Harry E. Walker/MCT via Getty Images(NEW YORK) -- Democratic operative Jim Messina, who headed up former President Obamas successful 2012 re-election campaign, says he has met with representatives of 16 potential Democratic candidates who want to run against President Donald Trump. But he told ABC News' Powerhouse Politics co-host Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl, even more people want to throw their hat in the ring. The good news for Democrats is there are 24 people thinking they could run for president. Thats a historic bench. And hes excited about the Oprah Winfrey buzz. Theres a whole bunch of people trying to encourage her to run. Messina was coy with the co-host, ABC News' Political Director Rick Klein, about specific candidates, but not about the questions he asks. I ask them two questions. Number one, do you want to put your family through hell? And number two, what is your vision for the future? Messina runs a strategic consulting group that advises political candidates and businesses here in the U.S. and all over the world. Messina admits he is obsessed with voters that voted for Obama and then Trump. His group just finished a long-term study analyzing those voters in battleground states. And hes found a similar theme to the mantra Bill Clintons adviser James Carville coined in 1992, Its the economy, stupid. The economy is the driver of almost every one of those votes. They [Obama and Trump voters] care about that more than anything else. And their biggest worry is the presidents tweets. And his ongoing back and forth. They think it distracts him from the kind of economic focus they want. Voters want an economic focus. And Messina would get some late-night phone calls when he was running Obamas 2012 re-election campaign. I got a call every 2-3 weeks in the middle of the night from this incredibly brilliant political operative named Bill Clinton. And President Clinton would say to me in his creative voice, Jim, the only thing that matters is winning the economic argument about the future. And that is really true with these voters. But with the strong economy and the stock market at an all-time high, wouldnt that bode well for President Trump and spell trouble for Democrats? I think Trump is a different case because hes so divisive. Because hes shown the inability to stick to his own message and talk about what hes doing. And Democrats need to win over independent voters. Despite a favorable map for Republicans, Messina thinks the large number of over 30 House Republicans not running for re-election means a chance for Democrats when theres no incumbent. These retirements really, really matter. And keep your eye on the state governor races. Messina points to the Democratic victory in Virginia of Ralph Northam and feels good about Ohio, Wisconsin, and Florida. But he cautions, Were Democrats, so we usually find a way to blow it. Certainly that was true in the last presidential election. But he does give Trump credit for his latest move of cancelling his trip to the United Kingdom, where he would have met with historic protests, according to Messina who is consulting Britains Conservative Party. President Trump has become the most divisive figure in the world. His domination in the media coverage here is true around the world as well. The week before the general election in the U.K. last year, President Trump was discussed on social media more than the two major candidates the week before their national election. And Messina says theres only one other place where Trump is more unpopular than London. President Trump is about as popular in Mexico as charging more for beer," he said. Copyright 2018, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. Time was, many car owners had a ridiculous habit of literally tucking in their vehicles on a cold winters night, with as much care and dedication as wrapping a babe in swaddling clothes. It never made sense to me when Dad used to go out around 10 p.m. and start the car and the delivery van for Tighes Arrow Cleaners until the engines were blowing as much hot air as my sister, Peggy, still does year-round. Unconventional wisdom of the time, before Dad had oil heat plugs installed, was that blanketing an engine would retain the heat no matter how cold it got overnight. But Dad, what about the cold from underneath? I would argue. Hed just pooh-pooh me, bundle up and take that threadworn blanket out to cover the motor in The Jewel, as he and his wife called the old Chevy I think it was a 1949 model. I had forgotten about the practice until a couple of weeks back, when a young executive in town was lamenting that the companys truck refused to start in subzero temperatures. Nire Ill just use her first name because I dont want to give her company a free plug, oil or otherwise once told me that shes an independent woman, largely because her dad taught her how to fix stuff. She credited him with being a hands-off mentor, a fact that solidified a father-daughter bond she speaks of in admiring tones. In response to my query to find a cold-weather story angle on her balky truck, she observed in an email, My dad was telling someone the other day that I am special. He said that anytime I have something that needs to be fixed at my house, I dont call my dad to DO it, I call him to help me through it. There have been times where we just talk about it over the phone and, if I have problems, I send him a picture. He has only once told me no that was to replacing the brakes on my car. I so very much appreciate this part of our relationship. He has had an instrumental and impactful role in making me the strong, determined, independent woman I am at home and at work, she wrote. I have installed ceiling fans/light fixtures, took apart and repaired our dishwasher (three times before it finally died), replaced faucets, installed new spark plugs, cleaned my battery posts , yada, yada, yada, she wrote. Now, to expand upon the church ladys slogan during Church Chat on Saturday Night Live: Isnt that special that shes special? I dont mean to be sarcastic its just what I do. However, Ill attribute that snarky comment to jealousy of her dad, because I did a lousy job teaching my own kids how to fix things. Truth be told, I dont know much about cars, I havent even changed oil in one, and I wouldnt even consider trying to do a brake job. Im also embarrassed to confess how loudly I roared at the blond joke about the blonde who wondered how to get oil into her cars little dipstick tube. What a stupid question, eh? I swear it couldnt have been much more than a week after I heard the joke when one of my kids called and said, Dad, my oil is low. How do I get it in that little dipstick hole? Dad fail: I hadnt even showed him how to do that. Dad fail II: My younger daughter called with the same question a few years later. But it appears that even the best dad-daughter chains have broken chains. Still struggling with the balky engine, Nire called Daddy not to have him DO something, because shes an independent woman, of course. She just wanted to pick his brain. She reported: My dad recommended putting a treble (??) light in next to the engine and covering it with rugs. Well, maybe folks around his parts used rugs instead of blankets, but I was as confused as she was about what a treble light is. Then, the light dawned: He was using the old tuck-in-the-car technique, with an electrical twist. He obviously said trouble light, which would provide warmth under the hood, but she misheard. The fact that Nire didnt know what a trouble light is casts a long shadow over her mechanical prowess. Thats no surprise, considering that she cant explain what her name even means, and a Google search for the meaning draws blanks, instead suggesting moniker mutations, such as Neriah, Nariah, Nora, Norah, Noor and yada, yada yada. If she doesnt know what her name means, how is she supposed to tell the the difference between a trouble light and a treble hook? Most folks know that a treble hook is for fishing. Yet, she claims to be such a talented angler that she caught an enormous muskie while fishing with her dad and her kids several years back. Well, caught is the wrong term, as it is so often among anglers. She insists that she hooked one while using a bobber but it got away. Her dad must have taught her how to talk about the one that got away. Speaking of trouble lights, the recent cold spell in Florida, which famously chilled iguanas so much that they literally fell from trees, reminded me of the time Kate and I used a trouble light to help one of the cold-blooded critters when we lived in the Sunshine State. One evening, we noticed an iguana outside the screen on the deck. Iguanas normally scurry away when you approach or attack, if they are in a foul mood but this one didnt budge when I tapped on the screen. It appeared as if its animation were suspended, mid-step. Kate and I propped a trouble light next to the screen and, a couple of hours later, the critter was gone, apparently thawed enough to consider his journey on that night of the iguana no relation to the Tennessee Williams play/movie. All thanks to the old-time remedy for warming up cars. Prosecutors filed felony charges Thursday against five people after police found $57,000 worth of drugs in a house across the street from Northside Elementary. The case unfolded when La Crosse police identified DaiTwon Cowson, 20, of Toledo, Ohio, as a suspect in a Jan. 11 apartment entry on North 11th Street, according to the complaint filed in La Crosse County Circuit Court. Cowson told police that he drove a friend to the building, where that man stole electronics and a credit card that were hauled to Jesse Stringers house at 1018 Gillette St. Police searched the house Jan. 12, where three of the men arrested told police they were visiting to make music. Inside the house Stringer and Gwenee Lawson share with their daughter, police found a loaded handgun, stolen electronics and 336 grams of Ecstasy, 137 grams of cocaine, 37 grams of crack cocaine, 26 grams of marijuana, 10 grams of heroin and 3 grams of fentanyl, according to police. Prosecutors charged Stringer and Lawson, both 30, with delivery of designer drugs and possession with intent to deliver cocaine, heroin, narcotics, THC and possession of drug paraphernalia, all as party to the crime. Stringer also is charged with possession of a firearm by a felon and receiving stolen property and Lawson with maintaining a drug trafficking place, all as party to the crime. Lennell Davis Jr., 28, of Chicago, Debrian Hayes, 22, of 1820 Wood St., No. 2, and Jerrad Simms, 32, of Harvey, Ill., all are charged with delivery of designer drugs and possession with intent to deliver heroin, cocaine, narcotics and THC and possession of drug paraphernalia, all as party to the crime. They return to court next week. Cowson, who was arrested for receiving stolen property and fraudulent use of a credit card, is due in court on Wednesday. From Truthdig The top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Ben Cardin, has become a big star in national media by routinely denouncing Russia as a dire threat to American democracy. The senior senator from Maryland personifies the highly dangerous opportunism that has set in among leading Democrats on the subject of Russia. Chelsea Manning confirmed on Sunday that she is challenging Sen. Cardin's re-election effort in the Democratic primary this June. Her campaign has real potential to raise key issues. One of them revolves around the kind of bellicose rhetoric that heightens the dangers of conflict between the world's two nuclear superpowers. In a typical foray into reckless hyperbole, Cardin told a public forum in November: "When you use cyber in an affirmative way to compromise our democratic, free election system, that's an attack against America. It's an act of war. It is an act of war." Cardin is far from the only member of Congress to use "act of war" rhetoric about alleged Russian cyber actions. Republican ultra-hawk Arizona Sen. John McCain has hurled the phrase at Russia. But the most use of the phrase comes from a range of Democrats, such as Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal and the normally sensible Northern California Rep. Jackie Speier. As his party's ranking member of the key Senate committee on foreign policy, Cardin is at the tip of the anti-Russia propaganda spear. After three decades in Congress including nearly a dozen years in the Senate, he's an old hand at spinning. No one has worked harder to get political mileage out of "Russiagate." Last week, Cardin upped the ante with the release of a report that he commissioned. In effect, it's a declaration of red-white-and-blue jihad against Russia. The report -- which accuses Russian President Vladimir Putin of "a relentless assault to undermine democracy and the rule of law in Europe and the United States" -- received massive coverage in U.S. news media. Conservative and liberal punditry voiced acclaim. "Never before in American history has so clear a threat to national security been so clearly ignored by a U.S. president," a solo statement by Cardin declares on the opening page. With the truly repugnant President Trump in its crosshairs, the report's most polemical claims -- no matter how debatable or ahistorical -- have predictably gotten a pass from mass media. But the much-ballyhooed report is a carefully selective and distorted version of history. The expansion of NATO up to Russia's borders, the U.S. interference in dozens of countries' elections (including in Russia during the Clinton administration), Washington's support for repressive regimes in the past and present -- such realities didn't merit consideration or mention. Nor did facts such as the USA's role as the world's biggest arms merchant. Or the aggressively deadly U.S. military interventions in the recent past and present, from Afghanistan to Iraq to Libya. Such omissions are essential to the self-righteous tone of the Russiagate frenzy. Only with silence about basic truths of U.S. foreign policy can officials in Washington pose as leaders of an angelic nation that must confront satanic Russia. In light of what is at stake for human survival -- with the odds of nuclear war shifting ominously because of the agenda that he's helping to push -- Sen. Cardin can be understood as someone who avidly fits into patterns of nationalistic and militaristic madness. The sad fact is that he has plenty of company on Capitol Hill. Lemmings are bad enough, but conformists who would drag all of humanity over the cliff with them are far worse. Democratic leadership used to be much saner. Five decades ago, it was the fanatical Republican standard bearer Barry Goldwater who scorned reaching out to the Kremlin -- while Democratic President Lyndon Johnson wisely sought de'tente with Russian leaders on behalf of peaceful coexistence and reducing the risks of nuclear conflagration. Right after being sentenced to prison in August 2013 for heroic whistleblowing that exposed many U.S. war crimes, Chelsea Manning released a statement that quoted Howard Zinn: "There is not a flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people." A nuclear war between the United States and Russia would do more than kill vast numbers of innocent people. Scientific research tells us that a nuclear holocaust would make the Earth "virtually uninhabitable." The extreme hostility toward Russia that makes such an outcome more likely must be rejected. Sen. Ben Cardin is one of the loudest and most prominent voices for such hostility. He should be challenged. China on Monday (Jan 15) slammed comments by the Indian Army chief General Bipin Rawat for calling Doklam a disputed territory. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said his "unconstructive" comments not helpful for maintaining peace at the borders. Responding to Gen Rawat's comments, Lu Kang said his comments were against the consensus reached between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Xi Jinping at the BRICS summit last September to revive the ties and preserve peace on the border. During last week's press conference, General Rawat had said that India needed to shift its military focus from its western border with Pakistan to its northern border with China. He had also observed that if China was strong, India was not weak either. "During the past one year, relations between China and India witnessed some twists and turns," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang said in response to a question. He underscored that in September, the leaders of India and China reached some important consensus on properly handling the differences and promote China-India relations. "Recently, two sides enhanced dialogue on consultations, and bilateral relations have shown sound momentum of improvement and development," he said, in an obvious reference to the visit to India by the Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi and State Councilor and Politburo member Yang Jeichi. "Under such background, the unconstructive remarks by the Indian senior officials not only go against the consensus reached by the two heads of state, and do not conform to the efforts made by the two sides to improve and develop bilateral relations." He added: "It cannot help to preserve tranquility and peace in the border areas." Doklam border dispute According to the Hindu newspaper, when asked to spell out any specific remark of Gen. Rawat that had irked China, Mr. Lu said: "I have made myself clear. If the senior official according to the report referred to Donglang (Doklam), I think you are clear about our position - Donglang belongs to China and has always been in the effective jurisdiction of China." "The China border troops patrolling and stationed in the area are exercising our sovereignty rights. We hope the Indian side has learned the lessons of history and will avoid similar accidents to take place again," Mr. Lu observed. He added: "If he refers to the situation in the whole India-China boundary, I have also said that last September the two heads of state have reached important consensus during the Xiamen summit. Both sides have maintained effective communication since then." "The aim is to enhance strategic mutual trust and create enabling atmosphere for strategic communication. Recently the bilateral relations have shown positive momentum." But the remarks of the Indian official "go against the consensus of the states and do not conform to the general trend of improvement of bilateral relations. We believe such kinds of remarks are not conducive to maintaining peace and tranquility in border areas." He also reiterated China's stand that the Sikkim section of the India-China boundary has been delimited by the 1890 "historical convention" between the then British government and China, which Beijing claims settled the boundary in that particular section spanning to about 200 kms. One of the primary demands of China is the settlement of the boundary in that particular section based on the treaty and that the two sides negotiated for a settlement for the rest of the LAC which spans about 3,488 kms. Both sides have a held a total of 20 rounds of border talks to resolve the issue. "Donglang is China's territory. China will continue to exercise its sovereignty rights in accordance with the historical convention and steadfastly uphold its territorial sovereignty," Lu said. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). This piece was reprinted by OpEd News with permission or license. It may not be reproduced in any form without permission or license from the source. From Black Agenda Report "Republicans and Democrats alike are willing to turn over government coffers to Bezos and his ilk and the rights of the people be damned." Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has a net worth of $105 billion and is the richest man in the world. But he is not just the richest man at this moment in history. He is the richest person who has ever lived. As of 2017 he and seven other billionaires had a collective net worth equal to that of the poorest 3.6 billion people on earth. These figures have been in the news of late but without much useful analysis. The corporate media refuse to state what is obvious. Namely that inequality is worse around the world precisely because these super rich people demand it. While pundits and politicians go on breathlessly about oligarchs in Russia, they seldom take a look at the wealthiest in their own back yard and the control they exert over the lives of millions of people. When Amazon announced it would choose a site for its new headquarters, cities across the country began a furious race to the bottom. Amazon is not alone in the thievery department. Major corporations like Walmart always request and receive public property and public funds in order to do business. Some 235 cities have put themselves in the running for this dubious venture. Chicago is willing to give Amazon $1.3 billion in payroll taxes that prospective employees would ordinarily pay that city. If Chicago wins this booby prize Amazon employees would pay taxes to their employer and not to the government. This is truly cutting out the middle man and makes real the rule of, by, and for the wealthiest. The potential for public outrage isn't lost on unprincipled politicians. Some cities now refuse to reveal how much they plan to give away. But the news to date is disheartening, with Boston offering $75 million while Houston is willing to part with $268 million. Amazon says it will hire 50,000 people but their business model already pays employees so little that many of them qualify for public assistance, despite being employed. The United States is as much of an oligarchy as countries it usually disparages but it is far more dishonest about its true nature. All talk of democracy is a lie as the rich get richer, by an additional $1 trillion in 2017, and wield more and more power over the lives of everyone else. The Bezos juggernaut is not restricted to theft of public money. He is also the sole owner of the Washington Post, one of the most influential newspapers in the country. Bezos owns a newspaper that is an organ of the ruling elite and he also has a $600 million contract to provide the Central Intelligence Agency with cloud computing services. The Washington Post was the force behind Propaganda or Not, an effort to destroy left-wing voices like those at Black Agenda Report. Under the guise of fighting Russia and so-called fake news the Bezos-owned Post began the censorship campaign that has put the left's presence on the internet in such jeopardy. Politicians outdo one another giving away public resources to the richest man on the planet who also owns a major newspaper and services the surveillance state. If it can be said that any one person rules the world Bezos would be obvious choice. No one in Chicago, Boston, Houston or any of the other cities giving away the store ever voted for Jeff Bezos. All talk of democracy is a sham as long as the richest people take from the rest of humanity. The effort to make government an irrelevance is thoroughly bipartisan. Republicans and Democrats alike are willing to turn over government coffers to Bezos and his ilk, and the rights of the people be damned. Whoever wins this tarnished brass ring ought to be consigned to political defeat. The mayor, aldermen, city-council members or whoever else brings disaster to their locality should be punished for aiding and abetting the theft. If these cities can give to the richest man who ever lived, they can surely use public money to help their residents right now. But they will never do that because they are all bought off and compromised. They are either cynical or afraid to go against the real rulers of the country. Bezos may look like the villain in a James Bond movie but there is nothing funny about him. He is deadly serious and so are his intentions. In a Bezos-run world every worker will be impoverished, every level of government will subsidize corporations, and anyone who speaks out will be discredited and under surveillance. The last thing any city needs is a new Amazon headquarters. We need an end to billionaire rule in this country and around the world. That will be the salvation of the people, not more sweat shops run by wealthy people who steal from everyone else. Quicklink Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their quicklinks after publishing them. To see if the quicklink was renamed or re-published, please click here. Progressive Content Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their progressive content after publishing. To see if the progressive content was renamed or re-published, please click here. This column is the third in this series. The first two were fairly easy to write. They first defined traditional, 20th century fascism. They then show how 21st century fascism, in the United States, can be best defined as "functional fascism." That is because it is designed to achieve many of the goals of traditional fascism without employing certain of the traditional forms. Finally, they discuss some of the specific features of Trumpite/Republican functional fascism in the U.S. This part of the set is not so easy, because there are many paths that can be taken in carrying out what we generally call "The Resistance" (e.g., see The Nation , Jan. 29/Feb. 5, 2018). And in fact, in the writing, it became two parts, this one on some general thoughts on the topic, and the final one, Part 4, next week on some specifics. The term "The Resistance" in fact has multiple meanings. They range from that of Refuse Fascism , which focuses on street rallies and mass organizing with the goal of overthrowing "The Trump/Pence Regime," to the strongly anti-Trump, but electoral-politics-focused approach of Alan Grayson's "The Resistance." Some of them may seem complementary, some of them may seem to be opposed to each other. Refuse Fascism, On the march. (Image by KarlaAnnCote') Details DMCA One major problem for the planners of the (generic) Resistance is how to mobilize its various components so that they can be mutually supportive and work together towards eventually removing the Trumpite/Republicans from power. Already, one can find a good deal of in-fighting among the anti-Trumpists of various stripes. This accomplishes nothing but weakening the movement. Unfortunately, just saying that will not do much to diminish it. But if Trumpite/Repub./fascism is eventually to be defeated, that infighting will have to go. (And oh yes, I'm sure that I will be attacked just for saying that.) A second major problem is to be faced is just what should replace the Trumpite/-Republican/fascists. If previous experience is to be a guide, especially given what happened in the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), the second problem will be even harder to solve than the first one. BUT, in my view if the Resistance forces cannot agree to resolve those issues sometime down the road rather than right up front, we are never going to get down the road to the dispossession of the Trumpite/Republican/fascists. Let me begin with the understanding that the United States is a capitalist nation and is also the mightiest imperialist power ever seen on the face of the Earth. The U.S. empire is, however, historically unique. For it does not politically control the territories of its empire, as previous ones from the Roman through the British did. It is rather a functional empire, much like it is now controlled by a functional form of fascism. It has a ruling class, just as every nation has one. And that ruling class controls the political system which governs the country. As I have said in a previous column: "In the United States, as in most developed capitalist nations today, there is a dominant Political Duopoly. Indeed, the Democrats and the Republicans do have significant policy differences, but those policy differences are over the question of how to best preserve, protect, and expand capitalism, . . . . There are also some very significant differences within each of the two major parties about policy and about how they should go about gaining and keeping the levers of power, especially in a nation that has such an incredibly complex system of government [compared to most advanced capitalist counties]. It is complex at the Federal level, with the three supposedly equal branches of government, and it is complex because of the distribution of power and sovereignty between the Federal government and the states. The nature of both distributions has been the subject of constant conflict since the founding the nation in 1789. But again, those conflicts are never over the question of: 'might there not be a better system of control of the productive resources in our society that could benefit everyone, not just for the most part those who happen to own the bulk of them.' " It is the latter question that various segments of the Resistance will want to be getting at one time or another. As noted, my suggestion is to leave that one, except perhaps in the most general of terms, until sometime down the road. At the same time, it is of vital importance to realize and recognize that we live in a capitalist society, with a capitalist ruling class, and thus its State apparatus places serious limits on both the process and substance of societal change. Now, of course, a major feature of the U.S. is that it is a parliamentary democracy, in capitalist terms of course. The great Vladimir Ilyich Lenin put what that means in practice most concisely: vlasdmug. Lenin: always looking to the future. (Image by massmarrier) Details DMCA "To decide once every few years which member of the ruling class is to repress and crush the people through parliament -- this is the real essence of bourgeois parliamentarism, not only in parliamentary-constitutional monarchies [which existed widely in Lenin's day], but also in the most democratic republics. " With this understanding, however, in my view advantage can be taken, in the early to middling days of the struggle, of the anti-fascist elements of the capitalist ruling class, that is those elements which believe that Trumpite/Republican/fascism is not the way to maintain bourgeois-democratic rule. Now I know that I am going to be losing some of you right here, already, by taking this position. But to repeat we do live in a capitalist parliamentary democracy, which has forms and functions that can be taken advantage of in the struggle. Alliances can be built that do not give away progressive, and for some of us, socialist, principles. As long as we hold to those principles for the long run. But in my view, we cannot get rid of Trumpite/Republican/fascism unless we are willing to build alliances, until it is gone. It has to be understood that the ruling class is currently not unified. In a true crisis time, when its rule is threatened, it either will become so, or the dominant, fascist sector will simply get rid of the non-fascist sector, as happened in Nazi Germany. But that time is not now. However, this situation clearly creates a principal problem for a number of very important elements of the Resistance. I cannot possibly tell them what to do. I can only make some suggestions about how the two major elements can work together, for now, to fight and ultimately dispose of Trumpite/Republican/fascism. Briefly, they will be covered next week. (Article changed on January 17, 2018 at 23:54) From Paul Craig Roberts Website The Supreme Court (Image by WEBN-TV) Details DMCA When the US Supreme Court consisted of civil libertarians such as William Douglas, William Brennan, and Thurgood Marshall, Republicans argued that the Supreme Court was coddling criminals and inventing rights. To prevent legislation from the bench, it was necessary, Republicans said, to elect Republican presidents who would appoint a different court that would respect the Constitution. Law and Order Conservatives were particularly upset by the Miranda decision. These conservatives were too naive to realize that often police are more interested in "solving" a case than they are in justice. Coerced self-incrimination was an easy way for police to "solve" a crime. Miranda and other rulings reduced the ability of police and prosecutors to "solve" crimes at the expense of the rights of suspects. What the "liberal court" did was to hold accountable the cases brought by police and prosecutors. The liberals' mistake was they failed to hold the police personally accountable for their misdeeds. The Republicans did give America a different Supreme Court and also different district and appeal courts. Rulings by Republican judges have stripped the Bill of Rights out of the Constitution and made police unaccountable for murder and robbery. In effect, the Republican jurists have turned the police into a criminal organization that is above the law. John Whitehead lays it out for us here. Faith communities should practice their mission with extreme prejudice a pronounced tilt toward action, insists Dr. Jeff Thompson. The action must be grounded in service and promotion of the common good, Thompson told nearly 100 people attending the monthly Community Conversations program at English Lutheran Church in La Crosse. Faith communities should have great clarity and a bias for action, the CEO emeritus of Gundersen Health System said during his talk, titled Values vs. Conventional Wisdom, in keeping with the series theme of Faith and Business Leadership. Appropriately quoting Martin Luther King Jr. just two days after the nation marked the slain civil rights leaders birthday, Thompson said, It may well be that we will have to repent in this generation. Not merely for the vitriolic words and the violent actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence and indifference of the good people who sit around and say, Wait on time. Citing another MLK quote, from his noted Letter From Birmingham Jail, Thompson said people should decide whether to be taillights, following others to action, or headlights, leading values-based endeavors. There is biblical and historical clarity on where we should come down on that, said Thompson, author of Lead True: Live Your Values, Build Your People, Inspire Your Community, a 245-page book that was published last year. Organizations should look toward service not by dominance and with responsibility, not marketing, he said. The actions are all a matter of standing up and living your values even if conventional wisdom dictates otherwise, he said. Thompson cited several actions that Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center and, later, Gundersen Health System, shouldered when he was CEO from 2001 until he resigned in 2016. He laughed as he acknowledged that his own values include larceny, admitting, I was able to steal people like Jerry Arndt from Trane for the betterment of the community. Arndt, who had worked at Trane for 34 years when Thompson hired him in 2004 as senior vice president of Gundersens business services, attended the talk. Thompson referred to Arndt frequently as his partner in crime as they approached the health systems board of directors with pie-in-the-sky proposals that defied conventional wisdom. Thompson values Arndt, who retired from Gundersen on Dec. 31, 2015, as a person he could present with a problem to solve, and he did. Listing several endeavors also outlined in the book, Thompson said: When Gundersens board OKd Thompsons pitch to become involved with environmental issues, people asked why a health system would do so, he said. Because health and the environment go hand in hand, he said. If they dont, then how can health care take care of your children with asthma and older people with chronic lung problems. Gundersen was able to rein in 400,000 of particulates it was releasing into the air by burning coal, which also unleashed mercury into the air, water and land, he said. I said, Hey Jerry, Thompson said of his charge to Arndt to help come up with a way to end practices that were hurting people, causing people to be sick. We had a moral responsibility. While conventional wisdom used to be cavalier about leftover medications, advising people just to flush them down the toilet, Gundersen eschewed that tack as causing pollution. Regarding misuse of resources, he said, we have people in every county in the country is hungry, but 40 to 50 percent of food is wasted. Instead of spending untold amounts of money to solve food waste at Gundersen, he said, We bought a $39 scale and established weights and measures to reduce the amount of food used and wasted. In the interest of safeguarding the communitys financial health, Gundersen also chose to help Logistics Health Inc. through a financial tight spot when others would have said let it go, even if the Coulee Region lost jobs; to build a new behavioral health unit when other hospitals were closing theirs; to build new hospital buildings on its original campus instead of moving, and to partner with the city in redeveloping that neighborhood, he said. Without economic health, you dont have health-health, he said. Its values-based decision-making, not ego-based, he said. Thompson also pointed out Global Partners, a service of the Gundersen Medical Foundation that sends health-care delegations to the Pine Ridge, S.D., Reservation, as well as Yetebon, Ethiopia, Africa, and the Matagalpa region of Nicaragua. Saluting the leadership of Global Partners Director Liz Arnold, who also was at the talk, Thompson said the program has attracted hundreds of volunteers from Gundersen and throughout the community who enrich not only other areas through their service but also the Coulee Region upon their return. Liz understood that doing those things was good, and doing those things was important, Thompsons said. She also understood the value of strengthening education programs for children at home, too, he said. Thus, Arnold spearheaded the effort for Global Partners to initiate a mentoring program in January 2017 at Hamilton Early Learning Center, a school in the Powell-Poage-Hamilton neighborhood near Gundersen. Those and other efforts are based on the belief that our principles require that we be the headlights, and not the taillights, he said. To truly live our mission and to truly live by our values takes a bias for action, Thompson said. Our plan was to act. From Other Words Jeff Bezos expects you to pay for the privilege of letting Amazon employees enter your home when you're not there. (Image by Carl Malamud / Flickr) Details DMCA Would you give your house key to a complete stranger, letting that person (whose name you don't even know) walk right into your home when you're not there? One stranger who's brazenly asking you and millions of other people to do just that is Jeff Bezos. He's the head honcho of Amazon, the e-commerce behemoth whose vast supercomputer network routinely compiles and stores dossiers on every one of his customers. He's obsessed with having the most data on the most people -- it's a little creepy. Now, adding to the creep factor, Bezos literally wants Amazon to get inside your home. And, ironically, he's using "security" as his rationale. Rather than simply delivering the products you order from Amazon to your doorstep, the corporation wants a key to unlock your door, allowing its delivery crews to go inside and do you the favor of placing the packages securely in your abode. What could possibly go wrong with that? Other than you being robbed, of course, either by rogue Amazon employees or by hackers who will certainly gain access to the corporation's computerized key codes. Or maybe "Crusher," your Pitbull, mauls the Amazon intruder and you get sued. Need I mention that Bezos expects you to pay for the privilege of having his employees enter your home? First, his dicey, open-sesame program, which he calls "Amazon Key," is available only to customers who shell out $99 a year to be "Amazon Prime" members. Second, you must buy a special internet-unlocking gizmo and a particular camera to join his corporate key club. And guess where you must go to buy this entry technology? Yes, Amazon -- where prices for the gizmo and camera setup start at $250. This is Jim Hightower saying" What a deal! For Amazon, that is. Bezos' real goal -- indeed, his only goal, always -- isn't so much to get inside your home. It's to get inside your wallet. From Truthdig (Image by Mr Fish/Truthdig) Details DMCA I covered the war in El Salvador for five years. It was a peasant uprising by the dispossessed against the 14 ruling families and the handful of American corporations that ran El Salvador as if it was a plantation. Half of the population was landless. Laborers worked as serfs in the coffee plantations, the sugar cane fields and the cotton fields in appalling poverty. Attempts to organize and protest peacefully to combat the huge social inequality were met with violence, including fire from machine guns mounted on the tops of buildings in downtown San Salvador that rained down bullets indiscriminately on crowds of demonstrators. Peasant, labor, church and university leaders were kidnapped by death squads, brutally tortured and murdered, their mutilated bodies often left on roadsides for public view. When I arrived, the death squads were killing between 700 and 1,000 people a month. An insurgent army arose, the Farabundo Mart National Liberation Front (known by the Spanish-language abbreviation FMLN), named for the leader of a peasant uprising in 1932 that was crushed through the slaughter of thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, many of them killed in summary executions. The FMLN seized huge parts of the country from the corrupt and demoralized military. In the fall of 1983, the rebels, supplied with weapons from the Sandinista government in Nicaragua, were on the verge of capturing the country's second largest city. I did not, at first, travel with the army. It was too dangerous. It was far safer to go into combat with the FMLN. Without outside intervention, the rebels would have seized control of El Salvador within months and ousted the oligarchs. But, far to the north, was a shithole country ruled by a former B-list movie actor who had starred in "Bedtime for Bonzo" and who was in the early stages of dementia. This shithole country, which saw the world in black and white, communist and capitalist, was determined to thwart the aspirations of the poor and the landless. It would not permit the profits of its companies, such as United Fruit, or the power of the pliant oligarch class that did its bidding in El Salvador, to be impeded. It had disdain for the aspirations of the poor, especially the poor of Latin American or Africa, the wretched of the earth, as writer Frantz Fanon called them, people who in the eyes of those who ruled the shithole country should toil in misery all their lives for the oligarchs and the big American companies allied with them. Let the poor, brown and black people go hungry, watch their children die of sickness or be murdered. Power and wealth, those who ruled this shithole country believed, was theirs by divine right. They, as the lords of shithole-dom, were endowed with special attributes. God blessed shithole countries. The Chilean poet Pablo Neruda understood how those who ruled the shithole country looked at the wretched of the earth. He wrote: "When the trumpet sounded, it was all prepared on the earth, the Jehovah parceled out the earth to Coca Cola, Inc., Anaconda, Ford Motors, and other entities: The Fruit Company, Inc. reserved for itself the most succulent, the central coast of my land, the delicate waist of America. "It rechristened its territories as the 'Banana Republics' and over the sleeping dead, over the restless heroes, who brought about the greatness, the liberty and the flags, it established the comic opera: Abolished independencies, presented crowns of Caesar, unsheathed envy, attracted the dictatorship of flies." The dictatorship of flies had its downside. It elevated the imbecilic and the inept, men whose main attributes were brutality, mendacity and thievery. They were uniformly unpleasant creatures. Anastasio "Tachito" Somoza in Nicaragua. The Duvaliers in Haiti. Augusto Pinochet in Chile. Efran Ros Montt in Guatemala. These flies did the bidding of the shithole country. They would murder their own people without compunction and, for hefty bribes, would allow the corporations to exploit and pillage. Yes, they had their eccentricities. The depraved often do. Gen. Maximiliano Herna'ndez Martnez, who came to power in a military coup, led the government in El Salvador that carried out the 1932 massacres known as La Matanza. The general, a recluse who rarely appeared in public, was a believer in the occult and held se'ances in the presidential residence. He was one of the models for Gabriel Garca Ma'rquez's portrait of a Latin American tyrant in "The Autumn of the Patriarch." Martnez styled himself after the Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. He barred all immigration by Arabs, Hindus, Chinese and blacks. He once announced: "It is good that children go barefoot. That way they can better receive the beneficial effluvia of the planet, the vibrations of the earth. Plants and animals don't use shoes." And he said it was a greater crime to kill an ant than a human being "because a man who dies is reincarnated while an ant dies forever." His solution to a measles epidemic was to order the streetlights wrapped in cellophane to purify the air. He believed that colored water could cure most illnesses. How surprised the leaders of the shithole country would be if they knew about the poets, the writers and the artists, the intellectuals and the men and women of great moral probity, such as the Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero, who in 1980 was assassinated with a bullet shipped down to the killers from the shithole country. The leaders of the shithole country do not see the people of Latin America or Africa as fully human. But then they are not great readers, especially of poetry by the lesser breeds of the earth. They have not heard the truth of the Salvadoran poet Roque Dalton, who wrote: "Take care, you're worth your weight in gold. Because in capitalism only the owners of gold are worth their weight in gold." The shithole country poured $1 million a day in aid and weapons into the land. They sent down their most ruthless killers, including Fe'lix Rodrguez, the CIA agent and Bay of Pigs veteran who had overseen the hunt for Che Guevara in Bolivia, presided over his execution and proudly wore the wristwatch he had taken from the martyred revolutionary's body. At night you could see the killers sent to El Salvador by the shithole country, usually with their Vietnamese wives, sitting around the pool at the Sheraton Hotel. They had perfected the dark arts of infiltrating, torturing, interrogating, disappearing and murdering through practice on the people of Vietnam during the war there. They could teach you how to strangle someone with piano wire so there would be no noise as the victim choked to death. They brought many such skills with them to Central America. They directed the death squads to wipe out the resistance leaders, priests and nuns working in poor communities, teachers, journalists, labor organizers, student leaders, professors and intellectuals who denounced the barbarity. They trained and equipped new soldiers for the oligarchs. They formed mercenary units with hundreds of soldiers recruited from countries such as Honduras, Venezuela and Chile. They called these military units, which were secret, Unilaterally Controlled Latino Assets. They sent them to fight the FMLN because the Salvadoran military was so unreliable. They provided fleets of helicopters to hunt the insurgents by air. It was an orgy of militarism. By the time the shithole country was done, it had spent $4 billion to crush the uprising. And while it was orchestrating the bloodbath in El Salvador it provided $1 billion to the thugs and killers known as the Contras in Nicaragua, where 50,000 people were murdered. It also quietly assisted the killers of Guatemala, where 200,000 were slain. The poor peasants did not stand a chance. Mass graves dotted the Central American isthmus, a testament to their work. Dalton wrote: "The dead are more insolent than ever. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Bio-Optronics Announces $30 Million Growth Investment from Mainsail Partners www.bio-optronics.com or www.mainsailpartners.com ROCHESTER, NY Bio-Optronics today announced a $30 million investment from Mainsail Partners, a growth equity firm that invests in fast-growing bootstrapped technology companies. Mainsail will partner with the Chief Executive Officer, Dan Kerpelman, and the existing management team to scale the business rapidly. Bio-Optronics will use the capital and Mainsails support to accelerate product development, enhance customer service, and grow sales and marketing.Bio-Optronics is a provider of software to healthcare organizations. The companys product suite includes Clinical Conductor, a leading Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS), Momentum, which enables fast, automated and accurate medical staff scheduling, and Biopoint, which enhances patient safety and streamlines patient workflow. Customers include leading hospital systems, clinical research sites and organizations, medical groups, and the Department of Veterans Affairs.Our business is founded on providing great software products with exceptional customer support, said Dan Kerpelman. We did not need to raise capital to continue our growth, but rather chose to partner with Mainsail in order to invest more heavily in our products and in our customers success. Mainsail took the time and effort to develop a relationship with the company over the last several years, and I am confident they will add meaningful value.Michael Anderson, Partner at Mainsail Partners, said, Were delighted to work with Dan and the team at Bio-Optronics. Over the years theyve demonstrated an ability to develop compelling new products and features for the global market, a dedicated focus on serving their customers, and a track record of strong growth. Anderson added, The companys Clinical Conductor product should benefit from the continued growth in the number and complexity of clinical trials, and the Momentum scheduling product should continue to grow rapidly as healthcare organizations stop building medical staff schedules manually and instead use software to help automate the process.In addition to Mr. Anderson, Taylor McKinley, Operating Partner at Mainsail, and David Farsai, Vice President at Mainsail, will join Dan Kerpelman on the companys Board of Directors.About Bio-OptronicsBio-Optronics is a leading software and services company that creates user-focused applications for healthcare organizations that positively impact business performance. With applications focused on clinical research, automated resource utilization and patient safety, Bio-Optronics software is used by thousands of healthcare organizations worldwide to simplify complex business processes and enhance overall quality and efficiency.For more information, visitfollow @BioOptronics on Twitter or LinkedInAbout Mainsail PartnersMainsail Partners is a San Francisco-based growth equity firm that invests in bootstrapped software companies. For 15 years, the firm has partnered with exceptional founders and entrepreneurs across many end-markets. Mainsail has a team of experienced operating professionals to help entrepreneurs scale their businesses and accelerate growth. The firm has raised more than $750 million in committed capital. For more information, please visit1890 South Winton RoadSuite 190Rochester, NY 14618 Plant-based Water Market Expanding at a CAGR of +19%, Industry Analysis Report, Regional Outlook, Application Development Potential, Price Trends, Competitive Market Share & Forecast, 2022 http://qyreports.com/request-sample?report-id=62301 http://qyreports.com/ask-for-discount?report-id=62301 http://qyreports.com/enquiry-before-buying?report-id=62301 www.researchnreports.com The Plant-based Water Market to Grow steadily at a CAGR of +19% during the forecast period.The rising health issues due to the consumption of carbonated drinks have accelerated the growth of the market. Problems associated with the intake of carbonated drinks include heart diseases, obesity, diabetes, cancer, digestion issues, tooth decay, etc. The product is an alternative to artificially sweetened beverages which will upscale the demand for the product between 2017 and 2024. Trend of healthy hydration has gained momentum over the past few years. The nutritive contents of the alternative waters will broaden the prospects of the product market in future. Attractive packaging by manufacturers is also one of the major factors contributing to the popularity of the product.The research report analyzes the Global Plant-based Water Market in a thorough manner by clarifying the key characteristics of the market that are anticipated to have a measureable influence on its evolving prospects over the forecast period. The major growth drivers, challenges, and trends influencing the market are examined at length. A thorough qualitative and quantitative data pertaining to the projected impact of these factors on markets future growth prospects are presented in the report.Get a sample @:Companies Profiled in this report includes, The Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo Inc., All Market Inc., Oviva Maple Water Company, Caliwater LLC, World Waters LLC, ARTY Water Company, Sibberi, DrinkSEVA, Steaz, Harmless Harvest, DRINKmaple.Driven by large scale procurement and additionally redesign programs that are being commenced by several countries over the world, the systems segment is relied upon to represent the biggest share of +19 in the worldwide market over the forecast time frame. Mounting demand for cutting edge data innovation, the race to obtain cloud-based framework, encrypted information storage frameworks, and worldwide strategic advanced communication frameworks are anticipated to be the essential components driving the segment.Get Reasonable Discount on this Report @:Reason to Access the Global Plant-based Water Market:The analysis of the manufacturing cost structure of the international market has been performed based on key aspects such as industry chain structure, manufacturing process, raw materials, and their suppliers. The report provides both, qualitative and quantitative research of the market, as well as encompasses worthy insights into the rational scenario and favored improvement methods adopted by key contenders. The reports conclusion reveals the overall scope of the Global Plant-based Water Market in terms of feasibility of investments in the various segments of the market, along with a descriptive passage that outlines the feasibility of new projects that might succeed in the market in the near future.For More Information @:Table of ContentsGlobal Plant-based Water Market Research Report 2017Chapter 1 Global Plant-based Water Market OverviewChapter 2 Global Economic Impact on IndustryChapter 3 Global Market Competition by ManufacturersChapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by RegionChapter 5 Global Supply (Production), Consumption, ExportChapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by TypeChapter 7 Global Market Analysis by ApplicationChapter 8 Manufacturing Cost AnalysisChapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream BuyersChapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11 Market Effect Factors AnalysisChapter 12 Global Market ForecastAbout Research N Reports:Research N Reports is a new age market research firm where we focus on providing information that can be effectively applied. Today being a consumer driven market, companies require information to deal with the complex and dynamic world of choices. Where relying on a sound board firm for your decisions becomes crucial. Research N Reports specializes in industry analysis, market forecasts and as a result getting quality reports covering all verticals, whether be it gaining perspective on current market conditions or being ahead in the cut throat Global competition. Since we excel at business research to help businesses grow, we also offer consulting as an extended arm to our services which only helps us gain more insight into current trends and problems. Consequently we keep evolving as an all-rounder provider of viable information under one roof.Contact:Sunny Denis(Sales Manager),(Research N Reports)10916, Gold Point Dr,Houston, TX, Pin 77064,+1-8886316977,sales@researchnreports.com, Global Digital Terrestrial Television Receiver Market Report, Trends, Size, Share, Analysis, Estimations and Forecasts to 2022 http://www.qyreports.com/request-sample/?report-id=51402 http://www.qyreports.com/ask-for-discount/?report-id=51402 http://www.qyreports.com/report/global-digital-terrestrial-television-receiver-industry-2015-market-research-report-51402/ www.qyreports.com Digital terrestrial television is an advanced technology of analog television and evolution of broadcast television. Digital television market is designed to offer quality television experience to customers. In terrestrial implementation of digital television technology, instead of cable television and satellite connection, conventional antenna is used to provide better quality experience.This report on global Digital Terrestrial Television Receiver market is a detailed research study that helps provides answers and pertinent questions with respect to the emerging trends and growth opportunities in this particular industry. It helps identify each of the prominent barriers to growth, apart from identifying the trends within various application segments of the global market for Digital Terrestrial Television Receiver. Collecting historical and recent data from various authentic resources, and depending on all the factors and trends, the report presents a figurative estimate of the future market condition, along with compound annual growth rate (CAGR).Get Sample Copy of this Report:Key players:DiBcom S.A, Hauppauge Digital Inc, Abilis Systems, Onkyo USA Corporation, Siano Mobile Silicon Ltd, Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V, Pace Plc, Silicon Laboratories, Inc., Thomson Broadcast., TechniSat Digital GmbH etcThe geographical segmentation of the Global Digital Terrestrial Television Receiver Market entails the dominant regions in the market during the forecast period. Information on the region leading this market and the reasons for the dominance of this region are also some of the aspects highlighted under this section of the report. The competitive landscape section of the report presents the major vendors operating in the global Digital Terrestrial Television Receiver market. These key vendors are analyzed based on attributes such as their product profile, product introductions, SWOT analysis, and contact information.Avail 30% Discount on this Report@:This study report on global Digital Terrestrial Television Receiver market throws light on the crucial trends and dynamics impacting the development of the market, including the restraints, drivers, and opportunities. The report talks about the competitive environment prevailing in the Digital Terrestrial Television Receiver market worldwide. The report lists the key players in the market and also provides insightful information about them such as their business overview, product segmentation, and revenue segmentation. Further, the report studies the market share held by the key players and forecast their growth during the next couple of years. The report also looks at the latest developments among the key players in the Digital Terrestrial Television Receiver market such as partnerships, mergers, and acquisitions.Get Complete Report@:About QYReports:We at, QYReports , a leading market research report publisher accommodate more than 4,000 celebrated clients worldwide putting them at advantage in todays competitive world with our understanding of research. Our list of customers include prestigious Chinese companies, multinational companies, SME's and private equity firms whom we have helped grow and sustain with our fact-based research. Our business study covers a market size of over 30 industries offering unfailing insights into analysis to reimagine your business. We specialize in forecasts needed for investing in a new project, to revolutionize your business, to become more customer centric and improve the quality of output.Contact:QYReportsJones John(Sales Manager)+91-9764607607sales@qyreports.com Global Smart City Business Analytics Software Market Analysis, Market Size, Application, Regional Outlook, Competitive Strategies and Forecasts, 2018 to 2022 http://www.qyreports.com/request-sample/?report-id=65119 http://www.qyreports.com/ask-for-discount/?report-id=65119 http://www.qyreports.com/report/global-smart-city-business-analytics-software-market-size-status-and-forecast-2022-65119/ www.qyreports.com The report analyzes the Smart City Business Analytics Software market and gives an intricate examination of its applications. The report includes a detailed cost evaluation analysis of products that are available in the worldwide Smart City Business Analytics Software market with regard to existing manufacturer profit margins. It helps figure out the primary driving forces of the Smart City Business Analytics Software market in significant end-use organizations around the world. It likewise constitutes a broad investigation of the restraints on the market, business sector structure, and the business pattern of the Smart City Business Analytics Software market. Meetings and interviews with the leading market participants have been used in order to present primary information regarding the market.Key players:IBM, SAP, Microsoft, SAS, Oracle, Tableau, Salesforce, IntelGet Sample Copy of this Report:The report is characterized into numerous parts dealing with diverse aspects of the Smart City Business Analytics Software market. This research report inspects the present situation and development prognosis of the Smart City Business Analytics Software market around the globe during the forecasting horizon. To determine the market size, the report analyzes revenue produced in the Smart City Business Analytics Software market worldwide alongside demonstrating the segmentation of the prime producers.The geographical segmentation of the Global Smart City Business Analytics Software Market entails the dominant regions in the market during the forecast period. Information on the region leading this market and the reasons for the dominance of this region are also some of the aspects highlighted under this section of the report. The competitive landscape section of the report presents the major vendors operating in the global Smart City Business Analytics Software market. These key vendors are analyzed based on attributes such as their product profile, product introductions, SWOT analysis, and contact information.Avail 30% Discount on this Report@:This study report on global Smart City Business Analytics Software market throws light on the crucial trends and dynamics impacting the development of the market, including the restraints, drivers, and opportunities. The report talks about the competitive environment prevailing in the Smart City Business Analytics Software market worldwide. The report lists the key players in the market and also provides insightful information about them such as their business overview, product segmentation, and revenue segmentation. Further, the report studies the market share held by the key players and forecast their growth during the next couple of years. The report also looks at the latest developments among the key players in the Smart City Business Analytics Software market such as partnerships, mergers, and acquisitions.Get Complete Report@:About QYReports:We at, QYReports , a leading market research report publisher accommodate more than 4,000 celebrated clients worldwide putting them at advantage in todays competitive world with our understanding of research. Our list of customers include prestigious Chinese companies, multinational companies, SME's and private equity firms whom we have helped grow and sustain with our fact-based research. Our business study covers a market size of over 30 industries offering unfailing insights into analysis to reimagine your business. We specialize in forecasts needed for investing in a new project, to revolutionize your business, to become more customer centric and improve the quality of output.Contact:QYReportsJones John(Sales Manager)+91-9764607607sales@qyreports.com Global Acrylic Acid Market Size, Share, Development, Growth and Demand Forecast to 2023 http://www.qyreports.com/request-sample/?report-id=27351 www.qyreports.com/ask-for-discount/?report-id=27351 www.qyreports.com Global Acrylic Acid Market Size, Status and Forecast 2023 is the latest report added in the large report database of Research N Reports. The objective of the report is to gather important market data and offer insights about the trends and opportunities of the global market to the readers. The report categorizes the market in a detailed manner to offer thorough insights about the facets responsible for augmenting as well as restraining the market growth. The research report on global market also inspects the indicators in the market that are vital to represent the revenue forecast of the market over the given forecast period.Top Key Vendors: BASF, DOW, Akema, Formosa, LG Chem, Toagosei, Sasol, Hexion, HUAYI, Satellite, Basf-YPC, CNOOC, ChemChina, CNPC.Get Sample Copy of this Report @The research report makes use of industry-centric tools for market analysis to gauge the scope of the competitive landscape of the global Acrylic Acid market in current as well as future market scenarios. The competition in the global market is evaluated on the basis of key market player operating at both regional as well as global. The report also discusses the associations and business partnerships among the key players operating in the market.The research report not only offers readers a broad overview of the international industry but also provides a granular assessment of the regional market in several countries and regions. Furthermore, the report consists a part that acknowledges the competitive analysis of the global Acrylic Acid market. These strategies followed by prominent players to stay ahead in the competition, the hurdles they are facing, competition they are dealing with, and the opportunities that are keeping them motivated are included in this section. This will help both large scale and small scale companies to deliberately understand the outlook of competition, which will help them to expand their territory.Get Discount on This Premium Report @Historical and projected information pertaining to cost, capacity, gross margin, imports and exports, company contact information, growth drivers and restraints, market position, production value, products, demand, and others have been included while evaluating the different regional market. A SWOT analysis of the upcoming projects being undertaken in the global Acrylic Acid market identifies and evaluates the weaknesses, strengths, threats, and opportunities of the new projects, in addition to an assessment of their investment returns, investment feasibility, and development trends.Besides recognizing the factors enabling growth in the global Acrylic Acid market, the report also profiles some of the leading companies operating therein. The product portfolio of the companies profiled are studied in detail. Besides this, information is obtained from their financial reports and strategies they adopted over the last couple of years. The impact of these strategies in the overall market is gauged as well, for the purpose of the study.Table of Content:Global Acrylic Acid Market Research Report 2018-2023Chapter 1 Acrylic Acid Market OverviewChapter 2 Global Economic ImpactChapter 3 Competition by ManufacturerChapter 4 Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2018-2023)Chapter 5 Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions (2018-2023)Chapter 6 Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by TypeChapter 7 Analysis by ApplicationChapter 8 Manufacturing Cost AnalysisChapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream BuyersChapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11 Market Effect Factors AnalysisChapter 12 Market Forecast (2018-2023)Chapter 13 AppendixAbout QYReports:We at, QYReports , a leading market research report publisher accommodate more than 4,000 celebrated clients worldwide putting them at advantage in todays competitive world with our understanding of research. Our list of customers include prestigious Chinese companies, multinational companies, SME's and private equity firms whom we have helped grow and sustain with our fact-based research. Our business study covers a market size of over 30 industries offering unfailing insights into analysis to reimagine your business. We specialize in forecasts needed for investing in a new project, to revolutionize your business, to become more customer centric and improve the quality of output.Contact:QYReportsJones John(Sales Manager)+91-9764607607sales@qyreports.comQYReports Global Alkyl Benzene Market Size, Share, Development, Growth and Demand Forecast to 2023 http://www.qyreports.com/request-sample/?report-id=27817 www.qyreports.com/ask-for-discount/?report-id=27817 www.qyreports.com Global Alkyl Benzene Market Size, Status and Forecast 2023 is the latest report added in the large report database of Research N Reports. The objective of the report is to gather important market data and offer insights about the trends and opportunities of the global market to the readers. The report categorizes the market in a detailed manner to offer thorough insights about the facets responsible for augmenting as well as restraining the market growth. The research report on global market also inspects the indicators in the market that are vital to represent the revenue forecast of the market over the given forecast period.Top Key Vendors: Cepsa, Sasol, Huntsman, FORMOSAN UNION CHEMICAL CORP, Great Orient Chemical (Taicang).Get Sample Copy of this Report @The research report makes use of industry-centric tools for market analysis to gauge the scope of the competitive landscape of the global Alkyl Benzene market in current as well as future market scenarios. The competition in the global market is evaluated on the basis of key market player operating at both regional as well as global. The report also discusses the associations and business partnerships among the key players operating in the market.The research report not only offers readers a broad overview of the international industry but also provides a granular assessment of the regional market in several countries and regions. Furthermore, the report consists a part that acknowledges the competitive analysis of the global Alkyl Benzene market. These strategies followed by prominent players to stay ahead in the competition, the hurdles they are facing, competition they are dealing with, and the opportunities that are keeping them motivated are included in this section. This will help both large scale and small scale companies to deliberately understand the outlook of competition, which will help them to expand their territory.Get Discount on This Premium Report @Historical and projected information pertaining to cost, capacity, gross margin, imports and exports, company contact information, growth drivers and restraints, market position, production value, products, demand, and others have been included while evaluating the different regional market. A SWOT analysis of the upcoming projects being undertaken in the global Alkyl Benzene market identifies and evaluates the weaknesses, strengths, threats, and opportunities of the new projects, in addition to an assessment of their investment returns, investment feasibility, and development trends.Besides recognizing the factors enabling growth in the global Alkyl Benzene market, the report also profiles some of the leading companies operating therein. The product portfolio of the companies profiled are studied in detail. Besides this, information is obtained from their financial reports and strategies they adopted over the last couple of years. The impact of these strategies in the overall market is gauged as well, for the purpose of the study.Table of Content:Global Alkyl Benzene Market Research Report 2018-2023Chapter 1 Alkyl Benzene Market OverviewChapter 2 Global Economic ImpactChapter 3 Competition by ManufacturerChapter 4 Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2018-2023)Chapter 5 Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions (2018-2023)Chapter 6 Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by TypeChapter 7 Analysis by ApplicationChapter 8 Manufacturing Cost AnalysisChapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream BuyersChapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11 Market Effect Factors AnalysisChapter 12 Market Forecast (2018-2023)Chapter 13 AppendixAbout QYReports:We at, QYReports , a leading market research report publisher accommodate more than 4,000 celebrated clients worldwide putting them at advantage in todays competitive world with our understanding of research. Our list of customers include prestigious Chinese companies, multinational companies, SME's and private equity firms whom we have helped grow and sustain with our fact-based research. Our business study covers a market size of over 30 industries offering unfailing insights into analysis to reimagine your business. We specialize in forecasts needed for investing in a new project, to revolutionize your business, to become more customer centric and improve the quality of output.Contact:QYReportsJones John(Sales Manager)+91-9764607607sales@qyreports.com Paints & Coatings Market Emerging Trends, Highlights and Challenges Forecast 2023 Paints and Coatings Market https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/854 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/global-paints-and-coatings-market-854 MRFR Press Release/- Market Research Future Published a Cooked Research Global Paints & Coatings Market Research Report Forecast to 2023 Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast up to 2023.AkzoNobel N.V. (Netherlands), PPG Industries (U.S.), Axalta Coatings Systems (U.S.), BASF Coatings GmbH (Germany), The Sherwin-Williams Company (U.S.), Asian Paints (India), Kansai Paints (Japan), Jotun A/S (Norway), RPM International (U.S.), Hempel A/S (Denmark), and Nippon Paint Holdings Co., Ltd. (Japan) and among others are some of the prominent players at the forefront of competition in the Global Paints & Coatings Market and are profiled in MRFR Analysis.Paints & Coatings Market Market OverviewPaints & Coatings offer excellent adhesion with high corrosion and abrasion resistance and are used to provide glossy and decorative finish to the final product. They are composed of organic or non-organic resins and are applied to increase the durability as well as performance of products. Due to the aesthetic properties associated with paints & coatings they have found their diverse applications in construction, architectural, automotive, wood, industrial, and others.Despite of economic slowdown and various uncertainties, Paints & Coatings Market has shown steady growth over the years. In addition to this, consistent production innovations led by different production technologies expected to retain the growth trend of this this market over the coming years as well. Innovative formulation technologies has been successful to fulfil the consumer demand and is considered as key growth driver in this market over the years. Moreover, emergence of nanotechnology has fuelled demand for paints and coatings products across the globe.Receive a Sample Report upon Request @Increasing investment by key industry participants to introduce cost-effective, efficient, products linked with incising expansion and acquisition market strategies complementing global market growth. Paints & Coatings are largely applicable in automotive, construction, industrial applications. Automotive industry set to uplift consumption of paints, s they are used as dual purpose of protection as well as decoration. Increasing adoption of enamel paints to reduce environmental impact is increasing year by year and it is expected to drive global demand. As per WPCIA, Asia Pacific is the most promising Paints & Coatings Market, and it is expected to surpass 23.1 million KT in terms of volume by leading global market. Emerging economies such Taiwan, India, South Korea, Indonesia are likely to witness penetration of several dye manufacturers by complementing Paints & Coatings demand. In addition to this, incising investment in construction industry by government of India & China expected to continue prominence of Asia Pacific over the review period of 2017-2023.Paints & Coatings Market- Competitive LandscapeBASF Coatings GmbH, AkzoNobel N.V., PPG Industries, Nippon Paint Holdings Co., Ltd arte the major stakeholders of global paints & coatings market. This market is undergoing acquisition of major players to position as market leader and the trend is likely to continue over the forecast period due to significant growth provided by the market. Acquisition of BASFs coating bigness by AkzoNobel is undertaken in exchange of USD 558.1 million and it is considered as one of the major industrial initiatives and has set to increase industry rivalry.Industry/ Innovation/ Related News:May 9, 2017- Akzonobel acquired French paints & coating producer Disa Technology (Disatech). This acquisition has undertaken by projecting their market leadership in supplying innovative industrial coatings and aerospace and automotive coatings. The acquisition of Disatech expected to bring new technological changes and services specifically in transport sectors.Jun 7, 2017- AkzoNobel completes expansion of coating research facility in Houston, U.S. The research activity has undertaken by investing USD 3.5 million, with employing 40 expertise manpower which will support companys protective coatings, marine coatings, and specialty coaming business.June 20, 2017 BASF has announces USD 40 million investment at its Greenville, Ohio, and Tultitlan, Mexico based automotive coatings plant. The investment is undertaken by eyeing increasing demand for commercial & consumer automotive vehicles. Moreover this development will have help BASF while bridging the gap between demand and supply in automotive industry.Access Complete Report @December 15, 2016- To position as a global leader in coil coatings Akzonoebel complete acquisition of BASFs industrial coatings business. This acquisition is considered as one of the major initiatives in the paints & coatings industry. The acquisition transaction includes relevant technologies, patents and trademarks, as well as two manufacturing plants in the United Kingdom and South Africa. In addition to this, this transaction is based on a deal value of USD 558 million, with BASFs Industrial Coatings business generating revenue close to USD 352.1 million in 2015.June 15, 2016- BASFinvested USD 165 million and strengthen its automotive coatings operation in Shanghai, China by opening new production plant. The investment has made to cater one of the promising automotive market of Asia Pacific. The new investment in China is another example of BASFs ongoing growth strategy in this region and in our automotive coatings business.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by Components, Application, Logistics and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Contact:Market Research Future+1 646 845 9312Email: sales@marketresearchfuture.com Wisconsin will spend $20 million on a job training program with colleges and universities designed to prepare people for electronics manufacturing jobs. Gov. Scott Walker announced the initiative Wednesday at Milwaukee Area Technical College. Funding for the idea was part of legislation lawmakers approved last year to have Taiwan-based Foxconn Technology Group build an electronics factory in southeast Wisconsin. But Walker says the initiative isnt just for Foxconn-related jobs, but for technology careers across the state. Part of the plan will allow high-school students to take college courses in technology before they graduate. There will also be scholarships for students who want to improve their skill set, as well was training for high-demand fields. Funding will come from the next biennium budget. Chris Hardie, CEO of the 7 Rivers Alliance, said Wednesday that the governors initiative will tie in nicely with the regional workforce development plan being launched by the three-state alliance. The Workforce Innovation for a Strong Economy, or the WISE plan, has strategies and plans to address a regional workforce shortage. Any initiative that provides additional education and worker training to better prepare students and employees for the workforce will be a help, Hardie said. I particularly applaud expanding dual enrollment opportunities for high school students to earn college credit and additional youth apprenticeship opportunities. Analysis done as part of the WISE plan shows that the 7 Rivers Region will have a worker shortage of more than 15,000 during the next 10 years due to worker migration and retirements. The WISE plan has a series of goals and objectives based on talent preparation, talent recruitment and talent retention. Part of the plan will allow high-school students to take college courses in technology before they graduate. Global Military Footwear Market 2018-2023 BATES, DANNER, CORCORAN Military Footwear Market https://goo.gl/JLPPZD http://qymarketsresearch.com/report/global-military-footwear-market-2018-size-growth-140616/ http://qymarketsresearch.com/ Military Footwear Market Research 2018A market study "Global Military Footwear Market" examines the performance of the Military Footwear market 2018. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Military Footwear market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Military Footwear market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Military Footwear Market 2018 report includes Military Footwear market Revenue, market Share, Military Footwear industry volume, market Trends, Military Footwear Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Military Footwear Price during the Forecast period from 2018 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Military Footwear Market 2018 : BATES 5.11 TACTICAL DANNER CORCORAN REEBOK THOROGOOD RIDGE OUTDOORS UNDER ARMOUR TG ROCKYMilitary Footwear Market : By ApplicationMilitary UseNon-military UseMilitary Footwear Market : By TypeComposite ToeSoft ToeSteel ToeFirstly, the report covers the top Military Footwear manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Military Footwear report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Military Footwear industry, Military Footwear industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Military Footwear Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Military Footwear research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Military Footwear market revenue worldwide.Finally, Military Footwear market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"QY Markets Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAContact: +1-214-661-1669Web: Global MEMS Based Oscillator Market 2018-2023 Discera, Pericom, SiTime Corporation MEMS Based Oscillator Market https://goo.gl/NKo1Kk http://qymarketsresearch.com/report/global-mems-based-oscillator-market-2018-size-gro-140604/ http://qymarketsresearch.com/ MEMS Based Oscillator Market Research 2018A market study "Global MEMS Based Oscillator Market" examines the performance of the MEMS Based Oscillator market 2018. It encloses an in-depth Research of the MEMS Based Oscillator market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of MEMS Based Oscillator market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global MEMS Based Oscillator Market 2018 report includes MEMS Based Oscillator market Revenue, market Share, MEMS Based Oscillator industry volume, market Trends, MEMS Based Oscillator Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, MEMS Based Oscillator Price during the Forecast period from 2018 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global MEMS Based Oscillator Market 2018 :1. Discera2. Pericom3. Silicon Laboratories4. SiTime Corporation5. Vectron International6. Micrel7. Abracon8. Integrated Device Technology9. IQD Frequency Products Ltd10. Murata Manufacturing11. NXP Semiconductors12. TXCMEMS Based Oscillator Market : By ApplicationAutomotiveConsumer ElectronicsAerospaceHealthcareMEMS Based Oscillator Market : By TypeXO ? OscillatorVCXO ? voltage control OscillatorTCXO Temperature Compensated OscillatorSSXO Spread Spectrum OscillatorFirstly, the report covers the top MEMS Based Oscillator manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the MEMS Based Oscillator report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of MEMS Based Oscillator industry, MEMS Based Oscillator industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. MEMS Based Oscillator Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The MEMS Based Oscillator research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the MEMS Based Oscillator market revenue worldwide.Finally, MEMS Based Oscillator market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"QY Markets Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAContact: +1-214-661-1669Web: Global Melamine Board Market 2018-2023 Timbmet, Prime Panels, PB China Melamine Board Market https://goo.gl/ZEmimG http://qymarketsresearch.com/report/global-melamine-board-market-2018-size-growth-rat-140600/ http://qymarketsresearch.com/ Melamine Board Market Research 2018A market study "Global Melamine Board Market" examines the performance of the Melamine Board market 2018. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Melamine Board market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Melamine Board market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Melamine Board Market 2018 report includes Melamine Board market Revenue, market Share, Melamine Board industry volume, market Trends, Melamine Board Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Melamine Board Price during the Forecast period from 2018 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Melamine Board Market 2018 : Timbmet Prime Panels PB China Sternwood Panelco Bridec Gunnersen Borg Woodstock Boards Shandong Zhongtian WoodMelamine Board Market : By ApplicationConstruction IndustryFurnitureMelamine Board Market : By TypeMelamine Faced ChipboardMedium Density FiberboardFirstly, the report covers the top Melamine Board manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Melamine Board report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Melamine Board industry, Melamine Board industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Melamine Board Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Melamine Board research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Melamine Board market revenue worldwide.Finally, Melamine Board market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"QY Markets Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAContact: +1-214-661-1669Web: Global Medical Oxygen Cylinder Market 2018-2023 Luxfer Gas Cylinders, Catalina Cylinders, Gasco Medical Oxygen Cylinder Market https://goo.gl/9ZXwU3 http://qymarketsresearch.com/report/global-medical-oxygen-cylinder-market-2018-size-g-140592/ http://qymarketsresearch.com/ Medical Oxygen Cylinder Market Research 2018A market study "Global Medical Oxygen Cylinder Market" examines the performance of the Medical Oxygen Cylinder market 2018. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Medical Oxygen Cylinder market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Medical Oxygen Cylinder market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Medical Oxygen Cylinder Market 2018 report includes Medical Oxygen Cylinder market Revenue, market Share, Medical Oxygen Cylinder industry volume, market Trends, Medical Oxygen Cylinder Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Medical Oxygen Cylinder Price during the Forecast period from 2018 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Medical Oxygen Cylinder Market 2018 :1. Luxfer Gas Cylinders2. Cramer Decker Medical3. Catalina Cylinders4. Gasco5. Bright Medi Weld Appliances6. RD Gases7. Life Healthcare8. Shiva Industries9. Hiren Industrial10. New Energy Technology11. National Safety Solution12. Wiretough CylindersMedical Oxygen Cylinder Market : By ApplicationHospitalEmergencyNursing HomeHome CareMedical Oxygen Cylinder Market : By TypePortable TypeFixed TypeFirstly, the report covers the top Medical Oxygen Cylinder manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Medical Oxygen Cylinder report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Medical Oxygen Cylinder industry, Medical Oxygen Cylinder industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Medical Oxygen Cylinder Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Medical Oxygen Cylinder research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Medical Oxygen Cylinder market revenue worldwide.Finally, Medical Oxygen Cylinder market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"QY Markets Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAContact: +1-214-661-1669Web: Global Medical Hematology Analyzer Market 2018-2023 Sysmex, Beckman Coulter, Abbott Laboratories Medical Hematology Analyzer Market https://goo.gl/acQ1JU http://qymarketsresearch.com/report/global-medical-hematology-analyzer-market-2018-siz-140584/ http://qymarketsresearch.com/ Medical Hematology Analyzer Market Research 2018A market study "Global Medical Hematology Analyzer Market" examines the performance of the Medical Hematology Analyzer market 2018. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Medical Hematology Analyzer market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Medical Hematology Analyzer market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Medical Hematology Analyzer Market 2018 report includes Medical Hematology Analyzer market Revenue, market Share, Medical Hematology Analyzer industry volume, market Trends, Medical Hematology Analyzer Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Medical Hematology Analyzer Price during the Forecast period from 2018 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Medical Hematology Analyzer Market 2018 :1. Sysmex Corporation2. Beckman Coulter, Inc.3. Abbott Laboratories4. Siemens Healthcare5. Bayer6. HORIBA ABX SAS7. A.S.L8. Boule Diagnostics AB9. Research and Production Complex ?Biopromin? Ltd10. Mindray11. Sinnowa12. Hui Zhikang13. Jinan Hanfang14. Gelite15. Sinothinker16. Bio-Rad Laboratories17. Nihon Kohden18. AbaxisMedical Hematology Analyzer Market : By ApplicationHospitalLaboratoryMedical Hematology Analyzer Market : By TypeAutomatic Hematology AnalyzersSemiautomatic Hematology AnalyzersFirstly, the report covers the top Medical Hematology Analyzer manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Medical Hematology Analyzer report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Medical Hematology Analyzer industry, Medical Hematology Analyzer industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Medical Hematology Analyzer Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Medical Hematology Analyzer research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Medical Hematology Analyzer market revenue worldwide.Finally, Medical Hematology Analyzer market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"QY Markets Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAContact: +1-214-661-1669Web: Global Long Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic Market 2018-2023 SABIC, Celanese Corporation, PolyOne Long Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic Market https://goo.gl/xW7xbw http://qymarketsresearch.com/report/global-long-carbon-fiber-thermoplastic-market-2018-140568/ http://qymarketsresearch.com/ Long Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic Market Research 2018A market study "Global Long Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic Market" examines the performance of the Long Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic market 2018. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Long Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Long Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Long Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic Market 2018 report includes Long Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic market Revenue, market Share, Long Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic industry volume, market Trends, Long Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Long Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic Price during the Forecast period from 2018 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Long Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic Market 2018 :SABIC (Saudi Arabia)Celanese Corporation (US)PolyOne (US)Solvay SA (Belgium)PlastiComp Inc. (US)RTP Company (USLong Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic Market : By ApplicationAutomotiveConsumer GoodsSporting GoodsIndustrial GoodsLong Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic Market : By TypePolypropylene (PP)Polyamide (PA)Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT)Firstly, the report covers the top Long Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Long Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Long Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic industry, Long Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Long Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Long Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Long Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic market revenue worldwide.Finally, Long Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"QY Markets Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAContact: +1-214-661-1669Web: Smart Bathroom Market 2017 Key Vendors, Trends, Growth Drivers, Sales, Revenues and Forecast by 2025 The Insight Partners http://www.theinsightpartners.com/sample/TIPTE100000638 http://www.theinsightpartners.com/reports/smart-bathroom-market http://www.theinsightpartners.com/discount/TIPTE100000638 World Smart Bathroom Market Report 2017-2025 is a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the Smart Bathroom Market. This report studies Smart Bathroom in Global market, especially North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA), and South America (SAM).Smart bathrooms include smart toilets, automatic flush systems, and automatic faucets. These system help in the conservation of water and energy. Construction companies are heavily investing on the development of smart building to combat the stress on infrastructure with features such as smart bathrooms to promote development.The major drivers of smart bathroom includes concern towards energy conservation and hygiene maintenance which are fueling the market growth whereas high cost in building smart bathrooms can act as a restraining factor. Future trends in smart bathroom includes eco design for energy efficiency and water saving along with sound system which are to be implemented in the near future.Request a Sample Report atHigh cost associated with the Smart Bathroom method as well as less of awareness regarding such method can be restraining factors in the market. Increased investment in R&D, switching from traditional ways to water free construction techniques in an eco-friendly way resulting in better performance in construction, which will bring new opportunities in the market in coming years.Smart Bathroom Market Players:1. Bradley Corporation2. GROHE3. Little Giant4. Kohler5. Moen6. Delta7. Toto Ltd.8. Gerber9. American Standard10. Sterling Faucet CompanyView Complete Toc & Report atKey questions answered in this report What will the market size be in 2025 and what will the growth rate be? What are the key market trends? What is driving this market? What are the challenges to market growth? Who are the key vendors in this market space? What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors?Inquire for Discount atContact Us:Call: +1-646-491-9876Email: sales@theinsightpartners.comAbout The Insight Partners:The Insight Partners is a one stop industry research provider of actionable intelligence. We help our clients in getting solutions to their research requirements through our syndicated and consulting research services. We are a specialist in Technology, Media, and Telecommunication industries.533, 5th Floor,Amanora Chambers, East Block, Amanora Township,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Temporary Power Market - Regional Outlook of Industry & Forecast 2017 - 2025 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=B&rep_id=1061 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=T&rep_id=1061 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=D&rep_id=1061 Temporary Power Market: OverviewTemporary power refers to sources of power that can deliver electrical power on demand in times when conventional power sources fail. Usually temporary power sources consist of generators or battery sets, and can be powered by hydrogen fuel cells, diesel/gasoline generators, deep cycle batteries, flywheel energy storage, etc. Temporary power is necessary due to the universal utilization of electrical energy, which has led to inevitable distribution problems such as blackouts as well as unplanned mishaps such as grid-wide failures, downed lines, or substation malfunction.Rapid urbanization in developing regions has become a key driver for the global temporary power market, as this has led to widespread demand for new construction of various kinds, including infrastructure. The industrialization accompanying the urbanization drive in emerging regions has also made the temporary power market vital, as steady operation of the industrial sector is vital for many developing economies. The growing corporate presence in developed as well as developing countries could also help drive demand from the temporary power market. The lack of power infrastructure in developing regions, particularly in comparison to developed regions such as North America and Europe, is likely to remain a key driver for the temporary power market in the coming years.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Regionally, Asia Pacific and South America are likely to feature prominently in the global temporary power market. Several countries in these regions count among the most promising dynamic economies in the world and are likely to witness steady infrastructure growth in the coming years, leading to steady demand from the temporary power market. Countries such as India, China, Japan, Brazil, and Argentina are thus likely to be vital for the global temporary power market in the coming years.Global Temporary Power Market: SnapshotTemporary power is referred to as the independent source of electrical energy that is required to support crucial electrical systems on the loss of the normal supply of power. A temporary power system may comprise batteries, standby generators, and other apparatus. Temporary power systems are deployed in order to prevent the losses that are likely to occur from the sudden loss of primary supply of electric power. Temporary power systems find applications in a broad variety of fields such as ships, telecommunication equipment, data centers, scientific laboratories, and hospitals. These temporary power systems can depend on hydrogen fuel cells, flywheel energy storage, deep cycle batteries, and generators. At times, main power is lost due top grid-wide failure, planned blackouts, inclement weather, substation malfunction, and downed lines. In several modern buildings, many emergency power systems are generator based. Generally, these generators are driven by diesel engine, although small buildings might employ gasoline driven generators and large ones a gas turbine.Request TOC of the Report @The market intelligence report investigates into the conceivable growth prospects for the temporary power market and the sequential growth of the market during the course of the forecast period. It also exclusively provisions the mandatory data related to aspects such as the dynamics manipulating the progress in all possible reflective manner. Numerous pervasive and non-pervasive trends have also been stated in the report. An outlook of extensive nature keeping in mind the Porters five forces analysis has been provided to make the vendor landscape transparent to the reader. The report further points out several activities related to R&D, mergers, acquisitions, and crucial conglomerates and corroborations. The companies in attention have been examined on the basis of market shares, prime products, and key marketing strategies.Global Temporary Power Market: Drivers and RestraintsThe growth of the global temporary power market can be attributed to the rising demand for energy due to a rise in the number of planned events, growing infrastructural and construction activities, and the dearth of electricity supply. The less turnaround time and dearth of power infrastructure are also expected to bolster the growth of the market over the coming years. Vendors can gain from the declining power generation cost, growth potential in developing countries, and obsolete power plants. However, the market is likely to face challenges from the strict emission norms, rising focus on renewable energy, payment issues, and an upsurge in T&D expenditure.Get Discount @Poor grid infrastructure leads to regular blackouts, thus giving rise to the requirement for rental power. The oil & gas industry is expected to account for a significant share in the market over the coming years. Rising industrialization and the increasing demand for incessant power supply by industries are anticipated to drive the growth of the temporary power market during the forecast period. The temporary power market can also be classified based on fuel type such as gas, diesel, and other generators. The demand for diesel generators is anticipated to escalate over the coming years, as they are employed in a broad range of applications across several sectors.Global Temporary Power Market: Regional OutlookRegion-wise, North America, Asia Pacific, and South America are likely to emerge as prominent market owing to the need for capacity expansion due to growing power demand. Poor grid infrastructure, and low electrification rate are also expected to bode well for the market growth in Asia Pacific.Global Temporary Power Market: Companies Mentioned in the ReportSome of the leading companies are Aggreko PLC, Ashtead Group Plc, APR Energy Inc., Caterpillar Inc., Speedy Hire, Cummins Inc., United Rentals, and Hertz Corporation.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: sales@tmrresearch.com Human Milk Oligosaccharides Market to Grow at a CAGR of 14.6% Through 2027 https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-4252 https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/askus/rep-gb-4252 www.futuremarketinsights.com Human milk oligosaccharides (HMO) helps in maintaining infants gut microbiota as well as promotes the growth of healthy bacteria and reduce pathogens, preventing infections and others bacterial risks. In recent past, sales of infant nutrition products have increased to a significant extent owing to the continuously rising infant population across the globe. According to WHO, the total world population is estimated to increase by approximately one billion in the next 10 years and will reach 9.5 billion by 2050. Incidentally, demand has been relatively higher to the supply of infant nutrition products. Meanwhile, sales of infant formula are also surging in some of the Asian countries such as China and India, promoting the consumption of HMO alike. Future Market Insights latest report reveals that the global human milk oligosaccharides market is set to surpass a valuation of US$ 76 Mn, registering a CAGR of 14.6% between 2017 and 2027. This growth will be primarily orchestrated by the increasing application of HMO in infant nutrition products.In 2017 and beyond, the human milk oligosaccharides market in Europe is anticipated to witness significant revenue growth. Towards the end of 2027, Europe is anticipated to account for over 49% value share of the global market. Manufacturers in Europe are filing claims for regulatory approvals and product safety certifications in order to use HMO for preparing infant formulas. In North America, the HMO market is currently valued at over US$ 6 Mn and holds the second spot in terms of market size after Europe.Request to Sample Report -FMIs report, titled Human Milk Oligosaccharides Market Global Industry Analysis and Opportunity Assessment, 2017 2027 also cites that demand for HMO is gaining traction due to a positive perception of its prebiotic properties that help maintain a healthy immune system in infants. In addition, manufacturers are focusing on increasing their production capacities in order to enhance production of HMOs such as 2-FL (2-fucosyllactose) that can be potentially used as an ingredient in functional food and beverages. zuChem Inc., Glycosyn LLC, Elicityl SA, Jennewein Biotechnologie GmbH, Glycom A/S, Dextra Laboratories Limited, Carbosynth Limited, Inbiose NV, ProZyme, Inc. are the leading companies operating in the global human milk oligosaccharides market.Key Excerpts of the Report Include:Among product type, fucosyllactose HMO currently accounts for the largest value share of the market followed by sialyllactose HMO. However, the latter is expected to register a faster growth rate in terms of the market value over the forecast period.By 2017-end, US$ 5.5 Mn worth sialyllactose HMO is expected to be consumed globally.Increasing demand for functional food and beverage products is projected to further facilitate the growth of global human milk oligosaccharides market over the next couple of years.Request Report TOC @ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite : Exterior Architectural Coating Market - Increasing Demand for Chemicals Products 2017 - 2025 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=B&rep_id=1172 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=T&rep_id=1172 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=D&rep_id=1172 Global Exterior Architectural Coating Market: SnapshotThe global exterior architectural coating market is anticipated to rise at a telling level of growth in the foreseeable future due to increasing construction assignments in developing countries such as Brazil, India, Singapore, and China. In 2015, the market had demonstrated a decent growth. Moving further, the market could ride its growth on the surge in industrial expansion and high demand for residential architectural coating. Bitter weather conditions, storm, foreign particles, extreme temperatures, and UV radiations are some of the primary reasons for the increasing application of exterior architectural coating on building surfaces.Another key factor predicted to augment the demand in the global exterior architectural coating market is the growing requirement of developing infrastructure in evolving economies such as Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia apart from the aforementioned ones. This had attracted several public-private partnerships, foreign direct investment (FDI), and increasing government spending, totaling an additional boost to the growth of the overall market.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Novel technologies with different formulations, for instance, waterborne, developed by businesses such as AkzoNobel, PPG Industries, and Sherwin-Williams are prophesied to raise the expectations of growth in the global exterior architectural coating market. Most of these technologies are prognosticated to possess anti-odor and antibacterial properties. Environment-friendly products offering top-quality finishes could unveil new avenues in the market. This could be brought about by increasing research and development investments by leading players such as Nippon Paint. In 2015, in order to meet the demands in China, Axalta Coating Systems had built a new waterborne coatings plant in Shanghai.Global Exterior Architectural Coating Market: SummaryIn order to protect architectural designs from corrosion, impact and abrasion, exterior architectural coating is a must. These coatings offer longevity to buildings and provide desired protection from harsh environmental conditions.Based on resin type, the market can be segmented into acrylic, alkyd, epoxy, polyurethane, polyester, and other. In terms of technology, water based and solvent based are the two segments of the market. On the basis of application, the market can be further classified into non-residential and residential.Request TOC of the Report @The report offers an in-depth analysis of market segments and competitive landscape. It also provides drivers and restraints of the global exterior architectural coating. It also profiles key players in the market based on various attributes such as business strategies, company overview, financial overview, and recent developments.Global Exterior Architectural Coating Market: Trends and ProspectsShifting preference of consumers towards eco-friendly waterborne architectural coating, easy availability, and a wide variety of paints formulations are factors that will drive demand growth of the global exterior architectural coating market. These coatings are known to offer protection to buildings from extreme temperatures, severe weather conditions, UV radiations, foreign particles and storms, which is expected to supplement the demand. Fluctuating prices of raw materials such as pigments, titanium dioxide, and resins will limit the growth of the said market during the forecast period.Based on application, the residential segment of the market is set to witness a high growth over the forecast period. The factors such as increase in disposable income, strong economic growth, improved standard of living coupled with rapid urbanizations is expected to supplement the demand growth of the market over the forecast period. Whereas, based on technology, water based segment is the chief contributor to the market. The demand for this segment is high in comparison due to its easier blending, higher opacity, accurate mixing, superior metallic control, easier application, and cleaning properties. Acrylic segment based on resin type is expected to account for a large market share in the forecast period. Improved flow, superior aesthetics, high UV resistance, durability, weather ability, stain resistance performance, and low cost are some of the factors that increase the demand growth of this segment.Get Discount @Global Exterior Architectural Coating Market: Regional AnalysisThe global exterior architectural coating market can be classified on the basis of geography into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa. Asia Pacific is the key contributor to the market share, and is expected to drive the market growth in the forecast period. Due to the presence of manufacturing giants in the region, Asia Pacific is deemed to grow. In addition, key companies of North America and Europe are moving their production facility to this region, thereby supplementing the market growth.Though, the Middle East and Africa and Latin America have not shown a considerable rise in the market overall in given past, but on account of significant development of infrastructural facilities and rising construction of residential and commercial spaces to cater to the increasing demand for houses and offices, these regions are expected to drive the growth of the industry in the said period.Global Exterior Architectural Coating Market: Competitive LandscapeRPM International, Arkema SA, Kansai Paint, BASF, Nippon Paint, Benjamin Moore, Cromology, Diamond Vogel, Cabot Corporation, Dow Chemical Company, AkzoNobel, PPG Industries, Sherwin-Williams, Berger Paints, DAW SE, Valspar Corporation, Axalta Coating Systems, and Jotun are some of the prominent players in the global exterior architectural coating market.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: sales@tmrresearch.com Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and legislative leaders want stricter work requirements and drug testing for people receiving public assistance. The proposed reforms would increase work requirements for people receiving benefits such as food stamps and Medicaid, would require drug testing for residents of subsidized housing, and ensure that Medicaid recipients pay child support, among other changes. Walker, on a three-city tour of the state, spoke to reporters at the La Crosse airport, along with Assembly Speaker Robin Voss and Sen. Chris Kapenga, a Delafield Republican who plans to introduce a package of bills in a special session this winter. The focus here is on getting more able-bodied, working-age adults into the workforce, Walker said as he noted the state unemployment rate fell to a record-tying low 3.0 percent in December. Democrats accused Walker to trying to fire up his base after Republicans suffered an unexpected loss in a special election Tuesday. Walker, who is seeking a third term in Novembers election, called the loss a wake up call for the party. Its sad and desperate that he thinks the best way to win re-election is to go after struggling families who are trying to get ahead, Senate Minority Leader Jennifer Shilling, D-La Crosse, said in a written statement. This is not the issue impacting families across Wisconsin and this is not the issue families want fixed. Voss said part of the goal is to give people the skills for jobs that employers are struggling to fill. The very best social program is a good-paying job to support your family, he said. Proposed reforms include requiring participation in an employment training program for those on FoodShare; increasing work requirements for FoodShare recipients from 20 hours per week to 30; requiring participants to pass a drug test and enter treatment if they fail. Kapenga said the proposals are the result of 18 months of study and build on previous reforms. This is taking the next giant step forward, Walker said. Some of the proposals would require federal approval before they could be implemented. Walker said the goal is to have state laws in place ahead of time. Walker plans to call a special session for the Legislature. Voss said he wants the Assembly to take up the bills next month and pass them this spring. We believe this is one of those issues that transcends parties, Walker said. The package includes 10 bills that together would: Expand work requirements for food stamp recipients to include parents of school-age children. Current law requires only childless adults to work 20 hours per week. All food stamp recipients would be expected to work or take part in job training at least 30 hours a week. Require able-bodied recipients of Medicaid benefits to pay child support and participate in determining paternity or else face losing benefits. Require drug screening and self-sufficiency screening for residents of subsidized housing. Put together a plan for the U.S. Department of Agriculture to approve that would put photos on cards food stamp recipients use to purchase groceries. Limit the amount of assets a person must own in order to stay eligible for welfare programs to $321,000 (200 percent of the statewide median-valued home) and add a $20,000 limit on the total equity value of non-work related vehicles for recipients of Wisconsin Shares and food stamps. Agricultural land is exempted in the bill. Allow the Department of Administration to contract with a private provider for payments to provide social, employment or correctional services to individuals and create a pay for success trust fund of up to $20 million. Create a pilot program for 100 recipients of the Earned Income Tax Credit to receive monthly payments instead of one annual payment after taxes are filed. The advance payments would be limited to two-thirds of their annual credit eligibility. Require the Department of Health Services and Department of Children and Families to create performance-based payment systems for vendors of services provided under the W-2 and food stamp work program. Require DHS to request an amendment to its Medical Assistance waiver to allow for the creation of health savings accounts for Medical Assistance recipients. The very best social program is a good-paying job to support your family. Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester Refined Beet Market value is expected to reach US$ 14.2 Bn by the end of 2022 https://www.factmr.com/connectus/sample?flag=S&rep_id=167 https://www.factmr.com/report/167/refined-beet-market https://www.factmr.com/connectus/sample?flag=D&rep_id=167 https://www.factmr.com/ Fact.MR has recently added a new report to its vast online database. This research study is titled as Refined Beet Market Forecast, Trend Analysis & Competition Tracking: Global Review 2017 to 2022 which presents an in-depth study about the production, consumption, market volume, revenue (million USD) and market share across different geographical regions.Request Free Sample Report-In the time to come, procuring refined sugars from beetroot will become more feasible, compared to conventional methods. Beet cultivation is becoming simpler in developed regions, while developing markets are able to facilitate a steady supply of refined beet. Sugar factories are being established close to the vicinity of beet plantations, bridging the wide gap between farmers and manufacturers. Refined beet sugars are not only of high quality, but are also rich in saccharine, which makes them valuable for production of artificial sweeteners. Weather is dramatically changing across several parts of the world, and cultivation of beet can still be achieved without assistance of advanced farming practices. The global market for refined beet will witness a steady future, particularly due to increasing demand for refined sugars across all key verticals in the food & beverage sector.Refined beet is a collective term which defines the manufacturing refined sugar and molasses from the root of sugar beets. Refined beet sugars are key raw materials used in production of a wide variety of sugar products and sweeteners. Organic chemical manufacturing and food production are among the top applications of refined beet sugars.Key Insights on Future of Global Refined Beet Market1. Through 2022, the Asia-Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ) region will be the largest market for refined beet. Procuring highest share on global revenues, the APEJ refined beet market is poised to reflect a steady growth at 5.2% CAGR.2. North America and Europe will also be at the forefront of global expansion of refined beet market. By the end of 2022, these two regions will collectively contribute nearly US$ 2.2 Bn in revenues to the global refined beet market.3. By 2022-end, more than one-third of global refined beet market value will be contributed by global sales of liquid sugars. While liquid sugars will be observed as top-selling products in the global refined beet market, global sales of powdered sugar products will also incur considerable traction towards the latter half of the forecast period.4. Food processing is poised to remain the largest and most attractive end-use of refined beet sugars in the global market. By 2022, more than US$ 6 Bn worth of refined beet sugars will be consumed in food processing applications across the globe, particularly for their effective role in production of artificial sweeteners.5. During the forecast period, the retail end-use of refined beet sugars is expected to gain traction. In 2017 and beyond, more than one-fourth share of global revenues procured in the global market will arise from the use of refined beet in retailers segment. The demand for refined beet sugars in industrial uses will also gain traction.Browse Full Report with TOC-Liquid Sugars Top-selling Product in Refined Beet MarketProcurement of refined sugars in the form of liquid is simpler, compared to other refinement forms of beet sugars. Concurrently, the demand for liquid sugar in the global refined beet market is considerably high. Between 2017 and 2022, liquid sugar products sold in the global market for refined beet will create an incremental opportunity of more than US$ 800 Mn. Powdered sugar, on the other hand, will be observed as the second-most prominent product segment in the global refined beet market, revenues from which will showcase a steady CAGR through 2022.Over Two-Fifth of Refined Beet Sugars used in Food ProcessingConsidering the volumes of refined beet sugars used by multiple industries, food & beverage industry will continue to dominate the global market. In 2017, a little over 40% of global refined beet market will be consumed in food processing applications. The report also projects that during the forecast period, retail sales of refined beet sugar products will also witness a considerable traction, procuring more than one-fourth share on global market revenues.Competition TrackingKey manufacturers of refined beet sugars, profiled in this report, include Louis Dreyfus Company, American Crystal Sugar Company, Nordzucker Gmbh & Co KG, Associated British Foods Plc., Tereos international limited, Cosan SA Industria and Commercio, Suedzucker AG, Wilmar International Limited, and Shree Renuka Sugars Limited.Check Discount-About Fact.MRFact.MR is a fast-growing market research firm that offers the most comprehensive suite of syndicated and customized Food & Beverages market research reports. We believe transformative intelligence can educate and inspire businesses to make smarter decisions. We know the limitations of the one-size-fits-all approach; that's why we publish multi-industry global, regional, and country-specific research reports.Contact UsFact.MRSuite 988427 Upper Pembroke Street,Dublin 2, IrelandTelephone: +353-1-6111-593Email: sales@factmr.com/Web: Phototherapy Equipment Market Intelligence and Forecast by Future Market Insights 2016-2026 https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-1182 https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-1182 http://www.futuremarketinsights.com Phototherapy is a process which uses light to treat medical conditions. Sunlight has been known to be most useful for certain skin diseases, and the UV part of the radiation emitted by the sun that is used in phototherapy, especially the ultraviolet B (UVB) and ultraviolet A (UVA) wavelengths. Phototherapy consists of exposure of specific wavelengths of light using polychromatic polarized light, fluorescent lamps, lasers, Light emitted diodes, Short wave UV lamp and full spectrum lamps. The light is administered for a prescribed amount of time and specific wavelength. There are three main types of phototherapy broadband UVB (290 nm-320nm), narrow band phototherapy (311nm-312nm) and PUVA (Psorlaen and UVA) and UV A1 (340nm-400nm). UV B is the most common type of phototherapy for treatment of skin related diseases. Such as atopic eczema, psoriasis, generalized itching, dermatitis, lichenoides, T cell lymphomas, vitiligo PUVA (Psorlaen and UVA) is indicated for chronic plaque psoriasis and atopic eczema whenever UVB is not able to treat effectively. According to the American Cancer Society, UV light therapy is effective in treatment of certain types of cancer. Phototherapy is used to treat the neonatal jaundice by converts toxic bilirubin form into less toxic less toxic isomeric bilirubin and that the new born can excrete through stools and urine. This treatment called bili light therapy.Phototherapy Equipment Market: Drivers and restraintsGlobal Phototherapy Market can be driven by following drivers: Phototherapy has gained widespread of acceptance very diverse range of fields such as diagnosis of infectious diseases, increasing the prevalence of the diseases i.e., Psoriasis, eczema, etc., are provides lucrative market opportunities. Increasing the prevalence neonatal Jaundice is drives the phototherapy market. Increasing technological innovations such as automated platforms include new CFL Phototherapy units are majorly encouraging the market.Request For Report Sample:Phototherapy Equipment Market: SegmentationGlobal Phototherapy Market can be segmented as following typesGlobal Phototherapy market byProducts:Portable LED LampsBed type LED LampsNeonatal Incubators with LED lampsGlobal Phototherapy market byApplication:PsoriasisNeonatal JaundiceAcneCancerGlobal Phototherapy market byEnd user:HospitalsDiagnostic CentersPhototherapy Equipment Market: OverviewIncreasing the demand for advanced treatment methods for various severe diseases, increasing the prevalence of neonatal jaundice and cancer are provides a robust market growth. Growing the severity of skin diseases and disorders are providing a healthy market growth of global phototherapy market in forecasting period.Phototherapy Equipment Market: Region-Wise OutlookDepending upon the geographic regions phototherapy market is segmented into seven key regions: Those are North America, Latin America, and Eastern Europe, Western Europe, and Asia pacific excluding japan, Japan, Middle East and Africa.North America dominating the global phototherapy market. Increasing awareness among the people towards the use of new technologies providing lucrative market. Asian Pacific region market is considered to rapidly evolving healthcare infrastructure, this region is anticipating providing a robust growth of global phototherapy market.Request For Report Table of Content (TOC):Phototherapy Equipment Market: Key playersSome of the key players in Market are Koninklijke Philips, N.V., Nice Neo tech Medical Systems Private, Ltd., Honle UV America, Inc.,Favoro Health Projects spa, Solarc Systems, Inc., Arjo huntlleigh.ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Abhishek Bhudoliya616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Screen-print Label Market - Explores New Growth Opportunities By 2024 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=18053 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/screen-print-label-market.html https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/checkout.php?rep_id=18053In last 7 years, we have trained more than 12,000 professionalsacross the world.>First company to get IIBA (InternaDonal Insitute of BusinessAnalysis) Canada endorsement in India in 2010>100% success track record in CBAP and CCBA CerDficaDon exams>Enterprise level Big Data analytics offering with hand holding inprojects>Biggest Data Science & Machine Learning PorQolio with advancedtopics>Provide training in Agile up to product owner level>Specialized portfolio in web development, like MEAN Stack>Major clients: Capgemini, Vodafone, Keyrus South Africa,Geometric, Cybage, and PTC.Address: 312, Amanora Chambers, Amanora Market City, Hadapsar, Pune 28MCAL Globalemail:info@mcal.incontact on:9158501593 Smart Toilets Market Analysis, Market Size, Regional Outlook, Competitive Strategies and Forecasts, 2018 To 2023, Focusing on Top Key Vendors like Toto,Kohler,Arrow,Lixil,Panasonic,American Standard,Coway,Toshiba,Midea http://www.qyreports.com/request-sample/?report-id=54007 http://www.qyreports.com/enquiry-before-buying/?report-id=54007 www.qyreports.com This statistical surveying research report on the Global Smart Toilets Market is an all-encompassing study of the industry sectors, up-to-date outlines, industry development, drivers, and restraints. It provides market projections for the coming years. It contains an analysis of late augmentations in innovation, Porter's five forces analysis and progressive profiles of hand-picked industry competitors. The report furthermore articulates an analysis of trivial and full-scale factors indicated for the new and tenured candidates in the market along with a methodical value chain exploration.Top Key Vendors in Market: Toto,Kohler,Arrow,Lixil,Panasonic,American Standard,Coway,Toshiba,Midea,Novitai,Villeroy&Boch,Jomoo,Brondell,Dongyang MagicGet Sample Copy Of this Report @The initial section presents the industry overview of the Smart Toilets Market. This part of the study encompasses the specifications and definition of the market. In addition, the types of the machines have been detailed. The application areas of the market come next in the study. The dynamics impacting the development of the Global Market such as the drivers, challenges, opportunities, and trends are also described in detail in this research surveying report.The competitive landscape of the Global Smart Toilets Market is discussed in the report, which also includes the players market share. The report profiles some of the leading players in the global market for the purpose of an in-depth study of the challenges faced as well as growth opportunities in the market. The report also considers the approaches implemented by the main corporations to sustain their hold on the industry. The business synopsis and financial synopsis of each of the companies have been examined.Know more about this Premium ReportThe report provides both, qualitative and quantitative research of the Global Smart Toilets Market, as well as incorporates worthy insights into the balanced scenario and favored development methods adopted by key competitors. Distinctive distribution channels and slants inclined to bear fruit in the 2018-2023 forecast period have been bestowed in the report to permit readers to plan captivating strategies.On the basis of geographical regions, the Global Smart Toilets Market is segmented broadly into Latin America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and Asia Pacific. The global market is still in its exploratory stage in most of the regions but it holds the promising potential to flourish steadily in coming years. The major companies investing in this market are situated in Canada, U.K., and the US, India, China and some more countries of Asia Pacific region. Consequently, Asia Pacific, North America, and Western Europe are estimated to hold more than half of the market shares, collectively in coming years.In the last sections of the report, the manufacturers responsible for increasing the sales in the Smart Toilets Market have been presented. These manufacturers have been analyzed in terms of their manufacturing base, basic information, and competitors. In addition, the technology and product type introduced by each of these manufacturers also form a key part of this section of the report.Table of Content:Global Smart Toilets Market Research Report 2018-2023Chapter 1 Smart Toilets Market OverviewChapter 2 Global Economic ImpactChapter 3 Competition by ManufacturerChapter 4 Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2018-2023)Chapter 5 Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions (2018-2023)Chapter 6 Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by TypeChapter 7 Analysis by ApplicationChapter 8 Manufacturing Cost AnalysisChapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream BuyersChapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11 Market Effect Factors AnalysisChapter 12 Market Forecast (2018-2023)Chapter 13 AppendixWe at, QYReports, a leading market research report published accommodate more than 4,000 celebrated clients worldwide putting them at advantage in todays competitive world with our understanding of research. Our list of customers includes prestigious Chinese companies, multinational companies, SME's and private equity firms whom we have helped grow and sustain with our fact-based research. Our business study covers a market size of over 30 industries offering unfailing insights into the analysis to reimagine your business. We specialize in forecasts needed for investing in a new project, to revolutionize your business, to become more customer centric and improve the quality of output.QYReportsJones John(Sales Manager)+91-9764607607sales@qyreports.com Plant-based waters market to witness an intensely competitive landscape, coconut water to be a major contender in the product spectrum Plant-based Waters Industry, Plant-based Waters Market, Plant-based Waters Market Analysis https://www.gminsights.com/request-sample/detail/1318 https://www.gminsights.com https://gminsights.wordpress.com Plant-based waters market valuation is poised to witness a commendable surge in the years ahead, driven by the paradigm shift in the lifestyles of the global population. With the depreciating usage of carbonated drinks pertaining to the risk factors associated with them, the plant-based waters industry has witnessed a tremendous demand over the recent years. As per the estimates, the global valuation of the Plant-Based Waters Market in 2016 was approximately USD 2.5 billion. These low-calorie drinks derived from the plants are deemed to address the numerous health concerns of the consumers such as obesity, diabetes, cardiac ailments, etc. Driven by the associated health benefits, the plant-based beverages have witnessed an appreciable degree of adoption and have served as a sustainable alternative to the routine drinks.The coconut water amasses the major chunk of the plant-based waters market pertaining to the volume as well as the revenue. As per the estimates, this segment dominated the overall plant-based waters product landscape in 2016 and is slated to register phenomenal growth over the coming timeframe. The prospective commercialization of the coconut water market is quite evident from the active participation by the industry players to exploit this business space. Earlier this year, one such instance demonstrating the massive potential of this industry was the announcement by PepsiCo, where it declared its plan to acquire All Market Inc., the owner of coconut water brand dubbed Vita Coco. The deal would leverage PepsiCo with a strong position in the overall plant-based waters industry.This acquisition would also establish a strong battleground for the two worlds biggest soda companies PepsiCo and The Coca-Cola Company. The latter had acquired Zico coconut water brand in 2013 and has a rather strong foothold in the overall plant-based waters market. However, if the deal of PepsiCo acquiring All Market Inc. materializes, the overall plant-based waters market would witness a fiercely competitive landscape in the years ahead.Get a Sample Copy of this Report @Asia Pacific is gaining a major traction pertaining to the commercialization of the plant-based waters market. The market participants are vigorously exploiting the APAC belt to explore the plethora of untapped opportunities in this region. The region is one of the top repositories of coconut, which still falls in the unbranded and unorganized category.However, in addition to the regional penetration, the distribution network of the industry players will also be a major parameter defining their profitability margins. Along these lines, the online distribution channels are witnessing a swift growth in this business space, owing to the easy product availability and enhanced marketing approach of these channels. The players are increasing their tie-ups with these online platforms to enable an effective distribution model. The retail stores are the second largest distribution channels and are estimated to register the highest CAGR of 23% over the period of 2017-2024. The diversified product landscape of the plant-based waters industry will drive the retail distribution channel adoption in the coming timeframe.Speaking of the broader product portfolio, the plant-based waters industry is also gaining a remarkable share from the rising sales of Birch and Maple water. These products are still in the nascent stage but the pace at which they are penetrating the U.S. and U.K. markets is indeed appreciable. North America plant-based waters market is projected to witness significant gains from the increasing sales of maple water and the increasing packaged water consumption. Birch, having an ample availability in Europe, will substantially drive the regional plant-based waters industry.The industry might face growth restraints pertaining to the shorter shelf life and the complex supply chain model of the relevant products. However, the innovations in the packaging industry are addressing these durability issues at a rather quick pace.In the years ahead, the industry is estimated to witness a broader product portfolio with the incorporation of new flavors. Global penetration, brand recognition, and effective distribution channels are some of the major parameters characterizing the profitability landscape. With this diversified product spectrum and a plethora of potential untapped opportunities, the global plant-based waters market is forecast to exceed a valuation of USD 10 billion by 2024.Global Market Insights, Inc., headquartered in Delaware, U.S., is a global market research and consulting service provider; offering syndicated and custom research reports along with growth consulting services. Our business intelligence and industry research reports offer clients with penetrative insights and actionable market data specially designed and presented to aid strategic decision making. These exhaustive reports are designed via a proprietary research methodology and are available for key industries such as chemicals, advanced materials, technology, renewable energy and biotechnology.Arun HegdeCorporate Sales, USAGlobal Market Insights, Inc.Phone: 1-302-846-7766Toll Free: 1-888-689-0688Email: sales@gminsights.comWeb:Blog:Connect with us: Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn | Twitter French True Fleet Market continued its upswing once again www.dataforce.de The True Fleet Market kept up its constant development registering a growth of +2.6% alongside recording its second best fleet result ever for December. This represents the 8th month in a row of surpassing the previous years corresponding values and thus achieved a new overall record. Looking into the other segments, Special Channels (+5.0%) compensated for a slump in the Private Market (-4.5%), resulting in the Total Market finishing with around 193,000 registrations. Interestingly this equated to December 2017 missing December 2016s result by exactly 1,000 registrations (-0.5%).Brand PerformanceAmong the top 10 fleet OEMs, all of the first seven manufacturers kept their positions. However, only three brands could translate the overall sales rise into a growth of their respective registrations.The domestic brands Renault (1st), Peugeot (2nd) and Citroen (3rd) were the podium players with Peugeot (+24.8%) reducing the gap to the 1st position thanks to the 3008 and 5008. Due to this rev up, Peugeot lifted their market share to 23% and, combined with Renault, the share of the two French market leaders summed up to almost 50% for December.On the next four positions a German pack consisting of VW, Mercedes, BMW and Audi followed their French competitors. Ford on 8th position had an exceptional month growing by 36.4%, the highest rate inside the top 10 for December. The blue oval brand benefitted from rising demand for its SUV range (Kuga, Edge and Ecosport) but also for the Middle-Class Mondeo and the compact Focus.Opel, the third brand with positive growth rates finished in 9th (+16.3%) supported by a broad range of models participating in this upswing. The Vivaro, Mokka, Insignia and Adam provided healthy volumes while the Grandland X and Crossland X entered the race for compact and small SUVs. Nissan completed the top 10 for December with only 3 registrations separating the Japanese brand from Opel.Widening the scope and looking into the top 30, we observed some more sound performances in December with Volvo, Mini, Kia, Alfa Romeo and Suzuki all achieving robust double-digit growth figures. In terms of growth nonetheless, they were outperformed by the momentum of Jeep (+130.1%), this was fuelled by the new generation Compass, available since June/July 2017.Premium cars on upward trajectoryIn terms of growth, there is no getting around the Higher-Middle Class rising by 53.6% over December, although its fleet share of 1.3% is rather small. To a large extent, this surge was driven by the new version of BMWs 5 Series finishing ranked 1st (+607.4%) extremely closely followed by the Mercedes E Class (+48.8%), missing the segments top position by mere 11 registrations. Volvos V90 (+76.2%) and Maseratis Ghibli (+112.5%) also achieved very robust growth rates, nonetheless their market share were significantly smaller than their German rivals.(473 words; 2,902 characters)Publication by indication of source (DATAFORCE) onlyDATAFORCE Focus on FleetsDataforce is the leading provider of fleet market data and automotive intelligence solutions in Europe. In addition, the company also provides detailed information on sales opportunities for the automotive industry, together with a wide portfolio of information based on primary market research and consulting services. The company is based in Frankfurt, Germany.Gabriel JuhasDataforce Verlagsgesellschaft fur Business Informationen mbHHamburger Allee 1460486 Frankfurt am MainGermanyPhone: +49 69 95930-250Fax: +49 69 95930-333Email: gabriel.juhas@dataforce.de Metamaterial Market : Segmentation, Application,Technology & Market Analysis Research Report to 2025 https://www.xpodenceresearch.com/Request-Sample/105596 https://www.xpodenceresearch.com/Reports/Metamaterial-Market https://www.xpodenceresearch.com/Reports/Paints-And-Coatings-Market https://www.xpodenceresearch.com/Reports/Compound-Fertilizer-Market https://www.xpodenceresearch.com/Reports/Soluble-Fertilizer-Market Metamaterials are complex materials particularly engineered to possess properties that are not present in nature. These metamaterials are used in formulation processes spanning across varied end-user industries. The key end-user industries, include medical, consumer electronics, aerospace & defense, automotive, and energy & power. The various types of metamaterials are utilized in the numerous application segments based upon the need of the end user verticals. Metamaterials are also being utilized in the medical and energy & power industries, due to its grander properties such as ability to manipulate EM (electromagnetic) waves and provision of better imaging in medical equipment. However, the synthetization cost of metamaterials is a major factor curbing the growth of the metamaterial market.The global metamaterials market can be classified based on material type, application and region. On the basis of material type, the global metamaterials market is divided into electromagnetic, terahertz, photonic, tunable, and frequency selective service (FSS). Based on application, the global metamaterials market is subdivided into communication antenna, windscreen, solar panel, sensing, display, and medical imaging.Request For Free Sample Of The Report @Among the different market segments, the electromagnetic metamaterial commands the maximum share of the global metamaterial market owing to the improving radar and satellite antenna technology based on these materials. Different government agencies, such as DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), DOD (Department of Defense), and DOE (Department of Energy), are investing and providing major funds to the industry players as well as research laboratories for the development of applications centered on these materials. In the application market segment, the communication antenna is set to register major growth during the future period owing to their usage for major communication applications such as satellite communication, Wi-Fi routers and radar communications.The global metamaterials is expected to showcase strong growth in the forecast period owing to anti-glare coating applications, rise in concerns for various design functionalities, and invisibility cloak for stealth aircraft. Other factors promoting the metamaterials market growth include high demand from different end-user industries, including consumer electronics and medical. Additionally, the rise in application scope of metamaterials in the aerospace & defense industry is expected to further propel the demand during the future periodBased on regions, the global metamaterials market is divided into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East & Africa (MEA), and Latin America. The North American region is anticipated to command the maximum market share and would lead the metamaterials market during the forecast period. Factors such as the rise in demand from the aerospace and defense vertical and varied government agencies, like DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), DOD (Department of Defense), are providing funds to the research universities and companies for the development of metamaterial-based antennas.Obtain Report Details @The major companies that provide metamaterials include Phoebus Optoelectronics LLC, Multiwave Technologies AG, Kymeta Corporation, MediWise Ltd., Metamaterial Technologies, Inc., and MetaShield LLC among others.Related Reports:Paints And Coatings Market :Compound Fertilizer Market :Soluble Fertilizer Market :About Us:Xpodence Research have the most extensive collection of market research reports of many categories. Xpodence Research provides the best market research solution for every industry by publishing the best possible results of great market research firms worldwide. For every particular problem, theres a particular solution, so according to the customer needs, we provide the best possible results to them from different market research organization, whether its a Custom Research or Syndicated Research reports because the product that wins is the one that bridges customers to the future, not the one that requires a giant leap.Every organization, whether it is related to Pharmaceuticals, Technology, Eatables, Consumable Goods and many more demands a market research results so that they can take important decisions for more productivity and better output in this swift world. Xpodence Research gives the best possible outcome, perfect forecast, analysis and insights of market research in the form of report which is beneficial for various organisations and also to the manufacturing companies in taking the best decisions for quality production.Contact Us:Xpodence ResearchUSA Office244 , Madison AvenueNew York City, NY - 10016United StatesUK Office109 ,Straford Street,LeedsWest Yorkshrie LS11 6JGUnited KingdomToll Free +1- 844-445-2861Email : sales@xpodenceresearch.com SBS Logistics achieves business agility with Infor NewsPatrolling.com : Infor, a leading provider of industry-specific cloud applications, today announced that SBS Logistics Singapore Pte Ltd achieved significant improvement in operational efficiencies, cost savings and quality assurance with the implementation of Infor SunSystems. The Singapore-based company provides services such as freight forwarding, drayage, truck transportation and warehouse. SBS Logistics used Infor SunSystems to process order information in a timely and flexible manner, streamline business processes and enable better decision-making at every stage in delivering their logistical services. Infor SunSystems was deployed in conjunction with Infor partner Strategic Business Group, which has helped SBS Logistics report and analyze all data from the Infor SunSystems platform in real-time, assisting the decision-making process. "Before implementing Infor SunSystems, we faced difficulty in controlling accounts by the different business divisions. The new functionality afforded by this solution helps drive improved business processes and optimize workflow management. Reports can be generated in a shorter time, giving rise to increased productivity," said Kazunari Maki, Director, SBS Logistics Singapore Pte Ltd. Prior to using Infor enterprise solutions, SBS Logistics used a third-party software to manage orders and requests from their customers. However, they faced many challenges with this platform, as different business divisions could not communicate and integrate their respective processes between one another, resulting in many operational errors and inefficiencies. "Handling multiple orders simultaneously can prove to be a huge challenge for logistics companies. Businesses need to be flexible in the flux of constant change, and a solid technological infrastructure needs to be in place to keep everyone engaged and informed in the workflow process," said Helen Masters, Vice President & Managing Director, South Asia -- ANZ & ASEAN. "We are proud to work with SBS Logistics to leverage the full potential of Infor SunSystems to drive business agility and to generate future business growth." Read more such news at http://www.newspatrolling.com NewsPatrolling is an online news cum content syndication portal.. A-9 Bhagat singh Marg, KP , Azadpur delhi 110033 This release was published on openPR. Permanent link to this press release: Copy Please set a link in the press area of your homepage to this press release on openPR. openPR disclaims liability for any content contained in this release. Food Automation 2018 Global Industry Key Players Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, ABB Ltd, Rockwell Automation, Inc., Siemens AG, Yokogawa Electric Corporation, Schneider Electric SE https://www.wiseguyreports.com/sample-request/2802507-global-food-automation-market-research-report-2018 https://www.wiseguyreports.com/enquiry/2802507-global-food-automation-market-research-report-2018 In this report, the global Food Automation market is valued at USD XX million in 2017 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2017 and 2025.Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), market share and growth rate of Food Automation in these regions, from 2013 to 2025 (forecast), coveringNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaGlobal Food Automation market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players includingMitsubishi Electric CorporationABB LtdRockwell Automation, Inc.Siemens AGYokogawa Electric CorporationSchneider Electric SEGEA GroupFortive CorporationYaskawa Electric CorporationRexnord CorporationEmerson Electric Co.Nord DrivesystemsRequest a Sample Report @On the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoBy TypeMotors & GeneratorsMotor ControlsDiscrete Controller Systems & VisualizationRotary & Linear ProductsOthersBy FunctionPackaging & Re-PackagingPalletizingSorting & GradingPicking & PlacingProcessingOther FunctionsOn the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, includingDairyBakeryBeverageConfectioneryFruits & VegetablesMeat, Poultry, and SeafoodOthersIf you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.Table of ContentsGlobal Food Automation Market Research Report 20181 Food Automation Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Food Automation1.2 Food Automation Segment By Type1.2.1 Global Food Automation Production and CAGR (%) Comparison By Type (Product Category)(2013-2025)1.2.2 Global Food Automation Production Market Share By Type (Product Category) in 20171.2.3 Motors & Generators1.2.4 Motor Controls1.2.5 Discrete Controller Systems & Visualization1.2.6 Rotary & Linear Products1.2.7 Others1.3 Food Automation Segment By Function1.3.1 Packaging & Re-Packaging1.3.2 Palletizing1.3.3 Sorting & Grading1.3.4 Picking & Placing1.3.5 Processing1.3.6 Other Functions1.4 Global Food Automation Segment by Application1.4.1 Food Automation Consumption (Sales) Comparison by Application (2013-2025)1.4.2 Dairy1.4.3 Bakery1.4.4 Beverage1.4.5 Confectionery1.4.6 Fruits & Vegetables1.4.7 Meat, Poultry, and Seafood1.4.8 Others1.5 Global Food Automation Market by Region (2013-2025)1.5.1 Global Food Automation Market Size (Value) and CAGR (%) Comparison by Region (2013-2025)1.5.2 North America Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5.3 Europe Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5.4 China Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5.5 Japan Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5.6 Southeast Asia Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5.7 India Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.6 Global Market Size (Value) of Food Automation (2013-2025)1.6.1 Global Food Automation Revenue Status and Outlook (2013-2025)1.6.2 Global Food Automation Capacity, Production Status and Outlook (2013-2025)2 Global Food Automation Market Competition by Manufacturers2.1 Global Food Automation Capacity, Production and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.1.1 Global Food Automation Capacity and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.1.2 Global Food Automation Production and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.2 Global Food Automation Revenue and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.3 Global Food Automation Average Price by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.4 Manufacturers Food Automation Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area and Product Type2.5 Food Automation Market Competitive Situation and Trends2.5.1 Food Automation Market Concentration Rate2.5.2 Food Automation Market Share of Top 3 and Top 5 Manufacturers2.5.3 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion3 Global Food Automation Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2013-2018)3.1 Global Food Automation Capacity and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)3.2 Global Food Automation Production and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)3.3 Global Food Automation Revenue (Value) and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)3.4 Global Food Automation Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.5 North America Food Automation Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.6 Europe Food Automation Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.7 China Food Automation Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.8 Japan Food Automation Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.9 Southeast Asia Food Automation Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.10 India Food Automation Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)4 Global Food Automation Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Region (2013-2018)4.1 Global Food Automation Consumption by Region (2013-2018)4.2 North America Food Automation Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2013-2018)4.3 Europe Food Automation Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2013-2018)4.4 China Food Automation Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2013-2018)4.5 Japan Food Automation Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2013-2018)4.6 Southeast Asia Food Automation Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2013-2018)4.7 India Food Automation Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2013-2018)5 Global Food Automation Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type5.1 Global Food Automation Production and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)5.2 Global Food Automation Revenue and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)5.3 Global Food Automation Price by Type (2013-2018)5.4 Global Food Automation Production Growth by Type (2013-2018)6 Global Food Automation Market Analysis by Application6.1 Global Food Automation Consumption and Market Share by Application (2013-2018)6.2 Global Food Automation Consumption Growth Rate by Application (2013-2018)6.3 Market Drivers and Opportunities6.3.1 Potential Applications6.3.2 Emerging Markets/CountriesContinuedMake an enquiry of this Report @ABOUT US:Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports features an exhaustive list of market research reports from hundreds of publishers worldwide. We boast a database spanning virtually every market category and an even more comprehensive collection of market research reports under these categories and sub-categories.ADDRES:WISE GUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India Global End Point Security Market: North America likely to Hold Largest Market Share Through 2026 Market Research Hub https://www.marketresearchhub.com/enquiry.php?type=S&repid=1461415 https://www.marketresearchhub.com/report/endpoint-security-market-global-industry-analysis-size-share-growth-trends-and-forecast-2017-2026-report.html https://www.marketresearchhub.com/enquiry.php?type=enquiry&repid=1461415 www.marketresearchhub.com/ www.industrynewsanalysis.com/ Market Research Hub (MRH) has added a report in its database named End Point Security Market. The report provides a detailed study of the endpoint security market across the world for the period of forecast from 2017 to 2026. The research publication offers accurate analysis on the endpoint security market globally. The report also presents an in-depth scrutiny of this market along with details of forces impacting the market. The report presents factors propelling growth, significant market numbers associated with the market for endpoint security as well as key trends influencing the growth of the market.Request For Free Sample -End Point Security Market: Structure of the ReportThe executive summary of the report provides a comprehensive analysis of the endpoint security market across the globe. Additionally, the historical compound annual growth rate for 2012 to 2016 and estimated compound annual growth rate for the period 2017 to 2026 has been mentioned. The report also provides insights on the most lucrative regions in the worldwide market for endpoint security.The report provides an overview of the worldwide market for endpoint security. The report also gives a comprehensive introduction to the global market and offers basic definition of the end point security market. This study enables clients to understand the wide ranging scope of the marketplace. The report also presents the market dynamics influencing the growth of the endpoint security market around the world and provides key pointers covering fiscal stimulus, global economy and bottom line of enterprises. The report further offers pricing analysis and cost structure associated with the endpoint security market.End Point Security Market: SegmentationThe report segments the endpoint security market by end users, application, region, deployment type, and industry. Based on region, the report bifurcates the market into Latin America, Europe, North America, and APEJ. North America is expected to dominate the endpoint security market. On the basis of end users, the study divides the market into small enterprise and large enterprise. In terms of deployment type, the research report categorizes the market into SaaS and On Premise. Based on industry, the study segregates the market into Retail, BFSI and Healthcare.Browse Full Report With TOC -End Point Security Market: Methodology of the ResearchA tested and proven research methodology is used by the team of analysts for providing precise as well as accurate forecasts on the worldwide market for end point security for the report readers in order to make then understand the scope of the market in the near future. Robust primary and secondary research processes are carried out to obtain necessary information about the endpoint security market. For the validation of the report findings, a group of analysts have cross verified all the information by interviewing the representatives of the market companies along with referring to authoritative secondary sources.End Point Security Market: Key Player InsightsThe final chapter of the report presents the competitive scenario of the worldwide end point security market along with the major companies participating in the endpoint security market at the global level. The report also provides intensity mapping for tracking the status of the prominent market players in the global endpoint security market. Information about the key market contributors and insights on the basis of SWOT analysis that highlights the weaknesses, strengths, major threats for the companies as well as the key opportunity areas is also dealt with in this report.The report also offers in-depth analysis and insights on the companies, their product portfolios, financial ratios and current developments in the global end point security market. The major strategies adopted by these companies for boosting revenue growth is also highlighted. The final portion also provides a list of prominent companies functioning in the global market for end point security such as F-Secure Corporation, Symantec Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, Intel Corporation, Webroot Inc., Kaspersky Lab, Sophos Group PLC, Cisco Systems, Inc., Sophos Group PLC, Trend Micro Incorporated, and IBM Corporation.Enquire About this Report -About Market Research Hub:Market Research Hub (MRH) is a next-generation reseller of research reports and analysis. MRHs expansive collection of market research reports has been carefully curated to help key personnel and decision makers across industry verticals to clearly visualize their operating environment and take strategic steps.MRH functions as an integrated platform for the following products and services: Objective and sound market forecasts, qualitative and quantitative analysis, incisive insight into defining industry trends, and market share estimates. Our reputation lies in delivering value and world-class capabilities to our clients.Contact Details:90 State Street,Albany, NY 12207,United StatesToll Free : 800-998-4852 (US-Canada)Email : press@marketresearchhub.comWebsite :Read Industry News at - Global Wind Turbine Pitch Systems Market Size Capacity, Generation, Investment Trends, Regulations and Company Profiles report to 2017 Wind Turbine Pitch Systems Market, Wind Turbine Pitch Systems Market Study, Wind Turbine Pitch Systems Market Size, Wind Turbine P https://marketsizeforecasters.com/get-sample/307253/?utm_source=OPEN-DC https://marketsizeforecasters.com/enquire-for-discount/307253/?utm_source=OPEN-DC https://marketsizeforecasters.com/global-north-america-europe-and-asia-pacific-south-america-middle-east-and-africa-wind-turbine-pitch-systems-market/?utm_source=OPEN-DC https://marketsizeforecasters.com/north-america-clientless-remote-support-software-market/?utm_source=RR-DC http://marketsizeforecasters.com/ Wind Turbine Pitch Systems Market by Manufacturers, Countries, Type and Application, Forecast to 2022 to its research database. The report presents a deep study of the market growth factors and drivers. The report spread across 119 pages with table and figures in it.A safe and reliable pitch system is critical for the wind turbines performance and power production.Wind turbine pitch control system can change incidence of rotor blades in a wind power generation system based on real-time wind speed for the purpose of adjusting output power, achieving higher utilization efficiency of wind power and providing protection for rotor blades. When wind speed is not higher than the rated speed, the blade incidence stay near the angle 0? (highest power point), which is similar to that of a generator with constant pitch, generating an output power that changes along with wind speed.Get Sample Copy of this Report:Wind Turbine Pitch Systems Market: Manufactures Analysis:Beijing Techwin, Huadian Tianren, REnergy Electric, DONGFENG Electric, Corona, Ree-electric/Reenergy, Chongqing KK-Qianwei, Chengdu Forward, Lianyungang JariecScope of Report:This report focuses on the Wind Turbine Pitch Systems Market in Global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis coversNorth America (USA, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.), Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)Get Discount on this Report:Global Wind Turbine Pitch Systems Market: Product Segment AnalysisHydraulic Pitch SystemElectrical Pitch SystemGlobal Wind Turbine Pitch Systems Market: Application Segment AnalysisOffshoreOnshoreThere are 15 Chapters to deeply display the global Wind Turbine Pitch Systems Market.Chapter 1, to describe Wind Turbine Pitch Systems Introduction, product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force;Chapter 2, to analyze the top manufacturers of Wind Turbine Pitch Systems, with sales, revenue, and price of Wind Turbine Pitch Systems, in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 3, to display the competitive situation among the top manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 4, to show the global market by regions, with sales, revenue and market share of Wind Turbine Pitch Systems, for each region, from 2012 to 2017;Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to analyze the market by countries, by type, by application and by manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share by key countries in these regions;Chapter 10 and 11, to show the market by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2012 to 2017;Chapter 12, Wind Turbine Pitch Systems market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2017 to 2022;Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Wind Turbine Pitch Systems sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data sourceFor More Detail of This Report:Table of Figures:Table Global Wind Turbine Pitch Systems Sales Forecast by Regions (2017-2022) Table Global Wind Turbine Pitch Systems Market Share Forecast by Regions (2017-2022) Figure North America Sales Wind Turbine Pitch Systems Market Forecast (2017-2022) Figure Europe Sales Wind Turbine Pitch Systems Market Forecast (2017-2022) Figure Asia-Pacific Sales Wind Turbine Pitch Systems Market Forecast (2017-2022) Figure South America Sales Wind Turbine Pitch Systems Market Forecast (2017-2022) Figure Middle East and Africa Sales Wind Turbine Pitch Systems Market Forecast (2017-2022) Table Global Wind Turbine Pitch Systems Sales Forecast by Type (2017-2022) Table Global Wind Turbine Pitch Systems Market Share Forecast by Type (2017-2022) Table Global Wind Turbine Pitch Systems Sales Forecast by Application (2017-2022) Table Global Wind Turbine Pitch Systems Market Share Forecast by Application (2017-2022) Table Distributors/Traders/ Dealers ListRelated ReportNorth America Clientless Remote Support Software Market by Manufacturers, Countries, Type and Application, Forecast to 2022This report focuses on the Clientless Remote Support Software Market in Global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.MarketSizeForecasters.com, a Skyline Market Research LLP brand, is an online aggregator of market research reports. MarketSizeForecasters.com offers a comprehensive collection of full length reports on global and regional markets in 100+ industry verticals. We have partnered with some of the leading business and market research publishing houses and regularly update our online library to offer wide range of reports to our customers.Market size forecastersThe Green Suite #4594,Dover, DE 19901United StatesPhone: 1-201-355-0868US Toll Free: 1-866-764-2150Email: sales@marketsizeforecasters.comWebsite: Anal Fistula Diagnosis and Treatment Market To Witness An Outstanding Growth By 2025 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=36980 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/checkout.php?rep_id=36980 800 MVA power transformer market on account of rapid industrial expansion across developing markets has witnessed a significant turnaround in the recent years. The product subject to ongoing expansion of utility aided grid networks to cater the exponentially rising energy demand will witness appreciable escalation over the forecast timeframe. Government initiatives to establish a sustainable grid network across developed regions will further stimulate the product penetration.Enquire about this report @Global shift towards energy conservation along with growing measures to provide safe and reliable electricity will foster the power transformer market. Energy efficiency measures coupled with briskly expanding smart-grid networks will further accelerate the product penetration. In 2017, in compliance to the smart grid agreement, Sweden, France, Germany, Italy, and UK proposed investments worth USD 133.7 billion with an aim to sustain the rapid smart grid adoption across the region.The U.S. power transformer market will grow owing to ongoing investments toward refurbishment of existing electricity infrastructure. Expeditious expansion of infrastructure projects under the peninsula electrification program will fuel the product demand. In 2017, regulators across the U.S. proposed a funding worth USD 100 million to strengthen electricity infrastructure across the rail networks in California.Middle East & Africa power transformer market is set to witness sheer progression in line with ongoing deployment of decentralized generation units coupled with rapid expansion of micro-grid networks. Escalating infrastructural investments from institutions including the International Finance Corporation, and African Development Bank (ADB), across the region will positively impact the business landscape. In 2017, ADB declared investments over USD 12 billion to sustain the soaring electricity demand across Africa.Eminent participants in the power transformer market include GE, ABB, Schneider Electric, Siemens, Crompton Greaves, Mitsubishi Electric, Hyosung, Toshiba Corp., Hyundai Electric, Daihen, SPX Transformer, Celme, Kirloskar, and BHEL.Read full report description @Related Reports: -Global Power Transformers Sales Market Report 2018In this report, the global Power Transformers market is valued at USD XX million in 2016 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2022, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2016 and 2022. Ge...About Us:Centralize market research purchases across your entire organization in one place. Marketstudyreport.com allows you to manage and control all corporate research purchases to consolidate billing and vendor management. You can eliminate duplicate purchases and customize your content and license management.Market Study ReportThe Green Suite #4594,Dover, DE 19901United StatesPhone: 1-201-355-0868US Toll Free: 1-866-764-2150Email: sales@marketstudyreport.comWebsite:News: Cell Harvesting System Market Size, Share & Analysis by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application up to 2023 Healthcare Intelligence Markets https://www.healthcareintelligencemarkets.com/request_sample.php?id=674 https://www.healthcareintelligencemarkets.com/ask_for_discount.php?id=674 https://www.healthcareintelligencemarkets.com/enquiry_before_buying.php?id=674 A comprehensive analysis of the United States Cell Harvesting System Market is been done in this intelligence report. It includes the investigations done on the past progress, ongoing market scenarios, and future prospects. An accurate data of the products, strategies and market shares of leading companies in this particular market is mentioned. This report presents a 360-degree overview of the competitive scenario of the United States market. The report further projects the size and valuation of the United States market in the coming forecast period. The report also presents a thorough qualitative and quantitative data affecting to the projected impact of these factors on markets future growth prospects.Top Key Vendors:Teleflex, Inc, Argos Technologies, Inc, Perkin Elmer, Inc, Arthrex, Inc., Avita Medical, Tomtec, Terumo Corporation, Bertin.Get Sample Copy of this Report:It explains a detailed outline of the United States Cell Harvesting System Market depending on the important parameters. End users, products, regions, and many other segments are studied and explained. A brief idea of the driving forces which help make the market more flourishing is discussed in order to help the client understand the future market position. Estimated revenue growth in terms of volume with respect to the market for the upcoming years has been mentioned in depth.According to the research report, the United States market for Cell Harvesting System Market is witnessing a continual rise in its valuation with the advancement in technologies, which is impacting the consumer behavior and, accordingly, their purchasing patterns to a great extent. In addition to this, the rising penetration of internet and the surge in mobile surfing are anticipated to boost the demand for Cell Harvesting System across the world, states the research report.Get Upto 40% Discount on this report:On the basis of geographical regions, the United States Cell Harvesting System Market is segmented broadly into Latin America, United States, the Middle East and Africa, and Asia Pacific. The United States market is still in its exploratory stage in most of the regions but it holds the promising potential to flourish steadily in coming years. The major companies investing in this market are situated in Canada, U.K., and the US, India, China and some more countries of Asia Pacific region. Consequently, Asia Pacific, North America, and Western United States are estimated to hold more than half of the market shares, collectively in coming years.This statistical surveying research study presents an all-inclusive evaluation of the United States market for Cell Harvesting System, taking various industry parameters, such as the capacity of production, product pricing, demand, supply, and sales dynamics, returns on investments, and the growth rate of the overall market into consideration.In the last sections of the report, the manufacturers responsible for increasing the sales in the Cell Harvesting System Market have been presented. These manufacturers have been analyzed in terms of their manufacturing base, basic information, and competitors. In addition, the technology and product type introduced by each of these manufacturers also form a key part of this section of the report.For more Enquiry on this Report:Table of Content:United States Cell Harvesting System Market Research Report 2018-2023Chapter 1 Cell Harvesting System Market OverviewChapter 2 United States Economic ImpactChapter 3 Competition by ManufacturerChapter 4 Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2018-2023)Chapter 5 Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions (2018-2023)Chapter 6 Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by TypeChapter 7 Analysis by ApplicationChapter 8 Manufacturing Cost AnalysisChapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream BuyersChapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11 Market Effect Factors AnalysisChapter 12 Market Forecast (2018-2023)Chapter 13 AppendixAbout Healthcare Intelligence Markets:HealthCare Intelligence Markets supply market intelligence reports in the domain of personalized drugs & diagnostics after going through a rigorous research process. The healthcare and pharma industry is constantly evolving as trends are getting replaced at a rapid pace.601, Winterberry Purple, Koregaon Park, Pune, 411001 Learn details of the Wireless Electrocardiograph Industry: growth with CAGR in forecast-2023 https://www.healthcareintelligencemarkets.com/request_sample.php?id=6937 https://www.healthcareintelligencemarkets.com/enquiry_before_buying.php?id=6937 https://www.healthcareintelligencemarkets.com/ask_for_discount.php?id=6937 The report, titled Global Wireless Electrocardiograph Market Research Report 2017, further states major drivers manipulating industry, the possibility of development, and the challenges going up against the administrations and industrialists in the market..This research study portrays an all-encompassing valuation of the Global Wireless Electrocardiograph Market, taking several market verticals, such as the dynamics of demand and supply, sales volume, production capacity, revenue, product pricing, and the growth rate of this market into consideration. The global market can be evaluated on the basis of the type pet, product type, and geography.The report also covers the trends in development activities in the Global Wireless Electrocardiograph Market, which includes the status of marketing channels available, the details of traders and distributors still functioning, and an analysis of the regional export and import. The report ends with a conclusion for the global market as it was at the beginning of the forecast period. This will help the reports users assess their standing in the market as well as create successful strategies in the near future.Top Key Operating Vendors:Mortara Instrument, Mega Electronics Ltd, Philips Healthcare, MindWare Technologies LTD, Jaken Medical IncGet Sample Copy of this report:The report analyzes the production indexes of the Global Wireless Electrocardiograph Market in terms of three key categories: regions, technologies, and applications. The various regions highlighted, apart from an overall global perspective, are North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Each region is analyzed in terms of capacity, cost of production of devices and drugs, revenues earned, and price of raw materials.This provides a thorough overview of the revenue of the Wireless Electrocardiograph market in various key regions, including an understanding of how the revenue generation patterns have changed over the recent past. The relation between the overall revenue generation figures and the sales structure of the industry in each regional segment is also explained in the report.The performance of the key product and application segments of the Wireless Electrocardiograph market in each regional market has been explained in the report. Likewise, each regional markets competitive dynamics have been elaborated upon by providing information about the hierarchy among the leading players operating in it. This helps provide a thorough granular analysis of the global market. The report also provides 2017-2025 forecasts for each product, application, and geographical segments of the global market.To get more information, Ask for Sample PDF illustration with TOC, Tables, Figures and Charts @Table Of Content:Chapter 1 Wireless Electrocardiograph Market OverviewChapter 2 Global Economic Impact on IndustryChapter 3 Global Market Competition by ManufacturersChapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by RegionChapter 5 Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by RegionsChapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by TypeChapter 7 Global Market Analysis by ApplicationChapter 8 Manufacturing Cost AnalysisChapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream BuyersChapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11 Market Effect Factors AnalysisEarly buyers will receive up to 40% Discount on this reportAbout Healthcare Intelligence Markets:At HealthCare Intelligence Market, we supply market intelligence reports in the domain of personalized drugs & diagnostics after going through a rigorous research process. The healthcare industry is constantly evolving as trends are getting replaced at a rapid pace.These new trends along with the changing demands of patients and healthcare organizations, are collectively contributing to the development of the global healthcare industry.namer: Shreyas TannaHealthcare Intelligence Markets601, Winterberry Purple, Koregaon Park, Pune, 411001sales@healthcareintelligencemarkets.com+91 7400242424 New Report Explores the Jewellery market in South Africa http://www.orbisresearch.com/contacts/request-sample/450627 http://www.orbisresearch.com/reports/index/jewellery-in-south-africa http://www.orbisresearch.com/contacts/enquiry-before-buying/450627 http://www.orbisresearch.com/contact/purchase/450627 https://www.linkedin.com/company/orbis-research SummaryLatest Report Available at Orbis Research Jewellery Market provides pin-point analysis for changing competitive dynamics and a forward looking perspective on different factors driving or restraining industry growth.DescriptionThe South Africa Jewellery Market report from prepared with the aim to provide key insights and developments of the Jewellery Market across the globel to the customer. With the immense and accurate data available to the customer, they can make tremendous strides in the market and move ahead of the competition in the Jewellery Market. The South Africa Jewellery Market report covers the key trends, types, applications, regions, and top players in the Jewellery Market. Market trends, prospects, and strategic direction are some of the topics covered within the South Africa Jewellery Market report.Get a PDF Sample of Report at:Product coverageThe South Africa Jewellery Market report includes all products in the Jewellery Market including their types, applications, and market performance South Africa.The products covered in the South Africa Jewellery Market report include the following:Costume JewelleryFine JewelleryData coverageA humongous amount of data has been covered in the South Africa Jewellery Market report which includes as follows:Market size both historic and forecasts 2022Company sharesBrand shares andDistribution dataThe data is presented in neat tables and pie charts for easy consumption of the customers, with which they can be better prepared to tackle the market.To Browse the Entire Report, Visit :Why buy this report?With the South Africa Jewellery Market report, the customer can get a detailed scenario of the Jewellery Market, with which they can identity the key growth areas and driving factors.The report also provides a detailed listing of the competition and their brands in the Jewellery Market. Moreover, the South Africa Jewellery Market report consists of a five-year forecast for assessing the market and its profitability.Using the data, the customer can create an effective plan of action for growth and expansion into the Jewellery Market.The South Africa Jewellery Market report is prepared by the top research professionals and subject experts at Euromonitor International to provide the customer the most detailed and accurate data and analysis of the Jewellery Market. Orbis Research has brought to you the handpicked report on the basis of the detailed information covered for our esteemed customers.No. of Report Pages: 25Got any Query? Feel free to ask us at :Some Points Covered In List Of Tables:HeadlinesTrendsCompetitive LandscapeProspectsCategory DataTable 1 Sales of Jewellery by Category: Volume 2012-2017Table 2 Sales of Jewellery by Category: Value 2012-2017Table 3 Sales of Jewellery by Category: % Volume Growth 2012-2017Table 4 Sales of Jewellery by Category: % Value Growth 2012-2017Table 5 Sales of Costume Jewellery by Type: % Value 2012-2017Table 6 Sales of Fine Jewellery by Type: % Value 2012-2017Table 7 Sales of Fine Jewellery by Collection: % Value 2012-2017Table 8 Sales of Fine Jewellery by Metal: % Value 2012-2017Table 9 NBO Company Shares of Jewellery: % Value 2012-2016Table 10 LBN Brand Shares of Jewellery: % Value 2013-2016Table 11 Distribution of Jewellery by Format: % Value 2012-2017Table 12 Forecast Sales of Jewellery by Category: Volume 2017-2022Table 13 Forecast Sales of Jewellery by Category: Value 2017-2022Table 14 Forecast Sales of Jewellery by Category: % Volume Growth 2017-2022Table 15 Forecast Sales of Jewellery by Category: % Value Growth 2017-2022Place a Purchase Order for this Market Report at:About Us:Orbis Research (orbisresearch.com) is a single point aid for all your market research requirements. We have vast database of reports from the leading publishers and authors across the globe. We specialize in delivering customized reports as per the requirements of our clients. We have complete information about our publishers and hence are sure about the accuracy of the industries and verticals of their specialization. This helps our clients to map their needs and we produce the perfect required market research study for our clients.Contact Information:Hector CostelloSenior Manager Client Engagements4144N Central Expressway,Suite 600, Dallas,Texas 75204, U.S.A.Phone No.: +1 (214) 884-6817; +9164101019Follow Us on LinkedIn: Emergency Medical Services Industry- Key Companies are studied in a Latest Report Offered by The Market Reports https://www.healthcareintelligencemarkets.com/request_sample.php?id=8385 https://www.healthcareintelligencemarkets.com/enquiry_before_buying.php?id=8385 https://www.healthcareintelligencemarkets.com/ask_for_discount.php?id=8385 The report, titled Global Emergency Medical Services Market Research Report 2017, further states major drivers manipulating industry, the possibility of development, and the challenges going up against the administrations and industrialists in the market..This research study portrays an all-encompassing valuation of the Global Emergency Medical Services Market, taking several market verticals, such as the dynamics of demand and supply, sales volume, production capacity, revenue, product pricing, and the growth rate of this market into consideration. The global market can be evaluated on the basis of the type pet, product type, and geography.The report also covers the trends in development activities in the Global Emergency Medical Services Market, which includes the status of marketing channels available, the details of traders and distributors still functioning, and an analysis of the regional export and import. The report ends with a conclusion for the global market as it was at the beginning of the forecast period. This will help the reports users assess their standing in the market as well as create successful strategies in the near future.Top Key Operating Vendors:Smiths Medical, Sarnova, Acadian Ambulance Service, AirMed International, Air Methods, Envision Healthcare, Falck, London Ambulance Service, Rural/Metro Corporation, Allied Medical, TyTek MedicalGet Sample Copy of this report:The report analyzes the production indexes of the Global Emergency Medical Services Market in terms of three key categories: regions, technologies, and applications. The various regions highlighted, apart from an overall global perspective, are North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Each region is analyzed in terms of capacity, cost of production of devices and drugs, revenues earned, and price of raw materials.This provides a thorough overview of the revenue of the Emergency Medical Services market in various key regions, including an understanding of how the revenue generation patterns have changed over the recent past. The relation between the overall revenue generation figures and the sales structure of the industry in each regional segment is also explained in the report.The performance of the key product and application segments of the Emergency Medical Services market in each regional market has been explained in the report. Likewise, each regional markets competitive dynamics have been elaborated upon by providing information about the hierarchy among the leading players operating in it. This helps provide a thorough granular analysis of the global market. The report also provides 2017-2025 forecasts for each product, application, and geographical segments of the global market.To get more information, Ask for Sample PDF illustration with TOC, Tables, Figures and Charts @Table Of Content:Chapter 1 Emergency Medical Services Market OverviewChapter 2 Global Economic Impact on IndustryChapter 3 Global Market Competition by ManufacturersChapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by RegionChapter 5 Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by RegionsChapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by TypeChapter 7 Global Market Analysis by ApplicationChapter 8 Manufacturing Cost AnalysisChapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream BuyersChapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11 Market Effect Factors AnalysisEarly buyers will receive up to 40% Discount on this reportAbout Healthcare Intelligence Markets:At HealthCare Intelligence Market, we supply market intelligence reports in the domain of personalized drugs & diagnostics after going through a rigorous research process. The healthcare industry is constantly evolving as trends are getting replaced at a rapid pace.These new trends along with the changing demands of patients and healthcare organizations, are collectively contributing to the development of the global healthcare industry.Contact usnamer: Shreyas TannaHealthcare Intelligence Markets601, Winterberry Purple, Koregaon Park, Pune, 411001sales@healthcareintelligencemarkets.com+91 7400242424 North America Market Set to Dominate Global Government Biometrics Market https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=32273 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/report-toc/32273 http://www.transparencymarketresearch.com The growing number of use cases of biometrics in the government sector in various countries for a convenient and accurate identification of individuals is driving the evolution of the global government biometrics market. A number of biometric modalities are being extensively used in various government applications such as national identification cards, border control, voter registrations, passports, and latent print matching.The rising number of security breaches, coupled with their growing complexity, has led to the evolution of advanced and more nuanced identifiers based on individuals unique physical characteristics.Biometric authentication have also gained popular among various populations as they are believed to be a key enabler for access to several essential services related to social security, financial assistance, and healthcare.The global government biometrics market is estimated to rise from US$4,996.5 Mn in 2017 to US$8,605.2 by the end of 2022. The market is projected to expand at a CAGR of 11.5% during the forecast period 20172022.Key factors and trends influencing the growth of the global government biometrics market are:The need for an accurate and reliable authentication modality is a key factor propelling the demand for biometrics in the government sector in various parts of the world. The rapidly growing implementation of various biometric technologies in various government agencies is a vital factor driving the market.Make Enquiry:The intensifying efforts of governments and law enforcement agencies in several countries for using biometrics in long-term e-passport programs is a key factor accentuating the market. In addition, the growing prominence of national identity card programs in a number of developed and developing countries is a key factor bolstering the use of government biometrics.Furthermore, the burgeoning demand for biometrics in the travel and immigration sector in numerous developed nations is boosting the government biometrics market.Furthermore, the marked preference of government agencies in several emerging economies in adopting biometrics for an easy and reliable universal identification is a significant factor catalyzing the growth of the market. The wide popularity of biometrics based on fingerprint recognition as a versatile and practical modality has boosted the market.The scope of a number of advanced modalities based on an individuals other unique physical characteristics is constantly being explored, thereby opening up exciting avenues for market players. The adoption of voice recognition modality as a fairly non-invasive technology in several government agencies, notably in intelligence, is favorably impacting the market.The market is also expected to benefit extensively by substantial advancements brought about by players in biometric platforms. Furthermore, the intensive efforts undertaken by government and private players in creating awareness about the versatile functionality of biometrics and addressing the common concerns are prominent developments catalyzing the growth of the market.In some advanced regions, such as in Europe, biometrics technologies appear to be promising for solving migrant problems. This is also expected to accentuate the government biometrics market in the coming years.The market is expected to witness substantial adoption in developed regions. Geographically, North America is a dominant market as it currently accounts for the major share of revenue in the global market. The regional market is estimated to reach US$ 2,510.4 Mn by the end of 2022.The wide application for biometrics is attributed to the substantial demand for biometrics by customs and border protection officers for security purposes. The growing use of biometrics by various federal government agencies in developed nations of the tracking suspects region in the backdrop of rising terrorism activities is boosting the market.Competitive DynamicsSeveral players are experimenting with advanced biometric modalities to make them more accurate and versatile. Prominent players operating in the government biometric market include Safran Electronics & Defense SAS, NEC Corporation, Fujitsu, BIO-Key International, Inc., Precise Biometrics AB, Secunet Security Networks AG, Thales SA, and Aware, Inc.Get TOC:About TMRTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.TMRs data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With extensive research and analysis capabilities, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques to develop distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.Contact TMR90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email:sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Market Trend to 2022 GE Measurement & Control(US), Olympus(Japan), Sonatest(UK), Sonotron NDT(Israel), Karldeutsch(Germany) https://www.marketstudyreport.com/request-a-sample/534751/?utm_source=OPR-SL https://www.marketstudyreport.com/check-for-discount/534751/?utm_source=PAID-SL https://www.marketstudyreport.com/reports/global-ultrasonic-flaw-detector-market-by-manufacturers-countries-type-and-application-forecast-to-2022/?utm_source=SL https://www.marketstudyreport.com/reports/asia-pacific-fire-detection-and-suppression-systems-market-by-manufacturers-regions-type-and-application-forecast-to-2022/?utm_source=RR-SL https://www.marketstudyreport.com https://www.marketstudyreport.com/category/news-releases/ MarketStudyReport.com Add New Global Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Market by Manufacturers, Countries, Type and Application, Forecast to 2022 to its research database. The report presents a deep study of the market growth factors and drivers. The report spread across 122 pages with table and figures in it.Phased array is an advanced ultrasonic NDT method used to detect component failures such as cracks or flaws and determine component quality. The primary methods for ultrasonic flaw sizing and crack sizing include five methods such as Amplitude, dB drop, Phased Array, Time of Flight diffraction and Multiple-wave mode etc. Contemporary ultrasonic flaw detectors are small, portable, microprocessor-based instruments suitable for both shop and field use. They generate and display an ultrasonic waveform that enables a trained operator to locate and categorize flaws in test pieces, often with the aid of analysis software. They typically include an ultrasonic pulser/receiver, hardware and software for signal capture and analysis, a waveform display, and a data logging module. Most contemporary instruments use digital signal processing for optimum stability and precision.Scope of the Report:This report focuses on the Ultrasonic Flaw Detector market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.Request a sample copy of Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Market Research Report @Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report covers GE Measurement & Control(US), Olympus(Japan), Sonatest(UK), Sonotron NDT(Israel), Karldeutsch(Germany), Proceq(Swiss), Zetec(US), Kropus(Russia), Centurion NDT(US), Nova Instruments(NDT Systems)(US), Hitachi Power Solutions(Japan), Modsonic(India), RYOSHO(Japan), KJTD(Japan), Novotest(Ukraine), Dakota Ultrasonics(US), Mitech(China), Siui(China), Nantong YouLian(China), Doppler(China), Suzhou Fuerte(China), Kairda(China), Testech Group(China).Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers:North America (USA, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.)Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)Market Segment by Table of Contents:Global Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Market OverviewGlobal Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Market Manufacturers ProfilesGlobal Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Market Competition, by ManufacturerGlobal Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Market Analysis by RegionsGlobal Ultrasonic Flaw Detector by CountriesGlobal Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Market Segment by TypeGlobal Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Market Segment by ApplicationUltrasonic Flaw Detector Market Forecast (2017-2022)Sales Channel, Distributors, Traders and DealersResearch Findings and ConclusionAppendixMarket Segment by Type, covers Conventional Ultrasonic Flaw instrumentsPhased Array Ultrasonic Flaw DetectorTOFD Ultrasonic Flaw DetectorMarket Segment by Applications, can be divided into EnergyAerospaceOil & GasManufacturing and MachineryAutomotiveRailwaysEnquire For Discount on Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Market Research Report @There are 15 Chapters to deeply display the global Ultrasonic Flaw Detector market.Chapter 1, to describe Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Introduction, product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force;Chapter 2, to analyze the top manufacturers of Ultrasonic Flaw Detector, with sales, revenue, and price of Ultrasonic Flaw Detector, in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 3, to display the competitive situation among the top manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 4, to show the global market by regions, with sales, revenue and market share of Ultrasonic Flaw Detector, for each region, from 2012 to 2017;Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to analyze the key regions, with sales, revenue and market share by key countries in these regions;Chapter 10 and 11, to show the market by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2012 to 2017;Chapter 12, Ultrasonic Flaw Detector market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2017 to 2022;Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Ultrasonic Flaw Detector sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data sourceFor More Info on Market Research @Related Reports: -Asia-Pacific Fire Detection and Suppression Systems Market by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2022Fire Detection and Suppression Systems belongs fire protection systems. It can be divided into fire detection system and fire suppression system. The first step toward halting a fire is to properly idCentralize market research purchases across your entire organization in one place.Marketstudyreport.com allows you to manage and control all corporate research purchases to consolidate billing and vendor management. You can eliminate duplicate purchases and customize your content and license management.Market Study ReportThe Green Suite #4594,Dover, DE 19901United StatesPhone: 1-201-355-0868US Toll Free: 1-866-764-2150Email: sales@marketstudyreport.comWebsite:News:Connect with us: Google+ | LinkedIn | Twitter Antidiabetics Market share to grow at 10.5% CAGR from 2016 to 2024 Global Market Insights, Inc. https://www.gminsights.com/request-sample/detail/504 https://www.gminsights.com/industry-analysis/antidiabetics-market https://www.gminsights.com/inquiry-before-buying/504 https://www.gminsights.com/industry-analysis/precision-medicine-market https://www.gminsights.com https://gminsights.wordpress.com Inherently propelled by a stringent regulatory framework, antidiabetics market is strongly characterized by the legalized norms implemented by authorized bodies such as the European CE and the FDA. Having undertaken the crucial responsibility of regulating the commercialization of antidiabetics in clinical trials, these organizations continue to strive hard to approve drugs post their testing with utmost caution and precision, which is a prime factor driving the growth of antidiabetics industry. For instance, recently, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the Bydureon BCise (exenatide extended-release) injectable suspension manufactured by AstraZeneca.Apparently, this drug is an all-new formulation of Bydureon that is available as a single-dose autoinjector device for adults suffering from Type II diabetes. The Bydureon BCise apparently underwent two clinical trials prior to obtaining the approval, thus validating the fact that antidiabetics market outlook is strictly defined by a regulatory frame of reference.Request for a sample of this research report -With the exponentially growing population and the prevalence of a sedentary lifestyle, a significant rise in the patient pool suffering from diabetes has been observed, which is likely to spur global antidiabetics market share. The WHO estimates that diabetes would be among the leading causes of death by 2030, which would severely strain the overall healthcare fraternity. The rising number of diabetic cases have prompted the governments across various geographies to take steps toward promoting awareness regarding this disorder. For instance, the Diabetes UK is slated to launch one of the biggest campaigns to encourage consciousness regarding Type II diabetes.The program will also make people aware of the harmful consequences of developing diabetes, encourage them to get screened regularly, and provide other related details. The prevalence of campaigns and awareness programs such as the aforementioned are certain to bring about a positive influence on antidiabetics market size, which was pegged at USD 49.5 billion in 2016.Browse key industry insights spread across 130 pages with 55 market data tables & 8 figures & charts from the report Antidiabetics Market in detail along with the table of contents:In consequence to the unmet medical requirements of the healthcare fraternity and the rapid increase in the diabetic patient base, antidiabetics industry players have been concentrating on increasing their funding on research & development activities with an aim to launch novel insulin products that will efficiently treat this persistent sugar disorder. Major companies such as Sanofi Aventis, Eli Lilly, and Novo Nordisk presently predominate antidiabetic market share, pertaining to their popular brand value, wide range of products, and increased R&D investments. Many antidiabetics products that are currently in the pipeline to be commercialized are manufactured by these companies. In addition, global antidiabetics industry involves the participation of other generic manufacturers such as Pfizer, Oramed Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Merck & Co. Inc.An insight into APAC antidiabetics market trends:The Asia Pacific region has been forecast to emerge as the potential hotbed for investors emptying their coffers in antidiabetics industry. This estimation may be attributed to the fact that the region has been witnessing a tremendous surge in the patient pool suffering from diabetes, especially in India and China. As per reliable statistics, close to nearly two decades earlier, in 2000, India stood at the top of the pyramid representing diabetes sufferers, with more than 31.7 million of its populace afflicted by the disease, while China stood at the second place with 20.8 million diabetic patients in tow. It has been forecast that by 2030, this number would increase up to 79.4 million patients in India and 42.3 million individuals in China. The estimates stand to validate that these countries would prove to be lucrative grounds for companies partaking in antidiabetics market share, as they would be able to bring forth a range of medications for treating the affliction in these regions.Another emerging region in this continent has been touted to be Japan. The country, with its incredible healthcare infrastructure, rising penetration of technologically innovative insulin drugs, and the growing prevalence of diabetes among the geriatric populace, will serve to be a profitable growth avenue for APAC antidiabetics market.Make an inquiry for purchasing this report @Regulatory and governmental bodies across the globe have been striving to increase public awareness regarding diabetes, which most certainly would provide an impetus to antidiabetics market. For instance, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases has undertaken several education campaigns such as Small Steps, Big Rewards, Control your Diabetes for Life, etc., to increase the importance of diabetic screening, diagnosis, and treatment. Not far behind in the list of organizations is the American Diabetes Association, that has also launched several awareness programs regarding diabetes, which would help carve out a lucrative growth path for global antidiabetics market over the years ahead. In addition, the International Diabetes Federation, along with its member associations celebrate the 14th of November as World Diabetes Day, utilizing the 24-hour span to initiate awareness campaigns and other related programs. With a strong regulatory framework and governmental support in place, not to mention, the pivotal developments underlining the medical research and healthcare verticals, it is forecast that antidiabetics industry will chart a profitable growth curve over the coming seven years, with an estimated valuation of USD 110 billion by 2024.Browse Related Reports:Precision Medicine Market Size By Technology (Big Data Analytics, Gene Sequencing, Drug Discovery, Bioinformatics, Companion Diagnostics), By Application (Oncology, CNS, Immunology, Respiratory), Industry Analysis Report, Regional Outlook (U.S., Canada, Germany, UK, France, Scandinavia, Italy, Japan, China, India, Singapore, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia), Application Potential, Price Trends, Competitive Market Share & Forecast, 2016 2023About Global Market Insights:Global Market Insights, Inc., headquartered in Delaware, U.S., is a global market research and consulting service provider; offering syndicated and custom research reports along with growth consulting services. Our business intelligence and industry research reports offer clients with penetrative insights and actionable market data specially designed and presented to aid strategic decision making. These exhaustive reports are designed via a proprietary research methodology and are available for key industries such as chemicals, advanced materials, technology, renewable energy and biotechnology.Contact Us:Arun HegdeCorporate Sales, USAGlobal Market Insights, Inc.Phone: 1-302-846-7766Toll Free: 1-888-689-0688Email: sales@gminsights.comWeb:Blog: Significant Growth Foreseen by Bio-Based Levulinic Acid Market During 2014 - 2020 https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-227 https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-227 http://www.futuremarketinsights.com New molecules developed by Segetis, in Minnesota based on esters of levulinic acid made from using bio based hydroxyl compounds and corn cobs are known as levulinic ketals. These can be used to produce a series of products such as plasticizers, polyols for polyurethane foams and solvents.Segetis are constructing a new toll manufacturing plant for their new ketals chemistry in the Midwest and the construction of which was expected to be completed by the end of 2011. Products entering the market would start with solvents. While polyols is expected to be the last to enter in the market because of significant functional testing required. At present China is the supplier of the levulinic acid from the company but later it may use residue of wood as a feedstock.A sample of this report is available upon request @The potential outcome by the development of bio based levulinic acid could be the replacement of the phthalate plasticizers which is used to make Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) which is the most widely produce plastic and other plastics flexible. The company is also working directly to replace the phthalate which concerns about exposure to children. The major advantages of ketal monomers are that they attach to the PVC molecule firmly and are of natural origins.Major opportunity for the market can be obtain from the manufacture of polyols which combines with iscoyanates to produce polyurethane. The polyols which are made from bio based levulinic acid will have rigidity which in turn will help to reduce the level of iscoyanates while obtaining polyurethane having similar properties and the monomers will play the role of the performer. The cost of polyols produce by the company will be same as made from petroleum resources. But it is expected that it will help to improve the economics for formulators due to less use of iscoyanates. The major advantage for the ketals chemistry is from its total cost.To view TOC of this report is available upon request @This research report presents a comprehensive assessment of the market and contains thoughtful insights, facts, historical data and statistically-supported and industry-validated market data and projections with a suitable set of assumptions and methodology. It provides analysis and information by categories such as market segments, regions, product type and distribution channels.ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Abhishek BudholiyaFuture Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Track-and-Trace and Serialization Market Prediction and Analysis Offered By New Study https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/market-research/track-and-trace-and-serialization-market.asp https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/toc/19702 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/samples/19702 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/ Track-and-Trace and Serialization Market OverviewPharmaceutical companies, like many others, face a number of challenges related to their supply chain management. Security lapses as a result of theft, product recalls or diversions can have terrible consequences for patient safety and security not only nationally but on a global level. They also affect the individual companies by directly impacting profitability, goodwill and planned research initiatives. With both the industry and governments realising the importance of adequate safeguards, the Track-and-Trace and Serialization Market came into existence. It has become mandatory for all stakeholders in the supply chain to comply with national and or/state legislation pertaining to the place in which they operate.Download and View Report@Rising product theft is a major issue for the pharmaceutical industry, and preventing it has become a key focus. Early approaches adopted included tamper-proof packages and 3-D holograms but even these are now considered easy to manipulate and have fallen out of favour. Current practices in the Track-and-Trace and Serialization Market include assigning a unique identification number to the smallest sale unit (like a bottle) and tracking its serial number through the entire supply chain so that it can be traced and authenticated at any moment. This practice has been in place in countries like China and Turkey for some time now, but now even countries like India and the U.S. have added similar laws. These are anticipated to be across the world over the next few years.Track-and-Trace and Serialization Market DriversMaintaining integrity of an increasingly complex supply chain is an important driver of the Track-and-Trace and Serialization Market. According to the WHO, the pharmaceutical industry loses nearly $40 billion in revenue due to counterfeiting. Billions more are stolen in annual cargo theft. This leads to not only lost sales opportunities but also increases the risk of patient safety. Negative publicity concerning counterfeits or product recalls can also damage the brand image and affect future sales revenue. With the help of the Track-and-Trace and Serialization Market, companies can identify and segregate products destined for different markets or customer segments. Authentication is a major benefit of patient-specific functionality based on serialisation.The second major driver of the Track-and-Trace and Serialization Market is ensuring regulatory compliance. Pharmaceutical companies need to plan and implement their Track-and-Trace and Serialization initiatives at the earliest. The U.S. and the EU will require mandatory serialisation from November 2017 and these two are the largest pharmaceutical markets by far. Together, they account for more than half the industry volume. Thus, companies already in, or wishing to enter these highly lucrative regions will need to comply with their serialisation requirements since their immense size makes them too important to ignore. While other countries like China and Turkey have already adopted these laws, the rest of the developing world will slowly but surely follow suit.Request Report for TOC @Track-and-Trace and Serialization Market RestraintsThe biggest issue faced by the Track-and-Trace and Serialization Market is that of cost. Massive investments are required to make packaging lines capable of product serialisation. Estimates range from a conservative $250,000 all the way up to $1 million per line depending on how complex and automated it already is. These lines will experience production downtime while the changes are being made causing potential sales revenue losses. Some pharmaceutical companies hire contract manufacturers (CMOs) for inventory management. However, they might not be ready for the large investments which may require the Marketing Authorization Holder (MAH) to change CMOs to avoid revenue loss. They may even upgrade the CMOs packaging lines themselves which would be an expensive proposition.The second critical Track-and-Trace and Serialization Market challenge is data management. Serialisation will generate massive amounts of data to be stored for many years to ensure regulatory compliance. The information will need to be readily accessible and highly responsive to business processes leading to pharmaceutical distribution and supply chain channels becoming increasingly complex. A solution must be quickly derived to handling Track-and-Trace and Serialization information with no disruption in day-to-day business functions of the organisationRequest to Sample of Report-Track-and-Trace and Serialization Market Key Market PlayersSome of the Track-and-Trace and Serialization Market key market players are TraceLink, Infosys, Bosch Packaging, SAP, Axway and Xyntec Inc.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Telecom Analytics Market to Record an Exponential CAGR By 2025 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/market-research/telecom-analytics-market.asp https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/toc/17878 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/samples/17878 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/ Telecom Analytics market has grown rapidly in many enterprises as it helps enterprises to improve the process and operations visibility, improve the operational efficiency and operations cost. Telecom analytics provides business intelligence (BI) technologies that are used to satisfy the complex requirements for telecom enterprises. By the adoption of telecom analytics solutions in enterprises there is improvement in internal process and market condition, reduce in fraud, and improvement in the risk management. Telecom Analytics is using advance analytics solutions to enhance customer services. This advanced analytics technological solution analyze the entire enterprise system through service analytics, network analytics, and market analytics by considering the communication service provider.Read Report Overview @Telecom Analytics Market: Drivers and ChallengesThe major driver for telecom analytics market is the increasing rate of adoption and changing trends in the telecom and IT market. In addition to that, the increasing vulnerability to attacks and rise in suspicious activities across all the enterprise verticals, and enhanced consequences for revenue management is another driving factor for telecom analytics market.In contrast to this, requirement for high level maintenance and lack of awareness among telecom operators is restraining the telecom analytics market growth.Request Report For TOC @Telecom Analytics Market: key playersSome of the key players for Telecom Analytics market are Hewlett-Packard Co., Oracle Corp., IBM Corp., Amazon Web Services, Inc., Couchbase Inc., Teradata Corp., SAP AG, Microsoft Corporation, Wipro Limited, EMC Corporation.Telecom Analytics Market: Regional OverviewTelecom Analytics Market is currently dominated by North America as American communications service provider is using data analytics to put real time intelligence which has improved the customer experience in this region. Asia Pacific Telecom Analytics Market is expected to have the highest growth rate during the forecast period. As industries has increase the awareness about telecom analytics, bring in standardization and leverage the process tools and technology in this region.Request To Sample Of Report @About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA,Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Why GxP Cloud Compliant Market is Projected to Witness a Staggering Growth During 2017 - 2025? https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/market-research/gxp-cloud-compliant-market.asp https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/toc/19699 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/samples/19699 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/ GxP Cloud Compliant Market OverviewGxP is a term used to refer to any good practice quality regulations and guidelines. The x can be substituted for many fields like pharmacy, the food industry and even the Information technology industry while GP stands for good practices. The main purpose of these guidelines is to ensure that the product is safe and meets its stated purpose of use. The most important aspects of GxP are the ability to reconstruct development history of a medical device or drug i.e. traceability and the ability to resolve each individuals contribution to the development of a product or service i.e. accountability. With all the crucial data of companies and individuals moving to the cloud in the 21st century, the GxP Cloud Compliant Market is gaining increasing importance.Report overview @One can scarcely imagine the consequences if confidential cloud data gets hacked, stolen or even replicated without consent. Companies could fall into trouble during security audits if they cannot provide evidence of a validated and secure IT infrastructure. This is particularly true for highly regulated fields like food, medical devices, drugs and cosmetics. Inaccurate or incomplete data can have devastating effects on customer safety and lost or incomplete data can seriously harm the organisation goodwill and financial stability. The GxP Cloud Compliant Market helps ensure that critical cloud data is accurately stored, easily accessible and consistently modifiable.GxP Cloud Compliant Market RestraintsDespite the many advantages of cloud computing, there are still numerous restraints in the GxP Cloud Compliant Market. Some of them are Risk aversion towards computerized compliance Industries like pharmacy or the food industry are very risk averse when it comes to computer systems and compliance requirements. They might hesitate in adopting cloud technology in their organisation entirely. This mind-set must be overcome if they wish to progress and evolve with the changing times.Request Report for TOC @Specific quality or compliance requirements The life science industry is just one example of an industry with very specific quality or compliance requirements. The GxP Cloud Compliant Market is meant to cater to the broadest possible set of customers which makes it very industry agnostic. The lack of catering to individual client or industry specific compliance needs could hamper the growth of the overall market.Ownership related concerns Cloud services are usually outsourced to a third party provider. However, the responsibility of ensuring compliance with regulatory bodies lies not with them but the customer. In addition, the customer might not be able to control certain aspects of the cloud even though they still need to make sure that due diligence has been taken and the risk of lack of control is brought down to the minimally accepted level.Privacy issues The most critical concern of the GxP Cloud Compliant Market is that of privacy issues. Since the cloud is managed by an outside party, companies with confidential or highly critical data may not wish to take advantage of this technology. There have been several cases of cloud hacking which has made them extremely wary about it.Request to Sample of Report-GxP Cloud Compliant Market Key Market PlayersSome of the GxP Cloud Compliant Market key market players are ByteGrid, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, IBM Watson Health Cloud, Verizon Terremark, OPERION, Adobe Document Cloud, and Aurea (NextDocs).About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Patient Monitoring Devices Market 2022- Identify Opportunities and Challenges https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/2484 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/patient-monitoring-devices-market-2484 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/check-discount/2484 Global Patient Monitoring Devices Market is expected to reach USD 23.4 billion by 2022 at a CAGR of 5.7%. North America is the largest market for patient monitoring devices while Asia-Pacific region is fastest growing. Europe is second largest market for patient monitoring device and expected to grow steadily during forecasting period.Patient monitoring devices in this report refer to the sensors which are used in smart wearable devices. Global Patient monitoring devices market is driven by increasing demand of wearable for infants and continuously evolving sensor technology. With increasing personal care and health consciousness, for tracking biometrics such as calories burnt, heart rate and others, the demand for wearable fitness trackers and other wearable is increasing. Rapid expansion of internet of things (IoT) is driving demand of Patient monitoring devices in various application areas such as healthcare and fitness, consumer electronics and others.Get a Copy of Sample Report @The global Patient monitoring devices market has been evaluated as steadily growing market and it is expected that the market will continue to grow similarly in the near future. These monitoring devices continuously check patients vital signs by using a medical monitor. Patient monitoring devices market has various functions such as glucose monitoring, blood monitoring, temperature monitoring, cholesterol monitoring, weight monitoring etc. Electrocardiography is fastest growing sub-segment, it is largest in cardiac monitoring market and fastest growing in neurological device. Electrocardiography is the process that checks for problems with the electrical activity of your heart. Electrocardiography is very helpful to diagnose unexplained chest pain or pressure, cause of symptoms of heart disease, to check how well medicines are working and see if they are causing side effects that affect the heart. Increase in consumer awareness is driving the market growth which expected to grow in same pace in near future. Patient monitoring devices manufacturers trying to make more advance, accurate and innovative device to provide desirable solution.Taste the market data and market information presented through more than 120 market data tables and figures spread over 80 numbers of pages of the project report. Avail the in-depth table of content TOC & market synopsis on Patient Monitoring Devices Market Research Report Global Forecast to 2022.Segments:Patient monitoring devices market has been segmented on the basis of product type which comprises Central monitoring stations, Portable bedside monitors, Electrocardiogram (ECG) Devices, Hemodynamic Monitoring Devices, Fetal and neonatal monitors, Respiratory Monitors, Weight management monitors, Temperature monitoring devices, and others. On the basis of end user, the market is segmented into Hospitals and clinics, Ambulatory care centers, Home care and others.Regional Analysis of Patient Monitoring Devices Market:Considering the global scenario of the market, North America region is believed to be the largest market for Patient monitoring devices. Moreover the European market is also growing and second largest market for Patient monitoring devices. On the other hand, Asia-Pacific market is expected to grow at the fastest pace in the Patient monitoring devices during the forecasted period. Rest of the World is likely to have a limited but steady growth in the market.Browse Full Report Details @Key Players for Patient Monitoring Devices Market:Some of the key players in this market are: GE Healthcare, Roche Diagnostics, BIOTRONIK SE & Co. KG, Abbott Laboratories, Siemens Healthcare, Philips Healthcare, CAS Medical Systems, Inc.,Spacelabs Healthcare, Honeywell International, Inc., Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co.The report for Patient Monitoring Devices Market of Market Research Future comprises of extensive primary research along with the detailed analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders to gain the deeper insight of the market and industry performance. The report gives the clear picture of current market scenario which includes historical and projected market size in terms of value and volume, technological advancement, macro economical and governing factors in the market. The report provides details information and strategies of the top key players in the industry. The report also gives a broad study of the different markets segments and regionsGet Discount @Study objectives of Patient monitoring devices Market:- To provide detailed analysis of the market structure along with forecast for the next 7 years of the various segments and sub-segments of the Patient monitoring devices market. To provide insights about factors affecting the market growth. To analyze the Patient monitoring devices market based on various factors- price analysis, supply chain analysis, porters five force analysis etc. To provide historical and forecast revenue of the market segments and sub-segments with respect to four main geographies and their countries- Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Middle East & Africa. To provide country level analysis of the market with respect to the current market size and future prospective. To provide country level analysis of the market for segments by product type, by end user and its sub-segments. To provide overview of key players and their strategic profiling in the market, comprehensively analyzing their core competencies, and drawing a competitive landscape for the market. To track and analyze competitive developments such as joint ventures, strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions, new product developments, and research and developments in the global Patient monitoring devices market.ContinueWe are thankful for the support and assistance from Patient Monitoring Devices Market - Global Forecast To 2022 chain related technical experts and marketing experts during Research Team survey and interviews.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Media Contact:Akash Anand,Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: akash.anand@marketresearchfuture.com Ortho-Xylene Market to Witness Steady Expansion During 2014-2020 https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-157 https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-157 www.futuremarketinsights.com Xylenes are petrochemicals produced by catalytic reforming and coal carbonization in the manufacture of coke fuel. They are used in various industries and medical technology as a solvent. It occurs naturally in coal, wood tar and coal among others. Xylenes are mainly produced as a part of the BTX aromatics. They are derived from various sources within a refinery including pyrolysis gasoline, toluene disproportionation and reformate among others. Reformate accounts for over three fourths of mixed xylenes market. There are three types of xylenes, viz., ortho-xylene, meta xylene and para xylene.Ortho-xylene is a commercial isomer of xylene. It is a hydrocarbon based on benzene with two methyl substituents bonded to the aromatic ring. It is liquid at room temperature. It is used extensively for producing phthalic anhydride (PAN)-primarily dio-octyl phthalate for PVC. The major use for PAN is for producing plasticizers which are largely used in automobile and construction industry. In addition, it is used in solvent based paints. It is extracted by means of distillation from xylene stream in a plant designed for para-xylene production. It is a constitutional isomer of m-xylene and p-xylene. Moreover, it is produced with its isomers paraxylene, metaxylene and ethylbenzene. Friedel Crafts alkylation of toluene yields a mixture of ortho-xylene .This reaction gives a pure form of o-xylene. Furthermore, it is used in alkyd resins having wide applications in the coating industry. It has a large demand in the petrochemical industry.Request For Report Sample@The growing construction industry coupled with burgeoning development in the automobile industry is expected to drive the demand for ortho-xylene within the forecast period. Additionally, the growing paints and adhesive industry is expected to fuel the demand for ortho-xylene further over the next few years. However, acute inhalation or exposure to ortho-xylene in humans results in irritation of eyes and neurological effects. Furthermore, chronic exposure of ortho-xylenes results in central nervous system effects, cardio-vascular and kidney effects. It reacts violently with oxidants causing fire and explosion hazard. Thus, stringent regulations on use of ethylene are expected to hamper the ortho-xylene market in near future.In Asia, prices of xylene are anticipated to weaken due to weak downstream conditions in the purified terephthalic acid and paraxylene sectors. Global manufacturing coupled with supply chain and access to feedstock are the key strengths of the companies involved in the ortho-xylene market.Asia Pacific is expected to be the fastest growing regional market within the forecast period on account of the growing chemical industry and in turn, rapid industrialization. China dominated the otho-xylene production in 2011 and this trend is expected to continue within the forecast period. In India, Reliance Industries is a manufacturer of ortho-xylene with a capacity of 150 KTA. Consumption of ortho-xylene in Eastern Europe and Russia is expected to be strong on account of the thriving construction industry.Request For Report Table of Content (TOC):The major players in the ortho-xylene market are Creasyn Finechem (Tianjin) Co., Ltd., Doe & Ingalls of North Carolina Inc., DynaChem Inc, Minda Petrochemicals Ltd, Shell Chemicals, Sonoco Chemicals, U.S. Petrochemical Industries Ltd. and Puritan Products, Inc. among others. Ortho-xylene projects by major companies are planned in China, Taiwan and Singapore within the forecast period.ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Global Thermal Barrier Coating Market 2025 Key Players: Praxair Surface Technologies, Metallisation Ltd., TST Engineered Coating Solutions, Flame Spray Coating Co., Thermal Barrier Coating Market https://www.wiseguyreports.com/sample-request/2795317-global-thermal-barrier-coating-market-research-report-2018 https://www.wiseguyreports.com/enquiry/2795317-global-thermal-barrier-coating-market-research-report-2018 https://www.wiseguyreports.com/checkout?currency=one_user-USD&report_id=2795317 Thermal Barrier Coating Market:WiseGuyReports.com adds Thermal Barrier Coating Market 2018 Global Analysis, Growth, Trends and Opportunities Research Report Forecasting to 2025reports to its database.Executive SummaryGeographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), market share and growth rate of Thermal Barrier Coating in these regions, from 2013 to 2025 (forecast), coveringNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaRequest Sample Report @Global Thermal Barrier Coating market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players includingPraxair Surface TechnologiesMetallisation Ltd.TST Engineered Coating SolutionsFlame Spray Coating Co.Air Products & ChemicalsMetallizing Equipment Co. Pvt. Ltd.TWI Ltd.Integrated Global ServicesA & A CompanyThermionPrecision Coatings, Inc.ASB Industries Inc.Cincinnati Thermal Spray, Inc.C. Starck Inc.MesoCoat Inc.On the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoMetalIntermetallicCeramicOthersOn the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, includingAutomotiveAerospaceEnergyMachinery & EquipmentIf you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.For further information on this report, visit Table of content:Global Thermal Barrier Coating Market Research Report 20181 Thermal Barrier Coating Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Thermal Barrier Coating1.2 Thermal Barrier Coating Segment by Type (Product Category)1.2.1 Global Thermal Barrier Coating Production and CAGR (%) Comparison by Type (Product Category)(2013-2025)1.2.2 Global Thermal Barrier Coating Production Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20171.2.3 Metal1.2.4 Intermetallic1.2.5 Ceramic1.2.6 Others1.3 Global Thermal Barrier Coating Segment by Application1.3.1 Thermal Barrier Coating Consumption (Sales) Comparison by Application (2013-2025)1.3.2 Automotive1.3.3 Aerospace1.3.4 Energy1.3.5 Machinery & Equipment1.4 Global Thermal Barrier Coating Market by Region (2013-2025)1.4.1 Global Thermal Barrier Coating Market Size (Value) and CAGR (%) Comparison by Region (2013-2025)1.4.2 North America Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.3 Europe Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.4 China Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.5 Japan Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.6 Southeast Asia Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.7 India Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5 Global Market Size (Value) of Thermal Barrier Coating (2013-2025)1.5.1 Global Thermal Barrier Coating Revenue Status and Outlook (2013-2025)1.5.2 Global Thermal Barrier Coating Capacity, Production Status and Outlook (2013-2025)2 Global Thermal Barrier Coating Market Competition by Manufacturers2.1 Global Thermal Barrier Coating Capacity, Production and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.1.1 Global Thermal Barrier Coating Capacity and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.1.2 Global Thermal Barrier Coating Production and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.2 Global Thermal Barrier Coating Revenue and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.3 Global Thermal Barrier Coating Average Price by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.4 Manufacturers Thermal Barrier Coating Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area and Product Type2.5 Thermal Barrier Coating Market Competitive Situation and Trends2.5.1 Thermal Barrier Coating Market Concentration Rate2.5.2 Thermal Barrier Coating Market Share of Top 3 and Top 5 Manufacturers2.5.3 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion7 Global Thermal Barrier Coating Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis7.1 Praxair Surface Technologies7.1.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.1.2 Thermal Barrier Coating Product Category, Application and Specification7.1.2.1 Product A7.1.2.2 Product B7.1.3 Praxair Surface Technologies Thermal Barrier Coating Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.1.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.2 Metallisation Ltd.7.2.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.2.2 Thermal Barrier Coating Product Category, Application and Specification7.2.2.1 Product A7.2.2.2 Product B7.2.3 Metallisation Ltd. Thermal Barrier Coating Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.2.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.3 TST Engineered Coating Solutions7.3.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.3.2 Thermal Barrier Coating Product Category, Application and Specification7.3.2.1 Product A7.3.2.2 Product B7.3.3 TST Engineered Coating Solutions Thermal Barrier Coating Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.3.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.4 Flame Spray Coating Co.7.4.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.4.2 Thermal Barrier Coating Product Category, Application and Specification7.4.2.1 Product A7.4.2.2 Product B7.4.3 Flame Spray Coating Co. Thermal Barrier Coating Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.4.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.5 Air Products & Chemicals7.5.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.5.2 Thermal Barrier Coating Product Category, Application and Specification7.5.2.1 Product A7.5.2.2 Product B7.5.3 Air Products & Chemicals Thermal Barrier Coating Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.5.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.6 Metallizing Equipment Co. Pvt. Ltd.7.6.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.6.2 Thermal Barrier Coating Product Category, Application and Specification7.6.2.1 Product A7.6.2.2 Product B7.6.3 Metallizing Equipment Co. Pvt. Ltd. Thermal Barrier Coating Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.6.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.7 TWI Ltd.7.7.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.7.2 Thermal Barrier Coating Product Category, Application and Specification7.7.2.1 Product A7.7.2.2 Product B7.7.3 TWI Ltd. Thermal Barrier Coating Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.7.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.8 Integrated Global Services7.8.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.8.2 Thermal Barrier Coating Product Category, Application and Specification7.8.2.1 Product A7.8.2.2 Product B7.8.3 Integrated Global Services Thermal Barrier Coating Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.8.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.9 A & A Company7.9.