Fin Costello/RedfernsDanny Kirwan, guitarist and vocalist for Fleetwood Mac from 1968 to 1972, died Friday. He was 68. The news was announced in a Facebook posting by Mick Fleetwood, who wrote, "Today was greeted by the sad news of the passing of Danny Kirwan in London, England. Danny was a huge force in our early years. His love for the Blues led him to being asked to join Fleetwood Mac in 1968, where he made his musical home for many years." Fleetwood continued, "Dannys true legacy, in my mind, will forever live on in the music he wrote and played so beautifully as a part of the foundation of Fleetwood Mac, that has now endured for over fifty years. Thank you, Danny Kirwan. You will forever be missed!" Kirwan appeared on the Fleetwood Mac albums Then Play On, Blues Jam at Chess, Kiln House, Future Games and Bare Trees. His first major contribution to the band was playing on the instrumental "Albatross," written by Fleetwood Mac founder Peter Green, which topped the charts in the U.K. Kirwan also wrote songs for the band and handled lead vocals on a number of tunes. Kirwan began to struggle with alcoholism, and in 1972, Mick Fleetwood fired him after he refused to go onstage one night following a fight with another band member, Bob Welch. Kirwan recorded a series of solo albums following his departure from Fleetwood Mac, but was reluctant to perform live. In 1998, he was inducted along with the rest of Fleetwood Mac into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but he didn't attend the ceremony. Copyright 2018, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. According to official statistics from the General Department of Vietnam Customs, the total value of goods exchanged between Vietnam and the G7 (including France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, United States and Canada) in 2017 reached US$113 billion, up 9.5% over 2016 and accounting for more than a quarter of the total import and export turnover. The total export turnover of Vietnamese enterprises to the G7 market reached US$78.98 billion, an increase of 8.4% (equivalent to US$6.13 billion) compared to a year ago, and accounted for 36.7% of Vietnams total export turnover. In the opposite direction, the total value of goods imported from the G7 member countries was at US$34.03 billion, an increase of 12.3% and accounting for 16% of the total import turnover. In trade with the G7 in 2017, Vietnam enjoyed a surplus up to US$44.95 billion, greater than the import of goods originating from the G7. According to the department, Canada, the host country of the G7 Summit this year, ranked seventh in the G7 group and 24th out of more than 200 trading partners of Vietnam in 2017. In recent years, Canada has always been among Vietnams 25 largest trading partners. In 2017, the total value of imports and exports between Vietnam and Canada reached US$3.52 billion, an increase of 15.3% against the performance in 2016. In particular, Vietnam's exports to Canada reached US$2.72 billion, up 2.4% over 2016, accounting for 1.3% of the total export value of the country, while imported goods from Canada reached nearly US$800 million, a sharp increase of 102.3% over 2016, accounting for 0.4% of the total. Statistics from the General Department of Customs in recent years show that Vietnam has always enjoyed a trade surplus over Canada. The figure steadily increased during the 2011-2016 period. However, in 2017, the trade surplus decreased due to the sharp increase of imports from this market. Specifically, Vietnams strongest surplus to Canada was in 2016 with US$2.26 billion but the surplus shrank to US$1.92 billion a year later. In the first four months of 2018, the total value of exports and imports between Vietnam and Canada reached US$1.12 billion, up 3.3% over the same period in 2017, in which export turnover reached US$820 million, down 0.6%, and imports at US$303 million, up 15.9%. During the visit, Ky attended and delivered a speech at a seminar on historical memory and cultural heritage of the International Convention of Radio and Television in Varadero from June 7-9. He and Alfonso Noya Martinez, President of the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television (ICRT), signed a cooperation agreement, during the framework of the International Convention of Radio and Television. The sides inked their first cooperation pact in 2013. Their new deal was said to add new terms and contents, including the exchange of programmes on politics, economics, social affairs and culture, joint work in reporter training, exchange of high-ranking leaders, and joint production of radio and television programmes. After the signing ceremony, the VOV and ICRT leaders began their discussion. They stressed their determination to realise the agreement via regular liaison, and to drive their collaboration toward effectiveness in contribution to Vietnam - Cuba relations. Attending the signing ceremony and discussion, Vietnamese Ambassador to Cuba Nguyen Trung Thanh said the pact will build on outcomes of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trongs March visit to Cuba in promoting Vietnam - Cuba trust and comprehensive cooperation. The forum aims to step up collaboration, share experience, transfer technologies and mobilise resources for climate change adaptation and response, the Vietnamese leader explained. Prime Minister Phuc raised the initiative while addressing the G7 Outreach Summit in the Charlevoix region, in Canadas Quebec state, on June 9, at the invitation of his Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau. In his speech, the PM conveyed the message of the significance of the enhanced international cooperation in climate change combat. Vietnam supports host Canada to concentrate the G7 Outreach Summits agenda on seas and oceans, and applauds the resolve and cooperation spirit displayed by the G7 countries in an attempt to seek solutions to promote the protection of the marine ecology, he said. The leader stressed that Vietnam is one of the countries hardest hit by climate change and sea level rises, as well as the adverse impacts of the unsustainable exploitation and use of Mekong River water resources. He affirmed Vietnams commitments to seriously cutting emissions in conformity with the Paris COP21 Agreement on climate change, and called on the G7 countries and the international community to continue their assistance and cooperation with Vietnam to help the country to improve its capacity for climate change monitoring and adaptation, fighting sea level rises and saltwater intrusion, and manage and use water resources of the lower Mekong River basin sustainably. At the event, PM Phuc affirmed that strongly developing the sea-based economy in tandem with protecting the environment and the marine ecosystem is a development direction and strategy of Vietnam. The countrys viewpoint is not exchanging the environment for economic growth, but encouraging clean and renewable energy, green growth and sustainable development, and determinedly preventing waste releases that pollute the marine environment. He welcomed Canadas initiative to prevent disposing of plastic waste into oceans, stressing that Vietnam is ready to cooperate with Canada and countries around the world to carry out this initiative. The Vietnamese leader also proposed that the G7 countries promote the formation of a global cooperation mechanism for reducing plastic garbage towards oceans free of plastic waste. He informed that the sixth Global Environment Fund (GEF) Assembly will be held in Vietnam later this month. Vietnam has proposed a regional project for an ocean free of plastic waste that is applauded by the GEF. In his speech, PM Phuc emphasised that the goal of green oceans can only be achieved when peace, stability and cooperation are maintained across oceans. He applauded the G7 nations support for ASEANs common stance on the East Sea issue. Accordingly, it is a need to enhance the cooperation to ensure security, safety and freedom of navigation and aviation, to peacefully resolve disputes on the basis of international law and the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and respect diplomatic and legal processes to consolidate regional and global peace, stability and cooperation. The PMs speech was welcomed by the host Canada and many participating countries, which also voiced their support for the initiatives suggested by Vietnam and for ASEANs stance on the East Sea issue. The G7 Outreach Summit looked into pollution and unsustainable exploitation of marine resources, which remain global challenges threatening the sustainable development of the entire planet and firstly coastal nations. The delegates called for stronger global and regional cooperation in protecting the marine economy. Most of the participating leaders affirmed their commitments to implementing the Paris Agreement. They exchanged initiatives, visions and measures to enhance the capacity for climate change response and adaptation, promote mechanisms dealing with maritime issues on the basis of international law, prevent coastal erosion and sea level rises, form cooperation mechanisms and international standards of fighting plastic waste and illegal fishing, enhance the management and protection of the marine ecology, and ensure sustainable development of sea-based economic sectors. They also voiced their support for Canadas initiative of reinforcing international cooperation in preventing and handling plastic waste discharged into oceans, and promoting gender equality in climate change response. The following is the full text of his speech. The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, Excellences, Heads of State and Government Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to sincerely thank The Right Honourable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for inviting Vietnam to the expanded G7 meeting today. The theme Ocean set for this meeting is highly relevant. It is the habitat and development space of all coastal nations and the entire planet. I wish to share the following views: First, climate change and sea level rise poses a serious threat to mankinds survival. Vietnam has a long coastline and, according to the WB and OECD, is among the countries worst affected by climate change, sea level rise and extreme weather. Without effective responses, 20% of Ho Chi Minh City and 40% of the Mekong delta of Vietnam will be submerged by the end of this century. This area is Vietnams rice granary inhabited by tens of millions of people, and a food-exporting centre that provides food security for many countries. Vietnam highly values the assistance for sustainable development of the Mekong River basin from G7 countries, including Japan, the United States and the Friends of the Lower Mekong (FLM). We look forward to the continued international support and cooperation for sustainable management and use of water resources and enhanced monitoring, climate change adaptation, as well as responding to the sea level rise and spreading saline intrusion in the Mekong basin. Vietnam is committed to joining the international community in early translating the Paris Agreement into reality. I would like to propose that G7 countries consider establishing an Expanded Cooperation Forum of G7 and coastal countries on response to climate change, sea level rise and protection of maritime environment and ecology in order to promote cooperation, share experience, transfer technologies and muster resources. Vietnam welcomes the G7s topic on the gender equality to facilitate womens access to resources and basic services in responding to climate change. Second, 8 million tons of plastic waste are flushed into our oceans every year, imperiling the maritime ecosystem and the oceans health. Vietnam welcomes Canada's initiative on preventing plastic litter on oceans, and stands ready to work with Canada and other partners in its implementation. At the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Assembly to be held in Vietnam in late June 2018, we will put forward an initiative on developing a Regional Project for a Plastic Free Ocean, which has been welcomed by the GEF. At this forum, I would like to propose that the G7 work on establishing a Global Mechanism on Plastic Waste Reduction with joint actions from all relevant countries for ever-blue oceans full of fish and shrimps and free from plastic, serving as valuable assets for future generations. Vietnam, on its part, has adopted a development strategy to vigorously promote maritime economy in parallel with protecting maritime environment and ecosystem. We do not sacrifice the environment for economic growth. We encourage clean energy, green growth and sustainable projects while combating strongly polluting waste for blue and healthy seas. Lastly, the preservation of blue oceans as the living habitat of mankind is only possible with peace, stability and cooperation prevailing at seas. The East Sea in Southeast Asia provides the lifeline for 50% of the world shipping traffic. It must be the sea of peace and safety. Vietnam welcomes the G7s support for ASEAN's common position on the maintaining maritime safety, security and freedom of navigation and overflight, non-militarization and refraining from unilateral acts that would erode trust, dispute settlement via peaceful means on the basis of respecting international law, the 1982 UNCLOS and the diplomatic and legal processes, full and effective observance of the DOC and working towards an early substantive and effective COC. Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to affirm that Vietnam stands ready to advance cooperation in realizing the theme of the G7 Meeting today on effective response to climate change, sea level rise, development of clean, renewable energy, and protection of maritime environment and ecosystem. Our common goal is for a blue ocean, a green planet, peace, stability and common prosperity. Thank you for your kind attention. Under the guidance of the Shanghai Spirit, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) will grow into a new model for international cooperation, President Mamnoon Hussain of Pakistan, a new member of the SCO since 2017, said before the 18th SCO summit to be held in Qingdao, east Chinas Shandong Province on June 9 and 10. The Shanghai Spirit, a high-frequency phase mentioned by leaders of SCO members when talking about the organizations future, was confirmed as a fundamental principle of relationships among SCO member countries in the declaration on the establishment of the SCO signed in 2001. The Development Strategy of the SCO until 2025 was approved in 2015, saying that the cooperation within SCO is distinguished by its spirit of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, mutual consultations, respect for cultural diversity and pursuit of common development. These principles, known as the Shanghai Spirit, will continue to serve as the basis for the relations between the SCO member states. Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev holds that the Shanghai Spirit is the most significant achievement of the SCO since its establishment. As an organization that shares a natural bond with the Belt and Road Initiative, the SCOs alignment with the latter was also concerned by leaders of the SCO member states. The Belt and Road Initiative is in line with Russias efforts to build the Eurasian Economic Union, said Russian President Vladimir Putin. These two together will bring very good results, he added. The Russian President took infrastructure as an example, saying that his country welcomes its Chinese partners to participate in the Northern Sea Route construction. President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon noted that his country is enhancing the alignment between the Belt and Road Initiative and Tajikistan's National Development Strategy for the period up to 2030. He further pointed out that through the cooperation with China, tens of strategic projects have been constructed, covering power transmission, road transportation and industries & enterprises. During the past 17 years since the SCOs establishment, the organization has been well accepted by the international community and grown into an effective platform of multi-field cooperation for its member states. Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) meets with his Uzbek counterpart Shavkat Mirziyoyev in Qingdao, east Chinas Shandong Province, June 9, 2018. (Xinhua/Xie Huanchi) QINGDAO, June 9 (Xinhua) -- China is willing to develop all-weather friendship with Uzbekistan on the path of their reform and revitalization to realize common prosperity, Chinese President Xi Jinping said Saturday. Xi made the remarks when meeting with his Uzbek counterpart Shavkat Mirziyoyev, who is in the coastal city of Qingdao to attend the 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit. China and Uzbekistan are good neighbors that stand together in weal and woe, good friends with sincerity and mutual trust as well as good partners that cooperate for mutual benefits, Xi said. The China-Uzbekistan comprehensive strategic partnership has witnessed sustained and in-depth development over recent years, and major consensuses reached between the two heads of state have seen solid implementation, he said. Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and Uzbekistan has unveiled and implemented a series of reform measures. China is willing to develop all-weather friendship with Uzbekistan on the path of their reform and revitalization to realize common prosperity, Xi said. Uzbekistan is a country that first supports and participates in the development of the Belt and Road Initiative, Xi said, adding the two countries' cooperation on the Belt and Road has yielded fruitful results. He said both countries should seize the opportunity and tap the potential to steadily expand bilateral trade, deepen cooperation in fields including production capacity, investment and connectivity, enhance law enforcement and security cooperation, and strengthen people-to-people and cultural exchanges. Mirziyoyev said the bilateral relations are experiencing all-round development and at their best level in history at present. The bilateral cooperation consensuses reached between the two leaders have been implemented, bringing tangible benefits to Uzbek people, Mirziyoyev said. Uzbekistan firmly adheres to the one-China policy, resolutely supports China's efforts in combating the "three evil forces" of terrorism, separatism and extremism, and is willing to enhance pragmatic cooperation with China under the Belt and Road framework, and boost communication and coordination on affairs in the region, Mirziyoyev said. Aerial photo taken on May 4, 2018 shows scenery of the Fushan Bay in Qingdao, the host city of the 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit. (Xinhua/Zhang Cheng) QINGDAO, June 9 (Xinhua) -- Dazzling against the city skyline of Qingdao, fireworks lit up the faces of guests who traveled across the vast Eurasian continent to the coast of the Yellow Sea for the 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit, on Saturday night. It is the first such summit since the organization's expansion in June 2017 when India and Pakistan joined as full members. "Qingdao is a famous international sailing capital. It is from here that many ships set sail in pursuit of dreams," said President Xi Jinping at a welcome dinner Saturday evening. "The Qingdao summit is a new departure point for us. Together, let us hoist the sail of the Shanghai Spirit, break waves and embark on a new voyage for our organization." The Shanghai Spirit of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for diverse civilizations and pursuit of common development, was stated in the Charter of the SCO, a comprehensive regional organization founded in 2001 by China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan and later expanded to eight member states. This weekend Xi will chair the summit for the first time as Chinese president, which is attended by leaders of other SCO member states and four observer states, as well as chiefs of various international organizations. The event is reminiscent of the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) held two months ago though the guests are different. On April 10, Xi addressed the opening ceremony of the annual conference of the BFA, attended by more than 2,000 people. In Boao, Xi unveiled new measures for expanding reform and opening up and heralded "a new phase of opening up" for common prosperity of both China and the world. The same spirit of openness and inclusiveness has continued in Qingdao, Shandong, the home province of Confucius. "An integral part of Chinese civilization, Confucianism believes that 'a just cause should be pursued for the common good' and champions harmony, unity and a shared community for all nations," Xi told the guests. "Its emphasis on unity and harmony has much in common with the Shanghai Spirit." At the summit participants are encouraged to gain consensus on building a community with a shared future for humanity and building a new type of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness and justice, and win-win cooperation, said State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi when briefing the media last week. The two concepts have been catchphrases of Chinese diplomacy over the past five years. Though, they are not mere catchphrases, but ideas backed with pragmatic initiatives and concrete diplomatic moves. With the BFA conference hailing reform and opening-up and the SCO summit promoting regional security and cooperation, China will host another two major international events this year -- the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation summit to advance the Belt and Road Initiative, and the China International Import Expo for further market opening. "With the growth of national strength and international influence, China is more confident in raising new ideas on global governance," said Professor Zuo Fengrong with the Party School of the Communist Party of China Central Committee. "China's initiatives are aimed at an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity." FROM SHANGHAI TO QINGDAO According to Wang, the Qingdao Declaration to be issued at the summit will call on all parties to continue the Shanghai Spirit. In his speeches at previous SCO summits, President Xi had repeatedly upheld the Shanghai Spirit, acknowledging its significance in forging a community with a shared future in the region, maintaining security and stability and promoting exchanges. "The 17-year-old Shanghai Spirit is in line with Xi's latest diplomatic vision," said Li Ziguo with the China Institute of International Studies, who also highlighted it as a platform for "building a community with a shared future for humanity." Under the guidance of the Shanghai Spirit, the region prospered with peace and stability, with countries in the region having settled complicated border issues, contained threats from terrorism, extremism and separatism, and launched initiatives of cross-border trade and infrastructure connectivity, often spearheaded by China. The SCO has grown to be an organization covering over 60 percent of the Eurasian landmass, nearly half the world's population and over 20 percent of global GDP. "The organization has demonstrated strong cohesion and increasing influence," said Konstantin Kokarev, head of the Centre for Asia and Pacific Region, Russian Institute for Strategic Studies, in an interview with Xinhua. FROM QINGDAO TO BROADER WORLD Qingdao is a symbolic choice to host this year's SCO summit, as it is at the eastern end of a vast railway network across Eurasia, and a logistics center linking the Silk Road Economic Belt with the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. Sea cargo is transferred here to five international railway lines to countries in the western end of the continent, 30 days quicker than using sea routes alone. The vision of the Silk Road Economic Belt was first raised by Xi in Astana of Kazakhstan in September 2013, a few days before he first attended the SCO summit as Chinese president. It was later developed into the Belt and Road Initiative. "China's initiative brings great opportunity to the SCO," said SCO Secretary General Rashid Alimov. "The summit in Qingdao will also contribute to the implementation of the initiative." The initiative has become an important practice to materialize the vision of a community of a shared future for humanity. "China itself has engaged in profound cooperation with countries across the world. It will bring rich opportunities to connect the SCO with a broader part of the world," Kokarev said. Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) meets with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Qingdao, east China's Shandong Province, June 9, 2018. (Xinhua/Li Xueren) QINGDAO, June 9 (Xinhua) -- President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday agreed to take their April meeting in Wuhan as a new starting point to promote bilateral relations. The two leaders reached the consensus during a meeting in the coastal Chinese city of Qingdao ahead of the 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit. Recalling that he and Modi successfully had an informal meeting and reached important consensus in Wuhan of Hubei Province more than one month ago, Xi said the meeting had been well received by both countries and the international community, and a positive atmosphere is taking shape to pay close attention to and support the development of China-India relations. China is willing to work with India to take the Wuhan meeting as a new starting point to continuously enhance political mutual trust and engage in mutually beneficial cooperation across the board, so as to push forward China-India relations in a better, faster and steadier manner, Xi said. Noting that China and India have reaped quite a few early-harvest outcomes in implementing the consensus reached at the Wuhan meeting, Xi said the two sides should make persistent efforts to accelerate the implementation, maintain strategic communication, expand economic and trade cooperation, promote people-to-people exchanges and enhance coordination and cooperation on international and regional affairs. Xi welcomed India's attendance at the summit as a full member of the SCO for the first time, saying the Chinese side stands ready to work with India and other member states to carry forward the Shanghai Spirit and promote the sound and stable development of the SCO. Describing the informal meeting with Xi in Wuhan as "very successful and very important," Modi said it has further strengthened his confidence in the development of India-China relations, and will certainly be a milestone in the history of the bilateral ties. India-China cooperation is of great significance to world peace and prosperity, and the Indian side is ready to advance the bilateral relations on the basis of the Wuhan meeting, said Modi. As a new member, India is ready to play an active role in the SCO, and supports China in making the Qingdao summit a success, Modi noted. After the meeting, Xi and Modi witnessed the signing of bilateral cooperation agreements. BEIJING, June 9 (Xinhua) -- China will start a massive environmental overhaul on June 11 to ensure the effective curb of air pollution in key regions, said sources with the Ministry of Ecology and Environment Saturday. The inspection is expected to last until April 28, 2019, during which approximately 18,000 environmental supervisors will be dispatched to discover environmental protection problems in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and the surrounding areas, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Fenhe and Weihe river plains. A total of 28 cities will be targeted, including 11 cities in the provinces of Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan in the plains of Fenhe and Weihe rivers, as well as the Shanghai Municipality, and the provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui in the Yangtze River Delta. Although air quality in these areas has kept improving on the whole, pollution remains serious in individual regions, the sources said. The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is the worst, while in some provinces like Henan and Shandong, the annual share of days with good air quality is less than 60 percent. In the Fenhe and Weihe river plains, air pollution has worsened in recent years, the sources said. The supervisors will be professionals selected from local environment protection departments and the ministry to uncover structural problems in industrial development, energy use, transportation and land use that are detrimental to air pollution control. The inspections will revolve around prominent public complaints, such as emergency responses to cases of heavy pollution, crop straw burning and coal-fired boilers. Cities failing in their responsibilities will be openly questioned. When necessary, inspection teams at the central level will be sent to supervise local governments, according to the sources. In a mobilization meeting held Friday, Minister Li Ganjie said the move was to implement the requirements of the central government to fight a good battle against pollution and boost ecological development. The top priority is winning the battle against air pollution to return the blue sky to the people, while a three-year action plan against air pollution must be released as quickly as possible, said Li. Efforts must be made to curb PM 2.5, a key indicator of air pollution, while iron and steel, thermal power, building materials, bulk coal, diesel-powered trucks will be put under strict scrutiny. Li said that the inspection is not "a movement" or "a gust of wind", but a long-term mechanism aiming for accurate pollution control, with a fundamental goal to help local governments to solve their problems and improve environmental quality. "The inspection is an opportunity for local authorities to tackle their prominent problems," he said. To prevent persistent environmental violations, the ministry has got tougher with environmental supervision. On Monday, the ministry openly summoned senior officials of Shizhu in Chongqing, Yulin in Guangxi and Yichun in Jiangxi, urging them to seriously implement the rectification requirements of the central inspection teams. Perfunctory responses will not be tolerated, and no one is allowed to seek temporary economic growth at the price of damaging the ecological environment, said the ministry. A colorful and spectacular fireworks display took place at the SCO Summit in Qingdao Saturday night. Liu Lin, chief designer of the fireworks display, said the message they wish to convey is a community of shared future for mankind, because the SCO countries have a shared destiny. KUNMING, June 10 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese medical team went to Cambodia and treated more than 8,000 patients in 20 days, serving rural communities in three provinces. The team of 13 doctors, nurses and other health specialists, as well as nine volunteers arrived in May and went back to China Thursday. The members of the medical team were from seven hospitals in southwest China's Yunnan Province, including specialists in cardiology, ophthalmology and infectious diseases. The medical team also donated 40 ambulances with advanced equipment to Cambodia, and trained medical staff in the country, according to Lu Lin, deputy director of the Health and Family Planning Commission of Yunnan. "Chinese experts worked more than 10 hours every day," said Ma Linkun, head of the medical team and also vice president of the Yunnan Fuwai Cardiovascular Diseases Hospital. "The Cambodians warmly welcomed us, helping pitch tents and prepare food for doctors," she said. The team was jointly organized by the Ministry of Commerce and the Yunnan Fuwai Cardiovascular Disease Hospital. China also delivered 20 mobile clinics to Cambodia in May to provide on-the-spot primary care for patients living in rural communities. QINGDAO, June 10 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday said the new progress has been made by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) since the accession of India and Pakistan. On behalf of leaders of the SCO member states, Xi made the remarks at a joint press conference in the coastal city of Qingdao, east China's Shandong Province. Several documents were issued during the summit, including the Qingdao Declaration of the Council of Heads of Member States of the SCO, and the Joint Statement of the Heads of Member States of the SCO on Promoting Trade Facilitation, Xi said. The summit also ratified a five-year action plan for implementing the Treaty on Long-Term Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation of the SCO Member States, he noted. "We have agreed to abide by the goals and principles of the SCO Charter, carry forward the Shanghai Spirit of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for diversity of civilizations and pursuit of common development, and jointly pursue regional peace, stability and development by promoting good-neighborliness and friendship and deepening practical cooperation," Xi said. BEIJING, June 10 (Xinhua) -- China's mobile phone shipments returned to growth in May, ending 14 straight months of decline, according to the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology. Altogether 37.8 million mobile phones were sold to dealers in the domestic market last month, up 1.2 percent year on year, according to a report released by the academy. Of the total, there were 36.1 million 4G mobile phones, up 1.7 percent from a year earlier. Smart phone shipments reached 36 million, up 1.7 percent and accounting for 95 percent of all shipments. China has more mobile Internet users than any other country, 753 million as of the end of 2017. The country has the world's largest 4G network and is still striving for further expansion, with the goal of adding 450,000 new 4G base stations this year to improve signal coverage in buildings, elevators and other indoor spaces, as well as on railroads and expressways. Chinese President Xi Jinping chairs the 18th Meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Qingdao, east China's Shandong Province, June 10, 2018. Xi delivered a speech during the meeting. (Xinhua/Li Xueren) QINGDAO, June 10 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping chaired the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) annual summit Sunday, aiming to bring the group to a shared future of common prosperity amid global instability and uncertainty. The 18th Meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the SCO in east China's port city of Qingdao marked the first gathering of leaders of all its eight member states -- since India and Pakistan were admitted as full members last year. The SCO accounts for 20 percent of the global economy and 40 percent of its population. Joined by leaders from across Eurasia and heads of international organizations at a roundtable meeting, Xi hailed the 17-year-old organization as "a new model for regional cooperation" and shared ideas on how to tackle global challenges. The two-day summit saw leaders sign documents in diverse fields including security, trade facilitation and people-to-people exchanges, sending out a signal of unity and collaboration, against the backdrop of global challenges such as hegemony, power politics, security threats, unilateralism and trade protectionism. "We should, guided by the Shanghai Spirit, work closely to build an SCO community with a shared future, move toward a new type of international relations, and build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity," Xi said. CREATIVE VISION OF SHANGHAI SPIRIT Xi attributed the SCO's strength to the Shanghai Spirit, which champions mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for diverse civilizations and pursuit of common development. Now the spirit is embodied with rich content as shown in Xi's speech at the summit. "We should uphold innovative, coordinated, green, open and inclusive development," he said, calling for resolving issues regarding unbalanced development. He proposed common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. "We should reject the Cold War mentality and confrontation between blocs and oppose the practices of seeking absolute security of oneself at the expense of the security of other countries," he said. The president stressed open and inclusive cooperation for win-win outcomes. "We should reject self-centered, short-sighted and closed-door policies," he said. "Equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiveness between cultures should be championed." He also called for extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits in global governance. A ROADMAP FOR ACTION The Qingdao summit went beyond theories and concepts, outlining a roadmap for concrete action. Strength of unity and mutual trust should be built up with states respecting each other's choice of development paths and accommodating each other's core interests and major concerns, according to Xi. Xi stressed the need to cooperate on combating terrorism, separatism and extremism, and conduct a "Peace Mission." China would train 2,000 law enforcement officers for all parties in the next three years to enhance law enforcement, Xi said. The SCO's economic component has grown more prominent in recent years, and Xi proposed increasing the complementarity of development strategies and pursuing the Belt and Road Initiative to achieve shared growth through discussion and collaboration. China's package for common development included setting up a 30-billion-yuan (4.7 billion U.S. dollars) special lending facility within the SCO Inter-bank Consortium. Calling for closer ties through people-to-people and cultural exchanges, Xi said China would provide 3,000 training opportunities in human resources development for SCO member states in the next three years to enhance public understanding and support for the SCO. The SCO will also expand partnership networks in international cooperation, contributing to resolving important issues and improving global governance. The SCO was established in 2001 by China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. India and Pakistan joined as full members last year at the Astana summit in Kazakhstan. Its observer states are Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran and Mongolia. The Qingdao summit is one of the four international events Xi chairs in China this year, practicing "major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics." The other three events are the Boao Forum for Asia annual conference in April, the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation summit in September and the First China International Import Expo in November. They are all aimed at building "a new type of international relations" and "a community with a shared future for humanity" -- two ideas Xi has expounded over the past five years. The 18th Meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is held in Qingdao, east China's Shandong Province, June 10, 2018. Chinese President Xi Jinping chaired the meeting and delivered a speech. (Xinhua/Ding Lin) Chinese President Xi Jinping (4th R) and other leaders of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states pose for a group photo during a restricted session of the 18th SCO summit in Qingdao, east China's Shandong Province, June 10, 2018. Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday chaired a restricted session of the 18th SCO summit in east China's coastal city of Qingdao. (Xinhua/Gao Jie) Chinese President Xi Jinping (6th R, front) poses for a group photo with other leaders and guests ahead of the 18th Meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Qingdao, east China's Shandong Province, June 10, 2018. Xi chaired the meeting and delivered a speech. (Xinhua/Gao Jie) >>Related Reading: Full text of Chinese President Xi Jinping's speech at the 18th SCO Qingdao summit Chinese President Xi Jinping chairs the 18th Meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Qingdao, east China's Shandong Province, June 10, 2018. Xi delivered a speech during the meeting. (Xinhua/Li Xueren) BEIJING, June 10 (Xinhua) -- Scholars and officials from around the world have been speaking highly of Chinese President Xi Jinping's keynote speech delivered Sunday at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in the eastern Chinese seaside city of Qingdao. In the speech, Xi called on countries involved in the regional bloc to work closely to build an SCO community with a shared future, move toward a new type of international relations, and build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity. Asanga Abeyagoonasekera, director general of the Institute of National Security Studies Sri Lanka, said Xi's call for moving toward a new type of international relations "captured the zeitgeist of the unfolding modern world order." "Asian nations, including Sri Lanka, should fully support this effort to create a more stable and better world order," the scholar said. Zivadin Jovanovic, an international relations expert based in Belgrade, Serbia, said Xi presented "positive, visionary views on how to approach global economic, social and security challenges." "Xi showed the world the SCO's role in global governance and cleared the way in order to reinforce peace, win-win cooperation in a multipolar world without geopolitical constraints and the relics of isolationism," he said. Jovanovic is the founder of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals and the Silk Road Connectivity Research Center, two think tanks. Maria Guleva, an associate professor in history who chairs the study of social development theories of Asian and African nations at Russia's St. Petersburg State University, said China seeks to undertake serious international obligations that consolidate its status of a major country in the world. "This is evident in a number of Xi's statements, which include the need to fill the gap of development levels among countries, and the announcement by Xi of (China's) contribution to the SCO Interbank Consortium," Guleva said. Xi announced in his keynote speech that China will set up a 30-billion-yuan (4.7-billion-U.S.-dollar) equivalent special lending facility within the framework of the SCO Interbank Consortium. Commenting on Xi's speech where he said the SCO should "champion equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiveness between civilizations" and "follow the principle of achieving shared growth through discussion and collaboration in engaging in global governance," Tigran Sargsyan, former prime minister of Armenia, said those remarks showed that China is both full of self-confidence and aware of its strengths and weaknesses. Sargsyan, now chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission, said such an attitude is helpful in solving problems effectively and searching for solutions in external cooperation based on equality and mutual benefit. It will also win the trust of the international community and lay the foundation for establishing long-term cooperative relations with other countries and achieving common prosperity, he added. B.R. Deepak, a sinologist and professor of Chinese studies at the New Delhi-based Jawaharlal Nehru University, thinks that Xi's emphasis on the "Shanghai Spirit" is very timely since protectionist and unilateral political approaches tend to "disrupt the existing regional and international order" and create conflicts among nations. The "Shanghai Spirit," a set of fundamental principles encompassing mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and consultation, "could essentially be regarded as an antidote" to these approaches, said Deepak. Alina Grishikevich, deputy chair of the Belarus-China Friendship Society, highlighted Xi's remarks on building unity and mutual respect. "We should respect each other's choice of development paths and accommodate each other's core interests and major concerns. We should enhance mutual understanding by putting ourselves in others' positions and boost harmony and unity by seeking common ground and setting aside differences," Xi said in his speech at the SCO summit. The Qingdao summit is of great significance as it boosts mutual cooperation between member states and observers, said Grishikevich. Sheetal Babu Regmi, former secretary-general of the Nepalese government, said that he was impressed by the mention of cultural exchanges and the development of human resources in Xi's speech. If Xi's proposals in these two areas are earnestly implemented, the region will realize a substantial boost to its industrial upgrade and possibly become the center of the global economy, said Regmi. Avtandil Otinashvili, chief editor of the Georgian Newsday News Agency, said that Xi's speech was imbued with the spirit of cooperation, consultation and inclusiveness and "charts the course" for the future development of the bloc. Xi's proposals to improve global governance and his vision for a community with a shared future for mankind reflect the common aspiration of people in different parts of the world, and has offered a brand-new perspective as to why the world needs to abandon a Cold War mentality and seek global cooperation, he said. (Xinhua reporters Zhu Ruiqing and Tang Lu in Colombo, Wang Huijuan in Belgrade, Lu Jinbo in St. Petersburg, Luan Hai in Moscow, Zhao Xu in New Delhi, Wei Zhongjie and Li Jia in Minsk, Li Ming in Baku, and Zhou Shengping in Kathmandu also contributed to the report.) The 18th Meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is held in Qingdao, east China's Shandong Province, June 10, 2018. Chinese President Xi Jinping chaired the meeting and delivered a speech. (Xinhua/Ding Lin) Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed pledged on Sunday in a joint press conference with Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi in Cairo that Ethiopia will not do anything to harm Egypt's share of Nile water. During the press conference, President El-Sisi welcomed Ahmed and described the relationship between Egypt and Ethiopia as special. El-Sisi and Ahmed held a closed meeting where they discussed issues around the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance dam, which is being built on the main tributary to Egypt's River Nile, as well as bilateral cooperation and issues of mutual interest. The Egyptian President said that he has been working over the past four years with Ethiopia to reach an agreement on the GERD issue that would not harm any party while ensuring development for both sides. We have come a long way in building confidence with Ethiopia, El-Sisi said, stressing that the two countries are nearing a final agreement on the GERD. El-Sisi said that the Nile is Egypt's sole lifeline, while accentuating the importance of development for the Ethiopian people. Egypt has repeatedly voiced concerns that the rate at which the GERD's reservoirs are being filled could reduce its share of Nile water, which Ethiopia has dismissed, while stressing that it needs the $4 billion dam project for development. Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sudan recently reached an agreement on the next steps to reconcile their differences on the Ethiopian Dam, following months of stalled negotiations between the three countries. Addis Ababa hopes to be able to export electricity generated by the dam, which will be the largest hydroelectric power plant in Africa. El-Sisi also said that he discussed with Ahmed the increasing number of Egyptian private sector companies investing in Ethiopia, promising more incentives for mutual investment and the establishment of an Egyptian development zone in Ethiopia. The Egyptian president also stressed the importance of the agreed upon joint investment fund between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia to facilitate infrastructure development in the three countries. The fund will hold its next meeting in Cairo on 3-4 July. El-Sisi and Ahmed also discussed regional issues, including Ethiopias relationship with South Sudan, Eritrea and Somalia, with both sides agreeing on the importance of regional peace. I want to stress that the relationship between the two countries is a strategic partnership; and that Egypts strategy is consolidating joint interests, El-Sisi said, stressing that Egypt would not spare any effort in this regard. "Egypt's policy towards Ethiopia remains based on safeguarding Ethiopia's interests, stability, and security," the Egyptian President added. Ahmed, who took office as Ethiopia's prime minister in April, said that he is glad to visit Egypt, adding that he and El-Sisi had an in-depth discussion on the relationship between the two countries. I want to tell the Egyptian people: We fear God, we are neighbors, and we dont have any intention to cause harm to the Egyptian people, Ahmed said, explainig that Ethiopias commitment to development would not harm Egypt. Ahmed also said that he wants to see the building of confidence between the two countries on the GERD issue. Politiciansmedia they wanted to benefit from the conflicts; but my brother, El-Sisi and I, will not be pushed down this road, he said, adding that the conflicts of the past 100 years should be forgotten. We want to help each other; not bear a grudge, he said, adding that his visit, which comes during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, represents Ethiopias wish to achieve dedication and love between the two countries. We want our share of Nile Water, and that you also receive your share, and we will both work on increasing Egypt's share of Nile water, Ahmed said, while El-Sisi laughingly asked Ahmed "to swear by Allah" that Ethiopia would preserve Egypt's share of Nile Water. Ahmed called on the media to work on bringing Egypt and Ethiopia together to work on development; adding that a conflict would not benefit either party. You are the fourth estate, work on bringing people together to focus and work only on development," he said. Ahmed's two-day visit to Egypt, his first as PM, comes one month after he received an invitation to visit the country by an Egyptian delegation visiting Addis Ababa, which was headed by Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and acting head of the Egyptian general intelligence Abbas Kamel. Search Keywords: Short link: An official source in Egypt's Ministry of Education affirmed that a Thanaweya Amma (general secondary) student from Sharqeya governorate leaked the algebra and solid geometry exam on Sunday to social media pages, Al-Ahram Arabic website reported. The source said that the student was arrested in possession of the smart phone used to leak the exam, and that the supervisors of the exam room are to be suspended and referred to investigation. This is the third exam paper to be leaked this annual testing season. Last week, the Arabic and French exams were posted on social media as well. In recent years, Thanaweya Amma exams have been repeatedly leaked and shared via Facebook and WhatsApp. Last year, Egypt's parliament approved amendments toughening penalties for cheating and other exam violations, including for publishing exam questions and papers and having mobile phones or other wireless devices in examination rooms. Penalties for facilitating exam leaks include hefty fines of EGP 100,000-200,000 and jail terms between two and seven years. In 2017, Egypt also introduced a new national high school exam system named Booklet to reduce the possibility of errors occurring in the correction process and eliminate the risk of leaks. The new system requires students to submit their answers on the question sheet itself, in contrast to the previous system in which answers were written on a separate sheet. More than 650,000 students are taking this year's tests. Search Keywords: Short link: Related Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed to arrive in Egypt Saturday for meeting with Sisi Egypts President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi and Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed agreed on Saturday to respect each sides rights in future negotiations after months of impasse over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, Egypts presidency announced early on Sunday. "The two sides agreed to adopt a joint vision based on respect for each other's right to achieve development without prejudice to the rights of the other party," presidential spokesman Bassam Rady said in the statement. The talks in Cairo come almost a month after Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan announced they had made progress in talks on the hydroelectric dam after months of impasse. The two leaders also agreed on Saturday to strengthen mutual ties at all levels, mainly political and economic cooperation, the statement added. Egypt and Ethiopia have been at odds over the construction of the $4 billion-hydroelectric dam, which Cairo fears will threaten its Nile river water supply. Ethiopia hopes to become Africas biggest exporter of electric power with the dam, which is set to be the continents largest. Addis Ababa denies that the structure will reduce Egypts access to water. The parties also disagree on the results of a technical report written by a French firm commissioned to assess the dams environmental and economic impact, to which Ethiopia and Sudan did not agree. The parties achieved a breakthrough in negotiations during a mid-May meeting in Addis Ababa when the foreign ministers of Egypt and Ethiopia, as well as Sudan's water resources minister, agreed to set up an independent scientific study group with representatives from the three countries for consultation on the dams filling. They also confirmed that representatives of the three countries will meet every six months for talks, and agreed to send their reservations about the original technical report to the French consultancy firm. Search Keywords: Short link: Egypt has expressed its complete support for Saudi Arabia against any attack that would undermine the peace and stability in the kingdom, after a missile that was fired across the border from Yemen into Saudi Arabia on Saturday killed three civilians in Gazan. Cairo expresses "support for the kingdom in the face of brutal terrorism," a statement by Egypt's foreign ministry said on Sunday. "Such terrorist acts will increase the resolve of the Arab coalition countries to restore legitimacy in Yemen and intensify efforts to combat terrorism and its supporters in Yemen and the whole region," the statement added. Search Keywords: Short link: Egyptian State Security Prosecution has renewed on Sunday the detention of well-known labour lawyer Haitham Mohammadein for 15 days pending investigation on charges of inciting illegal gathering in what is known as "Metro Events" of last month. Police investigations said Mohammadein committed the crimes of joining an illegal group to prevent the state of carrying out its duties, disrupting civil peace and defying authorities. Search Keywords: Short link: The three laws would govern the performance of the Higher Council for Media Regulation, the National Press Authority, and the National Media Authority after legal review and presidential ratification Egypts parliament approved on Sunday three draft laws aimed regulating the performance of the Higher Council for Media Regulation (HCMR), the National Press Authority (NPA), and the National Media Authority (NMA). Osama Heikal, the head of parliament's media, culture and antiquities committee, told MPs in a plenary session that the new laws are comprehensive, covering all aspects of media and press activities in Egypt. The parliament referred the laws to the State Council for legal review before sending it to the president for ratification. Heikal said that the first law, titled the Law on Regulating the Press and Media and the Higher Council for Media Regulation, comprises 127 articles under six chapters. "The first two chapters deal with press and media freedoms, the third on the rights of journalists and media people, the fourth on the duties of journalists and media people, the fifth on press and media crimes and the ownership of press organisations, and the sixth on penalties," Heikal said. Parliament speaker Ali Abdel-Aal told MPs that the laws were drafted three years ago by a committee including experts from the government and the press syndicate. "It took a lot of debate in media and press circles, and now is the right time to discuss it," Abdel-Aal said. Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Omar Marawan told MPs that "what we discuss now is a major law and two other affiliated laws." "While the major law is the one which regulates the media and press businesses and organisations in general and the Higher Council for Media Regulation in particular, the two other ones are complementary regulating the National Press Organisation (NPA) and the National Media Organisation (NMA)," Marawan said, adding that "the law also comes to implement Article 65 of the constitution, which states that freedom of speech is guaranteed." Heikal said "the approval and passing of the three new laws will automatically lead to the elimination of the Institutional Regulation of the Press and Media law, which was issued in 2016." "This law (no.92 of 2016) will be replaced by the three new ones," Heikal said. Heikal said the three laws are free from any articles that could send journalists for jail in publication offences. "The laws are keen to observe Articles 70 and 71 of the constitution in the fact that it eliminates any kind of media censorship," Heikal said, adding that "Article 72 of the constitution also obliges the state to preserve independence of press organisations and media outlets." Abdel-Aal said he was keen to revise the chapter on penalties in the new law to ensure that it does not violate any of the international conventions Egypt ratified in the area of press freedoms. Parliaments opposition 25-30 bloc said they reject the new press and media laws, with bloc member Diaa Dawoud saying that the laws did not receive any kind of adequate discussion. "We were surprised as usual that laws are discussed without any prior notification," Dawoud said, asking that "the law be discussed in public hearing sessions, with media experts from all political backgrounds participating in the debate." Osama Sharshar, an independent MP and journalist, said he agrees that the law was not extensively and adequately discussed in parliaments media committee's closed-door meetings. "This is a controversial law and should be discussed in a different way," Sharshar said. By contrast, Mostafa Bakri, an independent MP and journalist, said the law is balanced and objective. "It makes a balance between rights and responsibilities, not to mention that it regulates electronic and online media in an objective way," Bakri said. The parliamentary spokesman Salah Hassaballah said the law will boost press freedoms and the handling of information in a transparent way. "But it also aims to impose discipline in press organisations in both financial and administrative terms," Hassaballah said. Heikal said the new laws would reduce the number of members from 13 to nine for each of the HCMR, the NPO, the NMO, and that the editors-in-chief of state newspapers will operate independently from the chairmen of the board of their respective media organisations. According to Heikal, the draft laws have been reviewed by the HCMR, the NPO, the NMO, the Journalists Syndicate, the Media Syndicate, the Competition Protection and Antitrust Authority, the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority and the Chamber of the Media Industry. Articles 33 to 37 deal in detail with the ownership of newspapers and online websites. Article 34 stipulates that a person aiming to own a daily newspaper should make a bank deposit of EGP 6 million, EGP 2 million for a weekly newspaper, EGP 1 million for a monthly newspaper. "Persons who aim to own an online newspaper should have a capital of at least EGP 100,000," Article 34 says. Articles 48 to 57 deal with the ownership of television channels. Article 52 states that a single company cannot own more than seven television channels. Article 53 states that the licensed capital of a company owning a news or public television channel should be EGP 50 million, EGP 30 million for a specialised TV channel, EGP 15 million for radio stations, and EGP 500,000 for an online TV or radio station. Search Keywords: Short link: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad denied that military ally Russia was making decisions for him, but said it was natural for there to be differences of opinion between allies, in an interview published on Sunday by state media. In an interview with British newspaper the Mail on Sunday, carried in full by Syrian state news agency SANA, Assad was responding to a question about whether Moscow now controls Syria's diplomatic and military moves. "They (the Russians) never, during our relation, try to dictate, even if there are differences," he said, according to SANA's transcript of the interview, given in English. "It's natural to have differences between the different parties, whether within our government or other governments; Russia-Syria, Syria-Iran, Iran-Russia, and within these governments, that's very natural, but at the end the only decision about what's going on in Syria and what's going to happen, it's a Syrian decision," Assad said. Iranian and Russian support has been critical to Assad's war effort, but the different agendas of Assad's allies in Syria have become more apparent of late as Israel presses Russia to make sure Iran and its allies do not entrench their military sway in the country. On Tuesday Reuters reported that a Russian troop deployment in Syria near the Lebanese border had caused friction with Iran-backed forces, in what appeared to be a rare case of Russia acting out of sync with Assad's Iran-backed allies. Recent Russian calls for all non-Syrian forces to leave southern Syria have been seen as aimed partly at Iran, in addition to U.S. forces based in the Tanf area at the Syrian-Iraqi border. In the interview, Assad also said he expects the war in his country to be over in "less than a year" and re-stated his aim to take back "every inch" of Syria. He said the involvement of foreign powers such as Britain, the United States and France was prolonging the conflict and had slowed down a resolution to the situation in rebel-held areas of southwestern Syria. In recent months Syrian government and allied forces have taken back the last besieged opposition area in Syria, north of Homs, and crushed the last rebel pockets near the capital. Damascus has now set its sights on the opposition-held parts of southwestern Syria which border Israel and Jordan. "We were about to achieve reconciliation in the southern part of Syria only two weeks ago, but the West interfered and asked the terrorists not to follow this path in order to prolong the Syrian conflict," Assad said. The Syrian government refers to all groups opposed to its rule as terrorists. The United States wants to preserve a "de-escalation" zone agreed last year with Russia and Jordan that has contained fighting in that area. Assad wants to bring the area back under state control. Search Keywords: Short link: The submission of pre-qualification applications is scheduled for Tuesday, 24 July, after which a list of qualified applicants will be announced mid-August Towards the rear of the atrium of the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM), where the granite colossus of King Ramses II proudly stands, Egypt's ministers of investment and international cooperation, antiquities and tourism, and Giza's governor, gathered along with a group of foreign ambassadors to Egypt. Egypt's Ministry of Antiquities announced Sunday in a press conference addressing local and international companies and consortiums the opening of a pre-qualification stage for those hoping to bid for the contract to manage and operate facilities at the GEM complex overlooking the Giza Plateau. The press conference was held in collaboration with the Ministry of Investment and International Cooperation and the Engineering Authority of the Armed Forces, and supported by the Ministry of Tourism. Minister of Antiquities Khaled El-Enany said that GEM's facilities include a conference centre for 1,000 people, a cinema for 500 people, 10 restaurants, with two overlooking the Giza pyramids, food courts, bookshops and other retail outlets, a traditional arts and crafts centre, and a multifunctional building that could be for administrative purposes or as a boutique hotel. El-Enany asserted that the Ministry of Antiquities is the only authority responsible for the management and security of GEMs treasured collection as well as anything related to antiquities, such as exhibition halls, the maintenance and restoration centre, and the childrens museum. Minister of Tourism Rania Al-Mashat said that GEM, the largest and most significant cultural project in process globally, is going to be a wonderful tourism attraction that blends history with a modern and authentic twist. Egypt is the worlds capital of cultural tourism, she pointed out, adding that nothing will make a bolder statement than when this magnificent museum has its official opening. "And to complement GEM, the Giza Plateau is undergoing a massive renovation project to include boutique hotels, restaurants and cinemas and were determined to give all that come to visit the most wonderful experience," Al-Mashat said. "The whole undertaking will reflect the splendor of Egyptian history in an attractive and modern way for international visitors, and for everyone throughout Egypt," she added. Minister of Investment and International Cooperation Sahar Nasr expressed her happiness to be at GEM to announce the launch of the prequalification stage of bidding for the facilities management contract. She described the GEM complex as a state-of-the-art, world class destination, and cultural and touristic hub comprising large investment opportunities. These opportunities are available online on the investment map where investors are encouraged to explore the area and location and see nearest facilities services and other landmarks, she pointed out. Nasr explained that starting today investors will also be able to download all relevant documents and schedules for bidding on the facilities management contract. This bidding is yet another sign by the Egyptian government that it is changing the approach and that more cooperation between the public sector and the private is planned. The process of this international bidding allows all applicants to visit the site within the second week of July 2018. The submission of pre-qualification applications is scheduled for Tuesday, 24 July, while the opening of the envelopes will take place the following day Wednesday, 25 July. After which a list of qualified applicants will be announced mid-August. At the end of the conference, the supervisor general of GEM, Tarek Tawfik, announced the museums distinguished logo, which will be used in promotional campaigns in Egypt and worldwide. The shape of the logo was inspired by the architectural design of the museum, Tawfik said. The GEM complex is a cultural institution located on an area of approximately 500,000 m2 adjacent to the Pyramids of Giza. It includes one of the largest museums in the world displaying the heritage of a single civilisation. The museum will contain over 100,000 artifacts, reflecting Egypt's past from prehistory through the Greek and Roman periods in Egypt, covering an area of 92,000 m2. Construction work on its first phase is scheduled to be completed by end of 2018 and the museum open within the first quarter of 2019, at which point the entire funerary collection of King Tutankhamun will be put on show for the first time ever, displaying more than 5,000 artifacts. The atrium and the grand staircase will also be displayed in the first phase and feature the colossus of King Ramses II and the King Meneptah Column, as well as a collection of 87 other large royal colossi and architectural items. Search Keywords: Short link: The 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit is being held in Qingdao, Shandong Province through Sunday. With a total of 18 countries including observers and dialogue partners in attendance, the summit is the largest ever since the founding of the organization. With India and Pakistan are participating for the first time as full members, the SCO is showing an atmosphere of upbeat development. Chinese President Xi Jinping is presiding over the summit. The summit venue's province, Shandong, is the birthplace of Confucianism. The "Shanghai Spirit" of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for cultural diversity and pursuit of common development echoes the essence of Confucianism. When the SCO was founded, some Western countries were cautious. They worried the SCO was established to challenge the West, while at the same time wrote it off as a disruptor with a dim future, citing its lack of a leadership and different values among member states. It's difficult for the West to understand the SCO. NATO and G7 are two major Western organizations. NATO, during the Cold War, was a military and political bloc dominated by the US with a clear-cut aim to confront the Soviet Union. G7 is a club of rich countries led by the US to consolidate the global economic order that is favorable to the Western world. Be it NATO or G7, they are both very closed and exclusive. Their interests are not for all. At one time, the G7 included Russia, only to kick it out later. That is not the case for the SCO, which began with the Shanghai Five mechanism. It is an organization of equal cooperation aiming to resolve security issues that concern its member states, instead of serving the interests of certain dominant powers. It is not a tool for geopolitical games, seeking hegemony or engaging in international confrontation. Its only goal is to solve problems through collaboration and common development. Public opinions in the West continue to hype up discord among SCO members states. But what they fail to figure out is that cooperation and joint development does not require uniformity in political systems and values. Collaboration under the SCO framework has tremendous potential in three major areas: security cooperation, economic cooperation and cultural exchange. The SCO also established a stable global framework for these collaborations. Any forces that bad mouthed it in the past are now witnessing its jaw-dropping momentum. It can be anticipated that the SCO summit in Qingdao will be a milestone for the development of the SCO. The Shanghai Spirit will surely be further spread throughout the world and provide mankind with new ideas and approaches in solving issues from security to development. The media did not catch a glimpse of Kim as he was escorted in a black, Mercedes-Benz limousine -- with darkly tinted blackout windows -- from the airport to the luxurious St. Regis Hotel. The North Korean leader arrived in Singapore midday Sunday, flying on a Chinese jet to the Changi Airport. Kim on Tuesday is set to meet U.S. President Donald Trump in a historic summit that Trump has called a "one-time shot" at peace. Kim Jong-un on Sunday strayed further from his North Korean home than he has at any other time since taking power in 2011. Tourists and hordes of international media, who have come to Singapore to cover the summit, pointed cameras, smiled, and waved at the motorcade, which was flanked by a group of trim North Korean bodyguards running alongside. Later, Kim appeared confident and grinned widely for the cameras as he shook hands with Singapore's prime minister, Lee Hsien Loong, at the Istana Palace. Trump, who is expected to arrive in Singapore just hours after Kim, will meet with Prime Minister Lee on Monday. Singapore is seen as neutral ground for the summit -- the first ever between a North Korean leader and a sitting U.S. president. The Singapore summit offers the world an unprecedented look at Kim, a reclusive leader in his early 30s, who until recently hadn't traveled outside his country since taking office. In recent weeks he has twice traveled to China to plan for the U.S. summit. Kim, who presides over a totalitarian government accused of some of the world's worst human rights abuses, is reported to be concerned about his personal safety straying so far from home. Kim flew to Singapore in an Air China 747. His method of transportation to the summit had been the subject of speculation by analysts, who noted Kim may not have planes capable of flying from Pyongyang to Singapore uninterrupted. It is not clear what Kim and Trump are prepared to offer at the summit, or whether the meeting will result in a deal to eliminate North Korea's nuclear weapons. Major Nepali and English newspapers published from Kathmandu on Sunday have prioritised a host of issues. Though the front pages in the Kathmandu press are generally dominated by political stories, perhaps the commonest issue that newspapers have covered on the first page today is the visit of Dr Upendra Devkota to his birthplace as reports about his health has easily attracted concerns of public. Few other political, sociocultural and economic issues have also received some space on the front pages today. Important Dr Upendra Devkotas nostalgic visit to birthplace Famed neurosurgeon Dr Upendra Devkota, recently diagnosed with a cancer in his gall bladder, has visited the house where he was born in Bohoragaun, Palungtar of Gorkha district on Saturday, according to newspaper reports. Whereas social media were full with multiple hoax news stories about his health, Devkota on Saturday wished to visit the birthplace and his family arranged a helicopter for the trip, according to Naya Patrika. He spent around one and half hours in his village including 55 minutes of his stay at the yard of his house, according to Kantipur. He, however, could not talk to visitors and well-wishers. Meanwhile, Nagarik claims that Dr Devkota has been telling doctors attending to him that he is feeling amazing and wonderful though he is getting weaker physically. Preparations begin to form parliamentary committees Republica reports that after endorsing the House of Representatives regulations last week, the parties in the Lower House have begun preparations