Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images(WASHINGTON) -- The chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee sent letters to White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and FBI Director Christopher Wray Wednesday morning seeking information about former White House staff secretary Rob Porter and his security clearance amid a firestorm surrounding allegations of domestic abuse. Porter's position came with access to some of the highly classified documents on the president's desk. He worked on an interim security clearance until resigning last week when both his first and second wives publicly accused him of physical abuse. Porter has denied the claims. Questions have arisen about who knew what in the White House and when, especially after the FBI director's testimony appeared to contradict the White House timeline about when Porter's background investigation was completed. Rep. Trey Gowdy, of South Carolina, asked the White House and FBI for clarification on the "process, practices, and procedures" for issuing security clearances and how Porter's case was handled. Additionally, the House Oversight Committee has begun an official investigation, Gowdy confirmed on CNN's "New Day" Wednesday morning. The South Carolina Republican, who is not running for re-election in 2018, asked the White House to clarify when staffers learned of the allegations against Rob Porter. A Monday statement from White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the White House "learned of the extent of the situation involving Rob Porter last Tuesday evening (February 6)." The statement went on to say the FBI security clearance background investigation was "ongoing, hadn't been completed." But that timeline appears to contradict Wray's testimony from Tuesday that the FBI completed its security clearance "in late July." The FBI then responded to requests for follow up information in November, and finally "administratively closed the file in January ... earlier this month we received some additional information and we passed that along as well," Wray said. "I would want to know from Don McGahn and General Kelly and anyone else -- what did you know? From whom did you hear it? To what extent did you hear it? And then what actions, if any, did you take," Gowdy said on "New Day." The White House has repeatedly claimed the background investigation was ongoing as the allegations of violence came to light, including photos of an ex-wife's facial bruising and graphic descriptions of abuse from another wife. Porter resigned last week soon after the allegations surfaced. Gowdy asked for the information by Wednesday, Feb. 28th. The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has jurisdiction over the security clearance process, but not who the White House chooses to hire, Gowdy told CNN. Copyright 2018, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From Wallwritings When New York Times' columnist Thomas Friedman travels to the Middle East, he brings with him a deep devotion to the state of Israel, and a longing for what he thinks ought to be. In a recent column he addresses that longing in these opening paragraphs: "At the Syrian Border, Golan Heights -- Who knew that the future of warfare would present itself with such serene beauty -- like one of those warm 19th-century David Roberts landscapes of the Middle East. "How so? I'm traveling along the Israeli border road at the intersection of Lebanon, Syria and Israel, and off in the distance there's a freshly snow-capped Mount Hermon, begging for skiers. It's framed by Lebanese and Syrian villages nestled into terraced hillsides, crowned by minarets and crosses. The only sound you hear is the occasional rifle burst from Lebanese hunters." With his quiet opening of what ought to be, Friedman sets a mood designed to lure his readers into a quiet David Roberts painting. As frequent travelers know, Roberts was the Englishman who captures a tranquility from the 1800s, a tranquility which Friedman quickly dispatches: "But this is no Roberts painting. It's actually the second-most-dangerous spot on the planet -- after the Korean Peninsula -- and it's the idyllic backdrop to what 21st-century warfare looks like. "Because hidden in these villages, hillsides and pine forests you can find a state -- Israel -- trying to navigate a battlefield with a rival state's army (Syria), a rival regional superpower (Iran), a global superpower (Russia), super-empowered mercenaries and maniacs (Hezbollah and ISIS) and local tribes and sects (Druse and Christians)." Hold up there, Brother Thomas, do you expect us to buy this one-sided Friedman word-portrait that describes the state of Israel as a peaceful neighbor forced to live in "a tough neighborhood," a favorite Friedman phrase? Parse that "hidden in these villages..." paragraph. View it "realistically," as Reinhold Niebuhr should have done when he was alive. The "battlefield" Friedman describes is filled with a "rival states's army (Syria), [and] a rival regional superpower (Iran)," two "rivals" that were established as states within borders drawn by the British. They were there long before invading Zionist colonialists arrived in the neighborhood and moved in with their peaceful Jewish villagers.. Friedman sounds like Donald Trump when he identifies Hezbollah and ISIS as "super-empowered mercenaries and maniacs." As for the Druse and Christians, they are tossed aside as "local tribes and sects." Come now, Thomas, "tribes and sects"? I have labored under the impression that the Christian community has a pretty strong religious claim on land where Jesus was born, lived, died and was raised from the dead, to save the world. Christians of the world provide Israel with tourist profits, and many of them deplore the treatment of Christians in Palestine by Israel's occupation army. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. We looked at the top level of the privatized Intel community showing both that companies and actors aren't working in the public's interest inside the new privatized Intelligence. Inherently governmental work way beyond spying is contracted out to companies and people who only serve their own self- interest. Next, we need to understand the next level down which is the smaller companies, specialty companies, and practitioners that service the top level. We'll look at how they fit in and how they work in real life. Then we'll see how good their MOJO really is. Since the Unmasking Propornot article, I took the time to ask a couple of them about their business relationships. Some of the most damning things will have to wait for part 4 including what should be a slam dunk for one particular company. I asked Bellingcat's principals if they are working for and with Ukrainian Intelligence? I asked if they worked with groups that celebrated the lever pullers and torturers of the Holocaust? I asked them to give their answer with the understanding that ALL of their credibility was resting on their integrity. Their answer shows clearly if anything they have reported should be taken seriously or is part of an Intelligence game. We'll look at that in part 3 with all the proofs. In 2016, Tim Shorrock wrote an article describing the 5 Intel giants that control domestic policy, foreign policy, military, and civilian leaders with the products they sell. They create the information. They analyze the information. They decide who to tell the President of the United States is an enemy. They decide and provide products that provide what the pass for proof. The smaller companies provide the resources for them to work with and base their reports on. In the digital age, Intel has become a buyer's market. If the larger company profits more finding Russian influence at work at a grammar school Christmas play, then that's where the money is. If you can't prove it, someone else will. To tie in how this works, showing how smaller companies function and misbehave, you'll see real-time examples of it. The top level will be tied into the lower through the Chertoff Group. We are going to show through a verbal flow chart how the Chertoff Group's ->The Alliance for Securing Democracy->the German Marshall Fund of the United States -> the Hamilton 68 (Ruskie finding) Dashboard->relates down to the mid-level players. As you read, keep in mind that Michael Chertoff was the Secretary of Homeland Security from 2005-2009. He should be one of the few people in the US that always has their game on when it comes to US Threats and Intel. Private sector services mirror what they do for government including Intel for hire, espionage, Information Operations, direct action, and state-sized propaganda operations. This is work that the government stated on many occasions needs to remain with the agencies that can be held responsible and not companies that aren't. The contractors and companies work in and out of US government circles. They work for foreign governments. When they are in the private sector, they have no problem attacking and harassing US citizens as well as the rest of the global community. Wherever their clients point, they fire. This is the part some of the worst offenders take very seriously. In their own stunted world, they are James Bond and destroying the lives and reputations of innocent people is a service to their country, and keeps their bank accounts flush with money. In their minds, they are this generation's super-patriots, when in fact, as soon as what they do is opened to inspection, they are common criminals. Part 3 will deal with that aspect. People with no security clearances and radical political agendas have state sized cyber tools at their disposal and can use them for their own political agendas, private business, and personal vendettas the same way they use Vault 7 for state projects. And this has been going on for over a decade. In a Sept. 2013 Reuters article," Jameel Jaffer, deputy legal director at the American Civil Liberties Union, said the reported incidents of NSA employees' violations of the law are likely "the tip of the iceberg" of lax data safeguards, but that the laws guiding the NSA's spying authority in the first place are a bigger issue."If you only focus on instances in which the NSA violated those laws, you're missing the forest for the trees," he said. "The bigger concern is not with willful violations of the law but rather with what the law itself allows." The companies and individual actors sell information. For some, it's how they sell their services. They spy on other companies, on regular people, commit espionage against other companies and run information operations against civilians and other things that people in their positions within agencies would spend years in prison for. Because of the work they do for both the US government and private corporations, no restrictions are put on them. None. Zippo. Zilch. Where they are supposed to be supervised by DNI agencies, in some cases they are supervising themselves and other companies and training DNI agencies to act like them. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From Counterpunch With the Super Bowl now behind us, America eagerly awaits the next big event: the announcement of the winner in Jeff Bezos' contest to determine which combination of state and local governments is prepared to give him the most money to be home to Amazon's new headquarters. Narrowed from a field of more than 200 applications, 20 finalists now wait with baited breath for the news, expected sometime later this year. But while the politicians who join Bezos for the photo op are going to be treated as big winners, it is likely that the taxpayers they represent will be big losers, dishing out more to Amazon than they will ever get back in benefits. Bezos' "HQ2" contest is simply an extension of a game that corporations have been playing with state and local governments for the last four decades. Rather than making location decisions based on standard economic factors, like the availability of a skilled labor force, quality infrastructure, land prices and tax rates, they have persuaded governments to bid against each other with company-specific benefit packages " usually a basket of tax concessions and sometimes even including commitments to build company-specific infrastructure like port facilities or roads. However, most research indicates that the cost to state and local governments for these subsidies typically outweighs the benefits in terms of employment and tax revenue, including in the cases of Amazon's growing network of fulfillment centers. A new analysis by the Economic Policy Institute looking at employment in counties that managed to land a fulfillment center in the last 15 years found no evidence that overall employment increased, and in some instances employment even fell relative to comparison counties. The implication was that the commitments made to win Amazon's facilities ... subsidies likely worth over $1 billion dollars in total ... usually were enough of a drag on the rest of the economy, either by imposing a higher tax burden or diverting resources, to more than offset any jobs and spending created by Amazon. Nonetheless, politicians are unlikely to be deterred from such bidding wars, since the victory of landing a big investment is highly visible and immediate. A mayor or governor gets to take part in a big ceremony with the CEO of a major corporation touting the thousands of jobs that are being created. The costs in the form of lost tax revenue that may be needed to support schools, infrastructure and other essential services will only be seen years down the road. Now, Jeff Bezos is taking the bidding war into the Internet Age with this highly publicized contest for Amazon's next headquarters. He put out the promise of a new headquarters with "up to" 50,000 high-paying jobs, and then the country's cities put in their offers. (Toronto is the one non-American city also in the running). The structure of this bidding war is virtually guaranteed to ensure that the city that lands the new headquarters will end up paying out far more in subsidies than it gets back in benefits. Once a location is named as being in the top 20, political leaders have their appetite whetted. They want more than ever to be the winner and are prepared to raise their offers so that they don't end up in second place. Bezos is using a standard tease as an inducement to keep people gambling, just like the $10 or $50 prizes in the state lotteries or the small jackpots at the slot machines. They give the players just enough incentive to want to keep playing. In addition, to minimize the extent to which an informed public can scrutinize the commitments being made by their leaders, Amazon has encouraged city officials to keep the details of their offers secret. This means that there will be very little time between when city and state officials celebrate the big victory and when city or county councils have to vote on the package. Of course, Amazon is not new to shorting taxpayers. In many ways, the company's prosperity is based on it. For years, the company took advantage of a loophole in tax law so that it did not have to collect the same sales tax as its brick-and-mortar competitors. This created the absurd situation that as Amazon was growing into one of the largest retailers in the world, it was effectively getting a tax subsidy at the expense of many family-owned retail stores. Even now, while the company does collect sales taxes on its direct sales, many of its affiliates, who pay Amazon a portion of their revenue, still do not collect sales tax in many states. This was not a small subsidy. The size of the sales tax in many cases is close to standard profit margins. The fact that Amazon did not collect the tax gave it an enormous advantage over stores that did. Recent research has found a very large effect from the imposition of sales tax on Amazon sales, especially in the case of large purchases like television sets. The findings implied that imposing a sales tax of 5 percent would lead to roughly a 20 percent decline in sales on large purchases. Since Amazon has been only marginally profitable since its founding, a sales tax requirement that put it on a level playing field with its brick-and-mortar competitors would have seriously impeded its growth. It may still have survived and even prospered, but it almost certainly would be a much smaller company today. The contest to find the stupidest mayor in America is best understood in this context, as yet another episode in Amazon's efforts to shaft taxpayers. And judging by the quantity and enthusiasm of the bids, the taxpayers still haven't caught on. There is a reason that Jeff Bezos is considered a genius. This column originally appeared on Huffington Post. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. (Image by Elizabeth Warren) Details DMCA I'm fighting my heart out this week to pass a clean Dream Act -- to keep our country's promise to 800,000 young people who have grown up here in America and who want to stay in the only home most of them have ever known. And I'm fighting my heart out in a zillion other ways to level the playing field for working families in Massachusetts and across the country. But I did take a little time this weekend -- while watching Pittsfield's own Chris Mazdzer win the silver medal in men's luge (WOO-HOO!) -- to bake a heart-shaped cake. My mother was born on February 14, 1912 -- 106 years ago today. She loved her special connection to Valentine's Day, and when I was a little girl, I bought some heart-shaped pans at the dime store to bake her birthday cake. Many years later, when my mother was in her 80s, she had some surgery for a cancerous polyp -- nothing serious. The day before she was scheduled to go home, the whole family came to the hospital, had wheelchair races in the hallways, and laughed and joked and had good fun. Thank you for being a part of this, and Happy Valentine's Day! Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. Politicoreports that the Trump administration wants to partially replace "food stamps" with "a box of government-picked, nonperishable foods every month." Under the plan, recipients of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, which these days are delivered as debit card balances rather than as physical coupons -- "stamps" -- would receive about half as much money to buy food with. The other half would be replaced by the "America's Harvest Box," stuffed with "100 percent U.S. grown and produced food" such as shelf-stable milk and canned goods. From the initial response, one might expect this plan to go nowhere. Its cost-cutting benefits are debatable (the US Department of Agriculture says it would save $129 billion over ten years, but they're not including the cost of actually delivering the food). Grocers oppose it for the obvious reason that it would reduce the amount of money flowing through their cash registers. Smaller-government types point out that it would entail a bigger USDA and that families are better judges of their own food needs than some box-packing bureaucrats. But it still might pass. Why? Because the purpose of "food stamps" is not what most people think it is. What is that purpose? No, it's not to feed the poor. That's a happy side effect and a convenient excuse. The real purpose of the program is to justify welfare checks to Big Agriculture. That's where the program came from, starting during the New Deal, when US Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wallace proposed it as a bridge across "a gorge, with farm surpluses on one cliff and under-nourished city folks with outstretched hands on the other." That's why low-income households received "government cheese" in the 1980s when the federal government got caught warehousing enormous quantities of dairy products it bought for the purpose of propping up milk prices. And that's why SNAP remains the largest appropriation line in the "Farm Bill" that Congress passes every five years (the 2014 Farm Bill dedicated $756 billion to "food stamps and nutrition"). Good arguments against Trump's proposal notwithstanding, the "America's Harvest Box" would serve the program's true purpose well in one particular respect: It would let government direct money to specific farm welfare queens in a way that can't happen if SNAP recipients can buy whatever they want to eat using the debit card. If the dairy industry is the squeaky wheel this week, more milk and cheese goes into the box. Next week maybe it's more cereal because the grain farmers hired a sharper lobbyist. And the week after that, more canned beef stew or ham after those industries make smartly targeted campaign contributions. Yes, the whole thing has to be sold pursuant to the excuse, and it will be. The box will deliver more balanced nutrition than people are inclined to buy for themselves, and more food at less cost to the taxpayers. And so on. All of which may be true, but the decision, as always, will be made in favor of special interest groups with more clout than the hungry. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. Bernie campaign cap (Image by james Anton) Details DMCA Remember Bernie? Remember how Bernie refused to accept money from CorporateThings? Remember how he PROVED that (no matter what both parties claimed), it could be done? Remember how he would repeat over and over and over again, 'Enough is Enough". Remember the crowds, the enthusiasm, the love. And he nearly won. He nearly defeated Hillary Clinton, neoliberal leader of the DNC. He nearly defeated her and the DNC, despite the power, the money, the fraud. He accomplished near-victory (or actual victory, depending on your point of view) with donations of only 27 bucks per person. He proved that HumanPersons could band together to defeat CorporateThings. The proof is in the pudding. Now, a year later, Bernie doesn't mention CorporateThings much any more. He can't. To criticize CorporateThings and at the same time be one of the chosen leaders in the DNC would be hypocritical. He would become our very own Tony Blair. He now resorts to Trump bashing and Russia baiting. He stands shoulder to shoulder with neoliberal Hillary, and the DNC. Why? Doesn't he still believe that CorporateThing money is the greatest evil in America? In the world? Has his opinion of the DNC, the RNC, Hillary changed? Does he think the CorporateThings who own the DNC are so very different from the CorporateThings that own the RNC? What happened? Tell me, Bernie, that 'The Invasion of the Body Snatchers' is just a movie! That you meant it when you said that CorporateThing money has to be taken out of politics. That you have not betrayed millions of HumanPersons. Tell me over and over again, "Enough is enough!" That CorporateThings are not HumanPersons. That money is not speech. That you haven't been absorbed. Restore my faith in HumanPersons! Leave the DNC! Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. Kirsten Gillibrand, New York's junior senator since 2009, has joined with Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) in her promise to not take corporate PAC money. To my knowledge, only Beto O'Rourke of El Paso, Ro Khanna of the Southeast San Francisco Bay, Jared Polis of Boulder, Colorado, and three others are the only House members not accepting PAC money. [They are: Rooney, Francis FL 19 (R) Khanna, Ro CA 17 (D) Polis, Jared CO 2 (D) Sarbanes, John MD 3 (D) Roe, Phil TN 1 (R) O'Rourke, Beto TX 16 (D) (In Congressman Beto O'Rourke's Texas US Senate race against Ted Cruz, when Texans are told that he doesn't accept PAC money, the poll takers report that his approval rating goes way up.) According to Tuesday's Observer: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand says she will no longer accept donations from corporate PACs--a sign that she is positioning herself as a more progressive candidate amid rumors she may run for president in 2020. Gillibrand, a New York Democrat, made the pledge to End Citizens United, a political action committee (PAC) that supports Democrats in key races who seek to reform the campaign finance system. The pledge will be applied to her Senate campaign as well as her PAC, Off the Sidelines, according to BuzzFeed. "Because of the corrosive effect of corporate money in politics, I've decided from this point on, I'm no longer accepting corporate PAC checks into my campaign," Gillibrand said in a video posted on her Twitter page on Tuesday afternoon. She said she became "so concerned" about money in politics because of the U.S. Supreme Court's 2010 Citizens United decision, which allows corporations, unions and nonprofits to spend freely on elections as long as they do not collaborate with campaigns. Gillibrand explained, corporations can spend an unlimited amount of money "that isn't even disclosed," noting that since she was first elected in 2006 as a congresswoman in upstate New York--a position she held from 2007 to 2009--she has worked to create more transparency and accountability in Congress. "I was the first member of Congress to actually post my schedule, my earmark requests and my financial disclosure online, and I've since added to that my taxes, so I Hope you will stand with me. We really need to make every effort we can to get rid of the corporate money and dark money that is flowing into politics, and my effort to ban corporate PAC checks is just a first step in that direction." As reported today as breaking news in the Washington Examiner: According to Open Secrets, which tracks campaign contributions, the Democratic senator accepted $4.9 million from business PACs from 2005-2018. Gillibrand said her worry about corporate money in politics stems from the 2010 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, which found the government cannot restrict political contributions from corporations. BuzzFeed News broke this story, reporting that: According to End Citizens United, about 70 candidates running in 2018 races -- most of them challengers in House races -- have declined to take corporate PAC money. The figure marks a significant uptick since 2016, when only three top-tier House candidates, designated "Red to Blue" candidates by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, made similar pledges. "This is a national trend that we're seeing," said Muller, the group's president. "The reason that they're all doing this and campaigning on the issue is they see how much voters feel shut out of the system -- like their voice is drowned out." In 2016, End Citizens United did not endorse Hillary Clinton until after the Democratic primary. Speaking by phone, Muller praised Clinton for her platform on campaign finance as the "most progressive plan on the issue that we'd ever seen" -- with goals to overturn the Citizens United decision, increase disclosure laws, and create a federal system to match small-dollar donations in presidential and congressional elections. Still, Clinton's campaign accepted thousands of dollars from corporate PACs. Ahead of the midterm elections, 18 candidates have taken End Citizen United's No Corporate PAC pledge, including high-profile challengers such as Rep. Beto O'Rourke, the Democrat running against GOP Sen. Ted Cruz in Texas, and Randy Bryce, running against House Speaker Paul Ryan in his Wisconsin home district. So far, the group has endorsed a total of 114 candidates. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. '"It's a Cromwell moment! Bannon is quoted as nearly shouting, referring to the 17th century political leader often characterized as a fanatical dictator. 'It's even more powerful than populism. It's deeper. It's primal. It's elemental. The long black dresses and all that -- this is the Puritans! It's anti-patriarchy,"' declaims Steve Bannon in an updated paperback edition of "Devil's Bargain" set to be released Tuesday. Author Josh Green watched the Golden Globes Awards with Bannon last month. CNN Money: But Bannon went further than that, declaring, "The anti-patriarchy movement is going to undo ten thousand years of recorded history." Bannon, Green wrote, watched Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson as he was watching Oprah Winfrey on stage delivering a politically-charged speech. "He's ruined his career," Bannon said, according to Green. "If you rolled out a guillotine, they'd chop off every set of balls in the room." "You watch. The time has come. Women are gonna take charge of society," Bannon said, according to Green. "And they couldn't juxtapose a better villain than Trump. He is the patriarch. This" -- the Golden Globe Awards -- "is a definitional moment in the culture. It'll never be the same going forward." Maybe Bannon is right. It's for certain that Trump's comments on Rob Porter echoed his sentiments on Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly. He sympathized with the male aggressor and never with the female victim; unless the subject was Al Franken or John Conyers, that was different. The New Yorker: Kellyanne Conway, whose defenses of Trump's most preposterous statements are sometimes so tortured that they become the stuff of late-night satire, could not bear to back the President on this one. She told CNN that she saw "no reason not to believe" Porter's former spouses. "In this case, you have contemporaneous police reports, you have women speaking to the FBI under threat of perjury," Conway said. "You have photographs, and when you look at all of that pulled together, Rob Porter did the right thing by resigning." This was hardly a condemnation, but, in the context of this White House and these times, she showed, if fleetingly, common sense. Trump's cruel and clueless remarks are of a piece with the tactics he has used to tamp down all his other scandals, miscues, and embarrassments. Just as he tries to divert attention from his, and his circle's, errors and wrongdoing in the Russia scandal by shouting "fake news," by casting blame on the F.B.I. and the Justice Department, and by deploying a congressional lackey like Devin Nunes, he diverts attention from his own encyclopedic record of miserable behavior toward women by casting doubt on the accusers. This is a neat trick, yet hardly original. It has come to the point when even Trump's closest aides know that a reckoning is coming. It's not going to be O.K. Reprinted from Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. The comforts of life are given to everyone born in the USA. The founders of the US come up with 'Constitution', which is used to run the government based on the two-party system. In time both parties leaders become loyal to donors who help them to be elected. The US system is not changeable anymore by individuals. To change any system one has to educate people first. Without education, individual will rise and fall as soon as he or she is bumping any obstacle. Indeed, Steve Bannon rise as the star who helped Donald Trump presidential campaign during the difficult time. Donald Trump wins the election because he did have the strategy, which does not belong to Steve Bannon. Steve Bannon was dismissed as Chief Strategist because of the Donald Trump family members' recommendation. They do not need his help anymore. If he was true strategist and wanted to challenge Donald Trump in the next election, he must have the plan to do so. But he pretended to be friend of Donald Trump and use that path to get people's support. Steve Bannon lost the battle in Alabama for the Republican candidate Roy Moore to be elected as the US Senate. After he lost one battle he become known by people that he is trying to get the support from those donors who elect others. Scott Detrow as a congressional correspondent for NPR wrote that 'Bannon's 2018 suddenly looks a lot less productive. Last week, he found himself cut off from his two biggest patrons: President Donald Trump and conservative activist and donor Rebekah Mercer, the head of the Mercer Family Foundation and the daughter of billionaire investor Robert Mercer.' Taxes billionaire Ross Perot, Pat Buchanan Former Assistant to the President for Communications, Sarah Palin the Republican Party nominee for Vice President of the United States in 2008, and now Steve Bannon the former Chief Strategist of President Donald Trump, fall one by one to unite at least white Caucasian of America to be an independent political power to change the outcome of the US leadership elections. Indeed, the undisputable donors are in charge of the elected leadership. No one will get elected without donors' support. In conclusion, anyone wants to change America, he or she must start with the political party to be different from the current political parties. If anyone wants to use white Caucasian people or black people as the base for being elected, they must teach them true histories about where they come from and what happened to them in America. The people with knowledge are not going to change their mind by advertising. The media can change the mind of people who do not know where they come from. In short true histories are the best tool to organize people. And organized people will elect right people to lead the country. References The Rise And Fall Of Steve Bannon click here Steve Bannon Sees #MeToo As An 'Existential Threat' To Trump, Journalist Says click here Dairy Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their diaries after publishing them. To see if the diary was renamed or re-published, please click here. Quicklink Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their quicklinks after publishing them. To see if the quicklink was renamed or re-published, please click here. Progressive Content Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their progressive content after publishing. To see if the progressive content was renamed or re-published, please click here. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From Common Dreams Trump is not a deviation from Republican ideology or beliefs; he is their fullest flowering. He is not the party's nightmare. He is its id, the manifestation of its darkest impulses. It's Political Messaging 101: You can't beat Trump by talking about him all the time. We should be talking about our economic future, but all we're talking about our 45th president. Look at this chart, which shows the top story on social media accounts by social category for the first year (more or less) of Trump's presidency: (Image by (Source: Echelon Insights)) Details DMCA Stunning, isn't it? Trump dominates the media landscape like some paint-and-plaster Colossus, his conquering limbs striding from news cycle to news cycle. I agree with Ezra Klein on at least one crucial point about this chart. (It's from Klein's piece, "Trump is winning.") The president is "setting both the terms and tone of the debate." When everyone is focused on our 45th president, how can Democrats hold your attention long enough to make the case that they will make people's lives better? Here's what that chart looks like if you take Trump coverage out of the picture: (Image by (Source: Echelon Insights)) Details DMCA Two stories seem to have staying power across all four categories: the Russia investigation, and healthcare. One of those stories involves Trump and the people around him, but doesn't address the issues that affect people's day-to-day lives. The other affects their lives -- and sometimes deaths -- directly. Democrats have devoted a lot more attention to the first story, Russia, than they have to the issue of healthcare. Sixteen Democratic senators joined Bernie Sanders in sponsoring a Medicare For All bill, including most of the party's presidential candidates in that body. But the party is divided on the topic, as it is on other crucial economic issues. The party's predilection for mingling with lobbyists and other high-dollar donors, as reported here and elsewhere, isn't helping to resolve its split. And so, leading Democrats and sympathetic pundits have been focusing on Trump's personality and the Russia investigation instead. A Democratic email blast sent last month included the rather plaintive subject line, "Let's get into Trump's Twitter feed." Is that as high as the party now dares to dream? But the Russia investigation is something of a Rorschach test. Many party loyalists see it as an open-and-shut case: Trump has treasonously conspired with a foreign power and must be impeached. I hate to be a killjoy, but that does not seem to have been confirmed by any independent investigation, including Robert Mueller's. It may be someday, but that's far from certain. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. No incoming president should be able to decide that his predecessor does not rate investigation. It should be mandatory and not something the president gets to decide. No declarations about looking forward, not back. EVERY president should make every decision knowing that, as the most powerful person in the world, he will be held accountable for every decision. Once the president leaves office he will NOT be able to claim presidential privilege to protect his aides and appointees from testifying. This is simple on its face, but not so simple in the details. For example, who will lead the investigation? Who will appoint who leads the investigation? What powers will the investigation have. The powers should be significant. An impotent investigation will be meaningless. In the big picture, this should be a bi-partisan choice. In the near term, to get it passed, there may have to be a concession that the policy starts with the president after Trump. I hate that possibility, but it may be the only way to get the legislation passed. Hopefully there will be enough of a backlash against Trump so the president who replaces Trump will order a comparable investigation, and the congress that is elected will support that decision. Who knows. Maybe that will set a precedent that is used to set similar policies for all very powerful people in government, including top generals and leaders in the house and senate and presidential appointees. This could play well with Libertarians who don't like big government. But it should play well with all who believe that there should be checks and balances. This is legislation that should happen now. It would go into effect in 2025, or, 2029, if Trump is defeated in 2020 (if he makes it that far. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From No More Fake News Independent Education: the crisis and the crossroad A hundred fifty years ago, at least some Americans recognized that all serious discourse depended on the use of the faculty called Reason. Formal debate, science, and law all flowed from that source. A common bond existed in some schools of the day. The student was expected to learn how Reason operates, and for that he was taught the only subject which could lay out, as on a long table, the visible principles: Logic. This was accepted. But now, this bond is gone. The independence engendered by the disciplined study of logic is no longer a desired quality in students. The classroom, at best, has taken on the appearance of a fact-memorization factory; and we should express grave doubts about the relevance and truth of many of those facts. A society filled with people who float in the drift of non-logic is a society that declines. Ideologies that deny individual freedom and independence are welcomed with open arms. When education becomes so degraded that young students are no longer taught to reason clearly, private citizens have the obligation to rebuild that system so the great contribution to Western civilization -- logic -- is reinstated in its rightful place. Logic, the key by which true political discourse, science, and law were, in fact, originally developed, must be unearthed. Logic and reasoning, the capacity to think, the ability to analyze ideas -- an ability which has been forgotten, which has been a surpassing virtue in every free civilization -- must be restored. Once a vital thing has been misplaced, buried, and covered over by mindless substitutions, people cannot immediately recognize the original thing has any importance, meaning, or existence. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From Counterpunch (Image by Photo by Billy Bob Bain | CC BY 2.0) Details DMCA It now emerges that the last four years of Julian Assange's effective imprisonment in the Ecuadorean embassy in London have been entirely unnecessary. In fact, they depended on a legal charade. Behind the scenes, Sweden wanted to drop the extradition case against Assange back in 2013. Why was this not made public? Because Britain persuaded Sweden to pretend that they still wished to pursue the case. In other words, for more than four years Assange has been holed up in a tiny room, policed at great cost to British taxpayers, not because of any allegations in Sweden but because the British authorities wanted him to remain there. On what possible grounds could that be, one has to wonder? Might it have something to do with his work as the head of Wikileaks, publishing information from whistleblowers that has severely embarrassed the United States and the UK? In fact, Assange should have walked free years ago if this was really about an investigation -- a sham one at that -- into an alleged sexual assault in Sweden. Instead, as Assange has long warned, there is a very different agenda at work: efforts to extradite him onwards to the US, where he could be locked away for good. That was why UN experts argued two years ago that he was being "arbitrarily detained" -- for political crimes -- not unlike the situation of dissidents in other parts of the world that win the support of western liberals and leftists. According to a new, limited release of emails between officials, the Swedish director of public prosecutions, Marianne Ny, wrote to Britain's Crown Prosecution Service on 18 October 2013, warning that Swedish law would not allow the case for extradition to be continued. This was, remember, after Sweden had repeatedly failed to take up an offer from Assange to interview him in London, as had happened in 44 other extradition cases between Sweden and Britain. Ny wrote to the CPS: "We have found us to be obliged to lift the detention order... and to withdraw the European arrest warrant. If so this should be done in a couple of weeks. This would affect not only us but you too in a significant way." Three days later, suggesting that legal concerns were far from anyone's mind, she emailed the CPS again: "I am sorry this came as a [bad] surprise" I hope I didn't ruin your weekend." In a similar vein, proving that this was about politics, not the law, the chief CPS lawyer handling the case in the UK, had earlier written to the Swedish prosecutors: "Don't you dare get cold feet!!!" In December 2013, the unnamed CPS lawyer wrote again to Ny: "I do not consider costs are a relevant factor in this matter." This was at a time when it had been revealed that the policing of Assange's detention in the embassy had at that point cost Britain 3.8 million. In another email from the CPS, it was noted: "Please do not think this case is being dealt with as just another extradition." These are only fragments of the email correspondence, after most of it was destroyed by the CPS against its own protocols. The deletions appear to have been carried out to avoid releasing the electronic files to a tribunal that has been considering a freedom of information request. Other surviving emails, according to a Guardian report last year, have shown that the CPS "advised the Swedes in 2010 or 2011 not to visit London to interview Assange. An interview at that time could have prevented the long-running embassy standoff." Assange is still holed up in the embassy, at great risk to his physical and mental health, even though last year Sweden formally dropped an investigation that in reality it had not actually been pursuing for more than four years. Now the UK (read US) authorities have a new, even less credible pretext for continuing to hold Assange: because he "skipped bail." Apparently the price he should pay for this relatively minor infraction is more than five years of confinement. London magistrates are due to consider on Tuesday the arguments of Assange's lawyers that he should be freed and that after so many years the continuing enforcement of the arrest warrant is disproportionate. Given the blurring of legal and political considerations in this case, don't hold your breath that Assange will finally get a fair hearing. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. By Dave Lindorff Shopping with USDA SNAP cards is an efficient way to help the poor (Image by USDA) Details DMCA What a horrific idea President Trump has come up with in calling for an end to the provision of food assistance money under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which he'd supposedly like to turn into a "surplus food" type operation where people are provided with canned goods and other packaged foods instead of cash. First off, consider that we're talking about 45 million people -- about one-seventh of the entire population of the United States -- who in any given month are receiving this assistance because they have been deemed at risk of being unable to buy enough food to survive on their own. Just try and imagine the Trump administration, that was and still is unable to provide food to people starving in Puerto Rico in the wake of two back-to-back hurricanes that devastated that island half a year ago, and that's just three million people. There are over eight million SNAP recipients just in California and Texas alone and they and the rest of the other 38 million recipients are spread across the country, in cities, suburbs and rural regions alike. Getting all these people cash cards that they can use in supermarkets and local shops to buy their own food is a cheap, fast and easy way to get these hard-up individuals and households the food they need, especially as the program is administered not by a federal workforce, but by state agencies close to where the needy people are. Distributing food to that many people, in contrast, would require a colossal effort, a huge bureaucracy, and would entail unimaginable costs. Maybe Trump is thinking of hiring Amazon to do the job, in hopes of winning over the support of the owner of the Washington Post, currently one of his media antagonists. As things now stand, SNAP costs about $70 billion a year. The cost of administering the program relatively low, with the bulk of the funds going to provide about $125 worth of food assistance per person per month in aid. Because the cards are electronic, when used at computerized stores using bar-code scanners, the system helps keeps spending limited to food items, and not liquor, toys or other unneeded items. Switching over to actual delivery of food to recipients would reverse the equation, with most of the cost going to actual delivery of the goods, and to a vast bureaucracy to organize the purchase, shipment and delivery of those goods to where they're needed. Worse yet, instead of letting people buy what they and their families are accustomed to preparing and eating, as SNAP does, a system involving providing foodstuffs to recipients is an open invitation to scammers who will predictably start providing defective goods, products that have passed their sell-by dates, and items that recipients will reject" Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Qualitative Report on Global General Purpose Test Equipment (GPTE) Market By Product (Oscilloscopes, Spectrum Analyzers, And Signal Generators) Know Influencing Factors for Future Growth General purpose test equipment (GPTE) includes different testing and measuring (T&M) equipment such as oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, signal generators, power meters, logic analyzers, electronic counters, and multimeters. Industries such as the communications and aerospace and defense use GPTE for testing their design prototypes and finished products to check conformance with the required specifications. This is necessary to ascertain whether the devices are fulfilling their intended purposes.Get Sample copy of this Report@:General Purpose Test Equipment (GPTE) market research is an intelligence report with meticulous efforts undertaken to study the right and valuable information. The data which has been looked upon is done considering both, the existing top players and the upcoming competitors. Business strategies of the key players and the new entering market industries are studied in detail. Well explained SWOT analysis, revenue share and contact information are shared in this report analysis.Top Players Profiled in this Report includes, Tektronix, Danaher, Agilent Technologies, Anritsu, Fluke, Keysight Technologies, National Instruments, Rohde & Schwarz, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Sumitomo Corporation, SPX, Spherea, Baumer, Chroma, Gester Instruments, Yokogawa Meters & Instruments, PowerKut Limited, Scientech Technologies, Adlink Technology, AeroflexThis market research analysis identifies the rise in the communication sector in APAC one of the key growth factors for the global general purpose test equipment (GPTE) market. End-users such as telecommunication service providers, mobile device manufacturers, network equipment manufacturers, and telecommunication service providers leverage the use of GPTE to deliver seamless communication service and in turn, promote high-quality services.Get 20% OFF on this Premium Report @:Various factors are responsible behind the markets growth trail, which are studied at length in the report. In addition, the report lists down the restraints that are posing threat to the global General Purpose Test Equipment (GPTE) market. It also gauges the bargaining power of suppliers and buyers, threat to the new entrants and product substitute, and the degree of competition prevailing in the market. The influence of the latest government guidelines is also analyzed in detail in the report. It studies the markets trajectory between forecast periods.Reason to Access General Purpose Test Equipment (GPTE) Market Research Report:General Purpose Test Equipment (GPTE) market is segmented on the basis of various parameters. The factors which are impacting the markets growth are studied in detail. The report also presents a overall weaknesses which companies operating in the market must avoid in order to enjoy sustainable growth through the course of the forecast period. Besides this, profiles of some of the leading players operating and encouraging in the growth of the global market are included in the study. Additionally, using SWOT analysis, markets weaknesses and strengths are analyzed. It also helps the report provide insights into the opportunities and threats that these companies may face during the forecast period.For More Information:Table of ContentsGlobal General Purpose Test Equipment (GPTE) Market Research ReportChapter 1 General Purpose Test Equipment (GPTE) Market OverviewChapter 2 Global Economic Impact on IndustryChapter 3 Global Market Competition by ManufacturersChapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by RegionChapter 5 Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by RegionsChapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by TypeChapter 7 Global Market Analysis by ApplicationChapter 8 Manufacturing Cost AnalysisChapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream BuyersChapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11 Market Effect Factors AnalysisChapter 12 Global General Purpose Test Equipment (GPTE) Market ForecastAbout QYReports:We at, QYReports , a leading market research report publisher accommodate more than 4,000 celebrated clients worldwide putting them at advantage in todays competitive world with our understanding of research. Our list of customers include prestigious Chinese companies, multinational companies, SME's and private equity firms whom we have helped grow and sustain with our fact-based research. Our business study covers a market size of over 30 industries offering unfailing insights into analysis to reimagine your business. We specialize in forecasts needed for investing in a new project, to revolutionize your business, to become more customer centric and improve the quality of output.Contact:QYReportsJones John(Sales Manager) Global B2C E-Commerce Market Analysis by Type, Application and Segment Forecasts from 2017 - 2022 Global B2C E-Commerce Market Research Report 2017-2022 Purchase This Report by calling at +1-888-631-6977.B2C, or business-to-consumer, is a term used to describe a commerce transaction between a business and an end consumer. Traditionally, the term was used to refer to any type of process of selling products directly to consumers, including shopping in-store or eating in a restaurant, but is now more commonly used to describe transactions between online retailers and their customers.B2C E-Commerce market to grow at a CAGR of +22% during the period.Research N Reports announces the addition of a new study to its growing market intelligence depository. The report assesses the figures of the global market and presents reliable forecasts as to the markets growth prospects over the coming years. The historical improvement trajectory of the global B2C E-Commerce market is examined in the report, lending solid factual support to the analysis and estimations presented in the report.Get Sample copy of this Report @:Companies Profiled in this report includes, Amazon, Walmart, Rakuten, Inc,,, EbayIt elucidates a detailed outline of B2C E-Commerce market depending on the important parameters. End users, products, regions and many other segments are studied and explained. A brief idea about the driving forces which help make the market more flourishing are discussed in order to help client understand the future market position. Estimated revenue growth in terms of volume with respect to the B2C E-Commerce market for the upcoming years have been mentioned in depth.Get 20% Discount on this Report @:The report provides information on the diverse factors impacting the sales of the global B2C E-Commerce market. These includes the trends, drivers, and restraints. The significant growth opportunities in the market are also been studied and the ways these opportunities will raise the market growth have also been encapsulated.This study provides an evaluation of aspects that are expected to impact growth of market in an undesired or constructive method. The B2C E-Commerce market has been consistently examined with respect to the corresponding market segments. Each year within the mentioned forecast period is concisely considered in terms of produce and worth in the regional as well as the global markets respectively.Enquiry before Buying @:Reason to Access B2C E-Commerce Market Research Report:The report gives a SWOT analysis of the new projects in the international and B2C E-Commerce market, investment feasibility, development trends, and investment return analysis of these projects. Study of the B2C E-Commerce markets competitive landscape includes data facts and figures about leading countries and suppliers capacity, cost-structures, production values, profits, and gross margins of key businesses operating in the market over the reports review period. The report also provides details such as product picture and specification, and contact information of the companies profiled in the B2C E-Commerce markets manufacturer analysis segment.Table of ContentsGlobal B2C E-Commerce Market Research ReportChapter 1 B2C E-Commerce Market OverviewChapter 2 Global Economic Impact on IndustryChapter 3 Global Market Competition by ManufacturersChapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by RegionChapter 5 Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by RegionsChapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by TypeChapter 7 Global Market Analysis by ApplicationChapter 8 Manufacturing Cost AnalysisChapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream BuyersChapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11 Market Effect Factors AnalysisChapter 12 Global B2C E-Commerce Market ForecastAbout Research N Reports:Research N Reports is a new age market research firm where we focus on providing information that can be effectively applied. Today being a consumer driven market, companies require information to deal with the complex and dynamic world of choices. Where relying on a sound board firm for your decisions becomes crucial. Research N Reports specializes in industry analysis, market forecasts and as a result getting quality reports covering all verticals, whether be it gaining perspective on current market conditions or being ahead in the cut throat Global competition. Since we excel at business research to help businesses grow, we also offer consulting as an extended arm to our services which only helps us gain more insight into current trends and problems. Consequently we keep evolving as an all-rounder provider of viable information under one roof.Contact:Sunny Denis(Sales Manager),(Research N Reports)10916, Gold Point Dr,Houston, TX, Pin 77064,+1-8886316977,, Smart Factory Market - Large-scale use of Industrial Robots 2017 - 2025 Global Smart Factory Market: OverviewThe global smart factory sector has been propelled by the need for efficient and precise ways of operating a manufacturing unit. The increasing adoption of industrial robots in the global manufacturing sector was the first step for the smart factory market. Modern factories incorporate sophisticated industrial robotic systems, Internet of Things technology, and machine communication technology to enable smooth automated manufacturing. The rising government support to the smart factory sector, due to their increased output and the benefit of the same on the nations economy, is likely to enable sustained growth of the smart factory market in the coming years.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Global Smart Factory Market: Key TrendsThe rising demand for industrial robots and the steady technological progression of the industrial robotics sector is one of the key drivers for the global smart factory market. Industrial robots offer significantly higher precision and a lower error rate than human workers. Large-scale use of industrial robots also raises the productivity of the manufacturing unit, providing a significant cost advantage. As a result, human factory workers across the world could find themselves without a livelihood following steady growth of the global smart factory market.The booming automotive industry is one of the prime consumers in the global smart factory market and is likely to remain influential in the smart factory sector in the coming years. Due to the rising need for extremely precise engineering in automotive design, smart factory solutions such as industrial robotics are becoming popular in the automotive industry. The steady growth of the automotive industry due to the rising disposable income of consumers across the world is thus one of the key drivers for the global smart factory market in the coming years. The rising automotive industry in Southeastern and Eastern Asia could play a particularly important role in the global smart factory market in the coming years.Request TOC of the Report @Global Smart Factory Market: Market PotentialSouth Korea is likely to be a leading regional market for smart factory technology in Asia Pacific due to rising government as well as corporate interest. The South Korean government had earlier set the target of having 10,000 smart factories operational in the country by 2020. In April 2017, the government extended its support to the smart factory market in the country by upping the target to 30,000 smart factories by 2025. South Koreas determination to remain a leading light in the industrial sector has made it a pioneer in terms of the adoption of digital and automation technologies, which is likely to benefit the smart factory market immensely in the coming years.Global Smart Factory Market: Geographical DynamicsDeveloping countries in Asia Pacific are likely to be the dominant leaders in the global smart factory market in the coming years. Apart from South Korea, the smart factory market has also received steady government support in China, Japan, Taiwan, and India. The rapid pace of urbanization in these dynamic economies is a prime factor aiding the smart factory markets growth in the region.Read Comprehensive Overview of Report @Global Smart Factory Market: Competitive DynamicsThe global smart factory market is dominated by companies that have established mutually beneficial partnerships with technology companies. Fanuc-Cisco and Kuka-Huawei are among the leading lights in the global smart factory market. ABB-IBM, a relatively recent collaboration, could also play a key role in the development of the global smart factory market in the coming years. Other key players in the global smart factory market include Emerson Electric Co., General Electric Co., Atos SE, Schneider Electric SE, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Robert Bosch GmbH, Siemens AG, and Yaskawa Electric.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Smart Meters Market - Geographical Segmentation and Forecast 2017 - 2025 Global Smart Meters Market: OverviewSmart meters are electronic devices that keep track of electric energy, gas, and water consumption in uniform time intervals and sends the information digitally to utility for monitoring and billing. They have been designed to better understand energy usage and ensure accurate energy bills. Besides this, they are also effective in controlling the levels of radioactive emissions in the eco-system. Smart meters are used for electricity, gas, and water and can be deployed across residential, industrial, and commercial sectors. These meters use technologies such as advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and automatic meter reading (AMR).Request Sample Copy of the Report @Global Smart Meters Market: Key TrendsGovernment policies are playing a vital role in the growth of the global smart meters market. The ever-rising demand for energy in form of electricity is compelling governments worldwide to pay attention to not just its production and transmission but also keep a check on losses due to theft and leakage. This is promoting the installations of smart meters across the globe. In addition, the growing emphasis on energy and water conservation is augmenting the market. The global smart meters market is also supported by the increasing deployment of smart grid. Furthermore, the rising awareness regarding environment conservation is stoking the growth of the global market.On the flip side, the lack of awareness among consumers is limiting the widespread adoption of smart meters. Moreover, the high cost of installation makes end users less willing to switch to these meters from traditional meters, thereby hampering the growth prospects of the market.Request TOC of the Report @Global Smart Meters Market: Market PotentialThe majority of key players in the global smart meters market are enjoying the encouraging policies by governments in several parts of the world to set up smart meters. For instance, with the digitization of the Energy Turnaround Act in July 2016 in Germany, the legislation established guidelines for initial smart meter rollout, which is set to begin in 2017. These guidelines lay the foundation for a new phase in Energiewende. Similarly, in the U.K. in July 2016, British Gas decided to offer free daytime electricity for one day per weekend to over 2 million customers who had smart meters deployed. Such initiatives encourage people around the world to deploy smart meters, thereby boosting the sales.Global Smart Meters Market: Geographical SegmentationThe North America market for smart meters is a highly lucrative marketplace for global participants. Continuous efforts by governments to improve the infrastructure pertaining to electricity, water, and gas supply along with deployment of devices that monitor and prevent their leakage are escalating the growth of the region. Governments in several parts of the U.S., and Mexico are rolling out smart meters at subsidized prices, which in turn is encouraging the growth of the market in North America.Read Comprehensive Overview of Report @Asia Pacific, on the other hand, is an emerging market. The robust growth of the industrial sector and the pressing need for reliable systems to address growing electricity and water scarcity are driving the region. Besides this, the increasing investments in repairing and upgrading aging infrastructure and the booming concept of smart city are supplementing the growth of APAC.Global Smart Meters Market: Competition ScenarioThe high capital investment and technical acumen required for the manufacturing and distribution of smart meters is restricting new players from venturing into the global smart meters market. However, government regulations and strategic partnerships could help new players in overcoming high entry barriers. To deal with the high competitive rivalry, players are resorting to strategies such as product innovation and mergers and acquisitions. Some of the key companies operating in the global smart meters market are Itron Inc., Kamstrup A/S, Holley Metering Ltd., Landis+Gyr, Honeywell International Inc., and Toshiba Corporation.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Surgical Sutures Market - Competitive Scenario during Forecast Period of 2017 - 2025 Global Surgical Sutures Market: OverviewSurgical sutures are medical tools used to stitch open wounds and close the surgical incision. The growing awareness regarding healthcare, especially in low- and middle-income countries is impacting the global market for surgical sutures. On the basis of product, the global surgical sutures market can be bifurcated into non-automated sutures and automated suturing devices. Non-automated sutures can be absorbable and non-absorbable. Similarly, automated devices are disposable and reusable. Based on applications, the market can be segmented into general surgeries, cardiovascular surgeries, orthopedic surgeries, gynecology surgeries, and ophthalmic surgeries.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Global Surgical Sutures Market: Key TrendsThe growing prevalence of chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disorders, and diabetes is leading to the rising number of surgical procedures worldwide. This factor is, thereby, creating a staggering volume of demand for surgical sutures. The increasing focus on research and development activities is facilitating the launch of advanced sutures, which in turn is also working in favor of the market. Besides this, expenditure on the majority of surgical sutures is covered under insurance policies, therefore, the presence of favorable reimbursement scenario is stoking the growth of the market.On the flip side, the growing preference for minimally invasive surgical procedures is creating a dent in the global demand for surgical sutures. Moreover, the lack of proper sterilization systems in healthcare organizations and presence of a number of substitute wound care management products are impeding the growth of the market.Global Surgical Sutures Market: Market PotentialTo ensure maximum profit, market players are focusing towards the development of innovative and safe sutures. For instance, in September 2016, Mellon Medical unveiled a precision-suturing instrument, Switch, which allows surgeons to suture tubular and layered structures about twice as fast as the traditional technique at reduced risk of complications. This is expected to allow enhanced patient outcome and reduced costs. The international market launch of this instrument is anticipated to happen by 2018. The advent of such suturing devices is likely to work in favor of the global surgical sutures market. The adoption in robotics in suturing procedures is also poised to open new avenues for market players.Request TOC of the Report @Global Surgical Sutures Market: Geographical SegmentationGeographically, North America will account for a large chunk in the revenue pie of the global surgical sutures market. The expanding pool of patients suffering from lifestyle disorders, rapidly growing geriatric population, and conducive healthcare reforms are contributing to the growth of the region. The domicile of a large number of key players also provides a competitive edge to North America over other regions.Asia Pacific is expected to witness healthy growth during the forecast period. Large population base, rising consumer spending on healthcare, and booming medical tourism sector are rendering the region highly opportunistic. The growth of the region can also be attributed to the growing number of people undergoing surgical procedures and improving healthcare infrastructure.Read Comprehensive Overview of Report @Global Surgical Sutures Market: Competitive ScenarioKey companies are primarily focusing towards developing absorbable and anti-bacterial sutures, which will help them in enhancing their visibility in the global surgical sutures market. Several players are looking upon mergers and acquisitions as key growth strategies to expand their product portfolio. The market features high competitive rivalry among players in terms of pricing. Some of the prominent participants in the global market are Lotus Surgicals Pvt. Ltd., B. Braun Melsungen AG, Ethicon Inc., DemeTECH Corporation, Medtronic Plc., Smith & Nephew Plc., Sutures India Pvt. Ltd., CP Medical, Boston Scientific Corporation, and Teleflex Medical OEM.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) Market - Rapidly Growing Industry & Forecast 2017 - 2025 Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) Market: OverviewThe rising demand for higher level of encryption for voice to meet the security needs for public safety organizations is boosting the global terrestrial trunked radio (TETRA) market. The ability of terrestrial trunked radios to transfer data quickly as compared to the mobile communications earlier is also boosting their demand. Terrestrial trunked radio is a private, digital mobile radiotechnology, finding its application in medical, transport, security, and fire services. As all communications via terrestrial trunked radio are private and secure, they are increasingly being adopted. As vendors operating in the terrestrial trunked radio market are putting all their efforts towards realizing a secure, reliable, and efficient communication method so as to fulfill the needs of consumers, the market is witnessing a growth.Request Sample Copy of the Report @The demand for TETRA is also forecasted to increase in the coming years on account of the growing penetration of professional mobile radio (PMR) organizations. The growing usage of TETRA networks in the military and defense applications will further the growth of the market. Additionally, the high demand for consumer electronics will also help in furthering the growth of the global terrestrial trunked radio market.Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) Market: Key TrendsThe rising need for mission critical communication and radio communication devices to shift from analog to digital will create a heightened demand for the deployment of terrestrial trunked radio worldwide. The use of terrestrial trunked radio for supporting the disaster relief and next generation public protection communications infrastructure will also push the market towards growth. In addition to this, the increasing need for efficient communication for home security and also for emergency medical services will ensure a growth of the TETRA market in the coming years. However, the installation cost of TETRA networks is very high and can pose a challenge for the growth of the market.Request TOC of the Report @Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) Market: Market PotentialThe military and defense sector is the largest applications segment for the TETRA market. Portable radios with inbuilt TETRA are catering to the needs of critical communication needs in the military and defense sector, which require seamless operation.Companies such as Hytera Communications Corporation Limited, have developed PT580H Plus, which has tamper proof protection, making the device more secure. The data stored in the radio is thus protected from security attacks. Such innovations in the industry are likely to boost the adoption rates and thus drive the market for terrestrial trunked radio in the future.Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) Market: Regional OutlookOn the basis of geography, the global terrestrial trunked radio market is segmented into Asia Pacific, Latin America, North America, Europe, and the Middle East and Africa. Of these, Asia Pacific is projected to hold key shares in the market on account of the growing acceptance of TETRA networks and a rise in the focus on critical communication operations. North America is expected to be second leading regional segment. Europe is expected to be one of the lucrative markets for TETRA on account of high adoption of these networks for both commercial and public applications. Moreover, the presence of a large number of established vendors is also proving to be beneficial for the growth of the market in the region.Read Comprehensive Overview of Report @Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) Market: Competitive LandscapeThe key players operating in the Terrestrial Trunked Radio market includes Motorola Solutions, Inc. (The U.S), Simoco Group (U.K), Hytera Communications Corporation Limited (The U.S), Airbus Defense and Space Corporation (France), Bitea Limited (U.K), Rohill Engineering B.V. (Netherlands), Sepura PLC (UK), and Cellular Systems A/S (Denmark).About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Feb 14, 2018: Depth Filtration Media Market Manufacturers ErtelAlsop, 3M, Butts Mill, Merck KGaA Depth Filtration Media Market MarketsResearch.Biz Recently added detailed market study on the "Global Depth Filtration Media Market Research Report 2018-2025" which provides an outlook of current market value of Depth Filtration Media Market as well as the expected forecast of Rate on Investment (ROI) with growing CAGR of XX% in Depth Filtration Media Market by the end of 2025. The report on the global Depth Filtration Media market uses the top-down and bottom-up approaches to define, analyze, and describe the Depth Filtration Media market 2018 trends for the next five years up to 2025.Get sample here :Top Companies Analysis Mentioned1. ErtelAlsop2. 3M Company3. Pall Corporation4. Eaton Corporation5. Merck KGaA6. Sartorius Stedim Biotech S.A.7. Butts Mill8. Omnipure Filter Company9. Factory Direct Pipeline Products, Inc.10. Ricsan FilterDepth Filtration Media Market Growth Analysis By Type Activated Carbon Diatomaceous Earth Cellulose PerliteDepth Filtration Media Market Growth Analysis By Application Final Product Processing Small Molecule Processing Biologics Processing Cell Clarification Raw Material Filtration Media and Buffer Filtration Bioburden Testing OthersThe Global Depth Filtration Media Market Provides comprehensive understanding of the market with the help of Depth Filtration Media market outlook, opportunities, challenges, trends, Depth Filtration Media Market size, share and growth, competitive analysis, major competitors and Porter analysis. Depth Filtration Media market report further provides production, capacity, Depth Filtration Media market price per region, gross margin for all major regions and countries listed in Depth Filtration Media report.Browse full report :The Depth Filtration Media Market report provides upstream and downstream analysis of Depth Filtration Media market that covering major raw material used in manufacturing of Depth Filtration Media along with detailed manufacturing sources. Depth Filtration Media report Detailed raw material price trend analysis along with Depth Filtration Media manufacturing cost analysis is also incorporated into the report.About Us:MarketsResearch.Biz is a single destination for all the industry, company and country reports. We have a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of the technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAContact: +1-214-661-1669Email: sales@marketsresearch.bizWeb: Egg Cartons 2018 Global Industry Key Players - Dispak UK , DFM Packaging Solutions , MyPak Packaging , EP Europack Market Analysis And Forecast To 2025 Global Egg Cartons Market Global Egg Cartons MarketIn this report, the global Egg Cartons market is valued at USD XX million in 2017 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2017 and 2025.Global Egg Cartons market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players includingDispak UKDFM Packaging SolutionsMyPak PackagingEP EuropackSanovo Technology GroupOvotherm International Handels GmbHPrimapack SAERequest a Sample Report @Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), market share and growth rate of Egg Cartons in these regions, from 2013 to 2025 (forecast), coveringNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaOn the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoPlastic Egg CartonsPaper Egg CartonsOn the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, includingEgg Cartons for HenEgg Cartons for OstrichEgg Cartons for DuckComplete Report Details @Table of Contents-Key Points CoveredGlobal Egg Cartons Market Research Report 20181 Egg Cartons Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Egg Cartons1.2 Egg Cartons Segment by Type (Product Category)1.2.1 Global Egg Cartons Production and CAGR (%) Comparison by Type (Product Category)(2013-2025)1.2.2 Global Egg Cartons Production Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20171.2.3 Plastic Egg Cartons1.2.4 Paper Egg Cartons1.3 Global Egg Cartons Segment by Application1.3.1 Egg Cartons Consumption (Sales) Comparison by Application (2013-2025)1.3.2 Egg Cartons for Hen1.3.3 Egg Cartons for Ostrich1.3.4 Egg Cartons for Duck1.4 Global Egg Cartons Market by Region (2013-2025)1.4.1 Global Egg Cartons Market Size (Value) and CAGR (%) Comparison by Region (2013-2025)1.4.2 North America Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.3 Europe Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.4 China Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.5 Japan Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.6 Southeast Asia Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.7 India Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5 Global Market Size (Value) of Egg Cartons (2013-2025)1.5.1 Global Egg Cartons Revenue Status and Outlook (2013-2025)1.5.2 Global Egg Cartons Capacity, Production Status and Outlook (2013-2025)7 Global Egg Cartons Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis7.1 Dispak UK7.1.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.1.2 Egg Cartons Product Category, Application and Specification7.1.2.1 Product A7.1.2.2 Product B7.1.3 Dispak UK Egg Cartons Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.1.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.2 DFM Packaging Solutions7.2.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.2.2 Egg Cartons Product Category, Application and Specification7.2.2.1 Product A7.2.2.2 Product B7.2.3 DFM Packaging Solutions Egg Cartons Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.2.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.3 MyPak Packaging7.3.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.3.2 Egg Cartons Product Category, Application and Specification7.3.2.1 Product A7.3.2.2 Product B7.3.3 MyPak Packaging Egg Cartons Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.3.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.4 EP Europack7.4.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.4.2 Egg Cartons Product Category, Application and Specification7.4.2.1 Product A7.4.2.2 Product B7.4.3 EP Europack Egg Cartons Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.4.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.5 Sanovo Technology Group7.5.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.5.2 Egg Cartons Product Category, Application and Specification7.5.2.1 Product A7.5.2.2 Product B7.5.3 Sanovo Technology Group Egg Cartons Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.5.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.6 Ovotherm International Handels GmbH7.6.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.6.2 Egg Cartons Product Category, Application and Specification7.6.2.1 Product A7.6.2.2 Product B7.6.3 Ovotherm International Handels GmbH Egg Cartons Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.6.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.7 Primapack SAE7.7.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.7.2 Egg Cartons Product Category, Application and Specification7.7.2.1 Product A7.7.2.2 Product B7.7.3 Primapack SAE Egg Cartons Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.7.4 Main Business/Business OverviewContinued..Wise Guy Reports Is Part Of The Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. And Offers Premium Progressive Statistical Surveying, Market Research Reports, Analysis & Forecast Data For Industries And Governments Around The Globe. Wise Guy Reports Features An Exhaustive List Of Market Research Reports From Hundreds Of Publishers Worldwide. We Boast A Database Spanning Virtually Every Market Category And An Even More Comprehensive Collection Of Market Research Reports Under These Categories And Sub-Categories.Wise Guy Research Consultants Pvt LtdOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India Ambassador of Belarus I.Nazaruk meets the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Investments of Armenia 14-02-2018 On February 13, 2018, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus to the Republic of Armenia, Igor Nazaruk, met with Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Investments of the Republic of Armenia, Hovhannes Azizyan. The parties considered the mechanisms for implementing the agreements reached on February 2, 2018 during the meeting of the Prime Ministers of Belarus and Armenia on the margins of the meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council in Almaty, and instructions given as a result of the meeting, on expanding bilateral trade and economic cooperation and organizing joint projects. In particular, the issues of cooperation in the field of supplies to the Armenian market and assembling of Belarusian agricultural and passenger equipment, elevators, setting industrial cooperation, expanding partnership in the financial, credit and transport spheres in Armenia were discussed. The implementation of the protocol of the 13th meeting of the Intergovernmental Belarusian-Armenian Commission for Trade and Economic Cooperation held in October 2017 in Minsk was analyzed. print version Automotive Aftermarket Global Market by Traffic Volume & Growth Rate 2017 Analysis & Forecast 2021 ReportsWeb The report entitled "Global Automotive Aftermarket: Size, Trends & Forecasts (2017-2021)", provides analysis of the global automotive aftermarket, with detailed analysis of market size and growth. The analysis includes the market by value and by region. The report also provides the analysis of the global automotive sensors market of North America, Europe, China, Asia (excluding China) and ROW regions.For more information about this report:Moreover, the report also assesses the key opportunities in the market and outlines the factors that are and will be driving the growth of the industry. Growth of the overall global automotive aftermarket has also been forecasted for the years 2017-2021, taking into consideration the previous growth patterns, the growth drivers and the current and future trends.3M Company, Continental Corporation, Delphi Automotive Plc. and Denso Corporation are some of the key players operating in the global automotive aftermarket, whose company profiling has been done in the report. In this segment of the report, business overview, financial overview and business strategies of the companies are provided.Country CoverageNorth AmericaEuropeChinaAsia(except China)ROWCompany Coverage3M CompanyContinental CorporationDelphi Automotive Plc.Denso CorporationRequest Sample Copy atExecutive SummaryAn aftermarket is defined as a market that provides products and services like upgrade, modify, repair and maintain a durable item such as a vehicle or mobile device. Moreover, aftermarket states to procurement and selling of parts or equipment for a product after the initial product was manufactured and sold. The common types of aftermarket are named as parts, components, software, consumables, comfort, convenience, performance, safety, style, security, functions and features.The automotive aftermarket is a subordinate market; its role begins precise after the post-sale of the vehicle and focus on the remanufacturing, manufacturing, circulation, and installation of automobile machineries and accessories. The installation of components and accessories vehicle by the dealer or service provider after the sale of vehicle is referred as automotive aftermarket.The five distinct participant groups responsible for creating the automotive aftermarket are part manufacturers, part distributors, workshops, intermediaries and end customers.The automotive aftermarket is serviced by two different ways. Primarily, aftermarket can be divided into three different subsectors named as New Car Dealers, Do-It-For-Me (DIFM) and Do-It-Yourself (DIY). The global automotive aftermarket is expected to increase at high growth rates during the forecasted period (2017-2021). The global automotive aftermarket is supported by various growth drivers, such as, increasing global automobile manufacturing, rising used vehicles volume, rising miles driven, etc.Company Profiles7.1 3M Company7.1.1 Business Overview7.1.2 Financial Overview7.1.3 Business Strategy7.2 Continental Corporation7.2.1 Business Overview7.1.2 Financial Overview7.1.3 Business Strategy7.3 Delphi Automotive Plc.7.3.1 Business Overview7.3.2 Financial Overview7.3.3 Business Strategy7.4 Denso Corporation7.4.1 Business Overview7.4.2 Financial Overview7.4.3 Business StrategyInquire Before Buying atContact Us:Call: +1-646-491-9876Email: is a one stop shop of market research reports and solutions to various companies across the globe. We help our clients in their decision support system by helping them choose most relevant and cost effective research reports and solutions from various publishers. We provide best in class customer service and our customer support team is always available to help you on your research queries.505, 6th floor, Amanora Township,Amanora Chambers, East Block,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Geothermal Power Equipment Sales Market 2018 to 2025 - Size, Share, Trends and Forecast : Acute Market Reports In this report, the global Geothermal Power Equipment market is valued at USD XX million in 2017 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2017 and 2025.Browse Full Report with Toc Visit:Geographically, this report split global into several key Regions, with sales (K Units), revenue (Million USD), market share and growth rate of Geothermal Power Equipment for these regions, from 2013 to 2025 (forecast), covering United States China Europe Japan Southeast Asia IndiaGlobal Geothermal Power Equipment market competition by top manufacturers/players, with Geothermal Power Equipment sales volume, Price (USD/Unit), revenue (Million USD) and market share for each manufacturer/player; the top players including Alstom Ansaldo Energia Fuji Electric General Electric Ormat Tas Energy Toshiba Mitsubishi Heavy IndustriesOn the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split into Dual Cycle Power Generation System Full-flow Power Generation System OthersOn the basis on the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, sales volume, market share and growth rate for each application, including Space Heating Aquaculture Horticulture Recreation OthersIf you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.Table of Content:1 Geothermal Power Equipment Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Geothermal Power Equipment1.2 Classification of Geothermal Power Equipment by Product Category1.2.1 Global Geothermal Power Equipment Market Size (Sales) Comparison by Type (2013-2025)1.2.2 Global Geothermal Power Equipment Market Size (Sales) Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20171.2.3 Dual Cycle Power Generation System1.2.4 Full-flow Power Generation System1.2.5 Others1.3 Global Geothermal Power Equipment Market by Application/End Users1.3.1 Global Geothermal Power Equipment Sales (Volume) and Market Share Comparison by Application (2013-2025)1.3.2 Space Heating1.3.3 Aquaculture1.3.4 Horticulture1.3.5 Recreation1.3.6 Others1.4 Global Geothermal Power Equipment Market by Region1.4.1 Global Geothermal Power Equipment Market Size (Value) Comparison by Region (2013-2025)1.4.2 United States Geothermal Power Equipment Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.3 China Geothermal Power Equipment Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.4 Europe Geothermal Power Equipment Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.5 Japan Geothermal Power Equipment Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.6 Southeast Asia Geothermal Power Equipment Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.7 India Geothermal Power Equipment Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5 Global Market Size (Value and Volume) of Geothermal Power Equipment (2013-2025)1.5.1 Global Geothermal Power Equipment Sales and Growth Rate (2013-2025)1.5.2 Global Geothermal Power Equipment Revenue and Growth Rate (2013-2025)2 Global Geothermal Power Equipment Competition by Players/Suppliers, Type and Application2.1 Global Geothermal Power Equipment Market Competition by Players/Suppliers2.1.1 Global Geothermal Power Equipment Sales and Market Share of Key Players/Suppliers (2013-2018)2.1.2 Global Geothermal Power Equipment Revenue and Share by Players/Suppliers (2013-2018)2.2 Global Geothermal Power Equipment (Volume and Value) by Type2.2.1 Global Geothermal Power Equipment Sales and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)2.2.2 Global Geothermal Power Equipment Revenue and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)2.3 Global Geothermal Power Equipment (Volume and Value) by Region2.3.1 Global Geothermal Power Equipment Sales and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)2.3.2 Global Geothermal Power Equipment Revenue and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)2.4 Global Geothermal Power Equipment (Volume) by Application3 United States Geothermal Power Equipment (Volume, Value and Sales Price)3.1 United States Geothermal Power Equipment Sales and Value (2013-2018)3.1.1 United States Geothermal Power Equipment Sales and Growth Rate (2013-2018)3.1.2 United States Geothermal Power Equipment Revenue and Growth Rate (2013-2018)3.1.3 United States Geothermal Power Equipment Sales Price Trend (2013-2018)3.2 United States Geothermal Power Equipment Sales Volume and Market Share by Players (2013-2018)3.3 United States Geothermal Power Equipment Sales Volume and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)3.4 United States Geothermal Power Equipment Sales Volume and Market Share by Application (2013-2018)Browse Full Reports with Toc:Latest Reports:Polymers in Medical Devices Market:Oncolytic Virus Therapy Market:About UsAcute Market Reports is the most sufficient collection of market intelligence services online. It is your only source that can fulfill all your market research requirements. We provide online reports from over 100 best publishers and upgrade our collection regularly to offer you direct online access to the worlds most comprehensive and recent database with expert perceptions on worldwide industries, products, establishments and trends. Our database consists of 200,000+ market research reports with detailed & minute market research.Contact usName: Chris PaulDesignation: Global Sales ManagerAddress: 105 N 1st ST #429, SAN JOSE, CA 95103, United StatesEmail: - sales@acutemarketreports.comToll Free (US/CANADA): +1-855-455-8662Website: - EV Charging Station Global Market Analysis 2017 & Forecast 2021 ReportsWeb The report entitled "The US EV Charging Station Market: Size, Trends & Forecasts (2018-2022)", provides analysis of the US EV charging station, with detailed analysis of market size and growth, and segmentation of the industry. The analysis includes the market by value, by number of station/outlet, by type of network and by segmentation.For more information about this report:Moreover, the report also assesses the key opportunities in the market and outlines the factors that are and will be driving the growth of the industry. Growth of the overall US EV charging station market has also been forecasted for the years 2018-2022, taking into consideration the previous growth patterns, the growth drivers and the current and future trends.Tesla Inc., CHAdeMO Association, ChargePoint Inc. and SemaConnect Inc. are some of the key players operating in the US EV charging station market, whose company profiling has been done in the report. In this segment of the report, business overview, financial overview and business strategies of the companies are provided.Company CoverageTesla Inc.CHAdeMO AssociationChargePoint Inc.SemaConnect Inc.Request Sample Copy atExecutive SummaryElectric vehicle (EV) is one of the newest technology in transportation industry which uses one or more electric motors for momentum, that are easily rechargeable. There are various types of electric vehicles which are available such as, airborne electric vehicles, seaborne electric vehicle, electrically powered spacecraft and most importantly ground vehicles which are sub-segmented into four categories namely, plug-in electric vehicle, hybrid electric vehicles, on-and off-road electric vehicles and, railborne electric vehicles.In order to run such vehicles, proper facilities are required where continuous supply of electricity is available. These facilities are known as electric vehicle (EV) charging station. There are four major framework of EV charging stations: residential charging station, charging while parked (including public charging stations), fast charging at public charging stations and battery swaps or charges in under 15 minutes.EV charging is done in three levels: Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. These three standard levels are referred in Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) terminology. Here, Level 1 utilizes an ordinary grounded 120V AC wall outlet whereas Level 2 uses 240 volt AC charging. Level 3 charger uses direct current rather than AC. EV charging stations comes with different connection cases and plug types. Connection cases are of three types, while there are four plug types (single-phase vehicle coupler, single-and three-phase vehicle coupler, single-and three-phase vehicle coupler equipped with safety shutters and fast charge coupler).The US EV charging station market is expected to increase at high growth rates during the forecasted period (2018-2022). The US EV charging station market is supported by various growth drivers, such as growing petroleum price, increasing government support, increasing number of electric vehicles, etc. yet, the market faces certain challenges, such as, stringent approval rules for establishment, lack of awareness, etc. few new market trends are also provided such as, nickel ion battery as new alternative, etc.Company Profiling6.1 Tesla Inc.6.1.1 Business Overview6.1.2 Financial Overview6.1.3 Business Strategy6.2 CHAdeMO Association6.2.1 Business Overview6.2.2 Business Strategy6.3 ChargePoint Inc.6.3.1 Business Overview6.3.2 Business Strategy6.4 SemaConnect Inc.6.4.1 Business Overview6.4.2 Business StrategyInquire Before Buying atContact Us:Call: +1-646-491-9876Email: is a one stop shop of market research reports and solutions to various companies across the globe. We help our clients in their decision support system by helping them choose most relevant and cost effective research reports and solutions from various publishers. We provide best in class customer service and our customer support team is always available to help you on your research queries.505, 6th floor, Amanora Township,Amanora Chambers, East Block,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Schizophrenia Treatment Market Volume Analysis 2016-2026 Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder, characterized by poor emotional responses, breakdown of thinking and lack of social and physical motivation. The prominent causes of the disease include genetic malignancies, neuro-trauma, shocking incidence in life, drug and alcohol abuse and many others. Schizophrenia is a serious disorder which affects how a person thinks, feels and acts. Successful treatment for schizophrenia aims to relieve current symptoms, prevent future psychotic episodes and restore ones ability to function and enjoy a meaningful life. The signs of schizophrenia are different for everyone. Symptoms may develop slowly over months or years, or may appear very abruptly. The disease may come and go in relapse and remission.Hence, recovery from schizophrenia is a lifelong process.SchizophreniaTreatment Market:Drivers and RestraintsThe schizophrenia treatment market is primarily driven by increased prevalence of schizophrenic disorders due to change in lifestyle, extensive R&D, increase in incidence of various addictions such as alcohol, narcotics and others. Demand of sophisticated therapy by physicians and patients is also driving the schizophrenic treatment market to a great extent. On the contrary, huge cost of R&D and therapy, lack of medical infrastructure, and lack of awareness in certain regions of the world are some of the hurdles that are expected to restrict the growth of this market.Request to Sample Report -SchizophreniaTreatment Market:SegmentationSchizophrenia treatment market is segmented on the basis of product type, distribution channel and geography.Based on product type, schizophrenia treatment market is segmented as follows:MedicationsConventional or typical antipsychotic drugsAtypical antipsychotic drugsTherapiesBased on distribution channel, schizophrenia treatment market is segmented as follows:Hospitals including hospital pharmaciesClinicsRetail pharmaciesRehabilitation CentersSchizophreniaTreatment Market:OverviewAccording to WHO, there are around 24 million people suffering from either schizophrenia or similar symptoms. Moreover, due to strong R&D activities, newer drugs and treatments are being introduced in the market, such as ziprasidone hydrochloride. Medications are the cornerstone for the treatment of schizophrenia. However, medications may lead to side effects. Hence, medication with supportive services and therapies is a perfect combination to treat schizophrenia. Relationship problems, risk of attempting suicide, alcohol and drug abuse and consequently, disruption to normal daily activities has led to the growth of schizophrenia treatment market.Request Report TOC @SchizophreniaTreatment Market:Region-wise OutlookThe schizophrenia treatment market is also segmented on the basis of geography, such as North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia-Pacific, Japan, Middle East and Africa. The North American region is considered as the largest market, followed by Europe. However, Asia-Pacific region is considered as the most promising market in the upcoming future.SchizophreniaTreatment Market: Key PlayersSome of the top key players in schizophrenia treatment market include Novartis AG, AbbVie, Inc., PsychoGenics, Inc., Pfizer, Inc., Eli-Lilly and Company, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, AstraZeneca Plc., Avineuro Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Merz Pharmaceuticals GmbH.ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite : Global Industrial Robotics Market is expected to more than US$ 70 Billion by the end of year 2024 Access full Research:Renub Research report titled Industrial Robotics Market, Volume Global Forecast by Types (Automotive, Electrical & Electronics, Metal, Chemical, Rubber and Plastics, Food, Others, Unspecified), Regions (America, Asia, Australia, Europe & Africa), Companies (Yaskawa Electric Corporation, KUKA AG, Adept Technology, Nachi Fujikoshi, iRobot, Intuitive Surgical) provides a comprehensive assessment of the fastevolving, highgrowth of Industrial Robotic Market.Get Free Customization in this Report.Global Industrial Robotics Market is expected to surpass more than US$ 70 Billion by the end of year 2024. The industrial robotics market is mainly driven by automotive and electrical & electronics sector. It is expected that the combined market size of automotive and electrical & electronics sector will capture more than 70% in anticipated year. In recent trend collaborative robotics is more frequently used in automotive industry. There are so many car manufacturer including BMW has introduced collaborative robots to its assembly line. They are also performing task in final assembly of the car doors. As they are human-friendly, it helps in enhancing productivity and value addition.Request a free sample copy of the report:This report provides comprehensive assessment and core-insight regarding various application in industrial robotics like automotive industry, electrical & electronics, metal, chemical, rubber & plastic, food etc. there are many big manufacturers of automotive and electronic devices has been successfully using robotics in their assembly line effectively and efficiently and achieve huge cost reduction in long-term. Therefore automotive & electrical industries are key factor to push the global industrial robotics market to the great high in the coming future.In this report; we have also covered annual shipment of industrial robots region wise. In American region, we have further divided it into four parts (United States, Canada, Mexico, and Brazil). In Asia & Australia region, we have further divided it into six parts (China, India, Japan, Republic of Korea, Taiwan and Thailand). In Europe region, we have further divided it into six parts (Central/Eastern Europe, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and United Kingdom). Report also covers African region.This 86 page report with 49 Figures and 4 Table analyses the global industrial robotics market and volume by industry segment, driving factors and challenges for Industrial Robotics market.Global Industrial Robotics Market has been analyzed from two view points Global Industrial Robotic Market & Forecast (2010 2024) Global Industrial Robotic Volume & Forecast (2010 2024)Industry Segments Covered1. Automotive Industry2. Electrical & Electronics Industry3. Metal Industry4. Chemical, Rubber and Plastics Industry5. Food Industry6. Others7. UnspecifiedKey Companies Covered1. Yaskawa Electric Corporation2. KUKA AG3. Adept Technology4. Nachi Fujikoshi5. iRobot6. Intuitive SurgicalContact UsRajat GuptaSr. Marketing ManagerEmail: info@renub.comPhone: +1-678-302-0700Web:Renub Research is a leading Market Research and Information Analysis Company with centers at Noida India and Roswell USA. We have long-term experience especially in international Business-to-Business Researches, Surveys, Business and Consulting. Throughout the years we have acquired expertise in most market sectors, including Information Technology (IT), Telecoms, Life Sciences, Medical & Pharmaceuticals, Financial Services (Banking, Insurance, Reinsurance, M&A, etc.), Energy, Chemicals, Automotive, Retail, FMCG, Consumer Goods, Logistics, Governmental, Social, and Others.Our core team is comprised of an experienced people holding graduate, post graduate and Ph.D. degrees in Finance, Marketing, Human Resource, Bio-Technology, Medicine, Information Technology, Environmental Science and many more. Our research help make the business decisions: on strategy, organization, operations, technology, mergers & acquisitions etc. We support many blue chip companies by providing them findings and perspectives across a wide range of markets. Our research reports offer a blend of information insight, analysis and forecasting that is essential in today's ultra-competitive markets.225 Kristie Ln, Roswell, GA 30076, United States Feb 14, 2018: Glaucoma Drainage Devices Market Size 2018-2025 Alcon, Henan Universe IOL Glaucoma Drainage Devices Market 2018-2024 A market study "Global Glaucoma Drainage Devices Market" examines the performance of the Glaucoma Drainage Devices market 2018. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Glaucoma Drainage Devices market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Glaucoma Drainage Devices market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Glaucoma Drainage Devices Market 2018 report includes Glaucoma Drainage Devices market Revenue, market Share, Glaucoma Drainage Devices industry volume, market Trends, Glaucoma Drainage Devices Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Glaucoma Drainage Devices Price during the Forecast period from 2018 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Glaucoma Drainage Devices Market 2018 : Alcon Henan Universe IOL ResearchingGlaucoma Drainage Devices Market : By ApplicationHospitalClinicGlaucoma Drainage Devices Market : By TypeValved ImplantsNonvalved ImplantsFirstly, the report covers the top Glaucoma Drainage Devices manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Glaucoma Drainage Devices report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Glaucoma Drainage Devices industry, Glaucoma Drainage Devices industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Glaucoma Drainage Devices Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Glaucoma Drainage Devices research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Glaucoma Drainage Devices market revenue worldwide.Finally, Glaucoma Drainage Devices market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About is a leading market intelligence team which making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact US:5001 Spring Valley Rd #400,Dallas,TX 75244, USAContact No. +1-214-661-1669Email: Global Luxury Furniture Market Expected to Grow at Over 5% CAGR through 2022 MRRSE As more and more individuals purchase homes especially in the developing countries, home decor market grows worldwide at an unbeatable growth. According to the comprehensive report titled Home Decor Market: Global Industry Analysis (2012 - 2016) & Opportunity Assessment (2017 - 2022) added recently into the database of Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE), the factors such as globalization, expansion of real estate industry, disposable incomes, improving lifestyle of individuals are contributing to the massive growth of the home decor market.Request and Download Sample Report @As per report, the market for home decor is expected to grow nearly US$ 855,680 Mn by the end of 2022 with a robust CAGR during its forecast period from 2017 to 2022. The report covers historical data related to CAGR growth from 2012 to 2016 and also the forecasted CAGR from 2017 to 2022 for home decor market.Additionally, the report begins with an executive summary that provides quick snapshot of overall content of the report followed by another section of market overview. Market overview section includes basics of the market such as market introduction, market taxonomy and market definition. The report explores global home decor market in detail and focuses on market dynamics to understand what drives the market, the challenges faced and ongoing trends in the market. It analysis the market over different parameters and projects future scope of the market in numbers. The readers will also find details including profile of the key players operating in the market of global home decor to understand competition landscape. The profile of the company includes details such as company overview, product overview, key financials and key developments. Using SWOT analysis, the report shares strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges faced by the companies in the market of home decor globally.Browse full report with detailed table of content @For detailed insight into global home decor market, the report segments the market geographically into regions which are Middle East & Africa, Asia Pacific except Japan, Europe, Japan, Latin America and North America and the countries are US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, France, UK, Germany, Nordic, Italy Spain, India, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Israel, Nigeria, South Africa, GCC countries and Japan. The home decor global market is analyzed regionally on the basis of market size and forecast from 2012 to 2022 which is further bifurcated into revenue comparison in USD across product type, distribution channel and application.The report claims to have used primary and secondary research methodologies backed by inputs from industry experts to gain insights into the global home decor market.About (MRRSE)Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.Contact UsState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY, (United States) 12207Telephone: +1-518-730-0559 (US - Canada Toll Free)Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite:Read More Industry News At: Automotive Electronic Power Steering Market, Demand Size, Value Share, Industry Growth and Forecast 2017 - 2025 MRRSE The global luxury furniture market is likely to grow at a CAGR of over 5% through the forecast period 2017-2022, according to a new report added to the vast repository of Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE). The report projects the global luxury furniture market to reach a value of nearly US$ 30 billion by 2022. The report titled Luxury Furniture Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2017 2022 offers valuable insights on the key factors that are impacting the global market.Request and Download Sample Report @Luxury furniture has often remain limited to the consumers with high disposable incomes, and as the percentage of people with high disposable income has increased, demand for luxury furniture has witnessed a boost. In addition to residential demand, use of luxury furniture by real estate developers is also offering opportunities for growth. Construction of five-star hotels, resorts, malls, government buildings etc. is a positive indicator for the luxury furniture market. Also, availability of luxury furniture through online channels has meant that a large section of consumers can now have access to luxury furniture.In contrast, minimalism and questions on the ethics of using high-priced furniture are driving important segments of target audience away from the market. Many consumers with high disposable income are turning away from wooden furniture, and are instead adapting a minimalist lifestyle. Also, availability of a large number of duplicate products is hampering global market.Browse full report with detailed table of content @Muebles Pico, Henredon Furniture Industries Inc., Laura Ashley Folding PLC, Iola Furniture Ltd, Giovanni Visentin srl, Nella Vetrina, Scavolini S.p.A., Turri S.r.l, and Heritage Home Group LLC are some of the key players in the global luxury furniture market. These players are collaborating with leading interior design companies to launch new designs and forms in the market. To give readers detailed insights on the competitive landscape of the market, the report offers clear insights on the key strategies employed by players. The strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats faced by competitors are discussed in detail in the report. The key development of companies, any mergers and acquisitions, and changes in strategy are also offered in the report. The detailed company profiling helps readers in understanding the position of various players in the market. Company profiling can also help new entrants to the market gain credible insights on their competitors.About (MRRSE)Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.Contact UsState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY, (United States) 12207Telephone: +1-518-730-0559 (US - Canada Toll Free)Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite: Solar Street Lighting Market size was over USD 2.9 billion in 2015 with forecast to grow over 20% from 2016 to 2024 Solar Street Lighting Increasing emphasis on the eco-friendly environment, free from carbon footprints, is expanding the business space for Solar Street lighting market globally. With the growing demand for energy conservation, Solar street lighting has become quite a popular means of off-grid power supply.SLs are units using solar energy to illuminate streets or other open areas, generally installed in two modes- Standalone and Grid connected. An estimate says that in 2013, approximately 1.2 billion people, i.e. 17% of the global population had no access to grid electricity, with rural population contributing towards the most of it. The rising demand for off-grid power supply has built a huge opportunity landscape for the street light manufacturers. Moreover, favorable regulations from the government to support the use of SSLs is also boosting its market size. These are considered to be viable street lighting solutions owing to their low maintenance cost, easy working, eco-friendliness, and most importantly, the curtailed energy burden on the national economy.The technology has gained high significance owing to its extensive use across the residential, industrial, and commercial sectors. In 2015, the solar street lighting market for the residential sector accounted for USD 630.8 million and is expected to witness heavy gains over the coming years. Growing trends of solar buildings, increasing residential projects, cost-effectiveness, and rising energy conservation awareness is expected to drive the residential solar street lighting market demand.Request for Sample Copy of this research report @Rural electrification programs coupled with government initiatives to regulate greenhouse gas emissions will boost the SSL demand in the commercial sector. The commercial solar street lighting market share is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 20.23% over 2016-2024. Industrial SSL market is expected to reach 2.09 million units by 2024.LED and CFLs are the two most popular luminaries being used for the Solar street lighting. The LED solar street lighting market size valued 3.04 million units in 2015, is estimated to expand its share at a CAGR of 20.89% over the coming eight years. Also, owing to the increasing number of solar street lighting projects worldwide, the CFL market will witness significant gains, registering a CAGR of 12.2 % over the timeframe of 2016-2024.The global SSL market is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 20% over the period of 2016-2024. The Asia Pacific is estimated to be a major region to promote the SSL market growth over the coming years. India and China are estimated to be the major revenue pockets for the APAC market. It is estimated that over 800 million people in APAC are deprived of grid power supply which fosters the huge demand for lighting solutions across this region. India SSL market size was approximately 22.36 million units in 2015, and is forecast to grow its share at a rate of 19.43% over the tenure of 2016-2024.Make an inquiry for purchasing this report @The US solar street lighting will also witness noticeable growth over the coming years. Stringent government regulations pertaining to the energy conservation and reducing carbon footprints will drive the preference for non-conventional energy resources over the traditional ones. The US SSL market size is expected to witness a CAGR of 21% over the coming eight years.Rural areas can be a broad opportunity ground for the industry players, as these areas are the major SSL demand drivers. For instance, Philips, one of the key players in this market, has developed Solar Gen 2, the most cost-effective and efficient solar street lighting solution worldwide. Solar Gen 2 matches the capacity of conventional electricity grid, serving approximately 1.6 billion rural population deprived of electricity. Other notable participants of the SSL market are Solektra International, Omega Solar, Urja Global Ltd, Sunna Design, VERYSOL GmbH, Solar Street Lights USA, and Dragons Breath Solar.To access sample pages or view this report in detail along with the table of contents, please click on the link below:About Global Market InsightsGlobal Market Insights, Inc., headquartered in Delaware, U.S., is a global market research and consulting service provider; offering syndicated and custom research reports along with growth consulting services. Our business intelligence and industry research reports offer clients with penetrative insights and actionable market data specially designed and presented to aid strategic decision making. These exhaustive reports are designed via a proprietary researchContact Us:Arun HegdeCorporate Sales, USAGlobal Market Insights, Inc.Phone: 1-302-846-7766Toll Free: 1-888-689-0688Email: sales@gminsights.comWeb:Blog: Feb 14, 2018: Nasal Dressing Market Size 2018-2025 Medtronic, Dale Medical, Anika Therapeutics Nasal Dressing Market 2018-2024 A market study "Global Nasal Dressing Market" examines the performance of the Nasal Dressing market 2018. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Nasal Dressing market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Nasal Dressing market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Nasal Dressing Market 2018 report includes Nasal Dressing market Revenue, market Share, Nasal Dressing industry volume, market Trends, Nasal Dressing Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Nasal Dressing Price during the Forecast period from 2018 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Nasal Dressing Market 2018 : Medtronic Dale Medical Anika Therapeutics Smith?Nephew Surgical Tools, Inc POLYGANICS Lohmann & RauscherNasal Dressing Market : By ApplicationHospitalClinicNasal Dressing Market : By TypeBioresorbableNot AbsorbableFirstly, the report covers the top Nasal Dressing manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Nasal Dressing report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Nasal Dressing industry, Nasal Dressing industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Nasal Dressing Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Nasal Dressing research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Nasal Dressing market revenue worldwide.Finally, Nasal Dressing market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About is a leading market intelligence team which making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact US:5001 Spring Valley Rd #400,Dallas,TX 75244, USAContact No. +1-214-661-1669Email: Democrats in Tallahassee were delirious with joy Wednesday as they welcomed Margaret Good, who handily won a special House election Tuesday in Sarasota, a county Donald Trump carried in 2016. Good, who received loud standing ovations at a House Democratic Caucus meeting, literally overnight became a national symbol of what Democrats hope will be a "blue wave," an unstoppable anti-Trump, anti-Republican tsunami in 2018. Good got 52 percent of the vote in a three-way race in defeating James Buchanan, the son of a popular local congressman, and a Libertarian candidate. "This should put all Republicans on notice that it could be a very difficult year, if you're an incumbent, to survive," said Rep. Joe Gruters, R-Sarasota, chairman of the Republican Party of Sarasota and an enthusiastic supporter of the President. "Even relatively safe seats could be in play in 2018." Democrats knocked on thousands of doors and flooded the district with volunteers, money and celebrity endorsements such as former Vice President Joe Biden, in a key county in the nation's biggest swing state in a year when the political stakes are very high, with a U.S. Senate seat, the governorship, three Cabinet seats, 27 seats in Congress and most of the Legislature all up for grabs. Gruters complimented Good for running a strong race, but he said she got plenty of outside help that she won't have in a general election race in the fall when precious political resources have to be spread more widely. "I think we can recover, and I think we'll win the seat back in November," Gruters predicted. He said five potential GOP candidates were texting him Wednesday. "We'll see about that," Good told the Times/Herald. "People are fed up with what is happening up here. They want real representation. They want strong public education. They want environmental protections. They want people really talking about health care." Earlier Wednesday, House Democrats voiced outrage when Republicans rewrote a tax-cut bill to include a major expansion of private school vouchers paid for by corporate tax credits, a major policy shift that Democrats said hasn't been properly vetted in policy committees. The House Democratic whip, Rep. Joe Abruzzo of Palm Beach County, said Republicans are aggressively pushing radical policies because they know a "wave" is coming in November that could also bring Florida a Democratic governor. "It's in push mode, to get through as much of their policy that they can prior to possibly having Democrats in control," Abruzzo said. Good will replace former Republican Rep. Alex Miller, who resigned last fall. She's the 41st Democrat in a 117-member House, with three vacant seats yet to be filled in special elections. Photo: House Democratic Leader Janet Cruz, D-Tampa, left, and the incoming leader, Rep. Kionne McGhee, D-Miami, welcomed Margaret Good to the state Capitol Wednesday. Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers Market Insight Report Offers Development Prospects 2022 Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers Market The report for Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers Market of Market Research Future comprises of extensive primary research along with the detailed analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders to gain the deeper insight of the market and industry performance.The global for Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer Market is expected to reach USD 701.4 million by the end of the forecasted period and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 2.7%.Ultra-low temperature freezers (ULT freezers) are the type of bio-freezers that utilized for the preservation of viruses, bacteria, drugs, enzymes, chemicals, cell preparations and tissue samples among others. They generally have a temperature range of - 45C to - 86C. There are majorly two types of ULT freezers; Upright and Chest ULT freezers.Key Players for Global Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer Market:Panasonic Healthcare Corporation of North America, VWR International, Helmer Scientific, Haier, Eppendrof AG, Thermofisher Scientific Inc. and others.Key Finding:The Global Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer Market and is expected to reach USD 701.4 million by 2022.Regionally, North America holds the largest market share for Global Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer Market and is expected to reach USD 393.9 million by 2022.Asia-Pacific market is expected to be the fastest growing market, and expected to reach at USD 152.5 million by 2022.On the basis of type, upright ULT freezers segment holds largest market share.Get Sample Copy @Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer Market Segments:Global Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer Market has been segmented on the basis of type which comprises of upright ULT freezers, chest ULT freezers. On the basis of end user; market is segmented into bio-banks, hospital, academic & research institute and othersRegional Analysis of Global Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer Market:Globally North America is the largest market for Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer. The North American market for Ultra-low temperature freezer is expected to reach at USD 393.9 Million by the end of the forecasted period.Europe is the second-largest market for ultra-low temperature freezer which is expected to grow at a CAGR of 2.8%. Asia pacific region is expected to be fastest growing region in Ultra-low temperature freezer market.Brief Toc:1 Introduction2 Research Methodology3 Market Dynamics4 Market Factor Analysis5 Global Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer Market, By Type6 Global Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer Market, By End User7 Global Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer Market, By Region8 Competitive Landscape9 Company Profiles10 AppendixContinuedGet Discount @Top 5 Reasons to Buy the Reports Company profiling with detailed strategies, financials, and recent development activities Market Strategic Business Influence Data Market Research Future recommendations in key business segments based on the market estimations Market share analysis of the top industry players Market forecasts for a minimum of 5 years of all the mentioned segments, Trends and the regional markets With SWOT AnalysisAbout Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Contact:Market Research Future+1 646 845 9312Email: sales@marketresearchfuture.comMRFR has the distinguished objective of providing the optimal quality research and granular research to clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help answer your most important questions.Our Research Analysts are eager to share their knowledge and assist you in refining market research parameters, choosing right market studies, and evaluating both the market scope and the research methodologies of varied segments.We bridge the gap between our clients and their clients by identifying and decoding just the target group, while generating leads with the highest accuracy.Years of research into diverse fields of work has ingrained within us, a proficiency so distinguished that our industry-specific specialists identify with your business ideas and feel the pulse of your challenges and opportunities. This enables us for providing assistance, through our consulting and strategic consulting services, in informed managerial decision making. In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industries, WantStats Research and Media often conducts industrial visits for its research analysts. Relevant inputs from various established market participants, help our clients make significant contribution in respective markets are a huge motivation for all of us to endlessly furnish quality. We depend greatly on profound insights into complex realms of our study.Pune, India Sick Sinus Syndrome Treatment Market Research Report Shows Speedy Growth 2025 Global Sick Sinus Syndrome Treatment Market: SnapshotSick sinus syndrome is a common type of arrhythmia and is generally an indicator towards a set of signs and symptoms that can tell a doctor whether or not a patients sinoatrial node is functioning. The sinoatrial node, or the SA node, is more commonly known as the hearts original, natural pacemakers, and it releases electrical impulses to the hearts upper chambers to make them contract at regular intervals. The actual cause of sick sinus syndrome is not known, but common demographics of patients include those above 50. As for treatment, doctors take a symptomatic treatment approach that includes discontinuing medications, foods, and lifestyle choices that can worsen the symptoms. In the event a patients sick sinus syndrome causes bradycardia, they are fitted with a pacemaker and are generally prescribed anti-arrhythmic medication. In case a patient suffers from tachycardia through sick sinus syndrome, they may be treated using medications. In some instances, radiofrequency ablation has also shown positive results.Sick sinus syndrome also falls into the extremely complex issue of having to deliver customized healthcare solutions to patients based on their personal physical characteristics. Due to the fact that sick sinus syndrome can be the cause of several symptoms that can lead to misdiagnosis, medical personnel need to consider the differences between the physiologies of patients in order to fully understand the ailments of each. The treatment of sick sinus syndrome can therefore be a part of a greater move by the healthcare industry towards advanced medical fields.Request Sample Copy of the Report@Global Sick Sinus Syndrome Treatment Market: Disease OverviewSick sinus syndrome (SSS), also referred to as sinus dysfunction, represents a group of heart rhythm disorders (arrhythmias) caused by the malfunction of the sinus node (SA), the impulse generating tissue of the heart. Some of the primary conditions that characterize sick sinus syndrome are sinus bradycardia, which is slow heart rate; sinus arrest, which is when sinus stops functioning abruptly; atrial tachycardia, which is a type of atrial arrhythmia wherein electric impulse is generated from somewhere else other than SA node; and Bradycardia-tachycardia, which is alternating slow and too fast heart rate.Sick sinus syndrome typically afflicts people over 50 years of age on account of scar like damage to the hearts conduction system. In children, sick sinus syndrome can result from surgery in the upper chambers of the heart. Both females and males are equally susceptible to sick sinus syndrome. Factors triggering sick sinus syndrome are both intrinsic and extrinsic. Some of the intrinsic factors are amyloidosis, surgical injury, idiopathic degeneration of SA node, and cardiomyopathies. Extrinsic factors include calcium channel blockers, drugs like digoxin, beta blockers, and anti-arrhythmic drugs.Request TOC of the Report @Global Sick Sinus Syndrome Treatment Market: Diagnosis and TreatmentDiagnosis of sick sinus syndrome is difficult as it is usually asymptomatic or has subtle or nonspecific symptoms such as fatigue, chest pain, dizziness, fainting, and shortness of breath. Intracardiac electrophysiology study (EPS) is a specific test for diagnosing sick sinus syndrome. ECG and Holter monitoring devices are also used for the same. Atrial or dual-chamber pacemaker implantation is primarily used for treating sick sinus syndrome as it helps tackle the symptoms effectively and lowers the risk of diseases like atrial fibrillation and heart failure. Drugs commonly prescribed for controlling sick sinus syndrome are beta blocker, blood thinner warfarin, and calcium channel blockers. Warfain, for example, helps thwart blood clot formation in people affected with atrial fibrillation and beta blocker and calcium channel blockers are prescribed to slow down heart rate.Global Sick Sinus Syndrome Treatment Market: Trends and OpportunitiesDepending upon geography, the global market for sick sinus syndrome treatment can be segmented into Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, and the Rest of the World. North America, among them, presents maximum opportunities on account of almost half the people affected with sick sinus syndrome opting for atrial or dual-chamber pacemaker implantation in the U.S. A proper reimbursement system is another factor significantly boosting the market in the region. Europe follows North America in terms of the potential it holds in the sick sinus syndrome treatment market. Germany, the U.K., France, Spain, and Italy together account for over 65% of the overall Europe market. A burgeoning geriatric population is slated to majorly contribute to the market in the region in the years ahead. Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World too are predicted to record substantial growth on account of the emerging economies swiftly developing their healthcare infrastructure in the regions.Read Comprehensive Overview of Report @Companies Mentioned in ReportTo present an in-depth assessment of the competition prevailing in the global sick sinus syndrome treatment market, the report profiles companies such as Boston Scientific Corporation, GlaxoSmithKline, Medtronic, Inc., St. Jude Medical Inc., Biotronik GmbH & Co. KG, Sorin Group, Pfizer Ltd., and Novartis AG.About UsTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Zonal Isolation Market is predicted to grow at over 6% CAGR from 2016 to 2024 The graph of Zonal Isolation Market is expected to display a high surge over the next few years, pushed by growing number of drilling operations carried out across the offshore and onshore destinations. Technological innovations have helped the industry players explore new oil & gas wells and this has significantly contributed towards the industry growth. Increase in number of shale gas exploration along with heavy crude oil demand due to high energy requirements, will propel zonal isolation industry growth in the near future.Moreover, rise in the number of drilling rigs across the globe is projected to increase the demand for exploration and production of oil & gas wells, thereby driving the industry trends over the coming timeframe. For instance, world drilling rig count improved by 74 units in July 2016 in comparison to June 2016. In fact, the U.S. rig count had numbered to 449 rigs from 32 rigs while Canada contributed nearly 31 units to 94 rigs. Developed countries like the U.S. and Canada are investing heavily in oil & gas exploration projects which is expected to drive the zonal isolation industry growth over the next few years.Offshore sector is a major application area, projected to offer high growth opportunities for zonal isolation industry over the coming seven years. As per the research, offshore application is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7% over the coming timeframe, driven by huge investments in the exploration and production activities carried out offshore. Moreover, zonal isolation market share in onshore sector, will experience a high growth, due to the enormous rise in onshore drilling activities.Request for Sample Copy of this research report @Below are the regional trends influencing zonal isolation industry over 2016-2024Rise in number of shale gas exploration activities along with high requirements for oil & gas is expected to spur Europe zonal isolation market growth over the coming years. UK and Norway are expected to be the major regional revenue contributors.Middle East & Africa zonal isolation market is projected to witness significant gains of 6.53% over 2016-2024, driven by rise in regional drilling rig count. Iran and Saudi Arabia are projected to be the major regional revenue pockets.North America zonal isolation industry will attain maximum growth over the coming seven years, driven by rise in the number of drilling offshore activities along with the discovery of unexplored oil & gas basins/reserves. U.S. is expected to contribute substantially towards the regional share.Zonal isolation industry will obtain optimum growth across the nations such as China, Canada, UAE, Mexico, Russia, and Brazil, driven by the increase in oil & gas exploration and production activities.Make an inquiry for purchasing this report @Market players will try to enhance their ROI through technological innovations, R&D investments, and strategic alliances. Key industry players include TAM International, Expro International Group Holdings Limited, Schlumberger Limited, Tendeka, FMC Technologies, Baker Hughes, Weatherford International, Halliburton Company, Superior Energy Services, C&J Energy Services Incorporation, and Oilsery.Europe, led by Norway and the UK zonal isolation market size was valued at over USD 4 billion in 2015. Continued investments in exploration, production, and development activities to keep high domestic production and reduce their dependency on the import of crude oil would help to boost industry growth. In 2015, despite the low crude oil price, 82 fields were in operation, out of which 11 discoveries were made in the North Sea and six were made in the Norwegian sea and the rest were spudded.Browse Related ReportSolar Water Heater Market Size By Collector (Evacuated Tube, Flat Plate and Unglazed Water), By System (Thermosyphon, Pumped), By Application (Swimming Pool Heating, Domestic Water Heating, Large Domestic Water Heating) Industry Analysis Report, Regional Outlook (U.S., Canada, Germany, Austria, Spain, Turkey, Denmark, Italy, Switzerland, France, China, Australia, India, Japan, South Korea, Israel, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan, Brazil, Mexico), Competitive Market Share & Forecast, 2017 2024About Global Market InsightsGlobal Market Insights, Inc., headquartered in Delaware, U.S., is a global market research and consulting service provider; offering syndicated and custom research reports along with growth consulting services. Our business intelligence and industry research reports offer clients with penetrative insights and actionable market data specially designed and presented to aid strategic decision making. These exhaustive reports are designed via a proprietary researchContact Us:Arun HegdeCorporate Sales, USAGlobal Market Insights, Inc.Phone: 1-302-846-7766Toll Free: 1-888-689-0688Email: sales@gminsights.comWeb:Blog: HPV Testing Market Set for Rapid Growth and Trend by 2025 Global HPV Testing Market: SnapshotHPV, short for the human papilloma virus, refers to a group of over 150 viruses that several negative changes within a human body. They are called the papilloma virus due to the fact that several viruses from this group are known to cause warts or papillomas, which are a form of non-cancerous tumor. At the same time, some of the types of HPV are far more serious as they have been linked to cancers, especially cancers of the cervix. One of the key characteristics of the human papilloma virus is that they can only survive within a specific type of cell: the squamous epithelial cell, which can be located on the skins surface and especially within moist surfaces such as the mucosal surfaces. A part of the HPV group falls under the low-risk genital HPV type, which is known to cause low-risk issues such as warts in specific locations. The high-risk genital HPV types are known to cause cancer in both men and women. They cause changes on a cellular level which can lead to pre-cancers, following into cancers over time. HPV has no key symptoms that can be used to identify it, with the exception of specific types of warts caused by some members of the virus group.Global HPV Testing Market: OverviewThe rising prevalence of cervical and vaginal cancer is the cardinal factor driving the global HPV testing market. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that every year 16 out of every 100,000 women are likely to be detected with cervical cancer. Globally, it is identified as the third-most commonly occurring cancer and the mortality rate due to this cancer is also quite high. HPV test helps in the screening and early detection of cervical cancer.Request Sample Copy of the Report@The research report sheds light on various important parameters including dynamics and competitive landscape of the global HPV testing market. For an extensive understanding, it segments the market on the basis of applications, end users, and geography. It analyses each segment in terms of both revenue and volume. It profiles key players in the market along with their revenue generation, latest developments, business strategies, and contact information.Global HPV Testing Market: Drivers and RestraintsGovernments are increasingly introducing programs that are promoting awareness regarding cervical cancer screening programs, which in turn is providing a significant push to the HPV testing market. Other than awareness programs, governments are also pouring funds into the research and development of screening kits and devices, which is working in favor of the growth of the market.Request TOC of the Report @Despite the initiatives and funding, the continuously changing regulatory guidelines for cervical cancer screening are hampering the growth of the market. Moreover, the lack of favorable reimbursement scenario in several countries is limiting the market from realizing its utmost potential. On the other hand, technological advancements are creating immense growth opportunities for the market.Global HPV Testing Market: Geographical SegmentationThe regional markets studied in the report are North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World. North America will account for a large share in the market throughout the forecast period. The demand for HPV testing in the region will rise against the backdrop of growing incidence of cervical cancers. The growth of the region is also supplemented by conducive federal policies that are encouraging the uptake of screening programs for cervical cancers. Moreover, the introduction of innovative technologies for improving patient care and diagnosis is providing a fillip to the growth of the region.Read Comprehensive Overview of Report @Asia Pacific is likely to emerge as a promising market during the same period owing to the increasing prevalence of communicable diseases, particularly in developing countries such as India. The rising number of government programs that are spreading awareness regarding benefits of early cancer screening is contributing to the growth of the market.Global HPV Testing Market: Competitive LandscapeSeveral players in the global HPV testing market are increasingly investing in the research and development of advanced and innovative test kits and devices. Partnerships and collaborations are among go-to strategies of key players to consolidate their presence in the market. Some of the key players in the market are Abbott Laboratories, Hologic, Inc., Becton and Dickinson, bioMerieux SA, CytoCore Inc., Qiagen, Inc., Roche Molecular Diagnostics, DiaMex GmBH, Merck & Co., Genomica S.A.U., DAAN Gene Co., and Ventana Medical Systems Inc.About UsTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Voip Services Market Expected to Account US$ 194.5 Bn by 2024 According to the latest market report published by Persistence Market Research titled, Global Market Study on VoIP Services: Increasing Hybrid Cloud Communications in Small and Large Enterprises to Drive Market Growth over the Forecast Period, 2016 - 2024, the global VoIP services market was valued at US$ 85.9 Bn in 2015 and is anticipated to increase at a CAGR of 9.5% over 2016 - 2024, to reach US$ 194.5 Bn by 2024.Currently, the global VoIP services market is mainly driven by factors such as low maintenance cost with higher flexibility and minimum staff support, along with wider connectivity, increasing internet penetration in semi-urban and satellite cities as the internet is a basic tool and a global platform to make a business grow fast and in a more economical way. However, factors such as fluctuations in internet quality may affect market growth and can be a prominent restraint. During peak hours, the network may be congested due to many subscribers using internet services in a locality through single-cable network line and unsatisfactory contract proposals are some of the major factors expected to restrain growth of the global VoIP services market during the forecast period.The global VoIP services market is anticipated to increase at a CAGR of 9.5% in terms of revenue over 20162024, to be valued at US$ 194.5 Bn by 2024.Request to Sample of Report @In this report, the global VoIP services market has been segmented on the basis of call type, end use, configuration, services, and region. The APAC VoIP services market is expected to account for the highest market value share in the global VoIP services market by 2024 end, followed by Europe. The Latin America VoIP services market is expected to be the fastest growing market over the forecast period. Growth of the Europe VoIP services market is primarily attributed to the introduction of a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises. Also, expansion of the unified communication market in Belgium is expected to support growth of the VoIP service market in Europe over the forecast period. The VoIP services market in Europe is expected to increase at a CAGR of 8.4% in terms of value over the forecast period.The North America VoIP services market is expected to witness moderate growth over the forecast period; it accounted for 27.0% value share of the overall market in 2015 and is expected to register a moderate CAGR of 8.5% in terms of value over the forecast period. Increasing adoption of bring your own device (BYOD) policy is a major factor expected to drive growth of the VoIP services market in North America.Request Report For TOC @The report provides detailed information about various market trends and offers analysis and insights about the potential of the global VoIP services market. Furthermore, the VoIP services market is segmented on the basis of call type into international long-distance VoIP calls and domestic VoIP calls. International long-distance VoIP services segment is estimated to be the highest contributor to the global VoIP services market in terms of value share by 2016 end, followed by domestic VoIP call segment.The VoIP services market has also been segmented on the basis of end use into Individual User and Corporate User. Individual User segment is expected to be the fastest growing segment in the end-use category over the forecast period. The segment is expected to increase at a CAGR of 9.2% over the forecast period in terms of revenue.Report Overview @Key players in the global VoIP services market include Vonage Holdings Corporation, 8x8 Inc., ShoreTel Nextiva Inc., RingCentral Inc., West Corporation, Verizon Communications Inc., Thinking Phone Networks, Inc., Inphonex LLC, and Phone Power LLC.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a U.S.-based full-service market intelligence firm specializing in syndicated research, custom research, and consulting services. PMR boasts market research expertise across the Healthcare, Chemicals and Materials, Technology and Media, Energy and Mining, Food and Beverages, Semiconductor and Electronics, Consumer Goods, and Shipping and Transportation industries. The company draws from its multi-disciplinary capabilities and high-pedigree team of analysts to share data that precisely corresponds to clients business needs.PMR stands committed to bringing more accuracy and speed to clients business decisions. From ready-to-purchase market research reports to customized research solutions, PMRs engagement models are highly flexible without compromising on its deep-seated research values.ContactPersistence Market Research Pvt. Ltd305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.commedia@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Nocturia Market : Regional Outlook, Segments And Forecast To 2024 Global Nocturia Market: SnapshotNocturia, also known as nocturnal polyuria, is a medical condition in which patients get a frequent urge to urinate while sleeping at night. It is particularly prevalent among the elderly who often find it difficult to sleep properly. The three broad categories of nocturia are mixed nocturia, bladder storage problems, and nocturnal polyuria.Although, women between 18 to 49 years of age are more susceptible to nocturia than men, after the age of 60, it is men who are more prone to it. In order to treat nocturia, uncovering of neurological disorders, hypertension, cardiac symptoms, and intake of medicines such as cardiac glycosides is a must. Patients also need to be diagnosed for lower limb edema, sleep apnea, obesity, and pelvic analysis. This diagnostics segment of the nocturia market will likely keep driving demand upwards on account of a burgeoning elderly population worldwide.Request Sample Copy of the Report@From a geographical standpoint, North America, powered by the highly developed healthcare infrastructure in the advanced nations of Canada and the U.S. is a key region in the global nocturia market. It is trailed by Europe which is also witnessing a growth in the market owing to a surging geriatric population, sponsorship from government agencies and other companies, and other crucial support. Apart from Europe and North America, Asia Pacific and the Rest of the World are also significantly contributing to the market, particularly in the area of research for development of new and more effective therapeutics. Both for aspiring and existing are exploring the opportunities for growth in the regionGlobal Nocturia Market: Brief DescriptionNocturia, or nocturnal polyuria, is a medical condition wherein patients experience frequent urge to urinate at night after sleeping. Especially among the elder patients, the lack of sleep often leads to nocturia, and is not to be mistaken by enuresis or bedwetting where patients do no wake up to avoid it. Rated among the most distressing symptoms in older men and women, nocturia is classified into three prominent categories namely bladder storage problems, nocturnal polyuria, and mixed nocturia. Although the women aged between 18 to 49 years are more prone to nocturia than men, the ratio reverses after 60 years of age. Nocturia in some cases are also caused by conditions such as urological infection, liver infection, tumor of bladder, diabetes, diuretic medications, pregnancy, and regular alcohol or coffee intake at night among others. Depression, low level of physical activities, mental stress, and congestive heart failure may also lead to nocturia. This report observes that the prevalence of two or more nocturia among men aged between 70 to 79 years is approximately 50%.Request TOC of the Report @As per an article by Medscape in 2010, 58% women and 66% men in the country of the U.S. suffer from nocturia and the percentage is expected to rise to 72% to 91% respectively for age group of over 80 years. With the rising geriatric population across the world, the market for nocturia is estimated for a healthy growth rate during the forecast period of 2017 to 2025.Global Nocturia Market: Trends and ProspectsFor proper treatment of nocturia, diagnosis to identify neurological disorders, cardiac symptoms, intake of medicines such as cardiac glycosides, and hypertension is imperative. The patients should also be thoroughly diagnosed for sleep apnea, obesity, lower limb edema, and pelvic analysis. These diagnostics segment of nocturia market is estimated to maintain consistent demand as the geriatric population surges across the global. According to the National Institute of Aging, 1.6 billion people will be aged over 65 by 2050. Pelvic organ prolapse repair and surgical intervention with respect to transurethral prostatectomy are the last approaches for physicians and surgeons. Nocturia in past couple of years has gained a lot of attention and prompted researches and manufacturers to invest and thereby improve quality sleep and overall life rating. Some of the pipeline drugs include desmopressin acetate, afacifenacin, fedovapagon, ASP-7035, lidocaine, Paxerol among others.Read Comprehensive Overview of Report @Global Nocturia Market: Geographical OutlookOwing to robust healthcare infrastructure, the U.S. and Canada make North America as the most lucrative region in the global market for nocturia, although Europe too is experiencing escalation in demand due to rising aging population, feasible support, and sponsorship from government agencies and other companies. Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World market in terms of research activities are not contributing too significantly in the global nocturia market but for existing and new entrants these regions render pool of opportunities to explore and grow owing to developments in healthcare infrastructure, rise in disposable income, and increasing incidences of diabetes and bladder cancer conditions.Astellas Pharma Inc., Allergan, Inc., Urigen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Vantia Therapeutics, Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd. are some of the key companies currently operational in global nocturia market.About UsTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Pharmacy Benefit Management Services Market to See Incredible Growth During 2017 - 2025 Global Pharmacy Benefit Management Services Market: SnapshotServing as a middleman between drug manufacturers, pharmacies, and healthcare insurance companies, vendors operating in the global pharmacy benefit management services market could be advantaged by the rising costs of several drugs. Insurance companies and insurers are expected to heavily rely on pharmacy benefit management services to lower drug costs. Moreover, pharmacy benefit management services are considered as key players in the overall healthcare space, which could raise their value even more.Vendors are recommended to cash in on the various revenue streams available to make profit in the global pharmacy benefit management services market. These could be service fees for operating mail-order pharmacies, processing prescriptions, and negotiating with drug manufacturers, insurance companies, and pharmacies. The negotiation power could be strengthened by establishing contracts with some of the largest insurance companies in healthcare. As a result, new contracts are anticipated to bolster the growth of pharmacy benefit management services with up to a double-digit boost to stock price.Request Sample Copy of the Report@As more number of pharmacy benefit management services enter into contracts with insurers, the competition in the global market is prognosticated to aggravate further. Since consolidation allows participants to fortify their negotiation power and increase in size, there could be a telling number of mergers and acquisitions in the global pharmacy benefit management services market. Owing to inherent synergies between them, pharmacy benefit management services and pharmacies could also enter into consolidation. Pharmacy benefit management services are prophesied to create a network of retail pharmacies for distributing drugs by negotiating contracts with different pharmacies.Pharmacy Benefit Management Services Market: Brief AccountPharmacy benefit management services play an integral role in the healthcare industry, with its unique function of administrating pharmacy products, and focusing on real time interaction between various entities. The key trends of this process are governed by laws and regulations. The various functions of pharmacy benefit management services are: process and payment of prescription drugs, development and maintenance of formulary, negotiation of discounts, contracting with pharmacies, and rebates with drug manufacturers. These services are provided with the help of different tools that help to target specific problems for intervention, and most of the times are customized on the basis of clients requirement.Request TOC of the Report @The different tools that are used in pharmacy benefit management services are: pharmacy networks, mail service pharmacies, formularies, electronic prescribing, manufacturer discounts, clinical management, and pharmacy discount cards. The factors driving the pharmacy benefit management services market are Medicares emerging models of care integrate pharmacy, and execution and escalation of drug benefit programs. Although high upfront cost and low awareness related to the system is restraining the growth of the pharmacy benefit management services market.Pharmacy Benefit Management Services Market: Segment AnalysisThe most integral and highly preferred applications of pharmacy benefit management services are members administration, formulary management, E-prescribing, and E-dispensing, accompanied with processing of claims. Thus, formulary management lists approved prescription medications that abide to specific protocols, and are arranged on the basis of served programs. E-prescribing and E-dispensing are highly important elements of pharmacy benefit management program, as most of the misplacements and drug abuse cases are a result of error in prescriptions and dispensing.Read Comprehensive Overview of Report @Pharmacy Benefit Management Services Market: Regional OverviewGeographically, North America is the largest market for pharmacy benefit management due to the availability of modern healthcare information technologies, government support, and efficient infrastructure. The high awareness about wellbeing, health, and high expenditure capacity of patients, would indirectly act as a driving factor for the growth of pharmacy benefit management services in the European and North American market.One of the industry trends observed was the proliferation of healthcare facilities and institutes from Asia Pacific region, catering to clinics and institutions, particularly large hospitals. The increasing density of population in Asia demands well integrated, time-efficient, and accurate drug dispensing services, majorly focused in China, India, Japan, and South Korea. Hence, emerging economies such as China and India are the key regional markets in the overall Asia Pacific market.The Rest of the World is also observed to be another potential market during the forecast period from 2014 to 2020. The potential economies such as South Africa, Argentina, Brazil and Middle-Eastern Countries, were observed to be the emerging untapped markets for the application of this technology.Pharmacy Benefit Management Services Market: Key PlayersThe companies operating in the pharmacy benefit management services market are: Express Script, Cigna, CVS Health, and Catamaran among others.CVS health is the only pharmacy chain with its own services arm and owned 30% share in the managed medicaid market in the year 2014, with an estimated growth of 40% through 2016. The applications of pharmacy benefit management services are expected to be the leading driving factor for overall development and rising market share of CVS Health in the U.S.About UsTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Cell Signaling Worldwide Market Growing at a CAGR of +6.6%: Analysis by Top Manufacturers, Growth, Trends, Size, Share, Analysis and Forecast to 2024 Global Cell Signaling Market Research 2024 New report Global Cell Signaling Market added by Data Bridge Market Research. Market segmented By Pathway (Akt, AMPK, Hedgehog, Notch), By Type (Endocrine, Paracrine), By Product (Consumables, Instruments), By Technology (Flow Cytometry, ELISA, Mass Spectrometry), By Application (Research, Cancer, Immunology), By Geography (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Europe, South America, Middle East and Africa)- Industry Trends and Forecast to 2024Cell signaling market accounted to USD 2.30 billion in 2016 growing at a CAGR of 6.6% during the forecast period of 2017 to 2024. The upcoming market report contains data for historic years 2015, the base year of calculation is 2016 and the forecast period is 2017 to 2024.Request For Free Sample Report:Top Players:Abcam PLC, Bio-Techne Corporation, Biovision Inc., Beckman Coulter Inc. (A Subsidiary of Danaher Corporation), Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc., Cell Signaling Technology Inc., Cisbio Bioassays, Abeomics Inc., Becton, Dickinson and Company, Bps Bioscience Inc., Cell Biolabs Inc., Full Moon Biosystems Inc among others.Key questions answered in this report1. What will be the market size in 2024 and what will the growth rate?2. What are the key market trends?3. What is driving this market?4. What are the challenges to market growth?5. Who are the key vendors in this market space?Inquiry before Buying @Cell Signaling Market Segmentation:By Technology the market for cell signaling is segmented into Flow Cytometry, ELISA, Mass Spectrometry. By Pathway the cell signaling market is segmented into Akt, AMPK, Hedgehog, Notch.By product type the cell signaling market is segmented into Consumables, Instruments. By type the cell signaling market is segmented into Endocrine, Paracrine.On the basis of application the market is segmented into Research, Cancer, Immunology segments.Based on geography, the market is segmented into five geographical regions: North America Europe Asia-Pacific South America Middle East and AfricaThe geographical regions are further segmented into 29 major countries such as U.S. Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, U.K., Belgium, Switzerland, Belgium, Turkey, Japan, China, Singapore, Brazil, India, Russia, South Africa and others.Browse Full Report with Details TOC @Related ReportGlobal Hemostats Market- Trends and Forecast to 2024Global Hemostats Market, By Product Type (Thrombin Based, Combination, Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose Based, Gelatin Based, Collagen Based Hemostat), By Indication (Wound Closure, Surgery), By End-User (Hospitals, Clinics, Ambulatory Centers, Community Healthcare, Others), By Geography (North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa) Trends and Forecast to 2024About Data Bridge Market Research:Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge endeavors to provide appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.Contact:Vishal DixitData Bridge Market ResearchTel: +1-888-387-2818Email: Sales@databridgemarketresearch.comInvestor: investors@databridgemarketresearch.comVisit Blog Feb 14, 2018: Nanocellulose Market Size 2018-2025 Celluforce, Paperlogic, University of Maine Nanocellulose Market 2018-2024 A market study "Global Nanocellulose Market" examines the performance of the Nanocellulose market 2018. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Nanocellulose market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Nanocellulose market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Nanocellulose Market 2018 report includes Nanocellulose market Revenue, market Share, Nanocellulose industry volume, market Trends, Nanocellulose Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Nanocellulose Price during the Forecast period from 2018 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Nanocellulose Market 2018 : Celluforce Paperlogic University of Maine The US Forest Service Borregaard Inventia Oji Paper American Process Nippon PaperNanocellulose Market : By ApplicationComposites MaterialsNonwovens Adsorbent WebsPaper and BoardFood ProductsNanocellulose Market : By TypeNanoCrystalline Cellulose (NCC)Nanofibrillated Cellulose (NFC)Bacterial CelluloseFirstly, the report covers the top Nanocellulose manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Nanocellulose report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Nanocellulose industry, Nanocellulose industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Nanocellulose Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Nanocellulose research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Nanocellulose market revenue worldwide.Finally, Nanocellulose market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About is a leading market intelligence team which making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact US:5001 Spring Valley Rd #400,Dallas,TX 75244, USAContact No. +1-214-661-1669Email: Auger Drilling Market Is Expected To Generate Huge Profits by 2017 - 2025 Global Auger Drilling Market: SnapshotAuger drilling involves the task of drilling through massive depths that are enough for mining companies to search for minerals seated well below the ground level. One of the distinct features of auger drilling is that it engages three blades attached to a hollow tube that hold the potential to cut through the earths surface. The hollow tube of an auger drill is capable of separating the samples under evaluation from the materials that are loosened because of the drilling activity.Auger drilling is considered as an exploratory standard drilling technique which can help to easily analyze samples without causing them damage. Other drilling techniques such as percussion rotary air blast (RAB) drilling pose a great risk of damage to samples during their extraction. When it comes to soft soil and rock formations, auger drilling could be the best technique to apply for achieving the desired result. Auger drilling also cancels the risk of contamination as samples are directly blown into its hollow tube. Also regarded as an open front drilling method, auger drilling helps in the trenchless installation of pipelines.Request Sample Copy of the Report@Auger drilling is expected to prove itself quite advantageous for mining companies as it usually yields larger pieces of samples which are easier to analyze and acquire accurate representation of those below the surface. Besides facilitating miners to reach to enormous depths, auger drilling does not necessitate the casing of holes created during the drilling process. Auger drilling machines could be easily and quickly moved between different locations when required.Global Auger Drilling Market: OverviewAugur drilling is used for drilling holes into the surface with the help of a chiseled tip. It exhibits a rotational penetration technique to drill holes. The technique comes handy especially for environmental purposes and is also carried out during geotechnical sampling. However, it is due its rising use in construction and mining activities that the global augur drilling market is gaining pace.Request TOC of the Report @The report presents a holistic study, covering the various aspects of the market, vis-a-vis, manufacturing cost structure, supply chain analysis, investment feasibility, vendor landscape, segmentation based on various criteria, and factors influencing its trajectory. It is compiled to help stakeholders analyze the prevailing dynamics of the market better. The report also encompasses exhaustive information intended to provide readers a granular analysis of the global augur drilling market and opportunities prevalent therein.Global Auger Drilling Market: Trends and OpportunitiesAugur drilling is an advanced technology that offers faster rate of penetration and has a low operational cost. These are the chief drivers of the global auger drilling market. Furthermore, these drills are easy to maintain and operate, which aids their demand. However, due to their nature, augur drills are used only for drilling soft materials, which could be looked upon as a restraint. Furthermore, augur drilling is slow when compared to more automated drilling techniques. It also involved handling heavy equipment. These are a few structural challenges, which limit the scope for the markets expansion to an extent.Nevertheless, the market is forecast to gain from the increasing construction activities in developing nations. While, the time required for performing auger drilling could hamper its growth, the market will witness accelerated pace of gains as the demand for minerals and metals derived from the earths crust increase.Read Comprehensive Overview of Report @Global Auger Drilling Market: Key SegmentsThe global augur drilling market can be segmented based on type of augurs used for drilling. Broadly, the market can be bifurcated into bucket augur and flight augur. Of these, flight augur is the most commonly used machine. In this type of drilling, cuttings are produced and brought to the surface using the helical edges of drill bit. Another type to have gained significant demand in the market is the bucket augur. In this method, the cuttings are first collected in a bucket from the surface. They are hinged at the bottom of the bucket, which is why extensions are required based on the depth of borehole. The method is mostly used for drilling in construction projects and mine shafts.Besides this, augurs are also available on various sizes. Small size augurs for instance are installed on trucks and are used in smaller projects, whereas the ones larger in size are used for building bridge foundations. The report provides in-depth analysis of the various factors supporting the markets growth as well as those restraining its trajectory across the aforementioned segments.Global Auger Drilling Market: Vendor LandscapeTo study the competition prevailing in the market, the report profiles some of the leading vendors operating therein. It determines the strengths and weaknesses of these companies based on results obtained from the SWOT analysis. The study also identifies the opportunities and threats that these companies are likely to witness through the course of the forecast period.Currently, enterprises such as American Drilling Rigs, Total Drilling Supply LLC, Beijing Cortech Drilling Equipment Co. Ltd., Jewett Construction Inc., Shanghai Yizhe Industry Co. Ltd., Zhengzhou Hanfa Imp & Exp Trading Co. Ltd., Triumph Rig, Drilling Structures International Inc., and Fabrication among others. Innovative strategies adopted by these companies to gain competitiveness have profound impact on the global augur drilling market.About UsTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Corcoran and Gillum don't have very much in common, but they are mired deep in political obscurity. A recent poll by the University of North Florida found that 78 percent of voters have not heard of Corcoran and 81 percent have not heard of Gillum. Flare Gas Recovery System Market in Global Industry: Overview, Size, Share, Trends, Analysis and Research 2017-2023 Infinium Global Research Study on flare gas recovery system market by Infinium Global Research is comprehensive presentation of qualitative and quantitative research to identify key trends, growth prospects, drivers, restraints and opportunities in the Global market. The report also deep dives into the sub-segments of flare gas recovery system market by Capacity (Small, Medium, Large, and Very Large), by Industry Applications (Diversion and Compression, Pre-treatment of Fuel Gas, Condensation, Evaporators) through main geographies in the Global Market such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and RoW. Browse through over 100 tables and figures to get complete view of the global and regional markets of Flare Gas Recovery System over the period of 2017 to 2023.Get Sample Pages of this Report:The global flare gas recovery system market is expected to be primarily driven by factors such as effective mitigation of carbon emission, improving the life of flare tips in the oil and gas, and petrochemical plants, cost effective operations and reduction of loss and increased reuse options. However, the growth in global Flare gas recovery system market is likely to be hampered by factors such as high cost of installations, ambiguities in understanding the return on investment (ROI) and lack of awareness in emerging markets of Asia Pacific and Latin America. Among the geographies Europe is expected to be the largest market for flare gas recovery system market over the Forecast period from 2017 to 2023 followed by North America both in terms of value and volume. Furthermore, among the capacities of recovery systems the very large flare gas recovery systems dominate the market in terms of value, whereas small flare gas recovery systems dominate the market in terms of volume. The very large capacity of flare gas recovery system segment is expected to grow at the highest CAGR over the Forecast period from 2017 to 2023 in terms of volume.Get 15% discount for early purchase of global flare gas recovery system market by region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and RoW) report onCompanies Covered in this Report:The companies covered in the report include JOHN ZINK HAMWORTHY COMBUSTION, Gardner Denver Nash, Wartsila, HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC, Zeeco, Inc., MOVITHERM, Suzhou Jinhong Gas Co.Ltd, Transvac Systems Ltd, Aerzen USA, and Highland Power Corp.Reasons to buy this reportComprehensive analysis of global as well as regional markets of Global Flare Gas RecoveryComplete coverage of all the product type and applications segments to analyze the trends, developments, and forecast of market size up to 2023.Comprehensive analysis of the companies operating in this market. The company profile includes analysis of product portfolio, revenue, SWOT analysis and latest developments of the company.Infinium Global Research- Growth Matrix presents analysis of the product segments and geographies that market players should focus to invest, consolidate, expand and/or diversify.Table of Content1. Preface1.1 Report Description1.2 Research Methods1.3 Research Approaches2. Executive Summary3. Global Flare Gas Recovery System Market Overview3.1 Introduction3.2 Market Dynamics3.2.1 Drivers3.2.2 Restraints3.2.3 Opportunities3.3 Porters Five Forces Analysis3.4 IGR Growth Matrix Analysis3.5 Competitive Landscape in the Global Flare Gas Recovery System Market4. Global Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Capacity4.1 Introduction4.2 Small Capacity4.3 Medium Capacity4.4 Large Capacity4.5 Very Large Capacity5. Global Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Industry Applications5.1 Introduction5.2 Diversion and Compression5.3 Pre-treatment of Fuel Gas5.4 Condensation5.4.1 Liquified Natural Gas5.4.2 Liquified Petrolium Gas5.4.3 Natural Gas Liquids5.5 Evaporators5.5.1 Cooling Duty5.5.2 Steam Turbines and Electricity5.6 Others6. Global Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Region6.1 North America6.1.1 North America Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Capacity6.1.2 North America Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Industry Applications6.1.3 North America Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Country6.1.3.1 The U.S Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Capacity6.1.3.2 Canada Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Capacity6.1.3.3 Mexico Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Capacity6.2 Europe6.2.1 Europe Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Capacity6.2.2 Europe Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Industry Applications6.2.3 Europe Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Country6.2.3.1 Germany Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Capacity6.2.3.2 United Kingdom Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Capacity6.2.3.3 France Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Capacity6.2.3.4 Russia Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Capacity6.2.3.5 Rest of Europe Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Capacity6.3 Asia-Pacific6.3.1 Asia-Pacific Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Capacity6.3.2 Asia-Pacific Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Industry Applications6.3.3 Asia-Pacific Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Country6.3.3.1 China Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Capacity6.3.3.2 Japan Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Capacity6.3.3.3 India Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Capacity6.3.3.4 Australia Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Capacity6.3.3.5 Rest of APAC Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Capacity6.4 South America6.4.1 South America Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Capacity6.4.2 South America Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Industry Applications6.4.3 South America Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Country6.4.3.1 Brazil Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Capacity6.4.3.2 Argentina Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Capacity6.4.3.3 Rest of South America Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Capacity6.5 MEA6.5.1 MEA Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Capacity6.5.2 MEA Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Industry Applications6.5.3 MEA Flare Gas Recovery System Market by Sub-Regions7. Company Profiles7.1 Overview7.2 John Zink Hamworthy Combustion7.3 Gardner Denver Nash.7.4 Wartsila7.5 Honeywell International Inc7.6 Zeeco, Inc.7.7 Movitherm7.8 Suzhou Jinhong Gas Co.Ltd7.9 Transvac Systems Ltd7.10 Aerzen USA7.11 Highland Power CorpAbout Us:Infinium Global Research and Consulting Solutions is started with a single motto of being business partner of first choice. We at Infinium work on the strengths of our clients to ensure we help them consolidate their market position. We firmly believe in the fact that if you are able to develop newer opportunities then you find there is no dearth of opportunities for you.Contact Us:Infinium Global ResearchGoyal Shinde Park, Bhau Patil Road,Bopodi, Pune-411 020.U.S. + Canada Toll Free: 1-800-638-0796Email: Winter Tires Market to Witness Widespread Expansion During 2017 2027 Winter Tires also known as snow tires are specialty tires with specific tread design appropriate for traction on snow and ice. These tires can be used in temperatures lower than 7 degree Celsius and are often equipped with metal or ceramic studs that jut out from the tires to further increase traction in condition of closely packed snow or ice. Different countries and regions across the globe have specific regulations for winter tires, and its usage, and govern the design and availability winter tires in that region.The global winter tires market is expected to expand with an impressive CAGR over the forecast period.Winter TiresMarket: Drivers & RestraintsThe major factors boosting the growth of Winter Tires market is rising growth in the automobile industry, particularly in countries with cold climates. With the growing number of automobiles for both personal and commercial uses, the market for Winter Tires grows hand in hand with vehicle production and is projected to grow on a positive scale in the upcoming years. Vehicles have become more of a commodity than a luxury product owing to higher disposable incomes of the consumers leading to higher demand for automobiles thereby directly influencing the growth of Winter Tires market. Almost all countries with cold climates are gradually mandating the usage of winter tires, amid safety concerns and fuel efficiency. Further many companies offer discount on insurance premiums for vehicles equipped winter tires, further driving people to prefer winter tires over conventional tires. Increasing number of stringent norms for the same is expected to drive the global winter tires market. Further, with increasing purchasing power of customers, demand for winter tires is increasing as many car owners are replacing their legacy tires with winter tires. Rapid Innovation by global tire manufacturers, in their winter tire offerings is also fuelling the sale of costlier products and driving more revenues in the global winter tires market.A sample of this report is available upon request @Winter TiresMarket: Market SegmentationThe Winter Tires Market is segmented on three factors, on the basis of stud presence, sales channel and in terms of vehicle type.Based on stud presence, the Winter Tires market is segmented into:StuddedStudlessBased on sales channel, the Winter Tires market is segmented into:OEMAfter MarketBased on vehicle type, the Winter Tires market is segmented into:Passenger CarsLight Motor VehiclesHeavy Motor VehiclesWinter Tires Market: Regional OutlookGeographically, Winter Tires market has been categorized into seven key regions including North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, APEJ, Japan, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Western Europe is expected to be the global leader in terms of demand for winter tires, amid presence of countries such as Finland, Sweden, Norway, UK, and Iceland, which offer several incentives and impose certain regulations for the adoption of winter tires. Eastern Europe is also a prominent region, due to presence of snowy regions of Russia and Poland. In the US, incorporation and laws regarding winter tires is under states discretion, and many states are expected to mandate the use of winter tires in near future. Canada has high demand for winter tires in North America, and is expected to remain a prominent market through the forecast period. Further, China is expected to emerge as another important market for winter tire manufacturers due to increasing demand for vehicles in the countries cold regions. Japan is also a prominent market for winter tires, amid presence of some of the worlds most snowy cities. Middle East and Africa, however attracts niche demand for winter tires. In Latin America, Peru is expected to drive the demand for winter tires.To view TOC of this report is available upon request @Winter Tires Market: Key PlayersSome of the players identified in Global Winter Tires market are:-Bridgestone CorporationCooper Tire & Rubber CompanyHangzhou Zhongce Rubber CO., LTD.Cheng Shin Rubber Ind. Co., Ltd.Continental AktiengesellschaftNexen Tire CorporationNokian Tyres plcPirelli & C. S.p.A.Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd.The Goodyear Tire & Rubber CompanyThe Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd.Toyo Tire & Rubber CompanyHankook Tire Co. Ltd.N.V. Apollo Vredestein BeLux S.A.ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Abhishek BudholiyaFuture Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: LED Lighting Market is Expected to Exhibit a CAGR of 16.61% over the Forecast Period 2017-2025 According to the new market research report "Global LED Lighting Market, by Product Type (LED Bulbs, Bare LED Tubes, LED Fixtures, LED Down lights and Others), by Services (Consulting Services, Installation Services and Maintenance & Support), by End-use Industry (Residential, Commercial and Industrial), by Application Type (Outdoor, Indoor, Backlighting, Automotive and Others) and by Geography (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and Middle East) - Global Forecast to 2025", is estimated to be valued at over US$ 120 billion by 2025 and expected to witness a CAGR of 16.61% during the forecast period from 2017 to 2025, as highlighted in a report published by Coherent Market Insights.The global demand for green technologies is also fueling the growth of the LED market. LED lighting systems use up to 50% less energy to generate an equivalent light intensity as Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL) and Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamps (CCFL). This reduced energy consumption that directly converts into a reduction of more than 700 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually. It is estimated by observing the current market trend for CFLs and CCFLs, as these two technologies are the main products that will be exchanged by LEDs.LED lighting mainly emphasizes the quality of light, heat dissipation, and light distribution. In addition, LED lights have several advantages over conventional ones which includes more efficiency, higher color quality, longer lifespans and easy to use. At present, companies such as OSRAM and Lightning Optoelectronic are gradually launching their lighting LED products, including mono-color and multi-color lights, enabling high luminous intensity and efficiency.Request Sample Copy of this ReportLED Lights demand in Automotive industry is boosting the over-all LED Lighting Market, due to advancement in head lighting, dynamic beam functionality, laser head lighting, front and rear lighting signature design, ADAS and autonomous driving and other technology.Key Takeaways of the LED Lighting Market:The global LED Lighting market is projected to reach over US$ 120 billion by 2025, exhibiting a CAGR of 16.61% over the forecast period.Among product type, LED Bulb segment accounted highest market share in 2016, as it is the major lighting component of LED Lighting system. In 2016, global LED Bulb market demand was 150 million pcs and it is estimated that this LED Bulb market will grow at a higher CAGR during forecast period.By Service type of LED Lighting, Installation Services segment holds a dominant position in 2016, due to high demand for energy efficient light sources such as LED lamps for the replacement of incandescent lamps is the key factor boosting the growth of the market for Installation Services.Among the End-User industry of the global LED Lighting market, Commercial lighting is estimated to have a higher growth rate during forecast period by 2025.Residential applications for Indoor LED lighting include lighting for smart home; HDR 4K; ultra-slim, curved and high gamut display TVs etc.Asia-Pacific market accounted largest market share in global LED Lighting Market, due to high demand from developing countries such as China, Japan, and India. Asia-Pacific market is projected to grow at a highest CAGR from 2017 to 2025.Major players operating in the global LED light market include Philips Lighting Holding B.V., Osram Licht AG, GE Lighting, LG Innotek, Cree, Inc., Cooper Industries, Inc., Seoul Semiconductor, Samsung Electronics, Lightning Optoelectronic and others.For More InformationAbout Coherent Market Insights:Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.Contact Us:Mr. ShahCoherent Market Insights1001 4th Ave,#3200Seattle, WA 98154Tel: +1-206-701-6702Email: sales@coherentmarketinsights.comVisit our news Website: Ultra-Precise 3D Printing Can Help Drug Testing for Treating Brain Disorders SEM close-up view of one single tubular porous structure of the biomimetic microfluidic system (IIT) Following you will find pioneering research results from the IIT - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) recently highlighted on the inside cover of the well-known scientific journal Small:Researchers of the Smart Bio Interfaces group at the IIT in Pontedera (Pisa, Italy) created the first biohybrid device mimicking the blood-brain barrier by means of a Nanoscribe 3D printer. The understanding of the blood-brain barrier mechanisms is target of biomedical investigations that deal with the treatment of several disorders in the central nervous system such as Alzheimers disease, multiple sclerosis and brain tumors.Many drugs that are aimed to reach the brain are not able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier which acts as a membrane to protect the brain from pathogens. Nanoscribes direct laser writing systems Photonic Professional GT allow for the fabrication of ultra-precise 3D complex structures that help shape microfluidic models, e.g., resembling biological ones. The biomimicking device developed in this work consists of 3D printed artificial components and endothelial cells and will enable future drug testing.The detailed press release by IIT can be found here:Caption ( A.Marino, Smart-Bio-Interfaces, IIT Pontedera)Img 1: SEM close-up view of one single tubular porous structure of the biomimetic microfluidic system 3D printed by means of a Nanoscribe system.About NanoscribeThe supplier of 3D printers for nano- and microfabrication has established itself as technology and global market leader with its laser lithographic processes. Based on the technique of two-photon polymerization, the Photonic Professional GT systems enable the fabrication of highest-resolution and ultra-complex 2D, 2.5D, and 3D nano- and microstructures for scientific and industrial applications. Renowned universities and top research institutes use the award-winning systems in more than 30 countries. Nanoscribes portfolio is complemented by tailor-made resins and process solutions. The medium-sized company was founded in 2007 as a spin-off from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).Nanoscribe GmbHMedia ContactAnke WernerHermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 176344 Eggenstein-LeopoldshafenGermanyFon: 0049 (0)721 981980501E-Mail: Global Liver Cancer Diagnostics Market Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast Report 2022 Medical organizations as well as leaders in the global pharmaceuticals industry are stepping up their efforts towards development of profound diagnosis for liver cancer. Rising number of deaths caused by liver cancer is taking a toll on governments as people are demanding precision diagnosis and a cure-all for this terminal disease. In a bid to adapt to the urban rat race, millions of consumers have adopted lifestyles that are stemming the occurrence of liver cancer. For public administration authorities, compelling people to avoid such lifestyles is like challenging the status quo. The burden of controlling the incidence of liver cancer gets passed on to hospitals & medical research organizations as they strive to develop novel diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.The global market for liver cancer diagnostics is anticipated to witness significant impact from diagnosis-associated patient compliance trials. Positive attitudes of patients towards certain diagnosis alternatives is decisive in changing future undertakings. Prominent diagnostic tools are likely to be replaced with their upgraded variants. The report has highlighted the influence of government undertakings in offering a better compliance for diagnosis of liver cancer patients.Request Free Sample Report-Takeaways from the Global Liver Cancer Diagnostics Market1. In terms of revenues, North America will remain the most lucrative region in the global market for liver cancer diagnostics. In addition, liver cancer diagnostics markets in North America and Europe will exhibit expansion at similar CAGRs through 2022.2. Liver cancer diagnostics markets in Japan and MEA will exhibit a sluggish growth during the forecast period.3. Biopsy tests will continue to exhibit the highest CAGR through 2022, among test type in the global market, followed by LFTs.4. AFP test is projected to remain sought-after for liver cancer diagnostics over the forecast period. Revenues from AFP tests are estimated to hold more than half market share in 2017, and are expected to attain 52 BPS in their market share by 2022-end.5. Hospital-associated labs are expected to remain sought-after in the market for liver cancer diagnostics. Liver cancer diagnostics in the hospital-associated labs are expected to account for largest revenues during the forecast period.6. Independent diagnostic laboratories will continue to be the second most lucrative segment among end-users in the global market for liver cancer diagnostics.7. Diagnosis of liver cancer in cancer research institutes will continue to register the highest CAGR over the forecast period.Browse Full Report with TOC-North America to Remain Dominant in the Global Liver Cancer Diagnostics MarketNorth America is expected to remain dominant in the global liver cancer diagnostics market, in terms of revenues. In addition, the markets for liver cancer diagnostics in North America and Europe are estimated to exhibit a parallel expansion at 5.6% CAGR through 2022. In contrast, markets in Japan and MEA are expected to exhibit a sluggish expansion during the forecast period.Based on test type, biopsy test segment is expected to register the highest CAGR in the market through 2022, followed by LFTs. AFP test is estimated to remain preferred for liver cancer diagnostics in the global market. Revenue from AFP test is expected to account for over half share of the market in 2017, and is estimated to gain 52 BPS in its market share between 2017 and 2022.Hospital-associated Labs to Remain Sought-after for Liver Cancer DiagnosticsHospital-associated labs will continue to be sought-after for liver cancer diagnostics across the globe. Liver cancer diagnostics in hospital-associated labs will account for the largest revenues by 2022-end. Independent diagnostic laboratories will remain the second most lucrative end-users in the global liver cancer diagnostics market. In addition, liver cancer diagnostics in cancer research institutes are expected to register the fastest expansion over the forecast period.Competition TrackingThe report has also profiled leading players in the global liver cancer diagnostics market, which include Illumina, Inc., Foundation Medicine, Inc., Danaher CorporationSysmex Corporation, and Biocept, Inc.Check Discount-About Fact.MRFact.MR is a fast-growing market research firm that offers the most comprehensive suite of syndicated and customized Healthcare market research reports. We believe transformative intelligence can educate and inspire businesses to make smarter decisions. We know the limitations of the one-size-fits-all approach; that's why we publish multi-industry global, regional, and country-specific research reports.Contact UsFact.MRSuite 988427 Upper Pembroke Street,Dublin 2, IrelandTelephone: +353-1-6111-593Email: Facial Injectable Market 2021: Worldwide Industry Analysis and New Market Opportunities Explored Market Research Future Europe Facial Injectable Market statistical surveying Report is incorporated on with 100 pages. Europe Facial Injectable Market sector is relied upon to develop at a CAGR of 13.2% amid anticipated period 2016-2021.Europe holds the largest market share of the Facial Injectable market and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 13.2% by the end of forecast period 2016-2021. Europe Facial Injectable Market has been segmented on the basis of types which comprises of Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, Botulinum Toxin, Polymers and Particles and others. On the basis of end users which consists of hospitals, clinics, research and development facilities and others. On the basis of application which consists of facial surgery, facial uplift and others.Key Players for Facial Injectable Market:Some Of The Key Players In This Market Are: Allergan Inc (Ireland), Merz Pharma (Germany), Ipsen (France), Valeant Pharmaceuticals (Canada), Galderma (Switzerland), Integra Lifesciences (Us), Tei Biosciences, Fibrogen (Finland), Ethicon (Us) And Others.Request Sample copy of Facial Injectable Market Report@Market Scenario:Facial Injectable or also known as Dermal Fillers are products which help in a trending application known as bio-engineering or facial rejuvenation. As humans age the facial skin is bound to lose subcutaneous fat naturally, the skin is lured closer to the facial working muscles hence smile lines and wrinkles over the face become more visible.Get Discount on Facial Injectable Market Report@Study Objectives of Facial Injectable Market:To provide detailed analysis of the market structure along with forecast for the next 5 years of the various segments and sub-segments of the Facial Injectable market. To provide insights about factors affecting the market growth. To analyze the Facial Injectable market based on various factors- price analysis, supply chain analysis, porters five force analysis etc. To provide historical and forecast revenue of the market segments and sub-segments with respect to four main geographies and their countries-Europe. To provide country level analysis of the market with respect to the current market size and future prospective. To provide country level analysis of the market for segments by type, by application, by end users and its sub-segments. To provide overview of key players and their strategic profiling in the market, comprehensively analyzing their core competencies, and drawing a competitive landscape for the market. To track and analyze competitive developments such as joint ventures, strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions, new product developments, and research and developments in the Europe Facial Injectable market.Complete Report with Full TOC@Key Findings:The Europe Facial Injectable market and is expected to reach $2,988.0 million by 2021. Interferons segment holds the largest share in the market. Europe holds the largest market share of the Facial Injectable market and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 13.2% by the end of forecast period 2016-2021. Monoclonal Antibodies is expected to be fastest growing segment and are anticipated to grow at the rate of 4% during the forecast period.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.ContactMarket Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Calcium Nitrate Market Article Depicting Application and Analysis by Grades, Applications, and Region Calcium Nitrate Market Calcium Nitrate Market IntroductionCalcium nitrate is a colorless crystalline compound with molecular formula Ca(NO3)2. It is anhydrous salt that absorbs moisture from air and is soluble in water and alcohol. Calcium nitrate contains calcium and nitrogen and is mainly manufactured by three processes namely, treating limestone with weak nitric acid, reacting phosphate rock with nitric acid, or reacting ammonium nitrate with calcium hydroxide. Major applications of global calcium nitrate market include waste water treatment chemicals, agriculture, concrete production, latex production and others. Other application comprises niche applications such as molten salts and regeneration of cold packs. Among the prominent applications, fertilizers is estimated to be the largest application. It is used as a source of nitrogen element for the plants which is an essential nutrient for plant growth. Additionally, Calcium nitrate based fertilizer do not acidify the soil nor does it evaporate to atmosphere like ammonia. Owing to such superior characteristics calcium nitrate is widely used in fertilizer application.Moreover, calcium ion in calcium nitrate accelerates the formation of concrete admixtures. In concrete mixing, the iron hydroxide layer formed due to nitrogen ion reduces the corrosion in concrete. It is used at construction sites where instant settling of concrete mixture is required. Furthermore, Calcium nitrate is used in waste water preconditioning in order to reduce odor emissions into the atmosphere. Liquid form calcium nitrate is used to limit the hydrogen sulfide in order to control the odor emission. The global calcium nitrate market is estimated to be significantly consolidated with the production concentrated in China and Europe. In terms of consumption, the market is witnessing shift towards emerging markets in Asia Pacific and MEA, owing to the growing food demand in the regions.Request a Sample Copy of this Research Article @Calcium Nitrate Market DynamicsThe global calcium nitrate market is estimated to be driven by increasing consumption of calcium nitrate fertilizers along with increasing need of municipal and industrial waste water treatment. Rise in population has boosted the food demand globally, which subsequently drives the fertilizer demand in order to increase the crop yield. As calcium nitrate do not sour the soil, nor does it contain heavy metals or chlorides, it remains unaffected during temperature changes. This makes the calcium nitrate based fertilizers stronger compared to urea based fertilizer or ammonia. It is witnessing more in demand specifically in oil & seeds, owing to increasing consumption of oil & seed in the global market. The growing population and increasing industrialization has propelled the growth of calcium nitrate market mainly in developing markets in Asia such as India & China.Water treatment is necessary by using calcium nitrate so that it stops anaerobic conditions and prevent bacteria and virus to spread in environment. Due to rapid industrialization, there is decline in clean water rates. Waste water disposal is high in countries like China, India and Brazil owing to elevating industries and growing food consumption with increasing population. Owing to toxic properties, government has implemented stringent regulations on the emission of hydrogen sulfide in the atmosphere. Such restriction regarding waste water disposal will positively influence the calcium nitrate market growth.Calcium nitrate helps settling of concrete faster as it absorbs moisture from air. Therefore, it is widely used in construction sites where instant concrete settling is required. Concrete manufacturing is growing rapidly in China, India, Indonesia and some parts of Middle East due to growing demand for developing infrastructure and residential buildings. Consequently, rising product application across construction and agriculture can result in business growth.However, Calcium nitrate fertilizers is hydroscopic in nature and has tendency to melt within packaged bags. Hence, it is not durable for long distance transport and is regarded as hazardous product by government. As a result of all such factors, the calcium nitrate market is anticipated to exhibit a CAGR of 5.2% over the forecast period.Browse Article Details @Calcium Nitrate: Market SegmentationFor the purpose of this study, Market Research Future has segmented the global citric acid market into grades and applications.By Grades: Agriculture grade. Industrial gradeBy Application: Agriculture Waste Water Treatment Concrete Production Latex Production OthersCalcium Nitrate: Regional AnalysisAs per Market Research Future analysis, the global citric acid market has grown tremendously in Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe and Japan. Geographically, Asia Pacific dominates the market of calcium nitrate owing to elevating industries and growing grain crop demand. Countries like China and India are looking out for opportunities to generate more business from agriculture as its sector dominating market. This calcium nitrate based fertilizer will boost the demand in China, India and Japan in order to meet food demand of growing population. Increasing fertilizer demand along with waste water treatment will boost the calcium nitrate market growth. Growing manufacturing industries are leading to decline of fresh water resources in China and India. Thus, with insufficient water supply in emerging economies is estimated to generate water treatment facilities which propel the business growth.Rising consumption of food grains and growing use of concrete for building new infrastructure and monuments in developed regions like North America and Europe has further driven the market of calcium nitrate. US in North America accounts for 2nd largest due to extensively use of calcium nitrate in explosive industries. This leads to increase in government spending in defense activities which ultimately boost the global calcium market growth. Stern environmental legislations laid by European government regarding usage of chemicals like calcium nitrate can slow down the growth of business in these regions.Request Table of Contents Covered in this Article @Calcium Nitrate: Trade Analysis (Import/ Export)Owing to increase in agriculture activities and upcoming innovations in industries, global calcium nitrate market trade is expected to increase in future. China is a leading producer and consumer of calcium nitrate in the global market. After China, Russia, South Africa and Israel are the prominent countries in terms of calcium nitrate production. Moreover, Asia- Pacific is estimated to be leading exporter followed by Europe and North America. In 2015, Asia pacific accounted for 41% of the overall export and China is estimated to major revenue generating market with 37.5% calcium nitrate exported in 2015. Moreover, US, Mexico, Spain and India are estimated to be the prominent importers in the global market in 2015.Calcium Nitrate: Key Market PlayersVarious prominent players present in the global calcium nitrate market includes Agrium Inc, Haifa-Group, Airedale Chemical Co. Ltd, GFS Chemicals Inc, Prathista Industries Limited, Aldon Corporation, All-Chemie Ltd, Rural Liquid Fertilizers, Sterling Chemicals Ltd., Yara International ASA.About Market Research Future (MRFR) Analysis and ReportsMarket Research Future introduces about the global citric acid market for the period 2014-2022 mainly includes growth drivers, trends, restrains and how the market will grow in the future across the globe. In report, Market Research Future has focused on the current market scenario which includes market segmentation, market dynamics and competitive landscape along with company profiles.Every report of Market Research Future comprises of extensive primary research along with the detailed analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders to gain the deeper insight of the market and industry performance. The report gives the clear picture of current market scenario which includes historical and projected market size in terms of value and volume, technological advancement, macro economical and governing factors in the market. The report provides details information and strategies of the top key players in the industry. The report also gives a broad study of the different market segments and regions.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Contact:Market Research Future+1 646 845 9312Email: Translation Service Market 2018 Analytical Overview and Key Players: Rockwell Automation, Kuka AG, Fanuc, Yaskawa Electric, Rapyuta Robotics, Ortelio, Calvary Robotics, ABB Group Market Research Future published a research report on Global Translation Service Market Research Report - Forecast 2022 Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast to 2022.Translation Service Global Market - OverviewThe global translation service market is showing immense growth; mainly due to the growing need for accurate interpretation services. Translation services help in bridging the gap between communication and technology. Major driver for this market include expanding geographical reach of the organizations where companies are dealing with foreign clients and translation becomes the need of the business. Technological advancements and arrival of machines and software which can provide translation in less amount of time are other factors fuelling the market growth.According to a recent study report published by Market Research Future, The global market of translation service is increasing and expected to gain prominence over the forecast period. The market is projected to demonstrate a spectacular growth by 2023 with a striking CAGR during the anticipated period (2017 2023). Language translation services include on-demand access to professional interpreters via phone, video remote, and onsite, translation and localization of any content, testing and training of bilingual and interpreter staff, implementation support and services and competitive, cost-effective language access solutions. Time sensitive and urgent translation service is a growing requirement by many industries including city transit, airports, hotels, online services such as social media companies and other customer service providers. There are a variety of solutions available but choosing the right kind of services according to the business requirements is important.Get Sample of Report @On the other hand, lack of technical expertise and unawareness regarding the importance of the translation services are some of the factors hindering the growth of translation service market. Also, implementation of translation service will be an added service, which will ultimately result in added costs and may hamper the market growth.Translation Service Global Market - Competitive AnalysisThe market of translation service appears to be highly competitive. To maintain their market position and to drive the market growth, various dynamic and diversified international organizations, domestic organizations and as well as new entrants form a competitive landscape. Market leaders are innovating continuously and increasingly seeking market expansion through various strategic mergers and acquisitions, innovation, increasing investments in research and development and cost-effective product portfolio. Major players are investing on internal R&D and, most of all, in acquiring other firms.Key PlayersThe key players of global Translation Service Market report include Rockwell Automation, Inc. (U.S.), Kuka AG (Germany), ABB Group (Switzerland), Fanuc Corporation (Japan), Yaskawa Electric Corporation (Japan), Rapyuta Robotics Co. Ltd. (Japan), Ortelio Ltd. (UK), Calvary Robotics (U.S.), Motion Controls Robotics (U.S.) and others.Translation Service Global Market - SegmentationThe translation service market can be classified into 3 key segments for the convenience of the report and enhanced understanding; Segmentation by Type: Comprises of technical translation, scientific translation, financial translation, legal translation, judicial translation, juridical translation, literary translation and others Segmentation by End User: Comprises of commercial, public sector and others Segmentation by Region: Comprises of Geographical regions - North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of the World.Translation Service Global Market - Regional AnalysisNorth America is expected to witness a significant growth and hold the largest market share during the forecast period. U.S and Canada are anticipated to drive the growth of the translation service market in North America owing to the presence of a large number of established key players such as Amazon Web Services, LanguageLine Solutions, Lionbridge, TransPerfect, GlobaLexicon and Ingco International among others. Also, due to a considerable shift towards the adoption of different language translation services in the region, the market is likely to show immense growth in the coming future. Translation service market in Asia Pacific is expected to grow at a substantial CAGR during 2017 to 2023 due to rise in IT technology and growing business operations across the globe. Whereas, the Europe market for translation service is expected to grow at a considerable CAGR (2017-2023).Industry NewsMarch 2017 Teleperformance folds LanguageLine into new unit, keeps brand. Teleperformance announced acquisition of LanguageLine Solutions in September 2016 and has been the biggest acquisition in the language industry.November 2017 LanguageLine Solutions wins Gold in Best in Biz Awards 2017. The company takes top prize with revolutionary LanguageLine InSight video-interpretation solution, which provides one-touch connection to over 9,000 professional interpreters. The company aims to empower clients in order to provide outstanding service and exceptional care to limited-English-proficient, deaf, and hard-of-hearing populations.November 2017 Amazon Web Services launches translation services as part of its AWS extravaganza. Amazon is pitching the new translate service as a way for businesses to expand products and services using its text translation tool.Get complete Report @Intended Audience Translation Service Manufacturers Distributors Research firms Consultancy firms Software developers Vendors Semiconductor Manufacturers Stakeholders End-user sectors Technology InvestorsAbout Us:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Media Contact:Akash Anand,Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Global Pineapple Juice Market - Industry Development Outlook 2018 IndexBox has just published a new report "World: Pineapple Juice - Market Report. Analysis And Forecast To 2025" ().This report provides a detailed study of the global pineapple juice market. Within it, you will identify the latest data on market trends and opportunities by country, consumption, production and price developments, as well as the global trade (imports and exports). The outlook exhibits the market prospects through 2025.Countries coverage: Worldwide - the report contains statistical data for 200 countries and includes detailed profiles of the 50 largest consuming countries (United States, China, Japan, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Brazil, Italy, Russian Federation, India, Canada, Australia, Republic of Korea, Spain, Mexico, Indonesia, Netherlands, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Sweden, Nigeria, Poland, Belgium, Argentina, Norway, Austria, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Colombia, Denmark, South Africa, Malaysia, Israel, Singapore, Egypt, Philippines, Finland, Chile, Ireland, Pakistan, Greece, Portugal, Kazakhstan, Algeria, Czech Republic, Qatar, Peru, Romania, Vietnam) + the largest producing countries.Product coverage:Pineapple JuiceData coverage: Pineapple juice market volume and value; Per Capita consumption; Forecast of the market dynamics in the medium term; Global pineapple juice production, split by region and country; Global pineapple juice trade (exports and imports); Producer, export and import prices for pineapple juice; Pineapple juice market trends, drivers and restraints; Key market players and their profiles.Reasons to buy this report: Take advantage of the latest data; Find deeper insights into current market developments; Discover vital success factors affecting the market.Source:IndexBox is a leading market research publisher in the world. You can find more than 25,000 research reports in our web store, which cover global industries and regional markets. All the worldwide marketing data you need is at your fingertips.Company Name: IndexBoxContact Person: Kirill BezverhiEmail: +44 20 3239 3063Adress: United Kingdom, 44 Main Street, Douglas, South Lanarkshire, Scotland, ML11 0QW Global Wireless Gas Detection Systems Market 2018 - Agilent Technologies, Yokogawa, Siemens Global Wireless Gas Detection Systems Market The statistical surveying information incorporated into the Wireless Gas Detection Systems report is the aftereffect of significant essential and optional research exercises. The report fragments the worldwide market for Wireless Gas Detection Systems based on makers, item compose, applications, and Region. In this report, each fragment is contemplated completely and measurements are introduced in detail. The report offers an exact outline of the worldwide Wireless Gas Detection Systems advertise covering key factors, for example, drivers and restrictions affecting the development.Get the sample report :Top manufacturers of Wireless Gas Detection Systems Market Report :Agilent TechnologiesDanaher CorporationHoneywell InternationaTE ConnectivitySiemensRaytheon CompanyBall Aerospace And TechnologiesThales GroupLockheed Martin CorporationEnvironmental SensorsYokogawaHenan HwsensorBeijing SdlHeibei SaiheroSuzhou CreateThe worldwide Wireless Gas Detection Systems advertise report is the result of the intensive investigation of the market, which will help showcase players to manage and develop exponentially in the gigantically aggressive market.Enquire before buying Wireless Gas Detection Systems Market report :The Wireless Gas Detection Systems report is set up after essential and auxiliary levels of research exercises. Essential research speaks to the heft of research endeavors, supplemented by a broad optional research. Auxiliary research incorporates investigation of late exchange, web sources, and factual information from government associations, exchange affiliations and offices. This has ended up being the most dependable, powerful and fruitful approach for getting exact Wireless Gas Detection Systems advertise information, catching industry member's bits of knowledge and perceiving business openings. The write about the worldwide Wireless Gas Detection Systems showcase likewise talks about a portion of the main players display in the market, winning rivalry, key procedures received and their current advancements.About UsApex Market Reports offers elevating market research globally. We have collection of various syndicated reports of different categories. Apex Market Reports provides you to best services, weather youre searching for new trends in market or competitive scenario in emerging market.Customers can buys different reports across various categories such as Chemical and Material, Biotechnology, Healthcare, Food and beverages, Automobile and various sectors. Our Website offers safe and secure online ordering experience, convenient payment options.Contact UsFrank ValadezCorporate Sales Specialist155 North Wacker Drive, Suite 4250Chicago, IL 60606Phone: +17739042683Email id - sales@apexmarketreports.comWebsite - @alextdaugherty The U.S. Senate is supposed to debate and vote on immigration legislation this week as nearly 690,000 immigrants could face deportation next month if Congress doesn't act. As of Tuesday afternoon, the Senate floor was empty, devoid of senators from either party trying to debate and propose various amendments that could save DACA recipients from potential deportation. But Florida Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson said Tuesday a group of moderate senators led by Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins and West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin will offer a "simple" immigration solution that can get 60 votes in the U.S. Senate. "I'm very optimistic," Nelson said. "I think that now that the process has started, when we get to what will be our amendment, which is a simple amendment, it takes care of the DACA kids, it takes care of the parents and then on the other side it takes care of the president with a wall that is, of course, many things other than concrete and steel. I think we'll get 60 votes for that, I'm very optimistic." Global Flax Fiber Market - A Brief Market Overview and Detailed Analysis 2018-2025 IndexBox has just published a new report "World: Flax Fiber - Market Report. Analysis And Forecast To 2025" ().This report covers an in-depth analysis of the global flax fibre market. Within it, you will find out the latest data on market trends and opportunities by country, consumption, production and price developments, as well as the global trade (imports and exports). The forecast displays the market prospects through 2025.Countries coverage: Worldwide - the report contains statistical data for 200 countries and includes detailed profiles of the 50 largest consuming countries (United States, China, Japan, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Brazil, Italy, Russian Federation, India, Canada, Australia, Republic of Korea, Spain, Mexico, Indonesia, Netherlands, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Sweden, Nigeria, Poland, Belgium, Argentina, Norway, Austria, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Colombia, Denmark, South Africa, Malaysia, Israel, Singapore, Egypt, Philippines, Finland, Chile, Ireland, Pakistan, Greece, Portugal, Kazakhstan, Algeria, Czech Republic, Qatar, Peru, Romania, Vietnam) + the largest producing countries.Product coverage:Flax FiberData coverage: Flax fibre market volume and value; Per Capita consumption; Forecast of the market dynamics in the medium term; Global flax fibre production, split by region and country; Global flax fibre trade (exports and imports); Producer, export and import prices for flax fibre; Flax fibre market trends, drivers and restraints; Key market players and their profiles.Reasons to buy this report: Take advantage of the latest data; Find deeper insights into current market developments; Discover vital success factors affecting the market.AbstractGlobal flax fiber market revenue amounted to 548 million USD in 2015, going down by -18.4% against the previous year level. Overall, global flax fiber market continues to undergo a perceptible decline: the market value decreased at an average annual rate of -7.2% from 2007 to 2015. This trend pattern, however, fluctuated wildly throughout the analyzed period. The growth pace was the most rapid in 2011, when the market revenue increased by +44% from the previous year level. Over the period under review, the global flax fiber market attained its maximum revenue of 1,095 million USD in 2008. From 2009 to the end of the period under review, the total flax fiber market revenue failed to regain its former peak level.Over the analyzed period, global flax fiber production was buoyed by population growth, disposable income growth, and growth of clothes consumption. These key factors are to remain relevant with regard to flax fiber output in the immediate term. This general positive trend was largely conditioned by a noticeable curtailment of the harvested area and a moderate improvement of the yield figures.The countries with the highest levels of production in 2015 were Belgium (77 thousand tonnes), France (70 thousand tonnes), China (46 thousand tonnes), together accounting for 62% of total output. From 2007 to 2015, the most notable growth rates in almond production among the main producing countries was attained by Belgium (+23.5% per year), while the other global leaders experienced a decline in the output figures.The world flax fiber harvested area amounted to 178 thousand ha in 2015, which was -8.0% less than the previous year figure. The harvested area indicated a pronounced contraction over the period under review, declining by an average annual rate of -7.7% from 2007 to 2015. This trend pattern, however, indicated some mild fluctuations over the recent years. Over the period under review, the total flax fiber harvested area peaked in 2007, declining in the following year. From 2008 to 2015, the total flax fiber harvested area fluctuated at lower levels.The global average flax fiber yield amounted to 17 thousand hg/ha in 2015, rising by 4.9% from the previous year figure. The yield figures recorded an upward trend over the period under review, with a compound annual growth rate standing at +1.0% from 2007 to 2015. However, the yield levels displayed some little fluctuations over the recent years. The highest flax fiber yields were recorded in 2015. Albeit an intensification of modern agricultural technics use, the future yield figures subject to a substantional risk of adverse weather conditions.Source:IndexBox is a leading market research publisher in the world. You can find more than 25,000 research reports in our web store, which cover global industries and regional markets. All the worldwide marketing data you need is at your fingertips.Company Name: IndexBoxContact Person: Kirill BezverhiEmail: +44 20 3239 3063Adress: United Kingdom, 44 Main Street, Douglas, South Lanarkshire, Scotland, ML11 0QW Ziffity Adds Chatbot Development Development Services To Its Arsenal Ziffity, the Texas based digital transformation agency has added chatbot development to its long list of digital offerings.Ziffity, a digital transformations agency headquartered in Texas is on a mission to enable enterprises to join the chatbot bandwagon. The company has created a dedicated team of enterprise mobility experts with strong expertise in Android, iOS, Python programming to create next-gen chatbots that will facilitate conversational commerce.We have set up a 20-member dedicated team focussed on chatbots that are infused with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. offered Vinod Kankaria, Director, Ziffity.Ziffity - Spearheading Chatbot DevelopmentZiffitys chatbot development offering comes in the wake of businesses wanting to serve customers with better responses that are faster than human service personnel. Chatbots deliver a personalized and interactive mode of communication that more than 34% of millennials agree to be persuasive for online purchases. Chatbots take the form of virtual assistants that will help business engage their customers better and drive more conversionsFurther, chatbots are not standalone mobile apps, websites or messengers. They are software programs that can be integrated into the backend of a mobile app or a website or even a real-time messaging platform like Facebook Messenger, Slack, Skype, etc. They provide the unique benefit of launch once, run everywhere.Chatbot Development - Ziffitys Value PropositionUsers of today have migrated to mobile-based messaging platforms. Millennial customers prefer self-service channels that are quick and convenient to traditional systems. Every business entity, be it an eCommerce store or a banking website, needs a chatbot that can address their user/customer queries on a real-time basis with factual correctness.Ziffity aims to help such businesses design, develop & launch white label chatbots that will deliver a unique brand experience. Powered by Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Understanding capabilities, they will steer better brand engagement, quicker customer query resolutions and overall enhancement in business efficiency.Chatbots are no longer an a-good-to-have option, but an essential value add-on. We are mission-focused to help enterprises launch their own chatbots in a swift pace added Vinod.Ziffity offers chatbot development services for a wide variety of industry applications like online store sales assistant, travel booking bot, customer service bot, hospital appointment bot, among many others.To get a detailed picture of Ziffitys chatbot development services, visitZiffity is a Texas based digital transformations agency. The company provides industry-focussed digital solutions grounded on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Enterprise Mobility, Augmented Reality, omni channel commerce, among many others. Ziffitys primary strengths include design, technology and marketing based on which it has powered the digital transformation of several enterprises operating in diverse industrial backgrounds.101 E.Park Blvd,Suite 600, Plano,Texas, 75074,United States Pressure Sensor Market to be worth more than USD 4 bn by 2023 Knowledge Sourcing Intelligence announces publication of a new report: Pressure Sensor Market - Forecasts from 2018 to 2023.This research report segments the Pressure Sensor Market by type (Absolute pressure measurement, Differential pressure measurement, and Gauge pressure measurement), technology (Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor, Electromagnetic Pressure Sensor, Optical Pressure Sensor, Resonant Solid State Pressure Sensor, and Capacitive Pressure Sensor), end users (Energy and Power, Oil and Gas, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Consumer Electronics, Automotive, and others) and geography (North America, South America, Europe, Middle East and Africa, and Asia Pacific). The report provides in-depth and most accurately anticipated forecasts in a quantitative manner.Some of the major players discussed in this report are Omron Corporation, NXP Semiconductors, Emerson Electric Company, Robert Bosch GmbH, ABB Group and Denso Corporation among others.Sample request or complete report can be purchased through the link below:Brief TOC is as below:By type: Absolute pressure measurement Differential pressure measurement Gauge pressure measurementBy technology: Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor Electromagnetic Pressure Sensor Optical Pressure Sensor Resonant Solid State Pressure Sensor Capacitive Pressure SensorBy End Users: Energy and Power Oil and Gas Healthcare Manufacturing Consumer Electronics Automotive OthersBy geography: North Americao U.S.o Canadao Mexicoo Others South Americao Brazilo Argentinao Others Europeo Franceo Germanyo Italyo United Kingdomo Others Middle East and Africao Israelo United Arab Emirateso South Africao Others Asia Pacifico Chinao Indiao South Koreao Japano Others Competitive Intelligence Profiles of key companiesKnowledge Sourcing Intelligence is a market research and consulting firm based out of India. Driven by industry experts, the company provides syndicated reports, custom research, and consulting services. Our proprietary data analytics model blended with quality primary and secondary research data assists in generating quality reports providing crucial insights to managers and decision makers. The services offered by us help companies to gain required a competitive edge. Our expertise across 10 industries such as ICT, Chemicals, Semiconductors, Healthcare among others caters to diverse client needs.Knowledge Sourcing Intelligence2nd Floor, D-77, Sector 63Noida, IndiaCall: +1-866-714-4587 Australian Government may Introduce New policies For Website Payment Gateway! New policies For Website Payment Gateway! The Australian Government has foreseen the potential of online markets and has announced that they will develop a national digital economy strategy. Web development companies in Sydney that sees most business will benefit greatly from these policies as security and transparency increases with them. The strategy is being developed with the help and collective contribution of the industries, thought-leaders, small and medium sized businesses.Digital innovation could boost the Australian economy by AU$140 billion to AU$250 billion over the next eight years as stated in the press release by the Government. It is in process and will take effect in the first half of the year 2018. These policies are going to build a roadmap for the government work in tandem with private sector and the community. Ecommerce development companies in Sydney and Perth will benefit greatly from this change. They will build world-leading digital business capability for the global businesses of all sizes. Australia will succeed in the digital economy with this initiative.The government will launch the strategy in the first half of 2018, following an open conversation with governments, businesses and the community. The strategy is designed to keep evolving overtime with a flexibility model.Address: Level 13 / 50 Carrington St 2000 Sydney, AustraliaZip Code - 2000City - SydneyTelephone - 0488863626Email: Different Shipping companies are working with the Fleettracker MRV solution With the Fleettracker MRV-Software the shipping companies are complying EU-Directives of compilation and transmission of CO2 emiss All customers who are using the reporting-tool, also decided to adopt the digital MRV solution of the Hamburg located Herberg Systems GmbH. With the Fleettracker MRV solution the shipping companies do justice to all standards of CO2-Reporting within Europe, to which all ships over 5000 GT are legally bound to starting from 1st January 2018. Simultaneously, all users of Fleettracker MRV comply the requirements of the worldwide CO2 reporting according to MARPOL Annex VI, Regulation 22A (IMO DCS), which is coming into force on 1st March 2018. The utilization of the Software is easy. We could integrate it into our day-to-day work without a training course, explains Fleetmanager Wolfgang Volkens of Harren & Partner.Since 1998 Herberg Systems GmbH (formerly known as Herberg Engineering GmbH) connects companies within the logistic supply chain. The solutions for Cloud, Software and integration are developed with the aim to enable the optimal data exchange between all participants and systems. Thus, processes will be simpler, faster and more efficient. Besides individual solutions Herberg Systems engineered the product line Fleettracker. The tool for fleet management is established on the market for ten years and is used on about 12000 ships worldwide. Among the customers of Herberg Systems are the well known companies Hamburg Sud, Harren & Partner and E.R. Schifffahrt.Herberg Systems GmbHPartner for digitalisation in logisticsBoschstrae 23 B22761 HamburgMaike MennengaPhone: +49 40 / 39 90 34 94E-Mail: Global Environment Monitoring and Sensing Sales Market Demand, Insights, Analysis, Opportunities, Segmentation and Forecast to 2018 Market Research Report Researchmoz added Most up-to-date research on "Global Environment Monitoring and Sensing Sales Market Demand, Insights, Analysis, Opportunities, Segmentation and Forecast to 2018" to its huge collection of research reports.In this report,the global Environment Monitoring and Sensing market is valued at USD XX million in 2017 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2025,growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2017 and 2025.Geographically,this report split global into several key Regions,with sales (K Units),revenue (Million USD),market share and growth rate of Environment Monitoring and Sensing for these regions,from 2013 to 2025 (forecast),coveringUnited StatesChinaEuropeJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaGlobal Environment Monitoring and Sensing market competition by top manufacturers/players,with Environment Monitoring and Sensing sales volume,Price (USD/Unit),revenue (Million USD) and market share for each manufacturer/player; the top players includingAeroqualGeneral ElectricHORIBAIn-SituThermo Fisher ScientificAgilent TechnologiesAtlas ScientificHachHanna InstrumentsHoneywell InternationalHydro InternationalOAKTON InstrumentsOptiEnz SensorsOptiquaOTT HydrometSea-Bird ScientificSiemensStevens Water Monitoring SystemsSUTRONXylemTo Get Sample Copy of Report visit @On the basis of product,this report displays the production,revenue,price,market share and growth rate of each type,primarily split intoSemi-AutomaticFully AutomaticOtherOn the basis on the end users/applications,this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users,sales volume,market share and growth rate for each application,includingAtmospheric DetectionWater Quality DetectionSoil DetectionNoise DetectionBrowse TOC @Table of ContentsGlobal Environment Monitoring and Sensing Sales Market Report 20181 Environment Monitoring and Sensing Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Environment Monitoring and Sensing1.2 Classification of Environment Monitoring and Sensing by Product Category1.2.1 Global Environment Monitoring and Sensing Market Size (Sales) Comparison by Type (2013-2025)1.2.2 Global Environment Monitoring and Sensing Market Size (Sales) Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20171.2.3 Semi-Automatic1.2.4 Fully Automatic1.2.5 Other1.3 Global Environment Monitoring and Sensing Market by Application/End Users1.3.1 Global Environment Monitoring and Sensing Sales (Volume) and Market Share Comparison by Application (2013-2025)1.3.2 Atmospheric Detection1.3.3 Water Quality Detection1.3.4 Soil Detection1.3.5 Noise Detection2 Global Environment Monitoring and Sensing Competition by Players/Suppliers,Type and Application2.1 Global Environment Monitoring and Sensing Market Competition by Players/Suppliers2.1.1 Global Environment Monitoring and Sensing Sales and Market Share of Key Players/Suppliers (2013-2018)2.1.2 Global Environment Monitoring and Sensing Revenue and Share by Players/Suppliers (2013-2018)2.2 Global Environment Monitoring and Sensing (Volume and Value) by Type2.2.1 Global Environment Monitoring and Sensing Sales and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)2.2.2 Global Environment Monitoring and Sensing Revenue and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)2.3 Global Environment Monitoring and Sensing (Volume and Value) by Region2.3.1 Global Environment Monitoring and Sensing Sales and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)About ResearchMozResearchMoz is the one stop online destination to find and buy market research reports & Industry Analysis. We fulfill all your research needs spanning across industry verticals with our huge collection of market research reports. We provide our services to all sizes of organizations and across all industry verticals and markets. Our Research Coordinators have in-depth knowledge of reports as well as publishers and will assist you in making an informed decision by giving you unbiased and deep insights on which reports will satisfy your needs at the best price.Mr. NachiketState Tower,90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesEmail: sales@researchmoz.usWebsite @Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free)Tel: +1-518-621-2074Follow us on LinkedIn @Follow us on Blogger @ Micro-Hospitals Market : Growth, Demand and Key Players to 2017 2027 Micro-hospitals are small scale In-patient facility that offers a variety of emergency medical services. They mostly focused on treating low-acuity patients and provides ambulatory and emergency services. Micro-hospitals can bridge the gap in care delivery and quality of healthcare in underdeveloped areas. Due to its economic nature, intimate delivery model, micro-hospitals are ideal in rural areas. Micro-hospitals differs from traditional hospitals in the range of operations done. It is also gaining importance to improve healthcare system by reducing cost and patient compliance. Micro-hospitals are typically composed of five components, namely a) Emergency Department, b) Imaging and Diagnostics, c) Surgery and Procedure Centers, d) Inpatient Nursing Unit and e) Medical Office. Micro-hospitals designed for both operationally and functionally to deliver the right care, at the right time. Micro-hospitals subjected to same rules and regulations imposed on large scale hospitals in the place they are built. Telehealth facilities are offered for integration of care continuity with micro-hospitals. Micro-hospitals providers are mainly concentrated on the single access point for multiple levels of care and specialty. The primary focus is on industry-leading clinical quality and patient satisfaction.Micro-Hospitals Market: Drivers and RestraintsDecreasing admission rates of large-scale hospitals and rising importance of micro-hospitals due to increasing patient compliance are expected to boost the growth of the micro-hospital market. The micro-hospital market is gaining traction globally due to the comparatively lower construction cost and higher reimbursement for services that large hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers. Rising health care demand due to the need for more intensive service offerings locally that cannot be provided by traditional hospitals.This unmet need for large scale hospitals acts as a driver in the burgeoning growth of the micro-hospital market. Growing technology along with increasing expectation of patients on healthcare system becomes a significant threat to large-scale hospitals and give the opportunity to micro-hospitals. All these factors are fueling the growth of the micro-hospital market. Micro-hospitals are shifting the healthcare landscape, as they become an integral component of health care system.Request to View Sample Report @Slower penetration of micro-hospitals due to slower adoption rate results in the slow growth of the micro-hospital market.Micro-Hospitals Market: SegmentationSegmentation based on LocationTier-1 CitiesTier-2 CitiesTier-3 CitiesSegmentation based on End UserInternational TouristsCorporatesIndividualsMicro-Hospitals Market: Market OverviewGlobal Micro-Hospitals Market has witnessed a burgeoning growth due to increasing adaptation due to increased ease of use. Increasing government support for healthcare development is encouraging private organizations to participate in funding and partnership. Micro-hospital cost is comparatively less than large-scale hospitals and more than urgent care units which act as a driver in the growth of the micro-hospital. Micro-hospital enables fast treatment for emergency cases and also offers primary care services which are competitive advantage over ambulatory surgical centers. The future of Micro-Hospitals Market anticipated with double CAGR during forecasting period.Request For Table Of Content @Micro-Hospitals Market: Region-Wise OverviewGlobal Micro-Hospitals Market segmented into following regions North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia-Pacific, Japan and the Middle East and Africa. North America is dominant in the Global Micro-Hospitals mainly due to the well-established health care system. In North America, USA is dominating because of increased of increased adoption of micro-hospitals. European region follows North America, growth fuelled by increased penetration of the micro-hospital market. Economic conditions in the APAC region are set to drive the Micro-Hospitals Market to new heights. APAC is fastest growing region due to increasing government support for healthcare system. Growth in the Middle East and African region is considerably less but still with significant growth.Micro-Hospitals Market: Key ParticipantsThe key participants in the Micro-Hospitals Market are Emerus Hospitals, SCL Health, Saint Lukes Health System, etc. The service providers are mainly focusing on the collaboration and partnership to increase the adaptation of Micro-Hospitals.Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes,technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends. technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.Future Market InsightsValley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Solid State Drive Controller Industry: Global Market Analysis, Market Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast, 2018 Market Research Report Researchmoz added Most up-to-date research on "Solid State Drive Controller Industry: Global Market Analysis, Market Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast, 2018" to its huge collection of research reports.Solid State Drive Controller Report by Material, Application, and Geography Global Forecast to 2022 is a professional and in-depth research report on the world's major regional market conditions, focusing on the main regions (North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific) and the main countries (United States, Germany, united Kingdom, Japan, South Korea and China).The report firstly introduced the Solid State Drive Controller basics: definitions, classifications, applications and market overview; product specifications; manufacturing processes; cost structures, raw materials and so on. Then it analyzed the world's main region market conditions, including the product price, profit, capacity, production, supply, demand and market growth rate and forecast etc. In the end, the report introduced new project SWOT analysis, investment feasibility analysis, and investment return analysis.The report includes six parts, dealing with:1.) basic information;2.) the Asia Solid State Drive Controller Market;3.) the North American Solid State Drive Controller Market;4.) the European Solid State Drive Controller Market;5.) market entry and investment feasibility;6.) the report conclusion.To Get Sample Copy of Report visit @Table of ContentsPart I Solid State Drive Controller Industry OverviewChapter One Solid State Drive Controller Industry Overview1.1 Solid State Drive Controller Definition1.2 Solid State Drive Controller Classification Analysis1.2.1 Solid State Drive Controller Main Classification Analysis1.2.2 Solid State Drive Controller Main Classification Share Analysis1.3 Solid State Drive Controller Application Analysis1.3.1 Solid State Drive Controller Main Application Analysis1.3.2 Solid State Drive Controller Main Application Share Analysis1.4 Solid State Drive Controller Industry Chain Structure Analysis1.5 Solid State Drive Controller Industry Development Overview1.5.1 Solid State Drive Controller Product History Development Overview1.5.1 Solid State Drive Controller Product Market Development Overview1.6 Solid State Drive Controller Global Market Comparison Analysis1.6.1 Solid State Drive Controller Global Import Market Analysis1.6.2 Solid State Drive Controller Global Export Market Analysis1.6.3 Solid State Drive Controller Global Main Region Market Analysis1.6.4 Solid State Drive Controller Global Market Comparison Analysis1.6.5 Solid State Drive Controller Global Market Development Trend AnalysisBrowse TOC @Chapter Two Solid State Drive Controller Up and Down Stream Industry Analysis2.1 Upstream Raw Materials Analysis2.1.1 Upstream Raw Materials Price Analysis2.1.2 Upstream Raw Materials Market Analysis2.1.3 Upstream Raw Materials Market Trend2.2 Down Stream Market Analysis2.1.1 Down Stream Market AnalysisAbout ResearchMozResearchMoz is the one stop online destination to find and buy market research reports & Industry Analysis. We fulfill all your research needs spanning across industry verticals with our huge collection of market research reports. We provide our services to all sizes of organizations and across all industry verticals and markets. Our Research Coordinators have in-depth knowledge of reports as well as publishers and will assist you in making an informed decision by giving you unbiased and deep insights on which reports will satisfy your needs at the best price.Mr. NachiketState Tower,90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesEmail: sales@researchmoz.usWebsite @Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free)Tel: +1-518-621-2074Follow us on LinkedIn @Follow us on Blogger @ Smart Grid Cyber Security Market : Outlook, Growth, Demand, Forecast 2017-2025 Global Smart Grid Cyber Security Market: SnapshotSmart grids, considered next-generation power system, combine sophisticated computing and communication technologies to better efficiency and reliability of power systems. Emergence of renewable energy in response to rising demand for electricity, has particularly stoked their uptake. On account of their salient features which consists of millions of interconnected electronic devices across power facilities heavily reliant on communication networks, cyber security emerges to be a critical issue for smart grids.This has spawned the market for smart grid cybersecurity, which tackles both deliberate attacks from terrorists, business enemies, and disgruntled employees and inadvertent ones resulting from equipment failures, errors by users, and natural disasters. The primary benefit of smart grid security is its ability to counter any contingency brought about by power failure of any crucial component of the power system by facilitating a reliable and stable power system. A challenge facing the market currently is the lack of standard reference architecture for the smart grid and the dearth of release mechanisms.Request Sample Copy of the Report@From a geographical standpoint, North America and Europe generate maximum demand in the global market for smart grids cybersecurity. On account of a slew of guidelines and policies pertaining to data security and privacy in countries of Germany, the Netherlands, and the U.K., the market in Europe is slated to see good growth in the upcoming years. Asia Pacific, powered by China, will also likely emerge as a key market in the next couple of years.Siemens AG, VeriSign, Lockheed Martin Corp., ViaSat Inc., Industrial Defender Inc., IOActive Inc., and IBM Corp are some of the main providers of smart grid cybersecurity.Global Smart Grid Cyber Security Market: Inclusive InsightCyber security comprises checking damage, illegal usage, and misuse of communication systems, electronic information, and the information contained therein to ensure availability, integrity and confidentiality. It also includes restoration of electronic information and communication systems in case of natural disaster or deliberate attack. The components within smart grid that are prone to cyber-attacks include operational technologies, IT systems, and end access points. The operational technologies which are exposed to cyber threats are power line communication devices, supervisory control, intelligent electronic devices, and data acquisition (SCADA) and energy management systems.Request TOC of the Report @This industry research report is a brief review of the growth trail in terms of existing, past, and future scenarios of the global smart grid cyber security market. It deals with the evaluation of the aspects that are expected to influence the development of the market and the primary trends have also been specified in the research study. The research study also offers a broad lookout on the vendor landscape of the market through Porters five forces analysis. The research report offers references of the research and development activities, mergers and acquisitions, and specifics on licensing and collaborations. The report probes into the strategies related to publicity, shares, and product range of the key participants in the global smart grid cyber security market.Global Smart Grid Cyber Security Market: Drivers and InhibitorsThe growing demand for power along with growing global mandate for smart grid technologies is expected to bolster the progress of the global smart grid cyber security market. A smart grid provides a network of electricity for consumers and suppliers to regulate the demand for energy and flow of information through the high-end devices. The communication layer is the backbone of the smart grid and is susceptible to cyber-attacks. The smart grid is envisioned to decrease the vulnerability of the electricity systems and improve emergency response. Smart grid security is an important parameter to maintain reliable and stable power system during the contingency situation due to power failure of any critical power system component.Read Comprehensive Overview of Report @The chief driver of growth of the global smart grid cyber security market is the increasing occurrence of cyber threats owing to rising interconnection and integration. Furthermore, the new two way communication systems and growing risk to operations are expected to boost the demand for smart grid cyber security technologies globally. Nevertheless, the dearth of standard reference architecture for the smart grid and the lack of release mechanisms is expected to hamper the growth of the market.Global Smart Grid Cyber Security Market: Regional OutlookCurrently, North America and Europe account for the peak demand of cyber security. In European nations such as the UK, German and the Netherlands, there are several of guidelines and policies for data security and privacy. The market for smart grid cyber security in Europe is estimated to rise progressively in the near future. In Asia Pacific, China is expected to drive the growth of the smart grid cyber security market mostly driven by methods to reinforce the smart grid systems.Global Smart Grid Cyber Security Market: Competitive LandscapeThe key market players operating in the market are VeriSign, ViaSat Inc., Siemens AG, Industrial Defender Inc., Lockheed Martin Corp., IOActive Inc., IBM Corp, and BAE Systems PLC among others.About UsTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Microencapsulation Global Market 2018: Key Players Encapsys, LLC, Reed Pacific Pty Limited, Ronald T Dodge Company, GAT Microencapsulation GmbH Microencapsulation IndustryDescriptionWiseguyreports.Com Adds Microencapsulation -Market Demand, Growth, Opportunities and Analysis Of Top Key Player Forecast To 2022 To Its Research DatabaseGlobal microencapsulation market is expected to reach USD 9,241.1 million by 2022, supported by a CAGR of 10.0% during the forecast period of 2017 to 2022. The microencapsulation market is mainly driven by growing demand from functional food, and pharmaceutical industry for microencapsulation for controlled release & targeted release of active compounds (sustained or delayed release), and agrochemical sector. In addition, emerging economies such as Asia, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa region further provides significant opportunities for the various stakeholders in this market. However, factors such as high cost of microencapsulation process and increasing demand for nano-encapsulation technology, especially in the pharmaceutical application are expected to hinder the growth of global microencapsulation market to some extent.Market SegmentationThe global microencapsulation market is mainly segmented by coating material (polysaccharides, proteins, lipids & waxes, resins, and others), technology (atomization, emulsion based, spray coating, coextrusion, others), application (pharmaceutical, food and feed, home and personal care, industrial and chemical, agriculture, and others), and geography (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East and Africa).In case of application, the pharmaceutical segment held the largest share in the global microencapsulation market in 2016, owing to the growing adoption of microencapsulation in the industry for protection of the drug from the environment, stabilization of sensitive drug substances, elimination of incompatibilities, or masking of unpleasant taste, conversion of liquid drugs in a free-flowing powder, and prevention of vaporization of many volatile drugs.Request for Sample Report @Geographic OverviewGeographically, the global microencapsulation market is segmented into five major regions, namely North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. These regions are further analysed at a country level with the detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis. North America accounted for the major share of the global microencapsulation market in 2016, followed by Europe and Asia-Pacific region. The major share of the North American region is mainly attributed to the presence of large number of microencapsulation technology providers, and well established functional food, pharmaceutical, and agrochemical sectors. However, Asia Pacific region slated to register fastest growth during the forecast period, primarily due to its growing economy & industrialization, and booming pharmaceutical, food, and agriculture industries.Key playersThe key players in the global microencapsulation market are Encapsys, LLC, Reed Pacific Pty Limited, Ronald T Dodge Company, GAT Microencapsulation GmbH, Capsulae, Microtek Laboratories, Inc., Balchem Corporation, Lycored, AVEKA, Inc., TasteTech Ltd, INNOBIO CORPORATION LIMITED, FrieslandCampina Kievit, Symrise AG, Koehler Innovative Solutions, Givaudan SA, and International Flavors & Fragrances Inc.Scope of the ReportMarket by Coating MaterialPolysaccharidesWaxes and LipidsResinsProteinsOthersMarket by TechnologyAtomizationSpray DryingSpray ChillingSpinning DiscEmulsion basedCoacervationIn-Situ polymerizationLiposome EntrapmentSolvent EvaporationSpray CoatingFluid Bed CoatingPan CoatingCoextrusionOthersMarket by ApplicationPharmaceuticalFood and FeedHome and Personal CareIndustrial and ChemicalAgricultureOthers (Defence, Energy Generation, & Catalysis)Leave a Query @Market by GeographyNorth AmericaU.S.CanadaEuropeGermanyFranceU.K.ItalySpainRest of EuropeAsia-PacificJapanChinaIndiaRest of Asia-PacificRest of WorldKey questions answered in the report-Which are the high growth market segments in terms of coating material, technology, application, and regions/countries?What is the historical market for microencapsulation across the globe?What are the market forecasts and estimates from the period 2015-2022?What are the major drivers, challenges, opportunities and trends in the global microencapsulation market?Who are the major players in the global microencapsulation market and what share of the market do they hold?Who are the major players in various countries and what share of the market do they hold?What are the competitive landscapes and who are the market leaders by sub-region in the global microencapsulation market?What are the recent developments in the global microencapsulation market?What are the different strategies adopted by the major players in the global microencapsulation market?What are the geographical trends and high growth regions/ countries?Who are the local emerging players in the global microencapsulation market and how do they compete with the global players?Table of Content1 Introduction1.1 Market Ecosystem1.2 Currency and Limitations1.2.1 Currency1.2.2 Limitations1.3 Key Stakeholders2 Research Methodology2.1 Research Process2.1.1 Secondary Research2.1.2 Primary Research2.1.3 Market Size Estimation....10 Company Profiles(Business Overview, Financials, Product Portfolio, Recent Developments)10.1 Encapsys, LLC10.2 Reed Pacific Pty Limited10.3 Ronald T. Dodge Company10.4 Gat Microencapsulation GmbH10.5 Capsulae10.6 Microtek Laboratories, Inc.10.7 Aveka, Inc. (A Subsidiary of Aveka Group)10.8 Tastetech Ltd10.9 Lycored Ltd.10.10 Innobio Limited10.11 Balchem Corporation10.12 Frieslandcampina Kievit (A Subsaidary of Royal Frieslandcampina)10.13 Symrise AG10.14 Koehler Innovative Solutions (Part of Koehler Paper Group)10.15 Givaudan SA10.16. International Flavors & Fragrances Inc.Buy Now @Continued...Contact Us: Sales@Wiseguyreports.Com Ph: +1-646-845-9349 (Us) Ph: +44 208 133 9349 (Uk)About Us:Wise Guy Reports Is Part Of The Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. And Offers Premium Progressive Statistical Surveying, Market Research Reports, Analysis & Forecast Data For Industries And Governments Around The Globe. Wise Guy Reports Features An Exhaustive List Of Market Research Reports From Hundreds Of Publishers Worldwide. We Boast A Database Spanning Virtually Every Market Category And An Even More Comprehensive Collection Of Market Research Reports Under These Categories And Sub-Categories.Addres:Wise Guy Research Consultants Pvt LtdPune 411028Maharashtra, GlobalPh: +91 841 198 5042 Rep. Jared Moskowitz, a 1999 graduate of Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School, said the shooting is painfully close to home. His children go to school in Parkland, the school is blocks from his home, and he represented the district first as a city commissioner and now as a legislator. "Even though it's local, the scene around the country is all too familiar to me,'' he said. "It's unimaginable to go to a place everyday and think that it's safe and then have some loser to come in and take that away. "Through no fault of his own, the governor has more experience with this than any governor currently serving,'' he said. After boarding the plane, he tweeted: Moskowitz noted that the mass shooting, following the shooting at the Fort Lauderdale airport a year ago, and the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando in June 2016, has now left Florida Gov. Rick Scott with an unfortunate legacy. Hell is waiting for this shooter. But thats not good enough. Nothing can replace the loss of a child. For one kid to take them away from their life and parents is beyond our comprehension. This country and its elected leaders collectively have failed our children. I am on my way "I'm going to know these children, their teachers, their parents,'' said Moskowitz, a Democrat from Coral Springs, as he boarded a plane back home on Wednesday. "Their lives are forever changed, families are broken and shattered and the kids who walked out alive won't be the same. Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Market Is Set To Grow At a Remarkable Pace in 2018 QYResearchReports Qyresearchreports include new market research report Smart Connected Residential Water Heater to its huge collection of research reports.The global Smart Connected Residential Water Heater market is fueled by various factors, according to a detailed assessment explained in the report. This study shows how important in-depth analysis should be, and how it greatly affects the quality of information provided to the readers. The market for Smart Connected Residential Water Heater extensively covers various highlights in the report that includes competitive vista, growth propelling factors, regional outreach, targeted consumers, major obstacles, and others. The report also details the impact of Porters five forces on the market, especially using the information collected for drivers and restraints. Several analytical tools have been used by our experts while compiling this report. The bargaining power of suppliers as well as buyers is very important in any market, and this has been given much attention. The expert analysis also describes the ill-effects of new players entering the market, and what kind of competitive scenario actually exists in the industry.Get Sample Report of the Research Study at:With respect to the emphasis on dynamic consumer choices, it is very important for companies to properly plan their marketing strategies. The same emphasis has been clearly explained in the report. This compilation provides invaluable recommendations that can help companies form better and successful strategies. The report is a mine of exhaustive information that is aimed to present the reader with a generalized perspective of the global Smart Connected Residential Water Heater market. Apart from the driving factors, there also are a few restraints that are explained in the report in the Smart Connected Residential Water Heater market. In spite of all these restraints, a positive aspect has been imparted in the form of better expectations for the Smart Connected Residential Water Heater market. Many readers want to know the extreme details about a market, and this has led our expert analysts to properly segregate the market into respective segments. Each segment has been described in detail, and reasons for leading segments have also been provided in the report. All the factors that are responsible for affecting these details segments are explained in-depth in this compilation.Global Smart Connected Residential Water Heater market competition by top manufacturers,with production,price,revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players includingA.O.SmithRheem ManufacturingRobert BoschGE AppliancesHaierMidea GroupRinnaiWhirlpoolTable of ContentsGlobal Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Market Research Report 20181 Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Smart Connected Residential Water Heater1.2 Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Segment by Type (Product Category)1.2.1 Global Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Production and CAGR (%) Comparison by Type (Product Category)(2013-2025)1.2.2 Global Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Production Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20171.2.3 WiFi Connect1.2.4 Ethernet Connect1.2.5 Others1.3 Global Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Segment by Application1.3.1 Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Consumption (Sales) Comparison by Application (2013-2025)1.3.2 Residential1.3.3 CommercialRead Complete Table of Content of the Report at:2 Global Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Market Competition by Manufacturers2.1 Global Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Capacity,Production and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.1.1 Global Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Capacity and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.1.2 Global Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Production and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.2 Global Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Revenue and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.3 Global Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Average Price by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.4 Manufacturers Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Manufacturing Base Distribution,Sales Area and Product Type2.5 Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Market Competitive Situation and Trends2.5.1 Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Market Concentration Rate2.5.2 Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Market Share of Top 3 and Top 5 Manufacturers2.5.3 Mergers & Acquisitions,Expansion3 Global Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Capacity,Production,Revenue (Value) by Region (2013-2018)3.1 Global Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Capacity and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)3.2 Global Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Production and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)3.3 Global Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Revenue (Value) and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)3.4 Global Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Capacity,Production,Revenue,Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.5 North America Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Capacity,Production,Revenue,Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.6 Europe Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Capacity,Production,Revenue,Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.7 China Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Capacity,Production,Revenue,Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.8 Japan Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Capacity,Production,Revenue,Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.9 Southeast Asia Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Capacity,Production,Revenue,Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.10 India Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Capacity,Production,Revenue,Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)4 Global Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Supply (Production),Consumption,Export,Import by Region (2013-2018)4.1 Global Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Consumption by Region (2013-2018)4.2 North America Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Production,Consumption,Export,Import (2013-2018)4.3 Europe Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Production,Consumption,Export,Import (2013-2018)4.4 China Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Production,Consumption,Export,Import (2013-2018)4.5 Japan Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Production,Consumption,Export,Import (2013-2018)4.6 Southeast Asia Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Production,Consumption,Export,Import (2013-2018)4.7 India Smart Connected Residential Water Heater Production,Consumption,Export,Import (2013-2018)...About delivers the latest strategic market intelligence to build a successful business footprint in China. Our syndicated and customized research reports provide companies with vital background information of the market and in-depth analysis on the Chinese trade and investment framework, which directly affects their business operations. Reports from feature valuable recommendations on how to navigate in the extremely unpredictable yet highly attractive Chinese market.Contact US:Brooklyn, NY 11230United StatesToll Free: 866-997-4948 (USA-CANADA)Tel: +1-518-618-1030Web:Email: Third Party Banking Software Market : Significant Profits Estimated to be Generated by 2025 Global Third Party Banking Software Market: SnapshotBanking has undergone a paradigm shift over the years on account the gigantic strides made in technology. From credit cards and ATMs to the latest chatbots, they are known to have leaned on technology heavily to improve operations, better serve customers, and thereby increase their profit margins. An emergent trend in that direction is leveraging third party banking software.A third party banking software helps them to reduce operational costs and hence enhance profits. It also helps them to better understand a customers changing demands and facilitate flexible operations. Commercial banks go for installation of third party software solutions to connect to a desired interbank network as well as to other modular software. Trading banks and retail banks, for example, use it to streamline their operations.Request Sample Copy of the Report@A third party banking software can serve as a core banking software, multi-channel banking software, business intelligence software solution, and private wealth management software. Increasing demand for standardized activities by the banking sector is the primary growth driver of the market for third party banking software worldwide. This is because of the rising complexity of even the basic banking activities. Besides, demand for sophisticated software solutions to manage various financial stuff using a very flexible process is also resulting in increased uptake of the software.From a geographical standpoint, Europe and North America are dominant regions in the global market for third party banking software. This is because of the amount of demand they generate and also because of being home to a copious number of important players.Global Third Party Banking Software Market: OverviewThird party banking software finds a massive scope of use for the automated and manual managing of nearly all bank functions to enhance the throughput and cut down on service time for its customers. The intention of implementing third party banking software solutions is to allow generally the commercial banks to connect to a desired interbank network as well as to other modular software. Based on functions, the global third party banking software market can be segmented into core banking software, business intelligence software solution, multi-channel banking software, and private wealth management software. Third party banking software is commonly used by trading banks and retail banks to streamline their operation.Request TOC of the Report @Global Third Party Banking Software Market: Top Trends and ProspectsThe global third party banking software market is currently being driven by factors such as the growing demand for standardized activities in the banking sector. There has been a sea of change in banking operations over the recent years and the growing complexity even basic banking activities has necessitated for efficient and competent banking software solutions. Banks today want advanced solutions in software which can help them handle all their financial needs through a highly flexible process. The economic crisis of the past decade has made a lot of large banking firms reevaluate their business and expansion strategies. A lot of them are progressing with the intention of adopting advanced risk management and information management systems, as long as they fall within the limitations set by the concerned national regulatory framework.However, the global third party banking software market is currently being stifled by the reluctance of several key banks due to the high costs of moving from legacy systems to the new automated systems. The task of upgrading existing systems is also a very crucial activity that involves the creation of complex system networks, therefore requiring a lot of skilled labor which is unfortunately in short supply currently.Read Comprehensive Overview of Report @Recent trends in the global third party banking software market show an increase in the implementation of online banking and mobile banking by customers. The users are showing a high level of inclination towards accessing their account details and perform financial actions and make transactions by using their smartphones, laptops, tablets and other handheld devices. this presents a vast scope of new opportunities for players in the global third party banking software market, especially in developing economies where the above trends have only just started to pick up pace.Global Third Party Banking Software Market: Region-wise OutlookNorth America and Europe have so far been the leaders of the global third party banking software market in terms of both demand volume and prominence of players. Both regions are expected to witness very high growth rates over the coming years. The growth rate of both regions is owed to a growth in the use of banking software solutions in various business activities as well as the large presence of globally leading financial institutes here. Asia Pacific, on the other hand, with its rapidly growing banking sectors and flourishing economies, is a promising market and is expected to show a substantial growth in this market.Global Third Party Banking Software Market: Key Companies Mentioned in the ReportSome of the leading players operating in the global third party banking software market include Sungard Ambit., Sopra Banking Software, Polaris Financial Technology, Path Solutions, Nucleus Software, Misys Plc., Jack Henry & Associates, Infosys Ltd., Fiserv Inc., FIS Group, Diasoft Software Solutions, Datapro Inc., Temenos Group AG., Tata Consultancy Services Ltd., SAP AG, and Oracle Corp.About UsTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.About UsTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Cyber Security Global Market 2018: Key Players Symantec, Intel, IBM, Cisco, Trend Micro Cyber Security IndustryDescriptionWiseguyreports.Com Adds Cyber Security -Market Demand, Growth, Opportunities and Analysis Of Top Key Player Forecast To 2022 To Its Research DatabaseCyber security, also referred to as information technology security, focuses on protecting computers, networks, programs and data from unintended or unauthorized access, change or destruction. Cyber security product include hardware, software product and cyber security service.A firewall is a network security system, either hardware- or software-based, that controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on a set of rules.An intrusion detection system (IDS) monitors network traffic and monitors for suspicious activity and alerts the system or network administrator. In some cases the IDS may also respond to anomalous or malicious traffic by taking action such as blocking the user or source IP address from accessing the network. IDS come in a variety of flavors and approach the goal of detecting suspicious traffic in different ways.Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) technology protects networks from both known and unknown threats, blocking attacks that might otherwise take advantage of network vulnerabilities and unpatched systems.The global Cyber Security market will reach Volume Million USD in 2017 and CAGR xx% 2011-2017. The report begins from overview of Industry Chain structure, and describes industry environment, then analyses market size and forecast of Cyber Security by product, region and application, in addition, this report introduces market competition situation among the vendors and company profile, besides, market price analysis and value chain features are covered in this report.Company Coverage (Sales Revenue, Price, Gross Margin, Main Products etc.):SymantecIntelIBMCiscoTrend MicroDellCheck PointJuniperKasperskyHPMicrosoftHuaweiPalo Alto NetworksFireEyeAlienVaultAVG TechnologiesFortinetESETVenustechH3CNSFOCUSRequest for Sample Report @Product Type Coverage (Market Size & Forecast, Major Company of Product Type etc.):Cyber Security SoftwareCyber Security HardwareCyber Security Service ProviderApplication Coverage (Market Size & Forecast, Different Demand Market by Region, Main Consumer Profile etc.):Financial industryAerospace, Defense and IntelligenceTelecommunicationRegion Coverage (Regional Output, Demand & Forecast by Countries etc.):North AmericaEuropeAsia-PacificSouth AmericaMiddle East & AfricaLeave a Query @Table of Content1 Industry Overview1.1 Cyber Security Industry1.1.1 Overview1.1.2 Development of Cyber Security1.2 Market Segment1.2.1 Upstream1.2.2 Downstream1.3 Cost Analysis2 Industry Environment2.1 Policy2.2 Economics2.3 Sociology2.4 Technology3 Cyber Security Market by Type3.1 Segment Overview3.1.1 Cyber Security Software3.1.2 Cyber Security Hardware3.1.3 Cyber Security Service Provider3.2 Market Size3.3 Market Forecast4 Major Companies List4.1 Symantec (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.)4.2 Intel (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.)4.3 IBM (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.)4.4 Cisco (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.)4.5 Trend Micro (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.)4.6 Dell (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.)4.7 Check Point (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.)4.8 Juniper (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.)4.9 Kaspersky (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.)4.10 HP (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.)4.11 Microsoft (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.)4.12 Huawei (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.)4.13 Palo Alto Networks (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.)4.14 FireEye (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.)4.15 AlienVault (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.)4.16 AVG Technologies (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.)4.17 Fortinet (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.)4.18 ESET (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.)4.19 Venustech (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.)4.20 H3C (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.)4.21 NSFOCUS (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.)5 Market Competition5.1 Company Competition5.2 Regional Market by Company6 Market Demand6.1 Demand Situation6.1.1 Demand in Financial industry6.1.2 Demand in Aerospace, Defense and Intelligence6.1.3 Demand in Telecommunication6.2 Regional Demand Comparison6.3 Demand Forecast7 Region Operation7.1 Regional Output7.2 Regional Market7.3 by Region7.3.1 North America7.3.1.1 Overview7.3.1.2 by Country (U.S., Canada, Mexico)7.3.2 Europe7.3.2.1 Overview7.3.2.2 by Country (Germany, U.K., France, Italy, Russia, Spain etc.)7.3.3 Asia-Pacific7.3.3.1 Overview7.3.3.2 by Country (China, India, Japan, Southeast Asia etc.)7.3.4 South America7.3.4.1 Overview7.3.4.2 by Country (Brazil, Argentina etc.)7.3.5 Middle East & Africa7.3.5.1 Overview7.3.5.2 by Country (Saudi Arabia, South Africa etc.)7.4 Regional Forecast8 Marketing & Price8.1 Price and Margin8.1.1 Price Trends8.1.2 Factors of Price Change8.1.3 Manufacturers Gross Margin Analysis8.2 Value Chain8.3 Marketing Channel9 Research ConclusionTable Upstream Segment of Cyber SecurityBuy Now @Continued...Contact Us: Sales@Wiseguyreports.Com Ph: +1-646-845-9349 (Us) Ph: +44 208 133 9349 (Uk)About Us:Wise Guy Reports Is Part Of The Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. And Offers Premium Progressive Statistical Surveying, Market Research Reports, Analysis & Forecast Data For Industries And Governments Around The Globe. Wise Guy Reports Features An Exhaustive List Of Market Research Reports From Hundreds Of Publishers Worldwide. We Boast A Database Spanning Virtually Every Market Category And An Even More Comprehensive Collection Of Market Research Reports Under These Categories And Sub-Categories.Addres:Wise Guy Research Consultants Pvt LtdPune 411028Maharashtra, GlobalPh: +91 841 198 5042 Global Micronized Ptfe Market Surge Valuation US$ 600 Mn by 2025-end Surging demand for micronized PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) from various industries such as medical, pharmaceutical, and automotive, is expected to drive growth of the global micronized PTFE market. A recent report by Persistence Market Research (PMR) estimated the global micronized PTFE market to register an impressive 6.1% CAGR during the forecast period 2017 to 2025. The market will reach revenues worth US$ 380.4 Mn in 2017, by 2025 this number is estimated to surpass US$ 600 Mn.Request to Sample of Report @Virgin-sourced PTFE will Remain Dominant in the Global Micronized PTFE MarketVirgin-sourced micronized PTFE is expected to remain dominant in the global market, in terms of volume. Sales of virgin-sourced micronized PTFE will reach nearly 50,000 MT by 2025-end. Demand for recycled-sourced micronized PTFE will remain sluggish in the market during the forecast period, owing to its limited usability, inferior quality, and environmental issues.Micronized PTFE will witness the highest demand for application in Ink, expanding at 7.3% CAGR through 2025, in terms of volume. In addition, coatings will be the second largest application for micronized PTFE by 2025-end. Sales of micronized PTFE in lubricant & grease application will exhibit the lowest CAGR through 2025.Pharmaceutical & Medical Industry will Continue to be the Largest End-User of Micronized PTFEPharmaceutical & medical industry will continue to be the largest end-user of micronized PTFE in the global market. In addition, sales of micronized PTFE in pharmaceutical & medical and electronics sector will witness parallel expansion at 6.9% CAGR. However, revenue from sales of micronized PTFE in electronics industry will remain comparative lower than pharmaceutical & medical industry.In terms of volume, Asia Pacific (APAC) will remain the largest market for micronized PTFE, with sales pegged to surpass 20,000 MT by 2025-end. Emerging economies in APAC are driving global demand for flexible packaging, thereby fostering demand for micronized PTFE. In addition, various construction projects are being undertaken in APAC, which in turn will fuel demand for micronized PTFE in this region.Western fluoropolymer producers are entering into partnership with APAC manufacturers who possess technological capabilities and produce high-purity fluorinated monomers. For example, Shanghai 3F New Materials has made a Joint Venture with DuPont in the recent past, for operation of fluorochemicals. These factors are further expected to drive growth of the global micronized PTFE market in APAC.Request Report for TOC @Micronized PTFE Manufacturers in Europe are focusing on Integrating Cutting-edge Technologies & Generating Value AdditionEurope will remain the second largest market for micronized PTFE, with sales expanding at 5.8% CAGR through 2025. Growth of Europes major sectors including packaging & textile, construction, automotive, electronics, maritime, aerospace, energy generation, and healthcare are expected to affect numerous important micronized PTFE end-users significantly in this region. Manufacturers are compelled in differentiating their products, owing to rapid growth of technology in the region. The manufacturers are focusing on integrating cutting-edge technologies and generating value addition to micronized PTFE quality, on the back of recent application developments across various end-use industries. This will further drive the market growth in Europe.Production and operation facilities of micronized PTFE in Europe are subject to extensive environmental health and safety laws & regulations. This is expected to incur increased costs for manufacturers, for complying with new regulatory requirements. This is estimated to curb the market growth of micronized PTFE in Europe.Leading market players identified in PMRs report include 3M Company, Chemours Company, Daikin Industries, Ltd., Gujrat Fluorochemicals Ltd, Maflon S.p.a, Micro Powder, Inc, Shamrock Technologies, Solvay S.A., China Based Players, JiangXi Aidmer Seal & Packing Co., Ltd, Shanghai 3F New Materials Co., Ltd.Report overview @About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a U.S.