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.9.2 Thermal Barrier Coating Product Category, Application and Specification7.9.2.1 Product A7.9.2.2 Product B7.9.3 A & A Company Thermal Barrier Coating Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.9.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.10 Thermion7.10.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.10.2 Thermal Barrier Coating Product Category, Application and Specification7.10.2.1 Product A7.10.2.2 Product B7.10.3 Thermion Thermal Barrier Coating Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.10.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.11 Precision Coatings, Inc.7.12 ASB Industries Inc.7.13 Cincinnati Thermal Spray, Inc.7.14 H.C. Starck Inc.7.15 MesoCoat Inc.ContinuousBuy this Report @Contact Us:Norah Trentsales@wiseguyreports.comPh: +1-646-845-9349 (US); +44 208 133 9349 (UK)Wise Guy Reports Is Part Of The Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. And Offers Premium Progressive Statistical Surveying, Market Research Reports, Analysis & Forecast Data For Industries And Governments Around The Globe. Wise Guy Reports Features An Exhaustive List Of Market Research Reports From Hundreds Of Publishers Worldwide. We Boast A Database Spanning Virtually Every Market Category And An Even More Comprehensive Collection Of Market Research Reports Under These Categories And Sub-Categories.Addres:WISEGUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersPune - 411028Maharashtra, IndiaPhone :+91 841 198 5042 Chromatography Resins Market to Partake Significant Development During 2014 - 2020 https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-274 https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-274 http://www.futuremarketinsights.com Chromatography resins are used in purification and separation of proteins and other bio-molecules in biotechnology, pharmaceutical, food manufacturing, and environmental analysis. Chromatography resins are of three types, viz., synthetic, natural and inorganic media. Natural and synthetic resins are preferred over inorganic media. Chromatography resins are used in affinity, mixed-mode, ion-exchange, hydrophobic interaction and size exclusion techniques. In terms of revenues, Protein A resins accounted for the highest share of the market.A sample of this report is available upon request @The main driver for the chromatography resins market is huge demand for monoclonal antibodies. Huge demand for monoclonal bodies is on account of the number of growing critical diseases resulting in these types of therapeutics to swiftly gain significance. Biotechnology & pharmaceutical are the leading end-users for chromatography resins and are likely to gain more importance in near future. Food manufacturing was second-largest end-user application for chromatography resins. Chromatography resins are also used in industrial applications, genetic engineering and drug recovery. However, presence of stringent regulations regarding manufacture and usage of this product is expected to hamper the growth of the market over the next few years. Research & development in chromatography resin for various applications is expected to open new opportunities for the growth of the market.In technology terms, ion-exchange chromatography had the highest consumption in past few years. Though, affinity chromatography resins hold the key share of the revenue. This is mainly due to the higher selling costs associated with affinity resins. Demand for chromatography resins was highest in North America. However, there is huge demand for chromatography resins from Asia Pacific region due to the growing pharmaceutical industry, particularly in India, China and South Korea. Additionally, the emergence of CMOs and CROs is driving the chromatography resins market in Asia Pacific region. Europe is expected to show steady growth over the forecast period.To view TOC of this report is available upon request @Some of the key players in the chromatography resins market are Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc., GE Healthcare Life Sciences, Tosoh Corporation, Merck KGaA, Life Technologies Corporation and Pall Corporation among others.This research report presents a comprehensive assessment of the market and contains thoughtful insights, facts, historical data and statistically-supported and industry-validated market data and projections with a suitable set of assumptions and methodology. It provides analysis and information by categories such as market segments, regions, product type and distribution channels.ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Abhishek BudholiyaFuture Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Global Luxury SUV Sales Industry Key Trends, Size, Growth, Shares And Forecast Research Report 2017 Luxury SUV Sales Market https://www.researchmoz.us/enquiry.php?type=S&repid=1453736 https://www.researchmoz.us/global-luxury-suv-sales-market-report-2017-report.html/toc https://www.researchmoz.us/ http://bit.ly/1TBmnVG Researchmoz added Most up-to-date research on "Global Luxury SUV Sales Market Report 2017" to its huge collection of research reports.In this report, the global Luxury SUV market is valued at USD XX million in 2016 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2022, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2016 and 2022.Geographically, this report split global into several key Regions, with sales (K Units), revenue (Million USD), market share and growth rate of Luxury SUV for these regions, from 2012 to 2022 (forecast), coveringUnited StatesChinaEuropeJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaTo Get Sample Copy of Report visit @Global Luxury SUV market competition by top manufacturers/players, with Luxury SUV sales volume, Price (USD/Unit), revenue (Million USD) and market share for each manufacturer/player; the top players includingAudiBMWTeslaToyotaVolvoDaimlerJaguar Land RoverAcuraAlfa RomeoLincolnVolkswagenLincolnVolkswagenBentleyMaseratiPorscheGMCInfinitiLamborghiniLexusCadillacRolls RoyceOn the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoFull-size Luxury SUVsMid-size Luxury SUVsOn the basis on the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, sales volume, market share and growth rate for each application, includingHouseholdCommercialTable of ContentsGlobal Luxury SUV Sales Market Report 20171 Luxury SUV Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Luxury SUV1.2 Classification of Luxury SUV by Product Category1.2.1 Global Luxury SUV Market Size (Sales) Comparison by Type (2012-2022)1.2.2 Global Luxury SUV Market Size (Sales) Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20161.2.3 Full-size Luxury SUVs1.2.4 Mid-size Luxury SUVs1.3 Global Luxury SUV Market by Application/End Users1.3.1 Global Luxury SUV Sales (Volume) and Market Share Comparison by Application (2012-2022)1.3.2 Household1.3.3 Commercial1.4 Global Luxury SUV Market by Region1.4.1 Global Luxury SUV Market Size (Value) Comparison by Region (2012-2022)1.4.2 United States Luxury SUV Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.3 China Luxury SUV Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.4 Europe Luxury SUV Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.5 Japan Luxury SUV Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.6 Southeast Asia Luxury SUV Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.7 India Luxury SUV Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.5 Global Market Size (Value and Volume) of Luxury SUV (2012-2022)1.5.1 Global Luxury SUV Sales and Growth Rate (2012-2022)1.5.2 Global Luxury SUV Revenue and Growth Rate (2012-2022)2 Global Luxury SUV Competition by Players/Suppliers, Type and Application2.1 Global Luxury SUV Market Competition by Players/Suppliers2.1.1 Global Luxury SUV Sales and Market Share of Key Players/Suppliers (2012-2017)2.1.2 Global Luxury SUV Revenue and Share by Players/Suppliers (2012-2017)2.2 Global Luxury SUV (Volume and Value) by Type2.2.1 Global Luxury SUV Sales and Market Share by Type (2012-2017)2.2.2 Global Luxury SUV Revenue and Market Share by Type (2012-2017)2.3 Global Luxury SUV (Volume and Value) by Region2.3.1 Global Luxury SUV Sales and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)2.3.2 Global Luxury SUV Revenue and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)2.4 Global Luxury SUV (Volume) by ApplicationGet Complete TOC With Tables and Figures @3 United States Luxury SUV (Volume, Value and Sales Price)3.1 United States Luxury SUV Sales and Value (2012-2017)3.1.1 United States Luxury SUV Sales and Growth Rate (2012-2017)3.1.2 United States Luxury SUV Revenue and Growth Rate (2012-2017)3.1.3 United States Luxury SUV Sales Price Trend (2012-2017)3.2 United States Luxury SUV Sales Volume and Market Share by Players3.3 United States Luxury SUV Sales Volume and Market Share by Type3.4 United States Luxury SUV Sales Volume and Market Share by Application4 China Luxury SUV (Volume, Value and Sales Price)4.1 China Luxury SUV Sales and Value (2012-2017)4.1.1 China Luxury SUV Sales and Growth Rate (2012-2017)4.1.2 China Luxury SUV Revenue and Growth Rate (2012-2017)4.1.3 China Luxury SUV Sales Price Trend (2012-2017)4.2 China Luxury SUV Sales Volume and Market Share by Players4.3 China Luxury SUV Sales Volume and Market Share by Type4.4 China Luxury SUV Sales Volume and Market Share by Application5 Europe Luxury SUV (Volume, Value and Sales Price)5.1 Europe Luxury SUV Sales and Value (2012-2017)5.1.1 Europe Luxury SUV Sales and Growth Rate (2012-2017)5.1.2 Europe Luxury SUV Revenue and Growth Rate (2012-2017)5.1.3 Europe Luxury SUV Sales Price Trend (2012-2017)5.2 Europe Luxury SUV Sales Volume and Market Share by Players5.3 Europe Luxury SUV Sales Volume and Market Share by Type5.4 Europe Luxury SUV Sales Volume and Market Share by Application6 Japan Luxury SUV (Volume, Value and Sales Price)6.1 Japan Luxury SUV Sales and Value (2012-2017)6.1.1 Japan Luxury SUV Sales and Growth Rate (2012-2017)6.1.2 Japan Luxury SUV Revenue and Growth Rate (2012-2017)6.1.3 Japan Luxury SUV Sales Price Trend (2012-2017)6.2 Japan Luxury SUV Sales Volume and Market Share by Players6.3 Japan Luxury SUV Sales Volume and Market Share by Type6.4 Japan Luxury SUV Sales Volume and Market Share by ApplicationContinue...About ResearchMozResearchMoz is the one stop online destination to find and buy market research reports & Industry Analysis. We fulfill all your research needs spanning across industry verticals with our huge collection of market research reports. We provide our services to all sizes of organizations and across all industry verticals and markets. Our Research Coordinators have in-depth knowledge of reports as well as publishers and will assist you in making an informed decision by giving you unbiased and deep insights on which reports will satisfy your needs at the best price.ResearchMozState Tower,90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesEmail: sales@researchmoz.usWebsite @Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free)Tel: +1-518-621-2074Follow us on LinkedIn @ Short-Range Wireless Power Charging Market Predicted to Witness Steady Growth During the Forecast Period 2017-2025 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/market-research/short-range-wireless-power-charging-market.asp https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/toc/19474 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/samples/19474 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/ Short-Range Wireless Power Charging Market OverviewWouldnt we all prefer a wire and tangle free existence? Its just so much more convenient to live life sans any kind of messy wires or cables! The short range wireless power charging market mainly consists of products used to charge our electronic devices like smartphones, tablets or laptops wirelessly. Most modern day electronics have become incredibly powerful and can perform a wide range of tasks effortlessly. An average modern day smartphone has more processing power than the first satellite sent into space!Report overview @However, battery technology has not progressed anywhere near as rapidly which is why the demand for chargers and battery packs is very high. Wireless charging provides an added convenience to customers, as they can use their devices without worrying about stretching the power cable to its maximum point. Until there is some kind of revolution in battery tech which improves it substantially, the short range wireless power charging market can only be expected to grow in double digits in the days to come.Short-Range Wireless Power Charging Market DriversMobile devices like smartphones and tablets are expected to drive the short range wireless power charging market. Customers around the world, and more so in emerging markets are shunning desktops and laptops entirely in favour of smartphones. A good percentage of them would like to purchase wireless chargers for their devices. Along with smartphones, there is also a recent trend towards smart wearable devices and fitness trackers because customers have become a lot more health conscious. These devices usually work best with wireless technology, also spurring demand for devices sold in the short range wireless power charging market. A lack of available electric points at various locations is also a major reason for customers going the wireless route. It is also relevant in the automobile, healthcare and defence industries since end-users of these products prefer a hassle-free, wireless experience while charging their electronic devices. All these factors can be expected to ensure sufficient growth for the short range wireless power charging market in the near future.Request Report for TOC @Short-Range Wireless Power Charging Market RestraintsOne of the major restraints in the short range wireless power charging market is the different charging standards adopted by various manufacturers. There were three standards initially Wireless Power Consortium (WPC), Power Matters Alliance (PMA) and Alliance for Wireless Power (A4WP). AirFuel Alliance was formed by merging PMA and A4WP in late 2015. Yet this did not eliminate the hassle entirely as the two standards are still not interoperable today. This can challenge the growth of the overall short range wireless power charging market. Another major issue is the slow charging speed. Wireless charging devices are frequently slower than wired chargers. With the introduction of fast charging wired cables, customers might not have an incentive to purchase wireless chargers. This can be a major issue for the short range wireless power charging market.Short-Range Wireless Power Charging Market Key RegionsThe U.S is the largest short range wireless power charging market at present due to having a high disposable income, saturated smartphone market, and also an advanced healthcare, automobile and defence industry all demanding wireless charging tech. The APAC countries of China, India, South Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore are expected to grow at the highest rate in the years to come. This is due to rapid adoption of smartphones, focus on electric vehicles to combat rising air pollution in cities, a growing acceptance of such technology and also importance given to domestic healthcare, automobile manufacturing and defence industries. This will drive demand for the Asian short range wireless power charging market in the long term.Request to Sample of Report-Short-Range Wireless Power Charging Market Key Market PlayersSome of the key players in the short range wireless power charging market include Qualcomm Incorporated, Convenient Power HK Ltd, Integrated Device Technology, Murata Manufacturing and Texas Instruments Incorporated.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Market Dynamics of Fruit Pectin Market : Incredible Possibilities and Growth with Industry Study, Detailed Analysis and Forecast 2017-2025 Market Research Report https://www.researchmoz.us/enquiry.php?type=S&repid=1378825 https://www.researchmoz.us/fruit-pectin-market-global-industry-analysis-size-share-growth-trends-and-forecast-2017-2025-report.html Researchmoz added Most up-to-date research on "Fruit Pectin Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2017 - 2025" to its huge collection of research reports.About Fruit Pectin Market :Pectin is a naturally occurring soluble fiber, structural heteropolysaccharide, which is usually found in apples, lemons, oranges, berries, and other fruits. Unripe fruits generally have more pectin than ripe fruits. Pectin is commercially manufactured as brown powder, extracted primarily from citrus fruits. Pears, apples, guavas, quince, plums, gooseberries, and citrus fruits such as oranges contain large amount of pectin, while soft fruits such as cherries, grapes, and strawberries contain less amount of pectin. Pectin is primarily used as a gelling and thickening agent and stabilizer in a number of fruit products, such as marmalades, fruit-based preparations such as yogurts, drinks, ice creams, desserts, and bakery products.To Get Sample Copy of Report visit @It is also used in confectionery such as jams and jellies in order to provide them a gel-like structure. Fruit pectin reduces cooking time, improves texture and color, and increases shelf-life when added to food and other products. Pectin is used in jellies to confer to them a gel-like structure, a clean bite, and a good flavor release. It is also used to stabilize acidic protein drinks, such as drinking yogurt, in order to improve the mouth-feel and the pulp stability in juice-based drinks, and also as a fat substitute in baked food items. It is also widely used in the pharmaceuticals industry for preparation of wound healing applications and specialty medical adhesives. Fruit pectin is useful for patients of high cholesterol, prostate cancer, and diabetes. It helps in maintaining low blood sugar levels as it can delay the absorption of glucose in the body.Fruit pectin is available in two forms: liquid and powdered (dry). Although both of these are made from fruits, they are not interchangeable. Liquid pectin is usually made from apples. Powdered pectin is made from citrus fruits or apples. Based on function, the fruit pectin market can be segmented into stabilizer, gelling agent, thickener, and fat substitute. By application, the fruit pectin market can be divided into food & beverage, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics.The food & beverage industry is the key driver of the fruit pectin market. Pectin is used in confectionery, and fruit applications such as jams, jellies, and desserts. Demand for pectin in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics is on a significant rise. It is used to create textures from gels to structured fluids. With the use of various raw materials and manufacturing conditions, pectin is applied as film-forming and water-binding agents. Availability of substitute products such as xanthan and guar and scarcity in the supply of essential raw materials such as citrus peel usually results in the increase of lead time in the manufacture of fruit pectin. These factors are anticipated to hamper the growth of fruit pectin market in the near future.Make an Enquiry about TOC @The global market for fruit pectin has experienced significant growth on account of the rise in demand for food products in the developed as well as developing economies. Europe is the leader in the fruit pectin market, followed by North America. The fruit pectin industry is anticipated to develop rapidly in the emerging countries such as China and India, which can be attributed to the changing lifestyle of people and consumer preferences for convenience foods. Furthermore, economic development in China has led to an increase in the purchasing power of consumers, thus contributing to the demand for high-quality processed foods.Players in the fruit pectin market are Cargill Inc., Devson Impex Pvt. Ltd., Nestle S.A., Danone S.A., Kellogg NA Co., Danisco A/S, and B&V srl, CP Kelco, and Yantai Andre Pectin Co. Ltd.The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.ResearchMoz is the one stop online destination to find and buy market research reports & Industry Analysis. We fulfill all your research needs spanning across industry verticals with our huge collection of market research reports. We provide our services to all sizes of organizations and across all industry verticals and markets. Our Research Coordinators have in-depth knowledge of reports as well as publishers and will assist you in making an informed decision by giving you unbiased and deep insights on which reports will satisfy your needs at the best price.ResearchMozMr. Nachiket Ghumare,Tel: +1-518-621-2074USA-Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948Email: sales@researchmoz.us Government Support will boost 3DP in Automotive market size During Forecast Period 2017-2025 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/market-research/3dp-in-automotive-market.asp https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/toc/19468 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/samples/19468 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/ 3D printing in the Automotive Market OverviewThe automotive industry includes a number of companies involved in the conception, design, manufacturing, marketing and sales of automobiles. It is one of the worlds most important industries, particularly in countries like Japan, South Korea and Germany. Additive manufacturing, also called 3D printing is a manufacturing technique which uses a process called layering to create products of that material.Report overview @It was first invented in the 1980s and is beginning to see widespread adoption in the 21st century. 3D printing in the automotive market can be truly transformational in its application. It can be used to print car parts, accessories, create new concept vehicles and even fine-tune vehicles to a customer specific requirement. Until very recently, 3D printing could only be used to print certain parts of the car and was only used for rapid prototyping. Now, it is possible to create an entire vehicle from scratch in less than 2 days!3D printing in the Automotive Market DriversOne of the main drivers of 3D printing in the automotive market is supply chain optimization. 3D printing dramatically improves market responsiveness of automobile companies to changing customer tastes and preferences. It enables them to produce multiple product variations with very little cost increase. It substantially reduces scrap, material usage and helps manufacturers reduce their carbon footprint. This is absolutely critical for an industry which unfortunately creates too much of both air and noise pollution. Greater pressure put on companies by the government to go green will also spur adoption of 3D printing in the automotive market. Intense competition amongst manufacturers to create lighter, smarter and more fuel efficient vehicles will also play a major role for implementing 3D printing in the automotive market. 3D printing helps companies create customer specific automotive products, which will be key to maintaining their loyalty in the future.3D printing in the Automotive Market RestraintsThere are several restraints pertaining to 3D printing in the automotive market with a major one being cost. The automotive industry is capital intensive with substantial investment required for designing, developing, testing and selling automobiles. Hence, companies look to reduce their overheads wherever possible. 3D printers cost millions of dollars for each unit, which can pose a major roadblock to domestic and smaller players in the industry.Request Report for TOC @Another problem is the limited materials used in additive manufacturing. Conventional manufacturing allows automobile companies to experiment with a wide variety of metals and alloys. However, 3D printing has not yet evolved to that level and these materials are also extremely expensive at present. Parts produced through 3D printing in the automotive market sometimes show variability due to thermal stress or other voids. This is a major issue in an industry which needs to mass-produce components with the highest standards of quality and reliability.3D printing in the Automotive Market Key RegionsThe largest automotive manufacturers in the world today are China, the U.S., Japan, South Korea, Germany and India. The U.S. is currently the largest market for 3D printing in the automotive market due to the oversize presence of Detroit in shaping the global automobile industry in the 21st century. There is also an awareness of new technologies and an eagerness to adopt them. However, the EU and countries like China and India are expected to surpass the U.S. within the next decade because of the reduction in costs, increasing awareness of 3D printing and also a strong focus on automobile manufacturing by the respective governments. Thus, the scope for 3D printing in the automotive market seems very bright indeed.Request to Sample of Report-3D printing in the Automotive Market Key Market PlayersSome of the key players involved in 3D printing in the supply chain market are 3D Systems, Koenigsegg, HP Development Company, Local Motors, Safran Turbomeca, Audi, Blade, Honda, Hankook Tires, Ai Design, Optomec , and Stratasys.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: VCSEL Industry, Technological Advancements Are Anticipated To Fuel The Market Growth http://bit.ly/2mQKrwG http://bit.ly/2BbF0wY http://bit.ly/2DNS0vG A vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) is a specialized laser diode that emits a high-power optical beam vertically from its top surface. VCSEL is constructed in a way that emits energy at 850 nm to 1300 nm with transmission rate of 2.2 Gbps to 150 Gbps. At present, VSCEL are available in 2 types-single mode and multimode VSCELs. A single-mode VCSEL produces a light beam of high spectral purity, lower divergence, and high power of coherence than a multimode VCSEL.For More Info, Get Sample :Factors such as surge in demand of VCSEL in data communication, and rise in usage of VCSELs in infrared illumination owing to technological advancements are anticipated to fuel the market growth. There is a great potential for surge in demand of VCSELs in consumer electronics, which is expected to provide lucrative opportunity to the market. However, high cost and limitations in data range of VCSELs limits the market growth.The VCSEL market is segmented based on type, application, and region. By type, the market is divided into single mode and multimode VCSEL. By application, the market is classified into data communications, infrared illumination, sensing, pumping, GPS, and others. Based on regional study, the market is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.The key players mentioned in the report are Finisar Corporation, Avago Technologies, JDS Uniphase Corporation, Royal Philips Electronics N.V., II-VI Incorporated, IQE PLC, Vertilas GmbH, Princeton Optronics, Vixar Inc., and Ultra Communications Inc.KEY BENEFITS FOR STAKEHOLDERS This study comprises analytical depiction of the global VCSEL market with current trends and future estimations to depict the imminent investment pockets. The overall market potential is determined to understand the profitable trends to gain a stronger coverage in the market. The report presents information related to key drivers, restraints, and opportunities with a detailed impact analysis. The current market is quantitatively analyzed from 2017 to 2023 to highlight the financial competency of the market. Porters Five Forces analysis illustrates the potency of the buyers and suppliers. KEY MARKET SEGMENTSBY TYPE Single-Mode VCSEL Multimode VCSELEnquire About Report :BY APPLICATION Data Communications Infrared Illumination Sensing Pumping GPS OthersBY REGION North America U.S. Canada Mexico Europe UK Germany France Rest of Europe Asia-Pacific China Japan India Rest of Asia-Pacific LAMEA Latin America Middle East AfricaAlso Request For Discount :KEY MARKET PLAYERS PROFILED Finisar Corporation Avago Technologies JDS Uniphase Corporation Royal Philips Electronics N.V. II-VI Incorporated IQE PLC Vertilas GmbH Princeton Optronics Vixar Inc. Ultra Communications Inc.Table Of Content CHAPTER ONE. INTRODUCTION CHAPTER TWO. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CHAPTER THREE. MARKET OVERVIEW CHAPTER FOUR. GLOBAL VCSEL MARKET, TYPE CHAPTER FIVE. GLOBAL VCSEL MARKET, APPLICATION CHAPTER SIX. GLOBAL VCSEL MARKET, BY REGION CHAPTER SEVEN. COMPANY PROFILESAbout UsWe have a large database of quality and precise market research reports that will be very beneficial for your organization. Reports that we sell our authentic in nature and from reputed publishers, hence it can definitely help you with your growth opportunities. Research Beam will always make sure to bring most ethical and high quality reports. We value your relationship with us and look forward for a long term relation.Contact UsGlobal Head Quarters5933 NE Win Sivers Drive,#205, Portland, OR 97220The United States+1 (800) 910-6452help@researchbeam.com Processed Cheese Market Trend Analysis With Growth Forecast During 2017-2022 https://www.factmr.com/connectus/sample?flag=S&rep_id=157 https://www.factmr.com/report/157/processed-cheese-market https://www.factmr.com/connectus/sample?flag=D&rep_id=157 https://www.factmr.com/ The report on Processed Cheese market is the latest addition to the huge database of Fact.MR. This research study is segmented on the basis of applications, technology, geography, and types. The report provides a detailed Processed Cheese Market overview along with the analysis of industrys gross margin, cost structure, consumption value, and sale price. The leading companies of the Processed Cheese market, manufacturers, and distributors are profiled in the report along with the latest Industry development current and future trends.Processed cheese is a food product derived from cheese, along with emulsifiers, food colorings, extra salt, saturated vegetable oils, sugar or whey. This results into different flavors, textures, and colors of processed cheese products. Processed cheese is usually sold in pressurized cans, blocks, and packs of slices, which are separated by wax paper. As processed cheese doesnt separate after melting, it is being used in various dishes as an ingredient.Processed cheese are generally used in sandwiches and burgers, as they are easy to pair and blend with countless ingredients. The popularity of fast food has gained an uptick over the recent past, particularly in developing economies, which in turn has been influencing demand for processed cheese around the world. It is also used for pizza toppings, and several other sliced, or shredded applications. Foodservice manufacturers are key users of processed cheese, owing to its smooth taste and high melting property. This makes it useful for applications in baked foods such as apple pie, strawberry cheese tarts, and blueberry cheesecake. In addition, processed cheese are often identified to have a spreadable consistency, which enables it to be blended with ingredients such as spices, herbs, and ham, for flavor and taste. A type of processed cheese called canned cheese has been gaining traction among consumers, as it has an enhanced shelf-life, and eliminates the requirement of refrigeration. Increasing demand for convenient food is further expected to sustain demand for canned processed cheese.Request For Sample Report-However, consumer preferences nowadays are getting inclined towards organic, nutritious, and healthy food products. This is primarily attributed to increasing incidences of lifestyle diseases including rise in cholesterol levels, diabetes, and hypertension. This is why the consumption of processed cheese has lowered substantially, particularly among highly health-conscious, and young consumers. The global processed cheese market is estimated to witness a miniscule expansion over the forecast period (2017-2022). The market is anticipated to account for revenues worth over US$ 17,000 Mn by 2022-end.Processed Cheese Blocks to Remain Sought-after Among Products in the MarketProcessed cheese in the form of blocks will remain sought-after among products, with sales poised to reach nearly US$ 4,500 Mn by 2022-end. Sales of processed cheese in the form of slices are estimated to register the highest CAGR through 2022.Online retailers segment will continue to be the fastest growing sales channel for processed cheese across the globe. However, wholesales/distributor/direct segment will remain dominant in the global processed cheese market during the forecast period. Sales of processed cheese in convenience stores will exhibit the lowest CAGR through 2022, based on sales channel.Browse Full Report With TOC-Food & Beverage Processing will Remain the Largest Application of Processed CheeseAccounting for over one-third share of the market, food & beverage processing is anticipated to remain the largest application of processed cheese in the global market. Sales of processed cheese in food & beverage processing application are expected to register the fastest expansion through 2022. Hotel, restaurants, cafes (HoReCa) segment is estimated to be the second largest application of processed cheese by 2022-end, in terms of revenues.Based on source, sales of cattle milk processed cheese are expected to register the fastest growth in the market, followed by sheep milk processed cheese. However, goat milk processed cheese will continue to retain its dominance in the market over the forecast period, in terms of revenues.Request For Discount On This Report-Competition TrackingKey players listed in Fact.MRs report on the global processed cheese market include Almarai Joint Stock Company, Arla Foods amba, Associated Milk Producers, Inc., Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited, Groupe Lactalis S.A., Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd., Koninklijke FrieslandCampina N.V., Mondelez International, Inc., Sargento Foods Inc., and Savencia SA.About Fact.MRFact.MR is a fast-growing market research firm that offers the most comprehensive suite of syndicated and customized market research reports. We believe transformative intelligence can educate and inspire businesses to make smarter decisions. We know the limitations of the one-size-fits-all approach; thats why we publish multi-industry global, regional, and country-specific research reports.Contact UsFact.MRSuite 988427 Upper Pembroke Street,Dublin 2, IrelandTelephone: +353-1-6111-593Email: sales@factmr.com/Web: Future Aspects of Vertical Wrapping Machines Market : by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2017-2025 Market Research Report https://www.researchmoz.us/enquiry.php?type=S&repid=1377923 https://www.researchmoz.us/vertical-wrapping-machines-market-global-industry-analysis-size-share-growth-trends-and-forecast-2017-2025-report.html Researchmoz added Most up-to-date research on "Vertical Wrapping Machines Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2017 - 2025" to its huge collection of research reports.Vertical Wrapping Machines Market: OverviewPackaging has developed as a crucial element that stores and protects the products during the complex and prolonged supply chains to reach customers across various geographies. Manufacturers that operate in the packaging/wrapping machines market have to consider the interactive properties as well as the level of packaging while implementing novel design and advanced technology in the course of packaging.Nowadays, wrapping films is the preferred packaging solution and thus the wrapping machines, especially the vertical wrapping machines, generate a great demand in wrapping the products of random sizes. Vertical wrapping machines are reliable, easy to operate and provides more flexibility in the wrapping of wide variety & sizes of stretch packaging films. The Vertical wrapping machines market has experienced substantial changes over the last two decades owing to the developments in the packaging industry.To Get Sample Copy of Report visit @Vertical Wrapping Machines Market: Drivers & RestraintsGrowing efficiency in comparison to traditional methods coupled with lessened work fatigue is the major driving factor for vertical wrapping machines to gain traction in the market. Additionally, vertical wrapping machines reduce the labor costs and also leads to reduced work injury as it simplifies the process of loading pallets onto a machine on just a press of a button and is thus expected to fuel the vertical wrapping machines market during the forecast period. Moreover, reduction in material, as well as product cost with the use of vertical wrapping machines, is also expected to fuel the market over the forecast period. However, on the other hand, the initial capital investment such as higher installation cost is the key factors that are likely to hamper the growth of the global vertical wrapping machines market over the forecast period. Furthermore, noisy operation leading to higher maintenance costs are also expected to hinder the global vertical wrapping machines market over the forecast period.Vertical Wrapping Machines Market: SegmentationThe vertical wrapping machines market is segmented as followsOn the basis of machine type, the vertical wrapping machines market is segmented into:Manual machinesSemi-automatic machinesAutomatic machinesOn the basis of end use industry, the vertical wrapping machines market is segmented into:Food and beverage industryPharmaceutical industryHomecareConsumer goodsLogistics industryOthersVertical Wrapping Machines Market: Regional OverviewGeographically, the vertical wrapping machines market is segmented into seven regions, namely North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific Excluding Japan (APEJ), Japan and the Middle East and Africa (MEA).Make an Enquiry about TOC @The wrapping machines market in Europe and North America are rather in a mature stage and are thus likely to lose a considerable share to Asia Pacific region. Key players that currently operate in Europe & North America region have shifted their focus towards mergers & acquisition with local established players in the APAC region. The Asia-Pacific market is projected to develop as the most lucrative market for films packaging which ultimately results in the growth of vertical wrapping machines market. This increase is also attributed to the growth in the packaging of food & beverages, consumer products, Electronic appliances and pharmaceuticals products from the developing economies such as India and China. Latin America and Middle-east & Africa region are expected to show a positive rate of growth over the forecast period. Higher demand for packaging for food and beverages products, industrial goods, pharmaceutical etc. are some of the primary reason for the growth of vertical wrapping machines in this region.Overall, the vertical wrapping machines market is estimated to witness a healthy CAGR over the forecast period.Vertical Wrapping Machines Market: Key PlayersSome of the key players that operate in the vertical wrapping machines market across the globe are FROMM Holding AG., Aetna Group Spa., ARPAC LLC., Imanpack Packaging and Eco Solutions S.p.A., Texwrap Packaging Systems llc., ULMA Packaging S Coop., FUJI MACHINERY CO.,LTD., G.G. Macchine S.r.l. and many more.The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.ResearchMoz is the one stop online destination to find and buy market research reports & Industry Analysis. We fulfill all your research needs spanning across industry verticals with our huge collection of market research reports. We provide our services to all sizes of organizations and across all industry verticals and markets. Our Research Coordinators have in-depth knowledge of reports as well as publishers and will assist you in making an informed decision by giving you unbiased and deep insights on which reports will satisfy your needs at the best price.ResearchMozMr. Nachiket Ghumare,Tel: +1-518-621-2074USA-Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948Email: sales@researchmoz.us Natural Cheese Market Trend Analysis With Growth Forecast During 2017-2022 https://www.factmr.com/connectus/sample?flag=S&rep_id=156 https://www.factmr.com/report/156/natural-cheese-market https://www.factmr.com/connectus/sample?flag=D&rep_id=156 https://www.factmr.com/ The Fact.MR report offers majority of the latest and newest industry data that covers the overall market situation along with future prospects for Natural Cheese market around the globe. The research study includes significant data and also forecasts of the global market which makes the research report a helpful resource for marketing people, analysts, industry executives, consultants, sales and product managers, and other people who are in need of major industry data in a ready-to-access format along with clear presentation of graphs and tables.reference for natural cheese is currently higher as compared to processed cheese, partly due to the fact that the former is purely made of natural ingredients and do not have any artificial content. Traditionally, natural cheese is used in various food items such as pizza, burger and sauces & dips. In recent years, popularity of natural cheese has gained traction in emerging countries such as China and India, owing increasing influence of Western food in these countries. However, high fat content in natural cheese continues to curb its popularity among consumers who are highly health conscious. In addition, arrival of healthier alternatives is inhibiting the global sales of natural cheese to an extent. Excessive consumption of cheese can also lead to development of heart ailments. The aforementioned factors are expected to play an important role in shaping the dynamics of the global natural cheese market over the next couple of years. Fact.MR in its latest report projects that the global natural cheese market will stand at around US$ 8,455.7 Mn by the end of 2022.Natural cheese is a dairy product that is available in a wide range of flavour and texture, it is produced by coagulation of the milk protein casein. Cream cheese, camembert, cottage cheese, muenster, stilton, cheddar, gorgonzola, parmesan, mozzarella, pasta filata, roquefort, and provolone are among some of the popular variants of natural cheese that are consumed in various parts of the globe. Unlike processed cheese, very few steps are involved in making natural cheese. It comprise of fat and protein from milk, which is usually of buffalos and cows.Request For Sample Report-Europe to Spearhead the Global Natural Cheese MarketIn terms of revenue, Europe will continue to be the most attractive market for natural cheese during the forecast period. Natural cheese is found in various European gourmet food. Countries such as Italy, Switzerland, France, Germany, The U.K. and Spain account for significant amount of cheese consumption. The natural cheese market in Europe is expected to witness a steady growth over the next couple of years. Meanwhile, demand for natural cheese in Asia-Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ) is also surging at an impressive rate. This is primarily owing to increase popularity of indulgent food. The regions natural cheese market is expected to reflect the fast CAGR between 2017 and 2022.Browse Full Report With TOC-Based on product form, the blocks segment will retain its top position of the market. Currently, the segment accounts for close to 26% share of the market and is expected surpass a valuation of US$ 2,263 Mn by 2022-end, reflecting a CAGR of 2.5%.6 Insights from Fact.MRs Report on Global Natural Cheese Market1- Europe to remain the most lucrative market for natural cheese during 2017 and 2022. Natural cheese is one of the most popular food item in the region, consumption of the product is significantly high in countries such as Switzerland, Italy, France, the U.K. and Germany.2- Consumption of natural cheese is also on the rise in Asia-Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ). This mainly due to growing demand for cheese based indulger food in countries such as China and India. The natural cheese market in APEJ is projected surge at a relatively higher CAGR during the assessment period.3- Demand for block form natural cheese will remain significantly high throughout the forecast period. Global sales of block form natural cheese currently command for nearly 26% revenue share of the global market. Towards the end of 2022, around US$ 2,263 Mn worth of block-form natural cheese is anticipated to be consumed globally.4- Wholesales/ distributor/ direct will continue to be the largest sales channels for natural cheese over 2022. Currently, sales of natural cheese through wholesales/ distributor/ direct account for more than 37% share of the market in terms of revenues.5- Currently, application of natural cheese in food & beverage processing and HoReCa (hotel, restaurants, cafes) collective accounts for almost 80% revenue share of the market and the trend is likely to continue throughout the forecast period.6- Goat milk is the primary source for making natural cheese. Goat milk base natural cheese currently accounts for the largest revenue share of the market followed by cattle milk. By the end of 2022, over US$ 3,527 Mn worth goat milk base natural cheese is estimated to be sold worldwide.Request For Discount On This Report-Competition TrackingArla Foods amba, Savencia SA, Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited, Koninklijke FrieslandCampina N.V., Groupe Lactalis S.A., Almarai Joint Stock Company, Associated Milk Producers, Inc., Mondelez International, Inc., Sargento Foods Inc., and Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. are the leading market players profiled in Fact.MRs report.About Fact.MRFact.MR is a fast-growing market research firm that offers the most comprehensive suite of syndicated and customized market research reports. We believe transformative intelligence can educate and inspire businesses to make smarter decisions. We know the limitations of the one-size-fits-all approach; thats why we publish multi-industry global, regional, and country-specific research reports.Contact UsFact.MRSuite 988427 Upper Pembroke Street,Dublin 2, IrelandTelephone: +353-1-6111-593Email: sales@factmr.com/Web: Smart Window Materials Market: Influencing Factors Making It a Booming Industry for the forecast period 2018-2023 Research N Reports https://www.researchnreports.com/request_sample.php?id=88856 https://www.researchnreports.com/enquiry_before_buying.php?id=88856 A comprehensive analysis of the Global Smart Window Materials Market is been done in this intelligence report. It includes the investigations done on the past progress, ongoing market scenarios, and future prospects. An accurate data of the products, strategies and market shares of leading companies in this particular market is mentioned. This report presents a 360-degree overview of the competitive scenario of the Global market. The report further projects the size and valuation of the Global market in the coming forecast period. The report also presents a thorough qualitative and quantitative data affecting to the projected impact of these factors on markets future growth prospects.Get Sample Copy of this ReportTop key players:Kinestral Technologies, Gentex, SageGlass, Saint Gobain, View, Corning, Asahi Glass, Polytronix, Vision Systems, PPG, Glass Apps, Ravenbrick, Scienstry, SPD Control System, Pleotint, Smartglass InternationalA major chunk of the report talks about the technologies that are and will influence the growth of the Smart Window Materials Market. Forecasts for these technology sectors are presented in the report. Integration is the key to advancement in technology in the Global Smart Window Materials Market. Companies that offers the latest integrated technologies at an affordable cost are expected to thrive in the Smart Window Materials Market. The dominating technologies in the Smart Window Materials Market along with the upcoming technologies that are expected to revolutionize the market are explained in the report.The report additionally examines the causes leading to of the change in the market and the increase in demand. The characteristics that are likely to affect the growth of the market, May it be in an undesired or predictable way, have been cleared out in the best prospective manner. Bearing in mind the products and cost of the Smart Window Materials Market, wide-ranging studies have been conducted during the stated study period. Each year the projection period is examined for better precise data with respect to every facet distressing the market.On the basis of geographical regions, the Global Smart Window Materials Market is segmented broadly into Latin America, Global, the Middle East and Africa, and Asia Pacific.Know more about this Premium Report:The Global market is still in its exploratory stage in most of the regions but it holds the promising potential to flourish steadily in coming years. The major companies investing in this market are situated in Canada, U.K., and the US, India, China and some more countries of Asia Pacific region. Consequently, Asia Pacific, North America, and Western Global are estimated to hold more than half of the market shares, collectively in coming years.This statistical surveying research study presents an all-inclusive evaluation of the global market for Video Live Streaming Solution, taking various industry parameters, such as the capacity of production, product pricing, demand, supply, and sales dynamics, returns on investments, and the growth rate of the overall market into consideration.In the last sections of the report, the manufacturers responsible for increasing the sales in the Smart Window Materials Market have been presented. These manufacturers have been analyzed in terms of their manufacturing base, basic information, and competitors. In addition, the technology and product type introduced by each of these manufacturers also form a key part of this section of the report.Table of Content:Global Smart Window Materials Market Research Report 2018-2023Chapter 1 Smart Window Materials Market OverviewChapter 2 Global Economic ImpactChapter 3 Competition by ManufacturerChapter 4 Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2018-2023)Chapter 5 Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions (2018-2023)Chapter 6 Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by TypeChapter 7 Analysis by ApplicationChapter 8 Manufacturing Cost AnalysisChapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream BuyersChapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11 Market Effect Factors AnalysisChapter 12 Market Forecast (2018-2023)Chapter 13 ConclusionAbout Research n Reports:Research N Reports is a new age market research firm where we focus on providing information that can be effectively applied. Today being a consumer driven market, companies require information to deal with the complex and dynamic world of choices. Where relying on a sound board firm for your decisions becomes crucial. Research N Reports specializes in industry analysis, market forecasts and as a result getting quality reports covering all verticals, whether be it gaining perspective on current market conditions or being ahead in the cut throat GLOBAL competition. Since we excel at business research to help businesses grow, we also offer consulting as an extended arm to our services which only helps us gain more insight into current trends and problems. Consequently we keep evolving as an all-rounder provider of viable information under one roof.Contact us:Mr. Sunny DenisContact No. +1-888-631-6977sales@researchnreports.com(ResearchnReports) Thursday, January 18, 2018 The Oklahoma Supreme Court has imposed reciprocal disbarment based on an identical Colorado sanction The Supreme Court of Colorado determined that Respondent violated Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct (Colo. RPC) 8.4(c) and 1.15A (as well as the former Colo. RPC 1.15(b)), by committing knowing conversion / misappropriation.2 The court determined Respondent knowingly misappropriated roughly $57,338. The amount in question was billed to Respondent's firm Kleinsmith & Associates, PC (in which he was a solo practitioner) by First American Title Company, LLC and First American Title of Montana, Inc. (collectively, First American) for title services in connection with Respondent's representation of a client, U.S. Bank. Respondent obtained the $57,338 from his client U.S. Bank by billing for "title commitment" but proceeded to use the funds U.S. Bank gave him for his firm's unrelated operating expenses rather than paying First American the amount it was owed. First American subsequently filed a lawsuit and obtained a judgment for $55,782 against Respondent's firm, which it has been largely unable to collect. No comfort here The record before this Court is clear that Respondent engaged in deceitful billing practices that resulted in his client paying $57,338 for First American's services. That amount was then knowingly misappropriated by Respondent and instead used for other purposes, causing substantial harm to First American. The conduct for which Respondent was disbarred in Colorado warrants disbarment in Oklahoma, given Respondent's failure to contest the Complainant's recommendation, the lack of mitigating circumstances, and Respondent's prior disciplinary history. It is hereby ordered that Respondent Philip M. Kleinsmith be disbarred and his name stricken from the roll of attorneys. As Complainant did not file an application to recover the costs of this disciplinary proceeding, no costs are assessed. (Mike Frisch) https://lawprofessors.typepad.com/legal_profession/2018/01/the-oklahoma-supreme-court-has-imposed-reciprocal-disbarment-based-on-a-colorado-the-record-before-this-court-is-clear-that.html Healthcare BPO Market Top Key Players 2023: HCL Technologies Limited, Covance Inc., IBM, Catalent, Inc., PAREXEL International Corporation, Lonza, Infosys Limited And More Healthcare BPO Market https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/1335 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/check-discount/1335 The Analysis presents the study of Worldwide Healthcare BPO facilitating the regional and country wise analysis covering the strategic analysis of each market player and the market share they holdThe Global Healthcare BPO Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 12.3% during the forecast period 2017-2023.The healthcare BPO helps remove the complexity of tedious tasks. The healthcare BPO services enrich resource allocation, boost financial performance and increase the effectiveness of healthcare providers. The healthcare BPO provides services such as: medical billing & collection medical billing, medical coding, medical data entry, medical records indexing, medical claims processing and others. Technological improvements in medical care & the rising demand for health services from geriatric population are driving a sea of change in the healthcare industry. Moreover, digital technologies have transformed the processes from electronic records to telemedicine.However, errors in the healthcare sector, especially in the patients medical records can cost lives. Medical bills also contain large number of errors as changing billing rules and regulations are rarely updated on time. Increasing patient inflow result in the occurrence of these types of mistake in the healthcare organizations. Healthcare BPO services can help in avoiding critical billing mistakes as a dedicated team of trained professionals handle medical data entry tasks with maximum accuracy.Increasing number of healthcare organization, to avoid the critical mistakes in medical billing, and increasing need for cost saving drives the growth of the market. Moreover, increasing number of recovery audits, increasing patient inflow, and increasing prevalence of diseases have provided fuel to the market growth. Furthermore, increasing need a number of medical aspects such as minimizing critical mistakes, the cost saving, number of recovery audits, number of healthcare organizations, patient inflow, demand for niche services, overall demand for delivering better services and better healthcare expenditure have fuelled the growth of the market.However, on the other hand doubts over service quality may hamper the growth of the market over the review periodKey Findings The Global Healthcare BPO Market and is expected to reach USD 449,623.8 million by 2023 at CAGR of 12.3%. Pharmaceutical service segment accounted for the largest share with 72.2 % in the Global Healthcare BPO Market, by services in 2016. Americas hold the largest market share of Healthcare BPO Market and is anticipated to reach USD 254,713.4million by the end of the forecast period. Asia Pacific is the fastest growing region across the globe and expected to grow at a rate of CAGR 12.6% during the forecast period.Healthcare BPO Market Key Players:QuintilesIMS, HCL Technologies Limited, Covance Inc., IBM, Catalent, Inc., PAREXEL International Corporation, Lonza, Infosys Limited, Charles River Laboratories International, Inc., Genpact, SUTHERLAND, and others.Access Sample Copy @Healthcare BPO Market Regional Analysis:The Americas dominate the global Healthcare BPO Market owing to the presence of strong economic conditions and huge development in healthcare domain. Moreover, according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, in 2014, recovery auditors identified and corrected USD 2.39 billion as overpayment and USD 173.1 million as underpayment. They also suggests that collectively 1.1million claims were registered to recover USD 2.57 billion.Europe holds the second position in the market owing to healthcare spending has expanded slightly in UK and Germany. Western Europe continues to see a need to save money on healthcare because of a slight drop in financial growth and obstinate economic pressure. According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the healthcare expenditure in Germany was EUR 321 billion in 2014, France recorded the second highest level of current healthcare expenditure of EUR 237 billion, followed by the United Kingdom of EUR 223 billion.Asia Pacific is the fastest growing market owing to more number of developing nations present in this region, for instance, countries like India and China are encouraging the growth of the healthcare IT domain. Furthermore, increasing patient population from cancer in developing countries will directly increase the demand for various diagnosis & treatment methods and it will boost the growth of the market. Moreover, Healthcare spending in Asia expanded in 2016 due to an extension of state healthcare programs and the increasing affluence of the population. India, in specific, saw expansion in its healthcare expenditure due to a government resolution to enhance healthcare services, which is estimated to further will boost the market growthThe Middle East & Africa is expected to hold the least market share due to less availability of medical facilities, and less development in the healthcare domain. However, countries such as Qatar and Kuwait are focusing more on healthcare domain and developing medical facilities, which will boost the market growth in this region.Brief TOC:Topic 1 Report PrologueTopic 2 IntroductionsTopic 3 Research MethodologyTopic 4 Market DynamicsTopic 5 Market Factor AnalysisTopic 6 Global Healthcare BPO Market, By ServiceTopic 7 Global Healthcare BPO Market, By RegionTopic 8 Company LandscapeTopic 9 Company ProfileTopic 10 ConclusionsContinuedGet Discount @About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Contact:Market Research Future+1 646 845 9312Email: sales@marketresearchfuture.comMRFR has the distinguished objective of providing the optimal quality research and granular research to clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help answer your most important questions.Our Research Analysts are eager to share their knowledge and assist you in refining market research parameters, choosing right market studies, and evaluating both the market scope and the research methodologies of varied segments.We bridge the gap between our clients and their clients by identifying and decoding just the target group, while generating leads with the highest accuracy.Years of research into diverse fields of work has ingrained within us, a proficiency so distinguished that our industry-specific specialists identify with your business ideas and feel the pulse of your challenges and opportunities. This enables us for providing assistance, through our consulting and strategic consulting services, in informed managerial decision making. In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industries, WantStats Research and Media often conducts industrial visits for its research analysts. Relevant inputs from various established market participants, help our clients make significant contribution in respective markets are a huge motivation for all of us to endlessly furnish quality. We depend greatly on profound insights into complex realms of our study.Pune, India Human Biobanking Ownership Market : Revenue and Growth Rate Research Report 2024 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=12491 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=D&rep_id=12491 www.transparencymarketresearch.com The genetic and other biological data repository maintained by biobanks help researchers to understand the human trait associated diseases and disorders, and also the impact of environment and genetic variations on cell lines and human health. These biobanks provide extensive data based on these factors and on the basis of other demographical traits, which is expected to grow the Human Biobanking Ownership Market. The biobanks offer database of cross border population which makes its users time saving and effective resource, which is expected to increase uptake for biobanking services across the globe. However, high cost associated with human biobanks, as the genome sequencing is costly and tedious process, the human biobanking ownership market is expected to restrain the growth across the globe.Also stringent laws and regulations in biobanking and concern over the security and privacy of human biobanks across globe is another factor expected to bolster the growth for human biobanking ownership market. In the near future, the global human biobanking ownership market is expected to be governed by laws to protect the privacy of gene donors and establish their rights. For example, in Estonia, the Human Genes Research Act passed in 1999 provides donors full authority over who can access their data and establishes anonymity in clinical research. Such laws will help in the growth of the global human biobanking ownership market.Request Brochure of The Report @Based on the operator of the biobank, the human biobanks can be segmented in to academic & research Institutes, pharmaceutical and biotech industry, hospitals, and stand-alone biobanks. These biobanks serve various purposes such as diagnostics, forensic, organ transplantation, research, and others. By the ownership type the biobanks can be privately funded and operated, publically funded and operated, and public-private partnership funded and operated. Some of the Government agencies promote biobanks, so as to create database of population to support in strengthening the healthcare infrastructure.Geographically, global human biobanking ownership market is segmented in four major regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of the World. Asia Pacific has been driving the global market growth owing to the rapid growth of the private biobanks and clinical research organizations in the region. Demand witnessed in North America and Europe is also significantly aiding the growth of the market. In Europe, countries such as Estonia are focusing on collecting the DNA of every citizen in order to enrich their national biobank. In Estonia, the national biobank program started in 2000 by collecting DNA samples from a quarter of the countrys population. While these DNA samples are mostly used for clinical research, the government is planning to use this data to build a robust health care infrastructure by offering personalized care. The Government of Estonia has already started developing a system to make this genetic data available to citizens and doctors.The major players operating in the market include ProMedDx, Affymetrix Inc., Abbott Laboratories, Acorda Therapeutics, Alpha Cord Inc., Autogen Inc., Biobank Ireland Trust, BioCision, Biokryo GmbH, BioLife Solutions Inc., Biomatrica Inc., BioStorage Technologies Inc., Cells4Life Ltd., Cesca Therapeutics Inc., China Cord Blood Corporation, Core Dynamics Inc., Cryo Bio System, and Sanford Health among others.Request Discount @About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.Each TMR syndicated research report covers a different sector - such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, energy, food & beverages, semiconductors, med-devices, consumer goods and technology. These reports provide in-depth analysis and deep segmentation to possible micro levels. With wider scope and stratified research methodology, TMRs syndicated reports strive to provide clients to serve their overall research requirement.US Office Contact90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: EDS, WDS, EBSD, Micro XRF Instruments Market Research Report Shows Speedy Growth 2016 2024 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=16274 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=D&rep_id=16274 www.transparencymarketresearch.com The EDS, WDS, EBSD, Micro-XRF Instruments Market segment accounts for significant market share in analytical instrumentation industry. Currently, EDS, WDS, EBSD, Micro-XRF Instruments market is experiencing heavy research and development with significant number of new product introduction. This encourages manufactures to cater the increasing customer demands for highly accurate and efficient analytical tools like, EDS, WDS, EBSD, Micro-XRF Instruments. The EDS, WDS, EBSD, Micro-XRF Instruments market caters to various industries including chemical and petrochemical, oil and gas, life sciences (includes pharmaceutical and biotechnology), food safety, forensics, etc. Thus, the wide use of analytical tools in different industries has made the EDS, WDS, EBSD, Micro-XRF Instruments a potential market.The major factor boosting EDS, WDS, EBSD, Micro-XRF Instruments market is rising competition in the process analytical instrumentation market, intra industry competition, and increasing new entrants in the market. The EDS, WDS, EBSD, Micro-XRF Instruments market is consolidated market with significant market occupied by major companies. The EDS, WDS, EBSD, Micro-XRF Instruments market experiencing heavy consolidation due to increase in inorganic growth activities like mergers and acquisitions. However, declining prices due to increasing competition has impacting heavily on vendors margin. Thus, most of the players adopted strategy of increasing research activities in order to develop novel product in the EDS, WDS, EBSD, Micro-XRF Instruments market. The EDS, WDS, EBSD, and micro-XRF instruments market has recorded continuous growth annually.Request Brochure of The Report @Moreover, factors which includes rising demand for nanotechnology, growing semiconductors industry, rising demand for automobiles and technological advancements are driving the growth of EDS, WDS, EBSD, and micro-XRF instruments market. Other than life science industry, semiconductor sector is experiencing a vigorous growth across the world. According to Semiconductor Industry Association and World Semiconductor Trade Statistics Organization, EDS, WDS, EBSD, and micro-XRF instruments has fostered the semiconductor sector due to its high precision analysis. Increasing cost of instruments and lack of skilled personnel are the key factors retarding the growth of EDS, WDS, EBSD, and micro-XRF instruments market.The Key players operating in the global EDS, WDS, EBSD, and Micro-XRF instruments market are, Oxford Instruments plc (U.K.), AMETEK, Inc. (U.S.), Bruker Corporation (U.S.), and Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. (U.S.), JEOL Ltd. (Japan), FEI Company (U.S.), Shimadzu Corporation (Japan), Rigaku Corporation (Japan), and IXRF Systems, Inc. (U.S.).Request Discount @About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.Each TMR syndicated research report covers a different sector - such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, energy, food & beverages, semiconductors, med-devices, consumer goods and technology. These reports provide in-depth analysis and deep segmentation to possible micro levels. With wider scope and stratified research methodology, TMRs syndicated reports strive to provide clients to serve their overall research requirement.US Office Contact90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Rapid Microbiology Tests Market Vast Research Of Industry & Forecast 2016 2024 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=2062 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=D&rep_id=2062 www.transparencymarketresearch.com Rapid Microbiological Tests role in assisting in managing low respiratory tract infection is debatable. Many physicians would deny that therapeutic decisions are aided with rapidly provided accurate information about a causative pathogen. Unfortunately, the skill of microbiology laboratories to accomplish a service is inhibited by the limits of traditional diagnostic tests. Culture-based methodologies might be a bit slower and may often be sensitive, might not be able to distinguish between colonization and infection, and might also be influenced by earlier antimicrobial usage. Serological tests are also slow at times and poorly sensitive and specific. Moreover, in many cases, an etiological diagnosis is not made in spite of the best efforts. As a result, several authoritative rules on the administrative of community acquired pneumonia among adults that do not support the daily complete microbiological tests except in some situations.Request Brochure of The Report @Rapid microbiology tests accelerate the identification of a microorganism triggering a symptomatic infection and thus aid in the selection of approaches regarding its removal. Rapid diagnosis of a contagion with accuracy allows patient for primary instigation of a therapy and employment of suitable infection control measures. Such tests also decrease severance of un-required diagnostic testing and treatment. Existing rapid microbiology tests comprise several genomic testing methods such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technologies, nucleic acid hybridization, and nucleic acid sequencing. These tests are extremely subtle and precise in nature and deliver accurate outcomes.One of the chief factors boosting the growth of rapid microbiology test markets is the rising need for easy and fast diagnosis. Other dynamics boosting this market comprise technological advancement, abridged cost, better patient fulfillment due to the removal of usage of antibiotics and other drugs, awaiting threat of communication of AIDS and augmented prospective of bioterrorism tests. Progressions in molecular diagnostic technologies might pose a threat to the conventional rapid microbiology test market by producing the decrease in sales volume.Geographically, North America leads the rapid microbiology tests market owing to numerous market-focused companies providing a wide range of products and is trailed by Europe. Developing countries of Latin America and Asia Pacific are anticipated to witness significant progress in the rapid microbiology tests market owing to an upsurge in the number of laboratories in these regions and enhancement of the existing ones for the purpose of automation of several instrumentation systems.The key companies in the marker are Quidel Corporation, Sysmex Corporation, Thermo-Fisher Scientific Inc., Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc., Gen-Probe Inc., Bio-Rad Laboratories, Becton Dickinson, and Abbott Laboratories among others.Request Discount @About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.Each TMR syndicated research report covers a different sector - such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, energy, food & beverages, semiconductors, med-devices, consumer goods and technology. These reports provide in-depth analysis and deep segmentation to possible micro levels. With wider scope and stratified research methodology, TMRs syndicated reports strive to provide clients to serve their overall research requirement.US Office Contact90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Man-portable Anti-armor Weapons Market Expected to Reach US$6.38 Billion by 2025 Market Research Reports Search Engine https://www.mrrse.com/sample/3120 https://www.mrrse.com/man-portable-antiarmor-weapons-market https://www.mrrse.com/checkdiscount/3120 https://www.mrrse.com/enquiry/3120 https://www.mrrse.com/enquiry/3120 https://www.mrrse.com/ https://www.industrynewsanalysis.com/ Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) has recently publicized a new study to its vast repository, which is titled as Man-portable Anti-armor Weapons Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2017 - 2025. In this report, the global Man-portable Anti-armor Weapons Market is valued at USD 3.64 billion in 2016 and is expected to reach USD 6.38 billion by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of 6.5% between 2016 and 2025.Get Free Sample of Man-portable Anti-armor Weapons Market Research Report @The rapid escalation in the defense budgets across the globe and the need to strengthen the respective armed forces, the defense forces are investing huge amounts in the research and development of latest and robust ammunitions and weaponries. This factor has led the defense contractors to innovate and develop new lightweight, guided and unguided, man-portable anti-armor weapons as well as upgrade the existing weapons. These weapons are used against heavily armored weaponries such as main battle tanks, aircrafts and armored vehicles, sometimes against incoming missiles too. The anti-armor weapons are highly effective in destroying the intended targets, moving as well as static targets.Global Man-portable Anti-armor Weapons Market: Drivers and RestraintsThe major factor boosting the market for man-portable anti-armor weapons is the extensive research and development in the defense industry across the world. In recent times, the defense budgets across the globe has increased significantly, which has led the defense forces in the developed countries and developing countries to invest heavily in the research and development of the modern lightweight anti-armor weapons. In addition, the demand for lightweight, highly effective weapons is also increasing among the armed forces as they can be easily transported by a soldier or a group of soldiers to any particular place to target the enemy armored vehicles or tanks. The demand for lightweight anti-armor weapons among the global defense forces is expected to bolster the man-portable anti-armor weapons market.The market for man-portable anti-armor weapons is poised to grow over the period due to various reasons, however is affected by the malfunction of the launchers. The malfunction of the launchers causes disruptions in the flight of the projectiles which hampers the flight. This is a major concern for the manufacturers as well as the infantries across the globe. The risk of malfunction of the launchers is limiting the defense forces to adopt the man-portable anti-armor weapons which in turn is inhibiting the market to grow over the years.Want More Info, Read Complete Report With TOC @Table of Content :Section 1 Preface1.1 Report Scope and Market Segmentation1.2 Research HighlightsSection 2 Research Methodology2.1 Research Methodology (1/3)2.2 Research Methodology (2/3)2.3 Research Methodology (3/3)Section 3 Executive Summary3.1 Executive Summary (1/3)3.2 Executive Summary (2/3)3.3 Executive Summary (3/3)Section 4 Market Overview4.1 Product OverviewSection 5 Market Dynamics5.1 Drivers and Restraints Snapshot Analysis5.2 Drivers5.3 Restraints5.4 Opportunities5.5 Market Attractiveness5.6 Man-Portable Anti-Armor Weapons Market Share Analysis, By Company (2016)5.7 Competitive Strategies5.8 Man-Portable Anti-Armor Weapons Market OutlookSection 6 Man-Portable Anti-Armor Weapons Market Analysis By Types6.1 Introduction6.2 Global Man-Portable Anti-Armor Weapons Market Value Share Analysis, By Types6.3 Global Man-Portable Anti-Armor Weapons Market Forecast, By Types6.4 Global Man-Portable Anti-Armor Weapons Market Analysis, By TypesCheck Discount @Global Man-portable Anti-armor Weapons Market: SegmentationThe report on man-portable anti-armor weapons market segments the market on basis of types, technology and geography. The various types of man-portable anti-armor weapons widely used by the defense forces across the globe are anti-aircraft missiles, rocket propelled grenades, anti-tank missiles, and recoilless rifles. The rocket propelled grenades contributed the maximum market share in 2016, due to their enhanced capability to destroy the enemy main battle tanks, and aircrafts. This capability of rocket propelled grenades have increased the demand for anti-armor weapons among the defense forces across the globe which in turn led the segment to dominate the market in 2016. The fastest growing type segment is estimated to be the recoilless rifles, growing at a significant CAGR during the forecast period from 2017 to 2025.The recoilless rifles are heavily used by the armed forces against any armored vehicles, tanks and low flying aircrafts. The projectiles fired from recoilless rifles travels at a faster speed than any other anti-armor weapons. Moreover, the recoilless rifles are lightweight and are highly effective against any armored tanks, and armored vehicles. The lightweight armor piercing weapons is being heavily adopted by the military forces across the globe in order to strengthen their armed forces.Global Man-portable Anti-armor Weapons Market: Geographical and Competitive DynamicsGeographically, the market for man-portable anti-armor weapons is fragmented into five strategic regions globally as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, and Latin America. North America dominated the market for man-portable anti-armor weapons market in 2016 with an excellent market share which is estimated to witness a slow downfall over the years from 2017 to 2025. Asia Pacific is predicted to be the fastest growing region during the forecast period from 2017 to 2025. Europe, Middle East and Africa and Latin America are predicted to grow over the period from 2017 to 2025 at a substantial rate.The top ten major player operating in the market for man-portable anti-armor weapons has been profiled in this report according to the strategic five regions globally. The report includes players such as Lockheed Martin Corporation, Bharat Dynamics Limited, MBDA Missile Systems, Raytheon Company, Thales Group, General Dynamics Corporation, BAE Systems Plc., Saab AB, Nammo AS, and KONSTRUKTORSKOYE BYURO MASHYNOSTROYENIYA. The company descriptions includes, SWOT analysis, financial, business overview and strategies adopted in order to sustain in the industry.Need to Talk Out Assistance @The segments covered in the man-portable anti-armor weapons market are as follows:Global Man-portable Anti-armor Weapons Market, 2017-2025: By TypesAnti-aircraft MissilesRocket Propelled GrenadesAnti-tank RiflesRecoilless RifleGlobal man-portable anti-armor weapons Market, 2017-2025: By TechnologyGuided WeaponsUnguided WeaponsGlobal man-portable anti-armor weapons Market, 2016-2024: By GeographyNorth AmericaS.CanadaMexicoEuropeGermanyRussiaFranceRest of EuropeAsia PacificChinaIndiaSouth KoreaRest of Asia PacificMiddle East and AfricaSaudi ArabiaIsraelRest of Middle East and AfricaLatin AmericaBrazilRest of Latin AmericaBuy This Report @About Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE)Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.Contact UsState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite:Read More Industry News At: Healthcare IT News 2018: Ransomware Attack on Hancock Health Drives Providers To Pen And Paper Global Healthcare IT Market Trend 2024 http://databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-healthcare-it-market http://databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-healthcare-it-market http://databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-healthcare-it-market/ http://databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/north-america-digital-health-monitoring-devices-market/ http://databridgemarketresearch.com/blog/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/data-bridge-market-research Data Bridge Market Research provides new industry report of Global Healthcare IT Market. The health system's IT team immediately shut down the network, including physician offices and wellness centers to isolate the virus. Officials said it appeared the hacker was attempting to shut down hospital operations, using a "digital padlock" to restrict access to certain parts of the system."Global Healthcare IT Market" is expected to grow to USD 340.9 billion in 2024, from USD 131.0 billion in 2016 and, growing at a CAGR of 12.5% during the forecast period 2017 to 2024. The new market report contains data for historic years 2014 & 2015, the base year of calculation is 2016 and the forecast period is 2017 to 2024.Ask for Free Sample Report Visit @Global Healthcare IT Market, By Product (EHR, RIS, PACS, VNA, CPOE, MHealth, Telehealth, Healthcare Analytics, Supply Chain Management, Revenue Cycle Management, CRM, Claims Management, Fraud Management), By End User (Providers (Hospitals, ASCs, Home Healthcare, Diagnostic Centers, Pharmacies), Payers (Private, Public)), By Geography (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Rest of the World) Trends and Forecast to 2024Major Market Key Drivers and Restraints:The global healthcare IT market is broadly divided into three segmentshealthcare clinical solutions, non clinical solutions, and HCIT outsourcing services. The healthcare provider solutions market is further segmented into clinical solutions and non-clinical solutions. The clinical healthcare segment is expected to be growing at the highest CAGR of 17.1% in the forecast period 2017 to 2024. While the non clinical market segment is expected to dominate the market for global healthcare IT market in 2017.Top Companies: McKesson Corporation Oracle Corporation Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc. Nextgen Healthcare Greenway Medical Technologies Practice Fusion Athenahealth, Inc. Philips Healthcare Infor, Inc. Epic Systems Corporation GE Healthcare Siemens Healthcare Cerner Corporation Among othersRead More About Table of Content and Report Visit @Market Segmentation:The global healthcare IT market is segmented based on the end-users into payers and providers. Providers include hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, diagnostic centers, home healthcare and others. While payers include private and public healthcare reimbursement and insurance agencies. Hospitals are expected to dominate the market for healthcare IT solutions market.Based on geography the market is segmented into 5 geographical regions, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America and rest of the world.The geographical regions are further segmented into 24 major countries such as U.S. Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, U.K., Belgium, Switzerland, Belgium, Turkey, Japan, China, Singapore, Brazil, India, Russia, South Africa and many others. North America has been among the frontrunners in the development of the IT framework for the healthcare industry.The healthcare IT market in the U.S. possesses lucrative growth opportunities, owing to the presence of several large hospitals and health systems, changing regulations, rising geriatric population, and increasing need to curtail healthcare costs in the country. A number of major global players are also based in the U.S., owing to which the U.S. is a center for innovation in the healthcare IT market. Europe is the second-largest healthcare IT market. Government initiatives in this region for eHealth and the need to improve the overall efficiency in healthcare organizations are driving market growth for Europe. In 2016, North America is expected to dominate the Global Healthcare IT market with 53.3% share.Read more about Report Visit @Related ReportNorth America Digital Health Monitoring Market Industry Trends and Forecast to 2024North America Digital Health Monitoring Market By Product Type Devices (Blood Pressure Monitors, Blood Glucose Monitors, ECG, Oximeters, Peak Flow Monitors, Multi Parameter Monitors, Sleep Neap Monitors, Neurological Monitors, Others), Software (Healthcare Apps, Chronic Disease Apps, Personal Health Apps, Others), Services (Remote Monitoring, Consultancy Services, Treatment Services, Fitness and Wellness Services, Others), By Country (U.S., Canada, Mexico) Industry Trends and Forecast to 2024Report Access:About Data Bridge Market Research:Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge endeavors to provide appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.Contact:Vishal DixitData Bridge Market ResearchTel: +1-888-387-2818Email: Sales@databridgemarketresearch.comInvestor: investors@databridgemarketresearch.comVisit Blog:Follow us on LinkedIn: Ride-on Trowel Market trends estimates high demand by 2025 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/ride-on-trowel-market.html https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=24068 www.transparencymarketresearch.com/ Some of the prominent players operating in the ride-on trowel market are Allen Engineering, Bartell Machinery Systems, Atlas Copco, Shanghai Dragon Construction Equipment Co., Ltd., Multiquip-Whiteman, Masterpac, MBW Inc., Ltd., Parchem Construction Supplies Pty. Ltd., Shanghai Dynamic Construction Machinery Co. Ltd. and Wacker Neuson, finds Transparency Market Research (TMR). Several of these players are offering a wide product portfolio featuring user-friendly, ergonomic control systems for various applications and are focused on strengthening their sales strategies, in order to consolidate their shares in various regions, notes TMR.A number of emerging and leading players are investing in product innovations. They are developing robust technologies featuring a combination of size and power to enable more time-efficient operation, in a move to stay ahead of others, observes the market research firm. As a result, the overall market is fairly competitive.View Report Preview:Witnessing ample opportunities in the construction industry in several developed and developing regions and continued expansion of infrastructural developments worldwide, the global ride-on trowel market is prognosticated to rise at a CAGR of 4.7% from 2017 to 2025, according to TMR. The market stood at US$67.0 Mn in 2016 and is predicted to reach a valuation of US$101.0 Mn by the end of 2025.Based on type of fuel used, ride-on trowels are powered by petrol, diesel, and electric. Of these, petrol-based ride-on trowel held the leading market share in 2016 and is projected to dominate throughout the forecast period. The demand for these will primarily be driven by a burgeoning construction industry in various parts of the world, especially in emerging countries. Regionally, currently North America leads the global market, vis-a-vis revenue, and is expected to retain its dominance throughout the assessment period.Rapid Pace of Infrastructural Development to Stoke DemandThe need for mechanized concrete finishing technology for trowelling concrete surfaces is a key factor boosting the demand for ride-on trowels. The rising demand for flat and smoother concrete surfaces in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings to meet heavy load requirements is a key aspect bolstering the demand for better ride-on trowel technology. A burgeoning construction industry in various developing regions and the rapid pace of infrastructural development in several emerging economies, coupled with the increasing labor cost, are prominent trends stoking the demand for these construction equipment.The presence of heavy loads in airports, garages, and warehouses is a key factor driving the demand for advanced trowelling technologies suitable for high-tolerance concrete floors, thereby boosting the overall ride-on trowel market. The intensifying demand for superior floating and high production finishing jobs in developing and developed nations is a prominent factor that will stimulated technology improvements. A number of emerging players investing in research and development activities bodes well for the market. There is prominent demand for non-overlapping machines among contractors owing to their cost-effectiveness and ability to provide superior floating for high production finishing jobs. This augurs well for the ride-on trowel market.Operator Comfort Key Constraint Impeding AdoptionThe lack of operator comfort and high maintenance of sophisticated machinery, along with their high cost of operation, are key factors likely to impede the adoption of ride-on trowels among relatively small contractors. Nevertheless, several prominent players are focused on engineering products that allow more convenient operation over extended period of time. The advent of advanced ride-on trowel lines with user friendly controls, easy maneuverability, and optimum operational requirements is a crucial factor opening lucrative avenues for market players.Request to view Sample Report:Strict implementation of enforcement of labor laws and expanding infrastructure size are expected to accentuate the demand for power-based trowels. In addition, the launch of product lines that cater to less-intensive production finishing jobs and provides fuel economy and better finishing results is a notable development expected to augur well for the growth of the market over the forecast period.The study presented here is based on a report by Transparency Market Research (TMR) titled Ride-on Trowel Market (Steering Type - Mechanical and Hydraulic; Blade Diameter - 36, 46/48, Above 48; Fuel Type - Petrol, Diesel, and Electric) - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2017 - 2025.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.Our data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts, so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in developing distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.Contact UsTransparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Smart Polymers Market show exponential growth by 2026 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/smart-polymers-market.html https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=19676 www.transparencymarketresearch.com/ A new research report by Transparency Market Research offers a comprehensive evaluation of the global Smart Polymers Market. The study, titled Smart Polymers Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2016 - 2026, is available for sale on the firms website.Global Smart Polymers Market: OverviewSmart polymers are stimuli-responsive polymers, which change characteristics based on environment that they are in. Also known as intelligent materials, these polymers are finding application in various purposes for its responsiveness to temperature, light, and pH, besides being resilient to abrasion or chemicals. In the recent past, the application of smart polymers has extended beyond biomedical field as conveyance system of therapeutic agents and bio-separation devices to cell culture support systems and tissue engineering. The industries of pharmaceuticals, treatment, and implant are utilizing smart polymers compatibility and adaptability properties to treat the immune system. With this growing application in various fields, the demand in the global smart polymers market is projected to expand at a healthy CAGR during the forecast period of 2016 to 2026.View Report Preview:This report on the global market for smart polymers is an all-inclusive study of the current scenario and based on thorough analysis of all the factors that may influence the demand in the near future, it estimates the state of the market until 2026. The report is meant for audiences such as the manufacturers and vendors of smart polymers as well as research institutes indulged in the development of new products in this field. Several leading companies in the smart polymers market have also been analyzed for their market share, products, and recent strategic decisions.By type, the global smart polymers market can be segmented into physical, biological, and chemical while application-wise, the market can be bifurcated into biomedical and biotechnology including drug delivery, tissue engineering, bioseparation and biocatalyst, automotive, textile, electrical and electronics, and nuclear energy including radiation detection and waste treatment. Geographically, the report explores the potential of smart polymers market in various regions including Asia Pacific, North America, Latin America, Europe, and the Middle East and Africa.Global Smart Polymers Market: Trends & OpportunitiesSeveral factors are positively influencing the demand in the global smart polymers market, including the use of controlled drug delivery, application shape memory polymer in the automotive industry, growing middle-class income in the emerging economies, the growing need for efficient technologies over the existing ones, promising application of smart polymers in biomedical field, and its property of reversible phase transitions. However, transformations in the healthcare industry and concerns pertaining to the use of smart polymers are expected to hinder the growth rate to a certain extent during the forecast period. Expanding application of smart polymers for various purposes, growing need to escalate drug delivery system, and increasing interest in immune system are some of the trends for the players in this market to concentrate on.Application-wise, the segment of drug delivery systems continues to serve the maximum demand for smart polymers, gaining from their physicochemical properties of useful changes based on environmental conditions and advancements in dosage techniques. Moreover, pharmaceutical dose formulations are now increasingly using smart polymers as lattice, which will further boost the demand for this segment.Request to view Sample Report:Global Smart Polymers Market: Regional OutlookOut of all regions, North America contributes nearly the half of the demand for smart polymers, which is attributed to the growing focus on pH and temperature sensitive polymers, and governmental efforts to improve public healthcare systems.Companies mentioned in the research reportAkzoNobel, Huntsman, Dow, and Autonomic Materials are some of the leading vendors in the global smart polymers market, which has several new opportunities opening from different biomedical applications. To maintain their stronghold, these key players are focusing on strengthening their distribution network and formulate customized smart polymer products.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.Our data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts, so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in developing distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.Contact UsTransparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Top Stories 2018: Find Perfect Power Bank for your iPhone and MacBook Power bank market growing at a CAGR of 22.3% in the forecast period 2017 to 2024. http://databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-power-bank-market http://databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-power-bank-market http://databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-power-bank-market/ http://databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-wireless-audio-market/ http://databridgemarketresearch.com/blog/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/data-bridge-market-research Global Power Bank Market is expected to reach USD 32,167.56 million by 2024 from USD 6,474.80 million in 2016, growing at a CAGR of 22.3% in the forecast period 2017 to 2024. The new market report contains data for historic year 2015, the base year of calculation is 2016 and the forecast period is 2017 to 2024. Based on product type, portable mobile power bank market has the largest market segment in power bank market.The major factors driving the growth of this market are the increase in the purchasing power, deterioration in the prices, growing usage of smart phones, tablets and laptops and technological advancements in power bank. On the other hand, poor quality of power banks and counterfeit of power bank products may hinder the growth of the market.Get Free Sample of Global Power Bank Market Report Visit @-:Global Power Bank Market is highly concentrated market with major key players and local players to cater the domestic market. AsusTek is dominating the power bank market followed by Xiaomi and Lenovo along with others such as Anker Technology Co. Limited, Microsoft Corp., Panasonic Corporation, Sony Corporation, ADATA Technology Co., Ltd., Intex Technologies (India) Ltd., UNU Electronics Inc., Portronics and Century New Energy Battery Co. Ltd. among other companies.Key questions answered in this reportWhat will the market size be in 2024 and what will the growth rate be?What are the key market trends?What is driving this market?What are the challenges to market growth?Who are the key vendors in this market space?View Detail TOC of Global Power Bank Market report Visit @Company Analysis:XIAOMI:Founded in 2010 and headquartered at Beijing, China. It is an electronics and software company. Xiaomi develops, designs, and commercializes mobile apps, smartphones, laptops, and other consumer electronics. The company operates its business through product categories such as notebooks, phones, mi TV, smart devices, mi power bank and charging accessories, and audio accessories. The power bank and charging accessories offers various wide ranges of portable chargers and power banks with high range of battery.LENOVO:Founded in 1984 and headquartered in Hong Kong, China. Lenovo is a major supplier of latest and advanced commercial, consumer, and enterprise technology. The company operates through the four business segments such as PC and smart device, mobile, data center and others. The companys product portfolio comprises of high-quality, secure products and services which include PCs, servers, storage, workstations, smart TVs and wide range of mobile products like smartphones, tablets and apps.ASUSTEK:Established in 1989 and headquartered in Taiwan, China, ASUSTeK Computer Inc. is a computer hardware and consumer electronics company. The company operates its business through the following product categories such as phones, laptops & 2-in-1 PCs, tablets, motherboards, graphics cards, wearable & healthcare, desktop & all-in one PCs, display, networking, sound, home & automotive, peripheral, gaming, servers & workstations, and zenbo. ASUS has become one of the leading motherboard and gaming brand along with the top-three consumer notebook vendor.Browse Detailed of TOC, Inquiry and Analyst call on Global Power Bank Market Report Visit @:Related Market Insights:Global Wireless Audio Market Industry Trends and Forecast to 2024Global Wireless Audio Market By Product Type (Speaker Systems, Soundbars, Headsets, Headphones, Microphones, Others) By Technology (Bluetooth,WI-Fi, Radio Frequency, Airplay, Bluetooth +Wi-Fi, Others)By application (Home Audio, Consumer, Commercial, Automotive, Others) By Geography (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Europe, South America, Middle East and Africa) Industry Trends and Forecast to 2024More Insights:About Data Bridge Market Research:Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge endeavors to provide appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.Contact:Vishal DixitData Bridge Market ResearchTel: +1-888-387-2818Email: Sales@databridgemarketresearch.comInvestor: investors@databridgemarketresearch.comVisit BlogFollow us on LinkedIn: Intra-Operative 3D Navigation System Market Opportunities and Strategic Focus Report The Insight Partners http://www.theinsightpartners.com/sample/TIPTE100000443 http://http://www.theinsightpartners.com/reports/intra-operative-3d-navigation-system-market Intra-operative navigation system are useful in minimally invasive surgery (MIS) where specialized surgical instruments and arthroscopes are inserted through a small incision. In most of these systems, the 3D anatomical structures can be reconstructed properly by using advanced computer graphics algorithms but are often rasterized into 2D arrays of pixels for display. Using a normal 2D display may lead to difficulties in defining objects of interest or planning surgical paths, especially in orthopedic surgery. Therefore, 3D display methods for surgery have become a focus of development in the field of navigation systems.The report aims to provide an overview of global intra-operative 3D navigation system market along with detailed segmentation of the market by product type and five major geographical regions. Global intra-operative 3D navigation system market is expected to witness an exponential growth during the forecast period due to advantages of reduced risks, better operation results obtained with the help of these systems.Request Sample Copy @The objectives of this report are as follows:-To provide overview of the global intra-operative 3D navigation system market-To analyze and forecast the global intra-operative 3D navigation system market on the basis of product type-To provide market size and forecast till 2025 for overall intra-operative 3D navigation system market with respect to five major regions, namely; North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA), and South America (SAM), which are later sub-segmented across respective major countries-To evaluate market dynamics effecting the market during the forecast period i.e., drivers, restraints, opportunities, and future trend-To provide exhaustive PEST analysis for all five regions-To profiles key intra-operative 3D navigation system players influencing the market along with their SWOT analysis and market strategiesSome of the important players in intra-operative 3D navigation system market are Medtronic, DOTmed.com Inc., Brainlab AG, Zimmer Inc., Siemens Healthcare GmBH, XION GmBH, GE Healthcare, Hitachi Medical Systems, NeuroLogica Corp, and Bio-Medical Electronics Co. Ltd.View Complete Report atContact Us:Call: +1-646-491-9876Email: sales@theinsightpartners.comThe Insight Partners is a one stop industry research provider of actionable intelligence. We help our clients in getting solutions to their research requirements through our syndicated and consulting research services. We are a specialist in Technology, Media, and Telecommunication industries.533, 5th floor, Amanora Township,Amanora Chambers, East Block,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 You have permission to edit this article. Edit Close Smart Bullets Market Likely to Touch the Value of US$ 995.4 Million by 2025 Market Research Reports Search Engine https://www.mrrse.com/sample/3016 https://www.mrrse.com/smart-bullets-market https://www.mrrse.com/checkdiscount/3016 https://www.mrrse.com/enquiry/3016 https://www.mrrse.com/checkout/3016 https://www.mrrse.com/ https://www.industrynewsanalysis.com/ Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) has recently added a new report to its vast online database. This research study is titled as Smart Bullets Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2017 - 2025 which presents an in-depth study about the production, consumption, market volume, revenue (million USD) and market share across different geographical regions.Get Free Sample of Inflight Catering Market Research Report @A smart bullet not only follows the route of the target but also sends data, changes its speed, and turns according to it. Smart bullets exhibit various features such as better lethality with aim point range. They are also effective against moving targets. Increase in the demand of smart bullets in several developing countries such as India, China, Brazil and Argentina among others is expected to boost the market during the forecast period. The smart bullets market is dominated by North America due to the focus of the U.S. government for the incorporation of the technologically advanced weapons to its weapon list. In addition, the U.S. government is also the major customer of smart bullets in both global as well as North America.One of the major factor fueling the market for the smart bullets is increase in the budget of defense in several countries such as China, India, France, U.S. and U.K. among others. In February 2017, U.S. government boosted their defense spending by approx. USD 54 Million. This budget will help the law enforcement to keep the terrorists out of the country. In February 2017, Indian government announced to increase their defense budget by 6.2%. This budget includes to buy new equipment, aircrafts, weapons, army vehicles and naval warships among others. In March 2017, Chinese government announced to boost the military spending by 7% which in turn boost the market for the smart bullets in the coming years in Asia Pacific as well as globally. This will help the country to be a step closer to become the supreme power globally.Want More Info, Outlook Complete Report with Table of Content @Table of Content :Chapter 1 Preface1.1 Report Description1.2 Market Segmentation1.3 Research HighlightsChapter 2 Assumptions and Research Methodology2.1 Assumptions and Acronyms Used2.2 Research MethodologyChapter 3 Executive Summary3.1 Market SnapshotChapter 4 Smart Bullets Market: Overview4.1 Introduction4.2 Key Trend Analysis4.3 Drivers and Restraints Snapshot Analysis4.4 Drivers4.4.1 Increasing defense budget4.4.2 Increase in the demand of weapons4.4.3 Technological innovation4.4.4 Frequent terror attacks4.5 Market Restraints4.5.1 High Manufacturing Cost4.6 Market Opportunities4.6.1 Opportunity Analysis4.6.2 Increase in the demand of smart bullets in navy4.6.3 Increase in the demand of smart bullets in air force4.7 Porters Analysis4.8 Smart Bullets: Market Attractiveness Analysis4.9 Market Share by Key Players (%),20164.9.1 Competitive Strategies Adopted by Leading Players, By RegionsChapter 5 Global Smart Bullets Market: By Type5.1 Introduction5.2 Global Smart Bullets Market Value Share Analysis, By Type (%)5.3 Global Smart Bullets Market Value Share Analysis, By Product Type (USD Million)5.4 Global Smart Bullets Market Value Share Analysis, By Guided Smart Bullets (USD Million)5.5 Global Smart Bullets Market Value Share Analysis, By Self-guided Smart Bullets (USD Million)Chapter 6 Global Smart Bullets Market: By End User6.1 Introduction6.2 Global Smart Bullets Market Value Share Analysis, By End User(%)6.3 Global Smart Bullets Market Value Share Analysis, By End User(USD Million)6.4 Global Smart Bullets Market Value Share Analysis, By Airborne (USD Million)6.5 Global Smart Bullets Market Value Share Analysis, By Land(USD Million)6.6 Global Smart Bullets Market Value Share Analysis, By Naval (USD Million)Check Discount @Global Smart Bullets Market: SegmentationGuided smart bullets and self-guided smart bullets are the various product types of the smart bullets market. In 2016, guided smart bullets market is estimated to be the largest market followed by self-guided smart bullets market and expected to be the same during the forecast period of 2017 2025. Increase in the criminal activities is one of the major factor fueling the market for smart bullets in some of the major countries such as the U.S. among others during the forecast period.The smart bullets market has been segmented on the basis of end user into naval, land and airborne. In 2016, land segment in smart bullets market is estimated to be the largest market followed by naval segment and expected to be the same during the forecast period of 2017 2025. Increasing economies in the Asia Pacific region to invest significantly in smart weapons for military is one of the major factor driving the market for the land segment in smart bullets market. In addition, Wars in various countries such as Turkey, Ukraine, Lebanon, China, India, France, Afghanistan and Pakistan among others is major factor boosting the demand of smart bullets during the forecast period of 2017 - 2025.North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa, and Latin America are the various geography type of the smart bullets market. In 2016, North America held the major share of the market, followed by Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa and Latin America and anticipated to be the same in the coming years. Increase in the investment in defense is one of the major factor driving the market for smart bullets during the forecast period. Demand for airborne smart bullets is one of the major factor fueling the market for smart bullets during the forecast period of 2017 - 2025.Need to Talk Our Assistance @Companies Mentioned in the ReportThe major company in the global smart bullets market are Lockheed Martin Corporation (United States), The Raytheon Company (United States), BAE Systems PLC. (United States), General Dynamics Corporation (United States), Thales Group (France), Northrop Grumman Corporation (United States), Harris Corporation (United States), Boeing Company (United States), Taser International, Inc. (United States) and Textron Defense Systems (United States).The segments covered in the global Smart bullets market are as follows:By Product TypeGuided Smart BulletsSelf-guided Smart BulletsBy End UserAirborneLandNavalBy GeographyNorth AmericaS.CanadaMexicoEuropeK.RussiaFranceGermanyRest of EuropeAsia PacificIndiaChinaJapanRest of Asia PacificMiddle East and AfricaSaudi ArabiaRest of Middle East and AfricaLatin AmericaBrazilRest of Latin AmericaBuy Smart Bullet Market Report @About Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE)Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.Contact UsState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite:Read More Industry News At: New Research On "Glucose Sensors Market" Report 2017 Growth Opportunities, Top Key Players, Drivers, Industry Outlook and Forecasts by 2024 http://databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-glucose-sensors-market http://databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-glucose-sensors-market http://databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-glucose-sensors-market/ http://databridgemarketresearch.com/speak-to-analyst/?dbmr=global-glucose-sensors-market http://databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/geotechnical-instrumentation-monitoring-market/ http://databridgemarketresearch.com/blog/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/data-bridge-market-research Global Glucose Sensors Industry 2017 Market Research Report concentrates on value, deals, income and development rate of each kind, and the sorts and each write cost of key makers, through meeting key makers. Second on premise of fragments by makers, this report concentrates on the business, cost of each sort, normal cost of Credit Insurance, income and piece of the overall industry, for key makers.The Global Glucose Sensors Market accounted to USD 22.5 billion in 2016 growing at a CAGR of 18.5% during the forecast period of 2017 to 2024. The upcoming market report contains data for historic years 2015, the base year of calculation is 2016 and the forecast period is 2017 to 2024.For In depth Information Get Free Sample Copy of this Report@Global Glucose Sensors Market Product (Non Invasive, Minimally Invasive, Invasive), Technology (Photo Acoustic Spectroscopy, Optical Coherence Tomography, Polarimetry, Fluorescence, MIR Spectroscopy, NIR Spectroscopy, Impedance Spectroscopy, Skin Suction Blister Technique, Sonophoresis, Reverse Iontophoresis), Component, Network Connectivity, End-User, Geography Industry Trends and Forecast to 2024Market Definition: Global Glucose Sensors MarketGlucose sensors are compact analytical device or a unit incorporating a biological or biologically derived sensitive recognition element integrated with physiochemical transducer. Self-monitoring blood glucose investigated in diabetes mellitus is essential for insulin treatment or oral glucose lowering medication to provide information of glucose concentrations in our body. This sensor has proved quite efficient in monitoring the glucose level in human body, thus gaining wide popularity among healthcare practitioners for assessment purpose.Complete report on Global Glucose Sensors Market Research Report 2017-2024 spread across 350 Pages, profiling Top companies and supports with tables and figuresKey Questions Answered in Global Glucose Sensors Market Report:-Our Report offers:- What will the market growth rate, Overview and Analysis by Type of Global Glucose Sensors Market in 2024? What are the key factors driving, Analysis by Applications and Countries Global Glucose Sensors Market? What are Dynamics, This Overview Includes Analysis of Scope, and price analysis of top Vendors Profiles of Global Glucose Sensors Market? Who are Opportunities, Risk and Driving Force of Global Glucose Sensors Market? Who are the opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in Global Glucose Sensors Market? Business Overview by Type, Applications, Gross Margin and Market Share What are the Global Glucose Sensors Market opportunities, market risk and market overview of the Market?Request for Detailed TOC:Major Market Drivers: Rising Number of Diabetes Patients Changing Lifestyle Accurate and Precise Data of Sensors Growing Healthcare Expenditure High Cost Of The Sensors Emerging EconomiesTop Key Players: AstraZeneca BD Eli Lilly and Company Biocon Sanofi Jiangsu Delfu medical device Co.,Ltd. Owen Mumford Ltd. WOCKHARDT Smiths Group plc. P&B Pharmaceuticals Ltd. NIPRO Medical Corporation Novo Nordisk A/S InjexUK MANNKIND CORPORATION Bristol-Myers Squibb Company F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. Copernicus Ypsomed and HTL-STREFA S.A. among others.For more insightful information visit@Customize report of "Global Glucose Sensors Market" as per customers requirement also available.Competitive Analysis: Global Glucose Sensors MarketThe global glucose sensors market is highly fragmented and is based on new product launches and clinical results of products. Hence the major players have used various strategies such as new product launches, clinical trials, market initiatives, high expense on research and development, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, and others to increase their footprints in this market. The report includes market shares of glucose sensors market for global, Europe, North America, Asia Pacific and South America.Market Segmentations:Global Glucose Sensors Market is segmented on the basis of Product Technology End-User GeographyMarket Segmentations in Details:On the basis of Product the global glucose sensors market is segmented into non-invasive, minimally invasive, and invasive.On the basis of Technology, the global glucose sensors market is segmented into photo acoustic spectroscopy, optical coherence tomography, polarimetry, fluorescence, MIR spectroscopy, NIR spectroscopy, impedance spectroscopy, skin suction blister technique, sonophoresis, and reverse iontophoresis.On the basis of End-User, the global glucose sensors market is segmented into hospitals, clinics, ambulatory centers, homecare settings, and diabetic centers.On the basis of Geography, North America South America Europe Asia-Pacific Middle East & AfricaSpeak to Author of the report @Other ReportGlobal Geotechnical Instrumentation & Monitoring Market Industry Trends and Forecast to 2024Global Geotechnical Instrumentation & Monitoring Market, By Geography; Offering (Hardware, Software, Services); Structure (Tunnels Bridges, Buildings Utilities, Dams); Technology (Wired Networking Technology, Wireless Technology); Application (Pore Water Pressure, Soil Stresses, Lateral Deformation, Vertical Deformation), End-Users (Building, Infrastructure, Energy, Power, Oil, Gas, Mining) Industry Trends and Forecast to 2024Report Access:About Data Bridge Market Research:Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge endeavors to provide appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.Contact:Vishal DixitData Bridge Market ResearchTel: +1-888-387-2818Email: Sales@databridgemarketresearch.comInvestor: investors@databridgemarketresearch.comVisit BlogFollow us on LinkedIn: Global and China Hot Melt Adhesives Sales Market 2017: Jowat, Avery, Dennison DOW Corning, Kleiberit, Sika AG, Tex Year Industries, Nanpao https://www.qyresearchreports.com/sample/sample.php?rep_id=1450164&type=S https://www.qyresearchreports.com/report/Global https://www.qyresearchreports.com/sample/sample.php?rep_id=1450164&type=D http://www.qyresearchreports.com Qyresearchreports include new market research report Global and China Hot Melt Adhesives Sales Market Report 2017 to its huge collection of research reports.This report on the Global and China Hot Melt Adhesives market is a thorough study that has been compiled by experienced and professional research analysis who are experts in the commerce of the field. The idea behind the development of this report is to help its targeted audiences, serving as an asset for companies wanting to make informed decisions for growth in this space. This report on the Global and China Hot Melt Adhesives market also presents a figurative estimation of the future of the market. The report has been a result of primary and secondary research using proven market research methodologies such as SWOT analysis and Porters five forces analysis.Click here to get a FREE sample report in your inbox :The primary research formed the bulk of our research efforts along with information collected from telephonic interviews and interactions via e-mails. Secondary research involved study of company websites, annual reports, press releases, stock analysis presentations, and various international and national databases. The report provides market size in terms of US$ mn for each segment for the period from 2017 to 2022, considering the macro and micro environmental factors.For the estimation of the future lucrativeness of the Global and China market for Hot Melt Adhesives, the report studies various factors that are expected to positively influence the growth rate. It also analyzes the challenges expected to hinder the growth rate during the forecast period, besides highlighting the emerging trends and opportunities, which will significantly define the future scenario. The report also divides the Global and China Hot Melt Adhesives market into quantitative segments and studies the opportunities available in the regional markets based on geography. Growth rate for each of the product and geographical segment has been provided.The key feature of the report is the section on company profiles. Here, this report lists out some of the key players who are currently functional in the Global and China Hot Melt Adhesives market, providing details such as market share, product portfolio, recent developments, and strategies for the future.Table of Contents1 Methodology and Data Source11.1 Methodology/Research Approach11.1.1 Research Programs/Design11.1.2 Market Size Estimation21.1.