to form 10 parliamentary committees. In this context, the ruling Nepal Communist Party says it will let the main opposition Nepali Congress lead the Public Accounts Committee as per the parliamentary traditions. Meanwhile, the National Assembly is also scheduled to endorse its regulations on Sunday after the endorsement of House of Representatives regulations last week, according to Gorkhapatra. The Upper House meeting is scheduled to be held at 11 am today. Conflict victims question what new party will do for them Victims and their family members affected by the decade-long armed conflict on Saturday held a joint meeting with Nepal Communist Party Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal, under whose leadership then Maoist guerillas had launched the war against the state, and asked what his new party would do for them, according to Annapurna Post lead story. The victims on the occasion complained that the party used them for the war, but ignored them after it got hold over the state powers. Ignored Nepals flood preparedness at sorry state Republica in its three-column story with a photograph has raised concerns that concerned authorities of Nepal seem little focused on counter measures to combat against disasters including floods and landslides. The report informs that from 1971 to 2015,at least 4,344 Nepalis have lost their lives to floods during the monsoon season. CIAA wants to put NOC land purchase scam case on hold Nagarik reports that apparently in a bid to let suspects of multimillion rupee land scam of Nepal Oil Corporation get free, the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority is planning to defer registration of the case about the issue for now. Earlier, the anti-corruption constitutional body had launched an investigation against the suspects including then NOC Chief Gopal Bahadur Khadka who resigned from the position just last week. 16 parties fail to submit poll expense details More than six months have passed since the announcement of final results of provincial and federal parliamentary elections. Section 24 of Election Commission Act says parties should submit details of the expenses they made during poll campaigning to the constitutional body within 30 days of the announcement of poll results. However, 16 political parties are yet to do so, according to the lead story in The Himalayan Times. Total 49 parties had contested the polls. Supreme Court fails to increase case settlement rate Around 14 years ago, the Supreme Court implemented a strategic plan with a target to increase the case settlement case upto 60 per cent in next four years. However, the rate has been restricted to around 30 per cent till the date, according to Naya Patrika lead story. Total 21,795 cases are subjudice at the apex court currently whereas it receives 900 new cases every month on an average. The situation of high courts and district courts is also the same. Interesting Number of ATMs increased by 32 per cent in one year The number of automated teller machines (ATMs) of banks and financial institutions increased by one third in past one year, but customers have complained of poor service quality, reports Abhiyan in its lead story. According to the date obtained from Nepal Rastra Bank, there were 1985 ATMs in the country in January 2017 and it increase to 2,638 in the same month next year. Nepal aims to earn Rs 155 billion from tourism sector every year The government has targeted earning as much as Rs 155 billion from tourism activities every year with the period of next three years, reports Karobar in its lead story. The government recently announced its three-year tourism plan, which targets to increase the per-year number of foreign to at least 1.2 million, 1.6 million and 2 million respectively in next three years, according to the report. Kathmandu, June 10 A Nepal policeman stationed at the Israeli Embassy in Kathmandu committed suicide this morning, officials said. Assistant Sub-inspector Anup Raj Thapa shot himself at around 10:00 am on Sunday, police said. Confirming the news, Chief of Kathmandu Metropolitan Police Range SSP Bishwo Raj Pokharel said, He took a gun, shot himself, and committed suicide in his own room. A team from the Durbarmarg-based Metropolitan Police Range has launched an investigation into the case. It could not be immediately established why Thapa killed himself. Kathmandu, June 10 The main opposition party, the Nepali Congress, has demanded that either the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives tender their resignation. The Nepali Congress says that according to the constitution, people who belong to the same party cannot hold the two key positions in Parliament. NC Chief Whip Pushpa Bhusal said, Now that the Election Commission has registered Nepal Communist Party, they should not occupy both the positions, she added. Then Maoist lawmaker Krishna Bahadur Mahara, was unanimously elected Speaker while the then UML leader Shiva Maya Tumbahamphe beat Bhusal in the race to claim the deputy post. The NCP says that as both Mahara and Bhusal have already resigned from the party to take up their new roles, it is not necessary to step down from their official positions. Home Just In Police confiscate pistol, bullets from Radiology Department at TUTH Kathmandu, June 10 Police have seized a Katuwa pistol and three rounds of bullets from a locker inside the Radiology Department of Maharajgunj-based Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital on Sunday. A team deployed from the Kathmandu Metropolitan Police Range confiscated the items from the locker room. Earlier, the hospital administration had issued a notice asking the lockers owner to claim the locker as no one had used it, said DSP Mohan Thapa at the Range. Each locker had the name of its owner written on it. But, nobody contacted the administration to claim the unused locker. So, the administration staff contacted us, he added. According to sources, the hospital authorities do not have any record of the belongings inside the locker. Police are looking into the case. Biratnagar, June 10 Rastriya Janata Party Nepal leader Rajendra Mahato says his party is not prepared to join the KP Sharma Oli-led government yet. The Madheshi leader further clarified that the party will not join the government unless the agreement is reached to amend the constitution to address the demands of the Madhesh movements. Talking to reporters in Biratnagar, Mahato said that talks with the government can only begin when prosecutors withdraw all charges against Madheshi activists arrested during various movements in on party cadres. We will think about joining the government only if they are ready to amend the constitution. I know these things do not happen overnight, but they could at least talk about amendments, said Mahato. We will join the government once the ruling party gives us confirmation on the matter, he added. #ransomware hackers arrest Ransomware suspects nabbed in int'l probe involving S. Korea Key members of an international criminal organization suspected of carrying out massive ransomware attacks on South Korean companies and universities in 2019 have been arrested in ... #cold snap Unseasonable cold snap to drive Seoul's temperatures to 64-year low Temperatures are forecast to drop sharply this coming weekend to a 64-year low for Seoul, the state weather agency said Friday. The morning low is forecast to fall to 1 degree C... QINGDAO, China: Chinese President Xi Jinping will open late Saturday a two-day regional security summit attended by Russia, Iran and other allies confronting rising tensions with the US over trade and Washingtons withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal. Armoured vans lined the streets of the coastal city of Qingdao as world leaders arrived Friday for the 18th annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), a regional security bloc led by China and Russia. Its member states also include four ex-Soviet Central Asian republics, Pakistan and India. Iran is an observer member. Authorities emptied an entire oceanside swathe of the city clearing out shopkeepers, residents and day-trippers to make way for Xi, his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin and Irans President Hassan Rouhani. Pakistani President Mamnoon Hussain and Indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi will also attend the meeting. The leaders will be addressed by Xi this evening at an opening banquet from 7.45pm (1145 GMT), according to the official schedule, before taking in a fireworks display. The SCO meeting comes after President Donald Trump controversially pulled Washington out of the 2015 international pact with Iran that placed limits on its nuclear programme in return for easing economic sanctions. Though not officially on the agenda, analysts say that one key topic of discussion this year may focus on whether Iran will be allowed to ascend from its position as an SCO observer to become a full member state a development it has sought since 2008 but has been unable to achieve while subject to UN sanctions. The 2015 nuclear deal lifted that barrier. Now in the wake of the US withdrawal from the pact, SCO members may use granting full membership to Iran as a way to demonstrate support for (Tehran) and the nuclear agreement, said Dawn Murphy, professor of international security studies at the US Air War College. Speaking Saturday to AFP in Lithuanias capital Vilnius, senior Iranian official Massoumeh Ebtekar said Iran hoped European powers, Russia and China would confirm their willingness to uphold the deal as soon as possible because Iran cannot wait forever. We have been a faithful player to this commitment, weve done our best, weve shown our good intentions. We are facing a very volatile region, she said. The tensions over Iran come as another nuclear issue dominates headlines, with Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un preparing for an unprecedented summit in Singapore. Trade, investment and development cooperation issues will also feature prominently at the SCO, Murphy said, given the climate of rising anti-globalisation and strains on global multilateral economic institutions, stoked by Trumps nationalist America First policy. SCO nations may discuss the potential of a joint free trade area, she said, as China also pushes for participation in its Belt and Road global infrastructure project. Member states of the SCO are key to the success of the Belt and Road initiative and Chinas growing influence as a Eurasian power, said Murphy. China may, however, be hindered from gaining robust support for its project at this summit due to India, the only SCO member that does not endorse it, she noted. Regional security issues will also feature, because terrorism is the most severe security challenge facing the SCO, according to Liao Jinrong, head of the Chinese ministry of public securitys international cooperation department. No matter what country has terrorists, we must strengthen our regional cooperation and not allow them to affect regional security, he told a press conference Friday, adding that the SCO bloc had stopped hundreds of terrorist acts. The summit will boost cooperation on combating terrorism, drug trafficking, organised cross-border crimes and cybersecurity, he said.AFP The increase in active school shooters across the United States has put many schools on high alert and searching for proactive solutions for student and school safety. Conversations and actions in schools across the nation to improve their schools security have been a hot topic. And one of Faribault Countys school districts is taking proper precautions in their school as well. The United South Central School Board met during a special meeting on June 5, to discuss and approve of a number of security updates to the school. The School Board was without the input of Tom Legred and Mike Schrader, but continued with their quorum to discuss the approval of an emergency lock down system, a security camera replacement server, and the purchase of supplies for classroom security kits. USC had spent some time during the past school year to train all of their staff members in active shooter response training known as ALICE, an acronym for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate. As continued training and security measures continue, USCs Board discussed the importance of keeping up to date on security systems and measures. To drive the importance of this issue home for members of the School Board, USC School Resource Officer Ryan Murphy was also present to answer questions and discuss the importance of the school improvements on the agenda. The board first considered the approval of a Hawk Alarm brand emergency lockdown system, out of Mapleton. The estimated cost for the additions to their already-in-place security system included three lockdown buttons which would be placed throughout the school. These lockdown buttons would not only automatically lock down all of our exterior doors and activate emergency strobe lights, they would also work concurrently with our system we already have in place, informed Superintendent Keith Fleming. The total cost of the parts, supplies, and labor to install four exterior, and 29 interior lockdown horns and strobes as well as the three pull stations came to the tune of $16,330.70. Ideally, the board would use up to $10,000 in grant money to upgrade their system, and use funds from the capital fund to make up for the rest of the amount. The board approved the purchase for updates unanimously. They also approved an additional $18,793.25 for a security camera replacement server from Bevcomm, which included three camera licenses varying in price from $300.18 to $736.19. The cameras that we do have are limited in their abilities. Not because of the camera, but because of our current server, stated Officer Murphy to the Board. With this upgrade, we will have a greater ability to focus and zoom in on any suspicious activity. These cameras have been used by Blue Earth Area and while talking with their school resource officer, we found they have had a good response from them. The cameras server, which Murphy said was the real issue with clarity of the cameras already in place, will be upgraded to allow a higher resolution of photo. Murphy also mentioned to the board that there was a limited number of cameras in the parking lot, and no cameras on the schools playground or in the schools weight room. Perhaps, in the future, we can look into having a few additional cameras in these areas, said Murphy. The schools resource officer also stated the cameras server and control station would be in its own room to allow for maximum safety and limited access for the cameras if a situation were to arise. Are these upgrade sufficient for the future? I mean, technology has progressed so quickly, will this big of an investment keep us up to date for the next five to 10 years? asked School Board member Jon Feist. Yes, this should be a sufficient enough upgrade for at least the next five years, said Fleming. There is always the capacity to grow from this point, but I think this is a great start. Usually, with these systems, we would do an upgrade every five or so years, echoed Officer Murphy. We would definitely make the most of these camera licenses and server occupancy. With that, Feist made the official motion to approve the licensing bundle, while the rest of the present school board members echoed the approval. Finally, the School Board decided to spend an additional $3,000 on the purchase of supplies for classroom security kits. Murphy stated these kits would include a few tools that would assist in the case of an active shooter or school intruder, one tool of which is a simple strap to assist in the barricading of classroom doors to keep out intruders. Each kit would include one of these straps, as well as a bar that can easily fit within the door frame of the door to keep out intruders, said Murphy. These tools, along with a few other items per classroom could really help us in an emergency situation without breaking any fire codes or laws put in place by the state of Minnesota. Superintendent Fleming suggested an assessment be done within the school year to see if the emergency kits are of use, need upgrading, or need to be reassessed altogether. We are always exploring and trying to improve the safety of our students and staff members, said Murphy. School Board Chair Dale Stevermer put the motion for the emergency kits in place, with a second from Feist. The board approved the decision. In their special meeting, the School Board also: Approved the resale of kindergarten through 4th grade iPads to Diamond Assets, a Wisconsin-based company commonly used by Minnesota Schools, with an estimated return on the devices to be around $20,840. Authorized the purchase of new iPads for K-4 due to the student iPads no longer accepting iOS updates. USCs director of technology and digital learning Rita Vondracek stated the 275 Generation 6 iPads would come at a base estimated cost of $80,875, or $275 per device. Considered and supported the approval of an agreement with RevTrak, an online payment system optional for parents to be able to pay for student fees online. The district would pay a $30 per month hosting fee, with parents chipping in a 3.49 percent fee to use the service. The board approved the service with a six month trial run to be reassessed at the beginning of 2019. The next regular USC School?Board meeting is scheduled for June 19, at 7 p.m. in the Community Ed classroom. I love interviewing folks, hearing their stories, then writing about them. I must love it, because I have been doing it a long time. I must admit, though, some interviews are easier than others. Some are also more fun. Interviewing former Mankato mayor and now Blue Earth resident, Stan Christ, for the Senior Citizens section in this weeks Faribault County Register was one of the fun ones. Stan is a very interesting guy, and he loves to visit. That makes my job a whole lot easier. I first met Stan when he had his collectible toys set up in one of the Three Sisters buildings during Blue Earths City Wide Garage Sale. I took his picture and we started to chat. I was amazed to learn that he was the former mayor of Mankato and was now a resident of Blue Earth. I wanted to know more. I wanted to know why the former mayor of Mankato was now living here. So I asked if I could interview him sometime, and he said sure. I found out why and now you can too, by reading his story. During our long interview session last week, we covered a lot of territory. And one of the things on the topic list was the infamous Mankato monument. You know, the one that had inscribed on it Here Were Hanged 38 Sioux Indians Dec. 26th 1862. Maybe you know the story, maybe you dont. But it is true. There was the Sioux Uprising (or Sioux Conflict) in southern Minnesota in 1862. Much has been written about it, and I suggest you Google it and read more about it sometime. At the end of the conflict, there were more than 300 Sioux who were arrested and tried and sentenced to death. All but 38 were pardoned by the president. In one of the more infamous moments of Mankato (and Minnesota) history, all 38 were hanged at one time on a large gallows in downtown Mankato, on the day after Christmas. A huge crowd attended and cheered the execution. In 1912, that monument about the execution was erected on the very spot where the hangings occurred. It was still there when I moved to Mankato to attend college in 1968. But I am happy to say that due to protests about the monument when I was in college there, it was removed in 1971 and put into a junk pile in a shed in Sibley Park. It remained there until 1994, when it was discovered that this monument had disappeared and apparently been stolen. Sometime later it was discovered that the thief was none other than the mayor of the city at that time. Yeah, Stan Christ was that mayor. And during our interview last week, he totally confessed to the crime. He says that over the years there had been many very, very, negative comments about the monument. And then in the 1990s there was talk about moving the monument to somewhere where it could be on display again. Stan says he could not let that happen. He says his great-grandfather was three-fourths Dakota Sioux, and his fathers mothers family had Blackfoot blood in their veins. So, about 5 p.m. one day in 1994, Christ drove a flatbed truck to the Sibley Park shed and two others used city equipment to load the 8,500 pound monument and Stan drove off and hauled it away. To a place unknown. Unknown to everyone except Stan and two other people he says. And one of those has Alzheimers and probably doesnt remember anymore. Or maybe both are dead by now he admits. A couple of years ago a group of students at Minnesota State University, Mankato, started an investigation into what happened to the monument and where it is now. Stan says he found out later he could not be located in 2006. But a reporter from the Mankato Free Press tracked him down in 2012 because a newspaper in Missouri did a story about him donating blood. He says he really honestly didnt realize he was a missing person. But he admitted to the reporter that, yes, he took the monument, and no, he would never reveal where it might be. He said the same thing to me. He simply says that he got rid of it. There are rumors that he dumped it in the Minnesota River, or gave it to the Sioux tribe at Morton, Minnesota. Or smashed it to smithereens. Stan chuckles at all of these speculations. No one knows where it is, he says, not even his family. Just him. It is simply gone. And, maybe that is just the way it should be. . , ATP 2 4:6, 6:4, 6:3 . " . . , ... ABC News(WASHINGTON) -- Trump administration members continued a war of words with a traditional U.S. ally Sunday, accusing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of stabbing the president's team in the back. Larry Kudlow, director of the U.S. National Economic Council, said on CNN that Trudeau engaged in "betrayal" and stabbed us in the back. Another key member of the president's team, Peter Navarro, the White House director of trade policy, told Fox News Sunday, Theres a special place in hell for any foreign leader that engages in bad faith diplomacy with President Donald J. Trump and then tries to stab him in the back on the way out the door." "That's what bad-faith Justin Trudeau did with that stunt press conference," Navarro said. "That's what weak, dishonest Justin Trudeau did. Navarro was referring to the prime minister's announcing after the Group of Seven meeting Saturday that Canada will "not be pushed around" by the U.S. with its decision to slap tariffs on some imports from Canada and other countries. Trudeau at a press conference in Quebec as the G-7 meeting ended said he had highlighted in the session that "Canadians did not take it lightly that the United States has moved forward with significant tariffs on our steel and aluminum industry." "For Canadians who stood shoulder to shoulder with American soldiers in far-off lands and conflicts from the First World War onward ... it's kind of insulting, Trudeau said. The prime minister also said Canada would "move forward with retaliatory measures on July 1, applying equivalent tariffs to the ones that Americans have unjustly applied to us." "It is not something we relish doing, but it is something that we absolutely will because Canadians, we're polite, we're reasonable, but we also will not be pushed around," Trudeau said. Trump fired back after Trudeau's press conference, blasting the Canadian leader on Twitter as "very dishonest and weak." The president also tweeted from aboard Air Force One that due to "Justin's false statements" the U.S. would not sign on with the other six members of the G-7 to a joint communique that was to follow the meeting. Kudlow, who was in Canada with President Trump for the G-7 meeting, told CNN on Sunday that the U.S. had come to an agreement with the other highly-industrialized nations in the group on a joint communique until Trudeau's "sophomoric play." He really kind of stabbed us in the back, Kudlow said. Trump announced after Trudeaus press conference that the U.S. would not sign onto the G-7 communique. "That's what weak, dishonest Justin Trudeau did," Navarro said. Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland, speaking to reporters in Quebec on Sunday said, "Canada does not believe that ad-hominem attacks are a particularly appropriate or useful way to conduct our relations with other countries." She added, "The most important thing is deeds rather than words, and the deed, the action which Canada has objected to, and will continue to object to very strongly, was the illegal and unjustified imposition of tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum. Copyright 2018, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. Springfield, VA, June 10, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On Monday, June 18, 2018 at 9:00AM, The Military Order of the Purple Heart will host a departure ceremony to launch the 2018 Purple Heart Truck Run on a 7,800 mile odyssey across America. MOPH Chapter 353 and American Legion Post 176 will host the event at the AL Post, 6520 Amherst Ave., in Springfield, VA. Following a demonstration of the truck and introduction of the drivers, participants will be invited to sign the truck. The media and the public are invited to attend this special ceremony. There are an estimated 1.8 million Purple Heart recipients that were either killed in action or were wounded in combat or by an act of international terrorism. Those combat wounded service members who have transitioned back into civilian life have made great sacrifices to ensure our freedoms, but they often go unrecognized. The road to recovery and reintegration into their communities can be a long and difficult struggle for both the wounded warriors and their families. The focus of the 2018 Purple Heart Truck Run will be Mobility is Freedom. Sponsored jointly by the Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH) and Wounded Warriors Family Support (WWFS), the Purple Heart Truck Run features a mobility-equipped, 2018 Ford F-150 truck, adapted to accommodate combat-wounded veterans who are paralyzed or have lost legs and/or arms. Our belief is that, given the right vehicle for mobility, a combat-wounded veteran will have the freedom to live a productive and quality life with his or her family. Driven exclusively by amputee Veterans, the Purple Heart Truck Run will make its way from coast-to-coast on a 7,800 mile odyssey, rallying communities across America to thank our Nations military veterans and support this great mission. The Purple Heart Run will begin in Springfield, VA on June 18, 2018, traverse the nation to California and end in Spokane, Washington on 30 July 2018 at the MOPH National Convention. On its way across America, the truck, provided by the Wounded Warriors Family Support Foundation, will stop at MOPH Chapters to demonstrate the capabilities of the truck and to distribute special parking signs that mark spaces to be used exclusively for Purple Heart recipients. At the conclusion of the Purple Heart Truck Run, the keys to the truck will be presented to U.S. Army Sergeant (Ret.) Justin Burdette, a Purple Heart recipient from Palm Bay, Florida, who was chosen from a nation-wide search of eligible and deserving nominees. On June 9, 2013, Patriot Burdette was three months into his third deployment to Afghanistan when his platoon received incoming mortar and rocket fire while on a dismounted patrol in Wardak province. Justin was hit with a 107 mm rocket, and the blast caused him to lose both legs below the knees. For his injuries he was awarded the Purple Heart medal. The mission of Wounded Warriors Family Support (WWFS) is to provide support to the families of those who have been wounded, injured or killed during combat operations. The families of our casualties suffer in many ways: some financially, some psychologically, and the overwhelming stress of the recovery process can threaten to tear a family apart. Programs include: A Family Retreat program to provide vacation retreats, free of charge; a Caregiver Respite Program provides respite and supplemental services nationwide to the caregivers and families of wounded war veterans; and the Mobility is Freedom program provides grants to qualified combat-wounded veterans for the purchase of a Ford vehicle, specially adapted to suit veterans who are paralyzed or have lost legs or arms The "Military Order of the Purple Heart of the U.S.A. Inc.," (MOPH) was formed in 1932 for the protection and mutual interest of all combat wounded veterans and active duty men and women who have received the decoration. Chartered by the Congress, the MOPH is unique among Veteran Service Organizations in that all its members were wounded in combat or by an act of terrorism. For their sacrifice, they were awarded the Purple Heart Medal. With grants from the MOPH Service Foundation, the MOPH and its Auxiliary promote patriotism, fraternalism, and the preservation of America's military history. Most importantly, through Veteran Service Officers, they provide comfort and assistance to all Veterans and their families, especially those requiring claims assistance with the VA. Programs of the MOPH include VA Volunteer Service, Suicide Awareness, Homeless Veterans Assistance, JROTC Leadership Awards, Scholarships, Americanism, Purple Heart Trail and Cities, Welfare, and numerous community service programs, all with the objective of service to Veterans and their families. To learn more or to make a donation, go online to and Attachments A reference guide to wine and food: look it up, and you'll remember it longer; screw it up, and you'll remember it forever. This item is available in full to subscribers. Attention subscribers We have recently launched a new and improved website. To continue reading, you will need to either log into your subscriber account, or purchase a new subscription. If you are a digital subscriber with an active subscription, then you already have an account here. Just reset your password if you've not yet logged in to your account on this new site. If you are a current print subscriber, you can set up a free website account by clicking here. Otherwise, click here to view your options for subscribing. 33kg gold smuggling case: 3 main accused sent to Dept of Money Laundering for investigation The three main accused of the 33 kg gold smuggling and subsequent murder of Sanam Shakya, an alleged carrier, have been sent to the Department of Money Laundering Investigation (DMLI) in Lalitpur by the Morang District Court on Sunday. An endless quest Kathmandu is an enigmatic Shangri-La that holds different meanings for different people Caregivers shift Dr Devkota to his ancestral home Senior neurosurgeon Dr Upendra Devkota, who is undergoing treatment of bile duct cancer at the Bansbari-based Neuro Hospital in Kathmandu, was shifted to his home district Gorkha on Saturday. Court bans mining in Kaligandaki River A court order issued Saturday directed local administrative offices in Baglung, Myagdi, Parbat and Mustang districts to immediately stop mining activities in Kaligandaki River using heavy equipment. Darnal Award selects Baitadi activist Social activist of Baitadi Saraswoti Nepali has been selected for this years Darnal Award for her contribution towards social justice for the Dalit community. Prithvi Man Shrestha is a political reporter for The Kathmandu Post, covering the governance-related issues including corruption and irregularities in the government machinery. Before joining The Kathmandu Post in 2009, he worked at and Rising Nepal primarily covering the issues of political and economic affairs for three years. Govt considering slashing judges number: Law Minister Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, Sher Bahadur Tamang has said that the government is considering slashing the number of judges saying that there was surplus number of judges in the courts. Govt slashes number of AIG posts in Nepal Police, APF A Cabinet meeting on Sunday decided to slash the number of Additional Inspector General (AIG) posts in both Nepal Police and Armed Police Force (APF). House meet put off as govt fails to provide expenditure details of various ministries The meeting of House of Representatives slated for Sunday has been deferred after the government failed to provide expenditure details of various ministries to the House. India-led prelim study for Valley-Raxaul rail begins A technical team from India has started initial study for construction of Kathmandu-Raxaul railway line. The team, which zeroed in on Chobhar on Friday to set up the railway station in Kathmandu, has reached Birgunj for formal commencement of the study. Nayak Paudel is a crime reporter for The Kathmandu Post. Since joining the Post in 2018, he has also written on health issues. Motive questioned as govt gears up to monitor I/NGO operations With the dust over the proposed National Integrity Policy yet to settle, the move of two ministries to monitor the activities of non-government organisations and international NGOs has raised questions if the ruling coalition aims to rein in the non-government sector. National Assembly regulation endorsed A meeting of the National Assembly (NA) on Sunday endorsed the NA regulation following the agreement to fix the tenure of NA members through lottery. National Assembly set to endorse regulation today Two days after the House of Representatives (HoR) got its regulation, the National Assembly (NA) is likely to approve its regulation on Sunday, completing the process to form 16 parliamentary committees in the federal parliament. Nepali startups showcase their ideas and products to investors Nepal Student Union (NSU) is one of the major student political wings in Nepal and usually known for organising political events. B NKorean leader Kim arrives in Singapore for historic summit with Trump North Korean leader Kim Jong Un arrived in Singapore on Sunday for an unprecedented summit with US President Donald Trump, reported AFP. The US president will arrive later today. Over 40,000 take exam on opening day The Korean language testa prerequisite for migrant workers seeking jobs in South Korea under the Employment Permit System (EPS)got under way on Saturday, with 41,132 candidates taking the exam on the opening day. Petrol pump sealed for black marketeering, one arrested Local administration in Bardiya district have sealed a petrol pump on charges of black marketeering the petroleum products on Sunday. Sexuality and school Most curricula today do little to combat sexism and sexuality-based discrimination Tara Air plane survives tyre burst landing at Jumla Airport A Tara Air aircraft flying from Nepalgunj to Jumla had a narrow escape on Saturday at Jumla Airport after one of its tyres blew on landing, officials said. Ritah Kemigisa. Government has asked the people of Uganda to help police and other security organs to fight crime in the country and also if they are to arrest the killers of slain Arua Municipality MP Ibrahim Abiriga. Addressing mourners who had gathered at Gaddafi mosque to pray for the late Abiriga, the first deputy Prime Minister Moses Ali said this is because the people are always everywhere in places where government cannot be. Ali says its not true that government has failed to protect its citizens in the wake of current murders and kidnaps but rather asserts that security operatives cannot be everywhere. He is now appealing to the witnesses of Abirigas assassination to come out and help police to trace his killers so that justice can prevail. Ali adds that much as everybody will die at some point, the death of Abiriga remains illegal. He has now called for Unity and collaboration for the investigations so as to prosecute the criminals. By Shamim Nateebwa. The Muslim community has asked government to take full responsibility of the family of the late Arua Municipality MP Ibrahim Abiriga. Leading prayers to honor the deceased Abiriga at Gadaffi Mosque, the deputy Mufti Ali Waisswa said government needs to start compensating all people killed while serving the nation Abiriga and not necessarily giving them condolence messages. According to Ssemanbo Abiriga died in a honorable manner because he was not only duty a servant of the nation but also for heaven because he was murdered in the fasting period. He adds that Abiriga has died as a martyr who should be honored calling for speculations regarding his death to be stopped. Ssemambo has also warned criminals who are doing these acts of murder to stop adding that soon they will be apprehended further appealing to the family and the nation at large to keep patient. Ibrahim Abiriga and his body guard and driver Brother Saidi Buga were shot dead on Friday just a few kilometers from his home in Kawanda, Matuga in Wakiso district. By Samuel Ssebuliba. Police are holding a woman who lied to police that she had been kidnapped and raped yet she had spent a weekend cheating on her husband at Serena hotel. The Kampala metropolitan police spokesperson Luke Owoyesigyire says the suspect identified as Margret Namukose after disappearing for one day called her husband and claimed that unknown men had kidnapped, raped and dumped her in a certain forest. This forced the husband to report to Kyebando police and an inquiry started until Friday when she resurfaced. Upon interrogation, Namukose confessed that she had lied to her husband to get time and enjoy life with her new husband. She is currently detained at Kira Road Police Station U.S. President Donald Trump / AP By Doug Bandow The summit almost certainly is going to happen. Neither party can afford to cancel this late. How best to make it a success? We know the result will not be denuclearization as defined by the U.S. We will not implement the so-called Libya model, collecting North Korea's nukes, despite what National Security Adviser John Bolton said. So what is the objective? Said President Donald Trump after announcing that the summit was on: "It's a process. We're not going in and sign something on June 12 and we never were. We are going to start a process. And I told them today: take your time. We can go fast, we can go slowly." It makes one wonder: who is this person, and where is the president who threatened to unleash "fire and fury" on the Korean peninsula? Process can be helpful. Still, process is only a means to bring about a substantive result. So what should the latter be? First, contra the president, the two leaders should sign something, even if just a short, but specific promise by the U.S. to end what might be considered "hostile policy" toward North Korea in return for Pyongyang's commitment to denuclearize, specifically eliminate the North's nuclear weapons and entire atomic infrastructure. Second, Washington should seek to make permanent the North's freeze on nuclear and missile tests. That commitment would be easy to police and would limit the reach of missiles and inhibit the improvement of nuclear weapons. Third, President Trump and Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un should declare that they view the Korean War to be over and agree to negotiations that include the other major combatants, South Korea and China, to forge a peace treaty formally ending hostilities. Fourth, the president should propose a move toward diplomatic relations. That would not be a reward; the objective would be to create a routine communications channel, while creating an outpost for learning more about what long was accurately termed the Hermit Kingdom. Fifth, Washington would explain that expanding an American mission into a full-scale embassy would depend on North Korean officials being willing to engage on a range of political topics, including human rights. Sixth, on landing in Singapore the president should announce an end to the ban on Americans traveling to the North. At the meeting he should offer to initiate a liberal visa policy for North Korean visitors, who would be invited to come to America for sports, cultural, educational, and other purposes. An internal, organic transformation led by North Koreans would be far better than an outside attempt to impose regime change. Seventh, the president should override his "alliance forever" advisers and indicate his willingness to withdraw U.S. troops from and close America's "nuclear umbrella" over South Korea in return for denuclearization. It is an important objective worth making significant concessions. Moreover, denuclearization would eliminate any need for a U.S. garrison in the South. Washington should simultaneously encourage the Kim government to engage both the ROK and Japan, since their support would add to the success of a shift toward a more peaceful environment. At the same time, the U.S. should discuss the future of the Korean peninsula with China. Nevertheless, the Trump administration should encourage a more cooperative Beijing by indicating that the latter need not fear an American attempt to turn the peninsula into another military outpost in a regional containment system. President Trump deserves credit for taking the risk of meeting Kim Jong-un. The president even was right to step back from demanding immediate denuclearization, since expecting too much could have resulted in a catastrophic summit break-down, returning the two countries to a sort of dangerous confrontation which dominated last year. Making the summit a success will involve process, as the president suggested, but also will need to address the right substance as well. The president still might fall short of a Nobel, but he could help defuse one of the world's hot spots. And that would be an accomplishment worth celebrating. Doug Bandow is a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute and a former Special Assistant to President Ronald Reagan. He is author of Tripwire: Korea and U.S. Foreign Policy in a Changed World and co-author of The Korean Conundrum: America's Troubled Relations with North and South Korea. Rolling Stone has this new extended article headlined "Pot for All: How Congress Is Trying to Make Weed Legal," which has a subheadline that somewhat better describes its coverage: "From decriminalization to opening up the banking industry, both sides of Congress are preparing cannabis bills but with much different approaches. Here are excerpts from the piece: Over the past decade, marijuana legalization has happened at break-neck speed at the state and local level. And yet, pot-related reforms have moved glacially at the federal level, especially since prohibitionist Jeff Sessions was confirmed as attorney general. But his staunch opposition and attempt to roll back Obama-era protections for local marijuana businesses has actually attracted new support to a flurry of marijuana related bills that have been picking up support in this Congress. There are more than 40 cannabis-related bills floating around the House of Representatives alone in this Congress, along with countless others in the Senate. That's a hard map to navigate, so below is Rolling Stone's guide to the kinds of marijuana bills that have the most support from Democrats and Republicans alike. Straight Decriminalization Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer turned heads last month when he endorsed marijuana decriminalization, but he was slow to get to the party. Vermont's Bernie Sanders was there before him, along with most every Democratic senator floated as a potential 2020 presidential contender, including Sens. Cory Booker (NJ), Kamala Harris (CA) and Kirsten Gillibrand (NY). Still, the statement from Schumer who has long vocally opposed recreational marijuana was witnessed as a dramatic move and is expected to trickle down the ballot to people running for Congress across the nation.... Let the States Decide In the coming weeks, a bipartisan group of senators plans to drop a bill that will give individual states the right to override the federal prohibition on marijuana, which they say simply codifies what President Trump has allegedly told Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) in private conversations that the president's fine allowing each individual state to decide their own marijuana laws, which Gardner says is simple federalism.... Make the Focus Medical Testing Potentially the best chance marijuana legislation has of passing under unified Republican control of Washington is with bipartisan legislative efforts to simply relax the barriers that have been erected around studying marijuana. There was already historic progress on that front when, earlier this month, the VA Medicinal Cannabis Research Act of 2018 became the first-ever standalone marijuana bill to make it through a congressional committee. It not only removes barriers to testing marijuana at the Department of Veterans Affairs but also forces officials there to send regular reports to Congress so lawmakers can track whether the VA is taking the testing legislation seriously. While the scope is narrow, pot proponents see the bill as a major breakthrough because, if tests show marijuana is good for veterans, then it could easily translate to the greater public.... Push for Access to Banks Marijuana businesses are currently locked out of the banking sector, even in states where weed is either recreationally or medicinally legal, and the Small Business Administration recently moved to stop any company involved in this green revolution from receiving loans. Bipartisan efforts are picking up steam to at least make it so marijuana businesses don't have to be all cash, which comes with massive security risks. And without access to capital it's hard to be a player in a capitalistic economy. A slew of bills deal with this issue some allow marijuana businesses to simply access the banking system, while others go farther, allowing them to get the same tax breaks enjoyed by non-marijuana related businesses. Finally De-Scheduling Pot Support is also slowly growing for an effort to completely remove marijuana from the list of controlled substances where it currently sits at Schedule I, alongside LSD and heroin. But the Marijuana Justice Act goes even further and takes aim at the racial disparity that marks American prisons by expunging the records of people convicted of federal marijuana crimes and investing money in communities left blighted by marijuana convictions. The title of this post is the headline of this notable new piece from The Crime Report. Here are excerpts: Current president Donald Trump doesnt seem to believe in anything more intoxicating than cola his elder brother died of alcoholism-related causes but hes been of at least two minds about marijuana legalization. He appointed ferocious marijuana opponent Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, and Trumps first Secretary of Health and Human Services, Tom Price, also opposed legalization in the strongest possible terms. During the presidential campaign, however, Trump more-or-less stated he would let the states decide whether and how to legalize marijuana. His choice of Sessions seemed to be a reversal, but lately, it seems as if hes been holding Sessions back. Last month he agreed, under pressure from Colorados Republican US Sen. Cory Gardner to not interfere with Colorados marijuana industry. (Gardner had vowed to block every Justice Department nominee until he received such a reassurance.). Another politician who recently has reversed himself and now supports legalization at least for medical use and study is former House Speaker John Boehner. He has joined the board of Acreage Holdings, a cannabis company with cultivation, processing and dispensing operations across 11 states. In 2011, Boehner wrote, I am unalterably opposed to the legalization of marijuana or any other FDA Schedule I drug because he was concerned that legalization will result in increased abuse of all varieties of drugs, including alcohol. Now, Boehner says, my thinking on cannabis has evolved. Im convinced de-scheduling the drug is needed so we can do research, help our veterans, and reverse the opioid epidemic ravaging our communities. Cynics might say the money Boehner will no doubt receive was a motivating factor, but opponents of legalization face similar suspicions.... Other conservatives who have voiced some support for the relaxation of marijuana laws include Meghan McCain (daughter of Arizona Sen. John McCain), right-wing pundit Glenn Beck, former Alaskan mayor and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, Fox News host Sean Hannity and televangelist Pat Robertson.... Many Americans, including war veterans, believe marijuana helps them cope with their post-traumatic stress disorder or chronic pain. Marijuana can be harmful, but so can any legal product, most notably tobacco, alcohol and prescription opiate drugs. Conservatives often espouse Henry David Thoreaus belief That government is best which governs least. Some are now concluding that should apply to marijuana, too. As reported in this press release, titled "Gardner, Warren, Joyce and Blumenauer Unveil Bicameral, Bipartisan Legislation to Protect State Marijuana Policies," today has brought a big interesting new federal marijuana reform proposal. Here are the details via the press release (with links from the original): U.S. Senators Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and U.S. Representatives David Joyce (R-Ohio) and Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) today introduced the bicameral, bipartisan Strengthening the Tenth Amendment Through Entrusting States Act (STATES Act) to ensure that each state has the right to determine for itself the best approach to marijuana within its borders. The bill also extends these protections to Washington D.C, U.S. territories, and federally recognized tribes, and contains common-sense guardrails to ensure that states, territories, and tribes regulating marijuana do so safely. Forty-six states currently have laws permitting or decriminalizing marijuana or marijuana-based products - and Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam, and a number of tribes have similar laws. As states developed their own approaches to marijuana enforcement, the Department of Justice issued guidance to safeguard these state actions and ensure practical use of limited law enforcement resources. However, this guidance was withdrawn earlier this year, creating legal uncertainty, threatening public health and safety, and undermining state regulatory regimes.... Ignoring the ability of states, territories, and tribes to determine for themselves what type of marijuana regulation works best comes with real costs. Legitimate businesses that comply with state laws are blocked from access to basic banking services. Illicit markets often spring up and local law enforcement must divert resources needed elsewhere. Thousands of people are prosecuted and locked up in our criminal justice system. Qualified scientists and state public health departments struggle to conduct basic and epidemiological research or spur medical advances, and the fundamental nature of state and tribal sovereignty is violated. As more states, territories, and tribes thoughtfully consider updates to marijuana regulations, often through voter-initiated referendums, it is critical that Congress take immediate steps to safeguard their right to do so by passing the STATES Act. The legislation has been endorsed by organizations including the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Americans for Prosperity, Americans for Safe Access, Americans for Tax Reform, the Brennan Center for Justice, Campaign for Liberty, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, the Cooperative Credit Union Association, the Drug Policy Alliance, the Institute for Liberty, LatinoJustice PRLDEF, the Law Enforcement Action Partnership, the Marijuana Policy Project, the Massachusetts Bankers Association, the Maine Credit Union League, the Mountain West Credit Union Association, the National Cannabis Bar Association, the National Cannabis Industry Association, the National Conference of State Legislatures, the New Federalism Fund,NORML, the Northwest Credit Union Association, R Street, and the Taxpayers Protection Alliance. The STATES Act: Amends the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) so that - as long as states and tribes comply with a few basic protections - its provisions no longer apply to any person acting in compliance with State or tribal laws relating to marijuana activities. Clearly states that compliant transactions are not trafficking and do not result in proceeds of an unlawful transaction. Removes industrial hemp from the list of controlled substances under the CSA. The following federal criminal provisions under the CSA continue to apply: Prohibits endangering human life while manufacturing marijuana. Prohibits employment of persons under age 18 in drug operations. Prohibits the distribution of marijuana at transportation safety facilities such as rest areas and truck stops. Prohibits the distribution or sale of marijuana to persons under the age of 21 other than for medical purposes. A fact sheet about the legislation is available here, and the full bill text is available here. The title of this post is the headline of this BuzzFeed article which is as astute as is it crass. Here are excerpts: President Donald Trump "really" supports new legislation in Congress that would let state marijuana legalization thrive, untouched by the Justice Department, he said Friday. The endorsement was a jolt for the bipartisan bill, but it also jabbed at Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who has relentlessly threatened a pot crackdown and would be hamstrung and humiliated by the measure. Trump has carped about Sessions recusing himself from Justice Department's Russia probe. But the president has been unwilling to fire him, and Sessions has refused to quit, leaving Trump to explore ways to snub and belittle the attorney general. Trumps eagerness to sign the bill may be another effort to flog Sessions, roughly the equivalent of kicking a dog while it's tethered to a stake in the yard. Formally titled the Strengthening the Tenth Amendment Through Entrusting States Act, the bill filed Thursday is sponsored in part by Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner, a Republican. "I support Senator Gardner," Trump said before hopping on Marine One Friday morning. "I know exactly what he's doing; we're looking at it. But I probably will end up supporting that, yes." Dubbed the STATES Act, the bill riffs on popular conservative ideas about state sovereignty and would decree that the Controlled Substances Act cannot apply to people and businesses including growers and stores complying with state or tribal pot legalization laws. A bipartisan companion bill was also filed in the House. The bill responds to Sessions decision in January to rescind an Obama-era policy that tolerated pot businesses that follow state laws. Sessions followed up by insisting the Justice Department has the right to enforce federal law. The irony for Sessions is that the STATES Act probably wouldn't exist certainly not with bipartisan backing were it not for Sessions' own policy positions and saber rattling. This website is inclusive of tolerant people of all faiths, without exception. Neither anti-Semitism nor Islamophobia nor homophobia should ever be acceptable to anyone. We must all strive to live in peace and harmony with each other, regardless of religious affiliations, or none. Intolerance is the mother of strife and conflict. Mark Alexander We Britons are Europeans!Wir Briten sind Europaer! Nous, les Britanniques, sommes europeens ! Mark AlexanderEmail me Username: Password: or Register Thread Rating: 3 Vote(s) - 5 Average 1 2 3 4 5 Page: 1 2 Austria expels 60 imams, shutting mosques down!! Kurz says "JUST THE BEGINNING" LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 445035 06-09-2018 12:30 AM Post: #1 Austria expels 60 imams, shutting mosques down!! Kurz says "JUST THE BEGINNING" Advertisement The mosques are our barracks. And the believers our Army. Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan It's a beautiful thing. I almost want to cry with joy.The mosques are our barracks. And the believers our Army. Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 445121 06-09-2018 05:56 AM Post: #2 RE: Austria expels 60 imams, shutting mosques down!! Kurz says "JUST THE BEGINNI... Kurz is such a bad-ass. DEUS VULT!!! LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 445125 06-09-2018 06:05 AM Post: #3 RE: Austria expels 60 imams, shutting mosques down!! Kurz says "JUST THE BEGINNI... Merkle will recruit them for her secret army. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 445121 06-09-2018 06:31 AM Post: #4 RE: Austria expels 60 imams, shutting mosques down!! Kurz says "JUST THE BEGINNI... LoP Guest Wrote: (06-09-2018 05:56 AM) Kurz is such a bad-ass. DEUS VULT!!! Kurz is the true "Austrian Oak"! Not that pha66ot Schwarzeneggar who fled his own country to go be a California awesome person girly-man. Kurz is the true "Austrian Oak"! Not that pha66ot Schwarzeneggar who fled his own country to go be a California awesome person girly-man. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 441742 06-09-2018 11:00 AM Post: #5 RE: Austria expels 60 imams, shutting mosques down!! Kurz says "JUST THE BEGINNI... Dang, I wonder how much money and loop holes to get a duel citenship into Austria Uppity Me Registered User User ID: 443267 06-09-2018 01:08 PM Posts: 37,141 Post: #6 RE: Austria expels 60 imams, shutting mosques down!! Kurz says "JUST THE BEGINNI... Setting an example Quote: Les pauvres n'ont-ils des Euros ? Alors laissez les pauvres 'sh*t' dans les rues LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 445374 06-10-2018 06:56 PM Post: #7 RE: Austria expels 60 imams, shutting mosques down!! Kurz says "JUST THE BEGINNI... Mr. Erdogan, speaking Saturday, said: They say theyre going to kick our religious men out of Austria. Do you think we will not react if you do such a thing? That means were going to have to do something, he added without elaborating.<<< And the f*cking awesome people think we are Islamophobes! LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! So the mohammedan leader of Turkey is now saying people need to be killed in threatening to start a "holy" war because of Austria kicking out imams who preach the message of killling infidels.Mr. Erdogan, speaking Saturday, said: They say theyre going to kick our religious men out of Austria. Do you think we will not react if you do such a thing?That means were going to have to do something, he added without elaborating.<< LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 445374 06-10-2018 07:26 PM Post: #8 RE: Austria expels 60 imams, shutting mosques down!! Kurz says "JUST THE BEGINNI... LoP Guest Wrote: (06-10-2018 06:56 PM) So the mohammedan leader of Turkey is now saying people need to be killed in threatening to start a "holy" war because of Austria kicking out imams who preach the message of killling infidels. Mr. Erdogan, speaking Saturday, said: They say theyre going to kick our religious men out of Austria. Do you think we will not react if you do such a thing? That means were going to have to do something, he added without elaborating.<< Of course this is after Erdogan and his mohammedan government seized all Christian churches in Turkey and made them his war booty in 2016. >>Included in the seizures are Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox churches, one of which is over 1,700 years old.<< And the awesome people think calling us Islamophobes means they are somehow "scoring points" against us. LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! Of course this is after Erdogan and his mohammedan government seized all Christian churches in Turkey and made them his war booty in 2016.>>Included in the seizures are Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox churches, one of which is over 1,700 years old.< LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 445374 06-10-2018 08:38 PM Post: #9 RE: Austria expels 60 imams, shutting mosques down!! Kurz says "JUST THE BEGINNI... JUST THE BEGINNING awesome people. Get used to it bit*hes. "But but.....i know a mislim girl and she smiled at me!!" Lololololol LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 445306 06-10-2018 08:44 PM Post: #10 RE: Austria expels 60 imams, shutting mosques down!! Kurz says "JUST THE BEGINNI... Hunt down the domestic traitors as well or they will keep working against you in the shadows Long live the new national aera of freedom! Pinguu Registered User User ID: 441732 06-10-2018 08:48 PM Posts: 6,191 Post: #11 RE: Austria expels 60 imams, shutting mosques down!! Kurz says "JUST THE BEGINNI... Good on Austria. Meanwhile in the UK they lock up Tommy. IF AT FIRST YOU DONT SUCCEED...CLAIM YOU ARE OPPRESSED.. TicklePickle Registered User User ID: 395624 06-10-2018 08:53 PM Posts: 1,352 Post: #12 RE: Austria expels 60 imams, shutting mosques down!! Kurz says "JUST THE BEGINNI... Sebastian Kurz is one of our guys! He attempted to give a Roman salute during a speech but turned it into a wave at the last moment....he didn't want to trigger the libs too much. One day the Roman legions will come back, and the world will be ours! Sebastian Kurz is one of our guys!He attempted to give a Roman salute during a speech but turned it into a wave at the last moment....he didn't want to trigger the libs too much.One day the Roman legions will come back, and the world will be ours! TicklePickle Registered User User ID: 395624 06-10-2018 08:55 PM Posts: 1,352 Post: #13 RE: Austria expels 60 imams, shutting mosques down!! Kurz says "JUST THE BEGINNI... LoP Guest Wrote: (06-10-2018 06:56 PM) Mr. Erdogan, speaking Saturday, said: They say theyre going to kick our religious men out of Austria. Do you think we will not react if you do such a thing? We need to launch another crusade and take back the Byzantine lands that the muslims stole. We need to launch another crusade and take back the Byzantine lands that the muslims stole. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 445374 06-10-2018 09:59 PM Post: #14 RE: Austria expels 60 imams, shutting mosques down!! Kurz says "JUST THE BEGINNI... TicklePickle Wrote: (06-10-2018 08:55 PM) LoP Guest Wrote: (06-10-2018 06:56 PM) Mr. Erdogan, speaking Saturday, said: They say theyre going to kick our religious men out of Austria. Do you think we will not react if you do such a thing? We need to launch another crusade and take back the Byzantine lands that the muslims stole. Yes. DEUS VULT!!! Yes. DEUS VULT!!! LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 445002 06-10-2018 10:07 PM Post: #15 RE: Austria expels 60 imams, shutting mosques down!! Kurz says "JUST THE BEGINNI... TicklePickle Wrote: (06-10-2018 08:55 PM) LoP Guest Wrote: (06-10-2018 06:56 PM) Mr. Erdogan, speaking Saturday, said: They say theyre going to kick our religious men out of Austria. Do you think we will not react if you do such a thing? We need to launch another crusade and take back the Byzantine lands that the muslims stole. Istanbul was Constantinople....It can be again.... Istanbul was Constantinople....It can be again.... Advertisement is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program , anaffiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, the Amazon logo, MYHABIT, and the MYHABIT logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates.Don't be a pest to the forum.No profanity in thread-titles or usernamesNo excessive profanity in postsNo Racism, Antisemitism + HateNo calls for violence against anyone..This website exists for fun and discussion only. The reader is responsible for discerning the validity, factuality or implications of information posted here, be it fictional or based on real events. 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According to SCMP, Kim and his delegation arrived at the St Regis hotel in downtown Singapore at 3.40pm. The North Korean leader was greeted at Changi Airport by Singapores Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishan, who had been in Pyongyang on Friday. As we noted previously, instead of relying on his old Russian Il-62, Kim flew using a Chinese Boeing 747: the Air China flight CA61 touched down at Changi Airport shortly before 2.40pm. At about 3.05pm, a motorcade of Mercedes Benz sedans, police cars and a mobile hospital was seen leaving the airports VIP complex. The convoy, headed by two white cars flying North Korean flags, was believed to be heading towards the St Regis hotel on Orchard Road, where Kim and his delegation are staying. As SCMP notes, the aircraft carrying Kim Jong-un to Singapore for his summit with Donald Trump took a mostly inland route while flying over China, according to a flight tracking service. North Koreas utmost concern is Kims route, as there have always been big concerns about assassination attempts, according to Lee Yun-keol, a former bodyguard for North Koreas ruling family. Flightradar24 showed Kims flight initially passed over four Chinese provinces Hebei, Henan, Hubei and Hunan and stayed well clear of coastal areas. After reaching the southern coastal region of Guangxi, it veered off to the Chinese island province of Hainan, apparently in an attempt to maximise the amount of time it spent in Chinese airspace. Data also showed that there were no civilian planes anywhere near Kims flight, despite it passing through a usually busy area for such aircraft. [ ]Kim Jong Un Arrives In Singapore In Chinese Boeing 747 For Historic Summit With Donald Trump[/size]With president Trump leaving the Toronto G-7 meeting in a tiff, and tweeting from AF1 that after his unpleasant encounter with Justin Trudeau he "instructed our U.S. Reps not to endorse the Communique", a historic failure for globalists, all eyes turn to Singapore which readies itself for the arrival of Trump, as well as North Korean leader Kim Jong-un who just arrived here on Sunday afternoon.According to SCMP, Kim and his delegation arrived at the St Regis hotel in downtown Singapore at 3.40pm. The North Korean leader was greeted at Changi Airport by Singapores Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishan, who had been in Pyongyang on Friday.As we noted previously, instead of relying on his old Russian Il-62, Kim flew using a Chinese Boeing 747: the Air China flight CA61 touched down at Changi Airport shortly before 2.40pm.At about 3.05pm, a motorcade of Mercedes Benz sedans, police cars and a mobile hospital was seen leaving the airports VIP complex. The convoy, headed by two white cars flying North Korean flags, was believed to be heading towards the St Regis hotel on Orchard Road, where Kim and his delegation are staying.As SCMP notes, the aircraft carrying Kim Jong-un to Singapore for his summit with Donald Trump took a mostly inland route while flying over China, according to a flight tracking service.North Koreas utmost concern is Kims route, as there have always been big concerns about assassination attempts, according to Lee Yun-keol, a former bodyguard for North Koreas ruling family.Flightradar24 showed Kims flight initially passed over four Chinese provinces Hebei, Henan, Hubei and Hunan and stayed well clear of coastal areas. After reaching the southern coastal region of Guangxi, it veered off to the Chinese island province of Hainan, apparently in an attempt to maximise the amount of time it spent in Chinese airspace. Data also showed that there were no civilian planes anywhere near Kims flight, despite it passing through a usually busy area for such aircraft. (This post was last modified: 06-10-2018 06:58 PM by silversides .) LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 443824 06-10-2018 04:52 PM Post: #2 RE: Kim Jong Un Arrives In Singapore In Chinese Boeing 747 For Historic Summit With D Who paid for it? LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 441868 06-10-2018 04:54 PM Post: #3 RE: Kim Jong Un Arrives In Singapore In Chinese Boeing 747 For Historic Summit With D LoP Guest Wrote: (06-10-2018 04:52 PM) Who paid for it? Not Mexico Not Mexico Uilani87 Registered User User ID: 445336 06-10-2018 05:00 PM Posts: 277 Post: #4 RE: Kim Jong Un Arrives In Singapore In Chinese Boeing 747 For Historic Summit With D LoP Guest Wrote: (06-10-2018 04:54 PM) LoP Guest Wrote: (06-10-2018 04:52 PM) Who paid for it? Not Mexico Taxpayers and slaves to the system Taxpayers and slaves to the system TELL-A-VISION PROGRAMMING lop guest User ID: 441548 06-10-2018 06:19 PM Post: #5 RE: Kim Jong Un Arrives In Singapore In Chinese Boeing 747 For Historic Summit With D Meh LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 445318 06-10-2018 06:33 PM Post: #6 RE: Kim Jong Un Arrives In Singapore In Chinese Boeing 747 For Historic Summit With D A Chinese Boeing 747? Those bastards copy everything. TELL-A-VISION PROGRAMMING lop guest User ID: 441548 06-10-2018 06:42 PM Post: #7 RE: Kim Jong Un Arrives In Singapore In Chinese Boeing 747 For Historic Summit With D LoP Guest Wrote: (06-10-2018 06:33 PM) A Chinese Boeing 747? Those bastards copy everything. Chaos Subscriber User ID: 441661 06-10-2018 06:48 PM Posts: 140 Post: #8 RE: Kim Jong Un Arrives In Singapore In Chinese Boeing 747 For Historic Summit With D Boring 747 maybe ?? LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 285847 06-10-2018 06:51 PM Post: #9 RE: Kim Jong Un Arrives In Singapore In Chinese Boeing 747 For Historic Summit With D The main difference between a US and Chinese 747 is that the engine openings are more slitty on the Chinese version. silversides The bare necessities of life User ID: 148291 06-10-2018 06:52 PM Posts: 29,373 Post: #10 RE: Kim Jong Un Arrives In Singapore In Chinese Boeing 747 For Historic Summit With D Um Most nations grab a commercial airliner for their big presidental visit... The President of the United States is one of the few to have a dedicated huge jet... The fat man is just trying to be equal... Popurri Perez Prado LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 389324 06-11-2018 01:42 AM Post: #11 RE: Kim Jong Un Arrives In Singapore In Chinese Boeing 747 For Historic Summit Good luck to everyone at the meeting. Username: Password: or Register Thread Rating: 8 Vote(s) - 4.5 Average 1 2 3 4 5 Page: 1 2 3 Norway bans burqa and niqab in schools TicklePickle Registered User User ID: 395624 06-10-2018 08:44 PM Posts: 1,352 Post: #1 Norway bans burqa and niqab in schools Advertisement Norways parliament on Tuesday passed a bill banning clothing that partially or fully covers the face from being worn at educational institutions. The U.S. needs to pass its own law against face coverings in schools & public spaces (except on Halloween of course). The U.S. needs to pass its own law against face coverings in schools & public spaces (except on Halloween of course). (This post was last modified: 06-10-2018 08:45 PM by TicklePickle .) LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 441641 06-10-2018 08:53 PM Post: #2 RE: Norway bans burqa and niqab in schools LMBO, Europeans love welfare states and progressive politics up until the point that they have to deal with immigrants. Than they go harder right than Hitler trying to make an off ramp on the autobahn at 150 mph at the last second. TicklePickle Registered User User ID: 395624 06-10-2018 09:02 PM Posts: 1,352 Post: #3 RE: Norway bans burqa and niqab in schools LoP Guest Wrote: (06-10-2018 08:53 PM) LMBO, Europeans love welfare states and progressive politics up until the point that they have to deal with immigrants. Than they go harder right than Hitler trying to make an off ramp on the autobahn at 150 mph at the last second. Hitler was a race car driver? Was there anything that man couldn't do? Hitler was a race car driver?Was there anything that man couldn't do? Pinguu Registered User User ID: 441732 06-10-2018 09:05 PM Posts: 6,191 Post: #4 RE: Norway bans burqa and niqab in schools They only wear the things to dig us out anyway. Good. IF AT FIRST YOU DONT SUCCEED...CLAIM YOU ARE OPPRESSED.. Doublespeak lop guest User ID: 441880 06-10-2018 09:40 PM Post: #5 RE: Norway bans burqa and niqab in schools TicklePickle Wrote: (06-10-2018 08:44 PM) Norways parliament on Tuesday passed a bill banning clothing that partially or fully covers the face from being worn at educational institutions. The U.S. needs to pass its own law against face coverings in schools & public spaces (except on Halloween of course). Another progov douche who needs the government to control him. Ain't enough rules and regulations for you already? Pssh neoconspiracy twits. Another progov douche who needs the government to control him. Ain't enough rules and regulations for you already? Pssh neoconspiracy twits. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 441975 06-10-2018 09:42 PM Post: #6 RE: Norway bans burqa and niqab in schools A late and minor action, still a small beginning. We can always hope for more of the current 'Austrian' of closing Mosques and expelling Imams, as an approach to these murdering, raping Muslim savages invading our lands and stealing our countries, all for the gain of their half brothers in the end, so let's put a halt to these Trojan horses once and for all. Arabia and Africa are large countries, and that's where these burka wearing folks need to be. RiskyRob ( Lop V.I.P.) User ID: 445196 06-10-2018 11:07 PM Posts: 8,137 Post: #7 RE: Norway bans burqa and niqab in schools Is the idea behind this ban that Muslims should assimilate into the national culture? Ascended Master LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 431645 06-10-2018 11:08 PM Post: #8 RE: Norway bans burqa and niqab in schools Good. Do what you want in your own home.. but not in public. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 445002 06-10-2018 11:13 PM Post: #9 RE: Norway bans burqa and niqab in schools Pinguu Wrote: (06-10-2018 09:05 PM) They only wear the things to dig us out anyway. Good. I find them really creepy. I find them really creepy. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 409200 06-10-2018 11:15 PM Post: #10 RE: Norway bans burqa and niqab in schools I was against the dress codes we had in school for a while. (Girls could not wear pants. Boys could not have long hair.) So. I have mixed feelings. But, I am glad to see a light nation exerting its own culture, in its own borders. Dark nations do this quite often. You can't kiss in public, visiting some Arab nations. Women have to wear head gear, or it is legal to rape them. And it happens! In some Arab nations. (I think). Some immigrants, want to live by those laws, in light nations. We must demonstrate some inflexibility. We must declare, that we have changed our minds. We do not want, the 'tired and poor', from any Damn nation that wants to move in! Doublespeak lop guest User ID: 441880 06-11-2018 12:12 AM Post: #11 RE: Norway bans burqa and niqab in schools LoP Guest Wrote: (06-10-2018 09:42 PM) A late and minor action, still a small beginning. We can always hope for more of the current 'Austrian' of closing Mosques and expelling Imams, as an approach to these murdering, raping Muslim savages invading our lands and stealing our countries, all for the gain of their half brothers in the end, so let's put a halt to these Trojan horses once and for all. Arabia and Africa are large countries, and that's where these burka wearing folks need to be. Don't like when chickens come home to roost brah? Don't like when chickens come home to roost brah? Doublespeak lop guest User ID: 441880 06-11-2018 12:20 AM Post: #12 RE: Norway bans burqa and niqab in schools Doublespeak Wrote: (06-11-2018 12:12 AM) LoP Guest Wrote: (06-10-2018 09:42 PM) A late and minor action, still a small beginning. We can always hope for more of the current 'Austrian' of closing Mosques and expelling Imams, as an approach to these murdering, raping Muslim savages invading our lands and stealing our countries, all for the gain of their half brothers in the end, so let's put a halt to these Trojan horses once and for all. Arabia and Africa are large countries, and that's where these burka wearing folks need to be. Don't like when chickens come home to roost brah? Just saying, once it was the Viking savages. Then modern imperialism. Just saying, once it was the Viking savages. Then modern imperialism. Spiddy Registered User User ID: 186148 06-11-2018 12:26 AM Posts: 18,329 Post: #13 RE: Norway bans burqa and niqab in schools TicklePickle Wrote: (06-10-2018 08:44 PM) Norways parliament on Tuesday passed a bill banning clothing that partially or fully covers the face from being worn at educational institutions. The U.S. needs to pass its own law against face coverings in schools & public spaces (except on Halloween of course). Lol. So you wish you were European now? That's a weird thing for a trump supporter to wish for. Lol.So you wish you were European now?That's a weird thing for a trump supporter to wish for. As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. H.L. Mencken 1920. Spiddy Registered User User ID: 186148 06-11-2018 12:28 AM Posts: 18,329 Post: #14 RE: Norway bans burqa and niqab in schools RiskyRob Wrote: (06-10-2018 11:07 PM) Is the idea behind this ban that Muslims should assimilate into the national culture? The idea behind the ban is that we are all one people. The idea behind the ban is that we are all one people. As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. H.L. Mencken 1920. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 445084 06-11-2018 12:30 AM Post: #15 RE: Norway bans burqa and niqab in schools They Seem to Be Loving The Sheep just a little to much! Norway Needs to OUTLAW Goat LOVE!They Seem to Be Loving The Sheep just a little to much! Advertisement Representatives from the government, academe and consumer advocacy groups converged at the 1st Summit on Harm Reduction organized by The Vapers Philippines recently at the Sulo Riviera Hotel in Quezon City. Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos, an international researcher on electronic cigarettes, presented two studies at the multi-stakeholder summit which showed that smokers with asthma and hypertension experienced improved lung function and lower blood pressure after switching to e-cigarettes or personal vaporisers. A research fellow at the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center in Athens, Greece, and at the Department of Pharmacy, University of Patras, Greece, and at the Greek National School of Public Health, Farsalinos has been conducting research on e-cigarettes as principal investigator since 2011. As of 2018, he has published more than 60 studies and articles in international peer-reviewed scientific journals about smoking, tobacco harm reduction, and e-cigarettes.A two-year study by Italian researchers looked at 18 smokers with mild to moderate asthma. All smokers switched to e-cigarettes but two eventually relapsed and resorted to dual use of combustible cigarettes and e-cigarettes. At the start of the study (prior to switch to e-cigarettes), researchers assessed the subjects respiratory symptoms, lung function (through spirometry), airway hyper-responsiveness (level of irritation and constriction), asthma control, asthma exacerbations (asthma attacks) and tobacco consumption. Measurements recorded at baseline prior to switching were compared with those at the follow-up visits at 6, 12 and 24 months. THE Philippines plans to hold air talks with India, Papua New Guinea and Switzerland this year to expand air traffic rights, the Civil Aeronautics Board said over the weekend. CAB executive director Carmelo Arcilla said the Philippine air panel would finalize the dates for the separate air talks with the three countries. The Philippine negotiating panel is composed of officials from the CAB, Departments of Transportation, Tourism and Foreign Affairs, as well as from Clark International Airport Corp. and representatives of local airline companies. "The most critical is India because its a big market," Arcilla said. Philippine Airlines earlier filed with the CAB for the resumption of flights to India, while Air Asia and Cebu Pacific filed for flight entitlements to India. Data from the Department of Tourism showed that the number of tourists from India rose 18.3 percent to 107,278 visitors last year from 90,816 visitors in 2016.Arcilla added the Philippine air panel would also hold separate air talks with Papua New Guinea and Switzerland in the coming months. The number of visitors from Switzerland to the Philippines last year, according to DoT, reached 29,837 from 29,420 visitors in 2016. Papua New Guinea visitors rose 4.8 percent to 8,110 last year from 7,738 in 2016. The top markets for the Philippines are South Korea with 1.60 million, followed by China, 968,447; United States of America, 957,813; Japan, 584,180; Australia, 259,433; Canada, 200,640; United Kingdom,182,708; Singapore, 168,637 and Malaysia, 143,566. Other high-growth markets include Hong Kong, 111,135; New Zealand, 28,983; Germany, 85,431; France, 64, 777; Saudi Arabia, 54,716 and Netherlands, 33,821. The Asian Development Bank is keen on supporting the proposed $2-billion integrated liquefied natural gas terminal project in the Philippines, a bank official said last week. I think the LNG business may be potentially for ADB to come back (to), but the private sector [arm of] ADB. ADB has two lending [arms]sovereign or government to government, then we have this commercial based private sector department, said Yongping Zhai, ADB chief of energy sector group, sector advisory service cluster, sustainable development and climate change department. ADBs private sector department stopped funding energy projects in the Philippines in recent years, but it was an active participant in the sector during the privatization of National Power Corp. The Philippines plans to put up its first integrated LNG hub in preparation for the eventual depletion of the Malampaya natural gas in northwest Palawan. I understand given the current natural gas supplys expected shortage in next 5 to 10 years, the LNG would be an option for the Philippines to supply power to meet the requirement, Zhai said. He said the ADB private sector department would be very keen to see what will be the lending opportunities related to the whole supply chain of LNG business. I think again our private sector people could bea stakeholder because building LNG terminal, you have pipeline, you have off-taker, who will buy this LNG. Whole chain may require different entities to compact ADB in different ways, he said.State-run Philippine National Oil Co. also tapped ADB for technical assistance for its LNG venture. The ADB official said the bank was in a good position to advise PNOC on its planned LNG facility, specially on the LNG supply, pricing and contracts. I am very supportiveto push this for security of the country, he said. PNOC received seven offers from Korea Electric Power Co., Lloyds Energy Group, China National Offshore Oil Corp., Energy World Corp., First Gen Corp., PT. Jaya Samudra Karunia and PT PGN LNG Indonesia/PT Bosowa Corporindo with local partner MOF Corp. for the proposed LNG hub. The Energy Department separately received interest from 10 companies to put up LNG facilities. Among the interested parties are Cleanway-Filipino and Resiro of the UK, Tokyo Gas of Japan, First Gen, China National Offshore Oil Corp., PNOC, Vires Energy Corp. and Carmine Energy Ltd. Pte. with partner Golar Energy. BelVita shares the importance of breakfast and how Filipinos can get the nourishment they need from this brand of breakfast biscuit. Each belVita breakfast biscuit comes with good carbohydrates and eight important vitamins and minerals. Studies reveal that breakfast remains the most important meal of the day. Consuming a good amount of energy-giving foods in the morning sets the pace, mood, and quality of your activities throughout the day. However, most Filipinos arent always able to hit their energy requirement for the day as a growing number skip breakfast. Then why do so many Filipinos skip breakfast when its so important? Culture will tell us why.Filipinos are used to rice and viand-based meals even for breakfast, dishes that require time on the dinner table and are far from grab-and-go. And in the market, theres a lack of alternatives to the standard Pinoy breakfast rice meal that caters to the modern, fast-paced Filipino lifestyle. BelVita, the first-ever breakfast biscuit in the country from Mondelez Philippines, aims to change the way Filipinos consume breakfast. In fact, the product is out to help Filipinos eat a balanced breakfast conveniently.These breakfast biscuits are filling and nutritious, as they are made with whole grain cereals and eight important vitamins and minerals necessary to start the day right.For energy-depleted Filipinos, belVitas whole grain cereals include whole wheat and oat, good carbohydrates that help keep the body active without making it feel empty. The fiber in whole grain cereals also helps optimize digestion and gut activity, helping keep the body clean of toxic waste that needs to be rid off daily. Meanwhile, the eight vitamins present in each belVita biscuit are vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, D, Calcium, Iron and Zinc. These make for stronger bodily functions and immune system. BelVita is available in a four-pack box with an SRP of P30.50 and single 20g pack worth P8.25. CITING the importance of early intervention and prevention in treating mental illnesses, Senator Juan Edgardo Angara has urged PhilHealth to cover the fees for consultations with psychiatrists. Globally, more than 300-million people are now living with depression, the leading cause of ill health and disability. A 2011 World Health Organization study found that the Philippines had the highest incidence of depression in Southeast Asia. The recent deaths of well-known personalities Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade have sparked calls to strengthen mental health policies worldwide. Mental and behavioral disorders can lead to impairment in judgment, self-inflicted pain, or worse, suicide. This can be prevented, said Angara, He related that early intervention through consultation with psychiatrists and proper medication should be readily accessible for ordinary Filipinos. The huge expenses should not be an obstacles especially to the poor, to seek medical treatment, said Angara. The senator has been leading the call in the Senate for the expansion of PhilHealths primary care benefit package, which includes free checkups and consultations, laboratory tests, and medicines, for all Filipinos. Currently, PhilHealth only covers hospitalization brought about by acute attacks of mental and behavioral disorders at a package rate of P7,800. Consultations and medicines are not covered.In 2016, a national suicide prevention hotline called HOPELINE was launched by the Department of Health. However, the service is limited to answering calls and questions, and referring patients to mental health professionals. The Philippines has only 490 psychiatrists or one psychiatrist per 250,000 Filipinosa far cry from the standard ratio of one per 50,000 people. Another problem is we do not have enough psychiatric facilities and psychiatrists in the country, said Angara. Angara, one of the authors of Senate Bill 1354 or the Mental Health Act, said he was optimistic that President Rodrigo Duterte would sign the measure into law soon. The bill was transmitted to Malacanang in May 21. The mental health bill aims to provide basic mental health services down to the barangay level by mandating the DoH to provide psychiatric services to all regional, provincial, and tertiary hospitals, while increasing the capacities of mental health professionals. While the government works to make mental health care more affordable and accessible, another challenge is getting Filipinos to overcome stigma. Five leaders of the Communist Party of the Philippines have been allowed by a Manila Regional Trial Court to travel abroad to participate in the resumption of peace talks with the Philippine government this month. In an order issued on Friday, the Manila City RTC, Branch 32, granted the motion to travel abroad filed by CPP leaders Benito Tiamzon, Adelberto Silva, Rafael Baylosis, Randall Echanis and Vicente Ladlad, allowing them to travel abroad from June 22 to 30 to join the informal and formal peace talks. The communist leaders were among the accused in a murder case arising from the discovery of the mass grave in Leyte containing suspected victims of the communist rebel purge in the 1980s. The CPP leaders were released from detention in August 2016 to join the peace negotiations as consultants of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines. But the lower court ordered their rearrest in January following the request of the Department of Justice when the peace talks bogged down in November last year. In their motion, Tiamzon and Silva told the court that the peace negotiations between the government and the NDFP are currently underway following President Rodrigo Dutertes announcement last April of his plans to revive the peace talks. Thus, they entreat that their bail bonds be reinstated and declared effective for the duration of the peace negotiations, the order stated.The accused also said they have been invited by NDFP negotiating panel chairman Fidel Agcaoili to attend the informal talks, which will be followed by the formal talks. They also said they have respective functions during the event, which they claimed are indispensable. After a careful consideration of the arguments of both parties, the Court grants the accused-movants motion to travel abroad, the courts order read. However, the accused were required to strictly follow the rules the court set for their provisional liberty, including the requirement to return to the country within three calendar days after the completion of the informal and formal talks. Tiamzon and Silva were required to post another P100,000 bond as their previous bail bonds have already been canceled. A scene from 'Ang mga Turo ng Gabi,' a film about a teacher battling depression. 'Cesar & Magda' talks about a man who tries to revive his extinguished married life. Seven short films from the De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde Digital Filmmaking program (BenildeFilm) were officially selected and screened as part of the Diwa Filipino Film Showcase of Seattle held at the Armory Loft 1 Seattle Center, Washington on June 2 and 3. John Craig de Guzmans Amy, Christian Rae Villanuevas Ang Mga Turo ng Gabi (The Lessons of the Night), Aleina Espinelis Ang Pagbabalik Tanaw ni Olympia Mercado (A Look into the Life of Olympia Mercado), Kim Timans Caramel Child, Pamela Barrios Cesar & Magda, Lino Balmes Orlie, and Dev Angeo and Kristine Medenillas Saglit (A While) were among the films about the Filipino diaspora featured in the Seattle event. Amy tells the story of Mark (Seaver Choy) who is reminded of Amy (Chloe Tabanda), a person who has just passed away in Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan), as he sees her in his reverie. It earlier won Best Short Film and Best Editing at the 9th Largabista Film Festival in Tacloban, Leyte and tied for the Best Narrative Film award at the first ASEAN Biennale or ASEANnale Film and Multimedia Competition in UP Diliman this year.In Ang Mga Turo ng Gabi, Juanita (Sheenly Vee Gener), a teacher battling depression, teams up with her delinquent student (Dylan Ray Talon) to retrieve something important for her over the course of one night. The short film previously won Best Editing (Annie Chua) and Best Performance (Talon) at Pelikultura: The CALABARZON Film Festival 2018. Ang Pagbabalik Tanaw ni Olympia Mercado is about a middle-aged woman (Maddie Martinez) remembering memories of a treasured relationship triggered through her taste buds. In Caramel Child, which is set in the year 2003, Katherine Kaye Jones (Angelica Ulip), or Kakay, is a child of a call girl, Ellie Pilorin (Sue Prado), and an absent American man. A poster of the Regional Science Quiz Bee and her mothers American client (Savino Bellini) will fuel Kakays curiosity and determination to finally be in contact with her father. It bagged the Best Film, Best Director (Timan), Best Screenplay (Timan and Balmes), Best Performer (Ulip) and Best Musical Score (Marcus Santos and Joseph Salcedo) at Pelikultura 2018. It also won Best Screenplay at De La Salle Universitys Indie Un-film Festival 2017. It is a nominee for Best Short Film at the Cinema One Originals Festival 2017 and 41st Gawad Urian.Cesar & Magda is a film about a man whos trying to survive his extinguished married life. Cesar (Francis Mata) tries to bring back the spark of their relationship by mimicking an ideal woman (Larissa Louise Alivio). He has yet to discover the uncertainty of how his wife, Magda (Bridge Martin), would absorb the transformation. It is one of the finalists in the short film category of Sinag Maynila Film Festival this year.In Orlie, after hearing about the Orlando Massacre, the lead character finds himself deeply affected. While seeking refuge in his bathroom, he comes to discover the extent of his wounds. After winning Best Supershort Film at the CineFilipino Film Festival 2018 and a jury commendation at the 12th Filminute, the one-minute film competes at Mister Vorky: 5th International Festival of One Minute Film in Serbia and the 18th Korea Queer Film Festival in South Korea. Finally, Saglit (A While) is about a former couple, Misha (Anna Luna) and Kai (JC Santos), who spends one last night together before the former gets married and the latter migrates. Diwa, a small community film festival made in cooperation with the annual Pagdiriwang Philippine Festival, aims to celebrate the Filipino Spirit wherever it resides by exhibiting films from the Philippine islands and beyond, according to Festival Director Adrian Alarilla. Pagdiriwang, which commemorates the anniversary of Philippine independence, is presented by the Filipino Cultural Heritage Society of Washington (FCHSW) to promote better understanding of the Filipino arts and culture. Held at the Seattle Center since 1987, it has grown into the largest festival of Filipino art, craft, song, dance, music, history, literature, and culture in the Pacific Northwest. Posted Thursday, June 7, 2018 10:40 am It was an unforgettable experience for the Fordland History Club, who took a trip to Washington, D.C., May 19-27. Students had an opportunity to see different memorials and museums, visit the Pentagon and take a tour of the Capitol. There were 18 students and 17 adults who attended the trip, which was organized by Valerie Cochara, Fordland High School social studies. Teresa Cardwell, Fordland High School math teacher, and Tonia McDaris, Fordland High School library media specialist, also helped out on the trip. There is so much to see Washington, D.C., said Cochara. We usually take the trip every two years, and there is a lot of planning that goes into it. The very first D.C. trip I remember Fordland going on was at least 20 years ago. That was with the Fordland FFA chapter. The group stayed in the National 4-H Conference Center in Maryland, getting to meet students from all over the world, such as Chili and Colombia. In addition, they had a chance to participate in a wreath-laying activity at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Lily Hendershot, Shelby Thomason, Catherine Cline and Cardwell, a retired Marine of 30 years, were selected to help place a wreath on the stand at the tomb. The ceremony was very organized, said Cochara. Participants who were laying the wreath had to take seven steps in the ceremony and it was very specific. One of the guards from the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment, the Old Guard, helped them. It truly was an honor to be a part of that. According to Cochara, the cost of the trip for each student was $1,200, which included the matching T-shirts and flight expenses. The group was able to raise the funds by working concessions for Missouri State University in Springfield. We started doing concessions three years ago, said Cochara. We do it for concerts and ball games anything that happens at MSU. It is actually really fun. The Fordland History Group is four years old and was formed as a way to get students interested in history and government. Cochara has taught social studies for 22 years. I hope students will get a better understanding of our class and why it is important, said Cochara. The purpose of the History Club is to get kids excited about history and government. I think this trip really helps our students get an idea of why history is so valuable. President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria is expected in Rabat Sunday for a two-day friendship and working visit to Morocco at the invitation of King Mohammed VI. The two leaders will hold official talks and will co-chair the signing ceremony of several agreements, the ministry of the Royal Household, Protocol and Chancellery said in a statement. The Sovereign will offer, at the Rabat Royal Palace, an Iftar (fast-breaking meal) in honor of President Buhari and his accompanying delegation. The visit reflects the depth and quality of bilateral relations, which are based on a strong and lasting partnership, thanks to the two countries shared desire to consolidate their multidimensional relations, the statement said. In recent years, Morocco and Nigeria have embarked on a new dynamic aimed at enhancing their partnership, serving their strategic interests and giving a boost to regional and continental integration. This new dynamic, which was made possible thanks to the innovative and active diplomacy led by King Mohammed VI towards African countries, has helped cement links between the two African giants and will undoubtedly benefit African countries and peoples. Actually, the Rabat-Abuja strategic alliance is not surprising since the two countries are standing out, thanks to the economic progress they have both achieved, as locomotives for the development desired by this changing Africa. Nigeria is today a leading economic power with a Gross Domestic Product of $ 415.08 billion, according to International Monetary Fund figures. Morocco, on its part, has managed to consolidate its position as the leading African investor in the continent, according to the 2017 report published by FDI Markets, which stated that Morocco is also a major recipient of Foreign Direct Investments. The various cooperation agreements concluded between the two countries during the historic visit King Mohammed VI paid to Nigeria in December 2016 constitute an ideal platform for a deployment of the Rabat-Abuja axis on the continental scale. At the geopolitical level, observers of the African scene in Rabat and Abuja acknowledge the two countries positive military and diplomatic influence in the continent. The successive participations of Morocco and Nigeria in peacekeeping operations around the world, and particularly in Africa, position the two as stabilizing powers not only in the volatile region of the Sahel but throughout the continent. Besides, the two countries activism and their ability to take crucial initiatives in many issues that directly affect the future of the continent in a lofty spirit of openness that cuts with narrow calculations and the two leaders commitment to the continent can only benefit the emerging new Africa. In this context, it is worth recalling the decision of the African Union (AU) to designate King Mohammed VI and President Muhammadu Buhari as African leaders in two issues of strategic importance to the future of the continent, namely the immigration issue and the fight against corruption. This decision reflects the stature of the two leaders who can actually help the continent regain control of its destiny and occupy the place it deserves in todays world and in tomorrows world. Getting hammered left and right by his opponents, Philip Levine raised his arms by his sides and played the role of the wrestling heel. "Boy, it's sure fun to be the frontrunner," he said, as boos rained down. It was a testy affair Saturday night as four of the five Democrats running for Florida governor battled in a Pinellas County high school auditorium during a live televised debate. Levine, Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, former congresswoman Gwen Graham and affordable housing investor Chris King sparred for an hour, with real estate tycoon Jeff Greene perhaps glad that he sat this one out. For-profit charter schools, the National Rifle Association and Donald Trump played the villains for much of the night. But the moderators forced the candidates to answer questions about an FBI investigation in Tallahassee, a cash contribution to a Republican Senator, and a vote for increased restrictions on Syrian refugees entering the country. And with the Aug. 28 primary inching closer, the candidates attacked each other, too, over their voting records and character. Levine who's ahead in the polls may have gotten the worst of it. Asked to defend his Democratic bona fides after once considering a run as an independent and giving $2,400 to the 2010 U.S. Senate campaign of Republican Marco Rubio, Levine said he's probably given $1 million all told to other Democrats and evoked his record as mayor. "I raised the minimum living wage in the city of Miami Beach. I plan to do it statewide. We actually decriminalized marijuana," he said. "We became the leading poster child on sea-level rise and climate change and we banned assault rifles. So the question is, am I a Democrat? Im a Democrat. Im proud to be a Democrat." But his opponents pounced. Click here to read the rest. Via @doug_hanks Zoraida Barreiro didn't have to look far for the top donor in her campaign to succeed her husband, Bruno Barreiro, on the Miami-Dade County Commission. His congressional campaign recently donated nearly $100,000 to her county effort. The $95,000 infusion of cash from the Barreiro congressional campaign to a committee supporting the Barreiro county race captures a husband-and-wife effort that has Zoraida inheriting many of Bruno's donors from his 20 years on the County Commission. Having secured support from many of Miami-Dade's top donors, she's out-raising opponent Eileen Higgins nearly two-to-one in a June 19 runoff election to fill the remaining two years of Bruno Barreiro's term as the county's District 5 commissioner. "I don't think donors want major change," said Esther Nuhfer, a veteran campaign fundraiser tapped by Zoraida Barreiro for her race. "Donors are happy. But let me tell you, just because you're giving Zoraida Barreiro a check does not mean you're going to get what you want." The fundraising reports available on state and county websites at the close of business Friday hint at some of the closed-door maneuvering in a race for a rare open seat on the 13-member County Commission. Higgins finished first in a four-candidate primary for the nonpartisan District 5 seat on May 22, a surprise showing that helped send donors her way. Landmark, an affordable-housing developer with Miami-Dade contracts, gave Higgins $5,000 for the District 5 race in June. Landmark has been a top donor to Commissioner Daniella Levine Cava, a Democrat who has been contacting donors and asking them to support Higgins, also a Democrat. Commissioner Xavier Suarez, an independent, is doing the same thing. Click here to read the rest. Michael-in-Norfolk disclaims any and all responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, completeness, legality, reliability, operability, or availability of information or material displayed on this site and does not claim credit for any images or articles featured on this site, unless otherwise noted. All visual content is copyrighted to it's respectful owners. Information on this site may contain errors or inaccuracies, and Michael-in-Norfolk does not make warranty as to the correctness or reliability of the site's content. If you own rights to any of the images or articles, and do not wish them to appear on this site, please contact Michael-in-Norfolk via e-mail and they will be promptly removed. Michael-in-Norfolk contains links to other Internet sites. These links are provided solely as a convenience and are not endorsements of any products or services in such sites, and no information or content in such site has been endorsed or approved by this blog. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images(WASHINGTON) -- A leading Republican senator and ally of President Donald Trump disagrees with the president's suggestion that the Group of Seven economic powers should allow Russia to rejoin the alliance. Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina told ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on "This Week Sunday, It would be a mistake to try to get [Putin] back into the G-8." The Soviet Union may have fallen, but the evil it represents is alive and well in Putins Russia. He is no friend of the United States; hes dismembering democracies everywhere and trying to do so in our own backyard, said Graham, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The Group of Seven was the Group of Eight until it kicked Russia out four years ago after the country annexed Crimea from Ukraine. As Trump was about to depart for the weekend G-7 meeting in Canada, he said Russia should be allowed to rejoin the alliance. "Why are we having a meeting without Russia being in the meeting?" Trump asked reporters Friday. "And I would recommend it's up to them. But Russia should be in the meeting, should be a part of it." Later that day, during a meeting with the French president at the G-7, Trump was pressed on whether he had brought up his idea of adding Russia back into the group with allies he met with throughout the day. We havent brought that up, hasnt been brought up, Trump responded. But at a Saturday press conference before leaving Canada for the North Korea nuclear summit in Singapore, Trump reiterated his support for adding Russia to the G-7, saying, I think it would be an asset to have Russia back in. I think it would be good for the world. I think it would be good for Russia. I think it would be good for the United States. I think it would be good for all of the countries of the current G7. I think the G8 would be better. Graham on "This Week" Sunday also responded to a tweet by his close friend and fellow senator, John McCain, over Trumps decision to not sign a joint agreement by G-7 leaders Saturday after disputes on trade. Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona tweeted, To our allies: bipartisan majorities of Americans remain pro-free trade, pro-globalization & supportive of alliances based on 70 years of shared values. Americans stand with you, even if our president doesnt. Graham said he agrees with McCain about free trade and globalization, but he's not sure the majority of Americans feel the same way. Im not so sure Johns right about where America is on trade, Graham said. Im not sure a majority of Americans believe that globalization and free trade is in our interests. I believe that, John McCain believes it. But the reason were having these problems here at home,[plus] Brexit, Italy -- theres a movement all over the world to look inward, not outward. And I think its a mistake, but Im not sure most Americans agree with John McCain and Lindsey Graham. Copyright 2018, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. Vous etes confrontes a une infestation par la puce, la punaise de lit ? Voici plusieurs actions qui sont a mettre en uvre pour faire [] GoldSeek Radio: Martin Armstrong and Chris Martenson, and Chris Waltzek By: Chris Waltzek, Radio -- Published: Sunday, 10 June 2018 | Print | Disqus Featured Guests Martin Armstrong & Chris Martenson Ph.D. Show Highlights Chris Martenson from , author of Prosper! says the global macroeconomic outlook is dire. Given the downturn in the long-running credit cycle, considerable QE efforts will be required via CB monetary policy to maintain the status quo. CB, QE operations oftentimes result in unexpected consequences, in particular, runaway inflation, which bodes well for precious metals investors. Investors must search for "real, tangible wealth," and no asset class better fulfills this characteristic than gold and related shares. Gold performs best as a hedge against monetary / currency crises and distrust of policymaker decisions. Despite that fact that silver currently sells for less than the production cost and silver's history as a monetary metal and inelastic supply / demand. The precious metal remains a leverage play on gold with the benefit of its industrial appeal. Semiprecious metals are also of interest, including nickel and indium, as tangle assets become rarer and more difficult to mine. The show wraps with a brief discussion on the benefits of intermittent fasting and hourly exercise breaks. Intermittent fasting has been statistically proven to boost calorie consumption / metabolic rate by up to 10%-14% without any exercise or medicine required. The AMA recommends walking briskly every hour for at least 2-3 minutes to reduce the symptoms of pre-diabetes and Type II diabetes, promote healthy cardio function, reduce arterial sclerosis and enhance quality of life. Global financier, Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Economics rejoins the show with this latest market commentary. Despite the coordinated Herculean efforts of global central banks, low rate policies have failed to revive the economic patient. Pension funds and related retiree accounts have suffered through impossibly low rates, further compounding the difficulties facing already strapped retirees. Similar to the Carillion shares implosion, our guest views European banking-behemoth as a derivatives laden ($45 trillion) impending accident. DB remains the potential Achilles' Heel that could wreck the EU economy, triggering a new global economic crisis. The EU was doomed from the onset due to the lack of homogeneity within the cultural, socioeconomic environment among member states. Martin Armstrong expects the PMs sector bull market to return when the typical investor loses confidence in monetary policies. The Armstrong economic model currently expects the near parabolic climb in US equities to continue, with the Dow Jones potentially doubling again from current levels to has high as 50,000. Guest Bios Martin Armstrong The Forecaster Martin Armstrong was once a US based trillion dollar financial advisor, developed a computer model based on the number pi and other cyclical theories to predict economic turning points with eerie accuracy. In the early 80s he established his financial forecasting and advising company Princeton Economics. His forecasts were in great demand worldwide. As Armstrong's recognition grew, prominent New York bankers invited him to join "the club" to aid them in market manipulation. Martin repeatedly refused. Later that same year (1999) the FBI stormed his offices confiscating his computer model and accusing him of a 3 billion dollar Ponzi scheme. Was it an attempt to silence him and to prevent him from initiating a public discourse on the real Ponzi Scheme of debts that the world has been building up for decades? Armstrong predicts that a sovereign debt crisis will start to unfold on a global level after October 1, 2015 - a major pi turning point that his computer model forecasted many years ago. Starting at a very young age, Martin Armstrong displayed an entrepreneurial spirit and an analytical ability that were far too complicated for others. As a child he was already collecting coins, and before long he would be trading in gold. As an adult, he started the company Princeton Economics International. Based on a self-designed model, in which the mysterious number Pi plays an intrinsic role, he was able to calculate developments in the world economy. His predictions about stock crises or currency problems were eerily accurate, and he built up a clientele that consisted of powerful players in the global economy. Armstrong Economics. The Forecaster Movie. Chris Martenson Peak Chris Martenson, PhD (Duke), MBA (Cornell) is an economic researcher and futurist specializing in energy and resource depletion, and cofounder of (along with Adam Taggart). As one of the early econobloggers who forecasted the housing market collapse and stock market correction years in advance, Chris rose to prominence with the launch of his seminal video seminar: The Crash Course which has also been published in book form (Wiley, March 2011). It's a popular and extremely well-regarded distillation of the interconnected forces in the Economy, Energy and the Environment (the "Three Es" as Chris calls them) that are shaping the future, one that will be defined by increasing challenges to growth as we have known it. In addition to the analysis and commentary he writes for his site, Chris' insights are in high demand by the media as well as academic, civic and private organizations around the world, including institutions such as the UN, the UK House of Commons and US State Legislatures . Please visit my web page. | Digg This Article -- Published: Sunday, 10 June 2018 | E-Mail | Print | Source: Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. comments powered by Disqus 21:11 Bharatiya Janata Party MP and Dalit leader Udit Raj today questioned the claim that Naxals were behind the violence in Bhima Koregaon, saying it amounted to 'insulting' Dalit icon Dr B R Ambedkar's followers gathered there and instead blamed some Hindutva leaders for vitiating the atmosphere prior to the incident. Days after the Pune police arrested five persons with alleged Maoist links for the Bhima Koegaon violence, Udit Raj said he wondered if naxals are capable of mobilising lakhs of Dalits. There is frustration and anger in the community that had voted for the BJP with a lot of expectations in 2014, he said, adding the party needs to identify the reasons behind this so that it can make amends before the next Lok Sabha polls in 2019. He said he had recently met party president Amit Shah over Dalit issues and given his suggestions. He accused Hindutva leaders like Sambhaji Bhide and Milind Ekbote of vitiating the atmosphere for weeks prior to the incident. Large number of Dalits had gathered to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the battle of Koregaon in which forces of the East India Company had defeated the the Peshwa's army. Dalits believe that Mahars, a scheduled caste, formed a major part of the company's army. The BJP MP said there could be infiltration by some naxals but to suggest that they were behind the mobilisation of lakhs of Dalits was wrong. "There could be naxal elements but can lakhs of Dalits who had gathered there be naxals or be mobilsed by naxalites?.. It amounts to insulting Ambedkar and Ambedkarites," he said. Asked if blaming naxals for the violence amounted to insulting Ambedkarites- a term for the followers of Dalit icon Dr B R Ambedkar's principles- he said, "Of course." Naxal elements may be there and a thorough probe should be done, he said. To a question about perceived anger among the Dalits, Udit Raj, a former IRS officer who also heads All India Confederation of SC/ST Organisations, said the BJP leadership should look into it. Only those who are accepted by the community as its leader can convey the party's and the government's views to it, he said, adding that a leader empowered by the party but not seen as their representatives by Dalits cannot do the job. -- PTI The requested page is currently unavailable on this server. Back to [RTHK News Homepage] 'Bilateral trade target of $100 billion by 2020' President Xi Jinping suggested Prime Minister Narendra Modi that the two countries set up a new bilateral trade target of $100 billion by 2020. "PM Modi arrived in the picturesque coastal city of Qingdao on a two-day visit to attend the annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)". Speaking at the start of his Saturday meeting with Putin on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Qingdao, China, Rouhani hailed close ties between Russian Federation and Iran. The ties between the two neighbouring nuclear powers had nosedived following last year's Doklam standoff as well as due to a number of other issues issues including China blocking India's move to get Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed chief Masood Azhar banned by the United Nations and its opposition to India's bid for the Nuclear Suppliers Group membership. However, there is no official word on whether there will be any interaction between Modi and Pakistan President Mamnoon Hussain, who is scheduled to attend the meeting in China. The leaders are also supposed to focus on the issues of global trade and counterterrorism. Modi is on a two-day visit to China, as part of which he will hold multiple meetings with other SCO leaders. During his speech at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore on June 1, Modi had talked about working closely with China and said an "Asia of cooperation" could shape this century. China and India on Saturday settled a dispute over the flood-prone Brahmaputra river that flows from Tibet to Bangladesh in a sign of growing cooperation between them. Modi met Jingpin and sources reveal that PM Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping likely took stock of the progress of the two countries in implementing decisions that they had taken earlier at the Wuhan informal summit. The two leaders had also discussed ways to give impetus to their economic ties as well as people-to-people relations. Luo said it was the 14th meeting between our two leaders over past four years. On Indian side, it will be headed by EAM & on Chinese side, it'll be headed by state council & foreign minister Wang Yi. Gokhale said that India has allowed China's state-owned Bank of China to open its branch in Mumbai. India and China on Saturday agreed on measures to build on the consensus achieved by their leaders during recent talks in Wuhan, including the next informal summit to be held in India in 2019 and steps to maintain peace along the disputed border. India became a full member of the the China-dominated grouping past year and New Delhi's entry into it is expected to increase the bloc's heft in regional geo-politics and trade negotiations besides giving it a pan-Asian hue. After the deliberations, the member-countries, including Russia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, are expected to sign the Qingdao Declaration that will contain details for creating significant mechanisms to resist terror activities around the globe. "All the mujahideen are directed to stop offensive operations against Afghan forces for the first three days of Eid-al-Fitr", the Taliban said in a WhatsApp message to journalists. The United States has about 15,000 troops in Afghanistan. A statement released Saturday by the Taliban said that they would defend themselves in case of any attack. "We will adhere to the wishes of Afghanistan to enjoy a peaceful end to the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, and support the search for an end to the conflict", said Gen John Nicholson, commander of global forces in Afghanistan. It would last "from the 27th of Ramadan until the fifth day of Eid-al-Fitr", President Ashraf Ghani tweeted from an official account, indicating the ceasefire could run from June 12-19. "I hope this ceasefire will turn into a process and as a professional army we await the president and the Afghan leadership's order". The US state department said its forces and coalition partners in Afghanistan would "honour the ceasefire". In recent years, a resurgent Taliban has taken control of significant swaths of the country and terrorized citizens and foreigners alike. A dozen other were wounded in the overnight Taliban attack, but the exact figures are not yet clear, Safiullah Amiri, another provincial member, said. "Twenty four local police and public uprising forces and 23 insurgents were killed in clashes", Kunduz police spokesman Anamuddin Rahmani said. It is underpinned both by the heavy daily toll of the long war on ordinary Afghans and U.S. President Donald Trump's limited patience for the costly U.S. involvement here. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement posted on its news agency Aamaq website. On Friday, senior USA officials said they will intensify combat against the Islamic State affiliate in the country during the Kabul government's temporary halt to attacks on the Taliban. Ghani also thanked the United States after Gen. John Nicholson, commander of U.S. and global forces in Afghanistan, said they would respect the Afghan's government cease-fire, not including USA counterterror efforts against al Qaeda and ISIS in the region. The US and North Atlantic Treaty Organisation formally concluded their combat mission in Afghanistan in 2014, but the US still has thousands of forces based there in a support and counterterrorism role. Some diplomats said it came as a bit of a surprise, showing that at one level the government wanted intensified air strikes, but on another it was offering an olive branch. They said this should become a permanent ceasefire. "People of Afghanistan and the High Peace Council are hopping that it will be a step to start face-to-face talks between Afghan government and armed Taliban", said Ehsan Taheri, spokesman for the High Peace Council. Trump made his comments to a gaggle of reporters Friday morning just before he boarded a helicopter on his way to the G-7 summit in Canada. The president Friday told reporters he's considering the bill and will "probably" support signing it. MI is the only state to vote on recreational marijuana this year (similar to Colorado's existing recreational marijuana laws), while Utah, Oklahoma and Missouri will vote on legalizing medical marijuana, according to NORML, a marijuana reform advocacy group. The supportive remarks put Trump, who repeatedly said he would respect states' rights on marijuana during his campaign for the presidency, in direct conflict with the views of Attorney General Jeff Sessions. "The act creates a carve out for states rights and will allow the legal cannabis industry in the compete with the rest of the world". Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Cory Gardner, R-Colo., and Reps. "I know exactly what he's doing", Trump said, referring to Gardner. "The support of this bill is across a very wide spectrum of political ideologies", Gardner said. But Trump's U.S. Attorney General - former Alabama Sen. California and eight other states, as well as Washington, D.C., have legalized all adult use of marijuana. "We're looking at it", Trump said. "You're going to see that in the outside groups and organizations that support this legislation, you'll see that in governors across the country and you're also going to see that in terms of the members of the House". "But, I probably will end up supporting that, yes". In January, Sessions overturned an Obama-era rule that told federal agencies to leave states that had legalised marijuana alone. Warren said she and Gardner's bill says "if the states have acted on this, whatever level they have acted, then the federal government's going to recede and say your law is the law that controls within your jurisdiction". The bipartisan bill would amend the Controlled Substances Act to include a framework that says it no longer applies to those following state, territory or tribal laws "relating to the manufacture, production, possession, distribution, dispensation, administration, or delivery of [marijuana]". The senator opposed legalization at the time but has since defended Colorado's legal marijuana industry from federal meddling. The alliance between Gardner and Warren represents a bit of a political odd couple, but even the combined effort of a Colorado Republican and Massachusetts Democrat may not be enough to get the legislation through Congress. "Our federal marijuana laws are outdated, and they're broken", Warren said at the press conference. A major problem stemming from the federal ban: Major banks have been reluctant to do business with marijuana companies, fearing it could lead to prosecution. "The legislation to legalize marijuana for adult recreational use would eliminate the draconian laws and penalties now in place and improve social justice issues in urban areas", Scutari said. I may have had a much different attitude, so you'd really have to ask that question of President Obama, you know - why did he do that? why did he do that? The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has said he is happy to meet with Donald Trump once Washington is ready to hold the summit and welcomed the United States president's call to bring Moscow back into the G7 group of leading industrialised nations. "But I believe it's a technical issue", he said. Trump said as he departed the White House for the summit in Quebec. In his meeting, Mr. Trudeau made the case once again against the USA tariffs and pressed Mr. Trump to not levy similar tariffs on Canadian auto exports, an idea being contemplated by the White House. Trump has said he was open to having a summit with Putin, who US intelligence officials have said directed Russian meddling in the 2016 election to help Trump win. "We continue to see Russian targeting of American society in ways that could affect our midterm elections". In fact with few notable exceptions, Trump has had nothing but glowing praise for the Russian President and has made a number of decisions while in office that appear to have been to his benefit. Speaking about the Skripal case, discussed at G7 summit, Putin noted, that "nothing new" was said on the matter, stressing that "it is necessary to stop chatter and move on to cooperation". SCO states also include four ex-Soviet central Asian republics and new members Pakistan and India. This marks Trump's second summit of the G7, an informal gathering that meets every year under a rotating chairmanship. He emphasized the need for the group to closely follow the situation in Afghanistan to fend off the threats posed by militants in the country. Trump said in Washington as he was departing for the summit in Canada. The location of the Sunday summit, Qingdao, China, is approximately 400 miles southeast of Beijing. Xi promised Russian Federation and China would increase their coordination in the global arena. "Russia is more often than not trying deliberately to be a strategic rival, to deliberately counter the good things we're trying to achieve in the world than for no other reason than to just counter them". "But with that being said, Russian Federation should be in this meeting". Trump's imposition of steel and aluminum tariffs, as well as broader disagreements on trade, climate change and the USA withdrawal from the Iran nuclear agreement, are setting the stage for some tense G7 talks once Trump arrives at the summit in the Quebec town of La Malbaie. Earlier on Sunday, Putin criticised the United States withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal in a speech at the summit. Now in the wake of the US withdrawal from the pact, "SCO members may use granting full membership to Iran as a way to demonstrate support for (Tehran) and the nuclear agreement", said Dawn Murphy, professor of worldwide security studies at the US Air War College. Rouhani hailed as constructive and important Moscow's role in implementing the nuclear deal. In fact, he said he feels abused. This rings true for Steve Iobst. "We're managing a national park with natural systems", Wenk said. "It's not fair basically to the employees of Yellowstone". When-and if-a cap on summer visitation is proposed, and there is the inevitable pushback from retailers, where will politicians come down in justifying commerce over protecting resources that form the very basis for the tourist economy? Steve Iobst, ex-deputy superintendent at Yellowstone, told the station he thinks Wenk's plan to move some bison herding at the Wyoming park to Montana may have had something to do with it. "That's a terrifying thought to me, being that close". The policy is a concession to ranchers who worry bison exposed to brucellosis, a disease that can cause cows to miscarry, might infect cattle that graze outside the park, though such a case has never been documented in the wild. Superintendent Dan Wenk last week announced he meant to retire March 30, 2019, after being offered a transfer he didn't want to take. At least eight other senior executives are being reassigned. "This situation is unique", he said. Zinke, a former Montana congressman, has paid close attention to projects back home, including proposing a new national monument near Glacier National Park even as he pushed reductions to monuments elsewhere in the U.S. That's stirred speculation he has future political ambitions in the state. "There is a pretty strong, nearly militaristic hierarchy that seems to be in place that's kind of tinged by the expectation of loyalty associated with it", he said. But Wenk also said that loyalty is a two-way street. Park Service director P. Daniel Smith issued the administration ultimatum in a formal letter. There was one incident in 2017 and five in 2015. They said he has experience and leadership skills to manage urban parks and to work with lawmakers. Wenk said earlier this month that he planned to retire in 2019, without alluding to any policy disputes with superiors. What Yellowstone's main northern entrance looks like on a typical busy day during the peak of summer season. All in all, Yellowstone National Park hosted 446,875 visits in May 2018. The Daily News publishes death notices and obituaries on a daily basis for Norfolkans, area residents and former residents. Death notices, which include information about when and where a person died, funeral services, burial and visitation for the deceased and memorial information, are published free of charge. If families of the deceased desire to have an obituary printed, there is a fee charged for doing so. Because of that, families of the deceased can decide what information they want included in the obituary, as well as if they desire to have a photograph published along with it. The Daily News reserves the right to edit. Norfolk and area funeral homes have detailed information about placing an obituary in the Daily News. If individuals want to submit obituary information themselves, it can be emailed to or faxed to (402) 644-2080. People needing additional information about death notices and obituaries can call the Daily News at 371-1020 or (877) 371-1020 and ask for the newsroom. Weather Alert ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TO 10 AM CDT SATURDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 30 expected. * WHERE...Colfax, Platte, Stanton, Cuming, Boone, Madison, Wayne and Thurston Counties. * WHEN...From 2 AM to 10 AM CDT Saturday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && Moroccan-Nigerian cooperation has gained momentum during the past couple of years, prompting an upbeat outlook of the business community over the two countries economic partnership. Morocco and Nigeria are two regional powers. They are aware of their huge potentials and untapped resources. Their economies are complementary, not competitive. The North African Kingdom has the worlds largest phosphate reserves along with the biggest phosphate company, while Nigeria is Africas biggest oil producer. The two countries, looking to diversify their economies, are convinced that building a win-win alliance will deliver a positive outcome, make them stronger and serve Africas geostrategic interests. In 2016, King Mohammed VI visited Nigeria and co-chaired with President Muhammadu Buhari the signing ceremony of several landmark cooperation deals in energy, agriculture, industry, phosphates, fertilizers The two leaders are meeting this Sunday in Rabat where the Nigerian President is on an official visit. According to press reports, talks between the two Heads of State will focus on the Morocco-Nigeria pipeline project and phosphates, agriculture and fight against terrorism. This summit meeting shows the two leaders commitment and determination to work together for a prosperous future in Africa and inclusive regional economic growth. According to some experts, the huge gas pipeline project, to stretch along the West African coast from Nigeria to Morocco, will have a positive impact on over 300 million Africans. The pipeline, which will eventually supply Europe with Nigerian gas, will also speed up electrification projects across West Africa and help set up a competitive electricity regional market. The OCP group, Moroccos state-owned company, has also pledged to build a fertilizers plant in Nigeria within the frame of its expansion in Africa. The project will offer Nigerians fertilizing solutions adapted to their soil and agriculture. It will also provide fertilizer products at competitive prices and support Nigerias agricultural development plan. Besides these landmark and ambitious economic projects, Nigerian special forces have reportedly received training in Morocco on counter-terrorism, a training which shows that the relationship between the two African countries is thriving and setting the example of a successful solidarity-based South-South cooperation, spearheaded by the Moroccan monarch. Morocco is gaining credibility in the Continent as a reliable partner thanks to its inclusive projects launched in Africa. All these projects seek to speed up the socioeconomic development of Africans, promote regional integration and ensure African food security, peace and stability. Trump gesturing like a very democratic leader in Singapore on Sunday. Photo: Anthony Wallace/AFP/Getty Images Fox & Friends host Abby Huntsman momentarily made President Trumps authoritarian dreams come true on Sunday morning when she referred to the president as a dictator during a live news broadcast. The mislabeling occurred as Trump deplaned from Air Force One in Singapore, where he arrived on Sunday ahead of his summit there with actual dictator Kim Jong-un of North Korea. Speaking with ten-day White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci, Huntsman memorably captioned the moment: This is history. We are living regardless of what happens in that meeting between the two dictators what we are seeing right now, this is history. Neither Huntsman nor Scaramucci acknowledged the mistake, though the Mooch quickly confirmed that Trump was a disruptive risk taker and Huntsman later apologized, explaining that on live TV, you dont always say things perfectly. During his brief visit to the G7 summit in Quebec, President Trump went full Ugly American. In less than 24 hours, he ranted at his supposed allies about trade, suggested that Russia rejoin the group his audience was mostly unreceptive to the idea and arrived conspicuously late to a womens empowerment meeting. The entire disorienting experience underlined a grim reality: The United States is increasingly an outsider to the system of international cooperation it helped build. All of this Sturm und Drang was encapsulated in a single photo, which tellingly German Chancellor Angela Merkel posted on her Instagram page. The photo, as one might expect, sparked a Twitter joke-a-palooza. A brief selection: The Last Globalist Supper neontaster (@neontaster) June 9, 2018 Leader of the free world meets president of the United States Jon Lovett (@jonlovett) June 9, 2018 This looks like everyone is ready to go out but cant leave until Trump puts on his shoes, and hes refusing to put on his shoes Patrick Monahan (@pattymo) June 9, 2018 We laugh to keep from crying. Construction works for the Karuma hydropower dam on River Nile will be completed in the scheduled time, government officials, who visited the project site on Thursday, June 7 for a routine quarterly check have said. The multibillion-dollar project being constructed by Chinas Sinohydro Corporation, is expected to be ready for commissioning in December this year. According to the Uganda Electricity Generation Company Ltd (UEGCL) chief executive officer, Eng. Harrsion Mutikanga, 78 per cent of the work is done. The main access tunnel to the underground dam We are witnessing the installation of electro-mechanical components for the generation units in the power house and we remain optimistic that we shall start commissioning this project by the end of this year, Mutikanga said after a guided tour of the project on June 7. UEGCL is the governments implementing agency for the project. The team, which included the UEGCL board members, had visited the project to appraise its progress. Eng. Proscovia Njuki, the board chairperson, said they are not only keen on timely completion but want to ensure the work done is worth the money. We look forward to the timely completion of this project taking into account the elements of quality, cost and time, Njuki said, adding that they have already have prepared a team of engineers and technicians to start operating and maintaining the plant. Once completed, the $1.7 billion (about Shs 5 trillion) project is expected to add 600MW to the national grid. Currently, Ugandas electricity generation capacity is 950MW, including all other sources such as solar and thermal generators. The Karuma dam project cost includes construction of staff houses, an administration block, a visitors centre at Karuma and high voltage power transmission lines, among others. The government acquired a 30-year concessional loan from China Exim Bank to finance the project, which it says will greatly bring down the high costs of electricity and boost economic growth. ABOUT THE DAM Chinese engineers have constructed the dam with a unique underground design after breaking the gigantic rock besides the Karuma Falls, along Kampala-Gulu highway. Uganda Electricity Generation Company Ltd (UEGCL) officials inspecting the dam The dam has an underground powerhouse, which shall receive water to move the turbines through a mosaic of tunnels and ducts, making it the first of its kind in Africa. It consists of underground access tunnels, measuring up to 26km, and in-take sections through which water will be diverted from the Nile to create falls of 100m before hitting the turbines in the underground power house. Much of the civil works on the underground dam and water in-take sections is nearing completion, with radial flood control gates recently installed. The rechristening of the over 150-year-old Mughalsarai station in Uttar Pradesh has been red-flagged by historians and heritage experts, some of whom feel "erasing a landmark chapter" in the evolution of railways in the country will lead to "terrible confusion" among travellers. The Uttar Pradesh government recently issued a notification saying the station, a major railway junction in northern India on the Delhi-Howrah line, has been renamed after RSS ideologue Deen Dayal Upadhyaya, with Governor Ram Naik giving his assent. This sparked a public outcry. "History should be respected as it is. Mughalsarai was a historic railway station and part of childhood memories of millions of people. It was a landmark chapter in the evolution in the Indian Railways. Its name should not have been changed or rechristened after anybody," lamented noted historian Irfan Habib. He said he has fond memories of travelling in trains and looking forward to arrival of the station, where the familiar buzz of the tea-sellers and food vendors, would fill the air amid the background announcement of the train having arrived at 'Mughalsarai'. "Somehow, the place, will now feel unfamiliar. I will miss it... I feel a part of my childhood memories has been robbed," he told PTI. The historian alleged that for powers that may be, first the British names were a problem, and now anything that has a "Mughal or Islamic identity attached to it" from roads to parks. Kolkata-based photographer and railway enthusiast Rajiv Soni, 65, recalled the Delhi Express that he used to catch from Calcutta that went via Mughalsarai and the "ceramic-made bowl-within-a-bowl" that he used to haggle for at the platform when the train halted. "All major trains, go via Mughalsarai. The trains were timed so precisely that one would reach for breakfast in Patna, lunch in Mughalsarai and tea in Kanpur. The renaming will now kill all those romantic memories and nostalgia. The renaming was totally unwarranted as Mughalsarai was a very innocuous name with no religious identity," he rued. It was a landmark, transit point, and reference point for going to Benares or Mirzapur. The renaming doesn't make any sense, Soni said. Mughalsarai station was created as part of the Delhi-Howrah line laid in the 1860s and is one of the busiest railway stations of India with a large number of passenger and freight trains passing daily through it both ways. Its marshalling yard is also the longest in Asia. Initially part of the East Indian Railway (EIR) company, it is now part of the East Central Zone (ECR) zone of the Indian railways. Architect and industrial heritage expert Moulshri Joshi slammed the renaming of the station, which she said, represented the "technological achievement" in the transport sector that that "we are proud of". "It was built in the 1860s, when railways was still evolving and it has this beautiful long platform vault and one side has an ornate wrought-iron work too on the iron pillars. It is so much part of the public memory, more than transport heritage, a part of the cultural ethos," she said. "This rechristening has nothing but a political agenda, and the renaming amounts to erasing public memory associated with places, landmarks no less. It will also be loss of a railway heritage, as the new name will disguise so much of history, not to mention spawn confusion among people for a long period of time," Joshi said. The architect, who has worked on projects to document industrial heritage of the country, asked, whether "deliberations and consultations" were done with experts and the public at large before taking such a "sweeping decision". Retired senior railway officer and former member of the Railway Board, Subodh Jain, said, Mughalsarai station is part of the iconic history of railways, and that name is a "very integral part" of it. "The junction has two lines emanating on both sides. Roughly 300 trains in total, passenger and freight ones, pass through in both ways. It has the largest marshalling yard in Asia, and therefore it is part of the railway heritage. And, heritage must be protected," he said. Vikas Dilawari, a Mumbai-based conservation architect, said the name may have been changed but its legacy will endure like the famous "VT station of Bombay". "History should be left undisturbed and untampered. New buildings and new stations can be built to reflect memorialisation of a personality. Old places and names reflect the authentic intangible heritage of it," he said. Dilawari, however said, like the UNESCO World Heritage site Victoria Terminus (VT), Mughalsarai's name too will linger on in public consciousness if not on paper. "Old-timers and locals and taxi drivers still call it VT, even though it was renamed twice, first to Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST) and then Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (CSMT)," said Dilwari, who was part of the team that had prepared the dossier for VT's UNESCO bid in 2003. The Uttar Pradesh government had in June last year decided to rename Mughalsarai Junction in Chandauli district after Upadhyaya, who was found dead near the station in mysterious circumstances in 1968. Some people may argue, what's in a name, "well there is a lot, when you have history and heritage riding on it," said architect Joshi. 2018 Canada GP: McLaren Renault Formula One F1 Race Recap Posted by: ASkyler on Jun 10, 2018 - 06:30 PM 2018 Canada GP: McLaren Renault Formula One F1 Race Recap #CanadianGP A difficult day in Montreal for McLaren with both Fernando and Stoffel enduring tough races. Both drivers agreed that overtaking opportunities were few and far between this afternoon, and neither could make great headway through the field without the help of a good strategy call. Fernando made up three positions after his first stop and benefitted from opportunities in the Safety Car window, but a points finish wasnt meant to be he was forced to retire on lap 41 due to a broken charge air cooler pipe which led him to lose boost pressure. Stoffel had a right-front puncture after running over debris from the first-lap incident, and endured a slow pit-stop that put him to the back of the field a situation which gave him little opportunity to move forward for much of the race. In addition, he spent the final laps of the race nursing an intermittent electrical management issue which meant he was unable to push the car to its limits. He finished the race in 16th place. Fernando Alonso Fernando Alonso Started 14th Finished DNF broken charge air cooler pipe, 40 laps Fastest lap 1m16.180s on lap 33 (+2.316s, 17th) Pit-stops One: lap 18 (2.81s) [Prime/Back-Up] The race was fun at the beginning, especially after the restart, when we overtook three cars in two corners. Sergio [Perez] was on the grass sideways and came back onto the track, so it was difficult to anticipate what line he would have taken. Then halfway through the race, I felt a loss of power and was told to retire. Its sad, frustrating and Im disappointed with this result. We werent competitive this weekend. We need to find more performance in the car and a way to become competitive. Reliability is also important, as we saw at the beginning of the year how many points we scored and how many weve lost now in the last two races, by retiring today and retiring in Monaco when we were running in seventh position. There are a few areas of the car that we need to keep working on and improving, and well see what happens in the next couple of months. Im flying tonight to France, as tomorrow I need to be in Le Mans. It will be a busy Monday and a new experience, and Im definitely looking forward to it. Stoffel Vandoorne Stoffel Vandoorne Started 15th Finished 16th Fastest lap 1m15.765s on lap 55 (+1.901s, 15th) Pit-stops Two: laps one (19.40s) [Prime/Back-Up] and 48 (2.90s) [Back-Up/Option] I think we were extremely unlucky from the start today. We had a good launch off the grid, but with the accident that happened there was so much debris to find our way through into Turn Five, and it was impossible to avoid it. We had a front-right puncture, and we basically ran out of tyres already before we even really started the race, so it was a difficult day. A big piece of debris went under the car so we were forced to pit on the first lap and then lost a lot of time in the pit-stop as well. Before we even got into the race it was already over. On a personal note, on my side its been very positive in terms of the progression weve made over the past couple of races. The disappointing thing here was our qualifying performance for the team as a whole. We knew that before coming here and unfortunately it got confirmed. Weve got a lot of work ahead. Its hard to tell how the next few races will be for us. We dont want to make any predictions, and if you look at last year there were some races that we thought would be difficult but turned out to be alright. We have to wait and see. Paul Ricard will be a new track for everyone, and then Austria and Silverstone, so a busy couple of weeks ahead but Im looking forward to that and hopefully well have some better luck. Eric Boullier Racing Director Today has been a day to forget and move on for McLaren. While both drivers did extremely well to avoid the chaos on lap one, Stoffel reported a puncture after driving over the resultant debris, and his subsequent stop lost him a lot of time under the Safety Car. From there, he was in last position, and, despite driving well to manage his strategy and pace to his nearest competitors, the unforgiving nature of the Circuit Gilles-Villeneuve meant he was unable to make significant gains on the pack ahead. To compound his struggles, he spent the final stint of the race nursing an intermittent energy management issue, which we are currently investigating. All things considered, he drove a hard-fought race to bring the car home in 16th. Fernando was left in a much better position than Stoffel after the first-lap chaos, and benefitted from the early Safety Car period to jump three places forward into 11th on a one-stop strategy. While we thought a points-paying result was becoming a distinct possibility, he suffered cruel luck once again and was forced to retire the car after losing boost pressure thanks to a broken charge air cooler pipe. Although very frustrating, its an unusual problem, and one that we dont expect to affect us going forward. From here, the important thing is to pick ourselves up and turn our attention to our return to Europe and three back-to-back races in as many weeks. With a renewed focus, hard work and better luck, we hope an upturn in fortunes will come our way. PaddockTalk Perspective About Me Scott Because prophetic scriptures are found throughout the bible, it is obvious that a comprehensive, systematic approach would be useful, if not necessary, for the understanding of prophecy. Past prophecies have been fulfilled in a literal manner, as confirmed by the dating of these writings and historical records of confirmation. These past prophecies also serve as a model of how to interpret future prophecies. A literal view of prophecy clearly indicates a certain sequence of events will occur within a single generation, concluding with the Tribulation and Second Advent and these events will be obvious. The prophetic signs appear to be present in this generation and we believe these signs are revealed in the news from around the world. View my complete profile Welcome Guest! You Are Here: Home Regional News East Welcome Guest! You Are Here: 2005-2021 All contents of this blog are the property of Bonnie K. 