-based full-service market intelligence firm specializing in syndicated re-search, custom research, and consulting services. PMR boasts market research expertise across the Healthcare, Chemicals and Materials, Technology and Media, Energy and Mining, Food and Beverages, Semiconductor and Electronics, Con-sumer Goods, and Shipping and Transportation industries. The company draws from its multi-disciplinary capabilities and high-pedigree team of analysts to share data that precisely corresponds to clients business needs.ContactPersistence Market Research Pvt. Ltd305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: Phototherapy Lamps Market to Exceed A Value of US$ 4.1 Bn During 2017 - 2026 Increasing adoption of phototherapy as a safer option for treatment of skin disorders has propelled the sales of phototherapy lamps across the globe. According to a recent research report by Future Market Insights, the global phototherapy lamps market is anticipated to expand robustly at a CAGR of 6.8% during the forecast period. The report projects that by the end of 2026, more than US$ 4.1 Bn worth of phototherapy lamps will be sold across the globe.Regional insights from the report reveal that North America will dominate the global phototherapy lamps market in terms of revenues throughout the forecast period. The healthcare marketplace in the US and Canada has shown considerable rise in adoption of phototherapy as a safer treatment option for skin disorders. Consumer lifestyles in North America will continue to propel the incidence of common skin diseases, which will be mostly treated by the use of phototherapy lamps. In addition, robust infrastructure for adoption of phototherapy lamps has also supported the dominance of North America in the global market. The report reveals that in 2017, phototherapy lamps sold in the US and Canada will bring in nearly US$ 700 Mn in revenues.Request to View Sample Report @LED-based phototherapy lamps to register highest salesThe study reveals that LED-based phototherapy lamps are the top-selling products in the global market. Low risk of burns, cost-effective production, and easy installation will continue to drive the demand for LED-based phototherapy lamps in the foreseeable future. By the end of 2026, nearly US$ 1.6 Bn worth of revenues procured in the global phototherapy lamps market will be accounted by the LED segment. The study also reveals that the demand for UV-based phototherapy lamps will be impressive, while halogen lamps will lose traction towards the end of the forecast period.Skin care clinics to emerge as the largest end-user of phototherapy lampsThe report further reveals that hospitals will initially witness high traction in terms of end-users, but skin care clinics are projected to record the highest revenue share in the global market. By the end of 2026, phototherapy lamps used in skin care clinics is expected to bring in more than US$ 1.6 Bn revenues.Request For Table Of Content @Growing effectiveness of phototherapy in psoriasis treatment to drive the sales of phototherapy lampsOn the basis of their applications, phototherapy lamps will be predominantly used in the treatment of psoriasis. In 2017, phototherapy lamps sold for treatment of psoriasis across the globe are expected to bring in over half a billion dollars. Over the forecast period, the applications of phototherapy lamps in treatment of neonatal jaundice are likely to register fastest CAGR of 8.1%.Leading manufacturers of phototherapy lamps have been profiled in the report. Koninklijke Philips N.V., General Electric Company, Dragerwerk AG & Co. KGaA, Bistos Co. Ltd., TSE SPOL. S. R. O., The Daavlin Company, Fanem Ltda., Herbert Waldmann GmbH & Co. KG, Natus Medical Incorporated, and Schulze & Bohm GmbH are expected to actively partake in the expansion of the global phototherapy lamps market through 2026.Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes,technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends. technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.Future Market InsightsValley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Hydroponic Systems 2018 Global Industry Key Players Nelson and Pade Inc , Backyard Aquaponics , Aquaponics USA , PentairAES , Gothic Arch Greenhouses Market Analysis And Forecast To 2025 Global Hydroponic Systems Market Global Hydroponic Systems MarketIn this report, the global Hydroponic Systems market is valued at USD XX million in 2017 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2017 and 2025.Global Hydroponic Systems market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players includingNelson and Pade IncBackyard AquaponicsAquaponics USAPentairAESGothic Arch GreenhousesStuppyAquaponic SourceUrban Farmers AGPFASEcoGroAquaponic LynxAquaponics PlaceEndless Food SystemsAonefarmECF Farm SystemsJapan AquaponicsEvo FarmWater FarmersRequest a Sample Report @Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), market share and growth rate of Hydroponic Systems in these regions, from 2013 to 2025 (forecast), coveringNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaOn the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoDrip SystemEbb- Flow (Flood & Drain)N.F.T. (Nutrient Film Technique)Water CultureAeroponicsWick SystemOn the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, includingFarmlandGreenhouseOtherComplete Report Details @Table of Contents-Key Points CoveredGlobal Hydroponic Systems Market Research Report 20181 Hydroponic Systems Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Hydroponic Systems1.2 Hydroponic Systems Segment by Type (Product Category)1.2.1 Global Hydroponic Systems Production and CAGR (%) Comparison by Type (Product Category)(2013-2025)1.2.2 Global Hydroponic Systems Production Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20171.2.3 Drip System1.2.4 Ebb- Flow (Flood & Drain)1.2.5 N.F.T. (Nutrient Film Technique)1.2.6 Water Culture1.2.7 Aeroponics1.2.8 Wick System1.3 Global Hydroponic Systems Segment by Application1.3.1 Hydroponic Systems Consumption (Sales) Comparison by Application (2013-2025)1.3.2 Farmland1.3.3 Greenhouse1.3.4 Other1.4 Global Hydroponic Systems Market by Region (2013-2025)1.4.1 Global Hydroponic Systems Market Size (Value) and CAGR (%) Comparison by Region (2013-2025)1.4.2 North America Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.3 Europe Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.4 China Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.5 Japan Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.6 Southeast Asia Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.7 India Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5 Global Market Size (Value) of Hydroponic Systems (2013-2025)1.5.1 Global Hydroponic Systems Revenue Status and Outlook (2013-2025)1.5.2 Global Hydroponic Systems Capacity, Production Status and Outlook (2013-2025)7 Global Hydroponic Systems Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis7.1 Nelson and Pade Inc7.1.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.1.2 Hydroponic Systems Product Category, Application and Specification7.1.2.1 Product A7.1.2.2 Product B7.1.3 Nelson and Pade Inc Hydroponic Systems Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.1.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.2 Backyard Aquaponics7.2.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.2.2 Hydroponic Systems Product Category, Application and Specification7.2.2.1 Product A7.2.2.2 Product B7.2.3 Backyard Aquaponics Hydroponic Systems Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.2.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.3 Aquaponics USA7.3.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.3.2 Hydroponic Systems Product Category, Application and Specification7.3.2.1 Product A7.3.2.2 Product B7.3.3 Aquaponics USA Hydroponic Systems Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.3.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.4 PentairAES7.4.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.4.2 Hydroponic Systems Product Category, Application and Specification7.4.2.1 Product A7.4.2.2 Product B7.4.3 PentairAES Hydroponic Systems Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.4.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.5 Gothic Arch Greenhouses7.5.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.5.2 Hydroponic Systems Product Category, Application and Specification7.5.2.1 Product A7.5.2.2 Product B7.5.3 Gothic Arch Greenhouses Hydroponic Systems Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.5.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.6 Stuppy7.6.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.6.2 Hydroponic Systems Product Category, Application and Specification7.6.2.1 Product A7.6.2.2 Product B7.6.3 Stuppy Hydroponic Systems Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.6.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.7 Aquaponic Source7.7.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.7.2 Hydroponic Systems Product Category, Application and Specification7.7.2.1 Product A7.7.2.2 Product B7.7.3 Aquaponic Source Hydroponic Systems Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.7.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.8 Urban Farmers AG7.8.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.8.2 Hydroponic Systems Product Category, Application and Specification7.8.2.1 Product A7.8.2.2 Product B7.8.3 Urban Farmers AG Hydroponic Systems Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.8.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.9 PFAS7.9.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.9.2 Hydroponic Systems Product Category, Application and Specification7.9.2.1 Product A7.9.2.2 Product B7.9.3 PFAS Hydroponic Systems Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.9.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.10 EcoGro7.10.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.10.2 Hydroponic Systems Product Category, Application and Specification7.10.2.1 Product A7.10.2.2 Product B7.10.3 EcoGro Hydroponic Systems Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.10.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.11 Aquaponic Lynx7.12 Aquaponics Place7.13 Endless Food Systems7.14 Aonefarm7.15 ECF Farm Systems7.16 Japan Aquaponics7.17 Evo Farm7.18 Water FarmersContinued.Wise Guy Reports Is Part Of The Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. And Offers Premium Progressive Statistical Surveying, Market Research Reports, Analysis & Forecast Data For Industries And Governments Around The Globe. Wise Guy Reports Features An Exhaustive List Of Market Research Reports From Hundreds Of Publishers Worldwide. We Boast A Database Spanning Virtually Every Market Category And An Even More Comprehensive Collection Of Market Research Reports Under These Categories And Sub-Categories.Wise Guy Research Consultants Pvt LtdOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India Touch Screen Panels Market : Production & Consumption Professional Survey Report 2025 Global Touch Screen Panels Market:OverviewDeepening penetration of smartphones and tablet PCs has majorly boosted the demand for touch screen panels. This has led to the rise of many new manufacturers of touch screens, which has driven up the competition in the market, which in turn has literally precipitated a price war.The different touch-sensing technologies are projected capacitive, in-cell, resistive, and on-cell. Besides finding application in smartphones and tablet PCs, touch screens also are used in portable media players (PMPs), portable gaming devices, notebooks, personal navigation devices (PNDs), personal digital assistant (PDA), camcorders, e-book readers, digital signage, automotive, medical devices, wearable devices, and other consumer medical devices.A challenge facing the market for touch screen panels is problems associated with technical compatibilities of the touch screen panels when it comes to refresh rate, response time, and the consumption of power. To be able to refresh fast in a large screen, the touch screen panel has to cover a substantial surface area and collect data from all the intersections before processing it. The power consumption of a touch screen panel is another factor restricting faster fresh rates.Request Sample Copy of the Report@From a geographical perspective, Asia Pacific is the most attractive market that is poised to grow at a healthy clip in the near future. This is because of the nations of China and India accounting for a substantial sale of smartphones and also because of the numerous electronics manufacturing plants in Taiwan, China, and South Korea. Europe, North America, and Latin America are other key markets witnessing a steady uptick in demand.Global Touch Screen Panels Market: SnapshotWith the escalating demand for smartphones and tablet PCs, the market for touch panels, especially capacitive touch panels, has gained significant growth. The industry is experiencing entry of several new players leading to a price war and this represents a concern for market participants. Further, with the introduction of Windows 8, there has been an increased focus on providing touch functionality on laptops and PCs and this represents an opportunity for growth in touch panels market. Various application segments of touch panels include smartphones, tablet PCs, portable gaming devices, personal navigation devices (PNDs), portable media players (PMPs), personal digital assistant (PDA), notebooks, e-book readers, digital signage, camcorders, automotive, medical devices and other consumer medical devices.Request TOC of the Report @Various touch-sensing technologies include projected capacitive, resistive, in-cell, and on-cell. Depending upon the position of sensing layer, different categories of capacitive touch panels include cover window integrated touch, display integrated touch and add-ons. The end-users come from a wide range of industries such as consumer electronics, banking, automotive, healthcare, retail, industrial, and many others.The global market for touch screen panels is projected for robust growth rate during the forecast period of 2017 to 2025. This report is a comprehensive analysis of the market in its current scenario and presents figurate estimations of the opportunities available over the course of next nine years. The report also profiles some of the key vendors currently operation, presenting their market share, product portfolio, and strategic developments.Read Comprehensive Overview of Report @Global Touch Screen Panels Market: Trends and ProspectsAccording to a February 2016 report by Cisco, since the first camera mobile phone was introduced in 2000, the number of mobile users has escalated exponentially, and the figure is estimated to reach 5.5 billion by 2020, accounting for 70% of the global population. The demand from this vast population is the primary driver in the global touch screen panels market. The increasing application of touchscreens in wearable devices and automobiles is another factor positively favoring the market. In addition to it, another considerable opportunity in the future for the touch screen panels is the growing trends of touch screens in the educational and banking sectors as well as the Internet of Things (IoT).Conversely, issues pertaining to technical compatibilities of the touch screen panels with regard to refresh rate, response time, and the power consumption is expected to hinder the growth rate. In order to maintain fast refresh rates in a large screens, the touch screen panel needs to sweep greater surface area and collect data from all the intersections before processing it. The power consumption of a touch screen panel is another factor restricting faster fresh rates.Global Touch Screen Panels Market: Geographical OutlookAsia Pacific is currently the most lucrative and rapidly growing market driven by significantly high growth in smartphone sales and quick expansion of electronics manufacturing sector, especially in the regions including China, Taiwan and South Korea. North America, Europe and Latin America are also experiencing significant growth in demand.Key Players in the global touch screen panels market include AU Optronics Corp., Cando Corp., Chunghwa Picture Tubes Ltd., DMC Co., Ltd., JTOUCH Corporation, Cermate Technologies, Inc., SPK Electronics Co., Ltd., Top-Touch Electronics Co., Ltd., Innolux Corporation, Shantou Goworld Display Co. Ltd., HannsTouch Solution Incorporated, and LG Innotek, Ltd. among others.About UsTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Radionuclide Scanning Services Market : Global Snapshot by 2025 Radionuclide scanning also called nuclear medicine imaging is the test that scans internal body parts with the use of radioactive material. This overcomes the limitations of standard X-Ray systems to reach and scan every body part. A radionuclide is used as a label to the substance that accumulates in specific part of the body such as Iodine is used to make thyroid hormones and thus accumulates in the thyroid glands similarly, Diphosphonate accumulates where bone is repairing or rebuilding itself. The tracer is swallowed, inhaled or injected under the skin which emits gamma rays, so the doctors can detect the location of tracer by the use of special scanners or cameras. Highly qualified personnel are required for this process.Radionuclide scanning can be used to visualize images in 2D using Scintigraphy technique as well as in 3D representation using SPECT. Some of the commonly used radionuclides for the service include Iodine-131, Yttrium-90, Samarium-153, Fluorine-18 and many others.With the surge in the nuclear medicine imaging industry, the radionuclide scanning services market is also anticipated to increase during the forecast period. Furthermore, wide applications of the technique, painless diagnosis and in-depth analysis results in increasing the market.Request Sample Report@In most of the developing and under-developed countries, less popularity of the technique and high cost is the restraining factor for the market to grow in. The harmful effects of the radiations also hinders the growth in the diagnosis services market. Lack of skilled personnel for carrying out the diagnostic practices using radionuclide tracers is also a limiting factor in the market growth.Large number of players in the market increases the competition. R&D activities, continuous innovation and improvisation of the technique also helps in moving the market ahead. Providing safe, cost effective and reliable services is the demand in the market. The brand name of various service providers are attracting the business. Various marketing strategies are adopted by the service providers to lure the doctors and patients for the services.Download and View Report TOC, Figures and Tables @A geographic condition regarding the radionuclide scanning services market, it has been segmented into five key regions: North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Middle East & Africa. North America holds the largest market share in the radionuclide scanning services due to large number of service providers in the region, good reimbursement scenario and health facilities in the reach of most of the population.This is followed by Europe because of better healthcare infrastructure and large number of government funded hospitals and laboratories. Asia-Pacific is still considered to be the growing segment because of increasing number of service providers in the region, but does not meet the high population density in the region.The radionuclide service providers includes the hospitals and private laboratories. Some of the key players in the radionuclide scanning services market include Sonic Healthcare, Aditya Birla Health Services Ltd., Cleveland Clinic, The London Clinic, The GEL Group, Inc., Alliance Medical, Global Diagnostics and many others.Report overview @About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Acrylic Acid Market | Research Article Depicting Industry key Players Dynamics, Growth Factors, Segmentation, Regional Analysis 2017-2022 Acrylic Acid Market Acrylic Acid: Market IntroductionAcrylic acid, a specialty petrochemical which has formula CH2=CHOOH and CAS (Chemical Abstracts Services) Number 79-10-7. It is produced from propylene which is a byproduct of ethylene and gasoline production. Properties of acrylic acid includes colorless liquid, adaptable to low temperature, good weather ability, acidic odour easily miscible with water, alcohols, ethers, and chloroform. Owing to such properties the use is diverse in number of applications, namely surface coatings, sealants & adhesive, agriculture, plastic sheets, diapers and others.Super absorbent polymers represent about 63% of the market share of acrylic acid in U.S. which is slightly higher as compared to its market share in Australia. Acrylic acid is used in broad range of applications namely surface coatings, adhesive & sealants, textiles, paper coating, paint industry and cement modifiers. Surface coatings, such as paints contribute about 19% of the market. Solvent based coatings are being replaced by water based paints, as governments across the globe have restricted the use of volatile organic compound (VOCs). Due to this factor the market of surface coatings is growing at a faster pace. Adhesive and sealants are second largest segment accounting 15% of acrylic acid application. Acrylic acid esters are also used in other applications including modifiers for synthetic resins; emulsion and solutions for leather finishes and binders.Acrylic Acid: Market DynamicsThe global acrylic acid market is driven by growing application of super absorbent polymers which absorbs large amount of liquid in accordance with their own mass. Major applications of super absorbent polymer are in baby diapers, adult incontinence products and feminine hygiene products. Additionally, they are also used in agriculture industry. It is harmless, non-polluting and has super water absorbing and water preserving ability, while the absorbed water cannot be squeezed out in simply physical ways and it can release absorb water repeatedly. Superabsorbent polyarcylates are prepared by polymerizing acrylic acid with cross linker.Acrylic acid market has been growing due to increasing demand from emerging markets such as plastics, paper coatings, leather finishing and many others. However, acrylic acid has some setbacks that will hinder the growth of the market. Unstable price of raw materials and rising environment regulations such as clean air act and its implementing regulations, all these have allowed acrylic acid to be listed as a hazardous air pollutant (HAP) under Section 112 of the Clean Air Act, which is the state regulation that controls pollutants to the extent as required for achieving and maintaining national air quality standards, state-specific limitations, acute toxicity and air exposure limits. Due to these stringent regulations this market will face a sluggish growth in emerging countries.However, the key players of market are investing in research and development in acrylic acid and its derivatives with the purpose of increasing their product line by innovating bio-based acrylic polymers and by keeping a track of environment regulations and norms in order to sustain in the market.Get a Sample of this Research Article @Acrylic Acid: Market SegmentationFor the purpose of this study, Market Research Future has segmented the global acrylic acid market into Types, and End-Use.By Type: Acrylic Esters Methyl Acrylate Ethyl Acrylate Butyl Acrylate 2-Ethylhexyl Acrylate Acrylic Polymers Elastomers Superabsorbent Polymers Water Treatment PolymersBy End-User: Adhesives Diaper Paper coating Paint industry Cement modifiers OthersAcrylic Acid: Regional AnalysisAs per MRFR analysis Asia Pacific dominated the global acrylic acid market and has accounted for the largest share of the market in 2014. Asia Pacific market is followed by Europe and North America. Moreover, Asia Pacific acrylic acid market will witness growth above average with respect to demand of the same throughout the forecast period driven by strong growth in China and India due to the growing construction and building industry.In terms of volume, Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific are expected to witness robust growth during the forecast period. Availability of cheap labor, favorable weather conditions and governmental support are some of the factors driving the emulsion polymers market in these regions. Latin America, Europe and North America are also expected to experience significant growth of emulsion polymer market in near future.Asia Pacific dominates the market of acrylic acid to in terms of production in the year 2016 due to low cost of production and low feedstock prices as compared to cost of these in U.S. and Europe. North America stood second in terms of production in 2016, owing to increase in geriatric populations in U.S. and Canada the resulted in demand adult incontinence which demands for an increasing need of diapers that is leading to the increasing use of superabsorbent polyarcylates.Acrylic Acid: Prominent Market PlayersVarious key players present in global acrylic acid market includes The Lubrizol Corporation (U.S.), Formosa Plastics Corporation (U.S.), The Dow Chemical Company (U.S.), Evonik Industries AG (Germany), Cargill, Incorporated (U.S.), SIBUR International GmbH (Russia), Sasol Ltd.(South Africa), LG Chem LTD (South Korea), Arkema SA (France), BASF SE (Germany), Myriant Corporation (U.S.), and Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation (Japan).BASF had the highest share for acrylic acid in 2015, through expansion in bayport acrylic acid plant. Texas in U.S. has benefited the company in various factors since the site is situated alongside the Houston ship channel, which is a major petrochemical industry center along with it availability of cheap labour and raw materials. BASF has upheld their position in acrylic acid market. DOW Chemical Company had the second largest share for acrylic acid during 2015.MRFR Analyst view:Acrylic Acid market is expected to grow at a rapid pace. Super absorbent polymer is used in various industries specifically, in personal health care and the advancement of producing acrylic acid from biomass has caught the eye of many researcher owing to this the market of acrylic acid is expected to trigger the market growth for the forecasted period. In-addition, with the developing chemical industry in the developed and developing countries, the demand for acrylic acid is expected to boost in the near future. Companies such as BASF, DOW Chemical, Arkema SA., and Formosa Plastics Corporation has dominated the market. As per MRFR Analysis, the major market players have adapted various techniques in order to improve the process, resulting in lower production costs and reduced capital investment costs for new acrylic acid and ester plants.Read Article @About Market Research Future (MRFR) Analysis and ReportsMarket Research Future presents information about the Global Acrylic acid Market from 2014 to 2022 which mainly includes growth drivers, trends, restrains and how the market will grow in the future across the globe. In report, Market Research Future has focused on the current market scenario which includes market segmentation, market dynamics and competitive landscape along with company profiles.Every report by Market Research Future comprises of extensive primary research along with this detail analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders is also given to gain a deeper insight of the market and industry performance. The report gives a clear picture of current market scenario which includes past and estimated future market size in terms of value and volume, technological advancement, macro economical and governing factors in the market. The report provides detail information about and strategies used by top key players in the industry. The report also gives a broad study of different market segments and regions.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Contact:Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: A Community Newsblog written by Community Members Middletown's a big place, with a lot going on. We need your help to keep your neighbors informed. Come write or just give us a tip on your news, sports, arts, politics or events at - Help us to make the Middletown Eye the third eye people open every morning! Global Medical Tourism Market Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2017 - 2025 MRRSE Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) has been serving as an active source to cater intelligent research report to enlighten both readers and investors. This research study titled Medical Tourism Market Request a Free Sample Report @Medical tourism is also defined as the travel of patients from their home country to different destinations for the purpose of medical treatment. These medical services could be sophisticated treatments such as Cosmetology, Dentistry, Cardiology, Orthopedic surgery, Neurology, Oncology or even routine health check-ups. The medical tourism industry is emerging due to rise in healthcare expenditure in developed countries coupled with the availability of cost effective treatments in developing countries. The high cost of treatment in developed countries is seen as a prime reason for the migration of patients to other destinations.Medical tourism market is now targeted by many countries hospitals and governments worldwide for further growth and investment. Asia Pacific provides the best medical tourism market development and promotion example on a regional scale. Government tourism agency also working to increase medical tourism market where it is not yet established. As per OECD estimates, 50 million medical tourists travel worldwide annually. In 2016, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), stated that there were 17.1 million cosmetology procedures were in the U.S. alone. The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS) published that 9 percent surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures were increase worldwide over the last year. Approximately 23,626,909 cosmetic procedure were accounted in 2016 out of which 39 percent rise in labiaplasty.Low cost medical treatment demand and rise in compliance to international quality standards drive medical tourism market worldwide. Rise in health care costs in most of the developed countries is putting significant pressure on both health care providers and individuals. Health care access in several countries is regulated by government health care system and mired with delays and long waiting lists. According to the 2004 estimates of Institute of Medicine, around 18000 patients die each year as they could not afford treatment for conditions or diseases.The global medical tourism market can be segmented on the basis of medical treatment and region. On the bases of medical treatment, medical tourism market can be further segmented into Cosmetology, Dentistry, Cardiology, Orthopedic surgery, Neurology, Oncology and Others. Orthopedics is a branch of medicine which deals with conditions concerning bones and muscles. It majorly involves the surgical procedures for correcting the musculoskeletal system. Cosmetology is a branch of medicine which deals with the treatment options concerning skin, wrinkles, skin coloration, unwanted hair, plastic surgery, rhinoplasty and overall external appearance. A branch of medicine that is concern with the study, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disorders and conditions related to oral cavity called Dentistry. In term of revenue, Orthopedics segment held a significant share of the medical tourism market in 2016.Asia Pacific Emerges as Lucrative Market for Medical TourismIn terms of region, the medical tourism market can be segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. Asia Pacific is the leading market for global medical tourism market, followed by Europe, Latin America, Middle East & Africa and North America. In terms of revenue, the Thailand holds a major share of the medical tourism market in Asia Pacific region. The market in Europe is expanding rapidly, due to increase in the number of medical travel patient, especially in UK, Germany, Italy and France, Moreover, the market in Latin America and Middle East & Africa projected to expand significantly in the near future due to high medical treatment cost in United State and Europe region. Developing economies such as India and Thailand are projected to contribute to growth of the market in APAC between 2017 and 2025, due to better health care infrastructure, economic growth, increase in the number of insurance payers, growth of the private health care sector, and increase medical tourism education awareness.Outlook Complete Report with Table of Content @Key players operating in the medical tourism market are Bumrungrad International Hospital, Bangkok Chain Hospital, Asklepios Kliniken GmbH, Fortis Healthcare Limited, Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Limited, Mount Elizabeth Hospital, Jordan Hospital, The Ac?badem Hospitals Group, Al Rahba Hospital and KPJ Healthcare Berhad.About Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE)Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.Contact UsState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite:Read More Industry News At: Energy-efficient Window System Market 2018 Analysis and Forecast to 2022 In this report, the global Energy-efficient Window System market is valued at USD XX million in 2016 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2022, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2016 and 2022.Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), market share and growth rate of Energy-efficient Window System in these regions, from 2012 to 2022 (forecast), coveringRequest a Sample Report @North AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaGlobal Energy-efficient Window System market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players includingSaint-Gobain S.A.Asahi Glass Co. Ltd.YKK AP, Inc.Jeld-Wen Holdings, Inc.Nippon Sheet Glass Co. Ltd.PPG Industries, Inc.Masco CorporationBuilders Firstsource, Inc.Schott AGPly Gem Holdings, Inc.Central Glass Co., Ltd.BMC Stock Holdings, Inc.Associated Materials LLCApogee Enterprises, Inc.Deceuninck NVPGT, Inc.Turkiye Sise Ve Cam Fabrikalari A.S. (aioecam Group)VKR Holding A/SDrew Industries IncorporatedInwido ABChina Glass Holdings LimitedAnderson CorpoationAtrium CorporationGuardian Industries CorpHarvey Building ProductsKolbe & Kolbe Millwork Co., Inc.Marvin Windows and DoorsPella CorporationSoft-Lite, LLCUltraframe (UK) LtdOn the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoCoated GlassLow-e GlassSmart GlassOn the basis on the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate of Energy-efficient Window System for each application, includingResidentialCommercial BuildingMake an enquiry of this Report @If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.Table of ContentsGlobal Energy-efficient Window System Market Research Report 20171 Energy-efficient Window System Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Energy-efficient Window System1.2 Energy-efficient Window System Segment by Type (Product Category)1.2.1 Global Energy-efficient Window System Production and CAGR (%) Comparison by Type (Product Category)(2012-2022)1.2.2 Global Energy-efficient Window System Production Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20161.2.3 Coated Glass1.2.4 Low-e Glass1.2.5 Smart Glass1.3 Global Energy-efficient Window System Segment by Application1.3.1 Energy-efficient Window System Consumption (Sales) Comparison by Application (2012-2022)1.3.2 Residential1.3.3 Commercial Building1.4 Global Energy-efficient Window System Market by Region (2012-2022)1.4.1 Global Energy-efficient Window System Market Size (Value) and CAGR (%) Comparison by Region (2012-2022)1.4.2 North America Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.3 Europe Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.4 China Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.5 Japan Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.6 Southeast Asia Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.7 India Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.5 Global Market Size (Value) of Energy-efficient Window System (2012-2022)1.5.1 Global Energy-efficient Window System Revenue Status and Outlook (2012-2022)1.5.2 Global Energy-efficient Window System Capacity, Production Status and Outlook (2012-2022)2 Global Energy-efficient Window System Market Competition by Manufacturers2.1 Global Energy-efficient Window System Capacity, Production and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.1.1 Global Energy-efficient Window System Capacity and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.1.2 Global Energy-efficient Window System Production and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.2 Global Energy-efficient Window System Revenue and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.3 Global Energy-efficient Window System Average Price by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.4 Manufacturers Energy-efficient Window System Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area and Product Type2.5 Energy-efficient Window System Market Competitive Situation and Trends2.5.1 Energy-efficient Window System Market Concentration Rate2.5.2 Energy-efficient Window System Market Share of Top 3 and Top 5 Manufacturers2.5.3 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion3 Global Energy-efficient Window System Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2012-2017)3.1 Global Energy-efficient Window System Capacity and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)3.2 Global Energy-efficient Window System Production and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)3.3 Global Energy-efficient Window System Revenue (Value) and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)3.4 Global Energy-efficient Window System Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.5 North America Energy-efficient Window System Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.6 Europe Energy-efficient Window System Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.7 China Energy-efficient Window System Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.8 Japan Energy-efficient Window System Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.9 Southeast Asia Energy-efficient Window System Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.10 India Energy-efficient Window System Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)4 Global Energy-efficient Window System Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Region (2012-2017)4.1 Global Energy-efficient Window System Consumption by Region (2012-2017)4.2 North America Energy-efficient Window System Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.3 Europe Energy-efficient Window System Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.4 China Energy-efficient Window System Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.5 Japan Energy-efficient Window System Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.6 Southeast Asia Energy-efficient Window System Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.7 India Energy-efficient Window System Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)5 Global Energy-efficient Window System Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type5.1 Global Energy-efficient Window System Production and Market Share by Type (2012-2017)5.2 Global Energy-efficient Window System Revenue and Market Share by Type (2012-2017)5.3 Global Energy-efficient Window System Price by Type (2012-2017)5.4 Global Energy-efficient Window System Production Growth by Type (2012-2017)ContinuedPurchase Report @ABOUT US:Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports features an exhaustive list of market research reports from hundreds of publishers worldwide. We boast a database spanning virtually every market category and an even more comprehensive collection of market research reports under these categories and sub-categories.ADDRES:WISE GUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India Global LNG Carrier Market Report 2023: Market Segments, Size, Trend and Market projections for upcoming years Infinium Global Research Infinium Global Research has undertaken a new report on Global LNG Carriers Market. The report presents analysis global as well as regional markets of Agriculture drones over the period of 2015 to 2023 Moreover, the IGR-Growth Matrix given in the report provides key focus areas and investment areas the market players can focus on. The market size is presented in terms of value for the historic year 2015 and estimated for forecast period of 2017 to 2023.Get Free Sample Pages of this Report:Declining prices of natural gas means we could witness a three way battle between coal, crude and natural gas over becoming the choice of primary fuel. Although, not as cheap as coal and crude oil, the natural gas is a clean fuel and fits the global consensus of reducing the global carbon footprint. According to Exxon Mobil, the demand for natural gas which is essentially methane is expected to double by 2040, that is, more than for any other kind of fuel. Moreover, EIA forecasts that natural gas is likely to become a vital cog of future primary energy demand and is expected to account for nearly 29% of total primary energy consumed in the U.S. The surge in demand for natural gas is likely to have favorable impact on the midstream segment of oil and gas industry as the produced gas would be required to be shipped from production areas to the demand centers across the world. Gas carriers or what we call LNG vessels are of the prime choice while dealing with outbound gas transportation across oceans, and can (demand) experience strong tailwinds.A huge wave of upcoming LNG projects across Oceania and North America will certainly augment the demand for LNG Carrier. Shale gas boom in the U.S. has completely upturned the natural gas supply scenario. The U.S. which used to be one of the largest buyers of super chilled fuel is now converting its re-gasification terminals into the exporting (Liquefaction) terminals. Four LNG export terminals namely Corpus Christi, Cameron LNG Terminal, Cove Point and Freeport with combined capacity of more than 6 Bcf/d are under construction and are expected to be online before 2021. Once completed, these projects will certainly boost the demand for LNG carriers. Similarly several LNG projects are expected to come online before 2020 in Australia, that will make country one of the largest LNG producer across the globe. It is to be noted that there is a direct and a close linkage between the demand for natural gas and LNG carriers. Thus any factor enhancing demand or production of natural gas is bound to augment the demand for gas carriers as well.Get 15% discount for early purchase of Global LNG Carriers Market by region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and RoW) report onSegments CoveredSegmentation of the LNG carrier market can be done on the basis of capacity added per type of technology and geography. Prismatic Design, Moss Type and Membrane type are the major type of vessels used to transport LNG. Majority of the LNG Vessels are in between 4,400,000 to 4,800,000 cu ft. in capacity and contains facilities to maintain cryogenic temperatures for storage of natural gas.In this report the LNG carrier market is segmented by technology and further segmented by volume and revenue. By technology segmentation by volume and revenue covers moss type, prism type and membrane type.Companies Profiled Samsung Heavy Industries, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., STX Offshore & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., China State Shipbuilding Corporation Others.Reasons to buy this report1) Comprehensive analysis of global as well as regional markets of LNG carrier2) Complete coverage of all the product type and applications segments to analyze the trends, developments, and forecast of market size up to 2023.3) Comprehensive analysis of the companies operating in this market. The company profile includes analysis of product portfolio, revenue, SWOT analysis and latest developments of the company.4) Infinium Global Research- Growth Matrix presents analysis of the product segments and geographies that market players should focus to invest, consolidate, expand and/or diversify.About Us:Infinium Global Research and Consulting Solutions is started with a single motto of being business partner of first choice. We at Infinium work on the strengths of our clients to ensure we help them consolidate their market position. We firmly believe in the fact that if you are able to develop newer opportunities then you find there is no dearth of opportunities for you.Contact Us:Infinium Global ResearchGoyal Shinde Park, Bhau Patil Road,Bopodi, Pune-411 020.U.S. + Canada Toll Free: 1-800-638-0796Email: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Key Players Axikin Pharmaceuticals In, Bayer AG,Beech Tree Labs Inc, Cytokinetics Inc and F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd Analysis and Forecast to 2022 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)OverviewChronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a group of lung diseases. It is characterized by inability to completely breathe out air from the lungs leading to shortness of breath. The airflow to the lungs is further blocked. Other symptoms include cough, fatigue and chest pain.The disease tends to worsen over the time hence increasing the complications. The risk factors involved in causing COPD include smoking as the primary reason. Exposure to chemicals and air pollution also contribute in the development of COPD.Click here for sample report @Top Companies mentionedAxikin Pharmaceuticals IncBayer AGBeech Tree Labs IncCytokinetics IncDaiichi Sankyo Co LtdErrant Gene Therapeutics LLCHoffmann-La Roche LtdGalapagos NVHumanigen InciCeutica IncMajor HighlightPharmaceutical and Healthcare latest pipeline guide Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) - Pipeline Review, H2 2017, provides comprehensive information on the therapeutics under development for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (Respiratory), complete with analysis by stage of development, drug target, mechanism of action (MoA), route of administration (RoA) and molecule type. The guide covers the descriptive pharmacological action of the therapeutics, its complete research and development history and latest news and press releases.The Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (Respiratory) pipeline guide also reviews of key players involved in therapeutic development for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and features dormant and discontinued projects.The guide covers therapeutics under Development by Companies /Universities /Institutes, the molecules developed by Companies in Pre-Registration, Filing rejected/Withdrawn, Phase III, Phase II, Phase I, Preclinical, Discovery and Unknown stages are 6, 1, 13, 37, 23, 84, 23 and 1 respectively. Similarly, the Universities portfolio in Preclinical and Discovery stages comprises 9 and 1 molecules, respectively.Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) pipeline guide helps in identifying and tracking emerging players in the market and their portfolios, enhances decision making capabilities and helps to create effective counter strategies to gain competitive advantage.ContinuedFor Detailed Reading Please visit @Wise Guy Reports understand how essential statistical surveying information is for your organization or association. Therefore, we have associated with the top publishers and research firms all specialized in specific domains, ensuring you will receive the most reliable and up to date research data available. We also provide COTS (Commercial off the Shelf) business sector reports as custom exploration agreeing your particular needs.WISEGUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersPune - 411028Maharashtra, India Global Digital Publishing And Content Streaming Market 2018 Key Players: Adobe, Xerox, Google Play, Georg von Holtzbrinck, RELX. Digital Publishing And Content Streaming Market Digital Publishing And Content Streaming adds Digital Publishing And Content Streaming Market 2018 Global Analysis, Growth, Trends and Opportunities Research Report Forecasting to 2023reports to its database.Executive SummaryDigital Publishing And Content Streaming Market Global Report 2018 from The Business Research Company provides the strategists, marketers and senior management with the critical information they need to assess the global digital publishing and content streaming market.Where is the largest and fastest growing market for the digital publishing and content streaming? How does the market relate to the overall economy, demography and other similar markets? What forces will shape the market going forward? The digital publishing and content streaming market global report from the Business Research Company answers all these questions and many more.The report covers market characteristics, size and growth, segmentation, regional and country breakdowns, competitive landscape, market shares, trends and strategies for this market. It traces the markets historic and forecast market growth by geography. It places the market within the context of the wider media market, and compares it with other markets. The market characteristics section of the report defines and explains the market. The market size section gives the market size ($b) covering both the historic growth of the market and forecasting the future. Drivers and restraints looks at the external factors supporting and controlling the growth of the market. Market segmentations break down market into sub markets. The regional and country breakdowns section gives an analysis of the market in each geography and the size of the market by geography and compares their historic and forecast growth. It covers all the regions, key developed countries and major emerging markets. It draws comparisons with country populations and economies to understand the importance of the market by country and how this is changing. Competitive landscape gives a description of the competitive nature of the market, market shares, and a description of the leading companies. Key financial deals which have shaped the market in recent years are identified. The trends and strategies section highlights the likely future developments in the market and suggests approaches companies can take to exploit this. The digital publishing and content streaming market section of the report gives context. It compares the digital publishing and content streaming market with other segments of the digital publishing and content streaming market by size and growth, historic and forecast. It analyses Expenditure Per Capita, The Digital Publishing And Content Streaming Market Indicators Comparison.Request Sample Report @ScopeMarkets Covered: Content Streaming; Digital PublishingCompanies Mentioned: Adobe, Xerox, Google Play, Georg von Holtzbrinck, RELXCountries: Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Spain, Russia, UK, USA and Australia.Regions: Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East And AfricaTime series: Five years historic and forecast.Data: Ratios of market size and growth to related markets, GDP, Expenditure Per Capita, The Digital Publishing And Content Streaming Market Indicators Comparison.Data segmentations: country and regional historic and forecast data, market share of competitors, market segments.Sourcing and Referencing: Data and analysis throughout the report is sourced using end notes.Table of Content1. Digital Publishing And Content Streaming Market Characteristics2. Digital Publishing And Content Streaming Market Size And Growth3. Digital Publishing And Content Streaming Trends And Strategies;4. Pestle Analysis 5. Digital Publishing And Content Streaming Market Customer Information;6. Digital Publishing And Content Streaming Market Regional And Country Analysis7. Digital Publishing And Content Streaming Market Segmentation8. Digital Publishing And Content Streaming Market Segments9. Global Digital Publishing And Content Streaming Market Comparison With Macro Economic Factors10. Digital Publishing And Content Streaming Market Comparison With Macro Economic Factors Across Countries11. Asia-Pacific Digital Publishing And Content Streaming Market12. Western Europe Digital Publishing And Content Streaming Market13. Eastern Europe Digital Publishing And Content Streaming Market14. North America Digital Publishing And Content Streaming Market15. South America Digital Publishing And Content Streaming Market16. Middle East Digital Publishing And Content Streaming Market17. Africa Digital Publishing And Content Streaming Market18. Digital Publishing And Content Streaming Market Competitive Landscape18.1. Company Profiles18.2. Adobe18.2.1. Overview18.2.2. Products And Services18.2.3. Strategy18.2.4. Financial Performance18.3. Xerox18.3.1. Overview18.3.2. Products And Services18.3.3. Strategy18.3.4. Financial Performance18.4. Google Play18.4.1. Overview18.4.2. Products And Services18.4.3. Strategy18.4.4. Financial Performance18.5. Georg von Holtzbrinck18.5.1. Overview18.5.2. Products And Services18.5.3. Strategy18.5.4. Financial Performance18.6. RELX18.6.1. Overview18.6.2. Products And Services18.6.3. Strategy18.6.4. Financial Performance19. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Digital Publishing And Content Streaming Market20. Market Background: Web Content, Search Portals And Social Media Market21. AppendixReasons to Purchase Outperform competitors using accurate up to date demand-side dynamics information. Identify growth segments for investment. Facilitate decision making on the basis of historic and forecast data and the drivers and restraints on the market. Create regional and country strategies on the basis of local data and analysis. Stay abreast of the latest customer and market research findings Benchmark performance against key competitors. Develop strategies based on likely future developments. Utilize the relationships between key data sets for superior strategizing. Suitable for supporting your internal and external presentations with reliable high quality data and analysis Gain a global perspective on the development of the market. Report will be updated with the latest data and delivered to you within 3-5 working days of order.ContinuousFor further information on this report, visit Contact Us:Norah Trentsales@wiseguyreports.comPh: +1-646-845-9349 (US); +44 208 133 9349 (UK)About Us:Wise Guy Reports Is Part Of The Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. And Offers Premium Progressive Statistical Surveying, Market Research Reports, Analysis & Forecast Data For Industries And Governments Around The Globe. Wise Guy Reports Features An Exhaustive List Of Market Research Reports From Hundreds Of Publishers Worldwide. We Boast A Database Spanning Virtually Every Market Category And An Even More Comprehensive Collection Of Market Research Reports Under These Categories And Sub-Categories.Addres:WISEGUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersPune - 411028Maharashtra, IndiaPhone :+91 841 198 5042 Logistic Software Market is expected to reach USD 17.76 Billion by Forecast to 2023 Market Highlights:The key players in the global logistic software market include- Advantech Corporation, Digilogistics, UTI Worldwide Inc., Hexaware Technologies, IBM Corporation, JDA Software, Oracle, Samsung Electronics Co, SAP AG, and Tech Mahindra among others.Regionally, Asia Pacific accounted for the largest market share from countries such China, India, and Japan among others. The reason is attributed to growing demand for high technology adoption and growing electronic industry in the region. However, Asia Pacific is expected to grow over the forecast period, 2017-2023.The global logistic software market can be bifurcated as software type, end-user, and region. Based on software type, the market is segmented into warehouse management, labor management, transportation management and data management.The applications covered by the logistic software include automotive, government & defense, healthcare, telecommunication and it, industrial, engineering and manufacturing, oil & gas and others. Geographically, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of the World. The regional segment is further bifurcated into U.S., Canada, Mexico, UK, France, Germany, China, Japan and India. The booming healthcare and telecommunication & IT industry in North America helps to grow the logistics software demand in North America. Asia Pacific is expected to be the fastest growing market due to the increasing industrialization and digitalization in the emerging countries like India and Japan.Furthermore, factors such as benefits if using Logistics Software Market such as cost and time saving, proper management of labors and emergence of digital technology in developing regions is growing demand of logistic software market at fast pace. However, some security and safety issues are the factors hampering the growth of the overall market.The global logistic software market is highly competitive. Various established international brands, domestic brands and as well as new entrants form a competitive landscape. The key players are nonstop increasingly seeking market expansion through various strategic mergers and acquisitions, innovation, increasing investments in research and development and cost-effective software portfolio. The logistic software market is highly competitive due to the presence of several large vendors.Request a Sample Report @Major Key Players: Advantech Corportion Digilogistics UTI Worldwide Inc Hexaware Technologies IBM Corporation JDA Software Oracle Samsung Electronics Co SAP AG Tech MahindraRegional Analysis:The global logistic software market is expected to grow significantly over the forecast period, 2017-2023. Logistic software segment market globally drives the market majorly due to growing industries like automotive, oil & gas etc. Technological advancement in logistic as well as manufacturing field coupled with increasing digitalization are expected to grow the market at fast pace.The global logistic software market segmented into four main regions such as North America, Asia-Pacific, Europe and Rest of the World. These regions are further bifurcated into various countries including U.S., Canada, Mexico, UK, France, Germany, China, Japan and India.North America region hold the largest share of the total logistic software market in terms of revenue followed by Europe. It is due to the presence of some high technology adoption in the region. U.S., Canada and Mexico are countries mainly contributing in the North America logistic software market. The North American system of transportation and logistics is emerging as an outcome of changes in trade and industries. The development of a globally oriented production and distribution system coupled with growing import export activities in countries increases the need of logistic software market.Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, The United Kingdom and Sweden are the leading logistics countries in Europe as consider to the quality of transport infrastructure, efficiency of clearance process and the timeliness of shipments. The development in relationship among European countries and the international import export activities will affect the European logistics market in coming year. This will affect the demand of logistic softwares in Europe positively.Asia-Pacific region is expected to grow over the forecast period due to the emerging countries like India and Japan. China is the worlds largest automobile production country due to which Asia Pacific is expected to dominate the global logistic software market in coming years. The rapid industrialization in Asia Pacific, particularly in China helps to grow the logistic software market in Asia Pacific. Furthermore, launch of the Make in India Initiative, India is poised to become the next global design and manufacturing hub which will expand the logistic software market in Asia Pacific. 'Make in India' program is providing lot of job opportunities in the country. India is notes as a one of the fastest growing economy in the world.SegmentsFor the purpose of this study, Market Research Future has segmented the market of Logistic Software into software type, end-users and region.By Software Type Warehouse management Labor management Transportation management Data managementBy End-user Automotive Government & Defense Healthcare Telecommunication and IT Industrial, Engineering and Manufacturing Oil and Gas OthersBy RegionNorth America U.S. Canada MexicoEurope UK France Germany Rest of EuropeAsia-Pacific China Japan India Rest Of Asia PacificBrowse Full Report Details @Intended Audience Device manufacturers Network Operators Mobile manufacturer Government Agencies Security Agencies End-user sectors Communication operators DefenseTable of Contents1 Market Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 Scope of Study1.2.1 Research Objective1.2.2 Assumptions1.2.3 Limitations1.3 Market Structure2 Research Methodology2.1 Research Network Technology Software2.2 Primary Research2.3 Secondary Research2.4 Forecast Model2.4.1 Market Data Collection, Analysis & Forecast2.4.2 Market Size EstimationContinued..List of TablesTable 1 Logistic Software Market, By Software TypeTable 2 Logistic Software Market, By End-UserTable 3 Logistic Software Market, By GeographyContinued..List of FiguresFigure 1 Research MethodologyFigure 2 Logistic Software Market, By Software Type (%)Figure 3 Logistic Software Market, By End-User (%)Continued..About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Contact:Market Research FutureOffice No. 524/528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Managed DNS Services Market 2017: Company Profiles, Segments, Landscape and Demand by Forecast to 2027 Global Managed DNS Services Market Overview:Some of the major functions of DNS include locating IP addresses to specific site names, and then storing this data. This process is also known as maintaining records. Second function is to distribute the DNS over a vast network of connections, and a DNS can also store a vast library of records. DNS is the term used to define a database and, most importantly, a database that can be easily shared. This is because each server holds only a minor portion of the host name to IP address mapping details.DNS is a distributed, coherent, reliable, autonomous, hierarchical database, the first and only one of its kind. The Domain Name System (DNS) translates Internet domain and host names to IP addresses and vice versa. On the Internet, DNS automatically converts between the names we type in our Web browser address bar to the IP addresses of Web servers hosting those sites. Larger corporations also use DNS to manage their own company intranet. Home networks use DNS when accessing the Internet but do not use it for managing the names of home computers.Managed DNS Services Market is so widely used and is typically the first point of contact between a user and an application, it can be utilized to extend the plane of control far beyond the confines of the data center where legacy appliances tend to dominate to the extreme edge of the Internet. Developers are now managing failover, disaster recovery, load-shedding, load-balancing, and traffic management functions at points much closer to the end user. By doing so, they are improving performance while creating a new orchestration layer far away from the core application itself, thereby boosting resiliency.The major growth driver of Managed DNS Services Market includes growing e-businesses which also developing need for largest domain name registry, rising competition in enterprise market and growing DNS infrastructure in the organizations to improve performance and streamline management among others.Request a Sample @Global Managed DNS Services Market Regional Analysis:North-America is dominating the Global managed DNS services market and is expected to dominate the market from 2017 to 2027 because this region accounts for the major chunk of the DDI solutions and services market, and the region is considered to be one of the most advanced regions with regards to the technology adoption and infrastructure. Asia Pacific is expected to be the fastest growing market for managed DNS services currently, followed by North America. Furthermore, Asia Pacific is probable to grow at a significant rate owing to the proliferation of mobile devices, high density of population and internet usage in the region is expected to contribute to the growth of industry. The growth adoption of 4G and upcoming 5G networks solution is estimated to increase the average internet connection speeds owing to achieve effective IPAM solutions to manage the various IP address pools. This is expected to increase the demand of DDI (DNS, DHCP and IP address management) Market during the forecast period from 2017- 2027.Major Key Players:VeriSign Inc(U.S.), Dyn Inc (U.S.), Neustar (U.S.), ultraDNS (U.S.), Akamai (U.S.), Cloud flare (U.S.), DNS made easy (U.S.), Easy DNS (U.S.), AWS route 53 (U.S.), and Cotendo Advanced DNS (U.S.) are some of the prominent players profiled in MRFR Analysis and are at the forefront of competition in the Global Mobile Security Market.Industry News:December, 2017 - RedLegg, a global partner for managed and cyber security services, announces new partnerships with Value Added Resellers. RedLegg provides a Channel Partner Program with comprehensive advisory solutions for real-world data protection and security challenges. The partnership with VARs and RedLegg will enable VARs to add additional security services to their already comprehensive full-service technology companiesDecember, 2017 - Advanced Technology Services, Inc. (ATS), a leading global manufacturing services and IT solutions provider, acquired Innovative Technology Solutions, LLC (ITS), an IT managed services and technology consulting company. The two companies will continue to operate independently with their current workforces and brands, but the acquisition creates new opportunities for both.Global Managed DNS Services Market Competitive Analysis:The Market of managed DNS services appears to be highly competitive. To maintain their market position and to drive the market growth, various dynamic and diversified international organizations, domestic organizations and as well as new entrants form a competitive landscape. Market leaders are innovating continuously and increasingly seeking market expansion through various strategic mergers and acquisitions, innovation, increasing investments in research and development and cost-effective product portfolio. Major players are investing on internal R&D and, most of all, in acquiring other firms.Global Managed DNS Services Market - SegmentationThe managed DNS services market can be segmented in to 3 key dynamics for the convenience of the report and enhanced understanding;Segmentation by Type: Recursive DNS and Authoritative DNSSegmentation by Server Provider: Comprises enterprise service provider, self service providerSegmentation by Regions: Comprises Geographical regions - North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of the World.Browse Full Report Details @About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.ContactMarket Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Blockchain Sales Market: Latest Industry Trends and Global Insights, 2018-2022 - Microsoft Corporation, IBM Corporation, Ripple Provue Market Research has recently declared the expansion of "Worldwide Blockchain Sales Detailed Analysis Report 2017-2022" that gives the market study of " Blockchain Sales across the global, regional and country level. The exploration report displays a far reaching diagram of market and development patterns of this industry in the coming years. The report provides 360 analysis of "Blockchain Sales Market" from view of manufacturers, regions, product types and end industries. The research report analyses and provides the historical data along with current status of the global Blockchain Sales industry, and estimates the future trend of Blockchain Sales market on the basis of this detailed study.Request Sample:This report mainly covers volume and value market share by players, by regions, by product type, by consumers and also their price change details. As a Detailed Analysis report, it covers all details inside analysis and opinion in Blockchain Sales industry.Global Blockchain Sales Market Report 20171 Blockchain Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Blockchain1.2 Classification of Blockchain by Product Category1.2.1 Global Blockchain Market Size (Sales) Comparison by Type (2012-2022)1.2.2 Global Blockchain Market Size (Sales) Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20161.2.3 Public Blockchain1.2.4 Private Blockchain1.2.5 Consortium Blockchain1.3 Global Blockchain Market by Application/End Users1.3.1 Global Blockchain Sales (Volume) and Market Share Comparison by Application (2012-2022)1.3.2 Financial Services1.3.3 Non-financial Sector1.4 Global Blockchain Market by Region1.4.1 Global Blockchain Market Size (Value) Comparison by Region (2012-2022)1.4.2 United States Blockchain Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.3 China Blockchain Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.4 Europe Blockchain Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.5 Japan Blockchain Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.6 Southeast Asia Blockchain Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.7 India Blockchain Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.5 Global Market Size (Value and Volume) of Blockchain (2012-2022)1.5.1 Global Blockchain Sales and Growth Rate (2012-2022)1.5.2 Global Blockchain Revenue and Growth Rate (2012-2022)Browse Report:2 Global Blockchain Competition by Players/Suppliers, Type and Application2.1 Global Blockchain Market Competition by Players/Suppliers2.1.1 Global Blockchain Sales and Market Share of Key Players/Suppliers (2012-2017)2.1.2 Global Blockchain Revenue and Share by Players/Suppliers (2012-2017)2.2 Global Blockchain (Volume and Value) by Type2.2.1 Global Blockchain Sales and Market Share by Type (2012-2017)2.2.2 Global Blockchain Revenue and Market Share by Type (2012-2017)2.3 Global Blockchain (Volume and Value) by Region2.3.1 Global Blockchain Sales and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)2.3.2 Global Blockchain Revenue and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)2.4 Global Blockchain (Volume) by ApplicationInquiry for Buying:3 United States Blockchain (Volume, Value and Sales Price)3.1 United States Blockchain Sales and Value (2012-2017)3.1.1 United States Blockchain Sales and Growth Rate (2012-2017)3.1.2 United States Blockchain Revenue and Growth Rate (2012-2017)3.1.3 United States Blockchain Sales Price Trend (2012-2017)3.2 United States Blockchain Sales Volume and Market Share by Players3.3 United States Blockchain Sales Volume and Market Share by Type3.4 United States Blockchain Sales Volume and Market Share by ApplicationAbout Us:Provue Market Research is a single destination for all the industry, company and country reports. We feature large repository of latest industry reports, leading and niche company profiles, and market statistics released by reputed private publishers and public organisations. We provide our clients not only with market statistics unveiled by avowed private publishers and public organisations but also with vogue and newest industry reports along with pre-eminent and niche company profiles.Contact Us:Provue Research14715 Prairie Ave,Lawndale, CA, 90260,California USATel:- +18889204862Email: info@provueresearch.comWeb: New Horizons in the Internet Of Things (IoT) Microcontroller Market- Growth Insights and Forecast to 2023 The significant factor for the growth of IoT in microcontroller is growing internet of things (IoT) industry. The internet of things refers to the network of various physical objects using sensors, embedded actuators, and other devices which can transmit or collect the information about the objects. The data collected from these devices are analyzed for enhancing the services, products and operations.IoT is witnessing huge adoption across the several applications which include smart appliances, industrial automation, home automation, smart grids and smart cities. Increasing number of connected devices globally, has led the significant development of high performance microcontrollers for various IoT applications. Furthermore, emerging trend of miniaturization of electronic devices is also expected to spur the market growth.Request For Free Sample Of The Report @Increasing commercialization and frequent innovations for products ranging from advanced medical monitoring systems to the sensors in automobiles is expected to exhibit higher gains over the forecast period. Furthermore, growing demand for the automation in downstream industries, deployment of smart meter across the commercial and residential sectors for observing the consumption of energy is also anticipated to impact the market in a positive manner.The IoT Microcontroller is segregated based on the products, applications and region. The microcontrollers used in the industry are 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit and the application of the market are consumer electronics and home appliances, automotive, industrial automation, and medical. The regions included are North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa and Latin America.The penetration of the 32-bit microcontroller is higher in comparison to 16-bit and 8-bit microcontroller owing to their higher performance capability, ease of use, static power consumption and higher processing power than other microcontrollers. The segment is expected to hold the major share, since the 32-bit microcontroller can send real-time sensor data over an IP-based network.High cost involvement in R&D and huge competition in the industry are projected to hinder the growth of market. Also, a huge number of startups are expected to enter to the field, since the IoT is a booming industry, thus further increasing the competition among the industry players.Asia Pacific region is anticipated to capture a major share in the market and is also expected to maintain its dominance during the forecast period. Smart home and consumer electronics sectors are expected to be the key factors driving the industry. Furthermore, increasing adoption of new technologies by end-user industries, in the countries such as China and India are also projected to witness growth in the upcoming period.Obtain Report Details @Key players in the industry include Atmel Corporation, Fujitsu, Microchip Technology, Samsung, NXP Semiconductors, and Texas Instruments. Other players include ARM, Broadcom Corporation, Infineon Technologies, Silicon Labs and STMicroelectronics. The market is highly competitive in nature with numerous brands trying to increase their share in the market and is highly technology driven pushed by rising number of connected devices. Mergers and acquisitions are the most prominent trend followed by the companies for gaining the competitive edge in the market.About Us-Xpodence Research have the most extensive collection of market research reports of many categories. Xpodence Research provides the best market research solution for every industry by publishing the best possible results of great market research firms worldwide. For every particular problem, theres a particular solution, so according to the customer needs, we provide the best possible results to them from different market research organization, whether its a Custom Research or Syndicated Research reports because the product that wins is the one that bridges customers to the future, not the one that requires a giant leap.Every organization, whether it is related to Pharmaceuticals, Technology, Eatables, Consumable Goods and many more demands a market research results so that they can take important decisions for more productivity and better output in this swift world. Xpodence Research gives the best possible outcome, perfect forecast, analysis and insights of market research in the form of report which is beneficial for various organisations and also to the manufacturing companies in taking the best decisions for quality production.Contact Us-Xpodence ResearchUSA Office244 , Madison AvenueNew York City, NY - 10016United StatesUK Office109 ,Straford Street,LeedsWest Yorkshrie LS11 6JGUnited KingdomToll Free +1- Global Tissue Diagnostic Market Anticipated to Surge at a CAGR of 9.5% Through 2024 MRRSE New research report offers a comprehensive analysis of the Tissue Diagnostic Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 2016 - 2024The main objective of this report is to deliver insightful information and clear-cut facts pertaining to the growth trajectories of the market.Request to view Sample Report @Global Tissue Diagnostic Market: SnapshotWith the increased prevalence of cancer, the market for tissue diagnostics has a gained significant impetus across the world. The infrastructural development in the medical and healthcare industry is another important factor that has boosted the global tissue diagnostics market substantially over the past few years.Over the forthcoming years, the rising trend of the quantitative and qualitative analyses of tissue samples, discovery of target specific antibodies in the biopharmaceutical industry, and the growing awareness about tissue diagnosis in emerging economies are expected to act as the most prominent factors behind the growth of this market. Thanks to these factors, the market, which stood at US$3.57 bn in 2015, is estimated to expand at a 9.50% CAGR between 2016 and 2024 and touch a value of US$8.02 bn by the end of 2024.Tissue Diagnostic Instruments to Continue Enjoying Strong DemandThe two main products available in the global tissue diagnostic market are instruments and kits. Among the two, instruments surfaced as the key contributor to this market in 2015, holding a share of more than 77%. With the high usage of tissue diagnostic instruments in labs, hospitals, and diagnostic centers for faster and accurate analysis, their demand is anticipated to increase remarkably over the next few years, maintaining the lead of this product segment. The continual advancements in these instruments, such as reduction in equipment size and increased functionality, coupled with reasonable pricing, are projected to add to the growth of this segment in the years to come.Hospitals, research laboratories, ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs), and diagnostic centers are the prime end users of tissue diagnostic products and services. Hospitals, with a majority share, has acquired the position of the leading contributor to this market and is anticipated to retain this over the forthcoming years. The increasing prevalence of cancer, especially various forms of tissue sarcoma, rising healthcare expenditure in emerging as well as developed countries, and the expanding base of the geriatric population are expected to drive the demand for tissue diagnostic products and services in hospitals and other end users in the near future.Browse Full Report with TOC @North America to Report Continued DominanceThe Middle East and Africa, Europe, North America, Latin America, and Asia Pacific have emerged as the predominant geographical segments of the worldwide tissue diagnostic market. With a share of around 40%, North America registered dominance over these in 2015, thanks to a well-established pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry and the increase in research activities. Analysts predict that this regional market will remain on the top over the next few years on the grounds of the surging research capital, introduction of improved and technologically advanced tissue diagnostic devices, and the presence of the leading market players in a large number.In the recent times, the North America market for tissue diagnostics has been closely followed by Europe and Asia Pacific and the scenario is likely to remain more or less the same over the forthcoming years. The market for tissue diagnostics in Europe, which was primarily driven by the escalating investments from various research organizations for the advanced study of cancer, is likely to benefit further from the change in healthcare reforms, increasing implementation of government regulations, growth in the pharmaceutical industry, and the technological advancements in diagnostic technology. Asia Pacific, on the other hand, is expected to gain substantially in the years to come from ongoing industrialization and the continual drug discovery.Abbott Laboratories, Becton Dickinson & Co., Genomic Health Inc., 3DHISTECH, Danaher Corp., Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., GE Healthcare, Cell Signaling Technologies, Agilent Technologies, and Roche Diagnostics are some of the key players in the global tissue diagnostic market.Enquire about this Report @About (MRRSE)Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.Contact UsState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite:Read More Industry News At: Aerospace Aviation Fuels Market Expected to Expand at a Steady CAGR through 2017 2027 Aerospace aviation fuels are specialized fuels based on petroleum that are utilized to power aircrafts. Aerospace aviation fuels are generally of higher quality as compared to fuels used in road transport or heating applications. Earlier, conventional fuels such as jet fuels and aviation gasoline, etc. were the most commonly utilized aviation fuels. However, nowadays, the focus is shifting towards the utilization of cleaner and green fuels, such as biofuel, etc. Reduction of carbon emissions is one of the major concerns for the aviation industry. Since the aviation industry contributes significantly to the greenhouse gas emission, it is important for the aerospace aviation industry to move towards green and clean fuels such as Biofuels. Biofuel are renewable fuels derived from biomass which help in the reduction of emissions and also ensure energy security for the sector.Global Aerospace Aviation Fuels Market: SegmentationGlobally, the Aerospace Aviation Fuels market can be segmented on the basis of type and application.Based on type, the aerospace aviation fuels market can be segmented into:Conventional FuelsAviation GasolineJet FuelNon-ConventionalBiofuelsOthers (CNG, etc.)Request for Sample @Based on the application, the global aerospace aviation fuels market can be segmented into:Commercial AircraftsMilitary AircraftsGlobal Aerospace Aviation Fuels Market: DynamicsWith the expansion of the aerospace industry, there is increasing competition among aircraft fuel manufacturers. Nowadays, a large proportion of people opt for aeroplanes as a convenient way of transportation owing to its comfortness and affordability. Governments of various countries are focussing on the development of the aerospace aviation industry and thus, there has been a rise in demand for aerospace aviation fuels from military as well as commercial sectors. There has been significant growth in air traffic in the last two decades and there is an indication that the traffic will continue to expand over the next decade. Rising demand for bio-based fuels along with the rise in international trade is also expected to boost the aerospace aviation fuels demand. The aforementioned factors are expected to drive the global aerospace aviation fuels market in near future.The key challenge identified in the global aerospace aviation fuels market for the manufacturers is to produce fuels with lower carbon emissions. Further, due to fluctuating price of crude oil, aircraft manufacturers are striving to reduce dependency on conventional fuels that are capable of impacting their profit margins. Aviation aerospace fuels account for a significant cost within the airline industry.Traditionally, jet fuels which are extracted from crude oil under stringent regulations were utilized by the aviation sector. The rising air traffic is responsible for a significant amount of total energy consumption globally. Among the various conventional and non-conventional fuels available today, the most suitable and advanced substitute available is biofuel it is a popular choice owing to its higher energy content. Utilization of biofuels is one of the key trends identified in the global aerospace aviation fuels market.Global Aerospace Aviation Fuels Market: Region-wise OutlookAs far as regions are concerned, the aerospace industry is one of the most matured industries in developed regions, such as North America and Europe, which also represent a significant share in the global aerospace aviation fuels market. Aerospace aviation fuels contribute a significant share to the U.S. and Germany economies as the aerospace industry is the key contributor to the GDP of these countries. Further, developing countries in the Asia-Pacific, such as India and China are expected to expand at a significant CAGR over the forecast period owing to the rise in infrastructural investments.Request for Table of Contents @Global Aerospace Aviation Fuels Market: Market ParticipantsSome of the examples of the market participants identified across the value chain of the global Aerospace Aviation Fuels market include Exxon Mobil Corporation, Air BP, Royal Dutch Shell, Chevron Corporation, Gazprom Neft P JSC, RED ROCK BIOFUELS, KFS Biodiesel GmbH & Co. KG, Archers Daniels Midland Company.ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Internet Of Things Software Market Size, Share & Analysis by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application up to 2023 Research N Reports The report presents a 360-degree overview of the competitive scenario of the Global Internet Of Things Software Market. Thus helping organizations understand the major threat and opportunities that vendors in the market are dealt with. It also includes detailed business profiles of some of the major vendors in the market. With the all-inclusive market data concerning the crucial elements and segment of the market that can influence the growth prospects of the market. This report can effectively help companies and decision makers in addressing these challenges strategically to gain the maximum benefits in the highly competitive market.Top Key Players:Cisco Systems, Inc., Bosch Software Innovations GmbH, General Electric, Google Inc., Amazon Web Services, Inc., Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Intel Corporation, International Business Machine (IBM) Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, Oracle Corporation, SAP SEGet Sample Copy of this Report:IoT is an ecosystem of connected physical objects that are accessible through the internet. IoT ecosystem represents a wide range of technologies, ranging from sensor-powered microcontrollers to devices powered by processors, which are interconnected in such a way that it makes it possible to collect and analyze data in real time. Though IoT is not considered as a new term, the business application of IoT is in its nascent stage. The Internet of Things market consists of things or objects that are connected to the internet, i.e. anything can be accessed from anywhere. It comprises the integration of sensors and devices that are connected to the internet over fixed or wireless networks.The vast amount of global Internet Of Things Software market data that is available in any market, in general, makes it a tough task to narrow it down to the most crucial details and statistics relevant to the business issues at hand. Many companies could lack the much needed dedicated resources and the specific skills necessary for compiling a comprehensive market research. Focused market research methodologies help organizations in clearly gauging the most crucial stakes in the market that need to the considered for effective decision making. A number of analysis tools such as Porters five forces analysis and SWOT analysis have been employed to provide an accurate understanding of this market. Also, the report is compiled in a way for the readers and customers to understand better.Get Upto 40% Discount on this report:Emerging countries such as India, Japan, France, and China are the primary targets of the industry. Increasing demand for the commodities, increasing losses, and changing practices and storage technologies are some of the major driving factors for this market. Regulatory changes such as Environmental Protection Laws and changing government policies across diverse geographies are restraints for the Internet Of Things Software market players.In last section, the chief manufacturers in the global Internet Of Things Software have been presented. Their company profiles, price, cost, revenue, gross, capacity, product picture, and contact information have also been covered under this section of the study. Geographically, the report studies the regional and country markets for Internet Of Things Software in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, and India. The most prominent exporter serving the demand that is generated from the developed countries is also mentioned in this report.Purchase the Complete report:Table of Content:Global Internet Of Things Software Market Research Report 2018-2023Chapter 1 Internet Of Things Software Market OverviewChapter 2 Global Economic ImpactChapter 3 Competition by ManufacturerChapter 4 Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2018-2023)Chapter 5 Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions (2018-2023)Chapter 6 Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by TypeChapter 7 Analysis by ApplicationChapter 8 Manufacturing Cost AnalysisChapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream BuyersChapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11 Market Effect Factors AnalysisChapter 12 Market Forecast (2018-2023)Research N Reports is a new age market research firm where we focus on providing information that can be effectively applied. Today being a consumer driven market, companies require information to deal with the complex and dynamic world of choices. Where relying on a sound board firm for your decisions becomes crucial. Research N Reports specializes in industry analysis, market forecasts and as a result getting quality reports covering all verticals, whether be it gaining perspective on current market conditions or being ahead in the cut throat global competition. Since we excel at business research to help businesses grow, we also offer consulting as an extended arm to our services which only helps us gain more insight into current trends and problems. Consequently we keep evolving as an all-rounder provider of viable information under one roof.10916, Gold Point, Dr, Houston, TX,Pin - 77064. Global Roofing (Bituminous Roofing, Metal Roofing, Tile Roofing and Others) Market Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast to 2020 MRRSE Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) has been serving as an active source to cater intelligent research report to enlighten both readers and investors. This research study titled Roofing Market Request a Free Sample Report @Roofing materials are a vital necessity in construction, as they comprise the primary barrier against natural elements such as rain. The growth of the construction industry in recent years has thus been vital for the global roofing market. The roofing market has benefited from the diversity of construction activities demanded across the world, as it has led to steady investment and consolidation of lucrative revenue avenues. The global roofing market is likely to exhibit consistent growth in the coming years on the back of the continued construction industry boom in developing regions.Global roofing market is likely to exhibit a CAGR of 6.4% between 2016 and 2024. The market, valued at US$71.2 bn in 2015, is expected to rise to US$124.5 bn by 2024.Rising Demand for Eco-friendly Roofing could Shape Roofing MarketThe essential driver for the global roofing market is the steady growth of the construction industry in developing regions and sustained demand for revenue generating operations from the construction industry in developed economies. Urbanization initiatives have picked up steam in several rising economies, which has driven the demand from the global roofing market, as a key part of the construction industry. Steady emigration from rural regions in underdeveloped regions is likely to lead to the formation of growing urban centers in several countries; the high volume of emigration is likely to ensure steady demand for new housing, leading to steady demand from the global roofing market.While the roofing market is matured in developed regions such as North America and Europe, renovation activities aimed at staying abreast of changing environmental regulations are likely to play a key role in the roofing market in these regions. The global roofing market is likely to interact significantly with the energy conservation initiatives being supported throughout developed countries, as roofing materials are exposed to the elements and thus comprise a key part of the building in terms of its environmental impact.Widespread adoption of environmentally oriented roofing systems could help establish an economy of scale, which would help players distribute the innovative materials in developing regions at affordable costs. High costs of advanced roofing materials remain one of the most influential restraints on the global roofing market, making these developments important for the markets growth.Asia Pacific Likely to Sustain Strong Position in Global Roofing MarketThe rapid growth of emerging economies in Southeast Asia is likely to help the Asia Pacific roofing market in the coming years, leading to the region establishing firm dominance in the global roofing market. Apart from urbanization initiatives, which have become key parts of the economic plans of several Asia Pacific countries, industrial growth in dynamic economies such as India, China, Japan, and South Korea is also likely to contribute significantly to the growth of the roofing market in the region. Asia Pacific accounted for over 40% of the global roofing market in 2015 and is likely to remain similarly dominant in the coming years.The Middle East is also likely to be a major player in the global roofing market in the coming years due to the rapid pace of construction in the affluent economies. Residential as well as industrial construction has prospered in the region in recent years due to the high pace of economic growth in countries such as the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait, and is likely to remain a key driver for the global roofing market in the coming years.Outlook Complete Report with Table of Content @The report profiles leading players in the global roofing market in order to shed light on the markets competitive dynamics. Key companies examined in the report include Johns Manville, Carlisle, GAF, Atlas Roofing Corporation, Firestone Building Products Company, IKO Industries Ltd., and Owens Corning.Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE)Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.Contact UsState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite:Read More Industry News At: Global LCD Flexible Display Market in 2018: What Does the Year Ahead Hold? QYResearchReports Qyresearchreports include new market research report LCD Flexible Display to its huge collection of research reports.The international market for LCD Flexible Display has been researched with every detail in the publication with increased emphasis on various important factors such as opportunities, and restraints, growth drivers. Each of the factors that pertain to shaping of the market dynamics has been studied and analyzed in detail by the analysts, so as to offer the best and most evaluative and exhaustive study to the report buyers. The snapshot or the executive summary that has been provided in the market intelligence study has been designed in such a way so as to give a quick overview of the market for receiving information on the go. This could help readers with hands-on data needed to make quick decisions anytime during their growth journey in the market.The market segmentations study that has been offered in the publication explores some of the most significant segments of the global LCD Flexible Display market deemed important for the growth of industry participants. All of the segments that have been studied elaborately in the said publication have been deeply evaluated with assistance from best of the research techniques. The analysts have dissected each of the segments and have shed light on vital factors that influence the growth of the various segments. Using this crucial information, market players could rightly shape their business plans in favor of the betterment of their growth in the world market. Segments that have been analyzed in the publication could be related to product, end use, application, and geography.For more info, get sample report for FREE here:A group of experienced analysts who have prepared the said report delves deep into the various factors that hinder or fuel the global market for LCD Flexible Display. It also discovers and mentions the important trends that are emerging in the said market. Banking upon all these information that has been gathered so far, it has come up with the best course of action for all the stake holders of the market.This report focuses on top manufacturers in global market, with production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer, coveringHPLG DisplaySamsung DisplayAU OptronicsBOEVisionox3M CompanyBaanto InternationalCando CorporationCypress Semiconductor CorporationFujitsu LimitedHannsTouch SolutionJtouch CorporationNatural User Interface Technologies ABE-ink HoldingsTable of ContentsGlobal LCD Flexible Display Market Professional Survey Report 20171 Industry Overview of LCD Flexible Display1.1 Definition and Specifications of LCD Flexible Display1.1.1 Definition of LCD Flexible Display1.1.2 Specifications of LCD Flexible Display1.2 Classification of LCD Flexible Display1.2.1 Polymer1.2.2 Glass1.2.3 Glass-reinforced Plastic1.2.4 Others1.3 Applications of LCD Flexible Display1.3.1 Television1.3.2 Smartphone1.3.3 LaptopRead Complete Table of Content of the Report at:2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of LCD Flexible Display2.1 Raw Material and Suppliers2.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of LCD Flexible Display2.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of LCD Flexible Display2.4 Industry Chain Structure of LCD Flexible Display3 Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of LCD Flexible Display3.1 Capacity and Commercial Production Date of Global LCD Flexible Display Major Manufacturers in 20163.2 Manufacturing Plants Distribution of Global LCD Flexible Display Major Manufacturers in 20163.3 R&D Status and Technology Source of Global LCD Flexible Display Major Manufacturers in 20163.4 Raw Materials Sources Analysis of Global LCD Flexible Display Major Manufacturers in 20164 Global LCD Flexible Display Overall Market Overview4.1 2012-2017E Overall Market Analysis4.2 Capacity Analysis4.2.1 2012-2017E Global LCD Flexible Display Capacity and Growth Rate Analysis4.2.2 2016 LCD Flexible Display Capacity Analysis (Company Segment)4.3 Sales Analysis4.3.1 2012-2017E Global LCD Flexible Display Sales and Growth Rate Analysis4.3.2 2016 LCD Flexible Display Sales Analysis (Company Segment)4.4 Sales Price Analysis4.4.1 2012-2017E Global LCD Flexible Display Sales Price4.4.2 2016 LCD Flexible Display Sales Price Analysis (Company Segment)...About delivers the latest strategic market intelligence to build a successful business footprint in China. Our syndicated and customized research reports provide companies with vital background information of the market and in-depth analysis on the Chinese trade and investment framework, which directly affects their business operations. Reports from feature valuable recommendations on how to navigate in the extremely unpredictable yet highly attractive Chinese market.Contact US:Brooklyn, NY 11230United StatesToll Free: 866-997-4948 (USA-CANADA)Tel: +1-518-618-1030Web:Email: Global UV Sensors Market Is Set to Boom in 2018 And Coming Years QYResearchReports Qyresearchreports include new market research report UV Sensors to its huge collection of research reports.The international market for UV Sensors has been researched with every detail in the publication with increased emphasis on various important factors such as opportunities, and restraints, growth drivers. Each of the factors that pertain to shaping of the market dynamics has been studied and analyzed in detail by the analysts, so as to offer the best and most evaluative and exhaustive study to the report buyers. The snapshot or the executive summary that has been provided in the market intelligence study has been designed in such a way so as to give a quick overview of the market for receiving information on the go. This could help readers with hands-on data needed to make quick decisions anytime during their growth journey in the market.The market segmentations study that has been offered in the publication explores some of the most significant segments of the global UV Sensors market deemed important for the growth of industry participants. All of the segments that have been studied elaborately in the said publication have been deeply evaluated with assistance from best of the research techniques. The analysts have dissected each of the segments and have shed light on vital factors that influence the growth of the various segments. Using this crucial information, market players could rightly shape their business plans in favor of the betterment of their growth in the world market. Segments that have been analyzed in the publication could be related to product, end use, application, and geography.For more info, get sample report for FREE here:A group of experienced analysts who have prepared the said report delves deep into the various factors that hinder or fuel the global market for UV Sensors. It also discovers and mentions the important trends that are emerging in the said market. Banking upon all these information that has been gathered so far, it has come up with the best course of action for all the stake holders of the market.This report focuses on top manufacturers in global market, with production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer, coveringPanasonicSilicon LabsDavis InstrumentsVernierTRI-TRONICSOptekGaNo OptoelectronicsEMXST MicroelectronicsVishayAdafruitWTWSolar LightSgluxBroadcomBalluffSkye InstrumentsGenUVRead Complete Table of Content of the Report at:Table of ContentsGlobal UV Sensors Market Professional Survey Report 20171 Industry Overview of UV Sensors1.1 Definition and Specifications of UV Sensors1.1.1 Definition of UV Sensors1.1.2 Specifications of UV Sensors1.2 Classification of UV Sensors1.2.1 UVA Sensor1.2.2 UVB Sensor1.2.3 UVC Sensor1.3 Applications of UV Sensors1.3.1 Consumer Electronics1.3.2 Industrial1.3.3 Application 32 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of UV Sensors2.1 Raw Material and Suppliers2.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of UV Sensors2.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of UV Sensors2.4 Industry Chain Structure of UV Sensors3 Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of UV Sensors3.1 Capacity and Commercial Production Date of Global UV Sensors Major Manufacturers in 20163.2 Manufacturing Plants Distribution of Global UV Sensors Major Manufacturers in 20163.3 R&D Status and Technology Source of Global UV Sensors Major Manufacturers in 20163.4 Raw Materials Sources Analysis of Global UV Sensors Major Manufacturers in 20164 Global UV Sensors Overall Market Overview4.1 2012-2017E Overall Market Analysis4.2 Capacity Analysis4.2.1 2012-2017E Global UV Sensors Capacity and Growth Rate Analysis4.2.2 2016 UV Sensors Capacity Analysis (Company Segment)4.3 Sales Analysis4.3.1 2012-2017E Global UV Sensors Sales and Growth Rate Analysis4.3.2 2016 UV Sensors Sales Analysis (Company Segment)4.4 Sales Price Analysis4.4.1 2012-2017E Global UV Sensors Sales Price4.4.2 2016 UV Sensors Sales Price Analysis (Company Segment)...About delivers the latest strategic market intelligence to build a successful business footprint in China. Our syndicated and customized research reports provide companies with vital background information of the market and in-depth analysis on the Chinese trade and investment framework, which directly affects their business operations. Reports from feature valuable recommendations on how to navigate in the extremely unpredictable yet highly attractive Chinese market.Contact US:Brooklyn, NY 11230United StatesToll Free: 866-997-4948 (USA-CANADA)Tel: +1-518-618-1030Web:Email: Organophosphate and Carbamate Poisoning Key Players Countervail Corp and Hager Biosciences LLC Analysis and Forecast to 2022 Organophosphate and Carbamate Poisoning Organophosphate and Carbamate PoisoningOverviewOrganophosphates and carbamates are common insecticides that inhibit cholinesterase activity, causing acute muscarinic manifestations (salivation, lacrimation, urination, diarrhea, emesis, bronchorrhea, bronchospasm, bradycardia, and miosis) and some nicotinic symptoms, including muscle fasciculations and weakness.Most patients have bradycardia and, if poisoning is severe, hypotension. CNS toxicity is common, sometimes with seizures and excitability and often with lethargy and coma. Pancreatitis is possible, and organophosphates may cause arrhythmias such as heart block and QTc interval prolongation.Click here for sample report @Top Companies mentionedCountervail CorpHager Biosciences LLCMajor HighlightPharmaceutical and Healthcare latest pipeline guide Organophosphate and Carbamate Poisoning - Pipeline Review, H2 2017, provides comprehensive information on the therapeutics under development for Organophosphate and Carbamate Poisoning , complete with analysis by stage of development, drug target, mechanism of action (MoA), route of administration (RoA) and molecule type. The guide covers the descriptive pharmacological action of the therapeutics, its complete research and development history and latest news and press releases.The Organophosphate and Carbamate Poisoning (Toxicology) pipeline guide also reviews of key players involved in therapeutic development for Organophosphate and Carbamate Poisoning and features dormant and discontinued projects.The guide covers therapeutics under Development by Companies /Universities /Institutes, the molecules developed by Companies in Preclinical and Discovery stages are 3 and 2 respectively. Similarly, the Universities portfolio in Preclinical and Discovery stages comprises 3 and 1 molecules, respectively.Organophosphate and Carbamate Poisoning pipeline guide helps in identifying and tracking emerging players in the market and their portfolios, enhances decision making capabilities and helps to create effective counter strategies to gain competitive advantage..ContinuedFor Detailed Reading Please visit @Wise Guy Reports understand how essential statistical surveying information is for your organization or association. Therefore, we have associated with the top publishers and research firms all specialized in specific domains, ensuring you will receive the most reliable and up to date research data available. We also provide COTS (Commercial off the Shelf) business sector reports as custom exploration agreeing your particular needs.WISEGUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersPune - 411028Maharashtra, India MageDelight upgrades One Step Checkout Magento 2 Extension for better performance Mage Delight is a leading Magento extension provider company, offering innovative solutions and latest advanced functionality for Magento store owners. 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Shree Krishna Center,Mithakali Six Road,Navrangpura,Ahmedabad, Gujarat - 380009.Email: info@magedelight.comPhone:+91-98250 50837Website : Wet Tissues Market Size, Production, Consumption, Import and Export Status and Forecast 2022 ReportsWeb Global Wet Tissues Market Research Report 2018 newly adds in database. This report covers leading key company profiles with information such as business overview, regional analysis, consumption, revenue and specification.Global Wet Tissues Market Research Report 2018 is a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the Wet Tissues market. Annual estimates and forecasts are provided for the period 2012 through 2022. Also, a six-year historic analysis is provided for these markets.The report provides a basic overview of the Wet Tissues industry including definitions, classifications, applications and industry chain structure. And development policies and plans are discussed as well as manufacturing processes and cost structures.Then, the report focuses on global major leading industry players with information such as company profiles, product picture and specifications, sales, market share and contact information. What's more, the Wet Tissues industry development trends and marketing channels are analyzed.This report studies Wet Tissues focuses on top manufacturers in global market, with production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer, coveringKimberly-ClarkProcter & GambleSCANice-Pak ProductsRockline IndustriesLenzingAlbaad MassuotAPPJohnson & JohnsonCloroxSC JohnsonBeiersdorfOji HoldingsHenganCascadesPigeonVindaGet Free Sample Copy atMarket Segment by Regions, this report splits Global into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue, market share and growth rate of Wet Tissues in these regions, from 2012 to 2022 forecast), likeNorth AmericaEuropeAsia-PacificSouth AmericaMiddle East and AfricaSplit by Product Types, with production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, can be divided intoCross FoldLongitudinal FoldOthersSplit by applications, this report focuses on consumption, market share and growth rate of Wet Tissues in each application, can be divided intoBabyPersonal CareCleaningIndustrialOthersBrowse Complete Report atTable of Content1 Wet Tissues Market Overview2 Global Wet Tissues Market Competition by Manufacturers3 Global Wet Tissues Sales by Regions 2012-2017)4 Global Wet Tissues Sales, Revenue Value), Price Trend by Types5 Global Wet Tissues Market Analysis by Applications6 Major Manufacturers Analysis of Wet Tissues6.1 Kimberly-Clark6.1.1 Company Profile6.1.2 Product Feature6.1.3 Sales, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue6.1.4 Contact Information6.2 P&G6.2.1 Company Profile6.2.2 Product Feature6.2.3 Sales, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue6.2.4 Contact Information6.3 SCA6.3.1 Company Profile6.3.2 Product Feature6.3.3 Sales, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue6.3.4 Contact Information6.4 Nice-Pak Products6.4.1 Company Profile6.4.2 Product Feature6.4.3 Sales, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue6.4.4 Contact Information7 Wet Tissues Manufacturing Cost Analysis8 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers9 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders10 Market Effect Factors Analysis11 Global Wet Tissues Market Forecast 2017-2022)12 Research Findings and ConclusionPurchase this report at-Note: If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.Contact Info:Name: Sameer JoshiEmail: sales@reportsweb.comOrganization: ReportsWebPhone: is a one stop shop of market research reports and solutions to various companies across the globe. We help our clients in their decision support system by helping them choose most relevant and cost effective research reports and solutions from various publishers. We provide best in class customer service and our customer support team is always available to help you on your research queries.505, 6th floor, Amanora Township,Amanora Chambers, East Block,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Oxy-fuel Welding Equipment Market Value Projected to Expand by 2017-2027 Oxy-fuel welding process is a welding techniques utilizing a compressed mixture of high energy density fuel and oxygen to generate a flame capable of elevating the temperature of the material to be welded. The three welding processes that falls under oxy-fuel welding are Oxyacetylene welding, Oxyhydrogen welding, Pressure gas welding and air acetylene welding. Among these four welding techniques, oxyacetylene welding is the most prominent technique adopted for the purpose of welding taking up more than 80% of the market share. The equipment that is used to propagate the welding technique can be broken down into simple components comprising of gas cylinders, flow regulators, mixing chamber, conveyance tubes and nozzle. Manufacturers of such equipment in the current scenario are more focused on producing individual parts than the standalone systems owing to less cost and ease in assembling. Oxy-fuel welding process is widely preferred in application areas where the availability of electrical power is a constraint while the welding process can be done with or without the use of filler material.Oxy-fuel Welding Equipment Market DynamicsThough oxy-fuel welding technique has limited application in industrial scale operation, its utilization in repair and fabrication industry is the most prominent. Small scale repair shops run by a single or few welders typically adopt oxy-fuel welding technique due to lower investment costs and ability to weld large variety of materials has increased its popularity hence biding well for the growth of the oxy-fuel welding equipment market. Oxy-fuel welding technique is the least complex among all the welding techniques requiring minimum set up operation. This technique requires the assembly of simple devices such as fuel tank, torch, mixing chambers among others hence, in-depth know how of such techniques is not necessary making it practically useful for people who are new to welding. The non-requirement of electricity in order to initiate the welding process is another factor helping in driving the oxy-fuel welding equipment market even further.Request For Report Sample@The growth of oxy-fuel welding equipment market is likely to be restrained by the erratic availability of fuels adopted in this technique. Oxygen and acetylene are the two most popular fuels along with hydrogen used as the power source to generate the welding flame in this welding technique. Inadequate supply of such fuels can lead to increase in its prices which can further lead to decrease in demand for oxy-fuel welding equipment thereby retraining the market to improve in the upcoming years. Another restraint associated with the market is the fragility of entire assembly and the dangers associated with pressurized gases that are used with it. Last but not the least, the weld quality produced from this technique is on the lower scale among all the welding processes hence requiring skilled personnel to achieve a weld of desirable quality, thereby retraining the growth of the market.Oxy-fuel Welding EquipmentMarket: SegmentationOxy-fuel Welding EquipmentMarket can be segmented as follows;By Process type, the market can be segmented as:Oxyacetylene WeldingOxyhydrogen WeldingPressure Gas WeldingOthersBy End Use Industry, the market can be segmented as:Energy & UtilitiesAerospaceTransportationMetal FabricationMaintenance and RepairAutomotiveOthersOxy-fuel Welding EquipmentMarket: Regional OutlookThe oxy-fuel welding equipment market can be related to the performance of the end use industry in each of the seven geographical locations across the globe. The North American market is anticipated to hold a healthy potential for the growth of the market owing to increase in fabrication and repair activities across the region especially in the U.S. The presence of large number of retailers and specialist sellers of oxy-fuel welding equipment is expected to aid in the growth of the market even further. The market in the Asia Pacific region also holds high potential to improve further in the future owing to large presence of small scale welding workshops that rely on cheaper welding options, particularly in China, ASEAN and IndiaRequest For Report Table of Content (TOC):Oxy-fuel Welding Equipment Market: Market ParticipantsExamples of some of the major players in the Global Oxy-fuel Welding Equipment market, identified across the value chain include:Illinois Tool Works Inc.Koike Aronson, Inc.Colfax CorporationThe Eastwood CompanyAmerican Torch Tip CompanyQuality Components Co. Inc.Rexarc International, Inc.Detroit Torch & Mfg. Co.Flame Technologies, Inc.Rotarex S.A.Uniweld Products, Inc.Tewelding EngineersABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Cardiac Guidewires Market to Register a Healthy CAGR Throughout 2025 Cardiovascular industry is growing at a significant rate globally, due to increasing number of cases with heart diseases and other cardiovascular problems. In addition, technological advancement in this field and growing awareness has increased the growth of cardiovascular devices market. Cardiovascular devices comprise those devices that are used for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. These devices mainly include core devices (cardiac stents, implants, valves) and peripheral devices (guidewires, catheters).During the process of cardiac catheterization, guidewire is first inserted into the artery followed with catheter. Guidewire is a thin flexible wire that is introduced in the body with the help of needle. Guidewires are called so because they are used for guiding catheters during catheterization. Guidewires are very useful during the catheterization procedure as it eases the process. A guidewire is usually made of stainless steel. Guidewires are mainly used for diagnostic or interventional purposes.Cardiac guidewires market is mainly segmented on the basis of materials used for its manufacture. The materials used for guidewire manufacture include silicone, microsphere, polyether ether ether ketone (PEEK) and others. Similarly, on the basis of types, the market is segmented into coronary guidewires and peripheral guidewires. Moreover, on the basis of geography, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World (RoW). North America dominates the global cardiac guidewires market due to increasing prevalence of cardiac diseases and technological advancement in the region. Asia, followed by Europe, is expected to show high growth rate in the next few years in cardiac guidewires market. China and India are expected to be the fastest growing cardiac guidewires markets in the Asian region. Some of the key driving forces for cardiac guidewires market in emerging countries are large pool of patients, rising government funding and improvement in the healthcare facilities.Request to Sample of Report @Cardiac guidewires market is expected to grow at a significant rate during the forecast period from 2014 to 2020. The major factors that are likely to drive the global cardiac guidewires market are aging population, increase in the prevalence of heart diseases and technological advancement. For instance, according to the statistics presented by the World Health Organization (WHO), cardiovascular diseases killed more than 17.5 million people in 2012 and approximately 15.6 million people are suffering from rheumatic heart disease as of 2012 and are likely to have a cardiovascular surgery in next five years. This high prevalence of cardiac diseases would propel the market growth in the upcoming period. In addition, other factors such as government initiatives and improvement in reimbursement scenario are driving the global cardiac guidewires market.Additionally, growing demographics and economies in the developing countries such as India and China are expected to offer good opportunities for the global cardiac guidewires market. In addition, innovation of some new products with focus on patients comfort is expected to offer good opportunity for the global cardiac guidewires market. However, factors such as high cost involved and lack of experienced professionals are restraining the global cardiac guidewires market. In addition, poor reimbursement scenario is restraining the global cardiac guidewires market.Request Report For TOC @Some of the major companies dealing in global cardiac catheters and guidewires market are Abbott Laboratories, Boston Scientific Corporation, Maquet, Medtronic, Inc., St. Jude Medical Inc. and Sorin Group. Some other companies having significant presence in the global cardiac guidewires market are Terumo Medical Corporation, Biosense Webster, Biotronik and Cordis Corporation.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a U.S.-based full-service market intelligence firm specializing in syndicated research, custom research, and consulting services. PMR boasts market research expertise across the Healthcare, Chemicals and Materials, Technology and Media, Energy and Mining, Food and Beverages, Semiconductor and Electronics, Consumer Goods, and Shipping and Transportation industries. The company draws from its multi-disciplinary capabilities and high-pedigree team of analysts to share data that precisely corresponds to clients business needs.PMR stands committed to bringing more accuracy and speed to clients business decisions. From ready-to-purchase market research reports to customized research solutions, PMRs engagement models are highly flexible without compromising on its deep-seated research values.ContactPersistence Market Research Pvt. Ltd305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.commedia@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Nylon Cable Ties Global Market 2018: Key Players Hellermann Tyton, Ascend Performance, Thomas & Betts Market Synopsis of Global Nylon Cable Ties Market:Nylon cable ties are used to create non-permanent joints to offer ease during the various applications. They are generally referred as wire ties, house ties, steel ties zap strap or zip tie. They are the type of fastener used to hold items/things together, specifically in electrically cable wires or cables. They offer superior properties such as ease of use and are low cost & ubiquitous, resulting in a broad spectrum of application across end-user industries as agriculture, automotive, consumer goods, electrical & electronics, and a building & construction.GET SAMPLE REPORT @Growth observed in this market was moderate due to the introductory phase of the market. Recognition of nylon cable ties due to the ease offered in the industrial application has led to its greater industrial applications. As per the analysis, the market is heading towards growth expansion and is likely to grow progressively in the coming years. According to the MRFR analysis, global Nylon Cable Ties market projected to witness moderate growth in the coming years and reach USD 135.7 million by 2023, expending at CAGR of 4.25%. Wide application scope of the nylon cable ties has been playing a major role in the growth of this market. Wherein, the electronic & electrical industry considered as major application area and have acquired major share. This industry is moving towards overall revenue of 5 billion by 2018 with a healthy growth rate of 4.9%. Dynamic economies of Asia Pacific inducing China, India, Japan, and Korea contributed a majorly to this market by being a significant demand generator. The emergence of China as a manufacturing hub coupled with the largest automotive production in the country has to complement regional demand for nylon cable ties. Additionally, a large agriculture base in India and the highest electronics & electrical production in Japan have made these economies to account for major part of the global market. On the other hand, as nylon cable ties are made of nylon for which crude oil used as a raw material. Therefore, increasing impact of the crude oil on the environment as well as instability in the crude oil prices may hinder the growth of this market. Nylon 6 was the most promising segment by type, which has acquired 58.23% with highest CAGR of 4.38% in 2016. Properties associated with nylon availed additional benefits for nylon cable ties resulted into greater industrial adoption. Electrical & electronics dominated the application scope of nylon cable ties and emerged as a key stakeholder in this market. This industry has acquired the largest shares of 26% globally, followed by automotive at 20%. Electronic and electrical industry is primary application area because nylon cable ties were designed to create non-permanent joints in this industry, initially. The industry further expected to lead the global market at an expected CAGR of 4.02%.Regional AnalysisThe global nylon cable ties market spanned across Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, Middle East, and Latin America. With largest global shares, North America dominated the global market in 2016. The region has acquired 35% global market share, with a healthy growth rate of 3.35%. As per the industry experts, North America to further continue its dominance due to the presence of most promising country-level market, such as the U.S. The country has generated highest revenue, USD 22.6 million at a healthy CAGR of at 4.38%.SegmentationThe nylon cable ties market is fragmented on the basis of type, application, and region. On the basis of the type, the market is classified into nylon six cable ties, nylon 6, 6 cable ties, and others. On the basis of the application, the market is divided into electronics & electrical, automotive, building & construction, agriculture, consumer goods, industrial, and others. On the basis of the region, the market is segmented into Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, North America, and the Middle East & Africa.Key PlayersSome of the key players operating in the global Nylon Cable Ties market: Ascend Performance material (U.S.), 3M (Germany), Hellermann Tyton (UK.), Thomas & Betts Corporation (U.S.), ChangHong Plastic Group (China), Yueqing Huada Plastic (China), HONT Electrical Co. Ltd (China), Partex (Sweden), KSS (Taiwan), and American Elite Molding (U.S.)Intended Audience Manufacturers and distributors of Nylon Cable Ties. Suppliers and traders of Nylon Cable Ties. Government, associations and industrial bodies. Investors and Trade experts. Consulting in chemical experts.DC description Cable Ties Zip Ties Wire Ties Cable Ties Mounts Metal Zip ties Tie WrapsTable of Content: Key Points1 Report Prologue 132 Scope of The Report 143 Research Methodology 164 Market Dynamics 205 Market Factor Analysis 266 Global Nylon Cable Ties Market, By Type 307 Global Nylon Cable Ties Market, By Application 368 Global Nylon Cable Ties Market, By Geography 489 Competitive Landscape 118ContinuedACCESS REPORT @Get in touch:LinkedIn:Twitter:Facebook:Wise Guy Reports understand how essential statistical surveying information is for your organization or association. Therefore, we have associated with the top publishers and research firms all specialized in specific domains, ensuring you will receive the most reliable and up to date research data available. We also provide COTS (Commercial off the Shelf) business sector reports as custom exploration agreeing your particular needs.WISE GUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersPune - 411028Maharashtra, India Oil and Gas Field Services Market to Garner Brimming Revenues by 2017-2027 Oil and Gas Field Services Market: IntroductionOil and Gas field service companies offers services to various oil & gas explorations companies helping in various oil-related activities, such as extraction, drilling, exploration, completion, stimulation, intervention production and transportation among others, for fulfilling different purposes over the entire oil well exploration life cycle. The primary consumers comprises of oil and gas production and exploration companies which require drilling equipment and services whereas the secondary consumers are the companies which convert oil and gas into other forms of energy. Examples of secondary consumers include oil processing power plants, refineries, etc.Efforts are being made to discover new oil and gas fields to cater to the escalating demand of energy and petroleum products, especially from end-user sectors, such as, power plants, transportation and other industries. Besides the fact that crude oil production is increasing with every passing day, this is expected to be the primary driver for this market over the forecast period.Request For Report Sample@Liberation of Mexican oil and gas industry as well as the combined shale gas revolution in the U.S. and China is anticipated to fuel the oil and gas field services market globally.Oil and Gas Field Services Market: DynamicsThe increasing demand for petrochemicals and energy coupled with growing investments in oil & gas exploration activities is expected to drive the Oil and Gas Field Services market during the forecast period. Repair and overhaul activities are also expected to fuel the demand of Oil and Gas Field Services in the forecast period.The demand for oil and gas services varies directly with the change in the prices of oil and gas. For instance, if there is a surge in the prices of petroleum products, the exploration companies will target drilling service providers, thereby driving the oil and gas filed services market.Development of technologies, such as enhanced oil recovery, is anticipated to further drive the onshore Oil and Gas field services market.Increased investments in research and development of equipment for drilling, which can save time, is also expected to accelerate the oil and gas field service industry over the forecast period.On the contrary, current slowdown of oil production, related operational challenges and resultant environmental concerns are expected to hamper the growth of the oil and gas field services market.Oil and Gas Field Services Market: SegmentationOil and Gas Field Services Market can be segmented on the basis of application into:OnshoreOffshoreOil and Gas Field Services Market can be segmented on the basis of services into:DrillingProductionOil and Gas Field Services Market can be segmented on the basis of consumers into:PrimarySecondaryOil and Gas Field Services Market: Regional OutlookNorth America is expected to hold a major share in the Oil and Gas field services market due to new technological advancements used to explore shale gas and deep water productions.Middle East and Africa is also expected to witness significant growth in Oil and Field Services industry during the forecast period due to the presence of a huge number of oil and gas reserves in the region.The Asia Pacific region is expected to witness growth in Oil and field gas services industry during the forecast period. Large LNG facilities in Curtis Island and the construction of Wheatstone and Prelude LNG plants in Western Australia will fuel the Asia pacific oil and gas Field services market.Request For Report Table of Content (TOC):That aside, the presence of a large number of refineries in China and Japan is also expected to spur the growth of Oil and gas field services during the forecast period.Oil and Gas Field Services Market: Market ParticipantsExamples of some of the market participants identified across the value chain Oil and Gas Field Services market include:Halliburton CompanySchlumberger LimitedBaker Hughes Inc.Weatherford InternationalNational Oilwell VarcoSaipemSpA,National Oilwell VarcoSuperior Energy Services, Inc. (U.S.)GE Oil & Gas (U.K.)ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Specialty Chemicals Market Top Key Players 2018: BASF, Akzo Nobel NV, Evonik Industries AG, Chevron Phillips Chemical, BHS Specialty Chemical., Royce International., and Ashland Specialty Chemicals Market Market Forecast:Global Specialty Chemicals Market is expected to grow with the CAGR 5.48 % from 2016 to 2023 to Reach USD 1,147.4 Billion by 2023.Specialty chemicals are high value added and low production volume chemicals. Specialty chemical can also be termed as performance chemicals. It is high added value products used as catalysts, intermediates, components, protectants it is utilized in a wide variety of applications.Globally, the market for specialty chemicals has been increasing tremendously, specifically in Asia pacific, owing to rise in the populations in this region resulting to increasing in demand for construction industries, automotive industry among others. Additionally, specialty chemical industry growth typically follows the growth of these key end markets. For example an increasingly urbanized china will demand for clean municipal market leading to increase in municipalities usage of water chemicals to recycle the waste water. Furthermore, the government across the globe specifically in developing countries are investing in development of roads, ports, power and telecom which could result in over 15% pea growth in construction, and chemicals.Market Key Players:The key players of Specialty chemicals market report includes BASF, Akzo Nobel NV, Evonik Industries AG, Chevron Phillips Chemical, BHS Specialty Chemical., Royce International., and AshlandReceive a Sample Report @Regional AnalysisAsia-Pacific is projected to be the largest market during the forecast periodAs per MRFR analysis Asia Pacific dominated the global specialty chemicals market and has accounted for the largest share of the market in 2014. Asia Pacific market is followed by Europe and North America. Moreover, Asia Pacific specialty chemicals market will witness growth above average with respect to demand of the same throughout the forecast period driven by strong growth in China and India due to the growing construction and building industry.In terms of volume, Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific are expected to witness robust growth during the forecast period. Availability of cheap labor, favorable weather conditions and governmental support are some of the factors driving the emulsion polymers market in these regions. Latin America, Europe and North America are also expected to experience significant growth of emulsion polymer market in near future.Asia pacific is leading the market for specialty chemicals. China had a huge influence in the development of global petrochemical chemical industries the same factors will lead to in the development of specialty chemicals industry. Currently the drivers of the market in china region are. Firstly, societal factors such as demand for a more environmentally-conscious way of life have resulted in new environmental protection laws requiring increased use of specialty chemicals for water treatment chemicals to combat hazardous air pollutants and many new industrial and institutional cleaning chemicals.Secondly, increase in demand for consumers-good preference specifically middle class sector choose consumer goods such as electronics, personal care, high-end cosmetics and food & nutrition products stimulating demand for the specialty chemicals which are used to produce them.Report Details @On the other hand, most Asia pacific industries such as China and India based chemical companies are still relatively weak in specialty chemical and R&D capabilities. This region are facing certain restraints and challenges which is hindering the market growth in the region. They lack experience in development of specialty chemicals and have very less familiarity with diversifying of products. In-addition, the have lack in developing a close technical partnership relation with consumers which are essential factors in order to attain success in the specialty chemical industry. Also the region has a shortage of some key high quality specialty chemical raw materials - this is especially an issue in sectors where chemical active ingredients have to meet strict purity criteria, such as pharma and plant protection. Owing to these factors China and Indian based companies are forced to acquire or partner with outside Asia-pacific region in order to obtain not only strategic resources but also to secure greater advanced technology and market access.Scope of the Study:The scope of the study categorizes the specialty chemicals market as functional, and application.By Functional: Adhesives & sealants Elastomers Flame Retardant Water Treatment OthersBy Application: Construction Agriculture Automotive Electronics OthersAbout Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Contact:Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Healthcare and Medical Simulation Market Behavioral Analysis, Touch point & Component Healthcare and Medical Simulation Market Stay up-to-date with Global Healthcare and Medical Simulation Market research offered by HTF MI. Check how key trends and emerging drivers are shaping this industry growth.HTF MI published a new industry research that focuses on Healthcare and Medical Simulation market and delivers in-depth market analysis and future prospects of Global Healthcare and Medical Simulation market. The study covers significant data which makes the research document a handy resource for managers, analysts, industry experts and other key people get ready-to-access and self-analyzed study along with graphs and tables to help understand market trends, drivers and market challenges. The study is segmented by Application/ end users [Hospital, Research Institute & Others], products type [Software, Human Patient Simulators & Interventional Simulation] and various important geographies like United States, EU, Japan, China, India & Southeast Asia].Get Access to sample pages @The research covers the current market size of the Global Healthcare and Medical Simulation market and its growth rates based on 5 year history data along with company profile of key players/manufacturers. The in-depth information by segments of Healthcare and Medical Simulation market helps monitor future profitability & to make critical decisions for growth. The information on trends and developments, focuses on markets and materials, capacities, technologies, CAPEX cycle and the changing structure of the Global Healthcare and Medical Simulation Market.The study provides company profiling, product picture and specifications, sales, market share and contact information of key manufacturers of Global Healthcare and Medical Simulation Market, some of them listed here are CAE, Laerdal, 3D Systems, Gaumard, Kyoto Kagaku, Limbs&Things, Mentice, Simulab, Simulaids, Surgical Science, B Scientific Gmbh & Anesoft Corporation. The market is growing at a very rapid pace and with rise in technological innovation, competition and M&A activities in the industry many local and regional vendors are offering specific application products for varied end-users. The new manufacturer entrants in the market are finding it hard to compete with the international vendors based on quality, reliability, and innovations in technology.Global Healthcare and Medical Simulation (Thousands Units) and Revenue (Million USD) Market Split by Product Type such as Software, Human Patient Simulators & Interventional Simulation. Further the research study is segmented by Application such as Hospital, Research Institute & Others with historical and projected market share and compounded annual growth rate.Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), and market share and growth rate of Healthcare and Medical Simulation in these regions, from 2012 to 2022 (forecast), covering United States, EU, Japan, China, India & Southeast Asia and its Share (%) and CAGR for the forecasted period 2017 to 2022.Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at @Following would be the Chapters to display the Global Healthcare and Medical Simulation market.Chapter 1, to describe Definition, Specifications and Classification of Healthcare and Medical Simulation, Applications of Healthcare and Medical Simulation, Market Segment by Regions;Chapter 2, to analyze the Manufacturing Cost Structure, Raw Material and Suppliers, Manufacturing Process, Industry Chain Structure;Chapter 3, to display the Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of Healthcare and Medical Simulation, Capacity and Commercial Production Date, Manufacturing Plants Distribution, R&D Status and Technology Source, Raw Materials Sources Analysis;Chapter 4, to show the Overall Market Analysis, Capacity Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Price Analysis (Company Segment);Chapter 5 and 6, to show the Regional Market Analysis that includes United States, EU, Japan, China, India & Southeast Asia, Healthcare and Medical Simulation Segment Market Analysis (by Type);Chapter 7 and 8, to analyze the Healthcare and Medical Simulation Segment Market Analysis (by Application) Major Manufacturers Analysis of Healthcare and Medical Simulation;Chapter 9, Market Trend Analysis, Regional Market Trend, Market Trend by Product Type [Software, Human Patient Simulators & Interventional Simulation], Market Trend by Application [Hospital, Research Institute & Others];Chapter 10, Regional Marketing Type Analysis, International Trade Type Analysis, Supply Chain Analysis;Chapter 11, to analyze the Consumers Analysis of Global Healthcare and Medical Simulation;Chapter 12,13, 14 and 15, to describe Healthcare and Medical Simulation sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source.Enquire for customization in Report @What this Research Study Offers:Global Healthcare and Medical Simulation Market share assessments for the regional and country level segmentsMarket share analysis of the top industry playersStrategic recommendations for the new entrantsMarket forecasts for a minimum of 5 years of all the mentioned segments, sub segments and the regional marketsMarket Trends (Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, Investment Opportunities, and recommendations)Strategic recommendations in key business segments based on the market estimationsCompetitive landscaping mapping the key common trendsCompany profiling with detailed strategies, financials, and recent developmentsSupply chain trends mapping the latest technological advancementsBuy this research report @Reasons for Buying this ReportThis report provides pin-point analysis for changing competitive dynamicsIt provides a forward looking perspective on different factors driving or restraining market growthIt provides a six-year forecast assessed on the basis of how the market is predicted to growIt helps in understanding the key product segments and their futureIt provides pin point analysis of changing competition dynamics and keeps you ahead of competitorsIt helps in making informed business decisions by having complete insights of market and by making in-depth analysis of market segmentsThanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia.HTF Market Report is a wholly owned brand of HTF market Intelligence Consulting Private Limited. HTF Market Report global research and market intelligence consulting organization is uniquely positioned to not only identify growth opportunities but to also empower and inspire you to create visionary growth strategies for futures, enabled by our extraordinary depth and breadth of thought leadership, research, tools, events and experience that assist you for making goals into a reality. Our understanding of the interplay between industry convergence, Mega Trends, technologies and market trends provides our clients with new business models and expansion opportunities. We are focused on identifying the Accurate Forecast in every industry we cover so our clients can reap the benefits of being early market entrants and can accomplish their Goals & Objectives.Contact us :HTF Market Intelligence Consulting Private LimitedUnit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJNew Jersey USA (206) 317 1218 CAM Software Global Market is touching new levels A comprehensive study segmented by Key Players: Vero, CNC Software, Delcam, PTC, Siemens CAM Software Global Market Stay up-to-date with global cam software market research offered by HTF MI. Check how key trends and emerging drivers are shaping this industry growth.HTF MI published a new industry research that focuses on CAM Software market and delivers in-depth market analysis and future prospects of Global CAM Software market. The study covers significant data which makes the research document a handy resource for managers, analysts, industry experts and other key people get ready-to-access and self-analyzed study along with graphs and tables to help understand market trends, drivers and market challenges. The study is segmented by Application/ end users [Dental/Medical, Construction, Industry & Others], products type [2D Type & 3D Type] and various important geographies like United States, EU, Japan, China, India & Southeast Asia].Get Access to sample pages @The research covers the current market size of the Global CAM Software market and its growth rates based on 5 year history data along with company profile of key players/manufacturers. The in-depth information by segments of CAM Software market helps monitor future profitability & to make critical decisions for growth. The information on trends and developments, focuses on markets and materials, capacities, technologies, CAPEX cycle and the changing structure of the Global CAM Software Market.The study provides company profiling, product picture and specifications, sales, market share and contact information of key manufacturers of Global CAM Software Market, some of them listed here are Vero, CNC Software, Delcam, PTC, Siemens, Dassault Systemes, Cimatron, DP Technology, Missler Software, NTT Data Engineering System, BobCAD-CAM, Breton, JPS - VETIGRAPH, LANG, Lantek Sheet Metal Solutions S.L, OPEN MIND, TopSolid, ZWSOFT & SCHOTT SYSTEME GmbH. The market is growing at a very rapid pace and with rise in technological innovation, competition and M&A activities in the industry many local and regional vendors are offering specific application products for varied end-users. The new manufacturer entrants in the market are finding it hard to compete with the international vendors based on quality, reliability, and innovations in technology.Global CAM Software (Thousands Units) and Revenue (Million USD) Market Split by Product Type such as 2D Type & 3D Type. Further the research study is segmented by Application such as Dental/Medical, Construction, Industry & Others with historical and projected market share and compounded annual growth rate.Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), and market share and growth rate of CAM Software in these regions, from 2012 to 2022 (forecast), covering United States, EU, Japan, China, India & Southeast Asia and its Share (%) and CAGR for the forecasted period 2017 to 2022.Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at @Following would be the Chapters to display the Global CAM Software market.Chapter 1, to describe Definition, Specifications and Classification of CAM Software, Applications of CAM Software, Market Segment by Regions;Chapter 2, to analyze the Manufacturing Cost Structure, Raw Material and Suppliers, Manufacturing Process, Industry Chain Structure;Chapter 3, to display the Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of CAM Software, Capacity and Commercial Production Date, Manufacturing Plants Distribution, R&D Status and Technology Source, Raw Materials Sources Analysis;Chapter 4, to show the Overall Market Analysis, Capacity Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Price Analysis (Company Segment);Chapter 5 and 6, to show the Regional Market Analysis that includes United States, EU, Japan, China, India & Southeast Asia, CAM Software Segment Market Analysis (by Type);Chapter 7 and 8, to analyze the CAM Software Segment Market Analysis (by Application) Major Manufacturers Analysis of CAM Software;Chapter 9, Market Trend Analysis, Regional Market Trend, Market Trend by Product Type [2D Type & 3D Type], Market Trend by Application [Dental/Medical, Construction, Industry & Others];Chapter 10, Regional Marketing Type Analysis, International Trade Type Analysis, Supply Chain Analysis;Chapter 11, to analyze the Consumers Analysis of Global CAM Software;Chapter 12,13, 14 and 15, to describe CAM Software sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source.Check for discount @What this Research Study Offers:Global CAM Software Market share assessments for the regional and country level segmentsMarket share analysis of the top industry playersStrategic recommendations for the new entrantsMarket forecasts for a minimum of 5 years of all the mentioned segments, sub segments and the regional marketsMarket Trends (Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, Investment Opportunities, and recommendations)Strategic recommendations in key business segments based on the market estimationsCompetitive landscaping mapping the key common trendsCompany profiling with detailed strategies, financials, and recent developmentsSupply chain trends mapping the latest technological advancementsBuy this research report @Reasons for Buying this ReportThis report provides pin-point analysis for changing competitive dynamicsIt provides a forward looking perspective on different factors driving or restraining market growthIt provides a six-year forecast assessed on the basis of how the market is predicted to growIt helps in understanding the key product segments and their futureIt provides pin point analysis of changing competition dynamics and keeps you ahead of competitorsIt helps in making informed business decisions by having complete insights of market and by making in-depth analysis of market segmentsThanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia.HTF Market Report is a wholly owned brand of HTF market Intelligence Consulting Private Limited. HTF Market Report global research and market intelligence consulting organization is uniquely positioned to not only identify growth opportunities but to also empower and inspire you to create visionary growth strategies for futures, enabled by our extraordinary depth and breadth of thought leadership, research, tools, events and experience that assist you for making goals into a reality. Our understanding of the interplay between industry convergence, Mega Trends, technologies and market trends provides our clients with new business models and expansion opportunities. We are focused on identifying the Accurate Forecast in every industry we cover so our clients can reap the benefits of being early market entrants and can accomplish their Goals & Objectives.Contact Us:HTF Market Intelligence Consulting Private LimitedUnit No. 429, Parsonage Road, Edison, NJ USA - 08837sales@htfmarketreport.comPh: +1 (206) 317 1218 LNG Liquefaction Equipment Market to Reap Excessive Revenues by 2017-2027 Global LNG Liquefaction Equipment Market: IntroductionLiquefied natural gas (LNG) is the liquid form of natural gas at cryogenic temperature of 161C (157C). Liquefaction of natural gas shrinks its volume by a factor of approximately 600 hence, allowing easy and economical transport over long distances. The set of equipment aligned in series, designed to treat and liquefy natural gas are known as LNG train. With the increasing demand of LNG as the source of fuel, the global LNG liquefaction equipment market has grown steadily in the past few years. The LNG liquefaction equipment accounts up to total 30% total project cost of a liquefaction plant. Hence, LNG liquefaction equipment has been a key area in constant need of innovation and development to save cost, increase LNG plant capacity and improving pant efficiency. Natural gas is one of the worlds most needed feedstock and with the ever growing demand of clean energy source LNG demand is rising, hence driving the LNG liquefaction equipment market. The LNG liquefaction equipment market possesses pronounced growth opportunities for the growth of new as well as established players.Global LNG Liquefaction Equipment Market: Market DynamicsLiquefied natural gas is widely recognized as a clean, safe and convenient form of energy. Owing to easy of transportation and increased storage capacity liquefaction processes has become increasingly diverse in recent years. Global consumption of LNG is expected to increase significantly during the forecast period driven by environmental requirement on emissions reductions and increasing energy demands. Hence, the demand of LNG liquefaction equipment is expected to rise significantly augmenting the LNG liquefaction equipment market. However, the LNG liquefaction equipment account for high installation cost as well as high operating cost, hence restraining the growth of LNG liquefaction equipment market. Moreover, depressed crude oil prices have caused many of Exploration and Production (E&P) companies to constraint their budgets hence, constraining the growth of global LNG liquefaction equipment market. Key players are focusing on developing new concepts and innovative methods to increase the capacity, efficiency and cost reduction. Companies are focusing on developing smaller and floating liquefaction trains. Moreover, increasing exploration & production activities from unconventional oil and liquids-rich basins such as shale, tight gas, and coalbed methane (CBM) and construction of large-scale onshore liquefaction and regasification terminals are some of the primary factor pertaining towards the growth of global LNG liquefaction equipment market.Request For Report Sample@Global LNG Liquefaction Equipment Market: SegmentationOn the basis of systems, the global LNG liquefaction equipment market is segmented as:Refrigerant compressor systemPumping and storage systemPower systemOther auxiliary systemOn the basis of equipment manufacturer, the global LNG liquefaction equipment market is segmented as:Plant manufacturerAssembly manufacturerOn the basis of plant size, the global LNG liquefaction equipment market is segmented as:Small LNG Plants (0.25 to 2.0 MTPA)FLNG Plants (offshore floating plants)Global LNG Liquefaction Equipment Market: Regional OutlookAsia Pacific dominates the global LNG liquefaction equipment market and is expected to dominate the market during the forecast period owing to increasing demand in the countries such as, China, India, Pakistan, etc. Moreover, increasing demand of clean and green source energy for power generation in most of the Asian countries are driving the LNG demand hence expected to augment the LNG liquefaction equipment market in the region. With the increasing construction offshore and onshore construction activities in U.S. the LNG liquefaction equipment market is expected to grow with a steady rate in North American region. European LNG liquefaction equipment market is expected to grow with at a steady during the forecast period, the growth is driven by increasing exploration activity in the region. For instance the construction of LNG liquefaction facility, Yamal LNG Russia is expected to increase the market share of the region.Request For Report Table of Content (TOC):Global LNG Liquefaction Equipment Market: Key ParticipantsGeneral ElectricAtlas Copco LtdWartsila CorporationAir Products and Chemicals, Inc.Chart Energy & Chemicals, Inc.FIVES, Societe AnonymeSrisen Energy Technology Co.,LtdMITSUI & CO., LTD.Mitsubishi CorporationIHI CorporationThe Linde GroupLiquefied Natural Gas LimitedConocoPhillips CompanyABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: In-vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Liquid Biopsy Testing Market is set to garner staggering revenues by 2025 In-vitro diagnostic (IVD) liquid biopsy testing is an innovative technique for testing the sample for identifying various disease and their stage inside the living body. The testing of sample in proper time can be beneficiary for preventing the disease to occur inside the body. In-vitro diagnostic (IVD) liquid biopsy testing is a very effective tool to diagnosis for various disease such as cancer and other stage of disease. The body fluid such as blood and other body fluid is used for testing.The use of biomarker help to analysis the molecular level for disease detection, this process is very help full for preventing the person from cancer in very early stage. The in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) liquid biopsy testing is very advance and modern days technic in disease treatment industry. In-vitro diagnostic (IVD) liquid biopsy testing has various benefits over standard biopsy, as In-vitro diagnostic (IVD) liquid biopsy testing is very quick, easily obtained, show comprehensive tissue profile with minimal pain and can be done minimally invasive.Request to Sample of Report @In-vitro diagnostic (IVD) liquid biopsy testing is a growing market over the forecast period, as the number of cancer patients are increasing, according to Cancer Research UK, in 2012 approx. ~ 8.2 million peoples death occurs due to cancer, the use of in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) liquid biopsy testing can help for saving the life of the cancer patients by early diagnosis and providing preventive treatment. Various public and private research organization are working for finding more improve version of in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) liquid biopsy testing to detect the tumor in very early stage. Players are also investing huge revenue to make the in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) liquid biopsy testing more easy and comprehensive. The high cost and lack of awareness in healthcare professional is the current hindrance of the in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) liquid biopsy testing market.In-vitro diagnostic (IVD) liquid biopsy testing is a very helpful tool for cancer diagnosis stage, which can save life of many people suffering from cancer. The in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) liquid biopsy testing can also very affective to treat the cancer by changing the level of cfDNA (cell free DNA) and refer as non-encapsulated DNA in blood stream, the testing is done by PCR (polymerase chain reaction). The detection of disease is early stage is very effective and beneficiary in medical treatment industry.As a geography conditions the In-vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Liquid Biopsy Testing Market is segmented into: North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and the Middle East & Africa. North America is a major market for in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) liquid biopsy testing as the medical infrastructure is highly improved with various reimbursement policy and the present of players also boost the in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) liquid biopsy testing market. Europe is also show growth as the acceptation of new technology is increasing to detect the disease. Asia Pacific is showing as sluggish growth as the medical infrastructure is improving and the awareness is also increasing in patients and the healthcare professional to handle the in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) liquid biopsy testing process. MEA is also showing slow growth as the medical system is adopting the in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) liquid biopsy testing.Request Report For TOC @Some players in In-vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Liquid Biopsy Testing Market as: Thermo Fisher Scientific, Horizon Discovery Group plc, QIAGEN, Roche Molecular Systems Inc., Personal Genome Diagnostics, Inc., Grail, Inc., Exosome Diagnostics, CellMax Life, Cynvenio Biosystems, Inc., Inivata Ltd, Biodesix, Inc. and GUARDANT HEALTH, INC.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a U.S.-based full-service market intelligence firm specializing in syndicated research, custom research, and consulting services. PMR boasts market research expertise across the Healthcare, Chemicals and Materials, Technology and Media, Energy and Mining, Food and Beverages, Semiconductor and Electronics, Consumer Goods, and Shipping and Transportation industries. The company draws from its multi-disciplinary capabilities and high-pedigree team of analysts to share data that precisely corresponds to clients business needs.PMR stands committed to bringing more accuracy and speed to clients business decisions. From ready-to-purchase market research reports to customized research solutions, PMRs engagement models are highly flexible without compromising on its deep-seated research values.ContactPersistence Market Research Pvt. Ltd305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.commedia@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Automotive Roof System Market is Expected to Generate Huge Profits by 2026 Introduction:Growing automotive industry coupled with increasing demand for premium cars is expected to boost the demand for roof systems in the near future. Automotive roof system facilitates flow of fresh air and sunlight in the car without disturbing the aerodynamic of the vehicle. In the recent past, there has been a massive development in automotive roof system market.Request Report for TOC @Various type of roof systems such as sunroof system, panorama roof system, panorama with sunroof system, multi-optional roof, roof system with solar technology among many others. Roof system made up of polycarbonate, glass-plastic composite, and fibre-plastic composite and polyurethane composite are used in hybrid cars to save energy, and light weight construction. Revenue generated from the sales of automotive roof systems, globally is expected to increase at a moderate CAGR over the forecast period.Global Automotive Roof System Market Dynamics:Global automotive roof system market is anticipated to be driven by growth in mid and premium range cars in Asia-Pacific, North America and European regions. There is slow but rising demand for convertible automobiles in European countries and which is also expected to drive the global automotive roof system market in the near future. Stringent government policies regarding limiting the hazardous emissions are forcing key players to manufacture light weight vehicles. This in turn is expected to fuel the global automotive roof system market.Changing lifestyle of people coupled with rising disposable income and demand for premium cars is anticipated to boost the global automotive roof system market. Growing market for MUV and SUV is also expected to fuel the global automotive roof system market. A substantial amount of growth is expected in the aftermarket segment of global automotive roof top system market. High cost is expected to be one of the restraining factor for the growth of global automotive roof systems market.Request to Sample of Report-Global Automotive Roof System Market: Key PlayersSome of the key players identified in the global automotive roof system market are:-Webasto GroupMagna International Inc.Valmet Automotive Inc.Inteva Products, LLCCovestro AGInalfa Roof Systems Group B.VAbout UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Osteochondral Implants Market Estimated to Expand at a Robust CAGR over 2025 Osteochondral is known as the injury which affect the surface of the bone edge, Chondro refers as articular cartilage and bone osteo. The articular cartilage damage is most common in youths and new adults and occurs in ankle or elbow, knee and others. The injury of osteochondral occurs due to trauma cases, heredity or many be by lack of blod supply in the respective area of osteochondral injury. The major symptoms are swelling, pain by handing weight, instability of joints in the knee and others which directly affect the lifestyle of the person. Many traditions medications are present such as using herbal medicine which is apply on the surface during initial days of pain and other topical ointments to get over from pain. All the traditions methods are not show affective while it come to better lifestyle of the patients and the movement of the patient.The implants used for osteochondral injury is the only process left to better treatment and enhance the movement capability of the patient. Advancement in medical technology for implant are playing a major role to fuel the market of osteochondral implants, by providing better materials for implants which is less in weight, free from microbes attack and the flexibility of the implants are factor which affect the implant to be used for osteochondral injury.Request to Sample of Report @Osteochondral implants market is a growing market over the forecast period, as there is an increasing injury rate related to osteochondral, according to AOFAS (American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society), the cases of osteochondral lesions is increasing. The advancement in implant materials used for osteochondral is also a factor for market growth. Increasing awareness about the osteochondral implant product, show that the healthcare professional should use the implant during the surgery for osteochondral injury. Research institutes and industrial research team are continuously working to come-up with more advancement materials, this factor will directly affect the market growth. The high cost and lack of availability of osteochondral implant in all the region are the major hindrances of the current market of osteochondral implants.Osteochondral implants is a most affective product for osteochondral injury, as the implant provide perfect support to the injury and also balance the lifestyle of the patient. The implant are very supportive for the movement for the patient, as all the injury or damage segments are joint in such a way that it act like that patient have no major injury with osteochondral. The players which are in osteochondral implant they show a major growth for this segment, based on the factor such as advance material, increasing number of patient based in all the respective region. The approval guideline for the product is also getting simpler and faster that new product should be easily launched by the respective players in a specific region.Request Report For TOC @As a geography conditions the osteochondral implants Market is segmented into: North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and the Middle East & Africa. North America is major region for the osteochondral implants, due to high number of players in the region and enhance medical facility in all the states, the reimbursement policy are also favourable conditions for osteochondral implants market. Europe and Asia Pacific are the growing market for osteochondral implants as the healthcare systems are getting advance and the policy for product approval are also getting simple and faster. Middle East & Africa is also affective market for osteochondral implants, as the patient base is increasing and public and private partnership is increasing to improve the medical facility in the region.Some players in osteochondral implants Market as, Zimmer Biomet, Arthrex, Inc., CONMED Corporation, RTI Surgical, Inc., and Ortho Max Manufacturing Company Pvt. Ltd.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a U.S.-based full-service market intelligence firm specializing in syndicated research, custom research, and consulting services. PMR boasts market research expertise across the Healthcare, Chemicals and Materials, Technology and Media, Energy and Mining, Food and Beverages, Semiconductor and Electronics, Consumer Goods, and Shipping and Transportation industries. The company draws from its multi-disciplinary capabilities and high-pedigree team of analysts to share data that precisely corresponds to clients business needs.PMR stands committed to bringing more accuracy and speed to clients business decisions. From ready-to-purchase market research reports to customized research solutions, PMRs engagement models are highly flexible without compromising on its deep-seated research values.ContactPersistence Market Research Pvt. Ltd305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.commedia@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Vendor Neutral Archives (VNA) and Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) Market: A Straight Survey of Growth Factors and Expected Projection 2017 2025 Vendor Neutral Archives (VNA) and Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) Market - Growth, Future Prospects and Competitive Analysis, 2017-2025, the VNA and PACS market was valued at USD 41,86,.0 Mn in 2017, and is expected to reach USD 10,155.4 Mn by 2025, expanding at a CAGR of 5.9% from 2017 to 2025.Browse Here for Full Report:Market InsightsThe benefits of healthcare IT is being gradually realized by medical imaging professionals. One of such solutions is PACS that allows any healthcare organization to capture, store, retrieve, transmit and manage medical images both internally and enterprise-wide. While deploying PACS, any healthcare organization needs to consider the environment in which PACS is to be installed and other electronic systems with which PACs will be integrated. A Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA) is the latest evolution of PACS used for image archiving and provides a single, consolidated archiving platform to host files from different PACS software. Large healthcare organizations with outdated and ineffective PACS often opt to implement enterprise-wide VNA, instead of upgrading existing PACS.Information technologies are rapidly changing and the cost of keeping up with such technological advancements are high. Thus, when healthcare systems need to decide heavy investments on PACS or VNA, they must contemplate how their needs may change in the course of time. Traditional on-premise VNA model are ideal when the platform needs to be installed at location as it allows for flexible local server control, storage, management and security. On-premise model is highly preferred option for high-volume throughput and local exchange of massive content file such as large images or HD video, ensuring smooth image exchange and delivery without long waiting times. Hybrid VNA is the fastest progressing delivery mode in the VNA market. Through hybrid VNA, organizations can leverage their on-premise technology and take advantage of enterprise content management solutions available and running either on public or private cloud.The increasing adoption of health information technology (HIT) is stimulating the market for PACS. Moreover, growth will be driven by significant government initiatives to encourage the digitization of healthcare systems, as well as substantial technological advancements in imaging information technology. The expansion of the PACS market to other specialties such as oncology and endoscopy will result in further applications for PACS and higher demand among providers. The global PACS market is dominated by the departmental PACS due to the factors such as need for integrated storage of standard-compliant imaging data, government initiatives favoring advanced information systems, and increased efficiency & income after adoption of PACS.ToC:Chapter 1 Preface1.1 Report Description1.1.1 Purpose of the Report1.1.2 Target Audience1.1.3 USP and Key Offerings1.2 Research Scope1.3 Research Methodology1.3.1 Phase I Secondary Research1.3.2 Phase II Primary Research1.3.3 Phase III Expert Panel Review1.3.4 AssumptionsChapter 2 Executive Summary2.1 Global Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA) Market Portraiture2.2 Global Picture Archiving and Communications Systems (PACS) Market PortraitureChapter 3 VNA & PACS Market Analysis3.1 Global VNA & PACS Market Overview3.1.1 Market Dynamics3.1.2 Drivers3.1.2.1 Intensive Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Adoption3.1.2.2 Reimbursements and Industry Regulations3.1.2.3 Growth of Big Data Market3.1.3 Challenges3.1.3.1 Usability and User Interface Challenge3.1.3.1 Post-Implementation Issues in VNA3.2 Opportunities3.2.1.1 Increasing Healthcare Consolidation and Merger Activities3.3 Attractive Investment Proposition3.4 Market Share Analysis of Key Vendors in VNA and PACS Market......Browse Here for Full Report:About Us:Acute Market Reports is the most sufficient collection of market intelligence services online. It is your only source that can fulfill all your market research requirements. We provide online reports from over 100 best publishers and upgrade our collection regularly to offer you direct online access to the worlds most comprehensive and recent database with expert perceptions on worldwide industries, products, establishments and trends. Our database consists of 200,000+ market research reports with detailed & minute market research.Company:Contact Us:105 N 1st ST #429SAN JOSECA 95103United States Chatbot : Opportunities to Reach better Target Audience Chatbots is a computer program which conducts a discussion via auditory or documented methods. These programs are often designed to influentially simulate how a human would behave as a conversational partner, thereby passing the Turing test. Chatbots are basically used in dialog systems for various practical purposes including customer service or information acquisition. Some chatterbots use sophisticated natural language processing systems, but many simpler systems scan for keywords within the input, then fetch a reply with the most appropriate keywords, or the most alike wording pattern, from a database.The chatbot is anticipated to increase at a high rate due to the rise in penetration of various websites and mobile applications, surge in demand of automated patient management tools in the healthcare industry, proliferating demand of intelligent customer engagement and rise in the cloud-based technology during the forecast period. Factors such as lack of awareness owing to relatively early presence in the tech-adoption life cycle and high-cost deployment as well as the system integration complexities are the major factors that may hamper the growth of chatbots market in the near future.Avail Sample Copy of Global Chatbot report atThe chatbots market is majorly classified into type, usage, industrial vertical, deployment type, and end-user. By type segment the market has been categorized into software and services. On the basis of usage, the market has been bifurcated into websites, contact centers, social media and mobile platform. Industry vertical has been widely segmented into financial services, healthcare, communication, retail, travel & hospitality, government, education, utilities and others. Deployment type is basically divided into on-premises and on-cloud. On-cloud deployment has the largest market share and is anticipated to continue the dominance over the forecast period. End-user segment has been categorized into small & medium enterprises.On the basis of geography analysis, the adoption rate of chatbot solutions across APAC is projected to rise at a substantial rate due to the rising advancement in the technology and industries. These factors would lead to the market awareness about the business value and return on investment, which can be understood on long run. The regional analysis of the market includes the classification of the industry verticals, type, usage, end users and deployment type into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa, and Latin America.The Asia Pacific regional market excluding Japan is expected to gain a significant share over the future period. The rising awareness among customers about the benefits of the chatbots is anticipated to drive the APAC market for chatbot in the future years. The major companies that provide chatbots include IBM Corporation, CX Company, Nuance Communications, Inc., Artificial Solutions, Egain Corporation, Creative Virtual Pvt., Ltd, Next IT Corporation., Speaktoit, Inc., 24/7 Customers, Inc, and Codebaby (Idavatars), Inc.Gain Details of Global Chatbot Market with TOC atMajor Points from Table of content: Executive Summary Research Methodology Market Dynamics Industry Overview Global Chatbot Market, By Product (2017-2025) Global Chatbot Market, By Regions (2017-2025) Market Competition AnalysisFeel Free to Contact: sales@xpodenceresearch.comAbout Us:Xpodence Research has the most extensive collection of market research reports of many categories. Xpodence Research provides the best market research solution for every industry by publishing the best possible results of great market research firms worldwide. For every particular problem, theres a particular solution, so according to the customer needs, we provide the best possible results to them from different market research organization, whether its a Custom Research or Syndicated Research reports because the product that wins is the one that bridges customAers to the future, not the one that requires a giant leap.Every organization, whether it is re lasted to Pharmaceuticals, Technology, Eatables, Consumable Goods and many more demands a market research results so that they can take important decisions for more productivity and better output in this swift world. Xpodence Research gives the best possible outcome, perfect forecast, analysis and insights of market research in the form of report which is beneficial for various organizations and also to the manufacturing companies in taking the best decisions for quality production.Contact Us:Xpodence Research244, Madison AvenueNew York City, NY - 10016United StatesToll Free +1- 844-445-2861 Global Contact Lenses Market - Market Size to Cross $13 billion by 2023 | Industry Analysis | Arizton According to the latest industry analysis by Arizton, the global contact lenses market size is expected to reach over $13 billion by 2023, growing at a CAGR of more than 5% 20172023. The market research report provides in-depth market analysis and segmental analysis of the global contact lenses market by usage, design, application, distribution channel, and geography.The study considers the present scenario of the global contact lenses market and its market dynamics for the period 20182023. The study covers a detailed overview of various market growth enablers, restraints, and trends. The study covers both the demand and supply sides of the market. The study also profiles and analyzes the leading four companies and ten other prominent companies operating in the market.View details:The growing adoption of contact lenses for restoring multiple vision dysfunctions including refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia will promote the growth of the global contact lenses market. The use of contact lenses offers varied medical and lifestyle-related benefits. Some of the therapeutic benefits of using contact lenses are corneal protection, for post-surgical conditions, and for corneal pain relief and healing. The growing focus on aesthetic look and popularity of colored contact lenses in the fashion industry will boost the demand for these eye glasses and contact lenses products in the global market. The introduction of daily disposable contact lenses that offer multiple advantages will create new business opportunities for the vendors in the global market. The advent of low-cost manufacturing techniques and the introduction of innovative novel silicone hydrogel-based polymers will revolutionize the contact lenses market.The introduction of contact lenses with minimal or no risk of adverse effects and no requirement for lens care solutions is boosting the demand for these vision care products in the global market. The use of innovative technology to offer advanced features that provide best visual acuity and optical comfort will have a positive impact on the market growth.Major Vendors in the Contact Lenses MarketCooperVision IncNovartisJohnson & JohnsonBausch & Lomb IncorporatedProminent Players in the Contact Lenses MarketCARL ZEISSContamac Holdings LimitedEssilor International SAHoya Corp.Menicon Co. LtdSensimed AGSynergEyesUltraVisionGinko International Co. LtdSt. Shine Optical Co. LtdMarket Segmentation by UsageDaily use Contact LensesWeekly Use Contact LensesBi-weekly/Monthly Use Contact LensesMarket Segmentation by DesignSpherical Contact lensToric Contact lensMultifocal Contact LensMarket Segmentation by ApplicationCorrective LensesTherapeutic LensesCosmetic and Lifestyle-related LensesMarket Segmentation by Distribution ChannelRetail StoresHospitals and ClinicsOnline StoresMarket Segmentation by GeographyNorth AmericaUSCanadaEuropeFranceUKGermanyItalySpainAPACJapanIndiaChinaLatin AmericaBrazilMexicoMEAFor more information:About Arizton Advisory & IntelligenceArizton Advisory and Intelligence is an innovation and quality-driven firm, which offers cutting-edge research solutions to clients across the world. We excel in providing comprehensive market intelligence reports and advisory and consulting services.Arizton has gained a paramount standpoint in the market research arena as it offers top of the line solutions to clients to assess market landscape and to finalize foolproof business strategies. We are committed to provide inclusive market research reports and consulting services to clients from diversified industries including Consumer Goods & Retail Technology, Automotive and Mobility, Smart Tech, Healthcare and Lifesciences, Industrial Machinery, Chemicals and Materials, IT and Media, Logistics and PackagingArizton comprises a team of exuberant and well-experienced analysts who have mastered in generating incisive reports. Our specialist analysts possess exemplary skills in market research. We train our team in advanced research practices, techniques, and ethics to outperform in fabricating impregnable research reports.Arizton Advisory & IntelligenceChicago, Illinois, 60605Mail: enquiry@arizton.comCall: +1-312-465-7864 Behavioral Health Software Market Dynamics, Comprehensive Analysis, Business Growth, Prospects and Opportunities 2026, Focusing on Top Key Vendors like Cerner Corporation, Epic Systems, CORE SOLUTIONS This report, titled Global Behavioral Health Software Market offers an important analytical guidance on the trends and developments in this industry. The report also provides a professional and in-depth analysis on the global market while formulating industry insights into its current state of affairs. The report offers details on the pricing structure and channels of distribution of equipment suppliers in the global industry.Top Key Vendors in Market:Cerner Corporation, Epic Systems, CORE SOLUTIONS, NextGen, Netsmart, Allscripts, CrueMD, Mediware, Kareo, Credible, Qualifacts, MindLinc, Accumedic, THE ECHO GROUP, Askesis, Welligent, BestNotes, ValantGet Sample Copy Of this Report @The report presents a fundamental description of the Behavioral Health Software Market. It includes specification and descriptions of products and services, and segmentation on the basis of type, applications, and regions in the market. The study includes an industry chain analysis along with an industry overview of the key regions and their position and share in the market.Behavioral Health Software Market projected to grow at CAGR of +14.08% from 2018 to 2023This report is a complete study of current trends in the market, industry growth drivers, and restraints. It provides market projections for the coming years. It includes analysis of recent developments in technology, Porters five force model analysis and detailed profiles of top industry players. The report also includes a review of micro and macro factors essential for the existing market players and new entrants along with detailed value chain analysis.Get 30% Discount on this Premium Report @Through the statistical analysis, the report depicts the global market including capacity, production, production value, cost/profit, supply/demand and import/export. The total market is further segmented by application/type, by company, and by country for the competitive landscape investigation.The best thing about this measurable surveying report is that the significance and presentation of this market have been described. Moreover, several market essential experts and purchasing criteria have been upheld in the report. Accordingly, this measurable reviewing report is an incredible breath for sorting out new speculation endeavors, arranging how to deal with the market patterns and so on of the Behavioral Health Software Market.The next segment of the report provides a framework for the technical data and manufacturing data. Further adding to the analysis, the study also details the capacity, revenue, production, and growth of the major regional markets. The study provides an in-depth summary of the various types of modeling techniques, stating their cost of production and growth prospects.On the basis of geographical regions, the Global Behavioral Health Software Market is segmented broadly into Latin America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and Asia Pacific. The global market is still in its exploratory stage in most of the regions but it holds the promising potential to flourish steadily in coming years. The major companies investing in this market are situated in Canada, U.K., and the US, India, China and some more countries of Asia Pacific region. Consequently, Asia Pacific, North America, and Western Europe are estimated to hold more than half of the market shares, collectively in coming years.The reports conclusion reveals the overall scope of the Global Behavioral Health Software Market in terms of feasibility of investments in the various segments of the market, along with a descriptive passage that outlines the feasibility of new projects that might succeed in the market in the near future.Table of Content:Global Behavioral Health Software Market Research Report 2018-2023Chapter 1 Behavioral Health Software Market OverviewChapter 2 Global Economic ImpactChapter 3 Competition by ManufacturerChapter 4 Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2018-2023)Chapter 5 Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions (2018-2023)Chapter 6 Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by TypeChapter 7 Analysis by ApplicationChapter 8 Manufacturing Cost AnalysisChapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream BuyersChapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11 Market Effect Factors AnalysisChapter 12 Market Forecast (2018-2023)Chapter 13 AppendixHealthCare Intelligence Markets supply market intelligence reports in the domain of personalized drugs & diagnostics after going through a rigorous research process. The healthcare and pharma industry is constantly evolving as trends are getting replaced at a rapid pace.Shreyas TannaHealthcare Intelligence Markets601, Winterberry Purple, Koregaon Park, Pune, 7400242424 North America to lead Phenolic Resins Market by 20162026 Introduction:Phenolic resins or phenol-formaldehyde resins are the synthetic polymers obtained by the polymerization of phenol and formaldehyde. Phenolic resins possess good physical and chemical properties such as high mechanical strength, low toxicity, good heat resistance, low smoke formation and high thermal stability. Due to such high properties, phenolic resins find their applications in myriad industrial products.Request Report for TOC @From molded products such as billiard balls to coatings and adhesives, phenolic resins are used for different applications across various industries such as automotive, electrical & electronics, construction etc. Besides, by mixing phenolic resins with other polymer, they can also be used in applications like corrosion coating, adhesive, etc. Due to their rising demand from various industries, the global phenolic resins market is expected to register high growth rate over the forecast period of 2016-2026.Global Phenolic Resins Market DynamicsConstruction, automotive, furniture and electrical & electronics industry are the major end-use sectors for phenolic resins. The holistic growth in these industries is expected to drive the demand for phenolic resins in the global market. Phenolic resins find their huge application in different wood products, which is majorly driven by the construction industry growth. Construction industry, which slowed down during 2014-2015, is expected to return to its growth phase post 2016. The growing construction industry output is further expected to have a positive impact on the global phenolic resins market through 2026. Moreover, increase in demand for various molded products in automotive and aerospace industry is also expected to contribute to the global phenolic resins demand through the forecast period.Volatility in raw material prices is a major challenging factor for the growth of phenolic resins market. With global focus growing towards the development of green and sustainable products, bio-based resins are expected to gain popularity among consumers, which could also hamper the growth of the conventional synthetic phenolic resins market.Global Phenolic Resins Market: Regional OutlookRegionally, global phenolic resins market is segmented into seven key regions, namely, North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ), Middle East & Africa and Japan. APEJ is expected to emerge as one of the fastest growing regions in the global phenolic resins market due to high rise in demand from construction and furniture industry, majorly in China and India. China is expected to remain a prominent consumer of phenolic resins in the global market throughout the forecast period.Request to Sample of Report-Global Phenolic Resins Market Players:Some of the key player of global phenolic resins market are Chang Chun Plastics Co. Ltd., Mitsui Chemicals Inc., Georgia Pacific Chemicals LLC, Prefere Resins, Kolon Industries, Inc., Momentive Specialty Chemicals Inc., SI Group, Sumitomo Bakelite Co. Ltd, BASF SE, Hitachi Chemical Co. Ltd., and others.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Automatic Gate Opening System Market for Mobile Mapping Will Continue to Grow by 2026 Automatic Gate Opening System Market: IntroductionWith the increasing need for automation in industrial and residential sectors automating gates has become one of the primarily concerns for end-users. Also increasing urbanization and infrastructural development such as shopping malls, hyper & super markets has also led to increase in the demand for automated equipments in order to reduce the overall labor cost.Request Report for TOC @Automatic gate opening systems can be defined as gate integrated with electronic components such as proximity sensors, actuators and controlling software primarily to reduce human effort in opening and closing of gates. These systems are primarily used in traffic areas where opening and closing frequency of gate is high such as shopping malls, theaters, industrial warehouses and electronic toll collection systems.Automatic Gate Opening System Market DynamicsIncreasing need for automation in industries combined with technological advancements in automatic gate opening systems is primarily increasing their adoption in industrial and commercial applications. Also road infrastructure development resulting in increased road transportation with the improvement in connectivity between cities and towns is also driving the growth of global automatic gate opening systems market.Key players are integrating secondary components such as counters and tire killer in automatic gate opening systems providing additional applications which in turn is likely to increase their adoption over the forecast period.High installation cost combined with high operating maintenance cost resulting in long payback period is primarily restraining the growth of global automatic gate opening systems market.Automatic Gate Opening System: Regional OutlookGlobal Automatic Gate opening systems market is segmented into seven key regions namely North America, Latin America, Western and Eastern Europe, APEJ, MEA and Japan. By region, APEJ market is expected to represent a significant CAGR primarily due to increasing infrastructure development. Increase in the number of vehicles owing to increase in consumer spending is primarily driving the growth of Automatic Gate Opening Systems market in North America.Request to Sample of Report-Automatic Gate Opening System Market: Key PlayersSome of the major players in the Global Automatic Gate Opening Systems Market areCame UKRIB S.R.L.Aleko ProductsKing Gates S.R.L.Katres AutomationProteco S.R.L.Newturn Automation Pvt. Ltd.FAAC GroupSomfy SALife Home IntegrationABA Automatic Gates & DoorsNevosys Smart Home SystemsBeninca GroupNortek Inc.SOMMER Antriebs- und Funktechnik GmbHQuiko Opening SolutionsNice S.p.A.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Animal feed Additive Market is Considered as one of the Rapidly Growing Dynamic Markets Infinium Global Research Infinium Global Research has published a new report on Global Animal feed Additive Market: Trends Analysis and Forecast 2023. The report presents analysis global as well as regional markets of animal feed additive market over the period of 2015 to 2023. Moreover, the IGR-Growth Matrix given in the report provides key focus areas and investment areas the market players can focus on. The market size is presented both in terms of value and volume for the base year 2057 and estimated for forecast period of 2017 to 2023.Get 15% Discount on this Report:The report also covers the drivers, opportunities and restraints that affect the global animal feed additive market over the forecast period of 2017 to 2023.Animal feed additives are feed supplements and nutritional given to animal through feed which helps to improve health conditions of the farm animals to a greater extent. According to a new report published by Infinium Global Research, Increasing awareness among the farmers about the animal health and importance of feed additives in improving animal health leads to risen the demand for feed additives and expected to grow globallyGlobal animal feed additive market is expected to boost by - raising awareness about the health benefits of feed additives among the consumers, new product discovery and launch by leading market players and drastic commercialization of animal industry. Although one of the crucial challenges of the market is regulatory aspects that the feed additives manufacturers need to comply with. Moreover, the global animal feed and additive market is classified by additive type and by livestock type.Get Free Sample Pages of this Report:This report brings insights on demand, forecast, recent market trends and micro and macro indicators. Furthermore report also addresses drivers, opportunities and restraints that influence the global animal feed additive market. Infinium Global Research- Growth Matrix (IGR- Growth Matrix) given in the report brings an insight on the investment areas that existing or new market players can consider.The report provides insights into the market using analytical tools such as Porters five forces analysis and value chain analysis of animal feed additives. Also this report will help manufacturers, suppliers and distributors to understand the present and future trends in this market and formulate their strategies accordingly.Competitive analysis given in each regional market brings an insight on the market share of the leading players. Further report profiled some of major market players i.e. manufacture are- Cargill Inc., BASF SE, ADM, Evonik Industries, Novozymes, Alltech Inc., Adisseo France, Chr. Hansen, Invivo NSA, Koninklijke DSM N.V, Nutreco N.V.1. Preface1.1 Report Description1.2 Research Methods1.3 Research Approaches2. Executive Summary3. Global Animal Feed Additives Market Overview3.1 Introduction3.2 Market Dynamics3.2.1 Drivers3.2.2 Restraints3.2.3 Opportunities3.3 Porters Five Forces Analysis3.4 IGR Growth Matrix Analysis3.5 Competitive Landscape in the Animal Feed Additives Market4. Global Animal Feed Additives Market: IGR Snapshots4.1 Global Animal Feed Additives Market Key Trends4.2 Global Animal Feed Additives Market by Additive Types4.3 Global Animal Feed Additives Market by Livestock5. Global Animal Feed Additives by Additive Types (USD Million) 2017 20235.1 Antioxidants5.2 Amino Acids5.3 Enzymes5.4 Vitamins5.5 Minerals5.6 Antibiotics5.7 Binders5.8 Others6. Global Animal Feed Additives by Livestock (USD Million) 2017 20236.1 Swine6.2 Cattle6.3 Poultry6.4 Aquatic Animals6.5 Others7. Global Animal Feed Additives Market Analysis, by Region (USD Million) 2017 20237.1 North America7.1.1 North America Animal Feed Additives Market by Additive Types (USD Million)7.1.2 North America Animal Feed Additives Market by Livestock (USD Million)7.2 Europe7.2.1 Europe Animal Feed Additives Market by Additive Types (USD Million)7.2.2 Europe Animal Feed Additives Market by Livestock (USD Million)7.3 Asia-Pacific7.3.1 Asia-Pacific Animal Feed Additives Market by Additive Types (USD Million)7.3.2 Asia-Pacific Animal Feed Additives Market by Livestock (USD Million)7.4 Rest of the World (RoW)7.4.1 RoW Animal Feed Additives Market by Additive Types (USD Million)7.4.2 RoW Animal Feed Additives Market by Livestock (USD Million)Company Profiles8.1 Cargill Inc8.2 BASF SE8.3 Novozymes8.4 Alltech Inc8.5 Evonik Industries8.6 Adisseo France8.7 Chr. Hansen8.8 Invivo NSA.8.9 Koninklijke DSM N.V8.10 Nutreco N. V.Browse Full Report:About Us:Infinium Global Research and Consulting Solutions is started with a single motto of being business partner of first choice. We at Infinium work on the strengths of our clients to ensure we help them consolidate their market position. We firmly believe in the fact that if you are able to develop newer opportunities then you find there is no dearth of opportunities for you.Contact Us:Infinium Global ResearchGoyal Shinde Park, Bhau Patil Road,Bopodi, Pune-411 020.U.S. + Canada Toll Free: 1-800-638-0796Email: Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors Market Record remarkable hike in Revenues by 2025: Acute Market Reports Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors Market - Growth, Share, Opportunities, Competitive Analysis, and Forecast, 2017 - 2025, the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors market was valued at USD 11,591.8 Mn in 2017, and is expected to reach USD 11,649.3 Mn by 2025, expanding at a CAGR of (0.5%) from 2017 to 2025.Browse Here For Full Reports:Market InsightsACE inhibitors are class of drugs (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors) that block the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II, used in the treatment of hypertension and congestive heart failure and in the prevention of microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus. According to World Health Organization (WHO), globally cardiovascular disease accounts for approximately 17 million deaths a year, nearly one third of the total. Of these, complications of hypertension account for 9.4 million deaths worldwide every year ACE inhibitors market is segmented on the basis of application and type of drug. The type of drug segment comprises of benazepril, captopril, enalapril, fosinopril, lisinopril, moexipril,perindopril, quinapril, ramipril, trandolapril, and combination ACE inhibitors. All ACE inhibitors bind to tissue and plasma protein. Whereas free drug is eliminated relatively rapidly by the kidney predominantly by glomerular filtration, binding to tissue sites means that the plasma concentration-time profile shows a long lasting terminal elimination phase. The prototype ACE inhibitor, captopril, is absorbed and eliminated rapidly. Enalapril, like most of the later ACE inhibitors, is an inactive pro-drug that requires hydrolysis during or after absorption to generate the active acid form, enalaprilat. Lisinopril is an analogue of enalapril and is itself active.Geography segmentation of ACE inhibitors comprised regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa. Each geography market is further split to provide market revenue for select countries such as the U.S., Canada, U.K. Germany, China, Japan, Brazil, and GCC countries. North America was observed as the largest regional market for ACE inhibitors market. North America constitutes regional markets of U.S. and Canada, the rising prevalence of cardiovascular and kidney diseases, mounting obesity in the population and supportive reimbursement policies are the key drivers for periodical growth of ACE inhibitors market in this region. The developed healthcare infrastructure, and high public awareness related to diagnosis, treatment and management of lifestyle diseases are the key factors assisting the growth of North America ACE inhibitors market.Market Competition Assessment:The ACE inhibitors market is observed as the most diversified and competitive market comprising large number of players. The market is dominated by several players, depending on their major competencies. The key players in this market are Abbott Laboratories, Pfizer, Inc., Novartis AG, Merck & Co., Astra Zeneca plc, Jhonson and Johnson Limited, Eli Lilly and Company, Sanofi SA, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Bayer AG, GlaxoSmithKline plc, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., and others.Key Market Movements: Lisinopril and ramipril are most popular than comparable drugs due to dosage convenience, good insurance coverage, and higher efficiency along with low side-effects The rising prevalence of hypertension and diabetes, and high public awareness related with early diagnosis and management of these disorders are the key factors assisting the overall ACE inhibitors market Chronic kidney disorders application segment was observed as the fastest moving segment in overall ACE inhibitors market throughout the forecast period"ToC:Chapter 1 Preface1.1 Report Description1.1.1 Purpose of the Report1.1.2 Target Audience1.1.3 USP and Key Offerings1.2 Research Scope1.3 Research Methodology1.3.1 Phase I Secondary Research1.3.2 Phase II Primary Research1.3.3 Phase III Expert Panel Review1.3.4 AssumptionsChapter 2 Executive Summary2.1 Global Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors Market, by Drug Type, 2015 - 2025 (Value %)2.2 Global Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors Market, by Application Type, 2015 (USD Mn)2.3 Global Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors Market, by Geography, 2015 (Value %)Chapter 3 Global Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors Market Overview3.1 Overview3.2 Market Drivers3.3 Market Restraints3.4 Market Opportunities3.5 Attractive Investment Proposition3.6 Market Competition Assessment: Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors, by Key Players........Browse Here For Full Reports:About Us:Acute Market Reports is the most sufficient collection of market intelligence services online. It is your only source that can fulfill all your market research requirements. We provide online reports from over 100 best publishers and upgrade our collection regularly to offer you direct online access to the worlds most comprehensive and recent database with expert perceptions on worldwide industries, products, establishments and trends. Our database consists of 200,000+ market research reports with detailed & minute market research.Contact Us:105 N 1st ST #429SAN JOSECA 95103United StatesCompany: Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Market - Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 20172025 Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) market refers to the engine ignition which is the combination of Spark Ignition (Otto-Engine or SI-Engine) and Compression Ignition (Diesel Engine). The process utilizes homogeneous fuel-air mixtures similar to the SI-engine and uses high compression ratio for mixture to auto-ignite similar to the diesel engine. This lean homogeneous mixture reduces particulate emissions and helps auto-ignition, reducing the overall emission of NOx to about 90-98%. The engine is featured to offer an increased fuel efficiency of over 15-30%, compared to the SI engines.Request Table of Content of This Report:HCCI engines compatibility with alternative fuels is anticipated to garner high growth prospects for the industry over the next few yearsOwing to its compatibility with alternative fuels that specifically include gasoline and diesel, is encouraging more automakers to invest in the technology. Moreover, industry participants are increasingly focusing on integrating fuels with high octane and cetane number to enhance the reliability and durability of the engines. In conjunction with the increasing versatility and compatibility, the popularity of these engines will increase during the projected period. Some of the major initiatives by the automotive industry participants are mentioned below:BMWIn 2011, BMW introduced its new B-family engines featuring three-, four- and six-cylinder diesel and petrol which commercialized in 2014. These were designed to accommodate next generation technology that included HCCI and hybridization.U.S. DoE and BoschBosch announced its leading participation in Advanced Combustion Controls - Enabling Systems and Solutions (ACCESS) that was US$ 12 Mn project funded by U.S. Department of Energy (DoE). The project involved exploration of HCCI as a part of the project to develop advanced light duty petrol engine.DaimlerMercedes-Benz showcased F700 sedan, featuring fuel saving technology such as VVC, ISAG, and mild hybridization. The technology showcase emphasized on an estimated fuel saving of up to 47.5% in comparison to its S350 model. Moreover, the company spokesperson was reported to state the company was making significant efforts in three to six modular inline engines with variable compression ratio and HCCI technologiesDelphiAs of the news statement made by Delphi in May 2016, the company is making significant efforts in the development of Gasoline Direct Compression Injection engine on similar concepts. Utilizing the tight charge stratification and low temperature combustion, the prototypes four-cylinder engine registered 13-18% fuel economy gain. The company is planning to commercialize the technology by the mid-2020s.General Motors, Honda, Hyundai, Mazda, Volkswagen are few of the other major vendors that have also made significant progress and are likely to introduce the models featuring this technology. This increased participation of the OEMs and the vendors have led to increased emphasis on the exploration of the technology. These initiatives will present significant growth prospects for the future growth through the forecast period.Some of the major drawbacks in the current development of the technology include:Increased refinement of control strategies is required to assure fuel economy under practical driving conditions and standard production tolerancesNOx emissions have to stay low enough within the standardized driving cycle.Deployment of additional De-NOx components or technology would deteriorate the fuel economy and associated costs. Moreover, confirmation for the feasibility of three-way catalyst only technology for Euro 6 under production conditions is still requiredIn conjunction with the appropriate variable lift systems, the requirement of the fast acting variable cam-phaser is yet another factor hampering the growth prospectsNVH control requirement specifically for the normal SI modes and HCCI/CAI operation transitions in order to enhance the customers acceptanceThese are the major issues constraining the adoption of these equipment, are expected to be major growth challenge to the HCCI market. It is expected that these challenges will certainly be met upon the commercialization of the technology.Increasing demands to curb the carbon emissions and enhance the fuel economies by Department of Transport (DoT) and EPA in U.S. and EU in Europe are expected to prominently drive the innovation in the industry through the forecast period.For More Information :About Coherent Market Insights:Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.Contact Us:Mr. ShahCoherent Market Insights1001 4th Ave,#3200Seattle, WA 98154Tel: +1-206-701-6702Email: sales@coherentmarketinsights.comVisit Our New Website: Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV) Market - Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 20172025 Unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV), also called as combat drones are used as missiles and other ordnance carriers that do not require the onboard human pilots for the control and operation of the drones. These are featured with remote, real time controlling from distant locations with varying levels of autonomy. Drones were primarily utilized for the patrolling and reconnaissance, however, with the growing requirement and the increased risks involved in the operations, these UAVs were armed and converted for the combat missions.Request Table of Content of This Report:Increased life threats in the low success rated missions, UCAVs are expected to find significant applications through the forecast periodThese find significant applications for surveillance, artillery fire direction, gathering electronic intelligence (ELINT) data, lasing targets for fighter planes, and post-strike damage assessment. These critical missions have high risks associated with the human lives. Moreover, defense forces find these missions to be significantly important, are however, reluctant to face the loss of human lives. Moreover, utilization of these unmanned combat aerial vehicle also reduces the requirement of additional equipment required for the human pilots such as the cockpit space, ejection seat, flight controls, armor, and environmental controls for oxygen and pressure. This is expected to be the prominent factor driving the demand of these armed UAVs.Discrete Capacitors Market TaxonomyOn the basis of UCAV types, the global discrete capacitors market is classified into:Medium-altitude UCAVsHigh-altitude UCAVsOthersRequirement to establish military supremacy, sustain upper hand in the territorial disputed nations, and counter the extremist terrorist activities will drive the UCAV marketLarge number of territorial disputes existing between the nations that specifically include the Asia Pacific and the MEA region are expected to fuel the overall demands for development and manufacture. Some of the chief countries involved in territorial disputes that utilize these drones for various operations include China, India, Iran, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Taiwan, and Turkey. Some of the major economies that utilize these operational armed drones include Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, UK and the U.S. These countries are increasingly focusing on the development of these UAVs for domestic warfare and counter-insurgency, which are extensively used to monitor disputed areas and enhance the country security at a lower cost. The changing nature of next generation warfare will propel the global unmanned combat aerial vehicle market over the coming years.Incorporation of artificial intelligence in these drones and development of long range spy combat drones are few key market trends gaining global market tractionIn July 2017, U.S. Navy sent out proposals to four defense contractors to the General Atomics, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman for modulated reconnaissance requirement while enhancing the proposed unmanned aircrafts aerial tanking duties. UCAVs with long-ranged striking capabilities are incorporated with Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems into airborne platforms, which are capable of deploying precision-guided munitions, bombs, and missiles. These factors are expected to drive the demands through the forecast period.Medium-altitude UCAVs was the largest revenue contributor in 2016, is expected to remain the largest revenue contributor over the next few yearsIn conjunction with the growing requirement for multi-purpose drones, the defense agencies are increasingly emphasizing on the medium-altitude UCAVs development owing to better striking and surveillance capabilities, difficult detection, and high combat sustainability. Moreover, owing to these factors these are expected to dominate the industry through the forecast period.U.S. is expected to continue its dominance through 2025, primarily owing to the largest defense budget, increased focus on minimal troop casualties, minimize the financial wastage, and increased focus on the development of advanced airborne systems. Moreover the country is also featured with the presence of few major industry participants that include General Atomics, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman among many others.Industry presence is highly fragmented owing to distributed presence of the major industry participants. Key players in the UCAV market include BAE Systems, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Israel Aerospace Industries, Denel Dynamics, Dassault Aviation, Lockheed Martin, and Elbit Systems.For More Information :About Coherent Market Insights:Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.Contact Us:Mr. ShahCoherent Market Insights1001 4th Ave,#3200Seattle, WA 98154Tel: +1-206-701-6702Email: sales@coherentmarketinsights.comVisit Our New Website: SATATYA CIDR20FL36CWP Matrix IP Cameras are powered by Sony STARVIS Series Sensor for exceptional low light performance, which gives color images at as low as 0.08 Lux. Moreover, these cameras support True WDR for consistent image quality in varying light conditions. Furthermore, these H.265 compression cameras come with two-way Audio functionality to capture clear audio and video. All these features make it suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications.Key Features: Incorporated with Sonys STARVIS Series Sensor Exceptional Image Quality with Reduced Noise Low Light Sensitivity for High Image Clarity Smear-free Images to Capture even Under Bright Glares Bandwidth Optimization Overall Cost Reduction Instills Higher FOV Covers Wider Area with Greater Detailing Two Audio Interface, Audio in and Audio out Two Alarm Interface, Alarm in and Alarm out G.716/G.711 Audio CompressionAbout MatrixEstablished in 1991, Matrix is a leader in Telecom and Security solutions for modern businesses and enterprises. Matrix, an innovative, technology driven and customer focused organization, is committed to keep pace with the revolutions in the telecom and security industries. With more than 40% of its human resources dedicated to the development of new products, Matrix has launched cutting-edge products like IP-PBX, Universal Gateways, VoIP Gateways and Terminals, GSM Gateways, Access Control, Time-Attendance and Video Surveillance solutions. These solutions are feature-rich, reliable and conform to the international standards. Having global footprints in Asia, Europe, North America, South America and Africa through an extensive network of more than 1,000 channel partners, Matrix ensures that the products serve the needs of its customers faster and longer. Matrix has gained trust and admiration of customers representing the entire spectrum of industries. Matrix has won many international awards for its innovative products.For further information, please 93744 74302About MatrixEstablished in 1991, Matrix is a leader in Telecom and Security solutions for modern businesses and enterprises. Matrix, an innovative, technology driven and customer focused organization, is committed to keep pace with the revolutions in the telecom and security industries. With more than 40% of its human resources dedicated to the development of new products, Matrix has launched cutting-edge products like IP-PBX, Universal Gateways, VoIP Gateways and Terminals, GSM Gateways, Access Control, Time-Attendance and Video Surveillance solutions. These solutions are feature-rich, reliable and conform to the international standards. Having global footprints in Asia, Europe, North America, South America and Africa through an extensive network of more than 1,000 channel partners, Matrix ensures that the products serve the needs of its customers faster and longer. Matrix has gained trust and admiration of customers representing the entire spectrum of industries. Matrix has won many international awards for its innovative products.Matrix Comsec394 GIDC, Makarpura, Vadodara-390010+91 0265 2630555 Mobile Advertising: Sub Set of Online Advertising The major factor promoting the growth in mobile ad spending market is the rapid growth in social media. Social media continues to be a large platform for advertisers as well as companies to promote and interact with customers online. With the help of social media, the consumers interests, feedback, and rating can be easily examined with the help of social media. Different users share posts as well as updates available on the brands homepage, thereby leading to the creation of more interaction and awareness. These tactics will enable organizations to create a market presence for their products with broad customer base. According to various studies, over 50% of the customers buy mobile phones after obtaining brand information from social media in developed countries. Thus, social media has enabled companies to obtain a larger customer base and brand loyalty, and this trend will continue to rise in global mobile ad spending market during the forecast.The global mobile advertising market can be classified based on solution, industry vertical, type, device and region. On the basis of solution, the global market is classified into reporting and analytics solutions, advertisement campaign solutions, content delivery solutions, mobile proximity solutions, integrated solutions, and others. Depending upon type, it is segmented into rich media, display advertising, in-game advertising, in-app advertising, search advertising, SMS/MMS/P2P messaging advertising, and others. As per industry vertical, the global mobile advertising market is divided into healthcare sector, academia & government sector, hospitality & tourism sector, energy & utilities sector, BFSI sector, fast moving consumer goods, telecommunication & it sector, and others.Avail Sample Copy of Global Mobile Advertising report atThe global mobile advertising market is expected to garner maximum revenue in the forecast period. Factors such as the development of new technologies such as 3G and 4G and rise in the use of smartphones and tablets among consumers are expected to fuel the growth of this market. Also, large number of consumers are increasingly becoming dependent on multiscreen for online shopping; people are spending their media time on smart TVs, smartphones, computer, tablets, and laptops.Based on regions, the global mobile advertising market is divided into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East & Africa (MEA), and Latin America. The North American region is anticipated to command the maximum market share and would lead the mobile advertising market during the forecast period. The primary factor contributing to the growth of this market is modernization that results in the increased demand for digital marketing in this region. As a result, consumers are promptly shifting towards online shopping. For instance, in order to maintain its huge customer base, Walmart has ventured into online shopping market space.The major companies that provide mobile advertising include InMobi, Facebook, Google, Apple, Jumptap, Yahoo!, Microsoft, Millennial Media, Mojiva, and Tapad among others.Gain Details of Global Mobile Advertising Market with TOC atMajor Points from Table of content: Executive Summary Research Methodology Market Dynamics Industry Overview Global Mobile Advertising Market, By Product (2017-2025) Global Mobile Advertising Market, By Regions (2017-2025) Market Competition AnalysisFeel Free to Contact: sales@xpodenceresearch.comAbout Us:Xpodence Research has the most extensive collection of market research reports of many categories. Xpodence Research provides the best market research solution for every industry by publishing the best possible results of great market research firms worldwide. For every particular problem, theres a particular solution, so according to the customer needs, we provide the best possible results to them from different market research organization, whether its a Custom Research or Syndicated Research reports because the product that wins is the one that bridges customAers to the future, not the one that requires a giant leap.Every organization, whether it is re lasted to Pharmaceuticals, Technology, Eatables, Consumable Goods and many more demands a market research results so that they can take important decisions for more productivity and better output in this swift world. Xpodence Research gives the best possible outcome, perfect forecast, analysis and insights of market research in the form of report which is beneficial for various organizations and also to the manufacturing companies in taking the best decisions for quality production.Contact Us:Xpodence Research244, Madison AvenueNew York City, NY - 10016United StatesToll Free +1- 844-445-2861 Data Fusion Market Size, Share, Growth, Analysis Forecasts To 2025 GLOBAL MARKET ESTIMATES The market report is designed to provide a complete view on the global Data Fusion market. This business intelligence report has been categorised into qualitative and quantitative insights over the forecast period (2017-2025). The demand and supply matrix section falls under the qualitative information category, wherein, the market dynamics for Data Fusion have been studied considering a short term forecast of the factors/variables influencing the industry. The market segments and their respective estimates & forecasts have been covered under the quantitative information category. Forecasts & trend analysis for each country and region is also available in the study. The report concludes by providing competitor analysis for major market participants profiled by analysing their organic & inorganic growth strategies, regional presence, and product portfolio among others.Vendor Landscape: Data Fusion MarketThe report contains a chapter dedicated to vendors operating in the market, covering raw material manufactures, equipment developers, manufacturers, and distributors. The report provides these insights on a regional level. This section of the report entails contact details, experience, products manufactured/supplied, and geographical presence of companies.Request for a sample copy of the Data Fusion Market report at:End-User Landscape (Consumer Profile): Data Fusion MarketThe report provides a detailed list of end-users operating across the world. The end-user landscape includes consumer contact details, geographical presence, revenue, product portfolio, organic and inorganic growth strategies among others.Competitor Analysis: Data Fusion MarketThe major companies profiled in the Data Fusion market include Palantir Technologies, KONUX, Autodesk, INRIX, MariaDB Corporation Ab, Practice Fusion, WorkFusion, RedZone Robotics, ADASWorks, Buzzpoints, Osaro, Imagimob, IDI Inc., TransUnion, Equifax Inc., Oracle Corporation, Omnicom Group Inc., BASELABS, STMicroelectronics, NXP Semiconductors N.V., Renesas Electronics Corporation, Bosch Sensortec GmbH, Hillcrest labs, Kionix Inc., Senion, and Asahi Kasei Microdevices. The report also includes a list of several other companies operating in the market. Companies are investing in innovation/R&D, brand building, and fostering strong relationships with customers to enhance their competitive position.Check our annual research partnership service at:Were constantly identifying and analysing high growth markets and revenue pockets. In consultation with various industry experts, our team of highly-skilled industry analysts study these markets through sophisticated tools and fail-safe, industry-approved methodologies.Name: Global Market Estimates Research & Business ConsultantsAddress: A-9, Silver Croft CHSL, Mumbai:400064, IndiaContact No,: +91 9146632316Email Address: Microfluidic Devices Market Expand at the USD 5,246.4 million in 2019 According to a new market report published by Persistence Market Research Global Market Study on Microfluidic Devices: Asia to Witness Highest Growth by 2019 the global microfluidic device market was valued at USD 1,531.2 million in 2013 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 22.8% from 2013 to 2019, to reach an estimated value of USD 5,246.4 million in 2019.Globally, the microfluidic device market is witnessing significant growth due to increasing R&D investment in pharmaceuticals, life science and rising point of care testing demand. New trends in healthcare, such as health care at home, supports point of care testing (POCT) as the most efficient and effective delivery of healthcare. Miniaturization also reduces the cost for screening compounds in pharmaceutical companies for cell biology problems. In addition, microfluidic proteomic devices are increasingly being used to quantify and identify proteins and to study interactions of different proteins with reagent in array. Different materials such as glass, silicon, polymer metal and ceramics, are used to manufacture microfluidic devices. The global microfluidic device market was valued at USD 1,531.2 million in 2013. It is likely to grow at a CAGR of 22.8% during 2013 to 2019 to reach USD 5,246.4 million in 2019.Request to Sample of Report @In North America, rising aging population, increasing health awareness, rising chronic and lifestyle diseases, technological developments for various home use applications, and proper insurance coverage are driving the use of microfluidic devices in the market. Usage of microfluidic technology in North America is high compared to other regions of the world due to its early adoption and multiple applications in different industries.In Europe, the microfluidic device market is driven by rising diagnostic requirements due to increasing lifestyle associated diseases, aging population and improving healthcare infrastructure. On the other hand, increasing healthcare costs has shifted the focus of healthcare from hospitals to home, which would increase the use of microfluidic devices in the region.Request Report For TOC @However, Asia is becoming one of the most attractive markets for medical device companies. The growth for microfluidic devices is much faster than developed countries due to widening health insurance penetration and up-gradation of health care systems. Asia is one of the producers of generic drugs, which require microfluidic devices for toxicity testing of drugs.Roche Diagnostics, Abbott Laboratories, Siemens Healthcare, Agilent Technologies, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc, Fluidigm Corporation and Johnson & Johnson are some of the major players of microfluidic device market.Report Overview @About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a U.S.-based full-service market intelligence firm specializing in syndicated research, custom research, and consulting services. PMR boasts market research expertise across the Healthcare, Chemicals and Materials, Technology and Media, Energy and Mining, Food and Beverages, Semiconductor and Electronics, Consumer Goods, and Shipping and Transportation industries. The company draws from its multi-disciplinary capabilities and high-pedigree team of analysts to share data that precisely corresponds to clients business needs.PMR stands committed to bringing more accuracy and speed to clients business decisions. From ready-to-purchase market research reports to customized research solutions, PMRs engagement models are highly flexible without compromising on its deep-seated research values.ContactPersistence Market Research Pvt. Ltd305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.commedia@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Robotics System Integration Market - Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 20172025 Integration is a method of programming and supplying industrial robots so that they can perform the task of manufacturing automatically. The key trend which fuel the robotics system integration market is increasing demand of application specific industrial robots. Due to presence of unskilled labors in various countries such as India, China and many more has increased the demand of application specific industrial robotics. In addition to this, the increasing demand of collaborative robot and high growth of the industrial robotics market also helps to fuel the global robotics system integration market. According to International Federation of Robotics 248,000 units robots are sold globally in 2015 up from 221,000 units in 2014.Request Table of Content of This Report:Moreover, the increasing research and development investment in robotic industry for the innovation of next generation robots also become one of the key driver for the growth of the global robotics system integration market. According to Coherent Market Insight, analysis the global R&D spending in robotic industry is US$ 91.5 billion in 2016 up from US$ 71 billion and is forecasted to reach up to US$ 188 billion in 2020. This increasing R&D spending in robotic industry also provides a swift growth to the global robotics system integration market.Robotics system integration market taxonomyOn the basis of deployment model, the global robotics system integration market is classified into:On premises modelCloud based modelOn the basis of end users, the global robotics system integration market is classified into:HealthcareDefense and securityAerospaceAutomotiveElectronicsOthersOn the basis of application, the global robotics system integration market is classified into:Material handlingWelding applicationAssembly lineMaterial handling application holds the dominant position in the global robotics system integration market and is projected to retain its dominance throughout the forecast period. This application is majorly influenced by increasing demand from various end users industries such as automotive, electronics and many more highly installing the automating process in there manufacturing units. In addition to this, the increasing production of automotive industry provides the growth opportunity to the global robotics system integration market. According to Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs d'Automobiles 94 million units of vehicles were sold globally in 2016 up from 89 million in 2015. China holds the largest share in vehicle sales market. In 2016, china automotive market sold 28 million units vehicle up from 24.6 million units in 2015.Robotics system integration market Outlook North America holds the largest market of the global robotics system integration market.On the basis of geography, global Robotics system integration market is classified into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East, and Africa. North America holds the dominant position in the global robotics system integration market and is projected to retain its dominance throughout the forecast period. The high R&D investment with US$ 14.3 billion in aerospace and defense in the U.S. in 2016 offers a growth opportunity to the robotics system integration market in North America region. In addition to this the Asia Pacific robotics system integration market is the fastest growing market. India and china are some of the major countries which fuels the Asia Pacific market. Due to increasing automotive and electronics industry in Asia pacific region fuels the robotics system integration market is Asia Pacific region.Key players of global robotics system integration marketDynamic Automation solutions, Geku Automation, RobotWorx, Midwest Engineered Systems Inc., Van Hoecke Automation nv, FH Automation, Fitz-Thors Engineering, Inc., Mesh Engineering, TW Automation, Concept Systems Inc., Amtec Solutions Group, Inc. are some of major companies of the global robotics system integration market.For More Information :About Coherent Market Insights:Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.Contact Us:Mr. ShahCoherent Market Insights1001 4th Ave,#3200Seattle, WA 98154Tel: +1-206-701-6702Email: sales@coherentmarketinsights.comVisit Our New Website: Bubble Wrap Packaging Market 2018 Global Major Key Players Sealed Air Corporation, Veritiv Corporation, Pregis, Tarheel Paper & Supply Company Analysis and Forecast to 2022 Bubble Wrap Packaging Market 2018 Bubble Wrap Packaging Market 2018Global Bubble Wrap Packaging Market Information by Material (Polyethylene, Kraft Paper, Aluminum Foil, and others), By Product (Bubble rolls, Bubble Bag, Bubble Mailers, and others), By Application (Automotive, Pharmaceutical, E-Commerce, Electronics, and others) and By Region Forecast To 2022The bubble wrap packaging market is expected to reach a market size of USD 10.73 Billion by the end of 2023. The market is expected to grow with 7.04% CAGR.Key PlayersThe key players of global bubble wrap packaging market report include Sealed Air Corporation (North Carolina), Veritiv Corporation (Georgia), Pregis Corporation (U.S.), Tarheel Paper & Supply Company (U.S.), Jiffy Packaging Co. (U.K.), iVEX Protective Packaging Inc.(U.S.), Barton Jones Packaging Ltd (U.S.), Automated Packaging System (U.S.), Abco Kovex Ltd (Ireland), Future Packaging and Machinery (PTY) Ltd (Johannesburg) and others.Request For Sample Report @Market Synopsis of Bubble Wrap Packaging MarketBubble wrap packaging is majorly a form of protective packaging which is composed of a two-layer polyethylene film, entrapped with air inside to form a bubble.The major driver for the growth of the bubble wrap packaging market is the continuous growth of the online shopping market. Rapid growth in the electronic sector and the increase in adoption of online payment systems is ultimately driving the demand of the bubble wrap packaging. Most of the consumers as well as manufacturers today are concerned about the impact of packaging on the environment due to the rising awareness of environment protection. This raising awareness for use of biodegradable bubble wrap is also driving the growth of the market.Study Objectives of Bubble Wrap Packaging MarketTo provide detailed analysis of the market structure along with forecast for the next 6 years of various segments and sub-segments of the Global Bubble Wrap Packaging MarketTo provide insights about factors affecting the market growthTo analyze the Global Bubble Wrap Packaging Market based on various factors- price analysis, supply chain analysis, porters five force analysis etc.To provide historical and forecast revenue of the market segments and sub-segments with respect to four main geographies and their countries- North America, Europe, APAC, and Rest of the World (ROW)To provide country level analysis of the market with respect to the current market size and future prospectiveTo provide country level analysis of the market for segment by material, product, application, and regionsTo provide strategic profiling of the key players in the market, comprehensively analyzing their core competencies, and drawing a competitive landscape for the marketTo track and analyze competitive developments such as joint ventures, strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions, new product developments, and research and developments in the Global Bubble Wrap Packaging Market.The report for Global Bubble Wrap Packaging Market of Market Research Future comprises of extensive primary research along with the detailed analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders to gain the deeper insight of the market and industry performance. The report gives the clear picture of current market scenario which includes historical and projected market size in terms of value and volume, technological advancement, macro economical and governing factors in the market. The report provides details information and strategies of the top key players in the industry. The report also gives a broad study of the different market segments and regions.Complete Report Details @Table of Contents1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY2 INTRODUCTION.11 COMPANY PROFILES11.1 Sealed Air Corporation 7211.2 Veritiv Corporation 7511.3 Pregis Corporation 7811.4 Tarheel Paper & Supply Company 8011.5 Jiffy Packaging Co. 8211.6 IVEX Protective Packaging Inc. 8411.7 Barton Jones Packaging Ltd 8611.8 Automated Packaging System 8711.9 Abco Kovex Ltd 8811.10 Future Packaging And Machinery (PTY) Ltd 89Continued.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.CONTACT US:Akash Anand,Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 Clinical Trial Management System Market Reflecting a USD 1,848.5 million in 2019 According to a new market report published by Persistence Market Research Global Market Study on Clinical Trial Management System: Asia to Witness Highest Growth by 2019 the global clinical trial management system market was valued at USD 844.0 million in 2013 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 14% from 2014 to 2019, to reach an estimated value of USD 1,848.5 million in 2019.Clinical trial is a medical research study performed on humans to check the safety and efficacy of drugs, devices and therapeutic products before they are finally launched in the market. Globally, the CTMS market is witnessing significant growth due to increasing R&D investment in pharmaceutical, life science and clinical research industries. It empowers organizations and research centers to enhance productivity and effectiveness of clinical trials by advancing and managing clinical trials. Integration of CTMS with hospital information system (HIS) provides more accurate and time saving documentation is also driving growth for the CTMS market.Additionally, increasing prevalence of diseases is supporting clinical trials in different regions, and increased clinical research outsourcing is playing a major role in the growth of the CTMS market. Increasing regulatory requirements in many countries has resulted in increased complexity for clinical trial protocols. Presence of various end users such as pharmaceuticals, clinical research organizations (CRO) and healthcare providers has increased the acceptance of CTMS. The global CTMS market was estimated to be USD 844 million in 2013. It is likely to grow at a CAGR of 14% during 2013 to 2019 to reach USD 1,848.5 million in 2019.Request to Sample of Report @North America is a traditional clinical trial region. Due to regulatory and legal considerations and the clinical trial market has shifted from North America to developing countries such as India and China. Clinical trials in the U.S. have been funded and sponsored by National Institute of Health (NIH), other government agencies, academic groups, voluntary health organizations and industry.In Europe, countries in Central and Eastern Europe provide abundant chance to life science companies for clinical development. Due to governmental support and funding for biomedical sciences, Germany has become a preferred location for clinical trials.Request Report For TOC @However, Asia is the fastest growing region in the clinical trial management system market.. Improved industry regulatory laws and patent expiration laws in various countries including Japan, China and India, have led to the expansion of the clinical trials market in Asia. Asia has lower cost of conducting clinical trials compared to Europe or the U.S.Some of the major players in the CTMS market are Oracle Corporation, Bio-Optronics, MedNet Solutions, PAREXEL International Corporation, Medidata Solutions and BioClinicaReport Overview @About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a U.S.-based full-service market intelligence firm specializing in syndicated research, custom research, and consulting services. PMR boasts market research expertise across the Healthcare, Chemicals and Materials, Technology and Media, Energy and Mining, Food and Beverages, Semiconductor and Electronics, Consumer Goods, and Shipping and Transportation industries. The company draws from its multi-disciplinary capabilities and high-pedigree team of analysts to share data that precisely corresponds to clients business needs.PMR stands committed to bringing more accuracy and speed to clients business decisions. From ready-to-purchase market research reports to customized research solutions, PMRs engagement models are highly flexible without compromising on its deep-seated research values.ContactPersistence Market Research Pvt. Ltd305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.commedia@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Global Data Virtualization Market 2018: IBM, SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, Red Hat Data Virtualization Market 2018 The latest report entitled Global Data Virtualization Market 2018 by QY Market Research offers the extensive and top to bottom research analysis of the key regional industry existing of the Data Virtualization market on a global level. This research report mainly focuses on the core regions such as North & South America, Europe, Africa, South & Middle East Asia and Australia and additionally the global top countries like (the United States, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Russia, India, China, South Korea and Japan).Access Sample Copy of Report Here:The worldwide Data Virtualization market report state and future possibilities of the segment have together been inspected. Furthermore, key strategies inside the Data Virtualization market that highlights associations, product advancements, link-ups, and acquisitions, etc., specified. In addition, Upstream raw materials, equipment, and downstream buyer's investigation are equally completed. This comprehensive research encompasses of market benefit, deals, Data Virtualization market sales, possibilities, and difficulties also venture the growth rate. Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of the Global Data Virtualization Market 2018:IBMSAP SEInformaticaDenodo TechnologiesOracleTIBCO SoftwareMicrosoft CorporationRed HatRequest for Purchasing, Visit Here: Data Virtualization Market (Type Analysis):-Standalone SoftwareData Integration SolutionApplication Tool Solution Data Virtualization Market (Application Analysis):-IT & TelecommunicationsGovernment & DefenseEnergy & UtilitiesManufacturingHealthcareOthersIn the primary segment, the Data Virtualization report renders the marketing research and forecast of Data Virtualization Market on a regional as well as the world level. The Data Virtualization report is basically isolated into six parts and every half aims at the synopsis of the Data Virtualization past, present and future states of the market, the possibility of the venture on many strategies and arrangements. Other than the definition and classification, the Data Virtualization market report also examines the essential factors and export and describe a comparison of the Data Virtualization market that focus on the patterns and improvement.In the next segment, This Data Virtualization report offers the exact data on the promoting channels and novel project ventures. So, the modern-day professionals and the prevailing industry rival get the path of these business sectors as well as regional analysis. This report additionally backing the new contestants, readers, financier and the settled players to set up their plans and choose which section or sub-section to make investments on to harvest most extreme benefits. Key Elements of the Data Virtualization Market:1. Data Virtualization Market advancement for the regional as well as country level segments.2. Entire analysis of worldwide market forecast and the outlook for 2022, and predicting of CAGR by an estimated period.3. In-depth investigation of Types/product and Applications.4. Resourceful mapping the current key trends.5. Crucial commendation in main business segments on the basis of Data Virtualization market assessment.6. Scrutinize the deciding market trends and new modified technology in the Data Virtualization Market.In conclusion, Data Virtualization report analyzes key information, strategies, and factors. Furthermore, this report blended entire beneficial information together for the learning and understanding the important facts related to the global Data Virtualization market. The Data Virtualization market share and manufacturing cost with the SWOT analysis everything is incorporated into this report.Note: We also offerNorth America/Latin America/South America/Brazil/AMER/EMEA/Europe/Germany/Russia/Africa/Middle East/Asia/Asia-Pacific/South-east Asia/Saudi Arabia/India/Indonesia/Malaysia/Korea/Australia, etc. regions/countries and sales/industry versions, respectively.Business Worldwide is a trusted brand in the research industry with a capability of commissioning complex projects within a short span of time with high level of accuracy. At Business Worldwide, we believe in building long-term relations with our clients. Our services cover a broad spectrum of industries including Energy, Chemicals and Materials, Automotive, Software and Aerospace.Joel JohnSuite #8138, 3422 SW 15 Street,Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442United StatesToll Free: +1-855-465-4651 (USA-CANADA)Tel: +1-386-310-3803 Aircraft Leasing Market is All Set for Overhaul - Fierce competition, Money pressure and Future Forecast Summery :An up-to-date research has been disclosed by Market Research Future, Which highlights the worldwide Aircraft Leasing Market. The report deep dives into the dynamics of worldwide Aircraft Leasing Market providing helpful and distinctive insights. The Information and Figures shared in an exceedingly precise and structured manner, giving an approximated Picture of the Upcoming market movement. This Report covers the Major Key Players, pie charts and bar-graphs to provide data which can be used to derive the latest trends in the industry.Competitive AnalysisCharacterized by the presence of several major well-established players, the global Market of Aircraft Leasing appears to be highly competitive. Well established players incorporate acquisition, collaboration, partnership, expansion, and technology & product launch in order to gain competitive advantage in this market and to maintain their market position. Strategic partnerships between Key players support the growth and expansion plans of the key players during the forecast period. The Key players operating in the market compete based on pricing, technology, reputation and services. Growth potential demonstrated by the market is attracting several new entrants to the market. Key Players are looking up to expand in developing economies. Lessors reduce the burden of capital funding on airlines by buying aircraft and then leasing the assets to airlines. The lessors obtain their funding from the same mix of sources as the industry as a whole.Request a Sample Report @The prominent players in the aircraft leasing market include AerCap, Air Lease Corporation, BOC Aviation, GECAS, BBAM, CIT Commercial Air, Aviation Capital Group, Boeing Capital Corporation, SAAB Aircraft Leasing, International Lease Finance Corporation and among others.Know More about what Industry/ Innovation/ Related News say:August, 2017:- Air Lease Corporation announced to have a long term lease agreement with Aeromexico for one additional new Boeing 787-9 aircraft with General Electric engines. This aircraft is expected to deliver in June 2018. The reason behind this agreement is that to develop the modern fleet to support companies expanding global operations and their alliance with Delta and other Airlines.July, 2017 - BOC Aviation announced the opening of a new office in New York City, after Dublin, London and Tianjin. The reason behind this expansion is that the company is expanding and building its presence in North America region.June, 2017:- AerCap Holdings and the Italian carrier Neos announced the signing of a lease agreement with for two Boeing 737 MAX aircraft. Neos will become the country's first 737 MAX operator when it takes delivery of the airplane in 2019.May, 2017:- Aviation Capital Group announced that it signed a long-term lease agreements with EL AL Israel Airlines. Under this agreement the company will lease for two new B787-9s aircraft from ACGs order book commitment with Boeing and two new B787-8s on a sale and lease-back agreement. The first aircraft is expected to deliver in February 2018.Get a Compete Report @According to Geographical data, European region have accounted the largest market for global aircraft leasing market owing to the presence of wide range of leasing companies in Ireland. Moreover, Ireland is the major hub for leasing of aircraft consuming around 50% of the total market. Asia-Pacific is the second and the fastest growing region as several coming are coming into operations in China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia and others.Ireland has established itself as a global hub for aircraft leasing with more than 50% of the total market and out of 15 global lessors 14 global lessor operates from Ireland.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Contact:Market Research Future+1 646 845 9312Email: Rental Activities Market 2018 Global Key Players: CBRE Group, Colliers International, RE/MAX, Marcus and Millichap, HFF. Rental Activities adds Rental Activities Market 2018 Global Analysis, Growth, Trends and Opportunities Research Report Forecasting to 2023reports to its database.Executive SummaryRental Activities Market Global Report 2018 from The Business Research Company provides the strategists, marketers and senior management with the critical information they need to assess the global rental activities market.Where is the largest and fastest growing market for the rental activities? How does the market relate to the overall economy, demography and other similar markets? What forces will shape the market going forward? The rental activities market global report from the Business Research Company answers all these questions and many more.The report covers market characteristics, size and growth, segmentation, regional and country breakdowns, competitive landscape, market shares, trends and strategies for this market. It traces the markets historic and forecast market growth by geography. It places the market within the context of the wider services market, and compares it with other markets. The market characteristics section of the report defines and explains the market. The market size section gives the market size ($b) covering both the historic growth of the market and forecasting the future. Drivers and restraints looks at the external factors supporting and controlling the growth of the market. Market segmentations break down market into sub markets. The regional and country breakdowns section gives an analysis of the market in each geography and the size of the market by geography and compares their historic and forecast growth. It covers all the regions, key developed countries and major emerging markets. It draws comparisons with country populations and economies to understand the importance of the market by country and how this is changing. Competitive landscape gives a description of the competitive nature of the market, market shares, and a description of the leading companies. Key financial deals which have shaped the market in recent years are identified. The trends and strategies section highlights the likely future developments in the market and suggests approaches companies can take to exploit this. The rental activities market section of the report gives context. It compares the rental activities market with other segments of the rental activities market by size and growth, historic and forecast. It analyses Expenditure Per Capita, The Rental Activities Market Indicators Comparison.Request Sample Report @ScopeMarkets Covered: Residential Buildings And Dwellings Rental Services; Non-Residential Buildings Rental Services; Miniwarehouses And Self-Storage Units Rental Services; Other Rental ServicesCompanies Mentioned: CBRE Group, Colliers International, RE/MAX, Marcus and Millichap, HFFCountries: Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Spain, Russia, UK, USA and Australia.Regions: Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East And AfricaTime series: Five years historic and forecast.Data: Ratios of market size and growth to related markets, GDP, Expenditure Per Capita, The Rental Activities Market Indicators Comparison.Data segmentations: country and regional historic and forecast data, market share of competitors, market segments.Sourcing and Referencing: Data and analysis throughout the report is sourced using end notes.Table of Content1. Rental Activities Market Characteristics2. Rental Activities Market Size And Growth3. Rental Activities Trends And Strategies;4. Pestle Analysis5. Rental Activities Market Customer Information;6. Rental Activities Market Regional And Country Analysis7. Rental Activities Market Segmentation8. Rental Activities Market Segments9. Global Rental Activities Market Comparison With Macro Economic Factors10. Rental Activities Market Comparison With Macro Economic Factors Across Countries11. Asia-Pacific Rental Activities Market12. Western Europe Rental Activities Market13. Eastern Europe Rental Activities Market14. North America Rental Activities Market15. South America Rental Activities Market16. Middle East Rental Activities Market17. Africa Rental Activities Market18. Rental Activities Market Competitive Landscape18.1. Company Profiles18.2. CBRE Group18.2.1. Overview18.2.2. Products And Services18.2.3. Strategy18.2.4. Financial Performance18.3. Colliers International18.3.1. Overview18.3.2. Products And Services18.3.3. Strategy18.3.4. Financial Performance18.4. RE/MAX18.4.1. Overview18.4.2. Products And Services18.4.3. Strategy18.4.4. Financial Performance18.5. Marcus and Millichap18.5.1. Overview18.5.2. Products And Services18.5.3. Strategy18.5.4. Financial Performance18.6. HFF18.6.1. Overview18.6.2. Products And Services18.6.3. Strategy18.6.4. Financial Performance19. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Rental Activities Market20. Market Background: Real Estate Market21. AppendixReasons to Purchase Outperform competitors using accurate up to date demand-side dynamics information. Identify growth segments for investment. Facilitate decision making on the basis of historic and forecast data and the drivers and restraints on the market. Create regional and country strategies on the basis of local data and analysis. Stay abreast of the latest customer and market research findings Benchmark performance against key competitors. Develop strategies based on likely future developments. Utilize the relationships between key data sets for superior strategizing. Suitable for supporting your internal and external presentations with reliable high quality data and analysis Gain a global perspective on the development of the market. Report will be updated with the latest data and delivered to you within 3-5 working days of order.ContinuousFor further information on this report, visit Contact Us:Norah Trentsales@wiseguyreports.comPh: +1-646-845-9349 (US); +44 208 133 9349 (UK)Wise Guy Reports Is Part Of The Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. And Offers Premium Progressive Statistical Surveying, Market Research Reports, Analysis & Forecast Data For Industries And Governments Around The Globe. Wise Guy Reports Features An Exhaustive List Of Market Research Reports From Hundreds Of Publishers Worldwide. We Boast A Database Spanning Virtually Every Market Category And An Even More Comprehensive Collection Of Market Research Reports Under These Categories And Sub-Categories.Addres:WISEGUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersPune - 411028Maharashtra, IndiaPhone :+91 841 198 5042 Contact Lens Solution Market Size, Share, Trends, Market Growth, Global Analysis And Industry Forecast 2018 - 2026 - Contact Lens Solution Market: Global Industry Trends, Market Size, Competitive Analysis and Forecast - 2018 2026, this study is recently published by Research Corridor covering global market size for Contact Lens Solution market for the key segments and further cross-regional segmentation of these segments for the period 2016 to 2026.Browse the complete report atAccording to Research Corridor this study will provide in-depth analysis of segments on the basis of current trends, market dynamics and country level analysis of Contact Lens Solution industry. This report provides market estimates and forecast for the period 2016-2026, along with respective CAGRs for each segment and regional distribution for the period 2018-2026. In depth analysis of competitive landscape, porters five forces model, value chain analysis, and pricing strategies are also covered in the report scope.Report Synopsis: Contact Lens Solution MarketThis report provides an exhaustive market analysis of the Contact Lens Solution industry presented through sections such as1. Contact Lens Solution: Market Summary2. Key Developments in the Contact Lens Solution Industry3. Market Trends and Dynamics of Contact Lens Solution Industry4. Attractive Investment Proposition for Contact Lens Solution Market5. Competitive Landscape of Key Market Players in Contact Lens Solution Industry6. Current Market Scenario and Future Prospects of the Contact Lens Solution Market7. Mergers and Acquisitions in Contact Lens Solution Market8. Contact Lens Solution Market Revenue and Forecast, by Segment A Type, 2016 to 20269. Contact Lens Solution Market Revenue and Forecast, by Segment B Type, 2016 to 202610. Contact Lens Solution Market Revenue and Forecast, by Segment C Type, 2016 to 202611. Contact Lens Solution Market Revenue and Forecast, by Segment D, 2016 to 202612. Contact Lens Solution Market Revenue and Forecast, by Geography, 2016 to 2026For more details with charts and figures:Key Takeaways:1. Market size and forecast of the Contact Lens Solution market for the period from 2016 to 20262. Compounded annual growth rate (CAGR%) for each segment in several regional markets by year 20263. Market share analysis combined with competitive landscape of key players4. Profiles of key market players covering overall business operations, geographic presence, product portfolio, financial status and news coverage.Related Reports:About Research CorridorResearch Corridor provides End to End Solution for Market Research Consulting and Custom Research Reports. Database of Over 47000 Global Market Reports Research Corridor is world leading company in syndicated market Research Reports.Media ContactCompany Name: Research CorridorContact Person: Vikram ChauhanEmail: sales@researchcorridor.comWebsite: Behenyl Alcohol Market to Approach CAGR of 4.5% during the forecast period, 2015 - 2021 According to the latest market report published by Persistence Market Research titled Global Market Study on Behenyl Alcohol: Asia Pacific to Witness Highest Growth by 2021, the global behenyl alcohol market to expand at a CAGR of 4.5% during the forecast period, 2015 - 2021.Behenyl alcohol (CAS: 661-19-8), often referred to as docosanol, is a saturated fatty alcohol used to thicken and stabilise formulations. It is categorised on the basis of purity level. Behenyl alcohol with the purity level of 70% is most commonly used. However, behenyl alcohol with purity over 80% is very rarely used. Behenyl alcohol accounted for a mere 1.4% share of the overall fatty alcohols market, and for 14% share of the overall C16+ fatty alcohols market in 2014.Global behenyl alcohol market is projected to account for 54,200.9 metric tons by the end of 2021. In terms of value, the global behenyl alcohol market accounted for US$ 119.4 Mn in 2014. It is projected to witness the increase in volume due to rising demand from end-use segments.Request to Sample of Report @The report analyses the global behenyl alcohol market in terms of market value (US$ Mn) and market volume (metric tons), by end-use segment, region and application; and provides information regarding market dynamics, value chain, competitive landscape, current trends, market estimations and forecast.Globally, Asia-Pacific is expected to dominate the market throughout the forecast period and is projected to witness a 1.4X increase in its volume production by the end of 2021. While Japan and India are two major exporters of behenyl alcohol chemicals globally, South Korea is one of the key importers of behenyl alcohol in Asia Pacific. In Asia Pacific, India is the largest producer of rapeseed and behenyl alcohol. A large number of companies based in the country export rapeseed to North America, Europe and other parts of Asia. Sun care products are widely used in Asia Pacific. It accounted for nearly US$ 2.2 Bn in 2014.Request Report For TOC @The increase in demand for sun care products, in turn, is expected to boost overall demand for behenyl alcohol globally. Though the market is gaining traction in Asia-Pacific, low presence of Chinese players in the behenyl alcohol market has significantly reduced price competitiveness among the companies based in Japan, India and Europe. As a result, manufacturers are expected to generate high-profit margins in the Asia Pacific region. Europe is the next lucrative destination for behenyl alcohol manufacturers.Among the end-use segments, behenyl alcohol finds the largest application in the cosmetics industry, followed by pharmaceuticals and others. The pharmaceuticals end-use segment is expected to gain traction in the near future due to increasing demand for behenyl alcohol in ointments. Increasing demand for high-quality cosmetic products is influencing manufacturers to opt for high-quality ingredients such as behenyl alcohol, which has a relatively non-sticky property as compared to other ingredients.Report Overview @Globally, per capita consumption of cosmetics is increasing at a rate of 3.4% per year. Per capita consumption of cosmetics is expected to grow exponentially in the near future due to a significant rise in geriatric population, especially in Japan and China.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a U.S.-based full-service market intelligence firm specializing in syndicated research, custom research, and consulting services. PMR boasts market research expertise across the Healthcare, Chemicals and Materials, Technology and Media, Energy and Mining, Food and Beverages, Semiconductor and Electronics, Consumer Goods, and Shipping and Transportation industries. The company draws from its multi-disciplinary capabilities and high-pedigree team of analysts to share data that precisely corresponds to clients business needs.PMR stands committed to bringing more accuracy and speed to clients business decisions. From ready-to-purchase market research reports to customized research solutions, PMRs engagement models are highly flexible without compromising on its deep-seated research values.ContactPersistence Market Research Pvt. Ltd305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.commedia@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Rehabilitation Devices-Equipment Market in Asia-Pacific Industry 2017 Analysis of Key Manufacturers and Economic Impact 2022 Market Research Report Researchmoz added Most up-to-date research on "Asia-Pacific Rehabilitation Devices-Equipment Market Report 2017" to its huge collection of research reports.In this report,the Asia-Pacific Rehabilitation Devices/Equipment market is valued at USD XX million in 2016 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2022,growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2016 and 2022.Geographically,this report split Asia-Pacific into several key Regions,with sales (K Units),revenue (Million USD),market share and growth rate of Rehabilitation Devices/Equipment for these regions,from 2012 to 2022 (forecast),includingChinaJapanSouth KoreaTaiwanIndiaSoutheast AsiaAustraliaTo Get Sample Copy of Report visit @Asia-Pacific Rehabilitation Devices/Equipment market competition by top manufacturers/players,with Rehabilitation Devices/Equipment sales volume,price,revenue (Million USD) and market share for each manufacturer/player; the top players includingInvacare CorporationMedline Industries,Inc.Dynatronics CorporationDrive Devilbiss HealthcareEsko BionicsCaremax Rehabilitation Equipment Ltd.GF Health Products,Inc.Hospital Equipment Mfg. Co.Maddak,Inc.India Medico InstrumentsOn the basis of product,this report displays the sales volum,revenue,product price,market share and growth rate of each type,primarily split intoDaily Living AidsMobility EquipmentExercise EquipmentBody Support DevicesOn the basis on the end users/applications,this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users,sales volume,market share and growth rate for each application,includingHospitals & ClinicsRehab CentersHome Care SettingsPhysiotherapy CentersMake an Enquiry about TOC @Table of ContentsAsia-Pacific Rehabilitation Devices/Equipment Market Report 20171 Rehabilitation Devices/Equipment Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Rehabilitation Devices/Equipment1.2 Classification of Rehabilitation Devices/Equipment by Product Category1.2.1 Asia-Pacific Rehabilitation Devices/Equipment Market Size (Sales) Comparison by Types (2012-2022)1.2.2 Asia-Pacific Rehabilitation Devices/Equipment Market Size (Sales) Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20161.2.3 Daily Living Aids1.2.4 Mobility Equipment1.2.5 Exercise Equipment1.2.6 Body Support Devices2 Asia-Pacific Rehabilitation Devices/Equipment Competition by Players/Suppliers,Region,Type and Application2.1 Asia-Pacific Rehabilitation Devices/Equipment Market Competition by Players/Suppliers2.1.1 Asia-Pacific Rehabilitation Devices/Equipment Sales Volume and Market Share of Key Players/Suppliers (2012-2017)2.1.2 Asia-Pacific Rehabilitation Devices/Equipment Revenue and Share by Players/Suppliers (2012-2017)2.2 Asia-Pacific Rehabilitation Devices/Equipment (Volume and Value) by Type2.2.1 Asia-Pacific Rehabilitation Devices/Equipment Sales and Market Share by Type (2012-2017)2.2.2 Asia-Pacific Rehabilitation Devices/Equipment Revenue and Market Share by Type (2012-2017)3 China Rehabilitation Devices/Equipment (Volume,Value and Sales Price)3.1 China Rehabilitation Devices/Equipment Sales and Value (2012-2017)3.1.1 China Rehabilitation Devices/Equipment Sales Volume and Growth Rate (2012-2017)3.1.2 China Rehabilitation Devices/Equipment Revenue and Growth Rate (2012-2017)3.1.3 China Rehabilitation Devices/Equipment Sales Price Trend (2012-2017)About ResearchMozResearchMoz is the one stop online destination to find and buy market research reports & Industry Analysis. We fulfill all your research needs spanning across industry verticals with our huge collection of market research reports. We provide our services to all sizes of organizations and across all industry verticals and markets. Our Research Coordinators have in-depth knowledge of reports as well as publishers and will assist you in making an informed decision by giving you unbiased and deep insights on which reports will satisfy your needs at the best price.For More Information Kindly Contact :ResearchMozMr. Nachiket Ghumare,Tel: +1-518-621-2074USA-Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn @ Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication 2018 Global Key Players Trimble Hungary Ltd., Mostcom Ltd., AOptix Technologies Inc., Optelix, LightPointe Communications, Inc... Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Market Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Market 2018Wiseguyreports.Com Adds Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Global Market Demand, Growth, Opportunities, Manufacturers, Analysis of Top Key Players and Forecast to 2023 To Its Research Database.Description:This report mainly introduces volume and value market share by players, by regions, by product type, by consumers and also their price change details. As a Detailed Analysis report, it covers all details inside analysis and opinion in Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication industry.This report splits Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication market by Components, which covers the history data information from 2013 to 2017 and forecast from 2018 to 2023.This report focuses Global market, it covers details as following:Major CompaniesTrimble Hungary Ltd.Mostcom Ltd.AOptix Technologies Inc.OptelixLightPointe Communications, Inc.IBSENtelecom Ltd.Harris CorporationAnova TechnologiesfSONA Networks Corp.Wireless Excellence LimitedRequest for Sample Report@Main RegionsNorth AmericaUnited StatesCanadaLatin AmericaMexicoBrazilArgentinaOthersEuropeGermanyUnited KingdomFranceItalySpainRussiaNetherlandOthersAsia & PacificChinaJapanIndiaKoreaAustraliaSoutheast AsiaIndonesiaThailandPhilippinesVietnamSingaporeMalaysiaOthersAfrica & Middle EastSouth AfricaEgyptTurkeySaudi ArabiaIranOthersMain Product TypeFree Space Optics (FSO) Communication Market, by ComponentsTransmittersReceiversModulatorsDemodulatorsOther (Encoders and Decoders)Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Market, byMain ApplicationsStorage Area NetworkData TransmissionDefenseSecurityOthersComplete report details @If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.Table of Contents:Global Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Detailed Analysis Report 2018-2023Chapter One Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Market Overview1.1 Global Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Market Sales Volume Revenue and Price 2013-20231.2 Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication, by Components 2013-20231.2.1 Global Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Sales Market Share by Components 2013-20231.2.2 Global Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Revenue Market Share by Components 2013-20231.2.3 Global Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Price by Components 2013-20231.2.4 Transmitters1.2.5 Receivers1.2.6 Modulators1.2.7 Demodulators1.2.8 Other (Encoders and Decoders)1.3 Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication, by 2013-20231.3.1 Global Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Sales Market Share by 2013-20231.3.2 Global Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Revenue Market Share by 2013-20231.3.3 Global Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Price by 2013-2023Chapter Three Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication by Players 2013-20183.1 Global Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Sales Volume Market Share by Players 2013-20183.2 Global Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Revenue Share by Players 2013-20183.3 Global Top Players Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Key Product Model and Market Performance3.4 Global Top Players Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Key Target Consumers and Market Performance.Chapter Five Global Top Players Profile5.1 Trimble Hungary Ltd.5.1.1 Trimble Hungary Ltd. Company Details and Competitors5.1.2 Trimble Hungary Ltd. Key Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Models and Performance5.1.3 Trimble Hungary Ltd. Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Business SWOT Analysis and Forecast5.1.4 Trimble Hungary Ltd. Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Sales Volume Revenue Price Cost and Gross Margin5.2 Mostcom Ltd.5.2.1 Mostcom Ltd. Company Details and Competitors5.2.2 Mostcom Ltd. Key Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Models and Performance5.2.3 Mostcom Ltd. Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Business SWOT Analysis and Forecast5.2.4 Mostcom Ltd. Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Sales Volume Revenue Price Cost and Gross Margin5.3 AOptix Technologies Inc.5.3.1 AOptix Technologies Inc. Company Details and Competitors5.3.2 AOptix Technologies Inc. Key Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Models and Performance5.3.3 AOptix Technologies Inc. Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Business SWOT Analysis and Forecast5.3.4 AOptix Technologies Inc. Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Sales Volume Revenue Price Cost and Gross Margin5.4 Optelix5.4.1 Optelix Company Details and Competitors5.4.2 Optelix Key Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Models and Performance5.4.3 Optelix Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Business SWOT Analysis and Forecast5.4.4 Optelix Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Sales Volume Revenue Price Cost and Gross Margin5.5 LightPointe Communications, Inc.5.5.1 LightPointe Communications, Inc. Company Details and Competitors5.5.2 LightPointe Communications, Inc. Key Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Models and Performance5.5.3 LightPointe Communications, Inc. Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Business SWOT Analysis and Forecast5.5.4 LightPointe Communications, Inc. Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Sales Volume Revenue Price Cost and Gross Margin5.6 IBSENtelecom Ltd.5.6.1 IBSENtelecom Ltd. Company Details and Competitors5.6.2 IBSENtelecom Ltd. Key Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Models and Performance5.6.3 IBSENtelecom Ltd. Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Business SWOT Analysis and Forecast5.6.4 IBSENtelecom Ltd. Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Sales Volume Revenue Price Cost and Gross Margin5.7 Harris Corporation5.7.1 Harris Corporation Company Details and Competitors5.7.2 Harris Corporation Key Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Models and Performance5.7.3 Harris Corporation Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Business SWOT Analysis and Forecast5.7.4 Harris Corporation Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Sales Volume Revenue Price Cost and Gross Margin5.8 Anova Technologies5.8.1 Anova Technologies Company Details and Competitors5.8.2 Anova Technologies Key Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Models and Performance5.8.3 Anova Technologies Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Business SWOT Analysis and Forecast5.8.4 Anova Technologies Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Sales Volume Revenue Price Cost and Gross Margin5.9 fSONA Networks Corp.5.9.1 fSONA Networks Corp. Company Details and Competitors5.9.2 fSONA Networks Corp. Key Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Models and Performance5.9.3 fSONA Networks Corp. Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Business SWOT Analysis and Forecast5.9.4 fSONA Networks Corp. Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Sales Volume Revenue Price Cost and Gross Margin5.10 Wireless Excellence Limited5.10.1 Wireless Excellence Limited Company Details and Competitors5.10.2 Wireless Excellence Limited Key Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Models and Performance5.10.3 Wireless Excellence Limited Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Business SWOT Analysis and Forecast5.10.4 Wireless Excellence Limited Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Sales Volume Revenue Price Cost and Gross MarginContinued..Contact US:NORAH TRENTPartner Relations & Marketing Managersales@wiseguyreports.comPh: +1-646-845-9349 (US)Ph: +44 208 133 9349 (UK)About Us:Wise Guy Reports Is Part Of The Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. And Offers Premium Progressive Statistical Surveying, Market Research Reports, Analysis & Forecast Data For Industries And Governments Around The Globe. Wise Guy Reports Features An Exhaustive List Of Market Research Reports From Hundreds Of Publishers Worldwide. We Boast A Database Spanning Virtually Every Market Category And An Even More Comprehensive Collection Of Market Research Reports Under These Categories And Sub-Categories.Addres:: Wise Guy Research Consultants Pvt Ltd: Pune 411028: Maharashtra,: Ph: +91 841 198 5042 Rapid Healthcare Infrastructure Development: Major Contributor promoting the Middle East and Africa Peripheral Vascular Devices Market The report MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA PERIPHERAL VASCULAR DEVICES MARKET provides the information about market size, share, trends, and outlook. The market is analyzed to reach USD 865.80 Million by 2024, at a CAGR of 5.90%.Vascular disease is a subgroup of cardiovascular disease. It is a pathological state of large and medium muscular arteries and is triggered by endothelial cell dysfunction. Disorders which are occurred in the network of blood vessels can cause a range of severe health problems. Vascular devices are medical devices, which are used to provide rapid hemostasis of the artery as well as to reduce access site complications. Changing life style, growing number of aged population, technological advancements, and increasing demand for minimally invasive procedures are boosting the Middle East and Africa peripheral vascular devices market growth. Rapid healthcare infrastructure development, growing disposable income levels of the patients are also contributing to the market growth of peripheral vascular devices.Download Free Sample Brochure at @peripheral-vascular-devices-market/Reasons To Buy This ReportThis report contains the in-depth analysis on the market and the estimations are done using volume and value data are further validated on three approaches including bottom-up, top-down and from top companies revenues to conclude the market estimations precisely and accurately considering all the parameters and market dynamics.Key pointers in the report include: Competitive landscape & market analysis is included in the report to understand the key companies position and Porter's Analysis & PESTLE analysis to perform to analyze the impact of drivers, restraints, challenges and constraints on the market during the next five years. Team of analysts have analyzed and listed out the key drivers, constraints, challenges and emerging opportunities in all the industry verticals which will specify the emerging scope for the market in end user industries. Industry value chain analysis is provided in the report to identify the key stakeholders and prominent players at each stage of the company along with the value addition at each stage of the value chain. Complete analysis including global and regional trends, technological developments, and new product innovations are included in the report specific to each and every segment of the market. A complete 360 degree analysis is provided in the report on key companies product portfolio, business portfolio, developmental strategies, and key developments from the companies in the historical period. Advanced customizations on countries, specific applications in end user industries, product based customizations will be provided based on the request. All the collected data is further validated and verified using surveys, interviews and interactions with industrial experts.Middle East and Africa Peripheral Vascular Devices Market Top Players Boston Scientific Corporation Medtronic plc Abbott Laboratories Cook Medical Incorporated Terumo CorporationRelated Reports:Middle East and Africa Healthcare Information Exchange Market:Middle East and Africa Desktop Virtualization Healthcare Market:About usEnvision Inteligence is the Main Supplier of Market Analysis Reviews, Customized Consulting Companies, Information Analytics and Trade Evaluation. Our purpose is to offer the correct data required by the stakeholder on the proper level of time, in a format which assists an clever and knowledgeable resolution making course of!Contact UsSales Team,Sales@envisioninteligence.comCall:+1 408-963-0099Web: Cat Allergy Market to Register Substantial Expansion by 2025 Cat is considered as beloved pet and a common source of allergens. Cat allergens are allergic to human and are generally found in cat saliva and are identified as glycoproteins. Most common allergen (glycoprotein) secreted by cat includes Fel d 1 (secreted by sebaceous gland) and Fel d 4 (secreted from cat saliva). Most common symptoms of allergic reaction to cat includes watering eyes, sneezing, chapped lips, wheezing, chest tightening, nasal congestion and itching. National Institute of Health stated that people with chronic respiratory disease (asthma, COPD, CFTR) are at a high risk for developing cat allergy. Cat allergies can be diagnosed by skin-prick tests, blood tests and patients medical history. Treatment options available for cat allergy includes antihistamine and decongestants medication. Sometimes synthetic epitope vaccine is considered an ultimate choice to treat cat allergy for long term relief.American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, stated that allergies to cats occur in approximately 15% of the American population yearly. It has also stated, in 2014, that an estimated 14 percent of children between the age of 6 years and 19 years of age are allergic to cats. Moreover, in 2014, American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, published that 33% of the U.S. households own at least one cat at home.Request to Sample of Report @As mentioned above, people with chronic respiratory disease are at high risk for developing cat allergy. Thus, with rising chronic respiratory disease patient the global market for cat allergy treatment is also experiencing a significant growth worldwide. As an instance, emphysema (COPD) and asthma are considered as a major factor that can cause cat allergy among the global population at a significant rate. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2012, North America accounted for the highest number of COPD cases in the world. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, estimated in 2012 that, more than 100 million people would suffer from asthma across the world by 2025. Thus, rising prevalence of respiratory disorders would accentuate the global market demand of cat allergy treatment.North America and Europe was observed to be the largest cat allergy treatment market due to high prevalence rate of cat allergy reported in these regions. Moreover, technological improvement in diagnostic test and strong demand of diagnostic test would also account for the market growth in these regions. In addition, favorable initiatives taken by federal government also accounted for cat allergy treatment market growth in North American and European region. Similarly, Asia-Pacific is considered as an untapped market due to lack of proper diagnostic facilities in some Asian countries (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan).Request Report For TOC @Asian market growth will be fuelled by the presence of untapped opportunities due to extensive increase in healthcare infrastructure. Similarly, Asia-Pacific is considered as an emerging market due to growing market penetration in this region. Rest of the world (RoW) holds fourth position in the global cat allergy treatment market due to poor economic and health condition in most of the African countries.Major market players involved in manufacturing the therapeutic treatment product of cat allergy and contributing the global market share includes Glaxo SmithKline plc, Bristol Meyers Squibb, Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Pharmacia Upjohn Co., and Merck & Co. among others.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a U.S.-based full-service market intelligence firm specializing in syndicated research, custom research, and consulting services. PMR boasts market research expertise across the Healthcare, Chemicals and Materials, Technology and Media, Energy and Mining, Food and Beverages, Semiconductor and Electronics, Consumer Goods, and Shipping and Transportation industries. The company draws from its multi-disciplinary capabilities and high-pedigree team of analysts to share data that precisely corresponds to clients business needs.PMR stands committed to bringing more accuracy and speed to clients business decisions. From ready-to-purchase market research reports to customized research solutions, PMRs engagement models are highly flexible without compromising on its deep-seated research values.ContactPersistence Market Research Pvt. Ltd305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.commedia@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: WLAN Market Share, Supply, Sales, Manufacturers, Competitor and Consumption 2018 to 2027 Market Highlights:WLAN or wireless local area network is a type of network which allows one or more devices to connect using a wireless distribution method. In the 21st century, WLAN has wide application and is currently used in every possible industry which runs or uses products or services pertaining to information technology. WLAN allows devices to connect on WAN and explore.Competitive AnalysisThe market of WLAN appears to be highly competitive. To maintain their market position and to drive the market growth, various dynamic and diversified international organizations, domestic organizations and as well as new entrants form a competitive landscape. Market leaders are innovating continuously and increasingly seeking market expansion through various strategic mergers and acquisitions, innovation, increasing investments in research and development and cost-effective product portfolio. Major players are investing on internal R&D and, most of all, in acquiring other firms.Request a Sample Report @The key players in the market of WLAN are- Cisco (U.S.), Aruba Networks, Inc. (U.S.), HP (U.S.), Ruckus Wireless (U.S.), Ubiquiti Networks (U.S.), Aerohive Networks (U.S.), Zebra Technologies (U.S.), Netgear (U.S.), Huawei (China), D-Link (Taiwan), TP-Link (China) among others.Know Latest Industry/ Innovation/ Related News:December, 2017 Cisco Systems shines in the WLAN market as the Aruba Networks slips in the third quarter by 0.5% which includes both consumer and enterprise WLAN. Cisco has achieved a 5.3% increase in the enterprise WLAN market. Cisco continues to invest aggressively in the WLAN market.December, 2017 Ubiquiti Networks has witnessed a considerable increase in its revenue of about 28% in this year in WLAN marketOctober, 2017 Huawei Technologies has collaborated with a Russian telecommunications company Rostelecom for deploying high quality wireless network in Moscow. Huawei has become the exclusive supplier to Rostelecom for its central location. Rostelecom plans to complete its Wi-Fi construction for central branch by 2018 including both indoor and outdoor scenarios.December, 2017 Huawei Technologies has witnessed a rise in its revenue of over 20% in the WLAN market.March, 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise acquired California based Aruba NetworksMay, 2016 Brocade Communications acquired California based Ruckus WirelessBrowse Full Report @Following queries are addressed in the Research Report Global WLANMarket 2018What is the expected industry size of Global WLAN Market in 2022?Expected rate of growth to reach the potential?What are the major market trends?Major drivers for Global WLAN Market?Prominent distributors/suppliers in Global WLAN Market?Upcoming challenges for Global WLAN Market?And More.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Contact:Market Research Future+1 646 845 9312Email: Key Tools for Innovative Vaccine Designs: Vaccine Adjuvants The report NORTH AMERICA VACCINE ADJUVANTS MARKET provides the detail description of market segmentation, applications, growth, size, and outlook. The market is projected to reach USD $278 Million by 2024, at a CAGR of 11.3%.An adjuvant is an immunological agent, which modifies the effect of other agents. Adjuvants can also act as an irritant, which engages and amplifies the body immune response. Adjuvants are added to vaccines to boost the immune response by offering a higher amount of antibodies, to provide longer-lasting protection, and to minimize the amount of injected material. There are different types of adjuvants that can push immune response in different directions. The commonly used adjuvants are aluminum hydroxide and paraffin oil. To stimulate the immune systems response, pharmacological agents are added to vaccines. Technical innovations, and expanding government investments or recommendations for immunizations are the key attributes responsible for the North America vaccine adjuvants market growth.Reasons To Buy This ReportThis report contains the in-depth analysis on the market and the estimations are done using volume and value data are further validated on three approaches including bottom-up, top-down and from top companies revenues to conclude the market estimations precisely and accurately considering all the parameters and market dynamics.Download Free Sample Brochure at @Key pointers in the report include: Competitive landscape & market analysis is included in the report to understand the key companies position and Porter's Analysis & PESTLE analysis to perform to analyze the impact of drivers, restraints, challenges and constraints on the market during the next five years. Team of analysts have analyzed and listed out the key drivers, constraints, challenges and emerging opportunities in all the industry verticals which will specify the emerging scope for the market in end user industries. Industry value chain analysis is provided in the report to identify the key stakeholders and prominent players at each stage of the company along with the value addition at each stage of the value chain. Complete analysis including global and regional trends, technological developments, and new product innovations are included in the report specific to each and every segment of the market. A complete 360 degree analysis is provided in the report on key companies product portfolio, business portfolio, developmental strategies, and key developments from the companies in the historical period. Advanced customizations on countries, specific applications in end user industries, product based customizations will be provided based on the request. All the collected data is further validated and verified using surveys, interviews and interactions with industrial experts.North America Vaccine Adjuvants Market Top Players MPV Technologies Avanti Polar Lipids Agenus, Inc. Invivogen SPI Pharma, Inc.Related Reports:North America Desktop Virtualization Healthcare Market:Global Mobile Health Market:About usEnvision Inteligence is the Main Supplier of Market Analysis Reviews, Customized Consulting Companies, Information Analytics and Trade Evaluation. Our purpose is to offer the correct data required by the stakeholder on the proper level of time, in a format which assists an clever and knowledgeable resolution making course of!Contact UsSales Team,Sales@envisioninteligence.comCall:+1 408-963-0099Web: Global Pressure Relief Devices Market to Raise at a CAGR of 5.3% between 2017 to 2025 Demand for pressure relief devices is on a surge in developing economies including Asia Pacific (APAC) and Middle East & Africa (MEA). With the advent of medical tourism in various APAC countries such as Vietnam Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, and Philippines, the market in this region is expected to witness considerable growth. Provision of after sales will be the key focus area of the global pressure relief devices market. Various global players have signed strategic partnerships & collaborations with regional players for offering sales and aftersales services in developing markets.Request to Sample of Report @Persistence Market Research (PMR), in its report, projects the global pressure relief devices market to register 5.3% CAGR during the forecast period 2017 to 2025. In 2016, the market was evaluated at revenues worth US$ 2,280.4 Mn; by 2025 this number is estimated to reach nearly US$ 3,600 Mn.Growing Number of Patients with Hospital-acquired Ulcer Poised to drive Market Growth in North AmericaAccording to a study by Hill-Rom, growing number of patients with hospital-acquired pressure ulcer has led to a robust adoption of pressure ulcer devices in North America. In addition, rising prevalence of obesity and growing geriatric population has also driven the demand for pressure ulcer devices. These factors are expected to drive growth of the market in this region. However, reimbursement stands as a critical factor, considering the fact that products are highly priced. Private insurers in North America are adopting reimbursement restrictions for pressure ulcer treatment, which in turn will restrain market growth in this region.Increasing out-of-pocket healthcare expenditure is current trend in both developed and developing countries of APAC. This is expected fuel demand for medical devices including pressure relief devices in this region. In addition, provision of government initiatives is expected to offer better healthcare facilities across developing economies, which is further expected to fuel demand for pressure relief devices in APAC. In contrast, affordability of purchasing new pressure relief devices is a major challenge for large number of population across this region. This is because of limited support from government policies covering pressure ulcer treatment in developing economies, and lack of health insurance. These factors are expected to impede market growth in Asia Pacific.Sales of Pressure Relief Devices to Long-term Care Centers to Reach Nearly US$ 1,700 Mn by 2025-EndLong-term care centres will continue to remain most lucrative end-users of pressure relief devices, with revenues estimated to reach nearly US$ 1,700 Mn by 2025. Demand for pressure relief devices from long-term care centres is expected to witness expansion at 6% CAGR through 2025. In addition, hospitals are estimated to be second largest end-users of pressure relief devices. Revenue garnered by demand for pressure relief devices from hospitals is expected to surpass US$ 800 Mn in 2017.By product type, specialty beds will remain sought-after in the market. Sales of specialty beds is expected to exhibit 5.8% CAGR through 2025. Specialty beds are expected to account for over 50% market share by 2025-end. In addition, sales of pressure relief mattress is projected to reach nearly US$ 600 Mn in 2017. In contrast, mattress overlays are expected to witness a comparatively low CAGR in the market.Request Report for TOC @North America to Remain the Largest Market for Pressure Relief DevicesNorth America will remain the largest market for pressure relief devices. Sales of pressure relief devices in this region will reach nearly US$ 800 Mn in 2017; by 2025 this number is estimated to surpass US$ 1,000 Mn. In addition, APAC is expected to witness fastest growth in the market. Sales of pressure relief devices in APAC is projected to expand at 6% CAGR through 2025. In contrast, MEA is expected to exhibit sluggish expansion in the market during the forecast period.Key players identified in PMRs report include Arjohuntleigh AB, Hill-Rom Global Holdings B.V., INVACARE CORP, PARAMOUNT BED CO., LTD., Talley Group Limited, STRYKER CORPORATION, SIDHIL LIMITED, MEDTRONIC PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY, SMITH & NEPHEW PLC, Apex Medical Corp, Proma Reha, s. r. o., Besco Medical Co., Ltd., Hirtz & Co. KG, GF Health Products, Inc., ADL GmbH., Linet spol. s r.o.Report overview @About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a U.S.-based full-service market intelligence firm specializing in syndicated re-search, custom research, and consulting services. PMR boasts market research expertise across the Healthcare, Chemicals and Materials, Technology and Media, Energy and Mining, Food and Beverages, Semiconductor and Electronics, Con-sumer Goods, and Shipping and Transportation industries. The company draws from its multi-disciplinary capabilities and high-pedigree team of analysts to share data that precisely corresponds to clients business needs.ContactPersistence Market Research Pvt. Ltd305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Global Industry Research Report 2018 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Industry Researchmoz added Most up-to-date research on "Global Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Industry 2018, Trends and Forecast Report" to its huge collection of research reports.Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Report by Material, Application, and Geography Global Forecast to 2022 is a professional and in-depth research report on the world's major regional market conditions, focusing on the main regions (North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific) and the main countries (United States, Germany, united Kingdom, Japan, South Korea and China).The report firstly introduced the Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System basics: definitions, classifications, applications and market overview; product specifications; manufacturing processes; cost structures, raw materials and so on. Then it analyzed the world's main region market conditions, including the product price, profit, capacity, production, supply, demand and market growth rate and forecast etc. In the end, the report introduced new project SWOT analysis, investment feasibility analysis, and investment return analysis.To Get Sample Copy of Report visit @The report includes six parts, dealing with:1.) basic information;2.) the Asia Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Market;3.) the North American Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Market;4.) the European Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Market;5.) market entry and investment feasibility;6.) the report conclusion.Table of ContentsPart I Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Industry OverviewChapter One Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Industry Overview1.1 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Definition1.2 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Classification Analysis1.2.1 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Main Classification Analysis1.2.2 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Main Classification Share Analysis1.3 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Application Analysis1.3.1 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Main Application Analysis1.3.2 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Main Application Share Analysis1.4 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Industry Chain Structure Analysis1.5 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Industry Development Overview1.5.1 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Product History Development Overview1.5.1 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Product Market Development Overview1.6 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Global Market Comparison Analysis1.6.1 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Global Import Market Analysis1.6.2 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Global Export Market Analysis1.6.3 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Global Main Region Market Analysis1.6.4 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Global Market Comparison Analysis1.6.5 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Global Market Development Trend AnalysisChapter Two Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Up and Down Stream Industry Analysis2.1 Upstream Raw Materials Analysis2.1.1 Upstream Raw Materials Price Analysis2.1.2 Upstream Raw Materials Market Analysis2.1.3 Upstream Raw Materials Market Trend2.2 Down Stream Market Analysis2.1.1 Down Stream Market Analysis2.2.2 Down Stream Demand Analysis2.2.3 Down Stream Market Trend AnalysisGet Complete TOC With Tables and Figures @Part II Asia Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Industry (The Report Company Including the Below Listed But Not All)Chapter Three Asia Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Market Analysis3.1 Asia Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Product Development History3.2 Asia Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Competitive Landscape Analysis3.3 Asia Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Market Development TrendChapter Four 2013-2018 Asia Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Productions Supply Sales Demand Market Status and Forecast4.1 2013-2018 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Capacity Production Overview4.2 2013-2018 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Production Market Share Analysis4.3 2013-2018 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Demand Overview4.4 2013-2018 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Supply Demand and Shortage4.5 2013-2018 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Import Export Consumption4.6 2013-2018 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Cost Price Production Value Gross MarginChapter Five Asia Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Key Manufacturers Analysis5.1 Company A5.1.1 Company Profile5.1.2 Product Picture and Specification5.1.3 Product Application Analysis5.1.4 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Value5.1.5 Contact Information5.2 Company B5.2.1 Company Profile5.2.2 Product Picture and Specification5.2.3 Product Application Analysis5.2.4 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Value5.2.5 Contact Information5.3 Company C5.3.1 Company Profile5.3.2 Product Picture and Specification5.3.3 Product Application Analysis5.3.4 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Value5.3.5 Contact Information5.4 Company D5.4.1 Company Profile5.4.2 Product Picture and Specification5.4.3 Product Application Analysis5.4.4 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Value5.4.5 Contact Information......Chapter Six Asia Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Industry Development Trend6.1 2018-2022 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Capacity Production Overview6.2 2018-2022 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Production Market Share Analysis6.3 2018-2022 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Demand Overview6.4 2018-2022 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Supply Demand and Shortage6.5 2018-2022 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Import Export Consumption6.6 2018-2022 Projector-Infrared Camera Based Multi-Touch System Cost Price Production Value Gross MarginContinue...About ResearchMozResearchMoz is the one stop online destination to find and buy market research reports & Industry Analysis. We fulfill all your research needs spanning across industry verticals with our huge collection of market research reports. We provide our services to all sizes of organizations and across all industry verticals and markets. Our Research Coordinators have in-depth knowledge of reports as well as publishers and will assist you in making an informed decision by giving you unbiased and deep insights on which reports will satisfy your needs at the best price.ResearchMozState Tower,90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesEmail: sales@researchmoz.usWebsite @Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free)Tel: +1-518-621-2074Follow us on LinkedIn @ Tanzanias Telecom Services Market 2017: Key Players Vodacom Tanzania, Tigo Tanzania, Airtel Tanzania, Halotel and More Tanzania?s Telecom Services Market WiseGuyReports published new report, titled Tanzania: Country Intelligence ReportSummary"Tanzania: Country Intelligence Report", a new Country Intelligence Report by provides an executive-level overview of the telecommunications market in Tanzania today, with detailed forecasts of key indicators up to 2022. Published annually, the report provides detailed analysis of the near-term opportunities, competitive dynamics and evolution of demand by service type and technology/platform across the fixed telephony, broadband and mobile markets, as well as a review of key regulatory trends.Tanzanias telecom services market will grow from an estimated $1.3bn in 2017 to $1.6bn by 2022 at a CAGR of 3.8% over 2017-2022, driven by projected growth in the mobile data and fixed broadband segments. Mobile voice will be the largest revenue-contributing segment in 2017 but the share will decline going forward. However, fixed broadband revenue will be the fastest-growing segment, expanding at a CAGR of 14.5% driven by growth in DSL and FTTx subscriptions. Mobile data will be the second fastest-growing segment with a 9.4% CAGR over the forecast period and is positively affected by rising smartphone adoption and 3G/4G network expansions.The Country Intelligence Report provides in-depth analysis of the following - Demographic and macroeconomic context in Tanzania.- The regulatory environment and trends: a review of the regulatory setting and agenda for the next 18-24 months as well as relevant developments pertaining to spectrum licensing, national broadband plans, tariff regulation and more.- Telecom services market outlook: analysis as well as historical figures and forecasts of service revenue from the fixed telephony, broadband, mobile voice and mobile data markets.- The competitive landscape: an examination of the positioning of leading players in the telecom and pay-TV services market as well as subscription market shares across segments.- Company snapshots: analysis of the financial position of leading service providers in the telecommunications market.- Underlying assumptions behind our published base-case forecasts, as well as potential market developments that would alter, either positively or negatively, our base-case outlook.GET SAMPLE REPORT @Companies mentionedVodacom TanzaniaTigo TanzaniaAirtel TanzaniaHalotelZantelTTCLScope- Overall telecom service revenue in Tanzania will grow at a CAGR of 3.8% during 2017-2022.- Mobile revenue will account for 81.5% of total telecom service revenue in 2022, driven by projected growth in 3G and 4G services.- Vodacom will dominate with one-third share of total mobile subscriptions in Tanzania in 2017, followed by Airtel and Tigo. All operators compete on the basis of network expansions/upgrades to strengthen their market position.Key points- This Country Intelligence Report offers a thorough, forward-looking analysis of Tanzanias telecommunications markets, service providers and key opportunities in a concise format to help executives build proactive and profitable growth strategies.- Accompanying Forecast products, the report examines the assumptions and drivers behind ongoing and upcoming trends in Tanzanias mobile communications, fixed telephony, broadband markets, including the evolution of service provider market shares.- With more than 20 charts and tables, the report is designed for an executive-level audience, boasting presentation quality.- The report provides an easily digestible market assessment for decision-makers built around in-depth information gathered from local market players, which enables executives to quickly get up to speed with the current and emerging trends in Tanzanias telecommunications markets.- The broad perspective of the report coupled with comprehensive, actionable detail will help operators, equipment vendors and other telecom industry players succeed in the challenging telecommunications market in Tanzania...CONTINUEDFor accessing accurate and deep understanding and to gain latest insights and key developments in the area of your interest, we also have a list of conferences in which you will be interested in, for more information, cordially checkFor updating knowledge or for thoroughly understanding various terminologies, we also have vast list of seminars for your reference, for more information cordially checkWise Guy Reports understand how essential statistical surveying information is for your organization or association. Therefore, we have associated with the top publishers and research firms all specialized in specific domains, ensuring you will receive the most reliable and up to date research data available. We also provide COTS (Commercial off the Shelf) business sector reports as custom exploration agreeing your particular needs.WISEGUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersPune - 411028Maharashtra, India Major Progress of Nutricosmetics Market : Global Business Insights, Analysis Report and Development Trends Upto 2025 Market Research Report Researchmoz added Most up-to-date research on "Nutricosmetics Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2017 - 2025" to its huge collection of research reports.Global Nutricosmetics Market: OverviewNutricosmetics is an oral based natural heath products which include specific nutrients and antioxidant that provides treatment or prevents problems in skin, hair and nails arising due to several deficiencies such as lack in vitamin B12, vitamin D, vitamin A and vitamin C. Consumers over the years have become conscious about the wellbeing of the skin, hair and overall health. The global Nutricosmetics market has been segmented on the basis of product types, primary function, distribution channel, and region. Based on product types, the market has been segmented into supplements and beauty beverages/drinks. The supplements have been further segmented into tablets, capsules, powder and liquids. Based on primary function, the market has been segmented into skin care, hair care, nail care, weight management and multifunctional. Skin care has been further segmented into sun care, anti-aging, radiance, and glow, anti-acne, pimple. The market has been further segmented on the basis of distribution channel into modern trade, health and beauty stores, specialty stores, pharmacy stores and E-commerce.To Get Sample Copy of Report visit @Global Nutricosmetics Market: Scope of StudyThe report also analyzes factors driving and inhibiting growth of the glass tableware market. The report will help manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors to understand the present and future trends in this market and formulate strategies accordingly. The market has been tracked in terms of revenue (US$ Mn) and the same has been segmented based on product type, primary function, and distribution channel.Global Nutricosmetics Market: Market DynamicsThe demand for organic products among the consumers have surged to a great extent in the past few years, on account of increasing awareness about the benefits offered by natural products. Synthetic products are inclusive of harmful chemicals that may have adverse effects on human health. Due to this issue, health conscious consumers are shifting their focus towards natural products. Introduction of new innovative nutricosmetic products having organic elements is another key factor driving the sales of nutricosmetic products. In recent periods, products have been launched presenting innovative elements such as oils, barks, fruits, roots, and seeds. In addition, fruit extracts, green tea, and coenzyme Q10 are the other commonly used ingredients in nutricosmetic products. These are some major factors responsible for the switch from synthetic products to natural products. The popularity of nutricosmetics among the aging population is also considered as one of the key drivers of the global nutricosmetics market. Rapidly growing base of aging population coupled with increasing awareness about health and wellness is also fuelling the demand for nutricosmetics at present.Additionally, many countries across the globe are expected to serve as potentially good markets for nutricosmetic products. For instance, the demand for nutricosmetics products has increased in Asia Pacific. In addition, Japan has made rapid progress with regards to the growth of this market. Further, China is expected to register a healthy growth in the forecast period. Taiwan and South Korea are expected to be lucrative regions for nutricosmetics in coming years.Make an Enquiry about TOC @Moreover, in this report, the study provides different countries included in different regions such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East and Africa. Europe which includes EU5, Nordic, Russia, and Poland among the other regions dominated the global Nutri cosmetics market due to rising consciousness regarding health and beauty among the people. EU5 among the other regions in Europe captured a large part of the market share in 2016. Asia Pacific which includes India, China, Japan, Australia and New Zealand among the other regions also captured a significant market share in 2016. Japan dominated the Nutri cosmetics market among the other regions due to its product launches in recent years which include collagen-based drinks and vitamin infused sodas. North America, which includes the U.S. and Canada showed the fastest growth rate during the forecast period due to the rapid adoption rate of nutricosmetics among the consumers.Global Nutricosmetics Market: Competitive LandscapeThe report provides company market share analysis of the various key participants. Key players have also been profiled on the basis of company overview, financial overview, business strategies and SWOT Analysis. Global key participants of the cosmetic ingredient market include Cargill Incorporated (Minnesota, U.S.), E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company (Delaware, U.S.A.), Nestle S.A. (Vevey, Switzerland), LOreal SA (Clichy France), The Coca-Cola company (Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.), Skinside AG (Switzerland), Croda International Plc (East Yorkshire U.S.A), Pfizer Inc.(NewYork, U.S.A), Frutarom Industries Limited (Haifa District, Israel), Nutrikosm (Barcelona, Spain), Robinson Pharma Incorporated (Santa Ana, CA, U.S.A.), Shiseido (Tokyo, Japan), Ashland Incorporated (Kentucky, U.S.A.), Vitabiotics Company (London, U.K.), Medcoll Bio (Westmeath, Ireland).The global nutricosmetics market is segmented as follows;-Global Nutricosmetics Market, by Product TypeSupplementsTabletCollagen PeptidesVitamins and MineralsProteinsHerbal ExtractsPlant and Fruit ExtractsCapsuleAbout ResearchMozResearchMoz is the one stop online destination to find and buy market research reports & Industry Analysis. We fulfill all your research needs spanning across industry verticals with our huge collection of market research reports. We provide our services to all sizes of organizations and across all industry verticals and markets. Our Research Coordinators have in-depth knowledge of reports as well as publishers and will assist you in making an informed decision by giving you unbiased and deep insights on which reports will satisfy your needs at the best price.For More Information Kindly Contact :ResearchMozMr. Nachiket Ghumare,Tel: +1-518-621-2074USA-Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn @ Mauritius Telecom Service Market 2017By Identifying the Key Market Segments Poised for Strong Growth in Future 2022 Mauritius: Country Intelligence Report SUMMARYWiseGuyReports published new report, titled Mauritius: Country Intelligence Report"Mauritius: Country Intelligence Report", a new Country Intelligence Report by provides an executive-level overview of the telecommunications market in Mauritius today, with detailed forecasts of key indicators up to 2022. Published annually, the report provides detailed analysis of the near-term opportunities, competitive dynamics and evolution of demand by service type and technology/platform across the fixed telephony, broadband and mobile, as well as a review of key regulatory trends.Telecom service revenue in Mauritius will rise from an estimated $282.4m in 2017 to $316.7m by 2022 at a CAGR of 2.3%. Growth in the market will be primarily driven by growing demand for fixed broadband and mobile data services. Mobile voice will be the largest revenue-generating segment in 2017 with 40.4% of the total service revenue for the year. Mobile data will be the fastest-growing segment with revenue to increase at a CAGR of 9.8% over the 2017-2022 period. Growing smartphone subscriptions and rising adoption of relatively higher-value 3G/4G services will drive growth in mobile data revenue going forward.The Country Intelligence Report provides in-depth analysis of the following - Demographic and macroeconomic context in Mauritius.- The regulatory environment and trends: a review of the regulatory setting and agenda for the next 18-24 months as well as relevant developments pertaining to spectrum licensing, national broadband plans, tariff regulation and more.- Telecom services market outlook: analysis as well as historical figures and forecasts of service revenue from the fixed telephony, broadband, mobile voice and mobile data markets.- The competitive landscape: an examination of the positioning of leading players in the telecom service market as well as subscription market shares across segments.- Company snapshots: analysis of the financial position of leading service providers in the telecommunications markets.- Underlying assumptions behind our published base-case forecasts, as well as potential market developments that would alter, either positively or negatively, our base-case outlook.GET SAMPLE REPORT @Scope- The overall telecom service revenue in Mauritius will grow at a CAGR of 2.3% during 2017-2022.- Mobile voice services, which will account for a majority 40.4% of total mobile revenue in 2017, will see its share fall to about 29.9% by 2022.- Orange Mauritius will account for 54.0% of total mobile subscriptions by the end of 2017. The operator will remain the largest player through the forecast period banking on its highly reliable 4G network.Key points to buy- This Country Intelligence Report offers a thorough, forward-looking analysis of Mauritiuss telecommunications markets, service providers and key opportunities in a concise format to help executives build proactive and profitable growth strategies.- Accompanying Forecast products, the report examines the assumptions and drivers behind ongoing and upcoming trends in Mauritiuss mobile communications, fixed telephony, and broadband markets, including the evolution of service provider market shares.- With more than 20 charts and tables, the report is designed for an executive-level audience, boasting presentation quality.- The report provides an easily digestible market assessment for decision-makers built around in-depth information gathered from local market players, which enables executives to quickly get up to speed with the current and emerging trends in Mauritiuss telecommunications markets.- The broad perspective of the report coupled with comprehensive, actionable detail will help operators, equipment vendors and other telecom industry players succeed in the challenging telecommunications market in Mauritius.Table of ContentsTable of contentsMarket highlightsDemographic, macroeconomic and regulatory contextDemographic and macroeconomic contextRegulatory contextTelecom services market outlookTotal telecom service revenueMobile services marketFixed services marketCompetitive landscape and company snapshots..CONTINUEDFor accessing accurate and deep understanding and to gain latest insights and key developments in the area of your interest, we also have a list of conferences in which you will be interested in, for more information, cordially checkFor updating knowledge or for thoroughly understanding various terminologies, we also have vast list of seminars for your reference, for more information cordially checkWise Guy Reports understand how essential statistical surveying information is for your organization or association. Therefore, we have associated with the top publishers and research firms all specialized in specific domains, ensuring you will receive the most reliable and up to date research data available. We also provide COTS (Commercial off the Shelf) business sector reports as custom exploration agreeing your particular needs.WISEGUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersPune - 411028Maharashtra, India Biodetection Market Estimated to Experience a Hike in Growth by 2025 Biodetection is perceiving better acceptance due to growing bio-terrorism, which results in increasing the number of illness and deaths. Bioterrorism is mainly caused by organisms or toxins that weaken or kill livestock, crops and people. These organisms can be dispersed by person to person contact, by contaminating food and water, by infecting animals that carry disease to human and others. These pathogens can be identified by the system called biodetection which directs the entry and presence of pathogens. The increasing attacks have brought a major worry to the public as well as governments. Bio detection has an emerged solution to the government as well as public as these can give a negative impact on a large number of population.Ebola outbreaks, H1N1 attacks has resulted in loss of human resources and affect adversely on overall healthcare system. The increase in bio-terrorist attacks has increased the need for bio-security systems that secure the people from pathogen attacks and reduce the risk of disease transmission to others. Biological analyses includes determining the contaminants along with identification of biological effects. These assays also assist in identification of the compounds imposing positive health effects such as inhibition and activation of cellular pathways. Contaminant detection is based on detection of biological effect or chemical analysis, and the services include the detection of contaminants in defense, food and environment settings, and clinical. Chemical analyses aid in detection and determination of complex mixture of bioactive compounds present in the sample. These analyses involve the implementation of several chemical analytical fractionation techniques such as solid phase extraction (SPE), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and gel permeation chromatography.Request to Sample of Report @The global biodetection market is anticipated to register a significant CAGR over the forecast period. The biodetection market is being majorly driven due to increasing awareness about bio-terrorism and biological warfare. This may anticipated to propel the demand for biodetection and drives the global market of biodetection market. The increasing support from the government to develop effective bio-detection technologies also enhance the growth of biodetection market over the forecast period. The need for an early detection system for bio-terrorist attack also boost the demand for biodetection systems. However, the problems faced in the detection of minute pathogens, may hamper the growth of biodetection market. The increasing misuse of scientific technologies along with increasing circulation of harmful biological agents also restraining the growth of the biodetection market.Geographically, the biodetection market is segmented into five key regions such as North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia pacific (APAC), and Middle East & Africa (MEA). The North America has become the lucrative market for biodetection and is anticipated to emerge as the fastest growing market due to the rising investments in bio surveillance systems. The Europe is expected to register a significant growth over a forecast period due to the increase in implementation of highly efficient technologies. APAC region is also expected to register a significant growth in the biodetection market over a forecast period as the government is trying to prevent these bio attacks and trying to minimize damage caused by these attacks by implementing effective methods.Request Report For TOC @Some of the players operating in the global biodetection market are environmental bio-detection products Inc., New Horizons Diagnostics Inc, BioDetection Instruments, Inc., BioVeris, Bertin Technologies, ANP Technologies, Haztech Systems, Tetracore, BioDETECT, BioSentinel, Inc. and others. These companies are highly focused and further contributing to the growth of biodetection market globally.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a U.S.-based full-service market intelligence firm specializing in syndicated research, custom research, and consulting services. PMR boasts market research expertise across the Healthcare, Chemicals and Materials, Technology and Media, Energy and Mining, Food and Beverages, Semiconductor and Electronics, Consumer Goods, and Shipping and Transportation industries. The company draws from its multi-disciplinary capabilities and high-pedigree team of analysts to share data that precisely corresponds to clients business needs.PMR stands committed to bringing more accuracy and speed to clients business decisions. From ready-to-purchase market research reports to customized research solutions, PMRs engagement models are highly flexible without compromising on its deep-seated research values.ContactPersistence Market Research Pvt. Ltd305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.commedia@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Parking Management Solution Market : by Technology, Disease, End user, and Region 2025 Market Research Report Researchmoz added Most up-to-date research on "Parking Management Solution Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2017 - 2025" to its huge collection of research reports.Global Parking Management Solution Market: OverviewParking management solution are a set of hardware designed and manufactured to manage parking space in a particular location. It consists of monochrome displays, LED light indicators, solar panel/battery, RFID tags, sensors, automated payment systems and centralized data management system that allow people to find parking in desired locations. The demand for parking management solution market is expected to increase in the coming years owing to rapid increase in automobile usage and increasing adoption for smart city projects across world. Thus, the need for parking management solution is expected to become prominent among government/transportation and private agencies for the smooth running of traffic across streets during the forecast period 2017-2025.To Get Sample Copy of Report visit @Global Parking Management Solution Market: Scope of StudyThis research report provides in-depth analysis of the global parking management solution market for the period of 2015 2025, wherein 2016 is the base year and 2017 to 2025 is the forecast period. Data for 2015 has been included as historical information. It also provides the comprehensive analysis of parking management solution market based on type, installed location type and geography.The report also provides an analysis of the factors that drive and restrain the growth of the parking management solution market. It discusses the prevailing prospective growth opportunities, and major strategies increasing the popularity of the global parking management solution market.The objective of this study is to understand the factors aiding the growth of parking management solution market. The report further aims to identify various factors that are expected to support the expansion of parking management solution market in the emerging markets. The report also provides Porters Five Forces Analysis for the global Parking management solution market. It also encompasses the key factors aiding the growth by region in the parking management solution market. It also provides the market estimates and forecasts for all the segments in terms of revenue (in US$ Bn) and volume (Mn Units).Make an Enquiry about TOC @Global Parking Management Solution Market: Market SegmentationThe global parking management solution market is categorized based on type into parking meters (single-space parking meter) and parking kiosks (multi-space parking meter) type. Furthermore, the research report provides the complete insights into different parking management solution providers through installed location types which includes on-street parking and parking venues (parking deck, parking complex, etc). The report analyzes each of these segments for various geographies considered under the scope of the study.Based on the geographical regions, the report segments the global parking management solution market into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa (MEA), and South America, which are analyzed in terms of revenue and volume generation. North America is further segmented into The U.S., Canada and Rest of North America, while Europe is divided into The U.K., Germany, France, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Rest of Europe. Asia Pacific is subdivided into China, Japan, Australia and Rest of Asia Pacific. Also, MEA is further segmented into The GCC, South Africa and Rest of MEA, while South America is subdivided into Brazil and Rest of South America. The report also covers cross segmentation forecasts of Nordic countries.The report also includes the competitive profiling of major players engaged in providing parking management solutions. Major business strategies adopted by them, their market share, and recent developments have also been identified in the research report. This report also provides market positioning analysis of major players operating in the global parking management solution market. The key market players profiled in this study include parking meter and kiosks providers and OEMs. The prominent providers offering parking management solution include Parkeon S.A.S., Parking BOXX, IPS Group, Inc., METRIC Group Ltd., Ventek International, Worldwide Parking, Inc., J.J. MacKay Canada Limited, CivicSmart, Inc., LocoMobi Inc., POM Inc., and Cale Access AB (Cale Group AB).Global Parking Management Solution MarketBy TypeParking MetersParking KiosksBy Installed LocationStreet ParkingParking VenuesBy GeographyNorth AmericaEuropeAsia PacificMiddle East and AfricaSouth AmericaAbout ResearchMozResearchMoz is the one stop online destination to find and buy market research reports & Industry Analysis. We fulfill all your research needs spanning across industry verticals with our huge collection of market research reports. We provide our services to all sizes of organizations and across all industry verticals and markets. Our Research Coordinators have in-depth knowledge of reports as well as publishers and will assist you in making an informed decision by giving you unbiased and deep insights on which reports will satisfy your needs at the best price.For More Information Kindly Contact :ResearchMozMr. Nachiket Ghumare,Tel: +1-518-621-2074USA-Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn @ Telecommunications Market in Brazil Market 2017 By Analyzing the Performance of Various Competitors 2022 Brazil: Country Intelligence Report SUMMARYWiseGuyReports published new report, title Brazil: Country Intelligence Report"Brazil: Country Intelligence Report", by provides an executive-level overview of the telecommunications market in Brazil today, with detailed forecasts of key indicators up to 2021. Published annually, the report provides detailed analysis of the near-term opportunities, competitive dynamics and evolution of demand by service type and technology/platform across the fixed telephony, broadband, and mobile, as well as a review of key regulatory trends.Expects Brazil's total telecommunications and pay-TV services revenue to reach $40.2bn (R128.1bn) in 2017, up by 10.8% in US-denominated value (1.2% in local Brazilian currency) over 2016, primarily led by growth in mobile data, fixed broadband and pay-TV revenue. Brazil is passing through a sustainale market repair in 2017 with the improvement of its macroeconomic situation, which will support the telecom and pay-TV revenue trend.The Country Intelligence Report provides in-depth analysis of the following - Regional context: telecom market size and trends in Brazil compared with other countries in the region.- Economic, demographic and political context in Brazil.- The regulatory environment and trends: a review of the regulatory setting and agenda for the next 18-24 months as well as relevant developments pertaining to spectrum licensing, national broadband plans, number portability and more.- A demand profile: analysis as well as historical figures and forecasts of service revenue from the fixed telephony, broadband, mobile voice, and mobile data markets.- Service evolution: a look at changes in the breakdown of overall revenue between the fixed and mobile sectors and between voice, data and video from 2016 to 2021.- The competitive landscape: an examination of key trends in competition and in the performance, revenue market shares and expected moves of service providers over the next 18-24 months.- In-depth sector analysis of fixed telephony, broadband, mobile voice, and mobile data services: a quantitative analysis of service adoption trends by network technology and by operator, as well as of average revenue per line/subscription and service revenue through the end of the forecast period.- Main opportunities: this section details the near-term opportunities for operators, vendors and investors in Brazil's telecommunications markets.GET SAMPLE REPORT @Scope- The total revenue of the telecom and pay-TV services markets in Brazil is set to grow at a 2.3% CAGR in local currency (-1.8% in US$ due to exchange rate fluctuation) over 2017-2022. Mobile data and fixed broadband will be key segments driving growth in the total market over the next five years.- While currently the largest revenue contributor, the mobile voice market will see its revenue decline by a huge margin due to growing consumer migration toward OTT-based communications solutions and inclusion of free calling offers in bundled plans by operators.- Mobile data and fixed broadband will see the biggest revenue increases over the next five years, a combined $6.1bn lift between 2016 and 2022.Key points to buy- This Country Intelligence Report offers a thorough, forward-looking analysis of Brazil's telecommunications markets, service providers and key opportunities in a concise format to help executives build proactive and profitable growth strategies.- Accompanying Forecast products, the report examines the assumptions and drivers behind ongoing and upcoming trends in Brazil's mobile communications, fixed telephony, broadband markets, including the evolution of service provider market shares.- With more than 20 charts and tables, the report is designed for an executive-level audience, boasting presentation quality.- The report provides an easily digestible market assessment for decision-makers built around in-depth information gathered from local market players, which enables executives to quickly get up to speed with the current and emerging trends in Brazil's telecommunications markets.- The broad perspective of the report coupled with comprehensive, actionable detail will help operators, equipment vendors and other telecom industry players succeed in the challenging telecommunications market in Brazil.Table of ContentsTable of contentsMarket highlightsDemographic, macro and regulatory contextRegulatory contextTelecom and pay-TV services market outlookTotal telecom service revenueMobile services marketFixed services marketPay-TV services marketCompetitive landscape and company snapshotsCompetitive landscapeVivo..CONTINUEDFor accessing accurate and deep understanding and to gain latest insights and key developments in the area of your interest, we also have a list of conferences in which you will be interested in, for more information, cordially checkFor updating knowledge or for thoroughly understanding various terminologies, we also have vast list of seminars for your reference, for more information cordially checkWise Guy Reports understand how essential statistical surveying information is for your organization or association. Therefore, we have associated with the top publishers and research firms all specialized in specific domains, ensuring you will receive the most reliable and up to date research data available. We also provide COTS (Commercial off the Shelf) business sector reports as custom exploration agreeing your particular needs.WISEGUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersPune - 411028Maharashtra, India Global Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales Market Key Trends, Size, Growth, Shares And Forecast Research Report 2018 Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales Market Researchmoz added Most up-to-date research on "Global Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales Market Report 2018" to its huge collection of research reports.In this report,the global Hip Reconstruction Devices market is valued at USD XX million in 2017 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2025,growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2017 and 2025.Geographically,this report split global into several key Regions,with sales (K Units),revenue (Million USD),market share and growth rate of Hip Reconstruction Devices for these regions,from 2013 to 2025 (forecast),coveringUnited StatesChinaEuropeJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaTo Get Sample Copy of Report visit @Global Hip Reconstruction Devices market competition by top manufacturers/players,with Hip Reconstruction Devices sales volume,Price (USD/Unit),revenue (Million USD) and market share for each manufacturer/player; the top players includingUnited Orthopedic Corp.MicroPort Scientific Corp.Exactech Inc.Waldemar LINK GmbH & Co. KGB. Braun MelsungenDePuy SynthesCorinZimmer Inc.Smith & NephewStryker Corp.On the basis of product,this report displays the production,revenue,price,market share and growth rate of each type,primarily split intoPrimary Cemented Hip Replacement DevicePartial Hip Replacement DeviceRevision Hip Replacement DeviceHip Resurfacing DeviceOn the basis on the end users/applications,this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users,sales volume,market share and growth rate for each application,includingHospitalsOrthopedic ClinicsASCsTable of ContentsGlobal Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales Market Report 20181 Hip Reconstruction Devices Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Hip Reconstruction Devices1.2 Classification of Hip Reconstruction Devices by Product Category1.2.1 Global Hip Reconstruction Devices Market Size (Sales) Comparison by Type (2013-2025)1.2.2 Global Hip Reconstruction Devices Market Size (Sales) Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20171.2.3 Primary Cemented Hip Replacement Device1.2.4 Partial Hip Replacement Device1.2.5 Revision Hip Replacement Device1.2.6 Hip Resurfacing Device1.3 Global Hip Reconstruction Devices Market by Application/End Users1.3.1 Global Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales (Volume) and Market Share Comparison by Application (2013-2025)1.3.2 Hospitals1.3.3 Orthopedic Clinics1.3.4 ASCs1.4 Global Hip Reconstruction Devices Market by Region1.4.1 Global Hip Reconstruction Devices Market Size (Value) Comparison by Region (2013-2025)1.4.2 United States Hip Reconstruction Devices Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.3 China Hip Reconstruction Devices Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.4 Europe Hip Reconstruction Devices Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.5 Japan Hip Reconstruction Devices Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.6 Southeast Asia Hip Reconstruction Devices Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.7 India Hip Reconstruction Devices Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5 Global Market Size (Value and Volume) of Hip Reconstruction Devices (2013-2025)1.5.1 Global Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales and Growth Rate (2013-2025)1.5.2 Global Hip Reconstruction Devices Revenue and Growth Rate (2013-2025)2 Global Hip Reconstruction Devices Competition by Players/Suppliers,Type and Application2.1 Global Hip Reconstruction Devices Market Competition by Players/Suppliers2.1.1 Global Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales and Market Share of Key Players/Suppliers (2013-2018)2.1.2 Global Hip Reconstruction Devices Revenue and Share by Players/Suppliers (2013-2018)2.2 Global Hip Reconstruction Devices (Volume and Value) by Type2.2.1 Global Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)2.2.2 Global Hip Reconstruction Devices Revenue and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)2.3 Global Hip Reconstruction Devices (Volume and Value) by Region2.3.1 Global Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)2.3.2 Global Hip Reconstruction Devices Revenue and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)2.4 Global Hip Reconstruction Devices (Volume) by ApplicationGet Complete TOC With Tables and Figures @3 United States Hip Reconstruction Devices (Volume,Value and Sales Price)3.1 United States Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales and Value (2013-2018)3.1.1 United States Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales and Growth Rate (2013-2018)3.1.2 United States Hip Reconstruction Devices Revenue and Growth Rate (2013-2018)3.1.3 United States Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales Price Trend (2013-2018)3.2 United States Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales Volume and Market Share by Players (2013-2018)3.3 United States Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales Volume and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)3.4 United States Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales Volume and Market Share by Application (2013-2018)4 China Hip Reconstruction Devices (Volume,Value and Sales Price)4.1 China Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales and Value (2013-2018)4.1.1 China Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales and Growth Rate (2013-2018)4.1.2 China Hip Reconstruction Devices Revenue and Growth Rate (2013-2018)4.1.3 China Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales Price Trend (2013-2018)4.2 China Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales Volume and Market Share by Players (2013-2018)4.3 China Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales Volume and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)4.4 China Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales Volume and Market Share by Application (2013-2018)5 Europe Hip Reconstruction Devices (Volume,Value and Sales Price)5.1 Europe Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales and Value (2013-2018)5.1.1 Europe Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales and Growth Rate (2013-2018)5.1.2 Europe Hip Reconstruction Devices Revenue and Growth Rate (2013-2018)5.1.3 Europe Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales Price Trend (2013-2018)5.2 Europe Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales Volume and Market Share by Players (2013-2018)5.3 Europe Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales Volume and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)5.4 Europe Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales Volume and Market Share by Application (2013-2018)6 Japan Hip Reconstruction Devices (Volume,Value and Sales Price)6.1 Japan Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales and Value (2013-2018)6.1.1 Japan Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales and Growth Rate (2013-2018)6.1.2 Japan Hip Reconstruction Devices Revenue and Growth Rate (2013-2018)6.1.3 Japan Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales Price Trend (2013-2018)6.2 Japan Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales Volume and Market Share by Players (2013-2018)6.3 Japan Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales Volume and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)6.4 Japan Hip Reconstruction Devices Sales Volume and Market Share by Application (2013-2018)Continue...About ResearchMozResearchMoz is the one stop online destination to find and buy market research reports & Industry Analysis. We fulfill all your research needs spanning across industry verticals with our huge collection of market research reports. We provide our services to all sizes of organizations and across all industry verticals and markets. Our Research Coordinators have in-depth knowledge of reports as well as publishers and will assist you in making an informed decision by giving you unbiased and deep insights on which reports will satisfy your needs at the best price.ResearchMozState Tower,90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesEmail: sales@researchmoz.usWebsite @Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free)Tel: +1-518-621-2074Follow us on LinkedIn @ New Study on Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales Global Market Analysis 2018 | FISO Technologies, Sensa, OSENSA Innovations, US Seismic Systems Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales Market Researchmoz added Most up-to-date research on "Global Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales Market Report 2018" to its huge collection of research reports.In this report,the global Functional Fibre Optic Sensors market is valued at USD XX million in 2017 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2025,growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2017 and 2025.Geographically,this report split global into several key Regions,with sales (K Units),revenue (Million USD),market share and growth rate of Functional Fibre Optic Sensors for these regions,from 2013 to 2025 (forecast),coveringUnited StatesChinaEuropeJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaTo Get Sample Copy of Report visit @Global Functional Fibre Optic Sensors market competition by top manufacturers/players,with Functional Fibre Optic Sensors sales volume,Price (USD/Unit),revenue (Million USD) and market share for each manufacturer/player; the top players includingFISO TechnologiesSensaOSENSA InnovationsUS Seismic SystemsHoneywell Sensing and ControlMicron OpticsBrugg KabelOmnisensLight Wave VentureAFL GlobalOn the basis of product,this report displays the production,revenue,price,market share and growth rate of each type,primarily split intoIntrinsic SensorsExtrinsic SensorsOn the basis on the end users/applications,this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users,sales volume,market share and growth rate for each application,includingConstructionPower SystemsOil & GasOtherTable of ContentsGlobal Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales Market Report 20181 Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Functional Fibre Optic Sensors1.2 Classification of Functional Fibre Optic Sensors by Product Category1.2.1 Global Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Market Size (Sales) Comparison by Type (2013-2025)1.2.2 Global Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Market Size (Sales) Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20171.2.3 Intrinsic Sensors1.2.4 Extrinsic Sensors1.3 Global Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Market by Application/End Users1.3.1 Global Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales (Volume) and Market Share Comparison by Application (2013-2025)1.3.2 Construction1.3.3 Power Systems1.3.4 Oil & Gas1.3.5 Other1.4 Global Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Market by Region1.4.1 Global Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Market Size (Value) Comparison by Region (2013-2025)1.4.2 United States Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.3 China Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.4 Europe Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.5 Japan Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.6 Southeast Asia Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.7 India Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5 Global Market Size (Value and Volume) of Functional Fibre Optic Sensors (2013-2025)1.5.1 Global Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales and Growth Rate (2013-2025)1.5.2 Global Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Revenue and Growth Rate (2013-2025)Get Complete TOC With Tables and Figures @2 Global Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Competition by Players/Suppliers,Type and Application2.1 Global Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Market Competition by Players/Suppliers2.1.1 Global Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales and Market Share of Key Players/Suppliers (2013-2018)2.1.2 Global Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Revenue and Share by Players/Suppliers (2013-2018)2.2 Global Functional Fibre Optic Sensors (Volume and Value) by Type2.2.1 Global Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)2.2.2 Global Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Revenue and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)2.3 Global Functional Fibre Optic Sensors (Volume and Value) by Region2.3.1 Global Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)2.3.2 Global Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Revenue and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)2.4 Global Functional Fibre Optic Sensors (Volume) by Application3 United States Functional Fibre Optic Sensors (Volume,Value and Sales Price)3.1 United States Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales and Value (2013-2018)3.1.1 United States Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales and Growth Rate (2013-2018)3.1.2 United States Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Revenue and Growth Rate (2013-2018)3.1.3 United States Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales Price Trend (2013-2018)3.2 United States Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales Volume and Market Share by Players (2013-2018)3.3 United States Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales Volume and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)3.4 United States Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales Volume and Market Share by Application (2013-2018)4 China Functional Fibre Optic Sensors (Volume,Value and Sales Price)4.1 China Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales and Value (2013-2018)4.1.1 China Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales and Growth Rate (2013-2018)4.1.2 China Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Revenue and Growth Rate (2013-2018)4.1.3 China Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales Price Trend (2013-2018)4.2 China Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales Volume and Market Share by Players (2013-2018)4.3 China Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales Volume and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)4.4 China Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales Volume and Market Share by Application (2013-2018)5 Europe Functional Fibre Optic Sensors (Volume,Value and Sales Price)5.1 Europe Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales and Value (2013-2018)5.1.1 Europe Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales and Growth Rate (2013-2018)5.1.2 Europe Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Revenue and Growth Rate (2013-2018)5.1.3 Europe Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales Price Trend (2013-2018)5.2 Europe Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales Volume and Market Share by Players (2013-2018)5.3 Europe Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales Volume and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)5.4 Europe Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales Volume and Market Share by Application (2013-2018)6 Japan Functional Fibre Optic Sensors (Volume,Value and Sales Price)6.1 Japan Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales and Value (2013-2018)6.1.1 Japan Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales and Growth Rate (2013-2018)6.1.2 Japan Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Revenue and Growth Rate (2013-2018)6.1.3 Japan Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales Price Trend (2013-2018)6.2 Japan Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales Volume and Market Share by Players (2013-2018)6.3 Japan Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales Volume and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)6.4 Japan Functional Fibre Optic Sensors Sales Volume and Market Share by Application (2013-2018)Continue...About ResearchMozResearchMoz is the one stop online destination to find and buy market research reports & Industry Analysis. We fulfill all your research needs spanning across industry verticals with our huge collection of market research reports. We provide our services to all sizes of organizations and across all industry verticals and markets. Our Research Coordinators have in-depth knowledge of reports as well as publishers and will assist you in making an informed decision by giving you unbiased and deep insights on which reports will satisfy your needs at the best price.ResearchMozState Tower,90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesEmail: sales@researchmoz.usWebsite @Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free)Tel: +1-518-621-2074Follow us on LinkedIn @ Global Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Devices Market Expected to Generate Huge Profit by 2017 - 2025 Market Research Reports Search Engine A latest research report titled as Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Devices Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2017 - 2025 has been recently added to the vast portfolio of Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) online research offerings. This report is a professional and in-depth analysis on the present state and future prospect for the global market. It provides valuable information to the industry insiders, potential entrants or investors. It includes an exhaustive enquiry with the reliability of logic and the comprehensiveness of contents.Request Free Sample Report @Presence of a copious number of small vendors has made the global hyperbaric oxygen therapy devices market fragmented in nature. However, there are few dominant players too that have a stronghold over the market. In order to surge ahead of competitors, savvy players in the global hyperbaric oxygen therapy devices market are seen leveraging a multi-pronged strategy. First, they are pouring money into research and development of improved new products. Second, they are striking carefully-considered partnerships to enhance their product portfolios. Third, they are trying to expand their geographical footprints by tapping into the relatively underserved markets in the developing nations.A range of hyperbaric oxygen chambers of various designs and sizes combined with increasing knowledge the quicker, smoother healing process, is primarily responsible for this markets steady growth rate. Besides, the large pool of global elderly population, rising occurrence of acute and chronic wounds, and the increase in diabetic foot ulcers and pressure cases is also stoking demand in the global market for hyperbaric oxygen therapy devices.A report by Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) predicts the global hyperbaric oxygen therapy devices market to register a CAGR of 7.4% from 2017 to 2025 to become worth US$284.8 mn by 2025 from US$ 150.0 mn in 2016.Monoplace HBOT Devices See Maximum Demand Due to their AffordabilityThe two main types of hyperbaric oxygen therapy devices purveyed in the market are monoplace HBOT devices and multiplace HBOT device, depending upon whether it is for one person or for many. Depending upon the type of product, the monoplace HBOT devices leads the market. It 2016, its leading share came to around 60.1% of the overall market. Their affordable cost compared to multiplace chambers has served to boost their uptake so far. Further, constant improvement in their technology that speeds up the healing process even more is also bringing about sales. In Europe, however, strict rules pertaining to the use of monolpace HBOT devices for medical purpose is pushing up demand for multiplace HBOT devices.Hyperbaric oxygen therapy devices find application in wound healing, infection treatment, decompression sickness, gas embolism, etc. Of these, the segment of wound healing contributes the most to the market because of the widespread use of monoplace HBOT chambers in developed countries of the U.S., Canada and Japan and also in developing countries of China, Saudi Arabia, and Brazil.Browse Full Report with TOC @Powered by U.S., North America Leads the MarketFrom a geographical standpoint, currently North America runs the show in the global hyperbaric oxygen therapy devices market. In 2016, the region held 32.1% share in the global market. Increasing occurrence of head injuries is said to be driving growth in the region. The U.S. is a major contributor to the market on account of the robust reimbursement system in the country.Europe trails North America, in terms of market share, in the global hyperbaric oxygen therapy market. The revenue in the region is slated to become US$62.2 mn by 2025. Vis-a-vis growth rate, on the other hand, Asia Pacific is projected to outpace all other regions as it is home to over half the population in the world, which also makes the prevalence of diabetes much higher in the region. Besides, an improving medical infrastructure and foray of international players is also boosting the market in the region.Enquire about this Report @About Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE)Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.Contact UsState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite:Read More Industry News At: Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Global Market Analysis 2025 : Researchmoz Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Market Researchmoz added Most up-to-date research on "Global Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Market Size,Status and Forecast 2025" to its huge collection of research reports.This report studies the global Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software market,analyzes and researches the Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software development status and forecast in United States,EU,Japan,China,India and Southeast Asia. This report focuses on the top players in global market,likeSAPAgiloftIBMCobbleStone SystemsAcceloUltriaManageEngineCallidusCloudContract LogixConcordOctivSpringCMContractZenDetermineContractWorksApttusRevitasConvergePointAurigoTo Get Sample Copy of Report visit @Market segment by Regions/Countries,this report coversUnited StatesEUJapanChinaIndiaSoutheast AsiaMarket segment by Type,the product can be split intoCloud-based CLM SoftwareWeb-based CLM SoftwareMarket segment by Application,Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software can be split intoAttorneysParalegalsProcurement ProfessionalsSales Operations ProfessionalsOtherTable of ContentsGlobal Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Market Size,Status and Forecast 20251 Industry Overview of Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software1.1 Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Market Overview1.1.1 Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Product Scope1.1.2 Market Status and Outlook1.2 Global Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Market Size and Analysis by Regions (2013-2018)1.2.1 United States1.2.2 EU1.2.3 Japan1.2.4 China1.2.5 India1.2.6 Southeast Asia1.3 Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Market by Type1.3.1 Cloud-based CLM Software1.3.2 Web-based CLM Software1.4 Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Market by End Users/Application1.4.1 Attorneys1.4.2 Paralegals1.4.3 Procurement Professionals1.4.4 Sales Operations Professionals1.4.5 Other2 Global Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Competition Analysis by Players2.1 Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Market Size (Value) by Players (2013-2018)2.2 Competitive Status and Trend2.2.1 Market Concentration Rate2.2.2 Product/Service Differences2.2.3 New Entrants2.2.4 The Technology Trends in FutureGet Complete TOC With Tables and Figures @3 Company (Top Players) Profiles3.1 SAP3.1.1 Company Profile3.1.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.1.3 Products,Services and Solutions3.1.4 Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.1.5 Recent Developments3.2 Agiloft3.2.1 Company Profile3.2.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.2.3 Products,Services and Solutions3.2.4 Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.2.5 Recent Developments3.3 IBM3.3.1 Company Profile3.3.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.3.3 Products,Services and Solutions3.3.4 Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.3.5 Recent Developments3.4 CobbleStone Systems3.4.1 Company Profile3.4.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.4.3 Products,Services and Solutions3.4.4 Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.4.5 Recent Developments3.5 Accelo3.5.1 Company Profile3.5.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.5.3 Products,Services and Solutions3.5.4 Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.5.5 Recent Developments3.6 Ultria3.6.1 Company Profile3.6.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.6.3 Products,Services and Solutions3.6.4 Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.6.5 Recent Developments3.7 ManageEngine3.7.1 Company Profile3.7.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.7.3 Products,Services and Solutions3.7.4 Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.7.5 Recent Developments3.8 CallidusCloud3.8.1 Company Profile3.8.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.8.3 Products,Services and Solutions3.8.4 Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.8.5 Recent Developments3.9 Contract Logix3.9.1 Company Profile3.9.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.9.3 Products,Services and Solutions3.9.4 Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.9.5 Recent Developments3.10 Concord3.10.1 Company Profile3.10.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.10.3 Products,Services and Solutions3.10.4 Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.10.5 Recent Developments3.11 Octiv3.12 SpringCM3.13 ContractZen3.14 Determine3.15 ContractWorks3.16 Apttus3.17 Revitas3.18 ConvergePoint3.19 Aurigo4 Global Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Market Size by Type and Application (2013-2018)4.1 Global Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Market Size by Type (2013-2018)4.2 Global Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Market Size by Application (2013-2018)4.3 Potential Application of Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software in Future4.4 Top Consumer/End Users of Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software5 United States Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Development Status and Outlook5.1 United States Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Market Size (2013-2018)5.2 United States Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Market Size and Market Share by Players (2013-2018)5.3 United States Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Market Size by Application (2013-2018)6 EU Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Development Status and Outlook6.1 EU Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Market Size (2013-2018)6.2 EU Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Market Size and Market Share by Players (2013-2018)6.3 EU Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software Market Size by Application (2013-2018)Continue...About ResearchMozResearchMoz is the one stop online destination to find and buy market research reports & Industry Analysis. We fulfill all your research needs spanning across industry verticals with our huge collection of market research reports. We provide our services to all sizes of organizations and across all industry verticals and markets. Our Research Coordinators have in-depth knowledge of reports as well as publishers and will assist you in making an informed decision by giving you unbiased and deep insights on which reports will satisfy your needs at the best price.ResearchMozState Tower,90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesEmail: sales@researchmoz.usWebsite @Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free)Tel: +1-518-621-2074Follow us on LinkedIn @ Smart Fleet Management Market 2018 Global Key Players: IBM Corporation, Continental AG, Robert Bosch GmbH, Sierra Wireless, Inc., Zonar Systems, Inc. Smart Fleet Management Market Smart Fleet Management adds Smart Fleet Management Market 2018 Global Analysis, Growth, Trends and Opportunities Research Report Forecasting to 2025reports to its database.Executive SummaryGlobal Smart Fleet Management Market industry valued approximately USD 290.9 billion in 2016 is anticipated to grow with a healthy growth rate of more than 7.6% over the forecast period 2017-2025. The major factors driving the growth are rising need for Smart Fleet Management worldwide, enhance vehicular safety and higher operational efficiencies.The objective of the study is to define market sizes of different segments & countries in previous years and to forecast the values to the next eight years. The report is designed to incorporate both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the industry with respect to each of the regions and countries involved in the study. Furthermore, the report also caters the detailed information about the crucial aspects such as drivers & restraining factors which will define the future growth of the market. Additionally, it will also incorporate the opportunities available in micro markets for stakeholders to invest, detailed analysis of competitive landscape and product offerings of key players. The detailed segments and sub-segment of the market are explained below:Hardware:Remote DiagnosticsTrackingOptimizationADASConnectivity:Short rangeLong rangeCloudTransportation:Rolling StockMarineAutomotiveFurthermore, the years considered for the study are as follows:Historical year 2015Base year 2016Forecast period 2017 to 2025Some of the key manufacturers involved in the market are IBM Corporation, Continental AG, Robert Bosch GmbH, Sierra Wireless, Inc., Zonar Systems, Inc., Cisco Systems Inc., Denso Corporation, Orbcomm, Inc., Siemens AG, Tech Mahindra Limited. Acquisitions and effective mergers are some of the strategies adopted by the key manufacturers. New product launches and focuses on continuous technology innovations are also strategies adopted by the major players. The companies are also trying to dominate the market by investing in research and development.Target Audience of the Smart Fleet Management Market StudyKey Consulting Companies & AdvisorsLarge, medium-sized, and small enterprisesVenture capitalistsValue-Added Resellers (VARs)Third-party knowledge providersInvestment bankersInvestorsRequest Sample Report @Table of ContentChapter 1. Research Methodology1.1. Research Process1.1.1. Data Mining1.1.2. Analysis1.1.3. Market Estimation1.1.4. Validation1.1.5. Publishing1.2. Research AssumptionChapter 2. Global Smart Fleet Management Market Definition & Scope2.1. Objective of The Study2.2. Market Definition2.3. Scope of The Study2.4. Years Considered for The Study2.5. Currency Conversion Rates2.6. Report LimitationChapter 3. Executive Summary3.1. Key Trends3.2. Global & Segmental Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2015-2025 (USD Billion/Million)Chapter 4. Global Smart Fleet Management Industry Dynamics4.1. Growth Prospects4.1.1. Drivers4.1.2. Restraints4.1.3. Opportunities4.2. Industry Analysis4.2.1. Porters 5 Force Model4.2.2. PEST Analysis4.2.3. Value Chain Analysis4.3. Analyst Recommendation & ConclusionChapter 5. Global Smart Fleet Management Market by HardwareChapter 6. Global Smart Fleet Management Market by ConnectivityChapter 7. Global Smart Fleet Management Market by TransportationChapter 8. Global Smart Fleet Management Market, Regional AnalysisChapter 9. Competitive Intelligence9.1. Company Market Share (Subject to Data Availability)9.2. Top Market Strategies9.3. Company Profiles9.3.1. IBM Corporation9.3.1.1. Overview9.3.1.2. Financial (Subject to Data Availability) Product Summary9.3.1.4. Recent Developments9.3.2. Continental AG9.3.3. Robert Bosch GmbH9.3.4. Sierra Wireless,Inc,9.3.5. Zonar Systems, Inc.9.3.6. Cisco Systems Inc.9.3.7. Denso Corporation9.3.8. Orbcomm, Inc.9.3.9. Siemens AG9.3.10. Tech Mahindra LimitedContinuousFor further information on this report, visit Contact Us:Norah Trentsales@wiseguyreports.comPh: +1-646-845-9349 (US); +44 208 133 9349 (UK)Wise Guy Reports Is Part Of The Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. And Offers Premium Progressive Statistical Surveying, Market Research Reports, Analysis & Forecast Data For Industries And Governments Around The Globe. Wise Guy Reports Features An Exhaustive List Of Market Research Reports From Hundreds Of Publishers Worldwide. We Boast A Database Spanning Virtually Every Market Category And An Even More Comprehensive Collection Of Market Research Reports Under These Categories And Sub-Categories.Addres:WISEGUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersPune - 411028Maharashtra, IndiaPhone :+91 841 198 5042 Russia Cards and Payments Industry Market 2017: Key Players Sberbank, VTB24, Raiffeisen Bank, Visa, Mastercard and More The Cards and Payments Industry in Russia SUMMARYWiseGuyReports published new report, titled Cards and Payments Industry in Russia: Emerging trends and opportunities"The Cards and Payments Industry in Russia: Emerging trends and opportunities to 2020" report provides detailed analysis of market trends in the Russian cards and payments industry. It provides values and volumes for a number of key performance indicators in the industry, including credit transfers, payment cards, cash, direct debits, and cheques during the review-period (2012-16e).The report also analyzes various payment card markets operating in the industry, and provides detailed information on the number of cards in circulation, transaction values and volumes during the review-period and over the forecast-period (2016-20f). It also offers information on the country's competitive landscape, including the market shares of issuers and schemes.The report brings together research, modeling, and analysis expertise to allow banks and card issuers to identify segment dynamics and competitive advantages. The report also covers details of regulatory policy and recent changes in the regulatory structure.The report provides top-level market analysis, information and insights into the Russian cards and payments industry, including - Current and forecast values for each market in the Russian cards and payments industry, including debit, and credit cards.- Detailed insights into payment instruments including credit transfers, cash, cheques, direct debit, and payment cards. It also, includes an overview of the country's key alternative payment instruments.- E-commerce market analysis and payment methods.- Analysis of various market drivers and regulations governing the Russian cards and payments industry.- Detailed analysis of strategies adopted by banks and other institutions to market debit, and credit cards.GET SAMPLE REPORT @Companies mentionedSberbankVTB24Raiffeisen BankRussian Standard BankOTP BankTinkoff BankAlfa-BankGlobal PaymentsGazprombankCredit Europe BankVisaMastercardGolden CrownAmerican ExpressScope- Alternative payments are gaining prominence in Russia with the launch of global payment solutions including Apple Pay, Android Pay, Samsung Pay, and Masterpass. Google launched Android Pay in Russia in May 2017. The solution enables users to make in-app, in-store, and online payments by storing debit, credit, loyalty, and gift cards on the wallet. The solution is now supported by 15 banks. Apple and Samsung previously launched their payment solutions Apple Pay and Samsung Pay in the country in October 2016. And in 2014, Mastercard launched the Masterpass digital wallet in Russia. Masterpass users can shop online without providing payment and shipping information with every purchase. The service allows merchants a faster and easier way to process payments, and helps decrease checkout abandon rates.- To disrupt the debit card market, which is currently being dominated by international scheme providers Visa and Mastercard, the Russian government launched the Mir national payment card in December 2015 under the NPCS. 376 banks (including all of the countrys major banks) have joined the system and started to issue these cards. As of April 2017, more than 5 million Mir national payment cards had already been issued in the country. The escalating number of Mir cards is anticipated to pose serious competition to Visa and Mastercard in the long run.- To provide acceptance of international cards in Russia, domestic merchant acquirers have entered into agreement with international schemes. For instance, the leading Russian acquirer Sberbank partnered with Chinese scheme UnionPay International in May 2017, allowing Asia Pacific and China tourists to make payments with UnionPay cards at Sberbanks merchant network in Russia. In the same month, Sberbank entered into a similar agreement with JCB International to allow merchants to accept payments with JCB cards by 2018.Key points to buy- Make strategic business decisions, using top-level historic and forecast market data, related to the Russian cards and payments industry and each market within it.- Understand the key market trends and growth opportunities in the Russian cards and payments industry.- Assess the competitive dynamics in the Russian cards and payments industry.- Gain insights into marketing strategies used for various card types in Russia.- Gain insights into key regulations governing the Russian cards and payments industry...CONTINUEDFor accessing accurate and deep understanding and to gain latest insights and key developments in the area of your interest, we also have a list of conferences in which you will be interested in, for more information, cordially checkFor updating knowledge or for thoroughly understanding various terminologies, we also have vast list of seminars for your reference, for more information cordially checkWise Guy Reports understand how essential statistical surveying information is for your organization or association. Therefore, we have associated with the top publishers and research firms all specialized in specific domains, ensuring you will receive the most reliable and up to date research data available. We also provide COTS (Commercial off the Shelf) business sector reports as custom exploration agreeing your particular needs.WISEGUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersPune - 411028Maharashtra, India Naval Vessels MRO Market Revenue Growth Predicted by 2017-2023 Global Naval Vessels MRO Market Information, By Vessel Type (Submarine, Frigates, Corvettes, Destroyers and Others), By MRO Type (Engine MRO, Dry Dock MRO, Regular Maintenance MRO and Component MRO) and By Region - Forecast To 2023Market ScenarioThe global naval vessel MRO market has seen a potential growth over the past few years and it has been projected that the market will grow at a rapid pace during the forecast period. As per MRFR analysis, the global naval vessels market is expected to grow at the CAGR of ~ 9% during forecast period. Naval vessels are differentiated from civilian ships by their design and purpose. Such ships are damage resilient and armed. Naval vessels MRO is crucial for sustaining and extending the life of a vessel. It comprises maintenance, overhauls, routine checks, inspections, repairs, and modifications carried out on a vessel and their components. MRO services assure the safety and airworthiness of naval vessels. Unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) are considered as the next generation of naval combat systems to be deployed by the defense authorities globally. These UUVs are used as force multipliers and C4ISR systems for target recognition, damage assessment, and in electronic warfare. They also offer services such as light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (LASER) and global positioning systems (GPS), which aid in intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions. Global defense departments are procuring UUVs to reduce naval troop casualties and capital expenditure, and to replace obsolete manned underwater vehicles and submarines. The demand for naval MRO outsourcing and increasing investments in naval combat systems are the primary key drivers of the market.For the purpose of this study, the global Naval Vessel MRO Market has been segmented as vessel type, MRO type and regions. On the basis of vessel types, the market has been segmented as submarine, frigates, corvettes, destroyers and others. However, submarine has accounted for the largest market share, followed by frigates. Whereas, on the basis of MRO type, the market has been segmented as engine MRO, dry dock MRO, regular maintenance MRO and component MRO.Get Sample Report @Geographically, the market has been segmented into five major regions, as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa. Among them, North America has accounted the largest market in terms of revenue in 2016 followed by APAC and Europe.The prominent players in the global naval vessel MRO market include BAE Systems (UK), General Dynamics (US), Huntington Ingalls Industries (US), Lockheed Martin (US), Northrop Grumman (US), Elbit Systems (Israel), Raytheon (US), Rockwell Collins (US), Saab (Sweden), and URS Corporation(US).Get Report Details @The report for Global Naval Vessel MRO Market of Market Research Future comprises of extensive primary research along with the detailed analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders to gain the deeper insight of the market and industry performance. The report gives the clear picture of current market scenario which includes historical and projected market size in terms of value and volume, technological advancement, macro economical and governing factors in the market. The report provides details information and strategies of the top key players in the industry. The report also gives a broad study of the different market segments and regions.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by Components, Application, Logistics and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst membersContact:Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Future Market Trends of Global Vanities with Tops Market Research Report 2016 Till 2020 2016 Global Vanities with Tops Industry Report is a professional and in-depth research report on the world's major regional market conditions of the Vanities with Tops industry, focusing on the main regions (North America, Europe and Asia) and the main countries (United States, Germany, Japan and China).Browse 155 Pages of Recent Research report on Global Vanities with Tops Market Research Report 2016 to 2020 @Scope of the Reports:The report firstly introduced the Vanities with Tops basics: definitions, classifications, applications and market overview; product specifications; manufacturing processes; cost structures, raw materials and so on. Then it analyzed the world's main region market conditions, including the product price, profit, capacity, production, supply, demand and market growth rate and forecast etc. In the end, the report introduced new project SWOT analysis, investment feasibility analysis, and investment return analysis.Request Sample PDF Brochure@The report includes six parts, dealing with:basic informationthe Asia Vanities with Tops Marketthe North American Vanities with Tops Marketthe European Vanities with Tops Marketmarket entry and investment feasibilitythe report conclusionProcure this Report @About Us:MarketIntelReports (MIR) aim to empower our clients to successfully manage and outperform in their business decisions, we do this by providing Premium Market Intelligence, Strategic Insights and Databases from a range of Global Publishers. MIR intends to be a one-stop shop with an intuitive design, exhaustive database, expert assistance, secure cart checkout and data privacy integrated ensure that the database is constantly updated to dynamically meet the targeted, specific needs of our clients. MarketIntelReports currently has more than 10,000 plus titles and 35+ publishers on our platform and growing consistently to fill the Global Intelligence Demand Supply Gap.Contact us:Sales Manager: Srikanth VishnuMarket Intelligence Reports PTE. LTDNorth Bridge RoadHigh Street CentreSingapore (179094)sales@marketintelreports.comTelephone: 1-302-261-5343 Submarine Market 2017 by Current & Upcoming Trends Global Submarine market Information by Type (SSN, SSBN, SSK) And Region - Forecast To 2023Market SynopsisThe global submarine market is expected to witness high growth over the forecast period. The market is majorly driven by the increasing demand for UUVs for naval intelligence; mine countermeasures (MCM) operations; intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance roles; and anti-submarine warfare missions. Many countries are modernizing their naval defense units by manufacturing submarines, surface- mine countermeasure unmanned underwater vehicles, and other combat and tactical UUVs, which is driving the growth of the global submarine market.However, the growth of this market will be hampered, due to the costs associated with refit & maintenance and proliferation of nuclear weapons.The global Submarine Market is projected to grow at ~4% CAGR during the forecast period.Of all types, the SSN segment is projected to account for the largest market share. Unlike the SSKs, these submarines do not have to surface periodically for air, which preserves their stealth characteristic. Such advantages will drive the demand for SSNs globally during the forecast period. Although many countries refuse to accept nuclear-powered vessels, due to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), SSNs have a high demand due to their advantages (longer endurance, higher speeds, and better efficiency) over the traditionally powered SSKs.Get Sample Report @Of all regions, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to dominate the global submarine market. With the increasing defense budgets and spending, defense authorities of all the nations of the region extensively invest into submarines and other underwater vehicles. The rapid modernization of Chinas submarine fleet has also impelled the demand in countries such as India, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, and Vietnam. The growth is significantly driven by major countries such as China, India, Australia, and South Korea, due to the rising number of maritime conflicts in the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea. As a result, these countries are developing their naval capabilities.Submarines form the centerpieces of naval fleets, owing to their multi-operational capabilities and the ability to complement other strategic resources. The global submarine market dropped drastically toward the end of the Cold War in 1991. Since then, Brazil, Russia, India, China (BRIC nations) and other developing countries of the Asia-Pacific region are investing in the market with an effort to strengthen their naval capabilities.Get Report Details @Moreover, regional disputes between nations such as India and Pakistan or China and Japan have triggered the demand for nuclear submarines. Globally, many nations are modernizing their fleets due to their unstable security situations. Submarines are used for electronic warfare and as force multipliers; command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems; target recognition systems; and damage-assessment systems.The key players of global submarine market include BAE Systems AB (U.K.), Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd (South Korea), General Dynamics Electric Boat (U.S.), Huntington Ingalls Industries (U.S.), Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. (Japan), Fincantieri - Cantieri Navali Italiani S.p.A. (Italy), Lockheed Martin (U.S.), Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (Japan), Saab group (Sweden) and Thales Group (France).The report for Global Submarine market of Market Research Future comprises of extensive primary research along with the detailed analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders to gain the deeper insight of the market and industry performance. The report gives the clear picture of current market scenario which includes historical and projected market size in terms of value and volume, technological advancement, macro economical and governing factors in the market. The report provides details information and strategies of the top key players in the industry. The report also gives a broad study of the different market segments and regions.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by Components, Application, Logistics and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst membersContact:Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Global Cottage Cheese Market 2018 Amul, Britannia Dabur, Verka, Nandini, Vijaya, Vadila Qyresearchreports include new market research report 2018-2025 Cottage Cheese Report on Global and United States Market, Status and Forecast, by Players, Types and Applications to its huge collection of research reports.The international market for Cottage Cheese has been researched on with every detail in the publication with increased emphasis on various significant factors such as growth drivers, restraints and market opportunities. Each of the elements that pertain to the shaping of the market dynamics that has been analyzed and studied in detail by the research analysts, so as to offer the best and most evaluative and exhaustive study to the report buyers. The snapshot or the executive summary that has been provided in the market intelligence study has been designed in such a way so as to give a quick overview of the market for receiving information on the go. This could help readers with hands-on data needed to make quick decisions anytime during their growth journey in the market.Get a PDF sample of this report @The study of market segmentations that has been offered with the publication that explores some of the most significant categories of the world Cottage Cheese market is deemed significant for the growth of industry participants. All of the segments that have been studied elaborately in the said publication have been deeply evaluated with assistance from best of the research techniques. The analysts have dissected each of the segments and have shed light on vital factors that influence the growth of the various segments. Using this crucial information, market players could rightly shape their business plans in favor of the betterment of their growth in the world market. Segments that have been analyzed in the publication could be related to product, end use, application, and geography.A group of experienced analysts who have prepared the said report delves deep into the various factors that hinder or fuel the global market for Cottage Cheese. It also discovers and mentions the important trends that are emerging in the said market. Banking upon all these information that has been gathered so far, it has come up with the best course of action for all the stake holders of the market.Table of Contents2018-2025 Cottage Cheese Report on Global and United States Market, Status and Forecast, by Players, Types and Applications1 Methodology and Data Source1.1 Methodology/Research Approach1.1.1 Research Programs/Design1.1.2 Market Size Estimation1.1.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation1.2 Data Source1.2.1 Secondary Sources1.2.2 Primary Sources1.3 DisclaimerComplete table of content is available at:2 Cottage Cheese Market Overview2.1 Cottage Cheese Product Overview2.2 Cottage Cheese Market Segment by Type2.2.1 Natural Cheese2.2.2 Processed Cheese2.2.3 Cheese Food2.3 Global Cottage Cheese Product Segment by Type2.4 United States Cottage Cheese Product Segment by Type2.4.1 United States Cottage Cheese Sales (K MT) and Growth by Type (2013, 2017 and 2025)2.4.2 United States Cottage Cheese Sales (K MT) and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)2.4.3 United States Cottage Cheese Revenue (Million USD) and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)2.4.4 United States Cottage Cheese Price (USD/MT) by Type (2013-2018)3 Cottage Cheese Application/End Users3.1 Cottage Cheese Segment by Application/End Users3.1.1 Food&Beverage3.1.2 Commercial3.1.3 Others3.2 Global Cottage Cheese Product Segment by Application3.2.1 Global Cottage Cheese Sales (K MT) and CGAR (%) by Application (2013, 2017 and 2025)3.2.2 Global Cottage Cheese Sales (K MT) and Market Share (%) by Application (2013-2018)3.3 United States Cottage Cheese Product Segment by Application3.3.1 United States Cottage Cheese Sales (K MT) and CGAR (%) by Application (2013, 2017 and 2025)3.3.2 United States Cottage Cheese Sales (K MT) and Market Share (%) by Application (2013-2018)4 Cottage Cheese Market Status and Outlook by Regions4.1 Global Market Status and Outlook by Regions4.2 Global Cottage Cheese Sales and Revenue by Regions4.2.1 Global Cottage Cheese Sales (K MT) and Market Share (%) by Regions (2013-2018)4.2.2 Global Cottage Cheese Revenue (Million USD) and Market Share (%) by Regions (2013-2018)4.2.3 Global Cottage Cheese Sales (K MT), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/MT) and Gross Margin (%)(2013-2018)4.2.4 North America Cottage Cheese Sales (K MT), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/MT) and Gross Margin (%)(2013-2018)4.2.5 Europe Cottage Cheese Sales (K MT), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/MT) and Gross Margin (%)(2013-2018)4.2.6 Asia-Pacific Cottage Cheese Sales (K MT), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/MT) and Gross Margin (%)(2013-2018)To Get Discount Of This Report Click here delivers the latest strategic market intelligence to build a successful business footprint in China. Our syndicated and customized research reports provide companies with vital background information of the market and in-depth analysis on the Chinese trade and investment framework, which directly affects their business operations. Reports from feature valuable recommendations on how to navigate in the extremely unpredictable yet highly attractive Chinese market.1820 AvenueM Suite #1047Brooklyn, NY 11230United StatesToll Free: 866-997-4948 (USA-CANADA)Tel: +1-518-621-2074Web:Email: Global 3D Printing Market Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2017 - 2025 MRRSE Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) has been serving as an active source to cater intelligent research report to enlighten both readers and investors. This research study titled 3D Printing MarketRequest a Free Sample Report @The demand in the global 3D printing market is projected to expand at a remarkable CAGR of 18.0% during the forecast period of 2017 to 2025, gaining traction from a number of factors such as strikingly higher resolution, reduction in manufacturing cost owing to recent technological advancements, ease in the development of customized products, growing possibilities of using multiple materials for printing, and government investments in 3D printing projects. While the lack of proper process control and limitations regarding product size are obstructing the global 3D printing market, the stockholders will continue to gain new opportunities from untapped end-use industries such as printed electronics, automotive, education, and jewelry. The global 3D printing market was valued at US$7.3 bn in 2016, and is estimated to reach a valuation of US$32.3 bn by the end of the forecast period, i.e. 2025.The global 3D printing market was valued at US$7.3 bn in 2016, and is estimated to reach a valuation of US$32.3 bn by the end of the forecast period, i.e. 2025. Commercial Sector Serves Maximum Demand Witnessed in Market On the basis of use, the global 3D printing market has been segmented into commercial and personal. Commercial uses of 3D printing, which continues to serve the most significant chunk of demand, include rapid prototyping, rapid manufacturing, mass production, and mass customization. On the other hand, personal applications include printing 3D objects in-house for personal use. In 2016, the commercial segment accounted for more than half of the demand-share, contributing to US$ 5,932.3 mn of revenue.This segment is expected to hold most prominent market share in 2025 too, growing at 17.8% CAGR during the forecast period. This is mainly due to improvement in the quality of 3D printing materials that has prompted manufacturers to incorporate 3D printing in their current manufacturing practices. Technology-wise, the global 3D printing market is bifurcated into polyjet, selective laser sintering (SLS), fused deposition modeling (FDM), and stereolithography (SLA). In 2016, polyJet technology accounted for nearly 41% of the total market share, and is anticipated to exhibit an above-average growth rate. FDM segment is the second most prominent shareholding segment, and dominates the 3D printing market in terms of volume shipment. This is a reflection of increasing demand for FDM printers for both personal and commercial use. FDM is also popular in a variety of industrial applications, from automotive to consumer goods. Application-wise, the market for 3D printing has been categorized into consumer products and electronics, automotive, medical, industrial, aerospace, military and defense, architecture, and education.Presently, consumer product category serves the maximum demand, followed by the automotive sector, wherein 3D printing is used to print a number of parts for automobiles. Some of the examples can be interior parts such as engines, gearbox handle, gears, shafts, brakes and spare parts as well as external parts such as window frames, doors, body parts, steering handle, head and taillights. North America Emerges as Highly Lucrative Region In 2016, North America served the maximum demand among all regions wherein the 3D printing market has potential.This was primarily a reflection of the presence of several major 3D printing market players in the country-wide made of the U.S., which is worlds fourth most populous country. In the near future, North America 3D printing market is anticipated to expand further, with increasing awareness among consumers regarding the benefits of using 3D printing in commercial and household applications. Europe follows North America in terms of the geographical market share. Germany, Italy, France, and Sweden are identified as most lucrative country-wide markets for 3D printing in the region of Europe. Asia Pacific, on the other hand, has been projected to exhibit the best CAGR among all regions under the study during the forecast period.The Asia Pacific 3D Printing market is expected to reach US$ 8,207.3 mn by 2025. Stratasys, Ltd., Solidscape, Inc., and EOS GmbH are three companies holding stronger position in the global 3D printing market than other key players, such as Optomec, Concept Laser GmbH, Voxeljet Technology GmbH, ExOne GmbH, SLM Solutions GmbH, and Arcam AB.Commercial Sector Serves Maximum Demand Witnessed in MarketOn the basis of use, the global 3D printing market has been segmented into commercial and personal. Commercial uses of 3D printing, which continues to serve the most significant chunk of demand, include rapid prototyping, rapid manufacturing, mass production, and mass customization. On the other hand, personal applications include printing 3D objects in-house for personal use. In 2016, the commercial segment accounted for more than half of the demand-share, contributing to US$ 5,932.3 mn of revenue. This segment is expected to hold most prominent market share in 2025 too, growing at 17.8% CAGR during the forecast period. This is mainly due to improvement in the quality of 3D printing materials that has prompted manufacturers to incorporate 3D printing in their current manufacturing practices.Outlook Complete Report with Table of Content @Technology-wise, the global 3D printing market is bifurcated into polyjet, selective laser sintering (SLS), fused deposition modeling (FDM), and stereolithography (SLA). In 2016, polyJet technology accounted for nearly 41% of the total market share, and is anticipated to exhibit an above-average growth rate. FDM segment is the second most prominent shareholding segment, and dominates the 3D printing market in terms of volume shipment. This is a reflection of increasing demand for FDM printers for both personal and commercial use. FDM is also popular in a variety of industrial applications, from automotive to consumer goods.Application-wise, the market for 3D printing has been categorized into consumer products and electronics, automotive, medical, industrial, aerospace, military and defense, architecture, and education. Presently, consumer product category serves the maximum demand, followed by the automotive sector, wherein 3D printing is used to print a number of parts for automobiles. Some of the examples can be interior parts such as engines, gearbox handle, gears, shafts, brakes and spare parts as well as external parts such as window frames, doors, body parts, steering handle, head and taillights.North America Emerges as Highly Lucrative RegionIn 2016, North America served the maximum demand among all regions wherein the 3D printing market has potential. This was primarily a reflection of the presence of several major 3D printing market players in the country-wide made of the U.S., which is worlds fourth most populous country. In the near future, North America 3D printing market is anticipated to expand further, with increasing awareness among consumers regarding the benefits of using 3D printing in commercial and household applications.Europe follows North America in terms of the geographical market share. Germany, Italy, France, and Sweden are identified as most lucrative country-wide markets for 3D printing in the region of Europe. Asia Pacific, on the other hand, has been projected to exhibit the best CAGR among all regions under the study during the forecast period. The Asia Pacific 3D Printing market is expected to reach US$ 8,207.3 mn by 2025.Stratasys, Ltd., Solidscape, Inc., and EOS GmbH are three companies holding stronger position in the global 3D printing market than other key players, such as Optomec, Concept Laser GmbH, Voxeljet Technology GmbH, ExOne GmbH, SLM Solutions GmbH, and Arcam AB.About Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE)Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.Contact UsState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite:Read More Industry News At: The Cards and Payments Industry in Pakistan Market 2017 - Current and Future Plans 2020 The Cards and Payments Industry in Pakistan Market SUMMARYWiseGuyReports published new report, titled The Cards and Payments Industry in Pakistan'The Cards and Payments Industry in Pakistan: Emerging Trends and Opportunities to 2020' report provides detailed analysis of market trends in the Pakistani cards and payments industry. It provides values and volumes for a number of key performance indicators in the industry, including check payments, payment cards, direct debits and cash during the review period (20112015).The report also analyzes various payment card markets operating in the industry, and provides detailed information on the number of cards in circulation, and transaction values and volumes during the review period and over the forecast period (20162020). It also offers information on the country's competitive landscape, including the market shares of issuers and schemes.The report brings together research, modeling, and analysis expertise to allow banks and card issuers to identify segment dynamics and competitive advantages. The report also covers details of regulatory policy and recent changes in the regulatory structure.GET SAMPLE REPORT @Summary'The Cards and Payments Industry in Pakistan: Emerging Trends and Opportunities to 2020' report provides top-level market analysis, information and insights into Pakistan's cards and payments industry, including: Current and forecast values for each market in the Pakistani cards and payments industry, including debit and pay later cards. Detailed insights into payment instruments including cash, direct debits, checks and payment cards. It also includes an overview of the country's key alternative payment instruments. E-commerce market analysis. Analysis of various market drivers and regulations governing the Pakistani cards and payments industry. Detailed analysis of strategies adopted by banks and other institutions to market debit and pay later cards. Comprehensive analysis of consumer attitudes and buying preferences for cards. The competitive landscape in the Pakistani cards and payments industry.Scope This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the Pakistani cards and payments industry. It provides current values for the Pakistan cards and payments industry for 2015, and forecast figures to 2020. It details the different demographic, economic, infrastructural and business drivers affecting the Pakistani cards and payments industry. It outlines the current regulatory framework in the industry. It details marketing strategies used by various banks and other institutions.Key points to buy Make strategic business decisions, using top-level historic and forecast market data, related to the Pakistani cards and payments industry and each market within it. Understand the key market trends and growth opportunities in the Pakistani cards and payments industry. Assess the competitive dynamics in the Pakistani cards and payments industry. Gain insights into marketing strategies used for various card types in Pakistan. Gain insights into key regulations governing the Pakistani cards and payments industry.Key Highlights A low rate of financial inclusion remains the main challenge for the wider adoption of cards in Pakistan. According to the World Bank, the number of adults in Pakistan with no access to formal financial services crossed 100 million in 2015 accounting for 5% of the worlds unbanked population. The percentage of the population aged 15 or above with a bank account was 8.7% in 2014 according to the World Banks Global Findex survey. To improve financial inclusion, the government launched the National Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS) in May 2015, which aims to expand financial access to at least 50% of the adult population by 2020. Pakistan has also received support from the World Bank Group in form of its Country Partnership Strategy (20152019), which offers reforms to improve financial inclusion. Improvements in financial inclusion will provide access to financial services such as current and savings accounts, and debit cards. In April 2016, the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) the countrys central bank introduced the domestic payment scheme PayPak to compete in the local market with international schemes. The cards issued under this scheme focus on the domestic market, and thereby can only be used in Pakistan. The aim is to offer low-cost payment cards in order to bring more of the population under the purview of the formal banking system. PayPak has been introduced by 1Link, which is a consortium of major banks that is already providing interoperability services for ATMs, fund transfers and utility bill payments. PayPak also offers the provision of digital financial services such as making payments and deposits, obtaining credit, paying utility bills and purchasing goods and services using digital channels such as online, mobile and self-service kiosks. To promote secured payments, the central bank issued a guideline in June 2016 making it mandatory for card processing infrastructures including automated teller machines (ATMs) and point of sale (POS) terminals to be Europay, MasterCard and Visa (EMV) compliant by December 31, 2017. According to this guideline, all card service providers are required to implement EMV standards on payment cards by June 30, 2018, and accept chip and PIN by December 31, 2018.Table of Contents1 Definitions and Methodology2 Key Facts and Events3 Executive Summary4 Payment Instruments5 E-Commerce and Alternative Payments6 Regulations in the Cards and Payments Industry7 Analysis of Cards and Payments Industry Drivers8 Payment Cards9 Debit Cards10 Pay Later Cards11 Appendix..CONTINUEDFor accessing accurate and deep understanding and to gain latest insights and key developments in the area of your interest, we also have a list of conferences in which you will be interested in, for more information, cordially checkFor updating knowledge or for thoroughly understanding various terminologies, we also have vast list of seminars for your reference, for more information cordially checkWise Guy Reports understand how essential statistical surveying information is for your organization or association. Therefore, we have associated with the top publishers and research firms all specialized in specific domains, ensuring you will receive the most reliable and up to date research data available. We also provide COTS (Commercial off the Shelf) business sector reports as custom exploration agreeing your particular needs.WISEGUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersPune - 411028Maharashtra, India Global Remote Support Software Market Status, Insights and Forecast 2025: Pilixo, TeamViewer, Bomgar QYResearchReports Qyresearchreports include new market research report "Global Remote Support Software Market Size,Status and Forecast 2025" to its huge collection of research reports.The market study on the global Remote Support Software market is a professional tool that scrutinizes vital market indicators to understand the progression of the said between 2017-2022. The research report on the global Remote Support Software market studies historical and current performance, which are used to provide projections for crucial market indices. The report is meticulously compiled after extensive data collection from industry-centric bodies that has been further endorsed by industry opinion leaders.The report examines the global Remote Support Software market based on a few key parameters; each criteria is examined to estimate revenue and volume figures in the said market over the forecast period. The key segments of the Remote Support Software market under various categories along with their growth behavior are analyzed in this report. An estimate of market size serves as an important tool for market participants to gauge the progression of the market over the forecast period. The report studies key regions for Remote Support Software including an in-depth assessment of major domestic markets in each region.Get Free Research Summary of the Report:This report studies the global Remote Support Software market, analyzes and researches the Remote Support Software development status and forecast in United States, EU, Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia. This report focuses on the top players in global market, likePilixoTeamViewerBomgariSupport SoftwareGoToAssistDevolutionsLogMeInGivaZohoThe report is compiled in a chapter-wise format followed by annex section. The report begins with a prelude of the global Remote Support Software market, progressing into definitions, notations, and conventions that are relevant to this market. Following this, a discussion on industry statutes, industry policies, and regulatory framework in presented in this report. The report includes a snippet of the recent industry news in the concluding part of this section.Using standard analytical tools and proven research methodologies, the feasibility and profitability of new investments along with a market attractiveness analysis of the Remote Support Software market over the forecast period is presented herein. The SWOT analysis of major players in the global Remote Support Software market is useful to understand their winning strategies and the changing competitive hierarchy over the forecast period.Table of Contents1 Industry Overview of Remote Support Software1.1 Remote Support Software Market Overview1.1.1 Remote Support Software Product Scope1.1.2 Market Status and Outlook1.2 Global Remote Support Software Market Size and Analysis by Regions (2013-2018)1.3 Remote Support Software Market by Type1.4 Remote Support Software Market by End Users/Application2 Global Remote Support Software Competition Analysis by Players2.1 Remote Support Software Market Size (Value) by Players (2013-2018)2.2 Competitive Status and Trend2.2.1 Market Concentration Rate2.2.2 Product/Service Differences2.2.3 New Entrants2.2.4 The Technology Trends in FutureCheck Discount For This Report @3 Company (Top Players) Profiles3.1 Pilixo3.1.1 Company Profile3.1.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.1.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.1.4 Remote Support Software Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.1.5 Recent Developments3.2 TeamViewer3.2.1 Company Profile3.2.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.2.