in Bramlage Coliseum on the Manhattan campus. The schedule of ceremonies and speakers: College of Arts and Sciences, 8:30 a.m., with Kevin Rabas as commencement speaker. Rabas, a Kansas State University alumnus, is chair of the English, modern languages and journalism department at Emporia State University, Emporia, and poet laureate of Kansas. College of Education, 10 a.m., with Sally Yahnke, associate professor of curriculum and instruction, as commencement speaker. Yahnke is a longtime faculty member of the college, serving as teacher educator for family and consumer sciences education and coordinator for career and technical education. College of Business Administration, 11:30 a.m., with Michael W. Upchurch as commencement speaker. Upchurch, a Kansas State University alumnus, is executive vice president and chief financial officer of Kansas City Southern, a transportation holding company based in Kansas City, Missouri, with railroad investments in the U.S., Mexico and Panama. College of Agriculture, 1 p.m., with Chad Miller, associate professor of horticulture and natural resources, as commencement speaker. Miller is the recipient of the 2017 U.S. Department of Agriculture's Best New Teacher Award for Food and Agricultural Sciences. College of Human Ecology, 2:30 p.m., with Sonya Britt-Lutter, associate professor of personal financial planning, as commencement speaker. Britt-Lutter is a certified financial planner with training in marriage and family therapy. Her research has appeared in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Kiplinger's and other publications. College of Engineering, 4 p.m., with James M. Johnson as commencement speaker. Johnson, a Kansas State University alumnus, is president and CEO of GE Johnson Construction Co., a commercial general contractor based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. A virtual commencement ceremony is available at for distance education students unable to attend their commencement ceremony in person. The website includes a listing of students earning degrees through distance education, a place for family and friends to post congratulatory messages and other commencement-related offerings. DVDs of the ceremony may be ordered through the K-State Campus Store in the K-State Student Union at 785-532-6583. The DVDs are $14.95 and delivery normally takes four to six weeks. Related to commencement will be commissioning ceremonies for Kansas State University's Army and Air Force ROTC units. The Army ROTC ceremony will be at 10 a.m. Dec. 8 in Forum Hall at the Union. The Air Force ceremony will be at 8 a.m. Friday, Dec. 15, in the Marietta Room in Gen. Richard B. Myers Hall. Cindy Lange-Kubick Columnist Cindy Lange-Kubick has loved writing columns about life in her hometown since 1994. She had hoped to become a people person by now, nonetheless she would love to hear your tales of fascinating neighbors and interesting places. Follow Cindy Lange-Kubick Close Get email notifications on {{subject}} daily! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Save Manage followed notifications Close Followed notifications Please log in to use this feature Log In Don't have an account? Sign Up Today Hey, Holiday Shopper. You, there, in that line of joy and tribulation, rolling your eyes, tapping your foot like a Rockette on Ritalin, sighing like theres no tomorrow. Guess what? The clerk at the cash register sees you. (Disclosure: Ive been you, more often than not.) You can definitely pick up on them, says Ahmed Makkawy, who spent two years at Best Buy in the mid-2000s selling cameras and ringing up your presents. It plays into the anxiety. See. Its not just about us, we put-upon-busy-people-with-much-to-do. The folks on the receiving end of our holiday-infused anxiety are feeling it, too. And theyre feeling it in their aching feet and their tired backs as they toil 10-hour days from Black Friday to Christmas Eve. So lets endeavor to practice our yoga poses in the checkout line this year or bring a magazine to peruse, as one former retail clerk now living in California (The Land of Lines) recommends. Let us be like Boy Scouts prepared. Like Girl Scouts even more prepared. Let us shop online, as more than one former retail worker does. (Or better yet, shop local, where they know your name and hand out cookies and praise for literacy while you wait, like the folks at A Novel Idea. Or throw in a stick of incense for patient customers like they do at Bodhi Imports.) And without further ado, in this Season of List Making, 10 ways to make us all merrier as we grease the wheels of commerce: Do Unto Others: Maybe we all just take it easy on the retail folks, said Greg Wright, who spent eight years managing stores at Gateway mall. Every season I knew there would be one customer so unhappy with me that they would want my job. Hed often work 14-hour days as store hours expanded with the approach of Dec. 25. An expansion that often corresponded with an increase in customer crabbiness. Its almost like somebody flips a switch before Thanksgiving. People become more frantic, more rabid, in a bigger hurry. (Wright says he can explain his holiday shopping routine in three words: Amazon dot com.) Kill Them With Kindness: Thats the lesson her dad taught her, says Barb Biffle Bennett, who spent the Decembers of her youth helping at her familys clothing store in Maryville, Missouri. Dad said I would meet a lot of nice people, but also some really crabby ones and to remember to treat them extra nice, smile all the time and try to get them to smile or say thank you just once. It usually worked. Today, she doesnt mind waiting in lines as a shopper, although shes not crazy about shopping. I put myself in a frame of mind and then I kind of like it. It usually involves a drink at a friends house. Remember Charles Dickens: The holidays bring out the best and worst in people, says Cheri Howard, a former Lincoln Police Department employee who now works in retail. Ive seen full-out tantrums, meltdowns and raging, but conversely, Ive seen much-appreciated patience, understanding and consideration. (Her advice: Go with the latter.) The Scout Thing: It helps if you know what you want, said Makkawy. The best shopper is one who is both patient and knowledgeable. It makes for a better experience. That said: I was taught that the more time you spend explaining and answering questions decreases the number of angry customers. (Makkawy also offered an example of the kind of customer you dont want to be: I had a gentleman come up with a printed-out photo of what looked like a blurry photo of a moose. The man wanted his money back for the camera he bought at the store. He did not have the camera or the receipt.) Leave It Where You Found It: My main pet peeve is when someone doesnt want something, they put that piece of merchandise down in a random spot, even if it doesnt belong in that section, says Walmart worker Marcus Yuen. (I think our mothers would agree. Manners, people. Goodwill toward all and especially the poor employee who has to put away the CD you left in the lingerie aisle.) Dont Shop Drunk: This seems to go without saying at Christmas, Hanukkah or any time of the year, but apparently some of us are tipsy in electronics. (It might not be why people block the aisle with their carts, but dont do that, either.) Wake Up: Dont come tired, says Jackie Coffey, who has worked in retail for 15 years. Youre less likely to be stressed. (Speaking of stress: I also think its a good thing to go when your kids are sleeping, she said. I realize that cant always happen.) A Little Empathy Goes a Long Way: Both from the customer and the corporation. Realize employees are people with families who are doing the best they can and are often missing out on their own family festivities, said KaDeja Fatima, who worked the Walgreens cosmetic counter for three years. We work ridiculous hours because people want us to be open earlier and stay open later. So if your clerk isnt chipper, give them the benefit of the doubt. There might have been someone before you who yelled at them and maybe youre the difference between them having a bad day or a great day. Once Again With The Kindness: Be kind always was Cindy Plaster McGills mantra the year she picked up a seasonal retail gig to go along with her job at an oncology lab and ended up working 26 days straight between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I was exhausted, but must have stuck to my motto, because they asked me to stay after the holidays. We dont know what someone is going through personally, said Lynn Murray Smith. We may be the only ray of sunshine they experience right now. (And, no, its not the clerk's fault the store ran out of X, Y or Z.) Patience, My Dears: And the first shall be the last. Patience is a virtue, said Karis Anne Loos, who was always pleasantly surprised by the patience and good cheer of customers in long queues at Michaels. Now if I can just exemplify what I saw in courteous customers, Ill be good. 238 Shares Share In Puerto Rico, we call those plants morir vivir, said a patient who sat by the side of the road while we checked her blood sugar. When I reached to touch the small fern, it swiftly closed its leaves shut, and then after a few minutes cautiously reopened. As a young doctor I was fascinated with the poetry of the name. Its just like us Puerto Ricans, she smiled. For two weeks, I travelled with 300 AFL-CIO members to Puerto Rico as part of a multidisciplinary disaster relief effort, invited by the mayor of San Juan, that brought plumbers, electricians, roofers, truck drivers, nurses and doctors. We each individually hoped to contribute our expertise to jumpstart recovery. We had all heard in the news about the devastation that hurricane Maria had brought upon the island of Puerto Rico, but none of us were truly prepared for the magnitude of the task. At the time of our arrival, three weeks after Maria, only 5 percent of the island had electricity and about 30 percent had running water. The landscape was full of broken trees and roofless homes. As a physician, I spent the first few days draining skin infections and treating eye infections because people were not able wash their hands after the sewer water flooded their neighborhoods. While I filled countless prescriptions in an attempt to fill the void left by closed local clinics, the first thing they asked me for was not blood pressure medication; they were hungry, they were thirsty. I came with optimism, a stethoscope and a prescription pad, but it seemed the thing we needed most to be able to care for people was food and water. We reoriented our mission to develop handouts teaching people how to sterilize their water with bleach and properly boil water. We restocked our van with canned foods, bleach and water instead of medical supplies. lf the situation continues with so many without running water and electricity, a public health crisis is inevitable. We were not doing the job nurses and doctors normally do, but we were doing things that any fellow American and could do in the situation. My favorite question to ask most patients was where were you during the storm? I heard people recount how they hoisted their grandmother up to the second floor with bedsheets as the water began rising. One man said he held his baby overhead for hours as the flood waters crept above his waist. Each story had a sadness to the trauma, but consistently spoke to an unconquerable fortitude. This island, from the homes, to the vegetation, to the people, to their homes have been traumatized by hurricane Maria. In many ways Puerto Ricans will and have already figured out how to move on. This was my first disaster relief mission as a physician, and a humbling lesson in how modern medicine and health care can be simplified to canned food and clean water. Puerto Ricans have already proven their resiliency of spirit: morir, vivir. However there is still much work that remains to be done to rebuild the broken infrastructure. There was not a need for doctors so much as there is a need for food, for water, for homes. Amelia Breyre is an emergency medicine resident. Image credit: 122 Shares Share In the beginners mind there are many possibilities, but in the experts view, there are few. Shunryu Suzuki was writing about Zen beginners and masters, but this concept applies to the practice of medicine as well. Experienced physicians are slow to accept a new paradigm, while medical students and new physicians are more open. Sometimes, what we know to be true is not. Despite clinical trials to the contrary, it took many years to convince physicians to accept that a lumpectomy could be not only equivalent but also superior to the decades-long approach of radical mastectomy. Similarly, it was long known that premature ventricular beats were associated with a higher risk for a fatal heart arrhythmia, and therefore it was logical to suppress them. But when a well-controlled study proved the opposite, medicine could not reject a logical but false paradigm. Another example: It took decades for the medical community to accept the importance of washing hands to prevent disease. Ignaz Semmelweis, an obstetrics graduate, showed in 1847 that childbirth fever could be prevented by handwashing. Pasteur developed his germ theory of disease in 1860, and Lister advocated an antiseptic approach to surgery in 1867, yet surgeons did not readily accept handwashing. As late as 1882, President James Garfield died not directly of the assassination attempt but of an infection caused by his doctors unwashed hands and forceps. In 1979, Australian pathologist Robin Warren noticed the presence of an unusual bacterium in ulcer tissues. His colleague Barry Marshall, a general medicine trainee, discovered that these bacteria (later named Helicobacter pylori) were present in many patients with stomach ulcers. Gastroenterologists at the time were quick to debunk their 1984 article in The Lancet. These experts knew that ulcers were caused by stress and genetics leading to an acid imbalance. Even after a frustrated Dr. Marshall drank a cocktail of the bacteria and became ill, the medical community remained unconvinced. It was not until 1994, ten years after the article was published, that the NIH suggested most cases of stomach and duodenal ulcers were caused by H. pylori. Even then, acceptance by the medical community was slow. As historian Daniel Boorstin wrote and Dr. Marshall repeated in his Nobel laureate address, The greatest obstacle to knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge. While experience can prove extremely useful, especially in medicine, it can also blind us to new ideas, even when they are supported by a preponderance of evidence. Semmelweis and Marshall were beginning their medical careers and were not set in their knowledge or thought patterns. Their more expert medical colleagues, however, firmly held to their prior experience. We were recently reminded of this barrier to medical progress when we treated a woman with what appeared to be classic Crohns disease (CD), a potentially severe disease of the gut that affects more than 700,000 Americans, produces considerable disability and can lead to serious sequelae including the need for toxic medications and surgery. Most physicians believe that CD is an uncontrolled inflammation related to an abnormal immune response of unknown cause. Despite growing anecdotal information that the disease might be triggered or caused by a contagious organism called Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis (MAP), very few medical experts are willing to consider this possibility. MAP causes a disease called Johnes disease (JD), a contagious, chronic and sometimes fatal infection of the small intestine in ruminants (cows, sheep, and goats) with many similarities to human CD. MAP enters the milk supply from these animals and is not routinely killed by pasteurization. MAP has been found in numerous patients with CD. There are physicians in various countries that have treated numerous CD patients with antibiotic combinations with substantial success. Admittedly, one randomized prospective trial in Australia did not find improvement with antibiotics, although that study was later severely criticized for study design, analysis and sub-therapeutic antibiotic doses. Our patient, who had been treated for CD by six experienced gastroenterologists, was still experiencing symptoms after undergoing standard treatment that included multiple rounds of potent immune modulator therapies plus surgical removal of an affected portion of her small intestine. After a serendipitous conversation in which the possibility of MAP as cause or trigger was raised, she was cultured for MAP and empirically begun on a five-drug antibiotic regimen. Nine weeks later, her blood culture confirmed she had MAP infection. After 18 months of treatment, she has had a total recovery and has been off antibiotics for nine months without relapse. It certainly cannot be claimed that MAP is the cause or the trigger of Crohns disease based upon anecdotal case reports. Mycobacterial disease is complex, does not always cause symptoms, and often takes a long time to make itself known. Worldwide, over two billion people have the type of Mycobacterium that causes tuberculosis, but only 10 million have active disease. MAP infections are also years in the making; innate immunity, gut bacteria, and genetics likely play a role in whether or not someone develops symptomatic infection. MAP likely also causes diseases other than Crohns disease; consider Group A streptococcus, which can be asymptomatic in many people, but cause strep throat in others and lead to rheumatic heart disease or kidney disease. One might assume that there is enough intriguing information to encourage others to consider the possibility of MAP. Is this yet another example where experts are trapped in dogma that prevents them from abandoning old theories and considering alternative explanations for diseases of unknown cause? We can only imagine the rapid progress that would ensue if more beginners were involved in researching Crohns disease. Stephen C. Schimpff is a quasi-retired internist, professor of medicine and public policy, former CEO, University of Maryland Medical Center, and senior advisor, Sage Growth Partners. He is the author of Fixing the Primary Care Crisis: Reclaiming the Patient-Doctor Relationship and Returning Healthcare Decisions to You and Your Doctor. Harry Oken is an internal medicine physician. Image credit: 419 Shares Share On September 30th of this year, the Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP) ran out of federal funding. While CHIP has not received as much publicity as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), it has had a major impact on the American population: providing health insurance for 9 million children who would otherwise not be insured. Despite its success, there is currently a debate about the funding of CHIP. CHIP, which was passed in 1997 as part of the Balanced Budget Act (BBA 1997), provides block funding for states to implement insurance programs for children that are in families with incomes up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level. Over the past 20 years this program has had a profound impact on children at or near the poverty level: In 1997 it provided insurance for 1 million children; that number increased to 9 million as of 2016. Ten states believe that they will be completely depleted of funding for CHIP by the end of this year and an additional 32 states will be depleted of funding by March 2018. The Senate Finance Committee and the House Energy and Commerce Committee developed two separate bills that would extend CHIP financing. Both bills proposed to extend CHIP funding until 2022; however, the bills differ in terms of how they address the recently devastated Puerto Rico and how they hope to provide additional funds for the program. The House bill includes 1 billion in Medicaid financing to Puerto Rico. The House bill also allows states to bill third-party insurers and increases Medicare premiums for higher-income beneficiaries, which would help offset some of the costs of CHIP. It is the exact details and mechanism of the offsets that were causing a delay in the House. The House bill has now been passed and has moved on to the Senate. In 2007, when the initial funding for CHIP was depleted, there was a similar debate about whether or not to continue funding the program. While Congress was able to pass a bill at that time, it was vetoed, twice, by then-President George. W. Bush. As a medical student studying in Nashville, Tennessee and originally from Ontario, Canada, I have a unique perspective on the American health care situation. Coming from Canada Im accustomed to everyone having access to quality health care, and because of it everyone having a certain standard of health that they are able to maintain. Moving to America for my undergraduate studies, and subsequently for medical school, I was exposed to a population that is rightly concerned and preoccupied with high health care costs and being able to access health care. The inability for many Americans to access healthcare is disconcerting for me as a health care provider because I see first-hand the inefficiencies of this system that lead to ever-increasing costs. A striking example of this is the use of high-cost emergency room visits which could be offset by strengthened primary and preventative care. An example of this is patient with end-stage renal disease who needs access to anti-hypertensive medications and regular follow-up, but presents to the emergency room with a hypertensive crisis. A scenario like this is rare to non-existent in my home country of Canada. As a future physician who is interested in health policy, the question of why two large economies should have such different priorities regarding health care remains at the forefront of my mind. What needs to change within the American political and social climates to ensure that these 9 million children do not lose health insurance? While the details of how to fund this bill and how to address offsets are important, the real debate should be about how to more fully incorporate this bill and others like it into the fabric of American culture such that we are not faced with the possibility of vulnerable children losing health insurance. Nathanael Smith is a medical student. Image credit: A brand is a powerful thing in politics. It is a sentence that sums you up. Politicians work very hard on their brand. Its like the TLDR version of your CV. Some examples are: John Key raised by a solo mum in a state house, made a fortune overseas David Shearer worked for UN in war zones Jacinda Ardern raised as a small town girl in Morrinsville Rodney Hide perk buster Golriz Ghahramans brand was the refugee who put heads of states in three continents on trial for war crimes. It was a powerful attractive brand. I believed the brand, as did almost everyone. It is a much much more sexy brand than career defence lawyer. Its not that one job is good and the other is evil. That is what her defenders want the argument to be. It is about misrepresentation deliberate fudging of her career so that she would benefit from the more glamorous brand. Now it was no accident that the brand was someone who put heads of states on trial for war crimes. It was a story that almost everyone who followed politics believed. Now Im going to detail here how often Ghahraman had wrong or misleading details published, and how she never ever did anything to correct them. First you need to understand candidates and MPs read the stories written about them. They do so religiously. Most have Google Alerts on their names. It is implausible in the extreme that she never read any of the stories on her that were inaccurate. In one case she didn;t even correct the interviewer. Now some MPs take issues of accuracy very importantly when it comes to their background. As an example I know one MP who once had a profile of them appear in the Herald and there was a very minor mistake in it the profile said the MP had a double degree but in fact they had one paper to go on their second degree. Not exactly a major thing but still inaccurate. The mistake was entirely the newspapers who had just assumed. But despite that, this MP e-mailed the reporter and pointed out the inaccuracy. That is what conscientious MPs do. Now lets look at all the times that the wrong information has been published, and nothing at all was said. In chronological order: Nov 16 Green newsletter. Says worked as a lawyer for the UN, putting on trial politicians and military leaders accused of committing human rights atrocities. (no mention of defence work, implies prosecution only) Unknown date. Lush. She went on to work as a lawyer for the United Nations in Tribunals for Rwanda, the former Yugoslavia, and Cambodia, trying those accused of committing human rights atrocities. (trying those clearly implies prosecuting) Jan 17 Herald story on her just announced candidacy says She worked as a prosecutor at United Nations tribunals for Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia, where heads of state were on trial for mass atrocities. After getting her masters degree in International Human Rights Law at Oxford University she also worked on the Khmer Rouge tribunal in Cambodia. (totally false and never corrected) Jan 17 Stuff story says After graduating and working as a prosecutor for the United Nations in Cambodia and in tribunals for Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia Ghahraman returned to New Zealand in 2012 (very clear impression she prosecuted in all three) Jan 17 Wikipedia says She worked as a United Nations prosecutor, who worked on tribunals in Rwanda, Cambodia, and at The Hague (wrong and only corrected after election in September) Feb 17 Impolitikal article written by Ghahraman Eventually, that nine-year-old refugee girl ended up prosecuting heads of state for the United Nations. (no mention of defence work, use of heads of state implies prosecutions in multiple countries. There was one head of state tried in Cambodia but not clear if she even worked in that case). UPDATE: Appears she did. April 17 her confidential CV to Green members doing list ranking said my work as a lawyer for the UN and in NZ have focused on enforcing human rights and holding governments to account. I have lived and worked in Africa, The Hague and Cambodia. (misleading, as most people will read that as having prosecuted the governments in Africa and The Hague, not defended them) May 17 James Shaw to NZIAA Golriz is now a human rights lawyer who worked as a prosecutor at the United Nations tribunals for Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia. She also worked on the Khmer Rouge tribunal in Cambodia. (totally wrong) 31 May 2017 Radio NZ has worked at the United Nations various ad-hoc tribunals putting world leaders on trial for misusing their powers. (she put no world leaders on trial. She defended some, and helped prosecute some Khmer Rouge officials) 1 July James Shaw in a second published speech said Golriz Ghahraman who puts war criminals on trial at the International Court of Justice in the Hague. (totally wrong she was defence team at the Hague) Mid 2017 The Villainesse question to Golriz was You already have a very impressive resume an Oxford grad, human rights lawyer and prosecuting for the United Nations including working on the tribunals for Rwanda, the former Yugoslavia and Cambodia. Was getting into politics just the next step? (Ghahraman never corrects the question to point out she was not a prosecutor for two of those. Also in an Orwellian move The Villainesse has edited the story to remove reference to prosecuting) 24 August 17 Stuff Ghahraman, a human rights expert and constitutional lawyer, has appeared as a lawyer at genocide and mass human rights violation trials in Tanzania, Yugoslavia and Cambodia If elected, Ghahraman hopes to continue holding leaders accountable (probably the least significant of her fudges but still clearly leaves impression she was only a prosecutor) Sep/Oct Radio NZ has a story with a photo of her at the Rwanda Tribunal which they label as Golzriz prosecuting at the Rwanda Tribunal Oct 17 Guardian said representing the UN in tribunals prosecuting some of the worlds worst war criminals, including perpetrators of the Rwandan genocide. (total opposite of the truth) Nov 17 maiden speech said : I saw that at the Rwanda Tribunal, at The Hague and when I prosecuted the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. Holding politicians and armies to account for breaching their powers. Giving voice to women, and minorities who are most viciously targeted by abusers. (misleading as implies she was holding the politicians and armies in Rwanda to account, rather than defending them) Now maybe the mistake happening once or twice could be a genuine mistake. But only the most demented people could look at this and not conclude there was a deliberate effort to leave the impression she was a prosecutor, not defender in Rwanda and former Yugoslavia. She even let her own party leader twice make false speeches about her background and never ever went to him and said Hey that isnt correct. Instead James is left to take the blame, as is some anonymous staffer for the Greens website (MPs always approve their partys online CVs in my experience). Not once before the election was anything published in a significant forum that informed people she was not a prosecutor in all three cases. Only after the election did this information appear. It seems the only information out there which accurately portrayed her was the very bottom of her Linked In profile. But how many people proactively check out a linked in profile of a candidate and compare that to the numerous media stories that ran with the inaccurate profile. What has made it worse, in my opinion, is the total lack of contrition. Shes damaged her own leader, shes damaged the Greens, and shes still blaming everyone but herself. She even defends the smiling selfie taken with the convicted genocide inciter. Share this: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Reddit WhatsApp More Pinterest Print Tumblr Meritz Asset Management CEO John Lee poses during an interview with The Korea Times at the firm's headquarters in Bukchon, Seoul, Nov. 22. / Korea Times photo by Choi Won-suk Meritz Asset fund chief tries to boost Korea's financial literacy' By Nam Hyun-woo When veteran fund manager John Lee returned to Korea in 2014 from the United States after wrapping up 20 years there, the first feeling he had was embarrassment. To his eyes, Koreans were so ill prepared for their lives after retirement, having literally "no understanding of finance," and were obsessed with the idea that getting a good college diploma would lead them or their children to wealthy life. "Koreans seemed not interested in having wealthy post-retirement lives," said Lee who ran the Korea Fund at Scudder Stevens and Clark from 1991 to 2005 and has been leading Meritz Asset Management since 2014. The Korea Fund is the first New York Stock Exchange-listed closed-end fund investing in Korea. Under Lee's management, the fund posted an annual average of 11 percent in returns exceeding that of Korea's benchmark KOSPI and the amount of assets under management grew to $1.5 billion from $150 million. In an interview with The Korea Times, Lee recalled that the 15-year management of the Korea Fund imparted a lot of lessons to him and helped him build his investment philosophy. "While running the fund, I found that the market always makes unexpected moves in the short term," he said. "I had both good times and bad times, but after 15 years, the fund's value went up. This should be approached from a long-term perspective." Such a philosophy is still a basic building block at Meritz Asset Management. Its flagship Meritz Korea Securities Investment Trust I is posting a 21.62 percent return this year as of Nov. 28. The fund is also run under the philosophy of long-term investment. Asked to elaborate about the grounds for his strong belief in long-term investment, Lee briefly said: "I bought Samsung Electronics shares at around 15,000 won ($13.77) in 1991." Samsung Electronics shares were traded at a record-high 2,876,000 won on Nov. 2 and now hover between 2.6 million won to 2.7 million won this week. And that is why he recommends stock investment as a proper way of preparing for life after retirement. "Stock is probably the only single way of regular people becoming rich," he said. "A company is bound to grow because it is designed to seek profits. As soon as you purchase a share in a company, you have ownership in it. Since then, all employees and employers work in order to increase your wealth." With regards to finding promising stocks or funds, Lee stressed having a proper perspective of investment. "Korea had 10 days off during this year's Chuseok holidays and many may have thought of having an overseas vacation. Why don't you buy shares of Hana Tour then?" he said. "You are getting Botox wrinkle treatment, but you don't think of buying Medytox shares." Hana Tour is Korea's largest travel agency while Medytox is the country's leading Botox manufacturer. In terms of picking good fund products, he also underscored the right match between investors and fund managers. "What if the fund manager adopts a short-term investment strategy although you are fond of long-term investments? That is a bad match," he said. Lee added that looking into turnover ratios is a good criteria for those who are looking for fund investment. It gauges how often fund managers change their portfolio. Despite the idea being simple, many Koreans have a negative image of stock investment, sometimes branding it as speculation or even worse as gambling. Instead, real estate investment is widely believed to be "more promising," even though it may not be. "Even though you don't have a plan to move in, you feel very happy when your home price rises. But in fact a rise in its value is not a realized gain. Rather, the rise in a home price will bring heavier property taxes," he said. "Even if one's home price goes up or down, no one sells their home easily. Even if the price goes down, you believe the price will go up some day and you just keep waiting while crossing your fingers." According to Lee, the same is applicable for stocks -- one should not be obsessed with the short term price fluctuation. He pointed out that Korean investors are acting just the opposite and even experienced fund managers tend to bet on short-term events. Lee cited of Korea's "financial illiteracy" as the reason. While the U.S. is making efforts to highlight the importance of economic independence to children, such as having investment clubs at schools, Korea cares more about getting good scores on college entrance exams, with parents paying enormous sums for private tutoring. "Let's say you invested 1 million won in Warren Buffett 50 years ago, you could very well have 18 billion won right now. Instead, parents in Korea place that money into private tutoring for their children who are spending hard days trying to get jobs. Which parents look good now?" Lee said. "If it is about your children, you should buy stocks for them." Lee has been disseminating this idea for the past four years by holding lectures every Saturday at the company's headquarters in Seoul, and whenever and wherever he is asked. He estimates that he has met about 30,000 people in his lectures so far, but said that isn't enough. "Unfortunately, Koreans still have very little understanding of this idea," he said. "The idea of getting a good grade will make you reach is still making many people poor. Parents are not teaching their children about the nature of money and its importance." In order to strengthen his efforts, Lee decided to buy a bus and tour the country to hold lectures for those "financially neglected" in rural areas next year. Also, the company launched Meritz Junior Fund in June. The product is open for those who are younger than 20 years old at the time of subscription and Lee is managing the fund himself. In the education of the youngsters who join the fund, the firm sends easy management reports tailored to young investors every three months in both Korean and English. "Meritz will visit mountains, beaches and everywhere we can share our ideas with people," Lee said. By Yi Whan-woo The top nuclear negotiators of South Korea and Russia met in Seoul, Monday, to discuss security on the Korean Peninsula and how to resolve the North Korea nuclear crisis peacefully. This was the first meeting between the Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Peace Lee Do-hoon, and Russia's Vice Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov, since Lee took office in September. Lee has already met the top nuclear envoys from the United States, China and Japan _ three of the six countries of the stalled talks on Pyongyang's denuclearization. The two Koreas and Russia are also party members. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Lee and Morgulov shared thoughts on successfully implementing U.N. Security Council resolutions and Moscow's own step-by-step method to denuclearize the Kim Jong-un regime. Morgulov briefed Lee about the latest visits to Russia by Choe Son-hui, the director general of the North American Department at Pyongyang's Foreign Ministry. The high-profile North Korean diplomat travelled to Russia in September and October and met Russian officials. In particular, Choe attended an international conference on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons in October and was believed to have contacted retired U.S. officials who joined the meeting. Lee invited Morgulov to dinner later Monday. Morgulov, who arrived in Seoul for a three-day trip, separately met Deputy Minister for Political Affairs Yoon Soon-ku at the foreign ministry and discussed bilateral cooperation as well as follow-up measures to be taken in line with the summit between President Moon Jae-in and Russian President Vladimir Putin in September. Meanwhile, Lee will depart for the U.S., today to meet with Joseph Yun, Washington's top nuclear envoy who serves as the U.S. Special Representative for North Korea Policy. Lee is scheduled to meet other American officials and scholars during his trip that runs through Dec. 1. By You Soo-sun China partially lifted its travel ban on group tours to Korea, Tuesday, the first major step taken by Beijing to restore ties with Seoul since the two struck a deal last month to end the diplomatic row over the deployment of a U.S. missile defense system here. Chinese authorities at the National Tourism Administration decided to allow offline travel agencies in Beijing and Shandong Province to resume sales of package tours to Korea, which had been halted since mid-March, industry officials said. In the meantime, the ban is maintained for all other provinces there, but analysts see this as a signal that it will be removed region-by-region. As for the travel agencies in the two regions, they are restricted from arranging visits to affiliates of the Lotte Group such as its hotels and duty-free shops. LifeStyle The best LifeStyle shows are right here, from Australia and around the world. Catch up with the experts on home design and interiors, food and cooking, the property market, and get fresh ideas with the savviest of renovators. Whether you need inspiration for cooking up a storm, to refresh a tired room, or tips to sell your property, Foxtel LifeStyle will always something new for you to watch. Enjoy your favourite experts like Andrew Winter and Neale Whitaker, or Deb Hutton and Jamie Oliver live or On Demand. Get Foxtel Imagine that the taps switched off tomorrow, the rivers and streams ran dry, and the oceans turned into dry valleys. How would you react? And more importantly, how long would you survive? There's no reliable predictor of how fast dehydration would kill a person. Many survival blogs suggest that an average person can survive for somewhere from two days (opens in new tab) to a week without liquids, but that's a rough estimate at best. A person's health, the weather and the individual's physical activity levels all help determine how long a person will last without water. Older people, children, individuals with chronic diseases, and people who work or exercise outside are at particular risk of dehydration, according to the Mayo Clinic. In a very hot environment, "an adult can lose between 1 and 1.5 liters [2.1 to 3.2 pints] of sweat an hour, Randall Packer, a biologist at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., wrote for Scientific American. "A child left in a hot car or an athlete exercising hard in hot weather can dehydrate, overheat and die in a period of a few hours." Related: Does caffeine really dehydrate you? Usually, when a person is dehydrated enough to get sick, they're also suffering from overheating, meaning that the body's internal temperature is too high. But this isn't always the case, especially among certain groups of people, said Dr. Kurt Dickson, an emergency-medicine doctor at Banner Thunderbird Medical Center in Arizona. Very young children and elderly people with dementia might not remember to drink water, or be able to get themselves water without help, he said. So how much water does a person need to lose before severe dehydration sets in? According to 2009 National Health Service guidelines in the United Kingdom, severe dehydration sets in when a person loses about 10 percent of their total weight to water loss though that measurement is too difficult to use in practice. But at up to 1.5 liters of water loss per hour on a hot day, that kind of dehydration can happen a lot faster than conventional wisdom suggests. Once a person's water levels dip below a healthy amount, characteristic symptoms set in: thirst, dry skin, fatigue, light-headedness, dizziness, confusion, dry mouth, and speedy pulse and breathing, according to the University of Rochester Medical Center. Dehydrated children cry without spilling tears. Their eyes, cheeks and tummies become sunken; they grow listless, and their skin doesn't flatten when pinched and released. Patients come in to the emergency room, "and they're fatigued, tired, sometimes dizzy more when they stand up [and] sometimes vomiting," Dickson told Live Science. "If [the dehydration] is really bad, they can be in shock, where they're cold and clammy, not responsive. It can also be that they just don't feel well, a generalized malaise." Dickson noted that other conditions can also cause these symptoms, so it's not always clear that dehydration is the culprit. "You've got to rule other things out," he said. "But if the guy's a roofer and it's July in Phoenix, you can cut a lot of things out." As water levels drop inside the body, the liquid gets diverted to fill vital organs with blood, causing cells throughout the body to shrink, Dr. Jeffrey Berns, then the president-elect of the National Kidney Foundation, told The Washington Post in 2014. As water leaches out of brain cells, Berns explained, the brain contracts and blood vessels within the cranium can burst. Kidneys usually fail first among the organs and stop cleaning waste out of the shrinking blood supply, Berns said. At that point, the other organs fail in a toxic cascade. It's a painful process, but one that's usually easy to treat. It all comes down to replenishing water and electrolytes, Dickson said. That's what your body needs to stay stable. Editor's note: This article was originally published in 2012. Originally published on Live Science. P. David Polly is the president of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology and the Shrock professor of sedimentary geology at Indiana University. Polly contributed this article to Live Science's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights. President Donald Trump is expected to make a big announcement in Utah this Monday (Dec. 4), where he will detail the government's plan to shrink two of the state's national monuments: Grand Staircase-Escalante and Bears Ears, according to news sources. The coal industry may welcome this venture, but it could destroy evidence of yet-to-be-discovered dinosaurs and the fossils of ancient mammals, turtles and crocodilians. There are countless fossils within the nation's national monuments, regions of U.S. public land that are protected by presidential proclamation because of their importance to national heritage. Bears Ears, which received monument status last year, likely holds many key fossils. Grand Staircase-Escalante, designated as a monument more than 20 years ago, has already provided scientists with incredible fossils, including those of triceratops relatives and tyrannosaurs, and there are likely more. Reducing the size of these monuments would be a loss to science and the American public. [5 Fossil Hotspots: National Parks to Visit] Paleontological treasures Maps leaked from Utah Gov. Gary Herbert's office suggest that the Trump administration may reduce the monuments by as much as two-thirds their current size, according to The Salt Lake Tribune. Why are they doing it? According to the LA Times, the motivation behind the decision is to open these protected areas to ranching and coal mining. But that reasoning overlooks an important point: These two monuments were set aside specifically under the American Antiquities Act to protect their paleontological and archaeological resources from damage by mining and other mineral extraction. Both monuments protect exquisite fossil sequences that tell us about crucial intervals in the history of our planet. Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument was established in 1996, largely because proposed mining activity on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) property threatened the remote highland area known as the Kaiparowits Plateau, a region rich with fossil treasures. About 28 billion commercially extractable tons of coal lie beneath its surface, formed in the same ancient swamps that were home to animals that lived during the Cretaceous, a period lasting from 145 million to 65 million years ago. Diabloceratops eatoni, a distant relative of Triceratops, is one of 37 previously unknown species discovered at Grand Staircase. It was found in a remote part of the Kaiparowits Plateau that will become the epicenter of coal mining if Trump's plan goes forward. (Image credit: P. David Polly ) Mining on national monuments is illegal, but the government often grants mining leases on other types of federal land. Indeed, mining on public lands can be especially profitable because there are no private, surface landowners to compensate for the access to the land. In the 1990s, the coal mining company Andalex Resources was planning to open a mine twice the size of Manhattan on the Kaiparowits Plateau. But the plateau had already become an important site for science because of the spectacular fossils of Cretaceous-period mammals discovered there by Richard Cifelli, a vertebrate paleontologist at the University of Oklahoma, and Jeff Eaton, then an assistant curator of paleontology at the Museum of Northern Arizona, who is now retired. Using screen washing, a technique similar to panning for gold, these paleontologists discovered minute fossils in the coal-bearing rocks. These fossils included those of a tiny creature known as Paranyctoides the oldest placental known at the time that filled a critical gap in scientists' understanding of the origin of mammals, Cifelli explained in a 1990 study published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. (A placental animal is one that, like humans, gives birth to fully viable young, in contrast with marsupials that nurse their young in pouches or monotremes, such as the platypus, that lay eggs.) The importance of these fossils and the prospect of an even richer paleontological record that, unlike coal, was unique to the Grand Staircase area motivated the creation of the monument. [Album: Discovering a Duck-Billed Dino Baby] A coal seam exposed at the edge of the Kaiparowits Plateau. (Image credit: P. David Polly ) Fossil wonderland The monument promised to be "one of the best and most continuous records of Late Cretaceous terrestrial life in the world," according to a 1996 proclamation from then-President Bill Clinton. But the scale of the discoveries since then is so large that they would have inconceivable at the time. Within the monument, scientists and amateurs have discovered more than 3,000 scientifically important sites (places with intact, identifiable fossils in their original geologic context), collected hundreds of thousands of fossil specimens and uncovered nearly 40 previously unknown animal species, including 13 new kinds of dinosaur. Last month, I visited Grand Staircase as president of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology to see this incredible site for myself. As a paleontologist, I have worked in the Cretaceous-age rocks of Hell Creek in Montana and Big Bend National Park in Texas, as well as in central Kazakhstan and the Gobi Desert in Mongolia, but I was totally blown away by the Kaiparowits Plateau's wealth of fossils. Prospecting for fossils there is accessible in a matter of steps rather than miles. The Kaiparowits Plateau is exceptionally rich in fossils of mammals, turtles, crocodiles, lizards and dinosaurs. Moreover, its status as a monument provides resources for science notably, coordination from the BLM monument paleontologist Alan Titus. Hundreds of paleontologists from museums and universities around the country have organized their field research through Titus' office. For example, in 2009, a field crew led by Andrew Farke, a paleontologist at the Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology in Claremont, California, discovered a baby duck-billed dinosaur, Parasaurolophus, that revealed that the bony crests on the heads of these remarkable creatures grew larger as they got older, according to Farke's 2013 study in the journal PeerJ. In 2006, a newfound short-skulled tyrannosaur called Teratophoneus curriei was unearthed by a collaborative group from Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin; the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science in Albuquerque; and Brigham Young University in Utah. Teratophoneus filled a gap in the evolutionary history of its younger cousin Tyrannosaurus rex, according to the researchers' 2011 study in the journal Naturwissenschaften (opens in new tab) (now called The Science of Nature). More of these remarkable animals have been found since, including a virtually complete skeleton of Teratophoneus that was airlifted from a nearly inaccessible part of the Kaiparowits Plateau in October of this year. Another Grand Staircase paleontologist from Virginia Tech University, Michelle Stocker, told me, "We're never done finding new fossils and filling in those gaps." Without the monument, much of this work would not have happened, and it would have been a greater challenge for researchers across the country to coordinate with one another. [Top 10 Most Visited National Parks] Tyler Birthisel (center), a preparation lab manager at the Natural History Museum of Utah, and Alan Titus (left), the monument paleontologist from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), reposition a plaster-covered block containing one of the most complete tyrannosaur skeletons ever discovered. The 1,200-lb. (544 kilograms) piece was helicoptered to the truck as part of a cooperative research project between the Museum and the BLM. (Image credit: P. David Polly ) Because the land and its fossils remain the property of all Americans, federal law stipulates that the fossils themselves be placed in an approved public research repository, which will make the fossils available to those who want to see them. "Every fossil stored in a museum is a little piece of life frozen in time," said John Long, former president of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. The preservation of the fossils and their sites is critical to scientific progress because paleontologists often revisit them with new questions and techniques. As Anjali Goswami, a paleontologist at the Natural History Museum in London, explained, "New technology has made it possible to extract information from fossils and fossil sites that would have been impossible even 10 years ago." But not everyone sees the scientific potential of these monuments. "I'm approving the recommendation for you, Orrin," Trump told Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch, according to The Salt Lake Tribune. But neither the monuments nor the fossils are Trump's to give or Hatch's to take. They belong to all Americans as part of the U.S. public land system. The multiple-use principle used to manage federal public lands means that most of the system's 640 million acres (260 million hectares) are already open to ranching and coal mining, including the strip mining and gas fracking in the Thunder Basin National Grassland of Wyoming. Just a few public land areas are set aside to protect unusually delicate or important assets such as wildlife, archaeology, landscapes and scientifically important resources. The paleontological science at Grand Staircase-Escalante and Bears Ears was one of the primary justifications for turning these wilderness lands into national monuments so that coal mining, petroleum extraction and other damaging activities would not ruin the scientific value they provide to us all. The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher. This version of the article was originally published on Live Science. Tens of thousands of known archaeological sites are threatened by sea level rise in the southeast, and far more currently unknown and unrecorded, as shown here at low spatial resolution. Sea-level rise this century may threaten Jamestown in Virginia, the first permanent English settlement in the Americas; the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, which launches all of NASA's human spaceflight missions; and the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse in North Carolina, the tallest brick lighthouse in the United States, a new study finds. These iconic locales are some of the more than 13,000 archaeological and historical sites on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the southeastern United States that rising sea levels will endanger this century, researchers in the new study said. Global warming may lead sea levels to rise by about 3.3 feet (1 meter) in the next century and by 16.4 feet (5 m) or more in the centuries afterward, according to research from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and others. These rising sea levels could have severe effects, as more than 40 percent of all people worldwide currently live within a 60-mile (100 kilometers) distance from a coastline, many in low-lying areas vulnerable to sea-level rise, according to reports from the United Nations and others. Archaeologists in the new study wanted to see what effect rising sea levels might have on archaeological and historical sites. For example, in 1999, the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse was relocated about 2,900 feet (885 m) to protect it from the encroaching sea. The researchers analyzed data from the Digital Index of North American Archaeology (DINAA), which collects archaeological and historical data sets developed over the past century from multiple sources. "DINAA allows us to examine where people were living in North America over the entire 15,000-year record of human settlement," said study lead author David Anderson, an archaeologist at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. If projected trends continue, there could be a 3.3-foot (1 m) rise in sea level by 2100, submerging thousands of recorded archaeological and historical sites in the southeastern United States alone, the scientists predicted. "We will lose much of the record of the last several thousand years of human occupation in coastal areas, where a great deal of history and settlement has occurred," Anderson told Live Science. The study found that only relatively minor increases in seal level, on the order of 1 to 3 m (3 to 10 feet), were necessary to threaten these iconic places. Other important cultural landmarks at risk include Charleston, South Carolina, and St. Augustine, Florida, the oldest continuously occupied European settlement in the Americas. In addition, at archaeological sites where indigenous inhabitants, early settlers, and enslaved and later freed peoples once lived, rising seas pose a risk of damage or disappearance. The 13,000 or so sites identified by the study are only a tiny fraction of the ones known to science, "much less [those] thoroughly examined by archaeologists," Anderson said. Many other sites that archaeologists have not yet had a chance to explore will also be lost, the researchers added. Furthermore, the researchers found that more than 32,000 archaeological sites including more than 2,400 sites on the National Register of Historic Places will get lost if a 16.4-foot (5 m) or higher seal-level rise occurs, the researchers found. "What was surprising was the vast numbers of archaeological sites that are threatened when the data are examined collectively," Anderson said. "When you develop tools showing how much will be lost at regional and continental scales, it shows the scale of the challenge and the need to start seriously planning for it." In the future, more states can participate in DINAA so that informed decisions can be made "about what to try to save, and how," Anderson said. This isn't the first time scientists have suggested that climate change could threaten important U.S. landmarks. In 2014, a study found that rising sea levels pose a risk to cultural landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty. Scientists detailed the findings of the new study online today in the journal PLOS ONE (opens in new tab). Originally published on Live Science. The discovery of 215 fossilized pterosaur eggs has revealed a new finding about the young of these ancient reptiles: Pterosaur babies likely couldn't fly after hatching and probably needed their parents to take care of them. An examination of 16 embryos within these eggs shows that the little pterosaurs had well-developed thigh bones, suggesting that the reptiles could walk shortly after hatching, according to a new study describing the findings. But because the embryos had underdeveloped bones supporting the pectoral muscle the muscle that helps power flight it's unlikely that newborn pterosaurs could fly, the study researchers said. "Bones related to flight were less developed, or ossified, than bones of the hind limb, which indicates that hatchlings might be able to walk, but not fly," study co-researcher Alexander Kellner, a paleontologist at the National Museum of Brazil and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, told Live Science in an email. [Photos: Baby Pterosaurs Couldn't Fly as Hatchlings] Pterosaurs lived during the dinosaur age, but they weren't dinosaurs. Rather, they were winged reptiles that went extinct when a 6-mile-long (10 kilometers) asteroid slammed into Earth about 66 million years ago. The fact that these flying reptiles laid eggs wasn't confirmed until 2004, when researchers announced that they had found two pterosaur eggs in China and one egg in Argentina that held well-developed embryos, according to D. Charles Deeming, a principal lecturer in the School of Life Sciences at the University of Lincoln in the United Kingdom, who wrote a perspective on the new study, but wasn't involved with the new research. Researchers found the pterosaur eggs and fossils in a bone bed (literally, a site with many bones) in the Hami region of northwest Xinjiang, China. (Image credit: Alexander Kellner/Museu Nacional/UFRJ) Researchers found the newly described trove of pterosaur eggs in the Hami region of Xinjiang, in northwestern China, during a long field survey lasting from 2006 to 2017. In addition to finding the 120-million-year-old eggs, the researchers uncovered fossil remains of male and female pterosaurs known as Hamipterus tianshanensis. (The genus name combines the "Hami" region with "pteros," the Greek word for wing, while the species name honors the Tian Shan mountains, which are near the site of discovery, the researchers said in a 2014 study published in the journal Current Biology.) The eggs are small just 2.3 to 3.1 inches (6 to 8 centimeters) long but they were preserved in three dimensions, meaning that many weren't crushed. To investigate the embryos within, the scientists used a computed tomography (CT) scanner, a machine that takes hundreds of X-rays and then arranges them in a virtual 3D image. The scans revealed that none of the 16 embryos had teeth, suggesting that either the embryos hadn't developed teeth yet or that dental growth was delayed in H. tianshanensis compared with other modern reptiles, including lizards and crocodiles, the researchers said. The team also found other evidence that H. tianshanensis was slow to develop. As pterosaurs grew, their bones developed lines that, like the growth rings of a tree, indicated how old they were. The anatomy of one bone from a 2-year-old pterosaur showed that it was still growing at the time of its death, suggesting that these reptiles took a while to reach adulthood, the researchers said. The egg-cellent discovery also provides clues that these Early Cretaceous pterosaurs nested in colonies, since so many eggs were found together, said study lead researcher Xiaolin Wang, a paleontologist at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. "Our study implies colonial breeding for Hamipterus, and indicate[s] that gregarious behavior might have been widespread among derived [more evolved] pterosaurs," Wang told Live Science in an email. In addition, the eggs themselves revealed hints about egg-laying behavior. The eggs have soft, parchment-like shells, indicating that they needed to be buried in a moist place to keep them from drying out and killing the embryo, Deeming wrote in the perspective. If these eggs were buried, that means the parents didn't sit on them as many modern birds do, he said. "However, adults may have attended or defended nests, which would explain the presence of adult skeletons [at the site]," Deeming said. The study was published online today (Nov. 30) in the journal Science. Original article on Live Science. U.S. health officials said they are concerned the upcoming flu season could be a bad one, based on reports from the Southern Hemisphere, where the flu season recently ended for the year. In Australia, for example, there were record-high numbers of laboratory-confirmed flu cases this year more than 2.5 times the number last year, according to the Australian Government Department of Health. And flu hospitalizations and deaths in Australia were also higher than average this past season. That does not bode well for the United States, experts say. "As clinicians in the United States prepare for the start of another influenza season, experts have been watching the Southern Hemisphere winter for hints of what might be in store for us in the north," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and colleagues wrote in a recent paper published in The New England Journal of Medicine. "Reports from Australia have caused mounting concern" about the upcoming flu season, the authors wrote. [6 Myths About the Flu Vaccine] Australia's bad flu season may have been due, in part, to a mismatch between the flu strains included in this year's flu vaccine and the flu strains that were circulating in the public. According to preliminary estimates from Australia, the flu vaccine was 33 percent effective at preventing the flu and only 10 percent effective at preventing infection with H3N2, the predominate flu strain in circulation during the country's flu season. The U.S. will use the same flu vaccine this year as the one used in Australia, and early data show that H3N2 is also the predominate flu strain in circulation in the United States so far this season, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Still, there's no way to predict for certain how severe or mild the flu season will be in any given year. So, health officials still recommend that everyone ages 6 months and older get a flu shot this season. "However imperfect, though, current influenza vaccines remain a valuable public health tool, and it is always better to get vaccinated than not to get vaccinated," the paper said. The paper also noted that the flu vaccine "mismatch" seen in Australia this year could be related to the way most flu vaccines are currently made: using chicken eggs to "grow" the flu virus strains. During this egg-based production process, flu strains may acquire changes that facilitate their replication in eggs but that reduce their effectiveness at preventing flu, the paper said. The possibility of a low-effectiveness flu vaccine this year "underscores the need to strive toward a 'universal' influenza vaccine that will protect against seasonal influenza drift variants, as well as potential pandemic strains, with better durability than current annual vaccines," the officials said in their paper. "In all likelihood, such a vaccine would not be subject to the limitations of egg-based vaccine technology," the authors said. Original article on Live Science. Whangaparaoa School is taking inspiration from Team New Zealands Americas Cup win, and has its own mini-Cup to prove it. Last month, the schools PFA president, Warren Frogley of Brandmad, successfully bid for an Americas Cup replica at the Sir Peter Blake Charity Regatta at the Royal NZ Yacht Squadron. The replica is an exact, half size copy and is one of only two in the world. In bringing home the Cup and sharing it with the school, Mr Frogley cemented a process that he says began when principal Kevin Cronin was inspired by Team New Zealands success to dream big for the school. Mr Frogley says that the Americas Cup has inspired the creation of a Cup Crew by the PFA these are class representatives who will rally parent support and assist with main fundraising events such as next years gala, in March. Whangaparaoa School has some big-ticket items that it needs to fund in particular, the replacement of its adventure playground and upgrades to the school hall. The students planned, surveyed, researched and presented a proposal for a new playground to the Board of Trustees. Their plan included equipment for all ages and came in at $115,000. The school hall is also in need of refurbishment, not fully covered by the Ministry of Education. Work has begun, urgently repairing a leaking roof, however the list is long and with an estimated budget of $300,000, it will take some time and an approach like Team NZ to make it to the finish line, Mr Frogley says. But the success of other school initiatives, such as the bike and pump track which opened this year, proves we can win this race with the support and efforts of our wider community. Northern Action Group chair Bill Townson abruptly walked out when the Local Government Commission (LGC) announced its decision on the future of local government at a meeting in Warkworth today. The commission said it had determined that existing local government arrangements in Auckland should remain in place. The commission rejected alternative proposals such as having a separate unitary authority for Rodney or having the area served by two local boards. The meeting was held in the Old Masonic Hall and was attended by LGC chair Sir Wira Gardiner, chief executive Suzanne Doig and lead commissioner for Auckland reorganisation Geoff Dangerfield. Also attending were interested parties who had offered alternative proposals for local government in Rodney. The Northern Action Group (NAG) has long campaigned for a separate unitary authority for northern Rodney. Speaking outside the meeting, Mr Townson said the LGC announcement will continue to impose a super-expensive city on disenfranchised rural and coastal communities who are being treated as cash cows. Mr Townson said the point of reorganisation was to ensure better democratic local decision making and provision of effective infrastructure and services. The preferred option of the Commission pursues none of these ideals and as such we believe they have failed miserably in discharging their statutory duty, he said. NAG proposed an administration for north Rodney based on the Thames Coromandel Districts community empowerment model, which it says has proved a huge success. This Commission is denying our community the same opportunity to thrive, he said. But Mr Townson said the Commissions announcement did not signal the end of the road for NAG. Thanks to generous support from our community we are in a position to seriously consider an appeal in the High Court, where we have had success in the past, or a judicial review of the way this commission has conducted this process. Speaking on behalf of the Commission, Geoff Dangerfield said the Commission came to the view that a North Rodney Unitary Council was not a viable option and did not meet the requirements of the Local Government Act. He said a unitary council, combining the functions of a district and regional council, must fulfil a broad sweep of functions, including sensitive environmental management. The cost of funding all these functions, and securing people with skills and capabilities to carry them out, over a small area was prohibitive. It would result in a 20 per cent rates increase to cover the extra costs that would be involved, he said. Mr Dangerfield also dismissed the option of two local boards for Rodney also on the basis of cost. We came to the view that for the costs involved the gains were very uncertain, and we stuck with the status quo on that count as well, he said. The commission's full decision can be read at MOUNT PLEASANT The Joint Board of Review joined the Village of Mount Pleasant and Racine County boards by unanimously approving Wednesday the creation of a tax incremental district and project for Foxconn Technology Group. This week both boards unanimously approved the local development agreement with Foxconn, the final stakeholder, which is expected to sign the deal Friday. The company plans to build a massive manufacturing campus on 1,198 acres east of Interstate 94, west of Highway H, north of Highway KR and south of Braun Road. Taiwanese-based Foxconn, a designer and manufacturer of liquid crystal display (LCD) panels and finished products, plans to build a $10 billion manufacturing campus of 32 million square feet in the southwestern corner of Mount Pleasant, with construction starting next year. The campus is expected to employ up to 13,000 people excluding an estimated 10,000 construction jobs and many thousands more indirect jobs. As part of the development agreement, Foxconn will front Mount Pleasant $60 million for land purchases in Area I of the project. Racine County Executive Jonathan Delagrave said the TID is well constructed and could be paid off earlier than expected, because it is based on conservative numbers. The return on the TID is only from Area I, Delagrave said. In Area II and Area III it would be extra, which means we would potentially be able to close the TID early. Historic moment When a TID is closed, the added property taxes it has created begin flowing to the various taxing entities and not just to repay the money spent on infrastructure within the TID. The Joint Review Board is comprised of one representative from each of the taxing bodies: Racine County, Mount Pleasant, Racine Unified School Board, Gateway Technical College; and one member from the public. After the Review Board votes were cast, Village President Dave DeGroot said a historic moment had occurred. Youve just created the single-largest tax increment district in Wisconsin history by a magnitude, DeGroot told board members. In doing so, you will have also created the most successful TID by a similar magnitude, because we already know that its going to close early because of the financial strength behind it. RUSD ready for 'positive challenge' Marc Duff, chief financial officer for Unified, sees Foxconn as a benefit to the district in the future. (The TID) really wont affect the taxes that Racine Unified is able to collect its neutral to the district, Duff said. He said the district is happy to be a partner and will be part of the positive challenges to the region. Were assuming well have more people moving to the area, having jobs, and their kids will need an education, Duff said. And were excited about that opportunity to be a partner in this. So, well have planning to do over the next several years. On Monday, 27 November, the first meeting to launch the new edition of Trotsky's masterpiece, Stalin, took place in Madrid. The event was held at the headquarters of the Friends of Unesco Club of Madrid (CAUM) in the historic Atocha street of the capital. The room was filled with about 70 people. The presentation was led by David Rey, member of the International Marxist Tendency and editor of Lucha de Clases magazine. The speakers were Alberto Arregui, from the "Manifesto for Socialism" and member of the Federal Executive of the United Left, and Alan Woods, leader of the International Marxist Tendency, and editor of the work. Arregui stressed the need to rearm the Spanish left with Marxism. He stressed the need to settle accounts with the experience of Stalinism, and insisted that in order to overcome the prevailing confusion over how to face the current crisis of capitalism, we must be clear about what model of socialism we aspire to. For that, it is vital to know Trotsky's analysis of the degeneration of the Russian Revolution under Stalin. Crowd at Madrid launch of Stalin / Image: own work Alan Woods explained the events of the Russian Revolution, reviewed the content of the work and described the role of Stalin and his personality against the background of the material conditions of Russia its isolation and backwardness at the end of the Civil War. He also drew an interesting parallel between the Thermidorian decay of the Russian Revolution and that of the French Revolution, which culminated in Napoleon's regime. Above all, he highlighted the role of Leon Trotsky in the last years of his life in preserving the legacy of the Russian Revolution and the clean and democratic traditions of Bolshevism. Panel and crowd for Madrid launch of Stalin / Image: own work The talk was followed with great interest by all attendees, and proof of this was that the dozens of copies of Stalin that were brought to the presentation were sold out. Lively event at the Madrid Complutense university commemorates the Russian Revolution and launches Stalin by Trotsky At midday on Tuesday, 28 November, a commemoration of the centenary the Russian Revolution of 1917 was held at the Faculty of Geography and History of the Complutense University of Madrid. The meeting also served to launch the book "Stalin", the great unfinished work of Leon Trotsky, published by Lucha de Clases, updated and augmented by 40 percent with unpublished material of great theoretical and political value. Crowd in the university / Image: own work There was a good attendance of about 60 people. There was a mixture of students and people coming from outside the faculty, attracted by advertisements on social media and public spaces. Some veteran comrades attended both talks we have organized in Madrid: on Monday at the CAUM and Tuesday at the university! The meeting had been organised by the University Marxist Circle of the Complutense (CMU) and the Lucha de Clases tendency. The event was introduced and chaired by Clara, a student of the faculty and coordinator of the CMU. The speakers were Alan Woods, leader of the International Marxist Tendency and editor of the book; and philosophy professor Carlos Fernandez Liria. A panel discusses the launch of 'Stalin' / Image: own work Liria spoke about the diverse revolutionary experiences that occurred in the 20th century, from the Russian Revolution of 1917 to the election and deposing of Allende in Chile in 1970-1973. He insisted that each time a country chose the path of revolutionary change, whether through parliamentary channels or through insurrectionary routes, it faced opposition and the fierce blockade of imperialism. He also explained the consequences that imperialist harassment exerts on revolutions: with the adoption of defensive measures to resist the great powers and the authoritarianism this can lead to in the long term an expression of a revolutions isolation. Alan Woods intervened, highlighting the significance of the Russian Revolution and the achievements of the nationalized and planned economy, which turned the most backward country in Europe and the world into an economic, scientific, political and military superpower without any type of foreign aid. Woods pointed out that the Russian Revolution was internationalist from its inception, being completely alienated from the narrow, petty and anti-Marxist nationalist conception of "socialism in one country". Alan Woods speaking at the Faculty of Geography and History of the Complutense / Image: own work It was precisely the isolation of the revolution, after the failure of the revolutionary wave in Europe combined with the devastation of the country by two successive wars that provoked a social and political involution and the development of a bureaucratic caste that wanted to "restore order" in the chaos, Stalin being the most qualified representative of that caste because of his pedigree as an "old Bolshevik." Alan rejected the argument that Bolshevism and Stalinism were the same thing, wondering how that was possible when Stalin massacred the Bolshevik leadership that made the revolution, alongside hundreds of thousands of communists opposed to his totalitarian drift. Alan explained that the book Stalin provides an innumerable source of data, references and analysis that allows us to understand how Stalin could emerge as the undisputed head of the bureaucracy, and the way in which his particular personality impregnated the character of his totalitarian regime: recommending all those present read and study this book. Some 20 students were interested in participating and attending the meetings of the CMU and a dozen Stalin books were sold. Spanish language version of Stalin / Image: own work Together, these two events have been a great success in Madrid. There has been much interest in the book among a significant layer of activists, workers and young people, which reveals the search for a revolutionary point of reference to transform society. In a modest way, it has helped to restore the historical truth about the Russian Revolution of 1917 in its centenary: defending its democratic and popular character, and doing justice to the central role of Leon Trotsky, together with Lenin. It has also contributed, in front of dozens of people, to the demolition of the bourgeois myth of associating the Russian Revolution and the regime of workers' democracy established in its early years (in difficult conditions of isolation, poverty and siege) with the brutal, totalitarian and bloodthirsty regime established by the Stalinist bureaucracy. This regime ended up returning capitalism to Russia, and looted the property of the people. Almost 80 years after it was written, Trotsky's Stalin now revived and updated in our edition is as relevant and inspiring as never before. by Sara Guaglione , November 29, 2017 Conde Nast-owned tech magazine Wired is planning to put up a metered paywall in January. Wired editor-in-chief Nicholas Thompson told The Wall Street Journal, which first reported the news, that he expects a digital subscription to cost less than Spotify Premium, which runs $9.99 a month. The simple reason that were going to a paywall model is that I think its going to make money, and Id like us to make more money, Thompson told WSJ. The deeper reason were going to a paywall model is because you need to hedge against the future. Thompson also said Wired has not yet decided how many articles visitors will be able to read for free each month. He was editor of when the site launched a metered paywall in 2014. advertisement advertisement Thompson, who was a Wired editor for five years before joining The New Yorker in 2010, was appointed editor of Wiredin January. Conde Nast told WSJ that paywalls may be put up on its other properties next year, as print revenue continues to dip and media companies vie for a piece of the digital advertising pie not consumed by Google and Facebook. The editor of Wired also told WSJ that going forward, he will tune the magazine's focus to become less general-interest and more for "tech obsessives," covering topics like artificial intelligence, genetic engineering and automation more closely. The idea is that this tailored concentration on technology will appeal to more readers, and likely advertisers, too. Also coming in 2018 for Wired? A store at Newark International Airports Terminal B. Conde Nast previously announced it has partnered with airport retail developer Pacific Gateway to sell the latest gear and gadgets. In April, whispers were going around that Vanity Fair was planning to introduce a paywall to its digital content by the end of this year. Business Insider launched a subscription offering this month called BI Prime, which puts select original financial news reporting behind a paywall. by Wendy Davis @wendyndavis, November 29, 2017 Defending itself against antitrust claims, AT&T says its proposed $85 billion merger with Time Warner will enable the company to better compete against cable companies and "insurgent tech giants." "The proposed merger of AT&T and Time Warner is a procompetitive, pro-consumer response to an intensely competitive and rapidly changing video marketplace," AT&T argues in court papers filed this week with U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon in Washington, D.C. The telecom's papers come in response to the Justice Department's lawsuit to block the merger on the grounds that it will decrease competition and result in higher prices for consumers. The Justice Department said in court papers that the deal would leave AT&T in a position to harm video distributor rivals by raising their costs, resulting in higher bills for consumers. The government also said the deal would allow AT&T to hinder online distributors that threaten the pay TV model. advertisement advertisement DOJ sued two weeks after reports surfaced that the Justice Department would not approve the deal unless AT&T sold CNN and other Turner properties. Those reports sparked concerns that the government was using its power to police antitrust as a pretext to strike at CNN for its news coverage -- which President Donald Trump has repeatedly criticized. AT&T disputes the government's position, arguing that the deal will enable new offerings, including the ability to "develop an over-the-top path for Time Warner content to reach consumers directly." The telecom also says the deal will allow it to launch new ad-supported video models. The company also says it has plans to draw on consumer data for ads as well as decisions about content and programming. AT&T also disputes the idea that it could harm competitors by withholding Time Warner content. The telecom argues that Google's move to launch YouTubeTV without Time Warner programs proves that Time Warner content isn't "essential" to competitors. by Laurie Sullivan @lauriesullivan, November 29, 2017 New ad dollars will shift the focus of advertising toward mobile mostly for video and social while programmatic will become the new standard for online media buying, according to a Forrester Research report released Wednesday. Amazon also might benefit from several changes coming down the pike, as advertisers look for a safer environment to sell their products and services. The updated report estimates that U.S. advertisers will spend nearly 70% more on display and social media advertising between 2017 and 2021. Investments, however, will be met with ad blocking and invalid impressions. The two challenges still continue to pose challenges for advertisers and test their faith in display. The report 2017 To 2021: US Online Display Advertisings Great Reckoning highlights changes in online display and social media advertising spend during the next five years. It focuses on how the dynamics will drive growth and what the landscape will look like in 2021. advertisement advertisement Digital media channels, excluding search, will represent more than one-third of total advertising spend in 2021, up from one-quarter in 2017. Forrester estimates that in 2017 about 43% of U.S. online adults reported using an ad blocker on at least one device, and 16% use it on a smartphone. The inability to view inventory and ad fraud adds to the challenges. Overall, the challenges will eventually "wipe out over a third of online display ad spend annually until 2021,' as it becomes clearer why marketers question not just the effectiveness of online display advertising but the dynamics of the media channel as a whole. Investments in social media advertising will carry the majority of the growth -- nearly doubling in the next three to four years. Mobile display ads also will see a bump. Amazon will benefit from the exodus as advertisers flee from open-exchange programmatic platforms as they head toward a handful of channels, according to the report. Amazons U.S. ad revenue is forecast to surpass $2.5 billion by 2021. And while its ad business is still small, advertisers are looking to advertiser in a "safe" and trackable platform. by Wendy Davis @wendyndavis, November 29, 2017 An ACLU attorney on Wednesday urged the Supreme Court to rule that law enforcement authorities need a warrant to obtain cell phone records that reveal individuals' locations over a period of time. "Nobody has expected ... in a free society that our longer-term locations will be aggregated and tracked," lawyer Nathan Wessler told the justices. Wessler was urging the court to rule that the police should have sought a warrant before obtaining 127 days' worth of cell phone location records from Sprint and MetroPCS for Timothy Carpenter, a suspect in robberies in Michigan and Ohio. The prosecutors instead obtained court orders under the Stored Communications Act -- which doesn't require authorities to show they have probable cause to believe the records will yield evidence of a crime. Justice Department attorney Michael Dreeben countered that a warrant wasn't required because the cell phone carriers were only asked to divulge routing information, as opposed to contents of any communications. advertisement advertisement "People who dial phone numbers on calls know that they're being routed through a cell phone or a landline provider. Those records can be made available to the government," Dreeben told the court. The closely watched battle, which could lead to new standards regarding digital privacy, drew the attention of a host of outside groups including Google, Facebook and Microsoft, which argued in a friend-of-the-court brief that digital data is entitled to "strong" protections against searches by the police. The records obtained by the police in Carpenter's case placed him at the scene of the crimes. He was convicted of six robberies and sentenced to almost 116 years. Carpenter unsuccessfully appealed to the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, which ruled that the authorities didn't need a search warrant on the grounds that he lacked a "reasonable expectation of privacy" in records that were held by third parties -- his wireless carriers. The 6th Circuit's decision drew on a Supreme Court case from 1979, when the court said police didn't need a warrant to obtain a list of phone numbers dialed by a suspect. The court ruled in that case that people have no reasonable expectation of privacy in the phone numbers they dial because they have shared that information with their telephone carriers. More recent cases have called that reasoning into question. In 2014, the Supreme Court held that the police need a warrant before searching cell phones, and in 2012, the Supreme Court ruled that the police violated a suspect's rights by installing a GPS device on his car without a warrant. Justice Elena Kagan suggested during Wednesday's argument that the police should have obtained a warrant for the same reasons they need a warrant to install a GPS device. "The obvious similarity is that, in both cases, you have reliance on a new technology that allows for 24/7 tracking" Kagan told Dreeben. Justice Sonia Sotomayor also seemed inclined to rule that a warrant is required "The Constitution protects the rights of people to be secure. Isn't it a fundamental concept, don't you think, that that would include the government searching for information about your location every second of the day," she asked Dreeben. He replied that warrants aren't necessary when people share data with a third party -- in this case, the phone carriers. But not all of the justices seemed inclined to rule for the defense. Justice Anthony Kennedy asked Carpenter's attorney why the Stored Communications Act -- which authorizes judge to issue subpoenas for relevant information -- doesn't offer enough protections to defendants. Justice Neil Gorsuch, the newset member of the Supreme Court, floated the theory that the location information was Carpenter's "property." "Say a thief broke into T-Mobile, stole this information and sought to make economic value of it," Gorsuch said in an exchange with Carpenter's lawyer. Gorsuch followed up by asking whether Carpenter would have grounds to bring a civil suit against the thief. While the battle over Carpenter's records centers on a search by the police, the court's decision could play a role in privacy cases involving tech companies. A 2014 court ruling requiring law enforcement authorities to obtain a warrant before searching cell phones was later referenced by consumers who brought a privacy lawsuit against Google and other companies. A group of Safari users argued in that matter that Google and the other companies violated the federal wiretap law by circumventing their browsers' privacy settings in order to track the Web sites they visited for ad-targeting purposes. Google ultimately agreed to pay $5.5 million in order settle the litigation eTurboNews, Thursday, November 30, 2017 8 AM Tourism is the number one industry in Hawaii and any threat of war between the United States and North Korea could bring visitor numbers down. With U.S. President Donald Trump and a North Korea Great Leader Kim Jong-un tweeting threats about atomic war, George D. Szigeti, president and CEO of the Hawaii Tourism Authority, issued a statement to reassure visitors about a monthly test of an Attack Warning Signal. Read the whole story at eTurboNews by Alex Weprin , November 30, 2017 HBO CEO Richard Plepler said Wednesday that the company will reevaluate its presence in most countries around the world over the next few years, deciding whether to launch over-the-top services directly to consumers, or if it makes more sense to stay with existing deals in some markets. Plepler said the company now has channels in 60 countries, through a mix of OTT offerings, cable channels and brand licensing deals. The company plans to launch a global OTT platform in 2018, which would allow it to launch in any country. What we are going to do over the next few years is we are going to look at each market, and make a decision whether or not it is smarter for us to build OTT businesses where we own our own content, in more countries than we have right now, or whether the licensing deals that we are doing [make more sense], Plepler said at the Business Insider Ignition conference. advertisement advertisement If I was betting, I think we would see more and more OTT, he added. HBO tries to have indigenous programming for most countries it launches in, like Brazil or Singapore, which makes matters more complicated. Those shows increase the companys programming costs, but Plepler said those locally produced shows often outperform even Game of Thrones, or Westworld -- sometimes by two or three to one. While HBO is about to begin reevaluating its international expansion strategy, CBS has already said it plans to launch CBS All Access in Canada and Australia, with other countries to follow. As HBO, CBS and other American media companies look overseas for OTT expansion in a bid to better compete with Netflix, concerns like locally produced programming and a global technology infrastructure will become even more important. The results of a recent study represent an incredibly important step forward for migraine treatment, say researchers, after it was revealed that a drug called erenumab could more than halve the number of migraine attacks for people with the condition. Share on Pinterest The erenumab drug was found to cut the number of migraine days by more than half for some people with episodic migraine. Study leader Dr. Peter Goadsby, from Kings College Hospital in the United Kingdom, and colleagues have revealed that the drug led to significant and meaningful benefits for people with episodic migraine over the course of 6 months, with around half of them seeing their number of migraine days fall by at least 50 percent. The researchers recently reported the findings of their phase III clinical trial in the New England Journal of Medicine. Migraine is one of the most common and debilitating conditions in the United States, affecting around 12 percent of children and adults in the country. More than just a bad headache, migraine is characterized by a severe throbbing pain on one or both sides of the head. And, in some cases, head pain may be accompanied by other symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, numbness or tingling in the face or extremities, sensitivity to light and sound, and vision problems. Migraine attacks normally last for anywhere between 4 and 72 hours. People who have up to 14 migraine days each month are considered to have episodic migraine, while 15 or more migraine days per month constitute chronic migraine. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to treating migraine, and prevention and management of migraine attacks may involve a combination of off-label medications and non-drug approaches. Finding an effective treatment strategy involves trial and error. Because the precise causes of migraine remain unclear, the development of new treatments for the condition is hugely challenging. The new study, however, may bring us one step closer to the approval of a drug designed specifically for the prevention of migraine: erenumab. MADISON Pizza visionary Wayne Mosley, co-founder of Rocky Rococo pan-style pizza, which has endured in Madison for 43 years, died Tuesday. Mosley, 70, died in his Town of Middleton home, said Mosleys daughter, Jessi Mosley, 30, who returned Tuesday from a monthlong backpacking trip in Thailand to find her father. The cause of death was likely cardiac-related, she said. Im an only child and I was very close to my dad, Jessi Mosley said. Hes my best friend and probably the person Im closest to in the whole world. This has been a big shock. Mosleys longtime business partner, Roger Brown, also expressed shock. Its quite unexpected, he said. Brown met Mosley in college at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana, when Brown was an undergraduate and Mosley was in law school. The idea for Rockys was formulated while Mosely was in law school. At the time, he was a regular customer of Garcias Pizza in a Pan, where Brown was working. Mosley passed the Illinois bar and could have have gone into law, his partner said, but he wanted to pursue his dream of starting a pizza business. He knew Brown through a mutual friend and recruited him. I didnt have anything better to do and he was so enthusiastic about his vision of what this could be, and I got caught up in it, Brown said. Mosley brought Brown in and made him an equal partner, for which Brown is eternally grateful. He credits Mosley for everything he has, especially since he met his wife through Rockys. Pan-style pizza was just starting to emerge from Chicago, and Mosley saw its potential. We grew up on it, but the rest of the country hadnt really had it available, Brown said. A five-state Midwest area that included Wisconsin was really the strongest pizza market in the nation, so a lot of stars really lined up, he said. Mosley realized that Rockys could be a sit-down restaurant and also sell grab-and-go slices like on the East Coast. It just needed someone to get it organized and do it well. That was his insight, Brown said. He was just a born restaurant guy, but his family wanted him to be a lawyer. Mosleys legal background really helped the business, too, Brown added. College towns targeted The two men wanted to open their pizza place on another Big Ten campus, borrowing what they liked about Garcias. The decision was between Madison and East Lansing, Michigan, and they settled on a Madison location on Gilman Street just off State Street. Hashing out names on the drive between Chicago and Madison, they came up with Rocky Rococo the name of a character on an album by the Firesign Theatre comedy troupe. They almost called it The Pizza Factory. The partners also created a Rockys pizza character who became the public face of the business for 40 years a tough-talking gangster who was in fact a pizza-loving softie. That figure in the white jacket, round-rimmed sunglasses and fedora became a Madison icon. And the man who played him, Jim Pederson, died last year at 68. Gilman Street gradually took off, but the big development came in 1975 when the partners found a more visible State Street location near Lake Street. Franchising came later. The company would eventually expand to more than 120 restaurants across the nation. In 1988, Mosley and Brown sold the rights to the company brand to their minority partners. Do you know you could give birth to the next serial killer, rapist or murderer? According to a study, the total crime rate in India has gone up by 26.7 per cent between 2005 and 2016, and it mostly starts at home. Don't believe us? Netflix may be of some help here. T.V. series like '13 Reasons Why', 'Ozark', 'The Sinner', 'Mindhunter' and even 'Riverdale' shed light on how up bringing has a significant part to play in the shaping of a youngling's character, especially in the case if deviant behaviour. Let's start with 'Mindhunter'. Every single convict interviewed for the purpose of understanding criminal psychology, some how trails back to the criminal's relationship with his mother. Jerry Brudos's mother derides him for his fetish of women's footwear translating to cross-dressing, Edmund Kemper's mum thinks he is a freak because of his size and would tell him that he would never have the affection of women because he was like his father (the parents were separated) and Monte Rissell's ma not only allowed him to grow without boundaries but his step dad would beat him to pulp, much like in the case of Richard Speck. Did the parents know they were raising serial killers? Of course not! While one can be born with psychological disorders because of chemical imbalances, it can't be denied that the criminal condition worsens with impact from an environment that is not conducive to personality development. The fact that two out of the five subjects interviewed confess that they probably would've grown up to be better human beings if they had grown with their fathers, also needs to be accounted for. A balance of affection and boundaries is imperative to minimising possibility of deviancy in children. The approach to bringing up children need also be realistic. In 'The Sinner', for instance, Cora Tinneti's mother is religiously superstitious in an obsessive way. She holds Cora's actions responsible for the health of terminally ill sister's health. That is why Cora murdering Frankie Beaumont doesn't come as a shocker if she at a very young age displays "deviancy" by eating a whole chocolate bar thinking that her hedonistic act would kill her sister. She does that to punish her mother for constantly nagging and depriving her. When the psychiatrist asks her what she would tell her 13-year-old self, she says "Run"-- away from the environment that would push her to make terrible life choices, starting at home. Cora even indulges in late night sexual escapades with JD because feeding her sexuality is a sin according to her mother-- she has not been educated about it from a realistic point of view, making her run to the first guy who appears to free her from her mother's binds. Catching her father intimately involved with the neighbour also triggers her first sexual experience, spurring her repressed impulses to come out in an unhealthy way. Netflix Another classic example is Betty Cooper's over-controlling mother in 'Riverdale' , and is most likely the reason behind her "Dark Betty" split personality manifestations. Perhaps Betty is just a regular teen with a proportioned black and white personality but her domineering mother causes the black to be repressed, which when surfaces is not only an appalling sight but may even turn fatal for her or people around her in the future. Netflix But why have we taken '13 Reasons Why' into consideration here? Aren't Hannah Baker's parents loving and supportive, model parents, if you will? Hate to disappoint you, but they aren't. Any parent assuming that their child is strong enough to get through dark times in their formative years is an ignorant parent. Children are sensitive to their parents' turmoil and don't want to add to it. When Hannah's parents lose their business and move, they get so caught up in trying to restart their lives that they forget to dive deep into the life of their seemingly strong daughter. Eventually she succumbs. Netflix 'Ozark' is, some how, the best example for ideal parenting but also the worst. Charlotte and Jonah are told the reality about their parents' money laundering business and they are even initiated into it. Their parents make sure that they are aware and protected. But that's what leads Jonah to gut animals and pick up a gun. He does it for survival. He even asks his father how laundering is done. Full marks for communication and bonding but what happens when both children go out into the real world and propagate the illegal work their parents started? Does that make them good human beings? Does that make their parents, good parents? Netflix That's one question looming over the heads of all modern day parents. That's why it's the right time to ask yourself, are you fit to be a parent? Are you fit to raise a child in this world? Do you think you could give birth to the next serial killer, rapist, murderer? Expensive designer dresses worn behind traditional abayas, vacations on the French Riviera, frolicking on private jets personalised to the tee, parties on luxury yachts worth millions, Saudi Arabia's royal families live a life of opulence sustained by the riches of their oil industry. They are worth billions of dollars and even in the time of austerity, buying a French chateau is considered absolutely normal. A life worth living, some would say. Purging The Old Guard Reuters The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is currently ruled by King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, the 25th son of the founder of modern Saudi Arabia, King Abdulaziz Ibn Saud. Ever since King Salman came into power two-years ago, he's systematically dealt with transgressions and established his own son Mohammed Bin Salman as the new crown king, making him first in line to the throne instead of his nephew, Mohammed bin Nayef. This single act by King Salman broke away from established norms of the Saudi royal family and made news all over the world. But since then, Mohammed Bin Salman like his father has proved that he's here to upend traditions without much regard for the senior guard and members of the Saudi Royal family. He is fiery and believes in wresting total control of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Recently, Mohammed bin Salman made news when he jailed many members of the royal family in an apparent bid to quash any resistance to his vision for the country. Opulence In The Time Of Austerity Reuters But it's not just Mohammed Bin Salman's abrasive style that's made news; he's also brash when it comes to living a life that suits his taste. While stories of his copious lifestyle are protected and seldom released by the Saudi government, his love for yachts has been extensively covered. One of the stories that brought quite some media spotlight on the new crown prince went something like this: On a vacation in south of France, Prince Mohammed bin Salman couldn't help but notice a 440-foot yacht floating off the coast. He was so impressed by its size and beauty that he immediately sent his aides to procure the yacht for himself. The ship turned out to be 'The Serene', a Russian vodka tycoon Yuri Shefler's personal prized possession. The aide, not willing to disappoint the prince, quickly made an offer that the Russian couldn't refuse. The deal was done within hours as the prince shelled out approximately 500 million euros for the yacht. That evening, Prince Salman had dinner on the same yacht he spotted earlier in the day as the Russian owner moved out. This is the kind of lifestyle choices that Salman is known for. While it is incredibly impressive for someone worth billions of dollars, his impulsive decision making some critics believe has put the kingdom on the path of instability. One of the prime examples of his inexperience reflects in how he proceeded to hurriedly form a counterterrorism military alliance for a Saudi-led war in Yemen. That war, since he took over as the minister of defence, has cost the Kingdom billions of dollars and left thousands of women and children homeless in Yemen. Growth, Independent Of Oil Reuters No matter then the inexperience he showed in handling the Yemen situation, Prince bin Salman is still being applauded for his vision for a new Saudi Arabia, one that is not dependent on it's Oil reserves. Recently, he presented a development plan titled Saudi Vision 2030. As discussion around his vision began (after he made a very impressive presentation), one of the commentators actually articulated what many in the room were actually thinking: I have no doubt, your highness, that the project you have put forward is a dream that looks, at the same time, realistic and achievable. However, we will be facing a huge dilemma: You are still an energetic and active young prince who has a clear vision, and your explanation was detailed and convincing. But, on the other hand, I can portray the situation as if you are driving an old car with worn out tires and an old engine. Honestly, with such a car, I tell you that you cannot reach your destination on time. This is a worn-out administrative government that is more than 50 years old. To this, bin Salman replied: This car has to move, and if it doesn't, I will have to replace it with another one. The commentator was Abdulrahman Al-Rashed from and the crowd present was actually impressed by his uncluttered vision and incredibly far-fetched but honest ambitions. Of all the vices Mohammed bin Salman is criticised for, aspiring for a modern kingdom independent of riches from oil reserves isn't one of them. Control On The Brink Of Dictatorship Twitter Saudi Arabia for long has been ruled by corrupt officials and businessmen leading to sluggish economic growth but at the same time enhancing the incredibly opulent lifestyle of the royal families that are highly dependent on their oil reserves. This is why when Prince bin Salman jailed almost 200 senior officials, princes and officials almost 95% of them agreed to reach some settlement for their release. One Saudi Prince Miteb bin Abdullah, once considered a strong contender to the throne, recently paid USD 1 billion for his release from the Ritz-Carlton luxury prison. Mohammed Bin Salman's recent actions against Saudi elite show that he's here to break the status-quo and he won't shy away from taking bold decisions without letting go of his own wealth and consolidating power into a much more centralized government machinery. Even as the Saudi Kingdom, now invariably led by a new heir Mohammed bin Salman moves towards an oil-independent economy, the internal power struggle encompassing the battle between tradition and modernity might prove to be a little too much for the splurging royal heads. Were excited to announce that is now part of A new look and an improved experience means you can still stay ahead of this fast-moving metals market with price data, news and market intelligence right here on Fastmarkets. Discover more than 2000 prices, news and analysis in primary and secondary metals markets. We cover base metals, industrial minerals, ores and alloys, steel, scrap and steel raw materials. If you already have a Fastmarkets account, youll still have uninterrupted access to your markets by logging in with your current details. The former commander of the Marines' Wounded Warrior Regiment who spent two months in the brig last year after driving drunk to his own arraignment is behind bars again, this time as a civilian. Todd Shane Tomko, 54, was arrested and lodged in the Adams County Jail in Quincy, Illinois Nov. 22 on outstanding warrants from the Virginia Beach Police Department, officials with the jail confirmed to The Quincy Herald-Whig, which first published news of Tomko's arrest, reported that he was arrested on seven felony warrants of indecent liberties with a child. At Tomko's May 2016 court-martial in Quantico, Virginia, his military attorney described him as a broken man, beset by post-traumatic stress after a 33-year career, which included combat tours. He was fired from his post as commanding officer of Quantico's Wounded Warrior Regiment in 2015 amid reports of misconduct including drunkenness at public events and inappropriate relationships with female enlisted subordinates. He ultimately pleaded guilty to sending inappropriate and exual messages to a female corporal, violating a series of military protective orders at Quantico, obtaining and using testosterone without a prescription, and driving to his May 6, 2016 arraignment with a blood alcohol level of .208. In all, four active-duty and retired general officers testified for Tomko as character witnesses, including retired Gen. John Kelly, former commander of U.S. Southern Command and now White House chief of staff. Maj. Gen. James Lukeman, then commanding general of Marine Corps Training and Education Command, said he had hand-selected Tomko to be his chief of staff for operations at 2nd Marine Division in 2013, but ultimately became troubled by the symptoms he exhibited and, at one point, issued his own military protective order, like a restraining order, against him. "I'm not a doctor, but he's not able to prevent himself from doing these things that he's pleading guilty to," Lukeman said at the court-martial. "I can't imagine it would come to that." According to an April letter to the editor published in the Herald-Whig, Tomko became the pastor of Parkview Church in Quincy following his forced retirement from the Marine Corps. -- Hope Hodge Seck can be reached at Follow her on Twitter at @HopeSeck. A Navy lieutenant who lost his life while working to save his passengers in a C-2 Greyhound crash last week may be recommended for an award, an official said Monday. Lt. Steven Combs, the pilot of the aircraft, was one of three sailors who died when the aircraft crashed Nov. 22 in the Pacific Ocean en route to the carrier Ronald Reagan from Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan. Eight other sailors, including the co-pilot, were rescued from the water. Combs managed to execute a landing on the water, giving the four aircrew and seven passengers the best opportunity to get clear of the aircraft and reach safety. The difficulty of such a landing with the cargo aircraft was compounded by high seas, which by some reports reached 10 to 12 feet, said Cmdr. Ronald Flanders, a spokesman for Naval Air Forces. "They did not have a lot of notice that they were going to have to ditch just miles from the carrier," Flanders told "To use the words of his co-pilot who told us, '[Combs] flew the hell out of that plane.'" Related content: Flanders added that the possibility of a posthumous award for Combs in light of his actions was under discussion. Combs, who was commissioned in 2011 and reported to Fleet Logistics Squadron 30 in 2015, had served aboard Ronald Reagan as a detachment assistant operations officer and administrative officer, according to a Navy release. During his career, he had logged more than 1,200 flight hours and 100 carrier-arrested landings. Navy personnel were able to rescue the eight survivors within an hour of the C-2 going down southwest of Okinawa. On Nov. 25, the Navy identified those lost as Combs, Aviation Boatswain's Mate (Equipment) Airman Matthew Chialastri and Aviation Ordnanceman Airman Apprentice Bryan Grosso. Multiple sources have reported that engine failure is suspected as a cause of the crash, though an investigation is still underway. "Clearly there was something amiss with the aircraft and basically they were not close enough to the carrier to try to bring it in," Flanders said. On Saturday, the Ronald Reagan held a memorial service to commemorate the lives of Combs, Chialastri and Grosso. Capt. Michael Wosje, the commander of the Reagan's Carrier Air Wing 5, paid special tribute to the fallen pilot. "The loss of one of our pilots weighs heavily on the entire Carrier Air Wing Five team. Lt. Combs will always be remembered as a hero," Wosje said, according to a news release. "I am proud to have flown with him." The commander of the carrier, Capt. Buzz Donnelly, also honored the sailors who died. "The loss of these crew members hits across the entire ship with great significance," said Capt. Buzz Donnelly, Ronald Reagan's commanding officer. "On behalf of the entire crew of USS Ronald Reagan, I extend heartfelt prayers and sincere condolences to the families and friends of the three shipmates we lost." Less than a week after the tragic crash, the Navy has not moved to suspend or pause flight operations for the aging Greyhound, the service's carrier onboard delivery platform for personnel and logistics. Flanders noted that the current batch of the aircraft, C-2A(R), which began flying for the Navy in the mid-1980s, has an almost unprecedented safety record. There has been only one previous fatality -- a tragic 1988 mishap in which an individual walked into the aircraft's prop arc. "This mishap was the first of its kind in several decades," Flanders said of the most recent crash. The Greyhounds now flying for the Navy recently underwent a service-life extension program that was completed in 2015. The transports are set to be retired and replaced by Navy-variant CMV-22 Ospreys in the mid-2020s. -- Hope Hodge Seck can be reached at Follow her on Twitter at @HopeSeck. Editor's note: Due to incorrect information provided by Tricare, on Tuesday published a story detailing increases in pregnancy costs for military families next year. A spokesman on Wednesday acknowledged the information released to was incorrect. The story has been updated to reflect this change. We apologize for the error. The cost of having a baby will likely not change in 2018 for most active-duty Tricare Standard and Guard and Reserve users, despite initial information from Tricare that such costs would skyrocket. In emails with on Tuesday, a Tricare official confirmed information indicating pregnancy costs would surge more than twenty-fold for many military families starting Jan. 1. But in emails and telephone calls with on Wednesday, another Tricare official said the initial information was not accurate. Instead, the spokesman said a flat-rate maternity fee system currently used by all non-Tricare Prime active-duty and Guard or Reserve beneficiaries for traditional in-patient hospital births will remain in place. The fee structure for delivering a baby at a traditional in-patient hospital is not changing in 2018," Kevin Dwyer, a Tricare spokesman said in a statement on Wednesday to That means "most patients will not see an increase, however those having a home delivery may see changes in costs," he said. As part of a series of other, major changes, Tricare fees for all non-Prime users, except those on Tricare for Life, will move Jan. 1 to a system that charges flat fees for in-network specialty and primary care after annual deductibles are met. The current fee system is based on a "percentage of allowable charges, and varies based on provider, location and appointment type, among other factors. But rather than shifting to that per-visit cost system for maternity care as originally stated by Tricare, prenatal office visits for all users will continue to remain free in 2018, officials said Nov. 29. Pregnancy and childbirth at in-patient Tricare network hospitals will continue to carry a flat "global" fee of $25 for the first day and $18.60 for each subsequent day for active-duty users on Tricare Standard or Extra as well as Guard or Reserve users on Tricare Reserve Select. Users who deliver at a hospital also will not see fee changes in 2018, officials said. However, those who deliver at home could face some higher costs, they said. Other changes coming to the Tricare system after the new year include an expansion to no-cost annual preventative care for Tricare Select and Reserve Select users and a new policy that will block users from switching between Tricare plans outside of the annual open enrollment period or without a "qualifying life event" starting in 2019. -- Amy Bushatz can be reached at Follow her on Twitter at @amybushatz. Officials say the device was known as an "unexploded ordnance," or an explosive weapon that did not explode and still posed a... Joseph V. Micallef is a best-selling military history and world affairs author, and keynote speaker. Two events in the last month have underscored the growing reach of Iranian influence in the Middle East. The first was the abrupt and unexpected resignation of Lebanese Prime Minister, later rescinded, Saad Rafik al-Hariri. The second was the announcement that Fatah, which controls the Palestinian Authority and the territory on the West Bank, would share administrative jurisdiction with the Hamas controlled government in Gaza. Both events, seemingly unrelated, underscore a new phase in Tehran's growing Middle Eastern clout. Hariri's Resignation Destabilizes Lebanon On November 4, 2017, Lebanese Prime Minister Hariri announced, via Saudi TV, that he intended to step down. At the time, he was on an official state visit to Riyadh. Hariri cited the growing power of Iran in the Middle East, in general, and the increasing influence of Hezbollah, an Iranian funded proxy, in Lebanese affairs as reasons for his resignation. He also cited fears for his personal safety. Hariri's father, Rafic Hariri, was assassinated in 2005, in what is widely believed to have been a Hezbollah orchestrated attack. His resignation announcement precipitated a political crisis in Lebanon, which many saw as a deliberate Saudi attempt to isolate Tehran and underscore Hezbollah's, and by extension Iran's, growing influence in the country. Hezbollah, a militant Shia Islamist political organization based in Lebanon that was organized by Iran in 1985, has been funded by Tehran since its inception. The group's political arm, Loyalty to the Resistance, is the third largest political party in the Lebanese parliament. The group, along with Amal (Hope Movement), another Lebanese political party associated with the Shiite community, dominates the March 8 Alliance, which currently holds power in Lebanon. The alliance has 24 of the alliance's 63 parliamentary seats. The balance of 65 seats is held by a smattering of other parties, including 59 seats by the March 14 alliance -- the official opposition. Hezbollah holds two of the thirty cabinet seats in the Lebanese government. Hezbollah's paramilitary wing is the Jihad Council. Originally set up by a contingent of 1,500 troops from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, the group has long clashed with Israeli forces along the Lebanon border. In 2006, Israel and Hezbollah fought a full-scale war that saw Hezbollah fire thousands of short-range missiles into Israeli territory and led to the capture of several Israeli soldiers. Additionally, Hezbollah fighters continue to be deployed in Syria in support of the Assad government in Damascus. The group has been branded a terrorist organization by the United States and its allies. It's unclear what specific events triggered Hariri's resignation, although it was widely believed to have been in response to Hezbollah's possible attempts to increase the number of cabinet seats it controls in the Lebanese government. Currently, Hezbollah represents around 20 percent of the parliamentary seats in the government coalition, but has only about six percent of the cabinet positions. It may also have simply been a useful pretext by Riyadh to highlight Hezbollah's growing influence in the country. After announcing a series of trips to the Gulf Emirates and Bahrain, later cancelled, Hariri traveled to France, accompanied by his wife and children, for a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron. Hariri is also a French citizen and holds both Lebanese and French nationality. It is believed that his wife and children remained in France for their protection. On November 21, Hariri announced that at the request of Lebanese president Michel Aoun, he had agreed to put his resignation "on hold ahead of further consultations." Hamas and Fatah Move to Reconcile In the meantime, on October 13, 2017, Hamas and Fatah announced that they had agreed to an Egyptian government brokered agreement to reconcile, after more than a decade of bitter infighting, and establish a national unity government. The agreement, which is still far from complete, calls for the two sides to integrate the Hamas administration of Gaza into the broader Palestinian Authority (PA) government of Fatah. Several hundred Fatah administrators will be transferred to Gaza to work with the Hamas government there and pave the way for the eventual integration of the two government's administrations. In addition, Hamas agreed that the Gaza police force would be rebuilt and that it would include 3,000 officers drawn from the Palestinian Authority police force. Hamas also agreed to turn over control of the Rafah border crossing between Gaza and Egypt to the Palestinian Authority. That border crossing had been closed by the Egyptian government, preventing the transit of goods and people between Gaza and Sinai, and further isolating the Hamas government in Gaza. As part of the reconciliation announcement, Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas announced that he would make a visit to Gaza for the first time since Hamas had ousted the Palestinian Authority from there in 2007. Significantly, the most contentious issues were set aside for the moment. These included the ultimate disposition of the 25,000-strong armed wing of Hamas, control of the tunnel networks that Hamas has built under the Israeli-Gaza border and the reform of the Palestinian Liberation Organization. The latter is widely seen by Palestinians as corrupt and riddled with cronyism, especially as it relates to the allocation and spending of financial aid given to the Palestinian Authority by various governments. The most significant issue is the question of national elections. It was Hamas's upset victory in 2007 that led to the split with the PA. Most intelligence agencies believe that if national elections were held today PA President Mahmoud Abbas, or any of his likely successors, would lose to Hamas leader Ismail Haniya. It's not clear that Hamas wants to take responsibility for the governance of the Palestinian territory. On the other hand, Hamas has received significant aid from Iran and a Hamas takeover of the PA would be widely seen as a victory for Iran and further proof of Tehran's growing clout in the region. Persian Imperialism and the Contemporary Middle East The reconciliation agreement underscores some important changes taking place in the Middle East and marks the confluence of several different issues, some purely local, while others are more regional in scope. The core issue is the growing reach of Iranian influence, a topic that the Arab press sometimes refers to as a reassertion of historic Persian imperialism in the region. Persian imperialism, is in fact, nothing new to the Middle East. It has waxed and waned over the millennia, from the empire of Cyrus the Great to the present "Shite arc of influence," which stretches from Iran across Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Gaza. When strong regional powers or superstates existed, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Byzantium, the various Sunni Muslim and later Ottoman empires, to most recently Saddam Hussein's Iraq, the reach of Persia or its Iranian namesake has been constrained and contained. In the absence of such countervailing powers, historic Persian imperialism cut a wide swath across the Middle East, including Arabia. Many Sunni Arab governments, especially those in the Gulf, fear that Tehran is in the process of another such flexing of historic Persian power. Egypt and Islamic State in the Sinai From Egypt's standpoint, it has a growing Islamic State (IS) based insurgency in the Sinai. The group, the Ansar Bait al-Maqdis (ABM) or Supporters of the Holy House, began operations in 2011. In 2014, elements of the group pledged themselves to Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and renamed themselves Isil-Sinai Province. Since then, ABM has been responsible for hundreds of attacks across the Sinai and the deaths of hundreds of Egyptian officials, government officials and policemen. The presence of that insurgency was driven home on November 24, 2017, when the Sufi al-Rawda mosque in the town of Bir al-Abed in the North Sinai was attacked by a group of 40 Islamic State militants. The gunmen set up a classic kill box outside the main entrance to the mosque with overlapping fields of fire. They then detonated several makeshift bombs, which not only heavily damaged the mosque, but caused worshippers to flee the mosque and run into the kill zone. More than 300 Egyptians were killed and hundreds more wounded. The group has called for additional attacks on the Sinai's large Sufi Muslim community, as well as attacks on Christians, especially Egypt's Coptic Christian community and Jews. According to U.S. intelligence agencies, IS militants in the Sinai have been collaborating with Islamic State militants in Libya and have received arms, supplies and financial support from them. Egypt has a vested interest in seeing the reintegration of the Gaza strip with the West Bank under the PA's authority. Cairo fears that the pervasive lawlessness that characterizes Gaza will provide a haven to Islamic State affiliated militants in the Sinai. The outbreak of violence between Hamas and Israeli authorities is also problematic for Egypt. Any kind of Israeli military response will likely drive Palestinians in Gaza to attempt to stream across the border into the Sinai, creating more headaches for Egyptian authorities. The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: Does It Still Matter? There is also a large issue in play here. The messy Israeli-Palestinian issue is no longer one of the defining pillars of Arab foreign policy in the region. It has been subsumed by the larger issues of Iran's growing regional clout. From the standpoint of the Saudis and their Gulf allies, long-time primary financiers of the "frontline states" in the Arab-Israeli conflict, not to mention the actual front-line states like Egypt and Jordan, the Palestinian issue is one they would like to see go away as it distracts from the problem of dealing with Iranian imperialism. A continuation of the Palestinian issue serves to give Tehran additional opportunities to aggravate tensions in the region and to destabilize moderate Arab regimes there. Moreover, it makes security cooperation with Israel harder to implement. That's one reason why the PA's Arab state supporters and bankers are pressuring them to cooperate with the Trump Administration's Mideast peace initiative; even threatening to withdraw or withhold financial aid if they prove recalcitrant. That's a dangerous strategy, especially given Abbas's and the Palestinian Authority's lack of political support. That strategy may well push the PA toward a de facto alliance with Hamas and its Iranian backers; a strategy that would significantly diminish the chances of a comprehensive peace accord and embolden Tehran supported proxies on Israel's borders. Abbas has not been afraid to push back against Arab and American pressure to get onboard the latest peace process, dropping subtle hints that a potential Iranian sugar daddy is waiting in the wings should his Arab benefactors withhold financial support or an unpopular peace accord be forced on the Palestinian Authority. Tehran has long maneuvered to position itself as a frontline state in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Should Hamas end up by default supplanting the PA, Iranian proxies will find themselves on four of Israel's frontiers: Gaza, Lebanon, the Golan Heights and the West Bank. Moreover, with de facto Iranian military bases in Iraq and Syria, and the defeat of Islamic State, Tehran's ability to directly supply its proxies with arms has improved substantially. It used to be that all issues in the Middle East, however benign, were invariably subsumed to the larger issue of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, an issue that even defined the boundaries of U.S.-Soviet relations in the region during the Cold War. Today, it is the rise of Iran and the reach of Persian imperialism that have subsumed all other issues in the Middle East, including the one of Israeli-Palestinian conflict. -- The opinions expressed in this op-ed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of If you would like to submit your own commentary, please send your article to for consideration. After three months of combat in Syria supporting the assault on Raqqa, a Marine Corps 155mm artillery battery is declaring victory and returning to the states. Officials with Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve, which oversees the joint fight against ISIS, said the departure of the roughly 400 troops from 1st Battalion, 10th Marines was an indicator of the success they and coalition forces have seen on the battlefield. "With the city liberated and ISIS on the run, the unit has been ordered home," officials said in an announcement Thursday morning. "It's replacements have been called off." Raqqa, in Northern Syria, is the self-identified capital city for ISIS. As of this summer, it was the only Syrian city and population hub that remained under the control of the military group. A concentrated siege on Raqqa by U.S.-backed forces began June 6; Raqqa was publicly declared liberated Oct. 20. According to task force officials, some 2,500 ISIS fighters were believed to be inside Raqqa when the fight began. For the entirety of that fight, Marine artillery units armed with M777 howitzers have been on the ground providing supporting fire. A detachment from the deployed 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit arrived on the ground in early 2017, and was replaced by 1st Battalion, 10th Marines, in mid-September. "With a 155mm artillery battery in the fight, their mission was to deny and disrupt ISIS from gaining ground or moving from their defensive positions," Lt. Col. Jon O'Gorman, chief of fires for Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve, said in a statement. "These Marines rained relentless and highly accurate firepower on the enemy." The current detachment of Marines has earned special accolades for its grit and effectiveness. Earlier this month, the commanding general of 2nd Marine Division, Maj. Gen. John Love, said the 1/10 battery had "killed more ISIS than anyone" with strategic fires and coordination with air assets. Army Sgt. Maj. John Troxell, senior enlisted adviser to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters the unit had fired so many artillery rounds in the fight that it had burned out two howitzer barrels. The announcement that Marine artillery will now be pulled out of the region and not be replaced is somewhat unexpected; Love told this month that 1/10 was set to be part of a long-term rotation that would maintain artillery presence in the ISIS fight. "The departure of these outstanding Marines is a sign of real progress in the region," CJTF-OIR director of operations, Brig. Gen. Jonathan Braga, said in a statement. "We're drawing down combat forces where it makes sense, but still continuing our efforts to help Syrian and Iraqi partners maintain security. Braga added that forces remaining in country would continue to work with local partner forces to prevent a resurgence of ISIS militants, defeat remaining pockets of ISIS presence, and enable international governments and non-government organizations to come in and help civilians recover. Mission The United States Army Special Forces have five primary missions: unconventional warfare (the original and most important mission of Special Forces), foreign internal defense, special reconnaissance, direct action and counterterrorism. Other duties include combat search and rescue (CSAR), counter-narcotics, counterproliferation, hostage rescue, humanitarian assistance, humanitarian demining, information operations, peacekeeping, psychological operations, security assistance and manhunts. Special Forces have the ability to be virtually everywhere at once; this guarantees that they are the first on the ground or already at a crisis location when trouble starts. Army Special Forces skills and training offers a thorough knowledge of foreign languages, customs and cultures. In addition, Special Forces service members are masters at training and organizing insurgents, surrogate fighters, native forces and foreign armies. History U.S. Special Forces, also known as the Green Berets, trace their roots back to the World War II Office of Strategic Services. The OSS was formed to gather intelligence and conduct operations behind enemy lines in support of resistance groups in Europe and Burma. In the Global War on Terrorism, Special Forces teams have helped oust the Taliban government in Afghanistan, trained and fought alongside the Kurds in northern Iraq, cleared the western desert of SCUD missiles and provided long-range special reconnaissance to coalition ground forces on the drive to Baghdad. Called the "Quiet Professionals," Special Forces units are deployed worldwide, displaying their dominance in unconventional warfare and living up to their motto: "De Oppresso Liber -- To Free the Oppressed." RACINE Yorkvilles quest to access water from Lake Michigan for a portion of the town now served by a different source moved a step toward approval this week. The town has had conversations with the City of Racine about selling Yorkvilles water utility, which serves only commercial customers. Meanwhile, with the potential for developments driven by Foxconns planned manufacturing plant in nearby Mount Pleasant, Yorkville is looking at other changes regarding water. A majority of the town has access to Lake Michigan water, but a portion is in a different watershed, said Keith Haas, Racines Water and Wastewater Utility general manager. Yorkville is pursuing the option to give the whole town access to the lakes water. Earlier this year, Racines water utility started work on an application seeking permission from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for Mount Pleasant to divert Lake Michigan water for a portion of the village now served by a different source. Yorkville asked to be included in that application. The towns request earned a unanimous recommendation from Racines Waterworks Commission this week. A proposed agreement between the entities requires the town to cover the cost of work associated with the application, an estimated $30,000. Haas said the town has money available from its water utility to cover the costs. The commissions vote is just one step toward the towns request receiving official approval. The request will also be reviewed by the citys Finance and Personnel Committee, with the ultimate decision in the hands of the City Council. The Town of Yorkville is also considering incorporating as a village to protect its borders from annexation. This year's edition of the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA) Grand Ball will take place on Friday, December 29 at the Banquet Hall of the State House in Accra. MUSIGA Grand Ball is an annual event which brings together captains of industry, ministers of state and other leaders of society in a night of wining and dining with some of the finest musicians in the land. As part of the event, there will be an auctioning of souvenirs from leading musicians and special collections of music by some of the leading artistes in the country. Some selected personalities and industry players will be honoured at this year's event for their outstanding contributions to the development of the creative arts in Ghana and the music industry in particular. There will be live musical performances from a number of Ghanaian musicians like Nana Kwame Ampadu, Becca and a host of others. MUSIGA raised an amount of GH32,000 for the Ageing Musicians Welfare Fund (AMWeF) and the MUSIGA Academy at last year's edition of the grand ball. The amount was raised from the auction of various items, including a number of musical instruments like PK Yamoah's guitar, AB Crentsil's 'dondo' and Rev Kusi Berko's accordion. Last year's MUSIGA Grand Ball was used to honour Mr Edward Boateng of Global Media Alliance, Mrs Betty Mould-Iddrisu and Kasapreko Company for their long-standing contribution to the development of the music sector in this country. The night saw performances from Wiyaala, Maa Amanua of Wulomei fame, Bob Pinodo and Abrantie Amakye Dede. Other performers were Tagoe Sisters, Pozo Hayes and comedian DKB. Poet and musician Crystal Tettey will on Wednesday, December 6 perform at the Goethe-Institut in Accra as part of a monthly series dubbed 'Goethe-Abansuro'. She will be joined by guitarists Nii Quaye Aryee and Nenikely, who happens to be her mother. Tettey is expected to entertain the audience with a combination of songs, poetry and spoken word, which has mesmerised audiences in Ghana and several European and African countries. Designed for solo and duet acoustic sessions in a tranquil and comfortable environment, 'Goethe Abansuro' equally ensures one-on-one interactions and exchanges between artists and the audience. Also known as Mada Ghana, Tettey is a Malagasy-Ghanaian arts-in-development consultant who seeks collaborations with artists, art bodies, educational and development-based institutions to explore creative ways by which the arts can be applied as a catalyst for sustainable development. Also a member of the EhaLaKasa Poets & Foundation for Contemporary Art-Ghana, she is currently co-facilitating a workshop series dubbed 'The Exporting Talent Project', which involves a series of experience-sharing sessions for artists. In 2015 and 2016, her tours / performance installations dubbed 'MadaGhana @ Your Bus Stop' saw her perform in a bus that travelled from Accra to Copenhagen (Denmark) via Antananarivo (Madagascar). She equally co-facilitated the 2015 and 2016 World Images in Motion in several Danish Schools which was organised by the Danish Centre for Culture and Development alongside three fellow artists Sir Black (Ghana), Sista Zai (Zimbabwe) and Frank Langmack (Denmark). Photo credit - Pinterest 30.11.2017 LISTEN Welcome to todays world, where save the dates are constant on our social media timelines. A world where instagram and facebook popularity matters more than anything to most young people. We live in an era where luxury has been redefined to mean normal and where the modest and moderate person is tagged as old fashioned. Our forefathers got married in a clearly different way and white weddings were not a requirement. Today, no matter how you decide to get married, without the fancy and luxurious white wedding/ reception, you are considered archaic. To many, it doesnt matter how they get married but to quite a large number of others, the public image is everything. In an attempt to have that talk of the town event, many young couples overlook the effects that having an over budget wedding can have on post-wedding life. In the end, we realize that many newlyweds are broke these days. After the wedding, life becomes difficult and even though they may not share these struggles publicly, the hustle is real. Jumia Travel, Africas leading online travel website discusses a few reasons why many newlyweds are broke. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail! - Call this the fundamental reason why many newlyweds are broke and you will not be far from being right. Life is all about planning. We always need to plan in order for us to have control over the things we want to achieve. Mostly, young couples who decide to get married do not plan carefully therefore everything takes them by storm. Accommodation, employment, feeding and all other basic stuff need to be in place to live a comfortable married life. Primarily, a regular source of income is needed if things are to run smoothly. Getting married without any of these in place only means that you will be left at the mercy of anything that life brings. There is nothing much worse than not being prepared for life after marriage. For men, its a little more complicated because instead of taking care of one person, now it becomes two and sooner than later three or more. You need a plan before you get married otherwise the financial pressures that comes with life after marriage may leave you broke. The effects of a financially handicapped family are devastating sometimes and occasionally even fatal. The fingers are not equal - This proverbial statement is often used comparatively and it definitely makes a lot of sense. The fact that your friend did A, B and C at her wedding doesnt mean you should do same when you dont have the means. You may not know where her funds came from or what he did to get that kind of wedding. Live within your means and spend what you can afford. You are better of comfortable in marriage than broke after the big wedding. Everyone can have a great taste but everyone has the same budget for it. Always ensure that you do not try to be someone else or do what others have done especially when you cannot afford it. Many young couples will spend millions on trying to beat what their friends or family may have done. The question remains, have weddings now become competitions? Your wedding was more glamorous than hers yet she is happier than you because she is financially stable. Food for thought. No expectations mean no disappointments - This is a simple life principle that helps those who obey it. When you have mighty expectations about what things should look like, you often get disappointed when you dont get it that way. My dream wedding should be like this and i have dreamt of this all my life are some of the things many people say. They go all lengths to make it happen no matter the expense. Although it is good to dream, you need to manage your expectations and rather than leave everything to chance, know what to expect. This way, you dont get disappointed if things dont pun out your way. There is life after the wedding. Think about this, will you rather have the dream life after an ordinary wedding or a broke life after a dream wedding? Dont expect too much or you may end up disappointed. Its never too late to marry - Family pressure, all your friends are married, you are past 30 and many other reasons are what causes many young people to force their way into marriage even when they are not ready for it. Even aside the financial implications, there comes with an unprepared marriage physical, emotional and psychological implications. It is never too late to marry and although it is great to get married early, you need to consider your financial position amid every other aspect of your life before making that decision. Family and friends may give loads of pressure which may lure you into caving in but remember, after the wedding you are alone in it. Be wise! Is the fancy honeymoon necessary? - Who came up with the honeymoon idea at all? For those who can afford it, its amazing! A time to actually really connect with your new partner. Spend quality time and enjoy all the intimacy that being married comes with. Its the beginning of a life long journey and often finishes with memories to keep forever. Some take it easy and have a modest yet fun and lovely honeymoon. For several others these days, it has to be a fancy trip overseas. Destination Dubai, The Maldives, Turkey, South Africa, The Safaris in East Africa or even Asia. The fancy 5star hotels, desert tours and expensive living is fun and memorable yet financially very draining. If you have the means, why not? If you dont, then better sit back and use that money to do something profitable to ensure that you dont go broke right after that. It will be great to have these memories but for a lot of young couple these days, rather than build a life to enjoy memories forever, they just spend lavishly on the memories now and go broke for a long time. Na memories you go chop? The debt factor - Finally, a very important topic. DEBTS! The most painful part of life is being in debt. To owe somebody money that you dont have. The headache and the pressure of living life with a negative sign on your account is never a great feeling. Many young couple get married in debt and struggle over the next few months and years to settle these debts. It may take a long time to recover because after weddings come added on costs. For some, they even owe many of the wedding vendors which brings about embarrassing comments and social media posts. If you dont have have the means, have a wedding with the vendors you can afford. Luxurious brands come with high costs. Be ready to pay for them if you want your wedding to be the talk of the town fancy dream wedding. However, no matter what you do, ensure that you do not owe after your wedding. Living in debts can ruin the harmony of your marriage. Marriage is great and weddings have to be fun but dont end up broke after marriage, its the worst experience ever! Happily ever after is far better than broke ever after. 30.11.2017 LISTEN The tithes pose great danger to believers than the blessing weve been made to think. One error concerning tithing by churches today is that tithes are not in the form of money. Wherever you read or hear of tithe in the scriptures, it is about foodstuffs or increase of land, or seeds or livestocks. God never accepted money for tithes. If the tither could not carry the food items, because of the journey to the place of tithing, he could sell them. But at the place of tithing, he had to buy food items with the money for the tithing. God has not changed this rule anywhere in the scriptures. He said in Malachi 3:6 before talking about it in the next verses that, For I am the LORD, I change not... So, why are people taking money for tithes? If anyone still insists that believers should pay tithes, they should follow Gods instructions. The Gods tithes are in the form of foodstuffs. Any tithe in the form of money is mans invention, and not Gods. Every scripture in the Bible concerning tithes talks about foods. When the scriptures mention tithes, its taking about foodstuffs. Tithes are in the form of foodstuffs, and should never be paid, used or applied in the form of money. When the Lord Jesus even rebuked the Pharisees and the Scribes concerning tithes in Matthew 23:23, He did not mention money. He knew that tithe was not money, so He mentioned mint, anise and cumin, and not money. He didnt say they pay tithe of every mite or cent. The only scripture where God allowed tithes to be exchanged for money was Deuteronomy 14:24-26. But at the place or time of payment, the tithe should still be foodstuffs. In Deuteronomy 14:24-26, God ordered that if the place to give the tithes was far, and to carry the foodstuffs was difficult, the tither should sell the tithes, which are foodstuffs, for money. But if the tither reached the place where the tithes were to be paid, he should turn the money back into tithes, that is, foodstuffs, once again, before he would give or pay it. In Leviticus 27:30, 32-34, God clearly specified the items He described as tithes, and His and holy unto Him. He said, the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the LORDS: it is holy unto the LORD. And concerning the tithe of the herd, or of the flock, even of whatever passeth under the rod, the tenth shall be holy unto the LORD. He shall not search whether it be good or bad, neither shall he change it: and if he change it at all, then both it and the change thereof shall be holy; it shall not be redeemed. These are the commandments, which the LORD commanded Moses for the children of Israel in mount Sinai. So if a believer still thinks, he would pay or give tithes, he should give or pay foodstuffs. Any other form, apart from foodstuffs, is not tithe. If you call money tithes, you have created something for yourself to serve. And any pastor or church, who collects money as tithes is doing something God has not commanded. The church or pastor cannot be of God. If you want to give or pay money to a church, pastor or God, remove the name tithe, and call it offering, a giving or sowing. A Christian gives free-willingly, wholeheartedly and cheerfully, he doesnt give by measure or for blessing. If even you are a farmer, and want to give foodstuffs, as some churches do annually, it cannot be referred to as tithes, but harvest. Tithe is not a christian word. ABRAHAM GAVE TITHES OF ALL The first mention of tithe was in Genesis 14:20, and it was in connection with Abraham. He gave it to a priest called Melchizedek out of the spoils of war. This tithe was not from Abrahams farm produce or his yearly increase. The spoils included goods or gold, silver and other precious substances and victuals or foodstuffs, herds and flocks. (Genesis 14:11) The scripture in Genesis 14:20 said he gave him tithes of all. The tithes of all could only refer to the herds and the flocks. Because the king of Sodom told Abraham to give him the persons and take the goods, that is, the gold, silver and other precious substances, after Abraham had given tithe to Melchizedek. Abrahams answer to the king was that he would not take a thread or shoelatchet from the spoils, except what the men who went with him had eaten and their portion. (Genesis 14:21-24) This means that, what Abraham gave to Melchizedek were from the victuals or from the herds and the flocks, and excluded the goods or the gold, silver and the other precious substances. What is more important is that Abrahams giving was of pure love or freewill. It was from his heart. Nobody asked him to give, neither did anyone specify or suggest any percentage for him or tell him the measure to give. Abraham gave it by faith, that is, by the principle of grace. God helped him to defeat his enemies, and if God had so blessed him, he also had to bless Him back by giving tenth of the blessing to His priest from his heart free-willingly and at his own discretion. He chose to give him ten percent, from which tithe was derived. If any person demands that believers give ten percent, it cannot be freewill or ones discretion or a principle of grace. And so it cannot be of faith, but of law. A law specifies what the lawgiver demands, failure to meet the demand or a default means punishment. A law enslaves, binds and intimidates. And it punishes. A law does not give the practitioners the choice or chance to decide by themselves or show or do what their hearts tell them in a freewill manner. If you are paying any money by faith, as the patriarch father Abraham did, then it should be by your own percentage, or measure or by your own discretion, and not a specified ten percentage. And it should not be a demand or come with an instruction that if you do not give tenth faithfully, you are cursed with a curse. THE DANGER OF LIVING BY A LAW God, by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, is not dealing with anyone by law, but by grace. Anybody who is under a work of a law is under curse. Because nobody can obey all the law of God. (Galatians 3:10) And a default in one point of the law, is default in all the points. (James 2:10) But if God is dealing with you by grace, and not by law, why do you want to serve or please Him by works of law? Paul said to the Galatians that they were foolish, because they turned to works of law, after they had been made to see how Christ was crucified for their sakes; to receive the Spirit of God and ministration of His miracles by the hearing of faith, and not by the works of the law. (Galatians 3:1-5) Paul told them the reason why Christ was crucified on the tree. He said, if one was crucified on a tree, it meant that the one was cursed by the law. So Christ had redeemed us from the curse of the law for been made a curse for us, that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles through Jesus Christ, and the promise of the Spirit through faith. The Lord Jesus Christ was cursed for our sakes by the law, that we Gentiles or non-Israelis or non-Jews could receive the blessing of Abraham through Jesus Christ, and the promise of the Spirit through faith. (Galatians 3:13-14) The blessing of Abraham and the promise of the Spirit come upon Gentiles through Jesus Christ and faith in Him, and not through payment of tithes or fulfillment of a work of law as the Jews. So why should a Gentile go back to the days of Abraham or to the Jewish laws to fulfill them for blessings and promises? It is only an ignorant, a deceived and a foolish person who will do that. But there is a consequence, and a costly one, for such an ignorance, deception and foolishness. Such a person cannot receive healing, deliverance from the powers of darkness, peace from oppressions, prosperity, power and victory of the world and eternal life that Christ gives freely to those who believe in Him. The scripture says, Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace. (Galatians 5:4) If Christ becomes of no effect unto a person or if one falls from grace, that person is even worse than an unbeliever. And it is what becomes of a believer who follows a work of the law. Tithing is a work of the law, because it specifies an exact percentage, and not ones own freewill measure. Again, defaulting in payment or paying it unfaithfully has a consequence of a curse. All Christians who practice tithing are under the curse. By this single practice, all these ignorant people have denied themselves the grace of Christ, including healing from the diseases that are in the world, freedom from oppressions of demons and witches, peace and prosperity, the Holy Spirit and eternal life. These ignorant ones are promised blessing by tithing, but what they do not know is that they are deceived. If it is a blessing to pay tithes, as any other giving is, why do the pastors and churches who demand it from us get angry and refuse to give us equal benefits like the tither in their churches or make us as beloved as the tither of their congregation, if we fail to pay it? Have you thought about it? Be wise. If any person tells you that there is blessing in giving, it is the truth. But if anyone says that there is blessing in tithing or in giving money as tithes, he is a liar and an evil person. Christ dwells in a believer. So the healing, blessing, victory, peace, prosperity, protection, provision, righteousness, salvation and eternal life that are in Christ are in the believer. If the believer continues to believe, out of his or her belly would flow rivers of living water as He said in John 7:38. But if he discontinues to believe and turns to the works of the law to justify himself, he makes the Christ stagnant and ineffective, unable to flow out to overcome the world and the deficiencies of the flesh to set him free. Live by the Christ, and not by your own works, and you shall be blessed to give freely from your own measure even higher than Abrahams tenth. The works of faith are not the works of the law. They are the believers deeds that come from the abundance of grace. We can only please God by the works of faith that come from what we have abundantly received from the grace. Nobody can please God by the works of the law, because the law is not of faith. (Galatians 3:11-12) Edward Bamfo-Darko Editor in Chief of the Crusading Guide newspaper says it is mischievous and propagandist for anyone to suggest the president was rallying homosexuals to agitate in order to have their conducts legalized in Ghana. Malik Kweku Baako Jnr said Nana Akufo-Addos comment in a recent Aljazeera interview on homosexuals is no different from the conclusions arrived at by the Constitution Review Committee set up by the late President John Mills and a government white paper issued after the report of the commission was submitted. He was speaking on Peace FMs morning show programme Kokrokoo, Wednesday. The president, Nana Akufo-Addo in a recent interview stated that even though legalizing the conduct of homosexuals is not on the agenda for now, if there is a strong call for it by members of the society, through agitation, the current law on homosexuals may be amended. Even though Ghanas law is silent on homosexuality, it criminalizes any act of unnatural carnal knowledge. Penetration through any other means, other than the vagina is considered unnatural under Ghanas law. President Akufo-Addo also stated that presently the practice of homosexuals is at variance with the countrys norms, culture, and values. His comments have a triggered a new wave of controversy, one that was prevalent during the administrations of the late John Mills and ex-president John Mahama. As usual, the controversy has taken a political twist with the opposition National Democratic Congress accusing the president of setting an agenda for advocates of homosexuals to agitate in order to have Ghanas law amended to recognize acts of homosexuals. Supporters of the governing New Patriotic Party have also been vehement in their defence of the president. When the matter came up for discussion on the Peace FM morning show Wednesday, Kweku Baako Jnr said any attempt to compare the recent comments by the president with the one made by the late John Mills will be an exercise in futility. He said the context and circumstances under which the two presidents commented on the matter were different. He said the late Mills comment was triggered by a call from former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown to have UK aid to Ghana tied to the West African countrys position on homosexuals. The late president was on record to have said that never under his watch would the law on homosexuality be changed. This context, Kweku Baako argued is different from general comments on homosexuality gleaned from an interview with Aljazeera. In any case, the Crusading Guide newspaper head said during the Gordon Brown controversy, Nana Akufo Addo, then the opposition candidate was on record to have told the former UK Prime Minister in the face that his comments about homosexuality and UK Aid to Ghana was an imposition of British values on another sovereign state. Constitution Review Commission For those who were hailing the late president for his seemingly strong public comments on Homosexuality and vilifying president Nana Akufo-Addo for setting an agenda for homosexuality, Kweku Baako Jnr said presidents comments were no different from those captured in the Constitution Review Commission comments which members of the NDC have given approval. The Commission stated in its report there was no compelling reason for the commission to address, let alone attempt to deal with the issue [homosexuality] in the present context. The more advisable approach would seem to be to leave the matter for settlement by the Supreme Court in due course. If and when there is enough interest in the matter (and there is sufficiently strong feeling about the issue) those who wish to promote the idea will be able to seek an opinion from the Supreme Court, and the Court will be able, soberly and in its own time, to consider the submissions put before it and issue the interpretation of the constitution in the light of the strength of the arguments advanced. Raymond Atuguba was the Executive Secretary of the Constitution Review Commission The Commission further recommended that the legality or otherwise of homosexuality be decided by the Supreme Court if the matter comes before the Court. A white paper issued by the then government also stated that the legality of homosexuality be decided by the Supreme Court. Kweku Baako Jnr stated that if the critics of Akufo-Addo are saying his comments were to incite homosexuals to agitate for the law to be changed, then were the members of the Constitution Review Committee and the government which issued the white paper not also asking the same people to go to the Supreme Court to have the laws changed? He added, asking the Supreme Court to decide whether homosexuality is legal or not is even more dangerous because depending on the orientation of the judges involved a decision can easily be made for or against homosexuality. Allotey Jacobs The Central Region Chairman of the NDC Allotey Jacobs who was also on the show agreed with Kweku Baako Jnr. Even though he believes the act of homosexuality is sinful and could bring unforeseen consequences on the nation if allowed to fester, he said the comments made by Akufo-Addo and those contained in the Constitution Review Commission Report and White Paper, which the NDC issued, were significantly the same. Story by Ghana||Nathan Gadugah Total Petroleum Ghana, a highly reputable oil marketing company, has commissioned a school facility for the Tigboro Jeffiiri District Assembly Kindergarten & Primary School located in the Upper West Region. The school has benefited from a fully furnished 3-unit classroom block with additional facilities like administrative offices for the headmistress and staff, a playground, a KVIP, a urinal facility and a mechanized borehole to provide potable water. Speaking at the commissioning held on 17th November 2017 the Managing Director of Total Petroleum Ghana, Eric Fachini mentioned with pleasure that education support was part of the companys core Corporate Social Responsibility. He further explained that the companys activities go beyond retailing of products and services to giving back to the community, which it has been doing for over 60 years of its presence in Ghana. He stated that Total Petroleum Ghana supports education all over the country through road safety campaigns for school children, Malaria prevention programmes and educational scholarships. "It is with much gladness that we complement governments efforts to eradicate schools under trees and promote quality education as a sustainable development goal. "The school project which took off on 6th July 2017, to meet the infrastructural needs of the Tigboro Jeffiiri School, is now ready to be unveiled and we are confident that it will improve learning and student enrollment", he added. Mr. Eric Fanchini assured the audience that Total Petroleum Ghana will continue to invest in such community projects to help improve the lives of people. The District Chief Executive, Madam Christina Bomanye Amadu, commended Total Petroleum Ghana for investing in education, a vital aspect of societal growth. She added that the initiative contributes to the existing educational policies of the government to improve education. She gave the assurance that the beautiful edifice put up by the company would be properly maintained to serve the intended purpose. The Headmistress of the school, Madam Joyce Garyoun with gladness thanked Total Petroleum Ghana for creating a conducive learning environment for both teachers and pupils. Did we not know the meaning of a failed state? did we not know Libya was a failing state? did it take the world by surprise? and how about African leaders. Were we blindsided to the events in Libya leading the failed state? In fact, did colonialism and slavery ever end from the land of Africa with the last colonial master gone? No, since the dawn of declaration of political freedoms and domocracy, not be grudging the fact, we've made huge strives towards freedom in africa. suffice to say, our freedom is still far within our reach- at the dictate of western influence. Financial aid, democracy and human rights accusation are the silencing weapons against every African leader. But it is time for African leaders to be proactive, rise and demanding answers from the west concerning Libya, atleast if not apology for the slavery and colonialism we never got. Because, the Deal with Libya was not to intervene and leave Africa with Libya, a failed state. So what? they may say, it has happened, what can we do about it? I believe not muct can be done to restore Libya, but the silence of the African Union, the viocelessness of her leaders, is the sign of weakness, its people distaste. I am begining to believe the school of thought who say Gaddafi, and Robert Mugabe were the last voices of Africa, demanding respect and relations in dignity from the west, who over years dictate to us on every aspect of our life under conventionms and charters. Indeed, no one need to be schooled on the outcomes of having a failed state, in any part of the world. we are all a witness to Iraq and Serria, and now witnessing broad day 21st century, age old slavery of black africans, auction into the gulf states. This is appalling and insulting to the African Poeples, the United Nations, the African Union and the world community at large. As a ghanaian, I feel so much anger boiling inside of me, to have seen this in the news. I have heard many here say its in the hands of our leaders to act. I for one fell indifferent, because we had leaders in this continent, we had leaders in the United Nations security council, who stood by, watching Nato takeout one of their members, turning Libya into a failed state, and subsequently into slavemarket, a haven for jihady terrorists. how can the world claim to be solving a problem, they barely mention its cause? or put the blame where it deserves to be placed, its simply the bases for us circling round with these aging problems. Lybia as a trafficking ruote into europe has been an aging problem for europe, the world has been aware of this fact. Obviously, cooperation from the Libyan under Gaddafi's regime was a bit problematic for Europe, who constantly saw him as a dictator. They had every insentive to get him out , and to place, someone they could easily build influencing relationship with. Though they suceeded in getting rid of him, they failed with replacing him, an outcome they barely anticipated. The share fact that, African leaders did not voice any opposition to the Libyan raid in the 2011, , despite knowing Libya offered many of its citizen fleeing the continent into europe for greener pastures,was a worry to many Africans. This reason amonge many, should have been enough grounds for African leaders to ask for more from the western leaders. its indeed and shame, and heart wrecking for human beings to be sold today, facilitated by globalisation and quest to enforce democracy in Africa. Frankly, I do not know the cost europe incur taken in African migants, but their action suggest they will do every learnt to end the subsahara migration into europe. the more a reason our leaders must do everything to make its poeple feel, they will go any length to protect them. No one need to tell African Union to send Troops to Libya, as they demand Europe and the western leader to take responsibility for the mess created. this is been responsible and leading and not a coward. 30.11.2017 LISTEN US Ambassador has called on Ghanaians to be a little more patient with the government as it prepares to fight against corruption. Robert Porter Jackson said he is confident the current government led by President Nana Addo Dankwa AKufo-Addo will tackle the canker head-on. I am aware that investigations are ongoing, he revealed. The US Ambassador made the revelation in an interview with Media Generals Alfred Ocansey on Tuesday. He said there has been cooperation between the government and its US counterpart and I feel optimistic that this is moving in the right direction. Mr Jackson said Ghana has the laws to tackle corruption but enforcement has been the challenge. He, therefore, called for stiffer legislation like the Right to Information Bill to be passed. I am hopeful that in this Parliament before it rises, we will see both of those bills. I think that will be proof that there is a serious commitment. Special Prosecutors Bill He observed that the current government has shown commitment to fighting the canker, so far, with statements made. But he asked for more time for the government. I would like to see the words translated into deeds and I believe that we will do that. So, lets give the government a little more time. They havent been in office a year yet and it is important to pass things like the Special Prosecutors Bill. But it is also important that they be done correctly. So that when we have the legislation, it can be used to the fullest advantage. Though the Special Prosecutors Bill has been passed into law an indication of a bold step to fighting corruption many people think the head to be appointed may be partial. Mr Jackson shares similar fears but wants more latitude given to the appointee. It really depends on who is appointed to be Special Prosecutor and how much latitude that person has, he pointed out. I dont want to prejudge the outcome. I do believe the president, the vice president [and] others are sincere of their desire to change the conversation in Ghana. PLEASANT PRAIRIE We Energies has announced that, during the second quarter of 2018, it will close its coal-fired power plant in Pleasant Prairie. The utility said it has decided to shutter the plant due to the economy of energy and market and customer demand, We Energies spokeswoman Amy Jahns said Wednesday. Contributing factors include the low price of natural gas and the decreasing cost of renewable energy, she said. We Energies is planning to reshape its power generation portfolio, Jahns said, in an effort to reduce both the cost of supplying power and carbon-dioxide emissions. The Pleasant Prairie plant, which has been open for 37 years, employs 158 people. Jahns said the company will work with labor unions to try to find jobs within the company for those employees. We Energies provides energy to the Midcontinent Independent System Operator market which manages and regulates the flow of energy to customers from various generation sources. We have an adequate supply of energy, Jahns said. Although We Energies doesnt have specific plans for the future of the power plant site in Pleasant Prairie, it does plan to remove the buildings and equipment there. Cutting greenhouse gases We Energies and Wisconsin Public Service both a part of WEC Energy Group have the joint goal of cutting carbon-dioxide emissions to 40 percent below the 2005 level by 2030. The closing of the Pleasant Prairie power plant will play a significant role in that, as the plant emits about 7.5 million tons of carbon-dioxide annually. However, some of the reduction in emissions from the plant will be replaced with an increases in natural gas emissions. We Energies has already reduced its carbon emissions more than 20 percent since 2005. It also has plans to invest in natural gas and renewable energy, Jahns said. In a press release about the power plant closure announcement, the Sierra Club of Wisconsin praised We Energies move toward cleaner energy production. This welcome announcement is yet another example of the inevitable shift to safer and more cost-effective clean energy, and highlights why Wisconsin needs a proactive plan to shift to clean energy and invest in the people impacted, stated Elizabeth Katt Reinders, campaign representative for the Sierra Club Beyond Coal Campaign. It is important that We Energies takes steps to support the communities surrounding the plant, invests in a fair transition for impacted workers, and cleans up pollution at the site as they transition this plant to retirement, Reinders added. We Energies has another coal-fired power plant in Oak Creek in Milwaukee County and a generation station in Paris in Kenosha County. Our Oak Creek Power Plant is one of the cleanest and most-efficient coal plants in the country, We Energies stated previously. We have taken several steps to minimize and suppress coal dust at the site, including upgrading water-suppression technology, installing video monitoring, improving wind breaks, and using foam and other crusting agents on our coal. The Forestry Commission is to release land to corporate and other identifiable bodies afforest ion projects, with introduction of economically viable foreign tree species. The initiative, according to it's Chief Executive Officer, Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie is aim at reclaiming Ghanas depleted vegetative cover and also bring economic returns. He says such partnership provide opportunity for mutual benefit for both government and the private sector. Mr. Owusu Afriyie has been speaking to JoyNews during inspection tour of some plantation sites in Ashanti and Western regions. The Forestry Commission promises potential investors litigation-free land for medium and large scale tree plantations. Introduction of foreign tree species like Melina and Kihuhwi from Tanzania to complement the popular teak is considered a big boost. An average teak plantation for instance, takes between 10 and 20 years to be ready for harvest. A 256-hectare teak plantation can fetch, at least, 20 million US dollars. About 7,000 farmers in Atwima Nwabiagya and Mponua districts in Ashanti, Merewa, Manse and Sui in Sewfi Anwiaso and Yiawso districts of the Western Region respectively are already reaping benefits of the Tuangya system. Local farmers are given land to plant food crops alongside tree species which they partly own. Nkawie District Forestry Manager, Nana Opoku Bosompem reveals more tree species with high economic have been introduced. Some of these are Gmelina, Kihuhwi, Cederela, among others grow faster than some local tree species. "This is such an area of value. The attention was on Teak because Teak seems to have the ready market on the international timber trade but for now I can tell you the Melina is leading," he said. Kwadwo Osei Secretary of a group of over 1,500 farmers in the Atwima Mponua District in the Ashanti Region. Together with others, he is beneficiary of a 270- hectare plantation. "It [plantation] has boosted our finances; such that we are able to secure some funds to finance the education of our children. More so renovation of our houses have been carried out and new buildings have started. We are able to procure some properties such as vehicles. Besides, it provide us and our families with food," he revealed. Mr Owusu Afriyie is upbeat about the investment opportunities in tree plantation. He wants corporate Ghana, especially, Ghana National Association of Teachers(GNAT), Social Security and National Investment Trust (SSNIT) and private sector in general to explore the huge potential. "I would wish that Ghanaians take interest [in afforestation]. In other countries, you have ordinary people who invest heavily in afforestation. Ghanaians don't; we want short term investments, short term profits. But this is a long term but it is beneficial so we will take this opportunity to urge Ghanaians to invest with us. GNAT, SSNIT pension funds; some of those monies ought to be invested here." The Minority in Parliament is up in arms with the government over what it says is a whopping amount of over 720 million that cannot be accounted for in the 2018 budget. According to the Deputy Minority Leader James Klutse Avedzi, the Finance Minister, in reading the budget was silent on what the amount was used for or where it is lodged. Speaking on the floor of Parliament Wednesday on the content of the 2018 budget statement, the Deputy Minority Leader wants the Finance Minister to return to the House to explain to members where that money is or what it has been used for. We have generated over 3 billion cedis. We have allowed the MDAs to keep 2.2 billion cedis. There is a balance of 721 million cedis. Where is that money? Mr. Speaker where is the money? They say the money is there, where? I cannot find it here, he argued. When he was later asked by Joy News Emefa Apawu what his suspicions were on the whereabouts of the money, the Ketu North MP said he had no suspicions, except to demand from the Finance Minister what the money has been used for. He is also demanding the whereabouts of the monies allocated for some government projects including the Zongo Development Fund, One district, one factory, in the 2017 budget statement but which were not executed. In a response to Avedzis queries on the floor of Parliament, the Deputy Finance Minister Kweku Kwarteng said the amount has been lodged in the consolidated fund. This collection goes into an account at the Bank of Ghana, he said adding if its the MDA retains part of it as Internally Generated Fund and the remaining is put into the Consolidated Fund. The suggestion that we have not listed some account here and therefore where is the money is a very strange suggestion, he stated. The governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) has asked all Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives (MMDCEs) with parliamentary ambitions to resign their positions by the end of this year. The National Council directive is targeted at MMDCEs in constituencies where the NPP has sitting Members of Parliament (MPs). Acting NPP General Secretary John Boadu said the decision is aimed at averting a replay of the apprehension, mudslinging and hostilities that characterized the partys parliamentary primaries in the past. Some MMDCEs during the tenure of President John Agyekum Kufuor in 2008 aggressively contested some sitting MPs, creating a situation where defeated aspirants went as independent candidates. The cohesion in the party suffered, but the NPP has taken pre-emptive measures in order to avoid a repeat of what happened in the past. The 5th National Council General Meeting resolved that MMDCEs who are eyeing parliamentary seats have to step down three years before the 2020 general elections. Mr Boadu told Gifty Andoh Appiah on Joy FMs Top Story Wednesday, the term of office of all constituencies, regional and national party executives have also been extended by three months. But local government expert Dr Eric Oduro Osae said the directive to MMDCEs could undermine their human rights. He said because Ghanaians have the political "right to vote" and be voted for, any decision that affects the enjoyment of that is against their human rights. Although he admitted the decision helps the NPP to separate party management from governance, Dr Oduro Osae asked the party to consider extending it to all the constituencies. But Mr Boadu said theoretically the general application of the rule as suggested by Dr Osae will be fine, but practically it is not possible. In some places getting people to contest is very difficult, he said. The National Youth Authority has expressed shock at the brazen sale of young Africans into slavery in Libya. "It is a revulsing return to 15th-century slavery at a time when our common humanity and dignity is a universal human right", the NYA said in a statement. The NYA says the revelations must be used as the tipping point in the fight against human trafficking and exploitation of Africans. The world is waking up the shocking practice in which hundreds of people are being auctioned in modern-day slave markets in Libya for as little as $400. Libya is the main transit hub for refugees and migrants attempting to reach southern Europe by sea. They are coming from countries like Nigeria, Eritrea, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Senegal, Sudan and Somalia. The power vacuum in Libya after the fall of Muammar Gaddafi has made human trafficking and people smuggling a booming trade. France has requested an "urgent" meeting of the UN Security Council to discuss this treatment of migrants in Libya. The Foreign Ministry has said three Ghanaians have reported that they were sold in Libya as slaves. Joining in the national conversation, the NYA said the trade while condemnable is a signal to African governments to the huge responsibility it has to create jobs and give hope to millions on the continent. It urged ECOWAS and the African Union to intervene in the migration crisis and quicken its dialogue the European Union to combat human trafficking The National Youth Authority said whiles it recognised that unemployment is the main motive for migration, the levels of desperation in recent times calls for short-term solutions. It called on the government to consider an aggressive campaign to discourage desperate young people from embarking on what has been described as the most desperate journey on earth. The NYA believes religious leaders can play a very powerful role in dissuading the youth from joining other African nationals to Libya. "The pulpit and the mosque are places where an extraordinary power of motivation can be leveraged to provide hope to the desperate", a statement said. The NYA urged Ghanaian youth to channel their "Go-to-Europe-against-all-odds" desire into opportunities in agriculture. The Authority said the returns on farming is good enough to capture the attention of young people. "There is the Planting for Food and Jobs programme ready to embrace any determined young Ghanaian who wants to farm", the statement indicated. 30.11.2017 LISTEN The ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), has resolved that all persons serving as Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executive (MMDCEs) who are willing to contest as Parliamentary Candidates in the party must be resign before the general elections. In a press conference held in Accra on Wednesday November 29, 2017 and addressed by the party's Acting General Secretary, Mr. John Boadu, stated that all the MMDCEs who wish to contest as Parliamentary Candidates in constituencies where the party has sitting MPs are not eligible to contest unless they resign from their current positions, at least three years before the ensuing national general elections. According to him, "The National Council, which is the party's Second Highest decision making body pursuant to Article 9(b) of the party constitution has unanimously resolved that all persons serving as Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives (MMDCEs) who wish to contest as Parliamentary Candidates in constituencies where the party has sitting MPs, are not ELIGIBLE to contest unless they resign from their current positions at least three years before the ensuing NATION GENERAL ELECTIONS". Mr. Boadu revealed that, the Council resolved that Regional Chairpersons, Regional Secretaries, Regional Treasurers, Constituency Chairpersons, Constituency Secretaries and Constituency Treasurer are not also eligible to contest in the party's parliamentary primaries in constituencies where the party's has sitting MPs hence unless they resign at least three years before the 'National General Elections'. He explained that, "The Council adopted these resolutions upon conviction that these decisions are in the best interest of the party and government. He emphasized that, the decisions 'ONLY APPLY' to constituencies where the party has sitting MPs but 'NOT APPLY' to constituencies where the party doesn't have sitting MP (Orphan Constituencies). The meeting of the National Council brought the bigwigs of party thus, President Akufo-Addo, Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, former President John Agyekum Kufour, the Speaker of Parliament, the Chief of Staff, Members of the party's Council of Elders among others. Below is the full statement November 29, 2017 *PRESS CONFERENCE ADDRESSED BY JOHN BOADU, THE ACTING GENERAL SECRETARY OF THE NPP ON RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE PARTYS NATIONAL COUNCIL AND RELATED MATTERS* Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen of the media We have invited you here primarily to officially communicate the decisions taken by the partys National Council at its 5th general meeting held on Tuesday, November 8, 2017 at the M-Plaza hotel. But before that, the party has learnt with shock the demise of our Volta Regional communication director, Efo Philipo, who passed on to glory this morning and accordingly wish to extend our deepest condolence to the bereaved family, friends and the party in the region. We shall provide them with the needed support in this trying moment. This meeting of the national council had in attendance, His Excellency President Nana Akufo-Addo, H.E. Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia, H.E. former President John Agyekum Kufour, the Speaker of Parliament, the Chief of Staff, Members of the partys Council of Elders, National Executive Officers, former national executives, representatives of the parliamentary group, all regional chairperson and secretaries and other members of the council as provided for under Article 9(b) of our party constitution. The National Council, which is the partys Second Highest decision making body pursuant to Article 9(b) of the party constitution has unanimously resolved that all persons serving as Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives (MMDCEs) who wish to contest as Parliamentary Candidates in constituencies where the party has sitting MPs, are NOT ELIGIBLE to contest unless they resign from their current positions at least three years before the ensuing NATIONAL GENERAL ELECTIONS. The Council also resolved that regional chairpersons, regional secretaries, regional treasurers, constituency chairpersons, constituency secretaries and constituency treasurers are NOT ELIGIBLE to contest as Parliamentary Candidates in constituencies where the party has sitting MPs unless they resign at least three years before the NATIONAL GENERAL ELECTIONS. The Council adopted these resolutions upon conviction that these decisions are in the best interest of the party and government. For emphasis, these decisions ONLY APPLY to constituencies where the party has sitting Members of Parliament and DOES NOT APPLY to orphan constituencies (i.e. constituencies where the party does not have sitting Members of Parliament). As part of this resolution, council has directed all the 10 regional executive committees to organize an expanded regional executive committee meetings comprising constituency executives to brief them on key amendment proposals that would be considered for adoption at the extraordinary conference. Also, National Council passed a resolution to EXTEND THE MANDATE OF ALL SERVING OFFICERS of the party at each level by three months following the expiration of their four-year mandate to allow for primaries to be conducted. National Council at this meeting, also adopted the report of the ad-hoc committee set up to review and streamline the proposals for amendments to the party constitution subject to approval and final adoption by national conference. The NPP would hold an extraordinary national delegates conference pursuant to Article 9 (A)(5) of the party constitution, on Sunday, 17th December, 2017 in Kumasi, the Ashanti Regional capital, as communicated in a notice issued by the general secretary on November 28. This conference is being held primarily to consider and adopt the proposed amendments to the party constitution. The Council also approved the calendar for programmes and activities of the party presented by the National Secretariat between November 2017 and June 2018, which has been spelled out as follows: 7th December, 2017 Interdenominational Service for peaceful elections and to mark the 1st Anniversary of NPP victory 17th December, 2017 Extraordinary National Delegates Conference 31st December, 2017 Deadline for updating membership register in preparations towards the upcoming primaries (This includes that of External Branches) 3rd January, 2018 National Steering Committee meeting and submission of rules and regulations for all internal primaries to National Steering Committee 9th January, 2018 National Council meeting to affirm the rules governing party primaries 17th to 21st January, 2018 Polling Station Elections in all the 29,000+ Polling Stations across the country 26th to 29th January, 2018 Elections of Electoral Area Coordinators 7th February, 2018 National Steering Committee meeting 8th to 10th February, 2018 Completion of the compilation of Polling Station and Electoral Area Registers of all Elected Officers 21st to 24th February, 2018 Constituency Annual Delegates Conference to elect Constituency Executives 5th to 25th February, 2018 Chapter Elections for all External Branches 18th to 30th March, 2018 Elections of External Branch Executives 24th March, 2018 Completion of the compilation of the Registers for all Constituency Officers (Elected and Appointed) including Disciplinary Committee members, Finance Committee members, 5 members each from Council of Elders and Council of Patrons 4th April, 2018 National Steering Committee meeting 6th April, 2018 National Council meeting 21st to 24th April, 2018 Regional Annual Delegates Conference to elect Regional Executives 19th May, 2018 Completion of all Delegates Album (Register) in preparation for national primaries 5th to 17th June, 2018 National Annual Delegates Conference to elect National Officers [Venue to be determined by National Council at a later date] In conclusion, the party fervently anticipates the full cooperation of all members in order to make the upcoming extraordinary national delegates conference and the internal primaries, a success. Thank you. ...Signed... JOHN BOADU General Secretary (Ag) Source: Daniel Kaku Blessing wanted to believe the advert on Facebook that promised "a cure for AIDS". Infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), she felt the ad was her only hope -- so against her better judgement, she clicked on the link. The 30-year-old Nigerian had created a fake profile on the social networking site in the hope of contacting a traditional healer who would be familiar with modern technology. For 100,000 naira -- about $280 (230 euros) and more than five times the monthly minimum wage -- she was promised a plant-based potion that would completely eradicate the disease. Sceptical, Blessing asked for more time and a face-to-face meeting. Instead, her would-be benefactor asked for her bank account details. That was several months ago. "He talked only about money, so I gave up," said Blessing, whose name has been changed at her request. "But I was ready to try." "There are so many people giving positive testimonies about the drug," she told AFP in a soft voice. Since then, with the distribution in Nigeria of free antiretroviral treatments that repress the virus -- but do not eliminate it -- Blessing has been able to finish her studies in sociology in Abuja. She said she now feels more comfortable with her HIV-positive status, but while she has a few business projects, the hardest thing has been finding a boyfriend. "I was desperate. Any relationship I wanted to be in was difficult. I know I have to live with the virus," she said. Power of prayer Despair and stigma for people living with HIV make them easy targets for a range of supposed miracle workers, including internet scams, in deeply religious Nigeria. An estimated 3.2 million Nigerians are living with HIV, and the stigma of the condition makes many people easy targets for supposed miracle workers Not a month goes by without a Christian pastor announcing that a follower has been "saved". In Lagos, the commercial capital of more than 20 million people, vast and imposing evangelical churches have become a magnet for the sick from across Africa. Among the most well-known faith healers is TB Joshua, who runs the Synagogue Church of All Nations, and whose popularity has earned him a multimillion-dollar fortune. He prides himself in his claims of having cured people of AIDS and even in bringing the dead back to life. His website is full of testimonies about his apparent powers of prophecy. One on his TB Joshua Ministries page on Facebook is titled: "AIDS kicked out with prayer." "Mr Ubon Augustine is a living testimony that no disease can escape the healing power of Jesus Christ," it reads. "He was healed of HIV/Aids through a prayer... Thank You Jesus!" No scientific proof Others also claim to have found the scientific cure for HIV, publishing research in obscure journals. One such assertion, from a professor at an agricultural university in the southeastern state of Abia, garnered significant coverage in the Nigerian news media earlier this year. Maduike Ezeibe claimed that after 25 years of research, he had successfully tested a drug he had developed on patients. "Nigeria is thus (the) first country to get 10 people (to) recover from HIV/AIDS," he was quoted as saying by Nigeria's Guardian newspaper in March. Nigeria's health agencies condemn such claims on the grounds of the "absence of sound scientific evidence" as well as the dramatic effects on patients if they stop taking conventional treatment. HIV levels can fall to below detectable levels with the help of a daily pill, but rebound when the treatment is stopped. The viruses swiftly reproduces to attack immune cells, exposing the body to opportunistic disease and worsening the risk of infecting others. "If someone thinks he is cured of the virus when on the contrary he still has the virus, the risk of transmission will be higher," said Daniel Ndukwe of the National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA). "We have had people claim they were cured of HIV by miracle healing, and we have also heard of those who later had a deterioration of their health afterward," he said. No formal study has been undertaken in Nigeria to explore the phenomenon but there is no doubt that many have seen a market for apparent miracle cures. Lucrative business According to UNAIDS, prevalence of HIV among adults in Nigeria was 2.9 percent in 2016, which is relatively low compared to countries such as South Africa (18.9 percent). But the actual number of people living with the condition -- 3.2 million -- is among the highest in the continent. Emmanuel Ugochukwu Michael, the founder of a match-making agency for people with HIV, says he is regularly approached by people asking for his 7,000-name database. "I receive a lot of calls from traditional doctors and mainly from pastors," he said. "They invite me for a dinner and promise to pay me money if I provide them phone numbers of my clients," he added. "It's a lot of temptation. It gives me a lot of sleepless nights, I can tell you. "There's huge money to be made and everybody wants to take advantage of it." Ghana, will on 1 December 2017, join the rest of the globe to mark this years World AIDS Day (WAD), under the local theme: The Right to Health: Know Your HIV Status, Seek Early Treatment. World AIDS Day is marked annually to raise awareness on the AIDS epidemic, its impact on persons infected and affected and also remember those who have died from the epidemic. The global theme for the WAD 2017: My Health, My Right focuses on the right to health and explores the challenges people around the world face in exercising their rights. Launching the WAD 2017, the Executive Director of UNAIDS. Michel Sidibe, noted that: All people, regardless of their age, gender, where they live or who they love has the right to health, adding that no matter what the health needs are, everyone requires health solutions that are available and accessible, free from discrimination and of good quality. Globally, this years commemoration seeks to stress and remind the world that if a persons right to health is compromised, they are often unable to effectively prevent disease and ill health, including HIV, or to gain access to treatment and care. The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), believes that achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, including ending the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat by 2030, will depend heavily on ensuring the right to health for all. For Ghana, this years WAD is unique, as it comes off simultaneously with National Farmers Day, a day dedicated to celebrate farmers and fisher folks, who contribute to about half of the total labour force in Ghana. The joint commemoration fits into the national commitment to reach all populations in every sector of society with HIV and AIDS information and services. The day would be marked with a joint grand durbar in Kumasi, the Ashanti Regional capital, where HIV prevalence is estimated to be 2.6 per cent, per the 2016 HIV sentinel survey report . This collaboration is necessitated by the drive to ensure that no one is left behind in the global effort to end AIDS by 2030 in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. National Farmers Day presents a special opportunity to reach out to farmers and other agribusiness men with the knowledge and tools necessary to live an informed life, says the Ghana AIDS Commission (GAC). The durbar will have the President of the Republic of Ghana and Chairman of GAC, Nana Akufo-Addo, as the key note speaker. The newly appointed Country Director of UNAIDS to Ghana, Ms. Angela Trenton-Mbonde, will also deliver the 2017 Global WAD speech on behalf of the UNAIDS Executive Director. The GAC, as part of the event, will in collaboration with partners, mount an exhibition of assorted Information Education and Communication materials, freely distribute condoms and offer HIV testing services. Technical personnel from GAC and partners shall be available to offer free counselling and psychosocial support on all matters relating to HIV and AIDS. This collaboration is expected to be replicated across the country in all the ten regions of Ghana. HIV prevalence for 2016 in Ghana was 2.4 per cent which represents a second consecutive upsurge from the 2014 prevalence of 1.6 per cent and 1.8 per cent in 2015. HIV prevalence was higher in urban areas (2.5 per cent) than rural areas (1.9 per cent). The commemoration of WAD 2017 is even more crucial as Ghana and the rest of West and Central Africa seeks to meet the global 90-90-90 Fast track targets of ensuring that by 2020, at least 90 percent of people living with HIV know their status; 90 percent of persons living with HIV are enrolled onto treatment and sustained in care; and 90 percent of people on sustained HIV treatment attain viral suppression. It also comes of at a time when the UNAIDS says countries in West and Central Africa are lagging behind in the global pursuit to end AIDS as a public health threat. Though the global response to HIV is accelerating at an unprecedented rate with a 48% decline in deaths from AIDS-related causes, from 1.9 million in 2005 to 1.0 million in 2016, available data suggests that only less than half of persons living with HIV in West and Central Africa are aware of their status. The Global efforts to reach the 909090 targets are leaving millions behind in western and central Africa. A relatively high burden of HIV in the region, combined with HIV testing and treatment coverage far below the global average, paints an alarming picture: while it contains 7% of the worlds population, the region is home to 17% of the worlds people living with HIV and accounts for 30% of the worlds AIDS-related deaths, says UNAIDS in its special analysis report. According to UNAIDS, the comparatively slow expansion of HIV treatment services, has held back the reduction of AIDS-related deaths in western and central Africa. The epidemic has claimed the lives of an estimated 310 000 adults and children in 2016 in the region alone. Figures also point that while the world witnessed significant progress in responding to HIV, with 57% of all people living with HIV knowing their HIV status, 46% of all people living with HIV accessing treatment and 38% of all people living with HIV virally suppressed in 2015, the western and central Africa region achieved only 36%, 28% and 12%, respectively. This meant a considerable 4.7 million people living with HIV were not receiving treatment. Insufficient access to antiretroviral treatment, under-resourced health systems and logistical weaknesses has made the region hardest hit by AIDS-related deaths in the world, pushing the UNAIDS to come up with a catch-up plan to supplement national strategies and existing plans with the aim of increasing antiretroviral treatment uptake and saving lives in the region. It is to supplement national strategies and existing plans. This plan, endorsed by African heads of states, during the 29th African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia is to dramatically accelerate the scale-up of HIV testing, prevention and treatment programmes, with the goal of putting the region on the Fast-Track to meet the 909090 targets by December 2020. According to the Regional Director of UNAIDS for Western and Central Africa, Dr.Djibrill Diallo, the successful implementation of the plan across the region, will see at least 850 000 people, including 60 000 children, diagnosed as living with HIV but not yet enrolled in care will receive sustained high-quality antiretroviral therapy by mid-2018. This is an estimated 65% of the number of previously tested but untreated people living with HIV. Ten countries in West and Central Africa have already developed and implemented their catch-up plans, with some already seeing results. They are Benin, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Cote dIvoire, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal and Sierra Leone. After my article on AMERICA AND THE HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA, published on 22 July, 2015, I thought this matter has been laid to rest in Ghana. But no, Nana Akuffo Addo has come to stir the pot again, and I cannot help but to revisit this satanic agenda, and to call upon my fellow Ghanaians and Africa in general, to rise up and to resist Satan and his agenda!!! First of all, this is not even an issue to be considered at all, knowing that Ghana and Africa have more serious issues to grapple with, economically, politically, socially and spiritually. But to bring up this issue, neglecting to address our more pressing and monumental problems, shows that the western countries that are pushing this satanic agenda are more interested in the butts, than in our economic, social, political and spiritual problems. But why should they care? Are we not independent? Are we not capable of managing our own affairs? After years of independence and despite the abundant natural and human resources in Africa, we still go begging for loans and assistance from the western countries, and that is how they are able to push their agendas on us. But we must rise up and resist this agenda from taking any roots in our culture. We the people must resist and rise up against anyone who tries to bring this abomination to the land, whether it is the government, a chief, a king, a minister of state, a pastor, a prophet, a bishop, an archbishop, a school teacher, or anyone for that matter!! At this juncture, let me repeat some excerpts from my previous article on the homosexual agenda as they are still very relevant to the issue: Whether you're straight or square, or rectangle or triangle, or even a pyramid, the word of God declares that, "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). Further, the Bible declares, "There is no one righteous, no, not even one"(Romans 3:10). And again, "there is not a just man on earth who does good and does not sin." (Eccles 7:20). Therefore, we are all sinners before God, but the good news is that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin when we confess our sin (1 John 1:9). Everyone of us is born a sinner and we all have broken God's commands and that is why we all need salvation, to be set free from the power, practice and penalty of sin. All sins are not equal. There are grievous or abominable sins, and there are sins that lead to death (1 John 5:16-17), just as in civil law where we have serious crimes or felonies and misdemeanors. Regardless, we need to guard our hearts and minds against all forms of sin, for God is pure and holy, and wants us to be holy! We cannot justify or excuse our sin, whether it is big or small. All sin is unrighteousness and the holy God hates sin (Psalm 5:5; 7:11; 1 John 5:17)! Certainly, God is love, but God is also just and does not overlook or countenance sin! The issue of sexual sin is a very serious matter, because it is the one sin that not only offends God, but is also committed against the body (1 Corinthians 6:18). Sexual sin attaches itself to the body, heart and mind, and may bring along VD's or venereal diseases, such as gonorrhea, syphilis, AIDS, etc. Not only does sexual sin defile the body, it also defiles the land and that is why God commands against adultery, fornication, incest, bestiality, homosexuality and all forms of sexual debauchery. Now the Bible describes homosexuality as sin in Leviticus 18:22-25; 20:13,23; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10;1 Timothy 1:8-10. Homosexuality takes sexual sin to another level. It is both abominable and reprehensible to the Lord, and is against the natural order of procreation, against the divine command, "Be fruitful and multiply" (Genesis 1:28). Legalization of homosexuality and same-sex "marriage," has nothing to do with "equality" and "civil rights," but with sinful rights, and God's judgment is upon any nation or society that endorses this abominable sin. We have nothing against homosexuals, and they can practice their lifestyle all they want, that's what free choice is all about. But we have everything against the homosexual agenda which is powered by Satan and is destined to fail, in spite of years of pushing, shoving, lobbying and financing, because it is based on lies, deceit, duplicity, unrighteousness and sinful lusts of the flesh. The ultimate goal of this agenda is to silence the church and to make a vile sin acceptable, without dissent, and this will not happen! Sin must be confessed in order to be forgiven, but no, the homosexual agenda seeks to glorify sin, to exalt the sin of homosexuality! Homosexuals used to hide in the closets, because of the shame and stigma attached to this abominable lifestyle, but now they have not only "come out" of their closets, they take PRIDE in their sin; they PARADE their sin; they PROMOTE their sin; they PROMULGATE their sin through legislation, as have happened in some western countries, but we in Ghana and Africa must not give room to this nonsense. As said earlier, this is not about equality or civil rights, but about sinful rights that destroy a nation. I'm glad that legislators in Kenya have warned Obama not to even entertain the idea of discussing this abomination on his visit to Kenya. The homosexual agenda seeks to put labels on those who won't accept their lifestyle, calling them, "bigots, ignorant, hateful, homophobic, intolerant," and what have you, but the true man of God is not afraid of labels and speaks the word in accordance with the word of God. Yes, there are preachers who have kowtowed to this stupid agenda, but remember that Satan also has his ministers in the church parading as ministers of righteousness (2 Corinthians 11:13-15). There are also preachers who are themselves homosexuals; and there are preachers who are pedophiles, rapists, adulterers and fornicators, using the name of the Lord in vain, and how can the blind lead the blind, unless they both fall into the ditch (Matthew 15:14)? This agenda seeks to vilify and persecute Christians. Indeed, persecution of Christians who oppose the gay lifestyle has already started in America, the land of freedom! Right now, some Christians have been fined $135,000 for refusing to make a wedding cake for a gay couple, and have been given ultimatum to pay up or else! Some have lost their jobs because of their stand against this abomination and the worst is yet to come, and this nonsense must stop! So much for homosexual tolerance!!!! On the bright side, there's plenty of hope for the homosexual and for all sinners. Jesus Christ came to save sinners and not righteous people, but tell me, who is righteous? The homosexual community is very ripe for the harvest and we give glory to the Lord of the harvest for His mercy and great wisdom and pray that He would use this travesty of justice to bring lost souls to Himself: "And such were some of you: but you are washed, but you are sanctified, but you are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God." 1 Corinthians 6:11 In the verse above, Paul is talking about people who were once lost in sin, in unrighteousness, fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, homosexuals, thieves, drunkards, etc., but are now saved and washed in the blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ (Verses 9-10). They have put their past lives behind them and are now new creatures, sanctified and made holy by the blood, and so there is hope for every sinner who comes to Jesus for salvation. Yes, come now and be saved, and stop giving excuses and trying to justify your sin. And the only way to receive salvation is to acknowledge our sin, to confess our sin, to agree with God that we're sinners and call upon the name of the Saviour, Jesus Christ, for salvation. It is a shame that America is more concerned about promoting the gay agenda, instead of finding answers to their economic woes and the social, moral and spiritual decline of this once great country. There is a divine judgment on America which many do not see, and would get worse, but we continue to pray and to intercede for the land and for the nations, that the Lord might stay His judgment and instead, send revival across the land and the whole world. Yes, there's judgment on the land because America has departed from the Lord, from the principles of their founding fathers. On their Dollar is inscribed, "In God we trust," but America today is a godless nation that does not honour or trust God, but has rejected God. They have taken prayers out of their schools. They have removed the "Ten Commandments" from public squares, and even as I write this, there is a court order to remove the "Ten Commandments" from the state capitol in Oklahoma on the grounds that, "it is religious in nature and an integral part of the Jewish and Christian faith." All this is happening, in spite of thousands of churches across America. This is because the church in America is dead, without life and without power and has lost her witness and is being swallowed up daily by the culture. In their attempt to become "relevant" to the culture, the church in America has fallen into apostasy, compromise and apathy and is it any wonder they have lost their voice and their witness? The book of Revelations describes the condition of the church in America today as in the stage of the churches in Sardis and Laodicea ( Revelations 3:1-4; 14-19). America's once great economy is now in shambles, and this is part of the judgment. God has taken economic power from America and given it to China, literally! Today America is living on borrowed money from China, instead of the other way round. Do you not read it in Deuteronomy 15:6; 28:44 ? When a nation turns away from the Lord, the Lord takes away the blessings and America has lost the blessings and is now a slave to China, according to the word of the Lord! America is living on borrowed money and sooner or later the bubble would burst and it would not be pleasant at all. America's national debt is in trillions of Dollars and unless the Lord intervenes, America would become the next Greece! Please pray for America and don't copy America blindly and foolishly! America has departed from the Lord and her sins has reached up to high heavens. Homosexuality, like other sins, is offensive to the Lord, but the legalization of same-sex marriage across America is the final straw that breaks the camel's back. But we continue to pray, that instead of judgment, God would send revival to turn things around for His glory, not only in America, but across the whole world, and that the name of Jesus Christ, the only Mediator between God and mankind, would be exalted. Brother Amartey is an ordained minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He lives in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. He is the author of TITHING:ROBBING AND STEALING FROM GOD'S PEOPLE, available at Vidya Bookstores at Osu, Accra. 