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General Bipin Rawat visited forward areas of Spear Corps along the Line of Actual Control. The Army Chief was accompanied by Lieutenant General Abhay Krishna, General Officer Commanding-in-Chief Eastern Command and Lieutenant General Gopal R, General Officer Commanding Spear Corps. General Rawat visited Taksing and other forward areas in Arunachal Pradesh and reviewed the operational preparedness of the formations during his visit. The Army Chief was briefed on the prevailing security situation by the local commanders. Rawat lauded the efforts of the soldiers for ensuring peace and tranquility and improving employment generation opportunities for the local population. The Army Chief urged them to continue the good work in a professional manner. The Spear Corps besides undertaking extensive Counter Insurgency operations in the three North East States is also responsible for conduct of operations along the LAC in Arunachal Pradesh. General Rawat expressed his satisfaction with the operational preparedness of Spear Corps. Guwahati : Arunachal Pradesh Governor Brig. (Dr.) B.D. Mishra (Retd.) called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi at 7 Race Course Road, New Delhi on Thursday. The Governor apprised the Prime Minister regarding the progress of various central schemes and development plans in Arunachal Pradesh. He also briefed the Prime Minister regarding his interaction and discussion which he has been having regarding the developmental projects with the district officials in all the 22 districts of the State where he has been touring in the recent months. The Governor mentioned to the Prime Minister about the progress on Swachhata Abhiyan, Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, and agricultural development schemes in the State. He also briefed, on other youth welfare related activities being run in the State. The Prime Minister expressed his good wishes for the people of Arunachal Pradesh and also desired progressive implementation of all the development schemes for the benefit and well being of the people of Arunachal Pradesh. Guwahati : Following the horrific incident as two youths beaten to death by some people in Assams Karbi Anglong district in the name of child abductor, Assam police has asked all district police to monitor in social media and take stern action against the people who campaigned and circulated fake messages in social media. Assam DGP Kuladhar Saikia said that, Assam police and Assam government are concerned about the incident and taking very seriously. Our senior officers have gone to the area, where the incident was took place and combing operation also being done and some people who participated in crime, Saikia said. The matter is very concerned about few days that, some campaign have been done in social media on alleged child abductors rooming around different places in state. Accordingly some violence incidents also happened at different places in the state, Kuladhar Saikia said. The top Assam cop further said that, Assam police has alerted all the district police to monitor the issue very strictly and if such type of post being going on then to take stern action against the person who circulated it. Two youths hailing from Guwahati became victims of fake social media reports on child kidnapping (locally known as xupadhora) in Assams Karbi Anglong district on Friday night. According to the reports, the youths were beaten to death by locals in the name of child kidnapper (xupadhora) at Panjuri Kacharigaon village near Kangthailangso under Dokmoka police station in the hill district on Friday night. Nilotpal Das and Abhijit Nath went for a vacation to Kangthailangso area in Karbi Anglong district on Friday. But, in the evening, locals had suspected them to be child abductors and gheraoed their vehicle and the youths were brutally beaten up by some people. In the video circulated in social media stated that, the youths had appealed the locals that, they are assamese, not child kidnapper. But locals hadnt listen their appeal and brutally beat them. The locals had also damaged the vehicle used by the youths. The youths had succumbed their injuries on spot. Later, Dokmoka police had recovered the bodies. The incident happened as a result of some fake news and its circulation in social media. According to the reports, Nilotpal Das hailing from the capital city of Assam was a sound engineer and worked with various music albums, bollywood movies. Guwahati : A person was injured while a strayed out rhino of Kaziranga National Park attackd the man in Assams Biswanath district on Friday. The incident was took place at Bahbari village under Behali assembly constituency. According to the reports, the one horned rhino out from Kaziranga National Park had attacked the man identified as Rajib Saikia, when he went to free the cattle in the nearby paddy field. The injured person was rushed to nearest hospital. According to the reports, the rhino strayed out of Kaziranga National Park and was taking shelter at the area for past couple of days and created panic among the locals. Kaziranga National Park is home to more than 91 per cent of Assam's one-horned rhinoceros and more than 80 per cent of India's count. Assam holds two-third population of rhinos in the world. The latest report of Rhino Population Estimation, 2018 stated that, total number of rhinos in Kaziranga National Park counted 2,413, which indicated increase of 12 rhinos in the park in past two years. Shillong, June 8 : Over 100 police personnel were injured in the recent Shillong violence. The capital city of Meghalaya also known as the Scotland of East was turmoil and unrest following May 31 night violence but the situation is slowly limping back to normalcy. The clash between protesters and security personnel has left many injured and landing few protesters in jail. Over 100 police personnel were injured during the clash, while police detained at least 40 persons and arrested 15 others. Superintendent of Police of Shillong City Stephan A Rynjah said that, over 100 police personnel were injured including some had received severe injuries during the clash with protesters. The top Meghalaya cop further said that, to bring back normalcy Meghalaya police and other security agencies have exercised maximum restraint. In past 6 days police had detained at least 40 persons and later released and around 15 others were arrested for trying to hurt police personnel and destroy public properties. On May 31, a minor scuffle between the people Khasi tribal community and Sikh community (non-tribal) many of them dalits, was happened at Them Iew Mawlong (Sweeper lane or Punjabi lane) in Shillong town. On that day, some ladies of the non-tribal community were going to fetch water at their locality (Punjabi lane) and found that a Shillong Public Transport Service (SPTS) bus obstructing their way and they asked the bus conductor (belongs to Khasi tribal community) to move the bus. The bus conductor used some offensive words targeting to the non-tribal ladies, which agitated them. The ladies threw some stones at the bus and went to their homes and complained to the other male members over the situation. The male members came out and assaulted the bus conductor and three minor boys (Khasi tribal community) and they were injured. Immediately, some fake message also being circulated as Sikh community people had attacked on Khasi community youth. Following the incident, several people had gathered at Mawkhar point area and trying to move to the Punjabi lane area, but security forces had prevented them. On May 31 night, the situation turned violent as people who gathered at Mawkhar point had pelted stones targeting to the security personnel and security forces also resorted baton charge, used tear gas shells to disperse the mob. On June 1 evening, a mob gathered at Motphran area in th city and pelted stones are lobbed petrol bombs at security personnel and five police personnel were injured. Apart from it, mob had damaged three police vehicles and one cab was burnt. On June 2, police had recovered 26 petrol bombs and several weapons from the roadside at Punjabi Lane. The top Meghalaya cop also said that, the mob had attacked at a CRPF camp in the city, in which at least five CRPF personnel were injured. Police had also arrested two persons for alleged assaulting of the bus conductor with three Khasi minor boys. On the other hand, about allegations of protesters were funded, Rynjah said that, investigation is going on. LA MALBAIE, Quebec (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday that he has asked U.S. representatives not to endorse the joint communique put out by the Group of Seven leaders after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's "false statements" at a news conference. After departing from the Quebec summit for Singapore, Trump tweeted that Trudeau's remarks at a news conference, where he said Canada would not be pushed around, "were very dishonest and weak". Guwahati: City based Ayursundra Super Specialty Hospital today (9 June 2018) conducted the weekly media OPD clinic at Guwahati Press Club, where Dr Amitava Goswami DM (Gastroenterology) offered free consultations to the participants. Organized for the benefit of press club members along with their dependants, the Saturday camp also facilitated the participants to check their weight, pulse and blood pressure. Nurses Pyntngen Malngiang and Pamei Jeanpudai assisted the physician in the camp, where Ayursundras executive patient services Barnali Das was also present. Seguin, TX (78155) Today Sun and clouds mixed. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 89F. Winds N at 10 to 20 mph.. Tonight A few clouds. Low 54F. Winds NNE at 10 to 20 mph. "Jeff Sessions Struggles to Get Planned Marijuana Crackdown Going" | Main | SCOTUS keeps us waiting on remaining big (and little) criminal justice cases Margaret Colgate Love, who served as U.S. pardon attorney from 1990 to 1997, has this terrific recent Washington Post piece headlined "Trumps pardons really arent out of the ordinary." Here is how it starts and ends: President Trumps newfound enthusiasm for his pardon power has evoked consternation among his critics, in part because he appears to have bypassed the Justice Departments pardon advisory program. But having managed that program for almost a decade during the first Bush and Clinton administrations, and represented applicants for pardon and sentence commutation in the 20 years since, I find much of this criticism unwarranted. There is nothing surprising or necessarily alarming about Trumps embrace of this broad executive power even if it has been unconventional. His grants to date, at least as he explains them, represent a classic and justifiable use of the pardon power to draw attention to injustice and inefficiency in the law. While many may disagree with the presidents choices, each of them speaks to some widely acknowledged dysfunction in the criminal-justice system. Moreover, each of his grants has some precedent in recent pardon practice. His most recent grant, to Alice Marie Johnson, a woman serving a life sentence for involvement in drug trafficking, carries on President Barack Obamas program of sentence commutations. Even his pardon of former Maricopa County, Ariz., sheriff Joe Arpaio last summer echoes President Ronald Reagans decision to fulfill a campaign promise by preemptivelypardoning two FBI officials who had approved illegal surveillance of domestic terrorists. In sum, Trumps grants to date send a message that business as usual in the criminal-justice system will not be tolerated. That is how the pardon power was designed to work by the framers of the Constitution. But while Trumps pardons are hardly unique, the process that produced them is troublesome. Trump appears to be relying exclusively on random, unofficial sources of information and advice to select the lucky beneficiaries of his official mercy. This makes a mockery of the pardon powers historical operation as part of the justice system, manifested by its administration by the Justice Department since the Civil War. President Bill Clinton similarly avoided the ordinary pardon review process at the end of his presidency, depriving his grants of legitimacy and threatening long-term damage to his reputation.... As a [reform] model, the federal government might consider Delawares clemency system, in which an official board chaired by the lieutenant governor serves as gatekeeper to the governors pardon power. This board and its small staff have produced hundreds of recommendations each year, mostly accepted by the governor. Significantly, the Delaware attorney generals role is strictly one of an advocate. While the presidents pardoning options could not be limited without a constitutional amendment, the many practical and political virtues of a Delaware-like management system should encourage presidential compliance. Congress might even offer a record-sealing benefit for cases that go through the regular process, as South Dakotas legislature did several years ago after hundreds of secret gubernatorial pardons came to light. This would not only lend greater credibility to specific grants but could also allow pardons to play a more effective role in regulating the operation of the justice system and encouraging law reform. There are many reasons to be guardedly grateful that Trump has taken an interest in this time-honored constitutional power. But now we must encourage him to use it more responsibly for the benefit of those who have no friends in high places, if not for the benefit of his own legacy. Latest notable statements by AG Jeff Sessions about crime rates and overdose deaths | Main | Former US Pardon Attorney explains why "Trumps pardons are really not out of the ordinary" The title of this post is the headline of this new Wall Street Journal article with this subtitle summarizing its contents: "Attorney general vowed to toughen federal enforcement of the drug, but he doesnt have support from Trump or Congress." Here are excerpts: Attorney General Jeff Sessions vowed to use federal law to get tough on marijuana, announcing in January he was ending Obama-era protections for the nascent pot industry in states where it is legal. Six months into his mission, he is largely going it alone. Mr. Sessions own prosecutors have yet to bring federal charges against pot businesses that are abiding by state law. And fellow Republicans in Congress, with support from President Donald Trump, are promoting several bills that would protect or even expand the legal pot trade. As a result, Mr. Sessions, an unabashed drug warrior, has struggled to make his anti-marijuana agenda a reality, a notable contrast with the success he has had in toughening law-and-order policies in other criminal justice areas. Marijuana advocates say Mr. Sessions approach, in seeking to spur a crackdown on the legal marijuana market, has largely backfired. It has catalyzed bipartisan support for research, they say, and for action to improve the young industrys access to banks, which have been generally unwilling to accept proceeds from pot sales. Underlining the pushback, Sen. Cory Gardner, (R., Colo.) on Thursday joined Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) in introducing a bill that essentially would allow states to pass their own marijuana laws without interference from the federal government. Mr. Trump on Friday reiterated his support for Mr. Gardner, saying I know exactly what hes doing, were looking at it, but I probably will end up supporting that, yes.... In an unusual move by a Republican senator against his own partys attorney general, Mr. Gardner blocked nominees for Justice Department jobs after Mr. Sessions announced he was undoing the Obama administrations approach. Mr. Gardner stood down after receiving assurances that Mr. Trump would support protections for pot-legal states like Colorado, essentially undermining Mr. Sessions on the issue. If theyve voted to have a legal industry, then it would allow them to continue forward without violating any federal law, Mr. Gardner said of the bill he co-authored with Ms. Warren. House Republicans are also supporting a number of other marijuana-related measures. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R., Fla.) is pushing his colleagues to allow more marijuana research, which he hopes will pave the way to rescheduling potthat is, categorizing it with less dangerous drugs on the Drug Enforcement Administrations list of illicit substances. Supporters of relaxing marijuana drug laws cheer the recent developments. It was terrific, said Don Murphy, director of federal policy for the Marijuana Policy Project, said of Mr. Sessions threat to the industry. It moved this issue to a burner. Pot foes caution it is too soon to judge the impact of Mr. Sessions changes. Its not a win for Jeff Sessions, but at the end of the day he still directs the department and could have the DEA close marijuana businesses, said Kevin Sabet, president and CEO of the antipot group Smart Approaches to Marijuana. Mr. Sessions January marijuana policy left federal prosecutors to decide what resources to devote to marijuana crimes, stirring fear among dispensary owners that raids and arrests were imminent. Instead, many U.S. attorneys continued to use their limited manpower to target unusually brazen marijuana operations that are also illegal under state law, such as sprawling marijuana growers on federal lands or gangs that peddle pot along with other drugs. Billy Williams, Oregons U.S. attorney, for example, is targeting the trafficking of marijuana across state lines, organized crime and businesses that supply pot to minors. This in many ways resembles the policy that prevailed under the Obama administration, which urged states to tightly regulate marijuana and keep it from crossing state lines to avoid federal scrutiny. Im not making any blanket statements that we wouldnt prosecute anyone, Mr. Williams said. Its a case-by-case basis. Colorados U.S. attorney, Bob Troyer, is aggressively prosecuting drug traffickers who grow pot on federal lands, which is against both state and federal law. But his office hasnt brought charges against dispensaries that comply with the states regulations. We never would give anyone immunity for violating federal law, Mr. Troyer said. As those threats evolve and change, something else could rise to the top priority level. Interesting perspective on "micro justice" and "macro justice" in the criminal justice system | Main | "Jeff Sessions Struggles to Get Planned Marijuana Crackdown Going" Just like US Presidents gets to see official jobs numbers before they are officially made public, I suspect US Attorneys General get to see crime data before they are officially made public. I am thus always eager to see what AG Jeff Sessions has to say about crime trends, and so these comments made Friday as part of these extended remarks to the Western Conservative Summit caught my eye: In the Trump administration, we know whose side were on. Were on the side of law and order and we back the blue, not the criminals. We want every American to live in peace. In recent weeks I sent in reinforcements: more than 300 additional federal prosecutors to high-crime parts of this country. This is the biggest surge in prosecutors in decades. These efforts are especially important because, when President Trump took office, the country had been reeling from a sudden increase in crime. Crime had been declining for two decades. The violent crime rate had been cut in half. The murder rate was cut in half. Aggravated assault was cut almost in half. Robbery fell by 62 percent. But from 2014 to 2016, those trends reversed. In the last two years of the Obama administration, the violent crime rate went up by nearly seven percent. Robberies went up. Assaults went up nearly 10 percent. Rape went up by nearly 11 percent. Murder increased by more than 20 percent. But under President Donald Trump, we are stopping these trends. He is a strong supporter of our law enforcement efforts. As he said during Police Week, If we want to bring violent crime down, then we must stand up for our police. And make no mistake, our goal is to bring crime down. In the Trump era, the ACLU isnt making our law enforcement policies. The professionals are. And were seeing results. In the first six months of last year, the increases in the murder rate slowed and violent crime actually went down. Publicly available data for the rest of the year suggest further progress. Preliminary data for 2018 look even better. The Major City Police Chiefs Association has reported a 3.8 percent decline in violent crime and 4.7 percent decline in murders, based on 65 reporting agencies. New CDC preliminary data show that last fall, drug overdoses finally started to decline. Heroin overdose deaths declined steadily from June to October, as did overdose deaths from prescription opioids. We need this progress right now because not only was crime increasing at the end of the Obama administration, but drug overdose deaths in this country increased by more than a third in just two years. This is the seventh consecutive year the dairy company was ranked in the list, showing the sustainable development and orientation of the company. The fame rankings show business results and reflect corporate governance over the past three years of 2015, 2016 and 2017 of the best companies in Vietnam. Another important item this year is the "Billion Dollar Enterprise" list with names of those with a market capital of more than US$ 1 billion. And Vinamilk was honorably the second best in the list with a market capital of US$ 13 billion. The total revenue of Vinamilk in 2017 was VND 51,135 billion, contributing to the state budget more than VND 4,200 billion, and Vinamilks capitalized value reached more than VND 300,000 billion. In April, 2018, Vinamilk ranked third in the list of the 300 largest listed companies in Asia (in the period of 2016- 2018). Soon after, in May 2018, Kantar Worldpanel announced that Vinamilk was the most trusted milk brand in Vietnam for four consecutive years from 2014 up till now. Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang's Remarks 2018/06/10 Q: After the Afghan government announced a temporary ceasefire with the Taliban on June 7, the Taliban on June 9 announced a 3-day nationwide ceasefire. What is your comment? A: We have noted that the Afghan government and the Taliban have separately announced temporary ceasefires, and we commend that. We hope that the two sides could prioritize the interests of their nation and people, meet each other halfway, extend the duration of their ceasefires, restart peace talks as soon as possible, move forward the reconciliation process in Afghanistan, and realize peace and stability at an early date. It goes without saying that Canadas racing commentators and harness racing participants do an excellent job in helping put on the show. Although, on behalf of all the Standardbreds out there, Mystic Island wants to remind everyone that its all about the horses always. Even though his owner/trainer may have been in front of the camera commenting on some important industry topics, Mystic Island made sure if was still all about him. Mystic Island, pictured flashing his chompers at Gerry Hudon (Image courtesy Century Downs) Century Downs Race Secretary and Standardbred Canada Board Member Jackson Wittup recently took some time to catch up with horseman Gerry Hudon, who has made news as of late for making the tough decision to step away from the sulky, and for being a part of the SC-led Rules of Racing Committee. Wittup did his best to discuss the subjects with Hudon, who is an institution in the western Canadian racing industry, but Mystic Island, who is a playful, gelded maiden, tried his hardest to derail the proceedings. Hes a homebred. Hes out of one of my own mares (Sweet Place), said Hudon, while trying to minimize the effects of Mystic Islands nips, subtle bites and tugs. I thought he was going to be a nice colt last year, but he just had to grow up. I think hes going to be a mediocre sires stakes colt thats going to make a little bit of money down the road. Although the jury is still out in regard to how much Mystic Island has matured, Hudon is confident in his decision to step away from the race bike. He has said that it has been the best thing for him. Hudon even explained to Wittup that the transition away from the sulky has been easier than he had once imagined. They told me I couldnt take any more concussions and it was time to make a decision, said Hudon, so I made a decision, and Im actually quite happy with it. I though not being out there would bother me right off the bat, but it actually hasnt, and Im quite comfortable with where Im at. The time away from the bike has allowed Hudon to increase his focus on other racing-related endeavours. Hes still training a successful stable, which definitely keeps him busy enough, but Hudon is now also trying to help streamline the on-track rules for Canadian harness racing, which is no simple feat. Its going well, Hudon said about his work with the committee. It is a slow process because there is a lot of stuff that has to be done. It was something that I was all for when I was asked to join. Our industry needs to be unified across Canada and the U.S., and I think that its great and Im enjoying it. Hudon agreed that trainers and drivers need rules uniformity, but the public does as well. [The public] needs to know pylon rules and interference rules. We have to have that all in line. [The public] is the biggest part of our game, so we must have [consistent rules] in order for then to know that [from track to track] the rules are going to be the same. Mystic Island, pictured sneaking a taste of Jackson Wittups microphone (Image courtesy Century Downs) Do you enjoy taking photos of horses and anything that shows off harness racing? Are you an amateur or professional photographer or just someone who loves to take photos? If this sounds like you, keep reading! on Over a track rated 'good', Homicide Hunter and driver Aaron Merriman captured the $200,000 Charlie Hill Memorial in world record fashion on Saturday (June 9) at Eldorado Scioto Downs. The winning time of 1:50.3 equaled the world record for an older gelding trotter on a five-eighths-mile track and was a stakes and track record. Defending champion Crazy Wow and two-time Dan Patch Award-winner Marion Marauder were scratched sick, reducing the field to seven horses. Race-favourite Will Take Charge went off stride at the start and finished sixth. I Know My Chip took the early lead in a :26.3 opening quarter-mile before seeing Smalltownthrowdown get the top spot prior to the half-mile point. Driver Sam Widger moved I Know My Chip back to the lead at the half, reached in :54.2, but faced pressure from Homicide Hunter, who was in front by the time he reached three-quarters in 1:22. Homicide Hunter pulled away to win by four-and-a-half lengths over In Secret (Ronnie Wrenn, Jr.), with Charmed Life (Tyler Smith) finishing third. Homicide Hunter is a six-year-old gelding by Mr Cantab out of Evening Prayer. He is owned by Crawford Farms Racing of New York and trained by Chris Oakes. The horse was bred by Patrick Graham. For the year, Homicide Hunter has won two of three races and earned $116,500. For his career, he has won 32 of 65 starts and banked $1.22 million. The Charlie Hill Memorial honours Hall of Famer Charles Hill, who was the founder and former president and chairman of the board of Scioto Downs. Homicide Hunter went off at odds of 3-1 and paid $8.60 to win. Despite a threatening night of thunder, lightning, high winds and showers, owner Bruce Trogdon couldnt have been happier June 9, when Cinnamack and Bounding Dragon finished first and second in the first of two $50,000 Ohio Sires Stakes for three-year-old pacing colts at Scioto Downs. I was so happy to see both of them leading down the stretch, Trogdon said. Of course I was hoping my horse [Cinnamack] would get up for the win, but I was just so happy for both of them, as they are both out of two of my best mares. Bounding Dragon had led throughout most of the mile for Josh Sutton, but in late stretch Chris Page steered Cinnamack through the inside to nail down his fourth victory in five starts this year in 1:50.4 by a head over his rivalequaling his lifetime best score. The bay son by McArdle is out of the unraced Western Ideal mare Armbro Cinnamon, making him a half-brother to world-champion Fear The Dragon. To date hes earned $95,600 for Trogdons Emerald Highlands Farm of Mount Vernon, Ohio. I raised both of these youngsters, so its always a great feeling to see both of them perform so well, Trogdon said. Conditioned by Brian Brown, Cinnamack left the gate at odds of 2-1, as did rival Bounding Dragon. Sectionline Biguy notched show honors with Tyler Smith at the lines. I also have a super-looking yearling who is a full brother to Fear The Dragon, Trogdon said. That youngsters name is Dragon Roars Again. Cinnamack is the sixth of seven foals out of his dam, and has a full brother in McSinner Man p, 4, 1:52.3s ($54,466), and half-siblings in Cinamony (by Art Official) p, 4, 1:49.3f ($532,404) and Cndiana Jones p, 7, 1:53.1f ($115,599). In the second $50,000 division of Ohio Sires Stakes, Kimberly Dailey harnessed 9-5 Rockathon to a 1:51.1 victory with Dan Noble at the lines. The gelded son of Pet Rock, who is owned in partnership by Dailey and Carl and Melanie Atley of Xenia, Ohio, picked up his sixth lifetime win in 16 starts, upping his lifetime bankroll to $186,012. Rockathon wrestled the lead away from 21-1 longshot Parklane Official just past the :27.2 opening panel, and went on to lead at every post, before brushing home in a brisk :27.4 to win by a one-and-a-quarter lengths over the hard-trying 1-2 Slick Mick, with 9-1 JoJos Pet Rock another seven lengths back in third. Rockathon is the seventh foal out of The Panderosa dam Pantathlon p, 2, 1:54.4F ($20,221) and is a half-brother to: Pan From Nantucket (by No Pan Intended) p,5, 1:51.3h ($570,801); Rosemary Rose (by Foreclosure N) p,4,1:51f ($293,382); Panstakingly (by No Pan Intended) p, 3, 1:54.2s ($64,490); Nip Pan Tuck (by No Pan Intended) p,2,1:54.4s ($50,899); and Holiday Romance p,3, 1:56.2f ($39,289). Ohio Sires Stakes action continues Monday, June 11 at Northfield Park when three-year-old trotting fillies line up behind the starting gate in leg-two action. (With files from the USTA and the Ohio Sires Stakes) With a breathtaking wire-to-wire tour de force under Hall of Fame jockey Mike Smith, undefeated Justify became racing's 13th Triple Crown winner on Saturday, June 9 at Belmont Park, sweeping to a one-and-three-quarter length victory over Gronkowski to add the 150th running of the Grade 1, $1.5 million Belmont Stakes presented by NYRA Bets to his victories in the Kentucky Derby and Preakness. The victory over Belmont Park's sweeping one-and-a-half-mile oval was the sixth straight for Justify, who joined Seattle Slew - also a wire-to-wire Belmont winner in 1977 - as the only undefeated winners of the Triple Crown. All six of the rangy chestnut colt's wins have come in 2018, beginning with a maiden victory on February 18 at Santa Anita Park and culminating just shy of 16 weeks later in the Belmont. "This horse ran a tremendous race," said Smith, who at 52 is the oldest jockey to win the Triple Crown. "He's so gifted. He's sent from heaven. He's just amazing. "Did you see him standing in the gate?" Smith also said, sporting the red-and-gold silks of China Horse Club after having worn the white-and-green colors of WinStar Farm in the Derby and Preakness. "He's standing so still ... I actually thought, 'He's not going to break today.' I mean, he left there like he was going 440 yards in Ruidoso, New Mexico." Hall of Fame trainer Bob Baffert, who saddled American Pharoah to end a 37-year-old Triple Crown drought in 2015, became the second trainer along with "Sunny Jim" Fitzsimmons to train two Triple Crown winners, with Fitzsimmons having conditioned Gallant Fox (1930) and his son, Omaha (1935). Other Triple Crown winners include Sir Barton (1919), War Admiral (1937), Whirlaway (1941), Count Fleet (1943), Assault (1946), Citation (1948) and Secretariat (1973). "It's amazing," said Baffert, who had Triple Crown near-misses with Silver Charm (1997), Real Quiet (1998) and War Emblem (2002). "It never gets old. American Pharoah, he'll always be my first love. "[This horse] was showing me the same signs [as American Pharoah], he showed me that same brilliance. Superior horse. I mean, he could have won every race on the undercard today. He's just that kind of horse." Smith, who won his third Belmont to go with those in 2010 (Drosselmeyer) and 2013 (Palace Malice), sent Justify straight to the lead from post 1, which since 1905 has produced 24 winners of the Belmont, the most of any post position. Your browser does not support iframes. The big colt took command before the first turn, settling into a comfortable rhythm as stablemate Restoring Hope and the D. Wayne Lukas-trained Bravazo kept him in their sights. Galloping through fractions of :23.37 for the opening quarter-mile, :48.11 for the half, 1:13.21 for three quarters and 1:38.09 for the mile, Justify entered the far turn without having been asked for run, still two lengths clear of his stablemate and closest rival, with Bravazo hanging on in third. Approaching the quarter pole, with the crowd on its feet and screaming, Gronkowski was hitting his best stride from far back, picking off a half-dozen rivals to gain third even as Vino Rosso was moving into second. Once in the stretch, however, Justify continued to roll along, giving no signs of quitting, and Gronkowski had to settle for second, with second choice Hofburg coming on to edge Vino Rosso by a neck for show. "He broke a bit slow," said jockey Jose Ortiz aboard Gronkowski, who was making his American debut. "He's a horse from England. After that, I didn't have any choice. I had to drop in and save all the ground. He handled the dirt. I worked him twice and he handled it, so I was optimistic. We got a good trip, it worked out well. He broke a bit slow. I wish he would have broke a little bit better." "There was no pace and nobody put any pressure on [Justify] and he kind of walked the dog going around there," said Bill Mott, Hall of Fame trainer of Hofburg. "They were going slow and [jockey Irad Ortiz, Jr.] said he didn't want to make some crazy move down the backside to go join him, which probably wouldn't have made any sense. Our horse came running. He ran well. I mean, for not having any pace, he finished up very well. "Mike [Smith]'s great, obviously, and Justify is probably a great horse," he also said. "I mean, they're a good combination and they got the job done. We saw another Triple Crown winner. A lot of people are happy about it." Justify's winning time was 2:28.18 for the one-and-a-half miles over a track rated fast, unlike his two previous wins, which came over sloppy tracks at Churchill Downs and Pimlico. In addition to the three Triple Crown races, Justify's resume includes his maiden win, an optional claiming victory, and the Grade 1 Santa Anita Derby, all with a combined winning margin of 23-and-three-quarter lengths. Owned in partnership by China Horse Club, WinStar Farm, Starlight Racing and Head of Plains Partners, Justify earned $800,000 for the win and boosted his bankroll to $3,798,000. Completing the order of finish after Vino Rosso were Tenfold, Bravazo, Free Drop Billy, Restoring Hope, Blended Citizen and Noble Indy. (With files from the New York Racing Association) Halloween fun, for adults! The Lapeer Optimist Club held its annual Nightmare on Nepessing Halloween costume party fundraiser for adults Saturday evening under a tent in front of the... Murder suspect found guilty LAPEER Lydell Dukes, 40, of Detroit will be sentenced Nov. 22, and will likely spend the rest of his life in a Michigan prison... Hands-on lesson in fire safety The Hadley Twp. Fire Dept. visited students at Murphy Elementary School on Pratt Road in Metamora Township on Monday to provide children instructions in fire... Rouhani criticizes US 'unilateralism' over nuclear deal Reuters, Qingdao, China : Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Sunday criticized U.S. "unliteralism" in withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal and said he appreciated efforts by China and Russia to maintain the agreement. "The U.S. efforts to impose its policies on others are expanding as a threat to all," Rouhani told the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), a regional security grouping led by China and Russia where Iran has observer status. "The recent example of such unilateralism and the defiance of the decisions of the international community by the U.S. government is its withdrawal from the JCPOA," he said, referring to the nuclear agreement by its official name, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. The 2015 agreement between Iran and world powers lifted international sanctions on Tehran. In return, Iran agreed to restrictions on its nuclear activities, increasing the time it would need to produce an atom bomb if it chose to do so. Since U.S. President Donald Trump withdrew the United States last month, calling the agreement deeply flawed, European states have been scrambling to ensure Iran gets enough economic benefits to persuade it to stay in the deal. Chinese President Xi Jinping, speaking after Rouhani, expressed "regret" that Washington had withdrawn from the nuclear deal. "China is willing to work with Russia and other countries to preserve the JCPOA," Xi said. The 2015 agreement between Iran and world powers lifted international sanctions on Tehran. In return, Iran agreed to restrictions on its nuclear activities, increasing the time it would need to produce an atom bomb if it chose to do so. Since US President Donald Trump withdrew the United States last month, calling the agreement deeply flawed, European states have been scrambling to ensure Iran gets enough economic benefits to persuade it to stay in the deal. Chinese President Xi Jinping, speaking after Rouhani, expressed "regret" that Washington had withdrawn from the nuclear deal. "China is willing to work with Russia and other countries to preserve the JCPOA," Xi said. Assad denies Russia makes decisions for him Syrian President Bashar al-Assad given an interview with British newspaper the Mail on Sunday. Reuters, Beirut : Syrian President Bashar al-Assad denied that military ally Russia was making decisions for him, but said it was natural for there to be differences of opinion between allies, in an interview published on Sunday by state media. In an interview with British newspaper the Mail on Sunday, carried in full by Syrian state news agency SANA, Assad was responding to a question about whether Moscow now controls Syria's diplomatic and military moves. "They (the Russians) never, during our relation, try to dictate, even if there are differences," he said, according to SANA's transcript of the interview, given in English. "It's natural to have differences between the different parties, whether within our government or other governments; Russia-Syria, Syria-Iran, Iran-Russia, and within these governments, that's very natural, but at the end the only decision about what's going on in Syria and what's going to happen, it's a Syrian decision," Assad said. Iranian and Russian support has been critical to Assad's war effort, but the different agendas of Assad's allies in Syria have become more apparent of late as Israel presses Russia to make sure Iran and its allies do not entrench their military sway in the country. On Tuesday Reuters reported that a Russian troop deployment in Syria near the Lebanese border had caused friction with Iran-backed forces, in what appeared to be a rare case of Russia acting out of sync with Assad's Iran-backed allies. Recent Russian calls for all non-Syrian forces to leave southern Syria have been seen as aimed partly at Iran, in addition to U.S. forces based in the Tanf area at the Syrian-Iraqi border. In the interview, Assad also said he expects the war in his country to be over in "less than a year" and re-stated his aim to take back "every inch" of Syria. He said the involvement of foreign powers such as Britain, the United States and France was prolonging the conflict and had slowed down a resolution to the situation in rebel-held areas of southwestern Syria. In recent months Syrian government and allied forces have taken back the last besieged opposition area in Syria, north of Homs, and crushed the last rebel pockets near the capital. Damascus has now set its sights on the opposition-held parts of southwestern Syria which border Israel and Jordan. "We were about to achieve reconciliation in the southern part of Syria only two weeks ago, but the West interfered and asked the terrorists not to follow this path in order to prolong the Syrian conflict," Assad said. The Syrian government refers to all groups opposed to its rule as terrorists. The United States wants to preserve a "de-escalation" zone agreed last year with Russia and Jordan that has contained fighting in that area. Assad wants to being the area back under state control. Bumper litchi yield in Khagrachhari A Correspondent : The local farmers are happy as they got bumper litchi production this year. Sources at the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) said the farmers cultivated litchi on about 3,000 hectares of land and got about 10,000 metric tons of the fruit this year. It was cultivated on 2,005 ha of land last year, and the production was only 2,500 metric tons, while in 2016, it was cultivated on 1,960 ha of land and the production was 7,840 metric tons. Farmer Moyuri Kumari Chakma of Baibonchhara Village in Sadar Upazila said, "I sold litchi of Taka one lakh from my one acre of orchard. I cultivated China-3 variety of litchi. About 30 to 40 litchi farmers of my area also got bumper yield." Farmer Touhidul Islam of Bhuyachhari Village in the upazila said, "I cultivated China-2 variety of litchi on about one acre of land this year and got bumper yield. But, I'm not getting fair price. I sold per hundred-piece litchi at Tk 75. The price has frustrated me as I will not recoup my production cost." Deputy Director of Khagrachhari DAE Mohammad Safar Ali said the farmers are happy over bumper litchi yield this year. The soil of the district is fertile and the weather was also favourable. The locally-grown litchi is being sent to other districts after meeting local demand, he added. Metrorail Uttara-Agargaon route to start operation by 2019: Quader Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader on Sunday told the Jatiya Sangsad that Metrorail communication from Uttara third phase to Agargaon would start operation from 2019. The minister sounded this optimism while replying to a query of treasury bench member Momtaz Begum during the question and answer session in the House with Speaker Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury in the chair. Quader, also the ruling Awami League general secretary, said the authority concerned has decided to introduce metrorail Agargaon-Motijheel within 2020. The road transport minister said it was scheduled to finish the work of Metrorail Project from 2012 to June in 2024. Subsequently the government revised the target to complete the work by 2019. "City dwellers would be able to travel by the Metrorail within the stipulated timeframe," the minister hoped. Russian team meets DU VC Campus Report : Director of Russian Centre of Science and Culture in Dhaka Alexander P Demin called on Dhaka University (DU) Vice-Chancellor (VC) Prof Dr Md. Akhtaruzzaman at DU on Thursday. During the meeting at the VC's office, they discussed the possibilities of undertaking joint collaborative academic and research programs by the University of Dhaka and the MGIMO University, Russia. Exchanges of teachers and students between the two universities were also discussed in the meeting. They agreed to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in this regard soon. Trump exits G-7 but understands Canada is not a soft target DONALD Trump ensured he left the G7 summit in a state of chaos by announcing from Air Force One on Saturday night that the US had withdrawn its endorsement of a joint communique and launching a blistering attack on his host, Justin Trudeau, the Canadian prime minister. Mr Trump described Mr Trudeau as dishonest and weak as he accused Canada of trying to take advantage of US interests by imposing a 270 percent tariff on milk, as per news reports. He was already on his way to Singapore for next week's summit with Kim Jong Un when he fired off two tweets unravelling the progress made during the previous 24 hours. It mirrored the build-up to talks which were thrown into disarray by his appeal for Russia to be re-admitted to the G7 and promised not to back down on tariffs. The main reason for all this seems to be milk. Trump has attacked Canada's protected dairy industry before, calling it a "disgrace" and blaming it for widespread hardship among US farmers. Although the entire trade in dairy products between the two countries is worthless than US$600m, ideological division has sharpened the ongoing dispute. His negotiators have demanded the dismantlement of Canada's openly dirigiste system of supply management in agriculture - a complicated nexus of production quotas and import tariffs designed to ensure Canadian dairy, egg and poultry farmers receive fair prices for their products. But is he right? Trade data flatly contradicts the claim that Canadian supply management is ravaging US dairyland - either because it unfairly restricts imports or because it dumps a subsidized surplus in US markets. Trumps accusation that Canada is ripping off US farmers is flatly contradicted by the ground reality as US farmers have no bone of contention with Canada. On the contrary, all they want is a system like the Canadian system of supply management to be established in the US so they don't have to sell milk at prices below their cost of production. But instead of listening to the ground reality all Trump wants to do is to be a big bully and pick fights with his neighbours and try to establish warm relations with the natural enemy of the West--Russia. This is no way to treat a country which takes in more US exports than any other. It will only harm US consumers and US businesses in the long run. It is time that Trump learns that Canada is not a soft target. Khaleda refuses to go to BSMMU Staff Reporter : BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia on Sunday refused to go to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) Hospital for medical check-up, according to Inspector General of Prisons Brigadier General Syed Iftekhar Uddin. "I would not go to that hospital (BSMMU). I am not bound to explain the reason why I would not go to that hospital," Khaleda Zia told the IG Prison as he told the journalists. Earlier on the day, Home Affairs Minister Asaduzzaman Khan said in the secretariat that the jailed BNP chief would be brought to BSMMU for check-up from the old central jail. He said, "The IG Prisons has already been instructed to take BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia to BSMMU for medical check-up," the home minister told reporters at his office as they draw his attention to Khaleda's personal physician's observation that she might have suffered a mild stroke inside jail. On Saturday a four member team of Khaleda Za's personal physicians checked her health in jail. Professor Dr. FM Siddique one of the physicians on the team told the journalists after checking her condition in the jail, that Khaleda Zia had fallen on the jail floor on June5 and remained unconscious for seven minutes. She now fails to recall how she had fallen. The four member physicians team suspected it as a transient ischemic attack, which is one form of mild stroke. they also fear it may cause serious stroke later on. The physicians suggested Khaleda Zia should be admitted to United Hospital in Dhaka. BNP Senior Joint-Secretary Ruhul Kabir Rizvi has also demanded she be admitted to United Hospital in Dhaka. "There are no sufficient logistic facilities required for her treatment in the BSMMU Hospital. We demanded her admission in the United Hospital where she was treated several times before. The hospital has sufficient facilities for her treatment," Rizvi said. The party also demonstrated at different thanas in the capital and other cities and district head quarters demanding Khaleda Zia's proper treatment. The party earlier announced the programme on Friday after Khaleda Zia's family members inform the party after visiting her in the jail about her mild stroke on June 5. Restore good governance, discipline banking sector Bring swindlers under book; cut corporate tax on apparel industries : EAB Special Correspondent : The Exporters Association of Bangladesh (EAB) on Sunday urged the government to restore good governance and discipline the banking sector to check the wholesale plundering of bank money by corrupt people. "Unabated swindling of money from banks has created indiscipline in the whole banking., sector. The swindlers should be brought under justice through proper inquiry and investigation. Prompt trial and visible punishment of those involved in bank scams and irregularities are necessary to restore good governance and discipline in the banking sector," said EAB President Abdus Salam Murshedy in a statement giving formal reaction on the proposed budget. He observed incidents of big loan scams are taking place due to the prevailing culture of impunity. "It has been working as incentive for those involved in the swindling bank money and encouraging them to repeat the incidents." Salam Murshedy further said loans scams have created liquidity mismatch in banks and it is badly affecting private sector investment On proposed 7.8 growth rate he said, "To achieve such a high growth, we must increase private sector investment. Private entrepreneurs usually borrow capital from banks and then use it for production. If banks fail to supply the much needed capital due to liquidity shortfall growth will suffer. So, maintaining discipline in banking sector is crucial to pick up private investment to support the growth," he noted. Terming the proposed budget as 'expansionary," the EAB president said the budget has both opportunity and challenge. "The implementation of the budget will largely depend on the dynamism of the public agencies and revenue administration," he said, adding, "The main challenge lies with deficit financing and achieving the revenue collection target." He said the proposed budget has projected a 7.8 per cent GDP growth for the next fiscal and achieving the target will be challenging unless private sector investment is not pick up. "The budget has proposed a number of measures to create an environment of rapid industrialization. The government has made sufficient budgetary allocation in power and energy, physical and social infrastructure sectors and mega projects to support industrialization and growth," he observed. However, he said, the budget has proposed to increase corporate tax and tax at source on apparel sector which would be detrimental for the industry and investment. "The increment of corporate tax and tax at source for apparel sector is not business friendly and conflicting with the expansion of business, which will cast shadow on achieving 7.8 per cent GDP growth in the next fiscal," he added. Murshedy has urged the government to set tax at source at 0.25 per cent instead of 1.0 per cent (to be effective automatically from July 1 as per an NBR SRO) for the next five years and corporate tax rate at 10 percent from 15 per cent for the interest of the sector. Finance Minister AMA Muhith on Thursday proposed to raise the corporate tax for apparel industries to 15 per cent from 12 per cent for the next fiscal year. The EAB leader also demanded a five per cent cash incentive for export-oriented apparel industries on their total export value for the next two years considering the challenges of the industry and encourage the industry people. "Employment generation is needed to increase production capacity. To create jobs, investment is a must. But some measures in the proposed budget would affect investment," said Murshedy. Rights of the orphans Abdul Muqit Chowdhury : The Holy Quran commands about orphans : "To orphans restore their property/ (When they reach their age),/ Nor substitute (your) worthless things/ For (their) good ones; and devour not /Their substance (by mixing it up) /With your own. For this is /Indeed a great sin!" (Sura Nisa 4 : Ayat 2. The Holy Quran Translation and Commentary by A. Yusuf Ali) The Holy Quran reveals : " ... Treat with kindness/ Your parents and kindred,/ And orphans and those in need;/ " (Sura Baqara 2: Ayat 83, Do) "...And do good/ To parents, kinsfolk, /Orphans, those in need, /Neighbours who are near,/ Neighbours who are strangers, /The Companion by your side, /The way-farer (ye meet), /And what your righthands possess: /For God loveth not /The arrogant, the vainglorious; ..... " (Sura Nisa 4 : Ayat 36, Do) In the Holy Hadith affection and responsibility of a Muslim towards a child is much emphasised. In the background of a soft and beautiful attitude of the Messenger of Allah towards the children, the position of an orphan who is also a child and left helpless without parents, may be viewed. Helpless orphans should be provided with all humanitarian support by the believers of Allah. The Holy Hadith says : "The best house among the Muslims is the house in which an orphan is well treated and the worst house among the Muslims is the house in which an orphan is badly treated." (Ibne Mazah Sharif) The merit of observance of fasting greatly depends on a person's treatment of an orphan or a helpless distressed person, as he/she is a Muslim first and then he is a worshiper. A worst Muslim, because of his/her ill treatment with an orphan, cannot be a good rozadar. Humanitarian consideration is of prime importance in Islam. So the Holy Quran and the Sunnah proclaim responsibility towards orphans. It should be included in the spirit and message of fasting. In this context comes the repatriation and rehabilitation of lakhs of ousted orphans, who have lost their fathers and mothers in the contemporary genocide and atrocities in different parts of the world including our neighbouring country Myanmar. These orphans' fathers and mothers are the victims of genocide-a process continued for many years. Bangladesh's role in giving shelter to the people and the uprooted orphans is commendable. The OIC should be more active for united efforts according to the Quranic guidelines. The crime against humanity should be brought to justice under the shade of the UNO and ICC. The Holy Quran calls a clarion : "And why should ye not/Fight in the cause of God/And of those who, being weak, /Are ill-treated (and oppressed) ? -/ Men, women and children,/Whose cry is : "Our Lord!/Rescue us from this town, /Whose people are oppressors; /And raise for us from Thee/ One who will protect;/And raise for us from Thee/One who will help!" (Sura Nisa 4 : Ayat 75, The Holy Quran Translation and Commentary by A. Yusuf Ali) Allama Yusuf Ali comments : ".....Their cry for a protector and helper from God was answered when Muhammad, the Chosen One brought freedom and peace to Mecca again." The quoted Ayat is a part of the Quranic universal and eternal message. The contemporary world witnesses such atrocities in different countries, yes, on the Muslims for their being Muslims in Faith. Massacres and atrocities on Rohingya community is a part of that. The message of the Holy Quran is applicable to such tragedies any-where and everywhere in the globe. The call in the background of inhuman atrocities in Makka is applicable to the leaders and Muslims in general for the protection of the helpless victims of the Muslim Ummah. All concerned including the world of conscience and Human Rights Watch should continue their endeavours for the repatriation and rehabilitation of the uprooted citizens and the orphans. The justice for crime against humanity should be ensured. Otherwise such catastrophe of ethnic cleansing may arise again. Country United States of America US Virgin Islands United States Minor Outlying Islands Canada Mexico, United Mexican States Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Cuba, Republic of Dominican Republic Haiti, Republic of Jamaica Afghanistan Albania, People's Socialist Republic of Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of American Samoa Andorra, Principality of Angola, Republic of Anguilla Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S) Antigua and Barbuda Argentina, Argentine Republic Armenia Aruba Australia, Commonwealth of Austria, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bangladesh, People's Republic of Barbados Belarus Belgium, Kingdom of Belize Benin, People's Republic of Bermuda Bhutan, Kingdom of Bolivia, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana, Republic of Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya) Brazil, Federative Republic of British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria, People's Republic of Burkina Faso Burundi, Republic of Cambodia, Kingdom of Cameroon, United Republic of Cape Verde, Republic of Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad, Republic of Chile, Republic of China, People's Republic of Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia, Republic of Comoros, Union of the Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, People's Republic of Cook Islands Costa Rica, Republic of Cote D'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of the Cyprus, Republic of Czech Republic Denmark, Kingdom of Djibouti, Republic of Dominica, Commonwealth of Ecuador, Republic of Egypt, Arab Republic of El Salvador, Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Republic of Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faeroe Islands Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Fiji, Republic of the Fiji Islands Finland, Republic of France, French Republic French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon, Gabonese Republic Gambia, Republic of the Georgia Germany Ghana, Republic of Gibraltar Greece, Hellenic Republic Greenland Grenada Guadaloupe Guam Guatemala, Republic of Guinea, Revolutionary People's Rep'c of Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Guyana, Republic of Heard and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City State) Honduras, Republic of Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China Hrvatska (Croatia) Hungary, Hungarian People's Republic Iceland, Republic of India, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq, Republic of Ireland Israel, State of Italy, Italian Republic Japan Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Kiribati, Republic of Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Kuwait, State of Kyrgyz Republic Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon, Lebanese Republic Lesotho, Kingdom of Liberia, Republic of Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein, Principality of Lithuania Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Macao, Special Administrative Region of China Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Madagascar, Republic of Malawi, Republic of Malaysia Maldives, Republic of Mali, Republic of Malta, Republic of Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania, Islamic Republic of Mauritius Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Moldova, Republic of Monaco, Principality of Mongolia, Mongolian People's Republic Montserrat Morocco, Kingdom of Mozambique, People's Republic of Myanmar Namibia Nauru, Republic of Nepal, Kingdom of Netherlands Antilles Netherlands, Kingdom of the New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua, Republic of Niger, Republic of the Nigeria, Federal Republic of Niue, Republic of Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway, Kingdom of Oman, Sultanate of Pakistan, Islamic Republic of Palau Palestinian Territory, Occupied Panama, Republic of Papua New Guinea Paraguay, Republic of Peru, Republic of Philippines, Republic of the Pitcairn Island Poland, Polish People's Republic Portugal, Portuguese Republic Puerto Rico Qatar, State of Reunion Romania, Socialist Republic of Russian Federation Rwanda, Rwandese Republic Samoa, Independent State of San Marino, Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Senegal, Republic of Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles, Republic of Sierra Leone, Republic of Singapore, Republic of Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia, Somali Republic South Africa, Republic of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spain, Spanish State Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of St. Helena St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Pierre and Miquelon St. Vincent and the Grenadines Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Suriname, Republic of Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands Swaziland, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Switzerland, Swiss Confederation Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, Province of China Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand, Kingdom of Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of Togo, Togolese Republic Tokelau (Tokelau Islands) Tonga, Kingdom of Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda, Republic of Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of Wallis and Futuna Islands Western Sahara Yemen Zambia, Republic of Zimbabwe Close Get email notifications on {{subject}} daily! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Win McNamee/Getty Images(PAYA LEBAR, Singapore) -- President Donald Trump has arrived in Singapore for a landmark summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Aboard Air Force One, the president touched down at Singapore's Paya Lebar Air Base at 8:21 p.m. local time and was greeted by Singaporean Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan. Trump, wearing a dark suit and blue tie, got to Singapore several hours after Kim Jong Un arrived. He waved as he emerged from Air Force One and briefly spoke with Balakrishnan and other dignitaries on hand. Asked by reporters how he was feeling, Trump said, "very good" before getting into his presidential limousine and departing the airport for the Shangri-La Hotel, where he and his entourage will stay. When he arrived at the hotel, Trump was greeted again by Balakrishnan and Ashok Kumar Mirpuri, ambassador of Singapore to the United States, and other Singaporean officials. Kim, meanwhile, arrived in Singapore a few hours earlier and complimented his hosts for the accommodations. "It's a historic summit and you provided terrific conditions and provided convenience so that our people could come here with no discomfort," Kim told Singaporean officials upon his arrival. "Singapore government promoted convenience with much effort as if it were their household affair." He said that if the "summit works out with good outcome [the] Singaporean governments efforts will go down in history forever. Kim also met with Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the Istana Palace, the official residence of the prime minister. "I have the expectation that this [summit] will be very successful," Kim, speaking through an interpreter, told the prime minister. Trump is scheduled to meet Prime Minister Lee for lunch on Monday at the Istana Palace. Later Monday, the president will meet with the U.S. Embassy staff in Singapore. Face-to-face meeting on Tuesday Trump and Kim, two of the world's most unpredictable leaders, are scheduled to meet Tuesday at the luxury Capella Hotel on Singapore's Sentosa Island to discuss North Korea's missile and nuclear weapons development programs. The United States has imposed various economic sanctions against North Korea over its weapons program in recent years. Since taking office last year, Trump has been hoping to secure a deal with North Korea in which Kim would relinquish his nuclear weapons. The White House announced the upcoming nuclear summit last month, but diplomatic peace didn't last long. Kim threatened to pull back from the meeting and criticized the United States with typical, fiery rhetoric. In response, Trump called off the planned summit in an official signed letter. A week later, Trump announced that the summit was back on after a North Korean envoy hand-delivered him a letter from Kim. G7 acrimony Trump left for Singapore on Saturday, after meeting with world leaders in Canada for the Group of Seven, or G-7, summit. Trump departed the G-7 summit in Quebec having angered some American allies over his administration's move to impose steep tariffs on aluminum and steel imports from the European Union, Mexico and Canada. He also left some G-7 leaders baffled by his proposal to allow Russia back into the group. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, whose country hosted the summit, appeared to be engaged in a war of words and tweets with Trump. Trump backed out of a joint communique with the other G-7 countries that acknowledged that "free, fair, and mutually beneficial trade is a key engine for growth and jobs." But on his way to Singapore, Trump rescinded his endorsement of the communique after Trudeau held a news conference saying all seven countries had signed the communique despite "some strong, firm conversations on trade, and specifically American tariffs." Trudeau said Canadians are polite, "but we will not be pushed around." He said he informed Trump that Canadians who stood shoulder to shoulder with American soldiers in far-off lands do not take lightly the idea that the tariffs are for national security reasons. Its kind of insulting, Trudeau said. On Twitter, Trump said Trudeau was "meek and mild" during the summit, but was "very dishonest and weak" during his post-summit news conference. "Based on Justins false statements at his news conference, and the fact that Canada is charging massive Tariffs to our U.S. farmers, workers and companies, I have instructed our U.S. Reps not to endorse the Communique as we look at Tariffs on automobiles flooding the U.S. Market!" Trump said in a tweet. French President Emmanuel Macron issued a statement reaffirming France's endorsement of the G-7 communique. "Let's be serious and worthy of our people. We make commitments and keep to them," Macron said. "International co-operation cannot be dictated by fits of anger and throwaway remarks." 'One time shot' Trump seemed more upbeat about his upcoming meeting with Jong Un, a ruthless dictator he has previously called "short and fat" and a "tyrant." "I am on my way to Singapore where we have a chance to achieve a truly wonderful result for North Korea and the World. It will certainly be an exciting day and I know that Kim Jong-un will work very hard to do something that has rarely been done before..." the tweet reads. "...Create peace and great prosperity for his land. I look forward to meeting him and have a feeling that this one-time opportunity will not be wasted!" Earlier, Trump told reporters he will be undertaking a "mission of peace" as he heads into "unknown territory in the truest sense." He described the highly-anticipated meeting as a "one-time shot" for Kim, but told reporters he thinks "it's going to work out very well." "I think I'll know pretty quickly whether or not, in my opinion, something positive will happen," Trump said. "And if I think it won't happen, I'm not going to waste my time. I don't want to waste his time." North Korea's nuclear ambitions date back decades North Korea evolved into the nuclear-armed enigma it is today long before Trump took the White House. In fact, North Korea's nuclear weapons program and its development of long-range rocket systems have been three generations in the making. And the country's standing as a nuclear-weapon-possessing state has even been etched into its constitution. Kim Il Sung, the country's founder, who ruled from its establishment in 1948 until his death in 1994, dreamed of an intercontinental ballistic missile as the United States threatened to use nuclear weapons against the North during the Korean War. The Soviet Union, Pyongyang's ally and sponsor, began training North Korean scientists and engineers in the 1950s, giving them the "basic knowledge" to initiate a nuclear program, according to the American Security Project, a nonprofit nonpartisan public policy and research organization based in Washington, D.C. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the death of Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il succeeded his father amid a dire famine that killed up to 2.5 million North Koreans. To protect the state, the new leader developed the songun, or military first, doctrine, under which the military's access to resources is prioritized. "In this sense, the military is not just an institution designed to perform the function of defending the country from external hostility, South Korean scholar Han S. Park wrote in a 2007 paper. Instead, it provides all of the other institutions of the government with legitimacy. In July 2006, North Korea tested the Taepodong-2, its first missile that could, in theory, reach parts of the United States. The test failed. Three months later, North Korea tested its first nuclear device near the village of Punggye-ri. Kim Jong Il died at the end of 2011 and his second son, Kim Jong Un, took power of the reclusive state. In April 2013, Kim announced a policy of co-developing North Korea's economy and nuclear weapons program to reinforce his regime's domestic, diplomatic, economic and security interests, according to a 2015 report by the U.S. Department of Defense. Since then, his regime has continued to develop intermediate and long-range ballistic missiles, while staging a series of nuclear tests. Kim is believed to have defied international rules six times to test nuclear weapons, most recently in September 2017. Copyright 2018, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. The best bang for your buck! This option enables you to purchase online 24/7 access and receive the Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday print edition at no additional cost * Print edition only available in our carrier delivery area. Allow up to 72 hours for delivery of your print edition to begin. Print edition not available for Day Pass option. The South American cargo airline Latam Cargo, a unit of the Chilean-Brazilian Latam Airlines Group, has been inducted into the Board of Airline Representatives in Germany (Barig), which represents the interests of 100 national and international carriers. Latam Airlines Group, came into existence in 2012 following the fusion of Chilean LAN Airlines with Brazilian TAM Linhas Aereas. As the largest airline in Latin America, Latam Cargo operates a network of over 140 destinations in 29 countries, with 10 destinations purely dedicated to cargo. The companys annual transport volume amounts to one million tonnes of air freight, said a statement from the company. Last year, Latam Cargo became the first airline from the American continent to acquire the Certified in entity and Intangible Valuations (CEIV) license for the transport of pharmaceuticals, it said. Michael Hoppe, secretary general, Barig, said: We are glad to welcome Latam as a new member, especially since the cargo field is continuously gaining importance within our association. Air cargo infrastructure and process optimisation at airports are essential topics regarding profitability and efficiency, he stated. These aspects on the other hand are vital in defending Germanys top ranking in growing global competition. We expect Latam Cargos remarkable international expertise to provide valuable impulses for our association work, thereby hopefully benefiting the entire aviation location Germany as well as commerce and economy, he added. Jorge Carretero, senior manager sales Central Europe, Latam Cargo, said: The lively trade between Latin America and Germany as well as the entire EU is an important pillar for us. For this reason, the Barig membership offers us an ideal platform to contribute to the development of major topics regarding the air traffic location Germany. Barig simply knows and understands the industrys interests, he added. TradeArabia News Service VIVA Bahrain, a leading telecom services operator in the kingdom, has launched the first live and public 5G network demonstration in the kingdom ahead of its deployment at homes and businesses in co-ordination with a number of 5G-enabled devices. The launch was held at City Centre Bahrain's Central Galleria in the presence of Engineer Kamal bin Ahmed Mohamed, Minister of Transportation and Telecommunications, Shaikh Hisham Bin Abdulrahman Al Khalifa, Capital Governor, Dr Mohammed Alamer, TRA Chairman, Shaikh Nasir Al Khalifa, TRA Managing Director and Mohammed Al Qaed, iGA CEO. As an industry first, the milestone reinforces Bahrains leading digital position in the region, and enhances Bahrains readiness for next generation technologies in support of Bahrain Vision 2030, said a statement from Viva. During the live 5G speed test, the telecom company also achieved unprecedented gigabit speeds reaching up to 1.5 Gbps using a commercial broadband router, opening doors to a new era of sophisticated technologies enabled by reliably fast data speeds. At the scene, VIVA Bahrain showcased the life-changing speeds and capabilities of VIVA 5G for homes and businesses with a number of 5G-enabled devices available for public trial such as 4K UHD TV, Virtual Reality (VR) goggles. Addressing the gathering, Kamal bin Ahmed said that this latest development in Bahrains telecommunications industry represents a major milestone. "We have put in place a solid infrastructure for the growth of the sector and are benchmarking ourselves against some of the global leaders in telecoms in order to achieve even more," said the minister. "We are in the middle of implementing our 4th National Telecommunications Plan and I am happy to see VIVA taking the initiative by capitalizing on this infrastructure and expanding its services to provide users with the latest technologies," he added. Engineer Abdulla Zmami, VIVA Bahrain Chairman said this step reconfirms the group's genuine commitment to accelerate Bahrains digitization and continuous effort to introduce the latest technologies to the people of Bahrain. "This links back to VIVA`s core vision in transforming Bahrains telecommunication landscape and offer an unprecedented telecom experience to the community" he noted. Viva Bahrain CEO Ulaiyan Al Wetaid said the aim of the live launch was to allow the public to get a feeling of what 5G technology brings to our life. "This is a major turning point for Bahrain. Were closer to unlocking the transformative opportunities of 5G and the powerful cross-industry solutions being tested at VIVA`s Innovation Center that will benefit all key growth sectors including health, education, transportation and much more," he noted. According to him, the 5G network is expected to make a quantum leap in future services and applications and will contribute in increasing the speed and performance of wireless networks. "It will not only improve the connectivity between people and their phones or computers, but will also enable more sophisticated technologies such as IOT, Artificial Intelligence and robots," he added.