, Mich.) -- Former Michigan State University and USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar was sentenced to 60 years in prison after pleading guilty to federal child pornography charges in July. Investigators said he possessed more than 37,000 videos and images of child pornography. Michelle Benham, chief deputy clerk of U.S. District County Western District of Michigan, confirmed the sentence to ABC News. Nassar also faces sentencing in two state courts after pleading guilty last month to seven counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct involving girls who were 15 years old or younger Ingham County in Michigan, as well as three other counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct in Eaton County, Michigan. The charges relate to Nassar's time a faculty member at Michigan State University, from 1997 to 2016, when, the university said, he was fired after the allegations surfaced. As part of his plea agreement, Nassar admitted that touching the women and girls was not a medical procedure, and he will not be able to use it as a defense moving forward. Sentencing in the state cases will take place in January. Nassar is also named in civil lawsuits, in which he is accused of sexual misconduct by more than 125 women and girls. Olympic gymnasts Aly Raisman, McKayla Maroney and Gabby Douglas have publicly said they were abused by Nassar. ABC Breaking News | Latest News Videos Copyright 2017, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. Ingram Publishing/Thinkstock(TAMPA, Fla.) -- A Florida grand jury has indicted the suspected Tampa serial killing with four counts of premeditated murder with a firearm, according to state prosecutors. The Tampa Police Department previously charged Howard Donaldson III with four counts of murder in connection with the four shooting deaths that occurred between Oct. 9 and Nov. 14 in the Seminole Heights neighborhood after his arrest last week. The grand jury has returned the indictment officially charging Donaldson, said State Attorney Andrew Warren in a press conference Thursday. "The indictment means that the grand jury has found that probable cause exists, that the defendant committed each of these four murders," he said. Warren promised that the Hillsborough County State Attorney's office will be "as transparent as possible every step of the way during the prosecution." The prosecutor's office has reached out to the families of the victims to inform them that the charges were filed, he said. "My office continues to work to prosecute this case to the fullest extent of the law," he said. "I'd like to remind everyone, please keep your thoughts and prayers for the victims and families at this time." Donaldson was arrested on Nov. 28 after his manager at an Ybor City McDonald's alerted police to a McDonald's bag containing a firearm, which authorities later matched to the weapon used to kill all four victims. On Thursday, a Hillsborough County judge ordered his parents, Rosita Donaldson and Howell Donaldson Jr., to show cause on why they should not be held in contempt for refusing provide testimony to state prosecutors Tuesday, despite being served with a subpoena ordering them to do so, according to court documents. They would not answer questions relating to their son's background, developmental history, mode of transportation, gun possession or state of mind, the motion states. The Donaldsons were "fully advised" on their actions and are "ready to take the consequence," their attorney, Ralph Fernandez, told ABC News on Wednesday. Donaldson is currently being held without bond in a Hillsborough County jail. His arraignment has been scheduled for Dec. 12, and he has not yet entered a plea. It is unclear whether Donaldson has obtained a defense attorney. Copyright 2017, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. By PTI: New Delhi, Dec 7 (PTI) Bicycle manufacturer TI Cycles of India today said it has signed an agreement to acquire controlling stake in Sri Lanka-based Creative Cycles Pvt Ltd and Great Cycles Pvt Ltd. TI Cycles of India, a part of the USD 4.7 billion Murugappa Group, said the acquisition will help strengthen and expand the global supply chain for the premium cycles portfolio of TI Cycles. advertisement "With this acquisition, we will be able to grow the market for premium cycles and our market share in the premium segment even more aggressively," said L Ramkumar, Managing Director, Tube Investments India Ltd (of which TI Cycles of India is a division). Creative Cycles and Great Cycles have manufacturing facilities in the Katunayake Export Processing Zone, Colombo with a capability to produce a range of bicycles. PTI PRJ SBT --- ENDS --- There are two widespread and competing interpretations of Donald Trumps behaviour. Many of his fans view him as a genius artfully draining the swamp while playing his opponents like a fiddle. Many of his critics cleave to the opposite view that hes mad, or an idiot, or a mad idiot, making decisions on the basis of the latest thing he saw on TV, whatever personal gripe occupies his thoughts, and whatever whim captures his tweeting thumb at any given moment. The evidence seems to contradict each of these positions to an extent. If you believe hes the Stradivarius of strategy, even to the point of thinking his most grossly offensive moments are deliberate and beneficial in some way, then its still hard to explain how he has already lost so many of his advisors to various scandals, and left himself open to increasingly serious allegations about his campaigns links with the Kremlin. Similarly, while its evidently the case that a troubling proportion of the things he does are ill-judged and petulant, if you think he is solely a copper-bottomed loon, thrashing around on the floor of the Oval Office with a smartphone in one hand and the nuclear button in the other, then it makes it all the more difficult to justify the fact that he won the selection, then the election, and has managed somehow to keep together a sizeable chunk of his original support base. His approval rating still stands at 45 per cent. If anything, it seems that while he behaves like an erratic man-child much of the time, at other times he does act rationally at least on the measure of his own interests. That might stick in the craw of some to admit, but its true and theres danger in blindly assuming his every action is illogical and barmy. Trumps decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and move the US embassy there accordingly, is a good example. It is easy for outside observers who disapprove of the decision to write it off as just some more insanity from the White House. But there are three ways in which this makes plenty of sense for him politically. First, hes keeping a campaign promise one which others have failed to honour. Its still central to Trumps message and campaigning identity that he is different to all the others in American politics. The riff of Mr Smith Goes to Washington remains a powerful archetype, and he is still acting out his very own remake (except this is a version where Mr Smith likes gold lifts and sometimes insults the disabled). Plenty of Republicans, in particular, have talked about moving the embassy and recognising Jerusalem, but theyve all backed off under the weight of official advice and international disapproval. For this President, going ahead in spite of those things is a positive benefit, reinforcing his claim to authenticity. Second, plenty in Congress agree with him. Its over 20 years since both houses passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act, which authorises exactly this step. Clinton, and his successors, refused to implement it, but the Act has never been repealed. The fact remains that there are a lot of other politicians in Washington who agree with Trump about this specific issue, including some who abhor his politics more generally. Third, the prospect of violence in the Arab world strengthens, not weakens, Trumpism. If Clinton, Bush and Obama all held back from this step for fear that it would spark condemnation, rioting, terrorism and possibly hostile state action in the Middle East, none of those things are a particular deterrent to this President. In America First terms, on what basis would he accept that the US ought to limit itself for fear that others least of all Muslims might disagree with its decisions about its own embassy? If the Arab world responds to this decision with mob violence, or terrorist atrocities, hen he will surely simply argue that this proves he is right to build a wall, and to implement a travel ban on various Muslim majority countries. So disapprove all you like of Trumps decision on Jerusalem, but dont mistake it for a Twitter spasm or a temper tantrum. It serves his purposes and so does everyones loud disapproval of it. Daniel Hannan is an MEP for South-East England, and a journalist, author and broadcaster. His most recent book is What Next: How to Get the Best from Brexit. This isnt about the border. It never was. Rather, its about the extent to which the UK can diverge from the EUs regulatory standards. There is this cant be stated too often no need for a physical frontier on the island of Ireland. The Common Travel Area has existed since 1923. It covers both EU members (Ireland and the UK) and non-members (the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man). As for different customs rates, they will no more necessitate frontier checks than do different VAT and alcohol duties today. Companies will simply present their customs declarations as they now present their tax declarations. In many places, you can cross between Switzerland and the EU without noticing, and such minimal infrastructure as exists is mainly about making sure that foreign drivers have Swiss road discs. In any case, Britain has already promised not to put up border posts on its side of the line whatever the outcome of the talks. What, then, is the fuss about? Why has what ought to have been a technical discussion about number-plate recognition cameras and licensing for cross-border traders instead become a block to an amicable UK-EU settlement? Well, look at it from the point of view of the various actors. For London, its a simple question of using modern technology instead of the legacy infrastructure of physical checks a process that is unfolding all over the world. For Dublin, which understandably regards the whole Brexit process as a thundering nuisance, its an opportunity to ease Northern Ireland a little bit further out of the UK, by ensuring that at least some of its technical standards are in effect determined by the EU and the Irish Republic. For Brussels, its a chance to keep the UK within the EUs regulatory orbit in perpetuity. There are different opinions about how much Britain should use Brexit to pursue its own regulatory trajectory. Some want us to be like Norway, replicating Brussels standards through bilateral deals and domestic legislation, albeit without the direct effect of EU law and outside the customs union. Others want us to be like New Zealand, using Brexit to gain a competitive advantage over our neighbours. Both are legitimate points of view. Both would leave us better off than we are as full members. So, indeed, would an intermediate point between the two. Determining where we want to diverge and where we dont is a critical issue, which will vary sector by sector. There are some areas where we would be unambiguously better off without the EUs rules: the art market for example. There are others where economies of scale and proximity to a large market make it sensible for us to be part of the existing system: aviation, say. But the worst possible way to approach this issue is through the prism of the Irish border. The UK wants to have a comprehensive trade agreement with the EU that would make a land border even more obviously unnecessary. The EUs ideal is to keep the UK where it is now, but without representation in Brussels: in other words, still subject to EU regulations, but with no ability to veto them. Plainly this outcome would be the worst of all worlds for Britain. Which is why it is critical that we do not make concessions now, notionally over a technical border question, that prejudice that final outcome. For example, a big advantage of Brexit is the ability to buy food at world prices rather than under the Common Agricultural Policy. Understandably, the Irish dont much like this prospect: two thirds of their beef exports go to the UK, and would be threatened by admitting produce from the US, Australia and Argentina. So, under the guise of avoiding border checks, Dublin can hardly be blamed for trying to insert conditions about regulatory convergence that would prohibit the UK from buying at world prices by, for example, keeping the EUs protectionist ban on the hormones that exist in the rest of the worlds herds. (Every public health body, by the way, as well as the WTO, has declared that the ban has no scientific basis. The hormone in question is harmless and, in any case, there is less of it in a kilogram of beef than in a single egg.) The underlying problem is a lack of vision. It is hard to avoid the impression that Brexit is being undertaken in a spirit of damage limitation rather than a spirit of opportunity. Policy is being determined by officials and politicians who, having opposed Brexit, now have little sense of where to go with it. We seem reactive, unable to set out a positive agenda of our own. We can aim for EFTA, working as closely as possible with our European allies. Or we can aim for Singapore: a low-tax entrepot flourishing next to an over-regulated federation. A case can be made for either. But no case can be made for failing to decide. DUP and Hermon clash over Brexit Sylvia Hermon, the left-leaning independent unionist MP for North Down, has been drawn into a ferocious clash with the Democratic Unionist Party over Brexit, according to the News Letter. Nigel Dodds, the DUPs Westminster leader whose influence is growing as power shifts away from the non-existent Assembly, accused Lady Hermon of being on the side of the Dublin government on the issue of all-Ireland regulatory and customs policies. This came during a debate on an amendment tabled by Lady Hermon to write a commitment to the Good Friday Agreement into the Withdrawal Bill, although she eventually decided not to force a vote. The North Down MP has warned that customs officials will be attacked by dissident republican terrorists if such infrastructure proves necessary at the border. Speaking in the debate Owen Paterson, the former Northern Irish Secretary, stated that whilst he had great sympathy with the motivations behind the amendment it would hand too much power to judges. Meanwhile, the Governments frankly weird mishandling of the DUP during the search for a form of words over the Irish border on Monday mean that the Northern Irish party now have more direct involvement in the talks, according to Jim Shannon MP. Ministers nonetheless remain absolutely optimistic that a deal will be reached. Finally, whilst of course Irish Twitter is quick to insist that electoral calculations have little to do with Dublins new and tougher stance on Brexit the Daily Telegraph reports that Leo Varadkars poll ratings have surged as a result, despite his administration being mired in scandal only a week ago. Mundell signals Government retreat on Clause 11 Writing in the Spectator, Stephen Daisley castigates the Government for being prepared to compromise the integrity of the UK for the sake of Brexit. His charge is that hard Brexiteers are so hell-bent on getting out from under Brussels thumb that they dont care what harm is done to the Union in the process. This is certainly true of some, and its probably the most plausible interpretation of the decaying Brexit is bad for the Union! trope left to deploy if youre determined to pin the blame on the Brexiteers. But whilst the DUP thwarted this particular assault on the Union, at least as popular understanding has it, the Government indicated this week that it may be about to collude in another that could be even more damaging. But because those pushing for it are nice, moderate Remainer types, it appears to have slipped under Daisleys radar. David Mundell, the Scottish Secretary, has said that the Government is going to amend Clause 11 of the Withdrawal Bill. This is the part which a broad coalition of separatists and devolutionaries including, shamefully, some of the Scottish Tories have branded a power grab against the devolved administrations. This position is constitutionally illiterate, as I have sketched out on this site and one of the authors of the Governments position has laid out in detail in a paper for These Islands. It also, as I explained on Brexit Central, risks enormous damage to the Union and the UK single market. Compared to the pace of politics, constitutions move in geological time. It would be perfectly possible for ministers to take an expedient course on Clause 11 today and leave their successors to inherit the unfolding, chronic damage it would cause. Any MP who supports the Union must be just as vigilant on Clause 11 as it is on an Irish Sea border with Northern Ireland. Top civil servant to investigate claims that Welsh ministers sacking was leaked Wales Online reports that Dame Shan Morgan, the Permanent Secretary to the Welsh Government, will head an inquiry into allegations that the sacking of Carl Sargeant was leaked. Leighton Andrews, a friend of Sargeants and one of Welsh Labours nationalists, suggested on his blog that a number of people knew about his dismissal before Sargeant himself did. If true, this could be (another) breach of the code of conduct by Carwyn Jones administration. The First Minister is already under huge pressure after his botched handling of sexual misconduct allegations which will not now be investigated, we learned this week and the apparent suicide of one of his former ministers. He has been accused of prejudicing an inquiry into the former. A source inside Welsh Labour has suggested to the Times that the decision to abandon the investigation indicated that Jones advisers had attempted to construct a case to justify the sacking. Meanwhile, Labour have announced they wont impose an all-woman shortlist on Sargeants former constituency. A friend of his had suggested he might run as an independent if he didnt like the candidate, which must have reminded party bosses too much of the mid-2000s revolt in Blaenau Gwent. Given that the Westminster seat is also a relatively close-run thing with the Conservatives, they may also have feared that a split vote and the unwinding of Sargeants personal vote might have risked the loss of a vital seat to Andrew RT Davies Tories. Named Persons scheme on brink of collapse after Holyrood stalls it Another week, another blow to the Scottish National Partys flagship scheme to appoint a public sector worker to oversee every child in Scotland, the Scotsman reports. This latest blow comes after a committee of MSPs voted to stall its passage into law, delaying implementation by at least a year. The original plan was last year ruled unlawful by the Supreme Court. After largely neutering Holyroods committee system during their majority administration from 2011 to 2016, for the Education Committee to follow up on its threat of last week suggests that the Scottish Parliament has recovered a couple of teeth. Education is an especially significant battleground because the minister responsible is John Swinney, the former Finance Minister and one of Nicola Sturgeons key lieutenants. The shot across Gavin Willamsons fenceline was provocatively targeted. By describing him as looking like Private Pike from Dads Army, a reported ally of Philip Hammonds whoever such a person may have been was deliberately highlighting the new Defence Secretarys youth and inexperience as a senior Minister. It is a feature of such anonymous quotes that one usually cant be sure where they come from. If this was so in this instance, it follows that the Defence Secretarys own allies wouldnt have known who the culprit was and how close he or she was to the Chancellor if at all. In any event, they decided to escalate. The original shot was answered by a volley of mortar fire. A defence source briefed the Times that the Chancellor has been banned from using a fleet of RAF jets and helicopters until the Treasury settles a bill with the Ministry of Defence. Hammonds department disputes the claim. In any event, and as the paper itself acknowledged, the Chancellor is not the only Minister who uses RAF craft: so do the Prime Minister, and the Foreign and Brexit secretaries. Furthermore, it is understood that the Treasury is preparing to pay the bill, which stretches from at least last year, imminently. There is little to add save the obvious. We journalists love incendiary quotes to bits (such as the one about the Defence Secretary originally given to the Mail on Sunday) and incendiary stories even more. But they do no Government any good at the sunniest of political times, let alone when Brexit storms are raging. There is a special risk for the Defence Secretary. He knows that anyone ill-disposed to him may take potshots at his newness to the post and the armed services. If his allies in the department fire back, and then some, the risk is to his reputation for grown-upness, not theirs thus projecting the charge thrown at him in the first place. This is unfair. There is no suggestion that Williamson himself had anything to do with the Times story, any more than there is that the Chancellor knew about the Mail on Sunday quote. But it is also how politics works, as the Defence Secretary knows well. He has a good case to make (and gives his first major interview today). The armed forces need numbers and kit to help deal with ISIS and deter Russia. At any rate, no politician can stop sympathisers miscalculating. So our message is to them, not him: dont act like children. And we will have one for Hammond, for what its worth, if the armed forces are refused further cash that they need. CORNWALL, Ontario Get ready for a wild evening of musical theatre as Seaway Valley Theatre Company presents Madagascar A Musical Adventure JR. Based on DreamWorks beloved animated motion picture, the musical follows four Central Park Zoo animals who find themselves stranded in Madagascar. Featuring Alex the lion, Marty the zebra, Melman the giraffe, Gloria the hippo, and the band of plotting penguins, children and parents, alike are sure to enjoy this high-energy show. The play is directed and choreographed by Michael DeWolfe and Paula DiStefano, who are no strangers to directing young talent. Kids can be easier to direct because they dont have a filter, and theyre not afraid to make fun of themselves, said DeWolfe. Theyre really enjoying this production because the music seems more modern, and some of the vocal parts are very challenging. With 40 children ranging in ages from 6-16, DeWolfe says that this is the first time many of the kids will have performed onstage. We have a really good mix this year of new people joining us as well as old favourites, said DeWolfe. The musical is set to come to life for three shows Dec. 2-3. For more information about tickets, please visit the SVTC website. CORNWALL, Ontario In the spirit of the season, Serendipity Boutique will be offering winter coats to those in need through The Giving Tree. While the boutique has a wide range of jackets in-store, all priced at $5, Baldwin House Executive Director, Debbie Fortier says that not everyone can afford even that. Not everyone who needs a warm jacket has that five dollars, or would be comfortable coming into the store to shop, said Fortier. We wanted to help ensure that we are keeping everyone in our community warm this winter, and we feel that providing this type of free option that is accessible to everyone, allows us to do so in a way that offers individuals dignity and anonymity. Instead, Serendipity will have winter coats available outside the store, set up on a rack between the trees on their front lawn. While the community project seeks to keep people warm, it extends beyond social responsibility, aiming to reduce textile waste in the community. Everyone has a coat that is missing a button, or has a tear in the liner, or a pocket zipper that doesnt work, said Danielle MacNeil, Public Educator and Volunteer Coordinator for Maison Baldwin House. Sometimes, rather than donating those items, people tend to throw them away, but those slightly imperfections wont stop those coats from keeping people in our community warm. Fortier and MacNeil say that the project has received a positive response so far, proving to be a great exercise in community involvement. We believe in the goodness in our community, and we know that this project is worthwhile, said MacNeil. Donations will be accepted at Serendipity Boutique, and they ask that they are brought to the store or shelter to be sorted by volunteers. CORNWALL, Ontario Shortly after 2 p.m. On Dec. 6, 2017 members of the Cornwall Criminal Investigation Division with assistance of Cornwall Emergency Team executed a warrant at an apartment on Brookdale Avenue. One man was taken into custody and is facing multiple charges in relation to an ongoing investigation. S/Sgt. Kurt Fraser confirmed the Criminal investigation Division is investigating an incident that occurred in early December, 2017, where a man suffered a gunshot wound to his arm. CCPS would like to assure the public that their safety is not at risk and the incident is considered isolated. CCPS will keep the public posted as its early the investigation. A tempo van, carrying 15 people, rammed into a borewell truck parked on the Trichy-Madurai highway. According to latest update, the death toll has increased to 10. By Akshaya Nath: A tempo van, carrying 15 passengers, met with an accident after it rammed into a bore well van at Thuvarankurichi situated near the Trichy-Madurai Highway last night. The tempo, travelling to Tirupati from Nagercoil area, rammed into the bore well van which was parked on the highway. According to the latest information, 10 people have died in the freak accident including women and children. advertisement The rescue operation went on for almost two hours. The rescue work was difficult as half of the van was stuck inside the lorry due to the intensity of the impact. The neighbours rushed to the area and sent the injured to the Thuvarankurichi government hospital. Trichy Central Regional Police head Varatharaju, Vice Chancellor of the Trichy Police Division (DIG) Mrs. Bhavaniswari and Trichy District Superintendent of Police Kalyan reached the spot and investigated the cause of the accident. --- ENDS --- CORNWALL, Ontario The City of Cornwall Fire Services has aquired a new tool to help save the lives of our furry friends. Invisible Fence Gatineau has provided oxygen masks for all City of Cornwall Fire Service Pumper trucks. Our first priority in the case of fire is always to assist the occupants involved and ensure buildings are cleared. While doing our job though, we often have the opportunity to help pets, said Firefighter Jeff McIntyre. We recognize that pets are another important member of the family. The masks are reusable and come in a variety of sizes suitable for cats, ferrets, rabbits, birds and different breeds of dog. Before this donation, we used human oxygen masks on pets distressed by smoke. We have had success in saving pet lives in the past but with this donation, we will be better equipped to give our furry family members the proper oxygen they require, said McIntyre. Carnival Cruise Line announced that it will position a newer, larger ship to Charleston when the Carnival Sunshine kicks off a year-round schedule of four- and five-day cruises in May 2019. With its convenient location and strong tourism appeal, Charleston is one of our most popular homeports and were delighted to build upon this success with the deployment of Carnival Sunshine, Christine Duffy, president of Carnival Cruise Line. Carnival Sunshine not only provides guests sailing from Charleston with a newer, larger ship with so much to see and do but also underscores our commitment to our year-round operations from this port, she added. Added Jim Newsome, South Carolina Ports Authority (SCPA) president and CEO, The decision by Carnival Cruise Line to homeport the Carnival Sunshine in Charleston is an important affirmation of their success and commitment to operations in Charleston. SCPAs cruise business is an important part of our maritime commerce mission and diversification of business segments. The Port succeeds through having world-class brands, such as Carnival Cruise Line, as its direct customers and looks forward to continuing this productive relationship. Carnival Sunshine will kick off its four- and five-day cruise program from Charleston May 18, 2019, and is expected to carry approximately 220,000 passengers annually from that port. Four-day cruises will visit the Bahamian capital of Nassau while five-day voyages will feature Nassau and the private Bahamian island of Half Moon Cay. The Carnival Ecstasy, which currently sails from Charleston, will shift to Jacksonville, Fla., to operate year-round four- and five-day cruises beginning in May 2019. The Carnival Elation, currently based in Jacksonville, will reposition to Port Canaveral, Fla., in May 2019, as well, to operate a new schedule of four- and five-day voyages. CUNA President/CEO appeared on MSNBC with Hallie Jackson Wednesday morning to talk about the possibilities of a government shutdown. Nussle previously served in Congress, representing Iowa from 1991 to 2007 and director of the Office of Management and Budget from 2007 to 2009. Federal government funding is currently scheduled to expire Friday. Right now everybody believes they have some leverage, thats the reason this is all happening, Nussle said. Theyre holding their vote because of taxes, holding their vote because of defense spending, holding their vote because of immigrations reform, holding their vote believing they can hold the government hostage and the function of the government hostage over their particular issue. Nussle also addressed potential priorities both sides of the aisle would like to see during negotiations, and said he believed if there is in fact a government shutdown, he expects it to be very brief. Although much of the early talk about a Trump appointed Director of the CFPB has centered on the potential for regulatory relief, the place where we will see the quickest and most dramatic shift is in the use of enforcement actions. Lets not forget that the CFPB has aggressively used its UDAP powers and enforcement authority to take legal actions against alleged wrong-doers. Acting Director Mulvaney is already decisively changing the Bureaus use of these powers. Exhibit 1 is Nationwide Biweekly Administration, an Ohio-based company that transmits funds from consumers to their mortgage servicers. They have been sued by the Bureau over claims that it misrepresented the terms of its product, which enables consumers to make biweekly mortgage payments. The Bureau has now announcedthat it was no longer opposing a companys request that the CFPB not be allowed to collect a $9 million judgment against it. The Bureaus decision comes just days after it had filed a motion in opposition to the companys request for a stay. Somerset County inundated with accidents after Tuesday snowstorm Somerset County 911 dispatchers said they were inundated with emergency calls Tuesday because of the snow. The run-up to RK Nagar by-poll, as always, seems to have generated more excitement than the actual election outcome. The Assembly constituency in Tamil Nadu - that fell vacant following the death of former chief minister J Jayalalithaa last December - is finally set to go to polls on December 21. The by-poll, which was initially scheduled for April 12, was postponed by the Election Commission following allegations of rampant bribing of voters and other irregularities. Earlier, the EC even had to freeze the AIADMK party name and symbol (two leaves) due to too many claimants following major rifts within the party. Now that the residents are finally looking forward to the election day in the VIP constituency, more controversies have cropped up keeping the drama and suspense alive. The nominations of actor Vishal (who is fighting as an independent) and Deepa Jayakumar, Jayalalithaa's niece, were earlier cancelled by the EC. While Vishals papers were cancelled after two of the nominees mentioned in his affidavit claimed not to have signed the papers, the EC rejected Deepas nomination saying that one of the forms - Form 26 (I) - had discrepancies. Following the developments, AIADMK opponents have started crying foul. Opposition leader MK Stalin, CPI and VCK have accused the Election Commission of being "hand in glove" with the AIADMK in rejecting the nomination papers of actor Vishal. The situation in RK Nagar shows the high-handedness of the ruling government. The EC should immediately take action on this issue. This incident shows that the returning officer will act only as per the ruling government. EC should intervene. In light of Tuesday's (December 5) event, the returning officer should be transferred," says MK Stalin, DMK working president. The cancellation of Vishals nomination added to the high drama that the constituency has been witnessing for more than a year now. In his defence, the actor initially produced before the EC an audio recording of his nominee confessing that he was threatened by Madusudanan (representing the EPS-OPS faction) supporters. Apart from presenting the audio recording, the returning officer's decision also created a lot of confusion. Vishal, after a meeting with the returning officer, posted a series of tweets that explains the change in scenario: After much struggle, my nomination for the RK Nagar election is finally accepted....Truth Always Triumphs !!#JusticeServed#DemocracyPrevails Vishal (@VishalKOfficial) December 5, 2017 Democracy at its lowest low !!Disheartening to hear that the nomination made by me was initially accepted & later when I left, has been announced as invalid.#PoliticalGame Vishal (@VishalKOfficial) December 5, 2017 To the people, I look upto, Hon @narendramodi & Hon @rashtrapatibhvn I am Vishal,I hope u r aware of wats happening in the RK Nagar Election process in Chennai. My nomination was accepted & later rejected. Totally unfair. I bring this to your notice & I hope justice prevails. Vishal (@VishalKOfficial) December 6, 2017 Still awaiting Democracy to lift its head up again....God save my beloved country from this anarchy !!#JusticeDelayedIsJusticeDenied Vishal (@VishalKOfficial) December 7, 2017 As time passes by, Dheepan and Sumathi, who proposed my nomination are not traceable. I'm very much worried about their safety & security....Whether I Win or Lose, Democracy truly Lost !! Vishal (@VishalKOfficial) December 7, 2017 While the Vishal episode continues to unfold, there is more drama in store for the state on December 21. The verdict on the 2G spectrum allocation scam, which involves senior DMK members A Raja and Kanimozhi, is also slated to be announced. And that's not all, after being pulled up by the Delhi High Court for not filing a supplementary chargesheet against TTV Dhinakaran in the case of attempt to bribe the EC for allotment of the party symbol, the Delhi Police has decided to file it on December 21. Apsara Reddy, spokesperson of the TTV Dhinakaran faction of the AIADMK, feels this is part of the ruling EPS-OPS faction's conspiracy against her leader. This is a way of cracking down on political opponents and it reeks of political indecency and vendetta. It is a shame that the Centre and state are ignoring the interests of the people. They are scared of the growing popularity of madam Sasikala and TTV. And people can see through it, claims Reddy. A much-dejected Deepa Jayakumar too feels a major conspiracy game is being played out. There has been foul play. My nomination papers have been tampered with. One of the ruling AIADMK leader had called and threatened me and said if I go ahead with the nomination it will be cancelled, says Jayakumar. By PTI: New Delhi, Dec 7 (PTI) India today said an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) had "crossed over" the border with China in the Sikkim sector after losing contact with the ground control due to some technical problem. The defence ministry said the Indian border security personnel, as per standard protocol, immediately alerted their Chinese counterparts to locate the UAV and they later reverted with its location. advertisement In Beijing, the Chinese defence ministry said the Indian drone recently "intruded" into its airspace and crashed in the Sikkim sector, prompting it to lodge a diplomatic protest with India over the violation of Chinas territorial sovereignty. The defence ministry here said the exact cause of the incident is under investigation. Sources said the UAV belonged to the Indian Army. The incident comes to light days before Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yis visit here to attend the Russia-India-China trilateral meeting. "An Indian UAV which was on a regular training mission inside the Indian territory lost contact with the ground control due to some technical problem and crossed over (to) the LAC in the Sikkim Sector," the defence ministry said in a statement. It further said, "As per standard protocol, the Indian border security personnel immediately alerted their Chinese counterparts to locate the UAV. In response, the Chinese side reverted with the location details of the UAV." It did not clarify when the incident happened. "The matter is being dealt with in accordance with the established protocols through institutional mechanisms to deal with situations along the India- China border areas," it said. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said the country has lodged a diplomatic protest with India over the drone violating Chinese sovereignty. The armies of India and China were engaged in a 73-day- long standoff in Dokalam after Indian troops stopped Chinese soldiers from building a key road in the area. The face-off had ended on August 28. Dokalam is located in the Sikkim section of the India-China border. PTI MPB ZMN --- ENDS --- Your Ultimate Investing Toolkit Sign up for MarketBeat All Access to gain access to MarketBeat's full suite of research tools: Portfolio Monitoring Top Stock Lists Premium Reports Stock Screeners Live News Feed Premium Support Free for your first month. Companhia Brasileira de Distribuicao engages in the retail of food, clothing, home appliances, electronics, and other products through its chain of supermarkets, specialized stores, and department stores in Brazil. It operates in Brazilian Retail, Grupo Exito, and Other Businesses segments. The company sells non-perishables, beverages, fruits, vegetables, meat, breads, cold cuts, dairy products, cleaning products, disposable products, and personal care products; and home appliances and other non-food products, such as clothing and baby items, shoes and accessories, household articles, books, magazines, CDs and DVDs, stationery, toys, sports and camping gears, furniture, mobile phones, mattresses, pet products, and gardening equipment and tools, as well as electronic products, including personal computers, software, computer accessories, and sound and image systems. It also offers medications and cosmetics at its drugstores; and non-food products at gas stations, as well as rents commercial spaces and e-commerce sales. The company operates its supermarkets under the banners of Pao de Acucar, Extra Supermercado, Mercado Extra, and Compre Bem; hypermarkets under the banner of Extra Hiper; and proximity stores under the banners of Mini Extra, Minuto Pao de Acucar, Pao de Acucar Adega, and Aliados Minimercado; and gas stations and drugstores under the banners of Extra and Pao de Acucar, as well as sells its products through its Websites. As of December 31, 2021, it operated 667 stores, 74 gas stations, and 68 drugstores in 16 Brazilian states and the Federal District, as well as 15 distribution centers and warehouses across Brazil. The company was founded in 1948 and is headquartered in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Companhia Brasileira de Distribuicao operates as a subsidiary of Casino, Guichard-Perrachon S.A. The following companies are subsidiares of Dover: APM Grundstucksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Accelerated Production Systems, Acme Cryo Intermediate Inc., Acme Cryogenics, Acme Cryogenics Inc., Acme Elevator, Advansor A/S, Advansor Dover International (Poland) sp. z o.o., Advansor Germany GmbH, Alfred Fueling Systems Holdco Ltd., Alfred Fueling Systems Inc., Alfred Fueling Systems Intermediate Holdco Ltd., All-Flo Pump Company, Anman LLC, Anthony Equity Holdings Inc., Anthony Holdings Inc., Anthony Inc., Anthony International, Anthony International Foreign Sales Corp., Anthony International Holding Company, Anthony Mexico Holdings LLC, Anthony North Holdco Inc., Anthony Specialty Glass LLC, Anthony TemperBent GP LLC, Audax ECII Blocker Inc., Auto Glanz Solutions LLC, AvaLAN Wireless Systems Incorporated, BELVAC CR spol s r.o., BSC Filters Limited, Belanger, Belanger Inc., Belvac Middle East FZE, Belvac Production Machinery Inc., Blackmer, BlitzRotary GmbH, Blue Bite LLC, Blue Bite LLC, Butler Engineering and Marketing S.P.A., CDS Visual, CDS Visual Inc., CEP Liquidation LLC, CP Formation LLC, CPC Europe Inc., CPI Products Inc., Caldera, Canada Organization & Development LLC, Chief Automotive Technologies (Shanghai) Trading Company Ltd., Chippewa Square Captive Insurance Company, Colder Products Company, Colder Products Company GmbH, Colder Products Company LTD, Cook Compression LLC, Cook Compression Limited, Cook-MFS Inc., Cryogenic Experts LLC, DD1 Inc., DDI Properties Inc., DE-STA-CO Benelux B.V., DE-STA-CO FRANCE, DE-STA-CO Shanghai Co. Ltd., DESTACO UK Limited, DFH Corporation, DFS Netherlands B.V., Datamax International Corp, De Sta Co (Asia) Company Limited, De-Sta-Co Cylinders Inc., DeStaCo Europe GmbH, Delaware Capital Formation Inc., Delaware Capital Holdings Inc., Dositec Sistemas SL, Dosmatic U.S.A. Inc., Dover (China) Investment Co. Ltd., Dover (Schweiz) Holding GmbH, Dover (Shanghai) Industrial Co. Ltd., Dover (Shenzhen) Industrial Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Dover (Suzhou) Industrial Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Dover Asia Trading Private Ltd., Dover Australia Holdings Pty Limited, Dover Business Services EMEA Limited, Dover Business Services Europe S.R.L., Dover Business Services LLC, Dover Business Services Philippines Corporation, Dover CLP Formation Limited Partnership, Dover Canada Holdings ULC, Dover Canada Operations ULC, Dover Corporation Regional Headquarters, Dover DEI Services Inc., Dover Denmark Holdings ApS, Dover EMEA FZCO, Dover Energy UK Ltd, Dover Engineered Products Segment Inc., Dover Europe Inc., Dover Europe Sarl, Dover Fluids UK Ltd, Dover France Holdings, Dover France Participations, Dover France Technologies, Dover Fueling Solutions Segment Inc., Dover Fueling Solutions UK Limited, Dover Germany GmbH, Dover Global Holdings LLC, Dover Holdings de Mexico S.A. de C.V., Dover Imaging & Identification Segment Inc., Dover India Pvt. Ltd., Dover Intercompany Services UK Limited, Dover International B.V., Dover International Operations Inc., Dover International Ventures Inc., Dover International ithalat ihracat ve Pazarlama Limited Sirketi, Dover Italy Holdings S.r.l., Dover Luxembourg Finance Sarl, Dover Luxembourg Participations Sarl, Dover Luxembourg S.a.r.l., Dover Luxembourg Services Sarl, Dover Operations South Africa (Pty) Ltd, Dover Overseas Ventures Inc., Dover Pumps & Process Solutions Segment Inc., Dover Refrigeration & Food Equipment Segment Inc., Dover Refrigeration & Food Equipment UK Ltd, Dover Resources International de Mexico S. de R.L. C.V., Dover Solutions Colombia SAS, Dover Southeast Asia (Thailand) Ltd., Dover Spain Holdings S.L., Dover Switzerland Participations GmbH, Dover UK Pensions Limited, Dover WSCR Holding LLC, Dover WSCR LLC, Dover do Brasil Ltda., Dow-Key Microwave Corporation, Dresser Wayne Data Technology (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Dresser Wayne Fuel Equipment (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., ECI - IGT Holdings LLC, ECI Holding Company LLC, ECI RegO S. de R.L. de C.V, ECI RegO Servicios S. de R.L. de C.V., ECII (Mexico) LLC, EOA Systems Inc., Ebs-Ray Holdings Pty Ltd, Ebs-Ray Industries Pty Ltd, Ebs-Ray Pumps Pty Ltd, Em-Tec, Engineered Controls International LLC, Espy, Ettlinger, Ettlinger Kunststoffmaschinen GmbH, Fairbanks Environmental Limited, Fibrelite Composites Limited, Fibresec Holdings Limited, Fibresec Limited, Finder, GAL LLC, GIIER LLC, Gala Industries, Guangdong Tokheim LIYUAN Oil Industry Technology Limited Company, Highland Park Insurance Company, Hill PHOENIX Inc., Hill PHOENIX WIC LLC, Hill Phoenix Costa Rica Sociedad De Responsabilidad Limitada, Hill Phoenix El Salvador Limitada de Capital Variable, Hill Phoenix Guatemala Sociedad Anonima, Hill Phoenix Honduras Sociedad Anonima, Hill Phoenix Nicaragua Sociedad Anonima, Hill Phoenix de Mexico S.A. de C.V., Hiltap Fittings Ltd., Hydro Systems Company, Hydro Systems Europe Ltd., Industrial Motion Control LLC, Innovative Control Systems, Innovative Control Systems Inc., Inpro/Seal LLC, JK Group, JK Group S.P.A., JK Group USA Inc., K S Boca Inc., K&L Microwave DR Inc., K&L Microwave Inc., KPS (Beijing) Petroleum Equipment Trading Co Ltd., KPS Fueling Solutions Sdn. Bhd., KPS Hong Kong Holding Limited, KPS UK Limited, KS Formation Inc., KS Liquidation Inc., KSLP Liquidation L.P., Kiian Digital (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Knappco LLC, Knowles Electronics, LIQAL, LIQAL B.V., Liquip, Liquip, Liquip International Pty Limited, MAAG, MARKEM FZ SA, MARKEM-IMAJE Corporation, MIP Holdings Inc., MS Printing Solutions, MS Printing Solutions S.R.L., Maag, Maag Automatik Plastics Machinery (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Maag Gala Inc., Maag Germany GmbH, Maag Italy S.R.L., Maag Pump Systems, Maag Pump Systems (US) Inc., Maag Pump Systems AG, Maag Reduction Inc., Maag Service (Malaysia) Sdn. Bdn., Maag Service (Taiwan) Ltd., Maag Systems (Thailand) Limited, Macro Technologies LLC, Malema, Marathon Equipment Company (Delaware), Markem Imaje Center of Competencies Spain S.L.U., Markem-Imaje, Markem-Imaje (China) Co. Limited, Markem-Imaje - Unipessoal Lda, Markem-Imaje A/S, Markem-Imaje AB, Markem-Imaje AG, Markem-Imaje AS, Markem-Imaje B.V., Markem-Imaje CSAT GmbH, Markem-Imaje Co. Ltd., Markem-Imaje GmbH, Markem-Imaje Holding, Markem-Imaje Identificacao de Produtos Ltda., Markem-Imaje Inc., Markem-Imaje India Private Limited, Markem-Imaje Industries, Markem-Imaje Industries Limited, Markem-Imaje KK, Markem-Imaje LLC, Markem-Imaje Limited, Markem-Imaje Ltd., Markem-Imaje N.V., Markem-Imaje Oy, Markem-Imaje Philippines Corporation, Markem-Imaje Pty. Ltd., Markem-Imaje S.A., Markem-Imaje S.A. de C.V., Markem-Imaje S.r.l., Markem-Imaje SAS, Markem-Imaje Sdn. Bhd., Markem-Imaje Singapore Pte. Ltd., Markem-Imaje Spain S.A., Markpoint Holding AB, Midland Manufacturing LLC, Midwest Cryogenics Inc., Mouvex, Northeast Services Inc., Northern Lights (Nevada) Inc., Northern Lights Funding LP, Northern Lights Investments LLC, Nova Controls Inc., OK International, OK International Holdings Inc., OK International Inc., OK International Ltd., OPW Engineered Systems LLC, OPW Fluid Transfer Group Europe B.V., OPW Fluid Transfer Solutions (Jiang Su) Co. Ltd., OPW Fluids Group Inc., OPW Fuel Management Systems Inc., OPW Fueling Components (SuZhou) Co. Ltd., OPW Fueling Components LLC, OPW Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., OPW Slovakia s.r.o., OPW Sweden AB, Officine Meccaniche Sirio S.R.L., PDQ Manufacturing, PDQ Manufacturing Inc., PISCES by OPW Inc., PSD Codax Holdings Limited, PSD Codax Limited, PSG (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., PSG (Tianjin) Co. Ltd., PSG California LLC, PSG Germany GmbH, Petro Vend Sp. z o.o., Pike Machine Products Inc., Pole/Zero Acquisition Inc., Precision Brasil Equipamentos E Servicos Para Postos De Combustiveis Ltda., Precision Service - Servicos De Manutencao E Instalacao De Postos De Abastecimento De Combustivel Ltda., Production Control Services, Pump Management Services Co. LLC, Quantex Arc Limited, Quantex Patents Limited, RAV France, Ravaglioli S.P.A., Reduction Engineering GmbH, RegO (Shanghai) Trading Co. Ltd., RegO Holding GmbH, RegO Products, RegO Valve (Shanghai) Company Ltd., Rego GmbH, Revod Corporation, Revod Luxembourg S.a.r.l., Revod Sweden AB, Robohand Inc., Rosario, Rosario Handel B.V., Rotary Lift Consolidated (Haimen) Co. Ltd., SE Liquidation LLC, SWEP France, SWEP Germany GmbH, SWEP Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., SWEP North America Inc., SWEP Slovakia s.r.o., SWEP Technology (Suzhou) Co. Ltd., Seabiscuit Motorsports Inc., Shanghai RegO Flow Technology Company Ltd., Shine Bloom - ECI A Blocker Corp., Shine Bloom - ECI Blocker Corp., Shine Bloom - ECI S Blocker Corp., Simmons Sirvey Corporation, So. Cal. Soft-Pak, So. Cal. Soft-Pak Incorporated, Soft-Pak, Solaris Laser, Solaris Laser S.A., Somero Enterprises, Sound Solutions, Sound Solutions, Space S.R.L., Spirit, Start Italiana S.R.L., Superior Holding LLC, Superior Products LLC, Swep Energy Oy, Swep International A.B., Swep Japan K.K., Sys-Tech Solutions, Sys-Tech Solutions Inc., Systech, TQC Quantium Quality S.A. de C.V., TTSI III Inc., TWG Canada Consolidated Inc., TXHI LLC, Tartan Textile Services Inc., The Espy Corporation, The Heil Co., Tokheim, Tokheim Belgium, Tokheim China Company Limited, Tokheim GmbH, Tokheim Group, Tokheim Hengshan Technologies (Guangzhou) Co. Ltd., Tokheim Holding B.V., Tokheim India Private Limited, Tokheim Sofitam Applications, Triton Systems, Tulsa Winch Inc., UPCO Inc., US Synthetic, Unattended Payment Solutions LLC, Unified Brands, Val TemperBent Glass L.P., Vectron Frequency Devices (Shanghai) Co. Ltd, Vehicle Service Group LLC, Vehicle Service Group UK Limited, Vos Food Store Equipment Ltd., WSCR Corp., Warn Automotive LLC, Warn Industries, Waukesha Bearings, Waukesha Bearings Corporation, Waukesha Bearings Limited, Waukesha Bearings Russia LLC, Wayne Fueling Systems, Wayne Fueling Systems (Rus) Limited Liability Company, Wayne Fueling Systems Australia Pty Ltd, Wayne Fueling Systems Canada ULC, Wayne Fueling Systems Italia S.R.L., Wayne Fueling Systems LLC, Wayne Fueling Systems Ltd., Wayne Fueling Systems Sweden AB, Wayne Fueling Systems UK Holdco Ltd., Wayne Industria e Comercio Ltda., WellMark, WellMark, and em-tec GmbH. Read More Thomson Reuters Corporation provides business information services in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and the Asia Pacific. It operates in five segments: Legal Professionals, Corporates, Tax & Accounting Professionals, Reuters News, and Global Print. The Legal Professionals segment offers research and workflow products focusing on legal research and integrated legal workflow solutions that combine content, tools, and analytics to law firms and governments. The Corporates segment provides a suite of content-enabled technology solutions for legal, tax, regulatory, compliance, and IT professionals. The Tax & Accounting Professionals segment offers research and workflow products focusing on tax offerings and automating tax workflows to tax, accounting, and audit professionals in accounting firms. The Reuters News segment provides business, financial, and international news to media organizations, professional, and news consumers through news agency and industry events. The Global Print segment offers legal and tax information primarily in print format to legal and tax professionals, governments, law schools, and corporations. The company was formerly known as The Thomson Corporation and changed its name to Thomson Reuters Corporation in April 2008. The company was founded in 1851 and is headquartered in Toronto, Canada. Thomson Reuters Corporation operates a subsidiary of The Woodbridge Company Limited. By PTI: protests (Eds: Updates with fresh inputs) New Delhi/Beijing, Dec 7 (PTI) An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) of the Indian Army crashed around Dokalam in the Sikkim sector after it "crossed" the border into China following a technical problem, prompting Beijing to lodge a diplomatic protest with India. Sources in Delhi said today that the Indian security forces in Nathu La immediately informed the Chinese army over the hotline about the UAVs technical problem and crossing the Line of Actual Control(LAC). advertisement The Indian defence ministry said its border security personnel, as per standard protocol, immediately alerted their Chinese counterparts to locate the UAV and they later reverted with its location. It, however, did not give details of when the UAV had crashed but sources in Delhi said the incident happened around 10 days ago. The incident comes to light days before Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yis visit to Delhi to attend the Russia-India- China trilateral meeting on December 11. In Beijing, Chinas Defence Ministry and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the Indian unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) crashed into the Chinese side of the border recently. "Recently an Indian Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) invaded Chinas airspace and crashed in the Sikkim section of China- India border," Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told a media briefing here. He said the Chinese border troops had taken a "professional and responsible attitude" to verify the device. Geng did not spell out when the incident had taken place. The Indian defence ministry said the exact cause of the incident is under investigation. "An Indian UAV which was on a regular training mission inside the Indian territory lost contact with the ground control due to some technical problem and crossed over (to) the LAC in the Sikkim Sector," it said in a statement released in Delhi. It further said, "As per standard protocol, the Indian border security personnel immediately alerted their Chinese counterparts to locate the UAV. In response, the Chinese side reverted with the location details of the UAV." Chinese Foreign ministry spokesman said, in an apparent reference to the 1890 China-British Treaty, said, "I want to point out that the Sikkim section of the China India border has been delimited." Beijing often referred to the 1890 Britain-China treaty during the lengthy Dokalam standoff, stating that it has defined the Sikkim section of the boundary with Tibet, therefore the border in that area has been settled. "The action of the Indian side violated Chinas sovereignty and it is not conducive to the peace and tranquillity of the border area and China is dissatisfied with this and lodged solemn representation with the Indian side," Geng said. advertisement The armies of India and China were engaged in a 73-day- long standoff in Dokalam after Indian troops stopped Chinese soldiers from building a key road in the area. The face-off ended on August 28. Dokalam is located in the Sikkim section of the India-China border. In its diplomatic protest to India, "China asked the Indian side to stop the activities of the devices near the border and work with China to maintain peace and tranquillity of the border areas", Geng said. Earlier, the Chinese military alleged that an Indian drone has "intruded" into its airspace recently and crashed into the Chinese side of the border and voiced strong dissatisfaction over the incident. The Indian UAV "intruded" into Chinas airspace and crashed recently, and Chinas border troops have conducted identification and verification over the vehicle, said Zhang Shuili, deputy head of the combat bureau of the Western Theatre Commands joint staff department. The Chinese militarys western theatre command jurisdiction covers almost all of the LAC and including Tibets border region with India and the Ladakh region. advertisement "Indias move has infringed upon Chinas territorial sovereignty, and we are strongly dissatisfied with and opposed to this," Zhang has been quoted by state-run Xinhua news agency as saying. Wangs visit to Delhi will be the first visit by a top Chinese official to India after the Dokalam crisis and commencement of the second five-year term for Chinese President Xi Jinping. PTI KJV/MPB MRJ ZH AKJ GSN --- ENDS --- KAR Auction Services, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, provides used vehicle auctions and related vehicle remarketing services for the automotive industry in the United States, Europe, Canada, Mexico, and the United Kingdom. The company operates through two segments, ADESA Auctions and AFC. The ADESA Auctions segment offers whole car auctions and related services to the vehicle remarketing industry through online auctions and auction facilities. It also provides value-added services, such as auction related, transportation, reconditioning, inspection, title and repossession administration and remarketing, vehicle research, and analytical services, as well as data as a service. This segment sells its products and services through vehicle manufacturers, fleet companies, rental car companies, finance companies, and others. As of December 31, 2021, this segment had a network of approximately 70 vehicle logistics center locations in North America. The AFC segment offers floorplan financing, a short-term inventory-secured financing to independent used vehicle dealers; and sells vehicle service contracts. The company provides wheel repair and hail catastrophe response services. It serves vehicle manufacturers, vehicle rental companies, financial institutions, commercial fleets and fleet management companies, and dealer customers. The company was formerly known as KAR Holdings, Inc. and changed its name to KAR Auction Services, Inc. in November 2009. KAR Auction Services, Inc. was incorporated in 2006 and is headquartered in Carmel, Indiana. National Bank of Canada provides various financial products and services to retail, commercial, corporate, and institutional clients in Canada and internationally. It operates through four segments: Personal and Commercial, Wealth Management, Financial Markets, and U.S. Specialty Finance and International. The Personal and Commercial segment offers personal banking services, including transaction solutions, mortgage loans and home equity lines of credit, consumer loans, payment solutions, and savings and investment solutions; various insurance products; and commercial banking services comprise credit, and deposit and investment solutions, as well as international trade, foreign exchange transactions, payroll, cash management, insurance, electronic transactions, and complimentary services. The Wealth Management segment comprises investment solutions, trust services, banking services, lending services, and other wealth management solutions. The Financial Markets segment offers corporate banking, advisory, and capital markets services; and project financing, debt, and equity underwriting; advisory services in the areas of mergers and acquisitions, and financing. The U.S. Specialty Finance and International segment provides specialty finance products; financial products and services to individuals and businesses in Cambodia; and investment solutions, guaranteed investment certificates, mutual funds, notes, structured products, and monetization. It provides its services through a network of 384 branches and 927 banking machines. National Bank of Canada was founded in 1859 and is based in Montreal, Canada. NCI Building Systems, Inc. designs, engineers, manufactures, and markets metal products for the nonresidential construction industry in North America. It operates in four segments: Engineered Building Systems, Metal Components, Insulated Metal Panels, and Metal Coil Coating. The Engineered Building Systems segment offers engineered structural members and panels; and self-storage building systems under the Metallic, Mid-West Steel, A & S, All American, Mesco, Star, Ceco, Robertson, Garco, Heritage, and brands to builders, general contractors, developers, and end users directly, as well as through private label companies. The Metal Components segment provides metal roof and wall systems, metal partitions, metal trims, doors, and other related accessories for use in new construction, and repair and retrofit applications; roll-up doors; and interior and exterior walk doors under the MBCI, American Building Components, Eco-ficient, Metal Depots, and Doors and Buildings Components brands to manufacturers, contractors, subcontractors, distributors, lumberyards, cooperative buying groups, and other customers. The Insulated Metal Panels segment offers insulated metal panels for architectural, commercial, industrial, and cold storage end-market applications under the Metl-Span and CENTRIA brands. The Metal Coil Coating segment engages in cleaning, treating, and painting flat-rolled metals in coil form, as well as in slitting and/or embossing the metal, before the metal is fabricated for use by industrial users. It also cleans, treats, and coats heavy and light gauge metal coils for use in construction products, heating and air conditioning systems, water heaters, lighting fixtures, ceiling grids, office furniture, appliances, and other products; and provides toll coating and painted metal package services under the Metal Coaters and Metal Prep brands. NCI Building Systems, Inc. was founded in 1984 and is headquartered in Houston, Texas. By PTI: apology By Aditi Khanna London, Dec 7 (PTI) The UK has sidestepped London mayor Sadiq Khans call for an official apology on the 1919 Jallianwala Bagh massacre, saying the government has "rightly condemned" the "deeply shameful act" in British history in the past. The UK Foreign Office statement comes after Khan during his visit to Amritsar yesterday said the British government should apologise for the mass killing. advertisement "Im clear that the Government should now apologise, especially as we reach the centenary of the massacre. This is about properly acknowledging what happened here and giving the people of Amritsar and India the closure they need through a formal apology," Pakistani-origin Khan said during his ongoing trade mission to India and Pakistan. He described the massacre as one of the most horrific events in Indias history. The Foreign Office invoked former British Prime Minister David Camerons views on the issue after Khan asked for an apology. "As the former Prime Minister said when he visited the Jallianwala Bagh in 2013, the massacre was a deeply shameful act in British history and one that we should never forget. It is right that we pay respect to those who lost their lives and remember what happened. The British Government rightly condemned the events at the time," it said in a statement. The UKs Conservative party-led government had last fallen short of a formal apology for the massacre during a visit to Amritsar by Cameron. During his Indian trade mission in February 2013, Cameron had said it would be wrong to "reach back into history" and apologise for the wrongs of British colonialism. Meanwhile, a veteran UK-Indian MP has revived his petition calling for an apology by Britian for the massacre after Khans demand. Virendra Sharma, a fellow Opposition Labour Party member like Khan, had launched the petition on the UK Parliaments website earlier this year but it has attracted just over 1,778 signatures. At 10,000 signatures, the UK government would have to respond to the petition and at 100,000 it has to be considered for a House of Commons debate. "In 1919 Colonel Dyer ordered his men to fire, and maybe 1,000 peaceful protesters were left dead. At the time Winston Churchill proclaimed the massacre monstrous and the British Government condemned Dyer for his actions, but no apology has since been forthcoming. It is now time to apologise," the petition reads. Punjabi-origin Sharma has been campaigning for an apology over the years. Khan, who was on a three-city tour to India, visited New Delhi, Mumbai and Amritsar to strengthen the UKs capital trade ties with India. PTI AK MRJ AKJ MRJ --- ENDS --- advertisement The Clorox Company manufactures and markets consumer and professional products worldwide. It operates through four segments: Health and Wellness, Household, Lifestyle, and International. The Health and Wellness segment offers cleaning products, such as laundry additives and home care products primarily under the Clorox, Clorox2, Scentiva, Pine-Sol, Liquid-Plumr, Tilex, and Formula 409 brands; professional cleaning and disinfecting products under the CloroxPro and Clorox Healthcare brands; professional food service products under the Hidden Valley brand; and vitamins, minerals and supplement products under the RenewLife, Natural Vitality, NeoCell, and Rainbow Light brands in the United States. The Household segment provides cat litter products under the Fresh Step and Scoop Away brands; bags and wraps under the Glad brand; and grilling products under the Kingsford brand in the United States. The Lifestyle segment offers dressings, dips, seasonings, and sauces primarily under the Hidden Valley brand; natural personal care products under the Burt's Bees brand; and water-filtration products under the Brita brand in the United States. The International segment provides laundry additives; home care products; water-filtration systems; digestive health products; grilling products; cat litter products; food products; bags and wraps; natural personal care products; and professional cleaning and disinfecting products internationally primarily under the Clorox, Ayudin, Clorinda, Poett, Pine-Sol, Glad, Brita, RenewLife, Ever Clean and Burt's Bees brands. The Clorox Company sells its products primarily through mass retailers; grocery outlets; warehouse clubs; dollar stores; home hardware centers; drug, pet and military stores; third-party and owned e-commerce channels; and distributors, as well as a direct sales force The company was founded in 1913 and is headquartered in Oakland, California. By Mail Today Bureau: The importance of preserving our cultural and natural heritage is crucial, and groups like the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) are key in this endeavour. As travellers, we can visit these locations which are a true legacy from the past, helping preserve and protect them. TripAdvisor presents the UNESCO cultural and natural heritage sites best rated by travellers around the globe. advertisement ANGKOR WAT, CAMBODIA Whilst one could be in danger of being 'templed out' due to the sheer number of them in Siem Reap, Angkor Wat should not be missed and is best toured with a knowledgeable guide to provide you with fascinating facts on the building process, history of it and Cambodia generally. The best views are at dawn or dusk, when the lighting reveals its true majesty. You can find tours on TripAdvisor which include either a sunrise or sunset visit with a private guide from Rs 2,519, or even take a helicopter tour over this famed site, discovering the ancient constructions from above. Photo: Mail Today TAJ MAHAL, INDIA Every year more than eight million people visit this great mausoleum, a true monument to love, constructed by the Shah Jahan while mourning the death of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal. You can find hundreds of tours and experiences to visit this mesmerising site, from a private tour with guide and visit at sunset or sunrise, for Rs 2,597. GREAT WALL OF CHINA (MUTIANYU) Linked to Gubeikou in the east and Juyongguan in the west, this section of the Great Wall is the military hub defensing of the capital since ancient times. Known for its gorgeous scenery, Mutianyu is one of the best-preserved and best-known Great Wall sections. You can hire a tour to visit on TripAdvisor from as little as Rs 1,604. Photo: Mail Today MACHU PICCHU, PERU Whether you visit it during the day, travelling from Aguascalientes, or engaging in the full experience by hiking the 5-day Inca Trail, you will be left speechless on arriving at one of humanity's most stunning landmarks, a 15th century Inca citadel located on a mountain ridge 2,400 metres above sea level. IGUAZU NATIONAL PARK, BRAZIL/ARGENTINA This massive forested park, with rare species of birds, pumas, tapirs, monkeys and other wildlife, is best known for housing the world's largest and most extraordinary waterfalls-- the Iguacu Falls--that extend for miles. Ask an Argentinian and they will say their side is the best; ask a Brazilian and they will say theirs is! Also Read:Taj Mahal has been chosen as the second-best UNESCO World Heritage Site SASSI OF MATERA, ITALY The Sassi is breathtaking in its scale. History is literally carved into its landscape from Neolithic times until the present day. It may look at first glance like an abandoned ancient town with buildings piled high on top of each other. But as you begin to explore its cobbled alleyways and steep winding streets you discover stories of human endeavour stretching back through the centuries--from caves turned into homes, from 13th century frescoes to the magnificent gilded Cathedral. advertisement AUSCHWITZ BIRKENAU, POLAND Established by the Nazis in 1940, Auschwitz-Birkenau has become a symbol of terror, genocide and the Holocaust. Although the exact number of victims is unknown, many Jews, Poles and gypsies died here. The museum consists of two parts: Auschwitz I, the first and oldest camp (the number of prisoners fluctuated around 15,000, sometimes rising above 20,000) and Auschwitz II, Birkenau (which held more than 90,000 prisoners in 1944). OLD CITY OF JERUSALEM, ISRAEL Characterised by narrow, winding streets and alleyways, this ancient part of the city is filled with shrines and attractions holy to Jews, Christians and Muslims including the Western Wall, Temple Mount and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Tours star off in TripAdvisor for as little as Rs 726, for this Underground Tour, or authentic ways to appreciate the history of Jerusalem like this Palm Sunday experience, including a mass at Bethpage and Via Dolorosa procession. advertisement HISTORIC AREAS OF ISTANBUL, TURKEY This World Heritage Site includes structures such as the Sarayburnu, the Topkapy Palace, the Hagia Sophia, the Sultan Ahmed Mosque, the Hagia Irene, Zeyrek Mosque, Suleymaniye Mosque, Little Hagia Sophia and the Walls of Constantinople. Head back in time and discover the old world of the Sultanahmet area during this full-day small-group guided walking tour, exploring Hagia Sophia Museum and the Blue Mosque, which exemplify why Istanbul is the city where east meets west. Enjoy a walk through the famous Topkapi Palace, where Sultans roamed and harems flourished, spend time observing the Hagia Irene's Byzantine architecture and stroll through the Grand Bazaar. HISTORIC KRAKOW, POLAND The 13th century merchants' town is home to Europe's largest market square and offers numerous historical houses, palaces and churches with magnificent interiors, 14th century fortifications, ancient synagogues, Jagiellonian University and the Gothic cathedral where the kings of Poland were buried. Walking tours start from Rs 1,298 on TripAdvisor or, if you are the lazy kind, check out a tour on Segway, bike, or electric car from Rs 1,680. --- ENDS --- advertisement Autohome Inc. operates as an online destination for automobile consumers in the People's Republic of China. The company delivers interactive content and tools to automobile consumers through its three websites,,, and on PCs, mobile devices, mobile applications, and mini apps. It provides media services, including automaker advertising services and regional marketing campaigns; and leads generation services comprising dealer subscription services, advertising services for individual dealers, and used automobile listing and other platform-based services. The company also offers Autohome Mall, an online transaction platform for users to review automotive-related information, purchase coupons offered by automakers for discounts, and make purchases to complete the transaction; data products; and online bidding platform for used automobiles, as well as collects commissions for facilitating transactions of auto-financing and insurance products on its platform. The company was formerly known as Sequel Limited and changed its name to Autohome Inc. in October 2011. Autohome Inc. was incorporated in 2008 and is headquartered in Beijing, the People's Republic of China. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company discovers, develops, licenses, manufactures, and markets biopharmaceutical products worldwide. It offers products for hematology, oncology, cardiovascular, immunology, fibrotic, neuroscience, and covid-19 diseases. The company's products include Revlimid, an oral immunomodulatory drug for the treatment of multiple myeloma; Eliquis, an oral inhibitor for reduction in risk of stroke/systemic embolism in NVAF, and for the treatment of DVT/PE; Opdivo for anti-cancer indications; Pomalyst/Imnovid indicated for patients with multiple myeloma; and Orencia for adult patients with active RA and psoriatic arthritis. It also provides Sprycel for the treatment of Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myeloid leukemia; Yervoy for the treatment of patients with unresectable or metastatic melanoma; Abraxane, a protein-bound chemotherapy product; Reblozyl for the treatment of anemia in adult patients with beta thalassemia; and Empliciti for the treatment of multiple myeloma. In addition, the company offers Zeposia to treat relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis; Breyanzi, a CD19-directed genetically modified autologous T cell immunotherapy for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory large B-cell lymphoma; Inrebic, an oral kinase inhibitor indicated for the treatment of adult patients with myelofibrosis; and Onureg for the treatment of adult patients with AML. It sells products to wholesalers, distributors, pharmacies, retailers, hospitals, clinics, and government agencies. The company was formerly known as Bristol-Myers Company. The company was founded in 1887 and is headquartered in New York, New York. By PTI: By Lalit K Jha Washington, Dec 7 (PTI) The US today issued a "worldwide caution" to its citizens travelling overseas, urging them to exercise caution in the wake of President Donald Trumps decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel as it may trigger violent protests. The travel advisory includes South Asia in particular Afghanistan and Pakistan in addition to the Muslim-majority countries. advertisement "As terrorist attacks, political upheaval, and violence often take place without any warning, US citizens are strongly encouraged to maintain a high level of vigilance and take appropriate steps to increase their security awareness when travelling," the State Department said. The latest worldwide caution replaces the previous alert issued on September 14 this year. The US government facilities worldwide remain in a heightened state of alert, the advisory said, adding that these facilities may temporarily close or periodically suspend public services to assess their security posture. Terrorist groups including ISIS, al-Qaeda, their associates, and those inspired by such groups, are intent on attacking US citizens wherever they are, the department said. Extremists may use conventional or non-conventional weapons to target US government and private interests, it said. Terrorists are increasingly using less sophisticated methods of attack to more effectively target crowds, including the use of edged weapons, pistols, and vehicles as weapons, the alert said. There are terrorists, guerrilla, and insurgent groups in some parts of Sub-Saharan Africa, and the potential for al- Qaeda or ISIS-inspired attacks is high in several West African countries and countries bordering Somalia. Armed terrorist and criminal groups are operating in the East Asian and Pacific region and may attempt to target US citizens, particularly for kidnapping in the coastal areas and outlying islands of the eastern part of the Malaysian state of Sabah and the southern Philippines, the State Department said. Further terrorist groups continue to plot attacks in Europe as foreign fighters return home from Syria and Iraq, while other individuals may be radicalised or inspired by ISIS propaganda, it said. Noting that terrorist groups are very active in the Middle East and North Africa, it said the US government remains highly concerned about possible attacks against US citizens, facilities, businesses, and perceived US and Western interests in the region. Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Libya are considered violent and unpredictable war zones, and there is no official US diplomatic presence in the latter three countries, it said. advertisement The US government assesses terrorist groups in South Asia may be planning attacks in the region, possibly against US facilities, citizens, and interests, it said, adding that citizens should avoid travel to Afghanistan, as no region in the country is immune from violence. "A number of established terrorist organisations, indigenous sectarian groups, and other militants pose a danger to US citizens in Pakistan. Extremist elements are also active in India, as outlined in a recent emergency message. Terrorists have hit a wide variety of targets and institutions in Bangladesh," the State Department said. PTI LKJ ZH --- ENDS --- The following companies are subsidiares of Thermo Fisher Scientific: 236 Perinton Parkway LLC, 27 Forge Parkway LLC, ABR--Affinity BioReagents, ACI Holdings Inc., ARG Services LLC, ASPEX Corporation, Abgene Inc., Abgene Limited, Acoustic Cytometry Systems Inc., AcroMetrix LLC, Acros Organics B.V.B.A., Advanced Biotechnologies Limited, Advanced Scientifics (ASI), Advanced Scientifics Inc., Advanced Scientifics International Inc., Affymetrix Biotech Participacoes Ltda., Affymetrix Biotech Shanghai Ltd, Affymetrix Inc, Affymetrix Japan K.K., Affymetrix Pte Ltd, Affymetrix UK Ltd, Afora S.A.U., Ahura Scientific, Alchematrix Inc., Alchematrix LLC, Alfa Aesar, Alfa Aesar (China) Chemical Co. 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UK Ltd, BAC BV, BAC IP BV, Barnstead Thermolyne LLC, Beijing Phadia Diagnostics Co Ltd, Bender MedSystems GmbH, BioTrove Corporation, BioTrove International Inc., Bioanalysis Labsystems S.A., Biochemical Sciences LLC, Biolab, BmT GmbH Laborprodukte, Bonsai Tecnologies - Sistemas para Biotecnologia e Industria Unipessoal Lda, Brammer Bio, Bumi-Sans Sendirian Berhad, CAC Limited, CB Diagnostics AB, CB Diagnostics Holding AB, CEPH International Corporation, CHK Holdings Inc., CRS Robotics, CTPS LLC, Capitol Scientific Products Inc., Capitol Vial Inc., Cellomics Inc., CellzDirect Inc., Cenduit GmbH, Cenduit LLC, Cezanne S.A.S., Chase Scientific Glass Inc., Chromacol Limited, Clintrak, Clintrak Clinical Labeling Services LLC, Clintrak Pharmaceutical Services LLC, Cohesive Technologies (UK) Limited, Cohesive Technologies Inc., Columbia Diagnostics Inc., Compendia Bioscience Inc., Comtest Limited, Consolidated Technologies Inc., Consultores Fisher Scientific Chile Ltd, Core Informatics, Core Informatics LLC, Core Informatics UK Ltd., D-finitive Technologies Inc., DCG Systems B.V., DCG Systems C.V., DCG Systems G.K., DCG Systems GmbH, DCG Systems Korea Ltd., DCG Systems LLC, DPI Newco LLC, DSM Pharmaceutical Products Inc., Dharmacon, Diagnostix Ltd., Dionex (China) Analytical Ltd, Dionex (Switzerland) AG, Dionex (UK) Limited, Dionex Austria GmbH, Dionex Benelux B.V., Dionex Brasil Instrumentos Cientificos Ltda, Dionex Canada Ltd., Dionex China Limited, Dionex Corporation, Dionex Denmark A/S, Dionex Holding GmbH, Dionex I LLC, Dionex Pty Ltd., Dionex S.A., Dionex S.p.A., Dionex Singapore Pte Ltd., Dionex Softron GmbH, Dionex Sweden AB, Distribution Solutions International Inc., Doe & Ingalls Investors Inc., Doe & Ingalls Limited, Doe & Ingalls Management LLC, Doe & Ingalls Properties II LLC, Doe & Ingalls Properties LLC, Doe & Ingalls of California Operating LLC, Doe & Ingalls of Florida Operating LLC, Doe & Ingalls of Maryland Operating LLC, Doe & Ingalls of Massachusetts Operating LLC, Doe & Ingalls of North Carolina Operating LLC, Doublecape Holding Limited, Doublecape Limited, Drakeside Real Estate Holding Company LLC, Duke Scientific Corporation, Dynal Biotech Beijing Limited, EGS Gauging Ltd., EGS Gauging Technical Services Company, EP Scientific Products LLC, Ecochem N.V., EnviroEquip Pty Ltd, Epsom Glass Industries Limited, Equibio Limited, Erie Electroverre S.A., Erie Finance Limited, Erie LP Holding LLC, Erie Scientific Company of Puerto Rico, Erie Scientific Hungary Kft, Erie Scientific LLC, Erie U.K. Limited, Erie UK 1 Limited, Erie UK 2 Limited, Erie UK Holding Company, Erie UK Senior Holding Limited, European Laboratory Holdings Limited, Eutech Instruments Europe B.V., Eutech Instruments Pte Ltd., Eutech Instruments Sdn Bhd, Ever Ready Thermometer Co. 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V, FS (Barbados) Capital Holdings Ltd., FS Casa Rocas Holdings LLC, FS Mexicana Holdings LLC, FSI Receivables Company LLC, FSII Sweden Holdings AB, FSII Sweden Holdings I AB, FSIR Holdings (UK) Limited, FSIR Holdings (US) Inc., FSUK Holdings Limited, FSWH Company LLC, FSWH II C.V., FSWH International Holdings LLC, Fermentas China Co. Ltd, Fermentas Inc., Fermentas International, Fermentas Sweden AB, Fermentas UK Limited, Fiberlite Centrifuge LLC, Finesse Scientific Equipment (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Finesse Solutions AG, Finesse Solutions Inc., Finnzymes Oy, Fisher Alder S. de R.L. de C.V., Fisher Asia Manufacturing Ventures Inc., Fisher Bermuda Holdings Limited, Fisher BioImage ApS, Fisher BioPharma Services (India) Private Limited, Fisher BioSciences Japan G.K., Fisher BioServices Inc., Fisher Bioblock Holding II SNC, Fisher CLP Holding Limited Partnership, Fisher Canada Holding ULC 1, Fisher Canada Holding ULC 2, Fisher Canada Holding ULC 3, Fisher Canada Limited Partnership, Fisher Chimica BVBA, Fisher Clinical Logistics LLC, Fisher Clinical Services (Beijing) Co. Ltd., Fisher Clinical Services (Bristol) LLC, Fisher Clinical Services (Colombia) LLC, Fisher Clinical Services (Korea) Co. Ltd, Fisher Clinical Services (Mexico) LLC, Fisher Clinical Services (Peru) LLC, Fisher Clinical Services (Suzhou) Co. 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Ltd., Fisher Scientific A/S, Fisher Scientific AG, Fisher Scientific Australia Pty Limited, Fisher Scientific Biotech Line ApS, Fisher Scientific Brazil Inc., Fisher Scientific Central America Inc., Fisher Scientific Chile Inc., Fisher Scientific Colombia Inc., Fisher Scientific Company, Fisher Scientific Company L.L.C., Fisher Scientific Costa Rica Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada, Fisher Scientific Europe Holdings B.V., Fisher Scientific GTF AB, Fisher Scientific Germany Beteiligungs GmbH, Fisher Scientific GmbH, Fisher Scientific Holding Company LLC, Fisher Scientific Holding HK Limited, Fisher Scientific Holding U.K. Limited, Fisher Scientific Holdings (M) Sdn Bhd, Fisher Scientific Holdings (S) Pte Ltd, Fisher Scientific International LLC, Fisher Scientific Investments (Cayman) Ltd., Fisher Scientific Ireland Investments Unlimited, Fisher Scientific Ireland Limited, Fisher Scientific Japan Ltd., Fisher Scientific Jersey Island Limited, Fisher Scientific Korea Ltd, Fisher Scientific Latin America Inc., Fisher Scientific Luxembourg S.a.r.l., Fisher Scientific Mexicana S. de R.L. de C.V., Fisher Scientific Mexico Inc., Fisher Scientific Middle East and Africa Inc., Fisher Scientific Norway AS, Fisher Scientific Operating Company, Fisher Scientific Oxoid Holdings Ltd., Fisher Scientific Oy, Fisher Scientific Pte. Ltd., Fisher Scientific S.A.S., Fisher Scientific S.L., Fisher Scientific SPRL, Fisher Scientific The Hague I B.V., Fisher Scientific The Hague II B.V., Fisher Scientific The Hague III B.V., Fisher Scientific The Hague IV B.V., Fisher Scientific The Hague V B.V., Fisher Scientific U.K. Limited, Fisher Scientific UK Holding Company 2, Fisher Scientific UK Holding Company Limited, Fisher Scientific Unipessoal Lda., Fisher Scientific Venezuela Inc., Fisher Scientific Worldwide (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Fisher Scientific Worldwide Holdings I C.V., Fisher Scientific Worldwide Inc., Fisher Scientific de Mexico S.A., Fisher Scientific of the Netherlands B.V., Fisher Scientific spol. S.r.o, Fisher Servicios Clinicos (Chile) LLC, Fisher Servicios Clinicos Chile Ltda, Fisher WWD Holding L.L.C., Fisher Worldwide Distribution SPV, Fisher Worldwide Gene Distribution SPV, Flux Instruments, Fuji Partnership, G & M Procter Limited, G V Instruments Limited, GV Instruments Canada Ltd., GV Instruments Inc, Gatan Inc, General Scientific Company Sdn Bhd (M), Genomed molekularbiologische und diagnostische Produkte GmbH, Gerhard Menzel B.V. & Co. KG, Gold Cattle Standard Testing Labs Inc., Golden West Indemnity Company Limited, Goring Kerr Detection Limited, Greenville Service Company Inc., HENO GmbH i.L., Hangar 215 Inc., Helmet Securities Limited, Henogen, HighChem, HyClone International Trade (Tianjin) Co. Ltd, Hybaid Limited, I.Q. (BIO) Limited, IDnostics AG, ILS Laboratories Scandinavia AB, Inel Inc., Inel SAS, InnaPhase Inc., InnaPhase Limited, IntegenX, Intrinsic BioProbes Inc., Intrinsic Bioprobes Inc., Invitrogen (Shanghai) Investment Co. Ltd., Invitrogen Argentina SA, Invitrogen BioServices India Private Limited, Invitrogen Europe Limited, Invitrogen Finance Corp., Invitrogen Holdings LLC, Invitrogen Holdings Ltd., Invitrogen Hong Kong Limited, Invitrogen IP Holdings Inc., Invitrogen Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Ion Torrent Systems Inc., Ionalytics Corporation, JSC Thermo Fisher Scientific, Jouan LLC, Jouan Limited, Jouan SA, Kendro Containment & Services Limited, Kendro Laboratory Products Ltd, Kettlebrook Insurance Co. ltd., Keystone Scientific, KonTEM GmbH, Kyle Jordan Investments LLC, LIFE TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION, LTC Tech South Africa PTY Ltd., La-Pha-Pack GmbH, Lab Vision (UK) Limited, Lab Vision Corporation, Lab-Chrom-Pack LLC, Lab-Line Instruments Inc., Labomex MBP S. de R. L. De C.V., Laboratoire Service International - L.S.I, Laboratory Management Systems Inc., Laboratory Specialties Proprietary Ltd., LambTrack Limited, Laser Analytical Systems Inc., Liberty Lane Investment LLC, Liberty Lane Real Estate Holding Company LLC, Life Sciences International (Poland) SP z O.O, Life Sciences International Holdings BV, Life Sciences International LLC, Life Sciences International Limited, Life Technologies AS, Life Technologies Australia PTY Ltd., Life Technologies BPD AB, Life Technologies BPD UK Limited, Life Technologies Brasil Comercio e Industria de Produtos para Biotecnologia Ltda, Life Technologies Chile SpA, Life Technologies Clinical Services Lab Inc., Life Technologies Co. Ltd., Life Technologies Czech Republic s.r.o., Life Technologies DaAn Diagnostic (Guangzhou) Co. Ltd., Life Technologies Europe B.V., Life Technologies Finance Ltd., Life Technologies Finland Oy, Life Technologies GmbH, Life Technologies Holdings PTE Ltd., Life Technologies Inc., Life Technologies International B.V., Life Technologies Japan Ltd., Life Technologies Korea LLC, Life Technologies Limited, Life Technologies Magyarorszag Kft, Life Technologies New Zealand Ltd., Life Technologies Norway Investments US LLC, Life Technologies Polska Sp z.o.o., Life Technologies SA, Life Technologies SAS, Life Technologies s.r.o, Linkage Biosciences Inc., Linkage Biosciences S.a.r.l., Loftus Furnace Company, Lomb Scientific, Lomb Scientific (Aust) Pty Limited, MTI-GlobalStem, Marketbase International Limited, Matrix MicroScience Inc., Matrix MicroScience Ltd., Matrix Technologies Corporation Limited, Matrix Technologies LLC, Maybridge Chemical Company Limited, Maybridge Chemical Holdings Limited, Maybridge Limited, Medical Analysis Systems Inc., Medical Analysis Systems International Inc., Medical Diagnostics Systems Inc., Metavac LLC, Microgenics Corporation, Microgenics Diagnostics Pty Limited, Microgenics GmbH, Microm International GmbH, Microm Laborgerate S.L.U, Molecular BioProducts Inc., Molecular Probes Inc., Molecular Transfer Inc., NAPCO Inc., NERL Diagnostics LLC, NOVODIRECT GmbH Labor- und Industrie- Megerate, Nalge (Europe) Limited, Nalge Nunc International (Monterrey) LLC, Nalge Nunc International Corporation, Nanjing WeiKangLe Trading Industrial Co Ltd, NanoDrop Technologies LLC, National Scientific Company, Navaho Acquisition Corp., Neomarkers Inc., New FS Holdings Inc., NewcoGen PE LLC, Nihon Dynal K.K., Niton Asia Limited, NovaWave Technologies Inc., Nunc A/S, ONIX Systems Inc., OXOID CZ s.r.o., Odyssey Holdings Corporation, Odyssey Luxembourg Holdings S.a r.l., Odyssey Luxembourg IP Holdings 1 S.a r.l., Odyssey Luxembourg IP Holdings 2 S.a r.l., Odyssey Venture Corporation, Omega Data Systems, One Lambda Inc, Onix Holdings Limited, Orme Scientific Limited, Owl Separation Systems LLC, Oxoid (ELY) Limited, Oxoid 2000 Limited, Oxoid AS, Oxoid Australia Pty. Limited, Oxoid Company, Oxoid Deutschland GmbH, Oxoid Holding SAS, Oxoid Holdings Limited, Oxoid Inc., Oxoid International Limited, Oxoid Investments GmbH, Oxoid Limited, Oxoid N.V., Oxoid New Zealand Limited, Oxoid Pension Trustees Limited, Oxoid Senior Holdings Limited, Oxoid UKH LLC, PAX - DSI Acquisition LLC, PE AG, Pacific Rim Far East Industries LLC, Pacific Rim Investment LLC, Panomics L.L.C., Panomics S.R.L., Patheon, Patheon API Inc., Patheon API Manufacturing Inc., Patheon API Services Inc., Patheon Austria GmbH & Co KG, Patheon B.V., Patheon Banner U.S. Holdings Inc., Patheon Biologics (NJ) LLC, Patheon Biologics Australia Pty Ltd, Patheon Biologics B.V., Patheon Biologics LLC, Patheon Calculus Merger LLC, Patheon Cooperatief U.A., Patheon Development Services Inc., Patheon Finance LLC, Patheon France SAS, Patheon Holdings B.V., Patheon Holdings I B.V., Patheon Holdings II B.V., Patheon Holdings SAS, Patheon I B.V., Patheon I Holding GmbH, Patheon Inc., Patheon International AG, Patheon Italia S.p.A., Patheon KK, Patheon Life Science Products International GmbH, Patheon Manufacturing Services LLC, Patheon Pharmaceuticals Inc., Patheon Pharmaceuticals Services Inc., Patheon Puerto Rico Acquisitions Corporation, Patheon Puerto Rico Inc., Patheon Regensburg GmbH, Patheon Softgels B.V., Patheon Softgels Inc., Patheon U.S. Holdings Inc., Patheon U.S. Holdings LLC, Patheon UK Limited, Patheon UK Pension Trustees Limited, Pelican Acquisition Corporation, Perbio Science (Canada) Company, Perbio Science AB, Perbio Science BVBA, Perbio Science France SAS, Perbio Science Inc., Perbio Science International Netherlands B.V., Perbio Science Invest AB, Perbio Science Nederland B.V., Perbio Science Projekt AB, Perbio Science Sweden Holdings AB, Perbio Science Switzerland SA, Perbio Science UK Limited, Phadia AB, Phadia Diagnosticos Ltda, Phadia GmbH, Phadia Holding AB, Phadia International Holdings C.V., Phadia Korea Co. Ltd, Phadia Luxembourg Holdings S.a.r.l., Phadia Malta Holdings Limited, Phadia Oy, Phadia Real Property AB, Phadia Sweden AB, Phadia Taiwan Inc., Phadia US Inc., Phadia s.r.o., Pharmacaps Mexicana SA de CV, Phenom-World B.V., Phenom-World Holding B.V, Phenom-World Innovations B.V., Phinotex, Pierce Biotechnology Inc., Pierce Milwaukee Holding Corp., Pierce Milwaukee Inc., Polychromix, Power Sweden Holdings I AB, Power Sweden Holdings II AB, Power Sweden Holdings III Aktiebolag, Princeton Gamma-Tech Instruments LLC, Princeton Security Technologies, Prionics AG, Prionics Asia Ltd., Prionics Deutschland GmbH, Prionics France SAS, Prionics Italia S.r.l., Prionics Lelystad B.V., Prionics USA Inc., Priority Air Express LLC, Priority Air Express Pte. Ltd., Priority Air Express UK Limited, Priority Air Holdings Corp, Priority Solutions International, Promedica Pty Limited, Proxeon, Proxeon Biosystems ApS, Qiagen, REP GBP I-B Blocker Inc., Raymond A Lamb Limited, Remel Europe Limited, Remel Inc., Richard-Allan Scientific Company, Robbins Scientific LLC, Robocon Labor- und Industrieroboter Gesellschaft m.b.H, Rupprecht and Patashnick, Rupprecht and Patashnick (R&P), Russell pH Limited, S.C.I. du 10 rue Dugay Trouin, SCI Inno 92, STC Bio Manufacturing Inc., Samco Scientific (Monterrey) LLC, Samco Scientific LLC, Saroph Sweden AB, Schantz Road LLC, Seradyn Inc., Shanghai Life Technologies Biotechnology Co. Limited, Shanghai Thermo Fisher (C-I) Trading Co. Ltd, Shanghai Thermo Fisher (S) Trading Co. Ltd, Southern Trials (Pty) Ltd., Specialty (SMI) Inc., Spectra-Physics AB, Spectra-Physics Holdings Limited, Spectra-Physics Holdings USA LLC, Spectronex, Staten Island Cogeneration Corporation, Sterilin Limited, Stokes Bio Ltd., Sweden DIA (Sweden) AB, SwissAnalytic Group GmbH, Systems Manufacturing Corporation, TFLP LLC, TFS Breda B.V., TFS LLC, TFS Singapore HK Limited, TFSL Financing GP LLC, TFSL Senior GP Holdings 2 LLC, TK Partnership, TKA Wasseraufbereitungssysteme, TMOI Inc., TPI Real Estate Holdings LLC, TSP Holdings I LLC, TWX LLC, Technology Design Solutions Pty Ltd, Thermedics Detection de Argentina S.R.L, Thermo Allen Coding Limited, Thermo Asset Management Services Inc., Thermo BioAnalysis LLC, Thermo BioAnalysis Limited, Thermo BioSciences Holdings LLC, Thermo CIDTEC, Thermo CRS Holdings Ltd., Thermo CRS Ltd., Thermo Cambridge Limited, Thermo Cayman Holdings Ltd., Thermo Corporation, Thermo DMA Inc., Thermo Detection de Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., Thermo Dutch Holdings Limited Partnership, Thermo EGS Gauging LLC, Thermo Eberline Holdings I LLC, Thermo Eberline Holdings II LLC, Thermo Eberline LLC, Thermo Electron (Calgary) Limited, Thermo Electron (Chile) S.p.A., Thermo Electron (Karlsruhe) GmbH, Thermo Electron (Management Services) Limited, Thermo Electron (Proprietary) Limited, Thermo Electron A/S, Thermo Electron Australia Pty Limited, Thermo Electron Export Inc., Thermo Electron Holdings SAS, Thermo Electron Industries, Thermo Electron LED GmbH, Thermo Electron LED S.A.S., Thermo Electron Limited, Thermo Electron Manufacturing Limited, Thermo Electron Metallurgical Services Inc., Thermo Electron North America LLC, Thermo Electron Pension Trust GmbH, Thermo Electron Puerto Rico Inc., Thermo Electron SAS, Thermo Electron Scientific Instruments LLC, Thermo Electron Sweden AB, Thermo Electron Sweden Forvaltning AB, Thermo Electron Weighing & Inspection Limited, Thermo Elemental Limited, Thermo Environmental Instruments LLC, Thermo Fast U.K. Limited, Thermo Finland Holdings LLC, Thermo Finland Holdings MT1 B.V., Thermo Finland Holdings MT2 B.V., Thermo Finnigan LLC, Thermo Finnigan Limited, Thermo Fisher (CN) Luxembourg Holding S.a.r.l., Thermo Fisher (CN) Luxembourg S.a.r.l., Thermo Fisher (CN) Malta Holdings Limited, Thermo Fisher (CN-I) Luxembourg LLC, Thermo Fisher (CN-II) Luxembourg LLC, Thermo Fisher (Cayman) Holdings I Ltd., Thermo Fisher (Cayman) Holdings II Ltd., Thermo Fisher (Finland Holdings 2) LLC, Thermo Fisher (Finland Holdings) Limited Partnership, Thermo Fisher (Gibraltar) II Limited, Thermo Fisher (Gibraltar) Limited, Thermo Fisher (Heysham) Limited, Thermo Fisher (Kandel) GmbH, Thermo Fisher CHK Holding LLC, Thermo Fisher China Business Trust, Thermo Fisher China Business Trust II, Thermo Fisher Costa Rica Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada, Thermo Fisher Cyprus Holdings LLC, Thermo Fisher Detection Mexico LLC, Thermo Fisher Diagnostics (Ireland) Limited, Thermo Fisher Diagnostics AB, Thermo Fisher Diagnostics AG, Thermo Fisher Diagnostics AS, Thermo Fisher Diagnostics Aps, Thermo Fisher Diagnostics Austria GmbH, Thermo Fisher Diagnostics B.V., Thermo Fisher Diagnostics GmbH, Thermo Fisher Diagnostics K.K., Thermo Fisher Diagnostics Limited, Thermo Fisher Diagnostics NV, Thermo Fisher Diagnostics S.L.U., Thermo Fisher Diagnostics S.p.A. , Thermo Fisher Diagnostics SAS, Thermo Fisher Diagnostics Sociedade Unipessoal Lda, Thermo Fisher Eurobonds Ltd., Thermo Fisher Financial Services Inc., Thermo Fisher GP LLC, Thermo Fisher German Holdings LLC, Thermo Fisher Germany B.V., Thermo Fisher India Divestco Private Limited, Thermo Fisher India Holding B.V., Thermo Fisher Insurance Holdings Inc., Thermo Fisher Insurance Holdings LLC, Thermo Fisher Investments (Cayman) Ltd., Thermo Fisher Israel Ltd., Thermo Fisher Production et Services SAS, Thermo Fisher Project Cyprus LLC, Thermo Fisher Re Ltd., Thermo Fisher Scientific (Asheville) LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Australia) C.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific (Barbados) Holdings Ltd., Thermo Fisher Scientific (Breda) Holding BV, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Bremen) GmbH, Thermo Fisher Scientific (CN) Limited Partnership, Thermo Fisher Scientific (China) Co. Ltd., Thermo Fisher Scientific (China) Holding Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific (China-HK) Holding Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific (DE) Holding S.a.r.l., Thermo Fisher Scientific (Ecublens) SARL, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Finance I) B.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific (Finance I) S.a.r.l., Thermo Fisher Scientific (Finance II) S.a.r.l., Thermo Fisher Scientific (Finance III) LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Finance III) S.a.r.l., Thermo Fisher Scientific (Fuji) LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Guangzhou) Co. Ltd, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Holding II) B.V. & Co. KG, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Hong Kong) Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific (IVGN) B.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific (IVGN) Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Johannesburg) (Proprietary) Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Mexico City) LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Milwaukee) LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Mississauga) Inc., Thermo Fisher Scientific (Monterrey) S. De R.L. De C.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific (NK) LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific (PN) Austria Holding GmbH, Thermo Fisher Scientific (PN) UK LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific (PN) UK Limited Partnership, Thermo Fisher Scientific (PN-I) SRL, Thermo Fisher Scientific (PN-II) SRL, Thermo Fisher Scientific (PN1) UK Ltd, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Panama) B.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific (Panama) Dutch LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Praha) s.r.o., Thermo Fisher Scientific (Real Estate 1) GmbH & Co. KG, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Real Estate 1) S.a.r.l., Thermo Fisher Scientific (Schweiz) AG, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Shanghai) Instruments Co. Ltd., Thermo Fisher Scientific (Shanghai) Management Co. Ltd., Thermo Fisher Scientific (Suzhou) Instruments Co. Ltd, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Thailand) Co. Ltd., Thermo Fisher Scientific AL-1 LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific AU C.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific AU II Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific AU LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific AU Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific Africa Proprietary Ltd, Thermo Fisher Scientific Aquasensors LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Australia Pty Ltd, Thermo Fisher Scientific B.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific B.V.B.A., Thermo Fisher Scientific BHK (I) Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific BHK (II) Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics UAB, Thermo Fisher Scientific Beteiligungsverwaltungs GmbH, Thermo Fisher Scientific Biosciences Corp., Thermo Fisher Scientific Brahms LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Brasil Instrumentos de Processo Ltda., Thermo Fisher Scientific Brasil Servicos de Logistica Ltda, Thermo Fisher Scientific C.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific Cayman Investments LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Chemicals Inc., Thermo Fisher Scientific China (C-I) LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific China (S) LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific China Holdings I B.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific China Holdings II B.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific China Holdings III B.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific China Holdings IV B.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific Chromatography Holdings Aps, Thermo Fisher Scientific Chromatography Holdings S.a r.l., Thermo Fisher Scientific Cyprus I C.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific Cyprus I Ltd, Thermo Fisher Scientific Cyprus II C.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific Cyprus II Ltd, Thermo Fisher Scientific Cyprus III C.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific Cyprus III Ltd, Thermo Fisher Scientific Cyprus IV C.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific Cyprus V C.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific Denmark Senior Holdings ApS, Thermo Fisher Scientific Erie 1 Financing (Barbados) SRL, Thermo Fisher Scientific Erie Financing (Barbados) SRL, Thermo Fisher Scientific Erie Financing S.a r.l, Thermo Fisher Scientific Europe GmbH, Thermo Fisher Scientific FLC B.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific FLC Finance C.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific FLC II B.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific FLC LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific FSIR Financing (Barbados) SRL, Thermo Fisher Scientific FSIR Financing S.a.r.l, Thermo Fisher Scientific FSUKHCO Financing (Barbados) SRL, Thermo Fisher Scientific Falcon Senior Holdings Inc., Thermo Fisher Scientific Finance Company BV, Thermo Fisher Scientific GENEART GmbH, Thermo Fisher Scientific Germany BV & Co. KG, Thermo Fisher Scientific GmbH, Thermo Fisher Scientific HR Services Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific Holdings (Cayman) I, Thermo Fisher Scientific Holdings (Cayman) II , Thermo Fisher Scientific Holdings Europe Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific IT Services GmbH, Thermo Fisher Scientific India Holding LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific India Pvt Ltd, Thermo Fisher Scientific Investments (Luxembourg) S.a.r.l., Thermo Fisher Scientific Investments (Malta) Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific Investments (Sweden) LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Investments (Sweden) S.a.r.l., Thermo Fisher Scientific Investments Malta (Sweden Financing) Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific Invitrogen Financing (Barbados) SRL, Thermo Fisher Scientific Japan Holdings I B.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific Japan Holdings II B.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific Japan Holdings III B.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific K.K., Thermo Fisher Scientific Korea Ltd., Thermo Fisher Scientific LSI Financing (Barbados) SRL, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life CV GP Holdings II LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life CV GP Holdings LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Enterprises C.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Enterprises GP LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Financing (Barbados) SRL, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Financing (Cayman), Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Financing C.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Financing Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Holdings I C.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Holdings II C.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Holdings III C.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Holdings Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life International GP Holdings LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life International Holdings I C.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific Life International Holdings II C.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Investments C.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Investments GP LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Investments I S.a.r.l., Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Investments II S.a r.l., Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Investments III S.a.r.l., Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Investments IV S.a.r.l, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Investments Malta Holding I LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Investments Malta Holding II LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Investments Malta I Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Investments Malta II Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Investments US Financing I LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Investments US Financing II LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life NL Holdings GP LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Netherlands Holding C.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Senior GP Holdings II LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Senior GP Holdings LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Senior Holdings C.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Senior Holdings II C.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Senior Holdings Inc., Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Switzerland Holdings GP LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Tech Korea Holdings LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Technologies Enterprise Holding Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Technologies Investment I LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Technologies Investment II LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Technologies Investment UK I Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Technologies Investment UK II Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Technologies Investments Holding LP, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Technologies Israel Investment I Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Technologies Israel Investment II Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Technologies Luxembourg Holding LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Luxembourg Enterprise Holdings S.a r.l., Thermo Fisher Scientific Luxembourg German Holdings S.a.r.l., Thermo Fisher Scientific Luxembourg Life Technologies UK Holding S.a r.l, Thermo Fisher Scientific Luxembourg Sweden Holdings I S.a r.l, Thermo Fisher Scientific Luxembourg Sweden Holdings II S.a r.l., Thermo Fisher Scientific Luxembourg Venture Holdings I S.a.r.l., Thermo Fisher Scientific Luxembourg Venture Holdings II S.a.r.l., Thermo Fisher Scientific Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., Thermo Fisher Scientific Malta Holdings LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Messtechnik GmbH, Thermo Fisher Scientific Mexico City S. de R.L. de C.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific Middle East Holdings Inc., Thermo Fisher Scientific Milano Srl, Thermo Fisher Scientific NHK Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific New Zealand Holdings, Thermo Fisher Scientific New Zealand Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific Norway Holdings AS, Thermo Fisher Scientific Norway US Investments LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Odyssey Financing (Barbados) SRL, Thermo Fisher Scientific Odyssey Holdings Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific Operating Company LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Oy, Thermo Fisher Scientific PN2 C.V, Thermo Fisher Scientific PN2 LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific PRB LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific PRB Malta Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific PRB S.a.r.l., Thermo Fisher Scientific Panama I Cayman Ltd, Thermo Fisher Scientific Peru S.R.L., Thermo Fisher Scientific Pte. Ltd., Thermo Fisher Scientific Re Ltd., Thermo Fisher Scientific SL, Thermo Fisher Scientific Senior Financing LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Senior Holdings Australia LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific South Africa Proprietary Ltd, Thermo Fisher Scientific SpA, Thermo Fisher Scientific Spectra LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Spectra Malta Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific Spectra S.a.r.l., Thermo Fisher Scientific Spectra-Physics Holdings Luxembourg I S.a r.l., Thermo Fisher Scientific Spectra-Physics Holdings Luxembourg II S.a r.l., Thermo Fisher Scientific Spectra-Physics Investments Malta Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific Switzerland Holdings C.V., Thermo Fisher Scientific TR Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific Taiwan Co. Ltd., Thermo Fisher Scientific Vermogensverwaltungs GmbH, Thermo Fisher Scientific West Palm Holdings LLC, Thermo Fisher Scientific Wissenschaftliche Gerate GmbH, Thermo Fisher Scientific Worldwide Investments (Cayman), Thermo Fisher Scientific eCommerce Solutions LLC , Thermo Fisher Senior Canada Holdings LLC, Thermo Foundation Inc., Thermo Gamma-Metrics Holdings Pty Ltd., Thermo Gamma-Metrics LLC, Thermo Gamma-Metrics Pty Ltd, Thermo Holding European Operations LLC, Thermo Hypersil Ltd, Thermo Hypersil-Keystone LLC, Thermo Informatics Asia Pacific Pty Ltd., Thermo Instrument Controls de Mexico S.A. de C.V., Thermo Kevex X-Ray LLC, Thermo Keytek LLC, Thermo LabSystems Inc., Thermo LabSystems S.A., Thermo Life Science International Trading (Tianjin) Co. Ltd., Thermo Life Sciences AB, Thermo Luxembourg Holding S.a.r.l., Thermo Luxembourg S.a.r.l., Thermo MF Physics LLC, Thermo Measurement Ltd, Thermo Measuretech Canada Inc., Thermo Neslab LLC, Thermo Nicolet Limited, Thermo Onix Limited, Thermo Optek (Australia) Pty Ltd., Thermo Optek Limited, Thermo Optek S.A., Thermo Orion Inc., Thermo Portable Holdings LLC, Thermo Power Corporation, Thermo Process Instruments GP LLC, Thermo Process Instruments L.P., Thermo Projects Limited, Thermo Quest S.A., Thermo Radiometrie Limited, Thermo Ramsey Italia S.r.l., Thermo Ramsey LLC, Thermo Ramsey S.A., Thermo Re Ltd., Thermo Scientific Microbiology Pte Ltd., Thermo Scientific Microbiology Sdn Bhd, Thermo Scientific Portable Analytical Instruments Inc., Thermo Scientific Services Inc., Thermo Securities Corporation, Thermo Sentron Canada Inc., Thermo Sentron Limited, Thermo Shandon Inc., Thermo Shandon Limited, Thermo Suomi Holding B.V., Thermo TLH (UK) Limited, Thermo TLH L.P., Thermo Trace Pty Ltd., Thermo-Fisher Biochemical Product (Beijing) Co. Ltd., ThermoLase LLC, ThermoSpectra Limited, Trek Diagnostic Systems LLC, Trek Diagnostic Systems Ltd., Trek Holding Company II Ltd., Trek Holding Company Ltd., Trex Medical Corporation, USB Corporation, Union Lab Supplies Limited, United Diagnostics Inc., VG Systems Limited, Westover Scientific Inc., ZAO PE Biosystems, eBioscience GmbH, eBioscience Ltd, eBioscience SAS, and picoSpin LLC. Read More Centrica plc operates as an integrated energy company in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Norway, North America, and internationally. The company operates through British Gas Services & Solutions, British Gas Energy, Centrica Business Solutions, Bord Gais Energy, Energy Marketing & Trading, and Upstream segments. It supplies gas and electricity to residential customers, as well as offers energy-related services; and generates power from nuclear assets. The company also provides installation, repair, and maintenance services for domestic central heating, plumbing and drains, home electrical, and gas and kitchen appliances; and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment, as well as offers breakdown services. In addition, it is involved in the procurement, trading, and optimization of energy; procurement and sale of LNG; and supplies energy efficiency solutions and technologies to residential customers. Further, the company produces and processes gas and oil; develops new fields to maintain reserves; constructs, owns, and exploits infrastructure; and engages in the social enterprise investment fund activities. Additionally, it provides vehicle leasing, commercial, and insurance services, as well as energy management products and services; and operates a gas storage and franchise network. The company was formerly known as Yieldtop plc and changed its name to Centrica plc in December 1996. Centrica plc was founded in 1812 and is based in Windsor, the United Kingdom. Membership of the Wassenaar Arrangement is expected to help New Delhi acquire critical technologies, and raise its stature in the field of non-proliferation. Membership of the Wassenaar Arrangement is expected to build up a strong case for India's entry into the Nuclear Suppliers Group (Reuters file photo for representation) By India Today Web Desk: The elite export control regime Wassenaar Arrangement (WA) decided to admit India as its new member at a two-day plenary meeting of the grouping in Vienna. India "will become the Arrangement's 42nd participating state as soon as the necessary procedural arrangements for joining the WA are completed," Wassenaar Arrangement said in a statement. This move is expected to help New Delhi acquire critical technologies, and raise its stature in the field of non-proliferation, even though it is not a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty, or NPT. advertisement India has not signed the NPT, terming it discriminatory - as it only recognises nations which conducted nuclear explosive devices before 1967 as nuclear weapon states. Membership of the Wassenaar Arrangement is also expected to build up a strong case for India's entry into the Nuclear Suppliers Group - a 48-member group which controls the export of nuclear materials, equipment and technology. The US has welcomed India's inclusion. United States welcomes the successful conclusion of the #WassenaarArrangement plenary, which offered India membership, agreed upon over 80 control list updates, & exchanged views on proliferation challenges: US-UN Mission Vienna- ANI (@ANI) December 7, 2017 Here's what you need to know about the Wassenaar Arrangement, in three points. It plays a significant role in promoting transparency and greater responsibility in transfers of conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies. Its member countries are required to ensure that transfers of these items do not contribute to the development or enhancement of military capabilities which undermine these goals. It aims to prevent the acquisition of these items by terrorists. Since its civil nuclear deal with the US, India has been trying to get into export control regimes like Wassenaar Arrangement and the NSG. In June last year, India joined the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) as a full member. China, which is not a member of WA, has stonewalled India's entry into the NSG. (Inputs from PTI) WATCH | France backs India's entry into Nuclear Suppliers Group --- ENDS --- Deutsche Telekom AG, together with its subsidiaries, provides integrated telecommunication services. The company operates through five segments: Germany, United States, Europe, Systems Solutions, and Group Development. It offers fixed-network services, including voice and data communication services based on fixed-network and broadband technology; and sells terminal equipment and other hardware products, as well as services to resellers. The company also provides mobile voice and data services to consumers and business customers; sells mobile devices and other hardware products; and sells mobile services to resellers and to companies that purchases and markets network services to third parties, such as mobile virtual network operators. In addition, it offers internet services; internet-based TV products and services; and information and communication technology systems for multinational corporations and public sector institutions with an infrastructure of data centers and networks under the T-Systems brand, as well as call center services. The company has 242 million mobile customers and 22 million broadband customers, as well as 27 million fixed-network lines. Deutsche Telekom AG has a collaboration with VMware, Inc. on cloud-based open and intelligent virtual RAN platform to bring agility to radio access networks for existing LTE and future 5G networks; and partnership with Microsoft to deliver high-performance cloud computing experiences. The company was founded in 1995 and is headquartered in Bonn, Germany. By PTI: New Delhi, Dec 7 (PTI) In a major development, leading export control regime Wassenaar Arrangement today decided to admit India as its new member. The decision was taken at the groupings plenary meeting in Vienna. The grouping said India will be its 42 member state as soon as the necessary formalities are completed. "Wassenaar Arrangement (WA) participating states reviewed progress of a number of current membership applications and agreed at the plenary meeting to admit India which will become the arrangements 42 participating state as soon as the necessary procedural arrangements for joining the WA are completed," the grouping said in a statement at the conclusion of its plenary meeting. advertisement An entry into the export control regime would enhance Indias credentials in the field of non-proliferation despite not being a signatory to the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT). PTI MPB SMN --- ENDS --- Twitter, Inc. operates as a platform for public self-expression and conversation in real-time. The company's primary product is Twitter, a platform that allows users to consume, create, distribute, and discover content. It also provides promoted products that enable advertisers to promote brands, products, and services, as well as enable advertisers to target an audience based on various factors, including who an account follows and actions taken on its platform, such as Tweets created and engagement with Tweets. Its promoted products consist of promoted ads and Twitter Amplify, Follower Ads, and Twitter takeover. In addition, the company offers monetization products for creators, including Tips to directly send small one-time payments on Twitter using various payment methods, including bitcoin; Super Follows, a paid monthly subscription, which includes bonus content, exclusive previews, and perks as a way to support and connect with creators on Twitter; and Ticketed Spaces to support creators on Twitter for their time and effort in hosting, speaking, and moderating the public conversation on Twitter Spaces. Further, it offers products for developers and data partners comprising Twitter Developer Platform, a platform that enables developers to build tools for people and businesses using its public application programming interface; and paid access to Twitter data for partners with commercial use cases. Twitter, Inc. was founded in 2006 and is based in San Francisco, California. The following companies are subsidiares of General Motors: 2140879 Ontario Inc., ACAR Leasing Ltd., ACF Investment Corp., AFS SenSub Corp., APGO Trust, Adam Opel GmbH, AmeriCredit, AmeriCredit Financial Services Inc., Annunciata Corporation, Argonaut Holdings LLC, Astyx Inc., BOCO (Proprietary) Limited, Banco GM S.A., Boco Trust, BrightDrop LLC, BrightDrop Solutions LLC, BrightDrop Vehicle Distribution LLC, CHEVYPLAN S.A. Sociedad Administradora de Planes de Autofinanciamiento Comercial, Cadillac, Cadillac Europe GmbH, Carve-Out Ownership Cooperative LLC, Chevrolet Deutschland GmbH, Chevrolet Otomotiv Ticaret Limited Sirketi, Chevrolet Sales (Thailand) Limited, Chevrolet Sales India Private Ltd., Chevrolet Sociedad Anonima de Ahorro para Fines Determinados, Controladora General Motors S. de R.L. de C.V., Cruise, Cruise LLC, Cruise Munich GmbH, DCJ1 LLC, DMAX Ltd., Dealership Liquidations Inc., Delphi Energy and Engine Management Systems UK Overseas Corporation, EDS (Electronic Data Systems), GCAR Titling Ltd., GM (UK) Pension Trustees Limited, GM Administradora de Bens Ltda., GM Asia Pacific Regional Headquarters Ltd., GM Components Holdings LLC, GM Corretora de Seguros Ltda., GM Cruise Holdings LLC, GM Defense LLC, GM Eurometals Inc., GM Finance Co. Holdings LLC, GM Financial, GM Financial Bank, GM Financial Canada Leasing Ltd., GM Financial Colombia Holdings LLC, GM Financial Colombia S.A. Compania de Financiamiento, GM Financial Consumer Discount Company, GM Financial Holdings LLC, GM Financial Insurance Company, GM Financial Mexico Holdings LLC, GM Financial de Mexico S.A. de C.V. SOFOM E.R., GM Financial del Peru S.A.C, GM Global Technology Operations LLC, GM Global Tooling Company LLC, GM Global Treasury Centre Limited, GM Holdings Australia Pty Ltd, GM Holdings U.K. No.1 Limited, GM Inversiones Santiago Limitada, GM Investment Trustees Limited, GM Korea Company, GM LAAM Holdings LLC, GM Mobility Europe GmbH, GM Personnel Services Inc., GM Philippines Inc., GM Protections LLC, GM Regional Holdings LLC, GM Retirees Pension Trustees Limited, GM Speciality Vehicles UK Limited, GM Subsystems Manufacturing LLC, GM Technical Center Korea Ltd., GM-DI Leasing LLC, GMAC Administradora de Consorcios Ltda., GMAC Prestadora de Servicios de Mao de Obra Ltda., GMCH&SP Private Equity II L.P., GMF Funding Corp., GMF Global Assignment LLC, GMF International LLC, GMF Leasing LLC, GMF Wholesale Receivables LLC, General Motors (China) Investment Company Limited, General Motors - Colmotores S.A., General Motors Advisory Services LLC, General Motors Africa and Middle East FZE, General Motors Asia LLC, General Motors Asia Pacific Holdings LLC, General Motors Asset Management Corporation, General Motors Australia Pty Ltd., General Motors Australia and New Zealand Pty Ltd., General Motors Auto LLC, General Motors Automobiles Philippines Inc., General Motors Automotive Holdings S.L., General Motors Belgique Automobile NV, General Motors Chile Industria Automotriz Limitada, General Motors China LLC, General Motors Daewoo Auto and Technology CIS LLC, General Motors Egypt S.A.E., General Motors Europe Limited, General Motors Financial Chile Limitada, General Motors Financial Chile S.A., General Motors Financial Company Inc., General Motors Financial of Canada Ltd., General Motors Global Service Operations Inc., General Motors Holden Australia NSC Pty Ltd., General Motors Holdings LLC, General Motors IT Services (Ireland) Limited, General Motors India Private Limited, General Motors International Holdings LLC, General Motors International Operations Pte. Ltd., General Motors International Services Company SAS, General Motors International Services LLC, General Motors Investment Limited, General Motors Investment Management Corporation, General Motors Investment Participacoes Ltda., General Motors Investments Pty. Ltd., General Motors Israel Ltd., General Motors Japan Limited, General Motors LLC, General Motors Limited, General Motors New Zealand Limited, General Motors New Zealand Pensions Limited, General Motors Overseas Commercial Vehicle Corporation, General Motors Overseas Corporation, General Motors Overseas Distribution LLC, General Motors Peru S.A., General Motors Research Corporation, General Motors South Africa (Pty) Limited, General Motors Taiwan Ltd., General Motors Technical Centre India Private Limited, General Motors Treasury Center LLC, General Motors Uruguay S.A., General Motors Ventures LLC, General Motors Warehousing and Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., General Motors de Argentina S.r.l., General Motors de Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., General Motors del Ecuador S.A., General Motors do Brasil Ltda., General Motors of Canada Company, General Motors-Holden's Sales Pty. Limited, Global Services Detroit LLC, Grand Pointe Holdings Inc., Grand Pointe Park Condominium Association, IBC Pension Trustees Limited, Lease Ownership Cooperative LLC, Lidlington Engineering Company Ltd., Limited Liability Company "General Motors CIS", Maven Drive LLC, Millbrook Pension Management Limited, Monetization of Carve-Out LLC, Motors Holding LLC, Multi-Use Lease Entity Trust, North American New Cars LLC, Omnibus BB Transportes S. A., OnStar Connected Services Srl, OnStar Egypt Limited, OnStar Europe Ltd., OnStar Global Services Corporation, OnStar LLC, OnStar de Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., P.T. G M AutoWorld Indonesia, P.T. General Motors Indonesia, PIMS Co., PT. General Motors Indonesia Manufacturing, Pan Asia Technical Automotive Center Company Ltd., Prestadora de Servicios GMF Colombia S.A.S., Rapid Motor Vehicle Company, Reliance Motor Car Company, Riverfront Holdings III Inc., Riverfront Holdings Inc., Riverfront Holdings Phase II Inc., SAIC GM (Shenyang) Norsom Motors Co. Ltd., SAIC GM Dong Yue Motors Company Limited, SAIC GM Dong Yue Powertrain Company Limited, SAIC GM Wuling Automobile Company Limited, SAIC General Motors Corporation Limited, SAIC General Motors Sales Company Limited, SAIC-GMAC Automotive Finance Company Limited, SAIC-GMF Leasing Co. Ltd., Servicios GMAC S.A. de C.V., Shanghai OnStar Telematics Co. Ltd., Sidecar Technologies, Ultium Cells LLC, Vehicle Asset Universal Leasing Trust, WRE Inc., and Zona Franca Industrial Colmotores SAS. Read More By India Today Web Desk: Comedian Bharti Singh tied the knot with longtime beau Haarsh Limbachiyaa in a grand wedding in Goa on December 3. The wedding was a three-day extravaganza, attended by many popular faces of television industry. The couple returned to Mumbai on Wednesday. Bharti, who entered Haarsh's house for the first time after her wedding, got a grand welcome by her mother-in-law. advertisement The comedian shared her griha-pravesh video on Instagram, where Bharti is seen pushing the kalash filled with rice before stepping inside the house. Bharti posted the video and wrote, "Sasural ki Hawa mein jaadu hai.... Happiness is being welcomed by in laws in such a cute way... Love you guys! We're going to have lot of fun and awesome memories together What say @haarshlimbachiyaa30? #sasural #inlaws #cuties #family #instafam #love #aftermarriage #hitched #bhartikibaraat #haarshkibharti #celebrations #homecoming." According to reports, Bharti and Haarsh were scheduled to return on Tuesday but their flight got cancelled due to cyclone Ockhi. The newlywed couple will soon be heading to Europe for their much awaited month-long honeymoon and will be visiting places like Italy, Venice, Budapest and Greece. --- ENDS --- The following companies are subsidiares of Caterpillar: Advanced Tri-Gen Power Systems LLC, Anchor Coupling Inc., Asia Power Systems (Tianjin) Ltd., AsiaTrak (Tianjin) Ltd., Banco Caterpillar S.A., Berg Propulsion International Pte Ltd., Bucyrus, Bucyrus Australia Surface Pty. Ltd., Bucyrus Europe Holdings Ltd., Bucyrus Europe Limited, Bucyrus International (Chile) Limitada, Bucyrus International (Peru) S.A., Bucyrus Mining Australia Pty. Ltd., Bucyrus Mining China LLC, Bucyrus UK Limited, Cat Rental Kyushu LLC, Caterpillar (Africa) (Proprietary) Limited, Caterpillar (China) Financial Leasing Co. Ltd., Caterpillar (China) Investment Co. Ltd., Caterpillar (China) Machinery Components Co. Ltd., Caterpillar (HK) Limited, Caterpillar (Huainan) Machinery Service Co. Ltd., Caterpillar (Langfang) Mining Equipment Co. Ltd., Caterpillar (Luxembourg) Investment Co. S.a r.l., Caterpillar (NI) Limited, Caterpillar (Newberry) LLC, Caterpillar (Qingzhou) Ltd., Caterpillar (Shanghai) Trading Co. Ltd., Caterpillar (Suzhou) Co. Ltd., Caterpillar (Suzhou) Logistics Co. Ltd., Caterpillar (Thailand) Limited, Caterpillar (U.K.) Limited, Caterpillar (Wujiang) Ltd., Caterpillar (Xuzhou) Ltd., Caterpillar (Zhengzhou) Ltd., Caterpillar Acquisition Holding Corp., Caterpillar Americas C.V., Caterpillar Americas Co., Caterpillar Americas Funding Inc., Caterpillar Americas Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., Caterpillar Asia Limited, Caterpillar Asia Pacific L.P., Caterpillar Asia Pte. Ltd., Caterpillar Asset Intelligence LLC, Caterpillar Belgium S.A., Caterpillar Brasil Comercio de Maquinas e Pecas Ltda., Caterpillar Brasil Ltda., Caterpillar Brazil LLC, Caterpillar Castings Kiel GmbH, Caterpillar Centro de Formacion S.L., Caterpillar China Limited, Caterpillar Commercial Australia Pty. Ltd., Caterpillar Commercial LLC, Caterpillar Commercial Northern Europe Limited, Caterpillar Commercial S.A., Caterpillar Commercial S.A.R.L., Caterpillar Commercial Services S.A.R.L., Caterpillar Communications LLC, Caterpillar Corporativo Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., Caterpillar Cote DIvoire, Caterpillar Credito S.A. de C.V. SOFOM E.N.R., Caterpillar DC Pension Trust Limited, Caterpillar Digital Services & Solutions SARL, Caterpillar Distribution International LLC, Caterpillar Distribution Services Europe B.V.B.A., Caterpillar East Real Estate Holding Ltd., Caterpillar Emissions Solutions Inc., Caterpillar Energy Solutions Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd., Caterpillar Energy Solutions GmbH, Caterpillar Energy Solutions Inc., Caterpillar Energy Solutions S.A., Caterpillar Energy System Technology (Beijing) Co. Ltd., Caterpillar Engine Systems Inc., Caterpillar Equipos Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., Caterpillar Eurasia LLC, Caterpillar FS (QFC) LLC, Caterpillar Finance France S.A., Caterpillar Finance Kabushiki Kaisha, Caterpillar Financial Acquisition Funding LLC, Caterpillar Financial Aftermarket Solutions Corporation, Caterpillar Financial Australia Leasing Pty Limited, Caterpillar Financial Australia Limited, Caterpillar Financial Commercial Account Corporation, Caterpillar Financial Corporacion Financiera S.A. E.F.C., Caterpillar Financial Dealer Funding LLC, Caterpillar Financial Funding Corporation, Caterpillar Financial Kazakhstan Limited Liability Partnership, Caterpillar Financial Leasing (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Caterpillar Financial New Zealand Limited, Caterpillar Financial Nordic Services AB, Caterpillar Financial Nova Scotia Corporation, Caterpillar Financial OOO, Caterpillar Financial Receivables Corporation, Caterpillar Financial Renting S.A., Caterpillar Financial SARL, Caterpillar Financial Services (Dubai) Limited, Caterpillar Financial Services (Ireland) plc, Caterpillar Financial Services (UK) Limited, Caterpillar Financial Services Argentina S.A., Caterpillar Financial Services Asia Pte. Ltd., Caterpillar Financial Services Belgium S.P.R.L., Caterpillar Financial Services CR s.r.o., Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation, Caterpillar Financial Services GmbH, Caterpillar Financial Services India Private Limited, Caterpillar Financial Services Leasing ULC, Caterpillar Financial Services Limited Les Services Financiers Caterpillar Limitee, Caterpillar Financial Services Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Caterpillar Financial Services Netherlands B.V., Caterpillar Financial Services Norway AS, Caterpillar Financial Services Philippines Inc., Caterpillar Financial Services Poland Sp. z o.o., Caterpillar Financial Services South Africa (Pty) Limited, Caterpillar Financial UK Acquisition Funding Partners, Caterpillar Financial Ukraine LLC, Caterpillar Fluid Systems S.r.l., Caterpillar Fomento Comercial Ltda., Caterpillar Forest Products Inc., Caterpillar France S.A.S., Caterpillar GB L.L.C., Caterpillar Global Investments S.a r.l., Caterpillar Global Mining America LLC, Caterpillar Global Mining Equipamentos De Mineracao do Brasil Ltda., Caterpillar Global Mining Equipment LLC, Caterpillar Global Mining Europe GmbH, Caterpillar Global Mining Expanded Products Pty Ltd, Caterpillar Global Mining Germany Holdings GmbH, Caterpillar Global Mining HMS GmbH, Caterpillar Global Mining Holdings GmbH, Caterpillar Global Mining Hong Kong AFC Manufacturing Holding Co. Limited, Caterpillar Global Mining Hong Kong Limited, Caterpillar Global Mining LLC, Caterpillar Global Mining Mexico LLC, Caterpillar Global Mining Pty. Ltd., Caterpillar Global Mining SARL, Caterpillar Global Mining U.S. Parts LLC, Caterpillar Global Services LLC, Caterpillar Group Services S.A., Caterpillar Holding (France) S.A.S., Caterpillar Holding Germany GmbH, Caterpillar Holdings Australia Pty. Ltd., Caterpillar Hungary Components Manufacturing Ltd., Caterpillar Hydraulics Italia S.r.l., Caterpillar IPX LLC, Caterpillar IRB LLC, Caterpillar Impact Products Limited, Caterpillar India Private Limited, Caterpillar Industrial Inc., Caterpillar Industrias Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., Caterpillar Industries (Pty) Ltd, Caterpillar Insurance Co. Ltd., Caterpillar Insurance Company, Caterpillar Insurance Holdings Inc., Caterpillar Insurance Services Corporation, Caterpillar International Finance Designated Activity Company, Caterpillar International Finance Luxembourg Holding S. a r.l., Caterpillar International Finance Luxembourg S. a r.l., Caterpillar International Holding S. a r.l., Caterpillar International Luxembourg I S. a r.l., Caterpillar International Luxembourg II S. a r.l., Caterpillar International Product SARL, Caterpillar International Services Corporation, Caterpillar International Services del Peru S.A., Caterpillar Investment Limited, Caterpillar Investment One SARL, Caterpillar Investment Two SARL, Caterpillar Investments, Caterpillar Japan LLC, Caterpillar Latin America Services S.R.L., Caterpillar Latin America Services de Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., Caterpillar Latin America Services de Panama S. de R.L., Caterpillar Latin America Servicios de Chile Limitada, Caterpillar Latin America Support Services S. DE R.L., Caterpillar Leasing (Thailand) Limited, Caterpillar Leasing Chile S.A., Caterpillar Leasing GmbH (Leipzig), Caterpillar Leasing Operativo Limitada, Caterpillar Life Insurance Company, Caterpillar Logistics (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Caterpillar Logistics (UK) Limited, Caterpillar Logistics Inc., Caterpillar Logistics ML Services France S.A.S., Caterpillar Logistics Services China Limited, Caterpillar Luxembourg Group, Caterpillar Luxembourg LLC, Caterpillar Luxembourg S.a r.l., Caterpillar Machinery Nantong Co. Ltd., Caterpillar Marine Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd., Caterpillar Marine Asset Intelligence, Caterpillar Marine Power UK Limited, Caterpillar Marine Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Caterpillar Maroc SARL, Caterpillar Materiels Routiers SAS, Caterpillar Mexico LLC, Caterpillar Mexico S.A. de C.V., Caterpillar Mining Canada ULC, Caterpillar Mining Chile Servicios Limitada, Caterpillar Motoren (Guangdong) Co. Ltd., Caterpillar Motoren GmbH & Co. KG, Caterpillar Motoren Henstedt-Ulzburg GmbH, Caterpillar Motoren Rostock GmbH, Caterpillar Motoren Verwaltungs-GmbH, Caterpillar Netherlands Holding B.V., Caterpillar North America C.V., Caterpillar Operator Training Ltd., Caterpillar Overseas Credit Corporation SARL, Caterpillar Overseas Investment Holding SARL, Caterpillar Overseas Limited, Caterpillar Overseas SARL, Caterpillar Panama Services S.A., Caterpillar Paving Products Inc., Caterpillar Paving Products Xuzhou Ltd., Caterpillar Pension Trust Limited, Caterpillar Poland Sp. z o.o., Caterpillar Power Generation Systems (Bangladesh) Limited, Caterpillar Power Generation Systems L.L.C., Caterpillar Power Systems Inc., Caterpillar Power Ventures International Ltd., Caterpillar Precision Seals Korea, Caterpillar Prodotti Stradali S.r.l., Caterpillar Product Services Corporation, Caterpillar Propulsion AB, Caterpillar Propulsion International Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Caterpillar Propulsion Italy S.R.L., Caterpillar Propulsion Namibia (Proprietary) Limited, Caterpillar Propulsion Production AB, Caterpillar Propulsion Pte. Ltd., Caterpillar Propulsion Singapore Pte. Ltd., Caterpillar R&D Center (China) Co. Ltd., Caterpillar Ramos Arizpe LLC, Caterpillar Ramos Arizpe S. de R.L. de C.V., Caterpillar Ramos Arizpe Servicios S.A. de C.V., Caterpillar Reman Powertrain Indiana LLC, Caterpillar Remanufacturing Drivetrain LLC, Caterpillar Remanufacturing Services (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Caterpillar Renting France S.A.S., Caterpillar Reynosa S.A. de C.V., Caterpillar SARL, Caterpillar Services Germany GmbH, Caterpillar Servicios Limitada, Caterpillar Servicios Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., Caterpillar Servizi Italia Srl, Caterpillar Shrewsbury Limited, Caterpillar Skinningrove Limited, Caterpillar Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd., Caterpillar Special Services Belgium S.P.R.L., Caterpillar Switchgear Americas LLC, Caterpillar Switchgear Holding Inc., Caterpillar Tianjin Ltd., Caterpillar Torreon S. de R.L. de C.V., Caterpillar Tosno L.L.C., Caterpillar Transmissions France S.A.R.L., Caterpillar Tunneling Canada Holdings Ltd., Caterpillar Tunnelling Canada Corporation, Caterpillar Tunnelling Europe Limited, Caterpillar UK Employee Trust Limited, Caterpillar UK Engines Company Limited, Caterpillar UK Group Limited, Caterpillar UK Holdings Limited, Caterpillar Undercarriage (Xuzhou) Co. Ltd., Caterpillar Underground Mining Pty. Ltd., Caterpillar Used Equipment Services Inc., Caterpillar Venture Capital Inc., Caterpillar Work Tools B.V., Caterpillar Work Tools Inc., Caterpillar World Trading Corporation, Caterpillar Xuzhou, Caterpillar of Australia Pty. Ltd., Caterpillar of Canada Corporation, Caterpillar of Delaware Inc., Centre de Distribution de Wallonie SPRL, CleanAir Systems, Downer Freight Rail, ECM Railway Evolution Romania s.r.l., ECM S.p.A., EDC European Excavator Design Center GmbH, EMC Holding Corp., EMD International Holdings Inc., ERA Information & Entertainment (BVI) Limited, ERA Mining Machinery Limited, Electro-Motive Diesel Limited, Electro-Motive Locomotive Technologies LLC, Electro-Motive Technical Consulting Co. (Beijing) Ltd., Energy Services International Limited, Equipos de Acuna S.A. de C.V., Eurenov S.A.S., F. G. Wilson (Proprietary) Limited, F. Perkins Limited, FG Wilson (Engineering) Limited, GB Holdco (China) Inc., GFCM Comercial Mexico S.A. de C.V. SOFOM E.N.R., GFCM Servicios S.A. de C.V., Gremada Industries - Assets, Hong Kong Siwei Holdings Limited, Inmobiliaria Conek S.A. de C.V., JCS Co., Kemper Valve & Fittings Corp., Leo Inc., Locomotive Demand Power Pty Ltd., Locomotoras Progress Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., Lovat, M2M Data Corporation, MGE Equipamentos & Servicos Ferroviarios, MWM, MWM Austria GmbH, MWM Benelux B.V., MWM Energy Australia Pty Ltd, MWM France S.A.S, MWM Real Estate GmbH, MaK Americas Inc., MaK Americas Inc. (Canada), Magnum Power Products LLC, Marble, Maschinenbau Kiel GmbH, Mec-Track S.r.l., Metalmark Financial Services Limited, Motoren Steffens GmbH, Nippon Caterpillar LLC, P. T. Solar Services Indonesia, PT Caterpillar Finance Indonesia, PT. Bucyrus Indonesia, PT. Caterpillar Indonesia, PT. Caterpillar Indonesia Batam, PT. Caterpillar Remanufacturing Indonesia, Perkins Engines, Perkins Engines (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd, Perkins Engines Group Limited, Perkins Engines Inc., Perkins Group Limited, Perkins Holdings Limited LLC, Perkins India Private Limited, Perkins International Inc., Perkins Japan LLC, Perkins Limited, Perkins Machinery (Changshu) Co. Ltd., Perkins Motores do Brasil Ltda., Perkins Power Systems Technology (Wuxi) Co. Ltd., Perkins Small Engines (Wuxi) Co. Ltd., Perkins Small Engines LLC, Perkins Small Engines Limited, Perkins Technology Inc., Progress Metal Reclamation Company, Progress Rail Arabia Limited Company, Progress Rail Australia Pty Ltd, Progress Rail Canada Corporation, Progress Rail Equipamentos e Servicos Ferroviarios do Brasil Ltda., Progress Rail Equipment Leasing Corporation, Progress Rail Holdings Inc., Progress Rail Innovations Private Limited, Progress Rail Inspection & Information Systems GmbH, Progress Rail Inspection & Information Systems S.r.l., Progress Rail International Corp., Progress Rail Leasing Canada Corporation, Progress Rail Leasing Corporation, Progress Rail Leasing de Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., Progress Rail Locomotivas (do Brasil) Ltda., Progress Rail Locomotive Canada Co., Progress Rail Locomotive Chile SpA, Progress Rail Locomotive Inc., Progress Rail Maintenance de Mexico S.A. de C.V., Progress Rail Manufacturing Corporation, Progress Rail Raceland Corporation, Progress Rail Rocklin Corporation, Progress Rail SA Proprietary Limited, Progress Rail Services Corporation, Progress Rail Services Holdings Corp., Progress Rail Services LLC, Progress Rail Services UK Limited, Progress Rail Switching Services LLC, Progress Rail Transcanada Corporation, Progress Rail Welding Corporation, Progress Rail Wildwood LLC, Progress Rail de Mexico S.A. de C.V., Pyroban Group, Pyroban Group, Pyrrha Investments B.V., Pyrrha Investments Limited, S&L Railroad LLC, SCM Singapore Holdings Pte. Ltd., SPL Software Alliance LLC, Sabre Engines, Servicios de Turbinas Solar S. de R.L. de C.V., Shandong SEM Machinery Co. Ltd., Solar Turbines, Solar Turbines, Solar Turbines (Beijing) Trading Services Co. Ltd., Solar Turbines (Thailand) Ltd., Solar Turbines CIS Limited Liability Company, Solar Turbines Canada Ltd./Ltee., Solar Turbines Central Asia Limited Liability Partnership, Solar Turbines EAME s.r.o., Solar Turbines Egypt Limited Liability Company, Solar Turbines Europe S.A., Solar Turbines India Private Limited, Solar Turbines International Company, Solar Turbines Italy S.R.L., Solar Turbines Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Solar Turbines Middle East Limited, Solar Turbines New Zealand Limited, Solar Turbines Saudi Arabia Limited, Solar Turbines Services Company, Solar Turbines Services Nigeria Limited, Solar Turbines Services of Argentina S.R.L., Solar Turbines Switzerland Sagl, Solar Turbines Trinidad & Tobago Limited, Solar Turbines West-Africa SARL, Tangshan DBT Machinery Co. Ltd., Tecnologia Modificada S.A. de C.V., Towmotor Corporation, Traction & Mining Motor Repairs Pty Ltd, Turbinas Solar S.A. de C.V., Turbinas Solar de Colombia S.A., Turbinas Solar de Venezuela C.A., Turbo Tecnologia de Reparaciones S.A. de C.V., Turbomach, Turbomach Endustriyel Gaz Turbinleri Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited, Turbomach France SARL, Turbomach GmbH, Turbomach Netherlands B.V., Turbomach Pakistan (Private) Limited, Turbomach S.A. Unipersonal, Turbomach Sp. Z o.o., Turner Powertrain Systems Limited, UK Hose Assembly Limited, Underground Imaging Technologies Inc, United Industries LLC, VALA Inc., Vasky Energy Ltd., Wealdstone Engineering, Weir - Oil & Gas Division, West Virginia Auto Shredding Inc., Western Gear Machinery LLC, Wetland Sustainability Fund I LLC, Williams Technologies, Yard Club, Zhengzhou Siwei Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Sales Co. Ltd., and okyo Rental Ltd.. Read More BJP leaders differ on the suspected reason for blackening of Brahmaputra water in parts of Arunachal Pradesh and Assam. Union Minister of State for Home Affairs Kirren Rijiju denies reports of any construction on the river by China. By Kaushik Deka : In what seems as a difference of opinions, BJP leaders have not been able to make up their minds on the issue of Brahmaputra water turning black in several parts of Arunachal Pradesh and Assam. While Assam Finance Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma has claimed that some big construction work being done by China, perhaps to divert its water, could be behind this unusual phenomenon, Union Minister of State for Home Affairs Kirren Rijiju, who happens to be from Arunachal Pradesh, ruled out chances of any big project over the river by the neighbouring country. advertisement The Brahamputra, which originates in Tibet is known as Yarlung Tsangpo in China and Siang in Arunachal Pradesh. "Brahmaputra is not a drain, it's a big river. Constructing a canal to divert Brahmaputra water in a short span of time is not feasible. Any such projects cannot be kept hidden" , Rijijiu said. "No one should comment without due diligence. There can be ample reasons for dirty water and the government is looking into it", he added. Sarma had earlier also raised the issue of China not sharing the hydrological data of Brahmaputra with India for the entirety of 2017, saying that the unusual third spate of floods by Brahmaputra needed to be investigated. Interestingly, China did share the data with Bangladesh but told India that because of some technical upgrade in the monitoring centers it could not share the information. On December 4, Union minister of State for Water Resources Arjun Ram Meghwal said that a preliminary study of the Siang River found that its water could be turning black due to a recent earthquake. He added that the path of the river had been temporarily obstructed after an earthquake in Tibet on November 17. Recently, Congress MP from Arunachal East constituency Ninong Ering had written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying the water in the river changing its colour was an unusual phenomenon in the winter months. In his letter, Ering had pointed out that there were reports of China constructing a 600-km tunnel in its Yunnan province to divert the Siang water to the Taklamakan desert through the Xinjiang province. China has already denied any such development and said that it would not pollute its own river. China considers Arunachal Pradesh as its territory and refers to it as South Tibet. Meanwhile, based on water sample collected on November 27, the East Siang Public Health Engineering Department has stated that Siang's Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (NTU), caused by the concentration of suspended or dissolved particulate materials in water, is 425 NTU, whereas the permissible range is 0-5 NTU. "NTU is very high and if exposed for a long period of time, may affect aquatic lives," the report said. The level of iron in the water is also high at 1.6. Scientists at the State Water Quality Testing Laboratory in Itanagar say that a higher iron level is normal in groundwater but is unusual if found in surface waters of a river. advertisement Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister and BJP leader Pema Khandu has chosen to tread a cautious path. "I have informed this matter to Union Home Minister seeking his appropriate action. I have also personally visited Yingkiong and Pasighat to inspect the Siang River. We will plan our next course of action based on the reports after due consultation with Government of India," he told --- ENDS --- Matson, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, provides ocean transportation and logistics services. The company's Ocean Transportation segment offers ocean freight transportation services to the domestic non-contiguous economies of Hawaii, Alaska, and Guam, as well as to other island economies in Micronesia. It primarily transports dry containers of mixed commodities, refrigerated commodities, packaged foods and beverages, building materials, automobiles, and household goods; livestock; seafood; general sustenance cargo; and garments, footwear, e-commerce, and other retail merchandise. This segment also operates an expedited service from China to Long Beach, California, and various islands in the South Pacific, as well as Okinawa, Japan; and provides container stevedoring, refrigerated cargo services, inland transportation, container equipment maintenance, and other terminal services to ocean carriers on the Hawaiian islands of Oahu, Hawaii, Maui, and Kauai, as well as in the Alaska locations of Anchorage, Kodiak, and Dutch Harbor. In addition, the company offers vessel management and container transshipment services. Its Logistics segment provides multimodal transportation brokerage services, including domestic and international rail intermodal, long-haul and regional highway trucking, specialized hauling, flat-bed and project, less-than-truckload, and expedited freight services; less-than-container load consolidation and freight forwarding services; warehousing and distribution services; supply chain management services, and non-vessel operating common carrier freight forwarding services. The company serves the U.S. military, freight forwarders, retailers, consumer goods, automobile manufacturers, and other customers. The company was formerly known as Alexander & Baldwin Holdings, Inc. and changed its name to Matson, Inc. in June 2012. Matson, Inc. was founded in 1882 and is headquartered in Honolulu, Hawaii. Oxford Industries, Inc., an apparel company, designs, sources, markets, and distributes products of lifestyle and other brands worldwide. The company offers men's and women's sportswear and related products under the Tommy Bahama brand; women's and girl's dresses and sportswear, scarves, bags, jewelry, and belts, as well as footwear and children's apparel and swimwear under the Lilly Pulitzer brand; and men's shirts, pants, shorts, outerwear, ties, swimwear, footwear, and accessories, as well as women and youth products under the Southern Tide brand. It also designs, sources, markets, and distributes premium childrenswear, including bonnets, hats, apparel, swimwear, and accessories through and wholesale specialty retailers; men's apparel, which include pants, shorts, and tops through and wholesale specialty retailers. In addition, the company licenses Tommy Bahama brand for various products, such as indoor and outdoor furniture, beach chairs, bedding and bath linens, fabrics, leather goods and gifts, headwear, hosiery, sleepwear, shampoo, toiletries, fragrances, cigar accessories, distilled spirits, and other products; Lilly Pulitzer for stationery and gift products, home furnishing products, and eyewear; and Southern Tide trademark for bed and bath product. Oxford Industries, Inc. offers products through its retail stores, department stores, specialty stores, multi-branded e-commerce retailers, off-price retailers, and other retailers, as well as e-commerce sites. As of January 29, 2022, it operated 186 brand-specific full-price retail stores; 21 Tommy Bahama food and beverage locations; and 35 Tommy Bahama outlet stores. Oxford Industries, Inc. was founded in 1942 and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. operates as a diversified financial services company in the United States. The company's Retail Banking segment offers checking, savings, and money market accounts, as well as certificates of deposit; residential mortgages, home equity loans and lines of credit, auto loans, credit cards, education loans, and personal and small business loans and lines of credit; and brokerage, insurance, and investment and cash management services. This segment serves consumer and small business customers through a network of branches, ATMs, call centers, and online and mobile banking channels. Its Corporate & Institutional Banking segment provides secured and unsecured loans, letters of credit, and equipment leases; cash and investment management services, receivables and disbursement management services, funds transfer services, international payment services, and access to online/mobile information management and reporting; foreign exchange, derivatives, fixed income, securities underwriting, loan syndications, and mergers and acquisitions and equity capital markets advisory related services; and commercial loan servicing and technology solutions. It serves mid-sized and large corporations, and government and not-for-profit entities. The company's Asset Management Group segment offers investment and retirement planning, customized investment management, credit and cash management solutions, and trust management and administration services for high net worth and ultra high net worth individuals, and their families; and multi-generational family planning services for ultra high net worth individuals and their families. It also provides outsourced chief investment officer, custody, private real estate, cash and fixed income client solutions, and fiduciary retirement advisory services for institutional clients. The company has 2,591 branches and 9,502 ATMs. The company was founded in 1852 and is headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. ResMed Inc. develops, manufactures, distributes, and markets medical devices and cloud-based software applications for the healthcare markets. The company operates in two segments, Sleep and Respiratory Care, and Software as a Service. It offers various products and solutions for a range of respiratory disorders, including technologies to be applied in medical and consumer products, ventilation devices, diagnostic products, mask systems for use in the hospital and home, headgear and other accessories, dental devices, and cloud-based software informatics solutions to manage patient outcomes, as well as provides customer and business processes. The company also provides AirView, a cloud-based system that enables remote monitoring and changing of patients' device settings; myAir, a personalized therapy management application for patients with sleep apnea that provides support, education, and troubleshooting tools for increased patient engagement and improved compliance; U-Sleep, a compliance monitoring solution that enables home medical equipment (HME)to streamline their sleep programs; connectivity module and propeller solutions; and Propeller portal. It offers out-of-hospital software solution, such as Brightree business management software and service solutions to providers of HME, pharmacy, home infusion, orthotics, and prosthetics services; MatrixCare care management and related ancillary solutions to senior living, skilled nursing, life plan communities, home health, home care, and hospice organizations, as well as related accountable care organizations; and HEALTHCAREfirst that offers electronic health record, software, billing and coding services, and analytics for home health and hospice agencies. The company markets its products primarily to sleep clinics, home healthcare dealers, and hospitals through a network of distributors and direct sales force in approximately 140 countries. ResMed Inc. was founded in 1989 and is headquartered in San Diego, California. A new wildfire has erupted in Los Angeles' posh Bel-Air area. Firefighters have been having difficulties in tackling the numerous fires burning acres of land in southern California. The wildfire has forced evacuation and destroyed homes. By India Today Web Desk: Southern California has been witnessing numerous fires burning over acres of land, ravaging homes and the winds are further making the wildfires so destructive that it is getting difficult for the firefighters to tackle the situation. A new wildfire erupted in Los Angeles' posh Bel-Air area while the firefighters were battling three other blazes across southern California. In the posh Bel Air area, wildfire has destroyed "at least four and possibly six homes" and forced evacuation. advertisement A wildfire scorched a building at a winery estate owned by 21st Century Fox and Fox News Executive Chairman Rupert Murdoch. Areas affected by wildfire in southern California Inside Murdoch's property, Moraga Vineyards, a temperature-controlled wine storage shed burned after which firefighters tried to douse the flames but realised that it was not possible. Later, three helicopters dropped water to tackle the fire. Murdoch bought the 16-acre property for about $30 million in 2013. Murdoch release a statement saying "the property was evacuated but based on what we are seeing on TV there maybe damage to some buildings in the upper vineyard area. We believe the winery and house are still intact". "We are monitoring the situation as closely as we can and are grateful to the efforts of all the first responders. Some of our neighbors have suffered heavy losses and our thoughts and prayers are with them at this difficult time." Rupert Murdoch's statement Rupert Murdoch's statement US President Donald Trump, in a tweet, asked people "to heed the advice and orders of local and state officials". Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone in the path of Californias wildfires. I encourage everyone to heed the advice and orders of local and state officials. THANK YOU to all First Responders for your incredible work! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 6, 2017 Wildfire in southern California (Photo: AP) Hundreds of homes have already been destroyed across the Los Angeles metropolitan area and as many as five fires have closed highways, schools and museums. About 200,000 people were under evacuation orders, reported AP. --- ENDS --- The following companies are subsidiares of Illinois Tool Works: A V Co 1 Limited, A V Co 2 Limited, A V Co 3 Limited, ACCU-LUBE Manufacturing GmbH - Schmiermittel und -gerate -, AIP/BI Holdings Inc., Accessories Marketing Holding Corp., Advanced Molding Company Inc., Allen France SAS, Alpine Engineered Products, Alpine Systems Corporation, Anaerobicos S.r.l., AppliChem GmbH, Avery Berkel France, Avery India Limited, Avery Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Avery Weigh Tronix, Avery Weigh-Tronix Finance Limited, Avery Weigh-Tronix International Limited, Avery Weigh-Tronix LLC, Avery Weigh-Tronix Limited, Avery Weigh-Tronix Properties Limited, Avery Weigh-Tronix Suzhou Weighing Technology Co. Ltd., Azon Limited, B.C. Immo, Beijing Miller Electric Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Berkel Ireland Limited, Berrington UK, Brapenta Eletronica Ltda., Brooks Instrument B.V., Brooks Instrument GmbH, Brooks Instrument KFT, Brooks Instrument Korea Ltd., Brooks Instrument LLC, Brooks Instrument Shanghai Co. Ltd, Buell Industries Inc., CCI Realty Company, CFC Europe GmbH, CS Australia Pty Limited, CS Mexico Holding Company S DE RL DE CV, Calvia Spolka z Ograniczona Odpowiedzialnosci, Capital Ventures Australasia S.a r.l, Capmax Logistica S.A. de C.V., Celeste Industries Corporation, Coeur, Coeur Asia Limited, Coeur Holding Company, Coeur Inc., Coeur Shanghai Medical Appliance Trading Co. Ltd, Compagnie Hobart, Compagnie de Materiel et d'Equipements Techniques-Comet, Constructions Isothermiques Bontami C.I.B., Crane Carrier Company, Denison Mayes Group Limited, Despatch Industries, Diagraph Corporation Sdn. Bhd, Diagraph ITW Mexico S. de R.L. De C.V., Diagraph Mexico S.A. DE C.V., Dongguan Ark-Les Electric Components Co. Ltd., Dongguan CK Branding Co. Ltd., Duo Fast de Espana S.A.U., Duo-Fast Korea Co. Ltd., Duo-Fast LLC, E.C.S. d.o.o., E2M Production B.V.., E2M Technologies B.V.., E2M Technologies Inc.., ECS Cable Protection Sp. Zoo, ELRO Grosskuchen GmbH, ELRO Holding AG, ELRO-WERKE AG, Elro Group, Eltex-Elektrostatik-Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung, Envases Multipac S.A. de C.V., Eurotec Srl, Exhibit 21, FEG Investments L.L.C., Filtertek De Mexico Holding Inc., Filtertek De Mexico S.A. de C.V., Filtertek SAS, GC Financement SA, Gamko B.V., Gun Hwa Platech Taicang Co. Ltd., HOBART Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung, Hartness International, Hobart Andina S.A.S., Hobart Belgium B.V., Hobart Brothers International Chile Limitada, Hobart Brothers LLC, Hobart Dayton Mexicana S. de R.L. de C.V., Hobart Food Equipment Co. Ltd., Hobart International Singapore Pte. Ltd., Hobart Japan K.K., Hobart Korea LLC, Hobart LLC, Hobart Nederland B.V., Hobart Sales & Service Inc., Hobart Scandinavia ApS, Hobart Techniek B.V., Horis, ILC Investments Holdings Inc., ITW AEP LLC, ITW AOC LLC, ITW Aircraft Investments Inc., ITW Ampang Industries Philippines Inc., ITW Appliance Components EOOD, ITW Appliance Components S.A. de C.V., ITW Appliance Components S.r.l.a, ITW Appliance Components d.o.o., ITW Australia Holdings Pty Ltd, ITW Australia Property Holdings Pty Ltd., ITW Australia Pty Ltd, ITW Automotive Components Chongqing Co. Ltd., ITW Automotive Components Langfang Co. Ltd., ITW Automotive Japan K.K., ITW Automotive Korea LLC, ITW Automotive Parts Shanghai Co. Ltd, ITW Automotive Products GmbH, ITW Automotive Products Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., ITW Bailly Comte, ITW Befestigungssysteme GmbH, ITW Belgium B.V., ITW Brazilian Nominee L.L.C., ITW Building Components Group Inc., ITW CER, ITW CP Distribution Center Holland BV, ITW CS UK Ltd., ITW Canada Inc., ITW Celeste Inc., ITW Chemical Products Ltda, ITW Chemical Products Scandinavia ApS, ITW China Investment Company Limited, ITW Colombia S.A.S., ITW Construction Products AB, ITW Construction Products AS, ITW Construction Products ApS, ITW Construction Products CZ s.r.o., ITW Construction Products Italy Srl, ITW Construction Products OU, ITW Construction Products OY, ITW Construction Products Shanghai Co. Ltd., ITW Construction Products Singapore Pte. Ltd., ITW Construction Services Manila Inc., ITW Contamination Control B.V., ITW Contamination Control Wujiang Co. Ltd., ITW Covid Security Group Inc., ITW DS Investments Inc., ITW DelFast do Brasil Ltda., ITW Denmark ApS, ITW Deutschland GmbH, ITW Diagraph GmbH, ITW Dynatec, ITW Dynatec Adhesive Equipment Suzhou Co. Ltd., ITW Dynatec GmbH, ITW Dynatec Kabushiki Kaisha, ITW EAE B.V., ITW EAE Mexico S de RL de CV, ITW EF&C France SAS, ITW EF&C Selb GmbH, ITW EU Holdings Ltd., ITW Electronic Business Asia Co. Limited, ITW Electronic Components/Products Shanghai Co. Ltd., ITW Electronics Suzhou Co. Ltd., ITW Epsilon Sarl, ITW Espana S.L., ITW European Finance Co. Ltd., ITW European Finance II Co. Ltd., ITW European Finance III Co. Ltd., ITW FEG Hong Kong Limited, ITW FEG do Brasil Industria e Comercio Ltda., ITW Fastener Products GmbH, ITW Fluids and Hygiene Solutions Ltda., ITW Food Equipment Group LLC, ITW GH LLC, ITW GSE ApS, ITW GSE Inc., ITW Gamma Sarl, ITW German Management LLC, ITW Global Investments Holdings LLC, ITW Global Investments Holdings Y Compania Sociedad en Comandita por Acciones, ITW Global Investments Inc., ITW Global Tire Repair Europe GmbH, ITW Global Tire Repair Inc., ITW Global Tire Repair Japan K.K., ITW Graphics Asia Limited, ITW Graphics Thailand Ltd., ITW Great Britain Investment & Licensing Holding Company, ITW Group France Luxembourg, ITW HLP Thailand Co. Ltd., ITW Holding Quimica B.C. S.L. Sole Shareholder Company, ITW Holdings Australia L.P., ITW Holdings I Limited, ITW Holdings II Limited, ITW Holdings III Limited, ITW Holdings IV Limited, ITW Holdings IX Limited, ITW Holdings Inc., ITW Holdings V Limited, ITW Holdings VI Limited, ITW Holdings VII Limited, ITW Holdings VIII Limited, ITW Holdings X Limited, ITW Holdings XI Limited, ITW ILC Holdings I Inc., ITW IPG Investments LLC, ITW Imaden Industria e Comercio Ltda., ITW India Private Limited, ITW International Holdings LLC, ITW Invest Holding GmbH, ITW Ireland Holdings Unlimited Company, ITW Ireland Unlimited Company, ITW Italy Holding Srl, ITW Japan Ltd., ITW Korea LLC, ITW LLC & Co. KG, ITW Limited, ITW Lys Fusion S.r.l., ITW Materials Technology Shanghai Co. Ltd., ITW Meritex Sdn. Bhd., ITW Metal Fasteners S.L., ITW Mexico Holding Company S. De R.L. de C.V., ITW Mexico Holdings LLC, ITW Morlock GmbH, ITW Mortgage Investments II Inc., ITW Mortgage Investments III Inc., ITW Mortgage Investments IV Inc., ITW Netherlands Administration BV, ITW Netherlands Beta B.V., ITW Netherlands Finance Alpha BV, ITW New Universal LLC, ITW New Zealand, ITW Ningbo Components & Fastenings Systems Co. Ltd., ITW Novadan Sp. Z.o.o., ITW PPF Brasil Adesivos Ltda., ITW Packaging Technology China Co. Ltd., ITW Participations S.a r.l., ITW Pension Funds Trustee Company, ITW Performance Polymers & Fluids Japan Co. Ltd., ITW Performance Polymers & Fluids Korea Limited, ITW Performance Polymers & Fluids OOO, ITW Performance Polymers ApS, ITW Performance Polymers Wujiang Co. Ltd., ITW Performance Polymers and Fluids Group FZE, ITW Peru S.A.C., ITW Poly Mex S. de R.L. de C.V., ITW Polymers Sealants North America Inc., ITW Pronovia s.r.o., ITW Pte. Ltd., ITW Qufu Automotive Cooling Systems Co. Ltd., ITW Real Estate Germany GmbH, ITW Residuals III L.L.C., ITW Residuals IV L.L.C., ITW Rivex, ITW SMPI, ITW SPG Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., ITW Simco-Ion Shenzhen Co. Ltd., ITW Slovakia s.r.o., ITW Spain Holdings S.L., ITW Specialty Film LLC, ITW Specialty Films France, ITW Specialty Materials Suzhou Co. Ltd., ITW Sverige AB, ITW Sweden Holding AB, ITW Test & Measurement Equipment Shanghai Co. Ltd, ITW Test & Measurement GmbH, ITW Test and Measurement Italia Srl, ITW Test and Measurement Services Industry and Trade Ltd., ITW Texwipe Philippines Inc., ITW Thermal Films Shanghai Co. Ltd., ITW UK, ITW UK Finance Beta Limited, ITW UK Finance Delta Limited, ITW UK Finance Gamma Limited, ITW UK Finance Limited, ITW UK Finance Zeta Ltd., ITW UK II Limited, ITW Universal II LLC, ITW Welding, ITW Welding AB, ITW Welding GmbH, ITW Welding Products B.V., ITW Welding Products Group FZE, ITW Welding Products Group S. DE R.L. De C.V., ITW Welding Products Italy Srl, ITW Welding Products Limited Liability Company, ITW Welding Produtos Para Solgdagem Ltda., ITW Welding Singapore Pte. Ltd., ITW de France, ITW do Brasil Industrial e Comercial Ltda., Illinois Tool Works Chile Limitada, Illinois Tool Works ITW Nederland B.V., Illinois Tool Works Inc., Impar Comercio E Representacoes Ltda., Industrie Plastic Elsasser GmbH, Inmobiliaria Cit. S.A. de C.F., Innova Temperlite Servicios S.A. de C.V., Innovacion y Transformacion Automotriz S.A. de C.V., Instron Brasil Equipamentos Cientificos Ltda., Instron Foreign Sales Corp. Limited, Instron France S.A.S., Instron GmbH, Instron Japan Company Ltd., Instron Korea LLC, Instron Shanghai Ltd., Instron Thailand Limited, International Leasing Company LLC, Isolenge - ITW Sistemas de Isolamento Termico Ltda., Itw Spraytec, KCPL Mauritius Holdings, Kester, Kleinmann GmbH, Krafft S.L., Loma Systems, Loma Systems BV, Loma Systems Canada Inc., Loma Systems sro, Lombard Pressings Limited, Lumex Inc., Lys Fusion Poland Sp. z.o.o., M&C Specialties Co., MAGNAFLUX GmbH, MEHB Holdings Limited, MGHG Property LLC, MTS 2 LLC., MTS 3 LLC., MTS China Holdings LLC, MTS Europe Holdings LLC, MTS Holdings France S.a.r.l., MTS Japan Ltd.., MTS Korea Inc.., MTS Systems China Co. Ltd., MTS Systems Corporation, MTS Systems Danmark ApS., MTS Systems Europe B.V., MTS Systems Finance C.V.., MTS Systems Germany GmbH, MTS Systems Holding B.V.., MTS Systems Hong Kong Incorporated, MTS Systems Limited, MTS Systems Norden Aktiebolag, MTS Systems S.r.l, MTS Systems., MTS Systems.., MTS Sytems Do Brazil, MTS Testing Solutions India Private Limited., MTS Testing Systems Canada Ltd., Manufacturing Avancee S.A., Meritex Technology Suzhou Co. Ltd., Meurer Verpackungssysteme GmbH, Miller Electric Mfg. LLC, Miller Insurance Ltd., NDT Holding LLC, NOVADAN APS, North Star Imaging Inc., Nova Chimica S.r.l., Orbitalum Tools GmbH, PENTA-91 OOO, PR. A. I. Srl, PT ITW Construction Products Indonesia, Pacific Concept Industries Limited Enping, Panreac Quimica S.L., Paslode Fasteners Shanghai Co. Ltd., Peerless Machinery Corp., Polyrey, Premark FEG L.L.C., Premark HII Holdings LLC, Premark International, Premark International LLC, Prolex Sociedad Anonima, QSA Global Inc., Quimica Industrial Mediterranea S.L., R&D Engineering A/S., R&D Prague s.r.o., R&D Steel ApS., R&D Test Systems A/S., R&D Tools and Structures A/S., RDGDK Engineering Private Limited, Ramset Fasteners Hong Kong Ltd., Rapid Cook LLC, Refrigeration France, S.E.E. Sistemas Industria E Comercio Ltda., ST Mexico Holdings LLC, Sealant Systems International Inc., Sentinel Asia Yuhan Hoesa, Shanghai ITW Plastic & Metal Co. Ltd, Simco Japan Inc., Simco Nederland B.V., Societe de Prospection et dInventions Techniques SPIT, Speedline Holdings I Inc., Speedline Holdings I LLC, Speedline Technologies GmbH, Speedline Technologies Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., Speedline Technologies Mexico Services S. de R.L. de C.V., Stokvis Celix Portugal Unipessoal LDA, Stokvis Danmark ApS, Stokvis Holdings S.A.R.L., Stokvis Promi s.r.o, Stokvis Prostick Tapes Private Limited, Stokvis Tapes B.V., Stokvis Tapes Benelux B.V., Stokvis Tapes Deutschland GmbH, Stokvis Tapes France, Stokvis Tapes Hong Kong Co. Limited, Stokvis Tapes Italia s.r.l., Stokvis Tapes Limited, Stokvis Tapes Limited Liability Company, Stokvis Tapes Norge AS, Stokvis Tapes Oy, Stokvis Tapes Polska Sp Z.O.O., Stokvis Tapes Shanghai Co. Ltd., Stokvis Tapes Sverige AB, Stokvis Tapes Taiwan Co. Ltd., Stokvis Tapes Tianjin Co. Ltd., Stolvis Holdings II S.A.R.L., Subsidiaries, Technopack Industria Comercio Consultoria e Representacoes Ltda., Teknek China Limited, Teknek Japan Limited, Teksaleco Ltd., The Miller Group Ltd, Thirode Grandes Cuisines Poligny, Tien Tai Electrode Co. Ltd., Tien Tai Electrode Kunshan Co. Ltd., Unichemicals Industria e Comercio Ltda., VR-Leasing Sarita GmbH & Co. Immobilien KG, VS European Holdco BV, Valeron Strength Films B.V., Veneta Decalcogomme S.r.l., Versachem Chile S.A., Vesta, Vesta Global Limited, Vesta Guangzhou Catering Equipment Co. Ltd, Viltronics Soltec, Vitronics Soltec B.V., Wachs Canada Ltd., Wachs Subsea LLC, Weigh-Tronix Canada ULC, Weigh-Tronix UK Limited, Wilsonart International Holdings LLC, Wynn Oil South Africa Pty Ltd., Wynn's Automotive France, Wynn's Belgium BVBA, Wynn's Italia Srl, Wynn's Mekuba India Pvt Ltd, and Zip-Pak International B.V.. Read More Eagle Materials Inc., through its subsidiaries, produces and supplies heavy construction materials and light building materials in the United States. It operates through Cement, Concrete and Aggregates, Gypsum Wallboard, and Recycled Paperboard segments. The company engages in the mining of limestone for the manufacture, production, distribution, and sale of Portland cement; grinding and sale of slag; and mining of gypsum for the manufacture and sale of gypsum wallboards used to finish the interior walls and ceilings in residential, commercial, and industrial structures. It also manufactures and sells recycled paperboard to gypsum wallboard industry and other paperboard converters, as well as containerboard and lightweight packaging grades. In addition, the company engages in the sale of ready-mix concrete; and mining, extracting, production, and sale of aggregates, including crushed stones, sand, and gravel. Its products are used in commercial and residential construction; public construction projects; and projects to build, expand, and repair roads and highways. The company was formerly known as Centex Construction Products, Inc. and changed its name to Eagle Materials, Inc. in January 2004. Eagle Materials Inc. was founded in 1963 and is headquartered in Dallas, Texas. Greenhill & Co., Inc., an independent investment bank, provides financial and strategic advisory services to corporations, partnerships, institutional investors, and governments worldwide. The company offers advisory services related to mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, restructurings, financings, private capital raising, and other similar transactions. It also advises clients on strategic matters, including activist shareholder defense, special committee projects, licensing deals, and joint ventures; and valuation, negotiation tactics, industry dynamics, structuring alternatives, and timing and pricing of transactions, as well as financing alternatives. In addition, the company provides restructuring advisory services to debtors, creditors, governments, and other stakeholders, and acquirers of distressed companies and assets; and advice on restructuring alternatives, capital structures, and sales or recapitalizations. Further, it assists clients in identifying and capitalizing on incremental sources of value; and on court-assisted reorganizations by developing and seeking approval for plans of reorganization, as well as the implementation of such plans. Additionally, the company advises on private placements of debt and structured equity, refinancing of existing debt facilities, negotiating the modification, and amendment of covenants, as well as acts as an independent advisor. It also offers financial advisory services to pension funds, endowments, and other institutional investors on transactions involving alternative assets; and advice to alternative asset fund sponsors for private capital raising, financing, restructuring, liquidity options, valuation, and related services. The company was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in New York, New York. By PTI: Banda (UP), Dec 6 (PTI) Even as the Centre is planning to bring a bill against triple talaq in the Parliament, a 32- year-old woman in the neighbouring Fatehpur district was allegedly divorced by her husband from Kuwait on phone. The woman, belonging to Dalelkheda village under Zafarganj police station area, yesterday visited the SP office and gave a complaint that she was divorced on November 24 by her husband from Kuwait by uttering "talaq" thrice on the phone, ASP Vinod Kumar Singh said. advertisement He added that the woman, who came with her two children, and her father, said she was married ten years ago to a man from the same village who went to Kuwait last year for work. The father of the woman claimed that demands were being made for dowry and Rs two lakhs were given to them about three years ago, the ASP said adding that investigations were on and necessary action will be taken soon. PTI COR SAB ADS --- ENDS --- By PTI: racket (Eds: Adds details) New Delhi, Dec 7 (PTI) A woman who helped the Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) and police to bust an illicit liquor racket in outer Delhis Narela, was today allegedly beaten and her clothes torn by other women of the locality who apparently were involved in bootlegging, police said. Terming the incident as "shocking and shameful", Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal today urged Lt Governor Anil Baijal to intervene and take action against local policemen who were allegedly colluding with those running the racket. advertisement Police have registered a case under various sections of the Indian Penal Code against the women involved in the incident. DCW chief Swati Maliwal has alleged that the woman had tipped off the Commission about illegal liquor sale during an inspection in Narela area last night after which she was today attacked by a mob of over 25 people and was assaulted with iron rods. "Her clothes were torn and she was paraded naked in the area and the entire incident was filmed and the video was allegedly shared in the area by these criminals. "The entire incident proves complete lawlessness and zero fear of law in the area and it is shocking that police did not take any action to protect these women," Maliwal said. In a video which was shared by Maliwal on her Twitter handle, the victim alleged that she was threatened and asked to not raise her voice against liquor mafia. "I was dragged and disrobed. A police personnel tried to stop them from meting out such inhuman treatment but he was also thrashed. They also said that they would do the same with Maliwal and other women who will oppose their actions," the victim said between sobs in the video. Maliwal, in turn, summoned the Deputy Commissioner of Police, Rohini District, to appear before the womens panel and submit an action taken report along with details of the FIR registered in the incident of attack on the woman. Rajneesh Gupta, DCP, Rohini, said, that the woman was beaten and her clothes were "torn a bit", but denied she was paraded naked. The injuries are blunt and there is no fracture, he said, adding that the woman has always been associated with police in their action against bootleggers. Maliwal also sought details of the FIRs registered over liquor being sold illegally in Narela and surrounding areas over the past five years. Kejriwal took note of the incident and tweeted, "Utterly shocking and shameful that this is happening in the capital of India. I urge Honble LG to immediately intervene, take action against local policemen and ensure everyones safety." advertisement Maliwal claimed to have received several complaints from the women residents regarding sale of illicit liquor and drugs in certain houses in the area. Last night, the local police confiscated 300 bottles of liquor from a house after they were provided information about it by a DCW team. The house from where the liquor was seized was barely a few meters from the police post, Maliwal said, adding that "such illegal business is flourishing on a very large scale in Narela in full public view and knowledge of the local police". "It appears that the illegal activity of selling liquor in homes is occurring with active connivance and protection of the police," she said in the summons to the DCP. She also sought copies of all complaints along with status reports against police officers in the area regarding their inaction or collusion with people selling liquor in their houses. "This house as well as many other houses in the area, have been selling illegal liquor for years. Please inform what action has been initiated by the Delhi Police to curb this menace," she said in the letter while asking the DCP to appear in person before the panel on December 12. advertisement The Delhi Police, in its Twitter, said the incident was a "quarrel". "Incident referred to is reaction and quarrel by some ladies of same JJ cluster as victim. Injuries simple as per MLC. Case already registered against accused ladies. Incorrect that Police Post is 50 Mtrs away. Nearest Police Post from place of incident is about 5 Km away (sic)," the Delhi Police wrote on its Twitter handle. "This year so far the Delhi Police has stepped up action and registered 55 cases under the Excise Act in this area. Consistent action being taken against illicit liquor by local Police which will continue. Matter being further looked into by the DCP Rohini," it said. In a reply to the post by the police, Maliwal tweeted, "Shameful 2 term incident as quarrel when ppl who attacked, threatend her & DCW team in front of me last night. Also no MLC records someones insult on having been paraded naked! She has iron rod marks on body & is still hospitalised! Police Maalkhana is at 50 m, pl chk!" PTI SLB KJ --- ENDS --- By PTI: Gurgaon, Dec 7 (PTI) A woman toll collector was allegedly assaulted by an unidentified driver at Kherki Daula toll plaza today after he was denied a free passage, police said. Todays incident comes weeks after a woman toll collector was allegedly molested by unidentified men there. Police said the entire incident, which occurred around 11:00 am, was captured in CCTV cameras. advertisement The womans clothes were also torn, police said. The Gurgaon police have registered the case and begun search for the accused. On November 18, a woman toll collector was allegedly molested by unidentified men at Kherki Daula toll plaza after she asked them to pay the toll before crossing the booth. The men asked the woman toll collector to open the barrier and let them go as they were members of a political party. When the woman refused, they stepped out of their SUV and molested her. PTI CORR SMN --- ENDS --- By PTI: New Delhi, Dec 7 (PTI) Organisations are strategically investing in workplace technology to improve success metrics and attract employees for whom cutting edge tech is more important than other office amenities, says a study. According to Adobes the Future of Work: APAC study, released today, workplace technology is rated above all other office amenities like relaxation area, beautiful office design and access to food and beverages. advertisement "In the current Experience Business era, smart organisations are realising that outstanding customer experiences hinge on their ability to attract the best people," Abdul Jaleel, vice president, People Resources, Adobe India said adding that businesses are strategically investing in workplace technologies to drive productivity and deliver a compelling experience for employees. Moreover, technology also enables work-life balance for office workers across APAC and India as round the clock availability and ability to work across all their devices, accelerates workplace productivity. On artificial intelligence (AI), respondents from India were anxious about the impact of these new technologies on their jobs, but 95 per cent were optimistic about using AI to perform mundane tasks. Interestingly, 48 per cent office workers in India would continue their current jobs even if they won a lottery (versus 28 per cent in APAC), and 37 per cent of Indian respondents said they would use the lottery money to pursue their dream careers. The study further said the key contributors for overall motivation to work include supporting their lifestyle choices and families and the top three factors to work at the current organisation include salary and perks, the ability to advance in the company. The Future of Work: APAC Study engaged more than 4,700 APAC office workers who use a computer daily for work and examined how the roles of people, experiences and machines are evolving and transforming workplaces. Research was conducted from October 17 to November 13, 2017. PTI DRR MR --- ENDS --- Kalpetta: The tea farmers of the district have launched their own tea factory, the Wayanad Green Tea Producer Company Limited, an initiative supported by NABARD at Karadippara near Ambalavayal on Thursday. A long time dream of Wayanad tea farmers, the factory focusing on Organic Tea is expected to give them a breather from middlemen and other factories who have been exploiting them for time immemorial, it was pointed out. Costing Rs 77.88 lakh, a majority of the funds were mobilized from farmers as shares and the rest as repayable fund from NABARD, said Jose Sebastian, Chief Executive Officer of the newly formed producers company. It is for the first time that the farmers of the region invested in an attempt to save the farming community from the tentacles of middlemen who collect the tea leaves from them and sell them to the factories after siphoning off a major chunk of the profit, he pointed out. Inaugurating the factory, Sulthan Bathery MLA IC Balakrishnan said that such models could be replicated in other areas of farming like coffee and pepper. The project aims at processing upto 5000 kilograms of green tea leaves per day producing the best quality Green Tea and Orthodox tea, assuring a good price for farmers. Thai regulator the NBTC has awarded a satellite licence to start up firm mu space, allowing it to offer satellite-based services until 2032. The company is the first start up to be awarded such a licence in Thailand. Its Chief Technical Officer Samathorn Teankingkaeo said that mu space planned to differentiate itself by offering affordable services that are easy to install, as well as fast customer support and wide coverage, including in rural communities. Rural communities are mostly thinly populated and far from big cities. Thats why only a few companies go there to build telecom infrastructures. To overcome these challenges and provide rural communities with broadband, using a satellite is the best alternative, said Samathorn. According to Thailands telecom industry database, nearly 12% - 8 million of the countrys population of 68 million - have access to broadband. While there has been progress in recent years, there is a long way to go to fully make broadband accessible to all - particularly in rural communities. We want to help improve the quality of life. Through satellite, we can provide invaluable solutions to support the governments Thailand 4.0 economic policy, and bridge the digital gap between urban and rural areas, added Samathorn. The Xiaomi Redmi 5 and the Redmi 5 Plus are expected to be the companys first mid ranged smartphones to sport 18:9 displays. They will come with rear mounted fingerprint scanner and a selfie flash. Xiaomi will be launching the Redmi 5 and the Redmi 5 Plus today in China. The launch event in Beijing will commence at 11:30 AM and will be live streamed on the companys site. Ahead of the launch event, AliExpress has listed the smartphones on its website thus revealing its price. Xiaomis Redmi 5 and the Redmi 5 Plus are the thin-bezel smartphones. According to the AliExpress listing, the former device will be priced at $199.99 (Rs 12,900 approx) for the 2GB RAM/16GB ROM variant whereas the Redmi 5 Plus is listed at $249.99 (Rs 16,120 approx) for the 3GB RAM/32GB storage model. Both the smartphones could be available in Blue, Gold, Black, and Pink colour options. Previously, Xiaomi global spokesperson, Donovan Sung shared some official images of the smartphones which revealed the design of the smartphones. Both the smartphones are confirmed to sport reduced bezels and come with a taller 18:9 display. The images also reveal a rear mounted fingerprint sensor on both the smartphones and they will skip on hardware capacitive buttons on the front. The Redmi 5 was recently spotted on the TENAA website which reveaed some of the smartphone's hardware specifications. As per the TENNA listing, The Redmi 5 is expected to be powered by a 1.8GHz octa-core Snapdragon 450 SoC. It will come with a rear-mounted fingerprint sensor and is tipped to sport a 3200mAh battery. As per the listing, the device could launch in three configurations of 2GB RAM/16GB ROM, 3GB RAM/32GB ROM and 4GB RAM/64GB ROM. The smartphone is expected to support expandable internal storage of up to 128GB via a microSD card. The Redmi 5 Plus, on the other hand, is rumoured to be powered by a Snapdragon 625 chipset. It was earlier tipped to sport a dual camera setup with dual-LED flash, however, the official images reveal that it will come with a single rear camera setup. Finally, the Redmi 5 Plus is expected to be powered by a 4000mAh battery and could be launched with 3GB RAM and 32GB internal storage. You can buy Redmi 5A from flipkart at Rs 4999. Ryanair pilots in Italy have voted for a short strike on December 15, though the Irish company have shrugged off the threat. The Italian union ANPAC, which claims to represent 280 Ryanair pilots have called a four-hour strike in the run up to Christmas. Although Ryanair states that the Anpac union plays no role in the company and that they have had attempts at a strike before but they have always postponed or cancelled them. Pilots in Ireland, Spain, Germany, Sweden, Portugal and the Netherlands are also forming local labour councils to press for collective bargaining. The Irish Air Line Pilots Association (IALPA) have warned the company that it is reserving its right to ballot for strike action if Ryanair do not negotiate with the bodies selected by its workers. Ryanair's chief people Officer Eddie Wilson said in Thursdays letter to Dublin-based pilots that the IALPA had failed to be recognised as a union in 2007 and it would fail again now. He has also answered to this threat by warning the pilots that if they support the IALPAs industrial action they will assume they no longer want to deal with the Employee Representative Committee system and they will withdraw benefits as well as base and annual allowances. Michael OLeary, chief executive of Ryanair, recently admitted that the airline needed more pilot numbers and they have been recruiting to ease the problem. In spite of this, the company believes that the strike in Italy will fall through, following the path of the past six strikes called on by the ANPAC. Retail group Steinhoff International put out another statement on Thursday as it looked to reassure investors over its liquidity position, after announcing the departure of its chief executive a day earlier amid accounting irregularities. The group, which owns brands such as Poundland, Bensons for Beds and Conforama, said it has received expressions of interest in certain non-core assets that will release a minimum of 1bn of liquidity. In addition, the companys subsidiary, Steinhoff Africa Retail Limited (STAR), will on Thursday formally commit to the refinancing of its long-term liabilities. It is expected that the STAR refinancing will be concluded on better terms than those applicable to STARs current liabilities due to Steinhoff, given the strong cash flow inherent in its business. The additional liquidity of circa 2bn expected to be achieved through these measures will strengthen the companys balance sheet and should provide additional comfort to stakeholders of the companys ability to be able to fund its existing operations and reduce debt. Steinhoff also said there was no evidence to suggest that chief financial officer Ben La Grange had any involvement in the matters under investigation. As a result, he will remain in his position and has resigned from his role of CEO of STAR so he can focus solely on his position at Steinhoff. On Wednesday, shares in company plummeted as its CEO Markus Jooste resigned with immediate effect amid accounting irregularities, while the release of the company's 2017 numbers were postponed. The group, which owns more than 40 local brands in over 30 countries, said it has approached PWC to carry out an independent investigation after new information came to light related to accounting irregularities. "Steinhoff will update the market as the aforesaid investigation proceeds. The company will publish the audited 2017 consolidated financial statements when it is in a position to do so. In addition, the company will determine whether any prior years financial statements will need to be restated." Thousands of Catalan separatists have taken to the streets of Brussels to protest against the perceived lack of action from the EU in relation to the regions independence movement. Over 45,000 people took part in the protest, according to Brussels police, which was centred around the European quarter of the city. The demonstration took place while former leader of the Catalan parliament Carles Puigdemont remains in Brussels, despite a European warrant being lifted for his arrest earlier this week. Puigdemont and several other regional MPs fled to the Belgian capital after the Spanish government sacked the regional government in response to a unilateral declaration of independence following an illegal referendum vote in October. Europe has so far backed the actions of Mariano Rajoys government, with the independence supporters displayed messages such as "Shame on you" and "Wake up Europe" during the demonstration. Spanish government spokesperson Soraya Saenz de Santamaria criticised the organisers of the protest, wryly remarking in a press conference that they were only able to travel to Belgium because of their Spanish passports. "Its a European right derived from the fact Spain forms part of the EU. The organisers of this process have criticised the EU and what it represents, and they have undoubtedly thrown stones over a European roof when they dont support us," she said. China's foreign exchange reserves were little changed last month, extending a spell of stability which some economists believe might encourage Beijing to take further 'baby steps' towards full-blown FX liberalisation such as widening the trading band for the yuan. According to the People's bank of China, the Asian giant's foreign exchange reserves increased by $10bn in November to reach $3.119trn, which was roughly in-line with economists' forecasts. According to Julian Evans-Pritchard at Capital Economics, Thursday's partial data appeared to show that capital inflows from the trade surplus were approximately offsetting outflows, albeit with officials keeping a "tight leash" on the latter. Nevertheless, "the PBOC will undoubtedly be relieved that it has been able to step back in recent months and allow the market to drive the exchange rate without triggering unwanted volatility or depreciation pressure," Julian Evans Pritchard added. So it may soon be a good time for Beijing to take further 'basy steps' towards its long-term goal of allowing the exchange rate to be 'fully' determined by market forces, he said. The economist believed the next step down that road might take the form of another move to widen the currency's daily trading band. In any case, the current account surplus was likely to continue over the "next couple of years" thanks to strong global demand which, when combined with the strict capital controls in place to guard against a repeat of the volatility seen in 2015/16, Evans-Pritchard believed meant that further renminbi strength was likely on the cards. North Korea said war with the US is "an established fact", blaming the South Korean and US military exercises that are set to run until Friday. The US and South Korea have teamed up this week for their annual military exercises to test their preparedness in case of an attack by the North, with a US B-1B bomber having joined on Wednesday the 'Vigilant Ace' drills that were underway, Despite the annual nature of the military exercises, this time around they drew a shrill response from Pyongyang, who claimed they were a provocation and threatened war. Speaking on the countrys state television KCNA, a North Korean spokesman said the US was pushing the Korean peninsula to the brink of war. "[It's no longer a question of] if war breaks out, but a matter of when. These confrontational war-mongering remarks cannot be interpreted in any other way but as a warning to us to be prepared for a war on the Korean peninsula. "We do not wish for a war but shall not hide from it. And should the US miscalculate our patience and light the fuse for a nuclear war, we will surely make the US dearly pay the consequences with our mighty nuclear force which we have consistently strengthened," the spokesman for North Korea said. Indeed, HR McMaster, the White House's national security adviser had recently cautioned that the possibility of war with North Korea was "increasing every day". McMaster's remarks even saw Republican Senator Lindsey Graham say it was necessary to move all the United States military dependents out of the peninsula for fear of war breaking out. The increased apprehension was also evident in neighbouring countries, with a newspaper in northeast China, the Jilin daily, publishing a series of instructions to teach local residents how to cope in case of a nuclear attack. Countries from all over the world have rushed to criticise US President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, which has further raised tensions in the already-strained wider Middle East. On Wednesday, Trump announced that he was delivering on a promise that other presidents had failed to do, and stated US recognition of the movement of the capital away from Tel Aviv. He said that the US is still deeply committed to helping facilitate a peace agreement accepted by both sides, although accepting Jerusalem as the Israeli capital is the right thing to do. "Israel is a sovereign nation with the right like every other sovereign nation to determine its own capital," Trump said. He also announced an order for the state department to move the US embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem: This will immediately begin the process of hiring architects, engineers, and planners, so that a new embassy, when completed, will be a magnificent tribute to peace, the President said. Most prominently Arab and Muslim countries have criticised the announcement, as leaders of some European countries like the UK, France and Germany also disagree with the move. French president Emmanuel Macron said Trump's decision was "regrettable" and that the new American policy "contravenes international law." The status of Jerusalem is a question of international security that concerns the entire international community. The status of Jerusalem must be determined by Israelis and Palestinians in the framework of negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations, said Macron. UK Prime Minister Theresa May said that Trump's actions were "unhelpful in terms of prospects for peace in the region". "We disagree with the US decision to move its embassy to Jerusalem and recognise Jerusalem as the Israeli capital before a final status agreement," she said. May also added that the British Embassy to Israel is based in Tel Aviv and there were no plans to move it to Jerusalem. Israeli president Benjamin Netanyahu has praised Donald Trump and has urged other leaders to do the same. This is a historic day. Jerusalem has been the capital of Israel for nearly 70 years. Jerusalem has been the focus of our hopes, our dreams, our prayers for three millennia. Jerusalem has been the capital of the Jewish people for 3,000 years. Thank you, @realDonaldTrump! Benjamin Netanyahu (@netanyahu) 6 de diciembre de 2017 On the other hand, Mahmoud Abbas, the president of Palestine accused Donald Trump of not being impartial and has taken the announcement as declaration from the United States to retire from the task of sponsoring peace between the two countries. These condemned and unacceptable measures are a deliberate undermining of all efforts exerted to achieve peace and represent a declaration of the United State's withdrawal from undertaking the role it has played over the past decades in sponsoring the peace process, said Abbas Palestines chief delegate to Washington, Husam Zomlot, had a similar opinion and thought that recognizing Jerusalem as capital of Israel was a stab in the back. Strikes and protests have broken out in different parts of the region. According to Reuters, in one Palestinian refugee camp in Jordan, hundreds were chanting anti-American slogans. The Palestinian Islamist group, Hamas, has taken this statement as a flagrant aggression against the Palestinian people. From a financial perspective, markets have remained sanguine so far, observed Hussein Sayed, chief market strategist at forex broker FXTM. "Despite many warnings from Arab and European leaders that the move would have dangerous consequences, financial markets seem to have ignored the risks for now. "However, the upcoming days may see increased tensions between the Muslim world and Trumps administration, which could lead to risk aversion. The move will undoubtedly undermine Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts, and likely strain the U.S. relationships in the Middle East. "Some investors might start worrying about war breaking out, leading to a surge in oil prices, but so far, the markets reaction does not seem to be reflecting this risk." The European Union has set a deadline of Sunday for Theresa May to present an acceptable solution to the Irish border issue to progress to the second phase of Brexit talks. A European Commission spokeswoman told reporters on Thursday that European leaders were waiting to hear of further developments from the UK and Ireland. Prime Minister May has come under increasing pressure from several directions after an apparent agreement earlier this week on the thorny issue of Northern Ireland's border was rebuffed by the DUP over the proposed "regulatory alignment" with the south. We stand ready to receive Prime Minister May at any moment in time when theyre ready, Schinas said. This will have to happen this week. In this building, we work for a full week, 24/7, and our week includes Sunday. Irish taoiseach Leo Varadkar said he is willing to consider changes to the post-Brexit border deal, which was vetoed by the Northern Ireland's DUP on Monday. Varadkar told reporters however that any changes must not alter the core of the document which was drafted on Monday, which aligned NI with its southern neighbours for market and customs purposes in order to avoid a hard border. He said that he would consider a new proposition from the Conservatives, who are scrambling to craft a paper which pleases both Ireland and governmental partners the DUP. I expressed my willingness to consider that because I want to move things forward as well, Varadkar said late on Wednesday. May has spoken with DUP leader Arlene Foster in attempt to break the impasse but reports suggest no movement has been made, as the EU deadline for sufficient progress in negotiations nears. Lego won a landmark case against a pair of companies in China that made and sold toys nearly identical to the LEGO Friends range but using the brand Bela, said the Danish toymaker. This is the first time Lego succeeded in a copyright case in China, where there has been a recurrent problem of companies copying the toymakers colorful figures and bricks. The toy market in China has become huge and is now at $31 billion. Get alerts: Earlier in 2017, a ruling was passed by the Beijing Higher Court that recognized the logo and name of Lego in Chinese as well-known trademarks, putting the Danish toymaker in a far better position to take action when its trademarks are infringed. The court this week ruled that some of the Bela products had infringed upon the Lego Group copyright and that making and selling those products was unfair competition. It was also decided by that court that Lego is protected by the China anti-unfair competition law for its unique and distinctive appearance of specific product lines, and in the case of this lawsuit LEGO Friends. A key to the revival of growth for Lego is capturing the Chinese childrens imaginations with its plastic bricks, after the unlisted company disappointed on revenue in its core European and U.S. markets that brought to an end a sales boom that was over a decade long. Lego, whose name comes from leg godt in Danish which means play well, is competing against the likes of Mattel Inc. the maker of Barbie and Hasbro the company that makes My Little Pony, for a piece of the pie in the Chinese toy market. The case had been filed against a pair of Chinese companies that were making as well as selling their products under the Bela brand that had been nearly identical to most of the LEGO Friends toys. Bela products must now stop being sold the way they are now including packaging and the companys logos. The vice president of legal affairs at Lego said that the company thinks it is highly important for continued development of a more favorable business environment for every company that operates in China. Toymakers are having their ups and downs. Hasbro has seen an increase in its sales, while Barbie maker Mattel has struggled the last two to three years. Inside the Action Plan The first mention of a Murray Energy action plan appears to be in a Frontline interview with Murray that aired in mid-October. Following the interview, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) called for the plans release, but until now, no details of such an action plan have been made publicly available. The photographs obtained by In These Times capture sections of the document and indicate that its scope is vast. Bulleted items include proposals to replace members of the Tennessee Valley Authority board, FERC and the NLRB, whichthe plan allegesholds an anti-employer bias. The plan also advises cutting the staff of the EPA in at least half. Another photograph shows a cover letter introducing the action plan, addressed to Perry, signed by Murray and printed on Murray Energy letterhead. It concludes, We are available to assist you in any way that you request. The last page of the plan addresses FERC regulation of coal. The current Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has a history of favoring actions of the Obama Administration, it states. That has systematically devalued base load generation as a result of the Obama war on coal. Immediate action needs to be taken to require organized power markets to value fuel security ... The text amounts to a rough blueprint of the rule unveiled by Perry in September and expected to come to a vote in a FERC meeting on Monday, December 11. At Perrys urging, FERC will decide whether to integrate the proposal into the countrys energy regulatory landscape. On the premise that fuel storage will make the grid more reliable, the rule guarantees payments from utilities to power plants that store 90 days worth of fuel supplies onsitewhich applies only to coal and nuclear facilities. Natural gas, coals main competitor, is brought onsite via pipelines so would not qualify. Nor would sources of solar and wind energy. The rub is that without this guaranteed payment, many of these coal and nuclear plants might soon have been slated for closure, mostly thanks to competition with natural gas. Thats because, in a deregulated market, utilities rely on the most cost-effective option in deciding which power source ratepayers use and pay for. The DOE rule preempts that, essentially making ratepayers in a number of Midwestern, Appalachian and Northeastern states foot the bill for a bailout of ailing coal and nuclear plants. An analysis by the research firm ICF finds that the proposal could cost up to $4 billion a year. A separate study, from the non-profit group Energy Innovation, puts the figure as high as $10.6 billion annually, virtually all of which would be paid for by electricity customers in the areas covered by the DOE rule. The rule covers about 40,000 of the nations 280,000 Megawatts of coal-fired power generating capacity, largely focusing on something called the PJM Interconnection, a regional electricity market containing several Midwest, Appalachian and Northeast states. Murray Energy provides a large portion of the coal for coal-fired generation within the PJM market, which contains one of its biggest customers, FirstEnergy. Politico found that FirstEnergy purchased around two-thirds of its fuel from Murray Energy in 2015, the most recent year for which data is available. Murray argued in a letter to the Department of Energy that the companies fates were tied, and both would go bankrupt without federal intervention to help FirstEnergy. FirstEnergy has used a mechanism similar to Perrys rule to keep troubled coal plants online in Appalachia. In 2013, the company transferred the coal-fired Harrison Power Station from a subsidiary in an unregulated energy market to West Virginias regulated energy market. The process, known as re-regulation, sticks utility customers with the bill for operating a plant they dont need. An analysis from the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) found thatas of September 2017the transfer had cost West Virginian ratepayers upward of $160 million. The philosophy behind [the DOE rule] is the same, says IEEFA energy analyst Cathy Kunkel. And though Perry has justified the rule on the basis of grid reliability, Kunkel, who co-authored the IEEFA study, says there are already policies in place through regional transmission networks to keep plants from closing in the event of an emergency. Perry has used the Department of Energys own grid reliability study, published in August, to paint a dire picture of the nations energy stability. But the DOE studys lead author, Alison Silverstein, told Forbes that the recommendations in Perrys rule make it seem "as though they had never read [the study]." She downplayed Perrys dire warnings about plant shutdowns and threats to reliability, and her own recommendations based on the report differ dramatically from the DOEs. The DOE rule would mean that ratepayer dollars that are spent to bail out old plants are not being spent to develop more efficient forms of energy, Kunkel says. You would effectively be crowding out the grid of the future, including investments in more resilient and cost-effective systems like microgrids. If youre serious about grid reliability in times of crisis, then develop microgrids, she says. Those are the only things that kept power on during Hurricane Sandy. Unlike central station power generation, microgridsoften run on renewablescan continue operating even when utilities generation and transmission systems fail. In late July and early August, Murray and FirstEnergy representatives proposed that the DOE stave off coal plant closures by invoking Section 202(c) of the Federal Power Act, intended to give the agency expanded authority in the event of a war, natural disaster or terrorist attack. Though that request was ultimately denied, the DOE rule would perform a similar service for FirstEnergy: extending a lifeline from the federal government to troubled generation sources at the expense of utility customers. Wheeling and dealing If enacted, the plan would be a coup for Murray, whose direct and indirect ties to the administration are well documented. Andrew Wheeler, a former lobbyist for Murray Energy tapped by Trump to serve as deputy administrator of the EPA, admitted during his Senate confirmation hearing that he had attended meetings on behalf of Murray with Perry and seen the action plan. Wheeler, who is pictured in the March meeting, denied involvement in the DOE rules creation. I have not been involved in anything the last few months when this issue has been front and center, he said. Wheeler said he attended on behalf of Murray. Murray has heaped glowing praise on Trump, Perry and EPA administrator Scott Pruitt, who he calls a star. Speaking with Greenwire in October, he called the DOE rule proposal the single greatest action that has been taken in decades to support low-cost reliable electric power in the United States. His endorsements of Trump and several senior administration officials have been financial, as well. The company poured $200,000 into Trumps presidential campaign last year through its PAC, with Murray personally hosting a fundraising dinner. Wheeler told the Washington Post recently that that dinner, hosted in Wheeling, W.Va., is what won him over to Trumps campaign. Murray hosted a similar, $2,500-a-head fundraising reception for Perry in 2011 during his bid for the Republican presidential nomination. We are having a reception and dinner for Presidential candidate Governor James Richard Rick Perry of Texas, who is likely to be the Republican Nominee to defeat the destructive Barack Obama, a letter of invitation from Murray states. The invite went on to describe the 2012 race as the likely most vital election for America in our lifetimes. In summary, Murray concludes, Governor Rick Perry, a Reagan Republican, will attempt to restore confidence in the American Dream and American Exceptionalism, and get the Country moving again. In all, Perry received six figures in donations from Murray Energy and its employees during that race, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Murray has come under legal fire and FEC investigation in the past for strong-arming his employees into making political contributions to the companys conservative PAC. A 2012 memo from Murray, obtained as evidence in a lawsuit brought by one of his former employees, pressures managers into compelling salaried workers to attend a fundraising event for the chairs of the House Energy and Commerce and Natural Resources committees, the lower house bodies with the greatest jurisdiction over coal. What is so difficult about asking a well-paid, salaried employee to give us three (3) hours of his [or] her time every two months? he asks, after bemoaning the preponderance of empty chairs at similar events. The email then lists several salaried employees whom Murray had not seen at recent fundraisers for coal-friendly politicians. The parallels between the DOE language and Murrays mirrors an incident that occurred while Scott Pruitt was serving as Oklahomas Attorney General, where he reliably went after the EPA. As the New York Times Eric Lipton revealed, Pruitt allowed Devon Energy to draft a complaint to the EPA on official Oklahoma AG letterhead. Where in that case language was taken verbatim from industry sources, the language in Perrys rule is more general. At this point, the remaining details on what else in the action plan have yet to emerge. One prize Murray and other fossil fuel industry interests have had their eye on is a scaleback of the so-called endangerment finding, the result of a 2007 Supreme Court ruling (Massachusetts v. EPA), which gives the EPA the authority and mandate to regulate carbon dioxide emissions, the leading contributor to human-made climate change. Whether Trump administration regulators set their sites on the endangerment finding or not, what is clear is that the Trump administration is closely engaged in the business of picking winners and losers in Americas energy economy, and that at least one major campaign contributor in the extractive energy business has the administration's ear. UPDATE: Murray Energy did not meet the initial deadline for comment, but spokesperson Gary Broadbent sent the following after the story was posted: Mr. Murray confirms that he met with Secretary Perry on March 29, 2017 in order to discuss the reforms necessary to protect jobs and livelihoods in the United States coal industry, including initiating a study of the reliability and resiliency of the electric power grid. Ultimately, the Department of Energy did conduct a study. During the meeting, Mr. Murray never discussed the Grid Resiliency Pricing Rule, which has been proposed under Section 403 of the Department of Energy Organization Act, as he has stated heretofore. Indeed, he had no prior notice of this rulemaking and was not involved in drafting the rule. UPDATE: The company first sent a version of the comment above stating that Murray had "invok[ed] Section 202(c) of the Federal Power Act to prevent the closure of coal-fired power plants" at the March 29 meeting. Broadbent emailed several hours later to say that 202(c) had not come up in the meeting. The comment has been updated. Kate Aronofff is a writing fellow at In These Times covering the politics of climate change, the White House transition and the resistance to Trump's agenda. Follow her on Twitter @katearonoff. Want to stay up to date with the latest political news and breaking investigations? Subscribe to the free In These Times weekly newsletter: Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. Complaints have been mounting over display and audio issues with Googles Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL, launched just three weeks ago. Consumers have reported a screen burn-in problem with the Pixel 2 XL, which refers to embedded functions leaving a ghost-like image on the display. In addition to the Pixel 2 XL display issue, there have been numerous reports of high-pitched noises and strange clicking sounds occurring during calls on the Pixel 2. The demand for Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL has exceeded our expectations, and were thrilled with the positive reaction to our new phones, both from the reviewers who have tried and tested our devices thoroughly and from consumers who are switching to Pixel, said Mario Queiroz, vice president, product management at Pixel. We take all reports of issues very seriously, and our engineers investigate quickly. The company will provide updates as soon as it has conclusive data, he said. The Pixel 2 XL uses pOLED screens, which can display a leftover image when fixed backgrounds or pictures remain on them for a long period of time, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. Anyone who has a pOLED device should be using active backgrounds and make sure no one image remains on the phone for an extended period of time, he told TechNewsWorld. Some games do have fixed grids, suggesting long-time game players need to watch this as well, Enderle added. Sales Slowdown If the reports about the scope of the complaints turn out to be accurate, Google will face a major test in the marketplace, said Werner Goertz, research director for personal technologies at Gartner. I think it is a grave concern that these devices have been put into the market, he told TechNewsWorld, though certainly with excellent features on paper. Concern about Googles ability to field a quality device has the potential to impact not only future sales, but also pending deals, Goertz said, including the US$1 billion agreement to acquire HTCs smartphone business, announced last month. There are people who are going to speculate on the upcoming HTC integration, he added. People will argue maybe in anticipation of new design resources coming on board that maybe they overlooked that. Despite those concerns, Google has some inherent positives to fall back on, Goertz said, noting that the original Google Pixel did not have the same issues, suggesting that Google has its internal design capabilities in place. Its unlikely that the reported display issues will lead back to LG, he said, noting that its a company that typically knows what it is doing. Although the complaints may dampen Pixel sales, Google will be able to absorb the blow, said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research. Apple and Samsung have both had major product defects and survived, he told TechNewsWorld. Im sure Google will survive a product setback. Every major company faces product issues like this at some point, McGregor said, often the result of too-aggressive scheduling. Flagship Flounders The Pixel 2 complaints come more than a year after Samsung went through a massive recall of its flagship Galaxy Note7 smartphones, which were the subject of a massive recall due to overheating batteries that exploded or caught fire. Samsung ultimately halted production of the Note7 devices, because replacements were found to have similar problems. Just over a month ago, iPhone and iPad users began reporting a host of problems with the upgraded iOS 11, the new mobile operating system from Apple. Consumers reported the new OS led to battery drainage issues, slow speeds, and problems with WiFi and Bluetooth. Amazon on Wednesday announced a new service that will allow Prime members to receive in-home delivery of packages with the help of high-tech smart locks that allow drivers to open their front doors. Amazon Key will launch officially on Nov. 8 in 37 U.S. cities and surrounding communities, with additional locations to be added over time. The service will be available at no extra cost to Prime members, and it will work with standard, two-day, overnight and same-day deliveries. Amazon Key gives customers peace of mind knowing their orders have been safely delivered to their homes and are waiting for them when they walk through their doors, said Peter Larsen, vice president of delivery technology at Amazon. To use the service, Prime members must order an Amazon Key in-home kit, which includes the Amazon Cloud Cam and one of several compatible smart locks offered by Kwickset or Yale. The Amazon Key In-Home Kit starts at US$249.99. The locks can be installed professionally at no extra cost or self-installed by customers, according to Amazon. Beyond Deliveries When a driver requests access to the customers home, the Cloud Cam confirms the driver is at the right address through an encrypted authentication process. After the request is authenticated, the Cloud Cam starts recording the delivery and the door is unlocked. Customers can track the delivery using the Amazon Key app on their mobile phones. They get real-time notifications and can watch deliveries live or view recordings later. The entire delivery process is backed up by the Amazon Happiness Guarantee, the company said. The agreement is a big step for Yale. Its parent firm, Assa Abloy, also on Wednesday announced that it is testing an in-home delivery service with 100 customers in Sweden, in collaboration with delivery firm PostNord and e-commerce retailers Jollyroom, Apotea and Komplett. Yale Doorman digital locks are being used in the tests. Its significant in that were working with Amazon, obviously a powerhouse in online retailing, and working with them on one of the most innovative programs in e-commerce and home delivery, the firm said in a statement provided to the E-Commerce Times by spokesperson Terry Shea. The Amazon Key program will provide features beyond home delivery of packages, the company said. Customers will be able to grant keyless entry for family and friends, and theyll be able to set frequency and length of time for access to the home. Amazon plans to roll out a new program that will allow thousands of companies to access homes using the smart lock technology, including companies like housekeeping service Merry Maids and dog walking and pet sitting service Rover. Rover is changing the way pet owners discover, book and manage personalized care for their pets, said spokesperson Brandie Gonzales. This new integration with Amazon Key is the latest example of how we are leading the pet care revolution, she told the E-Commerce Times. Growth Outweighs Risk Amazon is gambling that the benefit of having secure home delivery of packages will outweigh the potential downside of the perception that its seeking an invasive level of access to the customer. While many customers might see this capability as overly intrusive, Amazon and Walmart has identified an intersection of customer needs and new technologies, noted Matt Sargent, senior vice president of retail at Magid. This capability [is] not only possible, but incredibly interesting to a subset of cutting-edge customers, he told the E-Commerce Times. The need already exists, according to Sargent. People have been looking for a way to provide secure access to prevent package theft, and to allow entry of housecleaners and other service providers. The advent of remote security cameras and smart locks has made fulfillment of this need a reality. The in-home delivery service is another example of Amazon inventing new ways to reach into consumer wallets without an obvious business case, said Paula Rosenblum, managing partner of RSR Research. I think its too intrusive and too risky, she told the E-Commerce Times. Amazon Prime has about 90 million members in the U.S., according to a report Consumer Intelligence Research Partners released last week. About 63 percent of all U.S.-based Amazon customers belong to Prime, the firm noted. Amazon considers Prime members critical to its growth, because on average they spend $1,300 a year on purchases nearly twice as much as non-Prime members. From a security standpoint, smart lock technologies pose more of a physical challenge than a technology challenge, suggested William Malik, vice president for infrastructure strategies at Trend Micro. The technology may grant access only to authorized Amazon employees, but it would be helpful to understand Amazons process for vetting delivery people, revoking their access, auditing conformance to Amazons standards, and providing warranty to misuse of that access, he told the E-Commerce Times. Augusts Experience August for years has been running August Access, a home delivery service that provides retailers and services of all stripes including Sears Home Delivery and dog-walking service Wag with the ability to get secure access to customers homes. Years ago, when his former housekeeper had to return home to Brazil, she still had the keys to his house, recalled August CEO Jason Johnson. What are people to do in situations such as that one, he wondered, change the locks? Although Johnson didnt feel he needed to do that, it seemed many people would value the ability to provide controlled access to their homes for certain activities,. The desire to find a solution to that problem led Johnson and a cofounder to launch August. From the beginning, we thought about how could we provide conditional access to the home, he told the E-Commerce Times. The August smart locks use secure Bluetooth technology, with a layer of encryption on top, plus a third level of security that has been subjected to a white hat security audit to guard the systems against potential intrusion. Just last month, Walmart began working with August and Deliv to test in-fridge delivery of food. The companies have been testing the service in the Silicon Valley area with a select number of customers who have August smart locks. They are provided a one-time passcode for secure access to allow deliveries to be placed inside the home. Were interested in providing additional solutions and options for customers to make it easy for them, Walmart spokesperson Ravi Jariwala told E-Commerce Times. Walmart earlier this month announced the acquisition of Parcel, a startup that delivers meal kits, groceries and e-commerce purchases to homes in New York City. Walmart plans to use Parcel for last-mile deliveries of groceries and packages from Walmart and Jet. NEW YORK US denim company DL1961 has announced a renewed collaboration with Austrian fibre producer Lenzing which the organisations say will result in more sustainable denim apparel. Using Lenzings Refibra lyocell fibres, DL1961 aim to create a textile with all the typical qualities of denim but with less environmental impact a range of garments utilising the material is anticipated to be launched in autumn 2018. By Andrew Clayton On Dec. 11 and 12, the 28 ministers of the European Unions Agriculture and Fisheries Council meet in Brussels to decide on 2018 fishing quotas for stocks in the North-East Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. Under the EUs Common Fisheries Policy, the council is legally bound to end overfishing by 2015 where possible and at the latest by 2020. Still, ministers set 55 percent of 2017 fishing limits higher than the scientific advice. This month they have the power and responsibility to turn the tideby setting 2018 quotas that end overfishingso everyone can reap the benefits of sustainable fisheries. The 10 reasons detailed here underscore why its so important that fisheries ministers lead on ending overfishing: 1. Fish stocks would be allowed to recover. Too many assessed stocks in EU waters remain outside safe biological limits. Ending overfishing would finally allow these stocks to rebuild and thrive. 2. Fishermen would benefit. Ending overfishing in the Northeast Atlantic alone could potentially create additional annual revenue of 4.6 billion for the EU fishing fleet and support more jobs in the sector. Healthy fish stocks contribute to a more stable business environment and require less time and fuel for fishing. More profitable fisheries in turn reduce the need for taxpayers to support the industry through subsidies. 3. Doing so would help restore the health of our marine environment. Fishing activities can take a toll on the marine environment beyond the removal of fish. Among the common negative impacts are damage to the sea-floor and corals, unintended catch of animals such as sea-birds and turtles, and pollution. Healthy fish stocks require less intensive fishing activity, limiting harm. 4. Europeans could eat more locally caught and sustainable fish. Europe currently depends heavily on seafood imports from non-EU countries; almost half of fish consumed in the EU comes from external waters. This also has repercussions for developing countries where fish is a key source of animal protein for large parts of the population. 5. The ocean would be more resilient. The ocean is under a variety of stresses, ranging from changing water temperatures to pollution and acidification. Healthy fish stocks play a key role in keeping marine ecosystems healthy and represent an investment in the future because they can help the ocean resist these kinds of stresses. 6. Fisheries management would be easier. Managing fisheries with a high likelihood of collapse is complicated, risky, and demanding. It requires detailed and timely information. Healthy fisheries, on the other hand, are less sensitive to changes, uncertainties or mistakes in data, making management easier. 7. Its the law. In 2013, EU decision makers agreed on a reformed Common Fisheries Policy that requires an end to overfishing by 2015 where possible, and by 2020 at the latest for all stocks. Failing to end overfishing in line with this legal requirement would undermine EU citizens trust in European institutions. 8. It would bring greater transparency. Setting fishing limits that do not exceed scientific advice would make EU fisheries management more rational and predictable. Discussions could centre on maximizing the socio-economic benefits of healthy fisheries. 9. Case studies around the worldand closer to homeshow the benefits. Other countries, such as the U.S., Australia and New Zealand, have already made major progress toward ending overfishing and are starting to reap the benefits. The EU has its own examples, such as hake in northern European waters, which prove that it is possible to end overfishing and illustrate the potential gains. 10. Decision makers have both the power and the responsibility to do so. Many contemporary problems, such as climate change, are extremely challenging to address, but ending overfishing depends largely on better decisions by EU fisheries ministers. Political will is needed to implement the Common Fisheries Policy reforms and to set fishing limits that do not exceed scientific advice. Too many assessed stocks in EU waters remain outside safe biological limits. Ending overfishing would finally allow these stocks to rebuild and thrive. Andrew Clayton directs The Pew Charitable Trusts efforts to end overfishing in North-Western Europe. Coal, oil and gas are tremendous resources: solar energy absorbed by plants and super-concentrated over millions of years. Theyre potent fuels and provide ingredients for valuable products. But the oil boom, spurred by improved drilling technology, came at the wrong time. Profits were (and still are) the priorityrather than finding the best, most efficient uses for finite resources. In North America, governments and corporations facilitated infrastructure to get people to use oil and gas as if they were limitless. Companies like Ford built cars bigger than necessary, and although early models ran on ethanol, the oil boom made petroleum the fuel of choice. Public transit systems were removed and governments used tax revenues to accommodate private automobiles rather than buses and trains. The oil industry fulfilled many of its promises and became the main driver of western economies. It increased mobility and led to job and profit growth in vehicle manufacturing, oil and gas, tourism and fast food, among others. Petroleum-derived plastics made life more convenient. The industry boom and the car culture it fueled had negative consequences, thoughincluding injuries and death, rapid resource exploitation, pollution and climate change. Plastics are choking oceans and land. Are these unintended consequences? When did people learn burning large quantities of fossil fuels might be doing more harm than good? Evidence suggests scientists, governments and industry knew all along there would be a steep price to pay for our excesses. In the late 1800s, Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius warned that burning fossil fuels and increasing carbon dioxide emissions would initiate feedback loops and increase water vapor in the atmosphere, causing global temperatures to rise. Scientific evidence for human-caused global warming has since increased to the point of certainty, but while few would dispute that burning coal, oil and gas causes pollution and public health problems, many still believe the role of fossil fuels in climate change is contentious. Theres a reason for that: According to volumes of research by journalists, investigators and academicsincluding a new peer-reviewed studysome of industrys largest players have long been deceiving the public about climate science. The new study, by Harvards Geoffrey Supran and Naomi Oreskes and published in Environmental Research Letters, analyzes 40 years of research and communications by Exxon Mobil. Our findings are clear: Exxon Mobil misled the public about the state of climate science and its implications, Oreskes and Supran write in a New York Times opinion article. Available documents show a systematic, quantifiable discrepancy between what Exxon Mobils scientists and executives discussed about climate change in private and in academic circles, and what it presented to the general public. Taking up Exxons challenge to Read all of these documents and make up your own mind, the researchers examined the companys scientific research, internal memos and paid public-facing advertorials. They concluded that, although the company knew of and communicated internally about its products climate impacts and the danger of it becoming a stranded asset, it told the public a different story. Exxon placed paid opinion articles in the New York Times between 1989 and 2004, at a cost of US$31,000 each. Contrary to the companys own research and internal communicationsas well as overwhelming scientific evidence from around the worldthe articles argued, among other things, that, The science of climate change is too uncertain to mandate a plan of action that could plunge economies into turmoil, and, We still dont know what role man-made greenhouse gases might play in warming the planet. Oreskes and Supran also note Exxon is being sued by current and former employees and investigated by the New York and Massachusetts attorneys general and the federal Securities and Exchange Commission. Much relates to whether the company misled consumers, shareholders or the public about the environmental or business risks of climate change, or about the risk that oil and gas reserves might become stranded assets that wont be developed, affecting shareholder value. Given climate changes serious implications, the fact that fossil fuel companies, aided by compromised governments and shady think tanks and media outlets, would put fossil fuel profits ahead of human health and survival is an intergenerational crime against humanity. We should commend Oreskes and others for their tireless efforts to bring this truth to light. Over the summer, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) decided to strip Yellowstone grizzly bears of Endangered Species Act protections, sparking condemnation from conservationists over the agencys flawed ruling. But now, USFWS is reviewing this decision thanks to an appeals court ruling that restored protections for a completely different animal that was taken off the endangered species list: the Great Lakes gray wolf. In August, the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington, DC, ruled unanimously that USFWS was wrong in its 2011 decision to de-list the Great Lakes gray wolf and should remain under federal protection. The three-judge panel wrote then, The Endangered Species Acts text requires the Service, when reviewing and redetermining the status of a species, to look at the whole picture of the listed species, not just a segment of it. As it happens, the Fish and Wildlife Service used a similar method to de-list Yellowstone-area bears. Kelly Nokes, large carnivore advocate for WildEarth Guardians, explained to Reuters, U.S. wildlife managers removed the bears from federal protections without assessing impacts on other grizzly populations in the lower 48 states. The Yellowstone grizzly bear has long been considered endangered, with as few as 136 bears in 1975. But in June, Interior Sec. Ryan Zinke announced that the population had been recovered to the point where federal protections can be removed and overall management can be returned to the states and tribes. There are an estimated 700 today, which meets all the criteria for delisting, the Department of Interior, which oversees USFWS, said. The Associated Press reported that USFWS has now opened up a public comment session on the implications of leaving the bears unprotected. While the review is pending, the animals will stay under state jurisdiction and off the threatened species list, agency spokesman Steve Segin said. The agency plans to release its conclusions by March 31. Conservation groups responded with fierce outcry over the governments decision to de-list the grizzlies this summer. Without continued Endangered Species Act protections, the recovery of grizzly bears in Greater Yellowstone is in serious jeopardy, said Bonnie Rice, Greater Yellowstone senior representative with Sierra Clubs Our Wild America campaign. Inadequate requirements to protect and connect Yellowstone grizzlies to other populations and hostile state management policies will mean fewer bears restricted to an even smaller area. Grizzly bears will be killed through trophy hunts on the doorstep of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks instead of inspiring millions who come to the region just for a chance to see a live grizzly bear in the wild. These iconic bears need to be protected, not gunned down so their heads can go on some trophy hunters wall, said Andrea Santarsiere, a senior attorney with the Center for Biological Diversity. Facing ongoing threats and occupying less than five percent of their historic range, grizzly bears are nowhere near recovery and continue to need the strong protections of the Endangered Species Act. National Parks Conservation Association refutes the Department of the Interiors short-sighted decision, which threatens Yellowstone grizzlies and ignores concerns, including those raised by many in the National Park Service. Despite Interiors claim, the long-term health of Yellowstone and Grand Teton grizzlies is far from certain, added Stephanie Adams, Yellowstone program manager for the National Parks Conservation Association. We must ensure Yellowstone grizzlies have necessary protections in place for the population to thrive. By WildEarth Guardian Wednesday, WildEarth Guardians sued the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, challenging the agencys flawed rule stripping grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem of Endangered Species Act protections. The services premature removal of crucial federal safeguards undermines the recovery of the species as a whole, while subjecting grizzlies stepping outside the safety of our national parks to state-sanctioned trophy hunting. The Service failed to carry out its paramountand mandatoryduty to ensure grizzly bears in the contiguous United States are recovered to the point at which the protections of the Endangered Species Act are no longer necessary, said Kelly Nokes, carnivore advocate for WildEarth Guardians. The Services decision is riddled with flaws, not based in science nor the law, and places this icon of all that is wild squarely in the crosshairs of extinction once again. The lawsuit faults the service for illegally designating grizzlies in Greater Yellowstone as a distinct population segment and simultaneously removing protections from the population without first considering the impact such removal will have on imperiled grizzly populations located elsewhere in the lower 48 states. The suit also highlights the services failure to use the best available science when it determined that grizzlies in the Yellowstone region are recovered. Biologists agree that grizzly recovery hinges on connecting isolated populations and distributing the genes they carry, said Matthew Bishop, an attorney with the Western Environmental Law Center representing WildEarth Guardians. Under this illegal and ill-advised plan, dispersing grizzlies essential to species recovery would be the first to die. Grizzlies in the Yellowstone region remain threatened by dwindling food sources, habitat loss and fragmentation, and illegal killing. The Yellowstone population is isolated and has yet to connect to bears elsewhere in the U.S., including to bears in and around Glacier National Park. Grizzlies also have yet to reclaim key historic habitats, including the Bitterroot Range along the Montana-Idaho border. Hunted, trapped and poisoned to near extinction, grizzly bear populations in the contiguous U.S. declined drastically from nearly 50,000 bears to only a few hundred by the 1930s. In response to the decline, the service designated the species as threatened under the Endangered Species Act in 1975, a move that likely saved them from extinction. The species has since struggled to hang on, with only roughly 1,800 currently surviving in the lower 48 states. Grizzlies remain absent from nearly 98 percent of their historic range. At last count, approximately 690 grizzly bears resided in the Greater Yellowstone region in 2016, down from 2015s count of 717 bears. The last two years had near record-breaking grizzly mortality, with at least 139 bears killed since 2015 (including 20 documented deaths thus far in 2017, 58 dead bears in 2016 and 61 dead grizzlies in 2015). Of those, at least 98 bears died due to human-causes and 30 deaths remain undetermined or are still under investigation. Wednesdays lawsuit challenges the services final rule removing Endangered Species Act protections from grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem in U.S. District Court for the District of Montana. WildEarth Guardians is represented by Matthew Bishop and John Mellgren of the Western Environmental Law Center and Kelly Nokes of WildEarth Guardians. By Joe McCarthy Former President Barack Obama appeared at a gathering of mayors from around the world in Chicago Tuesday to talk about climate change and encourage leaders to take action, according to the Associated Press. It was the latest in a series of appearances from the former president who offers a perspective that differs from his successor. Just last week, Obama met with Chinese president Xi Jinping. The North American Climate Summit was gathered to explore how city leaders can take action on climate change. More than 50 mayors attended the event, including those from Paris, Mexico City, Montreal, Austin and Atlanta. It was partly inspired by the recognition that cities may have to play a bigger role if action at federal levels of government recedes. The U.S., for instance, intends to withdraw from the Paris agreement, opening up a larger opportunity for action on the local level. Mayors throughout the U.S. have since reaffirmed their commitments to the global arrangement. While Obama didnt refer to Trump by name, he expressed opinions that are at odds with the current president, the New York Times noted. He also insisted that mayors have an important role to play on environmental issues, according to the AP. Ultimately the work is done on the ground, Obama said during the event, AP reported. Cities and states and businesses and universities and nonprofits have emerged as the new face of American leadership on climate change. Mayors have long played a crucial role in addressing climate change. This makes sense because cities hold the bulk of the worlds population and mayors can often take action more readily than leaders overseeing larger bodies of government. Obama echoed these points during the event and drilled down even further, calling on individuals everywhere to play their part in mitigating climate change. Climate change can be solved by human action, he said. We lead respectively where there is no consensus or directive out of our national governments. Global Citizen takes action on the Global Goals which call for strong climate change. You can take action on this issue here . Reposted with permission from our media associate Global Citizen. What Is Ocean Bound Plastic? Ocean bound plastic is plastic waste that is headed toward our oceans. The term ocean bound plastic was popularized by Jenna Jambeck, Ph.D., a professor from the University of Georgia. In 2015, she and a team of researchers estimated the amount of plastic waste entering the ocean from land. Addressing ocean bound plastic is a key element to ocean conservation. Around 80% of plastic in the ocean can be sourced back to ocean bound plastic. Plastics that end up near bodies of water such as rivers are at risk of ending up in the ocean. Other plastic can reach the sea through sewage systems or storms. For example, in 2011, after the 2011 Tohoku tsunami and earthquake hit Japan, around 5 million tons of debris ended up in the ocean. Some of the debris sank while some ended up on the U.S. west coast. Additionally, trash and plastic can come from ships or offshore platforms. However, decades ago, countries dumped their waste directly into the sea. In the U.S. this was outlawed in 1988 in the Ocean Dumping Ban Act of 1988. Plastic waste is a huge threat to our Earth, and diverting ocean bound plastic is one way we can do better to help the environment. Fishes swim near a plastic fork and a bottle at the Samandag Cevlik Akcay diving site off the coasts of Samandag, near the Turkey Syria border, in Hatay province of Turkey on December 6, 2018. Sebnem Coskun / Anadolu Agency / Getty Images How Much Plastic Is in the Ocean? Each year, despite conservation efforts, 8 million tons of plastic reaches our oceans to meet the 150 million metric tons of plastic that already exists in marine environments. According to the Smithsonian, as of 2016, we produce around 335 million metric tons of plastic each year. Half of this plastic is single-use. Of the plastic we use globally, only around 9% of it gets properly recycled. To create a mental picture of just how much plastic ends up in our oceans, imagine a garbage truck the size of New York City depositing its garbage into the ocean every minute of every day for a whole year. If this doesnt frighten you enough, the amount of plastic that will be produced and consumed is supposed to double over the course of the next ten years. If nothing is done to address plastic consumption, and the aftermath, there could be over 250 million metric tons of plastic in our oceans in ten years. Even if you dont live on a coast, the plastic you throw away can still end up in the ocean. According to the World Wildlife Fund, plastic ends up in the ocean when its thrown away instead of recycled, when its littered on land, and when products we use are flushed down the drain or toilet. Additionally, cosmetic or cleaning products that contain parabens or microplastic beads can be washed into the ocean. What Type of Plastic Is in the Ocean? Plastic is not biodegradable, and it doesnt decompose. Many plastics are made only to be used one time, where they are then thrown out; theyre known as single-use plastic. During the 2017 International Coastal Cleanup, the top kinds of plastics that were collected included wrappers, bottles, grocery bags, take-out containers and the infamous plastic straws. These types of plastics and others combine into a category scientists call microplastics. According to the National Ocean Service, microplastics are the multi-colored pieces of plastic that can be found in a handful of sand on the beach or in the ocean. Around 12% of plastic is incinerated leaving 80% to end up in landfills. A 2014 study found that there are around 244,000 metric tons of plastic floating in our oceans. Out of the 244,000 tons found in the ocean, around 79,000 tons can be found in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a mass of floating debris thats twice the size of Texas. Reducing our individual plastic footprint is important. However, most plastic pollution comes from large corporations. Corporations need to address their production processes, waste management, and how their operation can have an impact on the environment. Large corporations address their mass production of single-use plastics by shifting the responsibility of sustainable disposal onto the consumer. According to, some of the brands that contribute to a large amount of plastic waste include Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Nestle, Unilever, and Colgate-Palmolive. The soft drink industry in particular creates tons of plastic waste. In 2016, Coca-Cola produced over 110 billion single-use plastic bottles. The Problems With Ocean Plastic Plastics floating and polluting the ocean only scratches the surface of issues it causes it impacts all of marine life, people, and Earths climate. Marine Life Animals are impacted by the plastic we use and dispose of. Ocean plastic has already affected 267 species, and 86% of sea turtles. They can suffocate, drown, or get entangled in plastic, or even ingest it. Some species such as birds, fish, turtles, and whales can mistake plastic for prey, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature. When marine life ingests plastic, they can die of starvation because their stomachs are filled with plastic debris. Marine life can be cut by plastic, and also receive internal injuries. Seabirds are known for feeding on the oceans surface, making them more likely to ingest floating plastic debris. Adult seabirds go to feed their young, and their chicks feed on this plastic: One study from 1997, conducted by Albatross Biology and Conservation, found that around 98% of chicks sampled had plastic in them, and the amount of plastic has been increasing over time. Additionally, plastic debris can promote the spread of invasive organisms, further hurting marine ecosystems; floating plastics get carried out to sea through ocean currents. Food and Health Plastic debris doesnt only harm the oceans wildlife its affecting the human food chain, too. Microscopic plastic has been found in various foods and beverages, including water, beer and, salt. A 2008 Pacific Gyre voyage found that fish ingest plastic debris. Algalita researchers caught 672 fish, and 35% of the fish had eaten plastic pieces. Climate Change In a report released by Yale Climate Connections, Claire Arkin, communications coordinator for the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives said, Plastic pollution is not just an oceans issue. Its a climate issue and its a human health issue. As of 2019, 4 to 8% of global oil consumption is linked to plastics, according to the World Economic Forum. If this persists, by 2050, plastics will account for 20% of oil consumption. Plastic, as a petroleum product, is inextricably linked to the fossil fuel industry: the extraction and transportation of fossil fuels releases carbon into the atmosphere, contributing further to the warming of our planet. Additionally, when plastic waste is incinerated, the process releases more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The Human Impact This rare Critically Endangered Hawksbill Sea Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) is entangled in discarded fishing net aka Ghost nets. Placebo365 / iStock Unreleased / Getty Images Plastic reaching the ocean is largely due to human consumption. Companies that use plastic packaging, and oil companies, are part of the problem when it comes to plastic accumulating in our oceans. Individual littering of plastic is another contributor, as well as the improper disposal or accidental losing of fishing gear in the ocean. Improper Disposal of Fishing Gear According to a report from, fishing gear is the largest contributor to ocean plastic pollution. Commercial fishing gear including nets, lines, pots, and traps gets discarded into the ocean. The lost gear weighs the same as 55,000 double-decker buses, according to The Guardian. Abandoned fishing gear, also known as ghost gear, has the potential to trap marine life. In 2015, an 80-foot blue whale was caught in an abandoned fishing line. Not only does lost fishing gear make up a significant portion of all ocean plastic, around 10%, but its also the deadliest to marine life, including coral, sessile animals, and vegetation. Abandoned gillnets have caused the vaquita porpoise to near extinction, in the upper Gulf of California and Mexico; around 10 vaquita porpoises remain. In addition to environmental impacts, ghost gear can affect the economy negatively. Some studies estimate around 90% of the species caught in abandoned gear are commercially valued. Solutions to Minimizing Ghost Gear Although the statistics may seem grim, there are ways to prevent fishing gear from ending up in the sea and harming marine life. One way to prevent ghost gear from entering our oceans is through recycling. Fishermen should return no longer useful traps and nets to a port, rather than discarding the materials into the ocean. There are ports in Massachusetts, Oregon, and Rhode Island that offer recycling programs; more recycling facilities at ports could help minimize littered fishing gear. The use of biodegradable fishing nets is on the rise. According to a study published in Animal Conservation, there are encouraging tests that show the utility and effectiveness biodegradable nets may have. A net made of polybutylene succinate and polybutylene adipate-co-terephthalate showed promising results when compared to traditional nets used for fishing. The study showed that these biodegradable nets started to decompose after two years. Clean-ups are another way to get abandoned fishing gear out of the ocean. There are organizations that specialize in retrieving discarded nets from the ocean. The Ghost Fishing Foundation has scuba divers retrieve floating fishing gear. Occasionally, the foundation will use cranes to pull out large pieces of netting. Littering Around 80% of marine debris and pollution is plastic, according to Pew Research. Marine litter mostly stems from unsustainable methods of production, as well as high consumption rates, and a lack of solid waste management infrastructure. Most of the plastic litter on Earth and in our oceans can be linked back to just a small number of multinational corporations. According to an EPA report, every bit of plastic ever made still exists. The Plastic Disclosure Project estimated that 33% of all manufactured plastic is only used once. In 2018, only 8.7 percent of plastic was recycled. Although individuals should do their part to keep our planet and oceans clean, a small number of multinational corporations are to blame for the majority of littered plastic. What Is Being Done to Help? Greenpeace activists assembled two life-size reproductions of two whales that emerge from a sea invaded by disposable plastic waste, in the center of Rome, to denounce how our seas and the species living in them are in grave danger due to plastic pollution in 2018. Stefano Montesi / Getty Images An elementary concept to positively impacting the environment is the buzz phrase, reduce, reuse, recycle. What this phrase fails to consider is that what will make the largest impact in helping our environment is to hold large corporations accountable. According to, recycling alone will never solve the plastic and pollution crisis our society is facing. Organizations Many organizations are addressing the ongoing and ever-growing issue of ocean pollution. For example, The Ocean Cleanup, a non-profit aimed at ridding the ocean of plastic, is developing advanced technologies that are contributing to the largest ocean cleanup in history. The non-profits goal is to clean up 90% of floating ocean plastic pollution. Plastic Oceans International is another organization that produces films and digital content in order to promote a global movement to rethink plastic. They also engage and teach students about the effects of plastic pollution and how they can contribute to ocean conservation. Plastic Bank aims to not only stop ocean plastic but improve the lives of people who live in the poorest countries around the globe. The organization builds recycling ecosystems and processes the materials, so they can then be reintroduced to the economy through the global manufacturing supply chain. One organization, Plastic Soup Foundation, aims not only to remove plastic from our oceans but also prevent plastic from reaching the sea in the first place. When it was founded, the organization had a heavy focus on protecting marine life, but the organization has expanded its priorities and aims to educate people on the potentially harmful effects marine plastic has on human health. Indian residents walk past as they look at a large-scale sculpture of a killer whale made of single-use plastic and 40,000 plastic bottle caps being displayed to raise awareness on ocean contamination at Elliots beach in Chennai on May 11, 2019. ARUN SANKAR / AFP / Getty Images Legislation Some legislation helps to protect the oceans, and minimize plastic production and consumption. In the U.S, eight states have banned the use of single-use plastic bags, and more are hoping to in the coming years, including Connecticut and Virginia. Washington, DC implemented a ban on plastic straws on Jan. 1, 2019. The Marine Debris Research, Prevention, and Reduction Act established programs in tandem with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the United States Coast Guard. The programs help to determine sources of marine debris and how to reduce and prevent it. Policies such as The Shore Protection Act, established in the U.S. in 1988, help to prevent the illegal dumping of waste off the coast. In 1967, a supertanker named Torrey Canyon spilled nearly 120,000 tons of oil into the ocean; it was the worlds first major oil tank disaster. Because of this incident, the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships, passed in the U.S., most recently has been amended to regulate air pollution. It also regulates and limits the amount of nitrogen oxide levels, as well as requiring ships to use fuel with low sulfur content. While these laws help to reduce pollution in our oceans, none of the laws listed are a cure-all, and many of them havent been amended in decades. Some conservation organizations are fighting for more rigorous laws, regulations, and policies to keep our oceans plastic-free. What Can You Do? Although large corporations are responsible for a majority of plastic waste ending up in the oceans, there are still things to be done on an individual level to help keep our oceans clean. Reduce, Reuse & Recycle Something everyone can do to contribute to the fight against ocean plastic pollution is to resist and reduce the use of single-use plastics. From plastic bags and bottles to plastic utensils, reducing your use of these plastics is a relatively easy step in limiting your plastic footprint. When grocery shopping, bring your own reusable grocery bags. These bags are widely available and will last you a long time. Instead of using thin plastic produce bags, opt for reusable produce bags as well. Implementing the use of these reusable products will make you a more sustainable grocery shopper. There are incentives for altering your plastic consumption as well. At Target, for each reusable grocery bag you use, you get a 5 cent discount. In recent years, Starbucks has made the switch to strawless drinking lids for their cold beverages. However, if you enjoy drinking out of straws, or want to prevent teeth staining, try using metal or reusable straws. Theyre widely available and easy to clean, and you can use them hundreds of times. Before the pandemic, Starbucks also started implementing reusable cups and tumblers. This way, when you make your coffee run, you dont have to use any single-use plastic. When you bring your own cup, you get a 10-cent discount. The program should continue when health authorities deem its safe to do so. Other major chains have similar programs where you can bring your own cup or tumbler, including Dunkin, Panera Bread, Einstein Bros. Bagels, Caribou Coffee, Peets Coffee, and more. Another ocean contaminant is microbeads and parabens. These are found in cosmetic products like face washes, toothpaste, and body washes. If you look at the ingredient list and see polyethylene or polypropylene, the product contains harmful microbeads, and you should avoid it. When you grab some food to go, many restaurants will put your food in styrofoam containers, and then throw it in a plastic bag, and then go even further by supplying a bunch of paper napkins and plastic utensils. You can buy reusable utensils that are meant for traveling so you can skip the plastic utensils. A more creative way to limit the amount of plastic you use is to buy in bulk. Singe-serving foods multiply waste. When youre grocery shopping, opt for a large tub of yogurt, instead of many small, single-serving yogurts. Buy trail mix that comes in one container, rather than many individually wrapped little ones. Buying products that you routinely use and consume in bulk can make a big difference. When you forget your reusable bag or cup and have to use single-use plastic, you can help the environment and the oceans by recycling it properly. Be sure to be in the know about what types of plastics can be recycled in your community. If youre unsure of what you can and cannot recycle in your town, check out Earth911s recycling directory. Engage in Cleanups Employees from the organization 4Ocean clean Balis beaches daily from plastic Bali has long grappled with plastic pollution both on land and in its seas. Jonas Gratzer / LightRocket / Getty Images Another tangible way to help is by physically removing plastic from the ocean and beaches by participating in a cleanup. If there are no cleanups in your community, organize your own. There are also larger cleanup events such as the International Coastal Cleanup that you can be a part of. Whether its with an organization or your friends and family, participating in a cleanup is a simple way to help collect plastic waste from marine communities. Donate There are a variety of organizations that aim to reduce the amount of plastic in our oceans, in creative, technologically advanced ways. Many of these organizations are non-profits and rely heavily on donations to continue to do important environmental work. Making a donation, even if its small, will help these organizations to continue to clean up and conserve our oceans. Takeaway Plastic debris floating in our oceans doesnt just affect the marine wildlife and plant species it affects all of us. If action isnt taken now, there will be catastrophic consequences. Plastic already kills over 100 million ocean animals each year; this number will only increase as time goes on. Fish are being over-harvested already, but with many fish species dying off, and more fish consuming plastic, the fishing industry as we know it may not survive if incessant ocean pollution continues. This affects the entire food chain and will affect many fishermens livelihoods. Ocean pollution is a huge threat to the overall biodiversity of our oceans. For example, coral reefs DNA can be altered from ocean pollution. Many fish and marine life rely on coral reefs for survival. If fish can no longer live in coral reefs, they wont gather in the same areas, affecting the land wildlife on the shore who fish for food. If the land animals cannot feed on fish, they may venture into new hunting territories, putting them at risk of being attacked by unfamiliar predators, which can then lead to extinction. The impact of ocean plastic extends beyond marine life. If marine animals are affected, land animals will be affected and humans will be affected. The pollution of the oceans sets off a domino effect on the greater environment. Oceans make up 71% of our Earth. If the sea isnt healthy and thriving, the majority of our planet isnt. Ocean plastics are a major threat to the health and well-being of all living species on Earth. Audrey Nakagawa is the content creator intern at EcoWatch. She is a senior at James Madison University studying Media, Art, and Design, with a concentration in journalism. Shes a reporter for The Breeze in the culture section and writes features on Harrisonburg artists, album reviews, and topics related to mental health and the environment. She was also a contributor for Virginia Reports where she reported on the impact that COVID-19 had on college students. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the launch by the U.S.S.R. of Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite to orbit Earth. This important achievement was met in the West with surprise, confusion, and more than a little fear. U.S. civilian and military leadership alike were shocked at how far the Soviet space program had progressed and saw our own efforts lagging. Attention quickly focused on improving math and science education in the United States. Following President Dwight Eisenhowers call to match U.S. education needs to the exigencies of the nascent Cold War, Congress passed the National Defense Education Act with bipartisan support in 1958. This act represented the first major foray of the federal government into the U.S. educational system since the Smith-Hughes National Vocational Education Act 40 years prior. The new law was unprecedented in its scope. Among other provisions, it provided large resource pools for strengthening science, mathematics, and modern foreign language instruction. Because a solid grounding in mathematics is required for success in science and engineering programs, the subsequent changes to the curriculum engendered by the NDEA elevated the importance of one subject in particular: calculus. As the U.S. education system has matured, this push led to an unfortunate byproduct: Knowledge of calculus has become for manyincluding guidance counselors, college admission officers, and parentssynonymous with college ready. This has led high schools to push more students through a calculus course without adequately explaining the purpose of learning the material. This pressure to complete calculus in preparation for college affects students in a variety of ways. To accommodate the additional material, students are accelerated through the curriculum without adequate mastery of important foundational concepts. Many of the incoming students who score poorly on our pre-calculus placement exam at Dickinson College, where I teach, are surprised and crestfallen because they have already completed a calculus course in high school. And incoming students are often surprised that they can complete a major in mathematics in four years without having completed a calculus course in high school. It seems many students are not only not benefitting, but in fact are being harmed under our current system." David Bressoud of Macalester College has examined these issues for the Mathematical Association of America. In one study, Bressoud concluded that taking calculus in high school was only beneficial if the student learned it well enough to earn college credit for it, and he found evidence that an introduction to calculus that builds on an inadequate foundation can be detrimental. This observation is important, considering that only 421,000 of the estimated 750,000 high school students who took a calculus course in 2015 took an AP exam , and of those taking the Calculus AB exam (the most popular AP calculus exam), 42 percent received a 1 or 2 out of 5, indicating poor understanding of the material. Thus, it seems many students are not only not benefitting, but in fact are being harmed under our current system. The net effect can ultimately discourage students from continuing in mathematics and science. With STEM enrollment constituting a national priority, we need to rethink our strategies. Also important in this debate is the hallowed place of calculus itself. While it remains indispensable to the fields of engineering and the physical sciences and is an incredible achievement of human thought, the vast majority of college majors do not use it at all. What could we replace it with? Many of the students currently in calculus would be better served with a course in statistics, modeling, or computer science. Even among those students who will eventually need calculus, many are not ready for it in high school and would benefit from additional time with foundational material. In my opinion as an educator, the majority of students in high school calculus are either taking the wrong course or taking it at the wrong time. As education needs have evolved, so must we. Its time for us to critically reexamine the mathematics curriculum and prepare our students for the future instead of the past. OFT warns of dangers of internet shopping at Christmas The Island's Office of Fair Trading is warning Manx residents of the risks of buying Christmas presents online. The OFT expects trends highlighted by Action Fraud in the UK will also be reflected in the Isle of Man. Action Fraud warns mobile phones are the most likely item a person will try to buy from a fraudster, while Yeezy trainers and Kylie Jenner makeup were also featured in popular scams. Last year Christmas shopping fraud rose by over a quarter, with 65% of fraud taking place in online auctions. The OFT is urging those shopping online not to make rushed decisions, beware of those with little selling history and to google a website if you haven't used it before to see if its been linked to scams. In the wake of the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, in Newtown, Connecticut, the number of guns purchased in America spiked compared to baseline levels, and there were 60 additional accidental deaths related to firearms - 20 among children and 40 among adults, a new study estimates. The results begin to explore the question of whether greater exposure to guns can increase the risk of related accidents, which has been challenging to evaluate. The shooting at Sandy Hook left 20 children and six adults dead, stirring controversy over gun laws across much of the country. Here, Phillip Levine and Robin McKnight sought to better understand how this tragedy affected people's behavior surrounding guns. They looked at Google data between 2010 and 2014, finding that weekly search volumes for the terms "buy gun" and "clean gun" surged in the four months following the shooting, and particularly following two occasions when President Obama was vocal about the need for new gun control legislation. What's more, when the researchers looked at gun sales data (using background checks as a proxy), they found that an additional 3 million guns were sold during this same four-month window, compared to baseline sales. To understand how the resulting increase in exposure to guns might be correlated with deaths related to firearms, Levine and McKnight then looked at two different datasets capturing deaths across the country. Their results show that, as gun sales were increasing, and so, too, peoples' exposure to guns, accidental deaths related to firearms also increased - by 27% in such deaths overall, and by 64% among children. Spikes in accidental firearm-related deaths were concentrated in those states with larger increases in per capita gun sales, the authors found. The analysis provides evidence indicating that the spike in gun exposure that followed the Sandy Hook school shooting increased the incidence of accidental firearm deaths, the authors say. In a related Policy Forum, Philip Cook and John Donohue discuss the challenges surrounding gun research in the United States, highlighting some progress, too. First, they discuss how funding through universities and private donors has helped fill the void of federal funding on gun research, one that has largely persisted since the 1990s (with a brief exception during the Obama administration). However, funding aside, comprehensive analyses of gun regulations are methodologically challenging, the authors say; variations in crime are driven by many factors, making it challenging to attribute changes to a specific policy. Researchers can take advantage of "natural experiments" in which changes across various jurisdictions and over time are accounted for, to isolate the specific impacts of gun-related policies. The authors discuss a study that suggested that "right-to-carry" (RTC) laws reduced crime, citing a number of technical shortcomings, including how the study dealt with the wave of crack cocaine-related crime during the 1980s/90s; these shortcomings have since been addressed in subsequent work, which predominatly suggests that RTC actually increases crime. Evidence also suggests that add-on sentences for gun use in violent crime have yielded positive results, for example by reducing robberies involving guns; as well, bans on gun possession by those convicted of domestic violence have resulted in a reduction in deaths among women by their partners. Moving forward, it's important that policies are rolled out with an eye toward experimental design, facilitating data collection to support causal inference on the impacts of gun-related policies, Cook and Donohue say, a tactic that the California Department of Justice is adopting by starting a violence-prevention initiative in stages. ### Personalized medicine has been one of the most promising medical developments in recent years. To personalize treatment for patients, some doctors have turned to predictive models to help determine which patients will benefit from different treatments. A new study from Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University finds that using data from electronic medical records in those models could hold a lot of promise. Researchers MGH's Roy Perlis and Harvard's Finale Doshi-Velez, joined by postdoctoral researcher Michael Hughes, looked over large amounts of electronic medical record data from more than 50,000 people with depression, a condition that is notoriously difficult to treat. Patients often try several different treatments before arriving at an effective one. The researchers applied machine learning to sort the data into depression subtypes, some of which weren't necessarily standardized. The subtypes represented clusters of symptoms and features spotlighted by the data--such as age, sexual dysfunction, weight gain, or obesity. Doshi-Velez's team also looked at 16 types of antidepressants that were ultimately successful in treating the patients' depression. From these data, they were able to develop an algorithm to predict an antidepressant's effectiveness based on depression subtypes. When implemented in clinical settings, the new tool was more accurate than existing methods, the researchers found. And clinicians polled by the researchers said they found the tool more user-friendly than existing predictive models. As there is a 50 percent failure rate among patients trying a first treatment for depression, and a 50 percent failure rate among those who try a second type of treatment, cutting down on the guesswork involved could be life-changing. "Each try can take multiple weeks to assess, while you're playing around with dosages. And these are already people for whom morale is sapped," says Doshi-Velez. "Even if we could make a modest improvement -- for instance, one less try--this could be a very significant result." While the researchers studied the impact of mining records on depression, their method could apply more broadly and help patients with various health problems, mental and physical. ### Presenter: Finale Doshi-Velez WASHINGTON, D.C. December 7, 2017 -- Cochlear implants have been a common method of correcting sensorineural hearing loss for individuals with damage to their brain, inner ear, or auditory nerves. The implanted devices use an electrode array that is inserted into the cochlea and assists in stimulating auditory nerve fibers. However, the speech patterns heard with the use of a cochlear implant are often spectrally degraded and can be difficult to understand. Vocoded speech, or distorted speech that imitates voice transduction by a cochlear implant, is used throughout acoustic and auditory research to explore speech comprehension under various conditions. Researchers Kieran E. Laursen, Sara L. Protko and Terry L. Gottfried from Lawrence University, along with collaborators Iain C. Williams and Tahnee Marquardt from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington and the University of Oxford, respectively, will present their work on the effect of musical experience on the ability to understand vocoded speech at the 174th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, being held Dec. 4-8, 2017, in New Orleans, Louisiana. Musical ability, described by a person's aptitude for playing an instrument, interpreting sound patterns or recognizing different tones, has long been linked to higher cognitive capacity and better communication skills. "We are testing to see if someone's musicality or levels of musical experience affects their perceptions of vocoded speech," Laursen said in an email. "So, the question lies in how does music affect one's abilities to hear different pitches, intonations, and rhythms within distorted speech." "The acoustic information in vocoded speech is quite different from that of natural speech in the presence of noise," said Gottfried. The rhythmic patterns of natural speech are often maintained in vocoded speech, so musicians may have the upper hand at interpretation due to their experience with rhythm production. However, musicians may also fair similarly to nonmusicians due to the loss of information that can result from vocoding. Gottfried has been researching speech perception and its relation to music since he was in graduate school. "Over the years, I've continued my studies of this relation between speech and music perception, and there's been considerable recent research that suggests musical experience is related not only to improved second language speech perception, but also to improved phonetic perception in one's first language and in better recognition of speech in noise," he said, regarding a study on speech perceptions by nonnative listeners to Mandarin tones. Using a commercially available program called SuperLab, research participants (both musicians and nonmusicians) were asked to transcribe vocoded sentences and words. They were then assigned to a training method on either vocoded or natural speech and asked to again transcribe vocoded sentences. The initial results showed that musicians had no significant advantage over nonmusicians in interpreting vocoded speech patterns, but this may be due to limited sample variation. "Both groups scored well above chance on the Musical Ear Test, so it's possible that, if we tested listeners with very poor musical ears, they would also not do so well on the vocoded speech," Gottfried said. He also noted that the results are still useful in assessing the extent to which musical experience may relate to the perception of degraded speech. The applications of this research span beyond the understanding of vocoded speech to a variety of acoustical interpretation patterns. Understanding normal speech in a noisy environment is dependent on rhythmic pattern interpretations and is acoustically similar to attempting to understand vocoded speech patterns. If musical experience improves vocoded understanding, it may also be useful in day to day speech interpretation in noisy environments. ### Abstract: 4pSC10: "Effect of musical experience on learning to understand vocoded speech," by Kieran E. Laursen, Iain C. Williams, Tahnee Marquardt, Sara L. Prostko and Terry L. Gottfried, is at 1:00-4:00 p.m. CST, Thursday, Dec. 7, 2017, in Studios Foyer in the New Orleans Marriott. USEFUL LINKS Main meeting website: Technical program: Meeting/Hotel site: Press Room: PRESS REGISTRATION We will grant free registration to credentialed journalists and professional freelance journalists. If you are a reporter and would like to attend, contact Julia Majors (, 301-209-3090), who can also help with setting up interviews and obtaining images, sound clips or background information. LIVE MEDIA WEBCAST A press briefing featuring will be webcast live from the conference Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2017, in room Studio 1 at the New Orleans Marriott. Time to be announced. Register at to watch the live webcast. ABOUT THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA The Acoustical Society of America exists to generate, disseminate, and promote the knowledge and practical applications of acoustics. Two society meetings are held each year throughout the U.S. and Canada where acousticians can exchange information with various other researchers. For more information: Nearly 100 hydropower dams are planned for construction along tributaries off the Mekong River's 2,700-mile stretch. The river, one of the world's largest, flows through Burma, China, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Cambodia. It is an economic engine for fishermen and a food source for millions of people worldwide. And while the dams are expected to provide clean energy to the region, if not managed properly, they also have the potential to offset natural river patterns, which would damage food production, supply and business. Arizona State University professor John Sabo and collaborators have proposed a solution to this problem in the Dec. 8 issue of Science Magazine that allows dam operators to generate power in ways that also protect - and possibly improve - food supplies and businesses throughout the Mekong river basin. The proposed solution, the first of its kind for this problem, can be applied to other large river systems around the world facing similar tradeoffs. "We have figured out the relationship between river flows and fish catch, and we have developed an algorithm for dam operators to use that will increase fish harvests and still generate power," Sabo said. "Dams are going to be built no matter how much fuss we make, our research shows how we can be more strategic about the buildout and operations of these dams in the Mekong." The Mekong river floods annually, and it is known that those floods are important for fisheries, Sabo said. New in this research is the recognition that seasonal droughts are equally important. Long droughts combined with short floods may create the ideal conditions for terrestrial nutrients to be entrained into the freshwater system. With that in mind, the algorithm presented by Sabo et al. in Science recommends long low-flow periods punctuated by pulses of flooding, which will allow dam operators to co-manage their power generation priorities, while protecting livelihoods for fisheries downstream. Sabo worked with other ASU researchers on the project, as well as researchers from the University of Washington, University of Maryland, Conservation International, the University of South Florida, the Mekong River Commission and Aalto University. "We have taken this conversation around fisheries and dams in the Mekong from a yes-or-no conversation, from a good idea-bad idea conversation, and we have come up with an alternative, a mathematical formula that has the possibility to achieve dam operator goals and protects fisheries," said Gordon Holtgrieve, an assistant professor at the University of Washington. With recent funding from the National Science Foundation, Sabo, Holtgrieve and a team of researchers will expand the project to better understand how dam operators can balance power generation needs with other factors, including rice production, food nutritional quality, ecological goals and more. Researchers report that transplanting genetically-engineered cells directly into the brain could help treat a variety of central nervous system diseases A therapeutic technique to transplant blood-forming (hematopoietic) stem cells directly into the brain could herald a revolution in our approach to treating central nervous system diseases and neurodegenerative disorders. The technique, which could be used to transplant donor-matched hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) or a patient's own genetically-engineered HSCs into the brain, was reported in Science Advances today by researchers from the Dana-Farber/Boston Children's Cancer and Blood Disorders Center and the San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy. In their study, the team tested the technique in a mouse model to treat lysosomal storage disorders, a group of severe metabolic disorders that affect the central nervous system. The team's findings are groundbreaking because, until now, it was thought that HSCs -- from a healthy, matched donor or a patient's own genetically-corrected cells -- needed to be transplanted indirectly, through an intravenous line to the bloodstream. Therapeutic success has then depended on those cells engrafting in a patient's bone marrow, maturing and naturally circulating into the brain, at a very slow and inefficient rate. A race against time But in children with lysosomal storage disorders, caused by enzyme imbalances that result in a dangerous build-up of lipids, carbohydrates or other materials in the body's cells, time is of the essence to stop the disease's progression. "The main issue with the conventional HSC transplant strategy has been the length of time needed for the therapy to take effect in the brain," says Alessandra Biffi, MD, director of the gene therapy program at Dana-Farber/Boston Children's and the senior author of the new study. "It can take up to a year for the genetically-engineered cell lineage to proliferate, spread and produce therapeutic effects in the brain -- oftentimes, patients don't have the luxury of time to wait," Biffi adds. Biffi and her team wanted to find a faster -- and more direct -- way to transplant therapeutic HSCs into the brain. In a mouse model of lysosomal storage disorders, Biffi's team transplanted HSCs -- which they had genetically engineered to correct the enzyme imbalance -- directly into the brain. They found the direct approach jumpstarted the therapeutic benefits much faster than intravenous infusion alone. They call their method, which infuses the cells into fluid-filled cavities in the brain called ventricles, "intracerebroventricular" delivery. Creating a chimera Once the genetically-engineered HSCs are transplanted into the brain's ventricles, the crucial enzyme they contain helps to metabolize the materials that were previously building up and causing tissue damage. A new lineage of cells descended from the transplanted HSCs -- a type of cell called a myeloid -- begin to scavenge and consume the excess material that is responsible for neurodegeneration. "There's a positive impact from the presence of the new, metabolically-functional myeloid cells because they release signaling cytokines that counteract neuroinflammation, which if unchecked can trigger neuronal damage," Biffi says. Importantly, the transplanted HSCs engraft in the mouse brains without migrating to other areas of the central nervous system. This essentially could create a chimera -- a separate genetic profile within an organism -- within the brain. The ability to engineer a chimeric population of brain cells could open powerful new avenues to preventing or reversing neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, ALS and more. From the lab to the human brain Although transplanting HSCs directly into the human brain sounds invasive at first, Biffi explains that the procedure would not be overly complex in actuality. "I envision this could be a one-time treatment accomplished via a catheter temporarily placed into the brain's ventricles, under standard anesthesia," Biffi says. "This would be in line with currently-used clinical procedures that enable access to the brain for treatment." Based on the promising results of their mouse studies, Biffi and her colleagues are moving forward with plans to develop the procedure for the clinic. She says there is great potential for intracerebroventricular delivery of genetically-modified HSCs, alone or in combination with intravenous gene therapies. This approach would be a new tool for clinicians to treat a range of conditions that affect the brain or the entire nervous system. ### In addition to Biffi, other authors on the study were: Alessia Capotondo, Rita Milazzo, Jose M. Garcia-Manteiga, Eleonora Cavalca, Annita Montepeloso, Brian S. Garrison, Marco Peviani and Derrick J. Rossi. This study was funded by the European Community (Consolidator European Research Council 617162), the Italian Ministry of Health (GR-2011-02347261), Telethon Foundation (TGT_B01) and Boston Children's Hospital. Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University's Departments of Biological Sciences and Chemistry, Molecular Biosensor and Imaging Center (MBIC) and Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC) have received close to $7.5 million in new funding from the National Institutes of Health through the federal BRAIN Initiative to support innovative research and develop tools that will rapidly advance brain research. "Carnegie Mellon's combined expertise in biology, psychology, computer science and engineering has positioned us to be at the forefront of creating new tools and technologies for neuroscience," said Alison Barth, professor of biological sciences and interim director of CMU's BrainHub neuroscience initiative. "The federal BRAIN Initiative's support is invaluable to increasing our understanding of how the brain communicates." High Throughout Approaches for Cell-Specific Synapse Characterization Marcel Bruchez, director of MBIC and professor of biological sciences and chemistry, and Barth were awarded more than $2 million to develop new tools and methods for high-throughput fluorescence synapse quantitation. They will work with the University of Pittsburgh's Simon Watkins, director of the Center for Biologic Imaging (CBI). The human brain consists of billions of neurons, each of which passes information through thousands of synapses. Identifying how and where synapses develop under normal conditions and viewing how they change is vital to our understanding of learning, development and disease. Fluorescence imaging has made it possible to identify specific cells among the sea of neurons in the brain and monitor how they are connected with one another. Under the new grant, the researchers will optimize reagents that will allow them to detect presynaptic and postsynaptic inputs and quantify synapse distribution between specific cell types in brain tissue. They will also develop software that will automate the analysis of the data, which was previously done by humans. This will allow researchers to count millions of neurons and billions of synapses, where previous studies were only able to look at small numbers of cells, or subcellular regions. Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy Data Repository Alexander J. Ropelewski, director of the biomedical application group at the PSC, Bruchez and Watkins received more than $5 million under the BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network to build a confocal fluorescence microscopy data repository that will provide researchers with easy, searchable access to petabytes of neuroscience data. New imaging tools and technologies, like large-volume confocal fluorescence microscopy, have greatly accelerated neuroscience research in the past five years, allowing researchers to image the whole brain at such a high level of resolution that they can zoom in to the level of a single neuron or synapse. These images, however, contain such a large amount of data that only a small part of one brain's worth of data can be accessed at a time using a standard desktop computer. Additionally, images are often collected in different ways -- at different resolutions, using different methodologies and different orientations. Comparing and combining data from multiple whole brains and datasets requires the power of supercomputing. The Pittsburgh-based team will bring together MBIC and CBI's expertise in cell imaging and microscopy and pair it with the PSC's long history of experience in biomedical supercomputing to create a system called the Brain Imaging Archive. Researchers will be able to submit their whole brain images, along with metadata about the images, to the archive. There the data will be indexed into a searchable system that can be accessed using the internet. Researchers can search the system to find existing data that will help them narrow down their research targets, making research much more efficient. Machine Learning Approaches for Electrophysiological Cell Classification Barth was awarded more than $300,000 to develop method to identify neural cell types from extracellularly recorded spike trains, a "Rosetta Stone" for decoding brain activity. In a 500x500 micron column of brain tissue, there can be more than 60 different types of neuronal cells, each with its own properties. Currently researchers gather information from neurons by inserting an electrode into the brain and recording when neurons spike in response to a stimulus. While this reveals valuable information, researchers don't know which cell type they are recording. Barth believes that researchers could determine cell type based on patterns found in a neuron's spike train. She will partner with researchers in Carnegie Mellon's machine learning department and Language Technology Institute to develop classifiers for neuron types and use machine learning to identify cell type based on the pattern of spikes collected from a neuron. ### Previously, Carnegie Mellon researchers received an additional $2.8M from the BRAIN Initiative. Engineering faculty members Steven Chase and Byron Yu received over $850,000 from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to establish how variability in movement is encoded in the brain and how this variability contributes to learning and performance. Yu also received close to $1M from the NSF to understand how the sensory environment and state of mind combine to affect perception and interpretation of the world around us. Max G'Sell, assistant professor of statistics received close to $1M to study brain circuits in a real-world setting. Classical scholars from the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" of the University of Munster discovered a large number of sealings in south-east Turkey. "This unique group of artefacts comprising more than 1,000 pieces from the municipal archive of the ancient city of Doliche gives many insights into the local Graeco-Roman pantheon - from Zeus to Hera to Iuppiter Dolichenus, who turned into one of the most important Roman deities from this site", classical scholar and excavation director Prof. Dr. Engelbert Winter from the Cluster of Excellence explains at the end of the excavation season. "The fact that administrative authorities sealed hundreds of documents with the images of gods shows how strongly religious beliefs shaped everyday life. The cult of Iuppiter Dolichenus did not only take place in the nearby central temple, but also left its mark on urban life", says Prof Winter. "It also becomes apparent how strongly Iuppiter Dolichenus, originally worshipped at this location, was connected with the entire Roman Empire in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD: many of the images show the god shaking hands with various Roman emperors." The excavation team has been exploring the temple of the soldier god Iuppiter Dolichenus for 17 years. This year, the team focussed on the urban area. "Under a mosaic dated to 400 AD within a complex of buildings, we were able to uncover an even older mosaic floor of equally high quality", Prof. Winter explains. "According to the present findings, there is much evidence of a late antique church. This could turn out to be an important contribution to understanding the history of early Christianity in this region." The excavations in the three-local aisled building complex began in 2015. Up to the present, 150 square metres of the large central nave bordered by columns have been uncovered. Engelbert Winter: "Apart from the architecture, small finds from the surrounding area also point to the existence of a church, such as the fragments of a marble table or the mentioning of a deacon attested by an inscription." "City centre discovered" The researchers have now also discovered the public centre of the city of Doliche, which they had first located in the eastern part of the city by geophysical prospecting. "This assumption has been confirmed", the excavation director explains. "We were able to uncover parts of a very large building: it is a public bath from the Roman Iron Age with well-preserved mosaics. Since hardly any Roman thermal baths are known so far in the region, this discovery is of great academic importance." The research team from Munster also gained new insights to the extension of the urban area and the chronology of the city: an intensive survey carried out this year on the settlement hill of the ancient city, Keber Tepe, led to quite surprising results. "A large number of finds from the Stone Age indicate that Keber Tepe was obviously an extremely important place very early on. Doliche reached its greatest extent later, in the Roman and early Byzantine periods." Excavation director Winter says about the large number of discovered sealings: "Many sealings can be attributed to the administrative or official seals of the city due to their size, frequent occurrence, and in some cases also due to inscriptions. In addition to the images of the 'city goddess' Tyche, the depictions of Augustus and Dea Roma deserve special attention, since they point to the important role of the Roman emperor and the personified goddess of the Roman state for the town of Doliche, which lies on the eastern border of the Roman Empire. However, the central motif is the most important god of the city, Iuppiter Dolichenus. In the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, his cult spread into large parts of the Mediterranean world, extending as far as Britain", explains Prof. Winter. Therefore, it is not surprising that hundreds of documents were sealed with images showing a handshake between this deity and an emperor. "It was a sign of the god's affinity to the Roman state." The images also provide insights into the cult itself. In addition to sealings showing busts of Iuppiter and his wife Iuno, there are depictions of the divine twins Castor and Pollux, the sons of Zeus. "The sons of Zeus, also known as Dioscuri or Castores Dolicheni, are often portrayed as companions of Iuppiter and therefore play an important role in the cult", Prof. Winter explains. Archaeological park for tourists Under the supervision of Prof. Winter from the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics", the Asia Minor Research Centre of the University of Munster has been excavating the main temple of Iuppiter Dolichenus with the support of the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) since 2001. Each year, the international group of archaeologists, historians, architects, restorers, archaeozoologists, GIS analysts and excavation assistants have uncovered finds from all periods of the 2,000-year history of the place of worship. Among them were the massive foundations of the first Iron Age sanctuary, numerous monumental architectural fragments of the Roman main temple, but also the extensive ruins of an important Byzantine monastery which was built by followers of the Christian faith after the fall of the ancient sanctuary. In order to make the excavation site near the ancient town of Doliche accessible to a broad public, an archaeological park is being developed. Prof. Winter's research project at the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" is closely connected with the excavation. It is titled "Syriac Cults in the Western Imperium Romanum". (maz/vvm) ### DURHAM, N.C. -- Researchers at Duke University have devised a way to see through walls using a narrow band of microwave frequencies without any advance knowledge of what the walls are made out of. Besides having obvious applications in the realm of security, the approach could lead to inexpensive devices to help construction workers easily locate conduits, pipes and wires. The study was published in the journal Optica on Dec. 5, 2017. "Most technologies that can see through walls use a broad range of frequencies, which makes them expensive," said Daniel Marks, associate research professor of electrical and computer engineering at Duke. "They also don't have very good resolution. So while they might be fine for seeing a person moving on the other side of a wall, they're terrible for finding thin conduits or wires." Current approaches also typically rely on knowing what material the wall is made out of before trying to see through it. This allows the software to predict how the wall will affect the scanning waves so that it can separate the echoes and distortions from the solid objects being sought. In the new paper, Marks and his colleagues David R. Smith, the James B. Duke Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Okan Yurduseven, a postdoctoral researcher in electrical and computer engineering at Duke, take advantage of a wall's symmetry instead. Because walls are generally flat and uniform in all directions, they distort waves in a symmetrical fashion. The newly described technology uses this symmetry to its advantage. "We wrote an algorithm that separates the data into parts -- one that shows circular symmetry and another that doesn't," explained Yurduseven. "The data that doesn't have any symmetry is what we're trying to see." The technique uses only a single frequency to scan because it cuts down on the number of interference patterns created by the wall and single-frequency emitters are much less expensive than broadband emitters. Sticking to a narrow range also means that a future device would be easier to clear with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), as it would be easy to avoid interfering with microwave frequencies dedicated to other technologies, such as Wifi, cellular phone service and Bluetooth. The researchers built a prototype device to see how well it would work. In their laboratory, they constructed a couple of different kinds of walls and then placed objects behind them that a worker might want to find, like studs, electrical conduits, wires and junction boxes. Looking at the raw data after scanning through gypsum plasterboard, it's difficult to make out anything other than a metal junction box, which is 4 inches wide and 2 inches thick. But after analyzing the data and removing the symmetrical patterns, the pictures clear considerably, and each individual component is easily recognized. "We envision combining this technique with a machine vision system that someone could move over a wall to see what's inside," said Marks. "We think the technology has the price point and sensitivity to make an impact on the market." ### This work was supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (FA9550-12-1-0491). "A sparse blind deconvolution method for imaging through layered media." Daniel L. Marks, Okan Yurduseven, David R. Smith. Optica, 2017. DOI: 10.1364/optica.4.001514 LUGANO-GENEVA, Dec. 7, 2017 - A new combination therapy for the first line treatment of advanced non-squamous non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) improves progression-free survival (PFS), according to results of the phase III IMpower150 trial presented at the ESMO Immuno Oncology Congress 2017. (1) "This is the first phase III trial to report on the combination of chemotherapy, antiangiogenic treatment and immunotherapy as first line treatment for advanced non-squamous NSCLC," said lead author Professor Martin Reck, chief oncology physician, Department of Thoracic Oncology, Lung Clinic Grosshansdorf, Germany. "The trial met its co-primary endpoint of PFS and the preliminary results of the co-primary endpoint of overall survival (OS), although immature, look encouraging." There is a scientific rationale to support the combinations that have been explored in the trial. Bevacizumab may enhance the ability of atezolizumab to restore anti-cancer immunity by inhibiting vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-related immunosuppression and other mechanisms while chemotherapy may induce immune responses. The chemotherapy used in the trial was carboplatin plus paclitaxel. Atezolizumab is a monoclonal antibody that inhibits programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1), while bevacizumab is a biologic antiangiogenic drug. IMpower150 enrolled 1,202 patients who were randomised to one of three arms: A) chemotherapy plus atezolizumab; B) chemotherapy plus atezolizumab plus bevacizumab; or C) chemotherapy plus bevacizumab. The PFS survival comparison was made between arms B and C and showed that the combination of atezolizumab, bevacizumab and chemotherapy was superior to bevacizumab and chemotherapy alone with a median PFS of 8.3 versus 6.8 months (hazard ratio [HR] 0.62; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.52, 0.74; P < 0.0001) in the intention-to-treat (ITT) wild type (WT) population, which excluded patients with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations or anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) rearrangements. The corresponding median PFS in the Teff-WT population, which included patients with defined expression of a T-effector gene signature in the tumour tissue, was 11.3 versus 6.8 months (HR 0.51; 95% CI 0.38, 0.68; P < 0.0001). PFS benefit was seen regardless of PD-L1 immunohistochemistry status, including PD-L1-negative pts (TC0/IC0: HR 0.77; 95% CI 0.61, 0.99). (2) There were no new safety signals with the combination therapy. Due to prespecified testing hierachy, Arm A versus C has not been formally tested yet. Reck said: "There was a significant and clinically relevant improvement in progression-free survival favouring the addition of atezolizumab to bevacizumab and chemotherapy. The results show that there is a way to improve the efficacy of platinum-based chemotherapy in patients with advanced non-squamous NSCLC. There were no new safety signals or toxicity issues with this combination so it appears to be a feasible approach for this group of patients." Commenting on treatment for advanced non-squamous NSCLC for ESMO, Professor Solange Peters, Head of Medical Oncology, Department of Oncology, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland, said: "Immunotherapy is a standard of care treatment after platinum-based chemotherapy in patients with advanced NSCLC. Frontline immunotherapy alone is beneficial in those with a high PD-L1 expression, who make up less than a third of NSCLC patients. (3) The combination of immunotherapy and platinum-based chemotherapy showed positive response rates in unselected non-squamous patients (without PD-L1 selection) in a hypothesis-generating phase II trial, which led to US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval." (4) "IMpower150 is the first phase III randomised trial to formally evaluate the combination of immunotherapy and chemotherapy versus chemotherapy frontline," she continued. "The backbone therapy includes bevacizumab which might, by targeting VEGF, facilitate the immune response and the trafficking of T cells. Median PFS for the immunotherapy arm in patients without EGFR mutations or ALK rearrangements had a promising hazard ratio of 0.62 and a median PFS improvement of a little less than two months." Peters said the benefit of immunotherapy is best observed at later time points. "When you look at the 12-month PFS, you double the number of patients who have not progressed from 18% without immunotherapy to 37% when you add the immunotherapy," she said. "This is very, very promising. Doubling PFS at one year is something we have not seen with any targeted therapy in unselected patients to date." Even more important was that the combination of chemotherapy and immunotherapy was beneficial regardless of expression of PD-L1 or a T-effector gene signature. It was also beneficial in patients with alterations in EGFR and ALK, who usually do not do well with immunotherapy. Peters said: "We know that for immunotherapy monotherapy, we need to highly select patients for PD-L1 expression. This trial shows that by combining chemotherapy and immunotherapy you completely delete any need for patient selection according to a particular biomarker. This strategy has the potential to benefit large numbers of patients with advanced NSCLC without the practical difficulties of biomarker testing." Peters concluded: "These exciting results pave the way for a new standard of care in advanced non-squamous NSCLC. The initial overall survival data looks encouraging, but we must wait for it to mature. We will also need to understand the impact of this combination in patients who have already received other immunotherapies. In the next year, other trials will report results in frontline treatment-naive NSCLC patients using the combination of chemotherapy and immunotherapy or the combination of two immunotherapy drugs. The challenge will then be to judge which strategy is the best." ### Notes to Editors Please make sure to use the official name of the meeting in your reports: ESMO Immuno Oncology Congress 2017 Official hashtag: #ESMOImmuno17 References and notes 1 Abstract LBA1_PR 'Primary PFS and safety analyses of a randomized phase III study of carboplatin + paclitaxel +/? bevacizumab, with or without atezolizumab in 1L non-squamous metastatic NSCLC (IMpower150)' will be presented by Martin Reck during the Proffered Paper session 'Combining immune checkpoint inhibitors and VEGF targeted therapies in cancer treatment' on Thursday, 7 December, 18:15 to 19:15 (CET) in Room A. Annals of Oncology, Volume 28, 2017 Supplement 11. 2 PD-L1 expression was assessed on both tumour cells (TC) and tumour-infiltrating immune cells (IC); and patients were scored as TC 0, 1, 2, or 3 and IC 0, 1, 2, or 3 with an immunohistochemistry test. 3 Reck M, et al. Pembrolizumab versus chemotherapy for PD-L1-positive non-small-cell lung cancer. N Engl J Med. 2016; 375:1823-1833. 4 Langer CJ, et al. Carboplatin and pemetrexed with or without pembrolizumab for advanced, non-squamous non-small-cell lung cancer: a randomised, phase 2 cohort of the open-label KEYNOTE-021 study. Lancet Oncol. 2016;17(11):1497-1508. Disclaimer This press release contains information provided by the authors of the highlighted abstracts and reflects the content of those abstracts. It does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of ESMO who cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the data. Commentators quoted in the press release are required to comply with the ESMO Declaration of Interests policy and the ESMO Code of Conduct. About the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) ESMO is the leading professional organisation for medical oncology. With 17,000 members representing oncology professionals from 150 countries worldwide, ESMO is the society of reference for oncology education and information. We are committed to supporting our members to develop and advance in a fast-evolving professional environment. Youtube: ESMOchannel During the International Year of Astronomy in 2009, an encyclopedic dictionary of astronomy for French Sign Language, entitled Hands in the Stars, was published under the direction of Dominique Proust [1]. This dictionary contains approximately 300 signs describing several classical celestial bodies such as planets, asteroids, galaxies and quasars, as well as technical terms such as telescope, spectrograph and photometry. In 2016-2017, a large project led by the IAU Commission for Astronomy, Equity and Inclusion (IAU Division C, Commission C1 WG3 ) , with funding from the IAU Office of Astronomy for Development, translated Proust's dictionary into English (by Lawrence Augustin Orchard) and Spanish (by Maria Roser Garcia and Amelia Ortiz-Gil). The dictionary can be accessed from the website of the Commission through these links: French , English and Spanish . Based on this previous experience, the Commission recently embarked on a long-term project to collect the different signs in several languages, starting with a selection of 47 words that the experts of the Commission agree are amongst the most commonly used in astronomy education and outreach. The languages involved include German, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese and Polish, among others. Sign language is now officially practised in almost every country, but diverse heritages and different cultures independently developed specific signs to designate common objects or identical situations. "A Universal Sign Language is gradually being developed, mainly to designate objects and situations related to contemporary technology or events. Nevertheless, there will always be differences between signs in each country that need to be noted, as countries have developed its own signs through time", says Dominique Proust [2]. Many astronomical words have no equivalent hand sign in any sign language. The signs presented in this list represent a collaboration between deaf communities, educators, and astronomers all over the world. The suggested signs are meant to engage the deaf community in scientific discussion. The compilation of 47 terms is also available online here . Its main goal is to help to reflect on the differences between the various languages, perhaps even helping communities to develop their own sign if they did not yet have one for a particular term. The work is a joint ongoing effort between many individuals and organisations [3]. Signs in some of the languages have been retrieved from the Spread the Sign project. The group working on this task is also analysing the case of words without a sign in some countries. One alternative could be to suggest the use of the sign of a closely related language, for example, Spanish for the Italian community. The Commission is also considering the possibility of studying each sign in order to determine the similarities and differences between different languages and suggest, if possible, a common and unique sign for each word for every country. This may be an impossible task, but it is one worth exploring. ### Notes [1] In France, the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Astronomy for the French Sign Language was published in 2009 under the direction of Dominique Proust, in collaboration with Daniel Abbou, Nasro Chab, Yves Delaporte, Carole Marion and Blandine Proust, in Burillier, in the framework of the International Year of Astronomy (IYA2009 ) and with the support of the Paris Observatory. [2] Sign language has its own vocabulary and grammar and is expressed in all communication registers. Large numbers (such as millions and billions) have their own signs, as do operators. All mathematical quantities have equivalent signs, including weight, area, volume and distance. The Pythagorean theorem is expressed in a similar way to its oral version, except that the hypotenuse is signed "the side facing the right angle". The geometry exposes itself in an identical way, the hands describing previously a line, a plane or a volume. The origin of a coordinate system is precisely indicated. Physics includes a set of very explicit signs for each topic. The constants are designated by the same letters: c is the speed of light (SPEED sign + LIGHT sign) with c = 300 000 km/s. Electricity is signed with the fists facing each other, curved index fingers pointing upwards like electrodes. Nuclear energy includes two signs, the first being the generic sign for all forms of energy and the second symbolising the power of nuclear energy. In chemistry, the elements are signed either specifically or by their symbol. Astronomy is one of the fields where the expression in sign language is both rigorous and poetic. The signs attributed to the various planets of the Solar System make use of their own characteristics: Mercury is very close to the Sun, Mars is red, Jupiter is represented by the famous red spot, and Saturn is characterised by its rings. The representation of the sky is easy since the majority of the constellations evoke animals or objects that already have a sign: bear (large or small), swan, fish, whale, etc. The mythological names respect the legendary traditions. Thus, Orion is a hunter, and the Centaur is a man mounted on a horse's body. Scientific technology can also be expressed in sign language, including different types of computers (PC, laptops, etc.). In the same way, the fields of medicine and biology have a very complete and very technical vocabulary. [3] The collaborators of the project are: France Dominique Proust, Astrophysicist, Paris Observatory Daniel Abbou, deaf, teacher, pedagogue, co-producer and presenter of the weekly programme "The Eye and the Hand" on Channel 5 Nasro Chab, deaf, is responsible for LSF conferences at the Arts et Metiers Museum and at the Palais de la Decouverte Yves Delaporte, hearer, ethnologist, emeritus research director at the CNRS Carole Marion, deaf, professional artist, a graduate of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, teacher of LSF at the Institut Gustave Baguer at Asnieres Blandine Proust, hearer, has studied at the French Academy of Sign Language Spain Fundacion CNSE Para la supresion de las Barreras de Comunicacion Amelia Ortiz-Gil, Astronomical Observatory of the University of Valencia USA American Sign Language (ASL) Constance Gartner, Wisconsin School for the Deaf Christopher Rawlings, Wisconsin Educational Service Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Italy Nicoletta Lanciano, Sapienza Universita di Roma Stefania Varano, Sapienza Universita di Roma Dania Malerba, PhD student at Sapienza Universita di Roma Japan Yukie Fujita, Inagi City Hall Akiko Hasegawa, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Ayana Hirose, Saitama Sakado School for the Deaf Takateru Iizuka, Sea-horse Star Meeting for the Deaf Haruki Kasuga, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Masami Kitamura, Tsukuba Barrier-free Learning Consortium Iku Koyano, JTB Shin Mineshige, Kyoto University Shiomi Nemoto, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Katsuhiro Nishioka, TANSEISHA Co., Ltd. Tomohiro Okada, SOKENDAI: The Graduate University for Advanced Studies Hideo Shinohara, Saitama Prefectural Soka-higashi High School Masaya Shinohara, Ishikawa Prefectural School for Students with Special Needs Haruka Sudo Noriko Takabatake, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Keiko Ueda, Japanese sign language interpreter Kumiko Usuda-Sato, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Misa Wada, Japanese sign language interpreter Lina Canas, IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach Argentina Lengua de Senas Argentina (LSA) Miguel Angel Medrano, Federacion Nacional de Interpretes de Lengua de Senas Argentina Luis Enrique Pinto Yohann, deaf, instructor of LSA, Miembro de la Asociacion de Sordos de Mendoza Silvina Perez Alvarez, TeDA, CNEA-CONICET, UNSAM) Beatriz Garcia, TeDA, CNEA-CONICET, UNSAM and National Tech University, Faculty Mendoza Canada-Quebec Langue des signes quebecoise (LSQ) Pierre Chastenay, professor of didactics of science, Universite du Quebec a Montreal Sonia Dube, specialised trainer in bilingual education, Ecole Gadbois et Polyvalente Lucien-Page, Commission scolaire de Montreal Laurence Gagnon, master's student in linguistics, Universite du Quebec a Montreal Michael Lelievre, teacher, Ecole Gadbois, Commission scolaire de Montreal Anne-Marie Parisot, linguistics teacher, Universite du Quebec a Montreal Darren Saunders, PhD student in linguistics, Universite du Quebec a Montreal UK-Scotland Audrey Cameron, Science in BSL Glossary Project, Scottish Sensory Centre, University of Edinburgh Gary Quinn, Science in BSL Glossary Project, Heriot-Watt University Tania Johnston, ESO Other Countries * From the website of the project Spread the Sign , we retrieved the available signs for: English-UK, English-India, Bulgarian, Croatian, Chinese, Czech, Estonian, Finnish, German-Austria, German-Germany, Greek, Icelandic, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese-Portugal, Portuguese-Brazil, Russian-Russia, Russian-Belarus, Romanian, Swedish, Turkish and Ukrainian. In preparation: Indonesia Yudhiakto Pramudya, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakart More information The International Astronomical Union (IAU) is an international astronomical organisation that brings together more than 10 000 professional astronomers from almost 100 countries. Its mission is to promote and safeguard the science of astronomy in all its aspects through international cooperation. The IAU also serves as the internationally recognised authority for assigning designations to celestial bodies and the surface features on them. Founded in 1919, the IAU is the world's largest professional body for astronomers. The IAU Working Group for Astronomy, Equity and Inclusion (IAU Division C, commission C1 WG3) seeks to build new strategies, tools and resources in Astronomy that will facilitate the access to Astronomical resources and careers for people with special intellectual or physical needs, or to those who might be excluded for the particular race or gender. Links C1-WG for Astronomy, Equity and Inclusion - IAU-Commission 1, Education and Development of Astronomy - IAU - Contacts Dominique Proust Paris Meudon ObservatoryFrance Email: Beatriz Garcia ITeDA (CNEA, CONICET, UNSAM)Argentina Email: Amelia Ortiz-Gil Universidad de ValenciaSpain Email: Lars Lindberg Christensen IAU Press Officer Garching bei Munchen, Germany Tel: 49-89-320-06-761 Cell: 49-173-38-72-621 Email: Significant effort has gone into engineering the long-sought magnetic monopoles -- now scientists have found them in an unexpected place, and revealed that they have been around for a long time The startling similarity between the physical laws describing electric phenomena and those describing magnetic phenomena has been known since the 19th century. However, one piece that would make the two perfectly symmetric was missing: magnetic monopoles. While magnetic monopoles in the form of elementary particles remain elusive, there have been some recent successes in engineering objects that behave effectively like magnetic monopoles. Now, scientists at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) have shown that there is a much simpler way to observe such magnetic monopoles: they have demonstrated that superfluid helium droplets act as magnetic monopoles from the perspective of molecules that are immersed inside them. Such droplets have been studied for decades, but until now, this fascinating characteristic had gone entirely unnoticed. When working with electric charge, it is easy to separate the positive and negative poles: the negatively charged electron represents a negative pole, the positively charged proton is the opposite (positive) pole, and each one is an individual particle that can be separated from the other. With magnets, it seemed that they always have two poles that are impossible to separate: cut a dipole magnet in half and you will end up with two dipole magnets, cut them again and you will just get even smaller dipole magnets, but you will not be able to separate the north from the south pole. Challenged by this puzzle, scientists put a great deal of effort into constructing systems that effectively act as magnetic monopoles--with success: certain crystal structures were made to behave like magnetic monopoles. But now, an interdisciplinary team comprising theoretical physicists and a mathematician have discovered that this phenomenon also occurs in molecular systems that do not need to be engineered for this purpose but which have been known of for a long time. Nanometer-sized drops of superfluid helium with molecules immersed in them have been studied for several decades already, and it is one of the systems that Professor Mikhail Lemeshko and postdoc Enderalp Yakaboylu are particularly interested in. Previously, Professor Lemeshko proposed a new quasiparticle that drastically simplifies the mathematical description of such rotating molecules, and earlier this year he showed that this quasiparticle, the angulon, can explain observations that had been collected over 20 years. Enderalp Yakaboylu moreover used the angulon to predict previously unknown properties of these systems. The property in superfluid helium droplets that they now discovered, however, came unexpectedly--and only after they had exchanged ideas with mathematician Andreas Deuchert, who says: "It was a surprise to all of us to see this characteristic emerge in the equations." At a strongly interdisciplinary institute like IST Austria, such collaborations are not unusual, and interaction between research groups of different fields is fostered. "In the other experiments they engineered a system to become a monopole. Here, it is the other way round," Enderalp Yakaboylu adds. "The system was well-known. People have been studying rotating molecules for a long time, and only after did we realize that the magnetic monopoles had been there the whole time. This is a completely different viewpoint." According to the researchers, the discovery opens up new possibilities for studying magnetic monopoles. In particular, the appearance of magnetic monopole in superfluid helium droplets is very different from the other, previously studied, systems. "The difference is that we are dealing with a chemical solvent. Our magnetic monopoles form in a fluid rather than in a solid crystal, and you can use this system to study magnetic monopoles more easily," Professor Mikhail Lemeshko explains. ### IST Austria The Institute of Science and Technology (IST Austria) is a PhD granting research institution located in Klosterneuburg, 18 km from the center of Vienna, Austria. Inaugurated in 2009, the Institute is dedicated to basic research in the natural and mathematical sciences. IST Austria employs professors on a tenure-track system, postdoctoral fellows, and doctoral students. While dedicated to the principle of curiosity-driven research, the Institute owns the rights to all scientific discoveries and is committed to promote their use. The first president of IST Austria is Thomas A. Henzinger, a leading computer scientist and former professor at the University of California in Berkeley, USA, and the EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland. The graduate school of IST Austria offers fully-funded PhD positions to highly qualified candidates with a bachelor's or master's degree in biology, neuroscience, mathematics, computer science, physics, and related areas. See Source: "Emergence of Non-Abelian Magnetic Monopoles in a Quantum Impurity Problem" E. Yakaboylu, A. Deuchert, and M. Lemeshko Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 235301 - Published 6 December 2017 Metastasis, the process in which a tumor spreads to other parts of the body, is responsible for 90% of deaths from tumors. It is the greatest challenge to a cancer patient's survival. Metastatic spread occurs in several steps, these include that tumor cells become mobile and cross into and out of blood vessels. How these steps are controlled is not yet fully understood, but provides avenues for treatment. In a new project, the lab of Daria Siekhaus, Professor at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria), will investigate the role of a novel protein in metastasis. The group previously identified a protein in the fruitfly Drosophila that could play a role in metastasis. In cooperation with two researchers at the Karl Landsteiner University for Health Sciences, they will seek to understand its role in mice and human tissue. This project is funded by the NO Forschung und Bildungsges.m.b.H. (NFB). From flies to mice to patients In previous research, Daria Siekhaus' group identified a transporter protein, called CG8602, which is needed for macrophages to invade tissues during the fruitfly's embryonic development. CG8602 appears to be necessary for a larger amount of T antigen to be present on the surface of the invading cell. Intriguingly, such an increase in T antigens on the cell surface has been observed in metastatic cancer cells, and antibodies that block T antigens can reduce metastasis. An ortholog, or gene with the same function that evolved from the same ancestral gene, is present in mammals. However, no studies have yet looked at the function of this ortholog, called MFSD1. The NFB-funded project will examine what role MFSD1 plays during the initiation of metastasis in the mouse. Questions the researchers seek to examine include: Is MFSD1 involved in changes to proteins, such as their glycosylation or stability? And does this affect metastasis? To transfer the Siekhaus' lab knowledge in fruitfly research to the mouse model, a new postdoc joined the lab of Daria Siekhaus. Marko Roblek has extensive experience in studying cancer metastasis in mice. The NFB-funded project will be carried out in collaboration with Dr. Wiesholzer and Dr. Kitzwogerer at the Clinical Division for Internal Medicine, KLU University St Polten. This collaboration allows the researchers to test how findings in the mouse model are relevant for the clinic. The scientists will analyze surgically resected tumor tissue from colon cancer patients to determine whether disease prognosis, i.e. whether a patient develops metastases, can be correlated with how much and where MFSD1 is found in the tumor samples. This research can lay the ground work for understanding the basic biology of a novel vertebrate gene that is involved in regulating invasion and metastasis. In the long run, this could eventually lead to the development of a new therapeutic target or diagnostic biomarker for the clinic. Grants by the NFB The project is funded through the Life Science Call 2016 of the NO Forschung und Bildungsges.m.b.H. (NFB). The Life Science Calls serve to competitively fund basic research in the life sciences. The grants aim to strengthen research competence in Lower Austria, as well as the connections between research institutes located in Lower Austria. ### Researcher biographies Professor Daria Siekhaus is an American who received her Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Stanford University's Medical School and joined IST Austria in 2012. She and her group seek to understand the migration of cells, in particular how they move within the complicated environment of an organism and penetrate through barriers that lie in their way. Daria Siekhaus received an FWF Standalone Grant in 2016 and a Marie Curie Career Integration Grant in 2013. Postdoc Marko Roblek joined the group of Daria Siekhaus this year. He is Slovenian and came to the University of Vienna to get his Master's degree in Molecular Biology in the Max F. Perutz Laboratories. He obtained his PhD in the field of Cancer Biology from the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Dr. Martin Wiesholzer graduated from the medical school of the University of Vienna. He received his training in Internal Medicine, Hematooncology and Nephrology at the General Hospital of Vienna and the University hospital of St. Polten. In 2015 he became the head of the Clinic I for Internal Medicine, University hospital St. Polten. He teaches at the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences. Dr. Melitta Kitzwogerer who graduated as a doctor of medicine from the University of Vienna in 1989, has been working as a pathologist since 1991 at the Department of Clinical Pathology at the University hospital of St. Polten. Being in charge of the tumor board she is continually dealing with neoplastic diseases. IST Austria The Institute of Science and Technology (IST Austria) is a PhD granting research institution located in Klosterneuburg, 18 km from the center of Vienna, Austria. Inaugurated in 2009, the Institute is dedicated to basic research in the natural and mathematical sciences. IST Austria employs professors on a tenure-track system, postdoctoral fellows, and doctoral students. While dedicated to the principle of curiosity-driven research, the Institute owns the rights to all scientific discoveries and is committed to promote their use. The first president of IST Austria is Thomas A. Henzinger, a leading computer scientist and former professor at the University of California in Berkeley, USA, and the EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland. The graduate school of IST Austria offers fully-funded PhD positions to highly qualified candidates with a bachelor's or master's degree in biology, neuroscience, mathematics, computer science, physics, and related areas. See Many feared prolonged suffering at the end of their lives Research has shown that better communication around assisted dying is needed between clinician and patients diagnosed with Huntington's Disease. This is the first study in the UK (where assisted dying is illegal) into the attitudes of people with the condition, which usually leads to dementia and inability to coordinate movement. Because it is inherited, people with a diagnosis will often have witnessed the suffering of a parent. Assisted dying is legal in Holland where several Huntington's patients annually chose to die between 2007 and 2011. Dr Jane Simpson of Lancaster University said: "Our findings suggest that people with the Huntington gene would welcome talking about assisted death but feel they are not able to do so." Participants in the study spoke about the need for a balancing act between feeling supported and feeling distressed by conversations about dying. Anna (pseudonym) said: "It is a really difficult balance. And I know that's the same with family and friends as well as medical professionals." Many of them feared prolonged suffering at the end of their lives and saw assisted dying as an act of compassion towards their families. They believed they were best placed to make such decisions about their own deaths provided they had the capacity. Mary said: "If someone is sound of mind... and people can understand that person's wishes, I think quite strongly that it should be their right. " Potential loss of role, personality and meaning were considered the most disruptive aspects of the disease which could lead to a decision in favour of assisted dying. Dr Simpson said: "Fears for the loss of self, as well as fear for pain or symptom acceleration, seem to be main drivers for wanting the option of assisted dying to be available." ### It is well known that cancer incidence is increasing worldwide, with pockets of human populations and geographical locations seemingly at higher risk than others. Researcher Konstantinos Voskarides, Ph.D., of the Univesity of Cyrpus' Medical School, noted that populations living in very low temperatures, like in Denmark and Norway, had among the highest incidences of cancer in the world. Now, in a new paper in the advanced online edition of the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution, he has advanced a new hypothesis: there is an evolutionary relationship that exists between adaptation at extreme environmental conditions -- like cold and high altitude -- and increased cancer risk in humans. "The findings of this study provide evidence that genetic variants found to be beneficial in extreme environments, can also predispose for cancer," said Voskarides. "Cell resistance at low temperatures and at high altitude probably increases the probability for malignancy. This effect hardly could be filtered out by natural selection since most cancers appear later on in age after most people have their children." Voskarides focused on the effect of low temperatures, either within Arctic/Scandinavian climates or high altitudes. Voskarides' analyses focused on the relationship between cancer risk and local average annual temperatures. He concluded that the extremely cold environment contributed to the cancer risk. To do so, Voskarides carefully examined the most accurate and reliable data of worldwide cancer incidence (the GLOBOCAN-2012 database permits a variety of incidence/prevalence analysis per country or per cancer type , as well as sifting through genetic clues among 247 different cancer genome-wide association studies. Additionally, he probed the available literature bibliographic cancer incidence and genetic data for human populations living at extreme cold and extreme high-altitudes. A striking pattern began to emerge, with the highest incidence of certain cancers linked to those populations living in the coldest environments. Additionally, analysis of 186 human populations showed a great linearity of high cancer incidence with the lower the environmental temperature. "These data show that these populations exhibit extremely high cancer incidence, especially for lung, breast and colorectal cancer," said Voskarides. The genetic evidence was also clear and highly significant. Genes that are under selection to populations in order to survive under extreme environmental conditions, also predispose for cancer. Among the highest cancer associations with genes under selection is colorectal cancer for Natives Americans and Siberian Eskimos, esophageal cancer and lung cancer for Siberian Eskimos, leukemia for Oromi (a high-altitude population in Ethiopia) and a variety of cancers for high-altitude dwelling Andeans-Tibetans. "Evidence was found that cancer rates have been increased in those populations through natural selection procedures," said Voskarides. "This is the first study that provides evidence that high cancer risk may be a result of evolutionary adaptation in certain environmental conditions." Another finding of this study is that natural selection has favored especially tumor suppressor genes in those populations instead of oncogenes. This is in accordance with previous studies that showed that mutations in p53 (the most frequently mutated gene in cancers) help animals to survive at very high altitude. "It seems that the populations segregated under the concept of extreme environment - extreme cancer risk," said Voskarides. For scientists pursuing the confluence of the environment and genetic on cancer risk, the new study will open a new avenue for exploring some of the key adaptive forces that could be driving cancer epidemiology. ### A new method of harvesting stem cells for bone marrow transplantation - developed by a team of investigators from the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Cancer Center and the Harvard Stem Cell Institute - appears to accomplish two goals: making the donation process more convenient and less unpleasant for donors and providing cells that are superior to those acquired by current protocols. Results of the team's studies in animal models and humans will appear in the Jan. 11 issue of Cell and are being published online today "Our new method of harvesting stem cells requires only a single injection and mobilizes the cells needed in 15 minutes; so in the time it takes to boil an egg, we are able to acquire the number of stem cells produced by the current standard five-day protocol," says Jonathan Hoggatt, PhD, of the MGH Cancer Center)and Center for Transplantation Sciences , lead author of the Cell paper. "This means less pain, time off work and lifestyle disruption for the donor; more convenience for the clinical staff, and more predictability for the harvesting procedure." Currently, the most common way of harvesting hematopoietic (blood system) stem cells requires donors to receive daily injections of a drug called G-CSF, which induces stem cells to pass from the bone marrow into the circulation. After five days of injections - which can produce adverse effects ranging from bone pain, to nausea and vomiting, to enlargement or rupture of the spleen - the stem cells are collected through the bone marrow donation process of apheresis, which takes four to five hours. Sometimes more than one apheresis is required to collect enough stem cells, particularly when patients with conditions like multiple myeloma or non-Hodgkin's lymphoma are donating their own cells. Hoggatt and colleagues at MGH and other institutions have investigated ways to enhance stem cell donation for several years. In a previous collaboration with Louis Pelus, PhD, of Indiana University School of Medicine , senior author of the current study, they found that adding NSAID drugs like aspirin or ibuprofen could double the effectiveness of the standard collection protocol. But since that approach still relied on multiple injections of G-CSF, the team determined that truly significant improvement to stem cell donation required eliminating the need for G-CSF. In other previous work, Pelus's team had found that a protein called GRO (growth regulated oncogene)-beta induced rapid movement of stem cells from the marrow into the blood in animal models. Initial experiments by the current study's team revealed that GRO-beta injections were safe and well tolerated in human volunteers but had only a modest effect in mobilizing stem cells. As a result, they tried combining administration of GRO-beta with AMD3100, a drug that is already approved to increase stem cell mobilization in combination with G-CSF, and found that simultaneous administration of both drugs rapidly produced a quantity of cells equal to that provided by the five-day G-CSF protocol. In addition to determining the mechanisms by which combined administration of GRO-beta and AMD3100 produced enough stem cells so quickly, the team found that transplantation with these cells led to faster reconstitution of bone marrow and recovery of immune cell populations in mouse models. The stem cells produced by this procedure also show patterns of gene expression similar to those of fetal hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), which are located in the liver, rather than the bone marrow. "These highly engraftable hematopoietic stem cells produced by our new strategy are essentially the A+ students of bone marrow stem cells," says Hoggatt. "Finding that they express genes similar to those of fetal liver HSCs, the blood-producing cells you have before birth, suggests that they will be very good at moving into an empty bone marrow space and rapidly dividing to fill the marrow and produce blood. Now we need to test the combination in a clinical trial to confirm its safety and effectiveness in humans." A principal faculty member at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute and an assistant professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Hoggatt adds that these new, highly engraftable HSCs and the protocol that generated them represent a valuable new scientific tool that could lead to ways of engineering cells that are even better at engrafting and to methods of expanding stem cells in the laboratory rather than within the bodies of donors. "This is an exciting time in bone marrow transplantation, as the number of diseases that can be treated or possibly even cured is increasing," he says. "With new gene therapy strategies being developed for diseases like sickle cell anemia, beta thalassemia and severe combined immunodeficiency - the 'bubble boy disease' - having enough high-quality, gene-altered cells can be a key bottleneck. Our ability to acquire highly engraftable HSCs with the GRO-beta and AMD3100 combination should significantly improve and expand the availability of those treatments." ### Hoggatt and Pelus are co-corresponding authors of the Cell paper, as is David Scadden, MD, of the MGH Center for Regenerative Medicine and the Harvard Stem Cell Institute. Additional co-authors are Bin-Kuan Chou, PhD, and Shruti Datari, MGH Center for Transplantation Sciences; Peter Kharchenko, PhD, Amir Schajnovitz, PhD, Ninib Baryawno, PhD, and Francois E. Mercier, MD, CM, MGH Center for Regenerative Medicine; Tiffany Tate, Harvard Stem Cell Institute; Pratibha Singh, PhD, Seiji Fukuda, MD, PhD, and Liqiong Liu, MD, PhD, Indiana University School of Medicine; Joseph Boyer, GlaxoSmithKline; and Jason Gardner, DPhil, MA, and Dwight Morrow, Magenta Therapeutics. Support for this study includes National Institutes of Health grants R00 HL119559, R01 HL069669, R01 HL096305 and R01 HL131768 and support from GlaxoSmithKline and the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center. A patent application covering intellectual property described in this paper has been filed by Harvard Office of Technology Development, and Magenta Therapeutics of Cambridge, co-founded by Hoggatt and Scadden, is exploring further clinical development. Massachusetts General Hospital, founded in 1811, is the original and largest teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School. The MGH Research Institute conducts the largest hospital-based research program in the nation, with an annual research budget of more than $900 million and major research centers in HIV/AIDS, cardiovascular research, cancer, computational and integrative biology, cutaneous biology, genomic medicine, medical imaging, neurodegenerative disorders, regenerative medicine, reproductive biology, systems biology, photomedicine and transplantation biology. The MGH topped the 2015 Nature Index list of health care organizations publishing in leading scientific journals and earned the prestigious 2015 Foster G. McGaw Prize for Excellence in Community Service. In August 2017 the MGH was once again named to the Honor Roll in the U.S. News & World Report list of "America's Best Hospitals." Technological advances and multidisciplinary research teams are reshaping our understanding of when and how humans left Africa -- and who they met along the way Most people are now familiar with the traditional "Out of Africa" model: modern humans evolved in Africa and then dispersed across Asia and reached Australia in a single wave about 60,000 years ago. However, technological advances in DNA analysis and other fossil identification techniques, as well as an emphasis on multidisciplinary research, are revising this story. Recent discoveries show that humans left Africa multiple times prior to 60,000 years ago, and that they interbred with other hominins in many locations across Eurasia. A review of recent research on dispersals by early modern humans from Africa to Asia by researchers from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History and the University of Hawai'i at Manoa confirms that the traditional view of a single dispersal of anatomically modern humans out of Africa around 60,000 years ago can no longer be seen as the full story. The analysis, published in the journal Science, reviews the plethora of new discoveries being reported from Asia over the past decade, which were made possible by technological advances and interdisciplinary collaborations, and shows that Homo sapiens reached distant parts of the Asian continent, as well as Near Oceania, much earlier than previously thought. Additionally, evidence that modern humans interbred with other hominins already present in Asia, such as Neanderthals and Denisovans, complicates the evolutionary history of our species. New model: Multiple dispersals of modern humans out of Africa, beginning as early as 120,000 years ago The authors brought together findings from multiple recent studies to refine the picture of human dispersals out of Africa and into Asia. While scientists once thought that humans first left Africa in a single wave of migration about 60,000 years ago, recent studies have identified modern human fossils in far reaches of Asia that are potentially much older. For example, H. sapiens remains have been found at multiple sites in southern and central China that have been dated to between 70,000 and 120,000 years ago. Additional finds indicate that modern humans reached Southeast Asia and Australia prior to 60,000 years ago. However, other recent studies do confirm that all present-day non-African populations branched off from a single ancestral population in Africa approximately 60,000 years ago. This could indicate that there were multiple, smaller dispersals of humans out of Africa beginning as early as 120,000 years ago, followed by a major dispersal 60,000 years ago. While the recent dispersal contributed the bulk of the genetic make-up of present-day non-Africans, the earlier dispersals are still evident. "The initial dispersals out of Africa prior to 60,000 years ago were likely by small groups of foragers, and at least some of these early dispersals left low-level genetic traces in modern human populations. A later, major 'Out of Africa' event most likely occurred around 60,000 years ago or thereafter," explains Michael Petraglia of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. Multiple interbreeding events Recent genetic research has resolved the question of whether or not modern humans interbred with other ancient hominins - they definitely did. Modern humans interbred not only with Neanderthals, but also with our recently-discovered relatives the Denisovans, as well as a currently unidentified population of pre-modern hominins. One estimate is that all present-day non-Africans have 1-4% Neanderthal heritage, while another group has estimated that modern Melanesians have an average of 5% Denisovan heritage. In all, it is now clear that modern humans, Neanderthals, Denisovans and perhaps other hominin groups likely overlapped in time and space in Asia, and they certainly had many instances of interaction. The increasing evidence of interactions suggests that the spread of material culture is also more complicated than previously thought. "Indeed, what we are seeing in the behavioral record is that the spread of so-called modern human behaviors did not occur in a simple time-transgressive process from west to east. Rather, ecological variation needs to be considered in concert with behavioral variation between the different hominin populations present in Asia during the Late Pleistocene," explains Christopher Bae of the University of Hawai'i at Manoa. In light of these new discoveries, our understanding of human movements across the Old World has become much more complex, and there are still many questions left open. The authors argue for the development of more complicated models of human dispersals and for conducting new research in the many areas of Asia where none has been done to date. Additionally, it will be important to review materials collected prior to the development of modern analytic methods, to see what more can now be learned from them. "Fortunately," states Katerina Douka, also of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, "there have been an increasing number of multidisciplinary research programs launched in Asia over the past few decades. The information that is being reported is helping to fill in the gaps in the evolutionary records." "It is an exciting time to be involved with interdisciplinary research projects across Asia," adds Bae. ### Hamilton, ON (December 6, 2017) - The type of needle used during a lumbar puncture makes a significant difference in the subsequent occurrence of headache, nerve irritation and hearing disturbance in patients, according to a study by Hamilton medical researchers. As well, they found the pencil-point atraumatic needle with the better tip design has been available for about 70 years, but few physicians have been using it because they have not been aware of its benefits over the conventional bevelled traumatic needles. The implications on clinical care are huge, says Dr. Saleh Almenawer, the senior author of the study and a neurosurgeon at Hamilton Health Sciences who worked with a team of researchers at McMaster University. "There is a more than 50 per cent reduction in the occurrence of headaches with the atraumatic needles, and also more than a 50 per cent reduction in patient readmissions and return to emergency rooms for narcotics or blood patches." A lumbar puncture, commonly known as a spinal tap, is a regular medical procedure used to diagnose and to treat disease. Post-dural puncture headaches appear in about 35 per cent of patients, sometimes causing debilitating pain that can lead to a return to hospital for painkillers or more invasive treatment. The study published today in The Lancet says using atraumatic needles rather than conventional traumatic needles for lumbar punctures is just as effective and results in a significant decrease in complications such as the headaches. "The two needles differ in how they penetrate the thick membrane, called the dura, surrounding the nerves," said Almenawer. He explained that the sharp edges of the tip of a conventional needle cuts its way through, while the tip of an atraumatic needle causes the tissue to dilate and contract around it. The tiny hole left in the dura by the atraumatic needle makes it significantly more difficult for cerebrospinal fluid to leak through, thus diminishing the frequency of headaches, readmissions and treatment. The study pooled data from 110 clinical trials, with more than 30,000 participants in 29 countries across the past 28 years. Atraumatic needles have been around for decades, but their use remains significantly limited, according to the researchers. They also found the atraumatic needles cost the same or up to three times as much as the more conventional type. "Several surveys from around the world showed that only a fraction of physicians know atraumatic needles exist, and among those even a smaller portion use the atraumatic type," said Almenawer. "Lumbar puncture is a standard procedure, with thousands done every day around the globe by physicians of many specialties. Unfortunately, conventional needles created in 1890 are still the default in most hospitals around the world. This study provides convincing high-quality evidence for people to change to the atraumatic needles for a better patient care." An accompanying commentary on the research in The Lancet says the study points out "the practice needs to change". "Clinicians should start using atraumatic needles for lumbar punctures. We need to change practice," said Diederik van de Beek and Matthijs Brouwer, two neurology professors of the University of Amsterdam. ### There was no external funding for the study. Editors: A photo of Dr. Saleh Almenawer and his research team is attached. Alex Koziarz, Saleh Almenawer, Sheila Singh and Siddharth Nath, left to right, led a study on lumbar puncture needles published in The Lancet. Photo courtesy McMaster University Also is attached is a photo of the two needles used in lumbar puncture: Left: Conventional. Right: Atraumatic. Photo courtesy McMaster University The post embargo link to the paper is: For more information: Veronica McGuire Media Relations Faculty of Health Sciences McMaster University 905-525-9140, ext. 22169 NASA has tapped the University of Maryland to lead a new consortium focused on putting satellite data to use to enhance food security and agriculture around the world. The Earth Observations for Food Security and Agriculture Consortium (EOFSAC) will combine the expertise of more than 40 partners to advance the use of Earth observations in informing decisions that affect the global food supply. Food security is the challenge, particularly in developing countries, of ensuring reliable access to affordable and healthy food. NASA satellite data has long been used to study crop conditions globally, but this new office represents a more targeted effort to enhance the utility of satellite data to people around the world. The consortium will partner with the Food Security Office at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and will be led by Inbal Becker-Reshef, of the University of Maryland's Department of Geographical Sciences, College Park. "NASA's observations of Earth's complex natural environment are critical to understanding the global food system. Through this partnership NASA is interested in how uses of remote sensing data can enhance organizations' planning and operations, and support broader food security assessments, commodity pricing, risk assessments, and policy analysis," said Christa Peters-Lidard, deputy director for hydrosphere, biosphere and geophysics in the Earth Sciences Division at Goddard. The consortium's core objectives are to enhance the use of Earth observations by key decision and policymakers, which can: increase food security and resilience reduce food price volatility and vulnerability improve awareness and understanding of the applications of NASA's and other satellite data products by users from a wide range of sectors. "Events such as food price spikes and food shortages related to severe weather illustrate the risks associated with knowledge gaps around food production and supply," said Becker-Reshef, associate research professor and co-lead of the university's Center for Global Agricultural Monitoring Research. "Satellite data can help identify areas vulnerable to things like drought, flooding and fire; as well as variability in soil, crop conditions, and yield status. The goal of this new consortium is to get this data into the hands of more people making decisions about agriculture and food production." NASA awarded the EOFSAC a total of $14.5 million over a five-year period through its Research Opportunities in Earth and Space Science grant program. The consortium aligns with NASA's priority to make its Earth observations freely and openly available to those seeking solutions to important global issues such as food security, changing freshwater availability and human health. This innovative effort will bring together top researchers, humanitarian aid organizations, economists, policymakers, agribusiness, defense and intelligence specialists, high-tech companies, financial experts and other disciplines and sectors. Collaborators include other U.S. institutions such as University of California Santa Barbara, Stanford University, University of Wisconsin, Texas A&M University, University of Vermont, U.S. Agency for International Development, U.S. Department of Agriculture; and a range of international organizations, United Nations organizations and ministries in countries like Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Argentina and Canada. "This innovative program will harness expertise from around the world to develop new solutions to challenges facing the global food supply," said Chris Justice, chair of the University of Maryland's Department of Geographical Sciences and scientific lead for the consortium. "Providing decision-makers with access to timely, objective, accurate and actionable information can strengthen food security, market stability and human livelihoods." ### For more than five decades, NASA has used the vantage point of space to understand and explore our home planet, improve lives, and safeguard our future. NASA brings together technology, science, and unique global Earth observations to provide societal benefits and strengthen our nation. These observations are openly available to those seeking solutions to important global issues such as changing freshwater availability, food security and human health. Learn more: COLUMBUS, Ohio -- What if you could look into the brains of potential drug abusers and see what messages would be most likely to persuade them to "just say no?" That's the ultimate goal of researchers whose new study scanned the brains of people while they watched anti-drug public service announcements (PSAs). The results provided new insights into how people at risk of drug use process anti-drug messages - and which messages they find most persuasive, said Richard Huskey, co-author of the study and assistant professor of communication at The Ohio State University. "It is very difficult to ask potential drug users which anti-drug PSAs work best. They are generally very defensive and are apt to say that none of the messages is convincing," Huskey said. "Even though they often say that none of the anti-drug messages are effective, their brains tell a different story." Huskey conducted the study with J. Michael Mangus and Rene Weber, colleagues from the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he received his doctoral degree, and Benjamin Turner of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. The study appears in the December 2017 issue of the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. For the study, 28 students at UCSB watched 32 real 30-second anti-drug PSAs while in an fMRI scanner. Half were at high risk of drug use and half were at low risk. Drug use risk was assessed with a validated self-report measure that the students had completed earlier. Later, the participants rated each PSA on how strong its arguments against drug use were and on "perceived message sensation value" - how exciting the video was and how much it aroused the emotions and senses. In analyzing the fMRI scans, the researchers looked specifically at connectivity patterns between different parts of the brain while the anti-drug messages played. The researchers then took the results from these 28 fMRI participants and used them to predict how two large samples of people who weren't scanned, but who did watch the same 32 PSAs, would rate the effectiveness of the messages. One group was 599 college students and the other was a nationally representative sample of 601 adolescents in the United States. These larger groups also included people who were at high risk for drug use and low risk. Results showed that the self-report data alone from the high-risk fMRI participants couldn't accurately predict if the larger groups of high-risk participants would say that any individual PSA was effective. That's not surprising, Huskey said, since drug users often either misidentify which messages are most effective or say that all the messages were equally ineffective. But when the researchers combined the self-report data from the high-risk fMRI participants with their brain scan data, they could do a much better job at predicting which PSAs the larger groups of at-risk participants would find persuasive. Specifically, they found that fMRI-measured connectivity between two parts of the brain - the middle frontal gyrus and the superior parietal lobe - significantly improved the accuracy in predicting which PSAs were most effective with this at-risk group. But the fMRI scans among low-risk subjects didn't help improve predictions of which videos participants would find most effective. "That's because low-risk subjects are accurately telling us which messages are most effective with them," Huskey said. "We don't need fancy technology to figure out which messages work best for people who are at low risk - we can just ask them." This study alone can't say exactly which messages will work with all people at risk of abusing drugs, Huskey said. In fact, the results suggest that there may be different types of drug users who will respond to different types of messages. The important point is that "we found neural evidence that people at risk for drug use are processing these anti-drug messages differently than other viewers," he said. "Some of the follow-up work we're doing is to better understand the various dimensions that put people at risk of using drugs so we can tailor messages in a more targeted way. This is just the first step in figuring out how to design messages that will be effective in discouraging drug use in these high-risk people." ### Contact: Richard Huskey In the largest, most rigorous study of its kind, acupuncture was found to significantly reduce the debilitating joint pain experienced by tens of thousands of women each year while being treated for early stage breast cancer, according to SWOG research results to be announced at a December 7 press conference at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. Investigators from SWOG, the global cancer clinical trials network funded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), conducted a randomized, blinded, multicenter trial, known as S1200, to test whether acupuncture is effective in alleviating pain caused by aromatase inhibitors, a common treatment for hormone sensitive breast cancers. Treating this pain effectively, without the use of opioids or other drugs, is a top cancer research priority. Tens of thousands of women each year are treated with aromatase inhibitors (AIs), pills that stop the production of estrogen and essentially starve hormone receptor-positive breast cancer cells. Some women are advised to take these pills daily for up to 10 years. But as a side effect of this therapy, many women - as many as 50 percent - experience joint pain and stiffness. This affects knees, hips, hands, and wrists, and makes it difficult for women to walk, sit, climb stairs, and perform simple tasks like typing or driving. "Some of my patients have difficulty getting out of a chair," said Dr. Dawn Hershman, the lead researcher of the study and a SWOG vice chair. "As a result, with no good treatment options for their pain and stiffness, many women stop their cancer treatment. This is probably the most commonly cited reason breast cancer patients stop taking AI medication. So we need a solution - one that doesn't include opioids or drugs that can be addictive or have serious side effects. We want women to continue their cancer treatment and have a good quality of life." SWOG researchers for years have chased a way to relieve AI pain - known as AI-Associated Musculoskeletal Syndrome (AIMSS). At last year's San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, Dr. N. Lynn Henry, a SWOG investigator from Huntsman Cancer Institute and co-chair of SWOG's Symptom Control and Quality of Life committee, presented findings that showed that the drug duloxetine, typically used to treat depression and anxiety, may effectively treat AIMSS. But many women don't want to take pills to relieve symptoms caused by other pills, according to Hershman, leader of the Breast Cancer Program at the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center and professor of medicine and epidemiology at Columbia. In a single-center study at Columbia, acupuncture showed promise. Hershman wanted to put it to the test in a larger, more rigorous study. Hershman and her team enrolled a total of 226 patients from 11 cancer centers nationwide and randomly assigned them to one of three arms. One group received true acupuncture. Another received sham acupuncture, a method of superficially inserting needles in different, non-therapeutic locations on the body. Finally, another group received no treatment at all. Patients got twice-weekly treatments for six weeks, then a weekly maintenance treatment for another six weeks. Patients reported on their pain before, during, and after treatment using a variety of methods. The primary endpoint - or key indicator for the trial - was the patient's level of worst pain using the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI-WP), a patient-reported measure, at the end of the first six weeks of treatment. Results showed that, on average, patients experienced less pain on the acupuncture arm compared with the sham and treatment-free arms. Patients experienced relief for 24 weeks. "This work strongly shows that true acupuncture results in better outcomes for women," said Dr. Katherine Crew, a SWOG executive officer, director of the Clinical Breast Cancer Prevention Program at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center and an associate professor of medicine and epidemiology at Columbia and a co-investigator on the study team. "I expect this work to influence medical practice, as well as insurers' willingness to reimburse for acupuncture during AI treatment." Hershman will present the study findings at a press conference to be held at 7:30 am CT on December 7 at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, one of the world's most prestigious breast cancer research meetings, which last year attracted 7,470 registrants from 93 countries. The Symposium is sponsored by the Cancer Therapy & Research Center (CTRC) at UT Health Science Center San Antonio, the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), and Baylor College of Medicine. ### Hershman's work was supported in part by NIH grants R01AT006376, NIH/NCI/DCP grant UG1CA189974 and legacy grant U10CA37429. Along with Drs. Hershman and Crew, the S1200 team includes: Joseph Unger, Ph.D, of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (FHCRC); Heather Greenlee, N.D., Ph.D., of FHCRC; Jillian Capodice, M.S., L.A.C. of Mount Sinai Hospital; Danika Lew, M.A., of FHCRC; Amy Darke, M.S. of FHCRC; Alice Kengla, M.D. of Kaiser Permanente Walnut Creek Medical Center; Marianne Melnik, M.D., of Spectrum Health Medical Group; Carla Jorgensen, M.D., of NCORP of the Carolinas; William Kreisle, M.D., of St. Luke's Mountain States Tumor Institute; Lori Minasian, M.D., of the National Cancer Institute's Division of Cancer Prevention; Michael Fisch, M.D., of AIM Specialty Health; and N. Lynn Henry, M.D., of Huntsman Cancer Institute. SWOG is a global network of researchers that design and conduct cancer clinical trials, and, as part of the Nation Cancer Institute's National Clinical Trials Network, is a major part of the cancer research infrastructure in the U.S. and the world. The group's goal is to change medical practice so it improves the lives of people with cancer. Founded in 1956, SWOG's over 1,300 trials have led to the approval of 14 cancer drugs, changed the standard of cancer care more than 100 times, and saved more than 3 million years of human life. Learn more at Researchers from Stanford and Duke University examined recent studies on the causes of gun violence in the United States in an effort to find consensus in a body of research that often covers different states or different time periods, making conclusions difficult to draw. The consensus of recent research shows that right-to-carry laws are linked with higher violent crime rates, according to a new Science paper co-authored by a Stanford professor. The analysis by John Donohue, a professor of law at Stanford, and Philip J. Cook at Duke University published Dec. 7 in Science and reports some emerging consensus in the studies. Among the findings was that lifting restrictions on concealed carry guns increases violent crime and that laws restricting gun ownership for people convicted of domestic violence reduced killings of female domestic partners. The authors hope their work can help guide policy-makers who are debating measures to reduce gun violence. The level of gun violence in the United States places it as an outlier among developed countries. In 2015, over 36,000 people died from gunfire, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with roughly two-thirds of those deaths being classified as suicide. America's gun-murder rate is 25 times that of the other high-income nations, and the gun-suicide rate is eight times as high. Despite these numbers, the last extensive analysis of research into the origins of gun violence, conducted in 2004, was inconclusive. "Fortunately, the flow of high-quality research has increased in recent years," the experts wrote in the paper. "With journals in a variety of disciplines increasingly receptive to original research on gun violence and regulation, there has been a surge of publication in this area after a long plateau." Concealed carry increases violent crime In the mid-1970s, all but five states had banned or severely limited concealed carry of firearms. But by 2014 all states except eight passed right-to-carry laws, which eased those restrictions. Understanding how that change affected crime has been challenging, however, because of the fluctuating nature of crime. "If a gun regulation is most likely to be enacted in jurisdictions that have recently experienced a surge in gun violence and if that surge is temporary, the result will be that implementation of the new measure is followed by a drop in crime, giving the false appearance that it was effective," the researchers wrote. During the crack cocaine epidemic of the late 1980s and the early 1990s, right-to-carry laws were adopted more often in states that had less of a crack problem. This means that any analysis of right-to-carry laws during that period will show those laws as beneficial unless researchers can adequately control for the influence of crack cocaine, which has proved to be quite difficult, Donohue said. "This problem has plagued every panel data analysis of RTC (right-to-carry) laws, except for those that started after the impact of crack had fully dissipated by the late 1990s and early 2000s," the researchers wrote. By analyzing studies from after that time period as well as recent research relying on new statistical techniques for assessing the impact of legal changes, the pair found an emerging consensus that deregulating concealed carry restrictions increases violent crime. This finding comes out of recent research published by Donohue and his team in June, as well as research from Duke and the University of Pennsylvania and from Boston University. "The dilemma for science is that you're always working with imperfect data and imperfect statistical models," Donohue said. "What's appealing about the current growing body of evidence on right-to-carry laws is that different researchers using different methodologies and different data sets are coming to similar conclusions ... We are all coalescing around the same message, and that's the best that science can do: Look at the imperfect data in different ways and see if a consistent story emerges." Domestic violence, harsher sentencing The researchers also analyzed studies exploring the effects of an amendment of the Gun Control Act of 1968 and the add-on sentencing laws adopted by a number of states during the 1970s and 1980s, which added prison time to crimes committed with a gun rather than a less lethal weapon. They found that the 1996 Gun Control Act amendment that prevented people with a misdemeanor conviction for domestic violence from owning guns reduced killings of female intimate partners. Gun murders for that group were reduced by 17 percent. Another research study analyzing a nearly 40-year time interval shows that harsher sentencing for crimes that involved firearms had the greatest effect on reducing aggravated robberies, decreasing them by 5 percent. Challenges of measuring reform Congress is currently considering a bill that would expand the ability of Americans to carry concealed weapons across state lines. The House of Representatives passed the measure Wednesday, and it is now headed to the Senate for approval. "If Congress moves on that proposal, suddenly everybody from, say, Louisiana or Arizona can come to California and start carrying concealed guns, which is quite a violation of the traditional notion of a state's right to decide who carries weapons within its borders," Donohue said. "The November 2016 referendum results showed that the very large majority of Californians wanted more gun control. Yet we may be in a position where Congress is undermining the desire of California voters on an issue that is ordinarily left up to local control." The Supreme Court is also likely to consider one of several cases involving conceal carry rights in the future because of conflicting rulings from intermediate courts of appeal, Donohue said. "Right now, more than ever, it seems pretty important for the Supreme Court justices to know what the best research says about right-to-carry laws," Donohue said. Despite advances in statistics that helped researchers tease out findings in the latest gun violence research, Donohue said that statistical research will never yield perfect answers. "These are complicated issues," Donohue said. "Nothing in statistics is 100 percent certain. Science advances our knowledge when sufficient evidence is amassed that points in a certain direction." ### Increased rates of important health screenings and access to GPs amongst people with an intellectual disability have been highlighted in a new report launched this week. These health gains, however, are potentially being offset by poorly managed chronic health problems and emerging social isolation issues amongst the same population. The report was conducted by The Intellectual Disability Supplement to The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA) by academics from Trinity College Dublin. The IDS-TILDA Wave 3 Report, entitled Health, Wellbeing and Social Inclusion: Ageing with an Intellectual Disability in Ireland, looked at how the ageing process is affecting the physical and mental health of those aged 40 years and over with an intellectual disability in Ireland. The report marks 10 years since the inception of IDS-TILDA, which is the first study of its kind in Europe and the only one in the world with the ability to compare the ageing of people with intellectual disability directly with the general ageing population. The launch of the report marked the United Nations' International Day of Disabled Persons (December 3rd). Physical and mental health: The report found that almost half of participants rated their health as excellent/very good and over three-quarters of participants were either satisfied or extremely satisfied with life. As well as continued high levels of access to GPs and other health care professionals, uptake of screenings for dementia, prostate cancer, cholesterol, and breast cancer now match or, in some cases, exceed that of the general population. However, significant challenges highlighted in this report include increased levels of chronic conditions that are not always being well managed. Overall, 28.3% of participants reported that they had no teeth at all, and 67.8% of participants with total tooth loss did not receive prosthetic dentures. This compares to only 5.3% of the general population who did not receive dentures. Chronic constipation rose from 17% in Wave 1 to 43% in Wave 3, placing people with an intellectual disability at increasing risk for pain, delirium, high levels of laxative use, and even death. Dementia continues to be very high for people with Down syndrome. Despite this, 47% of those with Down syndrome and without a diagnosis of dementia had never had any dementia assessment. This is of significant concern as the mean age of onset of dementia for people with Down syndrome within IDS-TILDA is 52 years of age. Lead author and principal investigator for the Irish Disability Supplement to The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA), Professor Mary McCarron said: "People with an intellectual disability deserve the same attention as the rest of the population when it comes to how we plan, deliver and evaluate services. It's heartening to see the increased uptake of some screenings. However, significant differences in the prevalence of such chronic health conditions between the general population and people with an intellectual disability highlights the need for targeted health intervention programmes for oral health, bowel health, brain health, medication management and preventative care." Social connectedness: The report also highlighted serious social isolation issues faced by people with an intellectual disability that run contrary to the ideas underpinning the decongregration policy introduced by Government six years ago. Key issues included a decrease in the rate of individuals moving to community-based settings (11.4 % in Wave 3 compared to 26.7% at Wave 2) and increased numbers of older people with an intellectual disability living further away from family compared to Wave 2. The report also highlighted a continued reliance of older people with an intellectual disability on siblings and their families. Respondents continued to have the highest rates of frequent contacts with their mothers and fathers, but fewer still had living parents and this trend will inevitably continue as they age. A concern, according to the report authors, is that many older people with an intellectual disability lose the people with whom they have their most frequent social contacts, and this may have knock-on effects on their social participation more broadly and overall quality of life, while also raising questions about long-term living arrangements. The report also found that a large majority of those living in institutional settings reported co-resident friends but fewer than half had any non-resident friends. This compares to a large majority of respondents living independently or with family who reported friendships outside their home. In addition, while the rate of participating in social and leisure activities had increased from Wave 1, the proportion of respondents who did these activities in their local community actually decreased. The report found little change in the use of technology and social media to enhance the social and community participation of older people with intellectual disability. Professor McCarron continued: "We are all working hard to increase community-based moves and to improve social connectedness, but the Wave 3 report has highlighted that movement over time is more likely to be about movement to settings with more supports, largely due to changing health needs. This raises two questions: what additional community supports are needed so that people with an intellectual disability may age in place and how can we better manage chronic conditions, especially in community settings?" "Our findings are critical for the proper planning of services as we seek to realise the fullest lives possible for people with an intellectual disability and to support people living within their communities for longer. Unless we address some of the challenges outlined in this report, people living with an intellectual disability will continue to age in poor health." Minister of State for Disability Issues, Finian McGrath, added: "The work being carried out by IDS-TILDA is providing evidence to inform education, practice and policy, to address challenges, and to enhance the lived experiences of people with an intellectual disability as they age. Ultimately, this research is changing the delivery of care for people with an intellectual disability and building a dynamic new generation of researchers and practitioners who are investigating the complex nature of ageing for people with an intellectual disability. Importantly, people with an intellectual disability are involved in informing research questions and delivering training. I am a strong advocate of people with intellectual disabilities being afforded the opportunity to manage their own lives where possible and I witness this happening on a daily basis with great pleasure. This is something that I want us to celebrate proudly as we recognise the International Day of Disabled Persons." Among surviving participants, the Wave 3 response rate was 95.5%, a rate rarely reported in longitudinal studies, and is indicative of the level of sustained engagement between re-searchers, participants, family members, carers and the entire intellectual disability community. Key findings: Physical and mental health: 28.3% of participants reported that they had no teeth at all, with 50% of those aged 65+ reporting no teeth at all. When total tooth loss occurred, 67.8% did not receive prosthetic dentures to restore function. This compares to only 5.3% of the general population without teeth who did not receive dentures (as measured by TILDA wave 3). Reported diagnosis of constipation increased from 17.3% in Wave 1 to 43.5% in Wave 3. 35.5% of people with Down syndrome had a doctor's diagnosis of dementia, which rose from 15.6% in Wave 1. However, dementia screening within the last two years rose from 14.5% in Wave 1 to 30.5% in Wave 3 for all and for people with Down syndrome from 13.9% in Wave 1 to 61.4% in Wave 3. Dementia screening within the last two years rose from 14.5% in Wave 1 to 30.5% in Wave 3 overall and from 13.9% in Wave 1 to 61.4% in people with Down syndrome. Doctor's diagnosis of osteoporosis at 21%, had increased almost three-fold since Wave 1; but remained lower than objectively measured osteoporosis at 42% reported in Wave 2. Objectively measured overweight and obesity increased from 66% in Wave 2 to 79.7% in Wave 3 meaning it was now similar to rates reported by TILDA for the general older population. Polypharmacy remained high in Wave 3 at 39.5% and excessive polypharmacy (5-9 medications) at 32.7%. Prevalence of depression, as measured using the GDS-LD, was significantly higher than that in the general population with 10% of participants reporting symptoms. There was no significant difference in prevalence of depression between those in institutions (11.1%) and community group homes (11.3%). Social connectedness: Older people with an intellectual disability continued to be more socially excluded than their counterparts in the general population; while those with severe-profound levels of ID and those living in institutional settings remain the most excluded across practically all measures. Overall there has been a decrease in the number of older people with an intellectual disability who live in close proximity to their family members. The vast majority of respondents had friends (92.4%), the most common type being a co-resident friend (71.8%); however, a majority also reported they had friends outside their home (62.0%), and a similar number reported their keyworker/support staff were their friend (62.5%). Just over half (56.6%) reported that they had a best friend and almost two-thirds (63.2%) said that their best friend was someone with an intellectual disability. The vast majority of older people with an intellectual disability continued to engage in a broad range of social activities and most do these activities within their local communities; while the most popular organisations were 'Sports, Social or Leisure Club', 'Arts or Music' and 'Advocacy Group'. 'Special Olympics' fell from the first to fourth most popular between Waves 1 and 3. Older people with ID continue to be dependent on others for their transport, in contrast to the general older population. Overall, 92.7% were driven as a passenger (just one person reported driving themselves), while just 29.7% used bus transport. Just over a quarter of respondents felt that a lack of transport facilities in their area affected their lifestyle (25.2%), and that they would like to use more public transport (26.7%). ### For the full report, please visit: More must be done to tackle air pollution in China, according to a leading climate change expert in a new study published today in the journal Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters. Professor Wang Hui-Jun, from the Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, outlines five specific ways in which the issue could be more effectively managed. These steps, which can also be applied to other heavily polluted countries, center upon the need to conduct more research to better identify the cause of the pollution, and create more effective prevention and control methods. Specifically, these strategies are: Identifying the role of human-caused emissions on climate change. Understanding what other factors (particularly, climate change and variability) affect air quality. Recognizing the formation process and creating in advance prevention and control regulations. Promoting the seasonal prediction of air pollution. Implementing stricter air pollution prevention and control policies in key areas such as central North China. It is emphasized in the paper that behind all the action points outlined, deepening scientific understanding of air pollution is crucial in order to better manage the problem. In China, the pollution problem has progressively worsened. At the same time, both the public and government departments lack the necessary knowledge of its formation, the causes, and ongoing management. China has invested substantial financial, human, and material resources in reducing the emissions of pollutants, and in promoting scientific research and technological development to support the protection of the atmosphere. Research has even been supported by organizations such as the Ministry of Science and Technology, the China Environment Protection Agency, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China. However, Professor Wang outlines that so far, the actual effects of current attempts to control and manage haze pollution in the country are very limited, with air pollution still occurring frequently. One such recent example occurred in Tianjin and the surrounding areas, when a continuous outbreak of a wide-ranging and persistent haze pollution on 17 December 2016 caused two long-term severe haze pollution processes within 20 days. Professor Wang comments, "The motivation of this paper is to offer some clarification on the key issues related to haze attribution and control measures. It is hoped that if these guidelines are put into practice the solution to the problem could be more achievable." ### This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41421004) and the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2016YFA0600704) NOTE TO JOURNALISTS When referencing the article: Please include Journal title, author, published by Taylor & Francis and the following statement: * Read the full article online: For an interview, please contact: Name: Liu Xiaochun Email: About Taylor & Francis Group Taylor & Francis Group partners with researchers, scholarly societies, universities and libraries worldwide to bring knowledge to life. As one of the world's leading publishers of scholarly journals, books, ebooks and reference works our content spans all areas of Humanities, Social Sciences, Behavioural Sciences, Science, and Technology and Medicine. From our network of offices in Oxford, New York, Philadelphia, Boca Raton, Boston, Melbourne, Singapore, Beijing, Tokyo, Stockholm, New Delhi and Cape Town, Taylor & Francis staff provide local expertise and support to our editors, societies and authors and tailored, efficient customer service to our library colleagues. For more information please contact: Krystina Sihdu, Press & Media Relations Executive Email: Follow us on Twitter: @tandfnewsroom A team of Australian scientists has discovered a new species of marsupial lion which has been extinct for at least 19 million years. The findings, published in the Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, are based on fossilised remains of the animal's skull, teeth, and humerus (upper arm bone) found by University of New South Wales (UNSW) scientists in the Riversleigh World Heritage Area of remote north-western Queensland. Named in honour of palaeoartist Peter Schouten, Wakaleo schouteni was a predator that stalked Australia's abundant rainforests some 18 to 26 million years ago in the late Oligocene to early Miocene era. This meat-eating marsupial is estimated to have been about the size of a dog and weighed around 23 kilograms. The new species is about a fifth of the weight of the largest and last surviving marsupial lion, Thylacoleo carnifex, that weighed in at around 130 kilograms and which has been extinct for 30,000 years. Members of this family, the Thylacoleonidae, had highly distinct large, blade-like, flesh-cutting premolars that they used to tear up prey. The discovery comes just a year after the fossilised remains of a kitten-sized marsupial lion were found in the same famous fossil site in Queensland. The UNSW scientists named that miniature predator Microleo attenboroughi after broadcasting legend Sir David Attenborough. With this new find, the researchers believe that two different species of marsupial lion were present in the late Oligocene at least 25 million years ago. The other, originally named Priscileo pitikantensis, but renamed Wakaleo pitikantensis, was slightly smaller and was identified from teeth and limb bones discovered near Lake Pitikanta in South Australia in 1961. This latest discovery reveals that the new species (W. schouteni) exhibits many skull and dental features of the genus Wakaleo but it also shared a number of similarities with P. pitikantensis - particularly the presence of three upper premolars and four molars, previously the diagnostic feature of Priscileo. Further similarities of the teeth and humerus which are shared with W. schouteni indicate that P. pitikantensis is a species of Wakaleo. According to the authors, these dental similarities distinguish W. schouteni and W. pitikantensis from later species of this genus, all of which show premolar and molar reduction, and suggest that they are the most primitive members of the genus. Lead author Dr Anna Gillespie, a palaeontologist from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney, Australia says that the latest finding raises new questions about the evolutionary relationships of marsupial lions: "The identification of these new species have brought to light a level of marsupial lion diversity that was quite unexpected and suggest even deeper origins for the family." ### NOTE TO JOURNALISTS When referencing the article: Please include Journal title, author, published by Taylor & Francis and the following statement: * Read the full article online: PLEASE NOTE: This link will not be live until 12:01am GMT 7th December 2017 For an interview, please contact: Dr Anna Gillespie Email: About Taylor & Francis Group Taylor & Francis Group partners with researchers, scholarly societies, universities and libraries worldwide to bring knowledge to life. As one of the world's leading publishers of scholarly journals, books, ebooks and reference works our content spans all areas of Humanities, Social Sciences, Behavioural Sciences, Science, and Technology and Medicine. From our network of offices in Oxford, New York, Philadelphia, Boca Raton, Boston, Melbourne, Singapore, Beijing, Tokyo, Stockholm, New Delhi and Cape Town, Taylor & Francis staff provide local expertise and support to our editors, societies and authors and tailored, efficient customer service to our library colleagues. For more information please contact: Krystina Sihdu, Press & Media Relations Executive Email: Follow us on Twitter: @tandfnewsroom In a first-of-its-kind study, Mount Sinai researchers are using adaptive optics (AO) to analyze retinal eye damage from the August solar eclipse on a cellular level. The research could help doctors develop a deeper understanding of this rare condition, called solar retinopathy, which has no currently accepted treatment. Adaptive optics is a sophisticated technology that allows clinicians to examine microscopic structures of the eye in living patients with extreme detail in real time. Before the development of AO, researchers could only see this level of detail on glass slides with a microscope. A team of scientists from the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai (NYEE) and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai used this state-of-the-art imaging technology to get a precise view of how much individual cellular damage resulted from the solar eclipse, something that has never been done before. The findings were published in the December 7 online issue of JAMA Ophthalmology. "We have never seen the cellular damage from an eclipse because this event rarely happens and we haven't had this type of advanced technology to examine solar retinopathy until recently," said lead investigator Avnish Deobhakta, MD, Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. "NYEE is one of the few sites in North America with access to this technology, and using this to get an exact look at this retinal damage on such a precise level will help clinicians better understand the condition." Mount Sinai investigators used AO imaging on a patient who looked at the sun during the eclipse for 21 seconds without protective eyewear. Four hours later, the patient developed blurry distortion in both eyes and could only see the color black. NYEE specialists examined her three days later and found she had burned a hole in her retinas and diagnosed her with solar retinopathy and photochemical burns. Using this technology, researchers obtained high-resolution images of the damaged photoreceptors, which may provide a deeper understanding of the condition that could one day lead to the development of treatments. "It's exciting to be able to see such a correlation between the patient's symptoms and the photoreceptor injury on a cellular level. Hopefully this research allows us to potentially develop future therapies for solar retinopathy and other forms of photic injury to the retina," said Chris Wu, MD, a resident physician at New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai. "This study can prepare doctors and patients for the next eclipse in 2024, and make them more informed of the risks of directly viewing the sun without protective eyewear." ### About the Mount Sinai Health System The Mount Sinai Health System is New York City's largest integrated delivery system encompassing seven hospital campuses, a leading medical school, and a vast network of ambulatory practices throughout the greater New York region. Mount Sinai's vision is to provide the safest care, the highest quality, the highest satisfaction, the best access and the best value of any health system in the nation. The System includes approximately 7,100 primary and specialty care physicians; 10 joint-venture ambulatory surgery centers; more than 140 ambulatory practices throughout the five boroughs of New York City, Westchester, Long Island, and Florida; and 31 affiliated community health centers. Physicians are affiliated with the renowned Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, which is ranked among the highest in the nation in National Institutes of Health funding per investigator. The Mount Sinai Hospital is ranked No. 18 on U.S. News & World Report's "Honor Roll" of top U.S. hospitals; it is one of the nation's top 20 hospitals in Cardiology/Heart Surgery, Diabetes/Endocrinology, Gastroenterology/GI Surgery, Geriatrics, Nephrology, and Neurology/Neurosurgery, and in the top 50 in four other specialties in the 2017-2018 "Best Hospitals" issue. Mount Sinai's Kravis Children's Hospital also is ranked in six out of ten pediatric specialties by U.S. News & World Report. The New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai is ranked 12th nationally for Ophthalmology and 50th for Ear, Nose, and Throat, while Mount Sinai Beth Israel, Mount Sinai St. Luke's and Mount Sinai West are ranked regionally. For more information, visit, or find Mount Sinai on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. St. George, Utah -- Dec. 6, 2017 -- DxNA LLC, a molecular diagnostics company, today announced the regulatory clearance by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market its molecular test for rapid detection of Coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever) using DxNA's GeneSTAT.MDx Coccidioides test and proprietary GeneSTAT System. The GeneSTAT.MDx Coccidioides test on the GeneSTAT System is intended to provide a definitive diagnosis for both Coccidioides strains that cause Coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever). The DxNA test significantly improves the time to results over current diagnostic methods. The cleared test provides for the availability of molecular testing for the disease at clinical laboratories and healthcare facilities where patients with the disease are primarily seen rather than requiring specimens to be sent to reference laboratories. The high performance Valley Fever test on the GeneSTAT System was developed based on intellectual property exclusively licensed from the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) and Northern Arizona University (NAU) in Flagstaff, Arizona. Currently, definitive testing is done by culture to grow the fungus in a Biosafety Level 3 laboratory, which is time consuming, up to 21 days, and exposes laboratory personnel to the highly infective fungus. The highly sensitive and reproducible GeneSTAT test (Sensitivity 100%, Specificity 99.6%, Reproducibility 100%) is performed directly on the patient specimen, providing a same-day result and significantly reducing the time to a definitive diagnosis and appropriate care. "We are very pleased to announce the FDA clearance of our novel GeneSTAT.MDx Coccidioides test on our GeneSTAT system," said David Taus, CEO of DxNA LLC. "We appreciate the contributions from our development partners, clinical sites, and the FDA review team to move this important diagnostic test forward. We now look forward to bringing our unique Valley Fever test to the market in order to provide patients and their health care providers the potential for a much earlier and more definitive Valley Fever diagnosis. "This significant achievement for DxNA also facilitates development of other high value molecular diagnostic tests on our FDA-cleared and CE-marked GeneSTAT platform," Taus said. The Valley Fever Center for Excellence, under the direction of Dr. John Galgiani, and TGen, under the direction of Dr. Paul Keim and Dr. David Engelthaler, have been instrumental in working with DxNA in the process of developing the assay, providing clinical perspective and assisting with the clinical trial. "Valley Fever is such an important disease for those who live in or visit the Grand Canyon state or many other places in the southwest. We certainly can use better tools to help doctors diagnose it," said Dr. Galgiani. Dr. Paul Keim, Regents' Professor in Biology and Cowden Endowed Chair in Microbiology, and Executive Director, The Pathogen and Microbiome Institute at NAU; and Professor, TGen Pathogen and Microbiome Division, said: "This is a milestone in our efforts to battle this devastating disease and to improve the health of our citizens. It has been a long journey that started with an idea of how to design a better diagnostics assay and is now ready for physicians to use." Dr. David Engelthaler, Co-Director and Associate Professor, TGen Pathogen and Microbiome Division, said: "TGen has been working on Valley Fever for more than 10 years, and we are glad to see commercial partners like DxNA are able to translate our research into new medical tools to help doctors better identify the Valley Fever fungus in their patients." DxNA's clearance follows the successful completion of a multi-center clinical study that focused on comparing the GeneSTAT Valley Fever assay to the current gold standard for diagnosing Valley Fever. The clinical study was carried out at three centers in Arizona and New Mexico, and included California samples: Banner Healthcare and Laboratory Sciences of Arizona; University of Arizona, under the direction of Dr. Michael Saubolle, System Medical Director, Infectious Diseases Division, Laboratory Sciences of Arizona/Sonora Quest Laboratories, Banner Health, Banner-University Medical Center Phoenix; TriCore Reference Laboratories in New Mexico under direction of Dr. Stephen Young, Professor Emeritus of Pathology, University of New Mexico, and Director of Research & Clinical Trials, TriCore Reference Laboratories; The Infectious Disease Research Core (IDRC) at the Bio5 Institute under the direction of Dr. Anne Wertheimer, Assistant Professor, Associate Director of the IDRC, and Director of Diagnostic Laboratory Sciences within the Applied Biosciences Graduate Interdisciplinary Program University of Arizona. Clinical Site Comments: Dr. Michael Saubolle: "FDA clearance of the GeneSTAT Coccidioides Assay which uses a 106-bp target sequence repeated multiple times, provides greater opportunity for clinical laboratories to implement broadly a test that is both sensitive and specific and can reduce time to diagnosis of coccidioidomycosis. Availability of this test allows more efficacious diagnosis of coccidioidomycosis in patients with negative early serologies or those with compromised immune responses." Dr. Stephen Young: "The FDA clearance of this test will significantly reduce the time required for laboratory diagnosis of Coccidioides and should result in significantly better outcomes for patients with this infectious disease." Dr Anne Wertheimer: "Sample handling and processing using the GeneSTAT coccidioides assay is straightforward and well-controlled. The self-contained assay in the cartridge format gave us confidence in the assay's performance and validity. It was very robust for use by both entry level as well as highly skilled technicians and eliminates exposure of lab personnel to highly infectious culture." ### About DxNA LLC DxNA LLC is a molecular diagnostics company that develops and distributes portable, integrated systems and tests for infectious disease in the medical, agricultural, food safety, and biosecurity markets. The Company's systems and technologies enable rapid and precise molecular testing to take place on-site by allowing for otherwise complex laboratory procedures to be performed almost anywhere. DxNA LLC is a privately held company located in St. George, Utah. About TGen Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) is a Phoenix, Arizona-based non-profit organization dedicated to conducting groundbreaking research with life changing results. TGen is focused on helping patients with neurological disorders, cancer, diabetes, and infectious diseases, through cutting edge translational research (the process of rapidly moving research towards patient benefit). TGen physicians and scientists work to unravel the genetic components of both common and rare complex diseases in adults and children. Working with collaborators in the scientific and medical communities literally worldwide, TGen makes a substantial contribution to help our patients through efficiency and effectiveness of the translational process. TGen is affiliated with City of Hope, a world-renowned independent research and cancer and diabetes treatment center: This precision medicine affiliation enables both institutes to complement each other in research and patient care, with City of Hope providing a significant clinical setting to advance scientific discoveries made by TGen. For more information, visit: Follow TGen on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter @TGen About NAU Northern Arizona University is a high-research university with a statewide enrollment of 31,000 students. More than 22,000 students attend the Flagstaff campus, with more than 8,000 students enrolled online and at Extended Campus sites statewide. Research in genetics, forestry and ecology has drawn international recognition to the university, which also is highly regarded for its education, business and engineering programs. NAU represents 127 tribal nations and is on its way to becoming the nation's leading university serving Native American/Alaskan and Hawaiian Native cultures. NAU launched competency-based Personalized Learning in 2013, the first self-paced, online education program that cuts the cost and time to an undergraduate degree. For more information, visit Follow NAU on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter. About Valley Fever Center for Excellence The UA Valley Fever Center for Excellence was established in 1996 by the Arizona Board of Regents for the benefit of the entire state. Based at the University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson, the center has developed a research base, including all three of the state's universities and an information program for both the scientific community and the general public. Much of the center's research is conducted at the University of Arizona BIO5 Institute. About University of Arizona Bio5 Institute The BIO5 Institute at the University of Arizona mobilizes the collaboration of top researchers in agriculture, bioengineering, biomedicine, pharmacy, basic science, and biotechnology to find creative solutions to humanity's most pressing health and environmental challenges. BIO5 encourages an entrepreneurial culture, with scientists working across disciplines to accelerate commercial applications of research breakthroughs. Since 2001, this interdisciplinary approach has been an international model of how to conduct collaborative research, and has resulted in improved food crops, innovative diagnostics, devices, technologies, and promising new therapies. Learn more at About Sonora Quest Laboratories Sonora Quest Laboratories, a joint venture between Banner Health and Quest Diagnostics (NYSE: DGX), is part of the nation's largest integrated laboratory system with approximately 3,100 employees serving more than 23,000 patients every day throughout Arizona. Sonora Quest Laboratories is the market share leader in clinical laboratory testing in Arizona, performing more than 60 million diagnostic tests per year. Sonora Quest Laboratories offers a local comprehensive test menu, which encompasses routine, molecular, prescription drug monitoring, genetics/genomics, and pathology testing services. Ninety-eight percent of all testing is performed at our primary testing facilities located in Tempe, Tucson, Flagstaff, Prescott and Yuma. Sonora Quest Laboratories is accredited by the College of American Pathologists (CAP), which is the gold standard in laboratory accreditation, helping laboratories to maintain accuracy of test results and ensure accurate patient diagnosis. This accreditation ensures the highest standard of care for all laboratory patients as CAP inspectors examine laboratory staff qualifications, equipment, facilities, safety program and records, and overall management. For more information, visit About TriCore Reference Laboratories TriCore Reference Laboratories is an independent, not-for-profit clinical reference laboratory founded and headquartered in Albuquerque, NM, co-sponsored by Presbyterian Healthcare Services and University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center. TriCore provides over 1,700 full-service, state-of-the-art laboratory tests to healthcare professionals and their patients. TriCore also provides analytics and research services, supporting healthcare and scientific organizations worldwide. For more information, visit About Valley Fever Valley Fever is a fungal infection caused by Coccidioides organisms that typically enter the body through the lungs. While the majority of people who are infected do not develop significant symptoms, a portion of infected patients develop symptoms that can be highly debilitating including cough, chest pain, fever, night sweats and fatigue. Given that these symptoms are similar to other respiratory diseases that are caused by bacteria or viruses, Valley Fever is often misdiagnosed and mistreated as pneumonia or cancer. As such an early definitive diagnostic is critical to optimal patient care and contributes to better antibiotic stewardship. Media Contacts Lori Christiansen Vice President Marketing & Sales 415-531-1656 Steve Yozwiak TGen Senior Science Writer 602-343-8704 Magnetic gels are the new generation of "smart" composite materials. They consist of a polymer medium and nano- or micro-dimensional magnetic particles embedded in it. These composites are frequently used in magnetically controlled shock absorbers, stabilizers, safety systems, mechanical stress amplifiers, as well as in engineering and in biotechnology (for the purpose of regeneration of biological tissues). A remarkable feature of magnetic gels is their ability to change their elastic properties under the influence of moderately strong magnetic fields (fields easily provided in laboratories). However, the dependence of elastic characteristics of these materials on the external field remains a poorly studied issue. Recently, the physical nature of these dependencies was investigated in by a professor of the Ural Federal University, Alexander Zubarev. He presented his findings at the international conference IBEREO 2017 (Valencia, Spain, 6-8 September). Magnetic gels is a relatively "young" type of composite multifunctional materials. The first studies on their synthesis date back to the late 1980s - early 1990s, but they began to be studies in earnest only ten years ago. Depending on the area of their application, magnetic gels are manufactured on the basis of both synthetic and biological polymers. The size of the embedded magnetic particles varies from scores of nanometers to scores of microns. One of the most interesting features of magnetic gels is their ability to change their mechanical properties (coefficients of elasticity and viscoelasticity) by several times and even orders of magnitude under the influence of moderate magnetic fields, easily created in laboratories and in industry. These unique properties are based on the ability of magnetic particles to preserve the most energetically favorable mutual position in a magnetic field of a given magnitude. When the material is deformed, this arrangement is disrupted, but the particles, under the influence of magnetic interaction forces, tend to return to it. This generates an additional, often very strong, elastic reaction of the material to its deformation. The ability to control the elastic response of a magnetic gel with a magnetic field is very promising for many industrial and medical technologies. It has been demonstrated that the magnetoelastic phenomena in magnetic gels are largely determined by the initial spatial arrangement of the particles in the carrier polymer. In the new work of Andrei Zubarev (professor of the Department of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Ural Federal University, Russia), the deformations of a polymer sample with an initial homogeneous (as a molecule in gas) spatial distribution of magnetizable particles were investigated. The results achieved by Zubarev and his colleagues reveal the peculiarities of the change in the mutual arrangement of particles under the influence of the field and the general deformation of the composite, the influence of these features on the elasticity coefficients of the material. The theory predicts the possibility of radical increase of the stiffness of the composite in an external field. In the future, scientists are going to work with materials that are synthesized in an external magnetic field. In this case, the particles, under the influence of magnetic attraction, form different structures (linear chains, dense columns, etc.), which are able to greatly strengthen both the elastic properties of the material and the magnetomechanical phenomena in it. ### The paper presented: Non-linear and hysteretic rheological properties of magneto-polymer composites (Book of Abstracts of International Conference IBEREO 2017, The multidisciplinary Science of Rheology, Valencia, Spain, 6-8 September 2017). Countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and South America have seen a rise in incidence of inflammatory bowel disease as they have become increasingly industrialised and westernised, a new study has found. The research, a collaboration between the University of Birmingham, the University of Calgary, Canada, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, is the most definitive and comprehensive study of the global epidemiology of inflammatory bowel disease. Future research should now focus on identifying environmental risk factors observed during the early stages of industrialization of society in order to highlight avenues to prevent the development of the disease. The data also highlights the need for research into prevention of inflammatory bowel disease and innovations in health-care systems to manage this complex and costly disease. The study, published in The Lancet, was a systematic review of 147 world-wide observational studies reporting on the incidence or prevalence of two of the main conditions of inflammatory bowel disease - Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis - between 1990 and 2016. Professor Subrata Ghosh, Director of the Institute of Translational Medicine, said: "Our study shows that, at the turn of the 21st century, inflammatory bowel disease has become a global disease with accelerating incidence in newly industrialised countries whose societies have become more westernised. "We have shown an accelerating incidence in countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and South America that mirrors inflammatory bowel disease incidence in the Western world during the latter half of the 20th century." Dr Gilaad Kaplan, of the University of Calgary in Canada, said: "While our study demonstrates a paradigm shift whereby the incidence of inflammatory bowel disease in most Western countries has begun to stabilize and in some regions decrease, it is important to note that the prevalence of the disease is now 0.3% of the population in North America, Australia and most countries in Europe. "The high prevalence of this disease in the Western world will challenge clinicians and health policy makers to provide quality and cost-efficient care to patients with this condition." Professor Siew Ng, of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, adds: "The rapid increase in incidence in many countries, especially in children, within one to two decades suggests strong environmental influence within a genetically susceptible population. "The peak in the incidence of this disease has likely not transpired in newly industrialized countries. Consequently, these countries will need to prepare their clinical infrastructure and personnel to manage what is a complex and costly disease to treat." ### For further information or interviews contact Emma McKinney, Press Office, University of Birmingham, at 44-121-414-6681 or contact the Press Office out of hours on 44-7789-921165. NOTES TO EDITORS The University of Birmingham is ranked amongst the world's top 100 institutions. Its work brings people from across the world to Birmingham, including researchers, teachers and more than 5,000 international students from over 150 countries. Ng et al (2017). 'Worldwide incidence and prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease in the 21st century: a systematic review of population-based studies'. The Lancet. DOI: Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are important and as yet unexplained diseases affecting the intestine with considerable morbidity, loss of productivity and a high societal cost. It often affects young people and children at the peak of their productive life. It affects about 300,000 people in United Kingdom and the disease is prevalent in Western industrialised countries including Australia and New Zealand. The researchers identified 147 studies that were eligible for final inclusion in the systematic review, including 119 studies of incidence and 69 studies of prevalence. The highest reported prevalence values were in Europe (ulcerative colitis 505 per 100?000 in Norway; Crohn's disease 322 per 100?000 in Germany) and North America (ulcerative colitis 286 per 100?000 in the USA; Crohn's disease 319 per 100?000 in Canada). The prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease exceeded 0* 3% in North America, Oceania, and many countries in Europe. Overall, 16 (72* 7%) of 22 studies on Crohn's disease and 15 (83* 3%) of 18 studies on ulcerative colitis reported stable or decreasing incidence of inflammatory bowel disease in North America and Europe. Since 1990, incidence has been rising in newly industrialised countries in Africa, Asia, and South America, including Brazil for Crohn's disease +11* 1% [95% CI 4* 8-17* 8] and APC for ulcerative colitis +14* 9% [10* 4-19* 6]) and Taiwan (APC for Crohn's disease +4* 0% [1* 0-7* 1] and APC for ulcerative colitis +4* 8% [1* 8-8* 0]). Freshwater resources are critical to both human civilization and natural ecosystems, but UBC researchers have discovered that changes to ground vegetation can have as much of an impact on global water resources as climate change. UBC Okanagan Earth, Environmental and Geographic Sciences Professor Adam Wei, PhD candidate Qiang Li and researchers from the Chinese Academy of Forestry recently published a study examining the impacts of how changes in forest vegetation effect water supplies. Using several decades worth of data, their work examined how water resources are responsive to vegetation ground cover and climate change. "As we urbanize land and continue to convert forests for other uses, our water regimes change," says Wei. "We end up with the systems we do not design for, and entire watersheds are being affected." Forested areas are critically important water resources, explains Li. But as land is developed or the green vegetation is destroyed, watersheds are irreversibly damaged. "We need to recognize the importance of vegetation," says Li. "Forest cover is an important element and we need to keep this in mind for the future. Scientists talk about how climate change affects waterwhen they measure global warming. We're suggesting they also need to keep an eye on forest vegetation. It's a key indicator of the health of our water resources." Forests cover more than 30 per cent of the world's land surface and Li says about 21 per cent of the global population directly depends on these catchments for their water supply. Using computer modelling, the researchers examined historical data from 2000 to 2011. They looked at changes in land vegetation and annual water yield in boreal and tropical forests in locations such as British Columbia, Canada, Russia, Brazil, Finland and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Along with development, intensive forest logging, fire, and insect infestation were reasons for forest and ground vegetation loss. "Our simulations show that the average global alteration in annual water flow due to vegetation change is as high as 31 per cent. Our results also show that on average, in 51 per cent of the study area, vegetation change and climate change operate together and can lead to either fewer water resources, meaning higher chances of drought, or an increase in water supply and higher chances of devastating floods." These findings have far-reaching implications for assessing and managing future global water resources, says Wei. "Our watersheds and landscapes are experiencing significant pressures from vegetation or land cover change and climate change," he adds. "Because vegetation change and climate change play a similar role in water resources change, ignoring either one will likely lead to an incomplete understanding and ineffective management of our future water resources, particularly for the regions where intensive forest change occurs." Future water resource assessment must, he says, consider both climate and vegetation or land cover change, and our management paradigm should be shifted from "adapting and mitigating climate change impacts" to "managing both climate and land cover change together." ### This research was recently published in Global Change Biology and was partially funded by grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Research Program for Public-welfare Forestry and the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Narwhals released after entanglement in nets and outfitted with heart monitors performed a series of deep dives, swimming hard to escape, while their heart rates dropped to unexpectedly low levels of three to four beats per minute. This combination of hard exercise and low heart rate while not breathing under water is costly and could make it difficult for the deep-diving whales to get enough oxygen to the brain and other critical organs, according to a new study. "How do you run away while holding your breath? These are deep-diving marine mammals, but we were not seeing normal dives during the escape period. I have to wonder how narwhals protect their brains and maintain oxygenation in this situation," said Terrie Williams, a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at UC Santa Cruz who has studied exercise physiology in a wide range of marine and terrestrial mammals. Williams is first author of a paper on the new findings published December 8 in Science. Narwhals, known as "unicorns of the sea" for the large tusks on the males, live year-round in Arctic waters. They have been relatively isolated from human disturbances until recently, when declines in Arctic sea ice have made the region more accessible to shipping, oil exploration, and other human activities. Narwhals monitored after release gradually returned to more typical behavior and normal heart rates. But Williams said she worries that the stress from human disturbances could cause behavioral responses in narwhals that are inconsistent with their physiological capacities. Their natural escape response to avoid killer whales and other threats typically involves moving slowly either to great depths or into shallow coastal areas beneath ice cover where killer whales can't follow. "This is not a speedy animal," she explained. A decreased heart rate (called bradycardia) is a normal part of the mammalian dive response, along with other physiological changes to conserve oxygen. In narwhals, the researchers measured resting heart rates at the surface of about 60 beats per minute. During normal dives (after the escape period), their heart rates dropped to between 10 and 20 beats per minute, depending on exercise level. Heart rate normally rises with increased exercise, even during a dive. "That's what is so paradoxical about this escape response--it seems to cancel out the exercise response and maintains extreme bradycardia even when the whales are exercising hard," Williams said. The extremely low heart rates that Williams observed in fleeing narwhals are similar to those seen in animals with a "freeze reaction," one of two mutually exclusive responses animals can have to perceived threats, the other being a "fight or flight" response that revs up heart rate and metabolism. The narwhals, in their response to a stressful situation, seem to combine elements of a physiological freeze reaction with a behavioral flight reaction, with potentially harmful consequences. "For terrestrial mammals, these opposing signals to the heart can be problematic," Williams said. "Escaping marine mammals are trying to integrate a dive response on top of an exercise response on top of a fear response. This is a lot of physiological balancing, and I wonder if deep-diving marine mammals are designed to deal with three different signals coming to the heart at the same time." The same phenomenon may occur in other deep-diving whales when they are disturbed by human-generated noise in the oceans, which has been associated with strandings of deep-diving cetaceans such as beaked whales, she said. "The disorientation often reported during strandings of deep-diving whales makes me think something has gone wrong with their cognitive centers," Williams said. "Could this result from a failure to maintain normal oxygenation of the brain?" She calculated that the escape dives her team monitored in narwhals required 97 percent of the animal's oxygen supply and often exceeded its aerobic dive limit (meaning depletion of oxygen stores in the muscles, lungs, and blood, followed by anaerobic metabolism). Normal dives of similar duration and depth used only about 52 percent of a narwhal's oxygen store, the study found. The study was conducted in Scoresby Sound on the east coast of Greenland, where coauthor Mads Peter Heide-Jrgensen, a research professor at the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, has been studying narwhals since 2012. Native hunters in the area set out nets to catch fish, seals, and other animals, including narwhals. Heide-Jrgensen developed a collaboration with the hunters to allow scientists to tag and release narwhals caught in the nets. He has been using satellite tags to study the movements of the East Greenland narwhal population. Williams's group at UC Santa Cruz developed unique tagging technology for marine mammals that enables researchers to monitor exercise physiology during dives by recording electrocardiograms, swimming movements (stroke rates), and other data. The tags function much like the Fitbits people use to monitor their daily activities. For this study, resting heart rate was measured in nine narwhals, and five were monitored during dives after release. The instruments were attached to the narwhals with suction cups and fell off after one to three days, floating to the surface where they could be recovered by the scientists. In previous studies, Williams has used the instruments to study exercise physiology and dive responses in bottlenose dolphins, Weddell seals, and other species. "This was our first opportunity to put the tags on a deep-diving whale to monitor its physiological and behavioral responses," Williams said. "It all began with the work on dolphins in our facilities at Long Marine Laboratory." Among the findings of her earlier studies was a surprising frequency of heart arrhythmias in dolphins and seals during intense exercise at depth. The new findings add to her concerns about the effects of disturbances that cause an escape response in deep-diving marine mammals. "Unlike threats from predators like killer whales, noise from sonar or a seismic explosion is difficult to escape. Problems can start if the whales try to outrun it," Williams said. "The implications of this study are cautionary, showing that the biology of these animals makes them especially vulnerable to disturbance. This technology has given us a window into the narwhal's world, and what we see is alarming. The question is, what are we as humans going to do about it?" ### In addition to Williams and Heide-Jrgensen, the coauthors of the paper include Susanna Blackwell of Greeneridge Sciences in Santa Barbara, California; Beau Richter at UC Santa Cruz; and Mikkel-Holger Sinding at the Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen. This work was funded by the U.S. Office of Naval Research and National Science Foundation and the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources. Between 2014 and 2016, it was taxation and extortion--not oil--that filled the coffers of the militant Islamic group ISIS, according to a new assessment that relied on NOAA satellite data. The publication also describes how anyone can use rapidly updated NOAA data to quickly assess the production status of oil wells around the world. Quy-Toan Do, a senior economist with the World Bank's Development Economics Research Group, led the research, which estimated 2012-2016 oil production rates in areas of Iraq and Syria taken over by ISIS, also called ISIL, Daesh or the Islamic State. Do and his colleagues--including NOAA's Chris Elvidge and CIRES/University of Colorado Boulder's Mikhail Zhizhin and Kimberly Baugh--found that production in 43 key sites peaked in 2014 at about 80,000 barrels per day. That figure dropped to about 35,000 in 2015, and plummeted to just 16,000 in 2016. "This is important information if we are talking about postwar reconstruction," said Do. "Most of the oil wells are not as operational as they were before. This information is critical for people who will try to rebuild the area." It's also important for anyone seeking to understand the impact of conflict on oil production rates, Do and his colleagues concluded. Their work could be applied almost anywhere in the world, to inform decision makers who need to understand oil production rates for social, political or other reasons. In Syria and Iraq ISIS expansion began in 2013 and accelerated in 2014. At times, some governments and media suspected that the terrorist organization was financing itself primarily from oil revenues. The new study shows that to be highly unlikely. "These results lend support to the view that Daesh is financing itself out of other sources such as taxation and extortion rather than oil," the team wrote in the World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, released online Nov. 1. The analysis relied on a heat-sensing technique developed by a team of Boulder, Colorado-based researchers associated with NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information. Zhizhin, who has been part of that team for five years, is a mathematician, and his recent focus has been on working with data from an instrument called VIIRS (the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite) on the NOAA/NASA Suomi NPP satellite. Since 2012, Zhizhin has produced monthly updates on gas flaring around the world with incredible precision, using an algorithm dubbed "Nightfire." "These are at level of individual flares," Zhizhin said. The technique relies on the fact that during oil production, engineers must somehow deal with gas that comes up to the surface along with oil. Generally, that gas is flared, producing a nighttime signal that's possible to see by satellite--though it takes careful analysis to separate flaring from other signals, such as electric lights. For verification that their oil production estimates were reasonable, the team compared their estimates other sources of information, e.g, administrative data in documents captured in May 2015. That month, U.S. Army special forces killed Abu Sayyaf, known as a leader who "helped direct the terrorist organization's illicit oil, gas and financial operations," and the raid also yielded production statistics. Pre-war estimates compared well, and the satellite data also matched the captured administrative data for 2014. However, the Daesh documents indicated significant output later, from a few sites at which satellites detected no activity at all, not even the electrical lighting one would expect at a production site. "It's possible that internal political motivations may bias administrative data upwards,' the authors concluded. Do said his work with the Boulder-based team was, in part, accidental. "I was working on Syria and contacted Chris Elvidge with the idea of trying to see damage from the war. Could we detect electrical power outages, for example, or areas under ISIL control that might be blacked out?" Elvidge explained that one of the challenges in reliably tracking electric light signals by satellite is removing the signal from nearby flaring activity. "So we began talking about how we might use this to our advantage, looking at production," Do said. Although the oil production analysis took several months to complete this first time, it demonstrated that the technique can be reliable and could be applied in real-time to other situations. Zhizhin said it's been rewarding to work on a project with real-world implications. "I am a mathematician. I just love numbers. But you have to be able to touch results sometimes. This is touching the result." ### CIRES is a partnership of NOAA and the University of Colorado Boulder. A large-scale international study led by the University of Exeter Medical School has discovered new genes linked to parents' lifespan - which could one day be targeted to help prolong human life A large-scale international study led by the University of Exeter Medical School has discovered new genes linked to parents' lifespan - which could one day be targeted to help prolong human life. How long we live is determined by a range of factors including our lifestyle and how well we treat factors including blood pressure and cholesterol from midlife. However, genetics, and how long our parental relatives lived, also plays a role. Now, the number of genes we know influence lifespan has expanded, potentially paving the way to new therapeutic targets to prolong life. The study was funded by the Medical Research Council and conducted in collaboration with a number of US universities, undertook a genome-wide search for variants influencing how long participants' parents lived. The team studied 389,166 volunteers who took part in the UK Biobank, with confirmation in the US Health and Retirement Study and the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study. The DNA samples from the volunteers carry the genetics of their biological parents, so provide a practical way of studying exceptionally long lifespans. Eight genetic variants had already been linked for lifespan, mainly involved in heart disease and dementia. The latest study, published in the journal Aging NY, has expanded this to 25 genes in all, with some specific to mothers' or fathers' lifespan separately. Dr Luke Pilling, who undertook most of analyses said: "We have identified new pathways that contribute to survival, as well as confirming others. These targets, including inflammatory and cardiovascular pathways, offer potentially modifiable targets to reduce risk of an earlier death and improve health." Genes involved in senescence, the 'frozen' state that cells enter into after being damaged, played an important role in longevity. Drugs targeting senescence have already been shown to extend life in laboratory animals. Genes related to inflammation and auto-immunity related genes were also prominent, opening up the possibility that precision anti-inflammatory treatments may one day be helpful in extending life. The results confirm that many genetic variants combine to influence human lifespan: no single gene variant was found to be responsible. The study found evidence to suggest that the genetic variants for average lifespan also influence exceptionally long life expectancy. A genetic risk score combining the top ten variants was statistically associated with parents being centenarians. Professor David Melzer, of the University of Exeter Medical School, who led the group said: "This study help open the way to novel treatment, but the strong role for genes affecting heart disease risk again underlines the importance of controlling blood pressure and cholesterol levels throughout the lifespan. Of course, adopting healthy lifestyles is important, and can probably overcome the negative effects of most of the genes found so far." ### Dr. George Kuchel, Professor of Geriatrics at University of Connecticut School of Medicine and Director of the UConn Center on Aging said, "These findings extend the number of genetic markers now shown to be associated with exceptional longevity. However, even more importantly they add to a growing body of knowledge highlighting specific targets and biological pathways useful for the development of interventions designed to help maintain health, function and independence in later life." The study, Human longevity: 25 genetic loci associated in 389,166 UK biobank participants, was authored by Luke C. Pilling, Chia-Ling Kuo, Kamil Sicinski, Jone Tamosauskaite, George A. Kuchel, Lorna W. Harries, Pamela Herd, Robert Wallace, Luigi Ferrucci, and David Melzer. THE centenary of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia has led to widespread debate about its impact. Now, an economics lecturer at the University of Huddersfield has published an article which argues that the tumultuous events of 1917 played a part in toppling the British Empire. In addition to his view that Marx and Lenin provided ideological inspiration to opponents of the Raj, Dr Kalim Siddiqui has compiled figures that he claims show how British rule in India shattered the economy and industry of the Sub-Continent, which only recovered after independence. "Those living under colonial rule viewed the Bolshevik Revolution as a positive sign in their struggle for independence," writes Indian-born Dr Siddiqui, who specialises in development and international economics. His latest article, titled The Bolshevik Revolution and the Collapse of the Colonial System in India, appears in the current edition of the journal International Critical Thought. It is a severe critique of how Britain viewed and governed the "Jewel in the Crown" of its global empire. "The British rulers did not settle in India and they were only interested in the wealth from India to support their own development of capitalism and industrialisation in Britain," writes Dr Siddiqui, adding that not only did India provide British industries with vast markets for their products and raw materials, but also money and soldiers who died by the million to protect the Empire. The article includes a historical account of how Britain gained control of India and an analysis of its economic impact on a region that had once had one of the world's most productive economies. "Colonial policy led to the decline of indigenous industries, which were not replaced by modern industries, leading to the de-industrialisation of India during British colonial rule. In addition, high land rents and the drain of wealth from India created extreme poverty," writes Dr Siddiqui. His article also analyses the impact made by the pronouncements of Karl Marx and of Vladimir Lenin, leader of the Russian Bolsheviks, on independence movements in the British Empire, including radical new political parties in India. "Lenin claimed that the world was divided between oppressors and oppressed nations. His anti-imperialist writings on colonial issues... became increasingly popular," according to Dr Siddiqui, who states that Lenin also argued for nations to have the right of self-determination and that colonialism had not led to capitalist modernisation in Asia. Dr Siddiqui's article concludes that the Bolshevik Revolution dealt a significant blow to imperialist countries and - despite the collapse of the Soviet Union - had changed world history by making decolonisation possible. ### University of Leicester archaeologist Dr. Richard Thomas provides expertise to upcoming BBC One documentary with Sir David Attenborough on Sunday, Dec. 10 New insights into the life and mysterious death of Jumbo the elephant - a celebrity animal superstar whose story is said to have inspired the film 'Dumbo' - will be revealed in a BBC One documentary hosted by Sir David Attenborough and featuring a University of Leicester archaeologist on Sunday 10 December. Dr Richard Thomas, from the University of Leicester's School of Archaeology and Ancient History, was invited as lead scientist on the 'Attenborough and the Giant Elephant' documentary. As part of the project Dr Thomas spent a week in New York analysing Jumbo's skeleton, which offered vital clues into Jumbo's life and controversial death. Dr Thomas worked with Professor John Hutchinson (Royal Veterinary College) and Dr Holly Miller (University of Nottingham) to build a biography of Jumbo's life - with the hope of resolving the long-standing mystery of how he died. The documentary will reveal Jumbo's height and body mass, and establish if he was as big as it was claimed. Detailed macroscopic and chemical analysis of his teeth and bones will also reveal the stresses and strains of captive life and provide insights into how Jumbo might have died. Dr Richard Thomas, from the University of Leicester's School of Archaeology and Ancient History, said: "Jumbo is perhaps the most famous elephant in the world. His name is now used as an adjective to describe everything from passenger planes to toilet roll. His story is both captivating and tragic. Born in Sudan in 1860 he was captured as a calf and transported to a zoo in Paris, before arriving at London Zoo in 1865 as their first African elephant. Whilst at London he became the pride of the Zoo, often giving walks to children around the city. "Jumbo had an intimate relationship with his keeper John Scott - under whose care he survived illness and grew to be the 'largest elephant in the world', or so it was claimed. "Unfortunately, Jumbo became increasingly aggressive as he reached sexual maturity and the zoo took the controversial decision of selling him to Barnum and Bailey's travelling circus. Despite major public protests, a petition, and an outbreak of Jumbo-mania, Jumbo was eventually shipped across the Atlantic, arriving in New York to great fanfare in 1882. "In America he became centrepiece of the Greatest Show on Earth, a travelling circus that traversed the length of the US and Canada. Unfortunately, Jumbo died in tragic circumstances: contemporary accounts describe that he was hit by a train while crossing the track to reach his carriage, possibly saving a younger elephant in the process; however, a number of stories emerged at the time suggesting that his death may not have been an accident." As part of the analysis the team were given unique access to Jumbo's skeleton at the American Museum of Natural History. As well as Jumbo's skeleton, Sir David will also explore the lives of wild elephants to explain Jumbo's troubled mind, and he discovers how our attitude to captive elephants has changed dramatically in recent years. Dr Thomas added: "Working alongside Sir David Attenborough has unquestionably been the highlight of my professional career. Like many, watching Sir David's documentaries was incredibly formative during my childhood, inspiring my own love of natural history. His knowledge, passion and curiosity for all aspects of our natural world was wonderful to observe first-hand." 'Attenborough and the Giant Elephant' is broadcast on Sunday 10 December between 9.00pm-10.00pm on BBC ONE. ### More information about the documentary is available here: Image of the team with Sir David Attenborough available here (Credit - Photography: Vik Manchanda, Copyright: Humble Bee Films): More pictures are available to download at Greg Madejski held his breath as he looked into the microscope, trying to weld two fingernail-sized chips together: a tiny chip containing a nanofilter on top of another chip with a DNA sensor. It was frustrating work. The chips weren't making good contact with each other. Madejski gently poked at the chips, then peered over the top of the microscope. And exhaled. The sudden waft of warm air swept over the nanofilter, transferring it to the sensor -right on target. The "accident" led Madejski to an important insight: the water vapor in his breath had condensed on the device, causing the nanofilter to adhere ever so neatly to the sensor. "It was like a really high-tech temporary tattoo that I created by accident; lick and stick!" says the PhD student in the lab of James McGrath, a professor of biomedical engineering at the University of Rochester. And that's how water vapor became integral to the development and design of a novel device for detecting DNA biomarkers affiliated with disease. Created by McGrath's lab in collaboration with Professor Vincent Tabard-Cossa and graduate student Kyle Briggs at the University of Ottawa, the device is described in an article published online at Nano Letters. The article, and an image from Madejski's homemade animation of the device in operation, will be highlighted on the cover of the February 2018 print issue. 'A remarkable structure' The device is comprised of three ultrathin layers: a nanoporous silicon nitride membrane which serves as a prefilter. a biosensor membrane with a single nanopore. a spacer layer that separates these by only 200 nm. The arrangement creates a nanocavity filled with less than a femtoliter of fluid--or about a million times smaller than the smallest raindrops. During operation, the device uses an electric field to lure a strand of DNA to enter one of the pores of the prefilter and then pass through the nanocavity to reach the pore of the underlying sensor membrane. This triggers changes in the device's electrical current that can be detected and analyzed. The fact that DNA must elongate itself in a consistent way to pass through the two-membrane combination improves the precision and reproducibility of detection. "This is a remarkable structure," says McGrath. "We've built an integrated system with a highly porous filter within molecular reach of a sensor. I think there are many sensors, particularly those that hunt for biomarkers in raw biological fluids, that would benefit from filtering away unwanted molecules immediately upstream of the detector." The method of fabrication instantly wets the nanocavity, which is often difficult at the nanoscale. The device contains dozens of these nanocavities, which may eventually increase the amount of material that can be screened by enabling parallelized biomarker detection. Solving problems that others need solved Tabard-Cossa's lab uses solid-state nanopore devices to find new ways to manipulate and characterize single molecules. His lab was interested in finding new materials that could be used for biomarker detection. The prefilter in the new device addresses a problem with other silicon nanopore detectors: They are more likely to clog than alternative devices that use that biological pores for sensing. Biological membranes, on the other hand, are less stable than solid state nanopores, McGrath noted. "We love to apply our membrane technologies to solve problems that others need solved. This is a very nice example.," McGrath says. McGrath is co-founder of SiMPore, a University-based startup that develops highly portable, chip-based devices that incorporate silicon membranes for a variety of applications, from biological sensing to dialysis. "I think we're going to realize the practical advantages of this technology in the near term," he says. A second generation of the new device, developed at SiMPore, incorporates the prefilter right on the chips during manufacturing at the wafer scale, "so there's nobody breathing on it anymore," he notes. "It's actually all built as one unit and should make future studies very easy. That's a credit to the ingenuity at SiMPore and quite a legacy for Greg." ### Biologists at the University of St Andrews have discovered how New Caledonian crows make one of their most sophisticated tool designs - sticks with a neatly-shaped hooked tip. New Caledonian crows are the only species besides humans known to manufacture hooked tools in the wild. Birds produce these remarkable tools from the side branches of certain plants, carefully 'crafting' a crochet-like hook that can be used for snagging insect prey. The study, published in Current Biology today (7 December), reveals how crows manage to fashion particularly efficient tools, with well-defined 'deep' hooks. The hook is widely regarded as one of humankind's most important innovations, with skilful reshaping, a useless piece of raw material is transformed into a powerful tool. While our ancestors started making stone tools over 3 million years ago, hooks are a surprisingly recent advance - the oldest known fish hooks are just 23,000 years old. Project leader Professor Christian Rutz, from the School of Biology, has conducted field research on New Caledonian crows for over a decade. His team recently noticed that crows' hooked tools vary considerably in size and shape. While some tools only exhibit a small extension at the tip, others have immaculate hooks. Professor Rutz explains: "We suspected that tools with pronounced hooks are more efficient, and were able to confirm this in controlled experiments with wild-caught crows. The deeper the hook, the faster birds winkled bait from holes in wooden logs." This finding raised the intriguing question of what it takes to make such well-formed hooks. The researchers started planning their study by imagining how humans would approach a comparable task. "When a craftsperson carves a tool from a piece of wood, two things ensure a quality product: good raw materials and skill," Professor Rutz said. Researchers found that the same, apparently, applies to New Caledonian crows. The researchers discovered that the depth of the hook was influenced by both the properties of the plant material, and the technique crows used for detaching branches. When birds made controlled cuts with their sharp bills, the resulting hooks were significantly deeper than when they used a 'sloppier' alternative method of simply pulling off branches. Careful cutting may leave more wooden material at the tip of the stick from which the hook can subsequently be 'sculpted'. Surprisingly, adult crows, which are expected to have considerable tool-making experience, did not produce the deepest hooks and regularly employed the 'quick-and-dirty' manufacture technique. Professor Rutz notes that making very deep hooks may not be the best strategy in the wild: "It probably takes more time and effort to make such tools, and experienced birds may try to avoid these costs. It is also possible that deep hooks break more easily when inserted into narrow holes and crevices." Professor Christophe Boesch, a world-leading chimpanzee expert and Director of the Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, comments: "We have recently discovered that chimpanzees routinely use naturally-hooked stems to fish for algae, but they don't actively craft these hooks. The crows can reshape plant material with their pointed bills, which act like 'precision pliers', but this would be very difficult for chimpanzees with their large fingers." The present study is the first to examine in a non-human animal what factors determine the morphology of crafted tools, and as a consequence, their foraging efficiency. Palaeo-anthropologists try to understand how our ancestors produced relatively complex tool shapes from basic raw materials, such as wood, bone or seashell, but they face the challenge that the manufacture process cannot be directly observed. The New Caledonian crow, with its remarkable ability to fashion hooked tools from plant stems, provides a fascinating window into humans' evolutionary past. ### NOTES TO NEWS EDITORS / PICTURE DESKS The paper 'Causes and consequences of tool shape variation in New Caledonian crows' is published in the journal Current Biology (7 December); an advance copy is available upon request. Contact the Communications Office - contact details below. Please ensure that the paper's DOI is included in all media stories, and that Current Biology is credited as the source. Please note this link will become active after the embargo. Photos of tool-using crows are available via with credits indicated in the file names. New Caledonian crows live on the remote tropical island of New Caledonia in the South Pacific, where fieldwork for the present study was conducted. Birds were kept in field aviaries for the brief duration of behavioural experiments, before being released back into the wild, so they could re-join their social groups. Earlier this year, the team exhibited its crow research at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition in London; a promotional YouTube video explaining the significance of the research is available here. Forbes magazine recently selected the fish hook as one of the most important tools of all time, as reported here. The study was funded by the UK's Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC). Last year, the team reported in Nature (see here) that a second tropical crow species - the critically-endangered Hawaiian crow - is a highly-skilled tool user. It is not yet known whether Hawaiian crows also make hooked foraging tools. INTERVIEW REQUESTS Professor Christian Rutz is available for interview, and can be contacted either directly (, or via the Communications Office (see contact details below). St Andrews has an in-house ISDN line for radio and a Globelynx camera for TV interviews, which can be booked through the Communications Office. Issued by the University of St Andrews Communications Office. Contact Christine Tudhope on +44 (0)1334 467 320 / 07526 624 243, or email A study carried out at the University of Tampere has shown that carbonic anhydrase VI (CA VI) is present in some species as a combination of two proteins. According to current data, this "fusion protein", called pentraxin-carbonic anhydrase, has disappeared from the genome of - almost all - mammals through evolution. Carbonic anhydrases (CAs) are enzymes that catalyse the transformation of water and carbon dioxide into bicarbonate and hydrogen ions. They play an important role in maintaining the acid-base balance of many tissues and biological fluids. CAs are present in almost all organisms. Humans express fifteen CA isoforms. Professor Seppo Parkkila's research group at the University of Tampere's Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences investigated isoenzyme VI, the CA VI enzyme that humans secrete into saliva and milk. It is the only known secreted CA. "We have conducted this study for over ten years," Professor Parkkila says. Pentraxin is a close relative of C-reactive protein (CRP), which is mainly produced by the liver. Its levels quickly increase in the human body in inflammatory conditions, and the CRP concentration of the plasma is the most commonly used inflammatory indicator in clinical medicine. The research group's study used zebrafish embryos. For a five-day period, the gene that produces CA VI was silenced in the fish. The change had a clear effect on their ability to swim. "The fish whose organs did not produce the 'fusion protein' prospered and were healthy in other respects except that they were unable to stay close to the water's surface; they instead sank to the bottom of the pool. The swim bladder of the fish did not function normally. When the gene function resumed at about five days of age, the development of the zebrafish returned to normal," Parkkila explains. In humans, carbonic anhydrases and pentraxins are not related to each other but are completely separate proteins. The "fusion protein" is present in frog, bird and fish species. The same feature is also found in one of Australia's most iconic animals. "The platypus, which is an egg-laying mammal, is probably the most advanced animal in which this combination of proteins is found," Parkkila says. The gene encoding pentraxin-carbonic anhydrase has not been found in mammals that give birth to live offspring. In addition to the researchers at the University of Tampere, researchers from Italy, Nepal, Hungary and elsewhere in Finland participated in the study. The research results have been published in the PeerJ open access journal. ### Patrikainen et al. (2017): Identification and characterization of a novel zebrafish (Danio rerio) pentraxin-carbonic anhydrase. PeerJ 5:e4128; doi:10.77170/peerj.4128. GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (Dec. 6, 2017)--A team led by scientists at Van Andel Research Institute (VARI) has revealed for the first time the atomic-level structure of a promising drug target for conditions such as stroke and traumatic brain injury. Called TRPM4, this protein is found in tissues throughout the body, including the brain, heart, kidney, colon and intestines, where it plays a major role in regulating blood flow via blood vessel constriction as well as setting the heart's rhythm and moderating immune responses. "Understanding the role TRPM4 plays in regulating circulation is vital, but for years research has been limited by a lack of insight about its molecular architecture," said Wei Lu, Ph.D., an assistant professor at VARI and lead author on a study describing TRPM4's structure, published today in Nature. "Our findings not only provide a detailed, atomic-level map of this critical protein, but also reveal completely unexpected facets of its makeup." TRPM4 is critically involved in regulating the blood supply to the brain, which comprises only about 2 percent of the body's total weight yet receives 15 to 20 percent of its blood supply. Conditions that disrupt blood flow in the brain, such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, cerebral edema and hypertension, can have devastating consequences and are significant public health problems. "Many safeguards exist in the brain's circulatory system to protect against a sudden interruption in blood supply, one of which is TRPM4," Lu said. "We hope that a better understanding of what this protein looks like will give scientists a molecular blueprint on which to base the design of more effective medications with fewer side effects." The structure of TRPM4 is markedly different from the other molecules in the TRP superfamily, a category of proteins that mediate responses to sensations and sensory stimuli, such as pain, pressure, vision, temperature and taste. Broadly known as ion channels, proteins like TRP nestle within cells' membranes, acting as gatekeepers for chemical signals passing into and out of the cell. Even within its own subfamily, which comprises eight molecules in total, TRPM4 appears to be wholly unique. Today's publication represents the first atomic view of a member of the TRPM subfamily. It reveals a crown-like structure, with the four peaks composing a large N-terminal domain--a hallmark of TRPM proteins. This region, found at the start of the molecule, is a major site of interaction with the cellular environment and other molecules in the body. On the opposite end of TRPM4, commonly called the C-terminal domain, Lu's team found an umbrella-like structure supported by a "pole" and four helical "ribs"--characteristics that have never before been observed. The findings were made possible by VARI's state-of-the-art David Van Andel Advanced Cryo-Electron Microscopy Suite, which allows scientists to view some of life's smallest components in exquisite detail. VARI's largest microscope, the Titan Krios, is one of fewer than 120 in the world and is so powerful that it can visualize molecules 1/10,000th the width of a human hair. Lu's structure is the second molecular structure determined on the Institute's Krios since completion of the suite's installation earlier this year. ### In addition to Lu, VARI Assistant Professor Juan Du, Ph.D., also is an author on today's paper. Paige A. Winkler, Ph.D., and Yihe Huang, Ph.D., both postdoctoral fellows in Lu's lab, and Weinan Sun, Ph.D., a postdoctoral associate in the Spruston Lab at Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia Research Campus, are co-first authors. ABOUT VAN ANDEL RESEARCH INSTITUTE Van Andel Institute (VAI) is an independent nonprofit biomedical research and science education organization committed to improving the health and enhancing the lives of current and future generations. Established by Jay and Betty Van Andel in 1996 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, VAI has grown into a premier research and educational institution that supports the work of more than 360 scientists, educators and staff. Van Andel Research Institute (VARI), VAI's research division, is dedicated to determining the epigenetic, genetic, molecular and cellular origins of cancer, Parkinson's and other diseases and translating those findings into effective therapies. The Institute's scientists work in onsite laboratories and participate in collaborative partnerships that span the globe. Learn more about Van Andel Institute or donate by visiting 100% To Research, Discovery & Hope Global efforts to eradicate malaria are crucially dependent on scientists' ability to outsmart the malaria parasite. And Plasmodium falciparum is notoriously clever: It is quick to develop resistance against medications and has such a complex life cycle that blocking it effectively with a vaccine has thus far proved elusive. In a new study reported in Nature Communications, researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science, together with collaborators in Ireland and Australia, have shown that Plasmodium falciparum is even more devious than previously thought: Not only does it hide from the body's immune defenses, it employs an active strategy to deceive the immune system. Among transmittable diseases, malaria is second only to tuberculosis in the number of victims, putting at risk nearly half of Earth's population. More than 200 million people become infected every year; about half a million die, most of them children under five years of age. "Malaria is one of the world's most devastating diseases - it's a true bane of low-income countries, where it kills a thousand young children every day," says Dr. Neta Regev-Rudzki of Weizmann's Biomolecular Sciences Department. "To fight malaria, we need to understand the basic biology of Plasmodium falciparum and figure out what makes it such a dangerous killer." Regev-Rudzki had previously discovered, in her postdoctoral studies in the laboratory of Prof. Alan Cowman at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in Melbourne, Australia, that these parasites communicate with one another while in the incubation stage in the blood. They do so by releasing sac-like nanovesicles - less than 1 micron across - that contain small segments of the parasite's DNA. Apparently these signals help the parasites learn when it's time to start transforming into male and female forms, both of which can be carried by mosquitoes into new hosts. This finding was all the more startling because the nanovesicles need to cross six separate membranes to communicate the message from a parasite inside one red blood cell to another. In the new study, performed in collaboration with Prof. Andrew G. Bowie of Trinity College Dublin and other researchers, Regev-Rudzki and her Weizmann team discovered that in parallel with communicating with other parasites, Plasmodium falciparum uses this same communication channel for yet another purpose: to deliver a misleading message to the infected person's immune system. Within the first 12 hours after infecting red blood cells, the parasites send out DNA-filled nanovesicles that penetrate cells called monocytes. Normally, monocytes form the immune system's first line of defense against foreign invasion, sensing danger from afar and alerting other immune mechanisms to mount an effective response. Naturally, the immune system dispatches its next line of defense to these cells. But in fact, the nanovesicles have converted the monocytes into decoys. While the immune system is busy defending the organism against fake danger, the real infection proceeds inside red blood cells, allowing the parasite to multiply unhindered at dizzying speed. By the time the immune system discovers its mistake, precious time has been lost, and the infection is much more difficult to contain. Regev-Rudzki's team has identified a key molecular sensor, a protein called STING that becomes activated when the parasite's nanovesicles penetrate monocytes. It is STING that delivers the fake alert to the immune system, tricking it into "thinking" that its monocytes are in danger. When the scientists "knocked out" the gene that manufactures STING, the chain of molecular reactions generating the misleading alert was interrupted. "We've discovered a subversive strategy the malaria parasite employs in order to thrive in human blood," Regev-Rudzki says. "By interfering with this subversion of the immune system, it may be possible in the future to develop ways of blocking malarial infection." ### The research team included Dr. Yifat Ofir-Birin, Paula Abou Karam and Tal Giladi of Weizmann's Biomolecular Sciences Department; Dr. Ziv Porat of Weizmann's Life Sciences Core Facilities Department; Dr. Xavier Sisquella, Matthew A. Pimentel, Dr. Natalia G. Sampaio, Jocelyn Sietsma Penington, Dr. Andreea Waltmann, Prof. Louis Schofield, Dr. Diana S. Hansen, Prof. Anthony T. Papenfuss and Dr. Emily M. Eriksson of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne, Australia; Dr. Lesley Cheng, Dr. Benjamin J Scicluna, Robyn A. Sharples and Prof. Andrew F. Hill of the University of Melbourne and La Trobe University in Victoria, Australia; Dr. Dympna Connolly and Prof. Bowie of Trinity College Dublin, Ireland; Dr. Dror Avni and Prof. Eli Schwartz of the Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer, Israel; and Dr. Motti Gerlic of Tel Aviv University. Dr. Neta Regev-Rudzki's research is supported by David E. and Sheri Stone; the Weizmann - UK Making Connections Program; and the European Research Council. Dr. Regev-Rudzki is the incumbent of the Enid Barden and Aaron J. Jade President's Development Chair for New Scientists in Memory of Cantor John Y. Jade. The Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, is one of the world's top-ranking multidisciplinary research institutions. Noted for its wide-ranging exploration of the natural and exact sciences, the Institute is home to scientists, students, technicians and supporting staff. Institute research efforts include the search for new ways of fighting disease and hunger, examining leading questions in mathematics and computer science, probing the physics of matter and the universe, creating novel materials and developing new strategies for protecting the environment. Thursday, December 7, 2017 Free Webinar, December 19, 2017 Webinar Overview Peppercomm CEO Steve Cody joins PRIME Chat in December to share his experiences and insights into The Research-driven Agency. Peppercomm is one of the worlds few mid-sized agencies with a dedicated research team devoted to helping clients set smarter objectives, develop better strategies, plan more compelling execution and evaluate results. As a result, Peppercomm clients gain the benefits of improved performance and greater efficiency. As the 2017 Vice Chair of the Institute for Public Relations, Steve works with the fellow Trustees and the Institutes Centers of Excellence to elevate the role of research in public relations. Sharing the session is Mark Weiner, CEO for PRIME Research, LP and Chairman of the IPRs Commission on Measurement and Evaluation. Together, Steve and Mark will explore the ways by which professional communicators benefit from research-based communications decision-making. Speakers Steve Cody Co-Founder and CEO Peppercomm Im a climber, comedian and dog lover. But not necessarily in that order. Named one of 50 Game-Changers of PR for 2017 by PRNews, Steve is responsible for overall agency direction and management, new business development, new product development and agency marketing. Most recently, Steve pioneered the creation of the agencys insights and strategy group, an internal consultancy at Peppercomm that bridges proprietary research and program activation to serve both current accounts and business development initiatives. Hes also been instrumental in shaping the culture that inspired Crains New York Business and was a ?nalist for EYs Entrepreneur of the Year Award with co-founder Ed Moed. A proli?c writer, Steve pens a weekly column for, was named the PRNews Blogger of the Year in 2011 and a ?nalist for the same award in 2012. He was named one of Northeastern Universitys 100 most successful alumni, and his podcast, RepChatter, won a Silver SABRE from Holmes. Steve is co-author of Whats Keeping Your Customers Up at Night? He is a member, editorial board, PR Journal, the PRSA Counselors Academys executive committee, the Corporate Communication Advisory Board of Baruch College, the Civilian Corporate Affairs Committee at West Point, and member of two key subcommittees on purpose and digital engagement for the Arthur W. Page Society. Additionally, he is a member of The Northeastern University Corporation, the College of Charlestons Department of Communication Advisory Council, vice chair of the Institute for Public Relations, and board member of the PRSA Counselors Academy. The agency was named after his family dog, Pepper. Mark Weiner Chief Executive Officer PRIME Research Americas One of the worlds largest corporate communications research and consulting firms, PRIME employs more than 500 analysts and consultants who combine talent with technology to foster better business decisions among its global clients. Weiner joined PRIME as CEO in 2008. Prior to PRIME, Weiner was the Global Director and Senior Vice President of Ketchum Research where he led an international team of analysts before which he was the CEO of Delahaye, a corporate communications research and consulting firm. Weiner founded Medialink Research in 1994 which became Delahaye Medialink in 1999 after the acquisition of The Delahaye Group. Weiner is a member of the PR News Measurement Hall of Fame and delivered the Distinguished Lecture in Public Relations at Quinnipiac University. Weiner is a member of the Arthur W. Page Society, serves as a Trustee and the 2017 Chairman of the Measurement Commission for The Institute for Public Relations, and serves on the Advisory Board of the Museum of Public Relations. He is a member of the International Association of Business Communicators, the Public Relations Society of America and AMEC. Weiner sits on the editorial advisory boards of The Strategist and PR News. He is a regular contributor to PR Week, IABCs Communication World, PRSAs Tactics and The Strategist, and, as well as an active participant at conferences by The Institute for Public Relations, The Conference Board, ABERJE, the Association of National Advertisers, The American Marketing Association, The Arthur Page Society, IABC and PRSA. Since 1993, he has devoted his career to helping many of the worlds most respected organizations and brands to demonstrate and generate a positive return on their investment in corporate and brand communications. When I was a kid, way back in the 1940s, my mother took the Saturday Evening Post magazine and I loved the fiction stories. Several of them were the recurring adventures of the main character and my favorites were Tugboat Annie, about a widow who took over her deceased husbands tugboat and held her own against the aggressive male competition in the harbor, as well as Alexander Botts, the incompetent but supremely self-confident Earthworm tractor salesman who always seemed to come out on top in spite of his bumbling. The Botts stories, which were published from the 1920s into the 60s, primarily in Saturday Evening Post, were written by William Hazlett Upson (1891-1975), who graduated from Cornells agricultural college in 1914 and worked as a farmer for a couple of years. Upson joined the U.S. Army in 1916 and served in France as an artilleryman during the World War before joining the Cleveland Tractor Co. in 1919. As he told it: I did not know anything about the Cletrac, and I did not know anything about the tractor business. But I was young. And I was confident. I had enlisted in the Army knowing nothing of military affairs, and in only two years I had worked my way up through sheer merit from private to private first-class. Having done so well in the Army, I felt I could do even better in the tractor business. I barged into the office of the president of the company, Mr. Rollin H. White himself. I told him how good I was. I asked for a job. He referred me to Mr. George Pontius, manager of the service department. I told Mr. Pontius how good I was. He hired me as a service mechanic. I then told him with a degree of caution unusual for me in those days that although I was one of the finest mechanics in the country I was not completely familiar with the particular machinery they were making. Hard work Mr. Pontius thereupon assigned me to a (company) tractor school. For several weeks I toiled and sweated. I took apart several Cletracs. I put them together. I scraped bearings. I ground valves. I adjusted carburetors. I cleaned magnetos. I played with pistons and piston rings, rocker arms, push rods, tappets, gears, shafts and hundreds of other parts. And I fell in love with the tractor business. Every night I studied books about machinery and internal combustion engines. After two weeks, I was sent out as a trouble shooter. The West Penn Power Company was having difficulties with a fleet of six of our tractors that they were using in the construction of a power line. When I arrived on the job I was received as a very important person. The chief mechanic conducted me to a tractor and respectfully asked if I would show him how to adjust the carburetor. I assumed a very impressive bedside manner which I had been practicing. But right way, a problem. The tractors I had worked on at the factory had had no hoods over the engines. But this tractor had a hood. It was held in place by four fancy catches of such a new and elaborate design that I had no idea how to operate them. So there I was the factory expert who was supposed to understand everything and I couldnt even open the engine hood. I did some fast thinking. I would have to get rid of this chief mechanic for a few minutes. I said, How would you like to run over to the shop and get me a few tools? What sort of tools? he asked. Just tools, I said. A screwdriver, a wrench, a pair of pliers. He opened the toolbox on the tractor and produced everything I had asked for. I tried again. Im sorry, I said, but Ill need a shorter screwdriver, a longer monkey wrench, and a heavier pair of pliers. Following instructions He looked puzzled but was sufficiently awed by my prestige as an expert to follow my instructions even when they didnt seem to make sense. He disappeared into the shop. While he was gone I had plenty of time to get those fancy catches open. When he came back I had no difficulty adjusting the carburetor. I had learned all about that in the factory tractor school. At that time, Cletrac used three lower track support wheels in each track and the wheels ran in roller bearings that werent protected from the grit, mud and water that was the crawler tractors natural environment. Inevitably, the bearings failed after only a few days use and the power companys chief mechanic complained bitterly about this to Upson, who continues the story: Again I had to think fast, I said, Sir, I agree with you entirely. You have been cheated. You have been treated unfairly. You have been bamboozled. You have been done dirt. I apologize on behalf of the company. Now that I am here, I can promise you that your troubles are over. I had come to several conclusions. First, having had no experience with this problem, any solution I might dream up would be mere guesswork. Second, mere guesswork would be better than nothing. Third, the trouble was apparently caused by dirt filling up the empty spaces around the rollers in the bearings. Fourth, if there were no open spaces there would be no place for the dirt to lodge. Fifth, I would have to get rid of these open spaces. We took out all the little rollers. We melted up some babbitt metal and we poured solid babbitt bearings in all of those truck wheels. Going strong Then we started the tractors and hauled supplies for the power line through the worst swamps and gravel beds we could find. After two days, our babbitt bearings were still going strong. They had lasted longer than any of the roller bearings. And they looked as if they would last indefinitely. The chief mechanic and I congratulated each other on our superior wisdom and engineering skill. And I came back to the factory full of pride and joy. After explaining what he had done, Upson wrote: Unfortunately, Mr. George Pontius was not favorably impressed. He said that it was not my job to redesign the tractor. I was not supposed to make unauthorized experiments by pouring hot babbitt into truck wheels which were designed for roller bearings. I was not expected to tell the customers that the tractor was built wrong and that I knew more than anybody else in the factory. I answered these comments by modestly pointing out that I had fixed up the tractors so they ran perfectly at least until I got out of town. And I had left the customer completely satisfied for the time being anyway. Mr. Pontius came back with the suggestion that I was perhaps a little too good to work for anybody as conventional and matter-of-fact as he was. With my superior abilities, he felt sure that I could do better elsewhere. In other words, I was fired. Upson later worked as a service mechanic for the Holt Manufacturing Co. and then Caterpillar, while writing a few short stories that he was able to sell. He left Caterpillar in 1924 to become a full-time writer, including more than one hundred Alexander Botts adventures. Ill tell you about Botts another time. UTICA, Ohio Four members of the Utica FFA chapter competed at the district job interview event at Clearfork High School Nov. 20. Emily Keener placed second in division four, for seniors. Shaeley Warner placed second in division three, for juniors. Rachel Dickson placed third in division two, for sophomores. Emily Hill placed sixth in division one, for freshman. CRESTON, Ohio On Nov. 18, the Norwayne FFA hosted its annual fall benefit to help a local person in need. This year, the recipient was a 2006 Norwayne graduate Larissa Widmer. She has been living with cystic fibrosis since she was a young. Larissa has been on the lung transplant list for more than a year. The theme for the benefit was Lungs For Larissa. The FFA chapter received many donations for the live and silent auctions. One item in particular consisted of a jar of pickled eggs that went for $500. For the silent auction, there were around 190 items, and 45 items for the live auction. One of the items was an old tractor seat donated by FFA Sentinel Cal Boss. Members raised more than $37,000 for Larissa and her family. WEST SALEM, Ohio The Northwestern FFA chapter is selling poinsettias. Four-inch pots are $5 and 6-inch pots are $15. For sale along with the plants, students have made wooden pallet Christmas trees and stars. The trees will be $25, and the prices of stars range from $8-$12 depending on size. Purchases can be made at the Northwestern High School greenhouse, 7473 N. Elyria Road, during the week from 10:20-11:03 a.m. and again from 11:38 a.m.-2:30 p.m. After school purchases are by appointment only; call 419-846-3833. SULLIVAN, Ohio On Nov. 2, Black River FFA partnered with the Black River Pirate parents to prepare and serve dinner for the high school staff members before the parent-teacher conferences. The dinner served as an opportunity to show the staff members the students appreciation for the hard work and time they dedicate. The following students volunteered to help prepare and serve the meals: Mya Kunsman, Jared Bradford, Hannah Abfall, Chloee Howard, Hope Diaz and Callee Aviles. On Nov. 7, the chapter hosted an Ohio FFA state leadership night. Guest presenters for the evening were Ohio FFA state officers, Ryan Matthews (president) and Milan Pozderac (vice president at large). The theme was Setting Your Heart on Fire, and Passion. The schools in attendance were Black River, Buckeye, Mapleton and Loudonville. Place Your Advert Register or sign in to advertise your job More than 300 incidents of hare coursing has been recorded in the space of one month in Lincolnshire, severely impacting local farmers and their livelihoods. Hare coursing continues to be an issue of concern for rural communities across the UK. In November, Lincolnshire Police recorded 306 incidents of hare coursing, giving a three month total of 690 incidents. This equates to an average of 10 incidents a day in November. Some days there are no reports of hare coursing and other days there have been up to 24 incidents reported. Lincolnshire Police's Operation Galileo has been in place to tackle hare coursing and wider rural community safety. The force says it recognises the impact that hare coursing has on farmers and their families, their staff and wider rural communities. 'Upturn' in cases NFUs Lincolnshire county adviser, Danny OShea said there has been an "upturn" in coursing activities, especially in the last three weeks. We are keen to see Lincolnshire Police take action against these criminals and send the uncompromising message to hare coursers that they are not welcome in our county. It is good news that action is being taken, and NFU will continue to work with Lincolnshire Police to tackle these frightening and ruthless criminals. We want Lincolnshire Police to continue to improve their response rates to reports of coursing; we must see greater conviction rates and tougher sentences and increased numbers of dogs, vehicles and the proceeds of crime seized. So far this year Lincolnshire Police have arrested or reported 30 men, and 40 hare coursers dogs and 15 hare coursers vehicles have been seized. Looking out for hare coursing Farmers and landowners can help fight hare coursing by looking out for activity in the area. The most obvious sign is groups of vehicles parked in a rural area, perhaps by a gateway to farmland, on a grass verge, on a farm track or bridle path. They will usually be estate cars, four wheel drives or vans. It will be obvious looking inside whether there is evidence of dogs or not. They often travel in convoy, with vans at the front and rear containing minders, and will often use binoculars to spot hares. Coursers will often walk along the edge of a field to frighten a hare into the open. An anaerobic digestion certification scheme has been launched which hopes to support operators of AD plants such as farmers. UK trade body the Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association (ADBA) has launched its scheme at its national conference in London on Wednesday (6 December). The voluntary, industry-led scheme is designed to support operators of AD plants, including those based on farms, to improve their operational, environmental, and health and safety performance, in particular in terms of energy generation and digestate quality. ADBA has developed the scheme, working closely with industry stakeholder. The National Farmers Union (NFU) and CLA have contributed to ensuring the scheme is suitable for farmers who operate AD plants. The scheme includes detailed assessment criteria that will allow third-party certification bodies to verify the achievement of good practice at AD plants, and is the most comprehensive of its type. The scheme pilot was completed in September this year, with one on-farm plant, one food waste plant, and one on-site plant for a food manufacturer taking part. Diversifying income ADBA Chief Executive Charlotte Morton said investing in an AD plant is a "great way" for farmers to diversify their income in the context of uncertainty over future support from government post Brexit. AD offers a treatment option for organic wastes such as manures, slurries, and vegetable off-cuts, producing on-site renewable heat and power, transport fuel for farm vehicles, and nutrient-rich biofertiliser, Ms Morton explained. AD crops also give farmers a great option for crop rotation, helping to keep soils healthy and avoid the spread of blackgrass and nematodes. ADBAs new AD Certification Scheme defines good practice and enables on-farm AD plants to be recognised as meeting it. A certification process is essential to ensuring that regulators, insurers and investors have confidence in the scheme, which offers AD operators a range of financial and regulatory benefits. 'Positive intervention' Marie Fallon, Director of Regulated Industry at the Environment Agency, called the scheme a "positive intervention", and said reducing pollution incidents is one which the EA shares with determination. Stefan Jimenez Wisler, Land Use Policy Adviser at the CLA, said: AD is an important tool for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, driving more efficient resource use and enabling a range of other on-farm environmental benefits. This new certification scheme sets out good practice and allows on-farm AD plants to be recognised for meeting it. This will crucially provide operators, regulators and the public with the confidence to support AD for the financial and environmental benefits it can provide. Farmers are risking severe financial repercussions, and even jail, because they are unaware of tougher penalties for health and safety breaches. An agricultural risk expert fears is worried there is a lack of knowledge among the farming community around The Health and Safety Sentencing Guidelines particularly that fines are now based on turnover. Since February 2016, farming companies with a turnover of up to 2m who are found to have breached the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 can expect to pay fines of up to 450,000. Larger businesses with turnovers in excess of 50m can face fines of up to 10m. Individuals found guilty of breaching the law can be handed unlimited fines or face a two-year prison sentence. Judges could previously only impose custodial sentences in very specific circumstances, with fines in the lower courts limited to 20,000. 'Fatal consequences' Richard Wade, of Lycetts Risk Management Services said health and safety breaches can have very serious, and even fatal, consequences. He said it is no longer "a slap on the wrist." Anything to improve health and safety in one of the most dangerous industries is certainly welcomed and supported, Mr Wade said. But our feedback from farmers suggests many may not fully comprehend how business-critical a breach can be. It is no longer a slap on a wrist and a fine amounting to hundreds of pounds. Farmers who are lax with their health and safety procedures can expect to feel the full force of the law. Now a number factors are taken into account when deciding punishment, including the level of culpability, the risk of causing harm and the level of potential harm, and the turnover of the offending business. These guidelines are meant to act as a deterrent and farmers should be aware that lapses in judgement, or a failure to take a proactive approach to safety, could cripple their operations. Fatal injury rate Agriculture has the worst rate of worker fatal injury 7.61 per 100,000 people which is 18 times higher than the all industry rate. In 2016/17, 30 people were killed in agriculture. Although not all fatalities on farms are a result of health and safety breaches, these figures highlight how risky an industry it is. A company in Essex was fined 120,000 earlier this year after an employee was seriously injured by a chainsaw while felling trees. A Health and Safety Executive (HSE) investigation found that the man had not been trained to operate the chainsaw, nor was he wearing any personal protective equipment. There was no supervision and no proper planning had been put in place. Falling from height A company in the South West was fined 115,000 after a worker fell from height at a farm. The worker fell through a fragile skylight and broke his back. An investigation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found the company failed to take adequate precautions to prevent workers falling from height. There was no edge protection, under-roof netting or boarding provided on site. The company instead relied on an ineffective use of harnesses. It was found that unsafe working had been taking place for months before the accident and then continued for months afterwards. Mr Wade said: These cases and the significantly higher fines serve to illustrate how seriously courts are taking health and safety breaches on farms and highlight what farmers can expect if they cut corners or take shortcuts. Peoples lives are being put at risk on a daily basis on farms and an accident can have a devastating effect on the victim and their family. Farmers need to prioritise compliance with the health and safety regulations and make sure they are doing all they can do to protect their workers or face the consequences. Stakeholders from the halal sector visited a Leicestershire farm to gain a greater understanding of the livestock industry. The group were invited to a local farm to learn more about on-farm practices and procedures which could affect the suitability of sheep for certain Muslim festivities. A total of 20 visitors, which included Islamic scholars, halal certification bodies and abattoir operators, attended the event which was organised by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) in conjunction with the National Farmers' Union (NFU). After being welcomed by AHDBs Halal Sector Manager Awal Fuseini, the group was given a presentation on livestock by the NFUs Chief Livestock Advisor John Royle. Topics discussed throughout the day included feeding, breeding, identification and other husbandry practices. Visitors were also given a demonstration by AHDBs butchery specialist Martin Eccles. Mr Fuseini said: This farm visit was the first of its kind in the UK and I was particularly pleased with the level of interest shown by Islamic scholars and halal certifiers in improving their understanding of British livestock farming. Muslims account for a significant proportion of sheep meat consumption in the UK, so we need to create a platform for farmers and opinion leaders within the Muslim community to share ideas. We have received excellent feedback from the event and as result we are planning to make this farm visit an annual event. The red meat industry has been looking at the growing domestic halal market for it to capitalise on. In 2015, the global halal spend was $1.2 billion, and 16.6 percent of the total food expenditure. By 2021 this figure is expected to rise to $1.9 billion, representing a huge market potential for UK farmers. In March, the AHDB appointed its first halal manager to help the organisation focus on the growing market. A lack of devolved government in Northern Ireland could deepen an already growing skills shortage in the food and farming sector, a major industry event has heard. Leaders from the sector voiced their concerns at a recent event held at Hilden Brewery, where more than 20 directors from some of Northern Ireland's best-known agri-food companies attended. During the event, many voiced concerns that the lack of a functioning, devolved assembly was harming the agri-food sectors efforts to address a growing skills gap in the industry. In particular, some directors said that not having a devolved minister in place meant there was a lack of local influence to ensure that funds from the recently-introduced Apprenticeship Levy were sufficiently addressing the skills shortage. Charlie Kerlin, Head of Grant Thorntons Food and Beverage team commented: There are many factors impacting the shortage, including a reliance on workers born outside the UK and too few young people viewing the industry as a viable career option. These concerns have also been borne out in research conducted by Grant Thornton alongside the Food and Drink Federation which found that, despite all the uncertainty surrounding Brexit and its implications, the number one concern in the sector isnt tariffs, trade or exchange rates, but skills. Lack of labour Joy Alexander, Head of Food Technology Development at CAFRE (College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise) said the big issue for everyone is a concern about future labour. In some parts of Northern Ireland, as many as 65% of workers at agri-food firms are foreign nationals, and there is anecdotal evidence that many of those are either already in the process of moving away, or are considering Mr Alexander explained. The implications, therefore, for our businesses are huge. Its across all sectors at different levels, but seasonal and horticultural firms in particular are feeling the effects. The gap has to be filled somewhere, and thats the next challenge on the horizon for all of us. Image problem With a need to refocus on ensuring the local workforce is sufficiently skilled to assume the positions, Charlie Kerlin said the sector has suffered from an image problem at times. He said: There is a perception of the food and drink industry that it is low paid and low skilled, but this is not the case. In fact, some of the greatest gaps in employment are at the senior end in management. It is true, however, that the workforce is ageing so there is a major opportunity for young people to take their first steps on what could be a very successful career path. Young people Joy Alexander said that great strides had been made in recent years to encourage young people into the industry. Thankfully, over the last six to eight years we are seeing a growing trend of students wanting to enter the food and drink sector, with around 400 now at CAFRE. Crucially, there are more than enough jobs to satisfy the numbers when they graduate. Food is currently in a resurgent position and there are a lot of good news stories coming out of Northern Ireland. We still have work to do, though, to show that there is a pathway of progression and a good career path for those that do take it up. The NFU is expecting to meet with Muller next week following its decision to slash the milk price paid to its farmers. The farming union said it was "shocked" by the steep price cut of 1.5p per litre that Muller will be imposing on it supplying farmers come January 2018 and is looking for an explanation from the processor. The decline in price to its 700 Muller Direct suppliers comes amid a drop in the value of cream and butter in the UK over the last three months. And now the NFU will meet with Muller next week in an urgent face-to-face meeting to ask why farmers are now "left to pay the price". It has also wrote to Grocery Code Adjudicator Christine Tacon and Defra Secretary Michael Gove asking them to do what is necessary to bring some "badly needed" price transparency to the market. NFU Scotland Vice President Gary Mitchell said that such a large drop in price from Britains largest producer of branded and private label fresh milk, butter, yogurt, desserts and dairy ingredients needs to be properly explained. Why have Muller been the first to cut and cut so savagely when they have lucrative contracts that should provide milk price certainty to their dairy farmers? Mr Mitchell asked. What makes the whole situation even worse is that this drop in price is out of line with our European neighbours and has, once again, left the UK market out of sync with the rest of Europe. The size of the UK retail market, and the percentage of milk that continues to be sold daily as fresh, should provide stability to prices, but it just hasnt happened. Are we again seeing processors chasing retail contracts on price to the detriment of their dairy farmers? Dairy farmers need answers and Muller needs to explain their action when we meet next week. Transparency Mr Mitchell said it is impossible for the milk market to function properly while price transparency between farmers, processors and retailers "does not exist". He said it is imperative that all sections of the industry are open and honest with each other for the industry to move on from the "hard times of a few years ago". The reality is that, when commodity prices surged, farmgate prices were slow to respond and now that markets have softened, Muller has chosen to drop prices like a stone, Mr Mitchell explained. That has huge impact on confidence at a time when bank accounts have still to recover from the milk price crash in 2015 and 2016. Knowing little At AgriScot, dairy expert Chris Walkland stated that analysis of all UK milk price indices showed that the average Scottish dairy farmer had missed out on between 40,000 and 45,000 of income. This is based on what they could have reasonably expected to have received as a milk price in 2017 and what their milk buyers have actually delivered. Mr Mitchell added: As an example of the lack of transparency, it is now common knowledge that in aligned supermarket milk contracts there is a cream price tracker and rebate system - yet the industry knows little about how that operates. However, it is hugely important in setting the milk price, as cream income to a liquid processor is currently worth 12.75p per litre - the 5th highest on record when three years ago it was worth 5.5p. That is value in the chain that should be getting shared with producers and isnt. A cannabis factory with drugs worth approximately 1.5 million has been found in poultry barns. Staffordshire Police have made six arrests after one of the countys biggest cannabis factories was found in poultry barns in south Staffs. Officers discovered the massive haul of drugs, worth 1.5 million per cultivation, after raiding Three Angels Farm, Ivetsey Road in Wheaton Aston on Wednesday (5 December). Three men were detained at the scene and three other men were arrested following a police search of the area, which included support from the National Police Air Service, in connection with the production of cannabis. The men, aged between 17 and 44, are from the United Kingdom and Albania. All six were taken into custody at Watling police station. Inspector Richard Meaden, South Staffordshire local policing commander, said: The investigation is at an early stage, however we can confirm that approximately 3,100 cannabis plants were recovered. This estimated value of this crop is estimated to be worth 1.5 million pounds. This is the largest and most sophisticated cannabis factory Ive ever experienced and I am delighted we have been able to take such a large number of drugs off the streets. Police are searching for a group of criminals who stole a farmer's partridges in what has been described as a bizarre theft. The farmer, from Reigate in Surrey, rang police after reports of men trespassing on farmland on Slipshatch Road at 2.45pm, November 5. It was thought the men were hunting deer. But when police arrived on the farm and surrounding land they were unable to trace them. In a bizarre turn of events, the farmer then noticed all of his partridges were missing from their pens. It is now thought that the same men who trespassed on private land hunting for deer stole them. Surrey Police last made a public appeal on November 29 in a frequent newsletter the force publish for fresh leads. In the newsletter, Police Sergeant Ross Spanton wrote that he hoped the fresh appeal would "give the suspects nagging doubt and remind would-be criminals [Surrey Police] know who they are." No arrests have yet been made in connection with the suspected theft or trespass incident. It follows news of farmers being reminded to take part in the governments Commercial Victimisation Survey and record the nature, extent and costs of any crime they have faced. Anyone with information is asked to contact Surrey Police on 101 and quote reference number 45170122935. The nation's most-famous war veterans begun their annual festivities by celebrating British dairy and cheese. The Royal Hospital Chelsea hosted a ceremonial celebration of British cheese as dairy farmers and cheesemakers from around the UK donated enough cheese to the hospital to feed a small army. Cheese has been a favourite among British soldiers serving on the front line for centuries. The Chelsea Pensioners consider the Ceremony of Christmas Cheeses the start of their Yuletide celebrations. The Ceremony is an annual event which dates back to 1692 when a local cheesemonger agreed to provide war veterans at the Royal Hospital with their festive supply of cheese. Ever since, cheesemakers from all over the country have continued the tradition and donated a selection of cheeses to the Chelsea Pensioners. The Dairy Council, a non-profit organisation which promotes dairy, has organised the event for over 50 years. This year, British cheesemakers donated an impressive 514lbs worth of the finest quality cheeses from around the UK including cheddar, stilton, brie and red Leicester. The ceremonial cheese was a giant 53lbs of Montgomery Cheddar, donated by J A E Montgomery Ltd, which was cut by In-Pensioner Leo Tighe, aged 74. Mr Tighe joined the Army in 1959 and served in the Irish Guards for 25 years, reaching the rank of Warrant Officer Class 2. During his service, he was deployed to East Africa, Hong Kong, Germany, Belize and the Middle East. Following outstanding service in Jordan, he was honoured to be awarded the British Empire Medal. He became a Chelsea Pensioner in January 2016 and along with his colleagues feels deeply privileged to represent the Royal Hospital throughout London and overseas. He said: It is a great honour to take part in this wonderful ceremony, especially as it involves one of my favourite foods. I am extremely proud to be representing my fellow In-Pensioners here at the Royal Hospital today. We cannot thank the cheesemakers enough for their generous contributions. Every year we look forward to receiving this delicious Christmas gift." Ash Amirahmadi, chairman of The Dairy Council, said: Cheesemakers across the UK have a great tradition of paying tribute to the courage and contribution made by our war veterans, and this year they certainly didnt disappoint. Cheese is a food of the forces. It has been included in soldiers rations for centuries and that says it all from its nutritional value to its much-loved taste, we have a great British product. For Immediate Release: December 06, 2017 Statement From: Today were announcing three new, significant policy documents to advance the FDAs approach to the development and proper oversight of innovative digital health tools. We know that consumers and health care providers are increasingly embracing digital health technologies to inform everyday decisions. From fitness trackers to mobile applications tracking insulin administration, these digital tools can provide consumers with a wealth of valuable health information. Further, clinical evidence demonstrates that consumers who are better informed about health make better and more efficient decisions, take steps to improve their lifestyles and their health choices, and often experience better outcomes. Given these meaningful benefits from empowering consumers, we believe the FDA must, whenever possible, encourage the development of tools that can help people be more informed about their health. And we recognize that our regulations play a crucial role in the efficient development of such technologies. Therefore, our approach to regulating these novel, swiftly evolving products must foster, not inhibit, innovation. Moreover, we must always lean in the direction of enhancing access to more information not restricting information flow given the ability of reliable information to positively impact daily life. Over the last five years, the FDA has made great strides in adapting our policies to better align our regulatory approach to the iterative nature of digital health products. Were finding that in some parts of our regulatory portfolio, our traditional approach to overseeing certain health care products does not easily fit the types of innovations that are being developed. In these cases, we must adapt and evolve our policies to make sure we continue to provide a gold standard for oversight, while enabling advancement of beneficial innovations and greater consumer access to technologies that can improve their health. To this aim, this past summer, we issued the Digital Health Innovation Action Plan, which outlines our efforts to reimagine the FDAs approach to ensuring all Americans have timely access to high-quality, safe and effective digital health products. As part of this plan, we committed to several key goals, including increasing the number and expertise of digital health staff at the FDA, launching the digital health software precertification pilot program (Pre-Cert) and issuing guidance to modernize our policies. As we come to the end of 2017, Im proud of the significant progress the FDAs digital health team has made on the Action Plan. We launched the Pre-Cert pilot and selected nine diverse companies to participate. We also have invested in hiring additional talent for our digital health team, including announcing the Entrepreneurs in Residence program. Yet, we recognize theres more work to do. Today, were announcing three new guidances two draft and one final that address, in part, important provisions of the 21st Century Cures Act (Cures Act), that offer additional clarity about where the FDA sees its role in digital health, and importantly, where we dont see a need for FDA involvement. Weve taken the instructions Congress gave us under the Cures Act and are building on these provisions to make sure that were adopting the full spirit of the goals we were entrusted with by Congress. The first draft guidance, Clinical and Patient Decision Support Software, outlines our approach to clinical decision support software (CDS). CDS has many uses, including helping providers, and ultimately patients, identify the most appropriate treatment plan for their disease or condition. For example, such software can include programs that compare patient-specific signs, symptoms or results with available clinical guidelines to recommend diagnostic tests, investigations or therapy. This type of technology has the potential to enable providers and patients to fully leverage digital tools to improve decision making. We want to encourage developers to create, adapt and expand the functionalities of their software to aid providers in diagnosing and treating old and new medical maladies. This draft guidance is intended to make clear what types of CDS would no longer be defined as a medical device, and thus would not be regulated by the agency. For example, generally, CDS that allows for the provider to independently review the basis for the recommendations are excluded from the FDAs regulation. This type of CDS can include software that suggests a provider order liver function tests before starting statin medication, consistent with clinical guidelines and approved drug labeling. However, the FDA will continue to enforce oversight of software programs that are intended to process or analyze medical images, signals from in vitro diagnostic devices or patterns acquired from a processor like an electrocardiogram that use analytical functionalities to make treatment recommendations, as these remain medical devices under the Cures Act. For example, we would continue to oversee software that analyzes data from a patients spinal fluid test to diagnose tuberculosis meningitis or viral meningitis. These are areas in which the information provided in the clinical decision software, if not accurate, has the potential for significant patient harm, and the FDA plays an important role in ensuring the safety and effectiveness of these products. Similarly, the CDS draft guidance also proposes to not enforce regulatory requirements for lower-risk decision support software thats intended to be used by patients or caregivers -- known as patient decision support software (PDS) -- when such software allows a patient or a caregiver to independently review the basis of the treatment recommendation. Although PDS was not part of the Cures Act, the FDA believes that PDS should follow a similar regulatory structure as CDS. An example of lower-risk PDS products could include software that reminds a patient how or when to take a prescribed drug, consistent with the drugs labeling. PDS software that does not clearly allow independent review of the recommendation by the patient or a caregiver would continue to be subject to the FDAs active oversight. This might include a warfarin monitoring device that makes recommendations for dosing based on the outcome of a home blood test. We believe our proposals for regulating CDS and PDS not only fulfill the provisions of the Cures Act, but also strike the right balance between ensuring patient safety and promoting innovation. The second draft guidance being issued today, Changes to Existing Medical Software Policies Resulting from Section 3060 of the 21st Century Cures Act, addresses other digital health provisions included in the Cures Act. Specifically, this second guidance outlines the FDAs interpretation of the types of software that are no longer considered medical devices. Were making clear that certain digital health technologies such as mobile apps that are intended only for maintaining or encouraging a healthy lifestyle generally fall outside the scope of the FDAs regulation. Such technologies tend to pose a low risk to patients, but can provide great value to consumers and the healthcare system. Through this draft guidance, were proposing changes to previously published agency guidance documents, including: General Wellness and Mobile Medical Applications, among others, to be consistent with the Cures Act and reflective of the agencys new, more modern approach to digital health products. The proposed changes include updating the categories of products for which, prior to the Cures Act, the FDA already intended to exercise enforcement discretion owing to their very low risk and potential benefits to patients from greater innovation. Now, to create an even clearer distinction, consistent with the Cures Act, were saying that many of these products no longer qualify as medical devices that would be subject to the FDAs oversight. In addition to taking steps to clarify the FDAs position on digital health, were also working with our global counterparts to harmonize and streamline the regulation of digital health products internationally. Innovations in digital health remind us that we live in an interconnected world one that reaches across borders and joins us in new and unique ways. Thats why in recent years, weve worked closely with regulatory authorities across the globe through the International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF) to evaluate requirements in individual countries, and harmonize our regulatory approaches to digital health medical devices, where possible. Many of our global counterparts are represented, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, the European Union, Japan, Russia and Singapore. As part of our package of policies being announced today, the FDA also is issuing a final guidance, Software as a Medical Device: Clinical Evaluation, in fulfillment of these international harmonization efforts. This guidance was initially issued in draft in October 2016 and informed by global and domestic comments. Todays final guidance expands on that draft. It establishes common principles for regulators to use in evaluating the safety, effectiveness and performance of Software as a Medical Device (SaMD). This final guidance provides globally recognized principles for analyzing and assessing SaMD, based on the overall risk of the product. The agencys adoption of these principles provides us with an initial framework when further developing our own specific regulatory approaches and expectations for regulatory oversight, and is another important piece in our overarching policy framework for digital health. In sum, these three important guidance documents being issued today will continue to expand our efforts to encourage innovation in the ever-changing field of digital health. Our aim is to provide more clarity on and innovative changes to our risk-based approach to digital health products so that innovators know where they stand relative to the FDAs regulatory framework. Our interpretation of the Cures Act is creating a bright line to define those areas where we do not require premarket review. And were providing more detail on those technologies and applications that would no longer be classified as a medical device subject to FDA regulation. This will allow us to focus our efforts on the highest-risk products. Finally, were issuing new details on the common principles we and our international partners will use for evaluating the safety and effectiveness of SaMD. Through this comprehensive approach, we can deliver on our commitment of promoting beneficial innovation in this space while providing proper oversight where its merited. Well be taking other steps to implement our Digital Health Innovation Action Plan. Were hosting a Pre-Cert Pilot Program workshop on January 30-31, 2018 to update FDA staff, participants and stakeholders on the lessons learned from the pilot. Later in the year, well share the pilots proof of concept and outline next steps for establishing a Pre-Certification Program. We look forward to working with patients, providers, technology developers and other customers in helping Americans access safe and innovative digital health products. ### Puneeshs Father Visits Him As we revealed earlier, Puneesh Sharma's father will be visiting him in the Bigg Boss 11 house. Apparently, Puneesh and his father do not share a warm relationship. Puneesh & His Father According to the latest promo, as soon as Puneesh watches his father enter the house, he smiles at him and gets emotional. Puneeshs Father Impressed With Shilpa In the promo, Puneesh's father meets Shilpa and tells her that Puneesh's mother wants to meet Shilpa, first. Puneeshs Father Tells Akash Is Puneeshs True Friend He goes towards Akash and tells him that he is Puneesh's real friend in the house and outside the house as well! Puneesh & His Father Have An Emotional Reunion After Bigg Boss frees Puneesh, he hugs his father and cries. He introduces him to his friends. Puneesh's father is impressed with Shilpa. Puneesh tells that he loves Shilpa a lot and she is his darling'! Puneesh Introduces His Father To His Friends Puneesh introduces him to Akash, who is in tears. He then introduces him to Arshi and others. All housemates hug his father after Bigg Boss frees them. As soon as his father goes out, Puneesh is seen shouting, "Daddy, I love you." Vikas Mother Enters The House As soon as Vikas hears his mother's voice, he gets excited. Bigg Boss asks everyone to freeze, while Vikas' mother enters the house. She hugs him and tells him that she is proud of him. Emotional Moment! On seeing Vikas and his mother, all the other housemates get teary-eyed. Bigg Boss frees Vikas and the duo hugs each other. Siddharth Quits Dil Se Dil Tak! It was said that the show might go off air soon! But, according to the latest report, Siddharth has quit the show. It is said that the actor is not happy with the way his character on the show is shaping up! Siddharth Wasnt Happy With The Way His Character Was Shaping Up Siddharth was quoted by BT a saying, "I wasn't happy with the way my character was shaping up and the track didn't pan out as I was promised. I had a meeting with the producer and we decided to part ways mutually." Siddharth & Producer Meeting A source was quoted by TOI as saying, "Sidharth had a meeting with the producer on Tuesday, after which they both felt things weren't working out and it was best to part ways." Rohan Gandotra To Replace Siddharth Apparently, Kaala Teeka fame Rohan Gandotra will be stepping into Siddharth Shukla's shoes to play the role of Parth Bhanushali. Sumeet Mittal Says The producer of the show, Sumeet Mittal confirmed Rohan's entry on the show. He said, "Sidharth and we had creative differences and hence, we decided to go our separate ways on a good note." Dil Se Dil Tak For the uninitiated, Dil Se Dil Tak deals with surrogate motherhood. Apparently, the show is loosely based on Salman Khan, Rani Mukherjee and Preity Zinta starrer Chori Chori Chupke Chupke. DSDT Rashmi (Shorvari) and Siddharth (Parth) play a Bengali couple on the show. Shorvari suffers a miscarriage and they will get to know that she will not be able to conceive again! The couple will seek help from Jasmine, who plays a Gujarati girl, Teni (surrogate mother)! Fred Hutch has been the leader in bone marrow transplantation for decades, and Geoffs expertise as a researcher and clinician will enable the Hutch to stay at the cutting edge of the field, said Dr. Nancy E. Davidson, senior vice president of the Clinical Research Division at Fred Hutch and president and executive director of SCCA. She took up those positions a year ago and also was then named head of the Division of Medical Oncology at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Were thrilled about the vision Geoff will bring to our efforts to advance stem cell transplantation, which is one form of immunotherapy, Davidson said. Integrating BMT with emerging immunotherapies Hill comes to Seattle as Fred Hutch and SCCA seek to integrate bone marrow transplantation for which the Hutchs Dr. E. Donnall Thomas earned a Nobel Prize in 1990 with new and emerging immunotherapies for cancer. Bone marrow transplantation was the first immunotherapy, and since pioneering the procedure, we have learned vastly more about how the immune system enables the therapy to work, said Dr. Gary Gilliland, president and director of Fred Hutch. Geoff is a world-renowned stem cell transplant expert and he will lead the Hutch into the next era of cellular therapies for treatment of cancer. We are very excited to have recruited him. Hill will work closely with immunotherapy experts at Fred Hutch and the Bezos Family Immunotherapy Clinic at SCCA to identify ways to combine transplantation with Fred Hutch expertise in other immunotherapies that involve engineering T cells to target and kill cancer cells. As a transplant physician, there is a great attraction to move to the Hutch, both because of its historical significance in pioneering bone marrow transplantation and its continuing innovation in this therapy, Hill said. Hills research team has produced significant insights into the immunological processes that underlie GVHD, the complication that arises when the newly transplanted donor immune system mounts an attack on the transplant recipient. The common condition varies from mild to disabling and can be fatal. He has developed preclinical models demonstrating the type of cells that initiate GVHD and how molecules called cytokines orchestrate the severity of the disease, leading to a number of new therapeutic approaches. At Fred Hutch he will continue his lab research aimed at minimizing GVHD and making transplantation more tolerable to patients. Patients drive his work What drives my work as a clinician and a researcher is seeing patients with poor outcomes after transplant and trying to address those through clinical research, Hill said. Weve found a number of new immune pathways involved in initiating and maintaining GVHD, which give us good therapeutic targets. Hill received medical training in New Zealand and Australia and additional research training and experience at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute at Harvard University. He is a long-standing Senior Principal Research Fellow of Australias National Health and Medical Research Council, co-authoring more than 150 journal articles on stem cells, transplantation and GVHD. Hill was the 2005 Queenslander of the Year and received both the Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand 2009 Ian McKenzie Award and the 2014 Translational Research Institute National Prize for excellence within basic and clinical research in the transplant field. He was also awarded a Queensland Health Senior Clinical Research Fellowship in 2010 to translate new cytokine and cell-based therapies into clinical practice. We are excited to welcome Geoff Hill to the faculty of the UW Department of Medicine, said Dr. William J. Bremner, chair of the department and the Robert G. Petersdorf Endowed Chair in Medicine. He will be clinically active in the SCCA and his translational research will greatly advance our understanding of the immunological mechanisms involved in transplantation and its complications, including GVHD, thereby improving patient care. A police force recorded more than 300 incidents of hare coursing in just one month the equivalent to 10 a day. In November, Lincolnshire Police said there were 306 incidents of hare coursing, giving a three-month total of 690 incidents. This, however, is a drop compared with 803 incidents recorded over the same period in 2016. See also: Hare coursing what you need to know if your farm is targeted Some days there were no reports of hare coursing, but on others there up to 24 incidents were reported. #harecoursing is not just about animal welfare but about wider rural community safety. #ruralcrime #OpGalileo Lincs Rural Crime (@LincsRuralCrime) December 3, 2017 Although the figures remain high, the NFU said it was encouraged to see that Operation Galileo, the forces campaign to tackle hare coursing, was working to reduce incidents in the county. Danny OShea, an NFU county adviser in Lincolnshire, said: We are keen to see Lincolnshire Police take action against these criminals and send the uncompromising message to hare coursers that they are not welcome in our county. It is good news that action is being taken, and the NFU will continue to work with Lincolnshire Police to tackle these frightening and ruthless criminals. To tackle hare coursing in Lincolnshire, the NFU wants: Police to improve response rates to reports of incidents Increased number of dogs, vehicles and proceeds of crime seized Greater conviction rates and tougher sentences for criminals The NFU is also urging farmers to report all incidents of hare coursing this winter to police to ensure officers have the best intelligence and chance of ending this epidemic. Police forces across the UK are using social media to engage with farmers and the public to increase awareness of illegal hare coursing activity. This is the state of our cars after pursuing a Grand Cherokee Jeep that was suspected of Hare Coursing & causing criminal damage near Buckland. The vehicle has front & rear end damage, it now in the Essex area near Clavering. If seen please call 999. E Herts Rural Police (@EHertsRrlPolice) December 3, 2017 Meanwhile, in Cambridgeshire, police are using social media to connect with the public and gather intelligence of hare coursing incidents. Following a post on Facebook about a suspected hare coursing incident near Witchford, officers from East Cambridgeshire held a Q&A session with the public to gather information and answer questions. See also: Video farmer hit in face with metal bar after taking on illegal hare coursers Hare coursing is a rural crime where greyhounds or other dogs are used to chase, catch and kill hares, with large sums of money often wagered on the outcome. It is illegal under the 2014 Hunting Act. Levels of hare coursing increase significantly after harvest, when large areas of arable land are cleared. Anyone with information about hare coursing should call police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. If you see hare coursers operating, call 999. Build your dream home on this lovely 17.7+/- acres of land in the beautiful Graves Mill Valley of Madison County, Virginia. From the elevated building site, you can view the Blue Ridge Mountains in one direction and in the other direction look down over the valley where over 1300 acres are protected by conservation easements. Enjoy fishing and wading in the Rapidan River which forms the southern boundary of the property. The land is mostly open and would make a nice small farm. Just a few miles from the property you can hike in the Shenandoah National Park as well as the Rapidan Wildlife Manangement Area. This is a very unique and affordable parcel nestled in a very protected setting of large farms. The land is located 45 minutes north of Charlottesville and two hours from Washington D.C. Offered at $282,500. Saakashvili to begin impeachment of Poroshenko - Georgia's ex-president adresses his supporters - GeorgianJournal Nokia 6 (2018) reportedly in the works; January launch possible News oi -Abhinaya Prabhu Nokia 6 carries the credits for being the first Nokia branded Android smartphone to be launched by HMD. The device is one of the bestselling models from HMD and will turn one year old in a few more days. Having said that, it looks like the Nokia 6 will be getting a successor very soon. A recent leak by a Baidu user via GizmoChina has revealed that HMD could be working on a Nokia 6 successor that is slated to be launched soon. An image that has been posted on Baidu also shows the model number of the alleged second generation Nokia 6 smartphone and the memory configuration too. Going by the leaked image, it is believed that the Nokia 6 will carry the model number TA-1054 but this will differ in each region. Notably, this is not the first time that we are coming across this model number. Back in November, a Nokia smartphone with the same model number was spotted on the database of China's Communications Commission and there were claims that it could be the Nokia 9. As mentioned above, the leaked image also reveals the memory configuration of the Nokia 6 successor. It can be seen that the smartphone might be launched with 4GB RAM and 32GB storage space. Again, the storage capacity is set to differ based on the market. There are possibilities for the company to unveil a variant of the Nokia 6 with 3GB RAM and 32GB storage and one more with 4GB RAM and 64GB variant. The Nokia 6 (2018) is to feature a durable and sturdy build as the original device but there are major design changes are expected. The bezels at the top and bottom are likely to be narrower tipping that there could be a full-screen design. Eventually, the fingerprint sensor might be positioned at the rear and there will be on-screen navigational buttons too. The primary camera is likely to have a new design as in the Nokia 5. Talking about specs, the Nokia 6 second generation model is believed to pack more power with a Snapdragon 660 SoC. Besides revealing the details of the second generation Nokia 6, the source also revealed another image showing the model numbers of the Nokia 9. The image tips that there will be three variants of the Nokia 9 with the model numbers TA-1005, TA-1009 and TA-1042. We recently came across a report that the Nokia 9 might be unveiled at an event on January 19. It was also speculated that the Nokia 9 might be accompanied by another one - the new Nokia 8. Now, we can expect the new Nokia 6 to also share the stage with the other devices. Best Mobiles in India MediaTek and Qualcomm partner with Google to provide Android Oreo (Go edition) software News oi -Samden Sherpa MediaTek along with Qualcomm have collaborated with Google to deliver improved performance in entry-level smartphones. MediaTek one of the popular semiconductor companies has now announced that it is a System-on-Chip (SoC) partner for providing Google's AndroidTM Oreo (Go edition) software to smartphone makers. After a deep collaboration with Google, MediaTek's MT6739, MT6737, and MT6580 SoCs, among others, now have board support packages available to run Android Oreo (Go edition). Google collaborated with MediaTek to ensure that Android Oreo (Go edition) works well on its line of processors, enabling a faster time-to-market mechanism for device manufacturers, and ensuring a quality Android smartphone experience that is both secure and affordable for devices with 512MB to 1GB of memory. This marks one of the first times that entry-level SoCs are ready to be used shortly after the latest version of Android, in this case, Android 8.1 Oreo, which has been released to the Android Open Source Project. With Android Oreo (Go edition), Google has optimized its OS platform, first-party apps, and the Google PlayTM Store to improve the capabilities of entry-level devices. Limited processing power and storage are top pain points for entry-level device users. Android Oreo (Go edition) was created to not only address these issues but to also ensure that the devices are secure and that users have more control over data usage. Android Oreo (Go edition) leverages the existing Google Play Store ecosystem to deliver apps that run smoothly on low memory devices. This improves the overall user experience with, and support for, devices that have 512MB to 1GB of memory, which results in a significant bill of materials (BOM) cost savings. These savings enable device makers to provide the 400 million users who buy entry-level smartphones every year, a better option. "Entry-level devices are the gateway to the internet for many people, and we want to make sure everyone has a great experience when they use these devices," said Sameer Samat, VP of Product Management, Android and Google Play. "We're excited that Android Oreo (Go edition) will significantly improve storage, performance, data management, and security." "Today's announcement builds upon our existing work with Google, including our recent collaboration on Google's GMS Express to speed up the certification process," said TL Lee, General Manager of MediaTek's Wireless Communication business unit. "With Android Oreo (Go edition), we are partnering with Google to tackle the performance challenges of lower memory phones, improving the user experience of entry-level smartphones for consumers in key markets across India, the Middle East and Africa, Latin America and South East Asia." Android Oreo (Go edition) leverages MediaTek's acclaimed turnkey references and chipsets that are designed specifically to reduce product development time and compliance testing. A wide range of MediaTek SoC's supports Android Oreo (Go edition), including the MT6739 and MT6737 for 4G devices, as well as the MT6580 for 3G devices. This gives device makers the range of capabilities they need to develop devices for specific price points and markets. Android Oreo (Go edition) smartphones powered by MediaTek will be available in the worldwide market by Q1, 2018. Meanwhile, Qualcomm, the other major mobile processor maker, has also announced full support for bringing Android Oreo (Go edition) to low-RAM smartphones. The company has said that it will be working closely with Google to offer an optimised experience on smartphones with a memory of 1GB or less. Qualcomm claims that this partnership will help leverage growth for both brands in emerging markets from South Asia and Africa. Android Oreo (Go edition) is expected to be available running on devices based on Snapdragon mobile platforms in early 2018. Best Mobiles in India Facebook, To stay updated with latest technology news & gadget reviews, follow GizBot on Twitter YouTube and also subscribe to our notification. Allow Notifications Exclusive: BSNL to launch 4G LTE services in January News oi -Priyanka BSNL has more than 100 million mobile customers, 10 million broadband customers, and 16 million landline customers. The telco is also providing various enterprise services like lease line and VSAT Although it's comparatively late, the State-run telecom operator Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) may soon start competing with the private telecom service providers, as it is all set to launch its 4G LTE service in January. "We have a different strategy for 4G like one is to utilize Wi-Fi route of 4G and for that we have already installed 15000 Wi-Fi hotspots which are 4G enabled and second is to go classical route like LTE which we will begin in January," Anupam Shrivastava, Chairman, and Managing Director, BSNL, told Gizbot in an exclusive interaction. He further said, "Nokia and ZTE are going to install the 4G equipment by this month end first in West and South Zone and then in North, East Zone. BSNL also wants to increase Wi-Fi hotspots up to 100,000 over two years, he added. Meanwhile, a report in Deccan Chronicle says that Chennai will be the first city receiving 4G services if everything goes according to the plan. The telco has also recently announced its tie-up with domestic handset maker Micromax for 4G feature phone which is branded as "BHARAT-1." The co-branded device is already available at Rs. 2,200/- and has all facilities which are required for the 4G user. BSNL has bundled a voucher worth Rs 97/- per month which provides unlimited voice and unlimited data to the consumer. This combination of BSNL and Micromax is perhaps one of the most reasonable cost-effective mobile bundling available in the market at present. "The product has already hit the market and it is picking up quite well, Shrivastava said when asked about the response. The company is also talking to Lava for 4G feature phones and have signed one MOU with them, he further said. Yet another aspect of the telco is that it is also geared to sign MOU with Swedish telecom gear maker Ericsson this month, for 5G and IoT in India. So far, BSNL has more than 100 million mobile customers, 10 million broadband customers, and 16 million landline customers. The telco is also providing various enterprise services like lease line, VSAT and various managed services. Best Mobiles in India Facebook, To stay updated with latest technology news & gadget reviews, follow GizBot on Twitter YouTube and also subscribe to our notification. Allow Notifications Vodafone launches its i-RoamFree service to Thailand and New Zealand News oi -Vijeta With this, customers planning their holidays can now enjoy the benefits of Vodafone i-RoamFREE in 20 countries including popular destinations like UAE, USA, UK, Singapore, Malaysia etc. India's second largest telecom operator Vodafone today has announced its new offer under which the company extends its Vodafone iRoamFree, international roaming scheme to two more countries- Thailand and New Zealand. With this, customers planning their holidays can now enjoy the benefits of Vodafone i-RoamFREE in 20 countries including popular destinations like UAE, USA, UK, Singapore, Malaysia etc. Avneesh Khosla, Associate Director - Consumer Business, Vodafone India, said, "Vodafone customers have had a delightful experience with our Vodafone i-RoamFREE plans. This holiday season, we wanted to further add to the festivities that our travelers are looking forward to. We are delighted to add two popular destinations to the I-RoamFREE proposition - Thailand & New Zealand, strengthening our unlimited offering to 20 countries." He said, "Thailand is amongst the top 4 international holiday destination for Indians for business, leisure or even a weekend gateway. With a large Indian diaspora, New Zealand is a popular long-haul choice for Indian travelers for visiting family and for exploring the country's natural beauty. With calls and data being completely free under the i-RoamFREE packs, customers would not have to look for alternatives and can have a completely worry-free roaming experience." The packs are available at multiple affordable price points ranging from Rs 5000 for 28 days (which is effectively Rs 180 per day) to Rs. 500 for a 24 Hours usage, for those on a short visit. Both Vodafone prepaid and postpaid consumers can activate the pack through My Vodafone App. The company has introduced the Vodafone i-RoamFREE for customers traveling to Europe recently. Apart from Europe, travelers can also use unlimited calling and Data in USA, UAE, Singapore& Malaysia with the same pack. Best Mobiles in India The AmeriKat's new tattoo By law, before a medicinal product can be placed on the market, it requires a MA. Getting a medicinal product to this point cant take upwards to 15 years. By the time a MA for a medicinal product is granted, much of the term of the patent that protects the product will have expired. This means that the effective protection under the patent is insufficient to cover the investment in R&D (see Article 4 of the SPC Regulation). For this reason, a new right - the Supplementary Protection Certificate (SPC) - was introduced by the SPC Regulation in order to address that problem. SPCs provide an additional period of protection - up to a maximum of 5 years - for a product (i) subject to a valid MA at the date of the application (Article 3(b)) and protected by a patent (basic patent) in force at the date of the application (Article 3(a)). National courts and the CJEU have spent many years wrangling with the interpretation and application of the SPC Regulation. Oh, why did the SPC Regulation have to be that clear? "ezetimibe and atorvastatin or pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof, including atorvastatin as atorvastatin calcium trihydrate". The path to a granted SPC under the DCP 1. Is an end of procedure notice issued by the reference Member State under Article 28(4) of Directive [2001/83] before expiry of the basic patent to be treated as equivalent to a granted marketing authorisation for the purpose of Article 3(b) of [the SPC Regulation], such that an applicant for [an SPC] in the Member State in question is entitled to apply for and be granted [an SPC] on the basis of the end of procedure notice? No - an end of procedure notice issued by a reference Member State in accordance with the DCP is not to be treated as equivalent to an MA. The natural reading of the word "granted" in Article 3(b) is that the action has to have been completed. The grant of an SPC is linked to the grant of a MA so an SPC can only be granted if an MA has been granted. After setting out the specific procedure of the DCP, the CJEU turned to the crux of the issue. It stated that the adoption of an end of procedure notice under Article 28(4) of Directive 2001/83 represents an intermediate stage in the DCP. The notice does not have the same legal effect as a "valid" MA. Although the notice has features of an MA (guaranteeing safety, identifying the product, etc), it importantly does not not permit an applicant to place on the market the medicinal product - an MA does. This is the "essential feature " of a MA. The Court cited Forsgren C-631/13 ) on the basis that that Court stated that a patented product may not give rise to the grant of an SPC unless the medicinal product has been granted a MA. 2. If the answer to question 1 is no: in the circumstances in question, is the absence of a granted marketing authorisation in the Member State in question at the date of the application for [an SPC] in that Member State an irregularity that can be cured under Article 10(3) of [the SPC Regulation] once the marketing authorisation has been granted? No. Article 3(b) states an SPC is to be granted "if...a valid authorization to place the product on the market as a medicinal product has been granted". There needs to be a granted MA in the Member State concerned. If this condition is not met, then the SPC should be rejected by the relevant MS's authority. Article 10(3) only relates to irregularities relating to the application for the SPC. An absence of an MA does not constitute an irregularity of the application - it is "an irregularity in connection with the product, as a medicinal product, not an irregularity in connection with the SPC application." Essentially Article 10(3) is for curing defects relating to paperwork, not defects relating to the conditions of grant. of the Court's Trinity Term, Mr Justice Arnold referred two questions to the CJEU on the SPC Regulation in [2016] EWHC 1896 . Today, the Court of Justice of the European Union responded to Arnold J's questions in Case C-567/16 holding that an end of procedure notice does not amount to a granted marketing authorization for purposes of Article 3(b). The AmeriKat summarized the background of the dispute, parties' arguments and referred questions in this post - but for ease she repeats the background for readers below.What do you do if your patent is about to expire, but despite notice that Member States (MSs) have agreed to grant your marketing authorization (MA) under the decentralized procedure, a MS has not yet taken the step to actually grant it? You still make your SPC application, of course.What happens after that was subject to a reference to the CJEU (form of questions below).Nothing makes the AmeriKat happier than SPC law (as far as "legal happiness" goes). For those who have better things to do with their time than to understand the wonderful world of SPCs or to follow the myriad of national and CJEU decisions in this area, the key points are as follows:Atozet is the medicinal product which contains the active ingredients of ezetimibe and atorvastatin. It is used to lower cholesterol. Claim 17 of EP(UK) 0 720 599 (the basic patent) protects a pharmaceutical composition comprising ezetimible and atorvastatin (this was not in dispute). MSD applied for a SPC for the "product" on the basis of this patent for:The problem was that at the time of the SPC application, there was no granted MA in the UK.MSD obtained a MA and SPC for the mono product - ezetimibe - in 2003. It then obtained a MA and SPC for a combination of ezetimibe and simvastin - in 2004 and 2006, respectively (Merpel was struck by the relevance of this in the decision given that Article 3(c) objections were not in dispute, save for in the Dutch court).In September 2006, MSD began development of the fixed dose combo of ezetimibe and atorvastatin. However, it encountered formulation difficulties. Seven years later, in September 2013, MSD filed MAs for Atozet in a number of Member States using the decentralized procedure (DCP) of obtaining a MA. MSD designated Germany as the reference Member State (RMS). As the RMS, the German medicines regulatory authority - Bundesinstitut fur Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte - coordinated the approval process, preparing the draft documents and, most importantly, the draft summary of product characteristics (SmPC) on which the other Member States comment. All Member States' respective regulatory bodies need to be happy with the documents before the procedure is closed. Thereafter, once agreement is reached, each Member State has 30 days to grant the MA.The German medicines authority did not accept that MSD had filed a valid application until 13 February 2014. On 12 September that year - a single day before the patent expired (remember the basic patent has to be in force under Article 3(a)) - MSD applied for its UK SPC at the UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO). However, MSD did not have a granted UK MA. Instead, MSD submitted, with their SPC application, a copy of the end of procedure (EoP) notice from the German medicines agency stating that the DCP had ended with approval. MSD explained that the effect of the EoP notice was that concerned Member States, including the UK, had agreed to grant a MA for Atozet. MSD therefore asked the UK IPO for permission to supplement their application when their UK MA was granted.Five days later, the UK IPO's examiner said MSD's application did not comply with Article 3(b) because at the time of filing their SPC application, they did not have a valid UK MA. The EoP notice did not satisfy that requirement. The IPO also objected to the application on Article 3(c) grounds. Three weeks later, the UK MHRA granted the MA on 10 October 2014. MSD submitted a copy of the UK MA, together with the first EU MA (from France) and asserted that these documents would rectify any irregularities in the application. The examiner maintained her objections, leading to a hearing in which the hearing officer agreed that Article 3(c) was satisfied but the SPC application fell foul of Article 3(b) which could not be cured under Article 10(3).The final form of the questions referred to the Court and the CJEU's answers are set out below:On the strict literal wording of the SPC Regulation, the AmeriKat can understand the reasoning of the Court. But why should an applicant be penalized because (i) it takes longer to prove the safety and efficacy of a formulated medicinal product and (ii) a national medicines agency's speed may slow the DCP leading to a granted MA? Isn't this time loss exactly why we have an SPC Regulation? This may be a hangry rant, but the AmeriKat is left searching for the justice of a telelogical approach amongst the black and white interpretation of the drafting of the SPC Regulation in this decision. Merpel also finds irony in that, seemingly for once, the SPC Regulation is too clear. Country United States of America US Virgin Islands United States Minor Outlying Islands Canada Mexico, United Mexican States Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Cuba, Republic of Dominican Republic Haiti, Republic of Jamaica Afghanistan Albania, People's Socialist Republic of Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of American Samoa Andorra, Principality of Angola, Republic of Anguilla Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S) Antigua and Barbuda Argentina, Argentine Republic Armenia Aruba Australia, Commonwealth of Austria, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bangladesh, People's Republic of Barbados Belarus Belgium, Kingdom of Belize Benin, People's Republic of Bermuda Bhutan, Kingdom of Bolivia, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana, Republic of Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya) Brazil, Federative Republic of British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria, People's Republic of Burkina Faso Burundi, Republic of Cambodia, Kingdom of Cameroon, United Republic of Cape Verde, Republic of Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad, Republic of Chile, Republic of China, People's Republic of Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia, Republic of Comoros, Union of the Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, People's Republic of Cook Islands Costa Rica, Republic of Cote D'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of the Cyprus, Republic of Czech Republic Denmark, Kingdom of Djibouti, Republic of Dominica, Commonwealth of Ecuador, Republic of Egypt, Arab Republic of El Salvador, Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Republic of Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faeroe Islands Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Fiji, Republic of the Fiji Islands Finland, Republic of France, French Republic French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon, Gabonese Republic Gambia, Republic of the Georgia Germany Ghana, Republic of Gibraltar Greece, Hellenic Republic Greenland Grenada Guadaloupe Guam Guatemala, Republic of Guinea, Revolutionary People's Rep'c of Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Guyana, Republic of Heard and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City State) Honduras, Republic of Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China Hrvatska (Croatia) Hungary, Hungarian People's Republic Iceland, Republic of India, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq, Republic of Ireland Israel, State of Italy, Italian Republic Japan Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Kiribati, Republic of Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Kuwait, State of Kyrgyz Republic Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon, Lebanese Republic Lesotho, Kingdom of Liberia, Republic of Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein, Principality of Lithuania Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Macao, Special Administrative Region of China Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Madagascar, Republic of Malawi, Republic of Malaysia Maldives, Republic of Mali, Republic of Malta, Republic of Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania, Islamic Republic of Mauritius Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Moldova, Republic of Monaco, Principality of Mongolia, Mongolian People's Republic Montserrat Morocco, Kingdom of Mozambique, People's Republic of Myanmar Namibia Nauru, Republic of Nepal, Kingdom of Netherlands Antilles Netherlands, Kingdom of the New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua, Republic of Niger, Republic of the Nigeria, Federal Republic of Niue, Republic of Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway, Kingdom of Oman, Sultanate of Pakistan, Islamic Republic of Palau Palestinian Territory, Occupied Panama, Republic of Papua New Guinea Paraguay, Republic of Peru, Republic of Philippines, Republic of the Pitcairn Island Poland, Polish People's Republic Portugal, Portuguese Republic Puerto Rico Qatar, State of Reunion Romania, Socialist Republic of Russian Federation Rwanda, Rwandese Republic Samoa, Independent State of San Marino, Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Senegal, Republic of Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles, Republic of Sierra Leone, Republic of Singapore, Republic of Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia, Somali Republic South Africa, Republic of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spain, Spanish State Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of St. Helena St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Pierre and Miquelon St. Vincent and the Grenadines Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Suriname, Republic of Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands Swaziland, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Switzerland, Swiss Confederation Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, Province of China Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand, Kingdom of Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of Togo, Togolese Republic Tokelau (Tokelau Islands) Tonga, Kingdom of Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda, Republic of Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of Wallis and Futuna Islands Western Sahara Yemen Zambia, Republic of Zimbabwe NATO Foreign Ministers meeting wraps up in Brussels NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 05 Dec. 2017 NATO Foreign Ministers on Wednesday (6 December) discussed ways to increase NATO's role in projecting stability and fighting terrorism as part of preparations for the upcoming NATO Summit in Brussels next July. "From the Balkans to Afghanistan, NATO has great experience in training local forces and building the capacity of local institutions", NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said at the end of a two-day meeting of the Alliance's Foreign Ministers in Brussels. "These are the best tools to make our partners better able to defend themselves and to combat international terrorist threats". Ministers also discussed how NATO's role within the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS should evolve as the Coalition moves from combat operations to stabilisation efforts. Earlier in the day, Ministers reaffirmed their practical and political support for Georgia as well as their commitment to Georgia's eventual membership of the Alliance. NATO and the European Union decided to further boost their cooperation on Tuesday, signing off on 32 new joint proposals for more cooperation particularly in the areas of military mobility, fighting terrorism and promoting the role of women. North Korea's illegal weapons programme was also on the agenda after last week's test of an intercontinental ballistic missile by North Korea showed that all Allied nations could be within range. Mr Stoltenberg said the missile test showed North Korea's reckless behaviour, and added that the world must put maximum diplomatic, political and economic pressure on North Korea order to achieve a peaceful solution. The Ministerial ended with a review of NATO's Open Door policy and how Allies can best support the countries which aspire for NATO membership. Secretary General Stoltenberg stressed that successive rounds of enlargement have secured peace in Europe and supported European integration. In preparation to NATO's 2018 Summit, Ministers agreed to review the progress of each aspirant country by April 2018. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address 35th FW relocates for Vigilant Ace 18 35th Fighter Wing Public Affairs / Published December 06, 2017 OSAN AIR BASE, South Korea (AFNS) -- The 35th Fighter Wing relocated 18 F-16 Fighting Falcons and more than 280 personnel to participate in Vigilant Ace 18, an annual flying exercise at Osan Air Base, South Korea, occurring Dec. 4 - 8, 2017. The exercise tests the readiness of 35th FW Airmen to rapidly respond within the Indo-Asia-Pacific region and enhance interoperability with allies and sister services across the Korean Peninsula, while sustaining operations away from home station. "Overall, this exercise will help identify shortfalls our fighter squadron would endure if we had to relocate to [South Korea] during a real-world scenario," said 1st Lt. Michael Mayclin, 13th Fighter Squadron F-16 pilot. "We want to safely execute our 'Wild Weasel' mission set during our time here, while further learning about our role within the Pacific." During the relocation, both pilots and maintainers focused on a seamless operational transition from Misawa AB to Osan AB. "Our number one priority ensures bed-down procedures, or getting equipment and personnel in the right location, are completed and will sufficiently support the mission for immediate operational use," said Capt. Gabriel Byrd, 13th Aircraft Maintenance Unit officer in charge. "It is important to find and correct errors during a simulated exercise versus a real-world wartime contingency." Alongside the 35th FW, Airmen with the 51st FW at Osan AB received realistic training in-processing Airmen from another unit. "There are very few differences between receiving forces and cargo during Vigilant Ace 18 and during a wartime environment," said Staff Sgt. David Mayo, 51st Maintenance Group unit reception monitor. "If we are flying by the seat of our pants when a real-world scenario occurs, a lot of time and effort will be wasted, potentially costing lives. This exercise forces us to be flexible and accommodate the needs of incoming units." Vigilant Ace 18 encompasses more than 12,000 U.S. personnel at eight South Korea and U.S. military installations across the Korean Peninsula. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address 571st MSAS trains El Salvador air force for peacekeeping mission By 571st Mobility Support Advisory Squadron, 621st Contingency Response Wing / Published December 06, 2017 TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. (AFNS) -- The 571st Mobility Support Advisory Squadron sent a 15 member mobility training team to the Republic of El Salvador to conduct training for two weeks. The MTT's mission was to train and advise the Latin American expeditionary forces to deploy in support of the U.N.'s peacekeeping efforts in the Republic of Mali, a landlocked country in West Africa. El Salvador is Central America's smallest and most densely populated country, but is the region's largest contributor to this U.N. peacekeeping mission. The 1st air brigade has been supporting the U.N. in Mali since 2014, but will soon undertake new responsibilities in firefighting, air traffic control, airfield management and weather operations. The MTT executed more than 170 combined hours of instruction to 48 students that will be assigned to one of the new operational areas. However, the uncertainty of the scope of responsibility Salvadorans will face in Mali required the instructors to dynamically tailor their course material to the mission their students would face in a foreign geographical area. "As air advisors we want to provide our partner nations with the best quality training the (U.S.) Air Force can offer," said Capt. LaDarian Outsey, the MTT's mission commander. "When we work with our partner nations, we seek to provide them with the most tangible training and enlighten them with current techniques and procedures. With their upcoming Mali deployment, we sought to tailor the course work to facilitate what they can expect to see in Mali. Doing this will have a direct impact on how the Salvadoran military conducts their contingency operations." This approach empowered the MTT's instructors to both train and make observations that resulted in key recommendations to prevent potential downrange mission degradation. The MTT's firefighting instructors, Master Sgts. Johnathan Hall and Golangia Jenkins, noticed a critical error in the Salvadoran firefighting team's purchase order. Their actions enabled the Salvadorans to repurpose $10,000 in "not needed" purchases, and purchase critical lifesaving equipment. "Identifying the incorrect item on their purchase order early enabled them to cancel the order and request the proper equipment for safe emergency operations," Hall said. "Without this equipment they would not have been able to effectively perform their duties in Mali." "I'd like to thank the 571st MSAS air advisors for their dedication and for taking the time to prepare my team for the challenges it will soon face," said Lt. Col. Robert Baires Hernandez, Salvadoran 1st air brigade unit commander. The 571st MSAS is charged with strengthening partner nation's capabilities and the squadron trains, advises and assists partner nations in developing airpower capabilities. The unit includes Spanish-speaking Airmen and is aligned with the U.S. Southern Command area of responsibility. "Air advisors are a key asset in the Air Force's enduring Building Partner Capacity mission," Outsey said. "Each successive engagement assists to achieve freedom, stability and prosperity in the region, and contributes to USSOUTHCOMM joint intermediate military objectives." NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address DoD Urges Congress to Pass FY18 Budget By Jim Garamone DoD News, Defense Media Activity WASHINGTON, Dec. 6, 2017 The Pentagon urged Congress to pass the Fiscal Year 2018 Defense Appropriations Bill before the current continuing resolution expires on Friday. Pentagon spokesman Army Col. Robert Manning said the men and women of the department deserve the certainty such a move would make. "To be very clear, continuing resolutions are wasteful and inefficient," Manning told Pentagon reporters today. "Continuing resolutions immediately disrupt training, impede readiness recovery, delay maintenance, impose uncertainty on the workforce and induce inefficient and constrained contracting practices." Continuing Resolution The department is under a continuing resolution now. A continuing resolution is designed to be a short, stopgap measure to allow Congress to finish work on pending appropriations bills. Continuing resolutions provide funding at the level most recently approved -- in this case the funding level for fiscal 2017. During a continuing resolution, the department cannot begin new programs or new construction. "The longer [continuing resolutions] last, the more damage they do," Manning said. "A stable and robust defense spending bill received on time is critical to the Department of Defense both now, and in the years to come." NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address End-of-term exhaustion of academic Kats The UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has kindly informed us that they are looking to commission research around exhaustion of rights. As readers are no doubt aware, exhaustion of rights in IP refers to the limits on the rights to control distribution and resale of a good after it has been legitimately put on the market in a specific territory. Once a good has been marketed, depending on the territory, the IPRs (or certain aspects of it) are said to be exhausted. The UK is currently part of a regional exhaustion system, with the region being the European Economic Area (EEA). This means that goods marketed in the EEA cannot be barred from being resold/distributed across member states on the basis of IPRs, but rights holders have the ability to control imports from outside the bloc. (Some recent Kat posts on the topical issue here here and here .) As such, the UK IPO, is looking to determine the overall economic and social value of parallel trade arising from the current IP exhaustion regime and how this would vary across the different possible regimes. This work will encompass multiple research projects with the current proposals looking at: the role of price differentials, sector specific impacts and enforcement impacts. The IPO would welcome any interest in bidding for this research. Please contact Nirojan Pathmanathan ( for further details. Sleepy cat image: Jon Brinn NATO Ministers affirm support for Georgia NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 06 Dec. 2017 NATO Foreign Ministers reaffirmed their practical and political support for Georgia today (Wednesday 6 December) as well as their commitment to Georgia's eventual membership of the Alliance. Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg expressed gratitude for Georgia's many contributions to Euro-Atlantic security. "Especially the service of the highly-skilled men and women of the Georgian military, many of whom have served in Afghanistan, where Georgia is the largest non-NATO contributor to our Resolute Support training mission." Ministers discussed ongoing NATO-Georgia cooperation, including the planning of a joint military exercise, planned for 2019. "We continue to implement the Substantial NATO-Georgia Package, on which, together, we are making impressive progress." said the NATO Secretary General. Mr Stoltenberg said, "The Alliance is fully committed to providing Georgia with the advice and tools it needs to advance toward eventual NATO membership." The Secretary General underlined NATO's strong commitment to Georgia's security and territorial integrity. He said, "We remain concerned by the deepening of Russia's relations with the Abkhazia and South Ossetia regions of Georgia. We call on Russia to end its recognition of these regions and withdraw its forces from Georgian territory." The Secretary General was speaking following the meeting of NATO-Georgia Commission foreign ministers at the NATO Headquarters in Brussels. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Dallas Holds Inactivation Ceremony After 36 Years of Service Navy News Service Story Number: NNS171206-22 Release Date: 12/6/2017 1:40:00 PM From Commander, Submarine Group 9 Public Affairs BANGOR, Wash. (NNS) -- The crew of the Los Angeles-class fast attack submarine USS Dallas (SSN 700) held an inactivation ceremony, Dec. 5, at Naval Kitsap-Bangor, celebrating the boat's 36 years of service. The occasion marked the crew's final public event before the submarine is officially decommissioned in the controlled industrial area (CIA) at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard (PSNS) in Bremerton, Washington. "Today we celebrate the numerous accomplishments of this fine ship and the crews who sailed her, the outstanding efforts of both the crew and the shipyard over the inactivation, as well as our close association with both the great city of Bremerton and the boat's namesake, Dallas, Texas," said Dallas' Executive Officer Lt. Cmdr. Todd Bowers. Many supporters, Dallas Navy League members, and former crew members attended the ceremony to reunite with old shipmates and bid the submarine farewell. Also in attendance was Mr. John Hayes, who represented the City of Dallas, and Texas Congressman Kenny Marchant. "The boat and her crew, through their years of dedicated service, have lived up to the USS Dallas' motto, 'First in Harm's Way,' and I know that the crew of USS Dallas will continue to hunt for excellence throughout their lives," said Hayes. "I am honored to recognize the USS Dallas and the incredible men and women who served as her crew." When a commissioned U.S. Navy ship is decommissioned, it is taken out of active service and the crew is reassigned to another ship or command. Inactivation is the process in which the submarine will be de-fueled, with the hull retained in safe storage until decommissioning. "We anticipate that sometime in early April 2018, behind the layered security of Puget Sound Naval Shipyard's Controlled Industrial Area and with little fanfare, a small fraction of the crew and a handful of shipyard personnel shall observe the final striking of the commissioning pennant and hauling down of the ensign, following which Dallas will be officially decommissioned and stricken from the Naval Vessel Registry," said Cmdr. David Kaiser, Dallas' final commanding officer. "Today's ceremony is our opportunity to bring together current and former crewmembers and families, our adoptive families from Dallas, Texas, members of our project team, and a number of our brothers and sisters in our profession of arms to remember and to truly appreciate the sacrifices of the crew and their families. This is a chance to finally say goodbye to Dallas." Capt. Robert Jezek, Submarine Force U.S. Pacific Fleet Puget Sound Naval Shipyard representative was the guest speaker for the event. "The decommissioning of Dallas marks the end for this amazing submarine that has served our country for more than 36 years," said Jezek. "When commissioned on July 18, 1981, Dallas was hailed as the cutting edge of the nation's defense system. For all these years Dallas carried out missions vital to national security, deployed 14 times, steamed [more than] one million miles, visited [more than] 30 countries, starred in one blockbuster movie, and has been considered home for hundreds of Sailors over the years, some of which are in the audience today." The ceremony concluded with the lowering of the national ensign and the hauling down of the commissioning pennant, along with a symbolic securing of the watch. "Today I am truly humbled to have had the opportunity to lead these fine men and to be part of the family and history of such a fine warship," said Kaiser. "Following 36 years of commissioned service, it is time to let this great lady rest. Today's ceremony does not mark the death of a vessel; rather it symbolizes a transition which occurs in the life of every warship. The transition where her legacy shifts away from the individual ship accomplishments and now to the Sailors and families which carry all that they've learned and all they've experienced." Dallas completed their most recent deployment on Nov. 22, 2016. During their final extended 7-month deployment to the U.S. 5th and 6th Fleet areas of operation, the submarine traveled 37,000 nautical miles and made port calls to Brest, France; Al Hidd, Bahrain; and Duqm, Oman. Dallas departed Groton, Connecticut for Bremerton, Washington on March 24, 2017. During their transit, Dallas transited the Panama Canal and conducted port calls in Port Canaveral, Florida and San Diego. They arrived at PSNS, May 22. Dallas was the second ship of the United States Navy to be named for Dallas, Texas. The keel was laid by the Electric Boat Division of General Dynamics in Groton, Connecticut on Oct. 9, 1976. The boat was launched April 28, 1979, and commissioned July 18, 1981. Dallas has received two Meritorious Unit Commendations, two Navy Unit Commendations and has been awarded the Battle Efficiency "E" for 1986, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1999, 2000 and 2013. Dallas was featured prominently in the Tom Clancy novel, "The Hunt for Red October," and its film adaptation. However, instead of filming on Dallas, they used the recently decommissioned Los Angeles-class fast attack submarine USS Houston (SSN 713) as the primary boat. Measuring more than 360 feet long and displacing more than 6,900 tons, Dallas has a crew of approximately 140 Sailors. Dallas is capable of supporting various missions, including anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface ship warfare, strike warfare and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address USS Nimitz to return to Naval Base Kitsap Navy News Service Story Number: NNS171206-03 Release Date: 12/6/2017 9:17:00 AM From Naval Base Kitsap Public Affairs BREMERTON, Wash. (NNS) -- There's no place like home for the holidays and the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) will arrive home at Naval Base Kitsap (NBK) Bremerton after a six-month deployment in time to celebrate this festive season. USS Nimitz departed NBK-Bremerton, June 1. The carrier, embarked with Nimitz Carrier Strike Group, will return home to NBK and Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers USS Shoup (DDG 86) and USS Kidd (DDG 100) will return to Naval Station Everett. The strike group consists of Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Nimitz, Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 11, Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 9, and Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Princeton (CG 59). The air wing and DESRON command staff disembarked in San Diego, Dec. 5. Princeton and Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Howard (DDG 83) arrived at their homeport at Naval Base San Diego (NBSD), Dec. 5, as well. USS Pinckney (DDG 91) is scheduled to return to its homeport at NBSD, Dec. 10. CVW 11 consists of Lemoore, California-based Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 147, VFA 154, VFA 146, Whidbey Island, Washington-based Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 142, Norfolk-based Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 121, and San Diego-based Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 323, Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 8, Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 75, and Fleet Logistics Support Squadron (VRC) 30. The strike group: * Sailed more than 78,000 miles during the deployment (equivalent to approximately five times around the world) * Flew more than 1,300 combat sorties into Iraq and Syria * Dropped more than 900 pieces of ordnance The strike group conducted training and operations with the: * French Marine Nationale * Indian Navy * Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force * Republic of Korea Navy * Royal Australian Navy * Royal New Zealand Navy * United Kingdom's Royal Navy These included Malabar 17 in the Indian Ocean, Intrepid Sentinel in the Gulf of Oman, and landmark Three-Carrier Strike Force Operations in the Western Pacific. In addition, the strike group conducted visit, board, search and seizure drills, close-in coordinated maneuvers, flag hoisting drills, sea surveillance, replenishments-at-sea, maritime patrol and reconnaissance, explosive ordnance disposal operations, and air, surface and anti-submarine warfare training. "I am very proud of the entire strike group and all that our Sailors and Marines accomplished during this deployment," said Rear Adm. Gregory Harris, commander, Nimitz Strike Group. "The team demonstrated the professionalism, strength and resolve of the U.S. Navy around the world. They battled through the intense heat of the Arabian Gulf to conduct operations in support of Operation Inherent Resolve, and now it's time for all of us to get back and enjoy some well-deserved family time." Over the six-month span, the strike group conducted port visits in: * Pearl Harbor, Hawaii * Colombo, Sri Lanka * Chennai, India * Manama, Bahrain * Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates * Dubai, United Arab Emirates * Hamad, Qatar * Duqm, Oman * Pattaya, Thailand * Sasebo, Japan Sailors participated in numerous volunteer events, including interacting with children at schools, visiting patients at hospitals, and socializing with animals at shelters. Pinckney Sailors also participated in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations 50th anniversary celebration in Thailand, which included an International Fleet Review, conferences and a parade. Nimitz Strike Group is part of U.S. 3rd Fleet, which leads naval forces in the Pacific and provides the realistic, relevant training necessary for an effective global Navy. U.S. 3rd Fleet constantly coordinates with U.S. 7th Fleet to plan and execute missions based on their complementary strengths to promote ongoing peace, security and stability throughout the entire Pacific theater of operations. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address OIC set to meet in Turkey to coordinate response on Trump's al-Quds move Iran Press TV Wed Dec 6, 2017 03:41PM The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is set to meet in Turkey to coordinate a response to US President Donald Trump's plan to declare Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel's capital. Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin told reporters in the capital Ankara on Wednesday that the summit would take place on December 13 in the city of Istanbul. "In the face of developments that arouse sensitivity over the status of Jerusalem [al-Quds], Mr. President is calling a leaders' summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in order to display joint action among Islamic countries," media outlets quoted Kalin as saying. Turkey currently holds the chairmanship of the OIC. The spokesman went on to say that the recognition of al-Quds as Israel's capital and the moving of the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to there would be a "grave mistake" against international agreements. "Jerusalem [al-Quds] is our honor, Jerusalem is our common cause, Jerusalem [al-Quds] is our red line." Elsewhere in his remarks, the spokesman also urged the Trump administration to "return from this grave mistake immediately." Meanwhile, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag said on Wednesday that the expected US move risked igniting a "fire" in the Middle East and will prove a "great disaster." The recognition will "throw the region and the world into a fire and it's not known when it will end", Bozdag wrote on Twitter. Bozdag said such a step which showed "great intolerance and mindlessness" would "destroy the peace process." Also on Wednesday, Jordan and the Palestinians requested an emergency Arab foreign ministers' meeting to discuss Trump's plan. A diplomatic source said that the meeting is likely to be convened on Saturday. Arab League member state delegates on Tuesday issued a joint statement, saying Trump's move would constitute a "clear assault on the Arab nation and the rights of Palestinians and all Muslims and Christians." Trump's plan sparks more global reactions The move by Trump, set to come in a speech later on Wednesday, would ignore dire warnings of a historic misstep that could trigger a surge of violence in the Middle East. The US plan has prompted global reactions ranging from concern to alarm. In a frantic series of calls, several world leaders, the European Union EU, France, Germany, China, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan all warned Trump against the move. Pope warns of potential for dangerous fallout Pope Francis joined a list of leaders warning of the potential for dangerous fallout of Trump's plan. The pontiff added that maintaining Jerusalem al-Quds' status quo was important "in order to avoid adding new elements of tension to an already volatile world that is wracked by so many cruel conflicts." Jordan's king warns Trump over moving US embassy to Quds According to a Jordanian palace statement, Jordan's King Abdullah told Trump that any move by the US to declare al-Quds as the capital of Israel would have "dangerous repercussions" for regional stability. It would also inflame Muslim and Christian feelings, the king added. King Abdullah warned Trump of the risks of any decision that ran counter to a final settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict based on the creation of an independent Palestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem. "Jerusalem [al-Quds] is the key to achieving peace and stability in the region and the world," the statement said. The monarch also phoned Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and said they had to both work together to "confront the consequences of this decision." Jordanian officials are worried the move could trigger violence in the Palestinian territories and a spillover into Jordan, a country where many people are descendants of Palestinian refugees whose families left after the creation of Israel in 1948. The Palestinian resistance movement of Hamas says Israel has "no land" and naturally no right to designate "a capital" city. Trump's plan could fuel tensions in the region: China China expressed concern on Wednesday over Trump's intention to recognize al-Quds as Israel's capital, saying it could stoke regional conflicts. "(We are) concerned that the move could sharpen regional conflicts. The status of Jerusalem [al-Quds] is complicated and sensitive. All parties should do more for the peace and tranquility of the region, behave cautiously and avoid impacting the foundation for resolving the long-standing Palestine issue and initiating new hostility in the region," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told a news briefing in Beijing. UK opposes Trump's move British Prime Minister Theresa May also said she would speak to Trump about the US move. British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson, speaking as he arrived for a NATO meeting in Brussels, said "we view the reports that we have heard with concern, because we think that Jerusalem [al-Quds] obviously should be part of the final settlement between the Israelis and the Palestinians, a negotiated settlement." Pakistan 'unequivocally opposed' to Trump's plan Pakistan also joined a global chorus of alarm, calling on Trump to "refrain" from the move. A statement from Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi's office warned on Wednesday that the US move would "constitute a clear violation of international law and UN Security Council resolutions." "It would also sidestep decades of global consensus on this issue, undermine regional peace and security as well as derail any prospects for a lasting peace in the Middle East," it added. Bolivia seeks UN Security Council meeting on Trump's move Meanwhile, Bolivian UN Ambassador Sacha Sergio Llorenty Soliz plans to ask for a public meeting of the Security Council over Trump's move. The Bolivian envoy said the US plan would be a "reckless and a dangerous decision that goes against international law, the resolutions of the Security Council, it also weakens any effort for peace in the region and also upsets the whole region." Trump move will harm US-Arabs ties: Arab League Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Aboul Gheit said on Wednesday that Trump's formal recognition of Jerusalem al-Quds as the capital of Israel could undermine existing relations between the US and Arab countries. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Hamas: Israel has no land to claim 'capital' Iran Press TV Wed Dec 6, 2017 09:15AM The Palestinian resistance movement of Hamas says Israel has "no land" and naturally no right to designate "a capital" city. The announcement came shortly before US President Donald Trump's expected declaration of the recognition of Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel's "capital." Hamas Spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri tweeted the remark on Wednesday, shortly after Trump reportedly "informed" Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas of his intention to relocate the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem al-Quds. Trump is expected to declare that the US would recognize Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel's "capital" in a speech later on Wednesday, in what would most likely be a moment of euphoria for Israeli officials. But the Palestinians, and the rest of the world, are opposed to such recognition. The Palestinians want Jerusalem al-Quds, which is the site of Islam's third holiest site, as part of a future Palestinian state. Zuhri, the Hamas spokesman, added that such recognition "would harm Israel" and ultimately bring it "regret." 'Crossing every red line' On Tuesday, Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh warned the United States that the potential relocation of the US embassy would cross "every red line." In a statement addressed to world Muslim leaders, Haniya said, "Moving the American embassy to Jerusalem is a dangerous escalation and provides cover for the extremist government of [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu to carry out its plan to Judaize the city of Jerusalem." In a separate statement, Hamas called for Palestinians to "make Friday a day of rage against the occupation, rejecting moving the American embassy to Jerusalem and recognizing it as the capital of the Zionist entity." It called on young people in the West Bank to rise up and "respond to the American decision that targets our Jerusalem in every possible way." Trump's pictures set on fire People, meanwhile, rallied in the city of Bethlehem in the south of the Israeli -occupied West Bank to protest the prospect, setting fire to pictures of Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Abbas has also warned Trump of the "dangerous consequences of such a decision." Tel Aviv has long been building settlements deep into Palestinian territory to make the prospect of a Palestinian state less likely. It has been supported in that move by the Trump administration. Israel alerts forces Meanwhile, Netanyahu said Israeli forces had been placed on alert for a potential escalation of the already-tense situation in the Palestinian territories. Hundreds of Israeli settlers reportedly traveled to the city of Nablus in the northern West Bank to visit Joseph's Tomb on Wednesday. Violent confrontations were also reported around the site between Palestinian youths and the Israeli forces, who fired sound bombs and teargas canisters at the protesters. Separately, Palestinian al-Aqsa television network said dozens of Israeli forces had stormed the village of Yabod in the city of Jenin in the northern West Bank, raiding houses and beating residents. Palestinian Shehab News Agency cited American media outlets as reporting that the US had deployed Marines to its embassies in the region to avoid incidents following the potential announcement. Chorus of international outcry Various world leaders have also raised concern about the controversial American plan. The UN Most recently, the United Nations (UN) envoy for the Middle East negotiation process said on Wednesday that al-Quds' future status had to be negotiated between Israelis and Palestinians and warned of the repercussions of any action over the city. "The [UN] secretary general has spoken many times on this issue... and he has said that we all have to be very careful with the actions we take because of the repercussions of these actions," Nickolay Mladenov told a conference. "The future of Jerusalem is something that needs to be negotiated with Israel, with the Palestinians, sitting side by side directly in negotiations." China China warned that Trump's plan could fuel tensions in the region. "We are concerned about the possible escalation of tensions," Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told a regular news briefing. "All relevant parties should bear regional peace and tranquility in mind, be cautious in words and deeds, avoid impacting the foundation for the settlement of the issue of Palestine, and avoid causing new confrontation in the region." The Pope Also in reaction, Pope Francis called for al-Quds' "status quo" to be respected. The pontiff expressed his hope for "peace and prosperity" for the Palestinian people during a scheduled meeting with a Palestinian delegation of religious and intellectual leaders. The UK British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said he was concerned about reports that Trump would recognize Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel's "capital." "Let's wait and see what the president says exactly. But, you know, we view the reports that we have heard with concern because we think that Jerusalem obviously should be part of the final settlement between the Israelis and the Palestinians," he told reporters in Brussels. Russia The Kremlin said Russia was concerned that the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian authorities could be aggravated further by the embassy plan. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov added however that "we would not discuss decisions that have not been taken yet." Turkey In the harshest reaction so far, Turkey threatened to cut ties with Israel if the US carried out the recognition. Later, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called a summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Istanbul on December 13 to discuss the US plan. Erdogan called for the meeting "in order to display joint action among Islamic countries," presidential Spokesman Ibrahim Kalin told reporters in the Turkish capital. Ankara currently holds the chairmanship of the OIC. Jordan had also said earlier that it planned to convene an emergency meeting of the OIC on how to face the "dangerous" consequences of Trump's decision. Germany Germany's foreign minister warned that any US move toward such recognition would be dangerous and could deepen the Middle East conflict. Sigmar Gabriel said such a move "does not calm a conflict, rather it fuels it even more" and "would be a very dangerous development." Gabriel told reporters at NATO headquarters in Brussels that, "It's in everyone's interest that this does not happen." France French President Emmanuel Macron also said he was concerned about the potential relocation during a phone call with Trump. The EU And the European Union warned of the "serious repercussions" of the prospect. Jordan and the Palestinians request Arab League meeting The regional Arab League grouping said Jordan and the Palestinians had requested an emergency meeting of the body's foreign ministers to discuss the US scheme. The meeting is likely to be convened on Saturday, a diplomatic source told AFP. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Saudi-led coalition intensifies airstrikes against Yemen after death of Saleh Iran Press TV Wed Dec 6, 2017 08:35AM The Saudi-led coalition has intensified its airstrikes against the Yemeni capital, Sana'a, and other areas following the killing of the former Yemeni president, Ali Abdullah Saleh. The coalition's warplanes conducted dozens of airstrikes on positions of the Houthi Ansarullah movement in Sana'a and other northern provinces early Wednesday despite calls for a humanitarian ceasefire in the country, Yemen's al-Masirah television reported. The coalition also bombed the presidential palace, Saleh's residence and houses of his family members. Local residents said loud explosions were heard in downtown Sana'a. The airstrikes also targeted other Yemeni provinces, including Ta'izz, Hajjah and Sa'dah. The assaults on Hajjah left a woman and a girl dead and injured 10 others in Mabyan District. The Saudi warplanes also fired more than 150 rockets and mortar shells at Razih and Shada'a districts in Sa'dah Province. Elsewhere in the southwestern province of Ta'izz, four people were wounded following the bombardment of a fuel station in Mukha District. Yemeni forces, on the other hand, targeted the positions of the Saudi-led mercenaries in Nihm District in Sana'a Province and Maton district in the northern province of Jawf. Saleh was killed on Monday while attempting to escape Sana'a to Ma'arab Province. This came shortly after he broke ranks with the Houthi Ansarullah movement in favor of the Saudi-led military coalition, which has been pounding Yemen to reinstall its former Riyadh-allied government. On Tuesday afternoon, tens of thousands of Yemenis staged a demonstration against the Saudi-led war against Yemen, calling for unity among all factions in the country. The Houthi movement has been both running state affairs and defending the country against the Saudi aggression. More than 12,000 people have been killed since the onset of Saudi Arabia's military campaign in March 2015. Much of the Arabian Peninsula country's infrastructure, including hospitals, schools and factories, has been reduced to rubble due to the war. According to the UN, the country is experiencing "the worst humanitarian crisis on the planet." The new round of airstrikes came a day after Saleh's son Ahmed Ali vowed to lead a campaign against the Ansarullah movement. In a briefing to the Security Council, UN Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed has urged all parties to exercise restraint. According to Yemen's Interior Ministry, Yemeni forces, backed by fighters from the popular Houthi movement, are in full control of all positions previously held by Saleh's militias in Sana'a. 'Riyadh sought to use Saleh to save itself' Omar Nashabi, editor of Al-Akhbar newspaper believes that Saudi Arabia in fact intended to use Saleh's position to find a way out of the quagmire it is stuck in. "The Saudis would like to find a way out of this situation. They thought perhaps the way out would be by actually engaging Ali Abdullah Saleh and getting him back in control of the capital Sana'a at least and pushing for a solution in a forced way. They thought they could turn the time and go back to the past where Ali Abdullah Saleh was always a player who used to know how to deal with the situations inside Yemen," he told Press TV. As it turned out, the Ansarullah movement succeeded in foiling the Saudi "conspiracy," he noted, insisting that the need for unity in Yemen is now greater than ever before. Nashabi warned of "the very tight" situation in Yemen and predicted that there will be further escalation on the part of the so-called Saudi-led coalition in the coming weeks. He also emphasized that Saudi Arabia's military aggression should stop as fast as possible, and that more interference in the internal affairs of Yemen will only complicate things further. There needs to be an immediate ceasefire for the Yemenis to figure out their future, because if the Saudi aggression continues, there will not be a way forward to the negotiating table for a political settlement, he stated. Also talking to Press TV, a professor at George Washington University, Nabil Mikhail, predicted that the killing of Saleh will "expand the regional scope" of Yemen's conflict. He warned of a possible involvement of Egypt in the conflict by moving closer to Saudi Arabia as well as efforts to get Russia to also play a role. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Honduran opposition urges total vote recount or run-off Iran Press TV Wed Dec 6, 2017 07:07AM Honduras' opposition presidential candidate has demanded either an entire vote recount or a run-off poll following a controversial vote-counting process that resulted in favor of incumbent President Juan Orlando Hernandez by a low margin but no declared winner. Salvador Nasralla, who had earlier demanded a recount of at least one-third of the votes, said in a Twitter post on Tuesday that the electoral tribunal now had to review all the voting cards. "If you don't agree with that, let's go to a run-off between (Hernandez) and Salvador Nasralla," he added. It took Honduran authorities more than a week to count the votes from the November 26 presidential election in the country of only nine million people. Early on Monday, electoral authorities said Hernandez had won 42.98 percent of the votes, compared with Nasralla's 41.39 percent. But the authorities stopped short of declaring a winner. As the results began to trickle in last week, Nasralla was in the lead with a significant margin before a 24-hour hiatus in the official vote count reversed that trend. The opposition candidate soon alleged fraud and called on his supporters to take to the streets. Tens of thousands took to the streets on Sunday in a show of support for Nasralla, a former TV star. Former Honduran president Manuel Zelaya, who was toppled in a US-backed coup in 2009 and now supports Nasralla, also declared through a Twitter message that the opposition was seeking a total recount of the vote, or legislation to allow for a run-off. Meanwhile, police forces rebelled against the Hernandez administration on Monday, refusing to take part in a crackdown on protesters and calling on the government to address the political stalemate. A top official at the Honduran electoral tribunal, David Matamoros, invited the opposition to compare their copies of voter tally sheets with the official body's versions. He also said the tribunal would extend a deadline for legal challenges from Wednesday to Friday. Meanwhile, protest rallies in favor of Nasralla that started last week continued on Tuesday afternoon as scores of people, including police officers, converged at the Tegucigalpa headquarters of Honduras' elite police force yelling "Out, JOH," using President Hernandez's initials. Hernandez, who has been commended by the US for his crackdown on violent street gangs, has also claimed victory a number of times since the election but avoided making the claim in remarks broadcast on Monday and Tuesday. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Saudi jets continue to bomb Sana'a despite calls for humanitarian ceasefire Iran Press TV Wed Dec 6, 2017 01:25AM The UN has stressed that despite calls for a humanitarian ceasefire in Yemen, Saudi Arabia continues to bomb the capital Sana'a. "Airstrikes have continued while ground fighting and shelling have been reduced," said UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric on Tuesday. He added that Saudi Arabia had bombed the capital over 25 times in less than 24 hours, adding that some of the strikes had hit close to the UN's compound in the city. Dujarric added that UN food supplies in Yemen were running out, and that seven vessels carrying food requirements are blocked by Saudi-led coalition from entering Hudaydah and Salif ports. Meanwhile, the UN Security Council also stressed that humanitarian situation in the country was "dire," and that the country "stands at the brink of catastrophic famine." The spike of airstrikes seems to be related to the death of former Yemeni president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, was killed on Monday while attempting to escape Sana'a to Ma'arab Province. This came shortly after he broke ranks with the Houthi Ansarullah movement in favor of the Saudi-led military coalition, which has been pounding Yemen to reinstall its former Riyadh-allied government. More than 12,000 people have been killed since the onset of Saudi Arabia's deadly campaign against Yemen in March 2015. Much of the Arabian Peninsula country's infrastructure, including hospitals, schools and factories, has been reduced to rubble due to the war. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Allow aid into Yemen, Trump asks Saudis Iran Press TV Wed Dec 6, 2017 09:45PM US President Donald Trump has called on Saudi Arabia to "allow food, fuel, water, and medicine" into neighboring Yemen, where the impoverished nation is experiencing a human disaster in the wake of the monarchy's aggression. "I have directed officials in my Administration to call the leadership of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to request that they completely allow food, fuel, water, and medicine to reach the Yemeni people who desperately need it," read a statement by the president on Wednesday. The president's rare move against the US ally stopped short of requesting the monarchy to stop the US-backed bombardment of the Muslim nation. According to humanitarian policy leader at Oxfam America, Trump's call was long overdue but "hugely important." "The past month's escalation has killed thousands and condemned thousands more to die in the near future. Millions will die in a historic famine and public health crisis if President Trump's call is not heeded," Scott Paul said in a statement. He also noted "the fact that US support has helped create Yemen's horrific crisis" and called on Washington to cease military assistance to the aggressors. Riyadh imposed a tight blockade on nearly all Yemeni air, land and sea ports on November 6, prompting human rights and charity groups to raise the alarm over the deteriorating situation in the country as people, particularly children, are increasingly suffering from the lack of food and medical supplies. More than 12,000 people have been killed since the onset of Saudi Arabia's deadly campaign against Yemen in March 2015. Much of the Arabian Peninsula country's infrastructure, including hospitals, schools and factories, has been reduced to rubble due to the war. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Iran says Trump's al-Quds move to spark another Palestinian Intifada Iran Press TV Wed Dec 6, 2017 08:39PM Iran has strongly condemned US President Donald Trump's decision to move his country's embassy in Israel to Jerusalem al-Quds, saying the measure will ignite a new Palestinian Intifada (uprising). In a Wednesday night statement, the Iranian Foreign Ministry said Washington's recognition of Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel's capital is a "blatant violation of international resolutions." "The Islamic Republic of Iran has always stressed that the most important reason behind instability and insecurity in the Middle East is [Israel's] continued occupation, the US' relentless support for the Zionist regime, and denying the oppressed Palestinian nation the right to establish an independent state with al-Quds as it capital," the statement said. Describing the US move as "provocative and unwise," the Iranian Foreign Ministry warned that "recognizing al-Quds as the Israeli regime's capital" will "provoke Muslims and inflame a new Intifada and intensify extremism and violent behavior for which the US and the Israeli regime will be responsible." The statement also called on the international community to pressure the US not to go through with the embassy move or the recognition of Jerusalem al-Quds as the Israeli regime's capital. The statement was issued shortly after Trump officially declared the disputed city of Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel's capital, despite warnings from around the world that the measure risks triggering a fresh wave of violence in the Middle East. In a speech at the White House earlier in the day, Trump said his administration would also begin a years-long process of moving the American embassy in Tel Aviv to the holy city. The announcement was a major shift by Washington that overturns decades of US foreign policy. Al-Quds eternal Palestinian capital: Abbas In a televised speech after Trump's announcement, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Jerusalem al-Quds is the "eternal capital of the State of Palestine." Abbas added that the US president's speech was "tantamount to the United States abdicating its role as a peace mediator." "In addition, these measures are considered a reward to Israel for denying the accords and challenging the international law," the Palestinian president stated, adding that the US "encourages the occupation policy, settlements, apartheid and ethnic cleansing." Meanwhile, Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip staged a demonstration against the US and Israel, condemning Trump's recognition of Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel's capital. The Palestinian resistance movement of Hamas which rules Gaza condemned the US move as "flagrant aggression against the Palestinian people," and called on Arabs and Muslims to "undermine the US interests in the region" and to "shun Israel." Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh said in a statement that the Palestinian people "know how to respond properly to the disregard of their feelings and sanctuaries." He added that the decision "will not change the facts of history and geography." Turkey condemns 'irresponsible' US decision Reacting to Trump's speech, the Turkish Foreign Ministry denounced Trump's speech as an "irresponsible statement." "We call upon the US administration to reconsider this faulty decision which may result in highly negative outcomes and to avoid uncalculated steps that will harm the multicultural identity and historical status of Jerusalem al-Quds," it said. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu also said Trump's recognition does not automatically make Jerusalem al-Quds the capital of Israel. "You can't come out and say, 'I'm a great power, I can do what I want.' There can be no understanding under which one can say I made such an announcement and it will become reality," Cavusoglu stated, adding that "the whole world opposes" what he described as Washington's "dangerous" move. US decision won't weaken Palestinian cause: Assad The office of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad dismissed Trump's move, saying in a statement it would not undermine the "Palestinian cause." "The future of Jerusalem al-Quds is not set by a state or a president, but by its history, will, and the determination of those loyal to the Palestinian cause, which will stay alive in the conscience of the Arab homeland until the establishment of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital," it said. Trump's move 'legally null': Jordan Jordanian government spokesman Mohammad al-Momani told state news agency Petra that Trump's announcement violated longstanding UN Security Council resolutions that "stipulated the non-recognition of the Israeli occupation" of Jerusalem al-Quds' eastern sector and the occupied West Bank. The kingdom also considered "all unilateral moves that seek to create new facts on the ground as null and void", Momani added. UN against 'unilateral measures' UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres implicitly criticized Trump's announcement, warning that the Palestinian city's status must be resolved through direct Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. "From day one as secretary general of the United Nations, I have consistently spoken out against any unilateral measures that would jeopardize the prospect of peace for Israelis and Palestinians," Guterres said. Trump's decision drew a chorus of condemnation from many other countries, including its close allies France and Britain. "This is a regrettable decision that France does not approve of, and which goes against international law and all the UN Security Council resolutions. The status of Jerusalem is a question of international security that concerns the entire international community, and I'll reaffirm that the status of Jerusalem must be determined by Israelis and Palestinians in the framework of negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations," said French President Emmanuel Macron. UK Prime Minister Theresa May also said her country disagreed with the US decision before reaching a "final status agreement." "We believe it is unhelpful in terms of prospects for peace in the region," May's spokesperson said. Israel lays claim to the entirety of Jerusalem al-Quds as its "capital" while Palestinians want its eastern part as the capital of a future state for themselves. Palestinian leaders have warned that the potential relocation would fuel strong reaction in the region and deliver a death blow to any prospect of resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address "Even if it is a legitimate business interest not to enforce trademark rights in Israel whilst there is no business decision to enter into the Israeli market, such decision has its price, especially considering the fact that the defendants had been aware of Mr. Majerowicz's activities in Israel. Such conduct constitutes bad faith and exploiting the [local] trademark, now that it has acquired goodwill by the plaintiffs, constitutes unjust enrichment." The District Court of Tel Aviv has ruled in Habitat Ltd. and Avraham Majerowicz vs. CAFOM, Habitat International S.A et al that the trademark HABITAT, registered in Israel in multiple classes more than 40 years ago by a local furniture and houseware retailer, should be cancelled on the ground that it was registered in bad faith, since it was done with the knowledge that HABITAT was an "international mark" that enjoyed "international goodwill." Nevertheless, the District Court ruled that the local retailer will be permitted to continue use of the HABITAT mark in commerce since the holder of the international mark, i.e. Habitat International S.A. and other affiliated companies ("Habitat International"), had acted in bad faith in not seeking to enforce its rights in the mark for over 40 years. In so ruling, the District Court has favored the interest of the parties over that of the public and disregarded the basic notion of likelihood of confusion under trademarks law.Habitat International is a retailer of household furnishings. It opened its first store under the mark HABITAT in 1964 in London. By 1969, Habitat International had opened eight more stores in the UK and one in Canada and by 1976, it had more than 30 stores worldwide, but none in Israel. Mr. Majerowicz is a furniture retailer who opened a furniture and houseware store in Israel in 1972 under the name "Habitat". In 1976, Mr. Majerowicz sought to register the mark HABITAT in Israel but only then discovered (according to him) that the mark had already been registered by Habitat International in 1973. He thereupon successfully filed a non-use cancellation proceeding against the then-existing registrations. At the time, Habitat International did not file any arguments against cancellation of the mark.Continuously since 1972, Mr. Majerowicz has used the HABITAT mark in Israel in conjunction with furniture and household retailing activities. On or about 2016, Mr. Majerowicz became aware that Habitat International was contemplating entering the furniture market in Israel under the HABITAT mark. Accordingly, he sued Habitat International, seeking a preliminary injunction on the ground of anticipatory infringement. Habitat International counter-claimed that Habitat Ltd. and Mr. Majerowicz should be enjoined from using Habitat International's well-known mark and that the registration of the HABITAT mark should be cancelled on the ground of bad faith.In ruling that Mr. Majerowicz had acted in bad faith, the District Court pointed to two major grounds. First, Section 39(a1) of the Israel Trademarks Ordinance [New Version], 1972, provides that "a notice of cancellation of a trademark based on claim that the trademark was registered in bad faith may be submitted at any time". Second, and despite the fact that Habitat International had neither established goodwill nor operated in Israel in 1976 (the year that Mr. Majerowicz filed the HABITAT trademark application in Israel), he was aware of Habitat International and its world-wide operations under the mark. Therefore, the District Court concluded that Mr. Majerowicz had acted in bad faith in registering the mark. It should be noted that the District Court did not set out the test for determining bad faith but rather analyzed the specific facts at hand and then concluded, without more, that they constituted bad faith.Nevertheless, the District Court ruled, without providing any guidance as to the applicable legal standard, that Habitat International may not enjoin Mr. Majerowicz from using the mark HABITAT in Israel because it is not a well-known mark, nor had it established any goodwill in Israel. Since Habitat International, in bad faith, has not enforced its rights in the mark, it is not entitled to enjoin Mr. Majerowicz from using the mark in Israel, the court concluding as follows:At this stage you might be wondering: what about likelihood of confusion? Did the District Court ignore such a basic notion of trademark law? The answer is "kind of". The District Court noted that "the public's interest should be taken into account but it should not undermine the parties' interests". That said, the District Court asked the parties to seek to reach settlement on the manner of use of the HABITAT mark in Israel. He ruled that if no such settlement is reached within 90 days of the decision, the defendants shall be permitted to use "HABITAT INTERNATIONAL in their advertising material, and the mark "HABITAT" on the products themselves", while Mr. Majerowicz will be permitted to use the mark HABITAT (in Hebrew). We are already confused what will happen in practice? If Habitat International registers the mark HABITAT in Israel (since the registration in favor of Mr. Majerowicz will presumably be cancelled), will it nevertheless be disallowed to enforce its rights against Mr. Majerowicz pursuant to the District Court's ruling? This remains to be seen as the District Court's ruling is, to our understanding, being appealed to the Israel Supreme Court.The upshot is that if you are the holder, or its representative, of a mark used in a number of countries, and you are contemplating entering the Israel market, the instant case might be a bleak peek into your future. That is so, unless you make sure that the mark is not being used or registered in Israel and that you seek to enforce your rights sooner than later.A final note: This is not the first time that an international brand has sought to enter the Israeli market, only to discover that a local business has already taken over such brand. Examples include the Versace, Saks [Fifth Avenue], and Roots, each of whom has had to confront the "hijacking" of its mark by local businesses.Image at top left is by Helen Crook, contributed by and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license Saudi blockade of Yemen cuts fuel lifeline as Riyadh tightens siege Iran Press TV Wed Dec 6, 2017 07:23PM Saudi Arabia has prevented fuel shipments from reaching Yemen's key port of Hudaydah for a month, tightening a blockade on the impoverished country in defiance of international calls to put an end to the siege, a report says. A Reuters analysis of port and ship tracking data showed that oil tankers have turned away from Hudaydah, without unloading. The United Nation's body tasked with inspecting ships seeking to enter the area said on Wednesday that the Saudi-led coalition have denied tankers permission to enter the Red Sea port despite its approval, "and repeated attempts by the vessels to proceed." A spokesperson for the UN Verification and Inspection Mechanism for Yemen (UNVIM) said the coalition has turned away up to 12 tankers in recent weeks, adding, "UNVIM is unable to say when the coalition will allow fuel tankers to enter Yemen's Red Sea ports' anchorage areas." Hudaydah records showed that at least six oil tankers were ordered to leave the port before unloading last month. Captain Mohammed Ishaq, executive chairman of the Yemen Red Sea Ports Corporation, which runs Hudaydah, said on Tuesday that no fuel shipments had reached the port since Saudi Arabia imposed the blockade last month. On November 6, Saudi Arabia announced that it was shutting down Yemen's air, sea, and land borders, after Yemeni fighters targeted an international airport near the Saudi capital with a cruise missile in retaliation for Saudi's devastating aerial bombardment campaign against Yemen. The United Nations made a plea for the Saudi-led coalition to remove its blockade, warning that without aid shipments "untold thousands of innocent victims, among them many children, will die" and that its partial lifting was not enough. The lack of fuel means areas hardest hit by Saudi aggression, malnutrition and cholera lack functioning hospital generators and water pumps. It also makes it harder to move food and medical aid across the country. Residents of Hudaydah said the fuel shortage has pushed up the prices of existing fuel and other products. Iman Ahmed, a 43-year-old teacher, said in late November the high price of diesel was having a devastating effect in rural areas outside Hudaydah. "Fishermen have stopped working because of warships and coalition airstrikes. Farmers have stopped work because of a sharp rise in the price of diesel." Meanwhile, a 43-year-old father of seven said, "Life has become so hard." "Before the war things were going OK, there were jobs. I was able to feed my family. Now ... gas is barely available and basic necessities cost double. Most of the time our food is now bread and tea," Abdo Haidar added. Saudi Arabia has been incessantly pounding Yemen since March 2015 in an attempt to crush the popular Houthi Ansarullah movement and reinstate the former Yemeni president, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, who is a staunch ally of the Riyadh regime. More than 12,000 people have been killed since the onset of the campaign more than two and a half years ago. Much of the Arabian Peninsula country's infrastructure, including hospitals, schools and factories, has been reduced to rubble due to the war. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Trump declares Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel's capital Iran Press TV Wed Dec 6, 2017 06:14PM US President Donald Trump has officially declared the disputed city of Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel's capital, despite warnings from around the world that the measure risks triggering a fresh wave of violence in the Middle East. In a speech at the White House on Wednesday, Trump said his administration would also begin a process of moving the American embassy in Tel Aviv to the holy city, which is expected to take years. "I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel," Trump said. "While previous presidents have made this a major campaign promise, they failed to deliver. Today, I am delivering." The US leader also said that Vice President Mike Pence will travel to the Middle East in the coming days "to reaffirm our commitment to work with partners throughout the Middle East to defeat radicalism." The announcement was a major shift by Washington that overturns decades of US foreign policy. Trump's decision was mostly aimed at pleasing his main supporters - Republican conservatives and evangelical Christian Zionists who comprise an important share of his voter base. Trump's predecessors, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, had consistently deferred that decision to avoid inflaming tensions in the region. The entire Jerusalem al-Quds is currently under Israel's control, while the regime also claims the city's eastern part, which hosts the third holiest Muslim site. The city has been designated as "occupied" under international law since the 1967 Arab War, which Palestinians want as the capital of their future state. Trump had vowed during his presidential campaign that he would relocate the US embassy in order to court pro-Israel voters. Palestinians have repeatedly warned Trump against such an action, saying it would deliver a death blow to any prospects of the resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and fuel extremism in the region. A Palestinian envoy said the Trump decision was a declaration of war in the Middle East. China and Russia also expressed concern the plans could aggravate Middle East hostilities. Pope Francis joined a list of leaders warning of an historic misstep, saying new tension would further inflame world conflicts. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed Trump's recognition as "historic" and a "courageous and just decision." NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Uzbekistan, Seeking Sea Access, Signs Railway Deal With Afghanistan December 06, 2017 Uzbekistan and Afghanistan have signed an agreement to extend a railroad connecting the two countries in a move that may eventually give Uzbekistan a direct link to sea ports. Landlocked Uzbekistan's access to marine shipping is very limited. In 2011, the Uzbek state railway company, Ozbekiston Temir Yollari, built a short link between Hairatan, a town on the Uzbek-Afghan border, and Mazar-e Sharif, a major city in northern Afghanistan. Tashkent has since expressed interest in extending that line to Herat, another Afghan city in the northwest, and a gateway to Iran. Another link, already under construction, will connect Herat to Iran, which may eventually enable Uzbekistan to send cargoes to and from Iran's Persian Gulf ports. Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoev's office said in a statement that he and visiting Afghan President Ashraf Ghani signed an agreement on the construction of the Mazar-e Sharif-Herat railroad. Ghani said the agreement inspired hope for growing economic ties between the two neighboring countries, Russian news agency Interfax reported. "Afghanistan wants to be Uzbekistan's reliable trade and economic partner, expand mutually beneficial contacts, and set upnew joint ventures," Interfax quoted Ghani as saying. The statement from Mirziyoev's office provided no details on the cost or source of funding for the rail project. The original, short link was almost fully financed by the Asian Development Bank, which has also financed studies for the expansion project. Mirziyoev and Ghani also signed 20 other deals, including an agreement on the construction of a new electric power line and deals for supplies of Uzbek agricultural products, medicines, and other goods to Afghanistan. Interfax reported that they also reached agreement on measures to ensure the security of the Hairatan Bridge connecting the two countries. Based on reporting by Reuters and Interfax Source: sea-access-signs-railway-deal-afghanistan-hairatan- mazar-e-sharif/28899419.html Copyright (c) 2017. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Trump Says U.S. Recognizes Jerusalem As Israeli Capital, Vows To Move Embassy RFE/RL December 06, 2017 WASHINGTON -- President Donald Trump has announced that the United States now recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, a move that drew praise from Israel but criticism and condemnation elsewhere. Trump in his December 6 speech also said that he has ordered the State Department to begin preparations to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to the disputed city, a move experts say could take three to four years. "I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel," Trump said. "Today, we finally acknowledge the obvious -- that Jerusalem is Israel's capital. "Israel is a sovereign nation with the right like every other sovereign nation to determine its own capital," he added. The announcement reverses a decadeslong U.S. policy that the city's status must be decided in negotiations with the Palestinians, who want East Jerusalem to be the capital of their future state, the so-called "two-state" solution. Trump said that he still intends "to do everything in my power to help force" a peace agreement acceptable to both Israelis and Palestinians. Most nations do not recognize Israeli sovereignty over the entire city, which includes sites considered holy by Muslims, Jews, and Christians. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed Trump's declaration as "historic" and urged other countries to follow the United States by moving their embassies to Jerusalem. However, Palestinians and Arab leaders, as well as key U.S. allies, warned that the move risks triggering violence across the entire Middle East and complicating the peace process. Saeb Erekat, the secretary-general of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), said Trump's decision "destroyed the two-state solution" and that the U.S. president "disqualified his country from any role whatsoever" in the peace process. "As a chief Palestinian negotiator, how can I sit with these people if they dictate on me the future of Jerusalem as Israel's capital?" he added. Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist group, urged Arabs and Muslims to "undermine" the United States in the region and called Trump's move "flagrant" aggression against the Palestinian people. French President Emmanuel Macron said during a visit to Algeria that Trump's decision was "regrettable" and that his country did not support it, adding that the final status of Jerusalem should be decided by Israelis and Palestinians. He called for calm from all sides, saying that violence must be avoided "at all costs." British Prime Minister Theresa May called Trump's decision "unhelpful in terms of prospects for peace in the region." The European Union also warned of the potential adverse effects the move could have on peace prospects. "The aspirations of both parties must be fulfilled and a way must be found through negotiations to resolve the status of Jerusalem as the future capital of both states," said EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres also said that Jerusalem's future must be resolved through Israeli-Palestinian talks and that "there is no alternative to the two-state solutionThere is no Plan B." Iranian state media quoted the Foreign Ministry as saying it "seriously condemns" the U.S. decision. In a Twitter statement, Pakistan's Foreign Minister Khwaja Asif called the U.S. move "an affront to Palestinians and the Muslim world...practically burying the two-state solution." Egypt and Jordan accused Trump of violating international law with his decision, which the Turkish Foreign Ministry called "irresponsible." Reuters reported that several hundred people gathered outside the U.S. Consulate in Istanbul in a largely peaceful protest. Moments before Trump's announcement, the U.S. State Department asked in a cable to all U.S. diplomatic posts for officials to defer nonessential travel to Israel, Jerusalem, and the West Bank until December 20, Reuters news agency reported, citing an official document. Source: israel-jerusalem-capital/28901399.html Copyright (c) 2017. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Stoltenberg Expresses NATO Support For Georgia, Urges Russian Troop Pullout RFE/RL December 06, 2017 BRUSSELS -- NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has expressed the alliance's "strong commitment" to Georgia's security and called on Russia to withdraw its forces from separatist regions in the Caucasus country. Stoltenberg was speaking to reporters in Brussels on December 6 -- the second and last day of a NATO foreign ministers' meeting. The meeting was attended by U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who also stressed NATO backing for Georgia. "We discussed NATO's strong commitment to Georgia's security and territorial integrity and reviewed the many ways that Georgia and the alliance are working together," Stoltenberg said. "We remain concerned by the deepening of Russia's relations with the Abkhazia and South Ossetia regions of Georgia. We call on Russia to end its recognition of these regions and withdraw its forces from Georgian territory," he added. South Ossetia and Abkhazia are Russian-backed separatist regions that have declared independence from Georgia. Russia recognized the regions as independent states following a short war with Tbilisi in August 2008. Only a few countries followed Russia's lead. Georgia, which has expressed hopes of joining NATO, and Russia broke off diplomatic relations following the 2008 war. Moscow keeps troops in both regions in what Georgia considers an occupation. Stoltenberg said NATO ministers also discussed Georgia's "successful efforts to modernize its armed forces" and that the alliance is "fully committed" to providing Tbilisi with the advice and tools needed to move toward eventual membership. "Our armed forces are increasingly capable of operating together, and planning is already under way for the 2019 NATO-Georgia joint military exercise," the secretary-general said. "Our Joint Training and Evaluation Center in Georgia is up and running, and the NATO-funded Defense Institution Building School in Georgia has already trained around a thousand soldiers in subjects as diverse as the rule of law in armed conflict, hybrid warfare, and cybersecurity," he added. "NATO continues to benefit from Georgia's advice on security issues relating to the Black Sea. And we are engaged in increasingly close dialogue on the Black Sea region and the cooperation in the region." In late July, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence visited Georgia in a trip timed to correspond with the Noble Partner 2017 military exercises that featured some 1,600 U.S., 800 Georgian, and other allied troops in a show of defiance to Moscow. Stoltenberg cited work in other areas of cooperation, such as energy security, explosive-ordnance disposal, cyberdefense, intelligence, secure communications, and promoting the role of women serving in the Georgian armed forces. "In other words, NATO's support to Georgia is concrete and is making a real difference," he said. Meanwhile, Tillerson hailed what he called "a productive discussion" with Georgian Foreign Minister Mikheil Janelidze. "Georgia is a large contributor to our joint efforts in Afghanistan. In fact, they are the largest per capita of any contributing nation, and we strongly support Georgia's aspirations to become a NATO member," the U.S. secretary of state told reporters. With reporting by Rikard Jozwiak in Brussels Source: stoltenberg-russia-support/28901322.html Copyright (c) 2017. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Stoltenberg Stresses NATO's 'Defense And Dialogue' Approach To Russia RFE/RL December 06, 2017 BRUSSELS -- NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg says the Western alliance will continue to pursue dialogue with Russia while strengthening its deterrence capabilities and support for partners in Eastern Europe. Stoltenberg was speaking to reporters in Brussels during the second and last day of a NATO foreign ministers' meeting, which was also attended by U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. "We agreed that our approach to Russia decided at the Warsaw Summit in 2016 -- defense and dialogue -- has been effective," Stoltenberg told reporters. "We have strengthened our collective defense, while remaining open to dialogue." "As we look to the [NATO] summit next July, we agreed we should continue to strengthen our deterrence and defense, pursue dialogue in good faith, and support our partners in Eastern Europe," he added. Tillerson, meanwhile, told reporters in the Belgian capital that NATO ministers had agreed that there was "no normalization" of ties with Russia at the current time. "We had a lot of discussion at this NATO meeting...over what is the proper engagement with Russia, and I think there is broad consensus among all the NATO members that there is no normalization of dialogue with Russia today," he said, without going into detail. Tillerson also said the United States was pushing hard for agreement with Moscow on deploying a United Nations peacekeeping force to eastern Ukraine, where Russia-backed separatists are battling Ukrainian government forces in a conflict that has killed more than 10,000 people since its started in April 2014. "We prioritize ending the violence -- that's our first priority -- and to seek to do that we need to put a peacekeeping force in place," Tillerson said ahead of planned talks with Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on December 7. But the secretary of state cautioned that "significant differences" remained between Washington and Moscow over the exact nature of any peacekeeping force. "We hope that we can close those gaps. We think it's vitally important to stop the violence. People are still dying every day," he said. Discussions about deploying a peacekeeping force have heated up since September, when Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed deploying UN peacekeepers along the line separating the opposing forces. The plan swiftly drew criticism from both Kyiv and the West, largely because of concerns that deployment only along the front line would cement Russian control over separatist-held territory and do nothing to stop Russia from sending fighters and weapons into Ukraine. Putin later said he was open to adjustments to his initial proposal, but no agreement has been reached. Tillerson once again denied there is any truth to media reports that President Donald Trump plans to fire him and put CIA Director Mike Pompeo in his place. Tillerson told reporters that "this is a narrative that keeps coming up about every six weeks, and I would say you need to get some new sources because your story keeps being wrong." Trump has rejected the reports of Tillerson's impending dismissal as "fake news." The president and the secretary of state have often contradicted each other in public statements regarding major international issues. Tillerson will move on to Vienna on December 7 for a meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), where his planned meeting with Lavrov is scheduled to take place. He will then move on to Paris for the last leg of his European journey. With reporting by RFE/RL's Rikard Jozwiak, AFP, and Reuters Source: -approach-tillerson-stoltenberg/28901245.html Copyright (c) 2017. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Meeting in Belgrade, Serbian And Bosnian Leaders Seek To Solve Problems RFE/RL's Balkan Service December 06, 2017 After meeting in Belgrade, Serbian and Bosnian leaders said that they want to resolve the issues outstanding since the breakup of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s and Bosnia's war that followed. Serbia's President Aleksandar Vucic said on December 6 that his talks with the Bosniak, Croat, and Serb members of Bosnia-Herzegovina's tripartite presidency "have not been simple or easy." "We are not here to love or hug each other; we are here to solve problems," Vucic added. The chairman of Bosnia's presidency, Dragan Covic, said that the meeting "focused on how to boost bilateral cooperation and gradually remove problems." The presidency's two other members are Bakir Izetbegovic and Mladen Ivanic. The Serbian and Bosnian leaders said that defining the border between the two countries, trade, and infrastructure were among the matters discussed. Vucic pointed out that Bosnia is one of Serbia's most important trade partners, adding that some economic barriers to exports have been eliminated since the Bosnian presidency visited Serbia in July 2015. The Serbian president paid his first visit to Bosnia's capital, Sarajevo, in September. Tensions have soared in the region over the conviction of former Bosnian Serb military commander Ratko Mladic and the death of ex-Bosnian Serb commander Slobodan Praljak at a UN tribunal. Posters supporting Mladic surfaced on several locations across the Serbian capital ahead of the December 6 visit. The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) on November 22 convicted Mladic of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during Bosnia's 1992-95 conflict and sentenced him to life imprisonment. Separately, Croatia and Bosnian Croats have been mourning the death of Praljak, who died on November 29 after taking poison moments after judges at The Hague court confirmed his 20-year-sentence for war crimes in Bosnia. Bosnia's war resulted in the death of an estimated 100,000 people and the displacement of some 2.6 million more. As part of the 1995 Dayton accords that mostly ended the violence, Bosnia was broken into two constituent states: a Muslim-Croat federation and the Serbian entity, Republika Srpska. Bosnia faces internal tensions among the Bosniaks -- the Bosnian Muslim population -- ethnic Croats, and ethnic Serbs. With reporting by AP Source: -issues-belgrade-meeting/28901082.html Copyright (c) 2017. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address France's Macron Says Trump's Jerusalem Move 'Regrettable' Sputnik News 21:40 06.12.2017(updated 22:03 06.12.2017) Earlier today Trump announced his decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and relocate the US diplomatic mission from Tel Aviv, a move many countries worldwide have urged the president to refrain from. "This decision is a regrettable decision that France does not support and goes against international law and all the resolutions of the UN Security Council," Macron told reporters at a news conference. Macron also called for calmness across the Middle East. "The status of Jerusalem is a question of international security that concerns the entire international community. The status of Jerusalem must be determined by Israelis and Palestinians in the framework of negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations," he added. The French president's statement comes in the wake of Donald Trump's announcement that he declares Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and orderes the Department of State to take measures for the relocation of the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Rumours about Trump's intention spreaded after Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner hinted at the possibility of such gesture. The Arab world fiercly condemned Trump's looming decision over Jerusalem's status, warning that such move would threaten the peace process in the region. Trump pledged to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel and to move the US embassy to Jerusalem during his presidential campaign in 2016. However, in June, Trump signed a waiver to keep the US Embassy to Israel in Tel Aviv and delay moving the mission to Jerusalem. The White House explained Trump's move as an attempt to "maximize the chances of successfully negotiating a deal between Israel and the Palestinians." Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Hamas Says Trump's Israel Embassy Decision 'Opens Gates of Hell' Sputnik News 21:40 06.12.2017(updated 22:20 06.12.2017) Palestine's Hamas movement has slammed US President Donald Trump over his move to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, warning that the decision "opens the gates of hell." According to Hamas spokesman Ismail Radwan, Trump's "decision will open the gates of hell on US interests in the region." The political and militant group issued its statement on Wednesday, immediately following Trump's announcement that Washington would be relocating the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in six months' time. "Trump's decision on Jerusalem will not succeed in changing the fact that Jerusalem is an Arab Muslim land," Radwan said, according to AFP. The group urged Arabs and Muslims across the Middle East to work to "cut off economic and political ties with the US embassy and expell the US ambassadors" in order to "cripple" the decision. On the eve of Trump's announcement, the Israeli Defense Forces started preparing for unrest in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, the latter controlled by Hamas, after the millitant group announced plans to hold a "day of rage" if Washington went ahead with the decision. Radwan stated that the US president's decision was "foolish," and that "time will prove that the biggest losers [from it] are" Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Palestinian Liberation Organization, Palestine's other major political force, issued its own statement, saying that Trump's decision has "destroyed the two-state solution" and ended Washington's chance of playing a positive role in the regional peace process. Trump "disqualified his country from any role whatsoever" in that process, top Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat told reporters. "As a chief Palestinian negotiator, how can I sit with these people if they dictate on me the future of Jerusalem as Israel's capital," he added. On Wednesday, Trump announced that it was "time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel," and ordered the State Department to prepare to move the US Embassy. He added that he would do "everything" in his power to faciliate Israeli-Palestinian reconciliation. Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Israeli PM Calls on All States to Recognize Jerusalem as Jewish Capital Sputnik News 21:42 06.12.2017(updated 22:27 06.12.2017) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called on all states to follow the pattern of the US and recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli capital to move their embassies there. Earlier, US President Donald Trump announced his decision to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. "We are deeply grateful to the US President for his courageous and fair decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the forthcoming move of the US embassy," Netanyahu said in a video message. Israeli Prime Minister promised to maintain the status quo of the Jerusalem holy places and to ensure religious freedom for Jews, Christians and Muslims. Previously, the US president has stated that Israel has the right to determine its own capital. According to Donald Trump, the recognition of Jerusalem would not hamper the peace process between the Israelis and the Palestinians and would prevent the US from assissting them. This decision has already stipulated fierce crisisim from several world leaders, Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, French President Emmanuel Macron and so on, social media, because it contradicts with their political stance. Trump pledged to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel and to move the US embassy to Jerusalem during his presidential campaign in 2016. The Israeli parliament sits in West Jerusalem, which Israel established as its capital in 1950, in spite of a 1947 UN plan for a special international regime for the city. Jerusalem was declared the unified capital of Israel in 1980 in a move that was never recognized by any foreign state. Both Israel and Palestine claim Jerusalem as their capital. The PLO demands that Israel should withdraw from the Palestinian territories that it seized during the Six-Day War in 1967. Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Israeli Capital, Orders to Prepare Embassy Move Sputnik News 21:10 06.12.2017(updated 21:49 06.12.2017) The US president has stated that Israel has the right to determine its own capital and the decision is a long overdue step to advance the peace process between the Jewish State and Palestine. "I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel," Donald Trump said on Wednesday. "It is the right thing to do so." He has announced he ordered the Department of State to take measures for the relocation of the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. However, Trump has said he signed a waiver delaying the Embassy relocation for six months. The president reiterated Washington's commitment to the two-state solution of the Israel-Palestine issue and vowed to do "everything" in his power to facilitate reconciliation between them. He described the decision as "a historic day" and "an important step toward peace". Last week, US officials revealed President Trump's intention to declare formal recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and initiate the process of relocating the US embassy from Tel Aviv, thus overturning decades of US policy. Objections to the move from across the Arab world failed to deter the president from making Wednesday's announcement, which fulfils a campaign promise Trump made. A spokesman for Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas warned that moving the US embassy to Jerusalem would threaten the peace process in the region. "Any American step related to the recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel, or moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, represents a threat to the future of the peace process and is unacceptable for the Palestinians, Arabs and internationally," Abbas told a group of Arab lawmakers from Israel, the Wafa news agency reported. President Trump forewarned several regional leaders, including Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi, who reportedly told Trump there was no need to "complicate" matters in the Middle East and warned him against "taking measures that would undermine the chances of peace in the Middle East." According to the Saudi Press Agency, King Salman told the US president, "Such a dangerous step is likely to inflame the passions of Muslims around the world due to the great status of Jerusalem and the al-Aqsa Mosque." King Abdullah of Jordan stated that moving the US embassy to Jerusalem would have "dangerous repercussions on the stability and security of the region." At a joint news conference with King Abdullah last Wednesday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the move "will only play into the hands of terror groups." Erdogan has also called for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to meet in Istanbul on December 13 to discuss the status of Jerusalem. US embassies in the Middle East increased security with teams of US Marines ahead of Wednesday's announcement, in expectation of unrest. The Israeli Defense Force began preparing for riots in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, after Hamas announced it plans to hold a "day of rage" in aftermath of the announcement. In a sign that Trump was planning to change the US policy, on Monday he did not sign a national security waiver traditionally signed by US presidents every six months, which keeps the US embassy in Tel Aviv. Both Israel and Palestine claim Jerusalem as their capital. The Israeli parliament sits in West Jerusalem, which Israel established as its capital in 1950, in spite of a 1947 UN plan for a special international regime for the city. Since 1967, Israel has also occupied East Jerusalem and claims the city as its undivided capital. Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Iran's Supreme Leader, Hamas Blast US Plan to Relocate Its Embassy to Jerusalem Sputnik News 11:32 06.12.2017(updated 14:04 06.12.2017) Earlier on Wednesday, a White House official said that US President Donald Trump will order the State Department to start the process of relocating the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has slammed Washington's plans to relocate the US embassy to Jerusalem as incompetent, according to Reuters. "That they claim they want to announce Quds as the capital of occupied Palestine is because of their incompetence and failure," Khamenei said. Quds is known to be the Arabic name for Jerusalem. The relevant decision will be announced by US President Donald Trump, according to a high-ranking White House official who declined to elaborate. During separate telephone calls on Tuesday, Trumps discussed the issue with the leaders of five Middle Eastern countries, including Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Saudi King Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, for his part, warned Trump that any decision made by the United States regarding the status of Jerusalem before reaching complete settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict "will damage the peace talks and increase tensions in the region." "This dangerous step will provoke the feelings of Muslims around the world, for whom the importance of Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque is great," he said," he said. Earlier that day, Husam Zomlot, top representative of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in the US, said that Washington recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital will have "catastrophic consequences" and prompt a "strategic and political" response from the PLO. Hamas Shows Angry Reaction Commenting on possible relocation of US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh warned that it would cross "every red line," according to the Iranian news agency Press TV. "Moving the American embassy to Jerusalem is a dangerous escalation and provides cover for the extremist government of [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu to carry out its plan to Judaize the city of Jerusalem," Haniyeh said. In separate development, Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri tweeted Tuesday on Trump's plans to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, saying that Israel has "no land" which is why it cannot pick "a capital" city. He warned that the recognition "would harm Israel" which will finally "regret" the decision." Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kusher said late last week that the US President was allegedly close to a decision on the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital. The PLO insists that Israel should withdraw from the Palestinian territories that it seized during the Six-Day War in 1967, when Israel proclaimed its ownership over East Jerusalem. Jerusalem was declared the unified capital of Israel in 1980 in a move that was never recognized by the majority of UN states and international organizations. Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address President Trump's Decision to Recognize Jerusalem as Israel's Capital Press Statement Rex W. Tillerson Secretary of State Washington, DC December 6, 2017 President Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital aligns U.S. presence with the reality that Jerusalem is home to Israel's legislature, Supreme Court, President's office, and Prime Minister's office. We have consulted with many friends, partners, and allies in advance of the President making his decision. We firmly believe there is an opportunity for a lasting peace. As the President said in his remarks today, "Peace is never beyond the grasp of those willing to reach it." The President decided today, as Congress first urged in the Jerusalem Embassy Act in 1995, and has reaffirmed regularly since, to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The State Department will immediately begin the process to implement this decision by starting the preparations to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The safety of Americans is the State Department's highest priority, and in concert with other federal agencies, we've implemented robust security plans to protect the safety of Americans in affected regions. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address International Community's Anxiety Rises Over US Jerusalem Decision By Margaret Besheer December 06, 2017 The international community reacted swiftly to President Donald Trump's announcement the United States would formally recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, a move that could reignite Israeli-Palestinian violence. U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres led the chorus of global voices Wednesday urging calm and restraint. "From day one as secretary-general of the United Nations, I have consistently spoken out against any unilateral measures that would jeopardize the prospect of peace for Israelis and Palestinians," he told reporters. "Jerusalem is a final status issue that must be resolved through direct negotiations between the two parties on the basis of the relevant Security Council and General Assembly resolutions, taking into account the legitimate concerns of both the Palestinian and the Israeli sides. "I understand the deep attachment that Jerusalem holds in the hearts of so many people, it has been so for centuries and it will always be," Guterres added. "In this moment of great anxiety, I want to make it clear: there is no alternative to the two-state solution. There is no Plan B," the U.N. chief said. The United Nations said late Tuesday that the delegations of Bolivia, Egypt, France, Italy, Senegal, Sweden, the UK, and Uruguay are requesting an emergency meeting of the Council, with a briefing by the secretary general, to be held before the end of this week. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas said Trump's announcement on Jerusalem "is a declaration of withdrawal from the role it has played in the peace process." Palestinian top negotiator Saeb Erekat said, "This step is prejudging, dictating, closing doors for negotiations and I think President Trump tonight disqualified the United States of America to play any role in any peace process. The Palestinian leadership will call for an emergency session for the Palestine Central Council to study this speech and to review all the options available and take the proper decision concerning many issues." Egypt the first Arab nation to sign a peace treaty with Israel in 1979 has denounced the U.S. president's decision. A Foreign Ministry statement says Trump's decision is a violation of international resolutions on the city's status, and notes Egypt is worried about the fallout of the move on the stability of the region and about its "extremely negative" impact on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. French President Emmanuel Macron's reaction was swift and critical. "It is a regrettable decision taken by the Americans vis-a-vis Jerusalem. France does not approve, it contradicts international law and it ignores U.N. Security Council resolutions," he said. Earlier, Bolivia's U.N. ambassador said his delegation would request a public meeting of the Security Council should Trump go ahead with the expected announcement. "It would be a reckless and a dangerous decision that goes against international law, the resolutions of the Security Council, also weakens any effort for peace in the region, and also upsets the whole region," Ambassador Sacha Llorentty told reporters. At his weekly audience at the Vatican on Wednesday, just hours ahead of Trump's announcement, Pope Francis said he could not "remain silent" about his deep concern over Jerusalem. He urged respect for the "status quo" of Jerusalem, a city he noted is sacred to Jews, Christians and Muslims. He said he prays that "wisdom and prudence prevail, to avoid adding new elements of tension in a world already shaken and scarred by many cruel conflicts." Leaders and analysts have raised the alarm in recent days that such a move could be seen as a major provocation to the Palestinians and could trigger another intifada or uprising. In 2000, five years of deadly violence was ignited when Israeli politician Ariel Sharon visited the Temple Mount at the Al Aqsa mosque complex. Both Jews and Muslims claim the site as among their most sacred. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed the announcement. "We're profoundly grateful for the president for his courageous and just decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to prepare for the opening of the U.S. embassy here," Netanyahu said. Former U.N. secretary-general and leader of The Elders, Kofi Annan, said in a statement there would be no lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians unless both parties' rights and claims are respected in the historic city. "I deeply regret today's decision by the U.S. president, reversing a long-held position and breaking with the international consensus on Jerusalem," Annan said. "I hope Palestinians and regional Arab powers will react with restraint, and U.S. allies will do all they can to realign Washington's policy with international norms. All parties must avoid stoking tensions, which could all too easily spill over into violence." "With this move, the United States is violating its own international legal obligations not to recognize or assist an illegal situation and to ensure respect for the Geneva Conventions," said Raed Jarrar, Amnesty International USA's Middle East Advocacy Director. "No country in the world recognizes Israel's annexation of East Jerusalem, making the decision to confer U.S. recognition deeply troubling." Jarrar said the decision would undermine international rule of law and shows "a total disregard for mass human rights violations that Palestinians are facing as a result of Israel's annexation policies." NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Arabs, Muslims Warn Trump Against Recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's Capital By Robert Berger December 06, 2017 The Middle East is on edge as President Donald Trump plans to make a controversial change in U.S. policy on Jerusalem. Palestinians are calling for three "Days of Rage" to protest Trump's plan to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Palestinian spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh warns that the decision would have dire consequences for American efforts to revive peace talks with Israel. "It would complicate things," he said. "It would put an obstacle to the peace process. Maybe it will be the end of the peace process." Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital touches a raw nerve among Arabs and Muslims in general, and Palestinians in particular. The city is home to the Mosque of Al-Aqsa, the third holiest place in Islam, and Palestinians claim East Jerusalem as the capital of a future state. But for Jews, Jerusalem is the holiest place of all, and they claim ancient ties to the city going back to the biblical King David. "Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital for 3,000 years," said Israeli Cabinet Minister Naftali Bennett. "It was never, and will never be, the capital of anyone else." With that in mind, Israelis on the streets of Jerusalem say U.S. recognition is long overdue. "I am very, very happy," said one Israeli. "I think it is about time. I think this the first time a president of America is keeping to his promises." Jerusalem is a traditional flashpoint of violence, and Israeli security forces are on high alert. As one Palestinian official put it, "When you look at a place that is on the verge of an explosion, you do not introduce a flame." NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Turkish President, Jordanian King Unite Against US President Over Jerusalem Move By Dorian Jones December 06, 2017 The news of the United States' intention to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel dominated talks Wednesday between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and King Abdullah II of Jordan. In statements to the media at the presidential palace, both leaders voiced concern. "If the wrong step is taken regarding Jerusalem's status, it will be the cause of indignation in the Islamic world," Erdogan said, adding that it will "dynamite the ground for peace, igniting new tensions and clashes." Abdullah, underlining Jordan's role as guardian of Muslim and Christian sites in Jerusalem, said he had spoken Tuesday with U.S. President Donald Trump, and had raised his concerns. The king said the Palestinians' cause remains the central issue in the region and the current tensions over Jerusalem reaffirmed the need for a peace settlement. "It is imperative now to work fast to reach a final status solution and a peace agreement between Palestinians and Israelis, and this must allow the Palestinians to establish their independent state side-by-side with Israel and its capital in East Jerusalem," Abdullah said. "Ignoring the Palestinians and Christian rights in Jerusalem will only fuel further extremism." Abdullah backed the Turkish president's call for an emergency meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, OIC, in Istanbul next Wednesday. Turkey currently heads the group of 57 Muslim nations. "I want to make the following call to the whole world from here: Any steps to change Jerusalem's legal status should be avoided," Erdogan said. "Such a step would only play into the hands of terrorist organizations." Erdogan has been speaking to Muslim leaders to lobby against any move by Washington to change Jerusalem's status. The Turkish president's efforts are expected to intensify ahead of next week's meeting of Muslim countries' leaders in Istanbul. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Trump Urges Saudis to Immediately Allow Aid Supplies Into Yemen By VOA News December 06, 2017 Calls comes as country grapples with bloody conflict, cholera outbreak, lack of fuel, food and medicine President Donald Trump has ordered U.S. officials to urge Saudi Arabia to completely allow fuel, food and medicine into Yemen. In a short statement Wednesday, Trump said, "This must be done for humanitarian reasons immediately," saying the Yemeni people "desperately need it." A Saudi-led coalition is carrying out an air and ground campaign to drive the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels out of Yemen. The Saudis imposed a blockade on all Yemeni ports last month when the Houthis fired a missile near the Riyadh airport. The blockade has been eased to allow some humanitarian aid into the country, but the Saudis have tightened restrictions on commercial shipping, causing severe fuel shortages. No fuel means generators that pump clean drinking water, run hospitals and cook food cannot operate. Saudi Arabia is one of the closest U.S. allies in the Arab world, but it is unclear exactly what approach U.S. officials and diplomats will take in persuading the Saudis to ease the blockade. Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir told Reuters last month that no country has given more aid to Yemen than Saudi Arabia. But he said none has gone to Houthi-controlled areas of northern Yemen, accusing the rebels of stealing and selling the aid. The Houthis seized the Yemeni capital of Sana'a in 2014, forcing the internationally recognized government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi to flee to Saudi Arabia before returning to the southern port of Aden. The Saudi airstrikes aimed at forcing out the Houthis have obliterated entire neighborhoods and killed thousands of civilians. Yemen is also struggling with a cholera outbreak and what the U.N. is warning is a looming famine. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Saudi Arabia Must Lift Yemen Blockade 'Immediately' - US President Sputnik News 01:28 07.12.2017 Right after infuriating the Muslim world by announcing that he'd move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, US President Trump called for Saudi Arabia to lift its blockade on Yemen and allow food and other supplies into the famine-stricken country. "I have directed officials in my administration to call the leadership of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to request that they completely allow food, fuel, water and medicine to reach the Yemeni people, who desperately need it," Trump said in a brief statement Wednesday. "This must be done for humanitarian reasons immediately," he added. A blocked on Yemen was imposed by Saudi Arabia last month after Houthi rebels fired a missile at the Saudi capital of Riyadh. Following the attack, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said that while pro-Saudi government already controls 85 percent of the country, "anything less than 100 percent is problematic," according to a New York Times essay on the crown prince. However, facing increasing international pressure as hunger in Yemen grows more widespread, the Saudis did lift the blockade partially, the Hill reports. Saudi Arabia continues to obstruct the transportation of food, fuel and medicine the war-torn country so desperately needs, however. Yemen faces the worst outbreak of cholera in recent history, with nearly 1 million people contracting the disease, Bloomberg reports. Three million people out of a population of 28 million, are internally displaced, according to UN figures. United Nations World Food Program head David Beasley said Yemen right now is on the "brink of famine," and UN head of Humanitarian Affairs Mark Lowcock reportedly agrees with him. "It will not be like the famine that we saw in South Sudan earlier in the year, where tens of thousands of people were affected. It will not be like the famine which cost 250,000 people their lives in Somalia in 2011. It will be the largest famine the world has seen for many decades, with millions of victims," Lowcock said last month, according to the Independent. Trump's call to end the blockade contrasts his public praise of bin Salman, who has led the Yemeni campaign, for his "efforts to clamp down on terrorism and corruption" in his own country, Bloomberg notes. Bin Salman is behind the anti-corruption sweep that has arrested more than 200 people in Saudi Arabia and exposed corruption to the tune of more than $100 billion. Critics argue that the anti-corruption movement is actually a power grab. Yemen has been in the grip of a civil war since 2015. The internationally recognized government of President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, supported by the Saudi-led coalition, is fighting the Houthi movement backed by army units loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who was killed in fighting this week. Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Jerusalem There is no other place in the world like Jerusalem, which is at the core of the identity of all three monotheistic religions in the world. For Jews, it is the location of their ancient Temples, and the place where God tested the patriarch Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his son Isaac.For Christians, Jerusalem is the site of the resurrection of Jesus, the central event of their faith. And for Muslims, Jerusalem is where the prophet Mohammed ascended to heaven on his Night Journey. The Arabs renamed the city al-Quds, the holy one. It is at the core of what it means to be a Palestinian, at the core of the identity of what it means to be an Israeli. Jerusalem is more than an intriguing global historical city. It is a classroom for liberal learning and international understanding. It had never, as far as we know, been a city of one language, one religion and one culture. Looking at the origins of Jerusalems name indicates its international and multicultural nature. First known in Pharonic Egyptian texts as Urusalem (City/House of Salem or Peace) and then in the Judaic traditions as Yerusalem. As early as 3000 BC, the Old City was an organic entity focused on its religious and sacred nature becoming in time both a pilgrimage and market center. From the mid-19th century, Jerusalem began to grow out of its Old City into a New City until after the 1948 establishment of the Jewish State of Israel and the subsequent ceasefire agreements with Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria in February 1949. From 1948 to 1967, Jerusalem was a city divided. For nineteen years, concrete walls and barbed wire sealed off one part of the city from the other. Its eastern section, including the Old City, was annexed by Jordan, and ruled from its capital, Amman. The western sector of Jerusalem became Israel's capital. Israel captured East Jerusalem in the 1967 Middle East war and annexed it in a move the international community has not recognized. UN Security Council Resolution 242 called on Israel to return to its pre-1967 borders, which would include a complete withdrawal from the West Bank and all of East Jerusalem. Israelis say they have allowed Christians and Muslims free access to their holy sites since they took control of all of Jerusalem in 1967. Palestinians disagree, and say the only way to guarantee access is if they have full control. Israel insists that Jerusalem be its undivided capital, while the Palestinians want East Jerusalem as the capital of a future independent Palestinian state. At the 14-day July 2000 Camp David Middle East peace summit, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered the Palestinians sovereignty over some predominantly Arab neighborhoods in East Jerusalem. But Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat rejected them, demanding full sovereignty over East Jerusalem. Arafat was especially angered over Israel's refusal to grant Palestinian sovereignty over Jerusalem's walled Old City - offering only access to the Al Aksa mosque, the third-holiest site in Islam. Israel has not been willing to concede sovereignty on the Temple Mount, or Haram as-Sharif, which is sacred to both Jews and Muslims. The first Jewish temple was built there by Solomon and then subsequently the second temple reconstructed after the Babylonians had destroyed the first. The massive limestone rock at the center of the Dome of the Rock mosque also figures in Jewish tradition. It is known as the place from which the universe itself was created. The stone according to Jewish tradition is known in Hebrew as Even ha- Shetiyah, the Foundation Stone from which the whole universe was created. It is where the idea of the nexus between Heaven and earth originates within the Jewish tradition. In 1995, Congress passed The Jerusalem Embassy and Relocation Act, which recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel by moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Donald Trump recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on 06 December 2017 and announced plans to relocate to the city the US embassy, currently based in Tel Aviv. The move, long-sought by Israel, broke with decades of US policy as well as the international consensus. World leaders urged Trump to reconsider, warning it could derail peace efforts and stir unrest in the region and beyond. Israel's occupation of East Jerusalem effectively put the entire city under de-facto Israeli control. Israeli jurisdiction and ownership of Jerusalem, however, was not recognised by the international community, including the United States. In 1980, Israel passed the "Jerusalem Law", stating that "Jerusalem, complete and united, is the capital of Israel", thereby formalising its annexation of East Jerusalem. The 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Act required the US government to establish an embassy in Jerusalem, but allows the president to delay doing so by signing a waiver every six months. The waiver spared the state department financial penalties for failing to comply with the law. Presidents Bush and Obama signed the waiver twice per year with little fanfare. However, Trump had long hinted he would deviate from his predecessors. After occupying the city's eastern part in the 1967 War, Israel annexed the territory, and proclaimed it as its "eternal, undivided capital." The Palestinians, however, see East Jerusalem as the capital of their future state. The US already has a 99-year lease on a plot of land in Jerusalem; it was granted by Israel in 1989 at the cost of $1 per year but remains undeveloped. No other country keeps an embassy in Jerusalem. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address China Launches Their Own Air Exercises to Counter US/South Korea Drill Sputnik News 23:36 06.12.2017 The Chinese air force launched an exercise of their own concurrent to the enormous air drills being run by the US and South Korea, causing experts to speculate what, exactly, Beijing is trying to communicate to the West. On Monday, the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) flew exercises in "routes and areas it has never flown before" over both the Yellow Sea that divides China and the Korean Peninsula as well as the East China Sea between China, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. These waters comprise China's "air defense identification zone," where China has flown numerous military exercises since 2011 often during moments of tension with Japan and South Korea, as the zone includes waters claimed by either nation. The exercises were of significant size: they included fighter jets, reconnaissance planes, early warning aircraft and surface-to-air missile batteries along the coast. PLAAF spokesman Shen Jinke said that such exercises will be a regular occurrence in the future. Their purpose, Shen said, is to "'improve combat-readiness and safeguard the country's strategic interests." But this time the drill coincided with a massive 230-aircraft joint exercise being held between South Korea and the US nearby on the Korean peninsula. That exercise, which involved F-22 and F-35 stealth fighters, 12,000 US soldiers, and even B-1B strategic bombers that could be equipped with a nuclear bomb, has been decried by North Korea as "begging for nuclear war." Li Jie, a Beijing-based military expert, described the exercises as an implicit message from the Chinese leadership to the US. "The timing of this high-profile announcement by the [People's Liberation Army] is also a warning to Washington and Seoul not to provoke Pyongyang any further," Li told the South China Morning Post. China has condemned North Korean nuclear tests and gradually distanced themselves from their once-close ally, even backing UN sanctions against the fellow socialist country in September following a test of their nuclear program. But while Beijing is openly opposed to the North Korean nuclear program, they are certainly not in favor of the US invading North Korea, putting an end to the Kim government, and either reunifying North Korea with the US-friendly South or installing a US-friendly regime in North Korea. The sheer size of the US-South Korea exercise, as well as the continuous American military buildup in the peninsula since the spring, may be taken by Beijing as indication that the US plans to do exactly that. As recently as August the Chinese leadership reaffirmed its commitment to the half-century-old defensive alliance making clear that it was only a defensive alliance and that they would not necessarily back Kim should he go on the attack first. During the Korean War that began in 1950 and is still technically ongoing, China came to the aid of the communist Northern Korean factions against the US and their Southern allies, repaying the fledgling North's contribution to their own civil war, which the Chinese Communist Party had only won the previous year with Korean communist help. Beijing running an air drill of their own in complement to the high-profile US/South Korea drill could well be taken as their expression of willingness to do so again. Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address MATTOON -- Lake Land College students from varying nations learned about other cultures during the International Student Clubs annual Show N Tell event celebrating International Education Week. Students from Taiwan, Turkey, Colombia, China and Democratic Republic of Congo all came out to display cultural mementos. Attendees of the event had their names spelled out in Chinese calligraphy by a student from Hong Kong. Several students brought in examples of currency from their countries, so others were able to see and feel pieces from all over the world. The International Student Club organizes and supports activities that represents members who are from diverse countries. The International Student Club focuses on helping international and exchange student integrate into their new school, student body and community by providing endless opportunities to enrich their living and learning experience while studying at Lake Land. There are about 50 international students at Lake Land College this year. To learn more about the International Studies Program, call 217-234-5382 or visit World's Deadliest Missile BrahMos to Achieve Hypersonic Speed in Next 7 Years Sputnik News 21:19 06.12.2017(updated 21:22 06.12.2017) The present version of BhraMos travels at a speed of 2.8 Mach. Indian and Russian scientists have been jointly working on increasing the speed to hypersonic levels in a phased manner. New Delhi (Sputnik) The BrahMos supersonic cruise missile, an Indo-Russian joint venture product, is expected to achieve hypersonic speed in next seven to 10 years. "We are working on increasing the speed of the missile in a phased manner. The current BrahMos missiles have a speed of 2.8 Mach. In two years time, we would have a speed of 3.5 Mach. In the next three to four years time, we would have a speed of 5 Mach. Then we have to go hypersonic which would take seven to 10 years," Sudhir Kumar Mishra, CEO & MD of BrahMos Aerospace Ltd said on Tuesday. Meanwhile, BrahMos Aerospace is soon expected to start the production of the air-launched version of the missile as Godrej Aerospace, a unit of Godrej & Boyce, has bagged an order for 100 units of airframes for the missiles. As Indian scientists with the help of Russia have locally developed specialty aluminum alloy that can be used in the construction of the airframe and fuel tank, the manufacturer will not have to import the alloy from abroad. This would significantly cut the cost of manufacturing. BrahMos considered the world's most formidable precision weapon is currently in service only in the Indian armed forces. The company says it has an additional order worth over $7 billion from different wings of the Indian armed forces. Moreover, with the recent successful test of the air-launched version of the missile last month, the Indo-Russia JV expects a major boost in orders from Asian countries, provided the Indian government gives its nod for export of the missile systems. "We have a set of users (Indian armed forces). We are working with them. We are manufacturing it. However, the issue of exports or other things has to be decided at the level of the Government of India," Mishra added. The BrahMos missile is a stealth universal supersonic cruise missile that can be launched from ships, submarines, aircraft and land-based platforms. It can be used for precision strikes to destroy targets on land and sea. It can cruise at an altitude as high as 15 km and as low as 10 meters above the ground and currently maintains a speed of more than one kilometer per second throughout the duration of its flight. Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Israel's F-35 Joint Strike Fighters Officially Ready for Action Sputnik News 22:00 06.12.2017 Israeli Air Force head Maj. Gen. Amikam Norkin announced on Wednesday that fifth-generation F-35 Adir fighters have joined the fleet, about one year after the first Lockheed Martin-made jet was delivered to the country. The F-35s will provide the needed capabilities for the "constantly evolving and complex challenges" Israel faces in the Middle East, Norkin said, as cited by the Times of Israel. The timing of the new stealth craft's addition couldn't be better, as Israel's air force "is operating on a large scale on a number of fronts in a dynamic Middle East," the general added. The F-35 is "well-suited for the mission of selectively targeting the ongoing Iranian-Hezbollah weapons trafficking program," according to a report by the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies. The IAF has received nine F-35s so far, with the most recent pair of aircraft delivered in November. The F-35 has struggled with years of cost overruns and technical malfunctions; indeed, while the US and NASA took about 10 years to reach the moon, 20 years after Lockheed received its first contract related to F-35 concept design the jets still suffer engine fires and sometimes provide insufficient oxygen to pilots mid-flight. Nevertheless, Israel plans to buy 50 F-35s in total. The Israeli legislature, the Knesset, originally planned to by 75 or 100 F-35 aircraft but recently ordered a review of alternatives. An agreement between Israel and the US written into the US legal code, specifically as part of the Arms Export Control Act, states that the US may not sell "defense articles or services" to Middle East nations that "adversely affect Israel's qualitative military edge." But US President Donald Trump is reportedly shopping the F-35 to the United Arab Emirates. Speaking in November, Shoshana Bryen, director at the Jewish Policy Center in Washington, said that while Israel and the UAE "are not allies, not even friends if anyone thinks that the UAE will use this airplane to attack Israel, he or she is not living in reality." Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Russian Duma Bars RFE/RL, VOA As 'Foreign Agents' RFE/RL December 06, 2017 The Russian State Duma has voted to prohibit U.S. media outlets branded by the government as "foreign agents" from entering the lower house of parliament. Lawmakers in the chamber adopted the resolution in a 413 to 1 vote on December 6. It means that reporters for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) and Voice of America (VOA), which were designated as foreign agents by the Justice Ministry on December 5, will be barred from the Duma. "The decision to strip us of access to the Duma is regrettable," RFE/RL President Thomas Kent said. "It is another restriction on our journalistic activity in Russia. It makes it harder for us to provide independent and accurate information on the legislature's activities to the Russian people." The Duma, which is dominated by the Kremlin-controlled United Russia party, passed a bill last month enabling the ministry to declare foreign-based or foreign-funded media outlets foreign agents. President Vladimir Putin signed it into law on November 25. The United States, European Union, and international media freedom and human rights groups have sharply criticized the law. The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) said on December 5 that it was "reprehensible that Russia, which restricts its own independent, critical media, is now taking action to obstruct the work of international outlets that provide a vital alternative news source to Russian citizens." Russian officials have said the law is a "symmetrical response" after Russia's state-funded channel RT -- which U.S. authorities accuse of spreading propaganda -- was required to register its U.S. operating unit under the U.S. Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). U.S. officials say the action is not symmetrical, arguing that the U.S. and Russian laws are different and that Russia uses its "foreign agent" legislation to silence dissent and discourage a free exchange of ideas. The Duma ban comes after the organization overseeing media access to the U.S. Congress stripped RT of its press credentials for the legislature. Duma deputies initially announced plans to ban all U.S. media, but the Foreign Ministry later made clear that the government wanted the ban to affect only those outlets designated as foreign agents. In a November 15 statement, RFE/RL said there was no symmetry in Russia's actions. It said that while RT and state-funded news outlet Sputnik distributed freely in the United States, RFE/RL "has lost its broadcast affiliates in Russia due to administrative pressures" and has no access to cable, and that "RFE/RL reporters are subject to harassment and even physical attack in Russia." RFE/RL and VOA are overseen by the Broadcasting Board of Governors, a U.S. agency that supervises civilian government broadcasting and media operations. VOA is a federal entity, while RFE/RL is a private, nonprofit organization funded by a grant from the U.S. Congress. With reporting by Interfax, TASS, and RIA Novosti Source: rferl-voa-foreign-agents/28900011.html Copyright (c) 2017. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Young People And Factory Workers: Launch Of Putin's Reelection Bid Hints At Campaign Strategy Tom Balmforth December 06, 2017 MOSCOW -- The first appearance was in front of throngs of euphoric young people. The second was before cheering workers at a car manufacturing plant in a regional city. Vladimir Putin has finally announced what few had doubted: He will seek reelection as Russia's president in the March vote. But if Putin's decision was all but predicted, the strategy he and his advisers will use in the coming campaign has so far been unknown. The staggered December 6 announcement came in two grand, highly choreographed TV appearances and offered the first indications of the optics and tactics the Kremlin will use to help coast Putin to victory. In his first appearance in Moscow, the 65-year-old Putin, wearing a suit and a purple tie, swaggered onto a stage in front of a huge hall of beaming young activist volunteers -- some wearing glowing wristbands and recording with smartphones. There, he dropped his biggest hint yet that he would seek to extend his rule until 2024, saying he would make his decision "soon." Soon came just a few hours later, when Putin appeared at a second event, this time in the Volga region industrial city of Nizhny Novgorod. Standing on a stage at the GAZ auto manufacturing plant, which makes boxy Volga sedans and GAZ light trucks, Putin, sporting a navy tie this time and surrounded by workmen in slacks, announced his intention to run. "I will put forth my candidacy for the post of president of the Russian Federation," Putin said on live TV. Asked whether he would run for reelection by a GAZ workman -- who later insisted that his question hadn't been scripted -- Putin said that he couldn't "think of a better time or place to announce it," after which the crowd erupted in chants of "GAZ is for you!" Valentina Buzmakova, a political analyst in Nizhny Novgorod, said the Kremlin is hoping to invigorate Putin's image through his proximity to young people and predicted he will continue to do so throughout his campaign. She called the auto factory a "postcard enterprise." "They needed a postcard and a workers' collective, and against this backdrop, Mr. Putin, the servant of the people, the candidate of the people, announced his participation in the election," she told RFE/RL's Russian Service. "He is now going to undoubtedly choose a young audience so that there are as many smiling young faces around him to make him look younger. This is all calculated and he's been doing this for a long time," she said. Putin has courted younger voters at a series of youth forums and events organized by authorities in recent months. These events, all of which are covered extensively on state TV and elsewhere, suggested a Kremlin concern about a lack of support from younger Russians, who may be drawn to Kremlin gadfly and anticorruption campaigner Aleksei Navalny. Despite being blacklisted from opinion-shaping national TV, Navalny has twice this year brought thousands of his supporters onto the streets in the capital and across the country in anti-Kremlin protests. He's harnessed social media like Twitter and in particular YouTube to attract young supporters. Last December, Navalny, 41, announced his intention to take part in the election in March and has since set up scores of campaign offices and met voters across the country. However, he is likely to be barred outright from taking part because of a criminal conviction on charges he says were trumped up to keep him off the ballot. Speaking to RFE/RL's Russian Service on December 4, Navalny ally Vladimir Milov said it is wrong to expect Navalny's campaign to give up and throw in the towel if or when he is officially barred from running. "That will only be the start of it," Milov said, claiming they will dispute the decision in court and "fight for Navalny's registration until March 18," the scheduled date of the election, and beyond. Writing on Twitter on December 6, Navalny noted how Putin's presidential announcement was made not far from where Navalny's campaign manager, Leonid Volkov, is being held on a 30-day jail sentence. Volkov was jailed for organizing a rally in Nizhny Novgorod that authorities said he did not have permission to hold. He insists he did have permission. "The best illustration of how elections work in Russia is that Putin announced his candidacy in Nizhny Novgorod, and 1 kilometer away from him is the cell containing Leonid Volkov, the head of my campaign headquarters. He was arrested for conducting an election campaign." In an opinion piece for Novaya Gazeta, the newspaper's chief political editor, Kirill Martynov, argues that the optics of the announcement -- Putin flanked by blue-collar automotive workers -- appears to pave the way for an ultraconservative campaign. "The format of the announcement was maximally conservative, which definitely will influence the onward course of the campaign and its results. The details speak for themselves," Martynov wrote. The last time Putin announced that he would stand again for president was in September 2011 when he declared he would return to the Kremlin after a four-year stint as prime minister. The constitution prevents presidents from serving more than two consecutive terms, and Putin honored this rule, stepping aside for four years as Dmitry Medvedev served as president from 2008-12. The constitution was later amended, however, by Medvedev to allow presidents to serve for six-year terms. The 2011 announcement that Putin would return riled a swathe of Russians, particularly in the capital and in big cities. Thousands took to the streets months later to protest against alleged fraud during parliamentary elections in December 2011. Putin weathered those protests, making a conservative pivot in his politics and making overtures to blue-collar workers. After his reelection, he appointed Igor Kholmanskikh, a tank factory foreman, as his special presidential envoy to the Urals region. There were echoes of this in his December 6 announcement at the car factory, though with Putin's genuine popularity and the Kremlin's tight grip on both media and the levers of power, some analysts played down the significance of the location. "Of course, it is interesting that he chose a big factory to demonstrate his proximity to the people," said Dmitry Oreshkin, head of the Moscow-based Mercator think tank. "But who would doubt this? He could have done it, for instance, somewhere in a remote village and it wouldn't have looked bad." With reporting by RFE/RL's Russian Service Source: strategy-analysis/28901505.html Copyright (c) 2017. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Putin declares 'complete victory' on both banks of Euphrates in Syria Iran Press TV Wed Dec 6, 2017 05:59PM Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared a 'complete victory' over the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group on both banks of the Euphrates River in Syria, stressing the significance of switching to a political process to ultimately end the crisis in the Arab country. Putin said in remarks released by the Kremlin on Wednesday that the terrorists have been completely defeated on both banks of the Euphrates River in Syria. "Two hours ago, the (Russian) defense minister reported to me that the operations on the eastern and western banks of the Euphrates have been completed with the total rout of the terrorists," Putin said. He further said "some pockets of resistance" could remain in the area, "but overall the military work at this stage and on this territory is completed with, I repeat, the total rout of the terrorists." Putin did not specify whether he was referring to the end of operations in entire Syria, or just the areas around the Euphrates valley. The Russian president stressed the need to move to a political dialogue that would eventually involve presidential and parliamentary elections, but said this is "a big and prolonged task." "We need to ... move, undoubtedly, on to the next stage - the start of a political process." Since September 2016, Moscow has been launching military operations in Syria, targeting the positions of Daesh and other militant groups upon an official request from the Damascus government. Different foreign-backed terrorist groups have been wreaking havoc in Syria since 2011. Russia, Iran and Turkey have been acting as a guarantor state in peace talks for Syria in Astana, Kazakhstan. The three countries have helped set up de-escalation zones across Syria to reduce fighting on the ground. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Putin Informed About Daesh's Total Defeat in Syria's Euphrates Valley Sputnik News 18:46 06.12.2017(updated 20:04 06.12.2017) Over the past months, the Syrian government forces have achieved a major breakthrough in the province of Deir ez-Zor, and now the remaining terrorist units have been expelled from the Euphrates River Valley. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has reported a complete victory over Daesh terrorists in the east and west banks of the Euphrates in Syria, President Putin announced during his visit to Nizhny Novgorod. "Naturally, some detached resistance hotspots still can exist, but on the whole the combat work at this point and on this territory is finished. I emphasize the complete defeat over Daesh and victory over terrorists," Putin added. The president also noted that de-escalation zones in Syria must be strengthened and the bloodshed must be stopped before transitioning to a political settlement. The overwhelming defeat of the Daesh terrorist group in Syria followed the liberation by government forces of the last major Daesh stronghold in the country, the town of Abu Kamal. The advances of the Syrian government forces became possible after the breach of the three-year-long Deir ez-Zor's blockade in September, a victory which secured a firm foothold for further offensives. Moscow launched its air campaign in the Arab Republic at the request of President Bashar Assad in September 2015 and has been successfully providing aerial support for the Syrian government army ever since. Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Pentagon Questions Advances Made by Russia to Defeat Daesh in Syria Sputnik News 01:47 07.12.2017(updated 01:42 07.12.2017) On Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that the Islamic State had been defeated on both banks of the Euphrates River in Syria, while Chief of the Russian General Staff Valery Gerasimov said that Syria was fully freed from terrorists. "Naturally, there may still be isolated points of resistance, but in general, the combat work at this stage and in this territory is over," Vladimir Putin said. Meantime, the US military disagrees with Russia's announcement that the Daesh terrorist group has been defeated on both banks of the Euphrates River in Syria, Defense Department Spokesman Eric Pahon told Sputnik on Wednesday. "I think that's an interesting announcement, I respectfully disagree," Pahon said. "We still know that there are ISIS [Daesh] pockets in Syria that remain to be taken care of This is just not true, ISIS is not defeated. There are still a couple thousand fighters left and that's still a significant amount of fighters. It's premature." Pahon believes more efforts are required to prevent a resurgence of the terrorist group. "The whole of our philosophy is you cannot just kill the terrorists and walk away. They are going to come right back. The things that allow them to come to power in the first place are still there," Pahon said. He added that many areas recaptured from Daesh do not yet have local governments and lack basic necessities such as water and food. "So, there is a lot of work to be done in that area to make sure people can come back, can rebuild and can be comfortable and start to reform society again," he said. When asked about the US estimates of the number of remaining Daesh fighters, Pahon said he did not have a specific figure, though he said he believed the terrorists' numbers had dwindled to around 3,000 or fewer, most of whom are concentrated in Syria's Middle Euphrates River Valley. "We still have to hunt down those isolated pockets [in Syria]," Pahon said. "But Iraq for all intents and purposes is nearing the end of Daesh." Pahon also stressed that other terrorists are operating in Syria, including the Al-Qaeda terror group and its offshoot the Nusra Front. "You still have Al-Qaeda, Nusra, you still have all of these other kind of terror offshoots that are still operating," he said. "They as well need to be taken care of, because ISIS branched out of these things ISIS was just the worst version almost of Al Qaeda, and what became Nusra as well. Unless all of those terror elements are eradicated, killed off and prevented from returning, we are going to deal with the same problem again." Russia, alongside Iran and Turkey, is a guarantor of the ceasefire regime in Syria. Moscow has also been assisting Damascus both through supporting the struggle against the terrorist groups and by providing humanitarian aid to the residents of the crisis-torn country. The US-led coalition of more than 70 members is conducting military operations against the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. The coalition's strikes in Iraq are conducted in cooperation with Iraqi officials, but those in Syria are not authorized by either the government of President Bashar Assad or the United Nations Security Council. Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Erdogan Says U.S. Trying To 'Blackmail' Turkey With Iran Sanctions Case RFE/RL December 06, 2017 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called the New York trial of a Turkish banker accused of conspiring to help Iran evade U.S. sanctions "blackmail" and a "blemish" on his country. His comments in Ankara on December 5 came as the trial of Halkbank executive Mehmet Hakan Atilla continued with a fifth day of testimony by the U.S. government's star witness and alleged mastermind of the scheme to evade sanctions. Erdogan said the trial was a ploy to distract Turkey while Washington makes plans to strengthen Kurdish groups in Syria that Turkey considers to be "terrorists" allied with armed separatists in Turkey. "Turkey has no plans against the United States, but it is clear that the U.S. has plans against us," Erdogan said. The Iran sanctions "case has nothing to do with law, justice, or trade, it's an acrobatic spectacle," he said. Acting U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim has called Turkish accusations that his prosecution is politically motivated "ridiculous." The government's star witness, wealthy Turkish-Iranian businessman Reza Zarrab, conceded in testimony on December 5 that he had a proclivity to pay bribes to get what he wants, under cross-examination from Atilla's defense attorney, Cathy Fleming. But Zarrab said he never paid Atilla a bribe and that Atilla never asked him for money. According Zarrab's agreement with prosecutors to plead guilty to some charges in exchange for leniency, Zarrab paid bribes to foreign officials and corporate representatives between 2002 and March 2016 in return for personal benefits, favorable business dealings, and the protection of government officials. Zarrab estimated that he made from $100 million to $150 million between 2010 and 2016 by carrying out various illegal schemes, including helping Iran evade U.S. sanctions. As part of the plea deal, Zarrab has agreed to give up any illicit profits. He testified that he might be permitted to be released on bail once the trial is finished. Zarrab's testimony likely will win him leniency against charges that otherwise could carry a prison term of up to 130 years. Turkish authorities have detained 17 people linked to Zarrab in an investigation launched after he cooperated with U.S. authorities and agreed to testify in the case. Some of those detained in Turkey are accused of sending documents to the United States to help with the case. With reporting by AP, AFP, and Reuters Source: erdogan-says-us-trying-blackmail-turkey-iran- sanctions-case/28899592.html Copyright (c) 2017. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Ukrainians free Saakashvili from police van after hours of standoff Iran Press TV Wed Dec 6, 2017 06:36AM Several hundreds of supporters of former Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili, now a Ukrainian opposition leader, have managed to free him as he was being arrested by Ukrainian police in the capital, Kiev. On Tuesday, Saakashvili's supporters surrounded the police van that was supposed to take him away from his residence in downtown Kiev and blocked it. After hours of standoff, during which security forces fired tear gas to unsuccessfully disperse the crowd, Saakashvili was freed. Saakashvili, who was still wearing his handcuffs, led his supporters some several hundred in a rally toward the parliament, while urging them to rise against President Petro Poroshenko "and his gang." With the handcuffs still hanging off from one wrist, the opposition leader told his supporters, "I'll keep these handcuffs. I'll save them for Poroshenko, for [Prosecutor General Yuriy] Lutsenko." "An organized criminal group has seized power in our beloved Ukraine," he told the crowd. "I call on everyone, every real Ukrainian, to demand his resignation." He called on "all Ukrainians to take to the streets and drive out the thieves." "Do not let Poroshenko and his gang continue the robbery," Saakashvili said. "Ukraine is under a real threat. These people have completely usurped power." After he was freed from police custody, Saakashvili was given an ultimatum by Lutsenko, the prosecutor general, to turn himself in within 24 hours or 'the entire law-enforcement system of Ukraine will do everything necessary" to bring him into custody. Lutsenko has charged Saakashvili of having received 500,000 dollars from Russian sources to fund the rallies against the pro-Western Ukrainian government. The opposition leader, however, said the accusations against him were "all fake" and vowed to continue resisting arrest in Ukraine. Poroshenko granted Saakashvili Ukrainian citizenship back in 2015 to allow him to become governor of the southern region of Odessa. The pro-reform politician, however, stepped down in November 2016 after accusing Poroshenko of blocking efforts to uproot corruption. Later in July 2017, Poroshenko stripped Saakashvili of his Ukrainian citizenship. Saakashvili served as president of Georgia from 2004 to 2013, but he lost the citizenship of his native country after he was granted the Ukrainian passport. Under Georgia's law, individuals are not allowed to hold dual nationality. Saakashvili, now a stateless person, is also wanted on criminal charges in Georgia. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Saakashvili Defiant As Police Clash With Supporters At Kyiv Protest Camp RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service December 06, 2017 KYIV -- Mikheil Saakashvili, the former Georgian president turned Ukrainian opposition leader, has vowed that he will continue to resist arrest after his supporters dramatically freed him from custody in Kyiv. Facing a deadline to turn himself in to the authorities later in the day, Saakashvili told supporters at a protest camp near parliament early on December 6 that he would not comply. "I will not show up at the pseudo Prosecutor-General's Office," he said. "I am ready to talk to investigators here in the camp." "Our plans are clear. Our main goal is to remove a criminal group from power and impeach it," Saakashvili said, referring to President Petro Poroshenko's administration. His remarks came after prosecutors on December 5 issued a 24-hour deadline for Saakashvili to turn himself in to police, and after a predawn clash between National Police officers and protesters camping out near the Verkhovna Rada. Ukraine's National Police said at least 14 police officers and two civilians were injured in clashes that broke out as authorities began searching tents in an attempt to locate Saakashvili. Protesters said at least nine activists were injured. The police "planned to take me out of a tent, but attacked the wrong tent" and "severely beat" activists who had been sleeping, Saakashvili said on Facebook. Saakashvili also appealed to Poroshenko in the Facebook post, saying: "Why do you want these provocations? Don't attack and you won't make people fight back! It's a peaceful action! Haven't you learned anything?" That was reference to previous turmoil in Ukraine, including attempted crackdowns on the massive Euromaidan protests that pushed Moscow-friendly President Viktor Yanukovych out in 2014 and brought Poroshenko to power. Some of Saakashvili's supporters were stockpiling bricks at the protest camp and setting up barricades with tires shortly after dawn on December 6 as heavy snow fell on the Ukrainian capital. Meanwhile, in Tbilisi, about 3,000 members of the Georgian political party founded by Saakashvili staged a demonstration on December 6 to warn against the former president's extradition from Ukraine. The demonstrators said their rally was a signal to the authorities that mass protests will be held if Saakashvili is extradited and arrested in Georgia. The Ukrainian charges are unrelated to those Saakashvili faces in Georgia. But members of the opposition United National Movement said at the Tbilisi rally that they believe he might be extradited. The United National Movement was ousted from power in 2012 parliamentary elections. Saakashvili is wanted in Georgia for alleged involvement in the violent dispersal of protesters and a raid on a private television station during his 2004-13 presidency. In Kyiv, Prosecutor-General's Office spokesman Andriy Lysenko said the authorities ordered the manhunt following a chaotic scene on December 5 in which security forces stormed Saakashvili's apartment and detained him, but supporters later freed him from a police van. Larisa Sarhan, a spokeswoman for the prosecutor-general, said on December 6 that Saakashvili now faced three criminal charges -- attempting to commit a crime, involvement in premeditated criminal activity by a group of persons, and providing assistance to a criminal organization and concealing their criminal activities. Sarhan also said criminal investigations had been started against several parliamentary deputies suspected of obstructing Saakashvili's arrest on December 5. Prosecutors have also informed National Police chief Serhiy Knyazev that Saakashvili is a wanted man. Saakashvili Vs. Poroshenko After he was freed from detention, Saakashvili led hundreds of his supporters in a march to parliament and demanded Poroshenko's resignation, calling him a "criminal" and a traitor to Ukraine. Saakashvili also urged Ukrainians to rally on Maidan Nezalezhnosti, or Independence Square, the epicenter of the Euromaidan protests in 2013-14. "An organized criminal group has seized power in our beloved Ukraine," Saakashvili told the impromptu rally. "I call on everyone, every real Ukrainian, to demand his resignation." Ukrainian authorities claim that Saakashvili is being backed by Russia or forces there -- an assertion that the former Georgian president, who has been hated by the Kremlin since a five-day war between Georgia and Russia in 2008, has dismissed. Prosecutor-General Yuriy Lutsenko alleged on December 5 that an "organized crime" group led by Yanukovych, who is in exile in Russia, has financed protests organized by Saakashvili. Lutsenko claimed that by pursuing Saakashvili, the Ukrainian authorities were thwarting an anti-Kyiv plot sponsored by Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB). The turmoil in Kyiv comes at a time when Ukraine is fighting Russia-backed separatists in a war that has killed more than 10,000 people in the eastern region known as the Donbas, and with no end in sight to Russia's occupation of Ukraine's Crimea region. From Georgia To Odesa Saakashvili rejected the allegations against him as "cynical and ridiculous." "There is no more bitter foe of [Russian President Vladimir] Putin in the world than me, and the accusation that I am linked to Russia is completely absurd," said Saakashvili, who also called for Lutsenko's resignation. Lutsenko on December 5 told parliament: "In 24 hours the entire Ukrainian justice system will do everything necessary for the stateless Saakashvili to face investigators, and afterwards, court." Saakashvili became stateless when Poroshenko issued a presidential decree in July, while he was abroad, that stripped him of his Ukrainian citizenship. He returned to Ukraine in order to challenge that decree in the Ukrainian courts and has been leading opposition protests against Poroshenko. Saakashvili rose to power in Tbilisi during Georgia's peaceful Rose Revolution in 2003 and served as Georgia's president from 2004-13. He conducted major reforms and fought corruption in the former Soviet republic, but was accused of abusing his power. Authorities in Tbilisi have charged Saakashvili of trying to organize a coup there after leaving office, an allegation he denies. Poroshenko in 2015 appointed Saakashvili -- an acquaintance from university days -- as governor of Ukraine's Odesa region in the wake of the Euromaidan protests that brought a pro-Western government to power in Kyiv. Saakashvili surrendered his Georgian citizenship to take the post. But Saakashvili resigned from the Odesa governor's post and went into opposition in November 2016, saying his reform efforts there were being blocked by Poroshenko's allies. With reporting by Christopher Miller in Kyiv and Merhat Sharipzhan in Prague, Reuters, AP, AFP, dpa, UNIAN,,, and Ukrayinska Pravda Source: -defiant-police-clash-supporters- kyiv-tent-camp/28899883.html Copyright (c) 2017. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Preschool indoor picnic to be held at library CHARLESTON -- The Charleston Carnegie Public Library will host a Preschool Indoor Picnic on Monday. Bring a sack lunch and join them from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. for a warm indoor picnic. We will have plenty of room to spread out and enjoy the company of other families. This is a free program, open to the public. A library card is not needed to attend. For further information, call 217-345-1514 or log on to PCH volunteers host chocolate sale PARIS -- The Paris Community Hospital Volunteers will host their annual Christmas South Bend Company Chocolate Sale in December. The sale will take place Tuesday and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., near the Paris Family Medical Center rotunda entrance. The sale will offer nearly 50 varieties of gourmet chocolates and snacks. Items will include award-winning salsas, hot sauces, jams, jellies, relishes, and preserves made by Kathy's Kitchen. Cash, checks, and credit cards will be accepted. Chocolate sales support the efforts of the PCH Volunteers, who provide financial assistance to hospital projects and award scholarships to area students who are pursuing health care careers. Annual 'Light Up Strasburg' light contest set STRASBURG -- The annual Light Up Strasburg Christmas light contest will again be held this year. All residents are encouraged to participate in the Christmas light contest sponsored by the village. Judging will take place Thursday. Individuals do not have to enter contest as anyone with Christmas lights is eligible to win. For further information, call the Strasburg Village Office at 217-644-3007. GREENUP (JG-TC) -- A driver who was outside of his semitrailer was struck and injured by another semitrailer early Thursday morning on Interstate 70, approximately six miles west of Greenup. An Illinois State Police District 12 press release reported that the collision occurred 12:25 a.m. as a semitrailer driven by Shawn M. Montgomery of Saint Peters, Mo., was stopped on the right shoulder of I-70 near milepost 113. Montgomery was outside the truck when he and his trailer were struck by a semitrailer driven by Yosniel Varela-Mojena of Millville, N.J. State police reported that Varela-Mojena said he saw Montgomery's semitrailer and looked down. When Varela-Mojena looked up, he reportedly was unable to avoid striking Montgomery's semitrailer. Varela-Mojena's tractor became detached from the trailer and this trailer subsequently came to rest in the center median. Montgomery's semitrailer moved slightly but remained on the right shoulder. Montgomery was taken to Carle Foundation Hospital in Urbana for treatment of injuries. Varela-Mojena was cited for improper lane usage. Why Is Pawan Talking On Betrayal Of Chiru? Ever since he floated Jana Sena Party in 2014, power star Pawan Kalyan has hardly talked about his elder brother Chiranjeevi or his Praja Rajyam Party. Occasionally, he spoke about his brothers mistake of merging the Praja Rajyam with the Congress, but he never made any further comments on him. More often than not, Pawan preferred to stay away from the shadow of his brother, but grow independently. Even in the film industry and also family relationship, Pawan maintained distance from his mega brother, though he occasionally met Chiranjeevi to seek his blessings. So, when Pawan spoke elaborately about Chiranjeevi in Visakhapatnam on Wednesday, everybody was surprised. He said several people had betrayed Chiranjeevi who had floated Praja Rajyam only with an intention of serving the people. Some rogue pests inflicted the PRP and destroyed it for their selfish motives. They backstabbed Chiranjeevi, who had a great heart for the people. I have not forgotten any of them who backstabbed my brother. I am not going to leave any one. Jana Sena will give fitting reply to such people, he said. The sudden recall of PRP by Pawan and his anger at the detractors of Chiranjeevi made one wonder whether the both the brothers have joined hands with each other. There was a talk that Chiranjeevi would come out of the Congress party soon after his Rajya Sabha term is over in April 2018 and would solidly back his brother. The entire mega family will fight together in support of Pawan Kalyan and that would give him a major boost in the elections. Already there are reports that Pawan and Chiranjeevi will act together in the next film and that would be the new beginning in the mega journey in politics, say sources. CHARLESTON -- The barn's not ready to move but there are bricks for the floor once it does. Work to relocate a barn to the Five Mile House is continuing with plans to try to raise money for the next phase of the project. The effort began earlier this year and has a goal of using the barn to replicate the blacksmith shop once located at the site as well as for educational purposes and other uses. "We're making good progress," said Tom Vance, president of the Five Mile House Foundation. "It's a very significant next step in the development of the site." The foundation has worked for several years to renovate and improve the Five Mile House site, thought to be the location of the oldest structure in Coles County, and its grounds. The original structure at the site was built in 1840. The house's name comes from its location at the intersection of Illinois Route 130 and Westfield Road, about five miles southeast of Charleston. Through much of its history, the location served as a stopping point for people traveling through the area. The nearly 140-year-old barn is located a few miles east of the Five Mile House. Owner Dallas Nichols donated it to the foundation but funds are still needed for its renovation and relocation. Vance said the project's total budget is about $175,000. The foundation already raised about $46,000 and is making a year-end appeal for another $50,000 in donations, he said. Then, later next year, the foundation will try to raise an additional $50,000. Vance the Charleston Area Charitable Foundation will award a $25,000 grant to the project if the foundation raises $100,000 by May. Donations can be made through a link on the foundation's website,, or by mail to P.O. Box 114, Charleston, 61920. Work so far has included obtaining bricks from a Cayuga, Ind., company for use in the forge and the floor in the blacksmith's shop. Blacksmith and foundation member Eric Gray, plans to do demonstrations in the blacksmith's shop. He said the bricks for the shop's floor can handle hot objects dropped on them so "you don't take the chance of it exploding." Also, Eastern Illinois University student volunteers also helped in clean up efforts at the barn's current location. The company that will restore the barn, Trillium Dell Timberworks, located in Knoxville near Peoria, has done measurements of the barn and inventoried its timbers. Vance said the company will use that information to design the building's new configuration as well as decide what lumber can be reused, what can be restored and what needs to be replaced. Trillium Dell Timberworks will take the barn's lumber to its location for the restoration work then return it to the Five Mile House site, Vance also said. He said the foundation already has enough money to pay for the barn's dismantling. It's possible that the project could be completed this coming summer or fall, he also said. OnePlus has already confirmed that it'll not have Project Treble on any of its current devices, including the recently launched OnePlus 5T. Now, the Chinese company has provided more information on the matter. During and AMA session on its official forums yesterday, a staff member explained that implementing Project Treble on current devices through an OTA update comes with risk of bricking the units. Here's what they exactly said: Project Treble requires a storage partition, by which the Android framework and vendor image are separated. However, because partitions were not required of Android N and previous versions of Android, all of our current devices do not feature a partition. According to our tests, if we were to modify the partition layout via OTA there is a risk that devices will brick during the partitioning. We feel this poses too great a risk for our community of users, which is why we have decided not to implement Project Treble on current OnePlus devices. For those who aren't aware, Project Treble was announced by Google several months ago as a feature of Android Oreo. It basically modularizes the Android OS so that OEM customizations stay separate from Android, which would effectively lead to reduced time between update roll outs. Source | Via Just a couple of weeks after learning Chinese Samsung's Bixby has gone fluent in Spanish. The update doesn't seem to be widely available at the moment, with reports currently only coming out of Spain (obviously). It may take some time, but the feature should eventually be available in all key markets. With this, Bixby Voice now supports a total of four languages, including Chinese, English, Korean, and Spanish. Source | Via Haiti - Social : Closing of the project Menm Katye Lot Visaj Monday, the European Union (EU) and its partners closed the important project "Menm Katye Lot Visaj" launched in June 2014 as part of the European Union Neighborhood Management Program (PARAQ) and implemented in the informal neighborhood of Haut-Turgeau and Debussy with the aim of improving the living environment and the safety of the inhabitants. On this occasion, were inaugurated with the inhabitants of the neighborhood the new infrastructure built. Thanks to infrastructure improvements, residents can now benefit from comfortable and accessible social spaces. Formerly threatened by floods, and difficult of access, some sites such as the source, the Cave are now protected and have a public wash and a playground and relaxation area. The Ravine Lucien whose reconstruction required 1000 m of stone, is secured and provided throughout its path of public spaces. In addition, nearly one kilometer of corridors have been reconstructed, and rainwater drainage has been improved, significantly reducing flooding in the area. No less than 85 housing units with latrines were constructed or rehabilitated to earthquake-resistant standards. In addition, access to basic services has been strengthened with now 1,000 households served by a waste collection service and toilets have been provided in schools. In addition, economic activities were initiated through the project: 15 micro-enterprises were created, 100 small merchants were supported and savings were stimulated by the granting of micro-credits. Finally, multisectoral action has been deployed to provide a better living environment but also to improve the economic and social inclusion of vulnerable and at-risk households. The overall value of the project "Menm Katye Lot Visaj" amounts to 4.5 million, 80% financed by the EU, the rest being financed by the International Humanitarian Organization GOAL, CARE, Entrepreneurs du Monde, OFDA, Jersey Overseas Aid and Bank of Ireland. In his speech, EU Ambassador Vincent Degert declared "The many actions carried out here with GOAL and all the partners illustrate concretely how we can, by uniting our forces, give another face to a whole neighborhood [...] The new infrastructures give the neighborhood not only a more pleasant living environment but also better protect the community against natural hazards such as floods. I am therefore particularly happy that all these actions were carried out in a participative process by consulting the inhabitants of the zone at each decisive stage." HL/ S/ HaitiLibre Haiti - News : Zapping... March against corruption dispersed On Tuesday, the march against corruption could not get to Parliament, protesters were repulsed and dispersed by police who used tear gas. Heavy gun fire from unidentified sources was reported to the Primature. "Sweet Micky" in Port-de-Paix Thursday, December 7, under the patronage of the City Council of Port-de-Paix, Radio Capois will organize a great musical event called "Festi Immaculee" at the Breeze Marina to celebrate the patron saint of the town. Reste #1, Rebel La & Cash Music are among others the 3 local music bands that will undertake to open the festivities and Cle Compas from Boston carefully selected will guarantee the continuity of the atmosphere. The inevitable long awaited moment of this anniversary of the city of Port-de-Paix, remains the performance of the group "Sweet Micky" of the former President Michel Martelly... FLASH : Evening fundraiser of CFHCI The traditional fundraising evening of the Franco-Haitian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is back. Unite for the benefit of the Cancer Support Group on Saturday, December 9, 2017 in ASU from 7:00 pm Tickets are on sale at CFHCI. All details on : Minister Georges in Kenya Pierre Simon Georges, the Minister of the Environment represents Haiti at the Third United Nations Environment Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya, from December 4 to 8, 2017. Delegates and Environment Ministers from around the world gather to discuss the best solutions for combating pollution. In the margins of this Assembly, Minister Georges met with the Director and Representative of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) for the Latin America and Caribbean region. CEP : Hearing of parliamentary candidates Earlier this week, a hearing session was held before the bicameral Commission to analyze the candidates' files to represent the parliament at the permanent CEP. Success of the Fair "Konsome Lokal" The first edition of the "Konsome Lokal" fair took place last weekend in the Historical Park of the Sugar Cane . More than 80 exhibitors presented their different products to a large audience with diverse tastes. Food, bags, pottery, jewelry and also music, all imbued with a local touch or better, national, confirmed the name chosen for the activity. HL/ HaitiLibre Haiti - FLASH : USA will invest nearly $100M in health care in Haiti The United States Government announces $98,5 million in new investments in health services in Haiti. The "Projet Sante" will work in partnership with the Haitian government to support the country's health system and expand essential health care to 4.2 million people. Spending $98.5 million over the next four years, Projet Sante, a cooperative agreement between the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Caris Foundation International, will increase the number of Haitians receiving quality, essential health care. As part of a patient-centered approach, the project will offer integrated maternal and childcare to Haitian families, including immunization, reproductive health, nutrition services, and HIV prevention, care, and treatment. The project will be led by Caris Foundation and implemented in partnership with a consortium of partners that includes Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB) and the Haitian Health Foundation (HHF). With USAID support, the consortium will expand proven strategies for improving community and facility-based health services and increase local Haitian partners capacity to build on the projects accomplishments and best practices. "Projet Sante builds upon an established foundation and proven track record of strengthening local management and operational capacities to deliver health services," said USAID Mission Director Jene Thomas. "This agreement will not only improve access to care for millions of Haitian citizens, but promote a culture of Haitian excellence, leadership, and accountability. HL/ HaitiLibre Haiti - Justice : Opening of the 32nd Congress of the International Bar Conference Wednesday the 32nd Congress of the International Conference of Bar Associations of Common Legal Tradition (CIB 32) opened in Haiti in the presence of President Jovenel Moise, President of the National Assembly, the Honorable Youri Latortue, of President of the Council Superior of the Judiciary, Me Jules Cantave, of the Minister of Tourism, Colombe Emilie Jessy Menos, and of secretary of the CIB, the batonnier Bernard Vatier and a pleiad of batonniers, lawyers and other legal professionals from Haiti, Europe, Africa, America and Asia. This event, organized for the third time on the American continent, after Montreal in 1988 and Quebec in 2004, which takes place at the Karibe Convention Center, from December 6 to 9 at the initiative of the Bar Association of Port-au-Prince is organized around of the theme: "The advocates of the Francophone space at the service of economic and social development". Its objective is to allow intellectual exchanges and to promote the sharing of experiences between the different member of bars and their lawyers. During his speech at the opening ceremony, President Jovenel Moise expressed his appreciation of the holding in Haiti and declared "[...] I wish the most cordial welcome to the different guests During his speech at the opening ceremony, President Jovenel Moise expressed his appreciation of the holding in Haiti and declared "[...] I wish the most cordial welcome to the different of the corruption that are delaying its economic and social development." The Head of State took the opportunity to recall that the judicial system in general, lawyers and magistrates in particular have a fundamental role to play in the realization of the profound change initiated by the new Haitian public administration "The Rule of Law allow to guarantee the fundamental rights of the people and to implement the economic and social development programs likely to improve the living conditions of the population. It promotes the intensification of private investment, the development of tourism and the expansion of arts and culture." While reassuring the Councils of the Order and the lawyers of Haiti of his full and whole support, the President Jovenel Moise said he is convinced that the various topics will allow the bars of Haiti to go further in their reflections for the flourishing of law and justice. The bar president rancis Jackson Ngnie Kamga, President of the CIB, welcomed President Moise's presence as a tangible proof of the importance given by the Head of State to questions of law and the promotion of good justice in the country. HL/ SL/ HaitiLibre How many of u have been sexually harassed? How many have seen harassment? How many have come forward? #tippingpoint #metoo #BeFierceBook Hollywood actor Gabriel Byrne has revealed that a former girlfriend of his was subjected to sexual harassment at RTE. Byrne spoke out after allegations of rape and sexual assault were levelled at movie figures including Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey. The 67-year-old star, who worked on RTE series The Riordans from 1978 to 1979, told Today with Sean O'Rourke on RTE Radio 1 that he was dating an RTE employee at the time. Appalling He revealed that she was subjected to sexual harassment and that two producers took bets on who would get a new female employee to bed first. "The climate of abject sexism [in RTE], when I look back on it, was absolutely ridiculous, and there are still a few people walking around the place, who are regarded as, I don't know what you'd call them... sex pests?" he said. "People just kind of laughed and kind of said 'There he is doing his thing again'. "One of those guys made [my girlfriend's] life an absolute misery through his sexual improprieties. "Nobody thought 'Oh, my God', that this was really appalling behaviour. It was just the climate that it was at the time. Nobody questioned it." The behaviour was not reported, Byrne said, adding: "It was common knowledge, and the idea that you would go to RTE and complain about it was never an option so like there was no such thing as go see the department of whatever, social relations, people just knew it." Byrne also worked with disgraced Hollywood producer Weinstein on three movies, including Into the West. Asked whether or not he knew what was going on behind closed doors, he said: "I had a vague idea that there were things that went on behind closed doors. The problem is, they were rumours." Byrne revealed that he knew some of the actresses approached by Weinstein. "It's still shocking to me today, even though I knew he was, as I said, a sleazebag," he added. Byrne also worked with Spacey who, like Weinstein, faces several allegations, on The Usual Suspects in 1994. Earlier this week he revealed that production was halted for two days after "allegations of sexually inappropriate behaviour" against his co-star. "The filming itself was a really happy experience and the film went on to become... somebody told me it plays somewhere in the world like every day, but at that time we were making what we thought was a movie that might have moderate success," he said. "There was a great camaraderie and hilarity on the set and then one day filming came to a halt, which is most unusual, because to lose a day's filming costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. It's a big deal. "We didn't understand why and it later transpired something inappropriate sexually had happened and it involved Kevin. "I think we didn't really understand what was going on at the time. It was only in retrospect the knowledge began to seep out." Complaints Byrne was appearing on the programme to promote his documentary My Astonishing Self which airs tonight on RTE One at 9.35pm. In a statement, RTE said: "Any formal complaints by RTE staff during the period referred to by Gabriel Byrne would have been dealt with at the time. "RTE takes its responsibility to all staff very seriously and provides a number of formal and informal channels through which staff can raise concerns." Theresa May has reworked the text of her Brexit document Theresa May will today provide the Irish Government with a new text aimed at resolving the impasse over a Brexit deal. During a 15-minute phone call with Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, the embattled British Prime Minister said that, having consulted with the DUP and officials in London, she was preparing fresh language for the document. Mr Varadkar said he would review the wording with an "open mind" but that "red-line issues" adopted by Ireland remained. "The room to manoeuvre is small," he said, but added he believed Ms May was "negotiating in good faith". Following a meeting with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, the Taoiseach adopted a diplomatic tone in a clear attempt to calm the friction which has developed between Dublin, Belfast and London. He warned that the Government was not so much concerned that a border would have to be erected on the day after Brexit, but that a "creeping border" would develop over time. He said the language was not a major problem for Ireland but the outcome was. "I think the risk is over a number of years," Mr Varadkar said, making the case for regulatory alignment. He said the laws in Republic and the North did not have to be similar on everything but did need to be "sufficiently" aligned so that a "border by stealth" didn't develop. "It's not an attempt in some ways to impose [the] same laws on both sides of the Border," he said. Mr Varadkar also urged the UK to adopt a similar approach for England, Scotland and Wales. He repeated that Ireland had no hidden agenda but said he wanted "normal business and normal people to continue their normal lives". Asked to respond to DUP leader Arlene Foster's claim that Dublin blocked Ms May from showing the party the text of Monday's deal, Mr Varadkar said: "I know it's not true." He added that the accusation made no sense since the UK government would not take instructions from Dublin, adding that he "won't be accepting any provocation from anyone on any of these matters". Rift The Taoiseach said he wanted to work with Ms May to repair the rift which had opened up in Anglo-Irish relations since the Brexit vote. "I wouldn't like to be the Taoiseach, and I know she wouldn't want to be the prime minister, that began the unravelling of all that progress that has been made in the past 20 years," he said. Mark Rutte said the Netherlands fully backed the Irish position and would continue to do so for as long as it took to get a deal, even if that meant delaying progress into the new year. "I hate Brexit from every angle. I don't understand it," he said. Army Rangers in action during the extensive training exercise in Dublin Swarms of soldiers flooded on to Dublin's streets yesterday to tackle multiple terrorist attacks. But to the relief of bemused onlookers, it was all just a drill. More than 500 troops were deployed in the exercise, designed to test the reaction of the Defence Forces to multiple attacks at different locations. The troops were called in at short notice at the request of garda authorities to help cope with the fallout from an initial terror strike - and intelligence that further terror strikes were planned at key installations. Elite Expand Close Army Rangers in action during the extensive training exercise in Dublin / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Army Rangers in action during the extensive training exercise in Dublin It was a scenario based on real-life attacks in major European centres like Barcelona and Paris. The military response was spearheaded by the elite anti-terror unit, the Army Ranger Wing. The Chief of Staff of the Defence Forces, Vice Admiral Mark Mellett, watched the main thrust of the exercise at a derelict site at Dublin Port. He said increasing the strength of the Ranger Wing, as proposed in a Government white paper on defence, was a top priority, adding that plans were well advanced. His deputy chief in charge of operations, Major General Kieran Brennan, said it was their biggest deployment so far in an exercise to ensure they were fit for purpose. He said the Defence Forces gave back-up on a daily basis to the gardai through deployment of bomb-disposal teams and providing armed escorts for prisoners being moved from the jails to the courts. The troops were drawn from stand-by units at two barracks in Dublin, McKee and Cathal Brugha, as well as the Defence Forces training centre at the Curragh, Dundalk, Athlone, Kilkenny, Cork, Limerick, Galway and Finner, Co Donegal. They were not notified about their tasks until 6am and were taken in convoy to a number of holding centres. According to the exercise scenario, six terrorists had mounted a marauding knife attack at Pearse Street railway station on Tuesday night, resulting in eight people being killed and 20 injured. Gardai had shot and captured one terrorist. Raids As a result of questioning him and raids on addresses of suspects, officers found other terror cells were in place and planning attacks. Five were still at large in the scenario. The Army Rangers were deployed to the former Odlum's site at Dublin Port, where a derelict building played the role of a block of apartments where terrorists had an explosives factory. The Rangers moved in to take control of the block, conscious that some of the apartments could be booby trapped while others could be occupied by innocent people. A university student who assaulted a stranger in a nightclub with a bottle has received a suspended sentence on condition he pays 12,500 to his victim. Hakim Mansour (22), who is studying economics and politics, was identified as the attacker by the injured party when he looked through Facebook photos of the night. Mansour, of Collegefort, Castleknock, pleaded guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to assault causing harm at Krystle nightclub on February 21, 2016. He has no previous convictions. Judge Martin Nolan said it was not clear if Mansour had thrown or struck out with the bottle. He said the victim had suffered injuries, including lacerations to his face and nerve damage to his hand. The judge said it was a vicious assault that happened without provocation. He noted in mitigation Mansour's guilty plea, that he had co-operated with the investigation and made full admissions. He said Mansour came from a good family, was a bright young man and in all probability would be a good citizen of this country. He added that an assault with a bottle was always serious and the court must consider an immediate custodial sentence. He said it was "a close-run thing" but had decided to impose a sentence of two years imprisonment which he suspended in full on condition that Mansour be of good behaviour and paid 12,500 to the victim. Kevin White BL, defending, said Mansour would like to apologise unreservedly. He said his client had been born in Algeria and come to Ireland when he was eight. Angry Garda David Dutton told the court the victim had been in the nightclub with friends when a young man came over to their table. There was a brief interaction with the group which seemed to make the young man angry. The victim said he then saw someone come from the side and he put his hand up to defend himself. He was struck on the head with something sharp. His girlfriend reported seeing a man hitting her partner with a bottle "out of nowhere". Mansour told gardai he had picked up an item, which he accepted was a bottle, and thrown it. The Road Safety Authority has cautioned motorists to expect the unexpected with high winds and icy conditions. Strong winds today will be followed by very cold weather tonight and tomorrow, with temperatures dropping as low as minus 3C in some parts. Met Eireann forecaster John Eagleton said it will be windy throughout the country today, but we'll be spared the worst effects of Storm Caroline. Today will be "windy, blustery, cold and bright and it will be quite showery in the north-west", he said. "When evening comes in, temperatures will drop and those showers will turn wintry in Donegal, north Mayo, Connemara, north Longford and north Midlands." Temperatures will drop to zero or below zero tonight for the bulk of the country, he said, but will hit as low at minus 3C in the northwest tomorrow. "It will be cold for the next 10 days, with temperatures hardly making it up to 10C during the day," said Mr Eagleton. A status yellow wind warning for Donegal, Galway, Leitrim, Mayo, Sligo, Clare and Kerry will remain in place until 8pm tonight. Earlier, Met Eireann warned that the cold air and some icy conditions coming tonight will be "a real shock to the system" after the mild period. It will turn increasingly wintry with biting north-west winds. There may be a light dusting of snow around the country, and it may stick in places in the north and northwest. Debris The Road Safety Authority has cautioned motorists to expect the unexpected with high winds and icy conditions. Its advice included: Watch out for falling/fallen debris and vehicles veering across the road. Control of a vehicle may be affected by strong crosswinds. High-sided vehicles and motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable to strong winds. Allow extra space between you and vulnerable road users such as cyclists and motorcyclists. Drive with dipped headlights at all times. Check tyres and consider replacing them if the thread depth is below 3mm. It takes longer to stop in wet conditions, so slow down and leave extra space between you and the vehicle in front. Take special care when driving behind heavy goods vehicles, as they generate a considerable amount of spray which reduces visibility. Be aware of the danger of aquaplaning, especially on roads with speed limits of 100kph and 120kph. Thank goodness President Donald Trump has made saying what's "obvious" now en vogue. That's what he said he was doing, loud and proud, Wednesday when he bulldozed years upon years of American and international policy and officially recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Arab and European leaders strongly appealed to the president ahead of time not to do so, forecasting anti-American protests and violence. But, as everyone knows, the old approach hasn't brought peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Why not just flip a li'l ol' switch and try something different? Trump also personally gave his nod to the concept of a "two-state solution" for Israel and the Palestinians when both sides agree. To quote an early Associated Press account of the announcement: "I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel," he said in a White House address, calling it "overdue" and in the best interests of the United States. He said recognition acknowledged the "obvious" that Jerusalem is the seat of Israel's government despite the disputed status that is one of the key elements in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. "This is nothing more or less than the recognition of reality," he said. Of course Jerusalem is Israel's capital. It's also the capital city for the Palestinians. Um ... isn't that the whole between-a-rock-and-a-hard-place that the Israelis and Palestinians have been fighting about for umpteen years? I guess Trump doesn't realize that one person's declaration isn't going to solve the Mideast's conflicts. But it can make things worse. Perhaps he didn't intend it to be so, but I'm just relieved that everyone can now state what's "obvious" in life without thought for ripple effects, and that "recognition of reality" will now be the "in" thing to do. So if one of my co-workers walks up to me today and points and says, "You're fat," I won't take offense -- not me! After all, it's "obvious." It's "recognition of reality." I'll just smile and say, "Good for you! Another important Trump lesson learned!" There won't be consequences for anyone who just "tells it like it is" now. Whew! We're all about piping up and saying aloud to the world what's "obvious." Hasn't that been cited as part of Trump's appeal? "He tells it like it is"? No longer will a man have to say something different than what he's thinking if his wife asks, "Does this dress make me look fat?" I can see all the obviousness breaking out now. "Yes, it does," a loyal Trump follower can answer. And certainly, his wife will answer, "Thank you, Honey! I appreciate you recognizing reality!" When your mother-in-law cooks a manicotti you could anchor a boat with (that phrase courtesy of "The Golden Girls"), pipe right up: "This stuff settles like a rock in my stomach!" Surely she'll smile demurely. She knows you're just expressing reality. Expect good things to happen -- what could go wrong? -- when you express the "obvious" to your boss that you're underpaid. "This is just recognition of reality," you can say with confidence, "nothing more or less." Surely a generous raise will follow. The entire spate of sexual harassment brouhaha will disappear. "You have nice breasts," a senator will be able to tell his administrative assistant. "Yes, that's obvious," she'll no doubt reply. "Thank you for acknowledging reality." Sigh. The fact is that there are reasons that normal, mature human beings don't speak aloud many things that are "obvious" or just "recognition of reality." Top among these reasons are things called "consequences." Let me acknowledge something else that may be "obvious" in this day and age, the era of Trump, and the geographic and philosophic area in which we live: 49 percent of me did not want to write this column. Never before have I worried about expressing my opinion. I count on our readers who disagree with me to understand several things: They can write letters to the editor to express their own views; my personal views don't translate to how we cover news in the paper; my opinion is only one view out of many we offer on the Opinions page; and we're all mature enough to disagree yet discuss our disagreements like adults. But the era of Trump is different. Many of his supporters and detractors alike are absolutely rabid about their views. Journalists are one of his favorite targets. When a big box retailer sells a shirt that says: "Rope. Tree. Journalist. Some Assembly Required," there is something wrong in this country. Some folks think that what my column says must dictate how I edit the newspaper. Not so. First of all, I'm not the only one who makes decisions here. Second, I keep my opinion and my news judgment separate. Can't be done, you say? Let me offer a crude example. When your gastrointestinal system requires it, you probably pass gas aloud in the confines of your own home. Perhaps loudly. Would you do this in a five-star restaurant? Of course not. My dedication to covering news objectively and fairly is not diminished by the fact that I have my own opinion about things. But my views belong on the Opinions page, not elsewhere. I am staunchly dedicated to the separation of the two. Besides, I don't even belch aloud in public, let alone anything else. I separate what's appropriate around other people versus what's OK at home. And you know that you behave differently around your buddies and pals when you're out having fun, for example, than you do in front of your boss, or in church, or spending time with your mother. Not a tough thing to do. Speaking of things that aren't difficult, I do want to say that it's not hard for me at all to acknowledge why so many people found/find Trump appealing. Just because I disagree doesn't mean I don't understand, and I most certainly support everyone's right to their opinion. Trump is not politically correct, what many say is a refreshing change from the past. I'm simply saying that there's balance somewhere between the two extremes. Finally, I believe that newspaper readers are mature adults who can handle differences of opinion while also expressing their own. I always read views expressed on our Opinions page -- especially those with which I disagree. That's how I learn. And if I decide I'm wrong and change my stance, that's called personal growth. So, to our majority Trump-supporting audience, I have expressed my opinion honestly. And I respect yours. I hope others on both sides of the pro- and anti-Trump feel free to do the same. We offer the Opinions page just for that. Now I've said what's "obvious"; just a "recognition of reality." Your turn. Thursday, December 07, 2017 Clippings From Our Newsroom Floor Is State Senator Howie Morales the new front-runner for the '18 Dem Lt. Gov. nomination in the crowded field now that Sen. Michael Padilla has dropped out? Probably. What if Santa Fe Mayor Gonzales gets in? On the GOP side they have a lieutenant governor contender coming in after Kelly Zunie dropped out. Michelle Garcia Holmes ran as an independent in her recent unsuccessful bid for ABQ mayor, now she has turned R and is the only announced GOP candidate for Light Guv. Everyone is still waiting on ABQ Sen. Mark Moores to make his move. Curious about where state lawmakers get their income? "Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver has posted the financial disclosure statements of public officials dating back to 2013 on the Secretary of States Offices website. The financial disclosures, which are searchable by year and name, can be found here." Pedal fast. ABQ has just been named the most dangerous city in the USA Headline of the week: "San Miguel Commissioner Rock Ulibarri Endorses VeneKlasen for Land Commissioner." Be still my heart! Spin zone. "Joe, of the 10,700 people elected to the Congress, not one has ever been a Native American woman. If Deb Haaland wins next year's Dem primary for the ABQ congressional seat she will very likely be the first Native American woman to ever serve in Congress." Did you hear? The erudite former Las Cruces area Dem State Senator Steve Fischmann He is 99% sure that contractor Mick Rich will be the only '18 GOP candidate for the US Senate seat that is held by Dem Martin Heinrich. That from Rich's new campaign manager, Evan Machan, who has arrived from Ohio. By the way Rich is also rich. Slippery slope? Minnesota Sen. Al Franken A readers asks: "Is KKOB-AM radio going under?" No, but there is "Radio broadcaster Cumulus Media Inc. says ill-fated acquisitions and competition from digital streaming and web-based formats contributed to its chapter 11 bankruptcy filing." The company says it has the cash to keep things running while it deals with the bankruptcy. About the goings on at UNM Health Sciences and its plans to build a new hospital, a reader writes: "I just love closed meetings for strategic planning for a billion dollar replacement hospital." THE BEST It's always an honor to have it reaffirmed that it is many regular New Mexicans--not just political insiders or the media--we are reaching. We'll continue to work hard to illuminate and improve our beloved Land of Enchantment because that's the ultimate reward of this journey. By the way, the Best of City party is at Sandia Resort and Casino tonight (Thursday) Tickets are This is the home of New Mexico politics. Interested in reaching New Mexico's most informed audience? Advertise here. ( c)NM POLITICS WITH JOE MONAHAN 2017 Dan Lewis may be gone and already pretty much forgotten, but he lives on as a city councilor, at least in the official photo of the council. Republican Lewis left his westside council seat to run for mayor and was defeated by Tim Keller. His seat was won by Democrat Cynthia Borrego, but in one wee corner of cyberspace Councilor Dan Lewis lives on. Congrats, or something, Dan.the new front-runner for the '18 Dem Lt. Gov. nomination in the crowded field now that Sen. Michael Padilla has dropped out? Probably. What if Santa Fe Mayor Gonzales gets in?they have a lieutenant governor contender coming in after Kelly Zunie dropped out. Michelle Garcia Holmes ran as an independent in her recent unsuccessful bid for ABQ mayor, now she has turned R and is the only announced GOP candidate for Light Guv. Everyone is still waiting on ABQ Sen. Mark Moores to make his move.ABQ has just been named the most dangerous city in the USA in which to ride a bike Be still my heart!The erudite former Las Cruces area Dem State Senator Steve Fischmann is running against Public Regulation Commissioner (PRC) Sandy Jones in the Dem primary next year. That could make Sandy grey.that contractor Mick Rich will be the only '18 GOP candidate for the US Senate seat that is held by Dem Martin Heinrich. That from Rich's new campaign manager, Evan Machan, who has arrived from Ohio. By the way Rich is also rich.Minnesota Sen. Al Franken should resign because of the many sex harassment complaints he faces, say NM Dem Senators Heinrich and Udall. However, they are not saying whether State Senator Padilla, who dropped his light guv bid because of sex harassment charges, should give up his leadership position in the NM senate." No, but there is this news about the owner of the conservative talker:The company says it has the cash to keep things running while it deals with the bankruptcy.and its plans to build a new hospital, a reader writes:Finally, thanks to the readers of ABQ The Magazine for voting me the best blogger in the city in the magazine's 13th annual Best of the City awards.It's always an honor to have it reaffirmed that it is many regular New Mexicans--not just political insiders or the media--we are reaching.We'll continue to work hard to illuminate and improve our beloved Land of Enchantment because that's the ultimate reward of this journey.By the way, the Best of City party is at Sandia Resort and Casino tonight (Thursday) Tickets are here. If you stop by be sure to say hello.This is the home of New Mexico politics. E-mail your news and comments. ( How good are these two guys, Penn State fans? It may surprise you ... The Lincoln Airport plans to seek a government grant to help attract air service to Dallas. Executive Director David Haring said Thursday that the airport is applying for a Small Community Air Service Development grant from the Federal Aviation Administration. The grant application is due Dec. 14, and Haring said he would expect to get a decision within 90 days. He said he wasn't sure of the exact amount the airport will seek but it would be similar to the $750,000 it sought and received from the FAA in 2013. That grant helped entice Delta Airlines to start service from Lincoln to Atlanta in September 2014. In that case, the airport had a commitment from Delta beforehand that if it got the grant, the airline would agree to start new service. This time around, Haring said there is no such commitment from an airline, but he said the airport has had discussions with various airlines about adding service to Lincoln, and those talks "are continuing to progress in a very favorable fashion." American Airlines would be the likely candidate to provide Dallas service, as it and Southwest Airlines are the only carriers that use Dallas as a hub. A consultant the airport hired last year, Forecast Inc., has advised that it should target flights to Dallas. Many airlines, including American, have been expanding service this year. In March, American added flights to Dallas from Billings, Montana, and from Omaha to Miami. In October, it announced new flights to Philadelphia from Omaha, Des Moines, Iowa, and Madison, Wisconsin. The Lincoln Airport has been unable to attract other new service since the Atlanta flight began, and after several years of passenger traffic gains, the number of people flying out of Lincoln has dropped, with traffic down 4 percent year-over-year through the end of October. Haring has blamed a fare war in Omaha because of increased competition there for much of the passenger decline in Lincoln. If the airport is approved for another grant, it would be used to help offset any losses an airline might incur in the first year after starting up service. Haring said the Lincoln Airport could potentially be at a disadvantage because it got a grant four years ago, but he said it also helps that the service is still going after three years, which shows the previous grant was money well spent. Today, The Elizabeth Hotel officially opens its doors in historic Old Town Fort Collins as part of Autograph Collection Hotels' diverse portfolio of more than 125 hotels around the world - all one-of-a-kind properties that champion values of vision, design and craft. Guests of The Elizabeth Hotel can enjoy locally inspired art, music and craft beer at the hotel, serving as an introduction to the city's culture and lifestyle. Cultivated by McWHINNEY, a Colorado-based national real estate development company, and Sage Hospitality, the hotel's operator, the 164-room hotel invites guests to explore the adjacent pedestrian-only Firehouse Alley with direct access to shops, dining and community activations. The hotel's warm and inviting design was thoughtfully considered by Denver-based project architect 4240 Architecture. The interior design, by DLR Group, elevates the personality of The Elizabeth Hotel a charismatic balance of femininity and masculinity - by evoking a light and airy ambiance paired with aged wood and metal materials that feel handcrafted and welcoming. Throughout the hotel guests will see custom filigree, intricate metalworking on balconies, and cast plaster ceiling ornamentation. The hotel's art collection, curated by award-winning Denver-based firm NINE dot ARTS, celebrates Fort Collins' adventurous spirit with works by artists local to Colorado and with ties to Colorado State University. The Elizabeth Hotel offers thoughtful amenities that embody Autograph Collection Hotels' Exactly Like Nothing Elsebrand philosophy. The hotel proudly welcomes pets ensuring that those traveling with their furry friends feel right at home. Music lovers can take advantage of the hotel's lending library, complete with string instruments, keyboards and more, available to check out during their stay. In addition to musical instruments, the lending library features a wide selection of vinyl records that guests can play on their personal record players, found in each of the hotel's guestrooms. The Elizabeth offers 3,500 sq. ft. of meeting space, including two indoor spaces, the Walnut and Chestnut Ballrooms, as well as the second-floor outdoor terrace that overlooks Walnut St. and downtown Fort Collins. When not in use for private events, the hotel's second floor terrace doubles as a gathering place for guests to enjoy a glass of wine, warm up by a fire circle, watch the sunset or admire the beautiful views of the Rocky Mountains. Hotel website In 2015, the Swiss Tourism Office started promoting the 'Grand Tour of Switzerland'. Some people called it the 'Route 66' of Switzerland. It's a 1,600 km long route that connects 44 major sights and attractions of this rather small country. With that in mind, Michaela Wehrle from Horwath HTL Switzerland thought it would be a good idea to select a few of those wonderful places, put themselves on the tourist's trail to explore their own country and find out if the promotional tool, 'Grand Tour of Switzerland', has had an impact on the tourist demand. Click here to download our report About Horwath HTL Horwath HTL is focused one hundred percent on hospitality, tourism, and leisure consulting. Our services cover every aspect of hotel real estate, tourism, and leisure development. Our clients choose Horwath HTL because we have earned a reputation for impartial advice that will often mean the difference between failure and success. Each project we help is different, so we utilize the experience we have gained throughout our 100-year history. Being a global firm with 52 offices in 40 countries, we have successfully carried out over 30,000 assignments for both public and private clients. As part of the Crowe Global network, a top 10 accounting, and financial services network, Horwath HTL is the number one choice for companies and financial institutions looking to invest and develop in the industry. For more information, please visit The new head of DACH (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) at SiteMinder, the global hotel industrys leading cloud platform, is urging Germanys hotels to begin embracing the digitisation of travel. Clemens Fisch, a travel industry expert for more than a decade, has been appointed as regional manager for SiteMinder in DACH and France and says a world of opportunity is awaiting hotels not yet on the cloud. In Germany, like in many other countries, we are seeing an industry that no longer doubts digitisation is taking place online hotel sales are expected to surpass EUR8.8 billion in Germany this year and yet, for the most part, local hotels remain behind in welcoming the change. The cloud is still new and often frightening for many hoteliers, as is everything that comes with it, such as online payments. This resistance to embracing modern, compelling and cost-effective solutions is holding back a nation of otherwise world-class hospitality, says Mr Fisch. Born and raised in Vienna, Austria, Clemens Fisch has spent almost 12 years working within Europes dynamic hospitality and travel industry, beginning as a humble tour guide before leading tour operator EF Cultural Tours as an area manager in Switzerland, contracting hotels to provide affordable accommodation for travellers. From there, he served for five years at travel agency PDM Touristik, initially as a delegation manager before being promoted to deputy head of sales. Prior to joining SiteMinder, he was a senior account manager at where he discovered the real challenges of hoteliers behind the front desk. Todays hoteliers have one of the hardest jobs in the world. Not only are they expected to excel at hospitality, they are expected to be masters of technology, online reviews, social media and everything in between. While there are many hoteliers leading the way, the reality is the vast majority lack understanding of technology, its benefits and potential. In a region where we see many hotels disadvantaged by outdated technology, SiteMinder has shown a unique ability to scale and bring smart and simple, cloud-based technology to the masses. Its portfolio of 27,000 hotels is testament to that. Ruairi Conroy, Managing Director EMEA at SiteMinder, says, Clemens has deep, multi-faceted experience gained within DACHs travel industry. With an openness to embracing digitisation and the cloud, I believe the regions hotels have a tremendous opportunity to compete on the international stage under the leadership of Clemens and his team. Media contact Maria Cricchiola +61 410 233 735 About SiteMinder As the leading cloud platform for hotels, SiteMinder allows hotels to attract, reach and convert guests across the globe. We serve hotels of all sizes with award-winning solutions for independents and groups alike, wherever they are in the world. SiteMinders products include The Channel Manager, the industrys leading online distribution platform; TheBookingButton, a wholly-branded booking engine for direct bookings via the web, mobile or social; Canvas, the intelligent website creator for independent hoteliers; Prophet, the real-time market intelligence solution that takes the guesswork out of pricing rooms; and GDS by SiteMinder, a single-point of entry to a six-figure network of travel agents and the worlds major global distribution systems. With more than 27,000 hotel customers and 550 of the industrys top connectivity providers as our partners, today we have presence in more than 160 countries on six continents. For more information, visit August Ames is known for her role in over 290 adult films and has won two AVN awards in 2015 and 2017 because of it. The 23-year-old who is from Nova Scotia, Canada, was found dead in her Camarillo, California home on Monday, December 5th. According to Independent, police have found no indication of foul play that leads to her passing but fear August may have taken her own life. Her husband, film director Kevin Moore, released a statement saying, She was the kindest person I ever knew and she meant the world to me. Please leave this as a private family matter in this difficult time. Her death comes just a few days after she was criticized for saying she refused to do porn with men who have also had sex with men. Brazzers, an online destination for porn, postponed a video with August that was set to air last night in respect of her passing. Though he didnt release any studio cuts during the latter half of 2017, Drakes More Life still stands out as one of the years most popular records. Having already been confirmed as the artist with the most entries in Pandoras Most Thumbed Tracks of 2017, the Canadian icon is now taking home another end-of-year honor, this time from Apple Music. According to a news update from the company itself, Drakes album/playlist that featured hit tracks like Portland, Fake Love, Free Smoke and others was their top LP release of the year in terms of audience popularity. Appearances from Kanye West, Quavo, Travis Scott, Young Thug, Giggs, Sampha, PARTYNEXTDOOR, and more helped bolster the 22-song collection and proved to be a worthy follow-up to his Grammy-nominated 2016 effort Views. Drake premiered More Life on the March 18th episode of his immensely popular Beats 1 radio show, OVO Sound, before making it available publicly via downloading and streaming points of sale. It combined elements of afrobeat, reggae, dancehall and other genres alongside some typical hip-hop and R&B production, showcasing Drake as an artist who is willing to go beyond what most might consider his boundaries to craft some compelling, radio-ready music. All in all, it turned out to be yet another very strong year for Drizzy and his continued dominance of the music industry as a whole. Listen to More Life below and make sure you carve out some time to peep our list of the years hottest albums, highlighting some of our favorite projects from the past 12 months. Drake After 10 years, bread&cup is closing following Sundays brunch service. It hasnt been generating the amount of business we needed to keep it open, co-owner Nick Cusick said, noting the restaurant was losing $3,000 a week. We gave it a shot; it just didnt work. Opened in August 2007 by Kevin and Karen Shinn, the restaurant at 440 N. Eighth St. was known for its locally sourced food-to-table menu, summer Saturday market meals and evening supper club events. In a news release, Cusick said changes in dining habits and clientele in the West Haymarket, coupled with the addition of 20 dining options around Pinnacle Bank Arena, contributed to bread&cups difficulty to attract patrons sufficient to continue the unique business model. The restaurant nearly closed in April, when the Shinns ran into financial problems caused in large part by a failed restaurant venture at the Piedmont Shoppes. They closed the Piedmont Bistro in December 2016 after less than a year in business. The restaurant later reopened as Piedmont Bistro by Venue under new ownership. They also opened Jack & June a restaurant named for Kevins parents in October 2013 in the Railyard, but it, too, struggled out of the gate. They left it in January 2014, and it closed six months later. But Cusick, president of Lincoln-based manufacturing company Bison Inc. and a friend of the Shinns, stepped up with three others to keep bread&cup afloat, with Kevin Shinn continuing as executive chef. They even renovated the dining room. I had no interest in the restaurant business, nor did the others, Cusick said. But we really liked the place, and we liked Kevin and Karen. In preparation for the release of his upcoming album Revival, Eminem has been in the public more than usual. Known as a private individual who shies away from the media spotlight, the legendary rapper has nevertheless come together with longtime friend and performer Elton John for a lengthy interview that was published in Interview magazine. Touching on many topics, Eminem admitted off the top that the process of putting Revival together has been a long and painstaking one. Speaking with Sir Elton over the phone, Em said, You know how it isyou make songs, and as you make the new ones, the old ones get old and you throw them out. The album is called Revival. Its a reflection of where Im at right now, but also I feel like what I tried to do was diversify. Ive tried to make a little something for everyone. Elsewhere, Slim Shady detailed how he changed after getting sober, something that John had to go through nearly 30 years ago. Getting clean made me grow up, he said. I feel like all the years that I was using, I wasnt growing as a person. Theres more than a hint of trying to grow and expand his artistic horizons on Revival, which also comes at a time when the United States feels more divided than ever. Never one to dodge a political line of questioning, Eminem addresses Trumps conduct since hes been sworn in as President directly. As long as hes got his base, he does not give a f**k about anybody else in America, the rapper claimed. But guess what? Theres more of us than there are of them. I still feel like America is the greatest country to live in. This is my opinion. But we have issues that we need to work on and we need to do better. Check out the full version of the interview here. Eminem Chance The Rapper has been continuously doing what he can to improve the lives of kids in Chicago. Earlier today, we reported he gave unreleased Jordan Retro 11s to kids that were in attendance. He revealed his SocialWorks non-profit organization has received $1M donation from Google. Earlier today, Chance took to Twitter to unveil that Google funded coding classes for 20 public schools in the south and west sides of Chicago with a $1M donation to his SocialWorks initiative with an addition $500K being donated towards Chicago Public Schools CS4ALL initiative. The rapper said, Today @Google funded coding classes for 20 schools on the south and west sides. God bless everyone involved. Thank you. Google elaborated further on their blog. They said theyre donation is meant to help teachers implement computer science and arts curriculum in their classrooms, and it builds on $40 million in grants that provide opportunities for students underrepresented in computer science to explore the field. Executive director of SocialWorks, Justin Cunningham, said in a statement, Our grant with helps SocialWorks provide programming that sheds light on another pathway to success for young Chicagoans. While every student doesnt need to become a computer scientist, understanding the basics empowers them to understand the world they live in. The opportunity to help kids code to share their music, artwork, and distinct point of view is at the core of our mission and an experience we look forward to providing in classrooms across the city. This is the second million dollar donation Chance has announced for his SocialWorks. In November, he revealed that Jewel-Osco donated $1M for his New Chance: Arts & Literature Fund. Issa Raes skills of being an actress, producer, writer and director have not gone unnoticed in her most beloved HBO series, Insecure. The 32-year-old recently hit up Miamis Art Basel where she was hosting Bombay Sapphires eighth-annual Artisan Series, a competition to discover multicultural artists. Complex was on the scene to chat with her about Insecure season three, succeeding in her industry as a woman of colour and what made her have to step away for Twitter for a hot moment due to fans erupting over a moment in her shows season two. There is nothing that fuels me more than being doubted. Thats my drive; thats when I become unstoppable, Issa says on the topic of dealing with sexism and racism. Like, Oh you think I cant do this? or Oh, Im beneath you? Well, Im just going to prove you wrong. Its very much a silent fight, and Im just like, Bring it on. As for season three of her show, she says the episodes are not meant to shock viewers as they are just simply stories that are real-life situations the writers have gone through, with added effects such as the episode where Lawrence has a threesome with two girls he met a grocery store. When it comes to certain topics, Issa wants Insecure to stay relevant to viewers when they are hopefully watching years later. Bottom line is, I just dont want any Trump stench on this show, period. But things outside of that, anything that feels culturally or socially relevant at this moment, youre going to see it in the show, she says. As for her Twitter blow-up moment, season two episode six killed her mentions when the episode showed her on-again, off-again man friend Daniel ejaculating in her eye. A thousand percent the cum in face episode for just so many reasons, she said when asked. That was just one of those times where I was like, Im going to take a break this week. Its been a few months since we last heard from OVO affiliate Pressa. In fact, the last time the Toronto artist impacted our site was back in early August when he teamed up with Fridainite for the song Flashy, but thankfully that changes here today. With no warning at all, Press decides to call on fellow Toronto crooner Tory Lanez for a new single called Canadian Goose. Its unclear at the moment on where this record will end up, but Pressa has been teasing an upcoming project called Pressabrick over the past couple weeks, which we would assume be the home to this collab. However thats just speculation at this time. This collab surfaces just days after Tory murdered his 8-minute Funk Flex freestyle, which you can check out right here if you missed it. Take a listen to the Toronto connection and let us know what you think! Quotable Lyrics: Bang let it bang let it shoot (woo) Hit a stain while Im laying out the coupe (coupe) With Somalis and theyre down to let it shoot Do do do do do I caught the pussy on a roof (ha) From the doll where we known to let it go (go) My niggas they gon make a hole up at the dope (ayy) Her mama trip I fucked her in the Bando She said she like the way my wrist whippin on the stove Tory Lanez A. Status and structure 1. Since the implementation of IHL is primarily the responsibility of governments, national bodies set up to this end must be linked to the executive branch. Their legal status will depend on the constitutional structure and the procedures applied by the State concerned. 2. Promoting respect for IHL and, in particular, the implementation of this law at national level, is a permanent process. Providing the IHL body with a formal structure will ensure the continuity of this work. B. Competence and attributions 3. National bodies on IHL must be authorized to promote, advise on and coordinate all matters relating to the implementation of the law at national level, and to compliance with and development of the law. The competence and composition of the bodies should be clearly defined and may be set out in a statutory text. The bodies should have sufficient authority to: Promote Promote the ratification of the humanitarian treaties or adherence to those treaties; work for the harmonization of national legislation, regulations and practices with the international instruments of humanitarian law to which the State is party, and promote their implementation. Evaluate Be in a position to study and assess existing national legislation, judicial decisions and administrative provisions in the light of the obligations stemming from the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and, where applicable, the Additional Protocols of 1977 and other instruments of humanitarian law. Propose Be in a position to submit to the national authorities advisory opinions on issues relating to the implementation of humanitarian law, and to formulate recommendations and proposals in this regard. Have a right of initiative in this regard. These opinions and recommendations may rela te to the following areas in particular: incorporation of the provisions of humanitarian treaties into national law; preparation of all the legislative, statutory or administrative measures required for the effective application of and hence respect for the rules of humanitarian law ; in particular, adoption of appropriate legislation providing for the repression of grave breaches of the law and regulating the use of the red cross/red crescent emblem and other protected signs and signals; adoption of regulations to define and guarantee the status of persons protected under the terms of humanitarian law and to ensure respect for the individual and fundamental guarantees in times of armed conflict; training and appointment of staff qualified in the field of humanitarian law, particularly legal advisers to the armed forces; location and marking of sites protected by humanitarian law. Monitor Monitor implementation of their recommendations and conclusions. Support, coordinate and standardize Support individuals or entities involved in m atters relating to humanitarian law, particularly representatives of the ministries and governmental departments concerned; encourage and support cooperation among those entities and coordinate their activities if necessary. Act as a catalyst for the political and social forces concerned. Advise Carry out any other task relating to humanitarian law that the government may assign to them, and give opinions on any questions on the law submitted to them. Disseminate Play a key role in spreading knowledge of humanitarian law and, to that end, have the necessary authority to carry out studies, propose dissemination activities, and take part in such activities. The bodies should also be involved in the preparation of training programmes on humanitarian law for the armed forces and the security forces, and for any civilian or military authority with responsibility for the application of IHL. They should also be involved in developing educational programmes on IHL for schools and other academic and vocational institutions, including universities. C. Composition 4. In order to fulfil their role, national bodies on IHL should be set up in such a way that they: Are representative National bodies must comprise representatives of all government departments concerned with humanitarian law, and in particular must include representatives of the executive, judicial and legislative branches with sufficient authority to make commitments on their principals'behalf. Involve National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies They should associate the National Red Cross or Red Crescent Society with their work and activities, because of the role conferred on National Societies by the humanitarian treaties and by the Statutes of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, and because of the National Societies'knowledge and expertise in the humanitarian field. Include experts Their operating mechanisms should allow them to consult or associate in their work experts such as legal specialists, doctors, university professors and military personnel, as well as representatives of civil society such as professional associations and non-governmental organizations. D. Operating procedures 5. The operating procedures of national bodies for IHL should take the following factors into account: Continuity and regularity They should be organized in such a way as to ensure continuity in their work on IHL, so that the matter remains a topical item on government agendas. They should meet as often as is necessary, and if possible on a regular basis, with all members duly convened and present. Working methods The bodies should define their working methods, and in particular draw up a table of areas requiring implementation measures, identify the measures to be taken and the authorities concerned, establish a plan of action, and set priorities. They should hold their discussions in plenary sessions or, if necessary, delegate responsibility for certain activities to individual members or sub-committees . Progress reports They should report periodically to the government and other authorities concerned with their work. Resources They should be allocated sufficient human, material and financial resources to undertake the tasks entrusted to them. E. Cooperation 6. National bodies for humanitarian law should contact and cooperate with each other on a regular basis, since the problems and issues they handle are often similar. Accordingly, they should: Exchange information and cooperate with each other Maintain relations and exchange information on their activities and experiences with bodies in countries in the same regions or with similar legal systems; organize joint activities and/or invite experts from other bodies to participate in their own work. Develop regular contacts with other institutions involved in or concerned by the implementation of humanitarian law, and with the ICRC Advisory Service. Inform the Advisory Service Keep the ICRC Advisory Service informed, in particular reporting to it any new development concerning humanitarian law at the national level. Hold meetings Organize and take part in multinational and regional meetings between bodies of the same type; seek the support of regional and i nternational organizations to this end. Ref. LG 1998-056-ENG We work towards an equitable, gender-just, self-reliant and sustainable fisheries, particularly in the small-scale, artisanal sector We work towards an equitable, gender-just, self-reliant and sustainable fisheries, particularly in the small-scale, artisanal sector We work towards an equitable, gender-just, self-reliant and sustainable fisheries, particularly in the small-scale, artisanal sector We work towards an equitable, gender-just, self-reliant and sustainable fisheries, particularly in the small-scale, artisanal sector April Henke earned college degrees in teaching, but discovered her passion was in food service. After working several years at two different bars in New Orleans, she has returned home to run her own restaurant. In August, she bought the Red Fox Steakhouse at 1339 West O St. from Don Arena, who opened the restaurant in 1989. I remembered going there in college with friends, Henke said. I had good memories of it while I was here. When I got back, I asked a lot of people their impression of it. I received very positive input. Arena, who also owns the Fox Neighborhood Grill at 1245 Libra Drive, No. 110, near Lincoln Southwest High School, said he sold the Red Fox to free up time for himself. Im at that point where I want to enjoy life, said Arena, whose been in the bar/food service business since 1976. In this business, you have to be dedicated. You have to be there everyday, and at some point you say to yourself Im not going to be here forever. Henke grew up in Beaver Crossing and graduated from Centennial High School in Utica and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. In 2006, she moved to New Orleans where she began teaching elementary education and earned a masters degree. While she taught, she also worked part time at a bar. Then, about a year ago, she started working full time at a bar and taught part time. I really, really liked management of the bars, she said. I liked being able to market them and see the trends. She said she liked it so much, she wanted to own her own place, but had trouble finding anything that suited her in the Big Easy. Her mother in Beaver Crossing suggested she take a look in Lincoln. Thats where she found the Red Fox, with an owner ready to sell. Henke's made a few changes, most notably allowing her kitchen manager, Becky Conrad, freedom to experiment with the lunch specials. Last week, for instance, Conrad made chicken cream enchiladas as the lunch special. They were gone before noon, Henke said. But for the most part, shes hasnt messed with whats worked since 1989 -- thats serving affordable steaks, burgers, salads and comfort food at affordable prices. Shes also kept Sundays Burger Madness, which features a plain hamburger and potato chips for $2.99. There were two things I knew I couldnt change, she said. The food and atmosphere. The Red Fox opens daily at 11 a.m. and closes at midnight, later if theres still a bar crowd. The kitchen closes at 10 p.m. Monday-Saturday and 9 p.m. on Sunday. For more information, go to or call 402-438-3300. Source. Eat Fit. opens third store Brother and sister Matt Zimmerman and Dawn Steffen on Sunday opened their third Source. Eat Fit. The new store, which specializes in chef-made, healthy to-go meals, is at 5020 N. 26th St. Hours are 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday. Phone is 531-500-5764. The original Source opened November 2014 at 1701 Pine Lake Road. Zimmerman and Steffen opened a second store, at 4400 S. 70th St., Suite 110, in March 2016. For more information, go to Brewskys rolls out new menu Brewskys Food & Spirits has added 11 new items -- its biggest menu-item increase it its 28-year history. The new menu includes a Philly section, featuring spinach artichoke, garlic parmesan, habanero and gyro Phillys as a sandwich or a wrap. Brewskys brought back the tuna melt and added four new gourmet burgers, two sandwiches and an appetizer. Brewskys has four locations in Lincoln: 201 N. Eighth St., 2662 Cornhusker Highway, 1602 South St. and 2840 S. 70th St. For more information, go to Graduate presents holiday lights tour On Dec. 21, Graduate Lincoln, 141 N. Ninth St., will serve wine and appetizers followed by a two-hour tour of local holiday lights in a limousine bus. The event begins at 6 p.m. Tickets are $30 each and available at All proceeds benefit CEDARS Home for Children. Becky Boesen resigned as executive artistic director of Lincoln's Flatwater Shakespeare Company, effective Dec. 8. The organization announced it was grateful for the energy, innovation and artistic quality that Boesen contributed to Flatwater Shakespeare during her tenure. Her achievements have included expansion of the 2017 summer tour of Shakespeare's "The Merry Wives of Windsor," which was named an official event of the Nebraska Sesquicentennial Celebration, and included stops at Pioneers Park's one-room schoolhouse and the Homestead National Monument in Beatrice. Boesen was also the primary architect and instructor for Flatwater's outreach programs for youth, "Little But Fierce" and "Sonnet Intensive." She directed a compelling production of Conor McPherson's "The Weir," staged in the Swan Theater at Wyuka Stables. One of the initiatives she inaugurated will continue through The Lincoln Shadow History Project, which completes Flatwater's 2017-18 season and draws upon community stories that were shared after performances of The Weir. Also, in spring 2018, Boesen will include Flatwater Shakespeare's "Little But Fierce" in the Lincoln Arts Council's Art Makes Me SmArt program. It's been a complete honor to fill this role for Flatwater Shakespeare Company during this exciting year of growth and transition, says Boesen. FSC is a cornerstone of Lincoln culture, and I am very lucky to have been a part of that. I look forward to championing Flatwater Shakespeare in years to come! Boesen is leaving Flatwater Shakespeare to concentrate on her arts education, management and creative company BLIXT, and on several of her own original plays, which are in development and already in performance regionally and nationally. The board of directors thanks Becky for all that she has done to move the Flatwater Shakespeare Company forward over the past year, says Michelle Zinke, board chair. We know that she will continue to support Flatwater Shakespeare as a member of the Lincoln arts community. We wish her the best in her future endeavors. Here is a selection of stories curated by AP editors to keep you informed as you start your weekend. This School Dropout Now Owns Four Houses; Know Her Secret Here PSNI's Deputy Chief Constable Drew Harris said any border infrastructures would give terror groups a further rallying call to drive recruitment Senior police officers in Northern Ireland have warned MPs that a hard post-Brexit border would be an obvious area of attack by dissident republican terrorists. Giving evidence to the House of Commons Brexit Committee in Co Armagh, the PSNI's Deputy Chief Constable Drew Harris said any infrastructures along the border would give terror groups "a further rallying call to drive their recruitment." "They have a focus on this. They see it as an opportunity. "Infrastructure on the border would be an obvious point for dissident groups to rally around and attack," Mr Harris added. He said the threat from dissident republicans remains severe and that there were four attempts on the lives of police officers over the past year. There were also 58 shooting and over 32 bombing incidents. Mr Harris told the committee it was regrettable that a lot of the current border conversations "take us back to the 80s." "We in law enforcement see no rational of that infrastructure at the minute," he insisted. Mr Harris said that during the 1980s there was a major problem with cross-border burglaries of older people in their homes. He said many of the culprits escaped justice by heading over the border. The Deputy Chief Constable outlined a number of shared European initiatives, such as the European Arrest Warrant, shared information systems and joint investigation teams, which have helped in the fight against crimes including human trafficking and drug smuggling. Mr Harris told the committee he would be concerned if the shared systems were lost. "The systems are for a safer Europe. It is not a one-way street. We have a lot to offer our European partners after Brexit. "We are unsure of what the landscape is going to look like going forward. Our responsibility is to do our very best to maintain the safety of everyone on this island. "That has to be backed up with legislation and policy which allows intelligence and evidence to be shared quickly." When asked what would happen in the event of a no Brexit deal, Mr Harris said the PSNI would have to fall back on existing legal provisions with the Garda in the Republic. However, he said a new extradition treaty would be needed in the absence of the European Arrest Warrant. Assistant Chief Constable Stephen Martin, head of the PSNI's serious and organised crime branch, told committee members there is good cross-border cooperation between the PSNI and the Garda. He said the two organisations assist each other "across a whole spectrum of crime." Mr Martin said the PSNI has been sharing intelligence with the Garda in relation to an ongoing drugs feud in Dublin between the rival Hutch and Kinahan gangs that had resulted in a number of murders. Hilary Benn at the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland Northern Ireland cannot afford to go back to the days of border posts, the chairman of the House of Commons Brexit Committee has insisted. Hilary Benn warned that the "clock is ticking" for a resolution to the border issue and said that a solution must be found to ensure the Northern Ireland peace process is not placed in jeopardy. "We simply can't afford to go back to the past. "We have got a matter of days to find a way forward on this border question to enable us to move onto phase two of the talks. "The clock is ticking," the Labour MP said. The Brexit Committee travelled to the region on Thursday for a site visit to the village of Middletown where the Irish border separates Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. It is one of 275 land crossings between the two. Speaking from the border Mr Benn said: "We need to find a solution. "You just stand here, you see the traffic, the goods moving backwards and forth, you talk to the people who have lived here, who have lived through the Troubles, this is progress, this busy road is progress. "I really hope the peace process is not in jeopardy." This was the first time the Committee visited Northern Ireland to gather evidence. Earlier the Committee heard evidence from senior officers from the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) who warned that border infrastructures would be an obvious area of attack by dissident republican terrorists. Addressing the meeting, which was held in Armagh, the PSNI's Deputy Chief Constable Drew Harris said any infrastructures along the border would give terror groups "a further rallying call to drive their recruitment." Mr Benn said the evidence from the PSNI was clear. "If you do have a return to physical infrastructure, border posts, with people having to stand here, people having to be protected, then there is a risk that (the border) becomes a target once again. "We simply can't afford to go back to the past," he said. Mr Benn said a way to avoid a hard border would be for regulatory alignment with the whole of the UK and the EU member states. "That clearly provides a way forward because it would not be separating out Northern Ireland which is what the DUP object to. "It could well be a way forward to meet the concerns of the government of the Republic of Ireland about going backwards in terms of what has been achieved here on this border. "I hope that will enable us to make sufficient progress to enter phase two of the talks." The committee of MPs was brought to the border by the chief executive of Cooperation Ireland, Peter Sheridan, a former PSNI Assistant Chief Constable. Mr Sheridan told them that none of the region's politicians want a hard border. "None of our politicians want a hard border. None want to see structures on the border. "All of our politicians want to see free movement of people across the border. "They don't want to go back to (structures)", he said. The aftermath of an August confrontation between a University of Nebraska-Lincoln student recruiting for a conservative group and a lecturer became fodder for a satirical news show earlier this week. "The Opposition with Jordan Klepper," which airs nightly on Comedy Central, featured a Dec. 5 segment about Turning Point USA and founder Charlie Kirk, by "citizen journalists" Aaron Jackson and Josh Sharp. The duo interviewed Amanda Gailey, an associate professor of English at UNL, who was photographed holding a sign asking to be put on the "Professor Watch List" maintained by Turning Point USA. (And also blink and you'll miss it a graphic used near the end of the video includes a stock photo of the former Beatrice City Library.) Gailey was among a half-dozen faculty and graduate students who protested a recruiting event for Turning Point USA hosted by undergraduate Kaitlyn Mullen an action Gailey said was a show of solidarity with other faculty targeted by the group. Two professors Gailey said she knows personally who have appeared on the list were subject to "threats and weeks of harassing, racist and misogynist emails," Gailey told Jackson and Sharp. Courtney Lawton, the graduate student lecturer who was filmed referring to Mullen as a "neo fascist" and making an inappropriate gesture toward her, was removed from her teaching duties after she "received many hostile emails and threats," she said in September. Gailey also referred to recent public-records requests made by top Nebraska Republican Party officials for emails including the names of elected leaders such as President Trump, Rep. Jeff Fortenberry and Sen. Ben Sasse. Turning Point USA founder Kirk, who also appeared in the segment, described the watch list as "an awareness tool" for students with conservative political beliefs. "It's not 'Professor Blacklist' and it's not 'Professor Hit List,'" Kirk said. "We're not calling for the termination of these professors. Let the schools make their own decisions there," he added. But, based on the social media outrage that followed the Aug. 25 event, state Sen. Steve Erdman called on UNL to fire Gailey for what he called "immoral, unprofessional and unacceptable" behavior. After top NU administrators met with Erdman and two other state senators on Nov. 16, Lawton was informed her contract with UNL would not be renewed at the end of the school year. "Simply because I came out against Turning Point USA and got in their cross-hairs, I've had several elected officials here in the state of Nebraska call for me to be fired," Gailey said. Any infrastructure on the border will give violent dissident republicans an opportunity to rally, boost recruitment and attack, top PSNI officers have warned MPs. Drew Harris, the Deputy Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland, said there remains a severe terrorist threat in the North. This year there has been four attempts to kill police officers, as well as 58 shooting incidents and 33 bombing incidents, he said. Mr Harris told the House of Commons Brexit Committee during a hearing in Armagh that dissident terrorists are focused on the border issue in the context of Brexit. Obviously violent dissident republican groups see this as an area that is contentious, which will give them in effect a further rallying call to try and engender support and try and drive their recruitment, Mr Harris said. It is of concern. We know from information that we have that they have a focus on this, that they see it as an opportunity. The UK have said that there will be no infrastructure on the border because that will be an obvious point for dissident groups to rally around and attack, but also try to engender support and sympathy in local communities and further afield. Assistant chief constable Stephen Martin told the committee that an attack in Northern Ireland from dissidents remains highly likely. He said that while the dissidents do not have the capability and capacity that the IRA had during the Troubles, they have demonstrated an ability to kill. If there was infrastructure such as you describe, whether it be buildings or people that reemphasised the border in the physical, tangible, visible, way, I think it is highly foreseeable that dissident republicans would seek to take action against that, and that could include attacking the buildings and the people, he said. Asked if he believed that threat would exist even for cameras, Mr Harris said there already exists an extensive number plate recognition system in Northern Ireland, and it does get regular criminal damage. The Committee was also hearing evidence from HMRC, the UKs equivalent of the Revenue Commissioners. Evidence in private was heard from a number of trade bodies as well as drinks giant Diageo. Members also visited the border between Co Armagh and Co Monaghan at the village of Middleton. The senior PSNI officers also told the committee that a joint report between the Gardai and the PSNI on the implications of the UKs EU withdrawal has been commissioned. A first draft has been completed. The two officers will travel to Dublin next week to meet senior garda offciers, including the acting Garda Commissioner. Mr Harris said that during the 1980s there was a major problem with cross-border burglaries of older people in their homes. He said many of the culprits escaped justice by heading over the border. The Deputy Chief Constable outlined a number of shared European initiatives, such as the European Arrest Warrant, shared information systems and joint investigation teams, which have helped in the fight against crimes including human trafficking and drug smuggling. He said many of the culprits escaped justice by heading over the border. He said there focus was in ensuring that people in border communities continue to feel they are safe. Mr Martin added: What happens as a consequence of Brexit, that sense of knowing that you will be brought to justice, and that the Republic of Ireland administration and ourselves can come after you, bring you to book, bring you to justice, must be retained. Simon York, Director of HMRC's Fraud Investigation Service, told the committee that he did not believe there was a requirement for any infrastructure on the border post Brexit to deal with smuggling. Brexit is causing uncertainty over arrangements allowing Irish solicitors to practise in England and Wales, the head of the Law Society has warned. Since 1989, qualifications in both common law jurisdictions have been mutually recognised under an EU directive, allowing solicitors to work with relative ease on both sides of the Irish Sea. Hundreds of Irish-qualified solicitors have forged careers in Britain since then, particularly during the recession. In recent times, hundreds of English and Welsh solicitors have also entered the Irish roll of solicitors in an effort to maximise their status as European law practitioners ahead of the UK's withdrawal from the EU. Law Society director general Ken Murphy said the directive had been beneficial and there would be concerns if mutual recognition were to end as a result of Brexit. "If EU law doesn't apply, England and Wales will not be compelled to keep such an arrangement in place," he said. "Nobody is seeking to end it, but certainly Brexit is creating uncertainty about its future." His comments came as figures published by the society showed some 511 English and Welsh solicitors entered the Irish roll this year up to November. This is in addition to 806 who joined it last year. However, Mr Murphy said rumours that loads of English firms would be starting up here had so far been baseless. Of the 1,317, only about 250 have taken out practising certificates, a further requirement needed before they can practise here. Mr Murphy said soundings he had taken from law firms in London indicated they were not seeking to set up bases here and were more than happy to use the expertise of Irish firms when required. Instead, the major concerns of the UK firms relate to their right of access to EU courts and the entitlement of their clients to legal privilege in EU investigations. Leo Varadkar and Theresa May at a meeting earlier this year in Downing Street "Progress is being made" and an early morning meeting is expected as talks on a new text aimed at meeting Irish demands to avoid a hard border after Brexit continue, a spokesman for the EU Commission has said. The new text is currently being reviewed by the government. Donal Tusk, president of the European Council, is expected to make a statement early on Friday morning. Meanwhile, a spokesman for the EU Commission said Jean Claude Junker discussed the situation with Mr Varadkar and Mrs May during separate phonecalls. "We are making progress but not yet fully there. "Early morning meeting possible with press/point thereafter," he said. Brexit negotiations have stalled since Monday when the DUP refused to support UK Prime Minster Theresa Mays offer of a declaration to Ireland ensuring Britain would commit to protecting the Good Friday Agreement. The DUP holds the balance of power in government in the UK. They refused to support the agreement made between the British Prime Minister Theresa May and the EU task-force which committed Northern Ireland to keeping the same trading rules as the rest of the Europe after the UK leaves the EU. "Matters are being considered as part of ongoing discussions involving the EU Taskforce, the Irish government and the British government", a spokesperson from the Irish government told Read More In addition, president of the European Council, Donald Tusk is due to give a press conference in Brussels at 06.50 Irish time tomorrow morning. A crucial summit of EU leaders is taking place in Brussels next Thursday and Friday. They will decide whether the UK has reached sufficient progress to move on to the next phase of Brexit talks. Factory bosses were at pains this week to give the impression that base prices were steady at 3.90/kg for bullocks and 4.00/kg for heifers, the reality is there is more to be had. If you've got in-spec finished bullocks 3.95/kg appears to be where the real-time price is at, while the heifer trade is seeing prices as high as 4.10/kg floated. These prices tend to be more prevalent the further north you go with some factories in the south appearing to be off the pace when you initially open the conversation on pricing. All factories however seem to have "a want for heifers" to the point where one west of Ireland finisher said that "They (the factories) are dead keen for heifers and 4.15 may yet happen this week". Prices for Aberdeen Angus are reported by IFA's Angus Woods as having hit 4.20/kg over the weekend. Last week's kill set yet another record for this year at 40,541. This kill figure was arrived at after some plants worked on Saturday. Trade for bulls sees under-16 month stock being base priced from 3.90-4.00/kg, with prices for their heavier under-24 month comrades also pushing up. Despite prices for cull cows continuing to push forward at the marts factory prices for cows continue to remain stable. Prices have improved but numbers are at the point where everyone associated with the business from the factory boss to the dog in the yard is waiting for the week when the numbers go off the edge of a cliff. When that happens the Christmas holidays won't come quick enough for the factories. Our reputation as a green beef producing island is built on grass finishing with the dairy sector's male progeny contributing immensely to that image and tonnage. Recent commentary that dairy farmers were not in the "business of meat sales" delivered an industry wake-up call. It raises the uncomfortable question of what the powers that be in the beef industry might do to offset the consequences of any further deterioration in the conformation and size of stock coming on to the market from that quarter. Mart Trade 1 Ennis Nearly half the 800 cattle on offer here were cull cows. While it underlines the absolute efficiency that is the hallmark of those in the dairy sector strong prices also underline the cull cow's importance as a source of primarily manufacturing beef. Prices for dairy beef saw up to 1.44/kg paid for heavy Friesian cows with the more storish type Friesian making from 1.30-1.56/kg. The better conformation cull cow hit 2.02/kg as in the case of a 650kg Charolais, while a 755kg Limousin saw the hammer at 2.04. Trade for bullocks and heifers was strong, particularly for the better types. 2 Ballinasloe Prices for bullocks averaged 2.20/kg with a batch of 355kg Charolais animals ringing the bell for top price at 2.66/kg. The average price in the weanling ring was 2.16/kg with a 345kg Limousin achieving the top price of 2.67/kg. Round prices for cull cows went from 535/hd to 1,260/hd. 3 Kilkenny George Candler described his trade for bullocks as "sharper", with the forward continental, who was not overly plentiful, hitting a top call of 2.71/kg, while heavier 600kg+ bullocks sold from 1.70-2.30/kg. The better Friesian bullock met an improved trade with his prices ranging from 1.70-1.95/kg. A good showing of cull cows saw Friesian types sell from .80c/kg to 1.70/kg, while continental cows made from 1.30-2.29/kg. 4 Castlerea The large entry of heifers here saw improved prices for quality store and forward heifers with 390kg Limousins at one end of the weight spectrum making 2.69/kg, while at the heavier end 585kg Charolais stock came into 2.39/kg. Among the cull cows the better suckler continental types clocked in at between 1.60-2.06/kg, while cows with calves at foot sold from 1,040-1,720/hd. Prices for quality weanlings were maintained with a 270kg Charolais bull hitting one of the better returns at 3.20/kg, however plainer stock were a "harder sell". 5 Carnew A large entry of stock saw prices hold firm with beef and forward bullocks selling from 650-980/hd over the /kg. Continental store bullocks made from 470-820/hd over their weight, while Friesian bullocks made from 220-560/hd over their weight. Beef heifers sold from 550-980/hd over the weight with store heifers making from 320-780/hd over the weight. In the calf ring Friesian bulls sold from 60-190/hd, while continental bulls made from 225-460/hd. Continental heifer calves sold from 180-440/hd. 6 Baltinglass Prices for both bullocks and heifers were reckoned to be up by 30-40/hd here as buyers intensified their efforts to fill their quotas before the Christmas shut out. In the bullock ring a 443kg Charolais made 2.14/kg, however a 465kg Hereford at 2.25/kg might have been a better medium-term bet. The South Devon breed isn't overly popular in Ireland but at 2.17/kg for 530kg I'd be tempted to see how we'd get on. Demand for weanlings was strong with top prices averaging from 2.25-2.50/kg. 7 Balla This was a big sale given the day of the year but trade was reported as "good all round for quality stock". Store bullocks under 400kg averaged 2.38/kg, while the 400-500kg bullock averaged 2.23/kg. Best price of the day among the bullocks however was 2.51/kg as given for a March 2016 born 495kg Charolais. That said the biggest individual cheque of the day was written for an 810kg Charolais at 1,950 which works out at 2.41/kg. The heifer trade also saw some cracking prices including the 2.66/kg paid for an August 2016 born 395kg Charolais. Ireland has a psychological as well as an environmental problem with solid fuels, which has to be addressed, the Minister for the Environment has said. Denis Naughten, Minister for the Environment, is proposing a country-wide ban on smokey coal - 27 years since the ban was introduced in Dublin city. He told Newstalk Breakfast this morning that one in five homes in rural Ireland's only source of heating is solid fuel. The Minister announced plans to run a pilot scheme in six rural communities to look at moving homes away from solid fuel heating. It comes as the country's advisory watchdog on climate change recommended that coal and turf should be banned in the coming years. While a number of powerplants use solid fuel, the Minister said plans were being looked at to move these to biomass. But, domestic use of solid fuel, he said was more complex, and one in five homes, he said, is fully reliant on solid fuel for heating. The pilot project, he said, would look at how homes can move away from solid fuel to renewable and sustainable forms of heating and then a national scheme can be rolled out to move away from solid fuel. Ultimately, in relation to power generation we have to move away from coal, peat oil an even gas, he said Ireland, he said, we have a significant amount of work to do if we are to reach our 2030 climate targets. And, he said that Ireland has to move away from turf fires, although he said it would be more accurate to say it will be a longer-term move. "We have to get people to move away from it (solid fuel) and I think it will happen. "We have a psychological as well as an environmental problem, to move away from solid fuel," he told Newstalk Breakfast. We need to be honest with people, he said, and we need a road map in place to see what will work in rural Ireland and the practical steps needed to be put in place. Since he became Minister for the Environment, he said he has taken definitive steps around environmental issues and he has decided to make Ireland the first country in Europe to have a nationwide ban on smokey coal. The air quality, he said, in some smaller towns and villages is worse than the City of London or some cities in China. "It's completely unacceptable that some evenings in winter people cannot go out for a walk if they suffer from asthma with the poor air quality." There is a huge positive impact on our health services, he said. A substantial increase in carbon taxes on home heating and motoring fuels is needed to reduce emissions and help prevent dangerous climate change, as well as a ban on coal and turf to generate power and heat homes, coupled with increased investment in public transport over roads, the Climate Change Advisory Council has said. In its first annual review, the council said the Government needed to put in place major new policies and measures to meet international targets to reduce emissions, and that the pace of reductions needed to be accelerated across all sectors of the economy. Green Party leader Eamon Ryan said the report was a wake-up call to the Government, while Cliona Sharkey, policy adviser at Trocaire and member of Stop Climate Chaos, said it made for disturbing reading. Political difficulties for the Government include a call to stop subsidising peat-fired power plants in the Midlands, which support almost 1,500 jobs. A carpet of fallen apples at the Bulmers factory orchard in Clonmel Storm Ophelia blew the apples off the trees and flooding from Storm Brian swept them into a corner of the field. Picture by Jonathan Ryan Bulmers cider maker C&C has confirm that it has completed its investment in the UK pub chain Admiral Taverns. The manufacturer, marketer and distributor of branded cider, beer, wine and soft drinks announced in September that it would buy a 47pc stake in Admiral, giving it a greater direct-to-market platform for its broad range of drinks. At the time C&C agreed to pay 37m (40.2m) for its stake in the pub chain, which operates mainly in England and Wales. Admiral confirmed today that it has completed on the acquisition of a portfolio of 17 pubs in England and Wales from Heinekens Star Pubs and Bars business. Admiral's model is well-used in the UK but non-existent in Ireland. Individual entrepreneurs rent pubs from Admiral, which assists them in buying stock. In October C&C posted half-year results showing that Bulmers had under performed in the Irish cider market, with volumes declining by 5pc, compared to the wider Irish cider market that declined 1pc. Adjusted earnings at the group fell by 4.6pc year-on-year in the six month period to 57.6m. UK-headquartered shopping centre giant, Hammerson, is expected to ramp up its investment in the Dundrum Town Centre and its other Irish assets after making a 3.4bn (3.8bn)all-share offer for rival retail centre owner Intu. The merger of Hammerson and Intu will see the creation of Britain's largest property company with the new enlarged group boasting a combined gross asset value (GAV) of 21bn. In taking control of Intu, Hammerson will bolster its existing portfolio through the addition of major retail assets such as London's Brent Cross, Birmingham's famous Bullring and Manchester's Trafford Centre. The deal was met with a mixed response by investment analysts in view of the challenges being faced the UK retail sector in the wake of Brexit. But Hammerson's announcement of its intention to reinvest the proceeds of a 2bn (predominantly UK) asset disposal programme in Ireland, Spain and in its premium outlets, was viewed as being positive for the future of its Irish portfolio particularly. Investec economist Philip O'Sullivan noted it would give Hammerson enhanced flexibility for future projects such as Dundrum Phase 2. While the south Dublin retail mecca, which Hammerson owns jointly with German insurer Allianz, has proved to be hugely successful with over 50 million visitors annually, Hammerson has stated on a number of occasions that it is considering delivering a residential-led scheme for its next phase. The proposed development will take place on the site of the original Dundrum shopping centre. The enlarged Hammerson group will be led by Hammerson CEO David Atkins, and chairman David Tyler. Intu's deputy chairman John Whittaker will assume the role of senior independent director within the enlarged company. "This marks an exciting milestone in the history of Hammerson," said Mr Atkins. "Bringing together the high-quality portfolios of both companies establishes Hammerson as a larger, leading European retail Reit (Real Estate Investment Trust), enhances shareholder returns and supports opportunities for long-term growth. I hold Intu's high-quality centres in high regard and I look forward to working with a strengthened team to enhance the performance of our entire portfolio." Dublin-based aircraft lessor Fly Leasing, which is headed by former Aer Lingus chairman Colm Barrington, has confirmed that it has $2bn available to expand its fleet as it eyes further jet purchases in 2018. Fly Leasing currently has 84 aircraft in its fleet, primarily narrow-body, single-aisle jets such as Airbus A320s and Boeing 737s. However, it also has a small number of long-haul aircraft on its books, including Airbus A330s and Boeing 777s. The fleet is valued at more than $3bn. Fly Leasing, which is listed on the stock market in New York, has sold 72, older, less profitable aircraft since 2015. It told investors at a Goldman Sachs aircraft-leasing conference in New York that it has invested $1.6bn in 30 younger jets in the same period. In a presentation at the conference this week, Fly Leasing said that it has an "annual growth target of $750m" and will continue to eye opportunistic secondary market purchases. From the beginning of 2017 to the end of November, Fly Leasing said that it has spent $456m on aircraft, and identified more than $40m of potential purchases for 2018. It's focusing on aircraft such as Boeing 737 Max jets. Fly Leasing has also been restructuring its business by optimising its capital structure and reducing the management fees it pays. Global aircraft management company BBAM manages and services the Fly Leasing fleet. BBAM shareholders also own 14pc of Fly Leasing. In September, Singapore wealth fund GIC - which owns 16pc of Irish telecoms firm Eir - agreed to buy a 30pc stake in BBAM. Prior to that, BBAM's management team owned 50pc of the company. Mr Barrington, a former senior GPA executive, is also a shareholder of BBAM. The other 50pc of BBAM was owned by Canadian private equity firm Onex, which acquired that holding in 2012. Onex confirmed last month that it sold a 15pc stake of its BBAM holding to GIC, and that since it first took a stake in BBAM, Onex has realised $454m from the investment, including the disposal proceeds. "GIC's involvement will add to BBAMs resources and capabilities particularly in Asia, an important part of the market for these aircraft," said Onex CEO Gerry Schwartz. "Strategically the partnership builds on a first mover advantage as the world's largest dedicated manager of leased aircraft," he added. Fly Leasing's customers include airlines such as India's SpiceJet, and Malaysia Airlines. Mr Barrington is also a non-executive director of Finnish airline Finnair, and Irish property investment firm Hibernia REIT. With Brexit looming, there are growing concerns that businesses trading across the Irish Border are not ready. The latest InterTradeIreland Business Monitor found that 95pc of businesses across the island of Ireland simply don't have a plan for Brexit. Bucking this trend however is Silver Hill Farm, a county Monaghan-based duck producer that has already slashed its dependence on Britain by looking east. The family-owned company was established in 1962 and is betting that a decision four years ago to move into Asian markets has vastly lessened any potential fallout from Brexit. "We had already started on the path to Asia before the Brexit vote came, the background being that Chinese customers are our core market," says head of sales Barry Cullen. "You go where the markets are and south-east Asia made the most sense from a strategic point of view. We had got ahead of Brexit, no one expected it so when it did come we were already well on the path to developing those markets." Four years on, Monaghan duck can now be found in around 50 of the top hotels and restaurants in Singapore, on a growing number of menus in Hong Kong and in Macau's Mandarin Oriental five-star hotel. In addition, Cullen expects Malaysia to come on stream in the next six months, then Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Japan. Ironically, the Irish-reared fowl is known in the Far East as 'London Duck' because it initially took off among the restaurants of the UK capital's China Town district. Because the company looks after every element of production, Cullen says it is important that it carried out its expansion in phases to ensure they do not run out of the product. "There is lots of potential out there and duck would be the dish of honour in these markets so it is less price sensitive. We would be three times more expensive than the local Malaysia duck but the locals know the London duck so they are prepared to pay the extra for the quality and that is our uniqueness, that is our selling point." Silver Hill send around three containers of frozen duck a month to Asia, with each container carrying 10,000 ducks. By comparison, the company sends about two containers a week to London, - the aim for the company is to be sending two containers of duck to Asia each week. Cullen is quick to credit both Bord Bia and the Department of Agriculture in Ireland for their support in helping Silver Hill with its expansion into Asia. "There have been a lot of trade missions over the last two years into those markets to try and develop trade links and that is bearing fruit now - you are starting to see more and more business contracts being signed. "We have fantastic produce here in Ireland. We don't realise it until you go out to these countries and you get the feedback from the customers and they say it is the best food they have ever tasted. "We have had customers over here and chefs, and they try not just our product but the milk, the beef, the pork, on the back of that then they have started doing business with more local companies. The Bord Bia phrase is co-opetition and we are very much into that." Cullen's advice for companies looking to move into the Asian market is to contact Bord Bia from the very start. "Their guy Ciaran Gallagher is based out there (in Singapore), what he doesn't know about Asia isn't worth knowing ... Bord Bia have a fantastic market intelligence library down in Dublin - use that before spending a lot of money to go out there." Despite the company's expansion into Asia, Cullen says that Silver Hill has no plans to lose sight of its main market. Brexit or not, in 10 years' time he still thinks London will be Silver Hill's biggest market, with expansion complementing rather than replacing the UK business. "The focus will be for the next phase of growth on Asia but at the same time we don't take our eye off the ball back at the home markets that we are established in. Longer term it makes sense that, in time, Asia will overtake all other markets, but getting into mainland China would be the big catalyst - we would need to build another factory if that were to happen which is a nice problem to have." One thing is for sure though, the company will expand on its own terms, "We are not like shareholder companies where you need an immediate return on investment. "We take a 10-15 year view - we are happy to invest in the long-term relationship. We have been here 55 years and we plan to be here another 55 years." In terms of the immediate impact of Brexit on the company that employs 220 on both sides of the Border, Cullen says that Silver Hill has taken all the necessary steps as far as it can. "We have a committee here, a project-led group which looks at all the different aspects of Brexit. So, from that point of view, we have prepared as well as we can. We have also looked at currency hedging. We are naturally hedged because we sell a lot into the UK. We buy our feed in the UK, but we have dual supply where possible for all the large inputs; packing, feed, fuel and so on." In terms of the daily impact of the Border, all Silver Hill duck eggs are laid in Northern Ireland in the Tyrone village of Aughnacloy. They are hatched just outside Emyvale in Monaghan, and the company has farms both North and in the Republic where the ducks go to grow, before all being processed in the Republic. So potentially the ducks could cross the Border three times in their life cycle, and that is before they get exported. While a hard border would have a huge impact on this, Cullen says that the company is there long enough that it remembers the last border. "We would deal with it - we are entrepreneurial people around the border regions so you just get on with life. We will hope that it doesn't have a massive impact on us." Cullen, who himself lives north of the Border, says that approximately 20-25 of the company's employees live in the North and work in the Republic, while there are also a small number of employees living in the Republic and working on the company's farms in the North. He remains hopeful however that "sense will prevail" and there will be some agreement in respect of the Border. Along with the geographical difficulties posed by Brexit for the company, the UK remains the company's biggest market, with approximately 40pc of the company's 80,000 ducks produced each week being exported there. However, with the company expanding into Asia, this figure is something Cullen expects will decline. In addition, the company last year moved its prices on two separate occasions based on exchange rates. Overall prices in sterling increased 15pc in 2016 and the company did not lose any business from the increases. Nonetheless, Cullen acknowledges that they will have to wait and see what tariffs, if any, are in place once Britain leaves the European Union. "We are a premium product so we are lucky in one sense that we are not as price sensitive as say the mushroom growers in this area particularly would have been hit, but the exchange rate more so, now there is a price where people will not pay but we haven't thankfully reached that yet." "Worst case scenario you are looking at WTO tariffs at 30pc-plus, obviously that would have an effect. We have taken estimates on how much we will be hit in the business but no one knows for sure, but we are trying to spread the risk. "We are exporting into 27 countries now, the UK is the biggest the minute but we will become less reliant on that, worst case with a hard Brexit certainly we will lose a fair chunk of business but hopefully we will pick it up elsewhere." In terms of advice for other companies on in the Border area, Cullen recommends that they get as much information as possible, something he says will reduce the potential for shocks when the UK does leave the EU. "We started getting dual suppliers. If we have an important product that we were sourcing in the UK or in the North of Ireland we now have an alternative supplier in the South of Ireland. "With that kind of thing you just need to eliminate the risk. You try and eliminate as many unknowns as possible in the absence from a clear direction from the Government, you have to wait and see to a certain extent but the more homework you do, the luckier you will get". Meanwhile, at Silver Hill, the company sells "everything but the quack". Duck feathers are washed in Monaghan and graded, and then the company makes them into duvets and pillows that are supplied to the same top-end hotels where the meat is so sought after. The head, the feet, and the necks of the duck go out to Hong Kong, the fat and the liver go to Belgium for pate, and Monaghan farmers get the benefit of duck-generated fertiliser. HUNDREDS of investors who pumped 13m into the Eddie Hobbs-fronted Brendan Investments Pan European Property plc (BIPEP) have been left with just a single boarded-up house in Detroit valued at just 7,000 and 29,000 in a bank account. The fund once controlled hundreds of properties, but a single derelict house in strife-hit Detroit currently up for sale is the sole remaining property owned by the fund. Around 29,000 in a bank account, and a potential VAT refund of 53,000 are the other assets. The investors are nursing losses of more than 12.9m. Liquidator Aidan Garcia was appointed to try to recover money for investors after Brendan Investments PEP collapsed into liquidation earlier this year. Yesterday, at a packed meeting in a Dublin hotel, the court appointed liquidator told dozens of mostly middle aged and elderly investors that almost all of the 13m raised by the high profile scheme in 2007 had been wiped out after failed investments in Germany and the crisis hit US city of Detroit. The devastating losses were racked up despite the funds only being invested after the property crash. In response to questions from the floor of the meeting, the liquidator said he would look at a number of avenues in an attempt to increase their recovery. Investors were told he has powers to look back through the history of the company to sift through how the losses had wracked up. Mr Garcia said that he intended to look at payments of around 4m that were made from the fund to businesses in the US to see if any of that money could be recouped, as well as examining the Brendan Investments fee structure - which saw the main fund pay 1pc of its value to a sister company owned and controlled by the directors every year. Those fees added up to in excess of 2m paid out by the main fund while the company was in operation. However, the fee structure were clearly flagged in BIPEP's original prospectus, seen by the Irish Independent, as was the potential that investors could suffer a loss. Distressed In response to questions from the floor, Mr Garcia also said he would look at whether the fund originally set up to buy high quality European real estate acted properly when it shifted into distressed America housing, something individual investors say they were against. He said financial results had not been filed for any year since 2014. The timing of the Brendan Investments fund in 2007 meant that many of the investors put the proceeds of their special savings incentive accounts (SSIA) into the scheme. Then RTE star Eddie Hobbs had fronted a massive publicity drive to attract people to Brendan Investments, which he had established along with Vincent Regan, Hugh O'Neill and Dermot Flanagan. The four were originally directors of BIPEP and the sister company, Brendan Investments Property Management, which managed the fund. Up to 800 investors - including families, small business owners, farmers, GPs, and even a priest in Brooklyn, New York - ploughed in 13m. The minimum investment was 5,000 but in some cases, including Eddie Hobbs himself, the figures were significantly larger. Eddie Hobbes and Dermot Flanagan, who were non executive directors, resigned as directors in early 2015, by which time the value of the assets had declined to about 5.5m, according to financial accounts audited by PwC. Last night Eddie Hobbs said he couldn't comment on the situation while the liquidator works through his process. He's previously said he'd suffered significant losses himself on Brendan Investments. Lawyers for Eaglehill sought injunctions at the High Court in Dublin to stop the 'Irish Times' newspaper publishing an article about the sale. A High Court action over the proposed sale of Castletown Cox, a mansion in Co Kilkenny, has been resolved. The case had been brought by Edward Magan, a beneficiary of the Eaglehill family trust - valued at up to 50m - which owns Castletown Cox. Mr Magan had objected to the sale of the south Kilkenny estate on 513 acres by its trustee, DW Trustees. Mr Magan failed earlier this year, via a court hearing in Jersey in the Channel Islands, to stop the marketing of the property for sale. The Jersey court ordered DW Trustees could proceed with facilitating marketing of, and access to Castletown and the estate agent, Knight Frank, was instructed to proceed with the sale. The beneficiaries of the trust, which is governed by Bermuda law, are Edward and Henrietta Magan, children of Lord George Magan, who purchased the estate in 1999. Lawyers for Eaglehill then sought injunctions at the High Court in Dublin to stop the 'Irish Times' newspaper publishing an article about the sale. Mr Justice Paul Gilligan refused to restrain the newspaper publishing the article. Yesterday, following talks between the parties, counsel for DW Trustees told Mr Justice Gilligan the matter was not going ahead. The parties had agreed the Irish courts lack the jurisdiction to hear Mr Magan's action, and that all previous orders made in the case could be vacated, he said. Counsel for Mr Magan said his side was consenting to that. 