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation31.2 Data Source41.2.1 Secondary Sources41.2.2 Primary Sources51.3 Disclaimer6You can find the detailed table to contents for this report at :and China-and-china-hot-melt-adhesives-sales-market-report-2017.htm/toc2 Hot Melt Adhesives Market Overview82.1 Hot Melt Adhesives Product Overview82.2 Hot Melt Adhesives Market Segment by Type102.2.1 EVA HMA102.2.2 POE HMA122.2.3 SBS HMA142.2.4 SIS HMA152.2.5 SEBS HMA172.2.6 PU HMA182.2.7 APAO HMA192.2.8 Polyamide HMA202.2.9 Polyimide HMA212.3 Global Hot Melt Adhesives Product Segment by Type222.3.1 Global Hot Melt Adhesives Sales (K MT) and Growth (%) by Types (2012, 2016 and 2022)222.3.2 Global Hot Melt Adhesives Sales (K MT) and Market Share (%) by Types (2012-2017)232.3.3 Global Hot Melt Adhesives Revenue (Million USD) and Market Share (%) by Types (2012-2017)242.3.4 Global Hot Melt Adhesives Price (USD/MT) by Type (2012-2017)263 Hot Melt Adhesives Application/End Users323.1 Hot Melt Adhesives Segment by Application/End Users323.1.1 Paper Packaging323.1.2 Bookbinding333.1.3 Label & Tape333.1.4 Hygiene343.1.5 Transportation343.1.6 Construction353.1.7 Woodworking353.1.8 Textile/Footwear363.2 Global Hot Melt Adhesives Product Segment by Application363.2.1 Global Hot Melt Adhesives Sales (K MT) and CGAR (%) by Applications (2012, 2016 and 2022)363.2.2 Global Hot Melt Adhesives Sales (K MT) and Market Share (%) by Applications (2012-2017)374 Hot Melt Adhesives Market Status and Outlook by Regions424.1 Global Market Status and Outlook by Regions424.2 Global Hot Melt Adhesives Sales and Revenue by Regions484.2.1 Global Hot Melt Adhesives Sales (K MT) and Market Share (%) by Regions (2012-2017)484.2.2 Global Hot Melt Adhesives Revenue (Million USD) and Market Share (%) by Regions (2012-2017)514.2.3 Global Hot Melt Adhesives Sales (K MT), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/MT) and Gross Margin (%) (2012-2017)534.2.4 North America Hot Melt Adhesives Sales (K MT), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/MT) and Gross Margin (%) (2012-2017)534.2.5 Europe Hot Melt Adhesives Sales (K MT), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/MT) and Gross Margin (%) (2012-2017)544.2.6 Asia-Pacific(Ex. China) Hot Melt Adhesives Sales (K MT), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/MT) and Gross Margin (%) (2012-2017)54Enquiry For Discount Visit @QYResearchReports.com delivers the latest strategic market intelligence to build a successful business footprint in China. Our syndicated and customized research reports provide companies with vital background information of the market and in-depth analysis on the Chinese trade and investment framework, which directly affects their business operations. Reports from QYResearchReports.com feature valuable recommendations on how to navigate in the extremely unpredictable yet highly attractive Chinese market.1820 AvenueM Suite #1047Brooklyn, NY 11230United StatesToll Free: 866-997-4948 (USA-CANADA)Tel: +1-518-621-2074Web:Email: sales@qyresearchreports.com Semiconductor Clock Market Segment by Applications, Manufacturers, Regions and Forecast to 2020 Semiconductor Clock Market https://www.wiseguyreports.com/sample-request/526451-global-semiconductor-clock-market-2016-2020 https://www.wiseguyreports.com/enquiry/526451-global-semiconductor-clock-market-2016-2020 WiseGuyReports.Com Publish a New Market Research Report On Semiconductor Clock Market Segment by Applications, Manufacturers, Regions and Forecast to 2020.Description:Technavios analysts forecast the global semiconductor clock market to grow at a CAGR of 13.22% during the period of 2016 to 2020.A semiconductor clock or a real-time clock (RTC) is an IC that keeps track of the current time as well as ensures the smooth functioning of electronic devices by keeping proper time among the device components. A semiconductor clock is integrated into an electronic device that requires accurate timekeeping. A semiconductor clock offers low power consumption (important when running from alternate power) and frees the main system for time-critical tasks.Get a Sample Report @For more information or any query mail at sales@wiseguyreports.comCovered in this reportThe report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global semiconductor clock market for 2016-2020. To calculate the market size, the report considers the revenue generated from the sales of quartz oscillators and microelectromechanical system (MEMS) resonators.The market is divided into the following segments based on geography: Americas APAC EMEAThe report, global semiconductor clock market 2016-2020, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.Key vendors Epson Maxim Integrated NXP Semiconductors Ricoh STMicroelectronics Texas InstrumentsOther prominent vendors Abracon Integrated Device Technology IQD Daishinku Kyocera Murata SiTime TXCMarket driver Ability to maintain time with minimal power use Improvement in battery life of electronic devices Ability to maintain flow in device functioning Growing adoption of smartphones and tablets Growth in smart grid technologyMarket challenge Poor accuracy and calibration Poor distribution systems Miniaturization of semiconductor clock ICs Cyclical nature of semiconductor industryMarket trend Increased automation in automobiles Rapid advances in MEMS technology Emergence of wearable technologyKey questions answered in this report What will the market size be in 2020 and what will the growth rate be? What are the key market trends? What is driving this market? What are the challenges to market growth? Who are the key vendors in this market space? What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors?Ask Query @Table Of Contents Major Key PointsPART 01: Executive summary HighlightsPART 02: Scoe of the report Report overview Geographical segmentation Common currency conversion rates Top-vendor offeringsPART 03: Market research methodology Research methodology Economic indicatorsPART 04: Introduction Key market highlightsPART 05: Technology overview Technology landscapePART 06: Market landscape Market overview Market size and forecast Five forces analysisPART 07: Market segmentation by application Global semiconductor clock market by end-device application 2015 Global semiconductor clock market by end-device application 2020 Global semiconductor clock market by consumer electronic devices Global semiconductor clock market by computing devices Global semiconductor clock market by industrial devices Global semiconductor clock market by automotive applications Global semiconductor clock market by telecommunications Market attractiveness by application segment 2015-2020PART 08: Geographical segmentation Global semiconductor clock market by region 2015 Global semiconductor clock market by region 2020 Semiconductor clock market in APAC Semiconductor clock market in EMEA Semiconductor clock market in AmericasPART 09: Market drivers Ability to maintain time with minimal power use Improvement in battery life of electronic devices Ability to maintain flow in device functioning Growing adoption of smartphones and tablets Growth in smart grid technologyPART 10: Impact of driversPART 11: Market challenges Poor accuracy and calibration Poor distribution systems Miniaturization of semiconductor clock ICs Cyclical nature of semiconductor industryContinue.For more information or any query mail at sales@wiseguyreports.comABOUT US:Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports features an exhaustive list of market research reports from hundreds of publishers worldwide. We boast a database spanning virtually every market category and an even more comprehensive collection of market research reports under these categories and sub-categories.Office No.528,Amanora Chambers,Magarpatta Road,Hadapsar,Pune-411028. Paclitaxel Injection Market Research Report 2022: Hospira, Biological E., Taj Accura, Luye Pharma, Beijing Youcare, Beijing Union, Haiyao https://www.qyresearchreports.com/sample/sample.php?rep_id=1093770&type=S https://www.qyresearchreports.com/report/global-paclitaxel-injection-market-research-report-2017.htm/toc https://www.qyresearchreports.com/sample/sample.php?rep_id=1093770&type=D http://www.qyresearchreports.com Qyresearchreports include new market research report Global Paclitaxel Injection Market Research Report 2017 to its huge collection of research reports.The global market for Paclitaxel Injection has been witnessing a transitional phase. With a highlight on these changes, this research study presents an in-depth analysis of the worldwide Paclitaxel Injection market during the period from 2017 to 2022.The market report provides a comprehensive picture of the latest and upcoming trends in the global Paclitaxel Injection market, underlining the major market practices and the key rules and regulations associated with various types of market products available across the world.In this research study, the global market for Paclitaxel Injection has been analyzed by taking significant market factors into consideration. It further makes future predictions for this market, using significant statistical information. The availability of products, production volume, pricing structure, and the revenue generated in the market are the key factors, based on which the report determines the performance of the worldwide Paclitaxel Injection market. The production chain and the sales dynamics have also been evaluated in this research report.Download Free exclusive Sample of this report:With the help of a number of tables and figures, the report makes a valuable source of guidance for market participants. It also includes the general overview of the global market for Paclitaxel Injection, such as the definition, products, application, end users, and the market chain structure.The competitive landscape prevalent in the global Paclitaxel Injection market has also been evaluated by performing SWOT analysis on the key market participants. It further discusses the industry chain and the government norms and policies, boosting the demand for Paclitaxel Injection across the world at length.The main objective of this study is to deliver a clear picture of the global market for Paclitaxel Injection to market participants, stakeholders, and consultants, assisting them in creating appropriate strategies to gain a competitive edge over their peers.Table of ContentsGlobal Paclitaxel Injection Market Research Report 20171 Paclitaxel Injection Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Paclitaxel Injection1.2 Paclitaxel Injection Segment by Type (Product Category)1.2.1 Global Paclitaxel Injection Production and CAGR (%) Comparison by Type (Product Category) (2012-2022)1.2.2 Global Paclitaxel Injection Production Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20161.2.3 30 mg/5 mL1.2.4 60 mg/10 mL1.2.5 100 mg/16.7 mL1.2.6 150 mg/25 mL1.2.7 300 mg/50 mL1.3 Global Paclitaxel Injection Segment by Application1.3.1 Paclitaxel Injection Consumption (Sales) Comparison by Application (2012-2022)1.3.2 Ovarian Cancer1.3.3 Breast Cancer1.3.4 Cervical Cancer1.3.5 Pancreatic CancerYou can find the detailed table to contents for this report at :2 Global Paclitaxel Injection Market Competition by Manufacturers2.1 Global Paclitaxel Injection Capacity, Production and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.1.1 Global Paclitaxel Injection Capacity and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.1.2 Global Paclitaxel Injection Production and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.2 Global Paclitaxel Injection Revenue and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.3 Global Paclitaxel Injection Average Price by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.4 Manufacturers Paclitaxel Injection Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area and Product Type3 Global Paclitaxel Injection Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2012-2017)3.1 Global Paclitaxel Injection Capacity and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)3.2 Global Paclitaxel Injection Production and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)3.3 Global Paclitaxel Injection Revenue (Value) and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)3.4 Global Paclitaxel Injection Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.5 North America Paclitaxel Injection Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.6 Europe Paclitaxel Injection Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)4 Global Paclitaxel Injection Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Region (2012-2017)4.1 Global Paclitaxel Injection Consumption by Region (2012-2017)4.2 North America Paclitaxel Injection Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.3 Europe Paclitaxel Injection Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.4 China Paclitaxel Injection Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.5 Japan Paclitaxel Injection Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)5 Global Paclitaxel Injection Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type5.1 Global Paclitaxel Injection Production and Market Share by Type (2012-2017)5.2 Global Paclitaxel Injection Revenue and Market Share by Type (2012-2017)5.3 Global Paclitaxel Injection Price by Type (2012-2017)5.4 Global Paclitaxel Injection Production Growth by Type (2012-2017)6 Global Paclitaxel Injection Market Analysis by Application6.1 Global Paclitaxel Injection Consumption and Market Share by Application (2012-2017)6.2 Global Paclitaxel Injection Consumption Growth Rate by Application (2012-2017)6.3 Market Drivers and Opportunities6.3.1 Potential Applications6.3.2 Emerging Markets/CountriesTo Get Discount Of This Report Click here @QYResearchReports.com delivers the latest strategic market intelligence to build a successful business footprint in China. Our syndicated and customized research reports provide companies with vital background information of the market and in-depth analysis on the Chinese trade and investment framework, which directly affects their business operations. Reports from QYResearchReports.com feature valuable recommendations on how to navigate in the extremely unpredictable yet highly attractive Chinese market.1820 AvenueM Suite #1047Brooklyn, NY 11230United StatesToll Free: 866-997-4948 (USA-CANADA)Tel: +1-518-621-2074Web:Email: sales@qyresearchreports.com Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Market Research Report 2022: Dixie Chemical, Mosinter Chemical, Zhejiang Alpharm https://www.qyresearchreports.com/sample/sample.php?rep_id=981804&type=S https://www.qyresearchreports.com/report/global-tetrahydrophthalic-anhydride-thpa-market-research-report-2017.htm/toc https://www.qyresearchreports.com/sample/sample.php?rep_id=981804&type=D http://www.qyresearchreports.com Qyresearchreports include new market research report Global Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Market Research Report 2017 to its huge collection of research reports.The report on the global Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) market offers elaborate and comprehensive assessment of key growth drivers, challenges, noteworthy trends, major technological advances, and strategic landscape. The analysis presents a detailed overview of the current market offerings, their scope in various regions, and major research and development activities influencing their growth. The study presents a detailed assessment of various types of business risks, notably operational and strategic, and highlights the prevailing governmental regulations in various regions. It further takes a closer look at expected growth areas and lucrative prospects emerging in the global Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) market. Key innovations likely to open up new revenue streams in untapped markets are also covered in the report.Click here to get a FREE sample report in your inbox :A diverse range of trends is causing considerable shifts in consumer preferences in the global Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) market in various developing and developed regions. The study offers a granular analysis of such aspects and the likely opportunities that will emerge on account of this are covered. It further zeroes in key factors that will support public and private investments in the global Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) market.The study highlights major recent developments in end-use sectors likely to change the competitive dynamics of the overall market. It estimates the current revenue share and size of various players in the Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) market and analyzes the factors that will account for the dominant position of some over the assessment timeline.The research methodology employed in analyzing the Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) market draws from approaches universally accepted by industries and reflects the findings from a wide spectrum of primary and secondary research. This is supported by extensive rounds of interviews with CXOs, business executives, policy makers, and industry leaders. The findings offered in the research study is invaluable for various market participants, stakeholders, and budding entrepreneurs.Table of ContentsGlobal Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Market Research Report 20171 Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA)1.2 Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Segment by Type1.2.1 Global Production Market Share of Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) by Type in 20151.3 Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Segment by Application1.3.1 Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Consumption Market Share by Application in 20151.4 Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Market by Region1.4.1 North America Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.2 Europe Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.3 China Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.4 Japan Status and Prospect (2012-2022)Access the full Report TOC in Detail @2 Global Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Market Competition by Manufacturers2.1 Global Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Capacity, Production and Share by Manufacturers (2015 and 2016)2.2 Global Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Revenue and Share by Manufacturers (2015 and 2016)2.3 Global Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Average Price by Manufacturers (2015 and 2016)2.4 Manufacturers Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area and Product Type2.5 Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Market Competitive Situation and Trends2.5.1 Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Market Concentration Rate2.5.2 Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Market Share of Top 3 and Top 5 Manufacturers2.5.3 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion3 Global Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2012-2017)3.1 Global Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Capacity and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)3.2 Global Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Production and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)3.3 Global Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Revenue (Value) and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)3.4 Global Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.5 North America Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.6 Europe Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)4 Global Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions (2012-2017)4.1 Global Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Consumption by Regions (2012-2017)4.2 North America Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.3 Europe Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.4 China Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.5 Japan Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.6 Southeast Asia Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)5 Global Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type5.1 Global Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Production and Market Share by Type (2012-2017)5.2 Global Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Revenue and Market Share by Type (2012-2017)5.3 Global Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Price by Type (2012-2017)5.4 Global Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride (THPA) Production Growth by Type (2012-2017)Get discount copy @QYResearchReports.com delivers the latest strategic market intelligence to build a successful business footprint in China. 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The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market."Wind Power in Sweden, Market Outlook to 2030, Update 2017 - Capacity, Generation, Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) , Investment Trends, Regulations and Company Profiles" is the latest report from Publisher, the industry analysis specialists that offer comprehensive information and understanding of the wind power market in Sweden.The report provides in depth analysis on global renewable power market and global wind power market with forecasts up to 2030. The report analyzes the power market scenario in Sweden (includes conventional thermal, nuclear, large hydro and renewable energy sources) and provides future outlook with forecasts up to 2030. The research details renewable power market outlook in the country (includes wind, small hydro, biopower and solar PV) and provides forecasts up to 2030. The report highlights installed capacity and power generation trends from 2006 to 2030 in Sweden wind power market. A detailed coverage of renewable energy policy framework governing the market with specific policies pertaining to wind power is provided in the report. The research also provides company snapshots of some of the major market participants.The report is built using data and information sourced from proprietary databases, secondary research and in-house analysis by Publisher's team of industry experts.For more information about this report:Scope:The report analyses global renewable power market, global wind power (Onshore and Offshore) market, Sweden power market, Sweden renewable power market and Sweden wind power market. The scope of the research includes -- A brief introduction on global carbon emissions and global primary energy consumption.- An overview on global renewable power market, highlighting installed capacity trends, generation trends and installed capacity split by various renewable power sources. The information is covered for the historical period 2006-2016 (unless specified) and forecast period 2016-2030.- Renewable power sources include wind (both onshore and offshore) , solar photovoltaic (PV) , concentrated solar power (CSP) , small hydropower (SHP) , biomass, biogas and geothermal.- Detailed overview of the global wind power market with installed capacity and generation trends, installed capacity split by major hydropower countries in 2016 and key owners information of various regions.- Power market scenario in Sweden and provides detailed market overview, installed capacity and power generation trends by various fuel types (includes thermal conventional, nuclear, large hydro and renewable energy sources) with forecasts up to 2030.- An overview on Sweden renewable power market, highlighting installed capacity trends (2006-2030) , generation trends (2006-2030) and installed capacity split by various renewable power sources in 2016.- Detailed overview of Sweden wind power market with installed capacity and generation trends and major active and upcoming wind projects.- Deal analysis of Sweden wind power market. Deals are analyzed on the basis of mergers, acquisitions, partnership, asset finance, debt offering, equity offering, private equity (PE) and venture capitalists (VC) .- Key policies and regulatory framework supporting the development of renewable power sources in general and wind power in particular.- Company snapshots of some of the major market participants in the country.Request Sample Copy atReasons to buy:- The report will enhance your decision making capability in a more rapid and time sensitive manner.- Identify key growth and investment opportunities in Sweden wind power market.- Facilitate decision-making based on strong historic and forecast data for wind power market.- Position yourself to gain the maximum advantage of the industry's growth potential.- Develop strategies based on the latest regulatory events.- Identify key partners and business development avenues.- Understand and respond to your competitors' business structure, strategy and prospects.Companies Mentioned:Vattenfall ABStatkraft SCA Vind ABE.ON Sverige ABArise ABInquire for Report atAbout ReportsWeb:ReportsWeb.com is a one stop shop of market research reports and solutions to various companies across the globe. We help our clients in their decision support system by helping them choose most relevant and cost effective research reports and solutions from various publishers. We provide best in class customer service and our customer support team is always available to help you on your research queries.Contact Us:505, 6th floor, Amanora Township,Amanora Chambers, East Block,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Global GPS Tracking Device Market by focusing on Top Companies like Calamp Corporation, Sierra Wireless, Inc., Orbocomm Inc.,Queclink Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd. and Forecast By 2024 Global GPS Tracking Device Market Industry Trends and Forecast to 2024 http://databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-gps-tracking-device-market http://databridgemarketresearch.com/speak-to-analyst/?dbmr=global-gps-tracking-device-market http://databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-gps-tracking-device-market http://databridgemarketresearch.com/blog/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/data-bridge-market-research Global GPS Tracking Device Market accounted to USD 1.5 billion in 2016 growing at a CAGR of 13.0% during the forecast period of 2017 to 2024. The upcoming market report contains data for historic years 2015, the base year of calculation is 2016 and the forecast period is 2017 to 2024.Download Free Sample Report @Competitive Analysis:GPS Tracking Device Market is highly fragmented and is based on new product launches and clinical results of products. Hence the major players have used various strategies such as new product launches, clinical trials, market initiatives, high expense on research and development, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, and others to increase their footprints in this market. The report includes market shares of flow cytometry market for global, Europe, North America, Asia Pacific and South America.Market Definition:A GPS tracking unit is a device, normally carried by a moving vehicle or person, that uses the Global Positioning System to determine and track its precise location, and hence that of its carrier, at intervals. The latest trend in this market is growth in commercial vehicle leading to the growth of GPS system, they are in small in size, easy to carry, which may further develop the market in future. There is need of GPS tracking devices for several applications like Transportation & Logistics, Construction, Oil & Gas, Metals & Mining, Government, Others will create a huge market for the GPS tracking devices.Any Questions? Talk to our Expert @Major Market Drivers and Restraints: Commercial Vehicles increment leading to large supply of GPS system Smaller Size, Longer Life, and High ROI Low Prices Several Environmental Factors Leads to Poor User Experience Advancement in the SoftwareGet a Detail TOC of Report @Market Segmentation:On the basis of type Standalone Tracker, PBD Device, Advance Tracker.On the basis of deployment type:- Commercial Vehicle, Cargo Container, Others.On the basis of application:- Transportation & Logistics, Construction, Oil & Gas, Metals & Mining, Government, Others.On the basis of geography:- North America South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East & Africa.Major Market Competitors: Calamp Corporation, Sierra Wireless, Inc., Orbocomm Inc., Queclink Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd, Shenzhen Concox Information Technology Co., Ltd, Laird PLC., Tomtom International Bv, MeitrackGroup, Teltonika UAB, Atrack Technology Inc., Trackimo LLC,Geotab Inc., Shenzhen Coban Electronics Co., Ltd, Xirgo Technologies, Inc., Maestro Wireless Solutions Ltd., Ruptela UAB, Spy tech, Inc., Verizon Wireless among others.In 2017, Volkswagen sign a deal with Sierra wireless Inc. to use the GPS tracking devices in their cars.About Data Bridge Market Research:Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge endeavors to provide appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.Contact:Vishal DixitData Bridge Market ResearchTel: +1-888-387-2818Email: Sales@databridgemarketresearch.comInvestor: investors@databridgemarketresearch.comVisit Blog:Follow us on LinkedIn: Workplace Transformation Market : Understanding Industry Emerging Technology, Demand Forecast to 2023 https://www.psmarketresearch.com/market-analysis/workplace-transformation-market https://www.psmarketresearch.com/market-analysis/workplace-transformation-market/report-sample https://www.psmarketresearch.com As per the research, the global workplace transformation market is likely to grow from $7,890 million in 2016 to $24,099.2 million by 2023. The human resources and IT department of various business organizations are working together to create a workspace environment, which ensures smooth and flexible functioning in their organization. The business organizations that have adopted transformation in their workplace find greater employee satisfaction and more productivity. Workplace transformation helps in efficiently managing spaces in the organizations, which is unused when employees are unavailable in the office. This enables the firms to reduce business costs and increase their competitive advantage. This transformation occurs when the human behavior, technology and real-estate are used together to create flexible, fun and cooperative working environments that encourage innovation.Explore Report Description at:Geographically, North America has been the largest contributor to the global workplace transformation market. According to the research, the business organizations in this region are increasingly using digital transformation technologies to effectively manage themselves. The increasing adoption of unified communications and collaboration services by various business organizations in North America is driving the growth of workplace transformation market. The implementation of workplace transformation in North America is helping business enterprises to develop faster deployment, increase business agility, perform business operations effectively and eliminate huge infrastructure cost. The BFSI has been the largest industry for workplace transformation market in the region. The banking industry in this region is increasingly adopting enterprise mobility applications and smart mobile applications, which is helping it to transform the traditional banking system.Download Free Report Sample At:The research states that the global workplace transformation market had a concentrated structure in 2016. Some of the key players in the global market include Accenture PLC, Cisco Systems, Inc., Cognizant Technology Solutions Corporation, HCL Technologies Limited, Citrix Systems, Inc., Wipro Limited, Unisys Corporation, IBM Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Infosys Limited and Intel Corporation.About P&S Market ResearchP&S Market Research is a global market research and consulting company. We provide market research reports, industry reports; business intelligence and research based consulting services across a range of industries.With the help of our professional corporate relations with various companies, our market research offers the most accurate market forecasting. Our analysts and consultants interact with leading companies of the concerned domain to substantiate every single data presented in our publication. Our research assists our client in identifying new and different windows of opportunity and frame informed and customized strategies for expansion in different regions.Contact:P&S Market Research347, 5th Ave. #1402New York City, NY - 10016Toll-free: +1-888-778-7886 (USA/Canada)Email: enquiry@psmarketresearch.comWeb: by Raksha Hegde last updated - In Conversation with Bhavini Kalan, International Wellness Consultant & Vinyasa Kundalini Yoga Teacher Bhavini Kalan is an international wellness specialist who works with leading destination spas, wellness centers and resorts around the world. The Cornell business/law graduate conducts corporate wellness workshops, retreats, and individual programs across the world, helping people find balance within and at their workplace. She has also been instrumental in designing unique sacred spaces and wellness centers in India, Vietnam, Egypt, Morocco, Ethiopia, Bhutan, South Africa, Thailand, and Bali. Her academic background and in-depth training in yoga have helped her carve out a unique yoga style called MetaFlow which allows people to connect with their innate intelligence, what she terms as, the authentic self. Bhavini will be teaching at The International Yoga Festival held from March 1-7, 2018 in Rishikesh, India, a festival for which she also spearheads global marketing partnerships. [1] Bhavini is on point on her choice of business as well as her passion for holistic healing. Thats because the next trillion dollar industry globally will be the health and wellness space, according to a report by the Global Wellness Institute. The global wellness industry is a $3.7 trillion market, dominated by beauty and anti-aging product sales at $679 bn, followed by fitness and mind & body exercise ($390 bn) and healthy eating, nutrition and weight loss sales ($277 bn). [2] Organic Facts caught up with Bhavini Kalan to ask her more about her wellness mantra and businesses. OF: You have set up yoga & meditation centers in a number of countries across the world. What inspires you to do this? BK: The international market for wellness is growing, given that people are trying to search for more ways to lower their stress levels. I teach in diverse countries such as those in Africa, Vietnam, Egypt, Bhutan, Ethiopia, and Iran and there is openness for people wanting to tune into their innate mind-body intelligence and live better. Corporates are including wellness hours for staff productivity. I also do one-on-one MetaFlow consultations and offer yoga and meditation recommendations. Mind and meditation are becoming key, as people are learning that meditation is medication in whatever spiritual background or religion they come from. I am happy to see innovations in international meditation and yoga studios. For instance, there are breathing rooms like Just Breathe, where therapeutic grade salt is aerosolized and sprayed into the air. The salt is naturally anti-microbial and anti-fungal and helps provide natural relief to those with colds or ear infections. Meditation studios like Inscape offer fully immersive audio-guided experiences for meditation and relaxation. People are aiming to be authentic, thats the new cool, and embracing yogic ways allows for the authentic awakening. My inspiration is training wellness hospitality partners, managers, spa therapists and so on, so they are able to become ambassadors of yoga meditation, breath-work instead of selling it off the menu. OF: You have collaborated with several international experts and spiritual leaders through your career journey. Can you tell us about what you consider the highlights? BK: The teachings of the different lineages and their unique aspect of study renders the whole is more than the sum of its part approach. International wellness experts and spiritual leaders are inspirations of awakened living or living with self-awareness. They are mindful and eventually start working through their heart intelligence. Given their years of work, their teachings bring a pure authenticity to them, making everything they say or do becoming imprinted in the mind, heart and cellular psyche. Once they reach a certain level, their teachings is that of LOVE. However, these teachers and experts remain students of life daily and continue on their evolving journey. They do not miss the God of Small Things. OF: As an entrepreneur, what have been the challenges that you have faced? And how have you overcome them? BK: Given that I am a business development consultant and yoga and wellness studies specialist, the challenge has been finding a career as an independent consultant to merge these skills and create unique value-add offerings, so that it is financially viable for me. I overcame them by being associated with key wellness hospitality wellness investors around the world that are looking for innovative spa and wellness business development programs and strategies, right through from program design and development, to trainings and annual refresher work and courses, taking yogic living concepts into policies, into the resort experiences, into products and amenities etc. I get referred word-of-mouth as the work I do is super niche. The nicest thing is that I get to travel to unique places and work with amazing professionals from around the world. OF: What is the single biggest wellness mantra that you think will trend in 2018? BK: Restful living, how to find your own wellness flow and own it, authenticity and inner mastery through deepening your mind, body, and energetic intelligence. Above all, live from the heart. OF: As a changemaker in the space of wellness, what is the thing that you are most proud of that you have achieved? BK: I am proud to have merged my business consulting skills with wellness. In this way, I can blend my passion for business creativity and innovation in the field of wellness. I am proud to have made a mark in Africa and the Arab worlds, somehow my teachings appeal to these crowds a lot. Travel has become a study for me where I get to experience wellness trends first-hand in different cultures. After all these years, personally, I am finally happy to have embraced restful living and what works for me so that I am able to give my best to people and projects in a restful way. Hence, I have launched my initiative called MetaFlow which takes all my years of yoga and wellness and Ayurveda into a more relevant modality for the current times, I aim to make wellness fun easy and beautiful. Movies playing in mid-valley theaters as of Friday. Complete and updated Movie Scene listings can be found online. NEW DEN OF THIEVES (Action-adventure, R, 140 minutes, playing at the Regal 4 in Corvallis) This crime flick follows sheriffs deputies as they attempt to stop a robbery at the Federal Reserve Bank in downtown Los Angeles. Gerard Butler stars. FOREVER MY GIRL 2 stars (Drama, PG, 104 minutes, playing at the AMC Corvallis 12) Liam Page, a country music star, returns to his small Southern hometown for the funeral of a high school friend, and meets up again with Josie, the woman he left behind at the altar years before. It turns out Josie has a surprise for Liam. Alex Roe and Jessica Rothe star. The movie doesnt stake out any new ground, but for an audience, seeking fluffy, escapist, country music-tinged romance, itll hit a sweet spot. (Katie Walsh, Tribune News Service) PHANTOM THREAD 4 stars (Drama, R, 130 minutes, playing at the Darkside in Corvallis) Reteaming with his "There Will Be Blood" director Paul Thomas Anderson, Daniel Day-Lewis delivers another Oscar-worthy performance as a fashion designer in mid-20th-century London who has a very specific (and more than a little eccentric) way of doing things. The attention to detail, the use of certain colors, the lush and vibrant photography of the dresses made they're honestly breathtaking. (Richard Roeper, Chicago Sun-Times) 12 STRONG 2 stars (Drama, R, 130 minutes, playing at the Regal 7 in Albany and the Regal 4 in Corvallis) In the days after the Sept. 11 attack, a U.S. Special Forces team sent into Afghanistan must join forces with the Northern Alliance and also must adopt the tactics of the Afghani horse soldiers. Chris Hemsworth and Michael Shannon star. The film never delves deep enough to examine the larger involvement of the U.S., but it infuses heart and character into its characters, exploring how and why men fight. (Katie Walsh, Tribune News Service) CONTINUING THE COMMUTER 2 stars (Action thriller, PG-13, 105 minutes, playing at the Regal 7 and the AMC Corvallis 12) Liam Neeson returns to his action-hero ways in this thriller, set aboard a New York commuter train. He plays a freshly fired insurance salesman who gets an intriguing offer from a mysterious woman (Vera Farmiga) on the train, and soon finds himself in a web of intrigue. The movie is slick and efficient, even if it runs out of credibility near the end. (Jake Coyle, Associated Press) PADDINGTON 2 3 stars (Family comedy, PG, 103 minutes, playing at the Regal 7 in Albany and the AMC Corvallis 12) The beloved bear from Michael Bonds books returns to the big screen in this accessible and sweet romp. Paddington (voiced by Ben Whishaw) wants to buy an antique book for his aunts birthday, but runs afoul of an unscrupulous actor. Check out the supporting cast: Brendan Gleeson, Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, Julie Walters, Jim Broadbent, Michael Gambon and Imelda Staunton. (Colin Colvert, Minneapolis Star-Tribune) THE POST 4 stars (Historical drama, PG-13, 115 minutes, playing at the Regal 7 in Albany and the AMC Corvallis 12) Meryl Streep has often played the most confident of characters, but as 1970s Washington Post publisher Kay Graham, she does an astonishing job of showing us someone unsure of herself as she debates publishing the Pentagon Papers and risking jail. This is a love letter to journalistic bravery and to the First Amendment, and it is the best movie about newspapers since "All the President's Men." (Richard Roeper, Chicago Sun-Times) PROUD MARY (Action drama, R, 88 minutes, playing at the AMC Corvallis 12) A hitwoman named Mary (Taraji P. Henson) performs assassinations for a crime syndicate in Boston, but she has a change of heart when she encounters an orphaned boy. Billy Brown, Margaret Avery, Xander Berkeley, Danny Glover, and Neal McDonough co-star. Directed by Babak Najafi, who also helmed London Has Fallen. INSIDIOUS: THE LAST KEY 2 stars (Horror, PG-13, 103 minutes, playing at the Regal 7 in Albany and the Regal 4 in Corvallis) The production elements and special effects are pretty cool in this installment of the horror franchise, a chapter about demons in the creepy childhood home of parapsychologist Elise Rainier (the wonderful Lin Shaye). The main problem: too many ghosts. Good ghosts, bad ghosts, and ghosts that might not really be ghosts at all. (Richard Roeper, Chicago Sun-Times) MOLLYS GAME 4 stars (Biographical drama, R, 140 minutes, playing at the AMC Corvallis 12). Jessica Chastain gives a nomination-worthy performance as the organizer of high-stakes, A-list poker games that aren't exactly legal. With his feature directing debut, Aaron Sorkin hits a home run a glimpse of life in the fast lane, a sobering cautionary tale and a brilliant character study. (Richard Roeper, Chicago Sun-Times) THE SHAPE OF WATER 3 stars (Fantasy adventure, R, 118 minutes, playing at the Darkside) Sally Hawkins gives a sweet and moving performance as a maid in a top-secret government facility who falls in love with a mysterious sea creature in captivity there. Gorgeously color-coordinated, this fairy tale from director Guillermo del Toro is one of the most romantic and most breathtakingly beautiful movies of the year. (Richard Roeper, Chicago Sun-Times) LADY BIRD 4 stars (Comedy, R, 93 minutes, playing at the Darkside in Corvallis and the AMC Corvallis 12) Greta Gerwig already has made a fine career for herself as an actress, but with "Lady Bird" she has written and directed a film that's smart without being smug and insightful without being condescending. Saoirse Ronan delivers a pure and honest performance as the title character, a high school senior, and the work by Laurie Metcalf and Tracy Letts as her parents is what greatness looks like. (Richard Roeper, Chicago Sun-Times) THE GREATEST SHOWMAN 3 stars (Musical, PG, 105 minutes, playing at the Pix in Albany and the AMC Corvallis 12) There were times when I rolled my eyes to the ceiling at the corny and cheesy and shameless sentiment of this musical starring Hugh Jackman as P.T. Barnum. But then I'd realize my foot was once again tapping in time to the beat of the catchy tunes, at which point I'd acknowledge I was thoroughly enjoying myself, despite all cynical instincts. (Richard Roeper, Chicago Sun-Times) JUMANJI: WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE 2 stars (Comedy fantasy adventure, PG-13, 119 minutes, playing at the Regal 7 in Albany and the AMC Corvallis 12) Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Jack Black and Karen Gillan star in this stand-alone sequel, about four teenagers who are sucked into a video game set in a jungle and take on the bodies of their avatars. Generally entertaining and mostly sweet, if you dont think about it too much. (Lindsay Bahr, Associated Press) PITCH PERFECT 3 1 star (Musical comedy, PG-13, 93 minutes, playing at the AMC Corvallis 12) Any honors-level high school creative writing class could come up with a half-dozen better story ideas for "Pitch Perfect 3" than this incomprehensibly stupid, jarringly uneven, astonishingly unfunny and just plain lazy dead fish of a three-quel. The songs remain good cheesy white-bread fun, but this feels like an encore nobody asked for as the Bellas reunite for an overseas USO tour. Anna Kendrick, Rebel Wilson and Hailee Steinfeld return, along with John Michael Higgins and Elizabeth Banks. (Richard Roeper, Chicago Sun-Times) THE DISASTER ARTIST 3 stars (Comedy biography, R, 98 minutes, playing at the AMC Corvallis 12) Given James Franco's sometimes perplexing resume, he's the right guy to direct and star as Tommy Wiseau in a movie about the making of the infamously bad cult debacle "The Room." Franco's film is breezy, entertaining and even affectionate. (Richard Roeper, Chicago Sun-Times) STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI 3 stars (Fantasy/sci-fi action, PG-13, 152 minutes, playing at the Regal 7 in Albany and the Regal 4 in Corvallis) Although it doesn't pack quite the same emotional punch as "The Force Awakens" and lags a bit in the second half, this is still a worthy chapter in the "Star Wars" franchise, popping with exciting action sequences and sprinkled with good humor. Surprises big and small abound. (Richard Roeper, Chicago Sun-Times) THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI 4 stars (Dark comedy, R, 115 minutes, playing at the AMC Corvallis 12) The story of a grieving mother (Frances McDormand) trying to shame the police chief (Woody Harrelson) into solving her daughter's murder provides some of the strongest laughs and most poignant moments of heartbreak of any movie in recent memory. Somehow writer-director Martin McDonagh has taken the bleakest of subject matters and treated it seriously while also serving up one of the best dark comedies I've ever seen. (Richard Roeper, Chicago Sun-Times) COCO 3 stars (Animated, PG, 104 minutes, playing at the AMC Corvallis 12) A 12-year-old boy (Anthony Gonzalez) crosses over, while alive, from his village in Mexico to the Land of the Dead, an exciting metropolis populated by deceased humans. The visuals jump off the screen, but the movies flights of imaginative frenzy are too constrained by formula: Coco is a good, but not great, Pixar flick. (Justin Chang, Los Angeles Times) Amazon has officially announced the cancellation of three of its original comedy series, I Love Dick, One Mississippi and Jean-Claude Van Johnson. This news follows shortly after Amazon renewed its comedy series The Tick for a second season. Amazon currently finds itself in the midst of scandal after replacing former head of programming Roy Price amid sexual harassment allegations and his number two Joe Lewis amid conflict of interest allegations. Since then, Albert Cheng, Amazon Studios chief operating officer, has replaced Price and Sharon Yguado, former head of programming for Fox 2000, has replaced Lewis. I Love Dick starred Kevin Bacon and was created by Jill Soloway, who remains in business with Amazon, although the future of her Emmy- and Golden Globe award-winning show Transparent could be in jeopardy after sexual harassment allegations were made against the shows star Jeffrey Tambor. One Mississippi was created by and starred comedian Tig Notaro, and executive produced by Louis C.K. and FX Productions. Unfortunately for Notaro, whos been very outspoken about her accused executive producer C.K., Amazon has nixed her show while FX Productions also dropped it after at two-year run. No doubt, Amazon and FX Productions want to distance themselves from C.K. after he too was accused of sexual misconduct by five women and later admitted to the accusations. Action and martial arts superstar Jean-Claude Van Damme wont be returning to television with his show Jean-Claude Van Johnson, which had Van Damme playing an altered version of himself coming out of retirement. Van Damme executive produced the show, which was produced by Ridley Scotts Scott Free Television and David W. Zucker. The series only recently premiered on Dec. 15 but was met harshly by critics. You can read Pastes review of the failed series here. Amazon, luckily, is coming off the success of its recent award-winning The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, which earned Golden Globes for Best Comedy Series and Best Actress in a Comedy Series for star Rachel Brosnahan. The streamers current comedy half-hour lineup consists of The Tick, Catastrophe, Transparent and Fleabag. Amazon is looking to do more straight-to-series orders following the success of Netflix and HBO. This means that Amazon will be making commitments to buying and airing a full ten to thirteen episode season, rather than just making a pilot and testing the waters. According to THR, Amazons pilot process involved allowing viewers to help determine the future of the new serieshowever, many insiders said that the democratic process was largely for show and meant little in the streamers ultimate series pickup/pass decisions. Stanley Tucci has joined Rosamund Pike in the forthcoming film A Private War, a biopic about war correspondent Marie Colvin who worked for the British newspaper The Sunday Times from 1985 until her death on Feb. 22, 2012. Academy Award nominee Pike is set to play Colvin. The film is based on a Vanity Fair piece by Marie Brenner that chronicled Colvins career and death. Assad forces finally killed her after she was deliberately tracked and targeted by senior Syrian military officials seeking to silence her because of her reporting on civilian casualties in the city of Homs. Colvin was an American journalist who graduated from Yale University. Her trademark was her distinctly American tone and, of course, the eye patch she wore after losing her left eye from a RPG in Sri Lanka in 2001. The film supposedly will juxtapose her home life in London with her professional work reporting directly from Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria, where she was murdered. It is unknown what role Tucci will have in this film, but it is known that his part will take place in the London segments of the film, according to Variety. Fifty Shades of Grey star Jamie Dornan is also part of the cast, playing Colvins photographer, Paul Conroy, who accompanied her on her fateful final assignment. Tucci received an Oscar nomination for his haunting turn in The Lovely Bones, in which he played a chilling child murderer. He is coming off a busy year in which he starred in Disneys Beauty and the Beast remake, Transformers: The Last Knight and the FX limited series Feud: Betty and Joan. Thunder Road Pictures Basil Iwanyk (Sicario), Charlize Therons Denver and Delilah Productions, and Savvy Media Holdings Matthew George (Wind River) are producing A Private War along with Marissa McMahon. Arash Amel, who most recently penned the critically hated Grace of Monaco, wrote the screenplay. The Oscar-nominated director of the documentary Cartel Land, Matthew Heineman, will direct. Before 6:30 this morning, after reports of shots fired in the area of South 18th and Mulberry streets in Harrisburg came unconfirmed reports of at least one police officer down. Dauphin County District Attorney Fran Chardo said there was an officer-involved shooting in Harrisburg. "I can't confirm anything beyond that," he said. "It's an ongoing investigation." Police from Harrisburg, Steelton and surrounding departments are on the scene. No one has commented on the situation, however. Two ambulances are on the scene. One person is on a stretcher. Harrisburg police searching for a suspect at 17th and Mulberry Streets. Ongoing breaking situation. @PennLive pic.twitter.com/0z6GhLmpwu John Luciew (@JohnLuciew) January 18, 2018 School buses are being re-routed. Streets are closed in the area. "This is a crime scene, you have to go around," an officer on scene told a pedestrian. Harrisburg police moved media back another block to 17th St., possibly because they were preparing to bring out the victim. @PennLive John Luciew (@JohnLuciew) January 18, 2018 Further details will be posted as we have them. This story is being updated. Video from the scene: Extreme snowfall expected to last through weekend Snowfall is expected to continue through Sunday, Nov. 20, according Matt Gillen, meteorologist at the National Weather Service. FIRST, THE LIZARD In the middle you have Mechagodzilla. To the right you have the real Godzilla. At far left is King Caesar, who bears an uncanny resemblance to this guy I know named Larry who lives beneath the Woburn Street bridge. THE BIKE BIT A great movie that would not be improved by the addition of men in dragon suits. See, it works both ways. Remember when the 2015 Reign seemed long? That's because it was. For 2018, the Reign's reach grew by 15 millimeters to 473-millimeter reach (size Large), which is really just the new normal right now. In fact, by Mondraker or Pole standards, it's downright short...so there's always that. Sometimes youve got to know when good enough is actually good enough. As inspirational adages go, this one sucks, but its true all the same. There are occasions when life presents us with a happy balance; at such times you have to recognize that twisting the dial furtherall the way to 11, so to speakwould be a mistake. Consider Mechagodzilla and the current rage to make every bike as long and slack as possible.We begin in Japan.For decades, millions of people experienced the unrivaled joy of watching two grown men in ill-fitting monster suits pummel the crap out of one another. There is an undeniable majesty to old school, pre-CGI Godzilla. This was true whether the big lizard was handing Mothra his ass or simply running amok on a Friday night with his boys, Gidra and King Caesar, setting city blocks aflame and whatnot.What is the exact source of that magic? You may as well ask why kittens are cute or why couples hold hands and stare off into the sunset. Hell if I know. Im no scientist. But I do know this: An hour spent watching Godzilla was always an hour well spent. Right up until 1974; thats when shit fell apart.1974 was the year that someone in the marketing department of Toho studios decided that poorly performed judo in dinosaur suits had suddenly become passe. Consequently, the filmmakers attempted to turn that dial to 11 by rolling out the 84-minute pile of dreck that isThe plot is a veritable dumpster fire of bad ideas. A plucky spelunker finds some crazy space-metal from the future tucked away in a cave, which leads archaeologists to discover a cave painting containing a vague prophecy, then Godzilla suddenly shows up and starts stomping Tokyo to bits instead of protecting the city. This was intended to be a head scratcher because Japans capital city enjoyed the status quo Were totally bros kind of relationship typically enjoyed by an atomic-age dinosaur and his Japanese hometown. Vive le Intrigue!Anyway, after all sorts of tedious plot machinations, the real Godzilla shows up in Tokyo pissed off and then some. Up until this point in the movie, the true Godzilla has actually been chilling out on Monster Island with his buddy Megalon, downing 40s of virgin blood and watching repto-porn (as monsters are wont to do). But back to the plot... The OG lizard king gets wind that another monster is tarnishing his good name, so he turns up and launches a blast of fire breath at the impostor Godzilla. Said fire blast melts away a flesh suit to reveal Mechagodzilla--a mechanical Godzilla powered by aliens from the Third Planet from the Black Hole who are actually just dudes in cheap,knock-off suits. By this point you just want the movie to end. Its not even gratifying when Godzilla rips off Mechagodzillas head.To be fair, the producers at Toho studios were probably just trying to spice up the Godzilla formula. They were 13 monster movies deep into the series and probably reasoned that adding a giant robot with laser-beam eyes and rocket appendages would be just the shot in the arm their franchise needed. It's a plausible strategy, but it also misses the pointthe original Godzilla recipe was already perfect. Trying to turn the latest installment of the franchise into a space-dinosaur version ofonly mucked it up. Sometimes trying to twist the dial to 11 on every product within sight is a mistake.I feel the same way about some of the trends in the mountain biking world these days. I'll start with the obvious one: the goal to make everything long, low and slack. Let me begin by saying that if you looked at what was on offer five or six years ago, a lot of bikes stood to be improved by having their reach grow and their head angles relax. The most obvious choices were the bikes that swam on the aggressive end of the all-mountain swimming pool. The Giant Reign and Trek Remedy come to mind. But other less-obvious bike genres benefitted from getting a bit, for lack of a better word, "radder". The 2016 Kona's Hei Hei 29er, for example, became a bike that could be raced XC, but also rallied like an aggressive trail bike. Going longer and slacker with that particular model simply made it a good deal more capable and fun. Win, win and win.As one of the people who'd been inserting the "This could be better if it were longer and slacker" line in at least half of my bike reviews for years, I was gratified when bike companies listened to the many riders who were calling for the same. But that doesn't mean that every bike must necessarily grow longer and slacker in order to be "modern' or even, simply, worth your consideration. What happens, for instance, when a model was already pretty damn long and slack? What if that bike was already pretty dialed in the "progressive geometry" department? Do we really need to add another 20 millimeters to a model's reach every three years? Is it absolutely imperative to slacken the head angle another degree while we're at it? Suddenly we find ourselves in a world where 460 millimeters of reach on a size large is2014 Kona Process. Now we better make that reach 480 millimeters or--wait--make it 500 millimeters!Look, there comes a moment when you pass the tipping point and you wind up with a bike that is reaaally long and stable--an absolute marvel of high-speed stability--but a bit of an annoying armful to muscle through super tight trails. Or to put it simply: A dose of long, low and slack can be truly awesome, but a size Medium bike with a 48-inch wheelbase is just a mighty long-ass bike.Of course, if you are racing enduro or shuttling all the time or looking for a single-crown, mini-DH bike, then it's hard to go too long and too slack. All is right in your world. But it's decidedly less awesome for that rider who is still looking for that one bike that he can ride everywhere. That rider will hit a point when they are wishing 2015's, six-inch travel, all-mountain bike still occupied floor space at their local bike shop.Enduro is still the hot librarian or "it girl" of the bike industry in 2018, but what if you aren't an enduro racer or your trails or your riding style don't merit the slackest, longest bike possible? Well, it's not like you'll exactly find yourself adrift in a barren, bike-less world when it comes time to buy a new rig. For starters, you could opt for a new bike with less travel, slightly steeper geometry and a shorter wheelbase. There's that option. And, yes, some companies are also still offering both all-mountain and enduro models (selling a Bronson alongside a Nomad or a Stumpjumperan Enduro, to employ just two examples). There are, however, other brands that now have a sizable black hole in their line up between all-purpose, trail bike and mini-DH bike.I realize, of course, that this may all come across as just one "old guy" bitching about how shit has changed and how great everything would be if life was just fixed in stone. You can dismiss what I'm saying here as just another "You kids get off my goddamn lawn!" kind of rant, but that's not actually what I'm saying here. I think people who wanted mini-DH bikes should have gotten them a lot earlier and it's great that those bikes exist. For the record, on the right trails, they are a blast to ride. But I also wind up traveling to parts of the country that don't boast the gnarliest trails and I meet people whosub-47 inch (1194 millimeter) wheelbases and head angles somewhere north of 66 degrees.... The trend to make every bike long, low and "slack-as-f*ck" misses the mark for those riders.Theoretically, turning the dial up to 11 is going to make everything awesome. From here on out, it's going to be lazer eyes and rocket hands and space aliens and mini downhill bikes for everyone. All the time. On every trail. Yay!But when we reach for that dial each and every time, we sometimes risk launching right off the tipping point and into a world where fashion trumps function. There is a fine line, a wise man once said, between clever and stupid. It pays to know where that line starts and where it ends. Jean Rouch is among the most important filmmakers whose work has been devilishly hard to track down. As far as Region 1 viewers are concerned, only his Parisian experiment in cinema verite , Chronicle of a Summer (1961) , has been made available, and that only as recently as 2013. So its with surprise bordering on wonder that were confronted with a four-disc set of beautiful 2017 restorations from Icarus Films. Rouch spent most of his long professional life in Africa as an ethnographer with a particular interest in religion, animism and magic in other words, what some call superstition. His films essentially turn their backs on the modern world, except to perceive the post-colonial world as a problem that his African subjects navigate as best they can while clinging to their memories and folkways. Rouchs films are firmly on the side of his subjects, who become collaborators in ways well discuss, yet such a project can leave Rouch open to the type of criticism that Zora Neale Hurston, for example, faced from Langston Hughes when she explored myths and folkways and dialects of Southern African-Americans that embarrassed forward-thinking urban strivers, who didnt want to be reminded of such things and didnt think it made a good progressive image for the white folks. To the white folks who saw Rouchs films at festivals, the subject matter often seemed exotic and strange, yet Rouchs technique is to accept what he presents without question or condescension, so that the Africans reality becomes the films and therefore the viewers reality. He did this partly with the heavy use of handheld cameras constantly moving about in the way we take for granted today, not only in documentaries but in fiction features and even on TV. Todays style has caught up with him, so that Rouchs mode doesnt feel as groundbreaking as it was. Another of his techniques is to immerse the viewer in a busy, complex soundtrack that resulted from, in many cases, filming with cameras that couldnt record sound. He took advantage of this limit to create rich tracks that combine local music and dialogue, and he often has his actors take over the narration and provide spontaneous commentary among themselves. Rouch called his method shared anthropology, in an attempt to renounce the authority of the filmmaker, especially one from outside the culture. Just as he blurred the boundaries between filmmaker and subjects, he blurred fiction and documentary in the ethnographic manner of Robert Flahertys Nanook of the North (1922), the first film he ever saw as a boy. Rouch goes farther than Flaherty, for while Flaherty organized his participants into an ethnographic story, Rouch encourages all participants to invent their own ideas for the film and use the filmmaker as a tool for whatever they wish. He called the result ethnofiction, as it becomes a toss-up whether the story should be considered fiction or ethnography. In any case, everything that passes before the camera is both documented and fictionalized. On top of this, Rouch shot in color, here richly restored on these discs. Disc One contains the 1956 shorts Mammy Water and The Mad Masters, both funded as ethnographic projects, and the 1959 feature Moi, un Noir. The first film documents a fishing communitys annual pagan ritual, which involves the blood sacrifice of a bullock in the ocean to appease the goddess of the sea. You might as well know right now that many of these films show the deaths of animals, sacrificed or hunted for various reasons, their throats cuts while the killers apologize and make amends for the animals soul. A newer ritual is documented in the second film, whereby ordinary laborers retreat on their day off to a country house and become possessed by spirits of their colonial leaders and generals in other words, by those with more power than these participants will ever have. Its not clear if mind-altering substances are involved, but we see the men foam at the mouth, argue, cavort and play with fire until a dog is sacrificed and the animals blood drunk. The effect, while conveyed as a sectarian religious celebration, contains an element of parody and mockery reminiscent of the antebellum plantation tradition of the cakewalk, in which the manners of the masters were parodied. The film ends by showing the men at work in their real identities on an ordinary day, including the one rather effeminate clerk who adopted a female persona under possession. Viewers are warned about the cruelty, but its also stressed that the participants are proud of what they do and welcome all observers, and that this film was made entirely at their request and with their cooperation. Thats an important point, for these three films trace Rouchs evolution from presenting a culture with an outsiders narration (the first film) to having the narrator clarify the collaborative nature of the project (the second film), to relegating the French narrator to a minor role in a dialectic taken over by the voices of the participants themselves (the feature). Moi, un Noir takes us inside the lives of day laborers who come from all over Africa to work in Treichville on the Ivory Coast. Rouch asked the people depicted if they were interested in making a film in which they play themselves and determine what they want to show. The result is a very personal insiders view of looking for work, eating, sleeping, flirting, going to the beach on a day off, gambling after hours, etc. The footage was shot silent and the soundtrack created later, with the young men not only dubbing dialogue but offering their own commentary and analysis. One striking element is the nicknames they adopt, which are lifted from movies. The credits give their true names as well as the nicknames, a point that underlines how playing themselves is also adopting a public persona. The main character, who states that he doesnt use his real name in the city, is called Edward G. Robinson, named for a resemblance to that actor, and he combines it with Sugar Ray Robinson when fantasizing about being a boxer. His friend, a ladies man, is called Eddie Constantine. A girlfriend is Dorothy Lamour. A cabdriver is called Tarzan, a particularly interesting example of co-opting Western culture, since American writer Edgar Rice Burroughs created Tarzan as a symbol of Africa who was safely a white English aristocrat, so that his American heroine could fall in love with Africa in a way that became a bestseller instead of getting him lynched. By adopting the name, the African cabbie exposes the subtext of the famous myth. These dialogues with Western culture, as twisted to suit the purposes of those exposed to it, reflects the films wider idea of dialectics between filmmakers and subjects. The film ends with Constantines disappearance into jail for three months something that really happened and determined the course of the film. This feature had a marked impact on at least two lives in different corners of the world. According to Eric Kohns excellent liner notes, Oumarou Ganda, the laborer who presented himself as Robinson, went on to a successful filmmaking career as one of the founders of Nigerian cinema. Another epiphany was felt in Paris by spellbound young critic Jean-Luc Godard, whose Breathless (1959) would present another handheld ethnographic study of a young man whose limited prospects are disguised by his passion for Western gangster movies. The features on Disc 2 are The Human Pyramid (1961) and The Lion Hunters (1967). The first film is presented as a fictional collaboration between white French students and African students who attend the same school but dont mix socially. They adopt roles and attitudes in a story about a social experiment in hanging out together, and this racial awareness adds a layer of self-consciousness to otherwise ordinary anecdotes about romantic rivalry and the like, which includes a climactic melodrama for the sake of it. This is presented as a movie thing separate from the reality of filming. The fiction is book-ended by scenes in Paris, where some of the African students have gone to study and formed friendships with the returning white students. This optimism, as in Moi, un Noir, feels like a celebration of youth. In both films, Rouch expresses the idea that the experience of making the film is more important as a catalytic act for its participants than anything in the film itself. The Lion Hunters, shot over several years, documents the ways of a hunting tribe in the awareness that this way of life is disappearing and that the next generation probably wont follow the same immemorial methods. Many animals are killed with poison arrows and traps, then their throats cut, then the carcass prepared for food and pelt. The animals are thanked, gods are invoked, and sorcerers toss shells to divine the future. By serendipity or design, the one male lion they fail to catch and never see is called The American. All this, as in previous ethnographic films, is presented in our faces as part of everyday reality, with the narrator only explaining the procedures and translating the dialogue but offering no patronizing editorials on the primitive and suchlike. Where another film might have approached the material in the context of the march of civilization and the banishment of superstition, or else as a self-conscious elegy, Rouch is committed to dropping us into the worldview of his subjects, who are not objects. Disc 3 begins with Jaguar (1967, but filmed in 1954), another collaboration in which his young Nigerian stars take over the narrative and provide jolly commentary on the footage of their road trip to Accra in the Gold Coast (Ghana) and the temporary jobs they take there before returning home. One of the young men is Damoure Zika, Rouchs longtime friend and collaborator who had also been among the lion hunters. He too developed a career in Nigerian film as well as radio and spiritual healing. Little by Little (1971) is a kind of sequel that finds the same men having formed a successful import-export business. In an entirely fictional story, they visit France to learn about skyscrapers; perform ethnographic studies with unsuspecting white people in the street, who get measured with calipers and asked to show their teeth; and meet a confident African dressmaker and a young white secretary, plus an alcoholic bum, whom they whisk back to Africa with them. This film feels like its making itself up as it goes along with a mischievous sense of liberation. A completely improvised movie is the odd-film-out on Disc 4, The Punishment. At just over an hour, its the only film in black and white and the only one entirely shot in Paris, as though Rouch felt it was a black and white city while Africa needs the full palette. Although black and white, its just as visually beautiful as Rouchs visions of African oceans, rivers, veldts and fabrics. The central white actress from The Human Pyramid is still playing a Parisian student whos been to Africa. On this day, she wanders the city and has three extended dialogues with very different men before an epilogue demonstrates the impossibility of an attractive young woman walking the street alone without being harassed by drageurs or pick-up artists (and one female drageuse). This feels like a lost work of the French New Wave, one combining the improvisation of Jacques Rivette with the philosophical man/woman dialogues of Godard and Eric Rohmer. The disc is rounded out with an informative one-hour profile of Rouch from 2017. Rouch, who was killed in a car accident in 2004, is shown in archival interviews discussing various matters, including his friendship with Zika, whose grandmother introduced Rouch to African magic and spirit possession. Various friends (but not Zika, who died in 2009) and historians offer a personal portrait of this pioneer of cinema verite who easily transcended strict verite in favor of the fictional, the surreal, the numinous and the playful. He made many more films besides those here, and we hope that this set signals more to come. The Willamette Valley Ag Expo is set for Tuesday through Thursday, Nov. 15 through 17, at the Linn County Expo Center, 3700 Knox Butte Road E. in Albany. Los Angeles garage rocker Kat Meoz has been building an appreciative following since 2012, garnering the attention of none other than legendary tastemaker Rodney Bingenheimer who took a shine to Meozs music, especially the track Christmas in Hollywood. Meoz focuses on another California legend in her latest video, Here I Wait, San Francisco-based writer Richard Brautigan (Trout Fishing in America, The Abortion: An Historical Romance 1966). Meoz and friends (including director Kansas Bowling) traveled to the Bay Area in late 2017 to shoot the clip, searching for an important artifact in the late authors legacy. Set to a noisy, angry slab of guitar-driven rock that summons comparisons to PJ Harvey in her earliest, nastiest era, the film is whimsical, cynical and filled with the blood and guts appropriate to its subject matter and the tune which it accompanies. The artifact in question is Willard, a papier-mache bird that resides in Petaluma, California and is central to the 1975 novel Willard and His Bowling Trophies: A Perverse Mystery. After Brautigans suicide in 1984, the authors friend, voice-over actor Terry McGovern, was awarded guardianship of the mysterious creature. Meoz, provides some insights into the video, saying, Originally I was supposed to play the role of the ingenue searching for Willard, retracing Brautigans real life hangouts, as well as the locations where his book covers were photographed. However, since Kansas has read every book and poem by the author, it made more sense to me that Kansas play herself and I play the many Brautigan babes who graced the covers. She adds, We took turns operating the camera, which was really fun. Actor James Kirkland, whose resemblance to Brautigan is strikingly uncanny, agreed to star in the Nor Cal adventure. We read Brautigan novels aloud in the car, and listened to rare recordings of the author and his friends reciting his poetry. My favorite, Love Poem, made it into the end of the video, read aloud by Brautigan himself. Pizza has been a constant in Brian Kesslers life, from the time he got a job in a pizzeria as a teenager until the day he met his wife in a pizza joint. Read moreIggy's Pizza Shop is now open in Mount Pleasant Watchdog and Public Service reporter Thad Moore is a reporter on The Post and Couriers Watchdog and Public Service team and a graduate of the University of South Carolina. To share tips securely, reach Moore via ProtonMail at thadmoore@protonmail.com or on Signal at 843-214-6576. Straight No Chaser is celebrating its silver anniversary with a three-month tour that would exact a physical toll on any performer vocalists especially. Yet despite the grueling schedule (they are almost exactly in the middle of more than 60 performances), SNC performed an outstanding show Nov. 13 at the Charleston Gaillard Center. Read moreReview: Straight No Chaser delights young and old on a cappella tour The forthcoming HOPE Center will serve as a hub for various services such as housing and financial assistance and medical care. The fundraising drive is part of regional effort led by the Mayor's Commission on Homelessness which is a collaboration between Charleston Mayor John Tecklenburg, Mount Pleasant Mayor Will Haynie and North Charleston Mayor Keith Summey. Read moreCharleston seeks fundraising boost for new homeless outreach center At this vital point in American history, its important to stop and consider where we are headed as a country and as a people. Some of the rhetoric and actions we see and hear are both damaging and dangerous. The signs of eroding democracy are everywhere. The rise in antisemitism is disturbi Read moreCommentary: We cannot remain silent amid rising antisemitism About 20 years ago, when North Charleston began adjusting reluctantly to the reality that the southern end of the former Charleston Naval Base would become a new container terminal, the city approved a plan that would balance the emerging port presence there with the desire of nearby neighbo Read moreEditorial: North Charleston should follow its vision for Spruill Avenue Asia-Pacific Wound Dressing Market: Market Estimation, Dynamics, Regional Share, Trends, Competitor Analysis 2012-2016 and Forecast 2017-2023 Asia-Pacific Wound Dressing Market PR-Inside.com: 2018-01-18 14:41:03 Press Information Precision Business Insights Kemp House, 152 160 City Road, London EC1V 2NX satya Lead Marketing +1-866-598-1553 email https://www.precisionbusinessinsights.com # 968 Words Kemp House,152 160 City Road,London EC1V 2NXLead Marketing+1-866-598-1553 Asia-Pacific Wound Dressing Market: By Type (Traditional, Advanced) By Product (Advanced (Foam Dressing, Hydrocolloid Dressing, Film Dressing, Alginate Dressing, Hydrogel Dressing, Collagen Dressing), Traditional (Artificial Skin & Skin Substitutes, Topical Agents, Wound closure products, Anti-infective dressings, Gauze, Lint, Plaster, bandages (natural or synthetic) and cotton wool)), By Geography (China, India, Japan, ASEAN, Australia & New Zealand, South Korea and Others) Market Estimation, Dynamics, Regional Share, Trends, Competitor Analysis 2012-2016 and Forecast 2017-2023The wound is a disruption of skin epithelial lining or mucosa which results in thermal or physical damage. Depending upon the healing nature and duration, the wound is classified into two types that is chronic wounds and acute wounds. Wounds can be caused because of the incisions made in the body during surgeries. The wound dressing is treating the wounds by both external and internal surgical procedures. Traditional wound dressings are used to treat acute wounds while advanced wound dressings are used to treat chronic wounds.Asia-Pacific Wound Dressing market is majorly driven by advancements in the technologies and problems that are associated with traditional wound healing methods. Furthermore, increase in aging of the population, government initiatives, and dire need of rapid and safe treatment for chronic wounds are also propelling the growth of the Asia-Pacific wound dressing market. The rise in prevalence of lifestyle disorders leads to chronic wounds like venous leg ulcer, pressure ulcer, diabetic foot ulcer is also booming the growth of Asia Pacific wound dressing market. However, high cost associated with the treatment, lack of awareness and reimbursement issues of new technologies are the few factors which are restraining the growth of the Asia Pacific wound dressing market.A sample of this report is available upon request @Geographically Asia-Pacific Wound Dressing Market is segmented as Japan, India, China, Australia and New Zealand, South Korea, ASEAN Countries, Rest of Asia Pacific. Asia-Pacific is the most lucrative market in global wound dressing market owing to the rapid development of the emerging countries, raising awareness among the people, increase in the prevalence of injuries and burns. As per to the WHO reports, about 1,00,000 people are suffering from burns in India and approximately 2,65,000 deaths were reported globally because of burns.Indian Wound Dressing Market, the rise in economic status of the people and growing prevalence of lifestyle diseases, developments in medical tourism hub, rise in government initiatives such as NHRM programmes etc.China Wound Dressing Market is expected to gain huge traction owing to the expansion of domestic demands and transformation towards export-oriented industry, Chinese are more dependent on the traditional wound dressing methods, the rise in disposable income and inclination towards advanced wound dressing methods are expected to propel the growth of the wound dressing market in China.Due to rising in technological advancements and rise in awareness among the people, rise in initiatives taken by the government Japan Wound Dressing Market expected to expand at significant CAGR over the forecast period.To view TOC of this report is available upon request @The Asia Pacific Wound Dressing Market is classified on the basis of product, type, end user, and geographical regions.Based on Product, Asia Pacific Wound Dressing Market is segmented as Advancedo Hydrocolloid Dressingo Hydrogel Dressingo Foam Dressingo Alginate Dressingo Film Dressingo Collagen Dressing Traditionalo Topical Agentso Gauzeo Plasterso Artificial Skin & Skin Substituteso bandageso Wound closure productso Anti-infective dressingso LintBased on Type, Asia Pacific Wound Dressing Market is segmented as Traditional AdvancedBased on the End-user, Asia Pacific Wound Dressing Market is segmented as Inpatient Facilities Community Medical Centres Home health care Outpatient FacilitiesNeed more information about this report @Some of the players in Asia Pacific Wound Dressing Market, Smith & Nephew plc (UK), Hematris wound care GmbH (Germany), Wound Care Technologies, Inc. (US), Baxter International Inc. (US), Molnlycke Health Care AB (Sweden), Acelity LP Inc. (US), Coloplast A/S (Denmark), ConvaTec Group Plc (UK), IonMed (Israel), Ethicon, Inc. (US), Medtronic plc (US), 3M Company (US), Derma Sciences, Inc. (US), BSN Medical GmbH (Germany).Key Features of the Report: The report provides granular level information about the market size, regional market share, and forecast from 2017-2023 The report covers in-detail insights about the competitors overview, key findings, and their key strategies The report outlines drivers, restraints, challenges, and trends that are currently faced by the industry The report tracks recent innovations, key developments and start-ups details that are working in the industry The report provides plethora of information about market entry strategies, regulatory framework and reimbursement scenarioAsia Pacific Wound Dressing Market report gives a comprehensive outlook of Wound Dressing usage or adoption across the globe with special emphasis on key regions such as US and Canada. This report on Asia Pacific Wound Dressing Market gives historical, current, and future market sizes (US$ Mn) of product, types, end users, and geographic regions. This report studies Asia Pacific Wound Dressing Market dynamics elaborately to identify the current trends & drivers, future opportunities and possible challenges to the key stakeholders operating in the market. In addition, Asia Pacific Wound Dressing Market report covers newer product introductions and competition analysis with vividly illustrated competition dashboard to assess the market competition. Moreover, PBI analyzed Asia Pacific Wound Dressing Market to better equip clients with possible investment opportunities across the regions (Regional Investment Hot-Spots) and market unmet needs (Product Opportunities). Key stakeholders of the Asia Pacific Wound Dressing Market report include suppliers, manufacturers, marketers, policymakers engaged in manufacturing and supply of products.Get access to full summary @Contact to Precision Business Insights,Email: sales@ precisionbusinessinsights.com Website @ https://www.precisionbusinessinsights.com PR-Inside.com: 2018-01-18 15:00:48 Press Information Published by ACCESSWIRE News Network 888.952.4446 e-mail http://www.accesswire.com # 398 Words ACCESSWIRE News Network888.952.4446 FSCwire / Press ReleaseThe following press release was disseminated by FSCwire for Strategic Metals Ltd.--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---Dakwakada (Haines Junction), Yukon Territory (FSCWire) - Strategic Metals Ltd. (TSX Venture:SMD). has issued a press release with the following headline:Champagne and Aishihik First Nations and Strategic Metals Ltd. Announce Exploration AgreementTo view this press release on the FSCwire website, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser:If you would prefer, you can also view this press release as a PDF file, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser:For more information on Strategic Metals Ltd., or to see additional press releases issued by this company, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser: http://www.fscwire.com/public-company/Strategic Metals Ltd.Source: Strategic Metals Ltd. (TSX Venture: SMD)Date: January 18, 2018Time: 9:00 AM EST--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---The story mentioned above was issued on behalf of Strategic Metals Ltd. and disseminated through FSCwire.About FSCwireFSCwire (a division of Filing Services Canada Inc.), is a global newswire dissemination, SEDAR, SEDI, and EDGAR / XBRL service provider.FSCwire is a full service global newswire dissemination company and is fully approved by all exchanges in Canada and the U.S. Press releases can be distributed for all sizes of public, private or not for profit companies and any other organization requiring news distribution. In addition to individual companies; public relations, communications and investor relations firms trust FSCwire to distribute press releases for their respective clients.In addition to newswire dissemination FSCwire also offers EDGAR, XBRL, SEDAR, SEDI, and additional services for publicly traded companies. For more information, please go to our website: http://www.fscwire.com Maximum News Dissemination by FSCwire. http://www.fscwire.com Copyright 2018 - FSCwire (a division of Filing Services Canada Inc.) PR-Inside.com: 2018-01-18 16:17:21 Press Information JCB Tokyo Kumiko Kida Corporate Communications +81-3-5778-8353 email http://www.global.jcb/en/ # 727 Words TokyoCorporate Communications+81-3-5778-8353 First Data and JCB Help Discover Grow Acceptance at Key MerchantsRiverwoods, Illinois, Jan 19, 2018 - (ACN Newswire) - Discover Global Network, the payments brand of Discover Financial Services, will expand card acceptance at key merchants in Hong Kong by working with First Data and JCB International, the international operations subsidiary of JCB Co., Ltd. (referred to below as "JCB").To expand into Hong Kong, Discover Global Network was able to leverage the existing acquiring partnership between JCB and First Data to accept all cards that run on Discover Global Network including Discover, Diners Club and affiliate network cards through Discover's current net-to-net relationship with JCB."This is a great example of partners working together to bring value to both customers and merchants," said Amy Parsons, senior vice president of global acceptance at Discover. "Our strong existing relationships with First Data and JCB allow us to grow faster and reach merchants that are important to our customers." First Data has a robust roll-out plan and will enable acceptance for Discover and Diners Club cards including key international restaurant chains, Airport duty free stores and national department stores to benefit cardholders visiting Hong Kong."This unique relationship with Discover and JCB leverages First Data's global footprint, scale, and innovative solutions to provide key merchants in Hong Kong with the ability to accept Discover and Diners Club Cards," states Ivo Distelbrink, EVP, Head of Asia Pacific region for First Data. "At First Data, we are committed to enabling commerce for businesses around the world so they can, in turn, offer flexible payment options to their customers. We are delighted to collaborate with Discover and JCB to further this effort." Discover currently works with First Data as its acquiring partner in both the United States and Europe to grow acceptance of all cards that run on Discover Global Network.Discover and JCB have worked together since 2006 and continue to increase acceptance of JCB cards on the Discover Network in the U.S., and of Discover cards on the JCB network in Japan. This is the third joint acquirer agreement between JCB and Discover following Kazakhstan and Republic of South Africa, leveraging Discover's current net-to-net relationship with JCB with First Data."JCB and Discover's alliance has now stepped into a new stage opening up a new territory in Asia Region other than our mother market, Japan," said Kimihisa Imada, President & COO of JCB International. "Thanks to First Data for their outstanding cooperation. This project allowed us to widen our technical collaboration with First Data and further business possibilities." Discover Global Network has over 42 million merchant acceptance locations and 1.9 million ATM and cash access locations across 185 countries and territories, Discover Global Network includes Discover, Diners Club International, PULSE and affiliated networks.About Discover Global NetworkDiscover Global Network, the global payments brand of Discover Financial Services, processes millions of cardholder transactions each day. With industry expertise, innovative technology and a closed-loop infrastructure, Discover Global Network provides effective, customized solutions that evolve as needs change. Discover Global Network has alliances with more than 10 payments networks around the world, and is led by three Discover businesses: Discover network, with millions of retail and cash access locations; PULSE, one of the nation's leading ATM/debit networks; and Diners Club International, a global payments network with acceptance in more than 185 countries and territories. For more information visit www.discovernetwork.com About First DataFirst Data (NYSE: FDC) is a global leader in commerce-enabling technology and solutions, serving approximately six million business locations and 4,000 financial institutions in more than 100 countries around the world. The company's 24,000 owner-associates are dedicated to helping companies, from start-ups to the world's largest corporations, conduct commerce every day by securing and processing more than 2,800 transactions per second and $2.2 trillion per year.About JCBJCB is a major global payment brand and a leading payment card issuer and acquirer in Japan. JCB launched its card business in Japan in 1961 and began expanding worldwide in 1981. As part of its international growth strategy, JCB has formed alliances with hundreds of leading banks and financial institutions globally to increase merchant coverage and card member base. As a comprehensive payment solution provider, JCB commits to provide responsive and high-quality service and products to all customers worldwide. For more information, please visit: www.global.jcb/en/ Europe Optical Imaging Market: Market Estimation, Dynamics, Regional Share, Trends, Competitor Analysis 2012-2016 and Forecast 2017-2023 Europe Optical Imaging Market PR-Inside.com: 2018-01-18 15:03:36 Press Information Precision Business Insights Kemp House, 152 160 City Road, London EC1V 2NX satya Lead Marketing +1-866-598-1553 email https://www.precisionbusinessinsights.com # 748 Words Kemp House,152 160 City Road,London EC1V 2NXLead Marketing+1-866-598-1553 Europe Optical Imaging Market: By Technology (Photoacoustic Imaging, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), Hyperspectral Imaging, Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Others), By Application (Dermatology, Ophthalmology, Dentistry, Neurology, Cardiology, Oncology and Others), By end user (Hospitals, Research Laboratories, Medical Imaging Centres and Others) and Geography (Germany, France, U.K, Italy, Spain, Russia, Poland, Rest of Europe) Market Estimation, Dynamics, Regional Share, Trends, Competitor Analysis 2012-2016 and Forecast 2017-2023Optical Imaging refers to the use of light as an imaging technique for medical applications. These optical techniques include optical microscopy, spectroscopy, endoscopy, scanning laser ophthalmoscopy, and optical coherence tomography. Optical imaging is an emerging technology with great potential for improving disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment.Europe Optical Imaging Market is mainly driven by the rise in demand for the radiation free imaging techniques and technological advancements in optical imaging led to produce in depth images of the body tissues. Furthermore, growing prevalence of the ophthalmic and neurological disorders coupled with the application of optical imaging in drug development expected to boost the Europe Optical Imaging Market during the forecast period. However, high installation and maintenance costs and stringent regulatory policies are expected to hamper the Europe Optical Imaging Market over the forecast period.A sample of this report is available upon request @Europe Optical Imaging Market is segmented based on technology, application and end userBased on technology, Europe Optical Imaging Market is segmented into Photoacoustic Imaging Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Hyperspectral Imaging Near Infrared Spectroscopy OthersBased on application, Europe Optical Imaging Market is segmented into Dermatology Ophthalmology Dentistry Neurology Cardiology Oncology OthersBased on end user, Europe Optical Imaging Market is segmented into Hospitals Research Laboratories Medical Imaging Centres OthersTo view TOC of this report is available upon request @Europe Optical Imaging market is divided into Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, Russia, Poland, and Rest of Europe. Rise in demand for the radiation free imaging techniques and technological advancements in optical imaging led to produce in depth images of body tissues are vital driving forces of Europe Optical Imaging Market. Rising prevalence of ophthalmic diseases, neurological diseases, cancer cases, dermatological diseases are attributing major support for the growth of Europe Optical Imaging Market. According to European Coalition for Vision Group, in 2014, about 70 Mn of European population were reported with eye diseases. In 2014, about 1/3rd Mn people in EU-28 were died from cancer. European market players in optical imaging market are focused on new product launches, mergers and acquisitions. For instance, in 2015, Michelson Diagnostics launched VivoSight Dx, a next gen optical coherence technology system.Key players profiles in Europe Optical Imaging Market include, Carl Zeiss AG (Germany),Bioptigen Inc. (U.S.), SpectraScience Inc. (U.S.), Cytoviva Inc. (Aetos Technologies Inc.) (U.S.), Optical Imaging Ltd. (Israel), Michelson Diagnostics Ltd. (UK.), PerkinElmer Inc. (U.S.), Nikon Corporation (Japan), Raytheon ELCAN Optical Technologies (The Raytheon Company) (U.S.), Jude Medical Inc. (U.S.), Somanetics Corporation (U.S.), Volcano Corporation (Volcano Corporation) (Netherlands), Topcon Medical Systems Inc. (Topcon Corporation) (Japan).Need more information about this report @ In June 2012, NinePoint Medical received European CE mark approval for optical endoscopy imaging device, NVisionVLE Imaging system, for diagnosis of mucosa and submucosal diseases.Europe Optical Imaging Market Report Description:The Europe Optical Imaging market report gives a comprehensive outlook of optical image systems usage or adoption across the globe with special emphasis on key regions such as Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, Russia, Poland, Rest of Europe. This report on Europe Optical Imaging market gives historical, current, and future market sizes (US$ Mn) of technology, application, end users, and geographic regions. This report studies Europe Optical Imaging market dynamics elaborately to identify the current trends & drivers, future opportunities and possible challenges to the key stakeholders operating in the market. In addition, Europe Optical Imaging market report covers newer product introductions and competition analysis with vividly illustrated competition dashboard to assess the market competition. Moreover, PBI analysed Europe Optical Imaging market to better equip clients with possible investment opportunities across the regions (Regional Investment Hot-Spots) and market unmet needs (Product Opportunities). Key stakeholders of the Europe Optical Imaging market report include suppliers, manufacturers, marketers, policymakers engaged in manufacturing and supply Europe Optical Imaging systems.Get access to full summary @Contact to Precision Business Insights,Email: sales@ precisionbusinessinsights.com Website @ https://www.precisionbusinessinsights.com PR-Inside.com: 2018-01-18 17:15:01 Fiorano APIs/integration spur growth and productivity Fiorano Drives Digital Transformation at Rwandas Largest Bank, Bank of Kigali Fiorano Software Sumit Kuhite +1-650-326-1136 mediarelations@fiorano.com Fiorano Software today announced that Bank of Kigali, Rwandas largest commercial bank, has chosen the Fiorano platform for its digital transformation. The Project includes Integration with the Banks Temenos T24 Core Banking Solution with support for Online and Offline Banking features. Fiorano ESB and Fiorano API Management form the backbone of all integrations in the Banks environment, enabling payment channels such as Mobile Banking and Internet Banking with a host of lending services. The Bank selected Fiorano to replace its point-to-point integration with a scalable microservice-centric architecture built over an ESB. Fiorano ESB integrates its Temenos Core Banking System with its ATM and Card Management Systems and enables standardisation of its digital payment options and mobile payments. Fioranos common payment gateway now facilitates these payments. The importance of technology to tap the market of a growing millennial generation that relies heavily on mobile transactions is vital. The Bank provides all mobile operators an Application Programming Interface (API) to lend small loans to customers. The Banks Paretix lending system is service-enabled with Fiorano ESB, while Fiorano API Management is used to expose these services, which include account creation and loan lending requests, securely to end-users. Mobile service providers are now able to log-in to the Banks API Management development portal for self-registration and to locate service security keys as required. Fioranos secure API gateways have allowed the bank to automate a number of services, thereby enhancing the customer banking experience by facilitating uninterrupted and secure access to account information, money transfers and other services. Bank of Kigali is one of the fastest growing banks in Africa serving over 258,000 Retail customers and 26,000 Corporate clients. The bank has won several international and regional awards including from EuroMoney, The Banker, Global Finance Magazine, and EMEA Finance. Fiorano, a Silicon Valley based USA (California) Corporation is a trusted provider of Digital Business Backplane and enterprise integration middleware, high performance messaging and peer-to-peer distributed systems, since 1995. Fiorano operates through its worldwide offices and a global network of technology partners and value-added resellers. Global companies including AT&T Wireless, LOreal, McKesson, NASA, Rabobank, Royal Bank of Scotland, Schlumberger, US Coast Guard and Vodafone have deployed Fiorano to achieve digital transformation, yielding unprecedented productivity. View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/201801180060 Generic Drugs Market PR-Inside.com: 2018-01-18 11:57:51 Press Information Coherent Market Insights 1001 4th Ave, #3200 Seattle, WA 98154 Mr.Shah CEO 2067016702 email https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com # 857 Words 1001 4th Ave,#3200Seattle, WA 98154CEO2067016702 Generic drugs refers to medication that have the same active ingredient as that of a branded drugs. These drugs also yield the same therapeutic effect and are prescribed in the same dosing, with the same quality, and same the way of consumption and usage. However, the inactive ingredients of generic drugs can differ as compared to their branded counter parts. These drugs are mainly marketed after a patent expiry of a branded drug and are significantly lower in costs as compared to the patented branded drugs. Generic drugs are of equivalent quality as compared to the branded drugs and are manufactured under the same safety and manufacturing procedures. Various manufacturers submit an abbreviated new drug application (ANDA) to the FDA after the completion of period of patent exclusivity.Browse report summery with TOC: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/ongoing-insight/toc/1132 Patent expiry of branded drugs is a factor expected to boost growth of the global generic drugs marketManufacturers of generic drugs are focusing on development and introduction of various innovative medication and formulation such as biosimilars. According to IMS Health data, generic drugs accounted for over 80% of the prescriptions dispensed in the U.S. in 2013. The number of patents expiring in the near future serves to be a major driver for growth of generic drugs market. For instance, Cetuximab (Erbitux) is an epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitor that is indicated in the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer and head and neck cancer. It is manufactured under the patent by Bristol-Myers Squibb and Eli Lily Company in Europe. The drugs patent expires in 2018 and thus, is expected to provide opportunity for a large number of market players to manufacture its generic version. Furthermore, supportive initiative by FDA to promote development of biosimilars is encouraging manufacturers to focus towards its development. For instance, the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act in the U.S. gr ants 12 months patent exclusivity with higher profit margins to the first manufacturer than the conventional generic manufacturers bringing the drugs in market later. Various other factors contributing to growth of generic drugs market include rampant growth in incidence of chronic diseases. However, shortage of active pharmaceutical ingredients leading to unavailability of generics in the market and increasing FDA pressure on manufacturers regarding manufacturing quality of these drugs are hindering the market growth.Market TaxonomyThe global generic drugs market is segmented on the basis of drug type, therapeutic application, route of administration, and region.On the basis of Drug Type, the global generic drugs market is segmented into:Monoclonal Antibodies,Cytokines,Vaccines,Insulin,Peptide Hormones,Immunoglobulin,Peptide Antibiotics,Blood Factors,Others,.On the basis of Therapeutic Application, the global generic drugs market is segmented into:Oncology,Cardiovascular Diseases,Neurology,Infectious Diseases,Musculoskeletal Diseases,Others,.Based on Route of Administration, the global generic drugs market is segmented into:Oral,Topical,Injectable,Intra-venous,Others,.Ask for customization: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-customization/1132 Asia Pacific to gain significant traction in the global generic drugs market owing to increasing number of local playersOn the basis of region, the global generic drugs market is segmented into North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa. North America held a dominant position in the global generic drugs market in 2016. This is attributed to favorable regulatory policies that are revised and amended to encourage generic drugs business in the region. For instance, Generic Drug User Fee Amendment (GDFUA) was reauthorized in 2017 after its initiation in 2012 by FDA for increasing consumer access to high quality, safe, and affordable drugs. On the other hand, Asia Pacific is expected to show a significant traction in the market over the forecast period. This is attributed to lower manufacturing costs and high skilled workforce in the Asian countries. According to India Brand Equity Foundation, India has the second largest number of U.S. FDA manufacturing plants outside the U.S. that are involved in generic drugs manufacturing. Additionally, the cost of manufacturing is 33% lower in India than that in the U.S., increasing accessibility to generics in these countries.New drug launches and market approvals from the U.S. FDA to generic manufacturers are bolstering growth of the generic drugs market. For instance, in December 2017, Zydus Phamaceuticals a subsidiary of Cadila Healthcare received U.S. FDA approval to market Pramipexole Dihydrochloride extended-release tablets for the treatment of Parkinson s disease in the U.S. market. Key players operating in the global generic drugs market are Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Mylan N.V., Novartis International AG, Pfizer, Inc., Allergan Plc, Sun Pharmaceuticals, Fresenius Kabi, Sanofi, Endo International, Lupin Ltd., Abbott Healthcare, AstraZeneca Plc, and Novo Nordisk.To know more about the Generic Drugs Market, click the link below, https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/ongoing-insight/generic-drugs-market-1132 About Coherent Market Insights:Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.Contact Us:Mr. ShahCoherent Market Insights1001 4th Ave,#3200Seattle, WA 98154Tel: +1-206-701-6702Email: sales@ coherentmarketinsights.com Visit our news Website: http://www.coherentnews.com Home Healthcare Market report is segmented on the basis of Product (Diagnostic, Therapeutic and Mobility Assist), By Service (Rehabilitation, Infusion Therapy, Respiratory Therapy, Pregnancy Care, Skilled Nursing, and Palliative Care), By Software (Agency Software, Clinical Management Systems, and Hospice Solutions) - Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 20172025 Home Healthcare Market PR-Inside.com: 2018-01-18 08:55:41 Press Information Coherent Market Insights 1001 4th Ave, #3200 Seattle, WA 98154 Mr. Shah CEO +1-206-701-6702 email https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com # 776 Words 1001 4th Ave, #3200Seattle, WA 98154CEO+1-206-701-6702 Cost effective alternative to expensive hospital stays is expected to drive the global home healthcare marketAccording to the National Centers for Caregiving estimates in 2015, the number of individuals using paid long-term care services in settings including home, residential care such as assisted living, or skilled nursing facilities is likely double from the 13 million in 2005, expected to 27 million people in 2050 due to the influenced growth in the population of older people in need of care. The shift of healthcare delivery from traditional clinical settings, increasing adoption of telecommunication services, affordable healthcare delivery systems, and the technological advancements are the major factors attributed to the growth of global home healthcare market. Also, the replacement of expensive hospital stays with the cost effective home healthcare is anticipated to serve as high impact rendering driver. Additionally, the factors driving the growth of global healthcare market include the rising prevalence of chronic diseases, rising aging population, the government initiatives to promote home healthcare, and increasing healthcare costs. However, limited insurance coverage, changing reimbursement policies and patient safety concerns are the factors to restrict the growth of global home healthcare market.Home Healthcare offers a wide range of healthcare services given from home for the treatment of disease or injury. The diverse industry includes infusion services, home skilled nursing and physical therapy and is often referred as home medical care. The home care services are usually less expensive, highly convenient to the patients, equally effective to the hospital care units or skilled nursing facility. The ultimate goal of home health care is the complete treatment of the disease or injury which helps the patient regain independence and become self-sufficient faster. Home healthcare also involves helping senior citizens with daily activities like bathing, dressing, eating including monitoring the medication routine. The home health care professionals are licensed practical nurses, therapists, and home health aides, mostly working for home health agencies or public health departments.Infusion therapy segment contributes the largest share owing to its effective treatment for serious conditionsThe global home healthcare market is segmented on the basis of products, service, software and geography.On the basis of products, the global home healthcare market is segmented into:DiagnosticBlood Pressure MonitorsBlood Glucose MonitorsHeart Rate MonitorsFetal Monitoring DevicesOvulation and Pregnancy Test KitsHome Hemoglobin A1c Test KitsHIV Test KitsSleep Apnea MonitorsCoagulation MonitorsPulse OximetersDrug and Alcohol Test KitsEvent and Holter MonitorsCholesterol Monitoring DevicesColon Cancer Test KitsElectrocardiography DevicesTemperature MonitorsHearing AidsAccess Table of Content (TOC) Of the Report: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/ongoing-insight/toc/840 TherapeuticOxygen Delivery SystemsAutomated External DefibrillatorsNebulizersSleep Apnea Therapeutic DevicesWound Care ProductsDialysis EquipmentInsulin Delivery DevicesExternal Stimulation DevicesMobility AssistWheelchairsCanesCrutchesMobility ScootersWalkersOn the basis of service, the global home healthcare market is segmented into:RehabilitationInfusion TherapyRespiratory TherapyPregnancy CareSkilled NursingPalliative CareOn the basis of software, the global home healthcare market is segmented into:Agency SoftwareClinical Management SystemsHospice SolutionsFavorable reimbursement policies is expected to dominate the global home healthcare market in North AmericaRegional segmentation of the global home healthcare market by Coherent Market Insights comprises of North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates in 2014, number of patients who received and ended care globally were approximately 4.9 million in 2013, with 12,400 home healthcare agencies in the U.S. Thus, the rising number of agencies, converging trends of aging population, favorable reimbursement policies and technological advancements is expected to dominate North America in the global market. Asia Pacific is poised to be the fastest-growing region during the forecast period owing to the rising geriatric population, increasing disposable income levels, expansion of home healthcare companies, increasing need for affordable healthcare delivery systems, rising awareness about home healthcare, and the rising adoption of innovative techniques.Key players operating the global home healthcare market include Omron Healthcare, McKesson, Philips, Johnson & Johnson, and Roche. The strategy adopted by the key players include service portfolio expansion, mergers and acquisition, collaborations, and regional expansion. For instance, the agreement of Almost Family, Inc. with Medicare-certified home health agency owned by Caldwell Medical Center to acquire the assets in 2014. Other vendors operating the market include Fresenius, Apria Healthcare, Rotech Healthcare, Abbott, and Interim Healthcare.About Coherent Market Insights:Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.Visit our news Website: http://www.coherentnews.com Middle East and Africa Wound Dressing Market: Market Estimation, Dynamics, Regional Share, Trends, Competitor Analysis 2012-2016 and Forecast 2017-2023 Middle East and Africa Wound Dressing Market PR-Inside.com: 2018-01-18 14:59:15 Press Information Precision Business Insights Kemp House, 152 160 City Road, London EC1V 2NX satya Lead Marketing +1-866-598-1553 email https://www.precisionbusinessinsights.com # 900 Words Kemp House,152 160 City Road,London EC1V 2NXLead Marketing+1-866-598-1553 The Middle East and Africa Wound Dressing Market: By Type (Traditional, Advanced) By Product (Advanced (Foam Dressing, Hydrocolloid Dressing, Film Dressing, Alginate Dressing, Hydrogel Dressing, Collagen Dressing), Traditional (Artificial Skin & Skin Substitutes, Topical Agents, Wound closure products, Anti-infective dressings, Gauze, Lint, Plaster, bandages (natural or synthetic) and cotton wool)), By Geography (Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries, Israel, South Africa, Rest of MEA) Market Estimation, Dynamics, Regional Share, Trends, Competitor Analysis 2012-2016 and Forecast 2017-2023Wound is a disruption of skin epithelial lining or mucosa which results in thermal or physical damage. Depending upon the healing nature and duration, wound is classified as chronic wounds and acute wounds. Wounds can be caused because of the incisions made in the body during surgeries. Wound dressing is treating the wounds by both external and internal surgical procedures. Traditional wound dressings are used to treat acute wounds while advanced wound dressings are used to treat chronic wounds.The Middle East and Africa Wound Dressing Market is majorly driven by advancements in the technologies and problems that are associated with traditional wound healing methods. Furthermore, increase in aging of population, government initiatives, and dire need of rapid and safe treatment for chronic wounds are also propelling the growth of the Middle East and Africa Wound Dressing Market. Rise in prevalence of lifestyle disorders leads to chronic wounds like venous leg ulcer, pressure ulcer, diabetic foot ulcer are expected to accelerate the growth of the Middle East and Africa Wound Dressing Market. However, high cost associated with the treatment, lack of awareness and reimbursement issues of new technologies are the few factors which are restraining the growth of the Middle East and Africa Wound Dressing Market.Geographically Middle East and Africa Wound Dressing Market is segmented as Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries, Israel, South Africa, and Rest of MEA. The Middle East and Africa Wound dressing market is anticipated to show significant growth rate during the forecast period, owing to the rise in aging population, increase in chronic ulcers and ulcers, increase in initiatives taken by the government, rise in the prevalence and incidence of diabetes, accidents and injuries. According to the International Diabetes Federation, 14.7 Mn people are diagnosed with diabetes in Africa in 2012, and it is anticipated to double by 2030 and in 2015, 2.28 Mn cases were diagnosed with diabetes in South Africa. Surge in road accidents is expected to play a vital role in MEA wound dressing market. According to Government of South Africa, it is estimated that around 14,000 deaths due to road accidents every year in South Africa. As per to the WHO reports, in South Africa every year 26Mn is spent on wound care because of burns from paraffin and cook stove incidents.A sample of this report is available upon request @The Middle East and Africa Wound Dressing Market is classified on the basis of product, type, end user, and geographical regions.Based on Product, The Middle East and Africa Wound Dressing Market is segmented as Advancedo Hydrocolloid Dressingo Hydrogel Dressingo Foam Dressingo Alginate Dressingo Film Dressingo Collagen Dressing Traditionalo Topical Agentso Gauzeo Plasterso Artificial Skin & Skin Substituteso Bandageso Wound Closure Productso Anti-infective Dressingso LintBased on Type, The Middle East and Africa Wound Dressing Market is segmented as Traditional AdvancedBased on the End-user, The Middle East and Africa Wound Dressing Market is segmented as Inpatient Facilities Community Medical Centres Home health care Outpatient FacilitiesTo view TOC of this report is available upon request @Some of the players in Middle East and Africa Wound Dressing Market, Smith & Nephew plc (UK), Hematris wound care GmbH (Germany), Wound Care Technologies, Inc. (U.S.), Baxter International Inc. (U.S.), Molnlycke Health Care AB (Sweden), Acelity LP Inc. (U.S.), Coloplast A/S (Denmark), ConvaTec Group Plc (UK), IonMed (Israel), Ethicon, Inc. (US), Medtronic plc (U.S.), 3M Company (U.S.), Derma Sciences, Inc. (U.S.), BSN Medical GmbH (Germany).Need more information about this report @The Middle East and Africa Wound Dressing Market report gives a comprehensive outlook of Wound Dressing usage or adoption across the globe with special emphasis on key regions such as Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries, Israel, South Africa, and Rest of MEA. This report on Wound Dressing Market gives historical, current, and future market sizes (US$ Mn) of product, types, end users, and geographic regions. This report studies The Middle East and Africa Wound Dressing Market dynamics elaborately to identify the current trends & drivers, future opportunities and possible challenges to the key stakeholders operating in the market. In addition, The Middle East and Africa Wound Dressing Market report covers newer product introductions and competition analysis with vividly illustrated competition dashboard to assess the market competition. Moreover, PBI analysed The Middle East and Africa Wound Dressing Market to better equip clients with possible investment opportunities across the regions (Regional Investment Hot-Spots) and market unmet needs (Product Opportunities). Key stakeholders of the the Middle East and Africa Wound Dressing Market report include suppliers, manufacturers, marketers, policy makers engaged in manufacturing and supply of products.Get access to full summary @Contact to Precision Business Insights,Email: sales@ precisionbusinessinsights.com Website @ https://www.precisionbusinessinsights.com PR-Inside.com: 2018-01-18 06:11:03 Agile, secure solution to be deployed in 1,000 offices NTT Communications to Provide Hitachi with Japan's Top-scale SD-WAN Network Solution for Global Business Expansion Media Contacts NTT Communications Mr. Nobuyuki Masuzawa / Mr. Ryuichi Hirokawa, +81 (0)3 6733 0398 The Fourth Sales Division ICT Business Sales Group hitachi-so@ntt.com NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com), the ICT solutions and international communications business within the NTT Group (TOKYO:9432), announced today that it will sequentially deliver its SD-WAN solution for Hitachi, Ltd. (Hitachi)s GWAN global network used in about 40 countries and regions from January 22. The solution will be deployed in 1,000 offices, making it among the largest-scale solutions of its kind ever delivered in Japan. One of the offerings in NTT Coms SD-WAN lineup, the solution leverages Masters ONE CloudWAN provided by NTTPC Communications. This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/201801170065 Structure of SD-WAN solution (Graphic: Business Wire) The solution uses a SD-WAN created with software defined networking (SDN) technology to control network environments that will automatically allocate MPLS network and Internet usage according to communication needs. Features Enhanced agility NTT Coms solution will enable flexible and speedy system changes in Hitachi global organization. Utilizing a control panel, users will be able to reconfigure the network structure and routers of 1,000 offices within just several tens of seconds to five minutes. NTT Coms solution will enable flexible and speedy system changes in Hitachi global organization. Utilizing a control panel, users will be able to reconfigure the network structure and routers of 1,000 offices within just several tens of seconds to five minutes. Optimized network bandwidth The solution will optimize GWANs network bandwidth with a breakout function that uses Internet, such as public clouds, directly from offices instead of data centers. The benefits will include greater operational flexibility for GWAN and increased business speed within the Hitachi group. Strengthened security The solutions segmentation function will enable Hitachis network to be divided by system or group company. In the case a cyberattack, for example, this would help to minimize the impacted area instead of allowing the attack to spread throughout GWAN. Motoaki Satoyama, General Manager, United IT Platform Office, IT Services Division of Hitachi, Ltd. said, Flexibility and agility are crucial for the Hitachis network because we operate a broad range of business spanning more than 850 group companies in about 70 countries and regions. In seeking a partner that could work with us to meet the challenge of strengthening our large-scale network infrastructure, we decided that NTT Com has the right mindset to grasp future trends and challenge new things. Another key was NTT Coms capability to realize changes that we had envisioned. Going forward, NTT Com will work with Hitachi to deploy network functions virtualization (NFV) technologies for a solution to operate cloud-based security equipment, including firewalls, both in Japan and overseas. Hitachi group is providing solutions to answer social issues and delivering in a broad range of business including electric power, infrastructure systems, information & telecommunication systems, construction machinery, high-function materials, and much more. Hitachi is working to leverage digital technologies such as big data and AI for Social Innovation Business that combine IT and operational technology, one of the companys strengths. Looking to the future, Hitachi determined that it vitally needed to strengthen its network infrastructure to better support their broad range of business. In particular, its GWAN network infrastructure used in some 40 countries and regions was experiencing issues with flexibility and agility, such as the speed of changing network structure and equipment, as well security. NTT Coms solution will enable Hitachi to address these issues and capably expand its global businesses. About NTT Communications Corporation NTT Communications provides consultancy, architecture, security and cloud services to optimize the information and communications technology (ICT) environments of enterprises. These offerings are backed by the companys worldwide infrastructure, including the leading global tier-1 IP network, the Arcstar Universal One VPN network reaching over 190 countries/regions, and over 140 secure data centers worldwide. NTT Communications solutions leverage the global resources of NTT Group companies including Dimension Data, NTT DOCOMO and NTT DATA. www.ntt.com | Twitter@NTT Com | Facebook@NTT Com | LinkedIn@NTT Com View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/201801170065 PR-Inside.com: 2018-01-18 01:34:01 Australian patent granted for CelGro soft tissue reconstruction platform, which covers the method of suture-less repair of soft tissue defects Suture-free repair of soft tissue has potential to greatly improve the efficiency and efficacy of surgical procedures such as tendon, ligament and nerve repair CelGro represents a breakthrough in soft tissue reconstruction and offers significant global commercial potential in soft tissue and bone repair Orthocell Secures New Patent for Suture-Less Repair of Soft Tissue General enquiries Orthocell Limited Paul Anderson, +61 8 9360 2888 Managing Director paulanderson@orthocell.com.au or Investor enquiries Vesparum Capital Joel Seah, +61 3 8582 4800 orthocell@vesparum.com or Media enquiries WE Buchan Ben Walsh, +61 411 520 012 bwalsh@buchanwe.com.au Regenerative medicine company Orthocell Limited (ASX:OCC, Orthocell or the Company) is pleased to announce it has been granted a further Australian patent for its CelGro collagen medical device platform for soft tissue regeneration and repair applications. The patent entitled Suture-less repair of soft tissue provides additional important intellectual property to protect the CelGro product platform. Orthocell Managing Director Paul Anderson said: This is an important addition to our current global IP portfolio. Not only does it further strengthen our IP position in regenerative medicine products and surgical techniques for soft tissue repair, but it also acts to validate CelGro as a collagen medical device platform, for use across multiple indications including bone, tendons, peripheral nerves and aid in the repair of spinal cord injuries. This comes at a perfect time for the company as we move our products through the registration processes in the US. The patent has an expiry date of 12 October 2035. This is the first patent granted in the suture-less repair of tissue patent family. Further patent applications are in progress in all major jurisdictions including US, EU and Japan. Suture-less repair of soft tissue refers to the method of repairing damaged soft tissue without the use of stitches. Suture-less repair has the potential to greatly improve the efficiency and efficacy of surgical procedures by simplifying techniques, reducing surgery time and reducing the risk of additional trauma to soft tissue through the use of sutures. Therefore, Orthocells patented method of suture-less repair provides surgeons with an alternative to direct suture repair of soft tissue defects within tendons, ligaments and nerves. For example, in the US alone, over 20 million people suffer from peripheral nerve injury as a result of motor vehicle, sporting or work related incidents every year, at an annual cost of approximately US$150 billion. Many of these injuries require surgical nerve reconstruction involving the use of collagen conduits that are secured in place using sutures. To address the disadvantages of suturing, Orthocell developed the CelGro collagen medical device platform with handling characteristics to assist surgeons in performing complex reconstructive surgical procedures and enabling the suture-less repair of soft tissue defects. CelGros nerve addressable market is estimated to be worth more than US$1.1 billion per annum, with approximately 700,000 procedures that could utilise CelGro completed each year. Market growth is expected to be underpinned by the surgeons preference for quality and functional bio-absorbable membranes. The company believes CelGro represents a breakthrough in soft tissue reconstruction and offers significant global commercial potential in its existing addressable markets of bone, tendon, nerve and cartilage as well as much wider applications in general surgical and soft tissue reconstructive applications. About CelGro CelGro is a collagen medical device platform for soft tissue regeneration and repair applications manufactured by Orthocell at its quality controlled Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) licensed facility in WA. Orthocell has received market authorisation (CE Mark) of CelGro collagen scaffold medical device in the EU for dental bone and soft tissue applications. The CE Mark allows CelGro to be sold within EU countries, validates CelGros quality manufacturing and product performance, and provides a strong foundation for indication expansion and regulatory approvals. CelGro has been shown to improve tissue in-growth and repair in clinical studies using the collagen medical device to augment repair of the rotator cuff tendon within the shoulder, to guide bone regeneration within the jaw and to assist in the rejoining of severed, or damaged peripheral nerves. CelGro is a customisable collagen medical device with numerous competitive advantages over existing synthetic and biologic tissue repair devices, particularly in the areas of cell compatibility, tensile strength and the promotion of quality tissue in growth and repair. Medical scaffolds are analogous to construction scaffolds in that they provide integral support to the soft tissue whilst it undergoes repair. View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/201801170065 PR-Inside.com: 2018-01-18 15:29:17 Press Information Published by ACCESSWIRE News Network 888.952.4446 e-mail http://www.accesswire.com # 397 Words ACCESSWIRE News Network888.952.4446 FSCwire / Press ReleaseThe following press release was disseminated by FSCwire for Peekaboo Beans Inc.