-TradeArabia News Service Riverbed, a leading digital performance company, has announced the latest release of Riverbed SteelCentral that redefines the application performance management (APM) market with the industrys first unified APM and end-user experience monitoring solution. This unique approach enables organizations to monitor the digital experience for all applications, and capture every application transaction at a level of depth and quality that is essential for todays digital business. With this SteelCentral release, Riverbed is also introducing powerful AI-based business analytics that provide meaningful insights for the business, as well as new integration between SteelCentral and Riverbed Xirrus Wi-Fi access points. Riverbed SteelCentral is the only end-to-end solution that blends device-based end user experience, infrastructure, application, and network monitoring to enable customers to holistically manage the users digital experience. Companies in virtually every industry are pursuing digital business initiatives to deliver a better end user experience these are highly strategic investments designed to drive significant improvements in employee productivity, customer loyalty, and financial performance. But as organizations roll these digital initiatives out, theyre discovering that theyre blind their highly fragmented traditional APM tools are unable to help them accurately measure the end user experience and identify the underlying drivers of that experience, said Mike Sargent, senior vice president, general manager for SteelCentral at Riverbed. With todays SteelCentral release, we are reinventing APM its the only user experience centric solution that captures all data for every application and transaction. SteelCentral continues to lead the industry in delivering the most comprehensive, integrated and unified solution for monitoring and managing the entire digital experience of the enterprises most precious asset: the end user. This SteelCentral release is well aligned to address emerging enterprise needs and in a recent Riverbed survey of business decision makers, nearly all respondents agreed (99 per cent) that visibility across a customers digital experience is critical to their business. In addition, 77 per cent said it was critical to invest in improving the digital experience for users or customers in the next 12-months. With this release, SteelCentral delivers the first unified APM and End User Experience Monitoring solution that supports a true enterprise view. SteelCentral enables enterprises to monitor the digital experience of every user, every app in the portfolio, troubleshoot every transaction executed and analyze the business impact of poor performance to isolate and resolve problems faster while optimizing app and digital performance. It is critical that companies have digital experience management capabilities in place so that they can truly measure the digital experience. The unified solution introduces a single license for end user devices and applications, and is a SaaS offering. This dramatically simplifies procurement, deployment and data collection by enabling companies to quickly and flexibly deploy across applications and end user devices to monitor potential changes in performance for critical transformation initiatives like cloud migration, data center consolidation or office expansion. It is available from Riverbed, the Riverbed partner community and the ServiceNow Store. SteelCentral has also significantly enhanced its industry leading scalability with a new management clustered architecture that enables companies to keep pace with the challenges of managing modern application architectures. Other APM vendors make a trade-off between data quality and scale sampling transactions and sacrificing metadata or depth in the call stack in order to support large environments. This leaves significant user experience and application performance blind spots, making it impossible to manage and optimize every users experience and deliver customer intimacy. SteelCentrals auto-tuning and data compression mechanisms, along with our new clustered architecture, help to solve this big-data problem. A single analysis server can now support tens of thousands of agents, enabling our customers to monitor and manage billions of transactions per day. AI-powered big data business analytics SteelCentral is also introducing AI-based visualizations that put the data richness to work for the business. Traditional APM tools were not built to cope with the massive data volume, high transaction velocity and highly varied data that are generated by todays digital business. With this release, Riverbed leverages its "big transaction data" alongside state-of-the-art data science concepts that enhances the ability for users to diagnose transaction trends over time. This release introduces an innovative Prism report which looks longitudinally at the conversion funnel for a business transaction flow. This view allows users to visually examine trends over time, spot issues and then proactively resolve related problems. Integration with Riverbed Xirrus Wi-Fi Finally, this release enables customers deploying Riverbed Xirrus Wi-Fi solutions to ensure they deliver an excellent digital experience to their end users leveraging these wireless access points. A bi-directional integration between Xirrus Wi-Fi and SteelCentral enables IT to rapidly identify and resolve end user issues caused by poor signal strength or device performance. TradeArabia News Service Al Masaood Automobiles, authorised distributor of Infiniti, Nissan and Renault vehicles in Abu Dhabi, has announced the availability of the all-new Infiniti QX70 Limited. The specially equipped version of the iconic QX70 performance crossover, which is highlighted by unique design elements that are expected to be available at a later stage in other Infiniti models, is being offered by Al Masaood Automobiles in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain. Irfan Tansel, CEO of Al Masaood Automobiles, said: We are proud to announce that the new Infiniti QX70 Limited is now available across all of our showrooms in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain and the Western Region. This highly-awaited limited edition model is being presented with all-wheel drive configurations and a wide range of premium exterior and interior treatments--offering customers that classy touch of exclusivity to a much anticipated popular Infiniti model. The QX70 Limited model's exterior enhancements begin with a unique front fascia, LED daytime running lights replacing the standard QX70 fog lights. The design enhancements include body-colour side air vents and the dark-finish outside mirror housings. Capping off the exterior are a rear hatch-mounted "Limited" badge and unique 21x9.5-inch multi-spoke premium paint-finished aluminium-alloy wheels mounted with 265/45R21 V-rated all-season tires. Inside, the QX70 Limited features a special high-contrast Graphite and Stone-coloured interior treatment. Among the transformative interior elements are a special open pore wood trim with aluminium flake trim on the console, deep pillow quilting on the centre console and aluminium-trimmed pedals. The seats themselves include high-contrast leather appointments with Graphite outside sections and Stone inserts. The seats include deep pillow quilting and Stone colour stitching and piping. The steering wheel and shifter boot also feature Stone colour stitching. Climate-controlled (heating and cooling) front seats are standard with the QX70 Limited. Like all Infiniti QX70s, the new QX70 Limited will be powered by a 329-horsepower 3.7-liter V6 with VVEL (Variable Valve Event & Lift). The engine is matched with a 7-speed automatic transmission featuring Adaptive Shift Control (ASC). The new QX70 Limited is now available across the three Al Masaood Automobile Showrooms in Abu Dhabi and the Al Masaood Automobile Showroom in Al Ain. The model starts at Dh206,000 ($56,100) including the five per cent VAT and five-year unlimited mileage warranty. TradeArabia News Service Abu Dhabis Department of Transport (DoT) has issued a new permit to Ekar, the company that offers smart car rental services. Users can identify the nearest car to his/her location to rent it and use it by phone application. The cost is calculated based on the use. An application is designed to the service that attracted number of companies working in the field. Users can download the application of this service and locate the desired destination on the built-in map. The application will identify the nearest car available to this destination and the user can then reserve it. Once the user arrives to the car, he/she can open its doors using the application. Inside the car, a device is connected to the car keys and the user will be able to drive it to the desired destination. The application Ekar is available to download on Android and IOS. The rental cost of the car is decided depending on the duration of the use per minute or hour or on a daily basis. A special built-in system will deduct the cost amount from the customers credit card. Later, when the user is finished, he/she can leave the car in the destination arrived, available for other customers to use it. This service encourages the transforming towards smart transport modes in order to reduce air pollution, decreasing greenhouse gases emission, reducing private cars use, decreasing congestion and preserving a clean environment. Number of the rental cars fleet will be dedicated for this service with hybrid and electrical environment-friendly cars. The new service will allow visitors; tourists and businessmen, to transport from a place to another easily. In addition, low-income people will benefit from the service as well instead of owning a private costly car. The service is assumed to support the car rental activity in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and enhance the quality of life in it provides with smart services to its residents in addition to offering the best opportunities for investors. TradeArabia News Service Damen Marine Components (DMC), part of Dutch group Damen Shipyards, said its production facility in Jiangyin, China, has received the official ISO 9001-2015 and ISO 14001-2015 certification following an audit earlier this year. DMC has had a presence in China since 2005, with the facility at Jiangyin opening in November 2015. With a production area totalling 11,000 sq m divided over five halls, it has all the facilities needed to develop and manufacture products including nozzles, rudders, special constructions and winches. The certifications brings the facility into line with the other DMC locations in the Netherlands and Poland, said a statement from the company. ISO 9001-2015 specifies the requirements for a quality management system (QMS) and for DMC to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that meet the requirements of its customers and regulators, it said. Specific reference in the certificate is given to the production of marine components including propeller nozzles, winches, rudders, stern tubes, guide posts, and tunnel and propeller brackets, it added. ISO 14001-2015 specifies the requirements for an effective environmental management system (EMS) and demonstrates the establishment by DMC Jiangyin of a framework that it follows, with reference to the same product group as ISO 9001-2015, said a statement. The plant is also equipped with production systems that include its own spinning systems for propeller nozzles and state-of-the-art grinding and sanding robots, it said. Aart Vogelaar, general manager, Damen Marine Components Jiangyin, said: We are very pleased to have completed this process successfully. This demonstrates to all our stakeholders that this is a well organised and high performing company, and provides reassurance to our customers that we operate to the highest standards and are subject to regular audits by Bureau Veritas, he added.-TradeArabia News Service Nigeria-based Homeland Integrated Offshore Services said it has signed a contract with Damen Shipyards Group for its sixth Damen 3307 Patrol Vessel. The vessel will be another milestone collaboration between the companies, who have been in cooperation since Damen delivered Homelands first 3307 Patrol Vessel in 2014, said a statement from the company. The vessel named, Guardian 6, will join its sister vessels in the Gulf of Guinea providing security services to oil majors operating in the region. It will perform roles such as deterring and intervening in piracy attacks, it said. Additionally, it will carry out crew transfers and equipment deliveries. Homeland is approved and registered by the Government of Nigeria to provide private maritime security services, it added. The Damen 3307 Patrol Vessel is based on Damens proven Fast Crew Suppler (FCS) 3307 and benefits from the designs outstanding seakeeping behaviour, rapid acceleration and high top speed. Fitted out as standard, the vessel can carry up to sixteen military personnel along with their equipment, said a statement. Homeland has selected a number of optional custom features for their vessel. This includes incorporation of a fast rescue craft, fuel trax electronic fuel monitoring system and a self-cleaning fuel separator. Homelands chief executive officer Dr Louis Ekere said: Id like to thank Damen for the continued cooperation, which goes beyond the simple client-supplier relationship. We have a genuine collaboration that involves knowledge and technology sharing to the benefit of all parties. The synergy has continued to grow the capacity of Nigerian indigenous companies in line with the objectives of the Nigerian Content Development Monitoring Board (NCDMD) of the Federal Government to grow the local content capacity and many people benefit from employment opportunities, both during the build and in the operation of this vessel, he said. Damen regional director Africa Harm Blaauw said: Homeland is a very important client of ours in Nigeria, with a very well organised management structure. We would like to express our sincere gratitude towards Homeland for the pleasant relationship over the past few years and we are looking forward to working together on a further expansion of the Homeland fleet and presence in the Nigerian maritime sector, he added. TradeArabia News Service GlassPoint Solar, a leading supplier of solar energy has partnered with National Aluminium Products Company (Napco), Omans largest aluminium provider, to generate sustainable in-country value (ICV) within the Sultanate. Building the Miraah solar plant with Petroleum Development Oman (PDO), GlassPoint is committed to developing a solar hub in Oman and contribute to the countrys economic diversification. We are proud to be partnering with Napco in developing our Made in Oman solar supply chain. Creating opportunities for local companies and contractors is part of our growth strategy within the Sultanate. Together with our partners, we are working to establish Oman as an industrial hub for renewable energy, said Steven Moss, GlassPoints chief executive officer. Since breaking ground on Miraah, GlassPoint has been working to qualify Omani suppliers for elements of the project, including the large curved structures that support the mirrors. These structures are built from aluminium extrusions made with precision machining at Napcos facility and assembled at the project site by local contractors. Once installed, the mirrors automatically track the sun throughout the day focusing sunlight on steel pipes filled with water. The heat from the sun boils the water to produce high pressure steam that is injected into the reservoir to help extract heavy oil. Moss added: GlassPoint no longer needs to import all the aluminium materials from Europe or Asia and is actively working with Napco to qualify them for additional components. We are increasingly looking for opportunities to build national capacities and maximize the projects supply and manufacturing here in Oman. As we expand in the region, these Omani made materials could be exported for use in future projects. Ihab Mouallem, chief executive officer at Napco said, Collaborating with GlassPoint, we have expanded our opportunity to provide them with aluminium materials used throughout their solar thermal technology. The partnership between us has not only created jobs but has positively impacted Oman when it comes to growing the manufacturing sector and adding long-lasting value to the country. GlassPoint has met all its ICV commitments since breaking ground on Miraah in 2015. The company continues to seek opportunities to expand beyond these targets and deliver sustained value to the Sultanate. In addition to using local goods and services, GlassPoint is committed to developing the Omani workforce. Today, over half of the companys local workforce consists of Omani professionals, including engineers and senior management. GlassPoints team in Oman is developing expertise in project deployment, manufacturing, and solar technology innovation. GlassPoint is committed to driving innovation for Oman that extends beyond its solar oilfield projects. The company recently launched its first corporate social responsibility initiative, the GlassPoint Innovation Spur. The full-cycle incubation program is designed to empower Omani innovators in developing renewable energy and sustainable water management solutions. Supported by a host of local partners, the two-year program will equip participants with valuable skill sets through mentoring and technical support, allowing them to transform their innovations into implementable businesses. The program is another significant attempt the company has taken to contribute towards diversification of the national economy. TradeArabia News Service Employees who work in digital workplaces are not only more productive but also more motivated, have higher job satisfaction, and report an overall better sense of well-being, according to a new global study from Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company. The study, The Right Technologies Unlock the Potential of the Digital Workplace, reveals both the business and human benefits of more digitally-driven workplaces, and how companies that are less technologically advanced are at risk of falling behind the competition and not attracting top talent. It also notes that companies must be vigilant as more digital-savvy employees are taking greater risks with data and information security. Key themes and findings The study of 7,000 employees across 15 countries, including the United Arab Emirates (UAE), revealed a clear chasm in employee performance and sentiment between more advanced digital workplaces and those that employ digital technology to a lesser degree. A number of key themes emerged: Beyond productivity, digital tools unlock human benefits: Digital Revolutionaries employees identified as those who work in fully-enabled digital workplaces where new workplace technologies are in widespread use - were 51 per cent more likely to have strong job satisfaction, and 43 per cent more likely to be positive about their work-life balance than Digital Laggards - those who have less access to workplace technology. The Revolutionary employees were also60 per cent more likely to say they are motivated at work, and 91 per cent more likely to praise their companys vision. Digital working also supports professional development: 65 per cent of Revolutionaries reported they had seen professional development and growth through the use of digital technology, compared to just 31 per cent of Laggards. With a digital workplace, 72 per cent of Revolutionaries reported a higher ability to adopt new work skills as compared to 58 per cent of Laggards. Productivity gains from digital technology quantified: 73 per cent of Digital Revolutionaries reported a positive impact to their productivity and 70 per cent cited improved collaboration thanks to digital technologies, vs. 55 per cent of laggards. Continued advancements in digital technology and automation pave the way for better workplace experiences: While automation can be perceived as a threat to job security, our research found that there was widespread enthusiasm for it. 71 per cent of respondents said they would welcome a fully automated workplace in the future, allowing organizations to build smarter, more effective working environments. Emerging risks The study also found that employees are enthusiastic about new technology and have a desire for their employers to provide more. Almost all respondents (93 per cent) thought their workplace would be improved through greater use of technology, while 64 per cent said their company will fall behind the competition if new technology isnt implemented. The same portion (64 per cent) believes the traditional office will become obsolete due to advances in technology. Globally, 69 per cent of respondents said their companies have invested in digital workplace tools in the past year, and interest is growing in a new generation of technologies including smart building tools that automate temperature controls and lighting (24 per cent), voice-activated and wireless AV technology (23 per cent), and custom corporate mobile apps (23 per cent). Most respondents thought digital technology would result in a more efficient (56 per cent), more collaborative (52 per cent) and more appealing (47 per cent) work environment. While the benefits of digital workplaces are wide-ranging, the study also revealed that cybersecurity is a challenge for employers. Although employees reported higher levels of cybersecurity awareness (52 per cent think about security often or daily), they also admitted to taking more risks with company data and devices, with 70 per cent admitting to risky behaviours such as sharing passwords and devices. A quarter (25 per cent) of employees have connected to potentially unsafe open Wi-Fi in the past twelve months, 20 per cent said they use the same password across multiple applications and accounts, and 17 per cent admitted to writing down passwords in order to remember them. Gamal Emara, country manager, UAE at Aruba, said: Our research shows that digital workplace trends in UAE are in line with global trends. Organizations in the country and the larger Middle East region need to understand that more digitally-driven workplaces not only foster productivity, but employee wellbeing, motivation and job satisfaction. The organizations that capitalize on implementing a digitally-enabled workplace will gain a competitive edge, by helping employees finish tasks quicker as well as making the process more collaborative and enjoyable. Simultaneously, companies need to be aware of the growing information security threats that are now a routine problem for increasingly connected organizations. Our findings suggest that the problem is as much about human failures as it is digital workplace design, he added. The road forward These findings indicate that companies must adapt to leverage the benefits of new digital workplace technology while simultaneously minimizing security risks. Aruba recommends that organizations take the following actions: Adopt a digital workplace strategy: IT departments need to work with business managers, end-users and other stakeholders to define a roadmap for their digital workplace evolution. This includes moving beyond established technologies to deploying new tools such as smart sensors and customized mobile apps that will create increasingly personalized workplace experiences. Build collaborative digital workspaces: Companies need to think about how the digital workplace extends beyond their head office to support remote workers, partners, and customers. IT leaders need to plan for, and invest in, a working environment without borders. Incorporate security from the ground up: Companies must architect the digital workplace with security as an integral part of the design, taking into account the role of human error as well as bad actors. To achieve optimum security that can adapt to change and unknowns, IT must look to emerging technologies in networking, cloud computing, AI and machine-learning. The consumerization of the workplace is a very real movement. Employees are consumers and we bring consumer expectations with us to work, said Janice Le, chief marketer for Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company. "The workplace is getting smarter and therefore, employees are working smarter. A new paradigm has started to emerge where smart building technologies are intersecting with the digital workplace to form the Smart Digital Workplace. This is where human-centered design meets IoT and building automation. The Smart Digital Workplace can enable personalized experiences such as connected furniture and smart lighting that adapts to the user. Buildings can go greener by dynamically optimizing energy utilization based on employee patterns. These new use cases not only foster employee productivity but also improve efficiency while putting people at the center. Le concluded, This global study indicates that choice, personalization, ease and automation are improving the top line and the bottom line for organizations who are defining the future of work. Our own place of work is a living lab for the Smart Digital Workplace and we are seeing results such as faster hiring and higher offer acceptances. The benefits are tangible and go beyond productivity. TradeArabia News Service Dubai Airports and Dubai Cares today announced a record result from the first year of their three-year partnership raising Dh1,505,329 ($409,780) in support of Dubai Cares Education in Emergencies programmes. The programme offers support to children affected by conflict and natural disasters in countries like Lebanon, Iraq and Nepal, thus enabling them to catch up with their education. Last year we vowed to double our annual contribution from Dh640,000 ($174,220) to Dh1.3 million ($353,885) and are thrilled to have surpassed that goal, said Paul Griffiths, CEO of Dubai Airports. Were grateful to our customers for their generous donations and to Dubai Cares for their tireless efforts to direct these funds towards supporting thousands of children and young people who currently dont have access to quality education. Tariq Al Gurg, chief executive officer at Dubai Cares, said: We are honoured to have partnered with Dubai Airports and are happy to witness such tremendous success in the first year. The generous contribution by travellers through the airport and visitors to Dubai Airports website will certainly help us expand the scope of our efforts to reach children and young people in developing countries, especially those affected by conflict, epidemics and natural disasters. With the continuous involvement and commitment of farsighted organisations such as Dubai Airports, we will continue to make successful advances in shaping the global education agenda. Dubai Airports has been supporting Dubai Cares since 2010. Dubai Cares, part of Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives, is a UAE-based global philanthropic organisation working towards providing children and young people in developing countries with access to quality education through the design and funding of programs that aim to be integrated, impactful, sustainable and scalable. Last year, the two organisations signed a three-year agreement which provides Dubai Cares with the exclusive ability to collect funds in the public areas of both Dubai International (DXB) and Dubai World Central (DWC). As a result of the agreement, Dubai Airports has increased the number of collection boxes, improved locations to maximise contributions and increased awareness digitally and in the airport among the close to 90 million passengers that pass through the facility, around the importance of providing underprivileged children and young people access to quality education. Dubai International, which offers services on some 90 airlines to 240 destinations in more than 90 countries, expects to welcome as many as 90 million passengers in 2018. Dubai Cares operates in about 25 percent of the countries that are connected by Dubai International. - TradeArabia News Service Middle East airlines are expected to see net profits grow to $1.3 billion this year, an industry expert revealed, attributing the boost to a number of factors. According to a statement released by the International Air Transport Association (Iata), the rise of oil prices is helping revenues and the oil-based economies in the region. "Airlines in the region are generating a recovery, boosted by improved aero-political relations with the US," it said. In 2017, airlines in the Middle East saw a $1 billion rise in profits. With Iata's new forecasts, the region can expect 2018 net profits to jump up 30 per cent. For airlines around the world, Iata forecasts that collective net profits will reach $33.8 billion (4.1 per cent net margin) this year. This may seem like a 'solid performance despite rising costs, primarily fuel and labour', but the new figures are a downward revision from the previous forecast of $38.4 billion in December 2017. "Solid profitability is holding up in 2018, despite rising costs. The industrys financial foundations are strong with a nine-year run in the black that began in 2010. And the return on invested capital will exceed the cost of capital for a fourth consecutive year. At long last, normal profits are becoming normal for airlines," said Alexandre de Juniac, Iatas director general and CEO. The demand for air travel is expected to grow by 7 per cent in 2018, lower than the 8.1 per cent growth that the industry recorded in 2017 but still faster than the 20-year average (of 5.5 per cent) for the sixth consecutive year. In 2018, airlines are expected to carry a total of 4.36 billion passengers, up 6.5 per cent from 4.1 billion registered in 2017. Cargo demand is expected to grow by 4 per cent, a major drop from the 9.7 per cent growth experienced in 2017, but it remains in line with the 20-year trend growth rate. Moreover, with over 1,900 aircraft expected to be delivered to airlines in 2018, there will be a boost in capital expenditure, Iata said. -TradeArabia News Service Marriott International today announced its transformation vision for Sheraton Hotels and Resorts, committing an estimated $500 billion dollars in renovations of hotels across the US. Globally, 25 per cent of Sheraton hotels have committed to renovations with some already underway. Marriott said hotel owners are already responding to the new vision with "optimism and energy". From the moment we closed the Starwood merger in late 2016, the revitalisation of Sheraton has been a top priority for our company, said Arne Sorenson, president and CEO of Marriott International. We knew that the way to restore this incredible brand was focus and collaboration with our hotel owners. We wanted to build on Sheratons rich legacy of sitting at the heart of communities across the globe, but also to create a differentiated positioning and compelling proposition for our owners. With our Sheraton transformation plan, weve put together all of the pieces of the equation to work cooperatively with our owners to set this iconic brand on a new, disciplined and successful path. We are ready, our vision is clear and the energy is robust for Sheraton. Since joining Marriott International as part of the acquisition of Starwood Hotels and Resorts in September 2016, Sheraton has exited 6,000 rooms with another 2,000 expected to depart by the end of the year. During the same period, 5,000 rooms have been signed to the portfolio. Intent to recommend for the brand has already increased 2 points year-over-year and market share has grown for the first time in years. "Marriott International is well positioned to deliver a comprehensive strategy for Sheratons brand transformation and we already have great momentum. This is the first time in years that the brand has been above competitive benchmark in both rate and occupancy, said Tina Edmundson, global brand officer, Marriott International. We have improved brand standards, increased group bookings, and have ramped up our business engine over the last year as a first step in a multi-phase, multi-year plan, leveraging our experience in revitalising lodging brands. System wide, Sheraton generates $9.2 billion in property revenue globally. Sheratons portfolio currently consists of nearly 450 open hotels with 80 additional projects in the pipeline in 72 countries and territories. By 2020, the brands footprint is expected to expand to 90 countries. - TradeArabia News Service During the holy month of Ramadan, Park Inn by Radisson Muscat invited kids from the Al Rahma Association for Motherhood and Childhood for Iftar held at its Sama Terrazza rooftop air-conditioned covered lounge. Nuno Neves, cluster general manager for both Park Inn Hotels in Oman, said Ramadan is the month of sharing, reflection and giving. It is also our core business to make meaningful contributions to our communities and destinations. June is the global community action month at the Radisson Hotel Group when all hotels and team members are invited to actively support the communities an annual moment of the year. The theme for this year is Food.Shelter.Future. We know that everything we do matters and will help build a more sustainable future. Every moment is an opportunity to make a difference. Our actions, large and small create a wave of positive impact on people, communities and the planet. As part of our community action plan, this year we have collaborated with the Al Rahma Association by hosting an Iftar for the children, said Faiza Al Balushi, responsible business coordinator and cluster HR manager for both Park Inn Hotels in Oman. Al Rahma Association for Motherhood and Childhood was established in 2005 and supported by the societal development committee at Wilayat Alseeb. It strives to help less fortunate families in the Omani society across all governorates of the sultanate providing them with the necessary financial and nonfinancial support through donation from private sector or other white hands from the society. The team members of the association are ready to offer help 24-7. - TradeArabia News Service The German city of Frankfurt is all set for a vibrant season attracting GCC holidaymakers during the summer and upcoming Eid holidays, offering a variety of touristic attractions including the newly opened historical site in its city centre. Frankfurt proudly announced the completion of its major architectural development close to the famous Romer square after years of reconstruction, reclaiming an important part of its urban history, which had been destroyed by air raid during World War II. Spread out over 7,000-sq-m, the new old town features some 15 historical townhouses that have been rebuilt in its typical style, while 20 new buildings have been erected in the DomRomer Quarter. The new district promises to be a lively meeting place, with an interesting mix of shops, restaurants, museums and residential flats. In former times, Frankfurt was known for its beautiful medieval timber-framed old town, and widely regarded as one of Germanys largest and most celebrated city centres. With its reconstruction finally completed, preparations are underway for its official inauguration in a major festive ceremony to be held next September, promising a booming season for tourism. Frankfurt is famous as a centre for business and finance, its skyscrapers housing more than 300 of the largest international banks and financial corporations, insurance and business services corporations. That said, Frankfurt also ranks as the second most frequented German destination by GCC tourists after Munich and counted 211,720 overnight stays from Gulf nationals in 2017. The citys 700,000 inhabitants navigate the city with great ease, thanks to well-planned and executed infrastructure, which is considered one of the best in Germany. A flavour for every taste Frankfurts cosmopolitan atmosphere offers a wide range of touristic attractions rarely to be found together in any other German city. The city centre bustles with premium hotels, renowned restaurants and great shopping facilities such as the Goethestrasse, where most luxury brands can be found. Tourists find several points of attractions along the river Main, suitable for individual holiday-makers and families. In addition to a vast range of cafes and trendy pop up beach clubs to enjoy lounging at, cruise trips along the river depart from nearby Eiserner Steg Bridge and offer a different experience of the city in a charming and romantic setting. Luxury seekers Travellers seeking a luxurious and exceptional experience can enjoy custom-tailored VIP services from the moment they land at Frankfurt airport. The VIP services offered by Frankfurt Airport range from receiving personalised reception services, to the use of exclusive limousines and the choice to unwind in one of six sumptuous VIP lounges, and many other customisable details that can be booked in advance. A promising season With its many attractions, Frankfurt joins the diverse mix of German destinations that are set to welcome GCC travellers in the upcoming summer season. Recent statistics have shown that the Gulf region ranks as the third largest non-European source market, after China and the US and is one of the top 20 source markets for German tourism. - TradeArabia News Service Copyright 1995 - . All rights reserved. The content (including but not limited to text, photo, multimedia information, etc) published in this site belongs to China Daily Information Co (CDIC). Without written authorization from CDIC, such content shall not be republished or used in any form. Note: Browsers with 1024*768 or higher resolution are suggested for this site. 0108263 License for publishing multimedia online Registration Number: 130349 Registration Number: 130349 China opens Saturday a two-day regional security summit attended by Russia, Iran and other allies confronting rising tensions with the US over trade and Washington's withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal. As France 24 writes in an article "China hosts Russia and Iran at regional security summit", armoured vans lined the streets of the coastal city of Qingdao as world leaders arrived Friday for the 18th annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), a regional security bloc led by China and Russia. Its member states also include four ex-Soviet Central Asian republics, Pakistan and India. Iran is an observer member. Authorities emptied an entire oceanside swathe of the city -- clearing out shopkeepers, residents and day-trippers to make way for Chinese President Xi Jinping, his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin and Iran's President Hassan Rouhani. Pakistani President Mamnoon Hussain and India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi will also attend the meeting. The SCO meeting comes after President Donald Trump controversially pulled Washington out of the 2015 international pact with Iran that placed limits on its nuclear programme in return for easing economic sanctions. Though not officially on the agenda, analysts say that one key topic of discussion this year may focus on whether Iran will be allowed to ascend from its position as an SCO observer to become a full member state -- a development it has sought since 2008 but has been unable to achieve while subject to UN sanctions. The 2015 nuclear deal lifted that barrier. Now in the wake of the US withdrawal from the pact, "SCO members may use granting full membership to Iran as a way to demonstrate support for (Tehran) and the nuclear agreement," said Dawn Murphy, professor of international security studies at the US Air War College. The tensions over Iran come as another nuclear issue dominates headlines, with Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un preparing for an unprecedented summit in Singapore. Trade and security Trade, investment and development cooperation issues will also feature prominently at the SCO, Murphy said, given the climate of "rising anti-globalisation and strains on global multilateral economic institutions", stoked by Trump's nationalist "America First" policy. SCO nations may discuss the potential of a joint free trade area, she said, as China also pushes for participation in its Belt and Road global infrastructure project. "Member states of the SCO are key to the success of the Belt and Road initiative and China's growing influence as a Eurasian power," said Murphy. China may, however, be hindered from gaining robust support for its project at this summit due to India, the only SCO member that does not endorse it, she noted. Regional security issues will also feature, because terrorism is the most severe security challenge facing the SCO, according to Liao Jinrong, head of the Chinese ministry of public security's international cooperation department. "No matter what country has terrorists, we must strengthen our regional cooperation and not allow them to affect regional security," he told a press conference Friday, adding that the SCO bloc had stopped "hundreds" of terrorist acts. The summit will boost cooperation on combating terrorism, drug trafficking, organised cross-border crimes and cybersecurity, he said. Trump's trade war is causing so many problems for international business that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is proposing a global intervention to pull him back from the brink. As Shareblue Media writes in an article "Germany plans global intervention to stop Trumps trade war", Trumps decision to launch a trade war against key American allies has prompted German Chancellor Angela Merkel to work on an international intervention to stop him. Merkel proposed an international forum that would allow for a shared evaluation mechanism, which would be organized around the notion. French President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker reportedly back the idea. Trumps announcement of retaliatory tariffs on steel and aluminum tariffs are going to hit Canada, Mexico, Japan, and the European Union. He also has threatened to levy tariffs on Chinese goods. Instead of backing down, as Trump said they would, several of those countries are now levyingincreased tariffs on American goods. The result is that American goods are now at a disadvantage on the global marketplace. Instead of purchasing artificially expensive American goods, consumers are buying their products elsewhere. The loss of business is hurting American producers, particularly farmers in many of the red states that backed Trump in 2016. Republicans in Congress have slammed Trumps trade war, calling it damaging and dumb. Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander called the tariffs basically higher taxes on American consumers, adding, This is a big mistake. Some Republicans have proposed measures to limit Trumps trade powers as they fear a blowback for his tariff policy. Trump is prompting unnecessary disruption with allies, businesses, and individual American entrepreneurs. Yet an unreleased internal White House analysis reveals that reveals the tariffs are bad for business and the American economy. Merkel is trying to stop him. Republicans are trying to stop him. But Trump is creating chaos and hardship the world over. Positions of Russian universities in the world ranking of the best universities - QS World University Rankings - have significantly improved this year. Adviser of the head of the Federal Agency for CIS Affairs, Compatriots Living Abroad and international humanitarian cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo) Dmitry Guzhelya discussed the work done by Russian universities in order to improve their positions in an interview with Vestnik Kavkaza. - How did Russian universities manage to improve their positions in this prestigious international rating? - Many universities worked really hard for the past 5-7 years. The entire internal structure of universities' activities was reconstructed step by step through creation of new departments, invitation of new teachers, revision of approaches to positioning of universities abroad. It was a long systemic work. - What does improvement in university's rating mean? - It will affect the growth of number of foreign students who want to study in Russia; universities will have much more foreign partners, who're interested in joint educational, scientific projects with them. I think that it will give more opportunities to our universities. - Does university's rating affect its branches? - Of course. The MSU is our leader when it comes to the number of effectively operating branches abroad. The Plekhanov University, for example, has a branch in Mongolia. Every branch gives universities a large number of advantages, which allow to improve their rating. I'm not talking about just branches, but also about joint departments, joint educational programs with foreign universities around the world, which allow to attract a large number of foreign students and a lot of attention to the university. - What can be done to improve rating even more? - Improvement requires constant work, development of scientific programs in universities, involment of students in different areas of university's life. We should find talented students abroad, because right now we need every student we can get, and we need the best. Only the most talented students can become serious and long-term investments for university. President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has accepted credentials of newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation Mikhail Bocharnikov, APA reported. Ambassador Mikhail Bocharnikov reviewed a guard of honor. Mikhail Bocharnikov presented his credentials to President Ilham Aliyev. President Ilham Aliyev then spoke with the ambassador. Forces of Irans Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) have destroyed a nine-member gang of terrorists in the northwest of the country near the border with Iraq, Press TV reported. The public relations office of the IRGC Hamzeh Seyed al-Shohada Base said in a statement on Saturday that the forces killed all members of the terrorist team tied to global Arrogance in the Oshnavieh border region in Kurdistan Province on Friday evening. The statement said that the terrorist group had planned an attack in northern Iraq before crossing the border into Iran. "Elements of the terrorist team received orders from the heads of terrorist groups in northern Iraq and had precise plans to carry out terrorist and anti-security actions after infiltrating the country, the statement read. Moscow remains committed to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on Irans nuclear program, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, addressing an extended session of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Chinas Qingdao, TASS reports. "Our countries are definitely concerned about the current situation regarding the Iranian nuclear program," the Russian leader pointed out, adding that "the US withdrawal from the JCPOA may destabilize the situation." "Russia calls for strict and consistent implementation of this plan," Putin stated. "For our part, we will continue to implement our obligations," the Russian president stressed. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Sunday criticized U.S. unliteralism in withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal and said he appreciated efforts by China and Russia to maintain the agreement, Reuters reported. The U.S. efforts to impose its policies on others are expanding as a threat to all, Rouhani told the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), a regional security grouping led by China and Russia where Iran has observer status. The recent example of such unilateralism and the defiance of the decisions of the international community by the U.S. government is its withdrawal from the JCPOA, he said, referring to the nuclear agreement by its official name, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. US President Donald Trump wrote on Twitter on Saturday that he ordered his representatives not to sign the final communique of the Group of Seven, TASS reported. "Based on [Canadian Prime Minister] Justins [Trudeau] false statements at his news conference, and the fact that Canada is charging massive Tariffs to our U.S. farmers, workers and companies, I have instructed our U.S. Reps not to endorse the Communique as we look at Tariffs on automobiles flooding the U.S. Market!" he noted. Trump said that Trudeau was "meek and mild" during the G7 meeting. However, the US president said that after his departure to Singapore the prime minister said that "US Tariffs were kind of insulting" and he "will not be pushed around." "Very dishonest & weak," the president said. American tariffs are in response to Canadas tariffs of "270% on diary" delivered by the US, he said. HCM CITY Vietnam ICT COMM, an international telecom, IT and communications exhibition, BROADCASTEX, an international broadcasting exhibition, and ELECTRONICS, an international exhibition on electronic products, opened in HCM City on June 7. The three-day exhibitions are displaying advanced technologies, equipment and solutions for the aviation industry; digital data systems and centres for libraries, schools, hotels, and supermarkets; GPS applications; telecom products; broadcasting technologies; telecom services; internet services and applications games and software; electronics and ancillary products. More than 300 exhibitors from 20 countries and territories, including technology leaders in Asia such as Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, and India, are participating in the show. Leading Vietnamese companies such as Mobifone, LeLong, Zioncom, Du Hung Technology, Bizentro, TC Technology, and Tung Viet Communication are also present. Business matching and seminars will be held on the sidelines, including seminars on dominant technology solutions in 2018, 5G mobile and solutions for online services, and developing intermediary organisations and commercialising research outcomes by using super smart connectivity and others. Speaking at the opening ceremony, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Tran Van Tung said Vietnam ICTComm, after successful runs in 2016 and 2017, has become an annual event bringing together leading manufacturers, businesses and distributors in the field of ICT from Viet Nam and elsewhere. It is not only a trade bridge that helps initiate and maintain a stable relationship between domestic and international enterprises, but also a significant technology exchange forum, offering opportunities for sharing and exchanging advanced technologies with international friends in the field of telecommunications, IT and broadcasting. With their rich and diverse displays, the expos promise to bring investors, businesses as well as visitors opportunities for quickly and effectively establishing a relationship with potential partners in the fields of telecommunications and IT and remain up-to-date on trends, products and the most advanced technologies, he said. Organised by Adpex JSC, the Viet Nam Association for Information Processing, Viet Nam Internet Association, the National Agency for Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation Development, and the Viet Nam Climate Innovation Centre, the expos are on at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Centre in District 7. VNS The Vietnamese automobile market is expected to reach 750,000-800,000 units by 2025 and 1.7-1.85 million units by 2035. VNA/VNS Photo HA NOI The Vietnamese automobile market is predicted to develop strongly between now and 2035 as the country is experiencing a golden population structure, which offers opportunities to promote the automobile industry. The market is expected to reach 750,000-800,000 units by 2025 and 1.7-1.85 million units by 2035. The prediction, made by the Industrial Policies Strategies Institute (IPSI) under the Ministry of Trade and Industry, is based on three factors: population size, income per head and average number of cars per 1,000 people. Speaking at a seminar on automobile development, which was held during the AutoExpo 2018 in Ha Noi from June 6-9, Le Huy Khoi, head of IPSIs Study and Market Forecast Division, said Viet Nams population had reached more than 96 million at the end of 2017. It is estimated that the figure will increase up to 98.2 million by 2020, some 101.1 million by 2025 and 107.8 million by 2035. Meanwhile, the GDP (gross domestic product) per capita of Viet Nam in 2017 reached VN53.5 million, equivalent to US$2,385 per person per month. It is predicted that from now until 2035, the GDP per capita growth will be 6.8 per cent per year, reaching an average of $7,780 per capita by 2035. Along with economic development, the income of the Vietnamese people has also increased since 2012. By 2035, more than half of the countrys population will join the ranks of the global middle class, with a spending of $15 or more per day. Domestic production is expected to reach an average of 18.5 per cent per annum during 2018-25 and some 13.8 per cent per year during 2025-35. Vehicle production is predicted to reach 531,585 units by 2025 and 1.77 million units by 2035. o Huu Hao, chairman of the Vietnam Society of Automotive Engineers, said before the threshold of deep integration and import tax on complete built-up units became zero per cent in the ASEAN block since early this year, many domestic automobile businesses had planned to expand production as they saw enormous potential in the market. These projects include two giant plants of Truong Hai Auto JSC (Thaco)---the VN12 trillion ($528 million) Thaco Mazda automobile manufacturing plant with a capacity of 100,000 vehicles per year and the VN7 trillion bus assembly factory with a capacity of 20,000 vehicles per year; a project on expanding the production of Hyundai buses with a capacity of 120,000 per year, jointly conducted by Thanh Cong Group and Hyundai Motor Group; and VinFast, the first Vietnamese automobile manufacturing complex opened by Vingroup, with a designed capacity of 500,000 units per year by 2025. The focus of these projects is to set the localisation rate at 40 per cent or more (local part supply), not only to serve the domestic market but also to export to ASEAN countries in future. Auto importers recommendations rejected In term of auto imports, the Ministry of Transport has directed auto importers to strictly implement regulations of the Governments Decree 116/2017/N-CP on the production, assembly, import and business of automobile warranty and maintenance services. Auto importers are also required to follow the transport ministrys guiding Circular 03/2018/TT-BGTV. The ministry issued the directive after the United States and some foreign associations said last month they were facing difficulties in implementing Decree 116s regulation that requires them to provide a Vehicle Type Approval (VTA) certificate and inspect autos to be imported in batches, reported According to the ministry, the VTA certificate is one of the initial bases for the quality inspection agency to inspect and certify the batches of autos to be imported on the parameters of quality, technical safety and environmental protection in accordance with the countrys current regulations. This aims to limit the import of bad-quality autos from foreign countries and protect the domestic consumers. It will also create a level playing field in quality management with locally produced and assembled automobiles. The ministry said all parties that faced problems related to the decree and its guiding circular had been supported and guided by the ministry. For example, in the case of Ford Vietnam and GM Vietnam, which imported autos from the United States, the ministry had written document 1404, dated February 7, admitting that the US auto importers certification of VTA was suitable with the current regulations. After that, Ford Vietnam completed procedures for inspection, testing and issuance of VTA for the batch of Ford Explorer cars imported from the United States to Viet Nam. The ministry said major automakers, such as Honda, General Motors, Toyota, Mitsubishi, BMW and Mercedes-Benz, also received VTA certificates for imported vehicles in accordance with the countrys current regulations and that they all had imported cars from other US markets to the Vietnamese market. So far, cars from different markets such as South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Germany and some European countries have been imported to Viet Nam without difficulty. Regarding the USs complaint that the inspection of every batch of imported vehicles lasts up to two months and the cost goes up to US$10,000, the ministry denied the information. It pointed out that in the absence of this regulation, there would be some risks and loopholes as enterprises could import poor-quality vehicles to Viet Nam compared to the first batch, which had already been allowed to enter the Vietnamese market for qualified quality. This will make it impossible for the authorities to control the quality of emissions, safety and quality of components and other systems in the vehicles. This is a major flaw in the quality management of imported vehicles, affecting the safety and welfare of consumers. With a market size of some 300,000 vehicles per year, each auto importer, such as Honda Vietnam and GM Vietnam, usually imports between hundreds and thousands of vehicles for each shipment. The ministry said if it did not carefully check, it would be difficult to control the quality as prescribed in the regulations. It further said picking a model in the imported auto batch for inspection did not raise financial costs and time. Instead, it saves businesses some $2,500 in experimental costs and takes just two weeks. Therefore, the ministry has recommended the Government to instruct the relevant ministries and sectors to continue to strictly implement Decree 116 through active propaganda and guidance, creating favourable conditions for enterprises in production and those doing business in Viet Nam to comply effectively with the current regulations. VNS HCM City -- Viettel Groups 10th international mobile phone network, Mytel, commenced operations in Myanmar on Saturday. Mytel, the fourth mobile phone operator in that country, has said it wants to become the biggest in the country in terms of both infrastructure and business. It is the only network with a customer service channel with video calling in Burmese, English and Shan, the language of the 6-million strong Shan people. Other networks only have Burmese and English. It already has in place more than 7,000 4G base transceiver stations (BTSs) and over 30,000km of fibre-optic cable that cover the entire nation, enabling it to provide a diverse range of services such as smart agriculture solutions (Nextfarm), traffic signal management system (Smart Light), an electronic wallet, route surveillance equipment and more. Nguyen Thanh Nam, general director of Mytel, said: Our goal is to create an information super-highway with a nationwide 4G infrastructure which will enable Myanmar and its people to join industry 4.0. As we did in other international markets, Viettel targets ranking first in mobile broadband. Speaking at the Mytel grand opening ceremony, dubbed Empower my Myanmar, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, commander-in-chief of Myanmars armed forces, said: [This] is an important landmark in Myanmars history as well as in the co-operative relationship in the information and communication technology sector between Myanmar and Viet Nam. With the experience and technology of Viettel Group, a successful mobile phone service provider in nine countries around the world, I strongly believe the Mytel joint venture will be successful too. I also believe that, importantly, Mytel will promote growth in telecom and develop human resources in Myanmar. Mytel also plans to spend US$80 million in the next 15 years on corporate social responsibility programmes, with 80 per cent of the money used to support education. Internet at schools will be the first community project with a promise of bringing free broadband internet to 1,535 schools across the country. It will also sponsor the International Computers Contest for three years and help develop education management software. Myanmar is Viettels biggest foreign market in terms of population (53 million) and the one with the highest economic growth rate (7 per cent). It is expected to be a major growth story for Viettel. Mytel faces challenges since telecom services are already used by 75 per cent of the population, calling and data rates are cheap, and competition is fierce. Major challenges await Viettel but we are confident of competing with the other mobile service providers in Myanmar thanks to our experience in nine other international markets and effective and flexible business strategies, Nam said. At the grand opening ceremony, Viettel Group announced its no-international-roaming-fees policy in Myanmar for its subscribers in Viet Nam, Laos and Cambodia and vice versa, the first of its kind in the world. As of Mytels opening, Viettel Groups registered overseas investment is over US$2 billion. It has repatriated profits of $516 million to Viet Nam. VNS Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Le Thi Thu Hang. VNA/VNS Photo HA NOI The US Department of States 2017 International Religious Freedom Report gave a biased assessment and cited untrue information on Viet Nam, stated Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Le Thi Thu Hang. Responding to questions from reporters on the report yesterday, the official affirmed that: Viet Nam pursues the consistent policy on respecting and ensuring the right to freedom of religion and belief of all citizens. This has been written down in the countrys 2013 Constitution and legal system, and in fact, has been respected and is being enforced. The diplomat said Viet Nam had spared no effort in completing its legal system on religion and belief. She highlighted that the country had promulgated the Law on Belief and Religion and issued decrees guiding the enforcement of the law. At the same time, citizens practices of religion and belief have been ensured, reflected through thousands of religious festivals and activities every year. Viet Nam acknowledged that the US Department of States report mentioned the countrys progress in ensuring and facilitating religious and belief practices, but regrettably, the report also made a biased assessment and cited incorrect information, Hang stated. VNS QUEBEC Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has proposed establishing an expanded co-operation forum between the Group of Seven (G7) and coastal nations in combating climate change and sea level rise, and protecting marine ecology. The forum aims to establish collaboration, share experience, transfer technologies and mobilise resources for climate change adaptation and response, the Vietnamese leader explained. Phuc raised the initiative while addressing the G7 Outreach Summit in the Charlevoix region, Canadas Quebec state, on Saturday at the invitation of his Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau. In his speech, the PM conveyed a message of the significance of enhanced international co-operation in combating climate change. Viet Nam supports host Canada in concentrating the G7 Outreach Summits agenda on seas and oceans, and applauds the spirit of resolve and co-operation displayed by the G7 countries in seeking solutions to promote the protection of marine ecology, he said. The leader stressed that Viet Nam is one of the countries hardest hit by climate change and sea level rise as well as the adverse impacts of unsustainable exploitation and use of Mekong River water resources. He affirmed Viet Nams commitments to seriously cutting emissions in conformity with the Paris COP21 Agreement on climate change, and called on the G7 countries and the international community to continue their assistance and co-operation with Viet Nam to help the country improve its capacity for climate change monitoring and adaptation, fight sea level rise and saltwater intrusion, and sustainably manage and use water resources of the lower Mekong River basin. At the event, PM Phuc affirmed that strongly developing the sea-based economy in tandem with protecting the environment and the marine ecosystem is a development direction and strategy of Viet Nam. The countrys viewpoint is to not sacrifice the environment for economic growth, encouraging clean and renewable energy, green growth and sustainable development, and determinedly preventing waste release that pollutes the marine environment. He welcomed Canadas initiative to prevent disposing of plastic waste into oceans, stressing that Viet Nam is ready to cooperate with Canada and countries around the world to carry out this initiative. The Vietnamese leader also proposed the G7 countries promote the formation of a global co-operation mechanism for reducing plastic garbage towards oceans free of plastic waste. He noted that the sixth Global Environment Fund (GEF) Assembly will be held in Viet Nam later this month. Viet Nam has proposed a regional project for an ocean free of plastic waste that is applauded by the GEF. In his speech, Phuc emphasised that the goal of green oceans can only be achieved when peace, stability and co-operation are maintained across oceans. He applauded the G7 nations support for ASEANs common stance on the East Sea (South China Sea) issue. Accordingly, it is necessary to enhance co-operation to ensure security, safety and freedom of navigation and aviation, as well as to peacefully resolve disputes on the basis of international law and the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, while respecting diplomatic and legal processes to consolidate regional and global peace, stability and co-operation. The PMs speech was welcomed by host Canada and many participating countries, which also voiced their support for the initiatives suggested by Viet Nam and for ASEANs stance on the East Sea issue. The G7 Outreach Summit looked into pollution and unsustainable exploitation of marine resources which remain global challenges threatening the sustainable development of the entire planet, especially coastal nations. The delegates called for stronger global and regional co-operation in protecting the marine economy. Most of the participating leaders affirmed their commitments to implementing the Paris Agreement. They exchanged initiatives, visions and measures to enhance the capacity for climate change response and adaptation, promote mechanisms dealing with maritime issues on the basis of international law, prevent coastal erosion and sea level rise, form co-operation mechanisms and international standards of fighting plastic waste and illegal fishing, enhance the management and protection of the marine ecology, and ensure the sustainable development of sea-based economic sectors. They also voiced their support for Canadas initiative of reinforcing international co-operation in preventing and handling plastic waste discharged into oceans, and promoting gender equality in climate change response. This is the second time Viet Nam has taken part in a G7 Outreach Summit, the first being in Japan in 2016. PM Phuc also had separate bilateral meetings with leaders of several G7 nations as well as guest countries attending the G7 Outreach Summit. He held talks with his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe, the Norwegian PM Erna Solberg, Bangladeshi PM Sheikh Hasina and the newly appointed Italian PM Giuseppe Conte. He also met with French President Emmanuel Macron and Argentinian President Mauricio Macri. The Vietnamese leader had separate meetings with the World Banks Chief Executive Officer Kristalina Georgieva and Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde. VNS An appeal court on Friday ruled in favour of inh Manh Thang (first left), the younger brother of former Politburo member inh La Thang, reducing his sentence for corruption to seven years in prison. Photo HA NOI An appeal court on Friday ruled in favour of inh Manh Thang, the younger brother of former Politburo member inh La Thang, reducing his sentence for corruption to seven years in prison. The Ha Noi High-level Peoples Court decided to cut two years off Thangs initial sentence handed down by a February court this year. The court still found Thang guilty of embezzlement at the PetroVietnam Power Land JSC (PVPLand) - a real estate subsidiary of the State-owned oil and gas behemoth PetroVietnam. The corruption scandal at PVPLand involved eight people, including the instigator Trinh Xuan Thanh, from different companies who agreed to undersell more than 12 million shares of PVPLand in Xuyen Thai Binh Duong company to a private construction company, Minh Ngan. The loss to the State coffers, or the difference between actual price paid - VN34 million (US$1,500) for every sq m for the Nam an Plaza project owned by Xuyen Thai Binh Duong - and the contract price at VN52 million for every sq m in the transaction reached up to VN87 billion. Those involved split the illicitly gained VN49 billion among themselves, with Thanh taking the lions share of VN14 billion. The appeal court, taking into account that Thang honestly confessed his crime while he also had several achievements during his career and his familys mass contribution to the revolution, decided to reduce his prison sentence. The Friday court also gave Thai Kieu Huong, former deputy general director of the Vietsan Investment Co who acted as a broker for the illegal transaction, eight instead of ten years behind bars. It took into consideration Huongs family financial difficulty and their contribution to the revolution. The court, however, denied the appeals of Nguyen Thi Kim Thoa and Huynh Nguyen Quoc Duy. Their sentences were kept the same at six and 10 years in prison, respectively. VNS BINH DUONG Binh Duong Police on Sunday said that they have detained two men for allegedly inciting people to protest. The police nabbed Tran Minh Hue, 37, and 27-year-old Nguyen inh Thanh on Saturday when they were giving out flyers at the Song Than Industrial Park in Di An Town. Thousands of flyers were seized at the scene urging people to take part in protests against a certain land lease regulation in the draft Law on Special Administrative and Economic Units. Hue acknowledged his wrongdoings and said that he was following orders of anti-State organisations overseas. Over the past few days, some anti-State organisations have taken advantage of peoples sentiments for the nation, spreading calls on social networks inciting people to protest, and even attack authorised forces, cause disorder in public and create an image of an unstable Viet Nam. This is contrary to the State and peoples efforts to build a peaceful, democratic and civilised country. Vietnam News Agency yesterday urged each voter and citizen to express their love for their country in a positive manner and in accordance with the law to contribute to peace, prosperity and firmly protect the country from sabotage activities of hostile forces. VNS SINGAPORE Broad smiles and a firm handshake kicked off the first meeting between Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, as Singapore prepares to host a historic summit whose twists and turns have enraptured the world. The two leaders discussed relations between their countries, developments in North Korea and the region, including recent positive developments on the Korean peninsula, said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement. Prime Minister Lee complimented the bold and admirable decision by Chairman Kim and President of the United States Donald Trump to come together for this Summit, it said. Lee also wished Kim success for the summit, and expresssd the hope that it would help along prospects for peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and the wider region. Come Tuesday (June 12), after a volley of taunts and overtures that saw planned talks between North Korea and the United States scrapped and then resurrected, Kim and US President Donald Trump will finally come