'The Irish Times' has finally agreed to buy the media assets of the financially troubled Landmark Media Group, the publisher of the Cork-based 'Irish Examiner' newspaper. The move ends the ownership by the Crosbie family of the former 'Cork Examiner' newspaper title, which has been in their family since the 19th century. However, the deal has been in the offing for some time and follows months of speculation. AIB, Landmark Media's banker, has also supported a "significant debt restructuring", according to 'The Irish Times'. The company behind Landmark Media, Landmark Media Investments, had bank loans totalling 17.2m at the beginning of this year. The deal, months in the making, will also include the 'Evening Echo' newspaper and seven regional titles. Landmark also owns 75pc stakes in Waterford's WLR and Beat, as well as a 17.6pc stake in Cork station Red FM. All the assets are being acquired by 'The Irish Times' The new owners described the planned acquisition as an "important strategic decision". 'The Irish Times' said it will "retain the core identity and independence of the respective news publishing titles". "The overall increase in audience allows the group to build a digital platform with a strong reach, countrywide and internationally," it added. The 'Irish Examiner' sold an average of 28,338 copies a day during the first six months of 2017, according to ABC circulation data. 'The Irish Times' said that it is "fully committed" to working with unions "on any restructuring proposals that will need to be made". The managing director of Landmark Media, Tom Murphy, told staff yesterday that the sale is in the "best interest" of the group. "Consolidation within the industry is an inevitable outcome and both Irish-owned groups will be best positioned to survive and prosper as part of a larger, stronger and better resource and unified entity," he said. The regional titles being acquired by the 'Irish Times' are: the 'Roscommon Herald'; the 'Kildare Nationalist'; 'Waterford News & Star'; the 'Laois Nationalist'; the 'Naas and Newbridge Nationalist'; the 'Nationalist'; and the 'Western People'. Landmark Media also owned the 'Wexford Echo', to which a liquidator was appointed during the year. The deal with 'The Irish Times' also includes three websites that are wholly-owned by Landmark Media, and another in which it has a 75pc stake, The other sites are,, and The acquisition by 'The Irish Times' has to be cleared by the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission, the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland; and the Minister for Communication, Denis Naughten. No details of the financial terms of the deal were disclosed, but the enlarged group will have an annual turnover of about 100m and employ 900 people. National Union of Journalists Irish secretary Seamus Dooley said he welcomed the assurances that had been provided by 'The Irish Times'. "The devil is in the detail," he said adding the union will study the proposed acquisition. Besides Dublin 7, the new line crosses parts of Dublin 1 and 2 where there are relatively few residential properties. Photo: Stephen Collins/Collins Photos The impending opening of the new Luas Blue line in Dublin is leading to a surge in property prices near the tram tracks. Prices have jumped by up to 75,000 as buyers who commute into the capital scramble to buy near the line. Asking prices are up more than 20pc in the first nine months of the year in parts of Dublin 1 and Dublin 7, according to an analysis of the official Property Price Register by website This compares with average increases in asking prices in Dublin this year of around 11pc. The new analysis shows that the average asking price in Stoneybatter is 374,000. This is 74,000, or 25pc, ahead of the average selling price of 300,000, achieved in the first three quarters. Besides Dublin 7, the new line crosses parts of Dublin 1 and 2 where there are relatively few residential properties. The average sold price in the North City Centre for the first three quarters was just over 291,000. However, asking prices in the Dominick Street area - where a new Luas stop is located - are now around 356,000, an increase of 22pc. In nearby Cabra, which will have two Luas stops, the average asking price is now 337,000. This is up 30,000 from the average selling price. Neighbouring Phibsboro has one the highest average sold prices of 359,000 in Dublin 7 with the average asking price currently set at 349,000. The Luas Blue line opens this Saturday. It will allow people to travel from Cabra to St Stephen's Green via Phibsborough, Stoneybatter, the North City Centre, Parnell Square, O'Connell Street, Dame Street and Dawson Street. It will also connect up the Red and Green lines. managing director Angela Keegan said the data indicated that the Luas together with the shortage of affordable properties was causing a spike in prices in some areas. It was a great year for history books in Ireland, and specifically for political and military history. Given that it was the centenary of the 1916 Easter Rising and of the Battle of the Somme during World War I, there was a continuing stream of books on these events, not all them of crucial interest, it must be said. However, one fascinating book which looks at how the two events have been commemorated is Remembering 1916: The Easter Rising, the Somme and the Politics of Memory in Ireland, edited by Richard S Grayson and Fearghal McGarry (Cambridge University Press, 28). This examined the reverential and at times obsessive focus of both traditions on the island on the two 1916 events - the Easter Rising for the Irish nationalist/Republican tradition and the Somme for the Ulster Unionists. In their failure, both military procedures solidified the sense of sacrifice for their respective causes, although not without excessive radical elements that the prevailing political cultures tried to contain. The Somme was the great traumatic battle of what was already a hugely costly and increasingly pointless world war. Its effect was devastating on western Europe, Britain, Unionist Ireland but also southern nationalist Ireland, with huge numbers of Catholic Irish soldiers, many of them Home Rulers, also dying. This was brought home forcefully in Wherever the Firing Line Extends: Ireland and the Western Front by Ronan McGreevy (The History Press, 20), which could now be seen as the superlative and definitive account of Ireland in Word War I, combining research, original interviews, travel to the former battlefields and a vivid and often disturbing recreation of events. Official Irish amnesia about all this has been now thankfully addressed. The two '1916s' are central to Professor Paul Bew's intriguing and succinct Churchill and Ireland (Oxford University Press, 23.80), which is a long overdue exclusive focus on the great statesman's deep relationship with Ireland, from the early Home Rule period right up to the 1950s. Although a staunch imperialist, Winston Churchill was also a committed Home Ruler and tried his best to avoid Partition - and even more so a civil war more bloody than the one that briefly ensued after the Treaty. The onset of World War I postponed Home Rule, and serious ethnic conflict, and Bew describes the sobering effect of the trench slaughter on both Irish sides, with even Edward Carson baulking at the carnage wrought by Churchill's own ill-fated decision to land at Gallipoli. Through Churchill's mediation, Carson and the Nationalists were almost at a settlement. But the 1916 Rising occurred and Irish Republicanism swept away limited Home Rule demands. (Not that the Republicans were able to gain a whole lot more, even after an armed struggle.) In dealing with Ireland, and with the Nazis, Churchill was armed with incredible self belief, but also a gambler's confidence, and both of these were honed in a crucial formative year in South Africa fighting the Boers, when he saw intense action, was captured and escaped. This is vividly described by Candace Millard in the gripping Hero of the Empire - The Making of Winston Churchill (Allen Lane Penguin, 28). The Boer War, which dented the British Empire, had a major effect on the Irish cause and its influence can be seen in two major biographies of Irish nationalist figures - Arthur Griffith by Owen McGee (Merrion Press, 27.99), and Carla's King's study of Michael Davitt (UCD Press, 50), which I reviewed on these pages on December 3. Talk of this war and of the other tumultuous events in the late 19th century to Edwardian era hang heavily over The Real People of Joyce's Ulysses - A Biographical Guide by Vivien Igoe (UCD Press, 40), which is as fascinating for its historical detail as it is for its literary reference. Fenians, Prussians, Zionists and Parnellites - all are here. There is a curious overlap, too, to Forgotten Patriot: Douglas Hyde and the Foundation of the Irish Presidency (Collins Press, 19.99), an excellent, original account by former speechwriter Brian Murphy about the Gaelic League founder who became our State's first president. Video of the Day Murphy tells the sad story of Julius Pokorny, a Czech-German Jew and Gaelic scholar who worked in Dublin and who appears in Ulysses. Later, in Germany, Pokorny was under serious threat from the Nazis and both Hyde, and de Valera, tried to intercede to help him, the latter in a more energetic way than Hyde, it must be said. Another absorbing read, for a later period, is Stephen Kelly's A Failed Political Entity: Charles Haughey and the Northern Ireland Question 1945-1992 (Merrion Press, 21.99), which charts the frequently positive but too often malign influence of the former taoiseach on this most vexatious issue. It is a fair assessment, even though, surprisingly and disappointingly, the author was apparently denied access to Haughey's official papers. It is refreshing then to read about the ambitious Irish who went overseas and made an impact on foreign cultures. Tim Fanning's Paisanos: The Forgotten Irish Who Changed the Face of Latin America (Gill and MacMillan, 24.99) is an absorbing and original account of these adventurers, military strategists and entrepreneurs who from the period of the Wild Geese on did so much to enrich the emerging states of colonial and post-colonial South America. When idealism descends into chaos Away from Irish history, Ian Davidson of the Financial Times has written an excellent account of the violent events that, in many ways, heralded modern democracy with The French Revolution: From Enlightenment to Tyranny (Profile Books, 30.99). He shows how an initial idealism can quickly descend into chaos and even tyranny - and be exported elsewhere. We can think of how, in more recent times, the Arab Spring became an Islamic Winter. Meanwhile, the wholesale destruction of modern democracy, decency and humanity is remorselessly charted by the late David Cesarani in The Final Solution: the Fate of the Jews 1933-49 (Macmillan, 42.00), a project of unimaginable cruelty which puts the so-called 'Irish question' in a dwindling perspective. Did you ever leave a jacket in Coppers after a night out? Chances are it's in this heap. The famous Harcourt Street nightspot is currently inundated with jackets and coats that forgetful punters accidentally abandoned. "On one of our busiest nights during the week, you could expect something like four or five full bags of jackets left behind. We are kept so busy with our lost and found that its pretty much a full time service, between messages, emails and collection times," said Copper Face Jacks spokesman Rory Traynor. "Id say we would have probably two or three hundred built up over the space of a year. " The jackets that don't get reclaimed are put to good use. The club donates the clothes to multiple charities once an owner doesn't come forward within six weeks. "Id say around 90pc of people who leave behind their jackets, will call and collect their jacket at the instructed times, without any issues. In some cases, people may have been in Ireland for a weekend and travelled back home without even realising theyve left it behind. Its nice for people to think that the coat they lost or forgotten may just keep someone warm this winter. Expand Close Copper Face Jacks on Dublins Harcourt Street / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Copper Face Jacks on Dublins Harcourt Street "We give customers up to six weeks to claim their items before we move them to charity organisations, who needless to say are delighted with the contribution," Rory told "Instead of donating to just one charity, we try our best to share them out to various charities and homeless foundations. With the cold spell we are facing in the coming weeks we will be sending a lot of the jackets to the homeless. Were aware that homelessness is an ongoing problem in the city, so were glad to be doing our bit." Other items like passports and driving licences are common items that are left behind but they are usually collected the next day after being lost, but the club have quite a huge collection of bank cards left behind to add to their mountain of coats. "We could have nearly a full box of bank cards at this stage in the year." Last year it was revealed that the club had turned its cash mountain into a whopping 54.8m. Accounts for the company that operates the venue revealed that its pre-tax profits last year totalled 5 million - or 97,657 per week. Saoirse Ronan looks well on her way to nabbing a third Oscar nomination after being named as one of the nominees for the Critics' Choice Movie Awards. The Carlow native (23) is up for Best Actress for her leading role in Lady Bird, which is one of the few films to receive a perfect score of 100% positive reviews on film site Rotten Tomatoes. Expand Close Saoirse Ronan in Lady Bird / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Saoirse Ronan in Lady Bird She sits alongside the legendary Meryl Streep, Frances McDormand, Sally Hawkins, Margot Robbie and Jessica Chastain in the category. Ronan, who recently hosted US comedy show Saturday Night Live, is also nominated for Best Actress in a Comedy for the film. Expand Close Caitriona Balfe on Outlander / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Caitriona Balfe on Outlander It is also up for Best Picture, Best Director for Greta Gerwig, Best Supporting Actress for Laurie Metcalf, Best Original Screenplay, and Best Ensemble. Lady Bird sees the Irish actress star as a restless teenager who is desperate to get out of her hometown in California. Expand Close Martin McDonagh / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Martin McDonagh She was previously nominated for an Oscar at just 13 years old for Atonement and at the 2016 ceremony for Brooklyn. Ronan has already kicked off awards season with a win, taking home Best Actress for Lady Bird at the Gotham Independent Film Awards. Expand Close The Breadwinner, Aircraft Pictures / Cartoon Saloon / Melusine Productions / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp The Breadwinner, Aircraft Pictures / Cartoon Saloon / Melusine Productions She dedicated her award to "the two women who mean so much to me," referencing her mother and Lady Bird writer and director Greta Gerwig. Fellow Irish star Caitriona Balfe has also been nominated for Best Actress in a Drama Series for her role in Outlander. She is up against Chrstine Baranski for The Good Fight, Claire Foy for The Crown, Tatiana Maslany for Orphan Black, Elisabeth Moss for The Handmaid's Tale and Robin Wright for House of Cards. In Bruges director Martin McDonagh's latest offering, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, has been nominated for Best Picture along with The Big Sick, Call Me By Your Name, Darkest Hour, Dunkirk, The Florida Project, Get Out, Lady Bird, The Post, and The Shape of Water. McDonagh is also in the running for Best Director and Best Screenplay while star Sam Rockwell has also been nominated for Best Supporting Actor for his role in the film. Video of the Day The Breadwinner has been nominated for Best Animated Feature. The stunning film, the latest from Cartoon Saloon who previously brought us THe Secret of Kells and Song of the Sea, faces tough competition from Pixar's Coco, Despicable Me 3, The LEGO Batman Movie, and Loving Vincent. However, it beat Coco to be chosen as Best Animated Feature by the LA Film Critics Circle last week. Daniel Day Lewis is also nominated for Best Actor at the Critics' Choice Movie Awards for his role in Phantom Thread. The three-time Oscar winner (60) recently revealed Phantom Thread will be his last film as he has decided to retire from acting. Full list of winners: FILM NOMINATIONS FOR THE 23rd ANNUAL CRITICS CHOICE AWARDS BEST PICTURE The Big Sick Call Me by Your Name Darkest Hour Dunkirk The Florida Project Get Out Lady Bird The Post The Shape of Water Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri BEST ACTOR Timothee Chalamet Call Me by Your Name James Franco The Disaster Artist Jake Gyllenhaal Stronger Tom Hanks The Post Daniel Kaluuya Get Out Daniel Day-Lewis Phantom Thread Gary Oldman Darkest Hour BEST ACTRESS Jessica Chastain Mollys Game Sally Hawkins The Shape of Water Frances McDormand Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri Margot Robbie I, Tonya Saoirse Ronan Lady Bird Meryl Streep The Post BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR Willem Dafoe The Florida Project Armie Hammer Call Me By Your Name Richard Jenkins The Shape of Water Sam Rockwell Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri Patrick Stewart Logan Michael Stuhlbarg Call Me by Your Name BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS Mary J. Blige Mudbound Hong Chau Downsizing Tiffany Haddish Girls Trip Holly Hunter The Big Sick Allison Janney I, Tonya Laurie Metcalf Lady Bird Octavia Spencer The Shape of Water BEST YOUNG ACTOR/ACTRESS Mckenna Grace Gifted Dafne Keen Logan Brooklynn Prince The Florida Project Millicent Simmonds Wonderstruck Jacob Tremblay Wonder BEST ACTING ENSEMBLE Dunkirk Lady Bird Mudbound The Post Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri BEST DIRECTOR Guillermo del Toro The Shape of Water Greta Gerwig Lady Bird Martin McDonagh Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri Christopher Nolan Dunkirk Luca Guadagnino Call Me By Your Name Jordan Peele Get Out Steven Spielberg The Post BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY Guillermo del Toro and Vanessa Taylor The Shape of Water Greta Gerwig Lady Bird Emily V. Gordon and Kumail Nanjiani The Big Sick Liz Hannah and Josh Singer The Post Martin McDonagh Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri Jordan Peele Get Out BEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY James Ivory Call Me by Your Name Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber The Disaster Artist Virgil Williams and Dee Rees Mudbound Aaron Sorkin Mollys Game Jack Thorne, Steve Conrad, Stephen Chbosky Wonder BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY Roger Deakins Blade Runner 2049 Hoyte van Hoytema Dunkirk Dan Laustsen The Shape of Water Rachel Morrison Mudbound Sayombhu Mukdeeprom Call Me By Your Name BEST PRODUCTION DESIGN Paul Denham Austerberry, Shane Vieau, Jeff Melvin The Shape of Water Jim Clay, Rebecca Alleway Murder on the Orient Express Nathan Crowley, Gary Fettis Dunkirk Dennis Gassner, Alessandra Querzola Blade Runner 2049 Sarah Greenwood, Katie Spencer Beauty and the Beast Mark Tildesley, Veronique Melery Phantom Thread BEST EDITING Michael Kahn, Sarah Broshar The Post Paul Machliss, Jonathan Amos Baby Driver Lee Smith Dunkirk Joe Walker Blade Runner 2049 Sidney Wolinsky The Shape of Water BEST COSTUME DESIGN Renee April Blade Runner 2049 Mark Bridges Phantom Thread Jacqueline Durran Beauty and the Beast Lindy Hemming Wonder Woman Luis Sequeira The Shape of Water BEST HAIR AND MAKEUP Beauty and the Beast Darkest Hour I, Tonya The Shape of Water Wonder BEST VISUAL EFFECTS Blade Runner 2049 Dunkirk The Shape of Water Thor: Ragnarok War for the Planet of the Apes Wonder Woman BEST ANIMATED FEATURE The Breadwinner Coco Despicable Me 3 The LEGO Batman Movie Loving Vincent BEST ACTION MOVIE Baby Driver Logan Thor: Ragnarok War for the Planet of the Apes Wonder Woman BEST COMEDY The Big Sick The Disaster Artist Girls Trip I, Tonya Lady Bird BEST ACTOR IN A COMEDY Steve Carell Battle of the Sexes James Franco The Disaster Artist Chris Hemsworth Thor: Ragnarok Kumail Nanjiani The Big Sick Adam Sandler The Meyerowitz Stories (New and Selected) BEST ACTRESS IN A COMEDY Tiffany Haddish Girls Trip Zoe Kazan The Big Sick Margot Robbie I, Tonya Saoirse Ronan Lady Bird Emma Stone Battle of the Sexes BEST SCI-FI OR HORROR MOVIE Blade Runner 2049 Get Out It The Shape of Water BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM BPM (Beats Per Minute) A Fantastic Woman First They Killed My Father In the Fade The Square Thelma BEST SONG Evermore Beauty and the Beast Mystery of Love Call Me By Your Name Remember Me Coco Stand Up for Something Marshall This Is Me The Greatest Showman BEST SCORE Alexandre Desplat The Shape of Water Jonny Greenwood Phantom Thread Dario Marianelli Darkest Hour Benjamin Wallfisch and Hans Zimmer Blade Runner 2049 John Williams The Post Hans Zimmer Dunkirk TELEVISION NOMINATIONS FOR THE 23rd ANNUAL CRITICS CHOICE AWARDS Best Drama Series American Gods (Starz) The Crown (Netflix) Game of Thrones (HBO) The Handmaids Tale (Hulu) Stranger Things (Netflix) This Is Us (NBC) Best Actor in a Drama Series Sterling K. Brown This Is Us (NBC) Paul Giamatti Billions (Showtime) Freddie Highmore Bates Motel (A&E) Ian McShane American Gods (Starz) Bob Odenkirk Better Call Saul (AMC) Liev Schreiber Ray Donovan (Showtime) Best Actress in a Drama Series Caitriona Balfe Outlander (Starz) Christine Baranski The Good Fight (CBS All Access) Claire Foy The Crown (Netflix) Tatiana Maslany Orphan Black (BBC America) Elisabeth Moss The Handmaids Tale (Hulu) Robin Wright House of Cards (Netflix) Best Supporting Actor in a Drama Series Bobby Cannavale Mr. Robot (USA) Asia Kate Dillon Billions (Showtime) Peter Dinklage Game of Thrones (HBO) David Harbour Stranger Things (Netflix) Delroy Lindo The Good Fight (CBS All Access) Michael McKean Better Call Saul (AMC) Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Gillian Anderson American Gods (Starz) Emilia Clarke Game of Thrones (HBO) Ann Dowd The Handmaids Tale (Hulu) Cush Jumbo The Good Fight (CBS All Access) Margo Martindale Sneaky Pete (Amazon) Chrissy Metz This Is Us (NBC) Best Comedy Series The Big Bang Theory (CBS) Black-ish (ABC) GLOW (Netflix) The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon) Modern Family (ABC) Patriot (Amazon) Best Actor in a Comedy Series Anthony Anderson Black-ish (ABC) Aziz Ansari Master of None (Netflix) Hank Azaria Brockmire (IFC) Ted Danson The Good Place (NBC) Thomas Middleditch Silicon Valley (HBO) Randall Park Fresh Off the Boat (ABC) Best Actress in a Comedy Series Kristen Bell The Good Place (NBC) Alison Brie GLOW (Netflix) Rachel Brosnahan The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon) Sutton Foster Younger (TV Land) Ellie Kemper Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (Netflix) Constance Wu Fresh Off the Boat (ABC) Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series Tituss Burgess Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (Netflix) Walton Goggins Vice Principals (HBO) Sean Hayes Will & Grace (NBC) Marc Maron GLOW (Netflix) Kumail Nanjiani Silicon Valley (HBO) Ed ONeill Modern Family (ABC) Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series Mayim Bialik The Big Bang Theory (CBS) Alex Borstein The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon) Betty Gilpin GLOW (Netflix) Jenifer Lewis Black-ish (ABC) Alessandra Mastronardi Master of None (Netflix) Rita Moreno One Day at a Time (Netflix) Best Limited Series American Vandal (Netflix) Big Little Lies (HBO) Fargo (FX) Feud: Bette and Joan (FX) Godless (Netflix) The Long Road Home (National Geographic) Best Movie Made for TV Flint (Lifetime) I Am Elizabeth Smart (Lifetime) The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (HBO) Sherlock: The Lying Detective (PBS) The Wizard of Lies (HBO) Best Actor in a Movie Made for TV or Limited Series Jeff Daniels Godless (Netflix) Robert De Niro The Wizard of Lies (HBO) Ewan McGregor Fargo (FX) Jack OConnell Godless (Netflix) Evan Peters American Horror Story: Cult (FX) Bill Pullman The Sinner (USA) Jimmy Tatro American Vandal (Netflix) Best Actress in a Movie Made for TV or Limited Series Jessica Biel The Sinner (USA) Alana Boden I Am Elizabeth Smart (Lifetime) Carrie Coon Fargo (FX) Nicole Kidman Big Little Lies (HBO) Jessica Lange Feud: Bette and Joan (FX) Reese Witherspoon Big Little Lies (HBO) Best Supporting Actor in a Movie Made for TV or Limited Series Johnny Flynn Genius (National Geographic) Benito Martinez American Crime (ABC) Alfred Molina Feud: Bette and Joan (FX) Alexander Skarsgard Big Little Lies (HBO) David Thewlis Fargo (FX) Stanley Tucci Feud: Bette and Joan (FX) Best Supporting Actress in a Movie Made for TV or Limited Series Judy Davis Feud: Bette and Joan (FX) Laura Dern Big Little Lies (HBO) Jackie Hoffman Feud: Bette and Joan (FX) Regina King American Crime (ABC) Michelle Pfeiffer The Wizard of Lies (HBO) Mary Elizabeth Winstead Fargo (FX) Best Talk Show Ellen (NBC) Harry (Syndicated) Jimmy Kimmel Live! (ABC) The Late Late Show with James Corden (CBS) The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (NBC) Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen (BRAVO) Best Animated Series Archer (FX) Bobs Burgers (FOX) BoJack Horseman (Netflix) Danger & Eggs (Amazon) Rick and Morty (Adult Swim) The Simpsons (FOX) Best Unstructured Reality Series Born This Way (A&E) Ice Road Truckers (History) Intervention (A&E) Live PD (A&E) Ride with Norman Reedus (AMC) Teen Mom (MTV) Best Structured Reality Series The Carbonaro Effect (truTV) Fixer Upper (HGTV) The Profit (CNBC) Shark Tank (ABC) Undercover Boss (CBS) Who Do You Think You Are? (TLC) Best Reality Competition Series Americas Got Talent (NBC) Chopped (Food Network) Dancing with the Stars (ABC) Project Runway (Lifetime) RuPauls Drag Race (VH1) The Voice (NBC) Best Reality Show Host Ted Allen Chopped (Food Network) Tyra Banks Americas Got Talent (NBC) Tom Bergeron Dancing with the Stars (ABC) Cat Deeley So You Think You Can Dance (FOX) Joanna and Chip Gaines Fixer Upper (HGTV) RuPaul RuPauls Drag Race (VH1) If you watch only one celebrity-fronted arts documentary this year and theres been no shortage of them to choose from in 2017 make it this wonderful film. Written and directed by Gerry Hoban, the man behind last years fiery and quirky two-parter A Fanatic Heart: Bob Geldof on Yeats, this is half the length of that production, but arguably twice as informative about its subject. Which is just as well, because if any writer is in dire need of recognition and rediscovery in his own land, its George Bernard Shaw. Joyce and Beckett are Official Irelands literary icons, even though very few among us have actually read them. Whether or not you have a taste for Yeats and Kavanagh, youre force-fed them at school. Expand Close My Astonishing Self: Gabriel Byrne on George Bernard Shaw, RTE One / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp My Astonishing Self: Gabriel Byrne on George Bernard Shaw, RTE One But you wont find Shaw on the school curriculum. Hes under-appreciated, said Byrne, the forgotten man of Irish literature. People around Dublin know his name, but perhaps not much else. We probably should have given him greater recognition, said President Michael D Higgins, one of an impressive roster of contributors that included actors (Ralph Fiennes, Gemma Arterton), theatre directors (Nicholas Hytner, Josie Rourke), historians and journalists (Diarmaid Ferriter, Fintan OToole), Shaw biographer Michael Holroyd and comedian Dara O Briain. The driving force of this excellent, impeccably produced film was the kinship Byrne feels with Shaw. Growing up in Dublin in the 1950s, Byrne felt stifled. There was some instinct inside me to prove myself against something else, he said. When he moved to London in the 1980s, he felt like an outsider. Yet, whenever he returned to Ireland, he felt like he didnt quite fit in here, either. Shaw, a Protestant, was similarly ill at ease as a shy young man, eventually feeling neither wholly Irish nor wholly English, even though he spent most of his life in the latter country. Born into what he called genteel poverty in Synge Street (though the family wasnt so poor as not to be able to afford a nanny, who had a sideline as a prostitute), he was embarrassed about his circumstances, which made his time at the Central Model School in Marlborough Street a deeply unhappy experience. Shaws poverty was nothing like that endured by the working-class of Dublins slums, of course, but he saw their deprivation and suffering around him every day, and it appalled him. Theres the smell of the slums in his nostrils, said Fintan OToole. It was this burning desire for equality for all that would shape his socialist and feminist beliefs way ahead of their time and also inform his plays, including Mrs Warrens Profession (about prostitution), which scandalised Victorian society, Man and Superman, and his most famous work, Pygmalion which, despite being sunnily repurposed as the Hollywood musical My Fair Lady, is seriously political as well as seriously funny. Video of the Day But before the world discovered Shaw, Shaw had to find his place in it. In order to make it in London, he reinvented himself, created a persona. He had to invent GBS, said Michael Holroyd, he had to become this entertainer. In 1904, Shaw enjoyed a residency at the Royal Court the very theatre where Byrne made his London debut. He began his run by taking the piss out of the English, and the Irish, said Byrne. The play was John Bulls Other Island. David Lloyd George went to see it five times. Edward VII laughed so hard, he broke his chair. While laughter is what we most associate with Shaws plays, a cloud hangs over him: his wrong-headed admiration for fascist dictators. Archive footage from the 1930s captured him praising Hitler and Mussolini, and ending with a fascist salute. But by then, Shaw was in his 70s, frustrated with democracys failure to deliver equality, and naively thought dictators might do a better job. He never admitted in late life that hed made a terrible mistake. He didnt have the humility to admit he was wrong, said Fintan OToole, but for all the dark parts of him, he did more than any modern individual to uphold the ideas that everybody could be dignified by their mind, by having the power to think as individuals. My Astonishing Self: Gabriel Byrne on George Bernard Shaw is available on RTE Player. Members of the Defence Forces take part in a terror scenario based on a knife attack at Pearse Street rail station yesterday Five hundred troops were deployed on the streets yesterday as part of an exercise designed to test the reaction of the Defence Forces to terrorist attacks. The troops were called in at short notice at the request of the Garda authorities to help cope with the fallout from an initial terror strike and subsequent intelligence that further terror strikes were being planned at key installations. The scenario was based on real-life attacks in major European centres like Barcelona and Paris and the military response was spearheaded by their elite anti-terror unit, the Army Ranger Wing. Chief of Staff of the Defence Forces Vice Admiral Mark Mellett, who watched the main thrust of the exercise at the former Odlum's site at Dublin Port, pledged that increasing the strength of the Ranger Wing was a top priority and said plans were well advanced. The troops were drawn from stand-by units at 10 barracks in Dublin (McKee and Cathal Brugha), the Defence Forces training centre at the Curragh, Dundalk, Athlone, Kilkenny, Cork, Limerick, Galway and Finner, Co Donegal. They were not notified about their tasks until 6am. According to the exercise scenario, six terrorists had mounted a knife attack at Pearse Street rail station, resulting in eight people being killed and 20 injured. Gardai had shot and captured one terrorist and discovered other terror cells were planning a series of attacks. Expand Close Members of the Defence Forces take part in a terror scenario based on a knife attack at Pearse Street rail station yesterday / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Members of the Defence Forces take part in a terror scenario based on a knife attack at Pearse Street rail station yesterday Scene of the shooting in Ballymun this morning THREE people have been arrested after an Emergency Response Unit (ERU) officer was shot during an operation in Ballymun in Dublin this morning. Early indications are that the garda was shot from inside a property as officers tried to force an entry to a house in the Barnwell area of Ballymun in Dublin. Expand Close Scene of the shooting of an ERU Garda in Barnwell Drive in Ballymun this morning / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Scene of the shooting of an ERU Garda in Barnwell Drive in Ballymun this morning It is understood officers were using an angle grinder to try to gain entry through a reinforced door at the back of a house. A member of the ERU was shot in the arm as they tried to force their way in. Gardai believe the shots - one of which hit the officer - were fired from the house. When the gardai gained entry, there were further shots fired and a man inside the property was shot. He was hit in the shoulder. He is understood to be in his late teens. A source told that the armed Gardai shot during the raid was extremely lucky he wasnt hit in the head. Expand Close Scene of the shooting of an ERU Garda in Barnwell Drive in Ballymun this morning / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Scene of the shooting of an ERU Garda in Barnwell Drive in Ballymun this morning The source said:It is just pure luck that he wasnt hit in the head or neck. This is what you are dealing with these days, dangerous armed criminals who are happy to fire their weapons on anyone, including Gardai The injuries to the garda and the man are not believed to be life-threatening. Both were treated at the scene before being taken to hospital. Gardai have confirmed that three people have been arrested in relation to the incident. Two women and one man, aged in their 30s and 40s, have been arrested. They are being detained in Clontarf, Swords and Ballymun stations. The Garda Ombudsman has been notified of the incident because a gun was discharged by a garda member during the planned operation. In a statement, Minister for Justice Charlie Flanagan said: I learned with concern this morning that a member of An Garda Siochana was shot and injured in the course of a Garda operation in North Dublin. I wish him a full and speedy recovery. Incidents like this highlight the danger that can face members of An Garda Siochana in carrying out their duties. "The work of uniformed Gardai and the special units is critical in keeping people safe and tackling serious criminals whose activities can destroy communities. I acknowledge the good work of An Garda Siochana and assure the force of my continued support for its efforts." Deputy Commissioner John Twomey, who is appearing today at the Oireachtas Justice Committee, noted that a Garda member was "shot in the line of duty" this morning. He offered the Garda member and his family his best wishes. Members of the committee echoed those sentiments. A Dublin civil servant who stole over 6,500 in fake Jobseekers allowance claims under her brother's name has received a three and a half year suspended sentence. Jacqueline Walsh (33) was brought to the attention of gardai by her brother, William Walsh, after he tried to make a Revenue claim and discovered false claims had been made under his name. Walsh, with an address in Millbrook Lawns, Tallaght, pleaded guilty in Dublin Circuit Criminal Court yesterday to four counts of stealing money from the Department of Social Protection between October 2011 and May 2012. Eight other counts were taken into consideration. The mother-of-four stole a total of 6736 over nine months while she was working in the Tallaght branch of the Dept of Social Protection. The court heard that Walsh had accessed details in relation to her brother's PPS number. On Wednesday, Judge Karen O'Connor said she had not lightly imposed a wholly suspended sentence and had very seriously considered custody. She noted the premeditation involved and said: Better services can be provided to those in need and to children in need if the Exchequer is not at a loss. The judge took into account Walsh's difficult upbringing, past tragedies and that she provided for two young children with health difficulties when passing sentence. Judge O'Connor said she saw no reality in imposing community sanctions on Walsh given her personal circumstances and family commitments. She suspended the sentence for three and a half years and ordered that Walsh undergo 18 months of probation service supervision and complete victim focused work. Detective Garda Colin Rochford told prosecution barrister, Karl Finnegan BL, that three claims were made in the name of William Walsh under three different staff member user names within the department. None of these user names belonged to Jacqueline Walsh. The court heard that a culture existed in the Tallaght office back in 2011 whereby computers were regularly left unlocked and employees could access each other's user names. Walsh resigned from the department shortly before her offending came to light in 2015 and moved to a company. When interviewed by gardai she said she did not have the expertise to carry out the claims, but admitted to receiving the money into her account. This was refuted by her superior, who told gardai Walsh was competent at accessing the claims system. Det Gda Rochford agreed with defence barrister Kieran Kelly BL, that gardai were unable to prove who carried out the claims. The court heard Walsh has no previous convictions save for some minor road traffic offences. None of the stolen money was recovered. Mr Kelly said Walsh has four young children, including two with health issues. She is currently on maternity leave and is receiving state maternity benefit. Her partner is a full-time carer for his father and receives a carers' allowance. They struggle financially and are currently in arrears on their mortgage, the court heard. Mr Kelly said Walsh was remorseful for her actions. Ordinarily, she is a good person and she wants to move forward, he said. A young woman who was sexually assaulted by her grandfather claims her grandmother failed to exercise reasonable care for her safety when she was looking after her, the High Court heard. The woman, who is in her 20s, is suing both grandparents and also claiming both entered a conspiracy to defeat her claim for damages. She alleges her grandfather transferred three specified properties into the grandmother's name. When she was aged between nine and 12, the woman was subjected to a large number of sexual assaults by her grandfather at various locations in Ireland and abroad when she was in his care. The court has granted the woman, who cannot be named by order of the judge, orders directing her grandfather's psychiatric records be given to her legal team. She also won an order directing her grandparents to give details of property transactions. Mr Justice Anthony Barr said it was a somewhat unusual application where the young woman sought an order directing the grandfather should make discovery of his medical records from two psychiatric institutions. The abuse involved her grandfather intimately touching and rubbing the area of her private parts and this occurred on a weekly basis between June 2005 and January 2008. Criminal charges were brought against the grandfather who pleaded guilty before the Circuit Criminal Court in 2010 to 18 offences against his granddaughter and was jailed. As part of her claim, she says that sometime in May 2010, her grandparents allegedly entered a conspiracy to defeat her claim for damages and with intent to defraud her and render worthless any judgment obtained by her arising out of the property transfer. Mr Justice Barr said in a defence filed there were certain partial admissions by the grandfather who put in issue certain matters in relation to his mental state at the time the admitted acts were carried out. The judge said medical records in general, and in particular psychiatric records, are of a highly confidential nature. However, the court can direct discovery of the medical records, if it is satisfied it is necessary in the interests of doing justice between the parties. He was satisfied, as the grandfather had specifically put his mental state and his perception of the particular acts in issue in his defence, that it was appropriate to order the discovery. The Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday sent the nomination of Omaha attorney Steve Grasz to a seat on the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to the full Senate for its consideration on an 11-9, party-line split vote. Democratic members of the committee lined up in opposition to the nomination in the wake of the American Bar Association's judgment that Grasz was "not qualified" to serve on the federal bench. Grasz, Nebraska's former chief deputy attorney general, was recommended to President Donald Trump by Sens. Deb Fischer and Ben Sasse and the president, in turn, submitted his nomination to the Senate. Next stop is Senate action to confirm the nomination. "Steve Grasz has extraordinary ethics, sterling credentials and bipartisan support from across the state of Nebraska," Fischer said in hailing the committee's action. "Without a doubt, he is the right choice for this seat on the 8th Circuit. "I hope Steve's nomination will swiftly move to the Senate floor for a final vote so he can put his skills to work for the American people," Fischer said. Sasse, a member of the committee, took to the floor of the Senate to describe Grasz as "one of the foremost appellate attorneys in the state of Nebraska" and a man of "integrity, humility and decency." "Steve has earned the support of Republicans and Democrats back in Nebraska," Sasse said, "and I hope that when his nomination comes to the floor of the Senate, we will take to heart all of the support that he has across the political spectrum and from well-respected lawyers across our state." The father of missing Trevor Deely has told how the unsuccessful search operation for his son has left him "emotionally drained". Michael and Ann Deely and their three other children will tomorrow mark the 17th anniversary of the disappearance of 22-year-old Trevor with a prayer service in their home town of Naas, Co Kildare. Michael (75) said his hopes of a breakthrough in the case had been raised earlier this year after renewed appeals and CCTV images led to what was the most significant search yet for the missing bank official. Dozens of gardai took part in a painstaking dig at a 12-acre site in west Dublin in August, following new information. But the family's hopes of a breakthrough were dashed when gardai confirmed there was no trace of Trevor. Speaking on National Missing Persons Day, which was marked with a ceremony at Farmleigh House in Dublin's Phoenix Park, Michael said his overriding emotion in what has been a rollercoaster of a year, was "huge frustration". "For years and years we had got nowhere and there were no new leads in the case, and then all of a sudden there was a very dramatic development. In terms of the investigation into Trevor, it's been the most active year we have had. "But unfortunately nothing has come of it. Of course I'd been hoping that this anniversary and this Christmas period might be different and that we'd get a breakthrough, but that hasn't happened." CAO applicants have until February 1 to submit their application form. Many applicants can find this process confusing as the CAO allows application to three separate levels on two lists. Applicants should place Level 8 courses on one list and Level 7 and 6 courses on the other. It is possible for applicants to be offered a place on courses from both lists. Level 8 A Level 8 degree is also known as an honours degree. This is what many people think of when they think of a traditional university degree. They are generally four years in duration, with some notable exceptions. Architecture, for example, is five years and arts degrees are often three years, although more four-year options are available from this year. Students mainly apply for these courses through the CAO, with some private colleges also offering Level 8 courses, outside of the CAO system. Leaving Cert students must meet the minimum entry requirements and any essential subject requirement for these courses and then compete with other students on the basis of CAO points to win a place. Minimum requirements for all Level 8 courses are normally two H5 grades and four O6 grades (with the exception of Trinity College Dublin which requires three H5 and three O6/H7). Once those requirements are met, it is the competition for places - which depends on the demand for any given courses and the number of places on it - that determines the cut-off points. Level 8 programmes are offered at universities, Institutes of technology, private colleges and training colleges. Level 7 Level 7 degrees are known as ordinary degrees. They are generally three years in duration and students mainly apply for these courses through the CAO, while some private colleges offer Level 7 courses outside the CAO. Students are required to meet the minimum entry requirements, essential subjects and then compete for places on the basis of points. Many institutions require a student to achieve five O6/H7 grades for entry to Level 7 although there are some exceptions. Essential subject requirements are also lower at Level 7. For example, a student wishing to study engineering at Level 8 in DIT will require a H4 in math while engineering courses at Level 7 in DIT require an O4/H7 in math. Level 7 degrees are offered at universities, institutes of technology, and private colleges. Minimum CAO points tend to range from AQA to late 400s. The majority of Level 7 courses contain an option of an 'add on' year. This makes it possible for students to complete one extra year and receive a Level 8 qualification. In order to identify if a level 7 course offers an add-on year, a student can check their CAO handbook. If the course offers an 'add on' year, the third column of the handbook will contain the letters 'DG+HD'. DG indicates that the course is a degree while +HD indicates that an add-on year is available to achieve an honours degree. I will deal with Level 6 next week. Aoife Walsh is a guidance counsellor at Malahide Community School, Co Dublin Irish 10-year-olds are holding their heads high after emerging as the best in Europe, and among the top in the world, in reading. In fact, that goes for our 11 and 12-year-olds too, because the 4,800 Irish pupils who participated in the world's largest assessment of reading ability at primary level in April 2016 are now in sixth class. In five short years, Ireland has lifted its performance in PIRLS - Progress in International Reading Literacy Study - on all counts, making some remarkable leaps in the process. The credit belongs to a combination of policy, dedicated teachers and principals and high-level engagement by Irish parents in their children's education. As would be expected, there was a 100pc response rate from Irish teachers to questionnaires associated with PIRLS and 99pc response from schools. Parents were also surveyed about matters such as how often they read to their children and, In Ireland, some 92pc replied; in some countries, it was below 50pc. PIRLS is a project of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), which started in 2001. It runs at five-yearly intervals and Ireland participated for the first time in 2011, when alarm bells were ringing about key educational indicators in this country. There had been the shock lower-than-expected performance in reading literacy and maths among 15-year-olds in the country in the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2009. Department of Education inspectors were raising issues about standards in their reports on school visits and there had been no improvements since the early 1980s in the National Assessments of English reading and maths. These are conducted by the Educational Research Centre (ERC), Drumcondra, on behalf of the Department of Education, and track standards within the country, but don't allow for external comparison. The ERC is also the Irish agency for PIRLS. Expand Close Click to enlarge / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Click to enlarge That perfect storm of unfavourable indicators led to the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategy in 2011, around the same time as Ireland was getting the first results from PIRLS 2011. Then, Irish 10-year-olds were 10th among 48 participating countries, with five countries, including Northern Ireland, performing at a significantly higher level. Read More Today, their score of 567 is 15 points higher than in 2011 and they are third out of 50 internationally and the best in Europe. Only two countries - Singapore and the Russian Federation - performed significantly better. PIRLS assessment is equally divided between literary and informational texts. ePIRLS only assesses pupils' ability to read for informational purpose. However, while ePIRLS students have to navigate a simulated internet environment, the focus of the assessment is on reading comprehension rather than navigation skills. In both PIRLS and ePIRLS, 60pc of the assessment is directed at examining pupils' ability to make straight-forward inferences and to interpret and integrate ideas and information. Some 20pc examines what is regarded as the generally easier process of retrieving explicitly stated information and another 20pc assesses the more difficult process of evaluating and critiquing. What is particularly encouraging is that Ireland has improved on every measure in PIRLS. At the top end, the percentage of pupils with "advanced" reading skills in Ireland rose from 16pc in 2011 to 21pc in 2016, more than double the international average of 10pc. And 62pc of Irish pupils came in the next category "high", compared with the international average of 47pc. The outcomes for weaker students are just as important, and the results show that the number of pupils with only basic reading skills has dropped significantly. The gender gap in Ireland is smaller than the gap internationally and it has narrowed significantly because boys have made greater strides than girls, although girls have also improved. In ePIRLS, only Singapore outperformed Ireland. Eemer Eivers of the ERC, one of the PIRLS report's authors, describes the results of ePIRLS as particularly interesting. ePIRLS was the first assessment of its kind at primary level and she says "it is encouraging to see that most Irish pupils had little or no difficulty navigating through the complex online scenarios they encountered. Equally, they seem able to evaluate information in a digital environment - for example, identifying the more reliable sources of information and integrating information from multiple web pages." The National Assessments of English Reading and Mathematics, published in 2014, showed the first significant improvements in the reading achievement of Irish primary pupils for over 30 years. Stock picture Any single set of test results in an international survey has to be treated with caution. Outcomes can fluctuate unexpectedly up and down. But this very positive outcome tallies with other information that we have about the reading achievement of Irish pupils. The National Assessments of English Reading and Mathematics, published in 2014, showed the first significant improvements in the reading achievement of Irish primary pupils for over 30 years. Data from the Educational Research Centre's evaluation of the DEIS initiative in schools serving pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds have shown consistent improvements in pupils' achievement in reading and maths. So what has brought about this welcome improvement in literacy? There is no single cause for the gains we see. Instead, I think it is fair to say that a combination of factors and a coordinated effort across many fronts have helped bring about improvement. Certainly, yesterday's results are a tribute to our school leaders and teachers who have worked assiduously to raise reading standards. PIRLS data shows, too, that Irish parents are deeply committed to providing the home atmosphere that supports their children's learning. Probably the most significant initiative to support schools and parents in this work was the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategy 2011-2020, the first fully coordinated national attempt to set out clear targets and a range of linked actions to improve literacy and mathematics in schools. It has supported and challenged the education system in a range of ways to improve reading (and mathematics) achievement. The 4th class pupils who took the PIRLS 2016 test experienced the changes the strategy brought about since they were in infant classes. Schools were asked to increase the time available for the teaching of the core skills of literacy. Teachers were also encouraged to extend the teaching of literacy throughout all areas of learning in a broad and balanced primary school curriculum. School Self-Evaluation (SSE) was introduced in 2012. SSE asked principals and teachers to examine how well their own pupils were learning and to identify how their achievement might be improved. A range of supports was provided and schools were encouraged to set targets and monitor how well they were improving learning. School inspections were altered to bring a sharper focus on literacy and numeracy achievement. Standardised tests of reading became mandatory at 2nd, 4th and 6th class levels and schools have to share the results with parents. In addition, schools were required to look at the overall trends in their data and report to the Department. This helped to create a culture where monitoring and improving outcomes is becoming a routine part of school life. Initial teacher education programmes were revised significantly to enhance young teachers' capacity to teach literacy. A major investment was also made in the Professional Development Service for Teachers. So the improvements we are seeing in PIRLS 2016 come after a sustained period of effort and focus on literacy in our primary schools. They demonstrate that when challenging targets are adopted and there is a strategic, system-wide effort to address them, improvements can be achieved in pupils' learning. The challenge now is to build on this success. Initiatives included in Minister Richard Bruton's Action Plan for Education 2016-2019, such as the Excellence Fund, revised literacy and numeracy targets, and comprehensive policies for STEM education are seeking to bring an equally ambitious and concerted approach to the development of other elements of the school system. It is through such focussed approaches, matched by necessary investment, that the Action Plan's goal of having Ireland become the best education system in Europe by 2026 may be realised. Harold Hislop, Chief Inspector, Department of Education and Skills The number of patients waiting for a bed in hospital A&Es yesterday soared to "national emergency" levels, with many enduring delays of over 24 hours on a trolley. There were 494 patients on trolleys - just one short of when overcrowding was deemed an emergency in 2006 by former Health Minister Mary Harney. Hospitals in Galway, Tullamore, Limerick, Cork, Mullingar and Kilkenny were struggling to care for patients in cramped conditions. Health Minister Simon Harris had to get a 195m bailout to cover a range of health service overruns, including 30m for hospitals. This was despite earlier claims they would have to stay within budget in 2017. He blamed some private patients for refusing to allow public hospitals to bill their insurance company for their care. This is in response to a campaign by health insurance companies urging members not to pay for their accommodation if they are in a public ward. It means the level of private income has fallen, Mr Harris said. Some 10m of the funds will go to reduce hospital waiting lists, he added. Meanwhile, the three children's hospitals in Dublin have reported a surge in young patients with a serious respiratory virus. The outbreak of RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), the most common cause of pneumonia in children under the age of one, is causing major patient delays. Parents are being urged not to bring their child to Our Lady's Hospital Crumlin, Temple Street or Tallaght Hospital if they have a minor or non-urgent complaint and to see their GP instead. The increase in cases has led to a dramatic rise in attendances and admissions to the three hospitals and it has been particularly bad this week. A statement from the hospitals said there is a particular increase in young children and infants presenting with respiratory infections, in particular RSV. "While this occurs every winter, the increase in presentations to our emergency departments has been more significant this season. "Some babies and children with this virus can become very unwell requiring supportive treatment and prolonged hospital admissions. "Based on previous infection control data it is anticipated that this virus will continue to be at peak levels for the next three to four weeks." The three A&Es are open but patients can expect delays. Meanwhile, the decision to name the new national children's hospital as Phoenix Children's Hospital Ireland is set to be reviewed following threats of legal action by the Phoenix Children's Hospital in Arizona over possible confusion. Mr Harris said he will consider the name in advance of legislation establishing the new entity in law to run the new hospital. WHEN Sophia McGuinness was examined by surgeons at Our Lady's Hospital Crumlin last April her family were told the sooner she is operated on for her scoliosis the better. But the schoolgirl from Dun Laoghaire, Dublin, who turns 12 this week, is still on a waiting list for spinal fusion and has no date yet for surgery. Sophia, who suffers from cerebral palsy and can only communicate by computer, is in increasing pain and discomfort as her scoliosis worsens. Her father Aaron said: "This is the second time Sophia has needed surgery. She was previously on a waiting list for 14 months before eventually having an operation on her lower lumbar spine. "At that point the delay left her very sick and her right lung stopped working because her organs were squashed." She could not sit in her chair and she was on morphine. He said the delay made the surgery more complicated and she lost a lot of blood. Her scoliosis has since deteriorated and she is on regular pain medication. "Sophia cannot speak but through a computer can tell us if she is in pain or sore. She is telling us a lot of that now." Aaron said he wrote to Health Minister Simon Harris who referred him to the waiting list plan to have no child on a list for more than four months by December. "I know that children who are more severe than Sophia are getting priority, which is fine. But it means my daughter has to become sicker to get treatment. "If politicians put half the effort into fixing the problem as masking it we would be a whole lot better off. "We can never get a straight answer," he said. An investigation was launched at a south Dublin school after a female teacher gave a teenage boy a computer which contained a topless photo of her on it. The incident happened early last week when the boy opened the device, said to be a laptop or tablet, and found the photograph of the teacher topless with her breasts exposed. The student reportedly then copied the image, added a message to it, and circulated it on social media. Sources said there are reports that the image has been re-shared many more times and that it has now spread to people as far away as Cork. understands the student was suspended as a result of his actions. However, parents of students are said to be angry at the school management because they claim there was no action taken against the teacher for having the image on the computer, which is school property accessible by students. The parents are up in arms over it. They say all the punishment has been in the direction of the young lad but nothing appears to have been done about the teacher, a source said. They feel the punishment is one-sided and that the teacher must bear some responsibility. They cant understand why they have not been informed of any action against her over this, they added. The Irish Independent contacted the school for comment in relation to the allegations that the female teacher had supplied a computer to a young male student with a topless photograph of her on it and that the image was accessed by the student. The school principal declined to comment on the issue. The Irish Independent also put it to the principal that while the child had been punished by suspension there appeared to be no reprimand or disciplining of the teacher. Again, the principal declined to comment. A spokesperson for the Department of Education said it had not received any report or compliant relating to this matter. However, a spokesperson stressed that it was very conscious of ensuring any information it received in relation to child protection matters was transmitted to the appropriate authorities in accordance with Children First Guidelines It is the responsibility of the relevant school authority to ensure that the procedures for dealing with child protection concerns are followed in accordance with department guidance, the spokesperson explained. Schools are not required to report child protection concerns to the Department of Education and Skills. However, on occasion child protection concerns can be brought to the attention of staff in the department. Where this occurs the departments procedures for responding to child protection concerns are followed. The spokesperson added: While the Department has no role in investigating individual child protection concerns, it is very conscious of ensuring any information received is transmitted to the appropriate authorities in accordance with Children First Guidelines. Tusla and the Garda have the necessary statutory powers and expertise to conduct investigations in this very sensitive area. Any referral by the department involving a school makes clear that the agency can contact the department if it is not satisfied with the schools role or cooperation during the course of their work. Ireland will consider British proposals to reassure the Democratic Unionist Party on a border deal for Brexit but will not agree changes to the core of a draft agreement which emerged on Monday. That was the view of Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney who told the Dail the Irish Government remained determined that a hard border cannot be put in place after the United Kingdom leaves the European Union. The Tanaiste said the Irish Government would certainly look at any new proposals from British Prime Minister, Theresa May, aimed at overcoming the DUPs objections to the draft deal allowing cross-border relations continue after Brexit happens. But our position is that the core meaning of the text we had on Monday needs to remain intact, Mr Coveney said. He was replying to Sinn Fein deputy leader, Mary Lou McDonald, who said her party had given the Government qualified support for its conduct of Brexit negotiations. Today we hear new and worrying language coming from the Government, Ms McDonald referring to the Taoiseachs statement that he would consider changes proposed by Mrs May. If the Tories want to sail off into the sunset away from the European Union, thats their business. But the North of Ireland is our business, she added. Ms McDonald demanded a guarantee from Mr Coveney that the North remain part of the EU single market and customs union after Brexit. She also said the EU Courts jurisdiction must remain in tact and the Good Friday Agreement must be respected. But Mr Coveney said he had an obligation not to stoke things up in an already difficult situation. We will not support the re-emergence of a hard border, he stressed. But I need to be cautious about what I say and how I say it, the Tanaiste added. In another Dail exchange, Mr Coveney insisted moves towards greater EU defence cooperation does not amount to joining an EU army. People Before Profit TD, Richard Boyd Barrett said Government moves to take Ireland into the EUs Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) programme breached the Irish Constitution and went against military neutrality. Mr Barrett accused the Government of trying to ram through legislation permitting Ireland joining PESCO with a rushed and very limited debate. He said PESCO was being touted by EU leaders, Jean Claude Juncker and Donald Tusk, as an EU army. But Mr Coveney said some TDs were trying to suggest PESCO was something more than it was in reality. He said the programme allowed countries to opt into certain things on a case by case basis. Mr Coveney insisted that PESCO would allow cooperation on things like peacekeeping, counter terrorism, training and marine surveillance. Mr Boyd Barrett said this was cynical rubbish and he challenged the Foreign Affairs Minister to publish Attorney Generals legal advice on the issue. But the Minister for Foreign Affairs said Deputy Boyd Barrett knew this was not permitted. Taoiseach Leo Varadkar during a press conference at Government Buildings in Dublin following Brexit negotiations. Laura Hutton/PA Wire BRITISH Prime Minister Theresa May is to provide the Irish Government with a new text aimed at resolving the impasse on a Brexit deal today. During a 15-minute phonecall with Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, the embattled prime minister said that, having consulted with the DUP and officials in London, she was preparing fresh language. Mr Varadkar said he would review the wording with an "open mind" but that the "red-line issues" adopted by Ireland even before the referendum remained. He said "the room to manoeuvre is small", but he believed Mrs May was "negotiating in good faith". Following a meeting with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, the Taoiseach adopted a diplomatic tone in a clear attempt to calm the fractures which have developed between Dublin, Belfast and London in recent days. He warned that the Irish Government was not so much concerned that a Border would have to be erected on the day after Brexit, but that a "creeping Border" would develop over time. Expand Close Theresa May faces the problem of satisfying competing demands. Photo: Getty Images / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Theresa May faces the problem of satisfying competing demands. Photo: Getty Images He said the language in the deal was not a major problem for Ireland but the outcome would be. "I think the risk is over a number of years," he said, making the case for regulatory alignment. He said the laws in the Republic and the North did not have to be similar on everything but did need to be "sufficiently" aligned so that a "Border by stealth" didn't develop. "It's not an attempt in some ways to impose the same laws on both sides of the Border." Mr Varadkar also urged the UK to adopt a similar approach for England, Scotland and Wales. He repeated that Ireland had no hidden agenda but said it wanted "normal business and normal people to continue their normal lives". Asked to respond to DUP leader Arlene Foster's claim that Dublin blocked Mrs May from showing it the text of Monday's deal, Mr Varadkar said: "I know it's not true." He added that the accusation made no sense since the UK government would not take instructions from Dublin, adding that he "won't be accepting any provocation from anyone on any of these matters". The Taoiseach added that he wanted to work with Mrs May to repair the rift that had opened up in Anglo-Irish relations since the Brexit discussions began. "I wouldn't like to be the Taoiseach and I know she wouldn't want to be the prime minister that began the unravelling of all that progress that has been made in the past 20 years," he said. Mr Rutte said the Netherlands fully backed the Irish position and would continue to do so for as long as it took to get a deal, even if that meant delaying progress on Brexit talks into the New Year. "I hate Brexit from every angle. I don't understand it," he said. NORFOLK The TransCanada pipeline company plans to hold meetings in three Nebraska cities to discuss its Keystone XL project. Company spokeswoman Robynn Tysver says TransCanada knows that many landowners have questions about the pipeline and the alternative route approved by the Nebraska Public Service Commission last month. The company is arranging what it's calling Landowner Engagement Centers in Columbus, Norfolk and Seward starting Monday and running through Thursday. They will open at noon and close at 8 p.m. each day. Landowners are invited to visit with company representatives at the informal gatherings. The Divots Conference Center will be the Norfolk site. In Columbus, TransCanada officials will be at the Ramada Columbus Hotel and Convention Center. The Cobblestone Hotel will be the Seward location. Mr Connolly said that the Eighth Amendment imposes a restriction on bodily autonomy. Stock photo: Tom Honan/PA Wire A majority of TDs and senators on the Oireachtas Committee on Abortion will recommend repealing the Eighth Amendment. The committee is charged with recommending to the Oireachtas the wording of the referendum on abortion due to be held next year. A series of votes on the recommendations of the Citizens' Assembly will be taken next week. Earlier in the year, the assembly voted overwhelmingly for greater access to abortion for Irish women. At least 12 out of the 21 members of the committee say they believe the Eighth Amendment should be changed. Since September, the committee has been hearing expert testimony from lawyers, doctors and consultants. A debate was held yesterday in which all members discussed their views on both the committee and the recommendations of the Citizens' Assembly. Calling for the amendment to be repealed, Independent TD Claire Daly said: "The Constitution isn't the place to regulate medicine." Meanwhile, the Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference has appealed to members of the committee to "consider how society can best respond to the personal needs of women within a legal and constitutional framework which acknowledges the right to life of the unborn, together with the equal right to life of the mother". In a statement following their winter meeting, the bishops said the removal of Article 40.3.3 "can have no effect other than to expose unborn children to greater risk". THE Dail has passed a government proposal to join, Pesco, an organisation aimed at deepening defence cooperation among EU member states. TDs voted 75 to 42 in favour of the decision to take part in Pesco (Permanent Structured Co-operation Agreement) despite opposition concerns about the implications of the move. Independents4Change TD Mick Wallace had argued on Wednesday that an EU army was being created and raised concern. He raised concern that Ireland's neutral status is already "on a pretty shaky footing" and raised fears it could be the final nail in the coffin of this policy. Taoiseach Leo Varadkar insisted that the government will defend Ireland's neutrality and said the country would be joining Pesco on an opt-in, opt-out basis. He said Europe is "worth defending" and should not be dependent on the United States in this regard. Mr Varadkar gave counter-terrorism initiatives, cyber-security and peacekeeping as as example of areas Ireland may participate in. He said Ireland won't be buying aircraft carriers or fighter jets. Labour TD Brendan Ryan had asked for a halt to the vote on Pesco membership arguing that there hadn't been enough national debate on the matter. He referred to Mr Varadkar's remarks about how Ireland won't be entering the market for heavy weaponry but raised concern about the desire among some member states for an "increasingly militarised" EU. Fine Gael TD Martin Heydon last night said joining Pesco will be good for the Irish Defence Forces pointing to a plan to build a peace and leadership institute at the Curragh Camp. "I hope that our joining Pesco will lead to the advancement of that proposal," he said. He said there's no obligation on Ireland to increase defence spending to 2pc of GDP under Pesco membership. But he said he would like to see increased investment in Defence Forces personnel given the reduction in their allowances over the past decade. Ms Fitzgerald insists she will be vindicated at the tribunal. Photo: Gerry Mooney The Department of Justice has come in for stinging criticism over the level of information it has sent to the Disclosures Tribunal which is examining the treatment of Garda whistleblowers. The Oireachtas Justice Committee heard that there was no general trawl of emails when the tribunal first sought discovery of documents and that officials forwarded items they deemed relevant to the probe. Justice officials were grilled just over a week after tanaiste and former justice minister Frances Fitzgerald's resignation. She fell on her sword after the emergence of emails from 2015 showed she was informed about the legal strategy being pursued by Garda management against whistleblower Sergeant Maurice McCabe at the previous O'Higgins Commission. Ms Fitzgerald insists she will be vindicated at the tribunal. Acting Department of Justice secretary general Oonagh McPhillips told the committee that all three discovery orders made by the tribunal have been fully complied with. She said the email chains that sparked the recent controversy have also been forwarded to Mr Justice Charleton's probe. The department official responsible for policing, John O'Callaghan, said the emails hadn't been found at the time when the discovery orders had been made earlier this year. He said the staff involved in dealing with the discovery orders were "fully au fait with all of the issues" and knew the relevant documents that were available. Under questioning by Fianna Fail TD Jack Chambers, Mr O'Callaghan confirmed that there had been no widespread electronic trawl of documents of the kind seen in recent weeks to see if there were emails that might be relevant. Ms McPhillips said there are many thousands of documents that mention the people involved in the whistleblower issue and she didn't believe sending all of them to the tribunal would be of assistance. Fine Gael Senator Martin Conway said he was "flabbergasted" that the department would argue that "an overload of information to the tribunal would be inappropriate". Labour TD Alan Kelly claimed the department "effectively didn't provide the information because it wasn't asked for it", saying he found this "very alarming". Ms McPhillips repeatedly insisted there was "no withholding" of any information. Gardai at the scene of the fatal crash between a rental car and a truck which saw four members of the Alexander family killed in Cushinstown Co Wexford. Photo: Steve Humphreys Grieving relatives of the Alexander family will finalise details today for the repatriation to the US of the remains of the four people killed in a horror road crash in Co Wexford. A memorial service is expected to be held in Ireland before the remains are repatriated. Tyrone-born Doug Alexander, his wife Lily, both aged 75, and their two sons Steven (49) and Doug Jnr (52) died when their hired car was in collision with an articulated lorry a few kilometres from New Ross on Monday evening. They were travelling from Shannon Airport to the wake of Lily's sister Winnie at her home in Lacken, New Ross, when the crash happened. Lily and Winnie were originally from Patrickswell, Co Limerick. The Alexanders lived in Oaklawn, Chicago. Building contractor Doug Snr, a well-known musician, was born and raised in Sion Mills in Co Tyrone. Their children were all born in America, but lived in Ireland sporadically over the years. People in Doug's home village of Sion Mills, where his brother and other family members still live, were in "total shock" yesterday as they came to terms with the loss. Expand Close Wexford road crash victims Doug Alexander and Lily Alexander / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Wexford road crash victims Doug Alexander and Lily Alexander Doug Snr's nephew Billy Cochrane, who lives in Co Donegal, said the family were "the nicest, most friendly people you could ever meet" and that his cousin Debbie, the only surviving member of the Alexander family, was devastated. "They were very close. We are totally devastated. We just can't accept it at the minute. It just doesn't seem real. "My uncle and aunt have a daughter Debbie who lives in America. She is the only one left now, God bless her. "You can lose a family member, you will grieve, but when four are lost, it's different. It's hard to take in," he said. Expand Close Pictured: The Alexander family, including Doug Sr, Lily, Doug Jr and Stephen / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Pictured: The Alexander family, including Doug Sr, Lily, Doug Jr and Stephen He said Doug Snr and his wife Lily are to be cremated in Ireland and their ashes flown back to America alongside the bodies of their sons after a memorial service in Co Wexford next week. Steve, a police officer, and Doug Jnr, had two young daughters each back home near Chicago, he said. A security guard who was assaulted by a group of up to six men was then locked into the boot of his own car for nine hours. Gardai are investigating the incident in which a security guard at an Irish Rail compound was assaulted, before he was locked into a car boot. The alleged incident occurred at approximately 5am on Tuesday morning, December 5. Gardai report the victim to be a member of the security personal employed at the Irish Rail compound in the Kilbricken, Mountrath area in Co Laois. The assault occurred when the victim, who arrived for work, was approached by a number of men who assaulted him and locked him into his car boot before they escaped. Speaking on RTE Radio One's Drivetime, Irish Rail spokesperson Barry Kenny said the man was securing the compound at the time the assault occurred. "The man was assaulted by a group of people," Mr Kenny said. "They put him into the boot of his own car, locked him in, and stole devices from the site. "The man remained there until his colleague arrived for the afternoon shift at 2.30pm. "He was locked into the boot for almost nine hours, and he was injured as a result of the assault." He continued; "He is very, very shaken. He suffered a blow to the head during the assault too. "We obviously hope he makes a full recovery. "It was a very distressing incident as you can understand. "There were between five and six men involved in the attack. "It was very much pre-meditated." Mr Kenny said a number of items were stolen from the site and Irish Rail are currently working with gardai in a bid to recover them. The compound where the incident occurred is in a rural area. The assailants left the area in a vehicle, of which the make and model is unknown at this time. Gardai said they are now investigating an incident of assault and false imprisonment. Anyone who may have witnessed unusual activity in the vicinity are asked to contact Portlaoise Garda Station on 057 8674100 or the Garda confidential line on 1800 666 111 or any Garda Station. At this time of year there's plenty of advice out there telling you not to get absolutely slaughtered at the company Christmas do. But what happens if you don't heed it? What happens if you're the person who is two drinks ahead of everyone else, not two behind? How do you explain your behaviour the next day if you were the one who called your boss a w***** or tried to snog Rachel in sales? Bad behaviour is surprisingly prevalent at company dos. According to a CIPD survey in the UK, one in 10 workers knows someone who has been disciplined or sacked for inappropriate Christmas party behaviour. The top three transgressions are fighting, threatening behaviour and sexual harassment. Closer to home, in a survey by Peninsula Ireland, more than a third of Irish workers admit that the free bar at the office Christmas party has led to a sexual encounter. So, you wake up with a pounding head and a gummy mouth, to which your shrivelled brain quickly adds the memory of something awful. You want to crawl back under your duvet and hide until January, but unfortunately this is not an option. There's the rest of December to get through and you need to face the music, even if the music will be colleagues' laughter or, worse, their anger. "If you behaved very badly, you have to hold your hands up and admit you were in the wrong," says author and personal branding expert Jennifer Holloway. "Putting your head in the sand and pretending it didn't happen is not an option." Start by asking yourself how bad your behaviour really was. Be realistic and try and have a bit of perspective. If you've just been a bit stupid or annoying, you're probably okay. Also, how drunk was everyone else and what is your company culture like? These are important as they supply the context: if everyone else was almost as drunk as you and your company has a work-hard play-hard culture, you might still get away with it. Your table dance that ended with 30 broken glasses might be forgotten by the New Year. If in doubt, sound out a trusted colleague. They will also be a good port of call if you can't remember what it is you did and just have a black space and a nagging sense of dread where the end of the evening should be. Next up - the apology. Richard Maun, author of Bouncing Back And How To Keep Your Job, suggests there are two appropriate levels of apology, depending on the severity of the offence. The first, for serious but not monumental missteps, might be a bottle of wine (or other gift) and a sincere face-to-face acknowledgement of your poor conduct. "Say something like, 'I'm sorry, I was an idiot to say that and I'd like to apologise'." The second level, he adds, involves writing a letter. "This lets you get your thoughts down on paper, formulate what you want to say and allows you to manage the conversation." Expand Close Flash dance: Like in Mad Men, it may not be so bad if everyone is jolly / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Flash dance: Like in Mad Men, it may not be so bad if everyone is jolly You then hand it to the boss or colleague you offended the minute you see them. "Apologies are very hard to do and this looks like a proper gesture, provides you with a bit of theatre and makes an impact." In terms of the content of your letter, along with the fulsome mea culpa, Maun suggests you might ask the other person to nominate a charity to which you'll donate a sum of money by way of apology. This shows sincere contrition (it's costing you something) and it also sends out the right sort of message about the kind of person you really are. In both cases, the idea is that you draw a line under your misdeed and this allows you to move on. If, however, they do not accept your apology, the best tactic is to apologise again and say: "I understand I overstepped the mark and you are angry - what can I do to make this right?" This, at least, puts the ball in their court - and means they are the one who is preventing rapprochement. In tandem with all this, there is a second problem to consider, and this is that your behaviour may constitute gross misconduct. Here, you need to tread very carefully. "If you resign straight away, you have no comeback and you won't even be able to claim jobseeker's allowance. You may be better off throwing yourself at the mercy of your employer's disciplinary system," says Maun. This tack is also worth bearing in mind too if there is uncertainty about what happened or mitigating circumstances. Someone may have flirted with you all evening and then claimed harassment when you leaned in to kiss them; that punch you swung might have been after horrendous provocation; that term of abuse could have been misconstrued. In fact, in some circumstances, taking the formal disciplinary route and getting a written warning can be the best way out of a very bad situation. In the medium term, Holloway says you should view repairing a damaged reputation rather like improving your Google search results. If there's a load of negative stuff on the first page, you want to push all that down on to page two or three. The best way to do this is to become better known for your positive achievements. If you give enough brilliant presentations, people will quickly start to forget you were sick all over the table at the party. In the longer term, she adds, you should absolutely not repeat the performance the following year. "As soon as the Christmas season comes round again, memories will start to flood back and people reminisce. Stories will get retold." Here, the last thing you want to do is reinforce this memory. Of course, some incidents are never forgotten. Even this is not necessarily a disaster. A bit of notoriety can make you stand out as a character and, if you have the right kind of personality (and work in the right kind of company), you could conceivably turn this to your advantage. However, if whatever it is you did is just cringe-inducing and embarrassing and awful - the so-called 'career-limiting move' - you may be better off looking for another job where you can start with a clean slate. Handout photo issued by the University of Oxford of a pelvis fragment believed to be that of fourth-century saint St Nicholas who inspired the story of Father Christmas. Photo: PA A fragment of bone said to belong to the fourth-century saint who inspired the story of Father Christmas could indeed be from the legend himself. Researchers at the University of Oxford radiocarbon tested the relic, long venerated as the bones of St Nicholas, and found it dates from the correct historical period. While they cannot categorically prove they are from the Christian saint, the team said the results pinpointed the relic's age to the fourth century. "Many relics that we study turn out to date to a period somewhat later than the historic attestation would suggest," said Professor Tom Higham, director of the Oxford Relics Cluster at Keble College's Advanced Studies Centre. "This bone fragment, in contrast, suggests that we could possibly be looking at remains from St Nicholas himself." St Nicholas, one of the most revered Christian saints, is thought to have lived in Myra, which is now modern-day Turkey. According to legend, he was a wealthy man who was widely known for his generosity - a trait that inspired the story of Father Christmas as a bringer of gifts on Christmas Day. Most of his remains have been held in Bari, Italy, since 1087, but over the years relic fragments have been acquired by churches worldwide. The bone analysed in Oxford - a pelvic fragment - is owned by Fr Dennis O'Neill, of St Martha of Bethany Church, in Illinois, US. The cocktail avocado is grown in Spain. Photo: Marks and Spencer Marks and Spencer is selling a stoneless avocado that could - temporarily - give the country's accident and emergency departments a break from so-called "avocado hand". The cocktail avocado is grown in Spain and is only available in December, when it is usually sent to the Parisian food markets and snapped up by top-end restaurants. M&S said it had secured "some" of the elongated fruit, which measures just five to eight centimetres long but is entirely edible, including the skin. The cocktail avocado is the result of an unpollinated blossom. The avocado develops without a seed which in turns stops the growth. It follows the success of the mini and giant avocados sold by the retailer last year. Earlier this year plastic surgeon Simon Eccles suggested that avocados should carry warning labels following a rise in the number of knife injuries from cutting into the fruit. Mr Eccles, honorary secretary of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, said he treated about four patients a week at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital for wounds caused by an avocado accident, with staff dubbing the injury "avocado hand". M&S agronomist Charlotte Curtis said: "We've had the mini, the giant, ready sliced and we're now launching the holy grail of avocados - stoneless. "This amazing fruit has been on our radar for a couple of years and we're very excited to have finally been able to get hold of some for our customers to try. "We know they will be in demand and we've only been able to get our hands on a limited amount so make sure you get them while you can." She added: "They're perfect for snacking and lunchboxes as they can be eaten whole but can also be used for a beautiful garnish or in a salad. My top tip is to try them deep fried." M&S first introduced the fruit in 1968 as an avocado pear, which customers enjoyed as a dessert with custard. Avocados are packed with essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, vitamin K, folate and antioxidants and contain more potassium per gram than bananas. They are high in omega 3 fatty acids, which can help to lower cholesterol and improve heart health, and can be good for weight loss as they release slow burning energy, reducing hunger. Cocktail Avocados are available in selected M&S stores for 2 per pack. Karen Birney checks into the Radisson Blu Athlone for a taste of the Midlands and stonking views over the River Shannon. Set the Mood The sun always shines on Athlone. Or at least that seemed to be the case when, on my second trip to the maritime town this summer, the sun broke through the cracks of a cloudy grey sky that followed me from the capital as soon as I pulled into the hotel carpark. This visit was an altogether more subdued one to 'Ireland's Ancient East' however, as I' was swapping the rather cramped cruiser I'd shared with old college friends on the River Shannon weeks previously for the far plusher setting of a river-front suite in the newly refurbished Radisson Hotel. The Radisson has undergone a stylish revamp since I last stopped in for a look; the new interiors are clean, cool, slick and unfussy and a newly decked terrace overlooks a glistening marina just begging to be enjoyed with a crisp G&T in hand. That would have to wait, however. First, our group was wetting whistles with a tour of the famous Kilbeggan Whiskey Distillery... a 15-minute drive from the hotel. Guilty Pleasure Putting My Fitness Pal to sleep, I stepped into the oldest licensed distillery in Ireland and geared up for a tasting of a drink I'm admittedly a long way from appreciating myself. The scent of old oak wood greeted us, and following a full tour (and weighing up the possibility of hiring the bar streaming with natural light on the first floor as an intimate wedding venue - watch this space), we tasted three whiskeys from the Kilbeggan Distillery Range. Expand Expand Expand Previous Next Close / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp I decided whiskey #2 was most palatable, but that I would be limiting my purchases to stationery instead of a bottle from the adjoining gift shop. Cheap Kick The panoramic views of the Shannon on a sunny morning will draw you out of your room and into Athlone no matter how long you promised yourself you'd lie in. A short and quiet run through the town is a pleasure awarded to the early risers. The only trouble is trying not to stop to take photos of the beautifully still, colourful pubs and shop fronts that really showcase their personality when there's nobody else around. Runners and cyclists should ask about the #BluRoutes trails which have been carefully planned by the hotel's fitness staff. Top Tip If you find you often suffer a case of diner's envy at mealtime, go for the steak in Elements Restaurant - mine was cooked to perfection. And don't pass on dessert. I did and the sounds my fellow diners made as they savoured their's will haunt me for many nights to come. Expand Expand Previous Next Close / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Insider Intel Hens and stags will enjoy the evening atmosphere of one of the oldest pubs in the world, Sean's Bar on the Left Bank (, which can trace its official routes back to 900AD. And while you can relax over a pint in the main bar at Sean's, the hustle and bustle of the outdoor area is never far from earshot. Read More For some peace and quiet try out the less touristy Gertie Browne's on Costume Lane which serves a creamy pint and is a treasure trove of old world knick-knacks that'll keep your eyes busy for hours. Expand Expand Previous Next Close / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Glitches The Nespresso machine in the suite is a welcome addition for some. But for those unfamiliar with the concept of capsule coffee it sits like a infuriating puzzle until you find yourself in a Crystal Maze style conundrum of your own making. I may be one of the only civilised coffee drinkers left still enjoying my morning instant, but a little 'how to' wouldn't have gone amiss. I'm sure I could have picked up the phone to just ask at reception, but I found myself 'locked-in'. Get me there Athlone is less than an hour-and-a-half from Dublin by car and the Radisson ( is ten minutes walk from the train station. Summer packages are available from 119. Kilbeggan Distillery ( is about 15 minutes away from the hotel by car. Tours start from 14pp and run seven days a week. Read more: Damage limitation: Georgina Chapman is trying to save her clothing label by splitting with her husband. Photo: Getty Georgina Chapman attends the amfAR Cinema Against AIDS 2009 Cocktail Party at the Hotel du Cap during the 62nd Annual Cannes Film Festival on May 21, 2009 in Antibes, France Photo: Getty Images NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 03: Designer Georgina Chapman attends the 11th annual CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund Awards at Spring Studios on November 3, 2014 in New York City. (Photo by Theo Wargo/Getty Images) US producer Harvey Weinstein poses with his wife Georgina Chapman as they arrive to the 2016 Vanity Fair Oscar Party in Beverly Hills, California on February 28, 2016. / AFP / ADRIAN SANCHEZ-GONZALEZ Co-Chairman, The Weinstein Company Harvey Weinstein (L) and fashion designer Georgina Chapman attend the 2017 Vanity Fair Oscar Party hosted by Graydon Carter at Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts on February 26, 2017 in Beverly Hills, California. (Photo by Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images) Fashion designer Georgina Chapman is struggling through "very dark times" as she comes to terms with sexual misconduct allegations made against her estranged husband Harvey Weinstein, according to her friend Alyssa Milano. The co-founder of luxury womenswear brand Marchesa separated from disgraced movie mogul Weinstein in October, days after he was accused of being a serial sexual predator in an initial New York Times expose. Expand Close Harvey Weinstein and Georgina Chapman / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Harvey Weinstein and Georgina Chapman Many other women have since come forward with further allegations of assault, including rape, against the producer, who has denied all claims of non-consensual sex, although he has acknowledged behaving inappropriately in the past. Milano, whose former Charmed co-star Rose McGowan was one of the first celebrities to go public with her Weinstein assault accusation, has remained in contact with Chapman to help her longtime pal through the tough time, and although she has her bad days, Alyssa is confident she will pull through. "She goes through very dark times. She's very sad," Milano told U.S. broadcaster Megyn Kelly. "This is not easy for her, but I have no doubt that not only will she come out on the other side of this, but she deserves too. She's a good woman." The actress reveals Georgina has been focusing on the needs of the former couple's seven-year-old daughter India and four-year-old son Dashiell, and in that part of her life, the Brit is doing "very well". Expand Close Controversy: Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, pictured with wife Georgina Chapman, stands accused of sexual harassment against several actresses. Photo: Lovekin/WWD/REX/Shutterstock / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Controversy: Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, pictured with wife Georgina Chapman, stands accused of sexual harassment against several actresses. Photo: Lovekin/WWD/REX/Shutterstock Milano said, "She's an amazing mother. She's an amazing woman, and I think her priority right now is focusing on how to raise those two children to the best of her capacity, given the situation." The star made her comments as she celebrated editors at Time magazine naming "The Silence Breakers", those who have recently spoken out about sexual misconduct via the #MeToo social media movement she helped to popularise, as their 2017 Person of the Year. Responding to the news, Milano said, "It's sad, it's really sad for me, just to know that so many women hurt from this pain, but I'm also hopeful that this collective ache can really bring about something that's meaningful and powerful, and that we can change." Prince Harry and actress Meghan Markle during an official photocall to announce their engagement at The Sunken Gardens at Kensington Palace on November 27, 2017 in London, England. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been a couple officially since November 2016 and are due to marry in Spring 2018. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Chris Jackson/Getty Images) Prince Harry and actress Meghan Markle during an official photocall to announce their engagement at The Sunken Gardens at Kensington Palace on November 27, 2017 in London, England. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been a couple officially since November 2016 and are due to marry in Spring 2018. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Chris Jackson/Getty Images) Prince Harry and his fiancee, US actress Meghan Markle, visit Nottingham for their first official public engagement together on December 1, 2017 in Nottingham, England Prince Harry and his fiancee, US actress Meghan Markle, visit the Nottingham Academy as part of their first official public engagements togetheron December 1, 2017 in Nottingham, England Meghan Markle meets well-wishers as she arrives with Prince Harry at the Nottingham Contemporary in Nottingham, to attend a Terrence Higgins Trust World AIDS Day charity fair on their first official engagement together Britain's Prince Harry's fiancee US actress Meghan Markle greets wellwishers on a walkabout as they arrive for an engagement at Nottingham Contemporary in Nottingham, central England, on December 1, 2017 which is hosting a Terrence Higgins Trust World AIDS Day charity fair Meghan Markle could be the first royal fiancee to spend Christmas with Queen Elizabeth. The 'Suits' actress is reportedly planning to spend the festive period with her fiance Prince Harry in the UK before the pair jet out to the United States to spend the New Year with her family. Expand Close Prince Harry and his fiancee US actress Meghan Markle visit Nottingham Academy on December 1, 2017 in Nottingham, England / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Prince Harry and his fiancee US actress Meghan Markle visit Nottingham Academy on December 1, 2017 in Nottingham, England The royal family traditionally spend Christmas at Sandringham House in Norfolk, where they have a black-tie dinner, enjoy a full English breakfast and also go pheasant shooting. It comes after Prince Harry revealed he proposed to Meghan Markle during a "cosy night" in. She said: "It was a cosy night, we were roasting chicken ... and it was an amazing surprise. It was so sweet and natural and very romantic. He got on one knee." When asked if it was an immediate yes, Meghan added: "Yes! As a matter of fact, I could barely let [Harry] finish proposing." Whilst Prince Harry shared: "She didn't even let me finish. She said 'Can I say yes'. Then there were hugs and I had the ring in my finger. I was like ' Can I give you the ring?' It was a really nice moment. Just the two of us." Despite the pair only having dated for 16 months prior to their engagement, Meghan insists the relationship hasn't been a "whirlwind" as they had "five or six months" to get to know one another without being in the spotlight. Expand Close Prince Harry and actress Meghan Markle during an official photocall to announce their engagement at The Sunken Gardens at Kensington Palace on November 27, 2017 in London, England. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been a couple officially since November 2016 and are due to marry in Spring 2018. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Chris Jackson/Getty Images) / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Prince Harry and actress Meghan Markle during an official photocall to announce their engagement at The Sunken Gardens at Kensington Palace on November 27, 2017 in London, England. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been a couple officially since November 2016 and are due to marry in Spring 2018. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Chris Jackson/Getty Images) The brunette beauty said: "I don't think that I would call it a whirlwind in terms of our relationship. There have been layers attached to how people it has become, after we had a good five, six months almost with just privacy, which was amazing. I think we were able to have so much time just to connect and we never went longer than two weeks without seeing each other even though we were obviously doing a long distance relationship. We made it work." Handout photo released by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge of the Duke of Cambridge with his son Prince George on his first day of school Prince George of Cambridge arrives at Berlin Tegel Airport during an official visit to Poland and Germany on July 19, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Robin Utrecht - Pool/Getty Images) Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Prince George of Cambridge arrive at Berlin Tegel Airport during an official visit to Poland and Germany on July 19, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Robin Utrecht - Pool/Getty Images) Prince George stands in a rescue helicopter as his father the Duke of Cambridge adjusts a helmet for him to wear, during a visit to Airbus in Hamburg, Germany with the Duchess of Cambridge and sister Princess Charlotte. Photo credit: Dominic Lipinski/PA Wire Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, Prince George of Cambridge and Princess Charlotte of Cambridge view helicopter models H145 and H135 before departing from Hamburg airport on the last day of their official visit to Poland and Germany on July 21, 2017 in Hamburg, Germany. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images) The picture was taken at Kensington Palace in London at the end of June by Chris Jackson Getty Images Royal Photographer. Chris Jackson/Getty Images/PA Wire Prince George holds his father Britain's Prince William's hand as he arrives on his first day of school at Thomas's school in Battersea, London, September 7, 2017. REUTERS/Richard Pohle/Pool Prince George arriving with the Duke of Cambridge at Thomas's Battersea in London, as he starts his first day of school. Photo: Kensington Palace/PA Wire Britain's Prince George accompanied by Britain's Prince William (L), Duke of Cambridge arrives for his first day of school at Thomas's school in Battersea, southwest London on September 7, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / RICHARD POHLERICHARD POHLE/AFP/Getty Images Britain's Prince George is carried by his father Prince William as they visit the Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford in western England, on July 8, 2016. / AFP / POOL / RICHARD POHLE Prince George of Cambridge with Prince William, Duke of Cambridge at a children's party for Military families during the Royal Tour of Canada on September 29, 2016 in Victoria, Canada Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Prince George during a visit to the Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford on July 8, 2016 in Fairford, England. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images) Britain's Prince George (C) accompanied by Britain's Prince William (L), Duke of Cambridge arrives for his first day of school at Thomas's school where he is met by Helen Haslem (R) head of the lower school in southwest London on September 7, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / RICHARD POHLERICHARD POHLE/AFP/Getty Images Britain's Prince George (C) accompanied by Britain's Prince William (L), Duke of Cambridge arrives for his first day of school at Thomas's school where he is met by Helen Haslem (R) head of the lower school in southwest London on September 7, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / RICHARD POHLERICHARD POHLE/AFP/Getty Images Britain's Prince George accompanied by Britain's Prince William (L), Duke of Cambridge arrives for his first day of school at Thomas's school in Battersea, southwest London on September 7, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / RICHARD POHLERICHARD POHLE/AFP/Getty Images Britain's Prince George (R) accompanied by Britain's Prince William (L), Duke of Cambridge arrives for his first day of school at Thomas's school in Battersea, southwest London on September 7, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / RICHARD POHLERICHARD POHLE/AFP/Getty Images It's been a rather cute week of Prince George updates. After the world was gifted with a copy of his adorably simple Christmas list (he wants a police car), Prince William has revealed that his eldest son has been busy celebrating the festive season at school too. George, who enrolled at St Thomas's in Battersea, recently took on a role for his school's nativity play. Expand Close Handout photo released by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge of the Duke of Cambridge with his son Prince George on his first day of school / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Handout photo released by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge of the Duke of Cambridge with his son Prince George on his first day of school "I went to my boys Nativity play. It was funny. He was a sheep," William said at an event in Manchester on Wednesday. Last year, William and Kate broke tradition by spending Christmas with the Middleton family at their home in Berkshire with George and Princess Charlotte, but it's unclear where they will be spending the festive season this year. Like most married couples, they could alternate and spend Christmas Day at Sandringham Estate with the rest of the British royals - and Prince Harry's new fiancee Meghan Markle if new reports are to be believed. Communications officer for the charity Anteneh Tadele discovered the children - all named 'Goal' - in an isolated camp in Melut, in the north-east of South Sudan It's certainly a namesake with a difference. An aid worker has discovered 35 babies in a remote camp in South Sudan who have all been named 'Goal' after the charity. The South Sudanese toddlers were all named after the Irish-headquartered charity who has teams of aid workers in the area. The children, all ranging in ages from two to four years, include a set of twin boys who were both called 'Goal'. Communications officer for the charity Anteneh Tadele discovered the children in an isolated camp in Melut, in the north-east of the African country. The community were once based in Baliet town, but were forced to flee during the ongoing conflict in Upper Nile State. One mother, Nyale Bolchwal, said she named her twin boys 'Goal' after the staff who helped her deliver her babies in the clinic. "The conflict broke out while I was pregnant," said Nyale Bolchwal. "At that time, I was having treatment at GOALs clinic at home in Baliet and I was ready to give birth. "When we were forced to flee, GOAL followed us and provided all the services that we needed on the way to the camp in Melut. A few days after I arrived here, the GOAL staff delivered my children safely in the clinic. I had twin boys and I named them both Goal." At just two and half years of age, Nyales boys are too young to understand their names, but their mum said she will tell them in time. Another mother said she named her daughter 'Goal' because her baby was delivered safely at the charity's clinic in a country where she knows that giving birth to a healthy child is not a straightforward procedure. Nignan Bam said; "At that time, the women had so many complications at birth but when they came to GOALs clinic they were able to have the baby safely with the help of the midwife." The mothers and babies have formed a friendship at the camp and regularly meet up for their children to play together, despite the confusion of having 35 children all bearing the same name. The charity's Head of Programmes, Fiona Gannon, said she was astonished to hear about the children's names. Fiona, who has worked with the organisation for 28 years, described the phenomenon as "unique". "I have worked across many, many countries in my time as an aid worker, but I have never heard of anything like this before," she said. "I have come across cases where mothers have named their children after someone or something that has played a significant role in the birth of their child, but to find 35 kids all called Goal in one camp is quite unique." Cristina Fernandez was president of Argentina from 2007 to 2015 A federal judge has asked Argentina's senate to allow the arrest and trial of former president Cristina Fernandez on a charge of treason for allegedly covering up the role of Iranians in a 1994 bomb attack on a Jewish centre. Judge Claudio Bonadio asked politicians to remove Ms Fernandez's immunity from prosecution, which she gained when she was sworn in as a senator last week. She was president from 2007 to 2015. The judge also ordered the arrest of several aides and allies of Ms Fernandez, including former presidency secretary Carlos Zannini and activist Luis D'Elia on the same charges. Former foreign minister Hector Timerman was ordered held under house arrest due to health issues. Prosecutor Eduardo Taiano said the charge of treason carries a potential prison sentence of 10 to 15 years while aggravated cover-up has a six-year penalty. A vote of two thirds of the senate would be required to remove Ms Fernandez's immunity from prosecution. Ms Fernandez and the other defendants have repeatedly denied wrongdoing or involvement in any cover-up involving Argentina's worst terror attack, the 1994 bombing of the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association centre in Buenos Aires, which killed 85 people and wounded hundreds. Investigators have linked former Iranian officials to the attack, but Iran has denied any connection with the attack and declined to turn over suspects. AP A Chinese investment group has snapped up the Lloyds Banking Groups headquarters for an undisclosed sum in the second major foreign property deal to be announced this week. Hengli Investments Holding Group has signed a 20-year lease on the property at 25 Gresham Street in London, which has housed the UK bank since it was constructed. The 119,742 square foot site is the Hong Kong investors first UK purchase, according to business law firm Addleshaw Goddard, which helped advise Hengli on its acquisition. The deal took less than four weeks to negotiate, Henglis chairman, Chen Chang Wei, said. The firm is now keeping an eye out for further investments in London. This is a brilliant outcome after a lot of careful research and site inspections, the chairman said. As this is such a rare commercial property, we are particularly happy to have reached a swift mutual agreement with the seller, closing the tender in only a month. We will continue to consider any remarkable property investment opportunities locally and internationally. It is the second Chinese company to confirm a major commercial deal this week, as Asian demand for London property continues to grow. Expand Close Budget 2017 / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Budget 2017 Cheung Kei Group forked out 270 million for a Canary Wharf tower that is currently let to businesses including US banking giant JP Morgan, which rents 10 floors, as well as Time Inc, American Express, Balfour Beatty and Cision Gorkana. The company bought the site at 5 Churchill Place from Said holdings. Earlier this year, Hong Kong food conglomerate Lee Kum Kee spent 1.3 billion buying out Canary Wharf Groups and Land Securitiess 50% stakes in the Walkie Talkie skyscraper in June. Londons landmark Cheesegrater building was also sold in March to the investment vehicle of Chinese property magnate Cheung Chung Kiu for 1.15 billion. Commenting on the Lloyds Banking Group lease, Addleshaw said it was encouraging to see deals of this size coming through despite the potential for geopolitical factors to dampen investment. Lee Sheldon, Addleshaw Goddards co-head of real estate, said: We are certainly seeing a continuing appetite for investment and the deal pipeline remains healthy despite tough market conditions. We are likely to see more transactions of a similar ilk in the coming months, with more money expected to pour into the UK, chiefly from Asia-based investors. Jerusalem's old city is seen as President Donald Trump said the US now recognises the holy city as Israel's capital (AP Photo/Oded Balilty) Donald Trump has shattered decades of unwavering US neutrality on Jerusalem by declaring the sorely divided holy city as Israel's capital. The move sparked frustrated Palestinians to cry out that the US president had destroyed already-fragile Middle East hopes for peace. Defying dire, worldwide warnings, Mr Trump insisted that after repeated peace failures it was time for a new approach, starting with what he said was his decision merely based on reality to recognise Jerusalem as the seat of Israel's government. He also said the United States would move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, although he set no timetable. "We cannot solve our problems by making the same failed assumptions and repeating the same failed strategies of the past," Mr Trump said, brushing aside the appeals for caution from around the world. Harsh objections came from a wide array of presidents and prime ministers. From the Middle East to Europe and beyond, leaders cautioned Mr Trump that any sudden change on an issue as sensitive as Jerusalem not only risks blowing up the new Arab-Israeli peace initiative led by Mr Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, but could lead to new violence in the region. No government beyond Israel spoke up in praise of Mr Trump or suggested it would follow his lead. Israelis and Palestinians reacted in starkly different terms. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed Mr Trump's announcement as an "important step towards peace", and Israeli opposition leaders echoed his praise. However, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Mr Trump's shift serves extremist groups that want religious war and signals US withdrawal from being a peace mediator. Protesters in Gaza burned American and Israeli flags. Mr Trump's declaration of Jerusalem as Israel's capital is a powerfully symbolic statement about a city that houses many of the world's holiest sites. He cited several: the Western Wall that surrounded the Jews' ancient Temple, the Stations of the Cross that depict Jesus along his crucifixion path, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque where Muslims say their Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven. And there are major ramifications over who should control the territory. The United States has never endorsed the Jewish state's claim of sovereignty over any part of Jerusalem and has seen the city's future as indelibly linked to the "deal of the century" between Israel and the Palestinians that Mr Trump believes he can reach. Beyond Mr Kushner, Mr Trump has dispatched other top emissaries to the region in recent months in hopes of advancing new negotiations. Mr Trump said he was not delivering any verdict about where an Israeli-Palestinian border should lie. Instead, he described his Jerusalem declaration as recognising the reality that most of Israel's government already operates from the city, and he suggested the US ally should be rewarded for creating a successful democracy where "people of all faiths are free to live and worship". "Today we finally acknowledge the obvious," he said, emphasising that he would not follow past presidents who tiptoed around Jerusalem out of diplomatic caution. US embassies and consulates around the world were put on high alert. Across the Middle East and Europe, they issued warnings to Americans to watch out for violent protests. In Jordan, home to a large Palestinian population, the US said it would close its embassy to the public on Thursday and urged children of diplomats there to stay home from school. AP A man has been charged with planning to use an improvised explosive device to blow up the gates of Downing Street before entering No 10 and making an attempt on British Prime Minister Theresa May's life. Naa'imur Zakariyah Rahman (20) allegedly planned to launch a bomb attack on the security gates outside Downing Street before detonating a suicide vest in Number 10 in a bid to kill Mrs May. Mr Rahman has been charged with preparing acts of terrorism and will appear in court alongside Mohammed Aqib Imran (21), who is accused of trying to join Isil. Mr Rahman, of north London, and Mr Imran, of south-east Birmingham, were arrested by officers from the Met's Counter Terrorism Command on Tuesday, November 28. Expand Close An artists sketch of Naaimur Zakariyah Rahman (right) and Mohammed Aqib Imran in the dock at Westminster Magistrates Court in London. Photo: Elizabeth Cook/PA / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp An artists sketch of Naaimur Zakariyah Rahman (right) and Mohammed Aqib Imran in the dock at Westminster Magistrates Court in London. Photo: Elizabeth Cook/PA Both men appeared at Westminster Magistrates' Court yesterday and were remanded in custody. Details of the alleged terror plot were set out to Cabinet members on Tuesday during a briefing by Andrew Parker, the head of MI5. Mr Parker revealed that British intelligence had foiled nine terror plots in the past 12 months. The disclosures about the charges came just hours after an official report into the Manchester terror attack revealed that the suicide bomber had been flagged for closer scrutiny by security services and that the atrocity could have been averted "had the cards fallen differently". MI5 investigators misinterpreted intelligence on Salman Abedi earlier this year and it was disclosed his case was due to be discussed at a meeting scheduled for nine days after his May attack at the Manchester Arena. Internal reviews into the police and MI5's handling of the four terrorist attacks in Britain this year also revealed one of the London Bridge attackers had been under active investigation by the security Service. The Westminster Bridge attacker, Khalid Masood, had also watched suicide attack videos on YouTube in the days before he carried out his assault. David Anderson QC, a former terrorism law reviewer asked by the British Home Secretary Amber Rudd to independently check the secret internal reviews, said they were "no cause for despair" and that most attack plots continued to be broken up. In response to his report, Ms Rudd said the blame for the attacks "lies squarely" with the terrorists. The reviews found that 22-year-old Abedi had previously been a MI5 suspect, but was not under active investigation. In advance of the attack, officers had on two separate occasions received unspecified intelligence on him "whose significance was not fully appreciated at the time" and which could have led to his case being reopened. "In retrospect, the intelligence can be seen to have been highly relevant to the planned attack," the report said. Mr Anderson concluded that while it was "unknowable" if reopening the investigation would have thwarted Abedi, it was "conceivable that the Manchester attack in particular might have been averted had the cards fallen differently". Between March and June, London and Manchester experienced four attacks killing a total of 36 people and wounding another 200. Abedi had first become an MI5 "subject of interest" in 2014, but it transpired he had been mistaken for someone else and his case was closed. It was reopened the following year on mistaken intelligence that he had contacted an Isil figure in Libya. But though his case remained closed from that point, Abedi "continued to be referenced from time to time in intelligence gathered for other purposes. In two separate instances before the attack, intelligence was received that related to "possible non-nefarious activity or to criminality". An automated trawl of suspects' data designed to spot closed cases that may need re-examining identified him as one of fewer than 100 individuals "out of a total of more than 20,000 closed subjects of interest, who merited further examination". A bizarre feathered dinosaur resembling a nightmarish mutant swan has been identified by scientists. The strange creature had a graceful swan-like neck but also scythe-like claws, a reptilian tail, and a beak lined with teeth. Halszkaraptor escuilliei, which lived 75 million years ago, was about the size of a modern swan and is thought to have been semi-aquatic. It walked on two legs on land, but probably used its flippered forearms to manoeuvre in water. The dinosaur is the first of the large family of meat-eaters, called theropods, known to have adopted the lifestyle of a present day water bird. Other theropods include the mighty Tyrannosaurus rex and agile Velociraptor, star of the movie Jurassic Park. Dr Andrea Cau, from the Geological Museum Capellini in Bologna, Italy, said: "The first time I examined the specimen, I even questioned whether it was a genuine fossil .. "When we look beyond fossil dinosaurs, we find most of Halszkaraptor's unusual features among aquatic reptiles and swimming birds. The peculiar morphology of Halszkaraptor fits best with that of an amphibious predator that was adapted to a combined terrestrial and aquatic ecology: a peculiar lifestyle that was previously unreported in these dinosaurs." He added that Halszkaraptor had sickle-shaped "killer claws" on its feet similar to those of Velociraptor. Scientists at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France, used an advanced form of X-ray imaging to create a 3D reconstruction of the creature. The scan revealed hidden details within the rock in which the fossil was embedded, including numerous teeth. ESRF researcher Vincent Beyrand said: "We also identified a neurovascular mesh inside its snout that resembles those of modern crocodiles to a remarkable degree. These aspects suggest that Halszka was an aquatic predator." A description of Halszkaraptor appears in the latest issue of Nature journal. The unusually well preserved fossil skeleton was discovered in southern Mongolia before spending years in the hands of private collectors around the world. It was one of many fossils illegally exported from Mongolia. The scientists, who acquired the specimen in 2015, plan to return it to the country. Raila Odinga refuses to recognise the legitimacy of Kenya's president (AP) Kenya's opposition leader has rejected US advice to cancel a planned mock inauguration of him as president, saying he does not recognise the legitimacy of President Uhuru Kenyatta. Raila Odinga alleged Thursday that dozens of Kenyans have been killed by the security forces and "nobody is talking about it. "Yet they have the audacity to come and advise us to forget and move on." He spoke outside a mortuary in the capital Nairobi while accompanying families collecting bodies of the police's alleged victims. A US Embassy statement on Wednesday called Mr Odinga's planned protest event on December 12 "extra-constitutional" and urged him to cancel the event. Mr Odinga successfully challenged Mr Kenyatta's August re-election but then boycotted a rerun vote in October, demanding electoral reforms. Mr Kenyatta was inaugurated last week. AP A Palestinian steps on a poster of U.S. President Donald Trump and a representation of the American flag during a protest against the U.S. decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, in Gaza City Thursday, Dec. 7, 2017. (AP Photo/ Khalil Hamra) Palestinians burn posters of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Donald Trump, during a protest against the U.S. decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, in Gaza City Thursday, Dec. 7, 2017. (AP Photo/ Khalil Hamra) Palestinian militants of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) burn representations of an Israeli flag and a U.S. flag during a protest against Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, in Gaza City December 7, 2017. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem Palestinians burn a U.S. flag during a protest against Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, in Gaza City December 7, 2017. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem A damaged mosque minaret is seen as Palestinian Hamas militants take part in a protest against U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, in the northern Gaza Strip December 7, 2017. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem A damaged mosque minaret is seen as Palestinian Hamas militants take part in a protest against U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, in the northern Gaza Strip December 7, 2017. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem Palestinian Hamas militants take part in a protest against U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, in the northern Gaza Strip December 7, 2017. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem People watch as Palestinian Hamas militants take part in a protest against U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, in the northern Gaza Strip December 7, 2017. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem Palestinian Hamas militants take part in a protest against U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, in the northern Gaza Strip December 7, 2017. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem Palestinian protesters run for cover from teargas fired by Israeli soldiers during clashes on the Israeli border with Gaza, Thursday, Dec. 7, 2017. (AP Photo/ Khalil Hamra) A Palestinian protester prepares to throw back a teargas canister that was fired by Israeli soldiers, during clashes on the Israeli border with Gaza, Thursday, Dec. 7, 2017.(AP Photo/ Khalil Hamra) A Palestinian protester throws back a teargas canister that was fired by Israeli soldiers during clashes on the Israeli border with Gaza, Thursday, Dec. 7, 2017. (AP Photo/ Khalil Hamra) The Israeli military said on Thursday that an aircraft and a tank had targeted two posts belonging to militants in the Gaza Strip after three rockets were launched at Israel. Sirens sounded in Israel at various locations on a day of heightened tension following demonstrations in the coastal enclave and the occupied West Bank as Palestinians protested at U.S. President Donald Trump's announcement on Wednesday that he was recognising Jerusalem as Israel's capital. DONALD TRUMP has announced that the US is recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and will soon move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Why is that a big deal? The short answer is that the decision could lead to violent protests in Jerusalem and around the Muslim world, damage US relations with Islamic countries to whom Jerusalem is important, and derail Mr Trump's hopes of brokering peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians. What is the backstory? Jerusalem is incredibly sensitive for both political and religious reasons. Since its founding in 1948, Israel has always controlled the western half of Jerusalem. In 1967 it occupied the eastern half and today it claims the entire city as its "eternal and undivided" capital. No western country, including the US, has ever recognised that claim nor recognised Jerusalem as Israel's capital in any form. Expand Close The issue of the Al-Aqsa mosque, where the Prophet Muhammad is said to have risen to heaven, is sensitive for Muslims across the world. / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp The issue of the Al-Aqsa mosque, where the Prophet Muhammad is said to have risen to heaven, is sensitive for Muslims across the world. The Palestinians say there can be no peace agreement unless they are able to have east Jerusalem as the capital of an independent state of Palestine. In religious terms, the city is home to Jewish, Christian and Muslim holy sites. What was the US position up until now? The US has always refused to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital. The US Congress passed a law in 1995 which said that the president must move the US embassy to Jerusalem in a sign of solidarity with Israel. But the law included a get-out clause: if the president felt it would damage US security to move the embassy he could sign a waiver every six months to delay the move. Bill Clinton, George W Bush and Barack Obama all signed that waiver every six months to indefinitely delay the move. Why is Mr Trump doing this now? Mr Trump promised during the 2016 campaign that he would recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move the US embassy there. The issue is important to many US voters who support Israel, especially among Mr Trump's Evangelical Christian base. Once he got into office, Mr Trump began to get briefings from US diplomats and American allies about the potential risks of moving the embassy. In recent months the White House has begun to signal that it planned to forge ahead. Will the embassy move straight away? No. Mr Trump is actually going to sign the waiver again to delay the move once more. But he has ordered the US State Department to begin the planning process. Construction of the physical embassy is likely to take at least four years. Why do Palestinians care where the embassy is? The US embassy will be built in the Jewish western half of Jerusalem. All major peace plans that have ever been seriously discussed agree that west Jerusalem will be part of Israel under a final deal. As one US official put it: "This is a recognition of reality." So why should the Palestinians care that the US embassy is moving to west Jerusalem? The answer is twofold. Firstly, the Palestinians have always been suspicious that the US is not an "honest broker" and that it consistently sides with Israel even though it claims to be a neutral party. Secondly, the Palestinians have always clung to the international consensus that the status of Jerusalem can only be settled through peace talks. If that consensus begins to crumble, the Palestinians fear that other countries will follow the US lead. What does the rest of the Muslim world think? Arab and Muslim countries have traditionally been very sympathetic to the Palestinian cause and deeply opposed to Israel. That consensus has weakened in recent years and some Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, are now eager to ally with Israel against their common foe Iran. But even if Arab leaders are keen for peace with Israel they have to be careful about angering their populations, who are generally sympathetic to the Palestinians. So Arab leaders have made a public show of opposing Mr Trump's move. The issue of the Al-Aqsa mosque, where the Prophet Muhammad is said to have risen to heaven, is sensitive for Muslims across the world. The mosque is built on top of the Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site, and the question of access to the area is a perpetual source of friction. Anything that looks like an Israeli encroachment on Al-Aqsa, which is the third holiest site in Islam after Mecca and Medina could spark major protests, both among Palestinians and in the wider Muslim world. ( Daily Telegraph London) Donald Trump said he was casting aside the "failed strategies of the past" last night as he upended 70 years of US foreign policy and forged ahead with his controversial decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The US president's announcement was celebrated by Israel but met with fury from Palestinians, who accused him of destroying any hope of a peace deal. "We cannot solve our problems by making the same failed assumptions and repeating the same failed strategies of the past," Mr Trump said. "It is time to officially recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel." Defying warnings from world leaders, Mr Trump said he "judged this course of action to be in the best interest of the US and the pursuit of peace between Israel and the Palestinians". He said that America would become the only country in the world to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, making good on a campaign promise important to many evangelical Christian and right-wing Jewish voters. The Palestinians insist that there can be no peace deal unless they are able to have East Jerusalem as the capital of their own independent state and said Mr Trump's unilateral move had disqualified the US as peace broker. Expand Close WInset: Donald Trump displays an executive order after his announcement. / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp WInset: Donald Trump displays an executive order after his announcement. "These condemned and unacceptable measures are a deliberate undermining of all efforts exerted to achieve peace and represent a declaration of the United States's withdrawal from undertaking the role it has played over the past decades in sponsoring the peace process," said Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president. Hamas, the Palestinian militant Islamist group, which controls the Gaza strip, accused Mr Trump of "flagrant aggression" and called for Muslims across the Middle East to rise up against US interests. US embassies across the Middle East bolstered their security arrangements last night in anticipation of potentially violent protests. The decision was hailed by Israel, and Jerusalem's mayor ordered the US flag to be beamed in lights against the walls of the Old City in celebration. "This is a historic day," said Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister. "We are profoundly grateful to the president for his courageous and just decision." Mr Trump (below) tried to placate Palestinian anger by saying his decision did not rule out the possibility of a two-state solution, where Jerusalem would be the capital of both Israel and an independent Palestinian state. "We are not taking a position of any final status issues including the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem or the resolution of contested issues," Mr Trump said. "The US would support a two-state solution if agreed to by both sides." He called "for calm, for moderation, and for the voices of tolerance to prevail". Expand Close Benjamin Netanyahu / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Benjamin Netanyahu With Mike Pence, the US vice president, standing by his side, Mr Trump reminded US voters that both Bill Clinton and George W Bush had promised to move the US embassy to Jerusalem but had reneged once in office. "They failed to deliver. Today, I am delivering," he said. British Prime Minister Theresa May was among world leaders who expressed concern about the move. "We disagree with the US decision to move its embassy to Jerusalem and recognise Jerusalem as the Israeli capital before a final status agreement. We believe it is unhelpful in terms of prospects for peace. "The British embassy is based in Tel Aviv and we have no plans to move it," she said. The Pope earlier said he had "deep concern" about the situation in Jerusalem and urged Mr Trump not to move ahead. "I make a heartfelt appeal so that all commit themselves to respecting the status quo of the city, in conformity with the pertinent resolutions of the UN," he said. Reaction was muted from most of America's Arab allies, many of whom have either official or covert relationships with Israel. But reaction was fierce from Turkey. Bekir Bozdag, the deputy prime minister, warned that Mr Trump was "plunging the region and the world into a fire with no end in sight". Recep Tayyip Erdogan, its president, called for a summit of Muslim leaders next week in Istanbul to discuss the situation. A man shows a pizza cooked in the first stone oven which was used in 1889 to make the first pizza Margherita in Naples (Ciro Fusco/ANSA Via AP) The city of Naples, often in the headlines because of its mafia violence and rubbish woes, is celebrating international recognition of its tastier side. Unesco added the art of the Neapolitan pizza maker, or "pizzaiuolo", to its list of "intangible cultural heritage of humanity". Neapolitan pizza making was one of 33 traditional practices from around the world that were added to the UN cultural organisation's list of "forms of expression" that are of importance to humanity. Other winners this year were the ritual Kumbh Mela baths taken in India, Bosnian woodcarving, and the "Sega tambour" dance and song performances of Mauritius's Rodrigues Island. In Naples, pizza makers celebrated the victory and planned to give away free pies next week at a massive street party. Agriculture minister Maurizio Martina said Italy's campaign, launched in 2009, marked the first time Unesco had recognised a profession linked to food production. The art of Neapolitan pizza making "involves Italian know-how based on experience, gestures and traditional knowledge passed on from generation to generation", he said in a statement. Italy is already the country with the most Unesco World Heritage Sites at 53, including the historic centres of Rome, Naples and Florence, the entire lagoon city of Venice and the Amalfi Coast. With the pizza makers, Italy now counts six cultural practices on the "intangible cultural heritage" list, including the "Mediterranean diet" and Cremona's violin craftsmanship. Being added to the list involves obligations, primarily to safeguard the practice and enforce a UN treaty on protecting and promoting "intangible heritage". Massimo Boddi, whose Univerde Foundation was responsible for gathering signatures to launch the pizza bid, said the recognition was an important victory of "tradition over globalisation" since each pie is made by hand individually. AP Palestinians burn posters depicting US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a protest against the US intention to move its embassy to Jerusalem and to recognize the city of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. Photo: Reuters US President Donald Trump, flanked by Vice President Mike Pence, delivers remarks recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel at the White House in Washington. Photo: Reuters Palestinians react during a protest against US President Donald Trump's decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital, in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip After signing, US President Donald Trump holds up the proclamation that the United States recognises Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and will move its embassy there, during an address from the White House in Washington. Photo: Reuters Islamist militant group Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has condemned the U.S. decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital and called on militants to close ranks to support Palestinians. U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday reversed decades of U.S. policy and recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. In the statement carried by the U.S. SITE monitoring group, the Yemen-based AQAP said Trump's decision was the result of what it said were "normalisation steps" between some Gulf Arab countries and Israel. "It is also a clear challenge to the Muslim world that sees the centrality of the Palestinian cause," the group said. "In the face of this serious events, we stand by our people in Palestine and support them' with all we possess." Addressing Islamist militants, the group called on them to close ranks to be ready to support Palestinians and urged Muslims to help with money and weapons. "If you do not move, God forbid, then tomorrow the holiest of places and the Muslims' Qiblah, Mecca, will be sold and you will find then no one to defend it," it said. Expand Close White House senior advisor Ivanka Trump and White House senior advisor Jared Kushner sit behind U.S. President Donald Trump as he talks to reporters before a cabinet meeting at the White House in Washington, U.S. December 6, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp White House senior advisor Ivanka Trump and White House senior advisor Jared Kushner sit behind U.S. President Donald Trump as he talks to reporters before a cabinet meeting at the White House in Washington, U.S. December 6, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst The AQAP, which was formed in 2009 by the merger of al Qaeda's Saudi and Yemeni branches, is regarded by the United States as one of the most dangerous groups of the network founded by Osama bin Laden. Read More The United States has repeatedly carried out drone strikes on members and leaders of the group, which makes remote areas in southern Yemen as its main base. Expand Close Palestinians react during a protest against US President Donald Trump's decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital, in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Palestinians react during a protest against US President Donald Trump's decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital, in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip Reaction Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday that U.S. President Donald Trump's "unfortunate" decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel was "trampling on international laws". Expand Close US President Donald Trump, flanked by Vice President Mike Pence, delivers remarks recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel at the White House in Washington. Photo: Reuters / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp US President Donald Trump, flanked by Vice President Mike Pence, delivers remarks recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel at the White House in Washington. Photo: Reuters Erdogan speaking in Athens after talks with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, also said Turkey wanted to see a lasting solution on the island of Cyprus, but said Greek Cypriots were avoiding talks. Meanwhile, Germany's Merkel said, when asked about Trump recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel; "We are sticking with the U.N. resolution." Palestinians clash with Israeli troops during a protest in the West Bank City of Nablus (Majdi Mohammed/AP) Clashes between Palestinian protesters and Israeli troops have erupted across the West Bank while demonstrators in Gaza burned Israeli and US flags after Donald Trump moved to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital. The leader of the Hamas militant group, which runs Gaza, called for a new armed uprising in a widespread show of anger over the US president's move. In the West Bank, crowds of protesters set tyres on fire and threw stones at anti-riot troops. In the biblical town of Bethlehem, troops fired water cannons and tear gas to disperse a crowd in clashes that could cloud the upcoming Christmas celebrations in the town of Jesus's birth. In Ramallah, the seat of the Palestinian government, protesters set tyres on fire, sending a thick plume of black smoke over the city. Mr Trump's dramatic break on Wednesday with decades of US policy on Jerusalem counters long-standing international assurances to the Palestinians that the fate of the city will be determined in negotiations. The Palestinians seek Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem, captured by Israel in 1967, as a future capital. Palestinians closed their schools and shops on Thursday to begin three "days of rage" over Mr Trump's decision. Rallies were under way in other West Bank cities, and a demonstration was being held outside the Damascus Gate of Jerusalem's Old City. There were no serious casualties reported in Thursday's clashes. But Friday, the Muslim holy day, could provide an important test when Palestinians gather for weekly mass prayers. In the Gaza Strip, Hamas's leader Ismail Haniyeh called on Palestinians to launch a new intifada, or uprising, against Israel on Friday. "The American decision is an aggression on our people and a war on our sanctuaries," Haniyeh said in a speech, urging supporters "to be ready for any orders". "We want the uprising to last and continue to let Trump and the occupation regret this decision," he said. Hamas, a group that seeks Israel's destruction, killed hundreds of Israelis in suicide bombings and other attacks in the early 2000s. But the group's capabilities are more limited now. Gaza, Hamas's stronghold, is closed by an Israeli blockade, while in the West Bank many of its members have been arrested. Nonetheless, it possesses a large arsenal of rockets capable of striking much of Israel. Spontaneous protests sparked in Gaza overnight, with angry youths burning tyres, American and Israeli flags and Trump posters. The Israeli military said it would deploy several battalions to the West Bank ahead of Friday, while other troops have been put on alert to address "possible developments". The conflicting claims to Jerusalem, and especially its Old City, where sensitive Jewish, Muslim and Christian holy sites are located, lie at the core of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. While Mr Trump's decision had no impact on the city's daily life, it carried deep symbolic meaning, and was seen as siding with Israel and an attempt to impose a solution on the Palestinians. Israel, which claims all of Jerusalem as its undivided capital, has welcomed Mr Trump's decision. Mr Netanyahu said Mr Trump "bound himself forever" to the history of Jerusalem with the move and claimed other states are considering following suit. "We are already in contact with other states that will make a similar recognition," he said at the foreign ministry on Thursday. Anger at the US has rippled across the Arab world. Saudi Arabia's royal court, led by King Salman and his powerful son, condemned the Trump administration's decision in a rare public rebuke by the US ally. The regional powerhouse, which could help the White House push through a Middle East settlement, said the kingdom had already warned against this step and "continues to express its deep regret at the US administration's decision", describing it as "unjustified and irresponsible". Mr Trump's move puts the Sunni nation in a bind. The kingdom, particularly its powerful crown prince, Mohammad Bin Salman, enjoys close relations with Mr Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, who leads Mr Trump's efforts to restart Middle East peace talks. US embassies across much of the Middle East and parts of Africa warned American citizens of possible protests following Mr Trump's move. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has suggested that with Mr Trump's move, the US disqualified itself as mediator between Israelis and Palestinians, a role it has played exclusively in more than two decades of stop-and-go negotiations aimed at setting up a Palestinian state alongside Israel. The talks, stalled in recent years, have failed to bring the Palestinians closer to the state they seek in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem, lands Israel captured in the 1967 Middle East war. In parallel, Israel has steadily expanded Jewish settlements on war-won lands, even as it said it wants to negotiate a deal. Mr Abbas has not said what steps he would take, if any. He is to meet with his closest Arab ally, Jordan's King Abdullah II, to co-ordinate positions. Jordan plays a central role in the mounting controversy and, alongside other US allies in the region, has criticised Mr Trump's decision on Jerusalem. The king is seen as one of Washington's most dependable partners in the battle against Islamic extremism in the region. At the same time, the legitimacy of his Hashemite dynasty is closely linked to its special role in Jerusalem, as religious guardian of a key Muslim shrine in east Jerusalem. Jordan, which has a large population with Palestinian roots, cannot afford to be seen as soft on Muslim claims to the holy city. The consultations between the monarch and Mr Abbas will kick off a series of meetings in the Arab and Muslim world on how to respond to Mr Trump. The Arab League, a group representing most states in the Middle East and North Africa, will meet on Saturday. Next week, Turkey will host a gathering of the Organisation of Islamic Co-operation, which has 57 Arab and Muslim member states. The region has been bracing for fallout from Mr Trump's seismic policy shift. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused Mr Trump of throwing the Middle East into a "ring of fire" and said his motives were difficult to fathom. "It's not possible to understand what you are trying to get out of it," Mr Erdogan said, referring to Mr Trump in a speech to a group of workers at Ankara's airport. AP Prosecutors in Turkey are seeking a maximum one-year prison term for a former beauty queen who was stripped of her crown over a social media posting deemed to be "insulting" to the victims of last year's failed coup. Anadolu Agency reported on Thursday that prosecutors in Istanbul have charged 18-year-old Itir Esen with "overtly insulting a section of the public" for a remark she posted on Twitter as the country held memorials on the anniversary of the coup. Ms Esen, who was stripped of her Miss Turkey 2017 title a day after the competition in September when the tweet came to light, denies any intent to insult. The posting caused uproar on social media. A court must accept the indictment before a trial date is set. AP The UN war crimes tribunal for former Yugoslavia has been called biased and anti-Serb by Russia as it closes after 24 years. The tribunal, established by the UN Security Council in 1993 to deal with atrocities during the conflicts in the Balkans, also drew praise on Wednesday from its president, the US and many Security Council members. It was the first international court to investigate and prosecute allegations of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide since the tribunals in Nuremberg and Tokyo after World War II. At a council meeting before the tribunal ends operations on December 31 its president, Judge Carmel Aguis, said the court proved to be "a bold and innovative response to conflict" that has written "a very important page in the history of international justice and the fight against impunity". He expressed hope that the tribunal's "legacy and judgments" will not be undermined by the dramatic death of Croat ex-general Slobodan Praljak, who took poison on November 29 after judges at the tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands, confirmed his 20-year-sentence for war crimes in Bosnia. Deputy US Ambassador Michele Sison said the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia "established key precedents in international criminal law" and "has created a legacy of the greatest importance." Russia's deputy ambassador, Petr Iliichev, disagreed. He said the court was based on "a one-sided, anti-Serb interpretation of the tragic events of the 1990s in former Yugoslavia" and didn't play an impartial and independent role. "We are convinced that a whole range of its decisions have discredited the very idea of international justice," Mr Iliichev said. According to the court, it indicted 161 people and concluded proceedings for all of them - convicting and sentencing 90, acquitting 19, referring 13 to national courts, and sending two to be retried by a "residual" court that is wrapping up the tribunal's work. It said 37 people had their indictments withdrawn or died. Mr Iliichev complained that more than 60% of the convictions dealt with Serbs whose sentences totalled more than 1,000 years while the other parties to the conflict - Croats and Bosnian Muslims - often received "a range of non-guilty sentences". Ms Sison highlighted the November 22 conviction of Ratko Mladic, the Bosnian Serb general whose forces rained shells and snipers' bullets on Sarajevo and carried out the worst massacre in Europe since World War II at Srebrenica. He was convicted of genocide and other crimes and sentenced to life in prison. Mr Iliichev called Mladic's sentence a continuation of the "politicised and biased line" against Serbs. Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic said her country shares the assessments that it "greatly lived up to the expectations of the international community" by fighting against impunity and ensuring accountability for war crimes. "Equally important is the tribunal's role in giving voice to over 100,000 victims of horrific crimes," she said. Serbia's justice minister, Nela Kuburovic, noted that Serbs accounted for 109 of the 161 people indicted by the tribunal. "These numbers speak tellingly about the selective justice of the tribunal, especially in the context of its mandate to establish the truth about the armed conflicts in the former Yugoslavia and bring about reconciliation," she said. Serge Brammertz, a prosecutor for the court, said reconciliation in the Balkans remains a significant challenge, noting that convicted war criminals "continue to be seen by many as heroes, while victims and survivors are ignored and dismissed". AP Greece's Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, right, listens to Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at Maximos Mansion in Athens (Thanassis Stavrakis/AP) The leaders of Greece and Turkey have publicly aired their grievances in a tense news conference as a two-day visit to Athens by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan got off to a rocky start. The Greek government had expressed hopes the visit, the first to Greece by a Turkish president in 65 years, would help improve often frosty relations between the two neighbours. The Nato allies are divided by a series of decades-old issues, including territorial disputes in the Aegean Sea, and have come to the brink of war three times since the early 1970s. But from the outset, discussions focused on disagreements. On the eve of his visit, Mr Erdogan rattled his Greek hosts by saying in an interview with Greece's Skai television that the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne should be "updated". The treaty delineated modern Turkey's borders and set provisions for the status of the Muslim minority in Greece and the Greek minority in Turkey, among other issues. In a visibly testy first meeting with Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos, the two engaged in a thinly veiled verbal spat over the treaty and the Muslim minority, which Mr Erdogan is to visit on Friday. "This happened in Lausanne, that happened in Lausanne. I get that, but let's now quickly do what is necessary," Mr Erdogan told Mr Pavlopoulos. "Many things have changed in 94 years. If we review these, I believe that all the sides will agree that so many things have to (change)." The spat continued during Mr Erdogan's appearance at an unusually candid joint news conference with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. The two listed a series of grievances their countries have with each other, including religious and minority rights, the divided island of Cyprus and the case of 10 Turkish servicemen who have applied for asylum in Greece following a Turkish government crackdown after a failed coup last year. "It is very important to strengthen our channels of communication, and this can only happen on the basis of mutual respect," Mr Tsipras said. The prime minister said the two also discussed tension in the Aegean, where Greece complains Turkish fighter jets frequently violate its airspace. "The increasing violations of Greek airspace in the Aegean and particularly the simulated dogfights in the Aegean pose a threat to our relations, and particularly a threat to our pilots," Mr Tsipras said. For his part, Mr Erdogan insisted once more that the Lausanne treaty needed to be reviewed, but stressed his country had no territorial claims on its smaller neighbour. On the topic of the Muslim minority in Greece - which the country recognises only as a religious minority, while Turkey has long pressed for better rights - Mr Tsipras said his government agreed that improvements must be made in their quality of life. "But issues that concern reforms involving Greek citizens are not an issue of negotiation between countries," he said. Mr Tsipras noted it was unclear exactly what Mr Erdogan was seeking with his call for an update to the 1923 treaty. "The truth is I am a little confused about what he is putting on the table," he said. Greeks have been aghast at Mr Erdogan's comments in the past over possibly revising the Lausanne treaty, considering the move could harbour territorial claims. His bringing up the issue on the eve of and during his visit to Athens was not a move welcomed by his hosts. Mr Erdogan and Mr Tsipras also sparred over the issue of Cyprus, divided since a 1974 Turkish invasion into a Turkish-occupied north and an internationally recognised Greek Cypriot south. Another round of internationally brokered peace talks to reunify the island failed earlier this year. "Who left the table? Southern Cyprus did ... We want the issue to reach a fair and lasting solution but that is not southern Cyprus's concern," Mr Erdogan said. Mr Tsipras retorted: "My dear friend, Mr President, we must not forget that this issue remains unresolved because 43 years ago there was an illegal invasion and occupation of the northern part of Cyprus." Mr Erdogan also raised the issue of Athens having no official mosque, to which Mr Tsipras responded by saying Greece had restored several mosques around Greece, including a centuries-old mosque in central Athens. The refugee crisis appeared to be the only issue the two sides did not disagree on, with both noting they had shared a significant burden of the migration flows into the European Union. More than a million people crossed from Turkey through Greece at the height of the crisis. AP BURLINGTON After hitting some unexpected delays and expenses, the Burlington pool project is back on track for its opening in May, according to city officials. City Administrator Carina Walters reported to the Burlington Committee of the Whole on Tuesday that Reesmans Excavating and Grading discovered the pools site was covered with 6 feet of topsoil, which had to be removed. The extra earthwork added another $150,000 to the budget. The project has also incurred increased costs due to an additional high dive, more air-conditioning in the concession stand, fire alarms, the sound system and security. Walters said those costs have been accounted for under the projects contingency fund which makes up $705,025 of the overall $5.3 million budget. So far, $243,494 of the contingency fund has been spent, leaving $461,531. The committee was asked to approve an additional $28,075 for extra chairs and $48,962 in concession stand equipment for a total of $77,037 that would be taken from the contingency fund. Jeanne Otter from the Pool Board presented the list of equipment it plans to buy, including machines for slushies, soft-serve ice cream and popcorn for the concession stand, along with pricing from four potential sources. The board debated spending more from the contingency fund this early in the construction process. Alderman Tom Preusker said he didnt feel like it was the citys obligation to furnish the pool and concession stand. I dont like that were two months into an eight-month process and were two-thirds through the contingency fund, he said. Alderman Bob Grandi argued that since the prices for items will go up after the new year, it was best to, give the board everything they need to be successful. Alderman Jon Schultz asked Pool Board representative Scott Hoffman if the Pool Board was going to be making future requests for funds. Hoffman said the Pool Board was trying to be as fiscally responsible as possible, but he couldnt guarantee anything because the board members are still learning. Were trying to look under every rock, Hoffman said. Walters said shed been assured by contractors that the project was past the most difficult phase, so theres a reduced risk of further financial surprises. In the end the Committee of the Whole approved the purchases. The pool was also officially named the Burlington Community Aquatic Center. In other business: Racine County Executive Jonathan Delagrave stopped by the meeting on Tuesday to give an update on the county budget, which included $100,000 for the new pool. Delagrave said there is $750,000 of financial support available for existing businesses to assist with adjustments they might have to make due to the Foxconn development. Which could include businesses in the city of Burlington who may be facing wage pressures or innovative pressures with the Foxconn development, he said. While we feel that Foxconn is mostly good news, we know that existing businesses face certain challenges with Foxconn coming in. The Common Council approved the proposed 2018 budget, which includes a 75-cent increase on the tax rate from 2017. For 2018, the tax rate is estimated to be $9.87 per $1,000 in value. Finance Director Steve DeQuaker said he expects the city will close TIF district III sometime in 2018, which would bring the mill rate down for 2019. The council also approved a storm water management analysis of the southern side of the city along McHenry Street, which serves several industries including Lavelle Industries, Ardaugh Group, KW Precasting and Cretex Materials. Walters said the study was prompted by the flooding incidents in September 2016 and July 2017. Speaker Robin Vos of the Wisconsin Assembly met with Walters and business owners along McHenry Street and allocated $50,000 from the Department of Natural Resources for the study. New Delhi, Dec 7 (IBNS): Southern Naval Command continued to undertake Search and Rescue (SAR) operations and providing humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR) material support, over Southeast Arabian Sea and L& M islands in the aftermath of cyclonic storm Ockhi for the eighth consecutive day. Nine naval ships and four types of aircraft (P8I surveillance aircraft, Dornier aircraft, Seaking and ALH helicoters) continued to be deployed for search and rescue. INS Jamuna provided fresh water in excess of 12000 Lts on Thursday at Kavaratti even as work is in progress to repair the damaged desalination plant. The ship would be providing fresh water to the island for next five days. INS Sharda reached Minicoy in the morning with consignment of HADR material comprising fresh water, medicines, food, clothing and blankets. In addition, the ship had also carried other essentials like emergency lights, petrol, portable 10 KVA power generators, UPS, rechargeable torches, tarpaulin, electrical tool kits, boiler suits and a Public address (PA) system with speakers. However, the items could not be delivered on Thursday due to non availability of barge from Minicoy and these will now be delivered on Friday. During the quarter, Jet Airways also reduced its net debt by INR 194 cr. Despite an increase in the Brent fuel price, the overall CASK dropped due to the airlines ongoing efforts to improve operational efficiencies throughout its business. CASK-excluding fuel fell by 5.3 percent to INR 3.07 against INR 3.24 in Q2 FY17 - in line with Jet Airways plan to achieve a 12-15 percent reduction in non-fuel CASK over the next 8-10 quarters. Jet Airways continued to take steps to strengthen its domestic network footprint by augmenting services between emerging cities such as Jaipur, Lucknow, Chandigarh, Dehradun, Udaipur and Indore during the quarter, in order to facilitate the rising demand as well as travel aspirations of guests from these fast-growing cities. Vinay Dube, Chief Executive Officer, Jet Airways, said, The weak demand in the Gulf continues, whilst low fares as well as yields in the domestic market have limited the ability to offset the increase in fuel prices. In line with our commitment to offer guests a superior experience, we continue to grow our domestic presence while keeping a tight control on costs, reflecting in the reduction in non-fuel CASK." "Jet Airways also derived significant operational and business advantages via synergies with its strategic partner - Etihad Airways, as well as other codeshare partnerships, carrying a growing and significant number of global travellers across its 64 destination network, including gateways at Abu Dhabi, Amsterdam, Paris and London, said he. The airlines focus in connecting global travellers as a result of its cooperation with codeshare partners such as Air France-KLM, Virgin Atlantic and Delta Air Lines, drew robust dividends and the airlines percentage of alliance revenues went up by 8% during the recent Quarter. In the same period, India's premier international airline also forged an industry-first partnership with Airbnb - the world's leading community-driven hospitality company allowing it to offer a wide spectrum of rapidly growing, global hospitality choices to guests from India and establishing a deeper connect with the new-age Indian traveller, who is increasingly seeking unique and interesting experiences while travelling in India as abroad. New Delhi, Dec 7 (IBNS) : India on Thursday clarified that a UAV which was on a regular training mission inside the Indian territory lost control and strayed across the LAC and the Government has maintained all established protocols to inform the Chinese authority. The statement, made by the Ministry of Defence, was issued in response to the media article by Xinhua News Agency that an Indian drone had invaded the Chinese territory violating the country's territorial sovereignty. The Defence Ministry statement said : An Indian UAV which was on a regular training mission inside the Indian territory lost contact with the ground control due to some technical problem and crossed over the LAC in the Sikkim Sector." " As per standard protocol, the Indian border security personnel immediately alerted their Chinese counterparts to locate the UAV," it said. The statement added that in response, the Chinese side reverted with the location details of the UAV. "The exact cause of the incident is under investigation. The matter is being dealt with in accordance with the established protocols through institutional mechanisms to deal with situations along the India- China border areas. Earlier in the day, the Chinese state media on Thursday claimed that an Indian drone had "invaded" China's airspace and crashed. "The Indian move violated China's territorial sovereignty. We strongly express our dissatisfaction and opposition," Xinhua news agency cited the deputy director of the army's western theatre combat bureau, Zhang Shuili, as saying. The incident comes months after India and China ended one of the worst border standoffs at the Doklam tri-junction. In August, both the countries pulled back their troops to resolve a tense deadlock over part of the Doklam plateau claimed by both China and Bhutan. Jaipur, Dec 7 (IBNS) : Police on Thursday arrested a man after a Muslim labourer was hacked to death in Rajsamand district of Rajasthan on Wednesday over alleged love Jihad, media reports said. The police found the body and identified the victim as Mohammed Afrazul, 48, from Malda in West Bengal. A video went viral on social media that shows a man, who the police identified as Afrazul, being hacked to death. The assailant in the video, Rajsamand resident Shambhulal Regar, has been arrested. The Rajasthan Government said that a Special Investigation Team has been set up to inquire into the incident. The police have also detained eight aides of the accused and a woman. A case under Sections 302 (murder) and 201 (causing disappearing of evidence) of the Indian Penal Code has been registered. New Delhi, Dec 7 (IBNS): Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi has asked his senior leader Mani Shankar Aiyar to apologise for calling Prime Minister Narendra Modi "neech aadmi" or "low person". Disapproving Aiyar's comment, Rahul tweeted: "BJP and PM routinely use filthy language to attack the Congress party. The Congress has a different culture and heritage. I do not appreciate the tone and language used by Mr Mani Shankar Aiyer to address the PM. Both the Congress and I expect him to apologise for what he said." BJP and PM routinely use filthy language to attack the Congress party. The Congress has a different culture and heritage. I do not appreciate the tone and language used by Mr Mani Shankar Aiyer to address the PM. Both the Congress and I expect him to apologise for what he said. Office of RG (@OfficeOfRG) December 7, 2017 Aiyar, later while interacting with media, said he will apologise if "neech aadmi" literally means "low born" but what he meant was "low". Aiyar, who had once called Prime Minister Narendra Modi a "chaiwala" or "tea-seller", on Thursday attacked the PM calling him "neech aadmi" or "low person" after the latter took a jibe at Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi at the inauguration of the Dr. Ambedkar International Centre. Aiyar's comment came after the Prime Minister took a swipe at Rahul during the inauguration of the Dr. Ambedkar International Centre by calling the Congress' would be President a Shiva devotee. Modi said some parties were seen to talk more about Baba Bhole (Lord Shiva) than Babasaheb. Reacting to Modi's jibe at Rahul, Aiyar told media: "Modi is a very cheap type of a person, he has no manners and always has a tendency to play petty politics." Both Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) were quick to respond to Aiyar's comment. In a series of tweets, Modi has tried to snub Aiyar's comment. In one of his first tweets, the PM said: "I have nothing to say on a wise Congress leader calling me Neech'. This is the Congress mindset. They have their language and we have our work. People will answer them through the ballot box." "They can call me 'Neech'- Yes, I am from the poor section of society and will spend every moment of my life to work for the poor, Dalits, Tribals and OBC communities. They can keep their language we will do our work." They can call me 'Neech'- Yes, I am from the poor section of society and will spend every moment of my life to work for the poor, Dalits, Tribals and OBC communities. They can keep their language we will do our work: PM @narendramodi narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 7, 2017 "I beg to the people of India- please let them be. Let them keep calling me 'Neech' we will not respond. In our hearts we do not have this mindset and want to congratulate them for theirs. If anything- we will answer them for their mindset by our votes on 9th and 14th" Modi tweeted later. I beg to the people of India- please let them be. Let them keep calling me 'Neech' we will not respond. In our hearts we do not have this mindset and want to congratulate them for theirs. If anything- we will answer them for their mindset by our votes on 9th and 14th: PM narendramodi_in (@narendramodi_in) December 7, 2017 Union minister Ravi Shankar Prasad, on behalf of the ruling BJP, held a press conference to attack the Congress over Aiyar's comment. Prasad said the comment reflects the "feudalistic and arrogant thinking" of the Congress party. "It is the feudal, arrogant thinking that only they (Congress) can rule India and no one else," the Union minister said. Prasad believes the comments from the Congress party "are a part of a design to demean our PM because he is born of a poor family. It is an insult to poor people of India and Gujarat." He also said Aiyar's comment had full approval of Congress' would be President Rahul Gandhi. Kolkata/New Delhi, Dec 7 (IBNS) : Condemning the horrific murder of a Muslim labourer in Rajasthan, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee Thursday wrote on Twitter: How can people be so inhuman. Sad. The labourer, Afrazul Khan, was hacked and then burnt alive over an alleged affair. His family, which lives in West Bengals Saiyadpur, Malda district, has demanded the guilty be hanged. The police found the body and identified the victim as Mohammed Afrazul, 48. A video went viral on social media that shows a man, who the police identified as Afrazul, being hacked to death. The main accused in the case, Shambhulal Regar, was arrested and his 14-year-old nephew, who filmed the crime, detained. CPI(M) General secretary Sitaram Yechury also was among those who condemned the killing. Yechury claimed the killing was a result of the atmosphere of hate and communalism fostered by the ideology of the Sangh Parivar. Modi govt and BJP state govts refuse to act and their inaction patronises such barbarity, he tweeted. Aam Aadmi Party leader and Rajasthan in-charge, Kumar Vishwas mocked Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje saying even shame is embarrassed, but not you. Queen Vasundhara, this is the black earnings which your incapable government and intelligent people have given to this country of love. Even shame is embarrassed, but not you, he said. Creative Commons New Delhi, Dec 7 (IBNS): After Rahul Gandhi's disapproval, Congress senior leader Mani Shankar Aiyar issued an apology on Thursday stating that he did not use "neech aadmi" to mean Prime Minister Narendra Modi's caste. Speaking to media, Aiyar said: "My mother tongue is not Hindi and I do not use any filthy words. I did not mean low born when I used the word "neech aadmi". However, if my language has caused damage to the Congress party in Gujarat, I apologise, I apologise for using a word which can be interpreted into some other meaning." Aiyar, who had once called Prime Minister Narendra Modi a "chaiwala" or "tea-seller", on Thursday attacked the PM calling him "neech aadmi" or "low person" after the latter took a jibe at Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi at the inauguration of the Dr. Ambedkar International Centre. Disapproving Aiyar's comment, Rahul tweeted: "BJP and PM routinely use filthy language to attack the Congress party. The Congress has a different culture and heritage. I do not appreciate the tone and language used by Mr Mani Shankar Aiyer to address the PM. Both the Congress and I expect him to apologise for what he said." Aiyar's comment came after the Prime Minister took a swipe at Rahul during the inauguration of the Dr. Ambedkar International Centre by calling the Congress' would be President a Shiva devotee. Modi said some parties were seen to talk more about Baba Bhole (Lord Shiva) than Babasaheb. Reacting to Modi's jibe at Rahul, Aiyar told media: "Modi is a very cheap type of a person, he has no manners and always has a tendency to play petty politics." Both Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) were quick to respond to Aiyar's comment. In a series of tweets, Modi has tried to snub Aiyar's comment. In one of his first tweets, the PM said: "I have nothing to say on a wise Congress leader calling me Neech'. This is the Congress mindset. They have their language and we have our work. People will answer them through the ballot box." "They can call me 'Neech'- Yes, I am from the poor section of society and will spend every moment of my life to work for the poor, Dalits, Tribals and OBC communities. They can keep their language we will do our work." "I beg to the people of India- please let them be. Let them keep calling me 'Neech' we will not respond. In our hearts we do not have this mindset and want to congratulate them for theirs. If anything- we will answer them for their mindset by our votes on 9th and 14th" Modi tweeted later. Union minister Ravi Shankar Prasad, on behalf of the ruling BJP, held a press conference to attack the Congress over Aiyar's comment. Prasad said the comment reflects the "feudalistic and arrogant thinking" of the Congress party. "It is the feudal, arrogant thinking that only they (Congress) can rule India and no one else," the Union minister said. Prasad believes the comments from the Congress party "are a part of a design to demean our PM because he is born of a poor family. It is an insult to poor people of India and Gujarat." He also said Aiyar's comment had full approval of Congress' would be President Rahul Gandhi. Gaza, Dec 7 (IBNS) : Hamas leader Ismail Haniya has called for a new Palestinian intifada, or uprising, after US President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital. "This Zionist policy supported by the US cannot be confronted unless we ignite a new intifada," media reports qouted the head of the armed Palestinian Islamist movement that runs Gaza as saying during a speech. Worried that the recrimination could disrupt reconciliation efforts, Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Al-Hamdallah and other Fatah delegates arrived in Gaza to meet Hamas. Protests broke out in Gaza following the call, with dozens of Palestinians gathering at two points on the border fence with Israel and threw rocks at soldiers on the other side. In cities inside Gaza, thousands of Palestinians rallied, some chanting: "Death to America! Death to the fool Trump!" and burning tyres. Meanwhile, at a NATO summit in Brussels, Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu didn't mince his words ahead of the US president's anticipated declaration. "It's going to be a grave mistake. Grave mistake. It will not bring any stability, peace but rather chaos to the region," Cavusoglu said. The EU and other key allies including France and Britain have also voiced their concern about the expected move. British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said: "We view the reports that we've heard with concern because we think that Jerusalem obviously should be part of the final settlement between the Israelis and the Palestinians, a negotiated settlement that we want to see. And we have no plans ourselves to move our embassy." Pope Francis also expressed his profound concern. In his weekly address he called for Jerusalem's current status to be respected. "I cannot hide my deep concern about the situation that has developed in the last days and, in the meantime, I make an urgent appeal to everybody to respect the status quo of the city.......and I pray that wisdom and prudence can prevail to avoid adding new elements of tension in a world scenario already convulsive." Amid fears of a violent backlash over Trump's expected announcement, US Government employees working at the American consulate in Jerusalem have been told to avoid going into the old city. New York, Dec 7(Just Earth News): An acute hunger emergency ravaging Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)s strife-torn Greater Kasai region could transform into a long-term disaster if additional resources are not made available urgently, the United Nations food relief agency warned on Thursday. Without immediate donor support, many particularly women and children will die, said Claude Jibidar, the head of the UN World Food Programme (WFP) operations in the DRC. The eruption of violence in what used to be a poor but peaceful region has claimed countless lives and forced nearly 1.4 million people from their homes. The crisis has also resulted in traditionally high malnutrition rates to sky-rocket and according to estimates, 3.2 million people are desperately short of food, the UN agency said. A lull in fighting has allowed more staff to be deployed [and] aid workers have fanned out into the Kasai countryside. [We have] co-ordinated multi-agency logistics and humanitarian flights, it added. WFP has been working against the clock to help ever more people. Its efforts have helped a population that is growing rapidly by the day from 42,000 people assisted in September to 115,000 in October and 225,000 in November. However, money is quickly running and WFP plans to feed almost half a million people in December seem impossible as its resources are so depleted that only half-rations can be distributed. At the same time, donor assistance is extremely scarce. Hunger not only puts lives at risk: it is forcing people into prostitution and increasing the risk of sexual violence, stressed Jibidar, calling on Government partners to do all in their power to spare Kasai from the kind of decades-long humanitarian catastrophe that has plagued other DRC regions Markets end the day in red It was a day in red for Indian equity markets, today. Nifty 50 ended, down by 65.75 points. Sensex ended, down by 230.12 points. Top Gainers today were Tata Consumer, Adani Enterprises and L&am... November 17, 2022 | 3:42 pm Bangalore Airport IPO could be valued at ~$3.7 Billion As per the reports of various news publications, Fairfax India Holdings Limited is considering the initial public offer for Bangalore International Airport. It could value the asset of the airp... November 17, 2022 | 2:59 pm Timken India to set up new manufacturing facility at Bharuch, Gujarat; Stock hits 52-week high Timken India Ltd stock hits 52-week high on Thursday after it has announced that new manufacturing facility will be set up at Bharuch, Gujarat to manufacture Spherical Roller Bearings ('SR... November 17, 2022 | 2:41 pm Tata Motors bags supply order of 1,000 buses to Haryana Roadways Tata Motors on Thursday has announced that it has bagged a prestigious order of 1000 buses from Haryana Roadways. The Company will supply the 52-seater fully built BS6 diesel buses i... November 17, 2022 | 1:55 pm Ind Ra assigns Biocon credit rating at 'IND AA+' with Stable outlook India Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra) has assigned Biocon Ltd a Long-Term Issuer Rating of IND AA+. The Outlook is Stable. Further, the proposed commercial paper ratings ass... November 17, 2022 | 1:07 pm RACINE COUNTY Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, has requested the Wisconsin Department of Transportation conduct a safety analysis of the intersection at Highway 11 and Interstate 94 in Racine County. The life of a 20-year-old Pleasant Prairie resident was cut short following an accident near the northbound entrance ramp of the interstate, he said in the email request to Brett Wallace, southeast region director of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. Because of this tragic incident, my office has had many inquiries about the safety at that location. Vos met with Wallace Tuesday to discuss transportation projects in Racine County. A preliminary investigation of the Nov. 26 fatality indicates a semi was westbound on Highway 11 and was making a left turn onto the northbound ramp to the Interstate. An eastbound passenger vehicle driven by the 20-year-old struck the trailer portion of the semi and became wedged underneath, the release states. That woman, Shauntia Renel Brooks-Dobbs, died at the scene. The Foxconn project Its important that a thorough review is conducted as this area is expected to see a significant increase in traffic due to the Foxconn development project, Vos said. In addition, with the forthcoming expansion of the interstate, this study must be done in a timely fashion in order to allow for a robust public discussion to determine if certain improvements are necessary to ensure traffic safety. As part of the $10 billion Foxconn manufacturing campus, the state is widening I-94 and reconstructing the frontage roads. The seven miles of frontage roads between highways 20 and KR in Racine County will be included in upcoming highway reconstruction. Mike Pyritz, regional communication manager for the Southeast Region with the state Department of Transportation, said in an interview with The Journal Times on Dec. 1 that The department is always willing to look at how an intersection works we will adjust to the changes accordingly. Among the changes that could be considered for the intersection are a four-way stop, turn lanes with flashing lights or stoplights, Pyritz said. While there is construction planned at Highway 11, Pyritz said at the time there were no plans in the works to change the configuration of the interchange. Currently the highway on- and off-ramps at Highway 11 are circular, meaning drivers drive a 180-degree half circle before getting on or off the interstate. That is in contrast to diamond interchanges that have a straight path on or off the interstate. Pyritz said it would be difficult to build a diamond interchange at Highway 11 because there is an overpass just north of Highway 11 that could affect on- and off-ramps. Also, he said, DOT tries to minimize the impact on property owners when there is a viable alternative. Later this month, DOT will host a meeting in Racine County at which residents will be able to ask questions about upcoming construction, including Highway 11, Pyritz said. August Ames, an adult movie star, was found dead in California on Tuesday morning in what seems like an apparent suicide. Her grieving husband confirmed the news and said, She was the kindest person I ever knew and she meant the world to me. Please leave this as a private family matter in this difficult time. being a gross kid with #KevintheCat in my NEWWWW @shopsinslife @coyotelovesyou SHIRT playing and hanging out wivvvv @emmahixofficial A post shared by August Ames (@msmaplefever) on Dec 3, 2017 at 11:15pm PST Although the police said that there was no indication of foul play, Ames's death indicates that she fell prey to cyber bullying. Close friends have said that she was suffering from long-term depression. They fear she could have ended her own life. my eyelashes weigh more than I do A post shared by August Ames (@msmaplefever) on Nov 30, 2017 at 10:47pm PST The actress was branded a "homophobe" after voicing her concerns about a co-star who had previously acted in gay films. She tweeted on December 3, whichever (lady) performer is replacing me tomorrow for @EroticaXNews , youre shooting with a guy who has shot gay porn, just to let cha know. BS is all I can say Do agents really not care about who theyre representing? #ladirect I do my homework for my body August Ames (@AugustAmesxxx) December 3, 2017 Sorry, it was just my opinion. My body, my rules. Honestly Im sorry if I offended anyone. August Ames (@AugustAmesxxx) December 4, 2017 The conversation continued over the next couple of days, Hi August, we're doing a story on you and this tweet. Why is it an issue if you (or any lady) shoots a scene with a guy who has shot gay porn? How does this represent something that agents don't "care about"? And, what does this have to do with "homework" on your body? Str8UpGayPorn (@Str8UpGayPorn) December 4, 2017 NOT homophobic. Most girls dont shoot with guys who have shot gay porn, for safety. Thats just how it is with me. Im not putting my body at risk, i dont know what they do in their private lives. August Ames (@AugustAmesxxx) December 3, 2017 How am I homophobic if I myself am attracted to women? Not wanting to have sex with gay men is not homophobic; they dont want to have sex with me either so byeeeee August Ames (@AugustAmesxxx) December 3, 2017 Choose who YOU want to work with Dont do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable Share your thoughts Hmm. Well, I did all three, and twitter took a dump on me August Ames (@AugustAmesxxx) December 4, 2017 Most girls I know DONT work with crossovers! Loving all the love and help ladies August Ames (@AugustAmesxxx) December 4, 2017 Soon after, she faced ire from many of her colleagues, both male and female actors. Actor Eli Hunter said, Its extremely unfair to be black listed because a ridiculous naive stigmatism created by unethical homophobes." I have been doing films for over 8 years and have never contracted anything because my health and safety comes first. So yes, offence taken," Hunter added. Contactsssss A post shared by August Ames (@msmaplefever) on Nov 28, 2017 at 7:04pm PST Nick Capra said Ames may be the stupidest woman Ive come across in 15 years of this industry. Next time use your brain when openly being a c*** on Twitter," he said. Ames had starred in 270 adult movies and won two Adult Video News awards after starting work in the industry three years ago. Several people from the industry took to Twitter to express their shock and grief on Ames's passing. Ames sent out her last Tweet on December 5, fuck yall August Ames (@AugustAmesxxx) December 5, 2017 If cyberbullying is the reason why Ames took her own life, it's saddening to know that yet another life has been lost to it. As they say, you are not remembered for the status you hold or the wealth you gather, but youll be remembered for you deeds and work instead. For many people, Shashi Kapoor has been an icon and will be one until eternity. The actor who passed away at the age of the 79 will forever live in the hearts of his fans. The legendary star doesnt have fans in India only, he also ruled the hearts of those in Pakistan. After he passed away, residents of Peshawar organised a candle vigil called Pride of Peshawar outside the Kapoor Havelihis ancestral homeon Dec. 4. The Kapoor Haveli, situated in the Dhaki Nalbandi area in the interiors of the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province, was built by Kapoors grandfather Dewan Basheswarnath Singh Kapoor in the early 20th century. Cultural Heritage Council (CHC) Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa paid a tribute to the Hindi cinema star, who passed away on December 4 at the age of 79. The event was attended by several people from different walks of life, including cinema lovers. Shashi Kapoors memorial held in Peshawar - outside his fathers Prithviraj Kapoors house where his elder brother Raj Kapoor was born. He visited the house in the late 90s.. Ammara Ahmad (@ammarawrites) December 6, 2017 Speaking on the occasion, CHC secretary Shakeel Waheedullah said the veteran actor always remembered Peshawar as the home of his ancestors. It was the love for his roots that prompted Kapoor to visit the city back in 2000. Shakeel added, Peshawarites have great love and respect for the Kapoor family and Bollywood actors belonging to the ancient city. Peshawar owns Shashi Kapoor too: People from all walks of life gathered at his haveli at Dahki Nalbandi, Qissa Khawani Bazaar, Peshawar. Photo by @rifatorakzai Ammara Ahmad (@ammarawrites) December 6, 2017 It was in 1942 that the head of Kapoor family sold the house and migrated to Mumbai. Have you noticed that the sparrow, a bird that once could be spotted all over the city is now a rare sight? The friendly chirp that once filled the air is now a rarity. And its not an isolated case. Its happening to sparrows in the city and to the tigers in the jungles. The Living Planet Index (LPI) shows a 52 percent decline between 1970 and 2010, stating that biodiversity has declined massively in the last 35 years. And its us humans who are to blame. We have killed them, used them, and exploited them for our own needs. Heres a list of animals that we are on the verge of losing due to what we have done to the planet: 1. Vaquita wildfor Predominantly found in the Gulf of California, the Vaquita is the worlds rarest marine mammal. A porpoise, this animal was not discovered until 1958 and just a few years after that, it touched the line of extinction. Illegal fishing and debris in the sea are taking its life away. 2. Mountain Gorilla wwf Another animal so commonly found and seen in the movies, the Mountain Gorilla is one of the two subspecies of the eastern gorilla and an extremely rare animal that suffers massive threat from poaching, habitat destruction, and disease. They can only be found in just two places in the world: Central Africa and Uganda. 3. Amur Leopard altaconservation This member of the cat dynasty is a very rare and critically endangered leopard that has adapted to life in the temperate forests of Southeast Russia and Northeast China. As per data that was collected in 2015, there are less than 60 in the world today. 4. Glaucous Macaw birdbreedscentral Another gorgeous animal thats a large neotropical parrot is already extinct now. They were last recorded in 1960 and are considered to non-existent; however, some claim that they are there somewhere in the deep jungles of South America. 5. Great Indian Bustard Youtube Weighing more than 18 kg, the great Indian Bustard is undoubtedly one of the heaviest flying birds and we are losing them because of change in habitat system and poaching. The decimated population has reached a point where there are just 200 of them left in India and Pakistan. 6. Florida Panther Typepad These Panthers have been idealised in several cartoon and movies, but lets take a minute to know how they are doing in real life. The species is now endangered and there only just 20 of them in the wild. The recent headcount tells us that there has been an increase in number, but the big cat still faces countless challenges in its fight for survival. 7. Angonoka Tortoise ThoughtCO Native to Madagascar, the land of diversity, the Angonoka Tortoise is easily the most endangered tortoise in the world. They are only found in certain regions of Northwest Madagascar. They are poached and killed for their distinctive look and beautifully decorated carapace. 8. Singapore Stream Crab wrscomsg Discovered just recently in 1986, the Singapore stream crab are found in the live streams of Singapore and are going extinct due to rapid urbanization. Locals often hunt them as food. They only reach about 3 cm in width. 9. Madagascan Fish Eagle Wiki Commons Another gem from Madagascar, the Fish Eagle is a bird of prey. Close to 63 cm long, their population is in rapid decline as they are threatened by habitat destruction and persecution. The current wild population of this bird in the wild is estimated to be around 120 breeding pairs. 10. Mexican Wolf LA Times Also known as el lobo, this they roved in thousands across the Unites States. However, the rapid change brought about by urbanisation and too much intervention by humans in their habitat, has seen their population dwindling. To keep them safe, a small group of Mexican wolves was released back into the wild in Arizona from the zoo. 11. California Condor La Times A majestic North American bird, the condor has a wingspan of 3 m. Its a new world vulture and arguably the largest; sadly, it became extinct in the wild in 1987. Their numbers drastically declined in the 20th century due to poaching, lead poisoning, and habitat destruction. The condor is a significant bird to many Californian Native American groups and plays an important role in several of their traditional myths. Can we say that better preservation of the earth we were given could have saved these animals? Can we say that our poaching and unhealthy intervening habits have killed so many species that its difficult to get them back now? Can we say that if not the past, we are willing to change the future with our actions? Can we? We spend most of our day in the office, so its only fair that employers throw in some perks and benefits that make the long hours and hard work less tiring. But some companies go the extra mile in looking after their employees. Leading the pack are companies like Airbnb, IKEA, and Netflix, who offer an array of perks that go beyond standard vacation and sick days. 1. Netflix The online streaming service provider does more than just give subscribers the opportunity to binge-watch shows when they arent working. The company offers a years worth of paid leave to new mothers and fathers. Throughout the year, the new parents can return part-time or full-time depending on their need and take time off as needed. netflix 2. Airbnb Airbnb literally lives up to its name. The company offers its employees an annual stipend of $2,000 so that they can travel and live in any Airbnb listing around the world. Airbnb employees are indeed very lucky. airbnb 3. Adobe Adobes required time off is a perk that we all can get behind. The company gives its employees one entire week off in December and one week over the summer. During these two weeks, the company downs its shutters so that everyone can enjoy time off work without feeling guilty. adobe 4. Starbucks Starbucks offers full tuition reimbursement to its employees. This benefit covers Starbucks partnership with Arizona State University where the companys employees can earn their bachelors degree with full tuition coverage. starbucks 5. Accenture Accenture proudly supports the LGBT community and constantly strives to build an inclusive environment for the members of the community. As part of this initiative, the company even supports gender reassignment for its employees. accenture 6. Google Google is world famous for its swanky workplaces and employee benefits. Its a lesser known fact that the company offers a death benefit to its employees wherein the surviving spouse or partner of a deceased employee receives 50 percent of their salary for the next ten years. google 7. Southwest Airlines There are many perks to enjoy if one works with an airline company. But Southwest Airlines does it differently. The biggest perk of working at Southwest is that all employees get free unlimited travel packages for themselves and their eligible dependents. southwest 8. Twitter When employees arent tweeting, they are enjoying three catered meals a day. But this is a well-known benefit that the company provides its employees. In addition, employees are also treated to on-site acupuncture and improv classes. twitter via cnbc 9. Deloitte At Deloitte, employees can avail two kinds of sabbatical programmes. First, a month-long sabbatical can be availed for any reason. Second, a three- to six-month break can be taken to pursue personal or professional growth opportunities. Employees can avail the latter with 40 percent pay. deloitte 10. Walt Disney Company At the Happiest Place on Earth, employees of the Walt Disney Company are literally happy. The company provides its employees - along with their families and friends - free admission to all its parks. They also get discounts on hotels and merchandise. walt disney 11. Salesforce The company takes its corporate social responsibility seriously. Employees at Salesforce get six days of paid volunteer leave every year so that they can spend time on social work. In addition, the company also gives employees $1,000 to donate to a charity of their choice. salesforce It is imperative for companies to not only retain their employees but also keep them happy and interested at work. Perks and benefits go a long way in achieving this. Aryasthan, Janesthan, Huansthan, Rohansthan, Nehasthan, Meerasthan the new Rajasthan tourism advertisement campaign titled Jaane Kya Dikh Jaye is hard to miss. Rajasthan, with all its golden sand, majestic forts and romantic lakes, is touted to be the most colourful state in India, or at least the Rajasthan government ensures to maintain a vivid image. The advertisements, prefixed with the name of the tourists, capture everyones heart. However, from being the most-loved tourist destination, Rajasthan is headed towards becoming a state of intolerance and extremism. Those bright and rich advertisements are a sham and stand in stark contrast to the ground reality. On December 7, a migrant Muslim labourer, identified as Mohammed Bhatta Sheikh, from West Bengal was burnt alive for allegedly committing 'love jihad' in Rajasthan's Rajsamand district. The video of the detestable crime has been making rounds on social media. This is the most recent incident in the horrid history of Rajasthan and what followed right after the start of 2017 is even more unsettling. On April 1, 2017, Pehlu Khan, a 55-year-old dairy farmer from Nuh, Haryana was attacked and murdered by a group of 200 Hindu cow vigilantes affiliated with right-wing groups in Alwar, Rajasthan. Khan was travelling to Jaipur to purchase dairy cattle hoping to increase milk production for the upcoming holy month of Ramadan. On his way back to Haryana, Khan was stopped on Jaipur-Delhi national highway by 200 cow vigilantes. He showed papers to cow vigilantes certifying that the cattle were bought for dairy farming. Despite the documentation, Khan and others were dragged out of the vehicle and beaten with rods and sticks. Pehlu Khan later succumbed to injuries and six others, despite serious wounds, survived. Rajasthan has not looked back since then. In fact, things are getting worse by the day. And the state government is just silently witnessing the extremists ripping apart the composite culture and law of the land. Here are the things that government has thoroughly failed to deal with. Cases Of Cow Vigilantism Over the last one year, Rajasthan has become a centre for Gau Rakshaks and a hothouse for crimes relating minorities. On November 11, 2017, 35-year-old dairy farmer Umar Khans dismembered body was found on a railway track in Ramgarh area of Alwar district in Rajasthan. His family members and activists alleged that he was shot dead by cow vigilantes while he was ferrying cattle in a vehicle the day before. The family alleged that cow vigilantes threw his body on a railway track to conceal his murder. Allison Joyce/Getty Images In yet another incident of brutal cow vigilantism, a crowd of about 50 miscreants at Barmer in Rajasthan attacked staff and officials of the Tamil Nadu governments Animal Husbandry Department on suspicion of cattle smuggling on June 12, 2017. Fifty cattle were purchased and were being transported in five trucks when cow vigilantes attacked. The mob thrashed officials and tried to set one of the trucks on fire. The BJP-led government in Rajasthan has been shying away from taking stern action against cow vigilantes and malefactors taking law into their hands. Padmavati Row Pandoras box opened with the production of Sanjay Leela Bhansalis magnum opus Padmavati narrating the story of Queen Padmini, Alauddin Khalji and Maha Rawal Ratan Singh. Director Bhansali would have no idea that a rumour about a dream sequence in his movie Padmavati would take such an ugly turn. The Rs 180-crore film, based on the life of 13th century queen Rani Padmini, has been dogged by controversy since it went into production late last year. Padmavati is a fictional film about the fictional tale of a Rajput princess written by 16th century Sufi poet Malik Muhamad Jayasi. On January 27, Bhansali, who has denied the rumour, was pulled and slapped by the mob and the movie sets were vandalised by activists of an organisation called Rajput Karni Sena in Rajasthan in January. Protests mounted across the country and death threats were being issued, all right under the nose of the government. Right-wing outfits, with their easy-to-hurt sentiments, claimed that the movie distorts history and dishonours Rani Padmini. Mahipal Singh Makrana, president of Rajasthan unit of Karni Sena, said that they would not hesitate to chop Deepika's nose like Shurpanakha (Shurpanakha was a character in the Ramayana whose nose was chopped off by Lakshmana). BCCL Members of the radical right-wing outfit also threatened to behead Bhnasali if he proceeds with the release of Padmavati. The convenor of the Shri Rajput Karni Sena, Lokendra Singh Kalvi, called for a Bharat Bandh on December 1, the date Padmavati is slated to release. He threatened to burn down any theatre, which screens the film and told ANI, "Jauhar ki jwala hai, bahut kuch jalega. Rok sako to rok lo. (This is the fire of 'jauhar', a lot of things will burn. Stop us if you can.)" He also called Deepika Padukone naachnewali for her reaction to the protests and controversy. Deepika said the country is becoming regressive. Earlier in November, Bhansali released a video clarifying that there was no distortion of history in Padmavati. As obstacles and protests refused to die down, the release of the movie, which was scheduled to hit theatres on December 1, was delayed for an indefinite period. The attack on Bhansali and Deepika did not elicit any response or condemnation from the government. The row, which took entire country by storm, at least on social media, failed to stir the government. The matter was first echoed in the Parliament when Jaya Bachchan brought up the incident during the Zero Hour in the Rajya Sabha, speaking about the growing intolerance and threats to creativity. However, In Rajasthans political circles, the matter is a closed subject. The Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishad also warned against shooting the film in Rajasthan. Most political parties have not spoken to condemn the incidents, presumably fearing to disturb their well-guarded vote bank. Love Jihad The fictitious Love Jihad, also called Romeo Jihad, concept rose to national attention in 2009 in India with alleged conversions of Hindu girls to Islam in Kerala and Mangalore. While the alleged cases of Love Jihad are rising in the country, Keralas Hadiya, known as Akhila before marrying a Muslim man, is at the centre of the controversy and has been reduced to an object for political gains. Today, an astonishing incident came to the fore. A Muslim labourer, identified as Mohammed Bhatta Sheikh, from West Bengal was burnt alive allegedly for committing 'love jihad' in Rajasthan's Rajsamand district. Not just that, the accused Shambhu Nath Raigar, also made a video of the heinous crime and later put it on social media. Raigar first attacked the man with an agricultural equipment injuring him severely and later poured kerosene on him and burnt him alive. In the video, Raigar can be seen mentioning that those who indulge in 'love jihad' will be met with same fate. In another case, the family of a 22-year-old woman, filed a complaint claiming that she had been forcibly converted to Islam and that her marriage was a case of Love Jihad. The womans brother claimed that a man named Faiz Modi had been harassing her for a long time and had abducted her. He claimed that her sister was forced to sign some papers, to forge marriage documents and that she was blackmailed with objectionable pictures. The Rajasthan High Court, that was hearing the case, later allowed the woman to stay with her husband and asked the police to ensure her safety. BCCL On November 19, Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal, at a spiritual fair organised in Jaipur, were distributing controversial booklets peddling anti-Muslim content. One of the booklets, a manual being sold by VHP for Rs 5 each, advised the use of words like "terrorists", "anti-nationals", "pro-Pakistanis", "womanisers", and "smugglers" to describe Muslims to women in a Hindu household, pitching it as a campaign against 'love jihad'. The second pamphlet was distributed for free and featured a morphed photograph of Bollywood actor Kareena Kapoor, with half her face covered by a niqab, and a bindi on her forehead. The pamphlet said Muslims have been using 'love jihad' to "convert Hindus for the last thousand years" and cites Bollywood actors Aamir Khan and Saif Ali Khan as "examples... as they have deserted their Hindu wives to entrap other Hindu women". Defective Law and Order Demise of Zafar Khan The murder of 44-year-old Zafar Khan in Paratpgarh, Rajasthan, allegedly beaten to death on June 16, 2017, by officials of the Swachch Bharat Mission, showed multiple level of brutality and questioned the law and order situation in the state. The officials were visiting the Kuttchi Basti slum where Khan resided and were reportedly photographing women who, lacking domestic or public toilets, defecating in the open. The officials apparently took pictures, abusing and shoving the women. Khan, an activist and a CPI (ML) member intervened and was soon attacked by the officials, who beat him so severely that he died on the spot. What raises more questions is the fact that Khans autopsy report does not indicate any injury marks on his body and the reason for his death is being cited as cardio-respiratory failure. The demise of Zafar Khan ji in Pratapgarh is extremely unfortunate. Investigation is on - justice shall prevail. Vasundhara Raje (@VasundharaBJP) June 18, 2017 Rajasthans Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje expressed sympathy on Twitter and called Khans demise extremely unfortunate. She also tagged a tweet of Udaipurs IGP which states that scientific evidence doesnt suggest murder. Woman Beaten, Forced To Say Allah and "Jai Shri Ram" Another shocking incident, yet again from Rajasthan, came into light after a video clip showed a group of men thrashing a mentally-unstable woman on June 13, 2017. SHOCKING: Men thrash a mentally-challenged woman with a pipe in Rajasthan's Nagaur, forced to say "Allah", "Jai Shri Ram" & "Jai Hanuman". ANI (@ANI) June 16, 2017 The woman was forced to say Allah, Jai Shri Ram and Jai Hanuman while she was constantly kicked and hit with rubber pipe as she screamed and called for help in pain. Sikh Men Thrashed By Mob In Ajmer Four Sikh men were thrashed by a mob in Raigarh village of Ajmer district in April this year. The frightening video that surfaced on April 24 showing the four men, who were sevadars or volunteers at a Gurudwara in Alwar, were dragged out of the car and were beaten. 3 Sikh mercilessly beaten in Rajasthan, villagers labelled them as child kidnapper when they were asking directions Owais Shah (@owaistshah) May 25, 2017 The men were labelled as child-kidnappers. Reports suggested that the four reached the area to seek money for Gurudwaras langar or free kitchen. In Rajasthan, lynchings and mob violence have been motivated by an idea of hate and prejudice. The dismal condition of law and order in Rajasthan, hints that something is rotten in the state. Perhaps the mentality. All these incidents clearly indicate how Rajasthan has become a state of disorder. The state that has a glorious past of camaraderie and peace is now threatened by its own men who are riding high on some pride. The current state of affairs in Rajasthan is completely different from what is reflected in history books. The rise of revengeful, holier-than-thou India is a depraved sign for the people of this country. The country, that has been grappling with terror from far right-wing outfits, has found its breeding-ground in Rajasthan. The bigger question Is this the New India we all are aspiring for? Sadiq Khan, the first Asian-origin mayor of London, on Wednesday, called on the UK government to formally apologise for the April 1919 Jallianwala Bagh massacre by British Indian Army soldiers. Also Read: Indian Origin MP Demands Apology For Jallianwala Bagh Massacre From UK PM Theresa May Khan, who was in Amritsar as part of his six-day mission to India and Pakistan, called the massacre one of the most horrific events in Indian history. reuters "I'm clear that the (UK) government should now apologise, especially as we reach the centenary of the massacre. This is about properly acknowledging what happened here and giving the people of Amritsar and India the closure they need through a formal apology," Khan said as he visited the Jallianwala Bagh memorial and paid respects. twitter The UK has never extended a formal apology for the massacre in which hundreds of people were killed. In February 2013, the then UK Prime Minister David Cameron had described the massacre as a "deeply shameful event", falling short of a formal apology during his visit to Amritsar. afp Khan, who is of Pakistani origin, made it clear that a formal apology should have been made by the UK government decades ago. "The Jallianwala Bagh massacre is one of the most horrific events in Indian history. It is wrong that successive British governments have fallen short of delivering a formal apology to the families of those who were killed." The National Green Tribunal has blamed Art Of Living Foundation's Sri Sri Ravi Shankar for damaging Yamuna floodplains during it's World Cultural Festival on rivers bank in March 2016. BCCL We hold the AoL responsible for damaging the Yamuna floodplains in terms of the report submitted by the expert committee, the bench, headed by NGT chairperson Swatanter Kumar, said. However, the bench didnt impose any extra penalty other than the earlier fine of Rs 5 crore imposed on AOL. BCCL If the restoration cost exceeds Rs 5 crore, it would be recovered from AoL. However, if the cost is lesser than Rs 5 crore, the remaining amount will be returned to the foundation, the bench said and added that the floodplain should not host any activity that damages the environment. The bench also directed Delhi Development Authority (DDA) to assess the damage and estimate cost of restoration based on the expert panels recommendation. The AoL has said that it will go to the Supreme Court against the verdict. At least 53 persons including 21 children were killed in Russian air strikes on Monday morning in a village held by Islamic State in eastern Deir Ezzor province of Syria, a monitor said. "The toll increased after removing the debris in a long day of the rescue operation," Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights told AFP, adding the strikes hit "residential buildings" in the village of Al-Shafah on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River. The monitor previously gave a toll of 34. Syrias Deir Ezzor is one of the last places under the control of the Islamic State. The terror outfit known as Daesh has been driven out of its major strongholds due to the raids carried out by Russia, Syria and US-backed forces. Russia, an ally of Syrias President Bashar al-Assad, began a military intervention in September 2015 to help the Syrian government regain territory from the Islamic State and the rebels of the Syrian army who had once captured sizeable part of the country. AFP Monday's strike came as the UN is trying to end the six-year-old civil war which has killed over 3.5 lakh people and left millions homeless who flee their country and are living in other countries as refugees. RACINE COUNTY In the eyes of Eric Gallien, Racine Unifieds next superintendent, the districts new career academies program is a way for high school students to find themselves. The Academies of Racine are small learning communities that provide real-world experiences with local businesses and professionals, linking schoolwork and the workplace. Students can choose between 14 career pathways, focusing on things such as engineering or business, as examples. During an event about the progress of the Academies of Racine program hosted by Racine Area Manufacturers and Commerce Tuesday at Roma Lodge in Mount Pleasant, Gallien drew connections between the program and his experiences in high school. Gallien, currently the districts deputy superintendent, grew up in a single-parent home in the Milwaukee housing projects. We were very poor, coming up, he said. Gallien said that, during high school, he was somewhat of a class clown but was always able to bring people together, whether it was meeting at McDonalds after school or going to the homecoming game. That wasnt always productive, but I had a principal and teacher that saw those skills in me, who saw that leadership ability, Gallien said. They introduced him to his schools business education program, and his teacher challenged him to write his own business plan. Gallien accepted the challenge and found funding for his business project. I was able to really learn a lot about who I was as a student, he said. This experience helped Gallien to re-engage in school. He went on to join the U.S. Marine Corps and to obtain two masters degrees and a doctorate. Gallien said it was the introduction to business that put him on the path toward success, and he said that is exactly what the Academies of Racine aim to do. Its to really give these students an opportunity to find themselves, he said. Student perspective The academies program began last year with the freshman academy. Freshmen students took part in a commitment-to-graduate ceremony, attended the districts See Your Future Expo and visited college campuses. They also learned soft skills like how to shake hands and the importance of making eye contact. Then, they participated in a spring freshman declaration day, in which they decided which academy they would attend. Now those students, who are currently sophomores, are attending their chosen academies. Jaylen Love, a sophomore academy ambassador in the health services pathway, spoke about his experiences last year. Overall I felt that the academy program itself was a great experience for me, because I didnt really know what I wanted to do when I graduated from high school and attending the See Your Future Expo, that kind of helped give me the idea of all the types of careers around the Racine area and the different things that I can do, Love said. Through the academies, the district aims for every student to have the opportunity to leave high school with industry credentials or college credits. The numbers According to Gallien, so far 180 business and community organizations have committed to partnering with the school district on the program. And more than 400 teachers have visited businesses and college campuses to find out what their students need to learn to set them up for future success. Last year, 89 percent of freshmen attended school on a regular basis, 91 employers and civic partners were involved in school programs, and 284 community volunteers were involved in the program. One of the most significant numbers, Gallien said, is the 123 co-op and youth apprenticeships that were offered to students. That makes Racine Unified the No. 1 district in the state of Wisconsin as it relates to those types of experiences, he said. At the end of the last school year, 60.5 percent of freshman had obtained seven or more credits, and there was a reduction in office discipline referrals. The average freshman grade-point average last year was 2.3. Gallien said the district is making efforts to improve that this year. United Arab Emirate launched their maiden space programme on Wednesday. It is aimed at sending four Emirati astronauts to the International Space Station within five years. "On this day, a new chapter in our history begins with the launch of the first UAE Astronaut Programme," within the next five years, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashed Al-Maktoum, the UAE's vice-president and prime minister, said in a statement. "The people of the UAE will break barriers," he said. reuters/representational image The oil-rich Gulf nation has already announced ambitious plans to become the first Arab country to send an unmanned probe to orbit Mars by 2021, naming it "Hope". The astronaut programme would make it one of only a handful of states in the Middle East to have sent a person into space as it looks to make good on a pledge "to become global leader in space exploration over the next 50 years". Geospatial World The first Arab in outer space was Saudi Arabia's Sultan bin Salman Al-Saud, who flew on a US shuttle mission in 1985. Two years later, Syrian air force pilot Muhammed Faris spent a week aboard the ex-Soviet Union's Mir space station. Aspiring Emirati astronauts who apply for the programme will go through a rigorous vetting procedure, with finalists given months of specialised training before the last four are selected. reuters/representational image In the long-term, the UAE says it is planning to build a "Science City" to replicate life on Mars and aims to create the first human settlement on the red planet by 2117. One of the most dangerous places to live in current times, Syria, is battling with new issues every day. While people are migrating from the war-torn country, those who are left are falling prey to the dangerous games that the armed militias are playing. Their ordeal is not limited to facing physical violence. A study commissioned by UNHCR, has found rampant sexual violence against men and boys in the Syria crisis indicates that this violence may be far more widespread than previously understood. The study involved several dozen informants and focus group discussions with some 196 refugees in Iraq, Lebanon and Jordan and mainly conducted in late 2016. Its main findings were: 1. Sexual violence and torture of men and boys in Syria by multiple parties to the conflict appears to be far more common than previously thought based on discussions with survivors, refugees and informants. UNHCR researchers heard accounts of violence against boys as young as 10, and against men including those in their 80s. reuters/representational image 2. Gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex individuals are particularly vulnerable to sexual violence and this vulnerability does not end when people leave Syria. Inside Syria armed groups were reported as the main perpetrators. Outside Syria, the danger is often from opportunistic abuse. 3. Refugee boys in countries of asylum suffer sexual violence at the hands of other male refugees and from males in the local community. The high rates of child labour among Syrian refugee boys (up to 94% males in Jordan) are of particular concern in this regard. 4. Sexual exploitation and blackmail of refugee males in countries of asylum was reported, especially among those working in the informal economy. reuters/representational image People spoke of severe and debilitating violence, including weapons being used to sexually assault. Much of this was reported as occurring in detention or makeshift prisons. When I was in detention in Syria I was tortured in every possible way. We were 80 persons in one cell with no light for 30 days. We were all naked. At night, they hung us from our hands they tortured us with electricity to the genitals. They would come into the cell to violate us, but it was dark - we couldnt see them. All we could hear were people saying, Stop! Dont! I thought we would die, said a gay refugee, identified as Tarek. Another refugee spoke of the horrors a relative had endured: One of my uncles in Syria was arrested. A few months after he was released from detention, he told us he broke down, crying in front of us that there was not one spot on his body that had not been abused by an electric drill. He had been raped After he was released he stopped eating and became alcoholic. He died from kidney failure. reuters/representational image Refugee men and boys working informally reported the refusal of some employers to pay wages until sexual favours were performed. They also spoke of blackmailing through the use of sexually humiliating photos and videos taken on mobile phones. These are most disturbing accounts revealing just how grave the risk of sexual violence has become both for women and girls and, as shown by this recent report, also men and boys, said Volker Turk, UNHCRs Assistant High Commissioner for Protection. reuters/representational image And its clear too that we are faced with a vicious cycle here of little help being available, limited outreach to male survivors, inaccessible services, and a culture of silence all of which reinforce a myth that this problem is rare. UNHCRs report was undertaken with a view to examining the characteristics, causes and impact of sexual violence against boys and men, and with a view to identifying good practices and other means of addressing the needs of victims of sexual violence. If you haven't invested in Bitcoin yet -- oh well, join the club and don't kick yourself too hard. Not yet. Bitcoin value soars past $14,000 / REUTERS To say 2017 has been a stellar year for Bitcoin would be the most ridiculous understatement of the year. The digital currency has broken all sorts of records this year, even going past the $14,000 mark for the very first time earlier today. Just last week, Bitcoin did the unthinkable when it surpassed the $10,000 price milestone. No sooner had it achieved this price valuation, when Bitcoin's value dropped sharply by $2,000 in just a few hours, causing top economists, entrepreneurs and business leaders around the world to issue warnings against the volatile nature of Bitcoin investments. ALSO READ: How One Tech Writer Threw Away $14.8 Million Dollars In Bitcoin Along With His Old Hard Drive Bitcoin's value just keeps on increasing / REUTERS But despite these warning bells, Bitcoin's upward trajectory has been unrelenting. Not counting a couple of sharp dips, Bitcoin has blitzed past $12,000 and $13,000 price mark within a couple of days, finally breaching above the $14,000 on Thursday in Asia. Despite briefly dipping down to $13,400, Bitcoin was was trading around $14,200 at the Hong Kong stock exchange. DON'T MISS: 7 Things You Should Know About World's 1st Official Bitcoin Billionaires, The Winklevoss Twins Bitcoin value is increasing / REUTERS Bitcoin is a digital currency that is based on blockchain -- and it needs to be "mined" by running complex programs on a computer, which is a huge energy intensive task. Its current upswing is credited to big investments by South Korean and Japanese investors keen on cashing in on Bitcoin's soaring fortunes, according to a CNN report. This is a crucial phase in Bitcoin's quest to be recognized as a legitimate source of currency across the world -- a thought that has stiff resistance from major governments and banking establishments from around the world. The virtual currency Bitcoin has touched an all-time high value of $14,000 -- flirting with the $15,000 mark even. With such a meteoric rise in its value, how can anyone not be interested in investing in bitcoin? Well, not so fast. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has some warnings for all of you eyeing Bitcoin as a shortcut to becoming a millionaire. Reuters The financial industry regulator has cautioned users, holders and traders of Virtual Currencies (VCs), including Bitcoins, about the potential financial, operational, legal, customer protection and security-related risks that they are exposing themselves to. Incidentally, India is not the only country to express caution on Bitcoins. Several other countries have placed restrictions on them as well -- including Russia, China, Iceland, Bangladesh, Sweden, Thailand and Vietnam. ALSO READ: Beyond Bitcoin: How Blockchain Is The Foundational Building Block Of A Technological Revolution Here's what RBI warning you against investing in Bitcoin at the moment... 1. RBI hasn't authorised any entity or company to deal with Bitcoin or any other virtual currency in India RBI has clarified that it has not given any licence/authorisation to any entity/company to operate such schemes or deal with Bitcoin or any other virtual currency. Last week, finance minister Arun Jaitley too had said that the government has not granted any legitimacy to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. ALSO READ: Bitcoin Miners Are Using More Electricity Than Ireland & Other 159 Countries. No Kidding. 2. Bitcoin is prone to hacking and malware attacks Reuters Virtual currencies like Bitcoin ultimately reside in digital media or electronic wallets. Therefore, they are prone to losses arising out of hacking, loss of password, compromise of access credentials, malware attack etc. ALSO READ: From $1300 In January, Bitcoin's Price Just Went Past $14,000 In Under A Year & Is Still Rising 3. There's no legal recourse for any case of Bitcoin fraud Payments by virtual currencies, such as Bitcoins, take place on a peer-to-peer basis without an authorised central agency which regulates such payments. And since Bitcoins aren't recognized by RBI, there is no established framework for recourse to customer problems and disputes at the moment. 4. Bitcoin value is based on 'speculation' Unlike paper currency which is assigned a value against gold holdings, and other material factors, there is no underlying or backing of any asset for virtual currencies like Bitcoin. As such, their value seems to be a matter of speculation. Huge volatility in the value of VCs has been noticed in the recent past. Thus, the users are exposed to potential losses on account of such volatility in value. ALSO READ: 7 Things You Should Know About World's 1st Official Bitcoin Billionaires, The Winklevoss Twins 5. Bitcoin exchange platforms are set up in jurisdictions whose legal status is unclear. It is reported that virtual currencies, such as Bitcoins, are being traded on exchange platforms set up in various jurisdictions whose legal status is also unclear. Hence, the traders of virtual currencies on such platforms are exposed to legal as well as financial risks. ALSO READ: How One Tech Writer Threw Away $14.8 Million Dollars In Bitcoin Along With His Old Hard Drive 6. Bitcoins are used for illegal and terrorism activities. There have been several media reports of the usage of virtual currencies, including Bitcoins, for illicit and illegal activities in several jurisdictions. Reuters The absence of information of counterparties in such peer-to-peer anonymous/pseudonymous systems could subject the users to unintentional breaches of anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) laws. WannaCry virus hackers collected ransom in Bitcoins from their victims to unlock their computers. ALSO READ: Everything You Need To Know About Bitcoin, Now That It's Surged Past $10,000 Per Coin 7. RBI has constituted a group to look at the possibility of having a government-backed cryptocurrency. Reuters Meanwhile, the apex bank has constituted a group to look at the possibility of having a government-backed cryptocurrency. This, if comes into being, can be an alternative to the rupee for digital transactions. By Chris Purcell, Analyst Relations at Hewlett Packard Enterprise If you ask Google the question, What is digital business, it takes less than a second for the search engine to serve up more than 75 million pages of answers. Thats according to Peter Burris, who explains the concept in a white paper entitled, The executive role in digital business technology decisions. Burris, the Chief Research Officer and General Manager of Wikibon, SilicanANGLEs research team, believes that consumers are forcing organizations across industries, sizes, and geographies to become more digital. And the businesses that succeed will be the ones that can master the use of data. Yet, how exactly does a company master the role of data to become a winning digital business? In the paper, Burris discusses 4 ways: Apply data to differentially create and keep customers. Data should be thought of as fuel for your business an extremely valuable asset. As such, it needs to be gathered, refined, and put to use. For example, data from orders can be refined and then used to better predict supply chain, product management, and customer engagement actions. Those businesses that can gather more data and refine it better than their competitors will be more successful. This means every IT purchasing decision should be evaluated with the goal of gathering more data as a means of creating new revenue streams. Instead of just thinking about buying hardware, software, and services, business leaders should think, How does this technology selection increase the value of data options relative to other technologies? Build a foundation for digital business success. Every business possesses the necessary capabilities to create and keep customers, yet what leads to success in todays digital realm? Burris explains that you must be able to turn analog data into digital data to be analyzed, processed, and then turned into actionable insights. The emerging Internet of Things and People (IoT&P) will help by using sensors that continuously monitor and record real work and turn it into digital data. Big analytics (or big data) and machine learning will help by transforming data feeds into actionable insights and models. Of course, these insights and models must be acted upon. Burris explains, Just as analog data must be translated into digital data to be processed by digital technologybig analytics must be transduced back into a form suitable for enacting an event in the real world. Embrace cloud computing but you cant do everything from the public cloud. To some degree, all digital businesses will employ cloud computing. Yet, how it implements cloud is vital. Burris explains, Public cloud is not always the best option. Contrary to much popular commentary, your digital business designs will require a range of implementation choices. Thats because public cloud deployment is not always possible or practical. When you are using applications that require low-latency, the laws of physics make it impossible to send data back and forth fast enough to and from a distant public cloud. In terms of practicality, many legacy applications cant easily be moved to the cloud. Lastly, some applications, data, and intellectual property should be kept on premises because they are central to your value proposition. If you decide to keep key applications on premises, you will still benefit from new innovations in cloud technology. The benefits of cloud-like technologies are permeating new on-premises solutions, giving you options such as simple integration with public cloud, subscription payment models, and elastic capacity. Yes, execs must play a pivotal role in cloud decisions. Successful digital businesses will demand spending lots of money on computing over the next decade. Yet, the real question is not how much you will spend, but who will decide how that money is spent? Burris is adamant that as digital business becomes increasingly central to achieving business outcomes, executives must get more involved. As customers seek greater digital engagement, your digital business capabilities increasingly become the basis of your brand. By taking a more active role in these decisions, executives can ensure that customers, not technology, are the focus of IT spending. And as technology becomes more intertwined with the companys business model, execs need to step up to ensure that digital assets are effectively merchandised. Simple, insightful IT visibility for executives Mastering the role of data in any organization can be intimidating to anyone, particularly for an executive. Yet to be successful in your role and to ensure the success of your business -- it is absolutely necessary. As Burris explained, recent innovations are making traditional IT, private, and public cloud easier to deploy and manage. HPE just announced the industrys first multi-cloud management solution, HPE OneSphere, a tool that provides executives with the transparency they need to make better IT spending and deployment decisions. Real-time, cross-cloud insights enable CIOs and lines of business to increase resource utilization and reduce costs, improving efficiency across the board. For example, HPE OneSphere collects, tags and displays usage metrics for all deployed resources. It also provides month-to-date and previous month usage costs for both private and public cloud providers. And with these improved insights, business executives can better master the role of data in their organization. The role of data in business is growing every second. Burris concludes, Going forward, the businesses that win and the executives that succeed will master the role of data in business. HPE has assembled an array of resources that are helping businesses succeed in a hybrid IT world. Learn about HPEs approach to managing hybrid IT by checking out this new video on HPE OneSphere. And to find out how HPE can help you determine a workload placement strategy that meets your service level agreements, visit HPE Pointnext. Bullish Flat On Crude Oil Can Send USDMXN Even Lower Wavetraders - 2 minutes ago Crude oil can be unfolding a bullish flat formation, which can send the price of USDMXN even lower within a projected five-wave bearish impulse. Will Exports Improve? The Corn & Ethanol Report 11/17/2022 The PRICE Futures Group - 1 hour ago We kickoff the day with Export Sales, Building Permits Prel (Oct), Housing Starts (Oct), Housing Starts MoM (Oct), Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index (Nov), Philly Fed Business Conditions (Nov), Philly... 70 Year Low The PRICE Futures Group - 1 hour ago Petroleum traders must be wildly pessimistic about the state of the global economy because not even what you might call stunningly bullish supply-side data can muster an oil price rally. Deal allowing Ukrainian grain exports extended for 120 days AP - 1 hour ago A wartime agreement that allowed grain shipments from Ukraine to resume and helped temper rising global food prices will be extended by 120 days $SPX : 3,916.15 (-1.08%) $DOWI : 33,302.91 (-0.75%) $IUXX : 11,599.55 (-0.85%) Fed official suggests substantial rate hikes may be needed AP - 1 hour ago The Federal Reserve may have to raise its benchmark interest rate much higher than many people expect to get inflation under control, said James Bullard, who leads the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis... $SPX : 3,916.15 (-1.08%) $DOWI : 33,302.91 (-0.75%) $IUXX : 11,599.55 (-0.85%) The Iroquois Group, an Allegany, N.Y.-based service provider for independent property and casualty insurance agencies, has announced changes to its regional structure to better align Iroquois regions with those of their carrier-partners and to provide greater resources and financial opportunities for its members. Member agencies in the state of New York will be integrated into Iroquois of New England; Ohio and Kentucky will be integrated into Iroquois Mid-Atlantic; and Tennessee will join Iroquois South. Ted Branch will continue as managing partner of New York and Ohio but will work in concert with Matt Ward who manages New England and Mid-Atlantic. Mike Petty and Johnny Cox will continue as managing partners of Tennessee but will now work with David Ward, who manages Iroquois South. This realignment will allow Iroquois to bring new programs, strategies and resources to its members in New York, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee, as well as better position it for profitable growth with its core carrier-partners, according to Iroquois CEO Laurie Branch in a company press release. Source: The Iroquois Group Topics New York Ohio Tennessee A house was flattened and others were damaged when a fire and explosion rocked the structure in a Baltimore suburb. Baltimore County fire officials say no one was hurt in the explosion. Investigators say the house in Woodlawn was vacant. The fire and explosion were reported Tuesday afternoon. Pictures and videos show a completely leveled house, and heavy damage to the house next door. Firefighters urged neighbors to shelter in place as crews and employees with Baltimore Gas and Electric checked homes for damage and dangerous gases. BGE spokeswoman Linda Foy says there is no indication the utilitys equipment was involved in the explosion, but workers are still inspecting the site. Local and state investigators are working to determine the cause of the explosion. Copyright 2022 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Topics Maryland UK banks still arent telling regulators about all the cyber attacks on the financial services industry despite a ten-fold increase in reports to the Financial Conduct Authority over the last four years. Our suspicion is that theres currently a material under-reporting of successful cyber attacks, Megan Butler, the FCAs director of supervision, said in a speech Tuesday, according to a copy of her remarks on the regulators website. The number of breaches relayed back to us looks modest when you set it against the number of attacks on the industry. The number of material attacks reported by firms to the FCA has grown to 49 this year from five in 2014, as hacks become one of the biggest threats to the safety of the financial services industry. The type of hacks is also increasingly concerning for regulators and firms with ransomware making up 17 percent of attacks reported to the regulator, according to Butler. The FCA opened an investigation in October into the hack of credit reporting company Equifax Ltd. that saw personal data stolen from at least 143 million people. Outside of the FCAs supervision, Uber Technologies Inc. paid hackers $100,000 to delete data taken from 2.7 million U.K. customers in a 2016 security breach. Better Coordination Butler emphasized the need for incidents to be reported to the regulator as theyre happening. She told the ICI global capital markets conference in London that the FCA had recently spent time with a number of U.S. agencies looking at how they could better coordinate cyber supervision against the global threat. One of the challenges facing firms and regulators is the growing use of cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin in cyber attacks. Rob Wainwright, the director of Europol, said at a London conference last week that crytocurrencies were a great enabler for ransomware because they allow people to act anonymously. He also highlighted the problem of cyber crime and fraud divisions in banks working separately when common actors could be better pursued together. The growing sophistication of technology is also a positive for banks though when it comes to crime. On Wednesday, Rob Gruppetta, the FCAs head of financial crime, said firms are working on replacing humans with artificial intelligence to detect money laundering, according to a copy of his comments on the FCAs website. Gruppetta discussed how comfortable regulators would be if firms replaced human monitoring wholesale with technology. We are chiefly concerned about whether these systems are effective and spot the needles in the haystack, Gruppetta said at an FCA fintech event. Any bank hoping for a black box in the corner that will sniff out the launderers will be disappointed, but the technology has the capability to better achieve what we all want: keeping finance clean. Copyright 2022 Bloomberg. Topics Cyber Indiana state regulators have fined farm supply chain Rural King $14,000 for alleged safety violations at a southern Indiana warehouse. The Indiana Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued a Nov. 30 order that lists seven safety violations inspectors found at Rural Kings Jeffersonville warehouse. The Mattoon, Illinois-based company must either pay the fines or contest the violations. The News and Tribune reports that IOSHA inspected the warehouse after an employee filed a complaint. The agency says six of the seven violations its inspectors found are deemed serious and could have resulted in an accident or illness that would result in death or serious physical harm. Those include a lack of railing for part of an upper-level of the warehouse that exposed workers to potential falls exceeding eight feet. Copyright 2022 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Topics Commercial Lines Business Insurance Indiana House Republicans are moving ahead with a plan to avoid a Saturday U.S. government shutdown by passing a two-week stopgap spending measure, overriding conservative GOP lawmakers who were pressing for a longer extension to get more leverage over Democrats and the Senate. The decision on a stopgap bill with a Dec. 22 end-date rather than a Dec. 30 expiration came after House Speaker Paul Ryan and his leadership team held discussions on overall budget strategy with the leaders of the restive House Freedom Caucus. The House Rules Committee approved a rule setting the bill up for a floor vote Thursday, after which the Senate will have until the end of the day Friday to avoid a partial government shutdown. A formal check of how members would vote on the Dec. 22 deadline came back showing widespread support, said Representative Dennis Ross, a member of the vote-whipping team. The Freedom Caucus will discuss the stopgap at a meeting tonight, according to a House Republican aide. Votes from the groups three-dozen members may not be needed if Democrats support the stopgap plan. As part of the talks, the Freedom Caucus has sought and Republican leaders are weighing a plan to attach the Houses fiscal year 2018 defense spending bill to a second resolution to keep the government funded after Dec. 22, according to Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows and Representative Mac Thornberry, the Texas Republican who leads the House Armed Services Committee. Defense Spending Under that measure, H.R. 3219, the Defense Department would receive $584.2 billion in discretionary funding for fiscal 2018 and $73.9 billion in war funding that is exempt from the budgetary caps set by law. That bill could be enough to mollify Thornberry and Republican members of the House Armed Services panel who have threatened to oppose any spending measures that dont adequately fund the Pentagon. National security spending is capped at $549 billion for fiscal year 2018. The Pentagons spending, which is the majority of national security spending, is capped at $522 billion for the year. Congress would have to pass legislation to increase the caps and accommodate the Houses defense spending measure. Meadows said Wednesday that progress had been made in obtaining assurances this plan would be followed. Even if this House Republican leadership plan passes muster in the the chamber, it is practically dead on arrival in the Senate where Democratic votes are needed to end debate. Democratic Demands There, Senator Dick Durbin, the No. 2 Democrat, said that his caucus wouldnt support a full-year defense bill without funding the other government agencies. The plan to add childrens health insurance and disaster relief aid alongside the defense bill wouldnt make it more palatable to the Democrats. We cant be selective, Durbin of Illinois said in an interview. The goal for the Democrats remains to win parity in funding for domestic programs, Durbin added. Democratic Senator Jack Reed said on Tuesday that approving just a defense spending bill would shortchange other aspects of national security such as the Federal Bureau of Investigations and activities of the State Department, all of which would be funded by a stopgap measure. Republican Representative Charlie Dent, one of the leaders of the moderate Tuesday Group caucus, said the Freedom Caucus strategy is doomed and a waste of time. This is an act of Senate denial, he said, adding the Senate would not pass a standalone defense bill even if paired with disaster aid. They will just strip out the defense bill and send it back, he predicted. Meadows acknowledged difficulty with the Senate but said there could be a shot of getting the defense bill passed if it were paired with disaster aid and a childrens health insurance bill that Democrats would find it hard to vote against. This weeks stopgap spending measure includes a short-term extension of the Childrens health funding to the end of the calendar year and of the National Flood Insurance Program to Dec. 30. Democrats have yet to announce their approach to the government funding bill. President Donald Trump on Wednesday said that a shutdown could happen because of Democratic demands. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi responded saying Democrats arent seeking a shutdown. Trump, Pelosi and other top Republican and Democratic leaders head to the White House Thursday for budget talks. Democrats want any defense spending increases matched with equal domestic spending boosts as well as for a deportation relief by the end of the year for undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children. The government has been funded under a temporary measure known as a continuing resolution since Oct. 1. Republican leaders are aiming to finish work on all appropriations for federal agencies in the current fiscal year sometime in January. Copyright 2022 Bloomberg. Topics Mergers & Acquisitions Flood Politics The investigative arm of the U.S. Congress is launching a probe into the safety of increasingly long freight trains being operated by CSX Corp, Union Pacific Corp. and other major U.S. railroads to boost profitability, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) said. Train length is currently unregulated. Any push to add rules would likely face stiff industry opposition because railroads use longer trains to boost margins through the better use of fuel, locomotive power, and rail cars without having to add extra crew. In addition to the GAO study, safety regulator the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has beefed up its presence at CSX rail yards, according to CSX employees and SMART Union Chairman Dale Barnett, citing conversations with FRA inspectors. FRA spokesman Marc Willis declined to characterize concerns over CSX train length but said any appearance of increased inspections is due partly to safety complaints and a spike in railroad accidents or incidents. In recent months, there have been accidents involving long trains which are currently under investigation by the NTSB and the FRA, Willis said. The GAO will launch its study on safety and other impacts of longer trains in February, GAO spokesman Chuck Young told Reuters on Tuesday. The action was prompted by a Nov. 7 letter, seen by Reuters, from U.S. Representatives Peter DeFazio and Michael Capuano, both Democratic members of the House Transportation Committee. DeFazio said his office has received complaints over safety and traffic jams at rail crossings. CSX, the No.3 U.S. railroad by revenue, told investors in October its freight trains have increased more than 400 feet to 6,833 feet (2.08 km) on average since March, when newly appointed Chief Executive Officer Hunter Harrison launched his plan to boost profits and streamline operations. CSXs eastern U.S. rival Norfolk Southern Corps trains average longer than 5,500 feet, a year-to-date record, the company said in the third quarter. Western U.S. railroad Union Pacific said it posted record third quarter train size performance after hitting a record in 2016. Longer trains maximize crews, locomotives, fuel and other resources, said Union Pacific spokeswoman Raquel Espinoza. FRA data shows CSXs train accidents and incidents as a portion of miles traveled at the highest level in a decade after climbing in each of the last five years. ( SMART Union transportation division spokesman John Risch told top rail regulator the Surface Transportation Board (STB) at an October hearing on CSX service problems the average U.S. train is up to 1.5 miles long (2.41 km), but CSX has routinely operated trains two or even three miles long since Harrison took over. The STB declined interview requests. CSX spokesman Bryan Tucker said the industry trend toward longer trains is a tried and proven way to increase efficiency. The latest concerns follow the fiery derailment of a 178-car CSX freight train in Hyndman, Pennsylvania in August, and the Nov. 27 derailment of a CSX train with 192 cars nearly 2 miles long excluding locomotives in Lakeland, Florida, spilling hazardous molten sulfur. The FRA told Reuters it is also investigating the June derailment of a 13,147-foot CSX train in Crestline, Ohio. National Transportation Safety Board rail division head David Bucher told Reuters train length and build were an important part of the investigation into the Hyndman crash, adding he was hesitant to draw conclusions about an ongoing investigation. Train lengths are increasing across the country, Bucher said. It is becoming more and more common, not just with CSX. The NTSB, FRA, and STB do not collect data on train length, except for specific accidents or mediations. The American Association of Railroads (AAR) declined to comment. CSX employees and union officials said many conductors lack experience to run long trains. CSXs Tucker said the railroads crews are fully qualified to operate longer trains and CSX uses computer modeling before running longer trains on a new route. One CSX manager told Reuters FRA inspectors have showed up almost daily in recent weeks looking for long trains and conducting inspections at terminals in Cincinnati, Ohio, Waycross, Georgia, and elsewhere. They (FRA inspectors) do more blitzes than they used to, where several inspectors will show up in a place and stay for a couple days, the manager added. (Reporting by Eric M. Johnson in Seattle; Editing by Lisa Shumaker) Topics USA Trucking The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) recognized three state regulators for their contributions to state-based insurance regulation during the the NAICs 2017 Fall National Meeting. The NAIC presented two state department regulators with the Robert Dineen Award for Outstanding Service and Contribution to the State Regulation of Insurance. The NAIC established the Award in 1989 in honor of the founder of the NAICs Support and Services Office. This years Dineen Award recipients are Charles Angell, deputy commissioner and Casualty Actuary of the Alabama Department of Insurance, and Paula Pallozzi, associate director of the Rhode Island Insurance Division. These two regulators exemplify the best of us and the collective work we do to enhance state-based regulation, said Ted Nickel, NAIC president and Wisconsin insurance commissioner. Angell and Pallozi have taken leadership roles in our work in big data and data collection work that ultimately protects consumers. Angell joined the Alabama Department of Insurance in 2008 as a casualty actuary and he was named deputy commissioner in September 2009. Since then, he has participated in 19 committees, task forces and working groups. Angell has served in an actuarial advisory role with the NAICs Property & Casualty Actuarial Credential/Qualification Study, an ad hoc group of the Executive Committee. Angell has also been an instrumental member of the NAICs Big Data Working Group. Pallozzi joined the Rhode Island Insurance Division 35 years ago serving as the chief Property & Casualty rate analyst from 1997 to 2013. She was promoted to associate director of the insurance division in 2014. Pallozzi is a member of the NAICs Property & Casualty Committee and has served as chair, vice chair or co-chair of working groups devoted to data collection and other catastrophe-related issues. Presidents Award New Hampshire Insurance Commissioner Roger A. Sevigny was presented with the Presidents Award for Distinguished NAIC Leadership. This award is given at the discretion of the NAIC President to honor an NAIC member who has shown exemplary leadership, a sustained length of service and contributed to advancing the NAICs mission. For 15 years, Commissioner Sevigny has provided dedicated service and leadership in advancing the mission of the NAIC, Nickel said. His hard work and contributions to state-based regulations are immeasurable, which is why he is most deserving of the Presidents Award. Sevigny served as NAIC President in 2009. Topics Legislation Property Casualty Leadership Casualty Johnson & Johnson and Bayer AG are responsible for a womans injuries tied to the blood-thinning drug Xarelto and must pay almost $28 million in damages, jurors concluded in the companies first loss at a trial over the medicine. Lynn Hartman said she took Xarelto, sold by J&Js Janssen Pharmaceuticals unit, for more than a year before being hospitalized in 2014 with gastrointestinal bleeding she blamed on the drug. A Philadelphia jury on Tuesday ordered J&J and Bayer, which jointly developed the product, to pay $1.8 million in actual damages and $26 million in punitive damages, one of Hartmans lawyers said after the verdict. Johnson & Johnson and Bayer won the first three cases to come to trial in federal courts in Louisiana and Mississippi, after juries found the drug was safe and the companies properly warned about Xareltos bleeding risks. Plaintiffs had pinned their hopes on winning in state court in Philadelphia, which is known for having plaintiff-friendly juries. The companies still face more than 20,000 Xarelto suits. The plaintiffs needed to put a win on the board to keep these other cases alive, said Carl Tobias, who teaches product-liability law at the University of Richmond in Virginia. Otherwise, the rest of the cases may have been seen as having little value. Appeal Plans J&J and Bayer officials said Tuesday theyd appeal the jurys finding that Xarelto posed a health risk. Xareltos labeling has always warned of bleeding events and provided information doctors need to make proper treatment decisions, Sarah Freeman, a Janssen spokeswoman, said by email. Bayer stands behind the safety and efficacy of Xarelto and believes there is no basis in fact or law for the verdict, including the punitive award, Chris Loder, a Bayer spokesman, said in an emailed statement. The companies still face more than 20,000 patent suits over Xarelto, which has been linked to at least 370 deaths, according to U.S. Food and Drug Administration reports. The number of Xarelto suits has grown by 27 percent this year, J&J said in an SEC filing. The drug is Bayers top-selling product, generating $3.2 billion in sales last year and $2.5 billion in 2015 for the Leverkusen, Germany-based pharmaceutical company. Xarelto is J&Js third-largest seller, bringing in $2.3 billion in 2016 as the New Brunswick, New Jersey, company seeks to replace revenue from its Remicade arthritis treatment, which lost patent protection a year ago. Xarelto belongs to a class of drugs aimed at replacing Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.s Coumadin, which has thinned patients blood since the 1960s. Other new thinners include Pradaxa made by Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, a German company that paid $650 million in 2014 to settle thousands of suits claiming it hid the medicines bleeding risks. Xarelto is the worst in class of the new blood thinners, Michael Weinkowitz, a Philadelphia attorney who represents Hartman, said Tuesday in an emailed statement. The serious health complications suffered by thousands of patients could have been avoided if physicians were properly instructed about the risks. Hartman, 75, argued she had to have four blood transfusions to counteract Xareltos bleed-out effects, which caused her pain and worry. She switched to another blood thinner and hasnt had similar problems, according to court filings. During the trial, ex-FDA Chief David Kessler told the Philadelphia Common Pleas Court jury the companies Xarelto warning labels understated the drugs bleeding risks and didnt warn doctors that some patients would be at higher risks for bleed outs. The case is Lynn Hartman v. Janssen Pharmaceuticals Inc., Case No. 160503416, Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. Copyright 2022 Bloomberg. Topics Drugs The Texas Division of Workers Compensation has recognized Lauren Concrete for exemplary workplace safety programs and low rates of work-related injuries and illnesses at its Brenham, La Grange, and Waller locations. Workers Compensation Commissioner Ryan Brannan presented the company with the Lone Star Safety Program Award. Lauren Concrete manufactures ready-mix concrete. Commissioner Brannan praised the companys safety efforts, stating: Lauren Concrete has done a great job in providing a strong safety culture for their employees. We want to recognize them today for safety improvements like creating effective job hazard analysis procedures, preparing for emergency situations, and for developing excellent task-specific safety and health training courses for both management and employees. Topics Texas Workers' Compensation The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR) has approved statewide rate increases on 2018 personal and commercial property insurance rates for Citizens Property Insurance Corp. OIR approved a statewide increase of 6.6 percent for homeowners multi-peril policies, but held rates steady for Monroe County policyholders until Citizens completes analyses and review of Hurricane Irma, which devastated the Florida Keys in September. Citizens 2018 request called for homeowners wind-only rates in the Keys to climb by 3.9 percent. Chris Gardner, chairman of Citizens Board of Governors, said OIRs rate order balances the needs of policyholders facing challenges from Irma with its responsibility to maintain a healthy property insurance market. Under the approved rates, homeowners along the coast would see wind-only rates climb by an average of 0.9 percent. Rates for condominium unit owners would rise by a statewide average of 4.6 percent. Citizens commercial property residential multi-peril rates will increase by 4.8 percent, while commercial property non-residential will increase by 8.1 percent. Wind-only commercial property residential will increase 10.3 percent. The effective date for both new and renewal rates is no earlier than May 1, 2018. Still, despite statewide increases, thousands of Citizens customers will see rate reductions. OIR said the rate decision was as a result of its review of Citizens filings and the 200 comments and testimony received from policyholders and other interested parties, both by email and during a public rate hearing held on August 23, 2017, in Miami. State insurance regulators postponed the rate filing review process, usually reached in September, on Citizens 2018 rate request to focus attention on response efforts following Hurricane Irma, a Category 4 hurricane that made landfall in the Keys on September 10, 2017. OIR issued an emergency order to assist consumers recovering from this storm. That order expired on Dec. 3, 2017. Industry-wide as of December 4, Hurricane Irma had resulted in more than 850,000 claims with insured losses of nearly $6.3 billion. Citizens said it expects to receive about 70,000 claims, including more than 9,000 from Monroe County. Statewide Citizens losses are expected to exceed $1.2 billion. OIRs new order calls on Citizens to review rating territories throughout Monroe County and analyze wind mitigation credits while working with local officials to review building codes for possible revision. The residents of the Florida Keys have withstood challenges and will continue to do so as they rebuild in the wake of Hurricane Irma, said Barry Gilway, Citizens president, CEO and executive director. We look forward to working with all stakeholders going forward to address issues discovered as a result of the storm. View Orders: Personal Property Order, Commercial Property Order. Topics Trends Florida Pricing Trends Hurricane Property Homeowners Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi says that the state is now investigating ride-sharing service Uber over an alleged cover up of a national data breach. Bondi said Dec. 1 that her office has issued a subpoena to Uber. The company late last month acknowledged that it covered up a year-old hacking attack that stole personal information about more than 57 million of the services customers and drivers. Several other states have already launched investigations. Bondis office estimates that there are at least 32,000 Uber drivers in Florida who may have been affected by the breach. Florida law requires companies to report data breaches to the attorney generals office within 30 days. Bondi said Ubers delay to provide timely notice is inexcusable. Copyright 2022 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Topics Florida Cyber Personal Auto San Diego, Calif.