30.11.2017 LISTEN The District Chief Executive (DCE) for Jomoro District of the Western Region, Hon. Ernest Kofie has expressed his worries over the security threats in the District. He made this known during the second Ordinary General Meeting of the Assembly for the year 2017 at Half Assini on November 21, 2017, to address challenges facing the Assembly and finding solutions to it. There is a relatively calm security situation in the District. However, stealing of coconut, chieftaincy disputes in areas such as Bonyere, Ellenda, Tikobo No. 2, Nvellenu, Bawia and the use of motorbikes for commercial purpose popularly known as Okada are however threats to security in the District. There was also a murder case at Takinta four months ago and armed robbery at Elubo, which resulted in the death of one person about two months ago. The DISEC and other agencies are working assiduously to maintain peace in the District. Hon. PM, most of the security agencies are operating under very challenging conditions. Office and residential accommodations woefully inadequate. The current Police- Citizen ratio of the one police to about two thousand (1:2,000) people puts a lot of pressure on the police. Let us all be involved in the maintenance of peace in the District by volunteering the needed security information to the police for the necessary urgent action. I want to also plead with Hon. Members to remain neutral in all disputes, especially chieftaincy and land-related disputes", he highlighted. He used the meeting to briefed the members on the Assembly performance on revenue generation. He, therefore, said, "the Internally Generated Fund (IGF) is not doing well as we expected. The Assembly estimated to collect an amount of GHc. 712,732.00 in 2017. The total collection as at 30th September 2017, stood at GHc. 350,554.84, representing 49 percent of the budgeted figure. He added that management has put in place a revenue taskforce to augment the effort of the revenue staff. "A revenue Committee involving the various revenue departments have also been put in place to compile data and do regular assessment of the revenue performance. Public education on revenue have also been organized", he pleaded. Hon. Kofie pleaded with the oil companies, NGOs, individuals among others to come to the District aid to move the District forward in a positive direction. He also the occasion to express his profound gratitude to President Akufo-Addo for the opportunity granted him to represent him in the Jomoro District hence pledged his support to work hard to achieve success for the area. The District Chief Executive took over the administration of the Assembly on 1st November 2017 and assumed work officially on Monday, November 6, 2017. The meeting brought together the Jomoro Magistrate, DCD, Assemblymen, and women, Government appointees, Chiefs and Queen mothers, Heads of Department, Non-Governmental Organisations, the media among others. Source: Daniel Kaku 30.11.2017 LISTEN Modern Women of Wisdom International (MWOW) an Advocacy women group Africa has joined numerous organisations and individuals in the world in condemning the slave trade of some African countries in Libya. A statement issued by the Women Organisation expressed sadness over the matter and stressed the need for African communities to take swift initiative to curtail such scandalous abuses of human rights. Pictures of slave markets and gross abuse of black Africans are awash on social media after CNN uncovered the fledging human trade in the North African country. The horrible images show some migrants being sold for $400 while others are tortured to death by individuals in Libyan military wears. Some Africans have condemned the apparent silence of the continents leaders over the development as the AU, ECOWAS and other known regional blocks are yet to comment on the issue. MWOW indicated that, as a matter of urgency, we seek the emancipation of all the captives and clearly, the AU has a role to play in areas such as ensuring the release of the victims and punishing the perpetrators''. ''As a humanitarian organization aimed at saving lives and preserving human dignity, we found this heinous crime morally undignified and humanely unjustifiable, it said. Read the full statement We the members of Modern Women of Wisdom International are not only raising the awareness of the presence of slave trade activities in Libya; we vehemently condemn the preposterous exhibition of racism and atrocious display of slave trade in Libya. As a humanitarian organization aimed at saving lives and preserving human dignity, we found this heinous crime morally undignified and humanely unjustifiable. Just when we thought the horror which once existed at the idea of a slave master armed with a dagger, whips, cutlass and guns inflicting pains on slaves was over because slave trade was abolished in 1883, we recently woke up to find human beings bundled and being shipped into foreign countries at a cost of 300 pounds/400 dollars per head in Libya. As a compassionate NGO, we found the animosity exercised by the captors towards the captives very horrible and we feel the moral imperative to speak out against this barbarism. Truth be told, no state in the 21st Century prospers by thriving on slave trade. Slave trade belongs to the Stone age. There are now better and more efficient strategies like free trade and free labour that boosts the economy of nations As a matter of urgency, we seek the emancipation of all the captives and clearly, the AU has a role to play in areas such as ensuring the release of the victims and punishing the perpetrators. The AU's commitment to the respect of fundamental human rights must be enshrined and enforced in its treaty. Again, we humbly call upon the International Community to step up their discussions and rescue strategies as a matter of urgency before the worst happens. We can't afford to look unconcerned as Africans because the by- standing effect will either make others feel threatened or encourage others to embark on similar activities. It is our fervent hope and desire that the International community responds rapidly by rushing to the rescue of all the black captives in Libya. Long Live Africa Long Live Humanity Long Live MWOW SIGNED: Mariama Conteh (Sierra Leone) Nana Ama Asantewaa Kwarko- (Ghana) Ivy Mvula- (Zimbabwe) Cerinah Nalwoga- (Uganda) RefiloeTsotetsi- (South Africa) 30.11.2017 LISTEN Freemasons describe their society as a beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols. But these symbols including a compass and an eye seem to have spawned lots of conspiracy theories. In fact its long been seen as a secret society or cult, a group of men who have sold their souls to the devil. The Ghana chapter of the society hopes to change these perception with the launch of a book titled The Freemasons,. JoyNews Maxwell Agbagba caught up with the author of the book, Abraham Gyesie at the Freemasons Hall in Accra and has come through with this audio report. Speaking at the launch of the book at the British Council on Wednesday, former President John Agyekum Kufour, who is the Senior Grand Warden of the United Grand Lodge of England stated Freemasonry is charity work. Last Saturday I decided to cover the National Sanitation Day exercise in Secondi Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly (STMA), an example of one of the few instances when I have had to run away from commenting on a national issue whether gay marriage is coming, or it is not coming. Even the fact that I am saying I dont want to be part of that conversation, can, in itself, generate problems for me. So I have adopted a convenient approach; I have decided not to understand the issues around same sex relationships or is that one too a problem? Anyway, the Secondi Takoradi sanitation exercise, which started at about 7am, took place at the market circle, Bank of Ghana, and AJIP round about, with the army, and the STMA city guards undertaking the cleaning. Unfortunately the general public was not involved. The low patronage of the exercise was so loud, that I wondered where all the millions of cedis and all the funfair that greeted the 2012 inauguration of the Sanitation Day, had gone to. As I made a few stops at the market circle, towards the Bank of Ghana area, the Glawa men kept congregating around my car, hoping to convince me, to change some foreign currencies with them; they behaved as though they were not aware that there was any sanitation exercise ongoing although the exercise was taking place right at their noses. The market women began to arrive at their shops at about 9.30am, just in time before the end of the cleaning exercise, and as they arrived, they waited in front of their shops, looking on as the army cleaned the gutters. Immediately the exercise was over, all the market women opened their shops at once, and customers began to come in, with many traders parading their wares right on the closed gutters, exactly the location where the army had cleansed a while ago. The liters began to fly back into the gutters, the streets started to see rubbish sweeping themselves back onto the open, as though no cleaning exercise had taken place. One man nearly punched my nose, when I confronted him, for throwing empty pure water bag into the gutter, and he had another person supporting him against me it took a woman to challenge him into silence, and to draw his attention to the clean up exercise that had just taken place. So yes, the sanitation exercise took place, but the rubbish went back into the gutters and on the streets a few moments later, and the work done came back to zero; I am told that the exercise would be repeated in three weeks, and our way of doing things will resurface, gathering the rubbish out and throwing them back, into the gutters from where they were gathered, month after month, do you get me at all? Last week the President, Nana Akufo-Addo, launched a National Sanitation Campaign, similar to the National Sanitation Day program that the former President, John Mahama, launched somewhere in 2012. The government launched campaign is also similar to the Town Council sanitation officers (popularly called Tankase Officers) of the late 1950s, and almost the same as the one that was launched by Stephen Asamoah Boateng, in the mid 2000s, when he was the Local Government Minister the sanitation program that failed, just like the one that failed previously, similar to the one that might fail, do you get it now? Since 2014, the country has spent millions of cedis going round the country, from one regional capital to the other, carrying out what was later referred loosely as a Political Sanitation Days, with all the fanfares that came with the events. We got Zoomlion to procure several hundreds of thousands of dustbins, including the ones which, we are told, were never supplied, but which we paid for in full, do you remember that one? Sadly the story has not changed, after the many sanitation investments in the country. We still have chocked gutters. We still have polluted beaches. We still have plastic bags disposed in the open. I did another visit, just to satisfy my curiosity, to assess the sanitation situation in the beaches of Winneba, and in Senya. In both towns, I saw open defecation on display. Men and women, children and adults, squatting, side-by-side, some on rocks, others in deserted holes, all producing fecal matters onto our beaches, with the sea waves occasionally evacuating them, into the sea, to exactly the spots where men and children swim, bathing in the sea water that has been mixed with the toilet they produced a while ago do you see where cholera began? I spoke with an elderly man, who had just completed his fecal mission, to find out why he had to walk six hundred meters, to do what he did at the beach, in such a hot afternoon. His answer was predicted; the government has failed to provide a toilet facility in his area, and that is why he had to walk all the way to the beach. This is a man who recently put up his own house, with twelve bedrooms, but did not include any toilet facility when he was putting up the house a classic case of a lack of law enforcement, right? Whoever failed, in his duty, to have ensured that this man included toilet facilities in his building, is still collecting his salary, and is still being seen as a noble man, while the integrity of our beaches are destroyed mbo! In a conversation with some of the users of the beach as destination for open defecation, they seem to admit that the practice was wrong, although the same was done by their grandparents, except that there are no options, and there are no consequences for the abuse of the beach. We have, within the National Youth Employment Program, a module called Youth in Coastal Sanitation (is that right?), yet our beaches are as filthy as they have been since we began to dance in circles. The National Sanitation Day, Sanitation Taskforce, Tankase, and so on, are all phrases of pain; they get us no results; they are all tokenistic projects, cycled and recycled, to give us a semblance of hope, that the situation shall improve they produce nothing! These programs did not work yesterday, they are not working today, and I dont see them succeeding any time soon - all these fun-filled launching and re-launching of sanitation programs that have been done, and continue to be done, are a waste of our money; the people are not interested in owning it, cant you see? We need innovation, to solve the problem. On my way to Rwanda a couple of years ago, it was part of the landing announcements, that, rubber bags are not allowed in Kigali. I am not comparing us to Sweden. I am not comparing us to Brussels. I am not comparing us to Geneva. I am comparing Ghana with a genocide affected country that had emerged from war. Kigali is beautiful, not because of high rise buildings. Kigali is beautiful because there is a collective resolve, backed by concrete leadership, to rid the city of filth. If we want to succeed, like Rwanda has done, we will need to deploy sanitation programs back with ruthless consequences for violations, a program that comes with strong political will, and are owned by the communities, devoid of partisan recruitment, with community determination to provide vanguard for its sustainability. In the past, cultural taboos and our traditional institutions, were the centers of fear, into obeying environmental laws. If these taboos were still respectable, and respected, they would have continued with us into self-regulation, as done by our forefathers, to maintain the environment. But we have lost the fear of the gods. When we became Christians, we destroyed them, without looking at the rationale for their existence. In place of the gods, we brought something we call Sanitation Police, a taskforce which, unfortunately Anyway, in the absence of the cultural route to law enforcement, we will need to decentralize decisions around who becomes responsible for the sanitation situation in our districts. Let us invest all the several millions of cedis we are paying for sanitation days, into open and fairly selected private sanitation companies, paying them premium, and tasking them to ensure that every corner of the district is clean, giving them the power to enforce prosecution of those who mess up the environment. At the same time give the citizens a role to play, as in making sure that they hold those sanitation companies to account, and if they fail, empower the citizens to be able to take them to court, with consequences therein lies the solution to our problems, with both of us, sanitation companies, and citizens, holding each other to account collectively and variously. The vagina (lat.: sheath) is a muscular tube about 3 1/2 inches long extending from the cervix to an external opening which is part of the vulva. The vagina serves three main functions: It provides a passageway for the menstrual flow from the uterus to the outside. It serves as a receptacle for a man's penis and his ejaculated sperm which then may move on through the cervix. . It provides a passageway for the baby during birth from the uterus to the outside The vaginal walls Under ordinary circumstances, the vagina is a collapsed tube, i.e., more a potential than actual space. Its inner surface, like that of the mouth, hosts different kinds of organisms which live in a healthy ecological balance. This balance can be upset, however, as a result of chemical interference. For this reason, vaginal sprays and douches should be avoided. The vagina cleanses itself with its own secretions. It also possesses a special protection against infection. The vaginal walls, which lie close together, contain mucous crypts and many blood vessels, but no glands and few nerve endings. During sexual excitement, these walls secrete a watery substance which serves as a lubricant during coitus. Without such lubrication, the insertion of a penis could be painful to both the woman and the man. The vagina during sexual intercourse The vagina adjusts to the size of any inserted penis, large or small. However, that portion of the vagina which lies closest to the external opening may, in some cases, become too relaxed for the preference of either sexual partner. This can happen after childbirth, for instance, or simply as a result of the aging process. Conversely, it is also possible for the vaginal entry to become so tense and tight that it cannot be penetrated. Such a vaginal spasm is called vaginismus. Both problems can usually be solved by behavior therapy and/or appropriate exercises. Some of these exercises, the socalled Kegel exercises (named after the 20th century American gynecologist Arnold Kegel), can easily be performed by all women at all times, anywhere. Ejaculation from the vagina? Some (by no means all!) women also expel some fluid from the urethra during orgasm. In the past, it was often assumed that the fluid could only be urine, and this caused the women some embarrassment. Sometimes another explanation was given: The fluid must have come from the vagina itself, perhaps as sudden excessive lubrication or as secretion from the Bartholin's glands. However, both explanations were wrong: The fluid did indeed come from the urethra, but it was not urine. Recent research suggests that the fluid is secreted by a system of urethral (or paraurethral) glands, i.e., glands which surround the urethra and open into it. This system of glands is more developed in some women than in others. In any case, it corresponds to the prostate in males, which also surrounds the urethra. Some researchers have therefore gone so far as to speak of a "female prostate." By the same token, the expulsion of fluid from this glandular system during orgasmic contractions has been called "female ejaculation," especially since the fluid itself has been shown to be similar to male prostatic fluid. (There are no sperm cells in these "female ejaculations", of course). The G-spot While only relatively few women "ejaculate" in this sense, many more have a certain sensitive spot, a cluster of tissue surrounding the urethra, which can be felt and stimulated through the anterior vaginal wall. This tissue (which is probably identical or at least connected with the system of urethral glands) first swells under intense stimulation and then contributes to a specially intense orgasmic release. Anatomically, this sensitive area has now become known as the "Grafenberg spot" (G-spot) after Ernst Grafenberg , a German-American gynecologist, who first described it in 1950. AngloGold Ashanti Iduapriem Gold Mine received three prestigious awards at the 2017 Ghana Mining Industry Awards (GMIA), organized by the Ghana Chamber of Mines in Accra. The GMIA seeks to promote, recognize and celebrate outstanding achievement and excellence in the mining industry. The three awards won by Iduapriem Gold Mine were Best Performer in Innovation, Best Female Miner of the Year and first runner-up in the Corporate Social Investment (CSI) category. The awards were in recognition of the sterling performance of Iduapriem Mine for its contribution to the mining sector as well as its communities. Additionally, the Mines major contractor MAXMASS and Zen Petroleum scooped an award for Best Performer in Contract Mining, Mine Supplies and Support Services respectively. Mrs. Mary Anita Appianin, Senior Mining Engineer won the coveted Female Miner of the Year Award. She expressed her appreciation to AngloGold AshantiIduapriem Gold Mine for the support and confidence bestowed upon her by giving her the opportunity to contribute towards the growth of the Mine operations. At Iduapriem, employees are given equal opportunity for growth and personal development, thereby encouraging everyone to give their best especially females, she added. Through her leadership and team-work skills, Iduapriem Gold Mine was able to achieve its annual production target in 2016 by taking ownership of a management production tracking tool (Production Model). As part of AngloGold Ashantis value of leaving our communities with a sustainable future, we will strive to do more in Local Economic Development in order to provide alternative livelihoods for communities where we operate noted Jasper Musadaidzwa, the Managing Director of Iduapriem Gold Mine. Commenting on the award won by Anita, he said,The Mine will continue to promote our business principle of inclusion and teamwork, delivering benefits from our rich diversity and ensuring that women employees are motivated to give their best. About AngloGold Ashanti AngloGold Ashanti is a global gold mining company with 17 operations and exploration projects in four different regions namely South Africa, Continental Africa, Australasia and the Americas. The primary listing of the companys ordinary shares is on the JSE Limited (JSE). Its ordinary shares are also listed on stock exchanges in London and Ghana, as well as being quoted in New York in the form of American Depositary Shares (ADSs), in Australia, in the form of CHESS Depositary Interests (CDIs) and in Ghana, in the form of Ghanaian Depositary Shares (GhDSs). Dutch Prime Minister Mr. Mark Rutte is in Accra for a two-day visit from 29-30 November 2017. With this visit, the first of a Dutch Prime Minister to Ghana, Mr Rutte wants to reaffirm and further strengthen the excellent relations between the two countries. His visit coincides with that of the French President Emmanuel Macron to Ghana. The two leaders agreed to visit Ghana together, in the aftermath of the AU-EU summit in Abidjan. H.E. President Nana Akufo-Addo will host a lunch for President Macron and Prime Minister Rutte. Both European leaders will also meet with young Ghanaian entrepreneurs, whom have benefitted from startup accelerator programs. The Dutch Prime Minister will have talks with President Nana Akufo-Addo, in which economic cooperation will be high on the agenda. Ghana and the Netherlands have longstanding relations. Recently the focus has been changing from development cooperation to trade and investments. Other areas of common interest are also on the table, including migration. Further elements of his tour in Ghana will be a visit to MDK Flowers and Greens, a Dutch company in Tema that produces flowers and plants for export to the Netherlands and the signing ceremony for a loan, issued by Fidelity bank to a hospital in Teshie, through the Dutch-funded Water and Sanitation program. This program engages the private sector by offering a sustainable financial model for business in water and sanitation. 30.11.2017 LISTEN The Africa Court And Woyome: Deal With A Purely Civil Case And Exclude The Beneficiary PlaintiffMartin Amidu I have read press reports of a case commenced by Alfred Agbesi Woyome at the Africa Court on Human and Peoples Rights alleging violations of his fundamental human rights in the execution of the judgment in the case of Amidu (No. 3) v Attorney-General, Waterville Holding (BVI) Ltd & Woyome (No. 2) [2013-2014] 1 SCGLR 606 and interim orders made by the Africa Court on 24th November 2017 suspending the execution of the judgment. The problem with Woyomes case at the Africa Court is that substantially, the impression I get is that Woyomes case is in the nature of an appeal against a judgment and orders I obtained in the Supreme Court in that case, in which I was the plaintiff in my capacity as a private citizen of Ghana pursuant to Article 2 of the 1992 Constitution and Woyome was the defendant in his private capacity as a citizen of Ghana. The Government of Ghana represented by the Attorney General was also a nominal defendant in the case. The case between me, as plaintiff, against the Attorney General and Woyome was a purely civil constitutional case and not a criminal case. The fact that the Supreme Court granted leave to the Republic of Ghana represented by the Attorney General to execute my judgment for the benefit of the public does not turn the case into a civil action between the Republic of Ghana against Woyome or a criminal case against Woyome. Until execution is completed I am still the plaintiff and the case continues to be a civil case between two private citizens, Woyome and I, each with fundamental human rights under the 1992 Constitution and the African Charter. The Government of Ghana which was a defendant in the substantive civil case between Woyome and I cannot speak for me in any forum, including any appeal to the Africa Court on the substantive case. The Government of Ghana purporting to speak for me as a defendant at the Africa Court will be tantamount to the two defendants in the civil case in the Supreme Court using a stratagem to become opposing parties in the Africa Court to compromise the judgment legally obtained by me in the Supreme Court as a private citizen. The Africa Court which is a court of human rights cannot uphold Woyomes human rights without hearing me because both Woyome and I had access to justice under the 1992 Constitution when we both appeared and conducted our cases before the Supreme Court of Ghana. Nothing would be a worse breach of fundamental human rights than the Africa Court substituting the Attorney General or the Republic of Ghana as the plaintiff in the case in Ghanas Supreme Court and proceeding with a determination of the case without hearing me as the substantive plaintiff in the case in Ghanas Supreme Court. It would be an even further worse breach of fundamental human rights if the substantive plaintiff whose case is allegedly on appeal to the Africa Court, is not heard. But the catch is that the Africa Court does not have the jurisdiction to hear appeals or applications in purely civil cases between a private citizen and another private citizen in which the Republic was also a defendant with the defending private citizen. It is to avoid such lack of jurisdiction by the Africa Court that Woyome chose to bring his application at the Africa Court against the Republic which was his co-defendant in the substantive case in the Supreme Court instead of me, in the hope that the case will not be properly argued by his former co-defendant. Ghana then loses the benefit of the judgment I obtained at the Supreme Court with the excuse that the decision was given at the Africa Court. It is nobodys fault. Blame the Africa Court. The Africa Court has no obligation to independently find out the facts apart from those presented by Woyome and his co-defendant now turned defendant at the Africa Court. Because I am a private citizen and plaintiff in the case and therefore not directly amenable to the jurisdiction of the Africa Court, the case will be heard and completed without me having the opportunity to defend my hard won judgment before the Africa Court. It may surprise Ghanaians that I, the substantive plaintiff in the case, have not seen or been served with any of the processes filed by Woyome at the Africa Court or any responses by the Government to date. I read about it in the media just as everybody else. But cases are won or lost based on how they are conducted to bring the salient facts and the law clearly before the justices and make ones case. This implies hard work, thoroughly understanding the case, and above all unshakable commitment to the case. Who can thoroughly understand, and be more unshakably committed to a case than the plaintiff who won the case in the Supreme Court as against lawyers who lost it in the Supreme Court and who turn around to usurp the plaintiffs place at an international tribunal as defendants even without the plaintiffs notice? This does not appear to be the first case in which such lack of transparency and accountability will happen. Of course, there is a lot of money to be made in per diems and other allowances representing the Government at international fora even when one loses the case! For me the crux of the case before the Africa Court is whether the Africa Court has jurisdiction to hear a purely civil case between a private citizen, Amidu, against the Republic as a nominal defendant and another private citizen called Woyome, by admitting Woyome as the applicant and substituting the Republic as the defendant before the Africa Court. I won a good case for Ghanaians when the then Government of the day supported Woyome and subsequently refused to execute the judgment sincerely. The paradox will come when through Woyomes present scheme of using the side door to eliminate me from the case at the Africa Court he procures sweet victory under the regime of President Nana Akufo Addo. Woyomes mentors with whom he is waging this clever stratagem are waiting in the wings for that day to come. Lets see who bears the blame for compromising or losing the case by usurping the position of the plaintiff without even the courtesy of a notice. Martin A. B. K. Amidu 29th November 2017 Ghanaians have taken to various social media platforms and media houses to attack the president of the republic of Ghana for his candid and educated comments on homosexuality in an interview with Al Jazeera. It is quite unfortunate the abusive comments of most people to the President and a disgrace to the various media houses in the country for their inability to communicate well to Ghanaians. It is sad how some media houses deliberately instigate such behaviors among Ghanaians for personal gains and profit. The President granted an interview which was more than thirty minutes to discuss pressing issues, however the media saw it fit to edit and spread the only part of the interview where the President gave an unclear stance on the legalization of homosexuality. This act of the media gave the citizenry a limited understanding of the whole interview and that prompted their unexpected reactions. Aside this factor, it is interesting how people backlashed the President for the reason that, he did not take a strong stance in the opposing of any attempts to legalize homosexuality in the country. Most Ghanaians ignorantly compared the comments of President Nana Addo to that of former Presidents John Evans Atta Mills and President John Dramani Mahama who said, Homosexuality is against the norms and culture of Ghanaians and thus wont be legalized. It must be noted that, the main rationale behind both Presidents refusing to legalize homosexuality is that, it is against the people of Ghana. By this, both Presidents emphasized that Ghana is a democratic state and the interest and likes of the people would always be placed first by any leader or government. On that basis, it becomes intriguing why most Ghanaians see fault with the Presidents comment. In President Nana Addos response to the legalization of homosexuality in Ghana, he made it crystal clear that, legalizing homosexuality is not the focus of his government and it is not a needed legislation of the people at the moment. From this comment, the President informed the world of Ghanas dislike for homosexuality and also announced that his government, the New Patriotic Party has never considered that thought. The President then further proceeded to say that, however if majority of the people arise for the legalization of homosexuality, then there could be a change in the legislation of the 1992 Constitution to that effect. This explanation by the President also demonstrated Ghana as a democratic state where the views and the needs of the citizenry are heeded to. In other words, the Presidents comment can be interpreted as, when the people of Ghana decide homosexuality should be legalized, he would do as they wished and that is democracy. Now to those attacking the President for his comments, are you saying or by actions, giving the President Nana Addo or any President that would come after him the authority to take such crucial decisions based on their own will or judgement without considering the needs of Ghanaians? 30.11.2017 LISTEN Once upon a time the question was put to me at an international conference of which I was representing students. This was in 1994, and the conference was in Europe. A student journalist came up to me and popped the gay question out of the blue, whats your stand on homosexuality in Africa? Come again, I said, wondering if I heard correctly or she wasasking our knowledge of Homo sapiens. You know what stereotypes are like! We grow up learning Europeans doubt our capacity of knowledge, dont we? We used to call it racism until political correctness came along and named it patronising.I mean whats your policy on gays and lesbians? she clarified. Throughout that conference much had been discussed about funding higher education. It was the centrepiece of everything else, but I also remember workshops dedicated to concerns ofequality of gender access through the relationship of education and industry to students rights to car parking lots. Coming from Ghana, everything made sense except talk of rights to car parks bordered on the frivolous, very few students could boast or dream of a carin 1994. This was a time when most lecturers belonged to Kak-Dee club by default. They literally walked their way to lectures, or kind of hobnobbed with students for taxis and trotros the other way round. For Ghanaian students, the immediate concernswere pretty much mundane in the 1990s. They were about bread and butter or,in perspective, about the almighty students loan; the adequacy or inadequacy of itand the timeliness of payments. It meant perching for students who failed to get accommodation in the halls of residence on campuses and the inconveniences for those who could not find somebody to perch with. It also meant auditorium size classes and high lecturer-to-student ratios, and out-dated editions of referencebooks, single copies of new editions or no reference books at all in libraries for some courses. Shortly before 1994, Ghanaian students were additionally caught up in the whirlwind of change that blew in from the collapse of the Berlin wall and the breakdown of the Soviet Union. In collaborative partnership with other democratic forces and opposition groups, students forced the hand of the quasi-militarygovernment then to change their rhetoric from handover to whom to the actual exercise of constitutional and democratic governance from 1992. These were the real issues of our times, issues that any studentleader flying the flag of country and continent officially or unofficially would easilyrespond to without having to summon their wits. In Africatoday thatsame whirlwind,as in the search for good governance,is still very much alive in Togo, Cameroon, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, DR Congo, Central African Republic, and South Sudan. The list is too long for this narrative! Equality before the law and freedoms of speech and assembly remain a tall order in these countries plus more. If there is anything else, it remains the stalled industrial development of Africa, unacceptable levels of poverty, abysmal road and rail infrastructure, near non-existent sewerage and drainage systems, falling standards in health caredelivery, zero access to clean drinking water and toilet facilities, and what have you. While sexual orientationhas clearly emerged as the concerning human rights issue of the 21st century the universal appeal of homosexuality and gay rights remain almostexclusively western. In continents like Africa, Asia and parts of the Americashomosexuality is contested, rightly or wrongly.Many of us still struggle to relate to the pros and cons of it for no fault of ours but for the backgrounds that have shaped our viewpoints and worldviews. I certainly struggled when that journalist put the question to me in Europe in 1994. It was not only because I did not know what it meant to be homosexualin reality, I was also not familiarwith western constructs of it and attitudes associated with such constructs as I do now. My leeway was to stay appropriately factual about where we stood as country or continent I was representing students across Africa after all. I admitted the issue had never found its way to the agenda of student platforms, but I did know unnatural carnal knowledge was criminal according to the penal codes of most African countries including homeland Ghana even if the law was hardly applied to the letter. Probably due to our own peculiar pressing concerns much closer home, I could not imagine students prioritising the matter anytime soon. If they did, it would not be irresponsibleto be guided by existing laws and,more importantly,by public and cultural perception of it. Having said that, I was mindfully measured as well, knowing as I did, that the international student movement was underpinned by solidarity. I quickly added that students in Africaempathised with student organisations elsewhere for whom homosexuality or gay rights was of immediate concern, and all they asked for in return was same empathy, not judgement. Culture is dynamic, but evolutionary not revolutionary. Fast forward to today and it brings in context the recent response of President Nana to the question of Aljazeeras Jane Dutton about homosexuality in Ghana, a response currently stirring waves in the country divisively. I am not sure if the question was dumped on Nanaor it was part of advanced questions in interviews of this nature. If it was pre-planned, Nana should have negotiated its exclusion. It would have been the diplomatic thing to do, and it would have saved him and the country the controversyin which we are again caught in a causeless national debate. Our primary attention at this concourseof our national development should be on growing the economy, creating and multiplying job opportunities for all. We should indeed be zeroing in on a national consensus on how to engineer wealth from our rich natural endowments and how to translate the wealth so generated into quality infrastructure and accessible social services. Our concern should be about crime and other related threats in the daily lives of our people, and our focus should remain targeted on human resource development through provision of quality and accessible education at all stages and the challenges of both. These are basic but daily aspirations of our peoples, hetero or homo. But I guess the allure of selling the peaceful and democratic Ghana brand on Aljazeera would have been a much stronger pull factorfor the handlers of Nana than the alternative of refusing to be interviewed under international limelight about homosexuality as it were. I can relate to the drift of Nana in his response to Jane whatever the case might be. He was caught between the rock of an implacable domestic audienceand the hard place of international diplomacy.As a politician, his immediate thoughts would have obviously been how his answer would inure to votersat home in 2020. As a statesman and an international actor, attracting foreign investment would have crossed his mind almost simultaneously with equal appeal. It was a tightrope and I would beg to differ from those who believe the President got the balance wrong in not being categorical about our stance as sovereign people with a culture incapable of accommodatinggayism. For those of us who watched the interview, we may agree he was equally diplomatic with naked truth when an unrelated question was put to him about Donald Trump. Very much like the question on homosexuality the old man treaded gently and cautiously,and emerged without ruffling feathers at Washington DC or giving away his own personal whims or what many Ghanaians would have wished he said or not said of the controversial US president. You see, my good friend Boye-Kofi once told me of the story of Kojo who studied in Europe and returned home at the end of his studies. He was from a little conservative village anywhere imaginable in Ghana. At the end of his first evening bowl of fufu andgrasscutterlight soup he began to wax lyrical of his experiences abroad. The gathering of uncles, aunties, siblings, cousins, nieces and nephews provided a decent audience for the tales of this village explorer. They tookin everything he said with open-mouthed admirationuntil hebegan to talk of how some women marry women in Europe and some men marry fellow men. That was it! He must have taken them for granted and for far too long. One uncle quipped, so how do they do it at night? Kojo was still waffling an answer when the family head concluded their son needed the attention of the village witch doctor next morning. Everything he had said was crazy but the one about same sex marriage meant he had lost it completely. Nana is not Kojo and he was certainly not addressing a family audience only. He was addressing a much broader and quite sophisticated gallery. And in matters like these, personal opinions are often immaterial, and it is not uncommon for less powerful countries such as ours to horse trade national correctness for a bandwagon with those powerful actors which call the shots internationally. There is no better way of achieving it than through strategically nuanced language. Nana must have known all that and needed no advice that the spotlight under which he sat at the Aljazeera interview was not one within hiscomfort zone of theFlagstaff House. Lets spare him the attention of the witch doctor and constructively construe his comments in international diplomacy where they belong. For the rest of us, letsbe the building blocks that we are and get back to work lest we end up falling victim to a palpable ploy to divertour collective heed away from our national development goals. The Writer Is Freelance International Relations Analyst And Political Commentator on African Affairs Some 168 Ghanaian detainees in Libya have arrived in Ghana after government facilitated their release from the Libyan authorities. The returnees who are illegal migrants landed at the Kotoka International Airport by two flights, Air Libya and Afriqiyah among them was a woman, a physically challenged man, and children. They were met by government officials and officials from the international organisation who stood by to give them food and water. Joy News Komla Adom reported two metro mass buses stood by to transport them to Circle in Accra where a strong transportation network is expected to help them find their way home. Government paid each about 400 cedis to pay for their transportation back home. Chilling stories of dehumanizing treatment ranged from robbery to murder. One told Komla Adom, he travelled with 17 others from Takoradi but only four were able to return. They killed seven. He said in a detention center that held about 3,000 illegal migrants, "people went mad everydaypeople died everyday" He said they never bathed since they were arrested and detained. "When you have to eat you are beaten, if you want to drink water you are beaten" He expressed great reject for leaving Ghana to seek greener pastures in Libya. "If you are doing some small work here then don't think of travelling to Libya". A 28-year old Ansah said he was kept in an uncompleted building for six months where he was fed in the morning and given salt water in the afternoon. The returnees said even kids rob migrants at gun point. The arrival comes as the world wakes up to the shocking auctioning of African youths in modern day slave markets in Libya for as little as $400. Libya is the main transit hub for refugees and migrants attempting to reach southern Europe by sea. They are coming from countries like Nigeria, Eritrea, Guinea, Ivory Coast,, Gambia, Senegal, Sudan and Somalia. The power vacuum in Libya after the fall of Muammar Gaddafi has made human trafficking and people smuggling a booming trade. At least three Ghanaian migrants have reported being among those who were auctioned as slaves in Libya, Ghanas Foreign Minister, Shirley Ayorkor Botchway has revealed. Story by Ghana| Over the weekend President Akuafo Addo granted an interview to an international television network Aljazeera, Qatar's funded broadcaster based in Doha. A sectional content of the interview has begotten a barrage of furore among the populace. Even though they were several dicey issues raised during the interview which included the media, political instability, disease, poverty as well as democracy in Africa. The matter of same sex marriage or homosexuality appears to have attracted more attention. To some extent, this has been gravely painted with political colours by unrepentant propaganda machinery of the NDC. The political practitioners from the Umbrella fraternity have earnestly tried to espouce ambiguity in a palpable unequivocal statement made by the President. Not even the fascinating statement made by the President that he is confident that the match of democracy in Africa is something that is going to be a Gordian knot to untie has been lauded. To this propaganda prototypes, all is absolutely not well even though independent thinking clergy has mooted a point that the President could have made it more forthright, flagrant and forceful. For these citizens the reason perhaps is not far-fetch. The issue of homosexuality has been a very delicate and complicated matter internationally, thus bulldozing many countries and media into making it their agenda. The so called most powerful countries in the world such as US of A, United Kingdom and very recently Australia have made same-sex marriage very topical. Nana Akuafo Addo's position that legalising homosexuality in Ghana is something which has no dog chance to be on the government's agenda has been greeted by diverse interpretations and opinions which in most cases are the handiwork of the politically prejudiced folks. The President did not stumble in his communication at all. A very astute human rights lawyer who is endowed with sharp discernment, President Akuafo Addo justly answered the question posed to him by the rather intelligent journo of Aljazeera, Jane Darten. Nana Akuafo Addo is not a character whose thoughts can be marionetted by the ambitions of the international community. He is just a diplomat extraordinaire and his mastery at it is what is difficult to be unravelled by the NDC functionaries. According to the President, the socio-cultural environment of the country does not even give a little room for homosexuality to be legalised, adding that until there is a strong call by the society for this to be done there no way the laws on homosexuality will change. This to a large extent will mean that societal factor such as economic development, culture, democracy and religion will determine that decision by which time his presidency will not be alive. Some other African leader including the embattled Robert Mugabe, Uhuru Kenyatta and Atta Mills of blessed memory are on record for denouncing the practice as alien to the African moral fibre and thus gaysm is a non-issue at all. President Akuafo Addo has demonstrated matchless commitments to lead Ghana beyond aid and has over the years defied all odds against him by standing tall as man who cannot be brought or sold. Ghanaians, inclusive of the NDC worshippers in the unholy temple of sensationalism and propaganda, must continue to support him as he lifts the nation from quicksand to a high terra firma. ABDALLAH, ABDUL MATIN Activities of computer fraudsters locally referred to as 'Sakawa' could soon come to an end as the Financial Intelligence Center (FIC) and Central Bank are stepping in to combat their operations. The two organizations efforts are geared towards avoiding a possible blacklisting of the country for money laundering. According to FIC, the exercise will deal more with individuals with a questionable source of income. Head of Audit and Risk Management Department of the Centre, Emmanuel Mensah told Joy News there are several cases they are currently looking into regarding money laundering. He was speaking on the sidelines of a training programme on the latest trends in money laundering and how to combat it Wednesday. He said in tackling Sakawa, FIC together with the Bank of Ghana (BoG), will be mapping out certain geographical areas where those practices are rampant. FIC has worked with the banks and other financial institutions to know where those involved in it hide their monies," he said adding that is why the financial services undertake risk analysis of potential clients. Mr Mensah disclosed that his department has been working with FIC to focus on the money laundering aspect of crimes perpetrated. So if somebody steals money through corruption, after prosecution, the person should also be prosecuted for money laundering if any of it has taken place, he added. According to him, the law enforcement agency and the judiciary are receiving training to ensure that money laundering features strongly in the countrys jurisprudence. He said this is necessary for fear that the international financial community will label the country for not enforcing anti-money laundering mechanisms, which will make many international institutions to stop dealing with Ghana. Consequently, if an international bank wants to do business with a Ghanaian bank, it has to go through a long and costly process, which will reduce our level of development, he noted. According to Mr Mensah, Ghanas big informal sector is not helping issues because a lot of physical cash is used for daily transactions are not questioned. Supporting the initiative, president of the Association of Capital Market and Money Laundering, Samuel Paa Kwesi Afful, said their members recognize the negative impact money laundering will have on the country. He assured they are ready to assist the bank of Ghana and the FIC to arrest perpetrators. Story by Ghana| |Abubakar Ibrahim A key defendant in an Iranian sanction-busting case has now become its most important witness . Following weeks of speculation , Reza Zarrab, a Turkish-Iranian businessman, pleaded guilty on Tuesday to charges of helping Iranian entities evade U.S. sanctions through his international network of businesses, possibly with the help of Turkish banks and government officials. Today, Zarrab is expected to testify in a Manhattan court. His testimony is likely to implicate prominent figures in both Turkey and the United States. Zarrab played a central role in setting up schemes that enabled Iran to purchase gold with oil and gas revenues at a time when the country was under crippling U.S. sanctions. He was indicted along with Mehmet Hakan Atilla, a Turkish banker in U.S. custody, and seven additional defendants, some of whom held cabinet positions under Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey. Since Zarrab is now cooperating with U.S. prosecutors, his testimony is likely to damage Erdogans international and domestic standing, ahead of Turkeys 2019 presidential elections. For this reason, Erdogan has bashed the trial, casting it as a U.S. plot to undermine Turkeys economy and unleashing a torrent of anti-American rhetoric on Turkish airwaves. Of course, ties between the Unites States and Turkey, long-time nato allies, have been strained since Washington threw its support behind Kurdish militants in Syria, and refused to extradite exiled cleric Fethullah Gulen, who Erdogan claims fomented last years failed coup attempt . Aside from rattling Turkeys most powerful figures, Zarrabs testimony may also expose attempts at cooperation between the Trump administration and the Turkish government. Earlier this month, The Wall Street Journal reported that Michael Flynn , Trumps former national security adviser, who is currently under investigation for his dealings with Russian officials, and his son were to be paid $15 million to forcibly remove Gulen from his home in Pennsylvania and deliver him to Turkey. These revelations have prompted U.S. officials to investigate whether Flynn was in talks with Turkish officials to extradite Zarrab as well, though no clear links between Flynn and Zarrab been made public. After being dismissed from his role in the Trump administration, Flynn revealed he had received $530,000 for lobbying work which the U.S. Justice Department said has principally benefitted the Republic of Turkey. Such lobbying from the Turkish government via Flynn could have severe implications if linked to political decisions in the United States. The most prominent point of contention is Trumps firing of former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara , who originally filed the Zarrab case and has been cast by Turkish officials as a Gulen supporter working to undermine the Turkish government. Nicholas Danforth, a senior analyst at the Bipartisan Policy Center, said he believed any evidence connecting Bhararas dismissal to pressure from Turkish officials would be not just explosive for U.S.-Turkish relations, but for U.S. domestic politics as well. To understand how Zarrabs case spiraled, one need only look back to Turkey, where evidence of his foul play first surfaced in 2013 and was quickly snuffed out. In December of that year, police raided the home of Suleyman Aslan, former chief executive of HalkBank, a state-owned bank, and seized $4.5 millionallegedly bribes from Zarrabstashed away in shoeboxes. Recordings from a phone-tapped conversation from this same period, in which then-Prime Minister Erdogan allegedly instructed his son to hide large sums of cash, also surfaced. Despite the seemingly damning nature of the revelations, they were quickly dismissed in Turkish courts. Erdogan belittled the apparent graft scandals as Gulenist conspiracy. In response, government officials demoted or reassigned the judges and police officers involved in the investigation. Only three government officials tied to Zarrabs businesses eventually resigned without facing charges. They denied any wrongdoing. Now, Erdogan fears that the evidence and testimony in the Zarrab case could give credibility to the long-dismissed charges against his government, if they are deemed valid by a U.S. court. He is also likely concerned that the trial could lead to sanctions or fines on Turkish banks, possibly weakening an already unstable Turkish economy, while paving the way for further indictments on Turkish officials. In a speech before the Turkish parliament on November 21, Erdogan referred to the raid on Aslans home as one of the greatest traps in history. He has suggested Gulen and his followers are influencing U.S. prosecutors in a plot against Turkish sovereigntya message that plays well to supporters of his Justice and Development Party (AKP), who have become increasingly dissatisfied with U.S. policy towards Turkey and the Middle East. But these accusations dont quite square with recent history. The case against Zarrab has been building since March 2016, when he was arrested shortly after arriving in Miamireportedly to visit Disney World with his familythough some analysts have suggested he may have negotiated his move out of Turkey with U.S. prosecutors. The coup, and Erdogans subsequent purge of government officials suspected of Gulenist ties, occurred in July of that year. The United States did cooperate with Turkish prosecutors, presumably some linked to the Gulen movement, in its efforts to prosecute Zarrab, Danforth told me. But at the time the United States did this, those prosecutors were employees of good standing of the Turkish legal system who had been appointed by the AKP government. Erdogan, in other words, seems content to ignore chronology in order to suit his reading of history. For those living outside the world of Turkish politics, this might be the most important, most difficult aspect of the case to understand. Every day, Turkeys politicians and pro-state media push conspiracy theoriesstories of foreign actors trying to weaken the Turkish Republic. The intensity of the rhetoric far exceeds what westerners have come to know as fake news, instead creating an alternate reality propped by half-truths that depict Erdogan and his government as the saviors of the oppressed people of the world, and everyone else as the enemy. When Erdogan fails, he and his coterie blame that failure on foreign actors. Since the 2016 coup attempt, this politics of the victimized seems to be Erdogans only mode. While the coup posed a very real threat to Turkeys democracy, and many people lost their lives in its chaos, the purges of thousands of people on accusations of dubious links to terrorist organizationssuch as downloading a specific phone messaging application known to be used by Gulenistsis testimony to just how far the falsehoods can go. Furthermore, Turkeys ongoing purges have put his country at odds with natoallies, some of which have seen their citizens arrested or detained over the last year and a half. Currently, about a dozen American citizens are being held in Turkish prisons on thin allegations of collaborating with the coup plotters. More recently, two staff members of U.S. consular missions in Turkey were arrested on similar charges, prompting some analysts to claim Erdogans administration has taken a hostage diplomacy approach to bilateral negotiations. The term refers to Erdogans unsuccessful appeals to have Gulen extradited to Turkey, and he seems to have interpreted the lack of U.S. cooperation on the matter as a personal insult, as well as additional proof that Washington is aiding his adversaries. Erdogan puts a premium on personal relationships and, at the core, believes that relations between states are reciprocal and transactional, Howard Eissenstat, an associate professor at St. Lawrence University and nonresident senior fellow at the Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED), told me. If I were to make a critique of U.S. policy, it would be that they over-promise and under-deliver, he added. All these warm embraces from President Trump to Erdogan have exacerbated the situation by misleading Erdogan as to what the real capabilities of the U.S. [government] were on some of these issues. The ongoing tensions have sent the Turkish lira tumbling in recent weeks, as few analysts expect positive developments from the Zarrab case. In a worst-case scenario, Erdogans government could escalate the crisis by refusing to bow to foreign pressure in the form of sanctions or to pay fines imposed on Turkish entities, Eissenstat said. He could escalate, too, by limiting access to Turkeys Incirlik Air Base, which America has used for operations against isis in Iraq and Syria. While some U.S. policymakers believe economic pressure could persuade Erdogan to restore U.S.-Turkey relations, Selim Koru, an analyst at TEPAV, an Ankara-based think-tank, said AKP supporters will likely be emboldened by such moves, and Erdogans government will get a much-needed domestic boost ahead of elections in 2019. The more pressure the outside world puts on the Erdogan government, and the more they threaten or even seem to threaten Turkeys sovereignty, the less likely it is for the country to have a democratic future, Koru said. We talk about the slavery in Libya without talking about the cause of slavery in modern day society. Steve Biko once said The most potent tool in the hand of the oppressor is the mindset of the oppressed. I can't blame Libya nor the Libyans much on this recent atrocity for visiting past humanitarian and uncultured practice on their fellow African brothers. The unfortunate incidence of modern day slavery can be attributed to the mistake of our leaders 10 to 20 years ago if they had tackled key macroeconomic challenges including unemployment and poverty that is crippling most societies and the economy at large. But we fail to ask the question, what really contributes to immigration. Migrants leave their country to elsewhere partly because they feel insatiable in their home country. Secondly, unemployment has being the major factor causing these migrants to flee from their land of comfortability to a place they have no idea about. In as much as our leaders didn't play their part in solving key macroeconomic issues is the underlining factor to what we are witnessing in Libya and elsewhere today.. In Libya today, there are countless number of Ghanaian and Nigerian immigrants. These are the two countries with key macroeconomic challenges including unemployment. Let's tackle this issue from the root and not the fruit. Thank you Writer: Emmanuel De-Graft Quarshie How migrants from Africa are auctioned by their slave owners for pittances How did we get here in this day and age? Gordon Offin-Amaniampong writes UN Secy General Antonio Gutierrez says: Slavery has no place in our world and these actions are among the most egregious abuses of human rights and may amounts to crimes against humanity... His remark follows CNN news reports as loads of gruesome images of young African migrants flood social media platforms. The images have sparked outrage, prompting the UN Boss to urge the international community to come together and fight the scourge. Theres also a planned march by AU (Africa Union) member countries on the 9th of December 2017 to register their protest. Slavery was abolished in 1807 in the Great Britain and it was formally abolished on February 1, 1865 in the United States of America. Actually European nation--Denmark did it first in 1792 when it banned the imports of slaves to its West Indies colonies (albeit the law took effect from 1803). But it appears the repulsive practice has now reared its horrid head (after some two centuries back) in the Mediterranean Libya. Yes, in Gadhafis Libya where many Africans had once sought greener pastures. Africa migrants mainly from Niger, Nigeria, Mali, Senegal, Ghana and the Gambia are reported to be donkomied auctioned --prices range from as mere as US$100 to US$ 500. Mind you this practice happens once or twice in a month. Fear gawks them in their eyes and guns drawn to their heads. Theyve (the African migrants) been bludgeoned to death. They beat them repeatedly with bludgeons and other heavy objects. Bruised, tortured torched and bloodied. In twos and in threes they are hanged upside down. Hands tied to their backs: Tied to pillars and stakes. They thrust sharps and knives to their bodies like shooting darts. Blood strews everywhere. Even with mouths duct-taped their hysteric cries penetrate the evil walls, where theyve been confined and dehumanised. Their mission to reach Europe through Libya has been disastrous. The images are horrible. The images made up of audios and videos are graphic and horrifying. Theyre forced to drink urines. Theyre stripped naked raped, starved and killed. The terror in Libya is horrible and the lives of migrants are in the throes of horror. As someone aptly put it their story is no different from ours, except the road they travel. Were all economic refugees ...every one of us educated to the most educated African living abroad, remarked a top UN diplomat after his retirement. Meanwhile, the African Union Ambassador to the US her, Excellency Dr. Arikana Chihombori Quao has agreed to meet Ghana Advocacy Group (GAG) members and other Africa Diasporians on Friday at the AU mission in Washington DC. Remember the Arab Spring? It spread its tentacles like wild fire. Tunisia President Zina El Abidine Ben Ali was ousted and exiled and his government was toppled, Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was deposed, arrested, and charged and his government overthrown. And in Libya their long time and strong man Leader Muamar Gaddafi was killed following a civil war that saw a foreign military intervention-- his government was also dethroned. The uprising in Libya began in February 2011 with Benghazi as the epicentre. Security forces in the eastern city opened fire on protesters. Since that invasion and the killing of Gadhafi Libya has never been the same. A void has been left and its place terrorist groups and factions have been nurtured. Thats what is shaping today Libya. And not the one we knew. It contradicts the yester Libya where Africans flocked there in the 80s and 90s to seek employment, to seek economic fortunes and to make ends meet. In Gadhafis Libya there were no reports of human rights abuses, if there were we never heard about them. That said those who went there and returned home never complained or said anything about slave trade. Modern Day Slavery UKs prestigious news outlet, The Guardian in February 2015 had this headline: Libyas Arab spring the revolution that ate its children. Indeed thats what has fueled this sickening development. These repulsive images are trending our airwaves because of the vacuum created. Hopes of Libyans building a stronger government and a better economy have been dashed. The hopes seem to be a mirage. Libyans have nothing to share or spare. They have little or less to eat, no employment opportunities. A hungry nation is an angry nation. They see the migrants as parasites and thats what the world is witnessing today. I should also note that during the Libya civil war many young black Africans were alleged to have fought on the side of Gadhafi's force, perhaps another reason why some. Libyans are doing this to their fellow Africans. Is that how our world has come to? About a year ago there was a similar incident in Saudi Arabia yours truly wrote about it. One of the victims alleged that most of them made the trip to the oil-rich nation through one Alhaji resident in Achimota Ghana. Yes, Libyans are killing migrants but the problem doesnt start from Libya. These deals have been going in Ghana where they will offer citizens an opportunity to travel to Kuwait or Saudi Arabia enslave them there, someone wrote on GAG platform. I seriously doubt this was happening under Gaddafi. Remember he was African unity at the AU level and these stories leaking out would have crippled his agenda, says Dr. Leticia Otchere Darko a GAG member. The atrocities are happening to fellow Africans in Libya because theres a power vacuum in the leadership now... state institutions including law enforcements are now severely weakened because of the tinderbox situation in Libya post Gaddafi, she said. Another GAG member Dr. Daniel Ampomah also made this remark: It is not about what the president is doing about it. But what the UN, NATO, the USA, France and Britain are going to do .They caused this mess they must clean it up. They owe Africans an unqualified apology. Gaddafi was not a saint but he held Libya together. He was reacting to a contributors note or question as to what the president of Ghana was doing. In her contribution Dr. A.K Ocansey wrote this GAG platform: Migration is not an African phenomenon. Simply put legal migration requires high government responsibilitywhich very few African governments have the right framework in place. Africa needs to look at the Philippines. Migration requires heavy government intervention to be successfulPhilippines puts labour MOUs in place with strong oversight with labour attaches in the receiving countries to ensure these abuses are quickly checked. Because the Arabs know African governments mostly have no labour MOUs no labour attaches etc. When a licensed agency wants to bring a company to recruit Ghanaians, the company is vetted by the ministry before they can travel. Theres accountability if there is an issue. Unfortunately the system has been suspended since May 2017 and this has caused an unprecedented amount of illegal agents who are the only open channels for the youth to migrate. Illegal migration is the only way now. The unemployment in Ghana is grave, she underscored. The youth will go whether we like or notLets put in place safe frameworks, sign labour bilateral MOUs , open regulated legal channels for them to do so safely so that they dont end up as slaves, Dr. Ocansey said. The advocacy group in the wake of the incident has called on UN, AU and ECOWAS to act swiftly to free these young Africans held in slave markets in Libya. Mr. Kwame Boakye Danquah GAGs spokesperson made the call. Some of the footages depict live auction where black youths are sold off to the North African buyers as potential farmland workers. At least 168 young blacks are speculated to have been sold off so far. History Historically, The Arab trade of Zanj (Bantu) slaves in Southeast Africa is one of the oldest slave trades inpredating the European transatlantic slave trade by 700 years ago. Male slaves were often employed as servants, soldiers or laborers by their owners while female slaves as concubines and servants. Chairman of the ECOWAS Regional Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERERA), Prof Honore Bogler, has reiterated his outfit's preparedness to launch the West African Regional Electricity Market in June 2018. It is expected to bring various operators and regulatory bodies in the industry together to discuss how to ensure power sufficiency in the sub-region. He said the market will rely on the West Africa Power Pool (WAPP), which has been developing the infrastructure and the high tension cables to link up the member states to enable fast and easy power distribution among them. Prof Bogler disclosed this on Wednesday in Accra at the 10th meeting of ERERA's Consultative Committees of Regulators and Operators which from 28-30 November 2017. According to him, ERERA has been mandated to draw all operators and regulators together under a well crafted regulatory and legal framework for member states to commit themselves to ensuring that electricity production becomes cheaper and affordable to consumers and industry. He said power will be managed in such a way that there will not be disparities in pricing, adding that WAPP will receive power from countries that would produce in excess and re-transmit to countries that need the excess. We are doing this to make sure that electricity will be stable in ECOWAS nations to improve productivity. The chairman said the meeting of the regulators and operators will review the draft ECOWAS rule on Sanctions and ERERA's enforcement rules to guide the operations of the Regional Electricity Market (REM) when approved. Prof Bogler said that aside the work of the above committee, the Legal and Licensing Working Group (LLWG), which is ERERA's ad hoc technical advisory organ will also be finishing its work for the consultative committee of the regulators and operators to consider for use when the market is in operation. In an interview with BUSINESS GUIDE, Prof. Bogler, revealed that after the launch of the first phase of the project in 2018, member countries would be allowed to deal with their respective local regulator but after the second phase in 2020 which will mark the beginning of the full operation of the market, such engagements will come to a halt. Here, all legal commitments will be binding and we will not only concentrate on single tariff system but would engage in bilateral discussions to bring in bigger power producers to participate to give us the bulk electricity that we need. He gave assurance that there would be no power fluctuations in the West African sub-region when ERERA finishes its work. With barely a month left to the end of 2017, some key revenue agencies operating under the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) have met their revenue targets, DAILY GUIDE has gathered. Information available to the paper suggests that the various agencies such as Customs Division and Domestic Tax Division, have almost met their targets due to hard work, contrary to the expression of pessimism by some supporters of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) that the GRA was not going to meet its revenue target for the year due to the cancelation of several taxes imposed by the previous administration. It would be recalled that the New Patriotic Party (NPP) government, in the 2017 budget statement, scrapped several taxes it described as nuisance to make life better for Ghanaians and traders. Among the taxes cancelled were the 17.5 percent Value Added Tax (VAT) on imported medicines not produced in Ghana, 17.5 percent VAT on domestic airline tickets, 5 percent VAT on real estate sales and the 17. 5 percent VAT on financial services. The announcement of the abolishment of the above taxes among several other pro-poor packages in the 2017 budget by the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta, was greeted with disbelief by leading members of the NDC who were of the opinion that the Akufo-Addo government, with Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia as head of the Economic Management Team, might not meet its tax mobilization target due to the scrapping of the several taxes. Former Deputy Finance Minister under the erstwhile Mahama administration, Casiel Ato Forson, had for instance, described the 2017 budget statement as 'deceptive' and 'populist' because of its several packages directed at easing the burden of the masses such as the scrapping of the kayayei levy and duty on spare parts. Performance The performance of GRA per the various divisions from January to October 2017 shows that domestic tax collections for the year totalled GH15.412 billion as against a target of GH15.550 billion. This far outweighed the performance in the previous year under the NDC administration. The Domestic Tax Division collected GH21.774 billion in the same period under review, making this year's over 18 percent higher than that of last year's, despite the cancellation of the nuisance taxes. The Domestic Division, as at the end of October, was left with less than one percent to achieve its target for the year with two months to go. Also, at the Customs Division, a total of GH10.433 billion has reportedly been collected so far as against a set target of GH11.287.97 billion, with a total tax revenue of the GRA standing at GH25.845 billion as against GH26,837 billion for the year. Customs performance, as against last year's, was equally higher having raked in over GH1.8 billion more. DAILY GUIDE also understands that under the energy debt recovery levy, a sum of GH1,063.10 billion has been collected as against GH1.121.58 billion, giving a grand total tax revenue collected so far as GH26.908 billion as against GH27.959.57 billion a difference of GH1.050 billion. The ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) has made some key amendments to its constitution with the aim of making the party more vibrant. Acting General Secretary and National Organiser of the NPP, John Boadu, made this known to the media yesterday at a press conference held at the party's Asylum Down headquarters in Accra. He said the amendments were adopted and passed by the party's National Council at its fifth general meeting on Tuesday, November 8, 2017, in Accra. The meeting, he maintained, was attended by former President John Agyekum Kufuor, President Akufo-Addo, Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia, members of the party's Council of Elders, National Executive Officers, among others, as provided for under Article 9 (b) of the NPP Constitution. Mr. Boadu indicated that the National Council which is the ruling party's second highest decision making body pursuant to Article 9 (b) of the party's constitution, has unanimously resolved that all persons serving as Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives (MMDCEs) who wish to contest as parliamentary candidates in constituencies where the party has sitting MPs, are not eligible to contest unless they resign from their current positions at least three years before the ensuing national general elections. According to Mr. Boadu, the Council also resolved that regional chairpersons, secretaries, treasurers, constituency chairpersons, constituency secretaries and treasurers are not eligible to contest parliamentary candidates in constituencies where the party has sitting MPs unless they resign at least three years before the national general election. This is to avoid the situation where people ride on the constituency positions to unseat their MPs. He explained that the Council adopted these resolutions upon conviction that these decisions are in the best interest of the party and government, adding, For emphasis, these decisions only apply to constituencies where the party has sitting Members of Parliament and does not apply to orphan constituencies i.e. constituencies where the party does not have sitting MPs. Again, Mr John Boadu disclosed that the National Council had also passed a resolution to extend the mandate of all serving officers of the party at each level by three months, following the expiration of their four-year mandate, to allow for primaries to be conducted. Background DAILY GUIDE understands that the resolutions were adopted taking into account the challenges the party suffered in 2016 when some of its constituency chairmen particularly its then Klottey Korley Constituency Chairman, Nii Noi Nortey decided to contest for the parliamentary seat as independent candidate when lawyer Philip Addison had been declared winner of the party's primary for that constituency. Nii Noi contested against lawyer Addison, causing the NPP to lose that seat to the NDC candidate, Zanetor Agyeman-Rawlings, even though the party won the presidential votes in that constituency. A similar situation was experienced at Ablekuma West Constituency where the then constituency chairman, Theophilus Tetteh, decided to contest against incumbent, Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, leading to confusion among the executives in the area. Directives As part of the resolution, Mr. Boadu explained that the Council had directed all the 10 regional executive committees of the party to organize expanded regional executive committee meetings comprising constituency executives, to brief them on key amendment proposals that would be considered for adoption at the extraordinary conference. Delegates' Conference Meanwhile, the Acting General Secretary has announced that the NPP would hold the extraordinary national delegates' conference in Kumasi on December 17, this year, pursuant to Article 9 (A) (5) of the party's constitution. The Council also approved the calendar for programmes and activities of the party presented by the National Secretariat between November 2017 and June 2018, he indicated, adding that the party's National Annual Delegates' Conference to elect national officers would be held from 15th to 17th June, 2018. By Melvin Tarlue SEVERAL TRADITIONAL rulers from the seven districts of Gonjaland in the Northern Region, with support from politicians across the political divide, are leading the clarion call for a new region to be carved out of the Northern Region. President of the Gonja Traditional Council, Yagbonwura Sulemana Tuntumba Boresa I, and his vice, Buipewura Abdulai Jinapor II, are leading the chiefs, youth and politicians from the Gonjaland to prosecute the agenda. Unlike other petitioners from the other regions, those from Gonjaland are yet to settle on which name the new region should be given, in the event that it is created by the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP). The team, including the Yagbonwura, Buipewura, members of parliament and district and municipal chief executives from Gonjaland, appeared before the Justice Stephen Alan Brobbey's nine-member Commission of Enquiry for the creation of new regions out of some existing ones, on Wednesday, November 29, to make their case on why they think a new region should be created out of the Northern Region. Their argument for the new region as contained in a document they circulated to members of the Commission and the media, lies in the fact that Gonjaland is endowed with mineral and tourism potential with abundance of arable land, and deserves to be carved out of the Northern Region and made a new region. The main reason for the request for the creation of a new region out of the present Northern Region is to accelerate economic development and enhance administrative efficiency. The new region, with Damongo as the proposed capital, DAILY GUIDE gathered, would be made up of Gonjas, Vaglas, Salfabas, Lobis, Brifors, Mivors, Mos, Pantras, Dargarbas, Normes, Hangas, Mmras, Tamplumas, Konkombas, Nchumurus, Nawuris, Basaris, Kotokolis, Nchalas, Bators, among others. The Justice Brobbey Commission was formed by President Akufo-Addo under Constitutional Instrument (CI) 105 to among other things, inquire, pursuant to petitions, into the need and substantial demand for the creation of new regions and, thereby, the alteration of the Western, Brong-Ahafo, Northern and Volta Regions. About six new regions are on the table for consideration. It is the same CI 105 that mandates the commission to make recommendations to the president, based on its findings, and to specify the issues to be determined by referendum and the places where the referendum should be held, where it makes recommendation for the creation and alteration of regions. Gonjaland reportedly occupies an area of 37,582 square kilometers, constitutes 53.45 percent of the land area of the Northern Region and the seven districts are Bole, Sawla-Tuna-Kalba, West Gonja, North Gonja, Central Gonja, East Gonja, Kpandai. Former Presidential candidate of the Convention People's Party (CPP) and one of the spokespersons for the Gonjaland petitioners, Dr. Abu Sakara, speaking to the media on the sidelines of the meeting, said Gonjaland, especially Buipe, has the potential of becoming a logistics hub for the development of the entire Northern Region. BY Melvin Tarlue 30.11.2017 LISTEN Security analyst, Dr. Kwesi Aning, has charged the government of Ghana to do all it can to rescue some three Ghanaians allegedly sold into slavery in Libya. His call comes in the wake of disclosures by the returning Ghanaian migrants from Libya that they were sold into servitude by their fellow Ghanaians. About one hundred and twenty-seven (127) Ghanaian migrants returned from Libya with one in a critical condition. The migrants were brought in by two flights, Air Libya and Afriqiya Airways after they were rescued from detention centres in Libya following reports of slave trade of migrants in the country. What I found myself in Libya; I wouldnt wish for even my worst enemy, we were sold like bread by our own fellow Ghanaians. And it was a very disheartening experience, a visibly distressed returnee told Starr News Eric Mawuena Egbeta Wednesday night at the Kotoka International Airport. We went through the desert and some of us disappeared without a trace and others were shot and killed, luckily for some of us, we were able to escape and were arrested and brought to the deportation centre, he added wearily. Sorry, we can't find the content you're looking for at this URL. Infant among 4 injured as IED goes off at NC election meet in Itahari Four people including a minor were injured when an improvised explosive device (IED) went off at an election assembly of Nepali Congress (NC) at Bhaladmi Tol in Itahari Sub-Metropolitan City-9 on Thursday. Asokore Mampong Municipal Assembly in the Ashanti Region is encouraging the youth to go into livestock farming to address unemployment in the area. Officials identify rabbit and grasscutter rearing as potentially lucrative activities for the youth. Carved out of the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly, Asokore-Mampong Municipality is heavily populated. The rapid expansion of residential facilities leaves the area with little land for large-scale farming. Municipal Director for Agriculture, Josephine Annor says the establishment of a training centre to spearhead cottage farming is at an advanced stage. We have started training and we have set our mother project up. It is from there that we are going to breed the animals and give them out. We are partnering with the Assembly to give them the cages for that, she said. She reveals the prolific nature of rabbits together with the increase in their demand make it a good business venture. She was speaking at the Municipal Farmers Day durbar ahead of the national edition in Kumasi scheduled for Friday, December 1, 2017. The Farmers Day celebration saw recognition of efforts of all farmers in the Municipality. Distinguished farmers were celebrated for contributing to food security efforts. Municipal Chief Executive, Alidu Seidu, reiterated support for young individuals with interest in farming. Some young people here have shown great interest in poultry keeping and the Assembly is finding ways of working with them. We are ready to support any young person following that example, he said. Nana Kwame Nyarko Sarkodie, a member of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Ashanti Region, has passionately appealed to President Akufo-Addo to protect the free Senior High School (SHS) with a law. He stated that the free SHS programme is the best social intervention policy in the history of the country. Nana Nyarko Sarkodie, who is an astute businessman and financier of the NPP, warned that the free SHS programme would be scrapped if the National Democratic Congress (NDC) recaptures political power in future. According to him, the NPP's decision to introduce four-year SHS some years ago clearly enabled many students to pass their examinations, yet the NDC, who are nation-wreckers, infamously scrapped the policy. Nana Nyarko Sarkodie warned that if the free SHS policy is not protected by law, definitely one day, the NDC, who have a record of destroying all the good policies of the NPP, will scrap this positive social intervention policy too. He strongly condemned the politicization of the education system in the country, cautioning politicians, especially NDC members, to refrain from destroying Ghana's education system with their cheap politics. The free SHS policy is the best for the country, as it has the tendency of eroding ignorance in the country and enhancing the future of Ghana, yet the NDC is fighting this laudable policy, according to him. Nana Nyarko Sarkodie stated that the proper education of the country's youth would ensure the effective development of the country in future. He congratulated President Akufo-Addo for his achievements and fulfilling his campaign promises within just 10 months in office, urging the people to solidly support the NPP administration. Nana Nyarko Sarkodie stated that the NPP has competent, knowledgeable, hard working, visionary and patriotic men and women, who have the interest of the country at heart. He stated categorically that the Akufo-Addo administration would gradually deal with mess created by the incompetent NDC administration during its eight-year tenure. From I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr., Kumasi Latex Foam Limited, Polytex Industrial Limited and Wire Weaving Industries have donated some of their products to the Greater Accra Regional Coordinating Council (RCC) towards this year's National Farmers' Day. Latex Foam Limited donated 10 pieces of double size mattresses valued at GH10, 000, Wire Weaving Industries offered wire mesh, chain link wire fencing and others worth GH25, 000 while Polytex Industrial Limited presented 50 pieces of its products and a cheque for GH1,400. Items from Wire Weaving Industry included bundles of chain link wire fencing, wire mesh, Dadua nails, hexagonal wire netting and boundary mats. The Public Relations Officer (PRO) of Latex Foam Limited, Gifty E. Appiah, who presented the items to the Regional Minister, Ishmael Ashitey, indicated that her outfit was very happy to be associated with the annual celebration of the National Farmers' Day. She averred that farmers contribute a lot to the wealth of the nation besides feeding the nation. Kumordzie A, who also represented Wire Weaving Industries, averred that his outfit has over the years manufactured products used by farmers. He revealed that his company would contribute its widow's mite towards the success of the upcoming National Farmers' Day. The Greater Accra Regional Minister, Mr Ashitey, who received the items on behalf of RCC and the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA), lauded the two companies for the donation. As we draw closer to the National Farmers Day, let me further urge other institutions, organized groups and corporate bodies to donate towards this cause, he added. The management, staff and pupils of Immanuel Restoration School, a leading private basic institution located at Abelemkpe in Accra, have donated a number of food items and an undisclosed amount of money to inmates of the Dzorwulu Special School in Accra. The items include gallons of cooking oil, beverages, bottles of fruit juices and other assorted soft drinks, toilet rolls, washing powder, bars of soap and packets of biscuits. Rev Mrs Cecilia Campbell, Director of Immanuel Restoration School, in her brief words of exhortation indicated that the donation forms part of her school's annual thanksgiving service programme. According to her, Thanksgiving is the period when pupils are encouraged to share a bit of whatever they have with a neighbour, especially the less-privileged in the society. Rev Mrs Campbell explained that management before the period of thanksgiving extends an appeal to parents to make donations, which are later presented to a vulnerable institution each year. Showing love to all people, especially vulnerable members of society, is a godly act besides being a source of inspiration it also leads to making the world a peaceful place for all, she stated. The director also encouraged the inmates not to give up on themselves but look at the brighter side of life irrespective of their condition, adding that God in his wisdom will visit them in times they least expect it. The Assistant Headteacher of Dzorwulu Special School, Mr Fredrick Tetteh, commended the management and pupils of Immanuel Restoration School for the donation. He added that such donations inspire both teachers and inmates to feel loved, especially those that come from children of their age group. Seven persons are battling for their lives following an accident involving four vehicles on the Tema-Aflao Highway yesterday. People who sustained various degrees of injury were rushed to the Tema General Hospital for treatment. Two women were said to have fractured their legs. The accident comes on the heels of last Sunday's bizarre incident, which led to the death of two brothers at the same spot when some giant boulders fell from a bucket of a tipper truck to crush the deceased who were travelling on board a BMW saloon car. Chief Superintendent Joseph Owusu-Bempah, the Tema Regional Commander of the Motor Traffic and Transport Department (MTTD), explained that the accident occurred opposite the Allied Filling Station on the dual carriage road at about 5:15 am when a trailer carrying some bags of cement suddenly moved into the lane of a 207 Benz bus with registration number GE 3069 Z carrying passengers from Prampram to Tema. The 207 bus driver, in an attempt to also avoid ramming the trailer, moved into the lane of OA bus with registration number GT 5311-15 transporting workers of Pioneer Food Cannery (PFC) to the company in Tema. Unfortunately, a Benz tipper truck with registration number GR 3092 Z loaded with gravel, which was behind, rammed all the vehicles. The MTTD boss asked the driver of the trailer with registration number AS 368 T, which allegedly caused the accident, to assist the police with investigations. We have the registration number, and other features are yet to be determined. We appeal to the owner of the truck to report to the Tema Regional MTTD to assist in investigations, the police boss said. Samsung Ghana is bringing back smiles to the faces of children across Ghana ahead of this year's Christmas festivities. The electronics giant has partnered with Operation Smile, an international medical charity organisation, to fund the cleft surgeries of more than 150 Ghanaian children. 