face-to-face at the Capella hotel on Sentosa. They are looking to hammer out a deal that may see North Korea giving up its nuclear weapons programme in exchange for security guarantees. Lee is slated to meet separately with each leader at the Istana in the run-up to the summit. Yesterday evening, he had his meeting with Kim, who earlier in the day was welcomed at Changi Airport by Foreign Affairs Minister Vivian Balakrishnan and Education Minister Ong Ye Kung after his Air China flight touched down. Today, Lee will meet Trump, who is due to arrive on Sunday night from Canada, where he skipped out on the G-7 summit early and angered allies with barbed insults and threats of a trade war. Ahead of the landmark talks, which many hope will pave the way for permanent peace in the Korean peninsula as well, camaraderie was in the air at the Istana, as Kim and Lee, speaking through an interpreter, exchanged warm greetings. Thanking Lee for hosting the summit, Kim said: "The entire world is focusing on the historic summit between the DPRK (North Korea) and the US, and thanks to your sincere efforts... we were able to complete the preparations for the historic summit, and I would like to thank you for that." If it is successful, he added, he was sure Singapore would go down in history. Lee said in response: "Thank you for coming to Singapore. Thank you for also asking to hold the summit in Singapore." He added that Singapore had been following developments on the Korean peninsula for a very long time. "We have watched the struggles, and the sacrifices and the progress of the people," he said. It was a busy yesterday for Lee, as preparations for the summit around the island kicked into high gear. He had earlier in the day visited Singapore Armed Forces troops deployed at Palawan Kidz City on Sentosa, as well as the Home Team command post. He also made a stop at the international media centre at the F1 Pit Building, which will be the base for the thousands of journalists in town to cover the meeting between Trump and Kim Singapore was tapped to host the summit because of its neutrality and security, the White House had said in May. The North Koreans recognised Singapores independence in 1967, and have had an embassy in the country since the 1970s. And Singapore has over the decades a built a relationship of trust and reliability with the US. Just before he made his early exit from the G7 summit in Charlevoix Canada, Trump told reporters: "I feel that Kim Jong Un wants to do something great for his people and he has that opportunity. He wont have that opportunity again. The Straits Times/ANN By Richard Nelson, Commonwealth Policy Center Jun. 08, 2018 | 09:49 AM | CADIZ, KY The Court found that Phillips wasn't against selling product to people in the LGBTQ community. After private consultation with the same-sex couple Phillips told them "Ill make your birthday cakes, shower cakes, sell you cookies and brownies, I just dont make cakes for same-sex weddings. This ruling is of particular interest to Kentuckians as a case pending in the State Supreme Court will answer whether a local sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) nondiscrimination provision can compel a Lexington printer to provide T-shirts with messages that violate his religious beliefs. In Phillip's case, SCOTUS found that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission was hostile to his religious beliefs in a 2014 hearing, likening his refusal to provide the wedding cake as a pretext for bigotry on par with those who hid behind religion to perpetrate "slavery" and the "holocaust" and calling his claims a despicable piece of rhetoric." One commissioner said that Phillips can believe what he wants to believe, but cannot act on his religious beliefs if he decides to do business in the state." The Court found that "the Commissions consideration of Phillip's case was neither tolerant nor respectful of his religious beliefs ." According to SCOTUS, declining to serve a gay couple in a public context is different than declining to use artistic talents that send messages celebrating that couple's marriage. Conflating such facts were convenient and effective for the LGBT cause and may have momentarily swayed public opinion. But careful analysis of the details and Constitutional principles applied led to religious freedom prevailing in the Court's final judgment. Glaring blind spots prevented Commissioners from treating religion in a neutral way. The Court noted that on three separate occasions the Commission upheld the rights of secular bakers to decline cakes with religious messages they believed offensive. In Phillip's case, they favored the gay couple's appeal for sexual orientation protections while at the same time denying Phillip's appeal to his religious conviction which is equally protected by the law. The Court resets the terms of the religious liberty debate. It made clear in its 7-2 ruling that "the law must be applied in a manner that is neutral toward religion." It also helps us to see that differences of opinion on moral issues don't make dissenters societal monsters deserving of marginalization. Kentucky's Blaine Adamson of Hands on Originals finds himself in a Phillip's shoes before our State Supreme Court. In 2012, Adamson was dragged before the Lexington Human Rights Commission after he declined to fulfill a T-shirt order for organizers of Lexington's gay pride parade. His appeal to religious freedom unfortunately fell on deaf ears. Fortunately for Adamson, SCOTUS sided with religious freedom as it conflicts with the LGBT community. The ruling in effect restores dignity to people committed to their religious beliefs and affirms that their conscience rights extend into the marketplacesomething the First Amendment guarantees for each of us. Richard Nelson is the executive director of the Commonwealth Policy Center, a nonprofit, nonpartisan public policy organization. He and his family reside in Cadiz, Kentucky. The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a religious freedom victory to a Colorado baker who's been through the legal wringer ever since he declined to bake a cake for a gay wedding in 2012. SCOTUS deftly sifted through the narrative that Jack Phillip's bigotry led to unjust discrimination against a protected class. As the facts emerged, so did a distinct aftertaste of religious discrimination from the Colorado Civil Rights Commission. past daily news Sep 13 (1) Sep 09 (15) Sep 06 (12) Sep 04 (10) Sep 03 (10) Aug 31 (17) Aug 29 (14) Aug 26 (13) Aug 22 (11) Aug 21 (12) Aug 19 (21) Aug 14 (6) Aug 13 (10) Aug 10 (10) Aug 08 (9) Aug 07 (10) Aug 06 (10) Aug 05 (8) Aug 03 (8) Aug 02 (7) Aug 01 (7) Jul 31 (14) Jul 29 (1) Jul 27 (7) Jul 25 (5) Jul 24 (10) Jul 22 (11) Jul 19 (16) Jul 17 (6) Jul 16 (10) Jul 15 (13) Jul 12 (7) Jul 11 (5) Jul 10 (8) Jul 08 (8) Jul 07 (3) Jul 06 (5) Jul 05 (8) Jul 04 (11) Jul 03 (8) Jul 02 (7) Jul 01 (5) Jun 30 (8) Jun 28 (7) Jun 27 (8) Jun 26 (7) Jun 25 (8) Jun 24 (6) Jun 23 (6) Jun 22 (9) Jun 20 (5) Jun 19 (9) Jun 18 (8) Jun 15 (9) Jun 13 (13) Jun 11 (11) Jun 09 (19) Jun 06 (10) Jun 04 (10) Jun 03 (8) Jun 01 (6) May 31 (5) May 30 (5) May 29 (6) May 28 (7) May 27 (7) May 26 (6) May 25 (4) May 23 (6) May 22 (6) May 21 (4) May 20 (7) May 19 (9) May 18 (4) May 17 (6) May 16 (5) 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05 (6) May 04 (5) May 03 (5) May 02 (1) May 01 (6) Apr 30 (6) Apr 29 (7) Apr 28 (8) Apr 27 (9) Apr 26 (14) Apr 25 (6) Apr 24 (6) Apr 23 (7) Apr 22 (1) Apr 21 (8) Apr 20 (3) Apr 19 (6) Apr 18 (4) Apr 17 (7) Apr 16 (1) Apr 15 (8) Apr 14 (1) Apr 13 (7) Apr 12 (10) Apr 11 (7) Apr 10 (2) Apr 09 (2) Apr 08 (4) Apr 07 (3) Apr 06 (6) Apr 05 (6) Apr 04 (9) Apr 03 (4) Apr 02 (5) Apr 01 (2) Mar 31 (5) Mar 30 (4) Mar 29 (8) Mar 28 (5) Mar 27 (9) Mar 26 (4) Mar 25 (5) Mar 24 (11) Mar 23 (10) Mar 22 (9) Mar 21 (10) Mar 20 (11) Mar 19 (5) Mar 18 (7) Mar 17 (3) Mar 16 (7) Mar 15 (6) Mar 14 (6) Mar 13 (9) Mar 12 (6) Mar 11 (3) Mar 10 (3) Mar 09 (5) Mar 08 (6) Mar 07 (13) Mar 06 (6) Mar 05 (3) Mar 04 (7) Mar 03 (4) Mar 02 (5) Mar 01 (6) Feb 28 (6) Feb 27 (4) Feb 26 (5) Feb 25 (6) Feb 24 (6) Feb 23 (9) Feb 22 (6) Feb 21 (7) Feb 20 (8) Feb 19 (6) Feb 18 (3) Feb 17 (4) Feb 16 (6) Feb 15 (5) Feb 14 (7) Feb 13 (5) Feb 12 (3) Feb 11 (4) Feb 10 (5) Feb 09 (9) Feb 08 (8) Feb 07 (7) Feb 06 (10) Feb 05 (7) Feb 04 (2) Feb 03 (8) Feb 02 (7) Feb 01 (5) Jan 31 (4) Jan 30 (4) Jan 29 (7) Jan 28 (3) Jan 27 (7) Jan 26 (8) Jan 25 (6) Jan 24 (6) Jan 23 (5) Jan 22 (4) Jan 21 (6) Jan 20 (8) Jan 19 (6) Jan 18 (8) Jan 17 (12) Jan 16 (5) Jan 15 (4) Jan 14 (8) Jan 12 (6) Jan 11 (6) Jan 10 (7) Jan 09 (4) Jan 08 (6) Jan 07 (4) Jan 06 (6) Jan 05 (9) Jan 04 (9) Jan 03 (4) Jan 02 (6) Jan 01 (8) Dec 31 (2) Dec 30 (1) Dec 29 (5) Dec 28 (4) Dec 27 (8) Dec 26 (4) Dec 24 (5) Dec 23 (7) Dec 22 (12) Dec 21 (4) Dec 20 (7) Dec 19 (3) Dec 18 (5) Dec 17 (3) Dec 16 (1) Dec 15 (7) Dec 14 (10) Dec 13 (7) Dec 12 (12) Dec 10 (3) Dec 09 (6) Dec 08 (7) Dec 07 (12) Dec 06 (6) Dec 05 (13) Dec 04 (6) Dec 02 (8) Dec 01 (8) Nov 30 (6) Nov 29 (7) Nov 28 (7) Nov 27 (4) Nov 26 (8) Nov 24 (2) Nov 23 (5) Nov 22 (11) Nov 21 (7) Nov 20 (3) Nov 19 (10) Nov 18 (7) Nov 17 (6) Nov 16 (11) Nov 15 (10) Nov 14 (7) Nov 13 (3) Nov 12 (5) Nov 11 (12) Nov 10 (4) Nov 09 (14) Nov 08 (10) Nov 07 (11) Nov 06 (8) Nov 05 (5) Nov 04 (11) Nov 03 (9) Nov 02 (10) Nov 01 (8) Oct 31 (12) Oct 30 (5) Oct 29 (5) Oct 28 (5) Oct 27 (11) Oct 26 (13) Oct 25 (9) Oct 24 (10) Oct 23 (8) Oct 22 (5) Oct 21 (11) Oct 20 (8) Oct 19 (6) Oct 18 (5) Oct 17 (5) Oct 16 (6) Oct 15 (4) Oct 14 (9) Oct 13 (10) Oct 12 (11) Oct 11 (9) Oct 10 (10) Oct 09 (7) Oct 08 (5) Oct 07 (10) Oct 06 (9) Oct 05 (14) Oct 04 (9) Oct 03 (12) Oct 02 (4) Oct 01 (9) Sep 30 (5) Sep 29 (7) Sep 28 (13) Sep 27 (10) Sep 26 (11) Sep 25 (3) Sep 24 (9) Sep 23 (7) Sep 22 (10) Sep 21 (12) Sep 20 (12) Sep 19 (4) Sep 18 (5) Sep 17 (7) Sep 16 (11) Sep 15 (8) Sep 14 (5) Sep 13 (8) Sep 12 (8) Sep 11 (6) Sep 10 (10) Sep 09 (5) Sep 08 (9) Sep 07 (8) Sep 06 (11) Sep 05 (2) Sep 04 (8) Sep 03 (2) Sep 02 (6) Sep 01 (9) Aug 31 (9) Aug 30 (7) Aug 29 (9) Aug 28 (4) Aug 27 (8) Aug 26 (6) Aug 25 (5) Aug 24 (8) Aug 23 (4) Aug 22 (5) Aug 21 (2) Aug 20 (4) Aug 19 (6) Aug 18 (4) Aug 17 (4) Aug 16 (6) Aug 15 (3) Aug 14 (4) Aug 13 (7) Aug 12 (6) Aug 11 (3) Aug 10 (5) Aug 09 (8) Aug 08 (9) Aug 07 (7) Aug 06 (7) Aug 05 (7) Aug 04 (7) Aug 03 (11) Aug 02 (6) Aug 01 (9) Jul 31 (11) Jul 28 (7) Jul 27 (11) Jul 26 (5) Jul 25 (5) Jul 24 (1) Jul 22 (3) Jul 21 (2) Jul 20 (9) Jul 19 (8) Jul 18 (6) Jul 17 (7) Jul 15 (4) Jul 14 (2) Jul 13 (6) Jul 12 (10) Jul 11 (11) Jul 10 (2) Jul 09 (3) Jul 08 (5) Jul 07 (5) Jul 06 (6) Jul 05 (3) Jul 04 (6) Jul 03 (5) Jul 02 (3) Jun 30 (8) Jun 29 (5) Jun 28 (6) Jun 27 (4) Jun 26 (4) Jun 25 (1) Jun 24 (5) Jun 23 (11) Jun 21 (5) Jun 20 (5) Jun 19 (7) Jun 17 (4) Jun 16 (7) Jun 15 (4) Jun 14 (6) Jun 13 (4) Jun 12 (4) Jun 11 (6) Jun 10 (6) Jun 09 (8) Jun 08 (6) Jun 07 (8) Jun 06 (7) Jun 05 (5) Jun 04 (7) Jun 03 (1) Jun 02 (9) Jun 01 (5) May 31 (8) May 30 (7) May 29 (5) May 28 (5) May 27 (4) May 26 (4) May 25 (4) May 24 (3) May 23 (5) May 22 (2) May 21 (3) May 20 (7) May 19 (11) May 18 (1) May 17 (7) May 16 (3) May 15 (4) May 14 (3) May 13 (4) May 12 (4) May 11 (11) May 10 (2) May 09 (6) May 08 (6) May 07 (2) May 06 (3) May 05 (4) May 04 (5) May 03 (8) May 02 (4) May 01 (4) Apr 30 (6) Apr 29 (13) Apr 28 (5) Apr 27 (7) Apr 26 (5) Apr 25 (5) Apr 24 (2) Apr 23 (7) Apr 22 (9) Apr 21 (11) Apr 20 (2) Apr 19 (2) Apr 18 (5) Apr 17 (5) Apr 16 (6) Apr 14 (5) Apr 13 (2) Apr 12 (9) Apr 11 (10) Apr 10 (6) Apr 09 (5) Apr 08 (3) Apr 07 (10) Apr 06 (7) Apr 05 (7) Apr 04 (7) Apr 03 (9) Mar 31 (12) Mar 30 (9) Mar 29 (7) Mar 28 (4) Mar 27 (3) Mar 26 (6) Mar 25 (3) Mar 24 (8) Mar 23 (7) Mar 22 (4) Mar 21 (10) Mar 20 (6) Mar 19 (6) Mar 17 (7) Mar 16 (11) Mar 15 (6) Mar 14 (9) Mar 13 (4) Mar 12 (6) Mar 10 (3) Mar 09 (9) Mar 08 (10) Mar 07 (4) Mar 06 (5) Mar 05 (3) Mar 04 (2) Mar 03 (4) Mar 02 (5) Mar 01 (5) Feb 28 (3) Feb 27 (8) Feb 26 (9) Feb 24 (11) Feb 23 (8) Feb 22 (9) Feb 21 (8) Feb 20 (7) Feb 19 (4) Feb 18 (9) Feb 17 (6) Feb 16 (5) Feb 15 (7) Feb 14 (11) Feb 13 (2) Feb 12 (5) Feb 11 (5) Feb 10 (3) Feb 09 (10) Feb 08 (9) Feb 07 (9) Feb 06 (2) Feb 05 (9) Feb 03 (7) Feb 02 (5) Feb 01 (7) Jan 31 (4) Jan 30 (5) Jan 29 (6) Jan 28 (5) Jan 27 (2) Jan 26 (7) Jan 25 (7) Jan 24 (8) Jan 23 (4) Jan 22 (14) Jan 20 (8) Jan 19 (10) Jan 18 (11) Jan 17 (9) Jan 16 (5) Jan 15 (3) Jan 14 (9) Jan 13 (6) Jan 12 (7) Jan 11 (7) Jan 10 (2) Jan 09 (7) Jan 08 (6) Jan 07 (10) Jan 06 (8) Jan 05 (7) Jan 04 (9) Jan 03 (8) Jan 02 (5) Jan 01 (14) Dec 30 (13) Dec 29 (13) Dec 28 (9) Dec 27 (5) Dec 26 (4) Dec 25 (7) Dec 24 (4) Dec 23 (5) Dec 22 (4) Dec 21 (8) Dec 20 (3) Dec 19 (8) Dec 18 (9) Dec 16 (8) Dec 15 (5) Dec 14 (5) Dec 13 (8) Dec 12 (4) Dec 11 (17) Dec 09 (8) Dec 08 (5) Dec 07 (10) Dec 06 (12) Dec 05 (6) Dec 04 (8) Dec 02 (6) Dec 01 (7) Nov 30 (9) Nov 29 (6) Nov 28 (11) Nov 27 (6) Nov 26 (15) Nov 24 (7) Nov 23 (15) Nov 22 (9) Nov 21 (6) Nov 20 (11) Nov 18 (11) Nov 17 (13) Nov 16 (8) Nov 15 (13) Nov 14 (7) Nov 13 (7) Nov 12 (3) Nov 11 (13) Nov 10 (13) Nov 09 (6) Nov 08 (9) Nov 07 (6) Nov 06 (4) Nov 05 (12) Nov 04 (8) Nov 03 (9) Nov 02 (8) Nov 01 (6) Oct 31 (10) Oct 30 (8) Oct 29 (3) Oct 28 (8) Oct 27 (15) Oct 26 (10) Oct 25 (10) Oct 24 (13) Oct 23 (9) Oct 21 (8) Oct 20 (13) Oct 19 (6) Oct 18 (11) Oct 17 (8) Oct 16 (14) Oct 14 (9) Oct 13 (11) Oct 12 (9) Oct 11 (13) Oct 10 (7) Oct 09 (15) Oct 07 (7) Oct 06 (11) Oct 05 (18) Oct 04 (14) Oct 03 (1) Oct 02 (10) Sep 30 (11) Sep 29 (11) Sep 28 (11) Sep 27 (15) Sep 26 (7) Sep 24 (9) Sep 23 (11) Sep 22 (7) Sep 21 (17) Sep 20 (20) Sep 19 (4) Sep 18 (11) Sep 16 (10) Sep 15 (12) Sep 14 (9) Sep 13 (12) Sep 12 (14) Sep 11 (4) Sep 10 (8) Sep 09 (9) Sep 08 (5) Sep 07 (13) Sep 06 (15) Sep 05 (8) Sep 04 (11) Sep 03 (10) Sep 02 (12) Sep 01 (12) Aug 31 (14) Aug 30 (14) Aug 29 (8) Aug 28 (8) Aug 27 (9) Aug 26 (12) Aug 25 (6) Aug 24 (8) Aug 23 (12) Aug 22 (6) Aug 21 (5) Aug 20 (6) Aug 19 (9) Aug 18 (4) Aug 17 (7) Aug 16 (11) Aug 15 (2) Aug 14 (12) Aug 12 (15) Aug 11 (11) Aug 10 (6) Aug 09 (7) Aug 08 (3) Aug 07 (4) Aug 06 (5) Aug 05 (7) Aug 04 (7) Aug 03 (4) Aug 02 (5) Aug 01 (5) Jul 31 (7) Jul 30 (5) Jul 29 (9) Jul 28 (8) Jul 27 (8) Jul 26 (7) Jul 25 (6) Jul 23 (8) Jul 22 (6) Jul 21 (5) Jul 20 (9) Jul 19 (5) Jul 18 (15) Jul 15 (14) Jul 14 (5) Jul 13 (6) Jul 12 (12) Jul 11 (8) Jul 10 (3) Jul 09 (11) Jul 08 (8) Jul 07 (7) Jul 06 (10) Jul 05 (4) Jul 04 (4) Jul 03 (5) Jul 02 (7) Jul 01 (8) Jun 30 (7) Jun 29 (10) Jun 28 (8) Jun 27 (4) Jun 26 (5) Jun 25 (4) Jun 24 (2) Jun 23 (11) Jun 22 (5) Jun 21 (7) Jun 20 (3) Jun 19 (7) Jun 18 (10) Jun 17 (11) Jun 16 (5) Jun 15 (5) Jun 14 (7) Jun 13 (14) Jun 11 (6) Jun 10 (8) Jun 09 (9) Jun 08 (11) Jun 07 (14) Jun 06 (16) Jun 03 (8) Jun 02 (12) Jun 01 (5) May 31 (7) May 30 (15) May 28 (7) May 27 (5) May 26 (21) May 25 (14) May 24 (10) May 23 (7) May 22 (8) May 21 (11) May 20 (5) May 19 (4) May 18 (10) May 17 (11) May 16 (5) May 15 (6) May 14 (7) May 13 (12) May 12 (10) May 11 (7) May 10 (13) May 09 (4) May 08 (7) May 07 (3) May 06 (6) May 05 (9) May 04 (14) May 03 (7) May 02 (10) May 01 (10) Apr 30 (6) Apr 29 (9) Apr 28 (5) Apr 27 (9) Apr 26 (8) Apr 25 (8) Apr 24 (6) Apr 23 (14) Apr 22 (16) Apr 21 (11) Apr 20 (7) Apr 19 (16) Apr 18 (8) Apr 17 (7) Apr 16 (10) Apr 15 (8) Apr 14 (5) Apr 13 (11) Apr 12 (10) Apr 11 (8) Apr 10 (12) Apr 09 (5) Apr 08 (13) Apr 07 (9) Apr 06 (11) Apr 05 (15) Apr 04 (7) Apr 03 (15) Apr 02 (5) Apr 01 (11) Mar 31 (12) Mar 30 (10) Mar 29 (8) Mar 28 (7) Mar 27 (12) Mar 26 (8) Mar 25 (8) Mar 24 (7) Mar 23 (15) Mar 22 (17) Mar 21 (9) Mar 20 (8) Mar 19 (4) Mar 18 (16) Mar 17 (8) Mar 16 (19) Mar 15 (13) Mar 14 (7) Mar 13 (20) Mar 11 (5) Mar 10 (11) Mar 09 (13) Mar 08 (13) Mar 07 (7) Mar 06 (6) Mar 05 (9) Mar 04 (10) Mar 03 (16) Mar 02 (16) Mar 01 (13) Feb 29 (8) Feb 28 (6) Feb 27 (16) Feb 26 (10) Feb 25 (6) Feb 24 (12) Feb 23 (14) Feb 22 (9) Feb 21 (11) Feb 20 (8) Feb 19 (12) Feb 18 (12) Feb 17 (11) Feb 16 (8) Feb 15 (9) Feb 14 (7) Feb 13 (10) Feb 12 (11) Feb 11 (13) Feb 10 (5) Feb 09 (6) Feb 08 (4) Feb 07 (9) Feb 06 (13) Feb 05 (10) Feb 04 (11) Feb 03 (7) Feb 02 (19) Jan 31 (21) Jan 29 (11) Jan 28 (10) Jan 27 (13) Jan 26 (7) Jan 25 (5) Jan 24 (2) Jan 23 (8) Jan 22 (13) Jan 21 (11) Jan 20 (9) Jan 19 (13) Jan 18 (4) Jan 17 (11) Jan 15 (7) Jan 14 (13) Jan 13 (9) Jan 12 (9) Jan 11 (5) Jan 10 (8) Jan 09 (7) Jan 08 (7) Jan 07 (6) Jan 06 (11) Jan 05 (7) Jan 04 (7) Jan 03 (3) Jan 02 (8) Jan 01 (5) Dec 31 (10) Dec 30 (9) Dec 29 (7) Dec 28 (9) Dec 27 (4) Dec 26 (1) Dec 25 (5) Dec 24 (6) Dec 23 (6) Dec 22 (7) Dec 21 (6) Dec 20 (7) Dec 19 (13) Dec 18 (16) Dec 17 (10) Dec 16 (13) Dec 15 (11) Dec 14 (8) Dec 13 (4) Dec 12 (9) Dec 11 (10) Dec 10 (12) Dec 09 (10) Dec 08 (13) Dec 07 (7) Dec 06 (12) Dec 05 (8) Dec 04 (11) Dec 03 (12) Dec 02 (16) Dec 01 (14) Nov 30 (10) Nov 29 (11) Nov 28 (15) Nov 27 (16) Nov 26 (11) Nov 25 (9) Nov 24 (13) Nov 23 (10) Nov 22 (1) Nov 21 (7) Nov 20 (12) Nov 19 (10) Nov 18 (11) Nov 17 (11) Nov 16 (10) Nov 15 (3) Nov 14 (10) Nov 13 (14) Nov 12 (8) Nov 11 (13) Nov 10 (10) Nov 09 (6) Nov 08 (9) Nov 07 (11) Nov 06 (12) Nov 05 (17) Nov 04 (12) Nov 03 (11) Nov 02 (5) Nov 01 (12) Oct 31 (11) Oct 30 (11) Oct 29 (10) Oct 28 (18) Oct 27 (16) Oct 26 (11) Oct 25 (9) Oct 24 (12) Oct 23 (11) Oct 22 (14) Oct 21 (12) Oct 20 (17) Oct 19 (12) Oct 18 (13) Oct 17 (15) Oct 16 (14) Oct 15 (10) Oct 14 (16) Oct 13 (12) Oct 12 (13) Oct 11 (8) Oct 10 (12) Oct 09 (21) Oct 08 (22) Oct 07 (19) Oct 06 (18) Oct 05 (6) Oct 04 (17) Oct 03 (13) Oct 02 (14) Oct 01 (13) Sep 30 (14) Sep 29 (15) Sep 28 (12) Sep 27 (11) Sep 26 (15) Sep 25 (13) Sep 24 (9) Sep 23 (10) Sep 22 (12) Sep 21 (8) Sep 20 (4) Sep 19 (12) Sep 18 (12) Sep 17 (16) Sep 16 (21) Sep 15 (14) Sep 14 (7) Sep 13 (5) Sep 12 (10) Sep 11 (16) Sep 10 (7) Sep 09 (8) Sep 08 (10) Sep 07 (7) Sep 06 (5) Sep 05 (8) Sep 04 (9) Sep 03 (8) Sep 02 (11) Sep 01 (10) Aug 31 (4) Aug 30 (6) Aug 29 (1) Aug 28 (10) Aug 27 (8) Aug 26 (8) Aug 25 (14) Aug 24 (4) Aug 23 (3) Aug 22 (5) Aug 21 (13) Aug 20 (9) Aug 19 (13) Aug 18 (3) Aug 17 (3) Aug 16 (3) Aug 15 (6) Aug 14 (8) Aug 13 (7) Aug 12 (12) Aug 11 (9) Aug 10 (8) Aug 09 (14) Aug 08 (6) Aug 07 (1) Aug 06 (4) Aug 05 (8) Aug 04 (6) Aug 03 (6) Aug 02 (2) Aug 01 (6) Jul 31 (6) Jul 30 (3) Jul 29 (6) Jul 28 (8) Jul 27 (7) Jul 25 (4) Jul 24 (6) Jul 23 (5) Jul 22 (3) Jul 21 (7) Jul 20 (5) Jul 18 (6) Jul 17 (5) Jul 16 (4) Jul 15 (9) Jul 14 (2) Jul 13 (8) Jul 12 (1) Jul 11 (5) Jul 10 (8) Jul 09 (3) Jul 08 (3) Jul 07 (13) Jul 05 (2) Jul 04 (5) Jul 03 (6) Jul 02 (6) Jul 01 (7) Jun 30 (7) Jun 29 (3) Jun 28 (1) Jun 27 (4) Jun 26 (7) Jun 25 (4) Jun 24 (6) Jun 23 (9) Jun 22 (4) Jun 21 (3) Jun 19 (4) Jun 18 (7) Jun 17 (7) Jun 16 (7) Jun 15 (11) Jun 12 (6) Jun 11 (3) Jun 10 (10) Jun 09 (3) Jun 08 (3) Jun 07 (4) Jun 06 (2) Jun 05 (9) Jun 04 (8) Jun 03 (9) Jun 02 (6) Jun 01 (4) May 30 (7) May 29 (9) May 28 (13) May 26 (8) May 25 (5) May 24 (2) May 23 (8) May 22 (9) May 21 (7) May 20 (4) May 19 (6) May 18 (7) May 17 (8) May 15 (9) May 14 (5) May 13 (8) May 12 (6) May 11 (6) May 09 (7) May 08 (6) May 07 (11) May 06 (7) May 05 (4) May 04 (11) May 03 (5) May 02 (4) May 01 (9) Apr 30 (6) Apr 29 (4) Apr 28 (9) Apr 27 (4) Apr 26 (3) Apr 25 (5) Apr 24 (3) Apr 23 (10) Apr 22 (8) Apr 21 (9) Apr 20 (3) Apr 19 (4) Apr 18 (8) Apr 17 (7) Apr 16 (4) Apr 15 (6) Apr 14 (8) Apr 13 (3) Apr 12 (6) Apr 10 (2) Apr 09 (4) Apr 08 (5) Apr 07 (5) Apr 06 (2) Apr 05 (2) Apr 04 (5) Apr 03 (7) Apr 02 (7) Apr 01 (12) Mar 31 (12) Mar 30 (3) Mar 29 (1) Mar 28 (2) Mar 27 (6) Mar 26 (2) Mar 25 (5) Mar 24 (4) Mar 23 (7) Mar 22 (4) Mar 21 (6) Mar 20 (9) Mar 19 (9) Mar 18 (8) Mar 17 (9) Mar 16 (7) Mar 15 (11) Mar 13 (5) Mar 12 (12) Mar 11 (9) Mar 10 (12) Mar 09 (4) Mar 08 (5) Mar 07 (5) Mar 06 (5) Mar 05 (5) Mar 04 (6) Mar 03 (11) Mar 02 (5) Mar 01 (8) Feb 27 (9) Feb 26 (9) Feb 25 (8) Feb 24 (6) Feb 23 (4) Feb 22 (3) Feb 21 (6) Feb 20 (3) Feb 19 (10) Feb 18 (9) Feb 17 (7) Feb 16 (5) Feb 15 (2) Feb 14 (8) Feb 13 (12) Feb 12 (8) Feb 11 (10) Feb 10 (7) Feb 09 (6) Feb 08 (3) Feb 07 (2) Feb 06 (7) Feb 05 (4) Feb 04 (11) Feb 03 (5) Feb 02 (7) Feb 01 (4) Jan 31 (5) Jan 30 (8) Jan 29 (12) Jan 28 (6) Jan 27 (8) Jan 26 (13) Jan 24 (8) Jan 23 (12) Jan 22 (8) Jan 21 (10) Jan 20 (8) Jan 19 (6) Jan 18 (9) Jan 17 (6) Jan 16 (4) Jan 15 (11) Jan 14 (4) Jan 13 (6) Jan 12 (7) Jan 11 (6) Jan 10 (2) Jan 09 (6) Jan 08 (5) Jan 07 (6) Jan 06 (4) Jan 05 (4) Jan 04 (3) Jan 03 (6) Jan 02 (2) Jan 01 (3) Dec 31 (6) Dec 30 (4) Dec 29 (6) Dec 28 (4) Dec 27 (4) Dec 26 (2) Dec 25 (3) Dec 24 (5) Dec 23 (7) Dec 22 (5) Dec 21 (4) Dec 20 (4) Dec 19 (5) Dec 18 (8) Dec 17 (5) Dec 16 (9) Dec 15 (7) Dec 14 (3) Dec 13 (10) Dec 12 (10) Dec 11 (9) Dec 10 (10) Dec 09 (11) Dec 08 (5) Dec 07 (5) Dec 06 (6) Dec 05 (9) Dec 04 (3) Dec 03 (8) Dec 02 (10) Dec 01 (6) Nov 30 (1) Nov 29 (3) Nov 28 (9) Nov 27 (3) Nov 26 (7) Nov 25 (12) Nov 24 (3) Nov 23 (8) Nov 22 (4) Nov 21 (3) Nov 20 (12) Nov 19 (6) Nov 18 (10) Nov 17 (12) Nov 16 (5) Nov 15 (5) Nov 14 (12) Nov 13 (3) Nov 12 (7) Nov 11 (8) Nov 10 (7) Nov 09 (6) Nov 08 (5) Nov 07 (5) Nov 06 (6) Nov 05 (12) Nov 04 (9) Nov 03 (6) Nov 02 (14) Nov 01 (3) Oct 31 (6) Oct 30 (7) Oct 29 (9) Oct 28 (9) Oct 27 (3) Oct 26 (6) Oct 25 (9) Oct 24 (8) Oct 23 (4) Oct 22 (3) Oct 21 (4) Oct 20 (2) Oct 19 (11) Oct 17 (6) Oct 16 (7) Oct 15 (7) Oct 14 (8) Oct 13 (5) Oct 12 (8) Oct 11 (6) Oct 10 (5) Oct 09 (11) Oct 08 (10) Oct 07 (8) Oct 06 (3) Oct 05 (7) Oct 04 (8) Oct 03 (3) Oct 02 (10) Oct 01 (3) Sep 30 (7) Sep 29 (6) Sep 28 (5) Sep 27 (8) Sep 26 (11) Sep 25 (11) Sep 24 (15) Sep 23 (8) Sep 22 (9) Sep 21 (4) Sep 20 (8) Sep 19 (9) Sep 18 (10) Sep 17 (10) Sep 16 (5) Sep 15 (5) Sep 14 (7) Sep 13 (5) Sep 12 (5) Sep 11 (8) Sep 10 (6) Sep 09 (7) Sep 08 (5) Sep 07 (2) Sep 06 (4) Sep 05 (7) Sep 04 (11) Sep 03 (7) Sep 02 (7) Sep 01 (2) Aug 31 (3) Aug 30 (1) Aug 29 (10) Aug 28 (5) Aug 27 (4) Aug 26 (10) Aug 25 (6) Aug 24 (9) Aug 22 (11) Aug 21 (8) Aug 20 (12) Aug 19 (8) Aug 18 (4) Aug 17 (4) Aug 16 (3) Aug 15 (6) Aug 14 (4) Aug 13 (7) Aug 12 (8) Aug 11 (7) Aug 10 (12) Aug 08 (5) Aug 07 (6) Aug 06 (6) Aug 05 (8) Aug 04 (5) Aug 03 (4) Aug 01 (7) Jul 31 (6) Jul 30 (12) Jul 29 (4) Jul 28 (5) Jul 27 (7) Jul 25 (7) Jul 24 (8) Jul 23 (8) Jul 22 (3) Jul 21 (8) Jul 20 (6) Jul 19 (3) Jul 18 (8) Jul 17 (2) Jul 16 (7) Jul 15 (6) Jul 14 (9) Jul 13 (10) Jul 11 (9) Jul 10 (8) Jul 09 (3) Jul 08 (7) Jul 07 (7) Jul 06 (7) Jul 05 (10) Jul 04 (4) Jul 03 (6) Jul 02 (6) Jul 01 (8) Jun 30 (5) Jun 29 (6) Jun 28 (1) Jun 27 (15) Jun 26 (10) Jun 25 (9) Jun 24 (16) Jun 23 (6) Jun 22 (12) Jun 20 (6) Jun 19 (8) Jun 18 (10) Jun 17 (6) Jun 16 (7) Jun 15 (5) Jun 14 (5) Jun 13 (13) Jun 12 (7) Jun 11 (14) Jun 10 (3) Jun 09 (2) Jun 08 (2) Jun 07 (7) Jun 06 (16) Jun 05 (7) Jun 04 (18) Jun 03 (12) Jun 02 (8) May 31 (3) May 30 (6) May 29 (6) May 28 (7) May 27 (4) May 26 (4) May 25 (6) May 23 (4) May 22 (8) May 21 (5) May 20 (6) May 19 (2) May 18 (9) May 17 (1) May 16 (5) May 15 (5) May 14 (7) May 13 (7) May 12 (7) May 11 (4) May 10 (4) May 09 (5) May 08 (10) May 07 (4) May 06 (13) May 05 (4) May 04 (10) May 02 (2) May 01 (5) Apr 30 (9) Apr 29 (6) Apr 28 (3) Apr 27 (4) Apr 26 (9) Apr 25 (9) Apr 24 (7) Apr 23 (11) Apr 22 (7) Apr 21 (3) Apr 20 (10) Apr 19 (6) Apr 18 (5) Apr 17 (6) Apr 16 (6) Apr 15 (7) Apr 14 (11) Apr 13 (4) Apr 12 (5) Apr 11 (9) Apr 10 (4) Apr 09 (6) Apr 08 (6) Apr 07 (3) Apr 06 (6) Apr 05 (10) Apr 03 (9) Apr 02 (9) Apr 01 (12) Mar 31 (4) Mar 30 (9) Mar 29 (10) Mar 28 (7) Mar 27 (8) Mar 26 (8) Mar 25 (15) Mar 24 (11) Mar 23 (8) Mar 22 (7) Mar 21 (14) Mar 20 (6) Mar 19 (11) Mar 18 (11) Mar 17 (12) Mar 16 (8) Mar 15 (8) Mar 14 (13) Mar 13 (8) Mar 12 (10) Mar 11 (8) Mar 10 (7) Mar 09 (3) Mar 08 (12) Mar 07 (15) Mar 06 (16) Mar 05 (9) Mar 04 (6) Mar 03 (12) Mar 02 (20) Feb 28 (11) Feb 27 (8) Feb 26 (11) Feb 25 (6) Feb 24 (14) Feb 23 (5) Feb 22 (6) Feb 21 (8) Feb 20 (11) Feb 19 (7) Feb 18 (4) Feb 17 (8) Feb 16 (11) Feb 15 (3) Feb 14 (10) Feb 13 (4) Feb 12 (10) Feb 11 (7) Feb 10 (7) Feb 09 (4) Feb 08 (6) Feb 07 (5) Feb 06 (4) Feb 05 (10) Feb 04 (5) Feb 03 (4) Feb 02 (4) Feb 01 (3) Jan 31 (3) Jan 30 (5) Jan 29 (2) Jan 28 (6) Jan 27 (3) Jan 26 (2) Jan 25 (5) Jan 24 (7) Jan 23 (4) Jan 22 (4) Jan 21 (5) Jan 20 (5) Jan 19 (6) Jan 18 (7) Jan 17 (6) Jan 16 (4) Jan 15 (3) Jan 14 (5) Jan 13 (4) Jan 12 (5) Jan 11 (3) Jan 10 (5) Jan 09 (6) Jan 08 (6) Jan 07 (3) Jan 06 (1) Jan 05 (4) Jan 04 (5) Jan 03 (3) Jan 02 (6) Jan 01 (2) Dec 31 (6) Dec 30 (1) Dec 29 (5) Dec 27 (1) Dec 26 (2) Dec 25 (4) Dec 24 (8) Dec 23 (2) Dec 22 (1) Dec 20 (3) Dec 19 (8) Dec 18 (3) Dec 17 (4) Dec 16 (3) Dec 15 (3) Dec 14 (3) Dec 13 (3) Dec 12 (4) Dec 11 (4) Dec 10 (7) Dec 09 (5) Dec 08 (2) Dec 07 (5) Dec 06 (6) Dec 05 (10) Dec 04 (9) Dec 03 (4) Dec 02 (2) Dec 01 (8) Nov 29 (5) Nov 28 (7) Nov 27 (5) Nov 26 (9) Nov 25 (3) Nov 24 (5) Nov 23 (6) Nov 22 (5) Nov 21 (12) Nov 20 (12) Nov 19 (10) Nov 18 (4) Nov 17 (3) Nov 16 (8) Nov 15 (7) Nov 14 (7) Nov 13 (6) Nov 12 (12) Nov 11 (6) Nov 10 (3) Nov 09 (4) Nov 08 (10) Nov 07 (5) Nov 06 (5) Nov 05 (9) Nov 04 (4) Nov 03 (4) Nov 02 (3) Nov 01 (3) Oct 31 (10) Oct 30 (4) Oct 29 (11) Oct 28 (3) Oct 27 (7) Oct 26 (7) Oct 25 (6) Oct 24 (7) Oct 23 (11) Oct 22 (2) Oct 21 (7) Oct 20 (4) Oct 19 (6) Oct 18 (7) Oct 17 (5) Oct 16 (8) Oct 15 (5) Oct 14 (5) Oct 13 (3) Oct 12 (7) Oct 11 (20) Oct 10 (2) Oct 09 (4) Oct 08 (21) Oct 07 (20) Oct 06 (34) Oct 04 (24) Oct 03 (21) Oct 02 (3) Oct 01 (7) Sep 30 (3) Sep 29 (5) Sep 28 (6) Sep 27 (5) Sep 26 (6) Sep 25 (5) Sep 24 (2) Sep 23 (8) Sep 22 (4) Sep 21 (3) Sep 20 (9) Sep 19 (11) Sep 18 (5) Sep 17 (7) Sep 16 (6) Sep 15 (3) Sep 14 (7) Sep 13 (8) Sep 12 (11) Sep 11 (7) Sep 10 (6) Sep 09 (5) Sep 08 (3) Sep 07 (6) Sep 06 (10) Sep 05 (7) Sep 04 (7) Sep 03 (5) Sep 02 (4) Sep 01 (8) Aug 31 (5) Aug 30 (7) Aug 29 (10) Aug 28 (7) Aug 27 (6) Aug 26 (6) Aug 25 (3) Aug 24 (8) Aug 23 (6) Aug 22 (6) Aug 21 (8) Aug 20 (8) Aug 19 (4) Aug 18 (2) Aug 17 (5) Aug 16 (7) Aug 15 (4) Aug 14 (3) Aug 13 (4) Aug 12 (6) Aug 11 (6) Aug 10 (4) Aug 09 (8) Aug 08 (6) Aug 07 (4) Aug 06 (6) Aug 05 (4) Aug 04 (12) Aug 03 (3) Aug 02 (4) Aug 01 (10) Jul 31 (3) Jul 30 (7) Jul 29 (3) Jul 28 (6) Jul 27 (4) Jul 26 (5) Jul 25 (4) Jul 24 (7) Jul 23 (10) Jul 22 (8) Jul 21 (5) Jul 20 (4) Jul 19 (7) Jul 18 (9) Jul 17 (10) Jul 16 (11) Jul 15 (5) Jul 13 (5) Jul 12 (9) Jul 11 (11) Jul 10 (12) Jul 09 (6) Jul 08 (5) Jul 07 (8) Jul 06 (9) Jul 05 (10) Jul 04 (8) Jul 03 (10) Jul 02 (12) Jul 01 (8) Jun 30 (5) Jun 29 (6) Jun 28 (23) Jun 27 (18) Jun 26 (12) Jun 25 (14) Jun 24 (15) Jun 23 (11) Jun 22 (11) Jun 21 (15) Jun 20 (9) Jun 19 (8) Jun 18 (11) Jun 17 (7) Jun 16 (6) Jun 15 (6) Jun 14 (6) Jun 13 (5) Jun 12 (6) Jun 11 (9) Jun 10 (10) Jun 09 (9) Jun 08 (6) Jun 07 (2) Jun 06 (6) Jun 05 (4) Jun 04 (3) Jun 03 (4) Jun 02 (3) Jun 01 (6) May 31 (3) May 30 (5) May 29 (8) May 28 (7) May 27 (2) May 26 (2) May 25 (8) May 24 (7) May 23 (6) May 22 (9) May 21 (6) May 20 (5) May 19 (6) May 18 (9) May 17 (10) May 16 (11) May 15 (5) May 14 (11) May 13 (6) May 12 (7) May 11 (7) May 10 (5) May 09 (3) May 08 (10) May 07 (8) May 06 (11) May 05 (5) May 04 (9) May 03 (3) May 02 (2) May 01 (5) Apr 30 (5) Apr 29 (8) Apr 28 (6) Apr 27 (4) Apr 26 (9) Apr 25 (11) Apr 24 (4) Apr 23 (11) Apr 22 (7) Apr 21 (5) Apr 20 (7) Apr 19 (10) Apr 18 (8) Apr 17 (10) Apr 16 (8) Apr 15 (4) Apr 14 (5) Apr 13 (7) Apr 12 (11) Apr 11 (6) Apr 10 (7) Apr 09 (6) Apr 08 (3) Apr 07 (3) Apr 06 (9) Apr 05 (10) Apr 04 (7) Apr 03 (2) Apr 02 (6) Apr 01 (4) Mar 31 (3) Mar 30 (4) Mar 29 (3) Mar 28 (5) Mar 27 (10) Mar 26 (5) Mar 25 (4) Mar 24 (5) Mar 23 (7) Mar 22 (6) Mar 21 (9) Mar 20 (5) Mar 19 (5) Mar 18 (9) Mar 17 (2) Mar 16 (8) Mar 15 (10) Mar 14 (9) Mar 13 (10) Mar 12 (10) Mar 11 (2) Mar 10 (1) Mar 09 (6) Mar 08 (4) Mar 07 (4) Mar 06 (3) Mar 05 (3) Mar 04 (7) Mar 03 (6) Mar 02 (8) Mar 01 (9) Feb 28 (6) Feb 27 (3) Feb 26 (8) Feb 25 (7) Feb 24 (3) Feb 23 (4) Feb 22 (4) Feb 21 (7) Feb 20 (4) Feb 19 (4) Feb 18 (2) Feb 17 (1) Feb 16 (6) Feb 15 (6) Feb 14 (5) Feb 13 (4) Feb 12 (7) Feb 11 (2) Feb 10 (2) Feb 09 (5) Feb 08 (5) Feb 07 (9) Feb 06 (4) Feb 05 (9) Feb 04 (3) Feb 03 (3) Feb 02 (10) Feb 01 (9) Jan 31 (5) Jan 30 (8) Jan 29 (5) Jan 28 (3) Jan 27 (4) Jan 26 (5) Jan 25 (6) Jan 24 (5) Jan 23 (4) Jan 22 (8) Jan 21 (3) Jan 20 (3) Jan 19 (7) Jan 18 (3) Jan 17 (6) Jan 16 (8) Jan 15 (7) Jan 14 (9) Jan 13 (1) Jan 12 (7) Jan 11 (1) Jan 10 (3) Jan 09 (3) Jan 08 (5) Jan 07 (4) Jan 06 (2) Jan 05 (3) Jan 04 (5) Jan 03 (4) Jan 02 (4) Jan 01 (4) Dec 31 (3) Dec 30 (4) Dec 29 (5) Dec 28 (8) Dec 27 (4) Dec 26 (4) Dec 25 (2) Dec 24 (4) Dec 23 (4) Dec 22 (7) Dec 21 (5) Dec 20 (3) Dec 19 (4) Dec 18 (6) Dec 17 (4) Dec 16 (5) Dec 15 (5) Dec 14 (8) Dec 13 (3) Dec 12 (6) Dec 11 (8) Dec 10 (5) Dec 09 (4) Dec 08 (4) Dec 07 (7) Dec 06 (7) Dec 05 (6) Dec 04 (6) Dec 03 (7) Dec 02 (1) Dec 01 (6) Nov 30 (2) Nov 29 (8) Nov 28 (16) Nov 27 (7) Nov 26 (5) Nov 25 (2) Nov 24 (6) Nov 23 (5) Nov 22 (5) Nov 21 (5) Nov 20 (15) Nov 19 (8) Nov 18 (2) Nov 17 (3) Nov 16 (5) Nov 15 (7) Nov 14 (6) Nov 13 (9) Nov 12 (7) Nov 11 (8) Nov 10 (3) Nov 09 (5) Nov 08 (8) Nov 07 (9) Nov 06 (9) Nov 05 (1) Nov 04 (4) Nov 03 (8) Nov 02 (6) Nov 01 (3) Oct 31 (6) Oct 30 (7) Oct 29 (3) Oct 28 (3) Oct 27 (4) Oct 26 (4) Oct 25 (8) Oct 24 (4) Oct 23 (1) Oct 22 (6) Oct 21 (1) Oct 20 (8) Oct 19 (6) Oct 18 (10) Oct 17 (6) Oct 16 (15) Oct 15 (4) Oct 14 (5) Oct 13 (3) Oct 12 (9) Oct 11 (7) Oct 10 (1) Oct 09 (5) Oct 08 (7) Oct 07 (3) Oct 06 (8) Oct 05 (5) Oct 04 (3) Oct 03 (7) Oct 02 (6) Oct 01 (6) Sep 30 (8) Sep 29 (6) Sep 28 (13) Sep 27 (10) Sep 26 (8) Sep 25 (8) Sep 24 (8) Sep 23 (3) Sep 22 (7) Sep 21 (9) Sep 20 (7) Sep 19 (8) Sep 18 (4) Sep 17 (3) Sep 16 (4) Sep 15 (8) Sep 14 (5) Sep 13 (7) Sep 12 (7) Sep 11 (9) Sep 10 (4) Sep 09 (10) Sep 08 (4) Sep 07 (12) Sep 06 (13) Sep 05 (15) Sep 04 (5) Sep 03 (4) Sep 02 (6) Sep 01 (9) Aug 31 (7) Aug 30 (6) Aug 29 (8) Aug 28 (11) Aug 27 (2) Aug 26 (6) Aug 25 (15) Aug 24 (6) Aug 23 (8) Aug 22 (5) Aug 21 (6) Aug 20 (7) Aug 19 (2) Aug 18 (5) Aug 17 (5) Aug 16 (11) Aug 15 (4) Aug 14 (6) Aug 13 (9) Aug 12 (4) Aug 11 (5) Aug 10 (6) Aug 09 (5) Aug 08 (7) Aug 07 (9) Aug 06 (4) Aug 05 (4) Aug 04 (4) Aug 03 (8) Aug 02 (9) Aug 01 (10) Jul 31 (11) Jul 30 (4) Jul 29 (3) Jul 28 (11) Jul 27 (4) Jul 26 (7) Jul 25 (7) Jul 24 (4) Jul 23 (8) Jul 22 (5) Jul 21 (4) Jul 20 (10) Jul 19 (6) Jul 18 (9) Jul 17 (6) Jul 16 (7) Jul 15 (6) Jul 14 (4) Jul 13 (7) Jul 12 (8) Jul 11 (6) Jul 10 (14) Jul 09 (6) Jul 08 (5) Jul 07 (4) Jul 06 (9) Jul 05 (8) Jul 04 (5) Jul 03 (8) Jul 02 (5) Jul 01 (5) Jun 30 (6) Jun 29 (3) Jun 28 (3) Jun 27 (4) Jun 26 (8) Jun 25 (3) Jun 24 (5) Jun 23 (14) Jun 22 (11) Jun 21 (5) Jun 20 (8) Jun 19 (7) Jun 18 (4) Jun 17 (3) Jun 16 (12) Jun 15 (12) Jun 14 (10) Jun 13 (10) Jun 12 (9) Jun 11 (6) Jun 10 (12) Jun 09 (4) Jun 08 (3) Jun 07 (12) Jun 06 (6) Jun 05 (7) Jun 04 (6) Jun 03 (3) Jun 02 (4) Jun 01 (8) May 31 (4) May 30 (3) May 29 (8) May 28 (7) May 27 (4) May 26 (3) May 25 (5) May 24 (9) May 23 (16) May 22 (12) May 21 (11) May 20 (7) May 19 (10) May 18 (8) May 17 (8) May 16 (10) May 15 (8) May 14 (5) May 13 (1) May 12 (6) May 11 (9) May 10 (9) May 09 (10) May 08 (9) May 07 (6) May 06 (5) May 05 (7) May 04 (10) May 03 (7) May 02 (9) May 01 (10) Apr 30 (4) Apr 29 (9) Apr 28 (12) Apr 27 (9) Apr 26 (4) Apr 25 (5) Apr 24 (9) Apr 23 (4) Apr 22 (7) Apr 21 (8) Apr 20 (9) Apr 19 (6) Apr 18 (4) Apr 17 (2) Apr 16 (4) Apr 15 (10) Apr 14 (7) Apr 13 (5) Apr 12 (7) Apr 11 (7) Apr 10 (7) Apr 09 (6) Apr 08 (7) Apr 07 (10) Apr 06 (8) Apr 05 (8) Apr 04 (9) Apr 03 (6) Apr 02 (4) Apr 01 (4) Mar 31 (11) Mar 30 (12) Mar 29 (16) Mar 28 (8) Mar 27 (10) Mar 26 (12) Mar 25 (6) Mar 24 (9) Mar 23 (3) Mar 22 (12) Mar 21 (12) Mar 20 (14) Mar 19 (8) Mar 18 (7) Mar 17 (8) Mar 16 (4) Mar 15 (10) Mar 14 (9) Mar 13 (9) Mar 12 (6) Mar 11 (5) Mar 10 (13) Mar 09 (8) Mar 08 (10) Mar 07 (12) Mar 06 (6) Mar 05 (4) Mar 04 (2) Mar 03 (3) Mar 02 (12) Mar 01 (8) Feb 29 (11) Feb 28 (5) Feb 27 (3) Feb 26 (13) Feb 25 (10) Feb 24 (13) Feb 23 (10) Feb 22 (9) Feb 21 (18) Feb 20 (6) Feb 19 (7) Feb 18 (9) Feb 17 (5) Feb 16 (9) Feb 15 (7) Feb 14 (6) Feb 13 (5) Feb 12 (6) Feb 11 (4) Feb 10 (8) Feb 09 (5) Feb 08 (8) Feb 07 (10) Feb 06 (7) Feb 05 (7) Feb 04 (5) Feb 03 (11) Feb 02 (4) Feb 01 (3) Jan 31 (12) Jan 30 (7) Jan 29 (7) Jan 28 (7) Jan 27 (12) Jan 26 (7) Jan 25 (11) Jan 24 (4) Jan 23 (6) Jan 22 (8) Jan 21 (12) Jan 20 (11) Jan 19 (6) Jan 18 (6) Jan 17 (11) Jan 16 (9) Jan 15 (4) Jan 14 (3) Jan 13 (6) Jan 12 (9) Jan 11 (9) Jan 10 (10) Jan 09 (5) Jan 08 (10) Jan 07 (5) Jan 06 (6) Jan 05 (8) Jan 04 (5) Jan 03 (8) Jan 02 (7) Jan 01 (7) Dec 31 (10) Dec 30 (11) Dec 29 (6) Dec 28 (5) Dec 27 (10) Dec 26 (4) Dec 25 (5) Dec 24 (7) Dec 23 (2) Dec 22 (9) Dec 21 (8) Dec 20 (8) Dec 19 (5) Dec 18 (1) Dec 17 (5) Dec 16 (6) Dec 15 (5) Dec 14 (13) Dec 13 (8) Dec 12 (7) Dec 11 (9) Dec 10 (12) Dec 09 (7) Dec 08 (11) Dec 07 (9) Dec 06 (11) Dec 05 (10) Dec 04 (6) Dec 03 (8) Dec 02 (6) Dec 01 (14) Nov 30 (7) Nov 29 (8) Nov 28 (8) Nov 27 (6) Nov 26 (9) Nov 25 (10) Nov 24 (12) Nov 23 (10) Nov 22 (10) Nov 21 (10) Nov 20 (4) Nov 19 (4) Nov 18 (8) Nov 17 (9) Nov 16 (9) Nov 15 (12) Nov 14 (6) Nov 13 (9) Nov 12 (3) Nov 11 (9) Nov 10 (10) Nov 09 (10) Nov 08 (7) Nov 07 (8) Nov 06 (10) Nov 05 (8) Nov 04 (7) Nov 03 (10) Nov 02 (11) Nov 01 (10) Oct 31 (5) Oct 30 (8) Oct 29 (8) Oct 28 (8) Oct 27 (11) Oct 26 (6) Oct 25 (9) Oct 24 (10) Oct 23 (5) Oct 22 (14) Oct 21 (10) Oct 20 (8) Oct 19 (11) Oct 18 (13) Oct 17 (7) Oct 16 (6) Oct 15 (9) Oct 14 (7) Oct 13 (12) Oct 12 (13) Oct 11 (9) Oct 10 (8) Oct 09 (9) Oct 08 (7) Oct 07 (12) Oct 06 (8) Oct 05 (13) Oct 04 (11) Oct 03 (7) Oct 02 (5) Oct 01 (14) Sep 30 (12) Sep 29 (12) Sep 28 (11) Sep 27 (11) Sep 26 (7) Sep 25 (10) Sep 24 (3) Sep 23 (7) Sep 22 (8) Sep 21 (8) Sep 20 (8) Sep 19 (7) Sep 18 (5) Sep 17 (14) Sep 16 (7) Sep 15 (11) Sep 14 (13) Sep 13 (11) Sep 12 (9) Sep 11 (5) Sep 10 (4) Sep 09 (13) Sep 08 (11) Sep 07 (11) Sep 06 (16) Sep 05 (1) Sep 04 (10) Sep 03 (8) Sep 02 (8) Sep 01 (7) Aug 31 (1) Aug 30 (6) Aug 29 (2) Aug 28 (3) Aug 27 (6) Aug 26 (8) Aug 25 (5) Aug 24 (5) Aug 23 (6) Aug 22 (7) Aug 21 (6) Aug 20 (4) Aug 19 (9) Aug 18 (7) Aug 17 (7) Aug 16 (10) Aug 15 (2) Aug 14 (5) Aug 13 (5) Aug 12 (10) Aug 11 (5) Aug 10 (4) Aug 09 (8) Aug 08 (3) Aug 07 (5) Aug 06 (12) Aug 05 (5) Aug 04 (7) Aug 03 (6) Aug 02 (7) Aug 01 (14) Jul 31 (7) Jul 30 (7) Jul 29 (13) Jul 28 (10) Jul 27 (6) Jul 26 (7) Jul 25 (7) Jul 24 (4) Jul 23 (12) Jul 22 (14) Jul 21 (6) Jul 20 (9) Jul 19 (12) Jul 18 (9) Jul 17 (4) Jul 16 (6) Jul 15 (8) Jul 14 (15) Jul 13 (8) Jul 12 (10) Jul 11 (6) Jul 10 (6) Jul 09 (6) Jul 08 (6) Jul 07 (9) Jul 06 (15) Jul 05 (6) Jul 04 (10) Jul 03 (6) Jul 02 (6) Jul 01 (11) Jun 30 (7) Jun 29 (4) Jun 28 (8) Jun 27 (8) Jun 26 (5) Jun 25 (11) Jun 24 (9) Jun 23 (10) Jun 22 (8) Jun 21 (8) Jun 20 (6) Jun 19 (5) Jun 18 (15) Jun 17 (8) Jun 16 (13) Jun 15 (15) Jun 14 (11) Jun 13 (6) Jun 12 (15) Jun 11 (7) Jun 10 (7) Jun 09 (18) Jun 08 (20) Jun 07 (17) Jun 06 (9) Jun 05 (9) Jun 04 (12) Jun 03 (13) Jun 02 (14) Jun 01 (8) May 31 (13) May 30 (8) May 29 (6) May 28 (8) May 27 (17) May 26 (8) May 25 (13) May 24 (12) May 23 (9) May 22 (4) May 21 (4) May 20 (11) May 19 (14) May 18 (6) May 17 (10) May 16 (4) May 15 (5) May 14 (28) May 12 (9) May 11 (17) May 10 (15) May 09 (12) May 08 (5) May 07 (4) May 06 (10) May 05 (8) May 04 (10) May 03 (5) May 02 (6) May 01 (8) Apr 30 (8) Apr 29 (12) Apr 28 (6) Apr 27 (11) Apr 26 (12) Apr 25 (6) Apr 24 (3) Apr 23 (5) Apr 22 (10) Apr 21 (19) Apr 20 (13) Apr 19 (11) Apr 18 (11) Apr 17 (5) Apr 16 (12) Apr 15 (11) Apr 14 (17) Apr 13 (6) Apr 12 (16) Apr 11 (10) Apr 10 (1) Apr 09 (18) Apr 08 (14) Apr 07 (6) Apr 06 (10) Apr 05 (21) Apr 04 (12) Apr 03 (4) Apr 02 (13) Apr 01 (8) Mar 31 (10) Mar 30 (11) Mar 29 (10) Mar 28 (8) Mar 27 (6) Mar 26 (12) Mar 25 (15) Mar 24 (10) Mar 23 (12) Mar 22 (12) Mar 21 (8) Mar 20 (4) Mar 19 (11) Mar 18 (7) Mar 17 (7) Mar 16 (9) Mar 15 (10) Mar 14 (4) Mar 13 (2) Mar 12 (14) Mar 11 (13) Mar 10 (7) Mar 09 (9) Mar 08 (17) Mar 07 (5) Mar 06 (7) Mar 05 (13) Mar 04 (10) Mar 03 (14) Mar 02 (12) Mar 01 (18) Feb 28 (8) Feb 27 (2) Feb 26 (9) Feb 25 (13) Feb 24 (17) Feb 23 (13) Feb 22 (12) Feb 21 (11) Feb 20 (11) Feb 19 (16) Feb 18 (17) Feb 17 (15) Feb 16 (15) Feb 15 (15) Feb 14 (10) Feb 13 (8) Feb 12 (10) Feb 11 (15) Feb 10 (11) Feb 09 (13) Feb 08 (10) Feb 07 (9) Feb 06 (6) Feb 05 (15) Feb 04 (15) Feb 03 (11) Feb 02 (14) Feb 01 (15) Jan 31 (11) Jan 30 (9) Jan 29 (19) Jan 28 (9) Jan 27 (9) Jan 26 (16) Jan 25 (19) Jan 24 (17) Jan 23 (8) Jan 22 (15) Jan 21 (9) Jan 20 (11) Jan 19 (7) Jan 18 (9) Jan 17 (6) Jan 16 (7) Jan 15 (12) Jan 14 (9) Jan 13 (14) Jan 12 (11) Jan 11 (13) Jan 10 (8) Jan 09 (8) Jan 08 (20) Jan 07 (11) Jan 06 (11) Jan 05 (8) Jan 04 (14) Jan 03 (6) Jan 02 (7) Jan 01 (7) Dec 31 (14) Dec 30 (15) Dec 29 (7) Dec 28 (10) Dec 27 (4) Dec 26 (3) Dec 25 (11) Dec 24 (9) Dec 23 (9) Dec 22 (15) Dec 21 (12) Dec 20 (11) Dec 19 (4) Dec 18 (16) Dec 17 (6) Dec 16 (12) Dec 15 (14) Dec 14 (11) Dec 13 (10) Dec 12 (6) Dec 11 (10) Dec 10 (17) Dec 09 (11) Dec 08 (12) Dec 07 (16) Dec 06 (11) Dec 05 (5) Dec 04 (12) Dec 03 (15) Dec 02 (15) Dec 01 (12) Nov 30 (16) Nov 29 (7) Nov 28 (11) Nov 27 (13) Nov 26 (13) Nov 25 (16) Nov 24 (15) Nov 23 (10) Nov 22 (10) Nov 21 (4) Nov 20 (8) Nov 19 (9) Nov 18 (16) Nov 17 (11) Nov 16 (11) Nov 15 (10) Nov 14 (9) Nov 13 (6) Nov 12 (10) Nov 11 (12) Nov 10 (15) Nov 09 (9) Nov 08 (10) Nov 07 (6) Nov 06 (7) Nov 05 (12) Nov 04 (14) Nov 03 (10) Nov 02 (13) Nov 01 (9) Oct 31 (9) Oct 30 (11) Oct 29 (18) Oct 28 (13) Oct 27 (23) Oct 26 (12) Oct 25 (14) Oct 24 (20) Oct 22 (18) Oct 21 (18) Oct 20 (19) Oct 19 (12) Oct 18 (11) Oct 17 (5) Oct 16 (18) Oct 15 (8) Oct 14 (11) Oct 13 (9) Oct 12 (13) Oct 11 (6) Oct 10 (7) Oct 09 (27) Oct 08 (14) Oct 07 (10) Oct 06 (9) Oct 05 (7) Oct 04 (10) Oct 03 (6) Oct 02 (9) Oct 01 (13) Sep 30 (12) Sep 29 (13) Sep 28 (8) Sep 27 (9) Sep 26 (8) Sep 25 (14) Sep 24 (4) Sep 23 (14) Sep 22 (20) Sep 21 (11) Sep 20 (6) Sep 19 (9) Sep 18 (14) Sep 17 (8) Sep 16 (17) Sep 15 (6) Sep 14 (11) Sep 13 (9) Sep 12 (4) Sep 11 (7) Sep 10 (14) Sep 09 (12) Sep 08 (17) Sep 07 (12) Sep 06 (13) Sep 05 (9) Sep 04 (20) Sep 03 (16) Sep 02 (16) Sep 01 (10) Aug 31 (13) Aug 30 (4) Aug 29 (9) Aug 28 (6) Aug 27 (8) Aug 26 (11) Aug 25 (10) Aug 24 (14) Aug 23 (12) Aug 22 (13) Aug 21 (10) Aug 20 (13) Aug 19 (15) Aug 18 (8) Aug 17 (10) Aug 16 (8) Aug 15 (3) Aug 14 (11) Aug 13 (12) Aug 12 (15) Aug 11 (10) Aug 10 (17) Aug 09 (6) Aug 08 (13) Aug 07 (11) Aug 06 (13) Aug 05 (11) Aug 04 (11) Aug 03 (10) Aug 02 (7) Aug 01 (6) Jul 31 (10) Jul 30 (21) Jul 29 (14) Jul 28 (13) Jul 27 (16) Jul 26 (10) Jul 25 (15) Jul 24 (17) Jul 23 (15) Jul 22 (15) Jul 21 (19) Jul 20 (17) Jul 19 (9) Jul 18 (7) Jul 17 (26) Jul 16 (18) Jul 15 (20) Jul 14 (16) Jul 13 (19) Jul 12 (11) Jul 11 (5) Jul 10 (13) Jul 09 (11) Jul 08 (8) Jul 07 (12) Jul 06 (16) Jul 05 (9) Jul 04 (5) Jul 03 (15) Jul 02 (11) Jul 01 (14) Jun 30 (13) Jun 29 (19) Jun 28 (8) Jun 27 (9) Jun 26 (16) Jun 25 (22) Jun 24 (17) Jun 23 (11) Jun 22 (15) Jun 21 (14) Jun 20 (8) Jun 19 (17) Jun 18 (10) Jun 17 (10) Jun 16 (17) Jun 15 (13) Jun 14 (14) Jun 13 (4) Jun 12 (13) Jun 11 (15) Jun 10 (25) Jun 09 (10) Jun 08 (23) Jun 07 (14) Jun 06 (20) Jun 05 (10) Jun 04 (11) Jun 03 (12) Jun 02 (21) Jun 01 (14) May 31 (10) May 30 (14) May 29 (8) May 28 (23) May 27 (20) May 26 (16) May 25 (13) May 24 (12) May 23 (10) May 22 (18) May 21 (14) May 20 (12) May 19 (18) May 18 (14) May 17 (13) May 16 (4) May 15 (7) May 14 (16) May 13 (13) May 12 (8) May 11 (18) May 10 (8) May 09 (7) May 08 (13) May 07 (11) May 06 (15) May 05 (18) May 04 (17) May 03 (7) May 02 (5) May 01 (11) Apr 30 (19) Apr 29 (21) Apr 28 (18) Apr 27 (16) Apr 26 (8) Apr 25 (11) Apr 24 (9) Apr 23 (20) Apr 22 (23) Apr 21 (5) Apr 20 (16) Apr 19 (13) Apr 18 (6) Apr 17 (6) Apr 16 (16) Apr 15 (18) Apr 14 (13) Apr 13 (14) Apr 12 (9) Apr 11 (3) Apr 10 (16) Apr 09 (14) Apr 08 (12) Apr 07 (18) Apr 06 (7) Apr 05 (11) Apr 04 (9) Apr 03 (19) Apr 02 (17) Apr 01 (16) Mar 31 (16) Mar 30 (22) Mar 29 (16) Mar 28 (16) Mar 27 (19) Mar 26 (31) Mar 25 (25) Mar 24 (26) Mar 23 (27) Mar 22 (22) Mar 21 (22) Mar 20 (13) Mar 19 (21) Mar 18 (20) Mar 17 (24) Mar 16 (18) Mar 15 (9) Mar 14 (9) Mar 13 (29) Mar 12 (15) Mar 11 (11) Mar 10 (11) Mar 09 (20) Mar 08 (12) Mar 07 (6) Mar 06 (21) Mar 05 (22) Mar 04 (19) Mar 03 (9) Mar 02 (20) Mar 01 (11) Feb 28 (11) Feb 27 (27) Feb 26 (15) Feb 25 (18) Feb 24 (17) Feb 23 (19) Feb 22 (24) Feb 21 (10) Feb 20 (14) Feb 19 (25) Feb 18 (16) Feb 17 (19) Feb 16 (23) Feb 15 (8) Feb 14 (11) Feb 13 (25) Feb 12 (16) Feb 11 (12) Feb 10 (18) Feb 09 (12) Feb 08 (14) Feb 07 (8) Feb 06 (27) Feb 05 (28) Feb 04 (24) Feb 03 (17) Feb 02 (20) Feb 01 (23) Jan 31 (16) Jan 30 (20) Jan 29 (26) Jan 28 (17) Jan 27 (21) Jan 26 (24) Jan 25 (16) Jan 24 (14) Jan 23 (16) Jan 22 (17) Jan 21 (19) Jan 20 (21) Jan 19 (17) Jan 18 (13) Jan 17 (14) Jan 16 (10) Jan 15 (21) Jan 14 (16) Jan 13 (19) Jan 12 (30) Jan 11 (14) Jan 10 (11) Jan 09 (8) Jan 08 (23) Jan 07 (13) Jan 06 (21) Jan 05 (15) Jan 04 (18) Jan 03 (9) Jan 02 (12) Jan 01 (15) Dec 31 (18) Dec 30 (7) Dec 29 (13) Dec 28 (11) Dec 27 (8) Dec 26 (6) Dec 25 (8) Dec 24 (28) Dec 23 (12) Dec 22 (12) Dec 21 (17) Dec 20 (19) Dec 19 (19) Dec 18 (22) Dec 17 (24) Dec 16 (17) Dec 15 (29) Dec 14 (22) Dec 13 (12) Dec 12 (22) Dec 11 (24) Dec 10 (25) Dec 09 (18) Dec 08 (15) Dec 07 (21) Dec 06 (24) Dec 05 (30) Dec 04 (28) Dec 03 (26) Dec 02 (22) Dec 01 (33) 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23 (16) Mar 22 (13) Mar 21 (24) Mar 20 (27) Mar 19 (20) Mar 18 (24) Mar 17 (17) Mar 16 (11) Mar 15 (6) Mar 14 (20) Mar 13 (28) Mar 12 (30) Mar 11 (20) Mar 10 (21) Mar 09 (12) Mar 08 (8) Mar 07 (17) Mar 06 (20) Mar 05 (19) Mar 04 (15) Mar 03 (17) Mar 02 (8) Mar 01 (12) Feb 28 (16) Feb 27 (17) Feb 26 (8) Feb 25 (23) Feb 24 (15) Feb 23 (8) Feb 22 (10) Feb 21 (24) Feb 20 (14) Feb 19 (24) Feb 18 (19) Feb 17 (27) Feb 16 (13) Feb 15 (11) Feb 14 (15) Feb 13 (13) Feb 12 (13) Feb 11 (21) Feb 10 (16) Feb 09 (15) Feb 08 (10) Feb 07 (17) Feb 06 (21) Feb 05 (17) Feb 04 (14) Feb 03 (23) Feb 02 (5) Feb 01 (8) Jan 31 (17) Jan 30 (22) Jan 29 (23) Jan 28 (10) Jan 27 (24) Jan 26 (12) Jan 25 (9) Jan 24 (12) Jan 23 (19) Jan 22 (19) Jan 21 (14) Jan 20 (21) Jan 19 (12) Jan 18 (8) Jan 17 (20) Jan 16 (14) Jan 15 (23) Jan 14 (8) Jan 13 (20) Jan 12 (9) Jan 11 (7) Jan 10 (18) Jan 09 (11) Jan 08 (18) Jan 07 (13) Jan 06 (12) Jan 05 (12) Jan 04 (11) Jan 03 (10) Jan 02 (9) Jan 01 (9) Dec 31 (12) Dec 30 (11) Dec 29 (6) Dec 28 (9) Dec 27 (13) Dec 26 (15) Dec 25 (8) Dec 24 (6) Dec 23 (8) Dec 22 (5) Dec 21 (6) Dec 20 (14) Dec 19 (17) Dec 18 (14) Dec 17 (14) Dec 16 (13) Dec 15 (9) Dec 14 (9) Dec 13 (11) Dec 12 (16) Dec 11 (18) Dec 10 (4) Dec 09 (24) Dec 08 (11) Dec 07 (19) Dec 06 (6) Dec 05 (26) Dec 04 (15) Dec 03 (20) Dec 02 (17) Dec 01 (11) Nov 30 (10) Nov 29 (18) Nov 28 (21) Nov 27 (10) Nov 26 (22) Nov 25 (16) Nov 24 (12) Nov 23 (8) Nov 22 (18) Nov 21 (9) Nov 20 (17) Nov 19 (16) Nov 18 (16) Nov 17 (5) Nov 16 (9) Nov 15 (21) Nov 14 (17) Nov 13 (20) Nov 12 (16) Nov 11 (13) Nov 10 (9) Nov 09 (10) Nov 08 (16) Nov 07 (15) Nov 06 (18) Nov 05 (19) Nov 04 (16) Nov 03 (11) Nov 02 (5) Nov 01 (17) Oct 31 (17) Oct 30 (21) Oct 29 (9) Oct 28 (16) Oct 27 (6) Oct 26 (6) Oct 25 (16) Oct 24 (18) Oct 23 (14) Oct 22 (17) Oct 21 (10) Oct 20 (6) Oct 19 (8) Oct 18 (11) Oct 17 (12) Oct 16 (14) Oct 15 (19) Oct 14 (15) Oct 13 (11) Oct 12 (9) Oct 11 (10) Oct 10 (23) Oct 09 (13) Oct 08 (15) Oct 07 (20) Oct 06 (13) Oct 05 (4) Oct 04 (16) Oct 03 (17) Oct 02 (17) Oct 01 (20) Sep 30 (17) Sep 29 (9) Sep 28 (8) Sep 27 (14) Sep 26 (20) Sep 25 (19) Sep 24 (13) Sep 23 (11) Sep 22 (9) Sep 21 (5) Sep 20 (8) Sep 19 (21) Sep 18 (12) Sep 17 (20) Sep 16 (16) Sep 15 (10) Sep 14 (6) Sep 13 (18) Sep 12 (14) Sep 11 (24) Sep 10 (17) Sep 09 (16) Sep 08 (16) Sep 07 (10) Sep 06 (20) Sep 05 (13) Sep 04 (23) Sep 03 (14) Sep 02 (12) Sep 01 (11) Aug 31 (11) Aug 30 (13) Aug 29 (18) Aug 28 (14) Aug 27 (21) Aug 26 (10) Aug 25 (8) Aug 24 (10) Aug 23 (17) Aug 22 (15) Aug 21 (14) Aug 20 (20) Aug 19 (20) Aug 18 (7) Aug 17 (9) Aug 16 (11) Aug 15 (12) Aug 14 (14) Aug 13 (19) Aug 12 (14) Aug 11 (6) Aug 10 (12) Aug 09 (7) Aug 08 (18) Aug 07 (16) Aug 06 (16) Aug 05 (20) Aug 04 (12) Aug 03 (8) Aug 02 (12) Aug 01 (14) Jul 31 (16) Jul 30 (16) Jul 29 (11) Jul 28 (8) Jul 27 (9) Jul 26 (17) Jul 25 (20) Jul 24 (17) Jul 23 (11) Jul 22 (18) Jul 21 (7) Jul 20 (10) Jul 19 (14) Jul 18 (11) Jul 17 (15) Jul 16 (12) Jul 15 (10) Jul 14 (8) Jul 13 (8) Jul 12 (17) Jul 11 (18) Jul 10 (16) Jul 09 (13) Jul 08 (10) Jul 07 (12) Jul 06 (8) Jul 05 (16) Jul 04 (14) Jul 03 (17) Jul 02 (13) Jul 01 (16) Jun 30 (19) Jun 29 (7) Jun 28 (19) Jun 27 (21) Jun 26 (27) Jun 25 (23) Jun 24 (23) Jun 23 (12) Jun 22 (9) Jun 21 (18) Jun 20 (15) Jun 19 (24) Jun 18 (21) Jun 17 (13) Jun 16 (9) Jun 15 (9) Jun 14 (18) Jun 13 (24) Jun 12 (18) Jun 11 (23) Jun 10 (25) Jun 09 (24) Jun 08 (27) Jun 07 (5) Jun 06 (25) Jun 05 (30) Jun 04 (23) Jun 03 (22) Jun 02 (16) Jun 01 (17) May 31 (18) May 30 (19) May 29 (17) May 28 (23) May 27 (15) May 26 (10) May 25 (19) May 24 (16) May 23 (16) May 22 (27) May 21 (20) May 20 (26) May 19 (6) May 18 (8) May 17 (20) May 16 (8) May 15 (18) May 14 (5) May 13 (21) May 12 (9) May 11 (8) May 10 (12) May 09 (18) May 08 (11) May 07 (27) May 06 (12) May 05 (16) May 04 (19) May 03 (14) May 02 (18) May 01 (18) Apr 30 (25) Apr 29 (27) Apr 28 (11) Apr 27 (10) Apr 26 (18) Apr 25 (10) Apr 24 (29) Apr 23 (29) Apr 22 (14) Apr 21 (15) Apr 20 (20) Apr 19 (22) Apr 18 (16) Apr 17 (32) Apr 16 (12) Apr 15 (21) Apr 14 (21) Apr 13 (15) Apr 12 (13) Apr 11 (14) Apr 10 (16) Apr 09 (20) Apr 08 (36) Apr 07 (22) Apr 06 (11) Apr 05 (28) Apr 04 (20) Apr 03 (29) Apr 02 (32) Apr 01 (18) Mar 31 (12) Mar 30 (9) Mar 29 (15) Mar 28 (22) Mar 27 (24) Mar 26 (17) Mar 25 (17) Mar 24 (13) Mar 23 (5) Mar 22 (12) Mar 21 (15) Mar 20 (18) Mar 19 (19) Mar 18 (16) Mar 17 (10) Mar 16 (6) Mar 15 (18) Mar 14 (24) Mar 13 (18) Mar 12 (18) Mar 11 (17) Mar 10 (13) Mar 09 (12) Mar 08 (18) Mar 07 (25) Mar 06 (16) Mar 05 (16) Mar 04 (22) Mar 03 (17) Mar 02 (6) Mar 01 (23) Feb 29 (19) Feb 28 (25) Feb 27 (26) Feb 26 (23) Feb 25 (12) Feb 24 (13) Feb 23 (15) Feb 22 (26) Feb 21 (31) Feb 20 (12) Feb 19 (21) Feb 18 (15) Feb 17 (10) Feb 16 (15) Feb 15 (19) Feb 14 (15) Feb 13 (25) Feb 12 (20) Feb 11 (9) Feb 10 (7) Feb 09 (28) Feb 08 (20) Feb 07 (22) Feb 06 (20) Feb 05 (19) Feb 04 (14) Feb 03 (16) Feb 02 (28) Feb 01 (37) Jan 31 (27) Jan 30 (31) Jan 29 (18) Jan 28 (14) Jan 27 (10) Jan 26 (18) Jan 25 (26) Jan 24 (34) Jan 23 (21) Jan 22 (21) Jan 21 (18) Jan 20 (18) Jan 19 (18) Jan 18 (26) Jan 17 (24) Jan 16 (23) Jan 15 (30) Jan 14 (20) Jan 13 (18) Jan 12 (24) Jan 11 (11) Jan 10 (23) Jan 09 (22) Jan 08 (17) Jan 07 (17) Jan 06 (9) Jan 05 (18) Jan 04 (15) Jan 03 (19) Jan 02 (14) Jan 01 (6) Dec 31 (12) Dec 30 (4) Dec 29 (15) Dec 28 (11) Dec 27 (7) Dec 26 (10) Dec 25 (16) Dec 24 (13) Dec 23 (16) Dec 22 (11) Dec 21 (26) Dec 20 (28) Dec 19 (14) Dec 18 (25) Dec 17 (23) Dec 16 (19) Dec 15 (22) Dec 14 (38) Dec 13 (26) Dec 12 (25) Dec 11 (27) Dec 10 (31) Dec 09 (15) Dec 08 (30) Dec 07 (31) Dec 06 (27) Dec 05 (38) Dec 04 (25) Dec 03 (27) Dec 02 (15) Dec 01 (36) Nov 30 (23) Nov 29 (17) Nov 28 (23) Nov 27 (13) Nov 26 (16) Nov 25 (14) Nov 24 (18) Nov 23 (21) Nov 22 (21) Nov 21 (24) Nov 20 (20) Nov 19 (23) Nov 18 (17) Nov 17 (17) Nov 16 (34) Nov 15 (25) Nov 14 (17) Nov 13 (21) Nov 12 (18) Nov 11 (9) Nov 10 (15) Nov 09 (9) Nov 08 (9) Nov 07 (12) Nov 06 (8) Nov 05 (4) Oct 29 (1) Oct 01 (1) Jul 29 (1) May 11 (1) Jul 11 (1) Back in March, NewsFix brought the story of U.S. Army reservist Joseph Rasey, who was getting ready for a year-long active-duty assignment that would separate him from his pregnant wife and two young daughters. On Tuesday, his regular employer, Park Place Lexus, threw a birthday party to celebrate their second-born, Josie-Anna, turning one year old. Mom, Megan, who has cerebral palsy in addition to being seven months pregnant, was grateful for the help in giving Josie-Anna a proper party that she was unable to put together herself due to the extenuating circumstances. "Josie won't remember that she didn't have a big birthday party of her own for her first birthday, but I will, and mom-guilt is a real thing," Megan said with a smile. "So this was a really wonderful thing to look back on and say, 'You know what? So many people love you, and so many people celebrated you.'" Two-year-old Martha-Eden also got to celebrate even though her birthday is not until November, because the family will not be around then. They're temporarily moving in with Joseph's parents in Wisconsin, giving them some extra sets of hands to help until Joseph returns in about nine months. "It'll be a good time to spend time with his family that we don't normally get to do," says Megan. "We went up there for the first time in five years just before he left, and a lot of [his family members] had never met Josie and just a couple of them had ever met Eden." But dad will be there, too, in voice. Among the gifts each girl received was a book with a recording of Joseph reading the story. "I could hear the shaking in his voice," says Megan. "He told me it was really hard to get through and he had to do each page several times to get through it without crying. So it'll be hard to listen to without crying." Sad tears for now, perhaps...but just wait until the happy ones flow when he comes home! The US Embassy in Mozambique has warned of "imminent attacks" against government and commercial centers in a northern province of the southeastern African nation and urged US citizens to leave the area. The warning, issued Friday, applies to the Palma district of Cabo Delgado province, where a string of beheadings reportedly occurred last month. The government envisions the region as being a major industrial center for mining and the development of liquified natural gas. "In light of information pointing to the likelihood of imminent attacks on government and commercial centers in the district headquarters of Palma, Cabo Delgado Province in the coming days, we strongly advise American citizens in the district headquarters of Palma to consider departing the area immediately," the US Embassy said. "Those who elect to remain in Palma district are strongly advised to avoid travel to the district headquarters and to postpone visits to both government offices and retail locations, including markets." Americans with planned travel to the district "are strongly advised to postpone such travel," the embassy said. It urged Americans to avoid the area, monitor local media for updates, be aware of their surroundings and review their security plans. According to the Mozambique News Agency, "unidentified criminals, believed to be Islamic fundamentalists, decapitated ten people" on May 27. The assaults took place "against two villages in the Palma district." Police said attackers wielding machetes beheaded people, including two teen boys. Locals call the group Al-Shabaab, or the "youth." Authorities are not linking it to the Somali terror group of the same name, however. In March, one person in the province was killed and homes were torched, the news agency said. Officials believe the Al-Shabaab group carried out the assault and believe the same group has been carrying out armed operations against the government since October. Hoosiers affected by this year's Ohio River flooding can get help with resources starting this week in downtown Aurora. The Aurora Lions Club at 228 2nd St. in Aurora will be the site of a federal Disaster Recovery Center starting Tuesday, June 12. It will be open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The center in Aurora will offer support to flood survivors and business owners from Dearborn, Ohio and Switzerland counties. Other centers are open around the state to help people in those areas affected by flooding, or you can call the FEMA helpline at 800-621-3362 to find a DRC near you. The Ohio River crest at 60.53 feet at Cincinnati on Feb. 26. It was the worst flooding the region has seen since March 5, 1997, when the river hit 64.7 feet. Staff from Federal Emergency Management Agency, the U.S. Small Business Administration and the state of Indiana will be available at the center to help fill out disaster assistance applications and update the status of property damage from the flooding. Other organizations will also be available to help survivors. The center also offers those with disabilities reasonable accommodations as well as translators through Telephonic Interpretation Services for people who need them. If you are already registered for assistance, you may still want to speak with recovery specialists at the DRC about updating information and documentation for additional flood damage, or to seek help from other organizations on site. The deadline to register for assistance is July 5, 2018. Wizz Air has taken delivery of its 100th A320 Family aircraft, an A321ceo, at an event in Budapest Airport. Above: (left to right) Levente Magyar, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs (Hungary), Jozsef Varadi, Wizz Air CEO, Jessica Villardi, Regional Vice President for Europe, Russia and CIS at Pratt & Whitney, Andreas Kramer, Airbus Vice President Sales Eastern Europe and Central Asia and Jost Lammers, Budapest Airport CEO. The event was attended by Levente Magyar, Hungarys Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jozsef Varadi, WIZZs Chief Executive Officer, Dr Andreas Kramer, Airbus Vice President Sales Eastern Europe and Central Asia, as well as Jessica Villardi, Pratt & Whitney Regional Vice President, Europe, Russia & CIS. Wizz Air started to operate its first Airbus aircraft 14 years ago. Today Wizz Air has become a true success story, and we are proud to have played a major role in this journey, providing the most efficient aircraft with the lowest operating costs combined with unbeatable comfort in the widest single aisle cabin in the skies, said Eric Schulz, Airbus Chief Commercial Officer. The aircraft carrying a special livery to mark the occasion is powered by IAE engines and configured with 230 seats. It is also equipped with Smart Lavs, an optimised lavatory design providing more cabin length for more seats and improved seat recline for more comfort. Above: Wizz Airs 100th Airbus bearing a special Livery. The aircraft will be deployed on WIZZs extensive regional and international network covering 141 destinations across 44 countries in Europe and beyond. WIZZ will take delivery of 268 additional A320 family aircraft over the coming years. The A320 Family is the worlds best-selling single aisle product line with more than 14,000 orders since launch and more than 8,100 aircraft delivered. June 10, 2018 Sexist Ugly Is The New Normal: "Why Can't We Hate Men?" She Asks In an op-ed published in the Washington Post, no less. By Suzanna Danuta Walters -- no surprise: "a professor of sociology and director of the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program at Northeastern University." Why can't we hate men? Or rather, why shouldn't we? Short answer: For the same reason we shouldn't hate women or Jews or gays or people from Ethiopia. Because people are individuals -- to be judged, as Martin Luther King dreamed, "for the content of their character." That's the content of their individual character. Thinking like that of Walters in this op-ed is just an excuse to get man-hating to "pass." She of course trots out some stats that don't take into account things I've often emphasized here -- based on actual research: How women tend to favor work-life-balance over career; how women tend to take jobs that are less physically risky; how much of the "wage gap" is really a mothering gap. Here's the ugly end of Walters' piece -- ugly to both men and women, who are assumed to be such worms that they need men to step down from their jobs so women can make it in the world: So men, if you really are #WithUs and would like us to not hate you for all the millennia of woe you have produced and benefited from, start with this: Lean out so we can actually just stand up without being beaten down. Pledge to vote for feminist women only. Don't run for office. Don't be in charge of anything. Step away from the power. We got this. And please know that your crocodile tears won't be wiped away by us anymore. We have every right to hate you. You have done us wrong. #BecausePatriarchy. It is long past time to play hard for Team Feminism. And win. Yes, in Walters' way of seeing the world, women are powerless victims, less than men, needing men to go all Harrison Bergeron -- to handicap themselves so their lessers can get ahead (as in that Kurt Vonnegut short story). As I said in my piece at Quillette about why I am not a feminist: Count me the fuck out. What I'm ultimately refusing is the victim status Walters sticks women with. More from my piece: Feminism now regularly calls for women to be treated as eggshells instead of equals. And through this, it does something pernicious to the women it claims to advocate for: Feminism has become a movement for female disempowerment, or what I call "encouraged helplessness" (from psychologist Martin Seligman's "learned helplessness"--the feeling that there's nothing you can do to escape your fate). In fact, feminism, bizarrely, has morphed into paternalism--instructing women that they are fragile, passive, powerless victims who need authority figures to advocate for them. That's a movement I want no part of. Or, as I like to put it--because I'm neither a feminist nor much of a lady: Count me the fuck out. I hope you'll join me in that, ladies. * Head of Government Saad Eddine El Othmani will chair a government council meeting on Thursday, convened to examine different proposed decrees and discuss a bilateral agreement signed between Morocco and the Republic of Congo in Brazzaville in April. On Thursday, the government will review a proposed law related to the protection of plants, a draft decree on asset securitization, and a draft regulation regarding the National Education Ministrys employees. The council will also approve the Cong-Morocco investment related to the reciprocal promotion and preservation of investments that Moroccos Minister of Economy and Finance Mohamed Boussaid and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, and Congolese Abroad, Jean-Claude Gakosso signed to solidify the economic cooperation. The agreement is one of Morocco and Congos 14 investment agreements, which cover different fields, signed on April 30 during the 1st Summit of the Climate Commission in Brazzaville to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries. On the previous Thursdays meeting, the council approved a draft law on the Morocco-Congo agreement dedicated to preventing double taxation and tax evasion. At the closing of the meeting, the council will consider the appointment of new senior officials, abiding by Chapter 92 of the countrys constitution. After stopping by Cairos West Air Base Airport, King Mohammed VIs humanitarian aid for Palestinians in Gaza finally reached its destination on Friday night. Earlier this week, four Moroccan aircraft carrying 113 tons of aid, including 25 tons of medicine and 5,000 blankets, landed in Cairo. Moroccos Ambassador to Egypt Ahmad Tazi received and supervised the transferring of the goods to twelve trucks, which transported the aid to the Gaza strip on Friday. Medical staff from the Royal Armed Forces (FAR) also arrived in Gaza by buses to join the field hospital, built at the request of the sovereign. The King personally supervised the aid transport on May 29 at the Casablanca airport. The hospital is equipped to handle vascular surgery, abdominal surgery, pediatrics, traumatology, ENT, and ophthalmology. Its medical unit has 97 staff, including 21 nurses and 13 doctors. The Kings initiative is intended for the medical assistance of Gazans who suffered the May 14 massacre amid protests against the US embassy move to Jerusalem. The Palestinian Grand Mufti of Al-Quds, Muhammad Ahmad Hussein, expressed his heartfelt appreciation for the Kings initiative, describing it as a brotherly gesture that will mend the Palestinian wounds. Authorities on Tuesday said nine people were killed on Monday night in Diffa city in southeast Niger in several attacks believed to be carried out by terrorist group Boko Haram. A handout picture taken on July 26, 2015 and released by the Nigerian Army shows alleged Boko Haram fighters killed by soldiers following clashes to take control of the town of Dikwa, northeastern Nigeria in the Borno State. Meanwhile, a mentally handicapped female suicide bomber killed at least 14 people and injured 47 more at a crowded market in the northeastern Nigerian town of Damaturu on July 24, 2015, witnesses and a hospital source said. According to local officials on the spot, the tragedy was perpetrated by at least three suicide bombers who blew themselves up late at night in three different locations in downtown Diffa. The areas where the explosions occurred are cordoned off by the security Forces. The attacks came after a relative lull in the region, thanks in particular to the large-scale operations undertaken for over a year by a mixed multinational force composed of the armies of Chad, Niger, Cameroon and Nigeria, against the terrorist group Boko Haram. The localities of the Diffa region, especially those bordering Nigeria, have been suffering repeated attacks by the Nigeria-based terrorist group. Faced with the persistence of deadly attacks by Boko Haram, the region has been under a state of emergency since February 2015. UN sanctions for people traffickers in Libya in global first The UN Security Council has imposed sanctions on six leaders of human trafficking networks operating in Libya the first time traffickers have been put on an international sanctions list. The blacklisted six are four Libyans, including the head of a regional coast guard unit, and two Eritrean nationals. Smugglers have taken advantage of insecurity in Libya to move hundreds of thousands of migrants by sea to Europe. Many migrants are trapped in detention centres and beaten by traffickers. The sanctions a global travel ban and an assets freeze were the result of an internationally-backed Dutch proposal. The proposal was initially presented on 1 May but held up by Russia, which sought to examine the evidence against the six men. The unprecedented sanctions follow widespread outrage at the end of 2017 after CNN aired footage showing the auctioning of migrant men as slaves in Libya. Last fall, images of migrants being sold as slaves in Libya shocked our conscience, and the Security Council vowed to take action, said the US envoy to the UN, Nikki Haley. Todays sanctions send a strong message that the international community is united in seeking accountability for perpetrators of human trafficking and smuggling. There is no place in our world for such abuses of human rights and human dignity, she said. Among the six men sanctioned is Ermias Ghermay, who the UN called one of the most important sub-Saharan actors involved in the illicit trafficking of migrants in Libya. The other five are: Fitiwi Abdelrazak of Eritrea Libyan militia leader Ahmad Oumar al-Dabbashi Libyan Musab Abu-Qarin Libyan Mohammed Kachlaf, head of the Shuhada al Nasr brigade in Zawiya, western Libya Regional Libyan coast guard leader Abd al Rahman al-Milad. Libya has emerged as a major route for African migrants seeking passage to Europe. The country descended into lawlessness in the wake of the overthrow of long-time leader Muammar Gaddafi, with rival governments claiming power, backed by rival militias. Why is Libya so lawless? The African Union said in December there were an estimated 400,000 to 700,000 migrants in more than 40 detention camps across Libya, many in inhumane conditions. The International Organization of Migration recorded more than 3,100 deaths among migrants attempting to cross the Mediterranean from Libya last year. UN assists elections in Libya which rivals wish to carry out by the end of 2018 in December The U.N. Security Council gave strong backing Wednesday to holding presidential and parliamentary elections in Libya, which could be a significant step in bringing stability to a country where lawlessness has fed Islamist militancy, human trafficking and instability. The council adopted a French-drafted presidential statement that welcomed the momentum generated by an international conference on Libya hosted by President Emmanuel Macron on May 29 where rival Libyan leaders agreed on a political roadmap leading to elections on Dec. 10. The Security Council didnt endorse the date but took note of Libyan leaders commitments to advance these important steps within the timeframe set out in the Paris declaration. It also welcomed the leaders commitment to work constructively with the U.N. to organize credible and peaceful parliamentary and presidential elections, and to respect the results. The U.N.s most powerful body warned that the current political and security situation in Libya is not sustainable. It noted the resounding call of all Libyans for credible, inclusive and peaceful elections in order to achieve a united and stable Libya. Frances U.N. Ambassador Francois Delattre said the presidential statement sends a strong message to all the parties in Libya that the Security Council and the international community is fully united behind the results of the Paris conference and full implementation of the agreement. Russias U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia said its important that the council is united on Libya which is reflected in the presidential statement. Thats a strong message to all Libyan parties that they should engage under the spirit of the agreements and work for elections, which is an important milestone in rebuilding Libya, he told several reporters. A presidential statement is a step below a Security Council resolution and must be approved by all 15 council members. It is usually read at an official council meeting and becomes part of the councils official record, unlike press statements. Libya plunged into chaos following a 2011 uprising that toppled and later killed Moammar Gadhafi. Since 2014, the country has been split between rival governments and parliaments based in the western and eastern regions, each backed by different militias and tribes. A provision in the statement urges countries to stop contacts and financing of parties that remain outside the Libya Political Agreement endorsed by the Security Council in 2015. The council stressed that this remains the only viable framework to end the Libyan political crisis. France has been trying to play peacemaker in a country where years of efforts by the United Nations and former colonial power Italy have failed to bring stability. The Paris conference brought together Prime Minister Fayez Sarraj, head of Libyas U.N.