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.2.4 Remote Support Software Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.2.5 Recent Developments4 Global Remote Support Software Market Size by Type and Application (2013-2018)4.1 Global Remote Support Software Market Size by Type (2013-2018)4.2 Global Remote Support Software Market Size by Application (2013-2018)4.3 Potential Application of Remote Support Software in Future4.4 Top Consumer/End Users of Remote Support Software5 United States Remote Support Software Development Status and Outlook5.1 United States Remote Support Software Market Size (2013-2018)5.2 United States Remote Support Software Market Size and Market Share by Players (2013-2018)5.3 United States Remote Support Software Market Size by Application (2013-2018)6 EU Remote Support Software Development Status and Outlook6.1 EU Remote Support Software Market Size (2013-2018)6.2 EU Remote Support Software Market Size and Market Share by Players (2013-2018)6.3 EU Remote Support Software Market Size by Application (2013-2018)7 Japan Remote Support Software Development Status and Outlook7.1 Japan Remote Support Software Market Size (2013-2018)7.2 Japan Remote Support Software Market Size and Market Share by Players (2013-2018)7.3 Japan Remote Support Software Market Size by Application (2013-2018)About delivers the latest strategic market intelligence to build a successful business footprint in China. Our syndicated and customized research reports provide companies with vital background information of the market and in-depth analysis on the Chinese trade and investment framework, which directly affects their business operations. Reports from feature valuable recommendations on how to navigate in the extremely unpredictable yet highly attractive Chinese market.Contact Us:1820 AvenueM Suite #1047Brooklyn, NY 11230United StatesToll Free: 866-997-4948 (USA-CANADA)Tel: +1-518-621-2074Email: Forensic Technology Market Size, Share, Trends, Demand, Key Manufacturers, Medical Services and New Opportunities Report 2018-2025 ReportsWeb The forensic technologies market is estimated to represent a global market of USD 12,689.5 million by 2016 with growth rate of 9.8%. Forensic technologies is defined as the use of advanced technologies to search, retrieve and analyse complex data sets to address investigational, litigation, crime and regulatory issues. Factors such as favorable government initiatives, technological advancements, increasing crime incidents, and other support the market growth. Upsurge in number of violent crime such as murder, intentional homicide, rape, robbery globally is considered to be one of the high impact growth-rendering driver for the uptake of forensic technologies. The study conducted by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in 2021 stated that the global average of intentional homicide was reported to be 6.2 per 100,000 people. Continuous rise in such incidences will boost the demand for advanced forensic technologies, leading the market growth. However, the uncertainty in the pricing policy associated with forensic instruments & reagents, high cost of marketing and sales, unregulated competition from reagents & kits manufacturers may restrict the growth to a considerable level. Additionally, current regulatory scenario is expected to create further impetus for development of forensic field, hence hampers the market growth.FREE | Request Sample Copy is Available atThe market is divided into Capillary Electrophoresis, Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), Rapid DNA Analysis, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) , Automated Liquid Handling Technology and others. Capillary Electrophoresis and PCR captured giant share of the total market, more than 58.00% share of the market. Increasing use of these techniques in numerous applications such as paternity testing and criminal investigations have supported the market growth. Services segment is categorized into Chemical Analysis, DNA Profiling, Firearms Identification Biometric Analysis, and Others. DNA profiling is expected to overtake the market of chemical analysis in long rung owing to the rising research and development and growing DNA database across the globe. Application segment is studied as Law Enforcements, Pharmacogenetics, and others. By site, the market is analyzed into Laboratory Forensic and Portable Forensic.Regionally, developed regions such as North America and Europe accounted for significant share of the global market, 65.23% in 2016. Advancement in technologies coupled with sophisticated healthcare infrastructure helped these regions to achieve strong growth. Asia Pacific and Middle East countries are also expected to grow with strong growth rate over the forecast period owing to the continuous rise in crime incidents. According to the study published by the CIVITAS Institute for the Study of Civil Society, countries such as South Africa, India, Venezuela, Belize, and Honduras are the top five countries with highest number of crime rates. This would in turn boost the demand for forensic technologies in countries, leading to the market growth. Further, according to the statistics from the Institute for Security Studies, in Africa, incidence of murder has increased from 16,259 murders in 2013 to 17,068 in 2014, 5.0% up compared to the previous year.Companies such as Agilent Technologies, GE Healthcare, SPEX Forensics, Thermo Fisher Scientific, and others are profiled. Companies are investing large amount in research and development activities to develop novel technologies, aiming to capture large customer base. Introduction of new products help companies to expand their product offering as well as geographic reach. For instance, in December 2014, Pennsylvania based NMS Labs launched RapidHIT Platform, a system designed for rapid human DNA identification. This product launch is anticipated to facilitate public crime laboratories to control costs in DNA testing and provide more probative evidence in the early stages of investigation.The years considered for the study are:Historical Year - 2014 & 2015Base Year - 2015Estimated Year - 2016Projected Year - 2025TARGET AUDIENCEComplete Report is Available atSCOPE OF THE REPORT:MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGYCapillary ElectrophoresisNext Generation SequencingRapid DNA AnalysisPolymerase Chain ReactionAutomated Liquid Handling TechnologyOthersMARKET, BY SERVICESChemical AnalysisDNA ProfilingFirearms IdentificationBiometric AnalysisOthersMARKET, BY APPLICATIONLaw EnforcementsPharmacogeneticsOthersMARKET, BY SITELaboratory ForensicPortable ForensicTitan InternationalInquire before Buying atMarket Research Key Players List:Thermo Fisher ScientificSPEX ForensicsSWOT AnalysisGE HealthcareContact Us:Phone: +1-646-491-9876Email Id: sales@reportsweb.comReportsWeb is a one stop shop of market research reports and solutions to various companies across the globe. We help our clients in their decision support system by helping them choose most relevant and cost effective research reports and solutions from various publishers.505, 6th floor, Amanora Township, Amanora Chambers, East Block, Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Europe Dental Software Market 2018 Globally Market Size, Analysis, Share, Research, Growth Europe Dental Software Market The Europe Dental Software Market Research Report provides detailed analysis of the key regional market status of the The Dental Software Industry.The Europe Dental Software Market is expected to witness high growth in the coming years. The demand for dental software is dignified by improving process quality, patient satisfaction and speeding up the process for the treatments provided by dental organizations, and dental institutes. The growing availability of electronic data offers practitioners increased opportunities for reusing clinical data for research and quality improvement.Get Sample Copy atConsidering the scenario of the Europe Dental Software market, the total market was US$ 488.6 million in 2016 and expected to reach US$ 861.0 million by 2023.Key Players for Europe Dental Software Market:Some of the key players in this market are: Carestream Health, Inc (US), Dentsply Sirona (US), Elite Computer Italia (OrisLine Group) (italy), Henry Schein, Inc (US), KaVo Dental GmbH (Germany), PLANMECA OY (Finland)Segments:Europe Dental Software Market has been segmented on the basis of type which comprise Practice Management Software, Patient Communication Software, Treatment Planning Software, Patient Education Software, and Dental Imaging Software. Patient management segment was holding largest market share. On the basis of application, it is segmented into Clinical Application, Administrative. Clinical application segment is dominating The European dental software market by application. On the basis of deployment, it is segmented into On-Premise Model, and Web-Based/ Cloud-Based Model. On-premise model is leading in this segment. On the basis of End User it is segmented into Hospitals & Clinics, Academics & Research Institutes. Hospitals and clinics was holding largest market share in 2016.Ask Question to Expert atRegional Analysis of Europe Dental Software Market:Considering the scenario of Europe Dental Software market, Germany was holding largest market share of 20.6% in 2016 and is expected to reach 165.9 million by 2023. France is second largest country in Europe Dental Software market. UK is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.6% during 2017-2023. On the other hand. Eastern Europe Dental Software market is growing significantly and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.4% during the forecast period.Table Of Contents1 Introduction 101.1 Definition 101.2 Scope Of Study 101.3 Research Objective 101.4 Assumptions & Limitations 111.4.1 Assumptions 111.4.2 Limitations 111.5 Market Structure 112 Research Methodology 122.1 Research Process: 122.2 Primary Research 132.3 Secondary Research 132.4 Forecast Model 142.5 Market Size Estimation 153 Report Excerpts 184 Forecast Indicators 224.1 Introduction 224.2 Drivers 234.2.1 Technological Advancements In The Dental Equipment 234.2.2 High Adoption Of Digital Dental Radiography Systems 234.2.3 Growth In Aging Population 234.2.4 Dental Surgeries Gaining Impetus Due To Changing Lifestyle And Food Habits 244.2.5 Growing Dental Industry 244.3 Restraints 244.3.1 High Price Of Digital Dental System 244.3.2 Complexity In Operating Software 254.4 Opportunities 254.4.1 Increasing Incidence Of Dental Disorders And Patient Database 254.5 Macro-Economic Indicators 25 ContinuedTop 5 Reasons to Buy the Reports: Company profiling with detailed strategies, financials, and recent development activities Market Strategic Business Influence Data Market Research Future recommendations in key business segments based on the market estimations Market share analysis of the top industry players Market forecasts for a minimum of 5 years of all the mentioned segments, Trends and the regional markets With SWOT AnalysisAbout Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Contact:Market Research Future+1 646 845 9312Email: sales@marketresearchfuture.comMRFR has the distinguished objective of providing the optimal quality research and granular research to clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help answer your most important questions.Our Research Analysts are eager to share their knowledge and assist you in refining market research parameters, choosing right market studies, and evaluating both the market scope and the research methodologies of varied segments.We bridge the gap between our clients and their clients by identifying and decoding just the target group, while generating leads with the highest accuracy.Years of research into diverse fields of work has ingrained within us, a proficiency so distinguished that our industry-specific specialists identify with your business ideas and feel the pulse of your challenges and opportunities. This enables us for providing assistance, through our consulting and strategic consulting services, in informed managerial decision making. In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industries, WantStats Research and Media often conducts industrial visits for its research analysts. Relevant inputs from various established market participants, help our clients make significant contribution in respective markets are a huge motivation for all of us to endlessly furnish quality. We depend greatly on profound insights into complex realms of our study.Pune, India Global Animal Imaging Industry Demand, Key Manufacturers, Medical Application and New Opportunities Report 2018-2025 ReportsWeb The animal imaging market is estimated to represent a global market of USD 2.32 billion by 2017 with growth rate of 5.8%. Veterinarians or veterinary radiologists are specialized in the use of ultrasound, X-rays, and nuclear medicine technique for veterinary diagnostic imaging that can aid in the treatment of animal related animals. The market for veterinary imaging products is majorly driven by the continuous rise in zoonotic diseases across the globe. For example, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDSCO), zoonotic disease is increasing in many developing as well as developed regions. Imaging devices help veterinarian and technology assistants in diagnosis and management of zoonotic diseases. Such factor will spur the demand for veterinary diagnostic products such as imaging techniques to curb disease, leading to drive the market growth. Factors such as technological advancement, rising number of pet owners, government initiatives also drive the market demand of these products over the future period. However, high cost of some imaging devices hamper the market growth to some extent.The market is categorized into types such as Instrument, Reagent, Software and Services. Instrument segment recorded more than 50% share (in 2017, USD 998.6 million) of the global market. Instrument segment is further categorized as Radiography X-ray, Ultrasound Imaging, CT Imaging, Video Endoscopy Imaging, Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Other. Radiography X-ray, and Ultrasound Imaging is considered to be the highest revenue generating market segment. High cost of these instruments coupled with increasing usage of these imaging techniques in many clinics supported the market growth.FREE | Request Sample Copy is Available at:Reagents cover Ultrasound Contrast Regents, MRI Contrast Regents, X-Ray/CT Contrast Reagents and others. Benefits of ultrasound contrast reagents over other reagent media drive the market growth. Software RIS PACS, and CVIS PACS. Further, services segment is divided as Interventional Radiology, Endoscopy and Advanced Imaging Services. Animal types segment is divided into small animal and large animals.Regionally, the market is categorized as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Rest of the World. North America held a dominant share of Veterinary Imaging market. The dominant share can be attributed to the growing number of pet adoption coupled with increasing healthcare expenditure in animal health segment supported the market growth. For example, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, pet adoption rate in North America has increased at significant rate over the past couple of years. As per the estimates of the Humane Society of the United States, more than 66.5 million household pets are in the U.S. only as of 2011. The number is increased by 79.7 million (around 65% of the total households) as of 2016. Asia Pacific region is growing with highest growth rate. The Asia Pacific Strategy for Emerging Diseases (APSED) is established, aiming to provide strategies to strengthen generic capacity of country to control and prevent zoonotic diseases. This would in turn stimulate the utilization of veterinary imaging products, leading to drive the market growth.Companies such as IDEXX Laboratories, Inc., Esaote SpA, VCA Inc., Carestream Health, Inc., GE Healthcare and others are operating in this market. Market participants offers variety of veterinary imaging products which will help companies to expand its customer base. IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. is one of the leader of the market, primarily operating in regions such as North America, Canada, Europe and Australia. The company has registered 1,775.4 million revenue, 10% up compared to the previous year (USD 1,601.9 million in 2015). Growth of company's revenue is majorly from the animal health product segment.Complete Report is Available at:The years considered for the study are:Historical Year - 2014 & 2015Base Year - 2016Estimated Year - 2017Projected Year - 2025TARGET AUDIENCETraders, Distributors, And SuppliersManufacturersHospitalsSCOPE OF THE REPORT:MARKET, BY TYPESInstrumentRadiography X-rayUltrasound ImagingOtherReagentUltrasound Contrast RegentsMRI Contrast RegentsX-Ray/CT Contrast ReagentsOthersSoftwareRIS PACSCVIS PACSMARKET, BY ANIMAL TYPESmall AnimalLarge AnimalMARKET, BY REGIONNorth AmericaEuropeAsia PacificRest of the WorldMARKET, BY COUNTRYFurther Breakdown of The North America MarketU.S.CanadaFurther Breakdown of The Europe MarketGermanyFranceRest of Europe Titan International Inquire before Buying at:Market Research Key Players List:Agilent TechnologiesIDEXX Laboratories, Inc.Esaote SpAVCA Inc.Contact Us:Phone: +1-646-491-9876Email Id: sales@reportsweb.comAbout Us:ReportsWeb is a one stop shop of market research reports and solutions to various companies across the globe. We help our clients in their decision support system by helping them choose most relevant and cost effective research reports and solutions from various publishers.505, 6th floor, Amanora Township, Amanora Chambers, East Block, Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Automotive Propeller Shaft Market Global Analysis & Forecast to 2023 Research Report Automotive Propeller Shaft Market 2018 Automotive Propeller Shaft Market 2018Automotive Propeller Shaft Market Information Report By Position (Front, Rear, and Inter-Axle Propeller Shaft), By Type (Live, Dead, and Tandem Axle), By Propeller Shaft Type (Single, Multi Piece, and Other), By Material (Alloy, and Carbon Fiber), and By region.Market Scenario:Automotive propeller shaft is a mechanical component that is used to drive the wheels and transmitting torque. The propeller shaft is usually used to connect other components of the drive train that cannot be connected directly due to far distance between the two components. The drive shaft incorporates one or more universal joints, jaw coupling, and sometimes prismatic joint. A longitudinal shaft is used to deliver power from the engine to other side of the vehicle before moving towards the wheels. It transfer the power from the engine to the wheels with the help of drive shaft. It is one of the main components of the wheel because it is responsible for driving the vehicle. Propeller shaft helps decide the performance factor of the vehicle, due to which the development of the propeller shaft shall be done very carefully. Many automotive manufacturers are investing heavily in the research and development so as to innovate their product line. The major focus of many manufacturers is to develop light weight shaft to reduce the overall weight of the vehicle, which will result in improved fuel efficiency. Thus the reduction in the overall weight of the vehicle will drive the market in future.Key Players:The key players in automotive propeller shaft market are ZF Friedrichshafen AG (Germany), American Axle & Manufacturing, Inc. (U.S.), Meritor, Inc. (U.S.), Showa Corporation (Japan), GKN plc (U.K.), Wilson drive shafts (England), Nexteer Automotive (U.S.), JTEKT Corporation (Japan), Gestamp (Spain), Dana Holding Corporation (U.S.), D & F Propshafts (U.K.), Bailey Morris limited (England), B & F limited (U.K.), American Axle & Manufacturing Holdings, Inc. (U.S.), and Hyundai Wia Corporation (South Korea).Request For Sample Report @The factors that are responsible for the growth of automotive propeller shaft market are technology innovation in the materials, growth in the automotive industry, and increase in the sales of the new vehicle. The innovation in technology in the automotive propeller shafts, is expected to drive the market in future. Innovation such as light weight propeller shaft, have emerged in order to reduce the overall weight of the vehicle. The increase in sales of new vehicle will result in growing use of propeller shaft in the vehicle in order to drive the vehicle. It is an important component of the vehicle because it provide torque and allows the movement of the vehicle.The automotive propeller shaft market is segmented based on position, type, propeller shaft type, and material. On the basis of position type, the market has been segmented as front, rear, and inter-axle propeller shaft. The front wheel propeller shaft is expected to dominate the automotive propeller shaft market during the forecast period because it is the most preferred over other types. This will improve the aerodynamics of the vehicle. On the basis of type, the market has been segmented as live, dead, and tandem axle. The live axle segment is expected to dominate the market during the forecast period because it provides increased optimization of vehicle performance and higher torque. On the basis of propeller shaft type, the market is segmented as single, multi piece, and other. Multi piece propeller shaft is expected to dominate the market during the forecast period as it improves efficiency of vehicles.On the basis of region, the market has been segmented as North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and Rest of the World. Asia Pacific is expected to dominate the market during the forecast period due to increasing demand of propeller shaft among both OEMs and aftermarket replacement. The growing demand for propeller shaft in emerging economies such as India, china, and among others is expected to drive the market in Asia Pacific. The automotive manufacturers in Asia Pacific region are moving towards new product development and are investing heavily in research and development. The increase in new product development, is expected to drive the automotive propeller shaft market in this region. Europe is expected to be the second largest market due to the leading automotive technology providers in this region. North America is expected to be the third largest market in automotive propeller shaft, in which U.S. is the major contributor. In U.S., the major focus is to reduce the weight of the vehicle. The reduced weight propeller shaft is expected to drive the market in this region.The report for Global Automotive Propeller Shaft Market of Market Research Future comprises of extensive primary research along with the detailed analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders to gain the deeper insight of the market and industry performance. The report gives the clear picture of current market scenario which includes historical and projected market size in terms of value and volume, technological advancement, macro economical and governing factors in the market. The report provides details information and strategies of the top key players in the industry. The report also gives a broad study of the different market segments and regions.Complete Report Details @Continued.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.CONTACT US:Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 EMEA (Europe,Middle East and Africa) Light Fidelity (Li-Fi)/Visible Light Communication Market Report 2018 - QYResearchreports Qyresearchreports include new market research report "EMEA (Europe,Middle East and Africa) Light Fidelity (Li-Fi)/Visible Light Communication Market Report 2018" to its huge collection of research reports.In this report,the EMEA Light Fidelity (Li-Fi)/Visible Light Communication market is valued at USD XX million in 2016 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2022,growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2016 and 2022.Geographically,this report split EMEA into Europe,the Middle East and Africa,With sales (Units),revenue (Million USD),market share and growth rate of Light Fidelity (Li-Fi)/Visible Light Communication for these regions,from 2012 to 2022 (forecast)Europe: Germany,France,UK,Russia,Italy and Benelux;Middle East: Saudi Arabia,Israel,UAE and Iran;Africa: South Africa,Nigeria,Egypt and Algeria.EMEA Light Fidelity (Li-Fi)/Visible Light Communication market competition by top manufacturers/players,with Light Fidelity (Li-Fi)/Visible Light Communication sales volume (Units),price (K USD/Unit),revenue (Million USD) and market share for each manufacturer/player; the top players includingGeneral ElectricOledcommRenesas ElectronicsPureLiFiLvx SystemAcuity BrandsQualcommIBSENtelecomKoninklijke PhilipsPanasonicGet Free PDF for more Professional and Technical insights @On the basis of product,this report displays the sales volume,revenue,product price,market share and growth rate of each type,primarily split intoLEDPhotodetectorsMicrocontrollers (MCU)On the basis on the end users/applications,this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users,sales volume,market share and growth rate for each application,includingRetailElectronicsDefense & SecurityAutomotive & TransportAerospace & AviationHealthcareOthersIf you have any special requirements,please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.Continue Reading...About Us delivers the latest strategic market intelligence to build a successful business footprint in China. Our syndicated and customized research reports provide companies with vital background information of the market and in-depth analysis on the Chinese trade and investment framework, which directly affects their business operations.Contact US:Brooklyn, NY 11230United StatesToll Free: 866-997-4948 (USA-CANADA)Tel: +1-518-618-1030About Us delivers the latest strategic market intelligence to build a successful business footprint in China. Our syndicated and customized research reports provide companies with vital background information of the market and in-depth analysis on the Chinese trade and investment framework, which directly affectstheir business operations.Contact US:Brooklyn, NY 11230United StatesToll Free: 866-997-4948 (USA-CANADA)Tel: +1-518-618-1030Email: Acne Drugs Market world economy expanded by just 2.2 per cent,gross product is forecast to expand by 2.7 per cent in 2017 and 2.9 per cent in 2018 ReportsWeb In 2016, the world economy expanded by just 2.2 per cent, the slowest rate of growth since the Great Recession of 2009. Underpinning the sluggish global economy are the feeble pace of global investment, dwindling world trade growth, flagging productivity growth and high levels of debt. World gross product is forecast to expand by 2.7 per cent in 2017 and 2.9 per cent in 2018, with this modest recovery more an indication of economic stabilization than a signal of a robust and sustained revival of global demand. Given the close linkages between demand, investment, trade and productivity, the extended episode of weak global growth may prove self-perpetuating in the absence of concerted policy efforts to revive investment and foster a recovery in productivity. This would impede progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly the goals of eradicating extreme poverty and creating decent work for all.FREE | Request Sample Copy is Available at:For the sake of making you deeply understand the Acne Drugs industry and meeting you needs to the report contents, North America Acne Drugs Industry Situation and Prospects Research report will stands on the report reader's perspective to provide you a deeply analysis report with the integrity of logic and the comprehensiveness of contents. We promise that we will provide to the report reader a professional and in-depth industry analysis no matter you are the industry insider,potential entrant or investor.Firstly, the report provides a basic overview of the industry including definitions, classifications, applications and industry chain structure. The Acne Drugs market analysis is provided for the international market including development history, competitive landscape analysis, and major regions' development status.Complete Report is Available at:Split by Product Types, with production, revenue, price, and market share and growth rate of each type, can be divided intoInjectionExternalSplit by applications, this report focuses on consumption, market share and growth rate of Acne Drugs in each application, can be divided intoTeenagersAdultThen, the report focuses on global major leading industry players with information such as company profiles, product picture and specification, capacity, production, price, cost, revenue and contact information. Upstream raw materials, equipment and downstream consumers analysis is also carried out. What's more, the Acne Drugs industry development trends and marketing channels are analyzed.This report Acne Drugs in North America market, especially in United States, Canada and Mexico focuses on top manufacturers in global market, with production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer, coveringInquire before Buying at:Market Research Key Players List:BelliKate SomervilleDoudou KangPikangwangCetaphilDifferinEpiduoABSORICAEucerinKummelBoardOfAcneTongrentangCleaSkinCBIC ClearasilContact Us:Phone: +1-646-491-9876Email Id: sales@reportsweb.comAbout Us:ReportsWeb is a one stop shop of market research reports and solutions to various companies across the globe. We help our clients in their decision support system by helping them choose most relevant and cost effective research reports and solutions from various publishers.505, 6th floor, Amanora Township, Amanora Chambers, East Block, Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Intensive Care Product: World Market Sales, Consumption, Demand and Forecast 2018 2025 Intensive Care Product Market 2018 WiseGuyReports.Com Publish a New Market Research Report On Intensive Care Product: World Market Sales, Consumption, Demand and Forecast 2018 2025.Description:In this report, the global Intensive Care Product market is valued at USD XX million in 2017 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2017 and 2025.Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), market share and growth rate of Intensive Care Product in these regions, from 2013 to 2025 (forecast), coveringNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaGet a Sample Report @For more information or any query mail at sales@wiseguyreports.comGlobal Intensive Care Product market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players includingCSLBaxterGrifolsOctapharmaKedrionBiotestLFBBio Products LaboratorySanquinChina Biologic ProductsHualan BiologicalShanghai RAASOn the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoElectromyographElectroencephalographPhysiological RecorderOthersOn the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, includingHospitalClinicOthersReport Details @Table Of Contents Major Key PointsGlobal Intensive Care Product Market Research Report 20181 Intensive Care Product Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Intensive Care Product1.2 Intensive Care Product Segment by Type (Product Category)1.2.1 Global Intensive Care Product Production and CAGR (%) Comparison by Type (Product Category)(2013-2025)1.2.2 Global Intensive Care Product Production Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20171.2.3 Electromyograph1.2.4 Electroencephalograph1.2.5 Physiological Recorder1.2.6 Others1.3 Global Intensive Care Product Segment by Application1.3.1 Intensive Care Product Consumption (Sales) Comparison by Application (2013-2025)1.3.2 Hospital1.3.3 Clinic1.3.4 Others1.4 Global Intensive Care Product Market by Region (2013-2025)1.4.1 Global Intensive Care Product Market Size (Value) and CAGR (%) Comparison by Region (2013-2025)1.4.2 North America Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.3 Europe Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.4 China Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.5 Japan Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.6 Southeast Asia Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.7 India Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5 Global Market Size (Value) of Intensive Care Product (2013-2025)1.5.1 Global Intensive Care Product Revenue Status and Outlook (2013-2025)1.5.2 Global Intensive Care Product Capacity, Production Status and Outlook (2013-2025).7 Global Intensive Care Product Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis7.1 CSL7.1.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.1.2 Intensive Care Product Product Category, Application and Specification7.1.2.1 Product A7.1.2.2 Product B7.1.3 CSL Intensive Care Product Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.1.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.2 Baxter7.2.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.2.2 Intensive Care Product Product Category, Application and Specification7.2.2.1 Product A7.2.2.2 Product B7.2.3 Baxter Intensive Care Product Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.2.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.3 Grifols7.3.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.3.2 Intensive Care Product Product Category, Application and Specification7.3.2.1 Product A7.3.2.2 Product B7.3.3 Grifols Intensive Care Product Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.3.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.4 Octapharma7.4.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.4.2 Intensive Care Product Product Category, Application and Specification7.4.2.1 Product A7.4.2.2 Product B7.4.3 Octapharma Intensive Care Product Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.4.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.5 Kedrion7.5.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.5.2 Intensive Care Product Product Category, Application and Specification7.5.2.1 Product A7.5.2.2 Product B7.5.3 Kedrion Intensive Care Product Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.5.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.6 Biotest7.6.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.6.2 Intensive Care Product Product Category, Application and Specification7.6.2.1 Product A7.6.2.2 Product B7.6.3 Biotest Intensive Care Product Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.6.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.7 LFB7.7.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.7.2 Intensive Care Product Product Category, Application and Specification7.7.2.1 Product A7.7.2.2 Product B7.7.3 LFB Intensive Care Product Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.7.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.8 Bio Products Laboratory7.8.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.8.2 Intensive Care Product Product Category, Application and Specification7.8.2.1 Product A7.8.2.2 Product B7.8.3 Bio Products Laboratory Intensive Care Product Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.8.4 Main Business/Business OverviewContinueFor more information or any query mail at sales@wiseguyreports.comABOUT US:Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports features an exhaustive list of market research reports from hundreds of publishers worldwide. We boast a database spanning virtually every market category and an even more comprehensive collection of market research reports under these categories and sub-categories.Office No.528,Amanora Chambers,Magarpatta Road,Hadapsar,Pune-411028. Global Electric Vehicle Motor Market Analysis 2018 Forecasts to 2023 Electric Vehicle Motor Market 2018 Electric Vehicle Motor Market 2018Global Electric Vehicle Motor Market Information Report By Motor Type (DC Brushed Motors, DC Brushless Motors, Induction (Asynchronous) Motor, Synchronous Motor And Switched Reluctance Motor), By Power Rating (80 Kw) And By Region - Forecast To 2023Market Synopsis:The electric motor facilitates the conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy for propulsion of the vehicle, with the objective to enable regenerative braking or charging energies to generate electricity stored on board.The major factor driving the growth of the electric vehicle motor is the increase in demand for improving the driving range of electric vehicles, which is in turn has a positive impact on the growth of the market over the forecast period. The range of the electric vehicle is majorly dependent on the electric powertrain control systems. Another major driver for the growth of the market is the introduction of stringent government regulations. Globally, many countries have implemented stringent emission norms for lowering GHG emissions for reducing the causes of global warming. Therefore, it mandates the automotive manufactures to develop zero emission vehicles for meeting the more stringent emission standards. These regulations have led to an increased focus on production of more efficient electric vehicles, thereby driving the market growth during the forecast period. The other factors driving the growth of the market are introduction of tax incentives, and subsidies for EV manufacturers and end-users.The global electric vehicle motor market has seen a remarkable growth in the global market and it has been observed that, its demand in future is expected to grow with the CAGR of ~20%.Request For Sample Report @Based on power rating, the global market has been segmented as 80 Kw. Amongst all types of power rating, the >80 kW segment is expected to dominate the electric vehicle motors market by the end of forecast period. These types of motors are majorly used by the automotive manufacturers in luxury vehicles. It has also been forecast that over the forecast period there would be a significant reduction in prices of the motor. This will, in turn, increase the adoption of high-performance motors in electric vehicles, thereby propelling the growth of the market.Based on motor type, the electric vehicle motor market has been segmented as DC Brushed Motors, DC Brushless Motors, Induction (Asynchronous) Motor, Synchronous Motor and Switched Reluctance Motor. Amongst these, DC Brushed Motors is expected to dominate the growth of the market. In DC brushed motor, brushes along with commutators provide a link between external supply circuit and armature of the motor. Brushes can be made up of various materials such as carbon, copper, carbon graphite and metal graphite. DC brushed motors possess the ability to achieve high torque at low speeds, which makes them suitable for use in electric vehicles.Geographically, the global electric vehicle motor market has been divided into four major regions of North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of the World. Asia Pacific region is expected to contribute the highest to the electric car motor market. The rapid increase in production and sales of electric vehicles in countries such as Japan and China and the presence of original equipment manufacturers, will boost the growth of the Asia Pacific market.The prominent players in the electric vehicle motor market include Continental AG (Germany), Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd. (Japan), Tesla, Inc. (U.S.), BYD Auto Co., Ltd. (China), Denso Corporation (Japan), Metric Mind Corporation (U.S.), Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Japan), Allied Motion Technologies Inc. (U.S.), Robert Bosch GmbH (Germany) and Siemens AG (Germany).The report for Global Electric Vehicle Motor Market of Market Research Future comprises extensive primary research along with the detailed analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders to gain the deeper insight of the market and industry performance. The report gives the clear picture of current market scenario which includes historical and projected market size in terms of value and volume, technological advancement, macro economical and governing factors in the market. The report provides details information and strategies of the top key players in the industry. The report also gives a broad study of the different market segments and regions.Complete Report Details @Continued.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.CONTACT US:Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 The Network of Indian Professionals Honors Monica Channa of Akran Marketing with Business Leader Award Monica (Geeta) Channa, EDO Akran Marketing and CEO Akran foundation, Centre. Infinity Convention Centre on Friday, Oct. 13, 2017 The Network of Indian Professionals (NetIP), dedicated to recognizing and promoting the achievement and advancement of South Asian professionals, honours Monica Channa, Executive Director of Operations at Akran Marketing and Director of Akran Foundation, at an exclusive Ottawa, Canada, event with the prestigious Upcoming Business Leader Award.OTTAWA, Ontario. Canada February 14, 2018, 09:29 PM EST (BUSINESS NEWS) The Network of Indian Professionals (NetIP), a non-profit organization dedicated to recognizing and promoting the achievement and advancement of South Asian professionals, honours Monica Channa, Executive Director of Operations at Akran Marketing and Director of Akran foundation with the prestigious Upcoming Business Leader Award.From left, Umesh Kumar, co-founder of CellChem Pharmaceuticals; Cuckoo Kochar, CEO Phoenix Development Corp Ltd; Monica (Geeta) Channa, EDO Akran Marketing and CEO Akran foundation; Deepak Chopra, CEO Canada Post; and Sid Kumar, NetIP Canada president, at NetIP Canadas 7th Diwali & Awards Gala, held at the Infinity Convention Centre on Friday, October 13, 2017. Photo by Caroline PhillipsThe Award recognizes the contributions and the positive impact of individuals that stand out in business and strive to strengthen Canadas economic prosperity. Monica accepted the award at NetIP Canadas 7th Diwali & Awards Gala, held at the Infinity Convention Centre in Ottawa, Canada, on Friday, October 13, 2017.When South Asian women are given the chance and the opportunity, we can achieve so much. We can make the world a better place, Channa points out. We must all play our part in shape a future that is inclusive and respectful of everyone.Channa was presented the award by Alastair Summerlee, Interim President and Vice-Chancellor of Carleton University, and Roseann OReilly Runte, president and CEO of the Canadian Foundation for Innovation.ABOUT AKRAN MARKETINGAkran Marketing is a promotional product, specialty advertising and branding company.ABOUT AKRAN FOUNDATIONThe Akran Foundation is a Canadian non-profit organization that acts as the charitable and philanthropic extension of Akran Marketing.MEDIA CONTACTTo learn more about this news story or about Monica Channa, or to book an interview, contact David Wendt, CIO, at or visit the websites and 739-4000 | 2000 Thurston Dr, Ottawa, ON K1G 4K7 ROOT Data Center Announces Release of Whitepaper Demonstrating the Importance of Data Center Expansion Capabilities Whitepaper Identifies Available Power, Space and Data Center Skills as Necessary to Future-Proof Requirements of Enterprise and Hyperscale ProvidersMONTREAL February 13, 2018 ROOT Data Center announces today the availability of a new whitepaper titled, Power, Real Estate and Capability: Evaluating Your Data Centers Expansion Capacity. Global creation of data is increasing at a massive rate and the ability to store and manage this data is crucial for the IT operator. As enterprises through small businesses move to the cloud, cloud operators must be able to respond to increasing demands for more capacity quickly and reliably. Data center choice is paramount. In this whitepaper, ROOT Data Center explores the factors that create success for hyperscalers and enterprises in supporting fast and reliable expansion and scalability.According to the white paper, as demand for data storage space increases at its rampant pace, three of the most important considerations for global enterprises and hyperscale providers seeking effective data center hosting solutions are available power, available space and deployment capabilities. As enterprise IT infrastructures grow and mature, they require higher power densities as well as increased cabinet space. Additionally, as data center real estate is quickly depleting, it has become necessary to work with a provider capable of building out infrastructure within a geographic location that offers available space. Finally, an effective data center provider should be able to ensure the installation of infrastructure in short time frames.It has become essential for companies seeking data center solutions to ensure their provider is capable of effectively expanding infrastructure, power and space to future-proof requirements, says AJ Byers, President and CEO of ROOT Data Center. Historically, it was acceptable for a data center to have deployment timelines of a year and a half, which now needs to be closer to three months for a multi-megawatt project. In fact, most data center operators are still working at that pace, so the ability to accelerate that timeline to 90 days or less is a key differentiator.ROOT Data Center delivers multi-MW implementations in less than 120 days, and offers a PUE of 1.17, combined with 100% sustainable power and densities of up to 40kW per rack. Companies benefit from ROOTs unmatched deployment speeds and low-cost renewable hydro-electric power from Hydro Quebec. Coupling these benefits with scalable high-performance services, customers are able to achieve effective colocation solutions designed to suit businesses of any size.The read the whitepaper, Power, Real Estate and Capability: Evaluating Your Data Centers Expansion Capacity, please click here.To learn more about ROOT Data Center, visitor email # #About ROOT Data CenterROOT is a next-generation data center company that provides colocation solutions to empower the worlds computing leaders. Its modular design promises optimal agility and efficiency, which enables all customers to scale their technology infrastructure and grow with confidence. Less power to waste, more power to you. For more information, visitMEDIA CONTACT:iMiller Public Relations for ROOT Data Center221 Harbor HillMamaroneck, NY Oncolytic Virus Therapy Industry Treatment Analysis,Research,Review to 2025 Oncolytic Virus Therapy Market WiseGuyReports.Com Publish a New Market Research Report On Oncolytic Virus Therapy Industry Treatment Analysis,Research,Review to 2025.Description:This report studies the Oncolytic Virus Therapy market status and outlook of global and major regions, from angles of players, regions, product types and end industries; this report analyzes the top players in global and major regions, and splits the Oncolytic Virus Therapy market by product type and applications/end industries.Oncolytic Virus Therapy is an exciting, increasingly recognized discipline in cancer research. Although the connection between viruses and cancer regression was recognized in the early 20th century, it wasnt until the recent development of advanced genetic engineering techniques that true progress has been made using virotherapy to attack and destroy cancer cells. Today, researchers can modify existing viruses to create new oncolytic viruses that are less susceptible to immune suppression while more specifically targeting particular classes of cancer cells. Additionally, these modified oncolytic viruses can be adapted to insert and express cancer-suppressing genes and diagnostic proteins.Get a Sample Report @For more information or any query mail at sales@wiseguyreports.comFor developing product, there are 3 products in Phase 3, 8 products in Phase 2, 7 products in Phase 1 and 3 products in Preclinical. The total investment for Oncolytic Virus Therapy developing is around 84 M USD in 2017.The major players in global Oncolytic Virus Therapy market includeAmgenOncolytics BiotechViralyticsTransgene SAOncolys BioPharmaTargovaxPsiOxus TherapeuticsSillaJen BiotherapeuticsSorrento TherapeuticsLokon PharmaGenelux CorporationVyriadTILT BiotherapeuticsCold GenesysGeographically, this report is segmented into several key regions, with market size and R&D investment, market share and growth rate of Oncolytic Virus Therapy in these regions, from 2013 to 2025 (forecast), coveringNorth AmericaEuropeAsia-PacificOn the basis on the end users/applications, this report coversMelanomaProstate CancerBreast CancerOvarian CancerOthersReport Details @Table Of Contents Major Key Points1 Oncolytic Virus Therapy Market Overview 11.1 Oncolytic Virus Therapy Product Overview 11.2 Oncolytic Virus Therapy Market by Pipeline 11.3 Oncolytic Virus Therapy Segment by Application 21.3.1 Global Oncolytic Virus Therapy R&D Investment and Growth Rate Comparison by Application (2013-2025) 21.3.2 Global Oncolytic Virus Therapy R&D Investment Market Share by Application in 2017 31.3.3 Prostate Cancer 41.3.4 Melanoma 41.3.5 Breast Cancer 51.3.6 Ovarian Cancer 61.4 Global Oncolytic Virus Therapy Market by Regions (2013-2018) 71.4.1 Global Oncolytic Virus Therapy Market Size and Growth Rate Comparison by Regions (2013-2025) 71.4.2 North America Oncolytic Virus Therapy Status and Prospect (2013-2025) 81.4.3 Europe Oncolytic Virus Therapy Status and Prospect (2013-2025) 91.4.4 Asia Pacific Oncolytic Virus Therapy Status and Prospect (2013-2025) 101.5 Global Oncolytic Virus Therapy Market Size (2013-2025) 112 Global Oncolytic Virus Therapy Market Competition by Manufacturers 122.1 Global Oncolytic Virus Therapy Pipeline of Key Players/Manufacturers 122.2 Global Oncolytic Virus Therapy R&D Investment and Share by Manufacturers (2016-2017) 132.3 Manufacturers Oncolytic Virus Therapy Headquarters, Established Date, Product Types 152.4 Oncolytic Virus Therapy Market Competitive Situation and Trends 172.4.1 Oncolytic Virus Therapy R&D Investment Concentration Rate 172.4.2 Oncolytic Virus Therapy R&D Investment Share of Top 3 and Top 5 Manufacturers 182.4.3 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion 193 Global Oncolytic Virus Therapy R&D Investment by Regions (2013-2018) 213.1 Global Oncolytic Virus Therapy Developer Distribution by Regions 213.2 Global Oncolytic Virus Therapy R&D Investment and Market Share by Regions (2013-2018) 213.3 Global Oncolytic Virus Therapy R&D Investment and Growth Rate (2013-2018) 243.4 North America Oncolytic Virus Therapy R&D Investment and Growth Rate (2013-2018) 253.5 Europe Oncolytic Virus Therapy R&D Investment and Growth Rate (2013-2018) 263.6 Asia Pacific Oncolytic Virus Therapy R&D Investment and Growth Rate (2013-2018) 274 Global Oncolytic Virus Therapy Market Size by Regions (2013-2018) 284.1 Global Oncolytic Virus Therapy Consumption by Regions (2013-2018) 284.2 North America Oncolytic Virus Therapy Market Size (2013-2018) 304.3 Europe Oncolytic Virus Therapy Market Size (2013-2018) 314.4 Asia Pacific Oncolytic Virus Therapy Market Size (2013-2018) 325 Global Oncolytic Virus Therapy R&D Investment by Application 335.1 Global Oncolytic Virus Therapy Investment by Application (2013-2018) 335.2 Global Oncolytic Virus Therapy Market Size by Application (2013-2018) 356 Analysis of Oncolytic Virus Therapy Industry Key Manufacturers 366.1 Amgen 366.1.1 Company Profile 366.1.2 Product Information 376.1.3 R&D Investment, Product and Stage 376.2 Oncolytics Biotech 386.2.1 Company Profile 386.2.2 Product Information 396.2.3 R&D Investment, Product and Stage 396.3 Viralytics 406.3.1 Company Profile 406.3.2 Product Information 416.3.3 R&D Investment, Product and Stage 416.4 Transgene SA 426.4.1 Company Profile 426.4.2 Product Information 436.4.3 R&D Investment, Product and Stage 436.5 Oncolys BioPharma 446.5.1 Company Profile 446.5.2 Product Information 456.5.3 R&D Investment, Product and Stage 466.6 Targovax 476.6.1 Company Profile 476.6.2 Product Information 486.6.3 R&D Investment, Product and Stage 496.7 PsiOxus Therapeutics 496.7.1 Company Profile 496.7.2 Product Information 506.7.3 R&D Investment, Product and Stage 516.8 SillaJen Biotherapeutics 516.8.1 Company Profile 516.8.2 Product Information 526.8.3 R&D Investment, Product and Stage 54ContinueFor more information or any query mail at sales@wiseguyreports.comABOUT US:Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports features an exhaustive list of market research reports from hundreds of publishers worldwide. We boast a database spanning virtually every market category and an even more comprehensive collection of market research reports under these categories and sub-categories.Office No.528,Amanora Chambers,Magarpatta Road,Hadapsar,Pune-411028. Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market Global Key Players,Growth Drivers,Trends & Opportunities to 2025 Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market WiseGuyReports.Com Publish a New Market Research Report On Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market Global Key Players,Growth Drivers,Trends & Opportunities to 2025.Description:In this report, the global Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) market is valued at USD XX million in 2017 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2017 and 2025.Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), market share and growth rate of Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) in these regions, from 2013 to 2025 (forecast), coveringNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaGet a Sample Report @For more information or any query mail at sales@wiseguyreports.comGlobal Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players includingGERolls-RoyceMTU MaintenanceLufthansa TechnikPratt & WhitneyAir France/KLMSnecmaDelta TechOpsStandard AeroBBA AviationChromalloyITPAir New ZealandBet ShemeshIAIWood Group TurbopowerSigma AerospaceHellenic AerospaceSabralinerAsia Pacific AerospaceChinese Dragon General AviationOn the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoMaintenanceRepairOverhaulOn the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, includingCivil AircraftMilitary AircraftReport Details @Table Of Contents Major Key PointsGlobal Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market Research Report 20181 Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO)1.2 Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Segment by Type (Product Category)1.2.1 Global Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Production and CAGR (%) Comparison by Type (Product Category)(2013-2025)1.2.2 Global Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Production Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20171.2.3 Maintenance1.2.4 Repair1.2.5 Overhaul1.3 Global Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Segment by Application1.3.1 Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Consumption (Sales) Comparison by Application (2013-2025)1.3.2 Civil Aircraft1.3.3 Military Aircraft1.4 Global Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Region (2013-2025)1.4.1 Global Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market Size (Value) and CAGR (%) Comparison by Region (2013-2025)1.4.2 North America Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.3 Europe Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.4 China Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.5 Japan Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.6 Southeast Asia Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.7 India Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5 Global Market Size (Value) of Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) (2013-2025)1.5.1 Global Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Revenue Status and Outlook (2013-2025)1.5.2 Global Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Capacity, Production Status and Outlook (2013-2025)7 Global Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis7.1 GE7.1.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.1.2 Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Product Category, Application and Specification7.1.2.1 Product A7.1.2.2 Product B7.1.3 GE Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.1.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.2 Rolls-Royce7.2.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.2.2 Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Product Category, Application and Specification7.2.2.1 Product A7.2.2.2 Product B7.2.3 Rolls-Royce Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.2.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.3 MTU Maintenance7.3.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.3.2 Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Product Category, Application and Specification7.3.2.1 Product A7.3.2.2 Product B7.3.3 MTU Maintenance Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.3.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.4 Lufthansa Technik7.4.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.4.2 Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Product Category, Application and Specification7.4.2.1 Product A7.4.2.2 Product B7.4.3 Lufthansa Technik Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.4.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.5 Pratt & Whitney7.5.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.5.2 Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Product Category, Application and Specification7.5.2.1 Product A7.5.2.2 Product B7.5.3 Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.5.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.6 Air France/KLM7.6.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.6.2 Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Product Category, Application and Specification7.6.2.1 Product A7.6.2.2 Product B7.6.3 Air France/KLM Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.6.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.7 Snecma7.7.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.7.2 Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Product Category, Application and Specification7.7.2.1 Product A7.7.2.2 Product B7.7.3 Snecma Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.7.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.8 Delta TechOps7.8.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.8.2 Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Product Category, Application and Specification7.8.2.1 Product A7.8.2.2 Product B7.8.3 Delta TechOps Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.8.4 Main Business/Business OverviewContinueFor more information or any query mail at sales@wiseguyreports.comABOUT US:Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports features an exhaustive list of market research reports from hundreds of publishers worldwide. We boast a database spanning virtually every market category and an even more comprehensive collection of market research reports under these categories and sub-categories.Office No.528,Amanora Chambers,Magarpatta Road,Hadapsar,Pune-411028. Global Hotel Reservation Software Market Forecast 2017-2022 - Competition, Status, Emerging Trends, Growth Factors, Value Chain and Key Players Hotel Reservation Software Market Online hotel reservations are a popular method for booking hotel rooms. Travelers can book rooms on a computer by using online security to protect their privacy and financial information and by using several online travel agents to compare prices and facilities at different hotels. Prior to the Internet, travelers could write, telephone the hotel directly, or use a travel agent to make a reservation. Nowadays, online travel agents have pictures of hotels and rooms, information on prices and deals, and even information on local resorts. Many also allow reviews of the traveler to be recorded with the online travel agent. Online hotel reservations are also helpful for making last minute travel arrangements. Hotels may drop the price of a room if some rooms are still available.Get Sample Report @The analysis of the manufacturing cost structure of the Global Hotel Reservation Software Market has been performed based on key aspects such as industry chain structure, manufacturing process, raw materials, and their suppliers. The manufacturing plants analysis and technical data of the market have been explained in the lights of raw material sources, technology sources, research and development status, manufacturing plants distribution, and commercial production date and capacity. The next chapter discusses the cost structure and operational processes of the global Hotel Reservation Software market.Key Players Profiled in this Report: inroad, Hotelogix, Frontdesk Anywhere, Hotello, WebRezPro, roomMaster, RoomKeyPMS, Cloudbeds, GuestPoint, RMS, RDP, Maestro PMS, Skyware, ResNexus, Lodgify, eZee.Regions Covered:United States, North America, China, Europe, Japan, Southeast Asia and India.Get Reasonable Discount on this Report @After studying key companies, the report focuses on the startups contributing towards the growth of the market. Possible mergers and acquisitions among the startups and key organizations are identified by the reports authors in the study. Most companies in the Hotel Reservation Software market are currently engaged in adopting new technologies, strategies, product developments, expansions, and long-term contracts to maintain their dominance in the global Hotel Reservation Software market. Moreover, extensive investments are being made in research and development to enable product enhancements and improvements. With the advent of new technologies on a regular basis, players are striving hard to incorporate the latest technology to gain a competitive edge above the rest.The key opportunity regions in the market and the top trends impacting the development of the global Hotel Reservation Software market have been presented through this report. The current growth and development patterns of this market have also been encapsulated in this study. The report also covers the key players and throws light on the strategies being adopted by them for better penetration into the market.For More Information:Table of ContentsGlobal Hotel Reservation Software Market Research ReportChapter 1 Global Hotel Reservation Software Market OverviewChapter 2 Global Economic Impact on IndustryChapter 3 Global Hotel Reservation Software Market Competition by ManufacturersChapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by RegionChapter 5 Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by RegionsChapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by TypeChapter 7 Global Hotel Reservation Software Market Analysis by ApplicationChapter 8 Manufacturing Cost AnalysisChapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream BuyersChapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11 Market Effect Factors AnalysisHistorical and projected information pertaining to cost, capacity, gross margin, imports and exports, company contact information, growth drivers and restraints, market position, production value, products, demand, and others have been included while evaluating the different regional market. A SWOT analysis of the upcoming projects being undertaken in the Hotel Reservation Software market identifies and evaluates the weaknesses, strengths, threats, and opportunities of the new projects.At IT Intelligence Markets, we model all our work on our core philosophy that believes in customer satisfaction. We serve a global clientele by supplying market intelligence research reports after conducting exhaustive research. Our reports are replete with productive insights & recent market dynamics as the healthcare industry is constantly undergoing changes like ever-changing consumer preferences, supply channels and latest technologies. Our market research analysts not only investigate the market for drivers, restraints & challenges but also gauge the overall progress of the market by comparing chief market players. Our report forms a crucial piece of intelligence using which our clients can unleash their potential & tap their capacity to harness the correct technologies & surpass their competitors.Web:Name: Vijay TannaCompany: It Intelligence MarketsAddress: Survey No-9/4, Flat# 6, Panchshil Park, Ganpati Marg, Nigidi, Pune 411044Mail Id: sales@itintelligencemarkets.comContact No: +91 705-760-0700 The Mid Michigan Cattle Network will host a meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday. The meeting will be held in the Houghton Conference Room at the Mid-Michigan Community College Harrison Campus, 1375 S. Clare Ave., Harrison, MI 48625. This months program will feature Michigan State University Extension Educator Frank Wardynski, and Seedstock Producer John Miller of Clare. They will be covering Expected Progeny Differences (EPD), and how they can be used in selection of beef cattle. For more information, please contact Kable Thurlow at the Gladwin County MSU Extension office at 989-426-7741, email him at, or stop by the Gladwin County Building Annex, located at 555 W. Cedar Ave., Suite A, Gladwin, Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. The Mid Michigan Community College Foundation program Students of Promise recently inducted its 12th group of students. Twenty-five seventh-grade students, selected from Beaverton, Clare, Farwell, Gladwin, and Harrison school districts, were welcomed into the program with a formal ceremony and reception. Now in its 12th year, the program promotes cultural awareness, academic achievement, higher education, and social development to academically promising students who face significant challenges in their lives. Staff from local school systems identified and nominated students for the program. Of this group, 25 students were selected. The Students of Promise program works with these students through high school graduation and into college. Program participants are encouraged to reach their highest potential through activities and opportunities that broaden their horizons, expose them to higher education, and allow them to interact with positive role models. Program events range from a trip to the Air Zoo in Kalamazoo to an etiquette training and five-course meal, and learning survival tips while spending days on a remote island with no technology. Students have scaled rock walls, developed team building skills, discussed the principals of character, polished Petoskey Stones, crafted with residents at a retirement home, analyzed fibers and fingerprints to solve a crime, enjoyed flight simulators and seen a rhinoceros up close. Its fun with a purpose. As the students move through the program, the focus changes, said Tammy Alvaro, program coordinator. Instead of exploring museums, they begin exploring careers, and preparing for life after high school. Their world views start to expand, along with the consideration given to their futures. In the last two years of the program, the students are encouraged to take college-level classes through dual enrollment. They also get assistance with exploring college choices and eventually applying for college and navigating the financial aid process. The MMCC Foundation is a non-profit organization that works to enhance Mids services to its students and the community through fund development, scholarships, program development, and improved instructional facilities. Its largest fund raiser, A Northern Tradition at Jays Sporting Goods, occurs every April, and has raised over $1.5 million in 16 years. Its very exciting to watch the students grow and mature, said Alvaro. For these new inductees, theyve just started their journeys, and this program will impact their lives in incredible ways. For more information about Students of Promise, visit or contact Tammy Alvaro at or 989-386-6634. Back in April of 2017, we wrote about how Maryland had just finished attempting to screw the states craft brewers via a new piece of legislation known as House Bill 1283. Introduced in secret and hidden from the states brewers until it had already passed the House of Delegates, the bill was amended in the state Senate thanks to a last-ditch effort by craft beer activists. These amendments managed to alter its affects from devastating to merely complicated and imbalanced. On one hand, HB 1283 gave breweries something they wantedthe ability to sell more beer to the public directly from their taprooms. But on the other hand, it introduced a patently unfair grandfathering system, in which already existing breweries would be held to one legal standard in terms of hours of operation, but new breweries would be punished with reduced hours of operation for their audacity in wanting to open a new small business. Why did this happen? Well, in a single sentence: It happened because state legislators were more interested in courting big business than serving their local breweries. Specifically, it happened to make Maryland the most attractive possible home for Diageos destination Guinness brewery, despite the fact that Diageo as a company has largely sided with the craft brewers against the state of Maryland. Thats right: Even though Diageo isnt asking Maryland legislators to screw over the states craft brewers on their behalf, theyve elected to do so anyway, while crafting legislation that exempts the Guinness brewery (and no one else) from additional regulation. Enter, HB 518 and HB 1052dueling house bills that will determine the future of the states brewing industry, both of which will be heard by Marylands House Economic Matters Committee on Feb. 23. One (HB 518) is supported by the states craft brewers (and apparently Diageo as well), and is aimed at loosening restrictions on beer sales, and modernizing the states beer laws to be similar to other states that have made craft beer into a major tourism driver. The other bill, HB 1052, is supported by the states most powerful alcohol distributorships, and the lobbying/campaign contribution power they wield. This is perhaps a relevant time to point out a few of the corruption scandals that have wracked Marylands legislative body in the last few years. HB1052 would inflict actual harm on a majority of the brewing industry, said Kevin Atticks, executive director of the Brewers Association of Maryland, in an interview with Baltimore Magazine. Rather than wasting our time and energy debating a tone-deaf, mal-intentioned attempt to distract from real conversations aimed to grow our manufacturing industry, were focusing on our legitimate, reasonable, reform efforts. ALERT: HB518, the #ReformOnTap Act and #HB1052 will be heard by a House committee on Friday, 2/23. Join us and show your support for Maryland Brewers! If you cant attend but wish to submit written testimony, please email me at Peter Franchot (@peterfranchot) February 9, 2018 Lets compare the contents of the two bills via direct bullet points. HB 518, favored by the craft brewers, would do the following: - Remove all limits on beer production, taproom sales and take-home sales; - Repeal the buy-back provision that requires brewers to purchase their beer from distributors at a marked-up cost if they exceed the 2,000-barrel limit on taproom sales; - Lift unnecessary restrictions for take-home sales; - Let local jurisdictions set guidelines for taproom operating hours; - Allow smaller brewers to self-distribute; - Remove restrictions on contract brewing that inhibits start-up businesses. Meanwhile, HB 1052, which Diageo/Guinness directly says they do not support, would do the following: - Reduce the amount of annual taproom sales allowed from 2,000 to only 500 barrels, with the sole exception of Guinness (because this is clearly fair); - Directly prohibit contract brewing of any kind; - Restrict sample sizes at all breweries to only three ounces per style or brand. In a supreme act of irony, the introduction of HB 1052 came right after Maryland Governor Larry Hogan declared this month FeBREWary in the state, a month for Maryland Craft Beer Lovers. The below blockquote is from Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot, a champion of HB 518, who said in a Facebook post that HB 1052 would for all intents and purposes, destroy the craft brewing industry in the State of Maryland. This is a man who has been attacked by paid shills for his support of the local craft beer industry, and responded with one of the most devastating rebuttal letters that I have ever read on any subject. I highly recommend reading it, if only to understand how the clout of Big Beer has been put to use against elected officials in positions such as Franchots. Says the comptroller: As bad as House Bill 1283 was, House Bill 1052 is so much worse. It would send the message, once and for all, that our states government is hostile to our current and future craft brewers, and indifferent to the jobs, economic growth and neighborhood reinvestment they provide. One of Marylands great breweries UNION Craft Brewing has already stated publicly that this bill could jeopardize its future here in Maryland. After reading that comment, I reached out to UNION Craft Brewings co-owner, Jon Zerivitz, to discuss the two bills. As a leader of one of the states best-liked craft brewers, makers of cult beers such as Double Duckpin DIPA, hes been shepherding his company through a major, multimillion dollar expansion, which includes dedicating two-thirds of the space in their new brewery building to a mixed-use manufacturing space that will be called the Union Collective. That space will be host to an array of other small businesses, including an ice cream manufacturer, a distillery, a coffee roaster, a hot sauce maker and a climbing gym, but the passage of HB 1052 would put all of those things into immediate jeopardy, forcing the brewery to buy its own beer back from distributors after the first 500 barrels sold out of its new 7,000 square foot taproom. It makes me feel sad, to feel disillusioned, to question our choice to start up here in the state at all, Zerivitz said to Paste. I feel like we do nothing but bring a better quality of life to Baltimore. Just to get our local politicians to visit us here is difficult enough, but to listen to us is apparently much harder. All the manufacturing had left Baltimore, and here we are trying to bring it back. We could have just invested in ourselves and built a beautiful brewery, but instead we chose to buy a 155,000 square foot warehouse in the heart of Baltimore and bring in all these other Baltimore manufacturers. We just wanted to give a little bit of that craft beer community love to some other small businesses, rather than watching them move to the outskirts of the city. To have our local government stand in the way of that kind of progress is really sad to me. Zerivitz doesnt blame Guinness, saying that Diageo has been caught in a conflict between breweries and representatives. He says many of the Guinness brewers have visited and toured the facilities at Union, making clear a desire to become part of the local craft beer scene. He simply says that he just asks them to tell the powers that be to throw some of that lobbyist weight they wield behind Marylands craft breweries, so hopefully they do. Photo via Getty Images, Ilya S. Savenok So, who is actually behind HB 1052, which would reduce the amount of beer that breweries are allowed to sell in their taproom by a gaudy 75 percent? That would be Democratic delegates Dereck Davis and Talmadge Branch, who co-sponsored the bill. Also reportedly proponents of the bill, and outspoken critics of Comptroller Franchot: Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller and House Speaker Michael E. Buschboth of whom just so happen to have family members who own liquor stores or alcohol distributorships. In particular, comments from Dereck Davis on HB 1052 are downright insulting to Maryland craft breweries, claiming that his bill set to dismantle their rights is something hes doing because they asked for it. In an interview with Washingtons Top News, he said the following, first speaking about the passage of HB 1283 in 2017: The comptroller as well as others in the craft beer industry complained vociferously, quite honestly, about what they thought were harmful effects that the passage of that legislation would do on their industry, Davis said. All House Bill 1052 does is repeal what we did last year. What they quite frankly told us was a negative. We left the provisions in as it related to [Guinness owner] Diageo in Baltimore County, because they were the real reasons why we did the bill [last year]. This is an absolutely stunning go f*** yourself aimed at not only the entire Maryland craft brewing industry, but also at the voter base, which along with local media, has given strong support to Franchots proposed policieswhich I remind you, would simply be bringing Maryland in line with other states that have built successful craft beer-based tourism industries. In the blockquote above, Davis purposefully misunderstands and mischaracterizes craft brewers objections to HB 1283 in 2017, even as he prepares to strip them of their current legal rights with HB 1052, somehow claiming that they want to have the amount of beer they can sell reduced. He doesnt even acknowledge the existence of HB 518, which would have the opposite effect of his own legislation, and goes before the House Economic Matters Committee on the same freaking day, Feb. 23. Folks, this is what it sounds like when a local government lawmaker wants to strangle an emerging industry. Case in point: Look up the publicly searchable campaign contributions received by Davis, and what do you find? Well, you find a tie for the largest contribution in the last two years between a number of donorsand my, oh my, theres a lot of beverages involved here. On the first page alone, we have individual donations of $2,700 from two different people at Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits, plus $2,700 from Horizon Beverage Co. and another $2,700 from Beltway Fine Wine & Spirits. The next page has two more $2,700 contributions from alcohol distributors or retailers. The page after that has a couple more. And so on. Its there for anyone to look up. Amazing how stances on legislation tend to synch up with campaign contributions, isnt it? Nice of them to put the alcohol industry stuff right near the top, so you dont have to look far. Click to zoom. I think there are so many conflicts of interest going on here, and deep cronyism, said a discontented Zerivitz. The distributors in Maryland, many are 100-year-old family companies, and they go back very far with many of the legislators. Thats just how Maryland operates. I really think our path forward here is to get people motivated to vote in primaries and get some of these guys out of office. Without doing that, I think were going to keep ending up at compromise status quos forever. And even if we stay exactly where we are now, it will still be an unfavorable landscape for new breweries. Were just barely getting to the point now where we can be considered to have a decent beer scene, and now it feels like theyre trying to make us backtrack. Voting in primaries is all well and good, but there arent going to be any elections before Feb. 23, when these bills go before committee. What Marylands craft brewing industry needs right at this moment is attention and actionfocused, decisive action from its residents, who need to be contacting their legislators to find out where they stand on the issue. If HB 1052 somehow passes, it will likely be the death knell of at least a few well-liked Maryland breweries. At the very least, it will demonstrably hurt every one of them in some way. Conversely, if HB 518 passes, it could be the dawning of a new era of modernized craft brewery laws for the state. As a result, this month could be the most important in the history of the states beer industry. Heres hoping that February of 2018 is eventually remembered by Maryland beer fans in fond terms, rather than mournful ones. Jim Vorel is a Paste staff writer and resident craft beer obsessive. You can follow him on Twitter for more drink writing. Emmet commissioners to take things slow in transit strategy Opinions were mixed on the possibility of an Emmet transit authority, but all affirmed the need for transit. Boyne City volleyball gets back in sync, win over Kalkaska follows Club Poker Still Under Scrutiny in Texas February 14, 2018 Mo Nuwwarah The flagship poker game the world over may have gotten its start in Texas supposedly in Robstown but nobody can really be sure but the state hasn't been known to be exactly friendly toward players of Texas hold'em, or indeed any other sort of poker. Gambling has been illegal for years in Texas, last in the open decades ago in Galveston. Underground games frequented by the likes of Doyle Brunson, Amarillo Slim and the rest of the famed road gamblers notwithstanding, poker for Texas residents has come to mean relatively short trips across a border, be it state or U.S. Indeed, Texans on virtually any side of the massive state can access casino gambling fairly easily, as every bordering state plus Mexico has casinos within 50 miles of Texas, according to a 2008 article by Texas-based attorney Markus Kypreos. One needs to look no further than the massive fields drawn by the World Series of Poker Circuit and other tournament organizers at Choctaw and WinStar, both located just across the Oklahoma border, to see that the legendary Texas propensity for gambling is no mere myth. So, there's clearly a market for poker, but the business is crossing various borders and helping nobody in the state besides gas station owners. A few enterprising individuals have attempted to change that, though. The Current Club Landscape Getting into the nitty gritty of Texas law, the Texas Penal Code defines three parameters that can exempt an activity from legally being considered gambling: The activity takes place in a private place No person receives an economic benefit aside from personal winnings Aside from skill or luck, all participants have the same chances of winning and risk of losing While that last point can be a bit of a head-scratcher, some have come to a conclusion that poker clubs operating rake-free games satisfy all of the above conditions. Poker clubs in Texas have received coverage here on PokerNews before, but the situation still hasn't resolved itself. According to the reporting of Tim Acosta from Corpus Christi Caller-Times, poker clubs along the Texas coastal bend the Southeast part of the state have been opening and closing as they continue to lobby local politicians and law enforcement. Per Acosta's story, city officials greenlit a pair of locals in Kingsville, a town of about 25,000, to open card clubs. Rounders Poker Club and Kingdom's Poker Club both opened for business after their founders invested considerable time and money one man said he poured in $70,000 only to then face scrutiny from law enforcement and subsequently close. One has reopened but is no longer accepting door fees, which were the lifeblood of the business, while the other remains closed. A state congressman admitted it's a legal "gray area" but that's little consolation to the business owners and the players who wish to frequent these clubs and avoid the risk of underground games. Such games have in the past been targeted by burglars and law enforcement stings. The situation in many ways mirrors that of Portland, which had a similar club scene that has come under legal scrutiny, much to the dismay of players and proprietors. Meanwhile, some Texas clubs continue to operate completely out in the open, advertising cash games and tournaments on social media. Others, such as those in Plano and Dallas cited by several news outlets, have been shut down. Mired in Gray Area Essentially, the issue appears to come down to how local politicians and law enforcement view the clubs. Obvious problems with this abound, not the least of which is that one individual or lawmaking body can give approval while another subsequently takes issue, as the Kingsville owners learned all too well. Furthermore, the individuals in these decision-making positions can move on to new jobs or retire, and someone with an entirely different view could take their place. It seems the only clear solution would be in the form of a state decision on the matter. The last time a bill got a push, in 2009, it died a fairly quiet death. Then-governor Rick Perry promised to veto any gambling expansion. Greg Abbott now holds that office. A fellow Republican in the famously ultra-conservative state, he doesn't appear a likely savior for poker players. In 2015, he said he "wholeheartedly" supported the existing law structure on gambling and instructed legislators to stop poking down that path. Acosta reported any poker-friendly clarification of law isn't even possible until 2019 at the earliest, based on the Texas Legislature's schedule. Until then and likely beyond that, poker appears destined to remain mired in a confusing mess in its modern American birthplace. Photo courtesy of Krystle Fleming/ "I think it's not so much an issue of being a woman in the music industry as it is just being a woman, period." Women are killing it in the music industry, and the world of song lovers couldn't be happier! In our column, #WomenCrushWednesday, we'll feature an awesome lady whose tunes are blowing up our playlists and ask them about their musical journey. We spoke with Terra Naomi this week about her most recent, politically charged release, and her projects coming up in the future. Through her songwriting, she had been able to discuss her anger and frustration toward a number of problems in our society, including issues that hit closer to home. There is a reason her songs have gone on to become global treasurers, and likely will continue to do so with the upcoming release of her next album. Read on for even more. How did you become interested in pursuing music? I don't even remember, really I sang from the time I was a baby. Apparently at 8 months old I was singing melodies and freaking people out in the grocery store (I still do that, just with more hair). I started playing piano at age 4 and French horn at 8. Music is all I ever wanted to do, in one form or another, and I never really considered doing anything else. Jeff Shipman Your music often tackles cultural topics in its subject matter. Why do you choose to write about this material? It's funny because the times I've written culturally relevant songs, I didn't choose to write them it was more like they chose me. The first time it happened was with my song "Say It's Possible" I'd just seen Al Gore's film, An Inconvenient Truth, and I left the theater completely freaked out. I woke up the next morning and felt a strong urge to pick up my guitar, and the song came out in under 15 minutes, beginning to end. It was only after I'd written it that I knew what it was about. Similarly, with "Machine Age," I was in the shower and this line came to me: "Now our screams are a reoccurring theme, and I screamed so many times, I used my voice til I was hoarse, and don't tell me I'm a poet in a Machine Age" And I jumped out of the shower, grabbed my guitar, and wrote the song. But again, it was more like the song wrote itself, almost exactly as it is now, from beginning to end. And this time, too, I didn't know what I'd written until I'd finished writing it. My songs more often than not come from my own experiences. Writing is how I process things, and I think sometimes I'm just so shaken by something that's happening in our world, that it affects me as deeply as the direct personal experiences that often become the basis for my songs. This post-election year has definitely affected me both culturally and personally. Your first hit single in 2007, "Say It's Possible," gathered a global fan base. What do you think about that track and what it says about the power of music? Music has always been a shelter for me, and I've understood its power since I was a child. But seeing people connect to that song so deeply, that was a new experience. I think "Say It's Possible" is a good song. I like the raw acoustic version on YouTube infinitely more than the produced version, which is the case for most of the music I've recorded up to this point. This song, "Machine Age," is the first song that's felt 100% authentic to who I am. And that's probably because I co-produced it. The power of music I mean, it's vibration and frequency, sound waves, it gets into us like nothing else can. This idea came into my head recently: "A song can't change the world, but it can inspire the people who can." I don't think I can say it any better than that. Jeff Shipman How do you think your music has changed over time since that first release? How has your perspective on the things you're writing about changed? Everything has changed. I've changed, the circumstances of my life have changed, the world has changed, and therefore my writing has changed, along with my perspective on everything I write about. In the last 10 years, I've reached some of my greatest goals and experienced some of my biggest failures. I've had some of the happiest times, and the pain of things I never even could have imagined. It's been intense. I've had many experiences of feeling humbled. I must have needed it. I think when I first started writing, it was a more selfish process. I was writing to get things out, for my own benefit. I didn't know who I was, and I was looking for answers from the outside, as well as validation and acceptance. The time between 2007 and the present was extremely difficult, but in that time I learned to take responsibility for myself, my life, my choices. I faced a lot of challenges head on, and embraced the power in that. When I create music now, whether writing, recording, or performing, it feels like I'm creating something I want to give, vs. something that helps me receive. What has your experience been like as a woman in the music industry? I think it's not so much an issue of being a woman in the music industry as it is just being a woman, period. The power dynamics; the condescending remarks; the doubt of my ability and judgement, suggested at first by others and then by myself; the questioning of my needs; the comments on my physical appearance, or my style, or my age -- my experience isn't unique, and it's not unique to the music industry. It's the dynamic on this planet, and it's currently in the process of a major shift. Jeff Shipman You recently released the song, "Machine Age," to correspond with the one-year anniversary of the Presidential Inauguration. Why did you want to work on material inspired by this? Like I mentioned, I didn't want to work on this material it's just what came out. I spent a year feeling outraged and depressed and frustrated and scared. I experienced various traumas, both personally and as part of my community, as a direct result of the election of our current president. I watched people shed any inhibitions or culturally appropriate civilities, and I saw some really ugly shit. This all affected me deeply, which resulted in the song. My album was finished, it was being mastered I definitely did not plan to record anything additional. But when I listened to the song on my iPhone, after I'd finished writing it, I knew it needed to be shared. You're also working on an album to be released this year. What can you tell us about that? I'm really excited to share it. I recorded with Tom Schick at Wilco's studio in Chicago, which is where I met Joe Adamik, my co-producer on "Machine Age." Recording the album with Tom and Joe was a validating, comfortable experience, and I think that comes through in the authenticity of the recordings. It was actually the first time I ever enjoyed being in the studio, and completely changed the way I feel about recording; showed me that I could trust my own instincts and ideas. Jeff Shipman Your album was crowd-funded online, and also raised funds to support numerous charities. What was the experience of this process of fundraising like? Why did you choose to fund the album in this way? Crowdfunding as an artist is really hard. It's essentially asking people to support you, with money, every day, for the entire length of the campaign. And people have been trained to expect music for free at this point, so you have to come up with all kinds of creative experiences for them, and that alone is an exhausting processnever mind actually recording the album. Research shows that people need to be contacted an average of 5-7 times before they take action. So you have to email and text and call and post on social mediaI can't say I enjoyed it, but I did raise over $50,000 in a month. And there was no other way I would have been able to do that independently. What else is coming up next for you? I've been working on a musical for the last 5 years and there's talk of it going to Broadway sometime in the next year. The creator wrote it in Spanish, and I'm writing the English adaptation of the lyrics. But 95% of my time is focused on releasing this album in the summer and doing everything I can between now and then to make sure lots of people hear it. Follow Terra on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Rachel A.G. Gilman is a writer, a radio producer, and probably the girl wearing the Kinks shirt. Visit her website for more. Have a female or femme-identifying artist we should profile? Send a pitch email to Rachel. POP DUST | Read More About Music... #WomenCrushWednesday: Interview with Joan As Police Woman #WomenCrushWednesday | Ella Vos #WomenCrushWednesday | Cappa Interview Charleston, SC (29403) Today Mostly clear skies during the evening giving way to clouds and a few showers after midnight. Low 73F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 30%.. Tonight Mostly clear skies during the evening giving way to clouds and a few showers after midnight. Low 73F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 30%. Santa Cruz, CA - A man believed to be responsible for two separate shooting deaths late last year in Central California, including the death of a 5-year-old, was arrested in Santa Cruz. 21-year-old Robert Davis of Riverbank, was taken into custody by Santa Cruz Police late Friday night after officers found him hiding inside a motel room. Two others, who police believe were accomplices in the shootings were arrested in Modesto. Police believe Davis shot and killed 5-year-old Xavier Smith on October 28 in Modesto. The shooting appeared to be drug related, said Modesto Police. After Davis was arrested detectives served a search warrant at his Riverbank home. Two alleged accomplices were identified as 20-year-old Ryan DeSousa of Modesto, and 21-year-old David Wilmore Jr of Modesto. Detectives believe DeSousa was the driver in the October 28 shooting that killed the 5-year-old. Wilmore was an accomplice when Davis shot and killed Cody Lea near Ustach Park on November 21, 2017. Drugs appear to be the motive behind the November shooting as well said Modesto Police. Wilmore and DeSousa were arrested and booked into the Stanislaus County Jail for murder. Detectives have worked tirelessly over the last several months to bring justice to the families of these two young victims. With the collaborative assistance of the community, Stanislaus County Sheriffs Office, Stanislaus County District Attorneys Office, Homeland Security Investigations, and the California Highway Patrol, we were able to make these arrests. We would like to thank the families of the victims and the community for their patience and understanding during this difficult process," said Sgt. Steve Hinkley of the Violent Crimes Unit. LINDON, Utah, Feb. 14, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AccessData Group , a leading provider of integrated digital forensics and e-discovery software, today announced the launch of Quin-C , a pioneering new solution that supports and guides the unique workflows of investigators, corporate investigative and legal teams, and forensic labs of all sizes. The breakthrough product provides easy-to-use, visual forensic tools that empower users and transform their work environments. It is easily configurable, so different users-from forensics experts to novices-can see their data in the format and with the specific capabilities they need. Quin-C also offers advanced predictive analytics, so that users can automate more of the investigative process and tackle the challenge of ever-growing data sizes. Named in tribute to Quincy, M.E., the popular television series regarding forensic pathology that aired from 1976 to 1983, the solution today offers four primary configurations: Quin-C Basic, Quin-C Investigator, Quin-C Legal and Quin-C Collaboration. Each offers a powerful yet flexible, highly customizable HTML5 UI, geared to the unique needs of users at every skill level, helping to dramatically increase efficiency. "Our goal with this solution is to deliver a single, web-based user interface that is configurable to support all of the key constituents in the market, from individual users to large-scale labs and service providers," said Tim Leehealey, Chief Evangelist of AccessData. "With its customizable interface and flexible modules that can be acquired based on individual needs, Quin-C is truly a next-generation software solution for conducting digital investigations." As with other AccessData solutions, Quin-C delivers unmatched speed and scalability with powerful processing capabilities. It is fully able to operate independently or in conjunction with FTK, Summation and AD Lab; current users of these AccessData tools will not need additional hardware or software beyond the Quin-C license to run the new product. Quin-C offers several groundbreaking capabilities, including cross-case analytics, powerful visualizations, new automations and data clustering for advanced analysis. Combining Quin-C with existing AccessData tools provides the fastest, most feature-rich solution available. To get a full list of Quin-C capabilities and to request a free trial of any of the configurations, please go to our website. "I'm extremely proud of Quin-C and look forward to building as vibrant and as interactive a community as possible," said Leehealey. "This product was designed in close connection with our forensics, corporate and legal users, and it's exciting to see where this collaboration will take us in the coming years." Leehealey has created a Quin-C online message board that is open to all industry professionals interested in participating in conversations about the future of digital investigations and technology innovation. To join, go to the Quin-C Community. About AccessData Whether it's for investigation, litigation or compliance, AccessData offers industry-leading solutions that put the power of forensics in your hands. For more than 30 years, AccessData has worked with more than 130,000 customers in law enforcement, government agencies, corporations and law firms around the world, providing both stand-alone and enterprise-class solutions that can synergistically work together. The company is backed by Sorenson Capital, a leading private equity firm focused on high-growth portfolios. For more information on AccessData, please go to Media Contact: Lori Tyler Vice President, Global Marketing Recently published research from Markets and Markets, "Airborne Surveillance Market - Global Forecast to 2023", is now available at Fast Market Research 2018-02-14 16:25:53 Airborne Surveillance Market by Type (LiDAR, Radar, Imaging System), Product Type (Manned, Unmanned), Application (Military, Defense & Security, Commercial (Surveying & Mapping, Inspection, & Monitoring)), and Geography - Global Forecast to 2023"Airborne surveillance market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.7% between 2017 and 2023"The airborne surveillance market is expected to be worth USD 4.42 billion in 2017 and is expected to reach USD 5.81 billion by 2023, at a CAGR of 4.7% during the forecast period. Rapid technological advancements, Internet of Things (IoT), amendments in laws, the growing demand for UAVs in commercial application, and the availability of low-cost UAVs are some of the driving factors for the airborne surveillance market, while air traffic management poses a challenge for this market.Full Report Details at"Airborne surveillance market for unmanned system is expected to grow at the highest rate during the forecast period"Major reason behind the growth of unmanned systems is because of its lower cost, rapid technological advancements, and relaxation in regulations in different countries. This has given rise to the use of UAVs in the commercial sector. Increased funding from various investors and players motivate the companies to manufacture innovative solutions for the UAV industry, creating various opportunities in the market."Airborne surveillance market for the commercial sector to grow at a higher CAGR during the forecast period"Relaxation in laws is one of the major driving factors for the growth of commercial application. In recent years, many amendments in laws and regulations for drone usage have been observed, which have motivated end-users to increase the use of drones. For instance, the flight altitude of drones has been increased from 100 feet to 400 feet, and the flight speed has been modified from 80 mph to 100 mph by FAA (US); the Government of Canada has made major amendments in the existing laws such as increasing the weight of drones from 250 g to 1 kg."Airborne surveillance market in APAC is expected to grow at the highest CAGR between 2017 and 2023"China, Japan, South Korea, and India play a major role in APAC for the airborne surveillance market. China, being an electronics manufacturing hub, is rapidly increasing the manufacturing of drones in the country. The commercial market for drones in China mainly focuses on applications such as agriculture, surveillance, mapping, weather monitoring, and others. DJI (China) is one of the major manufacturers of drones in the commercial sector. China is home to several manufacturers of inexpensive drones, which is one of the factors that drives the growth of the drones market in China. India has potential for the airborne surveillance market. Currently, the market is dominated by the military, defense, and security application, while the commercial application is expected to fuel the growth of the market in the near future. In Japan, major areas of the use of drones are enterprise (commercial) and military drones. Other applications are transport, agriculture, parcel delivery, home delivery to the elderly in rural areas, telecommunication, pipelines, surveying, construction, real estate, news media, advertisement, film production, disaster recovery, and security.In the process of determining and verifying the market size for several segments and subsegments gathered through secondary research, extensive primary interviews have been conducted with people holding key positions across several regions. The breakup of the profiles of primary participants has been given below:* By Company Type: Tier 1-38%, Tier 2-45%, and Tier 3-17%* By Designation: C-Level Executives-36%, Directors-40%, and Others-24%* By Region: North America-40%, Europe-25%, APAC-27%, and RoW-8%Major players operating in the airborne surveillance market are Airbus (France), Boeing (US), Saab (Sweden), BAE Systems (UK), Raytheon (US), Lockheed Martin (US), Leonardo (Italy), FLIR Systems (US), Northrop Grumman (US), L-3 Wescam (Canada), Leica Geosystems (Switzerland), Teledyne Technologies (US), Safran (France), Thales (France), and Israel Aerospace Industries (Israel).Research Coverage:The report defines, describes, and forecasts the airborne surveillance market on the basis of type, product type, application, and geography. It provides detailed information regarding the major factors influencing the growth of the airborne surveillance market (drivers, restraints, opportunities, and industry-specific challenges). It also analyzes the competitive developments such as product launch, collaborations, agreements, contracts, partnerships, mergers and acquisitions, and expansion carried out by key players to grow in the market.Reasons to Buy the Report:About Fast Market ResearchFast Market Research is a leading distributor of market research and business information. Representing the world's top research publishers and analysts, we provide quick and easy access to the best competitive intelligence available. Our unbiased, expert staff is always available to help you find the right research to fit your requirements and your budget.For more information about these or related research reports, please visit our website at or call us at 1.800.844.8156 (1.413.485.7001 Int'l) Aquafeed Market: Global Market Estimation, Dynamics, Regional Share, Trends, Competitor Analysis 2012-2016 and Forecast 2017-2023 Aquafeed Market 2018-02-14 11:35:43 Press Information Precision Business Insights Precision Business Insights, Kemp House, 152 160 City Road, London EC1V 2NX Satya Lead-Digital Marketing +1-866-598-1553 email # 783 Words Precision Business Insights,Kemp House,152 160 City Road,London EC1V 2NXLead-Digital Marketing+1-866-598-1553 Aquafeed is a compounded feed prepared by mixing of various raw materials with additives, which are administered to various aquatic species such as crustaceans, fish, and mollusks for aquatic species growth. Aquafeed is commonly used in the aquaculture sector and prepared according to the specific requirements of the age and species of animals. Aquafeed is available as the medicated and non-medicated feed. Medicated feed is used for the nutritional supplement, growth promoting properties, and immune resistant. High-quality aquafeed made up of the required composition of nutrients is better than farm made feed for the aquatic species, which helps to improve the growth and health of the species.The global aquafeed market is growing at a significant CAGR due to increase in the farming of aquatic species. Increase in the seafood consumption around the globe, rise in the awareness regarding quality of seafood, increase in the global population, growing dependence on fisheries, and availability of better arable land for the farming of non-medicated aquafeed such as wheat, soybean, corn, and maize might bolster the aquafeed market over the forecast period. In addition, rise in the per capita income in the developing countries, lack of nutritional values in the non-medicated aquafeed, and availability of the products might fuel the aquafeed market over the forecast period. However, high cost for the medicated aquafeed, cost fluctuations for the ingredients used for the production of aquafeed such as fish meal and fish oil, and environmental factors might hamper the growth of aquafeed market over the forecast period.A sample of this report is available upon request @Aquafeed market is segmented on the basis of product type and speciesBased on the product type, aquafeed market is segmented into the following: Non-Medicated feed Soybean Fish meal Corn Fish oil Others Medicated feed Vitamins Amino acids Antibiotics Anti-oxidants Feed enzymes OthersBased on the species, aquafeed market is segmented into the following: Fish Molluscs Crustaceans OthersTo view TOC of this report is available upon request @Global aquafeed market is in the flourishing stage as several local and international players are engaged in the development of novel aquafeed products which help to increase in the production of aquatic products. Acquisitions & mergers, collaborations, joint ventures, and product launch are the key strategies adopted by aquafeed market players. For instance, in October 2011, Nutreco acquired the Zhuhai Shihai Feed Co. Ltd. a fish and shrimp feed company for the development of business in China. Similarly, in April 2015, Biomar Group signed a MoU with the Tongwei Co. Ltd for the expansion of its business in China and South East Asia.Need more information about this report @The global aquafeed market is segmented into the following regions Viz. North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. Asia Pacific holds the dominant share in global aquafeed market owing to increase in the consumption and production of aquatic products in Asia Pacific region majorly in India, China, Bangladesh, Thailand, and Vietnam. Increase in the farming of aquatic products, rise in the awareness regarding healthy seafood products, and high dependence of people on the fishery in rural regions also expected to propel the aquafeed market growth in Asia Pacific region. Europe holds significant share in aquafeed market attributed to increasing in the production of aquatic products in Norway, Denmark, Ireland, and U.K. Increase in the per capita income in developing countries, the rise in the consumption of seafood products might bolster the aquafeed market in the Europe region. North America, Latin America, and Middle East and Africa also play a major role in the aquafeed market due to increase in the production of aquatic products in Chili, Peru, Egypt, and Brazil etc.Some of the players in Aquafeed market are Ridley Corporation Ltd (Australia), Nutraid (Belgium), Alltech (U.S.), Biomar (Denmark), Avanti Feeds Ltd. (India), Aller Aqua A/S (Denmark), Tongwei Co. Ltd (China), Zhuhai Shihai Feed Co. Ltd (China), Nutreco N. V (Netherlands), Terravia Holdings Inc. (U.S.), Bunge Ltd. (U.S.), and Archer Daniels Midland Company (U.S.) to name a few.Get access to full summary @About Precision Business InsightsPrecision Business Insights is one of the leading market research and business consulting firm, which follow a holistic approach to solve needs of the clients. We adopt and implement proven research methodologies to achieve better results. We help our clients by providing actionable insights and strategies to make better decisions. We provide consulting, syndicated and customised market research services based on our client needs.Email: sales@ 2018-02-14 23:00:13 FSCwire / Press ReleaseThe following press release was disseminated by FSCwire for Azarga Metals Corp.--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---White Rock, British Columbia (FSCWire) - Azarga Metals Corp. (TSX Venture:AZR). has issued a press release with the following headline:Azarga Metals Receives Shareholder Approval for 100% Consolidation of Unkur ProjectTo view this press release on the FSCwire website, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser:If you would prefer, you can also view this press release as a PDF file, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser:For more information on Azarga Metals Corp., or to see additional press releases issued by this company, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser: Metals Corp.Source: Azarga Metals Corp. (TSX Venture: AZR, OTC Pink: EUUNF, FWB: TGPP, WKN: A2AKWX, ISIN: CA05478A1093)Date: February 14, 2018Time: 5:00 PM EST--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---The story mentioned above was issued on behalf of Azarga Metals Corp. and disseminated through FSCwire.About FSCwireFSCwire (a division of Filing Services Canada Inc.), is a global newswire dissemination, SEDAR, SEDI, and EDGAR / XBRL service provider.FSCwire is a full service global newswire dissemination company and is fully approved by all exchanges in Canada and the U.S. Press releases can be distributed for all sizes of public, private or not for profit companies and any other organization requiring news distribution. In addition to individual companies; public relations, communications and investor relations firms trust FSCwire to distribute press releases for their respective clients.In addition to newswire dissemination FSCwire also offers EDGAR, XBRL, SEDAR, SEDI, and additional services for publicly traded companies. For more information, please go to our website: Maximum News Dissemination by FSCwire. Copyright 2018 - FSCwire (a division of Filing Services Canada Inc.) Biofertilizers Market: Global Market Estimation, Dynamics, Regional Share, Trends, Competitor Analysis 2012-2016 and Forecast 2017-2023 Biofertilizers Market 2018-02-14 11:55:52 Press Information Precision Business Insights Precision Business Insights, Kemp House, 152 160 City Road, London EC1V 2NX Satya Lead-Digital Marketing +1-866-598-1553 email # 747 Words Precision Business Insights,Kemp House,152 160 City Road,London EC1V 2NXLead-Digital Marketing+1-866-598-1553 Biofertilizers are the substances with microorganisms, when applied to the plant surfaces, soil or to the seed will colonizes the rizhosphere or interior parts of plant and promotes growth. Biofertilizers able to add nutrients through natural process of solubilize phosphorous, fixing atmosphere nitrogen and stimulate plant growth by synthesize the substances. Biofertilizers are the class of agrochemicals which are made of organic materials in major quantities. Now a days farmers are avoiding chemical fertilizers in order to minimize the harmful effects on biodiversity and environment. But synthetic products are still used widely because of the longer life and effectiveness of the products. These biofertilizers are potentially used in soil treatment, root dripping and seed treatment.Biofertilizers market is expected to gain traction over the forecast period due to rising inclination towards eco-friendly or less hazardous fertilizers. The rapid growth of biofertilizers market is due to an increase in demand for the organic food globally. Furthermore, increase in per-capita income and improved standards of living, growing concern about environment by the impact of the chemical fertilizers, rise in support of the governments to the manufacturers will fuel the growth of biofertilizers market. However, low product efficacy under unfavourable conditions, easy regulatory framework and high demand for the synthetic fertilizers, lack of awareness to the farmers about the benefits and application of biofetilizers are the factors which are hampering the growth of the bio fertilizers market.A sample of this report is available upon request @The biofertilizers market is classified on the basis of type, application, form, crop type, microorganism and geography.Based on the type, the global biofertilizers market is segmented into Phosphate-solubilizing Nitrogen-fixing Potash-mobilizing Others (Sulphur-solubilizing biofertilizers boron, and zinc)Based on the crop type, the global biofertilizers market is segmented into Pulses & oilseeds Cereals & grains Fruits & vegetables Others ( fiber crops, turf & ornamentals plantation crops, silage & forage crops)Based on the microorganism, the global biofertilizers market is segmented into Azotobacter Rhizobium Azospirillum Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria Cyanobacteria Others (aulosira, nostoc azolla, anabaena, and tolypothrix)Based on the application, the global biofertilizers market is segmented into Seed treatment Soil treatment Others (set treatment, foliar treatment, root dipping, and seedling root treatment)Based on the form, the global biofertilizers market is segmented into Dispersible granule Pure & mixed liquid fermentations Powder PelletTo view TOC of this report is available upon request @Awareness about the environment and growing demand for fertile soil and organic foods are propelling market revenue. Government initiatives such as European Unions Common Agricultural Policy is promoting bio based product and offering approximately 30 % of total budget as direct green payment for the farmers who are adhering to sustainable agricultural practices. Governments of India and China also undertaken many initiatives in order to educate the farmers regarding usage of biofertilizers to enhance the protection of the crop.Need more information about this report @On the basis of geographical regions, Biofertilizers Market is classified as into five key regions as Europe, Asia- Pacific, North America, Middle East & Africa and Latin America. North America holds the largest share and demand for biofertilizers followed by Europe owing to the favourable regulatory scenario, presence of many developed regions, demand for high yielding crops, high progress in biotechnology especially in fermentation technology etc. Asia Pacific region also holds a significant position in the biofertilizers market due to growing organic food industry, increase in farm expenditures, government initiatives such as campaigns for the awareness regarding biofertilizers and favourable incentive schemes.Some of the players in Biofertilizers Market are Madras Fertilizers Limited (India), Novozymes A/S (Denmark), National Fertilizers Limited (India), Novozymes A/S (Denmark), Nutramax Laboratories Inc. (U.S.), Rizobacter Argentina S.A. (Argentina), Camson Bio Technologies Limited (India), T. Stanes & Company Limited (India), ujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd. (India),Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd. (India), and Lallemand Inc. (Canada).Get access to full summary @About Precision Business InsightsPrecision Business Insights is one of the leading market research and business consulting firm, which follow a holistic approach to solve needs of the clients. We adopt and implement proven research methodologies to achieve better results. We help our clients by providing actionable insights and strategies to make better decisions. We provide consulting, syndicated and customised market research services based on our client needs.Email: sales@ Toll Free (US): +1-866-598-1553 Breast Biopsy Devices Market 2018-02-14 12:47:44 Press Information Precision Business Insights Precision Business Insights, Kemp House, 152 160 City Road, London EC1V 2NX Satya Lead-Digital Marketing +1-866-598-1553 email # 750 Words Precision Business Insights,Kemp House,152 160 City Road,London EC1V 2NXLead-Digital Marketing+1-866-598-1553 Increase in the global breast cancer prevalence rate, changes in lifestyle such as consumption of tobacco, alcohol and food habits, growing in the female population with hormonal imbalance, an increase in the breast cancer screening programs around the globe are anticipated to fuel the breast biopsy devices market over the forecast period. In addition, technological advancements with minimally invasive or non-invasive diagnostic procedure, favourable reimbursement policies, and rising investment by the companies for R&D activities are expected to boost the breast biopsy devices market. However, stringent regulatory guidelines, infections associated with the breast biopsy devices, and the high cost of the procedures are dampening the growth of breast biopsy devices market.A sample of this report is available upon request @Breast biopsy devices market segmented based on device type, procedure type, guidance type, and end userBased on the device type, breast biopsy devices market is segmented into the following: Needles Forceps Guns OthersBased on the procedure type, breast biopsy devices market is segmented into the following: Core needle biopsy Vacuum-assisted core biopsy Fine needle aspiration biopsy Stereotactic core needle biopsy Surgical biopsy OthersBased on guidance type, breast biopsy devices market is segmented into the following: Ultrasound-guided biopsy Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guided biopsy Mammography guided stereotactic guided biopsy OthersBased on the end user, breast biopsy devices market is segmented into the following: Hospitals Clinics Ambulatory surgical centres LaboratoriesTo view TOC of this report is available upon request @Breast biopsy devices market is growing at a significant CAGR over the forecast period. The breast biopsy is mandatory for the diagnosis of breast cancer which cannot be confirmed by breast mammograms. Increase in the global breast cancer incidences (according to World Cancer Research Fund International, about 1.7 Mn new cases were observed in 2012) propels the breast cancer devices market over the forecast period. Acquisitions and mergers, collaborations, patent approvals, and technological advancements are the key strategies followed by the companies for increasing their revenue in the breast biopsy devices market. For instance, in 2014, Leica Biosystems (Danaher Corporation) acquired Devicor Medical Products for strengthening its breast biopsy devices portfolio. Moreover, In January 2015, Intact Medical Corporation received FDA approval for the minimally-invasive breast biopsy device. In addition, fundraising by the start-up companies for the innovation of novel devices also propels the breast biopsy devices market over the forecast period.Need more information about this report @Geographically, breast biopsy devices market is segmented into Europe, Latin America, North America, Middle East & Africa, and Asia Pacific. North America has a lucrative growth in breast biopsy devices market owing to increase in the prevalence of breast cancer (according to Centre for Disease Control and Prevention 2014, about 236,968 women and 2,141 men were diagnosed with breast cancer in U.S.), technological advancements, and increase in healthcare expenditure in the region. Europe has a significant share owing to rise in prevalence of breast cancer majorly in Italy, Greece, Finland, Germany, and Netherlands where the prevalence rate is approximately more than 400 per 100,000 population. In addition, high adoption of novel technologies, development in healthcare infrastructure, changes in lifestyle, and government initiations to create awareness about breast cancer diagnosis programs are anticipated to fuel the breast biopsy devices market. Asia Pacific is an emerging region for the breast biopsy devices market due to rise in female geriatric population majorly in Japan, China, and India. Moreover, increase in per capita income, rise in awareness about the breast cancer diagnosis, and rise in R&D for developing the minimally invasive procedures are driving the breast biopsy devices market.Some of the players in breast biopsy devices market are Medtronic, Inc. (Ireland), Becton, Dickinson and Company (U.S.), Hologic Inc. (U.S.), C.R. Bard, Inc. (U.S.), Planmed Oy (Finland), Scion Medical Technologies, LLC (U.S.), and Leica Biosystems (Danaher Corporation) to name a few.Get access to full summary @About Precision Business InsightsPrecision Business Insights is one of the leading market research and business consulting firm, which follow a holistic approach to solve needs of the clients. We adopt and implement proven research methodologies to achieve better results. We help our clients by providing actionable insights and strategies to make better decisions. We provide consulting, syndicated and customised market research services based on our client needs.Email: sales@ Toll Free (US): +1-866-598-1553 2018-02-14 22:00:17 FSCwire / Press ReleaseThe following press release was disseminated by FSCwire for Condor Resources Inc.--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---Vancouver, British Columbia (FSCWire) - Condor Resources Inc. (TSX Venture:CN). has issued a press release with the following headline:Condor Receives Drill Permit for the Pucamayo East Project, Central PeruTo view this press release on the FSCwire website, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser:If you would prefer, you can also view this press release as a PDF file, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser:For more information on Condor Resources Inc., or to see additional press releases issued by this company, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser: Resources Inc.Source: Condor Resources Inc. (TSX Venture: CN, OTC Bulletin Board: CNRIF, FWB: KD4, WKN: A0JMY1, ISIN: CA20676U1049)Date: February 14, 2018Time: 4:00 PM EST--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---The story mentioned above was issued on behalf of Condor Resources Inc. and disseminated through FSCwire.About FSCwireFSCwire (a division of Filing Services Canada Inc.), is a global newswire dissemination, SEDAR, SEDI, and EDGAR / XBRL service provider.FSCwire is a full service global newswire dissemination company and is fully approved by all exchanges in Canada and the U.S. Press releases can be distributed for all sizes of public, private or not for profit companies and any other organization requiring news distribution. In addition to individual companies; public relations, communications and investor relations firms trust FSCwire to distribute press releases for their respective clients.In addition to newswire dissemination FSCwire also offers EDGAR, XBRL, SEDAR, SEDI, and additional services for publicly traded companies. For more information, please go to our website: Maximum News Dissemination by FSCwire. Copyright 2018 - FSCwire (a division of Filing Services Canada Inc.) Controlled Release Fertilizers Market: Global Market Estimation, Dynamics, Regional Share, Trends, Competitor Analysis 2012-2016 and Forecast 2017-2023 Controlled Release Fertilizers Market 2018-02-14 13:32:30 Press Information Precision Business Insights Precision Business Insights, Kemp House, 152 160 City Road, London EC1V 2NX Satya Lead-Digital Marketing +1-866-598-1553 email # 587 Words Precision Business Insights,Kemp House,152 160 City Road,London EC1V 2NXLead-Digital Marketing+1-866-598-1553 Controlled release fertilizers are the customized fertilizers that are coated to provide long-lasting effect on soil. These are the granulated fertilizers which gradually releases nutrients and minerals into the soil. As the traditional fertilizers are soluble in water, nutrients will be dispersed quickly. Hence farmers are adopting usage of controlled release fertilizers as they are insoluble in water and the dispersion of the nutrients will be slow and sustainable.Increasing demand for high-efficiency fertilizers, shrinking farmland and land productivity, and environment-friendly operation mode of these fertilizers are the key factors driving the market demand for controlled release fertilizers. Gradual increase in global population, rising demand for productivity of crops are expected to accelerate the growth of controlled release fertilizers market. As per to the report of Food and Agriculture Organization, arable land ratio has been dropped to 0.197 hectares/person globally in 2013. However, regulatory and environmental constraints for some coated products and high manufacturing costs restrain the market.A sample of this report is available upon request @The controlled release fertilizers are classified on the basis of product type, application and geography.Based on the product type, controlled release fertilizers is segmented as Polymer coated NPK fertilizer Polymer sulphur coated urea/sulphur coated urea Polymer coated ureaBased on the application, controlled release fertilizers is segmented as Fruits & vegetables Cereals & grains Oilseeds & pulsesTo view TOC of this report is available upon request @Controlled release fertilizers are highly used in cultivation of pulses, cereals, grains, fruits and vegetable and oil seeds. Controlled release fertilizers can also be used for growing ornamental and turf plants. Mostly farmers use Controlled release fertilizers in grains and cereals crops. Market players of controlled-release fertilizers are adopting various growth strategies like acquisitions, new product launches, collaborations and geographical expansions and investments in order gain the upper hand in the Controlled release fertilizers market.Need more information about this report @On the basis of geographical regions, controlled release fertilizers market is classified as into five key regions as Europe, Asia- Pacific, North America, Middle East & Africa and Latin America. U.S. controlled release fertilizers market is expected to dominate the regional revenue share owing to adoption of sophisticated agriculture technologies and inclination towards novel cultivation technologies in production of cereals and grains. Europe is the largest producer of Fruits and Vegetables, hence, it is anticipated to witness healthy growth in controlled release fertilizers market. Asia-Pacific region is expected to be fastest-growing market due to the shortage of arable land in countries in APAC particularly in developing countries such as India, China.Some of the players in controlled release fertilizers Kingenta Ecological Engineering Group Co. Ltd. (China), EuroChem Agro Gmbh (Germany), Yara International ASA (Norway), Haifa Chemicals Ltd. (Israel), Agrium, Inc. (Canada), The Chisso Corporation (Japan), The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company (Ohio) Nufarm Ltd. (Australia), and Israel Chemicals Ltd. (Israel).Get access to full summary @About Precision Business InsightsPrecision Business Insights is one of the leading market research and business consulting firm, which follow a holistic approach to solve needs of the clients. We adopt and implement proven research methodologies to achieve better results. We help our clients by providing actionable insights and strategies to make better decisions. We provide consulting, syndicated and customised market research services based on our client needs.Email: sales@ Toll Free (US): +1-866-598-1553 2018-02-14 14:33:01 SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 14, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Datameer, the leading big data preparation and exploration platform, today announced that it has appointed two new members to its Board of Directors. Joining the Board are Philip R. Gilligan, Managing Partner at Sand Hill East LLP, and Sanjay Mirchandani, CEO of Puppet. Gilligan and Mirchandani, both globally recognized leaders, bring over 55 years of combined operational and strategic insight to the Board. As Datameer continues its push into cloud and enabling data exploration at the speed of thought, the two new Board members will be instrumental in accelerating growth, product innovation and partner expansion. "We are fortunate and delighted to have two powerhouses like Phil and Sanjay join us for the next phase of Datameer's growth," said Christian Rodatus, Datameer CEO. "Phil is a talented technologist who brings vast insight from a financial services customer perspective - our strongest industry. Sanjay brings entrepreneurial expertise as well as experience as a CIO for a large global organization, which is vital to our direction and development. Their talent, creativity, and enthusiasm will be invaluable as we accelerate business momentum." Philip R. Gilligan, Managing Partner at Sand Hill East LLP, brings to the Board over 30 years of senior level technology experience in financial services, having served in leadership roles at Deutsche Bank, UBS, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, EBS Dealing Resources/ICAP, and Moody's. He has successfully advanced the adoption of new technologies, optimized business alignment, developed effective innovation platforms, and managed crucial regulatory programs. "Datameer is at a key point in its growth and I am excited to be a part of it," said Gilligan. "I have enjoyed watching the company and its technology take off and I'm excited to be working with Christian and his accomplished team." Sanjay Mirchandani, CEO of Puppet, is an award-winning leader with over 25 years of business and IT experience, including in the CIO role at EMC, and senior management positions at Microsoft and VMware. He has led these companies in growth and global expansion, providing invaluable strategy, business development, and operational insight. "Datameer is key in helping global enterprises transform into more data-driven organizations," said Mirchandani. "I look forward to working with the talented people at Datameer and contributing to its future and growth." About Datameer Datameer is changing the way companies do business by enabling them to get value and insights from their data at the speed of thought to make better, more trustworthy decisions. Leading global organizations, including Citibank, American Airlines, Telefonica, Comcast, National Instruments, and Vivint, use our secure and scalable enterprise-grade platform to streamline and simplify data exploration so subject matter experts can leverage trusted data to cultivate innovation, creativity and efficiency for competitive advantage. Learn more at Contact: Samantha Leggat 415-802-2540 This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients. The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein. Source: Datameer via Globenewswire 2018-02-14 12:29:03 Elanix Biotechnologies AG Raises EUR 1.125 Million Gross Proceeds from Completed Capital Increase and Signs Term-Sheet for Financing Facility of up to EUR 11 Million Elanix Biotechnologies Magdalena Onyszkiewicz Tel: +41 78 667 36 50 or Halsin Partners Mike Sinclair Tel: +44 (0)20 7318 2955 The information in this announcement is NOT for publication OR distribution in or into the United States of America, Australia, Canada or any jurisdiction in which such distribution or publication could be unlawful Elanix Biotechnologies AG ("Elanix"; "the company"), a developer of tissue regeneration products and specialty cosmetics in the field of dermatology and gynecology, announced today the completion of a capital increase approved by the General Shareholder Assembly (GSM) on 24 August 2017. A total of 300,019 shares were placed at a subscription price of EUR 3.75 resulting in gross proceeds of EUR 1.125 million. As a result of the cash capital increase, the share capital of Elanix will increase from EUR 6,799,200 to EUR 7,099,219. Elanix will use the gross proceeds to: Launch SKINrepair , a dermatological cream that contains a proprietary Cell Free Protein Complex (CFPC ) of various proteins, such as collagen and fibronectin in the first half 2018. , a dermatological cream that contains a proprietary Cell Free Protein Complex (CFPC ) of various proteins, such as collagen and fibronectin in the first half 2018. Advance development of FirstCover, a bioresorbable and bioactive skin dressing derived from progenitor skin fibroblasts to provide protection and accelerated healing for burns, trauma and plastic surgery, through regulatory approval as medical device and to market in 2020. Concurrent with the capital raise, Elanix has signed a term sheet providing access to a financing facility with a leading istitutional investor of up to EUR 11 million over 3 years. "This fundraising provides Elanix with the immediate capital to deliver on several product development milestones as well as sales and marketing activities. The launch of SKINrepair during the first half of 2018 is a key component of our commercialization strategy that will supplement the growing revenue stream provided by GYNrepair and Cells as a Service. Development of FirstCover remains on track, with launch of the initial CE Marked version planned for 2020, said Tomas J. Svoboda, CEO of Elanix Biotechnologies AG. With the current market volatility, we decided to pursue a financing proposal from a U.S. based fund, which provides access to additional funds, to reach significant future milestones over the next three years. Elanix develops and commercializes tissue regeneration products for acute wound care, dermatological and gynecological applications, and provides services in cell technologies. The company was founded in 2012 as a spin-out from the University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV), Switzerland, to commercialize a patented human progenitor cell technology. Progenitor cells are fully differentiated yet immunologically neutral cells that are very potent inducers of tissue growth and healing. Elanix owns GMP certified Master and Working human cell banks with vast quantities of cells. Elanix has registered headquarters in Berlin, Germany, with offices in Wiesbaden, Germany and Nyon, Switzerland. It is listed in the Regulated Market on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol ELN.F. For more information and updates, visit Forward-looking statements This publication may contain certain forward-looking statements regarding the Company and its business activities. Such statements may involve certain risks, uncertainties and other factors which can lead to the results, financial situation, performance and success of the Company differing significantly in reality from what is expressed or implied by such statements. The reader should therefore not place undue trust in these statements, especially in connection with contracts and investment decisions. The Company does not accept any obligation to update such forward-looking statements. Disclaimer This communication may not be published or distributed in the United States of America (including its territories and possessions), Canada, Japan or Australia or in any other countries in which such publication and distribution might be illegal. The distribution of this publication may be subject to legal restrictions in some countries; anyone in possession of this document or of the information referred to in it should obtain information regarding such restrictions and adhere to them. Non-adherence to such restrictions may constitute a breach of capital market law in such countries. This communication is neither an offer nor an invitation to subscribe for or purchase shares of Elanix Biotechnologies AG in the United States of America, Germany or any other country. Neither does this communication constitute a prospectus under Directive 2003/71/EC of the European Parliament and Council dated 4 November 2003 as amended (the "Prospectus Directive"). The public offering in Germany is carried out solely by means of and based on the share prospectus approved by the Federal Supervisory Financial Authority (BaFin). This share prospectus is published on the Elanix Biotechnologies AG website ( Any investment decision relating to Elanix Biotechnologies AG subscription rights or shares should be made based on the prospectus. Neither this publication nor its content may be used as a basis for an offer in any country. The shares referred to above may be neither sold nor offered in the United States of America insofar has no registration has been undertaken or insofar as no exception from the registration requirement applies under the United States Securities Act of 1933 as last amended ("Securities Act"). Elanix Biotechnologies AG shares are not and will not be registered according to the Securities Act. This communication does not constitute a recommendation relating to the placement of the shares described in this notice. Investors should consult a professional advisor in determining the suitability of the offer to the individual concerned. In the United Kingdom, this publication is only intended for (i) professional investors who fall under Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 as amended (hereinafter referred to as "Order") or (ii) persons who fall under Article 49(2) (a) to (d) of the Order (high net worth companies, private companies, etc.) (such persons are referred to collectively hereinafter as "Relevant Persons"). Persons other than Relevant Persons may not refer to this publication or rely on it. Any investment or potential investment referred to in this publication is solely open to Relevant Persons and is only entered into by Relevant Persons. In member states of the European Economic Area which have implemented the Prospectus Directive (the "Relevant Member States"), this publication and any subsequent offer is aimed solely at "qualified investors" as defined by the Prospectus Directive. For these purposes, "Prospectus Directive" refers to Directive 2003/71/EC (including all amendments, in particular Directive 2010/73/EU) and includes all relevant implementation measures in the Relevant Member States. No measures have been taken that would allow the shares to be offered or purchased or this publication to be distributed in countries in which this is not permitted. Anyone coming into possession of this publication must obtain information regarding any restrictions themselves and observe these accordingly. View source version on Fast Market Research recommends "Fabric Care in Russia (2017) - Market Sizes" from Global Markets Direct, now available 2018-02-14 20:42:36 Fabric Care in Russia by Mintel Market Sizes provides you with annual year-end market size data, most recently updated in 2017. This market covers laundry detergents, fabric conditioners and softeners and laundry aids. Market size comprises sales through all retail channels including direct to consumer and excludes sales to professional laundries and launderettes. Market size for Fabric Care in Russia is given in RUB with a minimum of five years' historical data. Market Forecast is provided for five years. Included with this snapshot is socio-economic data for Russia. Population, Consumer Price Index (CPI), Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Exchange Rates.Full Report Details atReport Table of Contents:* Definitions* Retail market size* Highlights* Figure 1: Value in Local Currency - Value (2007 - 2021)* Figure 2: Value in Local Currency - Value growth (2007 - 2021)* Table 1: Value in Local Currency (2007 - 2021)* Figure 3: Value in USD - Value (2007 - 2021)* Figure 4: Value in USD - Spend per capita (population) (2007 - 2021)* Figure 5: Value in USD - Spend as a proportion of GDP (2007 - 2021)* Figure 6: Value in USD - Value growth (2007 - 2021)* Table 2: Value in USD (2007 - 2021)* Market Segmentations* Figure 7: Russia - Fabric Care: Retail market segmentation by value (bn RUB) (2011 - 2016)* Table 3: Russia - Fabric Care: Retail market segmentation by value (bn RUB) (2011 - 2016)* Figure 8: Russia - Laundry detergents: Retail market segmentation by value (bn RUB) (2011 - 2016)* Table 4: Russia - Laundry detergents: Retail market segmentation by value (bn RUB) (2011 - 2016)* Market Shares* Figure 9: Russia - Fabric Care: Company retail market share by value (%) (2012 - 2016)* Table 5: Russia - Fabric Care: Company retail market share by value (%) (2012 - 2016)* Company & Brand details* Table 6: Russia - Fabric Care: Company Website Links* Compound annual growth rates* Table 7: Retail market compound annual growth rates (2012 - 2021)* Socio-economic data* Figure 10: Population (millions) (2003 - 2021)* Table 8: Population (millions) (2003 - 2021)* Figure 11: Consumer price index (CPI) (2002 - 2021)* Table 9: Consumer price index (CPI) (2002 - 2021)* Figure 12: Gross domestic product (bn USD) (2003 - 2021)* Table 10: Gross domestic product (bn USD) (2003 - 2021)* Figure 13: Exchange rates (2003 - 2021)* Table 11: Exchange rates (2003 - 2021)* Sources of Data* Methodology* About MintelAbout Fast Market ResearchFast Market Research is a leading distributor of market research and business information. Representing the world's top research publishers and analysts, we provide quick and easy access to the best competitive intelligence available. Our unbiased, expert staff is always available to help you find the right research to fit your requirements and your budget.For more information about these or related research reports, please visit our website at or call us at 1.800.844.8156 (1.413.485.7001 Int'l) 2018-02-14 08:03:01 Bank Fast Tracks Digital Roadmap with Fiorano; Seamlessly Integrates its Finacle CBS Fiorano Contributes to Kenyas Digital Leap with I&M Bank Fiorano Software Sumit Kuhite +1-650-326-1136 Fiorano Software announced today that I&M Bank, Kenya has chosen the Fiorano platform to achieve digital transformation to reduce time-to-market while integrating its Finacle, Core Banking System. I&M Banks need for digital transformation arose from its new strategy aimed at giving each market segment a customized proposition to complement their lifestyle and financial requirements. The use of multiple point-to-point connections was impeding this goal due to its rigidity, high maintenance and management costs. Fiorano has made our digital journey easy and cost effective," said Rohit Gupta, Group CIO, I&M Bank. As stated by S.S. Tarakaram, Director Business Development, Fiorano, With Fiorano, I&M bank transformed its business processes enabling it to quickly rollout multiple banking services to achieve competitive differentiation and provide positive customer experiences in the emerging East African Market. Fiorano exposes I&Ms services for multiple peripheral systems consumption. Service consuming channels include Agency Banking, Mobile Banking, Investment Banking, ATM Management and Kenya Banking Authoritys Inter-Bank Transfer Switch, KITS. Fioranos architecture allows seamless integration of services with channel applications and message queuing takes care of guaranteed data delivery with message logging and tracking systems. I&M Bank can now offer core banking operations like balance enquiries, fund transfers, withdrawals, deposits and statement generation at the bank. Fiorano has enabled I&M to facilitate services offered by the Kenya Revenue Authority and Integrated Population Registration Systems. About I&M Bank: With total assets exceeding US$1.57 billion, I&M Bank is ranked as one of the top 10 banks in Kenya. In February 2018, the bank launched a corporate strategy dubbed Imara, for new customer value propositions for its business segment. Kihara Maina, I&M CEO said that the move was in line with its aspiration - to become a banking powerhouse in East Africa for middle to large businesses and premium clients. About Fiorano: Fiorano, a Silicon Valley based USA (California) Corporation is a trusted provider of Digital Business Backplane and enterprise integration middleware, high performance messaging and peer-to-peer distributed systems, since 1995. Fiorano operates through its worldwide offices and a global network of technology partners and value-added resellers. Global Leaders including AT&T Wireless, LOreal, NASA, Royal Bank of Scotland and Vodafone have deployed Fiorano to achieve digital transformation, yielding unprecedented productivity. View source version on Fast Market Research recommends "Global Processed Snacks Market 2017-2021" from TechNavio, now available 2018-02-14 20:36:07 A processed snack is altered from its original form through cooking, drying, salting, freezing, smoking, pickling, canning, baking, or drying during preparation. The global snacks market is set to grow at a moderate pace during the forecast period. It is segmented into salted snacks, bakery snacks, confectionery, frozen snacks, and other food products. The changes in consumer lifestyles, increasing disposable incomes, and increased demand for convenience foods have affected the market positively during the forecast period. Also, snack products are largely being consumed as meal replacements. Additionally, the growing demand for tortilla chips, taco shells, corn chips, and a variety of other popular Mexican snacks are slated to drive the market. Extruded snacks that have a higher nutritional value than traditional snacks are gaining momentum, of late. The high demand for extruded snacks drives the market growth during the forecast period.Full Report Details atTechnavio's analysts forecast the global processed snacks market to grow at a CAGR of 2.64% during the period 2017-2021.Covered in this reportThe report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global processed snacks market for 2017-2021. To calculate the market size, the report considers the retail selling price as the average selling price of the productThe market is divided into the following segments based on geography:* Americas* APAC* EMEATechnavio's report, Global Processed Snacks Market 2017-2021, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.Key vendors* Calbee* General Mills* Hormel Foods* Intersnack Group* Kellogg Company* McCain Foods* PepsiCo* Tyson FoodsOther prominent vendors* Arca Continental* Blue Diamond Growers* Burts Potato Chips* Conagra Brands* Hain Celestial* Haldiram Foods International* Herr Foods* ITC* JFC International* KETTLE FOODS* Link Snacks* Mars* Mondelez International* Old Dutch Foods* Orkla* Snyder's-Lance* The Kraft Heinz Company* The Lorenz Bahlsen Snack-World* Tyrrells Potato Crisps* Want Want HoldingsMarket driver* Evolving taste preferences* For a full, detailed list, view our reportMarket challenge* Fluctuations in raw-material costs* For a full, detailed list, view our reportMarket trend* Technological innovations* For a full, detailed list, view our reportKey questions answered in this report* What will the market size be in 2021 and what will the growth rate be?