'Smile With Samsung' is the second project through which the electronics provider will support cleft surgeries in Ghana. For every authorised Samsung smartphone bought and registered on e-warranty from now until the end of January 2018, Samsung will donate $1 towards the surgeries in a guaranteed contribution of $50,000. Tracy Kyei, Marketing Manager at Samsung, stated that customers who purchase a Samsung device will need to register on e-warranty to ensure Samsung recognises the sale. They will then receive a confirmation message via SMS that $1 has been donated to the 'Smile With Samsung' project. Statistics show that every three minutes somewhere in the world, a child is born with a cleft. In Ghana, this equates to one out of every 750 births. Despite the fact that a cleft can be fixed with a simple surgery lasting just 45 minutes, one out of every 10 children with a cleft dies before their first birthday. Commenting on the initiative, Mr Eugene Nahm, Managing Director of Samsung Electronics, said, Our aim is to support a worthy cause in which our customers can partake we want them to be proud to own a Samsung. We firmly believe that no company can truly say it is successful if it doesn't give back to society. A new project to harmonise the regulation of medicines in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) region has been unveiled in Accra. The ECOWAS-Medicines Regulatory Harmonisation (MRH) Project is expected to build sufficient regulatory capacity to approve medicines for public health benefits in a timely manner ensuring acceptable quality, safety and efficacy standards within the framework of the African Medicines Regulatory Harmonisation (AMRH) initiative. The initiative was birthed after the West African Health Organisation and the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD/WAHO) research revealed that medicines regulatory systems in the sub-region were affected by challenges despite the concerted effort of governments and development partners. A process to harmonise medicine regulation was, thus, advised with processes, including the inauguration of the Joint MRH steering committee and validation of an action plan and draft regulation being developed to ensure that regulatory oversight on medicines imported and produced locally are stringently monitored and the high incidence of substandard and falsified medicines circulating are reduced. Deputy Minister of Health, Kingsley Aboagye Gyedu, who officially launched the project on the sidelines of the third scientific conference on medical regulation in Africa, explained that the quality of life of the African population equally depends on the type of medicine on the continent. He was, therefore, optimistic the project would permit the circulation of safe, quality and efficacious medicine in all the ECOWAS member states. In a speech read on his behalf, Dr Xavier Crespin, Director General of WAHO, expressed his appreciation to partners and member states for supporting the process with funds and technical support. Thanks also go to all the regional economic communities who have come here to support us and to share with us their wealth of experience in the field, he mentioned. Dr Crespin also assured the gathering of his WAHO's commitment to the endeavour for we believe it to be the surest way of improving access to quality, essential medicines for the peoples of this continent. The Dutch Prime Minister Mr. Mark Rutte is in Accra for a two-day visit from 29-30 November, 2017. He was welcomed on arrival by Ghana's Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia Wednesday evening. The President of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid will also be arriving later today. With this visit, the first of a Dutch Prime Minister to Ghana, Mr Rutte wants to reaffirm and further strengthen the excellent relations between the two countries. His visit coincides with that of the French President Emmanuel Macron to Ghana. The two leaders agreed to visit Ghana together, in the aftermath of the AU-EU summit in Abidjan. Nana Akufo-Addo will host a lunch for President Macron and Prime Minister Rutte. Both European leaders will also meet with young Ghanaian entrepreneurs, whom have benefited from startup accelerator programs. The Dutch Prime Minister will have talks with President Nana Akufo-Addo, in which economic cooperation will be high on the agenda. Ghana and the Netherlands have longstanding relations. Recently the focus has been changing from development cooperation to trade and investments. Other areas of common interest are also on the table, including migration. Further elements of his tour in Ghana will be a visit to MDK Flowers and Greens, a Dutch company in Tema that produces flowers and plants for export to the Netherlands and the signing ceremony for a loan, issued by Fidelity Bank to a hospital in Teshie, through the Dutch funded Water and Sanitation program. This program engages the private sector by offering a sustainable financial model for business in water and sanitation. -Starrfmonline The over one hundred Ghanaian migrants who were rescued from Libya have appealed to the government to assist them with viable jobs that can sustain them. Over 160 of them detained in Libya were expected back home after government facilitated their release from the Libyan authorities. Some of the returnees who spoke to Joy News Komla Adom at the Kotoka International Airport where some 127 of them touched down Wednesday night, recounted some of their worst nightmares. One of them said the trip is deadly as Libyan children even rob immigrants at gunpoint and some of the travelers are killed on the desert. For many of them, it is a story of a failed journey to Europe in which they can only count their losses. Ansah, 28, was on his way to Italy through the Mediterranean Sea when he was arrested and subjected to months of torture. When they caught me on the Sea, they took me to an uncompleted building where I stayed for six months. They only give us one meal a day at 2 p.m and the water they gave us was salty water, he told the reporter. The terribly disgruntled gentleman said there were 17 of them in detention but seven people died. Those who did not die were sold. Another victim said some of us are sold for $3000 or less where your owner will brutalize you and not pay you for the work you do for him/her. Some are even shot in the leg. Reintegration into society In a move to help the returnees to settle and reintegrate into society, the Country Director of International Organisation for Migration (IOM), said they will help them to reach their homes in a dignified manner. Silvia Lopez said, we will do what we can to help them integrate into society. One of the returnees who said he used to make and sell tomato boxes patronized by tomato sellers who travel to Burkina Faso to buy the vegetables, said he will need some capital to set up on a large scale. The 440 given to us is inadequate and these clothes I am wearing now, I am ashamed to take it home, the returnee told the Joy News reporter. President Meets European Leaders Meanwhile, President Akufo-Addo is meeting with leaders of three European countries including Emmanuel Macron at the Flagstaff House Thursday. The issue of migration is expected to feature prominently. In an earlier meeting with the Dutch President, President Akufo-Addo said his main task is to create the enabling environment for jobs to be created. He reiterated that ensuring dignified lives for those who are unemployed is the only way to dissuade the youth from embarking on such dangerous trips on the desert or sea in search of a better life. Migration Forum In the wake happenings in Libya, the migration dilemma has become a global crisis with many calling for an end to this phenomenon. But would you still risk it to cross the Mediterranean for a better life? What will inform such a decision? Joy News together with DW will on Thursday evening seek some answers from the government and key stakeholders on how to deal with this migration menace. The forum dubbed Migration dilemma will be live on Radio, TV and Online from the ISSER conference room Legon at 5 pm. Story by Ghana| |Abubakar Ibrahim |[email protected] The Sunyani Technical University (STU) on Thursday November 30, 2017 held a matriculation ceremony for 2,226 fresh students admitted for the 2017/2018 academic year. This year, the university issued admission letters to 3,101 prospective students into its various programmes but only 2,226 of them accepted the offers, representing 45% increase over last years enrolment figure. A total of 1,229 of the newly matriculated students opted for Science and Technology programmes whereas 997 were admitted for Business/Humanities programmes. Speaking at the colourful and brief ceremony held at the K. Nsiah Gyabaah Auditorium in the school, the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Ing. Kwadwo Adinkrah-Appiah said the university had further submitted over 20 new 4-year Bachelor of Technology (B-Tech) programmes to the National Accreditation Board (NAB) and the National Council for Tertiary Education (NCTE) for accreditation. NAB has completed its assessment of the universitys preparedness to start the 4-year B-Tech programmes. We are, therefore, waiting for the NCTE to give clearance to enable NAB issue accreditation for the running of the programmes by the university. He was hopeful that if the 4-year B-Tech programmes commence, it would put the university on a level playing field with other universities across the globe to compete for students, both nationally and internationally. May I, therefore, use this opportunity to appeal to the NCTE to facilitate the process of accrediting the 4-year B-Tech programmes for the Sunyani Technical University and for other Technical Universities in the country to make Technical Universities relevant and competitive, he added. Prof. Ing. Adinkrah-Appiah also disclosed that the Sunyani Technical University has signed MOUs with two universities in Germany and the USA. The MOUs, he said, focused on Academic Exchange Programmes between the STU and the UMES, Maryland, USA and Fochoschule Dortmund, in Dortmund, Germany to exchange faculty, staff and students. In the arrangement, students will be allowed to take at least a semester in Germany or Maryland in the USA and their credits will be transferred to the STU when they come back for smooth progression to the next stage on their programmes. Students on our Pharmacy Technician programme, after completion, will also have the opportunity to enroll on the 3-year Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm-D) programme at the UMES, USA, to be able to practice professional Pharmacists after training. He announced that summer vacation employment has been arranged for Tourism and Hospitality students of the Sunyani Technical University at the Ocean City in Maryland, USA, a world-class tourist centre, to help them gain practical experience and international exposure in the Hospitality and Tourism industry starting from June 2018. To the new students, Prof. Ing. Adinkrah-Appiah admonished them not to indulge in illicit drugs, stealing, alcoholism, sexual misconduct and other immoral behavior. You should remember that nobody will regulate your activities on campus as was done in the Senior High Schools and, therefore, you have endless freedom. However, your continuous stay in the university will depend on your conduct and academic performance, he cautioned. From Richard Kofi Boahen, Sunyani, [email protected]) 9 cadres of Chand-led Maoist arrested in Pyuthan Police on Thursday arrested nine cadres of Communist Party of Nepal (CPN) led by Netra Bikram Chand. Members of the Coalition of Five Affected Communities in the Asutifi North District of the Brong Ahafo Region say they consider the research titled Exposure to toxicants in environmental contaminants within Newmont Ghana Gold Limited Ahafo Mine: Human Risk Assessment Approach by Dr. Frederick A. Armah of the UCC and Mr. Samuel Obiri, a Senior Research Scientist of CSRI as very revealing and important. According to them, the research methodology involved the collection of a total of 70 water and 30 sediment samples from surface water bodies in some communities around Newmont Ahafo Mine. Also 19 rain water samples were randomly collected for analysis. The results of all this show that all our water bodies have been seriously polluted by Newmont and that residents in the area and even workers of Newmont are exposed to the risk of having cancerous and non-cancerous diseases, Spokesperson of the Coalition, Kennedy Adu Adjei said at a Press Conference in Sunyani. Members of the Coalition include residents of Kenyase Number One, Kenyase Number Two, Ntotroso, Gyedu and Wamahinso and their surrounding communities. Mr. Adu Adjei said residents of these communities expected the management of Newmont Ahafo Mine to take the research study serious because of the long-term negative effects of their operations on the health of the innocent people of the area. Contrary to our expectations but very characteristic of Newmont Ahafo Mine, the company decided to employ methods to rubbish the report and deny taking responsibility for its actions. This attitude of Newmont is not new to us. We recall that Newmont Ahafo Mine attempted to hide cyanide spillage caused by the company in 2009, he said. He recalled that it took the vigilance of the people in the area and WACAM activists to expose the fact that Newmont Ahafo Mine had spilled cyanide into rivers and the environment. The Environmental Protection Agency and government indicted Newmont Ahafo Mine for attempting to hide an important environmental pollution such as cyanide spillage. In an attempt to deny and rubbish the research, which had brought out the revelation of the levels of environmental pollution, Newmont Ahafo Mine contracted Dr. Kwaku Poku Asante of the Kintampo Health Research Centre to also conduct another research with the objective to counter the findings of the earlier study by Dr. Frederick A. Armah and Mr. Samuel Obiri, he said. He continued that Dr. Kwaku Poku only visited the communities around the mine to take pictures without taking water samples for laboratory analysis. Without any data collection and analysis, Dr. Kwaku Poku came out this year through a so-called research finding to rubbish the earlier study by Dr. Frederick A. Armah and Mr. Samuel Obiri. Similarly, Dr. Michael Poku-Boansi, a Senior Lecturer of the Planning Faculty of Built Environment of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) concocted and fabricated research findings meant to rubbish the claims in the report titled Assessing the social and economic effects of mining on women affected by Newmont Ghana Limiteds operations by Dr. Emmanuel Yamoah Tenkorang of the Institute of Development Studies, Mr Adu Adjei stated. Mr. Adu Adjei said Dr. Tenkorangs study combined the use purposive and convenience sampling methods to sample key informants, adult women interviewees and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) as 94 interviews, two FGDs and eight key informant interviews were conducted in the Asutifi North District. According to him, Dr. Michael Poku-Boansi of KNUST, on the other hand, has deceived the public into thinking that he also went to the ground to gather concrete and reliable data to counter Mr. Tenkorang finding and in the process ended up interviewing dead people of the area. For example, the list of key informants submitted by Dr. Michael Poku-Boansi includes the late Nana Adwoa Pokuaa, who was the Queen-mother of Kenyase Number Two. Nana Adwoa Pokuaa died on 15th September 2014. How can someone who died in 2015 resurrect and be interviewed in 2017? Only Dr. Michael Poku-Boansi and his paymasters Newmont Ghana Gold Limited can explain this mystery he quizzed. Besides, our checks indicate that a good number of those whose names are on the so-called key informants' list of Dr. Michael Poku-Boansi were either non-existing or they were not interviewed at all by anyone and yet Dr. Poku-Boansi wants us, people, to believe that indeed he interviewed them Mr. Adu Adjei revealed. Members of the Coalition of Five Affected Communities in the Asutifi North District are therefore calling for swift and deterrent action against Dr. Michael Poku-Boansi of KNUST and Dr. Kwaku Poku Asante of the Kintampo Health Research Centre for intellectual incompetence, academic deception and for concocting and fabricating reports to deceive the public. 30.11.2017 LISTEN It is a problem that the Akufo-Addo Administration cannot and must not be expected to passively and unreservedly assume. I am talking about the alleged non-payment of the salaries of some staff members of the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) (See About 1,000 NADMO Workers Starve 3 Years Without Pay / 10/23/17). A letter published under the preceding referenced news caption is alleged to have been written to the current Minister of the Interior demanding their 3-years worth of retroactive paychecks. Now, we must quickly point out that during the period in question, which is between 2013 and 2016, it was the Mahama-led government of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) that was in charge of the public purse. But even more significantly ought to be highlighted the fact that it was Mr. Kofi Portuphy, the current National Chairman of the National Democratic Congress, who was the National Coordinator of NADMO. Mr. Portuphy, obviously, has some explaining to do before Parliament. If these allegedly unpaid workers happen to have been recruited under the Atta-Mills Doctrine, or they happen to have been offered their jobs primarily because they were card-carrying members of the then-ruling party, then, of course, somebody at the headquarters of the National Democratic Congress must be summoned by the Speaker of Parliament to explain the circumstances under which these 1,000 NADMO workers got hired. Some of the assets of the NDC may have to be liquidated to settle the debts owed these party recruits of NADMO. And if they are, indeed, party employees, then the aforesaid unpaid NADMO workers may have to be promptly shown the exit, as it were, while the proper procedures are initiated to have new employees hired to replace them or make NADMO more professionally constituted. The same procedure ought to be followed by the Akufo-Addo Administration vis-a-vis all publicly owned and operated civil and public service establishments. As to why these allegedly unpaid NADMO workers would remain at post without pay for so long staggers the imagination, to say the least. But, of course, in the sort of socioeconomic and cultural dispensation in which Ghanaians presently find themselves, especially after 20 years of the effective destruction of our national economy by the Rawlings-led regimes of the Provisional National Defense Council (PNDC) and the so-called National Democratic Congress, it is quite conceivable that what the allegedly unpaid NADMO employees are claiming may be quite accurate. Indeed, when President Addo DankwaAkufo-Addo laments figuratively that his immediate predecessor, namely, former President John Dramani Mahama, did not leave him any substantive or worthwhile legacy, it is to be squarely envisaged in the preceding terms. But, of course, Nana Akufo-Addo may be oversimplifying matters, for such legacy of abject economic privation was created by regimes preceding that which was led by Mr. Mahama, even when one reckons the fact that the latter was a bona fide participant of the Rawlings-founded and chaperoned National Democratic Congress, and a veritable product of the Rawlings-led institutional antecedent of the Provisional National Defense Council. *Visit my blog at: Ghanaffairs 30.11.2017 LISTEN Accra, Nov. 30, CDA Consult Ghana is to launch Zero Tolerance for Corruption Campaign, to showcase the nations indomitable spirit to fight and win the war against corruption. The National Zero Tolerance for Corruption campaign forms part of the broader National Anti-Corruption Action Plan (NACAP). It would also be used to review the state of corruption and the progress made in the implementation of NACAP and anti-corruption measures generally, Mr Richard Quayson, Deputy Commissioner, Commission Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) told the Communication for Development and Advocacy Consult (CDA Consult) in an interview in Accra. Outlining measures towards the launch of the 2017 Anti-Corruption Week and National Anti-Corruption Conference scheduled for December 4 9, 2017, Mr Quayson told the CDA Consult that the week has been branded Anti-Corruption and Transparency Week (ACT6/0) which is to symbolize abhorrence to corruption. As this years programme also coincides with the [email protected] celebrations, the multi-stakeholder planning committee has branded the week December 4 to 9, 2017 as Anti-Corruption and Transparency Week [ACT 6/0], symbolizing six days of zero tolerance for corruption, Mr Quayson stated. He said CHRAJ is organizing the week in partnership with the Office of the President, Attorney Generals Office, Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition, Judicial Service, National Commission for Civic Education, Ghana Police, European Union, US Embassy/USAID, STAR Ghana, and other Stakeholders. Other activities Mr Quayson outlined includes; Monday December 4th - Launch of Anti-Corruption and Transparency Week [ACT 6/0]; Friday and Saturday 8th & 9th - National Anti-Corruption Conference. He said President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, is expected to open the National Anti-Corruption Conference in Accra. Mr Quayson said Ghana, through Parliament on July 3, 2014, adopted NACAP as the national strategy and blueprint to combat corruption in the country over a 10-year period. He said the main purpose of NACAP is to mobilize efforts and resources of stakeholders, including government, public sector institutions, civil society, private sector, the media, faith based organizations, traditional authorities and individuals, to prevent and fight corruption through the promotion of high ethics and integrity and the vigorous enforcement of applicable laws. The CHRAJ Deputy Commissioner said Since the introduction of NACAP, the nation has been organizing annual National Anti-Corruption Conference coordinated by CHRAJ to review the state of corruption and the progress made in the implementation of NACAP and anti-corruption measures generally. He said the Conference, which is usually organized on the December 8 and 9, devotes the first day to technical work, whilst the 9th is more ceremonial as it commemorates the International Anti-Corruption Day. 30.11.2017 LISTEN European Union leaders pledged to increase investments in Africa to assist development and help stem the arrival of thousands of migrants who are desperate to flee poverty. Speaking at a gathering of heads of states of the continents in Ivory Coasts commercial capital, Abidjan, European Council President Donald Tusk said Wednesday the bloc was ready to do more to create jobs and economic opportunities for Africa and its people. We have to be ambitious, Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament, said at the same gathering. There needs to be a true Marshall Plan for Africa. The two-day meeting in Ivory Coast takes place as the EU plans to make 8 billion euros ($9.5 billion) available to improve migration control from the Middle East and Africa. In September, the European Parliament adopted a separate 4.1 billion euro plan for Africa thats meant to generate 44 billion euro in investment and address root causes of migration. Solutions to Africas problems require significant financial resources, much more than what African resources alone can afford, Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara said. Our appeal will be for the growth of investments from Europe, public and private. Europe is grappling to stem the biggest wave of asylum seekers since World War II, as anxiety over the issue is stoking populism and drives electoral gains by far-right parties from France to Hungary. Wednesday, November 22, 2017- Accra - The International Fertilizer Development Centre (IFDC) has donated an amount of Ten Thousand Ghana Cedis (GHC 10,000) to the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA) in support of the 33rd edition of National Farmers Day. Mr Samson Konlan, New Business Development Specialist and Mrs Judith Fagbegnon-Kodjo, Acting Country Representative and National Administration and Finance Officer (NAFO) of IFDC Ghana presented the cheque on behalf of IFDC at the premises of MoFA. In a brief statement, Mr Konlan mentioned that IFDC works with regional and national organizations on integrated soil fertility management, food security and productivity enhancement, agro-input and output market development and input policies at regional and national levels as well as on value chain strengthening. He added that IFDC is supporting the National Farmers Day in recognition of the Government of Ghanas increased commitment to improving productivity at the farmer level through its Planting for Food and Jobs program. Honorable Dr Sagre Bambangi, Deputy Minister (Annual Crops) received the donation on behalf of the government and people of Ghana and appealed for more support in order to help make this years farmers day a success. The Mission of IFDC is to enable farmers in developing countries to increase agriculture productivity, generate economic growth, and practice environmental stewardship by enhancing their ability to manage mineral and organic fertilizers responsibly and participate profitably in markets. IFDC is headquartered in Muscle Shoals, Alabama (USA) and works in many countries in Asia, East and Southern Africa, as well as in North and West Africa with regional offices in Dhaka (Bangladesh), Nairobi (Kenya) and Accra (Ghana), respectively. In Ghana, IFDC is working closely with local institutions on projects such as the Feed the Future USAID Ghana Agriculture Technology Transfer (ATT), Towards Sustainable Clusters in Agribusiness through Learning in Entrepreneurship (2SCALE), Ghana Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (Ghana WASH) and the Commercial Vegetable Sector Development in Ghana (GhanaVeg) as well as the initiative. The Feed the Future USAID Ghana Agricultural Technology Transfer (ATT) Project is increasing the availability of appropriate and affordable agriculture-related technologies to sustainably improve the competitiveness of the maize, rice, and soybean value chains in northern Ghana with funding from USAID/Ghana. ATT is improving Ghanas agricultural research and extension systems by creating a private sector-led agricultural technology transfer mechanism, linking research, extension systems, and producers in a market driven approach to seed variety development and dissemination. 2SCALE seeks to improve rural livelihoods and food security in Africa, by being an inclusive agribusiness incubator based on Public-Private Partnerships (PPP). Implemented in Benin, Cote d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria and Uganda, the 2SCALE project is funded by the Dutch government and jointly implemented by IFDC, ICRA and BoP Innovation Center as well as partners such as the private sector, government agencies, research centers, development organizations, universities and especially small female producers to create agribusiness clusters for competitive value chains. Ghana Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (Ghana WASH) is working to push the frontiers of innovation in the area of waste treatment and reuse (waste-to-energy and fertilizer) in Ghana. The project is funded by Rijksdienst Voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) and the African Development Bank. Partners and collaborators include Safi Sana Ghana Ltd, Royal Haskoning DHV, Wereld Waternet, the International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC), Hasal Babs Enterprise, the Waste Foundation and the Ashaiman Municipality Assembly. Safi Sana, a Ghanaian company, subcontracted IFDC to demonstrate and roll out Safi Sanas bio-fertilizer and seedling products in the horticultural partnerships supported by 2SCALE in Ghana. GhanaVeg is an initiative of The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and implemented by IFDC, Wageningen University Research-Center for Development Innovation (CDI) and the Netherlands-Ghana Business Chamber (NABC) with the mission to establish a sustainable and internationally competitive vegetable sector that contributes to inclusive economic growth and has the capacity to continuously innovate in terms of products and services. GhanaVeg is driven by a strong belief in healthy and quality vegetables from Ghana through new ways of doing business. The Initiative targets the high-end domestic and international markets (high end supermarkets, hotels, restaurants and exports). is an IFDC initiative, led in partnership with the International Fertilizer Association (IFA), the African Fertilizer and Agribusiness Partnership (AFAP), the United Nations United Nations for Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the African Union Commission (AUC). Its objective is to contribute to the development of a sustainable and profitable agriculture sector in Africa by providing clear and timely information on fertilizers to the public and private sectors. The Police CID has arrested the leader of a massive social media fraud syndicate after two months of Investigations by Starr News. The suspect popularly known as Joshua Torkor, but in real life called Joshua Ekow Sagoe, was arrested by the Police after he turned himself in at the Police Headquarters after his key accomplice, Adwoa Akumia, a National Service Person who was posted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was first arrested. Starr News began the investigation upon a tipoff by a victim based in the United States of America of the activities of the Social Media Fraud syndicate. The accused person, Joshua Ekow Sagoe, from our investigations posed as an officer of the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) and Interpol who goes by the name Joshua Torkor and contacts his victims through social media platforms such as Facebook and WhatsApp. He then tells them that the CID and Interpol have intercepted some information about them and are ready to publish them. He further threatens that after publication, the Interpol will come looking for the victims and possibly deport them to Ghana for prosecution. If he succeeds in getting the attention of his victims, he then proceeds to make financial demands claiming that upon payment, he is able to influence the security agencies to back off. Through this blackmail and scam activities, Ekow Sagoe has succeeded in defrauding several unsuspecting people both in Ghana and abroad. In the cause of the investigation, Joshua Torkor made a demand for $4,000.00 from one of his victims. The victim who had then contacted Starr News was advised to deliberately refer the demand to his cousin here in Ghana. The suspect promptly agreed and started engaging a member of the investigation team for possible transfer of the funds. The News team requested that the suspect assigns an agent to receive the money on his behalf. He subsequently introduced a lady as his secretary who was to receive the money on his behalf. The lady, Adwoa Akumia, a National Service Person met Starr News investigators at the front office of the Foreign Affairs Ministry to receive the money on behalf of Joshua Torkor. The Foreign Affairs Ministry upon knowledge of the incident has since canceled the National Service offer to Akumia, and has sent her back to the National Service Secretariat for possible re-posting. Arrest of Joshua Ekow Sagoe The National Service Secretariat under the auspices of the Executive Director organized a meeting between the investigative team and the principal witness (Adwoa). Joshua after Adwoas arrest voluntarily reported himself to the Police where he was arrested and subsequently charged with impersonation. Leaders at an EU-Africa summit called Thursday for the immediate evacuation of nearly 4,000 distressed African migrants in Libya under a new drive to fight slave traders and traffickers. Wrapping up a two-day summit in Ivory Coast's economic capital, a top African Union (AU) official said there could be as many as 700,000 Africans stranded in Libya, where many have suffered atrocities and even been sold into slavery. He said a fact-finding mission had seen one camp in Tripoli where all the residents, numbering several thousand, were "living in inhumane conditions" and were desperate to return home. "We have agreed, along with the EU and the UN, to set up a task force for repatriating at least 3,800 people," Moussa Faki Mahamat, head of the AU Commission, told reporters. "But it's just one camp... the Libyan government tells us that there are 42 in all. There are definitely more than that. There are estimates of 400,000 to 700,000 African migrants in Libya." The summit, gathering more than 80 nations of the African Union and European Union (EU), had been showcased as a bid to boost development in Africa as it faces a population crunch. But it was largely overshadowed by shock TV footage of black Africans sold as slaves in Libya, prompting protests in many countries and demands for action. Closing the summit, Ivorian President Alassane Ouattara said the "inhumane treatment of migrants" required responses that "match our condemnation." He called on humanitarian aid, new efforts to fight human trafficking, and solutions for the poverty that prompted so many young Africans to risk the trek to Europe in search of a better life. 'Step in right direction' Leaders at the AU-EU summit agreed on an "extreme emergency operation", French President Emmanuel Macron said In a meeting late Wednesday, the leaders of Libya, France, Germany, Chad, Niger and four other countries agreed on a plan to allow migrants facing abuse in Libyan detention camps to be evacuated within days or weeks, mostly to their home countries. French President Emmanuel Macron, who called the slave trading a crime against humanity, said Libya agreed to allow access to the camps "where scenes of barbarism" had occurred and have them repatriated. They also offered increased support for the International Organization of Migration (IOM) to help those who want to return to their home countries, said Macron, who called the emergency meeting. In some cases they could be given asylum in Europe, he added. IOM Europe Director Eugenio Ambrosio told AFP that the new campaign was a "step in the right direction," although he said slave trading and other abuses also happened outside government control. The agency, he said, could repatriate all 15,000 economic migrants in the Libyan government-controlled camps within two months if their home governments swiftly provided proper documents enabling them to travel. EU sources earlier said UN humanitarian agencies like the IOM had arranged for some 13,000 migrants to return voluntarily to their home countries mainly in sub-Saharan Africa in the last year after a deal with Libya. The group also decided to work with a task force, involving the sharing of police and intelligence services, to "dismantle the networks and their financing and detain traffickers," Macron said. The AU, EU and UN officials also pledged to freeze the assets of identified traffickers while the AU will set up an investigative panel and the UN could take cases before the International Court of Justice, he added. Faki said money was stored away in banks in Europe and the Middle East, including Dubai. Migration crisis The uproar over slavery came after US network CNN two weeks earlier aired footage from Libya of black Africans being sold. AU and other critics have accused the EU of creating conditions for the slave trade as well as rape and torture of migrants by encouraging Libya's Government of National Accord (GNA), which is UN-backed, to detain migrants and stop them from coming to Europe. The EU, which said migrant abuses existed before its cooperation with Libya, has been desperate to ease the worst migration crisis since World War II, with more than 1.5 million migrants entering the bloc since 2015. In his speech to the summit on Wednesday, European Council President Donald Tusk acknowledged the "horrifying" treatment of young Africans. But he also warned against starting "a blame game" and called for cooperation to fight criminals. EU officials said the migrant influx, which has deepened political divisions across the EU, as well as frequent Islamist attacks in Europe have been a wake-up call to tackle the root causes of why people leave their homes. The EU has already set up multi-billion-euro funds to promote Africa's economic development while deepening counter-terrorism cooperation with African countries where Islamist militant groups are spreading. The summit worked on ways to promote stability and long-term economic growth for a continent likely to have 2.4 billion people by 2050, more than double what it is now. Without fast-tracked development, millions could flee to Europe or turn to radical Islamist groups, EU and African leaders warn. Protesters in Togo showed no signs of relenting in their bid to oust President Faure Gnassingbe on Thursday, taking to the streets for a second day as the opposition outlined conditions for talks with the government. In Lome, the rallies -- which have become a common sight over the past three months -- took place in a calm atmosphere although earlier protests have resulted in deadly clashes with the security forces which have claimed at least 16 lives. Gnassingbe has ruled Togo for more than 15 years, and demonstrators want him to go -- seeking an end to his family's more than 50-year grip on power. They also want to impose a two-term limit on the presidential mandate. Although largely silent on the wave of protests, Gnassingbe finally spoke out on November 20, saying the government was in talks about holding negotiations with the opposition which could take place "within several weeks". The almost-daily protests which have gripped Togo since late August have been organised by a coalition of 14 opposition parties, who have insisted they will only talk if the government releases detainees, lifts the ban on demonstrations in several northern cities and sends troops back to their barracks. Most of the deadly clashes between protesters and the security forces have taken place in the north where there has been a heavy security presence. "Mobilisation will continue, even during talks. We are not going to give up the fight," the leader of the National Alliance for Change (ANC), Jean-Pierre Fabre, told AFP on Wednesday. International observers Demonstrators are adamant that President Faure Gnassingbe, who has ruled Togo since 2005, must go with protests even taking place outside the UN in New York But many are sceptical about the prospects of talks with the government. "We've done too much talking in this country and agreements have never been respected," fumed Elie Lodinou, a salesman who was taking part in the demonstrations. "This time, the international community must come alongside us. We need observers from the UN and the African Union present at these talks," he insisted. Many African and European heads of states were in Abidjan this week for a key EU-AU summit which touched on the Togo crisis. On the sidelines of the two-day meeting, Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari and his Ivorian counterpart Alassane Ouattara expressed concern that the instability in Togo could have regional consequences. "We must have a solution in Togo," Buhari said, stressing that allies of both the opposition and the government "must talk to them (about) the steps to jointly take to achieve stability." "There will be regional consequences for instability in Togo and this will surely come at a cost to development," he warned. Speaking to France 24 television and Radio France International (RFI) on Wednesday, French President Emmanuel Macron said he hoped there would be "an electoral process (in Togo)... which allows either a democratic confirmation or transition of power. "Keeping power for a long period of time without any electoral processes, without a framework of pluralism, is not a good thing," he said. Mediators such as Ghana's President Nana Akufo-Addo and Guinea's Alpha Conde have also been working to open up talks between the two sides. Nollywood actress, Shan George, has called on Nigerians to learn to encourage and motivate the Niegerain Police no matter the dirty things said about them. The actress was moved to say after she met with a US Police Officer who told her that he such much respects the Nigerian Police as they work so hard to maintain law and order even without good equipment to combat crime. According to her, I met this NYPD officer in New York, and he said the Nigeria Police is one of the best in the world. That he has never known of a Police that works so effectively with so less equipped and underpaid. Who is saying Nigeria Police is the worst in the world? How? #respectthenigeriapolice #hardworkers #security #police #nigeria #newyork . All ballot boxes secured at district headquarters Ballot boxes from all polling centres have arrived at respective headquarters of all the 32 districts where the first phase elections of the federal parliament and provincial assembly were held on Sunday. Review of CI.133 will aid in ... Bus plunges into Trishuli; 8 dead Eight people died and 22 others were injured when a passenger bus plunged into the Trishuli river along the Prithvi Highway on Wednesday morning. Hummingbirds Are Where Intuition Goes to Die Atlantic Lobster found with Pepsi logo tattoo fuels fears over ocean litter Guardian (YY). Eeek. Trophy Hunting May Drive Species to Extinctions Faster Due to Climate Change National Geographic (furzy) Time between world-changing volcanic super-eruptions less than previously thought PhysOrg (Chuck L) Volcano Super-Eruptions: How Long Before The Next One Wipes Out Civilization? International Business Times (Oregoncharles) Prehistoric women had stronger arms than todays elite rowing crews PhysOrg (Chuck L). This is not as surprising as the authors make out. Rowing is an endurance sport. For strength, the maximum exertion period for strength-related activities is ~2 minutes. That is based on exercise physiology (the maximum amount of time you can rely on the lactic acid system). That is why sprinters can run flat out and middle distance runners cant. So very forceful exertions with rests is better for strength building than repetitive use of the same muscles over longer periods of time. Bitcoin is a global supernova MacroBusiness. BTC is shaping as the stupidest thing that I have ever seen in global markets. Websites use your CPU to mine cryptocurrency even when you close your browser ars technica Pulling Iron From Brain May Offer Hope in Alzheimers Fight Bloomberg How Breathing Calms Your Brain, And Other Science-Based Benefits Of Controlled Breathing Forbes (David L) China? Latest idea to tackle Beijings smog? 15 million people waving giant fans South China Morning Post North Korea: Trump threatens major sanctions after latest missile test Guardian India Considers a Leading Role in De-Centralised British Commonwealth The Wire Trust no one: Reviews and ratings mean little to Indias online shoppers Quartz (J-LS) Australia to hold royal commission inquiry into banks BBC Queensland election shocks intensify breakup of Australian political establishment WSWS Praljak: Bosnian Croat war criminal dies after taking poison in court BBC EU commissioner to slam irresponsible Uber Politico Brexit UK consumer confidence drops to lowest level since Brexit result Independent New Cold War Close, yet so far Deepening of economic integration in South Asia is not possible without expansion of intra-regional trade A new study by academics at John Hopkins confirms one of our long-standing criticisms of private equity: that the general partners misrepresent fund values in ways that make them look more flattering to investors. Well discuss the findings of the paper by Jeff Hooke and Ken Yook (hat tip Eileen Appelbaum) in more detail below. But first we will turn to why its conclusions are important. In virtually every other line of investing, money managers see dodgy accounting as a reason to hang tight to your wallet, or even consider putting on a short sale. Yet in private equity, as weve chronicled from time to time, limited partners, presumably following the lead of industry consultants who depend on private equity as a significant meal ticket, and the general partners, are touting a new justification for investing as its returns falter and cannot be defended on a risk-return basis. Weve seen this movie before, with hedge funds. As we chronicled in the early days of this site, in 2007, it was clear that at best hedge funds werent delivering manager outperformance, or alpha. But alpha was the only justification for paying hedge funds nosebleed level fees. But pension fund and endowment managers, remembering the glory days of hedge funds when many really did deliver superior results, defended their investments as providing alternative beta, meaning market exposures that were still useful to them by virtue of their portfolio impact. Hedge funds were supposedly not highly correlated with the other holdings and therefore were still useful as a hedge. The wee problem with this argument is that the investors could have created this alternative beta on their own or via package products for a small fraction of what they were paying hedge fund managers. And in a few years, even that premise became a crock. By 2011, hedge funds were increasingly correlated with the stock market, undermining the last-gasp justification. By 2014, CalPERS announced it was exiting hedge funds altogether. By early 2016, many other investors were cutting back on their hedge fund allocations. Similar to the efforts to justify continuing investments in hedge funds despite falling returns, for private equity, the great new saving grace is that its returns appear to be less volatile than those of public stocks. Let us stress the appear part. As we explained in 2015: Why Investors Love Phony PE Valuations Unlike most other types of investment, the unrealized investment in a private equity fund, meaning the companies it has bought and will eventually sell, are priced only by the general partner. There is no third party valuation. By contrast, hedge funds get monthly valuations from independent valuation firms. So the general partners get do what no Wall Street firm would allow to occur on its trading desk, which is have traders to mark their own positions. The private equity industry does have an argument for this troubling trust me setup: that the cost of valuing portfolio companies by an independent party like Houlihan Lokey would be on the order of $30,000 per company. Multiply that by, say, 20 companies four times a year, and youve got $2.4 million in costs. On a $1 billion fund, thats close to a 0.25% annual cost on the commitment amount, which would represent a meaningful drag on returns. But heres the flip side: If you allegedly cant afford to have adequate investor protection, should you be investing in that strategy at all, particularly in light of the considerable latitude that general partners have in computing these estimates? The dirty secret of these valuations is that jiggering key assumptions, like the discount rate, margins, revenue growth, reinvestment requirements, within ranges that are plausible, results in a very large range of possible values. Its not uncommon to find that changing the assumptions would result in a valuation of ten times what youd get using conservative assumptions. The truth is the portfolio company valuations are nothing more than a general partners opinion. And there is strong evidence that valuations are often phony, as in artificially high, in at least three circumstances: When stock markets are in distress, as in during the financial crisis. Leverage is a double-edged sword. Borrowing amplifies gains and losses. But you curiously dont see that in how private equity general partners value portfolio companies, When you see downdrafts in the stock market, which typically are the result of trouble in the real economy that hurts both private and public companies, you dont see private equity valuations falling as much (on the whole) as stock prices. Instead, the long-established practice in private equity is that when stocks take a nosedive, general partners mark down the valuations of portfolio companies much less. That makes no sense, since in general, private equity firms are levered, and levered equity should fall further, not less, in price than stocks as a whole.* Around the time of raising a new private equity fund. In a 2013 paper, How Fair are the Valuations of Private Equity Funds? Tim Jekinson, Miguel Sousa, and Rudiger Stucke concluded that general partners goose their valuations around the time they are raising a new fund, based on data from the entire life of CalPERS investments. Those false higher prices make returns look better than they really are: We find that valuations, and reported returns, are inflated during fundraising, with a gradual reversal once the follow-on fund has been closed. Third, we find that the performance figures reported by funds during fund-raising have little power to predict ultimate returns. This is especially true when performance is measured by IRR. Using public market equivalent measures increases predictability significantly. Our results show that investors should be extremely wary of basing investment decisions on the returns especially IRRs of the current fund. Note that the abstract of the paper also confirms (but underplays) the first point we mentioned, that of understating price declines in weak equity markets, which they benignly call smoothing. Late in the life of the fund. Despite its widespread use, IRR, as weve discussed at some length in previous posts, is a poor metric. It also happens to be particularly flattering to private equity. Moreover, its quirks lead investors to have even stronger incentives than theyd ordinarily have to monetize successful investments early in the life of the fund. As a result, the companies that are left in a fund later in its life tend to be dogs. A common pattern is to report prices for these businesses at their historical valuation level, even though the general partner would have presumably have sold the company by then at that price if that really was the price (the returns would be better if, for instance, a company was sold for $400 million in year 6 rather than in year 9). So these companies are eventually sold, more often than not at a price lower than what they were carried at, with the general partner making plausible-sounding explanations as to why it made sense to sell at a loss versus the valuation. None of this would be that bad if investors were duly skeptical and took steps to manage against these deficiencies. For instance, they could insist on much stronger rights to demand portfolio company valuations, and have five or ten percent of the companies valued every year, with the selection made on a random basis. Similarly, the Jenkinson paper points out early returns on funds, when measured in IRR, dont do a good job of predicting eventual performance. Yet despite experts having recommended the use of public market equivalent as clearly superior to IRR, limited partners still prefer to use IRR. So why dont investors look at the valuations more skeptically? They view those phony smoothed valuations as a feature, not a bug. Private equity researcher Peter Morris called it A triumph of accounting form over economic substance. One big reason is that when most financial markets are tanking, private equity looks less bad by virtue of under-reporing its price declines. Back to the current post. The article by Jeff Hooke and Ken Yook, The Curious Year-to-Year Performance of Buyout Fund Returns: Another Mark-to-Market Problem? provides the expected through review of relevant literature (useful because it show more studies raising red flags about private equity valuations and smoothing than I have to confess I was aware of) and argues that a public-market proxy can supply a reliable estimate of private equity funds values. From its abstract: Recent academic studies have raised doubts regarding the alpha of buyout fund returns against mimicking publicly traded portfolios, and buyout investors have sometimes responded that lower returns are offset by the funds lower volatility relative to public stocks. Regarding the volatility of such returns, several studies have used a cash-flow-only estimation (CFOE) approach to calculate risk, as an alternative to relying on (1) actual cash flows paid to limited partners and (2) the asset valuations of unsold investments as determined by buyout fund general partners. These studies have suggested that buyout funds reported return volatility is understated relative to times-series public market equity returns. This study uses a methodology other than CFOE to evaluate buyout fund return volatility. The authors use a publicly traded mimicking portfolio, adjusted for buyout-type leverage, to measure risk, and conclude that buyout fund returns are more volatile than public equity market returns. Here is the money chart, which we think speaks for itself: From its conclusion: Unlike investment pools that specialize in publicly traded securities, buyout funds determine the residual values, one-year returns, and the volatility of their fund returns, while having few checks and balances. In this study, we eliminate the possible bias of GPs in setting annual residual values for their funds by using a publicly traded replication index.and conclude buyout fund returns are more volatile than public equity market returns. In contrast, the self-reported results of buyout funds indicate that their year-to-year equity returns are less volatile than those of the public stock market, despite the high leverage of buyout-fund-portfolio companies. These results contradict fundamental theories of finance, which stipulate that the use of leverage increases equity return volatility. If this articles conclusions are correct, future investors may have second thoughts about purchasing buyout funds instead of listed securities. Moreover, past buyout-fund investors may have been unfairly induced to place monies into these investment vehicles, in part through (1) faulty mark-to-market residual values, (2) improper year-to-year return estimates, or (3) inaccurate volatility calculations. Furthermore, many buyout fund return studies rely, by necessity, on residual value estimates of the fund GPs. If these estimates are inaccurate, the validity of these studies conclusions may be called into question. The paper is very accessible and I encourage you to read it in full. The NATO Deputy Secretary General, The Honourable Rose E. Gottemoeller, will travel to Rome on Friday, 1 December 2017 to participate in the 3rd edition of Rome MED Mediterranean Dialogues. As part of the conference she will take part in a panel discussion entitled Shared Security, Common Strategies. For additional information on the event, as well as webstreaming of the sessions, please consult the event website: Follow the Deputy Secretary General on Twitter (@Gottemoeller). Also follow us at @NATOPress. (Natural News) America is often called a melting pot because of the wide variety of cultures that can be found here, and its one of the things that makes it such a great nation. Many of us with family members in our lineage who hailed from other countries particularly in Europe have heard stories about their arduous boat journey across the ocean to the land of opportunity. Weve heard their reasons for leaving their homeland, and there are typically multiple factors that drove their big decision. One that most of us havent heard as a reason for immigration, however, is climate change, yet that is exactly what a group of scientists would like us to believe prompted our ancestors to head overseas long before fossil fuels ever came into the equation. Thats right: A team of German researchers has published a paper in Climate of the Past that links migration from Germany to North America in the 19th century to climate change. During this period, more than five million Germans headed to the North American continent. They say it wasnt the wars, revolutions, and difficult life that many of the immigrants faced that sent them in search of greener pastures; it was disagreeable weather. According to their calculations, climate can explain as much as 30 percent of the migration from Southwest Germany during this time period. They cite low crop yields and increasing cereal prices caused by unfavorable climate conditions. They looked at population data, harvest figures, weather data, migration statistics and cereal price records to reach their conclusions. They say the first immigration wave during this time came after the Indonesian Tambora volcano erupted in 1815, spewing gases and ash into the atmosphere and leading to falling temperatures and famine. In 1846, however, it was extremely dry and hot weather and the associated bad harvests and rising food prices that sent Germans packing. Researcher Annette Bosmeier said: These two years of high migration numbers appear to be quite strongly influenced by climate changes, while for other migration waves other circumstances appeared to be more important. Climate refugees? This finding will undoubtedly help stoke fears about the concept of climate refugees, which is something that many climate change alarmists try to use to promote their agenda. Sea levels will rise and droughts, floods and hurricanes will be regular occurrences, they claim, causing mass migration in the form of climate refugees who will converge on unsuspecting populations and lead to unforeseen problems. Some experts have claimed that hundreds of millions of people will be displaced due to environmental problems that are exacerbated by climate change by the year 2050. The numbers will far exceed those fleeing the conflict in Syria, according to a study carried out by the Environmental Justice Foundation, creating a giant challenge for European nations. Stephen Cheney, a retired U.S. Military Corps Brigadier General, said: If Europe thinks they have a problem with migration today wait 20 years. See what happens when climate change drives people out of Africa the Sahel [sub-Saharan area] especially and were talking now not just one or two million, but 10 or 20 [million]. Not surprisingly, that study takes the opportunity to call on governments to do more to reach the Paris climate agreement targets. Environmental Justice Foundation director Steve Trent said that when climate change is added to existing political tensions, it can ignite conflict and violence that will have disastrous consequences. In other words, climate change even in the absence of fossil fuels is the real reason people have and will continue to immigrate to other countries. All of this leads one to wonder what kind of insane climate change theories they will come up with next. Sources include: (Natural News) By this point it should be obvious to anyone who has been paying attention that when the liberals and left wing corporations claim to be launching various initiatives in the interest of combating fake news on the Internet, what they are really saying is that they want the power to determine which information is permitted and which information is to be suppressed. In recent months, companies such as Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter have all declared that they are taking a stand against the spread of fake news, but what always ends up happening is conservative voices become silenced while liberal voices are allowed to speak freely. The most recent anti-fake news (A.K.A. anti-conservative news) initiative has been launched by the worlds most popular Internet search engine, Google. In the coming weeks, the company plans to roll out what its calling knowledge cards or newstrition labels for news articles that pop up in the Google search results as a means of providing greater degrees of transparency for readers. According to an executive at Google, the initiative will ultimately be launched with the goal of fighting what the company considers to be fake news. (Related: Google insiders warn that outright censorship of the Internet is Googles top priority.) Weve been using the phrase newstrition internally, explained Richard Gingras, vice president of news at Google during a panel discussion late last week. I use it because its not a Good Housekeeping rule that says this is good or bad, it says, no, heres the ingredient information you need to know about the publication, make your own judgment. So should those knowledge cards about USA Today or MIC have heres the editorial masthead, here are the editors, who owns the publication, for instance. So greater transparency about the organization in and of itself we think thats one step, Gingras added. To some, more transparency about the sources of news articles and the overall effort to stop the spread of fake news may seem like a good thing. However, it is important to remember two things. First, just like any piece of legislation that makes its way through the halls of Congress or any new rule that is put in place by the Environmental Protection Agency, there is always room for abuse. What starts off as a seemingly noble cause can quickly turn into a full-out effort to silence viewpoints that do not align with the progressive agenda, a trend that conservatives have experienced dozens of times before. Second, even though its been largely ignored for years now, we still do have the First Amendment in the United States Constitution, which among other things mentions that Americans have the freedom of speech. Even if information on the Internet is not entirely accurate, that still doesnt give any company the right to usurp the First Amendment. Its almost laughable how Google, Facebook and other large Internet-based companies are attempting to appoint themselves as credible fact checkers, yet time and time again they are proven to be anything but credible. (Related: If Google and Facebook are not regulated, their politically-motivated censorship will lead to open warfare in the streets.) According to a Fox News article from last year, several former Facebook contractors came forward and explained that Facebook, routinely suppressed news stories of interest to conservative readers, and that many of them were instructed to inject certain topics into the trending list, even if they werent popular or relevant. Of course, Facebook later denied the allegations and claimed that they are committed to providing a platform for people and perspectives from all across the political spectrum, but we know the truth. It would appear as though we need a team of fact checkers to fact check the fact checkers. They arent stopping fake news; in many cases, they are contributing to it. Sources Included: (Natural News) Besides destroying America, one of the things that the liberals have become fairly good at is taking advantage of Hollywood and childhood icons in order to advance their radical social justice agenda. It is a very sneaky way of promoting their deranged values and principles, similar to how companies use product placement to casually advertise their brands in movies and television shows. Instead of saying buy Coca-Cola or become a liberal progressive, the strategy is to instead have the main actor casually sipping on a Coke in one of the scenes, or to have two parents in a childrens show just happen to be homosexual. This type of subtle yet consistent ideological indoctrination is doing a tremendous amount of damage to Americas young people, and forcing them to grow up in a world that is based more in fantasy than in reality. Hulus new superhero series Runaways, for example, is jam packed with social justice principles and radical left wing values because God forbid a television show exists today that doesnt contain some sort of liberal propaganda. Showrunner Stephanie Savage was ecstatic about the idea of having a superhero show rooted in progressive values when she pitched the idea to Marvel: I loved all the humor, I love the strong female characters, I loved the great cliffhangers at the end of every issue, the diversity of the characters. To me it felt so contemporary and so, sort of, already of our world that we were just so hopeful that [Marvel] would be open to it. Runaways will feature the first ever on-screen lesbian relationship between two of the shows main female characters. Additionally, the character Gert Yorkes is described as a riot grrrl who is ready, willing and able to dismantle the patriarchy. Gert is also critical of organized religion, which she considers to be more oppressive to women than any other institution. If, for some reason, this isnt enough to convince you that Runaways is nothing more than a liberal propaganda series, in one of the episodes, Gert apparently criticizes her adopted sister for reinforcing hegemonic masculinity while marginalizing womens identity after she does something as horrible and controversial as trying out for a dance team. Are we absolutely sure that this show wasnt produced by Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton? As disturbing and upsetting as it is to see shows being developed with the intent of brainwashing our children, it really should come as no surprise that Marvel would want to adopt a show like Runaways. After all, Marvel is owned by Disney, and Disney has never exactly been shy when it comes to promoting progressivism to young children. (Related: There has been a huge increase in children who have been indoctrinated with gender identity propaganda.) In October, the show Andi Mack on the Disney Channel introduced viewers to its first gay storyline. According to Breitbart News, the young male lead character named Cyrus struggles to come to terms with the fact that he is sexually attracted to a male friend while also having a brand new girlfriend by his side. As if thats not bad enough, Cyrus is only 13 years old. It sure seems as though Disney is okay with living in a world where young boys experiment with and develop sexual attractions to other adolescent boys, with absolutely no sense of how morally wrong that is whatsoever. Disney has been pushing the homosexual agenda for years. Back in 2012, the Disney Channel launched an ad campaign that featured a young filmmaker speaking out against bullying. Of course, the network couldnt help but focus a bit on the boys two moms as well with its Make Your Mark segment. Anti-bullying campaigns are certainly necessary in many cases, but the fact that Disney chose to promote the filmmakers lesbian parents goes to show just how committed the network is to advancing the progressive agenda. Even something as sweet and innocent as the famous childhood doll Barbie is not safe from the social justice plague that is engulfing American society. In an attempt to both increase sales and promote liberalism, the Barbie doll manufacturing company Mattel is coming out with a doll, whose t-shirt reads in rainbow-emblazoned letters, Love Wins. This, of course, is the phrase used often by liberals and LGBT activists to promote the idea of gay marriage, homosexuality and transgenderism. (Related: Transgenders increasingly want to revert back to their original gender after having surgery.) The question that we must ask is simple: Whats next? Is Bugs Bunny one day going to come out as a homosexual? Are Tom and Jerry eventually going to announce that they have been a gay couple all these years? Is there any part of American society that wont be affected by the lefts homosexual agenda, even though only 1.6 percent of American adults identify as gay or lesbian while 96.6 percent are heterosexual? How much crazier can things possibly get? The ironic thing about all of this is that while the leftists like to call themselves progressives that are helping America transition into a more tolerant and accepting era, they really dont stand for progress at all. Indoctrinating young children with the idea that homosexuality and transgenderism are entirely natural is not a sign that our country is moving forward; its a sign that our country is, at the very least, slowly regressing. To counter this indoctrination, parents have to step up and teach their children real values and conservative principles. Sources include: (Natural News) The senior senator from South Carolina issued the most dire warning yet that war with North Korea is more likely now than at any time since the 1950s after Pyongyang conducted its most recent ballistic missile test. In the early morning hours Wednesday, the North Koreans launched what appears to be an upgraded version of a Hwasong-14 ICBM, which flew skyward some 2,800 miles the highest yet of any missile the North has tested before. Experts calculate that the missile, if on a flat trajectory, could travel upwards of 13,000 miles more than enough to strike Washington, D.C., and all of the United States. In an interview with CNN, Sen. Lindsey Graham warned Pyongyang it was playing with fire because President Donald J. Trump, given the option of taking on the regime of Kim Jong-un or putting Americans in danger, would choose war with North Korea without hesitation. If we have to go to war to stop this, we will, Graham said Tuesday. If theres a war with North Korea it will be because North Korea brought it on itself, and were headed to a war if things dont change. Graham, a former Air Force lawyer and officer, added that North Korea is making the biggest miscalculation in modern history for thinking that best way for Kims regime to survive is to be able to attack the United States. If North Korea watches CNN, I hope you understand that President Trump is not going to allow the United States to live under the threat of a nuclear missile, a nuclear weapon coming to America from North Korea. And if you want that capability, youre going to get in a fight with the United States and youre going to lose that fight and thatll be the end of the regime, he continued. Even if it means thousands, hundreds of thousands of people over there get hurt to protect America. Now thats the choice that the president has to make. I stand with him. (Related: North Korea CAN strike the US: Heres what you can do to protect yourself.) Graham went on to say that there neednt be a conflict at all, but that Washington isnt going to decide. The best outcome is not to have a war. I dont want a war, he doesnt want a war, but were not going to let this crazy man in North Korea have the capability to hit the homeland. Were not going to live this way, Graham said. To our friends in China, were not going to live this way. You need to help us, and if you dont help us, well take care of it. And us taking care of it means that the war is in your backyard, not ours. Graham has made this dire prediction before one which he says is based on personal, private conversations hes had with Trump. As reported by The National Sentinel, Graham said in August there indeed is a military option for dealing with North Korea, should it develop nuclear weapons that can threaten the United States, contrary to the conventional wisdom that no such option exists. Theyre wrong, he said in an interview with NBCs Today show. There is a military option to destroy North Koreas program and North Korea itself. If theres going to be a war to stop him [Kim Jong Un], it will be over there. If thousands die, theyre going to die over there, theyre not going to die here and hes [Trump] told me that to my face. The senior Republican from South Carolina also said war with Pyongyang was inevitable if the nuclear weapons development continued. When youre the president of the United States, where does your allegiance lie? To the people of the United States. This man, Kim Jong Un, is threatening America with a nuclear tip missile. President Trump doesnt want a war, the Chinese can stop this, but to China, South Korea, and Japan, Donald Trump is not going to allow this missile. Were headed for war if things dont change, Graham told CNN. Discover more news on the topic of World War III at J.D. Heyes is editor of The National Sentinel and a senior writer for Natural News and News Target. Sources include: In an important article for FrontPage Magazine, Bruce Bawer writes of the staggering ignorance of millions of young Americans when it comes to certain fundamental and crucially important matters. The curriculum in place is one that validates programmatic stupefaction: the serial failures of socialism are glossed over, capitalism is denounced as an unmitigated scourge, America is castigated as uniquely evil, Islam is uniformly extolled and terrorists are excused as merely misguided. In addition, standards have been debased all across the board in admission, hiring and graduation policies. Intellectual debate has been shut down as conservative speakers are routinely ostracized or disinvited. Students are coddled in safe spaces where they are spared unfamiliar or disturbing ideas. When the object of the educational institution is to dumb down and indoctrinate, then it has nothing in common what we once understood as education: the acquisition of knowledge and fostering the ability to think. In a letter of 1822, collected in The Founders Constitution (Vol.1, Ch.18, Doc.35), James Madison wrote : The American people owe it to themselves, and to the cause of free Government, to prove by their establishments for the advancement and diffusion of Knowledge, that their political Institutions are as favorable to the intellectual and moral improvement of Man as they are conformable to his individual & social Rights. This is a document which should be taught to students at every level of the educational establishment, especially in its current state of academic desuetude and ideological depravity. This violation of journalistic ethics is now pretty much universal. News is agitprop and editorials are political spin, almost always under the sign of left-wing advocacy masking as objective scrutiny and disclosure. Attkisson reminds us of Joseph Goebbels dictum in his Diaries , those who control news policies [must] endeavor to make every item of news serve a certain purpose. Just as todays universities have taken a page from the Nazified German universities of the 1930s and the installation of the Nuremberg Laws , so contemporary journalism has learned from the dark master of deception and persuasion. A liethe bigger the betterrepeated with dinning regularity becomes, as Goebbels instructed us, the truth. The Arts As Sohrab Ahmari laments in The New Philistines, a devastating critique of contemporary art, the loss of technical mastery and the erosion of standards have become epidemic in our identitarian age. Since social power dynamics and collective identity are all that postmodern art knows, its practitioners cant grapple with individuality, with things of the soul, with the inner lifethe very things that draw most of us to art in the first place. Writers and artists who trade in the business of radical feminism, racial grievance, anti-capitalism and queer theory are now the poster children for a politically correct and ultimately boring belletristic community. Art in the widest sense of the termpainting, sculpture, drama, poetry, fictionhas betrayed its fundamental mandate of producing meaning and beauty. It has become increasingly ugly, trivial, self-referential and devoid of both aesthetic value and authentic content, a vacuous parody of its ancestral vitality. A phrase from a 19th century Spectator review of a particularly bad play, a weighty baldness, comes to mind as now generally applicable. Gender Sexual relations have always been complexified by variation, but the fact remains that a culture cannot survive without orthodox matrimonial standards and procreative couples. As Ive written before, the contemporary focus is now on sexual politics, sexual performance, sex education, sex scandals, same-sex marriage, sexual coercion (the rape culture meme), and sex changes, cosmetic, chemical, and surgical. This phobic obsession does not stop there. The male-female binary has been reconceived as a social construct that must be unlearned, a relic of the oppressive and unenlightened past. Consequently, linguistic and doctrinal abominations like the LGBTIQCAPGNGFNBA sodality covering the proliferating abundance of gender orientations seem here to stay. We have reached the point in the West where traditional sexual standards have been misgendered and fatally compromised. Sterile variations are celebrated and even legislated, burlesque has become commonplace (transgenderism, sologamy, etc.), abortion is rampant, and the reproductive ratio has grown unsustainable. Normal sexuality has been severed from its original function and reduced to its biological antithesis. Sex and marriage may be individual choices but they are also civilizational imperatives in the absence of which a viable future diminishes by the day. In Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media, Noam Chomsky, always the contrarian, argues that political conditioning, far from being antithetical to democracy, is the essence of democracy[the] Creation of necessary illusions. Of course, some degree of thought control is inevitably part of media, commercial and political organizations, but the critical element is some degree. In the society which Chomsky envisioned, his book would never have seen the light of print. But the cloak of indoctrination now tends to shadow almost everything we see, hear and read, and it requires dedicated and time-consuming labor to ferret out the truth of current affairs. We live in a time of inversion in which, in almost every social category of serious endeavor, truth is denounced as a lie and the lie is elevated to the status of truth. Inversion is the order of the day. It may well be too late to turn things around. Our cultural momentum has carried us, like Paul Klees Angelus Novus caught in the winds of history, past the point of no return. The reckoning that seems to await us may be deferred but it most likely cannot be avoided. The application of genuine conservative principleslimited government, respect for tradition, resistance to newfangled fads and fallacies (e.g., the worship of Gaia, global warming), rigorous education, the sanctity of procreative marriage, prudent immigration protocols and defended borders, social progress by slow, tested incrementscan postpone the inexorable by perhaps a generation or two, but the rot has gone too deep to be scoured. The social, cultural and political vectors we have examined here appear definitive, violations of the desire for continuity, the bond of allegiance, the pursuit of excellence [and] institutional autonomy, properties which Scruton lists as native to the conservative sensibility. If the purpose of culture is to ensure human survival, then we live in a culture that has perversely consummated its antipodal reflection, engaged in an act of culturecide. Perhaps the only solution to our dilemma is, paradoxically, nothing other than the looming collapse of a once vigorous and in many respects glorious civilization, from the ashes of which it may phoenix-like arise renewed, or from which some as yet undefined hybrid may gradually emerge. But as we continue to invert the beliefs, disciplines, meanings and practices that have sustained us, what is clear is that what once was can no longer be, and we are the worse for it. (Natural News) According to a federal court order, Altria, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco, Lorillard and Philip Morris USA were ordered to pay for and run newspaper and media advertisements stating: More people, one ad says, die every year from smoking than murder, AIDS, suicide, drugs, car crashes, and alcohol, combined. Another reads: Cigarette companies intentionally designed cigarettes with enough nicotine to create and sustain addiction. [2] (Article by Catherine Frompovich republished from But lets be honest: Tobacco scientists were able to convince and acculturate consumers to get hooked on and addicted to a known health-harming product and resulting health-damaging habit and addiction. Tobacco science revisited: Tobacco kills! Deceiving the public for decades. Tobacco companies designed products to make them more addictive! [1] Recall how big tobacco knowingly and deliberately deceived and convinced consumers using tobacco products as something medical doctors practicedso safety was impliedand docs even had preferred brands! In 1946, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company ran the following ad: Source But R.J. Reynolds was not alone in the conspiracy of deceit regarding whats become known as a classic pejorative for fraudulent science, tobacco science. In the 1930s, Lucky Strike ran an ad stating that 20,679 Physicians say Luckies are less irritating; its toasted! [3] A 1949 ad had a dentist saying, As your Dentist, I would recommend Viceroys. Viceroys filter the smoke! [4] A cigarette branded as Murad, The Turkish Cigarette went so far as to show Santa Claus sitting on a snow-covered roof with his back against the chimney and this text prompting, What could you Enjoy more this Xmas than Murad. [5] There were hundreds, if not thousands of advertisements, which spewed malicious fraud-filled lies about tobacco science not affecting health adversely. Even to this very day, there are those scientists who, for a consulting fee, still promote tobacco science for other industries. Those similar scientists can be found testifying regarding the safety and/or efficacies of vaccines, AMI Smart Meters, cell phones, Wi-Fi, 5G, and other products, which the tobacco industry apparently taught product manufacturers how to sell with impunity, i.e., use supposedly credible experts e.g., medical doctors, lawyers and PhD experts who dont follow emerging science but, for their high-end fees, will promote industry associations and professional societies mantras about the proven safety of products or services regardless of the fact no short- or long-term health safety and/or environmental impact studies have been done. Those experts standard refrains always are, more studies need to be done. More studies never are enough, and never will be enough, for those promoting vested interest agendas like the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration, the Federal Communications Commission and all the alphabet agencies which have become corporate lackeys. What happened? However, one has to question what happened that turned the tide against big tobacco. Who did what to whom; or who didnt pay off whom enough hush money; or what was it that made the 1964 Surgeon Generals Reports on Smoking and Tobacco Use [6] issued by Luther L. Terry, MD, become a reality and taken seriously? Readers will note that report is posted on the CDCs website. Whats happened since 1964 to make federal alphabet agencies one-sided, or even prejudiced toward and adamant, about accepting only manufacturer-produced tobacco science for vaccines, pharmaceuticals, genetically modified phoods, pesticides/herbicides, toxic chemicals, etc.? The culture changed within federal agencies and Congress, especially since corporations have been flexing their monetary prowess and even threats, as did vaccine manufacturers with the U.S. Congress in 1986 that resulted in the outrageous vaccine law, The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 (42 U.S.C. 300aa-1 to 300aa-34), which needs to be repealed immediately, if not sooner! Why? Because vaccine science is worse than tobacco science! The proof you need. * In June 2000: The infamous Simpsonwood Conference when 52 big wigs from CDC, FDA, WHO and selected Big Pharma executives got together to powwow about how to scuttle the fact that CDC epidemiologist Verstraeten had found vaccines Thimerosal (ethylmercury) had autism causations. Here is that 48 page transcript of the meeting notes. One doctor attending Simpsonwood, Dr. Caserta, said: One of the things I learned at the Aluminum Conference in Puerto Rico that was tied into the metal lines in biology and medicine that I never really understood before, is the interactive effect of different ions and different metals when they are together in the same organism. It is not the same as when they are alone, and I think it would be foolish for us not to include aluminum as part of our thinking with this. What Dr. Caserta was referring to was the inclusion of ethylmercury (Thimerosal) and any of four different aluminum adjuvants that can be used together in various vaccines! It still goes on. * Poul Thorsen, MD, PhD, fraudulent vaccine researcher and indicted for CDC money misappropriation Vaccine Data Manipulator Extraordinaire as I wrote about in September 2017 regarding 22 federal criminal counts 13 counts of wire fraud and 9 counts of money laundering, and still the CDC promotes Thorsens autism studies as valid research. Those studies should be retracted and pulled from the medical literature, as the CDC/FDA are enablers of deliberate vaccine misinformation supplied by Thorsen. * CDC whistleblower William Thompson, PhD, CDC epidemiologist, who is on recorded tape phone conversations stating he and other CDC scientists conspired to exclude pertinent data regarding the MMR vaccine causing autism in young black boys under three years of age. All scientists working on that project met in one specific room to discard the MMR vaccine-autism link data by discarding it into a huge trash can they brought into the room for that purpose. FRAUD, if there ever was fraud, committed at the CDC! Dr. Thompsons whistleblowing is documented in the movie VAXXED: From Cover-up to Catastrophe. CDC actually knew vaccines were causing autism, but covered it up and still do to this very day! Representative Bill Posey of Florida called for a special vaccine/Whistleblower Thompson investigation by the U.S. Congress. None has taken place since July of 2015 when Rep. Posey made his plea before Congress. * Merck & Companys false research data on the Mumps active efficacy in its MMR vaccine. Two former Merck employeesnow whistleblowershave a qui tam law suit in Philadelphia, PA federal court wherein they contend Merck fudged the Mumps efficacy rating for ten years, thereby allowing Merck to maintain a virtual monopoly on its MMR vaccine. What kind of fraud did Merck commit? They added antibodies from rabbit blood to increase the efficacy to 100%. * The Hannah Poling Autism Case This autism case was settled by the vaccine court because of Hannahs mitochondrial DNA involvement, which should indicate the necessity to mandate that every child before ever receiving his/her very first vaccine should be tested to find out if he/she has the same mitochondrial proclivity that was involved in the Hannah Poling case, or otherwise. The PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test can detect such anomalies, but the CDC will not allow that test to be performed! Shouldnt Congress be demanding that test be done to save U.S. children from vaccine damage? 83 Cases of Autism Associated with Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensated in Federal Vaccine Court * The U.S. Supreme Court [Bruesewitz v. Wyeth LLC, 2011 (7) ] admitted vaccines are unavoidably unsafe!In other words, the Vaccine Act excluded design defects by intent. At least thats how SCOTUS interpreted it. If design defects are to be an exception, Congress will have to amend the law or pass a new law. [8] [CJF emphasis] How can consumers accept and trust federal agencies science and mandates, when nothing is done to correct the fraud? With the above documentation and histrionics regarding what clearly smacks of fraud and vested corporate interests far and above the health and well-being of U.S. children, who are being forced under penalty of state laws (Californias SB277!), including parents incarcerations for refusal to vaccinate with toxic vaccines, every person who values healthy children must be asking when will the courts do the same to vaccine makers about their false science and mandate corrective statements be published in every medical journal, every newspaper, every magazine, and on every radio station, television and cable networks? What you can do. Shouldnt you be requesting your members of Congress to: repeal the NCVIA of 1986; mandate PCR testing to ascertain mitochondrial proclivities before any vaccinations begin; and pass a Resolution requiring vaccine makers must publish corrective statements about the tobacco science they have been promoting for decades about vaccines, similar to what the tobacco industry has had to do to correct its fraudulent statements Read more at: (Natural News) This article was first published on GR on January 2015. (Article by Dr. Gary Null republished from Within the mainstream medical and scientific community there is an unassailable pseudo-truth that vaccines are safe and effective, whether administered individually or in combination. Within the vaccine injured children and autism movements there is also an unchallenged belief that vaccines are effective but not always safe. In this case, vaccine-injured children or adult family members were simply one of the rare cases where they received a hot lot vaccine or possessed biomolecular abnormalities, such as mitochondria dysfunction, and suffered the consequences. Even many parents with two children developing neurological complications after vaccination, will continue to follow the recommended vaccine schedule. Any medical physician, scientist, nurse, public health advocate, politician, or journalist who questions the myth of vaccine safety and efficacy are often immediately attacked, ridiculed, and designated a conspirator. In fact, the pro-vaccine propaganda machine sends forth articulate doctors and university scientists to engage in ad hominin personal attacks against vaccine dissenters. However, what if all of these individuals and their organizations, their shadow lobbying foundations and think tanks, are wrong? What if the vaccine paradigm itself is flawed? What if vaccines have never been soundly confirmed to be safe and effective? What if the CDC, vaccine manufacturers, and the leading vaccine advocates knew of these discrepancies and contradictions, yet intentionally ignored them against the public interests and the well being of the American population? After several decades of studying the scientific literature regarding vaccines, following the money trails, and interviewing many dozens of toxicologists, immunologists, research physicians, pediatricians, and medical journalists the vaccine paradigm can now be accurately deconstructed with real independent science. The year, 2014, has been a particularly dismal year for the pro-vaccine movement. We are presenting the science that has unfolded during the past twelve months as indicative of a collapse in the modern vaccine paradigm. Last year, 2014, may well be the watershed year marking the demise of the vaccine era. Without any recent credible and sound biological science to support their claims for vaccines efficacy and safety, the vaccine complex and its federal allies have been forced to rely upon courts of law and the ignorance of an inept mainstream media to further promulgate their flawed mythologies to advance the vaccine agenda. Rarely does a whistleblower emerge from the federal health agencies. Government and corporate entities that are notoriously hierarchical, such as the CDC, FDA, and Health and Human Services, ruthlessly prevent dissention from their ranks. In the Obama era, when whistleblowers are persecuted more than ever before, it is an act of great courage for a person to come forth and reveal government malfeasance, corruption, and criminal behavior. Therefore, it was a shocking surprise last year when a senior epidemiologist at the CDC, Dr. William Thompson, acted upon his moral conscience and released thousands of pages of CDC documents with research data to Congress that unveil the agencies long history of fraudulent studies and medical cover-ups that hid the serious failures and health risks of vaccines. Dr. Thompson is a distinguished scientist who has worked at the CDC since 1998. Prof. Brian Hooker, a specialist in molecular and cellular systems, and the first person to be contacted by Dr. Thompson, stated during a recent broadcast that the released documents are not simply a smoking gun. Rather it is a wildfire. Dr. Thompson is currently cooperating with members of a Congressional subcommittee. Thousands of American parents with vaccine damaged children, suffering from permanent neurological impairment and autism, await a trial that will finally bring to justice many of the nations top health officials. Dr. Thompson, who co-authored and published research on vaccine thimerosal mercurystill included in some vaccines, especially the influenza vaccinehas admitted he was part of the CDCs conspiracy to obscure scientific evidence proving thimerosal and the MMR vaccine as causal factors for autism. During an interview on the Autism Media Channel, he stated that he would never give his pregnant wife a flu shot because of its high concentration of mercury. I dont know why they still give it to pregnant women, Dr. Thompson stated. Thats the last person I would give mercury to.[1] After reviewing some of the CDC data received by Dr. Thompson, as well as data records acquired through freedom of information submissions, Prof. Hooker discovered that the CDC has known since 2001 that children exposed to thimerosal in utero were 800 percent more likely to regress into autism. This data was intentionally excluded from the CDC paper published in the journal Pediatrics in an effort to disprove a thimerosal-autism association. During the radio broadcast, Prof. Hooker unearthed evidence that the CDC has known for a decade that children receiving the MMR vaccines on schedule were nearly 300 percent more likely to regress into autism compared to children whose parents decided to withhold the vaccine until after the child was older. Americans are rapidly losing confidence in the CDC. According to National Consumers League poll, over two-thirds of Americans believe vaccines cause autism, which the CDC categorically denies.[2] Almost two months after the media reported on the Thompson revelations, a CBS News poll showed public approval of the CDC nosedived to 37%, down from 60% the previous year. Vaccine apologists and the major media claim this large decrease is due to the CDCs dismal handling of the Ebola crisis; however, Thompsons whistleblowing received over 750 million Twitter impressions indicating that vaccine efficacy and safety is far more on the publics mind.