-backed government in the capital of Tripoli, and Gen. Khalifa Hifter, whose forces dominate eastern Libya. In the eight-point declaration that closed the conference, the Libyan leaders committed to accepting electoral results and ensuring funds and strong security arrangements for the voting. They also commit to work on phasing out parallel government and institutions and on the unifying of the Libyan Central Bank and other institutions. The Security Council presidential statement welcomed the Libyan parties recognition of the importance of developing a constitutional basis for elections. And it recognized the key role of U.N. envoy Ghassan Salame in consulting with Libyan parties to set the constitutional basis for elections and to adopt the necessary laws. A council diplomat, who was not authorized to speak publicly, stressed the importance of ensuring the constitutional basis for elections and approval of electoral laws before voting takes place. The statement noted the commitment of the parties to the Paris agreement to organize an inclusive political conference under U.N. auspices to follow up on implementation of the roadmap. It also expressed concern at the humanitarian situation in Libya, especially in Derna, where clashes have been ongoing since April, and called on all parties to exercise restraint. King Mohammed VI and President Muhammadu Buhari to take an Iftar on the 10th of June The Ministry of Household, Protocol, and Chancellery announced on Saturday that Mr. Muhammadu Buhari, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria will make a friendship and official visit to the Kingdom of Morocco, on Sunday, and Monday, 25 and 26 Ramadan 1439 corresponding to June 10 and 11, 2018. King Mohammed VI will hold official talks with the Nigerian president, with whom he will co-chair a signing ceremony of conventions. The King will also offer the Nigerian president and his delegation an official iftar in Buharis honor at the Royal Palace in Rabat. The statement concluded that the visit demonstrates the depth and quality of bilateral relations based on a strong and lasting friendship, owing to the common desire to consolidate the multidimensional relations existing between the two countries. The African leaders are also expected to discuss the Atlantic project, a pipeline which is set to link Nigeria and Morocco and may extend up towards Europe. The agreement to construct the pipeline project was signed in December 2016 during the Kings first official visit to Nigeria. With such projects the King aims to diversify Moroccos partnerships in Africa and to extend the South-South activities that the country has initiated with its traditional partners in the continent. During the Yom Kippur War, 19 Israeli soldiers fought for 100 hours against overpowering Syrian forces and survived. Amos* and eighteen of his fellow IDF soldiers were spending Yom Kippur just meters away from the Syrian border when the 1973 war broke out. They fought for 100 hours straight against an overpowering enemy and unrelenting firepower, and survived. They are the heroes of Outpost 107. This is their story. Outpost 107, code-named Portugal was the closest IDF outpost to Syria in 1973. It was next to Quneitra in the Golan Heights. Amos and his fellow soldiers were from Battalion 13 of the Golani brigade. Amos was a mortar man and he reported to Avraham Elimelech, the platoon commander. The outpost consisted of a series of bunkers with observation points and gun positions. The platoons main job was to observe Syrian activities on the Syrian side of the Golan. There was a small tank company nearby to aid the men in repelling any ground attack from Syria. The war started that day with a barrage of artillery on the IDF outpost. Most of the outposts positions were destroyed, including the large supply of drinking water. Four tanks led by Shmuel Yachin from Battalion 74 of the 188th Brigade opened fire and destroyed eight Syrian tanks that were attempting to cross the border to attack. Trucks laden with Syrian infantry raced towards the outpost. The Golani platoon destroyed them all using their heavy machine guns and mortars. That night, the men spotted a convoy of Syrian military vehicles, carrying anti-aircraft and anti-tank guns. Their commander, Elimelech, radioed a warning to the IDF tank as Nissim Avidan manned the heavy machine gun and Amos fired an illumination round from his mortar to light up the theater. Nissim opened fire and the lead truck in the convoy exploded. The IDF tanks joined the fray and the Syrian convoy was destroyed. Later that night two of the IDF tanks drove to recover two Israeli fighters and one Syrian POW, bringing the three men back to the outpost. They had been fired upon, and one of the tanks treads was aflame. The men of the outpost stood guard over the tanks all night, protecting them from Syrian commandos armed with Sagger anti-tank missiles. Elimelech Avraham The next morning, October 7th, the platoon successfully repelled another Syrian infantry attack. But the tanks were now very low on ammo. The outpost was cut off and surrounded; no fresh ammo or supplies could be delivered. Some of the IDF tanks recovered unused shells from stricken Israeli tanks. More artillery barrages rained on the outpost. Syrian soldiers got as far as the outpost gates when the Golani men succeeded in wiping them out. The Golani platoon destroyed additional Syrian tank-hunters. On October 8th, the outpost was attacked at dawn by six Syrian tanks. Five of the tanks were destroyed and the sixth tank sneaked up so close to the eastern side of the outpost that the IDF tanks could no longer safely fire on it. Yossi Zadok Yossi Zadok, a Golani corporal who had arrived on Yom Kippur right before the war started, had received some training in using a bazooka a couple of years prior but hadnt been known as a good shot. There was no time to think or plan. Yossi had to act fast. He quickly jumped up with his bazooka and fired at the tank. It was a direct hit; the tank was destroyed. At 11:00 am, 15 Syrian T-62 tanks rushed at the outpost. It was part of a brigade commanded by Rifat Assad, the brother of the Syrian dictator, Hafez al Assad. Shmuel Yachin and his tank platoon jumped into the fray, destroying 13 of them. Two managed to hide undercover, and tried to escape when darkness fell. One of them was destroyed by the IDF forces; the other managed to get away. The men were running low on ammo but there was no way to resupply them under this onslaught. The men were running low on ammo but there was no way to resupply them under this onslaught. That evening, the outpost was stormed by a Syrian armored personnel carrier. As it entered the perimeter, it set off a mine, killing its occupants, except for one Syrian soldier who was taken prisoner. Portugal: Outpost 107 Then came bad news: Shmuels tank platoon was needed to reinforce Israeli forces in a ferocious tank battle taking place elsewhere in the Golan. The remaining Golani soldiers were left unprotected by tanks. Their ammo and food rations were dangerously low and there was no help in sight. The following day, through their binoculars Amos and his fellow soldiers watched one Syrian tank rise on the hill that overlooked their position. Another Syrian tank soon lined up next to the first one. Then another one. Three hours went by and there were 110 tanks nearly a full armored division on the hill threatening their position. The Golani platoon didnt stand a chance. The tanks roared and the ground literally shook. Zeh avood all is lost! some of the men yelled in great despair. Dont give up! Amos said. Stay below ground! Who knows what the cruel Syrians will have in store for us if they take us alive. Elimelech radioed the Northern Command. I need air support! Negative, came the reply. No planes are available. Then I need armor support! The desperation in his voice was obvious to the entire network. Negative. All tanks are fighting southwest of your positions." Then give me artillery support! he shouted. None is available. Im making sure that someone will remember us when the Syrians kill us all! One soldier took a shell casing and etched the 19 names of the soldiers into the bunker wall. What are you doing? Amos asked. Im making sure that someone will remember us when the Syrians kill us all! the soldier replied. Amos, in the middle, at Outpost 107 The men noticed jeeps carrying Syrian officers following the massive tank convoy. They stopped and opened tables to study terrain maps and plan further attacks against Israel. Elimelech ordered Amos to fire his last two mortar rounds at the officers. They scattered and realized the Israeli outpost had not yet been destroyed. The tanks moved forward to wipe the men out. Thats when Nissim, the heavy machine gunner, did something insane. He fired his .50 caliber machine gun at the lead tank. The bullets bounced off the tank harmlessly. They could not pierce armor. No one knew what Nissim was thinking. The lead Syrian tank swiveled its main gun at Nissims position and fired, scoring a direct hit on his gun emplacement. It exploded in a swirl of flame and smoke. Nobody could have survived a blast like that. The others could only imagine what was left of their friend. Amos ran over to the position, shouting Nissim! Nissim! To Amos great shock, Nissim responded, Im okay! Im okay! He appeared slightly dazed, but lived through the onslaught without a scratch. Most of the Syrian tanks began moving westward to engage Israeli tank forces, but some of them turned south to storm the outpost. The Golani men were now facing destruction from the enemys massive firepower. They were down to almost no ammunition. All seemed lost. Yossi still had his bazooka, with only a few rounds that could do any damage. A bazooka is a powerful weapon. It fires single rockets that can disable a tank, but it has a serious limitation. The weapon is fired while held on the operators shoulder and it has a fiery backblast of several feet when the projectile leaves the barrel. It must therefore be fired in an open area, otherwise the backblast would engulf and incinerate the operator. Yossi and Amos were below the surface of the ground in a maze of bunkers. There was no way to fire the bazooka without exposing Yossi as a target to the vast number of forces now threatening the outpost. How could they get off a proper shot, well-aimed, in defense of their position? It was reckless and against orders. They did it anyway. Yossi and Amos came up with an idea. Amos would put a helmet on top of a rifle, and gradually raise the helmet over the surface of the ground. If it drew fire from the tanks, hed quickly lower it, knowing that this spot is too hot from which to fire. Hed then move to another spot and try it again. If Amos received no fire, hed jump up with his binoculars, determine the range of the target tank, and quickly tell Yossi. Yossi would then jump up, completely exposing himself to the enemy, and take his best shot. It was reckless. Suicidal. Against orders. They did it anyway. Amos held up the helmet. It immediately drew fire. He and Yossi moved 20 feet away and Amos tried it again. No one fired, so he quickly grabbed the binoculars and inched upwards to identify a target. Amos saw a tank and barked the range and position to Yossi, who jumped up and took a shot. Amos heard the whoosh right by him and felt the tremendous heat of the backblast passing overhead. Yossi jumped back down. IMPACT. A direct hit! The shell penetrated the tank and some of the enemy were killed or wounded. One tank down. Amos! Yossi cried. Move! Lets go further down and try it again! Amos moved. They did it again. And again. With Amos courageous range finding, Yossi destroyed four tanks in one day. The other tanks rained murderous fire at their position, furious that the meager Israeli outpost was killing their vaunted Russian-made battle tanks. The next day, the barrage continued. Over the din of incoming shells, Yossi yelled, Amos, lets take out more tanks! Were out of armor-piercing rounds! Nothing we have will take out a tank! What other rounds do we have? White phosphorus. Yossi made a face. He and Amos knew that white phosphorus (WP) was powerless against the Syrian tanks. It was normally used to illuminate a target area, create thick smoke, or burn fuel and ammunition, but it would not inflict any damage. Why bother with it? Amos, lets try firing them anyway. Maybe itll scare them! Okay, Amos said. He rammed the WP shell into the tube of the weapon. Yossi was ready. Find me a target! Amos raised the helmet on a rifle. Nobody shot at it. He quickly inched up with his binoculars and yelled out the range and position to Yossi over the sound of the constant firing. Yossi fearlessly jumped out and fired the bazooka. Another direct hit, but they both knew it was a joke. A huge white spray blanketed the tank with thick smoke. No penetration. No danger to the Syrian tank crew. Amos and Yossi watched in shock as the enemy crewmen abandoned their unscathed tank. But something amazing happened. Amos and Yossi watched in shock as the enemy crewmen abandoned their unscathed tank! Evidently they were terrified by the blast and smoke, and the knowledge that the Israelis had destroyed four tanks the day before. They poured out of the tank and fled on foot towards Syria. Another tank down. The other tanks proceeded to leave the area, leaving the outpost alone. They were engaged by what was left of the IDF 188th and 7th Armored Divisions in some very difficult fighting. Yossi was the only soldier injured in Outpost 107. He was seriously wounded in the chest by shrapnel shortly afterwards and was evacuated to a hospital. All other 18 men were unscathed, despite being under nonstop attack for 100 hours. Yossi took months to recover from his wounds. For his heroism in this battle, Yossi was decorated with the Itur Hamofet, Israels third-highest award for bravery. He and Amos have remained as close as brothers for the last 45 years. After the war, Amos felt that he could not deny the miracles he had seen. Nissims survival. Yossis one-man onslaught, with his help. Destroying the far more powerful enemies of Israel despite their minimal weaponry and scant ammunition. This made him rethink his life and his priorities, and Amos eventually decided to deepen his Jewish commitment and go to a yeshiva. Even today, Amos has tears in his eyes recalling when he saw Gods Hand. As one of the heroes of Outpost 107. * This article is based on an interview with Amos who, due to his humility, only agreed to speak on condition his last name and current photo not be included. Effective hasbara war strategies from the front lines. Im just back from a speaking tour in Europe, where I was confronted with the challenge of justifying Israels actions on the Gaza border and even the countrys very legitimacy as a nation among nations. The deep psychological asymmetry (as Dr. Irwin Mansdorf calls it) employed by Hamas and Fatah as a strategic weapon against Israel is working. The Palestinians exploit civilians in order to meet strategic goals, by placing them in danger or condemning them to unending refugee life. The ensuing misery gnaws away at the conscience of well-meaning and naive observers around the world, and they find it hard to justify the imbalance in suffering between the Palestinians and Israel. The soft bigotry of low expectations (by Europeans of the Palestinians) excuses PA President Mahmoud Abbas and Izzadin Kassam Brigades leader Yahya Sinwar of any responsibility for their peoples predicament. Then there is the radical progressivism that has captured much of mainstream political discourse in the West. This makes liberal people uncomfortable with the use of force by nation-states in almost all cases. Israels over-dog position and its frequent recourse to military action to defend itself is then magnified and manipulated by malign and much less naive actors to skewer the Jewish state. On this particular trip I also encountered a growing proclivity to take refuge in a false, manufactured dichotomy between good old Judaism and bad new Zionism. The ancient Jewish faith is something to be admired and commemorated, you see. Jewish heritage is hip and Jewish history is interesting all across Europe. (Perhaps this is the European way of awkwardly atoning for centuries of persecution of Jews). But modern-day Jewish nationalism as expressed in the powerful State of Israel is a sin. Israel is a sinful country committing criminal acts against its neighbors and even against Judaism itself I was told. Only Palestinian statehood can redeem Israels rotten record, it would seem even though there is no basis to believe that such a state will be anything other than one more failed, fractured and violent Arab country perhaps radically Islamist at war with Israel and its other neighbors. Without admitting it, people speaking this way are deeply anti-Semitic in effect. The Jew they (claim to) like and (very belatedly) admire is a weak, cerebral Jew; a Diaspora Jew whose Talmudic literature is all-of-a-sudden filled with wisdom, and whose art and poetry is unexpectedly so very 21st century cultural. But then there is the Jew they love to hate; the mighty and brawny Zionist Jew that wields the most formidable army in the Middle East and whose economy to just too damn overwhelming. That Jew is just too robust and zealous. Too vicious and potent. That Jew needs to be cut down to size. Beyond all the usual pro-Israel talking points and debate tactics with which I am well familiar, I found on this trip that there were five key strategies that had some impact on my interlocutors. First, dont play the victimhood game. People out there dont care, alas, how many acres of fine Israeli agriculture have been burned by Palestinian incendiary kites, or how many Israeli women and children have been murdered by Hamas suicide bombers, or how many missiles Iran is giving Hezbollah to fire into Israel. The recounting of Arab atrocities, no matter how egregious, doesnt wash. European liberals simply dont see Israel as the underdog. Second, history matters. The Six Day War was not an act of Israeli aggression, but a defensive war, and the Arab side lost fair and square. There never was a Palestinian state. Settlements are not colonialist outposts but express a Jewish right of return to ancestral lands. Israel placed three full-scale peace proposals on the table over the past 15 years involving Palestinian independence and almost-complete West Bank dominion yet Abbas rejected all offers and preferred to fight on. Few care much about this history, but it needs to be restated because it isnt known and it goes to the core of Israels case. Third, you have to emphasize, over and over again, that Israel seeks conflict resolution, not jihad; that Israel wants to resolve conflicts through compromise, not end conflicts by annihilation of the enemy. Say that Israel wishes to live at peace and cooperate with its neighbors, not to conquer Arabic and Islamic nations from Tunisia to Indonesia. No matter how ridiculously self-evident this seems, the repetition of this truth is extraordinarily important. It isnt obvious to many Europeans. Fourth, it is simply not enough to explain Israels security dilemmas or revisit Israels diplomatic generosity toward the Palestinians. Whats needed is a much more basic restatement of Israels cause and purpose: Israel as a grand historic reunion of people and land, and as a just and moral actor in the medieval and violent Arab Middle East. Israel wins when you speak about justice and the Jewish nation. Fifth, and most important of all, dont be embarrassed by Israels strength. Admit to it. Flaunt it. As counterintuitive as this may seem, especially in contrast to the outstretched hand for peace narrative described in a previous paragraph, never apologize for using disproportionate force. Instead, articulate the reasons why and the circumstances under which Israel must use force to defend its homeland, and dont be shy about it. Largely, this means sharing Israels dilemmas with your audience. Its okay to agonize a bit over the need to be a ferocious military power. Dwelling on this is truly Israeli and it is humanizing. But never ask for forgiveness or suggest that Israel will pull its punches just to win a nice guy award. I have found that forthright, unashamed talk has salutary impact. Without being nasty or unfeeling regarding our adversaries, one can convey a deep sense of sincerity and believability by verbalizing Israeli redlines and enunciating core Zionist commitments. People are forced to respect that, even if they wont impute to you awe-inspiring humanity. Better shock-and-awe than shrink-and whimper. Grudgingly, even Europeans come to see that you have a point; a perspective that might be tough and gruff, but that also might be reasonable under the circumstances. This op-ed originally appeared in the Jerusalem Post. A subversive grassroots program is training camp counselors to present an anti-Israel agenda to campers. Parents, your long list of worries over sending your kids to summer camp has expanded in unexpected ways. This season, at least some counselors will be working Jewish campgrounds with the insidious mission of grooming your children to become anti-Israel ambassadors. IfNotNow, a group formed in 2014, held a counselor-training program Sunday in Boston to learn how to teach about the occupation. Publicized on social media and aimed at counselors across the U.S., the effort was described as bigger than one camp or one counselor changing one summers curriculum if we want to see real transformation in our community, we need to build a movement. To understand the true nature of this offensive, one needs to look no further than the organizations stated principles. Among them: We do not take a unified stance on BDS, Zionism or the question of statehood. BDS is the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement. By not committing to a position on those very basic issues, there is no doubt IfNotNow most definitely is taking a stand, and we are not for a moment fooled into thinking it is anything but an effort to delegitimize Israel. As a result, youngsters sent to what should be a Jewish safe space punctuated by color war and campfires could become pawns in an elaborate indoctrination scheme that chips away at parents work to build kids self-esteem as Jews and pride in the Jewish state. Parents should be particularly concerned about how this narrative will play out, given that IfNotNow encourages its members to act with autonomy, according to its principles: If 3 or more of us are convinced that an action will serve the goals of the movement, we proceed without the need for invitation or approval. An attempt to conduct a telephone interview with a spokesperson for IfNotNow was unsuccessful. The organization instead asked for an email with prepared questions and did not respond to the list that was sent. Calls requesting comment from Jeremy Fingerman, chief executive officer of the New-York based Foundation for Jewish Camp, were not returned. Fifteen members of IfNotNow who had been campers at Ramah the Conservative movements camping arm met this winter with Rabbi Mitch Cohen, executive director of the National Ramah Commission. Basically, what they were looking for is an openness of Ramah to be able to be critical of Israeli government policy when it comes to the Palestinians, Rabbi Cohen said. What I said was we will certainly look at all of our materials and make sure that we are open to presenting the Israel-Palestinian conflict from a variety of perspectives. He said he also told them, I will speak with our camp directors and our camp educators to make sure that if someone is left of center at camp, theyre not censured and theyre able to give their opinions or educate on an age-appropriate basis. Rabbi Cohen noted that he attached two conditions: Other opinions representing the full spectrum of views at Ramah also would be voiced, and we wont allow people to teach particular opinions at campif they are considered to be anti-Israel or anti-Zionist, and sometimes its hard to draw that line, but thats the line that every one of our camp directors and educators ought to watch out for. I asked Rabbi Cohen how the Ramah camps, whose oldest campers are age 16, would vet for this. Our directors and I have spoken extensively about this topic and everybody is going to speak with their staff members about this, he said. The fact that many of our alumni are part of IfNotNow is just fact, and if theyre passionate about their cause and if theyre still pro-Israel, then theyre still welcome in our camps. Pressed about how IfNotNow could be considered pro-Israel given the groups refusal to take a position on BDS, Zionism or even the question of statehood, Rabbi Cohen said, I cant answer that because I havent gotten into that question with them. I did not ask them specifically. What I said to them was that you need to be pro-Israel, you need to be pro-Zionist, not anti-Zionist. Parents, former and current campers, and others who became aware of IfNotNows counselor-training session and its stated positions expressed concern, even outrage, that youngsters under 18 might be plied with the groups ideology. They are especially worried such influences could seep into informal camp settings, like mealtimes, where values are typically interjected and counselors outsized rock-star status looms large. For a group to hijack their role as a counselor to promote their own political opinion on our kids fun summer experiences is terrible. I certainly dont want counselors to bring their own ideological baggage and promote that to my kids under their influence, said Massachusetts resident Andrew Warren, a director of e-commerce whose four children range in age from 15 to 21. We send our kids to camp to strengthen their Jewish identity and certainly part of that is pride in Israel, in the broader Jewish people and for a group to hijack their role as a counselor to promote their own political opinion on our time and on our dime and on our kids fun summer experiences is terrible. Warren believes camps should have standard position papers on how the subject of Israel is broached at various age levels, including answers to issues kids themselves might raise and who will be charged with those discussions details that should be communicated clearly to parents and staff as part of a code of conduct. That way, parents can make informed choices. Warrens call for transparency with parents was a recurrent theme running though several other conversations I had related to expectations for camp, coupled with an uncomplicated, positive view of Judaism and the Jewish state. Its the kind of nurturing experience that Madeline Uretzky recalls while attending camp in New Hampshire for seven seasons. Coverage of Israel was completely positive, said Uretzky, who last month received her undergraduate degree in neuroscience from Simmons College in Boston and identifies as a Reform Jew. Especially in a camp, we need for the campers to feel like they have a place and included and that their religion is valid, and being a historically marginalized group, that they can be safe there and feel safe that their fellow peers and counselors wont attack their views, she said. I think that potentially bringing a group like this in would hinder that. Elana Adler, a rising high-school senior in suburban Chicago who has attended Jewish summer camp affiliated with the Reform movement for 10 years, is similarly troubled by the prospect of programming critical of Israel. Its kind of like polarization, said Adler, age 17. Its like youre trying to brainwash these kids into thinking some way especially if they have no opinion either way youre automatically giving them a negative image that they shouldnt have a country. It was a very biased, non-contextual presentation of the entire Arab-Israeli issue everything is Israels fault. Anyone doubtful or dismissive of the agenda that IfNotNow brings to the table should ask Dr. Stephen Gerzof, who attended a day-long orientation training the group held for those interested in leadership in the movement. It was a very biased, non-contextual presentation of the entire Arab-Israeli issue, said Gerzof, a retired professor of radiology at Tufts Medical School. Its just pared down to what they want these kids to know, that everything is Israels fault. He said he raised questions regarding historical context but was rebuffed with, We dont have time for that now. The trainers explained that the groups strategy was to polarize our community, Gerzof told me, and in addition, they said the goal is to make it impossible for them to be neutral on the question of are you on the side of freedom and dignity or not. Trainees were asked to name the supporting pillars of the occupation. Listed along with IDF, Hillel, synagogues, Holocaust remembrance groups, Jewish newspapers and federations just a few of virtually every Jewish communal organization identified was Jewish summer camps, Gerzof said. Well, I thought that was ludicrous, but they put it down and I wrote it down, Gerzof recalled, and when recently I saw this invitation to train summer camp counselors how to 'teach about the occupation, immediately I realized that they are trying to get their trainees to insert themselves between camp directors and the kids parents to try to indoctrinate summer campers in the bunk when nobody knows theyve been indoctrinated. Thats when Gerzof took it upon himself to alert representatives of Jewish camps. Among them was Jonathan Cohen, president of Cohen Camps, which includes Pembroke in Massachusetts and New Hampshire-based Tel Noar and Tevya. The camps are transdenominational, and the complexities of having a Jewish homeland are discussed with oldest campers, Cohen noted. We would be uncomfortable with whatever IfNotNows training is going to be, said Cohen. Were going to have to monitor it and keep our ears open. Theres no perfect way of doing that, and certainly I think we will probably address it during staff orientation week. Rabbi Clifford Librach, a retired Reform rabbi who served as a camp mentor, calls IfNotNows agenda subversive, because it actually shuts down dialogue instead of promoting it. You plant little seeds of Maybe I dont know what Im talking about. Maybe I should keep quiet and not take sides on this, said Rabbi Librach, now living in Massachusetts. I think our kids are intimidated. Its because their Israel education is very weak. I think theyre intimidated on campus, and I think theyre intimidated at camp, and training counselors to sound like theyre taking a neutral stand or an inquisitive stand on such outrages as BDS, it simply acknowledges the vulnerability of the target population. We need to support and undergird a vulnerable American Jewish population that is ideationally weak, and we need to give them tools and a stance to say No, I know what I am talking about. Rabbi Librach takes issue with camps and other Jewish institutions that dont voice unequivocal support for the Jewish state and instead reflexively qualify that backing with an asterisk. There has to be a but, there has to be some other tag on it, and I consider that not just not helpful, not constructive, I consider it a form of self-denial and indicative of a very serious problem in the American Jewish community, he said. Were hemorrhaging, and this is one of the reasons why, he continued. I think that its dangerous because we are witnessing a massive drift away from positive Jewish identity among young American Jews. On many college campuses today, the mere assertion of Jewish identity, the very concept of an Am Yisrael [nation of Israel], is being perceived today as an act of racism by significant numbers of ourselves. We need to train camp counselors to constantly whisper a positive spin in every conversation that concerns the security and integrity and virtue of the greatest miracle ever to be experienced by the Jewish people since the exodus from Egypt. That is our task, and anything less than that means were not doing our job as a people dedicated to our own continuity. This piece first appeared in The Jerusalem Post. Capt. Elgen Long, a 90-year-old from Oregon, was recently honored as a hero of Israel and the Jewish people. With city lights dotting the night behind her, Dr. Dee Gaines, a neuropsychologist, sat for good reason shes very pregnant. But when Capt. Elgen Long, the last surviving member of a commercial flight crew that saved nearly 2,000 Jewish refugees stranded in Yemen almost 70 years ago, finished his speech, she felt compelled to stand. Her voice shook with emotion behind a microphone handed to her. My great-grandmother and my grandmother were on those planes. In Yemen, they couldnt read. They couldnt receive an education. Now, here I am, a doctor who has pursued higher education. And, because of you, she said, rubbing her belly, a fifth generation lives on. Capt. Elgen Long is embraced by Yemenite Jews during a visit to Israel last fall. Credit: Shahar Azani. Snow-haired and perpetually misty-eyed, Long, who turns 91 in August, bowed his head graciously in reply from a podium. Nearly 100 guests seated at tables applauded roundly in the backyard of a private home in Beverly Hills, Calif. The event organized by the nonprofit, pro-Israel education group StandWithUs for its prominent donors took place on May 30 and honored Long, who, thought not Jewish, was introduced as a hero of Israel and the Jewish people. Long, a native of Oregon, told guests that returning to the City of Angels a place he knows well from his past was a privilege. After serving as a U.S. naval officer during the Second World War, Long attended the University of California, Los Angeles, on the G.I. bill. While in school, his part-time job was delivering telegrams door-to-door, often to movie stars, in the Beverly Hills area. Now, to be back here more than 70 years later is incredible. It feels like my life has come full circle, he said. I cant believe Im here as an honored guest. We just kept going Longs brush with fate happened while working as a commercial-flight navigator for Alaska Airlines in the late 1940s. During a stop in Shanghai in January of 1949, his crew received a telegram from company heads issuing instructions to make for a British Royal Air Force base in Aden, a port city in Yemen. There, his crew took part in a daring rescue mission that would come to be known as On Eagles Wings a reference to Exodus 19:4 to help airlift tens of thousands of Yemenite Jews facing persecution and death out of Yemen and into Israel, a nation less than a year old at the time. For us, it was a job, Long told JNS. But, in the end, it turned out to be much more important than we thought it would be. During his remarks, Long outlined the details of how his crew saved 1,800 refugees a prospect that seemed dim when their DC-4 aircraft touched down in Aden. With only 48 seats on board and thousands of starving Yemenite Jews camped out on and around the base, Longs crew got creative in the face of a life and death situation. A group of Yemenite Jews prepare to board an Alaska Airlines aircraft in Aden, Yemen. The plane took them to safety in Israel. Credit: Alaska Airlines. One of our mechanics suggested taking out the seats on the aircraft, he said. If we did that, he told us, we could fit about 150 people on the plane sitting on the floor. We originated that idea, Im fairly certain. After receiving permission from the head rabbi of Yemen to take off on the Sabbath, Long and his crew began making runs to Israel delivering batches of refugees. Their route, which called for a 20-hour flight day, was complicated by the inability to access air space over Arab lands. Upon landing in Tel Aviv, they turned right around, completing seven days of nonstop back-and-forth transport. We slept very little, taking shifts and stealing naps when we could, he told JNS. Eventually, we didnt look or smell too good from the experience. But we just kept going. On Eagles Wings saved nearly 50,000 Yemenite Jews who have more than 750,000 descendants. Finally, they rested for one day. After a decent night of sleep, they made five more runs, clocking 12 trips in total. While unloading passengers in Tel Aviv, Long still remembers the reception his crew received from Israeli military personnel. Ill always recall one young Israeli officer who came on board, looked at us and told us, Youve done a great thing, recalled Long. I can still see him, still hear him saying those words to us when I close my eyes and think real hard. On Eagles Wings, which also goes by the name Operation Magic Carpet, saved nearly 50,000 Yemenite Jews who have more than 750,000 descendants, including Gaines and her family. The mystery of the man Another one of those descendants, Shahar Azani, a 41-year-old StandWithUs employee whose grandparents escaped Yemen, came across Longs story while visiting an exhibit at a Jewish museum in Anchorage, Alaska, showcasing the role of Longs flight crew in the rescue. Azani came across a copy of On Eagles Wings: The Untold Story of the Magic Carpet, a book Long wrote on his experience. I knew then and there that I had to meet this man, he said. When Azani first tried to get in contact with Long several years ago to arrange a meeting and begin the process of honoring him, Longs family members informed Azani that the 90-year-old was out at sea. He was on a crew searching for the remains of Amelia Earhart, which Azani told guests added to the mystery of the man. Last fall, Azani and StandWithUs organized a trip for Long to return to Israel and tour the country he hadnt seen since 1949. Over the course of a 10-day trip, Long told JNS that he marveled at the innovative nation that he could barely recognize from nearly seven decades ago. Former Alaska Airlines pilot Elgen Long with StandWithUs Shahar Azan I remember when there was just an airfield, he said. Now its Ben-Gurion International Airport, where millions of people come through. And everywhere we went, there was so much being built. Israel is an amazing place. Azani said that in Israel, trip organizers offered Long meetings with high-ranking politicians, awards and appreciation ceremonies. But he had only one thing on his mind. He just wanted to see how the Yemenites he helped save were doing, he said. He kept asking, How are they doing? How are their lives here? How are their children? Im so happy I got to be with him when we made that happen. They dont make them like him anymore. Reuniting with members of the Yemenite-Israeli community that he helped rescue was a joyous occasion for Long, but one in which he couldnt help but think of his fellow crew members who didnt live to see it. That was one of the best moments of my life, Long told JNS. But everything that happened to me, I cant take credit for. It was my entire crew and me, and I wish they couldve been there. Theres a certain serendipity to it all that a guy from a small town on the Oregon coast experienced all of this. Click here to read Alaska Airlines and the Jews of Yemen. Thank you for reading! Please log in, or sign up for a new account and purchase a subscription to continue reading. Getty Images (WASHINGTON) -- The once uninmaginable summit between President Donald Trump and North Korea's Kim Jong Un is set to take place early Tuesday in Singapore, but hard questions remain about what might emerge from their historic meeting. What are the possible outcomes that could satisfy the U.S. goal: that North Korea completely end its nuclear weapons program? Longtime experts on North Korea bring a healthy dose of skepticism, concerned the summit is mostly about optics and will likely not produce substantive agreements. Regardless, there is consensus the current environment that enabled the summit is preferable to the hot rhetoric of the past year that heightened chances of possible military conflict. "We are in a better place than we were," said Michael Green a former National Security Council staffer who dealt with North Korean issues under the Bush administration and is now at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). "This summit, whatever happens, is better than where we were before the Pyeongchang Olympics when we were talking about war." Here's a look at what the Trump-Kim summit could produce and what comes next. Best case scenario While there will likely be smiles and handshakes creating the impression of a successful summit, it's what happens behind closed doors that will be the true markers of any progress. Trump and Kim are scheduled to meet privately on Tuesday in a 45 minute one-on-one meeting where only their interpreters will be present. They will later be joined by their senior advisers for a second round of meetings to be followed by a working lunch. But serious talks between the two sides have been going on for more than a week at the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between North Korea and South Korea. Separate from the talks in Singapore, where negotiating teams dealt with the logistics of the summit, the DMZ meetings focused on the substance that will lead the way forward. And on the eve of the summit, the negotiating teams that met at the DMZ continued their talks in Singapore. What's the likeliest outcome from a Trump summit? "Some kind of framework, some kind of promises for promises document where North Korea makes certain pledges to take steps with respect to its nuclear program and the United States makes pledges in return," believes Jake Sullivan, who was former Vice President Biden's top national security aide, and is now a co-chair of National Security Action. That framework will likely include a broad North Korean commitment to denuclearize and a peace statement that could lead to an eventual peace treaty. But analysts place little stock in a North Korean commitment to denuclearize, commitments it made but reneged on, in previous nuclear agreements worked out with the Clinton administration in the 1990s and the Bush administration a decade later. They believe a true indicator of whether a commitment to denuclearize is real would be for North Korea to actually list all of its nuclear and missile facilities. Wendy Sherman, a former under secretary of state for political affairs, who negotiated the nuclear agreement with North Korea under the Clinton administration, believes there are two questions that, if answered, will be key to a successful deal. "Where are North Korea's nuclear weapons?" and "Where are North Korea's ballistic missiles?" "You cant begin negotiating denuclearization if you dont know what they have," said Green. "And theyve never, ever, in all these agreements produced that, even though they were supposed to." But since no one really knows the extent of North Korea's nuclear and missile programs a North Korean declaration of assets would likely be seen as incomplete. The "best I can expect is a partial declaration," believes Sue Mi Terry, a former CIA analyst now at CSIS. Beyond the nuclear threat, North Korea's missile program is of special concern to nearby South Korea and Japan. And with skepticism that North Korea will ever truly do away with its nuclear weapons program, the best outcome might be to just accept some kind of a reduction in North Korea's threat capabilities. For Green, that could mean that North Korea once again shuts down its plutonium reactor in Yongbyon or possibly agrees to a reduction in the 60 nuclear warheads it is believed to possess. Even if there is no agreement to work out a peace treaty, Terry believes it's possible that both countries could open liaison offices to improve what has until recently been a non-existent diplomatic relationship. What happens next? If the Trump-Kim summit goes well, it could lead to additional meetings between American and North Korean negotiators that could result in concrete steps for how North Korea would denuclearize. As this "middle of the road" scenario of extended talks plays out, North Korea would continue with its unilateral freeze on nuclear and ballistic missile tests. For Victor Cha, a key indicator of whether the talks are serious will be if they are kept at the secretary of state level. "A Pompeo level that will meet frequently to implement on a timeline, the mandates, the declarations that these two leaders have made?" said Cha who was once the Trump administration's nominee to be the U.S. ambassador. How long those talks take to reach an agreement could depend on whether President Trump sets an end date for extended talks. And even if there is an agreement in the long term, it's possible that North Korea could restart its programs under a future American administration, as it did with the Clinton and Bush agreements. "I think this middle path, if we end up with it, ends up with another president or maybe this president again, dealing with a much more dangerous North Korea that escalates and creates a crisis again," says Green. "Thats the problem with the middle scenario." Worst case scenario If the summit fails, President Trump has said that the "maximum pressure" campaign of international economic sanctions against North Korea would continue. But it's possible that the effort that brought North Korea to the negotiating table in the first place would continue to be effective, especially if China's commitment to the plan wavers. "Were already hearing reports that China is loosening its implementation of sanctions," said Terry. "And its going to be really hard to keep up this maximum pressure after the summit in this environment." The lead-up to the summit has also created a change in the international landscape because of Kim Jong Un's new diplomatic outreach to Russia, China and South Korea. The North Korean leader is no longer as isolated on the world stage as he was before, and there is always the possibility that he could seek a unilateral agreement with South Korea. And if North Korea continues with its unilateral freeze on missile and nuclear tests, the U.S. talk of a pre-emptive military strike also loses its urgency. "Kim Jong Un is very shrewd, hes very smart. I think hes been playing this very well," said Terry. "I think theyre pretty much set for a while." "I cant imagine that Kim Jong-un has any incentive to truly give it all up, particularly where verification is going to be so difficult to achieve," said Terry. Another risk lies in overselling any progress made at the summit as a broad success. Progress is one thing, declaring success is another because a premature declaration of success would be taken as a green light by some of the key countries, particularly China, to go back to a business as usual approach with North Korea which of course would erode our leverage over the regime warned Sullivan. Copyright 2018, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARTESIA POLICE DEPARTMENT June 8 ALARM 12:06 a.m. Officer dispatched to 504 W. Gage Ave. in reference to an alarm. 12:46 a.m. Officer dispatched to 504 W. Gage Ave. in reference to an alarm. BATTERY 1:03 a.m. Officer dispatched to Artesia General Hospital in reference to battery. SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY 1:37 a.m. Officer dispatched to South 13th Street and West Missouri Avenue in reference to suspicious activity. FIGHT IN PROGRESS 1:38 a.m. Officer dispatched to the 1200 block of West Missouri Avenue in reference to a fight in progress. ALARM 3:25 a.m. Officer dispatched to 1111 W. Missouri Ave. in reference to an alarm. SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY 6:23 a.m. Officer dispatched to the 1200 block of West Missouri Avenue in reference to suspicious activity. BURGLARY 7:50 a.m. Officer dispatched to 406 W. Mill Road in reference to burglary. June 7 ARRESTS 5:06 p.m. Sara Lara, 36, of Artesia, arrested on a municipal warrant for failure to comply. 7:02 p.m. Christopher Duran, 36, of Artesia, arrested and charged with assault against healthcare personnel, battery upon a peace officer, and resisting, evading or obstructing a peace officer. ALARM 10:02 a.m. Officer dispatched to Sagebrush Annies in reference to an alarm. BURGLARY 10:24 a.m. Officer dispatched to 406 W. Mill Road in reference to burglary. DOMESTIC 10:30 a.m. Officer dispatched to the 700 block of West Lolita Avenue in reference to a domestic dispute. SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY 11:01 a.m. Officer dispatched to the 800 block of West Bullock Avenue in reference to suspicious activity. FRAUD 12:04 p.m. Officer dispatched to 2408 W. Grand Ave. in reference to fraud. ALARM 2:24 p.m. Officer dispatched to 902 W. Alvarado Ave. in reference to an alarm. LARCENY 4:24 p.m. Officer dispatched to Wal-Mart in reference to larceny. DOMESTIC 6:14 p.m. Officer dispatched to the 200 block of West Cleveland Avenue in reference to a domestic dispute. MISSING PERSON 7:06 p.m. Officer dispatched to South Seventh Street in reference to a missing person. SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY 7:29 p.m. Officer dispatched to the 600 block of North 16th Street in reference to suspicious activity. NARCOTICS 7:49 p.m. Officer dispatched to the 1200 block of West Missouri Avenue in reference to narcotics. SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY 8:01 p.m. Officer dispatched to the 200 block of North Fifth Street in reference to suspicious activity. DISTURBANCE 8:13 p.m. Officer dispatched to Artesia General Hospital in reference to a disturbance. ARMED SUBJECT 9:28 p.m. Officer dispatched to the Abo Apartments in reference to an armed subject. ALARM 10:01 p.m. Officer dispatched to 2308 Crestview Drive in reference to an alarm. SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY 10:13 p.m. Officer dispatched to the 1000 block of South Roselawn Avenue in reference to suspicious activity. FIGHT IN PROGRESS 10:56 p.m. Officer dispatched to the Abo Apartments in reference to a fight in progress. THREATS 11:14 p.m. Officer dispatched to the 1600 block of West Grand Avenue in reference to threats. LOUD NOISE 11:16 p.m. Officer dispatched to the Abo Apartments in reference to a loud noise. 11:33 p.m. Officer dispatched to the 600 block of West Runyan Avenue in reference to a loud noise. SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY 11:52 p.m. Officer dispatched to the 1000 block of South Runyan Avenue in reference to suspicious activity. EDDY COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE June 8 ABUSE 3:05 a.m. Deputy dispatched to Chimeso Road in reference to abuse. ALARM 4:22 a.m. Deputy dispatched to 135 W. Cottonwood Road in reference to an alarm. June 7 SHOTS FIRED 8:34 a.m. Deputy dispatched to the 1900 block of Maple Street in reference to shots fired in the area. 8:34 a.m. Deputy dispatched to the 400 block of East Quail Street in reference to shots fired in the area. SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY 1:20 p.m. Deputy dispatched to U.S. 285, mile marker 66, in reference to suspicious activity. DISTURBANCE 4:05 p.m. Deputy dispatched to the 2000 block of Oak Street in reference to a disturbance. SHOTS FIRED 4:22 p.m. Deputy dispatched to the 1900 block of Maple Street in reference to shots fired in the area. 5:06 p.m. Deputy dispatched to the 400 block of East Quail Street in reference to shots fired in the area. 5:46 p.m. Deputy dispatched to the 1900 block of Maple Street in reference to shots fired in the area. ARTESIA MUNICIPAL COURT Judge Kaye L. Kiper Jacqueline Norton found guilty of operators and chauffeurs must be licensed. Total fines and fees $54. David Martin Gallegos found guilty of two counts of operators and chauffeurs must be licensed and speeding. Total fines and fees $237. Silvia Mediano found guilty of shoplifting. Total fines and fees $529. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Female candidates are slated to make history in November in a closely watched congressional race in New Mexico, pointing to the growing political power of women in the American Southwest and a draw of talent that is helping reshape one of the nations poorest districts. Democrats and Republicans nominated women this week to compete for the open seat representing a region along the U.S.-Mexico border. A woman has never held the seat. The race is pitting water attorney Xochitl Torres Small against GOP state lawmaker Yvette Herrell in a general election campaign expected to center around President Donald Trump, immigration and the North American Free Trade Agreement. The unpredictable district that has leaned Republican in recent years will help determine which party controls the U.S. House of Representatives. Both parties also nominated women in the open central New Mexico seat that encompasses Albuquerque. Women won big primary victories for governor and other races in the state and nationwide this week. Republican state lawmaker Janice Arnold-Jones is trying to recapture a central New Mexico seat for the GOP after years of Democratic control. Her opponent, former state Democratic Party chairwoman Deb Haaland, is seeking to become the first Native American woman elected to Congress. Lloyd Princeton also is running as a Libertarian. Whatever happens, New Mexicos three-member U.S. House delegation likely will be majority female next year, said Christine Marie Sierra, a retired University of New Mexico political science professor and co-author of Contested Transformation: Race, Gender, and Political Leadership in 21st Century America. Thats because strong female candidates have emerged in both parties after years of training, education and organizing. Its a phenomenon thats occurring not just in New Mexico but across the country, Sierra said. Women of color are a significant portion of this growth. For example, Yale-educated attorney Stacey Abrams of Georgia is seeking to become the first black woman elected governor in U.S. history. She easily won the Democratic nomination for Georgias highest seat last month. Former state Rep. Paulette Jordan recently won the Democratic primary for Idaho governor. If she wins the general election, Jordan would not only be the first woman to serve as Idaho governor but also the first Native American woman to serve in that position in any state. Torres Small, whos running for the southern New Mexico seat and is the granddaughter of Mexican immigrants, said she believes her candidacy is at the right time as more women seek office. Her campaign has excited Latina voters in the most Hispanic congressional district in the nations most Hispanic state. But she said she is focusing on matters like economic development and increasing broadband service in rural New Mexico. Torres Small said she hopes she can at least do her part to tone down the partisan bickering. Its not against something, its for something, Torres Small said. You learn growing up in a small community to work together, and you dont start working together by throwing insults at each other across the playground. Herrell, who won the endorsement of the NRA and is a strong Trump supporter, said she will focus on showing voters she endorses Trumps policies such as the U.S.-Mexico border wall and tax cuts. Her candidacy has galvanized social conservatives who hope she can replace outgoing Republican U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce, who is stepping down to run for New Mexico governor. Herrell said she hasnt focused too much on the historic nature of her candidacy but acknowledges it. I think its great that this district will finally be represented by a woman, said Herrell, a real estate agent. I just hope its me. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ORLA, Texas After you head northeast on Ranch Road 652 from tiny Orla, its easy to miss the precise moment you leave Texas and cross into New Mexico. The sign just says Lea County Line, and with 254 counties in Texas, youd be forgiven for not knowing there isnt one named Lea. But the folks who are selling water over it know exactly where the line is. Thats because on the Texas side, where the rule of capture rules groundwater policy, people basically can pump water from beneath their land to their hearts content. But on the New Mexico side, the state has imposed tight regulations on both surface and groundwater that restrict supply. Heres the rub or the opportunity, depending on your perspective: With an oil fracking boom driving demand for freshwater on both sides of the state line in these parts, Texas landowners are helping to fill the void with water from the Lone Star State including from at least one county in which Gov. Greg Abbott has declared a drought. Now a top New Mexico politician is crying foul, saying that unregulated pumping from wells next to the state line is depleting the shared aquifers that supply water to southern New Mexico. Texas is stealing New Mexicos water, said New Mexico State Land Commissioner Aubrey Dunn. If you put a whole bunch of straws in Texas and you dont have any straws in New Mexico, youre sucking all the water from under New Mexico out in Texas and then selling it back to New Mexico. The difference in ownership of land in the two states contributes to the divergent water policies. In Texas, more than 90 percent of the land is privately owned. In New Mexico, by contrast, only 43 percent is owned by individuals, while 57 percent is in government or tribal hands. Dunn says he has already found at least seven unpermitted water lines snaking from Texas across state trust lands he oversees, and he believes millions of gallons a day are being pumped into his state for use in oil and gas exploration. The commissioner, who oversees 9 million surface acres of state trust lands, said he has quit issuing new fresh water well permits for the oil and gas industry on agency-supervised property, but he cant stop the pumping in Texas. And experts say there is no law barring unlimited sales of Texas water to New Mexico buyers making the transfers hard to quantify. Water is a vested property in the state of Texas. There is no law that I know of that prevents it from being shipped over state lines, said state Sen. Kel Seliger, R-Amarillo. It is less important where the water goes, as long as the owners are compensated, I suppose, than what the plans are to see to it that we have a water supply in perpetuity. Its a bipartisan sentiment. State Rep. Poncho Nevarez, the Eagle Pass Democrat who represents the far-flung outpost of Pecos in neighboring Reeves County, said hes not so worried where the water goes as long as theres enough to go around for residents and the towns they live in. What does it matter if it goes 5 feet across the county line or to the moon? Nevarez said. I could see the pushback if Pecos proper was having trouble getting water, and here you have these guys moving massive amounts of water to New Mexico you gotta take care of the people where the resource generates from first. When it comes to ensuring future supplies for the locals in Texas, lawmakers note that communities can always band together and form groundwater conservation districts, which issue pumping permits to protect aquifer levels. But here in Loving County, which is part of both Nevarez and Seligers sprawling districts and sits adjacent to Lea County, New Mexico, there is no water conservation district, according to maps published by the Texas Water Development Board. (Abbott recently put Loving County on the list of counties seeking federal drought assistance). Texas rancher Roy Sonny Lindsay owns Loving County property that sits along the state border near Ranch Road 652, and hes seen plenty of water heading north to New Mexico where locally sourced water is harder to obtain. He recently sold some of it himself to ConocoPhillips from a giant frac pit used to store water in the drilling process the company built on his land. The company then pumped the water through hoses running into New Mexico, he said. If it wasnt for Texas water, New Mexico wouldnt have no oil production, Lindsay said. So they shouldnt gripe about us selling water over there. In an emailed statement, ConocoPhillips spokeswoman Romelia Hinojosa cited the supply problems in New Mexico and said water from Lindsays Hanging H Ranch was used to complete five wells in New Mexico in early 2017. At the time, we could not source water from New Mexico because other operators had captured the full capacity of the water available from sources (third party water vendors) in New Mexico, Hinojosa said. She didnt know the exact volume of water sent over the state line but said it was less than 5 percent of the water it used in the Permian Basin in 2017. At this time, ConocoPhillips is not using Texas water in New Mexico, Hinojosa added. Lindsay said ConocoPhillips isnt the only company that has piped water into New Mexico over his land. He said he recently discovered a water line from Texas Pacific Land Trust, a highly profitable company whose water sales have exploded in recent years, going over his land into New Mexico. He found another line lying alongside Ranch Road 652 whose owner could not be determined. Nor was it clear who owned several hard plastic lines or what they were being used for stretching across the state border near a wastewater facility not far from the Lea County Line sign. Phone and email messages left for Texas Pacific Land Trust, a 130-year-old company that owns almost 900,000 acres of land in 18 Texas counties, were not returned this week. Meanwhile, a Houston-based water supply company, Solaris Water Midstream, announced Tuesday that it is building a pipeline that will soon deliver millions of gallons of water per day from parched West Texas to New Mexico to help alleviate what the CEO described as limited sources of water constraining fracking operations in the region. The high-capacity pipeline will add crucial, permanent water supply infrastructure to one of the most prolific areas in the Permian Basin and will be capable of transporting approximately 150,000 barrels [6.3 million gallons] of water per day from Loving County, Texas, to Eddy County, New Mexico, the company said. Solaris spokeswoman Casey Nikoloric said the company works closely with area landowners to ensure all permits are in place and easement fees are paid. The heavy cross-state water sales come amid an unprecedented fracking boom in the northwestern Texas counties near the New Mexico border. Fracking, short for hydraulic fracturing, uses enormous quantities of water, which drillers pressurize and shoot deep below the surface to help separate shale oil from porous rocks. In remote west Texas counties like Loving and Reeves, water lines zigzag between frac pits above-ground pools lined with plastic that dot the horizon. The drilling frenzy has filled hotels, torn up roads and boosted oil company profits all over the Permian Basin. But oil isnt the only liquid landowners are turning into quick cash. Suddenly, ranchers who once coaxed cotton out of the desert are finding their water is more valuable than the crops they once irrigated with it. Theres a lot of individuals that have sold a million dollars worth of water, said Paul Weatherby, former general manager of the Middle Pecos Groundwater Conservation District. He said hes not bothered that some of it is being sold in New Mexico. You dont stop at the border for anything, he said. You drive across it on a trip. Ranchers own land in both states; farmers own land in both states. Oil and gas doesnt recognize the border. Water doesnt recognize the border. Still, water and how its used can be a touchy subject around here. In the early 1950s a crown jewel of Fort Stockton Comanche Springs dried up amid heavy pumping by farmers, most famously Clayton Williams, Sr. An ensuing court battle reaffirmed the landmark 1904 decision upholding the rule of capture giving landowners broad control over the water under their property and Comanche Springs never recovered. Williams son, Clayton Williams Jr., who lost the 1990s governors race to Ann Richards, later rattled Fort Stockton with a plan to pump his water from the rural area to thirsty cities like Midland and Odessa. The battle dragged on for years, culminating in a 2017 settlement that allows for limited water exports. Tangling over water with New Mexico isnt new, either particularly when it comes to the Rio Grande and Pecos Rivers. A battle over distribution of water from the Rio Grande recently went to the U.S. Supreme Court, where Texas claimed a preliminary victory in March in an ongoing water war. In this new water-war battlefront, the New Mexico land commissioner argues that the rule of capture should not allow one state to negatively impact anothers aquifer. Dunn also is trying to determine if the landowners and companies selling water in New Mexico are paying taxes on it as required. Robert McEntyre, spokesman for the New Mexico Oil & Gas Association, said his members believe in robust compliance with all regulations and tax laws. If were running lines across state trust lands or federal lands, we should have the proper permits, and the proper taxes should be paid. I dont think anyone is contesting that, he said. But I do think it would be irresponsible for the land commissioner to paint the entire industry with a broad brush over what seems to be a handful of cases. Dunn says he worries about the long-term impact of pumping so much groundwater for use in oil and gas extraction. That in turn lowers the amount of water that feeds rivers and streams, he said. Youre taking a resource thats not really rechargeable, and using it, Dunn said. I think in the long run water is going to be more valuable than oil. Midland veterinarian Michael McCulloch, who owns land in both Texas and New Mexico and advocates for water conservation, said its the disharmony in interstate water law thats helping to deplete the lands most precious resource. We need to think about how this is going to affect our kids and grandkids down the road, McCulloch said. It does bother me a little bit that New Mexico regulates how much water I can use, but it would be nice if we could have a compromise between the two states, and Texas conserves a little bit more water and New Mexico maybe lightens up a bit on their water law. Though India offers great opportunity to expand the market, higher customs duty has been a bane. The world's biggest beer maker Anheuser Bush (AB InBev) is hopeful of returning to normal growth in India this year, its India President Ben Verhaert said. (Photo: AFP) Bengaluru: The world's biggest beer maker Anheuser Bush (AB InBev) is hopeful of returning to normal growth in India this year, its India President Ben Verhaert said. Though India offers great opportunity to expand the market, higher customs duty has been a bane, he observed. "The growth remained more or less flat during last year because we had several challenges like demonetisation. We have overcome those challenges. We definitely expect a return to normal growth in 2018," Verhaert told PTI. Despite challenges, sales of global beer brand 'Budweiser' -- known as the king of beers -- remained strong in India in 2017. It is growing fast in the premium segment, he said. Stating that AB InBev has different goals for the Indian market, Verhaert said the company launched a new beer brand 'Beck's Ice' last week in Maharashtra and plans to introduce it in Karnataka in coming weeks. "It will be priced between the mainstream and premium brands. Based on the success in two states, we will launch in other states," he said. He also mentioned that the company as of now has no expansion or acquisition plans in India. Stating that the company operates in a "very regulated environment", Verhaert said: "Import duties are very high. That's one of the reasons why beer is expensive. We have discussed this lot of time. We believe the taxation policy should change." Beer is a drink of moderation. "When consumed in moderation, it is not harmful," he added. The Belgium-based company commenced operations in India in 2007 and serves the market with 10 owned breweries across states. The company has a diverse portfolio of beer brands including global brands Budweiser, Corona and Stella Artois among others. The attack was the fallout of a rumor circulated on social media about the movement of child-lifters in the state. Assam chief minister Sarbananda Sonowal, taking the cognisance of the brutal incident directed the additional DGP (Law and Order) Mukesh Agarwal to rush to spot and arrest all those involve in the crime. Guwahati: In what has come as shocker for the civil society in Assam, two youths from Guwahati on a pleasure trip to picturesque Karbi Anglong hills, were lynched by a mob in central Assam. The incident turned barbaric suspecting the duo as child lifters on Friday night. The attack was the fallout of a rumor circulated on social media about the movement of child-lifters in the state. One of the attackers in the mob recorded the entire barbaric act on his mobile and circulated in the social media in which one of the youths, Nilotpal Das, was seen pleading before the attackers that he was an Assamese from Guwahati. With folded hands, Niloptal was heard pleading for life: Dont kill meplease dont beat me. I am an Assamese. Believe me, I am speaking the truth. My fathers name is Gopal Chandra Das and mothers name is Radhika Dasplease let me go. The mob, as seen in the video, looked reluctant to listen their pleas and continued beating Nilotpal and his friend Abhijit Nath, who were working as sound engineer in Goa, with bamboo sticks and kicks. The Scorpio in which they were traveling was also badly damaged in the attack by the mob. The tragedy happened at around 7.40 pm on Friday evening Kangthilangso, Dengaon, where the two friends had gone for a day. While on their way earlier in the day, Nilotpal and Abhijit had asked some local villagers about the directions to Kangthilangso village where they had gone for the day. According to reports, few villagers suspected them to be child lifters and alerted others in the area. In the evening, when they were returning home, the villagers stopped them and lynched. According to reports in local media, when one friend of Nilotpal from Guwahati had called him at around 8 pm on Friday, a different person picked up the phone and said that Nilotpal has been killed. Assam chief minister Sarbananda Sonowal, taking the cognisance of the brutal incident directed the additional DGP (Law and Order) Mukesh Agarwal to rush to spot and arrest all those involve in the crime. Bhim Army activists are moving from village to village in western UP, identifying dalit dwellings and interacting with the local people there. Lucknow: The Bahujan Samaj Party may be a much-sought after ally for the opposition for the 2019 Lok Sabha elections but troubles for Ms Mayawati in Uttar Pradesh have started brewing. The fledging Bhim Army that came into limelight after 2017 Saharanpur caste riots is now preparing to contest the Lok Sabha elections and though its declared agenda is to defeat the BJP, an undisclosed agenda is also to elbow out the BSP in dalit politics. According to sources, the Bhim Army has been quietly gathering pace in western UP districts and also mustering support for an agitation to seek the release of its founder Chandra Shekhar Ravan who has been in jail since the past one year on charges of engineering caste riots in Saharanpur. Bhim Army activists are moving from village to village in western UP, identifying dalit dwellings and interacting with the local people there. Bhim Army people have been regularly visiting us. They inform us of the developing political situation and how we need to assert our power in the 21019 general elections, said Dhiru Sonkar, 42, who has migrated from Lucknow to Saharanpur and runs a garment business in Mukhlispur in Saharanpur. They also show us pictures of Mayawatis bungalows in Lucknow and Delhi and ask us what benefits have we got during her regimes as chief minister, added Mr Sonkar. Mr Dhiru said that he went to Saharanpur ten years ago to visit a relative because he had no job in Lucknow. The local dalits convinced me to stay there and start a business and then two years ago, Bhim Army people also started shielding me against the police and other officials. There are many others like me who have found a foothold in society because of Bhim Army, he added. Sources said that dalit youths, in large numbers, are joining the Bhim Army because they subscribe to its aggressive brand of politics. According to conservation estimates, nearly one lakh dalit youths have joined Bhim Army in districts of Saharanpur, Muzaffarnagar, Shamli, Baghpat , Meerut, Badaun and Bijnore in the past one year. People talk of the BSP factor in the BJPs defeat in Kairana and Noorpur by-elections but they forget that Mayawati did not even issue an appeal for the opposition candidates. It was the Bhim Army that backed the opposition in order to defeat the BJP, said a local journalist who did not wish to be identified. Vinay Ratan Singh, a Bhim Army leader who was recently released from jail, said We are working silently but in a powerful manner. We are mobilizing people in our favour and against the BJP. The people trust us because we have no history of ever having joined hands with BJP (read BSP). The website lists the achievements and proposed plans of the Modi government for farmers. Theres growing concern within the saffron camp over the farmers issue in poll-bound states, particularly Madhya Pradesh. New Delhi: With the main arena for the 2019 battle being rural India, Opposition parties, particularly the CPI(M), is all set to stir the rural pot. After its mammoth farmers rally in Maharashtra, the CPI(M) affiliated trade union CITU has called for a massive march to Parliament on September 5. The march aims to expose the failures of the BJP-led Modi government at the Centre and its neoliberal policies. Workers and farmers from across the country will converge in Delhi for the march. Besides CITU the march is being organised by All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) and All India Agricultural Workers Union (AIAWU). According to Peoples Democracy, the CPI(M) mouthpiece, This will be the first-ever such march in the national capital, of the three major sections of the toiling people who produce the wealth of this country. Aware that the battle to return to power will be mainly fought in the fields of rural India, the BJP too has unleashed a propaganda blitz on the government website The website lists the achievements and proposed plans of the Modi government for farmers. It also highlights the measures taken by the Centre for farmers that range from affordable credit to boost agriculture productivity, unprecedented support to farmers with hike in MSP and record procurement, to regional budgetary allocation for record outcomes. One of the focus areas mentioned in the website is the governments commitment to putting farmers first. Theres growing concern within the saffron camp over the farmers issue in poll-bound states, particularly Madhya Pradesh. The political battle to capture Madhya Pradesh, in fact, started from Mandsaur where five farmers were killed in police firing a year ago. Earlier this week, Congress president Rahul Gandhi chose Mandsaur to kick-start his campaign for the state elections. The BJP strategists equated Madhya Pradeshs situation with Gujarat where, in the 2016 December elections, the rural belt went against the BJP while the urban vote saved the day for the party. In Gujarat, non-electoral organisations such as the Hardik Patel-led Patidar outfit helped create anti-government sentiment that favoured the Congress in rural seats. However, according to 2011 Census report, the increase in population in rural areas is double that of urban areas. The Census put the rural-urban distribution of population as 72.37 per cent and 27.63 per cent respectively. To make matters worse for the Madhya Pradesh government, a report has indicated that after onion, tomato, garlic and cabbage growers, it is now the turn of banana cultivators to throw away their produce due to crashing prices. It was further added, Banana farmers in Badwani district the largest producer of bananas are feeding animals freshly picked bananas after its price fell to as low as Rs 500 per trolley on Thursday. According to police, Nehra had gone to Mumbai to take note of the actor's movement around his house. Sampat Nehra (in blue) is one of the most wanted gangsters belonging to the Lawrence Bishnoi gang from Hyderabad. (Photo: ANI/Twitter) New Delhi: The Special Task Force (STF) of the Haryana Police who had arrested gangster Sampath Nehra on June 6, Wednesday, revealed that he was also plotting to kill Bollywood actor Salman Khan. Sampat Nehra is one of the most wanted gangsters belonging to the Lawrence Bishnoi gang from Hyderabad. According to police, Nehra had gone to Mumbai to take note of the actor's movement around his house. "Bishnoi had threatened to kill Salman Khan in connection with blackbuck case. Nehra had gone to recce his residence in Mumbai and planned to flee outside India after executing the plan," police officials were quoted as saying by news agency ANI. A resident of Kalauri village in Rajasthan's Churu district, Nehra was a sharp shooter of the Lawrence Bishnoi gang and had been active in students politics. reported NDTV. The Lawrence Bishnoi gang is quite active on social media platforms like Facebook and Whatsapp. With more than two dozen criminal cases pending against him in Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan and Chandigarh, Nehra, 28, also carried a cash reward on his head and had been absconding for the past few years. The BJP has already announced that it will contest the next Lok Sabha polls under Mr Modis leadership. New Delhi: Trying to queer the pitch for Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Shiv Sena on Saturday spoke of the possibility of former President Pranab Mukherjee being a consensus candidate to lead an NDA government if the BJP fails to get a majority on its own in the 2019 general elections. The editorial in the latest edition of Senas mouthpiece Saamna claims that political corridors in Delhi are abuzz with the possibility of Dr Mukherjee being a consensus candidate for the PMs post if the BJP fails to garner a majority in the Lok Sabha. The BJP has already announced that it will contest the next Lok Sabha polls under Mr Modis leadership. And no other political party, from the NDA or from the non-NDA groupings, has publicly said anything in this regard. Comments by the BJPs disgruntled ally have come three days after BJP president Amit Shah met Sena supremo Uddhav Thackeray in Mumbai to placate him, and two days after Dr Mukherjee visited the RSS headquarters in Nagpur and addressed the concluding session of the 25-day annual third year training camp. Despite Mr Shahs efforts to placate the Sena boss, the BJP ally remains firm in its stand to go alone in the Lok Sabha polls and has also sent out a message to its cadre in this regard. The BJP, sources said, has also asked its cadre to start preparing to fight elections from all the 48 Lok Sabha seats in Maharashtra. Sources disclosed that though Senas decision to leave the NDA fold will depend on the performance of the BJP in the 2019 elections, it seems that it will remain a regular irritant for the BJP till then. The Sena, miffed ever since the BJP staked claim to the chief ministers post in Maharashtra though it was considered the big brother, and rejected Senas demand for two additional Cabinet berths in the Modi government, has on various occasions criticised the BJP and its leadership, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and taken an opposing stand. Sena had supported suggestions of a second term for Dr Mukherjee as President. And recently, Sena supported the perceived remarks by Congress president Rahul Gandhi on being a PM aspirant and had added, with wicked intent, that for us even (NCP supremo) Sharad Pawar is a suitable candidate for the PM post. Despite all this, and the Sena continues to be in the NDA. Senas comments are sure to irritate the BJP as they have also come at a time when the BJP is trying to put its house in order by reaching out to its allies, many of whom accuse it of being unaccommodating. While the recent meeting between Mr Shah and Mr Thackery failed to resolve the simmering issues between the two allies, another meeting of the NDA allies is said to be on the cards to iron out differences ahead of the 2019 electoral battle. The increment was supposed to be given to him for doubling the student strength at a govt school in a Rajasthan village. In 1989, then prime minister V P Singh handed out an award to him for community development. President R Venktaraman gave him a certificate in 1991 for his efficient work during the population census. (Photo: File | Representational) Jaipur: Ramavtar Sharma, a winner of National Award to teachers, has been chasing officials for an extra increment for nearly six decades. That increment was supposed to be given to him for doubling the student strength at a government school in a nondescript Rajasthan village on his first posting as a teacher. Sharma is now 80. A resident of Chirawa town of Jhunjhunu district, the retired teacher holds on to 170 entry passes to the Jaipur secretariat as proof of his struggle with the bureaucracy that began around 1962. "I have spent lakhs of rupees and suffered a lot for the honour I deserve. The amount of the double increment may be meagre, but it is for honour and justice that I am fighting for years," Sharma told PTI. He has been called before a Rajasthan cabinet sub-committee, which is meeting in Jaipur on Monday. Sharma said he is hopeful that the panel will decide in his favour. He joined as a government teacher at Padru village in Barmer district in 1958. Sharma said two years later the Rajasthan Panchayat Samiti announced the double increment reward for teachers responsible for doubling the student strength at their schools and ensuring that no one dropped out for a year. According to his account, there were only 38 students at his school then. Their strength increased to 138 during 1960-61. It took about 16 years for his file on double increment to move from Barmer to the Panchayati Raj department in Jaipur. After the district collector's report, it landed there in 1977. Subsequently, it was lost. "I was taken aback when I was told my file was missing from the records," he said. He believes this setback caused his wife's brain haemorrhage then. She suffers from paralysis now. The file, apparently, was found later Over the years Sharma won several honours as a teacher. In 1989, then prime minister V P Singh handed out an award to him for community development. President R Venktaraman gave him a certificate in 1991 for his efficient work during the population census. He got a state-level 'Shikshak Samman' in 1997 and was among those who received the National Award to Teachers next year from then President K R Narayanan. But the promised double increment, which he sees as another recognition for his work, still eluded him. Rajasthan's Parliamentary Affairs Minister Rajendra Rathore, who is a member of the panel meeting on Monday, said he has already recommended the case to the state's finance department. The matter has been pending for too long, the minister admitted. Sharmistha Mukherjees comment comes after Pranab in a speech at the RSS headquarters in Nagpur. The former president's decision to address RSS 'Shiksha Varg' and attend the organisation's drill on June 7 did not go down well with the Congress leaders initially, though the party, later, lauded Mukherjee's speech. (Photo: PTI | File) Mumbai: The RSS may project former president Pranab Mukherjee as a prime ministerial candidate if the BJP falls short of a majority in the 2019 Lok Sabha polls and other parties refuse to back Narendra Modi for the post, Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut said in Mumbai on Sunday. His speculation was, however, refuted by Mukherjee's daughter, who said her father had no plans to return to active politics. The Sena leader further said the RSS's agenda behind inviting Mukherjee as the chief guest to one of its event, held in Nagpur on June 7, would only be clear after the 2019 general elections. Read: Pranab Mukherjee could be PM in 2019: Shiv Sena "The scenario prevalent in the country is such that the BJP will not win a majority in 2019. If there is a fractured mandate and other parties do not support Modi, Mukherjee will be projected as a prime ministerial candidate, who will be acceptable to all," Raut told PTI. Meanwhile, reacting to the Sena leader's statement, the former president's daughter and Congress leader Sharmistha Mukherjee tweeted: "Mr. Raut, after retiring as President of India, my father is NOT going to enter into active politics again." Mr. Raut, after retiring as President of India, my father is NOT going to enter into active politics again Sharmistha Mukherjee (@Sharmistha_GK) June 10, 2018 Raut said Mukherjee, during his address at the RSS headquarters in Nagpur, was expected to speak on serious issues plaguing the country since the former president is also an economist. "Pranab Mukherjee did not speak on serious issues plaguing the country. He also did not talk about the unrest in the judiciary. The government has been ineffective on the issues of price rise and unemployment. He did not mention these issues. As an economist, he was expected to speak on them," he added. The former president's decision to address the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh's (RSS) "Shiksha Varg" and attend the organisation's drill on June 7 did not go down well with the Congress leaders initially, though the party, later, lauded Mukherjee's speech. Dhivakaran floated his Anna Dravidar Kazhagam, named after Dravidian veteran CN Annadurai, fondly addressed as Anna'. Dhivakaran, who has fallen out of favour with Sasikala following his public spat with their nephew Dhinakaran, also introduced his party flag with red and black stripes, with an added green star in the centre. (Photo: File/PTI) Mannargudi: The estranged brother of deposed AIADMK leader VK Sasikala, V Dhivakaran, on Sunday launched his political party in Tamil Nadu, the second such outfit from the extended family. Earlier, Sasikalas nephew TTV Dhinakaran, legislator from RK Nagar in Chennai, had floated his Amma Makkal Munnetra Kazhagam (AMMK) after being sidelined from the ruling AIADMK by a section of the ministers. Dhivakaran floated his Anna Dravidar Kazhagam, named after Dravidian veteran CN Annadurai, fondly addressed as Anna, which means elder brother in Tamil. Dhivakaran, who has fallen out of favour with Sasikala following his public spat with their nephew Dhinakaran, also introduced his party flag with red and black stripes, with an added green star in the centre. Incidentally, green is considered a favourite colour of the late chief minister J Jayalalithaa, who headed the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) at the time of her demise in December 2016. Dhivakaran said he would be the ADKs partys general secretary. Sasikala, serving a prison term in Bengaluru in connection with the Rs 66.6 crore disproportionate assets case, had last month served a legal notice on Dhivakaran, asking him to desist from taking her name in his public utterances. She had then charged her sibling with speaking in support of AIADMK leaders, chief minister K Palaniswami and his deputy O Panneerselvam, who have fallen out with her. She had issued the notice to Dhivakaran in the wake of his tussle with Dhinakaran coming to the fore. Dhivakaran, however, dubbed the notice as another instance of blackmail politics by his nephew Dhinakaran and said he would henceforth not address Sasikala as his sister. He had then said as per the notice she had become his former sister. Prince Philip turns 97 today. LONDON: At the side of Queen Elizabeth II for more than 70 years and reputed for his gaffes, Prince Philip is also a painter and fan of carriage driving. Here are some lesser-known facts about the husband of the world's longest-reigning monarch, on the occasion of his birthday on Sunday. 