-based Cavignac & Associates has named Zoixza Martin an account administrator within its commercial department. Martin will provide support and assistance to the departments team members and ensures clients are served. Her primary responsibilities include processing endorsements, certificates of insurance and new and renewal policies. She also handles billing and cancellation matters, reconciles audits, reviews contracts and performs administrative follow-up and account manager tasks. Martin previously was an enrollment and matching specialist for Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Diego County. Previous work experience includes having served as a case manager, and a bilingual outreach coordinator for the YMCA of San Diego Childcare Resource Service division. She was also a receptionist for Smith Barney. Cavignac & Associates is a risk management and commercial insurance brokerage firm. Topics California The California Division of Workers Compensation has approved a labor-management carve-out agreement between the City of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles Police Protective League. The agreement covers an estimated 10,000 union members. Carve-out programs enable employers and unionized workforces to create their own alternatives for workers comp benefit delivery and dispute resolution under a collective bargaining agreement. Eligibility of parties to participate in a program must be approved by the DWC administrative. There are 57 active labor-management carve-out agreements in California, including 27 that cover public safety unions, 21 in the construction industry, and nine in other industries, according to the DWC. Topics California Workers' Compensation Wildfires raging across Southern California have shut a major commuter artery in Los Angeles, suspended filming, wiped out more than $3 billion of market value for regional utility Edison International and are threatening some of the states lucrative crops. Stretches of Interstate 405, which feeds major Los Angeles job centers, were shut as flames engulfed nearby mountainsides. Neighborhoods near the freeway and the famed Mulholland Drive, including parts of upscale Bel-Air, were evacuated. Snap Inc. shut operations, and a major conference on microcap stocks that was scheduled to be held in Los Angeles through Thursday was canceled. Ventura County, home to a third of Californias avocado acreage, has seen tens of thousands of acres consumed, and citrus growers have been affected. The five wildfires come two months after the deadliest set of blazes in the states history broke out in Northern Californias wine country, racking up insured losses that top $9.4 billion. Theyre striking as the House and Senate are working on a final version of sweeping tax legislation that currently would phase out the deduction for personal casualty losses, including those from wildfires and earthquakes. Edison plunged the most in 15 years on speculation that its power lines may be blamed, saddling the utility with the costs of damages. Energy explorer California Resources Corp. has halted production at several small oil fields in Ventura County and northwest Los Angeles County. The stock slid 9.2 percent Wednesday. One fires blazing near the Jewish museum Skirball Cultural Center, and the prominent Getty Center is just south. All filming activity in Los Angeless mountain fire zone areas was suspended for the week. Rupert Murdochs Moraga Estate, where the media mogul operates a winery and lives with wife Jerry Hall in a 7,500-square-foot house, is in the evacuation zone. Murdoch said in an emailed statement that some buildings in the upper vineyard area may have been damaged but he believed the winery and house remain intact. Murdoch acquired the property in 2013 for $28.8 million. Lemon grower Limoneira Co. said it was still assessing crop damage but that it didnt look too bad at this point. In Ventura County, 90,000 acres were burned as of 9:06 p.m. local time Wednesday, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. More than 150 structures were reported destroyed near Ventura. Dozens of schools in Los Angeles and Ventura counties were closed. The University of California at Los Angeles, adjacent to an evacuated area, canceled classes and is monitoring the situation. As of 9.15 p.m., more than 11,000 customers were without power due to the wildfires, according to Edisons Southern California Edison utility. A local transmission emergency was declared by the states grid operator after the loss of high-voltage power lines serving the Ventura and Santa Barbara areas. Fire officials said Wednesday that theyre looking at all possible causes for the blazes. President Donald Trump, who owns a home in Beverly Hills, tweeted that his thoughts and prayers were with Californians affected by the fires and thanked emergency personnel for their work. The threat of more wildfires isnt over. Santa Ana winds will continue to whip through Southern California through the rest of this week, threatening to spread these blazes and ignite new ones, according to Accuweather. As of 10 p.m. New York time, the biggest fire as wreaking havoc across Ventura County and slowly surrounding the the town Ojai, forcing several thousand more people to evacuate, according to the Associated Press. More than 30,000 people are now under evacuation orders because of the fires. Copyright 2022 Bloomberg. Topics California Catastrophe Natural Disasters Wildfire Agribusiness Google Inc. won dismissal of a California class-action lawsuit alleging the company systematically paid male employees more than females. The class proposed by the plaintiffs, covering all women employed by Google in California, is too broad, San Francisco Superior Court Judge Mary E. Wiss said Tuesday. This class definition does not purport to distinguish between female employees who may have valid claims against Google based upon its alleged conduct from those who do not, Wiss wrote. She allowed the women to file an amended complaint. The lawsuit claims that Google pays women less for equal or similar work and puts women on career paths with lower pay ceilings. As we said before, we work really hard to create a great workplace for everyone, and to give everyone the chance to thrive here, Gina Scigliano, a spokeswoman for Google, said in an emailed statement. If we ever see individual discrepancies or problems, we work to fix them, she said. James Finberg, plaintiffs attorney, said theyll file an amended complaint by Jan. 3. The new complaint will make clear that Google violates the California Equal Pay Act by paying women less than men for substantially equal work in nearly every job classification, he said in an email Wednesday. The case is Ellis v. Google Inc., CGC-17-561299, Superior Court, San Francisco County, California. Copyright 2022 Bloomberg. Topics Lawsuits California Google What Is an Agent? An agent, in legal terminology, is a person who has been legally empowered to act on behalf of another person or an entity. An agent may be employed to represent a client in negotiations and other dealings with third parties. The agent may be given decision-making authority. Two common types of agents are attorneys, who represent their clients in legal matters, and stockbrokers, who are hired by investors to make investment decisions for them. The person represented by the agent in these scenarios is called the principal. In finance, it refers to a fiduciary relationship in which an agent is authorized to perform transactions on behalf of the client and in their best interest. Key Takeaways An agent is authorized to act on behalf of another person, such as an attorney or a stockbroker. People hire agents to perform tasks that they lack the time or expertise to do for themselves. A universal agent has wide authority to act on another's behalf, but a general agent or special agent has more limited and specific powers. Agency by necessity is where an agent is appointed to act on behalf of a client who is physically or mentally incapable of making a decision. Most agent jobs require a license and registration with the appropriate state authorities. Understanding an Agent An agent is someone that is given permission (either explicitly or assumed) to act on an individual's behalf and may do so in a variety of capacities. This could include selling a home, executing a will, managing a sports career, managing an acting career, being a business representative, and so on. Agents often have expertise in a specific industry and are more knowledgeable about that industry's ins and outs than the average person. For example, if you started gaining attention as a musician, you would hire a music agent to help guide you through getting a record deal, signing record contracts, and arranging your touring schedule. As you would not have any experience with the record industry, you would need an agent to look out for your best interests and take care of a lot of the work that you would otherwise most likely not be able to complete on your own. This would also free up your time so that you can concentrate on making music. Types of Agents Agents come in all types depending on their function and the industry in which they operate. In general, there are three types of agents: universal agents, general agents, and special agents. Universal Agents Universal agents have a broad mandate to act on behalf of their clients. Often these agents have been given power of attorney for a client, which gives them considerable authority to represent a client in legal proceedings. They may also be authorized to make financial transactions on behalf of their clients. General Agents General agents are contracted to represent their clients in specific types of transactions or proceedings over a set period. They have broad authority to act but in a limited sphere. A talent agent for an actor would fall under this category. Special Agents Special agents are authorized to make a single transaction or a series of transactions within a limited period. This is the type of agent most people use from time to time. A real estate agent, securities agent, insurance agent, and travel agent are all special agents. Practicing as an agent in a specific industry without the proper license or registration can lead to fines or being prohibited from acting as an agent in that industry in the future. Before working as an agent, ensure that you have obtained the right license, certification, and registration. Uses of Agents People hire agents to perform tasks that they lack the time or expertise to do for themselves. Investors hire stockbrokers to act as middlemen between them and the stock market. Athletes and actors hire agents to negotiate contracts on their behalf because the agents are typically more familiar with industry norms and have a better idea of how to position their clients. More commonly, prospective homeowners use agents as middlemen, relying on the professional's greater skills at negotiation. Businesses often hire agents to represent them in a particular venture or negotiation, relying on the agents' superior skills, contacts, or background information to complete deals. Loyalty Responsibilities of an Agent Duty of Avoiding Material Benefit During the course of business, an agent may benefit. This is especially true when an agent is paid to perform a task on behalf of the principal. For example, a real estate agent commonly receives a commission for their work in selling a house. When acting on behalf of another, an agent must ensure they do not unjustly benefit from their agency position. This includes receiving large benefits from the relationship or taking advantage of their position to ensure they receive benefits that would not normally as part of a normal transaction. Duty Not to Usurp When an agent acts on behalf of a principal, the agent may receive information it would be able to personally capitalize on for personal benefit. For example, an agent may receive information relating to a potential investment opportunity. The agent owes the principal the duty to not steal or supplant the principal's ability to transact. In this example, the principal retains the right to decide whether or not to invest; the agent must not take the place of the principal without the principal explicitly declining an opportunity to invest. Duty to Not Compete On a similar note, an agent may not enter into transactions or business that compete with a principal. This conflict of interest puts the principal at a disadvantage as the agent may obtain trade or business secrets during the course of the business relationship. For example, imagine if an agent was tasked with shipping specific goods to an agent's manufacturing warehouse. The agent could obtain information related to the principal's operations that the agent could then use for its personal benefit. Duty of Transparency Formalized agent-principal arrangements often include verbiage that the agent must disclose if it has any other principals in which it is acting as an agent for. This includes disclosing a sworn statement that the agent will act in good faith across all principals and will incur fair dealing with each principal. Duty to Protect Information During the course of an agent's relationship with the principal, the agent may not disclose confidential information to unrelated parties. This may defined through confidentiality agreements or may not be explicitly called out. In either case, the agent must take care to evaluate the sensitivity of information and the necessity for other parties to obtain that information. This includes not using confidential information for the personal benefit of the agent (i.e. exchanging the information for personal benefit to an independent third party). An agent may have express authority (via a written contract) or implied authority (entered into agreement based on actions) Performance Responsibilities of an Agent Duty of Contract All terms of any written agreement between an agent and a principal define the relationship between the two. For many agent and principal relationships, the contract is not explicitly defined upfront. However, custom or deliberate agreements may call for very specific terms that define what is and isn't allowed. Duty of Care An agent is always tasked with acting with care and competence when handling affairs of the principal. The standard is often held that the agent must act as the principal would, using discretion as if it would incurring the personal gain or loss. Though the level of care may not be explicitly defined, the level of care should be equal to what is reasonably expected by local standards. The duty of care may be complicated when considering the agent's personal benefit potential. For example, consider a broker that receives a commission for the sale of certain investment products. For some clients, it may not be in their best interest to buy those investments. Therefore, the broker has the duty of care to not sell such products to those individuals, sacrificing personal gain to uphold the sanctity of the relationship. Duty of Obedience An agent must comply with reasonable instruction. Though there may be situations where acting on one's behalf and following their guidance is not reasonable or legal, the agent may have recourse to not follow instruction. Otherwise, the agent is bound to perform tasks as expected by the agreement. This includes situations where the principal may be disadvantaged but has instructed the agent to act in a specific manner. Duty of Disclosure As the agent gains sensitive information that may influence the decision-making process of a principal, the agent has the duty to disclose that information in an accurate, timely manner. Consider the example of Los Angeles Dodgers' player Freddie Freeman. Freeman's agent reportedly did not disclose to Freeman that his former team, the Atlanta Braves, wanted to re-sign him. By withholding such information, Freeman reluctantly signed with a different team. Duty of Separation An agent also has the responsibility to keep the agent's and the principal's affairs separately. This includes ensuring that any transactions entered into on behalf of the principal are still legal property of the principal. This also ensures that any resources or capital used to transact are maintained in separate bank accounts and that separate reporting ledgers are maintained. When acting as an agent, you are often protected from liability as long as you act with care, reasonableness, and transparency. Agent Liability An agent is often liable to their principal if they violate their duty or deviate from a reasonable, expected action performed on behalf of the other party. This may be the result of exceeding the authority they've been given, acting in misconduct, being unreasonably negligent, or any other situation where the principal may incur a loss that could have potentially been avoided. In some situations when the agent performs a task for another without disclosing they are an agent, they may be considered liable because the agent was presumed to be a principal. An agent is also commonly liable when the agent expressly incurs a personal liability by entering into an associated agreement. Agency by Necessity There is also "agency by necessity," in which an agent is appointed to act on behalf of a client who is physically or mentally incapable of making a decision. This is not always a case of incapacitation. Business owners, for example, might designate agents to handle unexpected issues that occur in their absence. For example, if a CEO was on a flight and unreachable yet an emergency business decision needed to be made, agency by necessity could be used. Agency by necessity is most often executed in times of emergency or urgency when the primary party is not available to make a decision. In these situations, courts would recognize a third party making the decision if that party was given power by the primary party to do so. The third party would be responsible for acting in the primary party's best interest. Estate planning often sees agency by necessity. Though an individual may have created a will outlining how an estate should be disbursed at their time of death, there could be situations where the person became incapacitated before needed adjustments to the will were made. Here, agency by necessity could be used by a trusted party. What Is an Enrolled Agent? An enrolled agent is one that represents taxpayers in front of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). To become an enrolled agent, one needs to pass an IRS test that covers individual and business tax returns or through experience by being a former IRS employee. Enrolled agents can represent any type of taxpayer over any tax matter in front of any tax department in the IRS. What Is a Registered Agent? A registered agent is an individual that is authorized to accept legal documents on behalf of a limited liability company (LLC). All LLCs require a registered agent and they are legally allowed to accept tax documents, legal documents, government documents, compliance documents, and any other documents pertaining to the LLC. A registered agent for an LLC is known to be an "agent for service of processes." If an LLC does not have a registered agent, it may be fined by the state, not allowed to file a lawsuit, be denied financing, and not allowed to expand out of state. How Do You Become a Real Estate Agent? To become a real estate agent, you need to obtain a real estate agent license. There are a few qualifications for this, and they can vary from state to state. In general, a person needs to be 18 years of age, be a legal resident of the U.S., complete the required relicense education, and pass the real estate exam. Individuals can enroll in relicensing courses before taking the real estate exam. How Do You Become an Insurance Agent? The first step in becoming an insurance agent is deciding what kind of insurance agent you want to be, as the type depends on the path to becoming one. You can choose to be either a captive insurance agent or an independent insurance agent. From there, you will need to decide what insurance products you would like to sell to clients. The next step is becoming licensed in your state. The products that you decide you would like to sell will depend on the type of license you will need. You will take your licensing exam and from there you will have to submit a background check and license application to your state's licensing department. Once this is complete, you will need to find an insurance company to work with. How Do You Become a Sports Agent? To become a sports agent you will need to obtain a sports license and register with the state. Not all states require this. The sport or league that you will want to join will require certification as well. Typically, a bachelor's degree is required before becoming a sport's agent, and advanced degrees, such as law, help in becoming one so that you can understand the legal language of the contracts of the clients you manage. Once you have been certified and received your license, you will need to join a sports agency and from there start building a client base. The Bottom Line An agent is anyone that has been entrusted to act on behalf of another individual. People usually call upon an agent when they need someone with more expertise or when they don't have the time to complete a task. Agents are commonly used in the finance, law, real estate, insurance, acting, and music industries, yet they can be found in almost any situation when advanced knowledge on a topic is needed. Agents can save people a lot of time, money, and headaches in getting important tasks done. What Is a Sub-Advised Fund? A sub-advised fund is an investment fund that is managed by another management team or firm than where the assets are held. A sub-advised fund may consist of specialty or niche investments that the main fund portfolio managers seek outside expertise for. Key Takeaways A sub-advised fund involves a third-party money manager that is hired by an investment company or mutual fund to manage an investment portfolio. Sub-advised funds are typically sought by investment companies because of their expertise in managing a specific strategy. Sub-advised funds may add performance to a larger portfolio, but will typically also come with added fees as the subadvisor must also be paid. Understanding Sub-Advised Funds Sub-advised funds can be found across a range of strategies in the investable market. They are the product of relationships formed across the investment management business. They allow an investment manager to contract with other investment managers to offer funds with specific investment objectives. Sub-advisory relationships allow for one alternative in launching new funds for investors. In some cases, investment managers can launch new fund offerings more efficiently with lower costs and better operational processing through a sub-advisory relationship. Many investment managers partner with sub-advisors for lower costs and broader fund offering diversification. Some of the investment markets largest and most experienced investment managers build a sub-advisory platform that allows them greater access to sub-advisory relationships in the market. Wellington Asset Management and State Street Global Advisors are two investment managers that actively seek to offer their services through sub-advisory relationships. Sub-advisory fee structure agreements vary across the investment market. Fees for sub-advised funds are typically higher due to the multi-layered relationships involved with offering a sub-advised fund. In general, investors should more closely examine the fee structures of sub-advised funds because they are often higher and more complex than traditional fund offerings. Despite potentially higher fees, other aspects of a sub-advised fund can be advantageous for investors. Specifically, sub-advised funds are typically managed by fund managers with in-depth experience and expertise in managing a certain strategy. Fund managers for sub-advised funds are often sought out for their strategy expertise, offering investors the best strategy option in the market. Sub-Advised Fund Investments Sub-advisory relationships span across the entire investment universe. Any type of fund can be sub-advised. Mutual funds and variable annuities are some of the most common sub-advised offerings. In a 2016 report from Pensions & Investments, Wellington is identified as the investment industrys largest sub-advisor by assets with $499.1 billion in sub-advised assets under management. Wellington has a well-established sub-advisory relationship with Hartford Funds and serves as a sub-advisor for the firm. The Hartford International Equity Fund is one fund sub-advised by Wellington. The Fund seeks long-term capital appreciation through investment in international equities. The Fund offers four share classes: A, F, I, and Y. Expenses vary for each of the share classes with the gross expense ratio ranging from 1.89% to 1.40%. A 709-carat diamond found in Sierra Leone has been sold for more than 6.5 million US dollars (5.4m), officials said. The diamond is said to be the 14th-largest ever discovered, according to the Rapaport Group, which auctioned the stone in New York on behalf of Sierra Leone's government. Burma Drug Czar Rebukes Anti-narcotics Deal Between Yunnan, Wa Army A UWSA soldier sets fire to seized drugs in the Wa Self-Administered Division in June 2017. / The Irrawaddy NAYPYITAW The chief of Myanmars counter-narcotics police force has criticized the signing of an agreement between Chinas Yunnan Province and the United Wa State Army (UWSA) to cooperate on drug eradication. Yunnan Province government officials and UWSA leaders signed an agreement on Friday in Panghsang, the capital of the Wa Self-Administered Division, to work together to eradicate drugs and grow substitute crops in the division. The Yunnan governments decision to sign an agreement directly with the UWSA can cause misunderstanding between the two countries, Brigadier General Mya Maung told reporters in Naypyitaw at the launch of the UNs Myanmar Opium Survey 2017. At a meeting on drug eradication efforts in November in Kunming, China, Myanmar made it clear that China should consult with the Union government before signing any bilateral deals to fight drugs with Myanmars subnational authorities along its border. Weve said very clearly that they can sign [memorandums of understanding] and letters of agreement on growing poppy-substitute crops only with the Union government, Brig-Gen Mya Maung said. They cant sign agreements with self-administered regions and state governments unless they are approved by the Union government. Perhaps there is some misunderstanding about the policies of the Union government and political practices in areas that share a border with China, he added. He said Chinas team at the meeting in November was led by the deputy standing general secretary of the National Narcotics Control Commission of China and included officials from Yunnans provincial government. The two countries, he said, agreed to get started on a poppy-substitution project in relatively stable parts of northern Shan State. Political analyst Yan Myo Thein said the agreement between the UWSA and the Yunnan government was not unusual because the UWSA has been viewed as a distinct entity in Myanmar for a long time. And because they share a border, he added, they may be cooperating in other areas as well. Unless political problems are solved through political means, the UWSA will remain a distinct entity, he said. We need to build a true federal democratic Union promptly. Only then can similar problems and challenges be reduced. The UWSA signed a ceasefire deal with the military regime in 1989. But it opted out of signing the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) with the government of U Thein Sein in 2015, saying it was unnecessary because the truce it reached with the previous government was holding. It boasts of the largest and most powerful army among Myanmars ethnic armed groups with an estimated 30,000 troops and leads other armed ethnic groups along the Myanmar-China border in the Federal Political Negotiation and Consultative Committee, which is demanding an alternative to the NCA. The head of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, Jeremy Douglas, who attended the report launch, urged armed ethnic groups to join Myanmars fight against the illicit drug trade. The total area of opium poppy cultivation in Myanmar has decreased significantly in 2017 to 41,000 hectares, down 25 percent from the 55,500 hectares recorded in 2015, according to the report. The report also reconfirms the link between conflict and opium cultivation in Myanmar, and that insecure areas with active insurgencies continue to produce at levels similar to 2015 Myanmars opium cultivation reached a low in 2006 but increased in 2013 before starting to decline again the following year, said Home Affairs Minister Lieutenant General Kyaw Swe. In June, the UWSA claimed opium poppy fields had been completely eradicated from the southern part of the area it controls along the Thai border, more than a decade after it adopted policies to combat drug production. Translated from Burmese by Thet Ko Ko. Burma ICG Urges World to Stay Engaged with Myanmar People gathered outside City Hall in downtown Yangon to show their solidarity with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi while watching her televised diplomatic briefing on the Rakhine issue on Sept. 19. / Thet Htun Naing / The Irrawaddy YANGON The International Crisis Group suggested on Thursday that policymakers in the West should resist the urge to disengage with Myanmar, while warning of potential negative consequences of any punitive action taken against the country. Myanmar has faced international criticism for its armys recent campaign against Rohingya Muslims in the western part of the country, where more than 600,000 Muslims have fled across the border to Bangladesh. The army has been condemned for committing human rights violations including torching homes, arbitrary killing and rape. In the wake of the exodus, the European Union and the United States imposed sanctions against Myanmars military leadership. Last month, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson labeled the armys sweep through Rakhine State as ethnic cleansing, after a visit to the country. The warning by the Brussels-based NGO, which monitors democratic transitions worldwide, urged international policymakers not to lose sight of the distinction between the government and the people, who should not pay the price for the actions of a military that is constitutionally outside of democratic control. People-to-people exchanges with the West through academic, cultural and commercial interactions and tourism are crucial for a country that was isolated for so many decades, the report says, while warning that the Myanmar peoples aspirations for a better economic future must not be forgotten as the country is home to millions of the poorest people in Southeast Asia. Among the four action points suggested by the group were maintaining development assistance and non-military engagement, and leaving in place recently reinstated trade preferences by the EU and US, which it said were critical in supporting manufacturing jobs in the country and shouldnt be revoked. As the US was considering imposing economic measures against those responsible for the atrocities committed against the Rohingya, the report also calls on the international community to work carefully to minimize the collateral impact of any targeted sanctions. Recent experience in Myanmar shows, however, that ostensibly targeted sanctions can have broader systemic impacts on the economy that should be avoided, it says. The ICG said that based on its contemporaneous research, until 2012 Myanmar was under some of the most stringent bilateral sanctions of any country and these did almost nothing to influence the then military regime but caused significant damage to the general economy and the fortunes of ordinary people. The report also urges the international community to do all it can to mitigate the humanitarian disaster in Rakhine State and influence the situation in other ways, including providing substantial humanitarian support to Rohingya refugees, to reduce the risks of a further humanitarian catastrophe. Plus, it said, the international community should push Myanmar for a political decision to implement key recommendations of the Annan commission, including its suggestions on discrimination, segregation and citizenship. Meaningful progress on these issue is vital to creating an environment conducive to voluntary repatriation, and giving international credibility to Myanmars efforts, the ICG said. Given Chinas support for Myanmar on the Rohingya issue due to its significant economic interests in Rakhine State, the NGO also cautioned Naypyitaw against taking the countrys northern neighbors blanket support for granted. China doesnt want this to come at the cost of its important relations with Bangladesh and the wider Muslim world, it said, which was part of the reason why it allowed the recent UN Security Council presidential statement to be issued. Security Risk Despite their organized raids in August, the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army has not launched any new attacks since. Based on interviews with ARSA members in camps in Bangladesh in September and November, the ICG says it appears most of the groups organizers and fighters are now in the camps, having fled along with the rest of the population. The report says the group may thus shift to cross-border attacks as acquiring operating space in Bangladesh is a more realistic option given Bangladeshs anger and frustration towards Myanmar. If ARSA launches cross-border attacks, it could aim at opportunistic security targets in northern Rakhine or turn to attack any non-Muslim villagers resettled on Rohingya lands, the report said. New ARSA attacks would reinforce anti-Rohingya sentiment within Myanmar and prompt heightened security measures that would further diminish prospects for an eventual refugee return. Burma Muslim village-head killed in Rakhine's Maungdaw District Members of the security forces are deploy to safeguard a diplomatic tour of Rakhine State's northern Maungdaw Township in October. / Moe Myint / The Irrawaddy YANGON A Muslim village headman, Shaw Feik Amen, from Rakhine States southern Maungdaw Township, was shot dead in his house by unidentified armed men on Tuesday night, a border police officer confirmed on Thursday. Police Major Aung Win, citing testimonies of witnesses, said a group of residents from the same village of Du Nyaung Pin Gyee had allegedly burst into the victims home to attack Shaw Feik Amen with guns and swords. The police officer, however, declined to provide the names of the suspects. Du Nyaung Pin Gyee village is located about five kilometers from downtown Maungdaw and consists of more than 1,000 households. After the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA), under its former name, Harakah al-Yaqeen (Faith Movement), attacked several dozen police border outposts in the surrounding area in late August, the majority of its residents fled to neighboring Bangladesh. However, some, including Shaw Feik Amen, chose to remain. A primary school teacher, U Mg Tun, who lives in Kin Chaung village, not far from Du Nyaung Pin Gyee, told The Irrawaddy over the phone that he had heard some of the attackers crossed the river on a schooner from Bangladesh in order to kill the village administrative official for collaborating with the government. Police Major Aung Win remarked that some Du Nyaung Pin Gyee residents had also come to a similar speculative conclusion but it was too soon to make an official statement as the case was still in the investigative stage. U Mg Tun said Du Nyaung Pin Gyee village was mostly left alone during the Myanmar armys clearance operations and only a few houses were torched. Several hundred Muslims villagers had continued to live there despite the widespread armed clashes that had erupted across Maungdaw district following the ARSA raids. Moreover, nearly 700 villagers from Buthidaung Township had also temporarily sought shelter there. During a government-sponsored diplomatic tour to Maungdaw Township in early October, which The Irrawaddy was also invited to attend some Hindu and Arakanese villagers told the foreign envoys that residents had been warned by an unidentified group believed to be ARSA members or supporters to leave the village or they would be killed in the next round of attacks. The threats came after Myanmar State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi called on the international community to seek the full story of the conflict-torn region as many Muslim villages continued to live in peaceful conditions. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has delivered diplomatic briefings and televised speeches twice in recent months calling on Muslim religious leaders to participate in the governments reconciliation effort in Rakhine State as well as to convince Muslims to apply for the National Verification Card (NVC). On Nov. 27, the All Myanmar Moulvi (Ulama Al Haqe) Organization released a statement encouraging Muslims who do not possess any kind of official documents such as associated or naturalized citizenship papers or a white card to apply for the NVC. The groups statement urged Muslims who live in Myanmar to hold at least one identity card issued by the authorities in line with existing laws. Kyaw Soe, Ulama Al Haqes secretary-general, said that the statement was directed at the entire Muslim population of Myanmar rather than just the Rohingya people in Rakhine State and they purposefully stressed the effort was being carried out in the national and public interest. He assumed that many Muslims could be living in Myanmar without any identity papers as they are unfamiliar with government procedures on applying for them. I can guarantee that our statement emphasized the interest of the public as well as the government, Kyaw Soe said. However, the prospect of dealings with the government remains fraught with fear for many Muslims. Forty-eight Muslims were brutally beheaded by a suspected militant group between October 2016 and August 2017 and a further 20 went missing after collaborating with the government. In response to a question on whether the Ulama Al Haqes effort could be effective on the ground as many people were killed for assisting government officials, Kyaw Soe said that although the group didnt know the exact perpetrators of the crimes, his organization was adamantly opposed to the violent conduct of ARSA. We dont accept ARSA. All these things happened after they started the problem, he said of the unrest, which has resulted in more than 620,000 Muslim refugees fleeing to Bangladesh. He added that if government officials invite his organization to help, they could explain details of the NVC application process to Muslims in local areas. Burma Myanmar Army Restrictions Leave Tanai Residents Lacking Basic Commodities Trucks of food donations from the 88 Generation Peace and Open Society on their way to Tanai Township, August 22, 2017. / The 88 Generation Peace and Open Society / Facebook CHIANG MAI, Thailand As the Tatmadaw has restricted the transportation of basic commodities in conflict-torn Tanai Township, Kachin State, locals have run out of fuel and are suffering a rice shortage. The Tatmadaw (Myanmar Army) has restricted the transportation of goods in the region for more than a year, but the situation worsened after June 3, when the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and the Tatmadaw renewed fighting and displaced hundreds of locals from NGa Ga and Nambyu villages. Tanai residents told The Irrawaddy on Wednesday that diesel fuel ran out a few days ago, as fuel trucks from Myitkyina have been stuck at military checkpoints. Only gasoline can be bought, and one Tanai resident said the price is up to 6,000 kyat per gallon in some places where previously it had been about 4,200 kyat. Locals also said the price of rice sacks had risen to double or triple the going rate in Myitkyina, the capital of Kachin State. They now costs 40,000 to 60,000 kyats per sack depending on quality, and they average around 20,000 in Myitkyina. The Kachin State security and border affairs minister Col Thura Myo Tin told the Kachin State Parliament on Monday in a response to a question by lawmaker U Zaw Win that the Tatmadaws Northern Command scrutinizes the transport of rice and petrol in order to obstruct gold and amber miners who pay extortion money to the KIA in areas without rule of law. U Zaw Win, a National League for Democracy lawmaker representing Tanai Constituency No. 2, questioned Parliament on Monday as to what the government was doing in regards to his urgent motion in which he proposed that the government allow free transport of these goods, as was passed in March. Despite the state security and border affair minister stating that the transport of such goods is now permitted following scrutiny, lawmakers insisted and showed evidence to Parliament that people were facing difficulties in obtaining these basic goods. There has been a food shortage in the state because people have been unable to farm due to the frequent fighting. Now, with the Tatmadaw controlling the delivery of goods, locals lives have gotten harder, said Kachin State lawmaker Maran Ja Seng Hkawn. Renewed fighting, following the breakdown of a 17-year ceasefire, broke out between the KIA and Tatmadaw in June 2011. More than 100,000 people have been displaced, including villagers from Tanai Township. Local pastor Mung Dan said that villagers used to be able to buy rations of rice and fuel arranged at the township, village and ward levels but that this had stopped this week due to a shortage for unknown reasons. We dont know why, but the quota system is no longer available and we are short of these supplies. Lawmaker Maran Ja Seng Hkawn said the government would have to tackle this situation wisely, so that people arent taking advantage of those in hardship. The Tatmadaws actions seem to undermine the image of the NLD, said Tanai resident U Zaw Tan, as this crisis happened soon after the NLD governance began. Now the residents of Tanai have lost trust in the government and everyone is saying that the government cannot do anything, he said, adding that even without fighting in the town, locals are neither free to travel nor trade. Burma US Grant to See Restoration of 19th Century Church Through The Judson First Baptist Church in Moulmein, Mon State. / Tin Htet Paing / The Irrawaddy YANGON Restoration work on the 190-year-old Judson First Baptist Church in the Mon State capital of Moulmein will continue thanks to a second round of financial support from the US Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation and help from conservation experts with the World Monuments Fund. Built in 1827 by Adoniram Judson, an American missionary who spent nearly 40 years in Myanmar in the early 19th century, the church will receive an additional US$100,000 for its preservation. The church received US$125,000 in February 2016 from the same program. The World Monuments Fund aims to use the new grant to complete the two-year project. Scot Marciel, the US ambassador to Myanmar, will announce the grant at the church on Saturday together with Mon State Social Welfare Minister Htein Linn and the churchs pastor, Reverend David, the US Embassys press invitation reads. With hospitals and community organizations bearing the Judson name, the First Baptist Church represents Americas longstanding engagement with Myanmar, the embassy said in a November statement. It added that the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation has provided some US$225,000 to preserve cultural heritage sites in Myanmar since 2015. In 2013, US$500,000 was awarded for the restoration of the Shwenandaw Kyaung Monastery in Mandalay. According to the World Monuments Fund, the restoration of Judsons church will be an educational opportunity to introduce a cadre of local tradespeople, students and officials to cultural and architectural heritage conservation methods, building skills among Myanmar professionals that can be applied to similar sites in Moulmein and throughout the country. In late September, leading members of Yangon Heritage Trust (YHT) an advocacy group founded in 2012 for heritage protection in the countrys commercial capital visited heritage buildings in Moulmein at the request of Mon State Chief Minister Aye Zan, who envisions the founding of a local conservation group similar to YHT. He has also asked for technical assistance from YHT for the restoration of other historical buildings in Moulmein. Besides the First Baptist Church, other significant heritage buildings in Moulmein include a 19th century Buddhist monastery, the 120-year-old Yadanabon Myint Monastery built by King Mindons consort Sein Tone, the residence and tomb of the fourth daughter of Myanmars last monarch King Thibaw, the forestry office of the Bombay Burma Trading Corporation built in 1897, a cannon built in 1827 featuring the emblem of Britains King Edward, and a watchtower built in 1912. A publication known as The Outline recently carried out what it called an investigation into how brands buy their way into well-known publications like Fast Company, Forbes and Huffington Post. The practice of offering inducements, either monetary or material, to obtain favourable coverage in websites which have large visitor numbers is nothing new: cases come to light every now and then. But what is surprising is that if happens with the most obscure publications and here I speak from first-person experience because I was made an offer back in May. Had it been an offer to write something in iTWire for a bribe, I would have written about it right away. But given that it was for my own inconspicuous blog, I never thought it was worth writing about until I read the yarn in The Outline. Now I think it is worth ventilating. I have a personal blog which is; I set it up in 2009 because it was easy to do so and could play host to any writing I did that was not suited to iTWire. It gets negligible traffic because it was set up just for a few friends to be able to read my thoughts and opinions on subjects that we often discuss on the phone or by email. Imagine my surprise then, when I received an email in May from a person who introduced himself as Ethan Andrews from a company known as Media-Top. He wanted to commission an article to be published on my blog! "The piece should be on topic and true to your website. We will pay you a fixed fee for the work," he wrote. Was I interested? You bet I was! Here was someone offering me money to write something and host it on my blog - a task that I do a few times a month for nothing but the enjoyment of doing so. But then when I asked for details, it began to be apparent to me that this was what is known as cash for comment. Andrews' next email made it plain: "My company represents an online gaming company. I would like to post a new article at your site. The article should fit the site and the readers, as it possibly can. This is why I prefer you will write it," he wrote. "It should not mention 'advertisement', 'sponsors', 'PR'. It should have the same writing style like all other articles. It should be at least 350-400 words and with unique content (not copied from any other site)." He asked me for rates and I responded that at $1 a word, it would come to between $350 and $400. And I added: "Also, before I forget, anything that is paid for will have a disclaimer. Else, the answer is no." That was the end of my correspondence with Andrews. I never heard from him again. What continues to puzzle me to this day is the fact that he approached someone seeking to get something published on a site that gets as little traffic as mine does. Clearly, his company does not do much homework before it makes these offers. With the raft of sexual harassment, assault and misconduct complaints by powerful men roiling across Hollywood, the TV news industry and government in recent weeks, we were ready to applaud Assembly Speaker Robin Vos call for a mandatory meeting for Wisconsin legislative staff to discuss the process for reporting inappropriate behavior. But in short order we were left with one hand clapping a whiff when Republican leaders in both the Senate and Assembly agreed that such complaints against lawmakers and their staff members and the results of any investigations into them will remain secret. The goal of an internal process is to make sure that every single person who feels that they were a victim of some kind of harassment or sexual harassment has a way to go to be able to report it to somebody, have some confidentiality, have it investigated, because frankly, if the allegations are untrue, we want to ensure people have the right to their own privacy with a false accusation, but also if they are true, we want to make sure that the victim is protected, Vos told a Madison newspaper. We understand that protecting the reputation of a lawmaker who might be falsely accused is something that the Legislature is concerned with. But they should also be concerned with the working climate at the Capitol and their responsibility to let the public know when such charges are substantiated and what actions have been taken. I understand sometimes in the zeal of the press you dont really worry about naming the victims and all those kinds of things, Vos said. Our job is to ensure that people who want to come forward feel safe and that they are confident that we will treat it with the respect and due diligence they deserve. That ranks up there in the pants on fire scale on the fib-o-meter. The fact is that across the state newspapers and other media take great pains to protect the identity of sexual assault victims day in and day out. Most, if not all, have strict policies against naming victims unless the victim comes forth publicly. The Legislature could have and should have adopted a policy of redacting names of sexual assault victims and legislators when complaints are made. But identifying lawmakers when the results of investigations are complete and actions are taken or no actions result are an absolute responsibility of the Legislature and its leaders. If Vos needs other reasons for the Legislature to be more transparent in reporting such abuses, we can give him 75,000 of them. Thats the number in dollars that state taxpayers paid out two years ago to a former lawmakers aide who complained of sexual harassment and discrimination by former state Sen. Spencer Coggs, D-Milwaukee, and was later fired during an office downsizing. That settlement only became public this week after an inquiry from The Wisconsin State Journal because although the initial complaint was filed with the Senate chief clerk, the agreement was reached after an investigation by the Department of Workforce Development. According to accounts in the settlement, in one instance, Coggs asked the aide if she was showing a little more cleavage lately and said her breasts were a distraction in the office. In another instance, according to the Wisconsin State Journal report, Coggs asked the aide if she had a taste for white meat when she and a white co-worker both asked for the same day off. When Coggs office was downsized after Republicans took control of the Legislature, the aide told Coggs how important her job was to her and he responded, You cant create an adversarial situation and then come back and ask me for something. Coggs, who has since left the Senate and is now Milwaukee city treasurer, told the Legislatures Human Resources Office in 2009 before the state agency investigation that the aide should have kept her concerns in-house. That screams for more public accountability when state lawmakers have committed improprieties or harassed legislative staff or others. The names can be shielded at the outset, but the public has a right to know when the results of investigations are complete, what actions have been taken and any costs to Wisconsin taxpayers. Openness, not secrecy, is the disinfectant that will cure bad behavior and encourage Capitol staffers to come forward with complaints when they are warranted. In October, the three biggest mainstream newspapers in the US carried stories about Kaspersky Lab that effectively ensured there would be no second thoughts about the company's deals with the US Government. Examined carefully, these stories are short on essential detail. They are full of holes. Nobody questioned these reports. They were taken as gospel after all, the target was a Russian company and for more than a year anything from that country has been considered the spawn of the devil. There are many infosec professionals in the US but they all kept silent. The New York Times ran a story that claimed Israeli government crackers had witnessed Russian hackers searching for the codenames of NSA exploits on computers around the world. Where it was not specified. The article omitted this essential detail. (It is known that Israeli government crackers broke into Kaspersky's network in 2014 the company only discovered it in 2015). This implies that Russian government hackers had access to Kaspersky Lab systems and also that they had access to the company's source code. The Kaspersky Security Network is the component of Kaspersky A-V that uploads suspicious files from a device that is being scanned to a KSN server somewhere around the globe for analysis later. With the home version of Kaspersky A-V, the user has to opt in to the KSN; the corporate product will query the KSN (by sending a MD5 hash and the file size), but nothing is uploaded. There is no option for businesses to upload files. For anyone to divert suspicious files elsewhere, they would need to have access to the KSN source code in order to change the addresses to which the files would be sent. Such addresses would be hardcoded in the source. The NYT did not bother about this detail but they claimed that, "What additional American secrets the Russian hackers may have gleaned from multiple agencies, by turning the Kaspersky software into a sort of Google search for sensitive information, is not yet publicly known." So how did the Russians get hold of the source code? No detail was offered by the newspaper. Mud was thrown and it stuck. For the story to hold water, the Russians would have had to get hold of the Kaspersky source code for the home version, recompile it with the URLs pointing to their own servers, then remove the A-V running on whichever computer they found NSA files, install the modified version, and opt in to KSN. They would then have had to run a scan else no files would be exfiltrated. All this under the nose of the computer user without attracting any suspicion. It takes a bit of faith to believe this. The Washington Post story skipped over one essential detail how did NSA exploits, which it claimed were found in Kaspersky's network, get into the possession of the Russian government as claimed? The Wall Street Journal article also hinted that the source code of Kaspersky software had been made available to the Russian government which had modified it to search for NSA exploits around the world. How this happened is a little detail over which the newspaper skipped over. There is mention in the stories of a NSA worker who was working on office material at home; he is known to have had malware on his machine through the use of key generation software to obtain a valid key for the version of Microsoft Office he was using. This man is suspected to be Nghia Hoang Pho, a Vietnamese American, who pleaded guilty recently to taking NSA material home to work on it. It is said that NSA files on his machine were exfiltrated by Russian government hackers. But the question arises: if these hackers had broken into his machine, why did they not use something simple like SCP to send the files where they wanted, rather than mess with the Kaspersky software? All they would have to do was install a simple SCP client like PuTTY. When Kaspersky issued two blog posts with its version of what had happened, it concentrated on the WSJ story. The explanation offered holds together, at least from a technical point of view. But both the US media and Kaspersky Lab cannot be dealing with facts. One side is being somewhat parsimonious with the truth. The legendary Middle East correspondent of the Independent, Robert Fisk, once described the Los Angeles Times as "official sources said". He was poking fun at the newspaper, which uses this term very often to float yarns that favour the US Government's point of view. With all the holes in the Kaspersky stories run by the three big papers, it looks like this is another case of "official sources said". A lone 20-year-old attacker hacked into the ride-sharing firm Uber last year and was paid by the company to destroy the data through a bug-bounty programme. The hack exposed the data of 57 million users globally, plus the details of seven million Uber drivers. A Reuters report said Uber's bug bounty programmes, normally used to reward researchers for the submission of information about flaws in a firm's software, was hosted by HackerOne, which also offers its platform to other technology companies. The chief executive of HackerOne, Marten Mickos, is a well-known former chief executive of MySQL, the Finnish database company that was bought by Sun Microsystems and then became part of Oracle when it bought Sun. Mickos said he could not discuss an individual customer's programmes. "In all cases when a bug bounty award is processed through HackerOne, we receive identifying information of the recipient in the form of an IRS W-9 or W-8BEN form before payment of the award can be made," he said. The Uber hack waslast month. The company's chief security officer Joe Sullivan and one of his deputies, Craig Clark, were sacked after both were found to have played a role in covering up the breach. At that time, Uber chief executive Data Khosrowshahi said: ""None of this should have happened, and I will not make excuses for it. We are changing the way we do business." The report said there was no clue as to the identity of the attacker who was said to be from Florida. Uber spokesman Matt Kallman refused to comment. As to who authorised the payment, nothing is known, apart from the fact that former Uber chief executive Travis Kalanick was aware of both the breach and the payout in November 2016. Uber is said to have paid the money to confirm the attacker's identity and make him sign a non-disclosure agreement. The company also checked the man's machine to ensure that the data had been erased. Uber suffered a data breach in 2014 as well and was discussing a settlement with the FTC while it haggled with the Florida hacker to keep the 2016 breach quiet. New Zealand telcos Spark, Vodafone, Chorus and 2degrees Mobile are set to pay more than 90% of the countrys $50 million telecommunications development levy which covers the operation of telecommunications infrastructure and services that are not commercially viable. The payment obligations of 16 of the countrys telcos towards the levy have been outlined in a final decision by the competition regulator The Commerce Commission following its initial draft decision announced in October. Under this final decision, the contribution of telco Compass has now increased after the company provided further information on its relevant revenue. The Commission says the remaining 15 providers have seen their allocations marginally reduce as a result of the adjustment to the Compass contribution. As well as covering the cost of commercially unviable services, the levy is also used to pay for the telephone relay service for the deaf, hearing and speech-impaired, broadband for rural areas, improvements to the 111 emergency service, and providing greater mobile coverage in mobile blackspots. The levy equates to about 1% of telecommunications services revenue earned by telecommunications services providers in New Zealand and is paid by providers earning more than $10 million per year from operating a telecommunications network. Reddit Email 29 Shares By Naimul Haq | (Inter Press Service) | IPS Correspondent Naimul Haq interviews WILLIAM LACY SWING, Director General of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) DHAKA, Bangladesh, Dec 5 2017 (IPS) In less than four months, over 600,000 Rohingya refugees have fled brutal persecution in Myanmar to seek safety across the border in Bangladesh. They are now crowded into camps across a stretch of 30 kms in Coxs Bazar, a southeastern coastal region of the small South Asian nation. The UN migration agency, International Organisation for Migration (IOM), has appealed to the international community for urgent funds. Over 344 million dollars was pledged recently at an international meeting to ramp up the delivery of critical humanitarian assistance. IOM stressed that the international community must work together to help to bring about a political resolution to the Rohingya crisis. We all need to work to create the conditions that will allow the refugees to eventually return voluntarily to Myanmar in safety and dignity. IOM, at the request of the government of Bangladesh, has been leading the Inter Sector Coordination Group (ISCG), which is coordinating the humanitarian response to the influx of Rohingya refugees. This appeal outlines IOMs funding requirement from September 2017 to February 2018 as a part of the wider UN Humanitarian Response Plan. William Lacy Swing, IOMs Director General, told IPS Correspondent Naimul Haq that any durable solution must be a political one agreed between Bangladesh and Myanmar and supported by the international community. Swing said that all stakeholders need to work to create the conditions that will allow the Rohingya refugees to eventually return voluntarily to Myanmar in safety and dignity. He praised the Bangladesh governments mobilization of its own resources, as well as the local communitys support to help the refugees. Swing went on a four-day visit in mid- October to several camps in Coxs Bazar. Following are the excerpts from the interview. Q. During your visit to various camps, you witnessed the horror, heard the victims and saw the difficult situation prevailing in the camps. How do you compare the Rohingya exodus with the recent similar refugee crisis like in Syria? A. The Rohingya refugee crisis, although much smaller than the exodus of five million people from Syria since 2011, is equally severe in many ways. It has unfolded at extraordinary speed with over 600,000 people arriving in a single, relatively small district Coxs Bazar since August 25th. By contrast the Syrian civil war has resulted in Syrias neighbors, notably Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq, all hosting large numbers of Syrian refugees. But the speed, scale and complexity of what is now happening in Coxs Bazar has created a major global humanitarian emergency. The needs on the ground for shelter, food, clean water, sanitation and healthcare are enormous. When this happened, none of us neither humanitarian agencies nor the government of Bangladesh were fully prepared to cope with an influx of this magnitude in such a short space of time. Q. In a joint statement about relief for the Rohingyas, you said, Much more is urgently needed. The efforts must be scaled up and expanded to receive and protect refugees and ensure they are provided with basic shelter and acceptable living conditions. They [Rohingyas] are fully dependent on humanitarian assistance for food, water, health and other essential needs. Basic services are under severe strain. In some sites, there is no access to potable water and sanitation facilities, raising health risks for both the refugees and the communities hosting them. How do you plan to expand the distribution and what is the estimated cost of the additional relief? A. IOM has been providing assistance to Rohingya refugees in Coxs Bazar, in partnership with the government, UN agencies, international and local NGOs, since September 2013. Now more international and local agencies are coming in to work with us in a well-coordinated effort to help an estimated 1.2 million people including nearly 900,000 refugees and 300,000 people living in host communities already living since 1992. But there are still gaps in the response and more resources are needed to ensure adequate, lifesaving assistance for everyone who needs it. Even now, three months after the start of the crisis, hundreds more people are still coming across the border from Myanmar every day. The Joint Response Plan, launched by the UN and partners in September, appealed for USD 434 million to support 1.2 million people through February 2018. Only USD 149.1 million has been received so far, of which IOM has received USD 52 million. Q. The need [relief] assessment is taking place almost on a daily basis as the influx continues with more Rohingyas arriving in the camps for safety. It appears that the refugees would need to stay in Bangladesh for quite a while before a diplomatic solution is reached for their safe return. Having said this, a sustainable approach is needed on the ground. How do you or the international community, including the UN, plan to pursue both the governments [Bangladesh & Myanmar] to come to terms and find a peaceful return and settlement? A. Any durable solution must be a political one agreed between Bangladesh and Myanmar and supported by the international community. We all need to work to create the conditions that will allow the refugees to eventually return voluntarily to Myanmar in safety and dignity. The agreement on return signed by the two countries last week is an important first step. But this is going to take time. As the UN Secretary-General has highlighted, UN agencies need to first resume their humanitarian work in Rakhine State, to promote reconciliation between the communities, and to help the government of Myanmar to implement the recommendations of the Rakhine Advisory Commission the agreed roadmap to peaceful co-existence. Q. During your visit you met with the Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina who was quoted as saying, They [Rohingya] have to go back to their homeland, create international pressure on Myanmar so that they take steps to bring their citizens back. We just had the UN General Assembly expressing concern for the Rohingya refugees while many heads of government have already sent messages to Myanmar to take back their citizens. The Bangladesh PM and the world leaders are expressing concerns in the same tone. What could be the role of IOM in finding a lasting solution and how? A. The Prime Minister is correct in saying that there has to be a political solution supported by the international community. Much of this solution lies with Myanmar. IOM, as the UN Migration Agency, is a humanitarian agency and as such does not have the political weight of the UN Secretary General or the UN Security Council. But we can support the Secretary-General in advocating for dialogue between the parties in the hope that it will eventually allow the Rohingya to leave the terrible conditions in which they are living in Coxs Bazar and return home safely to resume their lives. Q. Do you have plans to visit Myanmar and meet the leaders there? If yes, what are you hoping to discuss and also see on the ground in Rakhine state where the Rohingyas are coming from? A. I have no plans to visit Myanmar this year, but I look forward to returning next year to reaffirm IOMs commitment to promoting peace and stability in Rakhine State, and, of course, to review the many other excellent projects that we implement in the rest of the country. Q. A Critical Pledging Conference was held in Geneva on October 23, 2017 organized by OCHA, IOM and UNHCR and co-hosted by the European Union and Kuwait. Apart from pledges for international funds, what was the main message at the conference to the Rohingya crisis? A. The conference was organized to provide governments from around the world an opportunity to show their solidarity and share the financial burden and responsibility for the Rohingya refugees. Over USD 344 million was pledged to urgently ramp up the delivery of critical humanitarian assistance. But countries represented at the conference also stressed that the international community must work together to help to bring about a political resolution of the Rohingya issue. via Inter Press Service Reddit 33 Email 4K Shares By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | Some sections of the crazy quilt that makes up the Trump administration want to push Iran back out of the Arab world and weaken it, in support of Israel and Saudi Arabia. Those actors have just been handed a big setback by Trumps slurred and crazed announcement that he will move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and recognize it as the capital. While Washington pols fondly imagine that all politics is elite politics, it isnt actually the case. Ask Hosni Mubarak or Zine El Abidin Ben Ali. Political leaders have to get a minimum buy-in from their publics. One trial run for the 2011 Tunisian revolution was massive demonstrations in 2009 during the Israeli assault on little Gaza, where student activists, trade unionists, attorneys and others learned to network and get out enormous crowds. Ben Alis and Mubaraks toadying to Washington helped make them so hated that they were overthrown, in part because Washington stands for economic policies that punish workers and the middle classes, but in part because Washington stands for stealing Palestinians land and making them homeless and poverty-stricken. Rulers like King Abdullah II of Jordan, who have a powerful alliance with the United States but whose people are pro-Palestinian (indeed 60% are of Palestinian heritage) are not sleeping well these days. It isnt that everyone doesnt already know that Washington is on board with screwing over the Palestinians and humiliating the Arabs. But Trump just flaunted it in everyones face. But let us consider the Saudi cold war with Iran. Given the open Saudi signals of cooperation with Israel against Tehran and given the Al Sauds embrace of Trump, Riyadh is implicated in the Jerusalem decision whether they like it or not. In the propaganda wars between Iran and Saudi Arabia, Iran just got a big boost. Irans president Hassan Rouhani called up Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan and the two agreed that Jerusalem is the permanent capital of Palestine. Turkey is majority Sunni, while Iran is a Shiite republic. Any attempt to block Irans influence would have to aim at instigating bad relations between these two, among the most populous and wealthy countries in the Middle East. Trump managed to bring Turkey and Iran together by what they called his wrong and illegal action. In fact, Rouhani called for all 56 Muslim-majority countries to make a stand against the US. Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that Jerusalem will always be Arab and Islamic. The countrys Leader, Ali Khamenei, also weighed in, pledging to organize the Muslim world for a response. So now the Iranians (not Arabs) are the champions of Arab nationalism, while Saudi Arabia and Egypt are supine. So Trump is helping make Iran a leader of the Muslim world. Good job. Or take Iraq, the government of which is run by the Shiite, pro-Iran Dawa (Islamic Call) party. The blowhard CIA director Mike Pompeo strutted around saying hed written a letter to Qassem Solaimani, the head of the special operations Jerusalem Brigade force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps, warning him about his operations in the Middle East. The US has some 6,000 men in Baghdad. So after Trumps announcement, which way do you think the Iraqi government is tilting? Toward the Iranian position on Jerusalem. The Iraqi foreign minister wrote a harsh letter to Washington denouncing Trump decision. Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr warned Arab leaders that if they abandoned Jerusalem it would be the end of them. His followers also staged demonstrations Wednesday, including in the holy cities of Najaf and Karbala. Former Iraqi prime minister Nuri al-Maliki called the American announcement a declaration of war on the Arab peoples and an attack on the human rights of Palestinians. So guess who is responsible for the security of the US troops in Iraq. Yes, that is right. The Iraqi government, its army, and its Shiite militias. In Lebanon, the Saudis had tried and failed to break up the national unity government in which Shiite, Christian and Sunni officials serve. To the extent that Riyadh openly marked Saad Hariri, the prime minister, as a creature of the Saudis, they did him some harm with the Lebanese people. He has rescinded his forced resignation and hastily issued a stinging rebuke of Washington over Jerusalem. But it rings hollow given his identification with the Saudi-Israeli-American axis. So if the Lebanese have to take sides on this one, it wont be the Saudi-Israeli-American side. Therefore the Shiite leader Hassan Nasrallah is strengthened internally by this move, the opposite of what the Saudis were going for. Thank you Mssrs. Trump and Pence. ==== Related video added by Juan Cole: Press TV: Iran Leader: Palestine will at last be freed OAKVILLE, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Dec. 7, 2017) - Giyani Metals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:WDG)(FRANKFURT:KT9) ("Giyani" or the "Company") has received positive metallurgical testing results, performed by Dalhousie Minerals Engineering Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, from the manganese oxide bearing rocks sampled at the K.Hill Prospect, the first of three potential deposits within the Kanye Manganese Project in Botswana. Of significance, manganese nodule type material, abundant at K.Hill, can be easily treated using a trammel/gravity/washing process. Manganese found in staining and veins environments suggest only a light grind is required making it physically amenable to hydrometallurgical processes. Hydrometallurgical processing takes the product to a grade higher than 99.7% manganese in the form of electrolytic manganese dioxide (EMD) suitable for the battery industry. Robin Birchall CEO of Giyani said, "I am very pleased with the results of these tests. They vindicate the approach the Company has taken to pursue the high value battery market. We look forward to continuing our exploration and test work in Botswana at our deposits and hope to have further supportive good news in the near future". In detail, the results indicate manganese minerals at K.Hill occur in three forms: Staining on the silicates, iron oxides and themselves. Small veins, as manganese oxides deposited on each other Nodules wherein the manganese has built-up into botrydal masses that may contain other minerals This supergene mineralogy is complex as there are many oxidation states of manganese and a variety of other metals are present. These results, however, are positive indications that the percentage of deleterious elements in the rock does not affect quality or recovery. For example, Kaolin is present in one layer of the manganese bearing rock tested. This mineral has a smaller particles size and is found in veins; thus, should not present a problem during processing. Iron oxides are also found which is normal in manganese ores. It is recommended that additional testing be performed to determine the recovery of manganese nodules through a screening, washing and/or gravity separation system and that the remainder of the manganese be tested for recovery and purity using hydrometallurgical processes. Dump Material: hydrometallurgy tests to determine potential recovery. It is unlikely that grinding will be required on this material. However, grinding should be done on a second iteration of these tests to determine if recoveries can be improved. Manganese-Iron Altered Shales: Size reduction to the range of 100-300 micrometers followed by hydrometallurgical testing to determine potential recovery of the manganese. Manganese Shales with Kaolin: this material is similar to the Manganese-Iron altered shales with the potential of a smaller required grind size and the presence of Kaolin. If Kaolin is detrimental to the hydrometallurgy a course grind should be performed at sizes larger than a millimeter, followed by a washing to remove the kaolin prior to size reduction to the 100 - 300 micrometers final size. Manganese altered Silicates: This has a low grade of manganese. However, some of the manganese occurs in larger veins and could be separated with a course grind followed by leaching and hydrometallurgy. Examples of the manganese minerals found in the samples are shown in Table 1. Table 1: Manganese minerals identified in the K.Hill samples Name Lustre Colour Hardness Tenacity Density MnO Grade Cryptomelane Earthy Brown-gray 5-6.5 Brittle 4.17-4.41 60% Hausmannite Resinous Brown-black 5.5 Brittle 4.83-4.85 72% Hollandite Metallic Silver-Black 4-6 Brittle 4.95 52.8% Psilomelane submetallic Iron black 5-6 Brittle 4.7 48.8% Pyrolusite Varies Black-gray 2-6.5 Brittle 5.04-5.08 63.2% Jacobsite Resinous Brown-Black 5.5-6.5 Brittle 4.76 23.8% Coronadite Varies Gray-Black 4.5-5 Brittle 4.2-4.5 48.7% The Bond Work Index for power requirements, to crush and grind manganese ore, ranges from 12 to 16 kWhr/tonne, but when grinding only to exposure can be as low as 6 kWhr/tonne. This is an approximation of the power required to break the rock from an infinite size to 100 micrometers. Metallurgical testing was performed on samples collected from the K.Hill Prospect in Botswana in August and September of 2017 by Dr. Ian M. Flint, Ph.D., P.Eng. These samples were shipped to Dalhousie university in Nova Scotia, Canada, where sectioned mineralogy work was done on thin sections randomly taken from the samples using an electron microprobe and an optical mineralogical microscope. Dr. Flint supervised each stage of the work, including from the site, and ensured the chain of custody of the samples. Ian Flint, Ph.D., P.Eng, is the qualified person, as that term is defined by National Instrument 43-101, on behalf of the Company and has approved the scientific and technical content contained in this press release. Undergraduate students selected to join Kansas State University cancer research teams Thursday, Dec. 7, 2017 The 2017-2018 recipients of Cancer Research Awards from the Johnson Cancer Research Center at Kansas State University. These students are working with faculty mentors to conduct cancer research. | Download this photo. MANHATTAN The Johnson Cancer Research Center at Kansas State University has selected 33 students to participate in its undergraduate research mentoring and awards program. The center's Cancer Research Awards program promotes student participation in laboratory research. It encourages undergraduate students to consider careers in cancer research and medicine early on while they are still deciding what academic and professional paths to take. "This opportunity gets students more engaged in their education, a critical factor in their success," said Stephen K. Chapes, the center's interim director and a professor of biology. "Many of these future cancer researchers and medical workers will undoubtedly go on to be some of the top professionals in their fields." The awards program, which is open to Kansas State University undergraduate students interested in doing cancer-relevant research, provides $1,000 awards to up to 50 students a year, and $1,000 per student for research expenses. Students applied for the awards by co-writing research proposals with faculty mentors affiliated with the center. The awardees conduct their research in the mentors' laboratories during the spring semester. "These are some of the university's and the state's most outstanding science students, working closely with excellent faculty on real research projects," Chapes said. The students will be recognized in the spring at a banquet attended by their families and faculty mentors, cancer research center supporters and university administrators. The Johnson Cancer Research Center supports the research and training of affiliated faculty, undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. All programs are funded through private gifts. The following students received Cancer Research Awards; included is each student's faculty mentor: Jennifer Coats, senior in chemical engineering, Allen, mentored by John Tomich, professor of biochemistry and biomolecular physics; Micah Meyer, sophomore in biochemistry, Bern, mentored by Chingakham Singh, research assistant professor of biology; Marissa Komp, sophomore in life sciences, Clearwater, mentored by Jocelyn McDonald, assistant professor of biology; Spencer Ward, senior in biology, Colwich, mentored by Michael Veeman, assistant professor of biology; Seth Peery, junior in biochemistry, Goddard, mentored by Kathrin Schrick, associate professor of biology. From Greater Kansas City: Alexa Wilden, junior in microbiology, Gardner, mentored by Stella Lee, assistant professor of biology; Sarah Gillaspie, senior in biochemistry, Leawood, mentored by Katsura Asano, professor of biology; Mackenzie Thornton, sophomore in microbiology, Leawood, mentored by Katsura Asano, professor of biology; Connor Horn, sophomore in microbiology, Olathe, mentored by Govind Vediyappan, assistant professor of biology; Jazmine Snow, senior in microbiology, Olathe, mentored by Nick Wallace, assistant professor of biology; Eric Aube, senior in biochemistry, Overland Park, mentored by Katsura Asano, professor of biology; Kathlyn Gomendoza, senior in biology, Overland Park, mentored by Lorena Passarelli, professor of biology; Olivia Haney, senior in chemistry, Overland Park, mentored by Ryan Rafferty, assistant professor of chemistry; Elizabeth Martino, senior in biology, Overland Park, mentored by Lorena Passarelli, professor of biology; and Marta Stetsiv, junior in biochemistry, Shawnee, mentored by Erica Geisbrecht, associate professor of biochemistry and biomolecular physics. Emily Wessel, junior in biochemistry, Hutchinson, mentored by John Tomich, professor of biochemistry and biomolecular physics. From Manhattan: Alexis Bieker, sophomore in biology, mentored by Lorena Passarelli, professor biology; Yusuf Ciftci, freshman in biochemistry, mentored by Revathi Govind, associate professor of biology; and Vaithish Velazhahan, senior in microbiology and biochemistry, mentored by Kathrin Schrick, associate professor of biology. Riley Burghart, junior in biology, McPherson, mentored by Masaaki Tamura, associate professor of anatomy and physiology; Emily Roggenkamp, senior in biochemistry, Onaga, mentored by Greg Finnigan, assistant professor of biochemistry and biomolecular physics; Johnathon Dallman, senior in chemistry, Silver Lake, mentored by Ryan Rafferty, assistant professor of chemistry; Kelsey Ferguson, senior in biochemistry, Topeka, mentored by Ryan Rafferty, assistant professor of chemistry; Kyler Weingartner, senior in biochemistry, Topeka, mentored by Kathrin Schrick, associate professor of biology; Jayden McCall, sophomore in microbiology, Valley Center, mentored by Robert DeLong, associate professor of anatomy and physiology; Jordan Disberger, junior in electrical engineering, Wamego, mentored by Punit Prakash, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering; Alexandria Bontrager, junior in microbiology, Whiting, mentored by Erica Geisbrecht, associate professor of biochemistry and biomolecular physics; Faith Kim senior in biology, Wichita, mentored by Jeroen Roelofs, associate professor of biology; and Charles Schaeffer, sophomore in microbiology, Wichita, mentored by Rollie Clem, professor of biology. From Missouri: Jared Newell, freshman in biology, Lee's Summit, Missouri, mentored by Thomas Mueller, research assistant professor of biology; and Marlene Campos-Guerrero, senior in microbiology, Kansas City, Missouri, mentored by Zhilong Yang, assistant professor of biology. From out of country: Yibo Liu, senior in biology, China, mentored by Ruth Welti, university distinguished professor of biology; and Arashi Nakashima, senior in animal sciences and industry, Japan, mentored by Masaaki Tamura, associate professor of anatomy and physiology. 392 Shares Share Every patient eventually asks the same question: How can I find the best hospitals and doctors? The solution might seem easy, since we live in a world where information is readily available on the Internet. In a few clicks we can shop for goods, review consumer products, market ourselves on social media, and complete financial transactions instantly. You would think that health care, which accounts for 17 percent of the GDP, would have all these same features. Think again. Health care information for consumers is woefully unsophisticated compared to other industries. Ask anyone who has ever attempted to find prices for health care services, interpret a medical bill, or schedule an appointment online. Health care information is primitive because it is focused on finances rather than customers that is, the patients. As a result, hospital and physician offices are skilled at sending bills but often cant help patients with anything else. Federal regulations have helped improve online medical records and lab results. But information about health care quality can be confusing. It lacks standardization about what is important, credible, and measurable. There are several well-known hospital quality websites, but research shows that hospitals ranked highly in one website often score poorly in another and vice versa. The reason? These rating systems use different measurement criteria, as well as different statistics to compute results. Some are heavily influenced by reputation rather than clinical outcomes. Even Medicares rating system Hospital Compare isnt very helpful since its hard to navigate and most hospitals come out OK. Many patients choose not to use these quality tools due to the inconsistency among them. Report cards about doctors are not much better. Medicares Physician Compare suffers from the same problems as its hospital-focused counterpart. The average visitor has difficulty sorting out the quality information most valuable to them. Some commercial websites list doctors who pay to be listed on the website. This marketing approach is not aimed at assessing physician quality. Other websites list doctors based on a national or regional poll of their peers. This model, while interesting, is based on anecdote and offers little objective information about physicians clinical performance. Finally, the newest report card for hospitals and doctors is the popular website Yelp. This rating service remains controversial, since the physician reviews are based on consumer opinions alone rather than data-driven methodology. Despite this flaw, Yelp reviews are popular among consumers. In the midst of all this confusion, how can someone find a good hospital or doctor? I think that the best source is still a recommendation from a trusted friend, preferably a health professional. It is what physicians tend to do for their families and friends. Those in health care usually have a network of helpful contacts. Of course, many other factors can influence patient choice. Most patients prefer medical care that is nearby and convenient. Others, especially those with complex conditions, may want to see a specialist in a large medical center far from home. Once a hospital recommendation is made, the patients and their families can examine the hospitals website to evaluate its staff and their credentials. A Google search of the physician may provide additional useful information. Some hospitals publish their staffs expertise and experience in certain specialties. Such voluntary public reporting is becoming more common among hospitals that perform at a high level. If a hospital does not list such metrics, it is worth asking for them. Clinical experience is highly important when choosing a physician. That information may not be listed on a website, but every physician should be able to summarize their experience. Patients are requesting this information more frequently, and physicians should be prepared for that discussion. In summary, publicly reported hospital and physician scorecards are interesting and sometimes helpful but not necessarily authoritative. We have a long way to go before public reporting in health care represents an accurate reflection of clinical performance in ways that consumers can understand. In the meantime, the best approach is to contact a trusted source, especially a physician or nurse. Ask them where or to whom they would send their loved ones in times of need. That recommendation is bound to be reliable. Mark Kelley is a pulmonologist and founder, HealthWeb Navigator , where this article originally appeared. Image credit: 22 Shares Share If all politics is local, then Washingtons health care debacle has brought politics to the front stoop of every health care provider in America. There is no escaping it debates taking place on Capitol Hill are set to affect the very survival of our patients. Irrespective of political leanings, doctors, nurses and providers of all stripes have ethical and professional obligations to speak up and become engaged in order to protect their patients. While politics have always affected medicine obstetricians and gynecologists have long fought for womens health issues, for example current political events have pushed this into overdrive. In our current political climate, it no longer even makes sense to distinguish between events in Washington and my patient in front of me. Earlier this year, Congress put forth a bill that among other things would strip 23 million patients of their health insurance, allow insurance companies to exclude people with preexisting conditions, eliminate essential health benefits such as pediatric services, ambulance rides, and lab tests from their plans, and increase costs, especially to older Americans. Politicians are speaking frankly even eagerly about stripping services away from patients who currently have them. Each patient I see becomes another example of someone whose life could be at risk should any of the measures debated in Congress pass into law. My elderly patients infected bedsore, for example, could only worsen, leading to sepsis and even death if she could no longer fill her antibiotic prescription. My patient with breast cancer, if unable to obtain chemotherapy due to her preexisting condition, would inevitably die. And any pediatric patient I see could suddenly be at risk of entirely preventable illnesses if left unimmunized due to the elimination of their essential health benefits. Suddenly, being a physician and ignoring politics has become a lot like being an airplane pilot and ignoring the fact we are flying with the cabin doors wide open. Patients are about to be whisked into the sky with no parachute it is just as unethical to ignore politics as it would be to continue flying that plane pretending everything was OK. The truth is that avoiding politics is not only unethical, but also unprofessional. While many doctors, scientists at heart, find political advocacy uncomfortable, it is in fact a required part of the job. In order to be allowed to practice independently, physicians must graduate from a residency training program and demonstrate proficiency in six core competencies. Most of them, such as medical knowledge and patient care and procedure skills, are well known. It is the sixth systems-based practice that is often overlooked, but equal in importance. To quote the governing body that mandates these requirements: doctors must demonstrate an awareness of and responsiveness to the larger context and system of health care and are expected to advocate for quality patient care and optimal patient care systems. In other words, to practice independently, we must not only know how to prescribe our medicines and perform our procedures, but also work toward improving our entire health care system. Our professional governing body makes no distinction between helping patients through syringes, scalpels or statutes. As German physician Rudolph Virchow noted in 1848: Medicine is a social science, and politics is nothing else but medicine on a large scale. Importantly, as physicians, we advocate for our patients all the time. We feel completely at ease when we do this on the day-to-day level. If one of our patients cannot get an appropriate follow-up appointment with a specialist or their insurance company denies them a specific medication, for example, we eagerly take up arms. We fight a million reams of red tape on a daily basis to get that one patient what she needs. We must now embrace this same ethos on a macro level by lobbying our representatives, joining activist groups and even running for office ourselves. The only difference is the outsize impact these efforts could have: working through a single ream of red tape in the form of legislation could positively affect the lives of millions of patients. Laws affecting human lives should not be drawn along partisan lines, but by evidence-based policy thats best for constituents. As Washington fails this litmus test, citizens must step up. As health care providers, advocating for our patients is both an ethical imperative and a professional requirement. Our patients depend on us for their care we must help them get it, whether that comes in the form of pill or policy. Farzon A. Nahvi is an emergency physician. This article originally appeared in the Guardian. Image credit: Yes, you can transfer your domain to any registrar or hosting company once you have purchased it. Since domain transfers are a manual process, it can take up to 5 days to transfer the domain. Domains purchased with payment plans are not eligible to transfer until all payments have been made. Please remember that our 30-day money back guarantee is void once a domain has been transferred. For transfer instructions to GoDaddy, please click here. 40K Shares Share Editors note: This article contains a racial slur crucial to the writers story. It took only 57 hours of working as a new attending physician in Charlottesville, Virginia for a patient to call me the N-word. Fifty-seven hours. In fact, a racial slur found me before I found the shortcut to the hospital cafeteria. So, when torch-bearing White supremacists gathered downtown earlier this year, I saw more confirmation of my conclusion that bigotry feels right at home in Charlottesville. Over the past decade, I have taken care of thousands of patients in North Carolina, Chicago, and New York City. Many have been grateful, some angry, a few have cussed at me and one, recently, even wrote me a poem. But, until a few weeks ago on my fourth day of work in Charlottesville no patient of mine ever directed the N-word at me during a clinical encounter. This particular encounter with racism started routinely enough with a page to the emergency department to admit an elderly man with new-onset confusion. His race though not an important detail at the time was white. I walked into his room and introduced myself as his doctor. He responded by offering me a graham cracker. I imagined wed get along famously. I kept our interaction light and free-flowing, as is my nature in patients with altered mental status. I wanted to assess his thinking patterns through our conversation. I wanted to know if he could explain to me the circumstances that landed him in our emergency department and led the physicians there to recommend admission to the hospital. More than that, I hoped to build rapport that would be the foundation for our partnership in his care. Perhaps I was too easy-going and affable because our seeming familiarity piqued his interest. He asked me if I was from the area, and I replied that I lived in Charlottesville for a few years during college. His eyes lit up, and he cracked a knowing smile. I do know you! he exclaimed, preparing his revelation. Youre that little nigger who used to hang out in Jimmys backyard! I assured him that he was mistaken, and instructed him as though it was for the first time in his life that he should never use that word. He smiled and shrugged, seeming more surprised by his misrecollection than he was by the offense that his racial slur had caused. I paused, more to punctuate the moment than to attempt to process it. Quickly, though, I returned to my assessment. In standard fashion, I examined my patient, shared my clinical impressions and plan, and asked if he had any questions before I exited the room. I was there to do a job, but more importantly, I was not going to allow him to have thrown me off my game. Only after I stepped outside did I begin processing the deluge of emotions. I was both stunned and speechless. His word hurt like a verbal lash of a whip, or thud of a baton, or tightening of a chokehold. It flung its illegitimate power at me, and I hated that I gave it any recognition at all. I felt silly for trusting that my white coat could protect me from moments like this. The chorus of Jay-Zs The Story of O.J. came to mind. Still nigger. The casual way that he said it added a layer of unfamiliarity. In the past, when I have been called nigger, it was always my assailants intent to punctuate their disdain. This didnt appear to be my patients purpose. He said it simply as though it belonged to me. He said it assured that it was, and would always be my most appropriate descriptor. Given my patients easy use of the word in conversation with me, a black physician, I wondered how many times he must have casually used the word nigger in conversations with friends, family members and coworkers over the years. For those who didnt share his racist beliefs, how many missed opportunities were there to tell him he was wrong to think and speak this way? Sure, it would require courage and conviction to speak up in those moments. On the other hand, when they were silent in the face of his slurs, that did, in some ways, make them complicit in his racism. Lets take a timeout for a second. Did you cringe when you saw the N-word written out so many times? Did it bother you that I didnt spare you the discomfort of reading it after he rang that bell? Did you try to dismiss or rationalize his exchange with me, retreating to subconscious exceptions for his age or his confusion? Were you relieved that I did not perceive his intention as overtly hateful or hurtful? If any of those thoughts crossed your mind, you should know that you are missing a bigger picture. Those blind spots are precisely why we need to have this conversation. We need to learn how to confront every last drop of racism in our society if we are to have any hope of eradicating it. We have to acknowledge these moments of offhand and casual racism as a reality and not as an outlier. Moments like these are our windows into the very real racism that still assaults black Americans from many sides. To be clear, the urgency behind these kinds of conversations is not purely a matter of human decency or political correctness. Of the dozens of white supremacists who gathered in Charlottesville in October or the hundreds who descended on the town in August surely many were once casual racists, too. Right now, countless casual racists are being recruited and called to join the next white supremacist rally. It is their smoldering intolerance and hate that is at great risk for radicalization and mobilization amidst the racial division that grips our nation. But only those who know them best those who can lovingly and tactfully correct their ignorance have the opportunity and the agency to change hearts, minds, and vocabulary. While this years fourth convening of white supremacists in Charlottesville made national news yet again, the signs and symptoms of those most likely to rally to their cause go unnoticed far too often. Preventing the hate speech, the fear-mongering and the tragedy starts with a commitment to recognizing racism in all forms with each of us taking responsibility to name it as unacceptable, intolerable and un-American. It starts by demanding a higher standard of the conversations we have about our neighbors in those moments when were sorted homogeneously. So, if I could make one request of my fellow Americans, it is that we all be brave enough to make it a teachable moment the next time we hear someone casually use a racial slur around the kitchen table, at the bar or over the group text. You never know, you might stop the next hateful demonstration before it starts. At the very least, you can make sure your friend or loved one doesnt look like a bigot in front of their doctor. B. Cameron Webb is an internal medicine physician. Image credit: The RNZ headline: NZ unlikely to follow Oz move to ban foreign donations That is because we already effectively ban them. The Australian government has unveiled plans to ban political donations from overseas and introduce a register for foreign lobbyists. Under New Zealand law, political donations from overseas are allowed as long as they dont exceed $1500. Or to put it another way, they are banned unless they are under $1,500. The $1,500 is simply a de minimis level at which below it is not worth trying to track donations. If someone gives you $100, you dont need to check their citizenship or residency. Deputy Prime Minister and New Zealand First leader Winston Peters said National had always found a way around the donations regime. This is the man who lied to Parliament (and the public and the media) about Owen Glenns donation and whose party had many years of false donation returns that they had to correct after they were exposed. If he had any shame he would never ever talk about donations and transparency again. Share this: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Reddit WhatsApp More Pinterest Print Tumblr Stuff reports: A damning new report card into the performance of the Health Ministry has found the agency wanting across a number of areas, including financial sustainability, behaviour and culture and the management of its people. The high level performance review, led by Dame Paula Rebstock on behalf of the State Services Commission, painted a picture of a ministry that was striving to reduce health inequities across New Zealand, but hamstrung by poor relationships and funding models across a highly devolved system. The release of the report comes days after Director-General of Health Chai Chuah announced his resignation, halfway through a five-year term. He said a change of direction was needed for the ministry, meanwhile Health Minister David Clark has branded the review as a damning indictment of the direction of the last Government. I agree a change of direction is needed for the Ministry. Its performance has been woeful, including getting the DHB allocation figures wrong for the Budget. But the Ministry is not the entire health system (thanks God). In terms of actual outcomes, weve seen the following: From 70% to 94% of ED patients seen within six hours From 65% to 100% of cancer patients staring treatment within four weeks Immunization rates from 76% to 92% Elective surgery procedures from 118,000 to 162,000 The Performance Infrastructure Framework review, or PIF, gave the ministry a weak rating for its financial sustainability, and its overall governance. It was also weak on values, behaviour and culture. The ministry scored well on vision but it needed to shift from aspirational statements to bringing the vision, purpose and strategy to life. The strategy needs to move from being thematic to directional. Significant resources needed to be committed to delivering on the Health Strategy, and that would require re-prioritisation and decisions to stop some things. And the executive leadership team itself, under Chuah, while it worked together initially, it had reverted to a group of individuals. They are technically competent, but do not lead in a systemic way at an enterprise level. It is a scathing report, and shows change is needed at the Ministry. If David Clark can successfully institute that change, then that will be a very good thing. Share this: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Reddit WhatsApp More Pinterest Print Tumblr Stuff reports: Children are being strangled, soiling themselves in class and threatening suicide as bullying remains toxic at a Christchurch school, parents say. They sent a letter to the Ministry of Education voting no confidence in the schools leadership in June, and Webb encouraged other parents to speak up. More than eight families have removed their children from the school this year and others say they would if not restricted by zoning. Seen above is a scene from "Alice Through the Looking Glass," a 2016 U.S. fantasy adventure film based on Lewis Carroll's novel of the same title. Helena Bonham Carter acted as the Red Queen, which has become a famous business term noting the necessity to keep moving forward so as not to fall behind. / Korea Times file Asia's No. 4 economy struggles to compete with US, China By Park Jae-hyuk No matter how innovative a Korean firm is, it is rarely able to maintain the top spot in the global market, according to a chief executive of a domestic technology company. His company has provided local news outlets with articles written by a robot journalist over the past 10 years. Although his company obtained a patent on the artificial intelligence-based technology in Korea in 2008, the businessman could not apply for an international patent, due to a lack of money. Since then, foreign rivals have grown rapidly with mass investments. One of the competitors is Automated Insights, a U.S.-based technology company that has produced corporate earnings stories for the Associated Press since 2015. "We are now unable to catch up with the fast-growing foreign companies," the Korean entrepreneur said. "It is usual for domestic first movers to lag behind companies in China or the United States." The phenomenon is often called "The Red Queen effect." Its name is derived from a statement that the Red Queen made to Alice in Lewis Carroll's "Through the Looking-Glass" "Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place." In his thesis, "A New Evolutionary Law," published in 1973, U.S. evolutionary biologist Leigh Van Valen coined the hypothesis that species have to run or evolve in order to stay in the same place or remain extant. The hypothesis was applied to business administration in a thesis, "The Red Queen in Organizational Evolution," published in 1996 by William Barnett and Morten Hansen at Stanford University. Barnett and Hansen claimed companies that achieved successes in the market find it difficult to depend on their achievements, because latecomers can swiftly enter the market without trial-and-errors, learning from the first movers. Many global enterprises have proved the argument. General Electric, which first commercialized light bulbs 125 years ago, recently liquidated its light bulb business. Toshiba, which released the world's first laptop, DynaBook, in 1989, is also pushing ahead with the disposal of its personal computer business. Sony, which commercialized the lithium-ion battery in 1991 for the first time in the world, sold its battery business last year to Murata Manufacturing, a Japanese electronic component manufacturer. Intel, which invented the world's first dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) in 1970, withdrew from the market in 1985. Motorola, IBM and Toshiba, all of which once took the top spot in mobile phones, smartphones and flash memory respectively, have small market shares for now. In Korea, SayClub and Cyworld pioneered the field of social media, but they collapsed after the emergence of U.S. social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter. Pandora TV also started video-sharing services earlier than YouTube to achieve success here, but eventually failed to make its presence felt in the global market against the global giants Facebook and Twitter. Currently, Pandora is struggling to stay afloat. Korean conglomerates that have led global semiconductor, display, battery and electronics industries are not exceptions, as Chinese technology firms are rapidly chasing them. Korean companies have already yielded the top spot in the global liquid crystal display market to a Chinese firm. Hyundai Motor is also struggling to come up with countermeasures against the growth of Chinese automakers. Based on their price competitiveness, Geely Automobile and Great Wall Motors are chasing the Korean carmaker in the world's most populous country. Prithvi Man Shrestha is a political reporter for The Kathmandu Post, covering the governance-related issues including corruption and irregularities in the government machinery. Before joining The Kathmandu Post in 2009, he worked at and Rising Nepal primarily covering the issues of political and economic affairs for three years. CK Raut arrested from Janakpur Police have arrested free Madhes campaigner CK Raut from Janakpur on Thursday. Dahal casts ballot from Chitwan CPN (Maoist Centre) Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal has cast his ballot from Shantipur School in Bharatpur-14 of Chitwan district on Thursday. European Commission invites Caan to explain progress on safety issues The European Commission (EC) has invited officials of the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (Caan) to Brussels, Belgium in January to explain the steps taken by Nepal to address safety deficiencies. Government tells concerned agencies to expedite rescue of wrokers stranded in Kuwait Following reports of hundreds of Nepali migrant workers stranded in a deplorable condition, without money, work and stay-permit in Kuwait, the government on Wednesday instructed the concerned agencies to step up their rescue process. Please allow ads as they help fund our trusted local news content. Kindly add us to your ad blocker whitelist. If you want further access to Ireland's best local journalism, consider contributing and/or subscribing to our free daily Newsletter . Support our mission and join our community now. The Asthma Society of Ireland has welcomed the announcement from Minister Denis Naughten of a nationwide smoky coal ban. Dublin led the ban in 1990, which has since saved more than 8,900 lives and many more will be saved with this announcement. Kevin Kelly, Asthma Society Interim CEO, commented, We are delighted with this milestone announcement from Minister Naughten. The risk smoky coal poses to our health has now been recognised and tackled at source following years of campaigning. It is estimated that nearly 2,000 lives are lost on the island of Ireland each year from smoky coal pollution and the right to clean air has been acknowledged. The ban will reduce coal ash production, a source of exposure to arsenic and other health-damaging metals With 470,000 people affected, Ireland has the fourth highest prevalence of asthma worldwide. Whilst patients of respiratory diseases are worst affected, ongoing exposure to this pollutant affects everyone. It is now vital however for Minister Naughten and the Department of Environment to oversee the implementation of the ban across the country. Paramount to this is ensuring that as part of the existing Swift 7 process, they independently verify smoky coal stocks. Coal merchants should be unable to order smoky coal after April 2018. We feel that the only smoky coal that should be available for sale in 2019 is the left over physical bags from the 2018 burning season. Kelly added. It is hard to believe, when you have been living in the quiet hell of Mortgage Arrears that you can still be your familys hero. This week a national campaign has started where the Irish Mortgage Holders Organisation (IMHO) are asking you, if you are in long term Mortgage Arrears to contact us. I know, and the IMHO know how hard Mortgage Arrears is. This has been our business for half a decade. You lose hope, direction, even the capacity to voice your case. Every envelope that comes in the door is a stealth bomber. But there are solutions. In the case of the Irish Mortgage Holders Organisation 90% of people we work with stay in their homes. No matter how steep it is debt can be controlled and managed in a pragmatic way I have been involved in helping those with debt since 2010 and in 2012 established the Irish Mortgage Holders Organisation to provide professional services to those in debt. Here I outline the 10 vital steps to deal with debt based on experience of dealing with creditors nationally. Step 1 Do your figures Establish exactly how much you owe to the different creditors. Next calculate what the value of your assets are. This is vital to establish if your assets are more than your liabilities. Property prices have been moving considerably in recent years, so it is important to be accurate. Finally establish how much your household income is each month this is key to establish how much you have available to pay creditors each month. Step 2 Find out how much you can spend If you are in trouble the Insolvency Service of Ireland has set out what it considers to be reasonable living expenses. The figures are available on and explain what different family sizes should be living on each month. You also need to make sure that you consider payments towards a mortgage or rent along with any health and medical expenses, childcare costs or any other special circumstances that might arise. Step 3 Find out what your options are Find out what it is that you can do. The best place to start is get expert professional advice either from a Personal Insolvency Practitioner (PIP) regulated by the Insolvency Service of Ireland or a debt management professional regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Most professionals dont charge for an initial meeting and a new Government scheme called Abhaile allows for you to meet with a PIP for free. There is now no excuse not to access professional help and it is never too late to get help. The Abhaile scheme also allows for legal help if you are in court facing repossession of your Family home. Your options will fall into one of three categories a) informal direct negotiations with your lender, b) a Personal Insolvency Arrangement which is a formal arrangement, protected by the courts and arranged by a PIP or c) the option of last resort - Bankruptcy. Step 4 - Engage Dealing with debt is daunting, unpleasant and sometimes scary. However, like going to the doctor if you are sick you must engage with the process, your creditors and professionals who can help you. Engagement isnt simply writing letters and occasionally answering calls. It involves knowing what you are dealing with, finding out the rules of engagement in whatever process you choose and then committing to and executing what is required. Step 5 - Find out if you are at risk of vultures coming on the scene For many people, there is a risk that your loan will or has already been sold to a Vulture Fund. Vultures mean a couple of things. Firstly, if your loan is sold it probably means delay in anything happening while the vultures set up operations and get through the files. Dont be lulled into a false sense of security - just because you havent heard from the vulture fund. They will be back. It also means that the restructuring options that may have been open to you with your original lender may not be available with the vulture fund. This is very bad news and if you are looking to restructure a loan. It is vital that you engage now ahead of any risk of a loan being sold to a vulture fund. And be clear they will come after your family home. Step 6 - Compare the different options to see which one is best Compare the pros and cons of each option that is open to you. Maybe informal negotiations will be quicker, but will they deal with all your debt? Is bankruptcy the only option or could you try an insolvency arrangement. You need to compare and make sure you are doing the right thing. A professional expert adviser will help you with this and should explain to you the different options. Step 7 - Act Now Dont leave your head in the sand - the problem wont go away unfortunately. You need to act immediately. A professional adviser is your first port of call. If you are struggling with debt contact professionals such as the IMHO today. Step 8 - Mind your head Mental health is important. Debt is a stressful thing to deal with. If you are feeling under pressure or anxious talk to your GP or contact the Samaritans. While dealing with debt is important minding yourself and those important to you is the most important thing. Step 9 - Stay sceptical When you decide as to what to do make sure to stick to the plan. There are lots of snake oil salesmen out there who will promise you all sorts of magical solutions to wipe out your debt. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a free house and be very wary of anybody who comes telling you about legal remedies that just dont stack up. If anybody promises you something, ask them for proof of it working elsewhere. Ask for a court ruling or another official document. Most importantly if you are promised something and provided with paperwork get a second qualified legal professional. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is. Step 10 - Take a break The banks close at the weekend and in the evenings. The postman only comes once a day. When Friday evening comes forget about banks, debt and insolvency. Try to relax with your family and friends ready to push on again next week. Please engage with a trusted third party next week and work towards giving you and your family a fresh start. When you go through this process you may wish to contact the IMHO or i-Care. It is not easy for those of you who are in Mortgage Arrears to believe you can be your familys hero possibly just in time for Christmas by simply phoning us. Mortgage Arrears is as disruptive for many families and people as a death or a divorce. However, the IMHO and i-Care has begun the process of unwinding this living nightmare. Currently vultures are circling your towns, villages and communities in the hope they will profit from the zombie economics of Mortgage Arrears. But, if you call us quickly enough your Christmas present may be securing your family home for this Christmas and thirty more to come. The Irish Mortgage Holders Organisation and David Hall can be contacted at 1800988977 LifeStyle The best LifeStyle shows are right here, from Australia and around the world. Catch up with the experts on home design and interiors, food and cooking, the property market, and get fresh ideas with the savviest of renovators. Whether you need inspiration for cooking up a storm, to refresh a tired room, or tips to sell your property, Foxtel LifeStyle will always something new for you to watch. Enjoy your favourite experts like Andrew Winter and Neale Whitaker, or Deb Hutton and Jamie Oliver live or On Demand. Get Foxtel An image taken of the woman's left retina shows damage at the center. Reproduced with permission from JAMA Ophthalmology. 2017. doi:10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2017.5517. Using a new type of imaging, doctors were able to peer into the eyes of a young woman and see on the cellular level the type of damage that occurs from looking directly at the sun during an eclipse. The woman, who is in her 20s, damaged her eyes during the total solar eclipse on Aug. 21, according to a new report of her case, published today (Dec. 7) in the journal JAMA Ophthalmology. In the woman's case, she told doctors that during the eclipse, she looked at the sun for approximately 6 seconds several different times without protective eyewear, and then again for 15 to 20 seconds with a pair of eclipse glasses, according to the case report. She also said she viewed the solar eclipse with both eyes open. [Did the Solar Eclipse Damage Your Eyes? Here's How to Tell] But the woman was not in the path of totality during the eclipse (during totality it is safe to look at the sun without eye protection), and the sun was only 70 percent obscured during the peak of the eclipse in the area that the woman viewed the event. That meant the sun's bright light was still visible and damaging to the eyes. Four hours after watching the eclipse, the woman said she had blurred vision, a type of distorted vision called metamorphopsia, and color distortion. The symptoms were worse in her left eye, in which she also reported seeing a central black spot, according to the report. However, it wasn't until three days later that she went to the doctor, who found that she had a condition called solar retinopathy a rare form of retinal injury that results from direct sungazing, the report said. Looking into the eyes Because total solar eclipses are rare, doctors don't often see patients with solar retinopathy, and when they have in the past, they didn't have the same imaging tools available to use. "We have never seen the cellular damage from an eclipse because this event rarely happens and we haven't had this type of advanced technology to examine solar retinopathy until recently," lead author Dr. Avnish Deobhakta, an assistant professor of ophthalmology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, said in a statement. The new technology, called adaptive optics, allows doctors and researchers "to get an exact look at this retinal damage on such a precise level [which] will help clinicians better understand the condition." Solar retinopathy occurs when bright light from the sun damages the retina, causing blurry vision or a blind spot in one or both eyes. However, the damage is often painless and a person generally will not experience these symptoms immediately after looking directly at the intense light of the sun. After examining the woman, the doctors determined she had burned holes in both of her retinas. She also had photochemical burns in her eyes, according to the report. Adaptive optics allows doctors to examine the microscopic structures of a patient's eye with extreme detail in real time, the report said. Using the technique, the researchers obtained high-resolution images of the damaged photoreceptors in the woman's eyes. (Photoreceptors are the light-sensitive rods and cones of the eye's retina.) The images showed no significant vision damage to the right eye, but revealed a yellow-white spot in the left eye. The images also showed multiple areas of decreased sensitivity and a central scotoma, or blind spot, in the left eye, according to the report. The researchers said in the statement they hope the images will help provide a better understanding of solar retinopathy, which currently cannot be treated. In addition, the report "can prepare doctors and patients for the next eclipse in 2024, and make them more informed of the risks of directly viewing the sun without protective eyewear," lead author Dr. Chris Wu, a resident physician at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai, said in the statement. Originally published on Live Science. Picture of a reflection of the US embassy in Havana, taken on October 3, 2017. Cuba's Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez on Tuesday slammed the US expulsion of Cuban diplomats as "unjustified... unfounded and unacceptable," in a deepening row over mysterious attacks on staff at the US embassy in Havana. The U.S. embassy workers in Cuba who were initially thought to have been attacked by a "sonic weapon" have sustained damage to the white matter in their brains, scans reveal. And officials are increasingly skeptical that a sonic weapon was the cause, the Associated Press reported. The first symptoms of a possible "attack" showed up in the fall of 2016. The workers heard loud, bizarre noises, such as chirps, hums and scraping sounds, or felt a ghostly movement of air near them, and then went on to have hearing loss and ringing in the ears, the Washington Post reported. Afterwards, those affected by the bizarre phenomenon went on to have memory loss, hearing and vision problems, and troubles with balance. Brain scans now reveal alterations in white matter, which contains the neurons that communicate with one another, the AP reported. While the U.S. government initially blamed a mysterious sonic weapon for the attacks, U.S. officials are now being careful to avoid the term, according to the AP. Many experts in acoustic waves said sound waves were unlikely to cause the brain damage seen in the state department officials. Instead, the sounds may have been the result, not the cause, of whatever injured the people, the AP reported. Physicians who have been treating the mystery cases for months are expected to present their findings in a forthcoming issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. Originally published on Live Science. This article was originally published at The Conversation. The publication contributed the article to Live Science's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights. Biology is becoming increasingly digitized. Researchers like us use computers to analyze DNA, operate lab equipment and store genetic information. But new capabilities also mean new risks and biologists remain largely unaware of the potential vulnerabilities that come with digitizing biotechnology. The emerging field of cyberbiosecurity explores the whole new category of risks that come with the increased use of computers in the life sciences. University scientists, industry stakeholders and government agents have begun gathering to discuss these threats. We've even hosted FBI agents from the Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate here at Colorado State University and previously at Virginia Tech for crash courses on synthetic biology and the associated cyberbiosecurity risks. A year ago, we participated in a U.S. Department of Defense-funded project to assess the security of biotechnology infrastructures. The results are classified, but we disclose some of the lessons learned in our new Trends in Biotechnology paper. Along with co-authors from Virginia Tech and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, we discuss two major kinds of threats: sabotaging the machines biologists rely on and creating dangerous biological materials. Computer viruses affecting the physical world In 2010, a nuclear plant in Iran experienced mysterious equipment failures. Months later, a security firm was called in to troubleshoot an apparently unrelated problem. They found a malicious computer virus. The virus, called Stuxnet, was telling the equipment to vibrate. The malfunction shut down a third of the plant's equipment, stunting development of the Iranian nuclear program. Unlike most viruses, Stuxnet didn't target only computers. It attacked equipment controlled by computers. The marriage of computer science and biology has opened the door for amazing discoveries. With the help of computers, we're decoding the human genome, creating organisms with new capabilities, automating drug development and revolutionizing food safety. Stuxnet demonstrated that cybersecurity breaches can cause physical damages. What if those damages had biological consequences? Could bioterrorists target government laboratories studying infectious diseases? What about pharmaceutical companies producing lifesaving drugs? As life scientists become more reliant on digital workflows, the chances are likely rising. Messing with DNA The ease of accessing genetic information online has democratized science, enabling amateur scientists in community laboratories to tackle challenges like developing affordable insulin. But the line between physical DNA sequences and their digital representation is becoming increasingly blurry. Digital information, including malware, can now be stored and transmitted via DNA. The J. Craig Venter Institute even created an entire synthetic genome watermarked with encoded links and hidden messages. Twenty years ago, genetic engineers could only create new DNA molecules by stitching together natural DNA molecules. Today scientists can use chemical processes to produce synthetic DNA. The sequence of these molecules is often generated using software. In the same way that electrical engineers use software to design computer chips and computer engineers use software to write computer programs, genetic engineers use software to design genes. That means that access to specific physical samples is no longer necessary to create new biological samples. To say that all you need to create a dangerous human pathogen is internet access would be an overstatement but only a slight one. For instance, in 2006, a journalist used publicly available data to order a fragment of smallpox DNA in the mail. The year before, the Centers for Disease Control used published DNA sequences as a blueprint to reconstruct the virus responsible for the Spanish flu, one of the deadliest pandemics of all time. With the help of computers, editing and writing DNA sequences is almost as easy as manipulating text documents. And it can be done with malicious intent. First: Recognize the threat The conversations around cyberbiosecurity so far have largely focused on doomsday scenarios. The threats are bidirectional. On the one hand, computer viruses like Stuxnet could be used to hack into digitally controlled machinery in biology labs. DNA could even be used to deliver the attack by encoding malware that is unlocked when the DNA sequences are translated into digital files by a sequencing computer. On the other hand, bad actors could use software and digital databases to design or reconstruct pathogens. If nefarious agents hacked into sequence databases or digitally designed novel DNA molecules with the intent to cause harm, the results could be catastrophic. And not all cyberbiosecurity threats are premeditated or criminal. Unintentional errors that occur while translating between a physical DNA molecule and its digital reference are common. These errors might not compromise national security, but they could cause costly delays or product recalls. Despite these risks, it is not unusual for researchers to order samples from a collaborator or a company and never bother to confirm that the physical sample they receive matches the digital sequence they were expecting. Infrastructure changes and new technologies could help increase the security of life science workflows. For instance, voluntary screening guidelines are already in place to help DNA synthesis companies screen orders for known pathogens. Universities could institute similar mandatory guidelines for any outgoing DNA synthesis orders. There is also currently no simple, affordable way to confirm DNA samples by whole genome sequencing. Simplified protocols and user-friendly software could be developed, so that screening by sequencing becomes routine. The ability to manipulate DNA was once the privilege of the select few and very limited in scope and application. Today, life scientists rely on a global supply chain and a network of computers that manipulate DNA in unprecedented ways. The time to start thinking about the security of the digital/DNA interface is now, not after a new Stuxnet-like cyberbiosecurity breach. Jenna E. Gallegos, Postdoctoral Researcher in Chemical and Biological Engineering, Colorado State University and Jean Peccoud, Professor, Abell Chair in Synthetic Biology, Colorado State University This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article. Govt delays setting up body to compensate depositors Its been exactly a month since the Ministry of Cooperatives and Poverty Alleviation formally declared Oriental Cooperative problematic and decided to form a committee to take over the troubled institution and compensate depositors. Local News, Business & Finance, Politics By Long Island News & PR Published: December 07 2017 Montesano: "As businesses are the backbone of any community, discussions on how to improve them should occur frequently." Long Island, NY - December 7, 2017 - Assemblyman Michael Montesano (R,C,I- Assemblyman Michael Montesano (R,C,I- Glen Head ) is excited to announce he will participate in a business roundtable discussion facilitated by Assemblyman Dean Murray (R,C,I- East Patchogue ) on December 15. Topics will include how legislation regarding minimum wage will affect small businesses and tip workers (A.6203), wage compensation for schedule changes, paid family leave and other regulatory issues. The discussion will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Rose Caracappa Auditorium at the Suffolk County Legislature, William H. Rogers Building, 725 Veterans Memorial Highway, Smithtown As businesses are the backbone of any community, discussions on how to improve them should occur frequently, said Montesano. I look forward to learning more about what my colleagues and business owners have to say about these topics and sharing my own thoughts about passed and pending legislation which affects the business community. I would like to invite business owners from my Assembly District to attend and participate in this discussion and give testimony on topics such as wage compensation for schedule changes, paid family leave and minimum wage. Coming together to share ideas and thoughts is important when it comes to the growth of the business community. Local News, Community, Charity & Cause, Politics By Long Island News & PR Published: December 07 2017 Funding to Support Crisis Hotlines, Programs that Assist Sexual Assault Victims and Enhance Sexual Assault Prevention Efforts in Communities, on College Campuses. Albany, NY - December 7, 2017 - Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced nearly $6.5 million in grants to 55 state-approved anti-sexual assault crisis and prevention programs operated by hospitals, non-profit organizations and governmental agencies statewide. The grants will help fund local crisis hotlines and direct services for sexual assault victims, such as crisis counseling, advocacy and trauma therapy, and support prevention and education in schools, on college campuses and in communities. "Sexual assault is a scourge on our communities and college campuses and with this funding, we offer vital resources to victims of this heinous crime," Governor Cuomo said. "With this aid, these critically important organizations will be able to improve existing services, establish new programs, and better reach New Yorkers in need of help." The grants will fund a variety of existing programs, including 24-hour crisis hotlines, crisis counseling, trauma therapy, referrals to support services for both victims and their families, training for advocates, court accompaniment for victims and criminal justice advocacy. In addition, the funding will support community education, training for advocates and sexual assault forensic examiners, and prevention efforts in both community and educational settings, including schools, hospitals and on college campuses. Click here to see a complete list of the funded programs. "Two years ago, Governor Cuomo enacted the toughest policy in the nation to fight sexual assault on college campuses. Today, we are focusing on prevention and advocacy, providing funding for programs at hospitals, non-profit organizations and government agencies, and getting victims the help they need to recover from this unconscionable crime," said Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul. "New York has resoundingly said enough is enough and we are putting our foot down when it comes to sexual assault." The $6.5 million awarded this week represents funding from three state agencies: a total of $2.8 million from the Office of Victim Services; $2.7 million from the Division of Criminal Justice Services; and $1 million from the state Department of Health. The Division of Criminal Justice Services will administer the one-year grants. To be eligible for funding, programs were required to be approved by the state Department of Health. Office of Victim Services Director Elizabeth Cronin said, "Sexual assault is a crime that leaves its victims both physically and psychologically wounded. These programs serve as pillars of support for rape and sexual assault victims as they embark on their road to recovery. By providing additional resources to these state-approved programs, our hope is that they will be able to help even more victims as they recover from their ordeal." Michael C. Green, Executive Deputy Commissioner of the Division of Criminal Justice Services, said, "These grants are providing critical funding that rape crisis programs can use to bolster and enhance their operations. These awards further demonstrate our resolve and the Governor's continued commitment to supporting services and assistance for victims and programs aimed at sexual assault prevention." Department of Health Commissioner Dr. Howard A. Zucker said, "New York State is leading the fight against sexual violence and the Health Department is proud to support these efforts by working with hospitals across the state to expand access to services for victims of sexual assault. By working together, we can improve responses to sexual assaults and promote prevention strategies to reduce the incidence of victimization from rape or sexual assault in New York State." The grants continue Governor Cuomo's commitment to combating sexual violence. In 2015, he signed into law the "Enough Is Enough" legislation, which aims to put an end to sexual assault and domestic violence on college and university campuses. Among other provisions, the law provided another $4.5 million in funding for rape crisis programs across the state. The Division of Criminal Justice Services has a variety of responsibilities, including law enforcement training; collection and analysis of statewide crime data; maintenance of criminal history information and fingerprint files; administrative oversight of the state's DNA databank in partnership with the New York State Police; funding and oversight of probation and community correction programs; administration of federal and state criminal justice funds; support of criminal justice-related agencies across the state; and administration of the state's Sex Offender Registry. Local News, Crime By Long Island News & PR Published: December 07 2017 Jason Depietto, 33, was arrested on multiple charges, including Possession of a Controlled Substance and Criminal Possession of a Weapon, officials report. Massapequa, NY - December 7, 2017 - The Major Case Bureau reports the arrest of a The Major Case Bureau reports the arrest of a Massapequa man for narcotics that occurred on Tuesday December 05, 2017 at 9:30 p.m. in Hicksville According to detectives, members of the Criminal Intelligence Rapid Response Team observed the defendant, Jason Depietto, 33, violate the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law while driving west on West Barclay Street in a 2000 Nissan. A car stop was conducted on Broadway, Route 107. As officers approached the vehicle they detected and odor of marijuana and observed several concentrated cannabis cartridges along with a clear pipe containing marijuana. Officers also recovered a white bag which contained 92 additional cannabis cartridges. Further investigation, with the assistance of Narcotics Vice Squad Detectives, led detectives to the defendants residence, along with a business location in the name of Hemp Smarts, 1097A North Broadway, North Massapequa. Additional narcotics and weapons were recovered which included: 1 strip of LSD Approx. 265 grams of mushrooms 45 grams of concentrated cannabis wax oil Approx. 140 grams of marijuana 168 vials of THC concentrated cannabis oil 12 gauge shotgun 22 gauge rifle Rock River AR-15 4 high capacity magazines bullet proof vest expandable baton numerous THC edibles assorted pills Approx. $ 12,000 in US currency Defendant, Jason Depietto, is charged with Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance 2ND Degree, Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance 4th Degree, two counts of Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance 5th Degree and Criminal Possession of a Weapon 3rd Degree. The defendant will be arraigned in First District Court in Hempstead on Wednesday, December 06, 2017. Local News, Business & Finance By Long Island News & PR Published: December 07 2017 Royal Renovators Inc., has recently been awarded GAF Master Elite certification in the New York area. Just 2-3 percent of the world's roofers are part of this exclusive club. CEO Sean Levine was quoted as ... Long Island, NY - December 7, 2017 - Royal Renovators has recently been awarded GAF Master Elite certification in the New York area. Only 2-3 percent of the world's roofers are a part of this exclusive club. CEO Sean Levine was quoted as saying our head management did everything in their power to join this club because we wanted to be able to offer our clients the best roofing services, materials and warranties on earth So what is GAF anyway and what makes the Master Elite certification so coveted? GAF roofing is a new method which has already saved millions of homeowners thousands of dollars. The GAF method, in short, is a very different than most roofing companies are able to provide. Instead of any roofer coming to fix your roof, the roofer needs to be a certified GAF contractor. To get certified as a GAF contractor, a contractor needs to have a license, provided by their state or province, in order to perform any work on your roof. A GAF roofer also needs to be fully insured, so there is no risk of a personal injury lawsuit. But that isnt enough. In addition to all of these qualifications, the GAF contractor needs to have a good reputation. If his qualifications are great, but history proves otherwise, he wont be knocking at your door. But wait, that is not all. He needs to be committed to ongoing training, so that he doesnt forget anything. All of these requirements ensure that your roof gets elite service A reason to choose a GAF Master Elite roofing contractor is because statistically, 93% of property owners recommend using only a Master Elite member. GAFs technical experts have developed methods of working and teaching that drill deep into their Master Elite members bones, quality and improvisation. As well as, staying updated with the current, day to day technologies that can pop up and cause complications for regular roofers. The intense training they went through, and still go through, give them a license to insure and provide warranties a non Master Elite roofer cannot provide. A Master Elite contractor can talk to you and come up with the perfect warranty option, custom made to fit your home, budget and family. The GAF system has been recognized locally by the Queens Ledger roofing division As seen, with all the information given, it is not easy at all to get to a level of Master Elite contracting. Therefore, we sincerely congratulate Royal Renovators for getting all of their contractors to be members of Master Elite. We hope to bring more good news to the housing community soon. Local News, Health & Wellness, Politics By Long Island News & PR Published: December 07 2017 Brooks: "With one-in-four adults living with a mental illness in any given year, we are far beyond the point for mental health discussions to be shrouded in shame or fear." Long Island, NY - December 7, 2017 - Senator John E. Brooks will be sponsoring a free Public Education forum for the general public on Friday night, December 8th on What is Mental Illness? - How families and others can support those struggling with mental illness. The program, sponsored in partnership with National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) will be held at the Brookside School, Senator John E. Brooks will be sponsoring a free Public Education forum for the general public on Friday night, December 8th on What is Mental Illness? - How families and others can support those struggling with mental illness. The program, sponsored in partnership with National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) will be held at the Brookside School, Bellmore Merrick CHS District Administration Building at 1260 Meadowbrook Road in North Merrick, NY from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Senator Brooks is the ranking minority member on the NYS Senate Committee for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities. Brooks regularly convenes workshops of his Mental Health Community Task Force, which is comprised of community members who are mental health advocates and other stakeholders in the field. Local News, Crime By Long Island News & PR Published: December 07 2017 Danny Bonilla Zavala, 20, ran away from the crash scene on Route 112 near Sagamore Hills Drive in Port Jefferson Station in August of last year. Suffolk County, NY - December 7, 2017 - A Suffolk County jury today convicted a A Suffolk County jury today convicted a Selden man of aggravated vehicular homicide, leaving the scene and other charges after deliberating approximately two hours in Central Islip Danny Bonilla Zavala, 20, ran away from the crash scene on Route 112 near Sagamore Hills Drive in Port Jefferson Station in August of last year. The driver of the car Zavala struck, Bob Hidalgo, 31, of Coram , was pronounced dead at the scene. Bonilla-Zavala was convicted of aggravated vehicular homicide, manslaughter in the second degree, vehicular manslaughter in the second degree, leaving the scene of a crash without reporting, second degree assault, and resisting arrest. The defendants blood, taken approximately ninety minutes after the collision, had a blood-alcohol level of .33; four times over the .08 legal threshold for DWI in New York State. by Steve McClellan @mp_mcclellan, December 7, 2017 After months of resistance from some of the agencys major shareholders, Bain Capital has succeeded with its tender offer to take Japanese ad agency ADK private, having acquired a little over 87% of the firm. The deal, confirmed early Thursday, ends a nearly two-decade-long and often contentious relationship between ADK and WPP, which had been ADKs single largest shareholder, with a 25% stake. When Bain first made its tender offer a few months back, WPP rejected it, arguing that the offer (about $1.35 billion for a little over half the company) undervalued the agency. In late October, WPP even took legal steps in Japan in a bid to prevent the offer from going through. Last month, however, the holding company made an about face and agreed to tender its shares. At that time, Bain stated if the tender were to succeed, it would discuss a potential re-investment by WPP in ADK via Bain. Any future cooperation will be discussed in good faith by both parties, Bain stated. There was no mention of any such talks today when the investment company confirmed the acquisition. advertisement advertisement But a WPP spokesperson said: "We're delighted to have the opportunity to reinvest in the new Bain-controlled ADK and realize a substantial capital return at the same time." Yuji Sugimoto, a managing director at Bain Capital Private Equity, stated: Todays successful tender offer marks an important step in the right direction for ADK as we move closer to privatizing the business in order to better secure its future in a fast-changing market. Health workers reach Mugu villages to contain viral fever The Mugu District Public Health Office (DPHO) has mobilised a medical team to the viral fever-affected areas in remote Khatyad Rural Municipality. by Mike Azzara , Op-Ed Contributor, December 7, 2017 In other contexts, I write a lot about cybersecurity. So, when I saw the acronym GDPR in one of Kantar Millward Browns 2018 predictions, very near this sentence: The question that remains to be answered in the field of marketing AI will be one of privacy and control, I shuddered involuntarily. Ive written in this space before that data is the oxygen of modern marketing. As artificial intelligence hype skyrocketed in the past year, many others began to recognize that large mountains of good, clean data are key to success if you want to use AI in your marketing. Thats a major challenge for most organizations, because until the Big Data era came suddenly upon us, the vast majority of companies sucked at what the IT folks call data hygiene. Since the arrival of Big Data is so recent, these companies still do. Lets say you get past that challenge. Then the best kind of data to have is data about your audience of prospects the more detailed, the better. And, of course, the more personal, the better. That means personally identifiable data, or what the cyber experts call PII. Marketers can use AI to analyze that data and better understand individual prospects, at scale. Therefore, collecting PII on large audiences, and feeding that Big Data into machine-learning algorithms, offers marketers great power. You know the rest. Repeat after me: With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility. You must keep peoples data safe. Now the European Union has put a price on that cybersecurity responsibility: 20 million, or $23.6 million (when I checked the exchange rate late last night). This may sound confusing at first (Ill show the math in two paragraphs), but thats the lowest possible mandatory maximum fine that can be levied against your company by the EU if you fail to protect peoples data, or if you dont properly manage your data according to the rules laid out in the EUs General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). There are actually a complex variety of different fines and levels and whatnot, but the maximum fine is 20 million or 4% of your companys global revenue, whichever is greater. GDPR becomes effective on May 25. And dont think because yours is a U.S. company, GDPR wont apply. A lot of smart folks mistakenly believe the G in GDPR stands for global, because the EU has made clear that it will apply these rules to any company, headquartered in any jurisdiction, that does any business with any person or persons in any EU country. What with soaring levels of cross-border ecommerce, and the internets more general ability to put buyers and sellers in touch across national borders, who isnt doing business with EU customers? Do the math. If a company generates $1 billion in global revenue, its maximum possible fine under GDPR regulations is $40 million. At $2 billion, its $80 million, and so on. Apples trailing 12-month revenue at the end of the third quarter of 2017 was $229.2 billion, so its maximum potential GDPR fine, should it earn one, would be $9.2 billion, with a b. Here are just a few key GDPR requirements: -- Companies must name a lead supervisory authority within the EU (that is, a given countrys cyber regulatory agency, presumably the country where you do the most business, but not necessarily) and report any data breaches to that authority within 72 hours. -- Companies must get the proactive consent of whoevers data they have. -- Companies must be able delete anyones data upon their request an extension of the EUs right to be forgotten law. -- Companies can only use data for the original purpose for which they collected it. -- They must appoint a DPO (data protection officer). In a study earlier this year sponsored by data security firm Veritas, 21% of 900 global respondents feared fines for noncompliance with the GDPR could lead to layoffs, and 18% believed the fines could be significant enough to put them out of business. Respondents all had 1,000 or more employees. If youre a marketer with customers in an EU country, and you want to use AI to enhance your efforts, youre going to need a large lake of data. And youre going to have learn how to keep that data safe or pay a very steep price. by Alex Weprin , December 7, 2017 Googles YouTube has named Luke Hyams as head of originals for the Europe-Middle East-Africa (EMEA) region. Before joining YouTube, Hyams worked in Disneys digital content unit. He will be based in YouTubes London office. Hyams joins YouTube as many of the streaming video giants significantly build out their original and owned programming. While YouTube started as a place for users to upload their videos, it has increasingly focused much of its efforts on its own creator community, and on professionally produced content for its YouTube Red subscription service. Likewise, Netflix has been spending billions of dollars per year on original content, as have Hulu and Amazon. As these companies spend money on originals, they are also turning to regional and locally produced fare in different countries. As YouTube, Netflix and others expand into more countries, they are betting that original content produced locally will provide an incentive for people to subscribe. by Wayne Friedman , December 7, 2017 Nexstar Media Group is moving further into the digital space, acquiring video ad-tech company LKQD Technologies for around $90 million in cash. LKQD will help the big TV station company -- which has 170 stations in 100 U.S. markets covering 39% of TV homes -- add hyperlocal digital/ mobile platforms for advertisers to target customers across TV and digital video platforms. LKQD, a three-year-old company, provides digital video advertising technology for publishers and advertisers, reaching approximately 115 million U.S. online video viewers across desktop, the mobile web, mobile apps and connected TVs. In the first half of 2017, LKQD tripled the number of customers using its platform and generated year-over-year gross revenue growth of 180%. The business will be incorporated into Nexstar Digital, the wholly owned unit formed in late 2016, which doubled its third-quarter 2017 revenue to $56.2 million versus the same period last year. Nexstar Digital includes the companies Lakana, a content management system platform; Kixer, a recommendation engine; and Yashi and Mass, the programmatic platform. It also includes LIN Digital and HYFN digital media agencies. Masturbation is a normal and healthy sexual activity with few side effects. Many bizarre claims surround masturbation, such as going blind, and most of these claims are untrue. Masturbation is when an individual stimulates their genitals for sexual pleasure, which may or may not lead to orgasm. Masturbation is common among men and women of all ages and plays a role in healthy sexual development. Research has found that among adolescents aged 1417 years in the United States, around 74 percent of males and 48 percent of females masturbate. Among older adults, roughly 63 percent of men and 32 percent of women between 57 and 64 years of age masturbate. People masturbate for many reasons. These include pleasure, enjoyment, fun, and tension release. Some individuals masturbate alone, while others masturbate with a partner. This article looks at the potential side effects of masturbation and sorts the facts from the fiction regarding masturbation myths. It also identifies some of the health benefits of masturbation. Masturbation myths Many myths exist about the risks of masturbation, however none of these have been proven. There are many myths about masturbation. Even though many of these have been debunked several times, they seem to resurface time and time again. Most claims about masturbation are not backed up by science. There is often no scientific evidence to show that masturbation causes any of the adverse effects suggested. Masturbation will not cause: blindness hairy palms impotence later in life erectile dysfunction penis shrinkage penis curvature low sperm count infertility mental illness physical weakness Some couples worry that their relationship must be unsatisfying if either one of them masturbates; this, too, is a myth. Most men and women continue to masturbate either alone or together when they are in a relationship or married, and many find it an enjoyable part of their relationship. One study found that women who masturbated had happier marriages compared to those who did not masturbate. Masturbation side effects Masturbation is harmless. Some people may experience chafing or tender skin if they are too rough, but this will usually heal in a few days. If men frequently masturbate within a short space of time, they may experience a slight swelling of the penis called an edema. This swelling usually disappears within a couple of days. Other potential side effects include: Guilt Some people who worry that masturbation conflicts with their religious, spiritual, or cultural beliefs may experience feelings of guilt. However, masturbation is not immoral or wrong, and self-pleasure is not shameful. Discussing feelings of guilt with a friend, healthcare professional, or therapist that specializes in sexual health might help a person to move past feelings of guilt or shame that they connect with masturbation. Decreased sexual sensitivity Aggressive or excessive masturbation techniques may lead to reduced sexual sensitivity. If men have an aggressive masturbation method that involves too tight a grip on their penis, they can experience decreased sensation. A man can resolve this over time with a change of technique. Enhanced stimulation, such as using a vibrator, may increase arousal and overall sexual function in both men and women. Women who use a vibrator have reported improved sexual function and lubrication, while men experienced an improvement in erectile function. Prostate cancer The jury is out as to whether masturbation increases or decreases the risk of prostate cancer. Researchers need to conduct more studies before they can reach a conclusion. A 2003 study demonstrated that men who ejaculated more than five times each week during their 20s were one third less likely to develop aggressive prostate cancer than those who ejaculated less often. Researchers speculate that the reduced risk was because frequent ejaculation may prevent the build-up of cancer-causing agents in the prostate gland. A similar link between frequent ejaculation and a lower risk of prostate cancer was discovered in a 2016 study . Researchers found that men who ejaculated 21 times per month or more had a reduced risk of developing prostate cancer. In contrast, a 2008 study found that frequent sexual activity during a mans 20s and 30s increased his risk of prostate cancer, especially if he masturbated regularly. Disrupting daily life In rare cases, some individuals may masturbate more than they desire, which may: cause them to miss work, school, or important social events interrupt a persons daily functioning affect their responsibilities and relationships serve as an escape from relationship issues or substitute for real-life experiences Someone who thinks they might be adversely impacted by their masturbation practice should speak with a healthcare professional. A doctor or counselor may suggest talk therapy to determine ways that they could manage their sexual behavior. Consulting a sex therapist may also help with coping strategies for excessive masturbation. To locate a local sex therapist, a person can visit the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT). Health benefits of masturbation Masturbation may reduce stress and relieve tension. Masturbation has many physical and mental health benefits. Few studies focus specifically on the benefits of masturbation, but research suggests that sexual stimulation, including stimulation through masturbation, can: reduce stress release tension enhance sleep quality boost concentration elevate mood relieve menstrual cramps alleviate pain improve sex Masturbation has also been identified as a strategy to improve sexual health by promoting intimacy, exploring self-pleasure, desires, and needs, reducing unwanted pregnancies, and preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV transmission. Individuals who choose to abstain from sex or who do not currently have a sexual partner may often masturbate as a sexual outlet. Masturbation also has sexual health benefits specifically for older women, such as less vaginal dryness and decreased pain during sex. The Air Force will award a combat controller the Silver Star next month for engaging Islamic State fighters and calling in precision strikes during the Mosul offensive under Operation Inherent Resolve. Staff Sgt. Christopher Lewis, a combat controller with 23rd Special Tactics Squadron, will be presented with the military's third-highest valor award during a ceremony at Hurlburt Field, Florida, on Jan. 19, the service said in a release Wednesday. Lewis, who was featured in the Air Force's 2017 "Portraits in Courage" program, was engaged in a 10-hour firefight while embedded with a Navy SEAL team, alongside Kurdish Peshmerga forces, on Oct. 20, 2016. The troops were tasked to advise, assist and accompany the Kurds to clear two villages held by heavily entrenched ISIS fighters, according to Lewis' "Portraits in Courage" story. Related content: Four days earlier, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi had declared the beginning of the assault to recapture Mosul. Soon after the team arrived, ISIS fighters began a rapid assault of grenade, mortar and small-arms fire at them -- but the automated .50 caliber turret gun on Lewis' vehicle dislodged and became inoperable. "Lewis systematically engaged the enemy in multiple locations from the open turret," according to the Portraits in Courage release. "He held this vulnerable position for hours despite direct enemy fire impacting within inches of him." Lewis called in airstrikes from F-15E Strike Eagles and B-52 Stratofortress bombers. The strikes came within 400 meters of his team, crippling ISIS defensive positions. During one of the strikes, "Lewis identified, engaged, and destroyed an enemy vehicle-borne improvised explosive device barreling toward his team at high speed -- exploding within 100 meters of the convoy," the release said. As the team repositioned, an IED detonated and triggered seven additional explosions, killing one U.S. service member and wounding others. Lewis without hesitation leapt out of the turret to assist the wounded, calling for casualty evacuation on the radio and providing medical care to his team. Lewis called for more airstrikes, one of which took out yet another vehicle-borne IED headed straight for his team. His actions aided in eliminating more than 20 enemy forces, the release said. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein on Nov. 6 tweeted out Lewis' profile, saying, "#MondayMotivation." Lewis had already been recommended for the Silver Star to his superiors. Similarly in October, a combat controller who helped stave off an ambush in Afghanistan received the Air Force Cross. Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson presented the Air Force Cross -- second only to the Medal of Honor for valor in combat -- to Staff Sgt. Richard Hunter for his steadfast decisions and courage during a U.S. Army-led mission in Afghanistan. "Special operations is a force that we call when we really need the absolute best," Wilson said during the ceremony at Hurlburt. She added, "There's no better friend -- and no worse enemy -- than the United States special operations forces." -- Oriana Pawlyk can be reached at Follow her on Twitter at @Oriana0214. President Donald Trump declared U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's political capital Wednesday and pledged to move the U.S. Embassy there eventually despite the concerns of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis that the move could trigger violence in the region and put U.S. troops at risk. Both Mattis and Secretary State Rex Tillerson laid out their views to Trump at a White House meeting last week, Defense and State Department officials said. As he returned to Washington from a five-day trip to the Mideast and South Asia Tuesday, Mattis told reporters that the discussions on Jerusalem "went on for some time." He declined to characterize what he told Trump. "As always, my advice to the president I keep confidential." However, Mattis said, "I gave to the president what I thought. You have to look at the world in different parts and pieces too. So, as you do that, you have to have a lot of information. I collected the information. I made my recommendation, and I'll just leave it at that." In his Senate confirmation hearing in January, Mattis firmly declared that Tel Aviv was the capital of Israel. He also said he backed a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. "The capital of Israel that I go to, sir, is Tel Aviv, sir, because that's where all their government people are," Mattis said in response to questions on whether Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital by the movement of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem was a matter for the Secretary of State, Mattis said at the time. Ahead of Trump's announcement Wednesday, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip burned U.S. flags and photos of Trump. In Amman, members of the Jordanian parliament protested at the U.S. Embassy. At the Pentagon, Army Col. Rob Manning, a spokesman, said that the Defense Department was working with the State Department's Bureau of Diplomatic Security to guard against threats to U.S. Embassies worldwide. "We are protecting our embassies" with bolstered Marine guard security and Marine FAST teams [Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Teams) on alert, he said. Without giving specifics, Manning also said the department was taking additional "steps to mitigate" the potential risk. "We're always postured for a range of threats," he said. Manning added he was "not aware of any specific order" to U.S. troops in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan to take precautions in the event of repercussions from Trump's declaration, which has drawn widespread condemnation in the region as an affront to Muslims. In response to questions on the FAST teams, Lt. Col. Mike Andrews, a Pentagon spokesman, said, "Due to operational security, I won't get into specifics, but the Department of Defense takes necessary steps to mitigate threats to U.S. personnel and interests around the world." In his White House address, Trump said recognizing Jerusalem as the capital was "the right thing to do," and he criticized his predecessors -- Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama -- for failing to make the move previously. "Some say they lacked courage," Trump said, "but they made their best judgments based on the facts as they understood them at the time." "Today, we finally acknowledge the obvious -- that Jerusalem is Israel's capital," the president said. "This is nothing more or less than a recognition of reality. It is also the right thing to do." Trump stressed "this decision is not intended in any way to reflect a departure from our strong commitment to facilitate a lasting peace agreement." He made no mention of Palestinian hopes to have their capital in East Jerusalem. In his own address following Trump's, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas warned the Jerusalem declaration could encourage "extremist organizations to wage a religious war that would harm the entire region, which is going through critical moments and would lead us into wars that will never end, which we have warned about and always urged to fight against." Trump's action drew a mixed response on Capitol Hill. Sen. Jack Reed, D-Rhode Island, the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, called the move "another diplomatic blunder and unforced error by President Trump." He said that Trumps Jerusalem statements "could trigger a backlash against Israel and American interests and personnel overseas." Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, a SASC member, said Trump was only "following through on a promise made by many U.S. presidents in the past." Later Wednesday, the White House issued a presidential proclamation on Trump's earlier action: "The foreign policy of the United States is grounded in principled realism, which begins with an honest acknowledgement of plain facts." "With respect to the state of Israel, that requires officially recognizing Jerusalem as its capital and relocating the United States Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem as soon as practicable." In a background briefing Tuesday night, White House officials, speaking on grounds of anonymity, said that arrangements to move the embassy to Jerusalem could take several years. -- Richard Sisk can be reached at Nearly fourscore years have passed since the Dec. 7, 1941, Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, that catapulted the United States into World War II. But a new examination of the fight and the sailors who defended the harbor with their lives has revealed two unsung heroes deserving of prestigious valor awards. Aloysius H. Schmitt, a Navy chaplain who served as a lieutenant junior grade during the battle, and Joseph L. George, a chief boatswain's mate who was then a petty officer second class, will be posthumously honored on Thursday, the 76th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack, according to a Navy announcement. Schmitt, who died working to help other sailors reach safety when the Nevada-class battleship Oklahoma capsized and sank, will be honored with the Silver Star medal, the third-highest combat valor award. George, who saved the lives of sailors aboard the Pennsylvania-class battleship Arizona, will be honored with the Bronze Star medal with combat valor device. George survived the battle and would go on to retire from the Navy in 1955. He died in 1996 at the age of 81. Recognizing Heroism That the Navy came to present medals to these men in 2017 illustrates the gradual, and often imperfect, process of recognizing military heroism. According to Navy officials, the bravery of both men and their merit of recognition was brought to the service's attention by their surviving families. In October 1942, Schmitt received the Navy and Marine Corps Medal, the Navy's highest award for non-combat heroism. But while Schmitt was a chaplain and not actually fighting, a clearer definition of combat made clear that he was indeed part of the battle. His family lobbied the Navy to ensure that he was properly recognized for his heroism, according to the Navy release. Accounts of his actions made clear just how fitting that recognition was. Schmitt had been hearing confessions when four torpedoes struck the Oklahoma on the port side, according to Navy historical documents used for training. Amid the chaos as the ship tilted toward its injured side, Schmitt made his way to an open porthole and began helping sailors escape. When it came his turn to make his way out, he struggled to get through the opening. Rather than block the escape route as sailors waited behind him, he chose to sacrifice himself. "Realizing that the water was rising rapidly and that even this one exit would soon be closed, Schmitt insisted on being pushed back to help others who could get through more easily, urging them on with a blessing," according to the account. Schmitt was one of 400 sailors aboard the Oklahoma who died when it sank, according to officials. Schmitt's great-nephew, Dr. Steve Sloan, said in a statement that the chaplain's story is the stuff of family legend and his presentation with the medal has deep significance for his relatives. "We would talk about what happened, how many sailors he helped escape, and what went on -- we would kind of relive it every holiday and it became a bit of a tradition. So we're very excited about the medal," he said. "I think for the older people in the family, it's a form of closure but, for the rest of us, our hope is that this is just the beginning of the story; that with the return of his remains and the presentation of the medal, his story will become known to a whole new generation." George, the chief boatswain's mate, received a commendation for his bravery in the battle, but was never recommended by his commanding officer for a valor award. His family, too, fought to see him properly recognized. Lauren Bruner and Don Stratton, whose lives were saved thanks to George, also petitioned for him to be honored. George's story might not be fully known if not for an interview he gave to the University of North Texas on Aug. 5, 1978. In the interview, he described relaxing and reading a Sunday newspaper aboard the repair ship USS Vestal when General Quarters sounded, indicating an imminent crisis. As the Arizona was hit with Japanese torpedoes, George sprang into action, putting out fires and preparing guns aboard the Vestal so that the crew could return fire on the Japanese. He ultimately threw a line from the Vestal to the Arizona, enabling sailors aboard the sinking ship to escape. George's daughter, Joe Ann Taylor, who will receive the medal on his behalf, said in a statement that her dad began talking about the war only after his retirement from the Navy. "It was kind of surreal. You grow up with your dad thinking of him as dad; you're not used to thinking of him as a hero," she said. "But it's a wonderful story, and I'm quite proud of him. Plus I've gotten to know the men he saved and have developed a real bond with the Stratton and Bruner families." George's Bronze Star will be presented in a ceremony at the USS Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor by Rear Adm. Matthew J. Carter, deputy commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet. Schmitt's Silver Star will be presented by Navy Chief of Chaplains Rear Adm. Margaret Kibben in a ceremony on the campus of Loras College in Dubuque, Iowa, following a Catholic mass at a chapel where his remains are buried. Legacy Lives On While it took decades for Schmitt's combat valor award to be approved, his legacy has lived on in the Navy in other ways. He was the namesake for the Buckley-class destroyer escort Schmitt, in service for the Navy from 1943 to 1949. Navy Secretary Richard Spencer called the presentation of the medals "not only appropriate, but simply the right thing to do. "One of my highest priorities is to honor the service and sacrifice of our sailors, Marines, civilians, and family members," he said. "And it is clear that Lt. Schmitt and Chief George are heroes whose service and sacrifice will stand as an example for current and future service members." -- Hope Hodge Seck can be reached at Follow her on Twitter at @HopeSeck. Officials say the device was known as an "unexploded ordnance," or an explosive weapon that did not explode and still posed a... All military personnel, including troops in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, would go without pay in the event of a government shutdown due to the perennial failure of Congress to enact a budget on time, the Pentagon's comptroller said Thursday. "No one gets paid" stateside and in war zones under a shutdown, Comptroller David Norquist said at a Pentagon news conference. "Payment will not be made until the shutdown is over." The same goes for hundreds of thousands of Defense Department civilians, Norquist said. Most would be furloughed with the exception of those considered vital for national security. While the House on Thursday passed another short-term resolution, even if the Senate follows suit, the chambers will have to do the same thing again in two weeks Related content: A day ago, President Donald Trump warned that a shutdown "could happen." He blamed Democrats for failing to compromise on immigration. He said Democrats want "illegal immigrants pouring into our country, bringing with them crime, tremendous amounts of crime." A shutdown would be the worst-case scenario for national defense but another continuing resolution also would impact readiness, according to Norquist and Dana White, the Pentagon's chief spokesperson. "I can't emphasize enough how destructive a shutdown would be," Norquist said. White noted the Pentagon has operated under stopgap measures for the last nine years -- for a total of 1,081 days -- in ways that delayed vital programs and disrupted planning. National security demanded a "robust and predictable" budget process, she said. However, the budget process often is driven more by the politics of the moment rather than the long-term interests of the nation. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Thursday Democrats were to blame for the continuing resolutions and the threat of a shutdown. She urged them "not to hold this bill hostage." House and Senate Democrats have been pressing for more spending on health care, infrastructure and other domestic programs to match increases Republicans want for defense. Although a shutdown on Friday appeared unlikely, Norquist said department contingency plans call for sending out hundreds of thousands of notices to those would be impacted. He also said even a two-week continuing resolution would have a negative effect on the Pentagon. Norquist cited the additional funding for munitions requested by all combatant commands that was included in the proposed fiscal 2018 budget. "A CR says 'Stop, wait, don't award that contract,'" Norquest said. The result would be a delay "in meeting the requirements of combatant commanders," he said. -- Richard Sisk can be reached at Sundays were ice cream days for several of the destroyers in Pearl Harbor, and they were taking aboard gallons from a local dairy in the early morning hours just before the attack began Dec. 7, 1941. The ship's log for the Mahan-class destroyer Conyngham, kept that morning by Lt. [j.g.] J.R. Hansen, noted: "Moored as before. 0630 [6:30 a.m.] Received the following provisions for use in general mess ... from Dairyman's Association Ltd: ice cream -- 6 gals." Hansen attested to the quantity received, and Pharmacist's Mate P.C. Parcheski attested to its quality. Hansen's next log entry noted that the nation was at war again. "0755 Japanese planes commenced bombing Pearl Harbor Area. Held general quarters, manned all guns, commenced breaking out powder. Commenced emergency repairs on main engines to get underway. Captain on the bridge." Another Mahan-class destroyer, the Cummings, was "moored as before" and received 15 gallons of milk and seven gallons of ice cream from Dairyman's Association Ltd. on that morning, according to the log kept by Lt. [j.g.] J.B. Carroll. Carroll then noted: "0758 Air Raid. Japanese planes commenced torpedo attack on battleships in Pearl Harbor. Sounded General Quarters." Carroll's next log entry gave a just-the-facts portrayal of the frantic attempts of the Cummings' sailors to repel the attack that would destroy much of the firepower of the Pacific Fleet. "Moored as before. Manning battery at General Quarters. 0803 After machine guns opened fire on Japanese Torpedo Planes. 0808 Opened fire on horizontal bombers with main battery." The next entries said: "0810 Commenced preparations for getting underway in accordance with signal flying on signal tower. 0811 Opened fire on dive bombers with main battery. 0820 Lull in air attack. Ceased fire." "0840 Opened fire to repel strafing attack. 0842 Following machine gun fire from after machine guns, glide bomber was observed veer away from ship with smoke trailing from it." The Wickes-class destroyer Chew, a veteran of World War I, also took on ice cream before going to general quarters and turning its deck guns on the swarming aircraft. Ensign W.H. Hartz, made the following log entry: "0757 Suffered surprise air attack by Japanese torpedo and bombing planes. Sounded General Quarters and manned anti-aircraft battery. Light and heavy Japanese bombers crossed Pearl Harbor at high altitude scoring direct hits on various fleet units." The Chew managed to get underway and began patrolling southwest of the port entrance for submarines. The ship dropped 28 depth charges, but there was no evidence any Japanese submarines were hit. Some of the most harrowing log entries came from Ensign A.T. Nicholson Jr., aboard the Tennessee-class battleship California, flagship of the Pacific Fleet. The California was hit several times, and the crew was temporarily ordered to abandon ship as a drifting oil slick threatened to engulf her in flames. "0820 ship was struck at frame 47 with torpedo," the California's log said. "0830 bomb struck topside abreast casemate #1, frame 59, penetrated main deck and exploded on second deck causing large fire. Ship listed 8 to port, commenced counter-flooding starboard voids." "1002 Captain with approval of Commander Battle Force ordered the ship to be temporarily abandoned due to enveloping flames of fire of fuel oil on surface of water." "1015 flames from fire on water having cleared ship, the order to abandon ship was cancelled and ship battle stations were remanned and fire on main deck starboard and casemates fought. Attack resumed by enemy aircraft." The California was salvaged and returned to the fight in the Pacific. Forty-four sailors aboard the California were killed in a kamikaze attack in the Philippines in 1945. The ships' logs and accounts from naval stations ashore were compiled from 1941-1978 and are now stored at the National Archives, which said they "provide some insight into the events of the day -- before, during, and after the attack -- through the eyes of those who witnessed it." "The vast majority of these entries document routine functions carried out aboard a ship, yet those entered at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, also capture elements of the shock and confusion brought by the Japanese attack," according to an Archives' preface to the logs. In the confusion, the battleship Maryland, which was lightly damaged in the attack, logged a false report that Japanese paratroopers had descended from the skies over Pearl Harbor. The ship's log had the following entry: "1137 Parachute troops reported landing on North Shore. 1143 Report received enemy troops wearing blue coveralls with red emblems." It proved to be a minor distraction in the fog of battle. "Before the day was over, 2,403 Americans were dead," the Archives report said. "In the two-hour attack, the U.S. Pacific Fleet was left nearly in ruins, with eight battleships, three cruisers, and 188 airplanes destroyed." -- Richard Sisk can be reached at IED goes off in two election centres of Nawalparasi, 6 injured [Update] Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) went off in two separate polling centres of Nawalparasi district on Thursday. The explosion occurred while the voters were in queue to cast their ballots. Army officials, analysts and authors met Wednesday to try to improve the U.S. military's poor track record of predicting future conflict. Maj. Gen. William Hix, director of strategy, plans and policy for the office of the U.S. Army's Deputy Chief of Staff G-3/5/7, said, "Prediction is fraught with danger," at the Atlantic Council's U.S. Army Futures Forum. Throughout history, there have been many "sad examples" of the tendency of people to optimistically embrace the idea of decisive opening strikes and quick finishes for war, Hix said. "Most often, those predictions have been hugely wrong and, in some cases, resulted in catastrophe," he said. A large part of the problem is the failure to anticipate social and political change, as well as technology revolutions, Hix said, citing America's experience in the Civil War. "Most of our officers were trained in Napoleonic methods, and we missed the fact that the industrial age was maturing," he said. "And the casualty rates that we suffered on both sides of our Civil War are indicative of the fact that we missed the importance of relatively small things like rifled muskets, artillery that fired indirectly, repeating arms, the railroad and the telegraph and what that meant to the speed of war at that time. "Today, our failure to watch for those types of signals has led to strategic surprise in the Russian actions of Crimea," Hix said. "The Ukraine, in many respects, is a harbinger of future war ... and the long-term rise of China and the autonomy -- I think the world economic forum calls it the fourth industrial age -- suggests a potential shift in the character of war that is as profound and fundamental as the transition from the 19th to the 20th century." Urbanization, speed, lethality, autonomy -- many things that used to be science fiction are rapidly becoming reality, and some of America's adversaries are moving quicker in these spaces than the United States, he said. Unfortunately, the U.S. Army has a bad habit of failing to anticipate how advanced its adversaries are and then coming up short in the opening days of conflict, Hix said. "Our record in the opening stage of most major conflicts we have been in has been poor," he said. The U.S.' success in Operation Desert Storm is not the norm, Hix said, adding the normal experience is Kasserine Pass in North Africa -- a major defeat for the U.S. Army in 1944 during World War II. "We have to learn what parts of war are going to come with us in the future, and what pieces we are going to have to discard, and what pieces we are going to have to embrace," he said. But Ken Liu, author of "The Paper Menagerie, The Grace of Kings," cautioned against the tendency to rely on history to predict the future. Mankind's addiction to stories and storytelling is often the reason why it fails to predict the future correctly, Liu said, describing this as a cognitive bias for the species. "We literally cannot understand the world as it is; we understand the world [by] making a story out of it," he said. "The universe is irreducibly random, but we cannot seem to accept that, so we have to construct a narrative about why things are happening." Liu, a science-fiction author, has made a study of this with a particular focus on why most sci-fi authors "have been terrible at predicting the future." "We have a tendency to do the following: When you are in the moment, when you are looking toward the future, the reality is -- for any problem that you are trying to solve -- there are multiple teams round the world trying to tackle that from multiple directions, and the possibilities for the future are endlessly open," he said, citing the history of touch screen interfaces, a technology the world has been trying to perfect since the 1960s. "In the moment, when you are looking forward, it is very hard to know which of these approaches will succeed and dominate the future," Liu said. "The problem is, once you are past that point and you are looking backward -- the iPhone came out, it is very tempting, almost inevitable for everybody who lived in this situation to construct a narrative for why that particular breakthrough was inevitable. This is the way history is written. "We like to tell history as a series of stories of plots, of causes and effects, of inevitable lines of evolution," he said. When humans look backward, it is very easy to construct a narrative saying, "Why did everyone else miss that this was the only path that could have succeeded?" he added. "That is not true," Liu argued. "Actually, history is all of these random reasons why one particular approach succeeded over others, and it's very, very tempting to say, 'We should be able to predict the future because if you look at the past there is a clear narrative about why we ended up here.' " -- Matthew Cox can be reached at The results are in. The Air Force revealed Thursday it has the findings from the "light attack" aircraft demonstration, which took place in August at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, though it has yet to disclose them. Members of Congress are eager to hear the verdict. During a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on acquisition reform Thursday, senators said they are hopeful the light attack aircraft -- known as OA-X -- procurement strategy may improve how future weapons systems are acquired. Related content: Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson said she had not yet reviewed the report but emphasized the speed of the entire process. "This is the letter of invitation and four-page set of requirements," she said, holding up the original proposal, which was released to the defense industry on March 8. "In less than five months, we had four aircraft on the ramp to test at Holloman Air Force Base and, last night, I just got the test report. So in less than 11 months, with five pages, we have tested four aircraft for a potential light attack aircraft for the United States and allies," Wilson said. Last month, key lawmakers agreed to provide the Air Force with $400 million to explore buying a new light attack aircraft for missions in the Middle East. Addressing Wilson during Thursday's hearing, Sen Angus King, I-Maine, added, "What you told us about the light attack aircraft and the process is incredibly encouraging, and I hope that you will be able to continue along those lines." Light Attack's Journey -- So Far Four aircraft -- AirTractor and L3's AT-802L Longsword; Sierra Nevada and Embraer's A-29 Super Tucano; and Textron and AirLand LLC's Scorpion, as well as their AT-6B Wolverine -- conducted live-fly exercises, combat maneuver scenarios and, on some occasions, weapons drops during the Holloman demonstration. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen David Goldfein in September told that the light attack initiative should be viewed as a new way of doing business -- not just a plane, but part of a larger communications system. OA-X "is actually not about the hardware -- it's about the network," he said, adding he wants the service to train more often with coalition partners -- who may not have high-end fighter aircraft. Goldfein, who served as the U.S. Air Forces Central Command commander between 2011 and 2013, said, "Is this a way to get more coalition partners into a network to counter violence? "Can I -- at the same that we're looking at a relatively inexpensive aircraft and sensor package -- can I connect that into a network of sharable information that allows us to better accomplish the strategy as it's been laid out?" he said. Buying Power During Thursday's hearing, Sen. David Perdue, a Georgia Republican, highlighted the need for interim solutions, such as light attack, given that the U.S. increasingly seems to require off-the-shelf technologies in times of rising tensions. "After 30 years of disinvestment and only one major recapitalization, and after 16 years of combat, I believe we have a crisis," he said. "How do we find quick, low-cost solutions for the battlefield? These high-cost solutions -- flying an F-35 into battlespace where an A-29 might be OK, those types of examples" are what's needed, Perdue said. Light attack could be a refreshing start, considering the Joint Strike Fighter program -- the Pentagons most expensive program to date -- took more than 15 years to produce, between its first design to its date of operation. Ellen Lord, undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, told the committee hearing that the Defense Department's goal is to shorten major acquisition programs from two-and-a-half years to 12 months. "Now, that's a first step," she said. Lord did not say whether that would apply to off-the-shelf experiments such as light attack, but touted OA-X's accomplishments. The Air Force said it would share the findings of the report when appropriate. -- Oriana Pawlyk can be reached at Follow her on Twitter at @Oriana0214. Two military MQ-9 Reaper drones and two C-130J Hercules aircraft have joined local authorities in battling Southern California wildfires, which are being fanned by high winds and have jumped highways to destroy homes and and burn a path to the Pacific ocean, the Pentagon said Wednesday. The two Air National Guard Reapers from the 163rd Attack Wing, flying out of March Air Reserve Base near Moreno Valley, California, are being used for surveillance and employing their infrared systems to detect hot spots, said Army Lt. Col. Jamie Davis, a Pentagon spokesman. "The Reapers' infrared sensors yielded mission-critical thermal imagery on the afflicted area in real-time," according to a base release. "Airmen have mapped vast perimeters of six fires across four counties, encompassing some 77,000 acres and identifying some 1,500 burned structures." Two C-130J aircraft from the 146th Airlift Wing of the Air National Guard, flying out of Channel Islands Air National Guard Station near Oxnard, California, have Modular Airborne Fire Fighting Systems (MAFFS) aboard to drop retardant on blazes that are still out of control. The wildfires centered in Ventura County have forced about 27,000 residents to flee, local officials said, and Gov. Jerry Brown has declared a state of emergency. At least 150 structures have been destroyed, officials said, and thousands of homes are at risk. "This fire is very dangerous and spreading rapidly, but we'll continue to attack it with all we've got," Brown said. "It's critical residents stay ready and evacuate immediately if told to do so." -- Richard Sisk can be reached at "A day which will live in infamy." That was how President Franklin Delano Roosevelt described Dec. 7, 1941, as he one day later asked Congress to declare war against the Empire of Japan. In a surprise attack that began at 7:48 a.m. that sunny Sunday in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Japan killed 2,403 Americans; wounded 1,178 others; sank four U.S. Navy battleships; destroyed 188 U.S. aircraft; and sank or damaged three cruisers, three destroyers, one minelayer, and an anti-aircraft training ship. America would never be the same. Shortly after Roosevelt's Dec. 8 speech, Congress voted to launch the U.S. into World War II, a conflict that forever changed how Americans saw themselves and the world outside their borders. National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day marks the lives lost Dec. 7, 1941, and honors those who survived the attack. Photo credit - 07.12.2017 LISTEN Looking at your smartphone in the dark may cause temporary blindness, doctors said. Doctors discovered this condition when two women in the UK reported mysterious vision problems that happened only during the night or early in the morning. According to medical experts, this vision problem occurs when people look at the bright screens of their smartphones in a dark room. In a report published in the New England Journal of Medicine, doctors detailed the cases of two women aged 22 and 40, who experienced "transient smartphone blindness" for months. The 22-year-old woman said she had trouble seeing from her right eye at night lying in bed, and that this happened multiple times a week for one year. She could only see an object's outline with her right eye. Her left eye vision was normal, and both eyes were able to see normally the following day, Live Science reported. In the case of the 40-year-old woman, she reported that she could not see from one eye after waking early in the morning, before sunrise. This occurred on and off for six months and lasted for about 15 minutes. In both cases, doctors found that the vision problems happened only after the women reportedly viewed their smartphones for some time while lying in bed. Dr. Gordon Plant of Moorfield's Eye Hospital in London explained that both women look at their smartphones with only one eye while lying on their side in bed in the dark. The other eye was usually covered with a pillow. "So you have one eye adapted to the light because it's looking at the phone and the other eye is adapted to the dark," he said in a report published in . The women were asked to try looking at their smartphones with both eyes, and then with each eye individually. The women reported that they did not experience the blindness when looking at their phones with both eyes, and when looking at the phone using one eye, the blindness happened in the eye that had been viewing the smartphone. Temporary blindness is ultimately harmless and easily avoidable if people will look at their smartphones using both eyes, Plant said. According to the report, cases of "smartphone blindness" are likely to increase as smartphones are now being used around the clock and smartphone screens are increasing in brightness. 07.12.2017 LISTEN A decade after oil discovery in Ghana, the commodity's revenue generation developmental impacts so far are questionable, Professor John Asafu-Adjaye, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), has stated. He said the fact that some of the revenue generated from oil had been saved for future generations, and it had increased exports and improved the trade balance; it had added very little to economic growth, and by extension, employment and poverty alleviation. Prof Asafu-Adjaye said this in his presentation on Tuesday in Accra, during a roundtable organised by the IEA on the theme: 'A Decade after Oil Discovery in Ghana: The Economic Impacts and Policy Implications.' The presentation sought to address the economic impact of oil production so far, the extent to which Ghanaians are benefitting and what can be done to enhance the developmental impacts of oil and gas production. In 2007 a substantial discovery was made by Kosmos Energy LLC in the Gulf of Guinea's Tano Basin with recoverable reserves of more than 600 million barrels of oil an upside potential of 1.8 billion barrels. First oil was in November 2010 with an initial output of 25,000 barrels of oil per day. Prof Asafu-Adjaye said Ghana had therefore, experienced six years of oil production a decade after the discovery. He said since the Jubilee discovery, 25 other discoveries of oil and gas condensates had been discovered in the Deep Water Tano and West Cape Three Points Blocks. He said these include the Tweneboa, Enyenra, Ntomme (TEN) and the Sankofa-Gye Nyame (SGN) oilfields. Oil production from TEN commenced in August 2016 and is expected to plateau at 76,000 bopd between 2017 and 2020. Prof Asafu-Adjaye said oil and gas production at the SGN field in the same area was expected to commence in 2018 and that over the next five years Ghana was expected to produce 250 Million standard cubic feet of gas per day (MMscfd) and 190,000 Barrels Of Oil Per Day (BOPD). He said although modest by international standards, these discoveries confirm Ghana's potential to establish a hydrocarbon industry. Prof Asafu-Adjaye said the resolution of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) Boundary dispute with Cote d'Ivoire in favour of Ghana now means these developments could proceed with certainty. On the question whether Ghanaians were getting the best out of the oil find, Prof Asafu-Adjaye answered no. He said oil had, however, made some minimal impacts on output and job creation due to weak linkages between the oil sector and the rest of the economy. 'In spite of the local content provisions, many individuals and SMEs are unable to participate in the industry due to lack of skills and capacity,' he stated. 'Furthermore, Ghana has not benefited from previous oil contracts in terms of the economic rent extracted,' he added. Prof Asafu-Adjaye, who is also an Associate Professor of Economics, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, said oil exploration had been documented as having taken place in Ghana in the late 1800s and early 1900s in the onshore Cape Three Points area, however, the initial exploratory wells did not return any evidence of substantial deposits. He recounted that the first discovery of oil was in 1970 by the US firm AgriPetco off the coast of Saltpond; adding that the reserves were not in sufficient commercial quantities and were initially abandoned. He said the field was currently being exploited by a joint venture comprising the state-owned Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) and Lushann Eternit Energy Limited of Houston. Prof Asafu-Adjaye recommended that as a matter of urgency, government should make the necessary investments required to facilitate onshore processing of oil and gas. He said this would enhance the developmental impacts of petroleum in terms of job creation and backward and forward linkages with other sectors. He noted that the Government should also invest in human capital in this area to promote significant local participation. Prof Asafu-Adjaye made a strong case for re-negotiating all oil contracts, to enable the nation have its fair share of the oil wealth. 'Much can be learned from Norway which began oil production in 1969/70 and has done very well in terms of the management of its resources,' he said. GNA By Iddi Yire, GNA 07.12.2017 LISTEN Mr. Samuel Allotey, the Director General of the Ghana Civil Aviation Authority, says processes to finalise preparations for Goldstar Air, an emerging wholly Ghanaian airline and four others, would soon be completed for the airlines to take off. Goldstar Air is originally scheduled to begin its flight operations by June 2017, but has been confronted with few paper work challenges, which caused a delay in its take off. However, Mr Allotey, during the Quality Excellence Awards in Accra, assured the travelling and the business communities that the airlines, which are undergoing various stages of processing, would take off in 2018 to bring significant improvements in the aviation industry. Gehab Award Events organised the awards, at which it conferred on Goldstar Air, the Most Promising Airline Company of the Year. It was on the theme: 'Awarding Loyalty through Service. Mr Allotey said the arrival of the new airlines will bring competition and more options to travellers. 'So things will get better. There will be more competition in the coming months or by the end of 2019,'' he said. ''We will see a few more operators doing local, regional and intercontinental flights,' he added. Goldstar Air, Smile Air, DAC and Montrac Air are undergoing certification; and Asamoah Gyan's Airline has already received an air carrier license. Starbow and Africa World Airline are currently the only two airlines operating in Ghana, but a recent accident involving Starbow, which led to its suspension, leaves the local air travelling public to depend only on Africa World Airline, a situation that could lead to some short-term challenges. The expected commencement of operations of the new carriers in a few months time would change the face of local, regional and intercontinental travel from Ghana. Ms Felicia Cobblah, the Head of Human Resource, received the award on behalf of Goldstar Air, presented by Nana Osafo Kantanka Adjei, the Vice President for Business Development, Government Relations and Communications of TAQA Africa. Madam Judith Worlali, the Managing Director of Gehab Events, said the award acknowledged, appreciated and brought together outstanding professionals and organisations whose behaviour was an inspiration to others. She commended Goldstar Air for building a reputation amongst its contemporaries and its efforts at job creation among diverse professions. She said the decision to give the award to Goldstar Air was arrived at having carefully evaluated the business performance, which strived for the highest customer satisfaction. The award scheme is a prestigious annual scheme, which cuts across the whole of Ghana with the aim of centralising the strength and relationship that exists between customers and organisations. The quality service excellence awards targets the Transport, Banking, Manufacturing, Packing and Unpacking, Hospitality, Automotive and Security industries. Goldstar Air impressive strides in corporate social responsibility, corporate vision, inspiration and pioneering innovations in Ghana are critical parts of the country's transformation agenda toward economic growth. Mr Eric Bannerman, the Executive Chairman of Goldstar Air, announced that the Airline would fly to 12 destinations worldwide namely; London, Dubai, Baltimore Washington, Guangzhou, Providence International Airport, Lagos, Abidjan, Monrovia, Freetown, Conakry, Banjul and Dakar. 'Our intention, as Ghanaians, is to build a state of the art and trend-setting aviation industry able to compete within the international market in terms of safety, quality, reliability, punctuality, efficiency and costs,'' he said. Goldstar Air would improve the Ghanaian economy through the provision of affordable and available international travel and provide job opportunities, he said. GNA By Benjamin Mensah, GNA 07.12.2017 LISTEN Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia on Tuesday inaugurated a 15-member Local Government Service Council, with a charge to ensure integrity in Ghana's local governance system. He also exhorted the Council members to offer honest advice on administrative decentralisation and uplift their game as a crucial strategic partner to the Government in its growth and development agenda. 'Ensure that local Government Services remains committed to its core values of professionalism, objectivity, integrity, accountability, impartiality, neutrality and customer sensitivity,' Vice President Bawumia said at the inaugural ceremony at the Flagstaff House in Accra. Members of the Council, chaired by Mr Rex Owusu Ansah, include the Head of Local Government Service, Dr Stephen N.A. Arthur, two nominees of the President, Dr Esther O. Ofei Aboagye and Rev. Mrs Sanatu Nantogma, two nominees of Civil Service Organisations; Ms Gladys Gillian N. Tetteh and Mr Saaka Sayuti. The others are Ms Dorothy Akosua Onny, a nominee of the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, Mr Isaac Asiamah, the Director-General, NDPC, Mr Isaac Nsarko Biney, Ministry of Education, Dr John K. Awoonor-Williams, Ministry of Health nominee, and Ms Irene Naa Torshie Addo, the Administrator of the District Assemblies Common Fund. The rest are a nominee of the National Association of Local Government Authorities of Ghana, Mr Felix N. Nii Annang-La, a nominee of the Local Government Workers, Mr Abdul Haleem Amadu, the Director of the Institute of Local Government Studies, Dr Dadson Awunyo-Vitor, and a nominee of the National House of Chiefs, Nana Soglo Allo IV. Dr Bawumia entreated the members to bring their experiences to bear in developing an effective multi-sectoral cooperation with other services, departments and agencies for better implementation of government programmes. 'Your invitation to serve on the Council is to tap into your reserve knowledge, expertise, and skills in the management of the Service. I have no doubt that I can count on your competence, ability, influence and dedicated service'. The Vice President urged the Council to ensure that the implementation of Human Resource policies were fair to all and devoid of favouritism. Mr Owusu Ansah, on behalf of the Council, expressed gratitude for the opportunity to render service to the country. He said the Council was prepared to work to fast track the effective administration and management of the decentralised system, which had been the expectations of governments in the past four decades. GNA Keeping old hopes alive This column will appear on the day of the second and last phase of parliamentary and provincial elections in Nepal. Vodafone Ghana has won two prestigious awards at the maiden edition of the Business Excellence Awards hosted by the UK-Ghana Chamber of Commerce (UKGCC). The event seeks to recognise the great works of reputable Ghanaian and UK companies operating in the country whilst providing a platform for intimate interactions between key players in the business community. Vodafone took home honours for two categories - Best Brand and Most Successful Company of the Year - to highlight the company's relentless efforts in establishing a company that continues to set the tone for the telecoms industry. The organisers cited Vodafone's exceptional demonstration of strong growth and innovative strategies; stakeholder management and a notable customer experience, as key points that worked in their favour. Commenting, Gayheart Mensah, Director of External Affairs at Vodafone Ghana said:"A persistent pursuit of excellence always yields results and that has been the Vodafone story to date. We are committed to putting the customer first in all we say and do because without them we have no business. We are excited to be honoured by the UK-Ghana Chamber of Commerce and for us, it is also a reflection of a year where, despite the industry challenges, we have emerged victorious. The future can only be exciting and we are ready to stand by our customers. The UKGCC is an organisation made up of local experts and professionals that support British Businesses looking to access and engage with the Ghanaian market, whilst providing assistance to Ghanaian companies investing in the UK. Story by Ghana | The President of the Republic, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, has charged eight newly sworn-in envoys to safeguard and promote the image and interests of Ghana outside her shores. The 8 envoys are Mr. Francis Abakah, High Commissioner to the Republic of Sierra Leone; Mr. Emmanuel Enos, Ambassador to the State of Qatar; Mr. Ernest-Burke Asare Asiedu, Ambassador to the Republic of Liberia; and Mrs. Hannah Ama Nyarko, Ambassador to the State of Israel. The rest are Mrs. Perpetual Dufu, Ambassador to the Republic of Angola; Mr. Joseph KwakuAntwi, Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of Congo; Alhaji Sayuti Yahaya Iddi, Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Iran; and Alhaji Ahmed Rufai Yahaya Iddi, Ambassador to the State of Kuwait. Photo: President Akufo-Addo with Mrs. Perpetu Dufu, ambassador to the Republic of Angola At the Tuesday 5th event at the Presidency, President Akufo-Addo reminded the envoys of their threefold role diplomatic, ceremonial and administrative, urging them to be mindful of the fact that they represent a country that, as a result of the commendable conduct of the Ghanaian people, is regarded as one of the most stable on the continent, a beacon of democracy. Reiterating the policy of government to seek more private sector equity financing for infrastructure projects, rather than the historic resort to borrowing and more borrowing that resulted in the ballooning of Ghanas debt stock, the President noted that the new envoys have the responsibility to drive private sector investment into Ghana. You are the chief promoters of Ghanas commercial interests to the respective countries to which you are going. Promoting Ghana means working closely with our Ministries and Agencies at home, whose duties are to generate investment in the country, he said. The President continued, Remember vividly the slogans of our flagship programmes, 1-District-1-Factory; 1-Village-1-Dam; Planting for Food and Jobs. They are descriptions of our commitment to the rapid development and transformation of the nations industrial and agricultural sectors. We are determined to create the appropriate macroeconomic environment which will attract domestic and foreign investment into these, the real sectors of our economy. You have to help in that exercise. President Akufo-Addo also urged them to strive to develop cordial working relations with the professional Foreign Service officers they will find at their duty posts. They have invaluable experience and knowledge of the terrain, which should help you work effectively. You will need their assistance, and they will need your guidance and leadership. Mutual respect is the key to harmonious working relations, he said. On their rapport with the Ghanaian communities in their respective countries, the President noted that the Ghanaian community will be vital to their prospects of success, indicating that they will be counting and looking up to you to champion not only our nations interests, but theirs as well. Do your best not to disappoint them. With Ghana, through the creation of embassies, establishing formal diplomatic presence in Kuwait and Qatar for the first time, President Akufo-Addo noted that the respective Ambassadors have the important duty of cementing Ghanas relations with both States to promote mutual co-operation. In doing so, you will recall at all times our objective to build a Ghana Beyond Aid, a Ghana which has an honest system of governance, free of corruption, and which is self-reliant and exploiting its own resources with hard work, enterprise and creativity, to build the free, prosperous Ghana of the dreams of the founding fathers of our nation, he added. A 63-year old former vice chancellor of the University of Education Winneba, Professor Akwasi Asabere-Ameyaw of Buoyem in the Techiman North District was on Friday declared the overall best farmer in the District. Professor Akwasi Asabere-Ameyaw has more than thirty-five years of professional experience in teaching and research both at the secondary and tertiary levels of education in Ghana and West Africa. By dint of hard work he became an Associate Professor and Full Professor of Science in 2004 and 2007 respectively in the University of Education, Winneba (UEW). He began his farming career about seven years ago as a livestock farmer. He currently owns 144 acres of farmland which includes 94 acres of Cocoa plantation, 40 acres of cashew, cassava, three acres of Yam, five acres of cassava, and two acres plantain. He also has 250 local birds, 90 sheep and goats, 76 cattle, 3 ponds of Tilapia and catfish. For his prize, Professor Akwasi Asabere received a tricycle (motor king), an LCD 32" flat screen television, a bicycle, a full piece wax print, three key soap bars, five cutlasses, three pair of Wellington boots, one radio and two knapsack sprayers. The first runner up award went to 54 year old Enock Afrifa of Assamahunu who went home with a motor bike, 2 knapsack sprayers, 2 pair of Wellington boots, full piece of cloth, 3 cutlasses, 3 bars of key soap and a radio set. The second runner-up, Amos Ackah Kwabena, a native of Ayeasu also went home with a double decker fridge, 2 knapsack sprayers, 2 pair of Wellington boots, full piece of cloth, 3 cutlasses, 3 bars of key soap, and a radio set. Five others, including the best crop farmer, Patrick Kyeremeh of Ayeasu, best livestock farmer, Atta Kusi of Mesidan, best physically challenged farmer, Fordjour Joseph of Asueyi, best Agric extension Agent, Yaw Biatrng Foster and a special award winner Nana Annor of Asueyi were recognised and honoured with items like bicycles, wax prints, key soap bars, cutlasses, wellington boots, pesticides and knapsack sprayers, roofing sheets and bags of cement. Speaking at the durbar held in Asueyi to observe the 33rd national farmers day celebration held under the theme: Farming for Food and Jobs, the District Chief Executive for Techiman North, Hon. Peter Mensah congratulated the award winners for their selfless and devoted contributions towards food provision for the people of the district and the entire nation. He added that the choice of the theme for this year's event "is not only appropriate but timely particularly when everything including Ghanaian staple foods are being imported whilst youth employment stands at 48 percent". He commended the Director and staff of the Agric Directorate for their dedicated services to farmers and urged them to continue to explore innovative ways of developing and strengthening the various Farmer-Based Organisations (FBOs) on business lines. He also urged farmers to take advantage of government's flagship program the planting for food and jobs adding that government is committed to making agriculture a lucrative business. Mr. Peter Mensah also advised the people to refrain from unsafe sexual practices as the day coincided with the world HIV/AIDS day. On his part, the district director of Agriculture, Mr. Paul D. K. Tuolong urged farmers to take advantage of the Planting for food and Jobs (PFFJs) program by patronizing the subsidized inputs provided by government in the next farming season. The programme was graced by dignitaries including traditional rulers in Asueyi, member of parliament Hon. Martin Oti Gyarko, the former DCE Anthony Kwaku Manu among others. Citations were also given to five persons who have contributed immensely to the progress of the district. They include former education minister and MP for Techiman North Prof. Christopher Ameyaw Akumfi, former deputy education minister and MP Hon. Alex Kyeremeh, former regional minister, former minister for housing under the erstwhile Rawlings administration and former MP for Techiman North, the late Isaac Agyei Mensah, former DCE Hon. Anthony Kwaku Manu and former MCE for Techiman Hon. Isaac Osei-Antwi. One thing you can't accuse the United Arab Emirates of lacking is vision. First they unveiled plans to launch a Mars probe. Then it was an ambition to colonise the Red Planet. Now the UAE has a new aim - to become a centre for space agriculture and the promotion of research into how food might be grown on Mars. The space sector is a huge feature of the Dubai Airshow, with exhibitions, conferences, and speakers that include former Nasa Apollo 15 astronaut, Al Worden. But even before a UAE Mars probe leaves the ground in 2020 from Japan - UAE is working in partnership with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries - the Gulf state has now announced space agriculture intentions. The UAE has launched a series of initiatives and university research projects to promote the growing of trees and plants. "There are similarities between Mars and the desert," says Rashid Al Zaabi, senior strategic planner at the UAE Space Agency. "The landscape of the UAE, the soil, are similar." He adds: "When we get there, we'll have to eat." The research, though, is not just about learning the lessons of space, but also how improve agriculture on earth. Specifically, the UAE's studies will look into the date palm, a tree that survives in harsh desert conditions without much water or nutrients in the soil. Working with collaborators internationally, researchers hope to build on research already done on space agriculture involving plants such as lettuce, strawberries, and tomatoes - three foods already shown to have thrived when grown in space. Image copyright DUBAI MEDIA OFFICE Image caption The country's Mars probe is set for launch in 2020 The date palm was chosen for its symbolic links with the region, as a source of food and shelter, Mr Al Zaabi says. Although much of this may sound fanciful, there is a core underlying economic reason. The UAE, and specifically Dubai and Abu Dhabi, are trying to pump-prime the economy in preparation for an end of the oil era. It started with a huge expansion of tourism and airlines, and the associated services and engineering that went with them. Now the UAE is moving into science and hi-tech sectors. "There are 100 million young people in the Arab region," says Omran Sharaf, project manager on the Mars Mission probe. " Image copyright MBRSC Image caption The UAE has invested more than $5.4bn in its space sector We want them to play a part in the future and take the region to the next level." (The UAE's population is about nine million, of which just 1.4 million are Emirati citizens). He adds: "It's about creating a post-oil, knowledge-based, creative-based economy. So it is important we become a well established scientific centre. We have created many engineers, but not many scientists. This [Mars project] is a purely scientific mission." The UAE has invested more than $5.4bn (4.1bn) in its space sector, including satellites. A final full scale mock-up of a Mars probe was unveiled at the airshow. The survey satellite was developed using a team deliberately made up only of Emiratis, the space agency said, and will search for water and assess atmospheric conditions. Image copyright DUBAI MEDIA OFFICE Image caption The plan is that scientists and researchers will live in the sealed facilities for a year The UAE has also begun work on its Mars Science City, a centre dedicated to studying the colonisation of the planet. The series of domes in the desert, with two million square feet of living space and research facilities, will investigate food, water and energy needs. The Mars mission makes the UAE one of only nine countries exploring how to get to the planet, Mr Sharaf says: "It means our investment in facilities and education - science, laboratories, universities - will need to be very big." And, according to Apollo 15 command module pilot Al Worden, it will also require international cooperation. He's impressed with ambition of the UAE's project, and what's been achieved so far. But he adds: "The scale of the technological challenge will be too much for one country." Image copyright DUBAI AIRSHOW Image caption Former Apollo 15 astronaut Al Worden says putting humans on Mars will require international cooperation The purpose of making space a big feature of the airshow was to attract international experts to participate, says Yousuf Hamad Al Shaibani, director general of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre. Making the industry such a big features of this week's biennial Dubai Airshow was meant to be "an opportunity to meet with major international aerospace companies and institutions, and build strategic relations", he says. Even the UAE's rulers have described what they are trying to do as "an epic challenger". Assuming everything progresses as planned, the final step will be a manned landing on Mars - within the next 100 years, that is. It may never happen. But at least the country will have created a new generation of scientists in the Gulf - and learned how to grow a lot more fruit and veg in the desert. Twyford GH Ceramics Company Limited held its annual West Africa Distributors programme at Takoradi for its customers across the West Africa sub-region. The company is a Chinese tiles factory located within the Shama District in the Western Region. The factory started production of tiles in June this year and has currently employed over 800 local staff. As part of efforts to strengthen the relationship between the company and its customers across the West Africa Sub Region and also to become more competitive within the region, the company held an Annual programme for Distributors across the sub-region. The program was attended by the Deputy Western Regional Minister Gifty Kusi. Other notable people at the function were the District Chief Executive Officer for Shama, Joseph Amoah, the Chairman of Twyford, Mr. Y.C. Shen and the Managing Director of Twyford GH Ceramics, Mr. Armin Zheng among others. In her speech, the Deputy Minister Gifty Kusi, she stated that without strong industries to create jobs and add value to raw materials, African countries risk remaining shackled by joblessness and static economic growth. She added that the economic transformation of every country can happen through industrialization which cannot be considered a luxury, but a necessity for the development of Ghana and Africa as a whole. The Deputy Minister said Twyford GH Ceramics Company Limited has come at the right time as it is the first factory in the Western Region to fit into the One District One Factory Policy of the government. She also praised the company for the employment opportunities given to local staff. On the other hand, the Managing Director of Twyford assured the customers and the general public of the quality of their products and stressed on their resolve to strictly adhere to best standard practices. This he said makes Twyford Ghana unique from its competitors. The Managing Director also touched on some Corporate Social Responsibilities the company had undertaken within the shortest period of operation in Ghana. He mentioned the donation to the University of Ghana students and victims of the Atomic Junction gas explosion, donation to the 37 Military hospital, the Western Regional Naval Command, the Western Regional Police Command, the Ghana Immigration Service and the Shama District Assembly. In an interview with an Ivorian distributor, manufacturing tiles here in Ghana would be of better quality compared to those imported. In general the exportation of the product outside Ghana will bring foreign currency to the country. This will help in the stabilization of the Ghana cedis. It will also strengthen the made in Ghana brand not only in Ghana but across the West Africa Sub Region. Story by Ghana | 07.12.2017 LISTEN Government of Nigeria, the Swiss Federal Council and the World Bank have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the repatriation and monitoring of $321 million of funds illicitly acquired by the family of the late former President of Nigeria, General Sani Abacha. The MOU was signed during the Global Forum on Asset Recovery, a three-day forum hosted by the United Kingdom and the United States with support from the Stolen Asset Recovery (StAR) Initiative. The MOU captures the tripartite agreement on the World Banks monitoring role and the proposed modalities of the funds repatriation and disbursement, following a December 2014 Swiss court order that the funds be repatriated. The responsibility for the use of the funds is with the Federal Government of Nigeria. The Nigerian authorities requested the funds be used to support a program of targeted cash transfers to poor and vulnerable Nigerians under the National Social Safety Net Project financed by a credit extended by the International Development Association. The parties have agreed to establish monitoring framework for the use of the repatriated funds that will enhance transparency and accountability. To that end, the Federal Government of Nigeria will engage civil society organizations to help monitor the use of the funds. In December 2014, a Swiss court ruled that the Swiss government should repatriate the funds on condition that the World Bank would monitor their use. On December 4th, 2017, the Federal Government of Nigeria, the Swiss Federal Council and the World Bank signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) capturing the tripartite agreement on the World Banks monitoring role and the modalities of the funds repatriation and disbursement. While the World Banks role is limited to monitoring the use of the funds, the responsibility for the use of the funds is with the Federal Government of Nigeria. In 2006, the World Bank was involved in a similar effort providing institutional support for the sustainable use of repatriated funds from Switzerland amounting to approximately $723 million, which was illicitly acquired by the late General Sani Abachas family. What is the World Bank doing to help countries like Nigeria recover stolen assets? Through our partnership with the UN Office on Drugs and Crime on the Stolen Asset Recovery (StAR) Initiative, we are providing advice and helping countries recover stolen assets. The core of StARs work lies in country engagements that aim at building the capacity of the various stakeholders engaged in asset recovery and facilitating international cooperation on asset recovery cases. Country engagement programs are generally longer-term, and delivered using mentors, advisory services and training. In December 2017, StAR provided organizational support for the Global Forum on Asset Recovery, which was hosted by the governments of the United States and the United Kingdom. This forum addressed the importance of strong political commitment and collaboration among practitioners, focusing on assistance to Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, and Ukraine as first priority countries. The World Bank is also actively working with countries to strengthen transparency and accountability and to reduce illicit financial flows. It is working to improve access to information on beneficial owners for public authorities and strengthen the exchange of tax information. The World Bank is also helping governments build systems for asset disclosure by public officials and to protect against money laundering. These efforts to build transparency and accountability also aim to ensure that clean public officials and business are recognized, while corrupt and criminal ones are sanctioned. Deputy Chief of Staff, Abu Jinapor, says he and his colleague Francis Asenso Boakye, feel vindicated once again by the findings of the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), dismissing allegations of corruption leveled against them by Kwame Asare Obeng, aka A-Plus, a sympathizer of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP). In September 2017, A-Plus took to Facebook to make what critics described as vague allegations against President Nana Akufo-Addo's two Deputy Chiefs of Staff, Francis Asenso-Boakye and Abu Jinapor. It later emerged that the accusations had to do with the two putting pressure on the CEO of Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Dr. Felix Anyah, to give back an on-site revenue-collection contract at the hospital to UniBank after the same contract had been terminated. The two had subsequently threatened to sue A Plus over these claims. However, following CHRAJ's findings, Mr. Jinapor indicated that he was no more interested in pursuing the matter in court. In a document containing its findings, sighted by Citi News, CHRAJ said it was satisfied that the evidence does not support the allegations of corruption and abuse of power against Messrs A. Jinapor and Asenso Boakye the allegations could not be substantiated whatsoever. Accordingly, this complaint is hereby dismissed as being without merit and totally unwarranted, CHRAJ concluded. CHRAJ noted that, the relations between A-Plus and the two Deputy Chiefs of Staff appeared frosty and may have accounted for the allegations Mr. Obeng leveled against the two. It noted that a possible strained relationship between Mr. Kwame Asare Obeng and Mr. Asenso-Boakye might have been extended to Mr. Jinapor as well. That could possibly be the ulterior motive for the allegations Mr. Asare Obeng leveled against the two Deputy Chiefs of Staff. CHRAJ was the second state institution that was tasked to investigate these corruption claims, after the Criminal Investigations Department's investigation also found the allegations baseless. But the CID probe was marred by some controversy over an audio recording said to be a leaked recording of a conversation between the then-Deputy Director of the CID, ACP Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo-Danquah and A-Plus, in which the police officer was heard advising A-Plus to deny the allegations because he is a member of the NPP. Speaking on Eyewitness News, Mr. Jinapor welcomed CHRAJ's findings, saying they had been vindicated for the second time. I take the view that the combined effect of the CID's report and CHRAJ's investigative report has vindicated our reputation and exonerated us in this matter. Whatever it is, it is refreshing to hear about the outcome of the investigations. I am not surprised because from the very onset, I have always known that the entire brouhaha was much ado about nothing. It is refreshing and comforting that CHRAJ which is an independent body has gone into this matter and come out with a petition. He also indicated that, he had no intentions of suing A-plus over the said claims, despite being cleared by CHRAJ. I do not think that we need the court to make a pronouncement on our integrity. These two investigative reports in my view will settle the matter on that score. Mr. Jinapor further pointed out that he was not interested in seeking for compensation from A-Plus. The second one regarding compensation I am not interested. I believe any lawsuit will be straight forward but I do not want to pursue it. I want to move on with my life. Background to Unibank, Korle bu issues The onsite banking services at Korle Bu were needed to deal with revenue leaks that had saddled the hospital. In 2015, six banks were shortlisted to undergo a competitive selection process where Stanbic Bank emerged first and UniBank was fourth. But when the hospital submitted the names of the two banks to the Controller and Accountant General's Department for approval, issues were raised about weaknesses in UniBank's operations in two other hospitals. Korle Bus still went ahead to sign an MoU appointing UniBank to simultaneously collect revenue in the Hospital with Stanbic Bank. As the two banks started the onsite banking services, the revenue leaks persisted, and the hospital's management decided to adopt an End-to-End Hospital Revenue Collection Software to integrate and network its operations. Stanbic Bank and UniBank were both requested to submit proposals for an End-to-End Hospital Revenue Collection Software in 2015. Stanbic Bank successfully presented an efficient software, while UniBank was alleged to have failed to turn up during the two presentation sessions, thus the hospital awarded the contract to Stanbic Bank. Unibank, however denied missing the presentation, but said it was sidelined by the hospital. The End-to-End Hospital Revenue Collection Software was also said to be not compatible with the UniBank's system, thus the hospital decided to discontinue the MoU with UniBank in order to enable Stanbic Bank to deploy the new software throughout the entire Hospital. But this was followed by the hospital rescinding the decision. -Citifmonline The Criminal High Court 3 presided over by Justice Iddirsu Abdulai has dismissed a bail variation application for portions of the bail conditions imposed by a sister court on the so-called Galamsey Queen Aisha Huang and four others. The High Court presided over by Justice Charles Edward Ekow Baiden at the time of granting the accused persons bail ordered that they report to the Police Headquarters twice a week even though the accused persons are living in Kumasi. In their Application, the accused persons were praying the Court to allow them to report to the Police Regional Command in Kumasi in the Ashanti Regional instead of commuting twice a week to Accra just to report themselves to the Police. Delivering his ruling in court today, Justice Iddirsu Abdulai's noted that the applicant failed to demonstrate that the bail conditions imposed on them has brought any hardship on them. The court said it expected the applicants to have presented evidence such as hotel bills or air travel receipts to show that they are indeed burdened by the bail conditions. The court on the basis of its argument for want of compelling evidence dismissed the bail variation application. The Chinese lady, popularly known as Aisha Huang, and four other Chinese nationals, were arrested by the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) in Kumasi and brought to Accra for trial following suspicion that they were illegally operating a mining concession. She was granted bail by the court in June 2017 in the sum of GH500,000 with two sureties to be justified. -Starrfmonline A community level debate on livestock trading module has been held for stakeholders in the sector in the Gushegu District of the Northern to discuss challenges facing livestock production and trading in West Africa. The event was also to analyse the challenges that face livestock trading in the future as well as how the livestock value chain worked through point of sale of cattle by farmers and how it followed different steps before reaching the final market. Participants included; chiefs, Police personnel, cattle herdsmen including; some Fulanis, officers from the Ministry of Agriculture, veterinary officers amongst other officials from the Gushegu District Assembly. The week-long event, which opened at Gushegu on Monday, formed part of the agro-pastoralism project dubbed: 'Strengthening the Resilience of Agro-pastoral Systems in West Africa (PARSAO)' being implemented by the Ghana Developing Communities Association and Community Life Improvement Programme (CLIP). The project works to improve conditions for cattle breeding and movement across borders and regions in West Africa thereby increasing the local meat trade and access to markets. It is funded by United Kingdom Agency for International Development (UKAID), Acting for Life, Air France and Danish International Development Assistance (Danida). Mr Lukman Yussif, Project Manager in-charge of CLIP/PARSAO project, who spoke during the opening ceremony of the informed debate, said the initiative was a strategy to help cattle herders and communities to understand one another to help to reduce conflicts and tensions between them. Over the years, Fulani herdsmen have been accused of destruction of food crops, rape, robbery amongst others, a situation, which fueled conflicts between them and members of local communities including farmers. Mr Yussif said as had been done in some West African countries, there was the need for the country to create corridors purposely for cattle herders to pass to reduce interaction between them and communities to avoid conflicts. He said CLIP would work to facilitate community level dialogues between cattle herders and other stakeholders to avoid conflicts between them. Mr Yakubu Sumani, who represented the Regent of Gushegu, welcomed the idea of creating a corridor for cattle to pass saying it would help to minimise the destruction of food crops urging government to adopt the proposal. Mr Abukari Guma, a Fulani cattle herder from Bulugu in the district, called for a continued dialogue between cattle herders and local people to address the issue of conflicts between them. Mr Mohammed Tijani, Gushegu District Crop Officer described the initiative as laudable saying it would help create harmony between cattle herders and members of local communities including farmers in the district. GNA By Albert Futukpor, GNA 07.12.2017 LISTEN Mr John Kojo Enimil, a 35 year-old man who emerged the overall district best farmer for Prestea Huni/Valley in the Western region, has rejected the award. The items he was given include; bicycle, deep freezer, 32 inch flat screen television set, four knapsack sprayers, five pairs of Wellington boots, two bars of key soap, two rubbers for storing cocoa, eight machetes, two confidor insecticides and two bottles of weedicide. Mr Enimil who disclosed this in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) said the items were returned to an agricultural extension agent of the Assembly on December 4. He explained further that during the 2015 and 2016 farmers day programmes, the overall district best farmers received a tricycles each in addition to all the items and not a bicycle, pointing out that if the organizers of the programme cannot maintain the prizes for a farmer who had worked for years to help develop his community and the country, then they should not reduce it to discourage the youth from engaging in farming. According to the 2017 district best farmer, he was expecting a tricycle to help transport his farm produce and not bicycle. Mr. Gabriel Adzago, the District Director of Agricultural for Prestea Huni/Valley confirmed to the GNA that his office has received the items and stressed he was yet to find out why Mr Enimil took that action. GNA By Erica Apeatua Addo, GNA Over 200,000 security forces for todays polls Over 200,000 security personnel will be on the ground for the second phase of federal parliament and provincial assembly elections on Thursday, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) said on Wednesday. 07.12.2017 LISTEN Tema Dec. 6, GNA The Director-General in-charge, National Patrol Department (NPD), Ghana Police Service, Commissioner of Police (COP) Yaagy Akuriba, says the reintroduction of the Community Police Unit (CPU) is consistent with Government's policy to develop the districts. 'This will give credence to President Nana Addo-Danquah Akufo-Addo's policy of One District, One Dam, One District One Factory, Planting for Food and Jobs, etc. So the idea is that, if you plant for food and put the food in a warehouse and somebody goes to steal it, nobody would want to come and invest in your country,' COP Akuriba said. He said this in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) on Thursday on the sidelines of a lecture by the Tema Regional Police Command to the various District Commanders in the Region. The presentation, which was on the theme, 'Innovation of the Community Policing Assistants and the responsibilities of District Commanders at Centres in Tema,' was to brief officers on the CPA concept and other proposed innovations by the police outfit. He said if the community policing concept took off 'we will be executing the vision of the President and also the Inspector General of Police (IGP).' COP Akuriba observed that community policing was one pillars of the IGP transformation agenda to maintain peace in Ghana, adding that, 'If there is no peace and justice in the community, all developments will come to naught. So this new concept is to make our community safe for economic activities to flourish.' He said even though only 15,000 personnel out of the 36,000 requested were assigned, they could still carry out their duties perfectly if the communities formed Neighborhood Watch Committees (NWC) with members who would be willing to give out information on crime. He added that crime prevention was a partnership between the community and the police and, 'This is supposed to be a reciprocal relationship which will give information to the police for them to act on.' COP Akuriba said the first batch of 3,000 Community Policing Assistants (CPAs) were to be deployed across the country in December, 2017. He said the CPAs who were recruited by the Youth Employment Agency (YEA) and trained by the Ghana Police Service were to assist at least one regular police officer in the various electoral areas to anticipate, prevent and fight crime. He explained that the CPA model was started in 2006 but it had to be restructured to be more effective and efficient. 'They have been equipped with communication and observation skills and are being recruited from localities they would serve to be able to provide the police with vital information on crime,' he said. The Tema Regional Police Commander, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCOP) George Tuffour expressed joy for Tema being adjudged the best local government authority in Ghana. He hinted that, 'Though petty crime cannot be totally eliminated in society, crimes such as robbery, murder, etc. have reduced by about 75 percent in the Tema Region.' GNA By Alexander Nyarko Yeboah, GNA Ghana's leading telecoms giant MTN has secured about 510 million loan syndication from nine banks. The deal which was arranged by Ecobank would be officially signed with all the banks including Barclays, Standard Chattered and Zenith Bank on December 7, 2017. JoyBusiness is reliably informed that funds are expected to help with further network capital investments and expansion. According to persons close to the deal, the amount will only compliment other internal funding sources of MTN. Our CAPEX requirements in a single year is much higher than the amount raised, a source with knowledge of the deal said. In 2012, MTN carried out a similar loan syndication deal to finance network expansion. MTN just finished paying that loan, hence they are replacing it to fund higher business growth than was projected," the source said. Story by Ghana| |Abubakar Ibrahim 07.12.2017 LISTEN The Supreme Court on Tuesday dismissed an application for stay of proceedings filed by the state against an Indian Businessman, Ashok Kumar Sivaram. The five member panel presided over by Justice Sophia Adinyira described the application for stay of proceedings as incompetent because there was no appeal pending to warrant the stay. The apex court however did not award any cost. Representatives of the Ministry of the Interior and the Comptroller of the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) were not in court. There was also no legal representation from the Attorney General's Department. Mr Gary Nimako Marfo, who represented Sivaram prayed the court to look at the processes before it and dismiss same. According to Mr Marfo there was no appeal pending at the Court of Appeal to warrant the Supreme Court to grant the stay of proceedings. On September 18, this year a High Court in Accra ordered GIS to restore the Residence and Work Permit of Mr. Ashok Kumar Sivaram, the Indian businessman within seven days. Granting an order of Mandamus filed by Mr Sivaram against the Service, the Court also ordered the GIS's assigns, agents and servants to desist from harassing him until his application before the Service was duly processed. On June 1, this year, the GIS following an order by the Interior Ministry, deported Mr Sivaram on the premise that he had forged his marriage certificate in an application for citizenship. The Indian businessman, therefore, contested his deportation by filing a judicial review. Mr Justice Kweku Ackah-Boafo, presiding at the High Court upheld the businessman's application and quashed his deportation order on July 31, this year, on the grounds that the Interior Ministry exceeded its jurisdiction. GNA By Joyce Danso, GNA 07.12.2017 LISTEN Mr Francois Pujolas, France Ambassador to Ghana, has christened Dr Eric Graham, former Board Chair of Alliance Francaise in Accra (AF Accra) and Madam Lillian Osae-Kwapong, current Chairperson, as Knights of Order of Academic Palms. A statement issued by the Embassy of France in Accra and copied to the Ghana News Agency, said the distinction was conferred on them during the closing ceremony of Alliance FranAaise's 60th anniversary celebrations. It noted that the Academic Palms, the oldest order originally instituted by Napoleon I in 1808 used to be an honorary title reserved for University members (including high schools at the time). It said in 1866, the mode of attribution was extended to persons outside academia but having rendered distinctive services to education. The statement said the decree of 4th October 1955, later established the Order of academic Palms, comprising the grades of Knight, Officer and Commander. It said the Academic Palms might be bestowed on foreign nationals as well as French nationals living abroad, who actively contribute to the advancement of French culture in the world. The statement said Ghanaian-born Eric Engmann Amonu Graham had his first encounter with France and the French language, in Senior High School, then afterwards, at the Alliance FranAaise in Accra, in 1963. It said with the support of a French Government Scholarship, he gained admission to study at the University of Strasbourg in North-Eastern France. It noted that having completed the first part of his studies in French language and medical sciences, he pursued his studies in Medicine in Liege (Belgium) where he obtained a degree in Medicine. It said after 12 years in a francophone setting, he returned to Ghana to begin his medical career. The statement recounted that Dr Graham served as Head of the Anesthesia and Intensive Care Unit of the 37 Military Hospital and afterwards became a board member of the Alliance FranAaise in 1999, before assuming the position of chairman from 2012 till February 2016. It said since then, Dr Graham had continued to serve as an exemplary model to the Francophone and Francophile community in Ghana through his priceless contributions towards many activities and initiatives promoting Franco-Ghanaian cultural exchange. It said for instance, he recently participated in the establishment of the France Alumni Ghana Association which was launched only last October. The statement said Madam Osae-Kwapong in her early years, studied in Ghana and in Lausanne, in a bilingual environment. It said she joined the Alliance FranAaise in the eighties when the institution was still located in the CFAO building close to the Makola market. It said Madam Osae-Kwapong had multifariously been involved in the development of Alliance FranAaise; especially it's Bilingual Diploma in Office Management section. It said for 26 years, she was a jury member for this course and would later become the first female board chair of AF Accra from 1994 to 1999, a position she currently holds, for the second time. The statement said incidentally, the initial construction of the present premises and the recent renovations were both carried under her leadership, during her first and second tenures respectively. It noted that Madam Osae-Kwapong had indeed made great contributions to the spread of French culture and language in Ghana and maintains her strong ties with Francophone countries. It said both laureates thanked the French Ambassador FranAois Pujolas for this honour, and expressed their profound gratitude to France for all the merits they have gained from their association with it. Mr Pujolas said: 'It is important to reward the people who have dedicated their lives to fostering cultural exchange and closer relations between our two nations. This year's special 60th anniversary celebration of our diplomatic relations only marks the beginning of an enduring collaboration between France and Ghana.' 'It is thus important for France to recognise the efforts of such persons who promote the French language and the values to which France and Ghana are both attached', the Ambassador explained. Children have been urged to be humble, respectful and heed to good counsel from their elders to be able to succeed in life. Dr George Maddy, a medical doctor from Russia, said it takes more than just studying to excel in life, thus children must be humble and willing to submit to the instructions given by parents and teachers to excel. He said this at a Career Day celebration at the Christ the King Methodist School at Anaji, a suburb of Takoradi. The event was held to mark a weeklong celebration of the school's "1st Speech and Prize giving Day", which was held under the theme: "Holistic Education the role of stakeholders". Mrs Mildred Siabi-Mensah, a journalist at the Ghana News Agency, urged children to be dedicated and hard working to ensure that their dreams become a reality. Madam Elizabeth Ofori, head teacher of the school, said the purpose of the Speech and Prize giving day was to reward deserving students and encourage others to emulate their example. She said it is also to solicit for funds for the school in aid of the construction and expansion of the school building since the number of enrolment has increased. Activities line-up for the week long celebration include: a procession through some streets, career day, clean-up exercise and a grand durbar. GNA Dr Eric Oduro Osae, Dean, Studies and Research at the Institute of Local Government Studies (ILGS), has proposed that a constitutional cap be placed on the number of districts and regions needed in the country to enhance planning. 'If we want to make sure that this thing works and development is well coordinated, let us put a cap in the constitution to the maximum number of regions and districts we can have, and then we can plan better', he said. Dr Osae made the proposal in an interview with the media on the sideline of a one-day orientation workshop for members of the Upper West Regional Audit Committee organized by the Centre for Local Governance Advocacy (CLGA) in collaboration with the International Audit Agency (IAA). 'In fact, if you have a district assembly and it has planned that by the next four years it is going to develop its area of jurisdiction in a certain regard, then all of a sudden a new district is created and a portion of the district is cut; it puts the development of the district in jeopardy - so it is not good', he said. He said the lack of a constitutional cap on the creation of regions and districts 'tells us that we cannot plan as a nation because we should be able to know that if we need 200 districts to develop, the constitution should spell it so that we don't come back to create new ones again'. Dr Osae said if there was a ceiling on the number of districts and regions all they needed to do was to rearrange or divide and then also promote, adding that when that happened it would help them to know the area of jurisdiction and then plan for development. He said as it stands now, politicians will only take advantage to create new districts anytime they wish for political gains, adding that as they create those districts every now and then, the issue of resourcing them becomes a challenge. On the orientation for the Audit Committee members, the Dean in charge of Studies and Research at the ILGS noted that basically, the passage of a new Public Financial Management Act 2016, (Act 921) has abolished the Audit Implementation Committee (ARIC) system and replaced it with the Audit Committee. He said this then made provision for every Local Government to have an Audit Committee made up of professionals from the private sector including Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICA) and Internal Auditors among others. Dr Osae said these Audit Committees were suppose to help the Assemblies to inject financial discipline into their Financial Management System, noting that these people did not know much about Local Government operations. He said the training is meant to expose them to the processes of the Local Government System for them to understand their financial management processes so that they could better advise the Assemblies in the implementation of the audit recommendations. 'So we want that after the training, they will go back and work to reduce the serious audit queries that are raised in the Annual Auditor General's Report', he said. GNA By Proper K. Kuorsoh, GNA 07.12.2017 LISTEN The Asiakwa branch of the Save Our Soul Children's Villages (SOSCV), Ghana 'Quality Education Now' Project and the Accra Municipal Education Office have organised a two- day workshop for 50 members of the School Management Committee. The training was to build the capacity of SMC members and to equip them with the requisite skills to perform their roles and responsibilities in their various schools effectively to help promote quality education delivery in the community. Participants were selected from public schools across the Municipality. Topics, such as effective participation of Persons Living with Disability (PWDs) in SMC, presentation and participation of women in SMC, promoting quality learning and teaching were treated. Speaking at the training, Mr. Samuel Abrokwa Boye, the Asiakwa SOSCV-QEN Project Coordinator said every school needs a vibrant School Management Committee (SMC) and the Parents Teachers Association (PTA) to manage its affairs effectively, hence the workshop. He added that the SOSCV- QEN was poised to ensure quality education delivery in the locality and therefore would continue to be organising trainings of this kind to help improve quality education delivery in the community. Mr Abrokwa- Boye urged members to be transparent in managing financial affairs of the schools and advised them to involve communities as they placed crucial roles in the development of every institution. He was hopeful the programme would go a long way to improve on the skills of the members to help bring development to Schools in the locality and therefore tasked participants to be committed to their duties in order to promote quality teaching and learning. GNA By Eunice Tekie Tei, GNA An appeal has been made to the government to extend the payment of the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) registration fee to candidates in private schools. This was contained press statement issued by the Ghana National Council of Private Schools (GNACOPS) in Kumasi. It was jointly signed by Mr' Enoch Gyetuah, its National Executive Director, and Mr. Edward Frimpong, the National Communications Director. The statement said 'the 1992 constitution provides for free compulsory universal basic education (FCUBE)' and it was therefore only appropriate that no Ghanaian child was discriminated against. It reminded the government of its responsibility of ensuring that all children completed basic education. This could not be divorced from the payment of the examination fee of every candidate be they in public or private schools. 'GNACOPS expresses dissatisfaction with the current arrangement, where BECE registration fee of students in private schools is paid by the parent, while that of their public counterparts is taken care of by the government.' The statement said it was the position of the association that the West African Examination Council (WAEC) proposed fee of GHE75.00 for every candidate should be met from the national budget. 'We do not want to believe that anybody is saying children in the private schools are not Ghanaians. Their parents are also tax payers and rightly deserve fair share of the national cake.' GNA By Abigail N-ebene Baka, GNA 07.12.2017 LISTEN The Agricultural Development Bank (ADB) has reiterated its unbridled support to farmers across the country with the setting up of dedicated a desk to deal with issues related to Agriculture in all the ten regions. Dr. John Kofi Mensah, Managing Director of the Bank, at the recent National Farmers' Day in Kumasi on December 1, said the bank had created special agricultural desk in 36 of the 78 branches nationwide. 'The setting up of the desk is to dedicate a staff to deal with issues of agriculture from our farmers who need advice on agricultural related matters, 'he said. Dr Mensah said the initiative was part of efforts by the bank to bring banking closer to the farmers. 'From next year the bank will also begin the process of tailor made loan facilities for farmers. We will have special interest on loans for specific sectors within the agricultural sector," he said. The Managing Director indicated that the bank would continue to support the sector as the major backbone of the economy and ensure that the country becomes food sufficient within the shortest possible time. "The government has shown a strong commitment towards the agricultural sector and as a bank we are going to ensure that we provide the necessary financial packages to make the planting for food and jobs and other agricultural related initiatives successful," he said. According to him, ADB Bank was the only Bank in Ghana fully committed to the agricultural value chain and would continue to give the sector the necessary support to make it grow. 'The Bank is currently the best in Agricultural Financing in the country and we won the 2016 National Banking Awards. Over the past five years the Bank has committed more than Five Hundred Million Ghana Cedis (GHE500 million) to the growth of the sector and remains the platinum sponsor of the National Farmers Day Celebration.' GNA Two persons were on Wednesday sentenced to 20 years imprisonment in hard labour on the charge of conspiracy to commit crime to wit robbery. Bright Anikpi, and Kofi Seyram Agamah, both labourers were said to have agreed to act together with a common purpose to commit crime to wit robbery pleaded guilty to the charges. They were convicted on their own plea and are to spend ten years each in hard labour. The court presided over by Mr Aboagye Tandoh in sentencing said, the court took into consideration the number of days they had spent in custody, their plea for mitigation, and the fact that they did not waste the court's time. The facts of the case as presented by Superintendent Kweku Bampah was that the complainant is a Businessman resident at Nmae Dzor in Accra, while the convicts are labourers who live around Tetteh Quarshie roundabout area. He said in August this year, the complainant who a plot of land very close to his house had contracted the services of a building contractor and the said contractor brought the two convicts as labourers to the site. He said the complainant constructed a temporal wooden structure at the site for Bright and Kofi to live there, and due to that they became close to the complainant and rendered other services to him. The prosecution said on November 30, the convicts hatched a plan to rob the complainant, as a result, Bright went to Kaneshie and met a witness in the case and informed him that, he wanted him to assist him to rob the complainant. Mr Bampah told the court that the witness feigned interest in accepting the job, so Bright brought him to Nmae Dzor and showed him the complainant's house and also planned as to how the operation would be conducted. He said they also told the witness to rob him of his brand new BMW salon car and his money. But on December 1, the witness gave information to the plaice about their diabolic intentions. According to the prosecution, the witness later led the police to the convicts' hideout, where they were patiently waiting for the arrival of the complainant to attack and rob him. They were both arrested and sent to the police station. During investigation, they admitted the offence and added that, they needed money to celebrate the Christmas and use the rest to further their education. GNA By Hafsa Obeng, GNA SC upholds EC move of revoking Shiva Pujan Yadavs candidacy The Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld the Election Commission (EC)s decision to revoke the candidacy of Shiva Pujan Yadav. 07.12.2017 LISTEN The Dormaa Central Municipal Assembly is making efforts to woo foreign investors to the Municipality for the development of the poultry industry. That would be done through aggressive marketing of the poultry products in the Municipality to the outside world to attract investors. Mr Iddrissa Ouattara, the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), said this on Friday during a durbar of the 33rd National Farmers' Day at Dormaa-Ahenkro in the Brong-Ahafo Region. He said with the capacity of producing one-third of the nation's poultry stock, there is the urgent need for government to continue to focus its attention on the speedy development of the industry in the area. Mr Ouattara said the Ghana Poultry Project at Dormaa-Ahenkro, started in the era of former President John Agyekum Kufuor, is providing technical services to poultry farmers under a grant facility from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), but expressed concern that its laboratory was still uncompleted. He appealed to government to prioritise the completion of that project to help ensure business growth in the area. The MCE said the Municipal Assembly in collaboration with the Municipal Directorate of Agriculture has provided storage facilities for seedlings, embarked on educational campaigns, organised spraying gangs to control fall army worms invasion and established a technical committees for the local implementation of government's Planting for Food and Jobs programme. He said government is committed to increasing budgetary allocation to the agricultural sector as an effort to boost productivity as the sector provides employment for over 70 per cent of the population and contributes about 40 per cent to Ghana's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Mr Ouattara said government sees the agricultural sector as a conduit to addressing the unemployment challenges facing the country and noted that the sector remains under-exploited in spite of its huge economic potential. The MCE appealed to stakeholders to work to ensure that agriculture transcends improving on farm productivity to addressing post harvest losses. He enumerated various challenges such as poor marketing, lack of storage facilities, inadequate credit facilities, obsolete farm tools and bad road network as confronting the agricultural sector. Mr Ouattara said as a measure to address short falls in the agriculture sector, next year government would employ over 2000 extension officers to offer advice to farmers and support them in modern farming techniques. He urged farmers in the Municipality to form farmer-based organisations to have a stronger voice to influence policy to promote their interest. Mr Abu Salifu, a 45-year old farmer from Kofiasua was adjudged the overall best Municipal farmer. For his prize, Mr Salifu received a certificate, tricycle, a full piece wax print, four cutlasses, a knapsack sprayer, a radio set and four pairs of wellington boot. Prizes were presented to other deserving farmers. GNA By Robert Tachie Menson, GNA 07.12.2017 LISTEN The Minister of Railway Development Mr. Joe Ghartey Tuesday said over 1,400 kilometer (KM) railway lines, expected to cost about $7.8 billion, would be created between three cities notably the Volta lake city, Ashanti rail city and the Paga rail city. According to Mr Ghartey, the Eastern line of 300 km would be from Accra to Kumasi, with a central spine line of 595 km linking Kumasi to Paga, with another 58 km linking Kumasi to Nyinahin and a 102 km line linking Tamale to Yendi, adding that, this would ensure a convenient and comfortable trade links among the cities. The Minister announced this at a Market Sounding event for both local and foreign potential investors at the Alisa Hotel, Accra, to deliberate on how best to expand the Boankra Inland Port and the Eastern Railway Lines. Mr Ghartey said 'The infrastructure development in the towns where the rail lines would pass would be improved to facilitate the efficient transportation of passengers and goods. There would also be improvement in internal trade and also with neighbouring countries, with reduction in road maintenance cost and fewer road accidents, which would also have a lower transport cost for both freight and passengers, due to the lower cost of transportation by rail' he added. On the Boankra Inland Port, which is strategically located near Kumasi and partially developed with an administration block, access roads and utility connections, the Minister said the port would get a facelift from the investors to boost the carriage of containers in the northern sector of Ghana to ease pressure at the Tema port. There are also plans to develop an Inland Container Depot, port administration, shippers and freight forwarders offices, warehouses and commercial buildings. The Inland Port would also require the development of customs coordination protocols, customs clearance procedures and controls. Both the local and foreign investors brainstormed about the work at hand and how the proposed Public Private Partnership (PPP) arrangements and would be operated under the Build Operate Transfer (BOT) system. Mr Ghartey gave the assurance that 'Government was fully committed to the BOT arrangement and we are only going to contribute the right of way (lands, assets). The two projects are expected to be completed by 2020. GNA By Emmanuel Asante Attakora, GNA The Financial Division of the High Court will on February 23, 2018 give its judgment in the Ghana Youth Employment and Entrepreneurial Development Agency (GYEEDA) case involving its former Co-ordinator Abuga Pele and Philip Assibit, Chief Executive Officer of Goodwill International Group (GIG). The parties involve were to submit their written addresses by January 26, 2018. Mrs Evelyn Keelson, Chief State Attorney ending his cross-examination of Pele pointed out that he deliberately assisted Assibit the second accused to dupe the state The first accused however denied that saying he acted transparently, fairly and did not justified any false claims made by the second accused. She suggested that as public officer he helped the accused to make false claims which brought losses to the State. Mr Pele responded that 'I did everything in my capacity and in the interest of the State.' He said the disabled and the youth in this country, would have benefitted from the World Bank $ 65 million and the DANIDA 5-million euros would have assisted in the country's development. Mr Pele said, everything he said his memo to the former Minister of Youth and Sports, were work done for which, he personally visited the field and data processed to convinced the World Bank that Ghana's youth employment programme was a flagship project. Mrs Keelson pointed to the accused that there was no agreement on record signed by the then Minister of Youth and Sport, Kofi Humado, which gave a contract to Assibit's company which provided an exit plan for which evidence were in court to show but he denied this. He said this contract gave bases for the continuous approvals of payment to Goodwill International Group (GIG) and Management Development and Productivity Institute (MDPI). The State suggested to Pele that his letter to the Minister, does not grant GIG/MDPI any consultancy services to develop an exit plan for the NYEP but the accused said the face of the letter does not state exit plan, neither does it state many of the services that were subsequently delivered by Assibit's company. He said 'I still insist that there is a contract for all the services provided for which subsequent payment was made.' Mrs Keelson pointed to the accused person, that the statement in his memo that it was the consultant's services that directly resulted in the World Bank's support of $65 million was not correct, but Mr Pele said the consultants work was what directly resulted in the World Bank approval of the facility for NYEP. He said before, their work, the NYEP was faced with a lot of resource challenges but when they completed their work, the World Bank approved it upon submission. 'It not only the World Bank that approved their proposal but also DANIDA also approved a 5 million- euro facility and there are various documents and correspondents from these institutions in court to attest to that,' he added. Mr Pele said in all their correspondence the words used were approved or secured and to release money from the World Bank, there were some preparatory activities that needed to be done, so in this case all stakeholders could agree that the fund was secured but not released. The State pointed to Mr Pele that Assibit was paid GHE53,000.00 in February, 2011 by NYEP in respect of feasibility studies conducted with 250 personnel and yet he included it in his memo to the Minister for payment, but the former National Co-ordinator said 'I cannot remember any of such amount being paid to Assibit.' She also suggested to Pele there was evidence on record that he approved certain amounts above his threshold without consulting the Minister but he said it was not true, adding that every payment for the consultancy was approved by the Minister. The Mr Pele, the former National Co-ordinator of GYEEDA and Mr Assibit, a Representative of Goodwill International Group (GIG) are facing various charges of causing financial loss to the state to the tune of GHE4.1 million. Assibit is accused of putting in false claims that he had secured a 65-million-dollar World Bank funding for the creation of one million jobs for the youth, which led government to part with GH4.1 million to his company but he failed to deliver per the agreement. The case has been adjourned to Friday February 23, 2018 by the High Court presided over by Mrs Afia Serwah Asare-Botwe. GNA By Morkporkpor Anku, GNA The President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr Frank-Walter Steinmeier, is expected to pay a state visit to Ghana from 11th to 13th December, 2017. President Steinmeier is to be accompanied by the Federal Minister of Economy and Energy, Mrs Brigitte Zypries, the Deputy Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Friedrich Kitschelt, the State Minister at the German Foreign Office, Maria BAhmer as well as a substantial business delegation and guests from civil society. He is also expected to be accompanied by 17 representatives of German companies that are working to realise Germany's commitment under the G20 Compact with Africa to bring more investment to Ghana. A statement copied to the GNA on Wednesday from the Cultural, Economic and Press Affairs Unit of the German Embassy said the state visit would be the first trip to an African country by President Steinmeier, since he took office in February, 2017. 'This underlines the close partnership between Ghana and Germany 60 years after establishing diplomatic relations,' it noted. The statement said President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo would receive President Steinmeier on December 12th. The visit would focus on discussions on the youth in Ghana, scientific and academic cooperation and migration, vocational training, investment and business promotion. During the visit, Mr Ken Ofori-Atta, the Minister of Finance and Germany's Deputy Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Mr Friedrich Kitschelt, would sign the bilateral 'Investment and Reform Partnership' agreement. The agreement would bring up to 100 million Euros of the German Government's support to promote private investment into renewable energy in Ghana as well as vocational training. The private investment is Germany's commitment under the G20 Compact with Africa, which was signed in Berlin in June, 2017. A cooperation agreement for the opening of a Merian International Centre for Advanced Studies at the University of Ghana would be signed under the auspices of President Steinmeier. It would be signed by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ghana, the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Development, Mr Francis Dodoo, and the Director of the Arnold-Bergstraesser Institute of the University of Freiburg, Germany, Mr Andreas Mehler. The Centre, the first of its kind in Africa, has a thematic focus on sustainable governance and would be supported by the German Ministry for Education and Research. While in the country, President Steinmeier would hold a discussion at the University of Ghana, Legon, with academics and students as well as visit the West-African Transport Academy in Tema, which is a Public Private Partnership between the German investors Scania, Bosch, and ZF on one side, and German Development Cooperation on the other. The Academy offers state of the art training facilities for young Ghanaians. Under the support for Start-Up companies in Ghana, President Steinmeier would also meet with young Ghanaian entrepreneurs who are currently being supported by Germany to help them develop their businesses and link them with international ones. The German President would also attend the sod-cutting ceremony at the new Ghanaian-German Centre for Jobs, Migration and Reintegration in Accra. The Centre offers advice on technical and vocational education and training (TVET) opportunities in Ghana, supports returnees from Europe in their reintegration, provides information on the risks of irregular migration and the possibilities for legal migration to Europe. It will make use of the extensive network of German cooperation in Ghana, especially in the areas of TVET and agriculture. President Steinmeier would have encounters with experts and staff of the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC) and get first-hand information on the security situation in West Africa. Germany is one of the main supporters of KAIPTC. GNA By Lydia Kukua Asamoah, GNA 07.12.2017 LISTEN Accra, Dec. 6, GNA - Parliament has expressed the need for the nation to intensify efforts at preventing and controlling HIV/AIDS, saying that, there has been a relapse after gains made in the fight against the menace. The House described as frightening, the 20,000 new infections recoded in 2016 alone, insisting that, there was the need to intensify efforts to bring the prevalence of the disease down. Despite the gains made over the last decade, there were concerns that the nation was backsliding because of negative attitudes, stigma, bad behaviour and complacency. The House raised the concerns after a commemorative statement by Dr Kwabena Twum-Nuamah, Chairman of the Committee on Health to mark this year's World AIDS Day, which fell on December 1, 2017, and coincided with Ghana's National Farmers Day. The House apparently deferred the statement to this week to enable the House to critically discuss the issue, which globally takes a heavy toll on health and life. This prompted the United Nations to designate the day since, 1988, to heighten awareness on the disease and find ways to bring it under control. Ghana joined the rest of the globe to mark this year's World AIDS Day (WAD), under the local theme: 'The Right to Health: Know Your HIV Status, Seek Early Treatment'. World AIDS Day is marked annually to raise awareness on the AIDS epidemic, its impact on persons infected or affected and also remember those who have died from the epidemic. The global theme for the WAD 2017: 'My Health, My Right' focuses on the right to health and explores the challenges people around the world face in exercising their rights. Mr Alban Bagbin, the Second Deputy Speaker, making his remark on the statement, urged Members of the House to intensify their effort at activities that would bring down the disease. He said the statement is also a wakeup call for everybody to go for voluntary testing and adopt life styles that would protect them from the disease. Dr Bernard Oko-Boye, Member of Parliament (MP) for Ledzokuku in his contribution, stated that the nation must raise additional resources to support HIV/AIDS campaign since donor support for the programme was dwindling. He said there is the need to address the issue of stigma, which was very critical to reducing HIV prevalence in the nation. He said many HIV patients nowadays, were born with the condition and has nothing to do with their exposure to certain habits or bad lifestyles. Dr Oko-Boye also noted that, it is about time Ghana chronicles all children, who were born with HIV, not just to have the figures, but to have a policy that would address their medical, economic and psychological challenges so that they do not become a 'burden' for the nation in future. Dr Bernice Adiku Heloo, MP for Hohoe South in her contribution, stated that, though Ghana has achieved success in reduction from mother to child in HIIV transmission, a lot more needs to be done in the overall HIV/AIDS campaign. She stressed the need for the nation to focus on preventive efforts in the HIV/AIDS campaign, since donor support for HIV/AIDS and malaria programmes are dwindling. GNA 07.12.2017 LISTEN Non-Governmental Organisations in the health sector have appealed to the Government to outline an action plan to speed up the implementation of the 2006 Disability Act. The organisations have urged the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection to collaborate with the Attorney General's Department to put in place the necessary legislative instrument to eliminate all barriers affecting the smooth implementation of the Act. The organisations, including the Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana, Ghana Federation of Disability Organisations, Vision for Alternative Development, Human Rights Advocacy Centre, Alliance for Reproductive Health Rights, and African Women Lawyers Association, have come up with a Report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of People with Disability in Ghana. The Report urged government to work with civil society to develop an implementation plan to set out the roles and responsibilities of the various stakeholders in achieving the tenets of the UN Convention on Disability and Ghana's Disability Act. It urged the Ghana Statistical Service to conduct a nationally representative survey on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) to provide a holistic appreciation of their needs. The Report urged the Curriculum Development Division of the Ghana Education Service to collaborate with the Ghana Disability Council to improve accessibility to information on sexual and reproductive health to reduce existing inequalities in access to information. Dr Eugene Darteh, Lecturer, Population Department of University of Cape Coast, during the presentation of the Report in Accra, said the 2010 Census showed that three per cent of the country's population had some form of disabilities with about 40 per cent of all PWDs having multiple disabilities. He said the three most prevalent types of disability were those related to visual impairment, physical disabilities and emotional impairment. He said PWDs were faced with barriers to information and services related to sexual and reproductive health such as communication, ignorance of health professionals about deafness, and attitudes towards deaf people by health professionals. Dr Darteh noted that a review of the literature on the sexual and reproductive health of PWDs showed that there was lack of information and data available on those issues. He commended the Ghana Federation of Disability for setting up a committee to work towards the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to bring improvements into their lives. GNA By Kodjo Adams, GNA Maritime Stakeholders, and Justice and Custom Service Officers have been urged to form stronger collaboration in the continuous fight against armed robbery in the Gulf of Guinea to allow economies of countries to develop and grow. Speaking at an opening ceremony of a two day Regional Seminar on Maritime Terrorism held in Abidjan, Mister Karim Coulibaly, Director General of the Regional Academy of Maritime Sciences and Techniques (ARSTM) gave his welcome remarks. This was followed by several remarks including the Director General of Maritime Affairs and Port Operations of Cote dIvoire, the Coordinator of the Regional Program for State Action at Sea (AEM), the Representative of the European Union in Nigeria and the Representative of the European Union in Cote dIvoire. One key statement that runs through all the speeches was the need for a continuous interaction of maritime stakeholders with justice and customs services to tackle the menace. The areas of expertise of the different stakeholders, regional and international institutions such as ECOWAS, ECCAS and UNODC are indicators of fruitful outcomes to combat maritime terrorism in the Gulf of Guinea. Combating maritime terrorism in the Gulf of Guinea was the core issue in the remarks which brought about a deeper reflection on the recurring terrorism acts at sea in Africa and mainly in the sahel-saharan belt. They concluded by urging experts to share the experience and brainstorm on possible strategies to effectively fight this plague that keeps spoiling countries efforts and hindering the economic growth of the countries in the Gulf of Guinea. The opening ceremony was chaired by Abroulaya FOFANA, Permanent Secretary of the Inter-ministerial Committee in charge of State Action at Sea and the Representative of Cote dIvoire Prime Minister. About 60 experts from Benin, Mali, Cameroon, Djibouti, Togo, Niger, Ghana, Mauritania, Senegal, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Sierra-Leone, Liberia, Congo Brazzaville, Nigeria, Ethiopia and France have attended the regional seminar on maritime terrorism. The objectives of the seminar is to identify threats and risks linked to maritime terrorism specifically in the Gulf of Guinea and establishes the linkage between on-going terrorism in the Sahel region, and their connection with piracy and armed terrorist organizations. The seminar will tackle maritime terrorism and look at the legal framework, and existing entities for the sharing of information system and inter-Agencies coordination in the Region. It will also include a session to brainstorm and make recommendations as part of national strategies, to prevent and fight terrorism in the sub-region. From forced labour in Libya to a job as a founding member of an Italian fashion start-up, Bassirou has come a long way in two years, thanks to his skills with scissors. The 26-year-old Burkina Faso native is the star student of a novel project aimed at training asylum seekers in one of Italy's most emblematic crafts: making leather handbags And after a 15-month apprenticeship, Bassirou has just become the first employee of a small company set up with the aim of turning the project into a self-sustaining venture. "It is a great opportunity," he says of his new career move. "I had done a bit of cutting and sewing back home but that was with cloth, not leather. "It wasn't easy at the start, every little thing seemed difficult, but after a certain point, you get the hang of it." Bassirou left Burkina Faso in west Africa, and a partner then pregnant with his now two-year-old daughter, in 2015. He says he fled because he feared for his life in the tumultuous aftermath of yet another military coup in the impoverished former French colony. The EU-funded leather skills project is run by the social cooperative Lai-Momo in a small town near Bologna. Now he is awaiting the outcome of his application for asylum in Italy and is one of some 400 recently-arrived immigrants being looked after by Lai-Momo, a social cooperative that runs the EU-funded leather skills project in the small town of Lama Di Reno near Bologna. The decision to leave home was not an easy one, Bassirou says, and it is one he might have reconsidered had he known of the horrors that awaited him in Libya, the jumping off point for most Africans trying to get to Europe. 'It's slavery' Shocking recent images of slave auctions in the troubled north African state came as no surprise. "These are things that are really happening in Libya," Bassirou told AFPTV. "I had a bit of a taste of it. They put us in a prison. At any time they could come and get us to do forced labour, all sorts of jobs. They never gave us enough to eat. "All that, it's slavery," he said. Bassirou endured these conditions for four months before the traffickers controlling his fate finally put him onto an inflatable dinghy packed with over 100 others. After many fraught hours at sea, mostly spent praying it would not sink, the overcrowded dinghy was spotted by a British ship. "At the moment we were rescued there was a bit of a stampede to get off and the boat started taking on water. In the end they got everyone off." The date, March 20, 2016, is etched permanently in his memory. "These are things you don't forget easily," he says. Now he dreams of being able to open his own shop, but the future path of his life remains uncertain, as is the case for tens of thousands like him in overcrowded reception centres across Italy. Few of them will benefit from the kind of support that has helped Bassirou pursue his education to Italian high school level, or the distraction from the stress that comes with living in limbo. "Doing this (working), you are going to have positive rather than negative thoughts, you're thinking that when you're finished, you'll have a trade," he says. 