* What are the key market trends?* What is driving this market?* What are the challenges to market growth?* Who are the key vendors in this market space?You can request one free hour of our analyst's time when you purchase this market report. Details are provided within the report.Companies Mentioned in this Report: Aviko, Calbee, General Mills, Hormel Foods, Intersnack Group, Kellogg Company, McCain Foods, PepsiCo, Tyson Foods, Arca Continental, Blue Diamond Growers, Burts Potato Chips, Conagra Brands, Hain Celestial, Haldiram Foods International, Herr Foods, ITC, JFC International, KETTLE FOODS, Link Snacks, Mars, Mondelez International,Old Dutch Foods, Orkla, Snyder's-Lance, The Kraft Heinz Company, The Lorenz Bahlsen Snack-World, Tyrrells Potato Crisps, Want Want HoldingsAbout Fast Market ResearchFast Market Research is a leading distributor of market research and business information. Representing the world's top research publishers and analysts, we provide quick and easy access to the best competitive intelligence available. Our unbiased, expert staff is always available to help you find the right research to fit your requirements and your budget.For more information about these or related research reports, please visit our website at or call us at 1.800.844.8156 (1.413.485.7001 Int'l) Fast Market Research recommends "Hair Colourants in Austria (2017) - Market Sizes" from Global Markets Direct, now available 2018-02-14 20:37:57 Hair Colourants in Austria by Mintel Market Sizes provides you with annual year-end market size data, most recently updated in 2017. This market covers hair colourants for all consumers. Market value is based on sales through all retail channels including direct to consumer, but excludes the professional sector including hairdresser sales to the consumer. Market size for Hair Colourants in Austria is given in EUR with a minimum of five years' historical data. Market Forecast is provided for five years. Included with this snapshot is socio-economic data for Austria. Population, Consumer Price Index (CPI), Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Exchange Rates.Report Table of Contents:* Definitions* Retail market size* Highlights* Figure 1: Value in Local Currency - Value (2007 - 2021)* Figure 2: Value in Local Currency - Value growth (2007 - 2021)* Table 1: Value in Local Currency (2007 - 2021)* Figure 3: Value in USD - Value (2007 - 2021)* Figure 4: Value in USD - Spend per capita (population) (2007 - 2021)* Figure 5: Value in USD - Spend as a proportion of GDP (2007 - 2021)* Figure 6: Value in USD - Value growth (2007 - 2021)* Table 2: Value in USD (2007 - 2021)Full Report Details at* Market Segmentations* Figure 7: Austria - Hair Colourants: Retail market segmentation by value ((000) EUR) (2012 - 2016)* Table 3: Austria - Hair Colourants: Retail market segmentation by value ((000) EUR) (2012 - 2016)* Market Shares* Figure 8: Austria - Hair Colourants: Company retail market share by value (%) (2012 - 2016)* Table 4: Austria - Hair Colourants: Company retail market share by value (%) (2012 - 2016)* Company & Brand details* Table 5: Austria - Hair Colourants: Company Website Links* Compound annual growth rates* Table 6: Retail market compound annual growth rates (2012 - 2021)* Socio-economic data* Figure 9: Population (millions) (2003 - 2021)* Table 7: Population (millions) (2003 - 2021)* Figure 10: Consumer price index (CPI) (2002 - 2021)* Table 8: Consumer price index (CPI) (2002 - 2021)* Figure 11: Gross domestic product (bn USD) (2003 - 2021)* Table 9: Gross domestic product (bn USD) (2003 - 2021)* Figure 12: Exchange rates (2003 - 2021)* Table 10: Exchange rates (2003 - 2021)* Sources of Data* Table 11: Austria - Hair Colourants* Methodology* About MintelAbout Fast Market ResearchFast Market Research is a leading distributor of market research and business information. Representing the world's top research publishers and analysts, we provide quick and easy access to the best competitive intelligence available. Our unbiased, expert staff is always available to help you find the right research to fit your requirements and your budget.For more information about these or related research reports, please visit our website at or call us at 1.800.844.8156 (1.413.485.7001 Int'l) 2018-02-14 11:59:02 Heads of State, Ministers to Converge on Dubai for Global Business Forum on Latin America 2018 Dubai Chamber Mohamad Mouzehem, +97142028537 The second Global Business Forum on Latin America is set to welcome current and former heads of state, ministers, and decision makers who will gather in Dubai on February 27th-28th 2018 to explore trade and investment opportunities that are opening up in the fast-growing region. This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: H.E. Hamad Buamim, President and CEO of Dubai Chamber (Photo: AETOSWire) The two-day forum, organised by the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, will be held under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai. Bearing the theme ConnectCollaborateGrow, the event will be headlined by H.E. Juan Carlos Varela Rodriguez, President of Panama; H.E. Vicente Fox, President of Centro Fox and Former Mexican President; and H.E. Cesar Gaviria, Former Colombian President. Other high-level speakers include H.E Susana Malcorra, Head of High-Level Council and Former Foreign Minister, Argentina; H.E. Augusto Arosemena Moreno, Minister of Commerce and Industry of Panama; Rogelio Garza Garza, Undersecretary of Industry & Commerce, Mexican Ministry of Economy; and H.E. Lea Gimenez, Minister of Finance of Paraguay; who will join several other Latin American government officials and business leaders participating in the forum. The high calibre of speakers joining GBF Latin America 2018 clearly reflects growing interest and confidence in Dubai as a global business hub. The forum, the largest event of its kind in the Middle East, will provide valuable insights on Latin Americas future growth prospects, said H.E. Hamad Buamim, President and CEO of Dubai Chamber. Speakers from the UAE include H.E. Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem, Group Chairman and CEO of DP World; Mohamad Al Ramahi, CEO of the Masdar; and Abdulla Mohammed Al Awar, CEO of the Dubai Islamic Economy Development Centre (DIEDC). The premier event is part of the Global Business Forum series launched by Dubai Chamber in 2013 to highlight new investment opportunities in emerging markets across Africa, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Latin America. Editors note Established in 1965, the Dubai Chamber of Commerce & Industry is a non-profit public entity, whose mission is to represent, support and protect the interests of the business community in Dubai by creating a favourable business environment, supporting the development of business, and by promoting Dubai as an international business hub. *Source: AETOSWire View source version on 2018-02-14 12:33:02 TORONTO, Feb. 14, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Inspiration Mining Corporation ("Inspiration" or the "Corporation") (OTC PINK:IRMGF) (CSE:ISM) is pleased to provide an update with respect to its continuing discussions with Compassion Cannabis Corp. ("Compassion Cannabis"). Pursuant to its press release dated January 11, 2018, the Corporation announced that it had commenced negotiations with Compassion Cannabis whereby the Corporation and Compassion Cannabis will enter into some form of a business relationship which will initiate Compassion Cannabis' exposure to the Canadian public markets. The Corporation and Compassion Cannabis are continuing their discussions as to which business arrangement would best suit the interests of all parties, and both Cannabis Compassion and Inspiration are very optimistic on a positive outcome. In the interim, the parties have contemplated to establish a wholly owned subsidiary of Compassion Cannabis in Western Europe with the Netherlands being the leading choice. The establishment of the subsidiary will advance the business of the company. About Compassion Cannabis Compassion Cannabis has the expertise to capitalize on the various facets of the going marijuana market, including the "Vape" market and dispensary centers for the industry. The Corporation is of the opinion that the "Vape" market and dispensary centers represent an opportunity to capitalize on the growing medical cannabis industry. Inspiration will continue to provide shareholders with updates on the status of its discussions with Compassion Cannabis. The company has every intention to fulfil its due diligence and bring this understanding to a reality for the benefit of all inflicted with conditions that are not readily available through main street medicine. For further information, please contact Randy Miller, Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation, at tel: 416-842-9000, The CSE has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This press release contains forward-looking statements based on assumptions, uncertainties and management's best estimates of future events. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated. Investors are cautioned that such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements are detailed from time to time in the Corporation's periodic reports filed with the Ontario Securities Commission and other regulatory authorities. The Corporation has no intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients. The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein. Source: Inspiration Mining Corporation via Globenewswire 2018-02-14 07:22:51 Press Information Coherent Market Insights Contact Us Mr. Shah Coherent Market Insights 1001 4th Ave, #3200 Seattle, WA 98154 Mr. Shah CEO +1-206-701-6702 email # 791 Words Contact UsMr. ShahCoherent Market Insights1001 4th Ave,#3200Seattle, WA 98154CEO+1-206-701-6702 Plastics are organic compounds with high molecular weight, which consists of a wide range of synthetic organic compounds which can be molded into various shapes, due to malleability. Packaging is a technology, which involves enclosing and protecting various types of products for storage, distribution, sale and use. The increasing demand for healthy, safe and convenience food in the last couple years in Asia Pacific, Europe and North America respectively, has been rapidly driving the global market for plastic packaging. Also, the use of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), as a packing material for food & beverages, pharmaceuticals and household product, due to its strength, versatility and recyclability and hence is projected to boost an excellent sustainability for plastic packaging market during 2017-2025.Request Sample Copy of this Report: Plastic films are the primary raw materials used for manufacture of flexible packaging, which finds wide applications in various end use industry such as food & beverages, cosmetics and healthcare industry, as they offer significant visibility to the product and provide attractive and secure packaging options. Pillow pouch and stand up pouch are the widely used product for flexible packaging market, due to its excellent barrier towards oxygen and moisture coupled with cost effective and low material usage are expected to boost the market for flexible packaging during the forecast period.The growing disposable income and consumer preferences for packaged goods coupled with retail industry, especially in Asia Pacific and Latin America due to rise in per capita income among the middle class is projected to witness a significant growth during 2017-2025, for instance, India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF) is a Trust established by the Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, the retail market is expected to nearly double to US$ 1 trillion by 2020 from US$ 600 billion in 2015.The global plastic packaging market size was valued at US$ 300.86 billion (revenue) and 91,520.07 kilo tons (volume) in 2016 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 5.3% in terms of revenue and 5.1% in terms of volume during 2017 2025.Market DynamicsRigid packaging segment is expected to dominate the plastic packaging market over the forecast period and is expected to expand at a CAGR of over 5.6% in terms of revenue and 5.3% in terms of volume. According to a study conducted by Coherent Market Insights, the industrial end use industry segment in global Plastic Packaging market is projected to reach over US$ 21.45 billion by the end of the calendar year 2017. Plastic packaging drives the cutting edge solutions to innovative packaging solution, which protects fragile goods, low cost and provides easy transportation. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), is largely used as a plastic packing material, due to its high chemical resistance and tensile strength, is in turn finds wide application in various end use industries, such as chemical and cosmetics industry. Also, the un-pigmented HDPE bottles and containers are translucent and provide better stiffness and best suited for short self-life products, such as milk. However, due to rising consumer preferences for good health and bio based packaging material is projected to be the key challenges for the growth of plastic packaging. Also, the market leading packing industry is continuously investing to develop environment friendly and bio based packaging. For instance---June 7, 2016, EEQO in collaboration with Braskem and Avery Dennison, introduced a biobased polyethylene self-adhesive label supports brands in their quest for more sustainable packaging.View more information @ Regional InsightsAsia Pacific, followed by Europe and North America, respectively, accounted for major share in the global plastic packaging market both in terms of revenue and volume in 2016 and the trend is estimated to remain the same over the forecast period. In 2016, Asia Pacific held a share of 41.8% in terms of volume, followed by Europe (24.3%). The growing demand for rigid packaging product in Asia Pacific due to growing demand for packaged and convenience food coupled with growing population and infrastructure development of retail and hospitality sector is expected to drive growth of the global plastic packaging market over the forecast period. According to a study conducted by Coherent Market Insights, the household product, end use segment market is expected to witness a CAGR of 5.3% from 2017 to 2025 in terms of revenue which in turn is expected to fuel the global plastic packaging market.Multinational players need to tap potential addressable market in the emerging regions with the help of geographical expansionProduct portfolio expansion and geographical expansion are the key market trends which are expected to shape the industry in the near future. Major players in the global plastic packaging market include Amcor Ltd., Sealed Air Corporation, Bemis Company, Sonoco Products Company, Mondi Plc., Tray Pack Corporation, Lacerta Group Inc., Bemis Company Inc., Alwin Lehner GmbH & Co. Kg, RPC Group Plc among others. New Computers and Semiconductors research report from Markets and Markets is now available from Fast Market Research 2018-02-14 20:36:35 Underwater Acoustic Communication Market by Interface Platform, Communication Range, Application (Environmental Monitoring, Pollution Monitoring, Climate Recording, Hydrography, Oceanography), End User, and Geography - Global Forecast to 2023"Increase in the adoption of underwater acoustic modems in the oil & gas and naval defense sectors to drive the growth of the underwater acoustic communication market"The underwater acoustic communication market is expected to grow from USD 1.31 billion in 2017 to USD 2.86 billion by 2023, at a CAGR of 13.8% between 2017 and 2023. The key factor driving the growth of the underwater acoustic communication market includes the increase in the adoption of underwater acoustic modems in the oil & gas and naval defense sectors. Moreover, there is an increasing demand for reliable, high-capacity underwater acoustic networks because a large volume of research conducted over the last decade to overcome difficulties in the propagation of information bearing signals through shallow water regions. However, the limited speed of data transmission and delayed delivery rates due to the relatively slow speed of sound in water limits the growth of this market.Full Report Details at"The market for medium water range underwater acoustic communication systems to grow at the fastest rate"The unexplored ocean depths have a high potential for future industrial development and applications to monitor and control commercial activities such as underwater equipment related to oil or mineral extraction, underwater pipelines or commercial fisheries. The companies are moving toward medium-range shallow water communication systems for oil and gas exploration and scientific research and development, thereby creating a new market for underwater acoustic communications on the seabed."Scientific research and development segment holds the largest size of the underwater acoustic communication market"Researchers and scientists are continuously taking massive efforts to explore the underwater world fully. Advancements in underwater technology help to understand several factors associated with an environment, such as its nature, creatures, composition, and physics. The growing research for the underwater application has garnered the interest of many industries around the world. Applications such as seismic monitoring, underwater robot operation, underwater surveillance and detection, sea exploration, ocean mapping, and research data collection are also becoming easier due to these advancements."Underwater acoustic communication market in APAC to grow at a high rate between 2017 and 2023"Factors such as increasing military spending, growing need for energy in emerging economies, and rising adoption of UUVs for various application areas are driving the growth of the underwater acoustic communication market in APAC. The demand for AUVs for mine exploration and oceanographic studies has increased significantly in the past few years. In addition, the rising military capabilities of developing nations, such as India and China, are expected to boost the demand for underwater acoustic communications in APAC.The breakup of the profile of primary participants has been given below:* By Companies: Tier 1 - 45 %, Tier 2 - 35%, and Tier 3 - 20%* By Designation: C-Level Executives - 40%, Directors - 35%, and Others - 25%* By Region: North America - 30%, Europe - 30%, Asia Pacific - 25%, and RoW - 15%This report provides valuable insights into the ecosystem of underwater acoustic communication. Teledyne Technologies (US), Kongsberg Gruppen (Norway), Thales Group (France), Ultra Electronics (UK), Sonardyne International (UK), Evologics (Germany), DSPComm (Australia), Mistral (US), Nortek (Norway), Aquatec Group (UK), Baltrobotics (Poland), Tritech International (UK), Gavial Holdings (US), Hydroacoustic (US), LinkQuest (US), AquaSent (US), Proserv (UK), Subnero (Singapore), RTSys (Caudan), G5 Scientific (US), JPAnalytics (US), Seagnal (France) are the major players in the underwater acoustic communication market.Research Coverage:About Fast Market ResearchFast Market Research is a leading distributor of market research and business information. Representing the world's top research publishers and analysts, we provide quick and easy access to the best competitive intelligence available. Our unbiased, expert staff is always available to help you find the right research to fit your requirements and your budget.For more information about these or related research reports, please visit our website at or call us at 1.800.844.8156 (1.413.485.7001 Int'l) New Information Technology market report from Markets and Markets: "Web Application Firewall Market - Global Forecast to 2022" 2018-02-14 16:15:19 Web Application Firewall Market by Solution (Hardware Appliances, Virtual Appliances, Cloud-Based), Service (Professional and Managed), Organization Size (SMEs and Large Enterprises), Industry Vertical, and Region - Global Forecast to 2022The Web Application Firewall (WAF) market is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 18.3% during the forecast period, due to the rise in instances of targeted attacks on web applicationsThe global WAF market size is expected to grow from USD 2.37 billion in 2017 to USD 5.48 billion by 2022, at a CAGR of 18.3%. Increasing competitiveness, in the current scenario of the business environment, has made it crucial for organizations to have web applications devoted to the cause of the organization. Furthermore, with the emergence and increasing penetration of iOS and Android-based smartphones, businesses are now using such devices to market their goods with a substantial competitive edge. However, high cost of deployment for appliance-based WAFs and competition with integrated Unified Threat Management (UTM) solutions are said to be the major restraining factors for the growth of this market.Full Report Details atThe cloud-based segment is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast periodCloud-based WAF solutions are available as software bundles with a full stack of threat prevention technologies that provide the best protection against vulnerabilities, such as malware, phishing, ransomware, and emerging cyber-threats. Cloud-based WAF solutions provide protection and safeguard the network even if users are off their Virtual Private Network (VPN). They offer capabilities, such as bot detection and enforcement, access control, caching, threat intelligence, Application Programming Interface (API) security, malware detection, and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) mitigation.The professional services segment is expected to have a larger market size in the WAF market during the forecast periodThe market for the professional services segment is growing, as individuals, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), and large enterprises are concerned about ensuring secure access to their networking devices. Companies offering professional services provide consulting to facilitate successful deployments of WAF solutions. Professional services are required during and after the implementation of WAF solutions. These services include planning, designing, consulting, and upgrades. Consultants, user behaviour analytics experts, and dedicated project management teams help in providing professional services.North America is expected to have the largest market size, and Asia Pacific (APAC) is projected to grow at the highest rate during the forecast periodNorth America tops the globe in terms of the presence of security vendors and security breach incidents. Therefore, the WAF market is dominated by North America, which is considered to be the most advanced region with regard to cybersecurity technology adoption and infrastructure. The world is becoming more connected and the IoT trend is gaining prominence. Awareness about the need to protect the network infrastructure is being identified as the most critical economic and security challenge in the region. The growing concern to ensure the protection of financial and sensitive data has increased government intervention in the recent years.The APAC region is expected to witness a significant growth in WAF due to the increasing adoption of web and mobile applications for business operations in the APAC region. The APAC WAF market covers Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China, India, and Singapore. Countries across this region have a large number of SMEs, which are using traditional defense mechanism. Therefore, advanced and sophisticated threats are hard to detect.In the process of determining and verifying the market size of several segments and subsegments gathered through secondary research, extensive primary interviews were conducted with key people. The break-up of the profiles of the primary participants is as follows:* By Company: Tier 1 - 30%, Tier 2 - 40%, and Tier 3 - 30%* By Designation: C-Level - 72%, Director Level - 14%, and Others - 14%* By Region: North America - 57%, Europe - 14%, and APAC - 29%The WAF market includes various major vendors, such as Imperva, Akamai Technologies, Barracuda Networks, Citrix Systems, Cloudflare, DenyAll, Ergon Informatik, F5 Networks, Fortinet, Penta Security Systems, Radware, Trustwave, and NSFOCUS.Research CoverageAbout Fast Market ResearchFast Market Research is a leading distributor of market research and business information. Representing the world's top research publishers and analysts, we provide quick and easy access to the best competitive intelligence available. Our unbiased, expert staff is always available to help you find the right research to fit your requirements and your budget.For more information about these or related research reports, please visit our website at or call us at 1.800.844.8156 (1.413.485.7001 Int'l) 2018-02-14 21:58:14 FSCwire / Press ReleaseThe following press release was disseminated by FSCwire for Ximen Mining Corp.--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---Vancouver, British Columbia (FSCWire) - Ximen Mining Corp. (TSX Venture:XIM). has issued a press release with the following headline:Ximen Mining Corp Announces FinancingTo view this press release on the FSCwire website, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser:If you would prefer, you can also view this press release as a PDF file, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser:For more information on Ximen Mining Corp., or to see additional press releases issued by this company, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser: Mining Corp.Source: Ximen Mining Corp. (TSX Venture: XIM, WKN: A1W2EG, ISIN: CA98420B1013)Date: February 14, 2018Time: 3:58 PM EST--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---The story mentioned above was issued on behalf of Ximen Mining Corp. and disseminated through FSCwire.About FSCwireFSCwire (a division of Filing Services Canada Inc.), is a global newswire dissemination, SEDAR, SEDI, and EDGAR / XBRL service provider.FSCwire is a full service global newswire dissemination company and is fully approved by all exchanges in Canada and the U.S. Press releases can be distributed for all sizes of public, private or not for profit companies and any other organization requiring news distribution. In addition to individual companies; public relations, communications and investor relations firms trust FSCwire to distribute press releases for their respective clients.In addition to newswire dissemination FSCwire also offers EDGAR, XBRL, SEDAR, SEDI, and additional services for publicly traded companies. For more information, please go to our website: Maximum News Dissemination by FSCwire. Copyright 2018 - FSCwire (a division of Filing Services Canada Inc.) ADVERTISEMENT An African Union (AU) team is in Somalia to assess peacekeeping activities as the transfer of responsibilities from the blocs mission to Somali national security forces gains momentum, officials said on Wednesday. The African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM), said the 10-man delegation from the AU Peace Support Operations Division arrived in Mogadishu on Tuesday for a four-day mission. The delegation is scheduled to hold talks with senior government, UN and AU mission officials. The discussions will focus on a wide range of issues among them are peacekeeping activities, achievements made and challenges being experienced in securing Somalia. Also transfer of responsibilities to Somali national security forces among others, said the AU mission. Francisco Madeira, Special Representative of the Chairperson of the AU Commission for Somalia, who held talks with the delegation explained that they are in the country on a routine assessment mission. They have very specific objectives to see how we are working, what our challenges are; what are our relations with our hosts and how we plan for the transition, Mr. Madeira said. He noted that the delegation had frank discussions with the government of Somalia officials on issues focusing on peace and stability. He noted that discussions also dwelt on the transition plan and the implementation challenges. We had the opportunity to speak frankly about the challenges we are facing; coordination activities; how to enhance interaction and unity, and particularly the political atmosphere and movement between us, he added. AMISOM has begun implementing a conditions based transition plan that will see it handing over the countrys security responsibilities to Somali national security forces. The Peace Support Operations Division is mandated to plan, launch, sustain, monitor and liquidate all peace support operations authorised by the AU. (Xinhua/NAN) Kuwait will lend $1 billion to Iraq and commit a further $1 billion of investment to the country, Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Sabah Al-Sabah told an international conference on Iraqs reconstruction on Wednesday. Donors and investors have gathered in Kuwait this week to discuss efforts to rebuild Iraqs economy and infrastructure as it emerges from a devastating conflict with Islamic State militants who seized almost a third of the country. Kuwait will earmark one billion dollars in loans to Iraq and will commit to another one billion dollars as investments in Iraq, said Sheikh Sabah. Iraq declared victory over Islamic State in December, having taken back all the territory captured by the militants in 2014 and 2015. The fighters have also been largely defeated in neighboring Syria. Rebuilding Iraq after three years of war with Islamic State will cost more than $88 billion, with housing a particularly urgent priority, Iraqi officials say. At the same conference the U.S. said it was extending a three billion dollars credit line but was not providing any direct government assistance. International NGOs have so far pledged 330 million dollars in humanitarian assistance. Iraq has suffered from decades of war and it is striking that it is holding its reconstruction conference in Kuwait, which it invaded in 1990, leading to defeat by a U.S.-led coalition and more than a decade of sanctions. Kuwait will celebrate Liberation Day from Iraq in two weeks and Iraq still pays it reparations. NAN reports that the director-general of Iraqs planning ministry, Qusay Adulfattah, on Monday said rebuilding Iraq after three years of war with Islamic State will cost more than 88 billion dollars. Mr. Adulfattah told the international donors conference that rebuilding Iraq is restoring hope to Iraq, and restoring the stability of Iraq is stabilising the states of the region and the world, said Planning Minister Salman al-Jumaili. The seven provinces attacked by the militants, he said, suffered 46 billion dollars in direct damage, including the destruction of 147,000 housing units, and the security forces took $14 billion in losses. He said tens of billions more were lost indirectly through damage to the wider economy and years of lost growth. Iraq has published a list of some 157 projects for which it is seeking investment. They include rebuilding destroyed facilities such as Mosul airport and new investments to diversify the economy away from crude oil sales, developing transport, agriculture and oil-related industry including petrochemicals and refining. Rebuilding homes, hospitals, schools, roads, businesses and telecommunications will be key to providing jobs for the young, ending the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people and putting an end to decades of political and sectarian violence. (Reuters/NAN) ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT The Senate on Wednesday passed the conference committee report on amendment to the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, act. The passage of the report was followed by dissenting voices calling for points of order within the chamber. The amendment to the electoral act, if approved by President Muhammadu Buhari, will uphold the change in the order of election as adopted by the lawmakers. The federal lawmakers want their election held first in 2019, before that of the state lawmakers and state governors, with the last being the presidential election. In 2015 and since 2003, the presidential and National Assembly polls were held first on the same day, followed by governorship and state legislative polls on the second day of the general elections. The House of Representatives was first to, on January 23, amend the Electoral Act to change the order of the 2019 general elections. The change recommended by the lower chamber came barely a month after the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) released the time-table for the general elections. The amendment by the House was made at the Committee of the whole House, presided over by Deputy Speaker, Yussuff Lasun. The lawmakers amended the Act while considering the report of the House Committee on Electoral Matters which proposed amendment of the Electoral Act 2010 (as amended). In the timetable earlier released by INEC, Presidential and National Assembly elections are to hold first, while governorship and state assembly polls are to follow. The House amended section 25 of the Principal Act and substituted it with a new section 25 (1). According to the section, the elections shall be held in the following order: (a) National Assembly election (b) State Houses of Assembly and Governorship elections (c) Presidential election. Similarly, section 87 was amended by adding a new section 87 (11) with a marginal note time for primaries of political parties. More to come A few days after the bizarre report that a snake swallowed about N36 million from the Joint Admission and Matriculation Boards vault in Benue State, another state co-ordinator of the board in Nassarawa state has come up with a rather strange story to back an alleged fraud. This time, JAMB staffer, Labaran Tanko, said his car got burnt and in the process scratch cards worth N23 million were destroyed in the inferno. However, not impressed, as in the case of the Benue saga, the board, reacting through its registrar, dismissed Mr. Tankos claims. Few days ago, a JAMB sales clerk, Philomina Chieshe, had told JAMB registrar and his team who conducted fact-finding sessions on alleged fraud at the Board, that she could not account for N36 million she made in previous years before the abolition of scratch cards by the organisation. In the course of interrogation, Ms. Chieshe confessed that her housemaid connived with another JAMB staff, Joan Asen, to spiritually steal (through a snake) the money from the vault in the accounts office. In the case of Mr. Tanko, the board said after a thorough investigation, it discovered that the cards which reportedly burnt alongside Mr. Tankos car were used by students in Nassarawa state to register. It said this was easy to discover through simple checks done by its officials. Mr. Tanko, who made this confession at a session where suspects of fraud and criminality were interrogated by top officials of the board, including Registrar Ishaq Oloyede, however stood by his claim. I thank God that I am alive today, Mr Tanko told the panel. I had an accident on July 3rd 2016. I was not the one that packed the cards because I was rushed to the hospital, and they came to pack the burnt scratch cards to the office but it could not be counted. I have the serial numbers of the cards. Until Mr. Oloyedes took over as registrar, JAMB candidates usually purchased scratch cards from JAMB state offices and other designated centres to gain access to the boards website for either registration or to check their admission status. However, new reforms introduced by Mr. Oloyede, when he assumed office in 2016, ended the use of scratch cards, replacing it with a more efficient and effective platforms. Registrar, Joint Admission and Matriculation Board, JAMB, Ishaq Oloyede The board also gave reasons why Mr. Tankos defence was untenable. Every (member of ) staff who has scratch cards in their possession must have the serial numbers. We found out that the cards you claimed got burnt were used despite the police report you presented to us and for JAMB, that is N23 million of government money, the registrar said during the session. He also said the suspect, just like the lady indicted in Benue, would be handed over to the police once the board concludes its in-house investigations. Those that we want to transfer have been transferred to the (board) headquarters until they account for the missing funds. But those we believe are beyond us will be handed to the police immediately, Mr Oloyede said. In a separate reaction when PREMIUM TIMES approached the spokesman of the board, Fabian Benjamin, he outlined steps taken by the board on the matter. All the suspects have been suspended by the board. In Tankos case, the committee has already written a report which the management have sent to the (Education) ministry. Once it is approved, it will be done, Mr. Benjamin said. He also said the board will monitor with careful scrutiny how staff entrusted with sensitive responsibilities handle government funds henceforth. ADVERTISEMENT INFOGRAPH Bizzare claims of missing money by JAMB officials The fight against corruption by the board was given a boost by the recent visit by the Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crime Commission, EFCC, Mr. Ibrahim Magu. Given the kind of commendation by Magu and the confidence reposed in the management of the Oloyede-led board, we would have no option than to continue to do more, Mr Benjamin said. A group of senators from the ruling All Progressives Congress has rejected the senate adoption of the conference committee report on amendment to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) Act. Specifically, the senators said they were opposed to the amendment to section 25 of the Act which re-arranged the order of the 2019 elections. The House of Representatives was first to amend the Electoral Act to change the order of the 2019 general elections putting the election of federal lawmakers first before that of the state lawmakers and state governors, with the last being the presidential election. The senators, 10 in number, left the chambers to address the press while plenary was still on. The 10 senators are Abdullahi Adamu, Nasarawa-APC; Ovie Omo-Agege, Delta-APC; Binta Garba, Adamawa-APC; Ali Wakili, Bauchi-APC; Kurfi Umaru, Katsina-APC and Andrew Uchendu, Rivers-APC. Others are: Abdullahi Danbaba, Sokoto-APC; Yahaya Abdullahi, Kebbi-APC; Abu Ibrahim, Katsina-APC, and Benjamin Uwajumogu, Imo-APC. They described the amendment and process of passage as illegal, vowing that it would not stand. Leader of the dissenting group, Abdullahi Adamu (Nasarawa-APC), questioned the conduct of the senate president, Bukola Saraki, in the passage process. We are part of the whole body of senators who oppose the process by which the so-called conference report was laid and considered as rushed. I had the opportunity (to speak), I was heard but the Senate President said my observation was being noted. The reliance upon the relevant statutes, some of which have actually not been signed to the best of our knowledge, and we did challenge that anybody who has the signed copy should produce it there so as to check doubting Thomases. We believe the process was rushed. There is no need for the rush. Give everybody the opportunity. There is no reason for just two people to speak on the issue. Its not the tradition of the senate. He alleged that the process was pre-determined as even the Chairman of the Senate Committee on INEC did not sign the report. We are against what has happened. We are not the only ones. If you take note of the report that was circulated, the chairman and co-chair did not sign. We dont know why they didnt sign. Why do we want to make a law that addresses one particular issue targeted at a person. This is very partisan. You could see from the body language, from the utterances that it is a pre-determined thing by a political party that is threatened by the APC government. Whatever incumbency given to anyone we are denying that one. We are not part of this endorsement. Ovie Omo-Agege, Delta-APC, said the bill would not have been passed if the presiding officer had allowed a division. He also alleged that the House of Representative did not form a quorum when the issue was considered. For some of you who are familiar with what transpired in the House of Reps, only 36 members were on the floor when this so-called amendment to section 25 of the Electoral Act was introduced. The position we took is that 36 people cannot determine the destiny of 360 people in the house, which is now being carried over to 109 in the senate. The least we are owed is for this so-called amendment to be deliberated upon and our rule is clear. We have 59 senators who are opposed to the inclusion of section 25 of the Electoral Act. If that division was allowed today, 59 senators would have voted to delete that purported amendment to section 25. Binta Garba, Adamawa-APC, said the amendment is not healthy for the current economic situation in the country. ADVERTISEMENT Now we are having economic crisis in our hands and instead of us to look at the welfare and wellbeing of our people, we are looking at selfish interest in the long-run. It is not because of Mr. President. What happens tomorrow if you are the president, will you now want to amend again to suit yourself? Why Im not in support is that the economic crisis we have on ground, we must look into it. Only God knows how much it will cost. Similarly, Ali Wakili, Bauchi-APC, said the new arrangement is not well for the economy. Why did they wait until after the INEC has come out with timetable? If we look at the cost-benefit to the economy, four elections in one month will be too staggering. It is not well for the economy, politics, and security. We had inside this chamber considered conference reports and we dissolve into house, look at it clause by clause, raise observations and return it back to the House of Reps, why must it be different in this case? Kurfi Umaru (Katsina-APC) described the amendment as illegal. This is absolutely wrong. We are lawmakers, elections is for INEC, so why should we bother ourselves with election? This thing they are doing is absolutely illegal. There is no way they can achieve. ADVERTISEMENT A publicist to popular Nigerian pop artiste, Innocent Idibia (2Baba), Efe Omoregbe, on Tuesday called on Nigerian youth to act rather than complain about the state of the nation. Mr. Omoregbe spoke at a programme organised by the Initiative for Africa Youth Advancement Advocacy and Empowerment, IAYAAE, themed Elections without Bloodbath. The programme, which held at the premises of the Oshodi-Isolo Local Government Secretariat, Lagos, was put together to sensitise the youth on the dangers of electoral violence. Mr. Omoregbe in his intervention called to the youth to deploy affirmative action and apply knowledge gathered synthetic programme during electioneering. He told the crowd to rise and act by taking responsibilities without trading blames, saying the Nigeria of today is the nation created by Nigerians. He identified followership as the bane of development in Nigeria and maintained that the youth can make Nigeria work by being a part of the system and shunning violence. On his part, the keynote speaker, Adeola Opeyemi, said the people contribute to poor governance because they help politicians to cheat the system. We help them to cheat us and thats why our votes dont count, he said. Mr. Adeola, a lawyer, said politicians abuse their positions because the masses cooperate with them. The lawyer, who lambasted invited politicians who failed to show up at the programme, said they do that because the people indulge them. When they use you and your children to commit electoral violence, when you invite them for a programme like this, they wont come. But when it is time, we will tell them Enough is enough, he said. He traced the history of electoral violence to the politics of the first and second republic, adding that violence has been a part of the voting system for long. Mr. Adeola made mention of a political thug in the 1980s, Adebayo Success, who he said terrorised Oshodi and environs with the support of the government at the centre. On the way out, the speaker said solutions remain continuous voter education, amelioration of poverty among the masses, technological advancements, and improved moral values will put a check on the incidences of electoral violence. On her part, Moremi Ojudu, a youth campaigner, said the Nigerian youth must be involved in the electoral process to have a say in governance. ADVERTISEMENT President Muhammadu Buhari has expressed sadness over the death of over 20 students from Bauchi who died on their way for an excursion in Kano on Tuesday. The President sent his condolence to the Government of Bauchi State over the death of the students and teachers. The President prayed to Allah to accept the souls of the deceased and forgive their sins. He also mourned a former chairman Bank of the North, Muhammad Lugga who died after a prolonged illness. In a message of condolence issued on his behalf by the Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, President Buhari said he was deeply touched by the passing of the prominent banker and politician. Mr. Buhari, the statement said, recalled with pride how Lugga used his extensive experience to revive the defunct Bank of the North which was at the verge of collapse on account of poor management. The President extended his condolences to the Government of Zamfara State and family of the late Lugga and prayed to Allah to forgive his gentle soul. In another message, President Buhari expressed his deep sympathies to the Baba-Ahmed family, the government and people of Kaduna state over the death of Mahmoon, a reputable journalist known for courage, statesmanship and professionalism. ADVERTISEMENT A High Court of the Federal Capital Territory has found a former director of the Rural Electrification Agency, Samuel Gekpe and five others guilty of diverting N6 billion contract fund. The accused were brought before the trial court headed by Justice Adebukola Banjoko by the federal government for the offence as well as fraudulent neglect of the Public Procurement Act, 2007. The Nation newspaper reports that the judgment was delivered by the court on February 8. According to the report, the accused diverted the sum in 2008 when they served as members of the agencys public procurement committee. The co-accused include: a former Permanent Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Power works and Housing, Abdullahi Aliyu; an accountant with the agency, Simon Nanle; a director, Lawrence Orekoya; an assistant director with the agency, Abdulsamad Jahun; and REAs former head of legal department, Kayode Oyedeji. The defendants had filed a no-case-submission and challenged the courts jurisdiction to entertain the matter. In a ruling however, the trial judge dismissed the no-case-submission. The court said the prosecution succeeded in proving its case against the defendants. The Court ordered that the first defendant, Mr. Gekpe, be remanded in prison for three years with an option of N5 million while the other defendants were sentenced to three years in prison but with an option of N500, 000 each. ADVERTISEMENT At least five persons were injured when an Atlanta-bound plane operated by Delta Airline made an emergency landing in Lagos, Nigeria on Tuesday. The aeroplane made the emergency landing after one of its engines malfunctioned on Tuesday night. The Delta Airlines Flight 55 from Lagos to Atlanta, which took off around 10:50 p.m. local time, returned to Murtala Muhammed International Airport (MMIA) less than an hour later. PREMIUM TIMES gathered that the A330-200 aircraft had an issue with one of its two engines. In a statement Wednesday, the airline said the flight landed safely and passengers were evacuated onto the runway down emergency slides. The airports fire-fighters, who had been notified of the development were already on the ground when the incident happened, the statement explained. Five passengers, however, reported non-critical injuries during the evacuation. All passengers were bused back to the terminal, the airline said, adding that it provided hotel rooms and rebooked the passengers on a flight Wednesday. The safety of Deltas customers and crew members is always our top priority, the company said. ADVERTISEMENT The police in Nasarawa State on Wednesday confirmed the killing of two students of the Federal University, Lafia, by gunmen suspected to be armed robbers. Kennedy Idirisu, the Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) confirmed the killing to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lafia. He said that police got a report from the Universitys Registrar that gunmen stormed the students village at Mararaba-Akunza, opposite the university gate at about 10:30 p.m. and shot sporadically. Mr. Idirisu said when the police got there, two students had already been shot by the suspected robbers, who disposed others of their valuables and fled the scene. The PPRO said one of the students died instantly, while the other later died at the hospital, adding that the remains of the two students have been deposited at the Dalhatu Araf Specialist Hospital, Lafia. He said the police have commenced investigation into the incident. Meanwhile, Abubakar Ibrahim, the Public Relations Officer of the University, said one of the deceased students had graduated with first class in the economics department and was processing his final clearance when he was killed. The other was in 400 level, English Department. They were not identified. Mr. Ibrahim said the Vice Chancellor, Mohammed Sanusi-Liman, has commiserated with the families of the deceased over the incident and condemned the attack. He said management of the institution had declared a day of mourning in honour of the fallen students. Some of the bereaved students appealed to the management and the government to beef up security around the school to forestall future attacks. Since I came to this school in 2014, we have never witnessed any case of robbery or cultism and with this killing, most of us are afraidm, one student said.(NAN). ADVERTISEMENT A federal judge in Lagos on Wednesday apologised profusely to a disabled lawyer, Daniel Onwe, over the absence of vehicle parking space for people living with disabilities in and around the high court. Ibrahim Buba, a judge at the Lagos Division of the Federal High Court, who was initially angry at the sight of a car parked at the judges gate directed the courts security guards to henceforth allow Mr. Onwe to drive into the courts premises. Mr. Onwe, a human rights lawyer and President of Association of Lawyers with Disabilities in Nigeria, arrived the court on Wednesday morning for a human rights matter before Muslim Hassan but could not find a space to park his car. After searching in vain for space inside the courts parking lot where there is no reservation for people with disabilities, Mr. Onwe drove around the courts surroundings, where most people who have business in the court usually park their vehicles, but still could not find anywhere within walking distance to the court. At the courts back gate, through which some judges use to gain entrance into the premises, there were parking spaces which had been taken over by men who collect money for parking. At past 9 a.m., and facing the risk of being absent in court when his case is called, a frustrated Mr. Onwe parked his car at the judges gate, ignored protests by the security guards, and hurried towards Mr. Hassans courtroom. After his court session, the lawyer was informed that Mr. Buba had left a stern warning that whoever parked at the gate should see him immediately. The courts guards accompanied Mr. Onwe to the judges court where they were shocked to see Mr. Bubas initial anger dissolve into an apology. At the sight of Mr. Onwe, the judge, whose court was still in session, asked him to step forward towards his desk and ordered that he be always allowed to drive into the premises. The judge further directed that the order be communicated to the Deputy Chief Registrar of the court and the security for immediate compliance. When Mr. Onwe returned to his car, he discovered that all the tyres had been deflated by the security men who claimed to have acted on the order of the judge. Again, the lawyer went back to the court and was granted another audience by the judge. Thanking the judge for the benevolent order he made earlier, Mr. Onwe informed him that the four tyres of his car had been deflated. He added that he was informed that said act was carried out on the Courts order and that he had come to report to the Court so as not to be in contempt of an order of Court. The judge made a second order, this time that Mr. Onwes tyres be inflated immediately at the courts expense. Pastor Enoch Adeboye, the leader of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), on Wednesday led a number of men and women of God in intercessory prayers for Nigeria at the Redemption Camp of the church. The three-hour interdenominational meeting prayers were said for the end of the various problems of the country, including corruption and the recent upsurge of bloodshed across the land. Opening the session after praise and worship songs, Pastor Adeboye said it was dedicated to prayers, with no formalities, and no introductions. He advised the congregation of several hundreds of people at the Old Arena of the Redemption Camp to take prayer positions they deemed fit as pastor after pastor led special prayers backed with scriptural quotations. The first prayer was for forgiveness of the sins of the nation and for general repentance in a manner that will spare us Gods wrath as it happened in the city of Nineveh, which Jonah was sent to warn. When the call was heeded the City was spared from destruction. The group said the leadership of a country has to be in right standing with God for it to witness peace and prosperity. So prayers were said for President Muhammadu Buhari, Vice President Yemi Osinbajo, National Assembly leaders, Governors and LGA chairmen and well as the Judiciary. There were prayers for them to rule with the fear of God; for good leadership and for peace in the land. For the 2019 elections, the congregation prayed for God to choose leaders He deems fit for the country at all levels of governance, and for violence-free elections. They prayed for courageous leaders with vision and creativity. The national economy received special prayers for growth, prosperity, eradication of poverty in the land; and the wealth of the nation to return to the people of Nigeria. For a secure country where people will live in peace without threats to lives and property, prayers were said for security agents to do their work effectively with the fear of God. The appearance of Dr Christopher Kolade, former Cadbury Chairman and former Nigeria High Commissioner to the UK, caught some people by surprise. Stressing that God has blessed the country with both natural and human resources, he pointed out that indeed there is no reason for Nigerians to be poor. He led prayers for optimal and efficient utilisation of the countrys resources, without waste. Father teach us how to use what you have blessed us with: and by your mercy give us the humility to learn to use our resources, he prayed. He lamented a situation where farms are destroyed or burned for whatever reason, and the inability of farmers to sell all their produce because of marketing problems. With the threat of a growing youth population and idleness caused by unemployment, special prayers were said for the creation of more employment opportunities and initiatives for self-employment, as well as Gods intervention to keep the youths from crime. A female clergy, Mercy Ezekiel, offered prayers against evil doers; and all demonic plans and orchestrations to blunt the prayers. She prayed for God to come against those who are working to keep the nation in darkness. There were also prayers of peace and progress of the nation, during which the adversity that has been afflicting Nigeria was rebuked. Pastor Taiwo Odukoya, who led the prayers noted that, the moment peace eludes a nation, the nation goes down. ADVERTISEMENT Folu Adeboye, the wife of the General Overseer, prayed for families to stay in the blessing which God himself blessed mankind in the scriptures to be fruitful and multiply and live in peace. She prayed for an end of all manner of abuses in the family. There were also prayers for the health sector and other key sectors, and for Nigerians in the Diaspora. The day was closed by Pastor Adeboye with special prayers for repentance and revival in the church, so strong to cause fire to fall as on the day of Pentecost. He prayed for unity in the church and against lukewarmness. Father, make us a unified and one indivisible church, he prayed. After that he gave opportunity for individuals to pray for themselves and closed the day with blessing for the country and the participants, expressing confidence in the manifest ion of the prayers in the life of the nation. Over 10 pastors led the prayers. ADVERTISEMENT South Africas ruling African National Congress (ANC) would on Thursday initiate a no-confidence motion against President Jacob Zuma at the parliament, local media reports said Wednesday. The decision came as Mr. Zuma refuses to stand down even after police raided homes of his associates, the Gupta family, in Johannesburg, the countrys commercial capital. The Guptas, who have been named in a series of corruption probes, are said to be associates of Mr. Zuma, who has led South Africa since 2009. Some members of the ANC have long asked Mr. Zuma to step down, and the party itself formally took a position on the matter by asking Mr. Zuma to resign. The partys Treasurer-General, Paul Mashatile, said on Wednesday that the party is starting a new era. The conference of ANC has created new hope. Our people want to see change. We want to go with renewal, Mr. Mashatile said. He added that the deadline given to Mr. Zuma would expire on Wednesday night. If Mr. Zuma resigns, the cabinet would stay, Mr. Mashatile said, but should he be removed via a no-confidence vote, the entire cabinet would have to be removed, the ANC treasurer-general added. Mr. Zuma appeared live on SABC a moment ago to discuss the allegations against him. He denied allegations of wrongdoing and vowed not to resign. He demanded that he should be told whatever his offences might be and he would take a decision on his future accordingly. No, I will not resign, he said. The ANC said the parliament could elect another president as soon as Thursday if Mr. Zuma agrees to step down. Thursdays no-confidence votes is coming barely six months after Mr. Zuma survived the ninth attempt to remove him from office. Out of the total 384 parliamentarians that voted in the August 8, 2017 no-confidence motion, about 177 expressed no confidence in Mr. Zuma. More than half of the voters, 198, opposed the motion while nine lawmakers abstained. The voting shows that the anti-Zuma coalition got some ANC votes but not enough to get a majority to remove the president. If the Thursdays motion goes on as planned, it would be the ninth no-confidence votes in Mr. Zumas less than nine years in office. ADVERTISEMENT The Senate followed due process in the adoption and passage of the amendment to the Electoral Act, its spokesperson, Sabi Abdullahi, has said. The justification came as 10 senators of the All Progressives Congress, APC, claimed the change in the sequence of elections was targeted at President Muhammad Buhari. The lawmakers also accused the senate president, Bukola Saraki, of breaching the senate standing order by ruling out points of order and not allowing members to contribute before the passage. Despite the allegations, Mr. Abdullahi said the process was in tandem with the rules guiding legislative procedures in the Senate and the House of Representatives. He added that the senate was mandated to adopt the report because the conference committee discharged its duties by the rules. This amendment is like seven core areas of our electoral process. For us in the senate, the emphasis is deepening the democratic process, he said. By our procedures, the senate has passed its own version, the house has passed its own version. The next thing to do is to have a conference committee to harmonise. Our rule says whatever position we have taken and there is a similar one in the house, we harmonise, but where the house has taken a position that we have not taken, we are bound compulsorily to adopt that of the house. Where the senate has taken a position and the house has not, that conference committee is bound to adopt the recommendation from the senate. I think within the context of this particular assignment, that is what happened. On allegations that the House of Representatives had only 36 members present when the controversial amendment was passed, Mr. Abdullahi said the rule guiding them does not mandate that a quorum should exist before decisions were made. Im not in the house of reps, but I cant come here to say only 35 people. Today if you look at the chamber, when we started, we had a quorum but towards the end, that number waned because so many people have other legislative responsibilities. And our rule says immediately you are starting the day, you must form quorum, but there is nothing that says that quorum must be sustained till the end of the day. The chairman senate committee on INEC, Suleiman Nazif, denied the allegation that he did not sign the conference committee report. He said the decision to adopt the amendment to section 25 of the act was unanimous. We took the position the position of the senate in some cases and we took the position of House of Representatives in other cases. It was section 36 (3), 49 (2) and section 78 (4) of the senate version that was upheld while section 53 (2) and 63(4) of the house version were upheld. The most controversial of it which is section 25 that has to do with the sequence of election came from the House of Representatives and the conference committee adopted the position of the house. Mr. Nazif also denied the allegation that the lawmakers targeted the office of the president in adopting the sequence. Im not aware if the sequence of election is being targeted at anybody. What I know as chairman committee on INEC is that I have a duty and responsibility. Politics is dynamic. What I know is that people have reasons for sequence of elections. In the past, weve had elections from top to down, I dont think anybody questioned that. Weve also have from down to top. A national leader of the All Progressives Congress says President Muhammadu Buhari asked him to reconcile feuding and aggrieved members because the ruling party is no longer where it was when it won the 2015 general elections. Bola Tinubu, a former governor of Lagos State, said this on Wednesday before meeting, behind closed-doors, the partys National Working Committee at its National Secretariat in Abuja. He said the party came into power with a lot of expectations and goodwill some of which have dissipated. He said he was at the secretariat to consult and seek opinions on how to reconcile and move the party forward. I am here to consult since you are already aware of the directive and announcement of the President who is the leader of our party and the President of this country. First, let me sympathise with our National Vice Chairman North Central for the various incidents happening around that corridor and extend our condolences on behalf of the people and our party and equally condole you on the death of John Shagaya, a very great national patriot. May his soul Rest In Peace and may God bring peace to Benue, Taraba, Plateau and to the country as a whole, including Nasarawa and all other places being affected by the age-old system that we are now currently facing the challenges of. On the friction in the party, he said the solution was to seek opinions and advice of members on the various complex issues around some states or if there is any national one, to reconcile, move the party in a cohesive manner and reposition if any and build the confidence among ourselves. He said he was prepared to listen to various views on the challenges the party has. After the last convention of the party, congresses were held from various wards to elect representatives from the ward, local government and states levels as well as the national level. We worked hard for victory. We have never govern before, but we won the confidence of Nigerians to govern. We have a creed to really serve the country, change and reform the country. It is not easy to have those changes implemented like instant coffee. We have to grow it and face challenges. I sympathize with us and we should equally look at ourselves. The challenges faced by our government and the President is enormous. It is only because people are not paying attention to the various statistics that are available and we have to push that. I wont touch those areas yet. The challenges of security, the challenges of reforms and re-engineering the finances of this country, stopping the corruption and challenging the status quo to change and reform ourselves is there. It doesnt go away over night. You work on and work hard at it. For us, we have been patient, we have persevered to having this victory, but how are we now? We should equally face the immediate, medium and serious challenges that politically, we will be facing. I believe that our party is the hope of Nigeria to improve quality of lives and we will do that. The National Chairman of the party, John Odigie-Oyegun, while welcoming Mr. Tinubu, said his visit was important as it would unify the party behind one objective. Your visit is very significant in view of your Presidential assignment which I will describe as a peace ambassador, to heal wounds where the party has wounds and bring everybody together behind one single objective, which is the APC being in good condition to be a fighting political force such that in 2019, the election will become virtually a runaway victory for the party. There is no question at all that we have major issues with the National Assembly, major issues in Kano, Kogi, Benue states which the current challenge that we are facing. So, we truly welcome your appointment and I want to say that we will give you all the assistance that you will possibly need to make your assignment a most successful one. After the meeting, he asked by journalists how he planned to go about the reconciliation task given to him. We are in the building of APC national secretariat and we have a spokesperson, he said. I just made a personal appearance to you out of respect. I will handover to the spokesperson of the party. Those personal questions come another day. Addressing the press after Mr. Tinubu left, the National Publicity Secretary of the party, Bolaji Abdulahi, said the party was ready to work with Mr. Tinubu on his assignment. ADVERTISEMENT In this meeting we made it clear that we want to work together and the National Chairman said in whatever way we need to support in this assignment. The terms of reference of Mr. Tinubu, according to the publicity secretary, was to reconcile members and build the party towards 2019. To look at areas across the country where we have issues, to reconcile members and to build the party to move forward ahead of 2019 election. Speaking on who will work with Mr. Tinubu in his assignment, Mr Abdullahi said: He has been given the assignment and he will determine how to run it and we have decided to work with him. ADVERTISEMENT The senate has issued a one-week ultimatum to 63 government agencies who are yet to submit details of their 2018 budget proposals. Coming under order 43, Senate Leader, Ahmed Lawan, said the attitude of the agencies was frustrating the effort of the senate for a speedy passage of the budget. He said only one of 64 agencies submitted details of its budget to the senate. Mr. President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria submitted, presented to the National Assembly in a general sitting the main budget as well as the summary of the budget of the agencies. By so doing he has completed his work. What is required of the agencies is for them to present the details of their agencies. Mr President, my office has been working closely with the office of distinguished Senator Ita Enang. We have insisted that the details of the budget must be presented to the senate so that it would be considered alongside the 2018 budget and be passed as quickly as it can and together. This is the The Nation of Wednesday February 7, 2018, in which Senator Ita Enang was calling on all the 64 agencies they must submit their budgets to him for onward transmission to this senate. So far, Mr President, it is only one that has submitted. He prayed the senate to direct the agencies to submit their budget details within one week. Senate President, Bukola Saraki, threatened to invoke legislative sanctions on the agencies if they fail to comply within the time frame. He said, This has been a matter weve been talking about for a very long time and these agencies continue to have total disregard for due process. Mr. President, the executive arm is doing things properly, and agencies just do things in the wrong way. The SA to the President has even gone far to put an advert in the paper. So, I think its very clear the mandate we give to them one week. Its not that we dont know what to do. Some of our cooperation should not be misread as weakness or not knowing what to do because definitely we can mandate the Ministry of Finance to ensure that they do not further other releases because they are breaking the law. We will give them one week and after that one week they dont then well take necessary actions to show that they need to comply with the law that guides them. ADVERTISEMENT A funeral prayer for 21 students and three teachers of Government Day Junior Secondary School, Misau, Bauchi State, who died in a ghastly automobile accident, was held in Misau, amidst sobs by parents and relations. The News Agency of Nigeria reports that the prayer, held at the palace of the First Class Emir of Misau, Ahmed Suleiman, was led by the Chief Imam of Misau Central Mosque, Usman Baba. NAN reports that immediately residents of the town received report of the tragic incident, they started mourning, suspending socio-economic activities. Nasiru Darazo, elder brother to one of the deceased students, Ibrahim Girema, described their death as a colossal loss. These are young men whom we are looking up to as leaders of tomorrow; today, they are no more. I have never seen such a tragedy; their remains were all smashed; you would not like to look at their bodies twice, he told NAN, with emotions covering his face. NAN gathered that the students and their teachers were returning from an excursion on Tuesday when their bus collided head-on with a trailer along Kano to Gaya road in Kano State, resulting in the death of 11 male and 10 female students, as well as their teachers. ADVERTISEMENT The Police in Nasarawa State Command on Wednesday, confirmed the killing of two students of the Federal University, Lafia by gunmen suspected to be armed robbers. Kennedy Idirisu, the Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), confirmed the killing to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lafia, the state capital. He said the police got a report from the Universitys Registrar that gunmen stormed the students village at Mararaba-Akunza, opposite the university gate at about 10:30 pm and shot sporadically. Mr. Idirisu, a deputy superintendent of police, said when the police got there, two students had already been shot by the suspected robbers, who dispossessed others of their valuables and fled the scene. The PPRO said one of the students died instantly, while the other later died at the hospital, adding that the remains of the two students have been deposited at the Dalhatu Araf Specialist Hospital, Lafia. He said the police have commenced investigation into the incident. Meanwhile, Abubakar Ibrahim, the Public Relations Officer of the University, said one of the deceased students had graduated with first class in the economics department and was processing his final clearance. The other was in 400 level, English Department. They were not identified. Mr. Ibrahim said the Vice Chancellor, Mohammed Sanusi-Liman, a professor, has commiserated with the families of the deceased over the incident and condemned the attack. He said management of the institution has declared a day of mourning in honour of the fallen students. Some of the bereaved students appealed to the management and the government to beef up security around the school to forestall future attacks. Since I came to this school in 2014, we have never witnessed any case of robbery or cultism and with this killing, most of us are afraid. We want the school authority and the security agencies to beef up security to guarantee our safety, one of the students said. (NAN) ADVERTISEMENT The Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) in Niger said on Wednesday that five people were killed in an accident on Bida-Sabon Gida-Minna Road. FRSC Sector Commander, Yusuf Garba, disclosed this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Minna. He said 19 persons, who were critically injured in the accident, were receiving treatment at the Bida General Hospital. He explained that the accident, which involved a Jinbel Bus, occurred on Tuesday at about 9:20 p.m. in Sabon Gida village of Bida Local Government Area. He said the command did not receive any official report when the incident occurred. It was this morning that our patrol team visited the scene which is 24 kilometers off Bida-Minna Road, the sector commander said. According to him, the cause of the accident is speeding and overloading. He said that FRSC personnel in the outposts would continue to monitor road users against overloading, dangerous driving and indiscriminate parking on the highways. He also called on road users to adhere to traffic rules and regulations to avoid unnecessary road crashes. We have already embarked on a 24-hour patrol on all the federal highways to ensure safety of road users by enforcing traffic rules and regulations, he said. He also appealed to residents in the state to always report road accidents promptly as doing so would enable patrol officers to save lives. (NAN) ADVERTISEMENT The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission on Wednesday arraigned Nuraini Adamu, son of former Governor of Nasarawa State, Abdullahi Adamu, and one Felix Onyeabo Ojiako before Justice Farouq Lawal of the Kano State High Court on a four-count charge of conspiracy, forgery and obtaining money by false pretence. The arraignment of Messrs Adamu and Ojiako followed a petition by one Atta Esin alleging that the defendants conspired and used his company, Biolocks Technologies Limited, to execute a contract without his knowledge. He further alleged that the contract resulted in the accumulation of withholding tax to the tune of N1,311,519.99 (One Million, Three Hundred and Eleven Thousand, Five Hundred and Nineteen Naira, Ninety Nine Kobo). The contract, according to the petitioner, was worth N26,230,399.60 (Twenty Six Million, Two Hundred Thirty Thousand, Three Hundred and Ninety Nine Naira, Sixty Kobo), but investigation into the alleged fraud revealed that the actual contract sum was N92,036,490 (Ninety Two Million, Thirty Six Thousand, Four Hundred and Ninety Naira Only). Mr. Adamu and his co-accused allegedly forged the board resolution of the company to open a new account in the companys name where proceeds of the contract were deposited and subsequently shared without the knowledge of the real owner of the company. The defendants, after entering a plea of not guilty to the charge preferred against them, were granted bail in the sum of N2million each and one surety in like sum. The surety must be a public servant of grade level 12 or any resident of Kano with landed property within the jurisdiction of the court. The surety must also swear an affidavit of means in respect of the landed property and, must deposit his passport with the court registrar. In the mean time, the court ordered that the defendants be remanded in EFCC custody pending the fulfilment of their bail conditions. The case has been adjourned to April 16 for commencement of trial. Nuraini Adamu, son of former Governor of Nasarawa State, Abdullahi Adamu Messrs Adamu and Ojiako are currently facing trial on another five-count count charge of money laundering before Justice J. K. Daggard of the Federal High Court, Kano. The Governor of Ekiti State, Ayodele Fayose, has said anyone who kills a herders cow in the state will spend a year in jail. He said the punishment would be spelt out in the review of the anti-grazing law of the state. Mr. Fayose gave the hint when he visited Ipao Ekiti, the community where suspected herdsmen murdered a farmer, Tunde Olayemi, 32, on Sunday in Ikole Local Government Area of the state. The large number the people, who trooped out to welcome the governor, carried placards describing their displeasure at the sad development. The governor said the law prohibiting open grazing of cattle will be amended to punish anybody who wilfully killed any cow or causes malicious damage to property. According to Mr. Fayose, the state government will soon organise a summit of stakeholders to find a lasting solution to incessant clashes between farmers and cattle rearers in the state, especially in Ikole Local Government Area. While meeting with leaders of the town, Mr. Fayose promised to set up a five-member committee that would investigate the root cause of the killings in the town. On the need for a stakeholders meeting, the governor said it had become necessary as Ikole LGA had become notorious for clashes between farmers and herders. It is a very unfortunate incident because we thought we have got over such type of event, he said. Two years ago, a similar event happened here. We have been proactive and we thank the security people. They deployed immediately they were contacted. We wont leave anything to chance. We value life and we will leave no stone unturned. We will set up a committee to look into the matter here in Ikole Local Government. We will reach out to cattle rearers and their leaders and other parties concerned to resolve the matter. We dont want to have a mindset against anybody. We will ensure balance. The five-man committee will look into the matter and find a lasting solution. We will call on the leadership of the herders and farmers as well as community leaders to deliberate on the way forward. The governor appealed to the people of the area not to take the law into their hands and not to resort to self help. He also promised to compensate the bereaved family and affected Fulani herdsmen who lost their cattle. The governor also said he would amend the anti-grazing law such that anyone who kills herdsmens cows would be jailed for a year. He appealed to the people of Ipao and their leaders to ensure that there was no reprisal. I appeal to you to ensure you live peacefully with the Fulani herdsmen in your community. We want a peaceful situation and dont allow any reprisal, he appealed. We will investigate and get to the root cause of this sad development and particularly why this community has become a flashpoint so we can find a lasting solution to it. ADVERTISEMENT The security operatives have been deployed into your town and would secure the place. Also speaking, the Commissioner of Police, Ekiti State Command, Abdullahi Chafe, said no arrest had been. He expressed the readiness of his men to maintain law and order in the area, assuring that he was holding a meeting with all other security operatives, such as the State Security Services, Civil Defense Corps, army and the mobile police on how to mobilise their officials to secure the community. Also, a detachment of soldiers from the Army Brigade in Akure, Ondo State, was also deployed. ADVERTISEMENT Ogun State Government on Wednesday says it has the law in place and does not need to frame new ones to check the menace of herdsmen/farmers clashes, which has been reported in Yewa North local Government Area of the state. The government stated this at the end of a security meeting held at the governors office in Abeokuta. According to the Secretary to the State Government, Taiwo Adeoluwa, the anti-land grabbing law of the state has taken care of the contemporary challenges involving herdsmen and farmers. Mr. Adeoluwa who addressed journalists in company of heads of security agencies in the state and the Commissioner of Information and Strategy, Dayo Adeneye, said the state government will also strengthen its conflict resolution committee which he said has been in place since 2012. He said the government had directed village heads in the state to conduct a census and keep record of herders in their areas with a view to combating the menace locally. He, however, commended the people for not engaging in reprisal attacks against herders alleged to have trespassed their farms or attack residents, adding that the government was paying attention to the possibility of Boko Haram elements involvement in the menace. He said government would pay compensations to genuine victims of the clashes from both sides while being careful not to open a floodgate of claims. Mr. Adeoluwa said Ogun State intends to remain a peaceful place for all residents, adding that it has laws to ensure peace in the state. All Nigerians would be welcomed in Ogun State but there are laws and rules that every stakeholder, every visitor, every herdsman, every farmer must comply with. The one that is very key in the packs of local laws is what we call the land grabber law; but the correct title is Prohibition of Forcible Occupation of Land and other Properties Law, he said. The (security) council also took note that this law already provides for most of the contemporary challenges that confronts us today as far as herdsmen, settlers and farmers are concerned. Council reaffirmed government determination to continue to fully implement this law which already prohibits forcible entry on lands. Council decided that for us in Ogun State, we want everybody from all parts of the country and even outside but we will continue to insist that our laws be respected and obeyed. Our existing conflict resolution committee is a standing committee that has been put in place since 2012 when the crisis first arose and weve decided to further strengthen the committee, the scribe said. Council looked at the sister issue of Boko Haram because as they are rooting them out of that place (North East), they are going to all other areas for refuge and Ogun State is not exempted from the collateral damage of success in the North East,Adeoluwa said. The State House of Assembly last year passed the anti-land grabbing law tagged Prohibition of Forcible Occupation of Landed Properties Law, 2016 which prescribes 25 years imprisonment for any violator and death sentence in case of loss of lives. ADVERTISEMENT A former Secretary of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Ekiti State, Temitope Aluko, says he has returned to the party after his unfruitful sojourn in the All Progressives Congress(APC). Mr. Aluko in a statement on Wednesday in Ado-Ekiti, said he had apologised to the state governor, Ayo Fayose, over his actions in the past, saying he would remain committed and loyal to the governor and all that he represents. Fact is that there were series of misunderstanding between myself and my political leader and benefactor, Governor Fayose. But by the grace of God, we have resolved all issues and I have apologized to him for whatever wrong steps that I took in the past, Mr. Aluko said in the statement he titled, Why I returned to my political home. The governor took me back without consideration for the past and for this, I have vowed to remain committed and loyal to him and all that he represents. Mr. Aluko, who led the governors campaign in 2014, became his political enemy shortly after he assumed office, for allegedly failing to appoint him his chief of staff. The former PDP secretary who hibernated in the APC in the last two years, had given evidence on how Mr. Fayose allegedly rigged the 2014 governorship election in connivance with some military officers. He also accused the governor of benefitting from the $2.4billion arms funds from the office of the National Security Adviser, rebutting the governors claims that he funded his campaigns through the support of Zenith Bank. But in a statement on Wednesday shared by the spokesperson of the governor, Lere Olayinka, Mr. Aluko said he had since broken his relationship with former Governor Kayode Fayemi and Special Adviser to the President on Political Matters, Babafemi Ojudu. He said he also severed relationship with former PDP spokesman, and governorship aspirant, Dayo Adeyeye, Biodun Olujimi, senator and an aspirant, Olamide Oni and others who although are in the PDP, are opposed to Mr. Fayoses plan to have his deputy succeed him. I am also totally in support of the continuity agenda of the Governor, which is the adoption of Deputy Governor, Prof Kolapo Olusola as the preferred candidate of the PDP, he said. He berated Mr. Adeyeye and other aspirants for constituting themselves into an opposition within the PDP. He also chided Mr. Fayemi for neglecting Ekiti State in the activities of his office as a minister, adding that the state was yet to benefit from his being a minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. This I have done without apology to anyone. As from now, it is Fayose leads, I follow and with other privileged members of the Osoko Political Family, we are united in continuity, he added. It will be recalled that Messrs Fayose and Aluko had once met in a hotel in Lagos in June 2016 to reconcile. They later briefed the press after the meeting. But the truce was short-lived as Mr. Aluko recanted the following day, saying he had no agreement with the governor to bury the hatchet. Amid this intriguing backdrop, a pair of brothers from Austria moved to Phoenix. Gust and Adam Goettl had a vision to establish a company that could make the intense desert heat a livable environment. The pair would establish Goettl Air Conditioning on Feb. 14, 1939 and revolutionize cooled air technology paving the way for a population boom in the emerging Southwest. As demand grew for their product, the Goettl brothers would pioneer sheet metal manufacturing and hone the process to a science at one point the brothers had more than 100 patents on their technology. Soon, however, World War II would change the world's landscape and the brothers were quick to shift their manufacturing operations to support the war and the need for metal-related products. In fact, Phoenix would begin to establish itself as a military industrial center with three air force fields Luke, Williams and Falcon Field training and supporting soldiers from around the U.S. These facilities would join the Desert Training Center created by General George S. Patton, which would bring thousands of military men and women to the desert to train and support war efforts. The Phoenix Rises While all of this was occurring, air conditioning made the environment livable. The prevalence of air conditioning in homes and offices, made the state attractive to businesses, tourist, retirees and those seeking refuge from bitter winters in the Midwest and along the East Coast. By the 1950s, the use of cooled air technology would spur a growth boom that continues today. By 1960, Phoenix grew more in a year than it did in from statehood in 1914 to the end of World War II. Since this series of linked events, the Goettl name has been recognized for excellence in heating and air conditioning installation. A consumer-focused brand, the Goettl name and reputation continued to grow. The term "Goettl" was soon used to epitomize strength, power and longevity as a source of hospitality in the searing and relentless desert heat. The Goettl brothers would also pioneer marketing of their product. Since most didn't understand how the technology could work to cool their homes, the brothers would strap air conditioning units on trucks and drive around town blasting cool air on the porches of residents, tempting them with the refreshing, breezy air. Once the wondrous cool air reached the faces of families trying to survive the desert heat, it was a done deal and Goettl would soon be a household name. "We are truly honored to carry on the well-known legacy of the Goettl brand," said Ken Goodrich, CEO and owner of Goettl Air Conditioning. "The Goettl brothers invented the industry and created an innovative and well-respected brand. Today, the 'Goettl workhorse' is well-known and continues to be cited in awe by industry peers." The Iron-Horse Inspires Goodrich, whose father, J. Duncan Goodrich, was an HVAC expert himself, would join his dad on jobs as a child where he would hold a flashlight to help complete jobs in Las Vegas during hot, dark nights. The experience would lead Goodrich to use the image of his own son, Duncan, in his marketing holding a flashlight illuminating the right way to complete HVAC jobs. It was during these jobs that the younger Goodrich would begin to admire the Goettl brand for its "iron-horse" longevity and integrity in the industry. Later, when Ken Goodrich established his own HVAC company, Goettl was the only brand willing to extend him credit to nurture his business. Goodrich would continue to build his HVAC businesses, but he would never forget the Goettl brand. By 2013, the economic recession and a hyper-competitive industry, had taken its toll on Goettl in Arizona. Ownership changes threatened to kill the Goettl brand. Enter Goodrich, an air conditioning industry executive who has bought and sold several HVAC companies around the U.S. In 2013, he took control of Goettl and immediately installed new management and systems to manage the company. Soon, Goettl Air Conditioning went from hemorrhaging millions of dollars a year to being a profitable, industry pioneer yet again. Soon, Goodrich would start expanding Goettl Air Conditioning throughout the Southwest while resurrecting the brand and ideals that shaped the company. Class Is In: Goettl University Later this year, the Goettl name will be elevated to new heights when Goodrich opens a new Las Vegas headquarters, which will include "Goettl University." Besides housing 200 employees of Goettl Air Conditioning, the 53,000-square-foot Las Vegas facility will also have the region's largest state-of-the-art training center: Goettl University. The facility will include a 100-seat customer service center and mock HVAC systems built into the complex for realistic hands-on training and learning. "This facility and Goettl University will fulfill a life-long dream of mine where HVAC technicians throughout the U.S. will be trained the Goettl way," said Goodrich, who will continue to transform the industry and maintain the commitment to quality and doing the right thing for consumers. "Our technicians will receive ongoing real-life training and will be taught to be perfectionists just like my father trained me. Every customer experience, every screw and bolt we install and every detail in the process will be best in class. Perfection will be our guide." Goodrich expanded Goettl Air Conditioning to his hometown of Las Vegas in April 2016. Since 2015 alone, Goettl has experienced 500 percent year-over-year growth and continues to grow. Today, Goettl Air Conditioning operates in Phoenix, Tucson, Las Vegas and Southern California. Goodrich plans on continuing to expand nationally. "Our plan is simple: grow the Goettl Air Conditioning brand and continue the iconic legacy and founding principals that made the company the most trusted and leader in the industry." About Goettl Air Conditioning Goettl Air Conditioning, established 1939, offers the highest quality AC and heating equipment and a full range of maintenance, repair and replacement services. Goettl operates in the Phoenix, Tucson, Las Vegas and Southern California areas. All Goettl technicians are background-checked, drug-tested and receive continuous technical training to make them the best in the industry. Goettl AC was recently named the "Best HVAC" company in the state by readers of Arizona Foothills Magazine's "Best of Our Valley 2018." SOURCE Goettl Air Conditioning MIAMI, Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- A Great British Weekend brings world leaders in civic engagement, the Arts, British yachting, luxury brands, film, music and more together to celebrate how the UK and the US work together to create business opportunities, produce amazing works of art and culture, and solve challenging social issues. With a range of new events, we are also delighted to announce a number of new and rewarding partnerships, including Carnival Corporation, Nobu Hotel Miami Beach at Eden Roc, Miami Supercar Rooms, Florida International University and British Marine. They join Bentley Motors, Marcum, and The British Consulate General, and together their support ensures A Great British Weekend delivers a truly inspiring program. A Great British Weekend kicks off at 8.30am on Friday 16th Feb at FIU Miami Beach Urban Studios, with an important conversation exploring how to build community engagement by empowering young people from marginalized and migrant communities, thereby increasing local civic and educational leadership. It brings together education experts and youth leadership champions from FIU, Mosaic: Prince's Trust, City Year Miami and Piano Slam. Hosted by Dr. Mike Heithaus, Dean FIU CASE, and Dave Prodger, British Consul General, the panelists will share ideas and experiences from the UK and US with a Q&A to follow. On Friday 16th from 7.30pm, The Captain Sandy I Believe Tour at Aventura Arts & Cultural Center will feature some inspiring life stories. Star of the Bravo Series Below Deck Mediterranean, Sandy delights audiences with lessons of leadership, empowerment, and inspiration from her wildly and vastly diverse life experiences, together with a top line-up of captivating, inspirational speakers. In the film we showcase the documentary, Codebreaker, which recounts the story of maverick British genius Alan Turing, who played a critical part in the founding of three new fields of science, as well as breaking the Nazis' Enigma code during World War II, saving millions of lives. Turing's visionary brilliance was overshadowed by his conviction for "gross indecency" in 1954. Patrick Sammon, the Creator and Executive Producer of Codebreaker, will talk about Turing's life and the making of the film, followed by a Q&A session, at Coral Gables Art Cinema on Saturday 17th from 3 p.m. Nobu Hotel Miami Beach at Eden Roc hosts our VIP Reception celebrating Nautical Britain on Saturday 17th from 7.00pm. Together with British Marine and other marine industry partners, this invitation-only event highlights the many links between the British and US marine industries while supporting The Orianne and Phil Collins Little Dreams Foundation. Their mission is to help fulfill the dreams of talented young children without the financial means in music, sport, and art. VIP guests will be treated to performances by the incredibly talented Little Dreamers. Straight from London comes the National Theatre's "Young Marx". Rory Kinnear is Marx and Oliver Chris is Engels, in this new comedy written by Richard Bean and Clive Coleman. Recorded from The Bridge Theatre, London, the production is directed by Nicholas Hytner. National Theatre Live is a groundbreaking project to broadcast the best of British theatre live from the London stage to cinemas around the world, including the Coral Gables Art Cinema, on Sunday, March 18, at 3 p.m. On Sunday 18th, A Great British Weekend returns to Wynwood to celebrate the strong artistic ties between the UK and Miami during an open house afternoon at Miami Supercar Rooms. A fun art experience is scheduled throughout the afternoon to the tunes of British DJ Rodger 'Cary' Grant's curated playlist, including poetry performances, an exploration of art and cars, and a Great British Afternoon Tea. This afternoon is in support of Dranoff2Piano and Piano Slam, whose mission is to utilize music as a tool and inspiration to give youth a voice through artistic expression. The Poetry of Music and Design, by the Miami Symphony Orchestra, will be a unique, unforgettable performance, inspired by Zaha Hadid's Elastika installation, in the Moore Building on Sunday 25th from 6.00pm. Guests will enjoy an artwork by Sandra Muss specially made for this occasion and the music of "@Zaha's Place" composed and dedicated by Maestro Marturet as an homage to the acclaimed British architect. Piano Slam closes our extended program of events on Wednesday 28 from 7:30 PM. Back for its 10th Season, Dranoff 2 Piano & the Adrienne Arsht Center present a Classical/Hip-Hop mash up featuring internationally acclaimed Trivella Piano Duo mixing up Bach, Chopin, Kaufman & J Balvin with the beats of DJ Cardi, Brazzdance, and the debut works of Miami's hot young poets. Media Contacts Taima Hervas, Program Director, 786.314.8527, [email protected] Alex Rodrigues, Marketing Director, 305.608.1581, [email protected] Related Links SOURCE BritWeek LAKE ZURICH, Ill., Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- ACCO Brands Corporation (NYSE: ACCO), one of the world's largest designers, marketers and manufacturers of branded academic, consumer and business products, today announced that its board of directors has approved the initiation of a dividend program under which the company will pay a regular quarterly cash dividend of $0.06 per share ($0.24 per share on an annualized basis) to stockholders. The first dividend will be paid on March 21, 2018, to stockholders of record as of the close of business on March 1, 2018. "The decision by the board to initiate a dividend represents a meaningful milestone in our history and demonstrates confidence in our strong operating performance, significant free cash flow generation and positive long-term financial outlook," said Boris Elisman, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of ACCO Brands. "The addition of quarterly dividends underscores our commitment to bring value to our shareholders. This complements continued investments in our brands and product innovation, share repurchases and acquisitions," he added. The company also announced that its board of directors approved an authorization to repurchase up to an additional $100 million in shares of its common stock. As of December 31, 2017, the company had $84.0 million remaining of its prior authorizations. With the new authorization the company has a combined $184.0 million available for share repurchases. The declaration and payment of future dividends will be at the discretion of the board of directors and will be dependent upon, among other things, the company's financial position, results of operations, cash flow and other factors. Stock repurchases remain subject to market conditions and other considerations and may be commenced or suspended at any time or from time to time, without prior notice. About ACCO Brands Corporation ACCO Brands Corporation is one of the world's largest designers, marketers and manufacturers of branded academic, consumer and business products. Our widely recognized brands include Artline, AT-A-GLANCE, Derwent, Esselte, Five Star, GBC, Hilroy, Kensington, Leitz, Mead, Quartet, Rapid, Rexel, Swingline, Tilibra, Wilson Jones, and many others. Our products are sold in more than 100 countries around the world. More information about ACCO Brands, the Home of Great Brands Built by Great People, can be found at Forward-Looking Statements Statements contained in this press release, other than statements of historical fact, particularly those anticipating future financial performance, business prospects, growth, operating strategies and similar matters are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements, which are generally identifiable by the use of the words "will," "believe," "expect," "intend," "anticipate," "estimate," "forecast," "project," "plan," and similar expressions, are subject to certain risks and uncertainties, are made as of the date hereof, and we undertake no duty or obligation to update them. Because actual results may differ materially from those suggested or implied by such forward-looking statements, you should not place undue reliance on them when deciding whether to buy, sell or hold the company's securities. Detailed information concerning the important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from our forward looking statements is readily available in our publicly filed quarterly, annual and other reports, including in "Part I, Item 1A. Risk Factors" in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2016 and in other reports we file with the SEC. SOURCE ACCO Brands Corporation Related Links LOS ANGELES, Feb. 13, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- ADV3NTURE JACKETS, from entrepreneur and TV personality Zane Lamprey, who launched the record-breaking Adv3nture Hoodie on Kickstarter in 2016, has officially surpassed $300,000 in funding since Adv3nture Jackets' January 29th Kickstarter debut. The first-of-its-kind apparel line has raised six times its original funding goal of $50,000, with 15 days still to go in the campaign. With more than 23 features and functionalities, Adv3nture Jackets include four meticulously designed pieces, all manufactured to ensure durability, comfort and unparalleled innovation. With more than 23 features and functionalities, Adv3nture Jackets include four meticulously designed pieces, all manufactured to ensure durability, comfort and unparalleled innovation. Each garment converts into an incredibly comfortable travel pillow, and includes a beverage pocket, bottle opener, passport pocket, sunglasses pocket, magnetic closure pockets, and a one-of-a-kind base layer/top layer integration. Complete with an everyday travel hoodie, a tactical fleece, a waterproof windbreaker and a performance parka, Adv3nture Jackets have created a solution for every type of weather condition and outdoor environment. "Building on the enormous success of our Adv3nture Hoodie, Adv3nture Jackets have more innovations than our original hoodie, are designed with an extraordinary attention to detail, and seamlessly integrate into each other to provide varying levels of warmth and protection," said Lamprey. "When traveling, it's tough to be able to pick two or three jackets that will work in any weather. That's why this jacket line is doing so well on Kickstarter. When worn alone, you're wearing one of the warmest and coolest jackets you can find. When layered, they're a game changer." Adv3nture Jackets consist of two inner layers: The Voyageurs Hoodie (an evolved version of the Adv3nture Hoodie, the number one most successful fashion Kickstarter in history) and the sophisticated Badlands Fleece; and two outer layers: the water and windproof Wind Cave Windbreaker and the cozy Glacier Parka. The inner layers can be comfortably worn on their own or can zip and secure seamlessly into the outer layers to create a thoroughly toasty experience. Voyageurs Hoodie - The Voyageurs Hoodie is the world's most comfortable and versatile hoodie, with over 23+ pockets, features and updates, including enhanced fabric quality, overlock stitching, zippers, pillow conversion and updated beverage opener. It's designed to travel, but is destined to be your favorite everyday hoodie. It easily zips and secures into the Windbreaker and the Parka. EARLY BIRD PRICE $99 (MSRP $129 ) Badlands Fleece - Named for Badlands National Park , this is a sophisticated full-zip fleece jacket. Strategically placed quilted patches offer abrasion resistance on shoulders for backpack straps, and elbows for commuting and working at your desk. It also zips and secures seamlessly into the Windbreaker and the Parka. EARLY BIRD PRICE $99 (MSRP $139 ) Wind Cave Windbreaker - The Wind Cave Windbreaker is a waterproof jacket with taped seams and waterproof zippers. Either of the inner layers zip and secure into the windbreaker, making it waterproof and warm. EARLY BIRD PRICE $139 (MSRP $179 ) Glacier Parka - The Glacier Parka is a premium winter jacket with ten pockets and a faux fur collar. It's perfect for winter hikes, walking around the city, and it's durable enough for hitting the slopes. With either of the inner layers zipped in, it is rated to sub-zero temperatures. EARLY BIRD PRICE $179 (MSRP $299 ) Coinciding with the Adv3nture Jackets campaign, Adv3nture launches its Three Trees program, planting three indigenous trees in areas of the US that have been affected by forest fires and deforestation with every purchase of an Adv3nture product. "This program addresses our concerns about air quality, ecosystem restoration, loss of wild places and reduction of wildlife habitats," added Lamprey. "Adv3nture customers will not only own the most innovative jackets available, but also play a role in an important mission we take very seriously." About Adv3nture: Adv3nture is a California-based apparel company that creates clothing based on an appreciation of and need for adventure. The Adv3nture brand brings together a team of industry experts and passionate environmentalists with experience in the technical aspects of fashion design and high-quality outerwear. Adv3nture embraces a love of exploration, nature, giving backand the occasional adult beverage. Prior to founding Adv3nture and launching the Kickstarter record-breaker Adv3nture Hoodie in 2016, CEO Zane Lamprey was best known as host of hit travel shows Three Sheets, Drinking Made Easy and Chug, among several others. Adv3nture Website: Zane Lamprey Website: Kickstarter Campaign: Media Contact: PublicHaus Phone: 323.521.4340 Email: [email protected] Related Images adv3nture-jackets.jpg Adv3nture Jackets With more than 23 features and functionalities, Adv3nture Jackets include four meticulously designed pieces, all manufactured to ensure durability, comfort and unparalleled innovation. adv3nture-jackets-voyageurs-hoodie.jpg Adv3nture Jackets / Voyageurs Hoodie The Voyageurs Hoodie is the world's most comfortable and versatile hoodie, with over 23+ pockets, features and updates, including enhanced fabric quality, overlock stitching, zippers, pillow conversion, beverage pocket and opener. adv3nture-jackets-glacier-parka.jpg Adv3nture Jackets / Glacier Parka The Glacier Parka is a premium winter jacket with ten pockets and a faux fur collar. It's perfect for winter hikes, walking around the city, and it's durable enough for hitting the slopes. With either of the inner layers zipped in, it is rated to sub-zero temperatures. adv3nture-jackets-badlands-fleece.jpg Adv3nture Jackets / Badlands Fleece Named for Badlands National Park, this is a sophisticated full-zip fleece jacket. Strategically placed quilted patches offer abrasion resistance on shoulders for backpack straps, and elbows for commuting and working at your desk. It also zips and secures seamlessly into the Windbreaker and the Parka. SOURCE Adv3nture Related Links The combination of changing reimbursement models, a shortage of critical care specialists (intensivists), and the aging population means hospitals need to prioritize efficiency in their intensive care units (ICUs). Only 47 percent of ICUs in U.S. hospitals currently employ full-time intensivists 1 , and there are expected to be 35 percent fewer intensivists by 2030 2 . Furthermore, as hospital consolidation increases, healthcare systems are seeking to standardize care, while also wrestling with resource issues and costly infrastructures. Advanced ICU Care has capabilities and experience in delivering tele-ICU services across a wide range of Electronic Health Record (EHR) implementations and diverse hospital systems simultaneously. Its tele-ICU programs are supported by intensivists, nurse practitioners, and critical care nurses located in the company's growing number of virtual care centers. Its intensivist care supports patients in over 65 hospitals in 25 U.S. states, enabled by a technology stack that includes Philips telehealth technology, including the latest version of Philips eCareManager. "We see accelerated adoption of tele-ICU care within hospitals and hospital systems of all types," said Lou Silverman, Chairman and CEO of Advanced ICU Care. "By continuing our partnership with Philips, we're able to continue to build on our 12 years of experience and leadership in the sector and continue in our mission to deliver the highest level of care to the most critically ill patients and, in turn, deliver enhanced clinical outcomes and improved financial performance." "The tele-ICU has become a standard of care for hospitals with an intensive care unit, delivering improved results irrespective of whether the hospital has its own team of critical care specialists or whether it relies on generalists to lead care in the ICU," said Christine Storm, Business Leader, eICU Program, Philips. "The Care-as-a-Service model of Advanced ICU Care, coupled with Philips' advanced remote monitoring and health informatics technology, offers a turnkey approach to tele-ICU adoption." Patient-focused eICUs allow remote critical care specialist teams to collaborate with hospital bedside teams to deliver efficient and effective critical care. Near real-time analysis of data extracted from a health system's multiple EHRs enables clinicians to intervene quickly to deliver proactive high quality critical care. For more information on Philips' full suite of integrated telehealth and eICU solutions, visit here or join us at booth #3812 at the 2018 Annual HIMSS Conference & Exhibition taking place March 4-9 at the Sands Expo in Las Vegas, NV. For updates on Philips' presence at HIMSS, follow @PhilipsLiveFrom and visit For further information, please contact: Kathy O'Reilly Philips Senior Group Press Officer Tel. : +1 978-221-8919 E-mail: [email protected] Twitter: @kathyoreilly Silvie Casanova Director Integrated Communications, Philips North America Tel: +1-978-659-7467 Email: [email protected] Tom Bobich Advanced ICU Care Vice President, Marketing Tel: 925-788-1920 Email: [email protected] About Royal Philips Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA) is a leading health technology company focused on improving people's health and enabling better outcomes across the health continuum from healthy living and prevention, to diagnosis, treatment and home care. Philips leverages advanced technology and deep clinical and consumer insights to deliver integrated solutions. Headquartered in the Netherlands, the company is a leader in diagnostic imaging, image-guided therapy, patient monitoring and health informatics, as well as in consumer health and home care. Philips' health technology portfolio generated 2017 sales of EUR 17.8 billion and employs approximately 74,000 employees with sales and services in more than 100 countries. News about Philips can be found at About Advanced ICU Care Advanced ICU Care is the nation's leading provider of high acuity telehealth services, contracted to provide care to more than 65 hospitals in 25 states on a 24 x 7 x 365 basis. Advanced ICU Care is a technology-enabled clinical services provider that employs cutting edge tele-technology, U.S. board-certified intensivists, multiple dedicated tele-care delivery centers, and a proven implementation and client service approach to the benefit of patients, families, providers and hospitals. For more information, visit 1 The Leapfrog Group. Intensive Care Unit Physician Staffing Report. 2 Derek C. Angus, MB, ChB, MPH; Mark A. Kelley, MD; Robert J. Schmitz, PhD; et al Alan White, PhD; John Popovich, Jr, MD; for the Committee on Manpower for Pulmonary and Critical Care Societies (COMPACCS). JAMA. 2000; 284(21):2762-2770. doi:10.1001/jama.284.21.2762 SOURCE Royal Philips Related Links Ram unveiled the 2019 Ram 1500 Lone Star edition the all-new version of the original "Texas Truck" today at the Dallas Auto Show, the heart of America's truck country. The Ram 1500 Lone Star, the brand's top-selling truck in Texas, offers buyers a no-compromise balance of strength, capability, technology and comfort. "The hard-working appeal of the Ram Lone Star has made it a favorite among Texas truck buyers," said Mike Manley, Head of Ram Brand. "Trucks are an important part of Texas life, and Ram trucks are proven to last. Ram's long-lasting reliability has helped the Ram 1500 cement the highest owner loyalty of any half-ton pickup." Standard 2019 Ram 1500 Lone Star equipment includes bright front and rear bumpers, chrome door handle centers, a bright grille surround with billet inserts, 18-inch aluminum wheels, fog lamps, 60/40 split rear bench seat and leather-wrapped steering wheel with audio controls. In addition, monochromatic "Sport" and "Black" appearance packages are offered, creating a broad mix of interior and exterior themes for the new 2019 Ram 1500 Lone Star model. The 2019 Ram 1500 interior is completely redesigned, using all-new features, technology and premium materials to make it the class leader in quality, comfort and durability. Four interior trim levels, and a choice of six-passenger bench front or optional five-passenger bucket seats, are offered on the Lone Star. Several option packages are available with the Lone Star in order to give buyers their choice of function-specific enhancements. They include a Bed Utility Group, a 4x4 Off-road Group, a Protection Group, Trailer Tow Mirrors and Brake Group, Max Towing Package and Premium Lighting Group. Additional options further allow Texas buyers to personalize their Ram 1500 Lone Star to meet their hard-working needs. Among those options are a class-exclusive Active Level Air Suspension, electric-locking rear axle, Blind-spot Monitoring and 20-inch aluminum wheels. Available only in Texas, 2019 Ram 1500 Lone Star models are distinguished by unique "Lone Star" tailgate and interior badges. The Lone Star will initially be offered with the 5.7-liter HEMI V-8. A powerful and fuel-efficient HEMI with the eTorque mild hybrid system is also available. A 3.6-liter V-6 Pentastar with eTorque will join the powertrain offerings later in the year. The 2019 Ram 1500 Lone Star is available with a choice of 4x2 and 4x4 powertrains, Crew and Quad Cab configurations and 5 ft.-7 in. (Crew only) and 6 ft.-4 in. bed lengths. All-new 2019 Ram 1500 Lone Star editions will go on sale in the first quarter of 2018. They are manufactured at FCA's Sterling Heights (Michigan) Assembly Plant. About the All-new 2019 Ram 1500 The all-new 2019 Ram 1500 becomes the benchmark for durability, technology, efficiency and convenience with features never before offered in a pickup. Overall weight for the Ram 1500 has been reduced by 225 pounds. As the truck's backbone, the frame uses advanced materials and engineering to eliminate 100 pounds while increasing stiffness and durability for 12,750 pounds of towing capability and 2,300 pounds of payload. An all-new eTorque system delivers improved fuel efficiency in both V-6 and V-8 configurations. The new Uconnect 4C with a massive 12-inch touchscreen leads the pickup world with technology featuring split-screen capability, 360-degree camera views and exclusive content from SiriusXM with 360L. Active safety and security systems join the technology onslaught with adaptive cruise control, forward collision warning, Blind-spot Monitoring and ready alert braking. About the Ram Lone Star In 2002, Ram Truck was the first manufacturer to recognize the strength of the pickup truck market in Texas and to offer an exclusive edition for the state. The Ram Lone Star edition was the first truck designed by Texans and built specifically for Texans. The Ram Lone Star edition has been by far the brand's best-selling model in Texas, accounting for more than 50 percent of the half-ton mix there. Since the Lone Star's debut, Ram has sold more than 250,000 of the Texas-only models. About Ram Truck Brand Since its launch as a stand-alone division in 2009, the Ram Truck brand has steadily emerged as an industry leader with trucks that are proven to last. Creating a distinct identity for Ram trucks has allowed the brand to concentrate on core customers and the features they find valuable. Whether focusing on a family that uses a Ram 1500 day-in and day-out, a hard-working Ram 3500 Heavy Duty owner or a business that depends on its Ram ProMaster commercial van every day for deliveries, Ram has the truck market covered. In order to be the best, it takes a commitment to innovation, capability, efficiency and durability. Ram Truck invests substantially in its products, infusing them with great looks, refined interiors, durable engines and exclusive features that further enhance their capabilities. Ram continues to beat the competition in the most sought-after titles: Over the last 30 years, Ram has the highest percentage of pickups still on the road Highest owner loyalty of any half-ton pickup Highest Ram torque ever 930 lb.-ft. with Ram 3500 Cummins Turbo Diesel Highest 5th wheel towing capacity 30,000 lbs. with Ram 3500 Cummins Turbo Diesel Best ride and handling with exclusive link coil rear and auto-level air suspensions Best-in-class fuel economy and longest range with exclusive EcoDiesel 27 mpg with Ram 1500 Best-in-class gas towing 16,320 pounds with Ram 2500 Highest snow plow rating Ram 2500 and 3500 Most luxurious trim available in pickups with Ram Tungsten Limited Edition Most interior space with Ram Mega Cab Most capable full-size off-road pickup Ram Power Wagon Truck customers, from half-ton to commercial, have a demanding range of needs and require their vehicles to provide high levels of capability. Ram trucks are designed to deliver a total package. Follow Ram and FCA US news and video on: Company blog: Company website: Media website: Ram Truck brand: Ram Zone blog: Facebook: and Instagram: and Twitter: and YouTube: and SOURCE FCA US LLC Related Links WASHINGTON, Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- America's Small Business Development Centers (SBDC), SBDC leaders, advisors, clients, partners and stakeholders gathered for the fourth annual 2018 Client Showcase and Reception on Tuesday, February 13th on Capitol Hill. Representative Steve Chabot of Ohio, Chairman of the Committee on Small Business and Representative Nydia Velazquez of New York and Ranking Member of the Committee on Small Business addressed the reception guests. The America's SBDC Network showcased 11 SBDC clients from across the country. The SBDC clients were Alt Ethos (Colorado), Dignitas Technologies (Florida), Gross-Wen Technologies, Inc. (Iowa), WaterStep (Ohio), Tadpole LLC (Louisiana), Kepley Biosystems, Inc. (North Carolina), Play Impossible (Pennsylvania), S2S Surgical (Rhode Island), Taste Elevated (Texas), Whooshh Innovations (Washington), and MobCraft Beer (Wisconsin). "The most important part of what SBDCs do is the clients. Our impact numbers for the national economy are impressive but, what is really impressive is the hard work, ideas and success of our SBDC clients. This showcase gives a glimpse at the array of innovators, and doers that SBDCs help every day all across the country," said Charles "Tee" Rowe, President & CEO of America's SBDC. The 63 state and regional Small Business Development Center Networks provide free one-on-one consulting to small businesses through nearly 1,000 locations. Job growth for SBDC clients is nearly 10 times greater than job growth for average businesses, and SBDC client sales growth is nearly 4 times greater than sales growth for businesses in general. According to data provided by the Small Business Administration (SBA), every federal dollar spent on the SBDC network helped small businesses access $43.50 in new capital. In 2016, SBDC clients started a new business every 30 minutes, created a new job every 5.5 minutes and generated $100,000 in new sales every 10 minutes. Small businesses are job creators and innovators. Supporting their formation and growth moves our economy forward and makes our communities healthier. About America's SBDC Program: America's SBDC (Small Business Development Center) Network is a partnership uniting private enterprise, government, higher education and local nonprofit economic development organizations. It is the Small Business Administration's largest partnership program, providing management and technical assistance to help Americans start, run and grow their own businesses. Learn more at Press Contacts: April Youngblut America's SBDC (703) 764-9850 SOURCE America's SBDC Related Links "We're at a pivotal point in our creative trajectory with opportunities that we can absolutely turn into great work, and we need leaders like Amy and Julia to push the work and level of craft to make the very most of them," said Beresford-Hill. Ferguson and Neumann were the first hires at MullenLowe New York, where they were brought in to kick-start the office and serve as creative directors on the JetBlue business. They are credited with the airline's hugely successful viral Mother's Day film, "FlyBabies," which was awarded at Cannes Lions, The One Show, The AICP, The Clio Awards, The Effies and took home the inaugural Athena Award at the 3% Conference, as well as JetBlue's Office Souvenirs activation targeting workaholics who never take a vacation. Ferguson and Neumann have both been named to AdAge's list of 'Creatives You Should Know" as well as Business Insider's "30 Most Creative Women in Advertising" list. Julia Neumann began her advertising career at Saatchi & Saatchi New York, where she won the agency's very first Cannes Lion for P&G's Tide. She has also had stints at Y&R New York, Wieden+Kennedy in Portland and BBH New York. Among her most notable work is Land Rover's "Pathological Liar" and "4 Year Olds Bucket List," as well as the critically acclaimed "Art Heist for Good" stunt for WaterIsLife. Neumann has been recognized by every top industry award show, including Cannes Lions, The Clio Awards, D&AD, The Andy Awards, The AICP, The One Show and the Art Directors Club. She's also recently written and directed a short documentary about immigration called Deporting Myself. Amy Ferguson returns to TBWA\Chiat\Day where she started her career as an intern. She was hired full time as and art director and worked on the Absolut business, helping to create what became the iconic "In an Absolut World" campaign. She then moved to Grey New York, where she worked on E-trade and produced a wildly popular and awarded "Talking Babies" Super Bowl spot. Ferguson worked as a freelance creative director for several years prior to joining MullenLowe. Freelance afforded her time to work on creative pursuits beyond advertising, including the launch of her own line of greeting cards. She has also served as a juror for several top creative award shows, including Cannes Lions and The One Show. In addition to Ferguson and Neumann, TBWA\Chiat\Day NY also announced today that Walt Connelly and Evelyn Neill have been promoted to Executive Creative Directors. Walt Connelly joined the agency as Global Creative Director in 2014, and has been an influential creative leader at the agency ever since, running several key pieces of business, including Travelers Insurance and Thomson Reuters. Evelyn Neill was a freelance Creative Director at TBWA in 2016 before joining the agency full time as Group Creative Director in August 2017 to work on Accenture. She spent the bulk of her career at Wieden+Kennedy in Portland, New York and Amsterdam. "Evelyn and Walt have been leading big business and pushing the work forward, and they belong on a level alongside Amy and Julia, steering the agency's product," added Beresford-Hill. Frannie Rhodes, who joined the agency in 2016 as Director of Creative Services, has also been elevated to the role of Executive Director of Creative Operations, working in close partnership with Beresford-Hill and the creative leadership team to drive the creative vision and mission of the agency, and execute all aspects of the creative process, including recruiting, sourcing and talent management. For more news from the TBWA network please visit: About TBWA\Worldwide TBWA\Worldwide ( is a top-ten ranked global advertising collective that holds Disruption at its core to develop business-changing ideas for brands. TBWA has 11,300 employees across 305 offices in 98 countries and also includes brands such as Auditoire, Digital Arts Network (DAN), eg+ worldwide, The Integer Group, TBWA\Media Arts Lab and TBWA\WorldHealth. TBWA's global clients include adidas, Apple, Gatorade, Henkel, McDonald's, Michelin, Nissan, Pernod Ricard, Standard Chartered Bank, Singapore Airlines, Sotheby's and Vichy. Follow TBWA on Twitter and Instagram and like us on Facebook. About Omnicom Group Inc. Omnicom Group Inc. (NYSE: OMC) ( is a leading global marketing and corporate communications company. Omnicom's branded networks and numerous specialty firms provide advertising, strategic media planning and buying, digital and interactive marketing, direct and promotional marketing, public relations and other specialty communications services to over 5,000 clients in more than 100 countries. SOURCE TBWA Related Links PIKEVILLE, Ky., Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- AppHarvest is working alongside the University of Pikeville in its goal of making Eastern Kentucky the high-tech greenhouse capital of the U.S. The agricultural startup, founded by emerging entrepreneur and Kentucky native Jonathan Webb, will break ground on its first $60 million high-tech greenhouse in spring of 2018. The company selected to locate in Pikeville, Ky., due to its geographic location and access to nearly 70 percent of the U.S. population within a day's drive. Utilizing revolutionary growing techniques, AppHarvest will supply sustainable produce to consumers nationally. Today, Revolution's Rise of The Rest seed fund announced it has made an investment in AppHarvest, Inc. The fund is managed by AOL co-founder Steve Case and J.D. Vance and is backed by over 30 iconic business leaders including Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Starbucks Chairman Howard Schultz, fashion designer Tory Burch and Alphabet Chairman Eric Schmidt. The Rise of The Rest seed fund supports entrepreneurs outside of Silicon Valley and other coastal tech hubs. "The Rise of the Rest investment brings national attention to the model we've created in Pikeville, Kentucky," said Jonathan Webb. AppHarvest is currently operating from an office located on campus at the University of Pikeville. The university is actively exploring the idea of developing curriculum that aligns with the high-tech Ag industry and specifically provides valuable skills desired by AppHarvest's large-scale greenhouse operation. Later in February, University of Pikeville president and provost plan to visit Wageningen University & Research and HAS University of Applied Sciences. Both institutions are located in the Netherlands, which has earned a reputation for being the high-tech Ag capital of the world. "AppHarvest has received incredible support from the University of Pikeville," said Jonathan Webb. "Partnering with a leading institution committed to pursuing a high-tech Ag program will set us up for success in the long run." Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin said Rise of The Rest's confidence in AppHarvest reflects well on Kentucky. "Rise of The Rest's investment into AppHarvest, a promising Eastern Kentucky ag-tech startup, recognizes the immediate potential of Kentucky as a key player in the tech world," Gov. Bevin said. "When you combine Kentucky's improved business climate, workforce training initiatives and central location, we make a compelling case as the best place in America for high tech and advanced manufacturing investment. The commonwealth is quickly becoming the nation's center of excellence in engineering and manufacturing. We are grateful for this investment by Rise of The Rest and look forward to continue working alongside Jonathan Webb and AppHarvest as they create new opportunities for Eastern Kentucky and beyond." "We are planting seeds of innovation and hope in Eastern Kentucky with home-grown engineers, like AppHarvest, leading the way as we strive to bring Silicon Valley to Silicon Holler," said Congressman Hal Rogers. "We are developing a high-tech workforce for high-tech enterprise in the Appalachian region to elevate our competitive edge for jobs and economic development. The resiliency and sheer talent of our people are the very reasons why we are able to diversify our economy and advance incredible ideas, like these high-tech greenhouses, in one of the most rural parts of the country." University of Pikeville President Dr. Burton J. Webb said, "Businesses like AppHarvest are looking to Appalachia because of our beautiful surroundings, willing workforce and open arms. We are pleased that AppHarvest is investing in the lives of Appalachians as we work together to build a new, more diverse economy." The two Webbs, who are of no familial relation, quickly formed a collaborative relationship. To learn more about AppHarvest, visit: Follow @AppHarvest on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Company Contact: Sydney N. Fulkerson p: 502-379-7130 e: [email protected] SOURCE AppHarvest Related Links Dr. King described the principles in his famous 1963 "Letter from a Birmingham Jail." They were a pivotal part of the nonviolent protests during the 1960s Civil Rights Movement and, Archbishop Lori contends in the document issued today, hold relevance for those seeking necessary social change today. "If in God's grace we are to create the just, peaceful and compassionate society that Dr. King envisioned," Archbishop writes in The Enduring Power of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Principles of Nonviolence, "we must undergo a lasting conversion of heart and mind and make a firm commitment to teach, learn and practice nonviolent direct action for social change." The pastoral letteran open letter from a bishop to clergy and laity in his diocese--is Archbishop Lori's second such document since becoming Archbishop of Baltimore in May 2012. Copies have been distributed to clergy throughout the Archdiocese, as well as to U.S. Catholic bishops and to local civic, community, and interfaith leaders. The Archbishop hopes his reflections on the continued relevance of Dr. King's principles will contribute to ongoing discussions about race, social justice, and peace that are taking place within the Catholic Church and broader communities. Archbishop Lori is currently serving as a consultant to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishop's Committee on Racism. In September 2017, Archbishop Lori formed an archdiocesan task force on racism, which has held several meetings since its formation; it is expected to make formal recommendations to the Archbishop in the coming months. The document, which includes discussion questions at the end of each section, can be viewed and downloaded at A forum for discussion, as well as interactive videos and a video of Archbishop Lori discussing the pastoral letter are also included on the site. Requests for copies of the document may be sent to [email protected]. Media Contact Sean Caine 410.547.5378 (office) 443.857.4372 (cell) SOURCE Archdiocese of Baltimore Related Links One Putt Greens and Lawns recently installed 25,200 of Everlast Turf's Yosemite into this Escondido backyard. Everlast Turf's Yosemite series is a top choice among certified landscapers nationwide. With its field and lime green colors and an added brown thatch layer, the Yosemite series is recognized for its realistic look, feel, and has a soft, pliable oval shaped grass blade. The clients chose Yosemite for its good balance between look, price, and quality. "The client was looking for a product that would allow them to host frequent visitors and do something about the rock formations on their property," One Putt Greens and Lawns owner, Robert Diaz, told us. "It was a challenge because of the large size of the yard and terrain, but we are really proud with the end result." Curvature in turf installations can be difficult to overcome, but Diaz knew they would be able to accommodate. "We gathered the rocks in clusters and formed islands of rocks with bender board." One Putt Greens and Lawns has been working within the turf industry for going on 20 years. Their specialties are not simply limited to lawn conversions, as they also do work in putting greens, batting cages, bocce ball courts, and hardscapes when they're related to their turf installations. One Putt Greens and Lawns has a A+ BBB rating and a wide variety of product options for each project. One Putt Greens and Lawns is Synthetic Grass Warehouse Install of the Month winner for February 2018. About One Putt Greens and Lawns: One Putt Greens and Lawns, owned by Robert Diaz, provides high quality artificial grass installations throughout San Diego, Orange County, and Western Riverside County. The company was formed in 2000, and offers turf installations and top quality customer service. You can learn more about One Putt Greens and Lawns by visiting their website at About Synthetic Grass Warehouse, Inc.: Synthetic Grass Warehouse is the exclusive national distributor for TigerTurf and Everlast brands of synthetic grass products. Founded in 2004, Synthetic Grass Warehouse specializes in turf products designed for landscaping, pets, putting greens, and playgrounds. SGW provides same-day shipping on all turf orders. SOURCE Synthetic Grass Warehouse, Inc. Related Links ARLINGTON, Va., Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Today, American Trucking Associations - and its federation partners - congratulated Ray Martinez on his confirmation as the sixth head of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. "As a state safety official in both New York and New Jersey, Ray Martinez was a model of professionalism and fairness," said ATA President and CEO Chris Spear. "He is an exceptional choice to lead FMCSA and now that he has been confirmed, we look forward to working with him to advance the cause of highway safety." "I want to congratulate Ray on his confirmation to be FMCSA Administrator. He was a true safety partner when he oversaw New York's Department of Motor Vehicles, working with our industry to improve safety without resorting to unnecessary or burdensome regulations," said Kendra Hems, president of the Trucking Association of New York. "Safety has always been his top priority, and I'm certain he will make a tremendous positive impact in his new role." "While overseeing the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, Ray was a consummate professional and we were able to work together to solve problems facing the motoring public and the trucking industry," said New Jersey Motor Truck Association Executive Director Gail Toth. "I congratulate him on his confirmation and look forward to him bringing his insight and experience as a regulator to FMCSA." "There are many issues facing our industry - from implementation of the electronic logging device rule to needed reforms to CSA, the hours-of-service rules and much more," said ATA Chairman Dave Manning, president of TCW Inc. "From his work in New York and New Jersey, we trust Ray to be fair and safety-conscious in this new role as head of FMCSA. On behalf of ATA, I want to congratulate him on his confirmation and say we look forward being a partner with him and his agency to improve highway safety." American Trucking Associations is the largest national trade association for the trucking industry. Through a federation of 50 affiliated state trucking associations and industry-related conferences and councils, ATA is the voice of the industry America depends on most to move our nation's freight. Follow ATA on Twitter or on Facebook. Trucking Moves America Forward SOURCE American Trucking Associations Related Links "Before using Centric, teams maintained data in separate places," explains Dan Friis, CEO at Bestseller Fashion Group China (BFGC). BFGC markets clothing and accessories in more than 6,000 stores in China, under five Bestseller brands (Only, Jack & Jones, Vero Moda, Selected and Name IT) as well as the independent J. Lindeberg brand. (Logo: ) (Photo: ) "Data consistency was a big issue for us. After using Centric for a couple of seasons, things have completely changed. Communication across teams became a lot smoother. People can rely on the information they get and really focus their energy on being efficient and creative." "The part we like best about Centric is its configurability. This creates huge value for us by cutting development costs and reducing speed to market," explains Liu Ming, Executive Assistant to CEO, Project Owner at Bestseller. "We also like the fact that it is a cloud-based solution. This means that the platform is accessible anytime, anywhere from around the globe without degradation in performance." Watch the video to learn more Bestseller Fashion Group China ( Bestseller Fashion Group China (BSFG), member of the Bestseller Group, Denmark,, is a clothing and accessories company owned by the Holch Povlsen family, Denmark, and two Danish business partners, Dan Friis and Allan Warburg, in China.The group designs collections for more than 6,000 stores in China. Merete Bech Povlsen and Troels Holch Povlsen founded Bestseller, a family-owned clothing and accessories company, in Denmark in 1975. Bestseller provides fast, affordable fashion for women, men, teens and children. Headquartered in Brande, Denmark, Bestseller markets its products online, in more than 3,000 branded chain stores, and in 12,000 multi-brand and department stores worldwide. Centric Software ( From its headquarters in Silicon Valley and offices in trend capitals around the world, Centric Software provides a Digital Transformation Platform for the most prestigious names in fashion, retail, footwear, luxury, outdoor and consumer goods. Centric Visual Innovation Platform (VIP) is a visual, fully digital collection of boards for touch-based devices like iPad, iPhone and large-scale, touch-screen televisions. Centric VIP transforms decision making and automates execution to truly collapse time to market and distance to trend. Centric's flagship product lifecycle management (PLM) platform, Centric 8, delivers enterprise-class merchandise planning, product development, sourcing, business planning, quality, and collection management functionality tailored for fast-moving consumer industries. Centric SMB packages extended PLM including innovative technology and key industry learnings tailored for small businesses. Centric Software has received multiple industry awards, including the Frost & Sullivan Global Product Differentiation Excellence Award in Retail, Fashion, and Apparel PLM in 2016 and Frost & Sullivan's Global Retail, Fashion, and Apparel PLM Product Differentiation Excellence Award in 2012. Red Herring named Centric to its Top 100 Global list in 2013, 2015, and 2016. Centric is a registered trademark of Centric Software. All other brands and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners. SOURCE Centric Software DENVER, Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Bill Barrett Corporation (the "Company") (NYSE: BBG) today announced that it has established a record date of February 13, 2018 and a meeting date of March 16, 2018 for a special meeting of its shareholders, which will be held at 8:30 a.m. Mountain Time at the Company's offices at 1099 18th Street, Suite 2300, Denver, Colorado 80202. At the special meeting, shareholders will vote on, among other items, the previously announced strategic business combination with Fifth Creek Energy Company, LLC ("Fifth Creek") pursuant to the Agreement and Plan of Merger dated December 4, 2017 (the "transaction"). Bill Barrett Corporation shareholders of record at the close of business on February 13, 2018, will be entitled to receive notice of the special meeting and to vote at the special meeting. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND WHERE TO FIND IT In connection with the proposed transaction, the Company and Fifth Creek caused the newly formed company ("Holdco") to file with the SEC a registration statement on Form S-4, which includes a prospectus with respect to the shares of Holdco to be issued in the proposed transaction and a proxy statement of the Company with respect to the obtaining of stockholder approval for the transaction. The registration statement was declared effective by the SEC on February 13, 2018. On or about February 14, 2018, the Company commenced mailing the definitive proxy statement/prospectus to its stockholders of record as of the close of business on February 13, 2018. The Company and Holdco also plan to file other documents with the SEC regarding the proposed merger. STOCKHOLDERS OF THE COMPANY ARE URGED TO READ THE REGISTRATION STATEMENT AND PROXY STATEMENT/PROSPECTUS (INCLUDING ALL AMENDMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTS THERETO) AND OTHER DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE PROPOSED MERGER THAT WILL BE FILED WITH THE SEC CAREFULLY AND IN THEIR ENTIRETY WHEN THEY BECOME AVAILABLE BECAUSE THEY CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROPOSED MERGER. Investors may obtain free copies of the proxy statement/prospectus and other documents containing important information about Holdco, the Company and Fifth Creek through the website maintained by the SEC at Copies of the documents filed with the SEC by the Company are available free of charge on the Company's internet website at under the tab "Investors" and then under the tab "SEC Filings" or by contacting the Company's Investor Relations Department at (303) 2939100. NO OFFER OR SOLICITATION This communication does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities, or a solicitation of any vote or approval, nor shall there be any sale of securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such jurisdiction. No offering of securities shall be made except by means of a prospectus meeting the requirements of Section 10 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. PARTICIPANTS IN THE SOLICITATION Holdco, the Company, and their respective directors and executive officers may be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies in connection with the proposed transaction. Information about the Company's directors and executive officers is set forth in the Company's public filings with the SEC, including its definitive proxy statement filed with the SEC on April 6, 2017. Other information regarding the participants in the proxy solicitation and a description of their direct and indirect interests, by security holdings or otherwise, will be contained in the proxy statement/prospectus and other relevant materials filed with the SEC. Free copies of these documents can be obtained as described in the preceding paragraph. ABOUT BILL BARRETT CORPORATION Bill Barrett Corporation (NYSE: BBG), headquartered in Denver, Colorado, develops oil and natural gas in the Rocky Mountain region of the United States. Additional information about the Company may be found on its website FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This document contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words or phrases such as "may," "will," "could," "should," "would," "anticipate," "estimate," "expect," "project," "intend," "plan," "believe," "target," "prospects," "potential" and "forecast," and other words, terms and phrases of similar meaning. Forward-looking statements involve estimates, expectations, projections, goals, forecasts, assumptions, risks and uncertainties. Bill Barrett (the "Company") cautions readers that any forward-looking statement is not a guarantee of future performance and that actual results could differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statement. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the anticipated closing date of the transaction, the successful closing of the transaction and the integration of the Company and Fifth Creek, the combined company's plans and prospective business mix, margins, transitional costs and integration to achieve the synergies and the timing of such costs and synergies and earnings and other statements that are not historical facts. These forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions and are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results and events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Such risks, uncertainties and other factors include, but are not limited to: risks and uncertainties relating to the transaction, including the possibility that the transaction does not close when expected or at all because conditions to closing are not satisfied on a timely basis or at all; potential adverse reactions or changes to business or employee relationships, including those resulting from the announcement or completion of the transaction; timing of the transaction; the possibility that the anticipated benefits of the transaction are not realized when expected or at all, including as a result of the impact of, or problems arising from the integration of the two companies; the possibility that the transaction may be more expensive to complete than anticipated, including as a result of unexpected factors or events; diversion of management's attention from ongoing business operations and opportunities; oil, natural gas liquids ("NGLs") and natural gas price volatility, including regional price differentials; changes in operational and capital plans; costs, availability and timing of build-out of third party facilities for gathering, processing, refining and transportation; delays or other impediments to drilling and completing wells arising from political or judicial developments at the local, state or federal level, including voter initiatives related to hydraulic fracturing; development drilling and testing results; the potential for production decline rates to be greater than expected; regulatory delays, including seasonal or other wildlife restrictions on federal lands; exploration risks such as drilling unsuccessful wells; higher than expected costs and expenses, including the availability and cost of services and material and our potential inability to achieve expected cost savings; unexpected future capital expenditures; economic and competitive conditions; debt and equity market conditions, including the availability and costs of financing to fund the Company's operations; the ability to obtain industry partners to jointly explore certain prospects, and the willingness and ability of those partners to meet capital obligations when requested; declines in the values of our oil and gas properties resulting in impairments; changes in estimates of proved reserves; compliance with environmental and other regulations; derivative and hedging activities; risks associated with operating in one major geographic area; the success of the Company's risk management activities; title to properties, including those to be acquired in the transaction; litigation, including litigation concerning the transaction; environmental liabilities; and other uncertainties, as well as those factors discussed in this prospectus and in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2016 and our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the quarters ended March 31, 2017, June 30, 2017 and September 30, 2017 under the headings "Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements" and "Risk Factors" and in other documents incorporated by reference in this prospectus supplement. The information contained herein speaks as of the date hereof and the Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of changes in internal estimates or expectations, new information, subsequent events or circumstances or otherwise. SOURCE Bill Barrett Corporation Related Links ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Blush & Whimsy is thrilled to announce that it has been chosen to gift celebrities with its signature line of gorgeous color-changing lipsticks at this year's 90th Academy Awards. The event, hosted by comedian Jimmy Kimmel, is being at held on March 4, 2018, at Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, California. This year's Academy Awards gift bags are sponsored by SourceAmerica, a national nonprofit whose member agencies create employment opportunities and choices for people with disabilities. "We're honored that Academy Awards attendees will experience the magic of our lipsticks for themselves," says Micaela Brown, founder and chief inspiration officer of Blush & Whimsy. "We are particularly pleased to have been selected this year because we wholly support the mission of SourceAmerica. Our business relies on amazing individuals with disabilities from New Mexico's Adelante Development Center, Inc. to package, assemble, and ship each order, ensuring the utmost in quality and care." Brown's company has a focus on social entrepreneurship and promoting inclusion of all in their product lines. She launched the company on the foundation that everyone is beautiful, and it's by celebrating what makes each person different that will redefine the meaning of true beauty. "Like Blush & Whimsy, SourceAmerica celebrates our differences and works to empower people who are often overlooked," said SourceAmerica President and CEO Steve Soroka. "An estimated 80 percent of people with disabilities are currently left out of the U.S. workforce. Companies like Micaela's are not only making corporate social responsibility a cornerstone of their success, they're benefiting from the skills of a talented workforce that's contributing to an Inclusion Economy." Blush & Whimsy lipsticks are nothing short of magical. With the goal of creating a universally inclusive product, Blush and Whimsy's lipstick line changes color based on the pH and temperature of an individual's skin for a shade that is uniquely theirs. The FDA-approved lipsticks which are not tested on animals are made with luxurious ingredients such as cocoa butter, botanical extracts, and lavender oil. Blush & Whimsy lipsticks are like something out of a fairytale. The lipsticks are gorgeously packed and using their exclusive LipGlass technology, Blush & Whimsy each contain a lovely real flower. For more information about the company along with Blush & Whimsy's complete catalog, visit About Blush & Whimsy Founded in 2016 by Micaela Brown, Blush & Whimsy is a New Mexico startup offering their first product line, a color changing lipstick that interacts with the pH and temperature of each individual's lips to create a pink that is uniquely theirs. The company can be followed on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @BlushWhimsy. Media Contact Micaela Brown Phone: 303-217-6467 Email: [email protected] About SourceAmerica Established in 1974, SourceAmerica creates job opportunities for a skilled and dedicated workforce of people with significant disabilities. SourceAmerica is the vital link between the federal government and private sector organizations that procure the products and services provided by this exceptional workforce via a network of more than 800 community-based nonprofits. Headquartered in Vienna, Virginia, SourceAmerica provides its nonprofit agency network with business development, contract management, legislative and regulatory assistance, communications and public relations materials, information technology support, engineering and technical assistance, and extensive professional training needed for successful nonprofit management. About Adelante Development Center Adelante is a nonprofit organization that provides support services for people with mental, physical and developmental disabilities, as well as seniors and disadvantaged populations. Adelante directly supports over 1700 New Mexicans with a variety of disabilities and hundreds of seniors on a daily basis. The organization's work positively impacts over 65,000 people across New Mexico annually. The agency's Adelante Enterprises division provides quality packaging, janitorial, mailing, scanning, fulfillment, document storage, call center operation, warehouse management, and shredding services to businesses and governmental agencies. Following a social enterprise model, the agency provides valuable business services while providing employment for people with disabilities. For more information call 505-341-2000 or visit or Related Images blush-whimsy-fairytale-lipsticks.jpg Blush & Whimsy Fairytale Lipsticks Will Be Included at This Year's Honoring the Academy Awards (R) Luxury Gift Suite Blush & Whimsy Fairytale Lipsticks Will Be Included at This Year's Honoring the Academy Awards (R) Luxury Gift Suite. blush-whimsy-fairytale-lipsticks.png Blush & Whimsy Fairytale Lipsticks Will Be Included at This Year's Honoring the Academy Awards (R) Luxury Gift Suite Blush & Whimsy Fairytale Lipsticks Will Be Included at This Year's Honoring the Academy Awards (R) Luxury Gift Suite. blush-whimsy-color-changing.jpg Blush & Whimsy color-changing lipsticks Blush & Whimsy color-changing lipsticks. SOURCE Blush & Whimsy Related Links NEW YORK, Feb. 13, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- High-tech scans of the resting human brain can provide a new way to define and interpret the brain's actual mental capacity, new research suggests. In a report published in the journal PLOS ONE online Feb. 12, NYU School of Medicine researchers used a specialized imaging technology to measure patients' brains for entropy, the variety of nerve circuits used to interpret the surrounding world. Part of theories on human consciousness, the concept of entropy has become a greater research focus with recent improvements in the ability of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to track chemical activity patterns in the brain. By analyzing fMRI images in every region of the brains in 892 American men and women, the study authors linked greater entropy to more versatile processing of information. This is considered a key aspect of intelligence, researchers say, because of the large volume of sensory information coming into the brain from its environment. "Our study offers the first solid evidence that functional MRI scans of brain entropy are a new means to understanding human intelligence," says study lead investigator Glenn Saxe, MD, a professor in child and adolescent psychiatry at NYU School of Medicine and a member of NYU Langone Health's Neuroscience Institute. "Human intelligence is so meaningful because it is about the capacity to understand whatever may come, when there is no way beforehand to know what may come," says Saxe. "So, an intelligent brain has to be flexible in the number of possible ways its nerve cells, or neurons, may be rearranged. And that is what entropy is all about." If further research proves successful, Saxe predicts that fMRI scans of brain entropy could one day help in assessing problems in brain function in people with depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, or autism, in which processing information becomes difficult. Functional MRI scans use magnetic fields and radio waves to measure subtle changes in blood flow to detect which brain cells and circuits are active or inactive. As part of the new study, people were tested when their brains and minds were resting (not unengaged in a particular task) to get a base reading. Study participants had their brains imaged as they enrolled in the Harvard-based Brain Genomics Superstruct study over the last decade, with the stored images forming the foundation of the NYU team's analysis. Researchers compared hundreds of fMRI scans taken milliseconds apart. The scans revealed the number of possible combinations of electrically active brain cells available to interact with each other in specific regions of the brain. The research team then used mathematical models validated by past studies to arrive at reliable, statistical entropy scores based on how well one set of active nerve-cell combinations captured by one image predicted those in the next image. Experts say the activity level of the estimated 100 billion neurons in the brain depends on how much sensory information is being processed at any instant, with many often inactive. Scientists next compared their statistical measures of relatively higher or lower entropy with participants' scores on two standard IQ tests: the Shipley-Hartford test, which gauges verbal skills, and the Wechsler test, which assesses problem-solving abilities. If brain entropy could offer useful insight into intelligence, Saxe proposed, then it should track closely with IQ scores. People with average intelligence have an IQ score of about 100, Saxe says, with current study participants having an above-average IQ, at 108. According to Saxe, study participants' entropy scores were strongly tied to IQ. Using standard statistical techniques that were performed two different ways to ensure accuracy, the researchers found that higher entropy was significantly related to the brain regions where previous research has shown it matters most. Entropy scores closely matched IQ scores from the Shipley-Hartford test for the left side of the middle brain (the left inferior temporal lobe), which is tied to learning speech. Similarly, entropy scores tracked closely with those from the Wechsler test for the front region of the brain (bilateral anterior frontal lobes), a known center for organization, planning, and emotional control. Funding support for the study, which took over a year to complete, was provided by NYU and by Harvard University. In addition to Saxe, other NYU Langone scientists involved in this research were Daniel Calderone, PhD; and Leah Morales, BS. CONTACT: Gregory Williams, 212-404-3533, [email protected] SOURCE NYU Langone Health BOSTON, Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Burns & Levinson partner Robert J. O'Regan recently won an important reversal from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in Cooper vs. D'Amore in a far-reaching case that answered what constitutes termination of an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Burns & Levinson's client, Alyssa D'Amore, was the beneficiary on an IRA account of her former husband when he died in 2012, but in 2014 his mother and brother (the Cooper family) filed suit in U.S. District Court claiming, among other things, that the IRA account had been terminated in 2011 based on a transfer form that Cooper had signed. In the February 2, 2018 decision, the First Circuit reversed a January 2017 summary judgment in favor of the Cooper family and instead ordered the District Court to enter summary judgment for D'Amore. The facts of the case were extremely complex. D'Amore and Cooper worked together in the financial services field before and during their marriage, and even after their amicable divorce in 2006. They had remained close despite the divorce. Cooper, who was a successful bond trader, named D'Amore as beneficiary of his IRA account with his employer, Mesirow Financial, in 2003 but he never revoked the beneficiary designation even after the divorce. He even continued to pay D'Amore alimony longer than he was required to do under their divorce agreement. In 2011, Cooper signed a transfer form to move the majority of his Mesirow IRA assets to an IRA at another investment firm. Not all of the assets could be transferred. Instead of directing that they be liquidated, Cooper directed his financial advisor at Mesirow to keep those assets in the Mesirow IRA account. After Cooper died in 2012, Cooper's family sued, claiming the Mesirow IRA assets belonged to his estate and not D'Amore. The key issue in the case was whether D'Amore's beneficiary designation was automatically terminated by a transfer form that Cooper signed with the new financial firm that did not require liquidation or transfer of all his Mesirow IRA assets. The Burns & Levinson team, led by O'Regan, argued that the form could not have terminated the account and emphasized the potentially devastating consequences that the trial court's decision could have on all owners of retirement accounts. "The District Court ruled against our argument that because the IRA account itself remained open and held assets under the written account agreement, it could not have lost its protected status as an IRA account. The worst case scenario from the District Court's decision was that a depositor could be deemed to lose all of the very important tax benefits from an IRA, and even have to pay income taxes and penalties on the balance in the account, based on a form to transfer assets to another retirement fund. There are many reasons why a complete transfer might not occur. Here, it was because Peter Cooper did not direct all of the assets to be moved. But there are many other reasons why the same standard form used by many financial institutions could result in the same, very bad consequences because of a mistake on the form, an error in execution, illiquid assets that cannot be transferred, or a host of other problems," said O'Regan. "Imagine the consequences of this. If a person rolls over assets from one account to another and all of the assets don't transfer, which occurs, then the remaining assets would be subject to taxes and penalties because the loss of IRA status means the depositor would be deemed to have received a distribution," added O'Regan. O'Regan noted that the problem could be especially devastating to retirees who depend on the tax benefits and regular distribution schedules planned from their retirement accounts and cannot afford to pay the taxes and penalties that could flow from a defect on a form or mistake with a transfer. This was the second ruling in favor of D'Amore by the First Circuit. In 2016, O'Regan prevailed on the Court of Appeals to uphold nearly $80,000 in sanctions against the Cooper family after their lawyer was caught withholding critical evidence. Mesirow is headquartered in Illinois, a fact the Cooper family used to argue vigorously that D'Amore's beneficiary status terminated automatically under an Illinois trust statute that terminates the interest of one spouse in the other spouse's trust upon divorce. However, a Delaware bank was custodian of the account as required by tax laws when the couple divorced, and under that written trust agreement Delaware law controlled. Under Delaware law, there was no automatic termination of trust interests upon divorce. This revelation by the Burns & Levinson team proved fatal to the Coopers' case. The First Circuit's decision in 2016 agreed with the District Court's sanctions because the Cooper family's attorney was in possession of the Delaware at trust agreement, which O'Regan had demanded in discovery along with answers to specific questions about terms of the trust agreement. When the District Court judge imposed the $80,000 sanctions, as Burns & Levinson had uncovered, the Coopers were "in possession of an authenticated copy of the Delaware Charter Trust document, while leading the defendant and the court to believe that such a document did not exist." "We are very pleased that we could deliver this much deserved win to our client and bring clarity to the law governing the distribution and termination of retirement fund assets," added O'Regan. "This was a hard fought case with many challenges, and it is gratifying that we were able to turn it around. We were confident that our client was in the right and that the law was on our side." The Burns & Levinson trial team also included partner Susan Stenger and associate David Raymon. About Burns & Levinson LLP At Burns & Levinson, we provide high-level, client-centric and results-oriented legal services to our regional, national and international clients. We are a full-service law firm with over 125 lawyers in Boston, Providence and other regional offices. Our areas of expertise include: business/finance, securities, business litigation/dispute resolution, divorce/family law, venture capital/emerging companies, employment, estate planning, government investigations, intellectual property, M&A/private equity, probate/trust litigation, and real estate. We partner with our clients to solve their business and personal legal issues in a collaborative, creative, and cost-effective way. For more information, visit Burns & Levinson at Contact: Amy Blumenthal Kristen Weller Blumenthal & Associates Chief Marketing & Business Development Officer 617.879.1511 617.345.3555 [email protected] [email protected] SOURCE Burns & Levinson Related Links HELSINKI, Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The BWW competition was held in the world's largest wine information service - Over 22,500 wines received in total 1,333,896 votes from 620,000 wine professionals and wine lovers from 105 countries during the three month voting period. After the voting period, only 180 most voted wines in six different categories remained in the Finals, organized in January 2018. In the Finals the wines were evaluated and ranked three different times as blind by the panels of Tasting Book Professionals (selected Judges from over 7000 Pros: Wine writers, bloggers, MW's. Wine makers etc.) The six main categories included red wine, white wine, rose wine, sparkling wine, fortified wine and champagne. Under each category, the best wines were also awarded according to price level and country. The Best Champagne of the World title was given to Dom Perignon 2002 Richard Geoffroy Other Winners of the main categories are: Best Wine of the World: Winner: Harlan Estate 2013, Napa Valley, United States Best Sparkling Wine of the World: Winner: Bisol Private Cartizze Valdobbiadene Superiore Non Dosato N.V, Veneto, Italy Best Fortified Wine of the World: Winner: Graham's Vintage Port 2011, Douro, Portugal Best Sweet Wine of the World: Winner: Robert Weil Kiedrich Grafenberg TBA 2016, Rheingau, Germany Best Winery of the World: E.Guigal Best Wine Critic of the World: James Suckling Best Winemaker of the World: Matthieu Taunay All the winners and prizes can be found at BWW is the largest wine competition in the world, whether measured by the number of wines, the number of consumers involved or the judges taking part. BWW warmly welcomes all vineyards to enter their wine for the 2018 competition. Registration is the easiest, fastest, and most affordable in the business. Registration will begin on March 1st at This press release was issued through For further information, visit SOURCE Related Links SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 13, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The Calaveras County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to retain the national law firm of Baron & Budd and the California Fire Lawyers to initiate litigation against PG&E for its role in causing the Butte Fire. The Board's decision marks the next important step towards recovering "millions upon millions of taxpayer losses" from Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (NYSE: PCG) which the County of Calaveras sustained in the destructive 2015 Butte Fire. The County has been working with a premier team of top national experts to understand the total amount the County has suffered from this large-scale disaster. Collecting numbers and supporting data in order to determine the amount of damages from a 70,000+ acre fire is a tremendous undertaking and the County and its team has calculated the County's damages, evaluated and has pursued various legal avenues to secure compensation from PG&E and actively participated in confidential settlement negotiations. Early in recovery from the Butte Fire, the County announced that it had lostand will continue to losetens of millions of dollars in lost taxpayer funds, damaged infrastructure, fire suppression costs, government employee overtime, emergency response and recovery efforts, injury to natural resources, and other significant losses. Since the County will forever be scarred and socially and economically damaged, the County has worked to secure fair compensation for its residents and seek reimbursement for the damage to Calaveras County and its local infrastructure from PG&E, which is responsible for this tragedy. "The County, its residents, and the taxpayers have endured devastating losses in the wake of these fires," said Board Chairman Gary Tofanelli, "and this legal action is an important step towards taxpayer protection and recovery, and towards helping our communities rebuild." The County is vigilant and working with an exceptional expert team and are determined to give the people of Calaveras the best possible chance to rebuild and recover from this devastation. It is PG&E's responsibility to make this right. Baron & Budd, P.C. is a national law firm, retained by public entities over 425 times for litigation and trial. The California Fire Lawyers includes multiple law firms: Baron & Budd, Singleton Law Firm, Thorsnes Bartolotta McGuire, Dixon Diab & Chambers, and Terry Singleton, Esq., California Fire Lawyers has also been retained by the Counties of Sonoma and Napa for claims related to the wine county fires. For more information, please contact Baron & Budd Shareholder John Fiske at [email protected]. CONTACT: Timothy Lutz, PIO Phone: (209) 754-6025 Email: [email protected] SOURCE The Calaveras County Board of Supervisors BOULDER, Colo., Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- CanopyBoulder, Canopy's seed-stage investment fund and business accelerator for companies developing ancillary products and services for the legal cannabis industry, is pleased to announce the launch of the Spring 2018 class. Six startups are enrolled in Canopy's 16-week accelerator program. These businesses include a brand and influencer marketplace, a connector of cannabis industry software apps, and a blockchain technology addressing "looping" at dispensaries, among others. In addition to the launch of its ninth cohort, Canopy oversubscribed its $2 million 2018 accelerator fund. This capital will be used to provide seed capital and follow-on funding to the companies that join the CanopyBoulder accelerator. The CanopyBoulder program is designed to accelerate business development, refine strategy, and prepare companies to raise capital. Over 200 mentors, cannabis-focused venture firms, and key figures in the cannabis industry support the teams throughout the program. After weeks of pitch practice, business model refinement and miles logged meeting cannabis businesses, the cohort "graduates" and travels to present their businesses to an audience of investors, cannabis business professionals, media, and local community. The six companies included in the spring 2018 cohort include: Realm 72 - Founded by Christine Penny and Seth Shimkonis and Andia - Founded by Angel Diaz and Alberto Garcia and Catalyst Business Partners, LLC - Founded by Kirsten Knutson Best in Grow - Founded by Andrew Duffy and Jacob Levin and KNXIT - Founded by Tom Quigley and Kevin Dugan and TreatmentX - Founded by Kevin Staunton and Susan Trapp "CanopyBoulder is funding and nurturing the infrastructure businesses that the legal cannabis industry needs to continue on a high growth trajectory," said Patrick Rea, co-founder and Managing Director of CanopyBoulder. "As always, we will continue to support our founders with not only financial assistance, but the invaluable resources of a thriving startup community. The cannabis industry won't stop growing and we won't stop pushing our startups to innovate and exceed expectations." On Thursday, February 15th at 6pm MT, CanopyBoulder will host a launch party for its Spring 2018 class. The event will be held at CanopyBoulder's headquarters in Boulder and will include networking with investors, mentors, and entrepreneurs from the CanopyBoulder ecosystem and other industry professionals. Beer, wine and apps will be provided, with all attendee donations going to Marijuana Policy Project. Details and tickets can be found here. About CanopyBoulder Canopy's accelerator arm, CanopyBoulder, is a business accelerator and seed-stage investment fund located in Boulder, Colorado. Since 2015, it that has launched 63 businesses and made nearly 80 investments. The firm looks for startups with great teams working on hard problems in growing industries. For more information, please visit About CanopyVentures Canopy's venture arm, CanopyVentures, is an investment fund supporting growth-stage companies that operate in the ancillary cannabis industry. For more information, please visit About The Arcview Group Founded in 2010, The Arcview Group is responsible for a number of groundbreaking ventures in the cannabis industry. The Arcview Investor Network includes more than 600 accredited investors who have put more than $158 million behind over 170 companies. Arcview Market Research produces the State of Legal Marijuana Markets report, which is the most oft-cited market data report. In 2015, Arcview became a partner in CanopyBoulder, the first seed-stage mentor-driven business accelerator in the cannabis industry. Arcview is also co-founder of Cannasure Insurance Services, the leading provider of business insurance to the cannabis industry. For more information, please visit SOURCE Canopy Related Links ARLINGTON, Va., Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) has awarded Capital Impact Partners a $65 million New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) allocation. This award helps advance Capital Impact's mission to increase access to critical social services in distressed communities, spur economic development, and create jobs by incentivizing private sector investors to partner in its community financing efforts. "The New Markets Tax Credit Program is critical to our ability to engage with private sector partners and put together the type of flexible capital necessary to support projects that deliver important social services into communities that need them most," said Ellis Carr, president and CEO of Capital Impact Partners. "We are honored that the CDFI Fund continues to recognize Capital Impact as a leader in using financing to help create solutions that address important social and racial justice issues across the country." Capital Impact Partners is now a nine-time NMTC recipient with those awards totaling more than $627 million. Capital Impact also manages more than $300 million in NMTCs for other community development organizations. To date, the organization has used NMTC allocations to support the financing of more than 60 transactions nationally that have increased access to health care, education, healthy foods, affordable housing and the ability for seniors to age in their communities with dignity. "The New Markets Tax Credit program is critically important to strengthening the social infrastructure that fosters equity, economic development and good health in underserved communities," said Scott Sporte, chief lending officer at Capital Impact Partners. "The results that Capital Impact, along with other mission-driven organizations, achieves with these allocations demonstrate a real return on this investment to the federal government and to local communities." An overview of the program produced by Capital Impact illustrates that for every $1 invested by the federal government, the NMTC Program generates more than $8 in private investments in severely distressed census tracts. That financing has fueled millions of square feet of construction and thousands of jobs. Through the end of fiscal year 2016, the most recent data available, NMTC Program award recipients deployed more than $44.4 billion in investments for low-income communities and businesses, with impacts such as the creation or retention of nearly 750,000 jobs, and the construction or rehabilitation of more than 190 million square feet of commercial real estate. "Today's awards will finance projects ranging from large manufacturing plants that create jobs to critically needed infrastructure," noted Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin in a press release issued by the U.S. Treasury Department's CDFI Fund. In 2017, Capital Impact deployed a variety NMTC allocations to help launch projects nationwide. Examples of those projects included: Health Care: Capital Impact provided Community Health Center, Inc. (CHCI) with $12.8 million including New Markets Tax Credits as part of a larger leverage/construction loan. The loan supported renovation of CHCI's existing 24,000 sq. ft. pediatric health center in Hartford, CT; interior renovation of the existing center to reflect CHCI's "pod" model of care delivery, in which multiple medical professionals provide a variety of care in one patient visit; and complete renovation of a 19,000 sq. ft. facility to supplement CHCI's existing clinic site in Stamford, CT, which provides primary care, behavioral health, and dental services. The loan also supported construction of a new 30,000 sq. ft. building to house CHCI's tele-health facilities, featuring space for eConsults as well as administrative functions and a data center near its headquarters in Middletown, CT. Other investors included Primary Care Development Corporation, Boston Community Capital and Capital One. CHCI benefits 25,000 patients in the area encompassing Hartford, Stamford and Middletown through these facilities; 94 percent of patients have incomes below 200 percent of the federal poverty level. Additionally, the project created 25 construction jobs and 66 permanent jobs. Healthy Food: In an exciting partnership near Capital Impact's headquarters, the organization is working with Martha's Table to support the organization's plans to relocate and expand. The new Martha's Table headquarters will be part of a new three-acre, community-services campus development project in Washington, D.C.'s Ward 8 called "The Commons at Stanton Square." This multi-phase project will address key disparities in this low-income community by bringing together a variety of key social services including health care services and affordable housing while spurring community development. Services provided at the new headquarters will include a branch of its popular preschool program, food distribution, nutrition and parenting workshops. Martha's Table opened up 35 years ago, and now reaches more than 18,000 people through its food, education and thrift store programs with significant support from 18,000 volunteers every year. In 2015, Martha's Table served more than 1 million meals, distributed free clothing and housewares to more than 10,000 neighbors in need, and provided education to more than 200 children and older youth. The campus will also become home to Community of Hope and other complementary nonprofit organizations. The housing component will feature 125 affordable-rent 1-3 bedroom apartments and 42 market-rate 3-bedroom town homes. Capital Impact contributed $5.9 million in New Markets Tax Credits (NMTC) toward the $29 million transaction. Other investors included Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) and City First, with Morgan Stanley serving as the tax credit investor. Education: Ednovate, Inc. is a non-profit in Los Angeles with a mission to educate students to attend college, focusing particularly on first-generation college-bound students. Ednovate uses a personalized student-led learning model focusing on college prep, encouraging independence among its students that will prepare them for college and beyond. To continue providing its students with high-quality education, Capital Impact partnered with the Low Income Investment Fund to provide a $9 million loan as part of a $16 million project to finance a permanent home for Ednovate's USC Hybrid High School. USC Hybrid High School was the first Ednovate school to have a graduating class of seniors in 2016; Ednovate's innovative project-based learning model has led to 100 percent of Ednovate's first two graduating classes of seniors being accepted to a 2- or 4-year college. Eighty-three percent of students at the school are eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch, and many will be the first in their family to attend college. Students at the school are predominantly Latino. The new location of the school also creates a more convenient commute for students in its target area, reducing the burden on students. The project will create 100 construction jobs, retain 33 permanent jobs and create 2 additional permanent jobs. Dignified Aging: Dignified and engaging senior housing is a necessary option for all older adults, and Capital Impact continues to champion innovative models for communal senior living. As part of the Green House model of senior care, Capital Impact worked with returning borrower SAS Poplar Grove Green Houses (operating as Poplar Grove, LLC) on a $17.8 million transaction including New Markets Tax Credits (NMTC) which financed the construction of the Green House Cottages of Poplar Grove in Little Rock, Arkansas. This Green House campus includes ten skilled nursing Green House homes, one short-term rehabilitation facility, and one administrative building. The Green House Project started as a Capital Impact initiative and spun off into an organization provides nursing care in a small, homelike setting with individualized care, allowing older adults to age within their community. The Green House in Poplar Grove will serve 120 total residents, at least 40 percent of whom will be Medicaid-eligible, extending quality, affordable senior care and housing. Managed by the CDFI Fund, NMTC allocations make their way into the community through the following process: A community development entity (CDE) submits an application to the CDFI Fund requesting the authority to allocate a specific dollar amount of tax credits. If its application is approved, the CDE is awarded the authority to allocate tax credits to an investor. The investor chosen by the CDE receives a tax credit totaling 39 percent of the cost of the investment. The investor can claim that tax credit over a period of seven years. In exchange for those tax credits, the investor makes a qualified equity investment (QEI) in the CDE. The CDE must use the QEIs it receives from the investor to finance businesses or real estate projects in low-income communities where the poverty rate is 20 percent or higher, or the median income is 80 percent or lower than the Area Median Income. The CDE also has the option of investing in other CDEs making loans in low-income areas. About Capital Impact Partners: Through capital and commitment, Capital Impact Partners helps people build communities of opportunity that break barriers to success. We deliver strategic financing, incubate new social programs, and provide capacity-building to help ensure that low-to-moderate-income individuals have access to quality health care and education, healthy foods, affordable housing, and the ability to age with dignity. A non-profit community development financial institution, Capital Impact Partners has disbursed more than $2.5 billion to revitalize communities over the past 35 years. Our leadership in delivering financial and social impact has resulted in Capital Impact earning a "AA" rating from S&P Global "AA" and being recognized by Aeris since 2005 for our performance. Headquartered in Arlington, VA, Capital Impact Partners operates nationally, with local offices in Detroit, MI, and Oakland, CA. Learn more at SOURCE Capital Impact Partners Related Links CENTER CITY, Minn., Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- When Chisago County voters cast their ballots in the August Primary Election, they will vote on the secure, easy-to-use Verity Voting system from Hart InterCivic. State grant funding is available to Minnesota jurisdictions that choose to purchase the tech-forward system. Verity's compact, secure polling place devices make setup straightforward and voting easy. "Choosing Verity to replace our aging voting system made sense fiscally," said Bridgitte Konrad, Chisago County Chief Deputy Auditor-Treasurer. "Hart was able to provide a configuration that fits our needs exactly. The equipment is sturdy and compact, so it will be easy to store and deploy. Almost no maintenance is required; that's a savings as well. Working with Hart's staff has been a pleasure. They've been very responsive, and their enthusiasm for the Verity system played an important role in our decision." As an all-new system, Verity uses the latest security protocols. In the polling place, voters can choose to mark their ballots by hand or to use an accessible ballot marking device called Verity Touch Writer. Voters then cast their votes by inserting the ballot into the Verity Scan tabulator. "Most importantly, I believe our voters will appreciate the intuitive experience of voting on Verity. We're eager to get started," Konrad said. "Chisago County joins a growing number of jurisdictions across the nation moving to Verity," said Phillip Braithwaite, President and CEO of Hart InterCivic, an Austin-based company with more than 100 years of experience providing election solutions. "We look forward to working with the County to ensure the success of their elections for many years ahead. While Hart is new to Chisago County, we have served Ramsey County since 2015. Minnesota jurisdictions' election needs are part of Verity's DNA," he added. Braithwaite expects more announcements in the coming months. For more information on the Verity Voting system, please visit About Hart InterCivic, Inc. Austin-based Hart InterCivic is a full-service election solutions innovator, partnering with state and local governments to deliver secure, accurate and reliable elections. Working side-by-side with election professionals for more than 100 years, Hart is committed to helping advance democracy one election at a time. Hart's mission fuels its passionate customer focus and a continuous drive for technological innovation. The company's new Verity Voting system makes voting more straightforward, equitable and accessibleand makes managing elections more transparent, more efficient and easier. SOURCE Hart InterCivic, Inc. Related Links JACKSON, Mich., Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- CMS Energy announced today 2017 reported net income of $460 million or $1.64 per share, reflecting a charge associated with federal tax reform, compared to $551 million or $1.98 per share for 2016. After excluding the effect of federal tax reform, CMS Energy delivered adjusted earnings of $2.17 per share, or $610 million of adjusted net income for 2017, toward the high end of company guidance. In 2016, adjusted earnings per share were $2.02. CMS Energy raised its guidance for 2018 adjusted earnings to $2.30 - $2.34 per share (*See below for important information about non-GAAP measures) or 6 to 8 percent annual adjusted earnings per share growth. "Our focus on people, planet and profit underpinned by world class performance served as the operational and financial foundation for a strong 2017 for CMS Energy," said Patti Poppe, President and CEO of CMS Energy and Consumers Energy. "We are pleased to deliver our 15th year of consistent financial performance without resets or adjustments for weather. At the same time, we are setting new standards of performance on several key metrics for our customers, which enable an even longer runway for consistent, industry-leading financial performance." CMS Energy noted several accomplishments in 2017: People The company reported its safest year on record; was named Michigan's best employer by Forbes magazine; and was named one of the most trusted utility brands in the country by Market Strategies International (MSI). The company reported its safest year on record; was named best employer by Forbes magazine; and was named one of the most trusted utility brands in the country by Market Strategies International (MSI). Planet The second phase of Cross Winds Energy Park was constructed, and Newsweek ranked CMS Energy as the No. 1 green company in Michigan and as a top 10 green company in the nation. The second phase of Cross Winds Energy Park was constructed, and Newsweek ranked CMS Energy as the No. 1 green company in and as a top 10 green company in the nation. Profit 2017 marks 15 years of delivering consistent, industry-leading adjusted earnings per share growth and over a decade of dividend growth for investors. Also in 2017, CMS Energy generated over $1.7 billion in operating cash flow, which was in excess of guidance. The company did all this while also achieving record company performance in a variety of operational metrics, including electric reliability and customer service (Average Speed of Answer and Customer On-Time Delivery). In addition, the company completed the first year of construction on the 94-mile Saginaw Trail pipeline project part of a series of pipeline investments, which will deliver natural gas more safely and reliably to Michigan customers. CMS Energy (NYSE: CMS) is a Michigan-based company that has an electric and natural gas utility, Consumers Energy, as its primary business. It also owns and operates independent power generation businesses. Financial Results and Outlook 2017 Results Amount Reported EPS $1.64 Adjusted EPS $2.17 Annual Dividend $1.33 2018 Updates Amount Adjusted EPS Guidance Raised $2.30 to $2.34* Annual Dividend $1.43 CMS Energy will hold a webcast to discuss its 2017 year-end results and provide a business and financial outlook on Feb. 14 at 9 A.M. (EST). To participate in the webcast, go to CMS Energy's homepage ( and select "Investor Meeting." Important information for investors about non-GAAP measures and other disclosures. *This news release contains non-Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (non-GAAP) measures, such as adjusted earnings. Adjustments could include items such as discontinued operations, asset sales, impairments, restructuring costs, regulatory items from prior years, or other items detailed in the attached summary financial statements. Management views adjusted earnings as a key measure of the company's present operating financial performance and uses adjusted earnings for external communications with analysts and investors. Internally, the company uses adjusted earnings to measure and assess performance. Because the company is not able to estimate the impact of specific line items, which have the potential to significantly impact, favorably or unfavorably, the company's reported earnings in future periods, the company is not providing reported earnings guidance nor is it providing a reconciliation for the comparable future period earnings. The adjusted earnings should be considered supplemental information to assist in understanding our business results, rather than as a substitute for the reported earnings. All references to earnings per share are on a diluted basis. This news release contains "forward-looking statements." The forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause CMS Energy's and Consumers Energy's results to differ materially. All forward-looking statements should be considered in the context of the risk and other factors detailed from time to time in CMS Energy's and Consumers Energy's Securities and Exchange Commission filings. Investors and others should note that CMS Energy routinely posts important information on its website and considers the Investor Relations section,, a channel of distribution. For more information on CMS Energy, please visit our website at To sign up for email alert notifications, please visit the Investor Relations section of our website. CMS ENERGY CORPORATION Consolidated Statements of Income (Unaudited) In Millions, Except Per Share Amounts Three Months Ended Twelve Months Ended 12/31/17 12/31/16 12/31/17 12/31/16 Operating revenue $ 1,778 $ 1,640 $ 6,583 $ 6,399 Operating expenses 1,399 1,360 5,245 5,143 Operating Income 379 280 1,338 1,256 Other income (expense) (47) (45) (14) 5 Interest charges 110 111 438 435 Income Before Income Taxes 222 124 886 826 Income tax expense 224 46 424 273 Net Income (Loss) (2) 78 462 553 Income attributable to noncontrolling interests 1 1 2 2 Net Income (Loss) Available to Common Stockholders $ (3) $ 77 $ 460 $ 551 Basic Earnings (Loss) Per Average Common Share $ (0.01) $ 0.28 $ 1.64 $ 1.99 Diluted Earnings (Loss) Per Average Common Share (0.01) 0.28 1.64 1.98 CMS ENERGY CORPORATION Summarized Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited) In Millions As of 12/31/17 12/31/16 Assets Current assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 182 $ 235 Restricted cash and cash equivalents 17 19 Other current assets 2,276 2,026 Total current assets 2,475 2,280 Non-current assets Plant, property, and equipment 16,761 15,715 Other non-current assets 3,814 3,627 Total Assets $ 23,050 $ 21,622 Liabilities and Equity Current liabilities (1) $ 1,511 $ 1,371 Non-current liabilities (1) 6,574 5,927 Capitalization Debt, capital leases, and financing obligation (excluding securitization debt) (2) Debt, capital leases, and financing obligation (excluding non-recourse and securitization debt) 8,940 8,508 Non-recourse debt 1,245 1,198 Total debt, capital leases, and financing obligation (excluding securitization debt) 10,185 9,706 Noncontrolling interests 37 37 Common stockholders' equity 4,441 4,253 Total capitalization (excluding securitization debt) 14,663 13,996 Securitization debt (2) 302 328 Total Liabilities and Equity $ 23,050 $ 21,622 (1) Excludes debt, capital leases, and financing obligation. (2) Includes current and non-current portions. CMS ENERGY CORPORATION Summarized Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited) In Millions Twelve Months Ended 12/31/17 12/31/16 Beginning of Period Cash and Cash Equivalents, Including Restricted Amounts $ 257 $ 288 Net cash provided by operating activities 1,705 1,629 Net cash used in investing activities (1,868) (1,915) Cash flows from operating and investing activities (163) (286) Net cash provided by financing activities 110 255 Total Cash Flows $ (53) $ (31) End of Period Cash and Cash Equivalents, Including Restricted Amounts $ 204 $ 257 CMS ENERGY CORPORATION Reconciliation of GAAP Net Income to Non-GAAP Adjusted Net Income (Unaudited) In Millions, Except Per Share Amounts Three Months Ended Twelve Months Ended 12/31/17 12/31/16 12/31/17 12/31/16 Net Income (Loss) Available to Common Stockholders $ (3) $ 77 $ 460 $ 551 Reconciling items: Discontinued operations (income) loss * (*) * * Restructuring costs and other 1 6 4 8 Tax impact (1) (2) (2) (3) Tax reform 148 - 148 - Voluntary separation program - * - 11 Tax impact - (*) - (4) Adjusted net income non-GAAP $ 145 $ 81 $ 610 $ 563 Average Common Shares Outstanding Basic 280.8 278.3 280.0 277.9 Diluted 280.8 279.3 280.8 278.9 Basic Earnings (Loss) Per Average Common Share Reported net income (loss) per share $ (0.01) $ 0.28 $ 1.64 $ 1.99 Reconciling items: Discontinued operations (income) loss * (*) * * Restructuring costs and other * 0.02 0.01 0.02 Tax impact (*) (0.01) (*) (0.01) Tax reform 0.52 - 0.52 - Voluntary separation program - * - 0.04 Tax impact - (*) - (0.01) Adjusted net income per share non-GAAP $ 0.51 $ 0.29 $ 2.17 $ 2.03 Diluted Earnings (Loss) Per Average Common Share Reported net income (loss) per share $ (0.01) $ 0.28 $ 1.64 $ 1.98 Reconciling items: Discontinued operations (income) loss * (*) * * Restructuring costs and other * 0.02 0.01 0.02 Tax impact (*) (0.01) (*) (0.01) Tax reform 0.52 - 0.52 - Voluntary separation program - * - 0.04 Tax impact - (*) - (0.01) Adjusted net income per share non-GAAP $ 0.51 $ 0.29 $ 2.17 $ 2.02 * Less than $0.5 million or $0.01 per share. Management views adjusted (non-Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) earnings as a key measure of the Company's present operating financial performance and uses adjusted earnings for external communications with analysts and investors. Internally, the Company uses adjusted earnings to measure and assess performance. Adjustments could include items such as discontinued operations, asset sales, impairments, restructuring costs, regulatory items from prior years, or other items detailed in these summary financial statements. Adjusted earnings should be considered supplemental information to assist in understanding our business results, rather than as a substitute for reported earnings. SOURCE CMS Energy LONDON, Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Constantine Cannon LLP is pleased to announce a more than $900,000 settlement on behalf of its whistleblower client in a lawsuit against Pure Collection Ltd. Pure Collection is a Harrogate, England-based e-retailer of luxury cashmere and apparel goods. The United States Government announced the settlement agreement yesterday with Pure Collection and the e-retailer's acting CEO, Samantha Harrison. The company and Ms. Harrison have collectively agreed to a settlement of $908,100 (USD) to the U.S. Government. This lawsuit was one of the first to be brought by a U.K. whistleblower in which the U.S. Government intervened and successfully resolved the whistleblower's False Claims Act (FCA) allegations. The whistleblower, Andrew Patrick of Harrogate, England, brought to Constantine Cannon's London office information regarding Pure Collection's practices. Mr. Patrick will be awarded 18 percent of the total settlement. The qui tam, or whistleblower, lawsuit alleged that since 2007 the defendants fraudulently and systematically avoided paying U.S. customs duties on its goods shipped from the United Kingdom to customers in the United States. In an attempt to attract more U.S.-based customers, Pure Collection engaged in a practice commonly known as "splitting." The defendants neither admitted nor denied liability. Whistleblower Andrew Patrick worked for Pure Collection from 2010 to 2014, first as a sales representative in its U.K. call center and then in its U.K. packaging department. Mr. Patrick was trained to systematically split customers' large orders to successfully avoid paying U.S. customs fees, saving the company millions of dollars, according to the suit. Mr. Patrick brought his allegations to the attention of U.S. Customs and Border Protection in 2014, and later filed a whistleblower submission with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service in 2015. After the two initial unsuccessful attempts to alert U.S. authorities, Mr. Patrick approached Richard Pike, a solicitor-advocate and partner in Constantine Cannon's London office, who specializes in advising whistleblowers under U.S. whistleblower programs. Mr. Patrick filed his whistleblower suit in 2016 in federal court in Maine. Mr. Patrick is represented by Mary Inman, Richard Pike and Till Vere-Hodge in Constantine Cannon's London office. Dan Murphy of Bernstein Shur, served as counsel in Maine, where the case was filed. Mr. Patrick is also represented by Molly Knobler of Phillips & Cohen. "Mr. Patrick is the first British whistleblower to expose a UK company for evading U.S. import duties and only the second to receive a financial reward under the whistleblower provisions of the False Claims Act," said Inman, a partner in Constantine Cannon's London office whose practice focuses on representing UK and EU whistleblowers under the American whistleblower programs "As global business expands, European whistleblowers like Mr. Patrick play an increasingly vital role in alerting the U.S. Government to fraud schemes that cross international borders." "Mr. Patrick should be commended for his persistence in bringing these matters to the attention of multiple U.S. authorities and his foresight in being among the handful of British citizens who have availed themselves of the American whistleblower programs," said Pike, a partner in Constantine Cannon's London office. "The American taxpayers owe Mr. Patrick a debt of gratitude for his courage in coming forward to expose these practices, many of which occurred on British soil but reverberated in the U.S." "Pure arrogantly decided it didn't need to play by the same rules as other retailers, and placed its own interests in profits and access to the U.S. market above the laws of the U.S. Government." said Vere-Hodge, an associate in Constantine Cannon's London office. "The Government's successful resolution of Mr. Patrick's case sends a clear message that this behavior will not be tolerated." The federal False Claims Act (FCA) encourages whistleblowers of any nationality to expose companies that are defrauding the U.S. Government by allowing a private party from any country to file a civil lawsuit on the government's behalf and providing for a reward of 15 to 25 percent of the Government's civil recovery if the government joins, or intervenes in, the case, as the Government has done here. Mr. Patrick will receive 18 percent of the Government's recovery. The FCA is one of the most effective weapons in combatting fraud, waste, and abuse by those who contract with the U.S. Government. Since 2017, the U.S. has recovered upwards of $50 million in customs duties fraud cases alone. Just last week, the Wall Street Journal observed an increase in whistleblower cases exposing customs-related wrongdoing. Such fraud can be difficult to uncover without access to inside information; well-placed whistleblowers like Mr. Patrick are necessary to provide the information to help stop these practices. Constantine Cannon would like to recognize the fine lawyers in the U.S. Attorney's Office in the District of Maine for their work on the case, in particular, Civil Division Chief John G. Osborn and Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew K. Lizotte. United States of America ex rel. Andrew Patrick v. Pure Collection Ltd. et al. , Case No. 2:16-cv-00230-GZS, United States District Court for the District of Maine. About Constantine Cannon's Whistleblower Practice: Constantine Cannon's team of dedicated whistleblower lawyers has extensive experience representing whistleblowers in federal and state courts and before the Securities & Exchange Commission, the Internal Revenue Service, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and the Department of Transportation. With a total of 21 attorneys, who bring more than 100 years of collective experience in whistleblower cases, working full-time representing whistleblower clients, Constantine Cannon is one of the largest and most expert whistleblower law firms in the United States. Additionally, the firm's London office allows for the unique ability to serve whistleblower clients in Europe and Asia. The firm's expansion of its American whistleblower practice to London, an international port-of-call for whistleblowers worldwide, was featured recently in the New York Times. To learn more about Constantine Cannon's whistleblower practice, click here. About Constantine Cannon LLP Constantine Cannon, with offices in New York, Washington, D.C., San Francisco and London, has deep expertise in practice areas that include antitrust and complex commercial litigation, whistleblower representation, government relations, securities and e-discovery. The firm's antitrust practice is among the largest and most well recognized in the nation. Constantine Cannon's experience spans across multiple industries including healthcare, banking, electronic payments, insurance, high tech, telecommunications, the Internet and government contracting. To learn more about the firm generally, click here. Media Contact : Attorney Contact : Andrea M. Garcia Mary A. Inman PRCG | Haggerty LLC Constantine Cannon LLP, London +1 (212) 683-8100 (New York) (0)75 2350 7532 (mobile) [email protected] [email protected] SOURCE Constantine Cannon LLP Related Links WASHINGTON, Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The Corporate Whistleblower Center is urging a physical therapist, a healthcare manager or medical doctor to call them at 866-714-6466 if they have proof a healthcare company is involved in a scheme to gouge Medicare, Medicaid or TRICARE with unauthorized high volume physical therapy and or the therapy that was not being supervised by a physician. According to the group, "We believe one of the easiest ways to rip off Medicare is with unsupervised or unauthorized physical therapy on the part of a healthcare company, and we are confident there are bad actors in every state involved in high volume overbilling of Medicare using PT as the excuse. Recently a whistleblower received $225,000 for this exact type of information." http://CorporateWhistleblower.Com Healthcare Worker Corporate Whistleblower Center In January 2018 the Department of Justice announced a health care system based in Southern California agreed to pay $1.5 million to resolve allegations that it violated the False Claims Act by charging federal health care programs for physical therapy services that were rendered by therapists who did not have billing privileges for these programs and were not supervised by an authorized provider. The United States alleged the healthcare company billed Medicare and TRICARE for physical therapy services provided by therapists without billing privileges and without the appropriate supervision by a physician. Whistleblower reward-$225,000. Aside from therapists or physicians with proof a healthcare company is gouging Medicare with unsupervised or unauthorized physical therapy the Corporate Whistleblower Center would like to hear from the following types of people: A nursing home employee who can prove their employer is billing Medicare as if the facility is fully staffed when the opposite is true---the facility is constantly short staffed and patients are at risk. An employee at a rehab center, a skilled nursing facility, a dialysis center, a company providing hospice services, an imaging center, a blood testing company, or a hospital ER physician who can prove their employer is billing Medicare/Medicaid for services never rendered or for unnecessary medical procedures. The Corporate Whistleblower Center says, "If you are a Medical Doctor or any type of healthcare worker and you have significant proof a healthcare provider is gouging Medicare or Medicaid with bills for services that never happened or for medical services that should have never taken place please call us anytime at 866-714-6466 so we can discuss the value of the potential whistleblower reward. Why sit on what could be a winning lotto ticket without ever knowing what it might have been worth?" http://CorporateWhistleblower.Com Simple rules for a whistleblower from the Corporate Whistleblower Center: Do not go to the government first if you are a major whistleblower. The Corporate Whistleblower Center says, "Major whistleblowers frequently go to the government thinking they will help. It's a huge mistake. Do not go to the news media with your whistleblower information. Public revelation of a whistleblower's information could destroy any prospect for a reward. Do not try to force a company or individual to come clean about overbilling Medicare, Tricare, or Medicaid. Come to us first, tell us what type of information you have, and if we think it's sufficient, we will help find the right law firms to assist in advancing your information." The Corporate Whistleblower Center is the premier advocate for whistleblowers in the United States. Unlike any group in the US, they can assist a potential whistleblower with packaging their information and providing the whistleblower with access to some of the most accomplished whistleblower attorneys in the nation. For more information, a potential whistleblower can contact the Corporate Whistleblower Center at 866-714-6466 or visit http://CorporateWhistleblower.Com For attribution please refer to the January 2018 Department of Justice announcement about this whistleblower reward. Contact: Thomas Martin 866-714-6466 [email protected] SOURCE Corporate Whistleblower Center Related Links LONDON, February 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- China's Ministry of Finance announced export taxes for 2018 on December 15, imposing a new reduced rate on NPK exports from January 1, 2018. This will reduce costs for Chinese producers to enter the export market. Will these announced changes have an impact on future Chinese NPK exports? (Logo: ) China currently imposes an export tariff on NPK compound fertilizers, but this has steadily reduced over recent years following lobbying from Chinese NPK producers. The tax reduction will cut costs for producers to enter the export market. China has significant overcapacity in the NPK sector and a removal of export taxes could release some of this volume onto the international market, subsequently lowering international prices. This insight takes a closer look at the factors which will influence future NPK exports. Tracking China's fertilizer export tariffs Chinese export tariffs on urea and ammonia were removed completely by 2017, along with tariffs for DAP, MAP, and TSP. Meanwhile, tariffs for phosphate rock and NPK were cut to 15% and 20%, respectively. China's Ministry of Finance announced export taxes for 2018 on December 15. Export tariffs on urea and DAP remained unchanged at 0% and further reductions were made on phosphate rock and NPK. These rates are effective from January 1, 2018. The new NPK rate of RMB100 /t ($15 /t) equates to roughly a 5% export tariff rate using current prices. This is a significant drop compared to the 2017 rate of 20%, equivalent to $60 /t at current prices to export to South-East Asia. Read the full story: Read more about CRU: About CRU CRU offers unrivalled business intelligence on the global metals, mining and fertilizer industries through market analysis, price assessments, consultancy and events. Since our foundation by Robert Perlman in 1969, we have consistently invested in primary research and robust methodologies, and developed expert teams in key locations worldwide, including in hard-to-reach markets such as China. CRU employs over 260 experts and has more than 10 offices around the world, in Europe, the Americas, China, Asia and Australia - our office in Beijing opened in 2004. When facing critical business decisions, you can rely on our first-hand knowledge to give you a complete view of a commodity market. And you can engage with our experts directly, for the full picture and a personalised response. CRU - big enough to deliver a high quality service, small enough to care about all of our customers. SOURCE CRU "Cyient continuously demonstrates its capabilities in co-creating innovative technology solutions and intellectual property that results in improved agility, quality, and productivity. It is our pleasure to recognize them with the productivity and innovation award for this year as well," said Chris Kmetz, Vice President, Engineering, Module Centers at Pratt & Whitney. Commenting on the awards, Krishna Bodanapu, Managing Director & CEO at Cyient, said, "It is an honor to be recognized consistently by Pratt & Whitney for the work that we do with them. We believe in continuously raising the bar and delivering unprecedented outcomes to our clients. These awards acknowledge Cyient's commitment to creating value through innovation and delivering greater efficiencies for Pratt & Whitney." "As a result of our continued focus on innovation, Cyient has delivered record productivity savings in 2017. In addition, we have launched several new technology initiatives, including augmented reality/virtual reality, robotic process automation, and additive manufacturing. This differentiated Cyient among our global competitors and helped us in winning these two prestigious awards," said Rajendra Kumar Patro, Vice President of Aerospace & Defense Delivery at Cyient. In nearly two decades of engineering design and research collaboration with Pratt & Whitney, Cyient has developed extensive design engineering capabilities in aero engines, with engagements growing from basic to system-level engineering and co-creation of intellectual property. Cyient continues to support Pratt & Whitney with design engineering, systems engineering and validation, and other advanced data analytics solutions throughout the engine product lifecycle. About Cyient: Cyient (Estd: 1991, NSE: CYIENT) provides engineering, manufacturing, geospatial, networks, and operations management services to global industry leaders. Cyient leverages the power of digital technology and advanced analytics capabilities, along with domain knowledge and technical expertise, to solve complex business problems. As a Design, Build and Maintain partner, Cyient takes solution ownership across the value chain to help clients focus on their core, innovate, and stay ahead of the curve. Relationships form the core of how Cyient works. With over 14,000 employees in 21 countries, Cyient partners with clients to operate as part of their extended team, in ways that best suit their organization's culture and requirements. Cyient's industry focus includes aerospace and defense, medical, telecommunications, rail transportation, semiconductor, utilities, industrial, energy and natural resources. For more information, please visit For media inquiries, please write to [email protected] . Follow news about the company at @Cyient. About Pratt & Whitney: Pratt & Whitney is a world leader in the design, manufacture, and service of aircraft engines and auxiliary power units. United Technologies Corp., based in Farmington, Connecticut, provides high-technology systems and services to the building and aerospace industries. To learn more about UTC, visit its website at, or follow the company on Twitter: @UTC. SOURCE Cyient Related Links Les lunettes de marque ne sont pas ce qui manque dans les commerces. Il y en a de toutes les sortes dont les lunettes de [] ATLANTA, Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Zac Brown's Southern Ground is pleased to announce the addition of Dabel Brothers Publishing to the Southern Ground family of partners. Dabel Brothers will become the publishing arm for the company and already have several upcoming books in the works. Collaborating and producing work with Brown, Dabel Brothers Publishing will roll out a full line of licensed, high-visibility graphic novels, adult coloring books, comics, and specialty publications to book trade and specialty markets, as well as new intellectual properties including ones created by Brown himself. "We are very excited to be part of the Southern Ground family! Zac Brown is an amazing talent and businessman with some incredible ideas, and I am thrilled to have a chance to bring his big ideas to life visually," said Les Dabel, Senior Vice President of Business Operations for Dabel Brothers Publishing. The Dabel Brothers have worked with George R.R. Martin, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Jim Butcher and Stephen King. Their first piece of work published with Southern Ground is a coloring book featuring Southern Ground Brand Ambassador, Retired Staff Sargent Johnny "Joey" Jones, and is based on his time in the military and as a Veteran. Blown Away is currently available on Amazon. "We're excited to welcome Dabel Brothers Publishing into our family of partners. We think these guys are super talented and look forward to adding our Southern Ground magic to what they do to make them even more successful. Through their work in graphic novels and comic books they give us an amazing outlet for the creative minds at Southern Ground to reach a new audience," said Jeff Willard, Southern Ground CEO. ABOUT SOUTHERN GROUND All under one roof, Southern Ground is Zac Brown's unique lifestyle brand that is firmly based on a strong belief in originality, quality and philanthropy. Each of the distinctive companies in the Southern Ground family is brimming with incredibly passionate artists brought under one roof to work together and create experiences that go beyond the craft, the food or the music. Southern Ground's efforts work to help develop Zac's biggest passion: Camp Southern Ground. ABOUT DABEL BROTHERS PUBLISHING Based in Atlanta, Georgia, Dabel Brothers Publishing is a comic book, graphic novel, and pop culture product studio dedicated to bringing high quality content to fans. Dabel Brothers first became known for its stunning adaptation of George R. R. Martin's (HBO's "Game of Thrones") "The Hedge Knight" in 2003. Since then, it has produced countless titles and adapted novels by numerous bestselling authors, including Laurell K. Hamilton, Orson Scott Card, Raymond E. Feist, Robert Jordan, Jim Butcher, Charlaine Harris, Dean Koontz, Stephen King, Tad Williams, Richard A. Knaak and Robert Silverberg. More information can be found at SOURCE Southern Ground Related Links TEL AVIV, Israel, Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Datacrushers, the leading Revenue Discovery Platform powered by Machine Learning and AI for eCommerce merchants today announced the launch of their full Email Marketing Automation suite at the VISA hosted "Innovation Studio Tel-Aviv Launch and Innovation Exchange Conference." Datacrushers "As part of the Datacrushers mission to combat eCommerce technology fragmentation by introducing and delivering a holistic Revenue Discovery Platform, our newly launched email marketing automation feature propels our clients one step closer to having all their essential and most important eCommerce marketing and revenue discovery features in one, elegant and easy-to-use platform," said James Oppenheim, CEO of Datacrushers. "The email marketing automation tool joins our feature-rich and growing Revenue Discovery Platform (RDP). By installing our script on a merchant's website, the Machine learning and AI algorithms identify areas of revenue loss, including cart, search and browse/product abandonment, site-wide revenue-bleed, user, site and product analytics. Our RDP identifies new revenue opportunities using the unique shopping patterns and interactions of a sites online shoppers and customers. We (Datacrushers) then present the ongoing collected data analytics back to the merchants in a clear and comprehensive dashboard. The analytics are all actionable as merchants can directly engage shoppers from the dashboard with one-to-one or mass personalized campaigns and begin to recover serious revenue on Day 1," continued Oppenheim. "Our new email marketing tool will further help defragment the severely cluttered eCommerce marketing and analytics space which directly affects hundreds of thousands of global online merchants by enabling (retailers) to now also send highly personalized newsletters, welcome campaigns, dynamic email triggers, transactional emails and more," further said Oppenheim. "Our solution is tailored uniquely to the needs of online retailers. By using a drag and drop interface, marketers can set up their email templates in minutes without investing time, money, and energy in retraining efforts to achieve email marketing proficiency. Additionally, the new email marketing automation features are fully compatible with existing and new merchants' templates and email campaigns used on other email platforms," said Jeffrey Tower, CRO of Datacrushers. Current products and features of the Datacrushers Revenue Discovery Platform include: Cart, Search and Browse abandonment recovery Full Email Marketing Automation ESP Actionable, Deep Dynamic Shopper Segmentation and Identification, LTV/LTS (Guest and Logged-in) Complete Shopper Life-cycle Management Post Purchase Campaigns & Email Blasts Exit Intent Messaging (Pop-Up) Send My Cart On-Site, Social, and Email Messaging Product Performance Actionable Analytics User and Site Actionable Analytics About Datacrushers Datacrushers is a Revenue Discovery Platform and global leader in site-wide revenue recovery and discovery. Founded in 2015, Datacrushers uses Machine Learning and AI along with NLP to identify and recover revenue loss, abandonments and new revenue sources across any site. We complete a deep ongoing analysis of eCommerce websites by monitoring the three main focal points of any site: User, Site, and Product. Unlike traditional abandonment recovery platforms, Datacrushers does not require shoppers and customers to be logged in to conduct both on- and off-site campaigns. Datacrushers use a wide range of data-driven and analytics-based conversion tools to target the shopper at the right time with the most accurate and effective campaign to drive the sale. Datacrushers is platform, language, and currency agnostic and requires only a few lines of code to get started, thus delivering an ultra-fast, go-to-market with minimal set-up time and tech intervention. Based out of Tel Aviv, Israel, Datacrushers has clients worldwide including in the US, China, Russia, UK, Germany, and more. Press Contact: Jeffrey Tower Phone: 323-446-2773 Email: [email protected] Related Images james-oppenheim.jpg James Oppenheim email-marketing-platform.jpg Email Marketing Platform Revenue Discovery Platform Related Links About Datacrushers Email Marketing Automation SOURCE Datacrushers Related Links LONDON, Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Download the full report: The global digital forensics market includes various types of forensics such as computer forensics, mobile forensics, network forensics, database forensics, and forensic data analysis. Among these, the computer forensics market was seen leading the global market till 2016, as computers were used widely by digital forensics teams to collect critical evidences from digital data and identify the culprits responsible for a particular crime. While the use of computer devices remains the same in the corporate sector, the mobile devices market keeps growing given an increase in the demand for mobile phones all over the world. This has also impacted the digital forensics market, with mobile devices being widely used now to gather useful evidence from digital data. According to Future Market Insights' analysis, mobile device forensics has taken over the market with a projected valuation of more than US$ 2,300 Mn by 2027, up from just about US$ 507 Mn in 2017. The mobile device forensics market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 16.4% during the period of study. Rising digital crime and concerns about information security to widen the scope of the digital forensics market Cyber criminals employ a combination of sophisticated technologies to be successful in their target crime missions. Cyber criminals target individuals as well as businesses and rewards achieved are much greater with security protocols being somewhat lax at the other end. Not only this, cyber criminals use multiple channels and mislead security by a series of attacks that takes off the attention of security personnel from the main crime site. Moreover, rising information security concerns by individuals and businesses are expected to increase in the digital forensics market. The information provided by people on various social media platforms has increased, which has led to a rise in concerns regarding the safety of critical and sensitive personal information. Digital transformation is also a major driver of the market, which will eventually reform some of the business activities that will transform business processes and provide new revenue models using digital technologies, which includes information security, forensics technologies, data governance, cyber security, big data, cloud technologies, social media and mobility and IoT technologies. Manufacturing and retail industries are an early adopter of digitalisation. Digital forensics tools have been the most commonly embraced platform for tracing hacks, recovering data from damaged or erased hard drives, gathering and maintaining digital evidence and in investigation analysis. Increasing technological transformation across various industries will positively impact the growth of the digital forensics market. The current scenario of digitisation has led to an increase in the trend of cloud based network forensics As the cloud is a convenient and cost-effective way to store critical business data, its adoption is increasing among SMEs and large enterprises worldwide. Consequently, the demand for cloud security solutions such as cloud network forensics is also growing. As on-premise security solutions are expensive, their adoption is limited among SMEs due to budget constraints, limited resource availability, and the lack of expertise to address security problems. Cloud-based network forensic solutions scan the data traffic before it reaches the network, providing better protection and reduced bandwidth congestion. Cloud-based network forensics solutions do not require any hardware or software and can be controlled remotely, making them cost-effective for end users. These solutions also respond faster to new security threats and unauthorised access. Download the full report: About Reportbuyer Reportbuyer is a leading industry intelligence solution that provides all market research reports from top publishers For more information: Sarah Smith Research Advisor at Email: [email protected] Tel: +1 (718) 213 4904 Website: SOURCE ReportBuyer Related Links FORT WORTH, Texas, Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Fort Worth plastic surgeon Dr. Emily J. Kirby was recently appointed Chief of Plastic Surgery at Harris Methodist Hospital, the main facility of the Texas Health Fort Worth medical care system. The board certified plastic surgeon, owner of her private practice, Kirby Plastic Surgery, and 5-time Fort Worth Magazine Top Doctor is the first female plastic surgeon to hold the position. Dr. Kirby comments on her new role: Dr. Emily J. Kirby is honored to lead the division of plastic surgery at Harris Methodist Hospital "I am honored to be chosen by my colleagues to lead the division of plastic surgery at Harris Methodist Hospital. I look forward to contributing my services to the hospital medical board, helping to maintain unrivaled patient safety, and providing the latest evidence-based medicine for our patients." About Dr. Kirby, a rising star in Fort Worth plastic surgery The past year has been studded with honors for Dr. Kirby. In January of 2017, she was inducted into the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, an international medical society that accepts only board certified plastic surgeons who meet the highest standards for surgical skill, training, and ethics in their specialty. Dr. Kirby was also invited to serve on the Plastic and Regenerative Medicine Advisory Board for the global pharmaceutical manufacturer Allergan, Inc. (maker of BOTOX and other top medical products, including the most widely-used breast implants, Natrelle), and has been invited to review research for several peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Kirby has been named a Top Doctor by Fort Worth Magazine each year since 2014 and was recently named a Top Doctor in 360 West magazine for a second year in a row. She was selected as a Texas Monthly Super Doctor "Texas Rising Star" for both 2016 and 2017, is on the Healthgrades Honor Roll, and is among the top 10% of RealSelf Top Doctors. She has also has received 13 Patient's Choice Awards from Vitals. Creating a legacy of service to the Fort Worth community Since opening Kirby Plastic Surgery in 2011, Dr. Kirby has made community service a part of her practice philosophy. She and her staff have donated time, talents and resources to over 35 different local and international charities and non-profit organizations, and Dr. Kirby herself has made multiple trips to Ecuador with a medical group providing reconstructive procedures to children in the town of Ambato. She has also joined multiple medical teams in Mexico and China. Most recently, established Kirby Plastic Surgery as a donation center for Free the Girls, an organization dedicated to helping victims rescued from human trafficking restore healthy, productive lives. Patients and community members can donate gently used bras and make monetary contributions at her office. Dr. Kirby says she is grateful for all the support she has received from her patients, staff and colleagues throughout her career: "Improving patient health, happiness, and well-being has always been my primary motivation as a plastic surgeon and medical provider. I am proud to serve among my esteemed colleagues at Harris Methodist Hospital, Cook Children's Medical Center and Kirby Plastic Surgery who share this visionit is thanks to them that we are able to provide the utmost in care and help make Fort Worth a wonderful place to live." For more information about Dr. Emily J. Kirby or Kirby Plastic Surgery, or to request an interview with Dr. Kirby, please visit or contact the practice at 817-292-4200. About Kirby Plastic Surgery: Dr. Emily J. Kirby is a board certified plastic surgeon specializing in aesthetic and reconstructive procedures as well as non-surgical treatments. Her practice is located at 5075 Edwards Ranch Rd, Fort Worth, TX 76109. For more information, visit or read some of Dr. Emily Kirby's reviews. Media Contact: Randol Kirby, 817.292.4200 SOURCE Kirby Plastic Surgery Related Links BURNSVILLE, Minn., Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health (, the preeminent organization focusing on the biopsychosocial aspects of women's sexuality, welcomes Dr. James A. Simon, M.D., Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at The George Washington University School of Medicine in Washington D.C., as its new President. Dr. Simon's goals for his two-year term presidency include doubling the ISSWSH membership by expanding the knowledge of physicians (gynecologists, urologists, internists, and other primary care givers), advanced practice nurses (nurse practitioners, midwives, etc.), physician assistants, mental health providers (e.g., psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric social workers, certified sexual health counselors and educators), and pelvic floor physical therapists in the oft-neglected field of sexual medicine, a discipline with similar quality of life impact as arthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, and irritable bowel syndrome. Further, Dr. Simon vows to pressure the FDA into removing sexually discriminatory barriers to the development of new medications focused on improving women's sexual health. Dr. Simon served most recently as the President Elect of ISSWSH. He is also a Past-President of the North American Menopause Society (NAMS), and The Washington Gynecological Society. Dr. Simon is a prolific clinical researcher, holding distinctions for his involvement in reproductive endocrinology and infertility, the earliest advancements of in vitro fertilization, menopause, osteoporosis, and sexual medicine. Dr. Simon's research has been supported by more than 360 research grants and scholarships from a wide range of sponsors, including the National Institutes of Health (NIH), The American Heart Association, The Heinz Foundation and the pharmaceutical industry. He is an author or a co-author of more than 550 peer-reviewed articles, chapters, textbooks, abstracts, and other publications, including several prize-winning papers. Dr. Simon is coauthor of the paperback book "Restore Yourself: A Woman's Guide to Reviving Her Sexual Desire and Passion for Life." A short list of his other honors and achievements includes being selected to "Top Washington Physicians," "America's Top Obstetricians and Gynecologists," and "The Best Doctors in America." Dr. Simon and his care team continue to treat patients from all around the world in his private practice in Washington, D.C. For more information about the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health (ISSWSH), please visit Media Contacts: Tessa Benitez Associate Executive Director ISSWSH Phone: 1-952-683-9025 E-mail [email protected] Nancy Rose Senich (Agency) Phone/Text: 1-202-262-6996 Email: [email protected] SOURCE International Society for the Study of Womens Sexual Health (ISSWSH) Duetto was founded in 2012 by CEO Patrick Bosworth, Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer Marco Benvenuti and Chief Technology Officer Craig Weissman, the former CTO at The company's flagship software-as-a-service (SaaS) application, GameChanger, brought machine learning, new consumer-centric data and the breakthrough innovation of Open Pricing to the industry, enabling hotel companies to independently price all distribution channels, customer segments, room types and stay dates in real time. Duetto, headquartered in San Francisco and with offices in Las Vegas, Cleveland, London and Singapore, has quickly grown to serve more than 2,500 hotels and casinos in more than 60 countries. Those customers have consistently outperformed the market, beating their competition's rate of revenue growth by more than 6.5% since the launch of the company. "As the pace of change has accelerated and the threats of digital disruption have grown, so have our efforts to help this industry we are so passionate about. We are pleased to have the support of Warburg Pincus, whose extensive experience in building SaaS businesses of scale will help drive our growth and provide solutions to more hoteliers worldwide," said Patrick Bosworth, co-founder and CEO of Duetto. "For more than a decade, hotel companies have been looking for ways to compete more effectively with online travel agencies and drive more direct business. By unifying data across the tech stack, our platform has become the single source capable of delivering true personalization to consumers. Hoteliers now have the ability to increase conversion and drive more direct engagement with consumers by personalizing pricing and merchandising at the point of booking." "Duetto has established itself as the market leader in the hotel revenue management space, providing its customers with next-generation solutions to optimize demand, maximize rates and minimize costs," said Ashutosh Somani, Managing Director, Warburg Pincus. "With its strong domain experience and deep cloud SaaS technology leadership, Duetto is uniquely positioned to bring new capabilities to the hospitality industry. We look forward to supporting Patrick and the Duetto leadership team in their next chapter of growth." Duetto's Revenue Strategy Platform brings together all core technologies and data to make them accessible through multitenant cloud architecture using AWS and MongoDB, enabling future innovations and new applications. The company's intelligent reporting application ScoreBoard forecasts and analyzes performance, delivering key insights to stakeholders across the organization. BlockBuster brings Open Pricing to contracted group business and enhances collaboration between the sales and revenue management teams. PlayMaker, the industry's first application to personalize the booking experience in real time, customizes merchandising content and offers for known and unknown guests. "We want to modernize ecommerce in the hotel industry with our Revenue Strategy Platform at the center of the new hotel tech stack," said Marco Benvenuti, Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer of Duetto. "Our cloud platform is open and agnostic and we look forward to partnering with other technology companies to unlock new ways of driving efficiencies and more revenue for the hotelier. With our agile development process, we will continually improve our core applications while looking to develop new products when there is a crucial industry need not being served." Duetto is backed by investors Warburg Pincus, Icon Ventures, Accel Partners, Battery Ventures and Spectrum 28. About Duetto Duetto is hospitality's only Revenue Strategy Platform. A powerful suite of cloud applications addresses the industry's complexity in distribution and technology, providing solutions that increase booking conversion, guest loyalty and revenue. The unique combination of hospitality experience and technology leadership drives Duetto to look for new and innovative solutions to the industry's greatest challenges. Duetto delivers software-as-a-service to hotels and casinos that leverage dynamic data sources and actionable insights into pricing and demand across the enterprise, enabling a holistic and more profitable Revenue Strategy. Duetto's fully deployed hotel clients using GameChanger have recorded an average RevPAR Index lift of 6.5%. More than 2,500 hotel and casino properties in more than 60 countries have implemented Duetto's applications, which include GameChanger for Open Pricing, ScoreBoard for intelligent reporting, PlayMaker for personalization, and BlockBuster for contracted-business optimization. For more information, visit About Warburg Pincus Warburg Pincus LLC is a leading global private equity firm focused on growth investing. The firm has more than $44 billion in private equity assets under management. The firm's active portfolio of more than 150 companies is highly diversified by stage, sector and geography. Warburg Pincus is an experienced partner to management teams seeking to build durable companies with sustainable value. Founded in 1966, Warburg Pincus has raised 17 private equity funds which have invested more than $60 billion in over 800 companies in more than 40 countries. The firm is headquartered in New York with offices in Amsterdam, Beijing, Hong Kong, Houston, London, Luxembourg, Mumbai, Mauritius, San Francisco, Sao Paulo, Shanghai and Singapore. For more information please visit SOURCE Duetto Related Links New Creative Director, Jane Brown, joins Emotive Brand with over 20 years of experience developing corporate and brand identity programs for a broad range of clients, from global corporations to startups. Working for noted firms such as Landor, Luxon Carra, and MetaDesign, she has reimagined and reenergized brand development for airline, finance, publishing, technology, and biotech clients. "Jane is a true master of her craft," said Bella Banbury, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of Emotive Brand. "One of those designers who consistently breaks boundaries, finds fresh and unique ways to express ideas that others will follow. Jane's ability to bridge creative and strategy with ground breaking work is what attracted us to each other." "We've known and admired Jane for 20 years, and knew it was the right time to bring her on," said Tracy Lloyd, Emotive Brand Co-Founder. "Jane is coming because she believes in the power of Emotive Branding and we can't wait to see the impact of her work on our clients' business and brands." Jane Brown's internal roles have included Design Director at Gensler and Creative Director of Brand at the University of Phoenix, where she led the team to complete an award-winning brand identity system. Beginning her career in Canada and moving to San Francisco via Stockholm, Sweden, Brown brings an exceptional breadth and sense of global design to every project. Some of her clients over the years include Adobe, McAfee, Oxford University, Johnson & Johnson, San Francisco International Airport, and Wells Fargo. "As a Creative Director, I am enamored with the entire process of design," said Jane Brown. "Admittedly, my favorite step in the process lies between the strategic framework and brand expression. When teams pivot from logic to feeling, and begin to reimagine and visualize what is possible that's when the magic happens." About Emotive Brand Emotive Brand is a brand strategy and design firm that transforms businesses by transforming brands. Emotive Brand works with B2B brands in technology, high-growth startups, professional services firms, and purpose-led brands. Bridging the rational needs of business with the emotional needs of people, Co-Founders, Bella Banbury and Tracy Lloyd, have built a unique brand strategy firm that works with companies to build brands that matter. Recent clients include Harness, Lyra, Citrix, Unum, Pandora, UPS, Rocket Fuel, PubMatic, VMware, Drawbridge, and many more. For more information, visit Emotive Brand at SOURCE Emotive Brand Related Links VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Emtelligent Software Ltd., one of the world's first companies to apply deep learning to medical natural language processing, today announces the addition of Jinho Choi, Ph.D., to its team of NLP experts. Dr. Choi has over 15 years experience in NLP, has published over 50 articles and previously contributed to the field of medical linguistics. Emtelligent Introduction Dr. Choi will work directly with Emtelligent CTO Anoop Sarkar, Ph.D., and CEO Tim O'Connell, M.Eng., M.D., to further enhance the capabilities of Emtelligent's "EmtelliPro" medical record processing engine. Dr. Sarkar, a professor of computer science and expert in NLP, and his team of over a half-dozen master's and Ph.D.-level team members have already applied deep learning models to many medical NLP specific tasks, including assertion detection, where they have achieved never-before-seen accuracy results on challenging examples, beating state-of-the-art methods. "We believe we have a path to near-perfect accuracy - and Jinho's involvement will help us expedite that process," says Dr. O'Connell. "He will help us further refine the EmtelliPro engine's accuracy and add new features, expanding our customers' ability to use the output to create the next generation of applications needed to fix healthcare." Dr. Choi is an assistant professor at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, where he is the director of the NLP research group. He has been actively involved in research on both low-level and high-level NLP such as dependency parsing and machine comprehension and developed several NLP toolkits such as NLP4J and ELIT. "It is my belief that by leveraging techniques in machine learning and natural language processing, we will be able to make the latest medical advances available to everyone, anywhere at anytime. Working with the team at Emtelligent is such a great opportunity to combine our skills to accomplish this goal," says Dr. Choi. Dr. Sarkar adds: "Having known Jinho for many years through my research, it is an honour for Emtelligent to have the benefit of his knowledge." Dr. Sarkar explains: "Medical reports are not all alike: they vary in their structure, the types of information contained in each report are diverse and the language used by medical professionals to state the same information varies dramatically. Already, the models in the NLP toolkit developed by the team use a combination of global information at the sentence and document level and local character-level information for each word to achieve an unparalleled level of performance. Jinho will work with us to refine our models and algorithms so we can push even further ahead." Emtelligent Software Ltd. is a Vancouver, Canada-based medical NLP company. Emtelligent's EmtelliPro processing engine was designed from the ground up for enterprise use, and can accurately process millions of medical reports a day. The company's goal is to unlock the data trapped in electronic medical records at the highest-possible accuracy, rapidly bringing medicine into the 21st century and enabling user-friendly AI-based applications for care-providers, researchers, administrators, insurers and patients. Learn more at or call 1-877-GO-EMTEL (1-877-463-6835). Contact: Jeff O'Connell, COO, Emtelligent [email protected] Related Video SOURCE Emtelligent Software Ltd. Related Links ORLANDO, Fla., Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Transformious is a consulting firm that improves business performance using technology, focusing on financial and supply chain processes. The Houston-based firm creates value by lowering the cost of core business functions and achieving greater efficiencies by, in part, eliminating redundant tasks and reducing manual processes. Last year, Chief Transformation Officer Lukeman Cole thought Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solutions described in an inflight magazine article sounded too good to be true; not long after, a client requested Transformious RPA solutions. Cole said he began searching for an RPA software provider and selected EnableSoft's Foxtrot RPA software. "It's so scaleable and super easy to script a process," Cole said of Foxtrot. Transformious uses Foxtrot during what Cole describes as "manual and highly repetitive tasks" that remained despite a lengthy ERP Implementation. "With Foxtrot, we can now automate all pieces of the business process within Finance and Supply Chain that otherwise required manual intervention to complete," he said. "When you start looking at the numbers, you'd be absolutely amazed at the number of people involved and the cost of supporting those manual tasks. Especially, since these tasks can be automated for a fraction of the cost and time of the traditional integration approach," Cole added. "Foxtrot is a perfect fit." About Transformious Transformious is a boutique consulting company focused exclusively on driving business performance through business process transformation. Their mission is to offer technology-enabled transformation that reduces costs, increases effectiveness, and creates tangible value for your business. Additional information is available at About EnableSoft As an early innovator in the RPA space, Orlando-based EnableSoft Inc. has helped organizations save time, save money, and improve productivity. Serving over 500 corporate clients worldwide, EnableSoft develops and markets Foxtrot, software that eliminates the burden of manual data processes by behaving, deciding and working just like a person. Additional information is available at Media contact: Richard Milam [email protected] 407-233-2616 SOURCE EnableSoft Related Links NEW YORK, Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics (FASPE) will present the 2018 Awards for Ethical Leadership on March 5 in New York City. This year's honorees are Imam Adeel Zeb, who is being named Distinguished Fellow, the law firm of Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP and, posthumously, Emanuel Ringelblum and the Oneg Shabbat Group. Adeel Zeb Emanuel Ringelblum In recognition of the contributions that FASPE's Fellows have gone on to make to their professions in the area of ethics, FASPE is for the first time presenting a Distinguished Fellow Award. Imam Adeel Zeb, a Muslim chaplain, interfaith scholar and TEDx speaker, who was a FASPE Seminary Fellow in 2013, is the first FASPE fellow to be honored with this award. "Zeb is being recognized for his commitment to the ethical role that clergy must perform within their religious communities and within the larger religious and civic spheres," said David Goldman, Founder and Chair of FASPE, which runs innovative fellowship programs that challenge graduate students and early-career professionals in business, journalism, law, medicine and religion to confront their ethical responsibilities by analyzing the decisions and actions of Nazi-era professionals. "Zeb has established himself as an important voice within the entire arena of university chaplaincies, including as an active proponent of inter-faith dialogue, mutual respect and freedom of expression," added Goldman. Zeb currently serves as Co-University Chaplain at the Claremont Colleges in Los Angeles, CA, and in 2017, he became the first Muslim and first South-Asian to be elected President of the National Association of College and University Chaplains. A frequent contributor to the Huffington Post, Zeb has been featured in The Washington Post, Time Magazine, Buzzfeed, and on CNN and NPR. He has spoken on Capitol Hill, at the U.S. Department of State, at President Obama's Interfaith Summit and at numerous faith-based centers, globally. He was recently nominated by the El-Hibri Foundation for its annual Peace Award. "FASPE was instrumental in my journey of profound ethical exploration. I learned how to think critically regarding the ethical deficiencies in our locality, nation and the world," said Zeb, "As a Muslim chaplain, the quest for social equality is intrinsic to my belief, and FASPE nurtured my soul and elevated my morality in line with my tradition and interfaith intersections." As in previous years, FASPE is also presenting Awards for Ethical Leadership to a Corporate Honoree and a Posthumous Honoree. This year's Corporate Honoree is Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP. Cravath has been known as one of the premier U.S. law firms for nearly two centuries. FASPE recognizes Cravath for its unwavering responsibility and dedication to excellence, client service and the community. This year's Posthumous Honoree is Emanuel Ringelblum and the Oneg Shabbat Group. A Polish-Jewish historian, teacher and social activist, Ringelblum was interned in the Warsaw Ghetto during World War II. There, he formed a clandestine research team known as the Oneg Shabbat Group, which collected thousands of documents, diaries and other materials, to form an underground archive of the Ghetto. Shortly before the liquidation of the Ghetto, Ringelblum and the Oneg Shabbat group buried the materials they had gathered and Ringelblum went into hiding. In 1944, Ringelblum was arrested and executed. The materials buried by the Oneg Shabbat Group were recovered after the war and are today housed at The Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, in an archive named in Ringelblum's memory. FASPE recognizes Emanuel Ringelblum and the Oneg Shabbat Group posthumously for their courage and prescience as the true ethical documentarians of their time. FASPE provides a unique historical lens to study contemporary ethics in the professions. Currently entering its ninth year of operations, FASPE's Business, Journalism, Law, Medical and Seminary programs engage graduate students and early-career professionals in an intensive two-week study trip to Germany and Poland, where they explore contemporary ethical issues in their respective fields by first studying their professional counterparts in Europe during the period of 1933-1945. FASPE selects approximately 65 Fellows each year for its five programs through a competitive application process. It currently has nearly 450 alumni fellows, many of whom are emerging as leaders in their fields. FASPE will present its 2018 Awards for Ethical Leadership on March 5, 2018 at its annual Gala in New York City. The event will take place at Espace, located at 635 West 42nd Street. Visit to learn more about the 2018 Awards for Ethical Leadership. To learn more about FASPE, visit FASPE is a New York non-profit corporation with tax qualification as a 501(c)(3) entity. Contact: Talia Bloch Communications Manager 646-571-2199 [email protected] SOURCE Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics Vous etes confrontes a une infestation par la puce, la punaise de lit ? Voici plusieurs actions qui sont a mettre en uvre pour faire [] HHT is a genetic condition which causes patients' blood vessels not to form properly. Their blood vessels develop abnormal shunts or holes that bypass the capillaries and could result in severe bleeding. In most cases, bleeding in tissues and organs can be treated by a doctor who cauterizes or embolize the point of the bleed. These interventions treat HHT symptoms; they do not address the condition. Furthermore, in some organs, such as the liver, these procedures cannot be performed and often require a liver transplant if the bleeding cannot be stopped. Dr. Marambaud hopes to identify therapies specifically tailored to correct the molecular defects associated with HHT, an approach that could provide a solution to prevent or even reverse the formation of the abnormal vessels and the resulting bleeding. "Currently there is no treatment for hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia other than trying to stop the bleeding," said Dr. Marambaud. "We're extremely grateful for the support from the DOD and the NIH to allow us to continue our search for a treatment for this highly debilitating disease." In this multi-site DOD study, Dr. Marambaud, along with Feinstein Institute Associate Professor Lionel Blanc, PhD , will identify potential drug candidates from existing FDA-approved medications to help reduce the loss of blood vessel function associated with HHT. Dr. Marambaud's findings will then be tested in human clinical trials at Toronto University, which houses the largest HHT care center in North America. Other institutions involved in the study include the Barrow Neurological Institute, Duke University and Pittsburg University. The DOD has placed a research focus on vascular pathologies, like HHT, that might affect military personnel. HHT, although relatively rare, can be highly debilitating and is expected to affect military personnel at the same prevalence as the general population. As part of the NIH study, Dr. Marambaud and his team will work to better understand the genetic causes of HHT to identify new therapies. HHT mutations are mostly found in the ALK1 and ENG genes and lead to a loss of function in the signaling associated with these genes. Researchers will examine collections of FDA-approved drugs to identify molecules capable of activating ALK1 and ENG signaling. Drugs identified in this study can then be tested in humans in a clinical trial. Kevin J. Tracey, MD, president & CEO of the Feinstein Institute said, "Dr. Marambaud's research to repurpose FDA-approved medications offers a more efficient path for new therapies that are desperately needed for this devastating illness." About The Feinstein Institute The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research is the research arm of Northwell Health, the largest healthcare provider in New York. Home to 50 research laboratories and to clinical research throughout dozens of hospitals and outpatient facilities, the 3,500 researchers and staff of the Feinstein Institute are making breakthroughs in molecular medicine, genetics, oncology, brain research, mental health, autoimmunity and bioelectronic medicine a new field of science that has the potential to revolutionize medicine. For more information about how we empower imagination and pioneer discovery, visit Contact: Heather E. Ball 516-425-7917 [email protected] SOURCE The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research Related Links SEATTLE, Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The leaders of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA), representing Alaska Airlines and former Virgin America Airlines, reached an agreement with Alaska Airlines on a joint collective bargaining agreement (JCBA) covering over 5,400 Flight Attendants. "We worked hard to achieve improvements for the Alaska Airlines Flight Attendants while simultaneously balancing the need to quickly address the disparity for the former Virgin America Flight Attendants working under their current pay and work rules. The JCBA accomplishes those goals and provides for a smooth path to combine the two Flight Attendant groups," said Jeffrey Peterson, AFA president at Alaska Airlines. Highlights of the agreement will be released to members and include contractual improvements and pay increases for all Alaska Flight Attendants. The agreement also provides for immediate parity on pay rates for former Virgin America Flight Attendants who will transition onto the Alaska JCBA. The JCBA will be sent out for full membership vote. Virgin America Flight Attendants joined AFA in April 2017 shortly after the announced merger of Alaska Airlines and Virgin America. The Association of Flight Attendants is the Flight Attendant union. Focused 100 percent on Flight Attendant issues, AFA has been the leader in advancing the Flight Attendant profession for 72 years. Serving as the voice for Flight Attendants in the workplace, in the aviation industry, in the media and on Capitol Hill, AFA has transformed the Flight Attendant profession by raising wages, benefits and working conditions. Nearly 50,000 Flight Attendants come together to form AFA, part of the 700,000-member strong Communications Workers of America (CWA), AFL-CIO. Visit us at SOURCE Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA) Related Links ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Four time Iditarod champion Dallas Seavey has definitive proof that demonstrates the Iditarod Trail Committee (ITC) wrongly tied his name to dog doping allegations in the 2017 Iditarod. An independent forensic drug testing expert has reviewed the documents provided by the ITC and has reached the following conclusions: Tramadol was administered to four of Seavey's dogs two to four hours after Seavey finished in second place in the 2017 Iditarod. Seavey finished in second place in the 2017 Iditarod. The dosing of Seavey's dogs after the completion of the 2017 Iditarod supports intentional doping of his dogs by an unknown third party. The administration of Tramadol to Seavey's dogs after the 2017 Iditarod was potentially harmful to his dogs and would not have provided any competitive advantage to Seavey. These facts constitute clear and convincing evidence that Seavey did not dope his dogs. Even the ITC, in January this year, publically acknowledged in the Anchorage Daily News that the organization did not have documents readily available and has had to gather them: "The ITC has been and continues to respond to Seavey's requests and has provided information as quickly as possible." The statement continued, "The ITC wants to re-emphasize that it does not place blame on Dallas Seavey regarding the positive urine drug test results in the canine team and will continue to not speculate on the circumstances surrounding the positive drug test of his four dogs." Seavey has completed the Iditarod 11 times, winning the race four times (2012, 2014, 2015, and 2016). Seavey estimates that his dogs have been tested between 15 to 20 times by the Iditarod Trail Committee over the past decade, and he has never had a positive test before. Seavey reiterated that he believes the ITC has mishandled this process from the beginning and wants the public to understand that he did not administer any banned substance to his dogs. Seavey is frustrated that the ITC did not undertake an independent review of the drug testing documents before releasing his name in connection with the positive test results. The ITC provided Seavey with the drug testing documents only after multiple requests. The documents provided by the ITC were provided to Dr. Patricia M. Williams, a renowned drug toxicology expert, who conducted an independent review. On February 5, 2018, Dr. Williams issued a 21 page report which highlights the inadequacy of the laboratory testing protocols for Tramadol and the inaccuracies of the opinions of Dr. A. Morrie Craig, the Iditarod drug testing director. Based upon her review of the documents provided to Seavey by the ITC, Dr. Williams recommends that the ITC take the following steps: Convene an independent investigation to determine who administered Tramadol to Seavey's dogs. Review Iditarod security measures to ensure the integrity of the Iditarod and the safety of Iditarod dogs and mushers. Review the drugs identified on the handwritten sheet provided by the ITC which are not associated with Seavey's dogs. "I strongly stand behind drug testing as it is an important procedure to ensuring the integrity of the sport and the safety of the dog athletes, but the ITC needs to implement its drug testing program with transparency and standards," said Seavey. "I am looking forward to putting this debacle by ITC behind me. My name is cleared, but for the future of the sport I call on the ITC to improve its processes and place a higher value on preserving integrity and fairness for all mushers and dogs in the sport of sleddog racing," said Seavey. "I am ready to get back to doing what I love and do bestbeing with my dogs on the trail." Dallas Seavey will continue to participate in the sport of sleddog racing, expanding his experiences this March by accomplishing his longtime goal of competing abroad. Seavey and his dogs will compete for the first time in Norway's Finnmarkslpet on March 9. SOURCE Dallas Seavey SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Genesys (, the global leader in omnichannel customer experience and contact center solutions, is accelerating its worldwide cloud-based customer experience capabilities by expanding voice options for the Genesys PureCloud platform. With a newly increased global footprint of its internet-based telephony service, PureCloud Voice, and the introduction of a cloud-based Bring Your Own Carrier (BYOC) option, Genesys is giving customers unmatched flexibility and control when designing their communications ecosystem. Genesys PureCloud Voice officially launched in the UK today giving local businesses the option to deploy a 100 percent cloud-based voice solution with just an internet connection. The affordability of the solution's usage-based billing and the ease of working with just one vendor makes PureCloud Voice ideal for businesses that demand maximum simplicity. PureCloud Voice is also expected to launch in the Netherlands, France and Ireland by the end of the first quarter. In addition, the company intends to roll out extended availability to more than 15 other new markets in 2018, including countries throughout the Europe and Asia Pacific regions. First made available in the United States and Canada in 2016, PureCloud Voice supported nearly 200 million minutes of voice calls for North American businesses last year alone and is on pace to far exceed that number this year. "Whether through PureCloud Voice or partnering with a carrier, now PureCloud gives customers even more options and control to help businesses deploy the telephony strategy of their choice," said Olivier Jouve, executive vice president of PureCloud. "Combined with a proven ROI nearing 600 percent* in three years and payback in less than three months, it's easy to make the business case for PureCloud." Further, Genesys is expanding customers' possibilities for telephony deployments with the new PureCloud BYOC cloud offering. This augments the existing carrier option by adding a complete cloud approach. BYOC allows businesses to maintain strategic carrier relationships or the flexibility to switch vendors when needed. It can also help businesses avoid expensive international dialing rates and simplify global deployments by eliminating physical management and equipment maintenance requirements. BYOC makes it possible for customers to integrate with any compatible carrier using PureCloud Media Tier resources, which handle all aspects of media processing, including managing phones and calls. Whether using PureCloud Voice or BYOC, the Purecloud WebRTC phone completes the zero-hardware approach. Enabled with only an internet connection, it significantly streamlines management. Genesys customers will benefit from the high availability and auto-scalability of the PureCloud platform to meet call volume demands. Launched globally in 2015, the PureCloud platform is a unified, all-in-one customer engagement and business communications solution that is easy to use and quick to deploy. A true cloud offering based on microservices architecture, the PureCloud platform is flexible, open, feature-rich, and built for rapid innovation, providing organizations with a future-proof solution for quickly scaling to meet customer growth. *A commissioned Total Economic Impact(TM) of Genesys PureCloud study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Genesys, December 2017. About Genesys Genesys powers more than 25 billion of the world's best customer experiences each year. Our success comes from connecting employee and customer conversations on any channel, every day. Over 10,000 companies in more than 100 countries trust our #1 customer experience platform to drive great business outcomes and create lasting relationships. Combining the best of technology and human ingenuity, we build solutions that mirror natural communication and work the way you think. Our industry-leading solutions foster true omnichannel engagement because they perform equally well across channels, on-premises and in the cloud. Experience communication as it should be: fluid, instinctive and profoundly empowering. Visit on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and the Genesys blog. Contacts: Rachel Faulkner Senior Manager, PR Genesys [email protected] +1 317-715-8109 Lisa Hawes Sterling Communications [email protected] +1 408-395-5500 SOURCE Genesys Related Links ALBANY, New York, February 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The analysts of the report have projected the demand in the global angiography devices market to expand at a CAGR of 4.3% during the forecast period of 2017 to 2025, by the end of which the valuation of the market is estimated to reach US$33,370.3 mn. In the near future, to maintain their stronghold over the angiography devices market, the global players are expected to indulge in mergers and acquisition activities. For instance, Medtronic Inc. acquired Covidien plc in June 2014, adding to its technological expertise. On the other hand, GE Healthcare offers Discovery IGS 730, which is an angiography system that provides for extremely high-quality imaging and complete workspace freedom to perform cardiac angulations. Boston Scientific Angiographic Catheters are customized to pave a way for delivering contrast media to the selected locations in the vascular system during an angiographic procedure. Get PDF Brochure for Research Insights at Based on product, the TMR report segments the angiography devices market into angiography systems and consumables, which has been further sub-segmented into catheters, guidewires, balloons, incision closure devices, contrast media, and accessories. Technology-wise, the market has been bifurcated into MRI, CT, and X-ray, which is further sub-segmented into flat-panel digital detectors and image intensifiers. Application-wise, the market has been categorized into carotid, renal, peripheral, cerebral, coronary, and aortic. The report also gauges the potential of demand that can be expected during the forecast period from every important end-user, including hospitals, diagnostic centers, and ambulatory surgical centers. Geographically, North America has been identified as the region with maximum demand and anticipated to remain so until 2025 too. However, the demand from the region of Latin America is primed to expand at a much stronger CAGR during the said forecast period. Government Subsidies Driving Demand Escalating percentage of geriatrics in the world's population, who commonly suffer from cardiovascular disorders (CVD), growing number of awareness programs including conferences, and government investments and subsidies to provide for essential medical equipment to their citizens are some of the key factors driving the demand in the global angiography devices market. In addition to that, consistent R&D activities to improve the products by a number of major players and promising pipeline of new angiography devices that are under observation of the FDA are also expected to bear positive results in the near future. Request a Custom Report at Cost of Angiography Devices Challenging Market's Prosperity On the other hand, regulatory procedures before a product is made available to the customers, lack of proper reimbursement policies in a number of emerging economies, and high cost of digital angiography devices and instruments are a few challenges faced by the angiography devise market. Nevertheless, emerging economies, particularly BRICS nations, are expected to provide for substantial new opportunities in the near future. A fresh business intelligence publication by Transparency Market Research (TMR) informs that the global angiography devices market is highly competitive, attributing it to the presence of a vast pool of players who operate at regional as well as international level. The major manufacturers of angiography devices are aspiring greater shares by aggressively pricing their products, developing new technologies that meets diverse demands, and strengthening their distribution network. Medtronic Inc., AngioDynamics, GE Healthcare (a business of General Electric Company), Merit Medical Systems, Shimadzu Corporation, Siemens Healthcare, Koninklijke Philips N.V., Canon Medical Systems Corporation, Boston Scientific Corporation, and Cordis Corporation (Johnson & Johnson Company) have been identified as some of the companies that are ahead of the curve in the global angiography devices market. Purchase your own copy of Report at