1. Sacrifices for a princess Philip, born in 1921 on the Greek island of Corfu where he lived until he was 18 months old, made a number of sacrifices in order to marry Princess Elizabeth in 1947. He had to renounce his title of Prince of Greece and Denmark to take up British nationality, in return becoming Duke of Edinburgh just before his marriage, and Prince of the United Kingdom in 1957. Philip also had to give up active duty in a promising career as a naval commander after his wife was brought to the throne on the death of her father, King George VI, in 1952. He was obliged to convert from Greek Orthodoxy to Anglicanism in order to marry, and reportedly stopped smoking just before the wedding to please his bride. 2. 'Rough, ill-mannered' Queen Elizabeth II described the Duke of Edinburgh as her "strength and stay". But when she fell for him as a young woman, the Royal Family was reportedly less than convinced. One insider was widely quoted by media as saying it was felt that the young navy officer was "rough, ill-mannered, uneducated and would probably not be faithful". The palace tried to introduce her to more acceptable suitors. The elite in the post-World War II era were in particular uncomfortable with his German relations. Elizabeth's mother, herself queen, was reported by ITV television to have privately referred to Philip as "The Hun". But the young woman won through and married her prince, although his sisters -- married to German aristocrats -- were not invited to the wedding. 3. 'Cabbage' Prince Philip's nickname for his wife became public with the 2006 film "The Queen" in which, as he gets into bed, he tells her to "move over, cabbage". "I inquired in royal circles and was told on very good authority that that is what the duke sometimes calls the Queen," the film's screenwriter Peter Morgan told The Times newspaper. The term of endearment may come from "mon petit chou" -- "my little cabbage" in French, a language Philip picked up living in France for seven years as a child. 4. Prickly with Charles Relations between Philip and his eldest son, Charles, were "never particularly close" and fell to an "unprecedented low" in 1995, according to the Mail on Sunday. Quoting sources close to Charles, the paper said the two were "at war" in the wake of the Duke's decision to fell 63 ancient oak trees at Windsor Castle. The paper said the prince had launched a savage attack in private on his father, accusing him of vandalism. Philip, who had a reputation for coldness towards his children, sent Charles to the stark Scottish boarding school of Gordonstoun, where he had once been head boy himself. Charles was widely reported as describing the institution as "Colditz in kilts", a reference to a German prisoner-of-war camp. 5. Painter Philip is well-known for a love of horses and the equestrian activities of polo and carriage driving, a sport in which he competed for Britain. He is also a writer and an accomplished pilot. However the prince's passion for painting is more discreet. Perhaps his most famous work is a 1965 image showing his wife at breakfast reading the morning papers and titled: "The Queen at Breakfast, Windsor Castle". The deceased, Malwani resident Shilpa Kundar, had expected to score 90 per cent. Students are under pressure from parents and relatives to score well, and if they fail to secure a good score, they have to deal with pressure, said a police officer.(Representational picture) Mumbai: At a time when more than 13,000 students who appeared for the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examinations from Mumbai have scored more than 90 per cent and pressure on teenagers to excel academically is mounting, a 17-year-old girl who scored 71 per cent hanged herself on Friday as she was unhappy with her performance. The deceased, Malwani resident Shilpa Kundar, had expected to score 90 per cent. According to police sources, on learning about her performance in school, an ashamed Shilpa went home weeping on Friday. Since she was inconsolable, Shilpas mother tried her best to cheer her up and explained to her that 71 per cent was not a bad score. The girl, however, locked herself up in her room and refused to come out. Later, when Shilpas mother left the house in the evening, the girl took a dupatta from her wardrobe and hanged herself from a ceiling fan at 9.30 pm. On discovering the teenagers body, it was rushed to the nearest local hospital, where Shilpa was declared dead before arrival. Deepak Phatangare, senior police inspector of Malvani police station, said, We have registered an accidental death report, and have sent the body for a post-mortem. The cause of death is asphyxia. Students are under pressure from parents and relatives to score well, and if they fail to secure a good score, they have to deal with pressure, said a police officer. A similar incident took place in Nashik on Friday afternoon when a 16-year-old girl allegedly committed suicide. Sakshi Eknath Bendkule, a resident of Panchavati, hanged herself in her house, hours after the declaration of the Class 10 results. In Dubai, Fadnavis held discussions with Sheikh Mohammed Bin Juma Al Maktoum, chairman of the MBM Group. Established in 2006, the MBM group is a Dubai-based royal family office and investment holding company with activities in investments, strategic advisory as well as social and community development. (Photo: File) Mumbai: A Dubai-based group, MBM, will support Maharashtra government's ambitious Dharavi slum redevelopment project along with other urban infrastructure initiatives, Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis said on June 10. Established in 2006, the MBM group is a Dubai-based royal family office and investment holding company with activities in investments, strategic advisory as well as social and community development. A delegation led by Fadnavis left for a week-long tour of the United States of America and Canada on June 9. The delegation is scheduled to visit Montreal in Canada and New York, Washington and San Fransisco in the US to meet business leaders and visit institutions to give momentum to various infrastructure projects and IT initiatives in Maharashtra. The Chief Minister was welcomed in Dubai by Navdeep Puri, India's Ambassador to UAE. In Dubai, Fadnavis held discussions with Sheikh Mohammed Bin Juma Al Maktoum, chairman of the MBM Group. "The chairman of MBM group has shown his willingness to support the Dharavi slum redevelopment project apart from other urban infrastructure initiatives of the state government," a release issued by the Chief Minister's office stated. Fadnavis also held a meeting with Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem, group chairman and CEO of DP World in Dubai. The Chief Minister said DP World intends to work with the state government on multimodal logistics parks in Maharashtra, particularly in Nagpur for better port connectivity on G2G (government to government) basis. DP World is a partner in the Government of India's National Investment and Infrastructure Fund (NIIF). The NIIF has partnered with DP World to create an investment platform for ports, terminals, transportation and logistics businesses in India. Fadnavis also met Thumbay Moideen, founder president of the Thumbay Group which runs a network of healthcare facilities as well as a medical university in the Gulf. Fadnavis said Moideen expressed his intention to work as a healthcare partner for projects planned in Maharashtra and also intended to enter into a formal MoU with the state government. North Koreas quest for nuclear weapons capability started in the mid-1960s. On June 12, 2018, American President Donald Trump will summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at the Capella Hotel on Singapores Sentosa Island. The divergences could not be starker and the irony more poignant. The leader of one of the oldest democracies on Planet Earth, the most powerful nation in the world, the outside balancer of power in every region of the globe the US will meet with the dictator of one of the most totalitarian, tyrannical and impecunious nations on our globe with probably the worst track record of human rights abuses, including starving its own people to death North Korea. What has brought about this tete-a-tete? One simple but stark reality, the latter possesses nuclear weapons and may just be insane enough to use them. This summit once again underscores the growing redundancy of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and its associated regimes that have sought to restrict the monopoly of nuclear weapons to the P-5 or N-5. The first acronym refers to the US, Russia, the UK, France and China the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council who also were the first five nations to test nuclear weapons and then sought to prevent others from doing so. Hence, the second acronym N-5. Just to quickly recap, the NPTs goal is to inhibit the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, foster collaboration in the peaceable uses of nuclear energy, to advance the purpose of attaining nuclear and complete disarmament. An 18-nation committee on disarmament based in Geneva, Switzerland negotiated the treaty between 1965 and 1968. The treaty was opened for signature in 1968 and it entered into force in 1970. As of August 2016, 191 nations are signatories to the treaty. North Korea acceded to it in 1985, but never acquiesced to its mandate. It withdrew from the NPT in 2003. Four United Nations member states have never recognised the NPT namely India, Pakistan, Israel and newly-founded South Sudan. The treaty defines nuclear weapon states as those that have built and tested a nuclear explosive device before January 1, 1967. The NPT is premised on a central percept that the NPT non-nuclear weapon states undertake never to acquire nuclear weapons and the NPT nuclear weapon states in the swap concur to disseminate and share benefits of passive nuclear technology and pursue nuclear disarmament predicated upon the eventual elimination of their nuclear arsenals. The question that needs to be explored then is why did North Korea want a bomb in the first place? There are two different schools of thought. While one holds that a strong military posture coupled with advanced weaponry not only helped the leadership of North Korea to deal with external threats, they are constant reminder to its own people about the existential challenges confronting that nation. It also helps validate the irrationality, insanity and the complete unpredictability intrinsic to the misrule of the Kim family. The other view is that the presence of 37,000 odd American troops in South Korea since the end of the Korean War in 1953 coupled with the fact that American nuclear weapons were stationed in the Korean peninsula till 1991. Moreover threats of nuclear attacks against North Korea were routinely brandished about in the days preceding Chinas first nuclear tests at Lop Nur in 1964. All this impelled the North Korean regime to develop capacities to counter potential American strikes. North Koreas quest for nuclear weapons capability started in the mid-1960s. It was the founder of the North Korean state and legendary despot Kim Il-sung who commissioned the construction of an atomic energy complex in the city of Yongbyon. The programme was upgraded in the 1970s that enabled the completion of another reactor in 1987. By 1990s, despite signing the NPT in 1985, North Korea commenced work on two large reactors with extended capacity to produce plutonium. Since it had not signed a safeguards agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) pursuant to its joining the NPT, it was able to ward-off any inspections. Finally when it was ready after almost four decades of unrelenting efforts, it conducted a series of nuclear tests between October 9, 2006 and September 3, 2017 weaponising the option. It complemented its quest for nuclear weapons by concurrently building a formidable array of missile delivery platforms namely No-Dong 1 with a range of 1,300 km, Taepodong-1 with a range of 1,500-2,200 km and Taepodong-2 with a range of 6,000 km and above capable of targeting the western coast of the US. This programme was the end product of reverse engineering erstwhile Soviet origin scud missiles. In pursuing its nuclear ambitions North Korea scrounged the nuclear black markets of the world with vengeance buying weapons-grade plutonium from rouge networks in Russia. It re-energised its historical relationship with Pakistan dating back to the agreement of September 18, 1971 whereby it supplied conventional weapons to the Yahya Khan regime a mere 10 weeks prior to the commencement of the war for the liberation of Bangladesh in 1971. It offered missiles and technology to Pakistan in exchange of nuclear know-how a transaction overseen by A.Q. Khan, perhaps the most notorious nuclear proliferator of our times. Finally after being dubbed as a pariah state, failed state, rouge state and a terror state respectively since 1953, the Kim dynasty has finally arrived in great style. Kim Il-sungs grandson Kim Jong-un will sit across a table with Donald Trump as an equal. Now imagine if Saddam Hussein would have had nuclear weapons would he have had to hide in a foxhole to be ultimately hanged in an act of victors justice? Would Col. Gaddafi have been lynched in the streets of his hometown Sirte? Both these despots gave up the quest for nuclear weapons. Can Iran or other Middle Eastern powers then be faulted for their quest for nuclear weapons or even Pakistan after the cleaving of that nation into two by India? Welcome to the Second Nuclear Age. Japan is more advanced than Europe without doubt and certainly far more advanced than China. India has begun the execution stage of its bullet train project. There have been reports of problems during land acquisition along the Mumbai-Ahmedabad pathway but lets hope it all gets sorted out. This is being written on the assumption that the train project will actually take off soon. There are bound to be some obstacles in a project of this size but hopefully these are minor. And if everything goes well, we will see the bullet train operational in a few years with foreign assistance and technology. Japan has been running the bullet train for over 50 years and it covers the entire country. A couple of years ago, the remote north-eastern state of Hokkaido was also made accessible by bullet train. This was after the construction of a tunnel under the sea. Japan is in my opinion (I have visited twice for lengthy stays) the single most advanced society in the world. It is more advanced than Europe without doubt and certainly far more advanced than China. By advanced I mean that its people are the most modern. This is why their technology is modern. Not the other way around. Japan is not modern because its population uses fancy gadgets. Secondly, their people are not modern because they operate in English. In fact, almost nobody speaks English in Japan, as visitors will know. But this does not stop visitors from having a very easy experience of the country because the people are modern. Their modernity shows in their design and culture. Japan is the easiest country in the world for the tourist to navigate. This is because the Japanese focus on design excellence. Let me give a few examples. Many Japanese wash basins also double up as the toilet cistern, which means that the waste water you use to wash your hands is the same that then fills up the cistern and is used in the flush. This is a simple idea. It probably saves about 30-40 per cent of water in a toilet. I know of no other society that has thought of this idea and uses it. In the Japanese Shinkansen (bullet train) in front of your seat, meaning behind the backrest of the passenger in front of you, is a little metal slot. This is for you to put your ticket, so that if the conductor comes when you are sleeping, he or she does not have to wake you up to check it. It is a logical and low cost idea that respects your sleep and the conductors time. Also on the trains, the seats can easily be turned around to face one another. So if a family of six is travelling together, they can swivel one entire row of three and make it face backwards and all can sit facing each other instead of facing the same way. Again, simple but thoughtful. I have travelled to many countries in the world but I have not seen this degree of design quality and efficiency. The Japanese are constantly thinking about ways, small ways, to improve processes and products. It is claimed that this attitude was imported by an expert in America. I find that difficult to believe. I dont doubt that a management consultant named Deming came to Japan to show their industry a few techniques. What I mean is that the culture and attitude of Kaizen (the Japanese word that refers to these gradual improvements) was already present there. Its rulers till 165 years ago kept Japan deliberately closed to the outside world. Just before this it was already prosperous by Asian standards. It grew a surplus of rice (after importing a good strain of rice from India). But the great leaps have all been made in the last century or so. More than 50 per cent of the worlds bullet train passengers are Japanese. They have had zero fatalities in over 50 years, meaning not a single person was killed on a Shinkansen crash though crores of people have travelled on it. This is not a miracle or good fortune. It is deliberate, and the product of constant effort and application of intellect and carefulness. The bullet train is not modernity in itself. It is the product of modernity. It is this modernity that we would be fortunate to be able to import from Japan, but of course it cannot be bottled and exported. It has to be developed by us with whatever tools we have available culturally. And if we do not have them then somehow we need to find a way of learning them. I am not criticising this government or any other here. But it occurs to me that we seem to believe that by acquiring the toys we will become a modern nation. That is not true. For that to happen the society must change, and of course that is not the job of a consultant or a government. All remaining 7 members of SCO bloc supported the project which is part of President Xi's Belt and Road Initiative. India was not expected to endorse the BRI in the Qingdao declaration which was released soon after Prime Minister Narendra Modi speech at the plenary session. (Photo: @PMOIndia/Twitter) Qingdao: India was the only country on Sunday not to endorse a high-profile Chinese project in Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir (PoK) at the end of the 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in Qingdao even as Prime Minister Narendra Modi stressed that New Delhis priority was connectivity with the neighbourhood and between the SCO countries. Also Read: Connectivity with neighbours is India's priority: PM Modi at Asian summit SCO All remaining seven members of the SCO bloc supported the project which is part of President Xi Jinpings Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) an ambitious multi-billion inter-continental connectivity mission. The 17-page joint Qingdao declaration said all other seven member countries had endorsed the project and agreed to work towards implementing it. India was not expected to endorse the BRI in the Qingdao declaration which was released soon after Prime Minister Narendra Modi speech at the plenary session. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is one of the flagship projects of the BRI that goes through PoK. India has stayed away from the BRI the only SCO country to be opposed to it saying the CPEC violates its territorial integrity. Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale had said on Saturday that Indias position on the BRI is spelt out, that India supports all connectivity initiatives but they should be keeping in mind territorial sovereignty, integrity as well as viability and sustainability in all areas. Reiterating the position on Sunday, Ruchi Ghanashyam, secretary (West), said: I dont think that Indias position (on the BRI) is not known to others. So, I really dont see Indias position coming as a surprise to anybody because it is not the first time that India has articulated it. The prime minister has articulated earlier. It is a well-known position. Earlier on Sunday, Prime Minister Modi said India supports connectivity projects that are inclusive, transparent and respect territorial sovereignty. Speaking at the plenary session of the summit, Modi said Indias priority was connectivity with the neighbourhood and between the SCO countries in the region. We have again reached a stage where physical and digital connectivity is changing the definition of geography. Therefore, connectivity with our neighbourhood and in the SCO region is our priority, he said, and emphasised the need for inclusiveness and transparency in connectivity projects to be successful. On the issue of terrorism, the Qingdao declaration said that all member states strongly condemn terrorism in all forms and manifestations. One of the documents released, Ghanashyam said was A joint appeal by the SCO heads of member states for the prevention of radicalisation of youth, programme of cooperation in combating terrorism, separatism and extremism for the years 2019-21. The declaration said that member States strongly condemn terrorism in all forms and manifestations. In his speech, Modi also spoke about terrorism in the region and mentioned how it had affected Afghanistan, an observer country in the SCO. Afghanistan is an unfortunate example of the effect of terrorism, he said and hoped that the steps towards peace taken by its President Ashraf Ghani will be respected by all in the region. Modi said India will play its part as part of the SCO-Afghanistan contact group to restore peace in the country. Promising full cooperation for the summit a year after India joined the bloc, the Prime Minister said, We should together set a goal for the 25th SCO Summit. We should work together as a committee. India is committed to extend full cooperation to a successful outcome of the summit. It is for the first time an Indian prime minister is attending the SCO summit after India along with Pakistan became a full-fledged member of the grouping, jointly dominated by China and Russia. Commenting on tourism in the SCO region, Modi said that India will organise a SCO food festival and a Buddhist festival to boost tourism from SCO countries. Only 6 per cent of foreign tourists in India are from SCO countries; this can easily be doubled. Increasing awareness of our shared cultures can help boost this number. We will organise a SCO food festival and a Buddhist festival in India, he said. Besides Modi, other leaders attending the summit include Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Pakistan President Mamnoon Hussain. The SCO was founded at a summit in Shanghai in 2001 by the presidents of Russia, China, Kyrgyz Republic, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. India and Pakistan became its members in 2017. The eight member countries of the SCO represent around 42 per cent of the worlds population and 20 per cent of the global GDP. Xi spoke hours after Trump said he was backing out of G7 communique, thwarting a fragile consensus on a trade dispute with US' top allies. The United States and China have threatened tit-for-tat tariffs on goods worth up to $150 billion each, as President Donald Trump has pushed Beijing to open its economy further and address the United States' large trade deficit with China. (Photo: File) Qingdao: Chinese President Xi Jinping, whose country is locked in a high-stakes trade dispute with the United States, on Sunday said China rejects "selfish, shortsighted" trade policies, and called for building an open global economy. Xi did not mention the United States during a speech at a summit meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), a regional security bloc led by China and Russia. "We reject selfish, shortsighted, closed, narrow policies, (we) uphold World Trade Organisation rules, support a multilateral trade system, and building an open world economy," Xi said in a speech in the port city of Qingdao. The United States and China have threatened tit-for-tat tariffs on goods worth up to $150 billion each, as President Donald Trump has pushed Beijing to open its economy further and address the United States' large trade deficit with China. Xi spoke hours after Trump said he was backing out of the Group of Seven communique, thwarting what appeared to be a fragile consensus on a trade dispute between Washington and its top allies. "We must ... discard Cold War thinking, group confrontation; we object to acts of getting one's own absolute security at the cost of other countries' security," Xi said. The SCO was launched in 2001 to combat radical Islam and other security concerns in China, Russia and across Central Asia. It added two new members, India and Pakistan, last year and Iran has been knocking at the door. Tehran is currently an observer rather than a full member of a bloc that also includes four ex-Soviet Central Asian republics. Xi also said China would offer the equivalent of 30 billion yuan ($4.7 billion) in loans under a framework formed by SCO countries. Mega projects need to respect sovereignty of all countries, says Modi. New Delhi/Qingdao: Despite committing to several connectivity initiatives, India on Sunday was also the only nation at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in the Chinese city of Qingdao which refused to endorse Chinas ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). In a veiled but clear reference to BRI, also known as the One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that mega-connectivity projects must respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of countries and assured Indias full support to initiatives which ensure inclusivity. A declaration issued at the end of the two-day SCO summit signed by leaders of the eight member-countries, including Mr Modi said Russia, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan have been reaffirming their support for the Belt and Road Initiative of China. With the SCO also resolving to fight terrorism, separatism and extremism and calling for a unified global counter-terrorism front under the coordination of the United Nations, Prime Minister Modi on Sunday termed Afghanistan as an unfortunate example of the effect of the extremism and terrorism. Later, in a much-watched moment, Mr Modi and Pakistan President Mamnoon Hussain exchanged pleasantries after a press conference by the leaders of the eight-nation bloc. The two leaders shook hands and exchanged pleasantries at the end of the media briefing addressed by Chinese President Xi Jinping. India has been severely critical of the Belt and Road Initiative, the pet project of President Xi Jinping, as the $50-billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, which is a part of BRI, passes through Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK). India says it cannot accept a project that ignores its core concern on sovereignty and territorial integrity. In his address, in the presence of President Xi, Mr Modi said Indias commitment to connectivity projects was reflected in its involvement in International North-South Corridor project, development of Chabahar port and the Ashgabat agreement. Connectivity with neighbouring countries is Indias priority. We welcome connectivity projects which are sustainable and efficient and which respect territorial integrity and sovereignty of countries, he said. Mr Modi elaborated on the word secure, saying it stood for security, economy, connectivity, unity, respect (for national sovereignty and territorial integrity), and the environment. On BRI, the Qingdao declaration said: The member states express appreciation for the joint efforts taken towards its implementation, including efforts to coordinate the development of the Eurasian Economic Union and the BRI and call for using the potential of the regional countries, international organisations and multilateral associations to create a broad, open, mutually beneficial and equal partnership in the SCO space. In his address, President Xi also talked about BRI, and said: All parties will continue to work in line with the principle of mutual benefit to improve regional economic cooperation arrangements, enhance the Belt and Road cooperation and complementarity of our respective development strategies. Backing the BRI, Pakistans President Mamnoon Hussain said the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, which is part of Chinas Belt and Road Initiative, has boosted Pakistans economy. The need to stabilise the energy market globally was also apparently discussed at the summit. On the issue of terrorism, Mr Modi said: Afghanistan is an unfortunate example of the effect of extremism and terrorism. I hope the bold initiatives towards peace taken by President Ghani will be respected by all parties. It is our common responsibility to ensure that reasons that had threatened Afghanistans sovereignty, security and democracy in the past are not repeated, he added. The member states strongly condemn all forms of terrorism and consider it necessary to make efforts to promote the creation of a unified global counterterrorism front with the central coordinating role of the UN on the basis of international law, without politicisation or double standards, the Qingdao declaration said. The SCO leaders also adopted a Joint Appeal to Youth, in which they appealed to youths not to get influenced by extremist ideologies. The member states have noted the importance of combining the efforts of the international community in countering attempts to involve young people in the activities of terrorist, separatist and extremist groups, it added. The exchange of pleasantries and a handshake between Mr Modi and Pakistan President Mamnoon Hussain was one of the summits striking visuals. India-Pakistan ties have hit rock-bottom in the past few years after the Pathankot and Uri terror attacks, with heavy firing at the Line of Control and international border in J&K. Soft power, tourism and showcasing the rich culture of member countries also featured during the summit. Mr Modi said Indias foreign tourism from SCO countries just constitute six per cent, which he said could easily be doubled. Increasing awareness of our shared cultures can help boost this number. We will organise a SCO food festival and a Buddhist festival in India, he said. Mr Modi also held separate bilateral talks with the Presidents of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia on the sidelines of the SCO summit to further strengthen Indias ties with the three resource-rich countries. Of the three, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan are SCO members. Mr Modi also met President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbai Jeenbekov on the sidelines of the summit. Qingdao: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday held separate bilateral talks with presidents of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia on the sidelines of the SCO summit here to further strengthen Indias ties with the three resource-rich countries. India attaches great significance to ties with Kazakhstan. Had a wonderful meeting with President Nursultan Nazarbayev on the sidelines of the SCO Summit, Modi said in a tweet. Mr Modi met Nazarbayev and invited his country to join the International Solar Alliance, an initiative announced in 2015 whose primary objective is to work for efficient exploitation of solar energy to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. PM Narendra Modi invited Kazakhstan to join the International Solar Alliance and the President of Kazakhstan responded positively, said Ruchi Ghanashyam, Secretary in the ministry of external affairs. Mr Modi also met President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbai Jeenbekov on the sidelines of the summit. Glad to have met the President of Kyrgyzstan, Sooronbay Jeenbekov. We deliberated on ways to add strength to our vibrant bilateral partnership, Mr Modi tweeted. He also held bilateral talks with Mongolia President Mongolia Khaltmaagiin Battulga. Strategic partnership based on deep civilisational, historical and cultural linkages! PM Modi met the President of Mongolia Khaltmaagiin Battulga on the sidelines of SCO Summit in Qingdao, said external affairs ministry spokesperson Raveesh Kumar. At the Angelus, Pope Francis recites a Hail Mary that the meeting between the two leaders brings "a future of peace" for Korea and for the world. "Sin against the Holy Spirit, the only unpardonable sin, because it is born of a closure of the heart to the mercy of God acting in Jesus". It can happen to us too to "destroy the good reputation of the other", "in a premeditated way". This attitude is capable of destroying families, friendships, and society as a whole. "All those who welcome the word of Jesus are sons of God and brothers and sisters among themselves". Mary, perfect disciple. Vatican City (AsiaNews) - Two days ahead of the meeting between the US president and the North Korean leader, Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un in Singapore, Pope Francis has expressed his attention and concern for "the beloved Korean people". Speaking to the pilgrims gathered today in St. Peter's Square for the recitation of the Angelus, after the Marian prayer, he entrusted the "Dialogue of these days" to "Our Lady, Queen of Korea", to ensure "a future of peace for the Korean peninsula and for the whole world ". His call was followed by an invitation to those present to recite the Hail Mary together. It is not the first time that Francis has mentioned or prayed for peace in Korea: he had already recalled the inter-Korean dialogue on April 29th, at the Regina Caeli. He also sent a letter to the Korean Church to pray for the success of the talks. At the general audience on May 30th, he taekwondo athletes from North and South Korea had performed for him, displaying a banner saying "Peace is more precious than victory. Previously, Francis dwelled on the Sunday gospel (10th, year B, Mark 3,20-35), explaining that Jesus "had to face" two types of "incomprehension": that of the scribes, "men educated in the Sacred Scriptures ", and" that of his own family ". The scribes, he continued, make "a precise and terrible accusation:" He is possessed by Beelzebub and drives out demons through the chief of the demons "(v.22). In fact Jesus healed many sick people, and they want to make believe that he does it not with the Spirit of God, but with that of the Evil One ". In this way, "without realizing it, [they] are falling into the gravest sin: denying and blaspheming the Love of God that is present and working in Jesus. It is sin against the Holy Spirit, the only unpardonable sin, because it is born of a closure of the heart to the mercy of God acting in Jesus ". The Pope pointed out that "sometimes a strong envy for a person's goodness and good works can lead to falsely accusing them. Here there is a deadly poison: the premeditated malice with which one wants to destroy the good reputation of the other. May God free us from this terrible temptation!. Francis advised that regarding this sin there is only one remedy to "immediately confess it in the sacrament of Penance, before it develops and produces its evil effects". This attitude - he added in unscripted remarks- is capable of destroying families, friendships, and society as a whole. The other misunderstanding is that of the relatives of Jesus, "worried, because his new itinerant life seemed madness to them (see verse 21). In fact, He showed himself so available to the people, especially to the sick and sinners, to the point that he no longer had time to eat ". Jesus refuses to meet his own. His answer ("whoever does the will of God, is for me is brother, sister and mother"), shows that "Jesus has formed a new family, no longer based on natural bonds, but on faith in Him, on His love that welcomes us and unites us among each other, in the Holy Spirit. All those who welcome the word of Jesus are children of God and brothers among themselves ". "That response from Jesus - he concluded - is not a lack of respect for his mother and his family. Indeed, for Mary it is the greatest recognition, because she is the perfect disciple who has obeyed the will of God in everything. May the Virgin Mother help us to live in communion with Jesus, recognizing the work of the Holy Spirit acting in Him and in the Church, regenerating the world to new life ". Contact The Californians Robert Price at 661-395-7399, or on Twitter: @stubblebuzz. The views expressed here are his own. The City of Bakersfield has received the last chunk of money it needed to fully fund its Centennial Corridor project. Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in your country. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to your market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism. We attempted to send a notification to your email address but we were unable to verify that you provided a valid email address. Please click here to update your email address if you wish to receive notifications. Otherwise, you may click here to disable notifications and hide this message. Who doesnt want to look fit and perfect, right? I mean, almost all of us have been running in this... War is kill or be killed. And war is politics and politics is war. And, in both, the rules are the same. And the objective is to win at all costs, by hook ... In an attempt to revitalize the US steel industry, President Bush, Jr., imposed tariffs on imported steel in 2002. The tariffs were removed a year later as the industry lost jobs, suffered shortages in materials, and was costlier than before. Heeding no advice or consultation, and not learning from President Bushs blunder, President Trump committed the same mistake but on a wider scale. He imposed a 25 percent tariff on steel and aluminum imports from countries across the board, from strategic partners to developing countries. At the same time, President Trump announced tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese goods and placed restrictions on Chinese investment in the US. He also wants to impose a total ban on luxury German cars. Its been reported that Trump told the French president, Emmanuel Macron, during a visit to the US that he would maintain the ban on luxury cars until no Mercedes-Benz cars are seen on Fifth Avenue in New York. Canada, the USs greatest trade partner, is the most affected by the tariffs, but the EU, Brazil, South Korea, Mexico, Russia, Turkey, Japan, and Taiwan are hit quite hard. President Trumps rationale was national security. Canada was quick to respond, The idea that we are somehow a national security threat to the United States is quite frankly insulting and unacceptable," says Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. A full-scale, tit-for-tat trade war between the US and its supposedly bosom buddies escalated as world leaders took unprecedented retaliatory measures that went into effect almost immediately. Canada called its retaliatory measures, "the strongest trade action Canada has taken in the post-war era. It imposed proportionate but dollar-for-dollar tariffs on US steel, aluminum, and dozens of other goods including maple syrup, orange juice, whisky, ketchup, playing cards, and toilet paper. Up to about $12.8 billion will be subject to the tariffsequalling the value of Canadian steel and aluminum exports to the United States. The Mexican government retaliated in a similar fashion adding penalties on US products including meats, apples, grapes, cheese and flat steel. The EUs measures included 25 percent tariffs on products including denim jeans, motorbikes, cigarettes, peanut butter and cranberry juice. And Japan plans to take similar counter measures. Then, a war of words ensued. Canadian Justin Trudeau called the tariffs an affront, only for President Trump to respond, that Prime Minister Trudeau was being indignant, and later asked Didnt you guys burn the White House in 1812? Though President Trump got his historical facts wrong, since it was the British who torched the White House, just by raising the issue, 200 years later, implies animosity and a president that has no strategic friends or partners. This is all a preamble; the question now is how far will this global trade war go. Nobody will win; there will only be casualties. President Trump is taking a protectionist attitude which will lead to wider devastating consequences. He wants to set his own rules not go by existing ones while overlooking other partners' interests. First, its a bad decision for the US. Tariffs on necessary steel will hurt the USs exports of products that use steel and increase manufacturing cost. Fighter jets and warships that the US produces are all heavily dependent on steel products and parts. Besides, it will affect American jobs and production rates. Ex-trade partners will resource from other countries if their own countries impose tariffs on American goods. Most trade partners want secure longstanding partnerships that dont fluctuate or change at the whims of presidents. And as President Trump cancels one set of binding deals after the other, he comes across as an erratic protectionist, one who doesnt believe that anything that was negotiated before he arrived on the scene is any good, a dangerous precedent that tarnishes the image the US had built for itself along the years. And while President Trump doesnt mind angering his strategic allies and continues his barrage of annulled deals that were thought to be set-in-stone, these allies wont take it sitting down. And while he makes these changes as a leverage to bargain on other deals such as NAFTA, for instance, his tactics are considered only theatrical upheavals. In fact, the G7 Summit in Montreal, which has been named, G6+1, with the US becoming the outsider, revealed how fractured and indecisive President Trump has made these great powers. The presidents unilateral security decisions, protectionist policies, and climate denial have done the seemingly impossible task of pitting the United States against the rest of the West, says Stewart M. Patrick on his blog, Council on Foreign Relations. The war of words escalated even further with the G7 Summit. Before he headed to the Summit, President Trump said, Everybodys robbing the US, and at the Summit, he threatened other leaders that if they do not reduce trade barriers, the U.S. is not going to deal with them: so much for diplomacy and partnerships. And as President Trump left the G7 Summit early to head to Singapore for another historical summit, he said that his relationships with G7 leaders are at a 10 out of ten, only to unleash his fury against these same leaders the moment he stepped on the plane. He called the Canadian Prime Minister dishonest and weak, and he threatened more tariffs. He also asked officials not to endorse the G7 Summit communique. The image presented is not very presidential. The words of James Blanchard, former US ambassador to Canada come to mind. He [President Trump] is a child in a playground with a squirt gun and there is no teacher to stop him. (CBC, the News with Carole McNeill) With solemn poker faces, we will continue to watch and listen to President Trump, hoping that, when he evicts the White House in two years or so, he will leave the world with only a few scathing scars. Birthday wishes Call 281-422-8302 or email to wish someone a happy birthday. We will print your birthday wish on Page 2 of The Sun. Happy Birthday Wishes NEXT POST Internet Quality ec4u study: Deficits exist especially in the quality control and the quality of CRM processes within the company has significant optimisation potential productivity. Especially in the quality control and productivity looks after a survey of the ec4u expert the majority of sales and marketing consulting ag is still significant deficits. Main driver for improvements are in their opinion the sales pressure to succeed and the conditions of competition. A great satisfaction with the process quality in customer management is according to the study, 37 percent of the company. Also judge for another quarter, albeit with some smears. Thus a tend to be problem-free situation in the CRM processes there is clear majority, only a little over a third has a critical assessment or is even very dissatisfied. But this does not mean that the CRM managers would have no further need for a use optimization. Because the question where they identify still significant potential for improvement, call the quality control 58 percent. Similarly, many believe that the productivity in the operations of the customer management increase could be. And also the cost of the process, but called only in third place, after opinion of every second respondent optimization potential. As well the CRM processes for 49 percent have no sufficient flexibility, also half of the company wants better software technical support of their processes. For Sabine Kirchem, Senior Manager market research at ec4u, the inadequate technical assistance often result from legacy CRM systems. Many solutions in use no longer meet today's customer management in their functionality, by not enough to integrate, for example, the digital communication systems from the Internet to the social networks." Also, it often lacks connecting mobile devices such as Smartphones and Tablet PCs, which supports not suit modern work processes that could be. Appear necessary, considered this the opinion of the respondents sales and marketing. For 29 per cent of them the process orientation is even the most important issue in the next two years. Additional 24 percent give him an at least strategically great relevance. Only a quarter of the companies evaluated the process guidance for the near future less meaningful or still has not positioned itself. But anyone who focuses on it, detected apparently important drivers for it to pursue process optimisation in customer management strengthened. These include first and foremost the earnings as well as the conditions of competition, the 65 and 62 percent of them feel. In addition, productivity pressure majority opinion, further increasing the quality of the process forces according to the ec4u survey. For every second needs derived from the overall corporate strategies and economic aspects, further increasing the performance of the CRM processes. The All Whites have been knocked out of the HERO Intercontinental Cup in India after Kenya defeated Chinese Taipei 4-0 tonight to advance on goal difference.The New Zealand side, who were so impressive in their 2-1 win over hosts India last night, watched the match as a team which Kenya required a win of three goals or more to stay in the tournament.They achieved that with Odhiambo Dennis, Jockins Atudo (2) and Timothy Otieno all finding the back of the net in the second half to book Kenyas place in the final against India on Sunday 10 June.Kenya finished on six points tied with India and New Zealand, but with a superior goal difference of +2 the All Whites (+1).All Whites captain Thomas Doyle said it was disappointing to miss out on the final by such a small margin.It is really disappointing, but I guess we can only look back at our performances and it comes back to that first game we played against Kenya [lost 2-1], said the 25-year-old. Obviously it wasnt the performance that we wanted and we progressed throughout the tournament, there are a positives to reflect on but that first game has come back to affect us not making the final.Doyle said this young and inexperienced All Whites team has shown a huge amount of character in a tough place to tour against difficult opposition.There have been some young guys come through and make their debuts, some guys score their first goals for the national team. We werent expected to do much by the people back home because we have a young squad but there is a lot of class and quality in those players and they showed it in this tournament. Mens Sevens Quarter-Finals Confirmed for HSBC Paris Sevens Photo courtesy World Rugby. England will take on Fiji, while South Africa face Spain, Ireland play Canada and New Zealand are drawn against USA in what promises to be a hotly contested quarter-final line-up. World Rugby: June 9, 2018 - The stage is set for an exhilarating finale to the HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series on Sunday as the top two teams in the standings, Fiji and South Africa, successfully secured their places in the quarter-finals at the 10th and final round in Paris. England will take on Fiji, while South Africa face Spain, Ireland play Canada and New Zealand are drawn against USA in what promises to be a hotly contested quarter-final line-up. Fiji, who hold a seven-point lead over South Africa at the top of the standings, will become series champions if they reach the podium in Paris. It was not plain sailing on Saturday as both series leaders were made to work hard for their places in the quarter-finals on a day of surprising results which saw every team drop points in the pool stage. In Pool A Fiji suffered a 22-19 loss to Kenya to put their quarter-final qualification in doubt, but the reigning Olympic Champions recovered to defeat New Zealand 26-17, which added to their earlier 35-12 victory over Samoa was enough to secure their passage to the quarter-finals. South Africa lost their opening match against Scotland 14-12, but bounced back to record victories over Russia 21-19, and Canada 28-0. Invitational team Ireland continued their outstanding form from last weekend in London where they claimed the bronze medal, remaining unbeaten to top Pool C with wins against Spain 14-5, Australia 24-14 and a thrilling 19-19 draw with Wales. USA pipped England to top Pool D on points difference after a second half comeback in the final match of the day secured a 21-21 draw between the nations who had both beaten France and Argentina. A noisy and enthusiastic French crowd were treated to a feast of rugby sevens action as the mens and womens events are combined in Paris to create a grand finale to the series. VIEW RESULTS AND MATCH SCHEDULE HERE >> The actions kicks off at 08:45 local time (GMT+2) on Sunday 10 June. To follow the action visit The stage is set for an exhilarating finale to the HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series on Sunday as the top two teams in the standings, Fiji and South Africa, successfully secured their places in the quarter-finals at the 10th and final round in Paris.England will take on Fiji, while South Africa face Spain, Ireland play Canada and New Zealand are drawn against USA in what promises to be a hotly contested quarter-final line-up.Fiji, who hold a seven-point lead over South Africa at the top of the standings, will become series champions if they reach the podium in Paris.It was not plain sailing on Saturday as both series leaders were made to work hard for their places in the quarter-finals on a day of surprising results which saw every team drop points in the pool stage.In Pool A Fiji suffered a 22-19 loss to Kenya to put their quarter-final qualification in doubt, but the reigning Olympic Champions recovered to defeat New Zealand 26-17, which added to their earlier 35-12 victory over Samoa was enough to secure their passage to the quarter-finals.South Africa lost their opening match against Scotland 14-12, but bounced back to record victories over Russia 21-19, and Canada 28-0.Invitational team Ireland continued their outstanding form from last weekend in London where they claimed the bronze medal, remaining unbeaten to top Pool C with wins against Spain 14-5, Australia 24-14 and a thrilling 19-19 draw with Wales.USA pipped England to top Pool D on points difference after a second half comeback in the final match of the day secured a 21-21 draw between the nations who had both beaten France and Argentina.A noisy and enthusiastic French crowd were treated to a feast of rugby sevens action as the mens and womens events are combined in Paris to create a grand finale to the series.The actions kicks off at 08:45 local time (GMT+2) on Sunday 10 June.To follow the action visit and @WorldRugby7s using #Paris7s post comments Posted 6/9/18 The story of Forsyth is a lot like the story of Linn Creek. They were both river towns, county seats and the head of navigation for steamboats on their respective rivers, and they both had to move Bunches of flowers, several teddy bears, a garland and an envelope flanked a tree near a bus stop at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Brendt Christensen (L), suspect of kidnapping Zhang Yingying. A photo of Zhang Yingying released by the police (R) [Photo:] UIUC is holding a memorial for Zhang Yingying on the first anniversary of her kidnapping, reminding people of her kindness, diligence and her young life. Exactly one year ago, on June 9, 2017, 26-year-old UIUC Chinese visiting scholar Zhang Yingying, on her way to sign a house lease, entered a black Saturn Astra sedan. She has not been seen or heard from since. Police arrested 28-year-old Brendt Christensen on June 30, 2017, who was a former UIUC doctoral student and charged with the kidnapping, torturing and killing of Zhang. Addressing dozens of people who attended the memorial, Martin McFarlane, director of UIUC international Student and Scholar Services, said, "I find it very difficult to be standing here talking to you today because I shared it. I shared your feelings of helplessness, a sheer desire to want to do more and not know what that is. I wish it was more that our office could have done. I wish I had some magic words to give you today, but I don't." "What I do know is that all of us with UIUC continue to feel a great sorrow over the loss of Yingying. We're here today to honor her, to celebrate her life, celebrate all the hope that she had," McFarlane added. "Your presence here says a lot to this, (and) means a lot." Matt Myrick, interim chief of the UIUC Police Department, was deputy chief when the incident took place. He participated in the investigation and communicated with Zhang's family. "I met with Yingying's family several times when they were here on campus. Sometimes it's easy to tell somebody that you know how they feel or things are going to be okay. But in this particular circumstance there is no way to know how they feel and it will never be okay for them," Myrick said. "Life will never be the same again for Yingying's family. I'm a parent and I certainly can't begin to imagine what they've gone through last year. No family should have experienced the type of pain and suffering," Myrick added. Myrick said he is proud of the campus community for rallying around Zhang's family and providing them with support while they were here; and equally proud of his police department, of the local agencies that have assisted the police and the FBI investigating the case. "There's nothing I can do to change what happened on that day," he said. "All I can offer is diligence and investigation of this matter, and a relentless pursuit of justice for Yingying and her family." The trial for Christensen is set for April 2, 2019. He will face the death penalty if found guilty of kidnapping resulting in death. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, June 10) The country's top diplomat has given assurance to protect Filipino fishermen's welfare. Speaking to reporters Sunday, Foreign Affairs Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano said, "Secretary Abella talked to the Chinese Ambassador the other day, ako kagabi kasama ko siya sa isang inassure tayo ng Chinese Ambassador that they will apply the law very harshly sa violators...may agreement na tayo sa kanila na dapat ang fishermen ay dapat malaya." Cayetano said they still have to get all the details before filing a diplomatic protest, as there are also reports of fishermen selling their catch to the Chinese. But, he assured them the government is taking all steps to protect their welfare. Cayetano also said China gave their word that Filipinos could fish in the disputed waters freely, except for areas that have significant ecological value like the lagoon inside Scarborough Shoal. Word war brewing? A word war between Cayetano and Magdalo Partylist Representative Gary Alejano is heating up. Cayetano slammed Alejano for "spreading fake news" against the latter's claim that President Rodrigo Duterte ordered the Armed Forces to stop patrolling the West Philippine Sea. Asked for a comment, Alejano said, "Sino ba ang may history ng pagsisinungaling sa publiko? Secretary Cayetano should take note that I have wide intelligence network even in his own office. I do not invent stories. Ayusin niya script niya." [Translation: Who has a history of lying to the public? Secretary Cayetano should take note that I have wide intelligence network even in his own office. I do not invent stories. He should fix his script.] Cayetano said Alejano's allegation was a blatant lie, and the irresponsible statements might affect the country's national security. "May epekto ito sa security natin [This has an effect on our security] and that's why I'm shocked na from a former military officer, he'll be that irresponsible," said Cayetano. He said maritime and aerial patrols are still happening in the West Philippine Sea. The Armed Forces earlier also gave the same statement. Cayetano said Alejano wanted to make the public worry to discredit the Duterte administration, and make his name in the newspapers to serve his senatorial bet in 2019. Alejano has been one of the President's main critics. Last year, he also sponsored an impeachment complaint against him. "Fake news ito, na lumalabas sa bibig ng kagalang-galang na Congressman at hindi nakakatulong ito...hindi totoo na we lost any territory. Palibhasa mahirap puntahan yung lugar, kung anu-ano ang sinasabi ng ilang kritiko kasama si Congressman Alejano na hindi naman totoo," Cayetano said Sunday at an event welcoming repatriated Filipino workers from the United Arab Emirates. Alejano also challenged the Secretary to go to Sandy Cay with the media to prove his claim. "If indeed we still control Sandy Cay, I challenge Sec. Cayetano for us to go there, together with members of the media as witnesses. Now, if we are not harassed or shooed away by Chinese Coast Guard or Navy, then I will believe him," he said. CNN Philippines' Pia Garcia contributed to this story. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, June 10) Hundreds of families fled their homes Sunday due to offensives against ISIS-inspired groups in Maguindanao. The Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) response team said around 1,793 families from five barangays had to evacuate. Sixth Infantry Division Commander Brigadier General Cirilito Sobejana said they conducted air and ground offensives against the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) and they were able to destroy their explosives factory in southern Liguasan. The military said they would facilitate the immediate return of displaced families after clearing operations. Speaking to CNN Philippines, Sobejana said they targeted ISIS-inspired groups, particularly those manufacturing improvised explosive devices (IED), which he said they monitored in some areas in central Mindanao. Sobejana added, they do not have a deadline for the offensives which he said they would do it in a "sustained manner." "We will not stop until these lawless elements are neutralized," he said. He also said, "As a result of the air and ground operations that we launched early this morning until now, we have accounted for 15 confirmed dead, eight were wounded, and two were captured." Authorities identified those captured as Ustadz Anwar Ali and Asnaya Ali. A calibre .50 sniper rifle and calibre 5.56mm M4 carbine were recovered from the suspects. Lt Col Harold M Cabunoc of the 33rd Infantry Battalion said Ustadz Anwar was also known as Abu Omar, and a bomb expert. Sobejana said the casualties were all from the ISIS-inspired group under Abu Toraifie. Sobejana said they were able to destory the main IED factory. Recovered on-site were some unexploded IEDs, substantial amounts of IED components, and some high-powered firearms. Sobejana told CNN Philippines they would facilitate the immediate return of internally displaced persons to their communities in coordination with concerned local government units. CNN Philippines has not been able to independently verify these numbers. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, June 10) Three armed men were killed, while 12 individuals were arrested in separate anti-drug operations on Saturday in Quezon City, the police said Sunday. Director Police CSupt. Joselito T. Esquivel Jr. of Quezon City Police District (QCPD) identified one of the men as Jayson Umali, while his two companions were known as Nhing and Badjok. The report indicated the buy-bust was set Saturday in Barangay Pansol, Quezon City, when the men were selling P15,000-worth of shabu to a poseur buyer. The individuals opened fire upon discovering that the buyer was a hoax. A brief shootout transpired and led to the deaths of Umali, Nhing and Badjok. The QCPD also reported five other buy-bust operations in separate police stations on Saturday, leading to the arrest of 12 individuals allegedly linked to illegal drugs. The police said the suspects were carrying sachets of shabu, marijuana and transacted buy-bust money. They were brought to their respective resident police stations and charged with the violation of Republic Act (R.A.) 9165 or The Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002. R.A. 9165 penalizes those who are engaged in the "Sale, Trading, Administration, Dispensation, Delivery, Distribution and Transportation of Dangerous Drugs and/or Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals," from life imprisonment to death with fines ranging from P500,000 to P1 million. Uh-oh! It could be you, or it could be us, but there's no page here. (CNN) Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, joined members of Britain's royal family Saturday as they celebrated Queen Elizabeth II's official birthday with the traditional Trooping the Colour, a spectacular military parade. Meghan, wearing a pale peach off-the-shoulder dress and hat, and Prince Harry, in military uniform, left Buckingham Palace in a horse-drawn carriage for the event, staged on Horse Guards Parade in Whitehall, London. Waiting crowds greeted the couple with cheers as they emerged from the palace. Their appearance comes three weeks after their wedding in Windsor, a ceremony watched by people from around the world. The Queen, dressed in blue, rode by herself in an open carriage. Her husband, Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, turns 97 on Sunday and has retired from public duties. Prince William's wife, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, traveled with her mother-in-law, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, to Horse Guards Parade. The monarch is technically the head of Britain's armed forces and would traditionally lead an army into war. The parade gives the Queen a chance to review and approve her army. In earlier years, the Queen would ride sidesaddle on horseback to greet the public. Buckingham Palace tweeted that Elizabeth had attended the Trooping the Colour every year of her reign except for 1955 when the event was canceled because of a general strike. This year's parade was notable as the first time a member of the Coldstream Guards took part wearing a turban. British Sikh Guardsman Charanpreet Singh Lall, 22, told the Press Association news agency that he hoped people watching would "look at it as a new change in history." "I hope that more people like me, not just Sikhs but from other religions and different backgrounds, that they will be encouraged to join the army," he said. After the parade, the royal family joined the nation's longest-serving monarch on the balcony of Buckingham Palace for a wave to the gathered crowds and an exhilarating flypast by Royal Air Force aircraft, including the famous Red Arrows display team. William and Catherine's older children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte, enjoyed the spectacle from the balcony, but the couple's third child, 6-week-old Prince Louis, didn't make an appearance. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex watched the aerial display from a spot on the balcony behind the Queen, Prince Charles and Camilla. The ceremony, one of the most high-profile royal events of the year, culminated with the singing of the national anthem. A 41-gun salute will also be fired in nearby Green Park to mark the occasion. The Queen makes use of her official birthday, usually celebrated on the second Saturday in June, to award honors to members of the public for their service to the nation. The Queen's actual birthday was on April 21 when she turned 92. Buckingham Palace said Friday that the Queen underwent successful cataract surgery in May. It is understood the procedure took place before Prince Harry and Meghan's wedding on May 19. CNN's Milena Veselinovic contributed to this report. This story was first published on "Duke and Duchess of Sussex join Queen's birthday parade" Videos Sorry, there are no recent results for popular videos. Trump torpedoes G7 effort to ease trade spat, threatens auto tariffs LA MALBAIE, Quebec (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday threw the G7s efforts to show a united front into disarray after he became angry with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and said he might double down on import tariffs by hitting the sensitive auto industry. Trumps bombshell announcement that he was backing out of the Group of Seven communique, made after he left the summit in Canada early, torpedoed what appeared to be a fragile consensus on the trade dispute between Washington and its top allies. PM Justin Trudeau of Canada acted so meek and mild during our @G7 meetings only to give a news conference after I left saying that, US Tariffs were kind of insulting and he will not be pushed around. Very dishonest & weak. Our Tariffs are in response to his of 270% on dairy! the U.S. president tweeted. In his press conference, Trudeau had spoken of retaliatory measures that Canada would take next month in response to Trumps decision to slap tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from Canada, Mexico and the European Union. Canadians, were polite, were reasonable but we also will not be pushed around, Trudeau, the host of the two-day summit in La Malbaie, Quebec, told reporters. Considering this country's inception it is astounding to me that so many of our self-proclaimed PATRIOTS absolutely HATE protests and protestors. These "patriots" are the same people who drool over the framers and the constitution. These are the same loyalists who claim to know more than all the generals about our history, our culture, our laws, our court systems and our government but..... They absolutely despise protestors--of all shapes and sizes. They hate our high school/Gen Z protestors so much that leaders of these protests have received death threats. They hate COLLEGE protestors now, labeling students as "snowflakes" and calling out universities as being "bad" for our country...all those highly educated professors spreading Commie propaganda. They are stymied by the #metoo movement and the women's marches. They were appalled at the Black Lives Matter protests, are now revolted at the NFL (and won't watch). They support a president who seems to think White Supremacists are "very fine people". These very same flag-wavers objected to war protests & civil rights protests (although NOW they will tell you they supported them). They were LIVID when protests erupted over Reagan's firing of 12,000 air traffic controllers who went on strike and in 1982 when over a million people protested nuclear weapons. OH THE OUTRAGE!! The March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay, and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation April 25, 1993. Why? HOW did we the people become a nation? HOW? HOW DID IT EVOLVE? Did the colonists protest? Did they break laws? Smuggle goods? Taunt King George? Did they give public speeches, print/distribute propaganda, intimidate British soldiers? Did they attack guards like in the Boston Massacre? Did the colonists boycott and attack East Indian tea distributors and throw the tea in Boston harbor? AND then--the GALL--did they form their own government and create their own nation via VIOLENCE--aka: WAR?? I simply cannot abide hypocrisy. We either support civil disobedience or we don't. We either defend protests and protestors or we don't. We either understand our first amendment rights or we don't. Why do you suppose THIS is our FIRST *FIRST* amendment? Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. I am a retired newspaperman. I live in Poca, WV, with my wife of 44 years, Lou Ann. I grew up in Cleveland. Three kids. Grandfather. Report all errors to