'Return issue not easy' Issa, a migrant from Burkina Fasso, works at a sewing machine with the help of a volunteer at the training programme in leather bag making, one of 18 new participants. A total of 15 migrants have completed the first round of training and another 18 have just started, including Bassirou's compatriot, Issa. The 21-year-old recounts a similar tale about his time in Libya. "I have friends who are still there in slave camps," Issa says. Having made it to Italy, he is now relieved to have escaped the frustrated boredom that is the lot of many asylum seekers. "Before I came here, I was in another house, just sleeping all the time, doing nothing," he says. "Now I feel much more relaxed. I have contact with (local) people and I'm beginning to learn the language." Not all the apprentices can realistically aspire to the proficiency Bassirou has attained. As some have limited literacy and numeracy, lessons in cutting have to be preceded by an introduction to basic concepts of measuring and geometry. Lai-Momo says the goal of the programme is to give the migrants skills they need to enter the job market in Italy or if they return to their country of origin. "The objective is to provide people with the ability and skills they need to enter the labour market here in Italy, but also in the event of a possible return to their country of origin," said Lai-Momo's president, Andrea Marchesini Reggiani. The Lama Di Reno project is part of a wider programme overseen by the Ethical Fashion Initiative run by the United Nations and WTO-backed International Trade Centre with the aim of creating new economic opportunities in developing countries to help curb irregular migration. People like Bassirou say going home is not an option they can contemplate, for now. And Marchesini Reggiani admits that the emphasis on voluntary repatriations can be problematic, given the risks, sacrifices and struggles involved in many migrants' journeys to Europe. "For sure, it is not an easy thing to address the issue of return," he says. "For us the important thing is to give people skills. Whether they can use them here or whether they are refused the right to stay, they are being given an opportunity, let's say a plus. "It is clear though that, after the journeys they have made, the ideal solution is to stay here and that's why we believe giving people the skills to work and integrate is so important." Senegal opens a flagship new airport on Thursday seven years later than originally planned but with ambitions to become a west African regional hub with a capacity for three million passengers. President Macky Sall will cut the ribbon at Blaise Diagne International Airport (AIBD) at midday (1200 GMT) in the town of Diass, 47 kilometres (29 miles) from the capital of Dakar, while a plane from new airline Air Senegal will make the first symbolic takeoff. Work began in 2007 on the 645 million-euro ($767 million) airport under former president Abdoulaye Wade, but unforeseen problems and a change of construction company have repeatedly delayed the project and ballooned costs. Blaise Diagne -- named after the Senegalese MP who was the first African elected to France's parliament -- is at the heart of Sall's "Emerging Senegal" plan, which includes the construction of a new city, Diamniadio, close to the site in Diass. As the country invests more heavily in tourism, Senegal is also betting on the facility's strategic position close to several beach resorts that are already heavily frequented by European holidaymakers. Senegal hopes the new airport will make it a west African hub "The airport will be key in the promotion of 'Destination Senegal'," Prime Minister Mahammed Boun Abdallah Dionne said in a speech on Tuesday, adding that airport services at the site would contribute to the development of the special economic zone nearby. With a capacity of three million passengers, Blaise Diagne will still rank far below the busiest African airports and a long way off challenging Nigeria in the west African region, though plans for up to 10 million travellers are in the pipeline, according to officials. Uncertainty for new airline Passenger numbers have increased in recent years at Dakar's current airport in the middle of the city, leading to long waits at security and contributing to chronic traffic jams, and the old Leopold Sedar Senghor airport will become a military airfield from Friday. The new airport boasts six footbridges direct to flight cabins, and will be able to service a range of aircraft including Airbus's massive A380s. Work was completed on the 4,500-hectare site -- with 2,000 hectares unused in case of required expansion -- by Turkish consortium Summa-Limak after a disagreement with Saudi Arabia's Bin Laden construction derailed the final stage of preparations. But bets on whether Blaise Diagne would open on time have lasted until the last minute amid complaints by major European airlines over fuel capacity and regulations. Summa-Limak will now operate the airport for the next 25 years, furthering ever-closer economic ties between Ankara and Dakar. A train linking the airport with the city is not expected to open for years, leaving taxi drivers in pocket but ordinary travellers nervous of arriving on time for flights in a city with unpredictable traffic. Backed by loans from France's development agency the African Development Bank (ADB), the West African Development Bank (BOAD) and Islamic lender the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), officials are celebrating the airport's completion -- but the future of Senegal's new airline is less certain. Air Senegal still does not have all the licences required to begin commercial flights and has a fleet of just two ATR 72-600s, but Aviation Minister Maimouna Ndoye Seck said international ambitions for the airport meant a well-performing national airline was "a necessity". 07.12.2017 LISTEN The past fortnight has stricken panic and tension in our country necessitated by an unascertained endemic disease that has hit Kumasi Academy in the Ashanti Region. We have witnessed galloping spate of deaths with the lives of four students snuffed out by the unexplained illness. It brings the net deaths to 11 since this jinx visited its icy hands on the campus of Kumaca in March this year. The creme de la creme of our medical experts have found it an extremely difficult to precisely proffer the illness and its cause let alone a panacea. The pathologists who performed the autopsy on the remains of the students stick out reports which is next next to a nonentity given the exigency of the situation. Test results from the Noguchi Memorial Centre for Medical Research in the University of Ghana have ruled out meningitis as the cause of multiple death at Kumasi Academy but has no reliable discovery beyond disputing the theory that it is a meninges anomalies. It is instructive to note that Noguchi Memorial Centre for Medical Research is undoubtedly the country's best scientific research joint. We have now surrendered by extending a call to World Health Organisation to touch down in our country to confront the situation. The shameful internationalised audition of our incapability to see through the mystery has brought once again our educational system and its products to the fore. I am not a pessimist nor a cynic but this very situation in Kumasi Academy has made me to interrogate further the aptitude of Pathologists, Medical Doctors, Engineers, Economist and host of others we fully train here in Ghana. Our Pathologists and Medical Doctors cannot find an antidote to a mysterious illness in a High School of 2000 students unless experts from WHO arrives. Our Engineers cannot build our roads, airports, skyscrapers and bridges unless the Chinese. Our Economist cannot manage our economy fully unless a structural adjustments programmes from IMF and World Bank. What is made of our educational system here then? When the Melcom Shopping Centre edifice at Achimota collapsed in November 2012, our locally trained disaster managers could not salvage the situation. The country had to hurriedly import Israeli rescuers and disaster managers to help safe lives which were trapped under the rubbles. The country is doomed if our medical experts are nothing but imprisoned by the consulting rooms which simple google research can now help in the comfort of your room. They hold us to ransom for better conditions of service but cannot cart us away from medical urgencies. In Ghana, your success at any exam is guaranteed when you read and answer pass questions. It does not inspire your thinking to excite people individual initiatives. The educational system needs a revolution from a rigid 'Pasco System' to a system based on real personal imagination and propounded knowledge. Abdallah Abdul Matin Fellow Aspiring Pasco Graduate... Search for new male gharial to start after polls Gharial conservation, which was affected with the death of the only male gharial in May, has been further hit, as search for a new one is yet to start. A stakeholders dissemination workshop on universal periodic review report on sexual and reproductive health and rights of People with Disabilities [PWDs] has been held with a call on stakeholders to step forward their efforts. The one day workshop put together by the Plan Parenthood Association of Ghana [PPAG] brought together experts from the academia, research institutions, politicians, Civil Society Organizations [CSOs] and the media to brainstorm on better ways of dealing with challenges facing the PWDs. Mr. Albert Wuddah Martey, the PPAG Programs Director, said the essence of the workshop, the second of its kind was to complements the efforts of government in the provision of sexual and reproductive rights of the PWDs which according to him is basic human rights. He among other things mentioned that the PPAG do engage in a lot of advocacy programs in its quest to ensure that voice of the vulnerable in the society is heard and equal opportunities are accessed by voiceless within our set up. We do conduct some form of little research on the PWDs and come up with findings and solutions which is shared among the various stakeholders working for the interest of the People with Disabilities in the country. He admitted that they alone cannot do it hence the need to bring on board experts, researchers as well as other stakeholders to share ideas and tap into each others expertise and experience for the betterment of the PWDs He called on the government and other stakeholders to create an enabling and equal opportunities for people with disabilities to realize their potentials. Mr. Martey further called on corporate bodies within Ghana to commit some financial resources to help better the lives of people living with disabilities in order to complements efforts been put in place by the PPAG and its external donors. On his part, Dr. Eugene Dartey , of the Population Department of the University of Cape Coast , called for the formulation and implementation of concrete plans and actions with timelines. He also welcomed the news on the introduction of sign language in the new curriculum for nursing training schools across the country and called for its extension to other training institutions nationwide. He said CSOs with interest in PWD issues should be given the chance to make inputs into the newly adopted curriculum of schools as the PWDs have more potentials which needs the help of the people for it to be realized. Participants including policy makers and stakeholders were tasked to move away from workshops and advocacy meetings to implementations. It was recognized that a lot of policies have been formulated for the PWDs but its effective implementation has been a challenge. Participants also blamed the media for not supporting the course of the PWDs. The media need to give enough airtime and spaces for broadcasting and publishing of issues of disabilities and its related issues thereby helping in the dissemination of things affecting them. Participants also agreed on the need for a stronger collaboration between the stakeholders and the media to help disseminate PWDs information to the people especially the rural areas. Stakeholders dealing with disability issues need to involve PWDs in their planning from the initial to implementation stages. Participants also expressed sorrow on the lack of a disable person in the set-up of the Ghana National Disable Council. The one day workshop was under the chairpersonship of Dr. Cecilia Bentsi, a patron of the PPAG, a Civil Society Organization. Tarkwa- December 6, 2017- AngloGold Ashanti Iduapriem Gold Mine recently won a Johns Hopkins Award at the Private Sector Malaria Programme (PSMP) Safe Awards. The award was in recognition of the mines Malaria programme which aims to reduce malaria incident rates amongst employees, dependents and the surrounding communities. In regognition of Iduapriems efforts a citation was read which said Your Companys participation in malaria prevention is a sure way to support the nation in sustaining health and promoting wealth in Ghana. Malaria is a growing concern on the mine and its immediate host communities. On the mine, new cases of malaria amongst employees and contractors increased from 172 cases in 2015 to 236 in 2016. It is against this background that Iduapriem mine is channeling its efforts to eradicate malaria in its host communities. The Managing Director of Iduapriem Gold Mine Jasper Musadaidzwa in recognition of this award noted The award will encourage the mine to do more in eradicating malaria from our host communities and Ghana at large. At AngloGold Ashanti, the fight against the disease is not only in our host communities but the bigger Tarkwa community. This recognition will spur us on to put in better measures to sustain our gains in that regard. The National Malaria Control Pogramme Manager, Dr. Keiza Malm in her address commended Iduapriem Gold Mine for investing GH238,410 in the programme as part of its community investment resulting in the reduction of the malaria pandemic amongst employees. The Chairperson of the Private Sector Malaria Prevention (PSMP), Elizabeth Villars noted As the private sector, let us emulate and support the interventions implemented by Iduapriem Gold Mine in eradicating the prevalence of the disease. Mr Felix Nyanor-Fosu (the Chief of Party) of PSMP explained that the fight against the disease should be a collective effort and commended the Mine and other organizations for their support. AngloGold Ashanti Iduapriem Gold Mine has so far distributed 12,500 mosquito treated nets in its host communities in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins Centre for Communications supporting the community outreach programme with educational materials. The Municipal Health Directorate trained peer educators and 40 host community volunteers for the distribution of the nets and community education. The project is contributing to the Municipal Directorates Malaria Control Programme in reducing the prevalence of malaria incidence in the Municipality from 25.7% recorded in 2014 to 15% by 2020. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, December 6, 2017 The 12th African Economic Conference (AEC) drew to a close on Wednesday, December 6, 2017 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, with participants calling for governance to remain a priority of development programmes in Africa. As they concluded their work, African researchers, policy-makers, civil society and private sector leaders, urged African governments to put governance at the heart of their agenda. The view was unanimous: African economies are among the most dynamic in the world, but better governance could accelerate their transformation so that growth benefits everyone. Adam Elhiraika, Director of the Macroeconomic Policy Division of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), speaking on behalf of ECA Executive Secretary Vera Songwe, underlined that governance is a critical factor in the transformation of economies and inclusive development. It is my hope that the outcome of this conference will assist all of us researchers, policy-makers and the three partner institutions to support Africas transformation and Africas efforts to improve governance for structural transformation. The conference cannot be an end in itself. It has to be a means to a greater aspiration, an aspiration of a reformed, prosperous Africa at peace with itself. The African Development Bank was of the same view. Speaking on behalf of the Banks Vice-President and Chief Economist, Celestin Monga, Abdoulaye Coulibaly, Acting Director of the Governance Department, described governance as one of the most important, if not critical, issues, which might strengthen economic outcomes, while improving the daily lives of African people. We addressed an issue which is the most important for the development of Africa: the structural transformation of our economies. We come away from these three days of discussion all the stronger as agents of change, to improve peoples daily lives, said Coulibaly. Lamin Momodou Manneh, Director of the UNDP Regional Service Centre for Africa, for his part, said that Africas long-term growth strategy depended on efficient management of deficits in political, economic, social and environmental governance. Good governance remains the crucial factor in the eradication of poverty in Africa, Manneh said in a speech he delivered on behalf of Abdoulaye Mar Dieye, UNDP Assistant Administrator and Director of the Regional Bureau for Africa. He also stressed the role of the state in establishing strong institutions and the depoliticization of governance with a view to the implementation of Agenda 2063. Manneh also thanked the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Hailemariam Desalegn, for officially opening the conference and for sharing his vision for a prosperous Africa. The 12th conference confirmed the selection of 36 papers out of 406 received, after a rigorous selection process. Two young researchers were commended for the best presentations of papers: a doctoral student from the University of Benin in Nigeria and another from Cheikh Anta Diop University in Senegal. The three-day annual event, organized jointly by the African Development Bank (AfDB), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), brought together over 500 participants consisting of government officials, researchers and many other development actors. International leaders, authorities in the field of governance research, were also present. The conference was an occasion for valuable exchanges, lively debates and innovative reflection on the best way to advance good governance in Africa, without limiting it to the perception that it is a prerequisite or precondition for development aid, as is all too often the case. The 2018 African Economic Conference will be hosted by UNDP. The venue will be announced in due course, Manneh said. Work has already started on identifying the conference theme. There is uneasy calm at Akropong Akuapem in the Eastern Region following a reported installation and counter installation of a paramount chief for the traditional area. As a result, there is currently a heavy police presence at Akropong to forestall any possible bloodshed. Two factions have emerged from the Sakyebea Royal Family and each is claiming to be the rightful gate to select the next Okuapemhene to succeed the late Oseadeyo Addo Dankwah III, who ruled for 41 years before his demise. Currently, Odehyie Kwasi Akuffo, a 63-year-old retired journalist and businessman and one Nana Kesse, are being processed simultaneously to be installed the paramount chief. Odehyie Akuffo is being presented by Okuapemhemaa (queen mother) Nana Afua Nketia Obuo II, while the Baamuhene, Nana Afari Bampoe, is backing Nana Kesse, believed to be in his mid-30s and once domiciled in the United States. According to Akuapem customs and traditions, before one is enstooled a paramount chief of the traditional area, the person is supposed to go through a four-stage process of nomination, selection, enstoolment and finally, the installation; and it is the commencement of the process that is brewing trouble in the town. Matters came to a head when the selection process was started in the palace of Nana Kwasi Omenako II, who is the head of the Akuapem Asona royal family (Asonahene) on Tuesday. The Okuapemhemaa introduced Kwasi Akuffo to the Asonahene as the proposed successor to the late Omanhene and the nominee was sent to 'Mogyawere,' the palace of the Adumhene, Adu Panyin II, for confinement for about 40 days for traditional tutelage. In the process, the Baamuhene, in the company of Nana Osim Kwatia, chief of Amanokrom and Akuapem Gyaasehene Nana Yaw Afari Bampoe, brought Kwadwo Kesse, slaughtered sheep and spilled the blood on his feet to signify the selection of another Akuapemhene. They allegedly took over the palace and installed Kwadwo Kesse to occupy the Omanahene's Hall of the palace as a new paramount chief of the Akuapem Traditional Area. The police then stepped in as things were getting nasty, picked up the Baamuhene, who has since been granted bail, and asked the other chiefs to vacate the palace. Later, the Municipal Chief Executive of Akuapem North, Dennis Agyapong, told Citi FM in Accra that the residents were in safe hands. There has been no casualty; there has been no quarrel; there has been no fight. Everything has been peaceful as it should be. From the outset, we have assured the people that their safety and security is paramount, so, we just put in place measures to ensure that their property and lives are protected, he said. By William Yaw Owusu & Daniel Bampoe, Akropong The Ghana Health Service has dismissed reports that it is overwhelmed by the situation at the Kumasi Academy where some 11 students have died of a yet to be identified ailment since the beginning of the year. Four of the deaths have occurred over the last one week. The Health minister Dr. Kwaku Agyemang Manu is contemplating closing down the school after consent is sought from the Education minister. Some Ghanaians have accused the Health system of a disorganized response to the crisis as some 23 more students are being monitored of the infection. Speaking to Francis Abban on Morning Starr Thusrday, the Director General of the Ghana Health Service Dr. Nsiah Asare said people indicting the response of the health service are ignorant. Dont hold GHS responsible, dont hold KUMACA responsible for the loss of lives. It was an epidemic and we have a robust system to counter it. The media didnt do their work right because they created fear and panic which shouldnt have been the case. When there is an epidemic, nobody can be held responsible for the lives lost. It is an epidemic. In Ghana, we are too quick to condemn people. I do not think the GHS has failed at all. We are not overwhelmed. Since Friday, weve been on top of issues, he said. Meanwhile, government has released GHC100,000 for the various interventions being taken to stop the deaths. Lawyer Kojo Graham 07.12.2017 LISTEN Concerned Voters Movement (CVM), has revealed that a certain contract given to Kojo Graham's VAS-INTEL and Stratom Inc to design an electronic software called Electronic Policing (ePolicing) as a pilot project for the Ghana Police Service, not clear and urging government to have a critical look at the contract again. The system is being piloted in 26 police stations in Accra and Tema and once it is fully operational, was expected to create a seamless integration of police efforts across the country. This means that the Ghana Police Service shall be using electronic means to take complaints, writing statements, verifying fingerprints, and all entries in CID forms shall be digital beginning with the 26 pilot Police stations in Accra and Tema, and the CID Headquarter. In a press statement issued on Monday December, 6 and signed by the group's Founder and President, Mr. Razak Kojo Opoku, indicating that the contract given to Kojo Graham's VAS-INTEL and Stratom Inc was under sourcing without an open competition hence see the contract as problematic. According to him, "After the Piloting of the Project, there is high possibility that the Ghana Police Service may award the contract to Vas-Intel owned by Kojo Graham and his partner, Stratom under sole sourcing at the detriment of potential companies who will have an interest in such project. Vas-Intel and Stratom cannot use their resources for Piloting and be ignore at the end of the day". He is therefore appealing to the Minister of Interior, National Security Minister, Procurement Minister and Ghana Police Council of Ghana to intervene as immediately as possible and cancel the Pilot Project undertaking by Kojo Graham's VAS-INTEL and Stratom for the Ghana Police Service. Below is the full statement We are fully aware that Vas-Intel owned by Kojo Graham together with his partners such as Stratom Inc., a USA based Company and the Department of Computer Engineering of the School of Engineering Sciences of the University of Ghana are the group doing the Electronic Policing(e Policing) Pilot Project for the Ghana Police Service. We are told by the Ghana Police Service that the Piloting is FREE, absolutely at no cost and that the Ghana Police Service has not yet sign any contract with the Vas-Intel owned by Kojo Graham, Stratom Inc. and the Department of Computer Engineering of the School of Engineering Sciences of the University of Ghana BUT the most important question CVM is asking the Ghana Police Service is that, will the Ghana Police Service award the contract to Vas-Intel owned by Kojo Graham and Stratom Inc after the successful completion of the Piloting at the 26 Police Stations in Accra and Tema? because there is nothing like Free Launch in this world. CVM find this Pilot arrangement between Ghana Police Service, VAS-INTEL and Stratom very problematic due to the following reasons; After the Piloting of the Project, there is high possibility that the Ghana Police Service may award the contract to Vas-Intel owned by Kojo Graham and his partner, Stratom under sole sourcing at the detriment of potential companies who will have an interest in such project. Vas-Intel and Stratom cannot use their resources for Piloting and be ignore at the end of the day. The Ghana Police Service erred in carrying out such a laudable initiative. This is because irrespective of being Piloting or not, the Ghana Police Service should have open tender for all interested companies to partake in the Piloting Project at different Police Stations and at the end of Piloting, at least the Country can settle on the Company with the best package. There was no advertisement inviting applications for such Piloting. The Data Protection Commission was not consulted by the Ghana Police Service when they gave the green light to the Vas-Intel owned by Kojo Graham and his partner, Stratom to carry out such Piloting at the 26 Police Stations in Tema and Accra. The Procurement Minister and Public Procurement Authority were not notify before the Vas-Intel owned by Kojo Graham and his partner, Stratom carried out the Piloting at the 26 Police Stations in Tema and Accra. Ghanaians have being kept in the dark, we dont know the nature of the contract to be awarded for the ePolicing whether PPP or Private Managed. Ghana Police Service should tread consciously because this is the Security Data of the Nation we are talking about. We hope that the Minister of Interior, National Security Minister, Procurement Minister and the Police Council of Ghana would intervene and ensure that competitive bidding is open for all companies who are interested in such Project to also undertake the Piloting so that the Country can have value for money. ...Signed Razak Kojo Opoku (CVM Founder & President) Source: Daniel Kaku Equatorial Coca-Cola Bottling Company (ECCBC), in partnership with The Coca-Cola Africa Foundation (TCCAF) and United States Agency for International Development (USAID), has inaugurated a Water Health Center (WHC) in Prestea in the Western Region, which will provide potable water to approximately 13,000 people in the area. This is the 12th Coca-Cola WHC constructed in Ghana under the Safe Water for Africa (SWA) Programme, which is part of TCCAF's flagship water programme, the Replenish Africa Initiative (RAIN). RAIN aims to reach at least 6 million people with improved water access, sanitation and hygiene by the end of 2020. RAIN is helping Africa achieve the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals on clean water and sanitation access. To date, RAIN has provide improved water access, sanitation and hygiene across 38 countries to more than 2.6 million people. The Prestea site also falls under a water access, sanitation and hygiene project funded by the Water and Development Alliance (WADA) between Coca-Cola and USAID. Implemented by WaterHealth International (WHI), SWA is a partnership between TCCAF, The Diageo Foundation, WHI and Kosmos Energy to provide access to safe, sustainable drinking water to African communities. SWA seeks to work with communities to catalyze the expansion of an innovative water service delivery model across the African continent, which began in Ghana and Nigeria in 2011. To date, across Ghana, SWA has improved water access for over 150,000 people through the installation of WHCs in 24 communities. WHCs are small modular structures that house water purification equipment to treat locally available water through a combination of sedimentation, pre-filtration and Ultra Violet technology. Additionally, WHI hires water system operators, typically from the local community, to maintain each system and establishes a Water Board with members of each community to oversee the project. WHI works in partnership with communities to determine the appropriate, affordable, usage fees for the water purification service. Representatives of the Ghanaian administration, various local businesses and members of Equatorial Coca-Cola's team attended the inauguration ceremony. Attendees included Mozarc K. Oweh, District Chief Executive (DCE), Nana Nteboa Pra IV, Chief of Heman, Nana Fredua, Business Development Manager, Leah Waters, GETF Director of Partnership Development, Bethel Yeboah, Ghana Public Affairs and Communications Manager, ECCBC and Sonia Ventosa, Public Affairs and Communications Manager, ECCBC. Ghanaians face many infrastructural and knowledge-based obstacles when it comes to accessing water and achieving healthy levels of sanitation. At times, these challenges seem insurmountable, but we believe something can and must be done to improve the situation, Mr. Yeboah said in a short speech at the inauguration ceremony. Since launching activities on the African continent, Equatorial Coca-Cola has been actively involved in the development of the communities in which the company operates. Small and Medium Scale Enterprises and Startups have been thrown a challenge to get involved and take full advantage of an entrepreneurship training offered by the International Labour Organization (ILO) under the Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises (SCORE), flagship programme. The project has entered its third phase following its official launch on Wednesday in Accra. The third phase of the SCORE would be running till 2021 in Ghana. Minister of Employment and Labour Relations, Ignatius Baffour-Awuah, who threw the challenge during the launch stated that the project identified SMEs as the key pillars which could avert this worrying trend of joblessness. He indicated that the growth of SMEs is crucial to job creation and economic transformation, as it represents about 85 to 90 percent of businesses in the country. The minister revealed that The SCORE, which began some six years ago, has greatly helped SMEs in the country to achieve their objectives. Hon. Ignatius Baffour-Awuah said the project was introduced on the back of increasing unemployment across the globe with youth unemployment becoming a security issue for which Ghana is no exception. "The SCORE goals ties in with the mandate of his ministry, which is to reenergize the productive sector to create more jobs. As a ministry with the mandate to ensure decent work outcomes, we are very committed to operationalizing our employment policies fully to address this situation for which decent work and economic growth is crucial, he assured. On his part, the ILO Area Office Director for English Speaking country, Dennis Zulu, said with the successful implementation of the first and second Phases since 2011, 48 potential trainers have been trained in the SCORE training methodology, with 24 certified and BDS services offered to over 180 enterprises, representing more than 12,800 employees in Ghana. Many of these SMEs have recorded major improvements in their operations, including up to 50% increased productivity, 35% reduction in waste, better workplace cooperation, 27% reduction in defects, 50% reduction in accidents, increased profits and the mainstreaming of gender, he said. The Swiss Ambassador to Ghana, Markus Niklaus Paul Duty, in his address said Ghana has been one of its biggest partners on the continent, adding that his country has supported the country's economic development. The facilitation of competitiveness and diversification, which features in SCORE, is the second portfolio of Switzerland in its economic relations with Ghana, the envoy added. He said that despite the success of first two phases of the programme in the country, there are still challenges that stakeholders need to dialogue on especially as the country prepares to move from aid to trade. I call on private sector organizations to engage and shape SCORE Ghana in a way that serves your needs and purposes so SCORE can become long term, he said. In a full packed presentation, Mr. Kwamina Amoasi-Andoh, National Programme Manager of ILO, SCORE Programme, walked participants and dignitaries through the various activities under the ILO SCORE. Youth in the Brong Ahafo Region remain defiant in their resolve to travel to Libya en route to European countries regardless of the recent expose on slavery and the murder of black youth from others parts of Africa. The youth, especially, those from Nkoranza, Techiman and Berekum are still bent on travelling to overseas through Libya despite the dangers involved. This was disclosed by the Chief Superintendent of Immigration in charge of the Migration Information Centre at Sunyani, James Hayford Boadi yesterday in an interview with the DAILY GUIDE. He said even though the centre is trying its best to convince the youth from embarking on such dangerous trips, their response has persistently been their preference for hardship in Libya to hunger and joblessness in Ghana. Brong Ahafo tops the other regions in terms of youth migration to Europe through the North African countries. So far, Nkoranza, Berekum and Techiman are the leading producers of illegal immigrants most of whom have little or no knowledge about what awaits them on the way and their final destination, he said. There are more than 1, 500 illegal Ghanaian immigrants in Libya, he said adding that between January and October 2017 a total of 3,669 Ghanaians returned from Libya. The breakdowns are 406 Greater Accra, 536 Ashanti, 129 Central and 164 Western. The rest are 155 Volta, 151 Upper West, 224 Upper East, 298 Northern, 180 Eastern and 1,426 Brong Ahafo. He explained that in the wake of the crisis, the government through the Ghana Immigration Service evacuated 127 Ghanaians on 29th of November 2017 into the country. 29 from Brong Ahafo, 6 from Eastern, 2 from Northern, 3 from Volta, 18 from Ashanti and 30 from Western. The rests are, 5 from Greater Accra, 23 from Central and 11 from Upper East. He said each returnee was given GH 400 to help them get to their respective homes in the country. He pleaded with the youth in the region to listen to travel advice from the centre adding that Libya is not safe. He appealed to the youth in the region to engage in farming because there are fertile lands in Brong Ahafo which are good for cash crops like cashew and cocoa. The Migration Information Centre was set up in February, 2016 to educate youth in the region about the dangers of illegal migration and is funded by the European Union and the International Organization for Illegal Migration and the Japanese government. [email protected] FROM Daniel Y Dayee, Sunyani So close yet so far The second phase of elections is scheduled for today, and we hope that the election environment will not be marred by violence and disruption. 07.12.2017 LISTEN President Addo DankwaAkufo-Addo asserts publicly that he does not intend to repeat the mistakes of President Nkrumahs industrialization policy, and all hell breaks loose in the vacuously pontifical see-no-evil, hear-no-evil Nkrumaist camp. That was all to be expected, especially from those who presume it to be their religious obligation or their call of duty to prosaically rebut this naked truth, which, by the way, has been there for all to see for ages now. The fact of the matter, though, is that trotting in Singapore and South Korea as a convenient subterfuge for the epic failure of Nkrumahs patently inorganic industrialization program does not get us any farther from or to the reality anywhere. We have already since long dealt with this jaded subject and therefore do not intend to rehash the same herein in toto. Suffice it to observe, without any fear of contradiction, that there were mistakes on both the part of the grossly misguided Nkrumaists and the equally overenthusiastic and economically Eurocentric Danquahists. But, of course, in terms of economic savviness or foresight, take it or leave it, Nkrumah has absolutely no parity withmuch less superiority over Danquah. Both in the realms of Pan-Africanist politics and economics, Nkrumah was scarcely even a notch above the pathologically pedestrian. And, by the way, what 7-Year Plan is Mr. Yusef Gariba talking about? (See Re: I Wont Repeat Nkrumahs industrialization Mistakes; Akuffo [sic] Addo 12/6/17). I hope the critic has done ample research to discover that, indeed, the so-called 7-year Development Plan was lifted hook, line and sinker from the Russians, and that it had absolutely nothing to it that was organic or cultural relevant to the economic level and conditions in Ghana. Even more significantly, it bears pointing out the fact that by the eve of the landmark and auspicious overthrow of the Nkrumah-led Convention Peoples Party (CPP), according to the then-Governor of the Bank of Ghana, Mr. Frimpong-Ansah (See The Vampire State in Africa: The Political Economy of Decline in Ghana, James Currey, 1991), Ghana had gone totally bankrupt. And so Mr. Gariba would do himself and his audience great favor by informing us precisely how and where President Nkrumah would have secured the requisite funding resources to launch the program, let alone sustain the same. What I want to emphatically point out to the hot-air-blowing Akufo-Addo critic is that absolutely no 7-Year Development Plan was ever launched by the CPP regime anywhere in Ghana. And the sooner self-infatuated myth-mongers like Mr. Gariba get off their pontifical hallucinations, the better stead the country stands to benefit from such prompt and salutary cessation of this Epistemic Galamsey of systematic and calculated dishonesty that has been sidetracking the rapid development of the country for quite a Methuselah while now. It is also quite accurate that it is in the field of law or the legal practice that Nana Akufo-Addo has risen head-and-shoulders over and above most of his peers. But, of course, equally true is the fact that with a Bachelors Degree in Economics from the University of Ghana, the former Attorney-General and Minister of Justice has the same level and/or capacity of knowledge that has afforded former President John Dramani Mahama the authority to call himself a historian of remarkable repute. Yes, Akufo-Addo has a team of crackerjack economic advisers. But contrary to what Mr. Gariba would have the general public believe, Nana Akufo-Addo possesses adequate understanding of the Ghanaian economy not to play the vacuous sounding board or ventriloquist to any maven in this sphere of our national endeavors. He definitely understands more about the economy than can be confidently said of Mr. John Dramani Mahama. We need to also highlight the fact that the virtually exclusive state control of industries was not the only weakness of Nkrumahs industrialization agenda. More significantly, the problem had to do with building up a technological capacity for which there was a gaping lack of local manpower resources to meet such critical need. In the process, Nkrumah made a veritable farce out of his much ballyhooed Africanization Program. The logical outcome of such grossly misguided economic policy was that a larger market for European technological skills and talents was created in Ghana under the Nkrumah regime than existed during the colonial era. If this was not an inexcusable misplacement of priorities, what else was? But, paradoxically, I must unreservedly agree with Mr. Gariba that President Akufo-Addo needs to harp far less on the wasted past and instead place more emphasis on his own development policy agenda. I am also a student of history, and can bet that Mr. Gariba would do himself much greater favor in critically examining the precise material circumstances that midwifed the industrial development of Singapore and South Korea. I can bet the preceding had absolutely nothing to do with the landmark overthrow of the Nkrumah regime, but inescapably everything to do with the megalomaniacal and abjectly poor leadership skills of our protagonist. Indeed, had the CPP dictatorship not been overthrown at the time that it was, Ghana would still not have rivalled the enviable success stories of Singapore and South Korea. I mean, you have to critically examine factors like historical circumstances, the general level of literacy and intellectual and cultural awareness and an auspicious sense of a cohesive national identity. We have to look at signal factors like the deleterious and traumatic impact of the slavocolonial experience, and not statistical abstractions like income per capita at a particular moment in time. Such abject and wanton intellectual superficiality is the bane of the present-day Ghanaian politician and critic. *Visit my blog at: Ghanaffairs Introduction Article 32 of the Visa Code provides that a visa shall be refused if the applicant does not provide justification for the purpose and conditions of their stay. The Code further states that an applicant shall provide documentation indicating the purpose of the journey and of their accommodation. Appendix II of the Visa Code provides a list of documents an applicant must submit to prove the purpose of their journey. For journeys undertaken for business purposes, this include invitation from a company to attend meetings or conferences, documents showing the existence of trade relations, entry tickets for fairs or events, documents showing business activities, and documents showing the applicants employment status in a company. For tourism or private reasons, this includes invitation from a host, travel itinerary, and tour and hotel bookings. Nonetheless, majority of Schengen visas are refused on the ground that the applicant failed to provide justification for the purpose and conditions of their intended stay. Why is this so? A number of factors account for this. Failure to provide relevant documents showing the purpose of the visit. If you fail to provide adequate documentation showing the purpose of your journey, your visa will be refused. For example, if you fail to provide documentation showing accommodation like an invitation from a host confirming accommodation or hotel booking, your visa will be refused. Where the declared purpose is not coherent with actual information provided Your visa will be refused if there is incoherence in your stated purpose and the factual information provided. Examples cited by the Visa Handbook include the following: An applicant claims to visit a professional event on dates that do not correspond to the actual event. An applicant claims to visit a friend but it turns out that the person concerned is absent during the period. A trader in jewelry claims to attend a medical conference. The stated purpose is not credible Some factors may cause the consulate to doubt the credibility of your stated purpose for the journey. For example, a person holds an invitation to attend a conference but fails to provide documentation showing that he holds a qualification relating to the subject of the conference. A large number of invitations from the same host may raise doubts on the credibility of your purpose. Applications following the same pattern or bookings made from same hotel may also raise doubts. Failure to provide adequate documentation to prove the existence of a claimed relationship. It is not sufficient to just provide a formal invitation from a host as evidence of your intention for the journey. You must provide adequate documentation showing that you are genuinely related to the person. Appropriate documentation may include evidence that the host has made previous visits, photos showing you and the host, communication records, remittance receipts, and statements from you or third parties affirming the relationship. The stated travel dates contradict other documentation On the visa application form, you are required to state your travel dates. Doubts may arise if your stated travel dates contradict other documentation showing purpose of journey. For example, an applicant states their travel dates on the application form as 20-12-2017 to 27-12-2017. However their hotel booking shows reservation from 21-12-2017 to 27-12-2017; or flight booking from 19-12-2017 to 27-12-2017. Such contradiction will cause the consulate to doubt the purpose of your stay. The Flight and Hotel reservation submitted has been cancelled. The Consulate routinely checks the validity of hotel or flight booking when assessing an application. When they find, for example, that your hotel booking has been cancelled, this will imply that you have no documentation showing accommodation. Your visa will thus be refused. To ensure that your booking stays valid, do follow-up calls to the hotel to satisfy yourself that the reservation is valid. Conclusion As the discussion show, a number of factors may cause your visa to be refused on the grounds that you failed to provide justification for the purpose and condition of your intended stay. The burden of proof is on you to provide evidence to justify the purpose of your visit. Merely providing documentation listed by the Visa Code may not be sufficient. The documentation must be consistent with all other information provided in your application. By Emmanuel Opoku Acheampong Disclaimer: This article only provides general information and guidance on Schengen immigration law. The specific facts that apply to your matter may make the outcome different than would be anticipated by you. The writer will not accept any liability for any claims or inconvenience as a result of the use of this information. The writer is an immigration law advisor and a practicing law attorney in Ghana. He advises on Ghana, U.S, UK, and Schengen immigration law. He works for Acheampong & Associates, a law firm in Accra. He may be contacted on [email protected] or The EU took the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland to the bloc's top court Thursday over their refusal to accept quotas for asylum-seekers, setting up a new clash between Brussels and key eastern states. The move shows the determination in Brussels to enforce the controversial scheme launched at the height of the migrant crisis in 2015 to share 160,000 refugees around the bloc and ease the burden on Greece and Italy. "The European Commission has today decided to refer the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland to the Court of Justice of the EU for non-compliance with their legal obligations on relocation," the commission said in a statement. There was no immediate reaction from Prague, Budapest or Warsaw, but all three have previously said the quotas are part of attempts by Brussels to limit national sovereignty. Brussels launched so-called infringement proceedings against the three countries in June for failing to take in any refugees under the quota system, and warned them last month of further action. They face heavy fines for failing to comply with any eventual ruling by the Luxembourg-based European Court of Justice. The ongoing row over the quota scheme has held up efforts to reform the bloc's asylum system, which leaders are supposed to be discussing at an EU summit in Brussels on December 14-15. The EU's "relocation" scheme is now wrapping up having moved 32,000 out of an originally planned total of 160,000, but it caused bad blood when it was forced through two years ago despite the objections of some countries. The row also underscores a growing rift between western European states and newer, former Soviet-bloc states in the European Union over a series of issues from migration to democratic standards. Hungary in the crosshairs Policemen patrol the border area at Triplex Confinium, where the borders of Romania, Hungary and Serbia meet Budapest faced a triple legal whammy from Brussels on Thursday, with the European Commission also taking Hungary to the ECJ over a crackdown on education and foreign-backed civil society groups that critics say targets US billionaire George Soros. The European Commission -- the executive arm of the EU -- said Hungary had repeatedly failed to answer its concerns over both cases. It said in a statement that it was suing Hungary as the education law "disproportionally restricts EU and non-EU universities in their operations and needs to be brought back in line with EU law." Hungary has introduced an education law that could shut the Soros-founded Central University in Budapest, which has long been seen as a hostile bastion of liberalism by Orban's right-wing government. In June, Hungary approved a law aimed at forcing civil society groups receiving more than 24,000 euros ($26,000) annually in overseas funding to register as a "foreign-supported organisation", or face closure. Map showing the number of migrants who have died trying to cross the Mediterranean to Europe this year. The EU wants to stem migrant flows from Libya The European Commission said that the laws on foreign non-governmental organisations "indirectly discriminate and disproportionately restrict donations from abroad to civil society organisations." Poland's rightwing government is also in the EU's legal crosshairs. Last month the ECJ warned Warsaw to stop logging in one of Europe's last primeval forests "immediately" or face fines of up to 100,000 euros a day. The European Parliament also voted to start an EU sanctions procedure over Warsaw's controversial judicial reforms that could eventually suspend Polish voting rights in the bloc. Senegal's president opened a flagship new airport on Thursday seen as the central plank of government plans to boost the economy and create a west African regional hub. President Macky Sall toured the brand new Blaise Diagne International Airport accompanied by several west African heads of state in the town of Diass, 47 kilometres (29 miles) from the capital of Dakar, while a plane from new airline Air Senegal is expected make the first symbolic takeoff this afternoon. Sall's supporters gathered in their thousands to celebrate the opening, banging drums and chanting slogans outside, according to AFP journalists at the scene. The airport will be a key test of Senegal's economic fortunes as the president seeks re-election in 2019. Work began in 2007 on the 645 million-euro ($767 million) airport under former president Abdoulaye Wade, but unforeseen problems and a change of construction company have repeatedly delayed the project and doubled anticipated costs. Blaise Diagne -- named after the Senegalese MP who was the first African elected to France's parliament -- is at the heart of Sall's "Emerging Senegal" plan, which includes the construction of a new city, Diamniadio, close to the site in Diass. As the country invests more heavily in tourism, Senegal is also betting on the facility's strategic position close to several beach resorts that are already heavily frequented by European holidaymakers. "The airport will be key in the promotion of 'Destination Senegal'," Prime Minister Mahammed Boun Abdallah Dionne said in a speech on Tuesday, adding that airport services at the site would contribute to the development of the special economic zone nearby. With a capacity of three million passengers, Blaise Diagne will still rank far below the busiest African airports and a long way off challenging Nigeria in the west African region, though plans for up to 10 million travellers are in the pipeline, according to officials. Uncertainty for new airline Senegal hopes the new airport will make it a west African hub Passenger numbers have increased in recent years at Dakar's current airport in the middle of the city, leading to long waits at security and contributing to chronic traffic jams, and the old Leopold Sedar Senghor airport will become a military airfield from Friday. The new airport boasts six footbridges direct to flight cabins, and will be able to service a range of aircraft including Airbus's massive A380s. Work was completed on the 4,500-hectare site -- with 2,000 hectares unused in case of required expansion -- by Turkish consortium Summa-Limak after a disagreement with Saudi Arabia's Bin Laden construction derailed the final stage of preparations. But bets on whether Blaise Diagne would open on time have lasted until the last minute amid complaints by major European airlines over fuel capacity and regulations. Summa-Limak will operate the airport for the next 25 years, furthering ever-closer economic ties between Ankara and Dakar. A train linking the airport with the city is not expected to open for years, leaving taxi drivers in pocket but ordinary travellers nervous of arriving on time for flights in a city with unpredictable traffic. Backed by loans from France's development agency the African Development Bank (ADB), the West African Development Bank (BOAD) and Islamic lender the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), officials are celebrating the airport's completion -- but the future of Senegal's new airline is less certain. Air Senegal still does not have all the licences required to begin commercial flights and has a fleet of just two ATR 72-600s, but Aviation Minister Maimouna Ndoye Seck said international ambitions for the airport meant a well-performing national airline was "a necessity". 07.12.2017 LISTEN On 7 December, 2016 the National Democratic Congress ( NDC) under John Mahama was handed an embarrassingly technical knockout by the then candidate Akufo Addo. Ten months on in opposition, nothing concrete and meaningful seems to be happening in the largest opposition party. Like a fog, the party seems to be waning, directionless, disoriented, fractured, buttered and torn apart with no sign of truly healing wounds and making efforts in bouncing back into political power. There is absolutely chaos, impunity and lawlessness and glaringly, like George Orwell's "Animal farm" the centre cannot be held together. So the party is in deep crisis. Crisis of uniting and holding members and key elders together and truly healing wounds. Crisis of rebranding and recapturing power. Crisis of electing our next flagbearer for the next 2020 election. Crisis of key functionaries and NEC members seeking to inflict or foist a particular candidate on us. The Kwesi Botwe report made a number of recommendations which sought to cure the above but sadly the report has been jettisoned and thrown into the dustbin by the powers that be and by the same people who put together the committee. So what's the essence of putting together a committee whose recommendations will be side stepped and not be used? Since the KB report was launched, nothing concrete whatsoever has been implemented in that report affording others the opportunity to doing their own things. John Mahama and his hangers on instead of seeking to action the report, have rather coined a charade "Unity walk" and using same to campaign for Mahama and leapfrogging ahead of the primaries. Sadly, on these platforms other would be candidates like Professor Alabi and Sylvester are not given the chance to talk except Mahama. The unity walk remains a vehicle, contrived to push Mahama's bid and leapfrog ahead of his contenders. There has been grave concerns of this unity walk by well meaning and senior members of this party. The party is broke and cannot even afford to print registration materials for the ongoing reorganisation yet some Mahama apparachicks are busy organising unity walks and Thank you tours to bring him back when the party is in dire need of cash. It appears a culture of silence amongst us where anybody who does not share or endorse Mahama's bid is either pigeonholed, attacked or tagged as anti NDC. The fact is that Mahama is the most marketed and best placed person to lead the party but he remains the biggest threat to the victory, unity, growth and survival of the party. Mahama has left this party more divided than before. The man himself appeared to have angered a lot of people within with his poor human relations and leadership style and till date shows no sign of improved way of dealing with party men and women. His minions who caused many to be angry, hungry, separated the party from government continue to hoover around him leaving many worried if he is given another chance to lead the party. Mahama since we lost hasn't shown for one moment that he is a changed person for putting the party in the state it is now in the political doldrums. Not for once and I will explain. When John Mahama met his former appointees he defended these minions who caused the party to be where it is today and defended his own actions and inactions as well. What he did, did not show any sign of remorse. Mahama and his hangers on have thrown away party structures with senior party executives, MP's misbehaving with such impunity, alacrity and lawlessness. Few weeks ago, we heard and read that, all ten regional party chairmen endorsed Mahama when nominations have not been opened. This is lawlessness and disrespect for party structures. Before that, we also saw NDC MP's visits John Mahama in his house. The party's National Executives Council have subtly endorsed and working for the candidature of John Mahama at a time the focus is on reorganisation of the party. The party is currently caught up in a web. One, John Mahama "may" win next year's NDC's primaries but "cannot" win the 2020 General elections. Two, Joshua Alabi "may" or "may not" win 2020 but there is hope that he can take the NDC to win two terms instead of a one term with Mahama. As a party we have to choose between these two decisions and be ready to live by the consequences. As NDC activist and a lover of John Mahama given the chance I will choose the latter over the former. Joshua Alabi will make a better President given his pedigree, depth and appreciation than Mahama. WHO IS THE PROFESSOR JOSHUA ALABI Professor Joshua Alabi has become an household name at the corridors of academia and professionals. He is a distinguished Ghanaian professor. He is also a Russian trained Industrial economist. The renowned Professor is jockeying to be become the NDC candidate in the next primaries and clearly has unmatched attributes that puts him in pole position to take power from the current Akufo Addo's government and here are the reasons. 1. JOSHUA AS A NEW LEADER WILL OFFER NEW HOPE Clearly the political dynamics are fast changing and one's ability to adapt to the changing political environment could perform magic for any political organisation in this part of our world. The NDC lost more 7 seats in Greater Accra, 12 seats in Central Region, about 15 in the 3 Northern regions, a couple of seats in the Volta region with Mahama leading the charge and with all the incumbency advantage. In these regions our votes margin significantly dipped to incredible level. There is no way NDC can take back all these seats and improve upon its fortunes with Mahama as the candidate. There is no way NDC can win power with John Mahama as candidate. It is just not possible. Joshua Alabi is our saviour and best bet in this regard. He comes from the ewe, northern and Ga enclaves and very much likely to take back those seat with ease. Not only that, Joshua also schooled, lived and have strong camaraderie with the Northern region. He can pull a very big surprise as the people are disappointed in their own son Mahama for doing very little or nothing to improve their well being and welfare. 2. JOSHUA AS A PROFESSIONAL AND ACADEMICIAN It is a fact that, in the last election many in the academia fraternity particularly nurses and teachers from the basic to the tertiary level voted against the NDC. The reasons amongst others was the cancellation of nurses and teachers allowances as well as the replacement of the book and research allowances with research fund. Beyond the fact that, this was done with good intent, i feel that, it was a lazy way of solving a genuine problem. Joshua as a teacher and a professional will bring back hope to this fraternity and better manage their affairs with respect, decorum and civility unlike Mahama who said he won't restore the allowances even if they will vote against him. 3. JOSHUA AS A UNIFIER. Undoubtedly, its very clear that our loss in 2016 hinged on cracks Mahama created. Today it evidently clear that, there are cracks, division, and crisis more than before. The NDC now is more divided with Mahama and less divided with another person say Joshua Alabi. The pushing of Mahama as the candidate will mean entrenching the positions of these arrogant Mahama hangers on. It will also mean that, the party will remain more divided than it is today. Joshua Alabi appeals to the Rawlingses; appeals to the Ahowis and also can attract the Mahama's base with ease. John Mahama on the other hand is not in the good books of the Rawlingses and the Ahowis and cannot attract persons from these quarters. Whether we like it or not the Rawlings' have a huge constituency and avoiding him may damage the party's electoral fortunes in 2020 elections and beyond. 4. JOSHUA AS A TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADER I have always held the view that, managing a business organization is just like managing a country. If you are successful in your endeavour to manage a business then, its automatic that you can manage a country successfully. You can ask any management mogul and he will tell you what I am telling you. Joshua Alabi has proven to be a better manager and has successfully managed a business organisation like the University of Professional Studies ( UPSA). His tangible records at the University are there for everybody to see. I personally saw how IPS was like and what it is today. All the short buildings, sheds which served as classrooms, poor infrastructure have all been replaced with huge buildings to serve as lecture halls, office complex, modern library, recreational centre, modern mosque. All these happened under one man as rector, as Pro Vice chancellor and as chancellor of this prestigious University. #NewHope# #NewLeader# December 7, 2017 07.12.2017 LISTEN November goes by quickly and a certain breeze greets us. There is a mad rush in supermarkets and shops as almost everyone tries to do business before everything gets expensive. Families plan to spend time together and lots of travellers return home. Some call it the Yuletide , others call it Christmas. No matter how you choose to call it, this represents a period of love, happiness and giving. Ghanaians however do not celebrate christmas any differently from the rest of the world although there are a few noticeable differences. Christmas in Ghana is fun and relaxing at the same time but there are a few fun facts about the festivities in Ghana. Jumia travel , Africas leading online travel website looks at a few of these facts as we anticipate this years christmas. Christmas tree - Have you ever wondered the significance of a christmas tree? Why do many people have it in their homes and companies at this time of the year. Now this may surprise you. One man, Yves Piaget, spent over 10 million (that's over $13 million US dollars) on decorating his Christmas tree. The tree was lavishly decorated with 83 pieces of jewellery in Tokyo. In Ghana, more than half of the population dont.use a Christmas tree anymore. The few who do, do not spend much on them. You may find only a few rich and luxury loving people buidling giant christmas trees at home. The bulk of fancy christmas trees you may find are the ones at hotels and other companies. Fun fact : 90% of Ghanaians would rather buy chicken than buy a christmas tree. Home alone - Probably the most watched movie at this time of the year. Guess what? The 1990 American comedy film written and produced by John Hughes and directed by Chris Columbus, is more popular in Africa and specifically Ghana than it probably is in many states allover the US. Why is it so popular? Is it because Ghanaian television stations have run out of content? The first answer may be NO!!! However, from generation to generation, it has become increasingly clear that every child must see Home Alone at least twice before his/her childhood is over. If you were born in Ghana but have never watched Home Alone , then you didnt have a television when you were a child. Fun fact : There is no Christmas in Ghana without Home Alone Weight Gain - Have you ever heard of the term obolo? This is a popular Ghanaian term used to identify persons with excessive weight or those who have gained an appreciable amount of weight over a short period of time. Funny enough, there are a lot of obolos in Ghana when the new year comes. Need you ask why? Christmas is a period where Ghanaians, just like many others all over the world eat excessively. Maybe not because they want to but just because they have to. There is a general abundance of food everywhere and its difficult to maintain a 3 meal a day habbit. You may end up eating between 4 to 5 times with drinks and snacks in between. Even if you dont have the means to eat and your family doesnt prepare regular meals around this time, there is always that neighbour or friend who will invite you over or visit you with an already set buffet. Fun fact : One out of every three persons in Ghana will gain weight before the new year. No funerals - Not your regular fun fact but since funerals are not occasions of joy and they bring so much sorrow and pain, it is fun not to have them at all during this period. Never will you see a funeral being held close to the Christmas period. NEVER!!! This is a period when everything that connotes sadness, sorrow and pain is put away and far from us. A period when the only thing we care about is love, joy and happiness. A period when nothing else matters but pure joy and appreciation of life. For once, we leave the pain and sorrow behind to concentrate on the good things in life. Fun fact : This is the only period in the year when Ghanaians do not have funerals. Nearly Everyone becomes a Christian - So you may know that Christmas is a festival of Christians and they form the largest majority of people who celebrate this season worldwide. For many other religions, this period is a time to go on holiday and enjoy the free days off work. However, the festivities have become so widespread that during Christmas, many other religions get involved and enjoy christmas like its one of their own festivals. The world must be a happier place generally at this time because all become one. You will find the Muslim and the Atheist partying with the Christians as much as the traditionalists cooking and sharing with everyone else. Fun Fact : Christmas in Ghana is not for Christians, its for everyone. Credit : Bennet Otoo, Jumia Travel 07.12.2017 LISTEN The Ministry of Trade and Industry has indicated its resolve to ensure that there is a level playing field for both local and foreign companies doing business in the country. It said as an agency of government with the oversight responsibility for the production, distribution and consumption of good and services, we will ensure that these activities are done in a competitive environment devoid of discrimination. The position of the ministry follows the decision of an international pharmaceutical giant, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Export Ltd, UK, to terminate its contracts with four Ghanaian pharmaceutical companies in favour of Worldwide Health Ltd (WHL), a wholly-owned Indian company operating in Ghana. The ministry had earlier written to the pharmaceutical company insisting that the action of GSK to terminate the contracts was untenable and should be reversed. The company reiterated its position in its response, which the ministry found unacceptable. The ministry, consequently, arranged a meeting on October 13, 2017, between GSK and local parties. The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), the Ghana Standards Authority (GSA), the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana and the Ghana Union of Traders Association (GUTA) were present at the meeting chaired by the Minister of Trade and Industry, Alan Kyerematen. The deputy trade ministers, the chief director, sectional directors and representatives of interested parties were also present at the meeting. Mr Kyerematen made it clear that the government was not against the companys decision to modify its operational strategies but that should happen within local content considerations. The ministry gave GSK a month from October 13, 2017, to respond to requests to reverse the termination of the contracts. Affected local companies The affected local pharmaceutical companies are Ernest Chemists Ltd, Unicom Chemists Ltd, Gokals Laborex and Parkenstein Ltd. Visibility of companies While WHL has been operating in the country for a little over four years, with visibility only in Accra, Kumasi and Tamale, the four local companies have over 25 years experience in the local pharmaceutical business and a nationwide presence. The Daily Graphic gathered that the Ghanaian companies together distribute over 85 percent of the products, with WHL distributing 15 percent. Monopoly Some participants in the meeting are questioning why the modification of GKSs business strategy sought to create a monopoly for WHL at the expense of your better performing local Ghanaian companies. Data and market intelligence available indicate that the local distributors are far advanced in terms of the level of investment, geographic reach as well as other considerations. For example, Ernest Chemist, Unicom Chemist and Gokals Laborex operate from their own purpose-built warehouses in Accra and Kumasi and have a strong presence in all 10 regions of Ghana. GSKs own sales data indicate that WHL, over the last four years, has not been among the top three performing distributors in Ghana, information showed. Position of government A source at the trade ministry said the governments position was for GSK to re-engage the local distributors in a mutually beneficial relationship based on respect and fairness. GSK must consider the potential impact of their decision on access to medicines, prices, loss of jobs and investments, anti-competition and loss of trust. We also expect GSK to be sensitive to the dynamics of the local environment, such as our free market policy and local participation, the source added. Accra, GHANAOn December 5, 2017, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and MEL Consulting Limited hosted a Women in Agribusiness Summit to highlight the contributions of women in Ghanas agricultural sector. The event brought together women-led agribusinesses, farmers, processors, business service providers, financial institutions, the Government of Ghana and development partners. In attendance were the Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Honorable Otiko Afisa Djaba; USAID/Ghana Mission Director Sharon L. Cromer; and Nestle West and Central Africas Head of Agricultural Services, Fatih Ermis. The Summit promoted investment opportunities and linked women-led agribusinesses to business advisory service providers and financial institutions. The agenda featured panel discussions on finance and business support for women-led agribusinesses, as well as business-to-business sessions. The event culminated with an awards ceremony honoring women-led agribusinesses and smallholder actors for their contribution to Ghanas agriculture sector. At USAID, we believe agriculture is paramount in driving Ghanas sustainable economic growth, remarked Sharon Cromer, USAID/Ghanas Mission Director. Our Feed the Future Initiative works to equip individuals and communities by investing in gender-smart solutions. We are linking business service providers to women-led agribusinesses to increase their productivity and access to markets. Fostering broad-based inclusive economic growth means unlocking everyones potential, including women, to fully utilize their talents. This event was organized through Feed the Future and its partners, with support from USAID. Feed the Future works to increase access to finance for agribusinesses and smallholder farmers and improve agricultural productivity. To date, Feed the Future has unlocked $140 million in private capital for more than 2,400 agribusinesses in the maize, rice and soy value chains. These efforts have benefitted more than 150,000 smallholder farmers in Northern Ghana, 42 percent of whom are women. 07.12.2017 LISTEN Accra, Dec. 7, CDA Consult - The 193 State Parties of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has elected Justice Solome Balungi Bossa, a member of the African Court on Human and Peoples Rights as ICC judge after four rounds of voting, during its sitting in New York, the United States. Justice Bossa who is a Ugandan Court of Appeal Judge was elected mainly due to the hard work of and lobbying by the team of experts, Ambassador Adonia Ayebare, Ugandas permanent representative to the United Nations stated. The ICC was created by the 2002 Rome Statute to try cases of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Ambassador Ayebare says, Africa presented four candidates that almost derailed Justice Bossas chances for the six slots available for ICC judges. Justice Bossas election, according to Ambassador Ayebare, is important since the ICC is the worlds permanent court to adjudicate cases of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. This victory is a vote of confidence in Ugandas judiciary and diplomacy at the United Nations, the envoy said. Uganda nominated Justice Bossa, whose judicial and legal work spans almost three decades, for being a highly accomplished the national, regional and international level, according to information on the Judiciary website. She has considerable exposure and experience in international judicial practice, international human rights, international humanitarian law, international criminal law and constitutional law. Justice Bossa had also applied for the position of Deputy Chief Justice but missed the interviews in Kampala because she was out of the country campaigning to be a judge of ICC. She joins Justice Julia Sebutinde, elected as a judge of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in a tight 2011 race, to represent Uganda at two key international courts. A profile of Justice Bossa obtained by the Communication for Development and Advocacy (CDA Consult) indicates that a national of the Republic of Uganda. She was elected Judge of the African Court on Human and Peoples Rights in June 2014, for a term of six years. Judge Bossa is a highly accomplished Judge with over 27 years of legal and judicial work experience at national, regional and international level. She has considerable exposure and experience in international judicial practice, international human rights, international humanitarian law, international criminal law and constitutional law. She has served as Judge with the High Court of Uganda for 16 years (1997-2013). The East African Court of Justice for five years (2001-2006), United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (UNICTR) for nine and half years (2003-2013) and currently serves as Judge on the Court of Appeal/Constitutional Court for Uganda. Before joining the Bench, she was a Lecturer/Law Reporter at the Law Development Centre of Uganda for seventeen years (1981-1997). She has, been a human rights activist since 1980 and has founded/chaired non-profit Organizations in human rights like the East African Law Society. The East African Centre for Constitutional Development, the Uganda Network on HIV, AIDS, Ethics and the Law, the Uganda Law Society, among others. She has also chaired government bodies like the Law Council and the National Steering Committee on Community Service, On the international scene, she is a member of the International Commission of Jurists, the international Association of Women Judges, the African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights and the East African Judges and Magistrate's Association, among others. At national level, she is a member of International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) Uganda Chapter, the National Association of Women Judges, and the Uganda Association of Judges and Magistrates. As a Bar leader, she is well trained on improving access to justice, constitutional and democratic governance, leadership skills, among others. She contributed significantly towards the establishment of the East African Law Society, the East African Centre for Constitutional Development (Kituo cha Katiba), and the Uganda Network on Law, Ethics, HIV and the Law. She also participated through the aegis of the International Commission for Jurists, in the initial stages of drafting of the Additional Protocol on Women to the African Charter. She holds a Bachelor of Laws Degree (LL.B) Honors from Makerere University. She is a candidate for a Master of Laws Degree (LL.M) from the University of London. She has received various national, regional and inter-national awards in recognition of her distinguished services as a legal practitioner, judge and human rights activist. 07.12.2017 LISTEN Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) has made available US$300,000 in support of the government's aggressive push towards transforming the nation's agriculture. Mr. Forster Kwame Boateng, its Country Head, Ghana, said it went into quality seeds production and fertilizers under the 'planting for food and jobs' programme. Added to this was the development of a subsidy model and farmers' biometric registration to aid tracking of the distribution of subsidized inputs to make sure that these went to the right people. Interacting with journalists in Kumasi, he said, the Alliance was eager to see small-holder farmers doubled crop yield and income. Mr. Boateng said it was therefore determined to forge a stronger partnership with the government to craft a comprehensive strategic plan for the 'planting for food and jobs'. As part of this, it was working closely with the Ministries of Food and Agriculture (MOFA) and Monitoring and Evaluation, to put in place systems to strengthen accountability of donor funds. They were also looking at setting up coordination mechanisms to manage government's investments in the regions and districts. Mr. Boateng applauded the bold decision by the government to provide an insurance cover, to assure lenders - banks that giving loans to the agricultural sector was no longer risky. The insurance is coming under the Ghana Incentive Risk Sharing Agricultural Base Lending, to be supervised by Bank of Ghana. Mr. Boateng announced that the Alliance was partnering the World Bank to provide crop insurance for farmers on flexible terms to encourage lenders to grant them loans to expand their businesses. AGRA exists to fulfill the vision that Africa can feed itself and the world-transforming agriculture from a solitary struggle to survive to a business that thrives. Let me nonchalantly and respectfully tell patriot Martin Amidu that accusing former President John Dramani Mahama (JDM) and his party men of working against corruption fight does not only embarrass the incumbent government but also demonstrate a display of spurious pantomime. I have a great deal of endearment for attorney Martin Amidu for his sense of patriotism and honesty. It is my fervent wish that the State will recognize and reward him one day to correct the clarion cliche that Ghana is not worth dying for. However, the underneath news item attributed to him is a far cry from fair analysis. Former Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Martin A.B. Amidu, has accused former President John Dramani Mahama of undermining efforts by the Akufo-Addo administration in fighting corruption in the country (Source: GHANAWEB.COM, Wednesday, December 6, 2017). I think this is very unfair to ex-president Mahama. I am curious to ascertain if rule of law could thrive on assumptions. Popping the hood open about alleged corrupt practices could either be easy or impossible depending on the intuition and commitment of a given leader. Aristotle in his ethics opined that human as territorial and natural beings must fashion a way to live in this practical and unpredictable world. In democratic sense, laws, governance and institutions are among the practical ways of living together in this world. Erstwhile President JDM was axed from office through a democratic process of election last December because he probably failed to provide the people of Ghana the benefits of good governance. JDM is no more in office and as such the conversation on corruption fight must not focus on him. If JDM can remotely controlled state institutions and a whole government machinery to the extent of obstructing efforts to fight corruption, as Mr. Martin Amidu wants us to believe, then it tells us about the salient weakness and ineffectiveness of President Akufo-Addo led New Patriotic Party (NPP) government! Dragging JDM into the current governments inability to deal with the alleged past corrupt public officers dents the image of the NPP government. John Mahama has done virtually nothing to frustrate the fight against corruption. Honorable Martin Amidu, such mistaken convictions were part of the reasons why God of Israel commissioned Prophet Ezekiel in the Bible. Israelites had blamed their ancestors for going into captivity in Babylon although many prophets had foretold them the implications of their apostasy. When the southern state (Judah) was taken into captivity in Babylon finally around 587 BC, they began to miss their native land. How can we sing the songs of the LORD while in a foreign land? (Psalm 137:4). They began to condemn their forefathers for their repugnant conditions in Babylon. The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the childrens teeth are set on edge (Ezekiel 18:2). The Israelites could not be faulted for their convictions because The Lord thy God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation (Deuteronomy 5:9) could motivate such perceptions. Through prophet Ezekiel, we are told God is interested in individual responsibility rather than collective responsibility. The soul that will sin shall die (Ezekiel 18:4). God is thus, telling us to stop blaming others for our misfortunes. The sinning souls that must perish now legally include those involved in the diversion of pre-mixed fuel and corruption allegation on national best farmer award. The new government must be solely responsible for corruption fight challenges. Blaming Mahama and his appointees for the corruption fight challenge is neither here nor there. Sir, I beg to differ on this! Ghana is operating accusatorial judicial system wherein the impartial court acting as a referee can give verdict based on concrete evidence. Unlike the inquisitorial judicial system in which the court or part of the court is actively involved in investigation of a case. The court is a court of justices according to law. Justice in Ghana is attained by evidence. ( Ernest Kofi Abotsi, November 7, 2015). Corruption fight cannot be won by the court of public opinion. The judgment debt was paid to Mr. Woyome based on legal procedures. No president can retrieve it without following the law. You know better than I do on the matters of the law sir! Lawyer Amidu was given the permission to interrogate Mr. Wayome by the Supreme Court of Ghana, but he voluntarily withdrew from cross-examining Mr. Wayome because he (Amidu) trusted the new governments commitment to retrieve the money. According to Mr. Amidu he brought the suit when he thought that previous government and the AG at that time had no intention to retrieve Wayomes money. Continuing the matter was needless as the new AG had expressed interest to retrieve the money (Source: Ghana News Agency, Wednesday, February 8, 2017). Is it not contradictory to turn around and accuse JDM and his NDC moles, as you put it of frustrating the fight against corruption? What happened to your trust for the current government relative to retrieving the Judgment debt paid to Mr. Wayome? Politically and historically, payment of judgment debt has never been a big sacred-cow. Judgment debts were paid either duly or fraudulently in the past. Judgment debts emanate from wrongful termination of contracts. Judgment debt is part of legal outcomes. Nevertheless, create, loot and share nature of some judgment debts must be a source of consternation to everyone especially looking at their rippling effects on the economy. I think the passage of the special prosecutor act is a good step by Akufo-Addos government. It needs to be complemented by the right to information bill (RTI). It is unfair to drag Mahama into the picture of corruption fight. Let us give the current administration some time to tackle corruption. God Bless Our Homeland Ghana! By Nana Yaw Osei, Minnesota, USA. N_y[email protected] Hawkers in Koforidua in the Eastern Region on Thursday demonstrated against the New Juaben Municipal Assembly to relocate them off the street to a new place. They were led by New Patriotic Party (NPP) activists as they vowed to resist the exercise. The women marched from the Jacksons Park in anger to make their case heard by government officials, especially the Municipal Chief Executive and the Eastern Region Minister. We will not go to Agartha market. That place is too small and has no toilet facilities, one of the demonstrators said. We jogged with them before the elections, another added, and voted. We must sell to make a living. The MCE must allow us. Several of them joined in the hour demonstration from the Jackson Park through the central business district. Efforts to see the Municipal Chief Executive, Comfort Asante, was not successful as security guards prevented them. Some of the placards read: 'MCE as a Hitler', 'MCE2020 You came for our votes. No Way' among others. However, they made their way to the Regional Coordinating Council amid drumming and singing. They are demanding a stop of any exercise to clear them off the pavement of the central business district. The demonstrators maintained actions of the MCE are endangering the chances of President Nana Akufo-Addo in the next polls. The hawkers managed to present their concerns to the Eastern Regional Minister, Eric Kwakye-Daffour, and management of the Regional Coordinating Council. He intends responding to their concerns soon. Source: President Muhammadu Buhari has said those who looted the country's treasury over the years will best be judged by God. He said this while insisting that those in authority in the past administrations 'lavishly squandered government treasury over the years. Speaking in Kano on Thursday, Buhari also appealed to Nigerians to be patient with his administration, promising that things will be better soon. He said, From 1999 to 2014, the wealth of this country was lavishly squandered by those in the position of authority. Those who have looted the treasury will best be judged by God. As a politician, I really tasted the pains of seeking elective office. Since I joined politics in 2003, I contested for president three times but I could not get it right until the fourth attempt in 2015. I was in court for 30 months, challenging the 2007 election and in 2011, I also spent 16 months in court. When I was the military head of state, I arrested many people and jailed them for alleged corruption and in the end, I also ended in jail. It is not easy for us to surmount all the obstacles against us; but knowing that the road to a promised land appeared rough, but all I want from Nigerians is to be patient that there will be light at the end of the tunnel. 07.12.2017 LISTEN Good morning ladies and gentlemen of the press. My name is Joseph Agyapong, the (CPP) flag bearer aspirant for 2016. As you may have it on your invitation letters, this press briefing is on the One year after the general elections; the fate of Ghana. I chose this day because it is exactly one year ago today that the NPP government was elected to power again in the democratic dispensation of Ghana our motherland. I will be touching on some key areas namely; EDUCATION, ECONOMY, CORRUPTION, SYSTEMS, ROAD NETWORKS, NATIONAL DATA BASE AND OTHERS under the current government. I shall be very brief. NPP administration led by President Nana Addo, with no doubt have a few success story which I would like to acknowledge, Strong and willingness to control small mining, (Galamsey) to save our rivers and forests from destruction Maintaining and proper control of inflation and foreign exchange rate, economy index is not all that bad Maintaining and balancing our energy sector though we still have some issues to resolve, but they have done what they have to do within a year to make our energy specifically our electricity little bit stable. On other hand, Ghanaians are moving from bad governance of the NDC administration led by former president John Mahama to worst administration for the reason of some unpopular policies introduced by this current administration. I believe with no doubt that this current administration has men with high qualifications and experience in all areas of nation building, but I am really surprised such people have not managed and handled the economy the way it supposed to be managed in one whole year. The economy is in its worse state today; everyone is struggling and complainingevery day. Most people cannot even afford one square meal a day,and majority of Ghanaians are struggling to have a basic standard of living. All the promises in their so called ASEMPA BUDGET IN 2017 did not yield any significant results for our people.The currentfinance ministers recent budget presented indicates clearly that, NPP hasnot done anything differentfrom the NDCadministration to change the struggle of Ghanaians. I perfectly understand managing an economy is not bymagic; one needs to put correct mechanisms in place. The NPP administration is repeating the same mistakes made by the NDC government when they were in power for over 20 years. We all know that, one cannot build a house or structure without laying down a proper foundation.Foundation is the leadership crisis in this nation and in Africa as a whole. Sustainable economy always stands on a sustainable foundation. Before any economy can yield long term results, it needs proper systems, strong institutions; proper control of corruption and these can never be done until right leaders are in place. What Ghana needs now is national decentralizing database and not a national Post GPS base.Without proper national database built from scratch, no government will be able to succeed in developing this nation. I can see that the current government has an idea about systems but their implementation is totally wrong. If they continue in this way, nothing significant will be achieved at their term in office. Free Education is good and amazing, no doubt about that. I agree and support free SHS but not the way this administration has implemented it. At least we should learn from successful countries (Developed nations) how they provided free education to their second cycle institutions. I can confidently tell all Ghanaians that, none of the developed nations such Canada, USA, Western Europe who even have the basic standard of living for their citizens could not afford given free accommodation, free food, free electricity, free water, and all the frees. None of the government schools from Grade 1 or class 1 to grade 12 or SHS in all advanced nations hasa boarding house facility. In Canada or USA for instance, children from grade 1 to 12 go to school withintheir neighbourhood or their postal code area without boarding house facilities. Even if the countries Ghanaian leaders are seeking for funds to develop our nation could not afford this free food, free accommodation, free electricity, and all the frees, what about us, with 75% of our population not able to afford basic needs in life. What kind of leadership is this? Ghananeeds simple systems that will become basic element for all government after government to follow. I like the idea of NPP administration introducing Ghana ID Card, but not from top to bottom rather bottom up, which is another mistake they are making. the current administration economic management favours only elites andnot for the ordinary Ghanaians on the street. Which should not be so!!!!! Sometimes, I become surprise when I hear NDC criticising NPP with the same mistake they made when they had over 20years opportunity to change the country NDC had over 20 years opportunity to put systems which is the foundation of this nation in place but failed, and what political right do they have to criticise the same mistakes theNPP administration too is doing. Until we Ghanaian ask these two parties to stay aside by voting them out, all the infrastructural and systematic development we all looking for will never happen. Most policies introduce by the current NPP administration have caused the other sector to be stagnant,bad roads are the order of the day in this country. Ghana is suffering from road networking deficiency, We have streets all over but we do not have system to fix them. As for the environment, the least said about it, the better. Health is another huge problem in this country. Employment dont even go there, what is the future of our youth this nation? What legacy are we leaving behind for future generation as todays leaders? The saddest aspect in our democracy today is the effort and the behaviour of the other political parties excluding (NPP and NDC).Why saying that? It looks like all the so called(smaller parties)seemto be okay with their respective positions after every generalelection. Most of them are easily convinced with some small tokens from the so-called bigger political parties to carry their agenda instead of thinking of how to work hard to take political power from NPP and NDC. These make the smaller parties disorganised and weak to fight for power. This attitude has led us as a country to almost a two party state which should not be so for a country like Ghana. , no way, something needs to be done. It is very sad to talk about the current situation of my own party CPP The Convention Peoples Party CPP, the party I belong to happens to have fallen in standard and is now conceded as a smaller political party in Ghana. I will now concentrate on my CPP, OUR CPP, and Ghanas CPP. Yes CPP over years has been unattractive and therefore performs very badly in the general elections, but it went worse in 2016 as we all know. Dr. Nkrumah and Dr Limann left a vibrant and strong political organization (CPP) for this generation to continue with their good legacies. But what are we doing as a political party with great ideology of national development. Today, few people within CPP have sold our ideology, pride and national developmental agenda for small amount of money that I call a token. If Nkrumah had sold CPP to the British, how could we haveobtained the independence and the peace we have today in Ghana. . I have travelled over 60 countries and I have understood Nkrumah very well and why he took certain decisions. Now it looks like CPP is no more, partially true, but at the right time the party will bounce back. Let me take this opportunity to advice the so called CPP looters who are just waiting for someone to bring the party back to lime light and use that as an opportunity to collect money, Toyota Land cruisers and other meaningless things from other parties at the expense of majority of the CPP members. Theyshould now be careful because we the youth in the party will not entertain those things anymore, and we will stand for our right to save CPP and Ghana as whole. Ghana is waiting for CPP government again for the resurrection of the nations development. Ghanaians cannot wait to see CPP united as a party and fight for their wellbeing. We can only move forward as a political party whenwe elect or appoint good and trusted leaders. TAKE NOTE:My fellow Ghanaians, I am not afraid to tell you, NPP and NDC are the same, and they only rule for the benefits of themselves and not of the nation. CPP NOT FOR SALE ANYMORE God bless Ghana God bless CPP God bless you all The UN Security Council on Thursday said reports that migrants detained in Libyan camps were being sold into slavery could amount to "crimes against humanity" in a joint statement of condemnation. It follows global shock over the atrocities suffered in Libya by African migrants, many of whom are trying to reach Europe, brought home by a CNN report showing people being sold as slaves. The council said it "condemns such actions as heinous abuses of human rights which may also amount to crimes against humanity," according to the statement, which was drafted by Great Britain. It added it was essential "to transfer detainees to State authorities and encourages the Libyan authorities to reinforce their cooperation with international organization and UN agencies and to ensure humanitarian access to detention centers." Since the 2011 collapse of the Moamer Kadhafi regime, Libya has been riven by fighting between militias which hold captives. Libyan authorities exercise little control over them. "The Security Council emphasizes that a stable Libya is the only way to help improve the living conditions of all people in Libya, including migrants," the resolution added. It is rare for a UN resolution to single out a specific country when talking about slavery, a phenomenon that is normally discussed in the context of global rights abuses. Revelations of slave auctions have prompted several African countries backed by the UN to begin evacuation operations aimed at bringing their nationals home. According to the UN, the Libyan government controls around 30 detention centers with some 15,000 people -- but the number of refugees and migrants in the hands of traffickers and smugglers under the protection of militias is much higher. Following the reading of the statement, the deputy representative of Russia to the UN, Petr Iliichev, said he regretted that it failed to mention "the origin of the chaos" in Libya, a clause proposed by Moscow but not retained in the final text. Russia has long accused France, the United Kingdom and the United States of having contributed militarily to the overthrow of Kadhafi during an operation originally presented as a humanitarian mission. It has emerged the four Kumasi Academy students who died over the last few days died of Influenza Type A popularly referred to as Bird Flu. Health Minister Kwaku Agyemang Manu has said 12 out of the 19 cases sent to the Noguchi Memorial Institute has tested positive for the virus. Providing more details, the Minister said the Influenza type A has the H1N1 Pandemic strain. More soon Story by Ghana| A Central African Republic aid worker was killed after gunman stormed his home, his family said Thursday, the latest death in a week of clashes in the country. The 35-year-old man who worked for Italian humanitarian organisation Intersos, died at hospital following the shooting overnight Wednesday to Thursday in Kaga Bandoro, in the north of CAR. The region is controlled by two armed groups which last week prevented the celebration of a national holiday. At least 10 people had already been killed this week in a wave of incidents between rival armed groups, local officials and a UN source said on Thursday. The bloodshed, which began on Sunday in the central town of Ippy, resulted from clashes between the mainly Muslim ex-Seleka rebels and Christian anti-Balaka militia. "On Wednesday, we buried 10 people," a religious source told AFP, saying the dead included both civilians and gunmen and warning that the death toll could reach as high as 40. The violence pitted members of the FPRC and the UPC, both offshoots of the Seleka rebel alliance who joined forces two months ago, against a dissident branch of the FPRC which is allied with the anti-Balaka, the sources said. On Monday, a Mauritanian policeman with the UN mission in CAR was killed and three others wounded in an attack in the central city of Bria. He was the 14th peacekeeper to be killed in attacks in the country this year. One of the world's poorest nations, CAR has been struggling to recover from a 2013 civil war that started when President Francois Bozize was overthrown by the Seleka rebels. Christians, who account for about 80 percent of the population, sought revenge by organising vigilante units dubbed "anti-balaka" in reference to the machetes used by the rebels. Since then, the country has been blighted by simmering sectarian violence which has killed thousands and displaced more than 600,000 people, almost a quarter of the total population. Hmm, the truth is, things are really happening with some of these celebs and not all can be reported because they also have their personal life they need to protect. The latest gists is coming from the camp of cute Nollywood actor, Bolanle Ninalowo, who shocked many recently after he revealed that he was yet to be married to the mother of his kids after about 12years together. Chai, thank God he said it himself and that is because the union which only existed on paper has finally come to an end with both parties parting ways amicably. It is well though, but here is what he said about the marriage with Genevieve Magazine, which he had hoped to legalise at the right time, I am separated from the mother of my kids. I have an 11 year old girl and a nine year old boy from her and they live in Atlanta. We met here in Nigeria, when I visited 12 years ago. I took her, with me, to the States and filed for her (married her on paper) with the hope to someday get married officially, but things took the wrong turn. So, for now I am married to my hustle. Nollywoods new couple, Banky W with his better half, Adesua Etomi, some hours back stepped out as husband and wife as they attend their first official event. The couple stepped out looking happy for the Dubai premiere of the much talked about Nollywood movie, The Wedding Party 2. Trust Nigerians with their comment on the couple but that does not affect them in any way as they both look good together. Fans cannot wait to have them back in the country as they are due to arrive the country soon for the Nigerian premiere of the movie which will be coming up on the 15th. As the festive season draws near, lots of Property Company in Nigeria are seriously rooting for good faces to sell their brands and they are busy stealing faces they believe is worth the penny spent. Some days back, fast growing property company, Maon Homes, engaged Nollywood actor, Kalu Ikeagwu as their brand ambassador and as if that was not enough, they have also snatched pretty actress, Yvonne Jegede before other brands comes for her. The actress was filled with joy when she got a message about the deal as she immediately drove to their office in Lagos to put pen to paper. Maon Homes is all about making live easy for Nigerians as they offer affordable properties for the average Nigerians. Three hurt in NC-UML clash in Bhaktapur Three people were injured in a clash between the cadres of Nepali Congress and CPN-UML near the Balkot-based Ganesh Primary Secondary School Voting Centre in the Suryabinayak Municipality-3 today under the Bhaktapur constituency-2 during the second phase of elections to the House of Representatives and State Assemblies. If theres one thing you couldnt get away from in 2017, it was cryptocurrencies. For many investors, it was a good thing. Those who bought bitcoin early this year would have made amazing returns by now. Bitcoin Price Rise The digital coin is up 1,300% year-to-date as global popularity for bitcoin surges. According to Bloomberg, nowhere is bitcoin more popular than in South Korea. Like thousands of South Koreans, Moonsung Bae is infatuated by bitcoin. The 35-year-old financial analyst got his first taste a year ago, before the cryptocurrency exploded into one of the wildest investment stories of our time, and by the end of last month his personal holdings had swelled to half his liquid assets. I had this fear when I first bought, Bae said. But then I realized, oh, it actually works. Its certainly worked, at least so far, for those who got in early and rode the speculative wave that pushed the cryptocurrency above $13,000 on Thursday. But where bitcoin and its ilk go from here is the subject of fierce debate, nowhere more so than in Korea, which has emerged as a sort of ground zero for the global crypto-mania. So many Koreans have embraced bitcoin that the prime minister recently warned that cryptocurrencies might corrupt the nations youth. The craze has spread so far that, in Korea, bitcoin is trading at a premium of about 23 percent over prevailing international rates. Growing Bitcoin Mania South Korean policy makers are now worried about this growing mania. Its why the countrys top financial watch dog, said it had grave concerns about speculative buying. But why has bitcoin had such an effect in South Korea? Bloomberg continues: Theres no definitive explanation for why bitcoin has grown so popular in Korea, but local analysts point to a mix of geopolitical and cultural factors. Bitcoins stateless status appeals to some Koreans whove grown wary of keeping their savings in a country that shares a border with Kim Jong Uns increasingly belligerent regime in North Korea, according to Kwak Keumjoo, professor of psychology at Seoul National University. Cheers, Harje Ronngard, Junior Analyst, Money Morning PS: Want to find out more about the secret world of bitcoin, click here. Having been in finance and markets professionally for over a decade, weve seen a thing or two. Your editors actually been investing longer than that going as far back as when we were just 11 years old, learning about stocks with our Grandad. Its a lifelong fascination. And one that were always learning more about. Whether thats investor behaviour or how to identify market opportunities were always learning. But in 2010 we stumbled across bitcoin. It challenged everything we knew about markets. The story we often tell is when we figured out that through bitcoin mining you could actually create your own money tree. You know the one. The fabled money tree that our parents always led us to believe wasnt real. Well when bitcoin came along, the tree was real. And today, if youve got the computing power, the money tree is real. Back in 2010 with a nice, shiny graphics processing unit (GPU) and a bit of programming skill, you could mine bitcoin. Back then the reward for successful mining of a block was 50 bitcoins. However, back then that meant a 50 Bitcoin reward was worth a grand total of just $5. Yep. 50 bitcoin, $5. And the chances of mining a block as an individual were pretty good. Consistently mining might have landed you a couple hundred bitcoins over the space of a few months. The question you may be wondering now is why am I not retired on a beach somewhere, enjoying my tens of millions worth of bitcoin? Well, its simple. Back then I applied traditional financial thinking to bitcoin. I dabbled in it, but never really took it seriously enough. Instead of mining (which for me was too hard at the time) I tried to buy some (which was also too hard). And then the price spiked and crashed, and spiked and crashed. It was all too much, too volatile. Too risky. I was only in my mid-20s, trying to carve out a career in financial advice. This went against all fundamental financial and economic principles Id learnt about in traditional markets over my lifetime. Eventually I came around to the idea that we were dealing with a financial revolution. And that were in the earliest stages of a world-changing event. An event that the average person needed to know about. The future is now So I wrote a book about it all in 2016 and 2017. And then convinced my Publisher to launch a service for everyday folk to benefit from this financial revolution. And in the middle of this year we launched Sam Volkerings Secret Crypto Network to thousands of excited Aussie investors. Now were sitting on an average return across nine crypto recommendations higher than 100%. Not bad for just five months. Sure, there are crypto that have seen their price skyrocket more than 1,000% in that time, but theyre super high risk, typically initial coin offering (ICO) plays not for the first time crypto investor. But almost all the attention over the last few weeks has been on bitcoin. Its now a full-blown bitcoin frenzy. Everyone knows about it. Or at least knows someone that knows about it. The explosion of Bitcoin Experts and Crypto Advisors on LinkedIn is a sign of the hype. And yes, I classify myself as a Crypto Advisor. But I can. Ive been there and done that. Eight years of experience, not eight months. However, I must admit the surge in the fiat denominated price of bitcoin isalarming, to say the least. Dont get me wrong, Ive been saying that the price of bitcoin could comfortably go well beyond US$50,000 and US$100,000. But I didnt expect this so soon. For example on 7 June, 2017 I tweeted: [Go to Tweet] Then on 11 June: [Go to Tweet] In just four days bitcoin had surged past AU$3,967. By the start of September it scratched just under AU$6,609. By the start of November it tipped just over AU$10,000. Today, one bitcoin is AU$17,228. Next stop, AU$20,000. And we think thats coming before Xmas. The reason is that the Chicago Board Options Exchange is now offering options for bitcoin. That means traders will be able to buy bitcoin options, both long and short, settled in cash. Thats going to bring a whole heap of institutional money into the cryptocurrency space. It may also see the price of Bitcoin absolutely fly. Were talking potentially billion in options trading on bitcoin. It will help large institutional investors manage their risk in holding actual bitcoins. We could see the largest inflow of global money into real bitcoins that weve ever seen. And because of the finite nature of bitcoin, it may drive the price another 100%, 200%, 1,000% or higher from here, with barely a breath on the way. We think this may be the single biggest catalyst for a rising bitcoin price weve seen all year. Maybe ever. And in our view it could very well be your last chance to get your hands on bitcoin at what we still call bargain prices. Our long term view is that we still think the value of bitcoin is substantially higher than today. Maybe this is the run weve been waiting for just much, much earlier than even we anticipated. Regards, Sam Volkering, Editor, Secret Crypto Network Academics promoting passive investing have argued that active managers do a poor job of beating their respective benchmarks. Fees are the most cited reason for this underperformance, with a higher fee structure prompting investors to reconsider the value they are getting. This is combining with regulatory pressure and increased transparency, highlighting the ever-present importance of considering fee structures in the investment selection process. Yet, to comprehend the fee drag at a portfolio level, one must consider both the absolute level of returns that can be expected as well as the potential for gain. To illustrate, we must consider whether an investment can generate value, and this is commonly achieved by dealing with the dispersion of returns. Understanding Multi-asset Dispersion Dispersion can mean different things to different people and is especially sensitive to the way one defines it. Yet, most commonly, people think of dispersion as the range of outcomes that can be expected. For instance, in the chart below we show the history of the broad global equity universe illustrating the gap between the strongest performers versus the weakest, by assessing 47 key country markets and the gap between the 10th and 90th percentiles over five-year rolling periods. The central idea is to identify the range of outcomes an active investor would have to choose from. We can see that the dispersion level has gradually dropped and is now at a level not seen in the past 20 years where the range of outcomes is only 13% versus as high as 40% in 1998. While one must be careful when considering its permanency, it is a staggering statistic that could potentially illustrate the challenges being faced by active managers in recent years. To quantify the relationship dispersion has with active management success, we can assess the dispersion of markets against the excess return achieved by the average active manager in the Global Flex fund category relative to its index benchmark where we find an incredibly strong relationship, especially over the past 12 years. In fact, statistically speaking, an extreme case leads this metric to an r-squared of 0.85 since 2005, meaning approximately 85% of the variability in a managers recent success, or lack thereof, is said to be explained by the dispersion of the market. The obvious question to ponder is whether this is coincidental or causal and if so, whether it is a cyclical or structural phenomenon. For example, a structural case would suggest that access to information is easier than ever, meaning an informational edge is increasingly difficult to maintain. Globalisation could also play its part, as investors gain access to a more diverse set of markets that were previously off limits; for example, demand shifted as China opened their doors to foreign investors. However, a longer-term view of dispersion as shown above from 1973 shows that a cyclical element is likely at play too. To explain, one may not need to look any further than the six global recessions since 1970: 197475, 198083, 199093, 1998, 200102, and 200809. While imperfect, each of these recessions saw dispersion increase either during or in the aftermath of the economic stress. Therefore, while our intuition leads us to see a causal connection, a wider range of outcomes should allow for greater value generation, the low dispersion at present may simply reflect the enormous quantitative easing programme that has shifted markets materially over the past 10 years. We have experienced one of the longest economic expansions in recent memory and strong asset flows into growth assets have lifted all boats. Therefore, should we see a market correction or recession or simply a sustained period of wider dispersion this could trigger a resurgence in active manager success. Moving from Countries to Sectors Another way of testing whether the low dispersion could be cyclical or structural is to check the results in alternative ways a test of noise. We can run the exact same analysis on a sector-by-sector basis, showing the 5-year dispersion of 24 industry subgroups within the global index since 1999. By doing so, we find that a structural decline is even less obvious, with the lows of 2016, a year of dramatic active manager underperformance, matching or nearing that of prior periods such as 2002/03. How Should an Investor Use this Information? Dispersion is clearly an important factor when assessing the fate of the active management industry. The first step is to acknowledge the challenges active managers face when dispersion is low, and to then realistically contemplate what value each manager offers in a portfolio context. While there are limitations to the analysis; for example, it is possible that country and sector dispersion is low, but stock dispersion is wide especially as we have ignored size/weight, it does tell us is that investors should garner a better understanding of the managers and the ways they deal with lower dispersion. More broadly, it also raises the importance of fees, where we are seeing an exciting period of awareness and consolidation. The fee drag is a vital component to the investment selection dilemma and lower fees will help end investors obtain better outcomes. This is especially important when dispersion is low, as differences in fee structures can play an important role in an investors ability to protect capital from the erosion caused. Muna Abu-Habsa: We recently published the Global Fund Investor Experience report, where weve taken a close look at the experiences of fund investors in 25 countries across the world. We evaluated countries across four key areas which are Regulation and Taxation, Disclosure, Fees and Expenses, and Sales. Depending on how each country fared within those areas, it was then graded on a 5-point scale of Top, Above Average, Average, Below Average, and Bottom. As evidence mounts that fees can be a crucial factor in investment performance, we weighted Fees and Expenses more heavily in 2017 than in previous editions of the report. The UK fared strongly in this area relative to other countries, reflecting the implementation of RDR, which has banned advice fees from being bundled with fund expenses. Since this has taken effect, weve found reported ongoing charges to have fallen in most asset classes. Overall, the UKs grade was Above Average. A number of other European countries, particularly France, Italy, Finland, Spain, and Belgium suffered on Fees and Expenses, pushing their overall grades down to Below Average. We expect that the impending MiFID II regulations will bring in tougher rules to protect investors and should see those European markets improve in this study. Overall though weve found that theres been widespread improvement in investor experiences across multiple markets across the globe and we think thats been driven by globalisation, stronger regulation, and a move towards adopting best-practices. In fact, no country received the Bottom overall grade, and more than half received an overall grade of Average. Having said that, theres still a lot of work to be done. Although the United States remains the country with the highest gradeas it has since 2009leading with lower expenses and a strong disclosure regime, it is still held back by a Regulation and Taxation grade that trails many markets. We hope that this study will continue to encourage dialogue about best practices and act as a catalyst for positive change. Maintaining independence and editorial freedom is essential to our mission of empowering investor success. We provide a platform for our authors to report on investments fairly, accurately, and from the investors point of view. We also respect individual opinionsthey represent the unvarnished thinking of our people and exacting analysis of our research processes. Our authors can publish views that we may or may not agree with, but they show their work, distinguish facts from opinions, and make sure their analysis is clear and in no way misleading or deceptive. To further protect the integrity of our editorial content, we keep a strict separation between our sales teams and authors to remove any pressure or influence on our analyses and research. Read our editorial policy to learn more about our process. Mount Pleasant, SC (29464) Today A mix of clouds and sun early followed by cloudy skies this afternoon. High 53F. Winds light and variable.. Tonight Some clouds this evening will give way to mainly clear skies overnight. Low 36F. Winds light and variable. Vote count set to start this evening The offices of the Chief Election Officers will start counting of the votes from Thursday evening in tight security arrangement, keeping in view incidents of violence or scuffles that could occur during vote counting in various districts. I stuck to what the coaches ... Works start for housing HoR and National Assembly Despite delay from the Ministry of Finance (MoF) in releasing the required budget, the Parliament Secretariat has started finalising contractors to set up buildings and halls for the federal parliament that comprises the House of Representatives (HoR) and the National Assembly (or Upper House). NCs Chinta Bahadur Ghale elected in Manang Province Ka Nepali Congress (NC) has opened its account, registering a win in Manang Province Ka. By Lambert Strether of Corrente. Net Neutrality FCCs next step on net neutrality: Blocking the states [Politico]. Stil germane. [Pais Restoring Internet Freedom order] calls broadband an interstate information service, and any state or local law regulating the service could not subvert or undermine the federal policy of deregulation, a second FCC senior official said. Were thinking about internet freedom in all the wrong ways [The Week]. The net neutrality debate, however, has a problem: It discusses the social and cultural effects of the internet almost entirely in terms of the free market. In this narrow scope, it appears that only options for ensuring internet freedom are letting the market work, or limiting what large corporations can do. And in constraining the conversation to these terms of the companies who operate on the internet, we obscure the real threat to freedom in general: those companies themselves Put another way: There is no public space on the internet. The net neutrality debate has a free-market problem. In only thinking in terms of what commercial enterprises can and cannot do, we limit ourselves to thinking of the web as a privately owned space. Once again: Municipalize the ISPs, nationalize the backbones, cooperativize the platforms Ben Tarnoff (@bentarnoff) November 22, 2017 Why not? The shape of things to come: Google Is Blocking YouTube on Amazon's Echo Show and Fire TV Liberationtech (@Liberationtech) December 6, 2017 Trade Despite the opportunity to blow open Canadas dairy market in a NAFTA 2.0, major U.S. dairy producers say they know where the money is and its south of the border [Politico]. Wed prefer to win both battles, but if you were to ask me if I had to choose one or the other, Id pick south of the border and give up north of the border. Simply because of the math and the number of consumers, said Andrei Mikhalevsky, president and CEO of California Dairies Inc., a dairy cooperative of 400 large farms that produce 9 percent and 23 percent of the nations milk and butter, respectively. However, the Trump administration has already taken a hard line on dairy, proposing NAFTA provisions that would effectively hobble Canadas supply management system and open more access for U.S. farmers than ever before. Politics 2018 In a recruiting victory for Democrats, former Gov. Phil Bredesen announced today that he will run for the open seat created by the retirement of GOP U.S. Sen. Bob Corker. Bredesens announcement puts the race into the Toss Up column, a rating change that has larger implications for the 2018 Senate map [Cook Political Report]. Many Democratic strategists believe that Bredesen can appeal to voters across party lines in a state that has become increasingly more Republican in recent years. The national significance of Bredesens candidacy and the races move to Toss Up is that it puts three Republican-held seats in play. (For the purposes of this math equation, we are excluding Tuesdays contest in Alabama.) As the Senate stands today, Democrats need a net gain of three seats to win the majority. Until now, it has been mathematically impossible as only two GOP seats have been considered truly vulnerable. This does not mean that Democrats will win the majority; only that it is now mathematically possible. 2017 Alabama Senate Special Election Moore vs. Jones [RealClearPolitics]. Moore +2.3 (Previous: Moore +1.5). No new polls. Worth noting that the race has been within the margin of error for some time; remarkable for a Democrat in Alabama. New Cold War Robert Mueller Jumps Onto the Trump Money Trail [The New Yorker]. Heres the conclusion: Whether these inquiries will lead anywhere remains an open question. One thing seems clear, though: Muellers investigators are following Deep Throats advice and following the money. For Trump and his associates, that has to be disturbing. Muellers probe doesnt end with a bang, but with a whimper [Ned Ryun, The Hill]. From a Bush speechwriter. I think its high time for President Trump to do what he should have done a year ago: declassify everything related to the Russian collusion case and the Hillary Clinton email investigation, both of which go to the heart of the Obama administrations Department of Justice, FBI and, possibly, the White House. Interesting idea Liberal Americas unhealthy fixation on Russia [Edward Luce, Financial Times]. [L]iberal America has worked itself [note lack of agency] up into a moral panic. If it were not for Vladimir Putin, we are asked to believe, western democracy would be in reasonable shape. Without Russia, there would be no Donald Trump. And: The latest to join the fray is Joe Biden, the former vice-president. As a potential White House candidate, Mr Biden is a good barometer of Democratic thinking. In a co-authored article for Foreign Affairs, Mr Biden calls for the creation of a 9/11-style commission to examine Russias assault on American democracy. The body would identify tools to fight the Russian menace. Americans need a thorough, detailed inquest into how Russias strike on their democratic institutions was carried out and how another one might be prevented, he writes. In sum, Mr Biden is calling for a new Cold War. As Ive been saying. Palestinians recognize Texas as part of Mexico [The Beaverton]. The territory north and east of the Rio Grande is very important to the Mexican people, explained a [Palestinian National Authority] spokesperson. Before American settlers showed up and implemented slavery, Mexico oversaw this land. Then, President Polk sent his armies to invade the rest of these Mexican territories, and force the country to give up California, New Mexico, most of Arizona, Nevada, and Utah, and parts of Wyoming and Colorado. We may soon recognize these states as part of Mexico too.' Tax Reform The GOP not only entirely excluded Democrats from the process of drafting the bills, but the party punished Democratic constituenciesfrom residents of high-tax states to graduate studentsin the bills substance. The tax plans represent a political closed circle: bills written solely by Republicans and passed solely by Republican votes that shower their greatest benefits on Republican constituencies. Meanwhile, the biggest losers in the plans are the constituencies of the Democrats who universally opposed them. Its not just redistribution: The tax bills are also grounded in retribution [Ron Brownstein, The Atlantic]. In all these ways, the Trump-era GOP has grown impervious to virtually any opinion that resists its own internal consensus. Next Novembers midterm elections will begin answering whether the party has drawn that closed circle too narrowly to preserve its upper hand in Washington. Well, yes and no. Im not sure internal consensus is all that much a Republican thing, as weve seen on health care, and the continuing efforts of the #NeverTrump thing. To put this another way, its not all that difficult to create consensus around rewarding your partys friends and punishing its enemies. Twas ever thus! And as far as closed circles, surely there are rather a lot of those around right now? Few Americans think the plan will lead to lower taxes for them personally, and this is true of Republicans as well, despite their strong support of the plan. One-third of Republicans think their taxes will be lowered; most Democrats expect their own taxes will go up. By almost a 2 to 1 margin, independents are more likely to think theyll go up rather than down [CBS News]. Trump Transition Top Republicans left no doubt that the House will approve legislation Thursday preventing a weekend partial government shutdown, erasing any suspense over an impending budget clash that would put a calamitous exclamation point at the end of the capitals tumultuous year [AP]. The leader of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, whose members had been threatening to withhold needed support, also made clear that the bill would be approved. Donald Trumps Brains [New York Review of Books]. Interesting on the conservative institutions that actually do influence Trump. A battle for the future of conservatism is in effect being fought between these anti-Trump conservatives and pro-Trump conservatives associated with the Claremont Institute, a right-wing think tank based in California, which for years has been discussing the Federalist Papers, the dangers of progressivism, and, above all, the wisdom of the German exile and political philosopher Leo Strauss, who taught for several decades at the University of Chicago. ZOMG!!! The Struassians!!!! Not again!!!! (I can see the liar part just fine, but noble?) President Trump might actually be able to pull off [vs. Mueller] what Nixon failed to accomplish [vs. Cox and Jaworski]. He has a number of advantages that Nixon lackedfrom a Congress controlled by fiercely partisan Republicans whose political calculations have led them to stand by their president regardless of almost anything that he does, to a conservative media that perpetually broadcasts his points of view [The Atlantic]. Very poor advance work: Zinke had already rigged his fishing rod when our writer showed up to interview him at the edge of a lake in Glacier National Park. He'd rigged it backwards. Outside Magazine (@outsidemagazine) December 6, 2017 Realignment and Legitimacy Al Franken announces he will resign from the Senate [WaPo]. Franken: Some of the allegations against me simply are not true, others I remember very differently. But this decision is not about me. Its about the people of Minnesota. Its become clear that I cant both pursue the Ethics Committee process and at the same time, remain an effective senator for them. Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton is expected to appoint his lieutenant governor and close ally, Tina Smith, to Al Frankens seat if the Democratic senator resigns on Thursday, three people familiar with the Democratic governors thinking said [Politico]. But that appointment would be just the start of an upheaval in Minnesota. Part of the reason Smith could be heading to the Senate, the sources said, is that she has indicated no interest in running for Congress in the past and would not run for the remainder of Frankens term, which expires in 2020, in a 2018 special election. That would clear the way for a wide open Democratic primary next year if Franken steps down. Hmm. Senator Ellison has a nice ring to it. While there is a presumption that Republicans arent competitive statewide in Minnesota, Frankens close 2008 race and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clintons narrow 43,695-vote victory in 2016 would suggest otherwise [Cook Political Report]. At this writing, the situation is very fluid and is likely to take weeks to sort itself out. Conyers exit after decades could open political floodgates [ABC]. John Conyers resignation from the U.S. House amid sexual harassment allegations unlocks the seat he has held for more than a half-century and sets off a free-for-all race to replace him with at least three potential legacy candidates, including two relatives of Conyers and a son of a prominent former mayor. On Wednesday, Democratic senators sought to claim [the moral high ground] by pushing Franken to resign just one day after Conyers the longest-serving House member resigned over harassment allegations. The calls from nearly three dozen senators, members of the House, and the chairman of the Democratic National Committee came less than a week before voters in Alabama head to the polls for a special election to replace Jeff Sessions [RealClearPolitics]. * * * I followed Bernie Sanders as he went to Ohio and explained to crowds how Democrats could win back Trump voters. [Vice]. Important: It is clear that there is an element of Trump supporters who are racists, sexists, homophobes, and theres nothing Im going to say thats going to appeal to them, he said. But I think that the vast majority of Trump supporters are people who are in pain, who are struggling economically, who are worried to death that their kids are going to be in even worse shape economically than they are, and they turned to Trump because Trump said things that made sense. He said he was going to take on the establishment, and he was going to provide healthcare to everybody. You know what, its pretty much what I said. The difference, of course, is that Sanders seems to have a plan to provide benefits like health insurance to large swathes of Americans. The questionwhich may not be answered until 2020is whether Trump spoke to those voters because of his vague populist promises or because of his willingness to embrace the nastiest aspects of the culture war. Sanders, evidently, thinks that its the former. He has obvious compassion for subsection of Trump supporters, an undeniably practical perspective to havewhile some on the left might be giddy about writing off the 62,979,879 Americans who voted for the guy, Sanders wants to win them over with his populist, anti-elitist platform. We are winning the fight for the future of America, he told the audience in Dayton. Please never forget were the vast majority of the American people. Theres a good deal of heart-burning about this from liberal Democrats, even those of good faith, but let us again remember the key role that Obama voters who flipped to Trump played in 2016. And then theres this: Morning Consult/Politico poll released in late November showed 15 percent of Republicans would vote for Sanders over Trump 12% aren't sure Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) December 7, 2017 So, there are other paths to victory for Democrats than appealing to wealthy suburbanite Republicans. Who knew? How Trump Is Ending the American Era [Eliot A. Cohen, The Atlantic]. An important perspective from a conservative member of The Blob: To a degree rarely appreciated outside Washington, it is virtually impossible to conduct an effective foreign policy without political appointees at the assistant-secretary rank who share a presidents conceptions and will implement his agenda. As of mid-August, the administration had yet to even nominate a new undersecretary of state for political affairs; assistant secretaries for Near Eastern, East Asian and Pacific, or Western Hemisphere Affairs; or ambassadors to Germany, India, or Saudi Arabia. At lower levels, the State Department is being actively thinned out2,300 jobs are slated for eliminationand is losing experience by the week as disaffected professionals quietly leave. High-level diplomatic contact with allies and adversaries alike has withered. Meanwhile, for fear of contradicting him, Trumps underlings avoid saying too much publicly. As a result, the administrations foreign policy will continue to be as opaque externally as it is confused internally. One consequence will be a corresponding confusion on the part of foreign powers about the administrations goals, commitments, and red linesand the likely misinterpretation of stray signals. Even well-run administrations can fail to communicate their intentions clearly, with dire consequences. I feel the authors pain, I really do. After all, WASPs of my age were raised to do our little bit for the empire, even if only maintaining American hegemony at several removes (say, though symbol manipulation). That said, its very hard to see how the American Era certainly since 9/11, and probably since elites decided to move our manufacturing base offshore as neoliberalism took hold has been a substantial net positive for most Americans, certainly those outside our swollen Imperial City. Stats Watch Challenger Job-Cut Report, November 2017: Lay-off announcements rose to 35,038 in November vs 29,831 in October and 26,936 in November last year. This is the highest total in seven months and, though still at an historically low level, does hint at softer-than-expected results for tomorrows monthly employment report [Econoday]. Lay-off announcements rose to 35,038 in November vs 29,831 in October and 26,936 in November last year. This is the highest total in seven months and, though still at an historically low level, does hint at softer-than-expected results for tomorrows monthly employment report. Jobless Claims, week of December 2, 2017: Fell, lower than expected [Econoday]. The labor market is very healthy though claims data, along with this mornings Challenger report, are not pointing to increasing strength for Novembers employment data. In such rude health that Walmart doesnt have to pay a living wage However, and: The weekly claims was not the only report that offered support for a solid employment situation report this week from the Labor Department. ADP forecast earlier this week that private sector payrolls rose by 190,000 in November. That was marginally above the consensus estimates [247 Wall Street]. Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index, week of December 3, 2017: Very strong, below Augusts peak [Econoday]. Full employment, the rally in the stock market, and solid home-price appreciation are all important pluses for confidence measures. Quarterly Services Survey, Q3 2017: Information revenue rose 1.8 percent to $391.2 billion in the third quarter compared to the second quarter with the year-on-year rate at plus 5.8 percent [Econoday]. Manufacturing: General Motors Co. is building the future of its pickup trucks on the expensive and complicated supply chain for carbon fiber [Wall Street Journal]. Auto makers have been working with carbon fiber producers to ready the material for auto production, and researchers say carbon fiber prices have been falling. Carbon fiber is complicated and time-consuming to produce, however, and so GM would likely have to reset production operations by having fully formed parts shipped to its plants. The costs and complexity could improve if GMs use pushes broader adoption of the material at auto factories. Shipping: Drewry Supply Chain Advisors say ocean cargo rates will firm up in 2018 [Logistics Management]. Despite the increase in deliveries of large containerships scheduled for 2018, we do not expect a new price war in ocean transportation, as robust demand growth and higher carrier concentration will also influence the market. Retailers and manufacturers should watch the ocean transportation providers closely in 2018 to see whether the effects of carrier concentration are starting to be felt in negotiations and in pricing, as they may have to rethink their vendor contract strategy to align with a narrower base of much larger carriers. Concentrations works! Shipping: Contract talks between the International Longshoremens Association (ILA) and the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) broke down on Wednesday over union concerns about potentially job-killing automation [Splash 247]. Union officials fear employers aim to use automation to wipe out dockworker jobs entirely rather than have automated features that would be operated by workers. The Bezzle: The contents of a digital wallet belonging to cryptocurrency company NiceHash, which included potentially millions of dollars worth of customers bitcoin, was stolen in a major security breach early Wednesday [Business Insider]. NiceHash is only the latest cryptocurrency company to suffer a major hack in recent months. Despite the widespread notion that the blockchain technology behind bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is safer and more trustworthy than that underlying other kinds of digital financial transactions, startups in the industry have struggled to secure their sites and software against hackers. The Bezzle: A brief history of Bitcoin hacks and frauds [Ars Technica]. Here we present a short history of the Bitcoin worlds most significant scams and hacks. Its worth noting that all of these attacks were against Bitcoin-related services, not the core Bitcoin software. As far as we know, the Bitcoin network itself is highly secure, though of course thats little comfort if you entrust your bitcoins to a third party that gets hacked. Also, the list seems to skew toward older incidents. Users seem to have faced greater dangers of hacking and fraud in 2011 and 2012 than they do today. The Bezzle: Old news to NC readers. "Uber is only cheap because each journey is subsidised by venture capitalists, and because it exploits its workers Watch @L__Macfarlane at this year's Disruptive Innovation Festival. Full video: openDemocracyUK (@openDemocracyUK) December 6, 2017 (I love Disruptive Innovation Festival) The Bezzle: Airbnb guests are finding hidden cameras planted in their rentals [CBS News]. In late November, activist and filmmaker Jason Scott tweeted his colleague found a camera disguised in a motion detector at an Airbnb. The company called the discovery incredibly rare, [they would, wouldnt they?] and said the host was banned. In October, an Indiana couple said they found a camera in a smoke detector in the bedroom at their Airbnb in Florida. The home owner was arrested for video voyeurism. But dont worry: The company told CBS News about two million people use Airbnb on any given night, and they are always willing to work with law enforcement when complaints are made. Experts say there are a few things consumers can do to protect themselves: invest in a digital device detector, search rooms and use a flash light to try and spot lenses . Or maybe disrupt AirBnB and stay in a normal hotel, where you dont have to do things like that. Concentration: Amazon is raising prices at Whole Foods after its highly-publicized cuts [Business Insider]. The average price increase on each item was about 1.6%, [research firm Gordon Haskett] said. The findings are surprising, given the myriad of positive press around Amazons price cuts at Whole Foods since the acquisition, Gordon Haskett analyst Chuck Grom wrote. Its not surprising at all. Its classic monopolistic behavior. Five Horsemen: So far Facebook is bouncing best out of Tech Wreck II [Hat tip, Jim Haygood]. Todays Fear & Greed Index: 60 Greed (previous close: 60, Greed) [CNN]. One week ago: 73 (Greed). (0 is Extreme Fear; 100 is Extreme Greed. Last updated Dec 7 at 11:58am. Health Care Ben Jealous calls for single-payer health care in Maryland [WaPo]. In a 19-page proposal that echoes U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders national plan for the government to cover everyones health insurance through Medicare, Jealous said a state-run, single-payer system would be the next logical step for a state like Maryland, which has an all-payer system, but he offered no specific details on how the government would cover the cost of the ambitious plan. Jealous said the state has saved more than $400 million under its all-payer system and a move toward single-payer would only lead to greater cost savings, money that could help pay for the program. He also did not rule out an increase in sales or income taxes to pay for the universal coverage. Our Famously Free Press MSNBC Reverses Decision to Fire Contributor Sam Seder [The Intercept]. Seder and MSNBC were set to part ways when his contributor contract expired next year, with reports indicating the departure had to do with a 2009 tweet from Seder surfaced by the far-right provocateur Mike Cernovich. After initially caving in to right-wing internet outrage over the tweet, MSNBC reversed its decision to not renew Seders contract. 10 Things You Can Do Now to Up Your Social Media Game in 2018 [Media Shift]. For news venues. One interesting nugget: Facebook still leads the pack, but over 20 other platforms now have more than 100 million users each. Meet the new boss: LA Weekly just fired 9 well-established experts on LA culture, news, music, etc. Now are calling all "Angelinos" for help writing the paper, misspelling Angeleno, the common demonym for LA residents. Ryan Deto (@RyanDeto) December 2, 2017 Break out the mops and buckets: Wow. Its real. Thisll be featured in newspaper sub-editing courses for years. And available at all good newsagents near you today, folks. Chris Rand (@ChrisRandWrites) December 6, 2017 Class Warfare Georgetown University refuses to recognize graduate student union [WaPo]. Georgetowns decision echoes opposition to graduate student unions at other prestigious universities. Yale University, Boston College and Columbia University have railed against a 2016 National Labor Relations Board ruling that granted teaching and research assistants the legal protection to unionize. Yale, Columbia and Princeton posted information on their websites warning students that unionizing could alter their relationship with faculty and limit their individual rights once a union becomes their collective voice. Good liberal institutions News of the Wired AI is now so complex its creators cant trust why it makes decisions [Quartz]. Modern artificial intelligence is still new. Big tech companies have only ramped up investment and research in the last five years, after a decades-old theory was shown to finally work in 2012. Inspired by the human brain, an artificial neural network relied on layers of thousands to millions of tiny connections between neurons or little clusters of mathematic computation, like the connections of neurons in the brain. But that software architecture came with a trade-off: Since the changes throughout those millions of connections were so complex and minute, researchers arent able to exactly determine what is happening. They just get an output that works. Waze, from Google: LA peeps: DONT USE WAZE to get past 405 fire. It is taking people right into the neighborhoods that are on fire! #SkirballFire #TechnologyFail #LAFire justin bellamy (@siliconbeacher) December 6, 2017 Can any Los Angeles readers confirm? * * * Readers, feel free to contact me at lambert [UNDERSCORE] strether [DOT] corrente [AT] yahoo [DOT] com, with (a) links, and even better (b) sources I should curate regularly, (c) how to send me a check if you are allergic to PayPal, and (d) to find out how to send me images of plants. Vegetables are fine! Fungi are deemed to be honorary plants! If you want your handle to appear as a credit, please put it in the subject line. Otherwise, I will anonymize by using your initials. See the previous Water Cooler (with plant) here . Todays plant (EJ): EJ writes: Technically, on review, the site is best judged (years later) as at approx. lat. 42.7454 long -72.9276 in or at the Western edge of Sherman Reservoir inside the Green Mountain National Forest at the locations where the branches of the Deerfield River combine and get repleenished from reservoir (creating seasonal rapids rafting out of Zoar, MA). * * * Donate $25 $50 $75 $100 : Water Cooler is a standalone entity not covered by the NC fundraiser. So do feel free to use the dropdown and click the hat to make a contribution today or any day. Here is why: Regular positive feedback both makes me feel good and lets me know Im on the right track with coverage. When I get no donations for five or ten days I get worried. More tangibly, a constant trickle of small donations helps me with expenses, and I factor that trickle in when setting fundraising goals. So if you see something you especially appreciate, do feel free to click the hat! Yves here. This post is bound to rile some readers, but the point must be made: there is no evidence that Catalonias separatists had or have majority support. Polls sponsored by Catalonias own government prior to the referendum showed that independence got the support of only 41%. The referendum cannot be seen as an indicator due to the lack of ballot controls and the refusal to participate by those who agreed with the ruling of the Supreme Court, that the referendum was illegal. David Jimenez Torres is an associate professor at Camilo Jose Cela University in Madrid. His previous post was as Lecturer in Contemporary Spanish Cultural Studies at the University of Manchester. He is also a regular columnist for the newspaper El Espanol. Originally published at openDemocracy It is difficult to see why actions taken by the government in Madrid ought to be regarded as a curb on dissent, and not as a preservation of the countrys constitutional order. On December 7, Catalan nationalists are expected to demonstrate in Brussels under the slogan Wake up, Europe. Help Catalonia. The protest is a new push to focus international attention on Catalonia ahead of regional elections on December 21, and which follow months of tense struggle between the regional and national governments. Over the coming weeks, Catalan nationalist leaders will continue to frame the Catalan conflict along two lines of argument. The first is that Catalans are a unified people fighting against an authoritarian state (presumably one with no people behind it). The second is that they have merely operated at a soft level of expressing beliefs and identity, whereas the national government headed by Mariano Rajoy has responded on a hard plane with police action and incarceration of political leaders. To study the playbook pursued by the Catalan movement is of value to any European or world citizen with concern or interest at the dimensions of contemporary ethno-nationalist populism. This is because neither of the arguments mentioned above stands up to rational scrutiny. Nationalist leaders have not simply been expressing dissent or putting forward political solutions; they have taken unilateral actions which affect the rights of all Catalans and, indeed, all Spaniards without having a mandate to do so. One might argue, in fact, that it is nationalist leaders who have turned a state (in the form of the powerful devolved administration) against its people. What is at stake in the Catalan crisis, then, is not a nineteenth century struggle for national liberation, but rather the very contemporary question of whether elites are answerable to the rule of law. State Versus People In 2015, Catalan premier Artur Mas called for regional elections. He did so after a couple of years in which he had reversed his deep unpopularity the result of government cuts and corruption scandals affecting his party by blaming Catalonias woes on the Spanish government, and by arguing that, if the region did not receive substantial concessions, it should vote on independence from Spain. Mr. Mas also harked back to the presumed grievance inflicted on Catalonia in 2010, when the Spanish constitutional court struck down some provisions in Catalonias regional charter. This grievance, it is worth pointing out, had not prevented Mr. Mas from voting in 2012 alongside Mr. Rajoys party in order to impose sweeping austerity measures in Catalonia. The national government explained to Mr. Mas that an independence referendum was impossible: the current constitution, which received the support of 91% of Catalan voters in 1978, does not allow for this type of referendum to be held at a regional level; and a constitutional change would require building broad, cross-party support at the national level. Yet Mr. Mas pushed ahead, claiming that the new regional elections would be a plebiscite on independence. The results of these elections-turned-plebiscite were clear: 52% of Catalans voted for anti-independence parties. A seriously flawed electoral law, which grants overrepresentation to rural areas, allowed pro-independence parties to achieve a majority of seats in the regional assembly, but it is nevertheless hard to imagine that anyone would have interpreted these results as a mandate for secession. That, however, was exactly what the nationalist parties did, and the powerful resources of the devolved administration were soon mobilised towards the organization of a referendum on independence. This course of action was despite numerous warnings from the courts that no regional government had the authority to call for such a referendum, and that the new Catalan administration now headed by Carles Puigdemont was taking on powers which it did not constitutionally have. On 6 and 7 September 2017, pro-independence parties passed laws in the regional parliament which would allow for both a referendum on secession and a national transition towards independence. This was accomplished by circumventing the procedures of the chamber and by overruling the parliamentary rights of the non-nationalist minority (which, it must be stressed again, represented the majority of Catalan voters). If this is alarming for anyone who believes that respect for agreed-upon procedures is an integral part of the democratic process, it was nevertheless in keeping with the ethno-nationalist outlook of Catalan separatists, who have form in disregarding non-nationalists as mere foreigners or -worse- traitors. Indeed, the president of the regional assembly who presided over these fraught proceedings, Carme Forcadell, once explicitly excluded supporters of non-nationalist parties from her definition of the Catalan people. The measures passed in early September abolished the framework of the same regional constitution which the nationalists had claimed to value so dearly. Their leaders legitimized these moves, as they have often in the past, with the argument that while there is no majority support for independence, there is large support for a referendum on the issue. This is true, yet the more pressing question is how many Catalans were in support of the path of unilateral secession (via referendum) that nationalist leaders had embarked on? The more pressing question is how many Catalans were in support of the path of unilateral secession (via referendum) that nationalist leaders had embarked on? When viewed this way, the drop-off in support is stark. International audiences whose attention was understandably captured by the images of police action during the referendum of October 1 may be surprised to know that: this was a referendum that the No camp did not recognize as valid and thus did not participate in; that journalists showed that it was possible for one person to cast multiple ballots on the day; and that the results have yet to be verified by any independent, international authority. Even in this context, and according to the regional governments own and questionable figures, only 38% of the Catalan census would have voted for independence. In a poll published a couple of weeks later, only 29% of Catalans favoured declaring secession from Spain on the basis of that vote. Nevertheless, and once again, nationalist leaders pushed ahead and proclaimed independence on October 27. The effects that this has had on the welfare of their citizens (2900 companies have fled Catalonia since early October, and Catalan society is the most polarized it has ever been) seem to be of no concern to them. In contrast to all this, the actions of the national government have achieved broad support across the Spanish political spectrum. Mr. Rajoys decision to activate Article 155 of the national constitution, which allows the national government to step in if any of the countrys regions are flouting the constitutional order, was agreed to with the Spanish Socialist Party and the centre-right party Ciudadanos (which, incidentally, is led by a Catalan, Albert Rivera). The decision to sack the regional government and call for new elections were thus not the result of some shadowy authoritarianism, as nationalist leaders would have it, but rather the work of a cross-party front which represents nearly 70% of votes cast in the national elections of June 2016. For many groups and voters who are otherwise actively opposed to Mr. Rajoy, what is most at stake in this crisis is whether a regional elite can hijack that regions institutions. This in particular is an issue that often gets lost in foreign coverage of the Catalan crisis, but without which it is impossible to understand its recent developments. For many groups and voters who are otherwise actively opposed to Mr. Rajoy, what is most at stake in this crisis is whether a regional elite can hijack that regions institutions and push an agenda for which it does not have majority support, in open defiance of the democratically-sanctioned rule of law; all in the name of diffuse national essences. As someone who has voted against Mr. Rajoy in two general elections (and will likely continue to do so), I consider myself among the many Spaniards for whom the constitutional issues involved in the Catalan crisis go well beyond the question of which party happens to be in power. Political Prisoners or Politicians in Jail? Following the ineffectiveness of the declaration of independence, Catalan nationalism has reorganized itself under a new rallying cry: one which calls for the liberation of political prisoners. These would be both the leaders of nationalist associations Jordi Cuixart and Jordi Sanchez, and the members of the sacked regional administration, all of whom have been placed in preventative prison pending their upcoming trials. The charges against Cuixart and Sanchez are for directing a crowd against a police unit that was carrying out an investigation, while the government ministers are charged with sedition and misuse of public funds in the lead-up to the declaration of independence. It is telling that, in recent weeks, a number of activists who were jailed during the Franco dictatorship have come forward saying that the label political prisoners does not apply to Catalan nationalist leaders. Their arguments are simple: it is not the same to rebel against a dictatorship as it is against a democracy and its democratically-sanctioned constitution. They might also point to the fact that the current Spanish judiciary can hardly be considered a puppet of the national government. This became particularly clear a few months ago, when Mr. Rajoy was called upon to testify in an ongoing trial over his partys finances. The judicial system has, in fact, already sent a number of previously high-ranking officials in Mr. Rajoys party to prison over corruption charges. Indeed, the claim that nationalist leaders currently under investigation should be considered to be political prisoners is not merely disingenuous; it should be offensive to activists, journalists and opposition leaders in authoritarian countries, and to anyone who cares about their struggles. This is because nationalist leaders are not being prosecuted for expressing dissent. On any day of the week one will find an abundant supply of Catalan nationalists putting forward their views both in regional and in national media, and rightly facing no consequences for it. Yet the nationalist leaders declaration of independence was not the expression of dissent, but a top-down push to alter the constitutional order and the entire structure of citizens rights in Spain. The declaration would have made non-separatist Catalans foreigners in their own land, despite their being in the majority of the population. The only reason why this did not happen was because of the national governments decision to intervene. The declaration would have made non-separatist Catalans foreigners in their own land, despite their being in the majority of the population. Rather than operating on the level of discourse, then, Catalan nationalist leaders have acted on the much harder stuff of citizens rights. In doing this, they have called into question at least one of the pillars of any mature democracy: the limits that the rule of law may place upon the actions of politicians. Meanwhile it is difficult to see why actions taken by the government in Madrid ought to be regarded as a curb on dissent, and not as a preservation of the countrys constitutional order against a threat that has professed itself at-ease with measures that are unilateral, and extrajudicial. Even though poverty is a difficult, many-faceted problem, the US stands out in how openly it hates the poor, even as its economic system looks increasingly designed to produce more of them. The Republican party, doing the bidding of members of the 0.1% and ideologues who treat poverty as the result of the lack of a work ethic, have made cutting the food stamp program a top priority. An overview from Huffington Post: Democrats have warned that after passing a tax bill that adds to the national debt, Republicans will say its all the more urgent to cut Social Security and Medicare. While overhauling those popular programs is a long-term Republican goal, in the near-term conservative lawmakers are more eager to cut food stamps. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), founder of the House Freedom Caucus, told HuffPost on Tuesday that the influential bloc of conservative Republicans will push for welfare reform legislation next year that would add new restrictions on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits He said the basic idea would be new restrictions on able-bodied adults even if they have children along the lines of a bill he introduced earlier this year. Robert Rector, a welfare expert with the conservative Heritage Foundation, said Jordans bill would cut SNAP spending by 20 percent over 10 years, which would amount to more than $100 billion. Roughly 42 million low-income Americans, of whom 44 percent are children, receive monthly SNAP benefits that can be used to buy food in grocery stores making it one of the U.S. governments biggest and most expensive economic safety net programs. Jordan and Freedom Caucus chairman Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) talked about the idea with Trump earlier this year, and Jordan said the president is enthusiastic about it Republicans have used resentment toward the food stamp program established in 1964 as part of President Lyndon Johnsons War on Poverty as a political weapon since at least the 1970s. Ronald Reagan, during his 1976 presidential run, would tell audiences of a strapping young buck outrageously using food stamps to buy steak. Before we turn to this Republican implementation of one of Lamberts rules of neoliberalism, Go die, note that Democrats are all with the bogus premise that Federal deficit spending is a problem, and therefore budget cuts are necessary and desirable. Since neither party will cut military spending or corporate pork, the only thing left to cut is social safety nets. So dont kid yourself about the Democrats. Theyll make cuts, but slowly and with feigned regret, while as we can see from the quotes in the HuffPo article, the Republicans make them with glee. It only took a few minutes on YouTube to find this priceless clip in which a Fox reporter, with a straight face, tells viewers repeatedly that the rich suffered more in the aftermath of the crisis than the poor. Since when is a decline in paper wealth as big a deal as going from poor to desperate? The Republican canard is the claim that the food stamp program is full of modern welfare queens, slough-offs who need to get off their couches and find work. First, as readers know all too well, there is plenty of un and underemployment in the US. People would not be accepting debilitating warehouse jobs at Amazon if there was adequate demand for workers. Nearly 95% of the jobs created when Obama was in office were part time or contract work. Those willing to work cant necessarily cobble together the equivalent of a full time paycheck. Second, many jobs pay only the minimum wage, which is below a living wage for a family even with two earners, and below a living wage even for single people in virtually all cities in the US. And what are people in the boonies told to do? Move to cities to get work, even though they seldom have the personal connections to help them land a job there, and often dont have enough scratch to fund a relocation (as in have enough money to put down a deposit on a rental). Third, in keeping with the fact that many jobs dont pay a living wage, people who are employed are also on food stamps. This article by Peter Van Buren, a former State Department employee who fell into low-wage work after he became a whistleblower and was fired, is important reading. Key section: 20 mega-companies dominate the minimum-wage world. Walmart alone employs 1.4 million minimum-wage workers; Yum Brands (Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, KFC) is in second place; and McDonalds takes third. Overall, 60 percent of minimum-wage workers are employed by businesses not officially considered small by government standards, and of course carve-outs for really small businesses are possible, as was done with Obamacare. Keep in mind that not raising wages costs you money. Those minimum wage workers who cant make enough and need to go on food assistance? Well, Walmart isnt paying for those food stamps (now called SNAP), you are. The annual bill that states and the federal government foot for working families making poverty-level wages is $153 billion. A single Walmart Supercenter costs taxpayers between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year in public assistance money. According to Florida Congressman Alan Grayson, in many states Walmart employees are the largest group of Medicaid recipients. They are also the single biggest group of food stamp recipients. In other words, those everyday low prices at the chain are, in part, subsidized by your tax money. Meanwhile, an estimated 18 percent of food stamps (SNAP) are spent at Walmart. Yves here. Do you think the Walmarts of the world will raise wages to compensate for the loss of the food stamp subsidy? No way. And lets look at another population that disproves the If you are broke, you must be lazy myth. From a must-read Guardian tory on farm suicides: We were growing food, but couldnt afford to buy it. We worked 80 hours a week, but we couldnt afford to see a dentist, let alone a therapist. Since 2013, net farm income for US farmers has declined 50%. Median farm income for 2017 is projected to be negative $1,325. Another sign of rising stress: homelessness is up for the first time since 2010. From the Wall Street Journal: In an annual report to Congress released Wednesday, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development data shows the homeless population was 553,742 in 2017, a 0.7% increase from 2016 HUD Secretary Ben Carson said rents are rising faster than incomes in major cities, forcing too many of our neighbors into our shelters and onto our streets... One in four of the nations homeless population could be found in New York City or Los Angeles County, according to the report. New York City had the largest homeless population with 76,501 people, a 4.1% increase from the prior year. Los Angeles County counted 55,188 people living in shelters and on streets, a 26% increase over the prior year. A key difference between the two major metropolitan areas: in New York, 95% were found to be living in shelters, while in Los Angeles County only 25% were in shelters. Yves here. I question that 95% claim. The homeless often avoid shelters save when the weather is very cold because shelters are perceived to be unsafe. During the brief life of Occupy Wall Street, many homeless people came and camped out in Zucotti Park because Occupy Wall Street provided free food and staying there at night was perceived to be better than going to a shelter. When the encampment was cleared out, some churched opened up to allow the former Zucotti Park denizens sleep there overnight. Our Outis did night duty regularly at one of those churches because they needed people to act as de facto guards, particularly to keep men from trying to force themselves on women. And this was a real issue; I recall Outis describing various safety-related incidents in which hed had to intervene. Back to the Journal: Sizable year-over-year increases in the homeless population were registered in several California jurisdictions, including the Sacramento area, 47%, the Oakland area, 36%, and Orange County, 11%. Among major California cities, San Francisco was an outlier, with a 2% decline. The Seattle area, another West Coast region that has struggled with high housing costs, saw an 8.5% increase in its homeless population. So if more of the working and unemployed poor have food stamps cut, one of the results will be more homelessness, of the visible sort that the Feds were able to count, and the under the radar type of people living in cars. And as I said, dont expect the Democrats to do much, save for a few bona fide progressives who run on the Democratic party ticket. They also think the well-off deserve their high incomes, and while they express more concern about the poor, they are loath to spend any chips. Mizoram PC: Dan Markeye Renowned for its alluring landscape and pleasant climate, Mizoram in translation means the land of the hill people, which is the abode of various indigenous tribes. The state shares its international borders with Bangladesh and Myanmar. The ILP can be procured from the liaison officer, Govt of Mizoram, in the following cities - Kolkata, Silchar, Shillong, New Delhi and Guwahati. For those who are entering the state by air, you can obtain the passes from the security officer on arrival at the Lengpui Airport in Aizawal. Ladakh PC: Sorcerer81 The region of Ladakh in Jammu and Kashmir is a very sensitive location as it shares borders with Pakistan and China. While not all parts of the region are open to civilians, an Inner Line Permit is required if you wish to visit the restricted places, such as Dah, Pangong Tso, Nubra Valley, Khardung La, Tso Moriri, Tangyar, the villages of Hanu and several others. The permits can be obtained from the DC office located near the polo ground of Main Bazaar in Leh town between 9.00 am & 7.00 pm. However, the forms must be submitted before 3.00 pm. One can also get the permits online, but they need to be stamped. Travel agents, too, can get the permits done for the visitors. Lakshadweep PC: The.chhayachitrakar Lakshadweep in translation means one hundred thousand islands and is a union territory of India. The holm is located in the Laccadive Sea and was previously known as the Laccadive, Minicoy and Amindivi islands. All passengers heading to the union territory must obtain a permit to enter; the permits are available in the official site of the islands, which is available free of cost and is valid for a period of 5 months. Sikkim PC: Indrajit Das The state of Sikkim shares its borders with three countries, China in the north, Bhutan in the east and Nepal in its west. The place does have a number of entry restrictions in place and one requires the ILP to visit the areas of Lachung, Tsomgo Lake, Yumthang, Dzongri, Goechala, Gurudongmar Lake and a number of other places. The permits for Nathu La and Gurudongmar Lake are issued by the Tourism and Civil Aviation Dept and can be procured at the Bagdogra Airport and Rangpo Check Post. It can also be obtained from the official website of the state. Arunachal Pradesh PC: Sathis Babu The land of dawn-lit mountains, Arunachal Pradesh is the north-easternmost state in India and shares its borders with Bhutan in the west, Myanmar in the east and China in the north. Every tourist requires a the Inner Line Permit to visit this beautiful land. The permits can be obtained from the resident commissioner, Govt of Arunachal Pradesh, from the cities of Kolkata, Shillong, Guwahati and New Delhi. Apart from this one can also get the forms online. NATO Allies and partners began this week helping Albania cope with the most severe rainfalls ever recorded in the country. Albania requested assistance from the NATOs Euro Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC) on 4 December, following the onset of heavy rainfalls in central and southern parts of the country. According to the Albanian authorities, the floods damaged more than 4,500 buildings, 36 power stations and dozens of roads. The floods also led to the temporary closure of Tiranas main airport and to evacuations. NATO Allies and partner countries responded immediately to Albanias request this week. Bulgaria, France, Montenegro, Slovenia and Slovakia well as Austria offered assistance, including water rescue equipment, power generators and temporary shelter. Other NATO Allies and partners are considering providing additional assistance in the coming days. The Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC) is NATOs main civil emergency response mechanism, and functions as a clearing-house system for coordinating disaster relief assistance. On Friday, 8 December 2017, the NATO Deputy Secretary General, The Honourable Ms. Rose Gottemoeller will travel to Chisinau where she will inaugurate the NATO Liaison Office Moldova together with the Prime Minister, Mr. Pavel Filip. During her visit, Ms. Gottemoeller will also meet with the President, H.E. Mr. Igor Dodon, the Prime Minister, Mr. Pavel Filip and the Minister of Defence, Mr. Eugen Sturza. The Deputy Secretary General will also participate in a conference on NATO-Moldova Cooperation where she will deliver a keynote speech followed by a Q&A session at the Radisson Blu Leogrand Hotel. Media Advisory (local timing) +10:15 Joint press conference with the Prime Minister NATO Liaison Office The press conference will be streamed live on the NATO website. Still and video images of the event will be available on the NATO website after the event. Follow us on Twitter (@NATOPress and @Gottemoeller) (As delivered) Thank you, Mr. Secretary General. Two days ago in Brussels, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the 1967 Report of the Council on the Future Tasks of the Alliance better known as the Harmel Report, after its main author the Belgian diplomat and then Foreign Minister, Pierre Harmel. While reasserting NATOs basic principles of military security deterrence and defence it also introduced the policy of detente through political dialogue. This dual-track approach, adopted by NATO 50 years ago, has served us well ever since. Todays security environment is fundamentally different than the one we faced during the Cold War. The principles that guide us, however, still ring true. The decisions coming out of the Warsaw Summit on NATOs dual-track approach are consistent with the Harmel Report and with the enduring principles outlined therein. NATO is a defensive alliance, an organization that understands the importance of deterrence and defence and the role they play in providing for stability and peace. The needs for deterrence and dialogue are intertwined complementary, not contradictory. It is my hope, in the context of the global challenges we are discussing this afternoon, that NATO and its dual-track approach can serve as a beacon to others who share these goals deterrence and defence, stability and peace. I want to stress in saying this that while we recognize NATO is a Euro-Atlantic organization and will remain one, our approach may serve as a model well beyond our region. It is important that we have this discussion today because the peace and security that many of us are working to preserve is at risk. Right here in the Euro-Atlantic region, the rules-based international order is being undermined by the illegal annexation of Crimea and the ongoing destabilization in eastern Ukraine. Fundamental principles of the OSCE are being challenged principles enshrined in the 1975 Helsinki Final Act, the Paris Charter of 1990, the Istanbul Charter of 1999, the Astana Declaration of 2010, and most recently, the Hamburg Declaration from last December. And this challenge to international order, unfortunately, has contributed to a lack of trust. Trust is key. And I want to applaud the OSCEs Structured Dialogue initiative for its role in addressing this problem. Agreed only one year ago at Hamburg, it has been serving as a forum for discussing threats as well as near and long-term challenges to European security. NATO Allies attach a great deal of importance to the role of the OSCE in fostering dialogue, building trust, and upholding the rules-based international order. UML candidate Tulachan elected federal parliament member from Mustang CPN-UML candidate Prem Prasad Tulachan has been elected as the federal parliament member from Mustang district. (Natural News) Financial figurehead David Stockman has issued a stern warning for everyone involved, or considering involvement, with Bitcoin. In his personal view, the popular cryptocurrency is currently in the throes of a major bubble, and at some point soon it will eventually become so large that it finally bursts to the financial detriment of millions. A former United States Politician who served both as a Republican U.S. Representative for the state of Michigan and as Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan, Stockmans opinions on financial matters are taken seriously in the media. Last year around this time, he urged CNBC investors to sell everything because he saw a recession coming down the pike in 2017. This recession never came to bear (though it presumably still could with just a few weeks left in 2017), but hes still considered to be a respected voice on how to be financially savvy. And hes now convinced that many investors are headed straight towards a cliff especially those who are putting their faith in making bit returns on Bitcoin. From bitcoin to Amazon, the financials, the Russell 2000 and most everything else in between, the casinos are digesting no information except the price action and are relentlessly rising on nothing more than pure momentum. The mania has gone full retard, he wrote in a recent article published to his blog, David Stockmans Contra Corner. Bitcoin is neither an outlier nor a one-off freak; its a poster boy for an unhinged financial system where honest price discovery, two-way markets, fear of risk and financial discipline have been completely destroyed by the central banks. Cryptocurrencies are a no go, Stockman insists While admitting that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have the potential to become solid forms of private money and payment systems that exist away from the grasping hand of the Deep State, he also says that many of them represent runaway bubbles that eventually generate their own demise. Just in the year 2017, Bitcoin, in particular, has seen unprecedented increases in value relative to the U.S. dollar. On January 1, 2017, the price of Bitcoin had just topped $1,000 per coin. Fast-forward to December 1, 2017, and the price of Bitcoin blew right on past $10,000 per coin. This might seem like a tremendously promising investment for people on the sidelines to consider, what with such massive increases, right? Wrong, according to Stockman. After pulling the data points showing how long it took for Bitcoin to go from $0 to $1,000 1,789 days to be exact he then compared this to how long it took for Bitcoin to jump from $10,000 to $11,000 and everything in between. In essence, the price of Bitcoin has been increasing exponentially ever since day one, an indication that it has reached mania levels at which every individual and his mother is now trying to snatch their piece of the Bitcoin pie. Eventually something has to give, and Stockman predicts that its going to get really, really ugly. This exponential sequence, he says, is not the birthing throes of a new money being born; its just another iteration of the same old lemmings stampeding toward the cliff. Commenting as well on President Trumps new tax plan during a recent segment with Fox Business Neil Cavuto, Stockman had a similarly sour view of what it will realistically bring about. This is an economic dud, it is a political landmine and it is an ideological imposter parading as a Reaganesque supply-chain tax cut when its nothing like that, hes quoted as saying. Its a wish list of businesses and Wall Street. Sources for this article include: (Natural News) We have been waging war with germs for the longest time, it seems. Since we were young, we have been taught that germs are harmful and that we should make sure we are clean all the time. It is a lesson that echoes even today, with the swaths of products that ensure you are spotless at all times. It turns out, the phrase at all times may be the reason why we are losing out on sickness these days. In the past two decades, asthma, allergies, and immune disorders have been on the rise all over the world, according to childrens allergist Dominique Bullens. People also noticed that children in large-scale daycare centers developed fewer allergies and that the chances to become allergic go down as from the fourth child in a family. Bullens attributes this to the hygiene hypothesis, which states that lifestyle changes in industrial countries have contributed to a decline of infectious diseases. However, with the fall of infectious diseases, cases of allergic and autoimmune diseases have begun to elevate. This was first theorized by British epidemiologist David Strachan in 1989. He postulated that an allergy is a sign that our immune system is spiraling out of control. With the introduction of a lot of cleaning products, our bodies have been affected by it to a level that our immune system is compromised. Take the chemical triclosan, for example. This chemical was found in many household and cleaning products. However, a study conducted by the University of Michigan reports that prolonged exposure to soaps and gels containing triclosan can result in allergies in children. Aside from this, the substance poses an environmental hazard and is known to be an endocrine disrupting compound (EDC). (Related: More proof of hygiene theory exposure to microbes help kids breathe better.) According to Dorothy Matthews, a biologist at the Russel Sage Castle in New York, this reaction may be our bodies overreacting to helpful microbes, as our bodys immune systems have already forgotten how to co-exist with them. This is why, instead of treating our bodies like hospitals, we should learn how to treat it as a field. We shouldnt be turning our homes into hospital environments. That should be the message: a germ-free life is not healthier and germs arent bad. Bullens adds. Were constantly dragging more than 1.5 kilos of them with us in our body: each of us is carrying more germs than there are people on this planet. She continues by saying that to there can be detrimental effects to being too clean. Take washing your hands: if a person washes his hands using cleaners and antibacterial soaps, he runs that risk of destroying his hands skin flora, which can heighten the risk of infection. However, using water alone can get the job done, while still keep some of the germs that are useful. The same applies to washing intimates: do not drown it in bactericides, just wash it and let nature run its course. Of course, the advice is taken with a grain of salt. Can we have problems with being filthy? How long do we wash it then? How often? Researchers answer that not with how long you wash, but how well you do it. Good hygiene is not a deep-down clean of all areas of our body. Rather, it is a targeted approach that aims to address necessary areas. In this manner, our bodys natural flora is not disturbed as much as we clean ourselves. If you want to learn more about the human body and overall health, you can visit Sources include: (Natural News) If youre an illegal alien with a penchant for violent crime, San Francisco is the place you want to be. Not only is the landscape breathtaking and the weather comfortably mild year round, but this iconic liberal enclave is also a sanctuary city that provides refuge for people who live in the United States illegally, even going so far as to offer get-out-of-jail-free cards to any and all illegals who commit crimes there. One of the most recent examples of this was the acquittal of an illegal immigrant murderer by the name of Jose Ines Garcia Zarate. Despite confessing to the 2015 murder of Kate Steinle as she walked on a busy San Francisco pier with her father, Zarate was declared to be not guilty of this crime. The only crime the jury convicted Zarate of committing was felony possession of a firearm, staying true to the citys anti-gun reputation. The shocking announcement of the jurys decision was quick to make national headlines, illustrating how sanctuary status has turned many formerly great cities into cesspools of crime and lawlessness. And San Francisco, as desirable as it might seem to some, is certainly no exception. The jury of six women and six men considered charges against Garcia Zarate that include murder, assault with a deadly weapon and being a felon in possession of a firearm in the death of (Kathryn) Steinle, a 32-year-old Pleasanton native and San Francisco resident, local news affiliates reports. Defense attorney in this travesty of a case had the gall to threaten President Trump and Vice President Pence Zarates lawyer in the case is fully aware of the fact that millions of law-abiding Americans are absolutely outraged over the ruling, which has allowed his illegal Mexican alien client, who just so happens to be a five-time deportee and seven-time convicted felon, to once again be turned loose on society. But rather than sympathize with them, he dug in his heels and actually lobbed accusations and threats against President Trump and his cabinet. For those who might criticize this verdict there are a number of people who have commented on this case in the last couple of years; the Attorney General of the United States and the President and Vice President of the United States, stated Matt Gonzalez, Zarates defense attorney. Let me just remind them: They are themselves under investigation by a special prosecutor in Washington D.C. and they may soon avail themselves of the presumption of innocence beyond a reasonable doubt, so I ask that they reflect on that before they comment or disparage the results of this case. Gonzalez sure has a lot of nerve making such statements after shamelessly fighting for the release of his convicted criminal alien client. Hes now got a whole lot of blood on his hands, as does the city of San Francisco which, had it done its job in reporting Zarate to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency, this murder never would have happened in the first place. What San Francisco is communicating to the world with this whole saga is that it would rather harbor criminal aliens who dont even belong here in order to maintain its image of tolerance and political correctness, than protect the innocent, law-abiding citizens who live there legally. This is the nature of sanctuary zones in general, a full list of which is available through the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). When jurisdictions choose to return criminal aliens to the streets rather than turning them over to federal immigration authorities, they put the publics safety at risk, commented Attorney General Jeff Sessions about the case. San Franciscos decision to protect criminal aliens led to the preventable and heartbreaking death of Kate Steinle. Follow more news on totally insane current events at Sources for this article include: (Natural News) Months ago critics of special counsel Robert Mueller pointed out that as he was assembling his legal team while ramping up his probe of alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia to steal the election from Hillary Clinton which we now know is completely bogus he appeared to be putting together a hit squad of Democrat-leaning lawyers. Four top lawyers hired by Mueller have contributed tens of thousands of dollars over the years to the Democratic Party and Democratic candidates, including former President Barack Obama and President Donald J. Trumps 2016 opponent, Hillary Clinton, Lifezette reported in June. As further noted by The National Sentinel, one of those attorneys is Jeannie Rhee. She has worked as a lawyer for the Clinton Foundation and actually helped persuade a federal judge to block a conservative activists attempts to require the former first couple to respond under oath to questions under oath surrounding their family-operated charity. (Related: Now DEMS have a Russia problem.) Also, Rhee donated the maximum individual amount of $2,700 to Clinton in 2015 and 2016. In addition, she gave Obama 2,300 in 2008 and $2,500 in 2011, the site reported. While still working for the Justice Department, she donated $250 to the Democratic National Committee Services Corp. Rhee has also given to other Democrats, including Sens. Mark Udall of New Mexico, Chris Van Hollen of Maryland and Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island. Now, as exclusively reported by Fox News Laura Ingraham on her program Tuesday, Rhee also worked in the Obama Justice Department as a deputy assistant attorney general in the office of legal counsel, which provided legal advice to the Obama White House. Moreover, Rhee served as the personal attorney of Obamas deputy national security advisor, Ben Rhodes. Adding more fuel to the bias fire, Ingraham noted that Rhee also worked in private practice with Andrew Weissmann, another Mueller team member who received deserved criticism this past week after it was discovered that he sent demonstrably partisan email to a former top Justice Department official. He praised outgoing Acting Attorney General Sally Yates for refusing to enforce Trumps first travel ban. Im so proud and in awe. Thank you so much. All my deepest respect, he wrote. Trump fired Yates after she refused to do her job. Rhee becomes the third member of the Mueller team to demonstrate brazen partisanship towards the party opposed to the president, behind FBI counterterrorism investigator Peter Strzok (who has since been demoted off the investigation) and Weissmann, who also has a history of donating to Democrats, including then-Sen. Barack Obama in 2008, during his first campaign for president, when he wrote a check for $2,300. There is no way these people are going to be fair to Trump a fact not lost on former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, an informal advisor to the president, The National Sentinel noted. Ingraham agrees. What Mueller did was hire a pedigree team of obvious partisans, she said. They should all step aside, including Bob Mueller. Shes not the first to call for Mueller to step down, especially as more is learned about Strzok who exchanged anti-Trump, pro-Clinton emails with FBI lawyer Lisa Page, whom he was also having an extramarital affair with. Republicans are delusional if they think the special counsel is going to be fair. Look who he is hiring. check fec reports. Time to rethink, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga., tweeted in June, using the acronym for the Federal Election Commission, which tracks political donations. In November, House Republicans introduced a resolution calling on Mueller to step down after its become obvious hes a deep state operative who is so overwhelmingly compromised its hard to imagine were watching real life and not a Hollywood political thriller. Muellers got to go Congressional pressure is growing by the hour, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., said. Mueller was not a spectator to the transactions regarding the Uranium One scandal and other events that now give us grave concern, he added. Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams, writing at network affiliate site News Target, added that it is time to ARREST Robert Mueller, James Comey, Hillary Clinton, Peter Strzok and the rest of the lawless gang trying to overthrow America. Read more of J.D. Heyes work at The National Sentinel. Sources include: Press Release The Symrise Global Culinary Team has launched the Joy of Authentic Food Initiative which helps food manufacturers create the unique food experiences their customers demand by capturing the best of science and nature. Noah Michaels, Senior Chef and Culinary Team Leader, stated that the global Joy of Authentic Food program is part of a natural evolution that is taking place in the culinary arena. Consumers, especially the influential Millennial demographic, want to have real food experiences. They are watching cooking shows that highlight ethnic and local food, going on citywide tasting treks, shopping at local farmers markets and attending interactive chef-hosted events. These consumers go out of their way to know where their food is coming from, engaging with the farmers, bakers, butchers and artisans. Chef Michaels explained that the Joy of Authentic Food is a collaborative, multileveled working approach with peer-to-peer partnership at the heart of it. This is clearly illustrated by the three-year journey taken by Symrise NA to elevate the Culinary Center to the high standards Symrise had set. He explains, In addition to completely rebuilding our culinary facility, an increased staff that includes two certified research chefs, have come together to bring exceptional culinary capabilities to support our customers. Our culinary flavor experts participate in an integrated concept development process, aiming toward long term partnerships with customers by combining nature the commitment to source only the highest quality natural raw materials with science our technological expertise that allows us to interpret and translate these into new flavor concepts. We are dedicated to helping our customers discover, build and deliver the Joy of Authentic Food in their products, significantly supporting them through our industry leadership in high performance herb, spice and vegetable flavors the core elements in creating authentic food that delivers incomparable joy to consumers. Noah also explained that the Culinary Centers flavor professionals employ the Companys complete Authentic Food culinary toolkit to bring innovative solutions which deliver the Joy of Authentic Food to customers. The toolkit features the widest range of backwards integrated materials, solutions for clean labeling requirements and positive claims, superior supply security and regulatory and quality assurance. He said, Our analytical expertise, sensory modeling, flavor design and culinary application capabilities provide exceptional product development support for our customers. Noah cited Symrise programs that support the Joy of Authentic Food Program. He highlighted access to culinary insights from Symrises internal Chefs United program which is comprised of 35,000 worldwide professional chefs. He also referenced Symrises online Flavor Designers Club whose participants help in predicting winning solutions through sensory and preference models. About Symrise: Symrise is a global supplier of fragrances, flavorings, cosmetic base materials and substances as well as functional ingredients. Its clients include manufacturers of perfumes, cosmetics, food and beverages, the pharmaceutical industry and producers of nutritional supplements and pet food. With sales of more than 2.9 billion in 2016, Symrise is among the global leaders in the market for flavors and fragrances. Headquartered in Holzminden, Germany, the Group is represented in over 40 countries in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, Asia, the United States and Latin America. Symrise works with its clients to develop new ideas and market-ready concepts for products that form an indispensable part of everyday life. Economic success and corporate responsibility are inextricably linked as part of this process. Symrise always inspiring In a crowded military courtroom on Alamedas Coast Guard Island, attorneys made their opening statements Wednesday in the trial of a US Coast Guard member accused of neglecting his three-year-old daughter after she suffered injuries that led to her death. Jimmy Barlow, 31, faces four counts of child endangerment in a military court-martial at the same time his wife Holli Barlow faces similar charges in Alameda County. The charges stem from the 2011 death of Eden Lynch, which the Alameda County coroners office ruled a homicide caused by blunt force trauma to the head. Eden had been in the couples care for about four months when she died. In a 45 minute opening statement, the defense team argued that Barlow cooperated with medical staff and answered their questions about what happened to his daughter, and that Barlow was betrayed by social workers and medical professionals who reported suspected child abuse to police after Barlows daughter was rushed to the hospital in an unresponsive state. Barlows attorney, Colby Vokey, called Edens death a tragic accident resulting from a fall down a flight of concrete steps outside of Barlows apartment about a week before she collapsed. Vokey, a retired Lieutenant Colonel from the United States Marine Corps, argued that Barlow could not have done anything that would have prevented Edens death. He told the court that Barlow was just learning to be a father and was making great progress with his daughter before her tragic death. But Coast Guard prosecutors say Barlow failed to protect or seek medical care for Eden after she suffered the serious injuries that ultimately led to her death. Lt. Commander Karl Mueller argued Barlow saw bruises on Edens neck and witnessed strange behavior in the days leading up to her death, such as choking herself with a necklace and eating her own feces, but failed to take her to the hospital or have her evaluated by medical professionals. Prosecutors said they plan to show text messages in court from Barlow to his then girlfriend, now wife, Holli who provided daytime care for Eden, including one text from Barlow saying that Eden needed her dad to whoop that ass. Barlows attorneys never disputed Edens odd behavior, but attributed her actions to major changes and disruptions in her life. They placed the blame on her recent move to Alameda after her mother Erica Lynch lost custody of Eden. Defense attorneys said Barlow was concerned about Edens care by her mother, who had been abusing drugs. Following opening arguments, prosecutors began calling key witnesses and presenting evidence, such as the 9-1-1 call made by Holli Barlow when she found Eden unresponsive in their Alameda apartment. Lt. Commander Geralyn Van de Krol played the recording, in which Holli Barlow frantically tells a dispatcher that Eden is convulsing and barely breathing and that she has recently been acting weird, banging her head on the wall and scratching herself. Following the 9-1-1 call, prosecutors called two first responders to the witness stand to testify about what they saw when first arriving on scene at Barlows apartment. Alameda Fire Department Captain Sam Yussim testified that when he arrived on scene, he saw Eden lying on the ground in a bedroom. I noticed she had some bruising under her eyes. Raccoon eyes. It looked like two black eyes, Yussim said. There were some scratches on her neck and chest area. Yussim further described for the court that Eden appeared wet, as though water had been splashed on her to revive her. He recounted that when Jimmy Barlow arrived, he did not talk to paramedics or ask them any questions about Eden; instead he went to the kitchen and spoke with Holli. Yussim testified that neither of them rode in the ambulance to Childrens Hospital Oakland with Eden. It didnt seem like he wanted to have much to do with what we were doing, Yussim said. I remember carrying this little girl out on a backboard and walking past the kitchen where he and the young lady [Holli] were talking. Yussim said of the thousands of calls hes responded to in his career, this one was burned into his memory. Alameda Fire Department captain, David Buckley, said the injuries he saw on Eden did not seem to match the Barlows account that Edens injuries were the result of a fall down a flight of stairs more than a week before. It was my gut feeling that what we found as far as injuries did not add up, Buckley said, explaining why they decided to call Alameda police. Prosecutors also called Holli Barlow as a witness. She was taking care of Eden while Jimmy was at work on the day Eden collapsed. With her attorney Randolph Daar standing beside her, Barlow took the stand and exercised her 5th Amendment rights protecting her from self-incrimination and then left the courtroom. The days final witness, Dr. Robert Crawford-Jacubiak, the Director of the Center for Child Protection at Childrens Hospital Oakland, was called by hospital staff to examine Eden when she arrived because of the suspicious nature of her injuries. Crawford-Jacubiak told the court that children rarely show up at the hospital with injuries like Edens. The child had a collection of injuries that are unusual for a three-year-old, he said. The ear, the eye, under the eye, the neck, the jaw are all very unusual places for a child to have a collection of bruises. This is not the pattern of bruising that you typically see. When they have bruising on their face, sides of their head, it would immediately cause me to ask the question, Why did this child have these bruises? On cross examination, when asked by defense attorney Vokey if the injuries on Edens neck could have been caused by the toddler choking herself with her own necklace, he said he didnt believe that was a likely explanation for the bruising he witnessed. I certainly think choking with a necklace could cause injuries like that to the neck, Crawford-Jakubiak said. Ive never heard of a three-year-old child being responsible for causing those injuries to herself. Crawford-Jakubiak said if Edens injuries had been caused by a fall down a flight of concrete steps, she would likely have cuts and bruises on her shins or elbows. When examining Eden at the hospital, Crawford-Jackubiak said he found no such injuries. Among those present in the courtroom were the prosecutors in charge of Holli Barlows case in Alameda County, Holli Barlows defense team, various members of the Coast Guard, and a large group of Erica Lynchs family members. Eric and Rhonda Lynch, Edens maternal grandparents, traveled from their home in Maine to watch the trial. Grandmother Rhonda Lynch was not allowed in the courtroom because shes scheduled to testify as a witness in the trial, but Edens grandfather Eric wiped away tears during the prosecutions opening statements and when photos of Eden in the hospital were shown. I want to see justice served, Eric Lynch said. And I believe it will be served. Erica, Edens mother, was also in the audience for most of the day. I just miss her laughter, she said. I miss her calling me Mommy. I just miss her. Both Jimmy and Holli Barlow have declined to be interviewed by NBC Bay Area. Jimmy Barlow elected to have a bench trial, which means a judge rather than a jury will decide the outcome of the case. The judge said he expects the trial to conclude by the end of next week. NBC Bay Area will continue following the trial. What to Know The fire had grown to around 12,605 acres by 7:25 p.m. Evacuation orders were affecting about 110,000 households, and residents would not be allowed to return home for another night. All LAUSD schools in the San Fernando Valley and some on the west side of LA will be closed on Thursday and Friday. This story is no longer being updated. For the latest information on the Creek Fire, click here. A stubborn, wind-driven brush fire that raged through the hills above Sylmar and threatened thousands of homes was holding at 12,605 acres burned Wednesday, but crews were bracing for violent gusts expected to return by nightfall. The blaze, which broke out at 3:42 a.m. Tuesday in the area of Gold Creek and Little Tujunga roads in the Kagel Canyon area, was estimated at 12,605 acres by late afternoon Wednesday. More than 1,600 firefighters and other personnel were deployed against the fire, which was 5 percent contained. Three firefighters were injured Tuesday, and were hospitalized in stable condition. At least 30 homes were destroyed, about 20 of them in the Little Tujunga, Kagel Canyon and Lopez Canyon areas. The other 10 homes were within Los Angeles city limits, according to Margaret Stewart of the Los Angeles Fire Department. Virginia Padilla, whose family owns a ranch in Sylmar, told reporters the fire killed at least 30 of the ranch's horses. Padilla said she and her family were able to get out of her home just in time but were not able to take their horses with them as they had to evacuate immediately when they were awakened Tuesday morning. Virginia Padilla and her family were devastated to learn that their family ranch, which houses more than 60 horses, was burned to the ground on Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2017 during the Creek Fire in Sylmar. Evacuation orders first issued Tuesday were affecting about 110,000 households, according to Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, who said evacuated residents would not be allowed to return home for another night. "We realize what an inconvenience this is and how traumatic this is to so many people, but we've watched fires in Northern California, we've seen through experience it's much better to err on the side of safety,'' Garcetti said at a Wednesday afternoon news briefing. "And while the wind is not as strong at this moment as we have had in some of the briefings before and certainly yesterday, it is an unpredictablen wind and we do expect extreme wind starting at 10 o'clock today." All Los Angeles Unified School District schools in the San Fernando Valley and some on the west side of Los Angeles -- a total of 265 district schools and affiliated charter schools -- will be closed on Thursday and Friday, district officials said. A full list of closed schools was available at All Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District campuses will also remain closed Thursday. An estimated 2,500 structures were threatened by the Creek Fire at one point, according to the U.S. Forest Service, which was fighting the blaze in a unified command with the Los Angeles city and county fire departments. Los Angeles Fire Department Chief Ralph Terrazas warned that the battle was likely to continue until at least Friday. While there was a lull in the winds Wednesday, allowing crews to work on containment lines around the various fires, a "significant'' wind event is expected Wednesday night and into Thursday, with hurricane-force winds possible, Terrazas said. The LAFD's "brush burning index" that rates the fire danger was at 296 -- "the highest number I've ever seen in my career," according to Terrazas. He said the usual threshold for extreme fire conditions is 165. "Tonight may be the worst night of all,'' Terrazas said. The LAPD was placed on a citywide tactical alert, which allows commanders maximum flexibility in deploying resources. As the fire burned on Tuesday, the Foothill (210) Freeway was closed in both directions between the Golden State (5) Freeway and the Glendale (2) Freeway, but the freeway had been reopened by Wednesday afternoon, according to the California Highway Patrol. As the fire expanded and jumped south of the Foothill Freeway on Tuesday, so did the mandatory evacuation area. Evacuations were initially ordered in the area north of the Foothill Freeway from Glenoaks Boulevard on the west to the border with La Crescenta on the east. But by early Tuesday afternoon, the eastern boundary of the evacuation area had been expanded to the Haynes Canyon area. And an area south of the Foothill Freeway was ordered evacuated in Shadow Hills between Sunland Boulevard to the south, Wentworth Street to the north and Tuxford Street to the west, officials said. A dozen evacuation centers were opened throughout the San Fernando Valley, and all were accepting evacuees, including those with pets. The fire also forced a mass evacuation of large animals, primarily horses but also others such as alpacas. Many of the animals were being housed at Pierce College and the Los Angeles Equestrian Center, which were at capacity Wednesday afternoon and not accepting additional animals. Horses and other large animals can be brought to the Hansen Dam Equestrian Center at 11127 Orcas Ave. in Sylmar and the Antelope Valley Fairgrounds at 2551 W. Avenue H, in Lancaster. Dogs, cats and small pets can be brought to these locations: -- Sylmar Recreation Center, 13109 Borden Avenue, in Sylmar; -- West Valley Animal Shelter, 20655 Plummer St., Los Angeles; and -- East Valley Animal Shelter, 14409 Vanowen St., Los Angeles. Residents were urged to heed evacuation orders and to prepare well in advance of commands to leave home. "Pack a go bag," said Los Angeles County Sheriff Jim McDonnell. McDonnell suggested residents take photo IDs, medications, food and water -- enough for a couple of days -- and important documents like birth certificates, passports and licenses. He said 70 mph winds were forecast for Wednesday night. "Please take this serious," McDonnell said. "Pack a bag, be ready to go, have your cell phone charged and please, heed the warning when we ask you to leave an area." An alternate juror in the Kate Steinle murder trial said in an interview Wednesday with NBC Bay Area that the acquittal verdict was correct. Phil Van Stockum first made the comment in a first-person account of the proceedings for Politico magazine, explaining why the not-guilty verdict was the right decision. NBC Bay Area reporter Sam Brock sits down with an alternate juror in the Kate Steinle murder trial, a mechanical engineer who sat through the entire proceeding, saw all the evidence and says the jury's not-guilty verdict was the correct one. Van Stockum sat through the entire trial, saw all the evidence presented, discussed the verdict with the jury after it was delivered and concluded that it was the right decision, he wrote in the article that was posted on Wednesday. However, Van Stockum was not part of the deliberations. He said there was no evidence the defendant, Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, planned to kill Kate Steinle on July 1, 2015. NBC Bay Area reporter Sam Brock sits down with an alternate juror in the Kate Steinle murder trial, a mechanical engineer who sat through the entire proceeding, saw all the evidence and says the jury's not-guilty verdict was the correct one. Van Stockum agrees with the defense's opinion that murder charges should not have been brought against Garcia Zarate, a Mexican man in the United States illegally. He also outlines how the specific instructions given to the jury as well as another questionable move by the prosecution led to the not guilty verdict on manslaughter charges. The jurors had to determine whether Garcia Zarate was holding a gun before it killed Steinle. Garcia Zarate told jurors he fired the weapon by accident, that he didn't know it was a gun until it fired. Van Stockum, a mechanical engineer, also provides details about the gun and Garcia Zarate's actions before and after it went off. NBC Bay Area reporter Sam Brock sits down with an alternate juror in the Kate Steinle murder trial, a mechanical engineer who sat through the entire proceeding, saw all the evidence and says the jury's not-guilty verdict was the correct one. "In a criminal trial, the defendant has to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt of guilt, instead of the other way around, " Van Stockum said in an interview with NBC Bay Area. "That presumption of innocence includes a stipulation that if there is a reasonable interpretation of the evidence that favors the defendant for any particular charge, even if there are other reasonable interpretations that incriminate him, the jury has to choose the one that favors the defendant." To that end, Van Stockum said, the prosecution's job was to eliminate any reasonable interpretation of the evidence that favors innocence. Van Stockum said the fact the bullet ricocheted 12 feet in front of Garcia Zarate and then traveled another 78 feet was critical evidence that the defendant was not aiming at Steinle. He said that evidence, pointing to an accidental firing of the gun, was important because murder and manslaughter charges require specific types of intent. NBC Bay Area reporter Sam Brock sits down with an alternate juror in the Kate Steinle murder trial, a mechanical engineer who sat through the entire proceeding, saw all the evidence and says the jury's not-guilty verdict was the correct one. Van Stockum said it was not an easy decision to come forward with the article and the interview. He consulted with his wife, family and other people close to him. Ultimately, the confusion and backlash over the verdict persuaded him to speak out. "The role of a juror is to enact the justice that is enshrined in the law of the United States," he said. "And that is what the jurors did in this case, and they could not have done otherwise lawfully. I think we should commend them instead of calling them despicable." An elderly man died and two others were transported to the hospital Thursday following a carbon monoxide incident in San Francisco, according to a fire official. At least six people were exposed during the incident, which occurred around 4:30 a.m. at a residential structure with two units located at 301 Moultrie St. in the Bernal Heights neighborhood, Lt. Jonathan Baxter with the San Francisco Fire Department said. Arriving firefighters found four people from the upper unit complaining of symptoms associated with carbon monoxide poisoning, Baxter said. Those people also told firefighters that two people were living in the downstairs unit. Firefighters knocked on the lower unit's door, but no one answered, according to Baxter. Crews barged into the residence and found an unconscious elderly woman near the front door. She was rushed to the hospital in serious condition. "We're commending the individuals from the upper levels for calling 911," Baxter said. "They basically saved the life of the lady who was unconscious that's currently at the hospital. If she had been exposed to these gases for any longer time, she probably would have been a fatality as well." An unconscious elderly man was also found in the lower level residence, Baxter said. Crews tried to bring him back to life, but he was pronounced dead at the scene. One person from the upper level was transported to the hospital after complaining of symptoms, according to Baxter. The other residents were eventually allowed to go back inside. Baxter said the odorless and colorless gas may have come from a water heater or heater, but an investigation is ongoing. Baxter said the incident is a good reminder for all residents to have working carbon monoxide detectors in their homes and check with PG&E to make sure their heating sources are up and running properly. "PG&E has a very important message as they're evaluating the scene right now and that is if you're opening up your appliances or starting your appliances, specifically your heaters cause it's getting cold, to call PG&E and they will actually come to your house and check your appliances," Baxter said. PG&E customers can call 1-800-743-5000 to learn more about having their appliances inspected, Baxter said. The chief digital officer of Stanfords Graduate School of Business has resigned after the university failed to disclose a data breach of personal information. According to the SF Gate, Ranga Jayaraman, who had worked at Stanford for six years, e-mailed colleagues Saturday morning to announce his resignation. I take full responsibility for the failure to recognize the scope and nature of the data exposure and report it in a timely manner to the dean and the University Information Security and Privacy Office, said Jayaraman. I would like to express my most sincere apologies to anyone whose personal information might potentially have been compromised. The data breach came to light after Adam Allcock, an MBA student, revealed that thousands of confidential student financial aid records were visible to those within the business school. Student information was not the only data people could see, employee information such as social security numbers of nearly 10,000 employees and former employees were visible, according to a report by the SF Gate. Allcock alerted technology officials and also analyzed the financial aid data on how the business school awarded scholarship money. His study revealed that despite claims that tuition discounts were awarded on a student need basis that was not the case. For years, the business school had been awarding discounts to non-needy applicants in hopes of attracting international students, women and students with a finance background. Allcock showed his data analysis to Jonathan Levin, the business schools dean, alerting officials for the second time of the data breach in October. This time, Stanford officials confirmed a separate data breach, which was revealed by the Stanford Daily. The university apologized for its failure to disclose their mishandling of confidential information and informed thousands of people who were affected. Jayaraman told the SF Chronicle that he didnt intend to deceive anyone when he decided not to tell campus officials. A decision like that is always a judgment call, said Jayaraman. I thought wed done a detailed enough evaluation, and we didnt hear there was super-sensitive information, so I decided to let it go. NBC Bay Area reached out to Stanford University for comment and did not immediately respond. Thousands of Oakland Unified School District employees had their most recent paychecks deducted from their checking accounts this week due to a "human error," according to a district spokesman. In a tweet promising that the funds would be returned by end of Wednesday, district officials said, "The payroll issue was NOT caused by anything the District did or did not do." About an hour later, spokesman John Sasaki retracted that statement, saying that the snafu was the result of a school district worker's error. The SF Gate put the number of impacted employees at more than 2,800. The banking mistake was first reported around 9:30 a.m. "We have been informed by a number of staff members throughout our organization that there was some kind of problem with their most recent pay from the district. The bank OUSD uses to send out payroll, Union Bank, has apparently reversed the pay for these employees," according to a letter penned by Sasaki and posted on the school district's Twitter page. Apologizing for the inconvenience and stressing that district leaders and Union Bank were investigating the incident, Sasaki said that not all employees had their paychecks withdrawn. "It is important to note that this is not the result of District funds or any other issue with our finances," he said by way of reassurance. That said, Sasaki told the SF Gate that it's unlikely that an employee was able to reverse thousands of payroll deposits simply with a click. District officials, however, don't believe this is an act of sabotage, he stressed. The employee who made the mistake has not been identified and it remains unknown whether there is disciplinary action in the person's future. Check back for updates. The Thomas Fire has destroyed over 150 structures since it first blazed on Monday night, including Ventura County Fire Captain, Tom Lanskis, home. Ive watched people my whole career sift through things and I feel for them, said Tom Lanski. Obviously its really hitting home now. Tom Lanksi had planned to spend his birthday Tuesday with his family, including his daughter Amy, who is an intern for NBC Bay Area and a San Jose State University student. Amy was in town for her fathers birthday celebration when he was quickly called to the fire line. Luckily for the Lanski family, they were able to pack their cars with photos and other irreplaceable belongings before the fire scorched their neighborhood. Tom Lanski took Wednesday off to regroup with his family but plans to be back on the fire line soon. As for now, he is urging others to take the fire threat seriously. If they get the call to evacuate they need to get out, he said. I lost my house in the fire, it happens. Insurance will take care of it. It will never bring back a life. Donations are needed after massive fires broke out in Southern California this week, forcing the evacuation of nearly 200,000 people and destroying hundreds of homes. Ventura County The United Way of Ventura County is accepting donations via text and online. Text UWVC to 4144 or visit their website for the Thomas Fire Fund. One-hundred percent of donations will go to the fund. The American Red Cross of Ventura County has set up three shelters in the area and are accepting donations. You can text REDCROSS to 90999, visit the or call 1-800 RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) to donate money. For anyone wanting to donate food and water, The Salvation Army of Ventura County has announced theyre accepting donations for people affected by the fire. The Humane Society of Ventura County says that financial donations are the best way that people could help and they can be made through their website. Representatives for HSVC said they have enough food and water for animals and people, but they need Alfalfa hay to feed horses, burrows and alpacas. The Ventura County Fire Departments Facebook page has also provided information for relief. Los Angeles County The Red Cross' Los Angeles chapter is providing information on its website about shelters available in the area. Antelope Valley Fairgrounds is accepting animals in conjunction with LA County Animal Control. The facility is currently accepting donations of food and water and house animals from cats to exotic creatures. San Diego County San Diego County 2-1-1 said they needed volunteers at their call center, where people affected by the Lilac Fire fire were looking for resources and information. People can sign up to volunteer online or by calling 858-300-1269. The San Diego/Imperial County Red Cross (SDIC Red Cross) said the best way to help their organization is through cash donations. The San Diego County Humane Society said those who want to help can donate pet supplies and food by going to their Amazon wish list. The Del Mar Fairgrounds housing large animals said it could use donations of buckets, bedding, feed, shovels and rakes. You can also donate to a Crowdfunding site: GoFundMe has set up a "Southern California Wildfire Relief" page with dozens of campaigns to help individuals and families. YouCaring has also created a landing page for 2017 Southern California Wildfire Relief Fundraisers. Both sites rely on donor tips to defray costs. If you know of someone trying to help, send an email at A Vermont man denies in court papers allegations by his family that he killed his millionaire grandfather in 2013 and says he lacks sufficient information to admit or deny that no one's seen his mother since he went on a fishing trip with her in 2016. Nathan Carman has been called a suspect in the shooting death of 87-year-old real estate developer John Chakalos in Connecticut. No one's been arrested. He's also been questioned about the day his boat sank with his mother on it near Rhode Island. She's presumed dead. In July, the three sisters of Linda Carman filed a lawsuit in New Hampshire accusing Nathan Carman of killing Chakalos and possibly his mother. They've asked a judge to block Nathan Carman from collecting money from his grandfather's estate. Chakalos left more than $29 million to his four daughters, including Linda Carman, and $7 million of that money could go to Nathan Carman. The sisters' attorney, Dan Small, has said all the evidence points to Nathan Carman as the killer. If the family wins the lawsuit, Small has said any money that would have gone to Carman would go to investigate the death of John Chakalos and Linda Carman. Nathan Carman on Wednesday moved to dismiss the lawsuit, saying Chakalos wasn't a resident of New Hampshire at the time of his death. The family on Wednesday insisted in a statement that Chakalos was a "long time resident of Chesterfield, New Hampshire, and a well-known, active member of the community." "The groundless claims and denials contained in Nathan Carman's response filing do not reflect reality, and we are confident the legal process will recognize this," Small said. In the sisters' lawsuit, lawyers for the family said that no has seen Linda Carman since she boarded the boat, the Chicken Pox, with Nathan Carman. In their motion to dismiss, lawyers for Nathan Carman said he "lacks sufficient information to either admit or deny" that he was the last to see his mother. Nathan Carman has acknowledged that he patched some holes on the 31-foot-long boat with marine putty before going fishing with his mother but insisted the boat was seaworthy. Insurance companies claimed in court earlier this year that "incomplete, improper, and faulty repairs" were made the day before the boat sank. New information is emerging in the case of a man who punched a woman in the face and then sexually assaulted her in the citys Ukrainian Village neighborhood. Chicago police released a surveillance photo connected to the crime on Wednesday in an effort to find the man responsible for the heinous act. Meanwhile, residents of the neighborhood are issuing a call to action in the aftermath of the attack. Its been scary, resident Jam Doughty said. Doughty lives just blocks from where the attack took place in the 2200 block of West Chicago Avenue. In the early morning attack, which took place at a CTA bus stop earlier this month, a man allegedly punched a woman in the face and then sexually assaulted her before escaping. A surveillance photo released Wednesday is believed to show the man responsible, and officials are hoping that the distinct pattern of the mans pants may help someone to identify him. The attack is one of several crimes in the greater West Town area in recent months. Second Ward Alderman Brian Hopkins believes that the increase in crime is due to the closing of the 13th District police station, which was located near the intersection of Augusta and Wood. Hopkins has started an online petition calling for the station to reopen, and its already gotten more than 1400 signatures. We have a new criminal element thats feeling emboldened, he said. (Theyre) likely to get away (and) not get caught. We have to change that, and send the message that you will go to jail. In the meantime, people in the area continue to take extra precautions to prevent such an attack from happening again. I suppose (people should) keep their eyes open, and to make sure people I know are paying attention, she said. Im not sure what else I can do. U.S. senator for Connecticut Chirs Murphy is urging Senator Al Franken to step down amid harassment allegations. "The increasing number of women coming forward suggests a pattern of repeated harassment and unacceptable behavior that is impossible to ignore. Senator Franken has denied some of these allegations and has the right to continue to seek a process through the Ethics Committee, but I believe the best course of action for him right now is to step down, as I expect he will do tomorrow," Murphy said in a statement. Murphy is among his colleagues like Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., Patty Murray, D-Wash., and Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., who are calling for Franken to quit the Senate. U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal said he will make a comment after Franken makes an expected announcement on Thursday. "Ive been listening to the courageous women across the nation who have come forward about sexual harassment and assault, as well as my Senate colleagues. I understand that Senator Franken will make an announcement tomorrow. Ill comment after he speaks," Blumenthal said. The calls came as another woman accused Franken of sexual misconduct in an account provided to Politico. The accusation brought to seven the number of women accusing Franken of sexual impropriety. The demands came in rapid succession after Franken on Wednesday vehemently denied a new sexual misconduct accusation that came from a former Democratic congressional aide, who said he tried to forcibly kiss her after a taping of his radio show in 2006. The Minnesota Democrat said in a statement that the allegation, reported by Politico, was "categorically not true." Ten South Windsor High School students and the driver of a minivan were taken to the hospital Tuesday morning after a school bus and a minivan collided. None of the students were seriously injured, according to officials. The crash happened at Routes 5 and 30 in South Windsor around 7:45 a.m. and fire officials said the school bus carrying students from Hartford to South Windsor High School. Fourteen students were on the bus and 10 were transported for very minor injuries, according to the South Windsor Fire Department. Another bus transported the other four people to the high school. The female driver of the minivan was also taken to the hospital. Officials from Connecticut Children's Medical Center said earlier they have received 10 children from the scene. After being in business for nearly 80 years, Sally's Apizza in New Haven is under new ownership. In March, a Connecticut Appellate Court allowed the Consiglio family to move forward with the sale of the iconic restaurant on the corner of Wooster and Olive streets. A lawsuit was filed against the family from a local bidder. "He found that no contract existed whereby the Consiglio siblings were obligated in any way shape or form to sell the restaurant to Carmine Capasso," the Consiglio's attorney, Hugh Keefe, said in March. The restaurant has new owners, however, the Consiglio family will continue to manage the restaurant, Keefe said on Thursday. After Flo Consiglio, the wife of Sallys founder Salvatore Sally Consiglio, passed away five years ago, the children decided to put the family business up for sale. Connecticut's two federally recognized tribes say they "want to be part of the discussion" if the General Assembly wants to expand gambling further, especially to Bridgeport. The Mashantucket Pequot and Mohegan tribal leaders sent a letter Wednesday to legislative leaders and Democratic Gov. Dannel Malloy asking to be included in any potential talks. The letter comes a day after MGM Resorts International's top executive Jim Murren spoke to a Bridgeport business group, touting the company's proposal for a $675 million resort casino in Bridgeport. He contends the revenue-sharing agreement Connecticut signed more than two decades ago with the tribes, granting them exclusive rights to casino gambling, "should be revisited." [[462346233,C]] Lawmakers this year allowed the tribes to open a jointly-owned casino in East Windsor, dismissing MGM's request to end the monopoly. Texans know all too well the love for Whataburger. It's something that can be intriguing to "non-Texans" who sometimes venture into the fast-food restaurant while in the Lone Star State visiting. That intrigue got the best of First Lady Melania Trump and Karen Pence, the wife of Vice President Mike Pence on Wednesday. The two women flew to Corpus Christi on Wednesday to view recovery efforts since Hurricane Harvey hit more than three months ago. But as they were leaving town, they stopped by Whataburger to see what all the fuss was about. The first lady's director of communications tweeted out a photo of Melania and Karen standing at the front counter, making the tough decision between the Whatachick'n or the classic Whataburger. Of course, any Texan already knows that Whataburger was founded in Corpus Christi back in 1950. The Dallas Independent School District is set to continue a large portion of a major construction project on two of its campuses. J. L. Long Middle School and Woodrow Wilson High School will be remodeled in an expansion project meant to provide space for the growing student population at both campuses. In addition to the school construction, Dallas ISD has also proposed to pave over a portion of Randal Park for 22 new parking spaces. The Parks and Recreation Board agreed, but later received some push back. Parents and residents who live in the neighborhood say the issue is about parking and not about politics. Dallas City Council member Philip Kingston is against the idea of Dallas ISD paving over a portion of the park. He posted his opinion on facebook, suggesting Dallas ISD pave over its own land in front and behind the school to add parking. "As if cutting down your trees and paving over your park weren't bad enough, here's an aerial view of lovely Woodrow Wilson HS showing the three sites on DISD's own property where it could temporarily park cars during the construction project," Kingston wrote in the post, which had a satellite view of Woodrow Wilson High School. Dozens of people commented. Some agreed with Kingston while others questioned his suggestion. "Is this a joke? I mean, are you seriously suggesting that Long and Woodrow rid themselves of any remaining greenspace they have in front of their schools in favor of additional parking? These buildings are landmarks," one comment read. Some teachers and parents also commented by explaining the difficult parking situation. "This is not about politics," said Deborah Stewart, who has a son that attends J. L. Long Middle School. "This is about parking and the safety of the students. The neighborhood supports this 100 percent, and they are the ones that will have to deal with the construction of the parking lot. This will benefit all of us." The Park and Recreation Board will vote Thursday at their 8:15 a.m. meeting. Read Friday's updated article here A brush fire that sparked alongside a highway interchange that took off in extreme fire conditions Thursday, scorching thousands of acres in Fallbrook and Bonsall is heading toward the more populated community of Oceanside and Camp Pendleton. The Lilac Fire, as it's been named by Cal Fire officials, is burning out of control and has burned 4,100 acres since it sparked just after 11 a.m. Officials say 5,000 structures are threatened. Flames marched through parts of Fallbrook and Bonsall, burning homes and ranch properties to the ground. A mobile home park in Bonsall was devastated by the Lilac Fire as it broke out and quickly spread west Thursday. NBC 7s Dave Summers reports from the Rancho Monserate County Club. New mandatory evacuations have been issued as the fire moved west toward the cities of Oceanside and Camp Pendleton. "Tonight is one of those nights, today is one of these fires," said Cal Fire Division Chief Nick Schuler. "This fire could make it all the way to Oceanside to the coast if it continues." As of 9:20 p.m., new mandatory evacuation orders have been issued for: South of N. River Road North of Oceanside Boulevard West of Melrose & N. Santa Fe East of Old Grove Rd. & Douglas Drive South of Camp Pendleton Eastern Fence Line North of N. River Road West of Wilshire Road East of Douglas Drive South of N. River Road North of Bobier Drive East of Melrose & N. Santa Fe West of E. Vista Way South of Reche Road North of Burma Road Areas east of Douglas Drive to Fallbrook and Oceanside City limits Areas north of North River Road to Camp Pendleton Areas east of College State Route 76 is closed in both directions at North Santa Fe and Melrose eastward. Eastbound traffic on North River Road at Leon is closed. NBC 7's Alex Presha is in Bonsall, speaking to one family packing up their vehicle as the Lilac Fire continued to ravage the area. Northerly winds pushed embers to the area north of SR-76 at Olive Hill Road. Helicopters were making night water drops and a bulldozer was working to cut a fire break. As of 7 p.m., winds were 20 to 25 mph with gusts up to 35 to 40 mph. "They're blowing in all kinds of directions," said NBC 7 weather anchor Llarisa Abreu. #LilacFire [update] The fire is now 2,000 acres & 0% contained. CAL FIRE/SAN DIEGO COUNTY FIRE (@CALFIRESANDIEGO) December 7, 2017 Two civilians suffered burns in the fire and were transported to area hospitals to be treated, Cal Fire officials said. It was unclear how the injuries occurred. A San Diego County Sheriff's Department deputy suffered minor injuries while directing traffic. At the time of the incident, visibility in the area was low due to thick clouds of smoke. It was not clear if it was a factor in the injury. Twenty structures were destroyed and 12 structures were damaged by a fire that officials said was spreading at a dangerous rate. However, the total number of structures lost could be much greater. In the Rancho Monserate Mobile Home Park, at least 40 units were destroyed, according to an NBC 7 news crew. Several more homes were damaged. One Bonsall resident said it was like nothing he had ever seen before. "It looked very eerie, very dark and overcast. It's almost like driving into Hell," Jerry Vasquez, who lives off West Lilac Road said. Vasquez said he could see three or four homes burning as he evacuated. NBC 7's Rory Devine speaks with a Fallbrook High School student who describes the moment when students learned of the Lilac Fire and how their campus would be used as a shelter for evacuees. Horses could be seen running in circles as firefighters opened homes' gates to free them. Hundreds of horses were loose south of State Route 76 on Camino Del Rey, CHP officers confirmed. As the Lilac Fire grew off SR-76 and I-I-15, horses on one property fled the flames. The troubling moments were caught live on NBC 7. California Gov. Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency for San Diego County Thursday, freeing up federal resources as crews battle the fast-moving blaze. The county had declared a state of emergency earlier in the day. Closures The fire, first reported at 11:20 a.m., prompted a SigAlert on southbound I-15 causing delays until all lanes were reopened as of 1:10 p.m. California Highway Patrol closed the off-ramp from I-15 to Old Highway 395, but it was reopened just before 2:15 p.m. Here are the road closures as of 7:00 p.m. Gopher Canyon Road is closed from East Vista Way to Little Gopher Canyon Road Old River Road at Little Gopher Canyon Road through Golf Club Drive Camino Del Rey is closed at SR-76 to Old Highway 395 Old Highway 395 from SR-76 to West Lilac Road West Lilac Road from Old Highway 395 to Camino Del Rey SR-76, from Old Highway 395 to Via Monserate South Mission Road is closed at Winterhaven Road to southbound traffic to SR-76 Evacuations More than 23,000 San Diego County residents received evacuation alerts from San Diego County. A full list of the latest evacuations and closures can be found here. The smoke was so thick, it was blocking out the sun for a while, according to an NBC 7 news crew. Embers scorched some landscaping at Sullivan Middle School but the campus looked like a ghost town. Fire crews were walking around the school putting out hotspots. Watch: Drivers flee the smoke and flames of the Lilac Fire A tutor at Fallbrook High School described the moment when the campus learned of the fire "It was pretty wild. We saw the smoke clouds; everyone was a little frazzled," the tutor said. "Students were all worried about their homes and their families." Cal State San Marcos sent a message to student and staff saying no assignments or tests will be due during the campus closure. Palomar Community College District will be closed and classes canceled Thursday evening and Friday all day and evening. Sites at Camp Pendleton, Fallbrook and Mt. Carmel will be closed. MiraCosta College was also closed. [[462655153,C]] [[462655153,C]] Evacuation Shelters An overnight shelter was set up for residents at the East Valley Community Center on 2245 E. Valley Parkway in Escondido. Temporary evacuation shelters have also been set up at Great Oak High School on Deer Hollow Way starting at 6 p.m. Fallbrook High School was initially used as a shelter site but was later closed to evacuees. Stagecoach Community Center and Oceanside High School were at capacity as of 11 p.m. Evacuees should head to East Valley Community Center in Escondido, 2245 East Valley Parkway. FIRE ALERT: Were actively involved in animal evacuation and support efforts associated with the #LilacFire. Take your pets with you, if possible. If you need assistance, please call our dispatch at 619-243-3466. For information and updates, visit: SD Humane Society (@sdhumane) December 7, 2017 The Del Mar Fairgrounds and the San Diego Polo Fields in Del Mar opened up their grounds for large animal evacuations. [[462703123,C]] Conditions The risk of a wildfire in San Diego County is extreme Thursday due to Santa Ana conditions and dry vegetation, according to the National Weather Service, the U.S. Forest Service and the NBC 7 weather team. Watch: Aircraft Fight Lilac Fire in North San Diego wind map shows widespread northeast wind direction (from northeast) with gusts 30-50 mph (red) near #Lilacfire #SantaAnaWinds humidity 3-5 percent traffic slowed on I-15 NWS San Diego (@NWSSanDiego) December 7, 2017 Humidity will be in the 5-15 percent range, according to the U.S. Forest Service. Any new fires will have a high probability of becoming large in a short period of time. Under the high wind warning, in effect until 4 p.m. Friday, forecasters expect the strongest winds after daybreak morning through early afternoon Thursday. A fire weather warning is in effect until 8 p.m. Sunday and means any fires that develop will spread rapidly and be very difficult to control. [NATL-SD] Lilac Fire Burns Near SR-76 and I-15 in North San Diego County Wind gusts in the area of the fire were recorded from a northeast direction as strong as 51 mph on Highway 76 in Pala, according to the National Weather Service. The winds along I-15 near the fire were recorded at 30 to 35 mph. The county was reminding people seeking information about the fire to call 211 and that 911 should only be used for emergency situations. Time Lapse of Lilac Fire from 1PM-2PM as seen from Black Mountain area looking North. The County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) closed the following Oceanside and Fallbrook facilities on Friday, Dec. 8 due to the Lilac Fire: North Coastal Family Resource Center, Aging and Independence Services, and Child Welfare Services located at Union Plaza Court in Oceanside North Coastal Public Health Center located at 3609 Ocean Ranch Boulevard in Oceanside Fallbrook Community Resource Center at 202 West College Street Please refresh this page for updates on this story. Details may change as more information becomes available. Strong winds and dry conditions fueled the fast-moving Lilac Fire in San Diego's North County Thursday. With several dangerous fires burning around Los Angeles, state and local law enforcement officials issued a consumer alert Wednesday, warning residents to be on the lookout for instances of price gouging. "Price gouging during a public emergency isn't just outrageous, it's illegal," Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer said. "Consumers should be very wary of price spikes for hotel rooms, gasoline and emergency items like generators. If you suspect price gouging, report it to my office immediately. When appropriate we will prosecute." District Attorney Jackie Lacey and state Attorney General Xavier Becerra also issued similar warnings. Feuer's office reminded residents that when a local state of emergency has been declared, for 30 days following such a declaration it is unlawful for a person or business to sell or offer any consumer food, goods or services used for emergencies that is more than 10 percent higher than the price charged immediately prior to the declaration. The list includes items for clean-up, emergency supplies, medical supplies, home heating oil, building materials, housing, transportation, freight, storage services or gasoline. Hotels and motels are also prohibited from charging prices that are more than 10 percent higher than rates they advertised immediately prior to the declared state of emergency. Officials also said that for a period of 180 days after the declaration, it is also unlawful for a contractor to sell or offer to sell any repair or reconstruction services or emergency clean-up services for more than 10 percent higher than they charged immediately prior to the declaration, although there are exceptions. Price-gouging laws apply in California after the president of the United States, governor or city or county executive officer declares a state of emergency. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti declared a local state of emergency Wednesday in response to the Skirball Fire burning in the Bel Air area, requesting state and federal assistance. He also signed an emergency declaration Tuesday due to the Creek Fire near Sylmar. Gov. Jerry Brown also declared a state of emergency in Los Angeles County Tuesday in response to the various fires burning in the area. Feuer said anyone who is the victim of price gouging or who has information about it occurring in Los Angeles can file a complaint at the city attorney's office or call (213) 978-8340. A man arrested for attempting to illegally smuggle a Bengal tiger cub in the passenger side of his car across the U.S.-Mexico border through the San Ysidro Port of Entry pleaded guilty to federal charges Tuesday. Luis Valencia, 18, admitted that he had contacted an individual in Mexico to get the tiger cub and smuggle it to the U.S., according to the U.S. Attorney's Office. He also admitted that he knowingly smuggled the Bengal tiger cub and neither he nor his passenger acknowledged the cub when they crossed the border--even though he knew the cub should have been declared. Valencia also admitted that he planned on bringing the cub to the U.S. for a commercial purpose. The cub was discovered on Aug. 23, around 1:30 a.m., at the San Ysidro Port of Entry. According to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, officers found a tiger cub lying on the floor of the front passenger side of Valencia's car during a secondary inspection. When asked if it was a tiger, 21-year-old Eriberto Paniagua, a passenger in the vehicle, claimed it was just a cat, officials said. Paniagua was charged with one count of conspiracy and one count of smuggling contrary to law. The tiger cub was taken into the car of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. It was then transferred to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park in Escondido and is in good health. The Bengal tiger, also known as Panthera tigris tigris, is native to India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan. It is listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office. Valencia will be sentenced on Feb. 20, 2018. He faces a maximum of 5 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. Paniagua was also charged with one count of conspiracy and one count of smuggling contrary to law. He will appear in court for a trial on Jan. 9, 2018. Medicare's fall open enrollment period ends Thursday. During the annual seven-week period, which began Oct. 15 and ends Dec. 7, beneficiaries can make changes related to Medicare Part C (known as an Advantage Plan) and Part D (prescription drug coverage). Medicare Advantage coverage is offered by private insurers under contract with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the federal agencies that oversees these programs. These plans are offered in place of the original Medicare, which is comprised of Part A (in-patient coverage) and Part B (outpatient care). Seniors with traditional Medicare also can buy supplemental prescription drug plans (Part D) through these companies. However, patients must have original Medicare and live in the plans service area in order to join an Advantage Plan. Over the years, Advantage Plans have grown in popularity among Medicare recipients, according to a study by the Kaiser Family Foundation. In 2017, 33 percent of beneficiaries, or 19 million people, were enrolled compared to 13 percent in 2007. The highest enrollment growth 71 percent taking place since 2010 when the Affordable Care Act was passed, KFF found. About 63 percent of Medicare Advantage enrollees have health maintenance organization (HMOs) plans and 33 percent are enrolled in preferred provider organization (PPOs) plan, according to Kaiser. The remainder are enrolled in private plans. HMOs provide coverage to doctors, other medical providers and hospitals that are in the plan's network. This means an HMO typically will cover or reimburse medical costs incurred outside its network except in an urgent or emergency situation, according to Enrollees also could need a referral from their primary-care doctor to see other physicians or specialists. "It's really about how people want to manage their health care," Josh Norris, senior health insurance agent for Comprehensive Financial Consultants in Indiana told CNBC. "Some people want to visit whatever doctor they want, but for other people it doesn't matter as much." A PPO costs more monthly and lets patients go to out-of-network providers. However, patients typically pay more in co-pays or co-insurance for that flexibility. Premium costs for most Medicare Advantage recipients will average $30 a month in 2018, which is two dollars less than in 2017, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The average premium for Part D will go down by $1.20 to about $33.50 a month, the CMS estimates. The average Medicare Part B premium will be about $134 a month for beneficiaries who make less than $85,000 ($170,000 for joint filing). About 28 percent of Part B enrollees will pay less about $109 than the full monthly premium of $134, because the increase in their Social Security benefit will not be large enough to cover the full Part B premium increase, the CMS reported. But the premium costs for many high earners is slated to rise in 2018. Individuals earning between $133,001 and $160,000 ($267,000 and $320,000 for married couples filing jointly), for example, Part B premiums will jump by $80 a month, according to CMS estimates. Beneficiaries who are signing up for Medicare for the first time have a window that starts three months before the month in which they turn 65 and ends three months after. To enroll visit the Social Security site's Medicare Benefits page here. The federal government has extended the last day of open enrollment from Dec. 7 to Dec. 31 for those living in designated disaster areas nationwide. People affected by hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria and Nate, and the California wildfires, qualify for this assistance. Those eligible may need to provide proof of residency, such as a drivers license or utility bill. To sign up, or find out if you are eligible for other disaster-related assistance such as extending a premium payment grace period, contact Medicare at 800-633-4227. What to Know An Airbnb host discovered cameras in the three-bedroom Manhattan apartment she was renting The cameras faced the toilet and shower and had remote-viewing capabilities, police say Police arrested 44-year-old guest and charged him with unlawful surveillance A New York City Airbnb guest allegedly hid cameras in the bathroom of a rental apartment so he could remotely watch people on the toilet and in the shower, according to court documents and police. Ron Rothman, a 44-year-old New Jersey man, allegedly planted the cameras at a Airbnb apartment on Mulberry Street hosted by a woman and her roommate. The cameras were disguised to look like cellphone chargers and at least one of them faced the toilet and shower. The devices were equipped with remote-viewing capability, police said. Rothman allegedly planted the devices Monday while he was staying at a room in the three-bedroom apartment. The Airbnb host told police that at one point he asked about her and her roommate's bathroom habits, including when they typically go to the bathroom. The host said that after Rothman arrived she noticed an iPhone inside a backpack, with its camera positioned toward the toilet. She said she also found a recording device plugged into the electrical outlet, according to a complaint filed Wednesday. The host told police she looked at the phone and noticed it was running Cambush, an app that records video using motion-detection. Rothman was arrested and charged with unlawful surveillance, a felony. The complaint says he admitted the iPhone and recording device were his. A message seeking comment has been left with Rothman's attorney. In a statement, Airbnb spokesman Jeff Henry said the company has offered to assist law enforcement in its investigation. He said Rothman has been permanently banned from the Airbnb community. "Airbnb takes privacy extremely seriously and there is absolutely no place in our community for this kind of illegal and outrageous behavior," Henry said. Airbnb policy doesn't allow cameras in bathrooms or bedrooms and any other camera must be disclosed ahead of time. It also prohibits spying on other people or violating their privacy. [NATL] Top News Photos: Pope Visits Japan, and More What to Know Michael Jenkins, 24, of the Bronx, is accused of having inappropriate sexual contact with a 13-year-old girl, police say Jenkins worked at an NYC school, where he met the student and took her back to his house on Monday where they allegedly had sex, sources say He is charged with rape, criminal sex act, forcible touching, acting in a manner injurious to a person less than 17 and sex abuse, cops say A man working at a New York City after-school program was arrested after police said he took a 13-year-old girl to his apartment, raped her and later told her she couldn't get pregnant from oral sex. Michael Jenkins, 24, of the Bronx, was cuffed Wednesday at his home after police were called to The Angelo Patri Middle School on Webster Avenue and determined the Special Victims Unit needed to get involved in a case, police sources familiar with the investigation tell NBC 4 New York. Jenkins is charged with second-degree rape, two counts of criminal sex act, forcible touching, acting in a manner injurious to a person less than 17 and sex abuse, the NYPD said. He did not enter a plea at an arraignment Thursday evening and is being held in lieu of $100,000 bail. At the arraignment, prosecutors said Jenkins had met the 13-year-old student at the school and began sexting the girl around Nov. 20. Then, on Monday, authorities said he took her to his apartment, where he goaded her into performing oral sex and raped her. Then, prosecutors said, some unidentified person discovered the messages on the girl's phone when she didn't come home from school. Jenkins was later heard in a taped phone conversation with the child telling her she couldn't get pregnant from oral sex, and that she should "stay with your story" that she was at a friend's house. Prosecutors said that surveillance footage from the man's building also showed him with the girl as he walked into his home. Jenkins is being represented by a public defender who said in court the man has no criminal record. Members of his family were also at the arraignment and could be heard shouting "we love you" and "we'll stand by you." Jenkins worked for a group called Schools Out NYC. He has been suspended without pay and permnanetly barred from entering a city school. The city Department of Education has also cut the program altogether saying, "DYCD has suspended funding for the program, as we determine whether the provider can continue to operate this school." What to Know Amarjit Kaur, 34, vanished Tuesday morning while she was making a trip to a bank and hasn't been seen since, officials say The Queens native is the mother of two 7-year-old twins and is said to be six weeks pregnant, authorities say Kaur's car was found near the bank and her cell phone was discovered inside the vehicle, police say Police in New York City are on the hunt for a missing pregnant mother of twins who was last seen making a short trip to the bank. Amarjit Kaur, 34, of Queens, hasnt been seen since Tuesday morning when she left her home on 128th Street in South Ozone Park, officials said. Kaur was on her way to a Chase Bank when she vanished. Kaurs car was found near the bank on 113th Street, authorities said. Her cell phone was inside the car. Handout Kaur is the mother of two 7-year-old twins and is also six weeks pregnant, police said. A surveillance video shared by investigators shows her walking on the sidewalk alone a short time before she disappeared. She was last seen wearing a black long-sleeve shirt and yellow pants. Police said she is about 5 feet, 4 inches tall. Witnesses with information on the mothers whereabouts are urged to contact police. [NATL] Top News Photos: Pope Visits Japan, and More A body found along the coastline of Hilo Bay in Hawaii has been identified as a Spring Valley man who died while crossing above a waterfall with his wife. George Novinger, 61, was on vacation in Hawaii with his wife Gladys. On Nov. 25, the couple was crossing the Wailuku River above Rainbow Falls when they fell into the water. She was found in the pool below and airlifted to Hilo Medical Center where she later died. Her husband remained missing until Dec. 1, when authorities found his body at the bottom of a 35-foot cliff along the shoreline in Wainaku, according to the Hawaii Police Department. The body was not identified as Novinger until Wednesday. The cause of death is not known yet, according to Hawaii police. Gladys' son, Joseph Harmes released a statement thanking the Hawaiian community for their search and rescue efforts. He also thanked the local community for their support. "Thank you for showing the respect to how much my parents dedicated their time, their energy, and their resources to the community here in San Diego," Harmes said over the phone. "Thank you for acknowledging this and for acknowledging the type of people that they were." Monday night, more than 100 people gathered in Balboa Park at the House of Pacific Relations to honor the couple during a candlelight vigil. Gladys Novinger helped to found the House of Peru, which is in the process of having its own cottage built at the International Cottages in Balboa Park. Board members of the House of Peru said they will name the cottage in the couple's honor. George Novinger recently retired as a diplomat for the U.S. State Department's Foreign Service. He also served as the Chairman of the International Cottage Committee and spoke last year to NBC 7 about the group's efforts to expand the International Cottages to include more nine additional nations including Mexico, India, Palestine, and Peru. While traveling around during the holidays might give you headaches, you can tour the globe effortlessly with these six embassy events happening in D.C. Movie Night at the Mongolian Embassy When: Dec. 8, 6-8 p.m. Where: Mongolian Embassy, 2833 M St. NW Price: Free The Mongolian Embassy will show Mujaan (The Craftsman), a 2005 documentary about how one man follows the tradition of hand-crafting his home like Mongolian nomads have done for centuries. Refreshments will be served throughout and after the showing. Attendees can also buy wine by the glass. A free ticket is required to enter the embassy. Animezing!: Ghost in the Shell at the Japanese Embassy When: Dec. 8, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Where: The Japanese Information and Culture Center at the Japanese Embassy, 1250 18th St. NW, Suite 100 Price: Free The embassy will host a screening of the film Ghost in the Shell, which was considered a feat in animation when it premiered in 1995. A recent adaptation of the film was released this year. The screening is a part of the Japanese Information and Culture Centers retrospective called Journey Through Anime: Celebrating 100 Years. Tickets for the event are free but registration is required to enter the embassy. French Embassy Holiday Gala When: Dec. 9, 8-11:30 p.m. Where: French Embassy, 4101 Reservoir Road NW Price: $75 for general admission or $95 for the VIP Reception at 8 p.m. The Holiday Gala is a night filled with drinks, dancing and desserts. For those who purchase VIP tickets, there will be a champagne reception at 8 p.m. and general admission tickets will be admitted into the gala at 9 p.m. All attendees must be at least 21 years old for the open bar, which will feature French wines. Show off your moves to a jazz band performance followed by a DJ playing dance hits. But save some energy for the buffet of decadent desserts from the embassys pastry chef -- including swan-shaped cream puffs with whipped cream and mini chocolate and coffee eclairs. Winter Concert and Wine Reception at the Slovenian Embassy When: Dec. 12, 7-9 p.m. Where: Slovenian Embassy, 2410 California St. NW Price: $40 Learn about Slovenia and listen to a winter concert from a saxophone and percussion duo coming from Slovenia to perform at the event. Stanislav Vidovic, the ambassador of Slovenia, is set to welcome guests with his opening remarks. Following the concert, guests can socialize with diplomats during a wine reception. DC Gift Guide: Support Local Businesses this Holiday Season Embassy of Bulgaria Dinner Reception When: Dec. 15, 7-9 p.m. Where: Bulgarian Embassy, 1621 22nd St. NW Price: $65 From spinach pies to apricot rolls, the buffet of Bulgarian cuisine at the reception will be sure to fill the stomachs of all attendees. The dinner will feature an open bar along with the feast. Bulgarias traditions, including a performance from a folk dance ensemble, can help guests learn about the culture of the country. Holiday Wines of Europe 101 at the French Embassy When: Dec. 16, 3:30-5:30 p.m. Where: French Embassy, 4101 Reservoir Rd. NW Price: $50 The wine tasting will include samples from five different European countries -- all competing for the chance to be crowned European champion. Guests decide which wine will be the winner while learning from an expert about the dos and donts of wine tasting and pairing. Get Active This Winter at Ski, Skate and Snowboard Attractions Near DC Three Hyattsville, Maryland, students with learning challenges celebrated their induction into the National Honor Society at a ceremony on Wednesday. Hannah Story, Amara Turner and Russell Collins Jr. stood in front of a sea of fellow students from the Chelsea School and pledged to uphold the high purposes of the society. The school, which focuses solely on K-through-12 students with learning challenges, now has eight students in the society -- a feat that some thought impossible. For Story, Turner and Collins, the pins were proof of their perseverance. "I think now that I'm in this position now, I feel like I can do anything I put my mind to, Story said. Story said the honor has made her more inspired to become a kindergarten teacher. Turner, who has struggles with reading, explained how she achieved the accomplishment. "It takes a lot of hard work to stay focused in school. Make sure you keep your head where it needs to be, she said. Like Turner, Collins recognized how hard he worked to earn his spot in the society. I worked really hard and I didnt think Id get it, but Im here now and am extremely grateful, he said. Collins also credits his teachers, advisers and family for his accomplishment. The three were honored with applause from their teachers and classmates who attended the induction. School officials said they hope the inductions will inspire other students. Our hope is that our other students look at these students and say they're just like me. If they can do it, I can achieve the same goals, as well," said Kristal Weems-Bradner, co-head of the school. The school tries to focus on the individual needs of students. Average class sizes at the school are five to six students. The parents of the students who were inducted expressed how proud they were of their children. "The way that she works, nothing is going to stop her, Amara Turner's mother, Kahli Turner, said. Robin Story, Hannah Storys mother, got emotional when talking about her daughter. Hannah never gave up and thats -- Im going to start to tear up, she said before hugging Hannah. She never gave up and the Chelsea school has given her this opportunity. Russell Collins' father, Russell Collins Sr., also talked about his thoughts on his sons induction. Its a statement to all those people who think their children cant, Collins said. A man has been indicted in the death of a North Carolina artist who was found bound and stabbed to death inside a row house in northeast Washington earlier this year. El Hadji Toure, 28, formerly of Laurel, Maryland, is facing multiple charges in the death of Corrina Mehiel, including first-degree murder while armed and first-degree sexual abuse while armed. Prosecutors say Toure broke into Mehiel's basement apartment on March 20, 2017, bound her and sexually assaulted her. He then stabbed her and took her car and debit card, according to prosecutors. Mehiel, 34, was found unconscious inside her apartment the next day. She was pronounced dead after midnight March 22, one day before her birthday. Police have pictures of Toure using Mehiels ATM card at several locations around the area, court documents said. Her card was used seven times to withdrawal a total of $4,000 in the days before and after her death. Surveillance video also shows Toure walking in Mehiels block the morning of her murder and driving away in her 2004 Toyota Prius, according to court documents. He was arrested March 27 after someone reported seeing sitting in a Ford Taurus on the 1700 block of Hamlin Street NE. Mehiel was an artist and art teacher who was working at the Corcoran School of the Arts & Design. She was last seen at the school March 19. She talked with her father by phone that night, too, her stepmother said. Mehiel, who originally was from Burnsville, North Carolina, was living in D.C. temporarily. She specialized in art that engaged communities and was working with the artist Mel Chin. Toure will be arraigned Dec. 14. He faces a maximum of life in prison. What to Know Butler, an Environmental Protection Agency analyst, was last seen Feb. 12, 2009, outside her home on Fourth Street in northwest D.C. Jose Rodriguez-Cruz pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in exchange for providing information on where her body can be found. Rodriguez-Cruz told police he buried her in the median strip between the northbound and southbound lanes of I-95 in Virginia. Police plan to search for the remains of Pamela Butler, the Washington, D.C., federal worker who disappeared before Valentine's Day 2009, in Stafford County, Virginia, Friday, sources tell News4. Jose Rodriguez-Cruz agreed to serve 12 years in prison for Butler's murder. He pleaded guilty to second-degree murder earlier this year in exchange for providing information on where her body can be found. Multiple law enforcement sources told News4 Rodriguez-Cruz led investigators to a spot along Interstate 95 in Stafford County last week. "We are elated," said her brother Derrick Butler. "Honeymoon happy and peacock proud. Just looking forward to getting her remains and doing the right thing." Rodriguez-Cruz told police he buried Butler in the median strip between the northbound and southbound lanes of I-95. Because D.C. police are investigating and Butler's body is believed to be in Virginia, it took time to coordinate an effort to recover her remains. Part of the problem in finding the body is that memories fade over time and the landscape of that area has also changed over time due to road improvements, sources said. Virginia State Police said Thursday it will assist D.C. police with a criminal investigation, which will close a portion of the I-95 express lanes beginning at 10 a.m. Friday. The Garrisonville Road access points to the express lanes will be closed for a few hours, state police said. Derrick Butler said he plans to be there when police begin searching. The news of a possible burial site is bittersweet. "The hardest part for me was just looking at my mother and knowing that this is not what she wanted to hear," he said. D.C. Police Chief Peter Newsham declined to provide any specifics but said he hopes they can get closure for Butler's family. I know that its very important to the family to recover Pams remains, he said. I know thats extremely important to them, and so were working with the U.S. attorneys office right now to see if we can make that happen. "I didn't think you ever get closure with this it's different if somebody dies of a natural death but for somebody to be snatched away from you, somebody to be killed, I don't think you get closure from that," Derrick Butler said. Butler, an Environmental Protection Agency analyst, was last seen Feb. 12, 2009, outside her home on Fourth Street in northwest D.C. She was 47 when she disappeared. Butler and Rodriguez-Cruz got into an argument in the basement of Butler's home Feb. 13, 2009, he said. He punched Butler and strangled her, he said. Then he loaded her body into his car through a rear window of her home. Surveillance cameras at Butler's home captured video of Rodriguez-Cruz entering and exiting in the days that followed. During that time, prosecutors believe, Rodriguez-Cruz went through her things and removed sheets from her bed. Her family declared her legally dead after she had been missing for more than seven years. At the time, Derrick Butler said her family wanted to settle her affairs and had accepted that she is gone. "To be honest with you, I knew - because I just know my sister - probably a week in that we were not going to find her alive," Derrick Butler told News4 Wednesday. The declaration allowed police to pursue murder charges against Rodriguez-Cruz. Rodriguez-Cruz, who dated Butler for about five months, repeatedly denied involvement in her disappearance. Derrick Butler said when he asked Rodriguez-Cruz if he killed his sister, he spoke about her in the past tense, saying, "I loved your sister." Derrick Butler said he had liked Rodriguez-Cruz the first time he met him. "He seemed like a really nice guy to turn out to be such a sick character," he said. Rodriguez-Cruz is also under investigation for the previous disappearance of his ex-wife, sources said. His ex-wife, Marta Haydee Rodriguez, disappeared in 1989, but police located a woman by that name who had Rodriguez's identification in Florida in 2000 and closed the missing persons case, sources said. It appears that woman was an imposter and Rodriguez-Cruz's ex-wife is still missing. She had accused Rodriguez-Cruz of assault and kidnapping involving a knife and taping her mouth. In court documents, he was quoted as saying, "If I can't have her, no one will." But she disappeared before she got to testify in court. Hundreds of Palestinian protesters clashed with Israeli troops across the West Bank on Thursday while demonstrators in Gaza burned posters of President Donald Trump over his widely denounced decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital. The leader of the Hamas militant group, which runs Gaza, called for a new armed uprising in a widespread show of anger, as the demonstrators torched American and Israeli flags. In the West Bank, crowds of protesters set tires on fire and hurled stones at Israeli troops. In Bethlehem, troops fired water cannons and tear gas to disperse a crowd, in clashes that could cloud the upcoming Christmas celebrations in the town of Jesus' birth. In Ramallah, the seat of the Palestinian government, protesters set tires on fire, sending a thick plume of black smoke over the city. Trump's dramatic break on Wednesday with decades of U.S. policy on Jerusalem counters long-standing international assurances to the Palestinians that the fate of the city will be determined in negotiations. The Palestinians seek Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem, captured by Israel in 1967, as a future capital. Palestinians shuttered their schools and shops on Thursday to begin three "days of rage" over Trump's decision. Rallies were underway in other West Bank cities, and a demonstration was being held outside the Damascus Gate of Jerusalem's Old City. "We are here. We believe in our rights," said Rania Hatem, a protester outside the Old City. Palestinian officials said dozens of protesters were lightly wounded, most from tear gas inhalation. Friday, the Muslim holy day when Palestinians gather for weekly mass prayers, could prove more violent. In the Gaza Strip, Hamas' leader Ismail Haniyeh called on Palestinians to launch a new intifada, or uprising, against Israel on Friday. "The American decision is an aggression on our people and a war on our sanctuaries," Haniyeh said in a speech, urging supporters "to be ready for any orders." "We want the uprising to last and continue to let Trump and the occupation regret this decision," he said. The Israeli military said two rockets were fired from Gaza but fell short, landing in Palestinian territory. There was no immediate claim of responsibility. Hamas, a group that seeks Israel's destruction, killed hundreds of Israelis in suicide bombings and other attacks in the early 2000s. But the group's capabilities are more limited now. Gaza, Hamas' stronghold, is closed by an Israeli blockade, while in the West Bank, many of its members have been arrested. Nonetheless, it possesses a large arsenal of rockets in Gaza capable of striking much of Israel. The Israeli military said it would deploy several battalions to the West Bank ahead of Friday, while other troops have been put on alert to address "possible developments." The conflicting claims to Jerusalem, and especially its Old City, where sensitive Jewish, Muslim and Christian holy sites are located, lie at the core of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. While Trump's decision had no impact on the city's daily life, it carried deep symbolic meaning, and was seen as an attempt to impose a solution on the Palestinians. Israel, which claims all of Jerusalem as its undivided capital, has welcomed Trump's decision. Netanyahu said Trump "bound himself forever" to the history of Jerusalem with the move and claimed other states are considering following suit. "We are already in contact with other states that will make a similar recognition," he said Thursday. Anger at the U.S. has rippled across the Arab world. Saudi Arabia's royal court condemned the Trump administration's decision in a rare public rebuke by the U.S. ally. The regional powerhouse, which could help the White House push through a Middle East settlement, said Thursday it had already warned against this step and "continues to express its deep regret at the U.S. administration's decision," describing it "unjustified and irresponsible." Trump's move puts the Sunni nation in a bind. The kingdom, particularly its powerful crown prince, Mohammad Bin Salman, enjoys close relations with Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, who leads Trump's efforts to restart Mideast peace talks. U.S. embassies across much of the Middle East and parts of Africa warned American citizens of possible protests following Trump's move. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has suggested that with Trump's move, the United States disqualified itself as mediator, a role it has played exclusively in more than two decades of stop-and-go negotiations aimed at setting up a Palestinian state alongside Israel. The stalled talks have failed to bring the Palestinians closer to the state they seek in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem, lands Israel captured in the 1967 Mideast war. Israel has meanwhile steadily expanded Jewish settlements on war-won lands, even as it said it wants to negotiate. Trump's claim Wednesday that he still wants to pursue what he has called the "ultimate" deal was met by mounting skepticism. "With its decision, the U.S. has isolated itself and Israel, and has pushed the area into a dangerous situation and stopped the peace process," said Nabil Abu Rdeneh, a senior Abbas aide. At a meeting Thursday with his closest Arab ally, Jordan's King Abdullah II, Abbas said he is rallying international opposition to Trump's decision, which he called "an unacceptable crime." Jordan, alongside other U.S. allies in the region, has slammed Trump's decision on Jerusalem. The king is seen as one of Washington's most dependable partners in the battle against Islamic extremism in the region. At the same time, the legitimacy of his Hashemite dynasty is closely linked to its special role as religious guardian of a major Muslim shrine in east Jerusalem. Jordan, which has a large population with Palestinian roots, cannot afford to be seen as soft on Muslim claims to the holy city. The European Union's foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said Trump's announcement "has the potential to send us backwards to even darker times than the one we are already living in." The Arab League, a group representing most states in the Middle East and North Africa, will meet Saturday. Next week, Turkey will host a gathering of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which has 57 member states. The region has been bracing for fallout from Trump's seismic policy shift. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday accused Trump of throwing the Mideast into a "ring of fire" and said his motives were difficult to fathom. "It's not possible to understand what you are trying to get out of it," Erdogan said, referring to Trump in a speech to a group of workers at Ankara's airport. Associated Press writers Fares Akram and Aya Batrawy contributed to this report. A firefighter was injured battling a blaze in Manchester, New Hampshire, on Thursday morning. The fire was first reported at 9:55 a.m. at 324 Hanover St., and when firefighters arrived they encountered fire conditions on all three floors of the building. They attempted to gain access to search for occupants, but that was difficult due to the heavy fire conditions. Interior firefighting operations were deemed unsafe, and all fire department personnel were ordered out of the building to fight the fire from the exterior using ladder trucks. Photos showed thick black smoke coming from the building that could be seen from miles away. Aerial video from the Sky Ranger helicopter showed flames and heavy smoke still coming from the roof of the building around noon. More than 100 firefighters from numerous area departments helped battle the blaze. Firefighters were able to re-enter the building later in the day and determine that all residents made it out safely. Manchester Fire Chief Daniel Goonan said one firefighter was injured, suffering a burn to his arm or hand. The fire is believed to be accidental, and it appears to have originated in the kitchen area of a first floor apartment. The investigation is ongoing. Three people were shot, one fatally, in Boston's Mission Hill neighborhood Wednesday evening. Boston Police say three male victims, all possibly in their late teens, were shot near the intersection of Tremont Street and Parker Street. Officers were called to the scene around 7:45 p.m. Authorities initally reported two victims had been shot, but police confirmed a third patient shortly before 8:30 p.m. Police said around 9 p.m. that one of the victims had died. One of the other victims is in critical condition, and the other is in serious condition. The shooting happened near the Tobin Community Center, where hundreds of children were inside at the time. Police did not announce Wednesday night that any arrests had been made. Police in Massachusetts have found a vehicle of interest in connection with a fatal hit-and-run in November. Shrewsbury police say the vehicle was found when a police detective working a traffic detail spotted it. The owner of the vehicle, only identified as a West Boylston resident, told police that they were unaware they had hit anyone. The owner is cooperating with the investigation. Charges have not been announced. Fifty-nine-year-old Alma Cico, a Shrewsbury resident, died in Nov. 6 crash. Cico was walking through an intersection at Grafton Street and Municipal Drive in a pouring rain when she was hit by a driver who left the scene. Police had previously described the suspect's vehicle as a light gray or silver pickup truck with an extended cab or four-door with black rims that had a dent on the upper right-hand side of the tailgate. Police say their investigation is ongoing. Calling it "fake news" and "vile," Maine Gov. Paul LePage is refuting a report that said President Donald Trump is urging him to run for the U.S. Senate, saying he's decided to not campaign. Two anonymous sources told the Washington Post that Trump has said he plans to call LePage to ask him to run against Sen. Angus King in 2018 while offering his endorsement. LePage's name has reportedly come up as the White House discusses the 2018 midterm races in various states. However, LePage refuted the Post's report on Thursday, calling it "fake news." King, a former Maine governor himself, is an independent who usually caucuses with Democrats. Gov. LePage says @washingtonpost report that President Trump wants him to run for Senate is fake news. He says hes made up his mind and isnt running. Went on to call their report vile. Danielle Waugh (@DWaughNBCBoston) December 7, 2017 LePage has stirred controversies in the past, including when he left threatening comments on a lawmaker's voicemail, said he often makes up stories to mislead the press and said 90 percent of drugs dealers in Maine were black and Hispanic when a FOIA request showed the opposite. The Post also reports White House officials said LePage happens to be a favorite of Trump's, including asking about him unprompted or making positive comments when he sees LePage on TV. LePage is currently in his second term as governor. The Phoenix Male Voice Choir will be performing their Christmas concert at Mile Cross Methodist Church in aid of East Anglia's Children's Hospices. The Phoenix Male Voice Choir will be performing their Christmas concert at Mile Cross Methodist Church in aid of East Anglia's Children's Hospices. Rebrand as Norwich church changes its name A Norwich church has changed its name for the fourth time in its 170-year history transforming from Surrey Chapel into CityGates Church Norwich. Read more Blues concert fundraiser for Stalham Baptists There will be a free concert at Stalham Baptist Church next Saturday to raise funds towards the refurbishment of premises at the church. Read more Norwich church moves to wrestling ring A Norwich church has temporarily relocated to a boxing ring where self professed 'hard men' will tell their stories of finding faith. The first Tough Talk event is set for November 20. Read more How can we help feed those in need? Andrew Frere-Smith reminds us of the importance of meals, and offers us some food for thought as the rising cost of living impacts our communities. Read more Latest Norfolk Christian community events Events of interest to the Norwich and Norfolk Christian community happening over the next few weeks are listed. Read more John leads Norwich churches trip to Holy Land Experienced Holy Land traveller and former CEO of YMCA Norfolk, John Drake, is leading an inter-church tour from Norwich to Israel and Palestine in March 2023, with a few places still available. Read more Christmas rhyming play by North Norfolk teacher Matthew Pickhaver, who lives in North Norfolk, has just published the third of his series of play scripts on the theme of Christmas, which is now available to buy. Read more Advent and Christmas events at Norwich Cathedral From an Advent Open Evening to Carols in the Cloister and an array of special services and concerts with Norwich Cathedral Choir, there is lots to look forward to at Norwich Cathedral this festive season. Read more Norwich church to hold Sunday healing service Witard Road Baptist Church is hosting a healing service on November 27 led by Rev Ray and Ruth Scorey from Norfolk Healing Rooms. Read more Sheringham youth attend forbidden church The youth group at Lighthouse Community Church in Sheringham were forced to meet at a secret location earlier this month when the Lighthouse building had, supposedly, been shut down by the authorities. Read more Christmas pud workshop at Norwich church Not made your Christmas pudding yet? Don't know where to start? Come along to a Christmas pudding workshop at Norwich Central Baptist Church on November 21 with MasterChef contestant Jane Wyndham. Read more Norwich Foodbank provides over 4,700 food parcels Norwich Foodbank gave out 4,793 emergency food parcels to people across Norwich in the last year with 1,790 of these going to children. Read more Poppies cascading in Sheringham church A fall of poppies cascades from the pulpit in St Andrews Methodist Church in Sheringham, and anyone is welcome to come and see them. Read more Bishop Graham's prayers for COP27 climate conference Bishop Graham is publishing daily prayers on social media for the current COP27 climate conference, and is asking all to join. Read more Discovering the Orange in your life The vibrant colours of autumn have been inspiring regular contributor Jane Walters to focus on the positive. Read more YMCA annual celebration set to inspire YMCA Norfolk is set to hold its much anticipated 2022 annual celebration and awards ceremony on November 17, after almost 3 years since the last event due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more Hub manager vacancy at community shop Earlham Community Shop Community Interest Company is looking to appoint a manager for this new venture being developed in the heart of NR5 Norwich. Read more Bishop of Norwich to chair national care inquiry The Government has today announced that the Rt Revd Graham James, Bishop of Norwich, will chair an independent Non-Statutory Inquiry into the malpractice of convicted surgeon Ian Paterson. The Inquiry aims to learn lessons from this case and how this can improve care locally and by the independent healthcare sector across the country. Paterson a consultant breast surgeon who was employed by the Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust (HEFT) and had practising privileges in the independent sector at Spire Parkway and Spire Little Aston was found guilty in April this year of 17 counts of wounding patients with intent. He was sentenced to jail for 20 years. Speaking about the role, Bishop Graham said: "It is a daunting honour to be asked to chair the Paterson Inquiry, details of which are published in a Written Ministerial Statement today in Parliament. The pastoral and moral imperatives are clear, and I will do my very best to meet the expectations placed upon me. I consulted the Archbishop of Canterbury before accepting the invitation and he was emphatic that I should do so. While I do not intend this responsibility to affect my commitment to my work here we are fortunate to have an excellent Bishop's staff team and they are warmly supportive too. Please keep me and all those involved in the Inquiry in your prayers." The Inquiry follows a pledge by Health Secretary Philip Dunne earlier in the year in which he committed to hold a 'comprehensive and focused inquiry'. Following this, and his meeting with the victims of Paterson and their families, the initial scope of the investigation has been widened in recognition of their feedback that broader issues about care in the independent sector needed attention. This includes whether any further action is needed to strengthen the Care Quality Commission's inspection regime in relation to the private sector. Bishop Graham said: "The actions of Ian Paterson and the grievous harm he inflicted on patients are deeply concerning, and they have given rise to some serious questions which remain unanswered. It is vital that the Inquiry be informed by the concerns of former patients of Ian Paterson and their representatives. The interests of all patients, whether they seek treatment in the NHS or the private sector, should be at the heart of this Inquiry and I will do my very best in the interest of those affected and the public." Philip Dunne, Health Minister, said: "Ian Patersons malpractice sent shockwaves across the health system due to the seriousness and extent of his crimes, and I am determined to make sure lessons are learnt from this so that it never happens again in the independent sector or the NHS. "I believe an independent, Non-Statutory Inquiry, overseen by Bishop Graham James, is the right way forward to ensure that all aspects of this case are brought to light and lessons learned so we can better protect patients in the future. The Inquiry will be informed by the victims of Paterson and their families, and is likely to consider: the responsibility for the quality of care in the independent sector; appraisal and ensuring validation of staff in the independent sector and the safety of multi-disciplinary working; information sharing, reporting of activity and raising concerns between the independent sector and the NHS; and the role of insurers of independent sector healthcare providers (including how data it holds about the scope and volume of work carried out by doctors is shared with the sector), and arrangements for medical indemnity cover for clinicians in the independent sector.The Inquiry will be formally established from January 2018, and its independence will mean its recommendations will be delivered quickly and it is expected to report in summer 2019. Pictured above is Bishop Graham James. It may not be rocket science, but a group of surgeons at the University of Michigan's Michigan Medicine have devised a strategy to curb the nation's opioid epidemic starting at their own hospital. Their findings appeared online Wednesday in the journal JAMA Surgery. Opioid addiction has been deemed a "national emergency." It's estimated to have claimed 64,000 lives in 2016 alone. And research shows that post-surgical patients are at an increased risk of addiction because of the medication they receive to help manage pain during recovery. It's a simple enough idea: Surgeons should give patients fewer pills after surgery the time when many people are first introduced to what can be highly addictive painkillers. They should also talk to patients about the proper use of opioids and the associated risks. That seemingly small intervention could lead to significant changes in how opioids are prescribed and make inroads against the current epidemic, said the researchers. "The way we've been prescribing opioids until this point is we've basically been taking a guess at how much patients would need," said Jay Lee, a research fellow and general surgery resident at the University of Michigan, and one of the paper's authors. "We're trying to prevent addiction and misuse by making sure patients themselves who are receiving opioids know how to use them more safely that they are getting a more consistent amount and one that will reduce the risk of them getting addicted." The researchers identified 170 patients who underwent gallbladder surgery and surveyed them within a year of the operation asking how many pills they actually used, what pain they experienced after surgery and whether they had used other painkillers, such as ibuprofen. They used those findings to create new hospital guidelines that cut back the standard opioid prescription for gallbladder surgeries. Then, they analyzed how patients fared under the new guidelines, tracking 200 new surgery patients who received substantially fewer pills an average of 75 milligrams, compared with 250 mg previously. Despite getting less medication, patients didn't report higher levels of pain, and they were no more likely than the previously studied patients to ask for prescription refills. They were also likely to actually use fewer pills. The takeaway: After surgery, patients are getting prescribed more opioids than necessary and doctors can reduce the amount without experiencing negative side effects. Within five months of the new guidelines taking effect at Michigan Medicine, surgeons reduced the volume of prescribed opioids by about 7,000 pills. It's now been a year since the change took effect, and the researchers estimate they have curbed prescriptions by about 15,000 pills, said Ryan Howard, a general surgery resident and the paper's lead author. That has real implications. Studies have found that overprescribing opioids helps drive the epidemic. It can put patients at risk of addiction. And it endangers friends and family, who can easily acquire unused excess pills in, for instance, an unsecured medication cabinet. Reducing prescriptions altogether makes that less likely. "This really shows in a very methodological way that we are dramatically overprescribing," said Michael Botticelli, who spearheaded drug-control policy under the Obama White House, including the administration's response to the opioid crisis. "Not only do we have to reduce the supply to prevent future addiction, but we really have to minimize opportunities for diversion and misuse," he said. More hospitals are starting to turn in this direction, Botticelli said. He now runs the Grayken Center for Addiction at Boston Medical Center, which is also trying to systematically reduce opioid prescriptions after patients have surgery. Meanwhile, 24 states have passed laws to limit how many pills a doctor can prescribe at once, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. "Those limits are just sort of generic limits across the board," said Chad Brummett, an anesthesiology professor at the University of Michigan and another co-author of the paper. Their concept, he added, "is a step even further beyond what some of these policymakers are trying to do, and it's one I think surgeons are more likely to adopt." The researchers also created a set of talking points for doctors and nurses to use with patients based on "fairly common sense" measures, Lee said. They include: Encouraging patients to use lower-strength, non-addictive painkillers first; Warning them about the risks of addiction; and Reminding them that even a sufficient opioid prescription would leave them feeling some pain. The talking points also offer tips for patients on safely storing and disposing of extra pills. "So much of this problem can be addressed with solutions that are not complicated like telling patients what to do with the medications when they're finished using them," said Julie Gaither, an instructor at Yale School of Medicine. Gaither has researched the opioid epidemic's consequences, though she was not involved with this study. The Michigan team is pushing its new prescribing guidelines online, in hopes of encouraging other hospitals to adopt similar practices. It also has started implementing the change in other hospitals around the state. Still, this gets at only a small part of the problem, noted Jonathan Chen, an assistant professor of medicine at Stanford University, who has also researched opioid abuse and addiction. The bulk of opioid prescriptions are written by family doctors and general internists, he said. "This won't solve every problem but nothing ever does," said Chen, who was not involved with this study. "It's one concrete area, and a natural place to start." A study published in the neurological journal, The Lancet Neurology, has identified that patients with rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder (RBD) have a dopamine deficiency in the brain and suffer from a form of brain inflammation. They are subjected to increased risks of developing dementia or Parkinson's disease as they grow older. Credit: tab 62/ Scientists from Aarhus University examined the condition of the nerve cells that produce dopamine in the brain and cells that participate in the brain's immune system in patients who were suffering from RBD. The RBD syndrome is characterized by disturbances that occur during dream sleep. When compared with healthy people who are relaxed and lie still during dream sleep, people with RBD syndrome live out their dreams and they kick, hit out and shout while sleeping. According to Dr. Morten Gersel Stokholm, the lead scientist of the PET Centre at Aarhus University Hospital, patients have a brain inflammation in the area where the dopamine-producing nerve cells are found. Stokholm says With this study, we have gained new knowledge about the disease processes in the brain in the early initial stages of the disease development. The idea is for this knowledge to be used to determine which patients with the sleep disorder will later develop Parkinson's disease. At the same time, this is also knowledge that can help to develop drugs which can stop or slow the development of the diseases. Dr. Morten Gersel Stokholm, Aarhus University Hospital Parkinson's disease is a chronic condition, which may progress and may become worse over time. The disease occurs when nerve cells producing dopamine in the brain stop working. The syndrome is more common in men than in women. The first signs often occur primarily in adults between 50 and 70 years of age. The symptoms of the condition include slow movements, often with shaking, together with muscular rigidity. A University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix researcher has received a $2.3 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to develop new treatments for depression. Deveroux Ferguson, PhD, was awarded an RO1 grant by the National Institutes of Health for his research that demonstrates the pivotal role of SIRT1, a protein-coding gene, in anxiety and depression behaviors in the nucleus accumbens, a key brain reward region. His previous research demonstrated that chronic stress activates SIRT1 in the brain, so changing SIRT1 activity using drugs or gene therapy could reduce anxiety and depression, which affects more than 350 million individuals worldwide. Dr. Ferguson recently received a Young Investigator Grant from the Arizona Biomedical Research Commission to study the role of SIRT1 in addiction, and a joint R21 grant with Shenfeng Qiu, MD, PhD, assistant professor, Department of Basic Medical Sciences, UA College of Medicine - Phoenix, to study the role of the prefrontal cortex in depression. "Mental health is a major public health issue, and this grant will further Dr. Ferguson's vital work and allow him to translate his research into better options for the thousands of Arizonans who suffer from anxiety and depression," said UA President Robert C. Robbins. "This award from the NIH continues support of Dr. Ferguson's outstanding previous work. I look forward to seeing more breakthrough therapies that will have a positive impact on many lives." Most drugs used to treat depression were developed 50 years ago, Dr. Ferguson said. Drugs like fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil) and alprazolam (Xanax) modulate the serotonin or dopamine in the brain. "An urgent need exists to design and develop new therapeutics," said Dr. Ferguson, an assistant professor in the Department of Basic Medical Sciences at the UA College of Medicine - Phoenix. "My research seeks to discover and characterize novel antidepressants." Lab Diagnostics & Automation eBook Compilation of the top interviews, articles, and news in the last year. Download a copy today The idea behind Dr. Ferguson's research originated from his experience with animal models of neuropsychiatric disorders as a graduate student at Stanford University and as a postdoctoral fellow at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, formerly the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. His current research will build on that work by exploring cells' contribution to SIRT1 in depression. Sirtuin 1 is a member of the sirtuin family of proteins. The functions of human sirtuins have not completely been determined, but researchers believe they are involved in regulating cellular processes, including the aging and death of cells and their resistance to stress. "We will test the hypothesis that SIRT1 regulates anxiety and depression in a cell type- and circuit-specific manner," Dr. Ferguson said. His team consists of postdoctoral fellow Hee-Dae Kim, PhD; graduate student Tanessa Call; laboratory technicians Samantha Magazu and Monica Tang; medical scholar student Sandy Peoples; and undergraduate student Ross Johnson. They have been working on this research for three years. "To obtain such a major and extremely competitive R01 has set the foundation to obtain the resources to conduct the proposed experiments and will allow for future collaborations with clinicians to advance my translational neuropsychiatric interest (drug development targeting the SIRT1 protein)," Dr. Ferguson said. He said he expects the results will unravel the cell- and circuit-specific contribution of SIRT1 in stress-induced anxiety and depression. First look - Han Solo's first "wife" Sana Starros in her first solo series The Marvel Comics' original character Sana Starros gets her own series GamesRadar+ is supported by its audience. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Heres why you can trust us. China will spend 22 billion yuan (US$3.3 billion) on two prototype molten salt nuclear reactors. Two molten salt nuclear reactors will be built in the Gobi Desert in northern China. * Molten salt reactors can produce one thousandth of the radioactive waste of existing nuclear reactors because of deep burn. More complete conversion of the nuclear fuel. * Molten salt reactors can have designs that are proof against nuclear meltdowns * The chinese reactors could use thorium. China has some of the worlds largest reserves of the thorium metal. The Chinese project has been funded by the central government and the two reactors are to be built at Wuwei in Gansu province, according to a statement on the website of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The lead scientist on the project is Jiang Mianheng the son of the former Chinese president Jiang Zemin and it is hoped the reactors will be up and running by 2020. The US air force built a 2.5-megawatt molten salt reactor in the 1950s as part of a program to develop nuclear-powered aircraft engines. The reactors use molten salt rather than water as a coolant, allowing them to create temperatures of over 800 degrees Celsius, nearly three times the temperature of a commercial pressure water nuclear plant. The superhot air had the potential to drive turbines and jet engines and in theory keep a bomber flying at supersonic speed for days. Yan Long, a researcher involved in the Chinese project at the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, said the Gansu facility might eventually help China develop a thorium-powered warship or aircraft. He said it was now possible to build a very small molten salt reactor and that after years of research and government funding, scientists had developed special alloy and coating materials to prevent chemical corrosion. The reactors in Gansu were designed to demonstrate the feasibility of the technology. Both reactors will be underground and the heat they generate will reach 12 megawatts. The heat will be channelled to a power generation plant, several factories and a desalination plant by the lake to produce electricity, hydrogen, industrial chemicals, drinking water and minerals. After the experiment, China may move on to commercial or military use of the technology on a larger scale, Yan said. We are now developing new materials for warships. The materials must come with relatively low cost for mass production and they must be compact and light, otherwise the reactor wont fit in a ship. Chen Fu, a thermal physicist at the Harbin Institute of Technology involved in the development of new power generation systems for Chinas navy, said the heat generated by a thorium molten salt reactor could be perfect to help generate power on a warship. It should be able to generate enough electricity for propulsion and electric equipment on an aircraft carrier, he said. Chen said the higher the temperature, the higher the power generation efficiency a thorium-powered carrier could operate faster and longer than existing carriers using uranium as fuel. A military drone researcher in Beijing said a molten salt reactor could be used on a new generation of large, endurance drones operating at very high altitudes because it could be made very small and its operation did not require water. These drones would stay aloft over the oceans such as the Pacific. They would serve as a platform for surveillance, communication or weapon delivery to deter nuclear and other threats from hostile countries, said the researcher, who asked not to be named. A nuclear-powered drone may be technically more feasible than manned aircraft because it does not require building a cockpit with lead to protect the human crew from radiation. It will also have more public acceptance. If an accident happens, it crashes into the sea, the person said. Molten Salt reactors can become more powerful and smaller than current submarine nuclear reactors U.S. naval reactors are pressurized water reactors, which differ from commercial reactors producing electricity in that: Nuclear submarines have compact reactors that use higher enrichment than land based reactors. The reactros have a high power density in a small volume and run either on low-enriched uranium (as do some French and Chinese submarines) or on highly enriched uranium (over 20% U-235), current U.S. submarines use fuel enriched to at least 93%, compared to between 2145% in current Russian models, although Russian nuclear-powered icebreaker reactors are enriched up to 90%), Naval nuclear reactors do not use uranium oxide but a metal-zirconium alloy (c.15% U with 93% enrichment, or more U with lower enrichment), The reactors have long core lives, so that refueling is needed only after 10 or more years. New naval nuclear cores are designed to last 25 years in carriers and 1033 years in submarines, The designs enable a compact pressure vessel while maintaining safety. Terrestrial Energy (of Canada) is trying to develop integral molten salt nuclear fission reactors. These nuclear reactors would have about 20-200 times less volume than conventional nuclear fission reactors. The US, Europe and China are trying to develop supercritical carbon dioxide turbines that would have 100 times less volume than regular steam turbines. The 650 MWth IMSR (Integrated Molten Salt) reactor is about the same size as the smAHTR (125 MWth) reactor. The smAHTR reactor is 9 meters tall (30 feet) by 3.5 meters (12 feet) in diameter. The 220 MWth S8G reactor for the Ohio submarines is 42 feet in diameter, 55 feet long; 2,750 tons So the IMSR with supercritical CO2 turbines would have almost 3 times as much power in an area about 16 times less volume. In the range of 150-200 cubic meters and about 200-400 tons. A 650 MW thermal integrated molten salt reactor with a supercritical CO2 turbine would have about 400 MWe of power with about 200 tons of weight. This would be about 2 kW/kg. There have been other molten salt designs with about 18 KW of power per liter. Those are early generation designs and the engineers believe that they can achieve 100 kW per liter. There is a Molten Salt Reactor Review by Energy Process Developments Terrestrial Energy Integrated MSR (IMSR) The Integral MSR is also based on the MSR Experiment but has been modified to have a more sealed, passive approach. The design team is based in Canada with international involvement and support. An 80 MWth prototype reactor is proposed. Recently , Terrestrial Energy Inc.s (TEI) announced completion of the first phase of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commissions (CNSC) pre-licensing vendor design review. They submitted the Integral Molten Salt Reactor (IMSR) design to CNSC in the fall of 2016, taking the first step in a several step process leading toward the construction and operation of power generation units. As promised, the CNSC completed its non-binding review of the design information within a year of the application submission. Operating in the thermal spectrum with a graphite moderator inside the sealed unit, it can fit on the back of an articulated truck. This unit contains the fuel salt, moderator, heat exchangers and pumps. The plant is fuelled with 5% low enriched uranium where the U-235 is denatured with U-238. This core is modular, designed for a high power density and replacement after a seven year cycle in a plant with an overall lifetime of over thirty years. This seal and swap approach reduces on site complications and risks. Using low enriched uranium, it has a fuel cycle with which regulators are familiar. This proposal is suitable for developing fully and launching commercially immediately. Terrestrial Energys IMSR features self-contained reactor Core-unit, where all key components are permanently sealed for operating lifetime. At the end of 7-year design life, the IMSR Core-unit is shut down to cool. Power is switched to a new IMSR Core-unit, in an adjacent silo within the facility. Once sufficiently cool, the spent IMSR Core-unit is removed and prepared for long-term storage, a process similar to existing industry protocols for long-term nuclear waste containment. The sealed nature of the IMSR Core-unit offers low-cost operational safety and simplicity. Dr. David LeBlanc presented for Terrestrial Energy at TEAC7 (Thorium Energy Alliance Conference #7), held in 2015 Palo Alto. Flibe Energy Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor (LFTR) Flibe Energy, one of the first to resurrect the molten salt reactor concept, and based in the USA, proposes a 2MWth two fluid breeder design. It is based on work carried out by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory team in the 1970s. It operates in the thermal spectrum moderated by graphite. Its fissile element is uranium-233 which is bred from thorium in a blanket salt at the outer edge of the reactor core. Kirk Sorensen estimates that it will cost several hundred million dollars to get to the first LFTR Martingale Inc. ThorCon The ThorCon design is a single fluid thorium converter reactor that operates in the thermal spectrum. It is in principal similar to the MSR Experiment and its fuel is denatured using a combination of U-233 from thorium and U-235 enriched from mined uranium. Its core is graphite moderated and the full scale version runs at 550MWth. A centralised facility is proposed to reprocess the spent fuel salt from multiple plants. The design team comes from a shipping background and brought in nuclear expertise from members of the MSR community from across the United States. As a concept, a pilot scale version of this plant would be similar to the MiniFuji, a concept that the Japanese have been working on for a long time Moltex Energy Stable Salt Reactor (SSR) The Stable Salt Reactor has a design team based in the UK. It is a fast spectrum pool type reactor. Unlike all the other design concepts considered, its fuel is static and is not derived from the two molten salt reactors developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Its static fuel concept was actually correctly rejected as unsuitable for an aircraft borne reactor by ORNL and apparently never reconsidered when the program moved to ground based reactors. The full size version is proposed at 1GWe and the prototype at 150MWth, but run at a lower power. Seaborg Technologies Seaborg Waste Burner (SWaB) The SWaB prototype proposal is a 50 MWth single fluid reactor that operates in the thermalepithermal spectrum. It is graphite moderated and fuelled by a combination of spent nuclear fuel and thorium. The design team based in Denmark, is a combination of physicists and chemists from the Niels Bohr Institute and the Technical University of Denmark. It is designed to take spent fuel pellets directly for de-cladding and insertion into the fuel salt. Transatomic Power Reactor (TAP) Transatomic Powers proposed design is a 20MWth demonstration reactor which is similar to the MSR Experiment except for its utilisation of zirconium hydride (instead of graphite) as a moderator and LiF-based salt (instead of a FLiBe-based salt). These changes enable a twenty fold increase in power density and the use of very low enriched fuel. It operates in the thermal spectrum and with a significant neutron flux in the fast spectrum. It is a single fluid configuration. SOURCES Youtube, Energy Process Development, Moltex Energy, Thorcon, Terrestrial Energy, Flibe Energy, South China Morning Post A drug called erenumab can cut the number of days with migraine symptoms for 50 per cent of patients. Across the UK, an estimated 8.5 million people live with migraine and research suggests the condition is likely to impact the lives of almost 200,000 people every day. There is an urgent need for new treatment options and erenumab is the first and only fully human monoclonal antibody of its kind designed to specifically prevent migraine. It works by blocking the calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor, which plays a critical role in migraine activation. Amgen and Novartis, the codevelopers of erenumab, funded this Phase III STRIVE study. STRIVE is the first fully reported Phase III study of the CGRP pathway monoclonal antibodies, and it clearly shows that blocking this pathway can reduce the impact of migraine, said Peter Goadsby, Director, NIHR-Wellcome Trust Kings Clinical Research Facility and Professor of Neurology at Kings College London. The results of STRIVE represent a real transition for migraine patients from poorly understood, repurposed treatments, to a specific migraine-designed therapy. STRIVE, as with the monoclonal antibody developments generally, represents an incredibly important step forward for migraine understanding and migraine treatment. These data show erenumab can significantly reduce the number of monthly migraine days experienced by patients, with a 3.7-day and 3.2-day reduction with erenumab 140 mg and 70 mg, respectively, from a baseline of 8.3-days (1.8-day reduction with placebo). Additionally, 50 per cent of patients treated with erenumab 140 mg had the number of days with migraine symptoms cut by at least half (this figure was 43.3 per cent following treatment with erenumab 70 mg, and 26.6 per cent with placebo). Results from the Migraine Physical Function Impact Diary (MPFID) show patients treated with erenumab also reported improved physical health and ability to participate in daily activities over the six month trial period. Erenumab has also been shown to be effective and tolerable over the long term with a safety profile comparable to placebo. Migraine is too often trivialized as just a headache when, in reality, it can be a debilitating, chronic condition that can destroy lives said Simon Evans, Chief Executive, Migraine Action. The effects can last for hours even days in many cases. An option that can prevent migraine and that is well tolerated is therefore sorely needed and we hope that this marks the start of real change in how this condition is treated and perceived. New England Journal of Medicine Controlled Trial of Erenumab for Episodic Migraine BACKGROUND They tested erenumab, a fully human monoclonal antibody that inhibits the calcitonin generelated peptide receptor, for the prevention of episodic migraine. METHODS They randomly assigned patients to receive a subcutaneous injection of either erenumab, at a dose of 70 mg or 140 mg, or placebo monthly for 6 months. The primary end point was the change from baseline to months 4 through 6 in the mean number of migraine days per month. Secondary end points were a 50% or greater reduction in mean migraine days per month, change in the number of days of use of acute migrainespecific medication, and change in scores on the physical-impairment and everyday-activities domains of the Migraine Physical Function Impact Diary (scale transformed to 0 to 100, with higher scores representing greater migraine burden on functioning). CONCLUSIONS Erenumab administered subcutaneously at a monthly dose of 70 mg or 140 mg significantly reduced migraine frequency, the effects of migraines on daily activities, and the use of acute migrainespecific medication over a period of 6 months Lets say that this year things were normal, that we missed the news about hurricanes and earthquakes and wildfires, knew nothing about men sexually harassing actresses, Capitol Hill staffers, journalists and teenage Alabama girls, nothing about bombings and massacres and never-ending refugee crises, nothing about the creep toward nuclear war and the dangers of a warming planet, nothing of the lava flowing from our presidents Twitter account. What story would we come up with to explain why horror films grossed more than a billion dollars in 2017? Horror movies probably dont need the world to be horrifying to be good. But when things are bad, the genre has a way of telling you they could be worse. Theres a difference, of course, between being scared for fun and actually fearing for your life, your country, the future of humanity. But the thrill of horror movies has always been their grasp on collective nightmares. Horror is effective partly because its never new. Weve always seen boogeymen in the movies. Now were seeing boogeymen at the office, in the government, at the comedy club, doing the news. Some of what drew us to the genre this year might have been the urge to have our worst fears realized and to see whether the movies could upstage reality by reflecting it. Their darkness was a respite from our own. Led by the surprise blockbuster Get Out, the horror movies of 2017 offer up reliable pleasures jump scares, creaky door hinges, lonely houses late at night while playing with our expectations. Get Out invented mind-blowing metaphors for racism. It refashioned a shopworn fear of clowns so that their viciousness felt like news. In Split, a trio of young women trapped in a basement work together to get free of the basket case imprisoning them. A metaphor, perhaps? Even Happy Death Day, with its heroine who keeps dying until she figures out whos killing her, seems right on time: Her horror movie might never end. And as bad as Friend Request is (very, very), it arrived with the tag line of the year: Evil is trending. Because, well, it is. Like the superhero genre, horror is somewhat allegorical, a way of giving shape to abstractions. Monsters, demons, ghosts, psycho killers, that homicidal clown all pop out of the Pandoras box of the collective unconscious, as our tormentors and our proxies. For all the supernaturalism attached to horror, the real source of the terror is usually us or folks more or less like us. Ghosts and zombies are nothing more than former people (a point made with metaphysical wit in David Lowerys mopey art house film A Ghost Story). Regular living humans turn out to be capable of diabolical cruelty (the point of Get Out) and coldblooded self-preservation (the revelation of It Comes at Night). If horror movies were some of the years most illuminating, they were also some of the years cleverest and most fun. So we asked the actors who gave this years greatest performances including Daniel Kaluuya, Nicole Kidman, Cynthia Nixon, Andy Serkis, Jake Gyllenhaal and Tiffany Haddish to interpret the genres archetypes. Duck under a bedsheet, slip in a set of fangs, smear on some makeup, lose your mind and Boo!: Youve captured 2017. But, of course, these performers had already done that, in movies that offered relief and enlightenment as well as terror. They played sensitive primates and brilliant poets, ordinary heroes and exceptional children, best friends and beguilers in movies that were funny, sad, sweet and revelatory. Whats truly scary about them is their talent, commitment and craft. After Pappu, shehzada, BJP baptises Rahul with a new name, immature shehzada India oi-Oneindia By Oneindia New Delhi, Dec 7: What is your favourite nickname for Rahul? Is it Pappu or shehzada? Now, add one more to the list of sobriquets with which the soon-to-be Congress president is often addressed with. The leaders of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), who love to make fun of Rahul by calling him with names like Pappu and shehzada, has baptised him with a new name--"immature shehzada". In Hindi, the word shehzada means prince. Rahul is called a prince by his critics as he comes from the Gandhi family which has been at the helm of affairs in the country for the most part of independent India. Thus Rahul, like princes from the days of monarchy, has inherited the Congress party and if the Congress wins the next parliamentary polls, he would become the Prime Minister of the country by default. Now, the BJP has added an adjective "immature" before the shehzada to highlight the fact that the scion of the Gandhi family is a "juvenile" after he recently committed mathematical blunders in a tweet criticising the Narendra Modi government over price rise. Recently, Rahul in a tweet addressed to PM Modi gave wrong figures to highlight the astronomical price rise during the BJP's rule both at the Centre and in Gujarat. After Rahul's mistakes were spotted by the media and BJP members, the Congress vice-president deleted the tweet and posted a new tweet with correct figures. However, since the damage was already done, the BJP could not stop making a mockery of Rahul and his mathematical abilities. "Rahul Gandhi's act always shows that he is an immature 'shehzada'. How many times he will tender an apology. A responsible person, who is going to be named the next Congress president, should not make such mistakes," a BJP MLA told ANI. On Wednesday, Rahul admitted that unlike Modi he often commits mistakes like any other normal human being. He also thanked his "BJP friends" for pointing out his mistakes. Rahul in the same tweet asked his critics to keep on pointing out his mistakes as and when he commits one, as it helps him to improve. And at the end of the tweet, Rahul with great warmth wrote, "Love you all." "For all my BJP friends: unlike Narendrabhai, I am human. We do make the odd mistake and that's what makes life interesting. Thanks for pointing it out and please do keep it coming, it really helps me improve. Love you all," tweeted Rahul. While the BJP called Rahul's Wednesday tweet an apology, it was actually a sarcastic take on the BJP's obsession to pinpoint Rahul's mistakes often. As far as the nickname Pappu is concerned, Rahul has been christened as Pappu, which in Hindi means a fool, by the BJP and his online critics. It has been more than a week since Rahul has been daily posting questions to the PM on Twitter on various issues as a part of the Congress' strategy to attack the BJP ahead of the Gujarat Assembly elections. The Assembly polls in the state are scheduled on December 9 and 14. The results of the elections will be declared on December 18. On Thursday, Rahul asked PM Modi his ninth question pertaining to the agricultural crisis being faced by farmers in Gujarat and across the country. OneIndia News Amarinder Singh promises to relook at industrial policy, if needed India pti-PTI Amritsar, Dec 7: Chief Minister Amarinder Singh inaugurated the 12th edition of Punjab International Trade Expos (PITEX-2017) with the promise of more steps by the state government, including a review of the new industrial policy, if needed, to ease the processes for facilitating business and industry. This was initiated by him during his previous tenure (2002-2007), would pave the way for giving impetus to international trade and commerce, thus helping the state grow and making the region a hub of industrial activity. PITEX, which will see 34 MoUs worth Rs 2,268 crore being signed to generate 13,370 jobs in the state, is expected to witness much higher footfall than last year's 3 lakh- an indication of the new mood in the state, said Amarinder. He pointed out that since the Congress government had taken over the state's reins, MoUs worth Rs 50,000 crore had already been signed, with many more in the pipeline. Reacting to the concern raised by PHD Chamber president Anil Khaitan, that as many as 32 permissions were still needed to set up a factory in Punjab, while setting up a power plant required 50, the chief minister said he would surely look into the matter and, if needed, relook the industrial policy to make sure that the 'Business First' philosophy is not compromised. Lamenting that the state lost its industrial hub at the time of its division in 1966, the chief minister said his government was committed to rebuilding the same and was keen on industrial development across the state. Pointing out that the state's agrarian advantage continues to exist, despite the problems faced by farmers, the chief minister said Punjab had contributed 51 per cent to the country's food stock even this year. "It is time now to explore ways to expand the industry, which is essential for creating jobs and improving the lives of the people," he stressed. Citing the incentives provided under the new industrial policy, launched recently by the Congress government in the state, Amarinder Singh said the state government was ready to extend all help and cooperation to industrialists from India and abroad to invest in Punjab. Noting that institutions like PHD Chamber were playing a significant role in promoting Punjab government's industrial development schemes, he further said his government would extend all support to ensure the success of PITEX-2017. Enterprising businessmen from India and other countries, visitors and buyers participating in this event would be greatly benefited, he added. The Congress government, he said, understood the concerns of trade and industry and was continuously striving to address these issues to provide a conducive industrial environment not only in the state, but in the entire region. Others present at the inaugural event including state government minister Navjot Singh Sidhu, MP Gurjeet Singh Aujla, Media Advisor to Punjab CM Raveen Thukral, MLAs Sukhbinder Singh Sukh Sarkaria, OP Soni, Raj Kumar Verka, Tarsem Singh Attari, Sunil Datti, Harpratap Singh Ajnala, among others. Apart from these PHD Chamber Punjab Committee Chairman R S Sachdeva was also present. PTI They stay among you to kill you: Ansarul Bangla Team could be Indias biggest threat Blow for al-Qaeda in India as its senior most leader is killed India oi-Vicky By Vicky The second in command of the al-Qaeda in the Sub-Continent (AQIS) has been killed in Afghanistan. The killing of Omar Bin Khetab was the result of a joint operation by the Afghan intelligence and US military. The Afghan National Directorate of Security termed Khetab as the senior most al-Qaeda leader in Afghanistan since 2001. Khetab has been described as an expert in heavy weapons and explosives who trained the Taliban for night attacks, according to a NATO hand out. Khetab was killed in the Gilan district in Afghanistan's Ghazni's province. Khetab who was in his early 40s hailed from the restive tribal regions of Pakistan. This killing is a bloody blow for the al-Qaeda which has been making desperate attempts to make its presence felt in the sub-continent. In the year 2014, it announced its India operations with the formation of the AQIS. However, the group has not been able to get much traction as the Islamic State overtook it and spread the ideology among the jihadis. Recently the AQIS made another attempt in Kashmir when it recognised Zakir Rashid Bhat alias Zakir Musa as its man. OneIndia News When delegates across the world pledged to fight terror through Gandhian principles Construct park near Yamuna from amount depostied by Art of Living: NGT India oi-Vikas By Vikas The National Green Tribunal (NGT) on Thursday directed the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) to construct a biodiversity park near the river Yamuna with the amount deposited by the Art of Living as the fine for damaging Yamuna floodplains. The NGT had earlier slapped an interim fine Rs 5 crore on the AOL for environmental damage while efforts were made to ascertain the exact costs of the damage. AOL's World Culture Festival, which was held in Delhi on the bank on Yamuna river, had grabbed headlines for allegedly polluting and damaging the Yamuna floodplain ecosystem. Reports say that more amount could be taken from the AOL if five crores fall short. The Art of Living founder, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar had said that the Centre, Delhi government and the National Green Tribunal should be held responsible for allowing his foundation to organise the World Culture Festival on the Yamuna floodplains in March 2016. AoL had contended that the event site was not an identified floodplain even after NGT's 2015 direction to the authorities to demarcate the floodplain, and hence it cannot even be considered a floodplain. [Art of Living Yamuna floodplains case: NGT reserves judgment] The AoL's contention came in the backdrop of an expert committee earlier telling the NGT that a whopping Rs 42.02 crore would be required to restore Yamuna floodplains which were ravaged due to the AoL cultural extravaganza. AoL told the bench that the contention of the committee that compaction has been caused by the World Culture Festival organised by it was "erroneous and untenable" as the panel has not conducted any scientific test or geotechnical investigation of the soil density of the land. OneIndia News Delhi HC issues notice to EC, Nitish faction of JD(U) over 'Arrow symbol' India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar The Delhi High Court has issued a notice to Election Commission, Nitish Kumar faction of Janata Dal (United) on a plea by rebel leader Sharad Yadav faction against Election Commission order allotting arrow symbol to the other faction. The matter to be heard on 18th February 2018. K Rajasekaran, the newly appointed President of the Sharad Yadav faction of Janata Dal (United), had moved the Delhi High Court challenging Election Commission order rejecting their claim to the 'Arrow' symbol. The JD(U) leader has challenged the November 25 order of the poll panel giving reasons for recognising the faction led by Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar as the real JD(U) and allotting the 'Arrow' symbol to it. Kumar and Yadav had parted ways after the former decided to join hands with the BJP in July, triggering a battle for the control of the party. The Sharad Yadav faction had earlier moved the high court against the EC's November 17 order which had ruled in favour of Kumar's faction with regard to which group was the real JD(U), but the poll panel had not given reasons for arriving at the decision. The poll panel gave a reasoned order on November 25. (With agency inputs) PM Modi should admit that demonetistion a failure: Owaisi on cash seizure in UP Failure of demonetisation? How fake Rs 2,000 notes were circulated soon after note ban India oi-Oneindia By Oneindia New Delhi, Dec 7: While announcing demonetisation of high-value currency notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 on November 8 last year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi insisted that the move was taken to end corruption, black money, circulation of counterfeit notes and terror funding. More than a year later, it is clear that none of the above-cited "benefits" of demonetisation actually took place. Rather reports state that how fake Rs 2,000 notes immediately came to the market after they were introduced post demonetisation. According to the National Crime Records Bureau's (NCRB) latest report released on November 30, a total of 2,272 fake notes of Rs 2,000 denomination were seized in 2016. Since the Rs 2,000 note -- along with the new Rs 500 currency -- was introduced only after November 8, 2016, it means that those counterfeiting the notes got into the act very quickly. In just 53 days between November 8 and December 31 last year, police and other government agencies seized 2,272 fake Rs 2,000 notes -- at a time when people across the country were struggling to get hold of the new currency. The maximum number of these Rs 2,000 fake notes were seized in Gujarat (1,300), followed by Punjab (548), Karnataka (254), Telangana (114), Maharashtra (27), Madhya Pradesh (8), Rajasthan (6) and Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh and Haryana (3 each). Jammu and Kashmir and Kerala accounted for two fake notes each. One such note was seized in Manipur as well as in Odisha. The Rs 2,000 notes were part of the 281,839 fake notes of various denominations recovered from different locations across India. Among other fakes, 82,494 notes of Rs 1,000 and 132,227 of Rs 500 denomination were also seized last year along with 59,713 notes of Rs 100 and 2,137 notes of Rs 50, said the annual publication of NCRB released by Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh. In a number of raids across the country, police forces, the Income Tax department and other government agencies also recovered 184 fake notes of Rs 20, at least 615 notes and coins of Rs 10 and 2,001 notes of Rs 5. Also seized were 196 fake coins of Rupee 1 denomination -- between January to December 31 last year. The critics of demonetisation state that it was a masterstroke by PM Modi to help rich turn their black money into white. Immediately after demonetisation, the country faced serious cash crisis as 86 percent of currency notes in circulation were declared as illegal by the government. The critics blame that the economy of the country has been badly hit by the demonetisation as a large section of daily wage earners and owners of small enterprises went jobless within days. Recently, India recorded slowest economic growth in last three years. The country recorded 5.7 percent GDP growth during April-June. The previous low of 4.6 percent was recorded in January-March 2014. OneIndia News Surat Model of natural farming can become a model for entire country: PM Modi 7 arrested for lynching ragpicker on suspicion of being thief Gujarat elections: Can Congress breach urban BJP stronghold of 'diamond city' Surat? India pti-PTI Gujarat's diamond city and the epicenter of the Patidar quota movement, is set for a tough Assembly poll battle as the Congress has added the face of the Patidar agitation Hardik Patel to its arsenal this time. Amid issues like implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and demonetisation, apart from the 'Patidar' factor, it is to be seen for whom the large trading community of this diamond and textile hub will vote, when the city goes to polls in the first phase on Saturday. Though Ahmedabad is the largest city of Gujarat, Surat is a favoured destination of political heavyweights in this poll season. Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi visited the city twice last month to understand the plight of those who were "hit by GST and note ban". During his visit, Gandhi also addressed a huge rally in the city's Patidar strongholds - Varachha and Katargam. On December 3, quota agitation leader Hardik Patel led a mega road show in Varachha. Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani led the BJP's road show in Majura area the same day. Prime Minister Narendra Modi last month addressed a rally at Kadodara, located on the city's outskirts. The Congress is hoping to snatch some seats from the BJP this time by capitalising on the 'anger' factor of Patidars and the traders. On the other side, the BJP is confident of retaining its bastion, as its leaders claim the "ground reality" is different from what the Congress is projecting. Out of the total 12 constituencies in Surat city, nearly half of the seats - Varachha Road, Kamrej, Katargam, Karanj, Olpad and Udhna - have a concentrated population of Patidars, who mostly migrated here from Saurashtra. The remaining six seats are - Surat-East, Surat-North, Surat-West, Choryasi, Limbayat and Majura. To some extent, Surat-North and Majura seats also have a significant population of Patidars, who are into various businesses, including diamond cutting, polishing, trading and in different trades associated with textiles. The city has been a bastion of the BJP since long. But, the political scenario in this bustling business hub seems to have changed after Hardik Patel started the agitation to get reservation for his community two years back. At that time, Surat witnessed large scale violence and arson, mostly in Varachha and adjoining areas. Out of the two sedition cases lodged against Hardik, one was registered in Surat. Since then, the Hardik-led agitating body, Patidar Anamat Andolan Samiti (PAAS), is up in arms against the ruling BJP and has vowed to defeat it. Notably, BJP president Amit Shah had to cut short his speech at a function in Varachha area in September when some PAAS agitators created chaos by shouting slogans and throwing chairs. Now, in an apparent bid to thwart the anti-incumbency factor following the Patidar 'anger', the BJP has dropped six of its sitting MLAs - from Kamrej, Surat-East, Surat-North, Karanj, Udhna and Katargam seats. These leaders include sitting MLA of Katargam, Nanu Vanani, who is a minister in the Rupani government. Out of the nearly 1.98 lakh voters of Varachha Road seat, the Patidars are in the driving seat with their number being over 1.5 lakh. In Kamrej, where the total electorate is about 4.28 lakh, the Patidars alone account for over two lakh. In Katargam, having around 2.77 voters, the Patidars are in a dominating position with over 1.18 lakh electorate. Besides the 'angry' Patidars and traders, there are various other factors which could breach the hull of BJP's ship in this coastal city. Since a large population, mostly Patels, of this city belongs to Saurashtra region, the agrarian crisis back home could also add fuel into their "anger" here, Surat city Congress president Hasmukh Desai said. "Many decades back, Patels and other communities from Saurashtra region started settling here. Since they still own agricultural land back home, they are holding the BJP government responsible for their dwindling farm income. It is possible that their anger could reflect in the voting here," Desai said. Apart from Patidars, the Congress is also banking on small traders and entrepreneurs whose businesses were claimed to have been hit by demonetisation and the implementation of GST by the BJP-led government at the Centre. In July, the textile traders of Surat city called a massive strike against the GST. The Congress was quick to take up the issue and party vice president Rahul Gandhi held two back-to-back visits last month. "On one side we are getting full support from the Patidars, while on the other the trading community and the shopkeepers, who are spread across the city, are seeing a ray of hope in Congress after Gandhi's visit. All the factors are in our favour," Desai claimed. However, the BJP discarded the argument, claiming that the ground reality is totally different. "Though traders were unhappy initially, they now understand the benefits of GST. This so-called anger will never convert into votes. If the people were still against us, then why so many had turned up for the chief minister's rally?" BJP's sitting MLA from Majura, Harsh Sanghvi, asked. Meanwhile, the PAAS members have already hit the streets in the Patidar-dominated areas to convince people not to vote for the BJP. According to PAAS convener for Surat, Dharmik Malavia, they have set a target of defeating the BJP on at least five seats - Varachha Road, Karanj, Kamrej, Olpad and Surat-North. "When we tell people do not vote for the BJP, it implies that vote for Congress if you want to uproot the party which committed atrocities on us," Malavia said. "The people are in our support and the BJP candidates are finding it difficult to even enter into the Patidar societies for canvassing," he claimed. The 182-member Gujarat Assembly will go to the polls in two phases on December 9 and 14 and the counting of votes will be taken up on December 18. PTI Cong for Muslims, BJP for Hindus: Did Rahuls temple visits in Guj help to bust the myth? Gujarat elections: 'Fake' poster urges Muslims to support Ahmed Patel for CM post India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar A poster has been put up by unidentified by people in Surat calling for Muslims to unite and support Congress party for Ahmed Patel to be made Chief Minister of Gujarat. Gujarat is going to polls in two phases on December 9 and 14. The poster, written in Gujarati urges Muslims to support Rajya Sabha MP Ahmed Patel to be made 'Wazir-e-Alam' of Gujarat. Ahmed Patel, who is also political secretary to Congress President Sonia Gandhi, called it 'misinformation campaign by the BJP', reports ANI. "They (BJP) know they are going to lose. I was never the CM candidate and neither will I ever be," said Ahmed Patel. Patel tweeted, "The moot issue is that BJP is trying very very hard to divert the narrative from its performance of last 22 years to a divisive agenda. Hence their reliance on lies & propaganda. But people of Gujarat have made up their mind this time." The moot issue is that BJP is trying very very hard to divert the narrative from its performance of last 22 years to a divisive agenda. Hence their reliance on lies & propaganda.But people of Gujarat have made up their mind this time Ahmed Patel (@ahmedpatel) December 7, 2017 OneIndia News We cannot wait longer now: SC to hear Vijay Mallyas contempt case in January for final disposal 'Have a very strong case of fraud against Mallya' India pti-PTI New Delhi, Dec 7: Amid reports that India may not have enough evidence against liquor baron Vijay Mallya, senior government sources have said that there is prima facie a very strong case of fraud against him. "The fact remains that there is, prima facie, a very strong case in terms of the UK's Fraud Act 2006 against Mallya," a source in the government said. He said news reports from London had suggested that there was no evidence to support the government's case against Mallya and that his lawyer had torn into the government's extradition plea. The 61-year-old liquor baron, wanted in India on charges of fraud and money laundering allegedly amounting to around Rs 9,000 crore, was in the dock at Westminster Magistrates' Court for his defence, headed by barrister Clare Montgomery, yesterday. "The conduct of Vijay Mallya, especially before the Supreme Court and other courts, was also highlighted to drive home the fact that Mallya has to answer about his dishonest intentions in the contempt proceedings against him in the Supreme Court of India," he said, quoting proceedings in the Westminster Magistrate's court. Mallya, who was arrested by the Scotland Yard on an extradition warrant in April this year, has been out on bail on a bond worth 650,000 pounds. PTI Never asked for votes in the name of Islam, says Ghulam Nabi Azad; Rubbishes BJP's allegations Hey Ram! Gujarat election turns communal India oi-Oneindia By Oneindia New Delhi, Dec 7: Finally, Lord Ram has set his foot in Gujarat. Jai Shri Ram! Now, the things are pretty clear--the upcoming Gujarat Assembly elections are not about development, atrocities on Dalits, Patidar agitation, demonetisation and GST, but about Ram temple, Hindutva and communal politics. So, all the incoherent debates over what issues would dominate the all-important elections in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's home turf have been settled. With less than 48 hours to go when Gujarat will vote for the first phase of elections on Saturday, it's the fight over building the Ram temple in the disputed Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid site in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, that is hogging the limelight. The Assembly elections in Gujarat are divided into two phases. While the first phase of polls is scheduled on Saturday, the second one is scheduled on December 14. The results of the elections will be declared on December 18. Thanks to both the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)--which is facing anti-incumbency and backlash from various groups in Gujarat--and the Congress--desperate to make its presence felt in the state--communal politics has reared its ugly head in Gujarat, once again. The state is known for voting on caste and communal lines, although the ruling BJP maintains that it is development that drives the entire electoral process in Gujarat. With the Congress' one-minded focus on Gujarat and a series of rebellions against the BJP in the state, all this while the saffron party was looking lost over issues to fight the upcoming polls. The 25th anniversary of the demolition of Babri Masjid on Wednesday and the Supreme Court's hearing on the long-pending Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid title dispute on Tuesday came as blessings for the BJP in Gujarat. Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh are poles apart, but communal politics works wonders in both the states, like in the rest of the country. So, the BJP decided to subtly fight the polls by bringing religious division among the voters. The Congress also brilliantly prepared the ground to turn Gujarat polarised during the election season. First, Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi's repeated visits to temples in Gujarat since September, then serious gaffe on the part of senior Congress leader and advocate Kapil Sibal who on Tuesday during the hearing of the Ayodhya title dispute case in the Supreme Court asked the apex court to defer the final announcement of judgement in the matter to July 2019 after the completion of the parliamentary polls. The moment the news about Sibal's request in the apex court was highlighted by the media, the BJP leaders literally pounced on the Congress and Rahul over its "double standard" on building the Ram temple in Ayodhya. First, BJP president Amit Shah on Tuesday asked Rahul to clarify the Congress' stand on the disputed issue that has since December 6, 1992, when Hindu kar sevaks brought down the Babri Masjid, not only divided the country on religious grounds but has resulted in several Hindu-Muslim riots. On Wednesday, Modi, who is aggressively campaigning in Gujarat, attacked the Congress during his rally in Dhandhuka over Sibal's remarks. "Now the Congress links the Ram Mandir with elections. They are least bothered about the nation," he said. In another rally, the PM congratulated the Sunni Waqf Board for "their brave stand on the matter and disassociating themselves from the statement of Sibal". Isn't it contradictory on the part of Modi to accuse the Congress of linking the Ram Mandir with the Gujarat elections, when he and his party leaders are repeatedly doing the same thing? Sibal, while asking the Supreme Court to postpone the hearing in the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid dispute till the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, stressed on the fact that the BJP has said that the Ram temple will be built before 2019 through legal means. "They (the BJP) want to make it a part of their election manifesto and the court should not fall into the trap," said Sibal. The Supreme Court rejected Sibal's appeal and said it would begin the final hearings on the case pertaining to the disputed site claimed by both Hindus and Muslims from February 8, 2018. The Sunni Waqf Board, one of the groups who Sibal was said to be representing in court, disowned his comments. "Yes, Kapil Sibal is our lawyer but he is also related to a political party, his statement in the Supreme Court yesterday (Tuesday) was wrong. We want a solution to the issue at the earliest," said Haji Mehboob of the board. Hours after the PM attacked the Congress and Sibal, the former Union minister insisted that the board wasn't his client. "Our PM comments without knowing things sometimes. Amit Shah and he said I represented the Sunni Waqf Board. I was never a Sunni Waqf Board lawyer," he said. Sibal's own party, the Congress, too has already distanced itself from his comments in the Supreme Court. On Wednesday, UP chief minister Yogi Adityanath, who has also campaigned in Gujarat, called the stand of the Congress and Rahul on Ram temple as "hypocrisy". It was the Ram temple movement that helped the saffron party to win 161 seats for the first time during the parliamentary elections in 1996. Since then, the BJP overtly or covertly conducts election campaigns across the country on the basis of building the Ram temple for Hindus in the holy town of Ayodhya, considered as the birthplace of Lord Ram. At a time when the Congress is fast shedding its minority appeasement tag to win over the majoritarian hearts and the BJP's Hindutva agenda becoming more and more militant with each passing year, the elections in Gujarat can't be anything but about religion and more religion. OneIndia News Hyderabad's 'Chaddi-baniyan gang' caught on CCTV, police ask citizens to keep vigil India oi-Anusha By Anusha Ravi Recommended Video Notorious 'Chaddi-baniyan gang' caught on camera, police releases CCTV footage | Oneindia News The Cyberabad police have released CCTV footages and pictures purportedly showing the notorious 'Chaddi-baniyan gang'. The police have appealed to the public to stay alert and provide any information they may have about the members of the gang. The infamous gangs, the police claim, come from other parts of the country like Maharashtra, commit robberies and flee the city before. "The footages have been released so people identify the gang members and inform the local police. The members move around in gangs with tools to break into homes. They tie their shirts at the waist and apply oil all over their body to escape easily if caught by someone- hence the name of the gang," Vishwa Prasad, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Cyberabad told OneIndia News. The CCTV footage released by the police show four members of the gang emerging out of a house at the Kukatpally Housing Board. The Deputy commissioner added that two cases of robberies have been registered against the gang. The CCTV footage is from one of the places where they broke into a house. A screengrab showing the faces of the members have been made public and the police have urged the people to provide any information about the gang. OneIndia News Indian Army says drone was on training mission, strayed into China India oi-Deepika By Deepika Rejecting China's claims that an Indian drone violated its airspace, the Ministry of Defence on Thursday said Indian drone lost contact and crossed over the Line of Actual Control in Sikkim sector. The Indian Army, in a statement, said that the UAV was on a training mission and strayed into the Chinese territory. The Army said that the protocol was adhered to and in fact, it was the Indian side which informed the Chinese about the incident. "An Indian UAV which was on a regular training mission inside the Indian territory lost contact with the ground control due to some technical problem and crossed over the LAC in the Sikkim Sector," a statement from MoD said. The Indian border security personnel immediately alerted their Chinese counterparts over the missing UAV, it said. "In response, Chinese side reverted with location details. Exact cause of the incident is under investigation. The matter is dealt with in accordance with established protocols," it added. The Chinese state media on Thursday claimed that an Indian drone allegedly "invaded" China's airspace and crashed. "The Indian move violated China's territorial sovereignty. We strongly express our dissatisfaction and opposition," Xinhua news agency cited the deputy director of the army's western theatre combat bureau, Zhang Shuili, as saying. India and China share disputed terrain along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Ladakh as well as in Arunachal Pradesh and regions adjoining Bhutan. OneIndia News Guns and Roses: The job of the next Governor in Jammu and Kashmir J&K residents would be able to speak to Dineshwar Sharma directly India oi-Vikas By Vikas It would soon be possible for the residents of Jammu and Kashmir to get in touch Dineshwar Sharma, Union Government's interlocutor to resolve the long pending issue, directly, said an HT report. In a briefing to senior union ministers and the National Security Advisor, Sharma had in November said that an 'open mind' would be needed to sort out the problem. During his last visit to the Valley in November visit, Sharma met with several locals. They appraised him about the problems being faced such as issues with governance and lack of infrastructure. Sharma now seems keen to thoroughly understand the ground realities of Kashmir which would allow him to find a realistic solution to the long pending problem. "Sharma's office will soon announce a dedicated phone number and email address for registering complaints of the Jammu and Kashmir residents," a Hindustan Times report quoted a government official as saying. The appointment of Dineshwar Sharma as the interlocutor in Jammu and Kashmir was the first sign of a policy shift by the Narendra Modi government. While on one hand, several agencies went after terrorists and funding on the other the appointment of Sharma signaled that the government was willing to speak to all those who wanted peace in the Valley. Top Home Ministry officials had informed OneIndia that Sharma had suggested that it was crucial to focus on the youth of Kashmir. OneIndia News India tells UNSC it is deeply concerned with developments in Jerusalem Jerusalem declaration: Indias position on Palestine is independent, consistent, says MEA India oi-Deepika By Deepika After US President Donald Trump recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said India's position on Palestine will be 'independent' and 'constant'. The spokesperson also said that India's views and interests are not determined by any other country. "India's position on Palestine is independent and consistent. It is shaped by our views and interests, and not determined by any third country," Raveesh Kumar said. Earlier this year, when Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas visited India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi stressed on India's support for an independent Palestinian state in a joint statement but did not mention East Jerusalem. Following these announcements by Trump several jihadi groups took to messaging channels calling for a bloodbath in America. The Indian Intelligence Bureau too issued an alert. Trump's decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital, which marks a major departure from decades of American diplomacy, prompted a wave of condemnations. Many of American allies and partners have criticised Trump for the controversial decision. OneIndia News Karnataka assembly polls: Congress to roll out red carpet for Rahul Gandhi India oi-Vicky By Vicky The Karnataka Congress is planning a major rally in honour of Rahul Gandhi who is set to be elevated as the Congress president later this month. One of Rahul Gandhi's first stops posts his elevation would be Karnataka, one of the few states that the Congress is in power. Following a high-level meeting chaired by Karnataka Chief Minister, Siddaramaiah, it was decided that there would be a rally taken out in all the 103 constituencies that the party lost in the 2013 elections. Siddaramaiah would kick-start the Sadhana Yatra from December 13 onwards. During the high-level meeting, the leaders suggested that the yatra must comprise a bus with 50 leaders including the CM and the Karnataka Congress chief, Dr G Parameshwar. OneIndia News Killing of RSS workers: Transfer of funds from Italy, Pakistan under scanner India oi-Vicky By Vicky The ISI and the Khalistan forces hatched a plan to kill RSS workers and Hindu leaders in Punjab. It has been found by the National Investigation that as part of the many money transfers that had taken place, one such transaction amounting to Rs 40 lakh had been sent to Punjab through various channels. The NIA learnt about the same during the probe into the murder of an RSS worker Ravinder Gosain in Punjab. Once the accused persons gave the green signal, the money was transferred by the ISI through a hawala channel and also the Western Union from accounts in the UK, Italy, France, Pakistan and UAE. With the role of the Khalistan forces and the ISI becoming amply clear, the focus of the NIA is now on the international conspiracy. Targets in these incidents generally were members of the RSS and Hindu organisations. Besides, in July 2017, they also murdered a Christian pastor named Sultan Masih in Ludhiana. It has also come to light that the above-mentioned conspiracy to destabilise Punjab has been hatched by Sikh extremist elements and others located in various parts of the world including the United Kingdom, France, Italy, United Arab Emirates and Pakistan an NIA officer informed. The international conspiracy behind the killing of RSS workers On Tuesday, the NIA arrested Pahar Singh, a 48-year-old arms dealer in connection with the murder. He is accused of supplying a country made weapon to the main accused in the case, Hardeep Singh. An NIA officer part of the probe says that they are joining the dots for now. While they have managed to get hold of the accused operating in Punjab, the NIA has learnt that the larger conspiracy was hatched abroad. It has been found that there is a systematic pattern of the killing and orders and funds have come from Italy, Canada and the UK. OneIndia News Congress suspends Mani Shankar Aiyar over Neech remark India oi-Madhuri Congress leader Mani Shankar Aiyar was on Thursday suspended from primary membership of the Party for calling Prime Minister Narendra Modi a 'neech aadmi'. Congress has also issued him a showcause notice telling him to explain his remarks. This came after Aiyar called Modi a 'neech aadmi', triggering sharp reactions from the BJP and censure from his own party two days before voting starts in the Gujarat elections . Earlier, Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi said he did not appreciate the tone and language used by Aiyar to address the PM. "Both the Congress and I expect him to apologise for what he said, " Rahul Gandhi said in a tweet. Within minutes, Aiyar said he was responding to the "foul language" being used by the PM daily against Congress leaders. "I am a freelance Congressi, I hold no post in the party, so I can reply to PM in his language," he said. However, Aiyar clarified that he did not mean "low-born" when using the term 'neech'. "Neech word can have different interpretations, my intention was never to talk of PM's caste.I apologise if it also has a caste meaning." OneIndia News (with inputs) Delhi HC seeks Centre's stand on plea to terminate pregnancy of minor in 'consensual' relation Tamil Nadu: Minor who 'married' Class 12 student at bus stop held, girl sent for counselling Minor girls in brothel: Sign this petition to support fight against 'child predators' India oi-Vikas By Vikas A campaign has been launched by an NGO which wants the Maharashtra Government to come down hard on child predators. A petition, which seeks support from the people, brings to light the issue of minor girls caught in the web of prostitution. Girls as young as 14-years-old have been pushed into prostitution and 'horrible men' seeking young girls visit the brothels often. When raids are conducted, those running the brothel are arrested but the customers walk free. The campaign launched by NGO seeks punishment to these customers who visit brothels seeking minor girls. "The Maharashtra government has made Anti-Human Trafficking Units (AHTUs) which are proactively looking at rescue and rehabilitation of girls like Rati. But hardly any men who are paying for sex with children have been arrested," the petition says. It gives a gut-wrenching example of a 14-year-old girl, Rati, who "was sometimes forced to have sex with 30 men in a day." The Maharashtra Anti Human Trafficking Unit police shut 78 brothels in 2011 where children were forced into the flesh trade. That number gives an idea of how big this problem is. But just arresting the brothel owners and traffickers is not going to solve this problem. To join fight against 'child predators' click here. OneIndia News Move Indian embassy to Jerusalem says Subramanian Swamy post Trump statement India oi-Vicky By Vicky Senior BJP leader, Subramanian Swamy wants the Indian embassy to be moved to Jerusalem. This statement was made by Swamy a few hours after US President Donald Trump ordered his administration to move the American embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv. Trump also said that it was time for the US to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Both the Indian and US embassies are located in Tel Aviv. Swamy said that Israel has international recognition of a part of Jerusalem as its territory and hence India should shift its embassy to this part of the city. As Trump recognises Jerusalem as Israel's capital, ISIS threatens bloodbath Following these announcements by Trump several jihadi groups took to messaging channels calling for a bloodbath in America. The Indian Intelligence Bureau too issued an alert. OneIndia News R K Nagar bypoll: EC releases final list of 59 candidates, just one woman in fray India oi-Anusha By Anusha Ravi A total of 59 candidates will contest the Radha Krishnan Nagar, popularly known as R K Nagar bypoll. The Election Commission on Thursday released the final list of candidates for the December 21 bypoll. The final list of candidates was announced after the deadline to withdraw nominations ended on Thursday. In all 145 nominations were received out of which 137 were from male candidates and 8 from female candidates. After scrutiny of papers, the election commission accepted 72 nominations and rejected 73. Till the deadline of withdrawal of nomination on Thursday, 13 affidavits were withdrawn. Out of the total 59 candidates who will not contest in the R K Nagar bypoll, only one is a woman. Out of the 59 candidates, 47 are independents. The AIADMK, BSP, BJP, DMK have fielded candidates for the bypoll. The bypoll is expected to be a three-cornered contest between the AIADMK's E Madhusudanan, DMK's Marudu Ganesh and independent candidate TTV Dinakaran. Actor Vishal whose nomination was rejected alleged that false accusations were being levelled against him by the returning officer. Speaking to the media outside the election commission office, Vishal said, "Today the returning officer is alleging that I threatened him and hence he announced that my nomination had been accepted. This is absurd and mockery of democracy." Deepa Jayakumar, Jayalalithaa's niece, whose nomination was also rejected alleged political conspiracy. OneIndia News R K Nagar bypoll: "My proposers are missing, I fear for their lives," says Vishal India oi-Anusha Actor Vishal, whose nomination to contest in the R K Nagar bypoll was rejected by the election commission, has claimed that two people who proposed his nomination are missing. The actor on Thursday added that he feared for the lives of his proposers. Sumathi and Dheepan, two residents of R K Nagar whose signatures on Vishal's nomination paper were deemed as forged have been missing ever since his nomination was rejected, the actor has claimed. He took to Twitter on Thursday to express concerns about the duo. As time passes by, Dheepan and Sumathi, who proposed my nomination are not traceable. I'm very much worried about their safety & security.... Whether I Win or Lose, Democracy truly Lost !! Vishal (@VishalKOfficial) December 7, 2017 Earlier in the day, the actor has claimed that the election commission had asked him to produce the two proposers in person. The actor took to Twitter on Thursday to call it an "alarming turn of events". "Alarming turn of events! Just received info thru media that I have to produce the 2 people who supposedly alleged that their signature in my nomination for RK Nagar Election has been forged, in front of the Election Commission before 3 PM today. Less than 2 hours to do this...(SIC)" the actor had tweeted earlier. The actor's nomination, to contest in the R K Nagar bypoll as an independent candidate, was rejected by the election commission on grounds that signatures of two out of ten proposers were forged. On Thursday morning, he also told the media that he would file a missing persons complaint in this regard. The election commission has announced the final list with 58 candidates who are set to contest in the R K Nagar bypoll as Thursday's deadline to withdraw nominations came to an end. OneIndia News Cong for Muslims, BJP for Hindus: Did Rahuls temple visits in Guj help to bust the myth? My meet with Rahul would have prevented BJP's Gujarat win: Hardik Patel Rahul uses 'Gabbar' jibe to attack PM Modi, now on farmers plight India pti-PTI Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi on Thursday addressed the issues plaguing the farmers of the country. Asking his 9th question in the series, he asked, "Neither loan waiver, nor remunerative price for produce, neither received crop insurance benefit, nor were tubewells installed." The Congress leader also used the 'Gabbar' jibe to target the prime minister "Agriculture hit by Gabbar Singh, land snatched and the (Annadatta) farmer was rendered useless. PM sahib should explain why such step-motherly treatment with the farm labour," he also said on Twitter. Gandhi had earlier termed the Goods and Services Tax as Gabbar Singh Tax to attack the government. Under the ongoing offensive, the Congress leader is using the tagline "22 saal ka hisab, Gujarat maange jawab" (22years of account, Gujarat demands answers), in the run-up to Gujarat elections starting December 9. The Congress vice president has been using the microblogging site to pose daily questions to the prime minister over the performance of the BJP in Gujarat and its "unkept" promises over the past 22 years of its rule in the state. PTI 'Havan' of cow dung cake can keep house sanitised for 12 hours: MP minister Usha Thakur Cow as national animal? Is this our job asks SC Rajasthan: Cow smuggler killed in encounter with police in Alwar India oi-Deepika By Deepika A cow smuggler was killed in an exchange of fire with police personnel at Alwar in Rajasthan on Wednesday. The incident took place in Rajasthan's Alwar district. 5 to 7 cow smugglers opened fire on police while they were illegally smuggling cows. One of the smugglers was killed in the encounter which took place in Janta colony area of Alwar. Mewat region in Rajasthan has seen several such incidents of stone pelting, firing between the cow smugglers and cow vigilantes Umar Khan, who was recently killed in an exchange of fire with alleged cow vigilantes at Alwar in Rajasthan, had a history of cow-smuggling and his accomplice Tahir, who was injured in the incident, was a habitual offender, The incident was also dubbed as a re-run of the Pehlu Khan lynching, which was reported from the state in April. OneIndia News SC leaves it to EC to decide on 'pressure cooker' symbol to Dinakaran's party Will Sasikalas release change TNs political spectrum: Wait and see says TTV RK Nagar bypoll: TTV Dinakaran gets pressure cooker symbol despite his Hat request India oi-Madhuri The Election Commission on Thursday allocated the 'pressure cooker' symbol to AIADMK leader TTV Dinakaran to contest the RK Nagar bypoll and allocated the 'hat' symbol to another party, ANI reported. Earlier on Monday, the Delhi High Court rejected the plea by the VK Sasikala-Dinakaran faction of AIADMK for the 'hat' symbol, which was allotted to them in March by the EC for contesting the bypoll. The EC froze the use of the 'two leaves' symbol in view of dispute between the AIADMK factions. The bypoll to RK Nagar assembly constituency will be held on 21 December. Dinakaran, who filed his nomination on 1 December, will contest as an independent candidate. Counting of votes will be held on December 24 and the result is expected in a matter of few hours on that day. R K Nagar has an electorate of 2,28,234 comprising 1,10,903 men, 1,17,232 women and 99 transgenders. Jayalalithaa was elected from the constituency in May 2016 general election to the state assembly. She had earlier also got elected from there in a bypoll. OneIndia News (with inputs) Unidentified men attack journalist, his family in Kanpur India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar Attacks on journalists continue as another journalist was attacked by unidentified men in Kanpur's Ghatampur on Thursday. His father, mother and brother were also injured in the attack, reports ANI. The journalist was identified as Madhusudan Yadav. This is the third attack on a journalist in the state in over two months. In October, RSS activist and Dainik Jagran stringer Rajesh Mishra were shot dead in Ghazipur district. Last month, one journalist was shot dead in Bilhur, Kanpur by unidentified bike-borne assailants. The journalist was identified Naveen Srivastava and he succumbed to his injuries while being taken to a hospital after he was shot. More details awaited. OneIndia News Why India must stay away from Trumps Jerusalem comment India oi-Vicky By Vicky India said that its position on Palestine is independent and consistent. The statement by the Ministry for External Affairs cams a few hours after US President Donald Trump said that his administration would shift the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalam. Trump also said that it was time now to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Analysts are of the view that India has taken the right stance. It is better that in this issue, India has an independent and consistent stance. The Intelligence Bureau has already warned that this could become a rallying point for jihadis and hence India must for now stay away from the issue. In India, several terrorist groups have tried and targeted Israelis and hence taking any stance on the issue could only worsen the security situation in the country, analysts have warned. Earlier in the day, MEA spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said that India's position on Palestine is shaped by its own views and interests are not determined by any third country. India's position on Palestine is independent and consistent. It is shaped by our views and interests, and not determined by any third country, he said responding to a query regarding India's position on recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel by the US. The IB has said that security must be upped in India as well especially around the Israel embassy and areas that have Israeli tourists. There have been several plots busted in India where Israelis have been the target. A general alert has been issued says the IB as some element may look to make this a rallying point. It was only recently that the National Investigation Agency busted a plot in which jihadi elements were looking to target Israeli tourists in Himachal Pradesh. Several plots relating to the ISIS too were busted recently where the operatives specifically spoke about targeting Israelis. During the 26/11 attack, the Lashkar-e-Tayiba targeted the Chabad House which housed Israelis. Meanwhile on the other hand the Islamic State and al-Qaeda have threatened a bloodbath. Analysts feel that this would now become a fresh rallying point for jihadis. Immediately after the announcement pro-jihadi channels posted messages threatening to carry out a spate of attacks in the US. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, December 7, 2017, 17:22 [IST] U.S. Senate(WASHINGTON) -- Minnesota Sen. Al Franken will resign from the United States Senate he said on Thursday, an announcement he made a day after a number of his Democratic colleagues called for him to step down amid mounting allegations that he sexually harassed women. "Today I am announcing that in the coming weeks, I will be resigning as a member of the United States Senate," said Franken, adding, "It's become clear that I can't both pursue the ethics committee process and at the same time remain an effective senator for [the people of Minnesota]." Franken also sought to highlight the difference in his response contrasted with Senate candidate Roy Moore, who, ahead of Tuesday's special election in Alabama, now has support from President Donald Trump, the Republican National Committee, and a growing number of Republican senators. At least eight women have accused Moore of sexual misconduct or inappropriate behavior toward them when he was in his 30s and, in some cases, the women were in their teens. Moore has denied the allegations. Roughly a dozen women accused Trump of sexual harassment or assault during the 2016 presidential campaign. Trump denied all of the allegations, called his accusers liars and threatened to sue them. "I, of all people, am aware that there is some irony in the fact that I am leaving while a man who has bragged on tape about his history of the sexual assault sits in the Oval Office and a man who has repeatedly preyed on young girls campaigns for the Senate with the full support of his party," Franken said. The allegations against the senator began less than three weeks ago with the account of a Los Angeles radio host who described Franken's actions while the pair were on a USO trip together in 2006. Though he apologized, acknowledged some wrongdoing and called for an ethics investigation to be initiated, Franken resisted early calls for his resignation, even after additional accusations of misconduct surfaced. The tipping point seemed to come earlier in the day Wednesday, when, in what was a coordinated effort, Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., Patty Murray, D-Wash., Kamala Harris, D-Calif., Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., each called for Franken to resign. A host of additional Democratic legislators and Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez later joined the initial group of female senators in urging Franken to give up his seat. In November, Leeann Tweeden, the radio host, was the first to go public with her allegation against Franken of forcibly kissing and groping her over ten years ago. Tweeden claimed that Franken forcibly kissed me without my consent while rehearsing for a skit on an United Service Organizations tour to entertain U.S. troops in Afghanistan. I felt disgusted and violated, Tweeden wrote of the alleged incident in a blog post published Nov. 17. Tweeden further wrote that Franken groped her while she was sleeping and included a photo of Franken appearing to place his hands on her chest. I certainly dont remember the rehearsal for the skit in the same way, but I send my sincerest apologies to Leeann, Franken wrote in paper statement apologizing to Tweeden. As to the photo, it was clearly intended to be funny but wasn't. I shouldn't have done it. The radio host accepted the apology, and, at the time, said she felt Franken should not step down from his Senate seat. After the allegations surfaced, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., called for an ethics investigation into Franken and the 2006 incident with Tweeden. Tweeden said she was inspired to go public with her story after two congresswomen testified in a House committee hearing that their colleagues on Capitol Hill had engaged in sexual harassment, including groping and exposing their genitals. After Tweeden, six other women came out with similar allegations against Franken. Franken became known to the public as a comedian and cast member of the NBC sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live for 15 seasons. The Minnesota native decided to pursue politics, winning a close election recount in the 2008 Minnesota race and reelected to a second term in 2014. Before his resignation, Franken had been mentioned as a potential Democratic candidate for the 2020 presidential election. During his time in the Senate, Franken sponsored legislation that combatted sexual assault and violence against women. As the powerful Hollywood executives and producers faced a reckoning over sexual harassment and assault allegations, attention also turned to those in power on Capitol Hill. Jackie Speier, D-Calif., and other female congressional members shared their #MeToo accounts of sexual harassment and assault during a hearing to review sexual misconduct policy in the House. Franken had spoken out in support of Speier and the women. Sexual harassment and violence are unacceptable. We all must do our part to listen, stand with, and support survivors. Franken tweeted. Franken is the second lawmaker to leave Congress in the wake of the #MeToo movement and sexual harassment allegations brought forth against congressional members. On Tuesday, Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., announced his retirement after more than 50 years in the House of Representatives following accusations of sexual harassment and discrimination. In her statement Wednesday calling for Franken to step down, Gillibrand said that she has no doubt there will be more accusations against Democratic and Republican lawmakers because Congress is not immune to this scourge. Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton and Lt. Gov. Tina Smith released a statements on Thursday extending their thoughts to the women who accused Franken of misconduct. Dayton says he has not yet selected Franken's replacement, who will fill the Senate seat until a 2018 special election. Smith, considered a candidate to fill Franken's seat until that election, said "it is on all of us to come together and make the progress necessary to live up to the values we believe in." This is a developing story. Please check back for updates. Copyright 2017, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. As Trump recognises Jerusalem as Israels capital, ISIS threatens bloodbath International oi-Vicky By Vicky The Islamic State and al-Qaeda have threatened a bloodbath moments after US President Donald Trump announced that it was time to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Trump while making the announcement said that he has directed his government to begin preparations to move the US embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. While Israel has welcomed the move, some analysts feel that this would now become a fresh rallying point for jihadis. Immediately after the announcement pro-jihadi channels posted messages threatening to carry out a spate of attacks in the US. Rita Katz, director of the SITE Intel Group, a US based terror monitor agency posted the threats being issued on her Twitter handle. The jihadists are capitalizing on the possibility of the US moving its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and warns that the world should expect to see a long, ongoing campaign by jihadists about the move, she said. While pro-ISIS channels have posted warnings and graphics in English, Arabic and Hebrew in line with the ISIS propaganda practices, the Al Qaeda channels are exhorting Muslims to come forward with comments of Osama bin Laden and other leaders on Palestine. Until now the US has never endorsed Israel's claim of sovereignty over any part of Jerusalem. It has always insisted that the issue be resolved through negotiation between Israel and Palestine. OneIndia News That is how far this drone delivered medicines in Bengal Indian drone violated airspace, crashed, claims Chinese media International oi-Deepika By Deepika An Indian drone violated Chinas territorial sovereignty, invading its airspace was crashed, Chinese media reported on Thursday. "The Indian UAV intruded into China's airspace and crashed recently, and China's border troops have conducted identification and verification over the vehicle," Zhang Shuili, deputy head of the combat bureau of the Western Theater Command's joint staff department, told the official Xinhua news agency. "India's move has infringed upon China's territorial sovereignty, and we are strongly dissatisfied with and opposed to this," Zhang said. "We will fulfill our mission and responsibility and defend China's national sovereignty and security resolutely". China's accusation comes months after the two countries ended one of their worst border standoffs in decades in the disputed Doklam region near Indian state Sikkim. The 73-day stand-off ended in August with troops of both nations pulling back their troops from the disputed territory claimed by both Bhutan and China. In September, India's army chief General Bipin Rawat had said that India could not afford to be complacent and must be prepared for war. Last week, the PLA said it had the right to deploy troops as it saw fit in Doklam, which China claims but India and Bhutan see as Bhutanese. The statement also holds significance ahead of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi's December 11 visit to India. OneIndia News (with agency inputs) India tells UNSC it is deeply concerned with developments in Jerusalem Iran says Trump Jerusalem move will spark 'new intifada' International pti-PTI Tehran, December 7: Iran strongly condemned US President Donald Trump's decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel Wednesday. Iran stated that the move threatened a "new intifada", or uprising. "The provocative and unwise decision by the US... will provoke Muslims and inflame a new intifada and an escalation of radical, angry and violent behaviour," said the Iranian foreign ministry in a statement on its website. PTI Merkel 'does not support' Trump's decision to recognise Jerusalem International pti-PTI Berlin, December 7: German Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesman said she "does not support" the decision by US President Donald Trump to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital. The German government "does not support this position because the status of Jerusalem can only be negotiated within the framework of a two-state solution," spokesman Steffen Seibert wrote on Twitter. German foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel, for his part, said he feared Trump's decision would lead to a "new escalation in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians". The decision will likely throw "fuel on the fire", he told public broadcaster ARD. "We hope that (our) worries can be... calmed. But this about-face is already a big problem." Trump's decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital, which marks a major departure from decades of American diplomacy, prompted a wave of condemnations. PTI Saudi Arabia slams Trump's 'unjustified and irresponsible' Jerusalem move International pti-PTI Riyadh, December 7: Saudi Arabia slammed US President Donald Trump's decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital, calling the move "unjustified and irresponsible". Trump ended seven decades of US ambiguity on the status of the disputed city, prompting an almost universal diplomatic backlash and fears of new bloodshed in the Middle East. He also kicked off the process of moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. "The kingdom expresses great regret over the US president's decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel," said a Saudi royal court statement carried by the official Saudi Press Agency. The decision goes against the "historical and permanent rights of the Palestinian people", the royal court said, calling on Trump to reconsider his decision. "The kingdom has already warned of the serious consequences of such an unjustified and irresponsible move," the statement said. "The US move represents a significant decline in efforts to push a peace process and is a violation of the historically neutral American position on Jerusalem." Saudi King Salman on Tuesday had warned Trump that moving the US embassy for Israel to Jerusalem was a "dangerous step" that could rile Muslims worldwide. Trump's announcement appears to have cast a pall over relations between Saudi Arabia and the US, which have warmed in the months after his election, with the president choosing the Gulf kingdom for his first overseas visit in May. While the two countries have long been allies, Riyadh viewed Trump's predecessor Barack Obama as overly friendly with its arch-nemesis Iran. Israel and Saudi Arabia have no official diplomatic relations. PTI Forex Africa Arrives at a Wonderful Time for Emerging Africa Published December 7, 2017 by Lee R Global benefits and unique innovation are going to be on full display at Forex Africa 2017. The 7th Africa Forex Expo 2017 is coming up at a great time for iGaming in Africa. The Particulars Taking place on December 8 and 9th at Johannesburgs Sierra square Hotel (CNR Republic & Main Road, Ferndale, Randburg), the 2 day event is bringing together a wide range of traders, investors, affiliates, IBs, fintech companies and brokers from across Africa and the world. The Opportunity With the financial market in Africa growing by leaps and bounds, this expo will provide a diverse range of free seminars to exemplify to attendees how to enter African markets alongside a massive exhibition of forex products and services. The Africa Forex Expo is an amazing opportunity for brokers worldwide to promote online forex trading platforms through direct access to Africas most dynamic forex market today, with thousands of attendees are expected, and registration and exhibition opportunities still open nonetheless! Highlights Agenda highlights include a forecast of Business in Global Market in 2018 for Africa, a panel discussion entitled How to enter Africa Forex Market in 2018, a Keynote Speech on Social Trading in Africa, and a Financial Analysis from expert Investors and IBs, and of course a crypto currency presentation for the African stage. Forex Awards Ceremony There will also be a forex awards ceremony, with hardware for full 50 awards to be handed out including awards for Best Forex Broker of the Year, Best Forex Broker in Africa, Most Trusted Forex Broker, Best Trading Platform Provider for Africa, and Fastest Growing Provider. Big Name Local Speakers The many big name local speakers will include Manyike Nicolas (Tale-Award), Naeem Aslarm (Think Markets) Daniel Nsiegbe (GTExchanger Ltd), Mziyanda Bidi (Bitcoin Entrepreneur Builder), Kobus Kemp (Forex Analyst). Amazing Expo Floor The exhibition floor will be loaded with local exhibitors eager to show of Africas latest technology, and looking to pleasantly surprise all visitors! Still Time to Register Most people still are not aware of Africas economic capabilities. Online gaming and forex represents a true chance for Africa to equalize its own opportunities and join the global economy through attracting foreign investment with refreshing regional innovation. Sign up while you can. Donald Trump is tweeting about a particular spot in Hawaii. He visited it recently on his way to threaten war in Asia. It's a big feature this week in lots of U.S. magazines and newspapers. It has a lovely name that sounds like murder and blood because Japanese airplanes engaged in large-scale murder there in 1941: Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor Day today is like Columbus Day 50 years ago. That is to say: most people still believe the hype. The myths are still maintained in their blissful unquestioned state. "New Pearl Harbors" are longed for by war makers, claimed, and exploited. Yet the original Pearl Harbor remains the most popular U.S. argument for all things military, including the long-delayed remilitarization of Japan -- not to mention the WWII internment of Japanese Americans as a model for targeting other groups today. Believers in Pearl Harbor imagine for their mythical event, in contrast to today, a greater U.S. innocence, a purer victimhood, a higher contrast of good and evil, and a total necessity of defensive war making. The facts do not support the mythology. The United States government did not need to make Japan a junior partner in imperialism, did not need to fuel an arms race, did not need to support Nazism and fascism (as some of the biggest U.S. corporations did right through the war), did not need to provoke Japan, did not need to join the war in Asia or Europe, and was not surprised by the attack on Pearl Harbor. For support of each of these statements, keep reading. World War II stands unchallenged as the worst thing humanity in general and the U.S. government in particular (as well as numerous other governments) have ever done in any short period of time. Recent wars don't come close. There's even a parallel to the Downing Street Minutes. On August 18, 1941, Prime Minister Winston Churchill met with his cabinet at 10 Downing Street. The meeting had some similarity to the July 23, 2002, meeting at the same address, the minutes of which became known as the Downing Street Minutes. Both meetings revealed secret U.S. intentions to go to war. In the 1941 meeting, Churchill told his cabinet, according to the minutes: "The President had said he would wage war but not declare it." In addition, "Everything was to be done to force an incident." Indeed, everything was done to force an incident, and the incident was Pearl Harbor. Recent Memories In May 2005 some friends and I launched (now called to promote awareness of the Downing Street Minutes or Downing Street Memo and related documents. This was a very useful document that was released in a moment when it could have an important impact. Like every war ever launched by anyone before or since (at least up until the age of openly blurting out "steal their oil" and "kill their families"), the 2003 stage in the Iraq war had been launched on the basis of lies and had been and still is continued on the basis of other lies. We ought not to have needed any evidence. It is illegal to attack another country under the UN Charter and under the Kellogg Briand Pact (and arguably under the Hague Convention of 1899). And in this case, as with Afghanistan two years earlier, the UN had specifically rejected war. Launching a war is illegal and immoral no matter what weapons may be in the nation attacked and no matter what crimes that nation has committed. Launching a total assault on civilians to supposedly shock and awe them is illegal even in the understanding of lawyers who ignore the illegality of war. Morally it is one of the worst things ever done. Practically it has never worked. Even if we accepted that weapons in Iraq or Iraqi crimes could justify a war, the evidence was clear that these were lies. The Iraqi government was opposed to the group it had supposedly collaborated with. In 1995 Saddam Hussein's son-in-law had informed the U.S. and the British that all biological, chemical, missile, and nuclear weapons had been destroyed under his direct supervision. After U.N. inspectors left Iraq in 1998, the lead inspector said they'd come to the same conclusion. In 1999 at a primary debate in New Hampshire, Bush said he'd "take out" Saddam Hussein. "I'm surprised he's still there," he said. In 2001, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, and others in the Bush Administration were telling the media that Saddam Hussein had no weapons. They transparently switched their views on command. So, when the Downing Street Minutes came out on May 1, 2005, we jumped on it, not as new information but as evidence we could use, both to persuade others and to make a case in court or in Congress. These were the minutes of a meeting at Prime Minister Tony Blair's office on July 23, 2002, at which his head of so-called intelligence, just back from Washington, reported (as summarized in the minutes): "Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy." And so they were, as has been documented in extensive detail. The White House war schemers and their collaborators forged documents, solicited desired claims rejected by their own experts, relied on non-credible witnesses, fed fake evidence to complicit so-called journalists, and tortured desired statements out of victims they'd kidnapped. Bush concocted harebrained schemes to start a war that he publicly claimed to be trying to avoid. See, for example, the White House Memo. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). market near damascus gate (Image by Madmartigand) Details DMCA American Muslim civil advocacy groups Thursday (Dec 7) vehemently opposed President Donald Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. They were of the view that Trump's announcement serves no one's interest but undermines the Middle East peace process couple with inflaming anti-U.S. sentiment across the globe. On Wednesday, a coalition of Muslim, Interfaith and human rights groups scheduled a news conference outside the White House in Washington, D.C., to respond to President's Trump's announcement on the status of Jerusalem. The Muslim groups argue that Trump's announcement has offended the religious sensibilities of the world's 1.6 billion Muslims, and empowered political and religious extremists of all stripes at home and abroad. Israel captured Arab East Jerusalem in the 1967 Middle East war. It later declared both halves of the city as its "eternal and undivided capital". The declaration is not recognized internationally. The Palestinians want the eastern sector as capital of their promised state and fiercely oppose any Israeli attempt to extend sovereignty there. The status of Jerusalem is one of the most contentious issues of the long-running Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Most of the international community does not formally recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, insisting the issue can only be resolved through final-status negotiations. American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee [ADC] President Trump's announcement serves no one's interest; instead, it will have an immediate and catastrophic impact internationally by undermining the Middle East peace process and inflaming anti-U.S. sentiment across the globe, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) statement said adding: "Israel's annexation and claim over Jerusalem is completely illegal under international law, as recognized by the entire world. The fate of Jerusalem has always been understood to be resolved by a completed peace deal between Israel and Palestine. Up until today, this was the U.S.'s official stance on Jerusalem. Today, President Trump has completely reversed U.S. policy and greatly weakened the prospect any long-term chance at a substantive peace deal in the Middle East." "By endorsing Israel's annexation of Jerusalem, President Trump is acting against international law, hurting U.S. interests at home and abroad, and destroying U.S. credibility on an international stage. The Trump Administration's actions will not promote peace; conversely, the decision destroys the prospect of peace, promotes violence, and dismantles the U.S. credibility as a diplomatic force around the world," the ADC statement concluded. Council on American-Islamic Relations [CAIR] On Wednesday, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, joined a coalition of Muslim, Interfaith and human rights groups at a news conference outside the White House in Washington, D.C., to respond to President's Trump's expected announcement this afternoon on the status of Jerusalem. CAIR is calling on Americans of all backgrounds to contact their elected representatives to oppose Trump's "reckless" change of policy on Jerusalem. In a statement reacting to the president's announcement on Jerusalem, CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad said: "By overturning a decades-long policy adopted by administrations of both parties, President Trump is casting aside America's role as a mediator in the Middle East conflict, harming our Muslim allies and our nation's strategic foreign policy interests, offending the religious sensibilities of the world's 1.6 billion Muslims, and empowering political and religious extremists of all stripes at home and abroad. This dangerous, counterproductive and self-serving move should be rejected by every American who looks forward to a just and comprehensive resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict." Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). This piece was reprinted by OpEd News with permission or license. It may not be reproduced in any form without permission or license from the source. The following is the transcript of an interview of Lawrence Wilkerson by The Real News Network's reporter Sharmini Peries. The video of this interview was first broadcasted at The Real News Network. SHARMINI PERIES: It's The Real News Network. I'm Sharmini Peries coming to you from Baltimore. Last Wednesday's test launch of an intercontinental ballistic rocket by North Korea appears to have had its desired effect, rattling Washington. White House National Security Advisor, H.R. McMaster, when asked about the test, said: "Has the potential of war with North Korea increased since this latest launch? I think it's increasing every day." SHARMINI PERIES: On CBS's Face the Nation on Sunday, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said preemptive war with North Korea is more likely: "We're getting close to military conflict because North Korea is marching toward marrying up the technology of an ICBM with a nuclear weapon on top that can not only get to America but can deliver the weapon. We're running out of time. McMaster said that yesterday. I'm going to urge the Pentagon not to send any more dependents to South Korea. South Korea should be an unaccompanied tour. It's crazy to send spouses and children to South Korea given the provocation of North Korea, so I want them to stop sending dependents. I think it's now time to start moving American dependents out of South Korea...The intelligence community can tell you that better than I can but I have an extensive discussion with the administration about this topic. The policy of the Trump administration is to deny North Korea the capability to hit America with a nuclear-tipped missile, not to contain it. That now means preemptive war as a last result. That preemption is becoming more likely as their technology matures. Every missile test, every underground test of a nuclear weapon means the marriage is more likely. I think we're really running out of time. The Chinese are trying, but ineffectively. If there's an underground nuclear test, then you need to get ready for a very serious response by the United States." SHARMINI PERIES: On to talk about this with me is Colonel Larry Wilkerson. He's a retired US colonel and former chief of staff to the US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, now a distinguished professor at the College of William and Mary. Thanks for joining me, Larry. LARRY WILKERSON: Good to be here with you, Sharmini. SHARMINI PERIES: Larry, let's take up what Senator Graham just said. First, that dependents and children of US military should not accompany them to the bases in South Korea, where there is some 28,000 US military personnel carrying out various extensive wargames in the region. Second, that a preemptive strike is near. How serious is this? LARRY WILKERSON: I can only interpret what Lindsey Graham just said from two possible perspectives, very different perspectives: one, that he's trying to do what people say Donald Trump is trying to do in a very strategic way, and that is scare the devil out of Kim Jong-un and his North Korean military so that they'll come to the negotiating table, abjectly surrender in other words or he's just as dumb, as strategically inept as I think the entire administration is. I don't know which interpretation to put on it but increasingly I'm thinking, after having visited with the Senate and visited with representatives in the House for a number of other reasons and talked with them, that there are not a lot of people with a lot of smarts over there in the Congress. SHARMINI PERIES: Larry, do you really believe that McMaster and other advisors to President Trump including the Pentagon, will allow Trump to carry out a preemptive strike on North Korea? LARRY WILKERSON: They're all provocations. We may say that they're to keep our troops ready and exercises are just routine, and so forth but the timing of them makes them provocations. Anybody can crawl into Kim Jong-un's head and the collective head of North Korea for that matter, and see that they're provocations. Let's just back up for a moment, though and let's examine what Lindsey said. You'll understand why I interpret it more on the one side than the other of those two alternatives I gave you. First, there are 210,000 plus Americans already on the Korean Peninsula. Some of them are sponsored by the military. Others just came there, which is permissible. They came there to live in Seoul and be near their loved one, who's in Pyongyang or Pyeongtaek or someplace else in the US armed forces. There's almost a quarter of a million Americans already there. There are 50,000 Japanese. There are a million Chinese. Lindsay, how are you going to get all these people out of South Korea? How are you even going to get the Americans out of South Korea? By the way, Lindsay, if you do it over time, which your remarks suggested you might be smart enough at least to do, then it's going to take time. You're going to have to do it over civilian aircraft mostly, so you're going to get all these flights going and you're going to get all these people out of South Korea. That signal alone is going to be provocative to the maximum. I've done this. I've done the war planning. I've done the war. If you evacuate all these people from South Korea, the South Koreans are going to know what you're contemplating. Whether you're contemplating it by starting it yourself, which sounds increasingly like the case, when you listen to Trump and Graham and others, or by provoking North Korea to do it so that they can destroy half of Seoul before you even get your act together, is irrelevant in terms of the destruction that's going to come to the peninsula. This is the kind of idiocy with which we're dealing now in Washington, Sharmini. SHARMINI PERIES: Larry, when President Trump was in China a couple of weeks ago, he urged the Chinese to do what it must to contain North Korea. Does this new missile test meaning that China is failing in its efforts to contain Pyongyang? LARRY WILKERSON: Not at all, in my view. I think China has pretty much tried just about everything it could without violating its own strategic objectives, which are ultimately to keep North Korea standing. It might be a basket case, but to keep it standing. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). From Palestine Chronicle Hopes for an end to the persecution of the Rohingya minority remain bleak. (Image by Details DMCA Pope Francis lost an historical opportunity to truly set his legacy apart from previous Popes. Alas, for him, too, political expediency trumped all else. In his visit to Burma (Myanmar) on November 27, he refrained from using the word "Rohingya." But what's in a name? In our frenzied attempts at understanding and articulating the plight of the Rohingya Muslim minority in Burma, we often, perhaps inadvertently, ignore the heart of the matter: The struggle of the Rohingya is, essentially a fight for identity. Burma's Buddhist majority and its representatives, including the powerful military and the country's de-facto leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, understand this well. They use a strictly-guarded discourse in which the Rohingya are never recognized as a unique group with pressing political aspirations. Thus, they refer to the Rohingya as "Bengali," claiming that the Muslim minority are immigrants from Bangladesh who entered the country illegally. Nothing could be further from the truth. But historical accuracy, at least for the Buddhist majority, is beside the point. By stripping the Rohingya from any name affiliation that makes them a unique collective, it becomes possible, then, to deny them their rights, to dehumanize them and, eventually, ethnically cleanse them as has been the case for years. Since August, over 650,000 members of the Rohingya community have been driven out of their homeland in Burma by a joint and systematic operation involving the military, the police and various Buddhist nationalist groups. They call it "Clearance Operations." Thousands of Rohingya have been killed in this grave act of genocide, some in most abhorrent and inhumane ways imaginable. The United Nations Human Rights Council Commissioner Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein has recently referred to the purges in Burma as a "textbook example" of ethnic cleansing. There can be no other interpretation of this horrendous campaign of government-led violence. But as thousands were pushed into the jungles or the open sea, the silence was deafening. Only recently, US Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, who visited Burma last November decided to label the massive human rights violations against the Rohingya as "ethnic cleansing." Although his statement labeled the government-centered genocide as "abuses by some among the Burmese military," it was still a clear departure from past failure to even address the issue altogether. Still, it was a major disappointment that the Pope abstained from mentioning the Rohingya by name while in Burma. He only stated their name when he crossed the border to Dhaka. In Bangladesh, using the word "Rohingya" seemed like a safe political strategy. It is understood that refraining from using the word "Rohingya" while in Burma was done as a "concession to the country's Catholics," reported the Washington Post. The logic goes: by challenging the popular narrative that cast the Rohingya as foreigners, the Pope would have ignited the ire of the Buddhists against the country's Christian minority, itself persecuted, at least in two Burmese states. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Quicklink Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their quicklinks after publishing them. To see if the quicklink was renamed or re-published, please click here. Progressive Content Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their progressive content after publishing. To see if the progressive content was renamed or re-published, please click here. Jeff J Brown has done it again: the man is obsessed with China, where he has spent a total of fourteen years, seven in the nineties, and seven more since 2010. During that time, he has made it a point to become fluent in Mandarin. His first book, "44 Days Backpacking in China" ( ) is the meticulous journal of an 8,000-mile journey, by bus, train and walking, which he took across China in 2012, one of the reasons being to perfect his Chinese by exposing it to many regional dialects. He then penned book number two of his China Trilogy, "China Rising- Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations" ( ), and now book number three, "China Is Communist, Dammit! Dawn of the Red Dynasty" ( ) Public Domain: Mao Tse-Tung, 1944 (NARA) | This image is bel. | Flickr500 -- 408 - 119k - jpg (Image by Details DMCA Having had many professions, starting as a livestock and grain expert for in the Middle East and Africa, Jeff has made bread in China, managed real-estate in the US, and a retail business in France with his French wife. For the last seven years in China, Jeff has been teaching in international schools, somehow finding time to write books and maintain a podcast. His latest work traces the basic principle of Communism -- the responsibility of the government to ensure a decent life for all its citizens (which in contemporary China also includes foreign residents) -- all the way back to 1700 B.C. under the Shang dynasty. He does a wonderful job of describing the various periods of Chinese communism, seen against the yardstick of the Heavenly Mandate, which, like the American Declaration of Independence, states that if the people are not happy with their government, they can demand change. According to Brown, the system worked well for centuries, until Western nations got their foot in the door, exploiting the country and its people. Mao Tse Tung's Long March was the drastic solution to Western -- and Japanese -- Imperialism, culminating in the defeat of the Kuo Min Tang led by US-supported Chiang Kai Shek, who ultimately retreated to the island of Taiwan, where a pro-Western entity exists to this day. One of the most interesting customs described by Brown is the traditional effort by law enforcement to encourage the parties in a dispute to come to a compromise, thus avoiding the heavy hand of justice. He provides several examples of this practice, one of which involved him and his wife in a car accident. Jeff's book is illustrated with many exquisite reproductions that will make it an attractive addition to any family library as Christmas looms. While children will be exposed to true exotica, adults will be reminded that the me-age was preceded by ancient dynasties that dwarfed those of Europe, and that China's progress toward becoming the biggest economy in the world is not surprising after all, given its enduring Heavenly Mandate, which Jeff affectionately refers to as Baba Beijing. Boston suburbs, late 1970s. Ron was heir from a well-known brand of instant coffee who opened his mansion to our peer counseling splinter group a few times a year for personal growth weekends. We experimented with pagan rituals, nude dancing, drumming and chanting. There was a lot of confessional openness and support for venting feelings of all kinds. One time I brought a paper bag full of dollar bills, fives, tens and a few twenties to publicly burn them in Ron's ample living room hearth. This brought up more than a few hundred dollars' worth of feelings for most of us, plenty of grist for the mill. People laughed or screamed or just shook heads with their mouths open. Ron was the one who didn't see this as "feelings" at all. It was just wrong. He reached into the fire with his bare hands, tried to find the higher-denomination bills, pulled them out and rescued at least a few of them from the flames. gettyimages-98555001-58588cac3df78ce2c31d1421 (Image by Unknown Owner) Details DMCA Back when the word had very different connotations, the original "cynic" was Diogenes of Sinope, the philosopher who was mad enough to act on his professed beliefs. Son of a banker, Diogenes slept homeless in a wooden bathtub, let his beard grow to unfashionable lengths, tramped mud into Plato's soire'es, and mocked every pretense to civilization and respectability. There were things that people were not supposed to do in the Agora, including urination and (strangely enough) consumption of food. But Diogenes professed that what we do in private we should not be ashamed to do in public. How else he offended respectable society might be surmised from his response when chastised, "I wish it were as easy to banish hunger by rubbing my belly." jean-bernard_restout_-_diogenes_asking_for_alms (Image by Unknown Owner) Details DMCA What would become of a Diogenes on the streets of San Francisco or New York today? In the Golden Age of Athens, Diogenes was tolerated and even commemorated, so that we may read of his antics to this day. He did, however, commit one unspeakable sin for which he was banished from Sinope, and it is recorded as "debasing the coin of the realm". What does this signify? Some say that he and his father flooded the city with counterfeit money, others that he defaced the city's good money with a hammer, or that he melted it down. See original here In 1971, Ellsberg was a high-level defense analyst when he leaked a top-secret report on U.S. involvement in Vietnam to The New York Times and other publications, which came to be known as the Pentagon Papers. He played a key role in ending the Vietnam War. Few know Ellsberg was also a Pentagon and White House consultant who drafted plans for nuclear war. His new book, published Tuesday, is titled "The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner." We speak with Ellsberg about his top-secret nuclear studies, his front row seat to the Cuban missile crisis, whether Trump could start a nuclear war and how contemporary whistleblowers Chelsea Manning and Ed Snowden are his heroes. This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form. JUAN GONZALEZ: North Korea is warning that U.S. actions are bringing the Korean Peninsula to the brink of nuclear war. The warning came Monday as the U.S. and South Korea held massive war games, mobilizing warships, thousands of troops and some 200 U.S. planes, many of them capable of deploying nuclear bombs. North Korea's Foreign Ministry issued a statement calling President Trump a, quote, "nuclear demon." Earlier this year, North Korea said it would freeze its nuclear weapons program in exchange for an end to U.S. and South Korean war games, an overture rejected by the Trump administration. As tensions between the U.S. and North Korea ramp up, today we're joined for the hour by a nuclear war planner to discuss what nuclear war would look like. He is already well known for another reason, as one of the world's most famous whistleblowers. In 1971, Daniel Ellsberg was a high-level military analyst when he leaked a top-secret report that detailed the history of U.S. involvement in Vietnam, including a secret dramatic escalation of troops and bombings in what looked like an unwinnable war. He photocopied and shared the 7,000-page document with The New York Times and other publications. The report came to be known as the Pentagon Papers and played a key role in ending the Vietnam War. AMY GOODMAN: Well, few know that 10 years before, in 1961, Daniel Ellsberg was a consultant with the Pentagon and the the White House, where he drafted plans for nuclear war. In his book, just out this week, titled The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner, Dan Ellsberg reveals for the first time he also made copies of top-secret documents from his nuclear studies -- an entire second set of papers in addition to the Pentagon Papers, for which he is known. Dan Ellsberg is also the author of a 2003 memoir about the Pentagon Papers and Vietnam called Secrets, in which he did not discuss this other set of papers. He's the subject of the Oscar-nominated documentary The Most Dangerous Man in America. Dan Ellsberg will be a character in the forthcoming Steven Spielberg film about the Pentagon Papers called The Post. When the come back from our break, we'll speak with Dan Ellsberg for the hour about nuclear war, the plans he drew up, what nuclear war would look like and his history as the most famous whistleblower in America. Stay with us. [break] AMY GOODMAN: "We Will All Go Together When We Go" by Tom Lehrer. This is Democracy Now! I'm Amy Goodman, with Juan Gonzalez. We're joined by Dan Ellsberg for the hour, yes, known for leaking the Pentagon Papers in 1971. Today we learn about something else he did over the years, in fact, decades ago: writing up plans for a nuclear war. His book details this, just out this week, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner. So, you made copies of top-secret reports for plans about nuclear war years before you copied the Pentagon Papers -- DANIEL ELLSBERG: That's right. AMY GOODMAN: -- and released them to the press? DANIEL ELLSBERG: Essentially, my notes, and sometimes verbatim excerpts, not the entire plans themselves, but on plans that were then unknown to the president, to begin with, to President Kennedy. I briefed his aide, McGeorge Bundy, in his first month in office on the nature of the plans and some of the other problems, like the delegation of authority to theater commanders for nuclear war by President Eisenhower, which was fairly shocking to McGeorge Bundy, even though Kennedy chose to renew that delegation, as other presidents have. But I was given the job of improving the Eisenhower plans, which was not a very high bar, actually, at that time, because they were, on their face, the worst plans in the history of warfare. A number of people saw them, but very few civilians ever got a look at them. In fact, the joint chiefs couldn't really get the targets out of General LeMay at the Strategic Air Command. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). (Article originally published here on May 14, 2008 under the title Explaining the Relationship Between Grateful Jews and Christian Zionists With a Twilight Zone Story There are a number of Christian Fundamentalist leaders, like John Hagee, one of John McCain's endorsers, who seem to wish the very best for Israel and the Israelis. These Christian Zionists are, by far, more avid in their support for Israel than most American Jews. We know a bit about the extent of their fervor for Israel because Rolling Stone writer Matt Taibi went undercover to Hagee's church and learned that the members of this megachurch and his movement are taught to be so loyal to Israel that they even oppose the giving up of land in any peace settlements. So it is not surprising that there are many Israelis, and many American Jews who strongly embrace and welcome Hagee and his flock of brainwashed sheep. There's one that seems to be a perfect allegory for the Israelis who are so grateful to Hagee's Rapture ready Christian Zionist. The Twilight Zone story is titled, To Serve Man, originally written as a short story by Damon Knight. The story begins with a flying saucer landing on earth, near Newark (a short commute to the UN.) A nine foot tall "Kanamit" tells the delegates to the UN that he and his people have come to help Earth to become free from want, war, faminme... and in short order, thousands of humans are accepting the offer to fly to the Kanamit planet, where, the word is, they are treated like royalty Meanwhile, the first Kanamit visitor has left a book, written in Kanamit. They cryptographers interpret the cover title-- "To Serve Man." And they start experiencing the benefits the Kanamits have brought-- new energy technologies, fertilizers that quadruple crop yields... so the job of translating the book, a job given to cryptographers who were involved in the cold war-- is put on hold, as peace seems to be taking over the earth. But one woman is fascinated by the challenge. Even as she and her colleague are on the waiting list to fly to the Kanamit planet, she is working on breaking the language. Finally, as her colleague, Michael Chambers, is literally climbing on board the flying saucer, she races to the departure area and calls out to him, and tells him she's translated the rest of the "To Serve Man" book. "Don't get on. It's a cook book." But it's too late. He's pushed up the ramp. It's closed, and we see him being very well fed by the Kanamit on board. The Christian Zionists are like the Kanamit, pretending to be helping the Israelis, but, in truth, anything but their friends. Michael Chambers, on the Flying Saucer, knowing his final fate, opines, "Sooner or later we'll all of us be on the menu, all of us." And of course, we can take this educational tale as a lesson. We can realize that not only are the Christian Zionists putting Israelis on the menu, but the neocons and their enablers they keep voting into office who have been claiming to help us, making us safer from terrorists, from the threats they've lied to us about-- they are putting us all on "the menu." Rod Serling, in his inimitable way, wraps up "To Serve Man" with his final observation, "The evolution of man-- the cycle of going from dust to dessert, the metamorphosis of going from the ruler of the planet to an ingredient in someone's soup." Here's a trailer for the Twilight Zone How to Serve Man episode. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Merry Christmas! From the Nutcracker Suite. I am the Rat King (Image by self) Details DMCA The commenter shrugged (we can feel him snarkily do it): "I thought (the capital) already was Jerusalem. Did I miss something?" You're an ignorant ass, OZ (as he anonymously styled himself). You've been hypnotized by the great and terrible Oz on the screen while the men behind the curtain push the buttons and pull the levers. This is the fruits of the "peace negotiations" among Bibi Netanyahu and his nationalist partners, and Trump's bankruptcy lawyer, David Friedman, a major investor in Israeli settlements in the Occupied West Bank, and the soon-to-be-indicted neophyte weasel real estate man who happens to be a personal friend of Netanyahu, and is also an investor in settlements, Jared Kushner. How the US Senate could confirm such a candidate for diplomatic office given the conflict of interest represented by being a financial investor of millions of dollars in furtherance of a specific policy that counters the prevailing US policy stance for decades is completely beyond me, one more reason to throw the bums out. As the reporter said, we must now brace for violence in the Middle East. For Trump to say he has a "Peace Plan" and then blow it to shreds as surely as Kim Jong-Un executed his uncle with an anti-aircraft gun once again demonstrates the dynamic that might be called massive cognitive dissonance in another less serious situation, but that in this case began with a calculated intention of a One-State Solution-- Israel-- in the region that comprises (the term is an old one, not currently being publicly espoused by Netanyahu or his government officially, but is echoed privately by many high current and former Israeli officials)-- "Eretz Israel," which is to say, "Greater Israel." Trump signaled his support for a One-State Solution-- the term is well enough known that it deserves capitalization, as a major historical action-- during the President-Elect period. Bibi was exultant. Trump has done this a little quicker than I thought he would. I expect Trump is hearing the hounds and seeing the glow from the torches, and he knows there are pitchforks in that crowd. Lessee, so far Trump has removed the US from the TPP, chiding allies we might need for not paying enough; he's pulled us out of the Paris Climate Accords; and now the US, some day (unless the Republican Party, whose job it certainly is, gives him the hook very quickly), will be the only nation with its embassy in Jerusalem. He's got to be gone in 2018. As I have noted in the past, resignation before impeachment is his plea bargain. If he retires before he is indicted for federal charges, he can go back to New York and beat the state charges against him-- Kushner can do the same. This president does not play well with others. He's an existential threat to the survival of the planet. We all (except for the coalition of right-wing ideologues and low-information voters that comprise Trump's base) are watching the atavistic process in horror. I am a touring musician who plays for an international fanbase, and I am constantly apologizing to my fans from around the world for the earthshaking error that America has perpetrated on the world through a collective error in political and moral judgment. We elected a violence-encouraging p-grabber who's never read a full book in his life (no matter for his claim of "Ivy-League education"), and has gutted American diplomacy by his constant tweeting. I am actually surprised that any American ambassador is currently serving (except Friedman of course). Who would want to work representing a man who even undercuts THEIR direct superior, the Secretary of State, on Twitter? Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). (Image by Egberto Willies) Details DMCA It is easy to have courage when one no longer has to answer to a sect within one's party that has lost all sense of morality and decency. Republican Jeff Flake's symbolic act required little coverage but may convince a few Republicans to stop for a second to see if their moral compass will reset and not vote a pedophile into office. Jeff Flake is showing a welcomed faux courage as he goes against his party for one moral issue but fails miserably on something that will hurt millions. He sent the following tweet. "Country over Party" So Senator Jeff Flake sends Alabama's Democratic Senatorial candidate Doug Jones a campaign contribution. The idea is to show that a Republican will support a Democrat to ensure that a pedophile, Roy Moore, the Republican opponent does not get into office. This act is a commendable gesture. The thing is, Flake is not running for reelection. He is leaving the Senate. One can be very courageous when one need not worry about immediate reelection. If Jeff Flake wants to show that he believes in the country over party, the American citizens over party, he would not have voted for the Republican tax cut scam. Attempting to keep a pedophile out of the Senate is important. But Roy Moore is only one Senator who individually wields little power to affect the entire country. The Republican tax cut scam hurts millions and will kill millions every year. If Flake wants to show courage, he should never have voted for the bill. He still has time to determine if his tweet "Country over Party" is true. But don't hold your breath. Flake will likely run for another office down the road. His base will forgive him after this election cycle. The Plutocracy, however, would make an example out of him for voting against the bill by ensuring he has little funds to work with for any subsequent run for office. They have everlasting memories. This article originally appeared at Few Americans ever took in the vastness of the prison outsourcing system the administration of George W. Bush set up from Afghanistan to Iraq, Thailand to Poland, the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean to Guanta'namo Bay in Cuba. In those years, I began referring to that global network of prisons as our own "Bermuda Triangle of injustice." At one point, it housed at least 15,000 prisoners from Abu Ghraib and Camp Bucca in Iraq to the "Salt Pit" in Afghanistan and, of course, Guanta'namo. They were often kept under the grimmest of conditions, involving in a striking number of cases torture and sometimes death. All those prisons, large and small, were borrowed or built to ensure that captives in the Bush administration's Global War on Terror, the innocent and the guilty alike, whether taken in battle, traded for bounties, or kidnapped by the CIA off the streets of global cities as well as in the backlands of the planet, would be -- every last one of them -- beyond the reach of the law, American or international. And that couldn't have been more intentional. An administration whose top officials had torture methods -- the euphemism of that moment was "enhanced interrogation techniques" -- demonstrated in the White House wanted a free hand to do whatever it damn pleased, including waterboarding, slamming heads off walls, depriving prisoners of sleep, or just about anything else. They were going to "take the gloves off," as the phrase of the era went, and no judge, no legal system was about to stop them. Their lawyers in the Department of Justice even redefined "severe physical or mental pain or suffering" in the classic legal description of torture so that an act would not be considered torture if "intent" wasn't there -- and the only way to know about intent would be to ask the potential torturer. (Even then, he or she would need to have "specific intent to cause pain" in mind.) In this web of CIA-operated "black sites" extending across significant parts of the planet, the jewel in the crown, a veritable recruitment poster for jihadist groups, was Guanta'namo. It was tantalizingly just 90 miles offshore from American justice and pioneered those iconic orange jumpsuits for its prisoners that would later be adopted by ISIS for its torture and murder videos. There, prisoners could be kept more or less forever without either charges or trials, a system for which Donald Trump has shown remarkable enthusiasm. TomDispatch has been covering all of this for years and yet I felt I first came face to face with Guanta'namo only the other day in the strangest, quietest way imaginable. I went to meet Erin Thompson, author of Possession: The Curious History of Private Collectors from Antiquity to the Present. She then took me through "Ode to the Sea: Art from Guanta'namo," the first show of paintings and other works by some of the prisoners there, which she had curated. Who even knew that they painted, no less with a startling proficiency? Though the works were (as she describes today) in some way faceless -- untitled and largely without human images -- something about finally "meeting" those prisoners (and ex-prisoners), however facelessly, can't help but take your breath away and remind you that we are all, however uncomfortably, in the same grim world. Tom The Art of Keeping Guanta'namo Open What the Paintings by Its Prisoners Tell Us About Our Humanity and Theirs By Erin L. Thompson We spent the day at a beach in Brooklyn. Skyscrapers floated in the distance and my toddler kept handing me cigarette filters she had dug out of the sand. When we got home, I checked my email. I had been sent a picture of a very different beach: deserted, framed by distant headlands with unsullied sands and clear waters. As it happened, I was looking not at a photograph, but at a painting by a man imprisoned at the Guanta'namo Bay detention camp. Of the roughly 780 people once imprisoned there, he is one of 41 prisoners who remain, living yards away from the Caribbean Sea. Captives from the Bush administration's Global War on Terror began to arrive at that offshore prison in January 2002. Since Guanta'namo is located on a military base in Cuba and the detainees were labeled "alien enemy combatants," they were conveniently to be without rights under either United States or international law and so open to years of whatever their jailers wanted to do to them (including torture). President Barack Obama released 197 of them in his years in office, but was unable to fulfill the promise he made on his first day: to close Guanta'namo. The man whose painting I saw has been held for nearly 15 years without trial, without even having charges filed against him. The email came from his lawyer who had volunteered to defend a number of Guanta'namo detainees. Some had been released after she helped them convince a military tribunal that they were no longer "threats" to the United States. The others remain in indefinite detention. Many of her clients pass their time by making art and, of all the unexpected things to come into my life, she was now looking for a curator who wanted to exhibit some of their paintings. Collecting the Art of Guanta'namo I'm a professor at John Jay College in New York City. It has a small art gallery and so one day in August 2016 I found myself in that lawyer's midtown Manhattan office preparing, however dubiously, to view the art of her clients. She was pushing aside speakerphones and notepads and laying out the artwork on a long table in a conference room whose windows overlooked the picturesque East River. As I waited, I watched from high up as the water cut a swath of silence through the city. When I finally turned my attention to the art, I was startled to see some eerily similar views. Painting after painting of water. Water trickling through the reeds at the edge of a pond. Water churning into foam as it ran over rocks in rivers. Calmly flowing water that reflected the buildings along a canal. But above all, there was the sea. Everywhere, the sea. In those paintings in that conference room and in other work sent to me as word spread among detainees and their lawyers that I was willing to plan an exhibit, I found hundreds of depictions of the sea in all its moods. In some paintings, storms thrashed apart the last planks of sinking ships. In others, boats were moored safely at docks or scudded across vast expanses of water without a hint of shore in sight. Clouds bunched in blue midday skies or burned orange in mid-ocean sunsets. One detainee had even made elaborate models of sailing ships out of cardboard, old T-shirts, bottle caps, and other scraps of trash. Puzzled, I asked the lawyer, "Why all the water?" She shrugged. Maybe the art instructor at the prison, she suggested, was giving the detainees lots of pictures of the sea. The detainees, it turned out, could actually take art classes as long as they remained "compliant." But when there was a crackdown, as there had, for instance, been during a mass hunger strike in 2013, the guards promptly confiscated their art -- and that was the reason the lawyer's clients had asked her to take it. They wanted to keep their work (and whatever it meant to them) safe from the guards. Muhammad Ansi, Untitled (Pier), 2016. (Image by Muhammad Ansi) Details DMCA Muhammad Ansi, Untitled (Pier), 2016. As it turned out, the art doesn't leave Guanta'namo that much more easily than the prisoners themselves. Military authorities scrutinized every piece for hidden messages and then stamped the back of each work, "Approved by US Forces." Those stamps generally bled through, floating up into the surface of the image on the other side. The lawyer had even nicknamed one of the model ships the U.S.S. Approved because the censors had stamped those words across its sails. So I found myself beginning to plan an exhibition of a sort I had never in my wildest dreams imagined I would curate. And I began to worry. A curator makes so many choices, judgments, interpretations of art. But how could I make them with any kind of accuracy when I was a woman, a non-Muslim, and a citizen of the very nation that had detained these men for so many years without charges or trial? Wasn't I, in other words, the ultimate Other? Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). From Smirking Chimp Some political experts doubted that Donald J. Trump would tough it out this long. This, after all, was a very strange man, possibly afflicted by obsessive-compulsive disorder to the point that he even floated the idea of staying in New York. He moved to Washington. But Trump's dangerous old compulsions remain: Twitter diarrhea. Impulsiveness. Recklessness. He insults adversaries whose cooperation he needs. He's allergic to compromise. Will these character defects destroy him politically in 2018? The odds of Trump remaining president by the end of next year, I said recently, were significantly less than 50%. I still think that's true. But as noted above, we have a tendency to underestimate this highly inestimable man. The will-Trump-survive question is an equation with many variables. One thing is clear: "The Resistance," as the left-center political forces aligned against Trump and the Republicans grandiosely call themselves, is a null force. If Trump is forced out of office, it won't have much to do with these Hillary Clinton supporters. The Resistance's street activism peaked out with the Women's March on January 21, 2017. They are, in Trumpspeak, Losers. Russiagate, the allegation that Putin's government "hacked the election" for Trump, still hasn't risen above the level of a 9/11 Truther conspiracy theory -- not one iota of actual evidence has appeared in the media. (Sorry, so-called journalists, "a source in the intelligence community believes that" is not evidence, much less proof.) But Russiagate led to the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller. Mueller's sweeping powers and authority to pursue any wrongdoing he finds regardless of whether or not it's related to Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election has already led to the downfall and flipping of ex-Trump national security advisor Michael Flynn. Mueller's pet rats may never turn up a smoking-gun connection between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump. But they likely know where Trump's bodies are buried. In addition to obstruction of justice -- to which Trump de facto pled guilty in one of his insipid tweets -- charges related to sleazy business dealings are a strong possibility. Was/is Trump in deep with Russian oligarchs and corrupt government officials? Perhaps not -- but he's an amoral real estate developer who follows money wherever it leads, including authoritarian regimes where transparency is nonexistent. Behind every great fortune, Balzac wrote, there is a crime. Trump's cash hoard probably results from many more than a single illegal act. Impeachment or resignation? Having researched Trump for my 2016 biography, Trump is more likely to give away his fortune to charity than slink away in a Nixonian resignation. His ego is too big; he's too pugnacious. He'd rather get dragged out kicking and screaming -- unless it's part of a deal with Mueller or other feds to avoid prosecution. So impeachment it would need to be. But no political party in control of both houses of Congress has ever impeached a sitting president of its own party. And there's another powerful countervailing force protecting Trump from impeachment: Republicans' self-preservation instinct. GOP lawmakers suffered devastating losses in the 1974 midterm election following Nixon's near-impeachment/resignation. Democrats did OK in 1998, after Bill Clinton was impeached -- but that was an outlier impacted by the biggest boom economy ever. In the long term, the Republican Party would probably be better off without Trump. But Congressmen and Senators live in the here and now. Here and now, or more precisely in 2018, Republicans know that many of them would lose their jobs following a Trump impeachment. Despite those considerations, I think that, in the end, House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other top Republicans are more likely to calculate that pulling the impeachment trigger is worth the likely losses in the fall. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). From Truthdig (Image by Mr Fish/Truthdig) Details DMCA Wednesday's announcement by President Trump, who finds a soul mate in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, that he will move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem solidifies our status, along with Israel, as a rogue state and an international pariah. The United States long ago lost credibility as an honest broker in any Mideast peace agreement. We have provided $38 billion in military aid to Israel over the last decade despite Israel's flagrant disregard for international law and its well-documented war crimes. We do nothing to halt the expropriation of Palestinian land. We give unequivocal support to Israeli attacks on Palestinians, including the bombardment of largely defenseless civilians in Gaza, that have left thousands dead and destroyed whole neighborhoods. The Trump decision sends a message to those who demand justice for the Palestinian people: Our only hope is to strengthen the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement to isolate and cripple Israel. This would involve a robust boycott of Israeli cultural and academic institutions. It demands divestment from companies with financial interests in Israel. And it seeks to impose international sanctions on the Jewish state. The goal of the BDS movement is to end the Israeli occupation in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, achieve equal rights for Palestinian citizens of Israel and ensure the right of return for all Palestinian refugees in the diaspora. If we fail to act we must accept our complicity in the slow-motion genocide of the Palestinian people. "The current xenophobic, racist U.S. administration is smashing international law as fast as it is smashing its own mask of respect for human rights and with it whatever credibility it still has around the world," said Omar Barghouti, the Palestinian human rights activist and co-founder of the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israel. He commented after I reached him by email. "By trying to bestow legitimacy on Israel's patently illegitimate annexation of occupied Jerusalem, the U.S. administration, whose own legitimacy is contested by millions of Americans, is throwing a flame onto a haystack in a midsummer day," he said. "If we turn this deliberate act of mega-arson into an opportunity to further build the BDS movement to isolate Israel's regime of occupation, settler-colonialism and apartheid, we can advance the struggle for freedom, justice and equality." The United States is the only nation, with the exception of Israel, to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Trump's decision will enrage Muslims throughout the world. Palestinians in Gaza City, Bethlehem and Rafah have already marched through the streets chanting "Death to America," "Death to Israel" and "Down with Trump." They burned American and Israeli flags and photos of Trump. The Palestinian Islamic group Hamas is calling for "a day of rage." "Trump's extensive reference to Israel's far-right policies of ethnic profiling, militarized walls and extreme racial violence as a model for his own fanatic policies in the U.S. and around the world confirms Israel's status today as a senior member of the xenophobic -- mostly anti-Semitic -- far-right club that is growing in the U.S., Europe, India and elsewhere," Barghouti said. The Trump move, along with Israel's naked theft of East Jerusalem, will give rise to spontaneous acts of resistance such as that which took place last July when Israel tried to restrict Palestinian access to the Al-Aqsa mosque, the third-holiest site in Islam, in Jerusalem. Thousands of Palestinians demonstrated at the site until Israel removed barriers, metal detectors and security cameras introduced after three Israeli Arabs killed two Israeli police officers at an entrance to the compound July 14. Wednesday's announcement is one more indignity visited on a people who have known nothing but abuse, humiliation and violence since the creation of the Israeli state in 1948. It says to all of the dispossessed of the earth that their rights and aspirations are meaningless. It is a public declaration of contempt for the oppressed. And the oppressed, filled with rage, unable to use the industrial weapons that rain death and destruction on Palestinians, Iraqis, Afghans and Yemenis, will employ cruder instruments of death to fight back. The state terrorists in Israel and Washington will use those attacks to justify an escalation of violence in a never-ending cycle of hate that we, the oppressors, initiated. "Jerusalem lies at the heart of Palestinian identity and is a unique spiritual, cultural and symbolic center for Palestinian life," Barghouti said. "It is also sacred for monotheistic religions, including about 1.5 billion Muslims. No state in the world [had recognized] Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem. So, by recognizing it as Israel's capital, the Trump administration is not only isolating itself and trashing decades of U.S. policy and international law. It is deliberately inciting a global wave of protest against Israel's illegal control over the city and against the exceptionally reckless U.S. policy. I cannot see how this can serve U.S. interests, even if defined as the interests of the '1 percent.' It therefore indicates the administration's adoption of an Israel-first agenda that appeals to a small yet very influential part of its constituency -- fanatic Christian fundamentalists and the Islamophobic, anti-Palestinian far-right Jewish establishment. As the prominent South African jurist and former U.N. special rapporteur John Dugard once said, Palestine today has become the litmus test for the West's respect for human rights--just as South Africa once was. If the West fails to end its fatal collusion with Israel's regime of apartheid and colonialism it will lose all credibility around the world, especially in the Global South." This is zero hour for the Palestinian people. Saudi Arabia, which has built a de facto alliance with Israel in its effort to launch a war against Iran, has signaled its willingness to sacrifice the Palestinians by proposing a "peace agreement" that Israel will embrace. The agreement, proposed by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, traps Palestinians within Israeli-controlled borders, transfers East Jerusalem, where the Palestinian population in the city resides, to Israel, permits Jewish settlements to remain on Palestinian land, slices up sections of the West Bank to prevent contiguous Palestinian control and sovereignty, and prevents from returning to their homes the Palestinians who were "ethnically cleansed" from land Israel controls. The Saudi plan mirrors the agreement offered in 2000 to Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) leader Yasser Arafat by President Bill Clinton, an agreement no Palestinian could accept and Arafat rightly rejected. The Muslim world has long paid lip service to Palestinian rights while quietly backing the Israeli occupation. Egypt, for example, seals the southern border of Gaza to assist Israel in maintaining the world's largest open-air prison. But now the Saudi regime is public in its effort to sell out the Palestinians. This gives to the BDS movement -- and a separate BDS movement should be launched against Saudi Arabia--a new urgency. The Palestinian Authority, a puppet regime put in place by Israel and the United States that has little support among Palestinians, will be further discredited and reviled as the U.S. Embassy is moved. Its loss of authority will weaken the last vestiges of Palestinian civil institutions. Trump's decision is also likely to accelerate Israel's destruction of Palestinian homes, evictions, expropriations, revocation of residency permits and colonization of the city by Jewish settlers. It will tighten the barrier set up by Israel to prevent Palestinians in the West Bank from traveling to East Jerusalem. It will continue to see the steady reduction of the Palestinian population as East Jerusalem, piece by piece, is handed over to Israeli Jews. U.N. Resolution 476, adopted in 1980, declared Israel's annexation of East Jerusalem "null and void," called it "a flagrant violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War" and said it "constituted a serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East." But this resolution and others have routinely been ignored and defied by Israel and the United States. Israel since occupying East Jerusalem after the 1967 war has stripped more than 14,000 Palestinians of their right to live in the city. It routinely denies Palestinians new building permits, demolishes Palestinian homes and olive groves and builds huge, fortress-like housing complexes for Jewish settlers that surround the dwindling Palestinian neighborhoods. Israeli police patrol the streets of East Jerusalem, engaging in acts of open brutality and violence, including the killing of unarmed demonstrators. Basic municipal services, including education, have been degraded. "Moshe Dayan [the onetime Israeli defense minister] once said that Israel must act like a mad dog so no one in the international community will bother it," Barghouti said. "His prophecy has come true like never before with the current extremely racist and dangerous Israeli government. With its influence in the White House finally matching its influence in Congress, Israel is drunk with power and, as a result, recklessly undermining the very legitimacy of its decades-long regime of oppression against the Palestinians. This is a key factor behind the impressive growth of the BDS movement for Palestinian rights worldwide." Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). ASIAN STREET FOOD FESTIVAL AT CITYMAX HOTEL BUR DUBAI Citymax Hotel Bur Dubai is all set for a two-week Asian Street Food Fest at Sizzling Wok starting from 1st to 15th December 2017. During the festival, on offer for diners will be a wide variety of irresistible Asian street food specialties from across the region including China, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Japan and Korea. Sizzling live cooking stations and a festive ambience will complete the experience, transporting guests to the bustling streets of the Far East.Satish Nambiar, General Manager of Citymax Hotels Bur Dubai, said, The Far East is a melting pot of exciting and varied cuisines. Its streets are a kaleidoscope of diverse and colourful regional dishes and we are delighted to bring the very best of Asias street food to Sizzling Wok. Our chefs have created a tempting mix of popular, ethnic delights that are hard to resist and will take you on a journey of discovery through the streets of Asia.ASIAN STREET FOOD FESTVenue: Sizzling Wok at Citymax Hotel Bur DubaiPrice: AED 55 per person.Day: Available Daily from 1st to 15th December 2017Time: From 7:00pm to 12 midnight.For more information call 050 100 7065For bookings and more information, please call us on +971 (0)4 4078000 or 0501007065Facebook:Instagram:- Ends -Notes to editorsAbout Citymax HotelsCitymax Hotels is part of the hospitality division of Landmark Group and has been developed as an affordable lifestyle hotel brand with a vision to lead the mid-market hospitality sector offering unique guest experiences at extraordinary value. With a superb portfolio of both owned and managed hotels strategically located in prime business and leisure hubs, the company is expanding rapidly in the UAE as well as other key markets in the Middle East. Citymax Hotels differentiates itself in the mid-market sector with outstanding dining and recreational venues, welcoming people to enjoy lifes little extras by transforming faceless hospitality with vibrant simplicity. The experience is further enhanced by exclusive tie-up with Shukran, the regions largest loyalty programme offering members fabulous benefits each time they stay or dine at Citymax Hotels.Follow @citymaxhotels on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and tag photos with #CitymaxHotelsFor more information please visit:For media contact:Hina BakhtVice PresidentMPJ (Marketing Pro-Junction)Mob: +971 50 697 5146Email: h.bakht@mpj-pr.comMPJ - Marketing Pro-Junction is a reputed marketing and communications agency in Dubai offering world-class services.MPJ - Marketing Pro-Junction1110, Yes Business CenterAl Barsha, Dubai, UAEMailing Address:P.O.BOX : 213443Dubai, UAETel: +971-4-438 7007Fax: +971-4-438 7008Email: Alpha Destination Management Achieves 8 Per Cent Growth in 2017 Alpha Destination Management, the leading destination management company in the Arabian Gulf, has registered superb growth in 2017. Making the announcement Mr. Ghassan Aridi, CEO of Alpha Destination Management, said, 2017 had been a very good year for us. We registered a growth of almost eight per cent compared to last year which is great. Some markets such as the CIS, specifically the Russian market, came back very strongly. We have also seen a very good increase from the UK market. Both are very significant source markets for Dubai.Talking about the new trends that emerged in 2017 in the UAE tourism sector, Mr Aridi, stressed, In 2017 many markets returned back in a big way while other markets disappeared altogether for some reasons. The UAE tourism sector under the leadership of H.E. Helal Saeed Almarri, Director General of Dubais Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM), and his team have done a great job in executing the outstanding vision of H.H. Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai. As a destination, the UAE continues to impress both residents and visitors with a tourism product that never ceases to evolve.Dubais tourism fundamentals are extremely strong and its vision incomparable. The solid foundation that the government has put in place through broadening portfolio of leisure and business attractions and facilities, diversification of source markets, collaboration between various business sectors will continue to boost and sustain demand.Elaborating on the important developments in 2017 for Alpha Destination Management, Mr Aridi, said, We have been very active and I would like to take this opportunity to thank my team including Adnan Aridi, Samir Hamadeh, Omar Sawaya, Gisele Moubayed and all others. I cant name everybody as we are over 300 people but each one has done a fantastic job. As mentioned, we registered 8% increase in business compared to last year and the same in terms of profit. We have gained greater market share from the UK, China and CIS. In addition, we have added several activities and tours to our product. We always redesign every year. Helicopters are still doing very well, and we are trying to have several points by adding more helipads in Dubai.Looking ahead, Mr Aridi is extremely positive and confident about the future of tourism industry in 2018. He stressed, I think the future is great and we expect to see continuous increase in tourism numbers in 2018 as compared to 2017. We are very positive about the future of the industry because the tourism authorities for Dubai know what is required to boost tourism in the emirate and one can see it from the events happening here. A whole lot of exciting activities and exhibitions are taking place which are helping us a lot to increase our business. Dubai is getting bigger and with it the tourism industry is getting bigger.About Alpha Destination ManagementFounded in 1996, by Mr. Ghassan Aridi and his partners, Alpha Destination Management is the leading destination management company and a pioneer in the tourism sector in the Arabian Gulf. Over the last two decades, the company has established itself as one of the most credible and reputed brands not only in the Gulf region but also in the international tourism industry. Controlling a significant market share of the lucrative tourism sector in the GCC, Alpha Destination Management is a market leader in the region with the largest annual turnover and wide network of international partners offering the highest levels of service and innovative and exciting experiences. Our extensive global and local knowledge and network, outstanding expertise and sound reputation is the key to success for us and all our partners.For more information about Alpha Destination Management visitFor media contact:Hina BakhtVice PresidentMPJ (Marketing Pro-Junction)Mob: +971 50 697 5146Email: h.bakht@mpj-pr.comMPJ - Marketing Pro-Junction1110, Yes Business CenterAl Barsha, Dubai, UAEMPJ - Marketing Pro-Junction1110, Yes Business CenterAl Barsha, Dubai, UAE Busch successful at Fakuma 2017 The new generation of Mink MV claw vacuum pumps generated significant interest at Buschs trade show booth The trade show appearance of Busch Vacuum Pumps and Systems generated a great deal of interest amongst more than 48,000 visitors to the international trade fair for plastics processing in Friedrichshafen. The specialist audience used the opportunity to discuss highly energy-efficient and economical vacuum solutions with Buschs vacuum experts. Vacuum technology plays a central role in many applications relating to the processing and treatment of plastic.Visitors came from 25 countries, and were particularly impressed by the latest generation of Mink MV claw vacuum pumps, which are ideally suited for pneumatic conveying of materials and degassing of plastics. The contact-free compression principle ensures nearly maintenance-free operation. Mink claw vacuum pumps also feature high energy efficiency in all applications, which can be even further enhanced through the use of a variable speed drive.Many visitors to the Busch trade show booth were interested in vacuum systems for degassing during plastic extrusion. Vacuum systems from the Plastex series, which have been developed specially for degassing in extruders, guarantee optimum degassing. They can be individually adjusted to the materials to be processed, extruder types, and the material throughput.Visitors to the Busch trade show booth at Fakuma also received information about energy efficiency. The topic of energy efficiency during vacuum generation was of great importance, particularly for visitors who deal intensively with energy management according to ISO 50.001 in their operations. According to the Busch vacuum specialists, it is important here that, for example, entire processes are analyzed from an energy point of view so that the vacuum technology can be applied in ways that use resources as sustainably as possible.About Busch:Busch Vacuum Pumps and Systems is one of the worlds largest producers of vacuum pumps, vacuum systems, blowers and compressors.Its extensive product portfolio comprises solutions for vacuum and overpressure applications in all industries, including the chemical, semiconductor, medical technology, plastics, and food sectors. It also covers the design and construction of customized vacuum systems, as well as a global service network.The Busch group is a family-owned company and is still managed by the Busch family. Busch Vacuum Pumps and Systems has 3,000 employees in more than 60 companies in over 40 countries worldwide. Busch is headquartered in Maulburg, in southwest Germany. This is the location of Busch SE headquarters, as well as the German production facility and German sales company. In addition to Maulburg, Busch also has its own production plants in Switzerland, the UK, Czech Republic, Korea and the USA.History:Busch Vacuum Pumps and Systems was founded by Dr.-Ing. Karl Busch and his wife Ayhan Busch in 1963. Dr.-Ing. Karl Busch developed the Huckepack, which was the first vacuum pump that could be used for vacuum packaging of foodstuffs. The follow-up product, the compact R 5 rotary vane vacuum pump, revolutionized food packaging. A further milestone represented the development of the COBRA screw vacuum pump. In 1971 the international expansion of the Busch group started with the founding of a sales company in the UK. The first production plant outside Germany was established in the USA in 1979.Busch Vacuum Pumps and SystemsSchauinslandstrae 179689 MaulburgTelephone: +49 (0) 7622 681 GoodMills Innovation focuses on health and functionality 2ab Wheat is an easy-to-digest alternative to modern bread From baking ingredients with added value and innovative concepts for whole grain products right through to process optimization, at FiE 2017, Europes largest milling company showcased its comprehensive portfolio.Hamburg, 30 November 2017 At this years Fi Europe, GoodMills Innovation presented various products and concepts with a firm focus on health. 2ab Wheat, a newly discovered ancient grain, is an easy-to-digest alternative to modern bread wheat that delivers tasty and high indulgence baked goods that are ideal for wheat-sensitive customers. Additionally, with its Whole Grain Index and its innovative range of light-coloured whole grain flours, GoodMills Innovation presented effective solutions that make whole grain products more attractive to a broader range of consumers. The company also presented functional flours that facilitate processing and fulfill the highest Clean Label and salt reduction standards.2ab Wheat combines digestibility and indulgenceWith the ancient grain variety 2ab, the GoodMills Innovation experts presented a new product that offers bakers a real alternative to conventional bread wheat. Bakery products made from 2ab flour are particularly well tolerated, and are convincing in taste and texture. They are ideal for wheat-sensitive consumers whose options have thus far been limited to gluten- or wheat-free products with a distinct lack of indulgence. For both industrial and artisan bakeries, 2ab Wheat offers easy handling and excellent baking properties too.Increasing whole grain consumption the easy wayGoodMills Innovation also introduced a concept aimed at increasing consumption of baked goods made from whole grain. With an eye on delivering consumer health benefits as well as optimum taste and texture, the company has developed whole grain flours with a light appearance. SNOW WHEAT, White Gold and SNOW SPELT both have the valuable nutritional properties of whole grain, but are finely ground, of a light colour and enable the production of mild-tasting baked goods without the typical bitterness of conventional whole grain products. To communicate the fact that light coloured products can be as healthy as darker coloured ones, the company has created the Whole Grain Index. This allows manufacturers to calculate the precise whole grain content of their products online and then download the information in a graphic file for use on packaging. This then acts as seal of transparency that clears up the myth that browner bakery products are automatically more wholesome than whiter ones.Creative answers to current industry trendsWith more and more consumers critically questioning the ingredients in their food, PURAFARIN HydroSoft is an innovative functional flour that meets Clean and Lean Label standards and ensures high quality results in a broad variety of bakery items, from muffins and puff pastries to white bread and pizzas. Trade visitors to FiE were able to see first hand how the ingredient improves the volume, texture and freshness of bakery products and thus makes emulsifiers and thickeners redundant. PURAFARIN HydroSoft contains only wheat flour that has undergone special hydrothermal physical processing, and is free from synthetic additives.For the decor segment, GoodMills Innovations product developers have been working on solutions for salt reduction. The companys new Slow Milling Pretzel Salt Light SG allows bakers to create optically convincing decoration for their pretzels while reducing the salt content 50 percent in total and 75 percent in the decor. The innovative pretzel salt is a special blend of salt and rice flour, and thus looks delicious without having the usual intense and overly salty taste. Thanks to its natural coating, the product is stable during thawing and baking, so it is suitable for frozen items. At the same time, it meets Clean Label standards. For best application results, GoodMills Innovation recommends applying the pretzel salt with GECKO Ultra seed adhesive. This is based on wheat flour, so is of pure, natural origin, and guarantees much better adhesion of various decors, including seeds and salt. As well as producing visually attractive results and higher customer satisfaction, GECKO Ultra allows bakers to make significant cost savings through reduced waste and less time and money spent on cleaning.Better health for bakers tooTo help reduce the risk of occupational asthma among bakers, GoodMills Innovation has also invested its expertise in the development of low-dust release flours such as TIP-TOP. A special refining process not only reduces the fine dust content of the flour, but also cuts the potentially allergenic effects of wheat proteins. Not only does TIP-TOP bring benefits to bakery employees, it is also better for machinery since it reduces the need for cleaning and prevents mould growth.GoodMills Innovation GmbH has its headquarters in Hamburg, Germany, and is a joint venture between Europes leading milling enterprise, the GoodMills Group, and the global ingredients manufacturer Palsgaard A/S, which is based in Denmark. Together with its Polish subsidiary GoodMills Innovation Polska Sp z o.o, the company employs a staff of 120 in Europe.Sound grain expertise and state-of-the-art refining technologies are the foundations of the company, which operates worldwide. Innovative and natural products that combine functionality and taste with health benefits have been developed in close cooperation with experts from science and industry. Customers from the food industry and the bakery trade benefit from tailor-made products as well as competent advice on application, food legislation and marketing issues.Company contactGoodMills Innovation GmbHSvenja FrankTrettaustrae 3234D-21107 HamburgT +49 40 75109-632svenja.frank@goodmillsinnovation.comPress contactakp public relationsKatrin WagnerTannenstrae 1aD-69469 WeinheimT +49 6201 Graphene Battery Market Outlook 2023 Graphenano, SiNode Systems Graphene Battery A market study Global Graphene Battery Market examines the performance of the Graphene Battery market Size 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Graphene Battery market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Graphene Battery market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.Get Free Sample Of Report:The Global Graphene Battery Market 2017 report includes Graphene Battery market Size, Revenue, market Share, Graphene Battery industry volume, market Trends, Graphene Battery Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Graphene Battery Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2023.Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Graphene Battery Market Forecast 2017:1. Graphenano2. SiNode Systems3. Graphene NanoChem4. Angstron Materials5. XG Sciences6. Vorbeck Materials7. Graphene 3D Lab8. NanoXplore9. Graphene Batteries10. Cambridge NanosystemsGraphene Battery Market : By Type Li-Ion Battery Li-Sulphur Battery Supercapacitor Lead-Acid BatteryGraphene Battery Market : By Application Automotive Electronics Energy Aerospace & Defense Industrial Robotics HealthcareFirstly, the report covers the top Graphene Battery manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Browse Report :Further, the Graphene Battery report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Graphene Battery industry, Graphene Battery industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Graphene Battery Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.The Graphene Battery research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Graphene Battery market revenue worldwide.Finally, Graphene Battery market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:Spire Market Research is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244United States Glass Table Market Report 2023 Steelcase, Herman Miller, Haworth Glass Table A market study Global Glass Table Market examines the performance of the Glass Table market Size 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Glass Table market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Glass Table market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.Get Free Sample Of Report:The Global Glass Table Market 2017 report includes Glass Table market Size, Revenue, market Share, Glass Table industry volume, market Trends, Glass Table Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Glass Table Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2023.Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Glass Table Market Forecast 2017:1. Steelcase2. Herman Miller3. Haworth4. HNI Group5. Okamura Corporation6. Kimball OfficeGlass Table Market : By Type Round Square RectangleGlass Table Market : By Application into Home EnterpriseFirstly, the report covers the top Glass Table manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Browse Report :Further, the Glass Table report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Glass Table industry, Glass Table industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Glass Table Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.The Glass Table research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Glass Table market revenue worldwide.Finally, Glass Table market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:Spire Market Research is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244United States Fruit & Vegetable Seeds Market Status 2023 Bayer Cropscience, Syngenta Fruit & Vegetable Seeds A market study Global Fruit & Vegetable Seeds Market examines the performance of the Fruit & Vegetable Seeds market Size 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Fruit & Vegetable Seeds market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Fruit & Vegetable Seeds market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.Get Free Sample Of Report:The Global Fruit & Vegetable Seeds Market 2017 report includes Fruit & Vegetable Seeds market Size, Revenue, market Share, Fruit & Vegetable Seeds industry volume, market Trends, Fruit & Vegetable Seeds Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Fruit & Vegetable Seeds Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2023.Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Fruit & Vegetable Seeds Market Forecast 2017:1. Bayer Cropscience2. Syngenta3. Monsanto Company4. Groupe Limagrain5. Takii6. Advanta Limited7. Sakata Seed Corporation8. Mahyco9. Western Bio Vegetable Seeds Ltd.10. SamriddhiFruit & Vegetable Seeds Market : By Type Brassica Cucurbit Leafy Root-Bulb SolanaceaeFruit & Vegetable Seeds Market : By Application Agriculture IndustryFirstly, the report covers the top Fruit & Vegetable Seeds manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Browse Report :Further, the Fruit & Vegetable Seeds report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Fruit & Vegetable Seeds industry, Fruit & Vegetable Seeds industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Fruit & Vegetable Seeds Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.The Fruit & Vegetable Seeds research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Fruit & Vegetable Seeds market revenue worldwide.Finally, Fruit & Vegetable Seeds market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:Spire Market Research is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244United States Fixed Switch Cabinet Market Size 2023 Toshiba, SENTEG Fixed Switch Cabinet A market study Global Fixed Switch Cabinet Market examines the performance of the Fixed Switch Cabinet market Size 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Fixed Switch Cabinet market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Fixed Switch Cabinet market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.Get Free Sample Of Report:The Global Fixed Switch Cabinet Market 2017 report includes Fixed Switch Cabinet market Size, Revenue, market Share, Fixed Switch Cabinet industry volume, market Trends, Fixed Switch Cabinet Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Fixed Switch Cabinet Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2023.Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Fixed Switch Cabinet Market Forecast 2017:1. Mitsubishi Electric2. Fuji Electric3. Hyundai Heavy Industries4. Toshiba5. SENTEG6. Schneider Electric7. ABB8. EATON9. SIEMENS10. GEFixed Switch Cabinet Market : By Type High Voltage Switch Cabinet Low Voltage Switch CabinetFixed Switch Cabinet Market : By Application Infrastructure & Utilities Energy Industries ResidentialFirstly, the report covers the top Fixed Switch Cabinet manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Browse Report :Further, the Fixed Switch Cabinet report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Fixed Switch Cabinet industry, Fixed Switch Cabinet industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Fixed Switch Cabinet Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.The Fixed Switch Cabinet research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Fixed Switch Cabinet market revenue worldwide.Finally, Fixed Switch Cabinet market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:Spire Market Research is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244United States Dec, 7 2017: Polyester Filter Media Market Forecast 2023 Standard Filter, Airguard, Midwesco Filter Resources Polyester Filter Media Polyester Filter Media Market Research 2017A market study "Global Polyester Filter Media Market" examines the performance of the Polyester Filter Media market 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Polyester Filter Media market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Polyester Filter Media market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Polyester Filter Media Market 2017 report includes Polyester Filter Media market Revenue, market Share, Polyester Filter Media industry volume, market Trends, Polyester Filter Media Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Polyester Filter Media Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Polyester Filter Media Market 2017 : Airguard Guangzhou Longhuilong Filter MAHLE Industry Midwesco Filter Resources Standard Filter NSW Afpro FiltersPolyester Filter Media Market : By Application Chemical Industry The Medical Industry Food Industry Sewage PlantPolyester Filter Media Market : By Type PET Material PBT Material Aromatic Esters MaterialFirstly, the report covers the top Polyester Filter Media manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Polyester Filter Media report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Polyester Filter Media industry, Polyester Filter Media industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Polyester Filter Media Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Polyester Filter Media research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Polyester Filter Media market revenue worldwide.Finally, Polyester Filter Media market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"Spire Market Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAWeb:Email: Dec, 7 2017: Sol-Gel Coatings Market Forecast 2023 Electrolube, Chase, Henkel, Nippon Soda, Idemitsu, Solvay Sol-Gel Coatings Sol-Gel Coatings Market Research 2017A market study "Global Sol-Gel Coatings Market" examines the performance of the Sol-Gel Coatings market 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Sol-Gel Coatings market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Sol-Gel Coatings market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Sol-Gel Coatings Market 2017 report includes Sol-Gel Coatings market Revenue, market Share, Sol-Gel Coatings industry volume, market Trends, Sol-Gel Coatings Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Sol-Gel Coatings Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Sol-Gel Coatings Market 2017 : 3M BASF SE Dow Axalta Coating System Chase Corporation Solvay KISCO Henkel MG Chemicals Electrolube Fuji Chemical Nippon Soda Idemitsu Mitsubishi Materials Hong Yi Sol-Gel Coatings Market : By Application Automotive Construction Electronics Consumer GoodsSol-Gel Coatings Market : By Type Resin Coatings Inorganic CoatingsFirstly, the report covers the top Sol-Gel Coatings manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Sol-Gel Coatings report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Sol-Gel Coatings industry, Sol-Gel Coatings industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Sol-Gel Coatings Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Sol-Gel Coatings research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Sol-Gel Coatings market revenue worldwide.Finally, Sol-Gel Coatings market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"Spire Market Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAWeb:Email: TRG Talk helps us to answer the question: Do businesses and employees hold the same definition of Professionalism in the workplace? In todays modern society, the concept of Professionalism is definitely the norm, the must-have for every business practice and every professional. The question is Do businesses and employees hold the same definition of professionalism? Furthermore, what factors contribute to the professionalism of not just one individual, but the entire organisation made up of different personalities?To answer the above questions, TRG Talk - Talent seminar with the topic that most people concern about: "Professionalism in the workplace: Does your perception differ from ours?", took place on the November, 2017. The main speaker of the event, Rick Yvanovich (Founder and CEO of TRG International), with more than 30 years working in various fields, helped participants to gain a better understanding of the concept of Professionalism in the workplace.Definition of Professional and ProfessionalismAt the seminar, Rick affirmed that professional is the premise of professionalism. The prerequisite in creating professionalism is owning a body of knowledge, having a scope of practice, and is a representative of their field of practice demonstrated through their behaviours.Rick further defined the concept of professionalism by giving specific examples, in which professionalism does not only confine in just dressing or communicating appropriately but also the way the employee is able to conduct within his/her scope of expertise, and displays the values of his/her profession (integrity, ethics, trustworthy ...). According to Rick, professionalism can also be seen through consistent high performance, contribution to the organization and continuously seeking way to improve personal skills.4 factors contribute in building professionalismPreviously, TRG Talent conducted a quick survey among professionals from various fields, and the results were that there are 4 main factors that influence an individual's professionalism: Image, Communication and Competence and Attitude.Attitude was agreed by many participants as the number one most important factor because having the right attitude drives you to the right behaviours, which help to show professionalism towards colleagues and supervisors. Meanwhile, Communication and Image occupy for nearly 50% because they are the external factors that we can easily see and judge at the first impression. And the fourth factor is Competence, it takes time to prove your capacity, effort and persistence so this is the factor cannot be seen and judged immediately.All participants were welcomed to raise any question or share their own experience in an open and warm atmosphere. The discussion ends with Rick once again stressing the importance of maintaining our attitude at all time, because as mentioned above, attitude is the most important factor in defining professionalism.ABOUT TRG TALKSTRG TALK is a series of events co-organized monthly by TRG International and PJs Coffee Vietnam in order to promote the latest trends in not only the IT, Talent industry but also other rising and upcoming notions in the HR world, tips and trick in improving your project management skills, at the same time provide a meeting place for the CGMA, ACMA and FCMA community.ABOUT TRG INTERNATIONALTRG International is an IT, Talent and F&B company. We help people and businesses to shine. We help people be the best they can possibly be by selecting the right people for the right job and developing them to their full potential. We help companies by providing an IT solution that works quietly and brilliantly in the background, freeing them up to focus on their core and not having to worry about their IT systems. We do this for more than 1,000 clients in 80 countries. Learn more at:TRG INTERNATIONAL2nd Floor, 145 147 Nguyen Co Thach Street, An Loi Dong Ward, District 2Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamContact-Details: Ngoc DoanPR Communication Dec, 7 2017: PC Ophthalmic Lenses Market Forecast 2023 Nikon Lenswear, Mingyue, Rodenstock, Essilor PC Ophthalmic Lenses PC Ophthalmic Lenses Market Research 2017A market study "Global PC Ophthalmic Lenses Market" examines the performance of the PC Ophthalmic Lenses market 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the PC Ophthalmic Lenses market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of PC Ophthalmic Lenses market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global PC Ophthalmic Lenses Market 2017 report includes PC Ophthalmic Lenses market Revenue, market Share, PC Ophthalmic Lenses industry volume, market Trends, PC Ophthalmic Lenses Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, PC Ophthalmic Lenses Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global PC Ophthalmic Lenses Market 2017 : ZEISS Essilor International S.A. HOYA CORPORATION Rodenstock Nikon Lenswear Shamir Optical Industry Ltd VISION-EASE LENS Mingyue Shanghai Conant Optics Co., Ltd Zhenjiang Wanxin Optical Glasses Co., Ltd.PC Ophthalmic Lenses Market : By Application Progressive Lens Sunglasses Lens Cataract LensPC Ophthalmic Lenses Market : By Type Spherical Lens Aspherical LensFirstly, the report covers the top PC Ophthalmic Lenses manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the PC Ophthalmic Lenses report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of PC Ophthalmic Lenses industry, PC Ophthalmic Lenses industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. PC Ophthalmic Lenses Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The PC Ophthalmic Lenses research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the PC Ophthalmic Lenses market revenue worldwide.Finally, PC Ophthalmic Lenses market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"Spire Market Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAWeb:Email: Dec, 7 2017: Adult Knee Sleeve Market Forecast 2023 McDavid, Emerge, Nordic, Rehband, Tommy Kono Adult Knee Sleeve Adult Knee Sleeve Market Research 2017A market study "Global Adult Knee Sleeve Market" examines the performance of the Adult Knee Sleeve market 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Adult Knee Sleeve market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Adult Knee Sleeve market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Adult Knee Sleeve Market 2017 report includes Adult Knee Sleeve market Revenue, market Share, Adult Knee Sleeve industry volume, market Trends, Adult Knee Sleeve Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Adult Knee Sleeve Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Adult Knee Sleeve Market 2017 : Emerge Rehband Workt Tommy Kono McDavid Nordic Delta Iron BullAdult Knee Sleeve Market : By Application Cathletes Old Man The Injured KneeAdult Knee Sleeve Market : By Type Strength Knee Sleeves Lifting Knee SleevesFirstly, the report covers the top Adult Knee Sleeve manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Adult Knee Sleeve report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Adult Knee Sleeve industry, Adult Knee Sleeve industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Adult Knee Sleeve Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Adult Knee Sleeve research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Adult Knee Sleeve market revenue worldwide.Finally, Adult Knee Sleeve market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"Spire Market Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAWeb:Email: Silver Nanoparticles Market - Detailed Analysis and Forecast upto 2025 Global Silver Nanoparticles Market: SnapshotSilver nanoparticles are sized between 100 nm to 1 nm and are often used as silver oxide rather than pure silver. One of the key physical properties of using silver nanoparticles is that their structures can be easily arranged depending on the application that they are needed for. More often than not, it is spherical silver nanoparticles are utilized in most applications, while other forms such as octagonal and diamond are preferred in more specific applications. Silver nanoparticles find a massive scope of applications in medical fields, where they can be used in animal studies and laboratory research, as well as assessments in toxicity or efficacy of chemicals.The common methods of synthesizing silver nanoparticles include wet chemistry which is the leading synthesis method, monosaccharide reductions which is one of the simpler methods, citrate reductions, and polyol processing. Silver nanoparticles also hold a wide range of applications in electrochemistry, electronics and semiconductors, textiles, food and beverages, optics, and cosmetics. Of these, food and beverage and healthcare hold the leading scope of applications for silver nanoparticles, a trend that is likely to continue over the coming years as well.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Silver Nanoparticles Market: OverviewSilver nanoparticles exhibit distinct electrical, thermal, and optical properties and are amongst the most widely used nanoparticles for consumer products. They find application in a wide range of products such as chemical and biological sensors and photovoltaics. For instance, silver nanoparticles are used in photonic devices and molecular diagnostics, which make use of novel optical properties of these materials. Additionally, they are extensively used in cosmetics, healthcare, chemical industries, electronics, nonlinear optical gadgets, food and feed, textiles, electronics, and electrochemical applications.Silver Nanoparticles Market: Key TrendsThe rising application scope of silver nanoparticles in healthcare and food and beverages due to its antimicrobial properties is expected to drive the global silver nanoparticles market. Silver nanoparticles improves product shelf life and prevents pathogens from infesting them.Silver nanoparticles are the most used commercially amongst all nanoparticles and accounted for more than half of the consumption of overall nanoparticles in the recent past. The advanced catalytic and optic properties of silver nanoparticles make them highly suitable for electronic goods. Silver nanoparticles are preferred in various applications including food packaging, wound healing, and plastic bags owing to its ability to destroy bacterial cells and weaken the cell membrane.Request TOC of the Report @Top beauty products companies around the world are using silver nanoparticles in their products for added offerings. For instance, Dior has introduced a nano-based product Diorskin Forever for improved skin. The roll out of differentiator products gives a competitive edge for product manufacturers over their peers, which is leading to the increased demand for silver nanoparticles.Strict regulations pertaining to the use of silver nanoparticles, particularly in North America and Europe is countering the growth of this market. However, research is underway to find out if silver nanoparticles have a detrimental effect on the environment.Silver Nanoparticles Market: Market PotentialNanoparticles are at the forefront of biological research is well established in a recent industry development. Researchers at the University of Michigan and Northwestern University have reported the design and development of the most complex crystal made from nanoparticles.The work demonstrates that nanotechnology can bring together materials in new ways, forging new design capabilities. For instance, crystals made of nanoparticles, such as the newly developed ones, can be used to control light this is because nanoparticles display coordinated interaction with light waves due to their similar sizes.Get Discount @Silver Nanoparticles Market: Regional OutlookNorth America, led by the U.S. is a major regional market for silver nanoparticles. The flourishing food and beverage industry along with regulations to adhere to food safety standards has positively impacted the growth of the regional market. Moreover, clothes sterilization is increasingly being adopted due to the increasing health safety considerations among workers.In Europe, Germany contributes significant revenue to the regional market due to the growth of the healthcare industry. Moreover, increasing healthcare expenditures combined with regulatory compliances for safe healthcare practices is contributing to the growth of this regional market.China and South Korea are key contributors to the growth of the Asia Pacific silver nanoparticles market. The presence of some of the top electronic goods manufacturing companies along with favorable FDI policies are the major factors supporting the industrys growth in the region.The Middle East and Africa is expected to exhibit significant growth in healthcare and life sciences segment.Silver Nanoparticles Market: Competitive LandscapeKey participants in the global silver nanoparticles market include Emfutur Technologies, Nanocs, Cima Nanotech, American Elements, NanoHorizons, Nanoshel, Cline scientific, and Applied Nanotech. Some other prominent companies in the market are Bayer, Ames Goldsmith, Meliorum Technologies, and Advanced Nano products.R&D initiatives and mergers and acquisitions for strong presence across the value chain and for strong distribution networks is among the key growth strategies.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Dec, 7 2017: Low Temperature Poly-Silicon (LTPS) Market Forecast 2023 Honeywell, Samsung, DuPont, Corning Low Temperature Poly-Silicon (LTPS) Low Temperature Poly-Silicon (LTPS) Market Research 2017A market study "Global Low Temperature Poly-Silicon (LTPS) Market" examines the performance of the Low Temperature Poly-Silicon (LTPS) market 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Low Temperature Poly-Silicon (LTPS) market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Low Temperature Poly-Silicon (LTPS) market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Low Temperature Poly-Silicon (LTPS) Market 2017 report includes Low Temperature Poly-Silicon (LTPS) market Revenue, market Share, Low Temperature Poly-Silicon (LTPS) industry volume, market Trends, Low Temperature Poly-Silicon (LTPS) Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Low Temperature Poly-Silicon (LTPS) Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Low Temperature Poly-Silicon (LTPS) Market 2017 : BASF DuPont Honeywell Universal Avionics System Corporation Kolon Industries Corning SamsungLow Temperature Poly-Silicon (LTPS) Market : By Application Mobile Phones Digital Cameras Portable Media PlayersFirstly, the report covers the top Low Temperature Poly-Silicon (LTPS) manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Low Temperature Poly-Silicon (LTPS) report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Low Temperature Poly-Silicon (LTPS) industry, Low Temperature Poly-Silicon (LTPS) industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Low Temperature Poly-Silicon (LTPS) Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Low Temperature Poly-Silicon (LTPS) research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Low Temperature Poly-Silicon (LTPS) market revenue worldwide.Finally, Low Temperature Poly-Silicon (LTPS) market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"Spire Market Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAWeb:Email: Carboxylic Acid Market - Analysis,Trends and Forecast 2017 - 2025 Global Carboxylic Acid Market: SnapshotThe global market for carboxylic acid is characterized by stiff competition on account of the presence of a large number of players who are involved in increasing their production capacities to outgun their rivals. The fragmented market is seeing swift progress on account of such initiatives of keen players. Some such prominent savvy participants in the market are Celanese Corporation, BASF SE, Eastman Chemical Company, The Dow Chemical Company, Jiangsu Sopo Group, OXEA, Perstorp Holdings AB, Alfa Aesar, Finetech Industry Limited, LyondellBasell Industries N.V., and Perstorp Holding.Carboxylic acids find application in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, dyes, plastics, detergents, textile, rubber, animal feed, soaps, and perfumes. Certain varieties of carboxylic acids such as benzoic acid, acetic acid, and citric acid are also used as preservatives in the food and beverages industry.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Other industrially-viable varieties of carboxylic acids are isovaleric acid, valeric acid, formic acid, isobutyric acid, butyric acid, propionic acid, and stearic acid. The last couple of years saw demand from end-use industries soar substantially, which resulted in companies upping their production capacities to meet the demand. Carboxylic acid is also used as an active ingredient in a number of drug formulations such as antibiotics, anticoagulants, cholesterol-lowering statins, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).Asia Pacific, powered by China, is a dominant manufacturer of carboxylic acid, at present. China not only produces maximum carboxylic acid, but also consumes it because of key end-use industries such as consumer goods, lubricants, food and beverages. Asia Pacific is also an upcoming hub for the production of bio-based chemicals.Global Carboxylic Acid Market: OverviewOrganic acids containing the carboxyl group (-COOH) are called carboxylic acids. These compounds are extensively used in the manufacture of products such as dyes, pharmaceuticals, plastics, detergents, textile, animal feed, rubber, soaps, and perfumes. Some carboxylic acids such as acetic acid, benzoic acid, and citric acid find wide usage as preservatives in the food and beverages industry.Request TOC of the Report @Some of the other industrially-viable varieties of carboxylic acids are valeric acid, isovaleric acid, formic acid, propionic acid, butyric acid, isobutyric acid, and stearic acid. In the past few years, high demand from end-use industries has significantly increased the annual global consumption of these compounds and in response, companies in the market are increasing their production capacities.Global Carboxylic Acid Market: Key TrendsThe global market for carboxylic acid is chiefly driven by the increased consumption of vinyl acetate monomer (VAM) in the food and beverages industry and the rising demand for valeric, butyric, and stearic acid in cosmetics and personal care products. The rising consumer preference to bio-based products will be the key factor driving the increased use of carboxylic acid in the cosmetics and personal care industries, especially in developed economies. The market will also gain traction on account of the increased use of organic acids in animal feed as growth promoters for animals.Get Discount @Carboxylic acid is also used as an active ingredient in a number of drug formulations such as antibiotics, anticoagulants, cholesterol-lowering statins, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). As the global geriatric population leads to the increased demand for these drugs, the pharmaceutical industry is also expected to be a key force driving the market in the near future.Global Carboxylic Acid Market: Market PotentialResearch activities have always been abundant in the area of developing commonly used organic compounds such as carboxylic acids from raw materials derived from natural sources, replacing the use of possibly hazardous chemicals. In a similar attempt, South Korean scientists have demonstrated the use of enzymes to turn algae into plastic. Researchers hope that the process can also be used in biopreservatives as a replacement to synthetic ingredients in foods and beverages, personal care products, and cosmetics.Algaes quick proliferation and low input needs have allowed its use in research activities for years as a possible biofuel and a way of capturing carbon dioxide for making plastic. This method, as the researchers claim, is unique because it uses enzymes as an environment-friendly method to develop heavy-chain carboxylic acid, a monomer which is considered the basic building block for the manufacture of a variety of high-quality plastics. Heavy-chain carboxylic acid is conventionally produced through a harsh chemical process.Global Carboxylic Acid Market: Regional OverviewCredited with being the largest producer of carboxylic acid, thanks to the thriving manufacturing sector in China, the Asia Pacific carboxylic acid market holds a dominant position in the global market. The region is also a significant consumer of the chemical owing to the steady growth of key end-use industries such as consumer goods, lubricants, food and beverages. The region is also emerging as the hub for the production of bio-based chemicals. Chinas role in the global carboxylic market, with the addition of more production capacities for the chemical, continues to be of significance.Global Carboxylic Acid Market: Competitive DynamicsThe presence of a large number of carboxylic acid producers has made the competitive landscape of global carboxylic acid market highly fragmented. The market is witnessing continuous expansions of production capacities and is expected to become highly competitive in the next few years. Some of the leading companies operating in the highly competitive market are BASF SE, Eastman Chemical Company, Celanese Corporation, Jiangsu Sopo Group, The Dow Chemical Company, OXEA, Perstorp Holdings AB, Alfa Aesar, LyondellBasell Industries N.V., Perstorp Holding, and Finetech Industry Limited.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Bi-axially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) Market - Trends, Share,Growth & Forecast upto 2025 Bi-axially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) Market: SnapshotThe global market for bi-axially oriented polypropylene (BOPP) market is growing and one of the key factors for its growth is the high demand from labeling, packaging, printing, and lamination applications. The demand for bi-axially oriented polypropylene is also increasing from pharmaceutical and cosmetic packaging sectors. The growing inclination of consumers towards spending increasingly on personal wellbeing will help the bi-axially oriented polypropylene market to grow. The growing awareness among consumers towards food preservation is also boosting the growth of the market.The wavering price of crude oil will negatively impact the BOPP market as polypropylene is a derivate of crude oil. On the other hand, the application of BOPP as tapes in industrial packaging will drive the growth prospects of the global bi-axially oriented polypropylene market. The superior strength offered by BOPP along with high clarity are two important reasons for being preferred across industrial packaging sector. BOPP films are more flexible, a packaging solution. This ensures faster packaging and improved sealing properties, attracting several manufacturers in the food and non-food packaging industries to replace their conventional packaging materials. Bi-axially oriented polypropylene has abilities such as reprocessing and recyclability which are further strengthening their demand in packaging applications. Metalized bi-axially oriented polypropylene adds sparkle to packaging and thus, they are much in demand for gift wrapping and decorative packaging. All these factors will ensure a continued demand for bi-axially oriented polypropylene in the period from 2017 to 2025.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Global BOPP Market: OverviewBi-axially oriented polypropylene (BOPP) films have been available in the global market for nearly four decades and are now extensively used in place of aluminum foil, cellophane, and waxed paper across a number of applications. Owing to their superior strength, excellent printability, clarity, flatness, and light weight, BOPP films have become indispensable in the packaging industry and are used for packaging a variety of consumer products such as foods and beverages, textiles, garments, stationary, and textiles. The production of BOPP films is safe and energy efficient. BOPP films can be recycled and reprocessed into products for a number of new applications.Global BOPP Market: Key TrendsThe increasing use of BOPP in flexible packaging is the key driver of the global BOPP market. In the past few years, the global demand for flexible packaging has increased at a significant pace owing to demand from industries such as food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, and personal care, consequently boosting the consumption of BOPP on a global front. In the next few years as well, the thriving market for flexible packaging will boost the global uptake of BOPP.Request TOC of the Report @However, the fluctuating costs of crude oil, which is one of the primary raw materials for polypropylene, are expected to impact the costs of BOPP and thus the profitability of players operating in the highly competitive market.Global BOPP Market: Regional AnalysisThe Asia Pacific market for bi-axially oriented polypropylene presently holds the dominant share in the global market, leading other regional markets by a sizeable margin. The Asia Pacific BOPP market is also expected to achieve growth at a considerable pace over the next few years owing to the high demand for BOPP in the packaging and labelling industries.China is the leading consumer of BOPP products and is expected to account for a considerable share in the revenue of the global market throughout the reports forecast period. In regions such as Middle East and Africa and Latin America, the demand for BOPP products is expected to rise owing to the expansion of the food and beverages industry and increased consumption of packed products.Get Discount @Global BOPP Market: Market PotentialAsia Pacific being the most promising investment grounds for the BOPP industry, BOPP manufacturers are increasingly focusing on strengthening their grip on the regional market, through extension of production capacities of already present facilities or installing new ones in countries such as India and China. Cosmo Films, one of the leading companies in the global BOPP market, followed suit with its recent announcement of production capacity expansion by 40% at one of its plants in India. With this expansion, the company aims at catering to both domestic and export markets.Global BOPP Market: Competitive AnalysisThe global BOPP market features an exceedingly fragmented vendor landscape, with none of the top vendors accounting for a significant share in the overall market. The presence of a large number of small and large manufacturers has led to extreme cost competitiveness in the market, which is expected to further intensify owing to the entry of a large number of local players in the near future. Large vendors will also catalyze price wars in the market through economies of scale.Some of the leading players operating in the global BOPP market are Taghleef Indsutries, Jindal Poly Films, Vibac Group S.p.A., Vibac Group, Poligal S.A., Cosmo Films, Oben Group, Vitopel, Zubairi Plastic Bags Industry LLC, Futamura Chemical Co., Ltd., Treofan Group, Innovia Films, Manucor S.p.A., Kopafilm Elektrofolien GmbH, Rowad Global Packaging Co. Ltd., Chemosvit A.S., Dunmore Corporation, Oben Holding Group, Xpro India Limited, Cosmos Films Ltd., Uflex Ltd., Polyplex Corporation Limited, Tempo Group, SRF Limited, and Biaxplen Ltd.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Controlled-release Fertilizers Market - Future Market,Growth & Forecast upto 2025 Controlled-release Fertilizers Market: SnapshotThe growing population in contrast with the decreasing arable land is one of the reasons behind the steadily increasing demand for controlled release fertilizers. Rapid urbanization has reduced the area of land available for agriculture and this has created a pressure to make use of good quality fertilizers so as to increase land productivity. Shortage of food crops and adverse climatic conditions are shifting the focus towards sustainable agriculture and this will fuel the growth of the global controlled release fertilizers market. Need for fertilizers so as to improve crop yield is aiding the growth of the market.Controlled release fertilizers provide better performance as compared to conventional fertilizers as they extend the nutrient intake time, and this is expected to help the market to grow in the years to come. Reduced labor cost and low risk of use are some other factors boosting their demand. Government initiatives are also expected to play a key role in the development of these fertilizers and drive the growth of controlled release fertilizers.Request Sample Copy of the Report @On the other hand, there are a few factors which are holding back the growth of the market to its fullest potential. These include, high price of controlled release fertilizers as compared to conventional ones and lack of awareness about this fertilizer in developing and under-developed countries. Many farmers are unaware of the potential benefits of controlled release fertilizers. This is also a factor restricting the growth of the market. However, with advancements in technology, the price of controlled release fertilizers may decrease and this will help fuel their demand.Global Controlled-release Fertilizers Market: OverviewControlled-release fertilizers are fertilizers that are capable of releasing nutrients in the soil in a controlled manner over an extended time frame. This technique, as compared to the fast-release technique of several conventional fertilizer varieties, is made possible with the help of encapsulating nutrient granules in polymeric coatings. Studies have demonstrated that controlled release of nutrients is more effective in providing nutrients to crops as compared to the fast-release technique as the availability of nutrients coincides with crops nutrient requirement - enhancing the efficiency of crop nutrition, improving crop quality, and increasing yield.Request TOC of the Report @Controlled-release fertilizers are also known to exert lesser impact on the environment as compared to fast-release fertilizers as they are not washed through or off farmlands, diminishing the possibility of chemicals in fertilizers leaching into water bodies or causing pollution. Earlier used mostly for nursery container crops, the rising awareness about these benefits of controlled-release fertilizers has extended their usage to conventional farming these days.Global Controlled-release Fertilizers Market: Key TrendsThe vast rise in global population and urban settlements and the resultant reduction in arable land are leading to a scenario wherein the demand for food products is rising and agricultural yield is failing to sustain these demands. Attempts to solve these issues are leading to an increased focus on sustainable agriculture practices, driving the demand for fertilizers with enhanced efficiency, such as controlled-release ones. In the next few years as well, the mounting demand for food products and limited arable lands will be key to the overall development of the global controlled-release fertilizers.Global Controlled-release Fertilizers Market: Market PotentialMergers, acquisitions, and expansion of knowledge base to be able to develop innovative products are some of the key strategies adopted by players operating in the global controlled-release fertilizers. Recently, ICL Innovation, a subsidiary of ICL (Israel Chemicals Ltd.), has recently entered into a multi-year research and development collaboration with Evogene Ltd., a company operating in the field of research and development related to crop production improvement. The collaboration will work towards the discovery of novel crop enhancers for the enhancement of nutrient uptake efficiency of selected crops.Get Discount @Under the collaboration, Evogene will work towards utilizing its computational discovery platform for identifying the potential of some compounds to improve the efficiency of nutrient use by crops. Successful candidates identified from the research activities could be used in ICL's future products.Global Controlled-release Fertilizers Market: Regional AnalysisFrom a geographical perspective, the global market for controlled-release fertilizers is dominated by the Asia Pacific market. The region single-handedly accounts for over half of the overall revenue generated by the global market and is both a high-production as well as high-consumption region. Rising government support for improvement of the agriculture industry in most agro-based economies and high population base in the region play a key role in encouraging the adoption of a variety of fertilizers that are capable of boosting food production. In the Asia Pacific controlled-fertilizer market, China accounts for a dominant share, in terms of production as well as consumption.The region features the presence of some of the worlds leading controlled-fertilizer manufacturers and low manufacturing costs owing to cheap labor and sustained supply of raw materials are bringing in more companies in the region. In the next few years, Asia Pacific is expected to retain its dominant position in the global controlled-release fertilizers market.Global Controlled-release Fertilizers Market: Competitive DynamicsThe market features a largely fragmented vendor landscape with a large number of companies operating in emerging economies such as India, Malaysia, and China. Cheap labor and steady availability of raw materials allow companies operating in such areas to economically expand their production capacities and supply products in the domestic markets with high-growth potential at low costs.Some of the leading companies operating in the global controlled release fertilizers market are Shandong Shikefeng Chemical Industry Co. Ltd., Chisso Corporation, ICL, Kingenta Ecological Engineering Group Co., Ltd., Ekompany, Agrium, AgroBridge, ATS Group, Compo GMBH & Co. KG, Greenfeed Agro Sdn. Bhd, and Haifa Chemicals ltd.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Bitumen Market - Future Market with Current Trend Analysis upto 2025 Global Bitumen Market: SnapshotThe bitumen market is indirectly related to the GDP due to its widespread usage in road construction, industrial applications, and waterproofing. Robust growth of the construction sector primarily owing to government initiatives to improve infrastructure is positively impacting the bitumen market. This is because bitumen possess certain properties that are inbuilt at the time of its manufacture. Bitumen as a raw material in flexible road construction and bitumen as a mix offers several advantages that account for its wide usage in road construction.Bitumen is also used as an adhesive and as a sealant. Some other applications of bitumen include water proofing of ships and boats due to its water insoluble characteristics. Bitumen is used in the construction of water tanks, dams, and bridges.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Bitumen is a mixture of black organic liquids that are highly sticky, viscous, and entirely soluble in carbon disulfide. Crude bitumen is so thick that it must be heated to make it flowing. Refined bitumen is the residual obtained by the fractional distillation of crude oil. Naturally available crude bitumen is the key feedstock for petroleum production from tar sands that is currently under development in Canada.Some of the crucial factors responsible for the extensive usage of bitumen are its economical means of production, versatility due to its physical and rheological properties, low melting point, recyclable, adhesive properties, and color variety.On the other hand, climate change concerns due to greenhouses gases has led to the introduction of bitumen alternatives that are eco-friendly and are less toxic.Global Bitumen Market: OverviewBitumen is a mixture of hydrocarbons, which are highly viscous and black, obtained naturally or as a byproduct of petroleum distillation. It is extensively used for surfacing in the road construction. It provides excellent water resistance along with high stickiness and viscosity. The commonly available types of bitumen are paving grade, cutback, polymer modified, bitumen emulsion, and oxidized. Other than road construction, they find application in insulations, adhesives, waterproofing, and paints.Request TOC of the Report @Global Bitumen Market: Key TrendsThe increasing government measures for road development across the world are augmenting the global bitumen market. In addition, the rising road traffic is creating a dire need for wider roads, which is consequently boosting the global demand for bitumen. Moreover, the booming construction industry worldwide is favoring the growth of the market. The growing investments by governments in the upgradation of public infrastructure and rising disposable income of people around the world are leading to the greater construction activities. The robust growth of the paint and coatings sector is also supplementing the growth of the market. Paints manufactured using bitumen provide excellent weatherproofing and corrosion traits.On the flip side, the stringent regulatory environment for the manufacturing and application of bitumen is adversely affecting the growth of the market. Furthermore, bitumen manufacturing includes fractional distillation of crude oil. Thus, the protean prices of raw material are negatively impacting the growth of the market.Get Discount @Global Bitumen Market: Market PotentialTransportation of bitumen is a major concern for players in the market, as any accident can lead to environmentally damaging spills and high-profile explosions. As a result, bitumen manufacturers and transport authorities are focusing towards developing safer transport option. One such effort that could be a game changer is being taken by the Canadian National Railway Co. In February 2017, the company filed a patent for a novel technology that turns bitumen into mostly solid dry packets that would not leak, explode, or sink in water. It is still a bleeding edge technology, however, with constant efforts the technology is estimated to emerge niche alternative to traditional shipping methods. Such innovations are expected to provide a significant boost to the growth of the market.Global Bitumen Market: Geographical SegmentationThe key segments methodically examined based on geography are North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa. North America will be a prominent destination for global players during the review period. The increasing initiatives taken by governments towards the repair and redevelopment of existing roads are driving the demand for bitumen in the region. The growing residential remodeling practices, especially in the U.S., is also fuelling the growth of the region.Developing regions are expected to progress at a noteworthy CAGR in the forthcoming years. The growth of Asia Pacific can be attributed to the growing number of cities and increasing consumer disposable income, which is leading to the rising construction activities and sales of vehicles. China, Japan, and India will be sights of high growth rate in the region. The increasing infrastructure development will propel the growth of the market in Latin America and the Middle East and Africa.Global Bitumen Market: Competitive LandscapeThe presence of a large number of regional players has rendered the global bitumen market highly fragmented. The majority of players are operating throughout the supply chain of the market. Companies are focusing towards enhancing their visibility in the market by introducing advanced technologies that cater to the requirements of end users. Some of the prominent global participants in the bitumen are Total S.A., British Petroleum, Indian Oil Corporation, JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation, Chevron Texaco Corporation, Total S.A., Royal Dutch Shell Plc., NuStar Energy, and Exxon Mobil Corporation.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Flight Data Recorder Global Market Size, Status, Analysis and Forecast 2023 Market Highlights:The report for Global Flight Data Recorder Market of Market Research Future comprises of extensive primary research along with the detailed analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders to gain the deeper insight of the market and industry performance.The existing fleets are expected to be replaced by more than 40,000 new aircraft, over the next 20 years, and the global fleet is likely to reach 45,000 aircraft by 2036. Moreover, the high demand for air travel in the emerging regions, such as Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, leads to an increase in the number of aircrafts in these regions. As a result, approximately 22,000 aircrafts are expected to be delivered to these regions in the next 20 years. On the other hand, it is expected that over 15,000 aircrafts would be delivered in developed regions such as North America and Europe, by 2036. Modernization of aircraft fleets with the latest technology, and stringent government regulations, are some of the other primary factors driving the demand in the flight data recorder market. The rising demand for accurate and precise flight data among the airline operators and defense forces, also adds to the market growth.Get a Sample Report @Major Key PlayersHoneywell International Inc. (U.S),Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (U.S),AstroNova Inc. (U.S),SLN Technologies (India),FLHYT Aerospace Solutions Ltd. (Canada),Leonardo DRS (U.S),RUAG Group (Switzerland),Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions (U.S),L-3 Technologies Inc. (U.S),Universal Avionics Systems Corporation (U.S)Regional AnalysisThe market for Flight Data Recorder systems Market is expected to dominate in the North American region due to the rapidly rising research and development activities here. Established aviation industry and supporting infrastructure also aids the growth of the market. Existence of sophisticated technology and major manufacturers in the North American region has significantly contributed in the growth of the flight data recorder market in the North American region.Rapidly rising air passenger traffic in the Asia Pacific region has been key to the high growth rate in this region. Rising government investment towards development of new airports and upgradation of old ones, have been other major factors driving the growth of this market.Browse Full report @Intended Audience Distributer & Supplier companies End Users Consultants and Investment bankers Government as well as Independent Regulatory AuthoritieAbout Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Contact:Market Research Future+1 646 845 9312Email: Coated Fabrics Market - Detailed Analysis and Forecast upto 2025 Global Coated Fabrics Market: OverviewCoated fabrics are composite materials prepared by spreading bonding agents on one or both sides of the fabric and coating it with rubber compounds as per the requirement of the final end-use application. The final product is not only flexible, strong, heat resistant, and washable, they can also be electrically conductive or insulating as per desire. In the automotive industry, coated fabrics are used to manufacture air bags and seat covers. As the automotive industry touches new peaks in the near future, owing to rising population across the world, the demand for coated fabrics is anticipated to increment at a rapid rate during the forecast period of 2017 to 2025.Global Coated Fabrics Market: Key TrendsApart from being utterly useful for the thriving automotive industry, coated fabrics are also used to make protective clothing for labors, which extends the horizon of its demand into several other flourishing industries. Strict government regulations such as European Unions Directive 89/686/EEC and Australia's Model Work Health and Safety Act are urging industries towards industrial protective clothing adoption. Food and beverage, chemical processing, agriculture, and law enforcement are some of the most prominent end-use industries for coated fabrics, after automotive. Conversely, this industry is facing stiff challenge from alternative materials including leather, plastic, uncoated fabrics, and rubber sheeting, which will hinder the growth rate to a certain extend during the forecast period.Request Sample Copy of the Report @In terms of products, the global coated fabrics market can be segmented into polymer, rubber, and fabric-backed wall coverings. Out of these, polymer coated fabrics serve maximum demand as it is relatively inexpensive as compared to other fabrics and offer desirable resistance to water, abrasion, and fire. As the regulations for safety spreads into several other emerging economies, the global polymer coated fabrics market is expected to flourish.Global Coated Fabrics Market: Market PotentialWith technological advancements, the application of coated fabrics now extends to defense, marine, and aviation industries. Herein, coated fabrics are now extensively used for their attributes of barrier protection, air retention, abrasion resistance, and high strength to weight ratio. This factor will open new opportunities for the players in the global coated fabrics market. Moreover, consistent research and development in the field is sure to extend the application of coated fibrics into other fields and further expand the market.Request TOC of the Report @Global Coated Fabrics Market: Regional OutlookNearly all regions are extending the demand for coated fabrics, with Asia Pacific growing at the best rate owing to vast population and a thriving automotive industry. Prosperity of healthcare industry is also expected to positively reflect on coated fabrics market in this region, especially in the emerging economies of India, China, Malaysia, and South Korea. In Europe, with stringent industrial safety regulations in the U.K, France, and Germany, protective clothing segment is most fruitful. Since the implementation of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), OSHA, and ASTM, similar shift in the market is seen in the region of North America too, wherein the U.S. is extending the demand for coated fibrics to produce protective clothing for firefighting and law enforcement. In gulf, construction is at an all-new peak in the countries of UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia, which serves the primary demand for coated fabrics to be used as safety clothing for the construction workers.Get Discount @Global Coated Fabrics Market: Competitive AnalysisSaint-Gobain, Omnova Solutions, Canadian General Tower, Trelleborg, and Takata Corporation are some of the leading companies currently operational in this market, which is fragmented in nature with the presence of several local players.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Composite Plate Market Composite Plate Market Composite Plate Market Research 2017A market study Global Composite Plate Market examines the performance of the Composite Plate market 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Composite Plate market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Composite Plate market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Composite Plate Market 2017 report includes Composite Plate market Revenue, market Share, Composite Plate industry volume, market Trends, Composite Plate Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Composite Plate Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Global Composite Plate Market Segmented By Regions : North America Europe China Japan Southeast Asia IndiaFirstly, the report covers the top Composite Plate manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Composite Plate report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Composite Plate industry, Composite Plate industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Composite Plate Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Composite Plate research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Composite Plate market revenue worldwide.Finally, Composite Plate market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"Spire Market Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAWeb:Email: sales@spiremarketresearch.comComposite Plate MarketDec 06, 2017: Composite Plate Market Forecast 2023Composite Plate MarketComposite Plate Market Research 2017A market study Global Composite Plate Market examines the performance of the Composite Plate market 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Composite Plate market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Composite Plate market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Composite Plate Market 2017 report includes Composite Plate market Revenue, market Share, Composite Plate industry volume, market Trends, Composite Plate Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Composite Plate Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Composite Plate Market 2017 :Firstly, the report covers the top Composite Plate manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Composite Plate report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Composite Plate industry, Composite Plate industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Composite Plate Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Composite Plate research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Composite Plate market revenue worldwide.Finally, Composite Plate market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"Spire Market Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAWeb:Email: Foam Blowing Agents Market - Industry Analysis,Trends and Forecast 2017 - 2025 Global Foam Blowing Agents Market: SnapshotDevelopment in automotive industry is anticipated to expand the global market for foam blowing agents. Foam blowing agents are used for enhancing the properties of polymers. They provide the polymer matrix a cellular structure that strengthens the foam. Polymeric foams have optimum flexibility, low heat transfer, and low density. The various foam blowing agents available in the global market are methylal, inert gases, methyl formate, azodicarbonamide, hydrocarbons, and water.Foam blowing agents used in the production of various automotive parts such as bumpers, roll pans, wiper cowls, and side skirts. These growing applications in automotive industry and development in construction industry are expected to fuel the growth of this market. Furthermore, the growth of polystyrene, polyurethane, and other product-based foam industries are helping the market to grow. The growing world population is propelling the growth of construction industry. Demand for effective sound furnishing, flooring material, hospitality, and housing are envisioned to bolster the demand for foam blowing agents. Furthermore, the blooming of medical devices and packaging industry is foreseen to expand the market further.Request Sample Copy of the Report @The global market of foam blowing agents can be segment geographically in Asia Pacific, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa, Europe, and North America. It is anticipated that due to development in the construction industry in developing countries such as India and China, Asia Pacific will dominate the global market. However, North America is also expected to show a steady growth in the market. As the major share of the global market of foam blowing agents is held by a few companies, the competitive landscape of the market is moderately consolidated.Global Foam Blowing Agents Market: OverviewFoam blowing agents are essentially used for enhancing the existing properties of polymers. Their very function is to provide the polymer matrix a cellular structure, which, in turn, strengthens the foam. Polymeric foams are known to have low density, low heat transfer, and optimum flexibility amongst other advantages. The various foam blowing agents available in the global market are water, hydrocarbons, azodicarbonamide, methyl formate, inert gases, and methylal.Request TOC of the Report @Global Foam Blowing Agents Market: Drivers and TrendsThe demand for foam blowing agents has been on an upswing due to the growing automotive industry. These agents are extensively used in the production of various automotive parts such as side skirts, wiper cowls, roll pans, and bumpers. The demand for foam blowing agents is anticipated to be on the rise in the coming years due to their growing application in the automotive and construction industries. The growth of the booming polyurethane, polystyrene, and other product-based foam industries are fuelling the growth of the global foam blowing agents market.The exponential rise in the global population has given the construction industry a significant boost in recent years. Demand for housing, hospitality, flooring material, and effective sound furnishing are expected to boost the demand for foam blowing agents in the near future. The foam blowing agents market is also expected to witness a good growth rate due to the emergence of the packaging and medical devices industry.Get Discount @Global Foam Blowing Agents Market: Market PotentialCompanies in the global foam blowing agents market are focused on developing eco-friendly blowing agents to minimize the impact on the environments. Currently, Lapolla Industries Inc. is working on commercializing Solstice, a liquid blowing agent that has the reputation to prevent ozone depletion and minimize global warming. The product is being developed by Honeywell International Inc., which is known to have fewer hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). Lapolla and Honeywell are working in collaboration to develop products that bear a social and an environmental responsibility. Such efforts are expected to add value to the global market and work in favor in its favor in the coming years.Global Foam Blowing Agents Market: Regional OutlookIn terms of geography, the global foam blowing agents market is divided into Asia Pacific, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa, Europe, and North America. The research report states that Asia Pacific foam blowing agents market is projected to lead the pack due to the protean construction industry, which is currently focused on making infrastructural developments.Presently, emerging countries of South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, and India are undergoing major changes in terms of infrastructure, which is expected to increase the uptake of foam blowing agents in the regional market. Furthermore, significant technological advancements and phenomenal pace of industrialization in Asia Pacific, which is seen through the rise of industries such as medical devices, packaging, and automotive are expected boost the consumption of foam blowing agents.North America is also projected to show a steady growth in the global foam blowing agents market due to rising activities in the packaging and pharmaceutical industries. On the other hand, Europe will show a sluggish market growth in the global market.Key Players Mentioned in the Research Report are:The competitive landscape in the global foam blowing agents market is quite consolidated with the major share in the market held by a few companies. The research report states that the leading players operating in the global foam blowing agents market are Haltermann GmbH, ZEON Corporation, Sinochem Group, AkzoNobel N.V., Daikin Industries Ltd., Arkema S.A., Honeywell, Solvay S.A., Exxon Mobil Corporation, and DuPont.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Nano Copper Oxide Market - Trends, Share,Growth & Forecast upto 2025 Nano Copper Oxide Market: SnapshotNano copper oxide is brownish black or reddish colored nanoparticle that is available in variety of forms depending on its applications. It is usually sold in dispersed or powdered form in the global market. It has numerous unique chemical and physical properties such as photovoltaic properties, superconductivity, low cost, antimicrobial activity, and is relatively stable. The global nano copper oxide market finds its applications in paints and coatings, electronics and electricals, energy storage among others. These copper oxide nanomaterials are manufactured for certain end uses and are nearly 100 times finer compared to the copper oxide material with diverse physical features.Rise in investments in research and development, growing penetration of copper oxide nanomaterials in multiple end-user sectors, and outstanding physio-chemical features of the nano copper oxides are the chief driving factors for the market growth. These nano copper oxide materials are generally added in modest quantities for the performance enhancement of the end product. However, some factors such as its high toxicity to aquatic life and human lungs may impede the overall market development. Presently, catalysts and electrical and electronics are the prominent end-user market segments for nano copper oxides. The overall demand for nano copper oxide materials is expected to witness a considerable growth in the coming years because of its unique properties and lucrative market opportunities created for all the key players in the global market.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Global Nano Copper Oxide Market: OverviewNano copper oxide is referred to as a brownish-black or reddish nanoparticle, which is available in variety of forms according to the applications it serves. Nano copper oxide is basically a sold in powder or generally in discrete form in the market. It has various unique chemical and physical characteristics such as antimicrobial activity, low cost, relatively stable, photovoltaic properties, and superconductivity. They display very interesting electrical, mechanical, catalytic, and optical properties. They further possess photoconductive and photovoltaic properties as their crystal arrangements have a thin band gap. They are used in heat transfer fluids, microelectronics, solar energy converters, batteries, gas sensors, and semiconductor devices. Nano copper oxides are produced for specific end use and are almost 100 times finer in quality than copper oxide with absolutely different physical properties.Request TOC of the Report @The report examines the growth of the global nano copper oxide market that occurred in the last over the last few years and is likely to occur in the coming years. The research publication additionally explains the causes of the fluctuations in the global market. It does this by assessing of the facets and the different trends that have been prevalent from past few years and also the aspects that are anticipated to maintain a strong impact on the market over the coming years. The Porters five forces analysis has been considered by analysts to present a clear picture of the vendor landscape to readers. Agreements, mergers, acquisitions, and other dealings have been further mentioned in the study. It focuses on the strategies, products, and market share along with position of the companies operating in the market.Global Nano Copper Oxide Market: Trends and ProspectsThe global market for nano copper oxide is expected to witness stable growth over the coming years owing to growing investments for research and development in the field of nano technology. Rising penetration of nano copper oxide in several end-sue industries and its high physio-chemical properties are further expected to trigger the growth of the global nano copper oxide market over the forecast period. These oxides are basically added in small amount in order to improve the end products performance. However, it has high toxic levels that has negative impacts on aquatic life and human health. As a result of this, the market for nano copper oxide might face hindrances in terms of growth. The mounting demand for the energy storage segment closely followed by paints and coatings, catalysts, and electronics and electrical is expected to drive the growth of the market over the coming years. Players operating in the market are likely to be presented with significant opportunities owing to investments which are being made for innovations in this field.Get Discount @Global Nano Copper Oxide Market: Regional OutlookRegion-wise, Asia Pacific is anticipated to witness strong growth in the near future owing to rising demand for nano copper oxide from end-use industries in the region. Several new players are trying to venture in the market, mainly in India, China, and ASEAN. Robust industrialization coupled with growing disposable income of consumers is expected to drive the growth of various end-user industries, thus benefitting the nano copper oxide market in the region in return.Global Nano Copper Oxide Market: Vendor LandscapeCompanies such as American Elements, Inframat Corporation, Hongwu International Group Ltd, NaBond Technologies Co., Limited, Nanoshel LLC, and US Research Nanomaterials, Inc., among others are striving to gain an established position in the market.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Lyocell Fiber Market Boosted By Robust Development Of Textile Industry, Rising Eco-Friendly & Advanced Healthcare Products Till 2021 | Million Insights Million Insights - World's Fastest Growing Market Research Database Lyocell Fiber Market is segmented on the basis of Application as Apparels, Home Textiles, and Others. Others may include Surgical Products and Baby Diapers. A kind of rayon that is usually obtained from cellulose is called a Lyocell. It is also popularly known as a man-made fiber. Absorbency and softness are some of the significant properties possessed by the Lyocell fibers. They are generally said to be biodegradable in nature.Lyocell fibers are basically those semi-synthetic cellulose fibers that are manufactured with the assistance of a closed loop technique via a solvent spinning technique, in which cellulose is subjected to a huge number of chemical changes. The chemical changes that generally occur include diminution of wood chips to wood pulp with strong alkali, dissolution of cellulose, setting and alignment of cellulose fibers, washing of fibers, carding of fibers, and recovery of the solvent. The solvent spinning technique here is being referred to the dissolution of cellulose in solvents. Lyocell fibers are extensively employed in the textile industry for the production of apparels, home textiles and baby diapers. Moreover, their application has also been seen in the manufacturing of medical equipment and surgical products. The prominent factors that are playing a key role in developing the market include robust development of textile market, increase in the awareness level regarding the eco-friendly products, rise in the disposable income and augmented demand for highly advanced healthcare products.Full Research Report On Lyocell Fiber Market Global Analysis available at:It has been observed that novel and modern product developments have been constantly taking place in the healthcare industry concerning the sterilized products. Plus the trend of employment of biodegradable fibers is also growing that is, in turn, paving way for many new growth opportunities for the Lyocell fiber market. The only factor that is acting as a major hurdle in the growth of the market includes availability of cheaper alternatives like polyester.It has been anticipated that Lyocell Fiber Market is likely to witness the highest CAGR in the next couple of years due to its augmenting applications and scope across various sectors.Lyocell Fiber Market is segmented on the basis of Geography as Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America, and Middle East and Africa.As far as the geographical location is concerned, Asia Pacific is currently considered as the leader of the market, the reasons being development of textile market and eco-friendly fibers in the particular region. It is likely that the region will continue growing with the same pace in the near future in the lyocell fiber market.The major companies operating in the Lyocell Fiber Market include Qingdao Textiles Group Fiber Technology Co., Weiqiao Textile Company Limited, Acelon Chemicals & Fiber Corporation, Lenzing AG, The Aditya Birla Group, City Victor Corporation, Smartfiber AG, and Chon Bang Company Limited.This report studies Lyocell Fiber in Global market, especially in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia and India, focuses on top manufacturers in global market, with Production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer, covering Lenzing Hi-Tech Fiber Shangtex HoldingRequest for Free Sample Copy at:Market Segment by Regions, this report splits Global into several key Region, with production, consumption, revenue, market share and growth rate of Lyocell Fiber in these regions, from 2011 to 2021 (forecast), like North America China Europe Japan India Southeast AsiaSplit by product type, with production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, can be divided into Type I Type II Type IIISplit by application, this report focuses on consumption, market share and growth rate of Lyocell Fiber in each application, can be divided into Application 1 Application 2 Application 3Related Reports of this Category available at Million Insights:About Million InsightsMillion Insights, is a distributor of market research reports, published by premium publishers only. We have a comprehensive market place that will enable you to compare data points, before you make a purchase. Enabling informed buying is our motto and we strive hard to ensure that our clients get to browse through multiple samples, prior to an investment. Service flexibility & the fastest response time are two pillars, on which our business model is founded. Our market research report store, includes in-depth reports, from across various industry verticals, such as healthcare, technology, chemicals, food & beverages, consumer goods, material science & automotive.Contact Details:Office No. 302, 3rd Floor, Manikchand Galleria,Model Colony, Shivaji Nagar, Pune, MH, 411016 IndiaPhone: 91-20-65300184Email: Artificial Lift Market is projected to reach USD 2.2 Billion with 6.49% CAGR by 2022 Artificial Lift Market is expected to grow with the CAGR of about 7% from 2016 to 2022. For the Global Artificial Lift market drivers are increased unconventional oil & gas production, declining reservoirs, and growing number of mature fields. However, strict government regulations environmental concerns are constraining the growth of the artificial lift market. The recent decline in oil prices is estimated to increase the demand for production focused services such as pressure pumping, artificial lift and enhanced oil recovery; as the focus has shifted entirely towards production optimization as comparison to drilling services. Consequently, artificial lifts are expected to experience a rise in demand from owner-operators, independent E&P companies, and other industry stakeholders.Market HighlightsFor the Global Artificial Lift market drivers are increased unconventional oil & gas production, declining reservoirs, and growing number of mature fields. However, strict government regulations environmental concerns are constraining the growth of the artificial lift market. The recent decline in oil prices is estimated to increase the demand for production focused services such as pressure pumping, artificial lift and enhanced oil recovery; as the focus has shifted entirely towards production optimization as comparison to drilling services. Consequently, artificial lifts are expected to experience a rise in demand from owner-operators, independent E&P companies, and other industry stakeholders.Key FindingsThe key findings of the report Global Artificial Lift Market includes: Increasing focus towards production optimization, and growing number of mature oil fields are major factors driving the growth of the artificial lift market Strict government regulations and environmental issues associated with the oil and gas production is inhibiting the growth of the artificial lift market Geographically, North America has the largest share in global artificial lift market and is also expected to be the fastest growing region Based on the type, electric submersible pumps have the largest market share in the artificial lift market.Request a Sample Copy @Key PlayersKey players in this market are: Baker Hughes, Borets, Cameron International, Dover Corporation, GE Oil & Gas, Halliburton, John Crane, National Oilwell Varco, Schlumberger, and Weatherford.Electric submersible pumps (ESP) and Rod Lifts held the major share within the Global Artificial Lift MarketThe major types of artificial lifts employed in the oil field includes electric submersible pump (ESP), rod lift, progressive cavity pumps (PSP), and gas lifts. Other types used include plunger lift, and hydraulic jet pumps which have a small contribution within the artificial lift market. Electric submersible pump is a multistage centrifugal pump used to lift moderate to high volumes of fluids from wellbores. Its advantages include wide range of operating flexibility , capability to lift extremely high volumes in shallow wells, and also the cost of lifting high volumes is low as compared to other methods. These advantages have contributed towards the immense popularity of ESPs in the artificial lift market, resulting towards its major share in this market.Artificial Lift Market:The global artificial lift market is growing due to decline in oil reservoirs, increase in shale oil and gas production. The recent decline in oil prices is also estimated to increase the demand for production focused services such as pressure pumping, artificial lift and enhanced oil recovery in comparison to drilling services. The unconventional production has transformed the oil and gas industry in North America over the last decade. The tight oil production in U.S. has pushed its crude oil supply to over 10% of world total. There are different types of artificial lifts which include rod lift, electric submersible pumps, progressive cavity pumps, gas lift and others. The Artificial lift Market is projected to grow at a high CAGR of around 7% during the forecast period.Browse Full Report Details @About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Commercial Aircraft Actuation System Market 2017 Global Industry Sales, Supply, Consumption, Analysis and Forecasts to 2023 Industry Highlights:The global commercial aircraft actuation system market has been experiencing substantial growth in recent years primarily due to growing air travel in developing nations. Of late, the emergence of auto pilot systems is also gaining traction. Autopilots are the best safety aid when flying in the clouds, low visibility, or in congested airspace. According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) norms, an autopilot system is a mandate when a single pilot is operating the aircraft. FAA certifies the current technology autopilots at low cost. The integration of digital display systems and technologies, such as the autopilot system and FMS, in the cockpits of the aircraft, relieve the pilots of their workloads and assures availability of essential flight information. To enhance safety, the organization encourages the development and installation of autopilots in the aircraft. As a result, autopilot manufacturers are investing in the creation of new digital smart autopilots that is compatible with a variety of aircraft without additional certifications bearing high costs.Automation enhances flight operational safety and efficiency, which is especially critical for commercial airlines. It aims to cut down operating costs for greater profits. In 2014, a survey of airline pilots was conducted, which reported that the pilots operating the Boeing 777 military transport spent just seven minutes manually piloting their aircraft during a flight, whereas only half the time was required for those operating Airbus planes.Request a Sample Report @Tremendous progress in the aviation industry with the development of the More Electric Aircraft (MEA), such as the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, Airbus A380, and Lockheed F35 airplanes was seen in last 15 years. In these aircraft, the pneumatic or hydraulic actuation systems have been replaced by the electric actuators, which make the aircraft lighter in weight and reduce fuel consumption. In addition, Airbus plans to develop 100 passenger electric aircraft during the forecast period. Therefore, thermal challenges of MEA can hinder the market growth.The major player operating in the market is Honeywell, Parker Aerospace, UTC Aerospace Systems, Eaton Corporation Plc, Liebherr, Moog, Curtiss Wright, Saab AB, Woodward Inc., and Triumph Group Inc.In 2016, North America accounted for the largest share in global Commercial Aircraft Actuation System Market. A number of the major actuation system OEMs are present in the region, resulting in a high market share of the region. Moreover, it is expected that approximately 10,000 aircraft would be in service in the region by 2035, which would create an opportunity for the major and prominent companies of the region.Based on aircraft type, it is segmented as narrow body aircraft, wide body aircraft and others. Narrow-body aircraft accounted for the largest share in 2016. Although these aircrafts have lesser capacity than the wide-body aircraft, they are larger in number. Some major narrow-body aircraft are Airbus A318, A319, A320, and A321; the Boeing B727s, and B737s. These planes generally fly over short routes, and are, thus suited to cater to budget travelers. As of 2016, there were over 15,000 narrow-body planes, across the globe, which would be replaced by approximately 12,000 such planes by 2035. Concurrently, there has been a rise in the number of low-cost carriers in the recent years, which has propelled the market for narrow-body planes, globally.Browse Full Report @Scope of the ReportThis study provides an overview of the global commercial aircraft actuation systems market, tracking two market segments across four geographic regions. The report studies key players, providing a five-year annual trend analysis that highlights market size, volume and share for Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe and Rest of the World (ROW). The report also provides a forecast, focusing on the market opportunities for the next five years for each region. The scope of the study segments the global commercial aircraft actuation systems market by its type, by aircraft type and region.