--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---Vancouver, British Columbia (FSCWire) - Peekaboo Beans Inc. (TSX Venture:BEAN). has issued a press release with the following headline:Peekaboo Beans Provides Stellar Corporate UpdateTo view this press release on the FSCwire website, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser:If you would prefer, you can also view this press release as a PDF file, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser:For more information on Peekaboo Beans Inc., or to see additional press releases issued by this company, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser: http://www.fscwire.com/public-company/Peekaboo Beans Inc.Source: Peekaboo Beans Inc. (TSX Venture: BEAN, OTC Bulletin Board: PBBSF, FWB: 1Z1, WKN: A2ASS4, ISIN: CA70538A1012)Date: January 18, 2018Time: 9:29 AM EST--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---The story mentioned above was issued on behalf of Peekaboo Beans Inc. and disseminated through FSCwire.About FSCwireFSCwire (a division of Filing Services Canada Inc.), is a global newswire dissemination, SEDAR, SEDI, and EDGAR / XBRL service provider.FSCwire is a full service global newswire dissemination company and is fully approved by all exchanges in Canada and the U.S. Press releases can be distributed for all sizes of public, private or not for profit companies and any other organization requiring news distribution. In addition to individual companies; public relations, communications and investor relations firms trust FSCwire to distribute press releases for their respective clients.In addition to newswire dissemination FSCwire also offers EDGAR, XBRL, SEDAR, SEDI, and additional services for publicly traded companies. For more information, please go to our website: http://www.fscwire.com Maximum News Dissemination by FSCwire. http://www.fscwire.com Copyright 2018 - FSCwire (a division of Filing Services Canada Inc.) PR-Inside.com: 2018-01-18 15:00:40 Press Information Published by ACCESSWIRE News Network 888.952.4446 e-mail http://www.accesswire.com # 382 Words ACCESSWIRE News Network888.952.4446 FSCwire / Press ReleaseThe following press release was disseminated by FSCwire for Perisson Petroleum Corporation--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---Calgary, Alberta (FSCWire) - Perisson Petroleum Corporation (TSX Venture:POG). has issued a press release with the following headline:Perisson Announces Stock SplitTo view this press release on the FSCwire website, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser:If you would prefer, you can also view this press release as a PDF file, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser:For more information on Perisson Petroleum Corporation, or to see additional press releases issued by this company, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser: http://www.fscwire.com/public-company/Perisson Petroleum CorporationSource: Perisson Petroleum Corporation (TSX Venture: POG)Date: January 18, 2018Time: 9:00 AM EST--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---The story mentioned above was issued on behalf of Perisson Petroleum Corporation and disseminated through FSCwire.About FSCwireFSCwire (a division of Filing Services Canada Inc.), is a global newswire dissemination, SEDAR, SEDI, and EDGAR / XBRL service provider.FSCwire is a full service global newswire dissemination company and is fully approved by all exchanges in Canada and the U.S. Press releases can be distributed for all sizes of public, private or not for profit companies and any other organization requiring news distribution. In addition to individual companies; public relations, communications and investor relations firms trust FSCwire to distribute press releases for their respective clients.In addition to newswire dissemination FSCwire also offers EDGAR, XBRL, SEDAR, SEDI, and additional services for publicly traded companies. For more information, please go to our website: http://www.fscwire.com Maximum News Dissemination by FSCwire. http://www.fscwire.com Copyright 2018 - FSCwire (a division of Filing Services Canada Inc.) PR-Inside.com: 2018-01-18 17:30:14 Press Information Published by ACCESSWIRE News Network 888.952.4446 e-mail http://www.accesswire.com # 394 Words ACCESSWIRE News Network888.952.4446 FSCwire / Press ReleaseThe following press release was disseminated by FSCwire for TIMIA Capital Corp.--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---Vancouver, British Columbia (FSCWire) - TIMIA Capital Corp. (TSX Venture:TCA). has issued a press release with the following headline:TIMIA Capital Announces Adoption of Participation Financing Model and Closing of $600,000 in Non-Dilutive CapitalTo view this press release on the FSCwire website, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser:If you would prefer, you can also view this press release as a PDF file, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser:For more information on TIMIA Capital Corp., or to see additional press releases issued by this company, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser: http://www.fscwire.com/public-company/TIMIA Capital Corp.Source: TIMIA Capital Corp. (TSX Venture: TCA)Date: January 18, 2018Time: 11:30 AM EST--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---The story mentioned above was issued on behalf of TIMIA Capital Corp. and disseminated through FSCwire.About FSCwireFSCwire (a division of Filing Services Canada Inc.), is a global newswire dissemination, SEDAR, SEDI, and EDGAR / XBRL service provider.FSCwire is a full service global newswire dissemination company and is fully approved by all exchanges in Canada and the U.S. Press releases can be distributed for all sizes of public, private or not for profit companies and any other organization requiring news distribution. In addition to individual companies; public relations, communications and investor relations firms trust FSCwire to distribute press releases for their respective clients.In addition to newswire dissemination FSCwire also offers EDGAR, XBRL, SEDAR, SEDI, and additional services for publicly traded companies. For more information, please go to our website: http://www.fscwire.com Maximum News Dissemination by FSCwire. http://www.fscwire.com Copyright 2018 - FSCwire (a division of Filing Services Canada Inc.) Two writers, Todd Moss and Bolaji Olatunde, as well as the alternative rock musician, Bem Sar, will kick-start the 2018 Guest Writer Session series. A press statement signed issued by Edith Yassin for Abuja Writers Forum, AWF, said Todd Moss, author of the Ryker diplomatic thriller series for Penguins Putnam Books, would be drawing on his real-world experiences inside the U.S. Government at the event. The statement further said that Mr. Moss served as U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs under Secretary Condoleezza Rice and is currently Senior Fellow at the Center for Global Development in Washington DC and a non-resident scholar at Rice University in Houston, Texas. He holds a PhD from the University of London and a BA from Tufts University. His latest novel is The Shadow List. The statement gives an insight into one of Mr. Moss works: Everyone knows about the emails from a Nigerian prince or a Russian oligarch promising easy money. We laugh when it pops up in our inbox. And we wonder how anybody falls for these things. But scams are no laughing matter. Theyre one of the biggest organized crime rackets in the world. Theyre deadly. And State Department crisis manager Judd Ryker has fallen right into the middle of one. The disappearance of a young American banker in London sends Ryker into the heart of a corruption scandal in Nigeria, at the same time his CIA agent wife Jessica is chasing a Russian master criminal known as the Bear. Unknown to either of them, they are pulling at two ends of the same lethal thread, a staggeringly vicious enterprise of piracy, extortion, and murder. The world is messy and dangerous, Jessica warns her husband. More dangerous than you know. And Judd is about to find out. More information at www.toddmossbooks.com. Another writer, Bolaji Olatunde, novelist and playwright will be featuring at the event. Mr. Olatunde was born in Benin City where he had his primary and secondary education. He has a bachelors degree in accounting from the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso. He is a chartered accountant and an associate member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria. The writer ascribes his love for words and writing to his childhood days in 1980s Nigeria, when he was fed what he considers to be a healthy dose of story books and novels, both from Nigeria and other parts of the world, books that were able to take us to realms beyond our immediate environments. His first major creative writing foray was writing plays for the British Broadcasting Corporations playwriting competitions. In 2009, his play, A Requiem For Daniel Fregebo, received commendations from the judges of the BBC International Playwriting Competition 2008 Season. One other play, Sacking The Potter, was among the three plays shortlisted by the Association of Nigerian Authors Drama Prize 2016. Olatundes second novel, Hang No Clothes Here, follows his debut, Straw Dogs. It is published under the Origami imprint of Parresia Publishers, Lagos. Set in 2011, it is the story of a Nigerian policeman, John Braimoh, who gets thrown, unwittingly, into a turf war between two international drug cartels, battling to maintain footholds in the Nigerian environment. The cartels are engaged in a bloody competition to dominate the Nigerian route for peddling narcotics to the European market. In the words of a South African reviewer, this (is a) genre-blending book part history lesson, part magic realism, part mystery, part comedy, part spy thriller. The statement said, Bem Sar, a musician will also feature. Bem Sar has had a diverse musical career spanning over two decades. With a wide range of influences, from Stevie Wonder, Prince, and Fred Hammond to alternative artists like John butler, Jon Gomm and Pierre Bensusan, Bem has become known for his audacious blend of alternative rock with RnB, jazz and gospel. Bem began reaching a whole new audience performing at festivals, establishing himself as a serious music manager and lending his voice to causes bordering on social security. His brand new EP project, CHRONICLES OF THE IMITRAITOR, was born out of his active efforts to address the ongoing mayhem unleashed by herdsmen invasions in various communities across Nigeria. The predominantly guitar driven tracks portray the desperate plight of Internally Displaced Persons and their various hopes and dreams, the statement added. The event holds at Aso Hall of Nanet Suites on January 27. The monthly Guest Writer Session also features a raffle-draw for books, and is one of various interventions by the Forum which include a creative writing workshop series, weekly critique sessions and an online literary journal, DUGWE (see www.dugwe.com). Zimbabwe will hold elections in four to five months, a newspaper on Thursday quoted President Emmerson Mnangagwa as saying. The election would be the first time since independence the southern African state will conduct a vote that does not involve former ruler Robert Mugabe. Mr. Mnangagwa, who took over after Mr. Mugabe was forced to resign in November following a defacto military coup, was speaking during an official trip to Mozambique, the official Herald newspaper reported. The international community will be closely watching the vote, which is seen as a litmus test of Mr. Mnangagwas democratic credentials and is key to unlocking badly needed financial assistance and repairing relations with Western powers and international financial institutions. Zimbabwe is going for elections in four to five months time and we have to preach peace, peace and peace because we know it is good for us and we have no doubt that we will have peaceful elections. We will ensure that Zimbabwe delivers free, credible, fair and indisputable elections to ensure Zimbabwe engages the world as a qualified democratic state, Mr. Mnangagwa was quoted as saying. Under the constitution, Zimbabwe should hold elections between July 22 and August 22 but parliament can elect to dissolve itself, triggering an early vote. The ruling ZANU-PF holds a two-thirds majority in parliament. Since 2000, elections in Zimbabwe have been marred by political violence and disputes, which led to the country becoming an international pariah under Mugabes 37-year rule. The next vote will pit Mr. Mnangagwa against the main opposition Movement for Democratic Change, whose leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, is suffering cancer, a development that has weakened and divided his party. (Reuters/NAN) The U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday night announced the winners of his highly anticipated Fake News Awards with CNN and New York Times emerging top on the list. Mr. Trump crashed the Republican Partys website on which he posted the list of the award winners moments after he tweeted the link announcing the winners, due to the high volume of traffic. And the FAKE NEWS winners are Trump tweeted. Trump had on January 2, said: I will be announcing THE MOST DISHONEST & CORRUPT MEDIA AWARDS OF THE YEAR on Monday at 5 p.m. Subjects will cover Dishonesty & Bad Reporting in various categories from the Fake News Media. Stay tuned! However, on Jan. 7, he said: The Fake News Awards, those going to the most corrupt & biased of the Mainstream Media, will be presented to the losers on Wednesday, Januaty 17, rather than this coming Monday. The interest in, and importance of, these awards is far greater than anyone could have anticipated! Out of the 11 fake news reports listed on the award, CNN won four, New York Times clinched two, while TIME magazine, ABC News, Newsweek and Washington Post won an award each. The full list retrieved from the archive of the website read: The New York Times Paul Krugman claimed on the day of President Trumps historic, landslide victory that the economy would never recover. It also explained that ABC News Brian Ross CHOKES and sends markets in a downward spiral with false report. It added that CNN FALSELY reported that candidate Donald Trump and his son Donald J. Trump, Jr. had access to hacked documents from WikiLeaks. According to it, TIME FALSELY reported that President Trump removed a bust of Martin Luther King, Jr. from the Oval Office. Washington Post FALSELY reported the Presidents massive sold-out rally in Pensacola, Florida was empty. Dishonest reporter showed picture of empty arena HOURS before crowd started pouring in. CNN FALSELY edited a video to make it appear President Trump defiantly overfed fish during a visit with the Japanese prime minister. Japanese prime minister actually led the way with the feeding. CNN FALSELY reported about Anthony Scaramuccis meeting with a Russian, but retracted it due to a significant breakdown in process. Newsweek FALSELY reported that Polish First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda did not shake President Trumps hand. CNN FALSELY reported that former FBI Director James Comey would dispute President Trumps claim that he was told he is not under investigation. The New York Times FALSELY claimed on the front page that the Trump administration had hidden a climate report. And last, but not least: RUSSIA COLLUSION! Russian collusion is perhaps the greatest hoax perpetrated on the American people. THERE IS NO COLLUSION! The post also went on to list 10 Trump administrations major successes, adding while the media spent 90 per cent of the time focused on negative coverage or fake news, the President has been getting results. It said the economy had created nearly two million jobs and gained over eight trillion dollars in wealth since the Trumps inauguration. It said African Americans and Hispanics were enjoying the lowest unemployment rate in recorded history adding, Trump signed historic tax cuts and relief for hardworking Americans not seen since President Reagan. President Trumps plan to cut regulations has exceeded 2 out for every 1 in mandate, issuing 22 deregulatory actions for every one new regulatory action. The President has unleashed an American energy boom by ending Obama-era regulations, approving the Keystone pipeline, auctioning off millions of new acres for energy exploration, and opening up ANWR. The list also included that ISIS was in retreat, having been crushed in Iraq and Syria. President Trump followed through on his promise to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel and instructed the State Department to begin to relocate the Embassy, it explained. With President Trumps encouragement, more member nations are paying their fair share for the common defense in the NATO alliance. Signed the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials in the VA to fire failing employees and establishes safeguards to protect whistleblowers. President Trump kept his promise and appointed Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court, Trumps concluded. (NAN) APT/SH Lawmakers in the upper chamber on Wednesday took turns to condemn the report of the Senate committee on Petroleum (Downstream), for not including the issue of fuel subsidy. The senators alleged that the report was doctored by the management of the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation. The chairman of the committee, Kabir Marafa, Zamfara-APC, was singled out for blame for not including the issue of fuel subsidy which they alleged the executive is paying for without National Assemblys approval. Presenting the report, Mr. Marafa proposed five measures as long term solutions for the lingering crisis. He said, As part of short term measures, the federal government should consider special foreign exchange concession to oil marketers to enable them commence importation of fuel and sell at approved N145 per litre. Two, federal government should consider giving waiver on payment of Nigerian Ports Authority, NIMASA and the Customs service and others to make the landing cost lower. This is because it is established beyond reasonable doubt that the landing cost of PMS today is N171 and government has fixed it at N145 per litre. Therefore, for us to move forward, we have to find a way of bringing the landing cost down. Three, we are going to operate two price regimes. Marketers selling at deregulated rate while NNPC sell at the approved N145. But there is the fear that NNPC will be selling to the marketers who will sell at higher prices. Four, federal government should consider having special tax holiday to oil marketers as a way of subsidising imports. Five is complete deregulation. The federal government should consider deregulating the PMS, AGO and kerosene market. Atai Aidoko Ali, whose status as senator remains under controversy, was the first to comment on the report. He alleged that the report was written by NNPC and not the committee. This is the first time I wont be commending a committee of this Senate for doing a job, the lawmaker, who was sacked by the appeal court but still continues to hold on to the seat, said Mr. President, this report from this committee, to me, does not contain the issues, it does not address the problems that made you call this committee to sit. If we are not talking about subsidy, then what are we talking about? This looks like a report of NNPC. Next was Nafada Bayero, Gombe-APC, who questioned Mr. Marafa on submitting five conflicting recommendations on an issue. I have read these recommendation, the only recommendation that may stand is for the federal government to completely deregulate the PMS. That is the only recommendation that will stand. Otherwise, these recommendations as far as I am concerned look like a report that is imported or that is written by somebody, not from this Senate. If it is a report of this Senate, they cant bring about five different recommendations on same issue. Mr. President, may I call on this committee to go back and work again and bring a report of its own, not one that was influenced by outsiders. Thereafter, Stella Oduah, Anambra-PDP, tagged the report as unfair and biased. This is supposed to be a technical report. Mr. President, this (report) will not stand the test of time. This is unfair report. Very, very unfair and extremely biased report, she said. Mr. Marafa in a bid to clear the allegations rose to inform his colleagues that the report was only an interim report and that the recommendations was based on the submissions of parties invited to the public hearing. But the senators were not satisfied by his explanation. Dino Melaye, Kogi-APC, asked the lawmakers to mandate the executive to refund all money spent on subsidy without appropriation. Mr. President, this report if adopted will only continue to empower the corruption that is already ongoing in the oil sector in this country. What we ought to be debating here is the corruption that is going on in the oil industry, in NNPC and the reason why our oil industry has failed but nothing of such was mentioned in this report. This report rather is energising the corruption that is already ongoing. It is true that marketers may not be able to sell at N145 but is abominable for any government to spend government money without appropriation by the National Assembly. All money that was spent without appropriation should be refunded and approach the Senate for proper appropriation. Mr. President, I am particularly asking the committee to go back, become born again, sit down, do a holy exercise and come up with resolutions. The Senate President, Bukola Saraki, resolved that the committee should review the report and come up with a final report that should reflects all the views raised. Shortly after plenary, Mr. Marafa explained why he neglected subsidy in the interim report. He noted that the committee was more pre-occupied with knowing the volume of fuel consumed than to establish the amount of subsidy paid and diversions. The perspective I am looking at this is that I want to look at the volume of litres. I want to establish to all Nigerians what is the demand of Nigerians. Unless you know that, you can never know what amount of subsidy you are paying. When this committee was called upon, our mandate was to look into the lingering fuel crisis. I stand by my report. What the committee did was the most appropriate. We cannot be talking about N26 subsidy when we dont even know the volume of fuel we consume. It has been established even before we went into the public hearing that we are back in subsidy regime and we said it in the report. All stakeholders attested to the fact that the landing cost is N171. Do we now go back discussing the same thing? In our report we have stated that they collected a sum of $1.7 billion of Nigerias money at N305 to bring products and we are saying that this amount of money is enough to bring at least one hundred days supply at 35 million per day. Where is it? And somebody wants me to go back and discuss an issue everybody knows. NNPC, you say you are bringing 30 cargoes of 30 thousand metric tonnes per day. We said from what you have told us now, this supply is supposed to last Nigeria 35 days, not 30 days. There is a surplus of five days and if you multiply it by 12, that is surplus for 60 days. If you add the marketers surplus of 100 days they are supposed to bring, that is 160 days. Even if Nigeria is consuming 100 million litres per day, we are not supposed to be in scarcity today. The committee has been able to establish that there is a surplus of over 5 billion litres. Where is this surplus and why are we in this situation? he questioned. The Ebonyi Government on Thursday ordered closure of all public and private schools in the state to check the spread of lassa fever that broke out in the state recently. John Eke, the Commissioner for Education, told the News Agency of Nigeria in an interview in Abakaliki, that the closure was part of proactive steps taken to contain the spread of the disease in the state. According to him, government embarked on the measure to effectively control and contain the spread of the dreaded lassa virus which had claimed some lives including two medical doctors. The commissioner, however, said that the lassa outbreak in the state was not alarming, but noted that the closure of schools was done to check the disease spreading into schools. First of all, I want to inform you that the issue of the outbreak of the lassa disease is not in alarming rate, and what we have done is to ensure that we effectively put the spread under control. Again, a women yesterday (Wednesday, January 17), was diagnosed positive of the virus and this patient has her children in schools. We believe that one of the best ways to handle the situation is to shut down our schools until we are sure that our pupils and students are safe. The schools will remain shut for seven school days to enable us monitor the situation and we appeal to parents, guardians and school authorities to comply with the directive, Mr. Eke said. Also, the National Obstetric Fistula Centre, NOFIC, Abakaliki has evacuated its patients over the outbreak of Lassa fever at the nearby Virology Centre of the Federal Teaching Hospital Abakaliki, FETHA. This is even as the State House of Assembly on Wednesday summoned contractors that built the N350 million ultra-modern virology centre to appear before it over allegations that they did not fully equip the centre after they were paid by the state government. Both NOFIC and the Virology Centre were built by the state government and taken over by the federal government. The institutions are both located inside the premises of the Federal Teaching Hospital, Abakaliki, with a wall separating the two. PREMIUM TIMES reported how two doctors at FETHA and a nurse died in a Lassa fever outbreak in the hospital. Another doctor is said to be in critical condition at Irua Lassa fever Specialist Hospital, Edo State, though PREMIUM TIMES could not independently verify this report. Worried by the outbreak of the disease in FETHA, the management of the National Obstetric Fistula Centre evacuated all the patients in the hospital to an undisclosed hospital. When PREMIUM TIMES visited NOFIC, no patient was seen in the wards. A staff of the hospital who spoke in confidence said all the patients were evacuated to another hospital. You know this hospital is located beside this virology centre and some of the patients including the deceased were taken to the virology centre before being evacuated to Irua Specialist Hospital where some of them died early this week. So, our management feel it is very imperative to evacuate all our patients out of our hospital even though the virology centre has been fumigated, he said. He disclosed that some of the patients evacuated from the hospital just passed through surgery. When contacted, the spokesman of NOFIC, Rita Nwojiji, confirmed the evacuation of patients. According to her, the evacuation is to enable the hospital take preventive measures to ensure the disease does not spread into the centre from its neighbour. We are starting to fumigate the place today and after that it will take about four days before we can make use of the place. By Monday we expect work to resume and normalcy to be restored, she said. A pregnant woman has been hit by the bullet shell of customs officers who shot in the air to disperse a mob. The incident, which happened early hours of Thursday at Ota, Ogun State, left the woman, identified as Mrs. Ogunlana, hospitalised. According to an eyewitness, Olugunna Bukola, the eight months pregnant woman became a victim when customs officers shot in the air to disperse a mob trying to prevent them from arresting a suspected Tokunbo car driver. Mrs. Ogunlana, who is said to be a staff of the Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company, IBEDC, was hit by the bullet shell at the upper shoulder. She is said to be responding treatment. Speaking on the incident, the Customs Federal Operation Unit (FOU) Zone A Lagos spokesman, Jerry Attah, said the woman was alive and is doing fine. I have called the OC in charge there, he confirmed the incident. The woman has been taken to the hospital for treatment. Our officers have gone there and her hospital bill will be taken care of by the customs. We thank God that the incident was not a fatal one, Mr Attah told PREMIUM TIMES in a telephone interview. Narrating how the incident occurred, Mr. Attah said it was while the Comptroller General of Customs compliance team was trailing a Tokunbo car to Ota that the mob attacked them. While trying to disperse the mob through gun shots in the air the bullet shell hit back of her upper shoulder. She is not dead. This latest incident happened a day after a bus conductor was killed allegedly by a bullet shot by a customs officer. The bus was reported to be carrying several bags of suspected smuggled rice and tried to evade customs officers. While trying to arrest the suspect, according to eyewitness report, the mob pounced on the customs officers who shot in the air to disperse the crowd. One of the gunshots hit the victim leading to his death, witnesses said. The customs, however, claimed no one was killed in the Wednesday incident. I know peoples reaction today is as a result of the Abule Egba incident yesterday, Mr. Attah said. They are not happy and that is why they want to use todays incident against us by peddling rumours that the woman was shot dead. Police at Obasanjo farm police station, Ota, have reportedly taken the customs officer to the station. The police in Ogun are yet to react to the incident. An Abuja Division of the Federal High Court has refused an application by members of the Indigenous People Of Biafra seeking the nullification of the proscription order made against the group on September 20. Members of IPOB had approached the court after it made an order proscribing the group as a terror organisation last September. IPOB had through its lawyers, led by Ifeanyi Ejiofor, alleged a violation of its fundamental rights to fair hearing and freedom of assembly by the federal government in its (governments) motion brought ex parte. An ex parte motion is one that does not require the participation of all sides before a decision can be taken by the court. In his ruling, Justice Abdul Kafarati said the basic instrument in the particular ex parte motion was the approval of the Nigerian president which was stated to have been given in the application brought by the Attorney General of the Federation. Consequently, the court said it was of the view that: the application brought by the Honourable Attorney General of the Federation ex-parte was properly brought. He added that the rights of the IPOB members were not abused as alleged by their lawyers and ordered N500,000 as damages to be paid by the applicant. The proscription order made by the court in September, came days after the IPOB leader, Nnamdi Kanu, went missing from his home in Abia State. Mr. Kanu who is facing trial with other defendants on alleged terrorism and other related offences has not been seen since last September. The National Economic Council, NEC, has set up a ten-member committee to address the widespread farmers/herders clashes across the country. The committee is headed by Vice President Yemi Osinbajo and includes nine governors. Briefing State House correspondents after the NEC meeting, the Kano State Governor, Abdullahi Ganduje, said the committee has as members governors of Zamfara, Kaduna, Adamawa, Benue, Taraba, Edo, Plateau, Ebonyi and Oyo states. Killings by suspected herdsmen has led to the death of over 70 persons in Benue recently. Attacks by suspected farmers and locals on Fulani communities have also led to the death of several persons in Adamawa and Taraba states. The committee has started its meeting right after this NEC meeting, Mr. Ganduje said. The Kano governor said the committee is expected to work in accordance with commensurate commitment to ensure that all perpetrators of violence are brought to book. The Governor of Ebonyi State, David Umahi, who spoke earlier said the NEC considered an update on the need for domestic funding for the treatment of persons living with HIV in Nigeria. He said the Minister of Health, Isaac Adewole, and Director-General of the National Agency for the Control of Aids, NACA, Sani Aliyu, made presentations seeking increased funding for HIV services in Nigeria in order to achieve the goal of eliminating HIV/AIDS by the Year 2030. Mr. Umahi said the presentations stated that such an increase would reduce the dependency on donor funding for HIV services and the attendant development indicators. They also called for investment in HIV treatment that will lead to increased life expectancy in the country and a proportionate increase in GDP. They added that the need to invest in HIV/AIDS treatment is important because donor funding is on the decline because of economic circumstances, he said. The governor said reducing the gaps between those who require HIV medicare and treatment and those who are actually able to access it is another reason adduced to increasing investment in HIV. The presentation asked NEC to consider and approve the resolution of the 59th Council on Health that at least between 2.5 per cent to 1 per cent of the monthly federal allocations to states be earmarked for financing the implementation of HIV/AIDS sustainability roadmap. Council was also asked to consider and approve the universal free antenatal services and abolition of user fees associated with the prevention of mother to child transmission services. Council was also asked to request that the state health insurance scheme including HIV is an indicator for both testing and treatment particularly as related to community health insurance programme. Council noted and approved the recommendations above as requested, he said. Mr. Umahi said the Health Minister also gave the NEC an update on an emergency situation on lassa fever especially in Ebonyi State where some health workers died from the disease last week. He said Mr. Adewole informed the NEC that the federal government was going to intervene very quickly in the cases of Ebonyi State and Ogun State where this epidemic has developed. Mr. Umahi, in his briefing also said the Minister of Budget and National Planning, Udo Udoma, informed the council that the federal government is addressing Nigerias economic situation through the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan, ERGP, covering between 2017 and 2020. He said the minister told council that the key execution points of the plan include the stabilisation of the macro-economic environment to achieve agriculture and food security as well as to ensure energy sufficiency in power and petroleum products. Other points, he said, are to improve transportation infrastructure and to drive industrialisation focusing on small and medium scale industries The governor said the Minister of Finance, Kemi Adeosun, reported to NEC that the balance in the nations Excess Crude Account, ECA, as at January 15, 2018 stood at $2.317 billion, while the Stabilisation account had N9.730 billion and the Natural Resources Development Fund had N115.108 billion The Northern Elders Forum has appointed Sani Daura as its interim National Chairman after its former leader, Paul Unongo, resigned. The forum said it made the appointment after reviewing critical national developments, particularly tension around national security punctuated by killings in many communities in Benue, Taraba, Adamawa, Kaduna, Zamfara and other parts of the country. Mr. Unongo stirred controversy recently when he accused former vice president Atiku Abubakar of being a patron to the rampaging Fulani herdsmen who had killed many in recent weeks. He had also reportedly threatened to raise an army to confront the armed herdsmen. Mr. Abubakar, while denying the allegations, had threatened to sue him (Unongo) for defamation. Mr. Unongo took over the elite forums leadership from the late elder statesman, Maitama Sule, last year. The forum said it reluctantly accepted the offer of its convener, Mr. Unongo, to step aside to allow the emergence of a structured leadership which would prepare the forum to deal with many of the challenges facing the North. Mr. Abdullahi said the forum took note of the sterling contributions of Mr. Unongo to the development of the forum along with its late founder, Mr. Sule. The forum has approved that the Deputy Convener, Sani Zangon Daura, CON should assume responsibility for the interim leadership of the forum. Further reorganisation of the forum will be undertaken in the next few days. The forum while bidding its Mr. Unonogo farewell, demanded that relevant authorities take more decisive steps to restore the security of lives and property of citizens, particularly in the North. The forum also condoled with families and persons that were affected by the spate of attacks on communities. The forum through its spokesman, Ango Abdullahi, called on all leaders to observe restraint and responsibility in the manner they exercise their powers to shape opinion and determine the responses of the citizens. We appeal to all communities to maintain vigilance over their relations with each other, and seek solutions that do not involve conflicts which in the end, leave all of us as losers, it said. The elders assured that they would continue to seek all opportunities and avenues to engage leaders, governments and all stakeholders in the search for peace and security in the North and Nigeria. Mr. Abdullahi said the forum re-examined its basic philosophy and record, and has been re-assured that it represents a strategic asset for all northerners, irrespective of location, ethnicity or faith. It is motivated, under the circumstances, to seek to re-assure all communities that it will defend and protect the interests of all northerners and it will not succumb to blackmail and mischief that will reduce it to a platform for only one type of northerner. The Nasarawa State Government and the management of Breeze FM, Lafia, have agreed to settle out-of-court, the case on the demolition of the broadcast station in Lafia, by the state government. Shehu Usman, the state Commissioner for Justice and Attorney-General, disclosed this on Thursday at the hearing of the case at High Court 4, Lafia. Mr. Usman, in a motion for adjournment on the matter, said a committee, comprising representatives of both parties, had been constituted. The attorney-general, who was represented by Audu Aloko, said the adjournment was to enable the committee to meet with Governor Umaru Al-Makura and put finishing touches to the agreement. The commissioner said that the committee had agreed on out-of-court settlement. The counsel to Breeze FM, Ocha Ulegede, said he was not opposing the motion. Mr. Ulegede, however, said that if on the next adjourned date, the parties were unable to put finishing touches to the agreement, he would go ahead with the matter. He urged the state government to strive and put the matter to rest since it had opted for settlement. Justice James Abundha adjourned the case to February 2 for the committee to present the report on the settlement. The News Agency of Nigeria recalls that the radio station was demolished on May 20, 2017 for alleged violation of land policy. (NAN) The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board, JAMB, on Thursday directed all tertiary institutions to end their 2017 admission by January 25. The Boards Head of Media, Fabian Benjamin, disclosed this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria in Abuja. Mr. Benjamin said the boards decision came after a meeting where all issues and ones bordering on the admission process were taken into consideration. He said it was resolved that the academic calendar must be adhered to. According to him, the directive becomes necessary as the board intends to meet up with the academic calendar as earlier agreed. By implication, candidates who have gained admissions into various institutions and are yet to register or do not have admissions by January 25 should begin to make preparations for the 2018 UTME. The public must also note that the UTME results are valid for only one year and not three years as widely speculated. If changes are made on the validity, I assure you the board would communicate appropriately to the public. NAN recalls that the board had recently said that the UTME examinations would take place between March 9 and 17, while the mock exams would take place in the first week of February. Mr. Benjamin also noted that the sale of Direct Entry forms are ongoing, while urging candidates who intend to apply to do so immediately as the sale of the DE forms ends on the same date with the UTMEs. It has come to our knowledge that a lot of candidates are not aware of the sale of the Direct Entry forms, which we have advertised. We are calling on desirous candidates to please register their profile and obtain the pins from the vending platforms. Candidates who want to apply to institutions through DE must note that the sale of the forms started same date as the UTMEs and would end on the same date which is on February 6. This form can be obtained through the same process as the UTME forms. It could be purchased through vending commercial banks, Mobile Money Operators (MMOs), interswitch, NIPOST and Remita, he said. Mr. Benjamin, however, noted that candidates should ensure that they disclose at the point of obtaining e-pins the exact pins they are paying for, that is, Direct Entry or UTME as some unknowingly purchase Direct Entry instead of UTME and vice-versa. (NAN) The Police Command in Delta has confirmed the death of a 57-year-old suspected kidnap kingpin, Anthony Ogbalor. The commands spokesman, Andrew Aniamaka, confirmed the development to journalists on Thursday in a telephone interview. Mr. Aniamaka said the deceased suspect who was known as Dracula, died in an undisclosed hospital in Asaba where he was rushed to for medical attention. The information is true, the suspected kidnap kingpin called Dracula who has been in our custody has died in a hospital where he was rushed to due to some complications. The cause of his death has yet to be ascertained as we are awaiting autopsy report from the hospital where he was confirmed dead. The deceased has been deposited at the hospital mortuary where he died, Mr. Aniamaka said. The News Agency of Nigeria reports that the deceased was apprehended by the Police in December 2017 alongside other gang members at about 7.30 p.m. in Warri after they had snatched a Navy blue Toyota Corolla car with reg. no EPE 874 DQ. Mr. Ogbalor hailed from Iyede in Isoko North Local Government Area of Delta. (NAN) A lawyer, Rickey Tarfa, on Wednesday sought N500 million damages from the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, over alleged malicious prosecution. Mr. Tarfa, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, made the application through his counsel, Jelili Owonikoko, in a no-case submission he brought before an Igbosere High Court in Lagos. Mr. Tarfa had brought the application in response to the alleged bribery and attempt to pervert the course of justice charge brought against him by EFCC. He told the court that the 26-count charge brought against him by EFCC was malicious. He prayed the court to make an example of the anti-graft agency and slam the hammer on it with a N500 million damages award to him. The lawyer has been standing trial since March 2016 and on October 23, 2017 the agency closed its case against him. At the resumed hearing of the case on Wednesday, Mr. Tarfas counsel, Mr. Owonikoko, urged the court to see the prosecution as malicious. He said that Mr. Tarfa was entirely within his constitutional right to remain silent and did not violate the EFCC Act, on which the agency based its claim that Mr. Tarfa refused and failed to declare his assets. On the allegation that the defendant lied about his age during interrogation on February 5, 2016 at the commissions Lagos office, Mr. Owonikoko said there was a mistake between falsehood and mistake. He said Mr. Tarfa made a mistake, which the EFCC ought to have drawn his attention to rather than springing a surprise on him by making the mistake a basis for a criminal charge. Mr. Owonikoko also contested the charge that the defendant offered gratification to Justice Hyeladzira Nganjiwa of the Federal High Court, Bayelsa. He said that among others, EFCC failed to link Mr. Nganjiwa with the deposits made by Tarfa to the accounts of a firm, Awa Ajia Nigeria Ltd. According to him, Mr. Tarfa has never handled a case before Justice Nganjiwa. He suggested that the EFCC ought to have invited Mr. Nganjiwa to explain the reasons for the deposits in Awa Ajia Nigeria Ltds account of which he was a signatory. The specific ingredients were not proven. It is not as if the prosecution did not make an attempt, but that attempt was so woeful, Mr. Owonikoko submitted. He said the defendants reputation and occupation had suffered. The defendant has been put on permanent self-suspension. He has over 100 lawyers in his firm.We urge the court to slam the hammer and give the right message against malicious prosecution, Mr. Owonikoko said. But EFCC counsel, Rotimi Oyedepo, opposed Mr. Tarfas no-case submission, because it amounts to contesting the obvious. I am passionately urging my lord to dismiss this application and call on the defendant to explain the allegations that we have proved against him. It is beyond argument that failure to declare an asset is an offence under the EFCC Act. He said asking a suspect to declare his asset did not infringe his constitutional right to remain silent. The prosecution is not expected to establish the guilt of the defendant, only to show that there is a prima facie case against the defendant, Mr. Oyedepo said. Justice Adedayo Akintoye, after listening to all the arguments, adjourned the case until February 9 for ruling. (NAN) The Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, has called on the Chief Justice of Nigeria, CJN, Walter Onnoghen, to help address the spate of conflicting judgments on electoral cases in the country. The Chairman of INEC, Mahmood Yakubu, according to the commissions online newspaper, inecnews.com, made the call when he led members of the commission on a courtesy visit to the CJN on Wednesday in Abuja. Mr. Yakubu expressed worry over the recurring decimal among courts of coordinate jurisdiction on the same subject-matter, especially in cases related to pre-election, post-election and leadership crises in political parties. The INEC Chairman said that apart from the enormous cost implications of the conflicting judgements on the country, it had also created a negative public perception. Mr. Yakubu said that it had become imperative to draw the CJNs attention to the commissions areas of concern, with the 2019 General Elections barely a year, for which the Timetable and Schedule of Activities had been released. For instance, in a recent leadership crisis in one political party, the commission was served with six conflicting judgments and orders from courts of coordinate jurisdiction within a short period of three months (May July 2016). Similarly, the commission was confronted by conflicting pronouncements by the lower courts on matters already decided by the superior courts, including the Supreme Court. This is making the work of the commission very difficult and creating unnecessary negative public perception of INEC and, I must say, the Judiciary as well. He disclosed that in the course of discharging INEC responsibilities, no public institution in Nigeria is subjected to more litigations than INEC. Over the last two years (2016 and 2017), the commission has been involved in 454 court cases. This is in addition to 680 cases determined by the Election Petition Tribunals, arising from the outcomes of the 2015 General Elections, making a total of 1,134 cases, so far. Yakubu expressed satisfaction with what he described as a productive working relationship between and the Judiciary and INEC. He recalled that in 2011, the commission was inundated with numerous and sometimes conflicting ex parte orders from courts of coordinate jurisdiction. He added that it was the CJNs intervention following an appeal from the commission that averted a major threat to the electoral process. He said that the intervention stemmed the frequent use of such orders in election litigation in Nigeria. We hope that by addressing these issues, the judiciary would further assist the commission and, indeed, the country in growing our democracy. The chairman explained that as a demonstration of its commitment to the rule of law, the commission obeyed all court orders and carried out all consequential actions since the 2015 General Elections. He said INEC also conducted all the 80 court-ordered re-run elections and had issued Certificates of Return to 23 petitioners declared winners by the Appeal Tribunals. He assured the CJN that the commission shall continue to obey court orders, while taking full cognizance of judicial hierarchy at all times. Mr. Yakubu presented the commissions compilation of some of the issues critical to election litigation in Nigeria and its recommendations to the CJN. Mr. Onnoghen, in his response, agreed that both the judiciary and INEC were the foundation of democracy in Nigeria. He said conflicting court orders were bound to arise as a result of the multiple court cases filed by politicians at different courts. He said that the multiple court cases were bound to have different facts and different interpretations by the different presiding judges. The beauty of the system is that it has a way of correcting itself. That is why you have the appellate system to take care of errors and mistakes committed in the course of court proceedings and in respect of substantive law, he said. The CJN said the judiciary was aware of the enormous responsibility before it, assuring that it would remain committed toward deepening democracy and improving the system. (NAN) An FCT High Court in Maitama on Thursday ordered the trial- within-trial in a culpable homicide charge slammed on a 37-year-old, Mathew Ankyoor, who allegedly killed his wife. Justice Peter Affen, who gave the order, said it was necessary to ascertain the veracity of the statements made by the accused. Mr. Ankyoor is standing trial for allegedly beating his wife to death with a three-count charge hanging around his neck. The News Agency of Nigeria reports that the accused, who was first arraigned on October 24, 2017, had pleaded not guilty. At the resumed hearing of the case on Thursday, the Prosecuting Counsel, Donatus Abah, called the first prosecution witness (PW1), Raymond Isama of the Homicide Section of the FCT Police Command. The witness told the court that the case was transferred from the Lugbe Division of the command to the homicide section and was assigned to him to investigate. He said Mr. Ankyoor had written the statement without coercion, adding that he (Isama) took both the accused and the statement to a superior officer where the document was signed and countered-signed. The witness added that the accused voluntarily signed the statement before the superior officer, while he (Isama) countered-signed. Mr. Isama had also informed the court that he visited the scene of the crime as well as Wuse General Hospital, where a pathologist removed the baby inside the womb of the deceased, Doosuur Ankyoor. He said that he took the photographs of the baby, who also died in the process of being removed from its dead mothers womb. NAN reports that the photographs were admitted as exhibits as the defence counsel did not object to its admissibility. There was a mild drama as an argument ensued between the two counsel when Mr. Abah sought to tender the accused persons statement as exhibit before the judge. The defendants counsel, John Godwin, had objected to its admissibility on the grounds that it was contrary to Section 29 of the Evidence Act. Mr. Godwin said the statement was not voluntarily made by the accused, adding that he was tortured, coerced and intimidated into writing the statement. Arguing on point of law, the prosecuting counsel insisted that the statement was admissible, adding that the defence counsels objection was only a ploy to delay the trial. The judge, after entertaining the witness submission and arguments from both counsel, ordered a trial-within-trial to ascertain the veracity of Mr. Ankyoors claim. The case was adjourned until February 19. (NAN) The Nigeria Union of Teachers, NUT, has called off its indefinite strike in Kaduna State. Public primary and secondary school teachers in the state embarked on the strike 10 days ago over the sack of over 21,000 of primary school teachers the state government said failed a competency test. Audi Anna, the NUT Chairman in Kaduna, on Thursday announced the decision to bring an end to the strike after an emergency meeting of the State Wing Executive Council, SWEC of the union. NUT had declared the indefinite strike action over the sack of the teachers who failed the competency test. The union said it was calling off the strike because Governor Nasir El-Rufai had pledged to give the sacked teachers a second chance. The state chairman stated that the NUT supports the state government in the quest towards qualitative education in the state. The state wing of the NUT, Kaduna State met today 18th January, 2018 to review the situation in the light of the pronouncement of the Kaduna state government which was broadcast on the state media outfit, the KSMC. The broadcast which is to the effect that the State government after a meeting with the interim chairman and Education Secretaries of the 23 local governments has decided to give the 21,780 teachers who did not pass the recent competency test another opportunity for consideration under the State Universal Education Board (SUBEB) program of continuous recruitment that will give every willing teacher a chance to apply. The State Wing Executive Council, SWEC, of NUT Kaduna commends the above decision of the governor and sees in it an opportunity to resolve the impasse between the teachers in Kaduna State and the state government, the end results of which will be an improvement in service delivery in our public schools In the light of the above, SWEC unanimously resolved to reciprocate the gesture of the Kaduna State Government by calling off with immediate effect the indefinite strike action embarked upon by teachers in the public schools and secondary schools in Kaduna state. SWEC hereby extends its hand of fellowship to the Kaduna State government and implore it to always engage the NUT in all matters relating to the implementation of service delivery in the Education sector and teachers welfare. The teachers leadership also commended her members for remaining united and resolute in the struggle, and the leadership of the Labour movement in Nigeria and the NGIs and general public who identified with them during their principled struggle, the statement added. The House of Representatives on Wednesday, urged the National Emergency Management Agency, NEMA, to provide relief materials to the IDP camps in Awe, Azara, Keana and Rukubi in all Awe/Domain/Keana federal constituency of Nasarawa state. It said such items should include food, blankets, medical facilities, mattresses and potable water. This call was made via a motion sponsored by Mohammed Ogoshi Onawo (PDP, Nasarawa state) and adopted by the entire house. While speaking on the motion, he explained that because of the seriousness of the clashes between the Tiv communities of Benue and Nasarawa states and the Fulani herdsmen, the inhabitants of these communities have fled their homes. He said this is also as a result of the senseless killings of innocent civilians, forcing them to seek refuge in Awe, Keana and Doma Local Government Areas of Nasarawa State. He also said that the armed herdsmen reportedly attacked the communities following the commencement and implementation of the Anti open grazing law enacted by the Benue State House of Assembly sometimes last year. The migration and displacement of villages within the boundary communities of Benue and Nasarawa States have led to the emergence of Internally Displaced Persons camps (IDPs) in Awe, Keana and Rukubi towns of Nasarawa States and the establishment of IDP camps in these areas have over stretched the social amenities in the areas and thereby creating untold hardships on the people of these areas, he said. While stressing the need to provide food items, blankets, medical facilities, potable drinking water and mattresses to the camps, he explained that if no help is rendered by the federal government, NGOs and spirited individuals to the IDPs, humanitarian crisis of unimaginable magnitude may result in those camps that could cost the government more to handle. Over 70 people were killed in suspected herdsmen attacks on villages in the agrarian state between December 31 and January 8, according to state government officials. Majority of the deceased were given a mass burial in a village near the Air Force Base in Makurdi, the state capital, Thursday morning. The figures include the three officers killed following an ambush on a police patrol team on Monday in Logo Local Government Area, about 200 kilometres east of Makurdi and the local government area was among the two razed down by suspected herdsmen between the New Year eve and New Years Day. Other resolutions made by the lawmakers include, condemning in the strongest terms the incessant attacks on the innocent citizens of Benue and Nasarawa states. It also urged the Nigerian Police Force to, as a remedial measure, send a mobile police squad to provide security within the border communities by regularly conducting surveillance in those areas. The Police on Thursday arraigned a 20- year-old cattle header, Ibrahim Yau, at a Makurdi Magistrates Court for alleged criminal conspiracy and open grazing. The prosecutor, Abdulkarim Abubakar, told the court that the defendant was arrested by two members of Benue Vigilance Group, Nyor Stephen, and Adi Titus, in Makurdi on January 10, 2018. He alleged that the duo, on intelligence report that some Fulani herdsmen were openly grazing their livestock at Welfare Quarters, New Otukpo Road, Makurdi, rushed to the area. He said that they met the defendant and two others, who fled the scene. The accused later identified his colleagues as Musa Mohammed, and Adamu Jibril, who were openly rearing and grazing over 55 cows, along Welfare Quarters, New Otukpo Road, he told the court. He said that the defendant was arrested, while the others were still at large. The defendant of no fixed address, pleaded not guilty to the charges. The Magistrate, Emmanuel Azembe, granted the defendant bail in the sum of N200,000 with a surety in like sum who must be the Chief Imam of Central Mosque in Makurdi. Mr. Azembe adjourned the case until February 20, for hearing. (NAN) The Kwara State Government has directed the State Police Command to ensure compliance with the compensation mechanism earlier put in place by the State Security Council as an instrument to maintain peace between farmers and herdsmen. According to a statement by the Senior Special Assistant to Governor Abdulfatah Ahmed on Media and Communications, Muyideen Akorede, the directive was issued by the Security Council at its meeting on Wednesday in Ilorin. The statement said that the council, which was chaired by Kwara State Governor, Abdulfatah Ahmed, also directed community leaders to avoid inviting herdsmen or other individuals into their communities without the knowledge of the Emir of Ilorin and Chairman, Kwara State Traditional Council of Chiefs, Alhaji Ibrahim Sulu-Gambari. Additionally, the statement noted that the council received and took note of reports of cultism and other related activities in the state, and restated its call on landlords to properly scrutinise their prospective tenants before accommodating them. Residents were also urged to be security conscious and report any suspicious activities or movement to the appropriate authorities. The state government also called on the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control and National Drug Law Enforcement Agency to intensify their campaign against the abuse of prescription of drugs and other illicit drugs in the State. The statement further added that the council was briefed and took note of the developments in the fight against insurgency in the North-east and urged security agencies to increase surveillance and advised citizens to remain vigilant to prevent infiltration of the State by undesirable elements. Also, the statement noted that the council took note of what it considered the ongoing violations of the National Broadcasting Commission, NBC, Code on political news and programmes as well as suspected hate speech on radio and television stations. It, therefore, called on the broadcasting stations and individuals involved in such infractions to avoid actions capable of fanning the ember of disunity and causing breach of public peace and order in the State. The council also directed security agencies and other relevant government bodies to draw the attention of the affected media houses to these infractions of the law and the consequences of continued violations of extant laws. Beside Governor Ahmed, the security council meeting also had in attendance the deputy governor, Peter Kisira; Emir of Ilorin, Ibrahim Sulu Gambari; Secretary to the State Government, Isiaka Gold; State Attorney-General, Kamaldeen Ajibade; Chief of Staff, Yusuf Wahab, and heads of security agencies in the state. The Federal Capital Territory, FCT, Muslim Pilgrims Welfare Board is to end the collection of hajj deposits for hajj 2018 by the end of February. The Director of the Board, Muhammad Bashir, gave this indication while briefing top management staff of the board after the first pre-hajj visit to Saudi Arabia on Wednesday. Mr. Bashir said the measure was to enable the board comply with the March 16 deadline set up by the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria, NAHCON, to complete the payment for seats allocated to the Board for 2018 hajj exercise. According to a statement Thursday by spokesperson of the board, Mohammad Aliyu, the director was quoted as saying that the ongoing sale of hajj forms would end by February regardless of the total number of intending pilgrims registered for the 2018 hajj through the FCT. He also said the board has decentralised its services to the six area councils for the comfort of the intending pilgrims who wish to register with the FCT and for administrative convenience. Mr. Bashir said the board has reached advanced stage in preparation for the exercise in Saudi Arabia by securing comfortable accommodation in Makkah as well as feeding arrangements with service providers for the FCT contingent for the 2018 hajj exercise. He, therefore, directed staff of the board to be more dedicated to their duties in order to complement the successes recorded in previous hajj operations. He also warned the staff against any act capable of tarnishing the image of the administration and the country at large. The director called for the cooperation of all staff and other concerned individuals and groups to ensure the success of the 2018 hajj exercise in line with the desire of the present FCT administration. Mr. Bashir resumed office in December last year after successful completion of a one year course at the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies, NIPSS, Kuru, Plateau State. A former governor of Jigawa State, Sule Lamido, has jeered President Muhammadu Buhari and a chieftain of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), Bola Tinubu, over the fuel scarcity across the country, and the governments fight against corruption. Mr. Lamido said Mr. Buhari should lead a protest against the fuel situation. Addressing the 2017 Annual Trust Dialogue holding in Abuja, Mr. Lamido said Mr. Tinubu could not attend the event because his car is there on fuel queue in Lagos. He could not get fuel to come to this event. The former governor, who is facing corruption charges, questioned the integrity of the governments effort. In indirect reference to Mr. Buhari, Mr. Lamido referenced the presidents involvement with the Abacha government, and the looting that took place under that government. The attorney general has only recently signed agreement for return of another money stolen by Abacha, and someone said he did not steal anything, he said. Mr. Tinubu, represented by an associate, Wale Edun, had earlier delivered his address at the event where he called for scrapping of any subsidy on petroleum. He said subsidy does not favour the poor but only a few elites. Governor Aminu Tambuwal of Sokoto State said his administration will support the federal government in ensuring success of exploration activities in the Sokoto Basin. According to him, Governors of Sokoto, Kebbi, Zamfara and Katsina states are willing to partner with relevant agencies to facilitate the exploration of both ethanol and hydrocarbon resources in the basin. He stated this on Thursday at the ongoing Regional Technology Knowledge-sharing conference on hydrocarbon potentials of Sokoto Basin going on at the Usmanu Danfodio University, Sokoto. The conference is organised by the Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) in collaboration with Sokoto State Government and the host university to improve expert literature and share research results on the viability of hydrocarbon in the Sokoto Basin. He said the location of the Sokoto Basin is the south-eastern portion of a larger basin which covers North-western Nigeria, most parts of Niger Republic, Benin Republic, Mali, Algeria and Libya. Mr. Tambuwal said almost all available hydrocarbon resources are deep underground, and that there is the need to engage experts to come up with in-depth,credible and convincing data capable of attracting international investment into basin. In pursuance of such reliable data, the Sokoto State government contracted a Chinese company which surveyed the basin and confirmed the availability hydro carbon phosphate in abundance. Nigeria is in urgent need of more oil and gas reserves to help in developing other economic sectors for fast industrial development of the country, the governor added. According to him, exploring the inland basins will be beneficial to the nation, especially because the Niger Delta and offshore areas have witnessed exploration for too long. Gunmen suspected to be armed robbers on Wednesday night attacked a supermarket in Katsina, killing a police officer, Ibrahim Batsari. The spokesman of the police command in the state, Isah Gambo, who confirmed the incident, said the gunmen had also stolen the slain police officers riffle. The police officer was killed at about 8 p.m. on Wednesday night while he was on routine patrol near Wapa Supermarket along IBB way in Katsina, Gambo said. He said that the command had deployed detectives to investigate and arrest the culprits. He called on members of the public with useful information about the hoodlums to inform the police for necessary action . Eye witnesses told the News Agency of Nigeria at the scene of the incident said that the slain officer was on patrol around the area when he decided to go into a nearby Supermarket to charge his cell phone. The suspected robbers spotted the police officer carrying a riffle and therefore shot him to death. (NAN) The burial committee set up to plan a state burial for Late Alex Ekwueme says the former Vice President will be buried on February 2. The Secretary to the Government of the Federation, SGF, Boss Mustapha, made this known while briefing journalists on Thursday in Abuja. Mr. Mustapha, who is the chairman of the committee, was represented by Chris Ngige, Minister of Labour and Productivity, who is also a member of the committee. The News Agency of Nigeria reports that the committee, which was inaugurated on the December 15, 2017, has come up with a nine-day long programme for the burial. The programme will start from the January 19 to February 2, 2018. The SGF described the first elected vice president of Nigeria as an accomplished architect, town planner, philanthropist and politician. Mr. Mustapha noted that the death of Mr. Ekwueme was a painful loss to his family and the nation at large, while announcing the details of the ceremony as follows: On Friday January 19 at 2.p.m, there will be a Memorial Service at Cathedral Church of Christ, Marina Lagos, while at 5.p.m, there will be the Evening of Tributes and Music at Muson Centre, Onikan Lagos. On Saturday January 27 at 2.p.m, there will be a Memorial Service at St Marylebone Parish Church London. On Sunday, January 28 at 6.p.m, there will be a Service of Songs and evening of tributes at the International Conference Centre, Abuja. Similarly, on Monday, January 29 at 12 p.m., there will be a Parade of Honour at the Presidential wing, Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja, after which body departs immediately to Enugu and will be received by South-east governors at the airport. On Tuesday, January 30 at 4.p.m, there will be a Service of Songs at Cathedral Church of the Good Shepherd, Independence Layout Enugu. Accordingly, on Wednesday January 31 at 10.a.m, there will be South-east commendation service at Okpara square Enugu. On Thursday, February 1 at 10 a.m., body departs for Awka at 12. p.m., there will be Anambra Commendation service at Ekwueme square, Awka. Also at 4 p.m. body departs for Oko, Ekwuemes home town and at 5.p.m, there will be service of songs at his residence. Also, on Friday, February 2 at 8.a.m, there will be lying-in-state at his residence; and 11.a.m. will be the funeral service, at St. John the Divine Church, Oko, followed by interment and reception. On Sunday, February 11 at 9 a.m, there will be an outing service, at the St John the Divine Church, Oko. The SGF, however, called on all professional groups and individuals whose lives and interests were impacted on by the departed statesman to be part of the burial ceremonies to pay him their last respect. (NAN) A former National Chairman of the All Progressives Grand Alliance, APGA, Victor Umeh, on Thursday took oath of office as senator representing Anambra Central Senatorial District. The oath of office was administered on him by the President of the Senate, Bukola Saraki, in Abuja. The senatorial district had been without representation in the last two years. Mr. Umeh defeated 13 other candidates in last Saturdays senatorial election to emerge victorious. Mr. Umeh, while briefing journalists after taking oath of office, called for the implementation of the 2014 National Conference Report, saying that the report was comprehensive enough to chat a new course for a new Nigeria. He noted that the report addressed various issues currently causing agitation in the country, including the issue of restructuring which had generated a lot of debate and controversies in the polity. The politician explained that restructuring was not tantamount to disintegration of the corporate entity called Nigeria, as many people had insinuated, but a means of rearranging certain anomalies in the system, so as to end or reduce agitations. He said that Nigeria could only prosper when all citizens were given equal opportunities and treatment in the affairs of the nation, pointing out that those opposed to restructuring did not want Nigeria to make progress. The Anambra Central senator lamented that his constituents lost so much fortune as a result of the vacuum that existed in the Senate during the period of political tussle amongst the contestants to the seat. He, however, said that he was comforted by the fact that justice was done in the protracted law suit, saying that it was better that he got justice, even though it took a long time to happen. The lawmaker noted that the only way democracy could survive in the country was for everybody to obey the Rule of Law, stressing that those circumventing the Rule of law were the ones dragging the country backward and always brought problems to the people. (NAN) A pregnant woman was on Thursday killed in Orin Ekiti, in Ido-Osi local government area of Ekiti State by yet to be identified armed persons. The woman, who was said to be of Tiv ethnicity, was reportedly shot before she was hacked. The death of the Tiv woman came four days after a Fulani herdsman was killed in a similar situation by persons said to be from the Tiv community in Ekiti State. The development, suspected by residents of the community as a reprisal, occurred despite passionate pleas from the state governor, Ayo Fayose, that there should be no further bloodshed as the first culprit would be fished out and punished according to the law. Eyewitnesses said the woman, whose name was not given, was shot in the head, and her eyes were plucked out as a result of the attack. Mr. Fayose had on Wednesday met with Fulani and Tiv leaders, and urged them to exercise restraint as security agencies investigate the matter. Meanwhile, a referendum is being planned for the town in regard to the vacant traditional stool of the Olirin of Orin Ekiti, which holds on Saturday. A former chairman of the local government, Sanmi Olubummo, who confirmed the incident, said another person sustained severe injuries and was receiving treatment at a hospital. Mr. Olubummo said police officers from Ido-Ekiti Divisional Headquarters visited the scene of the killing, but noted that there was calm in the town. The incident happened inside the Orin Farm Settlement. Nobody knows what led to the crisis in the early hours of Thursday but our people said the Bororo herdsmen killed the pregnant woman, he said. However, the Regent and the Olorin-in-Council stated that the referendum would hold on Saturday to resolve controversies surrounding the royal stool despite the incident. When contacted, Ekiti State Police Commissioner, Abdullahi Chafe, said he was yet to be briefed on the incident. I am not in Ekiti, so I have not been briefed about the incident, he said. Efforts are currently apace at the the University of Lagos to pool resources in support of local schools through remediation and preparatory classes for kids studying for their examinations, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Lagos, Kola Ogundipe, said on Thursday. Mr. Ogundipe, a professor of botany, made this know in Abuja when he paid a courtesy visit to the head office of Premium Times, where he also proposed that Nigerian universities need to face the urgent challenge of social relevance if they will help turn the fortunes of the society towards positive end. Our university system has focused disproportionately on the teaching arm of of its three-pronged educational approach at the expense of research and community service; and the time has come for balancing all three approaches Mr. Ogundipe said. At the University of Lagos, the vice chancellor explained that aside from current efforts to support local schools, there are also ongoing efforts to swell the pot of funds that will back proper research, which is at the heart of the most important work of developing any society that has an eye to the future. The professor, who took office in October 2017, spoke of the University of Lagos as a major brand that my team and I are moving towards this new balanced approach to tertiary education. He believes it is only appropriate for the University of Lagos, highly regarded as the University of first choice in the country to be orchestrating change in the tertiary education system. According to him, while there are admittedly bottle necks in the financing and by extension effective administration of tertiary institutions, the university can innovate around its core approaches to generate funds to further advance its cause. As part of the leadership-by-example approach of the University of Lagos and the drive to re-energise and reinforce the UNILAG brand, the vice chancellor is instituting a leadership training program for senior lecturers and above to better equip them for their all important role of shaping future leaders. Also, the university is encouraging her lecturers to pursue avenues and opportunities for research both locally and globally. Asides from engagements and partnerships with the private sector, the university will be reaching out with a deliberate approach to her alumni both within the shores of the country and in diaspora. The vice chancellor recommends that tapping into the illustrious alumnus of the school has potential for driving and sustaining her initiatives. The vice chancellor also revealed several initiatives directed at increasing the internally generated revenue of the university some of which include increasing the profile of the university to attract more foreign students, partnerships with private sector to found mutually beneficial initiatives, as well as exploring tourism focused on the schools famed lagoon front. It is hoped that with more focus on research and community service, solutions driven development will follow that will ricochet through the entirety of the educational system and bring about a renewal hinged properly on teaching, research and community development. For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population, while enabling the "elites" to live forever with the aid of advanced technology. For the first time, crusading filmmaker ALEX JONES reveals their secret plan for humanity's extermination: Operation ENDGAME. Jones chronicles the history of the global elite's bloody rise to power and reveals how they have funded dictators and financed the bloodiest warscreating order out of chaos to pave the way for the first true world empire. Watch as Jones and his team track the elusive Bilderberg Group to Ottawa and Istanbul to document their secret summits, allowing you to witness global kingpins setting the world's agenda and instigating World War III. to Ottawa and Istanbul to document their secret summits, allowing you to witness global kingpins setting the world's agenda and instigating World War III. Learn about the formation of the North America transportation control grid, which will end U.S. sovereignty forever. Discover how the practitioners of the pseudo-science eugenics have taken control of governments worldwide as a means to carry out depopulation. View the progress of the coming collapse of the United States and the formation of the North American Union. Never before has a documentary assembled all the pieces of the globalists' dark agenda. Endgame's compelling look at past atrocities committed by those attempting to steer the future delivers information that the controlling media has meticulously censored for over 60 years. It fully reveals the elite's program to dominate the earth and carry out the wicked plan in all of human history. Endgame is not conspiracy theory, it is documented fact in the elite's own words. The need for AI in the post-mobile world Recent BrightEdge research revealed that not only is the customer journey predominantly digital, but also that this digital journey is entering the post-mobile world. Currently 57 percent of all searches are now conducted from mobile devices and over 20 percent of mobile searches are voice-activated. In this post-mobile world, it is increasingly difficult for brands to reach the connected consumer in an authentic way. To this point, BrightEdge research found that over 80 percent of content produced is never found by its audience. By 2020, customer experience will overtake price and product as the key differentiator between brands. The need to change and adapt to the connected consumer requires marketers to tackle one of their biggest challenges head on - the over-abundance of data and the value of insights that can be derived from this. For marketers, there is simply too much data out there to process, segment and analyze. Data is often unstructured and scattered across multiple data sets, making it hard to use. Despite having access to data, marketers often struggle to transform this data into actionable insights. The AI and Deep Learning Journey To solve this challenge, successful brands recognize that AI, deep learning and automation are now mission-critical for staying ahead of market trends, consumer preferences, and competitive shifts in the market. DataMind, BrightEdge's proprietary deep-learning engine, organizes and makes sense of all relevant data at a size and scale not possible manually. Unlike simple machine learning, deep learning requires both powerful computing power and massive amounts of relevant data. Machine learning uses thousands of data points, whereas deep learning uses millions. Successful companies of the future will dominate their markets by bringing together digital marketing, search and content marketing to deliver consistent digital experiences across all customer touch points, including web, mobile, email and social to create a strong competitive advantage. "For the past several years, BrightEdge has been on a journey to become an Artificial-Intelligence (AI-First) company," said Jim Yu, CEO and Co-founder of BrightEdge. "We believe that it is essential for every business to have AI-First capabilities. For BrightEdge, this journey started with the Data Cube nearly 10 years ago. Since then, we were first to market with a next-generation deep-learning technology, DataMind, using the same deep-learning best practices applied by Google in its voice and image recognition algorithms. DataMind has been woven into the BrightEdge Platform to power search, content, and digital marketing solutions that will power our customers on their own AI-First journey". "Digital marketing has become very complex from opportunity identification through content creation to optimization. BrightEdge brings the AI firepower to my job and makes it easier for me to succeed." Eugene Feygin, Sears The Power of the BrightEdge Platform: Transforming Digital Experiences For nearly 10 years, BrightEdge data scientists have assembled the gold standard of data by pairing first-party data with unique proprietary data from the BrightEdge Data Cube, the industry's largest content repository. BrightEdge's team of data scientists began using massive data-sets to build and integrate DataMind into the BrightEdge platform with the purpose of unlocking accurate and valuable insights for customers. "This is the culmination of massive, multi-year investments in our technology to power the BrightEdge platform with neural networks designed to mimic our own decision-making" said Lemuel Park, CTO and Co-founder of BrightEdge. "Leveraging BrightEdge Data Cube, other performance data, and the deep learning capabilities of BrightEdge DataMind, we've solved one of the biggest issues with the application of AI - the source data." The native integration of DataMind into the BrightEdge platform has accelerated the company's journey into an AI-First company. Below are some of the key technologies BrightEdge has developed and released through the use of AI and Big Data Data Cube: The industry's largest content repository and the industry's most complete data set for tracking performance across the web. Data Cube is used to prioritize and formulate successful search, content, and digital strategies. BrightEdge Data Cube consists of billions of pieces of digital data including content, rich media, search terms and social signalsall at internet scaleto provide companies with the insights they need to make decisions that drive revenue. BrightEdge DataMind: DataMind is a powerful deep-learning engine that instantly identifies important digital trends, competitive threats, and market shifts in real-time. BrightEdge Data Mind unlocks valuable and profitable insights to help marketer accelerate digital marketing performance. BrightEdge Content: Powered by BrightEdge DataMind, BrightEdge Content blends the best of search marketing and content marketing to make it easier for marketers to discover, create and activate high-performing content across any digital channel. Visual Parsing: Visual Parsing analyzes the dynamic SERP through the eyes of a human. Instead of just inspecting the backend codes, visual parsing technology looks at the visual layout of each SERP in relationship with each keyword to help marketers determine what content type is more likely to win the top spots on a SERP. BrightEdge Insights: BrightEdge Insights is an AI-powered solution that acts like a marketer's personal data analyst. Each week, BrightEdge Insights examines millions of web pages with thousands of changes. Based on this statistically significant analysis BrightEdge Insights identifies changes outside the normal behaviors of each web page. It then prioritizes the most-relevant findings so marketers can focus on the initiatives with the biggest impact on their business. "With so much hype around AI in marketing, it's hard for marketers to find the solutions that are truly more intelligent and can create competitive advantages for brands. The fact that AI is natively integrated into the BrightEdge platform based on years of research and data is a great indication of a company that is moving the needle with the development of machine learning and deep learning capabilities," said Paul Roetzer, founder and CEO of PR 20/20 and creator of The Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute. "BrightEdge is transforming the way that search, content and digital marketers build experiences to connect with customers across every part of the customer journey." To learn more about how AI is transforming the way that marketers approach digital marketing join Paul Roetzer from the AI Institute and BrightEdge on January 30th to attend this free webinar. About BrightEdge BrightEdge, the global leader in enterprise organic search and content performance, empowers marketers to transform online content into business results such as traffic, conversions and revenue. The BrightEdge S3 platform is powered by DataMind, a sophisticated deep learning engine and is the only company capable of web-wide, real-time measurement of content engagement across all digital channels, including search, social and mobile. Brightedge's 1,500+ customers include global brands such as 3M, Microsoft and Nike. The company has eight offices worldwide and is headquartered in Foster City, California. Website and registration: https://www.brightedge.com/events/share17/register-now. Follow us on Twitter:www.twitter.com/brightedge Follow us on LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/company/brightedge Like us on Facebook:www.facebook.com/seoplatform SOURCE BrightEdge Related Links http://www.brightedge.com DALLAS, Jan. 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Alerian announced the finalists for the 2018 Ammys, recognizing excellence in the North American energy infrastructure industry. Voting for Best Sell-Side Report Headline is open to the public at ammyawards.com and closes at 11:59 PM CST on January 26, 2018. The current members of the Hall of Fame will vote for the Class of 2018 Hall of Fame inductees, and the results will be announced in a press release on January 31, 2018. The industry's investor relations professionals will vote for Best Sell-Side Macro Coverage and Best Bank Conference, with each unaffiliated company receiving one vote. Voting for the awards that will be given to members of industry will be undertaken by the industry's leading portfolio managers and sell-side research analysts. The 25 investment firms that have a vote are: Advisory Research, Atlantic Trust, BP Capital, CBRE Clarion, Center Coast Capital Advisors, Chickasaw Capital, ClearBridge Investments, Cohen & Steers, Duff & Phelps, Eagle Global Advisors, Energy Income Partners, Goldman Sachs, Harvest Fund Advisors, Infrastructure Capital Advisors, Jennison Associates, Kayne Anderson Capital Advisors, Miller/Howard Investments, Neuberger Berman, RR Advisors, Salient Partners, Oppenheimer SteelPath, Swank Capital, Tortoise Capital Advisors, Westwood Holdings, Yorkville Capital. The 25 sell-side firms that have a vote are: Baird, Barclays, BMO, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Evercore, Guggenheim, Howard Weil, Jefferies, JP Morgan, Ladenburg Thalmann, Mizuho, Morgan Stanley, MUFG, Raymond James, RBC, Seaport Global, Stifel Nicolaus, SunTrust, Tudor Pickering Holt, UBS, US Capital Advisors, Wells Fargo, and Wolfe. The winners of these awards, along with those that are calculated by Alerian's Data Science Division, will be announced at the annual awards dinner on March 5, 2018 in Houston, Texas. Congratulations to the finalists listed below: Hall of Fame: Chief Executive Officer Greg Armstrong Al Martinelli Mike Mears Bob Phillips Kelcy Warren Hall of Fame: Chief Financial Officer Nancy Buese Don Chappel Kim Dang Ben Fink Keith St. Clair Hall of Fame: Investor Relations Julie Dill Paula Farrell Dan Harrison Steve Milbourne Peter Staples Hall of Fame: Research and Analysis Ron Barone Michael Blum David Fleischer Steve Maresca Yves Siegel Hall of Fame: Investment Banking Michael Jamieson Pierre Lapeyre Rob Pierce Andy Safran Ray Strong Hall of Fame: Legal Counsel Mike Bresson Josh Davidson Robert McNamara David Oelman Mike Rosenwasser Hall of Fame: Asset Management Eric Conklin Jim Cunnane David Leuschen Kyri Loupis Jim Murchie Merger of the Year American Midstream Partners and Southcross Energy Partners Andeavor Logistics and Western Refining Logistics Enbridge Inc and Midcoast Energy Partners ONEOK Inc and ONEOK Partners Pembina Pipeline and Veresen Project of the Year Dakota Access Pipeline, Energy Transfer Partners Phase III Expansion, Pembina Pipeline Maurepas Pipeline, SemGroup Sabal Trail Pipeline, Spectra Energy Partners Leach Xpress, TransCanada Acquisition of the Year GP/IDRs, Andeavor Logistics (from Andeavor) GP/IDRs, Holly Energy Partners (from HollyFrontier) GP/IDRs, MPLX (from Marathon Petroleum) Permian Basin Gathering and Processing Assets, Targa Resources (from Outrigger) GP/IDRs, Williams Partners (from the Williams Companies) Most Innovative Company American Midstream Partners Sempra Energy Targa Resources Tellurian Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Best Investor Relations Team Cheniere Energy Partners Crestwood Equity Partners Enterprise Products Partners Magellan Midstream Partners Shell Midstream Partners Most Fiscally Responsible Enterprise Products Partners Magellan Midstream Partners MPLX Noble Midstream Partners Williams Partners Breakthrough Company of the Year Cheniere Energy Partners MPLX Noble Midstream Partners Pembina Pipeline Williams Partners Initial Public Offering of the Year Antero Midstream GP BP Midstream Partners Hess Midstream Partners Kimbell Royalty Partners Oasis Midstream Partners Best Sell-Side Report Headline Barrett Blaschke , MUFG, "GEL: Don't Exodus from Genesis: The Numbers Improve" , MUFG, "GEL: Don't Exodus from Genesis: The Numbers Improve" John Edwards , Credit Suisse, "PAA Gets to the Point with Cactus Expansion" , Credit Suisse, "PAA Gets to the Point with Cactus Expansion" Sharon Lui , Wells Fargo, "SUN: Slurpees with Tacos Relieve SUN Indigestion" , Wells Fargo, "SUN: Slurpees with Tacos Relieve SUN Indigestion" Tristan Richardson , SunTrust, "PAA: OneCut, TwoCut, RedBar, BlueBar" , SunTrust, "PAA: OneCut, TwoCut, RedBar, BlueBar" Chris Sighinolfi , Jefferies, "PAA/PAGP: I Love It When You Call Me Big PopPAA" Best Sell-Side Macro Coverage Evercore, led by Timm Schneider RBC, led by TJ Schultz & Elvira Scotto UBS, led by Shneur Gershuni US Capital Advisors, led by Becca Followill Wells Fargo , led by Michael Blum Best Bank Conference Citi 1x1 MLP/Midstream Infrastructure Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada Deutsche Bank MLP, Midstream & Natural Gas Conference, New York, New York RBC Midstream Conference, Dallas, Texas UBS MLP 1x1 Conference, Park City, Utah Wells Fargo Pipeline, MLP & Utility Symposium, New York, New York About the Ammys The Ammys is a set of awards given annually by Alerian to recognize excellence in the North American energy infrastructure industry. The awards were first presented in 2016 at the Houston Club. The 3rd Ammys ceremony, honoring the best companies, individuals, and transactions of 2017, as well as a class of Hall of Fame inductees for outstanding contributions to the sector during their lifetimes, will be hosted by Kevin Howard on March 5, 2018, at the Crystal Ballroom at the Rice Hotel in Houston. About Alerian Alerian equips investors to make informed decisions about Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs) and energy infrastructure. Its benchmarks, including the flagship Alerian MLP Index (AMZ), are widely used by industry executives, investment professionals, research analysts, and national media to analyze relative performance. As of December 31, 2017, over $16 billion is directly tied to the Alerian Index Series through exchange-traded funds and notes, separately managed accounts, and structured products. For more information, including index values and constituents, research content, and announcements regarding rebalancings, please visit alerian.com. SOURCE Alerian Related Links http://www.alerian.com NEW YORK, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Catalyst announced today that innovative corporate initiatives from The Boston Consulting Group (BCG), IBM, Nationwide and Northrop Grumman Corporation (Northrop Grumman) are winning the 2018 Catalyst Award. Transformational leaders of the Award-winning company effortsall striving to create real change for women in the workplaceare set to receive their honors at the 2018 Catalyst Awards Conference and Dinner, held on Tuesday, March 20, 2018, at the New York Hilton Midtown. "Thriving in a fast-changing world requires businesses to move toward more inclusive workplaces where power is shared by both women and men. It's time for leaders to put an end to persistent gender gaps, biases and harassmentrethinking old definitions and rejecting traditions of inequality," said Deborah Gillis, President and CEO, Catalyst. "By celebrating some of the world's most powerful CEOs and leading companies that are building workplaces that work for women, Catalyst is showing what diversity and inclusion programs can and should be. This year, BCG, IBM, Nationwide and Northrop Grumman are commended for leading the change." This year's Catalyst Award-winning initiatives include: The Boston Consulting Group" [email protected]" This initiative has increased the number of women in senior leadership roles and created a more effective work environment. It has been successful by targeting consulting staff at all levels through five pillars: recruiting and hiring, talent development and mentoring, work-life and flexibility, awareness and affiliation and external engagement. Importantly, partners and other senior leaders are highly engaged and accountable for many aspects of the initiative. This initiative has increased the number of women in senior leadership roles and created a more effective work environment. It has been successful by targeting consulting staff at all levels through five pillars: recruiting and hiring, talent development and mentoring, work-life and flexibility, awareness and affiliation and external engagement. Importantly, partners and other senior leaders are highly engaged and accountable for many aspects of the initiative. IBM" Leading the Cognitive Era Powered by the Global Advancement of Women." Since launching in 2012during the appointment of its CEO, Ginni Rometty , and in the midst of global transformationIBM's global diversity and inclusion initiative has strategically and purposefully focused on technical women's career development and advancement. HR and global business leaders partner to drive IBM's diversity and inclusion goals by attracting and recruiting diverse talent, prioritizing leadership development and talent discussions and engaging as a good corporate citizen. Since launching in 2012during the appointment of its CEO, , and in the midst of global transformationIBM's global diversity and inclusion initiative has strategically and purposefully focused on technical women's career development and advancement. HR and global business leaders partner to drive IBM's diversity and inclusion goals by attracting and recruiting diverse talent, prioritizing leadership development and talent discussions and engaging as a good corporate citizen. Nationwide" Our Associates' Success Drives Business Success." This initiative is a comprehensive framework of programs enabled by strong senior level and board sponsorship resulting in increased associate-level engagement as well as better inclusion scores year over year, aligning with steady business growth. Women at all leadership levelsand in particular women of colorhave achieved success as the result of the initiative's strategic and intentional efforts to attract, accelerate and advance the best talent while maintaining a strong focus on sustaining an inclusive workplace culture for all. This initiative is a comprehensive framework of programs enabled by strong senior level and board sponsorship resulting in increased associate-level engagement as well as better inclusion scores year over year, aligning with steady business growth. Women at all leadership levelsand in particular women of colorhave achieved success as the result of the initiative's strategic and intentional efforts to attract, accelerate and advance the best talent while maintaining a strong focus on sustaining an inclusive workplace culture for all. Northrop Grumman"Building the Best Culture, Leveraging the Power of Women." In response to projections for increasing retirements and the lack of diversity in engineering disciplines, Northrop Grumman chose to position itself in 2010 for future growth by designing a comprehensive initiative. This effortaiming to expand the company's leadership pipeline with a specific requirement for diverse representation inclusive of women and people of colorhas five strategic elements: leadership commitment, talent acquisition, work-life integration, employee development and building the future pipeline. For more than 30 years, Catalyst has recognized innovative initiatives that accelerate progress for women. With the theme "Workplaces That Work for Women," the 2018 Catalyst Awards Conference and Dinner bring together more than 2,000 attendees, including the distinguished Catalyst Board of Directors and Catalyst CEO Champions For Change leaders as well as executives from top global corporations, professional firms, governments, NGOs and educational institutions. Target Corporation is the Conference's premier sponsor. This year's Dinner Chair is Arnold W. Donald, President & Chief Executive Officer, Carnival Corporation & plc. Learn more about registration and table reservation details for the 2018 Catalyst Awards Conference and Dinner. For specific questions, please contact [email protected]. Join the social conversation about the 2018 Catalyst Awards Conference and Dinner following Catalyst on Facebook.com/catalystinc, Instagram.com/catalystinc and Twitter.com/catalystinc. Use the hashtags #WorkplacesForWomen and #CatalystAwards2018. About Catalyst Catalyst is a global nonprofit working with some of the world's most powerful CEOs and leading companies to help build workplaces that work for women. Founded in 1962, Catalyst drives change with pioneering research, practical tools, and proven solutions to accelerate and advance women into leadershipbecause progress for women is progress for everyone. Contact: Tia T. Gordon Catalyst +1 646 640 1375 [email protected] SOURCE Catalyst Related Links http://www.catalyst.org Nearly 440 applicants wishing to specialize in urology registered for this year's Urology Residency Match. Of those who registered, 402 (92 percent) submitted preference lists, vying for a record 325 available positions across the country. When the matching algorithm was processed, 78 percent matched to a vacancy within 133 registered and accredited training programs in the United States, leaving just 11 vacancies unmatched. "Urology Match Day is an annual rite of passage and one of the most important days in the lives of many U.S. medical students and applicants from around the world," said SAU President, Byron D. Joyner, MD, MPA. "We are proud of the continued success of the Urology Residency Match and view the increased number of participating programs as a positive trend for the specialty, and a testament to the increased need and level of interest many have in urology." Medical students begin their residency application process at the start of their final year in medical school. After applying to various registered programs across the country, select candidates are invited by programs for interviews, which are held in the fall and early winter. Once the interview period is over, both registered parties submit their preference lists to the AUA who has performed the Match annually on behalf of the SAU for more than 30 years. "We are honored to be a part of this life-changing event," said AUA President, J. Brantley Thrasher, MD, FACS. "Each year we look forward to helping a growing number of medical students and applicants begin their journey to becoming urologists and are pleased to be a part of such a critical milestone for these talented young physicians." 2018 Urology Residency Match Highlights Results of the Urology Residency Match are closely watched because they can be predictors of future changes in physician workforce shortages and supply. A record 133 U.S. accredited training programs registered for the 2018 Urology Match, an increase from 130 in 2017. On average, participants submitted 70 applications, two more than in 2017. Programs received an average of 234 applications, 14 less than in 2017. Programs granted an average of 36 interviews in 2018. This is consistent with the average number of interviews granted in 2017 and 2016. Applicants completed an average of 11 interviews this year, and in 2017. Matched applicants had an average of 14.89 programs on their preference lists in 2018 compared to 14.09 in 2017. Total number of female graduates applying for urology programs declined slightly from 2017; however, the match rate stayed the same. This year, 79 of 106 female participants (75 percent) matched with programs, compared to 82 of 109 (75 percent) in 2017. The total number of previous U.S. graduates (not seniors) applying and matching for urology programs slightly decreased from 15 (47 percent) in 2017 to 12 (43 percent) in 2018. A total of 8 (24 percent) international medical students and graduates were matched in 2018, three less than in 2017. The AUA uses a computerized mathematical algorithm to match applicants with programs using the preferences expressed on their ranked lists. Statistics on the 2018 Match and past Match results can be found by visiting: http://www.auanet.org/education/auauniversity/residents/residency/urology-and-specialty-matches About the American Urological Association: Founded in 1902 and headquartered near Baltimore, Maryland, the American Urological Association (AUA) is a leading advocate for the specialty of urology, and has more than 21,000 members throughout the world. The AUA is a premier urologic association, providing invaluable support to the urologic community as it pursues its mission of fostering the highest standards of urologic care through education, research and the formulation of health policy. About the Society of Academic Urologists: Formed in 2016 when the Society of University Urologists and the Society of Urology Chairpersons and Program Directors merged, the Society of Academic Urologists (SAU), provides academic urologists with a forum to discuss, review and work toward resolving critical issues in all aspects of academic urology. Additionally, SAU maximizes benefits for educational urology programs, streamlines communications with the AUA, RRC, ABU, and other societies, as well as gives academic urology a voice in the AUA Match program. Contact: Christine Frey, AUA 443-909-0839, [email protected] SOURCE American Urological Association Related Links http://www.AUAnet.org DALLAS, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, StaffDNA launched a new generation of Vendor Management System (VMS) and Managed Service Provider (MSP) solutions, changing the way business is done between hospitals, staffing firms and clinical staff. This marks the healthcare industry's first change to traditional VMS/MSP offerings in over a decade. "We challenged the industry years ago to create what the current VMS/MSP industry has never delivered: a solution that lowers costs, makes staffing easier and improves quality," said Sheldon Arora, founder of StaffDNA. "The industry didn't respond, so we built it ourselves and created a best-in-class service that unites providers, suppliers and professionals under one umbrella." StaffDNA goes beyond cutting fees, by turning the service into a profit generator. Not only are we providing lower rates to healthcare staffing firms, we're offering an industry-first rebate program. With customizable service levels and flexible agreements, providers have the flexibility to support their business in an ever-changing industry. Clients are assigned a dedicated representative to manage this program, allowing focus to remain on other priorities. The VMS/MSP also provides access to StaffDNA's candidate database of more than one million healthcare professionals to help suppliers and providers fill temporary and direct hire needs. The strict vetting of staffing firms guarantees hospitals receive high quality talent from premier, accredited suppliers. StaffDNA upholds these promises with an experienced team, intuitive, cloud-based technology and a variety of complementary solutions. About StaffDNA Founded in 2014, StaffDNA serves hospitals, staffing firms and healthcare professionals through innovate solutions: a full-service VMS/MSP program, healthcare candidate database and compliance services. StaffDNA also provides cutting-edge career tools and resources for clinicians and a dedicated news service for healthcare travelers. StaffDNA is owned by veterans of the healthcare staffing industry and a group of private investors. Visit www.staffdna.com to learn more. SOURCE StaffDNA Related Links https://www.staffdna.com LAKE ZURICH, Ill., Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- ACCO Brands Corporation (NYSE: ACCO), a world leader in branded academic, consumer and business products, was honored as one of "America's Safest Companies for 2017" by EHS Today magazine, a leading publication for environmental, health and safety professionals. ACCO Brands earned the award for 2017 based on demonstrating EHS leadership in the form of support from management and employee involvement, innovative solutions to safety challenges, injury and illness rates significantly lower than the average for the industry, comprehensive training programs, evidence that prevention of incidents is the cornerstone of the safety process and excellent communication internally and externally about the value of safety. This is the second time ACCO Brands has received the EHS Today award. In addition, the company earned The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents Health and Safety Award, achieving the Order of Distinction (21 consecutive gold metal awards) for Occupational Health and Safety Excellence in the United Kingdom. In Canada, ACCO Brands has been recognized twice by Workplace Safety North with their President's Award. "ACCO Brands lives by a vision, values and leadership promise developed by a cross-functional team that includes our CEO and senior officers," said James Edwards, Director, Environmental Health and Safety. "These principles reflect our culture, our team-operating environment and what we expect to be as a company now and in the future, and ACCO Brands is committed to continuing proactive safety planning, employee involvement, communication and accident prevention," Edwards says. About ACCO Brands Corporation ACCO Brands Corporation is one of the world's largest designers, marketers and manufacturers of branded academic, consumer and business products. Our widely recognized brands include Artline, AT-A-GLANCE, Derwent, Esselte, Five Star, GBC, Hilroy, Kensington, Leitz, Mead, Quartet, Rapid, Rexel, Swingline, Tilibra, Wilson Jones and many others. Our products are sold in more than 100 countries around the world. More information about ACCO Brands, the Home of Great Brands Built by Great People, can be found at www.accobrands.com. SOURCE ACCO Brands Corporation Related Links http://www.accobrands.com "Anthem's policy has deadly serious implications for patients," said Paul Kivela, MD, FACEP, president of ACEP. "Anthem is risking patients' lives by forcing them to second guess their medical symptoms before they get to the ER, and some may not go when they need to. As the video explains , people may have identical symptoms but have different diagnoses one life threatening, one non-urgent. Insurers cannot reasonably expect patients to know the difference." There is nearly a 90-percent overlap in symptoms between emergencies and non-emergencies, according to a 2013 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association. "Anthem's policy is also unlawful," said Dr. Kivela. "The 'prudent layperson standard' is federal law and requires health insurance companies to cover emergencies visits based on the patient's symptoms, not the final diagnoses. No insurance policy is affordable if it abandons you in an emergency." The company is using secret lists of pre-determined diagnoses which Anthem BCBS considers to be "non-urgent" that may not be covered if the patient goes to the emergency department. In Missouri, the original list of nearly 2,000 diagnoses included "influenza," which has killed several people this season "ovarian cyst" and "blood in the urine," which can be symptoms of medical emergencies. Last month, Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo, representing a state where Anthem implemented this policy, sent a letter to Anthem's CEO requesting answers and internal documents from the company. "Patients are not physicians," said Sen. McCaskill in the letter. "I'm concerned that Anthem is requiring its patients to act as medical professionals when they are experiencing urgent medical events." Along with Missouri, Anthem BCBS has already implemented the policy in Georgia, Kentucky, Indiana, New Hampshire and Ohio. Unless stopped, this could be go into effect in more states, with additional health insurance companies following with policies of their own. "Anthem, and others insurance companies have a long history of not paying for emergency care," said Dr. Kivela. "Emergency physicians successfully fought back against these outrageous policies. Now, as the future of health care is debated again, insurance companies are trying to reintroduce the harmful practice." The video cast features real doctors from the American College of Emergency Physicians. Learn more and watch the video by visiting www.faircoverage.org. ACEP is the national medical specialty society representing emergency medicine. ACEP is committed to advancing emergency care through continuing education, research and public education. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, ACEP has 53 chapters representing each state, as well as Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. A Government Services Chapter represents emergency physicians employed by military branches and other government agencies. Media Contact: Mike Baldyga 202-370-9288 [email protected] SOURCE American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) Related Links http://www.acep.org IRVINE, Calif., Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Acorns, the nation's fastest-growing micro investing app with 2.8 million investment accounts, has released its 2017 Money Matters Report. The report compiles data from more than 3,000 Americans, ages 18-44, on a range of topics including financial literacy, investment habits, savings goals, debt management, retirement planning and more. The Acorns 2017 Money Matters Report finds that of those Americans polled, over half save $50 or more each month and 37% report that they already invest. Respondents were evenly split between those who feel confident or hopeful about their financial futures and those who feel depressed, or anxious. And a third of survey respondents said they don't have enough money to start saving, with one in four not saving at all. "We're driven by the belief that anyone can grow wealth. Our report shows that Americans are taking small but important steps to save and invest," says Acorns CEO, Noah Kerner. "They're motivated to take care of their financial futures, and it's our purpose at Acorns to provide the tools, knowledge, and access to that make it possible." Most respondents said they rely on friends and family for advice and information about managing their money, citing published articles and educational videos as the next most important sources. When polled, people would be most apt to take financial advice from Warren Buffett, followed by Oprah Winfrey with President Donald Trump next. Other key trends revealed by the study: Sorry, HBO. Three quarters would forego the final season of Game of Thrones in exchange for $1000 . . Cutting the cord and caffeine. For $1,000 in savings, 75% are more likely to go without internet for a week and coffee for a year, ahead of working more hours or jail time. in savings, 75% are more likely to go without internet for a week and coffee for a year, ahead of working more hours or jail time. We'd rather talk about our weight. Almost 70% of respondents would rather share their weight than how much money they've saved. That's 72% of men vs. 64% of women. But we do still love our coffee. Over a third spent more on coffee last year than invested. And we love gifting. 44% spent more on holiday gifts than invested. Travel ranks too. 37% spent more on vacations than invested. People before money. When asked how we spent the most time in 2017, personal relationships ranked first for nearly half of respondents, financial security last. We'll be working longer. 31% of us don't think we'll be able to retire. For some, it's a choice. One in ten don't actually want to retire. to retire. As a result of the political climate, 58% of respondents want to save or invest their money and 30% are inclined to hide their money under a mattress. Read the full Acorns 2017 Money Matters Report here. About Acorns Acorns is the leading micro investing app in the U.S. Its easy-to-use, mobile-first technology makes it simple for anyone to set aside and invest life's spare money. Acorns allows customers to automatically invest in a low-cost, diversified portfolio of exchange-traded funds offered by some of the world's top asset managers (including Vanguard and BlackRock). Customers grow their wealth in one of five portfolios constructed with help from world-renowned Nobel Laureate economist Dr. Harry Markowitz. Acorns smart portfolio algorithms automatically work in the background of life, helping users build wealth naturally, pennies at a time. From Acorns mighty oaks do grow. Acorns is accessed simply and easily via the a free app for iPhone, Android or desktop. Visit Acorns.com for more. SOURCE Acorns Related Links http://www.acorns.com ST. LOUIS, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Advanced ICU Care, the nation's leading provider of high acuity telemedicine services, announced today the launch of tele-ICU clinical services at Florida Hospital New Smyrna. The partnership with Florida Hospital New Smyrna extends Advanced ICU Care's growing, multi-state relationship with Adventist Health System for collaborative ICU patient care via telemedicine. Advanced ICU Care supports New Smyrna's bedside clinicians to deliver 24/7 care by U.S. board-certified intensivists and standardized critical care aligned with national benchmark standards. Advanced ICU Care's team is comprised of intensivists, advanced practice providers and nurses who utilize a secure data stream of patient information and two-way audio-video technology to actively engage in patient care. Collaboration between Advanced ICU Care's clinical teams and Florida Hospital New Smyrna's onsite intensivists provides around-the-clock monitoring by critical care clinicians and quality and safety initiatives aligned with clinical best-practices to the medical center's ICU. Numerous studies have found that constant monitoring and joint care delivered by the bedside and telemedicine team consistently delivers reduced mortality and improved patient experience and outcomes. "Providing our ICU patients with the highest quality of care is a top priority for Florida Hospital New Smyrna," said Ken Mattison, CEO, Florida Hospital New Smyrna. "Expanded access to intensivist-led care through Advanced ICU Care's tele-ICU service complements our efforts to provide our patients exceptional critical care and deliver access to the gold standard of 24/7 intensivist oversight to our community." Florida Hospital New Smyrna joins an expanding number of Adventist Health System hospitals that belong to the large, multi-state tele-ICU relationship between the system and Advanced ICU Care. "We are pleased to welcome the patients and staff from New Smyrna to our growing partnership with AHS," said Dr. David Nierman, Regional Medical Director of Advanced ICU Care for the Adventist relationship. "We've worked together to achieve outstanding clinical results and enhance the consistent delivery of standardized critical care aligned with clinical best-practices." About Advanced ICU Care Advanced ICU Care is the nation's leading provider of high acuity telehealth services, contracted to provide care to more than 65 hospitals in 25 states on a 24 x 7 x 365 basis. Advanced ICU Care is a technology-enabled clinical services provider that employs cutting edge tele-technology, U.S. board-certified intensivists, multiple dedicated tele-care delivery centers, and a proven implementation and client service approach to the benefit of patients, families, providers and hospitals. For more information, visit http://www.advancedicucare.com/. About Florida Hospital New Smyrna Florida Hospital New Smyrna is a member of Adventist Health System, a faith-based health care organization with 45 hospital campuses and 8,200 licensed beds in nine states, serving more than 5 million patients annually. With a mission to extend the healing ministry of Christ, Florida Hospital New Smyrna has 112-beds and is one of the seven Florida Hospitals in Flagler, Lake and Volusia counties that composes the Florida Hospital Central Florida Division - North Region. As the largest hospital system in the area, the Florida Hospital Central Florida Division - North Region has 1,226 beds and more than 7,800 employees. For more information about Florida Hospital New Smyrna, visit www.FHNewSmyrna.org. SOURCE Advanced ICU Care Related Links http://www.advancedicucare.com MCLEAN, Va., Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- AgileTrailblazers, a Virginia-based management consultancy firm, has sponsored the New Jersey Hospital Association (NJHA) 99th Annual Meeting. The meeting will take place Friday, Jan. 19, at the Hyatt Regency Princeton in Princeton, New Jersey. NJHA President and CEO Cathy Bennett will address the membership at her first annual meeting and welcome the new Board Chair Amy B. Mansue, president of the Southern Region RWJBarnabas Health. Health Care Proof of Concept using Google Glass "We are honored to lend our support and sponsorship to NJHA's Annual Meeting," says Brian Barr, founder and CEO of AgileTrailblazers. "NJHA's Annual Meeting is one of its premier membership events and brings together more than 400 executives, trustees and physicians from across the state to welcome a new board chairman and pay tribute to the best-of-the-best in New Jersey's healthcare industry with the annual awards presentation." The meeting will also feature keynote speaker Charlie Cook Jr., the editor and publisher of the Cook Political Report and a political analyst for the National Journal Group. Cook writes weekly for National Journal magazine and National Journal Daily as well as provides a regular column for the Washington Quarterly. AgileTrailblazers is passionate in utilizing innovation to empower its clients to undergo digital transformations and become agile learning organizations. The company has worked with notable Fortune 500 clients such as QVC, Nemours and Capital One. To learn more about the company and the services they offer to businesses, visit AgileTrailblazers.com. About AgileTrailblazers AgileTrailblazers is a Northern Virginia-based, fast-growing, full-service digital transformation provider. The company provides Agile business transformation, software development and DevOps consulting and training. Their clients include start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. Contact: Naeem Hussain, Founder & CFO AgileTrailblazers 877-431-0767 x106 n[email protected] Related Images image1.jpg ATB logo image2.png NJ Annual Meeting Related Links Healthcare proof of concept Related Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olNliQyYqhU SOURCE AgileTrailblazers Related Links http://AgileTrailblazers.com NEW DELHI, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- An AJC delegation is visiting New Delhi, coinciding with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's six-day visit to India, where he has been warmly received by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Indian public in Agra, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, and New Delhi. "This week's visit by Prime Minister Netanyahu, on the heels of Prime Minister Modi's visit to Israel last summer the first ever by an Indian prime minister showcases not only the visible warmth between the two leaders but the convergence of national interests in so many sectors between these sister democracies," said Jason Isaacson, AJC Associate Executive Director for Policy. "There has been wall-to-wall media coverage, Israeli flags waving on the major thoroughfares of New Delhi, and a genuine sense of excitement about the opportunities that lie ahead for the two nations." Other members of the AJC delegation include AJC Asia Pacific (API) Director Shira Loewenberg, API Assistant Director Nissim Reuben and API India representative Arjun Hardas. Isaacson was interviewed by local TV and print media about the Netanyahu visit. Isaacson, a frequent visitor to India for the last 25 years, addressed a conference on the U.S.-India-Israel Tech Triangle. Other speakers included former Indian Ambassador to Israel and to the United States Arun Kumar Singh. He also spoke at an Ambassador Raminder Jassal Memorial luncheon on the trilateral strategic relationship, attended by Israelis, Americans, and Indian-Americans, including Nisha Biswal, President of the U.S.-India Business Council, and Dr. Nadia Schadlow, Deputy Assistant to President Trump for National Security Strategy. The AJC delegation, together with leaders from the Indian-American diaspora, met with India President Ram Nath Kovind at Rashtrapati Bhavan (Presidential House). On the sidelines of the Netanyahu-Modi summit, the AJC delegation has engaged Indian officials and civil society partners in series of meetings. Topics of discussion include: Israel's and India's potential for growth in the agriculture, water, hi-tech, R&D and security sectors; regional political and strategic challenges confronting India and Israel, and the benefits of close bilateral coordination and trilateral partnership with the United States; and the ongoing friendship and cooperation between the American Jewish and Indian American communities. The delegation also participated in the Raisina Dialogue, an annual strategic affairs conference that Prime Minister Netanyahu addressed. AJC's Asia Pacific Institute has taken dozens of Indian and Indian American thought leaders to Israel on Project Interchange, an AJC educational institute, and regularly visits New Delhi for high-level meetings. SOURCE American Jewish Committee Related Links http://www.ajc.org ALLENTOWN, Pennsylvania, January 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- American Energy Partners, Inc. (OTC: AEPT) (the "Company", "American Energy" or "AEPT"), a diversified energy company, announces the appointment of John Pippy as President of the Company's wholly owned subsidiary, American Energy Solutions, LLC. The Company is also pleased to announce that Mr. Pippy will assume the role of Chief Strategy Officer for AEPT. "Mr. Pippy's unique background and track record of success in strategic planning, government relations and operations integration are a perfect match for AEPT," states American Energy's Chairman & CEO Brad Domitrovitsch. "His proven ability to think creatively and influence those around him through collaborative efforts are key elements in ensuring internal and external partners are synchronized with and understand our strategic vision." Mr. Pippy brings over 20 years' experience in international and domestic government and corporate relations while serving as a Pennsylvania State Representative, Pennsylvania State Senator and most recently as the past CEO of the Pennsylvania Coal Alliance; a trade association representing hundreds of companies in the multi-billion dollar Pennsylvania Bituminous Coal Industry. Mr. Pippy is also an officer in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and brings 25 years of military leadership, project management and organizational expertise. Mr. Pippy has a B.S. in Environmental Engineering from West Point, NY, a Masters in International Relations from Irish American University, Dublin, Ireland and a Masters in Strategic Studies from the United States Army War College, Carlisle, PA. "AEPT is poised to see tremendous growth in 2018 and I'm looking forward to work with the AEPT team and partners as we increase value for our shareholders while having a positive impact on the environment" said Mr. Pippy. American Energy Partners, Inc. (AEPT) AEPT and its group of companies focus on providing solutions in markets where energy production and water meet technology. Collectively, the subsidiaries are engaged in the energy sector as well as the design, construction and operation of regional water treatment facilities that serve the industrial, energy and government sectors. Hydration Corporation of PA, LLC ("HCPA") is engaged in the businesses of water exploration, water augmentation, and the treatment of impacted waters. Notably, its intellectual property delivers one of the highest energy yields from a broad range of water-bearing assets, with one of the lowest capital expenditures of any other known water processes. American Energy Solutions, LLC provides treatment technologies that contribute to HCPA's business model of low-cost treatment and distribution. As a provider of design, this subsidiary is capable of repeatable and synergistic services across the value chain. Gilbert Oil & Gas Company is leveraging broad industry valuation experience to source drilling, operating, and partnership opportunities in the upstream oil and gas space. It is positioned to become a strong customer of AEPT's other subsidiaries while providing them with the foundation to attract other customers and enter new markets. For additional information, visit: American Energy Partners, Inc. Safe Harbor This press release contains forward-looking statements, particularly as related to, among other things, the business plans of AEPT, statements relating to goals, plans and projections regarding AEPT's financial position and business strategy. The words or phrases "would be," "will allow," "intends to," "may result," "are expected to," "will continue," "anticipates," "expects," "estimate," "project," "indicate," "could," "potentially," "should," "believe," "think", "considers" or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements." These forward-looking statements fall within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Act of 1934 and are subject to the safe harbor created by these sections. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of a number of risks and uncertainties. Such forward-looking statements are based on current expectations, involve known and unknown risks, a reliance on third parties for information, transactions or orders that may be cancelled, and other factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, or developments in our industry, to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from anticipated results include risks and uncertainties related to the fluctuation of global economic conditions, the performance of management and our employees, our ability to obtain financing, competition, general economic conditions and other factors that are detailed in our periodic reports and on documents we file from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Statements made herein are as of the date of this press release and should not be relied upon as of any subsequent date. AEPT cautions readers not to place undue reliance on such statements. AEPT does not undertake, and AEPT specifically disclaims any obligation, to update any forward-looking statements to reflect occurrences, developments, unanticipated events or circumstances after the date of such statement. Actual results may differ materially from AEPT's expectations and estimates. Company Contact:[email protected], +1-610-217-3275 SOURCE American Energy Partners, Inc. BRIDGEWATER, N.J., Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Amneal Pharmaceuticals has launched budesonide capsules, 3 mg, an AB-rated equivalent to Entocort EC. Annual U.S. sales of budesonide and its generic equivalents were $187 million, according to November 2017 IQVIA market data. Budesonide capsules are now shipping to wholesalers, distributors and direct to the trade. Budesonide is the first product launch of the new year for Amneal Pharmaceuticals. In 2017, the company received 45 ANDA approvals (39 final and 6 tentative) and launched 35 product familiesnine of these by its injectables subsidiary Amneal Biosciences. For a complete list of Amneal products available in the U.S., visit the online catalog at amneal.com. About Amneal Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC, a privately-held company headquartered in Bridgewater, New Jersey, is one of the largest and the fastest growing generics pharmaceutical manufacturers in the United States. Founded in 2002, Amneal now has more than 5,000 employees in North America, Asia and Europe, working together to bring high-quality affordable medicines to patients worldwide. Amneal has significantly expanded its portfolio of generic products to include complex dosage forms in a broad range of therapeutic areas. For more information, visit www.amneal.com. All trademarks listed in this release are property of their respective owners. Photo available upon request. CONTACTS: Sales Jim Luce (sales) Executive Vice President, Sales & Marketing M: 949.432.1389 [email protected] Media Cheryl Lechok 203.613.1506 [email protected] Business Development Apurva Saraf Vice President, Global Strategy & Corporate Development Amneal Pharmaceuticals 908.947.3740 [email protected] SOURCE Amneal Pharmaceuticals Related Links http://www.amneal.com DENVER, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Of nearly 2,700 online reviews of the nation's top-20 hospitals as ranked by U.S. News & World Report (USN&WR), almost two out of three reviewers give the facilities a mediocre to poor rating on the social media website Yelp.com, according to an analysis by Vanguard Communications & Healthcare Process Improvement. Each year the online magazine names 20 hospitals for outstanding clinical outcomes in 16 areas of complex specialty care. Meanwhile, from another perspective, an analysis by Vanguard found that 62.7 percent of Yelp reviewers rate the latest ranked top institutions at only one to three stars out of five possible. The 20 hospitals combined earned an average rating of 3.2 out of 5 stars. USN&WR published its latest rankings in August based on the best clinical performances of hospitals nationwide. However, on social media, patients tend to discuss customer service far more often. According to Vanguard's evaluation of 2,679 reviews of the top 20, nearly nine in 10 (84 percent) complaints cited non-clinical service issues as the main source of their dissatisfaction, ranging from chronic billing problems, to poor phone and follow-up communications, to wait times of one to four hours or more to see a doctor. Ironically, most online healthcare reviewers who complain about customer service wind up praising their doctors and typically appear satisfied with quality of medical care, said Ron Harman King, Vanguard CEO. "Each year U.S. News & World Report performs a great public service by evaluating hospitals in areas that are least transparent and accessible to healthcare consumers," King said. "We thought it would be interesting to learn more about what patients thought. Our findings suggest they focus their online comments more on non-medical matters such as how many rings or pushed buttons it takes to get a live person on the phone and the availability of parking for a doctor's appointment. This is understandable given the greater transparency of quality of those services." Vanguard's prior social media research found patients freely express gratitude for doctors' individual performances. A 2016 Vanguard analysis of 34,748 online healthcare reviews showed that two out of three American patients (66 percent) give doctors either four or five stars on social media. "People are generally pleased with their care providers," King said. "The harshest reviews more often than not complain about non-clinical services provided by administrative staffs surrounding the doctors. We heartily endorse the work of U.S. News & World Report and we also believe there may be supplementary value in what social media reveals." For skeptics of the reliability of social media reviews, King points to a study published in the April 2016 edition of the journal Health Affairs (Benjamin L. Ranard et al, volume 35, no. 4, pp. 697-704) funded by the National Institutes of Health. Researchers found that patient feedback on hospitals with at least three Yelp reviews each correlated strongly with the evaluations of hospitals nationwide under in the federally mandated survey known as the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS). Results of HCAHPS surveys initially developed in 2002 determine one-quarter of government payments to individual hospitals. In addition, the study discovered that Yelp reviewers focused on a dozen areas of focus not included in HCAHPS surveys. More information is available at VanguardCommunications.net/tips-hospital-patients. About Vanguard Communications & Healthcare Process Improvement Vanguard Communications & Healthcare Process Improvement is a Denver-based firm specialized in the integration of digital marketing and patient education and communications, with medical practice operational analysis and process improvement. Founded in 1994, Vanguard serves clients coast to coast in small to large private and academic medical practices. MEDIA CONTACT: Jessica McLaughlin | Public Relations Manager | (303) 382-2999 | [email protected] Related Links Vanguard Communications website SOURCE Vanguard Communications & Healthcare Process Improvement ATLANTA, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Applied Software, a leading systems integrator to the Architecture/Engineering/Construction and Manufacturing industries, announced today that it has earned a patent for the process used in the company's innovative LevelUp Software System. Using LevelUp, design and construction professionals can easily generate and switch seamlessly between two-dimensional and three-dimensional views of every floor of a three-dimensional virtual construction model. "As a software developer, our primary goal is to look for ways technology can make it easier for AEC workers from the architect through to the builderto bring a concept to fruition," said Richard Burroughs, president of Applied Software. "LevelUp gives workers different ways to interpret plans by allowing them to more easily switch between two- and three-dimensional views." LevelUp gives workers capabilities they didn't have access to before. For example, two-dimensional views of multiple floors can be integrated directly into a three-dimensional model. The on-site crew can choose the best view, either 2D or 3D, to help them complete their work in the field. The process patent, which was approved on October 31, 2017, covers "creating two-dimensional floor plans within three-dimensional models." The inventors are listed as Mark Petrucci and Xiao Chun Yao, both of Atlanta. The technology differs from older Building Information Models (BIM) software through its ease of use and ability to seamlessly switch between two- and three-dimensional representations in the field. LevelUp has three modules: Module 1 takes a 3D building and creates both 2D and 3D views of each floor or level. This benefits BIM/VDC teams by automating the process of generating associated 2D and 3D views of every level of a multi-story building. Module 2 merges the 2D and 3D view of each level and uploads the new file to the cloud for anytime, anywhere access. Jobsite teams can quickly and easily alternate between viewing each level's 2D drawing or 3D model. Module 3 allows BIM/VDC managers to export each level's 3D model to Autodesk Navisworks Manage, thereby improving the ability for advanced coordination. About Applied Software Applied Software is a premier, full-service systems integrator firm serving the AEC and Manufacturing industries, as well as a leading Building Information Modeling (BIM) services provider. Applied Software provides delivery and support in North America for fabrication and construction solutions. The firm works with industry leading solutions developers and is the developer of industry specific solutions such as eVolve for electrical prefabrication. Since 1982, it has helped more than 5,000 clients achieve high-performance and competitive advantage through its broad range of world-class solutions and services. Applied Software further distinguishes itself with the depth of real-world experience of its developers and service professionals. The firm has been the recipient of numerous industry recognitions and awards. For more information on Applied Software's solutions and services, please visit www.asti.com. Applied Software has a national network of partners serving all aspects of construction industry software needs. For more information, contact Applied Software at [email protected] or call 800.899.2784. Applied Software is a registered trademark and LevelUp is a trademark of Applied Software Technology, Inc. Autodesk and Navisworks are registered trademarks of Autodesk, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates, in the USA and/or other countries. Media Contact: Todd F. Weyandt Applied Software 404-564-1843 [email protected] SOURCE Applied Software Related Links http://www.asti.com SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Since Hurricane Maria's destructive forces hit Puerto Rico on September 20, 2017, Ardent Mills' sister company, Molinos de Puerto Rico, maintained milling operations for all but about four days. More importantly, operations at the mill in San Juan expanded almost immediately to include day-to-day assistance for employees affected by the catastrophic storm. Jon Stuewe, president of Ardent Mills' Molinos de Puerto Rico, reports that, fortunately, the mill has no reported injuries from the storm, but many team members have faced significant losses to homes and property. "We employ 100 people, and nearly 20 of them lost everything. One of our engineers lives in one of the only two-story, concrete houses in her area and brought 20 neighbors into her home as a nearby river flooded, engulfing the first level. One of our workers gave birth two days after the storm, when the hospitals were still running on generators, rooms were filled, and patients were marshalled into the hallways with many limited to just a bottle of water per day. Another worker was mugged and stabbed on the way home from the mill one evening," Stuewe describes. Despite hardships, in the storm's aftermath, the mill community showed extraordinary humanity, hope, service, loyalty, persistence, compassion and solidarity and functioned as members of a big family working together for the same goal. "The mill became a safe, consistent place for our team to be. We had the common goal to take care of each other, to feed the people of Puerto Rico and the hard-hit Caribbean region while serving our customers," says Stuewe. Emergency Preparedness Puerto Rico is no stranger to storms, and each season, Molinos prepares by putting a hold on a leased industrial-grade generator, storing extra fuel and loading trucks in advance, which helped the mill ride out Hurricane Irma. But Hurricane Maria was different. Making landfall with winds just one mile per hour shy of a Category 5, Maria cut a diagonal swath through the island and left extreme rains in its wake, leveling much of the island and crippling services for weeks. "We listened to our team members and got back to basics," says Stuewe, describing how basics like water, food and clean clothes were so scarce that flying supplies in by private jets was the best solution. To speed the response, Ardent Mills flew five team members from the company's Denver headquarters and other network sites to Puerto Rico to help staff assess damage and take the steps necessary to resume operations. Engineers, millers and health and safety specialists lived in the mill with no power, no running water and no air conditioning. "The team who flew in even had to deal with a bat flying around the stairwell where some of them slept. But seeing this team's effort helped lift everyone's spirits," Stuewe recalls. First, Ardent Mills worked to ensure the Molinos water system was functioning especially so their team could bring water back to their homes. They put clothes washers and dryers on site, provided three hot meals a day, and even made a barber available. Without electricity, employees couldn't access banks, so the management provided cash and fuel. The rest of Ardent Mills' community of 2,400+ employees also pitched in, contributing more than $25,000 to a GoFundMe page initiated by a team member and dedicated to affected colleagues. Ardent Mills is matching $40,000. The New Normal: Recovery Continues As 2018 begins and the Hurricane Maria recovery continues months after the storm, Ardent Mills' Molinos de Puerto Rico continues to supply a large portion of the grain-based food ingredients on the island and Caribbean region with its corn, wheat and rice milling. "I had the opportunity to spend eight days on the island in two trips since the storm. After my last trip, I was glad to see real signs of improvement that are happening faster than I would have thought possible," emphasizes Bill Stoufer, Ardent Mills COO. "The local food industry in Puerto Rico did and continues to do a great job getting food to Puerto Ricans. While food is of key importance, we learned, it is about jobs, family and providing our team with a sense of normalcy for part of the day." At 90 days post storm, FEMA estimates that 65.4 percent of the island has restored power, and the potable water rate is at 86 percent of pre-storm supplies. "We are off generators now, but the electric grid is not 100 percent. Gas and food are still not back to normal supplies, and most restaurants are not open," Stuewe describes. "There's no way to prepare fully for an event of this scale, but we have put new systems in place, like an ultraviolet water treatment system, that will help us have clean water supplies permanently. You learn from these events," notes Stuewe, who shares that his biggest lesson was the resiliency of his team. "When we weren't operating at full capacity, team members were asking, 'What else can I do? Is there anything to clean or fix?' They appreciated having the mill to come to, and we appreciated their 'all-hands-on-deck' approach to getting through this crisis together. It was a shared experience, and we grew together as a family, which we are celebrating," says Stuewe. To arrange an interview with Jon Stuewe, president of Ardent Mills' Molinos de Puerto Rico or another Ardent Mills official about Puerto Rico recovery, please contact Mary Ann Strombitski at 719-271-5295 or [email protected]. About Ardent Mills Ardent Mills is the premier flour-milling and ingredient company whose vision is to be the trusted partner in nurturing its customers, consumers and communities through innovative and nutritious grain-based solutions. Ardent Mills' operations and services are supported by more than 40 flour mills and bakery-mix facilities along with a specialty bakery and Mobile Innovation Center, all located in the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico. Deeply rooted in communities throughout North America, Ardent Mills is headquartered in Denver, Colorado, and employs more than 100 certified millers, supporting thousands of local jobs and contributing billions of dollars to local economies. To learn more about Ardent Mills, visit ardentmills.com . SOURCE Ardent Mills ALBANY, New York, January 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Global Assisted Reproductive Technology Market: Growth to be driven by Steady Influx of Investment in Healthcare Sector According to Transparency Market Research, the global assisted reproductive technology market is expected to be worth US$37,789.6 mn by the end of 2025 from US$22,100.0 mn in 2016. Between the forecast years of 2017 and 2025, the global market is expected to rise at a CAGR of 6.3%. The fresh non donor segment accounted for a leading share in the global assisted reproductive technology market in 2016 and is likely to remain similarly dominant in the coming years. Geographically, Asia Pacific is the leading contributor to the global assisted reproductive technology market and is likely to retain a leading share in the global market in the coming years. View Report Preview at https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/assisted-reproductive-technology-market.html In Vitro fertilization to Dominate due to Growing Efficacy of Modern Procedures By technology, the global assisted reproductive technology market is divided into artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, surrogacy, and others. In vitro fertilization is by far the dominant contributor to the global assisted reproductive technology market at present and is likely to retain the position in the coming years due to the growing awareness about the efficacy of in vitro fertilization and the increasing awareness among citizens about the same. The in vitro fertilization segment accounted for a majority share of more than 62% in the global assisted reproductive technology market in 2016 and is likely to extend its dominance further by the end of the 2017-2025 forecast period. Surrogacy is also likely to receive increasing demand in the coming years, due in part to the growing demand for assisted reproductive technology from same-sex couples. While many parents now prefer the benefit of having their own genetic imprint in their baby through in vitro fertilization, surrogacy is likely to receive sustained demand in the coming years. This is borne out by the figures of the global assisted reproductive technology market by procedure, wherein fresh non donor contributions were the preferred choice for most consumers. Request to View Sample of Report - https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=29234 Gradual Lifting of Social Taboos in Asia Pacific Opens Lucrative Market Developing economies in Asia Pacific are likely to be vital to the global assisted reproductive technology market in the coming years. While the predominant social values in these regions tended to dissuade constructive growth of the assisted reproductive technology market, the gradual relaxation in social norms in these regions has resulted in a promising environment for the market. The growing prevalence of reproductive problems in Asia Pacific countries such as India and China is thus crucial to the global assisted reproductive technology market. The growing investment in the healthcare sector in developing countries is also likely to provide a major boost to the global assisted reproductive technology market in the coming years. This will help increase the frequency of fertility clinics in underdeveloped regions, where sophisticated medical facilities may still be absent. Download PDF Brochure of Report: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=29234 The steady development of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a key driver for the global assisted reproductive technology market. PGD helps physicians diagnose genetic disorders likely to manifest in the baby before it is implanted, making the technology vital for parents looking to avoid complicated births and lifestyles. The rapid development of the scientific database regarding genetic diseases is further likely to remain a key boost for the global assisted reproductive technology market. Key players in the moderately fragmented global assisted reproductive technology market include Merck, CooperSurgical, Inc., Irvine Scientific, Vitrolife AB, Hamilton Thorne, Inc., Nidacon International AB, Laboratoire CCD, Planer PLC, Esco Micro Pte. Ltd. (Esco Group), and Nikon Corporation. Merck holds a dominant share in the global assisted reproductive technology market due to its widespread portfolio and steady presence in various regional markets. Buy Assisted Reproductive Technology Market Research Report: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/checkout.php?rep_id=29234100 ppm Ag, >10,000 ppm Zn, and >10,000 ppm Cu) completed by fire assay with gravimetric finish (Ag) or Aqua Regia digestion with ICP-AES finish (copper and zinc). All samples were analyzed for gold by Fire Assay of a 30 gram charge by AAS, or if over 10.0 g/t were re-assayed and completed with a gravimetric finish. QA/QC included the insertion and continual monitoring of numerous standards and blanks into the sample stream at a frequency of 1 per 10 samples, and the collection of duplicate samples at random intervals within each batch at a frequency of 1 per 10 samples. SGS Canada Inc carried out some or all of following methods to obtain the assay results for Callinex: G_LOG02 Pre-preparation processing, G_WGH79 Weighing and reporting, G_PRP89 Weigh, dry, crush, split, pulverize, G_SCRQC QC for crush and pulverize stages, G_CRU22 Crush >3kg, G_DRY11 Dry samples, GE_FAA313 @Au, FAS, AAS, 30g-5ml (Final mode), GE-IC14A Aqua Regia digestion/ICP-AES finish, GE_IMS14B Aqua Regia digestion/ICP-MS package, GE_IMS14 Aqua Regia digestion, GO_FAG303 30g, Fire assay, gravimetric finish (Au)(Final Mode), GO_FAG313 30g, Fire assay, gravimetric finish (Ag)(Final Mode), G0_ICP13B Ore Grade, Aqua Regia digest/ICP-AES. Ag >10ppm was analyzed by ICP and GO_XRF77B-pyrosulfate fusion. About Callinex Mines Inc. Callinex Mines Inc. (TSX-V: CNX; OTCQX: CLLXF) is advancing its portfolio of zinc rich deposits located in established Canadian mining jurisdictions. The portfolio is highlighted by its Nash Creek and Superjack deposits in the Bathurst Mining District of New Brunswick. Callinex is actively drilling these projects in support of an updated resource estimate and maiden PEA planned for Q2 2018. Additionally, Callinex is actively exploring its projects in the Flin Flon Mining District of Manitoba which notably include the Pine Bay and Big Island Projects. These projects are located within 25 km to an operating processing facility that requires additional ore within four years. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Some statements in this news release contain forward-looking information. These statements include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to future expenditures. These statements address future events and conditions and, as such, involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the statements. Such factors include, among others, the ability to complete the proposed drill program and the timing and amount of expenditures. Except as required under applicable securities laws, Callinex does not assume the obligation to update any forward-looking statement. SOURCE Callinex Mines Inc. Related Links www.callinex.ca SAN ANTONIO, TX, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ - Alternate Health Corp ("Alternate Health" or the "Company") (CSE:AHG) (OTCQB:AHGIF), an international corporation that provides software solutions for the medical cannabis industry, today announced that its CanaPass Blockchain Reporting System will launch in the Canadian recreational cannabis market, powering five potential National Access Cannabis (NAC) locations in Manitoba subject to the federal government passing legalized recreational marijuana legislation in 2018. "We are excited to announce our move into Canada's recreational cannabis market, building on our partnership with National Access Cannabis," says Dr. Murphy. "Our CanaPass Blockchain system is already Canada's most advanced medical cannabis regulatory solution and we expect our recreational adaption to be an industry-changing technology as the Canadian government prepares legal cannabis legislation in the summer of 2018." Alternate Health launched the CanaPass pilot stage in July 2017 at NAC's Halifax clinic. During the second phase of rollout in 2017, the CanaPass system launched in every additional NAC location in seven Canadian provinces. Alternate Health and NAC previously signed a Software-as-a-Service agreement whereby the Company's CanaPass blockchain software is currently powering all NAC clinics and doctor's offices. "The CanaPass system is a game-changer in the Canadian cannabis industry," says Dr. Michael Murphy, CEO of Alternate Health. "No cannabis point-of-sale system can match its comprehensive data collection and reporting features, connecting all transactions in a blockchain ledger between customers, licensed producers, dispensaries, governments and medical professionals." The CanaPass system is a cloud-based software platform that manages the end-to-end transactions involved with providing safe access to medical cannabis to eligible patients. The database is accessible by the patient, certified doctors and licensed producers only, and is used to monitor the individual patient and provide enhanced treatment recommendations, with a focus on improving patient outcomes. "Regulatory compliance, data security and transparency have never been so important as cannabis legalization moves forward in Canada," adds Dr. Murphy. "Alternate Health offers the only software system that provides provincial governments and federal authorities the detailed transaction ledger and tax reporting they need, backed by our patented blockchain technology." About Alternate Health Corp. Alternate Health Corp. (CSE: AHG, OTCQB: AHGIF) Alternate Health has established multiple arms-length operations within the medical cannabis industry, each of which drives consumers, data and strategic opportunities to the company's other verticals. This sophisticated cross-integration of the company's enterprises has positioned Alternate Health as one of the only cannabis companies that delivers consistent revenue and intellectual property without growing, manufacturing or distributing the cannabis plant. Through its software solutions, data analytics, and patented delivery systems, Alternate Health's goal is to be the global authority on scientific and clinical support for cannabis in regulated markets. Alternate Health is well positioned to reinvest internal operating cash flow in its platform over the long term, creating an attractive investment profile for its shareholders. Alternate Health resides in the cannabis sector along with companies like GW Pharmaceuticals, AXIM Biotechnologies Inc., Canopy Growth Corporation, and Aphria Inc. Alternate Health is differentiated from other cannabis companies by its focus on ancillary services for patients, healthcare professionals and regulatory providers rather than selling a commodity. For more information about Alternate Health Corp., visit www.alternatehealth.ca. Neither the CSE nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the CSE) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Statements included in this announcement, including statements concerning our plans, intentions and expectations, which are not historical in nature are intended to be, and are hereby identified as "forward-looking statements". Forward-looking statements may be identified by words including "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "expects" and similar expressions. The Company cautions readers that forward-looking statements, including without limitation those relating to the Company's future operations, business prospects and financing plans, are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated in the forward looking statements. SOURCE Alternate Health Corp. Related Links http://www.alternatehealth.ca/ LINDON, Utah, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Less than a week ago, two U.S. senators proposed bipartisan legislation that would increase restrictions on the VA home loan program, especially the VA IRRRL product. In reviewing this legislation, the CEO of Low VA Rates, Eric Kandell, discovered that the proposed bill was reactionary and those who proposed it did not take the appropriate time to research, analyze, and evaluate how it might negatively impact veterans. In an article evaluating the proposed changes, Mr. Kandell once again took a stand that defended our nation's heroes and their rights. He pointed out areas of concern that would potentially allow lenders to take advantage of veteran homeowners, causing them more financial harm than good. He said, "I have a strong fear that when government steps in and tries to regulate the private mortgage sector, it could lead to overreaching. In turn, overreaching legislation could end up hurting the veterans it was initially meant to protect." In addition to his evaluation, Mr. Kandell himself proposed better alternatives to solve the concerns with the VA home loan program. His solutions included a longer time for loans to recoup closing costs, applying a universal interest reduction rule, and allowing veterans to refinance when it makes sense. About Low VA Rates Low VA Rates is a leading lender for VA home loans. They help both active and prior members of the United States military get great rates on their mortgage so affordable homeownership is a reality for all servicemen and women. For more details, please contact: Lance Hansen Director of Marketing Low VA Rates Tel: (866) 569-8272 ext. 521 Email: [email protected] SOURCE Low VA Rates Related Links https://www.lowvarates.com NEW YORK, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- CIT Group Inc. (NYSE: CIT) today announced that its Commercial Finance unit served as sole lead arranger for a $422 million senior secured loan financing to White Oak Commercial Aviation, LP, an affiliated entity of White Oak Global Advisors, LLC (White Oak) that is wholly owned by its institutional investors. This financing will support White Oak's purchase of 20 on-lease wide body aircraft engines from GE Capital Aviation Services (GECAS). Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. "This transaction is a great example of CIT's long history and understanding of the aerospace industry, in addition to our ability to provide capital solutions for aircraft owners, lessors and other key industry players," said Burt Feinberg, president of CIT's Commercial & Industrial Finance group. John Heskin, managing director and group head for CIT's Aerospace, Defense & Government Finance (ADG) team led the transaction with senior investment professionals from White Oak. "We are pleased we could leverage our deep capital markets expertise to provide a creative solution for this senior secured loan syndication," said Heskin. "Our understanding of the aerospace industry encompasses whole aircraft as well as parts and engines. This enables us to support the entire aerospace ecosystem from lessors and investors to distributors and manufacturers." "CIT's ADG and Capital Markets teams were razor-focused on delivering a financing structure that would work for us while also meeting lender requirements," said Andre Hakkak, Chief Executive Office and Co-Founder of White Oak. "This transaction provides us a foundation to strengthen and grow our focus on providing financing solutions for aviation companies." CIT's Commercial Finance unit offers asset backed loans for commercial aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts as well as cash flow loans to manufacturers, service providers and private equity participants in the sector. About CIT Founded in 1908, CIT (NYSE: CIT) is a financial holding company with approximately $50 billion in assets as of Sept. 30, 2017. Its principal bank subsidiary, CIT Bank, N.A., (Member FDIC, Equal Housing Lender) has approximately $30 billion of deposits and more than $40 billion of assets. CIT provides financing, leasing, and advisory services principally to middle-market companies and small businesses across a wide variety of industries. It also offers products and services to consumers through its Internet bank franchise and a network of retail branches in Southern California, operating as OneWest Bank, a division of CIT Bank, N.A. For more information visit cit.com. About White Oak Global Advisors, LLC White Oak Global Advisors, LLC is a leading global alternative asset manager specializing in originating and providing credit financing solutions to facilitate the growth, acquisitions, refinancings and recapitalizations of small and medium size enterprises. With over $7bn of capital invested in over 500 companies, White Oak provides small and medium size enterprises with term loans, asset-based lending, invoice factoring, trade finance, equipment financing and treasury management. Since its inception in 2007, White Oak's disciplined investment process focuses on delivering risk-adjusted investment returns and establishing long term partnerships with our borrowers. More information can be found at www.whiteoaksf.com. CIT MEDIA RELATIONS: John Moran 212-461-5507 [email protected] SOURCE CIT Group Inc. Related Links http://www.cit.com Felicity Jones embodies the brand's DNA: intelligent, uncompromising and exquisite. Her passion and uncompromising dedication to her craft is what makes her an aspirational personality; a woman who has made an impact on the world and those around her. Cle de Peau Beaute transformed the Hotel Bel-Air into an expression of radiance and light to celebrate the announcement of Jones as the new face and Spring/Summer 2018 campaign across digital, social and traditional media. The brand's luxury positioning was expressed in glimmer and radiant crystal and light in the signature palette of navy, beige and cream. At every turn, guests, including Alana Hadid, Larsen Thompson, Marianna Hewitt and Dylana and Natalie Lim Suarez, discovered snap-able and shareable moments including a visually inspiring floral installation within the entry area on the Terrace, and a Ballroom photo experience that invited guests to step into the heart of Cle de Peau Beaute and "Unlock the Power of Your Radiance" - the brand's new tagline. Jones, joined by Yukari Suzuki, Chief Brand Officer, gave a champagne toast, followed by the global debut of the Cle de Peau Beaute Brand Essence video, filmed in Croatia. In addition, the guests experienced the reveal of the Spring/Summer 2018 campaign video, "A Radiant Day", in which Jones creates a performance that underscores the brand's new positioning as the leading Global Luxury Beauty brand. The campaign, shot over the course of two days in London, breaks globally in print and online media placements across Japan, Asia, North America, Russia, and Travel Retail this month. "I am honored to be partnering with Cle de Peau Beaute on relaunching this brilliant luxury brand to the world", said Jones. "There is such personality and intelligence behind the brand and products. I cannot wait to see what the future brings to Cle de Peau Beaute." "With our relaunch event celebrating Felicity Jones in Los Angeles, we establish that a woman's beauty is not only about her appearance, it is also about valuing her inner beauty, intelligence and who she is as a person," said Suzuki. Cle de Peau Beaute (meaning the The Key to Skin's Beauty), helps to unlock the power of a woman's radiance by harnessing makeup technologies and some of the most advanced skincare in the world from their proprietary Tokyo laboratories. The SS18 product focus, debuted at the event, showcasing the brand's expertise, includes Firming Serum Supreme (new), The Lipstick (new shades), Radiant Lip Gloss (new), The Foundation, Concealer and the re-energizing of La Creme - the brand's iconic, high-performance radiance-enhancing cream. Download Getty Images hi-res images: https://www.image.net/cpb_2018 Brand and SS18 information: https://bpcm2.app.box.com/s/i3z4se26h9yc22xknrw2oorvez0vxckk A Radiant Day campaign video About Cle de Peau Beaute Cle de Peau Beaute is one of the world's most prestigious skincare and makeup brands and the top luxury brand in Japan. Available in thirteen countries (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, the United States, Canada, and Russia), it has a global reputation for excellence. For more information please visit www.cledepeaubeaute.com or follow the brand on social media (below). #cledepeaubeaute #radiantday #unlockradiance Instagram: @cledepeaubeaute Facebook: @cledepeaubeaute WeChat: @CPB_China For press inquiries, please contact: Yumi Oshinomi, PR Cle de Peau Beaute Brand Unit SHISEIDO CO., LTD. Email: [email protected] / Tel:+81-3-6218-5833 SOURCE Cle de Peau Beaute, SHISEIDO Co., Ltd. Related Links http://www.cledepeaubeaute.com HERON, Mont., Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Clearview Horizon today announced it has earned The Joint Commission's Gold Seal of Approval for Behavioral Health Care Accreditation by demonstrating continuous compliance with its performance standards. The Gold Seal of Approval is a symbol of quality that reflects an organization's commitment to providing safe and effective care. Clearview Horizon's therapeutic and educational accreditations include: Montana Department of Labor and Industry, Private Alternative Adolescent Residential Program board (PAARP), The Joint Commission (JCAHO), Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), Better Business Bureau Recognition and Accreditation (BBB), National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs (NATSAP), and AdvancED Middle School and High School Accreditation. Founded in 1951, The Joint Commission seeks to continuously improve health care for the public, in collaboration with other stakeholders, by evaluating health care organizations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe and effective care of the highest quality and value. The Joint Commission accredits and certifies more than 21,000 health care organizations and programs in the United States. Clearview Horizon (https://www.clearviewhorizon.com) underwent a rigorous on-site survey beginning on December 13, 2017. During the review, compliance with behavioral health care standards related to several areas, including care, treatment, and services; environment of care; leadership; and screening procedures for the early detection of imminent harm was evaluated. On-site observations and interviews also were conducted. Established in 1969, The Joint Commission's Behavioral Health Care Accreditation Program currently accredits more than 2,250 organizations for a three-year period. Accredited organizations provide treatment and services within a variety of settings across the care continuum for individuals who have mental health, addiction, eating disorder, intellectual/developmental disability, and/or child-welfare related needs. "Joint Commission accreditation provides behavioral health care organizations with the processes needed to improve in a variety of areas related to the care of individuals and their families," said Julia Finken, RN, BSN, MBA, CSSBB, CPHQ, executive director, Behavioral Health Care Accreditation Program, The Joint Commission. "We commend Clearview Horizon for its efforts to elevate the standard of care it provides and to instill confidence in the community it serves." "Clearview Horizon, located near Sandpoint, Idaho, is pleased to receive Behavioral Health Care Accreditation from The Joint Commission, the premier health care quality improvement and accrediting body in the nation," added Mike Linderman, Clearview's Executive Clinical Director. "Our team continues to work together to develop and implement approaches and strategies that have the potential to improve care for the community that we serve." The Joint Commission's behavioral health care standards are developed in consultation with health care experts and providers, quality improvement measurement experts, and individuals and their families. The standards are informed by scientific literature and expert consensus to help organizations measure, assess and improve performance. Contact: Jason W. Thielbahr Chief Financial Officer (509) 723-7251 [email protected] Clearview Horizon Therapeutic Boarding School (https://www.clearviewhorizon.com) SOURCE Clearview Horizon - Therapeutic Boarding School Related Links https://www.clearviewhorizon.com "JumpStart has a documented track record of leadership in the diversity and inclusion spaceespecially when it comes to connecting diverse entrepreneurs and small business owners to larger economic opportunities," said Horne McKinney. "I am excited to join such a strong and dedicated team as we build on the great work of the past and drive to even greater impact in the future." From its headquarters in Cleveland, JumpStart has built a national reputation as a champion for diversity and inclusion with initiatives such as providing leadership to the National Venture Capital Association's Diversity Task Force, the Core City: Cleveland program and the $10 million-dollar Focus Fund, a joint-venture with the Ohio Third Frontier that is one of the few venture capital funds in the nation dedicated specifically to female- and minority-led tech startups. JumpStart's Managing Partner of Inclusion is a new position, designed to lead a rapidly growing team and portfolio of work aimed at building inclusive economic ecosystems. This work includes existing initiatives and new work in both Ohio and upstate New York work made possible by the KeyBank Business Boost & Build Program, a JumpStart-powered program funded via a historic $24M grant from the KeyBank Foundation. As part of this expanded work, JumpStart's Gloria Ware will serve in a new role as the founding Director of The KeyBank Center for Technology, Innovation and Inclusive Growth. This new center is an important piece of the larger KeyBank Boost & Build Program, designed specifically to accelerate the success of women and minorities as entrepreneurs of high growth firms, while connecting women, minorities and those in rural communities across Ohio to career opportunities in growing, globally competitive small businesses. "This is an exciting and important time for JumpStart," said Ware of her new role. "The success of our previous work has now earned us an opportunity to expand our reach and help transform more communities by helping more entrepreneurs and small business owners connect to economic opportunity. We look forward to meeting the challenge." "JumpStart's senior leadership team and board of directors interviewed top candidates from across the country, and we were unanimous in concluding Erin is the right person for this role," added JumpStart CEO Ray Leach. "With Erin's leadership and Gloria at the helm of The KeyBank Center for Technology, Innovation and Inclusive Growth, we are very excited for what we will be able to help entrepreneurs and communities accomplish in generating greater inclusive economic growth in the years to come." JUMPSTART INC. unlocks the full potential of diverse and ambitious entrepreneurs to economically transform entire communities. For more information, visit www.jumpstartinc.org and follow @JumpStartInc on Twitter. SOURCE JumpStart Inc. Related Links http://www.jumpstartinc.org CARMEL, Ind., Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- CNO Financial Group, Inc. (NYSE: CNO) announced today that Nathan Richardson has been promoted to senior vice president of sales and distribution, and Brian Wilson has been appointed vice president of field development, both at its Bankers Life business segment. Nathan Richardson Brian Wilson As senior vice president of sales and distribution, Richardson is responsible for leading the segment's nationwide sales organization, comprising more than 4,500 agents and 250 branch offices. A 26-year veteran of Bankers Life, he joined the company in 1992, holding a variety of sales leadership positions throughout his tenure, most recently as South Central territory vice president since 2013. As vice president of field development, Wilson is responsible for field manager and agent training, support and development. He joins Bankers Life after 16 years at Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance in Milwaukee, where he served in several sales and business development capacities and most recently held the position of vice president of national sales. Wilson has held previous roles at Royal Bank of Canada and U.S. Bancorp, and has a Master's of Business Administration in international studies from Marquette University and a bachelor's in business administration and marketing from University of North Dakota. Wilson replaces Peter Wilkins, who will retire from Bankers Life after a 15-year tenure with the company as of March 1, 2018. Wilkins joined Bankers Life in 2003 as expansion vice president and subsequently held a variety of leadership roles including territory vice president for both the Central and South Central territories, and finally as vice president of field development, focusing on field training innovation. "Nate has consistently proven himself to be a leader in our organization, with a deep understanding of the middle-income insurance market and a commitment to helping our customers plan for retirement," said Scott Goldberg, president of Bankers Life. "Brian brings a wealth of industry knowledge and valuable insight to his new role, and we look forward to welcoming him to the leadership team." Regarding the retirement of Peter Wilkins, Goldberg said, "We celebrate Peter's many accomplishments over the past 15 years with Bankers Life and throughout his career. We are grateful for his innumerable contributions to the business, and wish him the very best in his retirement." About CNO Financial Group CNO Financial Group, Inc. (NYSE: CNO) is a holding company. Our insurance subsidiaries principally Bankers Life and Casualty Company, Colonial Penn Life Insurance Company and Washington National Insurance Company primarily serve middle-income pre-retiree and retired Americans by helping them protect against financial adversity and provide for a more secure retirement. For more information, visit CNO online at www.CNOinc.com. SOURCE CNO Financial Group, Inc. Related Links http://www.cnoinc.com WALTHAM, Mass., Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, a leading residential real estate brokerage company in New England, announced today that it has acquired the assets of Edna Kranz Realty, Inc. Operating from one office in Newton Centre, Mass, the company has served residential real estate customers and clients in Newton and Chestnut Hill for more than 20 years. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage is part of NRT LLC, the nation's largest residential real estate brokerage company. With this acquisition: Former broker-owner Roz Wennett will retire from the company. The approximately 19 real estate agents, formerly affiliated with the acquired company, are welcomed in the Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage office located at 1261 Centre Street in Newton . QUOTES: "This acquisition strengthens Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage's foothold in Newton and Brookline. Additionally, the agents are widely respected in this marketplace making them a much welcome addition." - Merit McIntyre, president of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage in New England "Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage is known for its state-of-the-art technology and the incredible resources available to agents, such as its global network and exceptional educational opportunities. This relationship will ensure that our agents will receive all the tools they need to excel now and into the future." - Roz Wennett, former broker-owner Edna Kranz Realty, Inc. About Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage is the largest residential real estate brokerage company in New England. With more than 4,000 affiliated agents in approximately 95 office locations, the organization serves consumers in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Maine. Real estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage are independent contractor agents and are not employees of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage is part of NRT LLC, the nation's largest residential real estate brokerage company. For more information, visit ColdwellBankerHomes.com. Media Contact: Matt Eckess 781.684.5461 [email protected] SOURCE Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage TORONTO, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ - Earlier this month, Bonhams auctioned two lots of fancy vivid yellow diamonds from the Cullinan family. The prices for both lots exceeded their pre-auction estimates, with Paragon International Wealth Management noting the results of the auction reaffirm continued investment interest in fancy colored diamonds. The yellow diamonds came with a fascinating backstory: In 1940, R.V. Cullinan, son of Sir Thomas Cullinan, a diamond magnate and owner of the Cullinan Mine in South Africa, asked his friend, Pierre De Villiers, a director at De Beers, to purchase for him some diamonds on his next trip to Kimberly, in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. On a train ride back from the De Beers mine in Kimberly, De Villiers was asked by Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, founder of the Anglo American Corporation of South Africa, what he had gotten from the mine. De Villiers showed Oppenheimer what he had, and the latter showed De Villiers a set of yellow diamonds he had obtained. De Villiers bought the yellow diamonds, kept half for himself, and gave the other half to Cullinan. The first lot from the Cullinan collection was a brooch that contained three step-cut fancy vivid yellow diamonds, which weighed 5.29, 3.11, and 2.37 carats. The pre-auction estimate for the brooch was 200,000 to 300,000 GBP, and an anonymous buyer won the brooch with a bid of 452,750 GBP. The second lot from the collection was a pair of round fancy vivid yellow diamonds, which weighed 2.08 and 1.93 carats. The pre-auction estimate by Bonhams was 50,000 to 80,000 GBP, with the diamonds fetching 125,000 GBP. Paragon International Wealth Management notes that high demand for the fancy vivid yellow diamonds, and the fact that the winning bids exceeded the pre-auction estimates, provided further evidence that the fancy colored diamond market is poised for continued growth. ABOUT PARAGON INTERNATIONAL WEALTH MANAGEMENT Paragon International Wealth Management, based in Toronto, Canada, is an expert in the acquisition and management of fancy colored diamonds. The firm has a strong commitment to offering its clients expert guidance in assembling a successful hard asset portfolio. SOURCE Paragon International Wealth Management Inc. SKANES FAGERHULT, Sweden, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Joshua Berin has joined the Concentric Group as Vice President of Sales for North America to lead the profitable and sustainable growth of our Hydraulics product sales throughout the region. Joshua has a B.A. in Communications, Marketing & Media, from the University of Missouri, St. Louis. He joins us from Actuant Corporation where he has spent the past 5 years in senior sales roles, most recently as the Vice President Sales for the Maximatecc business unit, specializing in operator-machine interface solutions and instrumentation for critical environments serving leading OEMs in Construction/Agriculture, Heavy Duty Industrial, Transportation, and Specialty Vehicle markets. Martin Bradford, Senior Vice President said of the appointment, "Josh has a proven track record of developing profitable sales in new markets and territories through value based selling. He has experience working as a sales leader with both direct and cross functional teams globally. His background and drive will make him a valued member of my leadership team." Joshua Berin replaces Bill Ford who retires in the next 3 months. His appointment provides a smooth transition for the existing sales team and Concentric's customers. For further information about this appointment, please contact Martin Bradford at [email protected]. This information was brought to you by Cision http://news.cision.com http://news.cision.com/concentric-ab/r/concentric-ab-appoints-joshua-berin-as-vice-president-of-sales-for-hydraulics-in-north-america,c2433594 The following files are available for download: http://mb.cision.com/Main/1643/2433594/779051.pdf PDF http://news.cision.com/concentric-ab/i/josh-berin,c2323944 Josh Berin SOURCE Concentric AB HACKENSACK, N.J., Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- John Theurer Cancer Center at Hackensack Meridian Health Hackensack University Medical Center participated in a pivotal clinical trial for Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Tatyana Feldman, M.D., director of John Theurer Cancer Center's T-cell Program at Hackensack University Medical Center, is a co-author of the study, presented at the 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology at plenary session and published in the New England Journal of Medicine. "The addition of brentuximab vedotin to AVD combination chemotherapy -- supported with G-CSF to alleviate myelotoxicity -- merits consideration as first-line treatment for advanced Hodgkin's lymphoma," said Dr. Feldman. Phase II trial data shows that a treatment regimen incorporating the anti-CD30 antibodydrug conjugate brentuximab vedotin is more effective than standard therapy with doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine (ABVD) when used as a frontline therapy in patients with advanced Hodgkin lymphoma. Brentuximab vedotin, doxorubicin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine (A+AVD) reduced the risk for disease progression, death, or non-complete response and use of subsequent anticancer therapy by a significant 23 percent compared with ABVD. The ECHELON-1 researchers who conducted the randomized, multicenter, open-label study describe this result as "clinically meaningful." At a median 24.9 months of follow-up, the independently adjudicated 2-year modified progression-free survival rates were 82.1 percent among the 664 patients with previously untreated stage III or IV classic Hodgkin lymphoma who received A+AVD, and 77.2 percent in the 670 who received ABVD, a difference that was statistically significant. Overall survival at two years was also better with A+AVD than with ABVD, although not significantly so, at 96.6 percent versus 94.9 percent. Further analyses showed that the benefits of A+AVD extended across the majority of prespecified subgroups, with men, patients from North America, those with involvement of more than one extranodal site, an International Prognostic Score indicating a high-risk of treatment failure (scores of four to seven), or stage IV disease, and patients younger than 60 years of age benefitting most. While both groups completed a similar number of treatments cycles (5.55.7), the rates of neutropenia (58 vs 45 percent), febrile neutropenia (19 vs 8 percent), and peripheral neuropathy (67 vs 43 percent) were higher in the A+AVD group than in the ABVD group. However, they point out that, among the patients who received A+AVD, the rate of febrile neutropenia was lower among the 83 patients who received primary prophylaxis with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) than among those who did not (11 vs 21 percent), and peripheral neuropathy resolved or improved in 67 percent of cases. Pulmonary toxicity of grade 3 or higher was reported in less than 1% of patients in the A+AVD and in 3% of those in the ABVD group. The researchers note that seven of nine deaths that occurred during treatment in the A+AVD group were associated with neutropenia (six had not received G-CSF and one had pre-existing neutropenia), while 11 of 13 deaths in the ABVD group were associated with pulmonary-related toxicity. Given that older patients are at high-risk from bleomycin-associated pulmonary toxicity, results of the ECHELON-1 trial are particularly significant considering the opportunity A+AVD provides to administer a treatment to older patients that is at least equivalent in its effectiveness to ABVD, and to do so safely. The study, "Brentuximab Vedotin with Chemotherapy for Stage III or IV Hodgkin's Lymphoma," was led by Joseph M. Connors, M.D., medical oncologist from the BC Cancer Agency, University of British Columbia, Canada. ABOUT JOHN THEURER CANCER CENTER AT HACKENSACK UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER John Theurer Cancer Center at Hackensack University Medical Center is New Jersey's largest and most comprehensive center dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment, management, research, screenings, and preventive care as well as survivorship of patients with all types of cancers. The 14 specialized divisions covering the complete spectrum of cancer care have developed a close-knit team of medical, research, nursing, and support staff with specialized expertise that translates into more advanced, focused care for all patients. Each year, more people in the New Jersey/New York metropolitan area turn to John Theurer Cancer Center for cancer care than to any other facility in New Jersey. Housed within Hackensack University Medical Center, a 775-bed not-for-profit teaching, tertiary care, and research hospital, John Theurer Cancer Center provides state-of-the-art technological advances, compassionate care, research innovations, medical expertise, and a full range of aftercare services that distinguish John Theurer Cancer Center from other facilities. For additional information, please visit www.jtcancercenter.org. SOURCE John Theurer Cancer Center Related Links http://www.jtcancercenter.org LEECHBURG, Pennsylvania, January 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Daneel Assistant Company, a technology-based startup that focuses on developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) for cryptocurrency investors, announced a prototype of their smart assistant, Daneel will soon be released. (Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/630440/Daneel_Logo.jpg ) As intelligent personal assistant modeled after Watson, the most powerful AI in the fields of natural language and emotional analysis today, Daneel will assist non-professional audiences, including beginners, intermediate users, and experienced persons in the cryptocurrency sector. "We're bringing data intelligence into the crypto jungle, which everyone can agree, is incredibly confusing," said Joseph Bedminster, CEO of Daneel Assistant Company. "The cryptocurrency market is growing at an exponential pace, reaching a capitalization value of $640 billion just last month. For everyone wanting to keep up with the growth, we've created a smart assistant that will make it much easier." Daneel addresses the flood of oriented and unreliable information swirling around cryptocurrency investments today. The platform can assist beginners by explaining the basics through educational materials; intermediates by improving knowledge, providing simple KPIs, and synthesizing accurate news on the currencies owned; and experts with straight-to-the-point UX support, quantitative dashboards, trending news and warm signals, and synthesized positions. In total, Daneel provides real-time marketing analysis, quantification, and improvement of reliability of financial information thanks to Watson. Additionally, the smart assistant analyzes the emotions of the market using its "Social Emotion Indicator." All of this can be accessed from the one, consolidated Daneel mobile application. "Since cryptocurrency is still wholly misunderstood, yet media personnel know it's a hot topic, we're seeing an enormous amount of factually inaccurate articles swirling around the Internet right now," said Bedminster. "Our goal is to deliver strong and reliable cryptocurrency and blockchain market information by democratizing the access to AI. Spread the word on the official release of our Daneel app." Daneel will be based on its own cryptocurrency: the DAN token. A maximum of 100 million DAN tokens will be produced. All unsold tokens will be burned after the Initial Coin Offering in order to preserve its value. The ICO will officially take place on January 29, 2018. For more information, visit: https://www.daneel.io/. Author: Lee Michaels SOURCE Daneel CHICAGO, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The 2018 Chicago Auto Show Media Preview will officially open Thursday, Feb. 8 with the Midwest Automotive Media Association (MAMA) breakfast. MAMA President Jill Ciminillo will present the MAMA Family Vehicle of the Year award and introduce keynote speaker Thomas Doll, president and COO of Subaru of America, Inc. "The Subaru brand has enjoyed nine consecutive years of growth by delivering the vehicles that people want to drive," said Doll. "We know that the best place for people to experience a vehicle is here at the auto show and the Chicago Auto Show is one of the best I know for giving consumers a great brand experience within a fantastic setting." Doll joined Subaru of America, Inc. in 1982. In 1991, he became vice president of business and strategic planning. In April 2009, Doll was promoted to chief operating officer. In April 2013, Doll was promoted to president. Doll received a bachelor's degree in accounting from Villanova University and a master's degree from Drexel University. Hinrich Woebcken, CEO of the North America Region, Volkswagen and president and CEO of Volkswagen Group of America, Inc., will be the guest speaker at the Economic Club of Chicago (ECC) Luncheon. Woebcken oversees Volkswagen activities in the United States, Mexico and Canada. Prior to joining Volkswagen, Woebcken worked for 30 years in the automotive industry for Tier 1 suppliers and OEMs. A native of Germany, Woebcken earned a degree in industrial engineering from University of Applied Science, Rosenheim, Germany, in 1985. "In 2017, Volkswagen started its comeback in the United States, and we think that the Chicago Auto Show is a great venue to introduce the cars and SUVs that will drive our sales growth going forward," said Woebcken. "I am also pleased to be able to share our story with such a prestigious organization as the Economic Club of Chicago." Founded in 1927 to serve as a forum for Chicago's business community, the ECC is one of the city's finest business groups and has a decade-long association with the Chicago Auto Show. The ECC has grown to become a premier institution, providing elite members of the business world a platform to express and discuss economic, business and social issues. The ECC luncheon at the Chicago Auto Show is a cornerstone event of the Chicago Auto Show Media Preview, boasting speeches from Dan Ammann, Bill Ford, Ralph Gilles, Yoshi Inaba and Jim Press. For more details on the 2018 Chicago Auto Show, please visit www.chicagoautoshow.com. About the Chicago Auto Show The Chicago Auto Show is the largest auto show in North America, spanning more than 1 million square feet of production, concept and exotic vehicle exhibit space. In addition to hosting multiple world and North American vehicle debuts, the Chicago Auto Show's First Look for Charity raises more than $2.5 million annually for 18 vital Chicago organizations on a single night. The 2018 public show is Feb. 10-19. For more information, visit www.ChicagoAutoShow.com or www.Facebook.com/ChicagoAutoShow. The 2018 Chicago Auto Show is officially sanctioned by the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers. Founded in Paris in 1919, it is known as the Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs. About the Chicago Automobile Trade Association Founded in 1904, the Chicago Automobile Trade Association is one of the nation's largest metropolitan dealer organizations. It is comprised of more than 420 franchised new-car dealers and an additional 150 allied members. The group's dealer members employ about 20,000 people in the metropolitan area. The association has produced the world-famous Chicago Auto Show since 1935. For more information please visit www.CATA.info. SOURCE Chicago Auto Show Related Links http://ChicagoAutoShow.com DoubleRadius joins KP's growing distributor network, partnering to expand the company's sales channels in North America, while also providing value-added services and technical resources for customers. As a new stocking distributor of KP products, DoubleRadius can now offer their customers a larger portfolio of high performance WISP antennas and accessories throughout the U.S. "Our new partnership with DoubleRadius is an exciting development for our growing business," says Ken Caird, Vice President & GM at KP Performance Antennas. "As a trusted and respected distributor in the wireless network industry, DoubleRadius will help KP's products reach a much wider audience through their established customer base." DoubleRadius President, Gerry Ford, explains, "Here at DoubleRadius, our mission is to be our customer's partner for building better networks. We continually scan the horizon for products that improve every part of the wireless ecosystem. Our new reseller partnership with KP Performance Antennas reflects our confidence in how their wide variety of innovative, quality antennas and accessories continue to perform at a high level, giving our customers the reliability they need in their networks." For inquiries, please visit the KP Performance Antennas website at http://www.kpperformance.ca. For more information about this release, please contact: Peter McNeil Infinite Electronics, Inc. 17792 Fitch Irvine, CA 978-682-6936 x1174 About KP Performance Antennas: With decades of in-the-field expertise as former WISP operators and Ph.D. antenna engineers, KP Performance Antennas helps wireless internet service providers maximize ROI with products engineered to exceed industry expectations by delivering superior throughput, greater service coverage, dependable performance and reduced maintenance costs, while also providing responsive service, expert technical support and same-day shipping. KP's product line consists of sectors, reflector dishes, feed horns, Yagis, Omnis, panels and other antenna styles that operate from 900 MHz to 6 GHz. KP Performance Antennas is an Infinite Electronics company. About DoubleRadius: Since 2001, DoubleRadius has been helping people like you build better networks across the U.S. and internationally. From our campus in Charlotte, N.C., our team's purpose is to serve as your trusted partner, helping you succeed through every networking challenge and opportunity you encounter. DoubleRadius provides your complete network solution. Beyond supplying your cutting-edge networking equipment, we also offer consultation, integration, support and financing. In addition, we host on-campus training certifications, webinars and special event, and provide helpful online resources and materials. SOURCE KP Performance Antennas Related Links http://www.kpperformance.ca SUGAR LAND, Texas, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Written by John Egan for Industrial Info Resources (Sugar Land, Texas)--Duke Energy Corporation (Charlotte, North Carolina) plans to spend about $200 million convert four coal-fired units at two stations in the Tar Heel State to burn partly or entirely natural gas. Within this article: Details on Duke's plans to add more natural gas capacity to its portfolio. For details, view the entire article by subscribing to Industrial Info's Premium Industry News, or browse other breaking industrial news stories at www.industrialinfo.com. Industrial Info Resources (IIR), with global headquarters in Sugar Land, Texas, six offices in North America and 12 international offices, is the leading provider of global market intelligence specializing in the industrial process, heavy manufacturing and energy markets. Industrial Info's quality-assurance philosophy, the Living Forward Reporting Principle, provides up-to-the-minute intelligence on what's happening now, while constantly keeping track of future opportunities. Follow IIR on: Facebook - Twitter - LinkedIn. For more information on our coverage, send inquiries to [email protected] or visit us online at http://www.industrialinfo.com. William Ploch 713-783-5147 SOURCE Industrial Info Resources, Inc. Related Links http://www.industrialinfo.com BROOKLYN, N.Y., Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- E-J Electric Installation Co. (E-J Electric) is proud to announce that it has successfully updated New York City's Department of Environmental Protection's 26th Ward Wastewater Treatment Plant at Flatlands Avenue in Brooklyn, New York. E-J Electric was awarded this contract after originally providing exceptional services to Brooklyn's 26th Ward in 1968 after World War II. The range of services provided by the E-J Electric team included the installation of two new 3000kVA medium voltage transformers, two new motor control centers and an upgrade to the plant's blower house switchgear. This project will add a fifth preliminary treatment tank to the Ward as well as upgraded process air blowers and sewage pumps. The expertise of E-J Electric's electricians and engineers allowed the 26th Ward to remain in operation while all renovation services to the facility were made. "E-J Electric's electricians' dedication to safety and their work enabled them to build and install the machinery around the existing equipment and facilities," said E-J Electric President & CEO Anthony Mann. "We are proud of the work we completed at the 26th Ward and are honored to have been able to come back to the facility after so many years." About E-J Electric Installation Co. E-J Electric Installation Co., is active in all facets of electric contracting. Projects vary in size to over $200 million. Typical installations include: office buildings, hospitals, power plants, co-generation facilities, roadway and outdoor specialty, airports, industrial plants, universities, sport stadiums, transit facilities and high voltage distribution. At E-J Electric Installation Co., three family generations of practical expertise have created an organization keyed to the most modern technological advances in providing rapid and efficient solutions to today's lighting, power, energy and communication needs. E-J has a 118-year reputation for unparalleled integrity, quality and service in the electrical field. Please visit our website at www.ej1899.com to learn about the company. SOURCE E-J Electric Installation Co. Related Links http://www.ej1899.com WALLINGFORD, Conn., Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- E-J Electric T&D LLC (E-J Electric) recently completed an electrical renovation and expansion project on the substation and transmission line system in the city of Wallingford, Connecticut. The 115kV air insulated substation facility consisted of six circuit breakers in a ring bus arrangement and the transmission line was approximately mile of single circuit 115kV conductor. Services Provided by E-J Electric The E-J Electric team provided full electrical services including the upgrade and relocation of various circuits, the installation of new breakers to create the new line position, and the replacement of the existing 20kA circuit switches. E-J rerouted circuits to a new generator and step-up transformer at the Wallingford Energy Generation Station. Additionally, E-J Electric successfully completed their services to the steel tubular structures with heights ranging from 80' to 120' placed on concrete foundations. "We were awarded this contract based on our reputation of excellence and ability to successfully assist on developing and implementing plans on some of the largest utilities in the country," said E-J Electric President & CEO Anthony Mann. "Additionally, our strong commitment and emphasis on safety, productivity and quality have enabled us to develop long-trusting relationships with clients." About E-J Electric Installation Co. E-J Electric Installation Co., is active in all facets of electric contracting. Projects vary in size to over $200 million. Typical installations include: office buildings, hospitals, power plants, co-generation facilities, roadway and outdoor specialty, airports, industrial plants, universities, sport stadiums, transit facilities and high voltage distribution. At E-J Electric Installation Co., three family generations of practical expertise have created an organization keyed to the most modern technological advances in providing rapid and efficient solutions to today's lighting, power, energy and communication needs. E-J has a 118-year reputation for unparalleled integrity, quality and service in the electrical field. Please visit our website at www.ej1899.com to learn about the company. SOURCE E-J Electric T&D LLC Related Links http://www.ej1899.com ST. LOUIS, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Edgewell Personal Care Company (NYSE: EPC) announced today an agreement to acquire Jack Black, L.L.C., a leading U.S. based luxury men's skincare products company. Founded in Dallas, TX in 2000, Jack Black was an early pioneer and innovator in the growing men's skincare industry and today is the #1 brand in the U.S. men's prestige skincare market.* Addressing men's every day personal care needs, the brand offers a full range of products including skincare, body care, shaving, hair care, fine fragrance, razors, and gift sets. Jack Black's largest markets are in the U.S. and Canada, where it is a top selling brand at retailers such as Nordstrom, ULTA Beauty, Neiman Marcus, Bloomingdale's, Dillard's and Sephora. Additionally, Jack Black boasts industry-leading eCommerce growth and penetration via the online platforms of its prestige retail partners, Amazon Luxury Beauty, and its own website, getJackBlack.com. "As a challenger company in men's grooming, Edgewell has continuously pressed beyond category conventions to bring unique solutions and innovation, such as Schick Hydro and Bulldog skincare, to satisfy men's everyday grooming needs," said Colin Hutchison, Edgewell's Chief Operating Officer. "Similarly, Jack Black is a breakthrough brand, driving the growth of the luxury men's category through product innovation and cultivation of a highly engaged, loyal and growing customer base. The Jack Black brand is a strong and complementary addition to Edgewell's portfolio based on its unique brand positioning, prestige channel footprint, and product assortment. This acquisition creates opportunities to expand our personal care portfolio in growing categories in the U.S. and globally, while nurturing the strong brand equity that the Jack Black founders have developed." "We are delighted to be joining Edgewell's family of brands. This is an excellent home for Jack Black, and we look forward to continuing to drive strong growth in North America and expanding our global presence," said Curran Dandurand, CEO of Jack Black. "We've built our leadership position in the U.S. by providing superior skin care products using the best ingredients, that work as advertised, and are never tested on animals. We're very excited about the future and about sharing our products with more people throughout the world." Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. The transaction is expected to close in the second quarter of 2018. The acquisition is subject to customary closing conditions, including U.S. antitrust clearance. The transaction will be funded from operating cash and is expected to be EPS neutral in fiscal 2018. Edgewell will discuss the acquisition in further detail on its earnings call scheduled for February 8, 2018. Moelis & Company served as financial advisor to Edgewell. Piper Jaffray & Co. served as financial advisor to Jack Black, L.L.C. *Source: The NPD Group, Inc./Beauty Trends US Prestige Skincare Retail Dollar Sales, January 2016-December 2016. About Edgewell Personal Care Edgewell is a leading pure-play consumer products company with an attractive, diversified portfolio of established brand names such as Schick and Wilkinson Sword men's and women's shaving systems and disposable razors; Edge and Skintimate shave preparations; Playtex, Stayfree, Carefree and o.b. feminine care products; Banana Boat and Hawaiian Tropic sun care products; Playtex infant feeding, Diaper Genie; Bulldog male skincare and grooming products; and Wet Ones moist wipes. The Company has a broad global footprint and operates in more than 50 markets, including the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Germany, Japan and Australia, with approximately 6,000 employees worldwide. About Jack Black, L.L.C. Founded in Dallas, TX in 2000 by Curran Dandurand, Jeff Dandurand and Emily Dalton, Jack Black, L.L.C. is the leading provider of men's prestige grooming and skin care products. Jack Black products are created with a simple commitment to our customers: Nothing complicated. Nothing cosmetic. Just superior skincare. Fragrance-free, colorant-free, cruelty-free, sulfate-free, and dermatologist-tested, Jack Black products take an honest, effective approach to helping you look and feel your best. SOURCE Edgewell Personal Care "In the aftermath of a serious car crash, emergency personnel need to be able to communicate with the victim's family in a timely fashion, whether it's to secure information regarding the person's medical history or, in the most tragic cases, allowing them to say their final goodbye," said Tyler Izen, Executive Director at Car Dealers Saving Lives , a California-based automotive nonprofit social welfare organization. "When seconds count, having immediate access to an emergency contact is essential." The new law requires the MVC to allow the holder of any New Jersey State validated permit, probationary or basic driver's license to voluntarily submit the name and telephone number of two emergency contacts and the VIN of any vehicle owned or leased, or authorized to be used by the permit holder or licensee, to the Next of Kin Registry either through the commission's website or by mail. The law effectively is an extension of Sara's Law, which in 2011 established a next of kin registry linked to a motorist's driver's license or permit. Similarly, this new law will tie emergency contact information to a vehicle's VIN. "Having a designated emergency contact can help eliminate some of the guesswork that health care professionals otherwise may go through as they assist a victim who is unable to communicate his or her wishes. More importantly, it can limit the chances that family members will experience the kind of anguish Sara Dubinin's parents did in 2007, when they received notification over two hours later that their daughter had been in a crash that ultimately was fatal," said Izen. "Taking a few minutes to register a vehicle identification number in the Next of Kin Registry can pre-emptively reduce chaos and heartache in the unfortunate event of a serious roadside emergency." Under the law, the MVC is required to allow the submission of a VIN to the Next of Kin Registry by February 2019. The registry is for the exclusive use of law enforcement and is not considered a government record. SOURCE Car Dealers Saving Lives Related Links http://cardealerssavinglives.org NEW YORK and LONDON, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Exiger, the global regulatory, financial crime, risk and compliance company, announced the appointment of George "Ren" McEachern as Managing Director in the company's Global Investigations Group. A decorated investigator widely recognized as one of the world's leading anti-bribery authorities, Mr. McEachern is based in Exiger's Washington, D.C. Metro office. Mr. McEachern will focus primarily on leading anti-bribery investigations and assisting multinational corporations and financial institutions with regulatory risk management. He joined Exiger from the FBI, where he was a Supervisory Special Agent heading the Washington Field Office International Corruption Squad with a focus on Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), international money laundering, kleptocracy and antitrust investigations. Mr. McEachern was one of the architects of the FBI's new global strategy on international corruption, which began in 2015, and included the creation of specialized FBI teams located in New York, Washington, DC, and Los Angeles. "Ren has been at the epicenter of some of the largest and most complex global FCPA investigations in recent memory, giving him a deep, practical understanding of the lens through which the DOJ and the SEC view bribery and corruption issues and compliance programs," said Richard Plansky, Exiger Americas Regional Leader and Global Head of Investigations. "This unique perspective will be invaluable to our clients, providing them with the expert insight and cutting-edge technology they need to investigate critical anti-bribery issues and develop the sustainable anti-bribery and corruption compliance programs that are critical to navigating today's uncertain regulatory environment." Throughout his 12-year career with the FBI, Mr. McEachern has worked closely with the banking industry, leveraging suspicious activity reports (SARs) and internal bank investigations to follow complex money movements throughout the global financial system. He has managed international corruption investigations in the Americas, Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, bringing together law enforcement, compliance professionals, and global financial authorities in a united front to identify and stop sources of corruption. "Effective compliance is proactive compliance. Exiger understands this and distinguishes itself by pairing proven domain experts with breakthrough artificial intelligence technologies that allow companies to get out in front of potential problems before they can proliferate," said Mr. McEachern. "Exiger is leading the development of real-world investigative solutions that encompass the latest technologies and analytics to address both compliance and business growth imperatives." Mr. McEachern will leverage this unique experience to provide strategic, technology-enabled investigative and compliance solutions to help Exiger clients manage bribery- and corruption-related risk. About Exiger Exiger is a global regulatory and financial crime, risk and compliance company. Exiger arms financial institutions, multinational corporations and governmental agencies with the practical advice and technology solutions they need to prevent compliance breaches, respond to risk, remediate major issues and monitor ongoing business activities. Exiger works with clients worldwide to assist them in effectively managing their critical challenges while developing and implementing the policies, procedures and programs needed to create a sustainable compliance environment. A global authority on regulatory compliance, the company also oversees some of the world's most complex court-appointed and voluntary monitorships in the private and public sectors, including the monitorship of HSBC. Exiger has four principal business units being: Exiger Advisory; Exiger Diligence; Exiger Government Services; and Exiger Tech, including AI-based automated due diligence solutions DDIQ and Insight 3PM. Exiger operates through offices in New York City, Silver Spring (DC Metro), Miami, Toronto, Vancouver, London, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Contacts: U.S. John Roderick [email protected] 631-584-2200 Europe James Rossiter [email protected] 44 0203 195 3240 SOURCE Exiger Related Links http://www.exiger.com NEW YORK, January 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The excitement generated by the potential use of blockchain technology in many industries has been slow to reach the energy sector. However, indications are that 2018 could see several companies in the field adopting the revolutionary technology, which could substantially transform the energy industry's markets and processes. Several companies in the oil and gas industry are already looking to incorporate blockchain technology in their business processes, including Petroteq Energy Inc. (TSX-V: PQE) (OTC: PQEFF) (PQEFF Profile), British Petroleum p.l.c. (NYSE: BP) and Royal Dutch Shell plc (OTC: RYDAF). Information technology companies servicing the energy industry, including IBM (NYSE: IBM) and Wipro Limited (NYSE: WIT), are developing blockchain solutions for enterprises. Applications of Blockchain for the Energy Grid Renewable energy generated from sources like the sun or wind is tracked via systems based on tradable certificates to distinguish it from power generated by fossil fuels. This is an inefficient process, which could be significantly improved with blockchain technology. Blockchain can also be used to track transactions between energy providers, and between utility companies and consumers. Another example of the use of blockchain in the energy industry is a model for peer-to-peer energy trading. Rather than selling excess energy back to a utility provider, consumers can use bitcoin's decentralized blockchain network to sell excess power to each other. Benefits for the Oil and Gas Industry Oil and gas industry experts expect the adoption of blockchain technology to disrupt the sector. As a shared database, blockchain eliminates the role of third parties in transaction processes and the sharing of information. Encryption ensures secure payment transactions and the sharing of data, including contracts, inventories and industry technology. Blockchain also enables fast and secure commodity exchanges, and oil and gas trading anywhere in the world, without the assistance of intermediaries like banks and brokers. The technology ensures enhanced transparency and can fast-track regulatory filings and reporting. Most importantly, blockchain is seen as a way to vastly improve the cyber security of critical data. Petroteq's Foray into Blockchain Technology As an innovative petroleum technology company that has always been a leader in developing new and advanced oil extraction and refining technologies Canadian based Petroteq Energy Inc. (TSX.V: PQE) (OTCQX: PQEFF) has decided to address the lackluster global supply chain channels in the oil and gas industry. The industry is dynamic and complex, with companies operating in the sector facing daily fluctuations in supply and demand, constantly changing geopolitics and increasing regulatory oversight. These complexities, coupled with the difficulties of oil and gas exploration and production, make it necessary to have an efficient supply chain management system. Subsequently, on November 6, 2017, Petroteq Energy announced an agreement with First Bitcoin Capital Corp. (OTC: BITCF) to co-develop a blockchain technology-based supply chain management platform, called Petrobloq (http://www.petrobloq.com), for the global oil and gas industry. The nature of blockchain makes it ideal for any kind of records management activity, and its reach is not purely limited to documents but any digitized assets and transactions. The oil and gas industry is heavily-regulated, with protocols deriving from multiple sources and covering everything from the environment impact, refining, transporting to taxation issues on multinational oil transactions. Data contained in a blockchain could be shared with regulators in real-time to maximize visibility and prevent non-compliance and other potential issues. Joint-venture partnerships, which may involve several companies collaborating on the same project, are common within the oil and gas marketplace. Collaborative interactions could also be significantly more efficient on blockchain. The transparency of blockchain data can allow investors, company managers, different departments to view an entire project's history, potentially removing the contract conflicts that could lead to millions of dollars in losses. The oil and gas industry has been identified as one of the most vulnerable in global business, and major companies have suffered multiple hacker attacks in the past few years. As blockchain is a synchronized and distributed system, it makes it almost impregnable to harm from hackers. Petrobloq: Providing the Solution The upstream, midstream and downstream sectors within the oil and gas industry each have their own complexities and challenges. Petrobloq will be the first blockchain-based platform to serve the supply chain needs of the oil and gas industry. Blockchain will enable oil and gas producers to meet their supply chain needs, while enjoying cost and time savings. Petrobloq's solution will provide users with the ability to mitigate market fluctuations and the constantly evolving geopolitical atmosphere. Petrobloq's presence and operations on the market did not go unnoticed, and Petroteq is already gaining recognition for its initiative as it continues its efforts toward successful implementation of blockchain technology in the oil and gas industry, as noted in a recent EnergyNow article (http://nnw.fm/K0Mzn). Petroteq has an expansive vision for the future on how to transform the industry through technology and collaboration with other entities. The company recently became a member of Hyperledger, the open source collaboration hosted by Linux to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies, and the American Petroleum Institute (API), the largest U.S. trade association for the oil and natural gas industry. Hyperledger Executive Director Brian Behlendorf noted the value of adding contributing members like Petrobloq to its organization. "We are pleased to welcome PetroBLOQ to the Hyperledger family," he stated in the press release (http://nnw.fm/4gUms). "We are constantly seeking diverse industry and thought leaders to join our efforts to advance enterprise grade, open source distributed ledger frameworks to support an increasing variety of critical applications." Petrobloq has also joined the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, the world's largest open-source blockchain initiative, again demonstrating its commitment to networking with open-source, blockchain enabling enterprises. The core advisory team to Petrobloq consists of Dr. R. Gerald Bailey, P.E., a director of Petroteq Energy, Joseph Adams, financial advisor to Petroteq Energy, Greg Rubin, CEO and director of First Bitcoin and Vyacheslav M. Abramov, chairman of First Bitcoin's Advisory Board. Adams has built many successful emerging technology companies, including Inter-Mix Media Inc., The Software Toolworks Inc. and ZAGG, all of which created significant value for investors. Petroteq Energy's New Patents In addition to its focus on implementing blockchain technology, Petroteq Energy's main focus is the extraction of heavy oils from oil sands, oil shale deposits and shallow oil deposits. The company is working toward accomplishment of two primary projects: oil and gas exploration and production from mineral leases it owns with Accord GR Energy Inc. in Texas, and expansion of production capacity at its heavy oil facility at Asphalt Ridge in Utah. Petroteq's Texas interest involves the recovery of oil from more than 80 shallow oil wells over an area of 7,000 acres. Its Asphalt Ridge mineral lease in Utah covers over 3,000 acres and features a large oil sands resource base with an estimated 87 million barrels of oil equivalent. On January 10, 2018, Petroteq Energy announced that it had received a Notice of Allowance from the U.S. Patent Office for its "Oil from Oil Sands Extraction Process" patent (http://nnw.fm/m3sIj). The company also received a Notice of Allowance from the Canadian Intellectual Property Office for its "Oil Extraction Process" patent. Petroteq has applied for patent protection in all countries with significant heavy oil assets, including Russia. The two patents cover Petroteq's proprietary process for extracting bitumen from oil sands in a highly energy efficient and environmentally friendly way. The company's technology uses no water in the extraction process, requires no high temperatures or pressures, and produces no greenhouse gases. The process extracts up to 99 percent of all bitumen, heavy oil and lighter hydrocarbons, and recycles up to 99 percent of the benign extraction solvents. While the patents are new, the technology has already been used by Petroteq in its first facility in Maeser, Utah, producing 10,000 barrels of oil in 2015. The company is also building a facility to increase the capacity of its lease site at Asphalt Ridge, Utah by 400 percent. Notably, the new Petroteq oil processing plant is reportedly the first refinery in North America where all industrial processes will be logged and managed on the Petrobloq blockchain platform. Other Companies Developing Blockchain Applications British Petroleum p.l.c. (NYSE: BP) is a heavyweight in the oil and gas industry that is involved in the exploration, production and refining of oil in more than 70 countries around the globe. BP recognizes the potential of blockchain to disrupt entire industries by changing how trading is done and how transactions are processed. For BP, blockchain would facilitate digital payments directly from a supplier's wallet to the retail outlet without the need to transact through a bank. On November 6, 2017, BP announced that it was part of a consortium of energy companies, including Royal Dutch Shell, that will develop a blockchain-based digital platform for energy commodities trading, expected to launch by the end of 2018. Headquartered in The Hague, Holland, Royal Dutch Shell plc (OTC: RYDAF) is another established leader in the oil and gas industry, exploring for oil and natural gas worldwide. The company also extracts bitumen from mined oil sands to convert to synthetic crude oil and converts natural gas to liquid fuels and other products. It is intimately involved in the exploration, development, production, liquefaction and marketing of a wide range of hydrocarbon products. Shell holds interests in 22 refineries around the world, 100 distribution terminals and 770 supply points. IBM (NYSE: IBM) has been engineering and developing a blockchain platform for some time. The company's IBM Blockchain Platform is an integrated platform designed to accelerate the creation of a global blockchain network across industries and use cases. IBM has already worked with over 400 clients around the world in various industries for the design and implementation of its blockchain platform. The company's offering helps companies to save time, cut costs, reduce risk and uncover new revenue streams. Wipro Limited (NYSE: WIT) is a leading information technology, consulting and business process services company with global reach. The company recently announced a joint venture with Hyperledger to design and develop open source blockchain solutions for enterprise-grade blockchain deployments. Hosted by Linux, Hyperledger is a collaborative effort created to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies. Collaborators include leaders in banking, finance, technology, Internet of Things, manufacturing and supply chains. The widescale implementation of blockchain technology in the oil and gas sector will not only make exploration and production more efficient via implementation of an improved supply chain management system, it will also lead to reduced operating costs and overall increased security against cyberthreats. These companies are positioning themselves at the forefront of successful blockchain implementation, paving the way toward revolutionizing the energy market and its processes. For more information on Petroteq Energy, visit: Petroteq Energy Inc. (TSX.V: PQE) (OTCQX: PQEFF) About NetworkNewsWire NetworkNewsWire (NNW) is an information service that provides (1) access to our news aggregation and syndication servers, (2) NetworkNewsBreaks that summarize corporate news and information, (3) enhanced press release services, (4) social media distribution and optimization services, and (5) a full array of corporate communication solutions. As a multifaceted financial news and content distribution company with an extensive team of contributing journalists and writers, NNW is uniquely positioned to best serve private and public companies that desire to reach a wide audience of investors, consumers, journalists and the general public. NNW has an ever-growing distribution network of more than 5,000 key syndication outlets across the country. By cutting through the overload of information in today's market, NNW brings its clients unparalleled visibility, recognition and brand awareness. NNW is where news, content and information converge. Please see full terms of use and disclaimers on the NetworkNewsWire website applicable to all content provided by NNW, wherever published or re-published: http://NNW.fm/Disclaimer DISCLAIMER: NetworkNewsWire (NNW) is the source of the Article and content set forth above. References to any issuer other than the profiled issuer are intended solely to identify industry participants and do not constitute an endorsement of any issuer and do not constitute a comparison to the profiled issuer. The commentary, views and opinions expressed in this release by NNW are solely those of NNW. Readers of this Article and content agree that they cannot and will not seek to hold liable NNW for any investment decisions by their readers or subscribers. NNW is a news dissemination and financial marketing solutions provider and are NOT registered broker-dealers/analysts/investment advisers, hold no investment licenses and may NOT sell, offer to sell or offer to buy any security. The Article and content related to the profiled company represent the personal and subjective views of the Author, and are subject to change at any time without notice. The information provided in the Article and the content has been obtained from sources which the Author believes to be reliable. However, the Author has not independently verified or otherwise investigated all such information. None of the Author, NNW, or any of their respective affiliates, guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any such information. This Article and content are not, and should not be regarded as investment advice or as a recommendation regarding any particular security or course of action; readers are strongly urged to speak with their own investment advisor and review all of the profiled issuer's filings made with the Securities and Exchange Commission before making any investment decisions and should understand the risks associated with an investment in the profiled issuer's securities, including, but not limited to, the complete loss of your investment. NNW HOLDS NO SHARES OF ANY COMPANY NAMED IN THIS RELEASE. This release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. "Forward-looking statements" describe future expectations, plans, results, or strategies and are generally preceded by words such as "may", "future", "plan" or "planned", "will" or "should", "expected," "anticipates", "draft", "eventually" or "projected". You are cautioned that such statements are subject to a multitude of risks and uncertainties that could cause future circumstances, events, or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements, including the risks that actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, and other risks identified in a company's annual report on Form 10-K or 10-KSB and other filings made by such company with the Securities and Exchange Commission. You should consider these factors in evaluating the forward-looking statements included herein, and not place undue reliance on such statements. The forward-looking statements in this release are made as of the date hereof and NNW undertakes no obligation to update such statements. NetworkNewsWire (NNW) is affiliated with the Investor Brand Network (IBN). About IBN Over the past 10+ years we have consistently introduced new network brands, each specifically designed to fulfil the unique needs of our growing client base and services. Today, we continue to expand our branded network of highly influential properties, leveraging the knowledge and energy of specialized teams of experts to serve our increasingly diversified list of clients. Please feel free to visit the Investor Brand Network (IBN) http://www.InvestorBrandNetwork.com Corporate Communications Contact: NetworkNewsWire (NNW) New York, New York http://www.NetworkNewsWire.com 212-418-1217 Office [email protected] Media Contact: FN Media Group, LLC [email protected] +1-(954)345-0611 SOURCE NetworkNewsWire SAN RAMON, Calif., Jan. 