[3] Positive endorsement of the CDC would plummet further if the public knew the full extent of CDC officials lying to Congress and their conspiracy to commit medical fraud for over a dozen years. Imagine the tens of thousands of children and families who would have been saved from life-long neurological damage and immeasurable suffering if the CDC was not indebted to protecting the toxic products of the pharmaceutical industry and was serving the health and well-being of American children? The Thompson whistleblowing case is the tip of the iceberg and now putting the vaccine establishment into a panic. Nevertheless, 2014 was a dreadful year for the vaccine establishment and other medical revelations provide further encouragement for parents to withhold or refuse vaccination. The Council of Foreign Relations Mistakenly Proves the Largest Outbreaks of Infectious Diseases Are Within the Most Highly Vaccinated Populations. An early 2014 report released by the Council of Foreign Relations to identify countries with the highest rates of disease outbreaks, accidently revealed that the most highly vaccinated populations are also those with the greatest number of outbreaks for those same infectious diseases. This was especially the case for measles, mumps, rubella, polio and pertussis outbreaks. The US, Canada, the European Union, Australia and New Zealand, and Japaneach with the highest number of mandated vaccinesled the list of nations. The Office of Medical and Scientific Justice, which analyzed the report, concluded that the Councils report clearly suggests the theory of herd immunity is failing or was flawed to begin with. Given the repeated incidences of infectious outbreaks in populations with 94% or more vaccine compliance, and the emergence of new viral strains, the concept of herd immunity should be forgotten. The Office offers several possibilities to explain the report: 1) vaccines are increasingly becoming ineffective and causing immune dysfunction, and 2) vaccine antigen responses may be reprogramming viruses while weakening the immune systems of the most vaccinated individuals.[4] Another World Health Organization Influenza Debacle Predicting the particular influenza strains to protect populations has never been a fine art. We might remember the doom and gloom scenarios spread by the WHO and CDC over the H1N1 swine flu in 2009. The federal agencies of warning for a viral apocalypse, which never occurred, had as much credibility as Y2K and New Age Mayan predictions at the turn of the millennium. At their best, flu vaccines remain around 60% efficacy according to official health statistics. However, the World Health Organizations predictions for this years flu strains were a bust. The match was such a failure that the CDC was forced to warn the American public that the 2014-2015 flu vaccine was only 23% effective, off by 77%.[5] Given that the 2012-2013 flu season was only 27% effective for the 65 years-plus age group, it can be estimated that this years flu shot is near useless for the elderly. Predictive methodologies to determine which flu strains emerge during any given influenza season have more in common with primitive mathematical divination than sound science. For the 1992-1993 and 1997-1998 seasons, the vaccine concoction of flu strains was only 16% effective. Katherine Severyn, who monitors the actual WHO prediction results and compares them with CDC claims has stated that, depending upon the study cited, [flu] vaccine efficacy actually ranges from a low of 0%. [6] Year after year, the US government spends approximately a billion dollars to purchase flu vaccines from the pharmaceutical cartel. Year after year, these vaccines prove to be capable of immunizing only a modest portion of the population. Since the CDC estimates it will have purchased 151-156 million flu shots to dump off this year, there is little else it can do except fudge science, release misleading propaganda and continue to distribute a useless snake oil. More Bad News for the Influenza Vaccine An ineffective seasonal vaccine is the least of the flu shots problems. In December 2014, the Department of Justice released its report outlining compensation paid out to vaccine injured victims. Based upon the statistics, the flu vaccine has been shown to be the most dangerous reported. Fifty-nine percent of awarded flu vaccine injuries were for Guillain-Barre Syndrome.[7] Although, a final report of injuries and death from this years influenza vaccines wont be made public until the end of 2015, the 2013-2014 vaccines accounted for over 93,000 adverse reactions, including 8,888 hospitalizations and 1,080 deaths according to the governments Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).[8] By the CDCs own omission, the VAERS database only accounts for approximately 10% of adverse vaccine events. Do the math and the actual number far outweighs reported complications from contracting wild flu viruses. Although, earlier research has shown that influenza vaccines contribute to adverse inflammatory cardiovascular alternations, which are lethal to senior citizens, and significant inflammation in pregnant women that may be associated with an increase in pre-term births and preeclampsia, new studies published in 2014 should raise further alarm: A team of Finnish scientists at Finlands National Institute for Health and Welfare, recorded 800 cases of narcolepsy associated with Glaxos flu vaccine Pandemix. Vaccine ingredients other than the viral antigen or engineered component, are most often believed to be the primary culprits to adverse vaccine reactions. The Finnish research, on the other hand, indicated that the Glaxo vaccines altered viral nucleotide likely contributed to the sudden rise in sleeping sickness.[9] Dr. Paul Offit, the premier media celebrity for the vaccine establishment, has repeatedly made claims that infants can safely withstand tens of thousands of viral antigens; therefore, according to Offit, parents should not fear innumerable vaccinations at a single time. This new finding on the contrary, sends a warning to all pregnant women and parents that it is not simply vaccines many toxic ingredients that pose worry, but the bioengineered viral components are also potentially life threatening. For almost a decade, the CDC has known influenza vaccines are ineffective in the elderly but continues to market them without hesitation. Hence in November 2014, five senior citizens at an assisted living facility in Dacula, Georgia, died within week after all residents were vaccinated.[10] During the previous years flu vaccine trials, Sanofi Pasteurs Fluzone killed 23 elderly participants during the vaccine trial. Nevertheless, the vaccine was approved and continues to be marketed towards senior citizens.[11] The Mumps Vaccine: Another Useless Shot The question whether the mumps vaccine should have ever been put on the market has been debated since the 1950s. Over fifty years ago the nations chief federal epidemiologist, E.H. Lossing, warned that the mumps vaccine, which doesnt provide lifelong immunity, would create a far more medically dangerous and costlier problem for people who become infected as adults.[12] At its best, the mumps vaccine may protect a person for 2 years, according to Dr. Greg Poland, head of the Mayo Clinics Vaccine Research Group.[13] In 2014, there were over 1000 mumps cases and all outbreaks occurred in highly vaccinated populations.[14] It was far worse in 2006, writes Lawrence Solomon for the Huffington Post. During that year 84% of the 6,500 mumps cases were fully vaccinated young adults. Among the almost 450 mumps cases in the American South last year, only 3 were unvaccinated. What is more disturbing, researchers at the Bordeaux University Hospital in France, found that vaccinated adults were contracting a particularly malignant strain of mumps that contributed to meningitis, inflammation of the testicles, and hearing impairment.[15] Secondary Transmission of Measles from a Fully Vaccinated Woman A study published in a 2014 issue of the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases confirmed that not only may measles occur in vaccinated individuals, but a 2011 measles outbreak in New York City may have had its source in a fully vaccinated individual. Not only did the vaccinated woman, dubbed Measles Mary, contract the disease, but she also passed it to four others, two who were vaccinated. This is the first confirmed medical case of secondary measles transmission causing an outbreak. Earlier in the year, another study confirmed that individuals vaccinated against pertussis can be infectious carriers of the virus and can likely infect others who either do not respond immunologically to the pertussis vaccine or who are unvaccinated.[16] The conclusion is that the B. pertussis vaccinated individual now endangers the health of the unvaccinated and vaccinated alike. Earlier, a far greater blow against the efficacy of the measles vaccine came when Dr. Gregory Poland, Editor in Chief of the journal Vaccine and founder of the Mayo Clinics Vaccine Research Group, published a surprising statement that the measles vaccine has a poor record of efficacy. Despite the high 95% measles vaccination compliance of children entering kindergarten, and the CDCs propaganda that the vaccine has defeated the virus, measles outbreaks are rising. For the first half of 2014, there were 16 large measles outbreaks in the US. Dr. Poland does not believe this is due to unvaccinated individuals, but because of the failure of the vaccine.[17] These types of vaccine failures, which are also occurring far more frequently in pertussis outbreaks, further puts to rest the herd immunity hypothesis. A Bad Year for the Pertussis Vaccine Outbreaks of whooping cough have been increasing annually. However, state and local health authorities investigating and gathering statistics on pertussis outbreaks are discovering the highest numbers of infected persons among the vaccinated. Mississippi, with the highest vaccination rate in the country, has shown significant increases in whooping cough cases, with only 9% of those infected being unvaccinated. Across the nation, the most highly infected are those who have received three or more pertussis shots and boosters. However, it was in Australia last year that the governments National Center for Immunization and Research of Vaccine Preventable Diseases found that the pertussis vaccine effectiveness is waning far more rapidly than expected, even among vaccinated 3 year olds.[18] While the mainstream media and the vaccine establishment have launched a brutal campaign to blame unvaccinated individuals for the recent upsurge in pertussis infections, the CDC has publicly announced the contrary. Dr. Anne Schuchat from the CDC has stated, We know there are places around the country where there are large numbers of people we arent vaccinated. However, we dont think those exemptors are driving this current wave. We think it is a bad thing that people arent getting vaccinated or exempting, but we cannot blame this wave on that phenomenon.[19] What Americans need to know is that more virulent strains of B. pertussis have emerged that are not covered by current DpT vaccines. Earlier, Australian immunologists suggested that the emergence of a new vaccine-resistant B. pertussis strain may be due to over vaccination. What the world is witnessing with antibiotic resistant organisms, due to the over use and abuse of antibiotic medications, is similarly occurring with viruses targeted by vaccines. Would You Like Some Depression with Your Rubella Vaccine? It is common to feel out of sorts and depressed when feeling ill and under the weather. But might a vaccine be the cause for the depression? In 2014 medical departments at Hebrew University in Israel and the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry in Germany, two of the worlds most distinguished institutes, published a double blind study revealing that teenage girls vaccinated with attenuated rubella virus had a statistically significant increase of induced bouts of depression up to ten weeks. The increase in post-vaccine depression occurred among girls in lower socioeconomic brackets. Today with over 50% of school age children in America living in poverty, the rubella vaccine is now contributing to serious psychological episodes and problems that are repeatedly reported in the mainstream psychological literature.[20] Put a Hold on that Hepatitis B Vaccine` Although an association between multiple sclerosis and the hepatitis B vaccine has been debated for over 15 years, the CDC continues to categorically deny this relationship. However, a 2014 retrospective French study investigating the sudden spike in multiple sclerosis cases since 1993, identified Frances mass Hepatitis B vaccination program as the perpetuator for a doubling of MS cases within a few years. MS is a demyelinating disease of the nerves. The French scientists suspect that a vaccine protein contributed to the breakdown of myelin. Again, it is not only the non-viral ingredients we should be scared about. In the US there are 10,000 new cases of MS annually, and infants are vaccinated with the hepatitis B vaccine immediately after birth.[21] The Safety of Paul Offits Rotateq Vaccine Questioned, Again Sayer Ji, editor of GreenMedInfo, noted that the Rotateq vaccine against the rotavirus, developed by Paul Offit for Merck, contained a live simian retrovirus that has likely infected millions of children around the world. The study was published in the prestigious Journal of Virology in 2010. Yet a more recent 2014 study published in Advances in Virology identified another viral contaminant in Offits vaccine: a baboon endogenous virus likely due to the monkey cell line in which Rotateq was produced from. Only time will tell whether Offits contaminated vaccine will have the impact of the tainted polio vaccine with the carcinogenic S40 virus.[22] Exposing the Fraud of the Human Papilloma Vaccine (HPV) A paper out of the University of California at Berkeley and appearing in the October 2013 issue of Molecular Cytogenetics came to public attention last year to suggest that cervical cancer may not be caused by the human papilloma virus. If the theory is correct that may prove that the HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix do not prevent cervical cancer at all.[23] Moreover, researchers at the University of Guelph in Canada reported that the HPV vaccine acts upon a mechanism by which the vaccine is altering transmission leading to higher oncogene expression among vaccinated girls. The implications from this research is that the vaccine is driving the evolution of viral virulence, similar to what is being observed with vaccines for pertussis, mumps and measles.[24] Chickenpox Vaccine is Shown to Increase Disease Rates Again, 2014 has been a dismal year for the pro-vaccine community. Even the chickenpox vaccine, long thought to be safe and effective, is failing with the others. Back in 2005, South Korea mandated the varicella vaccine to all children under15 months. Regardless of the countrys 97% compliancewell, above herd immunitys claims to eradicate infectious diseasechickenpox infections have not declined and in fact have increased three-fold between 2006 and 2011.[25] Conclusion The vaccine establishment is desperate. The ghosts of their fraudulent science, manipulated research, misleading propaganda across mainstream media and in the blogosphere are returning to haunt them. The pro-vaccine pundits are rapidly losing credibility as increasing numbers of parents and young adults educate themselves about vaccine efficacy and their health risks. If it were left for an open scientific debate between pro-vaccinators and those opposing vaccines, the former would not have sound science on their side. It is time for a national debate to end vaccine madness. As further research emerges, as the vaccine paradigm is further stripped away, future generations will be looking back upon vaccination as a barbaric, primitive practice. Read more at: (Natural News) There is a silent holocaust taking place in America today. Quietly, and without any sort of fanfare from the mainstream media, an entire segment of our population is being exterminated. While the rest of the media maintains a deafening silence, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has risked his life and put his professional reputation on the line to expose the facts in a damning expose entitled, The Science Agenda to Exterminate Blacks. Adams stunning new documentary provides evidence that there is a concerted, organized long-standing effort to eliminate African Americans from the human gene pool. And, Adams claims that this effort is not just being aimed at African Americans, but at all Africans. Period. Adams believes that the government has implemented a three-pronged approach to accomplishing this extermination: Science, medicine and food. Lets take a look at just one small element of the scientific prong: Abortion. In many black communities, for every child actually born, three others are aborted more than double the rate among whites, said Charlene Aaron of CBN News. Some say abortion is the number one killer in the black community. [Emphasis added] African Americans in this country are the only ethnic group in any place on the globe thats not replacing themselves, Clenard H. Childress, founder of, explained. This is genocide. Most of us are aware that Hillary Clinton was presented with Planned Parenthoods Margaret Sanger award in 2009. At the time, Clinton gushed, I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision. I am really in awe of her. So, what was the wonderful vision Clinton was referring to? Who was Margaret Sanger, really? The answer may shock you. The woman who started Planned Parenthood, and who is often lauded for her leadership, excellence and contribution to reproductive health, referred to black people as human weeds [that] need to be exterminated. A firm believer in eugenics, Sangers stated goal and by extension, the goal of Planned Parenthood was to rid the country of black people, whom she viewed as feeble-minded and defectives. Margaret Sanger believed that it is better to kill black babies in the womb so that they would not have the opportunity to become adults. She saw abortion as a key vector in exterminating the black population from our world. She was so effective in her twisted logic that the Nazis borrowed her narrative and applied it to the Jews. Thats right, Hitlers holocaust was modeled on Margaret Sangers eugenics genocide model. (Related: Stay updated with the latest developments at It is incredibly telling that in a world where politicians are obsessed with not putting a foot wrong and always saying what they know the public wants to hear, that Clinton would feel comfortable singing the praises of Margaret Sanger. Irrespective of your political views, it cannot be denied that abortion ends a potential life. And the following are indisputable facts: 1. Most abortion centers are deliberately set up in predominantly black communities. 2. Abortion messaging and marketing is far more aggressively aimed at black communities than it is toward white or non-black communities. 3. The astronomical number of black abortions feeds two industry needs: a) It fulfills the mandate of its founder, Margaret Sanger, by massively reducing the black population; and b) It provides a steady supply of babies from whom they can harvest tissue and organs through partial birth abortions (where a baby is partially born and then murdered by the abortionist). Abortionists then sell the babys brain stem, lungs, kidneys and heart. These are mostly sold to vaccine manufacturers who use such tissue to grow biomass for vaccines. This is not fake news; this is a fact openly acknowledged by the medical community and the CDC. That tissue is then injected into other babies via vaccines a process Adams calls racial medical cannibalism. (Related: Planned Parenthood brags about defeating law banning webcam abortions.) The facts are there for all to see. There has been a silent holocaust in America for decades. Thank goodness for people like Mike Adams who are unafraid to speak out to protect those who cannot speak for themselves. View his telling video below. Sources include: CoAS Chhetri visits highly sensitive districts Chief of Army Staff (CoAS) Rajendra Chhetri has directed Nepal Army to carry out their duty responsibly to conduct the upcoming second phase of federal parliamentary and provincial assembly elections in a peaceful, impartial and fearless environment. A Pacifica father is asking for help in finding his 14-year-old daughter who didn't return home from school two months ago. Aaron Placencia last saw his daughter Tyla-Ann on the morning of Sept. 27. The teen attends Oceana High School, where she is the newly-elected class president. We were having a quick conversation about responsibilities and keeping grades maintained, Placencia said, his voice breaking. She was in a hurry because she was running late. I haven't heard from her since. Placencia filed a missing persons report with the Pacifica Police Department, which is treating the case as a voluntary runaway. Police have classified the case as a high priority because of the girls age, Capt. Joe Spanheimer said. Tyla-Ann has long brown hair. She is 5 feet 7 inches tall and weighs 127 pounds. Police believe she may be in San Francisco or San Mateo County, trying to raise money for a trip to Ohio. In this particular case, it seems that she doesnt want to be found, Spanheimer said. Shes going to different friends or acquaintances houses, using social media accounts to contact people. Police were unable to comment further since this is an ongoing investigation but said that people who Tyla-Ann has stayed with since September haven't been forthcoming about her whereabouts. Meanwhile, Placencia worries that his daughter may be the victim of human trafficking. He said his mind has been racing with frightening possibilities since Tyla-Ann disappeared. He also said she left her phone at the house, which he described as "out of character" for the young girl. Shes only 14 years old, Placencia said. Shes still a baby. When she fixes herself up, she could pass as an 18- or 19-year-old girl. My daughter has an innocent heart, but someone could have gotten into her head and changed her thinking process. To raise awareness about his daughter's case, Placencia has been working with East Bay foundation Love Never Fails, which fights against human trafficking. Vanessa Russell, the director and founder of the organization, told NBC Bay Area that it's dangerous to underestimate the seriousness of runaway youth cases, citing statistics from the Department of Justice. "Children don't plan on being exploited and abused when they run away but it's a harsh reality," Vanessa Russell said. "Within 48 hours, one-third of runaway youth will be recruited for human trafficking. That alone is reason enough to fervently search for a missing loved one." Placencia vowed to continue his search through the holiday season, though he hopes it won't be necessary. It was so hard on Thanksgiving without her, he said. If anyone knows anything, Im following all leads. Police are asking people with information about the case to call 650-738-7314. Randi Zuckerberg lashed out at Alaska Airlines after a flight Wednesday during which, she says, a man made repeated lewd, inappropriate, and offensive sexual remarks, which were brushed aside by flight staff. In an email to the airlines top brass, the sister of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg described an extremely uncomfortable situation while traveling from Los Angeles, Calif. to Mazatlan, Mexico. A fellow first-class passenger allegedly began making sexually inappropriate and horrifying comments as soon as she climbed aboard, Randi Zuckerberg said. He started talking to me about touching himself, kept asking me if I fantasized about the female business colleague I was traveling with, rated and commented on the womens bodies boarding the aircraft as they walked by us, she wrote in her complaint, which was also posted on Facebook. Feeling furious, disgusted and degraded, Zuckerberg said both she and her colleague notified Alaska Airlines flight attendants of the mans actions. But their response or lack thereof only made the situation worse. Staff told the pair that the man, who frequently flew the same Alaska Airlines route, had demonstrated similar behavior in the past, but oh well, dont take it personally, this guy just doesnt have a filter. They then proceeded to stop by row 4 where Zuckerberg, her colleague and the man were all seated and sweetly asked the passenger, Are you behaving today? with a smile and giggle, she wrote. When pressed on the issue, flight attendants told Zuckerberg, who stressed that she was extremely uncomfortable, that she could move to a middle seat at the back of the flight. Zuckerberg debated switching her seat, until she realized, Why should I have to move? I am the one that is being harassed! By a traveler who has a KNOWN history by these very flight attendants of being inappropriate and offensive in the past. All of this happened before the plane took off why is it the woman that needs to switch seats in this situation? Shouldnt he have been thrown off the plane? Alaska Airlines flight attendants continued serving the man multiple alcoholic drinks for the rest of the flight. In turn, he continued his alleged perverse diatribe. Ironically, one of those comments was about all the recent sexual harassment cases in the media and how these Millenial women just arent willing to give some booty to get a job anymore, Zuckerberg wrote. She expressed being furious at the man a complete stranger who thought his behavior was appropriate and even herself for not causing more of a scene in the moment. Zuckerberg was also irate at Alaska Airlines staff for knowingly and willingly providing this man with a platform to harass women. For knowing about his behavior and being more concerned with taking his money than for the safety and security of other passengers around him. The letter explicitly said Zuckerberg was going to write about her appalling experience on social media, and it went viral once posted on Facebook. "We cannot support businesses that are complicit in allowing this behavior, and value the money of harassers over the comfort of their passengers," Zuckerberg wrote. Some people thanked her for being brave enough to speak out and others offered their sympathy. One man called the incident insane and just beyond the pale, while another said she showed restraint because a single photo or video of this aggressor would have quickly exposed him. Since then, two Alaska Airlines executives responded to Zuckerberg, informing her that they are conducting an investigation and have temporarily suspended this passenger's travel privileges, she wrote. While it never should have happened in the first place, I am thankful that they are taking the situation seriously. A spokesperson for Alaska Airlines told NBC Bay Area that Zuckerbergs encounter is very disturbing. Bobbie Egan continued: The safety and well-being of our guests is our number one priority. Were fully investigating this situation and will take appropriate steps, as needed. We want our guests to feel safe. As a company, we have zero tolerance for any type of sexual misconduct that creates an unsafe environment for our guests and crew members. Its unclear if or how the airline responded to the flight attendants who were criticized in Zuckerberg's letter. The San Francisco Police Department came together Wednesday night for a fundraidser to help an injured officer. Police officers from the Tenderloin station shared their comrade's pain but did their best to lift the spirit of Officer Elia Lewin-Tankel by shooting a selfie video. Lewin-Tankel is recovering from a traumatic brain injury suffered when he was hit by a vehicle while riding his patrol bicycle in October. The video was a light moment during an emotional night dedicated to the 32-year-old. Officer Daniel Casey says Lewin-Tankel is a friend and mentor to many. "It's a daily reminder when I go in to suit up, my friend is not there," he said. "I walk past his locker every day. It's not easy. He's really into reading and national parks. He's the kind of officer I'd like to be one day, always fair to people, popular in the city." Dozens of people and organizations donated items for a silent auction to raise money for Lewin-Tankel's recovery. His wife and family members have moved to Santa Clara to be by his side. Officers who make weekly visits say Wednesday's fundraiser has to be one of many. A family friend read a statement from Lewin-Tankel's family: "This is no doubt one of the most difficult moments in our lives, but we are choosing to see this as another obstacle Elia will overcome." Chief Bill Scott made it clear it's a long-term effort. "Keep praying, keep supporting Elia and his family," he said. "It's gonna be a long haul; we know that." The winner of a Powerball lottery ticket that was sold in Oakland and is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars has yet to come forward and claim their prize, according to California Lottery officials. The ticket was purchased at the Da Huong sandwich and coffee shop at 605 E. 12th St., just a few blocks south of Lake Merritt. The ticket matched Saturday's winning numbers, 53-8-54-27-13, but was missing the Powerball number, which was 4. The ticket is worth $374,181, lottery officials said. The winner is strongly encouraged to immediately sign the back of their ticket in ink and keep it in a safe place. The winner can visit any of the nine lottery district offices during normal business hours to claim their prize, lottery officials said. In August, President Donald Trump promised to bring North Korea "fire and fury" if the nation continued to threaten the United States. But three months later, North Korea demonstrated with a missile it fired higher and longer than ever that it can likely bring fire and fury of its own to any part of the United States. Tuesday's missile test was the latest provocation from Kim Jong Un, who has repeatedly ignored Trump's harshly worded warnings and forged on with his nuclear missile program. Trump's rhetoric has clearly not worked as a deterrent, experts say, and has pushed his goal of denuclearizing North Korea even further out of his reach. "This missile test should throw that into sharp relief for the president: Your approach isn't working, they're going to keep doing this and it would be up to him to find a different way," said Eric Gomez, a missile defense and East Asian policy expert at the Cato Institute. The intercontinental ballistic missile soared higher than any previous test, about 2,800 miles above the ground, according to South Korea's military roughly 10 times the altitude of the space station. Hours after the test, North Koreas state media claimed it was a new type of missile with a "super-large heavy warhead" capable of reaching the U.S. mainland. Some nuclear proliferation experts are taking that claim seriously. A different trajectory would give the missile a range of about 13,000 km, according to an estimate from the Union of Concerned Scientists. That puts every part of the U.S. mainland in reach, Gomez said, even if the missile were carrying a nuclear warhead. "We will take care of it," Trump said Tuesday after the test. "It is a situation that we will handle." But Trump has promised to react in the past, and it hasn't stopped Kim from advancing his missile technologies. That's included four tests since the "fire and fury" comment on Aug. 8, when North Korea was reported to have developed a nuclear weapon small enough to fit atop a missile. "North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States," the president said at the time. "They will be met with fire, fury and frankly power the likes of which this world has never seen before." Two days later, Trump took to social media to let North Korea know that the U.S. military was "locked and loaded" in case North Korea were to act "unwisely." Trump has also touted sanctions that the United Nations placed on North Korea at the United States' urging; he tweeted that more were likely to come Wednesday, but that did not come to pass. Trump's put North Korea back on the list of state sponsors of terrorism, a move that comes with more U.S. sanctions. And he's continued to threaten Kim, who he began calling "Rocket Man" in September. "Rocket man is on a suicide mission," the president said at the United Nations that month. "The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea." The insults haven't only come from Trump. After the U.N. speech, Kim called him a "frightened dog" and "a mentally deranged U.S. dotard." But Trump's language puts America's standing in the world at risk if it won't follow through, and so far Trump hasn't, according to Richard K. Betts, director of the International Security Policy program in the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University. "Trump's bellicose rhetoric risks damaging U.S. credibility, since he should not follow through on threats to use force against North Korean provocations that fall short of actually attacking us or South Korea," Betts said in an email. The White House didn't respond to requests for comment on this story. While the implications of war with North Korea may now include a nuclear strike on the U.S., they've always included the prospect of hundreds of thousands of people dying in South Korea, where millions live within range of the heavily armed border with the North. That has complicated any strategy to deal with Kim and his predecessors. On Wednesday, U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley said, "We have never sought war with North Korea, and still today we do not seek it. If war does come, it will be because of continued acts of aggression like we witnessed yesterday." Trumps threats didn't come with a diplomatic strategy that could have defused tensions, said the experts who spoke to NBC. They also make it less likely for the regime to come back to the negotiating table down the line. "It helps North Korea perpetuate the perception that theres an outside threat that they can use domestically and internally to help continue to develop their nuclear weapons," said Lisa Collins, a fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "It gives them an excuse to continue with their nuclear weapons." If it doesn't change course, North Korea will likely continue to face more and more sanctions, Collins said, as "the countries in the region South Korea, Japan, the U.S. will continue to try and contain and manage the situation [to] show that there are consequences to North Koreas actions." But consistently ratcheting up sanctions as part of Trump's "maximum pressure" strategy brings problems of its own. Gomez noted that it's become harder for the U.S. to lift sanctions in the event that North Korea begins negotiating. "Would it be difficult for us to reward that behavior by removing those sanctions?" he said, adding that there isn't much focus on what the U.S. would do to reward North Korea if it were cooperative. Gomez suggested that China which Trump has courted as an ally in deterring North Korea from further developing nuclear weapons could play good cop to the United States' bad cop, as it's able to offer rewards for opening dialogue that the U.S. can't. But he added that China has different goals from the U.S., and would not likely provide the kind of solution that the U.S. wants to see. And Trump noted in a tweet on Thursday that an envoy China sent to North Korea "seems to have had no impact on Little Rocket Man." All the likely solutions the experts envisioned will come short of denuclearization. They range from a moratorium on further tests to relying on missile defense. Trump's ideal solution of denuclearizing North Korea is simply not realistic, said Jeffrey W. Taliaferro, an associate professor of political science at Tufts University. And Trump's recent decision to again designate North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism further dimmed prospects for negotiations. "The best possible outcome for the United States at this late stage of the North Korean proliferation crisis would be some type of moratorium on additional ICBM tests," Taliaferro said. "Such a negotiated settlement is unlikely." The president could instead decide to rely on deterrence and countermeasures to prevent the U.S. from entering a devastating war, Gomez said, anticipating that U.S. missile defense will be strengthened so that Trump "can stay ahead of the problem and not feel like we have to go to war." Betts also sees deterrence as the only solution for North Korea, just as it was against the Soviet Union. "This is not a situation where we can have confidence, but one that may be handled adequately," Betts said. "Welcome to a world more dangerous than optimists expected after the Cold War." Police are searching for a woman who allegedly stole packages off of the porches of four different homes on North and Main streets in Tewksbury, Massachusetts. Home surveillance video captured the suspect taking packages off of a porch in broad daylight on Monday. People in the area are furious. Nellie Grzybinski lives across the street and couldnt believe detectives were at home asking if she saw anyone stealing potential Christmas gifts. "It's just terrible." Police say they recovered some of the empty boxes on another porch in the area. The items the woman got away with were some children books and, surprisingly, a home security system. Police were able to pinpoint the getaway car as a silver vehicle, with the alleged suspect driving. In the meantime, Tewksbury police say there are few ways to keep yourself protected from package theft this holiday season, including sending packages to other locations or requiring a signature for the package delivery. Representative Bobby Rush is the only Illinois Congressman not to file his petitions for re-election, but this isnt the first time that hes put off filing. In his re-election bid for the 2016 race, he waited until the very last day to file his petitions. If he chooses to do that again this year, Monday would be the last day that he can turn them in to be eligible for the March ballot. Despite the delay in filing, those close to the congressman, including community activist Hal Baskin, say that "he's in. Even Rushs Congressional colleagues have asked him if he is retiring and he has told them no. Rush's son Flynn Rush has not filed yet either, but he is circulating petitions for the first time to replace State Rep Barbara Flynn Currie, as she will not be seeking re-election. Some skeptics have insinuated that there could be a switch in plans for Rush, but those whispers remain rumors as the deadline date approaches. If Rush does wait until Monday to file, it would mark a milestone in the congressmans life. Its the anniversary of the police raid when Fred Hampton, leader of the Black Panthers, was killed in a police raid in 1969. Rush was also a member of the Black Panthers. Illinois State Sen. Ira Silverstein has filed to run for re-election despite being stripped of his leadership position since a victims' rights advocate accused him of sexual harassment. There are several Democratic challengers also filing to oppose Silverstein in the Democratic primary. In the last election Silverstein ran unopposed. He has been in the state senate for 18 years. One of the new challengers, Ram Villivalam, the former political director for Congressman Brad Schneider, has received the endorsement of Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, who in the past had supported Silverstein. Ram has a proven track record of standing up for working people and the most vulnerable in our society, Schakowsky said, adding that his work in advocating on behalf of women who provide home care for seniors, child care for working families and Medicaid treatment for those in need has helped prepare him to best represent the people in the 8th District." Also endorsing Villivalam is State Rep. Theresa Mah and Water Reclamation District Commissioner Josina Morita. Mah and Morita, like Villivalam, have Asian-American roots. Mah is the first Asian-American member of the Illinois House and Morita is the first Asian-American elected to a Cook County-wide board. Should Villivalam win, he would be the first Asian-American elected to the Illinois State Senate. When NBC 5 reached Silverstein by phone he had no comment about losing Schakowskys support. Other candidates expected to file petitions in the 8th District Senate race include Caroline McAteer-Fournier, Zehra Quadri, and David Zulkey. EC seeks security stratagy for second phase polls The Election Commission (EC) has asked the security agencies to come up with a security strategy for the second phase of federal parliament and provincial assembly elections in a meeting of High Level Election Security Committee scheduled for Friday. The family of a Waterbury murder victim says a nearly two-year backlog in processing Connecticut State Police Reports and Records is causing unacceptable delays in getting answers in the case. Two families were destroyed when an off-duty police officer and war veteran shot and killed a Waterbury man, then himself in July 2016. Loved ones of the victim blame a state police backlog for failing to provide a report that could give both families some answers. Family members described the late James Thomas Stuart III as a doting dad, friend to all, and loving brother. "He called his son 'Bubba,' bringing him to his first Mets game and meeting Mr. Met," Tommy Stuarts brother Scott Stuart told NBC Connecticut. "His little princess, he loved her more than anything," Stuarts sister Monique Stuart told NBC Connecticut. The siblings told NBC Connecticut they have fond memories of their brother. "He was a big part of my life. Fatherly figure, my best friend. Part of who I am today is because of him," Scott said. The family is still waiting for answers about exactly what happened to Tommy. "But we feel as a family weve been victimized twice. Because my brother was taken from us and, no one will give us any answers," Monique Stuart stated. Their nightmare started July 20, 2016. "It was my birthday, Monique explained. Police were called to Marion Avenue in Waterbury. Authorities say an off-duty Waterbury police officer, Hallock Yocher, fatally shot Tommy Stuart in the head and chest before shooting and killing himself. "I started calling his phone, and I realized he hadnt texted me, and Tommy is really big on birthdays," Monique said. Sixteen months later, the family says their hearts are still shattered. They still have unanswered questions and the holidays without Tommy arent getting any easier. "Hed be like 'its Turkey Day everybody! Its Santa Claus birthday," Scott told NBC Connecticut. "Were never going to get our brother back, but wed like to be able to explain to his children what happened," Monique added. The Stuarts sat down with the NBC Connecticut Troubleshooters after meeting with state police last week. "There are always families they want to help, and unfortunately they cant because of the budget cuts. There are only four people working in that office that processes the reports," Stuart said. The Stuarts tell NBC Connecticut they want the state police report they already paid $16 for by check. "Were just being told we cant get the report, we cant get the report," Monique said. "Its a civil matter so you as a family dont have rights to this information until its processed which is a 22-month backlog because of budgetary cuts," Scott stated. "That if we really want to even try and speed up the process we need to get a lawyer and or start doing FOIA requests, Freedom of Information requests," Monique added. A state police spokesman confirmed to the NBC Connecticut Troubleshooters that there is 22 month backlog. "The Agencys report was completed in July. It is going to be processed through Reports and Records consistent with our ability to process requests. This report is also subject to redactions which will need to be made prior to it being released or viewed. We receive numerous requests throughout the year and all appropriate efforts utilizing technology and staffing to alleviate delays in the processing of requests are being undertaken," said Connecticut State Police Sgt. Eric Haglund. "But the reality is there are victims families across the state right now being delayed answers and justice due to budgetary cuts," Monique said. "I offered to write a check right there. I feel poor choices by the leadership in this state that these are where youre making cuts and youre letting our suffering go up exponentially." The Stuarts say they were initially told the backlog was around nine months. Then it got longer. Emails from Cynthia Powell with Reports and Records confirm that the family was told the backlog was just under a year. On November 1 Powell wrote to Monique Stuart, "to date this report has not been processed in reports and records as there is a backlog of incoming report processing of approximately 11 months" "We dont want money. We just want to know what took place, who was involved," Scott reiterated. NBC Connecticut requested the State Police report as well. The only one weve been given so far, through a Freedom of Information request, is from Naugatuck Police the morning of the incident on July 20, 2016. They arrived at a neighbors home near the Yocher home a few minutes before 5 am. Yocher, it states, had terminal cancer - was intoxicated and in possession of guns. The report says that when a Naugatuck officer approached Yochers wife, she stated she did not want to talk to me or tell me what had happened that her husband, Hallock Yocher, was a police officer and his department was coming to take care of the situation. She also said, according to the report, that the couple had a fight over the friends she hangs out with including an ex-boyfriend. Monique Stuart says thats her brother Tommy. "We found out today he used the Sig Sauer to kill Tommy and he used his service weapon to kill himself," Monique said. "We also got it confirmed, there was somebody, a third party in their home on July 19," she added. Its unclear who that person was. Monique Stuart has a clear message for state officials. "I understand that Connecticut has a lot of financial difficulties, but perhaps Governor Malloy can review where hes making his budget cuts," Monique said. A spokesman for Governor Malloys office referred comment back to the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection Reports and Records. NBC Connecticut reached out to Yochers wife, but never heard back. The Stuart family said that on November 9, a state police lieutenant told Monique Stuart that because of Yochers suicide there will be no criminal prosecution. But one day earlier, Deputy Chief States Attorney Len Boyle notified Monique Stuart that theyll be reviewing the investigative file into her brothers death to determine if further criminal investigation is warranted. With this latest in a string of high-profile case of alleged inappropriate behavior, NBC Connecticut spoke with Mark Soycher of the Connecticut Business & Industry Association who provides sexual harassment training for dozens of Connecticut businesses. "I'm a big advocate of pushing the training down to the non-supervisor staff because it really does require that community effort in the workplace," Mark Soycher said. Soycher says a state mandate requires all employers with 50 or more employees to provide sexual harassment training for supervisors but he says bystander training is just as important. "If they're thinking about saying or doing something think about if you have a 10-year-old son daughter and grandchild sitting next to you would you act the same way if you had to explain your behavior to the child," Soycher said. "Weve seen an uptick in calls questions and people inquiring about their rights," Bruce Newman with Brown Paindiris & Scott, LLP said. Newman says sexual misconduct complaints fall into two categories, hostile work environment and quid pro-quo where superiors threaten employees for not accepting their advances. Employees can file complaints at three levels including with their HR supervisor, the Commission on Human Rights and could eventually end up in Superior Court. "There should be stiff internal penalties by corporations and they need to take a stand and say we're not going tolerate this behavior," Newman said. "There's definitely an effort to be more PC nowadays at our firm we have to do mandatory training every two years," Sarah Hill said. For downtown Hartford employees Sarah Hill and Christopher Anderson the conversation is now at the forefront and one thats circulating in workplaces across the state. "Unfortunate how many of the stories of come to light but everyone needs to be heard," Christopher Anderson said. Many North Texas families will soon learn whether their children will have health insurance next year. If Congress doesn't act fast to renew money for the Children's Health Insurance Program, or CHIP, the state will be forced to cancel coverage for tens of thousands of children. According to, the current CHIP caseload by county as of August 2017 lists 50,274 cases in Dallas County; 32,891 in Tarrant County; 7,659 in Collin County and 8,241 in Denton County. At the North Texas Area Community Health Center in Fort Worth, call center operators are busy with questions from concern parents. "We have a lot of confused patients regarding the CHIP, and they're worried," said Brieanna Barajas, a call center operator. Fifty percent of the children who come the center are covered under CHIP, a program that has covered basic health needs for children of families at about the poverty level for the past 20 years. "When they call, we are like, 'We know,'" Barajas said. Barajas can relate, because she relies on CHIP for her 4-year-old son. "I actually got approved, and when I asked them what's going to happen with the CHIP, they told me they really don't know, just go with it," she said. Barajas said she's already had to postpone one of her child's doctors' appointments. Providers at the clinic fear others still stop bringing in their children altogether. "Parents are going to be concerned for the cost of their kids' care. They may not be coming in for wellness visits and vaccinations," said Dr. Elizabeth Rivera, a physician at the center. The state's plan is to notify families that the program could end. In the meantime, federal qualified clinics like the North Texas Area Community Health Center are bracing for a surge in patients. They treat anyone who needs medical care, whether at a discounted price or free for those who qualify. However, resources are already stretched thin, Rivera says, and concern is setting in. "It's just frightening. I already don't qualify for any food stamps or any help for school. I have to pay for school, so now, even this, having to pay for my son's insurance under my insurance at work, that's going to be very hard," Barajas said. CHIP also covers prenatal services for low-income pregnant women. Texas already has the highest maternal death rate in the country. Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez is expected to resign amid speculation that she will launch a campaign for Texas governor. NBC 5's media partners at The Dallas Morning News reported late Wednesday that Valdez could file as a candidate in the Democratic primary as early as next week. A statement late Wednesday from the Dallas County Sheriff's Office said: "As she has stated in the past, the Sheriff is considering the next stage in her career. A letter of resignation was not submitted today. The Sheriff will make a formal announcement when her final decision is made." Earlier this month, Valdez told the Texas Tribune that she was "in the exploratory process" of starting a gubernatorial run. Gov. Greg Abbott who defeated former State Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth, by 20 percentage points in 2014 reported a campaign fund balance of $41 million in July. He faces no major GOP opponent. Abbott filed his bid for reelection earlier this month. Valdez could not be reached for comment Wednesday, and sheriff's office spokeswoman Melinda Urbina said Valdez has made no indication to the sheriff's office that she's resigning. When NBC 5 reached out to Valdez in early November, we were given a statement saying, "People have been talking and Sheriff Valdez is listening as she always does. She is currently focused on her job as Sheriff. At this point, there is no new information to add." CORRECTION (Nov. 29, 2017, 8:30 p.m. CT): An earlier version of this story stated that Valdez had already resigned. She has yet to officially turn in her paperwork to Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins, but is expected to do so before filing her candidacy for governor. A physician says she found several bone fractures last March on Sherin Mathews, a 3-year-old girl adopted from India who was found dead in Richardson last month. Dr. Suzanne Dakil testified that she suspected abuse and reported her concerns to Child Protective Services. Dakil's testimony came Wednesday in a custody hearing in which the girl's adoptive parents, Wesley and Sini Mathews, were seeking to recover custody from the state of their biological child, who also is 4 years old and is currently living with family in the Houston area. The couple, who face criminal charges arising from the Sherin's death, invoked their Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination and refused to answer questions Wednesday. The body of Sherin Mathews was found Oct. 26 in a culvert, more than two weeks after Wesley Mathews had reported her missing. Wesley Mathews remains in custody on $1 million bond for felony injury to a child with intent to commit serious bodily injury related to the death of Sherin. Sini Mathews is also in jail, held on $100,000 bond for child endangerment/abandoning for allegedly leaving Sherin home alone while she, her husband their other daughter went to dinner on Oct. 6, the night before Wesley reported Sherin missing. The Richardson Police Department and the FBI continue to investigate the toddler's death. The cause of death has not yet been determined by the medical examiner's office. Both parents took the stand Wednesday and spoke out in a public setting for the first time since Sherin was reported missing on Oct. 7. The couple was dressed in plain clothes, but both were shackled to their waist and did not speak to each other. On the advice of their counsel, both Sini and Wesley Mathews pleaded the Fifth Amendment, so as to not incriminate themselves in future criminal court proceedings. Wesley's attorney, David Kleckner, spent most of the time on his feet, stretching out his hand and showing five fingers, indicating to Wesley not to answer the questions leveled by the Dallas County District Attorney's Office. Wesley is also represented by criminal defense attorney Rafael De La Garza. Sini's attorney, Mitch Nolte, shook his head as his client was asked most questions by assistant district attorney Denise Hale. Sini is also represented by attorney Greg Gibbs. The Mathews couple had contact with Child Protective Services from February 2017 through July 2017, according to testimony in court. Dakil, a child abuse pediatrician who had treated Sherin, testified that she became involved with the Mathews family in February 2017 when Sherin was hospitalized and was then diagnosed with "failure to thrive," meaning she fell below the normal growth curve. Dakil testified that Sherin had suffered an elbow fracture in September 2016 when Sherin's sister reportedly pushed her off the couch, according to the family at the time. The doctor explained instances beginning in the fall of 2016 in which Sherin was treated for injuries, including fractures and broken bones. In one instance, Dakil testified, Sini told her that Sherin received a fracture to her arm when Sherin was about to fall while going up the stairs and Sini grabbed her by the arm to prevent the fall. However, the doctor testified that the injuries the girl sustained were not consistent with Sini's account. Sini then reportedly explained to the doctor that Sherin had weak bones because she only had rice and coffee creamer to eat in her native India. Sherin was adopted from an orphanage in India in July 2016. Dakil told the court that Sini said injuries to Sherin also happened during physical therapy she had been undergoing since arriving from India. Dakil did not immediately conclude Sherin was being abused. However, after tests were conducted, the doctor concluded the girl's injuries had been sustained in the U.S. not in her native country. Dakil also detailed a conversation she had with Sini when Dakil reported Sherin's injuries to CPS in March 2017. Dakil said Sini responded to the development by telling Dakil she was wrong in her diagnosis, that she did not hurt Sherin and that having to meet with CPS was "ruining weekend plans." Parents Reportedly Went to Dinner on the Night Sherin Died Wesley Mathews reportedly told police the couple left Sherin home alone on Oct. 6 while they went to dinner with their other daughter, because Wesley was growing frustrated that Sherin was refusing to drink milk. Both parents told police they returned home about 90 minutes later and that Sherin was alive and still in the kitchen where they left her. The child was reported missing on Oct. 7 by Wesley, who said she disappeared while being punished. He later changed his story to say she choked on her milk and that he removed her body from the home. Sherin Mathews's body was found in a culvert about two weeks after she was reported missing. Hale directly asked Wesley Mathews on Wednesday if he killed Sherin, to which he again responded, "I plead the Fifth." Hale asked Wesley if he took Sherin's body and drove to the culvert and placed her body inside with the intent to return and bury her body. Wesley again responded, "I plead the Fifth." Hale asked Wesley and Sini Mathews about the morning of Oct. 7, claiming that Sini walked into the kitchen where Wesley was sitting, and he then said, "Something terrible has happened." Again, both pleaded the Fifth. Wesley Mathews pleaded the Fifth when asked if he told police Sherin was known to drink eight ounces of whole milk on most days and was not known to vomit unless she was forced to eat. It was revealed in court that it is believed that Sherin Mathews had a Vitamin D and iron deficiency and had an genetic problem with one of her eyes. Nolte, Sini's criminal defense attorney, spoke with reporters following the hearing and described his client as being very affected by the testimony. Nolte also responded to criticism both parents have faced in the eyes of the public. "She can't win either way," Nolte said. "If she acts stoic, then she's a cold woman. If she's crying hysterically, she's guilty. She can't win with certain people." CPS claims the Mathews home was dangerous for both Sherin and the couple's surviving daughter. Sini Mathews testified the girl is with her brother, his wife and her parents in the Houston area and she expects to be able to visit her daughter if she posts bond. If Wesley Mathews posts bond, he is not allowed to have contact with his daughter or anyone in the family. Asked why the couple should get their biological daughter back, attorney David Kleckner responded by saying, "Because it's their child. The facts need to come out in the courtroom. It's their child, they love their child." Check back and refresh this page for the latest update. As this story is developing, elements may change. A "strong," gas-like odor complained about by Cheviot Hills residents was a natural gas odorant spill at a production company in West Los Angeles, according to the Southern California Gas Company. Residents reported the odor at approximately 9:10 p.m. Wednesday and said the source of the odor was near the intersection of Overland Avenue and Pico Boulevard, according a representative from SoCal Gas. Officials confirmed that there was no gas leak but instead, the odor came from a natural gas odorant spill at a production company in West Los Angeles. The odorant is added to natural gas, which is odorless, to help detect natural gas leaks. The additive contains sulfur, which many people say smells like rotten eggs. The odor was so pungent that residents from Mar Vista and Culver City reported smelling it. The odor could be detected Wednesday night from NewsChopper4 when it was over the Westside. Matt Lauer, a morning news mainstay for more than two decades, has been terminated from NBC News after a colleague reported inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace, co-anchor Savannah Guthrie announced Wednesday as the Today show opened. Hours later, Variety reported anonymous accounts of three women who alleged they were victims of sexual harassment by Lauer. The publication said it had corroborated their stories with friends or colleagues as part of a two-month investigation that included dozens of interviews with current and former staff members. Guthrie said she learned about Lauer's termination shortly before the show went on air, and added that she was heartbroken for her "dear, dear friend" Lauer, as well as the woman whose allegations NBC News found credible. "We are grappling with a dilemma that so many people have faced these last few weeks: How do you reconcile your love for someone with the revelation that they have behaved badly?" Guthrie said. "I don't know the answer to that. But I do know that this reckoning that so many organizations have been going through is important, it's long overdue and it must result in workplaces where all women, all people, feel safe and respected." NBC News Chairman Andy Lack said in a memo that Lauer's alleged conduct was "a clear violation of our company's standards." He did not reveal specifics on what Lauer was accused of, but NBC News reported that the complaint refers to an incident at the Sochi Olympics in 2014, and that inappropriate behavior continued afterward. Harvey Weinsteins ouster from the Weinstein Company in light of multiple sexual misconduct allegations against him is causing thousands of other women to speak up and speak out against powerful abusers in the workplace. On Wednesday, NBC received at least two more complaints related to Lauer, the New York Times reported, citing a person briefed on the networks handling of the matter. NBC officials confirmed that two more accusers had come forward on Wednesday. The Times' article said one of the new complaints came from a former employee who in 2001 was summoned to Lauer's office, where Lauer had sex with her. She told the newspaper she felt helpless to stop the encounter because she did not want to lose her job, and did not report it because she was ashamed. NBC Owned Television Stations has reached out to a representative of Lauer's for comment on the termination, Lack's statement and the Variety report. An attorney for Lauer's accuser, whose identity hasn't been revealed, said in a statement that "NBC acted quickly and responsibly" after their hourslong meeting with the human resources and legal departments Monday evening, in which the accuser "detailed egregious acts of sexual harassment and misconduct by Mr. Lauer." "While I am impressed by NBCs response to date, I am awed by the courage my client showed to be the first to raise a complaint and to do so without making any demands other than asking the company do the right thing. This is how the system should work," attorney Ari Wilkenfeld said. Lauer once gave a colleague a sex toy with an explicit note, Variety reported. Another time, he exposed himself in front of a female employee, then reprimanded her for not engaging in a sex act, Variety reported. The story also alleged sexualized conversations with staff that included playing a crass quiz game and lewd text messages. The women asked to be unnamed because they feared professional consequences. Several women told Variety they had complained to network executives about Lauer. Following the publication of the Variety report, an NBC News spokesperson released the following statement: "We can say unequivocally, that, prior to Monday night, current NBC News management was never made aware of any complaints about Matt Lauers conduct." [NATL] Top News Photos: Pope Visits Japan, and More Lauer's termination came suddenly he had been slated to host the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree lighting with "Today" show co-anchors Guthrie, Hoda Kotb and Al Roker Wednesday night. Kotb, who co-hosted Wednesday's show, said, "We woke up with the news pre-dawn and we are trying to process it, make sense of it and it will take some time for that." Lauer was co-anchor of the "Today" show for nearly 21 years, since his debut in the role Jan. 6, 1997, interviewing presidents, royalty, movie stars and more. NBC had noted on its broadcast of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade last week that Lauer has hosted the event for the past 20 years. He is the second leading morning news host in two weeks to lose his job after facing sexual misconduct allegations, following Charlie Rose, who was fired by CBS News last week, as well as by PBS. Several women who spoke to The Washington Post detailed a pattern of work-related sexual misconduct by Rose, who issued an apology. The decision comes a day after eight women accused Charlie Rose of sexually inappropriate behavior. But they are far from the only media figures to have lost their jobs after being accused of sexual misconduct. Last month, NBC News fired contributor Mark Halperin, a major political journalist and pundit, after he was accused of sexual misconduct by women he had previously worked with at ABC News. Bill O'Reilly and Roger Ailes were ousted from Fox News in the last two years when faced with accusations of their own. Megyn Kelly, who complained about O'Reilly while they were colleagues together at Fox, said Wednesday on her new NBC show that, in her experience dealing with the fallout of sexual harassment allegations, news organiations are "bigger than any one person." She said Lauer has been a friend and supported her in her transition to NBC News. She noted her colleagues' anguish as well as that of the women who came forward, whom she hoped are OK. Coming forward is a "terrifying thing to do," she said. "As painful as this moment is for so many here at NBC today, at CBS earlier this month, at Fox News over the last year, in Hollywood this fall, it is a sign of progress," Kelly said, "of women finding their voices, their courage and of the erosion of a shameful power imbalance that has been in place for far too long." Former Today co-host Natalie Morales said was shocked when she woke up Wednesday to learn Lauer had been fired. She said the "Today" show has been her family for 16 years and learning about the allegations against Lauer is very difficult. Morales made her comments while hosting "Access Hollywood." Morales said she has already addressed rumors that an affair between her and Lauer led to her departure from "Today." She called them hurtful to her and her family and said they should not be the story at the moment. Instead, she said the focus should be on the unnamed woman whose accusation led to his dismissal. Longtime "Inside Edition" anchor Deborah Norville said she was also "stunned" to hear of the firing of "Today" show host Lauer for alleged sexual misconduct, saying it's upsetting to see yet another fellow journalist brought down by scandal. But Norville, herself a past "Today" host before Lauer joined the broadcast, notes that no profession is immune to sexual harassment, as recent events are demonstrating. New accusations of sexual misconduct by powerful men have been in the news nearly every day since two exposes were published in early October about movie mogul Harvey Weinstein allegedly engaging serial sexual harassment and assault throughout his career. Kevin Spacey, Louis C.K. and Jeffrey Tambor are among the actors who have lost jobs in the wake of that scandal, as men and women came forward with their own allegations. Scandal has reached the world of politics as well. Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn. apologized after several women came forward to say he groped them in the past. He and Michigan Democrat Rep. John Conyers, accused of workplace misconduct, face ethics investigations. U.S. Senator Al Franken is asking his colleagues to investigate his own behavior after new allegations of sexual misconduct. And Roy Moore, the Republican candidate for Alabama's open U.S. Senate seat, has defiantly denied any wrongdoing after multiple women have said he tried to date them decades ago when they were teenagers and he was in his 30s. One woman accused him of toucing her sexually when she was 14. Another alleged he sexaully assaulted her when she was 16. He denies the allegations. The news about Lauer came as a shock to many who posted their reactions online, including President Donald Trump, who tweeted "Wow" and attacked NBC for "putting out so much Fake News." Trump has been accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women, which he's denied, but he did apologize last year for a 2005 video in which he told then-NBC personality Billy Bush he could do anything to women when you're famous, including grabbing them by the genitals. Despite the apology, Trump has privately raised doubts about the tape's authenticity in conversations with allies or confidents, The New York Times and The Washington Post reported Tuesday. Like Savannah, I am having trouble processing this news. Kate Snow (@tvkatesnow) November 29, 2017 Here is Andy Lack's full statement as read on "Today": Dear colleagues, on Monday night, we received a detailed complaint from a colleague about inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace by Matt Lauer. It represented, after serious review, a clear violation of our company's standards. As a result, we've decided to terminate his employment. While it is the first complaint about his behavior in the over twenty years he's been at NBC News, we were also presented with reason to believe this may not have been an isolated incident. Our highest priority is to create a workplace environment where everyone feels safe and protected, and to ensure that any actions that run counter to our core values are met with consequences, no matter who the offender. We are deeply saddened by this turn of events. But we will face it together as a news organization - and do it in as transparent a manner as we can. ---- This story contains material from NBC News By some accounts, there are more firearms in the United States than people a proliferation fueled in part by fear and the resulting desire of self-defense. But a joint investigation by NBC-Owned Television Stations and the journalism nonprofit The Trace reveals a dangerous side effect of so many guns being stored in homes and vehicles: stolen guns winding up in the wrong hands. The bounty from law-abiding gun owners is feeding a black market with a deadly impact from coast to coast. In South Florida, thefts from vehicles is an increasing problem: up nearly 120 percent in Fort Lauderdale and up almost 75 percent in Miami between 2010 and 2015, according to the data compiled by The Trace. And those guns often turn up at crime scenes. There are community guns that criminal organizations share firearms among themselves, said Ari Shapira, assistant special agent in charge of the Miami division of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The customer base: felons, the mentally ill, juveniles people who cannot legally buy or possess firearms. Instead, they are sold and traded, borrowed and bartered among a criminal subculture where the gun is a necessary tool of their trade. An undercover officer for a multiagency gang task force told NBC 6, These juveniles are obtaining firearms through crimes of burglary, robbery or street sales, illegal street sales. And firearms that are obtained illegally demand a higher price, said Shapira. In Pompano Beach, one drug trafficking organization did a booming business with firearms for years, selling 285 of them over a 14-month period. Unfortunately for them, they sold the guns to an undercover ATF agent. We had an undercover, a very experienced undercover who purchased hundreds of guns, said Shapira, noting at least 40 of the guns purchased by ATF during Operation Clean House were confirmed stolen. They include AR-15s and AK assault weapons, as well as a police sniper rifle. Sometime gun thieves target gun shops, using a blow torch, a sledgehammer, or a vehicle to gain entry and loot the inventory. But more often the supply of illegal guns is buoyed by a careless gun owner who leaves his weapon in an unlocked car, or unsecured in a home that becomes a target of burglars. The NBC Investigative Units and the Trace collected more than 800,000 police reports involving more than a half million guns lost, stolen, found or seized from crime scenes identified more than 23,000 stolen firearms recovered by police between 2010 and 2016 the vast majority connected with crimes. That tally, based on an analysis of police records from hundreds of jurisdictions, includes more than 1,500 carjackings and kidnappings, armed robberies at stores and banks, sexual assaults and murders, and other violent acts committed in cities from coast to coast. It's not so much surprised me as it does alarm me. It seems to be a growing trend, said Neil Troppman, a manager at ATFs National Trace Center. His advice is simple: Keep them locked up, keep them in a safe place where they cant be stolen or misused. More than 237,000 guns were reported stolen in the United States in 2016, according to the National Crime Information Center but that only includes weapons where serial numbers were known. Studies based on surveys of gun owners estimate that the actual number of firearms stolen each year surpasses 350,000. Its never a good idea to store a firearm in a car, said Shapira. Because people steal cars. Or, more often, steal from them. Criminals car surf, combing parking lots at night checking door handles and taking valuables found inside unlocked cars. Police say they know some gun owners dont want the weapons around children in their house, but vehicles are not the answer. They recommend safe storage in homes, trigger locks, safes whatever it takes but not cars. Still even some professional law enforcers dont get the message. A gun was stolen from a pick-up truck in Southwest Miami-Dade in August. The victim was a Miami-Dade police officer. What to Know The Florida Senate approved the measure 33-2 on Tuesday. It is not clear if Florida Gov. Rick Scott will sign the bill. Hawaii, most of Arizona and a handful of U.S. territories do not observe Daylight Saving Time. Florida is a step closer to living up to its nickname as "The Sunshine State." A bill to let Florida remain on Daylight Saving Time year round is headed to Gov. Rick Scott's desk after the state Senate approved it 33-2 on Tuesday. If Scott signs the "Sunshine Protection Act," Congress would need to amend existing federal law to allow the change. While the rest of the Eastern United States would set their clocks back in the fall, Florida wouldn't, leaving it with more sunshine in the evening during the winter. Northwest Florida is currently in the Central time zone. Hawaii, most of Arizona, and a handful of U.S. territories including American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands do not observe Daylight Saving Time. Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, moving clocks ahead an hour, and ends Nov. 4, moving clocks back an hour "spring forward, fall back." Election observer dies due to altitude sickness An election observer deputed in Lamjung district lost his life due to altitude sickness on Thursday. He breathed his last at the Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH) in Kathmandu. A class-action lawsuit filed by a Manhattan law firm alleges several heating oil companies ripped off more than 1 billion gallons from New York City customers, primarily in a scheme known as blending. Clean fuel has been stolen by heating oil firms and sold on the black market as dirty sludge from waste oil facilities was then used to make up the difference, according to attorney William Wachtel. The stuff that comes out of Jiffy Lube is ending up in the burners of hospitals and schools, Wachtel said. The city of New York is the biggest victim of this hideous fraud. Schools, hospitals, apartment buildings, and college campuses among the alleged victims. Wachtel said SUNY-Maritimes boilers broke down several years ago and had to be replaced when a sludge-filled oil delivery was made. Investigators and insiders said improper blending begins with companies or drivers unloading a portion of clean fuel from their truck. Then dirty oil is mixed in at a waste oil plant. The heating truck then deliveries the mixed or blended fuel to buildings. Some blending of treated, recycled waste oil is permitted, even beneficial for the environment, officials said. And the state Department of Environmental Conservation say standards for use of recycled oil must be met. But the agency said residents and owners are barred from burning waste oil in home heating systems. And city contracts ban use of any blended product, including recycled oil or dirtier waste oil. Used, waste, recycled, re-refined, sludge or residue of fuel oils is not acceptable the boilerplate contract language reads. Wachtel said history shows customers continue to pay for an inferior product which can also harm boilers and send waste oil particles into the air. For example, records obtained as part of the lawsuit show that in 2009 and 2010 thousands of past deliveries of what Wachtel calls adulterated oil was delivered to buildings in the Bronx and upper Manhattan. Dan Brownell, who heads the citys Business Integrity Commission, said he can substantiate some of Wachtels allegations and that he knows of similar dirty deliveries made in 2012 and 2013. The fact that its happening where asthma rates are some of the highest in the country is unconscionable, Brownell said. I mean how do you rip off you know a relatively poor Hispanic church in upper Manhattan? Brownell said investigators watched as Jiffy Lube trucks arrived at a waste oil facility to unload waste oil and one hour later, fuel oil trucks arrived to load up at the same waste oil tank. One heating oil truck driver, speaking on condition of anonymity, said improper blending schemes continue by some companies big and small. It has been going on a long time and everyone knows it has been going on a long time. New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer called the practice alarming. This dirty oil thats being pumped into our buildings can have real health risks for our children -- 113,000 visits to hospitals for asthma and part of it is because we are pumping dirty oil into our buildings," he said. When we see this alarming trend, theres probably even more out there. We must be vigilant." Since no companies have been charged criminally for any alleged blending scheme, the I-Team is not naming any of the companies. The director of the New York Oil Heating Association said any wrongdoing is limited to a small number of bad actors, adding that many firms properly recycled oils when blending products as allowed by law. We are not talking about this being rampant, he said. This is perpetrated by a small number of individuals, not the entire industry. A state DEC spokesman said the agency performs random inspections of companies from time to time. DEC routinely performs unannounced, surprise inspections of used oil processing facilities to make sure these facilities are adhering to permit conditions, the spokesman said. If any facilities are found to be violating conditions of their permits, DEC will use all regulatory and legal authorities to impose penalties and take swift action to protect public health and the environment. But critics have said the city should do more to regulate heating oil firms to weed out corruption similar to steps taken in the once-mafia run carting industry. Law enforcement officials said there are ongoing state and federal criminal investigations into alleged blending schemes as well as other schemes like shorting. Shorting is where air is blown for 10-20 percent of a delivery instead of oil but the customer is billed the for the full amount. Videos obtained from law enforcement show trucking firms in 2014 transferring stolen clean oil from one truck to another, oil that is later sold lining the pockets of corrupt actors. The Manhattan DA has said to prosecute blending, it would take staggering resources teams of investigators and auditors. Cy Vance said the city council should empower the Business Integrity Commission to supervise oil truck deliveries. But to date, the bill has stalled amid intense lobbying from oil industry companies and groups. New York Citys rats are a genetically diverse group of critters whose DNA makeup is influenced by the forces of the city, from the layout of parks and subways, to human social structures, according to a study detailed in The Atlantic. The study by Fordham graduate student Matthew Combs looks to create a genetic portrait of the citys most widespread rodent, the brown rat, which arrived in Manhattan from Western Europe in the 1700s and has continued to thrive ever since, according to The Atlantic. Most strikingly, the study says Manhattans rats can be split into uptown and downtown populations; two genetically distinguishable groups made up of rats north of 59th Street and rats south of 14th Street. The rat populations are split by midtown, a high-rise commercial district devoid of the heaps of food-filled trash and snug backyards that rats prefer, The Atlantic reported. After trapping and genetically mapping rats across Manhattan over the summer, Combs and his team discovered rats can even be broken down by neighborhood. If you gave us a rat, we could tell whether it came from the West Village or the East Village, Combs told The Atlantic. Theyre actually unique little rat neighbors. The Intrepid (and Hungry) Animals of New York City A Delaware man found guilty of punching someone with cerebral palsy has been sentenced to three to six years in prison, officials said. Barry Robert Baker, 29, of Georgetown, Delaware, was found guilty of simple assault, fleeing a crime scene and violating his probation, according to court documents. He has been in jail since June. Baker was caught on video mocking and sucker-punching a person with cerebral palsy outside a West Chester, Pennsylvania, 7-Eleven store in May. Baker could be heard making fun of the man and how he walked before sucker-punched him in the face and running away. West Chester Police Chief Scott Bohn described his actions as "appalling." "You wonder what would make an individual treat somebody like that," Bohn said. A former Delaware prison guard charged with smuggling drugs and cellphones to inmates at the maximum security prison in Smyrna in return for bribes is facing sentencing after pleading guilty to conspiracy. Thomas Nadill Boyce Jr. is to be sentenced Dec. 5 after pleading guilty earlier this year to three counts of conspiracy to commit extortion under color of official right. Each count is punishable by up to 20 years in prison. Prosecutors are asking for a sentence of 46 months. Boyce, arrested last year along with fellow guard Paul Hursey, was accused of conspiring with inmates and their associates to smuggle cellphones, heroin and marijuana into the prison in exchange for money. Hursey pleaded guilty to a similar conspiracy charge and also is awaiting sentencing. A shooting has wounded a pair of Wilmington siblings and police are looking for a man in an Eagles cap who may have pulled the trigger. A Thursday statement from the Wilmington Police Department says a 25-year-old woman is listed in critical condition after sustaining a gunshot wound to her chest. The victim underwent surgery at Christiana Hospital after the shooting. Her 26-year-old brother was wounded from a gunshot wound to his jaw and shoulder. He's listed in stable condition. The siblings were apparently shot late Wednesday. Police were called at to the 1300 block of North Claymont Street shortly after 10 p.m. Wilmington police did not disclose their names. They did, however, release a basic description of the suspected gunman as a man in a camouflage jacket, dark pants with a white stripe, black sneakers and green Philadelphia Eagles cap. Anyone with information is asked to contact Delaware Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333 or Officials have discovered a shallow grave containing the bodies of a woman and dog believed to be missing military veteran Julia Jacobson and her dog Boogie. The bodies were discovered by a San Bernardino Sheriff's Department dog near Cactus City, about 20 miles east of Indio, during a multiple-day search for evidence in Jacobson's disappearance. More than 120 law enforcement personnel from four different agencies, including the San Diego Police Department (SDPD), were searching the desert small area. The Ontario Police Department (OPD) believes the remains are those of Jacobson and her dog, who have been missing since Sept. 2. On that date, Jacobson sent a text to a friend saying she was heading to Palm Springs from Big Bear. The 37-year-old retired Army captain was last spotted on surveillance by police in Ontario. Surveillance at a Kearny Mesa 7-Eleven caught her on camera earlier that same day. On Sept. 7, her company car was found abandoned in University Heights, about a half-mile from her home. Jacobson's family told NBC 7 the car was found with its windows rolled down, at different levels, and the keys still in the ignition. Her black handbag was found inside, unzipped and with hardly anything in it. Evidence found in the car led detectives to believe she may have been killed. Police did not release details about what led to their suspicions. Dalen Larry Ware, Julia's ex-husband, was arrested in Laveen, Arizona. He was later transferred to the San Bernardino County West Valley Detention Center and charged with murder. Ware pleaded not guilty to the charge. The Ontario Police Department (OPD) said information gathered during their investigation led authorities to search a 6 square-mile area in Cactus City. The area is in unincorporated Riverside County, south of Interstate 10 and east of a rest area. OPD, SDPD, San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department and the Riverside County Sheriff's Department assisted in the search. Since Jacobson's disappearance, the family organized its own searches, canvassing her North Park neighborhood trying to find somebody that knows something. Anyone with information regarding the incident is asked to call the Ontario Police Department at (909)986-6711. Information can also be reported anonymously by calling WE-TIP at (800)78-CRIME or online at U.S. and Chinese generals engaged in an unusual set of security talks on Wednesday, just hours after North Korea's most powerful missile test yet, focused on how the mighty American and Chinese militaries might communicate in a crisis. As President Donald Trump greeted the North's launching of another intercontinental ballistic missile with familiar demands for China to get tougher with its ally, the low-profile and unpublicized meeting at the National Defense University in Washington was taking place amid signs China is more willing at this time to discuss how the two world powers would manage an even worse emergency on the divided Korean Peninsula. The Pentagon stressed the talks were scheduled long before North Korea's surprise missile launch in the early hours Wednesday in Asia. Officials insisted the dialogue wasn't centered on North Korea or anything else in particular. Trump has vowed to prevent North Korea from having the capability to strike the U.S. mainland with a nuclear-tipped missile using military force if necessary. He is running out of time: Some experts said the missile fired on a high trajectory that splashed down in the Sea of Japan showed North Korea's ability to strike Washington and the entire U.S. Eastern Seaboard. The threat of a military confrontation is making China rethink its resistance to discussing contingencies involving North Korea, according to experts. Such discussions have long been off-limits for Beijing, which fought on North Korea's side against the United States in the 1950-53 Korean War and remains its treaty ally. In a phone conversation with Trump on Wednesday, Chinese President Xi Jinping reiterated his desire for a diplomatic resolution to the standoff with North Korea. Objectives for Wednesday's military consultations appeared modest. "The engagement will serve as an opportunity to discuss how to manage crises, prevent miscalculations, and reduce the risk of misunderstanding," the office of Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told The Associated Press in a statement. The U.S. and China agreed on the talks when Dunford met with his Chinese counterpart in Beijing in August. While in China, Dunford observed a Chinese military drill at Shenyang, about 120 miles from the North Korean border an unusual stop for an official visit. Wednesday's talks were being led by Lt. Gen. Richard Clarke, the Joint Chiefs' planning director, and Maj. Gen. Shao Yuanming, a senior Chinese military official. They're especially noteworthy given the deep strategic mistrust between the U.S. and China, and Beijing's increasing challenge to America's post-World War II dominance in the Asia-Pacific. China has been more explicit in saying what the talks are about. Yao Yunzhu, a retired general who specializes in U.S.-Chinese defense relations at China's Academy of Military Science, said this summer they should include Northeast Asia, where North Korea is located. She also mentioned the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea. Yun Sun, an expert on Chinese foreign policy at the Stimson Center think tank, said Dunford raised North Korean contingencies at the August meeting and the two sides discussed the potential danger of a conflict or a nuclear disaster. U.S. officials wouldn't confirm that account. Sun said she anticipated those talks would continue Wednesday. While such discussions have occurred in recent years among non-government experts, they hadn't yet happened at official levels. However, Oriana Skylar Mastro, a Georgetown University professor, said her Chinese contacts indicated willingness to broach North Korea contingencies in the military dialogue. "Things are shifting right now in both China and the United States. There seems to be an opening," said Mastro. She expected the talks would still be at a preliminary stage. "This type of discussion is difficult among friends. It's much more difficult between potential adversaries, but absolutely necessary," Mastro said. "The type of war that might break out (with North Korea) is one that would be more costly than anything that generations of Americans have experienced." Political limitations exist on both sides, making some experts skeptical that progress would be made or even that North Korean contingencies would be addressed at all. The U.S. must be wary of offending South Korea, which isn't in the dialogue. China risks further alienating a paranoid ally at a time Beijing is supporting increasingly tough U.N. sanctions on North Korea's economy in response to its missile and nuclear tests. "The Chinese side is very worried that if North Korea gets word it might turn them into a hostile neighbor," said Frank Aum, a former Pentagon adviser on North Korea. Chinese opinions are divided. But in a sign of growing antipathy toward Pyongyang, some Chinese intellectuals have called for radical policy change. Not only is North Korea a liability for China's global standing, it also poses a nuclear risk on its doorstep. A collapse of North Korea's state, or another crisis, could push Beijing into conflict with the U.S. and South Korea. Bonnie Glaser, an Asia expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, mentioned North Korean nuclear facilities within 50 miles of the Chinese border, and said both sides could try to secure loose nukes. There have been grave miscommunications before. Abraham Denmark, a former senior U.S. military official for East Asia, cited the run-up to the Korean War, when Washington thought Beijing knew it would not seek to invade China; the Chinese thought the Americans knew that if U.S. forces advanced north of the 38th parallel into North Korea, China would intervene. "Both sides at the time thought that they were being extremely clear, but neither side had any idea of what was going on," Denmark said. "That suggests to me that both sides need to be very up front with one another." AP writer Robert Burns contributed to this report. A Maryland woman says she never wants to have kids again after learning the doctor she had when she delivered her baby did not have a legal medical license. "I'm scarred for life. I do not want any more kids at all because of that. And I do not trust any male doctor at all anymore," Jazmine Tinsley said. Tinsley is a young mother from Capitol Heights, Maryland, who is part of a group of women suing Prince George's Hospital Center after discovering their obstetrician, Dr. Charles Akoda, faked his identity to obtain a medical license. Tinsley gave birth five years ago. "During my delivery, I thought I was losing my life. So, the fact that I'm just finding out that this man was a fake at the end of the day is really hurting me because everything that I went through with my delivery, and afterwards when it came to my health, has still damaged me still to this day," Tinsley said. According to the U.S. Attorney's Office, Akoda's real name is Oluwafemi Charles Igberase. He pleaded guilty on Nov. 15, 2016 to misusing a Social Security number to fraudulently obtain a Maryland medical license. According to his plea agreement, Igberase entered the United States in October 1991 on a non-immigrant visa and repeatedly used fraudulent Social Security numbers and fake information throughout the '90s to practice medicine and get into a residency program in the U.S. Prosecutors said Igberase was dismissed from a residency program in New Jersey in 2000 after officials learned the Social Security number he used didn't belong to him. In 2011, using a fraudulent Social Security number and other fraudulent documents in the name Charles John Nosa Akoda, Igbergase obtained a medical license in Maryland. He went on to practice obstetrics and gynecology and obtained medical privileges at Prince George's Hospital Center. The lawsuit claims the hospital failed to do its homework and Igbergase also used fake immigration documents, medical diplomas, letters of recommendation and birth certificates. "Maybe they should have checked his Social Security number. They would have learned that he's a fraud," attorney Jonathon Schochor said. "We're suing them because they had an absolute obligation to complete a thorough, appropriate background check on this physician, on this OB-GYN, to make sure he was not a fraud." Prince George's Hospital Center emailed News4 a statement saying Akoda had physicians licenses in good standing in Maryland and Virginia. "We are disappointed that our expectation of integrity was not met in the case of Dr. Akoda given his complex sophisticated identity theft scheme," the hospital said. A New Jersey man who went into cardiac arrest five times in a D.C. ambulance last April reunited Wednesday with the firefighters and paramedics who saved his life. Elliott Penner had the chance to thank the people who brought him back to life, shaking their hands and hugging them. Im here today because of what you guys do, he said. Penner was in town on Apr. 15 with his son, Brayden, for a Capitals game. But as they arrived at Union Station, Penner started to feel the symptoms of cardiac arrest, including shortness of breath. I remember thinking: We gotta get to a hospital, Penner said. The two thought that they had time to take cab but they didnt. Fortunately, an ambulance was already at the station, called in before for a sick woman. Once Penner told them what he was feeling, paramedics realized that he was showing the signs of a heart attack and hooked him into the monitoring equipment in the ambulance. Penner went into cardiac arrest five times in the ambulance. We would shock him and he would come back and he would talk. He would go back into cardiac arrest. We would shock him again, hed come back and talk, said Christian Meuller, one of the D.C. Fire and Emergency Services paramedics who helped Penner. For the five times, paramedics brought him back to life, shocking him 18 times. The crew was able to take Penner to the hospital, saving him. As soon as somebody stabilizes its like a breath of fresh air, said Nick Ragucci, another paramedic who saved Penner. Since April, the crew that saved Penner received recognition and honor medallions. Penner remains thankful to the crew. I think what you do is pretty amazing, Penner told them. A Maryland man was lured into a car and sexually assaulted by a man who was impersonating a police officer, police said. Michael Leon Bell, 36, of Upper Marlboro, was arrested and charged with rape, assault, impersonating a police officer and other charges, Prince Georges County police said in a statement. Police released a photograph of the badge they say Bell used, which says "Sergeant" and "Special Agent." Police said their investigation revealed that Bell, who was driving a black 2007 Ford Crown Victoria, approached the victim early Sunday on the 2300 block of University Boulevard. Bell, with the badge hanging around his neck, said he was police officer, asked the man for identification and proceeded to pat him down, according to police. Police said Bell kept the man's identification and refused to give it back to him. Bell offered the man a ride home, telling him the area they were in was dangerous, and the man accepted, police said. Bell then drove the man to the 2100 block of Guilford Road, climbed into the backseat and forced the victim to perform sexual acts while the victim repeatedly asked Bell to stop, police said. The man eventually escaped the car, taking a photograph of the cars license plate as the suspect sped away. The man then called 911. Police responded about 6:15 a.m. Using the licence plate picture, police found Bell. While arresting Bell, police found two identification documents from two other men. Detectives believe he may have attacked other people. Anyone who has information about the case is asked to call Prince Georges County Police Departments Sexual Assault Unit at 301-772-4908. Govt to launch white paper on ballooning trade deficit The Ministry of Commerce is all set to introduce a white paper on ballooning trade deficit of the country, which would pinpoint bottlenecks that are hindering exports, help expand basket of goods and services that could be marketed overseas, and spell out roles different ministries could play to narrow down the widening trade gap. White House work orders obtained by News4 include reports of mice and roaches in the West Wing and requests for a new toilet seat for the Oval Office bathroom and a decorator for H.R. McMaster. White House officials submitted hundreds of requests in 2017 for repairs, equipment and pest control to building administrators with the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), which helps manage maintenance needs in the West Wing and East Wing of the White House. Maintenance workers were asked over the past two years to respond to reports of mice infiltrating the White House Navy mess food service area and the White House Situation Room. There were also at least four reported cockroach infestations on the grounds and a complaint of ants in the White House chief of staffs office. Some of the projects appear large in scope. Some appear quite small. The work orders show a request to replace the toilet seat in the Oval Office in late January, and specifies the project be completed after hours please. Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer requested new furniture and pictures hung in his office shortly after inauguration, according to the records. The work orders submitted in 2017 are similar in number to those made in 2016 during the final year of the Obama administration, according to News4s review of federal records. The documents show a quick flurry of requests made shortly after Inauguration Day and indicate some were specifically made by high-ranking officials in the White House. The records offer a rare glimpse into the granular work required to maintain a major government facility. The hundreds of work orders reviewed by News4 reveal the wide scope of requests received by the Public Buildings Service, ranging from heating system repairs to furniture moves to pest control. A request to repair a door release button in the White House Situation Room was made soon after a request to install new draperies in the first ladys second-floor East Wing office, which specifically sought an overall effect of the room being taller. The GSAs Public Building Service manages building maintenance and repairs for about 9,000 federal government facilities, including at least 31 in the District of Columbia. The portfolio of buildings includes federal courthouses, headquarters for federal agencies and high-profile sections of the White House, including the Oval Office, Brady Press Briefing Room and East Wing. One work order asks federal maintenance workers to refinish the legs of two Martha Washington chairs, which sit in front of the fireplace in Vice President Mike Pences West Wing office. The order recommends the work be completed in mid-April, during a week in which the vice president was traveling abroad. A later work order asks maintenance crews to install a DirecTV satellite DVR and TV system in the vice presidents office. Its an enormous job. GSA is assigned to manage that job, said former GSA Inspector General Brian Miller, whose office formally monitored the agencys performance. GSA hires contractors and subcontractors for the [maintenance] work. Then the agency must watch over the contractors." Miller and another former GSA official said White House work orders are delicate and tricky to handle because the complex is a historic site. Milller said even wallpaper and paints must be protected and handled with special care. The former agency official said the GSA has staff on site at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building adjacent to the White House, because of the high volume of maintenance requests the agency receives. They are old buildings, Miller said. Any of us who have old houses know old houses need a lot of work. A large portion of these work orders are completed by contractors, who are hired and overseen by the Public Building Service, according to an agency spokesperson. The work crews include small businesses who perform maintenance work in the Washington, D.C. region, including those considered small disadvantaged business contractors. Small disadvantaged businesses are those operated by lower-income individuals who are attempting to start up or grow small contracting companies. The GSA receives its White House maintenance requests through an online database system shared by other federal agencies, including NASA and the U.S. Department of Education. The database is hosted at, but is accessible only for registered users. Agency records indicate the GSA spends as much as $100,000 a year in maintenance costs for White House repairs, based on an estimate of $2.13 per square foot in annual maintenance costs for GSA buildings in Washington, D.C. Reported by Scott MacFarlane, produced by Rick Yarborough, and shot and edited by Steve Jones. Prince William made sure to add a Santa Claus visit to his royal duties while in Finland. As he visited a festive market in Helsinki, where he met local residents, he made sure the stop also included the man responsible for all the gift-giving this Christmas. William assured Santa that his son has been in the nice list, handing over Prince Georges Christmas wish list, where for the first time, Georges signature is seen. He hasnt written down any requests, so I think one request is probably OK, said William. The wish list that was addressed to Father Christmas confirms George has been a nice boy this year, asking for a police car, as his third choice. The 4-year old prince seemed to have forgotten to add his first and second choice to his list. Next year, Prince George and Princess Charlotte will be getting an additional present with the announcement of a new royal baby from mom, Kate Middleton. The royal family will continue to grow with the announcement of a new aunt for George and Charlotte now that Meghan Markle is engaged to Prince Harry. A Vermont maple syrup producer has a big mess on his hands and is out thousands of dollars of merchandise during the holiday shopping season following vandalism to his sugarhouse. "Every time you touch something, you stick to it," said Alan Mayer of Bristol, as his feet made a loud sound pulling away from a tacky layer of maple syrup that had been spilled on the floor of his sugarhouse. Vermont State Police said someone broke into Mayer's property last week and apparently used an axe to punch holes in large storage barrels and smash equipment required for syrup production. Mayer estimated that nearly 340 gallons of the valuable product gushed out and was ruined. Based on his price of $38 per gallon, that's well over a $12,000 hit. "Why damage somebodys livelihood?" Mayer asked. The intruder or intruders also stole several jugs of maple syrup, perhaps a dozen, Mayer said. The costly destruction of sugaring equipment throws into question whether Mayer will even be able to boil next spring when the maple sap starts running, because he said some replacement parts are hard to obtain. "Were trying to figure out what our options are," Mayer said, noting he is still waiting to hear back from his insurer as well as equipment suppliers. "Its maddening to realize somebody damaged this, just for whatever reason. We dont know." Mayer makes syrup, which is very time-intensive, on the side in addition to his other jobs as a printer and volunteer fire chief. Vermont State Police said the timeframe for the crime has been narrowed down to a roughly 24-hour period starting in the evening of the Monday before Thanksgiving. If anyone saw or heard anything out of the ordinary, theyre asked to call the Vermont State Police at the New Haven barracks at 802-388-4919. Matt Gordon of the Vermont Maple Sugar Makers Association said the crime strikes at the heart of an iconic industry the state prides itself on. "Its damaging to the spirit," Gordon said. "What makes Vermont really special is we can just have things out in the woods and trust that no ones going to tamper with it or mess with it." With that trust broken, Mayer said he needs warmer weather to bring in a hot-water power washer to get all of the maple syrup off the floor. He said he is grateful for his customers support, and hopes he can return soon to the traditional Vermont activity he loves. After word of the crime spread on social media and through the news, Mayer said he received a card from a woman from central Vermont and a letter from a man from Pennsylvania, voicing their support and sympathy. "Its nice to know there still are so many good people in the world," Mayer said. Temperatures soared Tuesday night, up to 50 degrees by midnight, then kept going up into the lower 60s in southern New England by Wednesday afternoon. At noon, when Boston was 60 degrees, a squall in northern Vermont was generating heavy snow and thunder, at the same time. The Stowe Mountain resort had to temporarily shut its ski lift due to lightning midday, a rare eventd. A quick inch of snow fell there even as the temperature warmed further into the 60s in southern New England. By late Wednesday the squall had moved off shore, but the wind was gusting past 40 mph in southern New England. The wind will relent and the temperature will plummet Wednesday night, and it will be back down to freezing for everyone by Thursday morning. With a bright moon and a clearing sky, the temperature will bottom out in the 10s to low 20s well north, and 20s to low 30s toward the south coast. We have a quiet Thursday with fading sunshine. Temperatures slowly climb through the 30s to 40s south and hold in the 30s north. Another front pushing into New York will generate clouds for a rather gray sunset. Our wind that briefly becomes light for sunrise increases from the south by afternoon at 10-15 mph, though it may be gusting to 35 mph late in the Champlain Valley of Vermont. The next front is going to race in Thursday night, with the rain showers likely after midnight, mixed with snow in the mountains. Temperatures overnight into Friday will hold steady in the 30s to lower 40s. Friday may start off damp with showers in eastern New England, and an inch or two of snow in the mountains, but the sky will clear rapidly with temperatures rebounding to the 40s in southern New England, and 30s north. Freezing weather returns again Friday night with high pressure from Canada, and low temperature will be in the 20s. The weekend is starting to come into better focus with high pressure from Canada in control. That means more sun and clouds, with high temperatures in the 40s, and low temperature in the 20s. Next week we see a dramatic shot of cold air entering the Great Lakes even as warm to record-warm air over the southeastern United States tries to come back toward New England. That sets up quite a boundary with dry weather to start the week, but rain likely arrives by late Tuesday. As temperatures gradually cool we may see showers of rain on Wednesday that transition to snow by Thursday. It looks like an unsettled stretch, that may end up with white ground all the way to the coast by the end of next week. We will keep you posted as it gets closer. A young man in Southbridge, Massachusetts was seriously hurt Wednesday after being accidentally shot by his grandfather. The grandfather is shaken and distraught after the target practice gone wrong, but the grandson says it wasn't his grandfather's fault. The two were on a woman's property shooting at targets when the incident happened around 3:30 Wednesday afternoon. Police recived a call for a report of an accidental shooting on Tipton Rock Road in Southbridge, and when officers arrived, the owner of the home told police she gave two men permission to target practice on her property. Officers say they heard a man yelling for help and eventually found the two men at the bottom of a hill. The 22-year-old grandson was lying on his back, and his 68-year-old grandfather was kneeing next to him. The grandson was still conscious, and told officials he accidentally stepped in front of his grandfathers rifle while they were target shooting. The young man was shot in the upper body and taken to a local hospital. His condition is not known at this time. Police don't believe the two men violated any laws, but the incident is under investigation. No other information was immediately available. Multiple police agencies responded to a serious crash in Mansfield, Massachusetts, Thursday morning. Foxborough police said they helped Mansfield police with a serious crash at Route 140 and Chauncy Street. Mansfield Deputy Fire Chief James Puleo said there are multiple serious, but non-life-threatening, injuries. A photo of the scene shows at least three vehicles involved in the crash. Drivers were asked to take a different route when police closed Route 140 at Forbes Boulevard; all intersections have since been reopened. Massachusetts prosecutors will dismiss more than 6,000 convictions tied to a former chemist who authorities say was high almost every day for eight years while she worked at a state drug lab. The American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts and the state's public defender agency said Thursday that several district attorneys have notified them of their plans to dismiss cases that relied on evidence tested by Sonja Farak. Several other prosecutors haven't yet said how many cases they intend to toss. Farak pleaded guilty in 2014 to stealing cocaine from the state crime lab at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and was sentenced to 18 months behind bars. Farak's case is separate from another Massachusetts drug lab scandal that resulted in the dismissal of some 21,000 convictions this year. A Massachusetts Uber driver faced a judge Thursday after he allegedly sexually assaulted a passenger and refused to let the victim leave his car. Kastriot Naksi, 46, of Boston's West Roxbury neighborhood, was ordered to be held without bail by a judge following his arrest Wednesday afternoon on charges of indecent assault and battery and kidnapping. During his arraignment, a prosecutor said Naksi admitted to having his hand on the 22-year-old victim's inner thigh, and that the victim videotaped the assault. Naksi, who sobbed as he walked out of court, moved to Boston from Albania seven years ago. Naksis wife and two sons defended him outside court. His wife Monika Naksi said, "Ive been married to him for 23 years and I know what kind of husband I have so that is impossible for him to do." Police said they received a call just before 1 p.m. Wednesday from someone saying her friend had just been sexually assaulted by an Uber driver. While driving to Cottage Avenue in Quincy, Naksi allegedly pulled over to the side of the road and told the victim to get in the front seat. Because it was a ride-share Uber, police say the victim agreed. She said the driver then touched her inappropriately. When she told the driver to stop and let her out, he allegedly locked the door. The victim reported he started hitting on her, telling her that he loved her and wanted to marry her," said Assistant District Attorney Moira Daly. "He placed his hand on her thigh and he moved it into her inner thigh. Prosecutors say the victim was "extremely terrified" as Naksi allegedly touched her under her jeans. "The victim actually took a video of this with her phone, when she was texting her friend for help," Daly said. "She tried to get out of the car, she asked him to stop several times. He locked the doors and would not stop." Prosecutors allege during the assault Naksi even picked up another fare, and despite the victim whispering help me the passenger was dropped off without assisting her. She then texted her friend, who called police. The victim also sent her friend a screenshot of her location. After sending out a "be on the lookout" alert, Quincy police located Naksi's gray Honda Civic driving on Cottage Avenue at 1:20 p.m. Police stopped the car, at which point the victim was allowed to exit the vehicle and Naksi was taken into custody. A judge ordered Naksi to be held without bail pending a dangerousness hearing on Dec. 6. It's unclear if he has an attorney. Naksi passed Uber's criminal background check, and the charges he faces violates the company's "Community Guidelines," according to the ride-sharing company. "What's been described is deeply concerning," an Uber spokesperson said. "Upon learning this, we immediately removed the driver's access to the app and we stand ready to assist law enforcement with their investigation." The real estate firm that purchased southern New England retail chain Benny's has announced it will redevelop the locations for retail use. WJAR reports the Carpionato Group, which is buying most of the stores, announced the plan at a meeting of General Assembly leaders at the State House Thursday. The current owners of the 93-year-old family-owned chain are retiring, citing a change in retail landscape. All Bennys stores will be closed by the end of the year. The Carpionato Groups deal is for 29 stores across Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. The firm plans to spend $100 million on construction and hire at least 350 workers. The buildings are expected to be ready for use in about a year. The Carpionato Group will not be receiving a tax break from the state. Benny's President Arnold Bromberg told WJAR that the closure will affect the companys 715 employees, including 386 who are full-time and 329 who are part-time staff members. A former New Hampshire substitute teacher is facing child endangerment charges after she allegedly invited middle school students to smoke marijuana. Rochester resident Elisha Mahar, 20, who worked at the Somersworth Middle School, is facing four counts of endangering the welfare of a child, according to Somersworth police. The police investigation began on Oct. 13 after school officials reported that Mahar gave a vape smoking device to a student and invited students to smoke marijuana while she still worked at the school. Mahar was arrested on a warrant Thursday afternoon and was released on $5,000 personal recognizance bail pending a court date on Dec. 26. Its not clear if Mahar has an attorney. Anyone with information is asked to contact Somersworth police at 603-692-3131. Deepak Thapa has been a fortnightly columnist with The Kathmandu Post since 2009, writing on a range of topical social and political issues. What to Know The fire at 171 Auburn St. started at 1 a.m. and quickly reached 4-alarms, while spreading to two other apartment buildings. All 60 residents were safely evacuated from the three buildings and the fire was quickly contained. One firefighter suffered a minor injury. The fire, which remains under investigation, is believed to have started on a back porch. Dozens of residents were displaced and a firefighter was injured early Thursday morning when a fire swept through three apartment buildings in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Crews first responded to the blaze reported at 171 Auburn St. at 1 a.m., where the fire quickly reached 4-alarms. One resident, Andrew Colello, said he woke up to the sounds of popping and crackling. "Next thing I knew, firemen were banging down my door and getting all my roommates out of there," Colello recalled. Once he and his roommates were safe, they took cellphone video of the intense flames. "Most of all we were worried, hoping everyone was OK. We didn't really think about the damage. We just saw the giant fire ball," Colello said. One resident, Andrew Colello, said he woke up to the sounds of popping and crackling. "Next thing I knew, firemen were banging down my door and getting all my roommates out of there," Colello recalled. Once he and his roommates were safe, they took cellphone video of the intense flames. "Most of all we were worried, hoping everyone was OK. We didn't really think about the damage. We just saw the giant fireball," Colello said. The fire then jumped from his roof on Auburn Street and spread to two other buildings. "I don't know what's going to happen. I have a lot of valuables in there," said fire victim Emily, who returned later to check out her apartment on nearby Magazine Street. "I was here last night before it happened and everything was fine." All three buildings, which are multi-family apartments, were damaged. Fire officials said despite having to navigate the fire trucks down the narrow road, all 60 residents were safely evacuated and the fire was quickly contained. "It's a densely built-up neighborhood. Buildings are close together," said Cambridge Acting Fire Chief Gerard Mahoney. "We are very fortunate, you know, nighttime fires are very difficult and the weather cooperated." One firefighter was taken to an area hospital with a shoulder injury. He is expected to be OK. Mahoney said a total of five families were displaced by the fire. Two family cats remain missing. "We do have a collection center and they are working with the Red Cross to help them find housing," Mahoney said. The fire, which remains under investigation, is believed to have started on a back porch on Magazine Street. "Can't overstate the importance of sprinklers in buildings," said Mahoney. Crews remained at the scene throughout the morning commute, which impacted traffic in the areas of Auburn, Magazine, and Franklin streets. MBTA bus routes were also impacted. The fire happened a few days prior to the one-year anniversary of the 10-alarm blaze on Berkshire and Vandine streets, which burned at least eight buildings and damaged up to 11 in total, plus several cars parked along the street. The Boston Globe is reporting that four men are accusing the husband of Massachusetts Senate President Stan Rosenberg of sexual misconduct. The newspaper said four men with ties to the State House allege that Bryon Hefner sexually assaulted and harassed them in recent years. Three said Hefner grabbed their genitals and one said Hefner kissed him against his will. The Globe said it has found no evidence that Rosenberg knew about any of the incidents. The men - who were not identified by the Globe - said they were hesitant to report the assaults because of Rosenberg's influence on Beacon Hill. Rosenberg, a Democrat from Amherst, has been Senate president since 2015 and has served in the Legislature for 30 years. In statements issued Thursday, both Hefner and Rosenberg said they were shocked by the allegations. Hefner said no one has complained to him or any other government authority about the allegations. He said it is "incredibly difficult" to respond to allegations by unnamed individuals. "This is the first I have heard about these claims," Rosenberg said. "Even though, based on what little I have been told, these allegations do not involve members or employees of the Senate and did not occur in the State House, I take them seriously. To the best of my recollection I was not approached by anyone with complaints during or after the alleged incidents made in this article or I would have tried to intervene." Rosenberg later issued another statement supporting a call for an independent investigation into the allegations "regarding the activities of my husband and their effects on Senate business," and said he is recusing himself from all matters relating to the allegations and investigation. His recusal charges Senate Majority Leader Harriette Chandler with serving as the majority party lead in the investigation, alongside Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr and Senate Counsel. "Frankly I'm appalled by the allegations," Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker said. "I really felt for the people when I read the story of who came forward." Hefner, 30, and Rosenberg, 68, have been a couple since 2008 and were married in 2016. Their relationship became news back in 2014 after Hefner allegedly mocked outgoing Senate President Therese Murray on Twitter and boasted about his influence in the Legislature. That prompted Rosenberg to reassure his colleagues that he planned to enforce a "firewall" between his personal and professional lives. "Certainly based on the allegations there's a question about that firewall," Baker said. In a statement, Tarr called the claims "serious and disturbing" and said they should be investigated. "Without a doubt, there must be a full and fair process by which the facts should be evaluated, and any wrongdoing in this case should be dealt with swiftly and properly addressed," he said. "No one should manipulate, harm, or abuse anyone else and when they do, there must be appropriate consequences." Thursday's Globe report comes just a month after House Speaker Robert DeLeo pledged a review of sexual harassment policies following a previous Globe story citing 12 women who said they had been sexually harassed at the Massachusetts State House. The Globe cited anonymous women who recounted how unnamed male lawmakers pressed up against them, touched, massaged or tried to kiss them, and in some cases demanded sex. The women were aides, lobbyists and legislators who had worked in and around the State House dating back to the early 2000s. Similar behavior has been called out in other states including Rhode Island in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recently awarded the Center for BrainHealth at The University of Texas at Dallas $2.5 million to examine cannabis use disorders. The five-year brain-imaging study seeks to better understand the brain mechanisms behind problems related to cannabis use, said Dr. Francesca Filbey, director of Cognitive Neuroscience of Addictive Behaviors at the Center for BrainHealth and lead investigator of the project. The study, conducted in partnership with Dr. Janna Cousijn, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, will investigate individual and cultural effects on the severity of cannabis use disorder, which is characterized by compulsive drug-seeking despite negative consequences. The study will include participants from two different cultures: American and Dutch. Neuroscience eBook Compilation of the top interviews, articles, and news in the last year. Download a copy today "Changes in legal climate warrant a better understanding of marijuana's potential effects on the brain and risk factors that contribute towards a cannabis use disorder," said Filbey, who is also an associate professor in the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences at UT Dallas, where she holds the Bert Moore Chair in BrainHealth. "By investigating the neural underpinnings of cannabis use disorder in people from opposing cannabis cultures, we aim to disentangle how environmental factors, such as legality, may lead to differences in how cannabis use disorder manifests in the brain." According to Filbey, approximately 10 percent of marijuana users become addicted to cannabis. Cannabis use disorders are currently the most prevalent of all illicit substance use disorders. Long-term recovery is achieved by less than 20 percent of those who seek treatment. The study will include a total of 200 participants, including cannabis users and non-users in the Netherlands, where recreational marijuana use is openly tolerated, and in the U.S., where use has traditionally been illegal. Filbey and Cousijn's previous research suggests brain mechanisms such as cognitive control and reward processing play a crucial role in people who become addicted. "Identification of individual and cultural mechanisms of cannabis use disorder in a cross-cultural population can reveal brain-based markers that may help create new prevention and intervention strategies and inform public health policies," Cousijn said. Source: The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) your best resource in the fight against cancer for more than two decades has created a new resource for patients living with HIV who develop AIDS-related Kaposi sarcoma. This newly-released NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines) brings the total library to 68 NCCN Guidelines. Additional NCCN Guidelines, devoted to overall cancer care for people living with HIV, will be released in early 2018. "These new NCCN Guidelines for AIDS-Related Kaposi Sarcoma are a first step to ensuring that people living with HIV receive appropriate and equitable cancer treatment," said Gita Suneja, MD, Duke Cancer Institute. Dr. Suneja is Co-Chair of the NCCN Guidelines Panel for AIDS-Related Kaposi Sarcoma. "NCCN recognizes the urgent need for cancer management guidelines in this special population of patients. The Guidelines Panel is comprised of experts from NCCN Member Institutions across the United States, including oncologists, HIV specialists, pharmacists, and patient advocates. In compiling these Guidelines, we learned a tremendous amount from each other and hope this will benefit clinicians and, most-importantly, patients living with HIV." The incidence of AIDS-related Kaposi sarcoma in people living with HIV has fallen dramatically in the United States in recent years thanks to advancements in HIV treatments. It is considered an AIDS-defining illness and was famously featured in the movie Philadelphia. The disease can be limited to skin lesions, which tend to respond well to treatment, but when more advanced it can be difficult to treat. There are also other types of Kaposi sarcoma that affect HIV-negative individuals; treatment recommendations for those cancers will be included in future updates of these guidelines. NCCN Guidelines Panel Co-Chair Erin Reid, MD, of UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center further explained: "The NCCN Guidelines for AIDS-Related Kaposi Sarcoma fill an important gap in guidance for care of this rare but important malignancy. Although incidences have decreased, the disease remains one of the most common cancers occurring in persons living with HIV-;not only in patients with newly diagnosed HIV infection or inadequate suppression of HIV, but also in people who otherwise appear to have maximum viral suppression and 'normal' CD4+ T cell counts." NCCN made the decision to create a panel devoted to AIDS-related Kaposi sarcoma while working with the African Cancer Coalition, American Cancer Society, and Clinton Health Access Initiative to create the NCCN Harmonized Guidelines for Sub-Saharan Africa. "While the medical community has made monumental strides toward reducing the impact of HIV and AIDS, there are still more than a million people living with HIV in the United States today," explained Robert W. Carlson, MD, chief executive officer, NCCN. "That patient population is then diagnosed with cancer at a 50-percent higher rate than people in the general population. Our work with the African Cancer Coalition began as a way to help them with some of the particular health issues in their home countries. In the end, it also resulted in us finding new ways to expand our library of Guidelines for patients here at home." As with all NCCN Guidelines, the NCCN Guidelines for AIDS-Related Kaposi Sarcoma are available free of charge for non-commercial use online at They can also be viewed via the Virtual Library of NCCN Guidelines mobile app for smartphones and tablets. Source: The largest ever genetic study of mosquitoes reveals the movement of insecticide resistance between different regions of Africa and finds several rapidly evolving insecticide resistance genes. Reported today (29 November) in Nature, this genetic resource will be used to develop new tools for monitoring resistance and managing insecticide use, and for designing novel control methods. Malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes and rising resistance to insecticides is hampering efforts to control the disease. The study by researchers from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and their collaborators also discovered that wild mosquitoes collected in Africa were genetically far more diverse than had been thought. This helps to explain how mosquitoes evolve insecticide resistance so quickly. More than 200 million people are infected with the malaria parasite worldwide each year, which is transmitted by blood-sucking Anopheles mosquitoes. Malaria caused the deaths of around 429,000 people in 2015 with the majority of cases in sub-Saharan Africa. Public health measures in Africa such as insecticide-treated bed nets and insecticide-spraying have helped reduce the numbers of malaria cases since 2000, but many mosquitoes have evolved resistance to insecticides. This is now threatening to derail malaria control in Africa. To understand how mosquitoes are evolving, researchers working with the Anopheles gambiae 1000 genomes project sequenced the DNA of 765 wild Anopheles mosquitoes. These were taken from 15 locations across eight African countries, creating the largest data resource on natural genetic variation for any species of insect. They then examined each of the mosquito genomes. The researchers revealed that the Anopheles gambie mosquitoes are extremely genetically diverse compared with most other animal species. High genetic diversity enables rapid evolution and the study found 52 million small differences amongst the mosquito genomes. Dr Mara Lawniczak, a corresponding author on the paper and Faculty at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, said: "The diversity of mosquito genomes was far greater than we expected. Such high levels of genetic variation poise mosquito populations to rapidly evolve in response to our efforts to control them whether that be with insecticides or any other control measure, including gene drive." New strategies to control mosquitoes are being developed that use 'gene drive'- using the latest Crispr/Cas 9 genetic tools to make mosquitoes infertile or unable to carry the malaria parasite. However, this technology requires an exact match with any targeted gene. The researchers found that gene drive is unlikely to work for most mosquito genes because they are too variable in nature, however they also used the data to highlight less variable targets that are potentially more suitable for gene drive based methods to control mosquitoes. Genetics & Genomics eBook Compilation of the top interviews, articles, and news in the last year. Download a copy today The mosquito genomes also revealed rapid evolution of several genes that had previously been implicated in insecticide resistance. Unexpectedly, the researchers discovered many previously-unknown genetic variants within those genes that could be causing insecticide resistance. Worryingly, they showed that these genetic variants for insecticide resistance were not only emerging independently in different parts of Africa, but were also being spread across the continent by mosquito migration. Professor Martin Donnelly, a corresponding author from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and Honorary Faculty at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, said: "We know that mosquito populations are rapidly evolving resistance to insecticides, which is a serious threat to the future of malaria control in Africa. We have been able to see that a diverse array of genes linked to insecticide resistance are under very strong selection, confirming that they are playing an important role in the evolution of insecticide resistance in natural mosquito populations. Our study highlights the severe challenges facing public efforts to control mosquitoes and to manage and limit insecticide resistance." Alistair Miles, lead author from the University of Oxford and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, said: "The data we have generated are a unique resource for studying how mosquito populations are responding to our current control efforts, and for designing better technologies and strategies for mosquito control in the future. More data will be needed to fill in the geographical gaps and study how mosquito populations change over time and in response to specific control interventions. However, this study demonstrates a clear path towards building a new and much-needed source of intelligence to support the campaign to eradicate malaria in Africa." Source: A recent study by University of Kentucky BREATHE (Bridging Research Efforts and Advocacy Toward Healthy Environments) researchers shows that fewer new cases of lung cancer were found in communities with strong smoke-free workplace laws. The study, "Lung Cancer Incidence and the Strength of Municipal Smoke-free Ordinances" was published in Cancer, an American Cancer Society journal dedicated to providing clinicians with information on diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Ellen Hahn, Ph.D., director of BREATHE and professor in the University of Kentucky College of Nursing, and her team studied whether new cases of lung cancer in Kentucky were lower, higher, or stable in communities with smoke-free laws. "Kentucky has one of the highest adult cigarette smoking rates and the highest rate of new lung cancer cases in the nation," said Hahn. "Only one-third of Kentuckians are protected by strong smoke-free workplace laws." Strong smoke-free laws are known to improve public health by lowering heart attacks, stroke, asthma and emphysema. This study is the first to show that new cases of lung cancer are lower when communities enact strong smoke-free laws covering all workers and the public. Kentucky has more cases of lung cancer than any other state, and its mortality rate is 50 percent higher than the national average. Though other environmental factors play a part in the development of lung cancer, smoking and secondhand smoke exposure are the root cause of the disease. "The mission of the UK Markey Cancer Center is to reduce the overwhelming burden of cancer in our state," said Dr. Mark Evers, Markey director. "This new study shows that having strong smoke-free workplace laws in place to prevent exposure to secondhand smoke is one more way we can help protect our citizens from this devastating disease." Using data compiled from the Kentucky Cancer Registry, the Cancer Research Informatics Shared Resource Facility, and the UK Markey Cancer Center, researchers looked at 20 years of new lung cancer diagnoses among Kentuckians age 50 and over in communities with strong, moderate and weak smoke-free laws. They found that lung cancer incidence was eight percent lower in communities with strong smoke-free workplace laws in comparison to communities without smoke-free laws. Researchers did not find differences in lung cancer rates between communities with moderate or weak smoke-free laws and those without any smoke-free laws. These findings could be used to prompt legislation to create more communities with strong smoke-free workplace laws in Kentucky. "Local government can play a critical role in preventing lung cancer," said Hahn. "Elected officials can ensure that all workers and the public are protected from secondhand smoke by passing strong smoke-free laws with few or no exceptions." BREATHE is a multi-disciplinary research, outreach, and practice collaborative of the UK College of Nursing. Its mission is to promote lung health and healthy environments to achieve health equity through research, community outreach and empowerment, advocacy and policy development and access to health services. Source: People with dementia often have behavioral symptoms. These include problems with memory, language, and decision-making abilities. People with dementia can also experience changes in mood, such as increased irritability, depression, and anxiety. They often need assistance with their daily activities, such as feeding, dressing, using the toilet, and bathing themselves. These symptoms are often troubling for people with dementia, as well as for their caregivers. These dementia symptoms can reduce quality of life for people as they age. This can make them dependent on other people, which can lead to caregivers feeling distressed. It may also lead to people with dementia being hospitalized or placed in a nursing home, even if it is not what they would prefer for their care. There are no effective drug treatments for dementia or its symptoms. Therefore, researchers have been exploring treatment options to improve symptoms that don't involve using medication. A team of researchers studied one of those programs, called the Tailored Activity Program (TAP). TAP matches activities to the interests and abilities of people with dementia. Then it teaches caregivers how to use those activities daily. The researchers initially reported positive results in a small study of 60 people. They then studied TAP in a larger group of veterans living with dementia. They reported their results in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. The researchers studied 160 veterans diagnosed with dementia and whose average age was 80. The study also included 160 of the veterans' caregivers, who were mostly women around 72-years-old. TAP included up to eight in-home sessions led by occupational therapists (health professionals who focus on helping us participate in the activities of everyday life). During the first two sessions, these health professionals evaluated the veterans' risk for falls, their daily routines and habits, and their previous and current interests. They also examined the veterans' home environment, including lighting, seating, clutter, and noise. They looked as well at the interests and abilities of the veterans' caregivers. Based on the assessment, the therapists provided an "assessment report" and offered three "activity prescriptions." The therapists showed the veterans and caregivers how to set up the activities and use them every day. They also provided written instructions for the caregivers. The instructions covered activity goals for the individual veteran and communication strategies for the caregiver. They also instructed caregivers on ways that they could modify the home environment to help the veteran participate in the activity. The therapists worked with the veterans to show the caregivers how to use activities. They had caregivers practice recommended communication strategies. They also provided on-going education to help caregivers understand dementia and its behavioral symptoms. During the last two sessions, caregivers learned how to simplify activities as the veterans' abilities declined. They also learned strategies to make care challenges like bathing easier. A control group of caregivers received eight telephone sessions with a trained research team member who offered caregiver education about home safety and dementia. The researchers did not offer information about activities or behavioral symptoms to this group. After four months, nearly 70 percent of the veterans in the TAP group either eliminated or reduced the frequency and severity of their dementia-related behaviors. This is compared to 46 percent of the veterans in the control group. Also, caregivers in the TAP group reported that the veterans were less dependent on them as they performed their daily activities. Caregivers in the TAP group reported less distress due to the veterans' behaviors, too. The researchers concluded that TAP offers immediate benefits to the veterans and their caregivers. Researchers from the CTS-158 GALENO group at the University of Cadiz, directed by professor Jose Castro Pinero, have been working for three years on an important multicenter study based on an analysis of the influence of physical activity on the development of cardiovascular disease, a study in which they have taken into account environmental, nutritional, emotional and genetic factors, among others. The main novelty of this study is the fact that the group of individuals analyzed was made up of 230 children of between 6 and 10 years old, from 18 schools in the province of Cadiz. In order to better understand the importance of this study and its results, it must be noted that up until now, various studies had been published in this sense on adults and adolescents but nothing on children of 6 to 10 years old. To this end, researchers from the University of Cadiz, together with the University of Granada, the Autonomous University of Madrid, the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the Complutense University of Madrid, have focused their efforts on drawing up aerobic capacity cut-off points that will help to determine the risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease in both girls and boys of between 6 and 10 years old. "Thanks to the enormous amount of information gathered over these three years, a series of cut-off points have been established which, in addition to helping us to define profiles, have enabled us to go one step further and prove, for example, that a six-year-old's level of aerobic capacity determines his level of cardiovascular risk in two years' time", explains the coordinator of this project at the UCA, Jose Castro Pinero. Thus, researchers have observed, "the level of aerobic capacity of a 6- to 10-year-old child will determine their risk of cardiovascular disease two years later". Among many other things, professor Castro Pinero's team observed that "children that, in the first instance, had high levels of aerobic capacity, that is to say, were above the cut-off point, had a much healthier cardiovascular profile than those who were below this cut-off point. Therefore, the level of aerobic capacity of a subject at six years of age, subsequently determines cardiovascular risk". Thus, "it is important to establish strategies or promote physical activity to improve our aerobic capacity as early as possible, and that right from when we are children, our level of aerobic capacity is determining our level of cardiovascular health". Genetics & Genomics eBook Compilation of the top interviews, articles, and news in the last year. Download a copy today In addition to this, and always in the context of the UP&DOWN project, backed by the Spanish National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation, researchers from the GALENO group also analyzed what would happen if the child's level of aerobic capacity changed. Thus, "we found that those children who maintained a high level of aerobic capacity, over the years that they were monitored, were those that had the best cardiovascular health. And those children who, over these two years, had a low level of aerobic capacity, were those with the worst cardiovascular profile". Equally they saw that "when your level of aerobic capacity decreases, then your cardiovascular risk increases, that is to say, we must be aware that having a good level at six years old is not enough, we need to maintain this level.". Thus, and following the publication of this study under the title Cardiorespiratory fitness cut points for early detection of present and future cardiovascular risk in children: A two-year follow-up study in the prestigious Mayo Clinic Proceedings journal, the University of Cadiz recommends that an intervention protocol be established in schools and health centres to promote physical activity from an early age, focusing on improving aerobic capacity to protect future cardiovascular health. A new vaccine technique can fight a certain type of breast cancer in mice. So-called HER2-positive breast cancer accounts for between 20 and 30 percent of all cases of breast cancer in humans. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen and the University of Bologna now show that the same type of cancer can be fought in mice with help of their new vaccine. In cases of breast cancer, the immune system has difficulties distinguishing between cancer cells and healthy cells. Therefore, it normally does not launch a protective immune response that can prevent cancer cells from growing and spreading. But the research group at the University of Copenhagen is able to change that by adding an antigen which is normally expressed on the cancer cells onto the surface of a virus-like particle. They thus inject the particle into the bodies of the mice. 'Our virus-like particle with the added cancer antigen makes the body believe it is under attack. This makes the immune system produce large amounts of antibodies targeted at the cancer antigen, which then fights the cancer cells in the mice', says Associate Professor and author of the study Adam F. Sander from the Department of Immunology and Microbiology. In the study, which was published today in the scientific journal OncoImmunology, the researchers have documented the beneficial effect of their vaccine technique in several ways. Because their vaccine both has a preventive effect and works when cancer has already developed. They have given the vaccine to two different groups of mice genetically coded to spontaneously develop two different types of breast cancer. In one group only half of the mice developed cancer, which was characterized by significantly fewer and smaller tumors than usual. In the second group none of the vaccinated mice developed cancer. Depending on the genetic variation in the mice the vaccine thus prevented breast cancer from developing in 50-100 percent of the cases. Genetics & Genomics eBook Compilation of the top interviews, articles, and news in the last year. Download a copy today In addition, the researchers examined the vaccine's effect on two groups of mice already suffering from cancer. They had either been injected with fragments of a tumor or human cancer cells. The vaccine cured 80 percent of the mice with tumor fragments. In the group with human cancer cells all of the mice developed cancer, but at a much slower pace than usual. The researchers also took blood from the mice that produced the relevant antibodies and tested it on human cancer cells. Here too the effect was hard to miss. All the human cancer cells bound to the antibodies in the right way. The present treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer involves administering large amounts of antibodies fighting the cancer over a long period of time. The treatment is expensive and has side effects, and the immune system may become intolerant to the antibodies, which eventually have no effect. The researchers believe their vaccine by comparison will cost markedly less if its effect translates to humans. 'What is exciting about our treatment technique is that it makes the body do the work. We do not inject foreign antibodies, but leave it to the body to produce them', says Postdoc and author of the study Susan Thrane. The Danish research group behind the study is headed by Associate Professor Adam F. Sander, who last year helped establish the spinout NextGen Vaccines Aps based on their research into vaccine techniques. This summer they established a joint venture company named AdaptVac Aps together with the company ExpreS2ion. This study is one of the first large results of this collaboration, and the researchers hope they will be able to go on to conducting clinical trials on humans before long. Designing new therapeutic DNA aptamers with diverse side chains can improve their ability to interact with targets, and a new study describes characteristics of these side chains that may determine how long the aptamers remain in the bloodstream. Improving the pharmacokinetic properties of therapeutic aptamers is an important aspect of optimizing their drug-like properties, as discussed in the study published in Nucleic Acid Therapeutics, a peer-reviewed journal from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. publishers. The article is available free on the Nucleic Acid Therapeutics website. Lab Diagnostics & Automation eBook Compilation of the top interviews, articles, and news in the last year. Download a copy today In the article entitled "Pharmacokinetic Properties of DNA Aptamers with Base Modifications," Nebojsa Janjic, SomaLogic (Boulder, CO) and coauthors from SomaLogic and Otsuka Pharmaceutical (Tokushima, Japan), describe what effect the lengths of aptamer sequences have on plasma resident time. The researchers also demonstrate the importance of the hydrophobicity of the side chains on their rate of clearance from the bloodstream. The findings can serve as a guide for designing new aptamers with side chains that enhance their diversity. "This elegant study demonstrates how nucleotide modifications can mitigate against nuclease degradation of aptamers, as vital a concern as is delivery for successful in vivo therapeutic or diagnostic applications," says Executive Editor Graham C. Parker, PhD, The Carman and Ann Adams Department of Pediatrics, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Children's Hospital of Michigan, Detroit, MI. How to save the election Premier Deuba has failed to demonstrate strong commitment to security for historic elections First look - Han Solo's first "wife" Sana Starros in her first solo series The Marvel Comics' original character Sana Starros gets her own series GamesRadar+ is supported by its audience. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Heres why you can trust us. Tsirkon (Zircon) hypersonic missiles and Skif missiles hiding at the ocean bottom are part of the arsenal of the Russian Armed Forces according to ex-Chief of the Aerospace Force and Head of the Federation Council Defense and Security Committee Viktor Bondarev. Other Russian sources say the hypersonic Tsirkon (Zircon) missile is still undergoing state trials this year and has not yet been accepted for service. Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov earlier told journalists that the first pop-up tests of the most advanced Sarmat missile were scheduled for late 2017. Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council of Russias Military and Industrial Commission Yuri Mikhailov said US hypersonic missiles are more technically advanced but the Russian hypersonic program is more effective. Media society expresses concern over ECs warning on political ads Nepal Media Society has expressed its concern over the Election Commission (EC)s warning to take action against media houses for publishing political advertisements in the run-up to the elections. You are clearly a super-user of Thats a good thing. It means you depend on independent and local news sources to keep you informed. You are a smart person. Coincidentally, independent and local news sources depend on you too. Youve read 25 articles this month and now, wed like you to be join our mission and become a NUVO Supporter. For as little as $4 a month, you can keep us alive and fighting -- and can have unlimited access to the independent news that cant be found anywhere else. NC candidate among seven hurt in Udaypur IED blast Seven people, including a Nepali Congress (NC) candidate for the federal parliament from Udaypur Constituency 2, were injured when an improvised explosive device exploded at Dunuwarbeshi of the district on Wednesday. NHRC condemns rising incidents of bomb attack The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has expressed its serious concern over the recent incidents of bomb attack in various districts. No information yet on how questions got leaked The Institute of Medicine (IoM) has announced to re-conduct the MBBS entrance exam on December 2 following confirmation from the Tribhuvan University and police that questions of the earlier October 14 test were leaked. One held in connection with Udayapur blast Police on Thursday arrested a man for ambushing the vehicle carrying Nepali Congress (NC) candidate for parliamentary election from Udayapur Constituency-2, Narayan Bahadur Karki, at Danuwarbensi, Udayapurgadhi Rural Municipality-6, on Wednesday. Prez expresses concern over nation's soaring trade deficit President Bidya Devi Bhandari has expressed her concern over growing trade deficit in the nation. Pvt sector may be allowed to run Gautam Buddha Airport The government has been toying with the idea of allowing the private sector to operate Gautam Buddha Airport in Bhairahawa under a public-private-partnership (PPP) model. RPPs Bohara accused of poll code violation A complaint has been filed at the Rupandehi district election office against Minister for Health and Rastriya Prajatantra Party leader Dipak Bohara, accusing him of violating the election code of conduct. Tiger Palace Resort gets 5-star rating Tiger Palace Resort at Kotihawa, Bhairahawa has been awarded a five-star rating by the Department of Tourism. The newly opened luxury casino resort received the prestigious ranking on Wednesday. Trishuli bus plunge: 6-month-old baby survives miraculously Against all odds, a six-month-old infant, who was rescued following a passenger bus accident on Wednesday, is responding well to the treatment, doctors involved in the childs treatment said. Nonfiction The Evolution of Beauty: How Darwins Forgotten Theory of Mate Choice Shapes the Animal World and Us By Richard O. Prum If a science book can be subversive and feminist and change the way we look at our own bodies but also be mostly about birds this is it. Prum, an ornithologist, mounts a defense of Darwins second, largely overlooked theory of sexual selection. Darwin believed that, in addition to evolving to adapt to the environment, some other force must be at work shaping the species: the aesthetic mating choices made largely by the females. Prum wants subjectivity and the desire for beauty to be part of our understanding of how evolution works. Its a passionate plea that begins with birds and ends with humans and will help you finally understand, among other things, how in the world we have an animal like the peacock. Read our review of The Evolution of Beauty Talented, driven and great potential: President Putin is all praise for India and Indians India, Indonesia to be key focus of Development Bank of Singapore Business pti-PTI Singapore, Jan 2: India and Indonesia will be the Development Bank of Singapore's "big" areas of focus for this year, its chief executive officer Piyush Gupta has said. DBS leads foreign banks with expansion plans in India. "We also remain focused on building leading regional cash management, foreign exchange, debt markets and wealth management franchises," Gupta said here. Recommended Video Modi targets opposition parties and says, they have fear of development discussion | Oneindia News "So India and Indonesia will be our big areas of focus in 2017," Gupta was quoted as saying by The Strait Times. DBS' wealth management business has quadrupled over the past six years, and now accounts for up to 13 to 14 per cent of group revenue. "Over the next five years, we think it could get up to 20 per cent," he said in a report on Singapore banks' prospects during this year. "The world will have to grapple with massive consequences behind technological disruption on jobs displacement, both blue-collar and white-collar workers. My own bet is that you will find a lot more entrepreneurship, or what people call the gig economy," he said. "It is likely that there will be a new wave of redistributive economics. Governments may prove inadequate to do this entirely under their own steam, and the private sector will have to play a meaningful role," said Gupta. DBS's top priorities for this year is to be prepared for volatility as markets will continue to be choppy. An increase in US dollar rates could also create negative impact, he added. "Step up the pace on transformation of the bank that is re-imagine banking, and be a 22,000-person start-up," stressed Gupta. "The third priority is to continue our steady business expansion," he said. But, he also cautioned that uncertainties over US President-elect Donald Trump's policies will be a headache for Asian strategies and could result in heightened market volatility in the short-term. At the same time, global growth is expected to remain subdued, said Gupta. "To navigate these uncertain times, we need to remain watchful and vigilant, as well as disciplined about costs and the risks we take," he advises...... PTI NIA may get to question David Headley soon David Headley was a mystery, remains a mystery, but where is he Rana to Headley: 26/11 terrorists should be given Pak military honour Believe we are even with the Indians, Headley told Rana after 26/11 attacks Ghosts from the past: Pak spies had a free run during Cong rule Abdul Naeem roped into Lashkar on lines of David Headley India oi-Vicky By Vicky Abdul Naeem was roped in on the same lines as David Headley was. His job was to conduct a reconnaissance of vital locations and pass on the information to the Lashkar-e-Tayiba, NIA officials informed. The agencies said he was carrying out reconnaissance of vital installations such as Army camps and power projects. They said that the accused, identified as Abdul Naeem Sheikh, a resident of Aurangabad in Maharashtra, was arrested from Varanasi recently after being tailed by security agencies for a few months. The case has been handed over to the National Investigation Agency (NIA) for further probe, the officials said. Arrest of Headley 2: Thanks to WB police this man had escaped in 2014 It is alleged that Sheikh had visited Kashmir where he had carried out a recce mission involving some vital installations, including Army camps and power projects. The officials claimed that he had also visited some places in Himachal Pradesh, especially Kasol, which is being frequented by Israeli nationals. The security agencies have claimed that Sheikh had been roped in on the same lines as David Headley, a Pakistani-American, who is at present serving a prison sentence of 35 years in a US jail for his involvement in terror activities and the 26/11 Mumbai attacks in 2008. OneIndia News After Kathputli colony, DDA bulldozers strike Delhi's Chirag Market India oi-Shreya By Shreya Recommended Video Delhi Development Authority carries out demolition drive in Chirag Market | Oneindia News Nearly 50 shops have been razed at Delhi's Chirag market by the Delhi Development Authority who claimed that the shop owners had illegally possessed in spite of documents shown by the shopkeepers refuting claims of illegal possession by the DDA. The shopkeepers claimed that on November 29, four bulldozers of the DDA demolished all shops in the market without any prior notice or compensation. The shopkeepers also added that there were no order letters with the DDA. Oneindia spoke to the Sub Divisional Magistrate of the area, Nidhi Sarohe, who told us that a notice was sent from the SDM's end. However, if the notice has reached the shopkeepers or not could not be clarified. She also told that the land belongs to the DDA and not the shop owners, and that is the reason why all the documents produced by the shopkeepers will hold no relevance and even the Court will not issue a stay order because the land was in illegal possession until now. However, shopkeepers not only claimed that they have proper documents to substantiate their claims, they also said that when the MCD had sealed all markets in 2007, Chirag Market was the only market which was opened in 2009 after verification of documents. They also said that because no notice was issued to them prior to the demolition, all their material is now trapped inside the debris, and they are not being able to work. The shopkeepers have decided to approach the Delhi High Court regarding the issue on Monday. OneIndia News Arrest of Headley 2: Thanks to WB police this man had escaped in 2014 India oi-Vicky By Vicky The arrest of Abdul Naeem is sure a relief for the security agencies. The man dubbed as David Headley 2 had conducted a reconnaissance at several places and was set to pass on the information to the Lashkar-e-Tayiba. Why his arrest is a relief is because the agencies had this man back in 2014, but thanks to some complicit behaviour by the West Bengal police he managed to slip out. Naeem was arrested first in West Bengal only to escape again when he was being brought down to a court in Mumbai. According to the cops, Naeem managed to escape when the train in which he was being transferred stopped in Chattisgarh. Naeem's family had moved the Bombay high court stating that he had been murdered by the police. They said that he was suffering from a kidney ailment and hence the chances of him escaping were very remote. The Bombay HC ordered the setting up of a SIT to probe into the allegations. After a detailed probe, it was submitted by the SIT that the West Bengal police had helped Naeem escape. It was found that Naeem despite being such a dangerous and high profile criminal was being brought to the court without handcuffs. The SIT also revealed that Naeem had not been murdered as was alleged by the family. Further, the agency also said that it had filed cases against the West Bengal police officials for allegedly helping Naeem escape. Investigations had shown that there was not enough precaution taken while transporting Naeem from West Bengal to Mumbai. The lack of proper security measures and also the fact that he was not handcuffed goes on to show that Naeem was aided by the five cops. OneIndia News Calcutta University BCom 2017 result declared India oi-Vicky By Vicky The University of Calcutta BCom Part 2 Honours General 2017 exam results have been declared. The results are available on the official website. Before that, Calcutta University BCom Part-II (Honours) examination 2017 results were published on September 20 and Calcutta University BA, BSc, BCom Part-III ( General) Examination, 2017 results were published on August 31. The results are available on How to check Calcutta University BCom 2017 results: Go to Click relevant link Enter roll number Submit View result Take a printout OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, November 30, 2017, 7:48 [IST] Caught on cam: Delhi man shot at 16 times in rival gangwar shootout India oi-Oneindia By Oneindia Staff Writer A shocking CCTV footage of a shootout in Delhi shows rival gang members murder a man in cold blood. A CCTV video of the October 23 incident is now doing the rounds on social media. The footage shows history-sheeters shoot a man from a rival gang 16 times in full public view. On October 23 Delhi witnessed two killings within three hours and 2 km of each other. A 34-year-old history sheeter was shot at by four armed men in Brahmpuri at 10.30pm. Within hours, a similar incident that took place where a 23-year-old man was shot at 16 times outside his house in Bhajanpura. Almost a month later, the CCTV footage of one of the first incidents has surfaced. The footage shows Wajid, said to be a member of a gang led by Khyber Hayat being chased by men on two bikes on a dingy street. The men, now identified as those from rival Irfan-Chhenu gang, stop him and shoot him. The Delhi police have arrested five people in the case and three have been identified as Mumtaj, Golu, and Waseem. The shootout takes place in full public view but none come to the victim's rescue. The assailants opened fire unfazed by others' presence. Oneindia News Delhi University Admission 2022: 3rd merit list for UG courses to be out today Delhi tops crime chart among 19 major cities: NCRB data India oi-PTI New Delhi, November 30: Data released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) showed that national capital Delhi has reported the maximum number of rape cases amongst 19 major cities at 40 per cent, besides the highest crime rate in 2016. The national capital has got the dubious distinction of topping the list in cases of murder, kidnapping and abduction, juveniles in conflict and economic offences. Delhi reported 33 per cent (13,803 cases out of total 41,761 cases in 19 cities) of total crimes against women followed by Mumbai at 12.3 per cent (5,128 cases) last year among the 19 cities with the population above two million. The national capital reported nearly 40 per cent of rape cases and nearly 29 per cent of each of cruelty by husband and his relatives and dowry deaths, the NCRB data said. Delhi accounted for 38.8 per cent of total IPC crime reported in 19 cities followed by Bengaluru (8.9 per cent) and Mumbai 7 per cent. The national capital recorded the highest crime rate 182.1 compared to the national average of 77.2. Chennai has reported the highest number of cases of Special and Local Laws (SLL) crimes, accounting for 32.9 per cent of total reported cases among the 19 cities, followed by Kochi (12.9 per cent) and Surat (12.6 per cent) during 2016. Delhi reported the highest number of kidnapping and abduction - 5,453 cases (48.3 per cent) followed by Mumbai with 1,876 cases (16.6 per cent) and Bengaluru 879 cases 7. 8 per cent during 2016. The city reported highest number of murder - 479 out of 2,194 cases- (21.8 per cent) followed by Bengaluru 10.4 per cent (229 cases) and Patna 8.9 per cent (195 cases). The highest number of cases at 35.6 per cent (2,368 cases out of 6,645) of juveniles in conflict with law were reported in Delhi among the 19 cities during 2016. Delhi has reported the maximum number of cases under economic offences 5,942 cases (19.3 per cent) followed by Jaipur (4,742 cases) and Mumbai (4,191 cases) accounting for 15.4 per cent and 13.6 per cent respectively during 2016. In cyber crimes, Mumbai reported the highest number of cases - 980 (23.5 per cent) out of 4,172 cases in 19 major cities in 2016. PTI For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, November 30, 2017, 16:29 [IST] Cong for Muslims, BJP for Hindus: Did Rahuls temple visits in Guj help to bust the myth? My meet with Rahul would have prevented BJP's Gujarat win: Hardik Patel Gujarat elections: Congress counters BJP with lie-tracker India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar As the poll campaign catches pace in Gujarat, Congress party has come out with a lie-tracker to counter ruling-BJP's claims. Since BJP raked up the issue of Rahul Gandhi's religion, the opposition party has attempted to challenge BJP on multiple issues. The lie-tracker covers the saga of Rahul Gandhi's signature in Somnath temple and other developmental issues. Congress twitter handles says, "We are back with our lie-tracker, where we refute lies spewed by PM Modi and BJP on a daily basis." The party countered 'claim' with 'reality'. The Congress party's reaction is obvious to PM Modi's anti-Congress speeches during his poll campaign in Morbi, Prachi, Palitan, and Navsari on Wednesday. PM Modi blamed Congress party for the delay in the completion of Narmada river water project in the state. PM Modi said, "They hate development, they hate Gujarat, they hate Modi and now they hate sweat also. That is because they have never had to sweat it out in life & work hard. They are mocking everyone who works hard. This is their mindset. Such hatred for the poor is shocking." Take a look how Congress takes on BJP's claims: Claim 1: Somnath Temple Amid election campaign in Gujarat, questions are being raised about Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi's religion after he visited Somnath temple on Wednesday. Claim 2: No riots in Gujarat post Mr. Modi becoming Prime Minister Congress attacked BJP for targetting Dalits in Una and the death of 12 Patidars during agitation in 2016. Claim 3: Congress delayed Narmada project To PM Modi's claim that Saurashtra was free of water-crisis, Congress said 17 districts in the region are facing severe water-crisis. Claim 4: BJP's vision is for 100 years and not Gujarat Election 2017 Congress questions delay in announcing dates for Winter Session of the Parliament. Claim 5: BJP acts in the interest of farmers Congress stated that farmers suicide rose by 42 per cent between 2014-15. Claim 6: UPA was Anti-Gujarat Congress listed educational and financial institutions built during its rule. Claim 7: BJP brought in soil health card which has been beneficial for farmers. 'Soil health card distribution is better in other states', claims Congress. OneIndia News Gujarat elections: Jignesh Mevani appeals for crowdfunding, Arundhati Roy tops donor list India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar Dalit leader Jignesh Mevani, who is contesting elections from the Vadgam constituency as an Independent candidate in the upcoming Gujarat Elections, has raised over nine lakh rupees for his poll campaign. So far 236 people have donated money to the campaign run on crowdfunding website-Crowdnewsing. The crowdfunding was started 22 days ago. Till date, Rs 9,47,639 has been raised. Booker Prize-winning author Arundhati Roy has donated Rs 3,00,000 to Mevani's campaign. On Facebook, Mevani urged people to contribute to the campaign. "The What's happening in Gujarat is unprecedented. The influx of young energy has turned the public opinion upside down; this is the first time in two decades that the BJP is facing a real challenge. So who really gets the credit for this turn-around? We do - the people of this country who come out fighting each time we are pushed against the wall. One of the key pillars of our movement is Jignesh Mevani who is mobilising Dalits across Gujarat to assert themselves against years of mob-rule," he wrote on the social media platform. "Winning the Gujarat election is important, but more important than that is the autonomy and complete freedom of the movement, which can only happen if the Dalit movement stays away from political or corporate funding. Which means the onus is on you and me to raise the funds that our movement needs!." he further added. Top five donors Arundhati Roy - Rs 3,00,000 Kishor Tappita - Rs 29,000 Aditya Nigam - Rs 25,000 Nivedita Menon - Rs 25,000 Sarita Thakore - Rs 21, 000 OneIndia News After SC said no Jihad, only Love in Hadiya case, father considers review plea No more controversies over me, says Hadiya Hadiya speaks to husband after SC permitted her to study India oi-Vicky By Vicky Hadiya who was ordered to study by the Supreme Court managed to speak with her husband. A day after she arrived here to continue studies at the Sivaraj Homeopathy Medical College, as directed by the Supreme Court, Hadiya spoke to her husband over the college dean's mobile phone. "Hadiya talked to Shafin Jahan (her husband) for a while from my mobile phone, after I, as local guardian, asked her whether she was interested in talking or meeting anybody," said G Kannan, the college dean. Hadiya is in the centre of a 'love jihad' controversy after her conversion to Islam and marriage with a Muslim youth in Kerala. Earlier when reporters asked about her husband, Hadiya said she was not in contact with him for the last few months as she did not have a mobile phone and the only people she spoke to were her parents. "For the past six months, I was talking to people I did not like (parents) because of their harassment during my stay with them," Hadiya told reporters. The dean said: "She appeared relieved after talking to him (husband). There is no restriction imposed on her to talk or to meet anybody." Hadiya also expressed regret for the tense situation prevailing in the college and the inconvenience to students, Kannan said. Stating that she has not given any application to change her name, Kannan said she has applied using her earlier name (Akhila Ashokan) for the internship. Hadiya also said that she will be able to communicate better with the media after receiving a copy of the Supreme Court order. There is some confusion about where and with whom she would spend her holidays, Kannan said, adding that the management will approach the apex court in this regard. All rules and regulations and restrictions of the college will apply to her also and weekly once she will be allowed to go out for buying what she requires, along with the hostel wardens, he said. Meanwhile, college administrator Kalpana Sivaraj said the management will extend all support to Hadiya to complete her course. One sub-inspector and four constables - two women and two men - have been deployed for her security. OneIndia News Hadiyas father to move SC against college India oi-Vicky By Vicky Hadiya alias Akhila's father is set to move the Supreme Court seeking action under the contempt of court law against the college where his daughter is studying. A contempt plea would be filed against the Sivaraj Homeopathy Medical College in Salem for its decision to allow Hadiya to meet her husband, Shafin Jahan. The father Ashokan questioned the decision of the college to allow her to meet Shafin. She was sent to college to complete her education. He also said that it was not right on the part of the college to allow her to meet reporters. During a presser, Hadiya told reporters that she had spoken to Shafin over the phone after a gap of 8 months. She also said that the college authorities had allowed her to meet him in person in a few days. The Dean of the college, G Kannan had said that if Shefin approaches the college through a proper channel he would allow him to meet her. OneIndia News IMD issues cylone warning for Lakshadweep, parts of Kerala, Tamil Nadu India oi-Vikas By Vikas Recommended Video Heavy rain hits Lakshadweep islands, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, cyclone warning issued | Oneindia News India Meteorological Department has issued a cyclone warning for Lakshadweep islands and parts of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. "Latest observations and satellite imageries indicate that the deep depression over Comorin area moved west-northwestwards with a speed of 18 kmph during the past 6 hours... The system is very likely to move west-northwestwards and intensify further into a cyclonic storm over the next 12 hours," said a Tamil Nadu State Disaster Management Agency release. IMD bulletin forecasts deep depression to turn in cyclonic storm. For details see attachment. Follow @tnsdma for updates TN SDMA (@tnsdma) November 30, 2017 The director of the MET department in Chennai warned the fishermen to not venture into the sea. "As far as fishermen are concerned those in Kanyakumari, Tuticorin, Rameswaram, have been asked not to venture out into sea till Dec 1 as wind speed will be 65-70 kmph. Sea will be rough," he said. Owing to heavy rains several schools and colleges in Tamil Nadu will remain shut. A holiday has been declared for all schools and colleges at Thirunelveli. In #Kanyakumari District Since night heavy winds and till now 34 mm average rainfall received. Reports that 50 trees have fallen on road and trees removal is under progress. At 2 locations mobile towers have fallen. District administration under DDMA/Collr is actively responding TN SDMA (@tnsdma) November 30, 2017 A holiday has been declared for schools at Thiruvarur as well. The collector of Tanjore too has declared a holiday. Holidays have been declared in Nellai, Kanyakumari and Tuticorin districts as well. The decision was taken owing to incessant rains that hit these places through the night. A further decision on holidays would be taken after conducting an assessment of the situation later during the rains. OneIndia News Tuesday is now No Meeting Day in Haryana and officers to be with people on Friday Kirron Kher stands her ground on Chandigarh rape remark India oi-Vikas By Vikas Hitting back at the Congress for criticising her remark on the Chandigarh rape, BJP MP and Bollywood actor Kirron Kher on Thursday said the matter should not be politicised. Kher had on Wednesday said that the 22-year-old woman who was gang-raped allegedly by an auto driver and his two accomplices should not have boarded the vehicle when she saw three men already sitting in it. "Maine toh ye kaha tha ki zamaana bohot kharab hai, bacchiyon ko ehtiyaat baratna chahiye. Chandigarh Police PCR bhejti hai agar koi ladki raat mein 100 number pe phone karti hai toh. Politics should not be played here (I said that he times are not right, girls should be careful. Chandigarh police sends PCR when a girl calls in the night. There should be no poltics over it)," Kher told news agency ANI. "Lanaat hai unpar jinhone iska rajneeti karan karne ki koshish ki hai, aapke ghar mein bhi bachhiyan hai, aapko bhi meri tarah constructive baat karni chahiye, destructive nahi (Shame on those who trying to politicise it. Even you have girls in your homes, even you should speak in a constructive manner not destructive)," she added. The Congress had earlier slammed Kher for her remark and said that she had taken the matter lightly. "I am amazed how she gave such a statement, It seems like a light take on a serious matter. She instead needed to tell how she is going to make Chandigarh a safer place for women," Congress leader Pawan Kumar Bansal told ANI. #WATCH BJP MP Kirron Kher says 'she (Chandigarh rape victim) should not have boarded the auto rickshaw when she saw three men sitting in it' (29.11.17) ANI (@ANI) November 30, 2017 The victim was returning back after attending a stenography class in Chandigarh's Sector 37. The girl was raped in the moving auto by three men who later dumped her in Sector 53. She was spotted by the passersby, who informed the police. OneIndia News Media barred from reporting Sohrabuddin trial India oi-Vicky By Vicky The special CBI judge has restrained the media from publishing news about the trial in the alleged Sohrabuddin Sheikh encounter trial until further orders. The court said that media reports could create security problems for the witnesses, accused, defence and the prosecutor as well. Given the "sensitivity" of the case and the "likelihood" of "untoward" incidents and their possible effect on the trial, special judge S J Sharma said in his four-page order, "I am of the view not to allow the media to make publication of any of the proceedings during the trial in the matter until further order." The 2005 case is about the killing of gangster Sohrabudin and his wife Kausar Bi along with an associate Tulsiram Prajapati in an alleged fake encounter. OneIndia News No link between Rohingyas and terror groups found as yet: BSF Chief India oi-Vicky By Vicky The BSF has said that it has not yet found any link between Rohingyas and the terror groups as yet. BSF Director General K K Sharma said that it had questioned many Rohingyas, but found no link to terror groups as yet. He was however quick to add that the intelligence agencies have such information and he had no reason to doubt them. This year alone 87 Rohingyas were apprehended and 76 of them had been sent back to Bangladesh. In our assessment no link to any terror group has emerged as yet, Sharma also said at the annual media conference ahead of BSF Raising Day. It is a complicated issue. They have been stripped of all rights and this led to a mass exodus to Bangladesh. There was bound to be some spill over to India as well, Sharma further added. The job of the BSF is to stop infiltration whether it is from Bangladesh or anywhere else. We have stepped up vigil along the border. We have been pushing them back and do not want to arrest them as it creates a liability for us here, he further added. He said in a written statement to the media that it was based on information from "sister agencies," BSF sought to draw a pattern of Rohingya influx. The interrogation of apprehended Rohingyas has revealed that they have been staying in a refugee camp at Cox's Bazaar in Bangladesh, where there are no basic amenities available so they do not want to settle there, he also added. OneIndia News 'Poor' no more: 'Moderate' Delhi air to improve further with strong winds Obama to address town hall in Delhi: What you need to know India oi-Deepika By Deepika Former United States President Barack Obama will address a town hall in New Delhi on Friday, the Obama Foundation has said. Obama, who arrived in India on Thursday, will also address the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit. He is likely to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi. At the town hall, the former US president, in his first visit to India after demitting office in January, will interact with nearly 300 young leaders drawn from various parts of the country. 'The town hall will expand the conversation about what it means to be an active citizen and make an impact and how the Obama Foundation can support emerging leaders in this effort,' the Foundation said in an update. We'll also invite people across India to share their questions for President Obama online and anyone, anywhere can tune-in to watch the Town Hall live on," said an official statement on Obama Foundation's website. The town hall, which is scheduled at 3:45 PM, will be streamed lived at, on the Obama Foundation's Facebook page and YouTube channel. In a Facebook message, Obama said, "I will be conducting a townhall with young leaders of India who can share with me some of the works they are trying to do to make communities better and also answer questions on how Obama Foundation can help." OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, November 30, 2017, 23:20 [IST] Padmavati controversy: Sanjay Leela Bhansali appears before Parliamentary panel India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar Padmavati movie director Sanjay Leela Bhansali appeared before the parliamentary panel to brief members about the controversy over the movie. He was summoned by Joint Parliamentary Panel. Censor board Chairman Prasoon Joshi appeared before a parliamentary panel to brief members about the controversy over "Padmavati" and said the film had not yet been approved. Joshi, who is also scheduled to appear before the parliamentary standing committee on Income Tax later today, told the Lok Sabha Committee on Petitions that the censor board had only cleared the trailer and promos of the period film, reported PTI. The 30-member panel has also asked producers of the movie and officials of the information and broadcasting ministry to appear before it and brief about the controversy relating to the Rs. 150 crore film. Actors Paresh Rawal and Raj Babbar are also part of the panel which will examine the issues relating to the movie. The film starring Deepika Padukone as Rani Padmavati, Shahid Kapoor as Maharawal Ratan Singh and Ranveer Singh as Sultan Alauddin Khilji were earlier scheduled to release on December 1. The makers of the film will announce a revised date after clearance from the CBFC. The film Padmavati tells the story of a 14th-Century Hindu queen belonging to the high Rajput caste and the Muslim ruler Alauddin Khilji. Bollywood stars Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh play the lead roles in the movie. Rumours of a scene in the film of the Muslim king dreaming of getting romantic with the Hindu queen enraged many like the Rajput Karnik Sena, a fringe caste group, who has called for the film to be banned. (With agency inputs) The culture of bulldozing thrives while the law sleeps: Sibal on demolition in Prayagraj Sibal's 'no hope left' from SC remark; AIBA calls it \"contemptuous\"; Rijiju condemns it as \"unfortunate\" 'India is an excessive example of the use of religion': Kapil Sibal PM Modi not a real Hindu, says Kapil Sibal India oi-Deepika By Deepika Senior Congress leader Kapil Sibal on Thursday sparked a row, claiming that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is not a "real Hindu" as he has "quit" Hinduism and embraced Hindutva. "How often does PM go to a temple? He has quit Hinduism and imbibed Hindutva which has nothing to do with Hinduism. He isn't a real Hindu. The one who considers every Indian his brother, sister or mother is a real Hindu," Sibal was quoted as saying by news agency ANI. Sibal's attack on PM Modi comes a day after the BJP took up arms against Rahul when it was reported that the Congress leader's name was allegedly listed as a 'non-Hindu' visitor at the Somnath temple. Denying the allegations BJP spokesperson GVL Narasimha Rao said people know who is a 'Ram bhakt' (devotee to Lord Ram) and who is a "Rome bhakt", a clear dig at Congress chief Sonia Gandhi and her son Rahul's Italian roots. "Like his famous zero loss theory in the 2G scam which was rejected by the Supreme Court when it cancelled the licences, Kapil Sibal has come up with another zero theory saying Narendra Modi is not a real Hindu... People know who's a 'Ram bhakt' and a 'Rome bhakt'," Rao told PTI. Amid election campaign in Gujarat, questions were raised about Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi's religion after he visited Somnath temple on Wednesday. According to reports, Rahul Gandhi registered his name in the column meant for non-Hindus visiting the temple register maintained by the trust. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, November 30, 2017, 20:43 [IST] Demonetisation deliberate move by 'PayPM' to help his friends: Rahul Gandhi If Cong is elected in HP, decision on 1 lakh govt jobs, pension scheme in 1st cabinet meet: Rahul Himachal will vote for...: Congress MP Rahul Gandhi's appeal to people on election day Cong leader Abhay Thipsay who defended Nirav Modi in UK court now at Bharat Jodo Yatra Yatra's impact not in Himachal, Guj polls but in 2024: Congress Rahuls media coordinator wrote his name in non-Hindu register: Temple India oi-Vicky By Vicky Recommended Video Rahul Gandhi stirs another controversy, after his name features in Non-hindu list | Oneindia News Rahul Gandhi found himself mired in controversy after his name was found written on the entry register meant for non-Hindus, with the Congress calling it "fake" and the BJP insisting the leader declare his religious faith before people. As the controversy raged, the temple management came out with a clarification. "As per our rules, names of non-Hindus have to be registered. His (Gandhi's) name was registered by his media coordinator in our non-Hindu register. "I would like to say that no staff member of our trust was involved in what the media coordinator did," managing trustee of Somnath Temple Trust P K Lehri said. Lehri also said in the visitor's book, Gandhi wrote that the Somnath temple is an "inspiring" place. The Congress accused the BJP of hatching a conspiracy against its leader and insisted Gandhi has declared himself as a 'Shiv Bhakt' (Lord Shiva devotee) and is a 'janeu-dhari' (sacred thread-wearing) Hindu. The BJP, however, dismissed the conspiracy charge as baseless, saying Gandhi's aide who signed the register belongs to the Congress. The temple administration said Gandhi's name was written in the shrine's register for non-Hindus by his media coordinator and maintained none of its staff was involved in the entire episode. Non-Hindus are allowed to visit the temple but have to first get themselves registered at the shrine's office. Gandhi, on the campaign trail for the December Assembly polls, began his two-day visit to Gujarat after offering prayers at the famous temple in Gir-Somnath district. The temple, devoted to Lord Shiva, is around 400km from here. A purported photocopy of the page of the register for non-Hindus with names of Gandhi and senior Congress leader Ahmed Patel written on it went viral on social media soon after their visit to the shrine this afternoon. The signature against their names was that of the Congress party's media coordinator Manoj Tyagi. "This is fake. Tyagi was made to sign on a blank paper of the register for media entry and later the names of Rahul Gandhi and others were added in the register," said Congress spokesperson Randeep Surjewala. "This is a conspiracy of the BJP. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a trustee of the temple trust," he said. Surjewala insisted Gandhi only signed the visitor's register where he wrote that the place was "inspiring". The Congress spokesperson said Gandhi, during his recent trips to Gujarat, declared he was a devotee of Lord Shiva. "You may want to know which religion Rahul Gandhi follows? I would like to tell you that he is a janeu-dhari Hindu," said Surjewala. The BJP, however, demanded that Gandhi declare his religious faith before people. "He should make his faith clear to the people of this country after the controversy?" BJP spokesperson Raju Dhruv said. BJP national spokesman Sambit Patra rejected as "baseless" the Congress' conspiracy charge, saying Manoj Tyagi was a Congressman. "Rahul, in his affidavit to the Election Commission, has shown different things and in the Somnath temple, he is showing different things. He should come clean," Patra said. "Rahul may belong to any religion, we do not have any problem. We respect him. But the people of the country will get confused with this controversy," Patra said. OneIndia News Madrasa survey in UP complete, next up is meeting with government: Minister Forcible conversion: 19 year old Nidhi pushed to death by Mohammad Sufiyan in UP UP: Journalist shot dead by unidentified men in Kanpur India oi-Deepika By Deepika In yet another case of attack on media personnel, a young journalist working for a Hindi daily was shot dead by unidentified assailants near the Nagar Palika market in Uttar Pradesh's Billhaur on Thursday. Identified as Naveen, the journalist succumbed to his injuries while he was being rushed to the hospital. Navin Gupta was sprayed with bullets when he came out of a public toilet, Superintendent of Police (Rural) Jai Prakash said. As the news of the killing spread, senior police officials rushed to the spot while forensic experts were called to gather evidences. Police officials were trying to figure the motive behind the crime. It is suspected that old enmity could be a reason behind the killing, said officials. Journalist Naveen Srivastava was shot at by 3-4 assailants while he was sitting in his hosiery shop. We hope to nab the criminals as soon as possible. DM & SSP of Kanpur Nagar are already on the spot. Couple of local police teams formed to crack the case, ADG said. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has directed DGP to follow up the investigation of killing of journalist. Last week, a journalist in Tripura was shot dead inside the headquarters of the 2nd battalion of TSR at RK Nagar allegedly by a constable of the Tripura State Rifles (TSR) following an altercation. OneIndia News Amid heavy security Pope Francis arrives in Bangladesh International pti-PTI Dhaka, November 30: A red carpet welcome was accorded to Pope Francis arrived in Bangladesh who is on a historic visit to the Muslim-majority country during which the raging issue of Rohingya refugees from Myanmar is likely to figure prominently. Pope arrived on a special plane for a three-day visit after wrapping up his Myanmar tour during which he sent out a message that justice and human rights are the foundation of peace, in an apparent reference to the Rohingya crisis. President Abdul Hamid received the pope at Dhaka's Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport. A contingent of Bangladesh's armed forces gave him a guard of honour. His programmes include a visit to the National Memorial for Liberation War martyrs and Bangabandhu Memorial Museum apart from joining a civic reception at Bangabhaban presidential palace. Security has been stepped up for the pope. It is the second leg of pope's tour to the region amid the heightened Rohingya crisis. The pope strongly condemned the "persecution of our Rohingya brothers", denounced their suffering because of their faith and called for them to receive "full rights". However, during the Myanmar visit, he preferred not to use the word "Rohingya" in public, drawing criticism. The Vatican, however, defended his silence, saying the pope wants to "build bridges" with the predominantly Buddhist nation. About 620,000 Rohingya Muslims have fled Myanmar's Rakhine State to Bangladesh since August to avoid military crackdown at their home. This is the second visit to Bangladesh by a pope. Pope John Paul II visited the country in 1986. Rohingyas, who have faced persecution and discrimination in Myanmar for decades, are denied citizenship. Though they lived there for generations, the situation worsened in August when the army began what it called clearance operations in the northern Rakhine state following attacks on security positions by Rohingya militants. PTI India set to get armed drones from US soon American Airlines in trouble after 'Computer glitch' grants leaves for too many pilots International oi-Vikas By Vikas The American Airlines is likely to face acute manpower shortage during the Christmas week as a computer glitch has approved leaves of too many of its pilots, said reports. The accidental approval of leaves could leave an estimated 15,000 flights with nobody to sit in the cockpit. Reports say that the airline is now willing to offer 1.5 times the regular pay for pilots to man the flights which would otherwise be cancelled. The situation may sound hilarious, but for the airline, it is a nightmare as its reputation is at stake. The American Airlines is now frantically working with the pilot's union to find a solution. The Allied Pilots Association, however, said in a public statement that American Airlines' solution for crewing the flights is in violation of its contract, reported Jalopnik. Another report said that the American Airlines' management had not reached out to the pilots union as of Wednesday. This is not the first time that erroneously granted leaves have led to cancellation of flights. In September, Europe's Ryanair had to cancel 2,100 flights for approving leaves of too many of its crew. OneIndia News Cut off oil supply to North Korea: US urges China International pti-PTI United Nations, Nov 30: A day after North Korea test fired Hwasong 15 ICBM, the United States urged China to cut off crude oil shipments to Pyongyang and pressed all countries to isolate Kim Jong-Un's regime by cutting off all diplomatic and trade ties. US Ambassador Nikki Haley told an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council that North Korea's latest test of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) "demands that countries further isolate the Kim regime." During a phone conversation earlier in the day, US President Donald Trump asked President Xi Jinping to cut off China's crude oil supplies to North Korea, a move that would deal a crippling blow to North Korea's economy. Trump told the Chinese leader "that we have come to the point that China must cut off the oil from North Korea," Haley said. "That would be a pivotal step in the world's effort to stop this international pariah," she said. Haley also called "on all nations to cut off all ties with North Korea" and said the Security Council should take away North Korea's voting rights at the United Nations. The council was meeting at the request of the United States, Japan and South Korea to consider next steps after three rounds of sanctions adopted in the past year failed to push North Korea to change course. Haley said the ICBM launch had raised the threat of war. "The dictator of North Korea made a choice yesterday that brings the world closer to war, not farther from it..If war comes, make no mistake: The North Korean regime will be utterly destroyed," she warned. Pyongyang yesterday tested its third ICBM -- which it claimed was capable of striking anywhere in the United States -- snapping a two-month pause in missile launches. The North Korea had claimed that its latest Hwasong 15 missile can cover whole of the US mainland. PTI North Korea poses a 'grave threat' to the world: White House International pti-PTI Washington, November 30: The White House on Thursday said North Korea poses a "grave threat" to the world, exhorting countries to apply maximum pressure on Pyongyang after it launched an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). "The North Korean threat is very grave. It's not just a threat to the United States or a threat to the region -- or the Korean Peninsula region, but a threat to the entire world and the civilised world," White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah told reporters. "We're encouraged that more countries are taking more significant steps to help apply as much pressure as we can on North Korea," Shah said in response to a question. He, however, parried questions on Trump's tweet about more sanctions against North Korea. "I'm not going to get ahead of any announcement that's coming. I will say, though, that the maximum pressure campaign that the US has been a big part of has really yielded a lot of results," he said. "We have seen the toughest sanctions ever imposed on North Korea that the Chinese and Russians have signed onto. We've seen China restrict energy shipments to North Korea. We're seeing dozens of countries engage in different efforts in their bilateral ties with North Korea to cut off both energy, economic ties, and diplomatic ties," Shah said. "So we're seeing more and more steps take place. We'll see future actions by the United States and others, and we're looking forward to applying as much pressure as we can to get to our ultimate goal, which is a denuclearised Korean Peninsula," he told reporters. The ICBM, launched yesterday from Sain Ni, North Korea , travelled about 1000 km before splashing down in the Sea of Japan, within Japan's exclusive economic zone (EEZ). "We will take care of it. .. It is a situation we will handle," Trump told reporters soon after North Korea's missile test. Trump also spoke with his Chinese and South Korean counterparts Xi Jinping, and Moon Jae-in respectively, and the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer said in a statement that the launch of a ballistic missile capable of delivering a nuclear payload across thousands of miles far enough to threaten cities in the continental United States violates international laws and demands a strong international response. He said, "The President's lack of a policy to deter North Korean aggression is deeply concerning, and it is clear that the President's soft approach with the Chinese leadership has not borne fruit. I urge him to pursue a diplomatic strategy that places serious pressure on the Kim (Jong-Un) regime to change its behaviour." PTI Saudi Arabia: Prince Miteb freed in 'billion-dollar deal' after graft probe International oi-PTI Riyadh, November 30: More than three weeks after he was detained in a sweeping anti-corruption purge, Saudi Arabia has freed influential Prince Miteb bin Abdullah, following a "settlement" with authorities reportedly exceeding USD 1 billion. The former National Guard chief was among more than 200 princes, ministers and businessmen who were rounded up earlier this month, as Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman tightens his grip on power. Prince Miteb, once seen as a contender to the throne, is the most high-profile royal to be released so far as the government appears to be striking monetary settlements with some of the detainees in exchange for their freedom. "Yes, Prince Miteb was released this morning (Tuesday)," a source close to the government told AFP, without outlining the terms of his release. The prince was released after paying more than USD 1 billion in a "settlement deal" with authorities, Bloomberg News cited an unnamed official as saying. The prince was not reachable for comment. Saudi information ministry officials also could not confirm the development but posts on social media by members of the royal family suggested he had been freed. Princess Nouf bint Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Saud posted an old image of Prince Miteb on a verified Twitter account with the message: "Praise be to Allah. Peace be with you". In a similar post with the picture of a smiling prince, Princess Abeer bint Khaled bin Abdullah tweeted: "May god grant you a long life, give you health and keep you safe for us." Before his arrest the 64-year-old son of the late King Abdullah was sacked as the head of the National Guard, an internal security force that has long been seen as a locus of tribal power. Some analysts saw Prince Miteb's removal as an attempt by Prince Mohammed, who is also Saudi defence minister, to consolidate his control over the security services. But Saudi authorities insist the purge was meant solely to target endemic corruption as the kingdom seeks to diversify its oil-dependent economy. In an interview with the New York Times published last week, Prince Mohammed said 95 per cent of those detained agree to a "settlement" or handing over ill-gotten assets or cash to the Saudi state treasury. Saudi Arabia's attorney general estimates at least USD 100 billion has been misused in embezzlement or corruption over several decades. "The apparent release of Prince Miteb may be a sign that the Saudi authorities are making progress in agreeing on settlements with detainees," said Kristian Coates Ulrichsen, a fellow at the Baker Institute for Public Policy at Rice University. "It's an attempt to resolve the situation in a manner that minimises the social fallout from the crown prince's recent move and addresses concerns over the political risk of doing business in Saudi Arabia," Ulrichsen told AFP. The purge has triggered uncertainty among businesses that could lead to capital flight or derail reforms, experts say, at a time when the kingdom is seeking to attract badly needed investments to offset a protracted oil slump. Other high-profile targets of the crackdown include billionaire Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, dubbed the Warren Buffett of Saudi Arabia. Many of the detainees have been held at Riyadh's Ritz- Carlton hotel, which has been turned into a luxury prison. PTI Mark Zuckerberg says 'sorry' as Meta fires over 11,000 employees in one go | Full statement Twitter will do lots of dumb things: What else did Musk say today? Goat gives birth to baby with 'human face' in MP, leaves owner and locals shocked Old image of a man with Pinocchio like long nose goes viral Social media can help people lose weight, says new study International oi-PTI Los Angeles, November 29: Researchers have found that sharing your weight loss journey on social media can improve the odds of successfully shedding the extra kilos. Scientists examined the role of virtual communities and public commitment to setting and reaching weight loss goals. "Our research finds that individuals are more likely to realise success with personal goals when they make a public commitment to attaining them," said Tonya Williams Bradford, assistant professor at the University of California, Irvine in the US. "By sharing success and setbacks in virtual support communities on social media, we found people are achieving better results," Bradford. "This works especially well with goals like weight loss, where before and after images can be shared online with other community members," he said. The research followed two weight loss groups, surgical and non-surgical, over a four-year period. Members of both weight loss groups utilised virtual support communities, like and, as part of their programmes. "Through our research, we found public commitment, which is a declaration of a position, increases the likelihood of compliance to a course of action and is a key part of a successful weight loss plan," Bradford said. "When people seeking to lose weight join a virtual support community and share their plans online to attain their goals, they invite members to join them by offering encouragement in both words and actions," he said. "This exchange of online support facilitates adherence to the offline goal of losing weight. Public accountability is key," he added. The study, published in the Journal of Interactive Marketing, also found that virtual support communities offer a unique environment that allows members relative anonymity, accessibility, availability, and flexibility in how they represent themselves on their journeys. According to Bradford, it is the process of building community, and the co-creation of related outcomes that helps in keeping participants motivated and accountable. PTI From Strategic Culture Call it poetic justice, or plain old natural justice. For centuries, Ireland has always been on the receiving end of Britain's collateral damage from its imperial intrigues. Now, however, Ireland could have the last laugh as Britain wades further into a quagmire of trouble over the Brexit debacle to leave the European Union. Irish sentiments on both sides of the border within that small island country are clamoring for special status which would de facto create an island-of-Ireland unity. A country which would in effect be independent from British rule and moving closer towards the long-held aspiration of Irish nationalists and republicans for a united Ireland, distinct from the rest of Britain. As Britain stumbles towards its eventual departure from the EU scheduled for March 2019, the historic break raises special problems for Ireland. Northern Ireland, which is under British jurisdiction, will be obliged to follow the Brexit path of quitting the EU, while the Republic of Ireland will of course remain an EU member. That potentially creates the unique scenario of an EU border being imposed on the island, separating the Northern and Southern territories. Nevertheless, there are plenty of indicators showing that most people on the island of Ireland, North and South, want the continuation of a "soft border" arrangement which has existed since the signing of a landmark peace deal in 1998 to end decades of conflict. This makes sense from an economic and cultural point of view since the ease of transport and travel is a vital daily convenience. This has become ever-more the case in recent years to the point where there are no visible signs of two different jurisdictions. For example, a motorway now links the northern city of Belfast to Dublin and Cork, in the far south, in a seamless corridor. Elsewhere in rural areas, people criss-cross easily like birds on the wing as if there is no border. In effect, Ireland has become closer to being one country, as would seem to be the natural order of things on an island with centuries of a distinct and common Celtic culture. However, if the British government's negotiations with the EU continue on their present rocky path, there are real fears that a so-called "hard Brexit" will bring about a return of the hard border in Ireland which existed before and during the recent conflict up until 1998, when the Good Friday Peace Accord was signed. Hardline Brexiteers within Theresa May's Conservative government cabinet are pushing for an abrupt break with the European Union. Ministers like Boris Johnson, the foreign secretary, and the international trade secretary, Liam Fox, want to quit the EU altogether and pursue a vision of Britain as a global trading buccaneer nation. Other British ministers, and many British citizens, as well the opposition Labour party led by Jeremy Corbyn, and business leaders, would prefer a "soft Brexit" where Britain still remains part of the European single market and customs union. It would have to pay a fee for such membership and accept Brussels' rules on EU citizens' rights in an arrangement similar to that existing for Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. A "soft Brexit" would leave the situation in Ireland much as it is today, where movement of goods and people is seamless without regulatory controls. The trouble is that achieving a soft Brexit is far from certain. There are numerous signs that the EU and its chief negotiator on the matter Michel Barnier are becoming increasingly exasperated with London over its bumbling and incoherent stance. British premier Theresa May faces a tough summit next month at the European Council in Brussels, at which the other 27 member states are to decide whether negotiations can proceed to substantive talks on the final trade deal with the EU. May's government is expected to show progress in commitment on three issues: a divorce bill with the EU; the guarantee of EU citizens' rights in a post-Brexit Britain; and guarantees to uphold the soft border situation in Ireland. The London government has so far dithered on all three issues. On the divorce bill, Theresa May last week, after months of wrangling, finally doubled the British offer of paying Brussels 40 billion (45 billion). This is still way short of what the EU is demanding at around 60 billion. But the financial outlay has infuriated the hardline Brexiteers in her cabinet like Johnson who at one time arrogantly said the EU can "go whistle" -- meaning, accept no payment at all. On the Irish question, the British government has also shown an arrogant complacency. Last weekend, international trade minister Liam Fox asserted that London would give no commitment to the nature of the border in Ireland until a final deal with the EU was signed. "We cannot come to a final answer on the Irish question until we get an idea of the end state [with the EU]," Fox told British media. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). From The Nation It actually takes some serious provocation to get the British government to call out the president of the United States. But Donald Trump brought the wrath of No. 10 Downing Street upon himself Wednesday by retweeting anti-Muslim videos posted by a leading figure in one of the most notorious far-right groups in the world. After Trump shared posts from Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of the racist Britain First organization (who features an image of Trump at the top of her Twitter feed), the office of British Prime Minister Theresa May condemned the president's embrace of a political movement that is so aggressive in its rabidly anti-Islamic advocacy that Fransen has been charged with hate speech. The statement from No. 10 was blunt: "Britain First seeks to divide communities by their use of hateful narratives that peddle lies and stoke tensions. They cause anxiety to law-abiding people. "British people overwhelmingly reject the prejudiced rhetoric of the far right which is the antithesis of the values this country represents, decency, tolerance and respect. It is wrong for the president to have done this." British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn was even blunter, describing Trump's retweets as "abhorrent, dangerous and a threat to our society." London Mayor Sadiq Khan declared that "Britain First is a vile, hate-fueled organization whose views should be condemned, not amplified." Those were powerful statements of condemnation for a president who, in his crude combination of bigotry and ignorance of recent history, has created another international incident. But the most powerful condemnation of all came from Brendan Cox, who tweeted: "Trump has legitimized the far right in his own country, now he's trying to do it in ours. Spreading hatred has consequences & the President should be ashamed of himself." Brendan Cox is the husband of slain British parliamentarian Jo Cox, who was murdered on June 16, 2016, by a man The Guardian identified as a "far-right terrorist." Click Here to Read Whole Article See original here By Mark Sumner It's hard to diagnose the series of events that led to Donald Trump being so agitated on Wednesday morning that he started the day by posting Islamophobic snuff films. There were probably several factors, including the ever-looming prospect that as America takes some steps toward shrugging off a culture of sexual harassment, someone might wake up long enough to say "what about Trump?" But some of Trump's Nazi-connected hate spew was likely related to the faint, but constant sound of special counsel Robert Mueller moving ever closer. It's been clear since last week that former national security adviser Michael Flynn is attempting to find some information he can pass to the special prosecutor in exchange for a little mercy on the criminal idiocy displayed by both Flynn and his son. Flynn's attorneys have met with Mueller more than once, and have ceased exchanging information with Trump's legal team. It now seems that Mueller's team and Flynn's legal team may have a deal. "Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team has postponed an anticipated grand jury testimony linked to his investigation into Michael Flynn amid growing indications of possible plea deal discussions." As part of the negotiations with Flynn, it seems that Mueller had a chat with Jared Kushner. "President Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner has been questioned by special counsel Robert Mueller's team of investigators about former national security adviser Michael Flynn, a person familiar with the investigation confirmed Wednesday to The Associated Press." The talk, which lasted about 90 minutes, wasn't a general review of Kushner's own activities during the Trump campaign -- that Mueller moment is still to come. This appears to have been strictly some follow-up on Flynn. It could represent Mueller checking up on some of the info Flynn was offering. It could be the special counsel making sure that Team Trump wasn't prepping some excuse for Flynn's actions. Either way, Trump didn't seem to like it. The delayed grand jury session appears to be related to Flynn's activities as a lobbyist for Turkey. It's unlikely that Kushner had anything to say on that point, so it may be that what Flynn is offering up is information related to the campaign in exchange for dropping some of the potential charges related to his failure to follow the law on reporting lobbying activities ... and that little $15 million scheme to kidnap a Turkish cleric currently living in Pennsylvania and bundle him off to certain death. Both of those things involved Flynn's son, and the prospect of Junior making a long trip to prison may be providing Flynn's biggest motivation to talk. Free photo Attitude Toughness Gang Gangster Tough Per - Max Pixel960 -- 720 - 181k - jpg (Image by maxpixel.freegreatpict...) Details DMCA We're not going to get rid of Trump because Trump is an archetype. Trump was already here long before we voted him into office. He was more like a transparent pink bear but he was here, filling up tons of space, being bombastic throwing his weight around, baiting us in dreams that we repressed, letting us know there were big holes in our dystopia, the Benighted States of America. He, or his aura, were around swimming across the screen of everyday. Long before the Republican Party made him magically appear in the flesh he was a big floater in our eye. (But this floater is a b*tch, man!) And you know what the doctor says when you get a floater? "You'll get used to it." And aren't we? Getting used to being bullied, lied to? Used? Impotent? Used to living on the edge, used to feeling ashamed used to being shocked by our own sheepishness. Emergency after emergency after emergency! The pink bear, the annoying floater, call it Trump, or whatever you want. Call it the new reality show of shows, call it the ubiquitous traveling circus, the new all-day all-night show. Call it the last act in the theater of fools where there is no curtain and no exits, and there is some guy shouting "Fire!" "Fire!" And everyone looks straight ahead with knitted brows. But relax, it's just a dream. It's just a poem. It's just another daydaydaydayday. . . . (Article changed on November 30, 2017 at 22:21) (Article changed on December 1, 2017 at 00:34) From The Hill Some holiday questions for Republican Sens. John McCain (Ariz.), Bob Corker (Tenn.), Susan Collins (Maine), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) and Jeff Flake (Ariz.) among others. Do you want your legacy to be a massive federal deficit of gargantuan proportion created by a tax bill whose biggest winners will be the most profitable multinational corporations, the Trump family and the wealthiest billionaires, and whose biggest losers will be millions of Americans with incomes under $100,000, who will be burdened by tax increases imposed by Republicans, and America's poor, who will be further punished by GOP policies as Christmas approaches? Do you believe legislation that would profoundly impact the lives of every American should be passed without any semblance of bipartisanship or serious and thoughtful hearings, with nationally respected experts carefully considering the sweeping impact of this bill on your constituents? Do Republican senators believe it is good politics to force-feed an unpopular tax bill negotiated in secret late-night talks, behind closed doors, on very short notice, by members of only one party, colluding with their lobbyist benefactors, on a tax cut for the rich, passed after banana republic procedures, by a swampland of the Senate? Consider Plan B. Republican senators should support a motion to recommit the tax bill to the Senate Finance Committee, with instructions to bring back a bill by March 1 that cuts taxes for every middle-class American without creating a deficit disaster, after a genuine effort for real bipartisanship, following thoughtful hearings worthy of a bill with such immense consequences for every constituent. Americans do not want and will not accept a giant and permanent tax holiday for our most profitable corporations, and a huge tax cut for our wealthiest citizens paid for by gigantic deficits, tax increases for millions of citizens and an aggressive attack against America's poor during the Christmas season. Sen. Corker, who has spent a political career opposing big deficits, appears poised to stain his legacy by offering, with the best of intentions, one of the worst proposals in economic history. Corker probably knows that GOP claims that the tax bill will not cause a deficit disaster are phony. He proposes automatic tax increases when the fraudulent budget estimates used to promote this ill-considered bill are exposed. The Corker plan guarantees that when the revenue shortfall inevitably occurs and his tax increase is triggered a growing economy will slow, a slow economy will sink into recession, and an economy in recession will collapse and cause the next great financial crash. George Santayana warned that those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are destined to repeat them. Trump Republicans are making the exact same mistakes that caused the financial crash that plagued the nation during the last Republican presidency. The Trump-Republican attack against the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a dastardly attack against middle-class Americans protected by the agency against the kind of financial crimes and abuses that caused the last financial crash. The surge of financial abuse that will inevitably begin if Republicans destroy the agency that protects consumers, plus the ballooning deficit that will be caused by the GOP tax cut, plus the humongous tax cut for the wealthiest individuals, plus the huge permanent tax cut for the most profitable corporations, plus the tax increase on millions of middle-class Americans that Republicans would impose, guarantee a replay of the last financial crash that could poison the GOP brand for decades. In the timeless holiday classic "It's A Wonderful Life," the patriotically kind small town banker George Bailey came under attack by the ruthless, greedy and heartless mogul Mr. Potter. If the Senate passes the tax bill as written, Democrats will campaign in 2018 as the party of modern George Baileys, fighting for the large majority of Americans, while Trump Republicans will be tarred as the party of modern Mr. Potters, fighting alongside their lobbyists, donors and influence peddlers in the Washington swamp. From Wallwritings Child Strangled By Israeli Soldier (Image by PSP Photos) Details DMCA In this, the first week of the second month of my 90th year of life, I take computer in hand. I am committed to reflect, search for words, and begin a new blog post. When I first began as a published writer, I took manual typewriter in hand to write a column for my junior high mimeograph newspaper. That paper, The Signal, gave me the platform to share youthful thoughts with classmates. I commented on events I read about in the two Atlanta, Georgia, newspapers, the Constitution and the Journal. One that I vividly remember was my response to the attack on Pearl Harbor. I was 13. Not much has changed since that dark attack day, other than the computer replacing the typewriter. Inhumane acts are still with us. Peace and justice are still shoved aside by deceit, fear and violence. Fortunately, beacons of light do break through the darkness, beacons like Rabbi Laurie Zimmerman of Congregation Shaarei Shamayim in Madison, Wisconsin. Her blog thoughts are entitled "American Jews must condemn Israeli detention of Palestinian children." They was published by The Times of Israel, a conservative Israeli media outlet. Her words convey an impatience, and a call for action, in the tradition of the Hebrew prophets. She demands that the state of Israel stop its brutal treatment of Palestinian children, a brutality, were it taking place in the United States, would most certainly evoke outrage. Rabbi Zimmerman has traveled through the West Bank where she talked with families. She writes about the impact of violence and military control on children. She began her blog posting by describing the dread and fear instilled in Palestinian parents by their Israeli military occupiers: "A mother and father panic as soldiers burst into their home, pull their teenage son out of bed, handcuff and blindfold him, and drive away with him, leaving them with no information about where he is going, what he is accused of, or when they will see him again. The soldiers interrogate him for hours with no access to a lawyer or parent present. "His requests for food and water, or use of a toilet, are denied. Terrified, he is subjected to physical and verbal abuse and he is detained for weeks or more in pretrial detention. He has no knowledge of his rights, and he signs a confession written in a language he does not understand. He will do anything to return to his family." In her posting, Rabbi Zimmerman welcomes the news that for the first time in congressional history, a bill has been introduced in the U.S, House of Representatives which calls for action against civil rights abuses by the Israeli military. The bill was introduced on Tuesday, November 14, by Minnesota's Democratic Congresswoman Rep. Betty McCollum. (below). Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Congress Switchboard: 202-224-3121 "Yes, the Internet can be used for something other than extracting value and data from human beings. Rob Kall is here to show us how to leverage the power of networks to actually network." Douglas Rushkoff, Digital thought leader, author of Present Shock Progressive Content Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their progressive content after publishing. To see if the progressive content was renamed or re-published, please click here. From Paul Craig Roberts Website The man who died twice Robert Mueller, a former director of the FBI who is working as a special prosecutor "investigating" a contrived hoax designed by the military/security complex and the DNC to destroy the Trump presidency, has yet to produce a scrap of evidence that Russiagate is anything but orchestrated fake news. As William Binney and other top experts have said, if there is evidence of Russiagate, the NSA would have it. No investigation would be necessary. So where is the evidence? It is a revelation of how corrupt Washington is that a fake scandal is being investigated while a real scandal is not. The fake scandal is Trump's Russiagate. The real scandal is Hillary Clinton's uranium sale to Russia. No evidence for the former exists. Voluminous evidence for Hillary's scandal lies in plain view. Why are the clearly false charges against Trump being investigated and the clearly true charges against Hillary not being investigated? The answer is that Hillary with her hostility toward Russia and her denunciation of Russian President Putin as the "New Hitler" is not a threat to the budget and power of the US military/security complex, while Trump's aim of normalizing relations with Russia would deprive the military/security complex of the "enemy" it requires to justify its massive budget and power. Why hasn't President Trump ordered the Justice Department to investigate Hillary? Is the answer that Trump is afraid the military/security complex will assassinate him? Why hasn't the Justice Department undertaken the investigation on its own? Is the answer that Trump's government is allied with his enemies? How corrupt does Mueller have to be to agree to lead a fake investigation designed to overthrow the democratic election of the President of the United States? Why doesn't Trump have Mueller and Comey arrested for sedition and conspiring to overthrow the president of the United States? Why instead is Mueller expanding his investigation beyond his mandate and bringing charges against Manafort and others for a decade-old under-reporting of income? Why instead is Congress harassing journalist Randy Credico for interviewing Julian Assange? How does an interview become part of the House Intelligence (sic) Committee's investigation into "Russian active measures directed at the 2016 U.S. election?" There were no such active measures, but the uranium sale was real. Why haven't the media conglomerates that have produced presstitutes instead of journalists been broken up? Why can presstitutes lie 24/7, but a man can't make a pass at a woman? Once you begin asking questions, there is no end of them. The failure of the US and European media is extreme. The presstitutes never investigate real events. The presstitutes never question inconsistencies in official stories. They never tie together loose ends. They simply read over and over the script handed to them until the official story that controls the explanation is driven into the public's head. Consider, for example, the Obama regime's claim to have murdered Osama bin Laden in his "compound" in Abbottabad, Pakistan, next to a Pakistani military base. The official story had to be changed several times. The Obama regime claim that Obama and top government officials had watched the raid via cameras on the SEALs' helmets had to be abandoned. There was no reason to withhold the filmed evidence, and of course there was no such evidence, so the initial claim to have watched the killing became a "miscommunication." The staged photo of the top government officials watching the alleged live filming was never explained. The entire story never made any sense: Osama, unarmed and defended only by his unarmed wife, was murdered in cold blood by a SEAL. What in the world for? Why murder rather than capture the "terrorist mastermind" from whom endless information could have been gained? Why forgo the political fanfare of parading Osama bin Laden before the world as a captive of the American superpower? Why were no photographs taken? Why was Osama's body dumped in the ocean? In other words, why was all the evidence destroyed and nothing saved to back up the story? Why the fake story of Osama being given a sea burial from an aircraft carrier? Why was no media interested that the ship's crew wrote home that no such burial took place? Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). According to Leigh Corfman , she was 14 when Alabama's Republican Senatorial candidate Roy Moore took her to his home in the woods, undressed her, and touched her inappropriately. "Please just get this over with. Whatever this is, just get it over", she says she pleaded of him. Beverly Young Nelson says she was 16 when Moore gave her a ride home from work. She says he groped her and pushed her head to his crotch. Wendy Miller was 16 when, as she said, Moore asked her out on dates. Debbie Wesson Gibson was 17. Gloria Thacker Deason says she was 18 when Moore plied her with wine, despite Alabama's legal drinking age of 19. Retired Gadsen police officer Faye Gary told The New York Times, "It was a known fact: Roy Moore liked young girls." Roy Moore has flatly denied these accusations. He refuses to back out of the senatorial race, despite having lost the backing of a big chunk of the Republican Party , many apparently would rather see a Democrat win than Roy Moore. President Trump's own daughter Ivanka stated she believes the accusers. And if you like your stories to take a weird twist to the truly bizarre, there's also the attempt by a right-wing, anti-media company to trick The Washington Post into posting a fake news story , in order to discredit media reports about Moore. The ongoing tidal wave of sex-abuse allegations is destroying careers left and right. Some Hollywood titans may never work again. The man who brought us Toy Story is stepping down from Pixar. Senator Al Franken even called for an investigation into his own behavior . Matt Lauer is out of a job. But somehow, a Bible 'trumping' judge from Alabama is still in the senatorial race, and with Trump's blessing. Why would anybody still back Moore, when dumping his bid for the Senate seems like the obvious moral choice? Instead Moore is still stumping like everything is just fine. The reason appears to be the proposed right-wing revisions in federal income taxes favoring the rich. Kellyanne Conway acknowledged that Moore's victory is essential to getting the Republican tax bill passed. Trump himself echoed that statement saying, "We don't want a liberal in there." Let's look at that so-called tax reform that Moore is so desperately needed for according to Republicans. Among the things this "reform" repeals is tax deductions for teachers who use their own money to buy school supplies for underfunded classrooms. Taxes on graduate students would rise as much as 400 percent in the House bill by eliminating certain tax breaks grad students now receive. First responders might lose precious state and local funding because the tax bill puts a cap on federal tax deductions for state and local taxes paid. The proposed tax changes would also hurt the people we want working and thriving in this country, for the betterment of all citizens. Yet, for those that can afford a private jet they would get tax breaks. It's pretty easy to see that this mentality of "Who cares about the women so long as my private jet is tax deductible" is antithetical for most Americans. We're the country that supposedly values Title IX to protect our students by prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity. The public is rooting out sexual abuse via social media. Most every company has a sexual harassment policy because "sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964". The public has reacted swiftly and crushingly to allegations of sexual abuse by public figures, and harassment and rape of minors as reported in the media. That basic, inherent disgust by the public in such behavior is who we really are. We, the people are not the Roy Moore's. And while some of us might even be Ivanka, President Trump does not reflect our values. When Erik Prince, the founder of the notorious Blackwater security firm, heads into a private meeting with staffers and members of the House Intelligence Committee on Thursday, the No. 1 topic will be a secret trip he made in January to the Seychelles islands to huddle with a Russian close to Vladimir Putin. According to the Washington Post, the rendezvous was arranged by the United Arab Emirates, where Prince moved in 2010 and formed a mercenary army for the regime, and this get-together was part of an attempt to set up a back-channel communication between Putin and Donald Trump, then the president-elect. The visit has drawn the attention of the FBI, which has been investigating contacts between Trump associates and Russia, but a Prince spokesman last April claimed the "the meeting had nothing to do with President Trump." There is much congressional investigators can ask Prince about. He has had a long, controversial career buckraking in the dark corners of the national security world. The brother of Betsy DeVos, Trump's education secretary, Prince has been an avid cheerleader for Trump (donating $250,000 to help elect him), an informal post-election adviser for Trump, and a pal of Stephen Bannon. Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law, and Bannon recruited Prince earlier this year to draft a plan that would replace US troops in Afghanistan with for-profit mercenaries -- supplied, of course, by a military contractor like Prince. (The Pentagon said no thank you.) But perhaps the most important thing for Intelligence Committee members and staffers to keep in mind, as they try to pry information from Prince, is this: Prince is a fabricator. During the election, the usually media-averse ex-Navy SEAL was a regular contributor to Breitbart News, the Bannon-backed far-right outlet, defending Trump and promoting conspiratorial swill. Bavarian Inn's Michigan on Main Bar and Grill hosts '12 Days of Milkshake Stout' FRANKENMUTH, Mich. - Nov. 28 2017 - "It's the most wonderful time of the year" for craft beer lovers. Everyone will have the opportunity to sample a dozen differently flavored "Milkshake Stouts" at the Bavarian Inn Restaurant's Michigan on Main Bar and Grill from Dec. 1-12.The "12 Days of Milkshake Stout" progressive tap takeover is in partnership with the Rochester Mills Beer Co., maker of the craft beers, including the original formula known for its smooth texture and surprisingly light body. Guests may purchase a variety of Milkshake Stouts during the free admission event."Our patrons look forward to this event each holiday season," said Bavarian Inn Bar Manager Bill Chapman. "Rochester Mills produces outstanding craft beers that sell out quickly."Each evening beginning at 6 p.m., Michigan on Main will tap a keg of the individually-flavored stouts over the next 12 days until each keg runs out. In addition, representatives from Rochester Mills Beer Co. will be on hand select nights to pass out brewery swag. A gift basket will also be given away to one lucky customer during this year's event.This year's "12 Days of Milkshake Stout" limited-edition flavors, in random order, include:- Imperial-Nutcracker (hazelnut)- Chocolate Cheesecake-Christmas Roast (barrel-aged bold coffee flavor)-Chocolate Raspberry- Strawberry-Santa's Breath (peppermint)-German Chocolate Cake-Holiday Cheer (cherry and cranberry flavors)- Carrot Cake-Toasted Marshmallow-Spicy MayanMichigan on Main Bar and Grill inside the Bavarian Inn Restaurant is a casual and contemporary dining space showcasing Michigan-sourced food along with Michigan craft-brewed beers, Michigan wines and specialty Michigan cocktails.For more information, visit, or contact the Bavarian Inn Restaurant at 1-800-BAVARIA or (989) 652-9941.About Bavarian InnCelebrating 125 years of service in 2013, the Bavarian Inn Restaurant has become a Michigan landmark. Generations of diners, lodgers and tourists from around the globe have discovered true Bavarian hospitality thanks to Dorothy and her late husband William "Tiny" Zehnder. Guests experience the old-world European charm of the Bavarian Inn - whether it's the famous chicken dinners, fresh baked goods or Michigan's greatest selection of German beer. Bavarian Inn also prides itself on being one of the top consumers of Pure Michigan agricultural products. Nestled within a backdrop of authentic German architecture, a variety of shops and other fun activities, a trip to Frankenmuth would not be complete without a visit to the Bavarian Inn. Learn more atBavarian Inn online press room:713 S. Main StreetFrankenmuth, MI New update! Recover Data from Crashed Computer System with Wondershare Data Recovery Pro Recover lost data from Windows operating system crash or other computer bootable problems, just create bootable disk to recover lo Recently, Wondershare has released Data Recovery Pro 6.60 with numerous advanced features. One of the most evident benefits of the tool is that it allows data recovery from a crashed system as well. Its latest support with WinPE bootable media can be used to perform the data recovery operation when a Windows system is not able to boot in an ideal way. This allows its users to retrieve their content, even when the system fails to boot or malfunctions.More Details About Wondershare Data Recovery Pro 6.60Download:Recover data from crashed computer:The latest update of Wondershare Data Recovery Pro 6.60 now supports Windows Preinstallation Environment. Even though the Data Recovery Tool is available for both, Windows and Mac, the feature is dedicated for Windows systems.The tool is already used by over 5 million users the world over and is considered as one of the oldest data recovery applications with over 10 years of presence. It can recover data from FAT, NTFS, exFAT, HFS, and every major file system. Besides hard disks, it can also perform the recovery operations on USB flash drives, memory cards, and other secondary data storage units. It supports the recovery of files in over 550 different formats as well.With this latest update in Wondershare Data Recovery Pro, the tool can also be used to perform the recovery operation even when the system is not working. Following are some of the major highlights of the tool besides all the existing features. Users can create a bootable media (CD/DVD or a USB flash drive) from its interface that can later help them boot their system. The bootable media can be used to recover lost and deleted data in an emergency. If the Windows system has been crashed or cant boot, then users can insert the bootable media and start their system from the new source. Later, they can use its interactive interface to recover the data of their choice. The tool supports Windows Preinstallation Environment to provide assistance to its users.Once they have started their system from the bootable disk, users can perform a comprehensive scan for their lost content. The data recovery tool performs a quick and a deep scan that can help users retrieve their lost data. Additionally, users can also preview their data and restore it selectively.The Pro version of Wondershare Data Recovery 6.60 is now available with the support of WinPE environment. The application can be downloaded from its official website and be used to create bootable disks without any trouble.About Wondershare Data Recovery:Data Recovery is a dedicated tool developed by Wondershare Technology to make it easier for its users to restore their lost and deleted content. Compatible with all the leading Windows and Mac versions, it supports the recovery of more than 550 different file formats. Having a user-friendly interface, it is a reliable tool that is known to produce the highest success rate in the industry.Wondershare Technology is a key member of the National Planning Software Enterprises of China and a global leader in application software development. We have users in over 150 countries. Wondershare is committed to providing software that brings simplicity to people's lives.Contact: Allie CaiAdd:10/F Block D,Building 5,Shenzhen Software Industry Base,No.14 Haitian Road 2, Hi-TechPark,Nanshan District,shenzhen | Post518057E-mailmedia@wondershare.comWeb Thomas & Solomon - Safeguarding the Rights of "Whistleblowers" Thomas & Solomon LLP regularly represents whistleblowers throughout the United States in qui tam lawsuits brought under the False Claims Act and other types of whistleblower laws. We represent employees who have uncovered fraud and employees who have been retaliated against as a result of reporting the wrongdoing. Many people are unaware that there are laws that reward whistleblowers for coming forward with information about fraud against the government. There are also laws that protect whistleblowers from retaliation for reporting such wrongdoing.WHISTLEBLOWER LAWYERS WITH A PROVEN TRACK RECORD OF SUCCESSOur attorneys have years of experience in aggressively pursuing fraud and whistleblower claims on behalf of our clients. To date, we have represented whistleblowers in False Claims Act cases that have recovered tens of millions of dollars for the government and our clients, including:Substantial whistleblower award from $64 million settlement in a mortgage fraud action against one of the largest banks in the United States.Representing a physician in a successful whistleblower action alleging that a health system improperly billed Medicare for certain emergency room services.Successful representation of a nurse who will receive a $560,000 award for blowing the whistle on a hospital using unlicensed and unqualified staff to perform mental health services, resulting in a $3.2 million settlement.Our whistleblower practice is national in scope and we have experience and excellent working relationships with prosecutors offices throughout the country. Our attorneys are also frequently asked to speak about whistleblower actions for legal education seminars and by the media.FALSE CLAIMS ACT CASESThe False Claims Act is a federal law that prohibits companies and individuals from defrauding the government. Many states (including New York) and municipalities also have their own False Claims Act statutes. Violations of the False Claims Act can result in damages three times the amount of losses to the government, plus penalties for each violation. Violations of the False Claim Act generally occur when a company or individual falsely seeks payment for fraudulent claims or services. False Claims Act cases frequently involve issues of:Medicare and Medicaid fraudMortgage fraudDefense contractor fraudProcurement fraudPharmaceutical industry fraudGrant fraudAny other type of fraud involving government fundsBRINGING A CASE UNDER THE FALSE CLAIMS ACTUnder the False Claims Acts qui tam provisions, whistleblowers can bring a lawsuit under the False Claims Act on behalf of the government. These lawsuits are filed under seal and the potential defendant does not learn of the existence of the lawsuit while the government investigates the allegations. A successful whistleblower may be entitled to 15-30% of the total amount that the government recovers in a qui tam lawsuit. These awards can often be substantial. For example, in fiscal year 2015, the awards that the United States gave to successful whistleblowers totaled $597 million.The amount to be awarded to the whistleblower depends on several factors. The attorneys at Thomas & Solomon LLP know how to present a successful case to the government, maximizing the awards given to our clients.WHO CAN BE A WHISTLEBLOWER?Almost any individual or company can be a whistleblower. While many whistleblowers are current or former employees, it is not uncommon for competitors, medical providers, or even patients to be whistleblowers. In addition to the False Claims Act, there are also SEC and IRS whistleblower programs. The lawyers at Thomas & Solomon LLP are prepared to file cases under any of these programs.CHOOSING THOMAS & SOLOMON LLP TO REPRESENT YOUChoosing a law firm to represent you in a whistleblower action is an important choice. Unlike other civil actions, qui tam actions are complex and substantial cases, requiring that very specific procedures be followed. Our attorneys have extensive experience in taking on these actions and are prepared to evaluate and litigate qui tam cases of all sizes. We have successfully resolved qui tam actions ranging from big banks to large hospital systems.Generally speaking, since only the first person that brings the fraud to the governments attention is eligible for the whistleblower award, it is extremely important to file your case as soon as possible. Signing a severance agreement or release may also impact your ability to recover as a whistleblower. Therefore, if you believe that you may have a whistleblower claim, you should contact us as soon as possible to review your situation.We will also review your situation to determine if you may have a retaliation case based on one of the many federal or state laws that protects individuals who speak up or refuse to participate in fraud by their employer. Our whistleblower protection lawyers will ensure your rights are upheld throughout your case. If you have been wrongly terminated or had adverse action taken against you for reporting fraud, we will advise you of your legal options, which may include potential compensation for lost wages and other money damages.To speak to an experienced whistleblower attorney regarding your situation and legal protections, contact us at 585-272-0540 or our toll free number 1-877-272-4066, or reach us confidentially online. We are able to take on cases throughout the United States.Thomas & Solomon LLP is an experienced employee advocate law firm with national reach and a commitment to our clients success.Thomas & Solomon LLP693 East AvenueRochester, NY 14607Phone: 585-272-0540Toll Free: 877-272-4066 Rapha Clinic of West Georgia Recipient of the Community Impact Grant CARROLLTON, Ga. (Nov. 22, 2017) The Rapha Clinic, a non-profit, faith-based charitable medical and dental clinic was one of the 34 non-profits to be awarded the annual Community Impact Grant by the Community Foundation of West Georgia. The Rapha Clinic, which opened in 2010, provides medical and dental care for uninsured adults in the West Georgia community."Our extraordinary thanks to the Community Foundation of West Georgia for the work they do in transforming our communities, said Jennie English, Development Director of Rapha Clinic of West Georgia. This generous grant will help us restore health and hope to our neighbors-in-need.The grant will fund Rapha Clinics Diabetes Management Program, which was implemented last year at the Bowdon location. The success of the Bowdon program spurred the Rapha Clinic to seek funding for its Temple Clinic. Because of the Community Impact Grant, the Diabetes Management program will be offered in Temple beginning January 2018.Recipients of the Community Impact Grant must demonstrate the value of the quality services they provide to a broad segment of the community, as well as include innovative strategies for fundraising and addressing local needs.###The Rapha Clinic of West Georgia is a non-profit, faith-based charitable organization providing quality medical and dental care for uninsured adults in the West Georgia community. They have locations in Temple and Bowdon.Rob Kremer4042183077CO&P Integrated Marketing500 Bishop Street, Suite F5Atlanta, GA 30318 SHELTER PETS FIND HOMES FOR THE HOLIDAYS PASADENA, Calif. (November 30, 2017) - - Make a shelter pets life merrier this holiday season. Adopt your new best friend at the Pasadena Humane Society. On Thursday, December 14, Pasadena Humane joins forces with KTLA for Take 5 to Care, a day-long $5 pet adoption event.The $5 adoption fee will apply to all available pets, including dogs, cats, rabbits and other critters. Each adoption includes the spay/neuter surgery, a microchip and up-to-date vaccines for dogs and cats. After adopting, visitors can head over to the shelters retail store to pick up food and other supplies for their adopted pet. Gift certificates and gifts for pet lovers are also available.This year, we want all the animals in our care to spend the holidays in a new home, said Julie Bank, President and CEO of the Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA. A huge thank you to KTLA for helping animals get adopted and for their general support of our programs, services, and events.Take 5 to Care is KTLA 5s year-round commitment to engage, educate and involve Southern California individuals and families with matters that affect the community. This year marks the third time the TV station has partnered with Pasadena Humane to increase pet adoptions around the holidays. KTLA 5 News will be broadcasting live from the Pasadena Humane Society for the morning news."We are thrilled to partner with the Pasadena Humane Society in our shared commitment to shelter pets this holiday season! What better way to celebrate the spirit of giving than to help find a forever home for every pet in need!!" said Adrianne Anderson, Vice President of Creative Services at KTLA 5.For those who would like to support PHS in other ways, consider donating to the organizations Happy Pawlidays donation drive. A list of much needed items, can be found at Monetary donations can also be made at Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA is located at 361 S. Raymond Avenue in Pasadena, California. Adoption hours are from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Regular adoption policies and screening apply. View adoptable animals at the Pasadena Humane Society & SPCAThe Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA is a donor-supported, nonprofit organization that provides animal care and services for homeless and owned animals in the Greater Los Angeles Area. The organization is dedicated to promoting humane treatment and compassionate care for all animals. The animals in its care come from 11 animal control contract cities, as well as partner shelters across the Los Angeles area and beyond. The Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA also offers lifesaving programs and services to the community that support the human-animal bond and keep pets in homes. To learn more, visit Geer & Associates3532 Katella Ave., Suite 110Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Analysis of China Pregnancy Products Market Industry 2022 Infinium Global Research has added a new report on China Pregnancy Products Market. The report predicts the market size of Pregnancy Products is expected to reach XX billion by 2022.The report on China Pregnancy Products Market is a customer intelligence and competitive study of the China market. Moreover, the report provides deep insights on demand forecasts, market trends, and, micro and macro indicators in China market. Also, factors that are driving are restraining the Pregnancy Products Market are highlighted in the study. This is an in-depth business intelligence report based on qualitative and quantitative parameters of the market. Additionally, this report provides readers with market insights and detailed analysis of market segments to possible micro levels. The companies featured in the China Pregnancy Products Market, include Blue Cross Bio-Medical (Beijing) Co.,Ltd., Bct Systems Co.,Ltd., Guangzhou Test Pharmaceutical Technology Co.,Ltd., Jining Weikang Rubber Industrial Co.,Ltd, Aofeite Medical Devices Co.,Ltd, and, others.Get a Sample Report @Segments CoveredThe report on Pregnancy Products Market provides detailed analysis of segments in the market based on Product Type, and, others.Segmentation based on Product Type Toning/Firming Lotion Body Restructuring Gel Itching Prevention Cream Stretch Mark Minimizer Itching Prevention Cream Stressed Leg Product Breast Cream OthersMake an Enquiry @Highlights of the reportReport provides detailed insights into1) Demand and supply conditions of Pregnancy Products Market2) Factor affecting the Pregnancy Products Market in the short run and the long run3) The dynamics including drivers, restraints, opportunities, political, socio economic factors, and technological factors4) Key trends and future prospects5) Leading companies operating in Pregnancy Products Market and their competitive position in the China.6) IGR Matrix: to position the product types7) Market estimates up to 2022.The report answers questions such as1) what is the market size of Pregnancy Products Market in China?2) What are the factors that affect the growth in Pregnancy Products Market over the forecast period?3) What is the competitive position in China Pregnancy Products Market?4) What are the opportunities in China Pregnancy Products Market?5) What are the modes of entering China Pregnancy Products Market?Key topics covered:1. Report Overview2. Executive Summary3. Overview4. China Pregnancy Products Market by Product Type5. Company ProfilesClick to View Complete Report @Infinium Global Research and Consulting Solutions is started with a single motto of being business partner of first choice.Infinium Global Research,Bhau Patil Road,Pune, MH 4110 20Toll Free:U.S. + Canada: 1-800-638-0796,UK: +44-2033182010sales@infiniumglobalresearch.comskype: Infiniumglobalresearch Variable Frequency Drive Market 2017 Growth Rate, Business Strategy, Key Players, Emerging Technologies and Trends by Forecast 2022 Market HighlightsThe factor which drives the growth of variable frequency drive market is increase in urbanization and industrialization in developing countries. Other factors driving the growth of these market are regulation on efficiency of energy, growing trends in industrial automation, efficient utilization of energy and increase in construction activities, power transmission & distribution. The utilization of VFDs, also results in the reduction of production cost, ultimately leading to the growth of these market. The growth of VFDs is also attributed by the increase of infrastructure activities such as construction of hospitals and educational institutions. The reduction in the operating cost of energy industry also results in the growth of this market.The report has been analyzed based on types, applications, end-user and regions. On the basis of type, AC drives is expected to witness the highest growth during the forecast period due to higher demand for AC drives and less requirement of maintenance. They are extensively used in heavy industries such as metals and mining, power generation, oil & gas, which has led to the growth of these segment. Based on applications, pumps segment is expected to dominate the market during the forecast period due to the rapid increase in the industrial activities and the growth of the construction sector. On the basis of end-user, infrastructure segment is expected to dominate the market because VFDs are mainly used in infrastructure activities. The overall variable frequency drive market is expected to grow due to the growth in the infrastructure activities in Asia-Pacific.Global Variable Frequency Drive Market is predicted to grow at approximately 6% by 2022Request a Sample Copy @Key PlayersThe key players of global variable frequency drive market are ABB Ltd. (Switzerland), Siemens AG (Germany), Rockwell Automation, Inc. (U.S.), WEG (Brazil), Yaskawa Electric Corporation (Japan), Eaton Corporation Plc. (Ireland), General Electric (U.S.), Emerson Electric Co. (U.S.), Hitachi, Ltd. (Japan), Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Japan).Asia-Pacific accounts for the highest market shareThe Asia-Pacific accounts for the highest market share during the forecast period because the region is leading in infrastructure and industrial sector. Energy industries are adopting these drives in order to reduce the energy consumption and reduce the emission of CO2. In Middle East and Africa, the growth in the construction industry have resulted in the growth of these market. Europe is expected to grow during the forecast period, due to the rise in automotive industry.Market Research AnalysisThe market is highly based on applications. Pumps segment is expected to dominate the variable frequency drive market due to the rapid increase in the industrial activities and growing construction sector. The growing oil & gas production in U.S. and Middle East have also resulted in the growth of these markets. In Asia-Pacific, there has been increase in demand for the use of pumps, due to which the market is expected to grow during the forecast period.The factors contributing to the growth of variable frequency drive market are increase in urbanization and industrialization in developing countries, efficient utilization of energy, increase in construction activities, power transmission and reduction in the cost of production if VFDs.The restraint in the growth of global variable frequency drive market is the decrease in Greenfield investment of VFD which will lead to decrease in the profit.Enquire about this Report @Table of Content1 Executive Summary2 Research Methodology2.1 Scope Of The Study2.1.1 Definition2.1.2 Research Objective2.1.3 Assumptions2.1.4 Limitations2.2 Research Process2.2.1 Primary Research2.2.2 Secondary Research2.3 Market Size Estimation2.4 Forecast Model3 Market Dynamics3.1 Market Drivers3.2 Market Inhibitors3.3 Supply/Value Chain Analysis3.4 Porters Five Forces Analysis4 Global Variable Frequency Drive Market, By Type4.1 AC4.2 DC4.3 Servo5 Global Variable Frequency Drive Market, By Application5.1 Introduction5.2 Mobile Fueling Systems5.3 Transport Fuel5.4 OthersList of TablesTable 1 Global Variable Frequency Drive Market, By TypeTable 2 Global Variable Frequency Drive Market, By ApplicationTable 3 Global Variable Frequency Drive Market, By End-UserTable 4 Global Variable Frequency Drive Market, By RegionsTable 5 North America Variable Frequency Drive Market, By TypeTable 6 North America Variable Frequency Drive Market, By ApplicationTable 7 North America Variable Frequency Drive Market, By End-UserTable 8 U.S. Variable Frequency Drive Market, By TypeTable 9 U.S. Variable Frequency Drive Market, By ApplicationTable 10 U.S. Variable Frequency Drive Market, By End-UserContinue.List of FiguresFigure 1 Research TypeFigure 2 Global Variable Frequency Drive Market: By Type (%)Figure 3 Global Variable Frequency Drive Market: By Application (%)Figure 4 Global Variable Frequency Drive Market: By End-User (%)Figure 5 Global Variable Frequency Drive Market: By RegionFigure 6 North America Variable Frequency Drive Market, By Type (%)Figure 7 North America Variable Frequency Drive Market, By Application (%)Figure 8 North America Variable Frequency Drive Market, By End-User (%)Figure 9 North America Variable Frequency Drive Market, By Countries (%)Figure 10 Europe Variable Frequency Drive Market, By Type (%)ContinueBrowse Full Report Details @About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Botulinum Toxin Market - Industry Analysis,Trends and Forecast 2017 - 2025 Global Botulinum Toxin Market: SnapshotBotulinum toxin, known to the mankind as one of the most poisonous biological substances, is a neurotoxin produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacteria. Clostridium botulinum, the gram-positive, anaerobic, spore-forming bacteria commonly found in water, soil, on plants, and the intestinal tracts of animals can be elaborated into eight exotoxins, all interfering with the process of neural transmission and causing muscle paralysis.From the earliest recorded uses of the toxin for the management of strabismus in humans to being approved for the treatment of a number of spasticity-related conditions, it has now started witnessing demand across nearly all important sub-specialties of the medicine sector. It was approved by the FDA in 2002 for the cosmetic application of decreasing glabeller forehead frown lines temporarily.Ever since, botulinum toxins continue to play a key role in the management of a wide range of medical conditions, especially hemifacial spasm, focal dystonias and strabismus, several spastic movement disorders, hyperhidrosis, hypersalivation, headaches, and certain chronic diseases that only partially respond to medical treatments. The set of potential new indications treatable by botulinum toxins is expanding at a rapid pace.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Cosmetological applications, one of the most popular and profitable applications of botulinum toxins, include correction of creases, fine lines, and wrinkles over the face, neck, chin, and chest. Dermatological applications of the toxin, including hyperhidrosis, are also gaining increased popularity, chiefly as botulinum toxin injections are often well tolerated and lead to few side effects.Global Botulinum Toxin Market: OverviewThe international botulinum toxin (BNT) market is gigantically advantaged by the soaring number of applications for different purposes. A recent study has revealed that BNT can be used for benefitting patients with shoulder disorders such as those who undergo rotator cuff surgery. BNT in the form of onabotulinum toxin A (OnabotA) is licensed in several countries such as Korea to help with neurogenic detrusor overactivity (NDO) induced urinary incontinence attributable to multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injury.The world BNT market could be segregated as per two key classifications, i.e. product type and end use. Maintaining a promising share in the global market, botulinum toxin type A (BNTA) is envisioned to be a faster growing product with applications in both aesthetic and therapeutic fronts.Request TOC of the Report @The report on the global BNT market has been compiled after taking comprehensive efforts to gather vital insights for procuring future growth prospects, opportunities to rise against the odds, and data related to the current and future competitive scenario.Global Botulinum Toxin Market: Trends and OpportunitiesThe aesthetic classification by type of end use is prognosticated to make a positive difference in the overall BNT market with a record share registered in 2015. BNT finds application in the treatment of glabellar lines, crows feet, and frown lines. As a result, it has received a significant demand in terms of primary cosmetic application for controlling aging signs and enhancing facial appearance.Since BNT is a neurotoxin, the lackluster in the adoption of neurotoxins could raise questions on the demand in the global BNT market. The market growth could be further hindered with substandard reimbursement coverage on few products and extortionate treatment procedures. Moreover, shortness of breath and allergic reactions are some of the side effects witnessed on the part of neurotoxins.Get Discount @However, a substantial number of BNT applications is expected to birth in the near future on account of large investments in research and development projects. The demand for BNT is anticipated to augment even more with the increase in demand for non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments. Vendors can also keep their hopes alive during any turmoil in the market with the escalation of geriatric population.The therapeutic use of BNT is predicted to see a constant rise owing to the growing application of botulinum toxin B (BNTB) in the treatment of cervical dystonia and Xeomin and Dysport products for hyperhidrosis and blepharospasm.Global Botulinum Toxin Market: Regional OutlookAsia Pacific is analyzed to possess the potential to rise as a reliable geographical segment to bet the bottom dollar on. The demand in the Asia Pacific BNT market is envisaged to aggravate as players ride on the growing aged population and their need for anti-aging products. Besides augmenting disposable income, vendors in the Asia Pacific region could heavily benefit from the hot social awareness about commercial anti-aging products in countries such as Japan, China, and India.Having won the crown of dominant growth in 2015, North America is expected to raise the growth bar once again on the back of the elevating BNT demand for improving external appearances and other aesthetic reasons.Global Botulinum Toxin Market: Companies MentionedConsidering their influence in the world BNT market on the basis of commercial availability and brand identity, companies such as Merz Pharma GmbH and Co. KgaA, Ipsen Group, Allergan, Inc., US Worldmeds, LLC, and Medytox, Inc. are predicted to top the list of best global players. These players are foreseen to take advantage of the colossal adoption of BNT on account of tangible benefits such as speedy healing of wounds, shorter stay in the hospital, and small incision.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Nano-Enabled Packaging Market Industry Analysis, Growth, Size, Manufacturers, and Forecast to 2020 According to a new market report published by Persistence Market Research Global Market Study on Nano-Enabled Packaging For Food and Beverages: Intelligent Packaging to Witness Highest Growth by 2020, the global nano enabled packaging market for food and beverages industry was worth USD 6.5 billion in 2013 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 12.7% during 2014 to 2020, to reach an estimated value of USD 15.0 billion in 2020.The global progress in technologies is making lives simpler and safer. Nanotechnology is one such field which is dynamically progressing and is contributing to the development of several industries, including food and beverages packaging. Nano-enabled packaging gives longer shelf life to food and beverages as compared to traditional plastic packaging. Food and beverages packaging is done through two different technologies under nano-enabled packaging-active and intelligent packaging. Active packaging has a comparatively larger market than intelligent packaging.Request Sample:Intelligent packaging is growing at a faster rate as compared to the active packaging. Customers prefer traceable food and beverages packaging, since it offers information such as expiry date and best use period, present state of the consumables. The radio frequency identification (RFID) tags keep customers informed about the state of the food within the packaging. Intelligent packaging is mostly used for fruits and vegetables, meat products, and beverages. Stricter regulations associated with active packaging have been stimulating the use of intelligent packaging in Europe and North America.Intelligent packaging in the U.S. is growing mainly due to the increasing demand for fresh fruits and vegetables. Americans are shifting their breakfast preference from junk foods to fresh alternatives. The U.S. is one of the largest producers and exporters of cherries globally. With the ease in trade regulations, fruit exports of the U.S. have increased. In September 2011, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that after ten years of negotiations, U.S. cherries can be exported to Western Australia, one of the most important markets for cherries. The increasing demand for intelligent packaging in international trade (especially in fruits) is laying out opportunities for this technology in food packaging.Download TOC:The Food Safety and Modernization Act (FSMA) proposed by FDA in 2011 is another growth indicator for intelligent packaging wherein the fresh produce, including fruits and vegetables, are required to be scientifically grown, harvested, packaged, and stored. The farm products that come in the acts domain are lettuce, spinach, cantaloupe, tomatoes, sprouts, mushrooms, onions, peppers, cabbage, citrus produce, strawberries, and walnuts.Nano-enabled packaging finds its application in several industries, including bakery, meat, beverages, fruit and vegetables, prepared foods, and others. The increasing demand for meat products, beverages, vegetables, and prepared foods is expected to drive their respective nano-enabled packaging markets, while the market share of bakery products is expected to decline on account of the rapid growth of other application segments.Nanotechnology is at a nascent stage and, therefore, usage of nano-enabled packaging is low in the food and beverages industry. Limited numbers of buyers have more leverage to negotiate with nanotechnology companies. On the other hand, there is a plethora of companies providing nano-enabled packaging solutions to the food and beverages industry.Nano-enabled packaging market for food and beverage is very competitive with a large number of players offering an array of patented products. The major players in this industry include Amcor Limited, Bemis Company, Inc., Chevron Phillips Chemical Company, L.L.C., Klockner Pentaplast, Sealed Air, and Tetra Pak International S.A.Latest Report:Dairy Nutritional And Nutraceutical Ingredients MarketKrill Oil MarketApple Fruit Concentrate MarketPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance. To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.305 Broadway,7th FloorNew York City, NY 10007United States+1-646-568-7751+1 800-961-0353 (USA-Canada Toll free)Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWebsite: China Dental Consumables Market to grow at a CAGR of 7.27% during 2017-2021 - 3M, Danaher, Dentsply Sirona, GC Corporation, Institut Straumann Dental consumables are products or materials that are used to carry out tooth restoration and treat dental impairments and associated gingival tissues and structures. Dental consumables are used in almost all the branches of dentistry. Dental consumables include dental sundries and small equipment that are used to treat patients. Dental sundries include dental anesthetics, dental sealants, prophylaxis paste, impression materials, restorative materials, teeth whiteners, orthodontic appliances, and topical fluoride. There are several types of dental products such as dental implants, crowns and bridges, orthodontics, periodontics, endodontics, and dental biomaterials.The dental consumables market in China to grow at a CAGR of 7.27% during the period 2017-2021. The report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the dental consumables market in China for 2017-2021. To calculate the market size, the report considers the revenue generated from the sales of dental consumables in China.Click to get Sample PDF:Technavio's report, Dental Consumables Market in China 2017-2021, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.Key vendors- 3M- Danaher- Dentsply Sirona- GC Corporation- Institut StraumannView Complete TOC with Tables and Figures at:Other prominent vendors- Amann Girrbach- COLTENE- Den-Mat Holdings- DENTAURUM- Heraeus Kulzer- Kohler Medizintechnik- Power Dental USA- Shofu Dental- Ultradent Products- VITA Zahnfabrik- Young Innovations- Zhermack- Zimmer-Biomet- Z irconzahn- ZublerMarket driver- Increasing incidence of oral issues and dental disorders- For a full, detailed list, view our reportMarket challenge- Challenges associated with dental implants- For a full, detailed list, view our reportKey questions answered in this report- What will the market size be in 2021 and what will the growth rate be?- What are the key market trends?- What is driving this market?- What are the challenges to market growth?- Who are the key vendors in this market space?ResearchMoz is the worlds fastest growing collection of market research reports worldwide. Our database is composed of current market studies from over 100 featured publishers worldwide. Our market research databases integrate statistics with analysis from global, regional, country and company perspectives. ResearchMozs service portfolio also includes value-added services such as market research customization, competitive landscaping, and in-depth surveys, delivered by a team of experienced Research Coordinators.Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-621-2074Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free)Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn at: Clinical Microbiology Market - Trends, Share,Growth & Forecast upto 2025 Global Clinical Microbiology Market: SnapshotClinical microbiology, the adaptation of microbiological techniques to analyze the etiological agents that lead to the development of infectious disease, is the medical sub-specialty that explores the nature of the infectious condition and studies the ability of antibiotics to kill or inhibit the isolated microorganisms. The sector is gaining increased focus across the globe owing chiefly to the vast rise in infectious conditions, the alarming adaptability of microbes to changing environments, and the rising threat of contracting bacterial pathogens that are resistant to commonly used antibiotics.The rising number of diseases caused by pathogenic infections is fueling research and development activities in the field of clinical microbiology. The trend is expected to remain strong over the next few years as well, with an increasing number of medicine companies already entering or willing to enter the field with the help of their clinical solutions for use across numerous sectors of clinical microbiology. Automation is increasingly gaining a larger and more prominent role in the sector and is expected to help reduce the time required to undertake a number of processes and improve the efficiency of results.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Technological advancements in monitoring equipment are allowing more exhaustive analysis of microbes and leading the field of clinical microbiology towards a healthy growth path. This report includes the most current market data related to clinical diagnosis of animal and human infections and the present and potential future role of laboratories in both the management of infectious diseases and analysis of the epidemiology of infections.Global Clinical Microbiology Market: OverviewThe intercontinental clinical microbiology market is envisioned to be pampered by a wide spectrum of opportunities in different applications such as the identification of diseases caused by pathogens with the help of laboratory services. Class A carbapenemase, a group of causative agents of clinical infections, is proliferating rapidly and has augmented the need for determining carbapenemase genes through clinical microbiology. In order to address this need, Cepheid, Inc. introduced Xpert Carba-R, a diagnostic assay, which was sanctioned by the U.S. FDA in 2016.Request TOC of the Report @The global clinical microbiology market could be segmented considering disease, application, and product as significant parameters. With the rise in targeted diseases and swelling geriatric population, the disease segment could see a handsome growth.This report on the world clinical microbiology market can be used as a guideline to operate in the industry as a winning player. Vital aspects of the market such as opportunities, restraints, and growth factors are analyzed in a radical manner to help gain a paramount insight into the clinical microbiology industry.Global Clinical Microbiology Market: Trends and OpportunitiesThe world clinical microbiology market could acquire growth at a stallion pace in the wake of the need to keep a tight rein on human errors during the manual processing of samples in research projects. In this regard, the automation of clinical systems could be demanded at a brisk rate. This demand is foretold to also gain increased support from the need to maintain constancy in manual processing.Get Discount @Having pulled in a kings share in the global clinical microbiology market in 2015, reagents are foreseen to earn more revenue while riding on the hike in purchases and aggravating penetration due to the demand from therapeutic and analytic research projects.The towering degree of the prevalence of respiratory maladies in emerging as well as developed nations could intensify the demand in the international clinical microbiology market. This can be attributed to the soaring levels of air pollution because of meteoric industrialization.Global Clinical Microbiology Market: Regional OutlookThe North America clinical microbiology market is prognosticated to get help from the existence of leviathan companies and hard and fast regulatory structures. An interesting part of the geographical analysis is the expectation on the part of the Europe market to maintain a close proximity with North America in terms of growth. However, North America secured a stupendous share in the global clinical microbiology market in 2015. The region is anticipated to stimulate high adoption of clinical microbial methodologies with the higher development of healthcare and industrial domains in countries such as the U.S.Besides China, Japan is expected to promise a faster growth in the Asia Pacific clinical microbiology market on the back of aggressive microbial testing application in a variety of fields. The august technological buildout in Japan cannot be sidelined when considering this market on the basis of demand. A countable number of top companies in the market are looking to relocate their major manufacturing outlets to Asia Pacific. This is due to the quantum leaps in building sophisticated manufacturing infrastructure and large availability of skilled labor at low cost in the region.Global Clinical Microbiology Market: Companies MentionedAs a result of their pacey progress in research and development and introduction of automated laboratory systems, the giant players in the international clinical microbiology market have won the trump card of being the first movers. There are only a few names competing at worldwide level, viz. Bruker Corporation, Danaher Corporation, Cepheid Inc., and bioMerieux S.A. Howbeit, the contest is predicted to be escalated by the entry of new faces in the global market. Of these are Hologic Inc., Becton Dickinson & Company, Alere Inc., and Roche Diagnostics.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Aerospace Composites Market Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2016 - 2024 "The Report Aerospace Composites Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2016 - 2024 provides information on pricing, market analysis, shares, forecast, and company profiles for key industry participants. -"Global Aerospace Composites Market: OverviewAerospace composites are the composite material systems which find applications in the aviation industry due to their key chemical and mechanical properties. The composite materials commonly used in the aerospace industry are carbon fiber composites, glass fiber composites and aramid fiber composites. Application segments of global aerospace composites include commercial & business aircraft, helicopters, military and space. Carbon fiber composites are the commonly used composite material in the aerospace industry due to high fuel efficiency and low carbon emission. Increasing air passenger traffic, emerging economies and growing number of low cost carriers are expected to boost the market. Recent trend of spending heavily on military and space programs are expected to fuel the growth of the aerospace market in near future.In-depth interviews and discussions with a wide range of key opinion leaders and industry participants were conducted to compile this research report. Primary research represents the bulk of research efforts, supplemented by extensive secondary research. Key players product literature, annual reports, press releases, and relevant documents were reviewed for competitive analysis and market understanding. This helped in validating and strengthening secondary research findings. Primary research further helped in developing the analysis teams expertise and market understanding.View Report @Global Aerospace Composites Market: Scope of the ReportThe report estimates and forecasts the aerospace composites market on the global, regional, and country levels. The study provides forecast between 2016 and 2024 based on volume (Tons) and revenue (US$ Mn) with 2015 as the base year. The report comprises an exhaustive value chain analysis for each of the product segments. It provides a comprehensive view of the market. Value chain analysis also offers detailed information about value addition at each stage. The study includes drivers and restraints for the aerospace composites market along with their impact on demand during the forecast period. The study also provides key market indicators affecting the growth of the market. The report analyzes opportunities in the aerospace composites market on the global and regional level. Drivers, restraints, and opportunities mentioned in the report are justified through quantitative and qualitative data. These have been verified through primary and secondary resources. Furthermore, the report analyzes global average price trend analysis of aerospace composites.The report includes Porters Five Forces Model to determine the degree of competition in the aerospace composites market. The report comprises a qualitative write-up on market attractiveness analysis, wherein application and countries have been analyzed based on attractiveness for each region. Growth rate, market size, raw material availability, profit margin, impact strength, technology, competition, and other factors (such as environmental and legal) have been evaluated in order to derive the general attractiveness of the market. The report comprises price trend analysis for aerospace composites between 2016 and 2024.Get Sample Copy Of This Report @Global Aerospace Composites Market: Key SegmentsThe study provides a comprehensive view of the aerospace composites market by dividing it into product type, application and geography. The aerospace composites market has been segmented into carbon fiber composites, glass fiber composites, aramid fiber composites and others. Application segments have been analyzed based on commercial & business aircraft, military, helicopters and space .The aerospace composites market has been estimated in terms of volume (Tons) and revenue (US$ Mn) between 2016 and 2024.Companies Mentioned in ReportThe report covers detailed competitive outlook that includes market share and profiles of key players operating in the global market. Key players profiled in the report include Cytec Solvay Group, Hexcel Corporation, Koninklijke TenCate, Toray Industries Inc., BASF SE, SGL-The Carbon Company. Company profiles include attributes such as company overview, number of employees, brand overview, key competitors, business overview, business strategies, recent/key developments, acquisitions, and financial overview (wherever applicable).Secondary research sources that were typically referred to include, but were not limited to company websites, financial reports, annual reports, investor presentations, broker reports, and SEC filings. Other sources such as internal and external proprietary databases, statistical databases and market reports, news articles, national government documents, and webcasts specific to companies operating in the market have also been referred for the report.Send An Enquiry Request @The global aerospace composites market has been segmented as follows:Aerospace Composites Market Product Type AnalysisCarbon Fiber CompositesGlass Fiber CompositesAramid Fiber CompositesOthersAerospace Composites Market Application Type AnalysisCommercial & Business AircraftMilitaryHelicoptersSpaceAerospace Composites Market Regional AnalysisNorth AmericaU.S.CanadaEuropeGermanyFranceU.K.ItalySpainRest of EuropeAsia PacificChinaIndiaJapanASEANRest of Asia PacificMiddle East & AfricaGCCSouth AfricaRest of Middle East & AfricaLatin AmericaBrazilMexicoRest of Latin AmericaTable of Contents1. Preface1.1. Report Scope and Market Segmentation1.2. Research Objectives2. Assumptions and Research Methodology2.1. Assumptions and Acronyms Used2.2. Research Methodology3. Executive Summary3.1. Market Size, Indicative (US$ Bn)3.2. Top 3 Trends4. Market Overview4.1. Product Overview4.2. Key Industry Developments4.3. Market Indicators5. Market Dynamics5.1. Drivers and Restraints Snapshot Analysis5.1.1. Drivers5.1.2. Restraints5.1.3. Opportunity Analysis5.1.4. Opportunities5.2. Global Aerospace Composites Market Analysis and Forecasts5.3. Porters Analysis5.3.1. Threat of Substitutes5.3.2. Bargaining Power of Buyers5.3.3. Bargaining Power of Suppliers5.3.4. Threat of New Entrants5.3.5. Degree of Competition5.4. Value Chain Analysis6. Global Aerospace Composites Market Value Share Analysis, by Product6.1. Key Findings6.2. Introduction6.2.1. Carbon Fiber Composites6.2.2. Glass Fiber Composites6.2.3. Aramid Fiber Composites6.2.4. Others6.3. Product Comparison6.4. Global Aerospace Composites Market Volume Share Analysis, by Product6.5. Global Aerospace Composites Market Forecast, by Product6.6. Global Aerospace Composites Market Analysis, by Product6.7. Global Aerospace Composites Market Attractiveness Analysis, by Product6.8. Key is the most comprehensive collection of market research reports. MarketResearchReports.Biz services are specially designed to save time and money for our clients. We are a one stop solution for all your research needs, our main offerings are syndicated research reports, custom research, subscription access and consulting services. We serve all sizes and types of companies spanning across various industries.Mr. NachiketaState Tower90 Sate Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-621-2074Website:E: Nov 30, 2017: Tension Controllers Market Forecast 2023 ABB, Nireco, Dover Flexo Electronics Tension Controllers Market Tension Controllers Market Research 2017A market study Global Tension Controllers Market examines the performance of the Tension Controllers market 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Tension Controllers market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Tension Controllers market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Tension Controllers Market 2017 report includes Tension Controllers market Revenue, market Share, Tension Controllers industry volume, market Trends, Tension Controllers Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Tension Controllers Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Tension Controllers Market 2017 : ABB Nireco Dover Flexo Electronics (DFE) FMS Technology Maxcess International Alteem Nexen Group Baldor Motion ALTEC Mitsubishi Deacro IndustriesFirstly, the report covers the top Tension Controllers manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Tension Controllers report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Tension Controllers industry, Tension Controllers industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Tension Controllers Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Tension Controllers research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Tension Controllers market revenue worldwide.Finally, Tension Controllers market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"Spire Market Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAWeb:Email: Nov 30, 2017: Tertiary Amine Market Forecast 2023 Albemarle Corporation, Klk Oleo Tertiary Amine Market Tertiary Amine Market Research 2017A market study Global Tertiary Amine Market examines the performance of the Tertiary Amine market 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Tertiary Amine market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Tertiary Amine market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Tertiary Amine Market 2017 report includes Tertiary Amine market Revenue, market Share, Tertiary Amine industry volume, market Trends, Tertiary Amine Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Tertiary Amine Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Tertiary Amine Market 2017 : Albemarle Corporation Klk Oleo Kao Group Eastman Tenghui Oil Chem Dawei Chem Solvay LonzaFirstly, the report covers the top Tertiary Amine manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Tertiary Amine report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Tertiary Amine industry, Tertiary Amine industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Tertiary Amine Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Tertiary Amine research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Tertiary Amine market revenue worldwide.Finally, Tertiary Amine market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"Spire Market Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAWeb:Email: Global Frozen Desserts Market to grow at a CAGR of 10.68% during 2017-2021 - General Mills, Nestle, Unilever, Wells Enterprises The global packaged food market is currently growing at a high rate as consumers across the globe are getting inclined toward packaged food that is easy to cook and consume, convenient to handle, and safe from external tampering. Factors like changing lifestyles, convenience of consumption, and increased health awareness are the main factors driving the growth of the market. Changing lifestyle is opening new opportunities for packaged food manufacturers. For instance, within last few years, consumers have started considering breakfast as an important meal of the day, and this widespread emphasis of consumers on breakfast is driving the growth of the packaged food industry.The global frozen desserts market to grow at a CAGR of 10.68% during the period 2017-2021. The report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global frozen desserts market for 2017-2021. To calculate the market size, the report considers the retail selling price as the average selling price of the product.Frozen dessert is a product obtained by freezing:- Liquids- Semi-solids- Sometimes even solidsClick to get Sample PDF:The market is divided into the following segments based on geography:- Americas- APAC- EMEATechnavio's report, Global frozen desserts market 2017-2021, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.View Complete TOC with Tables and Figures at:Key vendors- General Mills- Nestl- Unilever- Wells EnterprisesOther prominent vendors- Andy's Frozen Custard- Ben & Jerry's- Chapman's- Ciao Bella- Dean Foods- Edward's (HERSHEYS)- Graeters- Kemps- Metropolitan Ice Cream- Mother Hens Healthy Food- Orange Leaf- PEPPERIDGE FARM- PIERRE'S ICE CREAM COMPANY- PRAIRIE FARMS DAIRY- Red Mango- Sara Lee (Hillshire Brands)- SHERBUZZ- So Delicious Dairy Free- Stonyfield Farm- Talenti Gelato e Sorbetto...........Key questions answered in this report- What will the market size be in 2021 and what will the growth rate be?- What are the key market trends?- What is driving this market?- What are the challenges to market growth?- Who are the key vendors in this market space?ResearchMoz is the worlds fastest growing collection of market research reports worldwide. Our database is composed of current market studies from over 100 featured publishers worldwide. Our market research databases integrate statistics with analysis from global, regional, country and company perspectives. ResearchMozs service portfolio also includes value-added services such as market research customization, competitive landscaping, and in-depth surveys, delivered by a team of experienced Research Coordinators.Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-621-2074Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free)Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn at: Ballast Water Management 2017 Global Market Expected to Grow at CAGR 31.43% and Forecast to 2021 Ballast Water Management Market Global Ballast Water Management MarketDescriptionWiseGuyReports.Com adds Global Ballast Water Management Market 2017-2021 Research To Its Database.Marine vessels take seawater onboard for stability; this water has a distinct marine environment signature with indigenous aquatic microbes and marine life. This ballast water, if released untreated at the vessel's new destination, may disrupt the local ecosystem. Ballast water management aims at reducing the harmful effects of ballast water disposal. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted a convention for the control, management, and sedimentation of ballast water on February 2004.The analysts forecast the global ballast water management market to grow at a CAGR of 31.43% during the period 2017-2021.Covered in this reportThe report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global ballast water management market for 2017-2021. To calculate the market size, the report considers new installations and retrofit market.Get sample Report @The market is divided into the following segments based on geography: Americas APAC EMEAThe Global Ballast Water Management Market 2017-2021, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.Key vendors ALFA LAVAL GEA Group Hitachi Veolia Water Technologies WartsilaOther prominent vendors atg UV Technology Azienda Chimica Genovese Calgon Carbon Corporation Ecochlor Evoqua Water Technologies Headway Technology and Services Hyde Marine JFE ENGINEERING Kadalneer Technologies Kalf Engineering NK Optimarin Panasonic Environmental Systems & Engineering Samsung Heavy Industries TECHCROSS Trojan Technologies XylemMarket driver Growing popularity of leisure cruising For a full, detailed list, view our reportMarket challenge High cost of implementation For a full, detailed list, view our reportMarket trend Business collaborations to streamline operations For a full, detailed list, view our reportKey questions answered in this report What will the market size be in 2021 and what will the growth rate be? What are the key market trends? What is driving this market? What are the challenges to market growth? Who are the key vendors in this market space? What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors?Enquiry About Report @Table of Contents -Major Key PointsPART 01: Executive summaryPART 02: Scope of the reportPART 03: Research MethodologyPART 04: Introduction Global ballast water management marketPART 05: Market landscape Market overview Market size and forecast Five forces analysisPART 06: Market segmentation by technology Global ballast water management market by technology Ultraviolet light technology Electrolysis/electrochlorination technology Advanced oxidation technologyPART 07: Geographical segmentation Global ballast water management market by geography EMEA APAC AmericasPART 08: Decision frameworkPART 09: Drivers and challenges Market drivers Market challengesPART 10: Market trends Business collaborations to streamline operations Financing of ballast water management systems Increasing R&D activities in ballast water technologiesPART 11: Vendor landscape Competitive landscape Other prominent vendorsPART 12: Key vendor analysis ALFA LAVAL GEA Group Hitachi Veolia Water Technologies Wartsila..CONTINUEDAbout UsWise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, Industry research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports understand how essential statistical surveying information is for your organization or association. Therefore, we have associated with the top publishers and research firms all specialized in specific domains, ensuring you will receive the most reliable and up to date research data available.NORAH TRENTPartner Relations & Marketing Managersales@wiseguyreports.comPh: +1-646-845-9349 (US)Ph: +44 208 133 9349 (UK) Embedded Non-volatile Memory (eNVM) Market - Future Market with Current Trend Analysis upto 2025 Global Embedded Non-volatile Memory (eNVM) Market: SnapshotEmbedded non-volatile memories (eNVMs) form a key part of modern embedded systems and offer greater flexibility in the design of electronics systems compared to stand-alone flash memories. They essentially provide in-system re-programmability and help expedite time-to-market. The soaring demand for increased memory density and better logic circuitry and the need for higher reliability of embedded systems are some of the key factors propelling the demand for eNVMs. In addition, the demand for low-power and low-voltage electronics applications has catalyzed the embedded non-volatile memory market. Some of the most common eNVMs are eOTP, eFuse, eMTP, eE2 PROM and eFlash. Key functionalities of embedded non-volatile memories in manufacturing electronic products include trimming, data encryption, coding, and programming. Leading players are developing different electronics using next-generation NVMS featuring the combination of programmability and memory density. While eFlash, eE2PROM, and eMTP offers the flexibility of multiple programmabilility, eFuse and eOTP can typically be programmed only once.Request Sample Copy of the Report @There is a growing demand for eFlash and eE2PROM technologies for a variety of high-density embedded applications, especially smart cards and SIM cards. The growing popularity of IoTs, wearable, and smart consumer products is anticipated to accentuate the embedded non-volatile memory market across developing and developed regions. The availability off-the-shelf file system software by several vendors help developers implement eNVMs. Prominent foundries such as Samsung, TSMC, GlobalFoundries, SMIC, and UMC are actively focused on developing eNVMs products for various embedded microcontrollers (MCUs). Some of the recent eNVM technologies being developed are MRAM and RRAM technology, which is expected to strengthen their presence in the embedded non-volatile memory market.Global Embedded Non-volatile Memory (eNVM) Market: OverviewEmbedded non-volatile memory is characterized by a small-sized chip, which is widely used in diverse applications of embedded system. It is primarily used in SIM card, smart card, microcontrollers, display driver IC, and PMIC for several purposes such as data encryption, trimming, programming, identification, redundancy, and coding.Request TOC of the Report @The research study on the global embedded non-volatile memory market provided a detailed analysis, emphasizing on several factors that are anticipated to influence the growth of the market in the near future. In addition, the key segmentation and the competitive landscape of the global market have been included in the scope of the study to provide a clear picture of the market.Global Embedded Non-volatile Memory (eNVM) Market: Drivers and RestraintsThe global embedded non-volatile memory market is growing at a progressive rate. The rising penetration of IoT-based services and devices, especially in emerging economies is estimated to encourage the growth of the global market in the next few years. In addition, the increasing need for ubiquitous connectivity demand for a rapid rate of deployment of power consuming and inexpensive products, which is likely to supplement the growth of the global embedded non-volatile memory market in the near future. The proliferation of IoT-based devices is predicted to boost the demand for innovative products in the forecast period.Get Discount @The global market for embedded non-volatile memory is projected to face several barriers in the coming few years, which is likely to hamper the growth of the market in the near future. Several promising opportunities and latest trends in the global market have been included in the scope of the study.Global Embedded Non-volatile Memory (eNVM) Market: Region-wise OutlookIn the last few years, the Asia Pacific market for embedded non-volatile memory led the global market and is expected to remain in the dominating position throughout the forecast period. According to the study, this region is predicted to register a healthy growth rate and a key share of the global market in the forecast period. The rising demand from a large number of companies dealing in manufacturing of IoT-based devices is the key factor expected to encourage the growth of the Asia Pacific market in the next few years.Furthermore, North America is anticipated to witness significant growth in the coming years, thanks to the presence of several prominent manufacturers in this region. In addition, the growing focus on innovations and new product development, along with a significant rise in the expenditure by prominent players are estimated to fuel the growth of the embedded non-volatile memory market in North America across the forecast period.Key Players Mentioned in the Research Report are:Some of the key players operating in the embedded non-volatile memory market across the globe are GlobalFoundries, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC), United Microcontroller Corporation (UMC), HHGrace, eMemory Technology Inc., and Kilopass. In order to create a brand name and enhance the market presence, the key players are focusing on technological advancements and research and development activities. In addition, the growing number of mergers and acquisition is estimated to supplement the growth of the market in the near future.Furthermore, the key manufacturers in the global market are also focusing on scaling down the semiconductors side, which will significantly help in reducing cost and increasing efficiency of products. The key policies and strategies that are being used by the leading players have been included in the study to offer a clear understanding of the overall market in the near future. In addition, detailed profiles of these players have been listed in the report.