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Contact:Market Research Future+1 646 845 9312Email: Flavored and Functional Water Market By Product, (Flavored Water, Functional Water), By Geography, (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Rest of the World), Trends and Forecast,2014 to 2024 IntroductionIncreasing consciousness towards health among consumers across the globe is boosting the popularity of better alternatives of simple food & beverages which they generally consume. Flavored and functional water comes under the category of healthy alternatives of beverages whereas flavored water is purified, spring water or bottled mineral. Functional water is its derivative along with added functional values such as minerals, oxygen, botanicals and vitamins. Flavored and functional water comes under the category of beverages which are marketed in similar terms to water. Although, it contains some additional elements including sweeteners and natural or flavors vitamins. The global functional and flavored market concentrates on a healthy image attached with functional benefits and perceived health. Flavored water contains mineral water in combination with several fruit juices including blackberry, pineapple, apple, mango, orange and strawberry among others along with natural or artificial sweeteners. On the other hand, functional water comes from flavored water and is made by using multiple ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, herbs, vegetables, raw fruit and oxygen. These antioxidants and additives furnish added nutritional benefits and values to the functional water.Download Table of Content:Market DynamicsRising consumer awareness and health concerns is leading to the demand for healthy alternatives such as flavored and functional water as compared to artificial or carbonated soft drinks. The most commonly used flavored and functional water contains guava, cherry, peach, lemon, apple and mixed flavors. Flavored and functional water does not contain any preservatives, caffeine, colors and carbonation. Thus, flavored and functional water products are rapidly gaining popularity among consumers of all age groups. Other aerated drinks including fizzy drinks, cola, and soda contain carbon dioxide, which causes several side effects like weight gain which leading to diabetes, and high calories, among others. On the other hand, non-aerated drinks are non-carbonated and pose a lot of nutritional benefits. Supply of polluted water in industrial sector has led to an increase in demand for flavored and functional water. In addition, the ingredients of functional water addresses calcium and heart absorption and reduces cholesterol. Growing awareness towards healthy lifestyle among population in developed countries along with rising prevalence of obesity are some key factors anticipated to drive the growth of flavored and functional water market during the forecast period. Functional water is gaining popularity due to its reduced switching costs and health benefits. Moreover, increasing availability of flavored water and increasing options in flavored and functional water is another major factor anticipated to boost the overall growth of global flavored and functional water market. In addition, since consumers generally prefer to opt for new tastes in flavored water, companies are focusing on innovations in product development. However, high cost of flavored and functional water is the key reason hampering the market growth.Request Customization:Market ClassificationThe Global Flavored and Functional Water Market can be segmented on the basis of product type and geography. By product type, the global flavored and functional water market can be segmented into flavored water and functional water. On the basis of geography, the global flavored and functional water market can be segmented into North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East & Africa (MEA) and Asia-Pacific.Report CoverageMarket Global Flavored And Functional Water MarketAnalysis Period 2014 2024Historic Data 2014 2015Base Year 2016Forecast Data 2017 2024Market Stratification Product Type, GeographyRegional Scope North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa (MEA)Report Coverage Market Trends, Drivers, Restraints, Porter's Five Forces Analysis, Competitive Analysis, Player Profiling, Value Chain AnalysisMarket ParticipantsSome of the key players in the global flavored and functional water market include New York Spring Water, Nestle S.A., PepsiCo, Groupe Danone, The Coca-Cola Company, Kraft Foods, Hint Water, Sunny Delight Beverages Company, and Balance Water Company among others.Inquiry Before Buying:Market SegmentationMarket By Product Type Flavored water Functional waterMarket By Geography North Americao USo Canadao Mexico Europeo UKo Germanyo Franceo Rest of Europe Asia-Pacifico Chinao Japano Indiao Australiao Rest of Asia-Pacific Latin Americao Brazilo Chileo Rest of Latin America Middle East and Africa (MEA)o South Africao Saudi Arabiao Rest of MEABuy Now This Report From Here:About UsAcumen Research and Consulting (ARC) is a global provider of market intelligence and consulting services to information technology, investment, telecommunication, manufacturing, and consumer technology markets. ARC helps investment communities, IT professionals, and business executives to make fact based decisions on technology purchases and develop firm growth strategies to sustain market competition. With the team size of 100+ Analysts and collective industry experience of more than 200 years, Acumen Research and Consulting assures to deliver a combination of industry knowledge along with global and country level expertise.Contact -Frank WilsonSales Manager | Acumen Research and ConsultingEmail: frank@acumenresearchandconsulting.comPh - USA +1 716-2400-831Asia-Pacific +912065600384Website: Submarine Market: Key Driver, Top Vendors, Application Analysis and Outlook Industry Highlights:The global submarine market is expected to witness high growth over the forecast period. The market is majorly driven by the increasing demand for UUVs for naval intelligence; mine countermeasures (MCM) operations; intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance roles; and anti-submarine warfare missions. Many countries are modernizing their naval defense units by manufacturing submarines, surface- mine countermeasure unmanned underwater vehicles, and other combat and tactical UUVs, which is driving the growth of the global submarine market.However, the growth of this market will be hampered, due to the costs associated with refit & maintenance and proliferation of nuclear weapons.Request a Sample Report @The global Submarine Market is projected to grow at ~4% CAGR during the forecast period.Of all types, the SSN segment is projected to account for the largest market share. Unlike the SSKs, these submarines do not have to surface periodically for air, which preserves their stealth characteristic. Such advantages will drive the demand for SSNs globally during the forecast period. Although many countries refuse to accept nuclear-powered vessels, due to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), SSNs have a high demand due to their advantages (longer endurance, higher speeds, and better efficiency) over the traditionally powered SSKs.Of all regions, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to dominate the global Submarine Market. With the increasing defense budgets and spending, defense authorities of all the nations of the region extensively invest into submarines and other underwater vehicles. The rapid modernization of Chinas submarine fleet has also impelled the demand in countries such as India, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, and Vietnam. The growth is significantly driven by major countries such as China, India, Australia, and South Korea, due to the rising number of maritime conflicts in the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea. As a result, these countries are developing their naval capabilities.The key players of global submarine market include BAE Systems AB (U.K.), Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd (South Korea), General Dynamics Electric Boat (U.S.), Huntington Ingalls Industries (U.S.), Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. (Japan), Fincantieri - Cantieri Navali Italiani S.p.A. (Italy), Lockheed Martin (U.S.), Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (Japan), Saab group (Sweden) and Thales Group (France).Scope of the reportThis study provides an overview of the global submarine market, tracking one market segment across four geographic regions. The report studies key players, providing a five-year annual trend analysis that highlights market size, volume and share for North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC) and Rest of the World (ROW). The report also provides a forecast, focusing on the market opportunities for the next five years for each region. The scope of the study segments the global Submarine market by its type and region.Browse Full Report Details @Moreover, regional disputes between nations such as India and Pakistan or China and Japan have triggered the demand for nuclear submarines. Globally, many nations are modernizing their fleets due to their unstable security situations. Submarines are used for electronic warfare and as force multipliers; command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems; target recognition systems; and damage-assessment systems.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Contact:Market Research Future+1 646 845 9312Email: Polypropylene Random Copolymer Market - In-Depth Analysis & Forecast upto 2025 Global Polypropylene Random Copolymer Market: SnapshotPolypropylene, a thermoplastic polymer that finds widespread applications in textiles, laboratory equipment, packaging and labeling, automobile components, and stationery. Increasing knowledge about polypropylene random copolymer, including its high impact resistance, good flexibility and optical characteristics, transparency, gloss, and lightweight is said to be stoking growth in its demand.On account of its many benefits, its applications is growing. Further rising spending capacity of people worldwide, is resulting in elevated packaged and processed food demand, which in turn is working in favor of the global polypropylene random copolymer market.Mushrooming supermarkets, particularly in developing countries, is also proving beneficial to the market. Further, growing focus of food manufacturers towards aesthetic packaging and labeling along with added durability is also bolstering growth of the market. Ethylene and naphtha are basic raw materials required for the production of polypropylene random copolymer. The turbulent prices of crude oils and petrochemicals are, therefore, negatively impacting the growth of the market.Request Sample Copy of the Report @The main regions studied in the report are North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa. North America, of them, is a leading market on account of the presence of a solid healthcare infrastructure that is fuelling growth. The U.S. is the primary driver of expansion in the region due to high demand for food and beverage packaging.Asia Pacific is another key region which will likely grow at a healthy clip due to changing lifestyle of people and a burgeoning middle class population. Japan, China, and India are major markets in the region.Global Polypropylene Random Copolymer Market: OverviewPolypropylene, which is also referred to as polypropene, is a thermoplastic polymer extensively used in a wide range of applications such as textiles, packaging and labeling, laboratory equipment, automobile components, and stationery. In polypropylene random copolymer, randomly polymerized ethylene monomer is added to polypropylene homopolymer, which lowers the melting point, reduces the polymer crystallinity, and makes the polymer more transparent. They are used for stretch blow molding and injection molding applications that require improved clarity and impact. Their demand is high across different verticals such as food and beverages, pharmaceutical, chemicals, and consumer products.Request TOC of the Report @Global Polypropylene Random Copolymer Market: Key TrendsThe rising awareness regarding the benefits of polypropylene random copolymer, including excellent impact resistance, good flexibility and optical characteristics, transparency, gloss, and lightweight is augmenting the market. Owing to its benefits, its scope of applications are widening. The increasing disposable income of people around the world is resulting in elevated packaged and processed food demand, which in turn is working in favor of the global polypropylene random copolymer market.The growing number of supermarkets in emerging regions is also providing a fillip to the market. Moreover, the shifting focus of food manufacturers towards aesthetic packaging and labeling along with added durability is supplementing the growth of the market. Ethylene and naphtha are basic raw materials required for the production of polypropylene random copolymer. The turbulent prices of crude oils and petrochemicals are, therefore, negatively impacting the growth of the market.Global Polypropylene Random Copolymer Market: Market PotentialThe healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors are presenting tremendous lucrative opportunities, which is prompting manufacturers to develop products that can better adapt and scale to suit the requirements of the end users. For instance, in February 2017, LyondellBasell introduced a new polypropylene random copolymer, Purell RP320M that can be used in labware, caps and closures, flexible and rigid packaging of pharmaceuticals and medical devices. The copolymer is designed to offer homogeneity and clarity to address high-quality requirements in injection molding and cast film extrusion conversion technologies.Get Discount @Besides, polypropylene random copolymers carry immense potential to replace conventional beverage packaging such as PET and glass, which is likely to attract new players to invest in this market.Global Polypropylene Random Copolymer Market: Region-wise OutlookThe key segments analyzed in the report based on geography are Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa. North America will account for a substantial share in the market throughout the forecast period. The presence of robust healthcare infrastructure is fuelling the growth of the region. The U.S. will be at the forefront of the growth of the region, owing to the high demand for food and beverage packaging.Asia Pacific will be rise at a noteworthy CAGR during the same period. The growth of the region can be attributed to the changing consumer lifestyles, widening base of middle-class population, and increasing purchasing power of the populace. Moreover, the flourishing growth of the food and beverage sector is driving the market in the region. Japan, India, and China will be the major revenue contributors to the growth of the region.Global Polypropylene Random Copolymer Market: Competitive LandscapeLarge refineries have a strong foothold in the global polypropylene random copolymer market, owing to the availability of abundant raw materials and massive sums for investments. The majority of manufacturers are aiming at achieving a competitive edge by diversifying their product offerings. Some of the key companies operating in the market are Reliance Industries Limited, LyondellBasell, Pinnacle Polymers LLC, Formosa Plastics, Total Petrochemicals & Refining USA Inc., Entec Polymers, Sasol, and INEOS Olefins & Polymers USA.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: PVDF Resin Market - Industry Analysis,Trends and Forecast 2017 - 2025 Global PVDF Resin Market: SnapshotThe global PVDF resin market has seen an upswing in the past couple of years and going forward too is expected to retain that trend. Majorly fuelling the market is the rising usage of PVDF resin in various end-use industries. Their excellent performance is one of the primary reasons behind it.In order to cater to demand from various consumers, market players are seen investing in product innovations and indulging in strategic alliances with other leading companies. Moreover, the rising penetration of PVDF resin in industries such as aviation, automotive, oil and gas, and new energies is fur slated to provide a shot in the arm to market by driving the demand for PVDF resin in the next couple of years. Posing a challenge to the market, on the other hand, is the emergence of substitutes, rising environmental concerns, and volatility in raw material prices.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Some of the prominent regions in the global PVDF resin market are Asia Pacific, North America, Latin America, Europe, and the Middle East and Africa. Among them, Asia Pacific is slated to become one of the dominant region in the global PVDF resin market on account of rising investments in industries such as automotive, pharmaceuticals, chemical, and oil and gas. The regions growth will be primarily powered by the developing economies of India and China owing to the swift pace of industrialization.Some of the prominent participants in the global PVDF market are Arkema S.A., Daikin Industries, Ltd., Dyneon GmbH & Co. KG, Kureha Corporation, Shanghai Ofluorine Chemical Technology Co., Ltd., Solvay S.A., and RTP Company, Inc.Global Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Resin Market: SnapshotIn materials and polymer chemistry, resin is a solid or tremendously glutinous material found from a plant or from a synthetic origin which is principally converted into polymers. They are often a combination of organic compound, mainly terpenes and its byproducts. Several plants, mainly woody plants, give it away as a result of any wound. The resin thus acts a protection to the plant from the invading pathogens and insects. Many resins also comprise a rather sizeable amount of resin acids. The single components of the resin can be unglued through fractional distillation. Many materials are manufactured through the conversion to solids from synthetic raisins.Request TOC of the Report @Polyvinylidene fluoride is the homopolymer of 1, 1-di-fluoro-ethene. The properties which it has such as high electrical ability and desirable insolubility are the result of the polarity of irregular CF2 and CH2 groups of the polymer chain. Hard and porous PVDF can be used at temperatures ranging from -80 to 300 degree F. PVDF is available as an insulator, plate, films, tubing, sheet, and piping products. It can be welded or molded, injected, and used in the defense, medical, semiconductor, and chemical industries. PVDF resin can also be found as a closed-cell cross-linked foam, thus can is highly used in aerospace and aviation applications.The report examines the growth of the global PVDF resin market that occurred in the last over the last few years and is likely to occur in the coming years. The research publication additionally explains the causes of the fluctuations in the global market. It does this by assessing of the facets and the different trends that have been prevalent from past few years and also the aspects that are anticipated to maintain a strong impact on the market over the coming years. The Porters five forces analysis has been considered by analysts to present a clear picture of the vendor landscape to readers. Agreements, mergers, acquisitions, and other dealings have been further mentioned in the study. It focuses on the strategies, products, and market share along with position of the companies operating in the market.Get Discount @Global Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Resin Market: Trends and OpportunitiesThe global PVDF resin market is expected to be driven by the growing demand for PVDF resin across several end-use industries. The growing acceptance of PVDF resin coupled with high performance characteristics are expected to further bode well for the growth of the market. To meet the incessant growing demand from consumers, market players are focusing on innovating their products and create strategic alliances with other leading companies. Moreover, the rising penetration of PVDF resin in industries such as aviation, automotive, oil and gas, and new energies is further expected to drive the demand for PVDF resin over the coming years. However, growing threat from substitutes, rising environmental concerns, and fluctuating prices of raw materials are likely to hamper the growth of the market.Global Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Resin Market: Regional OutlookAsia Pacific is expected to emerge as a prominent region in the global PVDF resin market owing growing investments in industries such as automotive, chemical, pharmaceuticals, and oil and gas and rapid industrialization. China and India are likely to provide lucrative growth opportunities to manufacturers.Global Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Resin Market: Vendor LandscapeSome of the leading companies in the market are Arkema S.A., Daikin Industries, Ltd., Kureha Corporation, Dyneon GmbH & Co. KG, Solvay S.A., Shanghai Ofluorine Chemical Technology Co., Ltd., and RTP Company, Inc.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Military Laser Rangefinder Market Growth Opportunity and Industry Forecast to 2023 Market Highlights:It is expected that by 2023, North America would be the dominant region in the military laser rangefinder market, primarily due to the presence of major manufacturers in this region. In addition, the increasing military expenses by the US Department of Defense (DOD) on miniature military rangefinders have resulted in the market witnessing a significant surge in demand, in this region.Moreover, the current military operations and exercises in the Middle Eastern countries will also result in the U.S. focusing on the integration of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with the laser rangefinder systems, which will further deepen the scope for the market in the North American region and across the globe. Europe is expected to acquire the second largest market due to the high expenses on soldier modernization programs by the countries in this region, such as in the UK, the Netherlands, and France.Request a Sample Report @Major key Players Elbit Systems, FLIR Systems, General Atomics, Gooch & Housego, L3 Technologies, Leonardo, Northrop Grumman, RPMC Lasers, Thales, UTC Aerospace Systems.Market Research Analysis:Many countries are focusing on upgrade of their airborne defense and offence systems, thus application of drones as laser rangefinders is rapidly gaining momentum. Growing preference for miniature rangefinders will further provide the market with growth prospects, owing to the several advantages of miniature rangefinders which include enhanced accuracy, safety of soldiers, and efficiency in military operations. As a result, the market for military rangefinders is expected to register a growth rate of more than 5%.Although the military laser rangefinders assist the soldiers to efficiently mark their targets, the health issues associated with these laser systems is one of the major challenges faced by the manufacturers of such systems, the defense authorities, and the market.Global Military Laser Rangefinder Systems Market:The changing landscape of war in the recent times is one of the major factors driving the military laser rangefinder market, with the evolution of the 21st century digital warfare. The lightweight laser rangefinders enable faster mobility and significantly reduce the chances of fatigue for the armed troops. These portable devices are carried by the armed forces, Special Forces, and Forward Air Controllers (FAC), and they consist of an optical sight, laser emitter, and range finder. These systems may vary in size but they are usually mounted on tripods to ensure a stable aiming platform. They provide the soldiers with higher adaptability, attack capability, accuracy, and maneuverability, which makes them more lethal.For further information on this report, visit @Table of Content1 Introduction1.1 Definition1.2 Scope of Study1.3 Research Objective1.4 Assumptions & Limitations1.5 Market Structure:2 Research Methodology2.1 Research Process2.2 Primary Research2.3 Secondary Research3 Market Dynamics3.1 Drivers3.2 Restraints3.3 Opportunities3.4 Challenges3.5 Macroeconomic Indicators4 Market Factor Analysis4.1 Porters five forces model4.1.1 Bargaining Power of suppliers4.1.2 Bargaining Power of Customer4.1.3 Intensity of Competitors4.1.4 Threat of New Entrants5 Military Laser Rangefinder Market, By Type..ContinuedAbout Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Contact:Akash Anand,Market Research Future+1 646 845 9312Email: Delivery Takeaway Food Sales Market Segmentation, Application, Trends, Opportunity & Forecast 2014 to 2024 By Acumen Research and Consulting IntroductionThe delivery takeaway food sales market involves packaging and providing different variety of food options to consumers in their workplaces, homes or at their locations as per their convenience. Food is delivered to customers through delivery channels and vast network. Online takeaway food option allows customers to order food from various locations and from varieties of items, and by using efficient method of payments such as online transaction or cash on delivery (COD). The delivery takeaway food market is changing rapidly as online platforms are gaining more acceptances among people who wish to dine food at comfortable location and desire for quality food. Thus, increasing demand for home delivery and fast food items is expected to increase the growth of delivery and takeaway food market during the forecast period.Download Table of Content:Market DynamicsDelivery and Takeaway Food Sales Market is witnessing drastic growth which is proportional to hectic schedule, rise in busy lifestyle and expanding urbanization, quick access to digital world by using mobile phones via internet penetration, demand for hygienic fast foods, and access to online platforms to order food by online transaction. Rising need for convenience is effectively driving the demand for food products. Online ordering can be expensive at times as restaurants charge extra for home distribution and pickups which is halting the growth of market. Increasing consumer preference towards easy availability and convenience to huge variety of food at home will rapidly accelerate business. Growing employment opportunities and easy availability of workforce will accelerate the demand for food products during forecast period.Market Classification and OverviewThe market can be classified on the basis of product type, distribution channel and geography. By product type, the delivery takeaway food sales market can be segmented into non-vegetarian, vegetarian. By distribution channel, the delivery takeaway food sales market can be segmented into online channels, and offline channels. On the basis of geography, the delivery takeaway food sales market can be segmented into North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East & Africa (MEA) and Asia-Pacific. North America dominates thedelivery and takeaway food market, global revenue is anticipated to grow at a rapid speed, over the upcoming period of time. The market is expected to perform well in the near future due to consumer prefer for ordering online, growing digital marketing strategies by companies to connect with customers, and as consumers prefer for sterile & healthy food rather the fast food while ordering. Moreover, fresh food demand, and instant home delivery are some of the factors that can accelerate the global revenue growth of delivery and takeaway food sales market during the upcoming period. This is added to the convenient option for the customers with respect to easy mode of payment, transparency, high security, and location traceability of their order.Request Customization:Report CoverageMarket Delivery Takeaway Food Sales MarketAnalysis Period 2014 2024Historic Data 2014 2015Base Year 2016Forecast Data 2017 2024Market Stratification Product Type, Distribution Channel, GeographyRegional Scope North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa (MEA)Report Coverage Market Trends, Drivers, Restraints, Porter's Five Forces Analysis, Competitive Analysis, Player Profiling, Value Chain AnalysisMarket ParticipantsSome of the key players involved in the supply of delivery takeaway food sales market include Hero Holding GmbH, Foodpanda GmbH, Just Eat Holding Limited, Holding B.V, Grubhub, Inc., Domino's Pizza Inc., Snapfinger, Inc., Pizza Hut Inc., Foodler Inc., Mobo Systems, Inc., and among others.Inquiry Before Buying:Market SegmentationMarket By Product Type Non-Vegetarian VegetarianMarket By Distribution Channel Online Channels Offline ChannelsMarket By Geography North Americao U.S.o Canadao Mexico Europeo UKo Franceo Germanyo Rest of Europe Asia-Pacifico Chinao Japano Indiao Australiao Rest of Asia-Pacific Latin Americao Brazilo Chileo Rest of LATAM Middle East and Africa (MEA)o South Africao Saudi Arabiao Rest of MEABuy Now This Report From Here:About UsAcumen Research and Consulting (ARC) is a global provider of market intelligence and consulting services to information technology, investment, telecommunication, manufacturing, and consumer technology markets. ARC helps investment communities, IT professionals, and business executives to make fact based decisions on technology purchases and develop firm growth strategies to sustain market competition. With the team size of 100+ Analysts and collective industry experience of more than 200 years, Acumen Research and Consulting assures to deliver a combination of industry knowledge along with global and country level expertise.Contact -Frank WilsonSales Manager | Acumen Research and ConsultingEmail: frank@acumenresearchandconsulting.comPh - USA +1 716-2400-831Asia-Pacific +912065600384Website: Future of Manned Security Services Market Size 2022 G4S, Securitas, Allied Universal, US Security Associates, SIS, TOPSGRUP, Beijing Baoan Add New Report Global Manned Security Services Market by Manufacturers, Countries, Type and Application, Forecast to 2022 to its research database. The report presents a deep study of the market growth factors and drivers. The report spread across 122 pages with table and figures in it.Global Manned Security Services Market Size, Status and Forecast 2022 provides Market information about Manufacturers, Countries, Type and Application. This Industry report also states Company Profile, sales, Manned Security Services Market revenue and price, market share, market growth and gross margin by regions.This report studies the Manned Security Services market, it is mainly including the service and equipment; the applications are concentrated in the Commercial Buildings, Industrial Buildings and Residential Buildings.Request a Free sample PDF of this research to evaluate more:Scope of the Report:This report focuses on the Manned Security Services in Global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report covers G4S, Securitas, Allied Universal, US Security Associates, SIS, TOPSGRUP, Beijing Baoan, OCS GroupMarket Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers North America (USA, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.), Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)Market Segment by Type, covers Service, EquipmentMarket Segment by Applications, can be divided into Commercial Buildings, Industrial Buildings, Residential BuildingsRequest Discount for Global Manned Security Services Market Research Report @There are 15 Chapters to deeply display the global Manned Security Services market.Chapter 1, to describe Manned Security Services Market Size Introduction, product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force;Chapter 2, to analyze the top manufacturers of Manned Security Services Market Size, with sales, revenue, and price of Manned Security Services, in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 3, to display the competitive situation among the top manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 4, to show the global market by regions, with sales, revenue and market share of Manned Security Services, for each region, from 2012 to 2017;Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to analyze the key regions, with sales, revenue and market share by key countries in these regions;Chapter 10 and 11, to show the Manned Security Services Market Size by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2012 to 2017;Chapter 12, Manned Security Services market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2017 to 2022;Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Manned Security Services sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data sourceFor More Info on Market Research @Related Reports: -World Pipetting Robot Market Research Report 2022 (covering USA, Europe, China, Japan, India, South East Asia and etc)Pipetting Robot market research report provides the newest industry data and industry future trends, allowing you to identify the products and end users driving Revenue growth and allows you to manage and control all corporate research purchases to consolidate billing and vendor management. You can eliminate duplicate purchases and customize your content and license management.Market Study ReportThe Green Suite #4594,Dover, DE 19901United StatesPhone: 1-201-355-0868US Toll Free: 1-866-764-2150Email: sales@marketstudyreport.comWebsite:News: Goggle Damper (Gf) 2017 Global Industry Key Players - Orbinox, DeZURIK, Flowrox, Bray International, SISTAG, VAG Market Analysis and Forecast to 2022 Global Goggle Damper (Gf) Market Global Goggle Damper (Gf) MarketThis report studies Goggle Damper (Gf) in Global market, especially in North America, China, Europe, Southeast Asia, Japan and India, with production, revenue, consumption, import and export in these regions, from 2012 to 2016, and forecast to 2022.This report focuses on top manufacturers in global market, with production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer, coveringOrbinox(Spain)DeZURIK(USA)Flowrox(Finland)Bray International(USA)SISTAG (WEY Valve)(Switzerland)VAG(Germany)Stafsj? Valves(Sweden)Weir(UK)Pentair Valves & Controls(Switzerland)AVK(Denmark)Tecofi(France)ITT(USA)Red Valve(USA)Davis Valve(USA)GEFA Processtechnik(Germany)Zhejiang Linuo Flow Control Technolog(China)Trueline Valve Corporation(Canada)Valtorc(USA)CYL(Spain)SUPERO SEIKI(Japan)Chuan Chuan Metal Valves(Taiwan)Tianjin Exxon Valve(China)Request a Sample Report @By types, the market can be split intoWithout BonnetWith BonnetBy Application, the market can be split intoGas Transportation EquipmentDust Extraction PlantsBy Regions, this report covers (we can add the regions/countries as you want)North AmericaChinaEuropeSoutheast AsiaJapanIndiaTo enquire about this report visit @Table of Contents-Key Points CoveredGlobal Goggle Damper (Gf) Market Professional Survey Report 20171 Industry Overview of Goggle Damper (Gf)1.1 Definition and Specifications of Goggle Damper (Gf)1.1.1 Definition of Goggle Damper (Gf)1.1.2 Specifications of Goggle Damper (Gf)1.2 Classification of Goggle Damper (Gf)1.2.1 Without Bonnet1.2.2 With Bonnet1.3 Applications of Goggle Damper (Gf)1.3.1 Gas Transportation Equipment1.3.2 Dust Extraction Plants1.3.3 Application 31.4 Market Segment by Regions1.4.1 North America1.4.2 China1.4.3 Europe1.4.4 Southeast Asia1.4.5 Japan1.4.6 India2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Goggle Damper (Gf)2.1 Raw Material and Suppliers2.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Goggle Damper (Gf)2.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Goggle Damper (Gf)2.4 Industry Chain Structure of Goggle Damper (Gf)..8 Major Manufacturers Analysis of Goggle Damper (Gf)8.1 Orbinox(Spain)8.1.1 Company Profile8.1.2 Product Picture and Specifications8.1.2.1 Product A8.1.2.2 Product B8.1.3 Orbinox(Spain) 2016 Goggle Damper (Gf) Sales, Ex-factory Price, Revenue, Gross Margin Analysis8.1.4 Orbinox(Spain) 2016 Goggle Damper (Gf) Business Region Distribution Analysis8.2 DeZURIK(USA)8.2.1 Company Profile8.2.2 Product Picture and Specifications8.2.2.1 Product A8.2.2.2 Product B8.2.3 DeZURIK(USA) 2016 Goggle Damper (Gf) Sales, Ex-factory Price, Revenue, Gross Margin Analysis8.2.4 DeZURIK(USA) 2016 Goggle Damper (Gf) Business Region Distribution Analysis8.3 Flowrox(Finland)8.3.1 Company Profile8.3.2 Product Picture and Specifications8.3.2.1 Product A8.3.2.2 Product B8.3.3 Flowrox(Finland) 2016 Goggle Damper (Gf) Sales, Ex-factory Price, Revenue, Gross Margin Analysis8.3.4 Flowrox(Finland) 2016 Goggle Damper (Gf) Business Region Distribution Analysis8.4 Bray International(USA)8.4.1 Company Profile8.4.2 Product Picture and Specifications8.4.2.1 Product A8.4.2.2 Product B8.4.3 Bray International(USA) 2016 Goggle Damper (Gf) Sales, Ex-factory Price, Revenue, Gross Margin Analysis8.4.4 Bray International(USA) 2016 Goggle Damper (Gf) Business Region Distribution Analysis8.5 SISTAG (WEY Valve)(Switzerland)8.5.1 Company Profile8.5.2 Product Picture and Specifications8.5.2.1 Product A8.5.2.2 Product B8.5.3 SISTAG (WEY Valve)(Switzerland) 2016 Goggle Damper (Gf) Sales, Ex-factory Price, Revenue, Gross Margin Analysis8.5.4 SISTAG (WEY Valve)(Switzerland) 2016 Goggle Damper (Gf) Business Region Distribution Analysis8.6 VAG(Germany)8.6.1 Company Profile8.6.2 Product Picture and Specifications8.6.2.1 Product A8.6.2.2 Product B8.6.3 VAG(Germany) 2016 Goggle Damper (Gf) Sales, Ex-factory Price, Revenue, Gross Margin Analysis8.6.4 VAG(Germany) 2016 Goggle Damper (Gf) Business Region Distribution Analysis8.7 Stafsj? Valves(Sweden)8.7.1 Company Profile8.7.2 Product Picture and Specifications8.7.2.1 Product A8.7.2.2 Product B8.7.3 Stafsj? Valves(Sweden) 2016 Goggle Damper (Gf) Sales, Ex-factory Price, Revenue, Gross Margin Analysis8.7.4 Stafsj? Valves(Sweden) 2016 Goggle Damper (Gf) Business Region Distribution Analysis8.8 Weir(UK)8.8.1 Company Profile8.8.2 Product Picture and Specifications8.8.2.1 Product A8.8.2.2 Product B8.8.3 Weir(UK) 2016 Goggle Damper (Gf) Sales, Ex-factory Price, Revenue, Gross Margin Analysis8.8.4 Weir(UK) 2016 Goggle Damper (Gf) Business Region Distribution Analysis8.9 Pentair Valves & Controls(Switzerland)8.9.1 Company Profile8.9.2 Product Picture and Specifications8.9.2.1 Product A8.9.2.2 Product B8.9.3 Pentair Valves & Controls(Switzerland) 2016 Goggle Damper (Gf) Sales, Ex-factory Price, Revenue, Gross Margin Analysis8.9.4 Pentair Valves & Controls(Switzerland) 2016 Goggle Damper (Gf) Business Region Distribution Analysis8.10 AVK(Denmark)8.10.1 Company Profile8.10.2 Product Picture and Specifications8.10.2.1 Product A8.10.2.2 Product B8.10.3 AVK(Denmark) 2016 Goggle Damper (Gf) Sales, Ex-factory Price, Revenue, Gross Margin Analysis8.10.4 AVK(Denmark) 2016 Goggle Damper (Gf) Business Region Distribution Analysis8.11 Tecofi(France)8.12 ITT(USA)8.13 Red Valve(USA)8.14 Davis Valve(USA)8.15 GEFA Processtechnik(Germany)8.16 Zhejiang Linuo Flow Control Technolog(China)8.17 Trueline Valve Corporation(Canada)8.18 Valtorc(USA)8.19 CYL(Spain)8.20 SUPERO SEIKI(Japan)8.21 Chuan Chuan Metal Valves(Taiwan)8.22 Tianjin Exxon Valve(China)Continued.Buy Report@Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports features an exhaustive list of market research reports from hundreds of publishers worldwide. We boast a database spanning virtually every market category and an even more comprehensive collection of market research reports under these categories and sub-categories.WISE GUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India Well Test Market 2017: Analysis, Segments, Key Players, Drivers and Trends by Forecast to 2023 Well Test Market is expected to grow with the CAGR of about 6% from 2016 to 2022. One of the primary factors that are driving the Well Test market is the increasing spending in the E&P industry.Market HighlightsOne of the primary factors that are driving the Well Test market is the increasing spending in the E&P industry. The well testing market growth was affected by the price crisis in the Oil & Gas industry. With the recent stabilization in the prices and the O&G industry the market has portrayed immense growth potential.Residential held the major share within the Global Well Test MarketGlobal increasing demand for energy has resulted in rapid increase in the offshore drilling activities to meet the increasing demand, which ultimately has provided significant boost to the well testing market. Owing to the shale and drilling activities in the North America region, the market is the leading region for the Well Testing market. Increased exploration activities in this region specifically in Canada have boosted the demand for Well Testing. Increased Infrastructural and Manufacturing activities in the Asia-Pacific region have resulted in increasing demand in the Oil & Gas market translating into Well Test market achieving high growth in this region.Request a Sample Copy @Key PlayersSome of the key players in the Well Test market are AGR Group ASA (Norway), FMC Technologies Inc. (U.S.), Schlumberger Ltd. (U.S.), Halliburton Company (U.S.), Tetra Technologies Inc. (U.S.), Weatherford International Ltd. (Ireland), Expro International Group Ltd (U.K.), Greene's Energy Group (U.S.), Helix Energy Solutions Group Inc. (U.S.)Market Research Analysis:Owing to the shale and drilling activities in the North America region, the market is the leading region for the Well Testing market. Increased exploration activities in this region specifically in Canada have boosted the demand for Well Testing. Increased Infrastructural and Manufacturing activities in the Asia-Pacific region have resulted in increasing demand in the Oil & Gas market translating into Well Test market achieving high growth in this region.Table of Content1. Report Prologue2. Introduction1. Definition2. Scope Of The Study Research Objective Assumptions Limitations3. Market Structure4. Market Segmentation3. Research Methodology1. Research Process2. Primary Research3. Secondary Research4. Market Size Estimation5. Forecast Model4. Market Dynamics1. Drivers & Oppurtunities2. Challenges & Restraints3. Value Chain Analysis4. Porters Five Forces Analysis5. Well Test Market, By Services1. Introduction2. Surface Testing3. Downhole Well Test4. Reservoir Testing6. Well Test Market, By Well TypeContinueList of TablesTable 1 Global Well Test Market SnapshotTable 2 Drivers For The MarketTable 3 Restraints For The MarketTable 4 Global Well Test Market, By Well TypeTable 5 Onshore, By RegionContinue..List of FiguresFigure 1 Research MethodologyFigure 2 Impact Analysis: Drivers And RestraintsFigure 3 Global Well Test Market, By Well TypeFigure 4 Global Well Test Market, By ServicesFigure 5 Global Well Test Market, By RegionContinueBrowse Full Report Details @About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Augmented Expansion of US$3.48 bn to be Registered by Bone Grafts and Substitutes Market by 2023 The global bone grafts and substitutes market is consolidated with leading three companies accounting for over 50% of the market in 2014, finds Transparency Market Research (TMR). These three companies are: Stryker Corporation, Zimmer, and Medtronic. Players within the market are competitive and are each vying for sustainable growth so as to increase their global footprint. Players in the market are showing interest in being a part of long term contracts with dental clinics and hospitals so as to better maintain their sales and service relationships. Players are also offering additional services to improve their relationship with buyers. Many companies are participating in merger and acquisitions so as to expand their geographical reach.According to Transparency Market Research, the global bone graft and substitutes market will be worth US$3.48 bn by the end of 2023. On the basis of geography, the market was led by North America in 2015 on account of the presence of a large number of players. The increasing number of product innovations and launch of novel therapeutics in this region is driving the bone grafts and substitutes market in North America. The high demand for orthopedic surgeries especially by geriatric population base is another reason for the growth of the market in the region. By 2023, the North American market is estimated to be worth US$1.23 bn. By application, the bone grafts and substitutes in spinal fusion segment is estimated to expand at a 4.4% CAGR between 2015 and 2023.Read Report Overview @Increasing Incidences of Arthritis Driving Bone Grafts and Substitutes MarketThe growing prevalence of bone and joint disorders is a key factor boosting the growth of the market across the world. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that over 67 mn people in the U.S. alone, are expected to be diagnosed with arthritis by 2030. Since arthritis is a leading cause of disability and is affecting millions around the world. All these factors are anticipated to fuel the growth of the bone grafts and substitutes market. The dramatic growth in the number of orthopedic surgeries being held will also fuel the growth of this market. The market in developing nations is expected to boom on account of medical tourism. The countries such as, Japan, Mexico, China, and Malaysia are emerging as key markets for bone grafts and substitutes. Affordable treatment is boosting the growth of this market in these nations.Increasing Cases of Implant Failure to Pose a Threat to MarketThe increasing reports of post implantation infections are one of the key challenges of the global bone grafts and substitute market. The increasing implant failures are also posing a threat to the growth of this market. The increasing difficulty in obtaining allografts from donors and reserving is causing ethical issues related to storing and harvesting them, which is another challenge for the market. In addition to this, gestation periods between supply and demand of allografts are very long and will give rise to ethical issues. Thus, several stringent regulations have been implemented on the use of bone grafts and substitutes so as to curb malpractices. These regulations are also being implemented to keep risk of infections in check. All these factors will restrict the growth of the market. However, the growing geriatric population will drive the growth prospects of the market. In addition to this, growing healthcare expenditure is also expected to bode well for the market. This will even inspire new players from entering the market, stated a TMR analyst.Request Sample Report @ABOUT US:Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.CONTACT:Transparency Market ResearchState Tower90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-345 Oil Field Chemicals Market Size and Industry Estimated to Rise Profitably with CAGR 5% during Forecast Period 2017-2022 Oil Field Chemicals Market is expected to grow with the CAGR of about 5% from 2016 to 2022. Being an essential for the drilling and exploration activities the Oilfields Chemicals market is heavily dependent on the Oil and Gas industry. Increasing demand for oil and gas is expected to result in a rise in demand for the Oil Field Chemicals market. In recent times the oil and gas has been experiencing a significant downturn due to the continuous fall in the prices.Market HighlightsOilfield chemicals play a key role in the oil & gas industry and are used in various stages during oil exploration. Various types of oilfield chemicals used are drilling fluids, production chemicals, and completion fluids. The growing demand for advanced drilling fluid and production chemicals with capability to improve penetration and maximum recovery from the well, is fuelling the demand of the market. However, declining price of crude oils may hamper the growth of the market.Drilling Chemicals held the major share within the Global Oil Field Chemicals MarketThe changes in the supply and demand dynamics is expected to induce a rise in the number of oil wells thus resulting in boosting the Oil Field Chemicals market. Increasing demand for oil and gas is also expected to fuel the demand in the Oil Field Chemicals market. Considering the oil and gas industry is recovering from the recent price crisis, the growth in the oil and gas industry is imminent which would result in a complimentary increase in the demand in the Oilfield Services Market.Request a Sample Copy @Key PlayersSome of the key players in the Oil Field Chemicals market are BASF SE (Germany), Lubrizol Corporation (U.S.), AkzoNobel N.V. (Netherlands), The Dow Chemical Company (U.S.), Schlumberger, Halliburton (U.S.), Kemira Oyj (Finland) Clariant (Switzerland) others.Oilfield chemicals are important in the oil & gas industry and are used in various stages of oil exploration. Various types of oilfield chemicals used are drilling fluids, production chemicals, and completion fluids. Growing interest in deep water & ultra-deep-water activities and rising exploration of unconventional resources are driving the growth of the oilfield chemical market. However, growing environmental concern may hamper the growth of the market.Market Research Analysis:North America is the leading region for this market mainly due to the increased exploration activities in USA and Canada. The increasing exploration activities in this region have in turn resulted in an increase in the Oilfield Chemicals market. Although there exists political instability in the Middle East, this region is expected to register high growth rate in the forecast period due to increasing trend of deep water exploration and working in high temperatures which require much more expensive Oilfield Chemicals.Enquire about this Report @List Of TablesTable 1 Global Oilfield Chemicals Market SnapshotTable 2 Drivers For The MarketTable 3 Restraints For The MarketTable 4 Global Oilfield Chemicals Market , By MaterialTable 5 Specialty Chemicals Market, By RegionTable 6 Polymers Market, By RegionTable 7 Global Oilfield Chemicals Market, By Fluid MaterialTable 8 Residential Market, By RegionTable 9 Commercial Market, By RegionContinue.List Of FiguresFigure 1 Research MethodologyFigure 2 Impact Analysis: Drivers And RestraintsFigure 3 Global Oilfield Chemicals Market , By MaterialFigure 4 Global Oilfield Chemicals Market , By Fluid MaterialFigure 5 Global Oilfield Chemicals Market , By RegionFigure 6 North America Oilfield Chemicals Market , By CountryContinue..Browse Full Report Details @At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Medical Education Market Value Projected to Expand by US$38.4 bn During 2016-2024 The global medical education market has a handful of players such as Apollo Hospitals, TACT Academy for Clinical Training, Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc. (Zimmer Institute), Olympus Corporation, Gundersen Health System, GE Healthcare, and Medical Training College. Transparency Market Research identifies Apollo Hospitals as the leading contributor to the growth of the overall market owing to its extensive course portfolio, strong market penetration in countries in Asia Pacific, and vast scope for practical hospital experience.Geographical expansion in several developing countries has been Apollo Hospitals leading growth strategy, in addition to the acquisition of smaller local players, finds the lead author of the TMR study.In July 2016, Apollo Hospitals Group signed MoUs with Kenyatta National Hospital and Airtel Kenya to not just focus on capacity building in the Kenyan healthcare sector but to also conduct educational lectures and training programs in the country. In the same month, the company signed an agreement with Hainan Ecological Smart City Group in China to develop a highly integrated modern healthcare service facility in the Hainan province, which is likely to lend nursing, medical, and paramedical colleges in the island city tremendous support.Read Report Overview @Advantages of Online Training over Traditional Modes of Education a Driving FactorThe demand for medical education is primarily driven by the growing preference for online education. Online education is a highly lucrative investment avenue, a TMR analyst observes. The exposure to modern technologies around the world and the increasing penetration of the internet has greatly fueled the preference of students for online education. Moreover, online training presents several advantages over traditional modes of education, including variation in training and educational programs, lower cost, comfortable and flexible learning programs, and opportunities for improved technical skills.In line with this growing trend, TMR predicts that the emergence of e-learning markets in several developing countries will be a major opportunity for players in the medical education market.High Tuition Fee a Major RoadblockThe cost of higher education, especially in developed countries, continues to pose a key challenge for low-income students. Medical education is one of the most expensive fields and the tuition fee for classroom courses as well as on-campus training is extremely high. This acts as a major barrier for the medical education market, the author of the study says.In addition to this, the declining preference for distance education in medicine and paramedical training is likely to restrict the growth of the medical education market to an extent.Request Sample Report @Steady Growth in Store for Medical Education MarketExpanding at a 4.3% CAGR over the course of the forecast period, the global medical education market is poised to rise from a value of US$25.9 bn in 2015 to US$38.4 bn by 2024. By mode of education, the medical education market is led by on-campus training. Changing student preferences will restrict the demand for distance training by 2024, TMR predicts. However, online training is fast emerging as a lucrative mode of medical education and this segment is likely to register the highest CAGR of 7.29% from 2016 to 2024.By type of training, the demand for cardiothoracic training has surpassed the rest, while training in radiology presents the highest scope for growth. By geography, North America led the overall medical education market with Asia Pacific as the most rapidly expanding regional segment through the forecast period.ABOUT US:Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.CONTACT:Transparency Market ResearchState Tower90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-345 Medical Device Cleaning Market Estimated to Record Highest CAGR of 4.4% by 2022 The global medical device cleaning market could lay high hopes on developed regions such as North America boasting of a mounting volume of surgical procedures performed, high occurrence of acute diseases, and a well-established healthcare sector. However, emerging regions such as Asia Pacific are predicted to offer faster growth opportunities in the market on account of a favorable regulatory environment, low labor cost, rising count of healthcare institutions, rising healthcare awareness, healthcare reforms for infrastructural development, and expanding healthcare expenditure.The global medical device cleaning market is envisaged to rise at a CAGR of 4.4% between 2017 and 2022 to achieve a valuation of US$1.7 bn by the end of the forecast period. In 2017, the market exhibited a revenue collection of US$1.3 bn.Global Medical Device Cleaning Market: Major InsightsThe world medical device cleaning market is envisioned to witness the ascendancy of the disinfection cleaning process due to the rising effectiveness of high-level disinfectants and their elevating demand for heat-sensitive instruments alongside high-grade sterilization. Surgical instruments, on the other hand, are foretold to account for a sizable demand in the market owing to the surging count of surgeries conducted, expanding geriatric population, strengthening prevalence of chronic diseases, and growing burden of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs).Read Report Overview @The world medical device cleaning market is prophesied to be classified as per type of process and type of instrument. In terms of process type, the market could see a classification into pre-cleaning, manual cleaning, automatic cleaning, and disinfection cleaning. Amongst these, disinfection cleaning is foreseen to secure a larger share in the market while growing at a 4.1% CAGR during the forecast timeframe. In view of segregation by instrument type, the market could offer opportunities in three chief segments, viz. surgical instruments, endoscopes, and ultrasound probes. The report offers a complete segmentation study of the market for helping readers to receive a clear understanding of different segments and their growth.With respect to regional segmentation, the world medical device cleaning market could be divided into the Middle East and Africa (MEA), North America, Asia Pacific except Japan (APEJ), Latin America, and Europe. According to the report, North America could secure a stronger share in the market and an estimated larger revenue of US$0.6 bn by the concluding forecast year. Europe could be second on the list of lucrative regions but is anticipated to lose some basis points (BPS) by 2022 over 2017.Request Sample Report @Global Medical Device Cleaning Market: Vendor LandscapeThe authors of the report profile some of the leading companies in the worldwide medical device cleaning market such as 3M Company, Cantel Medical Corporation, Ecolab, Inc., Getinge Group, Integra Lifesciences Holdings Corporation, Johnson & Johnson, Steris PLC, ORO Clean Chemie AG, and Ruhof Corporation. Companies could emphasize on fortifying their geographical network and market presence via acquisitions. Players with a widespread global presence and comprehensive scope of products such as but not limited to sterility assurance cleansing and cleaning chemistries are projected to take a dominating position in the market in the coming years.ABOUT US:Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.CONTACT:Transparency Market ResearchState Tower90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-345 Cloud Service Brokerage Market: Increasing Complexities of Data Spike Demand for Efficient Storage The cloud service brokerage market faces a high degree of competition due to the presence of a large number of players. The growing number of competitors in the market have intensified the competition over the past few years. The top three players showing dominance in the global cloud service brokerage market are Accenture Plc., Capgemini S.A., and Cognizant Technology. Collectively, these companies are estimated to hold a share of 58.2% in the global market by the end of 2017. Offering a wide range of cloud choices, mergers and acquisitions, and enhancing the product portfolio is expected to keep these companies ahead of other players in the coming years.Download exclusive Sample of this report:According to the research report, the global cloud service brokerage market was worth US$3.3 bn in 2015 and is expected to reach US$22.4 bn by the end of 2024. During the forecast period of 2016 and 2024, the global market is expected to progress at a CAGR of 23.6%.Europe and North America Stay Ahead as Adoption of Cloud Technologies GrowsThe end users in the global cloud service brokerage market are the telecom and IT, BFSI, retail, healthcare, energy, and government sectors. Of these, the telecom and IT sector is expected to maintain a dominant stance in the global market as it is poised to acquire a share of 26.5% by the end of 2024 in the global market. The growing demand for high-speed internet and the escalating uptake of smartphones, tablets, and other devices is expected to spike the demand for cloud service brokerage in the coming few years.In terms of regions, the global market is divided into North America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Asia Pacific, and South America. Europe and North America are the most attractive markets in the global cloud service brokerage market. Of the two, North America is estimated to hold a dominant share in the global market reaching a valuation of US$9.8 bn by the end of 2024. This dominance will be supported by the strong presence of established players and soaring adoption of cloud services among the end users.Browse Market Research Report @Widening Penetration of Internet Boosts Demand for Cloud Service BrokerageThe growing adoption of cloud services to store data across various platforms has led to a spike in the demand for cloud service brokers. These brokers help users to choose the right services and provide customizations that suit their requirements. The global cloud service brokerage market is also gaining traction as it provides assistance with integration, deployment, and customization of software and service. The rising adoption of hybrid cloud model is also fueling the demand for cloud service brokers.In the coming years, the increasing complexity and volumes of data have created a need for an organized storage space and its effective management. This premise has been driving the demand for cloud services in the recent past, in turn augmenting the need for cloud service brokerage. The widening penetration of internet is also estimated to give the global market an adequate fillip in the near future. Advantages of cloud services such as reduced costs and low capital expenditure are expected to accelerate the demand for cloud service brokers during the forecast period.Lack of Awareness about Advantages of Cloud Services Hampers Market GrowthThough the market has a bright future, it is being hampered due to the lack of awareness amongst end users. As the market is merely budding, it is being challenged by several roadblocks. The stubborn perception of businesses to operate in traditional ways is expected to hamper the adoption of cloud systems in the coming years. Furthermore, the difficulty in handling end-to-end personalization of services and software is also expected to hamper the growth of the overall market.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.US Office Contact90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Protein Therapeutics Market Volume Analysis, size, share and Key Trends 2016-2024 Global Protein Therapeutics Market: OverviewThe global market for protein therapeutics has witnessed a significant rise in application in the treatment of a number of genetic, rare, and life-threatening diseases. It is known that proteins are crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and people, whose bodies cannot produce or break down some essential proteins naturally, are prone to several diseases. The rising global prevalence of diabetes for instance, a disease that is caused due to dysfunctional production or processing of the protein insulin, has led to significant developments in the global protein therapeutics market in the past few years.This report on the global protein therapeutics market presents a detailed analysis of the market and its key segments in the present scenario. The report examines the market across several regional markets and includes an analysis of the key factors driving and restraining the growth of the market. An analysis of key trends of the past and present years, which have helped shape the markets present dynamics, is also included.Report Overview and TOC @Global Protein Therapeutics Market: Drivers and RestraintsOne of the key factors fueling the growth prospects of the global protein therapeutics market is the vast rise in the rate of incidence of a number of chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular conditions, and diabetes. The market is also driven due to the increased awareness among consumers regarding the high efficiency of protein therapeutics with the minimum risk of side effects and the increased level of acceptance among end users. However, the markets growth prospects are retrained to a certain extent owing to the vast funds required to undertake research and develop efficient methods for studying complex biological systems that can simulate the target organs or tissues.Global Protein Therapeutics Market: SegmentationThe market for protein therapeutics is segmented in the report broadly on the basis of criteria such as protein therapeutic modalities, product variety, application, indication, and geography. The key protein therapeutic modalities include protein diagnostics, protein vaccines, protein therapeutics with special targeting activity, and protein therapeutics with enzymatic or regulatory activity. Key product varieties in the protein therapeutics market include insulin, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), and blood clotting agents. Key indications making extensive usage of protein therapeutics include neurological disorders, diabetes, genetic disorders, and cancer.Request for Broucher @Global Protein Therapeutics Market: Geographical and Competitive DynamicsOn the basis of geography, the global protein therapeutics market has been categorized in the report into regions such as Latin America, Europe, North America, Middle East, and Africa. These regions are further segmented and analyzed according to the key countries contributing significantly to the development of the protein therapeutics market across these regions. Aspects such as regulatory framework of these regions surrounding the field of protein therapeutics, the process of approval protein therapeutics products, and the overall growth prospects of the market across each of these regions and countries are examined in the report.For Specific and Customized Requirements @The report also includes an elaborate section analyzing the competitive landscape of the global protein therapeutics market. With the help of a Porters five forces analysis, the report analyzes the key forces that are shaping the present state of the competitive landscape of the market, including threat of substitutes and new entrants, degree of competition, and bargaining power of suppliers and buyers. The key players in the market are profiled in detail based on attributes such as recent developments, company portfolio, business strategies, financial overview, and market share.Companies Profiled in the ReportSome of the key players operating in the global protein therapeutics market profiled in the report are Johnson & Johnson, Eli Lilly & Company, Roche Group, Pfizer, Inc., Bristol Myers Squibb Co., Sanofi, Merck Sereno S.A. Amgen, Inc., and Novartis.Pre Book Full Report @ABOUT US:Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.CONTACT:Transparency Market ResearchState Tower90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-345 Live Cell Imaging Market Growth, Forecast and Value Chain 2016-2024 Live Cell Imaging Market: OverviewLive cell imaging is the use of time lapse microscopy to study the living cells. The scientists use it to get a better understanding of the biological functions with the help of cellular dynamics. The live cell imaging technique is becoming increasingly popular in the healthcare industry.The market can be categorized by products, by technologies, by end users and by regions. By product types, the live cell imaging market can be segmented into instruments, consumables and softwares. The instruments segment can be further sub-divided into standalone systems, cell analyzers, microscopes and image capturing devices. By technologies, the market can be segmented into fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), high content screening (HCS), fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), ratiometric imaging, total iternal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TRIF), and multiphoton excitation microscopy (MPE) among others. Furthermore, the market can be segmented by applications into pharmaceutical industry, contract research organization, government and academic organization and diagnostic laboratories.Report Overview and TOC @Live Cell Imaging Market: Trends and OpportunitiesThe rising concern of cancer is one of the major factors behind the growth of increasing demand of this technology. Furthermore, the government is actively taking initiatives to fund cell based research. Moreover the live cell imaging has a wide area of application and it can used to understand dynamic processes and cellular structures. In addition, it can also be used to study cellular integrity, protein trafficking, enzyme activity, localization of molecules, exocytosis and endocytosis among others. Furthermore, the process can also be applied to monitor the molecules in live animals. Moreover, the pharmaceutical companies are increasingly using live cell imaging in research and development in order to develop new medicines. In addition, the live cell imaging is also used for high content screening.Request for Broucher @However, the cost of implementing live cell imaging is very high is acting as a restraint for the market. Moreover, the technology requires highly skilled professional in order to study and understand the cell functions. The lack of availability of skilled professional is also expected to restrain the growth of live cell imaging market. However, with increasing investments in training and development programs this factor is expected to have low impact in the long run. In addition, the live cell imaging technique is gradually being applied by pharmaceutical companies to develop personalized medicine. This demand is expected to grow in future.For Specific and Customized Requirements @Live Cell Imaging Market: Geographical and Competitive DynamicsBy geography, the market can be divided into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of the world. North America and Europe are the early adapters of technology. Furthermore, government initiatives are being taken in this region for research and development using live cell imaging. U.S. is the largest market for live cell imaging in North America. However, Asia Pacific region is expected to witness robust growth due to presence of developing nations such as India and China.The key players in the live cell imaging market are Sigma-Aldrich Corporation, Nikon Corporation, GE Healthcare, Carl Zeiss AG, Danaher Corporation, Olympus Corporation and Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., Molecular Devices, LLC, Becton, Dickinson and Company and Perkinelmer, Inc. among others.Pre Book Full Report @ABOUT US:Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.CONTACT:Transparency Market ResearchState Tower90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-345 Motorcycle Laser Headlights Market Professional Survey Report 2017: By Product, Application, Manufacturer, Sales and Segmentation Global motorcycle laser headlight market to grow at a CAGR of +162.76% during the period 2017-2021 has been spread across 112 pages in order to detail the key areas of the industry in a comprehensive manner. During their study of the market, the authors of the report had concluded that there could be three critical segments by both type and application. Each of the segments, also the discussed geographical markets, have been analyzed in one of the most insightful ways of market research.Take a look to the Sample Copy:The research report not only offers readers a broad overview of the international industry but also provides a granular assessment of the regional market in several countries and regions. Aspects such as the history of market development, the major development trends in the Motorcycle Laser Headlights Market, the development of products and technologies, the vendor landscape, and the promising countries and regions have been included in this report, in addition to a comparative analytical assessment of the various regional segmentsGlobal Motorcycle Laser Headlights Market Key Players: Osram, ZKW Group, BMW, Bosch, Philips, GE Lighting, Hella, Koito Manufacturing, Varroc Group, Merdia, FSL Light, Ruilipu, MeixingThe most recent pattern picking up force in the market is an expansion in R&D spending by merchants in front light advances to drive development and application. The sellers in the car lighting market have expanded their interest in R&D of innovations, for example, OLED and laser lighting boards. They are inspired to put resources into R&D to create advancements for financially savvy generation, thinking about the noteworthy capability of the market. In addition, sellers are creating innovation models for each item through a successful R&D process.Under the overall analysis of the Global Motorcycle Laser Headlights Market, the researchers have shed light on sales price, sales, and capacity factors. The sales price analysis of the global market has been offered for the year 2015 based on company segmentGet more Information about this report:The report profiles the key market players which are dominant in the Motorcycle Laser Headlights Market. It also provides essential information about leading companies, such as product specification, financial overview, business overview, contact information, and recent developments. The list of figures provided in the table of content has mentioned all of the statistical representations of the market offered in the report.Global Motorcycle Laser Headlights Market by Application,Sport MotorcycleRoad MotorcycleSuper MotorcycleOtherMarket segments:The Report features the market segment by regions such as Motorcycle Laser Headlights Market, sorts with creation, income, value, piece of the pie and development rate, utilization. By different measures, the report segments the market and studies them independently, giving data, for example, the main segment or sub segment and slowest developing segment and sub segment of the market. The income and development forecasts for each of these segments is additionally given. Diagrams, graphs, tables and insights have been incorporated wherever required to show the data in an unmistakable way.Get discount on this report:About Research N Reports:Research N Reports is a new age market research firm where we focus on providing information that can be effectively applied. Today being a consumer driven market, companies require information to deal with the complex and dynamic world of choices. Where relying on a sound board firm for your decisions becomes crucial. Research N Reports specializes in industry analysis, market forecasts and as a result getting quality reports covering all verticals, whether be it gaining perspective on current market conditions or being ahead in the cut throat Global competition. Since we excel at business research to help businesses grow, we also offer consulting as an extended arm to our services which only helps us gain more insight into current trends and problems. Consequently we keep evolving as an all-rounder provider of viable information under one roof.Sunny Denis10916, Gold Point Dr, Houston, TX, Pin - 77064,(Sales Manager),+1-8886316977, , Global Laser Cutting Machine Market to grow at a CAGR of 8.04% during 2017-2021 - Coherent, IPG Photonics, MKS Instruments, TRUMPF Laser cutting machines have high-power lasers that can cut a range of materials, from steel to plastics, with high levels of accuracy. The versatility of these machines allows manufacturers to develop complex geometric products. Thus, laser cutting machines offer an efficient and effective way for manufacturing parts and components for a wide range of industries, such as automotive, aerospace and defense, healthcare, electrical and electronics, textiles, and wood working.The global laser cutting machine market to grow at a CAGR of 8.04% during the period 2017-2021. The report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global laser cutting machine market for 2017-2021. The report presents a detailed picture of the market by way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources.Click to get Sample PDF:The market is divided into the following segments based on geography:- Americas- APAC- EMEATechnavio's report, Global Laser Cutting Machine Market 2017-2021, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.View Complete TOC with Tables and Figures at:Key vendors- Coherent- IPG Photonics- MKS Instruments- TRUMPFOther prominent vendors- ALPHA LASER- Bystronic- DPSS Lasers- Trotec Laser- Universal Laser Systems- Xenetech- Amada MiyachiMarket driver- Growing automotive market- For a full, detailed list, view our reportMarket challenge- CO laser manufacturer challenges- For a full, detailed list, view our reportKey questions answered in this report- What will the market size be in 2020 and what will the growth rate be?- What are the key market trends?- What is driving this market?- What are the challenges to market growth?- Who are the key vendors in this market space?- What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors?- What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors?ResearchMoz is the worlds fastest growing collection of market research reports worldwide. Our database is composed of current market studies from over 100 featured publishers worldwide. Our market research databases integrate statistics with analysis from global, regional, country and company perspectives. ResearchMozs service portfolio also includes value-added services such as market research customization, competitive landscaping, and in-depth surveys, delivered by a team of experienced Research Coordinators.Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-621-2074Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free)Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn at: Global Commercial Aircraft Seating Market to grow at a CAGR of 7.81% during 2017-2021 - Aviointeriors, Geven, RECARO, Zodiac Aerospace Airline seats are usually arranged in rows and separated by aisle(s) running along the length of aircrafts fuselage, and the diagram that demonstrates the seating arrangement in an aircraft is known as aircraft seat map. Airlines have dissimilar seat maps for similar type of aircraft, which are purely based on the routes and the targeted passenger segment. They also aim to make the seats flexible and comfortable for their passengers. Therefore, they equip the seats with a reclining mechanism, which is usually operated mechanically in the economy and short-haul business class and electrically operated in long-haul business and first class.The global commercial aircraft seating market to grow at a CAGR of 7.81% during the period 2017-2021. The report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global commercial aircraft seating market for 2017-2021. To calculate the market size, the report considers new installations and aftermarket market sales of commercial aircraft seats.Click to get Sample PDF:The market is divided into the following segments based on geography:- Americas- APAC- EMEATechnavio's report, Global Commercial Aircraft Seating Market 2017-2021, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.View Complete TOC with Tables and Figures at:Key vendors- Aviointeriors- Geven- RECARO- Rockwell Collins (B/E Aerospace)- Zodiac AerospaceOther prominent vendors- Acro Aircraft Seating- Expliseat- HAECO Americas- JAMCO- MIRUS Aircraft Seating- EnCore- STELIA Aerospace- Thompson Aero Seating- ZIM FLUGSITZMarket driver- High-density seating configuration- For a full, detailed list, view our reportMarket challenge- Flaws in aircraft seat design- For a full, detailed list, view our reportKey questions answered in this report- What will the market size be in 2020 and what will the growth rate be?- What are the key market trends?- What is driving this market?- What are the challenges to market growth?- Who are the key vendors in this market space?- What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors?- What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors?ResearchMoz is the worlds fastest growing collection of market research reports worldwide. Our database is composed of current market studies from over 100 featured publishers worldwide. Our market research databases integrate statistics with analysis from global, regional, country and company perspectives. ResearchMozs service portfolio also includes value-added services such as market research customization, competitive landscaping, and in-depth surveys, delivered by a team of experienced Research Coordinators.Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-621-2074Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free)Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn at: PodM2M Connects TAHMO IoT Weather Monitoring Systems to Remedy Chronic Hunger in Africa PodM2M (a division of Pod Group), a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) specializing in global, mission critical connectivity solutions for the M2M/IoT market, has today announced that it is providing its resilient Best Signal IoT connectivity solution to the Trans-African Hydro-Meteorological Observatory (TAHMO), a socially driven network of 20,000 connected weather monitoring stations every 30km across the African continent, to accurately measure previously undocumented weather systems.One in four people in sub-saharan Africa is undernourished. A lack of climatic information across this vast continent makes it difficult to plan a cropping strategy which would go some way to remedying the chronic hunger. Using a combination of weather pattern data and predictive computer models gathered by TAHMO, farmers in Africa can more efficiently plan their crop cycles, improve water productivity by up to 26% and plant more crops, with the risk of failure due to drought or flooding severely diminished.TAHMOs requirements for transmitting climate data across a huge distance, from different countries and in an extremely patchy coverage environment made choosing a sufficiently resilient IoT connectivity solution difficult, as many multi-network solutions are not able to transmit data efficiently across borders, and many operators are simply not present in the areas of Africa that benefit from TAHMOs system.Pods Best Signal Multi-Network SIMs connect to the best available signal on device start-up, and automatically switch networks in case of signal loss. This provides the TAHMO team with the resilient connectivity they need to measure weather systems across multiple countries without risk of losing valuable data. Thanks to Pods coverage in 185+ countries and over 600 networks, TAHMO has no problem collecting results from all the countries their devices are present in, and is assured of receiving the best possible coverage in Africa, as well as in US and European partner bases.Rebecca Hochreutener, TAHMO Operations Manager, immediately recognised the advantages of PodM2Ms specialist remote and mission-critical IoT SIM cards; Although connectivity in Africa is not always simple, PodM2M has been able to provide reliable services and a very good and responsive support team, she commented.Charles Towers-Clark, Managing Director of Pod Group added, TAHMOs application is an excellent example of how the IoT can vastly improve standards of living and help to resolve some of the worlds most complex problems. We are extremely excited that our specialist mission critical connectivity is helping to make this project possible.About PodM2MPodM2M is a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) specializing in global, mission critical data connectivity solutions for the M2M/IoT market. Our expertise, dedication to innovation, and comprehensive range of products and services help companies develop resilient, future-proof M2M/IoT solutions, generating innovative new revenue streams for IoT communications.About TAHMO:The Trans-African HydroMeteorological Observatory (TAHMO) aims to develop a vast network of weather stations across Africa. Current and historic weather data is important for agricultural, climate monitoring, and many hydro-meteorological applications. The idea behind this project is to develop a dense network of hydro-meteorological monitoring stations in sub-Saharan Africa one every 30 km. This entails the installation of 20,000 stations across the continent. By applying innovative sensor technology and ICT, TAHMO stations are both inexpensive and robust. Stations are placed at schools and integrated in educational programs, adding richness to the curriculum and helping foster a new generation of scientists. Local weather data will be combined with models and satellite observations to obtain insight into the distribution of water and energy stocks and fluxes. For more information please visitPodM2M1161 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA, USAAmy Garcia RendleEmail: amy.garcia@podgroup.comUK: +44 (0) 1223 850 900Skype: amygarciarendleUS: +1 415 707 0500 TMR Releases New Report on the General Surgery Devices Market 2017-2025 General surgery devices are used for a wide variety of diseases. These devices are employed for routine procedures or in complicated surgeries. Over the time, several innovative devices have been invented for serving a particular purpose with more ease while performing surgeries and for reducing discomfort after the surgery. General surgery devices are used in gastrointestinal problems, trauma and burn care, hernias, and breast cancer. These devices are employed in several sub-specialties of general surgery such as orthopedics, obstetrics, neurology, urology, cardiovascular, and gynecology. The key purpose of general surgery devices is to cut, clamp, grasp, tie, and spread anatomical parts of the human body during surgical procedures. These devices are deployed primarily in hospitals, small clinics, and health care centers.Report Overview and TOC @The increasing number of geriatric patients worldwide, awareness among patients about different surgeries and minimally invasive procedures, technological developments in surgical procedures such as robotic and power-assisted systems are factors likely to fuel the general surgery devices market in the next few years. One of the technological developments is that the market is witnessing preference to minimally invasive procedures and use of robotics and computer-assisted devices, thereby reducing time required for surgery as well as complications. This has opened new avenues for growth of the global general surgery devices market. Market players are competing with one another with new product launches, expanding geographic presence, and innovative and educational offerings. However, the market is also facing challenges such as development of other non-invasive surgery technologies and intense competition among existing manufacturers of general surgery devices. Moreover, factors such as product recalls, government regulations regarding reduction in overall health care costs, and subsequent increase in bulk purchasing through INHs (Integrated Health Networks) and GPOs (group purchasing organizations) are restraining the market.Request for Broucher @The general surgery market have been segmented by product, application, and geography. In terms of product, it can be segmented into disposable surgical supplies, reusable, minimally invasive surgery instruments, energy-based and power devices, adhesion prevention products, and medical robotics and computer-assisted surgery devices. Among them, the disposable surgical supplies segment leads the market, due to rising demand for disposable needles, syringes, and catheters.For Specific and Customized Requirements @Geographically, the general surgery devices market can be classified into North America (U.S. and Canada), Europe (Germany, France, the U.K., etc.), Asia Pacific (Australia, China, Japan, and India), Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. The emerging markets in Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa are expected to witness robust growth during the forecast period. North America leads the global market, holding the maximum share. This can be attributed to strong policy support of governments, favorable reimbursement policies, and the increase in demand for surgeries led by lifestyle-related diseases in the region. However, in terms of growth rate, Asia Pacific is likely to surpass all other regions in the next few years, due to the increasing expenditure on health care in developing countries of the region. Some of the prominent markets in Asia Pacific are India, Japan, China, Australia, and Singapore.Some of the key players operating in the global market for general surgery devices are B. Braun Melsungen AG, Boston Scientific Corporation, Smith & Nephew, Covidien Plc (Medtronic), Integra LifeSciences, Conmed Corporation, 3M Healthcare, CareFusion Corporation Ethicon, Inc. (Johnson & Johnson), Integra LifeSciences, Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH, TransEnterix, Inc., and Integer Holdings Corporation.Pre Book Full Report @ABOUT US:Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.CONTACT:Transparency Market ResearchState Tower90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-345 Healthcare Natural Language Processing Market: Efforts to Reduce Incidental Errors Ensure Swift Uptake The top three players leading the pack in the global healthcare natural language processing market held a share of 41% in 2015. IBM Corporation, Apple, Inc., and Microsoft Corporation emerged as the leading players due to ongoing investments in research and development of NLP technologies for the healthcare sector. In the coming years, players are expected to focus on delivering text mining, advanced analytics, and cognitive intelligence for efficient handling of healthcare data to stay ahead of the competition, states Transparency Market Research.According to the research report, the global healthcare natural language processing market is expected to be worth US$4.3 bn by the end of 2024 as compared to US$936 mn in 2015. During the forecast years of 2016 and 2024, the global market is projected to rise at a CAGR of 18.8%.Download exclusive Sample of this report:North America to Remain Ahead as Region Embraces Technological AdvancementsIn terms of geography, the global healthcare natural language processing market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East and Africa, and South America. Out of these, North America is expected to lead the global market in the coming years due to growing technological advancements and a strong presence of NLP companies in the region. By the end of 2024, the global market is expected to acquire a share of 38.2% in the global market.On the basis of technology, the global market is segmented into machine translation, automatic summarization, information extraction, and text and voice processing. Analysts state that the machine translation and information extraction collectively held a dominant share in the global market in 2016. However, in the forecast period, text and voice processing segments are projected to exhibit the fastest CAGR of 19.9%.Obtain Report Details @Meaningful Comprehension of Unstructured Data Boosts Adoption of Healthcare NLP TechnologiesThe growing adoption of advanced technologies to simplify clinical solutions is anticipated to boost the overall market. The increasing usage of electronic mediums to maintain health records systems has created a humungous amount of raw data. This unstructured accumulation of crucial data about patient information pertaining to diseases, surgical procedures, medications, and other treatments has created a significant need for healthcare natural language processing technologies. The rising usage of electronic systems in public and private hospitals and amongst physicians is anticipated fuel the growth of this market. Healthcare NLP allows conversion of unstructured data into structured, making the documentation process meaningful.Streamlining of processes in the healthcare industry by adopting natural language processing technologies are anticipated to bring down the overall costs. The new methods have also eliminated the conventional ways of documentation processes, which, in turn, has made record keeping efficient and effective. Thus, the positive aspects of NLP and growing demand for automation are projected to drive the growth of the overall market. The growing focus of healthcare organizations to improve their clinical documentation by minimizing the chances of incidental errors to reduce financial losses and enhance patient care are estimated to encourage the uptake of healthcare natural language processing technologies.Poor Understanding of Exhaustive Medical Vocabulary to Hamper Market GrowthThe exhaustive medical vocabulary, medical concepts, and abbreviations, which are continuously increasing have created the biggest challenge for the global healthcare natural language processing market. Incorrect understanding of this vocabulary, wherein a same abbreviation can be used in multiple scenarios can lead to ambiguity and blunders. These challenges can complicate the processes of analyzing the data and thus hamper the performance of the NLP systems. The market is also facing retarded growth due to the slow penetration of electronic healthcare record systems, which are projected to have a direct impact on the demand for NLP technologies.This review is based on Transparency Market Researchs report, titled Healthcare Natural Language Processing (NLP) Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2016 - 2024.Market SegmentationHealthcare NLP Market, by TechnologyMachine TranslationInformation ExtractionAutomatic SummarizationText and Voice ProcessingAbout UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.US Office Contact90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Global Corrugated Boxes Market Likely to Grow at 3.6% CAGR and Surpass US$ 115 Bn in Revenues by 2022 MRRSE The global corrugated boxes market is likely to grow at a moderate pace during the forecast period 2017-2022 on account of a slew of global and regional factors. The market is presently valued at nearly US$ 97 Bn and it is likely to grow at 3.6% CAGR to surpass US$ 115 Bn in revenues by the end of 2022. These insights are according to a new research report added to the repository of Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE). The report titled Corrugated Boxes Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2017 2022 offers valuable insights and guidance on the corrugated boxes market during the assessment period.Get Free Sample Report @According to the report, steady demand from end-use industries such as e-commerce, fresh food & beverage, and electronic equipment will continue to provide growth opportunities to manufacturers in the global corrugated boxes market. Of particular prominence will be the growth in the e-commerce industry, as it accounts for a significant demand for corrugated boxes globally.To offer readers detailed insights on the global corrugated boxes market, the report offers lucid segment-wise analysis on the basis of material source, end user industry, packaging form, board type, and region. On the basis of material source, the key segments include virgin fiber and recycled fiber. Among these, demand for recycled fiber remains higher and the trend is likely to continue during the forecast period as well. By end-use industry, the key segments include food, beverages, tobacco, healthcare, personal care & cosmetics, homecare & toiletries, electronic & consumer durables, e-commerce, chemicals & fertilizers, and others. Steady demand from the food and beverage industry, combined with growing applications in e-commerce are likely to provide new avenues of growth for manufacturers. By packaging form, the key segments include primary packaging and secondary packaging.Browse Complete Report with TOC @By region, Asia Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ) is likely to remain one of the leading markets for corrugated boxes globally. The region is home to nearly 60% of the worlds population, and many countries in the region are growing at a higher rate than developed countries in Europe and North America. This had led to wide-ranging opportunities in the region, which is helping corrugated boxes manufacturers. The APEJ corrugated boxes market is likely to grow at a higher CAGR than the global average during the forecast period.Some of the leading companies profiled in the report include KapStone Paper and Packaging Corp., WestRock Co., Smurfit Kappa Group Plc., Stora Enso Oyj., Huhtamaki Oyj, Pratt Industries Inc., International Paper Co., Sonoco Products Co., DS Smith Plc., and Georgia Pacific LLC.Enquire About this Report @About MRRSEMarket Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of market intelligence reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.ContactState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United StatesTelephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite: Venous Stents Market Projected to Discern Stable Expansion During 2017-2025 Transparency Market Research (TMR) observes that the competitive landscape in the global venous stents market is intensifying. The rise of venous disorders amongst the global population has urged several key players to develop better products. Key players such as Boston Scientific Corporation, C. R. Bard, Inc., Jotec GmBH, are Veniti, Inc. are making major investments in conducting clinical trials to understand the implications of their products. Such efforts are expected to lead to wide array of products to tackle difficult disorders in the near future, making the competitive scenario consumer-oriented.Europe Leads as Patients Demand Minimally Invasive SurgeriesAccording to the research report, the global venous stents market was worth at US$750.00 mn in 2016 and is estimated to be worth US$1.72 bn by the end of 2025. During the forecast years of 2017 and 2025, the global market is anticipated to register a CAGR of 9.95%. Out of the various technologies available in the global market, the iliac vein stent technology is likely to surpass all others due to increasing incidences of obesity. In terms of regions, the global market will be dominated by Europe as the region boasts a strong presence of players and higher demand for minimally invasive procedures.Read Report Overview @Launch of Innovative Products to Augment GrowthThe global venous stents market has witnessed a steady rise in the recent years as the several vein-related diseases and disorders are being diagnosed. These tiny metallic tubes are inserted in veins to expansion in case of blockages. Venous stents are used for peripheral and central veins, depending the need. In recent years, the demand for venous stents has shot up due to the growing lifestyle diseases, obesity, and poor habits. A venous stenting procedure is typically performed to contain the peripheral venous hypertension amongst those suffering with symptomatic or chronic venous disorders.The report suggests that the global market will be driven by the increasing investment of players in developing innovative products. Research and development toward launching innovative products is also projected to benefit the global market in the coming years. Furthermore, the persistent rise in chronic venous diseases has also been identified as an important growth driver the overall market. Additionally, shifting preference toward minimally invasive surgeries has also led to a spike in the demand for venous stents market. Surge in cardiovascular ailments that is being aided by stressful lifestyles will also augment the growth of the global market in the near future.Request Sample Report @Poor Healthcare Infrastructure in Developing Economies Challenges Market GrowthOn the flip side, the global market is likely to face some tough challenges as well. The high cost of stenting procedures and the lack of awareness about the possible consequences of narrowing arteries are likely to restrain the market from achieving its full potential in the near future. The poor medical and healthcare infrastructure in developing countries is also projected to hamper the overall market in the foreseeable future. Unsupportive reimbursement policies and poor insurance schemes are also expected to complicate growth for venous stents market in certain regions.ABOUT US:Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.CONTACT:Transparency Market ResearchState Tower90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-345 Solid Tumor Market Size, Analysis, and Forecast Report 2015 - 2023 Solid tumors are formed due to aggregation of a group of abnormal tissues that do not comprise of any cyst or liquid areas within. Solid tumors can be of both types, i.e. benign (non-cancerous) as well as malignant (cancerous) in nature. Solid tumors majorly comprise of lymphomas, carcinomas, sarcomas and melanomas; whereas, all forms of leukemias usually do not cause solid tumor formation. The treatment of these solid tumors is a complex task and it requires coordinated actions of many healthcare professionals, such as, radiologists, surgeons, oncologists, radiation specialists, nurses and other professionals. Hence, most of the solid tumors are treated via radiotherapy, chemotherapy and/or surgery. However, at present, surgery is the most preferred choice of treatment for cancerous solid tumors. Chemotherapy is often utilized along with other modes of solid tumor treatment i.e. radiation and/or surgery. Several chemotherapeutic drugs are available along with a ripe pipeline of drugs that will soon be commercialized in the global market. Solid tumor market can be classified into five major segments, based on the site of origin, namely, prostrate cancer, ovarian cancer, bladder cancer, pancreatic cancer and other cancers.Report Overview and TOC @Some of the major driving factors for the growth of this market include increasing incidences of several cases of solid tumors, rising prevalence of different forms of metastatic cancers, increasing demand for highly effective chemotherapeutic agents and ripe pipeline of drugs which is available in the global market. According to World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 8.2 million people died due to different types of cancers worldwide in 2012. Among them lung, colorectal, breast and liver cancers were among the leading causes of cancer deaths. Most common forms of solid tumors include brain tumors (medulloblastoma and glioma) and neuroblastoma; other less common solid tumors include rhabdomyosarcoma and osteosarcoma.Request brochure @Some of the major drugs that available in the global market are Avastin (bevacizumab), Afinitor (everolimus), Jevtana (cabazitaxel), Sutent (sunitinib), Tarceva (erlotinib), Taxotere (docetaxel), Zytiga (abiraterone acetate), Carboplatin, Cisplatin, Doxorubicin, Gemcitabine and Paclitaxel among others. Also, major promising drugs that are in different stages of clinical trials include Abraxane (albumin-bound paclitaxel), AMG 386 (trebananib), Votrient (pazopanib) and Xtandi (enzalutamide) among others. These drugs will soon be commercialized in the global market, which will further boost this market in future.For Specific and Customized requirements@Geographically, North America holds the leading position in solid tumor market followed by Europe. Major factors responsible for their dominance in this market include high incidence rate of various solid tumor cases along with very well developed healthcare infrastructure of these regions. These regions also comprise of high geriatric population, which contribute heavily towards the solid tumor patient population in the region. However, Asia Pacific is considered to be the most lucrative market for solid tumor market due to recent advancements in healthcare infrastructure and growing medical tourism in these regions. The region also accounts for high cancer patient population and increasing awareness and affordability of the people of this region will contribute heavily towards the future growth of this market in the region.Pre Book full report@Some of the major players operating in this market are AstraZeneca plc, Abbott Laboratories, Inc., Amgen, Inc., Biogen Idec, Inc., Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, Baxter International, Inc., Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Eli Lilly and Company, Johnson & Johnson, GlaxoSmithKline plc, Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co., Ltd., and Sanofi among others.Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.Transparency Market ResearchState Tower90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453 Bag-in-Tube Packaging Market: Western Europe to Remain Dominant Regional Market Throughout 2027 "The Report Bag-in-Tube Packaging Market: Western Europe to Remain Dominant Regional Market Throughout the Forecast Period: Global Industry Analysis (2012 - 2016) and Opportunity Assessment (2017 - 2027) provides information on pricing, market analysis, shares, forecast, and company profiles for key industry participants. -"Future Market Insights in its newly published report, Bag-in-Tube Market: Global Industry Analysis (2012-2016) and Opportunity Assessment (2017-2027), provides forecast and analysis of the bag-in-tube market on the global and regional levels. Through an extensive research, our analysts have studied how the different market dynamics are likely to impact the current and future scenario of the global bag-in-tube market, thereby providing useful insights to market players to plan their differentiating strategies, capable of evolving with the changing market landscape. We have analysed the key trends, drivers, restraints and opportunities while studying this report. Impact analysis of key growth drivers and restraints based on the weighted average model are included in the report to better equip and arm clients with crystal-clear and decision-making insights. This report provides historical data of 2012-2016 along with forecast from 2017 to 2027 in terms of revenue (US$ Thousands) and volume (Thousand unites). The report also includes macroeconomic indicators along with an outlook on packaging consumption across the globe. The report also comprises the study of current issues with end users and opportunities for bag-in-tube manufacturers. It also includes detailed pricing analysis by bag-in-tubes and value chain analysis.View Report @The report has indicated the segment wise definition of the market along with its overall scenario in the assessment period. The publication focuses on to identify opportunities in the market and present updates and insights, pertaining to the various segments of the global bag-in-tube market. Weighted average prices in US$/units have been considered for bag-in-tube to arrive at market size numbers. While researching this report, market splits have been deduced from a survey and primary research. The prices of bag-in-tubes have been tracked at wholesaler level after conversion through trade websites and primary interviews.Our unique style of describing this reportIn order to provide a comprehensive view of the market, we have included detailed competitiveness analysis and company players with unique selling propositions. The dashboard provides the detailed comparison of bag-in-tube manufacturers on parameters such as operating margin, unique selling propositions, collective market share, and geographic concentration. The study encompasses market attractiveness analysis of various segments of the global bag-in-tube market.The report has included the consumption of bag-in-tube and the revenue generated from sales of bag-in-tubes in all regions and important countries in these regions. Growth in per capita food consumption, GDP growth, retail industry growth, global consumer flexible packaging, packaging films demand, top 10 companies growth have been closely referred to arrive at market forecast. Market splits by packaging type and preference of bag-in-tube packed products per packaging type have been deduced from survey and primary research. For instance, the market shares may not arrive to the total due to rounding off. Apart from value chain analysis, profitability margins, cost influencing factors, pricing trends and factors influencing the sales of construction aggregates have also included in the report.Get Sample Copy Of This Report @Research MethodologyA number of primary and secondary sources were consulted during the course of the study. Secondary sources include Factiva, World Bank, Packaging Digest, and Hoovers. Companies annual reports and publications were also examined while researching this market. The Market numbers have been estimated based on average consumption and weighted average pricing of bag-in-tube by tube type and the revenue is derived through regional pricing trends. Market size and forecast for each segment have been provided in the context of global and regional markets. The bag-in-tube market has been analysed based on expected demand. Prices considered for the calculation of revenue are average regional prices obtained through primary quotes from numerous regional bag-in-tube manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors.All key end users have been considered and potential applications have been estimated on the basis of secondary sources and feedback from primary respondents. Regional demand patterns have been considered while estimating the market for various end users of bag-in-tube in different regions. Top-down approach has been used to estimate the bag-in-tube market by regions. Market numbers for segments have been derived using the bottom-up approach, which is cumulative of each regions demand. The company-level market share has been derived on the basis of revenues reported by key manufacturers. The market has been forecast based on constant currency rates.Send An Enquiry Request @Table of Contents1. Executive Summary1.1. Market Overview1.2. Wheel of Fortune1.3. FMI Analysis and Recommendations2. Global Wine & Olive Oil Industry Outlook Market Definition2.1. Global Wine Production2.2. Global Wine Consumption2.3. Global Per-Capita Wine Consumption2.4. Global Olive Oil Production & Consumption3. Case Study3.1. Four Wine Company3.2. BiBoViNo Wines4. Market Introduction4.1. Market Definition4.2. Market Taxonomy4.3. Market Share5. Market Viewpoint5.1. Parent/Associated Market Overview5.1.1. Packaging Market Outlook5.2. Value Chain Analysis5.3. Drivers, Restraints & Opportunity5.4. Overall Opportunity Assessment6. Global Bag-In-Tube Market Analysis6.1. Market Volume Projection6.2. Market Size and Y-o-Y Growth6.3. Absolute $ Opportunity7. Global Bag-In-Tube Market Analysis By Region7.1. Introduction7.2. Market Size (US$ Thousand) and Volume (Units) Analysis By Region7.2.1. North America7.2.2. Latin America7.2.3. Asia Pacific Excluding Japan7.2.4. Western Europe7.2.5. Eastern Europe7.2.6. Japan7.2.7. Middle East and Africa7.3. Market BPS & Y-o-Y Analysis By Region8. Global Bag-In-Tube Market Analysis By Product Type8.1. Introduction8.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Thousand) and Volume (Units) Analysis 2012-2016 By Product Type8.2.1. EVOH Barrier + PE8.2.2. Metallized PET8.3. Current Market Size (US$ Thousand) and Volume (Units) Forecast 2017-2027 By Product Type8.3.1. EVOH Barrier + PE8.3.2. Metallized PET8.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Product Type8.5. Key TrendsAbout is the most comprehensive collection of market research reports. MarketResearchReports.Biz services are specially designed to save time and money for our clients. We are a one stop solution for all your research needs, our main offerings are syndicated research reports, custom research, subscription access and consulting services. We serve all sizes and types of companies spanning across various industries.ContactMr. NachiketaState Tower90 Sate Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-621-2074Website:E: Antihypertensive Drugs Market Growth and Forecast 2015 - 2023 Human health is being affected by various factors which include rapid urbanization, demographic ageing and the globalization of unhealthy lifestyles. Hypertension is one of the keyhealth issuesthat are observed in both developed as well as developing countries. It is a silent, invisible killer that rarely causes symptoms and is one of the key risk factors forcoronary heart disease and ischemic as well as hemorrhagic stroke. Hypertension can also lead to various other problemssuch as renal impairment, visual impairment, heart failure and retinal hemorrhage. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 7.5 million deaths globally are caused due to hypertension, and it accounts to 12.8% of the total deaths. Globally,in 2008 prevalence of hypertension was observed to be around 40% in adults aged 25. According to the National Health and Nutrition Evaluation Survey, ithas been noted that in United States from 2007 to 2010,81.5% of the population is aware of their hypertension condition, out of which 74% are being treated and only 52.5% are under control.Report Overview and TOC @Theantihypertensive drugs market based on the therapy area is classified into diuretics (hydrochlorothiazide and indapamide), calcium channel blockers (nifedipine, felodipine and diltiazem), angiotensin receptor blockers or ARBs (losartan), angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)inhibitors (captopril, lisinopril and perindopril), beta blockers vasodilators (atenolol and propranolol), alpha blockers (clonidine, guanabenz), and renin inhibitors.Diuretics being the first line of treatment for hypertension holds the major share of the market. All these drug classes (drugs) have shown to reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The drugs are administered either as a single or combined dose depending upon the stage of hypertension, whilethe choice of drugs depends upon the patients medical history and current conditions.Request brochure @On the basis of the geography, the antihypertensive market can be segmented into North America, Europe, AsiaPacific, Latin America, and Middle East and Africa.The global antihypertensive market is dominated mainly by North America and Europe. According to the WHO, the prevalence of hypertension is highest in Africa and lowest in Americas. In Africa more than 40% of the adults suffer from hypertension and many of them remain undiagnosed due to the high cost of medications.The increased genericization by the local companies can be a challenge for the market. Similarly, in recent years, there has beena significant improvement in the management of hypertension contributing to a strong decline in the death rates in North America and Western EuropeFor Specific and Customized requirements@The change in lifestyle, elevated stress level, and rise in prevalent population, early detection and penetration of combined dose would be the main factors to drive the growth of antihypertensive market. The patent expiry for major drugs such as Diovan (Novartis), Cozaar (Merck),Revatio (Pfizer), Exforge (Novartis), Atacand (AstraZeneca), Avapro (Sanofi Aventis), BIopress(Takeda) and Benicar (Daiichi Sankyo), along with low diagnostics rate and increased generic penetration would result in the antihypertensive market slowdown, but the novel antihypertensive drugs in the pipeline can recover the losses of patent expiration.Pre Book full report@Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.Transparency Market ResearchState Tower90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453 Global Automotive Torsion Test Bench Market to grow at a CAGR of 2.23% during 2017-2021 - DYNA-MESS, IABG, Illinois Tool Works, TestResources, Zwick Roell Torsion testing machine is a material testing machine that is used for testing certain properties of the material, such as torsional stiffness, shear stress, yield strength, and ductility. Automotive torsion testing bench can measure the properties of materials under different load conditions and temperature conditions. Automotive parts and components, such as driveshaft, steering system, and BIW are tested using automotive torsion test machine.The global automotive torsion test bench market to grow at a CAGR of 2.23% during the period 2017-2021. The report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global automotive torsion test bench market for 2017-2021. The report presents a detailed picture of the market by way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources.Click to get Sample PDF:The market is divided into the following segments based on geography:- Americas- APAC- EMEATechnavio's report, Global Automotive Torsion Test Bench Market 2017-2021, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.View Complete TOC with Tables and Figures at:Key vendors- DYNA-MESS- IABG- Illinois Tool Works- TestResources- Zwick RoellOther prominent vendors- ADMET- ALFING- Hegewald & Peschke- Krystal Elmec- Link Engineering- Xcite SystemsMarket driver- Technological advancement in automotive parts- For a full, detailed list, view our reportMarket challenge- Increase in use of simulation software for torsion testing- For a full, detailed list, view our reportKey questions answered in this report- What will the market size be in 2021 and what will the growth rate be?- What are the key market trends?- What is driving this market?- What are the challenges to market growth?- Who are the key vendors in this market space?- What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors?- What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors?ResearchMoz is the worlds fastest growing collection of market research reports worldwide. Our database is composed of current market studies from over 100 featured publishers worldwide. Our market research databases integrate statistics with analysis from global, regional, country and company perspectives. ResearchMozs service portfolio also includes value-added services such as market research customization, competitive landscaping, and in-depth surveys, delivered by a team of experienced Research Coordinators.Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-621-2074Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free)Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn at: 4 Key Projections on the Prospects of Automotive Transmission System Market Automotive Transmission System Demand for automobile is on the rise, especially in regions such as Asia Pacific and Latin America, which is reflecting positively on the global market for automotive transmission system. Increasing sales of low range and mid-range vehicles in countries such as China, India and Brazil is creating lucrative opportunities for the overall automotive industry. As per the latest report published by Fact.MR, the global market for automotive transmission system will ride at a CAGR of 5% during the forecast period (2017-2022). In addition, the introduction of next-gen cars with fully automatic and semi-automatic transmission systems is projected to favor the growth of the market over the next couple of years. Apart from premium models, such transmission systems are now available in mid and low-range segments as well. Rising concerns over energy consumption and carbon emission is prompting auto engineers to tune and update transmission systems. The focus remains on developing breakthrough transmission systems to meet regulatory norms and client expectations. In the near future, automatic transmission is likely to gain more prominence as consumer preference for comfortable driving increase.Request Free Sample Report-Following assumptions on the global automotive transmission market are likely to define its future prospects, During the next five years, adoption of manual transmission is expected to remain strong as compared to other type of transmission. The manual segment is expected to reach a market valuation of US$ 26,020 Mn by 2022, reflecting a steady CAGR. By vehicle type, passenger car is expected to remain the largest segment of the market throughout the forecast period. Between 2017 and 2022, this segment is likely to create an absolute $ opportunity of US$ 5,897.2 Mn. Meanwhile, the LVC segment is expected to retain its second spot over 2022. Based on fuel type, the diesel segment is expected account for a relatively larger value share of the market as compared to gasoline segment during the forecast period. The diesel segment is expected to ride at a moderate CAGR to reach US$ 30,821.5 Mn by 2022-end. The market for automotive transmission system in Asia Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ) is projected to remain highly attractive during the assessment period. Further, the regions market is expected to expand at an impressive CAGR during 2017 to 2022. Europe and North America will remain the two other key regions as a number of leading OEMs and carmakers are based in countries such as Germany, France, the UK and the US.Browse Full Report with TOC-Competition TrackingSome of leading players operating in the global market for automotive transmission include Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co., Ltd., Saint-Gobain SA, Asahi Glass Co., Ltd., Nippon Sheet Glass Co. Ltd., Safelite Auto Glass, Guardian Industries, Xinyi Glass Group, Samvardhana Motherson Automotive Systems Group, Pilkington, Montaplast GmbH, Valeo S.A., and SL Corporation.Check Discount-About Fact.MRFact.MR is a fast-growing market research firm that offers the most comprehensive suite of syndicated and customized market research reports. We believe transformative intelligence can educate and inspire businesses to make smarter decisions. We know the limitations of the one-size-fits-all approach; that's why we publish multi-industry global, regional, and country-specific research reports.Contact UsFact.MRSuite 988427 Upper Pembroke Street,Dublin 2, IrelandTelephone: +353-1-6111-593Email: Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) Market Prediction and Analysis Offered By New Study-END Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is a surgical procedure to remove excess part of the prostate gland which obstructs normal urine flow. The prostate gland is a vital part of the male reproductive system which secretes fluid that nourishes and protects sperms. This obstructive condition of prostate is also referred as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Initial signs and symptoms of BPH are often vague, variable, and nonspecific, making its diagnosis challenging. During TURP procedure, prostate gland is investigated through the cystoscope (surgical instrument) and a small surgical tool is inserted through the cystoscope to remove the enlarged prostate. Sometimes, the fluid that is used to flush bladder during transurethral resection enters into bloodstream and causes severe problems such as hypothermia, bradychardia and hypoxia. This condition is known as TUR syndrome and is temporary in nature.Report Overview and TOC @For more than 60 year, TURP has been the gold standard for treating lower urinary tract obstructions caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and benign prostatic obstruction (BPO). Current technological advancements such as continuous-flow instruments, bipolar TURP and video-TURP have substantially decreased the mortality and morbidity due to urino-genital infections. Globally increasing elderly population has been identified as one of the major factors contributing to the growing demand for transurethral resection procedures. As per the U.S National Library of Medicine, 60% of men over the age of sixty years and 80% of men over the age of 80 years have been diagnosed as BPH patients. Visual, hands-on access to the prostate, immediate removal of excess tissue and ability to combine with other procedures are some of the advantages of TURP over other available treatment options for lower urinary tract infections. Some major minimally invasive treatment options for BPH include lasers, microwave, radio waves, photoselective laser vaporization of the prostate (PVP) and ultrasound. These treatment options are expected to serve the market for TURP as growth restraints during the forecast period from 2014 to 2019.Request brochure @Moreover, medications, another possible treatment option such as alpha 1-blockers, antibiotics, finasteride and dutasteride to decrease the size of the prostate are also restraining the current TURP market. Resectoscopes, catheters and resectoscopes electrodes (monopolar electrodes bipolar electrodes, grooved roller turp electrodes and straight cutting loop turp electrodes) are some major devices that are widely used during TURP procedures.Based on geography, the TURP market has been analyzed as North America, Asia-Pacific,Europe, and the Rest of the World (RoW). North America and Europe held the largest shares in terms of market revenue of the global TURP market in 2013. The primary reasons for North America and Europe holding the leading positions in the global TURP market are high prevalence of lower urinary tract diseases such as BPH and BPO, and well established healthcare infrastructure in both the regions. According to the American Urological Association, 15 million men in the United States are symptomatic to BPH and in the approximately 150,000 people have TURPs performed each year.For Specific and Customized requirements@Asia-Pacific is expected to witness highest growth rate during the forecast period from 2014 to 2020. A number of factors such as increasing prevalence of urinary tract infections, aging population, increasing focus on research and development would be fuelling the growth of TURP market in Asia-Pacific in coming years. According to the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, 23 million individuals aged 80 years or over were living in China in 2013. The Department of Economic and Social Affairs further states that nearly 10 million and 9 million individuals aged 80 years or over were living in India and Japan, respectively in 2013.Some of the major players in TURP market include Olympus Corporation, Richard Wolf, Degania Silicone Ltd, Limbs & Things Ltd and KARL STORZ GmbH & Co. KG.Pre Book full report@Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.Transparency Market ResearchState Tower90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453 Ultra-mobile Devices (UMD) Market share will expand till 2025 Global Ultra-mobile Devices (UMD) Market: SnapshotUntil a couple of years from now, the future of the sleeker, smaller, and portable computing devices, now dubbed as ultra-mobile, looked bleak. The segment had few devices and the flagship devices failed to entice masses. But the scenario soon transformed and ultra-mobile devices charged in the burgeoning global computing devices market with immense force, a host of new products from some of the worlds most renowned brands and are witnessing massive sales.Analysts predict that ultra-mobile devices will soon supplant desktop computers in professional as well as public spaces. With the impressive rate of technological advancements that this segment of computing devices is achieving in a short span, this transition does not seem very far or difficult. Vast advances in battery, screen, processing, and material processing technologies are supplementing this change, making it technically very feasible to develop portable devices that can easily compete with the present-day ubiquitous, relatively bulkier, and mostly immobile workhorse personal computers.Request Sample Copy of the Report @The rapid influx of a number of technologically advanced and highly promising candidates in the global ultra-mobile devices arena is strengthening the position of the segment as the right candidate to claim a significant stake in the workplace computers replacement process that many organizations eagerly await. Conventional smartphones and tablets fail to be as productive and fast as desktop computers when it comes to fulfilling a number of requirements, a factor that makes the high demand for ultra-mobile devices more likely. This report gives a detailed overview of the global ultra-mobile devices market and its crucial segments.Global Ultra-mobile Devices (UMD) Market: OverviewUltra-mobile devices (UMD), also referred to as ultra-mobile personal computers (UMPC), the notebook computers with physical features such as screen and overall size scaled down to bring about a reduction in weight make the devise more compact, have emerged as one of the largest selling computing devices in the past few years. These portable and easy to carry computing devices, which majorly pack capabilities and functionalities similar to those of a traditional personal computer, are steadily outpacing the conventional personal computer models.Request TOC of the Report @The market for ultra-mobile computing devices is expected to expand at a promising pace in the next few years as the trend of mobility gathers further pace. This report on the global ultra-mobile devices market provides a thorough analytical overview of the market in the present times and several forward-looking statements predicting the growth prospects of the market and its segments for the period 20172025, wherein 2016 is considered the base year.The report covers a detailed analytical overview of all the key trends expected to play a key role in the overall development of the market over the said period. The study highlights factors such as drivers, restraints, regulations, and opportunities expected to impact the growth prospects of the market during the forecast period.Global Ultra-mobile Devices (UMD) Market: Trends and OpportunitiesThe report states that of the key varieties of ultra-mobile devices available in the market, including basic UMD, utility UMD, and premium UMD, the segment of premium UMD accounted for the leading share in revenues in the global market. Operational capabilities equal or enhanced as compared to conventional personal computers, compact size, and high cost have made premium UMDs one of the most profitable UMD segments in the global market in the past few years.Request Discount of the Report @On the basis of operating system, the global UMD market can be segmented into Windows, Mac, Android, and open source. Presently, the Windows category accounts for the dominant share in the global market and is expected to retain dominance over the next few years as well.Global Ultra-mobile Devices (UMD) Market: Geographical and Competitive DynamicsFrom a geographical perspective, the report analyzes the UMD market across regions such as Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Middle East and Africa, and Latin America. Of these, the North America market contributed to the leading share in the global markets revenue. The presence of an affluent consumer base and some of the worlds leading UMD manufacturers have helped the region take the top spot in the UMD market.Emerging economies across regions such as Asia Pacific and Latin America have become some of the worlds profitable destinations for the personal computers market owing to the rising population of affluent and digitally aware consumers and the burgeoning enterprise and education sectors. However, the high prices of UMDs could crop up as one of the key challenges for markets expansion in these regions, making people favor budget computing devices over UMDs. The consumer perception that UMDs lack in data processing or operating functionalities as compared to conventional personal computers could also be a factor limiting the overall demand for ultra-mobile devices to mostly business professionals and enterprise circles in these regions.The study also includes business profiles of some of the leading players operating in the global immersive simulator market with details such as recent developments, growth strategies, market share, market positioning, finances, and product portfolio. Some of the leading companies operating in the global UMD market are HTC Corporation, Google, Dell, Microsoft Corporation, Lenovo, ASUSTeK Computer Inc., Apple Inc., Sony, HP Development Company L.P., and Samsung.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Metal IBC Market: Growing Trade among Emerging Economies Opening New Opportunities As per the findings of a recent commerce and business study by Transparency Market Research, the global metal intermediate bulk container (IBC) market is highly fragmented, with top ten companies collectively managing less than five percent of the total shares in 2017. The report identifies Time Technoplast Ltd., Thielmann US LLC, Hoover Ferguson Group, Precision IBC, Inc., Custom Metalcraft, Inc., Snyder Industries, Inc., Metano IBC Services, Inc., Yenchen Machinery Co., Ltd., Sharpsville Container Corporation, Automationstechnik GmbH, Pensteel Ltd., Titan IBC, Hawman Container Services, Transtainer, CLA CONTAINERS LTD, SCHAFER WERKE GmbH, Brookeson Material Handling Ltd., Plymouth Industries, SYSPAL Ltd, Obal Centrum s.r.o., La Garde, and Acura Group as some of the notable players currently operating in the global metal IBC market.Download exclusive Sample of this report:Demand Expanding at CAGR 4.1%, Forecast 2017-2027As per the projections of the TMR report, the demand in the global metal IBC market will expand at a CAGR of 4.1% during the forecast period of 2017 to 2027, attaining a revenue valuation of US$1,995.0 mn by 2022, considerably up from its evaluated worth of US$1,334.4 mn in 2017. As far as the strategies of the key companies are concerned, Time Technoplast aims to enhance its production capacity and product portfolio through expansion of capabilities, whereas Theilmann US LLC has been acquiring carefully as well as increasing its manufacturing locations in the key developed economies. In the global metal IBC market, Time Technoplast accounted for a revenue of US$372.8 mn in 2017.Metal IBCs are extensively used for the transportation of hazardous industrial chemicals to minimize the snapping chances. The industrial chemicals segment of the global metal IBC market is expected to reach USR852.0 mn by the end of 2027. Among the two sub-segments based on content, metal IBCs are mainly used for the bulk transportation of liquids. The segment is expected to account for a market revenue share of 88.1% by 2027. Technology-wise, aseptic technology is highly preferred for manufacturing metal IBCs, as they maintain high standards of hygiene. Geographically, North America is currently the most lucrative region, promising a demand worth of US$621.7 mn by 2022, although vastly populated region of Asia Pacific is projected for the most impressive growth rate of 4.9%, significantly higher than the global average.Browse Market Research Report @Benefits of Customized Containerization of Consumer Products Driving DemandThe global metal IBC market is driven by a number of factors, but primarily owing to containerization of consumer products that are leading to cost optimization and ease in transportation, rapidly evolving cross order trade between various emerging economies, and growing demand for sophisticated solution of bulk liquid transportation. Containerization has made it possible for the shipping industry to transport products without being a financial burden. Intermediate bulk containers have generated a great level of productivity as they help in proper stacking and enhance the efficiency of warehouse management. Governments of economic powerhouses such as India and China have various ongoing projects that aim to essentially double the volume of current trade in the next five years. Low cost of manufacturing in China and India has led manufacturers across the globe to move their production facilities to countries in the Asia Pacific, which is expected to facilitate growth in trade volume in the region, as well as enable the APAC region to emerge a global trade hub.On the other hand, the availability of low cost alternate transportation solutions such as flexible IBC and high cost of Metal IBCs as compared to Plastic IBCs are two factors hindering the prosperity of the global metal IBC market. Nevertheless, emergence of intermodal transportation, improving infrastructure in various emerging economies, and growing trade among them is expected to open new opportunities in this market.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.US Office Contact90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Aseptic Processing Market - By Manufacturers, Countries, Type and Application, Forecast to 2025 Global Aseptic Processing Market: SnapshotAs per the Food and Agriculture Organization, 43% of the food produced in Asia Pacific in 2014 was wasted, leading to huge financial losses for both manufacturers and retailers. Thus, the need for efficient packaging which offers long life and maintains the quality of products was felt. This gave rise to the demand for aseptic processing and the market for this technology is projected to witness a high growth in the years to come.The growing preference for eco-friendly packages is behind the high demand for aseptic processing technology, despite their complexity when compared to terminal sterilization or canning. A surge in the demand for convenience foods and pharmaceutical supplies is boosting the growth of the aseptic processing market. Aseptic processing enables longer shelf life and thus, in demand. As the disposable income of consumers is increasing, their spending capability is also growing, creating a heightened demand for various products, driving the global aseptic processing market.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Players in the market are expected to witness a stupendous growth as they increase their already large production capacities. The increased demand for aseptically packaged goods has compelled manufacturers to expand their business and production capacity. The cosmetics and dairy sectors are two areas demanding aseptic processing increasingly, thus pushing the growth of the market. The dairy industry is witnessing robust growth on account of the high demand for varieties in terms of flavors, which is benefitting the aseptic processing industry in turn.Global Aseptic Processing Market: OverviewAseptic processing is referred to as the methodology through which sterile or aseptic products, mainly pharmaceutical and food is packed in a sterile container which would efficiently maintain its sterility. Sterility is obtained through a process of flash heating between a temperature of 195 and 295 degree F which recollects more nutrients and employs less energy than the traditional form of sterilization methods such as hot-fill canning or retort. The method of aseptic food preservation allows the storage of processed food for elongated periods without the use of preservatives. These type of aseptic packages are generally a mix of aluminum, polyethylene, and paper. Collectively, these materials form a constricted seal against degradation, contaminants, microbial organisms, thus removing the requirement for refrigeration. The products which packed using aseptic processing are tomatoes, gravies, liquid whole eggs, fruit juices, and milks.The market intelligence report investigates into the conceivable growth prospects for the aseptic processing market and the sequential growth of the market during the course of the forecast period. It also exclusively provisions the mandatory data related to aspects such as the dynamics manipulating the progress in all possible reflective manner. Numerous pervasive and non-pervasive trends have also been stated in the report. An outlook of extensive nature keeping in mind the Porters five forces analysis has been provided to make the vendor landscape transparent to the reader. The report further points out several activities related to R&D, mergers, acquisitions, and crucial conglomerates and corroborations. The companies in attention have been examined on the basis of market shares, prime products, and key marketing strategies.Request TOC of the Report @Global Aseptic Processing Market: Trends and OpportunitiesThe global aseptic processing market is likely to witness exponential growth over the forecast period owing to rising focus on environment-friendly packaging and improvement in technologies and equipment in the packaging industry. The market is also expected to be benefitted by the mounting need for pharmaceutical supplies, growing demand for quality and convenience food products, and significant progress of the dairy beverage market. However, the market is expected to be negatively impacted by the high initial capital investment required for buying equipment and the need for advanced understanding of the technology in question in place forms of packaging forms.In terms of packaging, the segment of paper and paperboard is expected to lead the market in the coming years. This is because, paperboard can be easily cut and processed and is both strong and lightweight, thus making it an ideal material for packaging. Paperboard packaging is available in different grades with unique qualities. The grades are thus chosen on the basis of the respective packaging requirements.Request Discount of the Report @Global Aseptic Processing Market: Regional OutlookDeveloping countries such as Argentina, Brazil, India, and China are likely to contribute significantly to the revenue of the global aseptic processing market in the coming years. The growth of the markets in these countries can be primarily attributed to the hectic lifestyles of consumers and their shift towards processed and ready-to-eat meals, growth in household incomes, and favorable demographics.Global Aseptic Processing Market: Competitive LandscapeEquipment manufacturers and suppliers are focusing on offering innovative equipment in different categories along with integrating processing equipment. They are also diversifying the product offerings to strengthen distribution base. Some of the leading companies are JBT Corporation, Greatview Aseptic Packaging Co. Ltd., GEA Group, Amcor Limited, Becton, Dickinson and Co., GEA Group, Tetra Laval International S.A., E.I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company, and Robert Bosch GmbH.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: International Conference on Hematology and Oncology Its our pleasure to invite all the participants from all over the world to attend the International Conference on Hematology and Oncology which is held during June 18-20, 2018 at London, UK.The main theme of our conference is " Advancing the Diagnosis of Hematologic Disorders " which covers a wide range of critically important sessions."The live format of the conference will be accredited with CME and CPD Credits"The Allied Academies group of journals that have been performing exceptionally well in Business and Management and are an ideal fit for our peruses. We give our writers and peruse a stage that serves them well and causes them share their work with the worldwide group. We are growing the concentration of Allied Academies past Business and Management Journals to fuse logical regions too.85 Great Portland St, Marylebone, Hyper loop Technology Market 2017 Growth Rate Analysis and Key Players: AECOM, Hyperloop One, Dinclix GroundWorks, TransPod, Space Exploration Market Research Future published a research report on Global Hyper loop Technology Market Research Report- Forecast 2023 Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast to 2023.Market HighlightsThe global hyper loop technology market is a very dynamic market and is expected to witness high growth over the forecast period. The growth of the hyper loop technology market is influenced by rising industrialization, fastest as well as cheapest mode of transportation and not vulnerable to any kind of natural calamities. Furthermore, hyper loop technology offers various benefits such as convenient, lower cost and not disruptive. However, the safety issue, lack of awareness and various government regulations are hampering the growth of the hyper loop technology market.The global Hyper Loop Technology Market is expected to reach approximately USD 2 billion by the end of 2023 over the forecast period 2017-2023.Key Players:The key players in the global hyper loop technology market include- AECOM (U.S.), Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (US), Hyperloop One (US), Dinclix GroundWorks (India), TransPod Inc. (Canada) and Space Exploration Technologies Corp (U.S.) among others.Get Sample of Report @Regional Analysis-Regionally, North-America is projected to grow by 2023. The first operational hyperloop is expected built between Los Angeles and California. Hyperloop One Global Challenge shortlisted teams to present hyperloop route plans to be developed after various check in this region. Also, government approval to develop hyperloop technology development companies in this region. Furthermore, capital investments plays an important role for the development of hyper loop technology.Segmentation:According to Market Research Future, market has been segmented into component, type, application and region.On the basis of type, the market has been segmented into passenger and freight. Out of these, passenger type is expected to lead the hyper loop technology market. There are various benefits which are offered in transportation industry. However, hyperloop offers a fastest mode of passenger transport compared to other transportation system such as train, airplan. Also, the cost of hyperloop is comparatively lower than airplanes or bullet train which is expected to attract more population. For instance, this particular mode of transportation will cover Los Angeles to San Francisco in 30 minutes.Study Objectives of Hyper loop Technology Market: To provide detailed analysis of the market structure along with forecast of the various segments and sub-segments of the global hyper loop technology market. To provide insights about factors affecting the market growth. To analyze the global hyper loop technology market based porters five force analysis etc. To provide historical and forecast revenue of the market segments and sub-segments with respect to four main geographies and their countries- North America, Europe, Asia, and Rest of the World (ROW). To provide country level analysis of the market with respect to the current market size and future prospective. To provide country level analysis of the market for segment by type, component, application and region. To provide strategic profiling of key players in the market, comprehensively analyzing their core competencies, and drawing a competitive landscape for the market. To track and analyze competitive developments such as joint ventures, strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions, new product developments, and research and developments in the global Web hyper loop technologyGet Complete Report @Intended Audience Manufacturers Distributors Research firms Consultancy firms Software Developers Vendors Semiconductor Manufacturers End-user sectors Technology InvestorsAbout Us:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Media Contact:Akash Anand,Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Medical X-ray detectors Market to be Worth More than US$ 3.3 Billion by 2022; Large-Area Flat Panel Detectors to Dominate for Foreseeable Future Medical X Ray Detectors Market Increasing private and public investment in digital imaging technology particularly in the field of healthcare, the numerous benefits offered by digital detectors, analog X-ray reimbursement cuts, and reducing prices are the main factors driving the medical X-ray detectors market. Furthermore, technological advancements coupled with strong encouragement by venture capitalists should boost the medical X-ray detectors market throughout the course of the study period. The medical X-ray detectors market is poised to grow with a robust CAGR of 6.1% from 2017-2022.Read Report @Digital X-ray systems are twice the size of retrofit X-ray systems in terms of module type and are expected to become even more popular in the days ahead. The digital x-ray systems medical X-ray detectors segment is on track to be worth more than US$ 2 billion by the end of the study period, making it imperative for key stakeholders to target this segment. Retrofit systems are slowly but surely fading in popularity. Nonetheless, this segment still accounts for a revenue share approaching a third of the medical X-ray detectors market in 2017 and companies cannot overlook it entirely in favor of digital x-ray systemsFixed detectors comprise more than half the medical X-ray detectors market by revenue share. North America alone has a third of the market in 2017 and is expected to be the only region in the medical X-ray detectors market to record a robust CAGR in excess of 6%. Europe is the second largest region in the fixed detector segment of the medical X-ray detectors market but MEA and Latin America are predicted to grow at a higher CAGR. Portable detectors occupy the balance revenue share in the modality segment of the medical X-ray detectors market. This segment is highly likely to see strong growth and companies can try to target this lucrative segment accordinglyRequest Sample Report @Large-area flat panel detectors are dominant in the medical X-ray detectors market by panel size segment in 2017 and are estimated to remain so going forward. The large-area flat panel detector segment in both North America and Europe is assessed to be worth more than US$ 600 million by the end of the forecast period, ensuring that all major players can be profitable in such a large market. The small-area flat panel detectors segment is particularly popular in North America with a high CAGR in the APEJ regionComputed radiography has a revenue share of just over a fifth of the medical X-ray detectors market by product type segment and is likely to lose popularity over the study period. A similar CAGR greater than 4.5% exists in Latin America and APEJ but the latter is considerably larger in terms of market sizeNorth America is the largest region in the medical X-ray detectors market and the U.S. accounts for the lions share within the continent. The U.S. medical X-ray detectors market is anticipated to grow to more than a billion dollars by end 2022.Buy now @The companies profiled in the medical X-ray detectors market report are Teledyne Technologies Incorporated, Rayence Co., KONICA MINOLTA, Hamamatsu Photonics, DRTECH Corporation, Canon Inc, Analogic Corporation, FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation, Onex Corporation, and Agfa-Gevaert N.V.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a U.S.-based full-service market intelligence firm specializing in syndicated research, custom research, and consulting services. PMR boasts market research expertise across the Healthcare, Chemicals and Materials, Technology and Media, Energy and Mining, Food and Beverages, Semiconductor and Electronics, Consumer Goods, and Shipping and Transportation industries. The company draws from its multi-disciplinary capabilities and high-pedigree team of analysts to share data that precisely corresponds to clients business needs.PMR stands committed to bringing more accuracy and speed to clients business decisions. From ready-to-purchase market research reports to customized research solutions, PMRs engagement models are highly flexible without compromising on its deep-seated research values.Persistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Global Walkie Talkie Market to grow at a CAGR of 9.47% during 2017-2021 - Motorola Solutions, Hytera Communications, JVCKENWOOD, ICOM, Tait Communications A walkie talkie, also called a handheld transceiver (HT), may be described as a portable and handheld two-way radio transceiver. A walkie talkie works on simplex communication and uses inbuilt transmitters to send and receive radio signals to communicate and hence does not require a separate network tower. Walkie talkies are commonly used in settings where portable radio communications are necessary such as public safety, business, outdoor recreation, and military. Devices are available at various price points, ranging from inexpensive analog units sold as toys to ruggedized analog and digital units, which are waterproof or intrinsically safe, for use in boats or heavy industries.The global walkie talkie market to grow at a CAGR of 9.47% during the period 2017-2021. The report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global walkie talkie market for 2017-2021. The report presents a detailed picture of the market by way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources.Click to get Sample PDF:The market is divided into the following segments based on geography:- Americas- APAC- EMEATechnavio's report, Global Walkie Talkie Market 2017-2021, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.View Complete TOC with Tables and Figures at:Key vendors- Motorola Solutions- Hytera Communications- JVCKENWOOD- ICOM- Tait CommunicationsOther prominent vendors- Abel- BFDX- Cobra Electronics- Kirisun Communications- Midland Radio- Shenzhen HQT Science and Technology- Uniden- WintecMarket driver- Augmented disposable income- For a full, detailed list, view our reportMarket challenge- Competition from smartphones- For a full, detailed list, view our reportKey questions answered in this report- What will the market size be in 2021 and what will the growth rate be?- What are the key market trends?- What is driving this market?- What are the challenges to market growth?- Who are the key vendors in this market space?- What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors?- What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors?ResearchMoz is the worlds fastest growing collection of market research reports worldwide. Our database is composed of current market studies from over 100 featured publishers worldwide. Our market research databases integrate statistics with analysis from global, regional, country and company perspectives. ResearchMozs service portfolio also includes value-added services such as market research customization, competitive landscaping, and in-depth surveys, delivered by a team of experienced Research Coordinators.Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-621-2074Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free)Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn at: Membrane Separation Market Analysis and Value Forecast Snapshot by End-use Industry Forecast to 2019: PMR Persistence Market Research Released New Market Report on Global Market Study on Membrane Separation: Water & Waste Water Segment to Witness Highest Growth by 2019, the global membrane separation market was valued at USD 19.0 billion in 2012 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.8% from 2013 to 2019, to reach an estimated value of USD 39.2 billion in 2019.Request for Report Sample @Mandatory government regulation and increasing demand for clean processed drinking water is propelling the water processing industry to provide the public with clean processed drinking water free of impurity. Providing growth opportunity for water treatment industry among which, Membrane separation technology is one of the most popular methods used for cleaning water. Mandatory adherence of certain environmental standards by the national government such as the Clean Water Act especially in areas with water scarcity have influenced the demand for better water treatment technology, including membrane separation technology. Shifting from chemical to physical treatments of water is also a major driver as chemical treatments are perceived as an environmentally unclean technology with associated disposal costs. Additional awareness of water scarcity has influenced the demand for water reuse in water stressed areas.Request for Report TOC @Governments and municipal authorities are increasingly waking up to the effects of environmental degradation on the economy. Worldwide industrial expansion and growing population are propelling the demand for better water treatment technology, providing growth opportunity for the global market of membrane separation technology. Additionally, the oil and petroleum industry is well established in the gulf and European countries such as Italy and Germany which involve membrane separation technology for liquid separation. Expansion of such industry is expected to increase the overall demand for membrane separation technology. Membrane separation technology is bifurcated into four major processes, microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis. Microfiltration dominates the market with more than 35% global market share in 2012. Whereas water & wastewater dominates the end-user market with 36% global market shares in 2012. The global membrane separation market grew from USD 19.0 billion in 2010 to USD 21.2 billion in 2013.Obtain Report Details @European membrane market (largest in 2013) is expected to reach USD 13.8 billion in 2019, growing at a CAGR of 9.6%. In 2012 water & wastewater sector was the major end-user of membrane separation technology and is expected to increase at a CAGR of 11.1% during 2013-19. The membrane separation market is fragmented with several players in the market supplying membrane separation products to the end-users (water and wastewater, industrial and healthcare) in the market. Most of the companies produce different types of membrane products such as microfiltration, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis and sell them globally. Major companies operating globally and manufacturing all four products are Evoqua Water Technologies, Pall Corporation, Koch Membrane Systems Inc., Merck Millipore, Degremont SA, Dow Chemical Company, GEA Filtration, 3M Company, Nitto Denko Corporation and Veolia Environnement.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.Our client success stories feature a range of clients from Fortune 500 companies to fast-growing startups. PMRs collaborative environment is committed to building industry-specific solutions by transforming data from multiple streams into a strategic asset.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway,7th FloorNew York City, NY 10007United StatesTel: +1-646-568-7751Tollfree: +1 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWebsite: Smart Packaging Market to Strengthen Its Position at 5% CAGR through 2022 Global Smart Packaging Information by Technology (Active, Intelligent and MAP), by Application (Food & Beverages, Automotive, Healthcare, Personal Care and others), and Region - Forecast to 2022The market for global smart packaging market is expected to grow over the CAGR of around 5% during the period 2016 to 2022Market HighlightsThe popularity of smart packaging is growing over the past few years. Smart packaging are used for food & beverages, personal care, healthcare and automotive products. Rising health awareness, technological advancement, increased shelf life and rising industrialization fueled the demand of the market. High research and development cost is expected to hamper the growth of the market in coming years.Personal care is the fastest growing sectorPersonal Care segment is expected to grow fast over the forecasted period due to rising awareness about health safety. However, Food & Beverage segment dominates the market, majorly due to increased safety with low cost and increased shelf-life.Europe is the largest marketEuropean region contributes largest to the market share. The reason is attributed to the advancements of technology and European Commission laws favor smart packaging. However, Asia-Pacific region is expected to grow over the forecasted period.Get Sample of Report @Factors attributed to the growth of the market are improved health & safety, changing lifestyle, easy implementation and reduced counterfeiting. On the basis of application, Food & Beverage dominates the market. However, high research & development costs and lack of sustainable e-packaging products are hampering the growth of the market. The global smart packaging market size is expected to cross USD 40 Billion at CAGR of approximately 5% by 2022.Regional Analysis of Global Smart Packaging Market:North America is expected to lead the smart packaging market, followed by Europe and Asia-Pacific. North America accounts for the largest share of 42.72% in the global smart packaging market in 2016. The region has witnessed increased investment in the R&D and product innovation as far as packaging is concerned. APAC is expected to experience the fastest growth during the forecasted period due to the economic growth of China and India. The region offers flourishing market for such technological advanced packaging solutions.Key PlayersThe key players of the global smart packaging market include- 3M Company, TempTime Corporation, PakSense Inc., American Thermal Instruments, Avery Dennison Corporation, R.R. Donnelly Sons & Company, BASF SE, International Paper, Stora Enso, Huhtamaki Group and Smartrac N.V.Enquiry before Buying @The report for Global Smart Packaging Market of Market Research Future comprises of extensive primary research along with the detailed analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders to gain the deeper insight of the market and industry performance. The report gives the clear picture of current market scenario which includes historical and projected market size in terms of value and volume, technological advancement, macro economical and governing factors in the market. The report provides details information and strategies of the top key players in the industry. The report also gives a broad study of the different market segments and regions.Access Full Report@About Us:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for , regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Akash Anand,Market Research FuturePune 411028Maharashtra, IndiaPhone No. :+1 646 845 9312Email: Global Algorithmic Trading Market by Manufacturers, States, Type And Application, Forecast To 2022 Algorithmic Trading, Algorithmic Trading Market, Algorithmic Trading Industry adds Global Algorithmic Trading Market By Manufacturers, Countries, Type And Application, Forecast To 2022new report to its research database. The report spread across in a 124 pages with table and figures in it.This report studies the Algorithmic Trading market, Algorithmic trading is a method of executing a large order (too large to fill all at once) using automated pre-programmed trading instructions accounting for variables such as time, price, and volume to send small slices of the order (child orders) out to the market over time.Scope of the Report:This report focuses on the Algorithmic Trading in Global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.Browse full table of contents and data tables atMarket Segment by Manufacturers, this report coversVirtu Financial, KCG, DRW Trading, Optiver, Tower Research Capital, Flow Traders, Hudson River Trading, Jump Trading, RSJ Algorithmic Trading, Spot Trading, Sun Trading, Tradebot Systems, IMC, Quantlab Financial, Teza TechnologiesMarket Segment by Regions, regional analysis coversNorth America (USA, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.)Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)Market Segment by Type, coversMarket Segment by Applications, can be divided intoInvestment banks, Funds, Personal InvestorsRequest a sample copy atReasons for Buying this Report:This report provides pin-point analysis for changing competitive dynamicsIt provides a forward looking perspective on different factors driving or restraining market growthIt provides a technological growth map over time to understand the industry growth rateIt provides a seven-year forecast assessed on the basis of how the market is predicted to growIt helps in understanding the key product segments and their futureIt provides pin point analysis of changing competition dynamics and keeps you ahead of competitorsIt helps in making informed business decisions by having complete insights of market and by making in-depth analysis of market segmentsIt provides distinctive graphics and exemplified SWOT analysis of major market segments.The research provides answers to the following key questions:What will be the market size and the growth rate in 2022?What are the key factors driving the United States Algorithmic Trading Market?Who are the key market players and what are their strategies in the United States Algorithmic Trading Market?What are the key market trends impacting the growth of the United States Algorithmic Trading Market?What trends, challenges and barriers are influencing its growth?What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in the United States Algorithmic Trading Market?What are the key outcomes of the five forces analysis of the United States Algorithmic Trading Market?There are 15 Chapters to deeply display the global Algorithmic Trading market.Chapter 1, to describe Algorithmic Trading Introduction, product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force;Chapter 2, to analyze the top manufacturers of Algorithmic Trading, with sales, revenue, and price of Algorithmic Trading, in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 3, to display the competitive situation among the top manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 4, to show the global market by regions, with sales, revenue and market share of Algorithmic Trading, for each region, from 2012 to 2017;Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to analyze the key regions, with sales, revenue and market share by key countries in these regions;Chapter 10 and 11, to show the market by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2012 to 2017;Chapter 12, Algorithmic Trading market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2017 to 2022;Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Algorithmic Trading sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data sourceOrder a Purchase Report Copy atAbout is the most comprehensive collection of market research products and services on the Web. We offer reports from almost all top publishers and update our collection on daily basis to provide you with instant online access to the worlds most complete and recent database of expert insights on Global industries, organizations, products, and trends.Contact UsMr. Jeet JainSales with us: Google+ | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook Now Available Global ADHD Therapeutics Market Forecast And Growth 2015 - 2023 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), also referred as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Hyperkinetic Disorder (HKD) is the most common psychiatric disorder among adolescents and children. The disorder is characterized by the presence of inappropriate levels of attention, impulsivity and hyperactivity, commencing in childhood and leading to impairment. Although these symptoms tend to cluster together, some people are majorly hyperactive and impulsive, while others are inattentive. ADHD was for long considered a childhood disorder but there is growing awareness that ADHD is also a significant source of impairment for many adults. The pathophysiology of ADHD is not clearly understood. Majority of scientific research states that ADHD is neurologically based but some experts claim that psychological factors are the major and primary cause of the disorder.Treatments available for ADHD;Medication, Stimulants, Amphetamine, Methylphenidate, Dextroamphetamine ,Dexmethylphenidat, lisdexamfetamine dimesylate, Non stimulants, Atomoxetine, Bupropion, Guanfacine, Clonidine, Psychotherapy, Behavior therapy, Cognitive behavioral therapy, Psychoeducational input, Interpersonal psychotherapy, Family therapyEducation or training , Parent management training, Social skills training, School-based Interventions A combination of treatments.Report Overview and TOC @The available medications help to control the symptoms of ADHD but do not cure the disorder. However, medications assist a child to pay attention and complete their school tasks. It is still not clear whether medications are able to improve learning and academic skills among children. Combination of therapies such as behavioral therapy, medication, practical support and counseling can help children to survive normally with ADHD. According to a Research conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) it has proved that medication gives good results when treatment is repeatedly monitored by the doctor and the dosage is modified according to the child's needs.Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common disorder among children that continue through adolescence and adulthood. Some of the causes that may lead to ADHD are genetic disorders, environmental factors, brain injuries and food additives. The onset of ADHD starts at the age of 7 years. According to The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), around 4.1% of adults in the U.S. are affected by ADHD who are 18 years of age and above in a year. Also around 9.0% of children who are aged between 13 to 18 years in the U.S. are affected by ADHD. Boys have four times more risk than girls.Request brochure @Geographically, the global ADHD therapeutics market is segmented into four major regions: North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World (RoW). In terms of geography, North America accounts for the highest market in terms of revenue, followed by Europe due to highly developed healthcare industry, high disposable income, ongoing clinical trials, and early approval of drugs in the U.S market. However, Asia Pacific market is also witnessing a very positive growth due to high rate of development in healthcare industry, government initiatives for treatment of mental illness and increasing prevalence of mental disorders.For Specific and Customized requirements@The global ADHD therapeutics market is witnessing an admirable growth due to the medical advancements, high number of research activities in this segment and high awareness among people about mental illness. However there are many side effects associated with medication such as decreased appetite, sleep problem, headaches, dizziness, Irritability, mood changes and tics. The high cost of treatment and the number of side effects associated with medication are some of the factors that may hinder the growth of ADHD therapeutics market. Some of the major players operating in ADHD therapeutic market are Amedra Pharmaceuticals LLC, Eli Lilly and Company, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Noven Therapeutics, LLC, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation and Shire Plc.Pre Book full report@Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.Transparency Market ResearchState Tower90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453 Automotive HVAC Market Driven By Demand Surge to Grow Exceptionally, 2022 Global Automotive HVAC Market, By Material (PET, PP, HDPE, PVC, LDPE, and others), By Application (Food & Beverages, Personal Care, Pharmaceutical, Consumer goods, and others) - Forecast 2016-2022Target Audience: Manufactures Raw Materials Suppliers Aftermarket suppliers Research Institute Potential InvestorsMarket HighlightsAutomotive HVAC is a system combining three major functions such as heating, ventilation and air- conditioning. Factors such as increasing demand for thermal insulations for energy efficient applications, and growth in the automotive sector are driving the market of Automotive HVAC. Recent trend shows that Companies, such as Audi, Mercedes, and BMW, focus on customized and consumer-friendly HVAC systems and supports automatic air conditioning, fogging sensor, and automatic climate control system. Moreover, Due to least level of human intervention, the automatic HVAC system are being installed in large extent, especially in premium and luxury segment passenger vehicles. Additionally, R&D focuses on automotive HVAC market for improving fuel efficiency, reducing environmental effect and lowering the weight of HVAC system. Government initiatives acts as a driving factor for the growth of Automotive HVAC market. Awareness about the environment in countries such as China and India lead to the growth of Automotive HVAC market.Get Sample of Report @Regional Analysis of Global Automotive HVAC MarketThe Asia-Pacific region dominating the market of Automotive HVAC. Presence of automobile manufacturers and growing demand for automobiles in developing countries such as China and India. Increasing adoption of premium automobile brands in developing nation such as India and Brazil provides growth opportunities for industry players. Whereas, Japan referred as one of the largest automobile manufacturing companies in the world such as Toyota and Honda. Increasing production capacities, investment in R&D and requirement for hybrid technology drive the HVAC automotive market. Moreover, favorable government policies pushing the market towards growth. Moreover, demand for effective thermal systems in electric and hybrid powertrains. Vehicles require low-temperature cooling equipment along with normal equipment for regulated battery cooling. Whereas, increasing vehicle production and stringent government regulations to encourage the energy efficiency are driving the market in North America.Key PlayersThe key players of global Automotive HVAC market report include- Denso Corp, Valeo SA, Behr GmbH, Halla Climate Control Corp., Delphi Automotive, Visteon Corp., Sanden Corp., Air International Thermal Systems, Calsonic Kansei, and DelStar Technologies.Enquiry before Buying @BRIEF TOC:1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY3. MARKET DYNAMICS4. GLOBAL MARKET SEGMENTATION5. REGIONAL MARKET ANALYSIS6. COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS7. CONCLUSION8. LIST OF TABLES9. LIST OF FIGURESAsk for your specific company profile and country level customization on reports.We recognize the key players in the global Automotive HVAC market as Denso Corp, Valeo SA, Behr GmbH, Halla Climate Control Corp., Delphi Automotive, Visteon Corp., Sanden Corp., Air International Thermal Systems, Calsonic Kansei, and DelStar TechnologiesAccess Full Report @About Us:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for , regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Akash Anand,Market Research FuturePune 411028Maharashtra, IndiaPhone No. :+1 646 845 9312Email: Smart City Market 2016: Company Profiles, Segments, Landscape and Demand by Forecast to 2022 Smart City Market Market Highlights:Internet of Things plays a vital role in various fields apart from communication networks, such as sanitation, healthcare, transport and energy use. Internet of things refers to a technology that connects all devices to a network. Internet ready and connective devices are achieved by IoT technology. This enables the flow of data creating a network of objects. Internet of Things leads to advanced use of internet which would result in developing device to device relationship. Internet of Things when applied to smart cities it adds more technology into everyones life and also enables a new and fully integrated approach to the designing and developing of the smart cities. There are tremendous ways in which internet of things help in the development of smart cities. Higher the adoption of internet of things; easier would be the implementation of smart city solutions.The Global Smart City Market is growing rapidly over 27% of CAGR and is expected to reach at USD 1,900 billion by the end of forecast period 2022.Major Key Players: Huawei Technologies Co Ltd. (China) IBM Corporation (U.S.) Cisco Systems, Inc.(U.S.) AT&T Inc. AG (U.S) Siemens AG (Germany) Oracle Corporation (U.S.) Microsoft Corporation (U.S.) Schneider Electric SE (France) Hitachi Corporation (U.S.) Ericsson (Sweden)Request a Sample Report @Global Smart City Market SegmentationThe global Smart City Market has been segmented on the basis of component, application and region. On the basis of component, the market is segmented into hardware, software and service. On the basis of application, the market is classified into utility, transport, government, residential, education, healthcare and others.Regional Analysis of Smart City Market:The global smart city market is expected to grow at a promising rate during the forecast period, 2016-2022. North America is projected to have the largest market in Smart City Market. High adoption of internet of things, growth in high end infrastructure and focus towards energy saving and availability of efficient network connectivity is driving market in North America region.Followed by Europe region would hold a large share in the market. Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest growing region in smart city market due to the increasing initiatives and high investment by government.Intended Audience National/ State Government Real Estate Developers Research & consultant organization IT Solution Providers System Integrators Networking Solution Providers Telecom Service Providers Transportation Service Providers Utility CompaniesMarket Research Analysis:Regional analysis for global Smart City Market is studied in different geographic regions as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of world. The study reveals that North America region would evolve as a leader in global Smart City Market. North America is the most technically advanced region and is growing with high end-infrastructure and focused towards energy savings which thereby has developed high growth for smart city market. Europe is expected to be the second highest market in terms of revenue generation. Whereas, Asia-Pacific is expected to witness high growth in the forecast period and projected to grow with approximately 25% CAGR during the forecast period. Technological and industrial growth in Asian countries, such as China and Japan, is giving boost to the Smart City Market in the coming years. Further, Increasing technological advancements and increasing disposable income in also supporting market growth of smart city components in Asia-Pacific region However, privacy issues is expected to hinder the growth of the market in the region.Access Report Details @Table of Contents1 Market Introduction2 Research Methodologies2.1 Research Process2.2 Primary Research2.3 Secondary Research2.4 Forecast Model2.4.1 Market Size EstimationContinuedList of TablesTable 1 Global Smart City Market By Component, 2016-2022 (Usd Billion)Table 2 Smart City Market Of Hardware Segment By Region, 2016-2022 (Usd Billion)Table 3 Global Smart City Market Of Software By Region, 2016 - 2022 (Usd Billion)ContinuedList of FiguresFigure 1 Mrfr Researh ProcessFigure 2 Forecast ModelFigure 3 Global Smart City Market: Drivers & ChallengesContinuedAbout Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by Components, Application, Logistics and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Contact:Market Research FutureOffice No. 524/528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Online Education Market Key Players - Adobe Systems, McGraw-Hill Education, Pearson Education by Forecast to 2023 Market Scenario:Online Education Market refers to learning in a 100% virtual environment. Online education can play a major role in developing the education industry overall in terms of money as well as innovation. With growing popularity of internet and many active user, online education market is expected to witness high growth rate during the forecast period. Increasing implementation of IT security and cloud based solutions and rapid growth in digitization are the factors responsible for the growth of online education market.Online Education Market has been segmented on the basis of product, learning type and end user. The learning type segment is further bifurcated into synchronous learning and asynchronous learning. Asynchronous learning refers to online spaces where work is supported through the use of digital platforms like threaded discussions or emails. In asynchronous learning, the participants need not be compulsorily online at the time whereas in synchronous learning type, the users need to be online and is moreover like face-to-face learning environment. It involves real-time responses that allow better provision for clarity.The global Online Education Market is expected to grow at approx. USD 423 Billion by 2023, at 24% of CAGR between 2017 and 2023.Major factors driving the growth of online education market are conducive government policies and increasing demand for technical education. Increase in popularity of distance learning is another major factor driving the growth of online education market.Request a Sample Report @Major Key Players: Adobe Systems (U.S.) McGraw-Hill Education (U.S.) Pearson Education (U.K.) Blackboard (U.S.) Lynda.Com (U.S.) Aptara (U.S.) Docebo (Italy) Edmodo (U.S.) PowerSchool Learning (U.S.) Tata Interactive Systems (India)Study Objectives of Online Education Market: To provide detailed analysis of the market structure along with forecast of the various segments and sub-segments of the online education market. To provide insights about factors affecting the market growth. To provide historical and forecast revenue of the market segments and sub-segments with respect to four main geographies and their countries- North America, Europe, Asia, and Rest of the World (ROW). To provide country level analysis of the market with respect to the current market size and future perspective. To provide country level analysis of the market for segmentation on the basis of product, learning type and end user. To provide strategic profiling of key players in the market, comprehensively analyzing their core competencies, and drawing a competitive landscape for online education market. To track and analyze competitive developments such as joint ventures, strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions, new product developments, and research and developments in the online education market.Segments:Online education market can be segmented on the basis of following:By Product Content ServicesBy Learning Type Synchronous Learning Asynchronous LearningBy End User K-12 Education Higher Education Industry & ProfessionalRegional Analysis:The regional analysis of online education market is being studied for regions such as Asia Pacific, North America, Europe and Rest of the World. It has been observed that North America is estimated to account for the largest share of the market, whereas Asia-Pacific is projected to grow at the fastest rate during the forecast period.The major growth in online education market in North America is attributed to technical advancements and increasing use of internet, mobiles and tablets in that region.Access Report Details @Intended Audience Technology investors Integrated device manufacturers (IDMs) Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) Research/Consultancy firms Educational Institutions StudentsTable of Contents1 Market Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 Scope of Study1.2.1 Research Objective1.2.2 Assumptions1.2.3 Limitations1.3 Market StructureContinued.List of TablesTable 1 Online Education Market, By ProductTable 2 Online Education Market, By Learing TypeTable 3 Online Education Market, By End UserContinued.List of FiguresFigure 1 Research TypeFigure 2 Online Education Market, By Product (%)Figure 3 Online Education Market, By Learing Type (%)Continued.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our clients to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by Solutions, Application, Logistics and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.ContactMarket Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Deep Learning Market : Size, Regional Outlook, Competitive Strategies and Forecasts, 2025 Global Deep Learning Market: SnapshotThe scope of deep learning technology traverses across the areas of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data analytics, yet is quite distinct from each of them. In recent years, the application of deep learning technologies has gathered much steam in developing autonomous systems that help make decisions and solve problems. Using the massive amount of data fed through neural networks, it has the potential to solve just about any problems in the way humans think and decide. Deep learning can be considered to be a very specific subset of machine learning tools that are focused on developing neural networks, which in essence expands the real-life applications of autonomous systems. Most popular applications of deep learning lies in the domain of business to consumer (B2C), and are said to benefit a wide range of industries that constantly seek to capitalize on these systems to drive consumer satisfaction.Self-driving cars using deep learning technologies have already gained traction with several technology behemoths and prominent car makers. This has been showing promising prospects in the automotive and automobile industries, with the option of driverless cars in the not-so-distant future. Another attractive application of deep learning is making sense of unstructured data emanating from a wide range of smart consumer products and services. With the proliferation of IoT devices, the volumes of organizational data is likely to soar to unmanageable levels in the coming years. Autonomous systems with the help of deep learning will churn these data and transform them to provide meaning information and finally into useful business insights. Driven by the advances in natural language processing, this will pave way for data-driven decisions.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Global Deep Learning Market: OverviewDeep learning is an approach to artificial intelligence, which is anticipated to revolutionize several industries. For example, deep learning is used for voice and image recognition by Google, promotion of what to watch next by Netflix, and highlighting related products to potential customers by Amazon. As the technology of deep learning evolves, many new applications are expected and consequently, the demand in the global deep learning market is projected for a robust growth rate during the forecast period of 2017 to 2025.This report on global deep learning market is aimed at providing a comprehensive overview of the current scenario and based on an analysis of all the factors that may impact the growth rate, it estimates the future of the market until 2024. The report also picks-out a few trends that must be noted in order to stay ahead of the competition. It also contains a dedicated section on company profiles, wherein a number of key players have been studied for their market share, regional presence, and recent strategic developments. The global deep learning market can be segmented on the basis of application into image recognition, signal recognition, and data mining, whereas on the basis of offering, the market can be bifurcated into hardware and software. By end-use industry, the market can be categorized into aerospace and defense, automotive, medical, finance, retail, media and advertising, IT and telecommunication, and oil, gas, and energy. Geographically, the report studies the opportunities available in the regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa.Request TOC of the Report @Global Deep Learning Market: Trends and OpportunitiesIncreasing application of deep learning in several industries including advertising, automotive, and healthcare is the primary driver for the market. In addition to that, rigorous research and development that are currently underway are expected to evolve the technology and ability of the processing hardware in a way that other industries can enhance their production. Increasing need for discovering useful insights from available information, growing need for enhanced human and system interaction, and the demand for more knowledge about decisions and processes are other factors favoring the growth rate of the market. Conversely, the lack of experienced talent is expected to hinder the growth to a certain extent during the forecast period.Currently, data mining is the most profitable application segment of the global market, which is a reflection of increasing usage of deep learning in cyber security, database systems, data analytics, and fraud detection. In terms of end-use industries, the medical segment is expected to expand at the best growth rate, wherein deep learning is used for processing medical images for diagnosis, drug discovery, and virtual patient assistance. In terms of application, the segment of image recognition serve maximum demand in the current scenario of the market. Deep learning are used for pattern recognition, code recognition, optical character recognition, facial recognition, and digital image processing.Request Discount of the Report @Global Deep Learning Market: Region-wise OutlookThe region of North America serves the maximum demand for deep learning, which is a result of high adoption rate of new technologies in the developed countries of the U.S. and Canada. In these countries, government funding is readily available and several leading players have their headquarters. The country-wide market of the U.S. has been encouraging deep learning technology within organizations for safeguarding content from piracy and data breaches, cyber-attacks, preserve against data losses, and negotiate with web and network security threats.Companies mentioned in the research reportGoogle, Inc., IBM Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, Facebook, Inc., and Qualcomm, Inc. are some of the prominent players currently operational in global deep learning market, while several new players with financial might are expected to join this evolving sector.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Dual Dispensing Technology market Volume Forecast and Value Chain Analysis 2016-2024 Dual dispensing technology is used to deliver two different formulations which can be mixed simultaneously or mixed after actuation. This technology can be used for standard as well as customized dispensing solutions in cosmetic creams, high end lotions, oil, glues and even food applications. End users benefit from complete customization of perfumes and colors, changeable strengths and intensities, separation of ingredients and more. Now a days, consumers are more tech savvy and ready for advanced customers packaging which brings optimal results and satisfy the needs.Increasing demand for compact and easy to carry products is increasing among the consumers. Consumers are looking for cost effective product with multiple options for its applications. This accounts among the few important drivers for this market. The dual dispensing technology market is driven by increase in demand for smart and innovative dispensing systems and equipment in developing countries such as India and China. Dual dispensing technology offers the user multiple ratio option which allows for multiple settings between formulas.Request for Report Sample @A variety of marketplace aspects have combined to shoot sales of compact beauty and skin care products. Cosmetics market is expected to experience a high impact due to this technology. Redken has already started offering dual dispenser custom blending technology in professional hair care products. This market is expected to grow with a rapid pace. Today there is a need to show packaging functionality and appealing ergonomics in various consumer products which in turn anticipated to drive dual dispensing technology market. Global skin care market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 3.96% from 2015-2016 in terms of value. Dual dispensing technology has a wide scope in skin care market and the growth of skin care market will ultimately account for the growth of dual dispensing technology.High cost of the equipment for dual dispensing could act as a restraint for this market. In addition to this, well-established manufacturers can lead a monopoly in this market acting as a barrier to entry for new players.Request for Report TOC @In terms of geography, the global dual dispensing technology market has been divided in to five key regions including North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Middle East & Africa. The global dual dispensing technology market is expected to register healthy CAGR during the forecast period. Currently Europe is leading the market followed by North America. Asia-Pacific is anticipated to experience higher growth for dual dispensing technology market. Factors such as urbanization, increasing standard of living along with an increase in sales of skin care, hair care and oral care products will stimulate the demand for the dual dispensing technology market globally.Obtain Report Details @Some of the key players in the global dual dispensing technology market are DEMA Engineering Company, Dispense Park Inc., Exact Dispensing System, Fisnar Inc., Graco, Inc., Henkel AG and Company, Jensen Global Dispensing, Kleerblue Solutions, Nordson Corporation System, Sulzar Mixpac Inc., Toyo Aerosaol Industry, Versadail.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.Our client success stories feature a range of clients from Fortune 500 companies to fast-growing startups. PMRs collaborative environment is committed to building industry-specific solutions by transforming data from multiple streams into a strategic asset.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway,7th FloorNew York City, NY 10007United StatesTel: +1-646-568-7751Tollfree: +1 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWebsite: Passive Infrared Motion Sensor Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2016 - 2024 Passive infrared (PIR) motion sensors are electronic sensor devices that detect motion and the presence of an identity or object that is a infrared emitting source. Any object that exceeds the temperature of absolute zero emits heat at a wavelength of infrared lights. The sensors are enabled for identification of the variations in IR radiations when an object is colliding with the primary subject of infrared radiation detection. Benefits of using passive infrared motion sensors are that these sensors use limited power and are scarcely activated by airflow. The global market for passive infrared motion sensor is segmented on the basis of device into motion controller, smoke detector, heat detectors and other devices. According to range covered, the global passive infrared motion sensor market is subdivided into long wave passive infrared sensor, short wave passive infrared sensor and mid wave passive infrared sensor. Passive infrared motion sensor market, on the basis of application, can be segmented into defense and aerospace, automotive, consumer electronics, security and healthcare and industrial sectors. The consumer electronics sector is further sub-divided cameras, smart mobile devices, smart phones and other electronics. The security segment holds the largest market share in the application segments and is forecasted to have a steady growth rate throughout the forecast market.Fill the form for an exclusive sample of this report @Major driver driving the global market for passive infrared motion sensor market is increased application area of passive infrared sensor. In addition, rising demand for motion enabled industrial machineries, smart phones, military and aerospace devices and medical equipment, growth of home and industrial automation, rising use of wireless communication are acting as major drivers driving the global passive infrared motion sensor market. Increasing demand for motion sensing applications in the gaming sector and low power consumption also acts as a major driver to the global passive infrared motion sensor market. Increased growth in public construction projects which includes the installation of escalators, automatic doors, and taps in these projects. With increasing use of passive infrared motion sensors in these devices, the market is showing substantial growth over the forecast period and is thus acting as a major driver of the market. High cost of passive infrared motion sensors and lack of availability of cheaper alternatives is a major restraint hindering the growth of the PIR motion sensor market. In addition, passive infrared motion sensors cannot detect objects moving at a very low speed which is also a major hindrance in the growth of the overall market. Passive infrared motion sensors cannot determine the distance between two objects which limits its use in the various application sectors which is hindering the market growth substantially. Growing use of passive infrared motion sensors in consumer electronics is a major opportunity in the global market for passive infrared motion sensors.The global passive infrared motion sensor market geographically is segment into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa and Latin America. North America is the largest market for passive infrared motion sensors. Europe follows suit and both these regions are comparatively matured markets. Asia Pacific and Middle East and Africa are the most lucrative markets and Asia Pacific is forecasted to witness the highest growth rate. This is facilitated by increasing presence of the application areas in these regions and thus more and more key players are investing in these regions.Browse Market Research Report @Major players of the global passive infrared motion sensor include Axis Communications AB (Lund, Sweden), General Dynamics Corporation (Virginia, U.S), Bosch Security Systems Ltd. (Stuttgart, Germany), Current Corporation (Port Moody, Canada), Atmel Corporation (California, U.S), Elmos Semiconductor AG (Dortmund, Germany), Cypress Semiconductor (California, U.S), Honeywell International Inc. (New Jersey, U.S),Epson Toyocom Corporation (Tokyo, Japan) and STMicroelectronics N.V. (Geneva, Switzerland) among others.About TMRTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.Contact TMR90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Glue-applied Labels Market: The Biggest Trends to Watch out for 2017-2022 The global glue-applied labels market is forecasted to largely benefit from the rising adoption of small-sized polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles used for toiletries, cosmetics, and carbonated soft drinks. The increasing demand for highly durable and readily available labels is predicted to support the growth of new innovations in the market. Besides shrink sleeves, complex films could be extensively used for labeling purposes in the coming years. Avery Dennison already introduced its curvy film technology to apply labels on curved and extremely complex container shapes.Download exclusive Sample of this report:The global glue-applied labels market is envisioned to attract a revenue earning of US$25.3 bn by the completion of 2022 after progressing from a US$19.6 bn achieved in 2017. It is estimated that the market could rise at a 5.3% CAGR.Global Glue-applied Labels Market: Major InsightsThe international glue-applied labels market is foreseen to draw a whole lot of demand from the strengthening trend of esthetically-appealing offerings among consumers. As a result, food and consumer packaged product manufactures could be compelled to focus on visually appealing labels and ease of use packages. Moreover, manufacturers are expected to make constant innovations in labeling solutions by providing customized solutions or designing attractive labels.The international glue-applied labels market is projected to be cataloged into three categories, i.e. face stock material, type of layer, and application sector. In respect of face stock material, paper could exhibit a colossal share in the market while growing at a CAGR of 4.8%. Other segments such as polypropylene, polyethylene, and PET could also contribute toward the growth of the market under the face stock material category.Obtain Report Details @In terms of layer, there could be two segments, viz. laminated and non-laminated. On the basis of application, the international glue-applied labels market could be segregated into food and beverage, pharmaceutical, tracking, logistics, and transportation, home and personal care, semiconductor and electronics, retail labels, and other products.Regionally, the international glue-applied labels market is predicted to testify the ascendancy of Asia Pacific except Japan (APEJ), which could rake in a US$9.6 bn by the end of 2022. A high demand for packaging and labeling in China and India could augur well for the APEJ market. Japan and the Middle East and Africa (MEA) are prognosticated to gather a slow pace of growth during the forecast period. However, there could be faster growing prospects available in North America and Europe, which are envisaged to be among the lucrative markets other than APEJ.Global Glue-applied Labels Market: Vendor LandscapeThe report offers a complete evaluation of the competitive scenario of the worldwide glue-applied labels market in both the present and future forecast years. The analysts profile some of the leading players of the market such as Avery Dennison Corporation, Coveris Holdings S.A., CCL Label, Inc., Constantia Flexibles Group GmbH, Henkel, Lintec, Inland Labels, 3M, and WS Packaging Group, Inc. The competition in the market could intensify on the back of price wars caused due to the availability of innovative solutions at lower prices offered by local players compared to those of global companies.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.US Office Contact90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: China Textile Dyes Industry Forecast and Revenue by Regions (2017-2022) - Published by Textile Dyes Trends adds China Textile Dyes Market by Manufacturers, Regions (Province), Type and Application, Forecast To 2022 new report to its research database. The report spread across in a 121 pages with table and figures in it.Dyes are the colouring material that colour commodities of our day to day use. Hardly there is any industry where dyes are not used commercially. From Plastic toys to jazzy t-shirt, everywhere there is application of dye. Textile dye means the dye used in the textile industry, in this report, the statistics data is including all kinds of textile dyes.Scope of the Report:This report focuses on the Textile Dyes in China market, to split the market based on manufacturers, Regions (Province), type and application.Browse full table of contents and data tables atMarket Segment by Manufacturers, this report coversArchroma, Huntsman, Kiri Industries, Nippon Kayaku, Kyung-In, Colourtex, Jay Chemicals, Everlight Chemical, BEZEMA,Bodal Chemical, Sumitomo, Eksoy, Aarti Industries Ltd, Osaka Godo, Setas, Atul, Anand International, LonSen, Runtu,Jihua Group, Transfar, Hubei Chuyuan, Tianjin Hongfa, YaBuLai Dyestuff, Yabang, Linfen Dyeing, Dalian Dyestuffs, Zhongdan, ANOKY, Tianjin Dek Chemical, Zhejiang Jinguang Industrial, Matex ChemicalsMarket Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers South China Southwest China East China Northeast China North ChinaMarket Segment by Type, coversDisperse Dyes, Reactive Dyes, Sulfur Dyes, Vat Dyes, Acid Dyes, Other DyesMarket Segment by Applications, can be divided intoPolyester fibers, cellulose acetate fibers, etc., Cotton textiles, Wool, silk, polyurethane fibers, OthersRequest a sample copy atReasons for Buying this Report: This report provides pin-point analysis for changing competitive dynamics It provides a forward looking perspective on different factors driving or restraining market growth It provides a technological growth map over time to understand the industry growth rate It provides a seven-year forecast assessed on the basis of how the market is predicted to grow It helps in understanding the key product segments and their future It provides pin point analysis of changing competition dynamics and keeps you ahead of competitors It helps in making informed business decisions by having complete insights of market and by making in-depth analysis of market segments It provides distinctive graphics and exemplified SWOT analysis of major market segments.Order a Purchase Report Copy atAbout is the most comprehensive collection of market research products and services on the Web. We offer reports from almost all top publishers and update our collection on daily basis to provide you with instant online access to the worlds most complete and recent database of expert insights on Textile Dyes industries, organizations, products, and trends.Contact UsMr. Jeet JainSales with us: Google+ | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook Global Automotive Lightweight Materials Market is likely to cross US$301.36 bn 2016-2024 This report analyzes and forecasts the market for Automotive Lightweight Materials at the global and regional level. The market has been forecast based on revenue (US$ Mn) & Volume (Kilo Tons) from 2016 to 2024. The study includes drivers and restraints of the global Automotive Lightweight Materials market. It also covers the impact of these drivers and restraints on demand for Automotive Lightweight Materials during the forecast period. The report also highlights opportunities in the Automotive Lightweight Materials market at the global and regional level.The report comprises a detailed value chain analysis, which provides a comprehensive view of the global Automotive Lightweight Materials market. Porters Five Forces model for the Automotive Lightweight Materials market has also been included to help understand the competitive landscape in the market. The study encompasses market attractiveness analysis, wherein various application areas of automotive lightweight materials are benchmarked based on their market size, growth rate, and general attractiveness.Click to get Sample PDF:The study provides a decisive view of the global Automotive Lightweight Materials market by segmenting it in terms product and end use. These segments have been analyzed based on present and future trends. Regional segmentation includes the current and forecast demand for Automotive Lightweight Materials in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa.The report provides the estimated market size of Automotive Lightweight Materials for 2015 and forecast for the next nine years. The global market size of Automotive Lightweight Materials has been provided in terms of volume and revenue. Market numbers have been estimated based on product, vehicle type and application segment of Automotive Lightweight Materials. Market size and forecast for each major product, vehicle type and application have been provided in terms of global and regional markets.View Complete TOC with Tables and Figures at:Primary research involves e-mail interactions, telephonic interviews, and face-to-face interviews for each market, category, segment, and sub-segment across geographies. We conduct primary interviews on an ongoing basis with industry participants and commentators in order to validate the data and analysis. Primary interviews provide firsthand information on market size, market trends, growth trends, competitive landscape, and outlook, etc. These help validate and strengthen secondary research findings. These also help develop the analysis teams expertise and market understanding.Global Automotive Lightweight Materials Market: Competitive AnalysisThe study includes profiles of major companies operating in the global Automotive Lightweight Materials market. Key players profiled in the report include Automotive Lightweight Materials market include BASF SE, The Dow Chemical Company, Momentive Performance Materials, LANXESS AG, Lear Corporation, Faurecia S.A., Magna International and others. Market players have been profiled in terms of attributes such as company overview, financial overview, business strategies, recent developments, and SWOT analysis.ResearchMoz is the worlds fastest growing collection of market research reports worldwide. Our database is composed of current market studies from over 100 featured publishers worldwide. Our market research databases integrate statistics with analysis from global, regional, country and company perspectives. ResearchMozs service portfolio also includes value-added services such as market research customization, competitive landscaping, and in-depth surveys, delivered by a team of experienced Research Coordinators.Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-621-2074Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free)Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn at: Pillow Support Systems Market Research Report 2017-2025: by Product Type, Application, Distribution Channel, by Geography and Company Profile Pillow Support Systems Market Pillow support systems products are designed for hospitals, clinical settings and research centers. They offer pillow support system kits that can be used by multiple patients in hospital and clinical outpatient MRI suites. Concern over infectious disease and fluid contamination has been various organizations primary reason to develop coatings and fabrics that can resist repeated cleaning using hospital grade disinfectants. A pillow support system is generally U shaped or horseshoe shaped with an ovate shaped cavity in the center and a means for fastening. At the point when utilized as a part of a horizontal position, the cavity is sufficiently extensive to fit around the midriff of an adult hence taking into consideration a back support with arm rests, a pregnancy pillow, a floor pillow for sleeping, watching TV, or a nursing pillow.At the point when the fastener is utilized, the two tubular arms cover at the closures framing a shut oval or doughnut shape. In this position, the cushion can bolster a little tyke in a sitting or leaning back position. The pillow can likewise be utilized as a part of a vertical position supporting both upper and lower back of the patient. The cushion is loaded with a pliable material making it to a great degree of comfort for all ages and as a result of the fastener it is easy to convey. Pillow support systems provide comfort and accuracy during imaging studies such as coatings give impervious hindrance to infections and microbes, available in vinyl or fabric coatings that resist puncture or tearing. Designed with high-grade memory foam ensure maximum comfort, to eliminate repeat testing and minimal movement.Read Report @The Pillow Support Systems market is driven by global increasing rate of accidents, increasing demand for various diagnostic imaging instruments. Further increasing prevalence of osteoporosis and back, neck pain and hike in geriatric population is fueling global Pillow Support Systems market.However, the unawareness about Pillow Support Systems, and advanced technologies in Pillow Support Systems can impact negatively on the revenue growth of the Pillow Support Systems Market and restrain the growth of the global market over the forecast period. Side effects or adverse effects associated with Pillow Support Systems are also hindering the growth of global Pillow Support Systems market. Lack of awareness for advanced technologies in Digital Imaging technology is another restraining factor in global Pillow Support Systems market.Request Sample Report @Players in Pillow Support Systems Market are adopting new pillow support systems technologies as the key strategy. Owing to high revenue and demand in the image diagnosis (X-Ray etc.), players are investing to build up their product diversity. By distribution channel, hospitals are anticipated to grow in positive traction owing to global rising awareness for pillow support system as a preventive major during surgery. By product type neck pillow support systems are expected to garner larger share in global Pillow Support Systems market due to increased prevalence of neck pain and related issues.Geographically, Pillow Support Systems market is segmented into regions viz. North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Japan, Middle East and Africa. North America and Europe regions are anticipated to hold larger market revenue share in pillow support systems market over the forecast period. Awareness of Pillow Support Systems is anticipated to fuel the revenue growth in the Asia Pacific region. The countries like India and China are attractive markets for key players for global Pillow Support Systems market.Buy now @The key players in Pillow Support Systems Market include NoMoCo Pillow, Inc., Sissel UK Ltd, Putnams, to name a few.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a U.S.-based full-service market intelligence firm specializing in syndicated research, custom research, and consulting services. PMR boasts market research expertise across the Healthcare, Chemicals and Materials, Technology and Media, Energy and Mining, Food and Beverages, Semiconductor and Electronics, Consumer Goods, and Shipping and Transportation industries. The company draws from its multi-disciplinary capabilities and high-pedigree team of analysts to share data that precisely corresponds to clients business needs.PMR stands committed to bringing more accuracy and speed to clients business decisions. From ready-to-purchase market research reports to customized research solutions, PMRs engagement models are highly flexible without compromising on its deep-seated research values.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Hybrid Solar Wind Market size was over USD 700 million in 2015 with forecast of more than 8% from 2016 to 2024 High urge for reliable power supply along with strict legislations to curb the release of GHG in the atmosphere will push hybrid solar wind market growth. Moreover, favorable government policies encouraging the use of renewable energy along with strict regulation executions for reducing power consumption is expected to positively influence the industry growth.Hybrid solar wind systems find key applications across industrial, residential, and commercial sectors. High requirement for continuous electricity supply is anticipated to drive the hybrid solar wind industry revenue across the commercial sector. Hybrid solar wind market size in industrial sector worth USD 224 million in 2015, is anticipated to witness a significant growth over the coming years. Government efforts to minimize carbon emissions is expected to drive the growth. The rise in the number of electrification programs across the emerging economies, primarily concentrating on decentralizing the power generation, will boost the industry growth across the residential sector.Standalone and grid connected are the major products through which hybrid solar wind systems are deployed. Grid connected hybrid solar wind industry size is expected to record a CAGR of 10% over the period of 2016-2024. Net metering, low deployment costs, and feed in tariff are the key growth drivers. Standalone hybrid solar wind market revenue is expected to grow significantly over the coming years, owing to its cost-effectiveness as compared to grid connected products.Request for Sample Copy of this research report @Below are the regional trends influencing hybrid solar wind market over 2016-2024Growing investments across renewable energy projects is projected to drive Australia hybrid solar wind industry size over the next few years. The government of Australia has allocated USD 1 billion funds for clean energy technology projects.Chile hybrid solar wind market revenue is anticipated to grow at a rate of 11% over the period of 2016-2024.Shortage of power supply and high demand for off grid electricity will favor Nigeria hybrid solar wind industry outlook over the next few years.South Africa hybrid solar wind industry revenue is expected to hit USD 12 million over the coming timeframe.Government policies encouraging the use of sustainable energy along with rural electrification programs are expected to boost India hybrid solar wind market trends.Make an inquiry for purchasing this report @U.S. hybrid solar wind industry will grow considerably over the coming years, driven by heavy focus on consumption of renewable energy along with beneficial government policies supporting energy conservation.Market participants will try to enhance their ROI through product differentiation as well as technological innovations. Key industry participants include Blue Pacific Solar Product Inc., Alpha Windmills, Alternate Energy Company, ReGen Powertech, Unitron Energy System Private Limited, Polar Power Inc., Zenith Solar Systems, Gamesa, Grupo Dragon, and Supernova Technologies Private Limited.Browse Related ReportDistributed Solar PV Market Size, Industry Analysis Report, Regional Outlook (U.S., Germany, UK, Italy, Russia, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Brazil, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, UAE, South Africa), Application Development, Price Trend, Competitive Market Share & Forecast, 2016 2023About Global Market InsightsGlobal Market Insights, Inc., headquartered in Delaware, U.S., is a global market research and consulting service provider; offering syndicated and custom research reports along with growth consulting services. Our business intelligence and industry research reports offer clients with penetrative insights and actionable market data specially designed and presented to aid strategic decision making. These exhaustive reports are designed via a proprietary researchContact Us:Arun HegdeCorporate Sales, USAGlobal Market Insights, Inc.Phone: 1-302-846-7766Toll Free: 1-888-689-0688Email: sales@gminsights.comWeb:Blog: New Wave In CryptoTrading 2018 Nakamoto Capital is proud to announce Pre-ICO of its new project CoinPlace platform. This is the first platform in the world that offers P2P service for direct trading of cryptocurrency of any volume or kind (bitcoin, altcoin, etc.) CoinPlace is eBay for the whole variety of cryptocurrencies and tokens. It is PayPal for new businesses based on the ICO model.Now users buying crypto assets face a number of challenges: high service fees, loss of anonymity while working with exchanges, a time consuming verification process, complex user interfaces that most exchanges use (see, this one for example), and a very limited number of payment methods.As a result people who are unfamiliar with the crypto market, get a feeling that it is impossible to enter the market off the street and that "this whole subject is too complicated and incomprehensible, you try to make sense of this crypto enigma" Founders of CoinPlace platform themselves walked the same path several years ago.After studying the subject thoroughly they founded the Cryptocurrency Investment Fund Nakamoto Capital. Having been successfully operating for a year they have finally decided to hold an ICO of their own platform.CoinPlace CEO George Blagov says "by the end of this year we are planning to operate with more than 100 digital assets, and in five years to hold more than 50 percent of the ICO tokens market and more than 40 percent of P2P crypto assets trading market.The team of CoinPlace has a rather ambitious goal to bring the crypto market into mainstream and to make it universally accessible.The visionary and the founder of the project Stan Teo emphasizes the difficulties currently awaiting any participant in crypto economy. "Today only one percent of people in the world who have the financial resources can buy ICO tokens because they know how. With the help of CoinPlace we want to increase this number to 50-70 percent.On top of that, people have to use several third party organisations (banks or exchanges) to buy altcoins with fiat currency. This means excessive service fees, a time consuming verification process and delayed reception of funds. CoinPlace platform allows anyone to trade crypto assets in just a few clicks directly avoiding the middleman. Moreover, any beginner will be able to buy any digital currency or tokens also in just a few clicks, and we will help them make an informed decision as to which asset is worth acquiring."oinPlace is not just an idea, it is already a functioning product (at alpha testing stage). Its market already exists and is growing rapidly. CoinPlace business model implicates that it will meet operating revenue in six months.In summary, CoinPlace provides an opportunity to securely exchange digital assets. All transactions are made directly between users, and the platform acts as an escrow. The project team ensures the security of transactions via smart contracts with minimal oversight of the buying and selling process."We are also implementing an innovational system beneficial to both buyers and sellers: it will allow to trade real crypto assets below the exchange price. We are now testing three radically new protocols that we plan to gradually implement in our project within eight months after launch of the platform" says George Blagov."We are going to change the whole crypto world for the better, and provide easier access to this world. For that we need to substantially simplify all operations for every participant of crypto processes to enable more people who now have no access to the crypto market to invest in an ICO" explains Stan Teo. "We will give them an opportunity to buy tokens not just with crypto assets as is currently possible, but with fiat money."CoinPlace is excited to announce that it supports almost every means of 2 payments: from interbank transfers to quasi cash and payments through Contact or WesternUnion.Project leaders believe that precisely such a symbiosis of payment methods, fiat and crypto assets, the combination of simple and familiar with the new and complex, promotion of the Cryptoeconomics phenomenon itself, and informative explanation of its benefits, is the most direct way to develop the new digital economy a new relationship between people and the crypto world.Perhaps due to CoinPlace the crypto geek community will lose its aura of elitism, and the phenomenon of crypto knowledge will no longer be inaccessible and incomprehensible. Crypto economy will become user-friendly, uncomplicated, easy to understand and secure. At least that is what the members of CoinPlace team strive to achieve.Visit for details.Contact us for more information: news@nakamoto.newsOr +7 (977) 775 51 46 or + 7 (917) 577 81 81Oxana IvanchenkoOur company collects the information and distributes it to the press from all over the world.Vandal Media CenterRussia, Moscow, 9 Maslovka Sttel. +79175778181e-mail Distributed File Systems and Object Storage 2017 Global Market Key Players IBM, CLoudian, Dell EMC, Hitachi, DataDirect Networks, NetApp Analysis and Forecast to 2022 Distributed File Systems and Object Storage Market Distributed File Systems and Object Storage Market 2017Wiseguyreports.Com adds Distributed File Systems and Object Storage Market Market Demand, Growth, Opportunities, Analysis of Top Key Players and Forecast to 2022 To Its Research Database.Report Details:This report provides in depth study of Distributed File Systems and Object Storage Market using SWOT analysis i.e. Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threat to the organization. The Distributed File Systems and Object Storage Market report also provides an in-depth survey of key players in the market which is based on the various objectives of an organization such as profiling and the financial health of the organization.This report studies the global Distributed File Systems and Object Storage market, analyzes and researches the Distributed File Systems and Object Storage development status and forecast in United States, EU, Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia.This report focuses on the top players in global market, likeIBM (US)CLoudian (US)DataDirect Networks (DDN) (US)Dell EMC (US)Hitachi Data Systems (US)Caringo (US)NetApp (US)Panasas (US)Red Hat (US)HGST (US)SUSE (Germany)Request a Sample Report @Market segment by Regions/Countries, this report coversUnited StatesEUJapanChinaIndiaSoutheast AsiaMarket segment by Type, the product can be split intoLocal StorageShared StorageMarket segment by Application, Distributed File Systems and Object Storage can be split intoIT and TelecommunicationRetailTransportation and LogisticsBFSIGovernmentEducationOtherIf you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.Complete Report Details@Major Key Points in Table of Content:Global Distributed File Systems and Object Storage Market Size, Status and Forecast 20221 Industry Overview of Distributed File Systems and Object Storage1.1 Distributed File Systems and Object Storage Market Overview1.1.1 Distributed File Systems and Object Storage Product Scope1.1.2 Market Status and Outlook1.2 Global Distributed File Systems and Object Storage Market Size and Analysis by Regions1.2.1 United States1.2.2 EU1.2.3 Japan1.2.4 China1.2.5 India1.2.6 Southeast Asia1.3 Distributed File Systems and Object Storage Market by Type1.3.1 Local Storage1.3.2 Shared Storage1.4 Distributed File Systems and Object Storage Market by End Users/Application1.4.1 IT and Telecommunication1.4.2 Retail1.4.3 Transportation and Logistics1.4.4 BFSI1.4.5 Government1.4.6 Education1.4.7 Other2 Global Distributed File Systems and Object Storage Competition Analysis by Players2.1 Distributed File Systems and Object Storage Market Size (Value) by Players (2016 and 2017)2.2 Competitive Status and Trend2.2.1 Market Concentration Rate2.2.2 Product/Service Differences2.2.3 New Entrants2.2.4 The Technology Trends in Future3 Company (Top Players) Profiles3.1 IBM (US)3.1.1 Company Profile3.1.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.1.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.1.4 Distributed File Systems and Object Storage Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.1.5 Recent Developments3.2 CLoudian (US)3.2.1 Company Profile3.2.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.2.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.2.4 Distributed File Systems and Object Storage Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.2.5 Recent Developments3.3 DataDirect Networks (DDN) (US)3.3.1 Company Profile3.3.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.3.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.3.4 Distributed File Systems and Object Storage Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.3.5 Recent Developments3.4 Dell EMC (US)3.4.1 Company Profile3.4.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.4.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.4.4 Distributed File Systems and Object Storage Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.4.5 Recent Developments3.5 Hitachi Data Systems (US)3.5.1 Company Profile3.5.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.5.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.5.4 Distributed File Systems and Object Storage Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.5.5 Recent Developments3.6 Caringo (US)3.6.1 Company Profile3.6.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.6.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.6.4 Distributed File Systems and Object Storage Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.6.5 Recent Developments3.7 NetApp (US)3.7.1 Company Profile3.7.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.7.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.7.4 Distributed File Systems and Object Storage Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.7.5 Recent Developments3.8 Panasas (US)3.8.1 Company Profile3.8.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.8.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.8.4 Distributed File Systems and Object Storage Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.8.5 Recent Developments3.9 Red Hat (US)3.9.1 Company Profile3.9.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.9.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.9.4 Distributed File Systems and Object Storage Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.9.5 Recent Developments3.10 HGST (US)3.10.1 Company Profile3.10.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.10.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.10.4 Distributed File Systems and Object Storage Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.10.5 Recent Developments3.11 SUSE (Germany)Continued.Buy now @Contact Us:NORAH TRENTPh: +1-646-845-9349 (US)Sales@Wiseguyreports.ComPh: +44 208 133 9349 (UK)ABOUT US:Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports features an exhaustive list of market research reports from hundreds of publishers worldwide. We boast a database spanning virtually every market category and an even more comprehensive collection of market research reports under these categories and sub-categories.ADDRES:WISE GUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India Biochar Market projected to experience a CAGR of 14.5% during the forecast period of 2017 to 2025 MRRSE Biochar is a charcoal which is obtained by heating different waste products such as wood waste, agricultural waste, animal manure and forest waste. These waste products are used as feedstock for production of biochar. Biochar is produced mainly through modern pyrolysis processes in which direct thermal decomposition of biomass waste in the absence of oxygen, resulting into biochar along with bio-oil and syngas. Biochar obtained is rich in carbon content and is fine grained residue. Biochar can also be obtained using different technologies such as gasification, microwave pyrolysis, etc.Request For Free Sample Report @The report estimates and forecasts the biochar market on the global, regional, and country levels. The study provides forecast between 2017 and 2025 based on volume (Tons) and revenue (US$ Thousand) with 2016 as the base year. The report comprises an exhaustive value chain analysis for each of the product segments. It provides a comprehensive view of the market. Value chain analysis also offers detailed information about value addition at each stage. The study includes drivers and restraints for the biochar market along with their impact on demand during the forecast period. The study also provides key market indicators affecting the growth of the market. The report analyzes opportunities in the biochar market on the global and regional level. Drivers, restraints, and opportunities mentioned in the report are justified through quantitative and qualitative data. These have been verified through primary and secondary resources. Furthermore, the report analyzes substitute analysis of biochar and global average price trend analysis.Global Biochar Market: Key Research AspectsThe report includes Porters Five Forces Model to determine the degree of competition in the biochar market. It comprises qualitative write-up on market attractiveness analysis, wherein end-users and countries have been analyzed based on attractiveness for each region. Growth rate, market size, raw material availability, profit margin, impact strength, technology, competition, and other factors (such as environmental and legal) have been evaluated in order to derive the general attractiveness of the market. The report comprises price trend analysis for biochar between 2017 and 2025.Secondary research sources that were typically referred to include, but were not limited to company websites, financial reports, annual reports, investor presentations, broker reports, and SEC filings. Other sources such as internal and external proprietary databases, statistical databases and market reports, news articles, national government documents, and webcasts specific to companies operating in the market have also been referred for the report.In-depth interviews and discussions with wide range of key opinion leaders and industry participants were conducted to compile this research report. Primary research represents the bulk of research efforts, supplemented by extensive secondary research. Key players product literature, annual reports, press releases, and relevant documents were reviewed for competitive analysis and market understanding. This helped in validating and strengthening secondary research findings. Primary research further helped in developing the analysis teams expertise and market understanding.Global Biochar Market: SegmentationThe study provides comprehensive view of the biochar market by dividing it into feedstock, application and geography. The biochar market has been segmented into woody biomass, agricultural waste, animal manure, and others. Application segments electricity generation, agriculture, forestry and others have been analyzed based on historic, present, and future trends.Regional segmentation includes the current and forecast demand for biochar in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa (MEA). Additionally, the report comprises country-level analysis in terms of volume and revenue for end-user segments. Key countries such as the U.S., France, Germany, Italy, the U.K., China, India, Japan, South Africa, Mexico, and Brazil have been included in the study. Market segmentation includes demand for individual end-users in all the regions and countries.Browse Full Report with TOC @Global Biochar Market: Competitive LandscapeThe report covers detailed competitive outlook that includes market share and profiles of key players operating in the global market. Major players profiled in the report Pacific Pyrolysis Pty Ltd, Vega Biofuels, Inc., Full Circle Biochar, Genesis Industries LLC, Diacarbonn Energy Inc., Earth Systems Bioenergy, Agri-Tech Producers, LLC , Pacific Biochar, Phoenix Energy, Biochar Supreme LLC, CharGrow, LLC, Cool Planet Energy Systems. Company profiles include attributes such as company overview, number of employees, brand overview, key competitors, business overview, business strategies, recent/key developments, acquisitions, and financial overview (wherever applicable).The global Biochar market has been segmented as follows:Global Biochar Market Feedstock Type AnalysisWoody BiomassAgricultural WasteAnimal ManureOthersGlobal Biochar Market Application AnalysisElectricity GenerationAgricultureForestryOthersGlobal Biochar Market Regional AnalysisNorth AmericaS.CanadaEuropeGermanyK.FranceItalySpainRest of EuropeAsia PacificChinaJapanIndiaASEANRest of Asia PacificMiddle East & AfricaSouth AfricaGCCRest of Middle East & AfricaLatin AmericaMexicoBrazilRest of Latin AmericaEnquire about this Report @About MRRSEMarket Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.ContactState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite:Read More Industry News At: Barcoding Software Market 2018 Emerging Opportunities by Application, Specification, Technology with Forecasts Report 2017 to 2022 ReportsWeb Global Barcoding Software Market Size, Status and Forecast 2017-2022 newly adds in database. This report covers leading key company profiles with information such as business overview, regional analysis, consumption, revenue and specification.This report studies the global Barcoding Software market, analyzes and researches the Barcoding Software development status and forecast in United States, EU, Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia. This report focuses on the top players in global market, like Jolly Technologies, Seagull Scientific, ASAP Systems, Cristallight Software, iWinSoft, TEKLYNX, Optima Warehouse Solutions, NiceLabel, Almyta Systems, Assetware Technology, Barcode Software, Aulux Technologies and Tharo.Get FREE Sample Copy of this report atMarket segment by Regions/Countries, this report covers United States, EU, Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia. Market segment by Type, the product can be split into One-dimensional Barcoding, Two-dimensional Barcoding and 3D Barcoding. Market segment by Application, Barcoding Software can be split into Commodity Circulation, Library Management, Post Management, Banking System and Others.Access Report Details atTable of Content1 Industry Overview of Barcoding Software2 Global Barcoding Software Competition Analysis by Players3 Company (Top Players) Profiles3.1 Jolly Technologies3.1.1 Company Profile3.1.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.1.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.1.4 Barcoding Software Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.1.5 Recent Developments3.2 Seagull Scientific3.2.1 Company Profile3.2.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.2.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.2.4 Barcoding Software Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.2.5 Recent Developments3.3 ASAP Systems3.3.1 Company Profile3.3.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.3.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.3.4 Barcoding Software Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.3.5 Recent Developments3.4 Cristallight Software3.4.1 Company Profile3.4.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.4.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.4.4 Barcoding Software Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.4.5 Recent Developments4 Global Barcoding Software Market Size by Type and Application (2012-2017)5 United States Barcoding Software Development Status and Outlook6 EU Barcoding Software Development Status and Outlook7 Japan Barcoding Software Development Status and Outlook8 China Barcoding Software Development Status and Outlook9 India Barcoding Software Development Status and Outlook10 Southeast Asia Barcoding Software Development Status and Outlook11 Market Forecast by Regions, Type and Application (2017-2022)12 Barcoding Software Market Dynamics13 Market Effect Factors AnalysisPurchase complete report atContact Info:Name: Sameer JoshiEmail: sales@reportsweb.comOrganization: ReportsWebPhone: is a one stop shop of market research reports and solutions to various companies across the globe. We help our clients in their decision support system by helping them choose most relevant and cost effective research reports and solutions from various publishers. We provide best in class customer service and our customer support team is always available to help you on your research queries.533, 5th floor, Amanora Township,Amanora Chambers, East Block,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Wine Barrel Market - Present Scenario and the Growth Prospects with Forecast 2026 A wine barrel is a hollow cylindrical container, traditionally made of Oak wood staves and bound with wooden or metal hoops. The wine barrel is majorly used for the aging of wine. After the fermentation of wine, it gets stored in the barrel for sedimentation of large solid particles and make it smooth. While the aging process, various flavors are imparted to wine as it goes through various chemical changes and allows a slow introduction of oxygen into the wine. Wine barrels are last for up to 100 years. While the aging of wine in barrels, usually gets the 50% extract that the barrel has on the first use and it gets decrease simultaneously as per the further utilization.Get an exclusive sample of this report @Wine Barrel Market: DynamicsThe global wine barrel market has expected to register the significant growth as a demand of wine is increasing globally over the forecast period. Use of oak wine barrels for aging the wine makes it rich in taste and quality which is leading factor drives for the growth of the global wine barrel market. The controlled oxidation takes place during the aging in the barrel and resulted into decreased astringency and increased colour and stability of wine over the use of other barrels made up of plastic and metals which also boost the global wine barrel market in terms of revenue and volume.However, the many wine producers have started using alternative to oak wine barrels such as oak powders, chips and blocks in the normal metal vats of wine to give the essence of oak aromas and flavors which hampers the growth of the global wine barrel market. The prices of the oak wine barrels are increasing due to the difference between demand and supply, which can also restrain the growth of the global wine barrel market.Obtain Report Details @Wine Barrel Market: Regional OutlookIn terms of geography, the global wine barrel market has been divided into five key regions, including North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC) and Middle East & Africa (MEA). The global wine barrel market has expected to register moderate growth over the forecast period. North America has contributed the major share to the global wine barrel market due to the rapidly growing parent market of wine in the North America. North America followed by Europe has also registered a significant growth rate in terms of revenue due to increasing demand of wine. Latin America and APAC are also contributing descent market shares to the global wine barrel market over the forecast period. MEA is at nascent stage in the global wine barrel market and anticipated to register the healthy growth over the forecast period.Wine Barrel Market: Major PlayersSome of the key players of the global wine barrel market are OENEO, Francois Freres, THE BARREL MILL, Seguin Moreau Napa Cooperage, StaVin Inc., G & P Garbellotto S.p.A., Barry's Barrels, Canton, Bouchared Cooperages Australia PTY. Ltd. and Nadalie Australia.Various global companies are contributed descent growth to the global wine barrel market. The key players from North America and Europe has contributed major share to the wine barrel market in terms of revenue and volume.About FMIFuture Market Insights is the premier provider of market intelligence and consulting services, serving clients in over 150 countries. FMI is headquartered in London, the global financial capital, and has delivery centres in the U.S. and India.FMIs research and consulting services help businesses around the globe navigate the challenges in a rapidly evolving marketplace with confidence and clarity. Our customised and syndicated market research reports deliver actionable insights that drive sustainable growth. We continuously track emerging trends and events in a broad range of end industries to ensure our clients prepare for the evolving needs of their consumers.Contact FMI3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street,London W1B 3HHUnited KingdomT: + 44 (0) 20 7692 8790D: +44 (0) 20 3287 CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Global Market Top Key Players Leco , Horiba , Jung-Instruments , Bruker , Eltra , NCS and Forecast to 2021 CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Market Global CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) MarketDescriptionWiseGuyReports.Com adds Global CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Market Report 2017 Research To Its Database.With the slowdown in world economic growth, the CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) industry has also suffered a certain impact, but still maintained a relatively optimistic growth, the past four years, CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) market size to maintain the average annual growth rate of -5.53% from 133.8 million $ in 2013 to 112.8 million $ in 2016, Bis Report analysts believe that in the next few years, CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) market size will be further expanded, we expect that by 2021, The market size of the CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) will reach 103.6 million $.This Report covers the manufacturers data, including: shipment, price, revenue, gross profit, interview record, business distribution etc., these data help the consumer know about the competitors better. This report also covers all the regions and countries of the world, which shows a regional development status, including market size, volume and value, as well as price data.Get sample Report @Besides, the report also covers segment data, including: industry segment, channel segment etc. cover different segment market size, both volume and value. Also cover different industries clients information, which is very important for the manufacturers. If you need more information, please contact Bis ReportSection 1: FreeDefinitionSection (2 3): 1200 USDManufacturer DetailLecoHoribaJung-InstrumentsBrukerEltraNCSDekaiQilinHigh-speed AnalyzerNCS TestingBaoyingDeyangkeruiKeguoHuaxinAoxiangYingzhichengYanruiJinshiBoqiWanliandaxinkeSection 4: 900 USDRegion SegmentationNorth America Country (United States, Canada)South AmericaAsia Country (China, Japan, India, Korea)Europe Country (Germany, UK, France, Italy)Other Country (Middle East, Africa, GCC)Section (5 6): 500 USDIndustry Segmentation (Metals, Ceramics, Ores, Cement, Other)Channel (Direct Sales, Distributor) SegmentationSection 7: 700 USDTrend (2017-2021)Section 8: 700 USDDownstream ConsumerSection 9: 200 USDCost StructureSection 10: 500 USDConclusionEnquiry About Report @Table of Contents -Major Key PointsSection 1 CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Product DefinitionSection 2 Global CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Market Manufacturer Share and Market Overview2.1 Global Manufacturer CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Shipments2.2 Global Manufacturer CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Business Revenue2.3 Global CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Market OverviewSection 3 Manufacturer CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Business Introduction3.1 Leco CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Business Introduction3.1.1 Leco CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Shipments, Price, Revenue and Gross profit 2013-20163.1.2 Leco CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Business Distribution by Region3.1.3 Leco Interview Record3.1.4 Leco CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Business Profile3.1.5 Leco CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Product Specification3.2 Horiba CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Business Introduction3.2.1 Horiba CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Shipments, Price, Revenue and Gross profit 2013-20163.2.2 Horiba CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Business Distribution by Region3.2.3 Interview Record3.2.4 Horiba CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Business Overview3.2.5 Horiba CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Product Specification3.3 Jung-Instruments CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Business Introduction3.3.1 Jung-Instruments CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Shipments, Price, Revenue and Gross profit 2013-20163.3.2 Jung-Instruments CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Business Distribution by Region3.3.3 Interview Record3.3.4 Jung-Instruments CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Business Overview3.3.5 Jung-Instruments CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Product Specification3.4 Bruker CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Business Introduction3.5 Eltra CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Business Introduction3.6 NCS CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Business IntroductionSection 4 Global CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Market Segmentation (Region Level)4.1 North America Country4.1.1 United States CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Market Size and Price Analysis 2013-20164.1.2 Canada CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Market Size and Price Analysis 2013-20164.2 South America Country4.2.1 South America CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Market Size and Price Analysis 2013-20164.3 Asia Country4.3.1 China CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Market Size and Price Analysis 2013-20164.3.2 Japan CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Market Size and Price Analysis 2013-20164.3.3 India CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Market Size and Price Analysis 2013-20164.3.4 Korea CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Market Size and Price Analysis 2013-20164.4 Europe Country4.4.1 Germany CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Market Size and Price Analysis 2013-20164.4.2 UK CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Market Size and Price Analysis 2013-20164.4.3 France CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Market Size and Price Analysis 2013-20164.4.4 Italy CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Market Size and Price Analysis 2013-20164.4.5 Europe CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Market Size and Price Analysis 2013-20164.5 Other Country and Region4.5.1 Middle East CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Market Size and Price Analysis 2013-20164.5.2 Africa CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Market Size and Price Analysis 2013-20164.5.3 GCC CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Market Size and Price Analysis 2013-20164.6 Global CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Market Segmentation (Region Level) Analysis 2013-20164.7 Global CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Market Segmentation (Region Level) AnalysisSection 5 Global CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Market Segmentation (Industry Level)5.1 Global CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Market Segmentation (Industry Level) Market Size 2013-20165.2 Different Industry Price 2013-20165.3 Global CS Analyzer (High Frequency Infrared) Market Segmentation (Industry Level) Analysis..CONTINUEDAbout UsWise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, Industry research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports understand how essential statistical surveying information is for your organization or association. Therefore, we have associated with the top publishers and research firms all specialized in specific domains, ensuring you will receive the most reliable and up to date research data available.NORAH TRENTPartner Relations & Marketing Managersales@wiseguyreports.comPh: +1-646-845-9349 (US)Ph: +44 208 133 9349 (UK) Nickel Alloy Welding Consumables Market Expected to Expand a 6.6% CAGR over the period between 2016 and 2024 MRRSE This research study analyzes the market for nickel alloy welding consumables in terms of revenue (US$ Bn) and volume (kilo tons). The nickel alloy welding consumables market has been segmented on the basis of product, alloy type, welding technology, end use applications, and geography. The geographical segmentation includes regions, which are further divided into 20 countries. The report features a detailed regional segmentation with market growth forecasts for the period between 2016 and 2024. For the research, 2015 has been considered as the base year and 2016 the estimated year, while all forecasts have been given for the period from 2016 to 2024. Market data for all the segments has been provided at the regional and country-specific levels from 2016 to 2024.Request For Free Sample Report @The report provides a broad competitive analysis of companies engaged in the development of nickel alloy welding consumables. The report also includes key market dynamics such as the drivers, restraints, and opportunities affecting the global nickel alloy welding consumables market. These market dynamics are analyzed in detail and are illustrated in the report with the help of supporting graphs and tables. The report also provides a comprehensive analysis of the market with the help of the Porters Five Forces Analysis model, which helps in understanding the five major forces that affect the structure and profitability of the global nickel alloy welding consumables market. The forces analyzed are the bargaining power of buyers, the bargaining power of suppliers, the threat of new entrants, the threat of substitutes, and the degree of competition.The high-level analysis in the report provides detailed insights into the nickel alloy welding consumables business globally. There are currently numerous drivers for the market. The most prominent drivers include rapid growth in various industries such as transportation and power and the increasing use of nickel and its alloys. With nickel finding applications in renewable energy including wind and solar energy, the nickel alloy welding consumables market may find new avenues for demand generation. Lack of skilled workers and knowledge about the use of welding technologies and welding consumables might act as restraints for the consumable market. Market attractiveness analysis and comparison analysis was carried out for the nickel alloy welding consumables market on the basis of product, alloy, technology, application, region, and country. Market attractiveness was estimated on the basis of common parameters that directly impact the market.The global nickel alloy welding consumables market has been segmented on the basis of products into stick electrodes and wires. By welding technology, the market has been segmented into shielded metal arc welding, gas metal arc welding, gas tungsten arc welding, flux cored arc welding, and submerged arc welding. By alloy type, the market has been segmented into monel alloys, inconel alloys, and other alloys. Furthermore, the nickel alloy welding consumables market has been segmented by various end-use applications including oil & gas, power, construction, marine, and other applications. Other applications consist of the transportation and manufacturing sector. Applications such as transportation and manufacturing are expected to occupy a leading share in the nickel alloy welding consumable market.Browse Full Report with TOC @In terms of geography, the market has been segmented into five regions: North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East & Africa, and Latin America. China is expected to remain the dominant market in the nickel alloy welding consumables with market for nickel alloy welding consumables reaching 417.74 kilo tons by 2024. GCC countries are anticipated to show a significant growth rate of 7.14% in the period between 2016 and 2024. The rapid development in infrastructure and trading activities in the emerging economies of the region, such as Latin America, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa, will boost the market for nickel alloy welding consumables.Key players in the nickel alloy welding consumables market are Ador Welding Ltd., Colfax Corporation, Illinois Tool Works, Inc., Kobe Steel, Ltd., Lincoln Electric Holdings, Inc., MEC Holding GmbH, Sandvik Materials Technology AB, Special Metal Corporation, Tianjin Golden Bridge Welding Materials Group Co., Ltd., and voestalpine Bohler Welding GmbH. Other players included are Arcos Industries, LLC, Berkenhoff GmbH, Cor-Met Inc., Kunshan Gintune Welding Co., Ltd., Linan Dayang Welding Material Co., Ltd., Oxford Alloys, Inc., Ramtec Welding Products Limited, Senor Metals Pvt. Ltd., and Weld Mold Company.Nickel alloy welding consumables market: By ProductStick ElectrodesWiresNickel alloy welding consumables market: By TechnologyShielded Metal Arc WeldingGas Metal Arc WeldingGas Tungsten Arc WeldingFlux Cored Arc WeldingSubmerged Arc WeldingNickel alloy welding consumables market: By Alloy TypeMonel AlloysInconel AlloysOther AlloysNickel alloy welding consumables market: By ApplicationOil & GasPowerConstructionMarineOther ApplicationsNickel alloy welding consumables market: By RegionNorth AmericaThe U.S.CanadaEuropeGermanyFranceThe U.K.ItalySpainRest of EuropeAsia PacificChinaJapanIndiaASEANRest of Asia PacificMiddle East & AfricaGCCEgyptSouth AfricaRest of Middle East and AfricaLatin AmericaBrazilMexicoRest of Latin AmericaEnquire about this Report @About MRRSEMarket Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.ContactState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite:Read More Industry News At: Cushings Disease Treatment Market Estimated to Soar Higher During 2017 - 2025 Cushing disease is caused by tumour in the pituitary gland which leads to excessive secretion of a hormone called adrenocorticotrophic (ACTH), which in turn leads to increasing levels of cortisol in the body. Cortisol is a steroid hormone released by the adrenal glands and helps the body to deal with injury or infection. Increasing levels of cortisol increases the blood sugar and can even cause diabetes mellitus. However the disease is also caused due to excess production of hypothalamus corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) which stimulates the synthesis of cortisol by the adrenal glands. The condition is named after Harvey Cushing, the doctor who first identified the disease in 1912. Cushing disease results in Cushing syndrome. Cushing syndrome is a group of signs and symptoms developed due to prolonged exposure to cortisol. Signs and symptoms of Cushing syndrome includes hypertension, abdominal obesity, muscle weakness, headache, fragile skin, acne, thin arms and legs, red stretch marks on stomach, fluid retention or swelling, excess body and facial hair, weight gain, acne, buffalo hump, tiredness, fatigue, brittle bones, low back pain, moon shaped face etc. Symptoms vary from individual to individual depending upon the disease duration, age and gender of the patient. Disease diagnosis is done by measuring levels of cortisol in patients urine, saliva or blood. For confirming the diagnosis, a blood test for ACTH is performed. The first-line treatment of the disease is through surgical resection of ACTH-secreting pituitary adenoma, however disease management is also done through medications, Cushing disease treatment market comprises of the drugs designed for lowering the level of cortisol in the body. Thus patients suffering from Cushing disease are prescribed medications such as ketoconazole, mitotane, aminoglutethimide metyrapone, mifepristone, etomidate and pasireotide.Report overview @Cushings disease treatment market revenue is growing with a stable growth rate, this is attributed to increasing number of pipeline drugs. Also increasing interest of pharmaceutical companies to develop Cushing disease drugs is a major factor contributing to the revenue growth of Cushing disease treatment market over the forecast period. Current and emerging players focuses on physician education and awareness regarding availability of different drugs for curing Cushing disease, thus increasing the referral speeds, time to diagnosis and volume of diagnosed Cushing disease individuals. Growing healthcare expenditure and increasing awareness regarding Cushing syndrome aids in the revenue growth of Cushings disease treatment market. Increasing number of new product launches also drives the market for Cushings disease Treatment devices. However availability of alternative therapies for curing Cushing syndrome is expected to hamper the growth of the Cushings disease treatment market over the forecast period.Cushings disease treatment market revenue is expected to grow at a good growth rate, over the forecast period. The market is anticipated to perform well in the near future due to increasing awareness regarding the condition. Also the market is anticipated to grow with a fastest CAGR over the forecast period, attributed to increasing investment in R&D and increasing number of new product launches which is estimated to drive the revenue growth of Cushings disease treatment market over the forecast period.Depending on geographic region, the Cushings disease treatment market is segmented into five key regions: North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC) and Middle East & Africa (MEA).Request to sample report @North America is occupying the largest regional market share in the global Cushings disease treatment market owing to the presence of more number of market players, high awareness levels regarding Cushing syndrome. Healthcare expenditure and relatively larger number of R&D exercises pertaining to drug manufacturing and marketing activities in the region. Also Europe is expected to perform well in the near future due to increasing prevalence of the condition in the region.Asia Pacific is expected to grow at the fastest CAGR because of increase in the number of people showing the symptoms of Cushing syndrome, thus boosting the market growth of Cushings disease treatment market throughout the forecast period.Some players of Cushings disease Treatment market includes CORCEPT THERAPEUTICS, HRA Pharma, Strongbridge Biopharma plc, Novartis AG, etc. However there are numerous companies producing branded generics for Cushing disease. The companies in Cushings disease treatment market are increasingly engaged in strategic partnerships, collaborations and promotional activities to capture a greater pie of market share.Buy now @About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Processed Meat Market estimated to reach US$1.5 bn, expanding at an 8.4% CAGR by 2024 MRRSE Processed meat is popular across the world and its consumption varies from region to region. New flavors and convenient products are boosting the processed meat market globally. The GCC processed meat market has been segmented by meat type, product type, package type, and region. In terms of meat type, the market has been segmented into lamb, beef, and poultry. In terms of product type, the processed meat market has been segmented into: chilled processed meat, frozen processed meat and others. Under the chilled processed meat segment, the market is further categorized into burgers, nuggets, and others. Others segment includes kebab, and meat balls among others. Frozen processed meat is further segregated into hot dogs, mortadella, salami and others. The others processed meat segment includes shelf stable meat products. In terms of packaging type, the processed meat market has been segmented into: retail package and bulk package.Request For Free Sample Report @The research report on the GCC processed meat market offers detailed analysis of the processed meat products market in Qatar and rest of GCC and helps to understand the driving forces behind the popularity of this market. Under the scope of the report, detailed analysis of major segments and sub-segments of processed meat market for the Qatar and rest of GCC are provided for the historical years (2010-2014) and the next eight years (2016-2024). Moreover, the report includes in-depth analysis of the drivers, restraints, market trends, and future outlook of the industry. The strategies for stakeholders to succeed in the business have been comprehensively assessed in the report. It also provides an understanding of volume (million kg) and value (USD million) of processed meat consumption across GCC. The study highlights the current and future market trends, historical market (2010 to 2015), and provides forecast from 2016 to 2024.In terms of meat type, poultry accounts for the largest market share across GCC. Frozen processed meat, especially poultry led in terms of growth in 2015 and is expected to maintain its leading position over the forecast period. In general, poultry consumption in Saudi Arabia is on the rise. Burgers, franks, nuggets, salami, and hot dogs are favorite lunch items amongst the growing young population. They are conveniently stored and easily prepared when needed. Thus, the market of processed meat is expected to grow over the forecast period.In terms of product type, frozen processed meat type occupied the largest market share in the overall GCC processed meat market both in terms of revenue and volume in 2015. Processed meat sales are expected to be driven by frozen variants across all the countries in GCC. Chilled processed meat, on the other hand, does not enjoy the same variety, and these products also have a shorter life. For the processed meat market, the target segment is mainly foreign workers, who want to add some protein to their meals without spending too much money and time. Frozen processed meat product such as hot dogs, salami based packaged food products are very much popular among the younger generation across GCC. Another factor which is helping the processed meat market to grow in GCC countries mainly in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and UAE is the busy life style of people over the years.Browse Full Report with TOC @By country, the market has been segmented into Qatar and rest of GCC. This report helps distributors, suppliers and manufacturers to formulate strategies based on understanding of the trends in this market. Among the overall meat type segment, poultry is analyzed to be the most attractive segment for the processed meat market due to increasing health awareness among consumers in Qatar. Across the GCC, consumers are shifting from the consumption of red meat to poultry, as cholesterol content of red meat is high as compared to poultry. Growing popularity of processed meat based food products among the younger generation, and rising demand for organic food products, among others, are the major factors driving the processed meat market across GCC.The leading brands which have the maximum market share in processed meat market across GCC include National Food Co. (Americana Meat), Al Islami Foods, Sunbulah Group, BRF S.A., Tyson Foods, Cargill Inc., Gulf Food Industries and Almunajem among others.Enquire about this Report @About MRRSEMarket Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.ContactState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite:Read More Industry News At: Global Aerogels Market 2017: Key Players Aerogel Technologies LLC, Airglass AB, American Aerogel Corporation, Aspen Aerogel (U.S.), BASF SummaryWiseguyreports.Com Adds Aerogels Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2017 To 2022According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Aerogels market accounted for $465.79 million in 2015, and is projected to register a CAGR of 21.7% to reach $1840.23 million by 2022. Favourable policies related to eco-friendly infrastructure, increasing application of aerogels in oil & gas, construction are the major factors fuelling the market growth. In addition, unique properties of aerogels such as thermal resistance, technological innovations are some of the other factors driving the market growth. The major constraints for the growth of aerogels market are high cost of production coupled with the complicated manufacturing process of aerogels which are negatively impacting the market.The carbon aerogel segment is expected to grow with a high CAGR during the forecast period. The growth of this segment is attributed to increasing application of carbon aerogel in electronics, super capacitors, and semiconductor applications. North America commands the aerogel market with a higher CAGR due to increasing transportation and construction. Asia Pacific is expected to witness fastest growth, over the forecast period.Request a Sample Report @Some of the key players in global aerogel market include Acoustiblok UK Ltd, Active Space Technologies, Aerogel Technologies LLC, Airglass AB, American Aerogel Corporation, Aspen Aerogel (U.S.), BASF, Cabot Corp, Dow Chemicals (U.S.), Enersens SAS, Guangdong Alison Hi-Tech Co. Ltd, Jios Aerogel Corporation, Nano High-Tech Co. Ltd, and Svenska Aerogel AB.Aerogel Types Covered: Carbon Polymer Silica Alumina Other Aerogel Typeso Chalcogelo CdSe aerogelo Safe Emulsion Agar gel (SEAgel)Applications Covered: Automotive Marine Aerospace Oil & Gas Construction Performance Coating Day lighting & LVHS Chemicals Electronics Other applicationso Apparelo Cryogenicso Power generationo AgricultureProcessing Covered: Virgin Aerogel Fabricated Aerogelo Additiveso CompositesForms Covered: Monolith Blanket Powder or Particle Panel BlocksRegions Covered: North Americao USo Canadao Mexico Europeo Germanyo Franceo Italyo UKo Spaino Rest of Europe Asia Pacifico Japano Chinao Indiao Australiao New Zealando Rest of Asia Pacific Rest of the Worldo Middle Easto Brazilo Argentinao South Africao EgyptAt any Query @1 Executive Summary2 Preface2.1 Abstract2.2 Stake Holders2.3 Research Scope2.4 Research Methodology2.4.1 Data Mining2.4.2 Data Analysis2.4.3 Data Validation2.4.4 Research Approach2.5 Research Sources2.5.1 Primary Research Sources2.5.2 Secondary Research Sources2.5.3 Assumptions3 Market Trend Analysis3.1 Introduction3.2 Drivers3.3 Restraints3.4 Opportunities3.5 Threats3.6 Product Analysis3.7 Application Analysis3.8 Emerging Markets3.9 Futuristic Market Scenario4 Porters Five Force Analysis4.1 Bargaining power of suppliers4.2 Bargaining power of buyers4.3 Threat of substitutes4.4 Threat of new entrants4.5 Competitive rivalry5 Global Aerogels Market, By Aerogel Type5.1 Introduction5.2 Carbon5.3 Polymer5.4 Silica5.5 Alumina5.6 Other Aerogel Types5.6.1 Chalcogel5.6.2 CdSe aerogel5.6.3 Safe Emulsion Agar gel (SEAgel)6 Global Aerogels Market, By Application6.1 Introduction6.2 Automotive6.3 Marine6.4 Aerospace6.5 Oil & Gas6.6 Construction6.7 Performance Coating6.8 Day lighting & LVHS6.9 Chemicals6.10 Electronics6.11 Other Applications6.11.1 Apparel6.11.2 Cryogenics6.11.3 Power generation6.11.4 Agriculture7 Global Aerogels Market, By Processing7.1 Introduction7.2 Virgin Aerogel7.3 Fabricated Aerogel7.3.1 Additives7.3.2 Composites8 Global Aerogels Market, By Form8.1 Introduction8.2 Monolith8.3 Blanket8.4 Powder or Particle8.5 Panel8.6 BlocksContinued....What our report offers:- Market share assessments for the regional and country level segments- Market share analysis of the top industry players- Strategic recommendations for the new entrants- Market forecasts for a minimum of 7 years of all the mentioned segments, sub segments and the regional markets- Market Trends (Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, Investment Opportunities, and recommendations)- Strategic recommendations in key business segments based on the market estimations- Competitive landscaping mapping the key common trends- Company profiling with detailed strategies, financials, and recent developments- Supply chain trends mapping the latest technological advancementsBuy NowContact infoContact Us: sales@wiseguyreports.comPh: +1-646-845-9349 (US)Ph: +44 208 133 9349 (UK)ABOUT US:Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports features an exhaustive list of market research reports from hundreds of publishers worldwide. We boast a database spanning virtually every market category and an even more comprehensive collection of market research reports under these categories and sub-categories.ADDRESS:WISE GUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India Neuro-oncological diseases device Market to Witness Growth Acceleration During 2017 - 2025 Neuro-oncological diseases are the disorders that are typically caused due to the growth of a benign or malignant tumor in the brain or any part of the central nervous system. Neuro-oncological tumors are highly fatal, and so their diagnosis becomes a topic of foremost importance. There are a number of neuro-oncological diagnosis devices based on a variety of techniques for the diagnosis of neuro-oncological diseases. Due to the changing lifestyle, changing environmental conditions and other factors, the incidences of neuro-oncological diseases are increasing swiftly which in turn leads to the growth of neuro-oncological diagnosis device market.View Report Preview @As per the data of German Brain Tumour Association incidence rate of the malignant tumor is 3.4 per 1,00,000 people worldwide. Also, the association claims that every day 700 people are diagnosed with malignant tumors. This data clearly illustrates the requirement of neuro-oncological diagnosis devices worldwide. The higher resolution power and increased efficiency of the newer neuro-oncological diagnosis devices also make their market to boom.The market for neuro-oncological diagnosis devices is most likely to be driven by the worldwide statistics that shows the prevalence of cancer around the globe. Also, the growing incidence rates of neuro-oncological diseases will play a key role in the growth of the market. The advancement in the technology makes it easier for doctors to understand various types of neuro-oncological diseases and so they always prefer newer neuro-oncological diagnosis devices over the older neuro-oncological diagnosis devices. Neuro-oncological disorders are highly fatal, and therefore even the patients do not compromise with their safety and in the case of only a few symptoms they prefer to go for a neuro-oncological disease diagnostic test.The neuro-oncological diagnosis devices are very expensive, but even this factor can not become a limitation to this market cost of neuro-oncological diagnosis devices can not overpower the function these devices perform. Hence, even after the high cost, the neuro-oncological diagnosis device market is projected to grow over the forecast period.Request to View Sample of Research Report @The market for the neuro-oncological diagnosis devices is currently in its growth phase. With the advancement in technology, neuro-oncological diagnosis devices with higher resolution power and better accuracy are being manufactured. The market for neuro-oncological diagnosis devices is expected to grow swiftly in the forecast period due to the increase in the number of patients suffering from neuro-oncological disorders. Also, the growing awareness of people about the advancements in the neuro-oncological diagnosis devices makes way for the growth of the market of devices with more sophisticated technologies. Neuro-oncological diagnosis devices like MRI machines are being manufactured which are based on the techniques like contrast enhancement and dynamic contrast enhancement.The market for neuro-oncological diagnosis devices is most developed in the North American and European region owing to the funds that government provides for research and development of high-quality neuro-oncological diagnosis devices. The market for the devices is also increasing rapidly in Asia Pacific due to new policies of governments which fascinates manufacturers for manufacturing neuro-oncological diagnosis devices in these countries. Neuro-oncological diagnosis device usage is obligatory in the diagnosis of fatal diseases. Therefore, many under-developed economies of middle east and Africa also have a large market for neuro-oncological diagnosis devices.Some of the key participants of neuro-oncological diagnosis devices include .Buy now @About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Portable Gas Chromatograph Market Revenue Growth Predicted by 2025 The Portable gas chromatograph does not require any external electrical connections. The Portable gas chromatograph instrument may vary in size and portability from an independent unit size, as small as a small suitcase which can be carried easily by a single person to a much bigger unit wanting auxiliary gas supply and which will require many people to transport. Many Portable gas chromatograph devices do not have any provision to heat the columns, detector or the injection port. Because of this, there is a limitation in analyzing the volatile compounds. Therefore, this results in deviation of retention times with ambient temperature. Likewise, late-eluting peaks will be weakly formed and will then not be useful for quantification.View Report Preview @Applications of Portable gas chromatograph are MTBE and BTEX On-site Rapid Screening of Contaminated Ground Water, Rapid Field Detection of Chemical Warfare Agents, Volatile Organic Compound Identification in Water, Trihalomethanes Identification in Drinking Water, Volatile Organic Compounds Screening in Soil, Volatile and Semi volatile Compound Screening of Cocoa Raw Materials and Chocolate Products, Profiling of Essential Oil VOCs and SVOCs, Onsite Illicit Drug Identification, Semi-quantitative Determination of Volatile Oligomers of Halogenated Compressor Oil in a Manufacturing Process Accelerated Trace Level Detection of Selected VOCs in Air, Using a Needle Trap Device with a Portable gas chromatograph.The key driver to the Portable Gas Chromatograph market is the rising awareness about the therapeutic applications of Portable Gas Chromatograph. Rise in increasing investments by the governmental bodies will ultimately rise the market for Portable Gas Chromatograph. Low maintenance costs and manufacturing costs of Portable Gas Chromatograph is alluring the end users to adopt this market. However, the costly setup and lack in expertise is restraining the Portable Gas Chromatograph market. Moreover, the strict rules and regulations by different governments is creating difficulties for the Portable Gas Chromatograph market.Request to View Sample of Research Report @Geographically, North America is the dominating region in the Portable Gas Chromatograph market owing to the advancing biopharmaceutical field in this region. Also, rising awareness of Portable Gas Chromatograph has fueled the Portable Gas Chromatograph market.US holds the prominent market in the Portable Gas Chromatograph market in North America trailed by Europe including Germany, France and UK. The Asian market for Portable Gas Chromatograph is also expected to witness a high CAGR during the coming years. Increased foreign investments.In this region will also boost the Portable Gas Chromatograph market ahead. China and Japan are projected to be the fastest growing in the Portable Gas Chromatograph market.Currently, the global Portable Gas Chromatograph market is highly competitive owing to the involvement of many established players. Some of the key players in the global Portable Gas Chromatograph market are ABB Ltd., Agilent Technologies, Inc., Emerson Electric Co., Elster Group GmbH., PerkinElmer, Inc., Siemens AG, SRI Instruments, Shimadzu Corporation and Thermo Fisher Scientific.Buy now @About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Transfection Reagents and Equipment Market Explores New Growth Opportunities By 2025