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Traveling can mean a vacation, time away from work or everyday responsibilities. But travel has more benefits than just getting away from it all. Studies have shown that people who travel are healthier. But sometimes it's easy to let worry and stress get in the way of traveling. Financial Education Benefits Center, a membership benefits company specializing in health and lifestyle wellness, encourages everyone to travel and assures members that with roadside assistance and global travel assistance benefits, there should be even less stress. Everyone travels in different ways for different reasons. Some individuals want to visit each continent; others want to visit each state in the U.S. No matter the destination, or even if the journey is more important, travel has the power to boost happiness, reduce depression and stress, and even inspire creativity. Travelers experience these benefits the most when they immerse themselves in the culture they are visiting. "Traveling can be exciting and scary at the same time," said Jennifer Martinez, Manager at FEBC. "It's exciting to go to other places and to see unfamiliar faces and new sights. Plus, there's nothing better than coming back home refreshed and ready to resume your normal life." The benefits of travel are great, but there are still risks. Accidents can happen during even the most benign activity. Safety should always be a factor when making travel plans. However, FEBC encourages everyone to prevent outsized fear or potential stress from holding them back from traveling. To help ease some worries, FEBC offers a couple of benefits that assist travelers in case of injury or auto mishaps while traveling. Travelers may worry about risks involving personal safety away from home, including potential injuries or theft of travel documents. FEBC's upcoming global travel assistance benefit assists eligible members with emergency medical transportation, treatment monitoring, replacement of travel documents, and more in order to deliver peace of mind. Note: Additional fees may apply. This benefit does not cover medical or hospital stay costs. For those traveling by car, it's a good idea to get an auto check-up before departing, but things do still happen. Tires can get punctured in construction areas; gas can run out when stations are few and far in between; keys can be found inside the car they are supposed to unlock. For all these and more, FEBC's roadside assistance benefit is there for its members. "We hope our members have a great time when they travel, and don't have to use these services, but they're there in case they do," said Martinez. "We specialize in peace of mind and hope to provide help when things get tough, which can be especially tough when you're far from home." About Financial Education Benefits Center Financial Education Benefits Center is located in San Ramon, California. The membership company has already helped thousands of people save money and obtain the necessary education required to live a financially healthy life. Financial Education Benefits Center has partnered with several name brand third-party companies to expand the financial and educational products and services available to its members and to provide a variety of wellness services as well. Contact To learn more about Financial Education Benefits Center, please contact: Financial Education Benefits Center 2010 Crow Canyon Place Ste. 100 San Ramon, CA 94583 1-800-953-1388 [email protected] Related Links FEBC home page SOURCE Financial Education Benefits Center Related Links http://febcp.com PITTSBURGH, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- F.N.B. Corporation (NYSE:FNB) today announced a significant financial commitment to both its employees and the communities it serves relating to the signing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. As an investment in its workforce, FNB plans to raise the minimum hourly wage for its employees to $15 by the end of 2019, accelerating an ongoing initiative to elevate hourly wages. Paying competitive wages will continue to be a focus for the Company in attracting and retaining the highest caliber employees to serve customers, which translates into strong financial performance and benefit to its shareholders. FNB will also provide a discretionary, one-time 401(k) contribution, totaling $1 million, to the vast majority of employees based upon analysis of compensation levels and eligibility. During the first half of 2017, FNB also made a $5 million contribution to its Foundation, which was established to provide grants for a variety of non-profit entities throughout its multi-state footprint. Moving forward, these funds will be utilized to support causes within its service area. This contribution was also part of a broader community benefit plan focusing on charitable giving, community development investments and lending efforts serving financially-vulnerable and historically underserved populations. "We are pleased that the current tax law changes present the opportunity for substantial benefits for our clients, employees, communities and shareholders," said Vincent J. Delie, Jr., Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of F.N.B. Corporation. "Increased investment in our employees and in improving the quality of life within our communities creates an enhanced experience for our clients and superior long-term shareholder returns." FNB's Board of Directors unanimously supported executive management's commitment to these initiatives in advancement of FNB's continued mission. About F.N.B. Corporation F.N.B. Corporation (NYSE:FNB), headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is a diversified financial services company operating in eight states. FNB holds a significant retail deposit market share in attractive markets including: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Baltimore, Maryland; Cleveland, Ohio; and Charlotte, Raleigh, Durham and the Piedmont Triad (Winston-Salem, Greensboro and High Point) in North Carolina. The Company has total assets of $31 billion, and more than 400 banking offices throughout Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland, West Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. The Company also operates Regency Finance Company, which has more than 75 consumer finance offices in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee. FNB provides a full range of commercial banking, consumer banking and wealth management solutions through its subsidiary network which is led by its largest affiliate, First National Bank of Pennsylvania, founded in 1864. Commercial banking solutions include corporate banking, small business banking, investment real estate financing, international banking, business credit, capital markets and lease financing. The consumer banking segment provides a full line of consumer banking products and services, including deposit products, mortgage lending, consumer lending and a complete suite of mobile and online banking services. FNB's wealth management services include asset management, private banking and insurance. The common stock of F.N.B. Corporation trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "FNB" and is included in Standard & Poor's MidCap 400 Index with the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) Regional Banks Sub-Industry Index. Customers, shareholders and investors can learn more about this regional financial institution by visiting the F.N.B. Corporation website at www.fnbcorporation.com. SOURCE F.N.B. Corporation Related Links http://www.fnbcorporation.com SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- ForUsAll, the technology-driven 401(k) advisor to small and mid-sized businesses, today announced it has reached $500m in retirement assets under management and secured $21 million in second round financing led by Ribbit Capital, a leading global investor in financial technology. Existing investor Foundation Capital joined the round, bringing the company's total funding to $34 million. ForUsAll will use the funds to grow the company's customer base, accelerate technology development and hire additional staff. "At Ribbit Capital, our goal is to work with entrepreneurs intent on changing the world of finance and building impactful new financial brands," said Nick Shalek, General Partner at Ribbit Capital. "We view ForUsAll as a category-defining company bringing the power of technology, design and behavioral economics to an industry in desperate need of improvement. Around 300,000 brokers manage 650,000 small and mid-sized business 401(k)s. Since the average broker only handles two 401(k)s, they simply do not have the ability to invest deeply in delivering modern, personalized investment solutions to companies and their employees. Just as the travel agent market was uprooted by technology, we believe ForUsAll is disrupting the 401(k) broker market by using technology to deliver a smarter, more effective, and less expensive solution." "It's past time for a retirement solution that utilizes technology, financial innovation, and elegant design to help people achieve the financial security to enjoy their retirement," said Steve Vassallo, general partner at Foundation Capital. "We think ForUsAll is that solution, which is why we've been supporting the company since its earliest days and why we continue to be proud partners." "We chose ForUsAll because we wanted to make it easier to get our workforce engaged with the 401(k) and automate the plan's administration," said Mark Sherbine, Human Resources Manager from Partners in Homecare, a Montana-based home healthcare organization. "Our team will use this new capital to continue to accelerate our asset growth," said Shin Inoue, Co-founder and CEO of ForUsAll. "Our 1st $100 million took 18 months to accumulate, and our most recent $100 million was added in two months. We expect companies to continue to switch to us as their advisors as we build more and more momentum." Finance and technology professionals looking to make a positive impact on retirement in the US should visit ForUsAll's recruitment page. ForUsAll is hiring for technology, advisory, sales, marketing, design and operating roles and welcomes people of all backgrounds. About ForUsAll ForUsAll is a next-generation small- and mid-sized business 401(k) advisor, helping hundreds of companies manage over half a billion dollars of retirement assets. Through a unique, user-friendly combination of investment expertise and HR technology, ForUsAll dramatically improves smaller companies' 401(k) plans. ForUsAll's powerful advisory and technology platform allows businesses with 50-2,000 employees to offer responsible investments, educate employees, stay compliant, and meet their fiduciary responsibilities - all while lowering fees. To learn more please go to http://www.ForUsAll.com. About Ribbit Capital Ribbit Capital are world leading financial services investors, with previous investments in a series of ground-breaking fintech companies including Funding Circle, Wealthfront, Credit Karma and Revolut. For more information visit: http://ribbitcap.com/ About Foundation At Foundation Capital our guiding star is building significant businesses of lasting value. Among our portfolio of companies: we've helped Netflix revolutionize media distribution and consumption, Lending Club change the way money is lent and borrowed, and Sunrun reinvent the residential clean energy market. Our partners are former operators and entrepreneurs. They've successfully walked the path of the founder, and now help other entrepreneurs on their own journeys to create great, enduring companies. Media Contact: Healy Jones (415) 325-2637 [email protected] SOURCE ForUsAll Related Links https://www.forusall.com "Food should never be boring. It should have a story," said Laure Chatard, Director of Sales and Marketing, North America at Donsuemor. "Donsuemor has transcended time while navigating and leading new trends-without changing our traditional products." Starting from scratch, Donsuemor values the origin and quality of ingredients. The rich, unforgettable flavors of Donsuemor cookies are the product of the real and fresh butter used in every batch. Donsuemor prides itself on providing full transparency in labeling and sourcing of ingredients. The product line showcases the iconic shell-shaped cookies that come in a variety of flavors including Traditional Madeleines, Dipped Madeleines, Lemon Zest Madeleines and seasonal Pumpkin Spice Madeleines. Crumbly and crunchy Vanilla Bean and Chocolate Cinnamon Sables are favorites, as well as the elegant, small cakesFrench Almond Cakes. Indulge with Donsuemor at the Winter Fancy Food Show in San Francisco beginning Jan. 21 at booth #3208. Sale representatives will be present to answer any inquiries while snacking on the delectable baked goods. About Donsuemor: Available nationwide in stores such as Peet's Coffee, Costco, Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf and Whole Foods, the Donsuemor brand of madeleines has drawn rave reviews from The New York Times and Fine Cooking. Based in Alameda, Calif., Donsuemor's line of French-inspired baked goods are an ideal treat for consumers. SOURCE Donsuemor Garage Gurus HD will initially be available across three modules, including nine classes pertaining to foundation brakes, air disc brakes, and bearings and seals. Throughout 2018, Garage Gurus will launch additional training classes for FP Diesel , ASE prep classes, preventive maintenance inspections, and more. Current onsite offerings will occur at Garage Gurus locations in Atlanta, Baltimore, Dallas, and Los Angeles. Each training location has been equipped with state-of-the-art heavy-duty equipment designed to simulate real-life training situations that will help HD technicians, shop owners, service writers, and other front-line professionals stay on the leading edge of heavy-duty truck technology. Garage Gurus is also launching two customized mobile training vans exclusively for its HD customers in these markets to bring training and demonstrations directly to shops and fleets. "We recognize how important it is to address the skills gap throughout the commercial vehicle industry, along with the need to provide technicians access to quality heavy-duty training classes," said Brent Berman, director of training and consumer experience, Federal-Mogul Motorparts. "We are excited to be able to offer this new platform across a wide variety of heavy-duty topics, and look forward to expanding the offerings during the year." Garage Gurus HD will officially launch at Heavy-Duty Aftermarket Week 2018 in Las Vegas, Nev., January 22-25 at the Mirage Hotel and Casino, Booth #405. One of the new HD mobile training vans featuring Federal-Mogul Motorparts' portfolio of quality HD brands will be at the show. Launched in 2015, Garage Gurus is a central element of Federal-Mogul Motorparts' "Tech First" initiative aimed at strengthening the automotive service industry's connection to the front-line professionals who service thousands of vehicles each day. In addition to offering technical training and other assistance, the new network is designed to underscore the importance of using premium branded replacement parts engineered and manufactured to provide the quality, safety and performance consumers demand. Garage Gurus technical education centers are operational in 12 U.S. markets Atlanta; Baltimore; Boston; the Bronx, N.Y.; Chicago; Dallas/Fort Worth; Houston; Rancho Dominguez, Calif.; South Florida; St. Louis; Suburban Detroit; and Van Nuys, Calif. To learn more about Garage Gurus HD or for a list of courses available in your area, visit FMgaragegurus.com/HD. For more information about Garage Gurus, visit FMgaragegurus.com. About Federal-Mogul Federal-Mogul LLC is a leading global supplier of products and services to the world's manufacturers and servicers of vehicles and equipment in the automotive, light, medium and heavy-duty commercial, marine, rail, aerospace, power generation and industrial markets. The company's products and services enable improved fuel economy, reduced emissions and enhanced vehicle safety. Federal-Mogul operates two independent business divisions, each with a chief executive officer reporting to Federal-Mogul's Board of Directors. Federal-Mogul Motorparts sells and distributes a broad portfolio of products through more than 20 of the world's most recognized brands in the global vehicle aftermarket, while also serving original equipment vehicle manufacturers with products including braking, wipers and a range of chassis components. The company's aftermarket brands include ANCO wipers; Beck/Arnley premium OE quality parts and fluids; BERU* ignition systems; Champion lighting, spark plugs, wipers and filters; Interfil filters; AE, Fel-Pro, FP Diesel, Goetze, Glyco, National, Nural, Payen, Sealed Power and Speed-Pro engine products; MOOG chassis components; and Abex, Ferodo, Jurid and Wagner brake products and lighting. Federal-Mogul Powertrain designs and manufactures original equipment powertrain components and systems protection products for automotive, heavy-duty, industrial and transport applications. Federal-Mogul was founded in Detroit in 1899 and maintains its worldwide headquarters in Southfield, Michigan. The company employs nearly 53,000 in 24 countries. For more information, please visit www.FMmotorparts.com. *BERU is a registered trademark of BorgWarner Ludwigsburg GmbH CONTACT: Karen Shulhan (Federal-Mogul Motorparts) 248.354.4383 [email protected] Drew Shippy (Pinnacle Media) 330.688.3500 [email protected] SOURCE Federal-Mogul Motorparts Related Links http://www.federalmogul.com HBV infection remains a major global issue, affecting up to 350 million people world-wide. Chronic hepatitis B patients are at considerably high risk for the development of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Liver transplantation is the treatment option for patients with liver failure and hepatocellular carcinoma. Approximately 1400 liver transplants are performed annually in South Korea alone. In the absence of prophylaxis or treatment, HBV reinfection and hepatitis B recurrence occurs in 80% of people who undergo orthotopic liver transplantation within 6 months. "Currently available treatments that are effective for hepatitis B recurrence following liver transplantation are hepatitis B immune globulin derived from human plasma. GC1102 - does not contain plasma-based additives - may offer innovative and more effective alternatives, as there are no other recombinant treatments available," said EC Huh, Ph. D., president of GC Pharma. "We believe GC1102 has potential to change the current treatment paradigm for hepatitis B patients." The clinical 2/3 trial is expected to take around 5 years to complete, with patient enrollment beginning in early 2018. About GC Pharma GC Pharma (formerly known as Green Cross Corporation) is a biopharmaceutical company that delivers life-saving and life-sustaining protein therapeutics and vaccines. Headquartered in South Korea, GC Pharma is the largest plasma protein product manufacturer in Asia and has been dedicated to quality healthcare solutions more than half a century. Green Cross Corporation updates its corporate brand as GC Pharma in early 2018. Green Cross Corporation remains the company's registered, legal name. This release includes forward-looking statements, which express the current beliefs and expectations of GC Pharma's management. Such statements speak only as of the date on which they are made and the Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. SOURCE GCPharma With this new offering, Mangia takes the guesswork out of formulating that perfect Italian Red Sauce . Sinfully sweet, red, delicious, Carmelina 'eSan Marzano Italian Tomatoes, are blended together with Italian olive oil, onions, garlic, basil and oregano to create this Authentic Italian Marinara Sauce. Convenient and ready-to-use, one bite will transport you back to that unforgettable meal at your favorite trattoria in Napoli. Carmelina 'eSan Marzano Authentic Italian Marinara Sauce is artisan-packed in Italy and sealed fresh in an innovative, aseptic pouch. Easy to open. Easy to use. Easy to store. Like Mangia, Inc.'s full product line, Carmelina 'eSan Marzano Authentic Italian Marinara Sauce is produced and imported from Italy, all-natural, and contains no preservatives like calcium chloride or citric acid. It's also low in sodium, gluten-free and Non-GMO verified. Versatile and ready to use, Carmelina 'eSan Marzano Authentic Italian Marinara Sauce is ideal for use over pastas, lasagnas, baked casseroles, calzones, as a dipping sauce and more. Carmelina 'eSan Marzano Authentic Marinara Sauce will be available nationwide to foodservice distributors and operators beginning January 2018 in a convenient, 91-ounce size pouch. For additional product information, visit www.carmelinabrands.com. About Mangia, Inc. and Carmelina Brands Mangia, Inc. is the producer and importer of Carmelina Brands, which includes Carmelina 'eSan Marzano Italian Tomatoes and Carmelina Brands Italian Beans. Mangia, Inc. is headquartered in Southern California with a complete product line that is naturally produced and imported direct from Italy. Mangia, Inc. currently maintains six warehouses in key regions of North America to support its customers. Mangia, Inc. takes pride in producing superior ingredients that are all-natural and preservative-free, with no added citric acid, calcium chloride, EDTA, salt or sugars. Carmelina Brands' complete product line is also Non-GMO Project Verified, OU Kosher and gluten-free. With one of the cleanest ingredient statements on shelf, Carmelina 'eSan Marzano Italian Tomatoes and Carmelina Brands Italian Beans offer chefs and families quality ingredients that they can feel good about bringing to the table. Products are available in retail, foodservice and industrial sizes. Private label also available. For more information, contact: [email protected], call Toll-Free (866) 462-6442, or visit www.CarmelinaBrands.com. SOURCE Mangia, Inc. Related Links http://www.carmelinabrands.com CHICAGO, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Grubhub, the nation's leading online and mobile food-ordering company, today announced an expansion of its delivery capabilities to Des Moines, Iowa. To kick off delivery and help Des Moines residents eat well this chilly January, Grubhub is offering free delivery, and there is no order minimum. Grubhub has been connecting diners with Des Moines restaurants that supply their own drivers since 2012. With this expansion, restaurants across Iowa's capital city have the opportunity to leverage Grubhub's large and growing network of drivers, expand their customer base and grow order volume. This also means better restaurant choice and variety for Grubhub diners, as more restaurants offer their menus for delivery. "We're proud to give diners more restaurant choices than ever before, from their favorite restaurants across West Des Moines to East Village and beyond," said Rudy Mendoza, Des Moines General Manager, Grubhub. "We're thrilled to deepen our partnerships with local Des Moines restaurants by offering Grubhub's delivery capabilities. Now, restaurant partners can leave the last mile of delivery to Grubhub and focus on what they do best: making the farm-to-table dishes that Des Moines residents love." Diners can now order from a wide range of Des Moines favorites on Grubhub including: "As Grubhub Delivery continues to expand across the country, we could not be more excited to bring our capabilities to Des Moines' burgeoning restaurant scene," said Stan Chia, chief operating officer, Grubhub. "As Des Moines continues reinventing itself, Grubhub is pleased to provide a wider selection of the city's favorite restaurants for diners to enjoy, especially during January's bitter cold temperatures." To find takeout restaurants available in your area, check out grubhub.com. If you are interested in becoming part of the Grubhub Delivery team, please visit driver.grubhub.com. To find out how your restaurant can join Grubhub, check out get.grubhub.com. To learn more about Grubhub and its portfolio of brands, please visit newsroom.grubhub.com. About Grubhub Grubhub (NYSE: GRUB) is the nation's leading online and mobile takeout food-ordering marketplace with the most comprehensive network of restaurant partners and largest active diner base. Dedicated to moving eating forward and connecting diners with the food they love from their favorite local restaurants, the Company's platforms and services strive to elevate food ordering through innovative restaurant technology, easy-to-use platforms and an improved delivery experience. Grubhub is proud to work with approximately 75,000 restaurant partners in over 1,300 U.S. cities and London. The Grubhub portfolio of brands includes Grubhub, Seamless, Eat24, AllMenus and MenuPages. SOURCE Grubhub Related Links http://grubhub.com RESTON, Va., Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- GTL is proud to share some of the initiatives of its Give to Live and the Telmate Gives Back programs in 2017 as associates volunteered in their local communities throughout the year, donating time, funds, and materials to important charitable causes across the nation. At the beginning of the year, GTL associates participated in the ConocoPhillips Rodeo Run in Houston, Texas, to benefit the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Educational Fund, and the Tour de Tugaloo Bike Ride to benefit a community park in Toccoa, Georgia. In Spring and Fall 2017, GTL associates came together to raise awareness and provide needed financial support to several national charitable initiatives including the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's Great Strides Walk (June 2017), the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walks (October 2017), and the Down Syndrome Awareness of Northern Virginia Holiday Party (December 2017). GTL associates also answered the call when natural disasters struck, including Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, and the California wildfires. GTL office locations rallied and gathered materials for donation, and GTL's Give to Live Team launched an online giving portal to raise money for affected communities and for the purchase of basic supplies requested by Volunteers of America. GTL matched money donated through the portal, and Give to Live Ambassadors in the Fort Worth, Texas, office coordinated with Volunteers of America the delivery of supplies to Puerto Rico. During November and December of 2017, GTL associates continued in the spirit of giving back by providing holiday presents for the children of incarcerated parents through the Prison Fellowship Angel Tree program. They also held various community donation drives for blankets, clothing, and hygiene products for local and national organizations such as The Salvation Army and Volunteers of America. "We expanded volunteer opportunities for office-based and virtual employees by tapping into the GTL spirit of giving back," stated Jessica Artz, Vice President of Human Resources at GTL. "We are also excited about 2018 and creating new ways for GTL associates to become even more involved in giving back to the communities GTL serves every day." Meanwhile, in the San Francisco Bay Area, 2017 was an equally active one for the Telmate Gives Back program. From running the first-ever Coding Workshop for Boys & Girls Clubs of San Francisco to participating in the inspirational Defy Ventures In-Prison Entrepreneur In Training (EIT) events to sponsoring Snake River Correctional Institution's annual Dads4life Kids Day Camp, volunteers looked for different ways to give back to the community. "We're setting the bar high for giving back as we approach 2018 with even more opportunities to serve those in need," said Alexis Sneed, Marketing Programs Manager at Telmate. Telmate Gives Back looks for community-based programs that provide the opportunity to positively impact those at risk, those who are food insecure, and those living in poverty or in emotional distress. As 2018 begins, GTL anticipates many opportunities to serve as we firmly believe that the reward of making a positive difference is always worth the effort. About GTL GTL leads the fields of correctional technology, education, and government payment services with visionary solutions and customized products that integrate seamlessly to deliver security, financial value, and operational efficiencies while aiding inmate rehabilitation and reducing recidivism rates. With the recent acquisition of Telmate, GTL has strengthened its suite of solutions for the corrections industry and expanded its community corrections portfolio with Telmate Guardian, a smartphone-based GPS monitoring solution. As a trusted industry leader, GTL provides services to over 2 million inmates in more than 2,500 correctional facilities in the United States and Canada, including 33 U.S. departments of corrections, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and many large city/county/provincial facilities. GTL is headquartered in Reston, Virginia, with an employee presence throughout North America. To learn more about GTL, please visit www.gtl.net or social media sites on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Press Contact: Vinnie Mascarenhas 703-955-3894 [email protected] SOURCE GTL Related Links http://www.gtl.net BELLEVUE, Wash., Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Small business owners are approaching 2018 with economic optimism and confidence, according to a survey from small business financing company Guidant Financial and online credit marketplace LendingClub Corporation (NYSE: LC). The companies surveyed more than 2,600 small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs about reasons for going into business, challenges they face and views on the current state of small business in the country. Guidant Financial and LendingClub collected data from its small business customers in all 50 states. Data showed that "ready to be my own boss" ranked as the top reason respondents pursued business ownership in 2017, unseating the top reason "dissatisfaction with corporate America" from 2016. While the data shows that today's small business owner is still 72 percent male, 2017 saw an 18 percent increase in female-owned businesses. Overall, business optimism is up. According to the survey, 63 percent of small business owners ranked satisfaction in today's political climate a seven or above on a scale of 1-10. Only 37 percent ranked it a six or below. What's more, 75 percent of all business owners rated their happiness level as an eight or above. The survey also included those who have not yet started a business, but hope to. Similar to current small business owners, 55 percent of aspiring entrepreneurs feel confident about the state of small business, rating their confidence at an eight or above on a scale of 1-10. The biggest hurdles among those looking to start a business are the inability to find funding, not identifying the right opportunity, and not being sure where to begin. More than half do not have cash for a down payment and 41 percent reported a lack of knowledge about financing opportunities as challenges to obtaining funding. The survey also yielded valuable trend information on the U.S. small business economy. Highlights include: Demographics 33 percent of respondents are in their fifties, followed by 27 percent in their forties, 17 percent in their sixties, 15 percent in their thirties, 4 percent between 18-29 and 4 percent at age 70 or above. 33 percent of respondents are in their fifties, followed by 27 percent in their forties, 17 percent in their sixties, 15 percent in their thirties, 4 percent between 18-29 and 4 percent at age 70 or above. Ethnicity Minorities accounted for 47 percent of aspiring entrepreneurs surveyed. Minorities accounted for 47 percent of aspiring entrepreneurs surveyed. Geography California topped the list in terms of the highest volume of entrepreneurs, followed by Florida and Texas . In years past, Texas held the No. 2 spot. topped the list in terms of the highest volume of entrepreneurs, followed by and . In years past, held the No. 2 spot. Education A college degree isn't required. In fact, 34 percent of respondents hold an HSD/GED. A college degree isn't required. In fact, 34 percent of respondents hold an HSD/GED. Financing Method Cash, friends and family and 401k business financing such as Rollovers as Business Startups (ROBS) are the most popular financing methods among respondents. While lack of capital/cash flow remains a top challenge for small business owners, 68 percent report that their business is currently profitable. "From a small business perspective, we saw increased economic optimism and confidence in 2017, and more entrepreneurs taking the plunge to start a business," said David Nilssen, CEO of Guidant Financial. "Tax reform and economic growth stand to benefit many small business owners in 2018, especially those forming C-corporations. As a result, we expect business ownership to continue to increase." "The survey results highlighted how people from all walks of life are choosing to go into business for themselves, and it's amazing to see that this diversity continues to grow," said John Spottiswood, General Manager of LendingClub Business Loans. "This variety of experiences and thinking are exactly what make small businesses a prime place for innovation. As emerging technologies continue to disrupt various industries in 2018, small business owners are well suited to face these challenges and thrive." Guidant Financial and LendingClub are small business financing experts committed to making access to capital seamless. Together, they've provided access to nearly $4.5 billion to thousands of new business owners. An accompanying infographic can be found here. Methodology Between November 28, 2017 and December 1, 2017, Guidant Financial and LendingClub conducted an email survey of more than 2,600 male and female small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs from the continental U.S., Alaska, and Hawaii. Ages of respondents ranged from 18 to over 70. About Guidant Financial Guidant Financial helps business owners secure financing to start, buy or grow a business. An industry leader in innovative business and franchise financing, Guidant works with new and existing entrepreneurs to identify, evaluate and deploy customized financing solutions. Their services include, but are not limited to, 401(k) business funding, SBA loans, unsecured credit and portfolio loans. Visit Guidant on the web at guidantfinancial.com. About LendingClub LendingClub was founded to transform the banking system to make credit more affordable and investing more rewarding. Today, LendingClub's online credit marketplace connects borrowers and investors to deliver more efficient and affordable access to credit. LendingClub's technology platform creates cost efficiencies, which are passed onto borrowers as savings in the form of lower rates and to investors in the form of solid returns. LendingClub is based in San Francisco, California. Loans made by WebBank, member FDIC. Contact: Mary Catherine Citarelli Hollywood Agency (781) 749-0077 [email protected] SOURCE Guidant Financial The Harrington Discovery Institute part of The Harrington Project for Discovery & Development fulfills an unmet need in academic medicine: to advance early breakthroughs into the clinical realm. Award recipients are selected for the promise of their research to advance standards of care in medicine, regardless of their institution affiliation. In addition to financial support awarded to the winners, the Harrington Discovery Institute provides guidance in all aspects of drug discovery from its Innovation Support Center. This is a team of pharmaceutical industry experts who oversee the therapeutic development of Scholar programs. While working with the Harrington Discovery Institute, physician-scientists (and their institutions) retain the intellectual property for their work. "This extraordinary group of physician-scientists constitutes our sixth class of Harrington Scholar-Innovators. We selected these projects from a highly competitive pool of applications based on their potential to advance from discoveries into medicines that will improve human health," said Jonathan Stamler, MD, President of the Harrington Discovery Institute. The selected scholars have access to several rounds of capital (up to a total of $700,000) through their affiliation with the Harrington Discovery Institute to support the transition of their work into the private sector. Scholars are then free to approach investors of their choice to underwrite the commercialization of their work. They also have facilitated access to BioMotiv, the mission-aligned development company that is part of The Harrington Project. However, there are no obligations on either side. "We hear from our scholars that the tailored guidance they receive throughout the program and the connection to a for-profit accelerator are vital to success," added Dr. Stamler. "We know that our model works, and we are pleased to see the results, which to date include launching twenty companies, assisting five programs in entering the clinic, and licensing five technologies to big pharma." The 2018 Harrington Scholar-Innovator Award recipients are: Suneet Agarwal, MD, PhD - Boston Children's Hospital Modulators of telomere diseases Jeffrey Glenn, MD, PhD - Stanford University School of Medicine A broad spectrum single dose therapeutic to treat flu Wayne Lencer, MD - Boston Children's Hospital Novel strategy to treat type 2 diabetes Robert Messing, MD - University of Texas at Austin New therapeutic to treat pain and addiction Victor Schuster, MD - Albert Einstein College of Medicine Targeting nonalcoholic liver diseases Bhuvanesh Singh, MD, PhD - Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Novel agents to treat cancers of the head, neck, and lung David Sykes, MD, PhD - Massachusetts General Hospital Developing new treatments for leukemia Marc Wein, MD, PhD - Massachusetts General Hospital A new therapeutic to prevent osteoporosis Adrian Wiestner, MD, PhD - NHLBI/NIH Enhancing the potency of antibody therapeutics for cancer Mone Zaidi, MD, PhD - Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai A single agent to treat obesity and osteoporosis SOURCE Harrington Discovery Institute Related Links http://www.uhhospitals.org MIAMI, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The HAZZA team, together with its technical development partner VAPHR, is pleased to announce today at the North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami, of its OpenAPI development milestone. The HAZZA OpenAPI allows merchants and other payment participants to self-integrate and access the HAZZA Network, a global unified payment network. "HAZZA's structure as a not-for-profit foundation, combined with our all-to-all payments platform, promotes and redefines financial inclusion by removing limitations for merchants to accept diverse non-cash payment types." - Tyrone Lynch, Founder of HAZZA HAZZA Network migrates and enhances Octo3's existing global payment platform to blockchain technology to create an open access model, natively inclusive of cryptocurrencies and traditional payment methods. All payments participants, such as merchants and payment service providers will be able to use HAZZA's self discovery marketplace to match with other payment participants, removing barriers and inefficiencies. HAZZA's open design and inclusive philosophy aligns and leverages its technology partner's trust embedded commerce platform, namely VAPHR. VAPHR is a new breed of technology platform that tokenizes any asset in the exchange of value within a trusted business network. "With the smart and unique combination and configuration of AI, machine learning, Blockchain and IoT, VAPHR is on a mission to bring industries together across a new friction free supply chain, into a new eco-system, to pursue new liquidity via new business models." - Aron Dutta, Chairman, CEO and Founder of VAPHR Inc. HAZZA Network is scheduled for Go-Live on April 2018, together with the end of its Token Sale. See: https://hazza.network For further information about HAZZA, please contact: [email protected] For further information about VAPHR, please visit: http://vaphr.co/ SOURCE Octo3 Foundation Limited Related Links https://hazza.network MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) Inspector General Daniel R. Levinson will kick off the opening session of the 22nd Annual Compliance Institute, being held April 15-18, 2018 at ARIA in Las Vegas, the Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA) announced today. Upward of 2,300 healthcare compliance professionals are expected to attend HCCA's Annual Compliance Institute, the keystone learning event for healthcare compliance professionals. The 2018 Compliance Institute features more than 250 speakers19 from government150+ sessions, and 11 educational tracks. "The healthcare industry remains essential, as always, to the country and is under intense scrutiny from all sides. At the same time, though, it is constantly evolving. This Compliance Institute provides an unsurpassed opportunity to learn what's new from an enforcement perspective, as well as the latest best practices," said Incoming SCCE & HCCA CEO Gerry Zack. Along with HHS Inspector General Levinson, the following are among the government speakers for the 22nd Annual Compliance Institute: -Gary Cantrell, Deputy Inspector General for Investigations, Office of Inspector General (OIG), HHS, -Esther Chavez, Sr. Assistant Attorney General, Office of Texas Attorney General, -Greg Demske Chief Counsel to the Inspector General, OIG-HHS, -Catherine Dick, Trial Attorney, Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), -Laura E. Ellis, Senior Counsel, Office of Counsel to the Inspector General, HHS -Susan Gillin, Deputy Branch Chief, Administrative and Civil Remedies Branch, Office of Counsel to the Inspector General, HHS, -Karen Glassman, Senior Counsel, Office of Counsel to the Inspector General, HHS, -Michael Granston, Director, Commercial Litigation Branch, Fraud Section, Civil Division, DOJ, -Nancy Griswold, Chief Administrative Law Judge, HHS, Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals, -Jennifer Michael, Branch Chief, Industry Guidance Branch, Office of Counsel to the Inspector General, -Iliana Peters, Senior Advisor for HIPAA Compliance and Enforcement, HHS Office of Civil Rights (OCR), -Lisa Re, Assistant Inspector General for Legal Affairs, OIG-HHS, -Vicki Robinson, Senior Counsel for Policy, OIG-HHS, -James G. Sheehan, Esq., Chief, Charities Bureau, New York Attorney General, -Todd Swanson, Assistant U.S. Attorney, Middle District of Georgia, -Tamar Terzian, Senior Counsel, OIG-HHS, -Andrea Treese Berlin, Senior Counsel, OIG-HHS, -David Wright, Director, Survey and Certification Group, CMS, For the complete agenda: www.compliance-institute.org/cibrochure More about the Compliance Institute (CI) The CI is the single most comprehensive healthcare compliance conference. The program is designed for compliance professionals from a variety of healthcare backgrounds, which include compliance officers, billing and coding professionals, legal counsel, physicians, quality of care professionals, staff educators and trainers, auditors, nurses, risk managers, ethics officers, privacy officers, health information professionals and more. The CI offers conference goers the opportunity to select from an extensive variety of educational sessions with a highly regarded faculty, covering topics such as cybersecurity, HIPAA audits, drug diversion, opioid abuse enforcement and prevention actions, conflicts of interest, False Claims Act developments, overpayments, telemedicine, government investigations, and more. CI 2018 educational tracks include: Compliance Lawyer, Auditing & Monitoring, Privacy & IT Compliance, Long-Term Care, Quality of Care, General Compliance/Hot Topics , Physician Compliance, Internal Audit, How to Succeed as a Compliance Professional, Advanced Discussion Groups, and Industry Immersion. For more details: http://www.compliance-institute.org About the Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA) HCCA, established in 1996 and headquartered in Minneapolis, MN, is a non-profit professional membership organization. HCCA serves 11,500+ members, offers more than 50 meeting annually, and provides information and publications, training, networking as well as other important healthcare compliance-related resources. Visit HCCA's website at www.hcca-info.org. Tel: 888-580-8373. SOURCE Health Care Compliance Association Related Links http://www.hcca-info.org Mined metal production at 240kt, up 10% q-o-q and down 13% y-o-y Refined zinc-lead metal production at 245kt, up 7% q-o-q and flat y-o-y Refined silver production at 132 MT , down 6% q-o-q and up 12% y-o-y , down 6% q-o-q and up 12% y-o-y EBITDA at Rs. 3,261 Crore ; up 7% q-o-q and 18% y-o-y Highlights for 9M Mined metal production at 693kt, up 16% y-o-y Refined zinc-lead metal production at 704kt, up 28% y-o-y Refined silver production at 387 MT, up 24% y-o-y EBITDA at Rs. 8,717 Crore ; up 46% y-o-y Hindustan Zinc Limited today announced its results for the third quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2017. Mr. Agnivesh Agarwal, Chairman "I am pleased to report that underground mines contributed to 85% of total production during the year so far, underpinning our successful transition to a fully underground mining company. In the six years of our transformational journey, we have consistently delivered higher production, profitability & record dividends, supported by increasing metal prices. The target of 1.2 million MT of mined metal production is now within our reach." Financial Summary (In Rs. Crore, except as stated) Particulars Q3 Q2 9M 2018 2017 Change 2018 Change 2018 2017 Change Sales Zinc 4,433 4,094 8% 3,903 14% 12,115 8,701 39% Lead 788 649 21% 638 24% 2,021 1,484 36% Silver 519 483 7% 557 -7% 1,511 1325 14% Others 106 95 12% 134 -21% 392 390 1% Total 5,846 5,321 10% 5,232 12% 16,039 11,900 35% EBITDA 3,261 2,757 18% 3,052 7% 8,717 5,964 46% Profit After Taxes 2,230 2,320 -4% 2,545 -12% 6,651 5,259 26% Earnings per Share 5.28 5.49 -4% 6.02 -12% 15.74 12.45 26% (Rs., not annualised) Mined Metal Production ('000 MT) 240 276 -13% 219 10% 693 595 16% Refined Metal Production ('000 MT) Integrated Refined Metal Zinc 200 205 -3% 192 4% 585 456 28% Saleable Lead1 46 39 18% 38 20% 118 94 26% Zinc & Lead 245 244 0% 230 7% 704 550 28% Saleable Silver2,3 (in MT) 132 118 12% 140 -6% 387 314 24% Total Refined Metal Zinc 200 205 -3% 192 4% 585 457 28% Saleable Lead1 46 39 18% 38 20% 118 94 26% Zinc & Lead 245 244 0% 230 7% 704 551 28% Saleable Silver2,3 (in MT) 132 118 12% 140 -6% 387 314 24% Wind Power (in million units) 57 53 8% 143 -60% 356 373 -5% Zinc CoP without Royalty (Rs. / MT) 4 66,118 58,067 14% 63,288 4% 64,079 57,198 12% Zinc CoP without Royalty ($/ MT) 4 1,022 861 19% 984 4% 994 852 17% Zinc LME ($ / MT) 3,236 2,517 29% 2,963 9% 2,935 2,230 32% Lead LME ($ / MT) 2,492 2,149 16% 2,334 7% 2,331 1,913 22% Silver LBMA ($ / oz.) 16.73 17.19 -3% 16.84 -1% 16.92 17.88 -5% USD-INR (average) 64.74 67.46 -4% 64.29 1% 64.49 67.12 -4% (1) Excluding Captive consumption of 1,786 tonnes in Q3 FY 2018 as compared with 1,731 tonnes in Q3 FY 2017 and 1,634 tonnes in Q2 FY2018. For 9M, it was 5,376 tonnes as compared with 3,652 tonnes a year ago. (2) Excluding captive consumption of 9.275 tonnes in Q3 FY2018 as compared with 8.918 tonnes in Q3 FY 2017 and 8.750 tonnes in Q2 FY2018. For 9M, it was 28.229 tonnes as compared with 18.745 tonnes a year ago. (3) Silver occurs in Lead & Zinc ore and is recovered in the smelting and silver-refining processes. (4) The COP numbers are after adjusting for deferred mining expenses under Ind-AS. Without this adjustment, Zinc CoP per MT without Royalty would have been Rs. 67,082 in Q3 FY 2018 Note: 1) Historical numbers have been revised as per Ind-AS reporting 2) Sales is reported net of Goods and Services Tax, whereas in the previous quarters Sales was inclusive of Excise Duty 3) Numbers may not add up due to rounding off; historical numbers may have changed due to regrouping Operational Performance Mined metal production in Q3 FY 2018 was up 10% sequentially at 240kt due to higher ore treatment. The y-o-y decrease was 13% driven primarily by decline in overall ore grades due to mine mix and lower production from Rampura Agucha open-cast mine, even as total ore treated was higher. For the nine-month period, mined metal production was up by 16% to 693kt from a year ago due to higher ore production from underground mines, partly offset by lower open-cast mine production. Integrated zinc metal production was 200kt tonnes, 4% higher sequentially and 3% lower y-o-y. Integrated lead metal production was 46kt tonnes, 20% higher q-o-q and 18% higher y-o-y. This was in line with availability of mined metal and smelters. Integrated silver production was at 132 tonnes, 6% lower q-o-q on accumulation of WIP and up 12% y-o-y in line with higher lead production. For the nine-month period, integrated zinc, lead and silver production were higher by 28% y-o-y, 26% y-o-y and 24% y-o-y respectively, in line with higher availability of mined metal. Financial Performance Revenues during the quarter were at Rs. 5,846 Crore, an increase of 12% q-o-q and 10% y-o-y. The y-o-y increase was due to higher lead & silver volume and strong zinc & lead LME, partly offset by lower zinc volume and rupee appreciation. For the nine-month period, revenues were up by 35% y-o-y driven primarily by higher metal volumes and prices. The cost of production before royalty (COP) for zinc during the quarter was at Rs. 66,118 per MT ($1,022), up 4% in INR and USD terms, compared to the previous quarter and up 14% y-o-y in INR and 19% in USD terms. The y-o-y increase was primarily on account of about 25% increase in prices of metcoke & imported coal and other commodities, and lower overall grades. For the nine-month period, COP was higher by 12.0% in INR and 17% in USD at Rs. 64,079 ($994) primarily due to over 50% increase in prices of metcoke & imported coal and other commodities. EBITDA for the quarter came in at Rs. 3,261 Crore, up 18% y-o-y and 7% q-o-q while YTD EBITDA increased by 46% y-o-y to Rs. 8,717 Crore. Net profit during the quarter was at Rs. 2,230 Crore, down 4% y-o-y and 12% q-o-q while for YTD net profit was up by 26% y-o-y to Rs. 6,651 Crore. Lower investment income on account of smaller corpus and lower rate of return and higher depreciation & tax rate partly offset gains in EBITDA. Excluding a one-time exceptional gain of Rs. 291 Crore in Q2 related to the Supreme Court's favourable judgement on District Mineral Fund levies, net profit during the quarter was at similar level as compared last quarter. As announced last quarter, the Company has done forward sale of 220kt of zinc and 30kt of lead at $3,084 and $2,418 respectively for the period January to June 2018. Of this, 165kt (150kt of zinc and 15kt of lead) is for Q4 FY 2018 and remaining from April to June 2018. There were no further forward sales during the quarter. Outlook Production guidance for FY 2018 is reiterated with mined metal to be higher than FY 2017, refined zinc-lead metal of about 950kt, refined silver metal of over 500 MT. Zinc COP for FY 2018 is projected to be in the range of $950 to $975 per MT due to continued increase in commodity prices offsetting benefit of higher volume and cost efficiency measures. The Company is on track to achieve 1.2 million MT per annum (mtpa) mined metal production capacity by FY 2020. Expansion Projects Capital mine development increased by 55% y-o-y and was flat q-o-q to 9,685 meters during the quarter across all mines. For the nine-month period, capital mine development was 28,126 meters, up 69% as compared to corresponding prior period. Rampura Agucha underground mine achieved the highest ever mine development for the quarter at 5,958 meters, 11% higher than the previous best. The underground mine has crossed ore production run rate of 2.0 mtpa. The main shaft hoisting system was commissioned during the quarter and is now in operation for waste hoisting. South primary ventilation system is progressing on fast track and expected to commission by end of January 2018. Off shaft development is on track and production from the shaft is expected to start as per schedule from Q3 FY2019. Sindesar Khurd mine achieved mine development of 4,527 meters during the quarter. It crossed 4.5 mtpa run-rate for ore production during the quarter. Main shaft equipping is progressing as per schedule and on track for completion in Q4 FY2018, with production from the shaft expected to start as per schedule in Q3 FY2019. Civil and structure erection for the new 1.5 mtpa mill is going on at full swing and expected to commission in Q2 FY 2019. Zawar mine achieved mine development of 6,555 meters during the quarter. Post completion of the Zawar mill debottlenecking to 2.7 mtpa, detailed engineering and site construction work for the new mill of 2.0 mtpa has commenced. The new mill is expected to commission in Q3 FY 2019. Kayad and Rajpura Dariba: The Expert Appraisal Committee of MoEF has approved expansion of ore production at Rajpura Dariba from 0.9 to 1.08 mtpa and at Kayad from 1.0 to 1.2 mtpa. This will pave the way for higher production from these mines in the near future. Fumer project at Chanderiya is progressing as per schedule. Civil construction work is 70% complete and the project is on track to get commissioned by mid-FY 2019. Liquidity and investment As on December 31, 2017, the Company's cash and cash equivalents was Rs. 19,176 Crore invested in high quality debt instruments. During the quarter, the Company paid off the remaining Rs. 593 Crore of short term commercial paper, which was raised in March 2017 to meet the special interim dividend funding requirement. Earnings Call on Monday, January 18, 2018 at 3:30 pm (IST) The Company will hold an earnings conference call on Thursday, January 18, 2018 at 3:30 pm IST, where senior management will discuss the Company's results and performance. The dial in number for the call is: Dial In: +91-22-3960-0762 For further information, please contact: Preeti Dubey, CFA Investor Relations [email protected] Tel: +91-98339-97517 Pavan Kaushik Associate Vice President Corporate Communications [email protected] Tel: +91-99288-44499 About Hindustan Zinc Hindustan Zinc (NSE & BSE: HINDZINC) is the one of the largest integrated producers of zinc-lead with a capacity of 1.0 million MT per annum and a leading producer of silver. The Company is headquartered in Udaipur, Rajasthan in India and has zinc-lead mines at Rampura Agucha, Sindesar Khurd, Rajpura Dariba, Zawar and Kayad; primary smelter operations at Chanderiya, Dariba and Debari, all in the state of Rajasthan; and finished product facilities in the state of Uttarakhand. Hindustan Zinc has a world-class resource base with total reserve & resource of 404.4 million MT and average zinc-lead reserve grade of 11.0%. The Company has a track record of consistently growing its reserve & resource base since 2003 and currently has a mine life of over 25 years. The Company is self-sufficient in power with an installed base of 474 MW coal-based captive power plants. Additionally, it has green power capacity of 324 MW including 274 MW of wind power, 16 MW of solar power and 35 MW of waste heat power. The Company has an operating workforce of nearly 17,600 including contract workforce. Hindustan Zinc is a subsidiary of the BSE and NSE listed Vedanta Limited (formerly known as Sesa Sterlite Limited; ADRs listed on the NYSE), a part of London listed Vedanta Resources plc, a global diversified natural resources company. Disclaimer This press release contains "forward-looking statements" that is, statements related to future, not past, events. In this context, forward-looking statements often address our expected future business and financial performance, and often contain words such as "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "believes," "seeks," "should" or "will." Forwardlooking statements by their nature address matters that are, to different degrees, uncertain. For us, uncertainties arise from the behaviour of financial and metals markets including the London Metal Exchange, fluctuations in interest and or exchange rates and metal prices; from future integration of acquired businesses; and from numerous other matters of national, regional and global scale, including those of a political, economic, business, competitive or regulatory nature. These uncertainties may cause our actual future results to be materially different than those expressed in our forward-looking statements. We do not undertake to update our forward-looking statements. For further information, please contact: Communications Zarin Amrolia Manager, Group Communications Tel: +91-22-6646-1000 [email protected] Investor Relations Ashwin Bajaj Director Investor Relations Tel: +91-22-6646-1531 [email protected] Aarti Raghavan VP Investor Relations Sneha Tulsyan Associate Manager Investor Relations About Vedanta Limited Vedanta Limited is a diversified natural resources company, whose business primarily involves producing oil & gas, zinc - lead - silver, copper, iron ore, aluminium and commercial power. The company has a presence across India, South Africa, Namibia, Australia and Ireland. Vedanta Limited is the Indian subsidiary of Vedanta Resources Plc, a London-listed company. Governance and Sustainable Development are at the core of Vedanta's strategy, with a strong focus on health, safety and environment and on enhancing the lives of local communities. The company is conferred with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) 'Sustainable Plus Platinum label', ranking among the top 10 most sustainable companies in India. To access the Vedanta Sustainable Development Report 2016, please visit: http://sustainabledevelopment.vedantaresources.com/content/dam/vedanta/corporate/documents/Otherdocuments/SDreport2015-16/Vedanta%20SDR%20FY%2015-16.pdf Vedanta Limited is listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange in India and has ADRs listed on the New York Stock Exchange. For more information please visit www.vedantalimited.com Vedanta Limited Vedanta, 75, Nehru Road, Vile Parle (East), Mumbai - 400 099 www.vedantalimited.com Registered Office: Regd. Office: 1st Floor, 'C' wing, Unit 103, Corporate Avenue, Atul Projects, Chakala, Andheri (East), Mumbai 400 093 CIN: L13209MH1965PLC291394 Disclaimer This press release contains "forward-looking statements" that is, statements related to future, not past, events. In this context, forward-looking statements often address our expected future business and financial performance, and often contain words such as "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "believes," "seeks," "should" or "will." Forwardlooking statements by their nature address matters that are, to different degrees, uncertain. For us, uncertainties arise from the behaviour of financial and metals markets including the London Metal Exchange, fluctuations in interest and or exchange rates and metal prices; from future integration of acquired businesses; and from numerous other matters of national, regional and global scale, including those of a political, economic, business, competitive or regulatory nature. These uncertainties may cause our actual future results to be materially different that those expressed in our forward-looking statements. We do not undertake to update our forward-looking statements. SOURCE Vedanta Limited Related Links http://www.vedantalimited.com NEW YORK, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The China General Chamber of Commerce (CGCC) awarded HNA Group with the Brand of the Year Award in recognition of the company's actively expanding industrial footprint and rising global brand equity. HNA's Chairman of the Board Chen Feng accepted the award presented by Blackstone's CEO Stephen Schwarzman at the CGCC's Chinese Lunar New Year of the Dog Gala in New York City. CGCC is one the largest non-profits representing Chinese enterprises in the United States. Its annual gala promotes its mission of establishing ties between Chinese enterprises and the global business community, while strengthening U.S. and Chinese economic cooperation. In achieving this award, HNA Group is recognized by CGCC for its evolution in becoming one of the world's top companies with diversified business assets, developing from a regional air carrier to a global Fortune 500 company with more than $145 billion in assets. "HNA Group had a year of incredible growth in expanding the brand's influence around the globe," HNA Chairman Chen Feng said. "This award not only recognizes our expanding global footprint, but marks our progress in bringing the world closer together through deepened U.S. market ties." Since co-founding the company in 1993, Chen Feng has helped transform HNA into one of China's largest privately held companies with substantial investments in travel, hospitality, logistics and finance. HNA's significant strategic investments in companies that include Ingram Micro, Avolon, Swissport, GateGroup, Deutsche Bank, Hilton Hotels, Carlson Hotels, and Virgin Australia. Mr. Chen has received several awards recognizing his excellence in business and entrepreneurship, including being named "Asian Business Leader" by CNBC. "I am pleased to present this award in recognition of HNA Group's business achievements," Blackstone CEO Stephen A. Schwarzman said. "I could go on for a long time about HNA's generosity, from providing wells in Hainan Province, to free cataracts operations in many countries across the world. This is really somewhat unusual, especially in a Chinese context, and they've also generously supported, , the Schwarzman Scholars, providing a library for the programme." Stephen A. Schwarzman is Chairman, CEO and Co-founder of Blackstone, a leading global asset manager with more than $361 billion assets under management. And Schwarzman is an active philanthropist focused on education. In partnership with Tsinghua University, HNA Group contributes to the Schwarzman Scholars program, allowing young leaders from around the world to live and learn in China. HNA Group has committed to US$25 million in donations over a three-year period. "Driven by its mission of Sharing Dreams, HNA Group's development as a global brand has been outstanding to watch, as it has helped to power job growth in markets around the world, including the United States and China", said Chen Xu, Chairman of CGCC. In recent years HNA has made significant steps on its way to becoming a truly global brand, with its flagship carrier Hainan Airlines being listed by Skytrax in 2017 as a global Top 10 airline, and a 5-star airline for the seventh consecutive year. Its significant investments in globally recognized brands such as Ingram Micro, Avolon, Swissport, Gategroup, Hilton and Deutsche Bank have brought the HNA brand name to the attention of an even greater audience than before. About the HNA Group HNA Group is a global Fortune 500 company focused on tourism, logistics and financial services. Since its founding in 1993, HNA Group has evolved from a regional airline based on Hainan Island in southern China into a global company with approximately $145 billion of assets, over $90 billion in annual revenues, and an international workforce of 410,000 employees, primarily across America, Europe and Asia. HNA's tourism business is a fast-growing, vertically-integrated global player with market-leading positions in aviation, hotels and travel services. HNA operates and invests in nearly 3,200 hotels with over 380,000 rooms across major markets, and has 1,250 aircraft carrying nearly 100 million passengers to 270 cities worldwide. HNA's Logistics business is a leader in logistics and supply chain management with capabilities in shipping and equipment manufacturing, maritime transportation, third-party payment platforms and project finance. In financial services, HNA is China's largest non-bank leasing company, and a leading provider of a diverse set of businesses in equipment leasing, insurance, asset management, investment banking and credit services. For more information, visit www.hnagroup.com About the China General Chamber of Commerce (CGCC) Founded in 2005, the China General Chamber of Commerce-USA (CGCC) has been recognized as the largest and most influential non-profit organization representing Chinese enterprises in the United States. CGCC's mission is to promote Chinese investment in the United States and to enhance cooperation between the Chinese and U.S. business communities. Today, CGCC's membership consists of more than 1,500 companies, including both Chinese and non-Chinese companies. Fifty-five CGCC members are ranked on the 2017 Fortune Global 500. In 2016 alone, CGCC Chinese member companies invested approximately $50 billion in various industries in the United States, and employed more than 200,000 people throughout the United States. Media Contacts HNA Group Daniel Workman Edelman Public Relations (202) 312-1088 [email protected] CGCC Sherry Yuan Qu (646) 928-5122 [email protected] SOURCE HNA Group SAN DIEGO, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Home Bay Technologies Inc., a technology-driven real estate company, expands to Georgia. Currently serving California, Florida and now Georgia, Home Bay offers consumers a new way to buy and sell homes without commissions, saving home buyers and sellers an average of $16,000 per transaction. Proprietary technology enables dramatic efficiencies. Work that typically consumes 60 hours for a traditional agent has been reduced to 2 hours through a smart platform that automates most of the process. Home Bay employs a centralized team of top licensed real estate agents to advise consumers throughout the transaction. They provide traditional services such as pricing strategy, negotiation and closing management along with professional photography, an installed yard sign and exposure across the web, including the MLS. Given these large efficiencies, Home Bay passes savings directly to consumers by charging a low flat rate of $2,000 to $3,500, in lieu of the standard 3% commission charged by traditional agents to sell a home. Buyers who use Home Bay receive 50% of the buyer agent commission upon purchasing a home. The company is delivering better results than traditional real estate agents, even for luxury homes. Last month, Carl Westcott of Santa Barbara, switched from a traditional agent to Home Bay and sold his $20M+ home in 45 days and ultimately saved $649,000 in fees. On average, homes listed with Home Bay sold 23 days faster and for $13,771 more than the industry average this past season. "Our model puts consumers first. It gives them a superior experience and significant cost savings, which is long overdue," said Ken Potashner, Chairman and CEO of Home Bay. "Given the success we've had, we're eager to bring this value to consumers in Georgia." About Home Bay Technologies Inc. Home Bay Technologies Inc., a San Diego based company, provides consumers a smarter way to buy and sell homes with data-driven intelligence, complete transparency and an on-demand customer experience. Home Bay's sophisticated platform expedites the transaction with efficient, seamless systems that save consumers and real estate agents time and money. For more information, visit HomeBay.com. SOURCE Home Bay Technologies Inc. Related Links http://www.homebay.com Honeywell re-designed the plant's control room with BASF's Industrie 4.0 initiative in mind. Virtualization technology delivers consolidated plant information to operators via eight large-screen Experion Orion Consoles, which also embed traditionally separate Microsoft Office desktop applications alongside the distributed control system one. Two Experion Collaboration Stations enable BASF to run production meetings more efficiently by using real-time data and online documents. As part of Honeywell's Experion Process Knowledge System, 29 C300 Controllers and 20,000 I/O modules facilitate plant-wide monitoring, improve safety and fire protection, and increase reliability. In addition, a new MediluX lighting system in the control room improves visual conditions for operators day and night, reducing eye strain and fatigue. "This strategic project is a prime example of how Industrie 4.0 is transforming industrial operations," Kapur said. "Previously, BASF operators had to gather and piece together data to form a high-level view. Now, critical information is digitally consolidated and streamed onto central displays, transforming efficiency, productivity and decision-making." The plant's six incinerators process hazardous waste that cannot be reused or recycled and convert it into steam and electrical power. The clean, reusable energy is channeled back into BASF's production processes, helping the company save resources and reduce emissions. "Thanks to excellent cooperation with Honeywell, our 60-year-old plant now has one of the most modern control rooms in the world," said Dr. Karin Flore, head of waste incineration, BASF. The incineration plant serves more than 200 BASF production facilities within the company's flagship,10-square-kilometer production site as well as facilities outside the BASF complex. The reliability of the plant is critical to BASF's wider production operations because any standstill could potentially affect the world's largest chemical complex as a whole. Learn more about Honeywell's Experion technology. Honeywell Process Solutions (www.honeywellprocess.com) is a pioneer in automation control, instrumentation and services for the oil and gas; refining; energy; pulp and paper; industrial power generation; chemicals and petrochemicals; biofuels; life sciences; and metals, minerals and mining industries. It is also a leader in providing software solutions and instrumentation that help manufacturers find value and competitive advantage in through Honeywell Connected Plant, Honeywell's Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solution. Process Solutions is part of Honeywell's Performance Materials and Technologies strategic business group, which also includes Honeywell UOP (www.uop.com), a leading international supplier and licensor of process technology, catalysts, adsorbents, equipment, and consulting services to the petroleum refining, petrochemical, and gas processing industries. Honeywell (www.honeywell.com) is a Fortune 100 software-industrial company that delivers industry specific solutions that include aerospace and automotive products and services; control technologies for buildings, homes, and industry; and performance materials globally. Our technologies help everything from aircraft, cars, homes and buildings, manufacturing plants, supply chains, and workers become more connected to make our world smarter, safer, and more sustainable. For more news and information on Honeywell, please visit www.honeywell.com/newsroom. SOURCE Honeywell Related Links http://www.honeywell.com LONDON, January 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- ICIS, the market intelligence and analytics provider, has launched a new suite of analytics tools for the petrochemicals and fertilizers sectors. This follows a significant investment in technology and analytics to meet the need for complex market intelligence required to navigate the levels of disruption seen in today's markets. (Logo: http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/619935/ICIS_Logo.jpg ) The new analytics solutions complement the existing market intelligence that ICIS provides for global commodities markets, giving their customers a 360-degree view of the market. These tools offer industry players the data and insight to enable market participants to rapidly respond to changing markets, and to better spot and optimise opportunities in order to gain a competitive advantage. "These are challenging times for the petrochemicals industry, so we've listened to our customers and invested in developing what they need to keep ahead of competition," ICIS Petrochemicals Product Director Charmaine Chew said. "Our tools are easy to use and intuitive, enabling market information to be filtered and giving a 360-degree view that connects the dots and provides critical answers at a glance - thereby simplifying workflows and saving time," Chew said. "We give our customers control so that they can focus on making the right decisions, especially in these times of market volatility and disruptions, with access to all the updated information and precise data that they need." The new petrochemicals analytics tools include: Live Supply Disruptions Tracker - Real-time data on global plant outages and maintenance for the next 12 months, plus the precise impact of the capacity changes from planned and unplanned plant outages with at-a-glance visual data. Price Drivers Analytics - Charts and analysis with impact commentary to understand the key factors driving market fundamentals, trade flows and price trends - and what this means to your business. Supply and Demand Outlooks - A digestible overview for the entire commodity value chain with comparisons of supply and demand trends across regions, supporting international trade decisions and saving critical time spent gathering the essential data. Rob Kolkman, Managing Director of ICIS, said: "We worked closely with our customers to fully understand the challenges that they face every day and the vast information that they need to filter through to make decisions." "We combined this invaluable insight with technology and knowledge from our extensive global team of market experts to develop the tools and insight needed to make complex decisions quickly, reduce risk and maximise on opportunities. We have incorporated sophisticated analytics, real-time updates and visualisation of complex data to give versatility and aid faster decision-making." The new ICIS analytics solutions offer a unique 'whole-market perspective' backed up by robust analytical tools that look below the surface, to reveal the true impact of change as it happens. "This is the latest step in enhancing our analytics tools. We will continue to invest more and work closely with our customers to further develop our predictive and prescriptive capabilities. Our customers want to not only see what is happening within the market, they also need to look ahead to potential scenarios and advise on the best route to maximise the outcomes of their decisions. We can help with that," Kolkman added. Find out more about ICIS Petrochemicals Analytics Solutions. About ICIS ICIS is the world's largest petrochemical market information provider, with divisions spanning energy and fertilizers. Our aim is to give companies in global commodities markets a competitive advantage by delivering valuable information and analytics tools which enable our customers to identify and react to opportunities in markets which are constantly evolving. We have more than 30 years' experience of providing pricing intelligence and news, forecast data, market analytics and independent consulting to buyers, sellers and analysts. With a global staff of more than 600, ICIS has employees based in London, Houston, New York, Singapore, Dubai, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing, Mumbai, Tokyo, Karlsruhe, and Milan. ICIS's team of journalists is engaged in reporting market prices and news, and ICIS is fully committed to upholding the highest journalistic principles of verification, corroboration and authentication. ICIS has a compliance framework that along with its methodologies and business processes adheres to the requirements of the IOSCO PRA Principles. ICIS is a division of Reed Business Information, part of RELX Group. About Reed Business Information Reed Business Information provides information, analytics and data to business professionals worldwide. Our strong global products and services hold market-leading positions across a wide range of industry sectors including banking, petrochemicals and aviation where we help customers make key strategic decisions every day. RBI is part of RELX Group, a global provider of information and analytics for professional customers across industries. http://www.reedbusiness.com About RELX Group RELX Group is a global provider of information and analytics for professional and business customers across industries. The Group serves customers in more than 180 countries and has offices in about 40 countries. It employs approximately 30,000 people of whom almost half are in North America. RELX PLC is a London listed holding company which owns 52.9% of RELX Group. RELX NV is an Amsterdam listed holding company which owns 47.1% of RELX Group. The shares are traded on the London, Amsterdam and New York Stock Exchanges using the following ticker symbols: London: REL; Amsterdam: REN; New York: RELX and RENX. 32.8bn|37.0bn|$44.5bn www.relx.com Media contacts: Arina Popa Digital Marketing Executive Email: [email protected] Direct: +44-207-911-1473 SOURCE ICIS BOSTON, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Noteflight, a Hal Leonard company, has announced that John Mlynczak has been promoted to Managing Director. Previously the VP of Sales and Marketing, Mlynczak has been overseeing all sales, marketing, and business development activities at the company. This new position expands upon these duties and allows John to lead the entire Noteflight team forward with some exciting new initiatives in 2018. An experienced musician and music educator with a focus on music technology, composition, and arranging, he will continue to represent Noteflight at conferences and trade shows and will offer professional development for educators and sessions for retailers to help them provide a variety of technology solutions from Noteflight/Hal Leonard. Noteflight Mlynczak has an extensive range of experiences in music education and the music industry. John has taught music, music technology, and music business at the elementary, secondary, and collegiate levels, is an active performer, and is a highly sought-after clinician on music technology and music advocacy. He is currently President of the Technology Institute for Music Educators and an Adjunct Professor of Music Technology at LSU. He serves on the NAMM Support Music and State Advocacy Coalitions, the NAfME Advocacy Leadership Force, and is Advocacy Chairman for the Massachusetts Music Educators Association. Mlynczak holds a Bachelor's Degree in Music Education from Virginia Commonwealth University, and Master's Degrees in both Music Performance and Educational Leadership from Louisiana State University. As part of this leadership change, Joe Berkovitz, the founder of Noteflight, will continue to work with the company in a part-time consulting role, advising the company on technology developments and other strategic priorities. About Noteflight Founded in 2008 and headquartered in Boston, MA, Noteflight, LLC is dedicated to reinventing the way people create, share and use written music. Noteflight allows users to edit, display, play back and share music notation in a web browser, on any device. Noteflight has an active online community of over 3,000,000 music enthusiasts. Its website hosts millions of user-created musical scores, both public and private. Noteflight addresses both individual music-makers and music educators at all levels with its family of products, available by online subscription. Noteflight also licenses its technology to industry leaders to manage scalable cloud-based repositories of sheet music that can be delivered to any device. For more information, visit www.noteflight.com. About Hal Leonard Corporation Founded in 1947, Hal Leonard Corporation is the world's largest music print publisher and digital content provider, producing educational publications, songbooks, sheet music, reference books, DVDs, magazines, eBooks, digital sheet music, apps and more. The company is also a major distributor of music technology products, selling and marketing the most popular software, hard goods and accessories available today, to musicians and recording enthusiasts around the world. In its more than 220,000 available publications and products, Hal Leonard represents many of the world's best known and most respected publishers, artists, songwriters, arrangers and manufacturers. The company is headquartered in Milwaukee, WI and also has domestic offices in Winona, MN; New Jersey; and Boston, and offices abroad in Australia, Belgium, China, Germany, Holland, Italy, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. For more information, visit www.halleonard.com. Media Contact Ben Turcotte, Digital Marketing Manager [email protected] Related Images image1.png John Mlynczak image2.jpg Hal Leonard image3.png Noteflight SOURCE Noteflight Related Links http://www.noteflight.com ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, N.J., Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Kennedy Funding Financial, an Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey-based direct private lender, today announced that they closed a $1.35 million loan to Plaza Mexico, a grocery store and taco stand in Winter Haven, Florida. Plaza Mexico plans to use the funds to pay off existing debt and provide funds for site work, including an expansion of their 12,000-square-foot grocery store. Plaza Mexico, located on a 15.2-acre lot on Rifle Range Road, also has plans to construct a mixed-use complex on the property. The plans, announced in 2014 by Plaza Mexico's co-owners Remigio Gamez and Carlos Gamez, are designed to expand opportunities and resources in Wahneta, the unincorporated neighborhood of Winter Haven where the store is located. The brothers-in-law plan to triple the size of the grocery store; construct 150 apartments and multi-use space for those who wish to start their own businesses or offer services to the community; and build a laundromat, gas station and 24,100-square-foot healthcare clinic/pharmacy. At the time of the announcement, the plan was well-received by community activists and residents who expressed the municipality's need for more retail space. Wahneta, with a population of approximately 5,000 residents, is located more than an hour away from Orlando and Tampa in rural Polk County. This location proved to be a challenge when it came time for Plaza Mexico to secure a loan. According to Kevin Wolfer, CEO of Kennedy Funding Financial, the lender was recommended by an Albany, New York-based commercial loan broker training group. Kennedy was recommended for its ability to secure loans for projects in rural areas. No other lenders were willing or able to close a loan on this property. "This is why brokers and borrowers call us," Wolfer said. "Banks and other traditional lenders won't even consider a commercial real estate loan if it's to fund a project in a rural area. However, by closely examining the merits of the deal, Kennedy Funding Financial is able to work with the borrower so they can obtain the funding they need to succeed." According to John Penn, CEO of Penn Commercial Lending and the broker on the deal, Kennedy Funding Financial is considered a preferred lender for rural lending. He knew that they had a proven track record of successful closings for challenging deals, as evidenced by the firm's recent announcement that it has surpassed $3 billion in closed loans. "Kennedy was one of the few approved vendors which would potentially work with Plaza Mexico," Penn said. "They were willing to work with us. This was a tough deal, and they had the knowledge necessary to navigate the challenges." About Kennedy Funding Financial Kennedy Funding Financial, is a nationwide direct private lender specializing in bridge loans for commercial property and land acquisition, development, workouts, bankruptcies, and foreclosures. The principals of the company have closed more than $3 billion in loans to date. The firm's creative financing expertise enables the closing of loans of up to 75% loan-to-value, from $1 million to over $50 million, in as little as five days. Kennedy Funding Financial continues to actively seek new funding opportunities throughout the world. www.kennedyfunding.com SOURCE Kennedy Funding Financial KUWAIT CITY, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Kuwait & Gulf Link Transport (KGL), an international logistics firm based in Kuwait, today announced that the U.S. Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) has awarded it a new contract to lead logistics and distribution operations for U.S. military personnel across the Gulf region. Under the terms of the contract, the fifth of its kind awarded by the DLA, KGL will procure, import, store and distribute food products from both United States of America and local sources to support more than 20,000 U.S. military personnel in Kuwait, Iraq and Jordan. KGL will provide services primarily from its procurement and distribution hub in Kuwait. The value of the contract is estimated to be $690M, but not to exceed $1.38B for a duration of 60 months. "For more than two decades, KGL has been one of the premier logistics suppliers for the U.S. military in the Middle East. We are grateful for the confidence the U.S. government continues to have in KGL," said Sam Khatib, Chief Business Development Officer, KGL. "We look forward to continuing to work with the U.S. military on solving complex logistics challenges and supporting the American mission in the Gulf region." For more than 60 years, KGL has been providing comprehensive logistics solutions for international commercial and government clients, most notably the United Nations and the U.S. Government throughout the Middle East. About KGL KGL is a long-standing supporter of the U.S. Military and its military service men, women and veterans, working alongside the U.S. Military throughout the Middle East to fulfil a number of mission requirements. As part of its continued commitment to the U.S. troops, KGL has established a Veteran's Educational Endowment at the University of the Pacific for qualifying veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces. KGL is also a strong supporter of the Association of the US Army in Kuwait, and sponsors a number of fundraising and other special events for the soldiers stationed in Kuwait. KGL is an active member with the American Business Council Kuwait and a strong advocate for continued and strengthened business cooperation between the United States and Kuwait. SOURCE Kuwait & Gulf Link Transport TEL AVIV, Israel, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Kryon Systems, the leading provider of intelligent Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solutions, announced the opening of two new offices in the USA New York City and Atlanta. With these new locations, Kryon Systems is primed to be a hub for the growing demand for Intelligent Robotic Process Automation and digital transformation services in the region. The company has also appointed industry expert Tony Ehrens to serve as the General Manager for Kryon Systems, Americas region. Before joining Kryon Systems, Mr. Ehrens served as the SVP of Global Sales at Workfusion where he was responsible for managing the growth of the Workfusion global digitization business. With over 20 years' experience in sales management and business development in worldwide markets, Mr. Ehrens and his team will prove instrumental as Kryon Systems positions itself for market leadership in the Americas. "Expanding our operations in the Americas region is a truly exciting opportunity to partner with the diverse companies in industries from finance to telecommunications that call the region home," said Mr. Ehrens. "These companies are seeking the right tools to help them compete in ever-competitive marketplaces. AI-powered solutions enable the potential for rapid growth and high quality performance. With two new locations within the United States, Kryon Systems' uniquely intelligent RPA solutions will be accessible for enterprises to achieve their corporate visions with the support of a regionally located partner." Kryon Systems provides an intelligent, AI-powered RPA solution empowering enterprises with a digital workforce capable of ensuring the high-quality execution of processes across the enterprise. Kryon's Intelligent RPA platform allows companies to transcend the burden of process execution, allowing the enterprise to focus resources on critical projects. "We're seeing all industries undertake digital transformations, which is why we're so excited to have Tony bring his many years of AI industry experience to our team to scale Kryon Systems into a global market leader," said Harel Tayeb, CEO of Kryon Systems. "Our American expansion is a critical part of our future and we're looking forward to partnering with enterprises to achieve actionable visions and grow together." About Kryon Systems Kryon Systems delivers innovative, intelligent Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solutions empowering companies to transcend the processes which consume their most valuable resource time. While other RPA vendors provide tools that focus solely on automating repetitive process-oriented tasks, Kryon aims for a complete and lasting solution, ultimately removing these tasks entirely from the day-to-day workflow of enterprises. Using patented visual and deep learning technologies, Kryon's RPA enables companies to discover the innovators and creators amongst them by reducing the noise, complexity, errors and wasted time which go hand in hand with process execution. Kryon's intelligent RPA is changing the reality of today's process-focused business world by offloading the repetitive, soul-crushing processes to a digital workforce not only for the increased productivity, reduced error rates, and lower operating costs, but also so that companies can focus on what they want to be creative, imaginative, revolutionary, and with greater revenue. Learn more about Kryon Systems and the numerous Fortune 500 organizations already benefiting from its products at www.kryonsystems.com SOURCE Kryon Systems Related Links http://www.kryonsystems.com In a moving visit Thursday, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu unveiled plans for a Living Memorial on the site of the horrific terrorist attacks in Mumbai almost a decade ago. Rabbi Gavriel and Rivka Holtzberg, and four of their guests, were among the 166 murdered during the three-day siege. The Holtzbergs son Moshe, then two, was the familys sole survivor. He is visiting India for the first time to pay tribute to his parents and present plans for the new memorial. Holtzberg and the Israeli prime minister visited the boys old bedroom. They looked at the walls his mother had lovingly painted, at the Hebrew alphabet she etched into the area above his bed. At the pockmarks still visible from the assailants weapons. Netanyahu marked Holtzbergs height on the wall, wrote his age, 11, and his name, Moshe the son of Am Yisrael, the Jewish nation. The Living Memorial will include the couples apartment, where signs of devastation were preserved for posterity. The floor above will showcase exhibits commemorating the entire siege, and all its victims. It will be the only such museum in the country. Already 15,000 people visit annually. Director Rabbi Yisrael Kozlovsky anticipates that number more than tripling when the memorial is completed. The first section, he hopes, will be ready in time to commemorate the tragedys 10th anniversary this November. Engraved on the wall in Mumbais Chabad House are the words a memorial to the past, testimony to a vibrant today. We dont call it a museum, its a living memorial, stressed Rabbi Kozlovsky in advance of Thursdays event. The idea is that people will add goodness and kindness; that viewing this will create waves of good that will spread far and wide. Kozlovsky, and his wife, Chaya, arrived in Mumbai in 2012 to continue the work of their slain predecessors. Two years later, they renovated and moved into Nariman Chabad House, the Holtzbergs home, and the site of the new memorial. In his talk at the unveiling, Netanyahu emotionally thanked Sandra Samuel, Holtzbergs nanny who saved him. What happened here represents the polar opposites of love and hate, he told the boy in Hebrew before a room full of Indian and Israeli dignitaries. The hatred that was perpetrated by the terrorists, but it also expressed tremendous love. The love of your parentsGabi and Rivkyto you Moshe, and the love that is shown by the Chabad House here in Mumbai. Holtzberg bestowed a photo tribute to the Prime Minister and said a special blessing, thanking G-d for saving his life. He also publicly thanked his Indian nanny, Samuel, who today also lives in Israel. Holtzberg concluded by inviting the prime minister back for his bar mitzvah in 18 months. To read more about current Chabad activities in Mumbai and Moshe Holtzbergs visit, see here. To see how Chabad activities the world over have grown since the 2008 Mumbai attacks, see here. To read about what prompted Moshes visit in July 2017, see here. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu greets Chabad emissaries to Mumbai Rabbi Israel and Chaya Kozlovsky. Netanyahu invited Moshe Holtzberg, survivor of the 2008 Mumbai attacks, on his trip to India this January. Chabad activities in Mumbai include running a school, Jewish Academy, for 18 local children. AUSTIN, Texas, Jan. 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Linda Hanna Lloyd is recognized by Continental Who's Who as a Pinnacle Professional Member in the field of Publishing in recognition of her role as an Author. A published author who started her career life in public health, throughout her career Mrs. Lloyd has attained experience within the areas of public health, education and literacy counseling. Mrs. Lloyd's career began as a professor of Health Education at Howard Community College for 11 years, worked for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services where she served as a Health Literacy Expert for the Health Resources and Services Agency, and as an Associate with Health Literacy Innovations. In addition to Mrs. Lloyd's role as an author, she has been a producer and host of the Howard County Maryland Cable Eight Health Forum series, and a winner of several national awards. Throughout the course of her education and training, Mrs. Lloyd attended Carlow College, where she studied Liberal Arts and Sciences. Thereafter, Mrs. Lloyd went onto attain her Bachelor of Science degree in Health Education from Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania, followed by a Master of Education degree in Health Science from Pennsylvania State University. To further her professional development, Mrs. Lloyd is a member of the Texas Writer's League and The National Association of Professional Women. Charitable to various organizations, Mrs. Lloyd volunteers her time to the People's Community Clinic and also participates in Austin Chamber Music Workshops. When she is not working, Mrs. Lloyd enjoys writing, traveling, and playing piano. In recognition of her professional accolades, Mrs. Lloyd's poetry has won two awards from the Institute of Creative Research, she was recognized by The Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services for outstanding service, and also received a Teaching Excellence award from the University of Texas Institute for Staff Development. In looking to the future, Mrs. Lloyd hopes to write a sequel to The Syrian Peddler. Mrs. Lloyd dedicates this recognition to the loving memory of her father, Louis Franklin Hanna. For more information, visit https://www.linkedin.com/in/linda-hanna-johnston-lloyd-86549945/ and https://www.amazon.com/Author/Linda-Hanna-Lloyd/ Contact: Katherine Green, 516-825-5634, [email protected] SOURCE Continental Who's Who Related Links http://www.continentalwhoswho.com MIRAMAR, Fla., Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- JoAnne Steed has joined Lockton in the insurance broker's South Florida operation. Steed has been named senior account executive and will be responsible for client strategy and day-to-day client service on health and welfare plans, benefits administration, benefits financing and structuring employee benefits programs. "JoAnne has a well-earned reputation offering clients great support and advice," said Doug Hutcherson, CEO of Lockton's Southeast US operation. "She will play an important role in the continued growth of our employee benefits consulting services." Steed is an experienced employee benefits advisor with more than 15 years of experience guiding clients as an account manager and consultant with Mercer, United Healthcare and Sun Life Financial. Steed is based in Lockton's South Florida office at 3601 SW 160th Ave. in Miramar. The phone number is 954-883-2000. About Lockton Lockton is a global professional services firm with 6,500 Associates who advise clients on protecting their people, property and reputations. Lockton has grown to become the world's largest privately held, independent insurance broker by helping clients achieve their business objectives. For nine consecutive years, Business Insurance magazine has recognized Lockton as a "Best Place to Work in Insurance." For the latest insights on employee benefits, check the Lockton Benefits blog. SOURCE Lockton Related Links http://www.lockton.com VANCOUVER, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ - Loft47 won top honors in the annual Xero Awards Americas, claiming the Industry Specific App of the Year for 2017. Xero, a global small business platform, has over 100,000 business advisors worldwide as part of its network and it was an outstanding achievement for Loft47 to be recognized as one of the industry's best in the Americas. Winners were judged across a number of criteria including innovation, ability to boost productivity and provide client solutions, strong marketing strategies, certification and usage of cloud technology tools to provide value to small business customers. This year's Xero Awards Americas judging panel included key executives from Xero and guest judge Laurie McCabe, co-founder of SMB Group and six-time SMB influencer champion. "Today's accountants and bookkeepers are becoming true business advisors, with technology giving them the room to evolve into these roles. Using next-generation cloud technology, an advisor can point out pitfalls and opportunities along the way that many small business owners might miss, especially newer ones," said Keri Gohman, President of Xero Americas. "Therefore, we are very proud to award Loft47 with this honor, as we know they are truly dedicated to helping small businesses grow globally and build long-term sustainability." Loft47 builds on the elegance and simplicity of Xero to provide a full end-to-end accounting solution for the Real Estate industry. Xero powers day-to-day accounting while Loft47 manages Real Estate transaction processing including escrow accounting, commission splits, fee tracking, and sales production data. "It's an honor to be recognized for the work we do in our industry. Loft47 is focused on Real Estate Accounting and working with Xero gives our clients the benefit of our expertise with a beautiful accounting solution and their full marketplace of technology add-ons. We help our clients leverage cloud technologies as a fundamental part of their business strategy," said Sasha Hryciuk, CEO of Loft47. "Partnering with Xero allows us to transform the way Real Estate back offices work with customized technology to solve their workflow challenges." For more information on Loft47, visit the website www.loft47.com SOURCE Loft47 Related Links http://loft47.com/ More than 300,000 G-Classes have been delivered since start of production in 1979 Thanks to a dedicated and experienced team, every vehicle can be customized to meet the needs of the customer A state-of-the-art production area and latest technologies ensure an efficient and optimized operation DETROIT, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ - For nearly 40 years, the Mercedes-Benz G-Class has been built in Graz, Austria, initially by Steyr-Daimler-Puch and since 1998 under the flag of Magna International. The tradition of excellence continues with the new G-Class, introduced this week at the North American International Auto Show. Magna team members build each G-Class with precision at Magnas contract manufacturing facility in Graz. Austria. (CNW Group/Magna International Inc.) Magna team members build each G-Class with precision at Magnas contract manufacturing facility in Graz. Austria. (CNW Group/Magna International Inc.) The latest Gelandewagen maintains the DNA that has earned it a reputation as one of the most capable and legendary off-road vehicles in history, while also adding more technology and space to the vehicle's interior. Working on behalf of Daimler, it all comes together in Magna's assembly hall in Graz, Austria. In a pristine automotive assembly environment, Magna team members build each G-Class with precision. Magna's contract manufacturing team takes immense pride in their knowledge and skill at making superlative automobiles for the most discerning customers. Within this environment of craftsmanship and world-class manufacturing, Magna also employs the latest technologies to keep the operation efficient and optimized. Smart factory tools such as mixed-reality glasses have been implemented into the G-Class quality inspection process. "Being the contract manufacturing partner for Daimler AG since 1979 is for me an expression of the constant trust that our customer places in Magna," said Guenther Apfalter, President Magna Europe & Magna Steyr. "With the production of the new Mercedes-Benz G-Class we are able to continue demonstrating our competencies as a highly flexible and experienced contract manufacturing partner." Since the beginning of G-Class production, more than 300,000 of the iconic off-road vehicles have been produced in Graz. Since 2014 the production contract between Daimler AG and Magna has been successively extended and now runs through to 2023. Currently, the plant is producing more units than ever before due to model variations and the popularity of the vehicle in expanding global markets. TAGS Contract manufacturing, Mercedes-Benz G-Class, off-road vehicles, SUV, icons ABOUT MAGNA We have more than 163,000 entrepreneurial-minded employees dedicated to delivering mobility solutions. We are a technology company and one of the world's largest automotive suppliers with 328 manufacturing operations and 99 product development, engineering and sales centres in 29 countries. Our competitive capabilities include body exteriors and structures, power and vision technologies, seating systems and complete vehicle solutions. Our common shares trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange (MG) and the New York Stock Exchange (MGA). For further information about Magna, visit www.magna.com. THIS RELEASE MAY CONTAIN STATEMENTS WHICH CONSTITUTE "FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS" UNDER APPLICABLE SECURITIES LEGISLATION AND ARE SUBJECT TO, AND EXPRESSLY QUALIFIED BY, THE CAUTIONARY DISCLAIMERS THAT ARE SET OUT IN MAGNA'S REGULATORY FILINGS. PLEASE REFER TO MAGNA'S MOST CURRENT MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF RESULTS OF OPERATIONS AND FINANCIAL POSITION, ANNUAL INFORMATION FORM AND ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 40-F, AS REPLACED OR UPDATED BY ANY OF MAGNA'S SUBSEQUENT REGULATORY FILINGS, WHICH SET OUT THE CAUTIONARY DISCLAIMERS, INCLUDING THE RISK FACTORS THAT COULD CAUSE ACTUAL EVENTS TO DIFFER MATERIALLY FROM THOSE INDICATED BY SUCH FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW ON MAGNA'S WEBSITE AT WWW.MAGNA.COM. SOURCE Magna International Inc. Related Links http://www.magna.com Further details on all of the new Martin Guitar models that will be featured at 2018 Winter NAMM are below and at www.martinguitar.com/new . AUTHENTIC SERIES 00-17 Authentic 1931 Meticulously reproduced with hide glue construction, dovetail neck joint, a genuine mahogany VTS (Vintage Tone System) top and genuine mahogany back and sides. Featuring a Brazilian rosewood fingerboard and bridge with an Authentic 1931 neck shape and heel, this 00-12 fret classic will appeal to players of all musical styles who love the vintage look and sound of mahogany. Remaining true to its origins as a Depression Era instrument, the 00-17 Authentic 1931 features authentic scalloped X-bracing, a Vintage Gloss finish, and historically accurate appointments, such as Golden Age Relic Nickel Side Mount tuners. D-18 Authentic 1939 Aged A new guitar that looks and sounds like it's been played for 80 years, the Aged version of the acclaimed D-18 Authentic 1939 includes all of the goodness that comes with Martin's Authentic Series instruments, like hide glue construction and hand-scalloped X-bracingplus the Vintage Tone System (VTS) that ages the wood to replicate the sound of a vintage Martin. But we didn't stop there. We've now taken this amazing model and methodically, painstakingly distressed it, inside and out, in all the right places. The result is a tactile, visual, and auditory experience that will transport you all the way back to the 1930s. And we know you're going to like it there. Stock is limited. D-45S Authentic 1936 Aged The D-45S Authentic 1936 Aged is based on an extremely rare large body D-45 that was once displayed in the Martin museum. It features Brazilian rosewood back and sides, a pre-aged Adirondack spruce top, and period-correct Style 45 appointments, including gold tuners with hand-engraved butterbean knobs. A newly constructed masterpiece that looks and sounds like it's been played for 80 years, the D-45S Authentic 1936 Aged includes all of the goodness instilled within Martin's Authentic Series, like hide glue construction and hand-scalloped X-bracing. It also boasts the Vintage Tone System (VTS) that ages the wood to replicate the sound of a highly sought-after vintage Martin, both in tone and appearance. FSC CERTIFIED OME Cherry Crafted entirely from FSC-certified woods, including a Sitka spruce top, cherry back and sides, a mahogany high performance neck, ebony fingerboard and bridge, and an African blackwood headplate, the OME Cherry is Martin's newest FSC guitar. The model includes gold open gear tuners and arrives stage ready with Fishman Matrix VT Enhance electronics so you can rock out and sound as good plugged in as you do unplugged. As pioneers in sustainable guitar building, Martin proudly partners with the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) to bring you a line of great sounding, sustainable wood guitars. When you play this comfortable and classy orchestra model, you can be sure that Mother Earth will be cheering you on! LIMITED EDITION D-42 Purple Martin The D-42 Purple Martin is the third in the Purple Martin series and gets an upgrade from 41 to 42 Style appointments. The name "Purple Martin" is inspired by a native bird from Pennsylvania of the same name. Known for being social, the Purple Martin is a fitting choice for this instrument, and you'll know why when you hear it sing! In addition to the bird inlay on the fingerboard and pickguard, the guitar also features the Pennsylvania state flower, the mountain laurel, by its side. The top is made from heavy bearclaw Engelmann spruce, and the back and sides are made from figured plum katalox. Other unique appointments on this limited edition model are Schaller Gold GrandTune open gear tuners and bone colored Liquidmetal bridge pins. The model is limited to just 50 guitars, each with a label signed by Chris Martin. SPECIAL EDITIONS D-45 Fire & Ice This Golden Era Style D-45 is the newest collaboration with renowned inlay artist Harvey Leach. This one-of-a-kind model is adorned with original artwork that symbolizes opposite forces, in the form of a phoenix and a dragon, coming together in battle. The inlay incorporates a technique developed by Leach called "Smoke & Mirrors," and it is used on this model to portray the dragon being neutralized in ice. The model also features an Engelmann spruce top with heavy bearclaw, Madagascar rosewood back and sides, a European flamed maple headplate and binding, and a unique maple back strip woven with pearl. The tuners are Schaller Gold GrandTune open gear, and the label is signed by Chris Martin and Harvey Leach. Martin is making only one of these rare beauties but will take special orders, so visit your authorized Martin dealer to get your hands on one. DSS-2018 Each year Martin designs a new groundbreaking model known as the "show special" to help support 2018 trade shows, by making it available only to those Authorized Martin Dealers in attendance. The theme for 2018 is lightweight wood with a robust sound. The difference can not only be heard but also felt as you cradle and strum this featherweight acoustical innovation. Though large in size, the features that contribute to these tonal and weight benefits are a 2-way adjustable titanium truss rod, carbon fiber and titanium tuning gears, composite carbon fiber/VTS Adirondack bridgeplate and headplate, a carbon fiber ultra-thin pickguard, and Liquidmetal pins that are disguised to look like bone. Liquidmetal pins have been proven to increase sustain, harmonics, and volume output by several decibels, adding to the allure of this physics experiment. Mahogany and Adirondack spruce were chosen as the tonewoods for this slope-shoulder Dreadnought, along with flamed maple binding, for lightness and rich tone. While the elements of titanium and carbon fiber reduce weight and increase the natural sustain and harmonics of the DSS-2018, the high performance neck with ebony fingerboard is adorned with grained ivoroid snowflake inlay for a touch of elegance. About Martin Guitars and Strings C.F. Martin & Co. has been inspiring musicians worldwide for 185 years with their superior guitar and string products. Martin guitars and strings remain the choice for musicians around the world for their unrivaled quality, craftsmanship, and tone. Martin guitars and strings can be seen and heard throughout the company's long history, across all genres of music, and in all segments of pop culture from concert and theater stages to television and movies. With an unwavering commitment to environmental sustainability and responsible manufacturing practices, Martin continually drives the acoustic guitar market forward, introducing innovative features that have become standards across the industry. These groundbreaking innovations include the introduction of X-bracing, the 14-fret guitar, and the "Dreadnought" size guitar. In strings, Martin has also led strings innovations, such as introducing the first high-tensile strength steel-string core wire, the original nickel acoustic strings (Martin Retro), and now their proprietary Titanium Core strings, which offer unmatched stability, tone, comfort, and longevity. Connect with Martin Guitars and Martin Strings on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and YouTube and via www.martinguitar.com. SOURCE C.F. Martin & Co. Related Links http://martinguitar.com SAN DIEGO, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Medical Marijuana, Inc. (OTC: MJNA), the first publicly traded cannabis company in the United States, today announced that its subsidiary HempMeds had its product registrations affirmed in Puerto Rico, enabling the Company to continue selling its CBD hemp oil products, Real Scientific Hemp Oil (RSHO), freely throughout the U.S. territory. This major milestone marks another historic first for RSHO as the first and only legally registered cannabis product to be sold in Puerto Rico as a nutritional supplement. In September of 2015, Puerto Rico's Departmento de Salud (Department of Health) approved 12 RSHO products through Medical Marijuana, Inc. subsidiary HempMeds for use in the territory. In Sept. 2016, the Department of Health notified Medical Marijuana, Inc. of its intention to cancel the registration of the Company's CBD hemp oil products, stating that "HempMeds products contained a controlled substance (CBD) considered to be unlawful under the Classification or Schedule 1 of the Federal Law on Controlled Substances." In July 2017, per request of Medical Marijuana, Inc. for a reconsideration of this determination, Puerto Rico's Department of Health repealed its initial determination, reinstating the registration of HempMeds products in Puerto Rico and providing the Company the right to sell them freely in the market of Puerto Rico. In appealing the decision, the Company asserted that its products were derived from the part of the plant, Cannabis Sativa L, that is exempt from the definition of "marijuana" under both the federal and Puerto Rico Controlled Substances Acts. Accordingly, the Company asserted, its products were legal under both federal and Puerto Rico law. The final determination held that: HempMeds products are neither marijuana, nor containing marijuana. They are natural not synthetic based products of industrial oil or "hemp oil" that is extracted from the stalk or mature stems of the plant Cannabis Sativa L. The products are not psychoactive and do not have the psychotropic effect of marijuana. HempMeds products are not substances controlled under federal law. The federal CSA identifies "marijuana" as a controlled substance under Category or Schedule 1, but the definition of "marijuana" expressly excludes from its scope oil and other derivatives of the stalk or mature stems of the Cannabis Sativa plant L. "We are pleased with the decision to reinstate the registration of HempMeds products in Puerto Rico, as we can now continue providing the more than 3.6 million residents of this territory with CBD hemp oil products that are helping people around the world," said Medical Marijuana, Inc. CEO Dr. Stuart Titus. "We are extremely proud to have been the first Company to provide the people of Puerto Rico with CBD hemp oil products, especially after the World Health Organization's recent recommendation not to schedule CBD." About HempMeds HempMeds is a corporate portfolio company of Medical Marijuana, Inc. (OTC PINK:MJNA) and the Company's exclusive master distributor and contracted marketing company, handling sales and distribution. About Medical Marijuana, Inc. We are a company of firsts. Our mission is to be the premier cannabis and hemp industry innovators, leveraging our team of professionals to source, evaluate and purchase value-added companies and products, while allowing them to keep their integrity and entrepreneurial spirit. We strive to create awareness within our industry, develop environmentally-friendly, economically sustainable businesses, while increasing shareholder value. For details on Medical Marijuana, Inc.'s portfolio and investment companies, visit www.medicalmarijuanainc.com. To see Medical Marijuana, Inc.'s corporate video, click here. "Shareholders and consumers are also encouraged to buy CBD oil and other products at Medical Marijuana, Inc.'s shop." FORWARD-LOOKING DISCLAIMER This press release may contain certain forward-looking statements and information, as defined within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and is subject to the Safe Harbor created by those sections. This material contains statements about expected future events and/or financial results that are forward-looking in nature and subject to risks and uncertainties. Such forward-looking statements by definition involve risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Medical Marijuana, Inc. to be materially different from the statements made herein. FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION (FDA) DISCLOSURE These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. LEGAL DISCLOSURE Medical Marijuana, Inc. does not sell or distribute any products that are in violation of the United States Controlled Substances Act (US.CSA). These companies do grow, sell, and distribute hemp-based products and are involved with the federally legal distribution of medical marijuana-based products within certain international markets. Cannabidiol is a natural constituent of hemp oil. CONTACT: Public Relations Contact: Andrew Hard Chief Executive Officer CMW Media P. 888-829- 0070 [email protected] www.cmwmedia.com SOURCE Medical Marijuana, Inc. Related Links https://www.medicalmarijuanainc.com MILWAUKEE, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The Medical Society of Milwaukee County, an organization representing 3,700 physicians and medical students, today announced its annual award winners. The following winners will be recognized at the Medical Society's annual awards dinner on Saturday, March 3, 2018, at the Milwaukee County Zoo, Peck Pavilion. Health Care Champion Award WI State Representative John Nygren This prestigious award recognizes individuals who demonstrate extraordinary leadership, vision, and commitment to advance health care at the city, county, or state level. As the State's torchbearer to establish legislation to reduce opioid and prescription drug abuse, Representative John Nygren is a dynamic and compassionate leader who has improved the quality of life for individuals and families suffering from drug addiction. Community Impact Award Dr. Veronica Gunn, VP Population Health Management and Payment Innovation, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin This prominent award recognizes individuals who provide leadership to advance a critical health care topic in Milwaukee. Dr. Veronica Gunn's innovative, compassionate, and hands-on leadership in developing programming around the