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Aerated Brick 2017 Global Industry Key Players - Renacon , Eco Green , Brickwell , Buildmate , Anjali Exim , Neolite Buildcon Pvt. , Ecolite Market Analysis and Forecast to 2022 World Aerated Brick Market World Aerated Brick MarketExecutive SummaryAerated Brick market research report provides the newest industry data and industry future trends, allowing you to identify the products and end users driving Revenue growth and profitability.The industry report lists the leading competitors and provides the insights strategic industry Analysis of the key factors influencing the market.The report includes the forecasts, Analysis and discussion of important industry trends, market size, market share estimates and profiles of the leading industry Players.Request a Sample Report @The Players mentioned in our reportRenaconEco GreenBrickwellBuildmateAnjali EximNeolite Buildcon Pvt.EcoliteBiltechPrimeMagicreteGlobal Aerated Brick Market: Application Segment AnalysisConstructionHeat preservationGlobal Aerated Brick Market: Regional Segment AnalysisUSAEuropeJapanChinaIndiaSouth East AsiaEnquiry for buying report@Table of Content-Key Points CoveredChapter 1 About the Aerated Brick Industry1.1 Industry Definition and Types1.2 Main Market Activities1.3 Similar Industries1.4 Industry at a GlanceChapter 2 World Market Competition Landscape2.1 Aerated Brick Markets by Regions2.1.1 USAMarket Revenue (M USD) and Growth Rate 2012-2022Sales and Growth Rate 2012-2022Major Players Revenue (M USD) in 20172.1.2 EuropeMarket Revenue (M USD) and Growth Rate 2012-2022Sales and Growth Rate 2012-2022Major Players Revenue (M USD) in 20172.1.3 ChinaMarket Revenue (M USD) and Growth Rate 2012-2022Sales and Growth Rate 2012-2022Major Players Revenue (M USD) in 20172.1.4 IndiaMarket Revenue (M USD) and Growth Rate 2012-2022Sales and Growth Rate 2012-2022Major Players Revenue (M USD) in 20172.1.5 JapanMarket Revenue (M USD) and Growth Rate 2012-2022Sales and Growth Rate 2012-2022Major Players Revenue (M USD) in 20172.1.6 South East AsiaMarket Revenue (M USD) and Growth Rate 2012-2022Sales and Growth Rate 2012-2022Major Players Revenue (M USD) in 20172.2 World Aerated Brick Market by Types2.3 World Aerated Brick Market by ApplicationsConstructionHeat preservation2.4 World Aerated Brick Market Analysis2.4.1 World Aerated Brick Market Revenue and Growth Rate 2012-20172.4.2 World Aerated Brick Market Consumption and Growth rate 2012-20172.4.3 World Aerated Brick Market Price Analysis 2012-2017Chapter 3 World Aerated Brick Market share3.1 Major Production Market share by Players3.2 Major Revenue (M USD) Market share by Players3.3 Major Production Market share by Regions in 2017, Through 20223.4 Major Revenue (M USD) Market share By Regions in 2017, Through 2022Chapter 4 Supply Chain Analysis4.1 Industry Supply chain Analysis4.2 Raw material Market Analysis4.2.1 Raw material Prices Analysis 2012-20174.2.2 Raw material Supply Market Analysis4.2 Manufacturing Equipment Suppliers Analysis4.3 Production Process Analysis4.4 Production Cost Structure Benchmarks4.5 End users Market AnalysisContinued.Buy Report@Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports features an exhaustive list of market research reports from hundreds of publishers worldwide. We boast a database spanning virtually every market category and an even more comprehensive collection of market research reports under these categories and sub-categories.WISE GUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India Operational Analytics Market Is Expected To Profits by 2017 - 2025 Global Operational Analytics Market: SnapshotThe global operational analytics market is prognosticated to showcase a high potential for growth in the forthcoming years on the back of decisive factors such as the dominating advent of Internet of things (IoT)-enabled devices. The growth of the global operational analytics market could be on account of the rise in demand for cloud-based arrangements. Trouble-free maintenance and optimal cost could be some of the critical advantages augmenting the deployment of cloud-based services across several industries.Due to the emerging status of the global operational analytics market, the competition is anticipated to be on the lower side with less exit and entry barriers. However, the control of the competitive landscape of the global operational analytics market could be in the hands of niche companies that deliver dedicated IoT analytics platform. Players operating in the global operational analytics market are expected to be advantaged with the multiplying prevalence of the IoT sector. Operational analytics could be implemented in IoT for fetching productive data and offering sophisticated features in IoT-enabled devices to obtain better outcomes.Request Sample Copy of the Report @More opportunities are prophesied to take shape in the global operational analytics market with the mounting development of connected devices and newer technologies such as edge analytics and platform as a service (PaaS). A host of business utilities could snowball the demand in the global operational analytics market, including human resource, finance, sales, and marketing. On the other hand, top verticals such as transportation and logistics, energy and utilities, manufacturing, retail, financial services, healthcare, and government could intensify the growth of the global operational analytics market.Global Operational Analytics Market: OverviewThe rising digitization levels in numerous industries on account of technological advancements are slated to fuel the demand for operational analytics to a great extent over the next few years. Operational analytics is a technological tool for industries to enhance their efficiency through boosting transactions, growing competitive spirit, eliminating the risk of fraudulent processes, and improving decision-making capacities.The key market factors such as trends, growth opportunities, restraints, and drivers are analyzed in the report, together with factors such as technological advancements in the field of operational analytics, market forecast, and value chain analysis. The segments and sub-segments of the global operational analytics market have been studied, along with the present and projected leading market segments and their growth drivers. The major market players have been discussed, wherein their key business strategies, product portfolios, and market shares have been revealed. The report also includes strategic recommendations for companies.Request TOC of the Report @Global Operational Analytics Market: Drivers and RestraintsThe major factors responsible for the growth of the global operational analytics market include growing need for process and operations optimization and their control, popularity of Internet of Things (IoT), and rising demand for sophisticated data management. The growth of the IT sector, which has been adopting operational analytics to a considerable extent, is also one of the key drivers in the global operational analytics market.On account of their cost and time efficiency, on-demand operational analytics have been exhibiting high demand. Small and medium sized enterprises, in particular, have been adopting these low-cost solutions. There has been a significant expansion in demand chiefly originating from marketing, human resources (HR), information technology (IT), and sales and finance, among many others, providing a further boost to operational analytics over the globe.On the contrary, inability to tackle third-party data sources, absence of government support, insufficient number of skilled personnel, and high costs of initial installations have been the key challenges.The manufacturing segment will expand significantly during the forecast period, ensuring the growth of the overall market. This opportunity has arisen on account of the competitive advantages offered by operational analytics, enhancing the levels of efficiency throughout the life-cycle of a product. On the basis of business function the marketing business function is expected to exhibit substantial demand.Request Discount of the Report @Global Operational Analytics Market: Regional OutlookBased on geography, the global market for operational analytics can be segmented into Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa. The operational analytics market in North America accounted for a considerable share in the global scenario. High adoption of operational analytics at an early stage and technological progress in the field of operational analytics market have been contributing towards the expansion of the operational analytics market in North America. The U.K. is perhaps the most noteworthy market in Europe because of advanced use of data, coupled with increased C-level banking.Asia Pacific will exhibit significant demand for operational analytics over the coming years, due to increasing adoption of technology, high rate of urbanization, and emergence of several end-user industries in the region.Companies Mentioned in the ReportThe major companies operating in the global market for operational analytics include SAP SE, SAS Institute, Microsoft Corporation, Bentley Systems, HPE, and IBM Corporation. Companies that are able to keep pace with the latest developments will gain large amounts of profit, while those who fail to do so will experience diminished growth prospects.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Global Wind Turbine Monitoring Systems Market 2017 Analysis by Key Manufacturers, Suppliers, Elite Designs, Pricing, Analysis Qyresearch Reports include new market research report Global Wind Turbine Monitoring Systems Market Professional Survey Report 2017 to its huge collection of research reports.The report, titled Global Wind Turbine Monitoring Systems Market Professional Survey Report 2017, is a professional overview of the global Wind Turbine Monitoring Systems market. While the report presents an overview of the current state of the market and aids, through analytical data of key drivers, restraints, trends and opportunities, efficient decision making and development of effective business strategies, the report also presents important details regarding the markets overall development in the past years.The report studies the market with a ground-up approach, beginning with core definitions specific to the industry, and moving further to the applications of Wind Turbine Monitoring Systems, demand and supply chain of the Wind Turbine Monitoring Systems market across key geographical areas, industry overview, regulatory and policy framework of the market, and recent news.Enter your information below to receive a sample copy of this report @The report includes data that is gathered with the help of primary as well as secondary research techniques, and filtered and polished with the use of a number of industry-best analytical methods. The report discusses various details regarding the manufacturing cost structure of the market, technical data and manufacturing plants, and analysis of production capacity and actual production values by region, technology, and application. The report examines the regulatory framework of the market, allowing the reader a clear understanding of the key rules, regulation, plans, and policies related to the Wind Turbine Monitoring Systems market. With this data, the reader also gains an understanding of the factors that affect the process of decision-making in the Wind Turbine Monitoring Systems market.The report also discusses details regarding sales and revenue of the market, wherein on the basis of a regional segmentation, details such as price, cost, gross margins of Wind Turbine Monitoring Systems manufacturers are given. The report presents a comprehensive overview of the vendor landscape of the Wind Turbine Monitoring Systems market, wherein the business profiles of some of the leading vendors in the market, recent development, instances of mergers and acquisitions, and other financial details of the market are discussed.Read Complete Table of Content @List of Tables and FiguresFigure Market Share of Wind Turbine Monitoring Systems by RegionsFigure North America Wind Turbine Monitoring Systems Market Size (Million USD) (2012-2022)Figure China Wind Turbine Monitoring Systems Market Size (Million USD) (2012-2022)Figure Europe Wind Turbine Monitoring Systems Market Size (Million USD) (2012-2022)Figure Southeast Asia Wind Turbine Monitoring Systems Market Size (Million USD) (2012-2022)Figure Japan Wind Turbine Monitoring Systems Market Size (Million USD) (2012-2022)Figure India Wind Turbine Monitoring Systems Market Size (Million USD) (2012-2022)Table Wind Turbine Monitoring Systems Raw Material and SuppliersTable Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Wind Turbine Monitoring Systems in 2016Figure Manufacturing Process Analysis of Wind Turbine Monitoring SystemsAbout is an unimpeachable source of market research data for clients that comprise acclaimed SMEs, Chinese companies, private equity firms, and MNCs. We provide market research reports on various categories such as Energy, Chemicals, Alternative and Green Energy, Manufacturing, Machinery, Pharmaceuticals and Materials, and Glass.Contact usBrooklyn, NY 11230United StatesToll Free: 866-997-4948 (USA-CANADA)Tel: +1-518-621-2074Web:Email: Industrial Hydrogen Peroxide Market : Future Market Projections for Forthcoming Years Global Industrial Hydrogen Peroxide Market: SnapshotA number of industries have benefitted from a wide spectrum of applications of hydrogen peroxide. Considered as one of the most versatile chemicals available, it is extensively used in the pulp and paper industry for bleaching wood pulp before paper is manufactured. This is done to enhance the brightness of the manufactured paper. Some of the other major applications of hydrogen peroxide are in the bleaching textile and a variety of environmental cleaning applications such as in cleaning wastewater and control of odor in waste treatment plants. Hydrogen peroxide when purified to a high level find wide applications in manufacturing semiconductors. The chemical is used in making other peroxide compounds which are used as disinfectants and pesticides.Since the exposure to hydrogen peroxide even in mild concentration (less than 6%) may be harmful, several regulatory norms govern the manufacture, sale, and transportation of this chemical, which may differ from country to country. For instance, people working in facilities manufacturing hydrogen peroxide are recommended to wear personal protective equipment to avert any exposure or ingestion. In the U.S., these regulations are made by agencies such as the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The implementation of better hygiene practices in industrial facilities are likely to limit the possibility of exposure. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has confirmed that the compound is carcinogenic while conducting experiments with animals when they are exposed to relatively high doses. However, studies havent yet confirmed the carcinogenic effect of hydrogen peroxide on humans, unless exposed to unusually high concentrations. Several emerging economies are opening up more production facilities to manufacture hydrogen peroxide, which bodes well for the market in developing regions.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Global Industrial Hydrogen Peroxide Market: OverviewHydrogen peroxide is chiefly used in several industries due to its bleaching properties. Its day-to-day use is found in washing powders as well. Hydrogen peroxide is vastly brought into use to make sodium perborate and sodium percarbonate, which acts as bleaching agents in liquid and solid detergents.The global industrial hydrogen peroxide market can be classified on the basis of function into sterilizing/disinfecting, oxidizing, bleaching, and propulsion. Based on end-use industry, the market may be segmented into chemical synthesis, water and wastewater treatment, healthcare and personal care, pulp and paper, food processing, textile, and electronics and semiconductor.In the report, TMR Research provides a detailed analysis of drivers and restrictions in the global industrial hydrogen peroxide market. It also offers insight to the various segments and regions of the market.Request TOC of the Report @Global Industrial Hydrogen Peroxide Market: Key TrendsOn the basis of function, bleaching will hold a prominent share in the global industrial hydrogen peroxide market. This particular function is rising due to its excessive usage in the pulp and paper and textile industries. To achieve the desired brightness suitable for magazine papers, board and tissue products, bleaching of pulp and paper becomes more than necessary, thereby increasing the significance of the bleaching function of industrial hydrogen peroxide. Furthermore, industrial hydrogen peroxide is favored for bleaching of cotton fabrics to accomplish the preferred whiteness after the removal of the catalyst.The pulp and paper industry is a key contributor to the growth of the global industrial hydrogen peroxide market and is expected to grow at a higher rate during the said period. Industrial hydrogen peroxide is used for bleaching of mechanical pulp, chemical pulp, and recycled pulp (de-inking). With the help of industrial hydrogen peroxide in the pulp and paper industry, bleaching increases brightness stability, improves brightness levels, and reduces manufacturing cost, as it is the only chemical required. In addition, with the use of hydrogen peroxide, dangerous halogenated composites and effluents present in pulp are reduced and the color of the effluent is also lightened.Request Discount of the Report @Industrial hydrogen peroxide achieves better results in oxidizing, bleaching, sterilizing/disinfecting, and etching applications than its alternatives present in the market and it is also environment friendly. However, there are numerous limitations of industrial hydrogen peroxide. If eyes are exposed to industrial hydrogen peroxide with a concentrations of 5% or more, it can result in permanent loss of vision. Moreover, skin exposure can cause burns, painful blisters, and skin whitening, restricting the growth of the global industrial hydrogen peroxide market.Global Industrial Hydrogen Peroxide Market: Regional OverviewGeographically, the global industrial hydrogen peroxide market can be segmented into North America, South America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East and Africa. Asia Pacific held a significant share in the market in 2015 and is projected to continue its positive streak through 2025. In the Asia Pacific region, China is presently an immensely strong player in the industrial hydrogen peroxide market. The key factors driving the growth include increasing demand from the pulp and paper, textile, and chemical industries and the rising need for environment-friendly and chlorine-free bleaches. India and Japan are two other promising markets for industrial hydrogen peroxide in Asia Pacific.Global Industrial Hydrogen Peroxide Market: Key PlayersThe report profiles key players in the global industrial hydrogen peroxide market based on various attributes such as company overview, business strategies, recent development, and financial overview. Some of the players in the market are BASF SE, The Dow Chemical Company, Ecolab Inc., Solvay SA, AkzoNobel N.V., Evonik Industries AG, Kemira Oyj, Arkema SA, Merck Group, and Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Inc.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Smart Inhalers Market Milestones of Success At CAGR 42.8% Forecasts Till 2022 Market Research Future The Global Smart Inhalers Market report of Market Research Future comprises of extensive primary research along with detailed analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders to gain the deeper insight of the market and industry performance. On the basis of end user, market is segmented into hospitals & clinics, respiratory care center, and others.The Worldwide Smart Inhalers Market has been segmented on the basis of type which comprises of dry powder inhaler, and metered dose inhaler. On the basis of application, market is segmented into Asthma, COPD, and others. Smart Inhalers are a part of new age digital technology which is designed to improve the disease management in the respiratory diseases. Smart Inhalers are basically the respiratory inhalers equipped with a digital sensor. The sensor tracks the data such as the dosage timing, monitors the use of the inhaler, and schedules the next dosage. Smart Inhalers can generate alerts for the daily dosage for the user using the smart devices connected to the sensors via Bluetooth.Get Exclusive Sample Report @Key Players for Smart Inhalers Market:Adherium,AstraZeneca,Cohero Health,GlaxoSmithKline,Gecko Health Innovations Inc.,Inspiro Medical,Propeller Health.The Wide variety of benefits ranging from improving medication adherence to reducing hospital admissions, which makes smart inhalers the next big thing of respiratory care segment. Globally the market for smart inhalers is increasing rapidly. Globally the market for Smart Inhalers is expected to grow at the rate of about 42.8% from 2016 to 2022.Regional Analysis of Smart Inhalers Market: Globally North America is the largest market for Smart Inhalers which is anticipated to reach $888.4 million by 2023. Europe is the second-largest market in 2016 which is valued at $57.4 million. Furthermore Asia pacific market is expected to be the fastest growing market and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 55.3% during the forecast period from 2016-2022. Smart inhalers market in rest of world is expected to rise after 2019.Get Discount @Key Finding: The Smart Inhalers global market and is expected to reach $1636.1 million by 2022. Dry Powder Inhalers hold the largest share of the market. North America holds the largest market share of 54.3% of smart inhalers market and is anticipated to reach $888.4 million by the end of forecast period. Globally, Asia-Pacific the fastest growing region and expected to grow at the rate of 55.3% during the forecast period.Major TOC of Smart Inhalers Market:1 Market Introduction1.1 Definition1.2 Scope of Study1.3 Research Objective1.4 Assumptions & Limitations1.4.1 Assumptions1.4.2 Limitations1.5 Market Structure2 Research Methodology2.1 Research Process2.2 Primary Research2.3 Secondary Research3 Market Dynamics3.1 Drivers3.1.1 Advantage over conventional inhalers3.1.2 Improve adherence3.1.3 Technological advancements worldwide3.1.4 Extensive use of smart computing devices3.1.5 Prevalence of respiratory disordersContinuedAsk to Expert @About US:Market Research Future (MRFR), enable customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Contact Us:Akash Anand,Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, IndiaPhone: +1 646 845 9312Email: Packaged Water Treatment System Market Perceives A Flourishing Growth At 9.41% CAGR, MRFR Unleashes Industry Prognostications Up To 2023 Market Research Future published a research report on Packaged Water Treatment System Market Research Report - Global Forecast to 2023 Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast to 2023.Packaged Water Treatment System Market Information Report by Type (Extended Aeration, MBR, MBBR, Reverse Osmosis, SBR and Others), by Application (Industrial, Municipal and others) and by Region - Global Forecast to 2023Market Synopsis of Packaged Water Treatment System MarketThe new age packaged water treatment plants are factory-built which can be easily transported to the site of the requirement. These are highly suitable for small industries and residential complexes. The market is driven by the advantages of these systems such as these can be accommodated in small space and reduces civil, labor, and installation work. The key drivers of global packaged water treatment system market are rapid urbanization and industrialization across the globe. This is backed by the growing awareness among the population about environment safety. The market is driven by various factors such as rising industrialization, increasing urbanization, and government initiatives. The packaged water treatment system has various restraints that hinder the market such as high operational and maintenance cost.The Global packaged water treatment system Market is expected to grow at 9.41% CAGR during the forecast period. In 2016, the market was led by Middle East & Africa, with 36.5% share, followed by Asia-Pacific and North America with shares of 24.6% and 18.2%, respectively.Get Sample of Report @Regional AnalysisAs the worlds population continues to grow, countries urbanize and economies expand, demand for water is continually rising and the packaged water treatment system has gained popularity across the globe. The market is moving ahead through innovative technologies, improved infrastructure and better conservation. As per the report, the market has been divided into following regions which includes Middle East & Africa, Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe and Latin America.Key PlayersThe major player operating in the market of global packaged water treatment system are GE Water & Process Technologies (U.S.), WPL Limited (U.K.), Veolia Water Technologies (France), RWL Water (U.S.), WesTech Engineering, Inc. (U.S.), Smith & Loveless Inc. (U.S.), Napier Reid (Canada), Enviroquip (U.S.), Corix Water System (Canada), Tonka Equipment Company (U.S.) and others.Early Buyers Can Get this Report on Discount @BRIEF TOC:1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY3. MARKET DYNAMICS4. GLOBAL MARKET SEGMENTATION5. REGIONAL MARKET ANALYSIS6. COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS7. CONCLUSION8. LIST OF TABLES9. LIST OF FIGURESThe report for Global Packaged Water Treatment System Market of Market Research Future comprises of extensive primary research along with the detailed analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders to gain the deeper insight of the market and industry performance. The report gives the clear picture of current market scenario which includes historical and projected market size in terms of value and volume, technological advancement, macro economical and governing factors in the market. The report provides details information and strategies of the top key players in the industry. The report also gives a broad study of the different market segments and regions.Access Full Report@About Us:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Media Contact:Akash Anand,Market Research Future+1 646 845 9312Email: United States Market for Watches & Jewelry Anticipated to Display Temperate Growth in Coming Years: Online Marketplace Starts to Shine market Research hub As the economy fluctuates, so does disposable income, consumer confidence, and the demand for discretionary jewelry and watches. With a prime focus on U.S. market for the hard luxury sector, a new study titled Watches & Jewelry - US - October 2017 has been broadcasted to the online repository of Market Research Hub (MRH), offers an in-depth analysis of the market covering prime aspects. In the report, the reader will come across facts and figures that reveal the current market revenue and future growth of the watches and jewelry market.Click here for Free Sample Report@According to this comprehensive report, research experts predicts temperate growth for the watches and jewelry market in 2017 and beyond. This is an upswing and positive year for the manufacturers because in the U.S., almost all watch and jewelry retailers experienced a tough year due to a slowdown in consumption ahead of the presidential election. Since the last issuance of this report, jewelry stores have slipped behind jewelry departments in terms of where people buy items, while Amazon has risen to the top as a primary competitor.Jewelry is something that is stereotyped as women's accessories. Analysts found that Jewelry commands a majority of sales, but watches grow at faster pace. In the initial section of the report, an overview that comprises of an apt definition of the product for the scope of the research has been explained. In the following section of the report, readers can access an executive summary, which highlights key segment analysis, drivers, issues, opportunities, and trends.Browse Full Report with TOC@Some of the major factor influencing market growth include consumer confidence towards the product, positive growth in disposable personal income, experiences over tangible goods; and prices of precious metals remain low for the most part, therefore diamonds continue to shine in the market. The report further adds that iGens and Millennials drive the market's momentum. The percentage of smartwatch owners has grown more than doubled; and consumers show the value they place on affordability, as the percentage of fine jewelry buyers versus fashion/costume buyers has reversed with fashion/costume now the preference. Types of materials preferred by the customer in the U.S. is gold and diamonds.In terms of market competitiveness, Jewelry stores face tough competition and online marketplace starts to shine. The manufacturers are struggling because traditional jewelers losing some sparkle. The demand for smartwatches expected to steam again. Considering this, LG, Verizon, Samsung and Apple are looking ahead to maintain their competitiveness.Enquire about this Report@About Market Research HubMarket Research Hub (MRH) is a next-generation reseller of research reports of different sector like jewellery industry reports and analysis. MRHs expansive collection of industry reports has been carefully curated to help key personnel and decision makers across industry verticals to clearly visualize their operating environment and take strategic steps.MRH functions as an integrated platform for the following products and services: Objective and sound market forecasts, qualitative and quantitative analysis, incisive insight into defining industry trends, and market share estimates. Our reputation lies in delivering value and world-class capabilities to our clients.Contact Us90 State Street,Albany, NY 12207,United StatesToll Free: 800-998-4852 (US-Canada)Email: press@marketresearchhub.comWebsite:Read Industry News at - Cosmetic Ingredients Market Foreseen to Grow exponentially over 2015-2025 Cosmetic ingredient market has changed a lot over the course of time. Since time immemorial, human beings are using different types of cosmetics to enhance their physical appearance, which in turn makes people feel more confident and pleasing in nature. It is due to growing demand for beauty products that market is flooded with various cosmetic products. The multibillion dollar industry is growing at a lightning speed to meet the consumer demand. Cosmetic ingredients are the specific sets of substance that are used in the formulation and composition of cosmetics. Any kind of impurities in raw materials and subsidiary technical materials are not considered as ingredients, hence water is also considered as separate ingredient. At present, various cosmetic business entrepreneurs use more than 5000 available cosmetic ingredients to offer selected cosmetics products.A sample of this report is available upon request @Cosmetic Industry: Drivers & RestraintsThe demand for good quality cosmetic products is fuelling the cosmetic ingredient market. Changing lifestyle specially in developing regions of Asia Pacific and Latin America brings a sea of opportunities to cosmetic ingredients manufacturers and suppliers. Increase in per capita income, rising awareness about beautification and increasingly urbanized population is offering momentum to the growth of overall cosmetic industry which in turn is escalating the cosmetic ingredients market to its zenith. Though cosmetic industry market size is growing at an impressive rate, various regulations prohibiting the use of certain chemicals as ingredients is a major challenge to the cosmetic ingredients manufacturers. In APAC, China and ASEAN regions are some of the most lucrative regions for increase in consumer spending and rise in GDP.Cosmetic Ingredients Market: SegmentationOn the basis of product type, the global cosmetic ingredients market is segmented into,SurfactantsEmulsifiersAntimicrobialsUV absorbersEmollientsConditioning PolymersOthersAlpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxyl acids and talc are some of the examples of commonly used cosmetics ingredients. Among all these product type, surfactants are expected to hold the market dominance throughout the forecast period, however, conditioning polymers is projected to grow at the highest CAGR between 2015 and 2025.On the basis of end-use applications, cosmetic ingredients market is segmented intoSkin CareNail CareMake upOthersSkin care and make up are the two most lucrative markets for chemical ingredients manufacturers. Together, they account more than onefourth of total cosmetic ingredients market. Changing lifestyle and increasing awareness about skin care is boosting the demand for skin care applications.Cosmetic Ingredients Market: Region-wise OutlookOn the basis of region, cosmetic ingredients finds its market scope in North America, Latin America, Middle East & Africa, Europe and Asia-Pacific. North America and Europe dominates the cosmetic ingredients, however, Asia Pacific and Latin America are expected to be the most promising region in terms of incremental opportunities lying ahead for generating high revenue. Cosmetic ingredient market is highly regulated in Europe and North America. China, India and ASEAN are the key promising countries driving the cosmetic ingredients market in Asia-Pacific. Rapid growth of urbanization coupled with growing desire for skin care is expected to offer above average growth to cosmetic ingredients market in Asia-Pacific. Brazil leads the cosmetic market followed by Mexico in Latin America. As per the CANIPEC, the Mexican personal care industrys national chamber and association, there are more than 64 business enterprises operating in personal care market that are worth approximately US$ 14 billion in Mexico.Cosmetic Ingredients Market: Key PlayersCompany needs to meet the stringent quality norms before marketing their key ingredients. It is due to these factors that the market in North America and Europe is consolidated and is dominated by list of key cosmetic ingredient manufacturers and suppliers.Some of the market participants in the global cosmetic ingredients market are BASF SE, The Dow Chemical Co., Ashland Inc., Rhodia, DuPont Tata & Lyle Bio Products, Sederma Inc., Sumitomo Group, etc. Companies are investing heavily and are entering into mergers and acquisitions to tap the cosmetic ingredient market potential globally. For instance, Sumitomo Group is expected to acquire active cosmetic ingredient business from Kyowa Hakko Europe GmbH in order to advance its cosmetic ingredient business in Europe.To view TOC of this report is available upon request @Going through these points, there is no doubt that cosmetic ingredients market hold good market prospects in near future, thereby is anticipated to grow at impressive CAGR during the forecast period, 20152025.ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Server Virtualization Market Key Players Vmware, Microsoft Corporation, Oracle Corporation by Forecast to 2023 Server Virtualization Market Market Highlights:The server virtualization market can be segmented on the basis of type, deployment, service and organization size. By type the server virtualization market consists of full virtualization, para virtualization and operating system level virtualization. Full virtualization enable users by minimizing the operating cost and enhance operating system. They are used to reduce the overall storage space and increase the overall productivity of the enterprise. Para virtualization enhances enterprise operations by allowing many operating system to function on single server.The server virtualization market is expected to grow at approximately USD 8 Billion by 2023, at 7% of CAGR between 2017 and 2023.Server virtualization refers to transformation of one physical server into number of individual and isolated virtual environment that can be accessed by multiple users according to their requirement. Server virtualization is also known for masking server resources, comprising the number and identity of individual physical servers, operating system, processors from server users.The study indicates, the software maintenance revenue is one of the prime factor driving Server Virtualization Market. The study indicates, by deployment segment on-premise adoption of server virtualization software accounts for high market share. The study also indicates that technology such as cloud computing and OS container based virtualization is expected to boost the server virtualization market. The demand for hyper-converged integrated system and emergence of software-defined data center solution is expected to fuel the server virtualization market.Major Key Players: VMware, Inc. (U.S.) Microsoft Corporation (U.S.) Oracle Corporation (U.S.) Citrix Systems, Inc. (U.S.) Red Hat, Inc. (U.S.) Amazon.Com, Inc. (U.S.) Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. (China) Google Inc. (U.S.) Odin Inc. (U.S.) IBM (U.S.)Request a Sample Report @Server Virtualization Market Segmentation:The server virtualization market has been segmented on the basis of type, deployment, service and organization size. Cloud solution enable organization by providing drag and drop function and offers roll-based workflow.It also allow enterprises to handle massive computer application and huge computer resources through internet. The study indicates that growing demand of digitally stored data and cloud computing is driving the on-premise deployment service.Market Research Analysis:The server virtualization market in North America region is growing due to high adoption of cloud solutions by enterprise and need to improve information governance in organizations. According to the study, the server virtualization market will show rapid growth in Europe region. Asia-Pacific market is estimated to be one of the fastest growing market as it is continuously investing into research and development of server virtualization market and growing adoption of server virtualization technology by enterprise in India is driving server virtualization market in the region.Increasing population, and growing IT landscape is boosting the market in the region. The region is witnessing high adoption of server virtualization tools by enterprises. Developing countries such as India and China are adopting server virtualization software at a large scale owing to increasing e-commerce industries, competitive advantage, growing IT sector is boosting the market in the region. The region is witnessing high growth in server virtualization market due to growing technological advancement in cloud, analytics and mobile technologies.Regional Analysis:The regional analysis of server virtualization market is being studied for region such as Asia Pacific, North America, Europe and Rest of the World. North America is one of the leading player in the server virtualization market owing to presence of major server virtualization vendors present in the region.The advanced technology implementation in small and large enterprise is boosting the market in the region. Asia-Pacific region is expected to have fastest growth in the market due to the growing number of server virtualization vendors and increasing IT infrastructure development is fueling the market in the region.Server Virtualization Market (MRFR) Analysis:By type segment, server virtualization market consists of full virtualization, para-virtualization and OS-level virtualization. Full virtualization enables enterprises by offering complete isolation and security to the virtual machine. It supports the functioning of multiple guest operating system simultaneously on the same hardware. Its disadvantage such as slow operation due to emulation and difficulty in using new device driver may hamper the market of full virtualization.In para virtualization, the hardware such as hypervisor does not require large amount of processing power to manage multiple operating system. It also allow users to operate with modified and new device drivers. There are some challenges associated with it, that slowdowns the market includes the support and maintainability issue in productive environment.Access Report Details @Intended Audience: Investors and consultants System Integrators Government Organizations Research/Consultancy firms Technology solution providers IT Solution ProvidersTable of Contents1 Market Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 Scope of Study1.2.1 Research Objective1.2.2 Assumptions1.2.3 Limitations1.3 Market Structure2 Research Methodology2.1 Research Type2.2 Primary Research2.3 Secondary Research2.4 Forecast Model2.4.1 Market Data Collection, Analysis & Forecast2.4.2 Market Size EstimationContinuedList of TablesTable 1 Server Virtualization Market, By TypeTable 2 Server Virtualization Market, By DeploymentTable 3 Server Virtualization Market, By ServiceContinuedList of FiguresFigure 1 Research TypeFigure 2 Server Virtualization Market: By Type (%)Figure 3 Server Virtualization Market: By Deployment (%)ContinuedAbout Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by Solutions, Application, Logistics and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Contact:Market Research FutureOffice No. 524/528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Whiskey Market Global Trends, Key Players Profile, Profits & Analysis and by Forecast to 2022 Market OverviewWhiskey is a distilled alcoholic beverage made from malted grain especially barley or rye. The inclusion of various flavors depending on the region of supply is responsible for high demand of whisky globally. The demand of whiskey is more in Europe followed by North America.Whiskey is defined as a spirit distilled from malted grain, especially barley or rye. The demand for premium whiskey is increasing globally, especially in major regions Europe followed by North America. A close association with premium brands among wealthy consumers has encouraged sales of whiskey labelling it as a luxury drink and a must needed for every celebration and occasion. These factors allow whiskey to maintain a high growth globally and it is expected that is expected to grow at the rate of about 5% from 2016 to 2022.Whiskey Market is mainly driven by increase in income levels and changing preferences of consumers s for alcoholic beverages mainly whiskey. Suppliers are introducing various whiskey products with different price range, quality, flavors/ingredients, distribution, and promotion. Intense competition among the major players has been noticed in the whiskey market as manufacturers have to continuously launch products taking care of consumer preferences to sustain in the market.These factors will play a key role in the growth of whiskey market at the CAGR of 5% during 2016-2022.Sample Copy of Report @Major Key Players: Pernod Ricard (France) Diageo (U.K.) Bacardi (Bermuda) Heaven Hill Distilleries (U.S.) Allied Blenders and Distillers Pvt. Ltd (India) Beam Suntory (U.S.) Brown-Forman (U.S.) Constellation Brands, Inc. (U.S) Distell Group limited (South Africa) Radico Khaitan (India)The Global Whiskey is fragmented depending on different vendors including international and regional players. Companies are competing on the basis of product differentiation, character, tastes, and pricing. The market is dominated by top key manufacturers who have a worldwide presence and have strong brand images for their products in the market.Regional AnalysisThe Global Whiskey Market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of the World (RoW). Among this Europe has the major market share with its major production concentration in its countries including Scotland and Ireland. North America holds a major share in terms of demand for whiskey. Asia-Pacific is an emerging market for whiskey and its variants along with China and India which are gaining attention from private players for investment in the whiskey market.Market Segmentation-Global whiskey market is segmented by source, type, origin, process and regionList of FiguresFIGURE 1 RESEARCH METHODOLOGYFIGURE 2 PRIMARY DATA ANALYSIS APPROACHFIGURE 3 SECONDARY DATA ANALYSIS APPROACHFIGURE 4 TREND IN WHISKEY IMPORTS 2012-15FIGURE 5 GROWTH RATE IN WHISKEY IMPORTS 2012-15Access Report Details @FIGURE 6 WHISKEY IMPORTS MARKET SHARE BY TOP 5 IMPORTERS (2012 VS 2015)FIGURE 7 TREND IN WHISKEY EXPORTS 2012-15FIGURE 8 GROWTH RATE WHISKEY EXPORTS 2012-15FIGURE 9 WHISKEY EXPORTS MARKET SHARE BY TOP 5 EXPORTERS (2012 VS 2015)FIGURE 10 VALUE CHAIN ANALYSISContinued..About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.ContactMarket Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Medical Equipment Rental Market (Device Types: Personal/Home Care Equipment, Electronic/Digital Equipment, Surgical Equipment Etc- Global Industry Growth, Trends till 2024 MRRSE Renting medical equipment is a growing trend in the present-day landscape of the healthcare industry. Several medical equipment rental companies in the market are offering refurbished devices for consumers, who demand newer versions of existing equipment at a more affordable cost. Hence, the global medical equipment rental market is anticipated to remain a viable and suitable option for most consumers in the foreseeable future.Get free Sample Report @Medical equipment comprises a group of several instruments. These instruments are used during surgical procedures or for patient care. High-end and novel medical equipment is needed only for specific situations or for routine periodic assistance, which is why renting these instruments has become the preferred mode for several medical institutions and practitioners. The global medical equipment rental market is broadly segmented by device type, geography, and end user.The report on the global medical equipment rental market provides a detailed explanation of the competitive landscape keeping in focus key market players and their regional presence. The business strategies of these companies have been covered in the research study along with their product portfolio and an elaboration upon each product. Additionally, the report also provides recent developments of these companies and their impact on the market. A mix of primary and secondary research has been used to deliver valuable market estimates and forecasts in the report.Overview of the Global Medical Equipment Rental MarketGrowing costs of medical and pharmaceutical equipment and its direct impact on the bills have led to patients opting for more affordable options. Moreover, growth in the diabetic and geriatric populations has resulted in increasing demand for rental medical equipment. The resultant high cost savings and safeguard against technological obsolescence is expected to fuel the global medical equipment rental market.The global medical equipment rental market was recorded at US$33,417.4 million in 2013 and, at a CAGR of 5.8% during the forecast period of 2014 to 2020, will reach a value of US$49,112.8 million by 2020. According to device type, the global medical equipment rental market is segmented into home/personal care equipment, surgical equipment, electronic/digital equipment, durable medical equipment, and storage and transport equipment. Durable medical equipment is currently the leading sector in the market and is expected to grow at a 6% CAGR during the forecast period. By end user, the global medical equipment rental market is divided into institutional medical equipment rental and personal/home care medical equipment rental. Personal/home care medical equipment rental is presently the leading sector and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 5% during the forecasting horizon.Browse Complete Report with TOC @Geographically, the global medical equipment rental market is classified into Asia Pacific, Rest of the World (RoW), North America, and Europe. Europe dominated the global medical equipment rental market with a 30% share in 2013. On the other hand, Asia Pacific is projected to show the fastest CAGR of 6% during the forecast period.Though the global medical equipment rental market is expected to grow steadily, the lack of appropriate regulatory framework and poor pricing flexibility is expected to hamper growth of this market.Companies mentioned in the research reportThe global medical equipment rental market is highly fragmented in nature due to the presence of numerous significant device manufactures. These manufactures are generally small and medium enterprises (SME). The key companies operating in this market are Hill-Rom Holdings, Woodley Equipment Company, US Med-Equip, Centric Health, and Apria Healthcare.Major geographies analyzed under this research report are:EuropeNorth AmericaAsia-PacificRest of the WorldThis report gives you access to decisive data such as:Market growth driversFactors limiting market growthCurrent market trendsMarket structureMarket projections for the coming yearsKey highlights of this reportOverview of key market forces propelling and restraining market growthUp-to-date analyses of market trends and technological improvementsPin-point analyses of market competition dynamics to offer you a competitive edgeAn analysis of strategies of major competitorsAn array of graphics and SWOT analysis of major industry segmentsDetailed analyses of industry trendsA well-defined technological growth map with an impact-analysisOffers a clear understanding of the competitive landscape and key product segmentsSend An Enquiry @About MRRSEMarket Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.ContactState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite:Read More Industry News At: Databar Coded Barcode Generation with Segments per Row & Enhanced Barcode Recognition using .NET What's New in this Release?The latest version of Aspose.BarCode for .NET 17.11.0 has been released. The major development in this release is the support to generate databar coded barcode with segments per row. This release also supports enhanced process of recognizing supplement barcode. Improved functionality to read barcode from PDF has also been incorporated in this release. Aspose.BarCode supports the functionality to generate databar coded barcode with segments per row. This functionality allows to adjust the amount of information that the code will generate per (each) row. A property BarCodeBuilder.Columns has been introduced to define the said setting. How a developer can set segments per row for a databar is demonstrated in the code snippet on blog announcement page.. The code snippet contains comments that makes it self-explanatory. This release also fixes exceptions that were reported by Aspose valued customers, such as Functionality to recognize barcode from image has been enhanced. The functionality has been enhanced in such a way that API will extract exact number of available barcodes. No unwanted barcodes, The process to extract supplement barcode has been improved. Aspose.BarCode now look for special parity pattern for correct recognition of supplement barcode, DataMatrix barcode recognition process from a TIFF image has been improved. Aspose.BarCode returns all DataMatrix barcode if RecognitionMode.MaxQuality recognition mode is used and Barcode recognition process have been enhanced to detect barcodes from PDF files. Below is the list of new and improved features supported in this version. Support to define settings "segments per row" Make consistent .NET Compact and Full Framework API Aspose.BarCode is detecting barcode from image that has no barcode on it Recognized incorrect Supplement barcode Aspose.BarCode is unable to recognize DataMatrix barcodes on a TIFF image Aspose.BarCode is detecting more barcodes than present in PDF file Reading barcode from PDF is returning garbage along with required outputOverview: Aspose.BarCode for .NETAspose.BarCode is a .NET component for generation and recognition of Linear and 2D barcodes on all kinds of .NET applications. It supports WPF with 29+ Barcode symbologies like OneCode, QR, Aztec, MSI, EAN128, EAN14, SSCC18, Code128, Code39, Postnet, MarcoPDF417, Datamatrix, UPCA etc. Other features include barcode insertion in PDF, Word and Excel documents. Also take image output in BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG and WMF formats. Users can also control image styles such as background color, bar color etc.More about Aspose.BarCode for .NET- Homepage of C# & VB.NET Barcode Component:- Download of Aspose.BarCode for .NET:- Online documentation of Aspose.BarCode for .NET:Aspose Pty Ltd was founded in March 2002 in Sydney, Australia. The corporate portal was firstly launched in October 2002. Aspose strives to provide the richest component choices for global .NET programmers. Thousands of organizations from tens of countries have acquired Aspose products, including Microsoft, IBM, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Ernst & Young, DuPont, Hilton Hotels, Reader's Digest, Bank of America, Boeing, Siemens, etc.Aspose Pty LtdSuite 163, 79 Longueville RoadLane Cove, NSW, 2066AustraliaPhone: 888.277.6734Fax: 866.810.9465 Know the Current Scenario and Insights of Beer Dispensers Market by 2022 Beer Dispensers Market This report covers the global Beer Dispensers market various parameters and the growth prospects. It covers the overall market scenario and gives an in-depth analysis of the various competitors and the market value.The Beer Dispensers Industry split has been done according to the production, distribution, revenue and market share and the overall growth rate of Facial Surgery Equipment Package.Ask for Sample @The top competitors of Beer Dispensers market along with the different parameters are production, price, revenue, market share for each manufacture are Fagor, Summit Appliances, True Manufacturing, Continental Refrigerator, Kegworks, The Beer Giraffe, Turbo Air, Beerjet, Beverage air, Avantco.The geographical split of this Industry is divided into the following with several key regions such as North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia and India.On the basis of product, this Beer Dispensers industry report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each Type, primarily split into 1 Keg, 2 Kegs, 3 Kegs, 4 Kegs, Others.Major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate of Beer Dispensers Market for each application, including Bars, Restaurants, Hotels, Others.Have A Query On This Report? @Some Points from TOC:1 Beer Dispensers Manufacturing Cost Analysis1.1 Beer Dispensers Key Raw Materials Analysis1.2 Key Raw Materials1.2.1 Price Trend of Key Raw Materials1.2.2 Key Suppliers of Raw Materials1.3 Market Concentration Rate of Raw Materials1.3.1 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers1.4 Beer Dispensers Industrial Chain Analysis1.4.1 Raw Materials Sources of Beer Dispensers Major Manufacturers in 20161.4.2 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders.Check Discount on this report@We at Reports Monitor provide a comprehensive analysis by providing in-depth reports of the various market verticals. Our Mission is to provide a detailed analysis of the vast markets worldwide, backed by rich data. Decision makers can now rely on our well-defined data gathering methods to get the correct and accurate market forecasting along with detailed analysis.About UsReports Monitor ( is a platform for companies looking to meet their market research and business intelligence requirements. Our aim is to change the dynamics of the Market Research industry by providing quality intelligence backed by data. Your requirement for market forecasting is fulfilled by our exclusive quantitative and analytics driven intelligence. We have a vast collection of reports, covering maximum industries worldwide. Our process is meticulously planned and executed in order to use maximum resources and explore the market for getting genuine insights. The prime focus is to get reliable data, Decision makers can now rely on our distinct data gathering methods to get factual market forecasting and detailed analysis.Contact UsJay MatthewsDirect: +1 513 549-59469020Email: Global Oil Filter Market Overview 2017: Growth, Demand By Region, Trends and Forecast Research Report to 2022 The global oil filter market has witnessed a healthy growth over the past few years. This can be attributed to the rising demand for vehicles, growth in the agricultural sector and influence of government initiatives to reduce greenhouse gases emissions.Request sample report:The latest report by IMARC Group, titled Oil Filter Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2017-2022, finds that the global oil filter market reached a value of more than US$ 3 Billion in 2016. An oil filter is designed to remove contaminants and impurities from engine oil, lubricating oil, hydraulic oil or transmission oil. If the oil is left unfiltered for a long time, it can get saturated and contaminate the oil which can damage the bearing surfaces of an engine. Therefore, it is necessary to use oil filter as it helps to protect the engine from damaging and provide an unhindered motion to the automobile. Moreover, it leaves no oil residue, is easy to replace and contains recyclable materials.Highlights of the global oil filter market:Increasing demand for automobiles and vehicles in the developing regions is expected to be the major driver.Asia Pacific represents the biggest market, holding the majority of the total global share.On the basis of import and export trends, the United States represents the biggest importer while Germany is the leading exporter of oil filter.Rising demand for passenger and commercial vehicles coupled with inflating income levels in the emerging regions such as China, Mexico, India, Korea, etc. is one of the major factors bolstering the market growth. Moreover, due to extensive use of tractors in the agricultural field, they require proper maintenance and timely replacement for their smooth operation. This is contributing towards the surging demand for oil filters in the sector. Further, general awareness among the consumers and government initiatives to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases from automobiles is expected to propel the growth of the oil filter market. According to the report, the market is anticipated to reach a value of around US$ 4 Billion in 2022, projecting a CAGR of nearly 5% during 2017-2022.The market has been segregated on the basis of end-use into passenger cars, commercial vehicles and two wheelers. Region-wise, Asia Pacific accounts for the majority of the global share, representing the leading market. Some of the other major markets include North America, Europe, Middle East and Africa, and Latin America. On the basis of import trends, the United States holds the largest share, whereas Germany represents the biggest exporter. An analysis of the competitive landscape provides the details of the key players operative in the market. Some of the major players include Ahlstrom, Clarcor, DENSO, MAHLE and Mann+Hummel.Read full report with TOC:The report by IMARC Group has examined the global oil filter market on the basis of:End-Use:Passenger CarsCommercial VehiclesTwo-WheelersRegion:Asia PacificNorth AmericaEuropeMiddle East and AfricaLatin AmericaMajor manufacturers:AhlstromClarcorDENSOMAHLEMANN+HUMMELBrowse related reports:Jojoba Oil Market:Castor Oil Market:About UsIMARC Group is a leading market research company that offers management strategy and market research worldwide. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses.IMARCs information products include major market, scientific, economic and technological developments for business leaders in pharmaceutical, industrial, and high technology organizations. Market forecasts and industry analysis for biotechnology, advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, travel and tourism, nanotechnology and novel processing methods are at the top of the companys expertise.Contact usIMARC Group309 2nd St, Brooklyn, NY 11215, USAWebsite:Email: sales@imarcgroup.comUSA: +1-631-791-1145Follow us on twitter: @imarcglobal Endoscopic Closure Systems Market Report 2017 2027: By End User Some of the gastrointestinal (GI) conditions such as inflammation, surgical anastomoses, neoplastic fistulae, etc. need non-surgical closure. Endoscopic closure systems are used to close such small GI perforations. Closure is also required after natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery. To allow the closure of these GI wall defects, several endoscopic closure systems are developed and practiced. According to American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, ideal endoscopic closure systems should be non-expensive, safe and easy to use, should provide fast, reliable, durable and robust closure. Endoscopic closure systems market has evolved over time. Endoscopic clips or endoclips were the first technology developed for endoscopic closure systems. Over-the-scope clipsmore effective endoscopic closure system than standard endoclips was first approved for human use in Europe in 2009 and then in the U.S. in 2010. Endoscopic suturing system was then developed that allows placement of running or interrupted full-thickness sutures. This device was developed based on Eagle Claw device, however, the device was more complex and was compatible with only one endoscope. Introduction of endoscopic suturing systems is expected to revolutionize the endoscopic closure systems market due to its advantages over previously available devices. Some of the examples of popular endoscopic closure system brands are Padlock Clip, Carter-Thomason CloseSure System, OTSC Proctology, Amplatzer Septal Occluder (used off-label), etc. However, these devices sometimes provide inadequate and unreliable solution and thus there is an urgent need for reliable and robust endoscopic closure systems that can be used for closure of mural and spontaneous iatrogenic defects.Read Report Overview @Increasing need and interest for development of dedicated devices and techniques that enable the endoscopic closure of small GI perforations and increasing adoption of minimally invasive endoscopic procedures are the primary factors driving the growth of global endoscopic closure systems market. Number of endoscopic closure systems are being developed and tested in animal models for e.g. Bioabsorbable plugs being developed by W.L. Gore and Associates, Mucosal clips being developed by Boston Scientific Inc., Endoloops under development by Olympus Corporation etc. among others. Moreover, availability of these devices in various sizes would increase the demand for endoscopic closure systems over time. However, only few devices are available for use in human and majority of them possess some deficiencies, which limits the widespread use of currently available endoscopic closure systemsSeveral innovative devices present safe and durable endoscopic closure systems for acute and chronic GI defects. However, their efficiency in closure of acute closure is poor and need to be improved. Out of currently available endoscopic closure systems endoclips segment is expected to contribute highest volume share in the global market. Endoscopic vacuum assisted closure system is expected to witness robust CAGR owing to high adoption by endoscopic surgeons. Endoscopic vacuum-assisted wound closure system provides perfect wound drainage and closure of various kinds of defect and promotes tissue granulation. Among two end users of endoscopic closure systems hospitals end user segment is expected to lead the global market due to high patient volume.Geographically, global endoscopic closure systems market is classified into regions viz. North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia-Pacific, Japan, Middle East and Africa. North America clearly dominates the global endoscopic closure systems market.Over-the-scope clips and Overstitch systems are currently being used in the U.S.Europe is expected to be the second largest market for endoscopic closure systems as large number of global medical devices players are involved in development of innovative endoscope closure systems.Request Sample Report @Some of the players identified in global endoscopic closure systems market include CooperSurgical Inc., US Endoscopy, Life Partners Europe, Ovesco Endoscopy AG, Apollo Endosurgery, Inc., St. Jude Medical, Inc. (Abbott), etc. among others.ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Workforce Management Market Market Research Future published a research report on Global Workforce Management Market Research Report- Forecast 2022 Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast to 2022.Global Workforce Management Market, By Component (Solutions, Service), By Deployment Type (On-Premises, Cloud-based), By End-users (BFSI, Healthcare, Retail and ecommerce, Manufacturing, Government, Telecommunications and IT), By Organization size(SME, Enterprises)- Forecast 2022Target Audience Workforce Management Manufacturers Distributors Research firms Consultancy firms Software Developers Vendors Semiconductor Manufacturers Stakeholders End-user sectors Technology InvestorsMarket Synopsis of Workforce Management MarketWorkforce management can be defined as an integrated set of processes any particular institution uses to optimize the productivity of its employees on the individual, departmental, and entity-wide levels. In a company workforce management involves matching employee skills to specific tasks over time, quantifying the amount and types of labor needed to accomplish particular jobs on a day-to-day or hour-to-hour basis.The key drivers contributing to the growth of the workforce management market are to reduce labor expenses, improve workforce utilization & business performances, increased focus on workforce optimization and mobile applications. The growing number of medium and small enterprises in the emerging market is boosting the growth of the market. Also, workforce management solution enables organizations to run complex analytics on workforce processes to spot problems and correct them and hence ensure better use of existing resources.The restraining factors hindering the growth of the workforce management market are lack of awareness among small firms in regions such as Africa and South America and high training cost associated with workforce management solutions.Geographically, Europe accounted for the largest market share in the global workforce management market whereas North-America region is expected to grow at a fast pace over the forecast period 2016-2022.Get Sample of Report @The global workforce management market is expected to reach USD 9 billion by the end of 2022 with ~11% CAGR during forecast period 2016-2022Segments:The Global Workforce Management market has been segmented on the basis of component, deployment, end-users and region. By component, the market has been bifurcated into solutions and services. On the basis of deployment, the market can be segmented as on-premises and cloud based. On the basis of end-users the market can be segmented into BFSI, healthcare, retail & e-commerce among others. By organization size, the market includes SMEs and enterprises. Further, the market has been segmented into four regions which include- North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and RoW.On the basis of organization size, the market can be segmented into SMEs and enterprises. Out of these, SMEs accounted for the largest market share majorly due to adoption of WFM solutions and technological transition. Also, workforce analytics solutions accounted for the largest market share majorly because companies are giving high importance to optimize workforce outcome and the growing demand for performance management.Regional Analysis:Regionally, Europe accounted for the largest market share especially in the countries such as U.K majorly due to deployment of cloud and the rapid adoption of workforce analytics.North-American region is expected to grow over the forecast period, 2016-2022 especially in countries such as U.S. and Canada majorly due to adoption of new and emerging technologies.Key Players:The key players of global workforce management market report include IBM Corporation (U.S.), Oracle Corporation (U.S.), SAP AG (Europe), KRONOS (U.S.), Workforce Software (U.S.), ADP LLC (U.S.), WORKDAY (U.S.), Infor Global Solution (India), ClickSoftware (U.S.) and others.Enquiry before Buying @Market Research Future AnalysisThe global workforce management market is expected to grow significantly. The market is highly application basis. BFSI and healthcare segment of workforce management market globally drives the market. The market is expected to have higher growth rate as compared to the previous years.BRIEF TOC:1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY3. MARKET DYNAMICS4. GLOBAL MARKET SEGMENTATION5. REGIONAL MARKET ANALYSIS6. COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS7. CONCLUSION8. LIST OF TABLES9. LIST OF FIGURESThe report for Global Workforce Management Market of Market Research Future comprises of extensive primary research along with the detailed analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders to gain the deeper insight of the market and industry performance. The report gives the clear picture of current market scenario which includes historical and projected market size in terms of value and volume, technological advancement, macro economical and governing factors in the market. The report provides details information and strategies of the top key players in the industry. The report also gives a broad study of the different market segments and regions.Access Full Report@About Us:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Media Contact:Akash Anand,Market Research FuturePune 411028Maharashtra, IndiaPhone No. :+1 646 845 9312Email: Plasma Component Separator Market Report 2017 - 2025: By Technology, Disease Indication, End user, Geography and Company Profile Blood is the complex mixture of white blood cells (WBC), red blood cells (RBC), Plasma (liquid component), and platelets. Plasma constitutes about 55-60% of blood volume. Plasma contains 90% water and 10% solutes such as salts, proteins, metabolites, etc. The plasma is separated into its derivatives such as fibrinogen, globulins, albumin and various clotting factors. Plasma separators are used to separate plasma from blood bags and are collected in transfer bags. The plasma separators are mainly used in diagnostic laboratories, medical practitioners to extract and separate plasma for research or diagnostic purpose.The plasma component separator is used during diagnosis of blood-related diseases, and mainly Point of care devices and instruments need a free form of plasma for the conduction of diagnostic tests. It results in the removal of red blood cells from the blood sample. During research purpose, centrifugation technique is used to separate plasma from blood. Some devices do not facilitate complete removal; it retains in the separation matrix.View Report Preview @Blood donated by the donor is separated into three blood component i.e. plasma, red blood cells, and platelets. Plasma components are used to increase blood volume or is separated into individual plasma protein such as fibrinogen, Factor VIII, Anti-thrombin III, and Factor IX and others. The separation of plasma into is derivatives is known as plasma fractionation. Plasma component separation devices is used to extract plasma from a whole blood sample. These blood plasma are used for immunological assays, biochemistry assays, and molecular biology experiments.Plasmapheresis therapy is a procedure in which blood components are separated extracorporeally and result in filtered plasma product. The plasma component separator consists of fractionators and separators that contain hollow fiber membranes from which desired plasma components are separated. Plasmapheresis therapy is used to treat auto-immune diseases, in which blood plasma is replaced by new blood plasma that helps healthy cell by the attack of antibodies.The global plasma component separator market is segmented on the basis of technology, disease indication, end-user, and geography. On the basis of technology, global plasma component separator market is sub-segmented into membrane plasma separation technique, centrifugation, and filtration. Increase in demand for membrane plasma separation technology from biopharmaceutical companies, as this technology provide accurate results. Technological advancements in the membrane filtration technology are expected to drive demand for membrane plasma separation technology based plasma component separators during the forecast period of 2017-2025. On the basis of disease indication, the global plasma component separator market is divided into oncology, neurology, hematology, nephrology, and others. An end-user segment of global plasma component separator market is segmented into hospitals, blood banks, diagnostics laboratories, pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies, and other. Increasing prevalence and incidence of various blood disorders such as sickle-cell anemia & leukemia, and improving healthcare infrastructure will further drive the growth of global plasma component separator market in the near future.On the basis of regional presence, global electrophoresis market is segmented into five key regions viz. North America, Latin America, APAC, Europe and Middle East & Africa. North America is expected to account for the extensive market share for plasma component separator market on the backdrop of rising number of hemophilic patients and companies are focusing on research and development in diagnostics and treatment of blood-related diseases. Moreover, the Asian market is expected to have huge potential market for plasma component separator in the forecast period, as it is expected to grow at fastest CAGR among all other regions.Request to View Sample of Research Report @Some of the major players in plasma component separator market are B Braun Melsungen AG, Haemonetics Corporation, Fresenius Medical Care, Toray Medical, Terumo BCT, Kawasumi Laboratories Inc., Asahi Kasei Medical Co. Ltd., and others.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Animal Stem Cell Therapy Market Report 2017 - 2025: By Application, End User, Region and Company Profile Animal stem cell therapy is a usage of animals stem cell to treat a disease or disorder. The ability of stem cell is to divide and differentiate into a cell with specialized function useful for repairing body tissues damaged by injury or disease. The animal stem cell therapy process involve three steps which include collection of stem cell sample from animals and preparing the sample to concentrate the stem cells. Finally, the therapy includes transferring the stem cells into the injured site for treatment. Animal stem cell therapy increases the expectancy of life in animals with no side effects. It is available for the treatment of arthritis, degenerative joint disorders, tendon, and ligaments injuries in animals. Stem cell therapy is most often used to treat dogs, cats, and horses. But recent developments made it possible to use animal stem cell therapy in tiger, pig, etc. Present animal stem cell therapy is studied in treatments of the inflammatory bowel, kidney, liver, heart and immune-mediated diseases respectively.View Report Preview @Increasing prevalence of disease in animals with growing population and to increase the animals quality of life, the companies focus shifting towards animal stem cell therapies. Along with increasing government funding for the protection of animals and fast approvals of FDA contributing towards the rapid growth of the animal stem cell therapy. The research in animal stem cells offers great promise for understanding underlying mechanisms of animal development; it gives great opportunities to treat a broad range of diseases and conditions in animals. Animal stem cell therapy is increasingly recognized as critical translational models of human disease for treatment. All these factors act as drivers for the robust growth of the animal stem cell therapy market.There are little evidence-based preclinical animal studies acts as restraint in the animal stem cell therapy market. The evidence-based clinical trials of animal stem cell therapy provide tremendous opportunities for the efficient advancement of other species.Studies in the animal stem cell therapy continue at a breathtaking pace due to increasing demand and treatment cost covered in reimbursements. And animal stem cell therapy is more effective than traditional treatment available in the market which is boosting the companies to increase the spending in the R&D for innovative methods. Because of the novelty and complexity of animal stem cell therapy, FDA encourages individuals, universities and drug companies for further innovations. The future expected with double CAGR during the forecasted period.Regarding geographies, North America is dominating the global animal stem cell therapy market due to the increased incidence rate and awareness about the therapy. U.S represents the largest market share in the North America due to the increasing demand for the therapy. Europe and Asia-Pacific are showing a significant growth rate during the forecasted period due to the growing adoption of the animal stem cell therapy. The animal stem cell therapy market in underdeveloped countries is slow when compared to the developed countries.Request to View Sample of Research Report @The key participants in the animal stem cell therapy market are Magellan Stem Cells, ANIMAL CELL THERAPIES, Abbott Animal Hospital, VETSTEM BIOPHARMA, Veterinary Hospital and Clinic Frisco, CO, etc. The companies are entering into the collaboration and partnership to keep up the pace of the innovations.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Bio Vanillin Market size worth over $19mn by 2023 Bio Vanillin Market size is expected to surpass USD 19 million by 2023; according to a new research report by Global Market Insights, Inc.Increasing consumer preference towards natural ingredients in food & beverage and personal care formulations will drive global bio vanillin market demand. Natural ingredients have been steadily gaining acceptance with consumers, especially across evolved markets, along with regulatory support for labeling standards. Bio vanillin has been developed as an alternative to the synthetic ingredient, which accounts for over 95% of present global demand.Request for Sample Copy of this report @Food & beverages dominated the application landscape, worth over USD 8 million in 2015. Appeal of new flavors in the industry and strong demand for confectionery and bakery products along with persistent development are key stimulating factors.The product is at its initial development stage, while industry participants claim a natural product, there is some ambiguity regarding this classifications, as a few groups have claimed these products are artificial owing to its production from genetic engineering. Naturally derived vanillin from the pod remains in demand, however, a very high price and limited cultivation is unable to meet global demand.Biotechnology is also an important route in terms of addressing food waste and natural feedstock issues, permitting low value compound conversions to products of significant commercial interest. However, commercial success of the product will hinge on competitive bio vanillin market price trend.Synthetic biology vanillin process is likely to lead the biomass removal required for good agricultural soil. Synthetic organisms may also harm the ecology on their escape either intentionally or unintentionally into the environment from a lab which is likely to be a threat for industry growth.Browse key industry insights spread across 340 pages with 468 market data tables & 14 figures & charts from the report, Bio Vanillin Market Size By Application (Food & Beverage [Ice Cream, Chocolate, Confectionaries & Baked Goods], Fragrances, Pharmaceuticals), Industry Analysis Report, Regional Outlook (U.S., Canada, Mexico, Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, China, India, Japan, Australia, South Korea, South Africa, GCC, Brazil), Production Routes, Downstream Application Potential (Methoxyhydroquinone, Vanillic Acid, Vanillyl Alcohol), Price Trend, Competitive Market Share & Forecast, 2016 2023 in detail along with the table of contents:Key insights from the report include:APAC fragrance application may witness significant gains and surpass USD 1 million by 2023. Rising consumer interest in fragrances, personal grooming, changing lifestyle trends, increasing demand for premium fragrances, and development in per-capita are key trending factors to fuel regional demand.Global natural vanillin market is forecast to be worth over USD 140 million by 2023. End-use industry manufacturers are ready to pay premium prices for the natural ingredients owing to rising consumer preference for healthy products.North America led the regional industry demand and was valued at over USD 3 million in 2015. Brewery industry expansion accompanied by positioning as a premium product ingredient in food & beverages and fragrances are key driving factors.France bio vanillin market size is projected to grow at over 12.9% CAGR up to 2023.Vanillin downstream derivatives such as vanillyl alcohol, vanillic acid, and methoxyhydroquinone can serve as platform chemicals for 22 polymer compounds which can be used for the synthesis for polyesters, non-isocyanate polyurethanes (NIPU) and epoxy resins.Global bio vanillin market share is nascent and at development phase. Solvay, Ennloys, Evolva, and Apple Flavor & Fragrance Group are major industry players.Global Market Insights has segmented the bio vanillin industry on the basis of application and region:Bio vanillin Application Analysis (Volume, Tons, Revenue, USD Million, 2012 2023)Food & BeveragesChocolateIce-creamConfectioneries & baked goodsOthersFragrancesPharmaceuticalsBio vanillin Regional Analysis (Volume, Tons, Revenue, USD Million, 2012 2023)North AmericaU.S.CanadaEuropeGermanyUKFranceItalySpainAsia PacificChinaIndiaJapanAustraliaSouth KoreaLatin AmericaBrazilMEASouth AfricaGCCSynthetic vanillin Application Analysis (Volume, Tons, Revenue, USD Million, 2012 2023)Food & BeveragesChocolateIce-creamConfectioneries & baked goodsOthersFragrancesPharmaceuticalsSynthetic vanillin Regional Analysis (Volume, Tons, Revenue, USD Million, 2012 2023)North AmericaU.S.CanadaEuropeGermanyUKFranceItalySpainAsia PacificChinaIndiaJapanAustraliaSouth KoreaLatin AmericaBrazilMEASouth AfricaGCCNatural vanillin Application Analysis (Volume, Tons, Revenue, USD Million, 2012 2023)Food & BeveragesChocolateIce-creamConfectioneries & baked goodsOthersFragrancesPharmaceuticalsNatural vanillin Regional Analysis (Volume, Tons, Revenue, USD Million, 2012 2023)North AmericaEuropeAsia PacificLatin AmericaMEAGlobal Market Insights, Inc., headquartered in Delaware, U.S., is a global market research and consulting service provider; offering syndicated and custom research reports along with growth consulting services. Our business intelligence and industry research reports offer clients with penetrative insights and actionable market data specially designed and presented to aid strategic decision making. These exhaustive reports are designed via a proprietary research methodology and are available for key industries such as chemicals, advanced materials, technology, renewable energy and biotechnology.Arun HegdeCorporate Sales, USAGlobal Market Insights, Inc.Phone: 1-302-846-7766Toll Free: 1-888-689-0688Email: sales@gminsights.comWeb:Blog:Connect with us: Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn | Twitter Global RF Cable Assembly Market 2017 Global RF Cable Assembly market studies record 2017 to 2022 affords an in-intensity assessment of the RF Cable Assembly including enabling technologies, key trends, market drivers, challenges, standardization, regulatory landscape, deployment models, operator case research, possibilities, value chain, ecosystem player profiles and strategies. The Report also provides forecasts for RF Cable Assembly investments from 2017 till 2022.Global RF Cable Assembly market research report 2017 provided with the aid of Questale incorporates a market overview of the Industry which talks about market size, product scope, market revenue, Growth rate, Sale volumes and figures, growth estimation in coming years, current industry leaders and their sales/revenue metrics.Geographically, this record is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), market share and growth rate of RF Cable Assembly in these regions, from 2012 to 2022 (forecast), coveringNorth AmericaChinaEuropeSoutheast AsiaJapanIndiaEnquire for Sample of Report @Global RF Cable Assembly market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for eachPasternackTE ConnectivityAmphenol RFMouserMolexRosenbergerW.L. GoreSamtecOn the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoConnectorCable TrayOn the basis on the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate of RF Cable Assembly for each application, includingAutomotiveTransportation ElectronicsMilitary/AerospaceTelecom/DatacomConsumerEnquire For Discount On Report @RF Cable Assembly Market Report Provides Comprehensive Analysis as Following:Market segments and sub-segmentsMarket size & sharesMarket trends and dynamicsMarket Drivers and OpportunitiesCompetitive landscapeSupply and demandTechnological inventions in RF Cable Assembly industryMarketing Channel Development TrendRF Cable Assembly Market PositioningPricing StrategyBrand StrategyTarget ClientDistributors/Traders List covered in Positioning RF Cable Assembly marketScope of RF Cable Assembly: RF Cable Assembly market report evaluates the growth rate and the market value based on market dynamics, growth inducing elements. The whole expertise is primarily based on latest Trending industry information, opportunities. The report contains a comprehensive market analysis and vendor landscape in addition to a SWOT analysis of the key vendors.RF Cable Assembly market highlights following key elements:A complete background analysis of RF Cable Assembly Systems industry, which includes an assessment of the parental market.Emerging trends by segments and regional markets.Significant changes in market dynamics & market overview.Market breakdown up to the second or third level.Market shares and approaches of key players in RF Cable AssemblyCurrent and predictable size of RF Cable Assembly market from the perspective of both value and volume.Reporting and estimation of recent industry developments.References to companies for establishment their position in the marketAccess Full Report Here :In conclusion, RF Cable Assembly market 2017 report gives the descriptive evaluation of the discern market based on elite players, gift, past and futuristic facts so as to serve as a worthwhile guide for all the RF Cable Assembly industry competitors.Our expert studies analysts team has been trained to offer in-depth marketplace research report from every man or woman zone in an effort to be helpful to apprehend the industry information within the most specific way.About UsReports Monitor is a platform for companies looking to meet their market research and business intelligence requirements. Our aim is to change the dynamics of the Market Research industry by providing quality intelligence backed by data. Your requirement for market forecasting is fulfilled by our exclusive quantitative and analytics driven intelligence. We have a vast collection of reports, covering maximum industries worldwide. Our process is meticulously planned and executed in order to use maximum resources and explore the market for getting genuine insights. The prime focus is to get reliable data, Decision makers can now rely on our distinct data gathering methods to get factual market forecasting and detailed analysis.Contact UsJay MatthewsDirect: +1 513 549-5911Email: sales@reportsmonitor.comWebsite: Head And Face Aesthetic Procedure Market Report 2017 - 2025: By type of therapies, Application, End User, Region and Company Profile Aesthetic procedure is the term given to the treatments or surgeries used for enhancing the cosmetic appearance of a body part. The major goal of head and face aesthetic procedures is the improvement of symmetry, proportions and cosmetic appeal of the head or the face. Head and face aesthetic procedure can be performed in the case of an accident, burn or some trauma. But now-a-days many people opt for head and face aesthetic procedures willingly just to increase the aesthetic appeal of the face. Head and face aesthetic procedures include not just the surgeries like a face lift, brow lift or eyelid lift but also include various other procedures like laser treatment.View Report Preview @As per the data of cosmetic surgery national data bank statistics people in the U.S. spent more than 15 billion on cosmetic surgeries in 2016. Earlier head and face aesthetic surgeries were majorly used by females to enhance their looks, but now a days there is an equal fascination in males regarding head and face aesthetic procedures. In fact, according to a survey performed by the international society of aesthetics plastic surgeons, there is an increase of about 273% in the number of male cosmetic surgeries from 1997 to 2013.The major factors expected to increase the growth of the head and face aesthetic procedure market are the increase in the disposable money which let people spend more on their appearance and the increase in the awareness about head and face aesthetic procedures. Another important factor responsible for the growth of the head and face aesthetic procedure market is the increase in the marketing and advertisements of such cosmetic treatments that help in increasing the adoption rate of the head and face aesthetic procedures. The advancement in the technology that leads to better results is also one important factor for the growth of the head and face aesthetic procedures market.Major challenges that the head and face aesthetic procedures market can face is the higher price of the treatment and the side effects caused by the head and face aesthetic procedures. But the betterment of the technology is expected to lower down the side effects leading to the growth of the head and face aesthetic procedures market in the forecast period.The market for head and face aesthetic procedures has seen major growth in the past few decades owing to the advancement in the technology and increased awareness about the head and face aesthetic procedures. The most common head and face aesthetic procedures performed worldwide includes laser hair removal, laser skin resurfacing and photorejuvenation. Aging, which is one of the most common problems worldwide is also treated using the head and face aesthetic procedures, and this is one of the major reasons for the swift growth of the market.Head and face aesthetic procedure market is an established market in the developed regions like North America and Europe due to the higher GDP in these regions and more public awareness about the treatment. The number of head and face aesthetic procedures is increasing rapidly in the Asia Pacific region due to the increasing aging population and the increasing GDP. The growth of the head and face aesthetic procedure market is a little slower in the Middle East and Africa region but is expected to rise over the forecast period according to the current trends. Brazil in the Latin America is one of the major countries contributing to the growth of the head and face aesthetic procedure market.Request to View Sample of Research Report @The major players involved in the head and face aesthetic procedures market are Lumenis, Ellipes, Lynton, Altus medical and candela.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Global Electrosurgical Devices Market to Reflect Significant Incremental Opportunity of US$7,963.2 mn in 2024 The global market for electrosurgical devices is highly fragmented and features a less intense level of competition owing to the presence of a large number of global as well as domestic players across key regional markets, observes a recent report by Transparency Market Research. Although entry barriers are low for new players, factors such as high level of fragmentation, intense price competition, rising R&D costs are factors that can impede growth prospects for new players.Read Report @To capitalize the growth opportunities and strengthen their hold on the global market, leading players are focusing on development of new products and accessories with multimodality application and improved coagulation and cutting properties. A recent instance of this is the 2016 launch of APCapplicator electrosurgical handpiece by ERBE Elektromedizin GmbH. The device works for both vessel cutting and coagulation purposes and shows applications in open surgery and laparoscopy. Development of innovative multimodality systems such as robotic surgical systems, to make surgical procedures more precise and easy, is also a trending strategy in the market.Transparency Market Research estimates that the global electrosurgery devices market will exhibit a 6.7% CAGR over the period between 2016 and 2024. As a result, the market, valuing at US$4,480.8 mn in 2015, is expected to rise to US$7,963.2 mn in 2024. In terms of product type, the segment of electrosurgical accessories accounts for the dominant share. Geographically, North America leads and is expected to remain the dominant contributor of revenue to the global market over the forecast period as well.Government Investments to Improve Growth ProspectsAcross key end-use areas including hospitals, surgical ambulatory units, and specialized clinics, the adoption of electrosurgical devices has increased at a significant pace owing to encouraging reimbursement policies and coverage of medical bills under medical insurance policies in a vast number of developed and developing countries. Provision of medical insurance enables those covered to adopt the best surgical options available without having to consider cost of surgery as a constraint. This is one of the key factor fueling the global demand for electrosurgical devices across the globe in the past few years.The global market for electrosurgical devices is also chiefly driven by the rising focus on the improvement of health care systems in several developed countries. Government bodies are increasing funds invested towards the research and development of advanced medical treatments and target-specific surgical devices, projected to drive the global electrosurgical devices market.Complications Associated with Electrosurgery to Hamper Market GrowthThe possibility of occurrence of several electro-thermal injuries and post-operative complications owing to factors such as improper application of electrosurgery devices, failure of insulation, capacitive coupling, and direct coupling is one of the core challenges faced by the global electrosurgical devices market. More than half of these complications are associated with the entry technique of devices. According to a study conducted by the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons, the rate of occurrence of electrosurgical complications during delivery of energy to living tissue is nearly as high as 27%.Request Sample Report@Moreover, growth of the market is also hampered owing to stringent quality and safety regulations governing the overall adoption and usage of these devices and the longwinded approval processes, which have discouraged electrosurgical devices manufacturers in developed countries. These market players, as a result, are focusing on growth opportunities across regions such as Asia Pacific and Latin America for new product launches.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.Contact us:Transparency Market Research90 State Street,Suite 700,AlbanyNY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free 866-552-3453Email: Magnetic Sensor Global Market Trend, Research Approach, Data Analysis and Forecast to 2022 ReportsWeb According to Publisher, the Global Magnetic Sensors market is expected to reach $3.2 billion by 2022. Demand for high quality sensing performance, increasing use of magnetic sensors in the industrial sector, expanding applications in IT and Healthcare sectors, proliferation of smartphones and tablet devices are the factors driving the market growth. However, intense competition and declining average selling price are hindering the market.For more information about this report:Hall Effect magnetic sensors dominated the market share and are likely to maintain control over the forecast period. Automotive applications segment is likely to remain the primary application segment over the next seven years. Industrial applications segment is expected to witness major growth over the forecast period. Asia Pacific magnetic sensors market is estimated to observe significant growth over the forecast period and is estimated to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period.Some of the key players in the market include Elmos Semiconductor AG, Baumer Ltd., Honeywell International, Inc., Robert Bosch GmbH, NVE Corporation, Allegro Microsystems, Inc., Infineon Technologies AG, Melexis Corporation, Austriamicrosystems AG (AMS), NXP Semiconductors, Rotary and Linear Motion Sensor (RLS), Alps Electric Co., Ltd., Microsemi, Magnetic Sensors Corporation, Memsic Corporation, Micronas Semiconductor Holding AG and iC-Haus.Technology Covered:- Anisotropic Magneto-Resistive (AMR) magnetometer- Hall Effect- Giant Magneto Resistance (GMR) magnetometer- Other technologiesApplications Covered:- Industrial- Robotics- Energy, Power and Utilities- Consumer electronics- Healthcare- Aerospace and Defense- Automotive- Other applicationsRequest Sample Copy atRegions Covered:- North America- US- Canada- Mexico- Europe- Germany- France- Italy- UK- Spain- Rest of Europe- Asia Pacific- Japan- China- India- Australia- New Zealand- Rest of Asia Pacific- Rest of the World- Middle East- Brazil- Argentina- South Africa- EgyptWhat our report offers:- Market share assessments for the regional and country level segments- Market share analysis of the top industry players- Strategic recommendations for the new entrants- Market forecasts for a minimum of 7 years of all the mentioned segments, sub segments and the regional markets- Market Trends (Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, Investment Opportunities, and recommendations)- Strategic recommendations in key business segments based on the market estimations- Competitive landscaping mapping the key common trends- Company profiling with detailed strategies, financials, and recent developments- Supply chain trends mapping the latest technological advancementsCompany Profiling9.1 Elmos Semiconductor AG9.2 Baumer Ltd.9.3 Honeywell International, Inc.9.4 Robert Bosch GmbH9.5 NVE Corporation9.6 Allegro Microsystems, Inc.9.7 Infineon Technologies AG9.8 Melexis Corporation9.9 Austriamicrosystems AG (AMS)9.10 NXP Semiconductors9.11 Rotary and Linear Motion Sensor (RLS)9.12 Alps Electric Co., Ltd.9.13 Microsemi9.14 Magnetic Sensors Corporation9.15 Memsic Corporation9.16 Micronas Semiconductor Holding AG9.17 iC-HausInquire before Buying atContact Us:Call: +1-646-491-9876Email: is a one stop shop of market research reports and solutions to various companies across the globe. 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