social determinants of health in underserved neighborhoods is exemplary, including a program to adopt neighborhoods in some of the most challenged areas. Dr. Erastus B. Wolcott Distinguished Service Award Dr. Nick Turkal, President & CEO, Aurora Health Care This esteemed award recognizes physicians who carry on the distinguished legacy of the Medical Society's founder, Dr. Erastus B. Wolcott, who is honored with a statue in Lake Park. As stated of Dr. Wolcott, Dr. Turkal is also "Eminent in his profession. A lover of humanity. Who delights to serve." As one of very few physician CEO's for large integrated health care systems, Dr. Turkal has removed barriers to moving health care forward amidst all the challenges facing health care. His core beliefs are admirable: "Stay true to your purpose, actively listen, and never become complacent." He leads a stellar system-wide initiative to articulate Aurora's purpose to help people "live well." Medical Student Leader Award Stephanie Wong, Medical College of Wisconsin This significant award recognizes a medical student who has exemplified the attributes, skills, and passion beyond academics to be a leader in the field of medicine, and as such is an inspiration to fellow medical students. Witnessing a lack of care for the underserved while growing up, today Ms. Wong is passionate about alleviating health disparities in underserved communities. More than 350 physicians, business and community leaders will attend with a reception at 5 p.m., featuring hors d'oeuvres, silent auction, photographs by Babboni, and cash bar. Dinner and program will begin at 7 p.m., with a special appearance by former Green Bay Packer LeRoy Butler. Melinda Davenport, Co-Anchor, WISN 12 News This Morning, will serve as the Master of Ceremonies. Attire is formal, black tie optional. Register at www.medical18.gesture.com. Contact Kathy Schmitz, Executive Director, at [email protected] or (414) 475-4750. SOURCE Medical Society of Milwaukee County CARSON CITY, Nev., Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Now that a tax reform bill has been signed into law, leading mortgage bankers around Nevada are urging their Congressional Delegation to prioritize overhauling the housing finance system to ensure America has a stable and robust secondary mortgage market. "It's time for Congress to stop avoiding housing finance reform," said Jon Gedde, Chairman of the Nevada Mortgage Lenders Association and Senior Loan Advisor at Alderus Mortgage "Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have been ignored for far too long and their long-term future must be addressed." During the Financial Crisis of 2008, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were placed under government conservatorship or legal guardianship because their financial conditions were deteriorating. To keep the two afloat and to prevent the U.S. housing market from collapsing, taxpayers gave them a $187 billion bailout. Fannie and Freddie's conservatorship was only intended to be a temporary solution; yet, nearly a decade later, these government-sponsored enterprises remain under the government's control. "People, especially millennials, are moving to Nevada in increasing numbers," said Jon Gedde. "This influx is making it even more important for our lawmakers to address the housing market, so these transplants will have an easier time making Nevada their permanent home." The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA), the nation's leading advocate for the real estate finance industry, released a comprehensive proposal that would reform the current housing finance system. The plan aims to lessen the government's involvement in the secondary mortgage market, expand access to credit with more competition, promote affordable housing, and support underserved market segments. "The plan laid out by the MBA is well-balanced and one that lawmakers should consider," said Jon Gedde. "It would provide Nevadans looking to enter the housing market with more options and opportunities. We are hopeful Senators Dean Heller and Catherine Cortez Masto will lead Congress to address the unstable housing finance system once and for all." SOURCE Mortgage Bankers Association ATLANTA, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Now that a tax reform bill has been signed into law, leading mortgage bankers around Georgia are urging their Congressional Delegation to prioritize overhauling the housing finance system and ensuring America has a stable and robust secondary mortgage market. "Congress has avoided addressing the last piece of unfinished business from the 2008 Financial Crisis reforming Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac," said Fowler Williams, MBA State Ambassador and President and CEO of Crescent Mortgage Company. "Tax reform has been signed by the President, so Congress must now shift its focus to creating a vibrant and sustainable housing finance system." During the Financial Crisis of 2008, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were placed under government conservatorship or legal guardianship because their financial conditions were deteriorating. To keep the two afloat and to prevent the U.S. housing market from collapsing, taxpayers were forced to pay $187 billion. Fannie and Freddie's conservatorship was only intended to be a temporary solution. Yet, nearly a decade later, these government-sponsored enterprises remain under the government's control. "Home and rent prices are increasing in Georgia, especially in Atlanta where housing prices have hit record highs, and they're only expected to rise further," said Williams. "Prospective homeowners and builders are often unable to borrow, even as demand continues to rise." The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA), the nation's leading advocate for the real estate finance industry, released a comprehensive proposal that would reform the current housing finance system. The plan aims to lessen the government's involvement in the secondary mortgage market, expand access to credit with more competition, promote affordable housing, and support underserved market segments. "Members of Congress must realize the imminent need for housing finance reform. It is imperative for the health of the housing market," said Williams. "For the sake of all Georgians, I urge our entire Congressional Delegation to consider MBA's proposal and lead the charge on housing finance reform." SOURCE Mortgage Bankers Association GREENWOOD VILLAGE, Colo., Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- National Bank Holdings Corporation (NYSE: NBHC) announced today that the Board of Directors approved a cash dividend to shareholders. The quarterly cash dividend of nine cents ($0.09) per share of common stock will be payable on March 15, 2018 to shareholders of record at the close of business on February 23, 2018. About National Bank Holdings Corporation National Bank Holdings Corporation is a bank holding company created to build a leading community bank franchise delivering high-quality client service and committed to shareholder results. National Bank Holdings Corporation operates a network of 105 banking centers located in Colorado, the greater Kansas City region, Texas and New Mexico. Through the Company's subsidiary, NBH Bank, it operates under the following brand names: Bank Midwest in Kansas and Missouri, Community Banks of Colorado in Colorado, and Hillcrest Bank in Texas and New Mexico. More information about National Bank Holdings Corporation can be found at www.nationalbankholdings.com. For more information visit: bankmw.com, cobnks.com, hillcrestbank.com or nbhbank.com. Or, follow us on any of our social media sites: Bank Midwest: facebook.com/bankmw, twitter.com/bank_mw, instagram.com/bankmw; Community Banks of Colorado: facebook.com/cobnks, twitter.com/cobnks, instagram.com/cobnks; Hillcrest Bank: facebook.com/hillcrestbank, twitter.com/hillcrest_bank; NBH Bank: twitter.com/nbhbank; or connect with any of our brands on LinkedIn. Forward Looking Statements This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements contain words such as "anticipate," "believe," "can," "would," "should," "could," "may," "predict," "seek," "potential," "will," "estimate," "target," "plan," "project," "continuing," "ongoing," "expect," "intend" or similar expressions that relate to the Company's strategy, plans or intentions. Forward-looking statements involve certain important risks, uncertainties and other factors, any of which could cause actual results to differ materially from those in such statements. Such factors include, without limitation, the "Risk Factors" referenced in the Company's most recent Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and other risks and uncertainties listed from time to time in our reports and documents filed with the SEC. The Company can give no assurance that any goal or plan or expectation set forth in forward-looking statements can be achieved and readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such statements. The forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this press release, and the Company does not intend, and assumes no obligation, to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which the statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events or circumstances, except as required by applicable law. SOURCE National Bank Holdings Corporation Related Links http://www.nationalbankholdings.com PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The National Constitution Center is now offering Continuing Legal Education credit for select America's Town Hall programs. These CLE programs, which can be attended in-person or on-demand online, are designed to provide affordable, scholarly programming while serving the education needs of the legal community across the United States. The programs are eligible for varying CLE credits, subject to specific state bar requirements. The National Constitution Center's CLE programs are accredited in Pennsylvania, California, New York, Illinois, Texas, and Delaware. Credit is also available in Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and New Jersey. All other U.S. jurisdictions allow attorneys to self-apply for credit for live events held outside their state. Some states allow attorneys to self-apply for on-demand CLE credit. Please check your state rules for specific forms and procedures. A full list of the National Constitution Center's in-person and on-demand CLE programs can be found at www.constitutioncenter.org/CLE. On-demand programs are available 24/7. "I'm thrilled that the National Constitution Center's balanced, trusted programs to educate all Americans about the Constitution will now be available for Continuing Legal Education credit," said Jeffrey Rosen, President and CEO of the National Constitution Center. "Lawyers across America will now be able to fulfill their Continuing Legal Education requirements by watching Constitution Center programs, in-person and online." The cost for a (1) CLE credit program starts at $35 for National Constitution Center Members and $40 for Non-Members. CLE registration fees vary per number of credits offered. Register online at www.constitutioncenter.org/CLE or by contacting [email protected]. For more information on becoming a Member, click here. The cost for an in-person (1) CLE credit program starts at $35 for National Constitution Center Members and $40 for Non-Members. On-demand program prices start at $40. CLE registration fees vary per number of credits offered. Register online at www.constitutioncenter.org/CLE or by contacting [email protected]. For more information on becoming a Member, click here. About the National Constitution Center The National Constitution Center in Philadelphia inspires citizenship as the only place where people across America and around the world can come together to learn about, debate, and celebrate the greatest vision of human freedom in history, the U.S. Constitution. A private, nonprofit organization, the Center serves as America's leading platform for constitutional education and debate, fulfilling its Congressional charter "to disseminate information about the U.S. Constitution on a non-partisan basis." As the Museum of We the People, the Center brings the Constitution to life for visitors of all ages through interactive programs and exhibits. As America's Town Hall, the Center brings the leading conservative and liberal thought leaders together to debate the Constitution on all media platforms. As a center for Civic Education, the Center delivers the best educational programs and online resources that inspire, excite, and engage citizens about the U.S. Constitution. For more information, call 215-409-6700 or visit constitutioncenter.org. SOURCE National Constitution Center Related Links http://www.constitutioncenter.org ROSSLYN, Va., Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) joined business leaders and industry allies at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce America's Infrastructure Summit to discuss infrastructure modernization and electrification strategies that enhance efficiency, reliability, and safety. The chamber called for actionable ways federal policy-makers, State officials, and the business community can advance infrastructure changes. "It is past time for Congress and the administration to develop a broad-based infrastructure modernization strategy that includes not only roads and bridges but also ports, water systems, buildings, and the electric grid," said NEMA President and CEO Kevin J. Cosgriff. "Achieving a modernized infrastructure requires a call to action for both the public and private sectors to invest in all segments of infrastructure. Plans that utilize advanced, digitized electrification technologies will grow the economy, create new jobs, and improve our competitive position in a global economy," Cosgriff added. "The package should include federal and state funding, private sector incentives, and a set of innovative policy changes that leverage multiple financing options." The electrical grid is one of the nation's most important infrastructure assets. Every aspect of the U.S. economy and virtually every aspect of modern living depend on the reliable and affordable flow of electricity into homes and businesses. NEMA and its member companies support investments in electrical infrastructure to further modernize the electrical grid and all it serves. The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) represents nearly 350 electrical equipment and medical imaging manufacturers at the forefront of electrical safety, reliability, and resilience, as well as efficiency and energy security. Our combined industries account for 360,000 American jobs in more than 7,000 facilities covering every state. Our industry produces $106 billion shipments of electrical equipment and medical imaging technologies per year with $36 billion exports. SOURCE National Electrical Manufacturers Association Related Links http://www.nema.org LONDON, January 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Elsevier, the information analytics business specializing in science and health which is part of RELX Group, and Times Higher Education (THE), the data provider underpinning university excellence in every continent across the world, today announced their extended partnership in a multi-year agreement. This will see THE draw on Elsevier's Scopus data to power its flagship World University Rankings and derived rankings, including the Asia University Rankings, BRICS & Emerging Economies, World Reputation Rankings, Young University Rankings, US College Rankings, Japan University Rankings, and Latin America Rankings. The THE World University Rankings score research-focused universities across all their core missions: research, teaching, knowledge transfer, and international outlook. Staff are surveyed to share their experiences and opinions and these results are combined with quantitative metrics and institutional own data about student and staff to compile the rankings. Scopus will now continue to be the sole source for the bibliometric data and reputation survey underlying the ranking. Scopus is the world's largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed academic literature. Data included covers that of 5,000 publishers globally resulting in over 70 million records and 12 million author profiles indexed. The breadth of this data enables THE to analyse research activity from a greater number of institutions, including institutions from emerging economies that account for a growing share of global research today. "Being able to tap into the wide span of global data coverage in Scopus has enabled us to go from covering 400 universities in our ranking 2014 to 1,100 today," said Trevor Barratt, Managing Director of Times Higher Education. "The extended deal is very much in line with our shared goal of helping universities improve their performance, and as part of this vision, we look forward to including new geographical regions that are emerging as growing research hubs." Dr. Nick Fowler, Elsevier's Chief Academic Officer, said: "The THE University Rankings offer higher education and industry leaders invaluable insights on how to set strategic and investment priorities, and they help governments shape national policy. These are clear demonstrations of how THE and Elsevier are aligned in their commitment to help enable science have a transformative impact on society." THE will also continue to draw on Elsevier's SciVal research benchmarking tool to develop its research performance metrics and analysis; Elsevier will continue to run an annual global academic reputation survey on THE's behalf. THE now also has access to education data from Elsevier's fellow RELX Group company, LexisNexis Risk Solutions. For further background on the partnership between Elsevier and THE read this article and watch this video. About Elsevier Elsevier is a global information analytics business that helps institutions and professionals progress science, advance healthcare and improve performance for the benefit of humanity. Elsevier provides digital solutions and tools in the areas of strategic research management, R&D performance, clinical decision support, and professional education; including ScienceDirect, Scopus, SciVal, ClinicalKey and Sherpath. Elsevier publishes over 2,500 digitized journals, including The Lancet and Cell, more than 35,000 e-book titles and many iconic reference works, including Gray's Anatomy. Elsevier is part of RELX Group, a global provider of information and analytics for professionals and business customers across industries. http://www.elsevier.com Media contact: Sacha Boucherie Global Communications Elsevier +31-20-4853564 [email protected] SOURCE Elsevier MAPLE GROVE, Minn., Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- NxThera, Inc., a medical device company pioneering the application of its Convective Water Vapor Energy (WAVE) technology to treat endourological conditions, today announced publication of a recent economic analysis which demonstrates its minimally invasive Rezum System to be a cost-effective and durable solution in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The findings, presented in a manuscript entitled "Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Six Therapies for the Treatment of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Due to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia," were recently published in ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research. The economic analysis compared six BPH therapies: combination drug therapy, Rezum, Prostiva, UroLift, GreenLight and TURP. Findings showed combination drug therapies to be the least effective, with branded drugs as the most expensive treatment option ($7,082) overall. GreenLight and TURP procedures showed slightly more symptom relief compared to Rezum, but both cost nearly twice as much ($5,099 for GreenLight and $5,191 for TURP). While UroLift is similar in effectiveness, the cost ($6,386) is more than twice the amount of a Rezum procedure ($2,582). "Evidence-based evaluations support Rezum as a clinically and cost-effective treatment for BPH," said Dr. James C. Ulchaker, lead author and urologist with the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. "Using a robust economic model, compared with the other BPH treatment options at two years included in the analysis, the clinical improvements, with low retreatment rates and side effects, resulted in Rezum being a much less expensive option in a urologist's BPH treatment armamentarium, and may be a sensible choice in a health care system seeking to contain costs." "The findings from this economic analysis are important because BPH is among the top 10 most prominent and costly diseases in men over 50 years of age in the U.S. estimated at $4 billion annually, and the population of men 65 years and older is estimated to rise over the next 10 years, meaning the demand, and therefore the spending, for BPH treatments will continue to increase sharply," said Bob Paulson, president and CEO of NxThera. "Furthermore, studies have documented that 60 percent of men discontinue use of drug therapy to treat BPH after one year as a result of side effects, including sexual dysfunction, and lower degrees of symptom relief and quality of life. Rezum offers a cost-effective BPH treatment option, providing durable and compelling symptom relief, without sexual dysfunction, which allow men to resume their quality of life, balanced with an efficient use of health care spending." Rezum uses the natural thermal energy stored in water vapor, or steam, to treat the enlarged and obstructive prostate tissue that causes BPH symptoms such as frequency, urgency, irregular flow, weak stream, straining and getting up at night to urinate. The water vapor is delivered into the targeted prostate tissue and when the vapor contacts the tissue it condenses, releasing the stored thermal energy, causing the obstructive prostate tissue cells to die. In the weeks following a Rezum procedure, the body's natural healing response eliminates the treated tissue, shrinking the prostate. As the extra tissue is removed, the urethra opens back up, reducing BPH symptoms and improving the patient's quality of life. Studies have shown that the Rezum treatment provides durable symptom relief and allows men to retain sexual function unlike surgical BPH treatments, which typically have higher incidences of long-term sexual side effects. To date, more than 17,000 men have been effectively treated with the Rezum System across the U.S. and Europe. For more information about the Rezum System, visit www.rezum.com. About NxThera and the Rezum System NxThera pioneered its Convective Water Vapor Energy (WAVE) platform technology to treat a variety of endourological conditions, beginning with BPH. The company is conducting advanced development and clinical research to potentially expand application of its technology to include the targeted treatment of cancerous prostate, kidney and bladder tissue as well as OAB. NxThera's FDA-cleared Rezum System is indicated to treat symptoms of BPH using thermal energy that is convectively delivered to obstructive prostate tissue in targeted, precise treatments, with minimal discomfort. Three-year clinical data demonstrates sustained improvements in LUTS, urine flow, quality of life, and preservation of sexual function. Founded in 2008, NxThera is located in Maple Grove, Minn. For more information, visit www.rezum.com. SOURCE NxThera, Inc. Related Links http://www.nxthera.com Sponsored by Honeywell Hometown Solutions, the company's corporate citizenship initiative, HISE aims to encourage students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) through multiple interactions with Nobel laureates and Honeywell technologists. For more than a decade, it has benefited thousands of students and teachers at top universities in China, the Czech Republic, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Romania and the United States. The initiative includes a series of laureate lectures and career discussions with Honeywell engineers. Laughlin, who received the Nobel Prize for the discovery of a new form of quantum fluid with fractionally charged excitations, is among 27 Nobel laureates sponsored by Honeywell at universities worldwide since 2006. His discovery opened a new chapter in condensed matter physics. During his lecture, Laughlin encouraged students to pursue their dreams, regardless of the challenges they may have to overcome. "Great people come from all walks of life," he told the students. "Stay true to yourself, stay focused, and you will succeed." "At UTP, we are committed to ensuring we are a center for creating and sharing new knowledge that promotes a lifelong desire among our students to learn, discover, and innovate," said Acting Vice Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer Professor Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Abdul Mutalib. "We are delighted to collaborate with Honeywell and welcome Nobel Laureate Robert Laughlin to our campus. Our hope is that today's HISE event helps students see their career possibilities." "The complexities of today's world require young people to be equipped with a new set of knowledge and skills to solve difficult problems," said Briand Greer, President, Honeywell ASEAN. "By offering UTP students the opportunity to learn from a Nobel laureate and interact with Honeywell engineers, we hope to prepare students for a workforce where success comes not just from their knowledge of STEM subjects, but from what they are able to do with that knowledge." Laughlin is the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of Physics and Applied Physics at Stanford University. He earned a B.A. in mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley, and his Ph.D. in physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He served as the president of KAIST in Daejeon, South Korea. His many awards include the National Academy of Sciences, the Benjamin Franklin Medal for Physics, and the Academy of Achievement's Golden Plate Award. Honeywell closely cooperates with Malaysia's technical universities on programs such as engineering lectures, collaborative projects, student events, academic thesis opportunities and internships. The HISE event marks the second time the program has been presented at a university in Malaysia. In 2010, the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur hosted the HISE event. Honeywell Hometown Solutions (HHS) supports STEM education in Malaysia through multiple programs. For example, 24 Malaysian middle school science and math teachers have attended the Honeywell Educators at Space Academy at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center (USSRC) in the United States since the program began in 2004. HHS has also sponsored 10 Malaysian high school students at the Honeywell Leadership Challenge Academy at the USSRC. Additionally, last year HHS launched Honeywell's Safe Kids at Home program in Malaysia, educating 6,000 children on how to avoid fire, burns and scalds in the home. About Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) was established on 10 January 1997 and is a renowned private university with education and research in engineering, science and technology at its forefront. UTP offers a wide range of industry-relevant engineering, science and technology programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and aims to produce well-rounded graduates with excellent leadership qualities and communication abilities. UTP has produced more than 15,000 graduates and currently has an enrolment of over 1,200 foundation students, 6,000 undergraduates and 1,200 postgraduates from more than 66 countries around the world. The university conducts extensive research activities in collaboration with PETRONAS and other institutions and industries, locally and abroad, on six research focus and niche areas. They are self-sustainable building, transport infrastructure, health analytics, hydrocarbon recovery, contaminant management and autonomous system. UTP is the first and only private university to be awarded a six-star rating (the highest performance level) by Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia for its research, development and commercialisation efforts under the Malaysia Research Assessment Rating System. UTP continues to provide distinctive educational opportunities to its students with the rating of Six Star or outstanding status in the Rating System for Malaysian Higher Education 2017. It is the first and only private university in Malaysia to be rated a maximum 5-star overall rating in the Quacquarelli Symonds StarsTM University Rating System. UTP has improved its standing in the QS Asia University Rankings 2017 and is now ranked Top 101. For more information, visit www.utp.edu.my. About Honeywell Honeywell ( www.honeywell.com ) is a Fortune 100 software-industrial company that delivers industry specific solutions that include aerospace and automotive products and services; control technologies for buildings, homes, and industry; and performance materials globally. Our technologies help everything from aircraft, cars, homes and buildings, manufacturing plants, supply chains, and workers become more connected to make our world smarter, safer, and more sustainable. For news and information on Honeywell, please visit www.honeywell.com/newsroom . About Honeywell Hometown Solutions The Honeywell Initiative for Science & Engineering program is part of Honeywell Hometown Solutions, the company's corporate citizenship initiative, which focuses on five areas of vital importance: Science & Math Education, Family Safety & Security, Housing & Shelter, Habitat & Conservation, and Humanitarian Relief. Together with leading public and non-profit institutions, Honeywell has developed powerful programs to address these needs in the communities it serves. For more information, visit http://citizenship.honeywell.com/. Media Contacts Liza Haji Awang Damit +6 017 227 0045 [email protected] Deborah Fonteix +1 973 455 5422 [email protected] SOURCE Honeywell Related Links http://www.honeywell.com Created by Louisville-based Bourbon Barrel Foods and Old Forester Master Taster and Bourbon Specialist Jackie Zykan, Cocktail Provisions are inspired by the unique and robust flavor profiles of Old Forester. Taking the guesswork out of creating high-end cocktails, Zykan and Bourbon Barrel Foods have developed a cocktail line allowing consumers and trade to craft the perfect Old Fashioned, take the hassle out of Oleo-Saccharum syrup and elevate cocktails to new dimensions of flavor. "We want people to enjoy our Bourbon the way they like it whether it's neat, on the rocks or in a hand-crafted cocktail," said Jackie Zykan, Old Forester Master Taster and Bourbon Specialist. "Cocktail Provisions is there to help you find your inner bartender and discover new, unique ways to experience Old Forester." Old Forester Cocktail Provisions line includes: Bitters (Old Forester Bourbon base), Suggested Retail Price: $11.50 for 2 fl. oz. for 2 fl. oz. Bohemian Bitters: Cherry Tobacco Smoked Cinnamon Bitters: Baking Spice & Smoke Hummingbird Bitters: Citrus & Floral Syrups (sugar base), Suggested Retail Price: $8.50 for 2 fl. oz. bottle; makes four cocktails for 2 fl. oz. bottle; makes four cocktails Perfect Old Fashioned Syrup: Rich demerara syrup with proprietary blend of three Old Forester bitters Oleo-Saccharum Syrup: A rustic cocktail ingredient created using a cold process to extract oil from citrus peels by immersing them in sugar; adds bright citrus flavor profile Tincture (water base), Suggested Retail Price: $7.50 for 2 fl. oz. bottle for 2 fl. oz. bottle Salt and Pepper Tincture: Bourbon Barrel Foods Bourbon Smoked Sea Salt and Bourbon Smoked Pepper; adds slight spice and dimension and tames bitter notes without texture of salt and pepper Suggested Cocktail Recipes: PERFECT OLD FASHIONED Ingredients: 2 oz. Old Forester 100 Proof, 0.5 oz. Perfect Old Fashioned Syrup Directions: Combine ingredients in mixing glass, stir with ice, strain over large ice cube in double old fashioned glass and garnish with lemon and orange peel. BOURBON ALEXANDER Ingredients: 1 oz. Old Forester 100 Proof, 1 oz. Half n Half, 0.5 oz. Coconut Liqueur, 0.5 oz. Creme de Cacao, 2 droppers Bohemian Bitters Directions: Combine all ingredients in shaker tin. Shake vigorously with ice. Strain into coupe glass. Garnish with freshly grated nutmeg. MUTED BOULEVARDIER Ingredients: 1 dropper of the Salt & Pepper Tincture combined with 1.5 oz. Old Forester 86 Proof, 1 oz. Sweet Vermouth and 1 oz. Campari Directions: Combine all ingredients in a mixing glass, stir with ice, strain into coupe and garnish with orange twist. TRADITIONAL PUNCH Ingredients: 1.5 oz. Old Forester 100 Proof, 1 oz. Oleo Saccharum Syrup, 2 oz. Water, 0.5 oz. Lemon Juice Directions: Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into double old fashioned glass with fresh ice. Garnish with lemon peel and grated nutmeg. For high res imagery of products and cocktail please click on this link for download. Cocktail Provisions and recipes will be available at store.oldforester.com and bourbonbarrelfoods.com as well as Bourbon Barrel Foods storefronts. ABOUT OLD FORESTER Old Forester is Brown-Forman's founding brand, founded in 1870 by George Garvin Brown. Brown believed Old Forester was so pure and consistent that he sealed it, signed it, and pledged, "There is nothing better in the market." ABOUT BOURBON BARREL FOODS Established in 2006 as America's only soy sauce microbrewery by Matt Jamie, Bourbon Barrel Foods has become a cornerstone in both the bourbon and gourmet foods industries. All of Bourbon Barrel Foods' products incorporate innovative uses of bourbon barrels and are crafted with care in small batches. Please Sip Responsibly. Old Forester Straight Bourbon Whisky, 43-57.5% Alc./Vol., Old Forester Mint Julep Cocktail, 30% Alc./Vol. Old Forester Distilling Company at Louisville in KY. OLD FORESTER is a registered trademark. 2018 Brown-Forman Distillers. All rights reserved. All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners. CONTACT: [email protected] [email protected] SOURCE Old Forester Related Links http://www.oldforester.com CHICAGO, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Pareto Intelligence recently welcomed a new addition to its growing team through the appointment of Jason Montrie as President, effective January 16, 2018. Montrie will be a pivotal part of growing and evolving Pareto's technology and analytics solutions to stay ahead of the ever-changing healthcare industry. Jason Montrie, President, Pareto Intelligence "Jason joins us at a time of positive growth and exciting potential," said John Steele, Managing Partner of Pareto Intelligence. "He is an established leader with a proven track record of managing the development and execution of innovative business strategies across the country. His impressive career in healthcare serving both Fortune 100 companies, as well as innovative startups, will provide a fresh perspective on our commitment to building and bettering solutions for healthcare organizations." Montrie most recently served as a consultant to Clear Spring Health. Clear Spring Health helps launch, capitalize, and operate joint venture, provider-sponsored plans. Before Clear Spring, Montrie was co-founder, CEO, and President of Land of Lincoln Health (LLH), where he led strategic initiatives, innovative product development, and operations for Illinois' first new health insurance company in 25 years. Under his leadership, LLHIllinois' first and only consumer-operated and oriented plan (CO-OP)enrolled 75,000 members and became the state's fastest growing insurance company in 2015. Montrie has also held executive roles at the Chicago offices of several highly-regarded health insurance companies including Humana, Great West Life, and Euclid Insurance Company. "I'm honored to have been selected to lead this wonderful team," said Montrie, who was named a Crain's 40 under 40 in 2015, of his appointment. "The strategic vision of Pareto Intelligence is inspiring and our solutions are needed now more than ever in this rapidly evolving healthcare landscape. Building on current successes to expand and enhance our capabilities will be a challenging but exciting feat. I look forward to advancing Pareto's solutions to help solve increasingly complex problems for our clients." "2017 was our biggest year yet," commented Steele. "We're looking forward to making 2018 even bigger under Jason's direction." ABOUT PARETO INTELLIGENCE Pareto Intelligence is a technology and analytics company that supports health plans and providers with solutions to evaluate revenue accuracy, manage cost, and improve long-term financial performance. We inform, optimize, and engage by bringing together a suite of interoperable technology solutions and tailored advisory services. Recognizing a need for big data analytics and business intelligence solutions, Pareto Intelligence was launched by HealthScape Advisors, a management consulting firm specializing in the business of healthcare. That means Pareto's pedigree is deep expertise and a pragmatic approach to executing solutions. To learn more, visit our website at www.paretointel.com. For more information on HealthScape Advisors, visit www.healthscape.com. Contact: Bre Bush Pareto Intelligence (630) 292-8859 [email protected] SOURCE Pareto Intelligence Related Links https://paretointel.com SILICON SLOPES, Utah, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Parity.org, a non-profit organization focused on bringing gender parity to the highest levels of business, announced that its founder, Cathrin Stickney, will participate on the main stage at the 2018 Silicon Slopes Tech Summit. Josh James, Domo founder and CEO, will interview Stickney about the mission and momentum of the ParityPledge, and how parity in leadership positions helps strengthen tech organizations. This session will take place today at 10am MT at the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City. "Gender parity at the highest level of corporate leadership helps create stronger organizations, and it's needed now more than ever," Stickney said. "In S&P 500 companies last year women only held 5.2 percent of CEO positions and 21.2 percent of board seats. As the tech industry continues to grow and play a significant role in the American economy, it's critical to have a well-rounded group of leaders at the helm." During her session, Stickney will announce the full list of Parity.org's founding companies. Since launching in September 2017, more than 75 companies have signed the ParityPledgeTM, which asks companies to commit to interviewing at least one qualified woman candidate for every open position, vice president and above, including the C-suite and the Board. Forty companies across the state of Utah have taken the ParityPledge, including the entire Silicon Slopes executive board, which consists of the CEOs of Adobe, Banyan, Domo, Entrata, InsideSales.com, Pluralsight, Qualtrics, and Vivint Smart Home. Clint Betts, the executive director of Silicon Slopes, said, "The Silicon Slopes executive board put their support behind the ParityPledge as it is an easy solution to implement and any company of any size can commit to doing it. We need more women in tech leadership, and the ParityPledge helps companies to recruit as well as grow their leadership from within. We're thrilled to be hosting this conversation during Silicon Slopes Tech Summit this year and invite companies that have not yet signed the ParityPledge to make the commitment." On Thursday during the Summit, Parity.org will also partner with the Women Tech Council to host a networking luncheon for C-Suite leaders across the state of Utah. "Increasing the number of women in executive roles in tech is a high priority, and one that requires active programs that focus on creating change that drives the right impact," said Cydni Tetro, president and co-founder of Women Tech Council. "Creating programs that build relationships between the talented women tech executives and CEOs, VCs and board members broaden networks and accelerates getting more qualified women into leadership positions and the community." Silicon Slopes Tech Summit is a globally recognized two-day summit organized and hosted by the Silicon Slopes community. With some of the most prominent and leading minds in the tech industry taking the stage, Silicon Slopes Tech Summit 2018 is the largest and most prominent annual tech event in the state of Utah. To take the ParityPledge or learn more about how to get involved with Parity.org, visit http://www.Parity.org. About Parity.org Parity.org is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit profit organization dedicated to gender parity at the highest ranks of business leadership. Parity.org is assembling a founding advisory board of some of the most recognized men and women leaders in business. You can follow Parity.org on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. ParityPledge is a trademark of Parity.org. Contact: Katy Kenealy Parity.org PR [email protected] SOURCE Parity.org Related Links http://www.Parity.org EMERYVILLE, Calif., Jan. 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Saving or paying for a child to go to college can be a challenge, even more so if the parent is also dealing with debt, including their own student loan debt. However, it's not impossible to tackle the issue of a kid's college expenses while in debt. Clients of American Financial Benefits Center (AFBC), a document preparation company that assists student loan borrowers with enrollment in certain federal repayment programs, can keep their bills lower by maintaining their enrollment in the right repayment plan. AFBC clients would also benefit from mapping out a game plan for paying for their kid's college costs. "While student loan borrowers are often talked about as 'kids,' so many of them actually have children of their own," said Sara Molina, Manager at AFBC. "And a lot of those children are college-bound. So, this is a major financial question that borrowers are concerned about." Depending on how big a borrower's loan balance is relative to their income, the savings gained by staying in an income-driven repayment plan could be substantial. Current borrowers who are in income-driven plans can also expect to have any remaining balances forgiven at the end of a 20- to 25-year period. AFBC urges their clients who are concerned about paying for a child to go to college to put any savings they can from their reduced monthly loan payment towards a college fund. College savings funds come in many forms, from simple savings accounts to investments in stocks and bonds to tuition-specific plans like 529 Plans. 529 Plans can be state- or school-specific and can come in the form of college savings plans or a prepaid tuition plan. But if a child's entrance to school is arriving fast, AFBC recommends clients keep an open line of communication with their kid about the financial aspects of college. Parents with student loans are in a unique position to prepare their kids with information they wish they had when they were just starting higher education. This includes informing them about things like the differences in tuition between public schools and private schools, the potential benefits and risks of student loans, as well as their child's own contributions or responsibilities when it comes to paying for college. Borrowers might do well to both save and to lay out expectations with their college-bound child. For example, some parents are saving for their children's college tuition, but will only cover the costs up to a point, and within certain conditions, i.e. their children attend in-state public schools and participate in work-study programs. AFBC clients can expect support from the company to help them stay enrolled in income-driven repayment plans. These services include annual income and family size recertification. If a borrower thinks a change in payment plan is in order, the borrower can call AFBC for help. AFBC recognizes that, for student loan borrowers, being in the right payment plan could be a crucial part of a college savings plan. "At AFBC, our goal is to make our clients' lives financially easier," said Molina. "And if we can help borrowers bring their student loan bills down and free up some money to go towards something meaningful, that means a lot. That's our goal." About American Financial Benefits Center American Financial Benefits Center is a document preparation company that helps clients apply for federal repayment plans that fit their personal financial and student loan situation. They adhere to strict customer service guidelines and strive for the highest levels of honesty and integrity. AFBC is a member of the Association for Student Loan Relief (AFSLR), and each representative on the phone has received the Certified Student Loan Professional certification through the International Association of Professional Debt Arbitrators (IAPDA). To learn more about American Financial Benefits Center, please contact: American Financial Benefits Center 1900 Powell Street #600 Emeryville, CA 94608 1-800-488-1490 [email protected] Related Links AFBC home page SOURCE American Financial Benefits Center Related Links https://afbcenter.com "We are very pleased to welcome Phoebe to the PPL board," said William H. Spence, PPL chairman, president and Chief Executive Officer. "Her strong financial and strategic planning background makes her an exceptional addition to our board." From 2001 through 2008, Wood served as Chief Financial Officer of Brown-Forman Corporation, as well as executive vice president from 2001 to 2006 and as vice chairman from 2006 to 2008. A key leader and decision maker, she was responsible for controllership, treasury, tax, corporate development, investor relations, information technology, knowledge management and audit functions. Prior to joining Brown-Forman, Wood served from 2000 to 2001 as vice president and Chief Financial Officer, and as a director, of Propel Corporation, a telecommunications subsidiary of Motorola, Inc. Until 2000, Wood served in various financial leadership and business development positions, both domestically and internationally, during her almost 24-year tenure at Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO). While at ARCO, she served as vice president of finance planning and control of ARCO Alaska, Inc., vice president of business development of ARCO's U.S. exploration and production subsidiary and vice president of finance, planning and control at ARCO's subsidiary in England, as well as in other management positions. A resident of Louisville, Kentucky, Wood holds a master's degree in business administration from UCLA and a bachelor's degree in psychology from Smith College. She also serves on the board of directors of Leggett & Platt, Incorporated, Invesco Ltd. and Pioneer Natural Resources Company. She is a trustee of The Gheens Foundation, Pitzer College, the American Printing House for the Blind and a trustee emerita of Smith College. She is also an active member of The Committee of 200 and Women Corporate Directors. Her appointment will bring PPL's total board membership to 10, nine of whom are outside, independent directors. The board has also appointed Wood to the Compensation, Governance and Nominating Committee, effective January 18, 2018. Headquartered in Allentown, Pa., PPL Corporation (NYSE: PPL) is one of the largest companies in the U.S. utility sector. PPL's seven high-performing, award-winning utilities serve 10 million customers in the U.S. and United Kingdom. With about 13,000 employees, PPL is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and reliability and delivering superior value for shareowners. To learn more, visit www.pplweb.com. Note to Editors: Visit our media website at www.pplnewsroom.com for additional news and background about PPL Corporation. Contacts: For news media: Ryan Hill, 610-774-5997 SOURCE PPL Corporation Related Links http://www.pplweb.com Though best known for the annual GRAMMY Awards, the Recording Academy strives year-round to advance artistic and technical excellence, works to ensure a vital and free creative environment and acts as an advocate on behalf of music and its makers through a wide range of programs administered by various sub-brands and affiliates. Over the course of its history, the Recording Academy has established itself as the preeminent arts advocacy and outreach organization in the United States. As part of the engagement, Siegel+Gale refreshed the visual identity to build equity for the master brand and create visual connectivity across the Recording Academy's portfolio. By introducing color and rendering the gramophone in both static and animated form, the new logo illustrates the variety of music genres and music creators the Recording Academy advocates on behalf of. In its pure graphic form, the gramophone remains the core identifier for the GRAMMY Awards and the Recording Academy's programs. When animated, the logotype adapts the width of its letters to the sound and rhythm of music it is paired with. The various renderings of the gramophone serve as the foundation for a modern visual identity that is as dynamic as the music it is designed to represent. "The Recording Academy has always been a catalyst for progress in a constantly changing industry," said Matthias Mencke, Group Creative Director at Siegel+Gale. "But their previous identity no longer reflected the totality of their mission. The new logo elevates the Recording Academy's visual presence as the organization evolves to serve new generations of music creators and fans. Depicting the gramophone in all angles and various colors is a modern interpretation of the many facets of music. As a consistent graphic language that ties all communications together, the new identity system alludes to the role music plays as a cultural fabric that brings people together." "For six decades, the Recording Academy has worked to protect music and its creators through an expanding portfolio of programs and initiatives, which led to a varied mix of unstructured uses for our logos, and an inconsistent brand image. As we evolved, we recognized that some audiences weren't clear about all that the Academy represents, and all of the meaningful work we do throughout the industry," said Evan Greene, Chief Marketing Officer of the Recording Academy. "With Siegel+Gale, we created a unified look and feel, centered on our trademark gramophone icon to give a visual through-line that helps identify and distinguish Academy-related programs and activities. We couldn't be more pleased with the results." About Siegel+Gale Siegel+Gale (www.siegelgale.com) is a global brand strategy, design and experience firm. Using facts, intuition and creativity, we blend science with art, unlocking the power of simplicity to help organizations realize their full potential. Since 1969, Siegel+Gale has championed simplicity for leading corporations, nonprofits and government organizations worldwide. We have offices in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, London, Dubai and Shanghai, but we're willing to fly just about anywhere. We're also not alone. As part of the DAS Group of Companies, we have strong partners all around the world. About the DAS Group of Companies The DAS Group of Companies, a division of Omnicom Group Inc. (NYSE: OMC) (www.omnicomgroup.com), is a global group of marketing services companies. DAS includes over 200 companies in the following marketing disciplines: specialty, PR, healthcare, CRM, events, promotional marketing, branding and research. Operating through a combination of networks and regional organizations, DAS serves international, regional, national and local clients through more than 700 offices in 71 countries. About the Recording Academy The Recording Academy represents the voices of performers, songwriters, producers, engineers, and all music professionals. Dedicated to ensuring the recording arts remain a thriving part of our shared cultural heritage, the Academy honors music's history while investing in its future through the GRAMMY Museum, advocates on behalf of music creators, supports music people in times of need through MusiCares and celebrates artistic excellence through the GRAMMY Awardsmusic's only peer-recognized accolade and highest achievement. As the world's leading society of music professionals, we work year-round to foster a more inspiring world for creators. Contact: Molly Muldoon Associate Public Relations Director, Siegel+Gale [email protected] 1.212.453.0491 Lourdes Lopez Sr. Director Marketing Communications, Recording Academy [email protected] 1.310.581.8770 SOURCE Siegel+Gale Related Links http://www.siegelgale.com GENEVA, Ill., Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- With the deadline a little over five months away, the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is considered the most important change in data privacy regulation in 20 years. It affects every organization in the world that processes the data of European Union (EU) citizens, and takes effect May 25, 2018. Gartner predicts that by the end of 2018, more than 50% of companies affected by GDPR will fail to comply fully with its requirements. GDPR compliance is a major shift in business data protection rules that can be tackled with the correct vision and resources in place. From the initial assessment to ongoing compliance program management, RedLegg can provide you with all the guidance and support necessary. Getting a head start through RedLegg's Virtual Data Protection Officer (vDPO) service affords your company cost-effective access to industry experts while eliminating internal conflicts of interest. RedLegg's new GDPR advisory service provides: Initial Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) Audit of business processes to determine the type of personal data that is currently collected, stored, processed, and exchanged with affected external entities Review of established data minimization practices that must be implemented at every step of the data lifecycle to maintain GDPR compliance Evaluation of ability to comply with the Right to Erasure (right to be forgotten) requirements Gap Assessment Report and high-level Implementation Plan to define compliance action items Data Discovery Control Audits Discover and analyze GDPR-related data residing on-premise and in cloud-based applications and systems Evaluate data access and data protection control monitoring capabilities vDPO (virtual Data Protection Officer) Service Provides real-life data privacy and information security experience to ensure compliance Avoids conflicts of interest between the duties of DPOs and their other duties Provides interaction and reporting to your company's top management Furnishes advice and recommendations for interpreting and applying the new data protection rules Helps your company to manage, operationalize and maintain your GDPR Compliance Program About RedLegg A Global Partner for Managed and Cyber Security Services, RedLegg's approach to consultancy is based on a solid risk management foundation. RedLegg's works with VAR and Channel Partners to improve client security posture by providing superior security services. For more information on GDPR and how you can become compliant, contact RedLegg at 833-RedLegg or at www.redlegg.com. SOURCE RedLegg Related Links http://www.redlegg.com DALLAS, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Ryan, a leading global tax services and software provider, has named Nathan Bittner, Alan Decker, Brett Koch, Ted Kuch, Melissa Munoz, Bob Rosato, Matt Scherer, and Mary Vaughn to Principal. "This class of newly promoted Principals represents one of the most talented and impressive groups in our history, and I am proud to welcome these remarkable professionals to Ryan's senior leadership team," said G. Brint Ryan, Chairman and CEO of Ryan. "Ryan's commitment to providing opportunities for career growth and advancement is unmatched in the tax services industry, and we are excited to reward these talented professionals for their commitment to client service and results." Nathan Bittner is a Principal in Ryan's Fuels and Excise Tax practice and is based in the Atlanta, Georgia office, where he specializes in providing state and federal fuels and excise tax recovery, focusing primarily within the airline industry. Mr. Bittner joined the Firm in March 2006. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Management with certifications in Finance and Marketing from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Alan Decker is a Principal in Ryan's Transaction Tax practice and is based in the Dallas, Texas office, where he specializes in providing transaction tax services to clients in a variety of industries. Prior to promotion to Principal, his team received numerous client service awards and secured more than $250 million in client savings. He is an active member of the Institute for Professionals in Taxation and frequently lectures on various topics for clients, tax organizations, and Ryan's Professional Development program. Mr. Decker joined the Firm in August 2006. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Finance from Texas A&M University. Brett Koch is a Principal in Ryan's Complex Property Tax practice and is based in the Dallas, Texas office, where he specializes in providing multi-jurisdictional property tax services, including audit defense, compliance, appeals, valuation, and management. Mr. Koch joined the Firm in June 2004 and offers more than 13 years of experience serving clients in a variety of industries, including heavy manufacturing, distribution, telecommunications, and transportation. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Finance and Management from Texas A&M University. Ted Kuch is a Principal in Ryan's Property Tax practice and is based in the New York, New York office, where he specializes in providing property tax services to commercial clients located in New York City and throughout the United States. Mr. Kuch joined the Firm in January 2015. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Hartwick College and a Juris Doctor degree from Thomas Jefferson School of Law. He is licensed to practice law in New York, New Jersey, and the District of Columbia, and is a Certified Member of the Institute for Professionals in Taxation. Melissa Munoz is a Principal in Ryan's Credits and Incentives Practice and is based in the Albuquerque, New Mexico office. Her expertise centers around identifying and implementing multistate sales and use tax savings for companies across a wide variety of industry sectors, with a focus on business incentives negotiation and tax credit compliance services. In addition, she specializes in advising clients as they establish new facilities, consolidate or expand facilities, increase employment, and/or incur costs due to job training. Ms. Munoz joined the Firm in January 2007. She holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Accounting from the University of New Mexico. Bob Rosato is a Principal in Ryan's State Income and Franchise Tax practice and is based in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania office, where he specializes in multistate income and franchise tax services, including refund review, audit defense, and tax controversy work. He has extensive experience in state income tax controversy work serving and advocating for corporations across the country and has successfully identified and obtained significant client tax savings. He is an active member of the Institute for Professionals in Taxation. Mr. Rosato joined the Firm in September 2009. He holds a Juris Doctor degree from Duquesne University, Post Graduate Studies in Tax Law at Duquesne University School of Business, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from Pennsylvania State University. Matt Scherer is a Principal in Ryan's Transaction Tax practice and is based in the Dallas, Texas office, where he specializes in providing transaction tax services to clients in the retail, manufacturing, and banking/financial services industries. Mr. Scherer joined the Firm in January 2003. He is a frequent lecturer on tax topics and is a member of the Institute for Professionals in Taxation and the Texas Taxpayers and Research Foundation. Mr. Scherer holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Accounting and Finance from Texas Tech University. Mary Vaughn is a Principal in Ryan's Property Tax Compliance practice and is based in the Scottsdale, Arizona office, where she specializes in the valuation, assessment, taxation, compliance, and exemption of personal property on a state and local level for clients in a variety of industries, including commercial and industrial properties. Ms. Vaughn joined the Firm in May 2014. She holds a Master of Legal Studies degree with an emphasis in Real Estate Law from the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law at Arizona State University, a Master of Business Administration degree from Northern Arizona University, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration in Accounting and Finance from Northern Arizona University. About Ryan Ryan, an award-winning global tax services and software provider, is the largest Firm in the world dedicated exclusively to business taxes. With global headquarters in Dallas, Texas, the Firm provides an integrated suite of federal, state, local, and international tax services on a multi-jurisdictional basis, including tax recovery, consulting, advocacy, compliance, and technology services. Ryan is a five-time recipient of the International Service Excellence Award from the Customer Service Institute of America (CSIA) for its commitment to world-class client service. Empowered by the dynamic myRyan work environment, which is widely recognized as the most innovative in the tax services industry, Ryan's multi-disciplinary team of more than 2,100 professionals and associates serves over 14,000 clients in more than 45 countries, including many of the world's most prominent Global 5000 companies. More information about Ryan can be found at ryan.com . "Ryan" and "Firm" refer to the global organization network and may refer to one or more of the member firms of Ryan International, each of which is a separate legal entity. PRESS INFORMATION CONTACT: Jim Aubele SVP, Chief Marketing Officer Ryan 972.934.0022 Ext. 10-1398 [email protected] SOURCE Ryan Related Links http://www.ryan.com NEW YORK, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Screenvision Media, a national leader in cinema advertising, today announced the seven jurors for the highly anticipated Hegarty ACE (Advertising in Cinema Excellence) Awards. The Awards celebrate the most creative campaigns running in cinema, and will consider advertisements or content that launched through Screenvision Media's Front + Center cinema program. The panel will officially be introduced during the Adweek Brand Storytelling event, taking place this week at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival. The esteemed panel of jurors will be led by Sir John Hegarty, Creative Chair in Residence at Screenvision Media, and will consist of Colleen DeCourcy, Chief Creative Officer at Wieden+Kennedy; Corinna Falusi, CCO and Partner at Mother; David Droga, Creative Chairman and Founder at Droga5; David Lubars, Chairman and Chief Creative Officer at BBDO; and Scott Donaton, Chief Content Officer at Digitas. The panel will judge work based off the effectiveness of advertising tactics, greatness of ideas, level of flawless execution, and exceptional creativity. Judges will abstain from any work they either worked on directly or had oversight of in any capacity. Any brand, creative agency, or media agency that was responsible for launching an ad campaign (advertisement or content) in Screenvision Media's Front + Center cinema program from July 2017 - June 2018 will be eligible. "The opportunity to collaborate with Sir John Hegarty, around recognizing storytelling excellence has been energizing and inspiring," said Matt Arden, SVP and executive creative director, Screenvision Media. "We are looking forward to our inaugural awarding of the Hegarty ACE Awards." "In this intensely competitive world, creativity is the most cost-effective way of transforming a brand's fortunes. You ignore it at your peril," said Sir John Hegarty, creative chair in residence, Screenvision Media. The grand winner will be awarded the Hegarty ACE Award, along with $1 Million in media consideration in Screenvision Media's Front + Center cinema program, for any pro-bono or charitable causes for June 2018 June 2019. The winner will be announced in Cannes in June 2018 at a panel discussion prior to Adweek's Creative 100 event. ABOUT SCREENVISION MEDIA Headquartered in New York, N.Y., Screenvision Media is a national leader in cinema advertising, offering on-screen advertising, in-lobby promotions and integrated marketing programs to national, regional and local advertisers and providing comprehensive cinema advertising representation services to top tier theatrical exhibitors presenting the highest quality movie going experience. The Screenvision Media cinema advertising network is comprised of over 14,800 screens in 2,300+ theatre locations across all 50 states and 94% of DMAs nationwide; delivering through more than 150 theatrical circuits, including 6 of the top 10 exhibitor companies. For more information: http://screenvisionmedia.com/. Media Contacts: Michael Riggio Olson Engage 212.656.9208 [email protected] Caitlin Wiig Olson Engage 212.656.9143 [email protected] SOURCE Screenvision Media Related Links http://www.screenvision.com IRVINE, Calif., Jan 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- SetSchedule CEO Roy Dekel intends to double the company's growth, unveil new tools for practice management and lead generation, and give back to more charitable organizations in 2018. Mr. Dekel said that SetSchedule will focus on improving user experience this year, with a mobile app to be released in the Spring, as well as new practice management tools and a CRM system to help real estate professionals to find even more qualified leads. Meanwhile, the SetSchedule Cares Foundation will increase its outreach and fundraising efforts to benefit tech start-ups and charity organizations. "We have already revolutionized the way real estate agents find new leads and prospects, so 2018 will focus on making it easier for them to close those sales," Mr. Dekel said. "Features like the ability to search addresses and score the probability of those properties hitting the market will make it easier for real estate agents to identify new opportunities on-demand." With the new features improving user experience for existing members as well as attracting new subscribers, Mr. Dekel aims to double SetSchedule's membership by the end of 2018, from 2017's record-setting growth of 5,700 new agents year-over-year. The philanthropic arm of SetSchedule, SetSchedule Cares, will host at least three events to raise money for partner organizations like the American Technion Society (ATS), the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and more. Since its founding in 2015, SetSchedule has managed to connect a notoriously fickle and fragmented industry together. SetSchedule offered over 17,400 leads to real estate agents over the course of 2017, and developed new tools such as the SetValue home value calculator. By connecting top tier agents with vetted homeowners and investors actively looking to buy and sell, SetSchedule successfully reduces the time and money traditionally spent on tracking down potential leads and marketing. About SetSchedule: Headquartered in Irvine, CA, SetSchedule is a "first of its kind" technology-based real estate exchange marketplace that connects Realtors with homeowners, buyers and investors. Learn more at setschedule.com. To learn more about Roy Dekel's and SetSchedule's foundation work www.roydekel.org SOURCE SetSchedule Related Links http://www.setschedule.com MUNICH, January 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- - Worldwide deliveries increase by 13.2% to 164,153 vehicles - BMW Motorrad continues on its path of growth - Focus on new markets and continue with model initiative BMW Motorrad sold more motorcycles and maxi scooters in 2017 than ever before. Compared to the previous year, deliveries increased by 13.2 %. As of June 2017 a total of 164,153 vehicles (previous year: 145,032 units) were supplied to customers. Stephan Schaller, General Director of BMW Motorrad: "2017 was another very successful year for BMW Motorrad. We achieved a sales record for the seventh time in succession. I would like to thank our customers most sincerely for the enormous trust they have placed in us. With this next sales record, BMW Motorrad takes another great step towards reaching its planned 200.000 units sales target in the year 2020. As Schaller says: "The 2017 sales figures once again show that our motorcycle strategy is taking effect. And we have a great deal planned for the coming years. We will continue to consistently pursue our current model initiative in the premium segment. We will expand our product range with emotional and innovative new products in 2018, too. The new middle class GS models are already underway and further great products will follow. BMW Motorrad is looking into the future with great confidence." Strong sales growth in Europe and Asia. The strongest growth was recorded above all in Europe in 2017. Here an all-time high was achieved. The engines of growth were once again France (16,607 units / +24.3 %), Italy (14,430 units / +17.3 %), Spain (11,193 units / +17.6 %) and the UK / IE (9,550 units / +8.7 %) where all sales figures increased considerably. Overall around 15.0 % more vehicles were delivered in Europe including Germany than in the previous year. The Asian market is also continuing to grow. China and Japan are among the Asian markets with the strongest double-digit growth. In India the BMW Group's own sales subsidiary has begun successfully selling BMW motorcycles. Germany is once again the largest single market for BMW Motorrad. With 26,664 units sold, BMW Motorrad boosted sales by another 7.1 %. BMW Motorrad defends its position as the most successful motorcycle manufacturer on the German market in 2017, too. GS models gaining ever more ground. For the first time in BMW Motorrad's history, more than 50,000 units of the two R 1200 GS and GS Adventure travel enduros alone were sold. Sales of the traditionally strong R Series increased significantly overall. Thanks to the new R nineT model variants "Pure", "Racer" and "Urban G/S", sales in the flat twin boxer segment increased strongly by 9.6% to a total of 86,090 motorcycles. The sports-oriented BMW S Series with the S 1000 RR Supersports Bike, the S 1000 R Power Roadster and the S 1000 XR Adventure Bike were sold 21,752 times worldwide. With a share of 13.3%, these three models continue to be an important pillar in the wide BMW Motorrad range. New capacity segment below 500 cc is moving ahead under full steam. 11,595 units of the G 310 R and G 310 GS models introduced in 2017, were already delivered to customers by the end of the year. The two new displacement newcomers from BMW Motorrad are not only very popular in the intended growth markets such as South America or Asia. In Europe too, there is a great deal of interest among newcomers and re-starters for the agile all-rounders. Luxury tourers in the fast lane. Sales of the 6-cylinder models are also developing very positively. Already in its first year of sales, the K 1600 Bagger, which is aimed especially at the US market, is proof of the unbroken trend towards large-capacity, emotional touring bikes. Timo Resch, BMW Motorrad Head of Sales and Marketing: "With 6,719 units sold and a 50% increase in sales, our 6-cylinder models are among the big winners of 2017. After Germany, the USA will remain an important market for BMW Motorrad in the coming years, too. We will continue to increase our involvement in this important market in order to strengthen BMW Motorrad's position there." Resch continues: "We are also responding to the special US market requirements with the K 1600 Grand America recently presented at the Milan motorcycle show. By also consistently expanding our sales structure, we are generating a sound basis for strong growth. BMW Motorrad as the innovative trailblazer. In 2017 too, BMW Motorrad proved itself to be the innovative leader in many areas. The exclusive HP4 RACE with its lightweight carbon fibre frame and wheels attracted great attention. We also responded to the need for increasing digitalisation expressed by customers. The multifunctional instrument cluster with 6.5 inch full-colour TFT display featuring a wide range of navigation and communication functions was already launched in 2017. This feature is being expanded to further models now, too. Outlook at 2018. BMW Motorrad gets started in 2018 with a powerful product portfolio and is in excellent shape all round. Timo Resch, BMW Motorrad Head of Sales and Marketing: "We expect to see further growth in sales for our vehicles in 2018, too. We are looking forward to the positive impulses generated by the launch of the completely new F models F 750 GS and F 850 GS as well as the much anticipated C 400 X midsize scooter. Expanding our urban mobility product range is a key topic for the future of BMW Motorrad." The BMW Group With its four brands BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce and BMW Motorrad, the BMW Group is the world's leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles and also provides premium financial and mobility services. The BMW Group production network comprises 31 production and assembly facilities in 14 countries; the company has a global sales network in more than 140 countries. In 2017, the BMW Group sold over 2,463,500 passenger vehicles and more than 164,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax in the financial year 2016 was approximately 9.67 billion on revenues amounting to 94.16 billion. As of 31 December 2016, the BMW Group had a workforce of 124,729 employees. The success of the BMW Group has always been based on long-term thinking and responsible action. The company has therefore established ecological and social sustainability throughout the value chain, comprehensive product responsibility and a clear commitment to conserving resources as an integral part of its strategy. http://www.bmwgroup.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BMWGroup Twitter: http://twitter.com/BMWGroup YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/BMWGroupview Google+: http://googleplus.bmwgroup.com Contact: Gerhard Lindner, +49-89-382-53472 Markus Sagemann +49-89-382-68796 Internet: https://www.press.bmwgroup.com/global E-mail: [email protected] SOURCE BMW Group In 2018, the brand is projected to open hotels in several major markets, including Denver, Fort Worth, Houston and Jacksonville. In addition, Choice also recently reached a milestone with its 10th Sleep Inn and MainStay Suites dual-brand location opening. There are more than 70 dual-brand projects in the pipeline as the innovative concept grows rapidly in the U.S. "The Sleep Inn brand continues to cement itself as a leader in the midscale segment," said Brian Quinn, vice president, franchise development, Choice Hotels. "Our strong Sleep Inn pipeline reinforces our unique ability to appeal to both guests and owners." With the lowest build costs in the midscale segment, the Sleep Inn brand offers a smart, long-term investment opportunity. The evolved prototype, introduced in 2016, features an efficient footprint and an always in style design. From the nature-inspired timeless look, to the Dream Cup 'Perfect Sleep Tea' offering and exclusive ZENSES bath line, every element is designed to deliver a happy night's rest to guests of today and tomorrow. "Choice Hotels has a deep understanding of the midscale space. And as owners' expectations and travelers' preferences evolve, the Sleep Inn brand is adapting with them," said Anne Smith, vice president, brand management and design, Choice Hotels. "Our cost-effective prototype and simply stylish design allow guests to Dream Better Here and provide franchisees with a great investment that never goes out of style." For more information on Sleep Inn hotel development opportunities, please visit https://choicehotelsdevelopment.com/sleepinn/ to learn more. Sleep Inn Dream Better Here Every Sleep Inn hotel offers a simply stylish stay that's designed to help our guests Dream Better Here. You'll find fresh, nature-inspired design elements that are modern but timeless, that create a relaxed and serene environment. An all-new construction brand, every Sleep Inn hotel is built with a specific vision in mind -- to be a sanctuary for travelers as well as an efficient property to build, operate, and maintain. Franchised by global lodging leader Choice Hotels, Sleep Inn properties boast strong product consistency and an established presence in the midscale hotel segment with nearly 500 Sleep Inn properties open and under development across North America. All Sleep Inn hotels include free Wi-Fi, a complimentary Morning Medley breakfast buffet with plenty of hot and cold options, swimming pool and/or fitness center. For more information, visit www.choicehotels.com/Sleep-Inn. About Choice Hotels Choice Hotels International, Inc. (NYSE: CHH) is one of the world's largest hotel companies. With over 6,500 hotels franchised in more than 40 countries and territories, Choice Hotels International represents more than 500,000 rooms around the globe. As of September 30, 2017, over 800 hotels were in our development pipeline. Our company's Ascend Hotel Collection, Cambria Hotels, Comfort Inn, Comfort Suites, Sleep Inn, Quality, Clarion, MainStay Suites, Suburban Extended Stay Hotel, Econo Lodge, Rodeway Inn, and Vacation Rentals by Choice Hotels brands provide a spectrum of lodging choices to meet guests' needs. With more than 33 million members, our Choice Privileges rewards program enhances every trip a guest takes, with benefits ranging from instant, every day rewards to exceptional experiences, starting right when they join. All hotels and vacation rentals are independently owned and operated. Visit us at www.choicehotels.com for more information. Forward-Looking Statement Certain matters discussed in this press release constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Generally, our use of words such as "expect," "estimate," "believe," "anticipate," "should," "will," "forecast," "plan," "project," "assume" or similar words of futurity identify such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on management's current beliefs, assumptions and expectations regarding future events, which in turn are based on information currently available to management. We caution you not to place undue reliance on any such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements do not guarantee future performance and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors. Several factors could cause actual results, performance or achievements of the company to differ materially from those expressed in or contemplated by the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to, changes to general, domestic and foreign economic conditions; foreign currency fluctuations; operating risks common in the lodging and franchising industries; changes to the desirability of our brands as viewed by hotel operators and customers; changes to the terms or termination of our contracts with franchisees; our ability to keep pace with improvements in technology utilized for marketing and reservations systems and other operating systems; our ability to grow our franchise system; exposure to risks related to development activities; fluctuations in the supply and demand for hotels rooms; our ability to realize anticipated benefits from acquired businesses; the level of acceptance of alternative growth strategies we may implement; operating risks associated with our international operations; the outcome of litigation; and our ability to manage our indebtedness. These and other risk factors are discussed in detail in the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission including our annual reports on Form 10-K and our quarterly reports filed on Form 10-Q. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. 2018 Choice Hotels International, Inc. All rights reserved. SOURCE Choice Hotels International, Inc. Related Links http://www.choicehotels.com NEW YORK, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Social Energy Partners (SEP) today announced the launch of a formal partnership with Zoetic Energy to promote and deliver SEP's Intelligent Building Technology as-a-Service (IBTaaS) platform solutions to Zoetic's target markets. Simultaneously, Founder and Chairman of Zoetic, Jerome Ringo, has joined SEP's Global Sustainability Advisory Board to assist SEP in expanding its global outreach. According to the "2016 Global Status Report" by Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GABC), the global building sector is responsible for over 30% of total energy consumption in 2014. Due to the confluence of software, electronics, connectivity and cloud technologies that follow exponential growth curves, there are now a fast growing list of intelligent building technologies (IBTs), such as LED lighting, dynamic lighting and HVAC controls, building artificial intelligence, and building automation, etc., that are able to deliver impactful efficiency gains to buildings. SEP's IBTaaS, by integrating proven IBTs, local installation and maintenance services and green project funding, offers government, business and nonprofit organzations a turnkey solution package to deliver timely and significant building performance improvement from the perspectives of people, planet and profit, all without capital investments from the end users. The partnership aims to leverage SEP's IBTaaS platform to modernize and transform building energy as well as operating performances for Zoetic's clients and contacts throughout the Americas and Africa. "We are excited and honored to partner with Zoetic and to have Jerome join SEP as our inaugural Global Sustainability Advisor to advance our market development in the Americas and across Africa," said James Tu, Founder & CEO of Social Energy Partners LLC. "Zoetic and its partners have developed innovate solutions in hydrokinetics and rural electrification, with a focus on delivering immediate impacts, particularly in the developing countries. And Jerome has been an inspirational and respected global leader in environmental sustainability for over 25 years. We very much look forward to working with Zoetic and Jerome to elevate the awareness of building energy efficiency and expedite the adoption of IBTs worldwide." "We see tremendous synergy between Zoetic and SEP in helping our clients realize economic and environmental benefits from both renewable energy generation as well as energy efficiency technologies," said Avery Hong, CEO of Zoetic. "Social Energy Partners has created an exciting platform that synthesizes cleantech and fintech innovations to enable governments and organizations to drastically and quickly adopt cutting edge building intelligence and energy technologies without upfront capital needs. We plan to aggressively market SEP's IBTaaS platform solutions through our political and business networks." "In the backdrop of a looming, unprecedented humanitarian challenge today and in the years and decades to come as climate change continues to accelerate, energy efficiency has been a conspicuously underappreciated and underinvested cause that requires an immediate and major global push to unlock its vast potential," said Jerome Ringo, Founder & Chairman of Zoetic. "I am extremely impressed with SEP's pioneering IBTaaS platform that addresses such an urgent need. I very much look forward to working with the SEP team to best leverage the resources and expertise from Zoetic and myself to generate meaningful contribution to the world's fight for sustainability." About Social Energy Partners (http://socialenergypartners.com/) SEP is a turnkey intelligent building technology (IBT) solutions company that develops and funds 100% of the capital cost of building upgrade and energy efficiency retrofit projects. Through our pioneering, "off-balance-sheet" IBT-as-a-Service platform (IBTaaS), we facilitate and expedite the deployment of cutting edge and proven building intelligence and energy efficiency technologies such as LED lighting, advanced lighting and HVAC controls, building energy management systems, building artificial intelligence, building automation and integrated security systems. These technologies, paid by ongoing shared energy and operational savings, help our clients significantly reduce energy spending and carbon footprint while improving operational efficiency and human comfort. SEP IBTaaS now services over 150 buildings in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. About Zoetic Zoetic is a renewable energy project developer. Working in conjunction with its technology partners it has developed a compelling portfolio of renewable energy solutions. Zoetic is focused on the deployment of modular hydrokinetic turbines at existing hydro dams. This allows for additional generation capacity to come on line without the negative impacts from traditional dam construction population displacement and environmental damage. Zoetic is developing projects in Africa, Central America, Asia and Europe. Zoetic is also promoting rural electrification solutions throughout the developing world through its partnership with a leader in rooftop solar and rural electrification. About Jerome Ringo Jerome Ringo is the Founder and Chairman of Zoetic Energy, a leading edge renewable energy developer. Having met with country leaders and ministers throughout Africa, Asia and Latin America to promote Zoetic's hydrokinetic technology for clean power generation, he has been driving Zoetic's expansion into these markets. Mr. Ringo is an internationally recognized thought leader on global environmental issues and has led two major sustainability organizations, the 6 million member National Wildlife Federation and the Apollo Alliance, which grew to become the largest coalition on green jobs in the world with 19 million members during his tenure. Mr. Ringo was also appointed in October 2017 as the Goodwill Ambassador for the Pan-African Parliament on Trade and Investments, focusing on assessing for and bringing advanced technology solutions to Africa. Mr. Ringo was featured in Vice President Al Gore's Academy Award-winning Documentary, An Inconvenient Truth and has co-authored two books: Diversity and the Future of the U.S. Environmental Movement (published 2007) and The Green Festival Reader (published 2008). For more information, contact: William F. Butler Social Energy Partners [email protected] (844) SEP-IBTS (737-4287) SOURCE Social Energy Partners Related Links http://socialenergypartners.com "More than half of the brain is dedicated to processing visual information," explains DeBacker. "Events and conditions such as concussions, stroke, multiple sclerosis, and other nervous system disorders can seriously impact visual function for many patients." NYU Langone Health's nationally renowned Neuro-Ophthalmology Program, one of the largest and most experienced in the country, focuses principally on diagnosing and treating disorders of the nervous system associated with the optic nerve, orbit (eye socket), and brain, such as impaired or loss of vision, double vision, or involuntary movement of the eyes. "This highly specialized service complements other neurological programs at NYU Langone Hospital Brooklyn, and will help our most at-risk patients preserve their eyesight," said Steven L. Galetta, MD, the Philip K. Moskowitz, MD Professor and Chair of Neurology, and professor of ophthalmology at NYU Langone Health. "Dr. DeBacker is an excellent addition to Brooklyn's growing neurology team." Many neuro-ophthalmic conditions are dually managed between medical specialties. For example, neuro-ophthalmologists like DeBacker work in partnership with ophthalmologists and neurosurgeons on visual impairments that require surgery; rheumatologists for systemic diseases; endocrinologists to prevent optic nerve damage caused by thyroid disease and see patients with diabetes who have double vision; cardiologists for the consequence of high blood pressure and blockage or hardening of arteries that supply blood and oxygen to the eyes; and oncologists for cancer affecting the visual pathway. "Advanced neuro-ophthalmology adds so much to patient care in Brooklyn," said Douglas R. Lazzaro, MD, MBA, FACS, chief of ophthalmology, NYU Langone Hospital Brooklyn, and vice chair of clinical affairs and business development for the Department of Ophthalmology. "This specialty is essential to the management of a myriad of disorders and multiple health risk factors." About Dr. DeBacker An undergraduate alumna of University of California-Santa Barbara, DeBacker earned her medical degree from Ross University School of Medicine, and completed clinical training in various medical centers in New York and Vermont. A medical rotation with neurologist Blanca Vazquez, MD, who heads the epilepsy program at NYU Langone Hospital Brooklyn, inspired DeBacker to change course and specialize in neurology and then neuro-ophthalmology. Her affinity and fondness for Brooklyn grew from her time spent as a medical student and resident at NYU Langone Hospital Brooklyn, followed by a neurology residency (including one year as chief resident) at SUNY Downstate Medical Center. DeBacker most recently completed a clinical fellowship in neuro-ophthalmology at NYU Langone Health in Manhattan. "I'm very excited to join the neurology and ophthalmology teams at NYU Langone Hospital Brooklyn and to be part of the extraordinary expansion in neuroscience that is taking place there," DeBacker says. "Broadening the scope of these services is testament to NYU Langone's commitment to bring clinical excellence directly to the people who live and work in Brooklyn." To schedule an appointment, please call NYU Langone Hospital Brooklyn at 718-630-8600 or 718-376-1004. About NYU Langone Health NYU Langone Health is a world-class, patient-centered, integrated academic medical center, known for its excellence in clinical care, research, and education. It comprises more than 200 locations throughout the New York area, including five inpatient locations, a children's hospital, three emergency rooms and a level 1 trauma center. Also part of NYU Langone Health is the Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Cancer Center, a National Cancer Institutedesignated cancer center, and NYU School of Medicine, which since 1841 has trained thousands of physicians and scientists who have helped to shape the course of medical history. For more information, go to nyulangone.org, and interact with us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. CONTACT: Neal Gorman, 718-630-8316, [email protected] SOURCE NYU Langone Hospital - Brooklyn Related Links https://nyulangone.org/ WOODBURN, Ore., Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- For the fourth year in a row, the Molalla Adult Community Center has been chosen as a recipient of a $5,000 donation from the Specialty Polymers Local Community Service Fund. The Specialty Polymers Local Community Service Fund was set up in 2012 as a way for Specialty Polymers to support community organizations throughout the mid-Willamette Valley and Chester, S.C. areas. "Specialty Polymers and my family have long-standing ties to the Molalla community," says Specialty Polymers President & CEO Sheryl Southwell. "We believe in the mission of the Molalla Adult Community Center, and we strongly support their efforts in providing much needed services to the seniors in and around the Molalla area." The Center has served Molalla seniors since 1981 and the organization provides meals, medical equipment, transportation, activities, and many other resources to seniors in need. "We are so grateful that once again Specialty Polymers has blessed our Center," Director Cecily Rose says. In business since 1969, Specialty Polymers, Inc., is a proud member of the Woodburn community. The Southwell family has actively supported local organizations in the two cities where it has manufacturing facilities. In the mid-Willamette Valley, the Local Community Service Fund donates annually to the Woodburn Boys & Girls Club, the STEM Academy at Oregon State University, in addition to the Molalla Adult Community Center. SOURCE Specialty Polymers, Inc. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Teamster shuttle bus drivers safely navigated through an apparent pellet gun attack on commuter shuttle buses this week along Highway 280. Buses sustained damage in the attack, but there were no reported injuries to the drivers or passengers. Two out of the five buses damaged were operated by Teamsters Local 853 members working for Loop Transportation and Compass Transportation and transporting employees for Apple. "We take the safety of our members and their passengers very seriously," said Dennis Hart, Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local 853 in Oakland. "We are working with the employers to ensure that everyone stays safe." Apple has announced its buses will be rerouted away from Highway 280. There is no apparent motive for the attacks. High-tech companies have come under criticism locally for contributing to a housing affordability crisis in San Francisco. High-tech commuter shuttle contractors, meanwhile, employ thousands of professional drivers who have raised standards over the past several years by organizing with the Teamsters. More than 1,000 tech commuter shuttle drivers have joined the Teamsters since 2015 at Facebook, Apple, Yahoo and more than a dozen other high-tech companies with the exception of Google. Teamsters form the majority of shuttle bus drivers serving high-tech companies in Silicon Valley. The union has negotiated industry-leading contracts for organized tech industry workers, bringing them into the middle class with good wages and benefits. The Teamsters Union is part of a growing movement of labor, faith and community-based organizations and workers challenging income inequality in Silicon Valley through an innovative partnership called Silicon Valley Rising. For more information, visit http://siliconvalleyrising.org. For more information on tech worker organizing with the Teamsters, visit: http://teamster.org/tech-drivers-deserve-union. Founded in 1903, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters represents 1.4 million hardworking men and women in the United States and Canada. Visit www.teamster.org for more information. Follow us on Twitter @Teamsters and "like" us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/teamsters. Contact: Doug Bloch, (510) 333-1179 [email protected] SOURCE Teamsters Joint Council 7 Related Links http://www.teamster.org/ WHITAKERS, N.C., Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Cummins workers and their union representatives participated in the annual Whitakers MLK Day March and other Martin Luther King Jr. commemorations last weekend to celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and to demand that Cummins stop medical discrimination against workers in its Rocky Mount plant and much of its U.S. workforce. At the annual MLK Day March on Monday, workers from Cummins, Inc.'s Rocky Mount, N.C. engine plant who are members of Local 150 of the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers' (CAAMWU-UE) Union marched together with Teamster-represented workers from Cummins' facilities in Charleston and Fairmont, West Va. They were also joined by a representative of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) Union. The marchers held banners that said, "Cummins: Stop Medical Discrimination." Since 2011, Cummins has shifted nearly all its employees into an extremely high-deductible health plan that costs $6,000 upfront for families before co-insurance kicks in, and is designed to keep people from seeking medical care. "Cummins is trying to force us out of our low-cost, quality union health plan, and into the company's own high-deductible insurance, even though it won't provide us the inexpensive primary care services it makes available to its white-collar headquarters staff in Indiana. This is wrong," said Jimmy Roberts and Brian Quick, members of Teamsters Local 175 and union stewards at Cummins shops in Charleston and Fairmont, West Va. "Our members are about to see their annual medical deductibles jump nine-fold, from $700 up to $6,000 for family healthcare. Their out-of-pocket maximums could be as high as $22,000, and they would also lose access to their free, union-run health clinic in Charleston. Our members in Fairmont have been working without a contract for nearly two years, as Cummins ignores workers' demands and tries to illegally impose its unaffordable and destructive health plan," said Luke Farley, business agent for Teamsters Local 175. Cummins is the country's leading diesel engine manufacturer, with $17.5 billion in sales in 2016. It employs 1,350 workers at its Rocky Mount plant, 70 percent of whom are African-American. During the weekend's commemorations of Dr. King, Cummins workers and their community supporters reiterated that affordable healthcare, a union and good pay are human rights. They also revisited the memory and legacy of Dr. King, who was a champion of workers' rights, unions and broad economic equality. "Of all forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane," Dr. King once said. High-deductible health insurance plans have been deemed "particularly inappropriate for children" by the American Academy of Pediatrics, and shown to drastically cut the use of all careeven free, preventive and necessary medical care. Americans under high deductible plans also find their finances put in jeopardy. They report cutting back on essentials such as food and clothing, and experience decreasing savings and fall behind on their bills. A recent survey of Rocky Mount Cummins workers showed that more than 83 percent of respondents faced problems paying medical bills in the last three years, nearly two-thirds have skipped medications and over a third postponed or skipped getting the health care they needed. At the MLK Day commemorations in Whitakers, local Cummins workers who are members of CAAMWU-UE Local 150 testified about the human rights crisis at Cummins. Members and representatives from the Teamsters and IAMboth of which represent workers at several Cummins locationsalso talked about the effects of exorbitant health care costs. CAAMWU-UE 150 and Teamsters Local 175 have been campaigning together to lower health care costs for all Cummins workers. In 2017, worker protests forced the company to increase its contributions to workers' health savings accounts, and to decrease out of pocket maximums for lower-paid workers. "While this is progress, Cummins is still just tinkering at the margins of its unaffordable medical plans. Cummins workers need more improvements to secure truly affordable health care for ourselves and our families," said Jim Wrenn, President of CAAMWU-UE 150 and an employee at Cummins Rocky Mount. The Teamsters and UE have been demanding that Cummins (1) reduce its high health care deductibles; (2) make annual health savings account contributions in amounts that match its health insurance deductibles; and (3) extend to all Cummins workplaces the medical services and pricing equivalent to those provided to its headquarters employees in Columbus, Ind. through the Live Well primary care center. "Many workers do not go to the doctor. Workers and family members get sicker or go into debt. They deserve better. When we heard the company had opened its "Live Well" primary care center for its headquarters staff in Indiana, and we saw the inexpensive price chart, we realized it was unfair for the rest of us. As Cummins workers in North Carolina, we want and deserve to 'Live Well', too," Wrenn said. "Health care discrimination against our Cummins members, and all our brothers and sisters across Cummins must stop," said Craig Norman, Collective Bargaining Director of the International Association of Machinists. "We expect fair and equal treatment. Cummins just signed the United Nations Global Compact, which commits it to respect fundamental human rights, including the right to affordable, accessible and complete health care. Cummins is in clear violation of its commitments." "This is a common struggle that unites not just all Cummins workers, but all of us who are facing unreasonable and unacceptable costs of health care," said Nathanette Mayo, President of UE 150, the union's statewide North Carolina local. "America continues to face a health care crisis of staggering proportions. Health care is a fundamental human right, and our country can afford and must provide health care to everyone," said UE General President Peter Knowlton. "But let's be clear, profitable corporations like Cummins cannot be let off the hook. Cummins has profited from massive tax cuts from Congress and tax subsidies at the local level, even as it has been cutting their employees off of good health protections. Cummins is violating the spirit of Dr. King, today and every day." Monday's march ended at the Bloomer Hill Community Center in Whitakers, where participants attended the 28th Annual Martin Luther King Day Celebration. Keynote speaker Esterine Pitt, mayor of Whitakers, spoke about unions, fair wages and health care all as human rights. At the celebration, Teamsters Local 175 members received special recognition for their work with UE 150 in bringing more Cummins workers together to stand up for the fundamental human rights of their co-workers and their communities. For more information about this event and the overall campaign for affordable family health care and workers' rights and living standards at Cummins see Facebook: Cummins Awful Truth. Teamsters Contact: Luke Farley, (304) 549-7609 UE Contact: Jim Wrenn, (252) 955-1495 SOURCE Teamsters Local 175 SAO PAULO, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Telefonica Brasil will host its Investor Day on Monday, March 12th 2018, in New York. According to the Company's CFO, David Melcon, "Telefonica Brasil is not only the leader in the Brazilian Telecom space but has a unique positioning in the market, having executed a solid strategy focused on data monetization and digitalization. It will be an opportunity to share with Analysts and Investors the Company's vision, in terms of business opportunities, efficiency initiatives, capital allocation and digitalization, amongst others." The event also celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Company's listing on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the presentations will be carried out by Eduardo Navarro (CEO), Christian Gebara (COO), David Melcon (CFO) and other Senior Executives. SOURCE Telefonica Brasil S.A. NEW YORK, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Global TETRA Market: Overview The report provides an in-depth analysis of the global TETRA market for the period 2017 2025, wherein 2016 is the base year, data for the year 2015 is considered as historical information and the years from 2015 to 2025 is the forecast period. The report also provides compound annual growth rate (CAGR %) from 2017 to 2025 for all the segments in the scope of study. Read the full report: https://www.reportlinker.com/p05286736 The report covers key trends prevailing in the global TETRA market over the forecast period. The report also describes various factors impacting the global TETRA market growth during the forecast period including market drivers, restraints, and opportunities Global TETRA Market: Scope of Study The study provides a holistic perspective on global TETRA market growth in terms of revenue estimates (in US$ Mn) globally. The market estimates have been analyzed by taking into account the impact of various economic, political, technological, social, and legal and the existing market dynamics influencing market growth. The report would also include executive summary, providing the overview of the global TETRA market. The report also provides industry development and key market indicators for the global TETRA market. Furthermore, report provides market attractiveness analysis, for each segment based on their CAGR and market share. The report also provide porter's five forces analysis about the industry competition, market dynamics and the most profitable segments in the market. This research study on the global TETRA market provides a detailed cross segment and cross country analysis based on the different segments including application, components, and device type. Global TETRA Market: Market Segmentation Based on application, the market is segmented into transportation & logistics, aviation, oil & gas, public safety, and others. The others include military & defense, mining, manufacturing, retail, commercial, utilities, and healthcare. Based on the components, the market is divided into hardware, software, and services. Furthermore, on the basis of device type, the market is bifurcated into portable and vehicular. The report also covers profiles of major players, their growth strategies and focuses on the recent developments under the competition matrix section and includes market positioning analysis of key players operating in the TETRA market. Global TETRA Market: Competition Analysis The competition matrix for key players in the global TETRA market notes their capabilities and growth potential and also benchmarks the key companies in the global TETRA market on the basis of top line growth, market share, segment growth, infrastructure capabilities, market position, product offerings, R&D focus and future outlook. Under the company profiles section, the report also includes an overview of the players operating in the market, the annual revenue generated by them in the past two or three years, SWOT analysis, regional breakdown and their relevant business segment revenue. The report also contains market share analysis of the key players in the TETRA market for the year 2016 based on their revenues generated for the same year. The key players profiled in this report include Motorola Solutions, ROHILL Engineering B.V., Damm Cellular Systems A/S, Airbus Defence and Space Oy, Rolta India Limited, Simoco Wireless Solutions, Cobham plc., JVCKENWOOD Corporation, Hytera, Leonardo, and among others The global TETRA Market has been segmented as follows: Global TETRA Market, by Application Transportation & Logistics Aviation Oil & Gas Public Safety Others Global TETRA Market, by Component Hardware Software Services Global TETRA Market, by Device Type Portable Vehicular Global TETRA Market, By Geography North America The U.S. Canada Rest of North America Europe The U.K Germany France Rest of Europe Asia Pacific (APAC) China Japan India Rest of APAC Middle East and Africa (MEA) GCC Countries South Africa Rest of MEA South America Brazil Rest of South America Read the full report: https://www.reportlinker.com/p05286736 About Reportlinker ReportLinker is an award-winning market research solution. Reportlinker finds and organizes the latest industry data so you get all the market research you need - instantly, in one place. __________________________ Contact Clare: [email protected] US: (646)-751-7922 Intl: +1 646-751-7922 SOURCE Reportlinker Related Links http://www.reportlinker.com DETROIT, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The Floow, one of the world's fastest-growing telematics providers, has named John Kramer as Vice President and Head of North American operations. Kramer, who brings years of experience in managing both telematics and traditional insurance programs, will oversee The Floow's management, growth and expansion throughout the United States and Canada. Kramer is also joining the Senior Leadership Team of the company. Based in Sheffield, England, The Floow opened its U.S. headquarters last September in Detroit. Combining advanced technology, data science and driver behavior training, The Floow provides drivers, insurers and auto manufacturers with an innovative telematics platform to increase driver safety and business profitability. The four years prior to joining The Floow, Kramer worked as Director of Business Development and Customer Success for another telematics company, where he managed more than 18 insurance programs in North America. His prior experience also includes over a decade in the insurance industry, where he specialized in product, pricing and underwriting operations, and also gained expertise launching usage-based insurance programs. "North America offers enormous opportunities for The Floow," Kramer said. "For the most part, it's still an open market for a telematics provider that can offer unique telematics solutions for every segment of the transportation spectrum, from the newest driver to the largest insurance or manufacturing giant. "And making mobility safer and smarter for all is just what The Floow does, which is why I'm so excited to join the team," he added. David James, Chief Operating Officer of The Floow, said Kramer's experience and passion for telematics will play a major role in the company's global growth and expansion. "John's proven leadership and knowledge of the insurance telematics industry will be invaluable assets to The Floow, not only for North America, but for our growth worldwide." About The Floow Based in Sheffield in the UK and Detroit in the U.S., The Floow is one of the world's leading telematics innovators, with the mission of making mobility safer and smarter for everyone. Its user-friendly telematics platform provides drivers with actionable insights and engagement propositions that improve safety and loyalty, and allow insurers, fleet companies and auto manufacturers to make more informed and profitable decisions. SOURCE The Floow Related Links http://www.thefloow.com DALLAS, Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Travelers may be wondering if now is a good time to embark on a trip to Puerto Rico, and the answer looks to be a resounding 'YES'. Two of Travelocity's "Gnational Gnomad" travel experts are visiting Puerto Rico to learn firsthand how the island's most popular beaches and tourist attractions have quickly recovered from recent storms, and to share that knowledge with their followers. "Puerto Rico has always been a truly magical destination, and I am looking forward to rediscovering its charms," said Joe Miragliotta, editor of JoesDaily.com and Travelocity Gnational Gnomad. "The people are warm and welcoming, the beaches are beautiful, and the cultural attractions are second to none." This week, Travelocity and Expedia Media Solutions, in collaboration with the Puerto Rico Tourism Company, have kicked off a marketing campaign to help shift public perception of the situation in Puerto Rico and drive traveler visitation. The campaign, which was donated on behalf of Travelocity and Expedia Media Solutions, includes on site advertising placements, a dedicated page highlighting the hotels and resorts that are open for business in Puerto Rico, and useful content about the country on the Travelocity "Inspire" blog. "Puerto Rico has always been a popular destination for travelers, as well as a fantastic, long-term partner, and we jumped at the chance to work with Travelocity to support the Puerto Rico Tourism Company," said Wendy Olson Killion, global senior director for Expedia Media Solutions. "The collaborative campaign will ensure new and repeat visitors know Puerto Rico is again open for tourism, and that tourism will positively impact the island's economy and contribute to recovery efforts." "Travelocity is dedicated to helping make travel not only more enjoyable, but more meaningful as well, so it was an easy decision to partner with the Puerto Rico Tourism Company to demonstrate why Puerto Rico remains an amazing place for people to visit," said Krista McDougal, General Manager of Travelocity. "Relaxation, fun, and the opportunity to learn about unique local cultures are high on the list of what travelers want in a vacation. By traveling to Puerto Rico, travelers can check all of these boxes, while knowing that they are helping to make a difference." As Puerto Rico continues its efforts to rebuild areas of its economy affected by the recent hurricane season, one important sector sometimes overlooked is that of tourism. Recent estimates place the tourism sector at eight percent of the island's GDP, employing approximately 68,000 locals1. With this importance to the economy, the simple and enjoyable act of visiting Puerto Rico can make a huge difference. For more information on the Island, travelers can also visit SeePuertoRico.com. "We are thrilled to have our Travelocity and Expedia partners join in spreading the word that the Island is, in fact, open for tourism," said Carla Campos, acting executive director of the Puerto Rico Tourism Company. "It is with pride and hospitality, traits that characterize our people, that we welcome visitors with open arms, because coming to visit us is the best way to support us right now." Making now an even better time to visit Puerto Rico, Travelocity is offering $150 off a $1500 package booking with code CARIBNOW from now until February 6th, 2018 for travel between now and September 16th, 2018. For full terms and conditions visit http://travelocity.us/PuertoRico. About Travelocity Travelocity encourages travelers to "Wander Wisely" and is dedicated to being the champion of the customer with its Customer 1st Guarantee, making the traveling experience both simple and memorable with competitive prices, 24/7 customer service and more. Based in Dallas, Texas, Travelocity is owned by Expedia, Inc., one of the world's leading travel companies, with an extensive brand portfolio that includes many of the world's leading online travel brands. About Expedia Media Solutions Formed in 2007, Expedia Media Solutions is dedicated to building online and offline media partnerships for travel and non-travel brand advertisers and to enable them to leverage the unique media value of Expedia's network of leading travel brands and global points of sale. Expedia Media Solutions is a division of Expedia, Inc. For more information, visit www.advertising.expedia.com. 2018 Travelscape, LLC. All rights reserved. Travelocity is a trademark or registered trademark of Travelscape, LLC. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Contact Keith Nowak Travelocity 469-335-8670 [email protected] 1 World Travel & Tourism Council, March 2017: https://www.wttc.org/-/media/files/reports/economic-impact-research/countries-2017/puertorico2017.pdf SOURCE Travelocity Related Links http://www.travelocity.com ALBANY, New York, January 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Global Thrombin Market: Rising Use of Thrombin for Various Diagnostics Procedures to Boost Growth According to TMR, the global thrombin market is likely to reach US$690.1 mn by the end of 2025, as compared to US$496.1 mn in 2016. Between 2017 and 2025, the global thrombin market is likely to expand at a steady 3.8%. Holding nearly 57.5% of the global thrombin market, North America emerged dominant in 2016. In North America, the US emerged as a highly lucrative market, exhibiting a rather high adoption of hemostatic thrombin products influenced by the high healthcare spending included in overall national budget, easy access to advanced technologies, and high awareness among consumers. Among end users, the hospitals segment is likely to contribute the highest revenue to the global market. View Report Preview at https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/thrombin-market.html Demand for Thrombin Poised to Rise in Response to Rising Surgical Cases Worldwide According to the World Health Organization (WHO), road traffic accidents account for around 1.25 million deaths globally every year. Globally, hemorrhage or excessive bleeding is responsible for over one third of pre-hospital deaths and around 40% of deaths within the first 24 hours of trauma or onset of bleeding. Rise in number of surgical cases globally is expected to drive thrombin market. The patient pool with different chronic diseases is also growing rapidly across the world. This is likely to increase the number of surgical procedures, consequently propelling the thrombin based hemostasis products market in the near future. Preoperative hemostasis is vital and required for effective management of blending during invasive and other operative procedures which involve the use of blood products such as thrombin-based hemostats and other hemostatic agents to enhance patient's natural blood clotting ability. Adoption of these thrombin-based hemostats for effective control of bleeding during surgeries in countries such as the U.S. is likely to fuel the growth of the thrombin market during the forecast period. Request to View Sample of Report - https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=19580 Thrombin is used in various diagnostic procedures such as coagulation assays, defibrination of blood plasma, and clotting factor tests. Thrombin is also used in research and development of fusion of recombinant proteins, medical, and biochemical research applications. Rising use of thrombin in diagnostic tools is anticipated to support growth of global thrombin market and in addition will create new opportunities in the near future. High Cost of Thrombin may Negatively Impact its Sales across World High cost as compared to substitute and conventional hemostats is likely to hamper the growth of the global thrombin market. High cost of standalone thrombin based hemostats limits adoption of thrombin therapy in regions such as the U.S., Asia Pacific, and Europe. Thrombin immunogenicity has been observed in patients in the U.S. and has become a challenge where all three (bovine, human, and recombinant) thrombin available in the market. Therefore, postoperative complications is a major factor hampering the growth of the global thrombin market. A major challenge faced by protein drug substances and peptide drug product manufacturers is absence of uniform and harmonized set of guidelines to define the level of impurities permissible in peptide therapeutics. Download PDF Brochure of Report: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=19580 In a new study, Transparency Market Research (TMR) revealed the fragmented vendor landscape of the global thrombin market, with a dispersed presence of several players across various nations. The study has identified companies such as Johnson & Johnson Services Inc., Pfizer Inc., and Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals as dominant players within the global thrombin market. Other prominent players operating in the market include Shanghai RAAS blood products co., Ltd., Japan Blood Products Organization, and Mochida Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. These companies have found a stronghold in Asia Pacific. 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